#i won’t rest until neteyam comes back
aisforarlili · 21 days
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background character in atwow.. GIRL. The resemblance to Neteyam is crazy
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melbee · 2 years
My Purpose
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pairing: Neteyam x EywaHealer!Reader
summary: The same way Ewya had brought you your gifts, was the same way she brought you to Neteyam. So, when sacrifice leads to fatal injury, you will stop at nothing to make sure your love is safe.
note: thanks @directioner5life for the request! You asked for a fix-it fic, and I am happy to oblige :)) (I have my thoughts on the whole death scene, and I'm going to be writing my theories soon.) Hope you enjoy my loves! xx
warnings: Mention of being shot, blood, Angst, and some sadness. Fluff at the ending though *cries*
word count: 1,984
Your mother had said you were chosen for something. Ewya had gifted you to her in a time of great sorrow, and that the seeds of the sacred tree had blessed you during your birth ceremony.
You had flourished in medicinal value, your powers having the ability to heal the sick and injured. Your mother was proud of your accomplishments, but you couldn't help but feel the oddity in your abilities.
Growing up you were protected because of your gifts, sheltered from the world, and picked on by other Na’vi kids because of it. It didn't help that with every recoup in another's health, you could feel your body drain in tiredness.
Some days were worse than others. And some days you wished it would all disappear.
That was until you met Neteyam.
The eldest son of Toruk Makto, leader of the Omatikaya Clan, Neteyam was the poster boy of being groomed for greatness. At first glance you had felt him to be too protective, but you realized his earnest love and commitment he had for his family was admirable.
That was one of many reasons that made you fall in love with him. Your mother often joked that you two would make a great pairing as Tsahik, and that you should start counting down the days until you two would mate in front of Ewya.
If only your mother knew there were quite a few close calls.
So, when the RDA had arrived back on Pandora, and Neteyam's father, Jake Sully had to step down from his position as Olo'eyktan, you were shocked. The Sully Clan was leaving, and you were determined to follow them anywhere.
So, you did.
This led you to the Metkayina clan, where you along with the Sully clan sought refuge in order to save your people. You had gone, much to the disheartened approval of your mother. Her last words before you left were,
"Help the Toruk Makto and his family. Ewya has given you the gift to do so."
Now the RDA and their task force of recombinants were beginning to close in on you and using every Pandora creature and village to push you out.
"Ma Neteyam, please." You cried out in earnest, latching onto him as the surrounding sounds of war cries were evident all around you. The RDA had kidnapped some of Neteyam's family including Lo'ak, Kiri and little Tuk. Tsireya had also been caught, and evident by the Metkayina's response they were just as displeased.
"No. I have to go y/n. I have to save my family." Neteyam who was getting ready to leave with the rest of the clan, held close to you. He wrapped his arm around you, his hand gliding over your face before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against your neck. "Go help the injured, there will be casualties."
You frowned, tears beginning to well in your eyes. You knew you couldn't ask him to stay, Neteyam was always the strongest in your relationship, and in life. He couldn't let his family die. You reached for the same hand he held to your face and pulled it toward your own heart. "Eywa has led me to you. Now you must be strong and lead your family to safety."
Neteyam smiled leaving one last kiss on both your eyes, a sign of earnest love and affection. "When I come back, and this is all over..."
You stopped him, your tears mixing in with your mournful laughter. “I would do anything for you Neteyam. Just promise me you won’t-” Your voice cracked, your head shaking as you tried to stop any unnecessary emotion from spewing all at once. “Just come home.” You looked up at him and smiled, holding his hand tightly.
Neteyam nodded his head, his eyes beginning to shine with unshed tears, before he pulled you both up from your sitting positions and stood back. You followed him as you both walked together, the sounds of rushing feet and the splashes of water as clan members of the Metkayina latched onto their Elu’s and the warrior’s prepared their tsurak (skimwing).  Neteyam had gathered with a few of the friends and siblings of Tsireya’s, and they began calling to their Elus. 
Before you knew it, they had left, and you were stranded to deal with those who stayed, and the frightful response that endured. You quickly made yourself available however, and it came to the point where many had left to join the fight. You knew you should’ve stayed like Neteyam had said, but something in you felt you needed to go.
Watching as a few members of the Metkayina left you, you went over to an Elu you had learned to ride previously and got on. Latching on you swam quickly after them. Neteyam and the rest of the clan had traveled north to where the Tulkuns were located, and evident by the smell in the air, you could tell one of the RDA ships was nearby.
You braced the Elu tightly, its soft squawks, reminding your beating heart to be careful.
Arriving at the scene, nothing could’ve prepared you for what you were about to see. So much so, you had troubles choking back the sob bursting from you.
Why great mother. You thought to yourself in anguish.
A fire had struck out, and multiple RDA ships crashed out into the rocks. However, what made your heart burn was the sight of a Tulkun and its newborn laying cold as it drifted away in the water. Your heart burned, and the unshed tears began to fall.
You had long known the RDA and group of humans posed a threat to your home world, but you never knew how much damage they could create.
Up ahead you heard commotion, you saw yelling, and the sounds of gunshots, and the familiar voice of the Sully family. You gasped, clicking at your Elu to swim forward, as you swam slowly toward the sight before you.
You could see Lo’ak much to your relief and the rest of the Sully family, including Tsireya, your eyes squinted as you scanned for the familiar face of your beloved, but couldn’t see it.
Up ahead you saw an Ikran swoop by, Neytiri perching onto the jagged rocks, as she crouched down. It was then you could finally see the circle of commotion around a singular body.
Your heart fell silent, your body taking over as you began whispering prayers underneath your breath that the reality wasn’t true. Tsireya, who had been consoling Lo’ak looked up when she heard you. Her eyes softened as tears welled in her eyes, the look of apology written on her face.
“No...” You whispered, you left unto the rock, your eyes blind to everyone around you except for Neteyam. “No... my Neteyam.”
You looked upon his shaking body, his eyes squinting beneath the setting sun, as you tilted down to see his hand as well as Lo’ak’s trying to put pressure on the obvious wound. Blood was spilling everywhere, mixing in with the waves of water that crashed next to you.
Jake who was right next to you, put a hand delicately on your shoulder, you looked up shaking your head. “I can fix this... I- "
Jake nodded in earnest, “Please.” He looked over to Neytiri who looked blankly in disbelief. “Please. For our son.”
You crouched over Neteyam, the tears in your eyes now hitting his chest as he shuddered, his eyes dilating as he began to go unconscious. You gasped pushing your two hands onto his chest, urging him to stay awake. “Please, my love. Stay awake.”
Neteyam’s ears twitched at your familiar voice, a ghost of a smile evident on his face. “Y/n I- "He began to choke on air. This was enough for you to close your eyes and begin reciting your prayers.
Everything about this was familiar to you, you couldn't put on one hand how many times you had recited these same prayers to injured Navi, but this was different. Neteyam was everything to you. He had been the one pillar that stood tall throughout the entire time you had known him.
Your visions began to burst in colors, the familiar songs of ancestors reaching out through your mind as you felt your body move in harmony. You were asking, no demanding for Ewya to heal him. You felt the sensation reach through your chest and to your fingertips.
You heard Neteyam continue to struggle, as your voice grew louder as well as your tears. You would not give up on him.
Visions flashed through your mind, memories of the first time you met him, the first time you loved him. You could see it crystal clear in your mind, his adoring smile, the way he caressed you, his laughter bubbling out into a crisp day outshining any cloudy thoughts in your mind.
“Ewya gave me a purpose.” You used to joke with Neteyam, on one of the many excursions through the forest. “And initially I thought I was some sort of vessel but… I think she wanted me to meet you.”
Neteyam smiled, his hand reaching over to grasp your face. “You are my purpose.”
You felt the memory fade, as white invaded your visions, you felt your head reach up in shock, your hands trembling as you felt your powers surge into Neteyam. You smiled, before your vision began to fade, and you felt reality come back to you.
Your vision wobbled slightly, feeling the pain and tiredness roll over you. The sun had now set to twilight, the fire beside you from the RDA ship twinkling menacingly in the corner of your eye. You looked around realizing most of the Sully clan had left, which most likely had to do with the fact that little Tuk and Kiri were not evident on your arrival.
You tried focusing on one thing at a time, your mind feeling as if you had been run over by a ship. You looked down at your hands, which still laid peacefully on Neteyam’s chest, layered with his blood. You moved your hands, to see much to your relief, that the bullet wound was gone. Your eyes then cast their gaze on Neteyam’s face, who other than a few bruises, slept peacefully.
To make sure that it wasn’t a dream, you pushed your head down to his chest where his heart laid. You could feel the resounding thump in chorus to your own, and you couldn’t help the tears fall once again. You felt yourself smile, nuzzling into his chest. “Oh, my Ewya… thank you.”
You didn’t know how long you laid there, until you felt a hand creep up your neck, and to your hair, where it patted gently. You gasped, looking up to see Neteyam’s eyes fully open and a smug smirk placed happily on his face. “Well look at that, my own savior.”
If it wasn’t for the way his playfulness exacerbated from his body, you wouldn’t have furrowed your brows in frustration. “Neteyam!” You slapped him in the chest, as he groaned. You gasped, before scowling as he let out a laugh, pushing up from his lying position.
“Y/N…” He grasped your hands with his own, oblivious to the fact that blood still caked your fingers. “I was right.”
“Oh?” You thought curiously, smiling in disbelief that Neteyam still faced your own. “What is that?”
“You are my purpose.” Neteyam grinned, reaching up to caress your cheek, before leaning in to grasp your lips with his own. As you kissed you couldn’t help but feel he was right.
Perhaps that was it. Your mother had said you were a gift. You had a purpose in life. And maybe that purpose in life was in fact intertwined with his.
You were Neteyam’s, as much as he was yours.
taglist: (comment or dm and ask if you want to be in my taglist!)
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
When someone insult you
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One way to cause tension and trouble for someone on Pandora will be by insulting one of their family members. As it will show, you disrespect someone you love and care about and think nothing bad will happen to them after saying hurtful words. These hurtful words can have any effect or consequences on anyone involved.
Jake x reader x Neytiri
evil demon women
It was a sunny and hot day you had taken the kids out for a swim near the water for some fun, and relaxation as there was no task for the day. Your spouse had been gone of the day so you were just with the kids today, but you are still enjoying your time with them. Some other families had arrived as it seems like, they all had the same idea as well.
tuk " mama can I have some fruit please I'm hungry"
y/n " sure sweetie" you had take out some fruit and cut in half give some to tuk, as she smiled and eat some of the fruit.
tuk " thank you mama" tuk soon hugged you before she ran off back towards the water.
navi women " look at her that dreamwalker has found a way to infect our clan"
navi women 2 " she acts all high and might just because she mates with neytiri and Jake sully"
navi wonen 3 " she just some evil demon women" you had become sue to everyone words and gossip towards you, as some of them hated the idea that you are with two heroes of the clan. At the moment you are avoid conflict as you didn't wish for any trouble with them.
????? " hey" a voice had been heard getting everyone attention, you soon looked up and saw your eldest son neteyam.
neteyam “ you will not speak to my mom in that behavior”
y/n “ neteyam”
neteyam “ no mama they are being rude and I … we won’t stand for it”
Kiri “ yes they are being rude mama and it should be addressed”
loak “ we not let anyone be rude to our family”
y/n “ kids”
Tuk “ mama says if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all” the group of ladies looked taken back of what the kids had said to them. As you had stood there looking at them as the women seem to be regretting what they had said towards you.
y/n " come on kids lets go home right now we can spend the rest of the day together there"
neteyam " oh yes our dad and mom will be learning of this whole situation, lets hope to has a good outcome for you all"
y/n " come on neteyam"
neteyam " coming mom" the kids had soon walked home with you and you had embraced them into a group hug, proud of them standing up for family.
lo'ak " so are we in trouble"
y/n " no it all good no one is in trouble now come on lets get home, and maybe I can make a very sweet snack for my wonderful kids"
kids " yes" you and the kids had soon gone home as it soon started raining, the kids had been able to keep themselves entertained while you made them snacks. Later on in the day Jake and neytiri will find out the truth of what happened, and they were not happy Jake had to hold back neytiri. The ladies had been order to stay away from you until any other word given from your mates and you.
