#starwars fanfic
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lightspringrain · 8 months ago
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These are panels for chapter 1 and chapter 2 of my CX-2 Tech fanfic "Return From Darkness". If you like emotionally rich, grounded and character driven stories, please be sure to check it out! It is one emotional roller coaster ride. Art done by Collophora. Concepts by me.
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l0vergirlsw0rld · 6 months ago
adam designated driver
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a/n: adam driver is maybe like the love of my life I hope he reads well. this is also an older fic but maybe 2020-ish?
wc: 2.3k
18+ MDNI | no smut but sexual themes
summary: Y/N went out and had a few too many, when trying to call a taxi driver, she taps her friend adam's contact instead.
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"Can I get a whiskey sour?!"You managed to shout over the pulsating bass.
The bartender nodded, turning around to grab the bottles he needed. 
He was in his mid-twenties, sporting a thick beard and jewelry: trendy black stretchers, multiple rings on his fingers, and bead bracelets that swung from his wrists as he shook the shaker vigorously.
You observed his rings up close as slid your fifth drink of the night in front of you.  You shouted a 'thank you' and passed him the money. The chilled glass froze your palm as you grabbed it. You winced hissed.
You were already intoxicated, which resulted in you feeling warmer than usual. You began to drink your cocktail, wincing from the prominent bourbon taste hitting your tongue. 
Turning to the dance floor on your bar stool, you observed your friends dancing provocatively in front of the men.
They would grind on each other and kiss for the sake of attention as if their clothing alone wouldn't draw attention, and it would work every time. Men who were complete strangers would buy you and your friends multiple rounds throughout the night hoping to get lucky.
Tonight, you all wore matching tight-fitted black mini skirts and tops that barely covered your chest. Your outfit in question was uncomfortable, to say the least, but it was like wearing a costume. When you'd dress like that, it was as if you were a new person, for one night. You immediately gained a newfound confidence and your adventurous side would come out to play.
You grinned against your glass, chuckling to yourself.
How you loved being a woman.
You scootch off the seat, stumbling, trying to find your footing. Your sense of balance was terrible when you were drunk and your heels did not help with that at the moment. 
Eventually, you made your way to your friends on the dance floor, joining the small circle to include yourself again.
"Y/N! There you are, I missed you!" Your little blonde friend threw herself on you. You caught her in your arms, laughing. 
The six of you danced to the beat. Hips swaying, arms in the air, hair flying everywhere. You could feel the blood pumping through your veins, and sweat forming on your forehead, but you didn't care you were having so much fun.
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our arms were raised in a state of intoxicated freedom as you tried to keep up with your friends, whose energy seemed endless.
Your fingertips tingled as you waved your hands to the rhythm, and your feet grew numb from the constant stomping.
Your head felt heavy on your neck, and your eyelids became harder to keep open. You were running out of breath.
Your movements turned sloppy as your body began to fatigue, even though your mind insisted you had more energy than you actually did. Your chest heaved, struggling to breathe in the tight top.
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A couple hours went by and the club slowly began to empty out as people left in small crowds. The night was approaching its end. 
You were seated in a booth with fewer friends, all of you trying to call your drives home.
Your vision was blurry as you fiddled with your phone, trying to hold it properly.
The aggressive blue light blinded you. You squinted, opening your contacts app.
A few scrolls down and you found your usual Taxi Driver's phone number.
You pressed it, bringing your phone close to your ear. The ringing echoed loudly in your ears as you drunkenly awaited a response. He finally answered. 
"Ugh-mkay, uh I'm at thuh Sound Night Club.... on Las Palmas, can you cohme get me? I'm fuckhing drunhk." You slurred into the phone mic.
After a few exchanges, you hung up. "Welp ladies, my taxi issa comin soon so I gotta wait outside." You stood, steadying yourself on the table. You draped your jacket over your shoulders, clinging your wallet and phone to your chest. You gave them each a kiss on the cheek and said your goodbyes. 
Your heels padded on the tacky red carpet as you slowly made your way to the entrance. Before leaving you wished the bouncer a good night. "It's not my birthday, but thank you." He replied. You just smiled, confused. 
You pushed the heavy doors open, only to be greeted with a freezing gust of air. Your exposed legs were now covered in chills. The street lights illuminated your flushed cheeks; how nice. You leaned your back against the club's brick wall and waited for your Taxi. 
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A shiny black Camaro pulled up to the curb, flashing its lights and honking its horn. You stayed put, wondering whose ride it was. It then honked again.
You just observed silently. 
The driver's door opened and a tall dark man rose from the car. "Y/N?" He shouted. You jumped slightly. This wasn't your taxi driver: You wondered who the man was, and how he knew your name.
Fucking trouble, that's who.
The unknown man was shouting your name. You looked around to see if anyone else was outside that you could ask for help; not one.
Fuck it, you thought.
You took a run for it, your cheap heels clicking on the cement sidewalks, and you gripped all of your belongings as if your life depended on it, and at that moment it did. 
The streets of Los Angeles were dangerous at this time of night, and you were the desired victim; a drunk, helpless, pretty girl in slutty clothing.
So much for being a woman!
The cold air breezed through your product-filled hair as you ran down an alley, only to be cornered by the car again.
You stopped in your tracks, shocked. Your heart pounded in your ears and your mouth was now dryer than a desert. You couldn't find your voice to yell for help.
The man got out again and started running after you, leaving his door open. The car lights blinded you, you could only see his tall shadow approaching you, quickly.
You once again tried to make a run for it but your heel fell through a manhole cover. You rolled your ankle and fell to your knees, your full weight hitting the solid pavement. You groaned in pain. The man rushed to your sides, as you cried on your hands and knees.
This was the end.
"Y/N! What were you thinking? You could've gotten seriously hurt! You could've gotten hit by a fucking car!!" The familiar voice gritted with rage. You lifted your head trying to identify this strange individual's face, only to reveal the face of your friend, Adam. 
"Adam? Why the fuhhck are yohu trying to kidhnap me for?" You slurred, trying to push away from his grip. "Kidnap? What? -Y/N, you called me from the club asking me to pick you up." He raised an angry eyebrow. 
You just broke down in tears, feeling lost and confused.
"You're too drunk." He grumbled, shaking his head.
"nO, I called, Denis. My usual taxi." You squinted, pulling out your phone to show him. Adam plucked the phone from your grasp and examined the phone.
"Y/N, it says Driver. Driver, Adam." He sighed impatiently.
"Oh, well, i swearr thaht I actually talked to hi-WOah!" Adam had cut you off by picking you up bridal style from the ground.
"Let me down!" You attempted to squirm but your lack of energy or control didn't allow you to do so.
"No, Y/N. You hurt your ankle. Now stop whining and let me take care of you. It's late- It's 4 in the fucking morning and you're acting like a child." He knelt down to grab your jacket that was at his feet and proceeded to place you on the passenger side of his car.
He then resumed his place at the wheel and sped off to his apartment. His car hummed loudly down the silent streets.
During the drive, you were quiet, your scraped knees were pulled to your chest and you faced your window, observing the lights that flashed by as Adam sped through the neighbourhood. 
You began to feel your soberness again because all the adrenaline was gone and the pain was now settling in.
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Adam pulled into the parking garage and stopped the car in his usual spot. He turned off his vehicle and picked you up once more, this time with less anger. You toyed with the collar of his shirt as he carried you to his door. He had so many birthmarks on his neck.
Arriving at 11B, he managed to unlock and kick his door open. He used his elbows to switch on the lights and laid you on the grey sofa. 
"Do you need anything? Some pants, another shirt? Socks?" He spoke on top of you, trying to keep you awake.
"This outfit is too tight, Adamhm, can I borrow some long socks and one of your T-shirts?" You breathed out, with your eyes closed. Your head felt heavy against the firm couch pillow, it's like you were sinking in quicksand.
"I'll be right back." He said. 
You peeked an eye open to observe his apartment decor. It was minimalistic, with tones of light greys, topes and whites. Indie artists covered his walls, and colourful woven rugs were sprawled across the floor. He had lots of books on his shelf in the corner, you propped yourself up and dragged your feet to the library dizzily.
 Adam had lots of notorious poets in his collection.
He returned shortly.
"Here you go. Are you sure you don't want some shorts or sweatpants? They have drawstrings, so you can tighten it as much as you want." He placed the clothing on the oak coffee table that you were now making your way to. 
"I'm sure... thank you, Adam." You smiled unzipping your painfully tight top, exposing your red push-up bra. Adam's eyes diverted to the floor, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
"If you need anything else, I'll be upstairs in my bedroom. It's the first door on your left." He turned to leave. 
"Wait, Adam!" You let the top fall to your feet.
"Yes?" He turned around, making only eye contact, trying to not observe your figure.
"You have poetry books in your library." You said, sliding your skirt off, leaving you in only your matching lace undergarments. 
Adam controlled his breathing. 
"I do, I do, uh, do you read lots of... poetry?" He asked leaning against his living room door frame.
"I actually used to write some and read them at open mic nights." You smiled, unclipping your bra swiftly, allowing your breasts to bounce out of your bra.
"Much better," You muttered.
"I-I uh, I didn't know that." He bit the inside of his cheek, face remaining unreadable. He crossed his muscular arms over his chest and fixed his posture. You could hear his foot tapping the floor, and you could sense uneasiness in him.
Casually, you let the bra fall, like your top, and slid on his grey Star Wars t-shirt that he probably had received from a fan.
Adam was not one to watch let alone buy merchandise from his own projects. The Kylo graphic tee looked cute on you, it ended mid-thigh and wasn't too wide.
"I still write sometimes, but not as much as I'd like to, you know? What about you, do you write?" You sat on the low coffee table, knowing well, that Adam was struggling to keep his composure and slid on his long black socks that went up to your knees. 
"I do, but I don't think that it's good." He chuckled, trying to seem less awkward. You simply smiled at the statement and found your place on the couch. 
"um- you need some water and aspirin, I'll go get that for you." He said and walked out of the room, his heavy footsteps thumped on the creaky wooden floors. 
In one hand he had a big glass of iced water, and in the other, he had two tiny pills. "Thank you," you mumbled tiredly, washing down the medicine with water. "Need anything else?" He asked glancing at the time: 4:52 AM.
"No, I'll be fine, thank you, Adam. For everything. It's really appreciated. Also, I'm sorry for earlier, I thought you were trying to hurt me, it was dumb." You looked down at the glass that you held in your lap, in embarrassment. 
"You are...welcomed." He gave you a small close-mouthed smile before shutting off the lights and going upstairs to his own bed.
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You tossed and turned on that shitty sofa. It was small compared to your bed at home and the throw blanket was too thin for your liking, you really wished you would've taken up that offer on the sweatpants. 
"Ugh, fuck it." You groaned, now fully sober and exhausted. 
You quietly got up and proceeded to make your way upstairs to the first bedroom on the left. You turned the doorknob slowly and pushed it even slower to avoid making any noise. You saw that his bedside light was on, and you could make out faint clicking noises. When you fully opened the door, you were happy to be greeted by Adam sitting shirtless in bed, typing on his computer. 
"Hi." You quietly spoke. 
He lifted his chin and met your eyes with his brown ones. "Hi." He gave you a toothy smile. 
"Can't sleep either?" You asked, padding towards his gigantic bed. "No, not really." He chuckled closing his laptop and placing it on his bedside table.
You sat on the foot of his bed, observing his thick chest and shoulders. He was a very attractive man, very large, he looked soft. You bit your lip at the thought.
"Come." He lifted the covers from the unoccupied side of the bed and tapped the mattress like when prompting a dog or cat to come sit next to you.
You obeyed and got under the covers next to him, already feeling his warmth.
You hummed in delight as he turned off the lamp. Adam laid on his side, facing you. You did the same, trying to focus your eyes on his face through the new darkness. 
He let out a tired sigh and without warning, he pulled your whole body forward. Your head was buried in his chest, his bicep supported your neck, and his other arm rubbed your back.
"Sleep, or you'll get sick tomorrow morning. "
You smiled and inhaled the scented body wash he used. You absent-mindedly pressed a kiss to his chest, making him hum lovingly.
A moment of thinking passed and he then tipped your head back, to place a long tender kiss on your lips. You returned the kiss, feeling his plump lips against yours in delight, sending butterflies in your stomach.
After, you returned to his chest and he placed another kiss on your forehead, drifting you slowly to sleep. 
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oh adam, i'd die for you
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revanknightwoman · 2 years ago
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leenathegreengirl · 14 days ago
Leena’s Guide to Feeling Better
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Hey friends! Given the recent... complications, I realized it might be time to take a more intentional approach to feeling better. So, just like Tech would’ve recommended, I’ve put together a list of steps to help me through this period. While I’m still hopeful things can be worked out, I know only time will tell. If Tech decides to return, I’ll scrap this, but for now, I believe this is the most sensible path forward. I’d love for you to join me on this journey of rediscovery and personal growth as I navigate these unexpected twists. And from time to time, some of my friends will be popping in to accompany me on this adventure!
I’m also open to ideas or suggestions—whether it’s advice, a new song to listen to, or a holodrama to binge! If you’ve got any recommendations, I’m all ears and excited to explore them! 💜💕
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Accept other’s kindness ft. Hardcase
💕💜Tag List💜💕
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @returnofthepineapple @antisocial-mariposa @techs-stitches @resistantecho @kimiheartblade @dezgate @sunshinesdaydream @rex-targaryen @freesia-writes @heidnspeak @queenjiru @commanderfury @kyda-atshushi @deezlees @justanotherdikutsimp @aknightreaderr @thebadbatchfan
(All writing and graphics are done by @legacygirlingreen !!)
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crucifiedfaerie · 1 year ago
Nicotine Stains Pt. 1 ༉₊˚✧
Modern!Kylo x Fem!Reader AU
➴ Summary: Your older brother's best friend seems to have everyone fooled. Everyone but you, that is.
