#i would love this
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caffieneaddictt18 · 2 months ago
okay but like… 141 with a partner who has chronic lower back pain.
I feel like Price would notice when you cant bend down mostly cause he likes sneaking peeks at your ass and notice the way your hand reaches around to press into the muscle. “You alright, luvie?” “Yeah. Fine.” He can just tell from the strain in your voice that it hurts, so he gets up and grabs a bottle of lotion. You’ve told him before that you have chronic lower back pain, and sometimes it flares up. Not too bad, but other times you can’t get out of bed. So he takes the lotion and gently guided you to the couch and has you lay down on your tummy as he pushes your shirt up just enough to massage the tender skin, muscles, and aggravated nerves. He might give it a kiss after and then he’ll flip you over and ask for his reward 😉
I headcanon that Simon also has chronic back pain, so he knows all about it. He has all the stuff for it already. Ice packs, heating pads, massage lotion, all the goods. So when you tell him that you have chronic lower back pain, he doesn’t even blink. However, whenever you have a flare up, he is always right there to help. He’s also one to remind you to not do too much just because it feels good today, when you inevitably ignore him and have a flare up so bad you can’t get out bed, he is also the one to take care of your bedridden self. "I told you, luv." "Yeah, yeah..."
Johnny would be the one that you have to sit down with and explain to him your situation, and then he would be like "Oh, yeah! I get that sometimes!" and you have to be the one to break the news that what he feels sometimes, you feel all the time, and you can see it break his heart. Now he doesn't let you do anything the moment he sees your hand on your back. You are ushered to your comfortable bed that he bought after you explained your pain to him, with a heating pad/ice pack for your back, a full water bottle, and the remote for the tv, as well as your phone, in case you need him as he finishes whatever you had to do for the rest of the day. He also does it in half the time... jerk (not really, just a man who is deeply in love with his soon-to-be wife)
Gaz, you see that he gets it. He kind of immediately understands. He does ask for you to trace where the pain is on him, so he can get a better understanding of it. As you spread your fingers to cover the entire area of where your pain would sit on him, or at least a similar equivalent, tracing up and down to where it spreads, he asks what it feels like right now. And you tell him that it's at baseline right now: that you can move fine, it's just with that added pain that you feel every day. From then on, he is aware of whenever flare-ups start. It's fucking weird too, like, sixth sense weird. You could have a normal day, and when you head to bed, you see Kyle laying out your heating pad and placing a water bottle on your nightstand. "What are you doing?" "Just got a feeling, darling." And the next morning, a random flare up, like he fucking thought. "How did you know?" "Cause I know you, darling." Then he'll kiss your forehead and be at your beck and call all day.
If it was a poly!141, I have a feeling that Simon would take point when he could. But if you both are down for the count, Price would take point on making sure that you both have everything you need, stationed in the living room, one on the couch and one on the old recliner that Price tends to populate. And then, at the end of the day, its a huge cuddle pile and movie night.
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*satan and Lucifer standing side to side*
Belphie: *who put bleach in lucifer's shampoo as a prank , and now Lucifer also have blond hair*
Mammon: .....do you see the ....resemblance-
MC *speechless*: I do I do unfortunately....
Belphie: wait satan I can explain-
*Cue to satan and belphie fighting*
Asmo: funny how lucifer's hair got bleached but satan is the angry one~
*MC and mammon in their own world*
MC: guess who's the daddy now ~
Mammon: PFFFFT-
Lucifer: is someone gonna fix this or not?
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thatmexisaurusrex · 9 months ago
I kind of want there to be a Tommy, Actually ep in S8 or S9. I want the episode to reflect Buck, Actually, but maybe end on a cute romcom moment where Buck and Tommy take a big step in their relationship. Maybe it’s moving in. Maybe it’s getting engaged. Maybe it’s “I love you,” though, I feel like they would say that early on in S8. But I want something momentous to happen in the end and maybe mirror the queer couple from Buck, Actually too.
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boiler-guy · 1 year ago
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whiterexpper · 1 year ago
Do you guys think that once the characters of nevermore start remembering their timeline and where they were and who they were
They’ll eventually get wind of others, like if they knew Duke was an illusionist , he would be sorta famous right ???
And it seems Pluto knew but he could’ve just gotten that from the poster
But still
What if some of them got news or knew about Lenore and Annabel’s death?
Like if it were in some news papers or a known tragic story among the future before dying out as just another tragedy ??
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darlsbardlife · 11 months ago
Imagine going to the club and they just play the Epic soundtrack—
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hannahg365 · 21 days ago
Uk ler how do you feel about, your ribs getting attacked while i blow raspberries on ur neck
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cyazurai · 1 month ago
My UDC sims are finally having babies again, and there have been 3 pregnancies (4 including one that hasn't given birth yet). They've all been single babies.
Has my game finally gotten past its obsession with multiples?!
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yourlocalpizzarat · 1 year ago
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see this is how ads get me
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bosesmikas · 1 year ago
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Uhh? YES!
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elliottexists · 2 years ago
so im convinced that the announcement happening on friday 28th on blue peter will be a doctor who confidential reboot and heres why
1. david tennant already confirmed at a convention that there was some kind of behind the scenes filming going on during the 60th anniversary filming. whether thats just some extra content for the 60th or the start of a new series of confidential, we dont know but either way im excited.
2. this week the official doctor who youtube channel has posted 2 dw confidential clips both of which have been from david tennants era. this could be to get people interested in behind the scenes videos again or maybe remind people that confidential existed or it could be a little hint because the dw team like doing that sort of thing.
3. dw confidential first aired when russel t davies was showrunner and as hes returning it would make perfect sense for him to bring back some of what he did back in 2005.
4. blue peter is a really good place for this to be announced as its a good way to introduce kids back into doctor who because we all know that rn doctor who doesnt really have much of an ethusiastic young audience as its pretty much fallen out of the public eye completely. also if you think about the demographic for blue peter its very much aimed at kids who are still young but old enough to get involved in things like doctor who so i think itll work really well in restoring that younger audience again.
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thishumanformislimiting · 10 months ago
wait. i wanna go.
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boltlightning · 1 month ago
not watching severance and succession means i log on the day after an episode and everyone is like SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP THEYRE SO INSANE FOR THIS and the image cited is a man in a suit standing still in an otherwise blank, fluorescently-lit hallway. i'm happy for you guys or sorry that happened
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sabertoothwalrus · 5 months ago
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let's get ✨vulnerable✨
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scapegods · 3 months ago
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Chosen of the Wolf
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