Jake x tsu'tey x reader x neytiri
It had started off a peaceful and good morning for you, as you had been working out of the humans bases. You are also enjoying the sun hitting you skin it seems like it was going to be a good day. Now there was only the wait for your kids and mates to get here, as they promised to come over and have morning meal with you.
y/n " they will be here soon should I make some juice for us or maybe pick some fruit ... it can do anything to help with some of the meal" you had decided to pick some fruit and make into juice for the family, as you were picking some fruit you were humming a song.
????? " what is that sound"
???? " I don't know but it coming from over there" you had soon heard movement coming towards you, and soon saw some navi from the clan.
y/n " good morning"
navi women " oh it just you"
y/n " yes it just me good morning as well let hope, the great mother blesses us with a good day"
navi man " she will not need blessing from a demon like you"
y/n " excuse me"
navi women " you heard us you and your demon kind have wormed your way into omadtikayaia clan and have ruined them, by become mates with them and having half navi children"
y/n " I know we have hard time getting along with other navi ...."
navi man " no matter what you do demon you will never be one of us and mostly the demon child you have as well"
y/n " we are not demons"
navi women " yes you are demon and we will make sure no more clan get effected by the likes of you" the demon soon had shoved you to the ground, she was about to grab you again.
???? " mama" tuk soon came running and soon held tight onto you, as the three other kids had came and started hissing at the two adults.
neteyam " how dare you touch my mother and hurt her"
lo'ak " you messed up big time never mess with a sully"
kiri " mama are you okay" kiri and tuk had helped you onto you feet as you soon look, at the two adults.
navi women " looked what we have here two sure born navi and two demon blooded kids"
y/n " you can insult me all your want but leave my kids out of this"
navi women " what are you going to do about demon" the women had hissed at you but she was not acting all pride, when she soon had been take to the floor.
neytiri " how dare you insult my wife and kids"
navi man " hey we were just teaching her and those demons a lesson" the man had soon been punched hard in the face by no other then Jake, and soon someone tossed him towards the women and that was Tsu’tey.
Jake " no you dare speaking to my wife like that ever again, or we will have more trouble here"
Tsu’tey " you two don't have any rights to come near y/n and our kids"
navi women " we were just voice how other feels"
neytiri " then your parents have failed you two on teaching you two to bid your manners, our y/n has done more then you will ever do"
Tsu’tey " no leave and stay out of straight and ear shot if we see you again near here, with our a good reason and causing trouble it will not be good for anyone" the pair had gotten up quickly and soon ran off leaving the family alone.
neytiri " ma y/n are you okay"
y/n " I'm fine neytiri no need to worry thank you all for standing up, for me it makes me feel good"
neytiri " if that women ever come back here again tell me and I will deal with her"
Jake " yes and I and Tsu’tey can deal with her buddy over there"
Tsu’tey " yes we will make them play"
y/n " thank you all but for now more violence at the moment, let go have some breakfast"
tuk " yeah we were able to save mama and now we get breakfast"
y/n " yes we do"
neytiri " we brought some stuff over to cook with as well"
y/n " good now come along" the group soon followed you home, the situation of this morning had soon speed the rest of the clan. it say no one was happy will be a understatement as, everyone was upset about the words that were spoken towards you and the clan. The duo had been made to say sorry by their clan leader and promised to keep their distance from the clan until notice,
Tonowari x reader x ronal
false navi
It a good day in the village a very funny and warm day and the clan was going on with their day. The same could be said about you and the kids, as you are with them near the shoreline collect materials while the kids goofed off here and there. Making you laugh as you had looked at them being kids and making sure to have fun today.
rotox " ahh aonung no fair" aonung and shoved his brother into the water soon, gaining your attention as you look at the two boys.
aonung " oh come on I'm just playing around"
tsireya " you two are so childish" the two boys soon looked at each other and soon smirked, when they looked to their sister and before trsireya could do anything. They had tackled her into the water getting a scream from her and laughs from her brother.
tsireya " hey"
rotxo " oh come on baby sister you should of seen that coming" tsireya soon started a water fight with her brother as you stood there laugh and looking at them.
kids " mama"
y/n " be nice all three of you and not hurting each other please"
kids " yes mama" the kids had went deeper into the water having their battles still going on, as you stood there watching them. You had been standing there for a while before you had waked off.
navi women "excuse me y/n"
y/n " hello how may I help you ladies"
navi women 2 " well us and some of the clan were wondering if you are true navi or false navi"
y/n " excuse me"
navi women 3 " yes after ing the olo'eythan you have failed time to time again, to have a kids with him while ronal has three kids ... are we sure you are actually navi or just some unwanted child the great mother gave your childish parents"
y/n " that is none of your business the great mother will bless me with a child, when the time right"
navi women 4 " are we sure because if you are false navi maybe it time, to have someone become the perfect mate and perfect navi to our clan"
navi women " you have these kids call you mama when you are no a mom to them"
y/n " I will not waste me time with you all anymore good day" you were about to walk away from the women, when big splash of water, had hit the women.
navi female " ahh"
navi women " who did that"
????? " it was me" the group of women and you had looked and saw it was aonung on his IIu.
Aonung " how dare you insult my mother like that"
navi women " mind your manners young man"
aonung " you should mind your manners when you are speaking to my mother, a very import women in the clan"
navi women 2 " we are speaking to her that all"
rotxo " you are being rude toward her and we heard everything you had said"
tisreya " yes and we will make sure to tell our parents about what you said, I wonder what they will think about how you all acted" a crowd had form due to all the fighting that was going on right now.
y/n " kids"
tsireya " you will start showing our mom respect"
???? " what going on here" tonowari and ronal soon had arrived, they soon walked towards you and the kids.
ronal " ma y/n and children what has happened"
aonung " these women were insulting mama mom they called her a false navi"
ronal " false navi"
aonung " yes they said she was a false navi because she failed to give father a child"
ronal " you dare insult my wife like that"
navi women " we had been speaking what is true she has failed to have a child with the olo'eythan"
tonowaro " how dare you speak to y/n like that after everything she has done for the clan, you all make me sick and not only insulting her you insult my whole family"
ronal " my family as well" ronal had gotten closer to the women and hissed at them, making them step back from her as ronal was very mad and so is tonowari.
tonowari " ma y/n are you okay"
y/n " I'm good now"
ronal " you are hear by not allowed to come near her or the children until I and tonowari deem to far enough, and your words and actions today might reflect your families and mates as well"
navi wonen 3 " wait no please"
tonowari " enough the tshaik has spoken I will decide on the offers I was going to give your mates, but for now leave before you all do anything else ... if anyone thinks the same speak now so we can deal with you all" no one dare to speak right now as it bad idea, the women had been escorted away getting glares some everyone else. Your mates and kids had taken you home as they comfort you about the whole matter.
tonowari " dont pay them any mind ma y/n you are the perfect mate, perfect mom, and perfect navi"
ronal " yes and one day you will be blessed with a kid"
y/n " yes I know the day will come"
tsireya " we love you mama"
y/n " thank you kids and my wonderful mates" the family had spent the rest of the day together, having a good time along with making sure you are okay as well. Tonowari and ronal had made sure the group of women stayed far away from you, and the kids their mates had apologized to you and were able not to be affected of what happened that day. You knew the day will come when you will be blessed with the another child in your life and family.
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 months
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Neteyam is angry with his beloved, and doesn’t know what to do with those feelings.
The anger deep in the pits of his stomach is manifesting in restlessness. Neteyam cannot sit still. He is pacing, throwing his arms around, shaking, anything to keep the thoughts at bay.
The image of her, bloodied, gone from him forever. He can’t shake it. Her last breath shuddering from her chest, while he wails at her side.
He throws his head back, squeezing his eyes tightly shut, willing the picture away.
“Neteyam?” his mother’s calm voice comes from just outside his mauri pod. “Come,” she beckons, and like a good son, he follows.
His mother leads him to her, where she sits at Lo’ak’s bedside, holding his hand while the healer tends to him.
He stares at her chest, watching it rise and fall, taking in healthy breaths. Her eyes dart around as tears pool in them, threatening to spill over onto her dirty cheeks.
She looks up and sees him, and clouds cross her face. His mother kneels next to her and gently nudges her, until his mate to be releases Lo’ak into his mother’s care and stands up to join Neteyam.
He turns and exits, and his beloved follows.
Far away from any prying ears, Neteyam leads them to the beach, not stopping until they are ankle deep in the quiet waters.
“I’m sorry, Neteyam,” the woman says with fear in his voice, and his anger only grows. “I did try to stop him. I’m so sorry.”
Neteyam hates himself. He hates himself for being blind, and foolish, and angry. This woman was promised to him when they were only children, and he took her for granted these nearly 18 years since. She was always there, and he grew accustomed to her presence. He forgot to delight in her.
Seeing her this morning, on the ground next to his brother, covered in blood and as still as the stars, sent such a panic and rage through him that he realized it for the first time.
The depth of his love for her. The way her smile and voice are like a warm embrace. How much he needs to see and touch her every day. How desperate he is to claim her as his own, in every way.
She is everything to him, and he thought he had lost her.
“When I saw you there, I thought you were dead. I thought I’d lost you forever.” His voice is small, measured, and he is so close to breaking into tears.
She reaches out to him, and he leans into her touch, her fingers gently resting on his cheek.
“I’m whole, ‘Teyam. I would not leave you yet.”
He opens his eyes to see her smiling.
“I’ve been so angry all day that you put yourself in danger.”
Her smile fades and he knows, for certain, that she did not realize he cared that much. He has failed her in this.
“I’ve done you a disservice, by not expressing to you before now how ardently and wholly I love you.”
He would have been too embarrassed to say the words before today, but nearly losing her has changed everything.
“You are everything to me. Absolutely everything,” he says. “I won’t lose you. Not due to your own misplaced bravery, or my brother’s foolishness. You won’t be out of my sight, from this moment forward.”
He doesn’t care how controlling it sounds. He won’t risk her for anything. Nothing else compares to her.
She steps forward and wraps her arms around his waist. He pulls her tightly to him, breathing in the saltwater scent of her braided hair as he rests his chin on the top of his head.
“I love you too. You can be my shadow, if it brings you comfort.”
He can feel her lips turn up in a smile against the skin of his chest, and he smiles too.
Her shadow.
That sounds good.
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beensbaee · 2 months
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𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
summary; neteyam helps his favorite girl out after she gets sick. established relationship between reader and neteyam!
word count; 2.4k
You never missed breakfast.
It was your favorite meal of the day - the time where you and Neteyam would finally see each other after the night had kept you apart from your yawne. Beloved.
During breakfasts, he’d pick the freshest fruits from his bowl and place them into yours - piling and piling the delicious treats on your plate and insisting you deserved to eat only the best. Of course you would share with him - the two of you feeding each other while Lo’ak would gag dramatically at the romantic gesture.
Neteyam had been waiting patiently for you, sitting with his empty bowl in front of him and an already assembled plate - which was overflowing with delicious fruits - placed next to him and meant for you.
The first few minutes of your initial absence were nothing concerning - you were usually always a little late. Your tardiness always gave him a laugh. He’d watch you stumble in between na’vi’s who were already seated - flustered and apologizing every time for passing through with an embarrassed smile on your face as you made your way to him.
When the clan began eating, he told himself you were just running a little more late than usual. Neytiri nudged him, asking him why he was not eating. He only smiled, fingers running over the bracelet on his wrist which you’d gifted him as he explained he wouldn’t eat until you arrived.
Jake gave his eldest son a toothy grin at his words - while Lo’ak groaned
“Seriously? You refuse to eat? She’s not gonna die if you take a bite, you know.” Lo’ak insisted, inspecting the tower of food on your plate with clear jealousy as Neteyam carefully moved it away from his brother - already anticipating Lo’ak wouldn’t even hesitate to snatch a fruit from your plate.
“Yes, I know. But I’ll eat when she comes. Jealous she has more food than you, baby bro?” Neteyam teased as Lo’ak rolled his eyes
“You know she’d share them all with me if I just asked her.” Lo’ak threw back as Neteyam grinned
“Yes. I know that.” He said, a smile on his face as Lo’ak resumed his meal, ranting on about how he’d never hold off his meal for anyone.
But Neteyam’s worriedness only grew as he didn’t hear the usual ruckus of your late arrival - his eyes searched the rows of peacefully eating na’vi and he didn’t see you at all. He also quickly realized your mother had also not come.