➴ Part Two
➴ Word Count: 5k
➴ Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, dom!kylo, slowburn, modern!delinquent!kylo au, virgin!reader, drug use, smoking, swearing, kylo breaking traffic laws for some pussy, kylo is a pretentious prick, why is kylo lowkey midwestern emo in this, mutual pining, finn my beloved is mentioned, some angst, fluff, SMUT (protected PiV sex, again reader is a virgin, fingering, a little scratching, slow n gentle sex, softdom!kylo, consent king !!, praise kink, pet names), typos probably
➴ Taglist: ( @enviedear @capitanostella @teapartydreams )
A/N: this may or may not be the most pretentious thing ive ever written but idc. also i want to give a special thank you and shout out to my beautiful mutual liv @enviedear for this idea! she totally helped me flesh out the modern!delinquent!kylo character and this fic would not exist without her. <;3 (also reader is NOT me bc if kylo ren played slipknot for me in his 1969 charger i'd fold immediately)
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You sat at your desk, studying for your upcoming midterms and nervously chewing on the inside of your mouth. Mathematics had never been your strong suit and despite only being a month and a half into the semester, your calculus class was stressing you out to no end. The rhythmic ticking of your clock was not helping in the slightest, so you reached for your headphones.
This class is taking years off of my life for sure.
As you looked for a good playlist, you heard your bedroom window open behind you. You yelped, turning in your chair to face your window. Your panic died when you realized it was only Kylo, your older brother's friend.
Once he was finally inside, he shut your window before standing up straight. Kylo was probably the tallest person you knew, almost touching the low ceiling of your bedroom. You couldn't deny how your stomach did flips when you were stood next to him, not to mention he was absolutely fucking beautiful. Kylo's features looked like they were carved from marble and his long, dark hair always fell perfectly around his face. If he weren't so goddamn annoying, you'd like him a lot more.
You groaned. "When are you gonna stop coming in through my window you asshole?"
"It isn't my fault your window is the most accessible and the lock is broken." He smirked.
Your eyes narrowed as you glared at him. "The least you could do is knock, what if I like... had a guy over or something?"
Kylo laughed, walking over to you. He turned you in your desk chair to face your computer and pushed it in, before leaning down over your shoulder to look at your screen. "I think we both know that doesn't happen, kid." He jabbed before making his way to your door.
Your face felt hot, his audacity never failed to make you seethe. And his choice of nickname for you only made you madder. You turned to glare at him. "You fucker- I- you're only like 3 years older than me!??"
You heard him laugh as he walked out of your room and down the hallway.
What made it worse was that it seemed he had everyone in your family fooled. Kylo acted like an absolute angel in front of your mother, and it pissed you off to no end. When he would come over for dinner, he always insisted on helping her with the dishes. He would make conversation with her, crack jokes, go the whole nine yards as if he weren't a college dropout and also doing drugs with her son on the side.
Your mom, being the stereotypical Christian, midwestern mother that she is, would always say things along the lines of "Oh Kylo, you're such a sweet boy. It amazes me that someone like you listens to such angry music." He would just blush and laugh it off.
Kylo drove a black 1969 Dodge Charger R/T that he would pull up to your house in, blasting the loudest possible music. Your dad loved him, and they would always talk cars when they got the chance. The first time you came home and saw your dad helping Kylo change his oil, you thought you had died and gone to hell. You just stared as Kylo smirked at you. That stupid, evil smirk you were so used to seeing.
They can't possibly be serious?? How do they not see how much of a jerk he is?
You however, he was much different with. Any chance Kylo got to annoy you, he would do it. He frequently stood outside your door for god knows how long, just waiting for you to come out so he could scare you. You would jump and yell expletives at him before weakly punching him in the shoulder. He and your brother would just laugh, thinking it was funniest thing in the world.
You sighed, staring at your computer screen. You were over studying for the night. You shut your door, before turning off the light and getting into bed. You tried to sleep, but couldn't. The stress of college was slowly suffocating you but despite that, you couldn't seem to get Kylo out of your head.
Sure, you have had a slight crush on him since you were in middle school, I mean who wouldn't? Look at him. But it didn't mean anything, the feeling was almost certainly not mutual and he was still the biggest asshole you'd ever met.
God I fucking hate him... I mean I don't, but I do.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a light tapping at your door. Your brow furrowed. "Yeah?"
Kylo opened your door slowly, making sure it didn't creak as he closed it behind him. "What are you still doing awake, its 3am. Don't you have classes tomorrow?" He whispered, fumbling with your window.
You rolled your eyes, still staring at the ceiling. "Yeah. What do you care?"
He smirked slightly, swinging one leg out the window before looking at you. "Finn asked me to pick you up tomorrow. What time are you off?"
Fucking fantastic.
"Oh, great." You said sarcastically. "2:30pm. The math and science building."
He ducked through the open window, and stuck his head back inside your room to look at you. "See you at 2:30 then." He smirked, before exiting again and shutting your window, leaving you in the dark.
I am not looking forward to tomorrow.
The following afternoon, you sat in your calculus class zoning out and unable to keep your mind off Kylo. You would never admit it, not even to yourself, but you were definitely daydreaming. You were thinking about how soft his hair always looks and how it might feel to run your fingers through it.
You didn't realize your professor had called on you until he said your name for a second time, repeating his question. You sat up straight before looking down, your eyes scanning your paper. "Oh um- the answer is... x equals three fourths." Your face felt warm.
"That's correct. Lets try to be more focused, though." Your professor sighed, before continuing his lecture. You nodded quickly, looking down at your paper.
As you walked to the parking lot, your palms felt sweaty. You'd been in Kylo's car only a couple times before and it was a long time ago. The recent nagging thoughts you had been having about him didn't quell your nervousness either. You spotted his car quickly, and made your way to the passenger side.
When you opened the door, his music blared so loud, you thought his speakers might blow out. You sat your bag on the floor of his car before getting in and shutting the door.
Kylo was smirking when you turned to glare at him. You reached over and turned the dial down halfway and he laughed.
"Too loud for you princess?" He said sarcastically, leaning over to look behind him as he backed out of the parking lot.
You rolled your eyes and buckled your seatbelt, smoothing out your skirt with your hands. "Too loud for most people. Can I play something?"
Kylo scoffed, that stupid smirk still on his face. "Fuck no, you can't play your music in my car."
"Whatever." You crossed your arms, staring straight ahead.
After a few minutes of silence, Kylo finally spoke. "Have you heard of Slipknot?" He asked, nodding his head towards the radio and tapping his long fingers on the steering wheel to the music.
You scoffed, turning your head to face him. "Yes I've heard of Slipknot, you loser... It's just not really my thing. Kind of scary sounding... its just screaming mostly."
He laughed loudly at your last comment. "Scary? Aw, now that's cute. I bet you listen to Lana Del Rey or some shit like that." Kylo said sarcastically, putting a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. He took a drag from it before offering it to you.
You rolled your eyes at him before taking it. Your fingers brushed against his, sending a shiver down your spine. You took a drag off of it before speaking. "Lana Del Rey makes really good music." Despite facing the window, you felt his eyes on you the whole time.
"Oh so I was right?" He grinned, staring at the road now. "I just said the first girly thing that came to mind... And when did you start smoking? I'm gonna tell your mom." He laughed.
You attempted to hide the smile that played at the corners of your mouth. "I'll be sure to tell her you supplied me with them... and yeah I like Lana. She sings about real shit." You took another drag from the cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the window.
Kylo scoffed at you again, motioning to the radio. "And you don't think bands like this do?... This song is called Metabolic, its about the lead singer's absent father and how he fears he will become just like him. They sing about real shit too, it isn't just screaming."
You shrugged, taking another hit before handing the cigarette back to him as he pulled into your driveway. "I never said they didn't, I'm just not super into this type of music."
He glared at you as you grabbed your bag, cigarette dangling from his mouth. You got out of his car, and shut the door behind you. "Thanks for the ride, Kylo" You said through gritted teeth.
I can't believe I'm telling this man thank you.
"No problem." He looked like he wanted to say something else but he stopped himself.
You nodded, before heading to your door. You noticed that he had watched you and waited for you to get inside your house before pulling away.
"How nice of Kylo for driving you home. What a sweet boy." Your mom smiled as you came through the door. "I wish he wouldn't smoke though, you smell like cigarettes."
"Yeah, he's cool." You sigh as you walk up the stairs, making your way to your room before shutting your bedroom door behind you.
You sit at your desk and open your laptop to get started on some homework. Before you start, you grab your headphones and open your phone, deciding to give Kylo's music taste another try. As you do your calculus homework, you find yourself tapping your foot to the music.
The following day, you waited outside for Finn to pick you up from class. You had waited 30 minutes before deciding to call him and he didn't pick up a single one of your several calls.
That fucker. He just left me here.
You huffed before opening your phone again in defeat, pressing on Kylo's contact.
"Yeah?" He sounded like had been sleeping. Your face felt hot from just the sound of his voice.
"I um- Finn left me here and I uh... don't have anyone to pick me up... Can you please come get me?" It felt so foreign asking Kylo for literally anything.
"Yeah I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He said. You noticed that he sounded much more alert, and you heard him shuffling in the background.
"Okay thanks... Uh- bye." You hung up, sitting down on the curb.
It wasn't even seven minutes before Kylo turned into the parking lot and pulled up next to you.
You opened the door, throwing your bag on the floor and getting in. "Jesus Christ, man?? How many traffic laws did you break getting here?" You smirked as you buckled your seatbelt.
Kylo laughed. "If you drove, and owned a car like this, you'd speed too." You couldn't help but notice the light pink that spread across his cheeks at your comment.
He handed you your own cigarette this time, and you placed it in your mouth. You went to reach for the lighter but he beat you to it.
"Allow me." Kylo said before raising the flame up to the end of your cigarette. You inhale, watching it ignite. You caught his gaze for a moment and felt the butterflies return, quickly averting your eyes and taking the cigarette between your fingers to turn and exhale out of his window. Kylo cleared his throat and looked ahead before lighting his own and pulling away.
You both listened to his music in silence for a few minutes. As you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, you recognized the song playing and began to mouth the lyrics.
I am my father's son 'cause he's a phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me nothing.
How many times have you wanted to die?
It's too late for me, all you have to do is get rid of me.
You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes.
Kylo's eyes darted over to you a few times, and he laughed. "There is no way- are you fucking singing along to Slipknot right now?! I thought this shit scared you, kid?" The look on his face was filled with shock and amusement.
"It's a catchy song. I don't know... Stop calling me that asshole!" You could feel the deep blush creeping across your face.
"No, No." He wasn't letting this go. "I didn't play this CD in the car yesterday, did you seriously go home and listen to it?" Between that and how embarrassed you looked from him pointing it out, Kylo could not contain the smile of pure amusement on his face.
"I don't know- Maybe." You looked out of the window, not facing him. You wanted nothing more than to die in that moment.
He was loving this too much. "Fucking obsessed with me, aren't ya? Listening to my songs and shit." Kylo teased.
You turned to glare at him. "I- No! Shut the fuck up." You gripped the fabric of your skirt and took a final drag of your cigarette before tossing it out of the window.
He laughed, shaking his head as he pulled into the driveway. "I'm only fucking with you."
"That's all you ever seem to do. Thanks for the ride I guess." You muttered as you got out of his car, slamming the door before walking to your house. As you walked away, you caught a glimpse of the look of disappointment and guilt on Kylo's face.
Fucking asshole. So unbelievable.
Kylo stayed in your driveway for a minute, debating on whether he should knock on your door to say something to you, but he ultimately decided against it and drove away.
That night, you laid in bed staring at your ceiling once again, head filled with thoughts of that stupid fucking beautiful asshole.
I don't understand him. He does nice shit for me sometimes, but then all he does is make fun of me?
And even after all of that, all you could think about was that stupid cigarette dangling from his lips and how hot he looked. Your mind wandered to how Kylo would lean closer to you, his hand resting on the back of your headrest while reversing. How he nodded his head and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the music. How close his face was to yours when he insisted on lighting your cigarette for you.
God! I'm such an idiot. I cant stand him or myself for that matter.
You heard a few taps on your window and your brow furrowed. You rolled out of bed, walking to your window before opening it. You were met with Kylo's dark eyes staring back at you.
Your eyes narrowed at him. "What a gentleman, thank you for knocking this time..." You said sardonically. "But Finn is asleep I think."
"Had to make sure you didn't have a guy over." He teased. "But I'm not here for him... you wanna smoke?" He grinned at you, holding up a neatly rolled joint.
You laughed nervously. "I've never smoked weed before Kylo, I don't know..."
"Of course you haven't... It'll be fine, I'm not asking you to smoke the whole goddamn thing." He smirked, offering his hand for you to take.
You sighed before taking Kylo's hand and ducking out of your window. The cold, October air sent goosebumps across your exposed arms and legs. He led you to a flat part of your roof and the both of you sat down together.
You watched as he placed the joint in his mouth and lit it, taking a couple hits before handing it to you.
You inhaled, noticing how it burned a little more than a cigarette does. You coughed slightly, which caused Kylo to chuckle, and you glared at him as you handed the joint back to him.
"I'm sorry if I made you mad earlier." He smirked, taking another hit.
You scoffed. "You just fuck with me too much. You always have."
Kylo sighed. "I only do it because your reactions are so fun... I didn't think about how it might make you feel." He paused. "And besides, I think its cute that you listened to my music all on your own, for the fun of it."
You blushed, hoping that the darkness would conceal the pink creeping across your face. "It's fine. I'm so used to your games by now." You laughed, shivering slightly.
Kylo placed the joint between his lips before slipping his dark jacket off and draping it around your shoulders. It felt so warm and was about three sizes too big for you. You laughed nervously, looking down. "Thank you."
He nodded, gazing down at you as he handed you the joint.
As the two of you sat in silence for a minute, the weed had already begun to take its toll on you. Everything seemed funny to you and as you looked up at the stars, you laughed softly at nothing.
Kylo smiled at you. "What's so funny, kid? Already high from two baby hits?" He teased. "This isn't even my strongest shit."