“Mother, I am going to check on Y/n. She and her mother are not here - may I eat with her, wherever she may be?” Neteyam quickly asked as Neytiri nodded her head with a frown
“I hope she is all right - make sure you take enough food for all of you to eat!” Neytiri called out after Neteyam as he quickly picked up your plate - bidding his family goodbye as his feet found the familiar path towards your home.
His brows were furrowed as he stood outside your sleeping area, seeing your mother and his Grandmother talking quietly
“Poor girl.” He heard your mother whisper as he slowly approached the pair with furrowed brows
“Auntie - Grandmother, Oel ngati kameie.” He spoke, his eyes worried as your mother sent the boy a sad smile
“Oel ngati kameie Neteyam. She is sick, my boy.” Your mother whispered, her quiet voice clearly indicating you were resting inside as Neteyam’s ears fell
“Sick? Y/n is sick?” He quickly asked as his Grandmother hushed him, handing Neteyam a small bottle as she turned to him with a strict gaze
“She won’t take the medicine - I have no idea why. That girl is stubborn, one of her only flaws. Do you think you can make her take it?” His Grandmother asked with urgency present in her voice as your mother gently took your fruit plate from Neteyam, giving his cheek a quick kiss before taking it inside. He smiled at her before turning back to his Grandmother with a nod
“Yes of course. She will take it.” He answered dutifully, knowing just how stubborn you could be at times. He loved everything about you - to him, you had no flaws. He did not see it as stubbornness, but determination.
“Good. Make sure she drinks the entire thing, every drop. It is necessary for her recovery. You care about her, right?” His grandmother asked as Neteyam immediately nodded his head
“Good. Now, go on.” She said, opening the flap and letting Neteyam go inside while she left, no doubt following your mother wherever she went.
You laid in your hammock, tracing the designs on the fabric mindlessly with your back towards him. He approached you slowly, his gentle hands moving forward to rest on your back
You turned at the touch of his hands - eyes confused and sleepy until you recognized the familiar boy - your yawne.
“Oh Neteyam! I missed you dearly.” You breathed out, your voice hoarse as Neteyam reached to cradle your face in his hands. He saw how tired you were and frowned
“My sweet girl, how did you get so sick? Y/n, you were fine last night.” Neteyam insisted, his voice concerned as he helped you sit up after seeing you try and fail with how tired you were.
“I am fine - just a little tired. And my throat.” You groaned, laying back down almost immediately after he helped you sit up with your arms outstretched above your head. Neteyam moved forward to feel your forehead before he let out a long sigh
“Your forehead is burning, tiyawn. Did you sleep well last night?” He questioned with a soft voice as he knelt beside your hammock, your medicine placed on the ground and out of your view as you let out a huff of breath.
“Yes! I was perfectly fine until this morning! I woke up with my head hurting and my feet aching.” You cried out as he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, hands immediately moving to massage your feet after the words left your mouth
“My poor girl.” He said, his tone was teasing - you could easily hear the playful undertone. But you still curled towards him, relaxing as his hands released the pent up tension in your feet.
“Mmm. You know you’re the best, right?” You said as you closed your eyes. You felt his hands falter at your statement, and you peeked an eye open to look at him. He continued massaging, but he was frowning now.
“You won’t like me much in a little bit.” He said with a weak chuckle as you tilted your head in confusion
“Y/n, I know you won’t take the medicine. My Grandmother asked me to -”
Your voice was hoarse as you yelled out, and Neteyam quickly put his hands up in surrender  
“Easy, easy yawne. Lay back down.” He said gently as you crossed your arms over your chest firmly
“Neteyam, please. I do not want to take it.” You murmured as you rubbed your eyes. He clicked his tongue - showing his disappointment in your words as you turned to him with a knowing look. 
“You wanna tell me why you’re so set on never taking this?” He questioned with a raised brow while holding the small bottle in the air, swishing it around as the green liquid moved inside
“I…I can’t tell you.” You stated, your voice quiet now as Neteyam clasped your hand comfortingly
“You know you can tell me anything, Y/n.” He spoke. His tone so calm after your outburst - so sincere that you felt yourself caving in from his sweet tactics
“Ok, ok. I am…afraid?” You said hesitantly, your words sounding more like a question than the intended statement as Neteyam’s eyes quickly widened
“No no, I know that look! You want to laugh!” You accused, pointing at him as he shook his head with a smile 
“Why would I laugh at such a genuine fear?” He said whilst laughing. You felt your cheeks heat up as you huffed, crossing your arms and slumping in your hammock
“I’m sorry, so sorry alright? Now, tell me why you’re afraid.” He apologized, moving closer to you as his laughter subsided
After rolling your eyes, you decided there’s no need to hide why at all
“It smells funky.” You confess as his smile only widened
“Yes. Disturbingly.” 
The way you said it was so serious - like the medicine should genuinely be investigated, and it had him laughing all over again
“Oh I am so glad my sickness is so funny to you Neteyam!” You exclaimed as he quickly shook his head, struggling to wipe the smile off his face
“Y/n, listen. My Grandmother adores you, you think she didn’t pick the strongest and most effective cure for your sickness?” He asked as he searched your eyes, seeing your once positive demeanor fall as you realized the Tsahìk would never give you a bad medicine.
Your initial thoughts was that it had rotted when you’d first smelt the absolutely horrible thing, but you realized how silly that even sounded. The Tsahìk probably made it fresh just for you. 
You thought for a bit, sitting in silence before you let out a sigh that had Neteyam’s ears perking up.
“Fine, I will drink it.” You said, looking at the medicine with hesitation as Neteyam placed a kiss on your cheek
“There’s my girl. Open up.” He said while you carefully opened your mouth for him. He untwisted the cap on the bottle, carefully tipping it into your mouth as you swallowed the distasteful thing with a strangled gasp
After drinking the entire thing - every drop - he gave you the leaf holding water beside your hammock to wash down the after taste
You were still coughing, and he gently patted your back to help you - his encouraging words never stopping as he told you how good you were
“So brave, that medicine had me shaking too, you know?” He said laughing as you joined in with him, unable to hold in your giggles as his tail swayed at the sound
“Now, push over.” He said with a playful gleam in his eyes
After talking for what seemed hours and the two of you eating all the fruits he’d brought - sleep eventually took over.
You’d slept the whole day - and when you awoke, eclipse was nearing.
Your eyes widened as you realized the entire day had gone by while you were resting, and a sigh of disappointment left your lips as you realized you’d be unable to spend the rest of your day with Neteyam - as the two of you only separated at night to go to your respective sleeping quarters with your own families. 
He must have left after you fell asleep to give you any more space you might’ve needed - and as much as you loved his generous heart, you wished he’d been selfish and stayed. 
The medicine must have made you so tired, because it was only minutes later before you were asleep again.
He awoke with his head burning and feet aching.
He groaned as he sat up, the light outside indicating it was midday by now.
He felt a soft hand on his chest lightly push him to lay back down, and he felt his heart leap at the sight of you
“Y/n?” He breathed out as you smiled sadly
“I got you sick - if you hate me, I can leave.” You whispered, and he sighed with pure relief as he realized you were better - your once tired eyes had regained their lively shine and the fact made him relax. He’d gone to sleep the night before tossing and turning - not knowing if your condition was better or if it had worsened - only contributing more to his lack of sleep and worsening his sickness
“Hate you? Never.” He said weakly with a breathless laugh that had you rolling your eyes and your arms reaching out to envelop him in a hug
“I am so sorry, Neteyam. It is my fault entirely. But I know just how to make you feel better!” You exclaimed, quickling looking into the pouch that Mo’at had given you as a pleased gasp left your lips
“Ta-da!” You singsonged as you held up the oh too familiar bottle
He let out a groan at the sight that had you laughing
“Can’t believe I’m the one taking it now.” He grumbled. Though his voice was entirely grumpy, there was a smile on his face as you opened the bottle
“There’s my boy. Open up.” You teased, throwing his words back to him as his lips parted in an instant for you.
You tipped the medicine into his mouth as he drank it all, a dribble of it trickling it down his chin as you wiped it away with a laugh
He was coughing moments later from the after taste - and like a good partner, you had water prepared and ready for him - and he drank it gratefully
Neytiri approached Neteyam’s hammock with the intention of simply checking in on him - but her steps slowed once she saw you kneeling beside him as the two of you spoke quietly
She watched with a secretive smile - the way you cradled Neteyam’s face as you peppered kisses all over him was simply adorable. She knew you’d have a heart attack if you knew she saw you kissing her son - so she began to leave, a smile on her face as she left the two of you alone.
After a lot of convincing, Neteyam let you lay with him in his hammock. You’d told him how the medicine the Tsahìk had given you would make sure you didn’t get sick again for the next few weeks - and he hesitantly placed his arms around you with a sigh - worried he’d get you sick.
“You’re so warm.” You mumbled against his skin as he merely chuckled, nuzzling his face into your scalp as he sighed
“Pretty sure that is because I’m sick.” He replied and you pretended to be grossed out
“Yuck!” You said laughing as you placed a kiss on his nose - one that had him blushing and hiding his face in the crook of your neck
It didn’t take even an hour more until the two of you were snoring away - your arms wrapped around each other as you slept safe and sound in one anothers embrace.
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blue-slxt · 9 months
Kinkmas 1
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: Merry Kinkmas! I'm so excited to participate in another event like this! Just as a heads up, a lot of my pieces this time around are shorter than my Kinktober ones. I still hope that you enjoy them though! All characters are aged up!
Kinkmas Masterlist
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Na'vi!Reader x Ao'nung
Warnings: Cockwarming, Poly Relationship, Anal Penetration, Teasing
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You were so incredibly full. It was one thing to have a mate that always wanted to be near you, but your situation was a bit unique with your two mates. It wasn’t unusual, but the two of them always wanted to be up under you at all times. Even when you slept at night, neither of them were satisfied with simply holding you. It wasn’t close enough for their liking. They opted instead to sleep with both their cocks buried to the hilt inside the welcoming squeeze of both of your holes. 
Ao'nung stayed nestled behind you, one hand resting lazily on your thigh. His light, steady breathing is only interrupted by the occasional kiss he gave you on the nape of your neck. Neteyam rested in front of you keeping you lovingly pressed into his chest. He kept a hand on your waist while his hips were angled upwards to press further into your gummy walls. 
Being pressed between both of them left you in a tangled mess of limbs thrown messily over each other.
It was hard for you to even think about sleep with both of them keeping you filled like this. Every little move let you feel both of them rubbing inside of you. 
You knew Ao'nung was a deep sleeper. There was no way you would be able to wake him with how content he was right now. 
“Teyam” you whisper.
Luckily, Neteyam was a much lighter sleeper than your other mate. He hums a response lightly to you, still keeping his eyes closed. 
“Teyam…’m so full”, you whine trying to grind your hips on him, but all that does is push you back on Ao'nung’s cock and stretch you open more. A staggered breath escapes your lips feeling the increasing pressure. 
“I know, yawne. But we need sleep tonight.” he coos gently at you. Despite you being able to feel how his dick is twitching inside of your fluttering cunt, his face is still calm as ever. 
“But Nete…need you to move…please”
“I’ll tell you what, if you sleep tonight, I’ll make sure to take extra good care of you in the morning.” he slowly drags himself out of you to just the tip only to push inch after inch back into your waiting walls. 
You bite your lip trying to stifle a moan.
“Can you do that for me, tìyawn?” He says cupping your face with his hand and rubbing his thumb along your cheek. He finally opens his eyes half way to look down at your desperate, blushing face. 
You are nothing short of gorgeous. If he weren’t so exhausted right now, Neteyam would absolutely have his way with you just like this. But he hopes that his promise of morning relief will be enough to satiate you for now. Luckily for him, you nod your head in agreement, making a small smile settle on his lips. 
“That’s my good girl”, he kisses your forehead and settles himself to try and go to sleep. 
Even though you agreed to wait until the morning, you still know sleep won’t come so soon. So you resign yourself to a long night of staring at the wooden posts of your marui until your body gives out, but Ao'nung’s voice quietly whispers in your ear, “Want me to help you out, paskalin?”
Taglist: @minnory @sussybaka10 @celess0 @funkyflamingo01 @itchaboi-itchyboy @loaksulluyswife @myloveforyouisforever @neteyams-wh0re @the-mourning-moon @wakanda-forever-andotherfandoms @zafrinaxyz @neteyamsyawntu @pandoraslxna @xylianasblog @hotdsworld @teyamsatan @sulieykte @neteyamsoare @neteyamswillow @cryinginthemoonpool @plooto @eywaite @quaritchsluts @jakexneytiri @luvv4j4ybe11 @eywascall
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erenjaegerwifee · 2 months
Summers In Pandora 🌸 Day 6 - Choking
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Paring: Aonung x Fem!Sully!Reader
Summary: Aonung just loves you so much he can't wait.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, choking, rough sex, impatient Aonung, secret relationship.
Word Count: 1.2k
Index: Tsahik - Na'vi spiritual leader, marui pod - huts the Metkayina live in.
Disclaimer: All my chracters are aged-up! If that makes you uncomfortable please don't read or interact with my post.
Main M.list | Event M.list
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“Hey y/n!” you heard someone shout for you, you spin around to see aonung running up to you, it instantly put a smile on your face, “oh, hey aonung whatsup?” he sported a smirk as he came to a stop in front of you, “Are you busy?” he asked gesturing to the basket on your hip.  
“No just have to take this for your mom then I’m done, why?” you smile as you walk towards Tsahik mauri pod. Aonung always had a way of sorting you out from other people, it always made your heart flutter, even when you had just arrived with your family, he was never mean to you. He taught you without the need to insult you like he did your other siblings, you never understood why until one night he expressed how much he wanted you, successfully had you laid out on your back until the next morning.  
Your relationship is not public, you family has no idea you’re under him any chance you get and neither does his, they have a feeling you like each other but it has never gone further than that. Aonung does however use you to tease your brothers when things get heated between them. Even if they are now friends, they still tend to fight a little more than you’d want for someone you liked so much.  
“Oh, nothing really I just, had the rest of the day I was hoping you would come out to the islands with me?” he smiles his charming smile at you. “Hm, I guess I could run away from a while...” you lead him on as you dropped of the basket and you both fan off. 
People have gotten used to seeing you both run wildly through the weaved paths, something about you just gravitated to him, you’ve not sure if it’s his tall stature or his muscular body, you have always found aonung extremely attractive. You told him you wanted to make a quick stop at your marui before you both left wanting to change into something more comfortable.  
You are the oldest Sully between your siblings being the same age as aonung at 20 years old. You were sort of mad when your parents had Neteyam but he quickly grew on you, they all did. Because you are an adult, you no longer live with the rest of your family, having your own marui now. You walk in and aonung follows you in, he shut your entrance flap behind him and immediately wrapped his arms around your slim figure. He buried his head in your neck kissing your skin, you always liked the way he dragged his fangs across your skin, “aonung stop, we can’t do this hear...” 
“Baby I spend every night here doing much worse than this to you” he chuckled as you melt into him letting him suck some fresh purple marks on your neck, “that’s different nung, everyone else is asleep at night” you giggle as his tongue tickled the stop.  
You try to walk away from him but he wrapped his palm around your throat keeping you close to his body. You gasp at the feeling, aonung has never done something like this to you but the way our body melted into him tilting your head back to hit his shoulder.  
You moan when his lips meet your neck again. His grip tightens as he runs his lips up to the base of your ear tugging on the earring he recently gave you. “Yea baby, but you like it regardless. And you’ll be quiet won’t you? Be a good girl yea?”  
His words make you shiver as you gave into him. The hand that wasn’t around your neck moved down your body to your hips squeezing the flesh before he moved it down to your covered cunt. Aonung’s finger circled your clit speeding up progressively. He made your loincloth wet with his actions. “Fuck yea, please don’t stop”  
“hmm wasn’t planning on it look at you cumming in your loincloth” he whispered in your ear. Your legs started to give out on you while you were coming and you leaned back on his body falling to the floor moaning. Aonung didn’t let you fall though, he held up for weight in his arms as he had you shiver. You’ve never been with a man who made you feel so good before it was surreal for you.  
He picked you up and walked you to your bed where he laid you on your back. Aonung untied your loincloth while you snuggled into you pillows looking up at him. He looked down at you with a smirk, “still want me to stop?” He asked as he untied your top tossing it to the side. Aonung face came down to your breast and kissed between them before tugging on your nipples with his fangs.  
Your body shivered as you felt him kiss down your body giving leaving light purple marks all over your skin. You tap his shoulder pulling his body above yourself and kissed him deeply. One of your hands drifted down his body feeling the rigid muscles under your finger tips. He was so build up and sexy, you couldn’t stop looking at him when you weren’t thinking about how good he fucks you most of the time. 
“No, no don’t stop baby” you said between kisses. You felt him smile on your lips which made your smile as you make out. Your hand made it down to the bulge in his loincloth and you squeezed his covered cock. One of aonung’s hands came up to your face holding your cheeks together as he progressively lost his composure. Even thought he is above you, it was always so hot to see him moan under your touch. It always made you feel so good when he told you that you’re the best he ever had.  
“Fuck y/n…take it off” he said in a strained voice that was also muffled on your lips. You licked  his lip getting access into his mouth and you both starting fighting for dominance. Your hands moved to untie his loincloth tossing it to the side and going right back down the stroke his cock. You broke the kiss to look down at it, it was always so pretty. “Such a pretty cock love, fuck me with it pleaseee” you begged him. “Fuck such good manners on you sweet thing” Aonung lined himself up to your cunt and thrusted into you harshly. He knew just how to make you cum so good every time. One of his hands came to your neck choking you down into the bed.  
Your head was spinning feeling his rough thrust and him choking you. His big hand wrapped she perfectly around your little throat it was so fucking hot. You could hardly breath feeling the way his cock pounded into your cunt. He was so close to making you cum on his cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck” you chanted as he pounded you.  
“Gonna cum, I-I’m gonna cum baby!!” You screamed. Aonung smirked and fucked your harder making you gush in his cock and thighs. You scream his name pushing him over the edge cumming in your tight cunt. He let go of your throat bringing his lips down to kiss and suck on his finger prints that are now on your skin. You giggle as you feel him tickle your skin with light kissed and hug up around his neck as he whispers into your skin, “always do so good for me baby” 
You don’t think you’ll ever find a better man than Aonung.  
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🌸idk why I took so long to write but I feel like I could have don’t better here. Never the less I hope you all enjoyed reading!
🌸 Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!
@rivatar @delusionalwh6re @strongheartneteyam @nilahsstuff @inlovewithpandora @neteyamsoare @m1tsu-ki @kylimarz @teymars @xylianasblog
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
hii, can you do aonung x f reader where the reader gets injured underwater and aonung doesn’t find out he sees her body being carried and he’s gets so worried to the point that he starts lashing out with angry at everyone and at the end of the day he’s just sitting on rock and he starts getting emotional and the reader comes to comfort him and they like kiss and cuddle, just him being really soft after getting really aggressive with everyone
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summary: bitten by a mysterious fish, Y/N is rushed to the tsa'hik not without worrying the crap out of ao'nung first.
1.4k words, fem!sullyreader
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You had been swimming with your siblings along with Ao’nung and Tsireya since noon.  The sun now beginning to move slowly down the sky to reveal beautiful arrays of colours.
You had been talking with Kiri and Tuk. Well, listening to Tuk talk to you and Kiri, as she went on continuous blurbs of creatures she had become fascinated with.
“Tuk is it not time to see if mum needs help with dinner? It is your turn to help today.” Neteyam said to her as he noticed his sisters increasingly disinterested faces.
“Oh no! I forgot. I hope mummy isn’t mad.” Tuk let her little hands cover her mouth as Neteyam chuckled.
“She won’t be Tuk-Tuk I promise, come now we’ll see mum. Okay?” Neteyam looked at you both as you gave thankful smiles to him as he ran out of the water with Tuk.
Lo’ak turned to you both “I thought she was never going to shut up.” As the words left his mouth Kiri smacked him on the arm.
“Don’t tease her.” Kiri scolded as Lo’ak poked his tongue out at her.
“If all you guys are going to do is wade in the water, you will never learn to swim.” Ao’nung snickered behind your ear, a sneaky hand travelling behind to rest on your waist, your chest starting to warm up as your heartbeat faster instantaneously.
“Then take us swimming, not that hard.” Lo’ak scoffed, the rivalry between the two boys being apparent in every interaction they had. Kiri glared at him again, a reminder for Lo’ak to keep his father’s words in mind.
“Of course.” Tsireya chimed in before Ao’nung could snap back at the skinnier boy. She dived into the water her body creating small ripples in the surface as the rest of the group followed her motion.
It was peaceful, all of you moving through the water together. The coolness of the sea surrounding you as you kept your eyes occupied at the beautiful sights around you. The bright colours, abstract animals and immersive sounds of the ocean around you, it was just so utterly amazing to you.
That was until you met the dark side of the ocean.
The others were way ahead of you, your distraction leading to your loneliness in the big blue sea. You were so immersed with the school of bright yellow fish in front of you, you didn’t realise there was a larger fish coming up behind you.
The fish was the length of your calf and as wide as your torso it came up behind you, its eyes seeking food, the bright yellow fish that were in front of you. As you swayed to the movement of the fish, the larger predator grew impatient.
Its large mouth opening to reveal rows upon rows of sharp pointy teeth. Sinking into the flesh of your thigh blood immediately seeped out of you.
Your painfully loud scream not only scared the big and small fish away but also alerted the rest of the group who turned to see the water around you a bright red.
The pain was unbelievable. It felt as if your entire leg was debilitated about to tear from the rest of your body and sink down into the depths.
“Shit Y/N!” Lo’ak’s shout brought you back from your flickering reality. “Kiri help me bring her back! Hurry!” Kiri swam with urgency, her and Lo’ak holding your body to the top of the water as you cried in pain.
Ao’nung was oblivious to the whole ordeal. He was never one to stay with a group while swimming and just like you took off on his ilu part way through, why? Because he was bored, why else? He’s a teenage boy.
But the fear that was sent through his body like a shockwave when he saw your pained expression and blood-stained body made his heart drop through him.
He was urgent to ride his ilu quick to shore trying to catch up to your sprinting siblings that took you to his mother’s hut. “What happened to her! What has happened?!” He shouted in an attempt to make Lo’ak or Kiri hear him. He was desperate, any sense of being reasonable about his reaction was slowly slipping away from him as he heard your pained groans grow louder.
While he shouted incoherently Lo’ak and Kiri cried out for help as they reached the village. “Help! Y/N is hurt! Please help!” Kiri screamed out as her arms grew sore from carrying your body.
“What has happened?” Ronal asked in a calm tone ushering you to be brought to her tent as your parents came out of their tent.
Neytiri gasped loudly followed with a shriek. “My baby! My child what has happened!?” You couldn’t get any words out only cries and grunts of pain as Ronal inspected your bitten thigh.
“Everyone out! Now!” Ronal rushed all of the kids out, only keeping your parents in the tent as you breathed harshly every time she applied ointment to your wound.
Outside of the tent, Ao’nung had run up to the entrance only to be stopped by his Neteyam, a handout between the curtain and Ao’nung’s heaving chest. “Can’t go in. Tsa’hik orders.” Neteyam said sternly his eyes filled with concern as another pained groan was let out from the inside of the tent.
“C’mon let me in bro.” He pleaded. He wasn’t a beggar but the desperation was changing his normal thinking.
“I can’t, its just our parents in there.”
“For fucks sake! Bro I didn’t even see what happened to her just let me see her!” Lo’ak then turned to the two bickering men, your blood still on his hands.
“She was bitten, it had torn some of her leg out and left some teeth in her thigh. That’s why there was just so much blood.” Ao’nung felt sick to his stomach, he couldn’t have not strayed off for once? Now you were in writhing pain.
“Shit…” Neteyam muttered under his breath before being interrupted by another pained scream from you inside the tent. The sound of your screams made Ao’nung scrunch his fists together, trying to not lose his cool.
Inside Ronal was stitching up your wound, the venom from the teeth still seeping into you, not lethal at all just debilitating while the teeth were in you. She needed to close the major wound first, so Neytiri cradled your head in her lap as she wiped your constant tears as both dads paced around the tent.
Soon Ronal had finished, giving you some medicine to subside the pain. “You must rest now. Do not try to move, you must call someone.” Ronal stated as she left the tent to see her worrisome son staring up at her hopefully.
“Is she alright?” He asked, his entire body fidgety.