"You're such an idiot." You laughed at him, shaking your head.
The next hour was spent laughing about anything and everything. The two of you made fun of your brother, talked about college and how both of you agree calculus fucking sucks, and the two of you shared some other artists you liked with each other.
"I can't believe I clocked you so easily with Lana fucking Del Rey. I honest to god said that as a joke." Kylo laughed.
"Hey, she makes good music. Please let me make you listen to her the next time we're in the car, please." You playfully begged.
He sighed, feigning defeat. "Fine but only like two songs max... so you better make them good." Kylo smirked as he flicked the roach off the roof.
You weren't sure if it was the weed in your system, but something was giving you a slight newfound confidence to speak more freely. You sighed. "You're always spot on about me though... I am kind of lame. I always had this idea in my head that you and Finn were the ones who were losers... but in reality I am."
Kylo looked at you, puzzled. "I never thought you were a loser... I poke fun at you, sure, but I admire your intelligence... and how introverted you always are." He laughed, playfully pushing your shoulder.
You laughed nervously. "No, I mean... I don't go out and do anything fun the way you do. I don't loosen up, I don't hang out with people, I definitely never have guys over..." You laughed again, trailing off. "I mean my god I've never even kissed anyone."
He stared at you, his eyes scanning your face as if he were debating something. "You've got to be fucking with me right now. A pretty thing like you has surely got to have boys lined up and down the street."
You laughed at his comment, blushing. "If they are, I surely don't pay attention. No one talks to me at school." You stared at your lap, fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket.
You felt his cold fingertips touch your jaw, lifting your chin to look up at him. Before you could say anything, Kylo leaned in quickly and kissed you. You felt like a live wire, as if lightning bolts were shooting through your entire body. His kiss was urgent, yet gentle, and he held your face in his hands so tenderly.
When he pulled away, his eyes met yours and you both smiled nervously at each other. You noticed him shiver slightly. "Do you wanna... maybe go inside? It's warmer in there." You said shyly.
Kylo smirked at you. "Are you inviting a guy into your room right now?" He teased before standing up and taking your hand.
You giggled, following him. "Shut up."
He chuckled softly and when you got to the window, he went first. He ducked inside, pulling you with him which caused you both to practically fall through your window. You landed on top of him, your hushed giggles only silenced once he kissed you again.
"Shhh are you trying to wake your parents?" Kylo smirked up at you for a moment, taking in the sight of you on top of him on your bedroom floor, the moonlight from the window behind you illuminating you in a halo-like glow. He grabbed your waist and gently rolled you off of him, before you both stood up.
His large, strong hands pulled you by the waist closer to him, and he had to lean down to kiss you. His kiss was full of need this time, you felt his tongue glide along your bottom lip, asking for entry and you obliged, parting your lips. You moaned against his mouth and you felt the smirk that played at his lips.
Kylo took a few steps forward, pushing you gently backwards until the backs of your knees hit your soft bed. He pulled away for a moment to take his jacket off of you and throw it to the floor, before pushing you flat onto your bed.
"I-I've never... um." You stumbled over your words, feeling your face get hot as your eyes darted up to your ceiling.
Kylo leaned over you, his palms flat on the mattress on either side of your head. "I just stole your first kiss a couple minutes ago, you don't think I know that?" He smirked down at you before tilting his head slightly, leaning closer to trail kisses down your neck. "Do you not want to? I can stop whenever you want, all you need to do is say so." He whispered between kisses, trailing his hand down your body and stopping just above your clothed cunt.
The sensation made the heat in your core grow. "N-no. Don't stop Kylo." You whined.
He smiled, before standing straight up again and looking down at you. He looped his fingers under the waistband of your shorts and underwear, pulling them off slowly. "Look at you sweet thing, I've barely touched you and you're already a fucking mess." He teased, causing you to whimper.
Kylo chuckled softly, separating your knees and ghosting his hand down your thigh, stopping at your heat. He ran two long fingers through your slit, collecting your wetness on them before rubbing light circles over your clit. You gasped at the contact, bucking your hips instinctively against his hand. "Needy little thing, aren't you?" He smirked, using his other hand to hold your waist down before pushing his fingers inside slowly.
You whined at the feeling of his long fingers stretching you out, your much smaller hands were nothing compared to his. After giving you a moment to adjust, Kylo began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of your cunt, curling them upwards to draw sweet, soft moans from you.
"K-Kylo..." You breathed.
He smirked, amused by how quickly you were coming undone at his hand. "What is it, pretty girl?"
You whined at the sweet name he gave you, stuttering over your words once again. "You're g-gonna make me c-cum."
Kylo laughed softly, he had already gathered that from the noises you were making. "Oh, yeah?" He smirked at you, not faltering once with the steady pace he had created with his fingers.
"P-please. Please I want you to..." You trailed off, lost in the pleasure he was giving you.
"Please what? I'm not gonna do anything else unless you ask for it. Go ahead... Say it, say it." He was having way too much fun with you.
"Please Kylo..." You begged him. "Please I- I want you t-to fuck me."
He grinned at you and stood up, removing his fingers from your cunt, before licking them clean. You tasted divine to him, and he made a mental note that he needed to taste the source at some point. Maybe another night.
You whined at the sudden feeling of emptiness and watched as he pulled a condom from his wallet, putting it between his lips before working to undo his belt. He made quick work of his clothes, saving his boxers for last and sliding them off, his cock springing upwards.
You didn't realize your mouth was open until Kylo looked over at you and saw you staring at him. He laughed, tearing the condom wrapper open with his teeth. "I'll go slow, don't worry." You watched as he slid the condom down to the base of his cock, before making his way over to you on the bed.
He made you sit up a bit so he could pull your shirt over your head, before kissing you, trailing down your neck and chest, leaving a few light red marks along the way. You whimpered at the sensation, not caring that you'd have to conceal them in the morning.
Kylo pulled away, admiring his work and settling himself between your legs, lining his cock up with your entrance. "Ready?" He moved a piece of hair from your eyes, smirking down at you.
You wrapped your arms around him, nodding your head. He groaned as he slowly pushed his cock inside you, taking extra care not to hurt you and watching as your face contorted from the feeling of his cock splitting you open. Your nails dug into his back as you whined.
After allowing you a moment to adjust to his size, Kylo began to move slowly, creating a gentle yet deep pace and hitting that bundle of nerves inside you with each thrust. It felt like heaven and you attempted to stifle your moans, failing miserably. "Shhh pretty girl, don't wake up the entire house now." He put his hand over your mouth lightly, smiling down at you.
You moaned against Kylo's hand as he began to pick up his pace slightly. He removed his hand to kiss you, his tongue winning dominance over the inside of your mouth.
Kylo pulled away to admire you, his thrusts were still gentle, but he was unrelenting on that sensitive spot, hitting it with each snap of his hips.
"Ky-kylo... m'gonna c-cum... feels so good." You whined, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"Yeah?" He moaned slightly, out of breath and nearing his own climax. "Go ahead, cum on my cock."
Your vision went blurry as you came undone beneath him, the tight coil in your abdomen bursting into fireworks of endless pleasure.
"Just like that, pretty girl. You're doing so good, Fuck." Kylo whispered in your ear, easing you through your orgasm as his hand rested over your mouth to muffle your moans.
After a few more thrusts he came to a halt with a groan, burying himself deep inside of you as he came. "Fuck- shit! You feel so fucking good." He hissed.
As Kylo came down from his high, he breathed heavily, smiling down at you before kissing you again. He pulled away, pulling out of you. You whined, which caused him to chuckle slightly. You watched as he took the condom off, throwing it in the trash before slipping his boxers back on, and retrieving his band t-shirt and your underwear from the floor.
He sat back on the bed and gently dressed you, his shirt hanging off of your much smaller frame. "You look so pretty in my clothes." He smirked at you, pulling your covers over the two of you before taking you into his arms.
You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat flutter. "Thank you." You whispered softly.
Kylo chuckled. "For what, pretty girl?" He played with your hair.
"For making my first time memorable. It was really, really good..." You trailed off sleepily.
You heard his heartbeat falter at your comment and you smiled. He ran his fingers through your hair. "You don't have to thank me for that, I've wanted to do this for a while now." Kylo waited for an answer but it never came. He sighed, smiling as he realized you had fallen asleep on him. This was a feeling he could get used to.
The following morning, you two were awoken by the sound of your mother knocking on your bedroom door. Kylo was immediately alert, scrambling out of bed and grabbing his remaining clothes before ducking under your bed as you silently laughed at him.
"Yeah?" You called out to your mother.
She entered, looking around your room. "I'm going to the grocery store, do you want anything... where did you get that shirt." She stared at the Slipknot t-shirt you were wearing that was three sizes too big for you.
You looked down at yourself, before looking back at her. "I'm doing laundry right now and Kylo left it in Finn's room a long time ago." You lied through your teeth. "And no, I don't want anything."
"Hm, okay... And close that window, the heat is on and its freezing in here!" She motioned to your open window before leaving, shutting the door behind her.
You fell back onto your pillow, shutting your eyes and smiling at the sound of Kylo's laughter beneath you.
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allicat0 · 10 months ago
i was wondering if you could maybe please write a senator padmè amidala x fem!reader?
maybe the reader is also a senator and while they are in padmè’s office working together they… 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩✂️👅😺💦 (however you wanna do it)
love your star wars fics 🫶🫶
Natural Relaxant
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ans: Thank you so much for the request, and of course! I love this idea so much and had a lot of fun with it!
Summary: You and Padme have been restricted to keep your love a secret, with both of you being Senators it would be deemed unacceptable to the public. So when Padme had been a little on edge as of recent, you decided to help her release some of it, in the privacy of her office. (takes place before order 66, Obviously)
Content: MDNI, 18+, girl on girl, afab reader, making out, fingering, praise, oral sex, eating out.
A/N: sorry for the late posts! I have many requests!! But please keep requesting I love writing! Again sorry for any grammar or punctuation mistakes.
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The Galactic Senate, also referred to as the Congress of the Republic, is composed of Senators from various Planets and Star systems all across the Galaxy. Being presided over by Supreme Chancellor Palpateine. The Senate helps resolve disputes between the varying Planets, following strict laws and regulations that are necessary to help keep the Republic from falling. Being a Senator came with a large responsibility, a large responsibility came with a lot of work, and a lot of work took up a lot of your time. You knew what you signed up for when Garm bel Iblis, Senator of Corellia, asked you to take over his position within the Galactic Senate. You had been by his side for years as his right hand, working as his assistant. You proved your loyalty for not only him but for the Planet of Corellia, he trusted you, proving your right for Senator. 
You’ve been in the Senate for a few years now, creating peace and union between Corellia and the many other Planets across the Galaxy, learning how to benefit from one another, helping Corellia flourish stronger than ever. One of the many Planets being Naboo, run by Senator Padme Amidala, she was kind and it helped that the two of you followed the same beliefs when it came to politics. When you first pitched the idea for Naboo and Corellia to create a union, you promised that Corellia would send food supplies over to Naboo, in exchange for protection through association. Senator Amidala was quick to take the offer especially due to Naboo’s trade blockade which was designed to ruin them. Naboo was left helpless after Sanandrassa had held to a policy of isolation which unwittingly assisted Sidious' plans to weaken Naboo, depleting its stocks of food, leaving its people in danger of starvation and by blockading Naboo they were effectively starving the planet’s people of basic needs such as food, in order to obtain a main source of income as well as power. So when you offered to help the people of Naboo rather than rob them dry of their planet’s core, Senator Amidala was more than eager to agree to the alliance of Corellia and Naboo. 
Having made this union, the two of you have spent many days, and countless hours working alongside each other, creating not only a partnership but a new found friendship. You enjoyed her company and there was no denying that she enjoyed your company just as much, working with each other never felt like a chore, never felt like a burden on either of your shoulders, dare you say it was rather fun. The bond you shared was like no other, eventually you found yourself sparking these forbidden feelings that never once should have come to fruition. It wasn’t long before these feelings became desires, dreaming and waiting on the day the two of you could act on one another, but having the title in the Political world that the two of you had, it would never be deemed acceptable. So the two of you decided that you would keep your romantic feelings towards each other a secret from the rest of the Galaxy, in hopes to keep the love you had for each other alive as long as possible.
So here you were inside Padme’s office on her home Planet Naboo, discussing new plans to expand your treaty out to other Planets across the Galaxy, creating a larger fondation to your agreements. You wanted nothing more to help Padme ensure the safety of her people, no matter the cost. “I believe it may be smart to reach out to Lothal to help give you a free shipment of Blastech weaponry for your guards here on Naboo.” You said sitting on the edge of Padme’s desk looking down at her holographic grid, with every union she has made for Naboo. Padme’s hand rested on her chin, she was thinking hard, what she was thinking, you wished you knew but you knew it would be something selfless as always. “I will not bring chaos into my home, Naboo is meant to hold peace and serenity. . I can’t do that by making my people worry about the loads of weaponry we have on stand-by.” She said sternly not lifting her eyes at you. 
“I understand that Padme, but how are you going to keep your people safe if another attack like Nute Gunray’s happens again.” You raised your voice to her, you were frustrated, Padme wouldn’t open her mind to the bigger picture, she needed to understand that these reinforcements would become handy incase of another attack. Her eyes finally looked up to face you, you felt your heart skip a beat as you lifted yourself off her desk and walked over to her. “Look Padme, I’m just trying to help create a solution to keep the people of Naboo safe, to keep you safe!” 
“I can Handle my own safety” She was quick to nip back at you. It was true she could handle herself just fine, she was a strong leader, who knew how to defend her ground but you could never help but worry. “ I didn’t mean to suggest you alone need protection, my love.” You said softly, gently resting your hands on her hips. “ I just get worried. I wanna protect you, but there is only so much I alone can do. I'm no soldier, or jedi.” You watched as her eyes softened at her words. “I know it’s just” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “It’s all so much” Seeing her stressed like this made you unsettled, there were only very few moments where you’ve seen Padme on edge. “Well maybe you need to just step away for a moment and. . clear your mind.” You said striking the question. Her head tilted a small grin creeping across her face. “And what is it you may be implying?” she asked, cocking her brow. “I believe we both know what I have in mind.” You felt Padme’s arms wrap around your neck pulling you down closer to her face. “Oh really? Perhaps you should show me” 
You leaned down, lips brushing against hers. “Say no more” and just like that you closed the gap between you and Padme planting a firm but gentle kiss against her lips. Her hands entangled through your hair and the grip on her hips pulled her close. Her touch was intoxicating, she was your drug and you couldn’t get enough. Your kisses began to trail along her jaw and down her neck, making trails of kisses against her soft skin. Padme let a soft moan as she bit down on her bottom lip gently, as your hands trailed up her shirt, pulling it over her head, revealing her breasts, causing her nipples to harden from the cold hitting against her skin. Reaching down your mouth latches over one of her breasts, your tongue swirling around her nipple. You made sure to switch between the two giving both of her breasts the care and attention they needed. Padme felt a shiver shot down her spine, pleasure coursing through her body, she was aching for attention, she wanted more. As your lips free her breasts, you grab her hips once more guiding her over to her desk, lifting her up just enough so she is sitting on top of her desk, Padme’s legs wrapping around your waist pulling you in tight. Your lips find hers once again, your tongue pushing past her lips, lapping with hers. Your free hand made its way down and in between her legs, dragging your hand along her clothed pussy causing Padme to break free of the kiss with a gasp, a trail of saliva breaking at your separation. “Tell me what you want Padme” You said to her sternly, your hand still rubbing against her core. Looking up at you with her pleading eyes she let out in a faint whisper. “Please, touch me” 
A smile grew across your face as your fingers hooked to the hem of both her pants and panties pulling them down revealing her wet pussy. Your head slowly dips down, as you rested on your knees, reaching your hands out and spreading her legs apart. You started gently running your fingers along the inside of her thigh, lightly tracing circles near her core, causing Padme to shiver. You could feel her arousal building up, leaning in as you kissed the inner part of her thighs, your lips leaving a trail of soft kisses as you moved closer to her pussy. you gently blew a warm breath across her sensitive area, making Padme gasp slightly. Your tongue darted out, flicking her clit, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. She let out a moan, pleased with her reaction, you continued and picked up the pace. 
Your tongue delved deeper, exploring every inch of her folds, lapping up her wetness with enthusiasm. Your hands caressed Padme’s thighs, occasionally squeezing them, while you also brushed your thumb against her entrance, teasing her further. Your pace increased the louder she moaned, arching her back in pleasure. You knew exactly how to push her closer to the edge. you felt as she squirmed beneath you, needy and desperate for release. A wicked smile spread across your face, enjoying her reactions. Padme's hips bucked, pushing herself against your mouth. Pulling away with a smirk you look up at her “not yet my love” You whispered, your hot breath falling against her pussy. You could feel her orgasm approaching, you took your index and middle finger and slowly slid them inside her, feeling her walls tighten around your fingers. Your movements were slow and deliberate as you pumped your fingers into her. “Fuck. . more” Padme let out a whine, and so you complied adding a third finger stretching her open feeling as her wetness continued to coat your fingers.
As you continued to thrust your fingers into her, your thumb rubbed against her clit, applying just the right amount of pleasure. Padme arched her back, trying to push your fingers deeper inside. “Please, I want to cum” She moaned out to you. You began to pick up the pace, your head reaching down once again, tongue lapping her clit as your fingers continued to pump into her. “Are you close, my love?” You asked, the vibration of your words hitting against her clit. Padme nodded her head, being unable to speak. “Then cum for me” you commanded, your fingers keeping a steady pace. 
It wasn’t long before her orgasm hit her like a wave, her walls gripping around your fingers tightly. Once she finally came down from her high, You slipped your fingers out of her pussy and made your way up to her face planting a kiss against her lips once more, her legs wrapped around you holding you close, her lips molding perfectly against your own. Pulling away with a smirk you look down at her before giving her one last quick kiss. “God I love you” you said to her, your smile spreading wide across your face. “ I love you too.” She returned the smile, her hand coming up to cup your face, her thumb caressing your cheek, as she spoke softly. “Now, we have business to attend to.”
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@allicat0 signing off. .
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crying-mybest · 2 months ago
Star Thief (Part 1)
TW: Violence and Death
Masterlist Part 2
Word Count - 1,700
Background- Reader is a young woman around 24 is slightly force sensitive but nothing extraordinary. She trained with Asoka for 5 years (age 5-10) only to be abandoned/forgotten. She then tried to find other masters, all of which denied or abandoned her. At 15 she gave up on explaining her knowledge of the force and attempted to train herself while traveling throughout the galaxy, by hitchhiking and stowing away on ships. This story takes place before the force awakens.
Prelude- 3 years prior to the main plot she was caught on board a freighter and was dumped on Jakku, effectively stranding her in the middle of nowhere.
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Jakku is a prison I would not wish upon anyone, most try to leave but shuttles are expensive and you have to starve yourself to make enough, most jobs don’t pay in credits they pay in food and water. I worked because I had to, they would kill me if i didn't. It was just my luck. While working I noticed a ship preparing to land. I left my post at the shop front and overheard the pilot talking. They needed fuel and quick resupply. I knew this was my moment to get out. Unfortunately, the crew were a bunch of resistance fighters that were on the run from the first order.
My position under the floor panel wasn't discovered yet, but as stormtroopers began to board and engage the crew I wouldn't be hidden for long. From the sound of it 3 crew members of the original 10 were taken prisoner the rest were killed. I remained in the underfloor compartment, but as the primary search came to an end my time was running out. If they found me in the secondary sweep I’d be dead, if I kept my cover the First Order would discard the ship and I would most likely die where I was. I had to move without being seen. 
Anxiety filled me as I lured one of the stormtroopers to the floor panel. A swift boot to the chest and he was dead. I took the uniform for myself. But now my time is ticking. I had to discard the uniform and find a hiding place before they noticed the dead or missing trooper. I fell in line behind one platoon moving away from the hanger, then I scoped out a janitorial closet and quietly slipped away.
The closet was cramped, but my luck was turning around as I spotted a vent in the corner. I quickly removed the uniform and neatly arranged it on the top shelf in the hope that the obscure position would buy me time. If the body is discovered, the sector would be put on lockdown, and if they found the uniform, they would suspect I was in the vent system. 
As I crawled into the vent, I took the time to screw it back into place using the force. It was the moment of truth now as I crawled through the endless caverns of vents. My only goal is to get as far away from the area as possible. After crawling for what felt like hours and miles, I eventually stopped in a corner to rest and survey. The vent slats were hard to see through but it was dark and quiet. I was safe for now and took a moment to rest, eventually drifting to sleep.
I woke to screaming, a man screaming. Quickly working to find where it was coming from, listening intently peeking through cracks. I realized It was the captain of the resistance ship. He was being interrogated, an officer was asking him who the 11th crew member was and where they were. They had found the body and maybe even the uniform, yet somehow they didn’t realize I was in the vent, they were more incompetent than I thought. The captain responded with genuine confusion to his knowledge there were only 10, the officer grew tired of the line of questioning and asked where they were going and if they knew about the map. The pilot was now lying, denying everything and claiming his crew were going to Coruscant and coming from Geonosis. He claimed that the crew and ship were not Resistants and instead, simply freighters getting back from a pit stop on Jakku. He was not only lying, but doing a terrible job, if this officer was at all competent he would know that. Shortly after, The officer left with the captain still strapped to the irrigation chair. But as I began working myself back to my hiding spot, someone else walked into the chamber. 
My view was obstructed by the dim lighting but his heavy footsteps and the energy shift made it clear the leading commander of the First Order Kylo Ren was now here. My heart jumped into my throat and suddenly I was just as much of a prisoner as the pilot was. 
He could sense me, I knew he could. His eyes scanned the room, his senses were elevated and so were mine. I dare not move or breathe for fear that the smallest moment would draw his attention. He began to interrogate the pilot this time only asking about the map, he could see right through him. The pilot begged and screamed and for half a second I thought the screams could cover the sound of my movements, so I attempted to crawl a nudge forward. But a small squeak was heard, Kylo Ren's focus immediately shifted to the vent, the pilot fell silent and the energy in the room became electric. I quickly froze in place, guarded my mind, and prayed that he would think it was a random noise. He spoke not to the pilot but to me,
 "Follow the red arrows, meet me in sector 5 at the end of the hall. I have a proposal for you". With that, he turned and the room fell still my heart was pounding and all life had left, the vent felt more sterile than it used to. 
I had no plan of escape. The finalizer never lands unless maintenance is needed and even then the on-board maintenance crew can handle most damage. If they landed the odds weren't much better; it would still be a First Order base that would take lots of energy for me to maneuver and escape to a neutral outpost if such a thing were even possible. I knew he could have killed me a second ago, if he wanted to he could have tried harder to get me out of the vent- he could have ripped the vent open and torched me on site if he wanted the sadistic pleasure of it. There were few options; I risked death in everyone. Following the grand commander's orders seemed the best odds.
I obeyed his instructions all the while telling myself how stupid it was until I came to a set of 5 vents labeled with faded red lettering. I followed the 5th vent which opened up more than I was expecting. I peered into each room mapping out the floor plan before at the very end of the cavern I came to a large room. It has a tall ceiling and what appeared to be a large window. This must be it, but I would remain in the vent unit proven right. I assumed that this sector was personal offices or quarters for high-ranking officers. Eventually, I grew tired of waiting for him but didn't dare emerge from cover. I momentarily thought I had misheard him as I continued to search the force but Ren was not close and if he was he was well hidden. Finally, an hour later a familiar sound came; it was as if it was heading right for me. With a single set of heavy footsteps and dark aura, he was here. 
I sat very still as Kylo Ren approached the door hesitantly stopping for a moment before entering the air, vibrating as he walked into the chamber his senses scanned the dark room, and before taking a breath he knew I was there. 
"You're still hiding?" he said sternly.
"You've given me no reason to trust you" I responded hesitantly.
"Not entirely true, but to further entice you," he looked at the door and placed his saber on a table "I want to talk,".
"I can speak perfectly fine from here,"
"As you wish. you're one of the Resistance Fighters are you not? One of the crew from that pathetic ship,".
"No, I'm not, I was a stowaway, I wouldn't have bothered if I knew,".
"Interesting" he squatted down to observe the vent better. "You are strong with the force, I could feel it when you were spying in the cell" his voice was biting and full of restless annoyance.
I did not waver and remained silent. 
"I could train you," he extended his hand towards the vent I was hiding in, "join me, I can give you that place you’ve always wanted, a place of purpose, and acceptance, all you have to do is take my hand,".
"Take the mask off." I bit my tongue as the words came out hoping the demand was not seen as overly hostile. The last thing I needed was to anger him. 
He sighed, annoyed. There was a moment of silence then a sharp mechanical hiss then a loud bang, his mask was off.
I took a moment to think before letting out an aggravated whisper "Are you sure?". Master Tano was the only one to ever offer to train me, most rejected my offers; those who accepted regret it, I remembered the pain of rejection and abandonment far too well.
"Without question." His voice was softer without the mask but still determined and impatient.
Perhaps I was naive or blinded by hope but against my better judgment, I slowly unscrewed the vent cover and emerged from hiding. He extended his hand to help me, but I didn't take it, instead standing myself up and taking in the grand office. A large window with a desk in the center of the room. The view was incredible, the window was large and the only thing illuminating the room, it looked out over a large green planet. For all my time spent on ships, I rarely got a view of space, I moved toward the window mesmerized by the stars. The silence was broken by Kylo Ren's voice.
“Is that a yes?” he sounded more impatient than before
My gaze did not move from the window, giving him a simple whispered “Yes”.
“The refresher is the second door to your right, I’ll send clothes up. You cannot be seen in such rags. I will return later, for now I have business to attend to.” he quickly collected his things and left.
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nepentheansea · 2 years ago
What’s Right, is Wrong.
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© nepentheansea all works are my own and contain mature content!
𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 ・𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔
premise: You wanted it all, and now you are realising that it might not be possible, and you need to tell Anakin.
pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader
warnings: angst, smut, p in v, fingering? overstimulation, semi-public smut, sexual themes, etc. I don’t know at this point. 
wc: 4.3K
a/n: I read over it like once, so there is that. Also, this is my first time writing for him so if it’s not good, apologies. 
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It was a mistake, falling for him. You had dedicated your life to the order, years of training and devotion all so that you could help bring balance, and all they asked of you was to remain free of any personal attachments, and you failed. You knew the moment you had met Anakin, with his charm and ,  that it would always prove difficult to keep to the laws bestowed upon you. 
You had spent years with him, growing, learning, training, and after all that time, he wore you down. Leading you to wonder constantly what the things that were so blatantly forbidden to you, would be like, and eventually, you broke as did he, Unable to keep yourself from wanting him, needing him. In the worst possible ways he consumed you, made you weaker than ever before. You couldn’t go on like this, you just couldn’t. 
You had no idea what Senator Amidala was saying to you, despite its importance, you had checked out, your mind distant, stuck with the tall handsome Jedi that owned your mind, body, and soul. She hadn’t seemed to notice, and perhaps it was because you found the room to occasionally nod and make other gestures that you were taking in everything that she was saying, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It was a blessing that she hadn’t sought any responses from you, before she had left, leaving you alone with your thoughts and some surrounding padawans. 
If you closed your eyes now you could still feel his fingers, feather-light on your naked skin, body pressed against yours, sweat riddled and tired, but unrelenting, his arms wrapped around you in an attempt to keep you from disappearing from his grasp. The tired, unhurried thrusts as he rocked his hips against your own, helping you to find that state of utter bliss that only he could give you. And then there was the imprint of his plush lips down your neck, spine, sternum. His mark, permanently branded on you. 