“Go see her.” Before Ronal could finish Ao’nung was inside the tent, staring awkwardly at Neytiri and Jake.
“I- uh…is Y/N doing okay?” He was nervous talking to your parents but as he looked down to your leg to see the wound he felt sick again, there was no way you were doing okay.
“Yes…I need to go check on Tuk….yes. So could you please take care of her for a moment?” Neytiri said as she got off the ground.
“Of course! Uhm.. I mean yes. Yes I’ll take care of her.” Jake looked harshly at the boy before leaving the tent with Neytiri. Ao’nung immediately dropped down to your level, his hand tucking the stray hairs laying on your face behind your ears.
“Y/N?” His voice was soft, careful not to cause you panic.
“Hi Ao’nung…” You sounded so weak it made his heart crack, he wished he could just take all your pain away, seeing the way your face would scrunch up whenever you moved slightly.
“Do you need anything? Water? Food?” He was on your side resting on his knees as his hands cradled your face.
“I want a kiss.”
“Just a kiss, to kiss it better.”
“How can you be making jokes in this state? You need to rest.” Ao’nung laughed as you smiled up at him easing your face into his palm.
“Lay down with me please.”
“Of course.” He scooted next to you as you carefully moved to lay on his chest, letting out a small groan as your leg twitched. “Be careful Y/N.”
“Just let me sleep peacefully.”
“Sure.” He watched you shut your eyes, but noticed your hands busy fidgeting with the other. “Y/N? You’re not sleeping.”
“sleep. Kiss. Goodnight.” He scoffed at you, you were so cute even covered in blood and stitches. Leaning down, stretching his neck in an odd position he laid a soft kiss onto your lips. A kiss that would wake a sleeping beauty was the kiss given. Soft and delicate, just like you.
“There you go. Little miss needy.”
“Yup, your little miss needy.”
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed!! i didn't proofread coz its like 11pm lmao
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
The perfect child. (Sully family x reader)
Y/n…the perfect child who they say would never burn out…
You see, Y/n was a perfectionist, always striving for her parents approval, always wanting more and she was always told to do everything right. She’s the oldest after all.
Jake was strict on Y/n and Neytiri was very gentle and loving. A mothers love was like no other. Now…Neytiri loved both of her older daughters but there was always something broken between the two…she treated both the same but it couldn’t be said Jake did.
He was encouraging and gentle towards Kiri, it made her learn quicker, faster and stronger. His teachings with his eldest were harder, faster, tiring. In his mind Y/n was supposed already be perfect…that’s all he wanted. Neytiri saw it as him trying to make a monster out of her, someone who would go farther than they could imagine to protect their children…but she was their child as well..? So if he handed off the responsibility to Y/n, she’d take it right off and comfort her.
They have fought many times on the topic of the way he raised the boys and Y/n…she was there for most of the arguments and she always watched from a far blinking away tears.
Earlier that day Y/n and Neteyam were going head to head on who’s the better warrior but Jake had given Neteyam better tasks to ensure he’d succeed more compared to Y/n.
When Neteyam won, Jake ripped into how Y/n had little mistakes. Neytiri pulled him into their home and ripped at him soon after…
“I mean really Jake, Y/n fought her heart out and the only thing you cared about was picking on the little things when she had already done her harder tasks perfectly.”
“Because she always gets frustrated easily if she doesn’t do good, she needs to be perfect otherwise who’s keeping her to be stronger against the world?”
“You put all of her siblings and people against her! That little girl is mortified all the time but you don’t care! How about being a “role model”? I have heard you say to Kiri, to a little nine year old girl, ‘y/n won’t be happy for you. she’s jealous of you’”
“She is! I don’t understand why we argue on this. Y/n turns off immediately when it comes to anyone who had shown they are better and she needs to stop.”
“You have sabotaged our daughter and the rest of the kids! Our children aren’t soldiers and you will not put them against each other!”
“Y/n is talented I’ll give you that but she needs someone to keep her humble and perfect! She is practically the future of this clan and if she makes a mistake the whole clan is going to talk about it."
He wasn’t fully wrong…When Y/n failed it’s either she’d let the frustrated tears fall, or blink them away. However when Y/n finished her challenges her father was the first person she looked for, he would tell her what she still needed to work on. She felt like she needed to hear the truth, that’s what she was always used to.
In hindsight it was very sad for Neytiri to see how desperate Y/n was for her father approval. And it was equally sad to see how desperate Jake was for him to be in control of Y/n and her perfection. He would constantly put Y/n on a pedestal in public knowing it would put more weight on her.
Jake had many ways to make Y/n feel sick, it wasn’t his intentions but it felt that way.
8 year old Y/n was about to sing and dance in front of the clan, she was fully calm while her mother painted her face until Y/n noticed her dad beginning to approach her.
“Hey y/n!”
Y/n walked up to him as well and gave him a hug.
“Are you ready to be the best?”
Y/n swayed back and forth as she felt the nervousness come back up
“…I don’t know”
“Just be good. Don’t worry about anyone else.”
“I won’t! You make me nervous when you say that!”
“Do good!”
“Ok bye!”
Y/n tried to push her father out kindly, feeling overwhelmed.
Y/n gave a nervous smile at what her father slightly rushing her to be good
“You go! Please.”
“Ok I’ll let you go! Do good!”
The young girl walked back and Neytiri can tell the change in her emotions
“Are you alright?”
Neytiri looked sideways at her daughter to get more answers
“…he just makes me nervous.”
Y/n sat quietly sick to her stomach while Neytiri kept painting feeling the same way her daughter was.
For my loved ones I’d kill and I’d die for them. No hesitation. The nervousness went away once I had to protect and defend..I have…killed before. There was a day where the sky people entered in a forbidden part of the forest one where my siblings weren’t supposed to be.
There was red coming from two of the men I had killed while I turned to my siblings who were probably hidden in the forest. I didn’t hesitate, I had came out as soon as a gun was drawn…my blood ran cold. I called out for them once the coast was clear and when they came out they looked horrified.
“Im so sorry you had to see that. You aren’t supposed to be in this part of the forest you know that, we must leave now.”
They had already radioed my parents when I had finished oh…the look in my mothers eyes broke me.
They had fear. Fear for my siblings and I.
I was covered in red blood, and scars. I couldn’t even focus…I was so scared by what I had just done. My mind couldn’t remember it, I just went blank.
When my father went up to me slowly with a sly smile..
“Y/n you went on to become the greatest child warrior pandora has ever known. No one can match you efficiency, your ruthlessness!”
I felt sick to my stomach…I was only a child.
My mother rushed to hug me comforted me and repeatedly apologized…it wasn’t even her fault.
“Mother it’s ok! Truly, I just did what needed to be done. I handled it well and protected my siblings. ‘My siblings, my responsibility’. I’m fine.”
Y/n held her mother while she cried…Y/n just comforted her mom instead and blinked away her tears.
No one knew how insecure i felt…how disappointed i was in myself. I was unsure if I was even good or bad…I felt like a monster but at the same time I thrived off of the praise my father sent my way for saving my siblings. I didn’t want to play this part but i would all for him. And this week was absolutely the hardest of them all.
*day one*
Lo’ak, Neteyam and I were all training! Yesterday my father had me learn more about healing next to Kiri as one of my tasks however I couldn’t beat her to it, not when my father was watching…piercing his eyes right through me.
Once we were done he lined me up with the boys and told us what needed to be achieved by the end of the week.
“You three are to start spotting next week. I don’t want anyone here that is not focus or achieving what they’re told. If you do good it makes us look better..Y/n you didn’t do as good at healing, you’re sister beat you so you failed. It doesn’t look good for us. Let me ask this question to all of you. How many of you are training when we aren’t together?”
Y/n looked down at her fathers degrading words disappointed that she didn’t beat Kiri. She nodded to her fathers question saying
“I do..”
Jake rolled his eyes and began losing his patience at the child who couldn’t land what she was told right, lately.
“Well…get off your butt, walk over to your grandmother and train for healing instead!”
Y/n immediately looked away blinking away pained tears…she was tired already, just the night before she stayed up training so she could be ready for the harsh week to come.
Jake spoke again..
“That’s your fault!…don’t embarrass me and do it right. Now go back to training.”
Y/n walked away while her two younger brothers watched her, they later had a conversation..
!Away from Y/n!
“Bro did you see how much Y/n wanted to cry? She’s always good at everything, I don’t know why she cries! She’s the favorite!”
“There's always pressure on Y/n, I mean she wants to please our parents. She can't go to training and be anything but perfect."
Lo’ak rolled his eyes at his brothers statement.
“No duh! But cmon bro you got to admit that sometimes Y/n tries too hard for dad’s approval!”
Now it was Neteyam’s turn to roll his eyes
“She’s the eldest, she needs to be perfect. In dad’s eyes she can be fumbling with her future and it’s not looking good for the family if she isn’t perfect.”
*day three*
Since the day before Y/n spent the whole time training with her grandmother Jake made Kiri and her do an actual competition against each other on who can do stitching and healing ointments better.
Kiri was eager to beat the “perfect child” while Y/n was anxious and determined to prove her father that she has gotten better…she has no chance in winning, she was going against someone who only ever trained for healing while Y/n trained for everything in such little time.
Both of the children did well but Kiri ultimately won. Despite the win Y/n hugged Kiri and told her she’s a good healer. Jake hugged Kiri speaking words that Y/n wished was given to her.
“Even if you had the worlds biggest crown I wouldn’t be any Prouder of you than I am right now!”
The eldest child’s heart was left to yearn for her fathers love, inside she was crying for more than just being ignored. If Y/n won she was ok but if she lost she failed at everything. She didn’t understand his game anymore.
*day four*
What Neytiri never knew was how Jake sometimes encouraged Y/n to break Neytiri’s instructions to Y/n. For example when Neytiri noticed her tiredness while Y/n was helping prep food and told her to take a break from training.
Y/n took a break just like Neytiri told her and when Jake walked into the room where Y/n was watching Tuk with small tears falling because she was panicking inside knowing her father would be upset at her.
“Y/n I want to talk to you.”
Y/n got up and walked past her siblings who had heard and felt how upset Jake was at Y/n
“What’s going on? Why were you not at training and then you were crying?”
“I was crying because training is my safe space but I was just tire-“
Jake cut her off while Y/n nervously played with her hands, hold back tears.
“Nu-uh! Every opportunity I have given you, came from my heart. That was awful Y/n. I don’t deserve that, I didn’t deserve any of it. There’s always another kid, there’s always somebody else. We love you. We were ready to work with you and you sat at home!”
Jake’s hurt expression made Y/n feel worse and she began crying at the pain and disappointment she caused.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you get out of our home and tell your mother no I’m going to training!”
“I’m so sorry”
“That’s not going to cut it. It’s gonna take a long time for you to be better.”
When the family was ready to head to bed Neytiri saw Y/n’s bed empty she looked around to see the child sleeping with dried tears in a corner of a cushion where she had previously been watching Tuk. Neytiri shook her head and covered the child with a blanket knowing how stressed Y/n was.
*day five*
The whole family went to a secluded place to do training. Neytiri watched Tuk until she heard Kiri tell her heartbreaking news
“dad won’t refer to Y/n by her name. He keeps calling her ‘that girl’ or ‘her’ or ‘she.”
Neytiri turned her head to face her other children and husband.
“You! Girl in the front move to the center.”
She sighed to her husband’s teaching methods. This was his way of punishing Y/n and making her do more work to make him ‘remember her name’
Neytiri called for a break and pulled Y/n away
“What’s going on my child you don’t see happy”
“He just says girl, he doesn’t even say my name.”
Y/n embraced the hug Neytiri gave her before telling Y/n it’s ok and to go back…this time Neytiri watched from afar.
“you were gone for a day! Not a year.”
Neytiri shakes her head and got up to pull Jake
“Our daughter has a name. She has a name Jake and you better stop holding a grudge.”
Jake came back to the children and began calling Y/n by her name. Neytiri protected her.
*day 7*
Father has had me training all week and all day! I barley get any rest time, in fact I’m currently walking to where we train. It’s safer to say flying with my ikran would not have been a good idea, my tired body would bring me down with her. I was so exhausted and I felt so heavy, my heart was sinking into blackness as well as my eyes. Everything went black as I fell to the floor..
When I had woken up, I was terrified. Not because it was already eclipse or because i had fainted from exhaustion…it was because of my father. I have never done this before and I was supposed to be there to train. I ran my way back home, using up all the little energy I restored and opened my home to see my panicked family.
My father rushed to me and grabbed me by my shoulders searching for any wounds.
“I’m sorry sir, this won’t happen-“
“Damn right it won’t! You know how important training is Y/n. You will be leader of this clan soon! You must act like it. You do not show up late, you don’t act stupid, this is not ok…”
My father words began getting blurry as he yelled in my face about what I should’ve been doing instead and my body began feeling sick once again…I felt like I was drowning and my breaths were getting shorter. I can see my mothers mad face turn into worry as she slightly pushes my dad away from me.
“Y/n what’s wrong?”
I don’t know. I’m unable to speak back and I drop to my knees. My lungs felt closed up and I was struggling to catch a breath. I had tears in my eyes while my mother began talking again
“It’s ok Y/n. You’re ok. I’m here. Breath my child.”
Once my breathing got back to normal my mother allowed me to tell the story and urged me to get checked by grandmother…she didn’t allow my father to keep on yelling at me.
*day 8*
My grandmother explained that I was just having attacks and that I’d be ok! Today the clan had a dancing ceremony, I wasn’t feeling well so I opted out on joining…until my father told the clan that I’d be joining the dance later that night.
I couldn’t say ‘no’. Not when my father talked up my name…I didn’t want to let him down.
The time for me to dance in the ceremony was coming and my nerves were so high..as I was walking to where the crowd can see me I can hear my dad
the pressure got worse from then but I pushed it away.
The clan began singing and dancing but I knew all eyes were on me…I was in the center and I felt my breathing feel heavy again…then suddenly I forgot the dance.
My couldn’t hold the fake smile and I ran off to go to the side where no one can see me.
I was begging for anyone to just help me.
“No! No! No! My father is going to freak out on me…I want to go again….I’ve never done this before. Can I please go again? Please!..please! My fathers going to hate me.”
Neytiri rushed to Y/n hugging her and pulling her away from the ceremony and fellow navis who had been there eyes widened to the visibly panicked child.
“My fathers going to hate me!”
“No he’s not Y/n.”
“He’s going to hate me! I’ve never done this…I’ve never done this.”
Neytiri wasn’t fully surprised that Y/n forgot her dance. Jake and her both put way to much pressure on Y/n. She was just 15 years old. Every single week and day she had to do tasks, train and protect everyone. If something wasn’t done correctly Jake would pinch at it all. Neytiri knew when to calm her down but Jake wanted Y/n to be his perfect child…he didn’t care that he was going to burn the kid out.
“I can’t breathe…I can’t breathe.”
Neytiri pulled Y/n down to sit calming her down more before she flew her back to their home.
“y/n you’re having anxiety and your father gets you so nervous. It’s ok. You are safe my child.”
Y/n was so afraid of her father it was killing her inside..Neytiri completely didn’t know what to do. Y/n loved training but her father was beginning to make her hate it. Once everyone arrived home Neytiri sent her and the rest of the kids out to do something. She didn’t fail to notice how Jake went to go up to Y/n and her breath hitched..like she was breathing in her last final breath.
“Go outside and play all of you!”
Neytiri looked at Jake directly in the eyes infuriated.
“We need to talk. You’re incredibly rude to Y/n you need to treat her with more respect.”
“I do! It’s just that when you are in the picture she looks at you.”
“Because she is afraid of you.”
“She goes completely blank. It’s like she’s competing with you and me. She’s a great kid but she looks at you with one eye, and she gets weak.”
“All she does is feel like she fails! You set her up to fail!”
“She’s the greatest her in the division, what do you not understand?”
“You have gone backstage before performances or challenges and have said ‘be like Kiri or Neteyam!’ Who does that to their child?!”
“Why wouldn’t she want to be like them? They are great.”
“Because Y/n doesn’t need to be like them Y/n is Y/n and that is good enough.”
“For who?!”
“For her.”
“Not for you.”
“Yes it it!”
“Then why are you pushing this idea that I set her up to fail?!”
“Because you knew she was sick and you threw her in there and humiliated our daughter.”
“I didn’t humiliate her! She did it herself when she forgot the dance.”
Neytiri couldn’t hear it anymore she began crying.
"Our daughter has been a wreck all week! And now she's having these attacks because she is afraid of you. And Afraid of what you are going to do it her! And you're allowing this with the relationship that you have with our kids and me! And it breaks my heart it is horrible!”
Jake grew silent while he saw his wife break right in front of him…
“I don’t think you get it! She’s tired! Tired of trying to be perfect for everyone, tired of training, tired of doing tasks. You just know the act she puts on! The ‘perfectness’ it’s done. You are hurting our daughter. Our children. Who’s next? Neteyam? Lo’ak? Kiri? You can not keep doing this to our children.”
Tears began falling from Jake’s eyes as he begins replaying old memories of how Y/n was treated…she was just a kid..how could he fix this?..
Hope you enjoyed I just did this on the side because I’m trying to get to her stories done but I needed a breather 😊
P.S: Jake manipulating Y/n and isolating her slightly while Y/n didn’t realize really broke me! It was very obvious in the way he made her feel bad about obeying her mothers orders. She felt a lot of pressure and had many panic attacks during her childhood. This was just the first time anyone has seen it because it all became too much. She had such a strong passion for being a fierce warrior but her fathers harsh teachings is making it hard for her to enjoy the ‘hobby’ again. :(
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @ssc7514 @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @httpjiikook @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @mxn14 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @ducks118 @midnightliacr @osakis-gf @onetwo123three @briannalarae @thirsty4nonlivingmen @historygeekqueen @abbersreads @eskamybeloved @hoodiepandaninja16 @valovesyou @silentlyswimming @r3dc4ndy @onlytays
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teyums · 2 years
His Secret Admirer (Bonus Chapter) - Neteyam x fem na’vi reader
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part one | part two | part three | part four
wc: 2.4k
a/n: i cannot thank you guys enough for 1k followers!! it means so much to me that y’all enjoy my writing enough to stick around. here’s a bonus chapter of his secret admirer for y’all, as promised 🫶🏽
summary: life after mating, how neteyam treats you now that you’re pregnant with his child
contains: fluff, mention of pregnancy, older neteyam and reader
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It had been a little over two years now since you and Neteyam sealed the bond, deeming you mates for life. Your relationship was nothing but fruitful, the love you shared for each other growing more by the day— as well as the life in your stomach.
Your mother was over the moon when you broke the news to her, crumbling into a blubbering mess of happy tears and many “you’re growing up so fast”s and “my baby is having a baby”s. When she found out it was a boy, she prayed to the great mother and thanked her, telling you this was proof of your father watching over you.
Neytiri treated you like her own, always asking if you were hungry or wanted something to eat. Even when you’d say no, she’d place a bowl of steamed teylu in your lap, just in case. She constantly brought you back and forth to the healing hut so she could do checkups on the baby. She’d hover her hands over your belly, then smile wide at you when she got her answer. “The baby is strong.”
And as for Neteyam? He had been there every step of the way. He was overjoyed at the news, already coming up with baby names and fantasizing about the bundle of joy you were slowly developing. You could’ve sworn he shed a few tears when you told him it was a boy, elated to raise a little mighty warrior.
Though your pregnancy had been one of the best things to ever happen to you, the hormones coursing through your body threw your emotions way out of wack and they were completely unpredictable. How your mate responded to this? Absolutely better than you could’ve ever hoped for. Some days you were extremely irritable, snappy and filled with attitude at the most random things; to which he would massage your shoulders or feet while calmly asking you to explain what had set you off.
Other days you’d sob uncontrollably if he so much as kissed your cheek instead of your lips upon returning from a hunt, the imbalance of your emotions scaring you into believing he no longer desired you. He’d then spend the rest of the evening smothering you and your stomach in kisses, reiterating how beautiful you looked carrying his child and wiping your mind clean of your worries.
As the months went on you quickly started to show more, and as soon as your belly became big enough to require you to brace the small of your back with your hand, he was stuck to your side like glue. Everywhere you went, he went, insistent on protecting you and his unborn son.
“Neteyam, for the last time— I am pregnant. Not immobile.” You huffed, narrowing your eyes up at him. “Put me down, I want to walk.”
He rolled his eyes and smiled to himself at your sharp attitude, something that came with your pregnancy that he hadn’t minded at all. He obliged and gently set you down onto your slightly swollen feet, his hands remaining at your waist until you situated yourself.
“Thank you.” You breathed out, holding onto his bicep for balance and cradling your round bump with your free hand. “You know, there’s no need to follow me. I’m only going to grab some berries a little ways away, I won’t be long.”
“No, absolutely not.” He hurriedly shook his head before you could even finish your sentence, moving your arm to clasp around his and holding it there. “Where you go, I go. How can I protect my two babies if I am not with them?” He questioned with a tilted stare.
“If you insist.” You laughed softly, starting to walk towards the forest with him. Everything Neteyam did, he adapted to better suit you as your pregnancy went along. He kept his strides short, as his legs being longer than yours usually resulted in him walking faster than you. His eyes switched back and forth from the path ahead, then back down at you, prepared to scoop you back up into his arms if he caught the slightest hint of discomfort cross your face.
You took notice of this, and even though your feet were starting to ache you kept your calm expression. You loved how much he cared for you, really, but being pregnant already made you feel useless with the activities you could participate in now being limited; so getting out for a walk even for five minutes had become the highlight of your days.
The two of you were back at your shared tent in about twenty minutes, and as you reached the doorway you felt your breathing become a bit weighted. Neteyam was surprised you hadn’t grown tired from all the walking. He asked you many times along the way if you needed a break or no longer wanted to be on your feet, to which you declined.
“Watch your step.” He guided you in slowly, helping you take a seat on the hammock before attending to anything else. “Are you hungry?” He smiled down at you, tucking a beaded braid behind your ear. Your face had become a bit fuller from the baby and your azure skin now had a soft, dewy glow to it. He couldn’t help but admire you, his eyes filled with undeniable love.
“Very.” You sighed, thanking Eywa you were off your feet after what seemed like hours. You rolled your neck in a clockwise motion to stretch your muscles, both hands placed behind you to prop yourself up.
He nodded and walked over to the other side of the room, crouching down and reaching into a basket to pull out a wrapped up banana leaf. He returned by your side, sitting down next to you on the hammock and unwrapping the leaf to reveal cut up sturmbeest meat he had roasted earlier.
You inhaled deeply, the mouthwatering aroma flooding your nostrils and causing you to lick your lips. Before your pregnancy, you absolutely hated sturmbeest meat, didn’t like the taste nor the texture of it. But now, it was all you craved and one of the only things you had an appetite for. Neteyam instantly took note of that, always making sure a sturmbeest was the first of his catches when hunting to ensure his mate and growing child wouldn’t go hungry.
“You weren’t lying when you said you were hungry, huh.” He chuckled at your nearly drooling state, picking up a piece and holding it in front of your lips. “Open.”
You pursed your lips at him with a deadpan look on your face. “I can feed myself, you know.” You scoffed.
He ignored your remark, instead sitting there and waiting for you to do as he said with an unfazed smile. You sighed and opened your mouth, closing it and chewing after he fed it to you. You hummed at the taste, your mood immediately improving.
“See, it’s nice isn’t it?” He teased, popping another into your mouth when you quickly opened it again as a non-verbal agreement.
You swallowed, suddenly pouting as you began to feel bad. He was so sweet to you no matter how you treated him, and you knew you couldn’t help it but you hated the way your hormones made you act towards him. “I’m sorry, Nete.” You sighed.
“What for?”
“For always being so grumpy.” You muttered, dropping your gaze from his.
“Oh baby, no. There’s no need to apologize. You weren’t grumpy, just hungry.” He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand and lifted your head up by your chin, his response coming just in time to stop your eyes from welling with tears. “Now, eat up. I need my son to be as big and strong as I am.” He flashed a toothy grin at the sound of your laugh, offering you another bite.
It was well into the night now. The candles had long been blow out, only the moonlight leaking through the curtains served in illuminating your home with a sheer blue tint. You laid on your side, Neteyam tucked closely behind you and your body fitting into his like a puzzle piece. One arm folded under his head, the other lightly draped over your body to keep you close to him. His palm rested against the swell of your lower abdomen, fingers stretched protectively over your pregnant belly.