The chatter of the room had fallen to just above a whisper as Anakin stormed into the room, crossing it in three large strides. His strong hand wrapped around your arm as he pulled you slightly into him.
“May I have a word with you?” he hissed, raising his brows as if to stress urgency over his request. He didn’t seem to care just how many people were surrounding you or even looking at you, nor the person that you had been speaking to at that moment. Whatever was on his mind was clearly more important, and you had the strongest urge that you knew exactly what it was. 
You exchanged a quick glance with the padawan you had been talking to before Anakin had pulled you off with him, out of the room and into the desolate hallway out of earshot as he pushed you up against the nearest wall. His tall frame looming over your much smaller one, as he looked down at you, eyes desperately searching yours for the sole reason he sought you out. If this had been a different situation, you could have almost guaranteed that you would have folded right then and there. Staring back at him, you suddenly found it much harder to keep your eyes on his, though they were full of confusion and some well-hidden pain, and you couldn’t fully blame him for it. 
“Ani-” you started, finding it harder and harder to find the words to explain to him just why you couldn’t do this anymore. The arrangement, the understanding had simply been ‘try it once, and then we’re done’ and after once, it turned to twice, and so on. Living for the moments that you could shut yourselves away in a dimly lit room, with no prying eyes, completely engulfed in each other. But it became an addiction, lying awake thinking about him and only him.
“Why did you leave?” he cut across you, ignoring the way his name fell from your lips in such a soft and delicate way. He didn’t have the time for your excuses, whether they were logical and well-reasoned or not. He only needed the truth, the unfiltered and undeniable truth. He thought he knew the reason, but he wanted you to look him in the eyes and tell him why, tell him that you didn’t want this anymore, whatever it was, not the fucking note that you left thinking it would be sufficient enough for him. You had never been so wrong about something in your life. 
One of his hands was firmly pressed against your abdomen, holding you in place in case you got the sudden urge to run from him like you had done earlier, he couldn’t risk it this time. 
“Why?” he prodded, and you felt that shift in energy, something more compelling and urgent. You cast your eyes down, taking a deep bated breath as you tried to search for the words. 
“Anakin, we can’t, we can’t do this and you know it. It’s wrong, forbidden-” you explained, gesturing towards the room where you had just come from as if to better help explain your point, but Anakin couldn’t see it, he wouldn’t.
“If it is so wrong then why doesn’t it feel that way? It feels right, beyond right, and I know you know that.” Anakin argued, the vein in his neck growing more prominent, as he clenched his jaw, trying to calm himself. His eyes were fluttering between your own, watching closely for any indication that you understood, agreed with him, his brows creased in determination as his hand moved to caress your hip, gently lifting up your robe just enough for him to make contact with your skin. 
He was right about one thing, it had never felt more right than to be with him, consumed by him and everything he did. Every fibre in your body calling for him every waking moment, desperate for his touch, his presence, like if you didn’t get it you would surely go insane. To have your mind plagued by the very thought of him, finding yourself counting down the minute until you could see him again, feel him, taste him. The mere thought of him, a disruption to your existence. It was to the point of total madness, and not a single second of it felt wrong, or like it should be forbidden, and yet it was. That’s what they had told you, that's what you had spent all those years knowing, practicing, preaching. 
You had slipped up, catching yourself wanting something that you couldn’t have, like a piece of forbidden fruit that had been dangled in your face, and Anakin had been nothing shy of happy to oblige, only wanting the same thing. You had both failed, getting so caught up in the feeling, the need and want, that you couldn’t stop, couldn’t resist. With every encounter, it became harder to see reason, to see where the true problem lay, and even now, even now you weren’t sure that you knew what the problem was. 
You had spent the past few days fighting everything in you, telling you to go on, that nothing had to change or stop, but you couldn’t ignore that little part of you that screamed out that it was wrong. 
“You left me, with a note…A note? Is that really what it means to you, what I mean to you? Is that my worth, y/n?” His voice sounded broken like he was trying to keep it all together. If you reached out to him, you would be able to feel, sense his fear and anticipation. He was scared and confused. He couldn’t lose you, not when he had no reason to, it would tear him apart. It had been cruel of you, but in a split second, a moment of poor judgement, you panicked and did the only thing you could think to do. You left him alone with a simple note, and his thoughts, hoping that by some chance it would suffice. Guilt wracked you as you looked at him, that looming gaze filled with disappointment and betrayal. 
“No, I-its just, I knew you would try and stop me, and you can’t, we can’t.” 
You could see the rage bubbling inside of him, no matter what you said, did, he wasn’t going to see the problem, because to him it wasn’t a problem. He would instead abandon the Jedi than lose you, to lose what he had with you, and if that's what he had to do then he would, he didn’t care. You meant more to him, this meant more to him than everything else he had grown to know, love.  
“What is so wrong about it?” He asked, his teeth clenched, “Nothing that we have done is wrong y/n? Nothing, it has only felt right, addicting..” 
“Anakin, have you ever considered that this is the reason it is wrong?” you start, your features hardening under his blunt gaze. “I can’t get you out of my head, I can’t get the feeling of your hands on my body, your skin from skin,  your taste from my tongue, and assuredly I cannot get the feeling of you consuming me from my soul. It's permanent! It doesn’t stop, day in and day out you are the only thing I crave. I don’t seem to care about much more, Anakin, not the things that I should care about, and that is where the problem lies. We have a goal, a purpose to serve and I can’t seem to find myself wanting anything to do with it anymore.” You could feel the way your eyes were prickling with emotion, your head reeling trying to make sense of it all, trying to convince yourself that what you were saying, that you needed to stop, was the right thing to do. 
Anakin’s hand shifted just slightly, further up your shirt, his thumb soothing your skin with gentle massages, a gentle reminder of the way his hands felt upon your skin.  
“And I see nothing wrong with that? There is nothing wrong with that, I-”
“Anakin, no,” you state plainly, seeing his brow twitch and his jaw clench. 
His face contorted at your response, finding it harder and harder to make sense of it all. The truth was, he couldn’t, he couldn’t see your reasoning.
“Is that what you really want? Do you want to stop? I want the truth, I want to know what you really want, not what you think you should want. I need for you to tell me.” he explains, praying that you would tell him that you take it back, that you were scared and that was all. 
The silence that fell over the pair of you was deafening, consuming both of you. You were holding your breath and you hadn’t even seemed to have noticed it, but he had. He felt drained, watching your eyes search his. There was no hiding the conflict in yours, he could see it, all he needed was for you to be honest with him. 
You felt nothing but guilty as you looked at him, knowing the truth was, you didn’t want to stop, but more so that you had to. You had been foolish to think you could have it all, and it was all finally coming down. As you looked at him, his eyes pleading with you to give him the answer that he wanted to hear, you just couldn’t say goodbye to him, not yet. Ignoring every sensible thought that you had, you leaned up against him, brushing your lips against his neck, hesitating for a single moment before kissing his soft skin, clenching your eyes shut as you moved them down the side of his throat. 
He couldn’t help but fall into place, hoisting you up into his arms, clumsily pushing you into the nearest empty room, backing you up against a sturdy wall. Small gasps like moans trickled from his lips as you continued your attack on him, sucking, biting, licking his skin until any type of mark blossomed. Your fingers curl into his hair, desperate to pull yourself closer to him, your body, firmer against his. Rolling your hips against him, all of the fabric of his robes, obstructing you from what you really needed, the friction that you so desperately craved. Groaning in frustration, he lowers you to the ground, pulling back from you the moment your feet touch down. 
“Take these off..” He demands, something in his voice dripping with lust, as he reaches for his own hem to his pants, tugging them down, letting them fall to his ankles. You bite down on your lip, letting out the softest whimper as you catch sight of his cock, hard, thick, and leaking drops of precum. It takes nearly all of your willpower not to just drop to your knees, take it graciously into the palm of your hand, and let your tongue glide around it, licking up every little bead that formed and dribbled down his length, running your tongue over that prominent vein. He was staring at you, that look of pained authority on his face, as he waited for you to do as you had been told. “Now.” 
You fumbled quickly with your trousers, pulling them off and kicking them aside, already long forgotten. He stared at you, knowing what this meant, what this gesture meant. After this encounter, it was done, left on both of you like a permanent stain. Anakin moved forwards, slotting his lips against yours, kissing you with such fervour and passion that your back and head hit the wall with a soft thump, his hands gliding up your inner thighs, feather-light touches. With each whine and whimper that left you, his hand came closer and closer to your aching cunt, his fingers gliding through your fold collecting every ounce of arousal that pooled between your legs, gently spreading it around as he slowly worked your clit, taking in your sharp gasps. 
“Why would you want to stop this, when I can make you a mess with a few simple touches?” He murmured against your cheek, starting to leave his own trail of kisses on your delicate skin. “When you clearly crave me the same way I crave you…” he was talking to that part of you, the part that wanted him more than life itself. Appealing to it as best he could in hopes of changing your mind, making you see the reason that he dwelled on, and it was working. Anakin curled two thick fingers into your tight hole, smiling against the shell of your throat when you moaned deeply, your walls instantly clenching around his fingers as if they were begging him to never leave, and he could think of nothing more than the feeling of your soft walls milking his cock the way they had been his fingers. 
“When I can make you feel this good?” Thumbing at your clit while he pumped his fingers inside of you, kissing down the side of your neck. 
“Ani..” you mutter, not sure of what you intended to say. There was something about hearing his name on your tongue that drove him mad. Spoke to the most carnal parts of him, and then it was the way you spoke it so softly, like it was something so pure. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to let you go after this, he toyed with the idea of not allowing it at all but he couldn’t force you, he knew that. Anakin pulled himself from you, hand wrapping around his cock. Gliding the tip through your folds gathering your slick, watching your mouth fall open in anticipation, your fingers clawing into the fabric of his robes. Your eyes were pleading with him, begging him to fill you with every inch he had to offer, satisfying that feeling of emptiness that his fingers had left. 
“Tell me what you want. Tell me and it's yours.” 
Hard against your entrance, waiting for nothing more than the words to fall from your perfect lips, he stilled, his eyes searching yours for that familiar sense of warmth and invitation that they always held, and there it was, hidden behind the fear and longing. Pushing against you ever so slightly, the head of his cock now nestled into your aching cunt. He needed to hear it just as much as did, he needed for you to still want him and nothing more, he was desperate. 
“you, Anakin, I need yo-” 
It was more than enough, music to his ears as the words fell from your lips, almost like a prayer, and he couldn’t wait anymore. Anakin housed you up in his arms, pinning you against the wall once more, as he lined himself up to your entrance. His eyes met yours, searching for any sign of regret, finding none. With one snap of his hips, he forced the full length of his cock into your needy cunt, and with another, he had your head falling back against the wall, eyes clenched shut, as a deep breathy moan left your lips at the delicious stretch of him. His eyes consumed every expression that lined your features as he pulled out of you, watching that sense of panic over the thought of him leaving you empty and unsatisfied, only for him to sink back into your soaking pussy, causing you to let out nothing but pleasure-filled sounds. There was no holding back the particularly high-pitched moans that were being ripped from you, sounds that surely someone would hear if they walked by, with each precise thrust of his hips. Sounds that resided deep in your chest begging to break free. 
He captured your lips, moans, and whimpers, in a clash of needy tongues, and teeth, silencing the flow of sounds that left you. He wanted to hear every blissful sound that you made at his expense, but he couldn’t risk someone coming in and stopping this moment, ripping it from him faster than it had begun. You wrapped your legs around his middle, craving even more, drunk on the feeling of how utterly full you felt, how deep his cock nestled inside of you, hitting that sweet spot as if he had known it his whole life. 
“Why should we have to give this up….” He mutters through clenched teeth, his thrust becoming harder, “I won’t..I can’t..” he groans, burying his head into the crook of your neck, sucking at the delicate skin. He meant that. He would rather die than be without you and he needed you to know that. Your nails dug into his back, fisting at the fabric of his tunic that you wished wasn’t there, allowing you to feel his heated skin so perfectly pressed against yours. Clinging to him as each well-placed thrust forced you harder against the wall. He was the only thing you had to sturdy yourself. 
The sound of his skin slapping against yours filled your ears, mixed with his desperate moans, and grunts, clouding your judgement rather quickly. Every word he said, every question he asked you, made you second guess. How could you want to give this up? The truth was, you didn’t want to, never. And even now, with him pressed deliciously against you, beads of sweat falling from his brow, while a thin film-like layer coats your skin, his cock so perfectly buried inside of you as if it was made for you, you couldn’t imagine being without him, and you knew that. 
You wanted to tell him that you took it back, that you didn’t mean any of it, but you couldn’t seem to find the words. It’s like they were stuck in your throat unable to surface and all that came out was lewd sounds. Your fingers card through his hair, tugging on it so that he was staring up at you, his open mouth pressed against yours as you moaned into it, stealing kisses here and there. You urged him on, soft whine-like pleads and encouragement left you the quicker his pace came, his fingers gliding up your bare-tired thighs, to the apex of them, the spot where you needed him the most. Deft fingers flicked against your clit, as you took in sharp inhales of breath, as he drew tight and precise circles into it. 
He treated your body as if he knew it, knew it better than you ever could, like he knew just what to do and when to do it, to have you melting like a puddle at his touch. 
“Fuck, ani-“ you moan. There it was again, that beautiful sound of his name on your tongue, falling from it like it was sweet honey, urging him on, begging for more and more. His head falls forward, groaning deliciously at the way you took him so well. Good, so fucking good. 
“The things you do to me, woman..” he groans, getting drunk on the way his cock dragged inside you, the perfect amount of friction for his head to fog. You felt that familiar coil of warmth settling in your lower abdomen, surging through you with each thrust. You were close, so utterly close. “Ani I’m close…just like tha-“ You couldn’t even finish the sentence before your climax burst through you. Your pussy spasms around his length, a soft submissive sob escapes you. Seeing you like this, feeling the way your walls clench around him, gave him a slice of madness, a need to pound into you at a faster speed, desperate to see you become a stuttering mess, begging for him to stop. Sound after sound, profanity after profanity left you, your body, torn between needing more of him, and yet not. Your fingers clawing into his shoulders. “Ani-” Your whimper of his name was nothing but breathy. You couldn’t think straight, all you could see was him, all you could feel and think was him and only him, as each pulsing wave of pleasure washed over you.  