Your slumber had been relatively peaceful, until a kick against your stomach from a small foot sent a sharp pain through your back. Your eyes snapped open with a start, an exasperated but quiet sigh leaving your lips. Exhausted, your eyes slowly began to flutter back to a close when an even stronger kick jolted through you and succeeded in waking you up completely this time.
You peered down at your stomach to see Neteyam’s hand lightly resting against your skin like it was every night, gently picking up one of his fingers to lift his hand off your body. You used an elbow to push yourself up, wincing as the weight that had previously been evenly distributed was now resting all on your hips once you seated yourself with your legs criss-crossed.
You did a once over of the room and where the shadow of the moon’s luminescence fell informed you that it was indeed the middle of the night. Your back twinged painfully from the commotion in your stomach and you whimpered, quickly placing your hands behind your back and trying your best to stretch it out. It wasn’t working, it never did when you tried to do it yourself.
You looked back at Neteyam and chewed the inside of your lip. He was sleeping so soundly, his lips slightly parted with soft snores escaping here and there. You didn’t have the heart to wake him and hoped these aches would pass, facing forward once more.
Everything was sore, from your uncomfortably swollen breasts down to your numbed feet. Your back was strained in a place you couldn’t reach, and being woken up so abruptly from your sleep only aided in making you more agitated. You shut your eyes tightly to avoid your approaching tears, dropping your head forward in submission as you felt an inevitable lump forming in your throat.
Neteyam stirred in his sleep, smacking his lips and swallowing tiredly. He felt around in search of you, eyes flying open at the sound of your shuddering breaths. “[Y/n]?” He raised his head in a panic, blinking quickly to force his vision clear. He sat up in an instant when he saw your shoulders shaking and your head lowered, rubbing a hand over his face to wake himself up. “What is the matter? Why are you crying?” He questioned, his voice raspy, a clear indicator that his rest had been interrupted prematurely.
You whipped around at the sound of his voice, sighing shakily and wiping your tears. “Sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” You sniffed stuffily, tone laced with guilt.
He shook his head, he couldn’t care less about being woken up, all he was worried about was you. Fully awake at this point, he leaned his head down to get a look at your face and placed a hand on your shoulder. “What is wrong?” He repeated, eyebrows furrowed and eyes filled with concern.
You gasped for air, your chest now feeling just as constricted as the rest of your body. “He won’t stop kicking,” you cried out, not having to quiet your voice anymore as you broke down. “My back hurts, everything hurts and I can’t reach it.” You sobbed frustratedly, your voice splitting.
“Okay mama, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He cooed, quick to rush into action and get behind you. He smoothed his hands over your smaller frame, starting at your shoulders and ending near your tailbone. He pressed his thumbs into the dips in your back to alleviate the tension, looking up at you for feedback. “Where does it hurt, my love?”
“Everywhere.” You groaned while he massaged your tense muscles, mewling in pain when you felt another cramp surge through your body. The real issue was the restless child angrily stomping around in your womb. “Make him stop, Nete. Please.” You breathed out, your forehead starting to sweat.
He scooted forward so you were sat between his legs, one of his on either side of your own. Sliding his arms below yours, he placed his hands on your rounded abdomen and began to rub slow circles. “Lean back, try to relax and he will do the same. Okay?”
You nodded your head helplessly, willing to do whatever he suggested if it meant the pain would stop. You leaned back into him, feeling his warm chest press against your skin. Unknowingly holding your breath between each cramp, you panted and dropped your head back onto his shoulder.
“Breathe, mama. You need to breathe.” He instructed, cradling his hands under the curve of your stomach and lifting ever so slightly, holding to reduce the weight your hips were supporting. He hummed in approval when you let out a deep exhale of relief, your breathing gradually starting to steady and your eyes closing. “There you go.” With his chin rested on your shoulder, his lips placed a featherweight kiss on your jaw as he felt your body relax against his.
The pain finally began to subside, and after a minute or two the kicking had come to a full stop thanks to Neteyam’s touch. You quickly felt sleep overtaking you once more while he continued caressing your bump.
He waited until your moans of discomfort had ceased, eyeing the rising and falling of your chest that had now reached a leisure pace. You were asleep.
He carefully released his hold on you, slowly moving to lay you down on your side. Your eyebrows unknitted, the tense look you previously wore was gone.
He moved little by little so he wouldn’t wake you, laying down behind you and starting to scoot closer. You stirred in your sleep when you didn’t feel him immediately and he lightly draped an arm over you, pressing his body flush against yours. “Shhh, I’m right here, baby.” He whispered, his hand finding its resting place over your stomach again. He kissed your cheek, then nuzzled his face into the warmth of your neck to join you in slumber.
“Sleep well, my love.”
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a/n: babydaddy of the year respectfully belongs to neteyam sully 🏆 thank you for reading this series and i hope you enjoyed! Likes + Reblogs are much appreciated 💗
series tag list ⬇️
@eringaitskill @bwormie @fanboyluvr @ssc7514 @meivap @afro-hispwriter @hellok1ttycake @melsunshine @casuallydogobsessed @katsukiswrld @mcdonalds-playground @itscheybaby @neenieweenie @babyvinnie @laylasbunbunny @epicy0n @dreamersbelieveinus @elegantzippercashshoe @answer-the-sirens @arminsgfloll @jackiehollanderr @tejas-kris @neteyamoa @instabull @halibanana @uwu-i-purple-you @neteyamsgirll @kre3ce @philiasoul @obsessedwithlife @llearlert @extreamlycutecuban @awkward-halfhug @heaven1oo4 @raven-the-cryptid @gracefulbumblebee @sophiaj650 @jkeluv @szchaql @alexandra-001 @camcaminhogwarts @nanaitesully @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @heesoftiefreak @chasetsummer @elissanatok @inutheangel @kaealowri
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fleurriee · 1 year
❛  are you alright ? things got really intense there.   ❜
❛  here, let me clean you up.  ❜
thank you fleurriee baby 😘
god i love aftercare... and we all know nete would be the king of it!! 2k drabbles!
pairing ; neteyam x fem!reader
summary ; even when things get rough, neteyam makes sure you’re properly cared for.
themes ; explicit content: overstimulation, p in v sex, pussy play, choking… fluffy nete at the end <3
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The overstimulation is becoming too much - unbearably so.
Neteyam has made sure you’ve cum at least three times by now - something he always does, to ensure that you’re fully satisfied - and, it definitely leaves you so. Whether it’s from his fingers or his mouth, he won’t give you what you truly desire until those three times have happened.
So, the moment his cock enters you, filling you up whole and causing your toes to curl, you can feel how close you are already. Your pussy is so sensitive, walls tingling and fluttering around his cock every time he moves in and out of you.
The tip of him is hitting spots you didn’t think you had, massaging it beautifully until it became a quivering mess itself, and you knew no one else could pleasure you in such a way.
Everything only seems to intensify when he uncurls his arms from around both of your legs, previously lifting them up, and instead moves them a little closer. One moves down to your sensitive bud, playing with it teasingly, flicking it about like it’s a toy. The other hand moves up to your neck, hand clasping around it and squeezing down - not too harsh to constrict your breathing, but enough to bring even more arousal to the two of you.
“Oh, fuck,” he growls, bringing himself lower down so he’s hovering over you now. You can see his canines on show, a clear sign of the dominance emitting from his every pore. “You love it when I treat you like this, huh?” he asks, the feel of your pussy clenching hard around him sending him over the edge, just moments away from finishing within you. “This make you wanna cum, yawne (beloved)?”
You don’t have any words from him - because when he’s relentlessly rubbing his hand against your bud, squeezing your throat a delicious amount and continuing to thrust into you like there’s no tomorrow, all you have for him is an explicit moan, loud and clear for the rest of the clan to here… but, you can’t bring yourself to care.
Neteyam’s is just a second behind you, shooting his thick spurts up into you, painting your walls, and the feel of it feels amazing. Slowly coming down from your own high, he watches as you eventually stop trembling, lying motionlessly on the floor and trying to steady your breathing again.
God, he loves it when you look like this.
He chuckles to himself, smirking at the way he can get you so riled up, and then so exhausted in the next second - it’s definitely an ego booster.
Leaning down once more, he breathes you in, before pressing a gentle kiss upon your cheek, a contrasting action compared to how he was treating you just moments beforehand. Once your eyes flutter open, you find him smiling down at you lovingly. “There she is,” he coos, reaching up and stroking a caress along your head, finding yourself subconsciously leaning into his touch. “Are you alright? Things got a bit intense there.”
Wanting to reassure him like you always do, you muster a tired smile, aiming it up at him. Swallowing deeply and licking your lips after all that exhaustion, you nod slowly. “I’m good - I’m great…” shaking your head, you sending him your own version of a worn out chuckle. “You don’t have to ask every time, ‘teyam.”
“I know, but, I like to,” he smiles at you, before slowly pulling out of you and starting to stand up. “Here, let me clean you up.” Neteyam makes quick work of finding a clean cloth, before hurrying back and kneeling in front of you, beginning to run the smooth material against your still-sensitive thighs, making sure to clean all the mess he’d made up.
You can’t help but look at him so softly, despite the vulnerable state you’re in. It always fills you with so much warmth how Neteyam can manage to switch completely in just a matter of seconds - going from a feral animal in heat, to a domesticated, gentleman of a mate straight after. If anything, you feel as though it turns you on more.
“I love you,” you blurt out, seemingly still in a hazy state of mind.
Looking up to you, gazing within your own eyes, he smirks, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss upon your thigh. “I love you, too, sevin (pretty).” Standing up again, he throws the cloth away, before lying down next to your spent figure and pulling you closer into him. “Now, rest - you deserve it.”
The last thing you remember is him kissing the side of your temple, firm but tender, until you’re given in to the fatigue taking over your body completely.
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aisforarlili · 29 days
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ronwestbreeze · 2 years
shallow waters
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pairing: jake sully x fem!na'vi!reader
warnings: fluff and sully family stuff hehe. spoilers if you haven't read part 1
summary: in which you give birth to you and jake's child. part two to shallow end.
word count: 2.2k
author's note: i didn't think i was going to write a part two but here it is! i really love how this turned out and it's a lot sweeter of a final ending than the last one. let me know what you guys think and i hope you enjoy!
part one
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“ I don’t mean to be too blunt or harsh and I know this is your thing…but I’m not sure I want you hunting in this condition.”
You raise a brow at your husband as you grab your bow, “I am pregnant, Jakesully. I’m not wounded or helpless.”
He gave you a long look, frowning at the bow that was now in your hands. “I know, baby. But for my peace of mind, would you please? Just sit this one out for today?”
To some extent you understood his worry. The RDA were still around and any day now the baby could come. Your stomach, after many months had passed, had grown significantly. But still, this wasn’t the first time you had been pregnant and this certainly wasn’t the first time you went hunting while pregnant. So why was this day any different?
You adjusted the grip on your bow as you stared at him in confusion. “I don’t understand. I’ve done it before on my own and you were perfectly fine with it back then.”
His face fell when you said this and that only confused you more until you realized what the two of you had been like earlier in your marriage. It wasn’t like you were purposefully bringing it up repeatedly just to make him feel bad, even though some would say you deserve to do that—Neytiri—it was just that you were now used to it.
That relationship, the distance between the two of you, all of it you adapted and adjusted to until you could stand it. Until you could find yourself surviving this marriage in your own way.
But now with Jake, new Jake—no, true Jake, you were left adjusting once more.
“Those were different times back then.” Jake grasped your arm and pulled you closer to him until the hand on your arm snaked down and around your waist. He pressed a long kiss to your temple then leaned his forehead against yours. “I don’t doubt your skills, I just want the two of you safe.” You gave him a look and his lip tugged upward a bit, “With me at least.”
“I won’t be long.” You pressed on stubbornly. Just because you were pregnant did not mean you were rendered useless. And for some odd reason, you were trying to prove yourself. To whom, you didn’t know. “I won’t even go too far this time, I just want to stretch my feet for a bit. I’m tired of being cooped up in here for so long.”
Jake grunted and snuggled his face into your neck, pulling you into a tight embrace, one of his hands resting on your belly. “Is there anything I can say that could convince you to stay here with me?”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile, “You have duties, Jakesully.” He grumbled again into your neck making you giggle. “I will be fine, you can leave me alone just for a little bit, can’t you?”
“No.” He said simply, pressing a kiss into your cheek. “Last thing I want to do is leave you alone.”