Anakin had no intention of letting you down too quickly, letting you catch a breath. Pushing you through your high, reviling in the way your body convulsed under his. Your head thrown back and eyes desperately clenched, your mouth hanging open and moaning after moan escaped you. 
“Ani-s’too much…” you whine, feeling every nerve in your body sent into overdrive, every sense of yours flooded in nothing but overstimulating pleasure. Your legs shake around his body, your cunt fluttering around his length as he drills into you, swallowing up every delicious sound that leaves you.    “Ani..ple-ease.” Anakin’s hand finds your chin, tilting it back down so that your face was level to his. His teeth tugging at your bottom lip.  
“Not till I’ve had my fill of you..” he pants, tightening his grasp on you, pinning you even firmer against him and the wall as if you could go anywhere. You let out a soft whimper as yet another wave rushes over you, and you take to silencing yourself by catching him in a heated kiss, biting down on his lip a tad too hard, feeling that metallic taste of blood against your tongue, feeling that strange sense of satisfaction overhearing him groan rather loudly. You could feel him pushing you over the edge towards a second orgasm, but your mind and body were already starting to feel numb. Drunkenly hazy over the way he was determined to overstimulate you. His fingers were relentless against your tired and abused clit, surges of ecstasy rippling through the entirety of your body. You could hear him saying something, but you had no way of comprehending the words leaving him. 
Anakin was reaching his end, his well-measured thrusts were becoming sloppy, but not once did they waiver in their mission. The only thing keeping him grounded was listening to the way you begged him, your body begged him for one more, but as your legs shuttered around him and your pussy clenched around him, he couldn’t help but spill into you. Warm thick ropes of cum soothing your abused walls, as he too shuttered, head buried into your chest, strings of profanities and praises leaving his lips like a prayer. 
His hands squeezed your aching thighs, as you relentlessly tightened them around his waist, almost as if you didn’t want him to release you, to pull out of you. His pace slowed, thrusts becoming more like desperate spurts as he pulled yet another orgasm from you. His name falls from your lips as it spread throughout you. Anakin stilled inside you, listening to the sound of your stuttering heart, beating rapidly as it slowed back to its normal pace, while your fingers carded through his hair, in such a soothing manner. Neither one of you wanted to move, to come back to the crippling reality that you resided in. He could stay the way he was forever, blissfully wrapped up in your presence, and you, you could do the same. Feeling his warm protective body, holding you so desperately close. 
After what felt like an eternity, he set you down, holding you up with a gentle squeeze of your hips. You didn’t dare look him in the eyes, knowing that if you did, you would crumble. You knew what you wanted, but as of right now, you could see no clear way of having it, not without surrendering everything else. You wanted nothing more than to say fuck it, give yourself over to him permanently, but you didn’t know how. How to let go and do just that. Pulling your pants back on and righting yourself, you take a deep bated breath. His gaze lingered on you, the painstaking look of loss on his features. 
“Ani-I…I’m sorry…” 
“I know..” he speaks, his voice breaking just a little. 
You thought that perhaps you’d find your way back to him, and perhaps it would be sooner than you anticipated, falling back into the addicting pattern you had created, and maybe this time it would go further, but for now, you wouldn’t. Wiping the tears from your face, you take a long, painful look at him, before exiting the silent room, not daring to look back. 
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743 notes · View notes
dippenink · 30 days ago
How imagine the Sabezra reunion in @jessicas-pi time heals all hate looked like from everyone else’s pov
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45 notes · View notes
yunggoblin · 10 months ago
A Not So Silent Night - Crosshair (18+)
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Pairing: Crosshair x Female!Reader
Summary: Hunter can hear everything on The Marauder at night, even you and Crosshair fucking.
Warnings: 18+, Unprotected Sex, Sex Sounds, Hunter Eavesdropping, Hunter’s POV Mostly, Hunter Masturbating, Minors DNI
Word Count: 1,503
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Hunter’s tired eyes slowly fluttered open as he heard your quiet giggles from the other room.
”Crosshair.” Your voice was soft, barely a whisper along with a hint of playfulness laced in. Even though you and Crosshair were in the room next door Hunter could hear you perfectly, which wasn’t his fault, due to his heightened senses he could see what others couldn’t, taste better, things being more sensitive when it came to touching and could hear perfectly, sometimes a little too perfect.
It wasn’t like he could turn off his heightened senses either, if he had a choice he would but moments like these he’d sit back, relax and enjoy the show; the show being him hearing his brother pleasuring you, the girl he craved. 
“Hmm, right there.” Hunter heard you let out a breathy moan, soft suction sounds hit his ears through the wall as Crosshair kissed up and down your neck.
”You like that, Cyar'ika?” Hunter heard Crosshair ask only for you to let out another sweet whimper. Hunter’s heart thumped against his chest, closing his eyes tightly as he exhaled slowly. Your sweet moans was all he wanted to hear at night. 
He didn’t understand how his brother, Crosshair, the Sniper that spoke of only a few words- and when spoken said words with mostly sarcasm laced in got to you first. Hunter had feelings for you since day one but he wanted to keep things professional, he was the leader of the group after all. He didn’t want to make things awkward or feel forced knowing you were the only female in the group- that wasn’t related to them. Hunter was taking things slow, but all of a sudden in a blink of an eye one day he saw Crosshair’s arms around your waist at a tavern after a successful mission and you giggling wrapping your arms around his neck, bodies flushed together.
”Crosshair, please, I need you.” You let out another breathless moan. 
“All in good time, Mesh’la, but first, I crave to taste you.” 
Hunter heard shuffling in the bunk you two were in, he could hear the clothes being torn off and tossed to the floor with a soft rustling sound. “So wet for me, Y/N.” 
Hunter inhaled deeply, mouth watering. The scent of your arousal was so strong that it was seeping through the crack of his bunker door and from the vent. His cock stirred to life in his blacks that it was becoming painfully uncomfortable. Hunter’s eyes casted towards the other side of the room, he saw a glimpse of his brother, Tech asleep, back facing Hunter. Hunter took a moment to listen closely, Tech’s shallow breathing pattern indicated that he was in a deep sleep. He listened even more closely, deeper into The Marauder, knowing Wrecker was supposed to be on watch in the cockpit, while everyone was asleep. Hunter’s ear twitched as he heard whatever holofilm Wrecker played, keeping him distracted. Any other night Hunter would disapprove of it, whoever was on watch should be 110 percent focused but tonight he’d let that slide. 
Hunter’s hand slowly traveled underneath the blanket, his slender fingers hooking the hem of his blacks and pushing them down his muscular tan thighs, wasting not time he grabbed at his throbbing member and inhaled sharply at the feeling of his warm fingers wrapping around his shaft. Hunter placed his focus back on the couple in the next room. 
“Kriff, Cross, keep going.” Hunter heard you moaning, he could tell you were trying to suppress any sounds that left your lips. Hunter’s cock twitched heavily as he slowly pumped his cock in his tight fist, listening to the soft lapping and slurping sounds of Crosshair eating you out.
“Taste so sweet for me, Mesh’la, is this all for me?” Crosshair cooed slightly towards his lover. 
“Y- Yes, please keep going. I’m so close.” The sound of Crosshair’s fingers plunging into you made Hunter’s face red, his cheeks burned at the dirty sound of how wet you were. 
Hunter’s eyes shut and he groaned lowly at the sound of your withering voice, he could tell you were shaking in the bunk by the way you exhaled and inhaled your breaths. He imagined it was him in between your legs, him tasting that sweet pussy on his tongue, you moaning his name out loud. 
”Cross, I’m close- I’m going to come.” Hunter could hear your heartbeat racing twice as fast now, close to your orgasm only to whine loudly. Hunter’s pace went faster as he stroked himself only to slow down, backing off of his own release. “Crosshair, I wanted to come.” Hunter’s cock twitched in his hand knowing Crosshair was teasing you, withholding your orgasm. Hunter wouldn’t dream of having you hold back, he’d make you come on his fingers, tongue, cock anything you desired he’d fulfill it. 
“You’ll come when I tell you to come.” Crosshair growled out, Hunter could hear more clothes shuffling about, most likely Crosshair stripping himself. 
“You’re so mean,” Hunter heard you pout, kriff he could see your pouty lips right now, more pre-come leaked from his cock. “You never let me come when I want to.” 
A harsh slap echoed throughout the bedroom making Hunter freeze, he wasn’t too sure if Cross spanked your ass or slapped you across the face but whatever the contact was a moan left your lips, showing that you liked it. “You want the fun to end so quickly?” 
“Then quit your whining and open your legs for me to slide my cock inside of this wet cunt.” Crosshair demanded. 
Hunter swallowed thickly, he didn’t expect you to like being manhandled in bed but knowing that little fact made pre-come ooze out of Hunter’s mushroom like tip, he hummed lowly as he smeared the pre-come over his cock, using it as lube to fuck himself into his grip. 
“Crosshair!-” Your loud moan was muffled by what sounded like Crosshair’s hand clamping over your mouth as he entered inside of you. 
“Shh, Mesh’la can’t be too loud.” Crosshair chuckled lowly. “You feel so good around me, so soaked.” He hummed in approval, the soft squelching sounds hit Hunter’s ears as Crosshair wasted no time thrusting into you. 
Hunter’s breathing picked up as he fisted his cock, tight grip around his shaft as he stroked himself up and down to the sound of his brother fucking you. A low rumble erupted from Hunter’s chest as he heard your soft moans and chants of Crosshair’s name, he’d give anything to hear you moan his name. 
“Cross-” Your wanton moans echoed a little too loudly, high pitched moans making Hunter’s ears become red. “I’m close- I’m going to come, oh maker!”
Hunter’s cock throbbed as he heard the squelching of your cunt become louder, Crosshair’s thrusts becoming faster and harsher with each pump, trying to get you both to your orgasm. “Kriff, you love my cock inside you, huh?” 
“Y- yes, I love it, I love you.” 
“I love you too,” Crosshair panted. “Oh Maker, I’m going to come.”
Hunter could hear the sloppy rhythm of Crosshair’s thrusting, the thumping sounds of each time he fucked into you.
The heels of Hunter’s feet dug into his bunk as he bucked his hips into his fist, matching the rhythm. His balls tightened as he was near his orgasm, he bit at his bottom lip holding back his own moans, not to wake up Tech. 
“Where do you want it?” Crosshair finally grunted out, the bunk slightly squeaking louder.  
“Come in me- Come inside my pussy.” Your voice was sweet and high pitch tone as the hot sound of Crosshair’s cock fucking into you. 
Hearing your begging voice made Hunter’s eyes roll in the back of his skull, eyebrows knitted, mouth slightly open and jaw slacked as he reached his orgasm. His teeth sunk harshly into his bottom lip as he muffled a moan while ropes of his come spilled into his hand, imagining he was spilling his seed inside your tight pussy, the thought alone made his sensitive dick spew, one load after another. “Oh Maker, Y/N.” Hunter quietly moaned your name, his breathing was heavy as he heard your soft screams from the other room as you also reached your orgasm.
”Kriff, Y/N, feels so good, so wet and soft-“ Crosshair choked out after reaching his own release. 
Hunter laid there, his bangs sticking to his slightly damp forehead while his breathing was still heavy, chest rising and falling as his hand was still covered in his sticky load. 
“Do you think anyone heard us?” You whispered to Crosshair.
”Oh, I’m sure Hunter enjoyed the show.” Crosshair uncontrollably chuckled knowing his brother heard everything. 
Hunter froze in his position, his face red from embarrassment while his breath was hitched in his throat scared you were going to be disgusted with him for listening in.
”Hmm, well, I hope he enjoyed it.” You say with a giggle.
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Crosshair's Masterlist
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lightspringrain · 25 days ago
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The first of many, MANY, panels. Gosh I have SO many panels to paint AND they are in full color now.
Tech has amnesia and sees Phee for the first time in years. Panel for Chapter 10 "Old Friend" of my fanfic "Return From Darkness." Line art done by the talented @heyclickadee . Concept and colors done by me.
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l0vergirlsw0rld · 6 months ago
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Chris Evans & Sebastian Stan
summary: Y/N has been secretly dating both Sebastian and Chris, successfully keeping each relationship under wraps—until now. One day, both men decide to surprise her at the café where she works, showing up at the same time. As they realize what’s going on, awkward tension fills the air, forcing Y/N to confront the truth. With emotions running high, she must navigate the fallout and decide whether her web of secrets will unravel everything.
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Adam Driver
adam designated driver
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Logan Howlett
ravish part 2
ravish part 3
taste of home
my little voyeur
first christmas at the cabin
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blushing-in-space · 1 year ago
without you
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-> anakin skywalker
Summary: You wake up to find anakin suffering from another nightmare.
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-> I felt that unfamiliar darkness in his presence beside me. That darkness that was so unlike him and more akin to those he would call his enemies. It forced itself into my soul, warning me of the nightmare that was again corrupting the should-be-restful mind of Anakin Skywalker.
I felt squirming in the bed beside me, causing the sheets to turn hot. His breathing gradually grew from heavy to ragged, worrying me more than the nightmare itself. It wasn’t the first time I had experienced these episodes he had, though it had certaintly been a long time. I turned to face his back to find his skin pale, his body covered in the thin shine of sweat.
I sat up feeling fear and grief radiating off him in strong waves, so strong it was if they were my own emotions. My hand went to his shoulder, rolling him over slightly in hopes that it would awaken him from whatever nightmare he was experiencing, but it had no effect on him. His brows furrowed, mouth curled in a deep frown. His lips parted slightly. Rough, deep breaths were huffed from his chest.
“Ani?” I spoke softly, with a hand on his shoulder in hopes of coaxing him awake.
When he did not respond, I rested my hand on his other shoulder and patted it softly. “Anakin?” I repeated, this time loud enough I feared someone outside of his room would hear.
To my relief, he awoke, but not as peacefully as I had hoped. He grabbed my wrist that still rested on his shoulder and shot up from his place in bed, blue eyes wide they burned into me. His hand squeezed tightly on my wrist, and I pulled it away. At the loss of my touch, his eyes softened, but his breathing did not slow.
“Nightmare?” I asked him, though I needed no reply as he looked away from me.
He stood up without a word, grabbing his robe from the edge of the bed and throwing it over his shoulders. “Yes,” he groaned, striding across the room and yanking the curtains back, the sparkling night skyline of Couresant filling the room.
I stood up with him, approaching him hesitantly, just coming close enough to see his gaze focused on the city, eyes darting around the edges of the window anxiously.
“What are you doing?” I questioned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as if it would clear the confusion.
Anakin gazed out for a moment longer before shaking his head and running a hand through his wet locks. His jaw was tense, face set in a serious expression he rarely shows outside of the battlefield. “I don’t know,” he looked at me, lip quivering, “you- you died.”
I gulped. He didn’t have to say anymore for me to understand what he meant. “But I didn’t,” I whispered as I hugged him, bringing his head to rest in the crook of my neck, “I’m right here.”
He held me so tightly that I thought I might snap into pieces. I rubbed his back soothingly and kissed the side of his head, feeling his need for comfort in this dark moment. He pulled away and looked into my eyes again, his eyes cleared of the tears that had threatened to spill moments ago. His hands came to cup my cheeks softly, his battle hardened fingertips tracing over my skin.
“It was so real,” he whispered, “it was like the dreams I had just before my mother died.”
I inhaled sharply and looked down, closing my eyes as I reached out to him through the force. I saw in him that he believed the nightmare he had to be another premonition. A promise that my death would really and truly happen.
The council had always ignored the gift the force had granted him, believing it to be a symptom of his paranoia and stress. But I know the dreams are not passed on Anakin emotions and fears. I know it. They is always truth behind his visions.
Though now I wanted to be able to denounce his dream and promise him that his dream was just what it was. A dream. But I would be foolish to do so after his mothers death.
“What happened?” I asked almost fearfully.
He was quiet for a moment, worrying me that he would shut me out. But instead he guided us both back to his bed, holding my hands and tracing patterns into my palms with his thumbs. “It… It was blurry. The more I think about the more unclear it gets. But you were clear. You were crying, and in pain, and calling out to me- begging me to listen to you.”
His voice cracked at the end, and he shut his eyes to hold back the tears. I held him again, and just like before, he wrapped his arms around me and clutched me as if I would disappear at a moments notice.
“I can’t lose you. I can’t lose anyone else,” he whispered, his voice muffled as he pressed desperate kisses to the side of my face.
I shhed him softly, running my fingers through his hair. “You won’t. I won’t leave you. I’ll do everything I can to stay with you. I swear it, Anakin.”
He nodded agasint me, fingers digging into my skin. “I won’t let you either. I’ll do anything- anything- to keep you safe.”
His tone had become dark, threatening even. But he was so upset, and I was as well. So I said nothing of it as we laid back down and the urge to sleep became more powerful than Anakin’s words of hatred.
“I won’t be without you,” I thought I heard him say, but it must have been a dream.
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garagesesh · 9 months ago
the only time I feel I might get better // obi wan kenobi
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★ pairing(s): obi-wan kenobi x reader ★ summary: it was everything you wanted…right? ★ warnings: angst & yearning ★ a/n: short and sweet kind of a sequel to when we are together. They’re so awkward lmfao
It was hot.
Then again it was always hot on Tatooine.
But today it was different.
The heat had gone above what the outdated thermometer in the hut could read and the old cooling system barely helped. The scorched earth was physically too hot to touch with even clothed feet and the visible mirage of heat distorted the landscape.
You were on the floor, stripped to your small clothes with a wet cloth covering your face. “We need to get a new system.”
“Agreed.” Shirtless and in his own small clothes, Obi-Wan was on the floor next to you.
“In the four years we’ve been on this rock. I don’t think the heat has ever been this bad.” You laughed half-heartedly.
It takes a moment for Obi-Wan to respond. “Four years?”
“Time flies.” You rolled your head to the side, taking off the cloth to grimace at him. He goes silent, the only sound is the rattling of the cooling unit on the precipice of exploding or hopefully chugging on and the labored breath between you both.
“Thank you.” He finally spoke.
“For what?” Your brow furrowed.
“Doing this with me.”
He rolled over on his side, long auburn hair falling around his tanned face. Beard still in tact but speckled with stray grays and whites. Head now propped up by his elbow. He glistened with sweat. “Thank you for being here with me.”
His eyelashes were a golden red, long, and thick. He had freckles on the bridge of his nose flushing out to dot his cheeks. A brilliant open ocean that shone under the rays of his eyelashes.
Your chest stopped moving. There’s a hitch in the back of your throat. An ache in between your thighs.
His lips were dry, in need of a salve.
You’re sure he thinks the same of yours.
He’s slow with his movements, making agonizingly steady work with your lips.
His breath was hot, scalding almost when he pulled away. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You stood up from the floor, removing yourself from his bodily cage.
Obi-wan rolled onto his back, palms digging into his eye sockets quietly berating himself for what he just done. He thought that this is what you wanted, been yearning for. Certainly that’s what he has been feeling.
The fresher door clicked shut behind you.
read pt. 1 “when we are together”?
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crucifiedfaerie · 1 year ago
Gibson Girl | Pt. 1 ༉₊˚✧
Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader
➴ Summary: After a run in with the Supreme Leader, he can't seem to get you out of his head- or leave you alone.
➴ Song: Gibson Girl - Ethel Cain
➴ Part Two | Part Three
➴ Word Count: 3.4k
➴ Warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, dom!kylo, kinda slowburn ??, kylo is kinda really manipulative, stalker!kylo, um he's right behind me isn't he?, the mask STAYS ON, how does he not get hot in there ??, mean!kylo to soft!kylo, alcohol plus unbalanced power dynamic so dubcon, SMUT (unprotected PiV sex, fingering, hitting, slight sadist!kylo, degrading, scratching, a teeny tiny bit of blood- nothing serious), fluff if you squint, angst if you squint harder, typos and me being illiterate probably
➴ Taglist: ( @enviedear )
A/N: i haven't written a fic in a good four years so apologies if my writing is a little rusty. my partner and i have been watching the starwars movies and the kylo ren brainrot is so real. i need him expeditiously !! i've also been reobsessed with ethel cain recently and gibson girl is sooo kylo coded so i was inspired to write. i really hope you like it, if the response to this is good i might consider making a part two possibly ?? i do have a few other fic ideas for kylo/ben that are stirring around in my brain sooo im excited to share those eventually
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It seems as though you've seen the Supreme Leader around more times in the past two weeks than you ever had in the two years you've been working as a technician on the Finalizer. Like a shadow clad in metal and black leather, he seemed to follow you.
It started two weeks ago with an honest mistake. You had woken up late that morning. Rushing out of your chambers and down the hall, you turned the corner a little too quickly, fearing youd be late to work.
When you crashed into him, you thought you had run into durasteel, the way he didn't move an inch. You, however, bounced backwards, hitting the ground and sending the toolbox in your hands flying.
It wasn't until the air that was knocked from your lungs had returned that you realized this dark mass was not made of durasteel. Sitting on the floor, your eyes trailed from the boots in front of you up to the dark expressionless mask you knew only belonged to the most feared man in the galaxy. Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order.
At this realization you scrambled to your feet, picking up your tools as you went and fervently apologizing. You did want to keep your head attached to your shoulders, after all.
"Supreme Leader- I- my apologies sir! I didn't see you th-"
Your string of incoherent apologies was cut short by him wordlessly lifting a gloved hand to silence you. With wide eyes you stared at him as he lowered his hand, bending down to pick up the wrench you had dropped on his boot in the commotion.
He placed it in the toolbox that shook as you tightly grasped it. As he pulled away the leather of his glove brushed against your bare hand, sending a chill down your spine.
He stood there, staring down at you. Past the near-blinding glint of the cold hallway lights bouncing off the dark metal of his mask, you could see your own mortified expression in the reflection of his visor. Your gaze flickered down to the hilt of the saber he kept on his hip and you winced at the mental image of that crimson colored plasma beam he could send shooting through your abdomen at any moment.
Oh gods, im done for. Any second now.
You were pulled from the morbid thoughts of your impending demise by his deep, modulated voice.
"Do not be late." He said sternly, not a speck of emotion behind his words.
You nodded quickly, "Yes Supreme Leader, I- thank you sir!"
You ran down the hall and as you turned the corner, for a split second you saw he had turned to face your direction. Despite that cold mask, you could feel his eyes on you, burning holes through it.
In the days that followed, he began to frequently make small appearances in your life and that feeling of a pair of mystery eyes on you became a familiar sensation. Whether you were eating in the cafeteria, working through a tangle of wires behind a control panel, or simply walking down a hallway, you'd feel your stomach drop. When you looked around there he would be, a creature in a mask, staring you down from afar. After averting your gaze, pretending you didn't notice him, he would continue on and disappear into the darkness of the Finalizer.
To say you were scared of him was an understatement. Was this just an elaborate plan to kill you for dropping your wrench on his foot last week? It couldn't be. If he wanted you dead he would have sliced you in half in the hallway, gods know he's done it to people before.
Fear wasnt the only thing he made you feel. As you knelt on the floor, trying to run a diagnostic test on the navigational software, your mind wandered to who could possibly be underneath that expressionless mask and modulated voice. Was he really the terrifying creature everyone rumored him to be? Or was there a real human under there? A human man with pretty eyes and rough hands from years of training. You let your mind wander to how they would feel in your-
Your thought was cut short by the hairs on the back of your neck standing straight up.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
When you turned around he was so close you jumped and dropped your datapad on the floor. The cracking noise made your heart sink. He was standing right behind you, looming over your small frame that was crouched on the ground. He stared down at you, his masked head tilted as if he were pondering something.
"Supreme Leader. W-what do I owe this pleasure?" You managed to choke out.
Kylo reached out a hand to you, and you obliged, your trembling hand dwarfed by his own. The stiff leather of his glove gripped you tightly, lifting you up to stand in front of him.
The modulator in his mask crackled as he spoke "No need to be so terrified, little star." He chuckled a bit but his usual sternness was still present. "I've only come to ask for you to join me in my quarters tonight..." He paused, "you intrigue me."
Your brain went foggy at the sweet nickname he gave you and it felt as though you might pass out at the thought of being invited to his room. Never had you seen Kylo Ren be so kind to anyone, so why you? Your face flushed with pink as you tried to find the right words to say.
"Intrigue you? Sir I can assure you there's nothing intriguing about me, I'm just a techn-"
"Nonsense." He leaned down to get eye level with you, his helmet inches from your face. "I expect you to be there tonight after lights out. When I want something I do not take no for an answer... and I always take what I want." His voice was dead serious but you could almost hear the smirk that was under his visor.
He released your hand from his tight grip and took a step back from you. With a swift turn, he walked down the hall, not giving you a chance to respond. You stood there stunned for a moment then sank down the durasteel wall, reeling from what just happened.
Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order, wanted you in his quarters. Tonight. After lights out.
Later that night, as you were getting ready, you felt like you weren't even in your own body. When you looked at the clock and saw it was 10 minutes until lights out you thought you might throw up from nervousness.
What do you even wear to see the Supreme Leader in his quarters at midnight? Oh gods I'm gonna pass out.
When you were finally satisfied with how you looked, you took a deep breath and exited your chambers. The cold quiet of the flagship's hallways sent a shiver down your spine.
What am I doing? Why would he invite me here? I should just turn around and go back to my quarters.
Your legs felt like Andorian jelly as they moved you down the dark, secluded hallway towards the front of the Finalizer. You ask yourself so many questions as you attempt to suppress every nerve in your body. He was terrifying, but there was something alluring about him, something so... attractive. Something that made you feel like a small insect being lured into a spiders web. And you liked it?
Once you reached the end of the hallway, you realize it's a dead end. The tall, dark double doors enlaid with silver told you this was probably his door.
Do I knock?
Before you could even finish your thought, they opened, seemingly on their own.
The familiar crackle of his modified voice called out to you sternly, "Come in."
You obliged, taking a deep breath before you stepped into his quarters. The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the warmth of the fireplace. As you looked around, his space was about what you expected it to be, minimalistic and decorated in hues of red and black, but grand enough for a Supreme Leader.
And there he was, sitting in a red lounge chair in front of the fireplace. You saw him pick something up off the coffee table before he stood and approached you.
"I can sense your nervousness, little star. Take this and come with me." Kylo handed you a glass of whiskey before taking your other hand and leading you back towards the fireplace, motioning for you to sit in the chair across from his.
As you sat, holding the glass in one hand and feeling the velvet cushion beneath you with the other you realized you hadn't said a word to him yet.
"Supreme Leader sir, its an honor to have been invited here by you. Your quarters are... magnificent."
He chuckled. "I'm glad you like it, but there's no need to bother with honorifics when you're here. You may call me Kylo."
"K-Kylo..." You tested out his name, unsure if he was being serious.
This has to be a dream. This cant be real. He can't be-
He nodded, speaking as he poured another glass of whiskey for himself. "I invited you here only to get to know each other. It would be rude of me to expect my guest to be so formal with me."
You felt your face get hot and you look at the floor illuminated by the fire. "Apologies if this is too forward... but how can we get to know each other if I dont even know what you look like?"
I shouldn't have said that. Surely he'll kill me for even asking. Stupid. Stupid.
He fell silent for a moment and stared at you. You internally panicked, thinking your forwardness had angered him.
You've really done it this time.
Kylo reached up and you heard a click followed by a quiet hiss emitted from his helmet. Pulling the helmet up slightly, he revealed the bottom half of his face, and oh gods was he beautiful. His dark locks fell down and brushed his jaw which looked as if it had been carved from marble, and you think you caught the beginnings of a scar lining it.
"Compromise." He flashed a dark smile before taking a sip from his glass. Kylo's unmodulated voice was smooth and deep, a sound you could find yourself getting used to hearing. You watched his Adam's apple move as he swallowed the dark liquor down.
After setting his glass back on the table, Kylo lowered his helmet and clicked it back into place.
"I haven't been able to get you out of my head since our run in. You interest me so much." He mused.
You sighed shakily. "I dont mean to disappoint you s- Kylo, but there isn't much that is interesting about me or my life. Especially here on the Finalizer, most of my days tend to be the same."
You had taken only a few sips of your drink but your head was already getting foggy.
He ignored what you said, seemingly more eager to tell you something he's been wanting to say for two weeks now. "Your mind is what intrigues me most. I can hear them, your thoughts, and they are so loud." You could almost hear the smirk on his face.
He what.
"You what?" You choke out, your face going bright red.
No. no no no.
He chuckled darkly. "No need to be embarrassed, little star. I enjoy listening to your thoughts of me. How late at night you think about my hands groping your body. How you fantasize about being immoral in a complete stranger's lap. How right now you're thinking about me hurting you..." He paused, "I cannot lie to you, my thoughts have been plagued with yours for weeks now. Thats why I invited you here, so I could show you everything you wish you had."
You tried to speak, but couldn't find the words. Your face was flushed with pink and the whiskey was starting to take its toll on your thinking skills.
He stood from his chair and stepped towards you, taking the glass from your hand and setting it down on the table next to his. Towering over you, he leant down closer to you. His gloved hand lightly trailed down your face and snaked it's way behind your neck, his fingers weaving through your hair. He tightened his grasp and pulled down, forcing you to look up at him.
"Tell me, sweet thing. Are you scared of me right now?" He already knew the answer but wanted to hear it.
You nodded, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Y-yes Kylo."
"Good." He said coldly. The tone of his voice changed, as if his sweetness earlier was simply a ruse to lure you in. He pulled you up by your hair to stand, and in one swift motion he had you thrown over his shoulder.
He carried you away down a dark hallway, the light from the fireplace growing dimmer and more distant as he took you deeper into his quarters.
Like a little insect caught in a spider's web.
Once he entered his room, Kylo threw you on his bed carelessly, nearly knocking the air from your lungs.
He immediately went to work on your clothes, pulling your shirt and pants off, almost ripping them in the process. You were left only in your underwear, writhing from the heat growing in your core.
Kylo admired your body, running his cold, leather clad hands along your thighs roughly, spreading your legs. He had been waiting for weeks to do this. The seam of his glove brushed across your clothed clit, causing you to let out a whine.
"Such a pretty voice... I want to hear more of it." He said sternly before pulling your underwear to the side and running two gloved fingers down your folds, coating them in your slick. You gasped at the contact.
Without warning Kylo pushed his fingers inside your entrance, curling his fingers upwards causing your back to arch. As he pumped his fingers into your cunt, he went to work on your clit with his thumb. His other hand snaked its way up your body, stopping once it was wrapped tightly around your neck.
Waves of pleasure washed over you as he stretched you out with his fingers. You felt your climax quickly approaching "Please- sir. Please m'gonna-"
He pulled his hand away and you groaned at how empty you now felt. You rubbed your legs together to get a little bit of friction, but were halted by the sharp sting of his hand coming down on your thigh. You let out a loud yelp.
"Needy little slut." He raised one hand and an invisible force spread your legs fully and froze your entire body in place, while his other hand worked to undo his belt. "You don't get to cum until I say you can, understand?"
You only whined in response. He slapped you hard and grabbed your face forcefully, leaning down closer to you, his visor millimeters from your face. "Say it. say it!"
"Mhmm yes sir I understand!" You whined loudly. Your face stung and you could taste copper.
He let go of your face and finished freeing his cock. You nearly pass out from the sight of it.
Oh gods help me, how is that supposed to fit?
He chuckled at your thought as he lined himself up at your entrance "Don't worry little star, we'll make it fit." He said evilly before pushing inside, watching you as your face contorted from the pain and pleasure of his cock splitting you open.
You nearly scream, letting out a choked whine as he bottomed out, pressing forcefully on that bundle of nerves deep inside you. You tried to adjust to his size but without any warning he withdrew himself before slamming back into you again.
His thrusts were erratic, unrelenting on that sensitive spot, hitting it with every snap of his hips.
"F-fuck... Kylo- you're gonna make m-me cum." You whined, feeling tears prick your eyes as you were reaching your breaking point.
He reached up and grabbed your throat, squeezing, which made your head feel lighter. "Shut the fuck up and hold it." He said coldly. It sounded like a whisper coming from the modulator of his mask.
He pounded into you with such power, and it sent shockwaves rippling through your body. You screamed as he thrusted into you, showing not a speck of mercy on your much smaller frame.
Kylo felt your walls twitching around him. "You wanna cum so bad don't you?" He cooed, feigning sympathy for you.
You nodded your head desperately.
"Beg for it then. Beg to cum on my cock and I might just let you." He growled.
"P-Please-" You whimpered, on the verge of tears.
"I said beg!" Kylo struck the side of your face again, harder this time.
"Please! Please let me cum Kylo!" You cried.
He let out a satisfied groan, gripping your hair and tugging to make you look up more. "Go ahead then, little star. Cum for me." You could hear the smirk behind his mask.
An invisible hand went to work on your clit as he continued to ram into you with unrelenting speed. This sent you over the edge, the tight feeling in your abdomen burst as a wave of euphoria washed over your body. You dug your nails into Kylo's back. Despite him being clothed, you know you did it hard enough to draw blood. You heard him wince but the raw pleasure he was inflicting on your body was too much for you to care about that.
He's cold blooded so it takes more time to bleed.
His thrusts became sloppy and harder as he neared his own release. He had come completely undone, his emotionless façade gone as he whispered sweet nothings and strings of curse words through his mask.
"Fuck-" He said your name, lingering on it, drawing it out in a sickly sweet way. "Gods- your body- its so- I'm in love with it. Fuck."
A few thrusts later, Kylo buried himself inside you to the hilt one last time, bottoming out and groaning as he pumped your cunt full of his cum.
You felt his cock twitch inside you as he looked down at you, hands pressed into the bed on either side of your head and breathing heavily through his modulator.
Kylo pulled out as he stood up and you felt his cum leak out of you and down your thigh onto the bed. You watched as he tucked himself back into his trousers and redo his belt. He went into the refresher attached to his bedroom to retrieve a towel and you felt the bed dip when he returned.
He wiped his cum away gently with the towel and you yelped from the sudden overstimulation.
"Shhh" he cooed, still stern. "I'm only trying to help." Kylo threw the towel to the floor and sat on the bed, back leaning against the headboard. He pulled you closer to him so your head rested in his lap. You watched as he pulled his gloves off for the first time and you took a mental note of how strong his hands looked.
He ran his long fingers through your hair and you sighed, closing your eyes. "I could get used to this." You said sleepily.
The last thing you heard before you succumbed to sleep was, "Me too, little star." Even through the crackle of his modulator, it almost sounded like he was deep in thought.
When you awoke in his bed the next morning, Kylo was gone. As you rolled to the side of the bed, you could still smell him on his bedsheets.
On the bed next to you was a black box wrapped in red ribbon, with a note attached. You opened it and inside was a new datapad, with a fresh, uncracked screen. The note read: "Little star, apologies for the broken datapad. I expect you'll be here when I return later. -K.R."
You smiled as you sunk your head back into his pillows.
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allicat0 · 11 months ago
i loved your poe fic!
could you write a fic with captain rex maybe
one with a female jedi reader who sucks him off in a storage closet while they try not to get found out by the rest of the 501st
and maybe the helmet stays on…
Swear you’ll never tell
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♡ Ans: Thank you so much, that’s so kind! Also, totally! I’ll give it my best shot, thanks so much for requesting btw.
♡ Summary: when you and a certain Clone meet every now and again to help each other out you must commence in secrecy. (Also I made captain Rex a little mean in this one, which I know isn’t exactly him. But I think of his sternness is more job driven)
♡ Content: MDNI, 18+, afab, smut, blowjobs, face-fucking, oral, praise, Hand-job,
♡ A/N: okay because I was kicking my feet giggling while writing this, I love captain Rex! Hope you guys enjoy!
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There was no doubt that Captain Rex's presence brought a sense of reassurance and stability. His years of experience and leadership were evident in the way he could effortlessly fall back into the rhythm of operations without trouble. There was a certain aura of calm competence that surrounded him, a quiet assurance that everything would be handled with precision and expertise now that he was back. His familiar voice, filled with determination and resolve, cut through the air of the corridors of the ship as he caught up on the latest developments and seamlessly integrated himself back into the fold. The camaraderie and trust that had been so easily built between you and the rest of his squadron over countless missions were reaffirmed in that moment, constantly reminding us all of the strength he had over this team.
Rex carried himself with respectable manners, but under all the layers presenting himself as a good soldier, there was a secret he’d been struggling to keep. Rex doesn’t like to lie and the weight of a lie weighs heavily on the soul. Oddly enough there's a strange comfort in the familiarity of a secret, a twisted sense of control in knowing something others do not. But beneath his facade of composure lies a sea of emotions, a constant battle between the desire to confess and the fear of consequences, each day adding another layer to the intricate web of deception.
But despite his fear of getting caught he couldn’t help coming back to you each and every time he needed help dealing with. .unfinished business. When he returned back from his mission it didn't take long for him to get his hands on you, pulling you into the closest private area the two of you could find. As a Jedi, it is said that you must be faithful to the spirit of code, putting one’s selfish desires first is against the way of force. A Jedi must follow in order to stay true to oneself, especially when it comes to romantic relations. Though it was said if it was a pure attachment, there was no harm. So what's the problem in having a little fun?
So there you were, hiding away somewhere throughout the ship, in a cramped storage closet down on your knees for your second in command with his cock in hand. How it was a sight to see. You leaned in and placed a soft kiss against the tip of his cock causing it to jerk from the sensation. “I’ve missed you” You said to him softly. Rex looked down at you, watching as you would specifically choose the next spot to place a kiss on his cock, paying close attention, each time waiting for the impact of your soft lips to meet his sensitive shaft. “Mphm i’ve missed you too” He said through the back of his throat doing his best to keep any unwanted sounds to escape as he spoke back to you, the last thing he wanted was for people to hear the two of you through the door.
These moments that were shared between you and Rex were never rushed, especially if it had been some time since the two of you last saw each other, you made sure to give him whatever it was he possibly wanted. Your lips hollowed around the head of his cock, your tongue sliding against the base, feeling each and every one of the veins running along the base, pulsing with every stroke. You were always so gentle, but sometimes too gentle. . to patient. Don’t get him wrong Rex loved how much care you put into pleasing him but sometimes, all he wanted was to throat fuck you, watching as your tears streamed down you face, drooling like crazy over his cock.
His hands would travel down to the back of your head. Reaching down, his fingers entangling with your hair. Rex was growing impatient and wanted to see just how much control he could have over this situation. He started pushing your head further down the length of his cock, directing your head, forcing it to pick up to pace. The sudden push caused you to choke down on him, but unlike normally he didn’t let you back up for air. He needed to throat fuck you and your pretty face.
Rex’s hips began helping with the process, thrusting himself deeper into the back of your throat, the tears in your eyes began to brim from the constant gagging. “Awh fuck, such a good girl for me” He spoke out to you in a breathy groan, doing his best to keep quiet. Your hands gripped onto his thighs tight, your nails digging into his flesh doing your best to gain some traction. As he continued to pump into the back of your throat, it wasn’t long before you began rapidly patting his thighs, signalling him to let you breathe. Rex pulled his cock out of your mouth, you gasped out for air as strings of saliva broke from the separation. You grabbed the base of his cock, and continued to pump it rapidly as you caught your breath. After a quick breather you were ready to put his cock back in your mouth, he was quick to grab the back of your head, thrusting himself back into the depths of your throat once more.
“Look at me,” he said sternly and that you did. You were obedient, you listened to his command, it drove him insane. “Such a good girl, Look how well you take my cock” Rex said praising you, his words caused your stomach to flutter, his praise was enough to make you cum alone. You looked up at him through your lashes, tears streaming down your face, this was a sight to see and if he was honest he didn’t want it to end not now, not ever. His head rolled back, clenching his jaw as his breathing became hitched. Rex pushed your head back quickly, giving you just enough time for you to get a breath of air before pushing you back down on him once again. His gaze never left the sight of his thick cock getting buried deep into the back of your throat, as he rammed himself into you.
“Ah. thats it baby” he groaned, his thrusts were becoming sloppy, you could feel it, he was growing close, getting ready to shoot his cum down the back of your throat. Muffled moans escaped your mouth, sending vibrations throughout his cock “shit “ he cursed under his breath, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep going, he was getting closer by the second.
He pulled back, freeing you, allowing you to breathe. His one hand gripped his cock jerking himself off while the other moved up to your face, his thumb placing it against your lips, forcefully opening your mouth. His thumb pressed down on your tongue holding your mouth open. Rex was on the edge getting ready to release, in a few quick movements he placed his cock just above your mouth. “Stick your tongue out for me baby” he asked you softly and that you did. Sticking your tongue out, watching as he gave his cock a few more pumps feeling his hot cum fall onto your tongue. Rex let out a few loose pants before his hands gripped your hair, pulling your head back to get a better view of your face. “swallow” closing your mouth you did what you were told and swallowed his cum. A smirk coming across his face, releasing your hair and gripping your face squishing your cheeks together “good girl” he pushed your face away from his hands.
Rex was swift to clean himself up, putting the bottom half of his armour back on. He looked down at you, still there on your knees. “Get cleaned up, we have a meeting to attend” and just like that, he opened the storage closet door, slipping out and leaving you there in your own thoughts
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@allicat0 signing off . .
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