A playful groan left your lips as you tried pushing him off but he only wrapped his arms around you tighter, “What will comfort you? We should, how do you say? Compromise! Let me compromise with you!”
Jake pulled away to look you in the eye with an amused smile, “I might consider it, depending on what it is.”
You purse your lips thoughtfully, “I can take someone with me. And in case something does go wrong, that person can go for help or carry me back. There, compromise.”
He frowned but didn’t outright reject it. You could tell he still didn’t like it but was relenting at least a little bit. “Who will you take with you?”
“One of the children perhaps? Kiri?”
“She and Tuk are with Neytiri.”
You nod, “Alright, Spider.”
“He’s training with the other Metkayina children.”
You sigh, “Lo’ak.”
Your husband crossed his arms, giving you a firm stare. But you would not back down so easily. In fact, your stare was just as firm, just as stubborn, just as stern.
He titled his head, “I thought we were compromising.”
You pout, “You are not being fair.” You jabbed a finger into his chest. “Keep it up and I go alone.”
It was a threat you knew would get what you wanted out of him. Jake relaxed his muscles and sighed, “Fine, how about both of them. Is that fair?”
Knowing this was the best you could get, you nod finally, “Compromise.”
Jake nodded and smiled softly down at you, “Compromise.”
With that settled, you readjusted your grip on your bow and began to leave, only for him to grab your arm once more. You stare at him in confusion and Jake gives you something similar to a pout.
“Kiss goodbye?”
You didn’t mean to look surprised by the request. Yes, you wanted more than anything to kiss your husband. But there was always a hesitance whenever it came to initiating physical touch with him. You were so used to his guardedness, so used to forcing any sudden feelings of wanting to touch and comfort him. Even now, him initiating the affection was all new to you.
You loved it of course. But still, you couldn’t help the way your hands paused, hovering for just a second, before holding his face and pressing a long kiss on his lips. Jake held you close and responded instantly as he always did when it came to kissing you. Usually, ever since your reconciliation, it’d be a lot rougher. Passionate.
Now he held you as if you were the most fragile thing in Pandora.
Both of you pulled away, Jake’s forehead on yours once more, “I want to be better for you. I wish I could take it all back, from the beginning. I wish I could start again and just allow myself to love you. Fully. Shamelessly. I’m sorry it took me so long…”
“Sssh, ssh, none of that now.” You peppered him with kisses at the corners of his mouth. “What matters is the now, not the past.” With one last kiss on his lips, you finally pull away, “Now go, you have distracted me long enough, Jakesully.”
Reluctantly and with some more reassurance, you finally went off to start your hunt. And like you promised your husband, you grabbed Neteyam and Lo’ak who were happy to tag along.
The waters were gorgeous at this time of day and with the months you’ve spent here, you’ve grown used to the aquatic life. And so did the children. Neteyam enjoyed riding his ikran around the most while Lo’ak enjoyed exploring the waters with Tsireya. You were more the latter. You hadn’t grown up around a lot of water when living with your tribe but you did remember your mother always loved swimming and talked about seas like this. How she would spend the entire day swimming with the creatures, especially during her marriage.
Oh how you missed her now.
“Lo’ak! Let’s race!” Neteyam called as he came down on his ikran. He pointed toward the distance, “First one to that rock wins and gets extra hours of training!”
Lo’ak, of course being the twin of your husband, grinned excitedly, “You’ll lose!”
“We’ll see!” Neteyam then grinned at you, “Y/n, watch us!”
“Don’t be reckless.” You chastise while stepping into the shallow waters, leaving your bow on land. “You know how your father gets.”
He rolled his eyes exaggeratingly, “We won’t.”
Minutes later, Lo’ak came back with his ikran and the two of them messed around but didn’t wander too far out of your eye sight. You watched them fondly as you swam in the waters. And for a moment, you wondered what your mother would have thought of the Metkayina clan’s home. There was no doubt she would enjoy living here, possibly consider this place home more than the one she currently lived in.
Damn this war. Damn those humans for tearing you away from your family. Damn them for taking your beloved son. Damn them all for trying to destroy your life.
Suddenly, you gasped and looked down at your stomach which was submerged in water.
“Lo’ak!” You called. Glancing around for the boys, you finally spotted them on the rock they had been racing for and called louder. “Lo’ak! Neteyam!”
Upon hearing your voice, both boys got on their ikran and flew over toward you. Lo’ak got to you first. “Are you okay?”
You try to remain, “Listen carefully, Lo’ak. And I am serious.”
Neteyam frowned worriedly, “What’s wrong, what has happened?”
“Lo’ak, I want you to grab some healers and tell them the baby is coming.” The boys’ eyes widened but before they could say anything you continued quickly. “After that, get your father and Neytiri. Do it in that exact order, understand me?”
“Lo’ak, do not talk back! Go!” You didn’t yell, you just used a firmer voice than what you were used to.
And it had been enough for the boy to nod and take off on his ikran in the next second. Neteyam slid into the water with you,  “What do you want me to do, y/n?”
You breathed in and out, walking further into the water until it was now up to your chin. “Make sure I’m breathing, okay?”
Neteyam watched you carefully, hovering protectively similar to his father. And then slowly the two of you went underwater. The water wasn’t too cool, in fact it was warm enough to soothe your tense muscles and close your eyes, the tranquility of the water surrounding you, protecting you. This, this reminded you of home.
Births in water were quite common in your tribe. You and your father’s second wife often helped guide women through water births. It was always so beautiful to you, seeing a new life be brought into Pandora. It was better for the baby too. They wouldn’t come out cold but instead in water until they were brought to the surface for their mothers to see them for the first time.
You never understood why your mother loved the water until now.
Neteyam swam around you, watching you closely and making sure, like you had told him, that you were okay. A few times he had made you come up for air because you had gotten eased to near rest.
It wasn’t until you felt a few splashes next to you in your next descent into the waters did you finally awaken to your surroundings again. Now, instead of Neteyam swimming around you underwater, it was Neytiri watching you keenly as the healers appeared in the waters around you.
Seconds after there were strong arms wrapped around you and you instantly melted into them, knowing it was Jake’s embrace.
All of you swam up for air.
Jake’s voice was next to your ear in an instant, “I got you, alright? Be strong for me, baby.”
“You are halfway!” Neytiri says excitedly as she swam to your other side, hugging your arm comfortingly.
The healer had instructed you to start pushing. Neytiri held your hand while Jake held you from behind. Lo’ak and Neteyam were nearby told to stay in case anything went wrong with the birth. Kiri and Tuk had come with Neytiri, Kiri helping the healers while Tuk held your other hand mirroring her mother in an attempt to be comforting.
Neytiri placed a hand on your head as you quietly cried out from another push, “May Mother guide your child.” She spoke in your native tongue. “You are warrior, y/n.”
“We’re almost there.” Jake encouraged you, squeezing your shoulders gently and pressing a kiss to your temple. “You’ve got it, princess, almost there.”
With a few more pushes, your baby had finally arrived.
And it was a beautiful girl.
Kiri and Tuk were excited for another sister. Neteyam and Lo’ak adored her. Even Spider had grown quite attached to the newborn. Neytiri, like what you had done with Neteyam when he was still a baby, took it upon herself to help raise her as if she were her own child.
Eventually, she was given a name. Tua.
Whenever Jake held her, it was as if he was scared. Scared he’d hurt her. Like now, it was just the two of you for a moment. It had been rare that any of you would get a moment alone with each other. Jake and Neytiri would have their moments together. And now you had them with Jake. Begun to have them.
You watched as he held Tua in his arms, even now you could feel his anxiety.
Of course, you understood his fear. This demon, this war with the humans, it was far from over, and the last thing either of you wanted was to lose yet another child over it.
Yes, you had that fear too.
Slowly you reached out only to stop. Damn it. There was still a part of you, even when things were better, getting better, that kept hesitating.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Suddenly, Jake’s larger hand grabbed your hand and placed it against his chest and kept it there. “See? Touch me whenever you want, princess. Please. I won’t bite, promise.”
Your chest fluttered and for the first time in years, you allowed it to. A smile graced your face.
“What have I told you about your promises?”
Jake smiled,  squeezing your hand and holding Tua close. “I guess I can’t help it sometimes.” Gently he brought your hand to his lips before saying quietly, “I love you so much.”
Your heart swelled and your smile grew. Seeing this even made his eyes alight with mirth.
“And I love you, Ma’Jakesully.”
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heavenlyysstuff · 9 months
hi i have a request!!
lo’ak or neteyam taking care of sick human reader, and maybe they’re just like shocked at how easily humans can get sick, fussing over reader a little.
lmk what u think !
first request!!
NETEYAM.s x gn!human!reader
LO’AK.s x gn!human!reader
summary , how the sully brothers would react to sick human reader.
a/n , idk why my layout is so messed up ughhh
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You counted down the minutes you had been staying in the lab. Not only had you been sick for the third time this month, you’d also been made to stay in the lab with mostly avatars, and other human scientists of course.
As much as you appreciate their care, you can’t help but feel bored. With the absence of your friends and even anyone remotely your age, you sit aside in an unused room, not exactly sure on what it’s for, some scientists simply just left you there to quarantine for awhile.
You slump in the office chair, getting bored of rolling around back and forth across the room. And then, a voice sticks out to you and differentiates itself from the background noise.
“Where is she?”
“Neteyam?” That’s Norm, why’s Neteyam here though? You assumed he would be busy with training, and if not, why would he be thinking about you?
“Uh, they’re sick.” You missed a little bit of the conversation.
You strain your neck trying to get a glimpse of their figures, they both stand a few metres away, but still close enough for you to hear the conversation.
“Yea. Nothing too serious, but she’s just been tired, Jake figured she’d be more comfortable here.”
“Where are they?” Neteyams eyes wander the room filled of avatars. Norm looks towards your room, eyes locking to yours.
You squeak, immediately turning away at the thought of being caught eavesdropping, but you still pick up on the next few words.
“Over there, take your time.”
The footsteps coming towards you are immediately familiar. “You’re here again?”
With a turn of your office chair you face him. “Yea, almost a second home at this point.”
He sighs, and scans the room before sitting himself on a table close to you. “Why are you always so sick?”
You giggle. “Low immune system I guess.”
He gives you a look of confusion.
“Nevermind.” You continue. “Don’t think about it too much, I’m used to it now.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.”
Smiling at him, you slowly spin in your chair.
Neteyam watches you assumed, and suddenly brings the spinning to a stop once the chair is faced towards him, his hand resting above your head on the top of the chair.
Your face drops as he halts your movements. But with a quick look into his eyes you can tell he’s just being playfull.
Giggles fill the room, and later that day neteyam never left, opting to stay with you until you recovered.
And when your sickness finally ended, it was your turn to look after him in his marui.
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Lo’ak sits beside you filled with boredom, a huff leaves his lips as he try’s to get some entertainment from the views outside the marui.
Because you were feeling unwell you weren’t exactly fit for Lo’aks adventures today.
You shuffle to turn around in the hammock. “Why don’t you just go out with Spider?”
He turns to look at you as his head tilts to rest on his knee, “Because.”
“…because?” You repeat, searching for an answer.
He huffs again, and you just smile, waiting for his answer teasingly. “Just because.” He sasses.
You groan, irritated you won’t get the satisfaction of a reply that would surely boost your ego.
“Stop getting sick all the time.” He continues to change the subject.
“I can’t help it.” You reply and raise your eyebrow as if it was obvious.
“It sucks when you’re sick, going out is never the same.” He complains.
“Yea, I don’t have anyone to make fun of.” He teases.
“Oh wow, ruined the moment.” You sarcastically reply.
He groans, and melts to lay down on the floor beside your hammock, he stares at the ceiling of the marui as you turn more in your hammock to look down at him. “You shouldn’t stay here too long, I might get you sick.”
“That’s fine. Not gonna stop me from hanging out with you.”
“Nothing stops you.”
“Uh huh.” He smirks, shifting his gaze to you.
You can’t help but notice his tail beside his swaying happily. Despite his constant teasing towards you, it’s obvious he does enjoy being around you.
“Are humans always this sick, all the time?”
You think for a moment, “I think it’s just me, low immune system- that means I get sick a lot.”
“That sucks.” He groans, obviously irritated by your proneness to get sick.
“If I could, I’d be outside. Climbing a tree with you probably.” You comment.
“You know you can’t climb, you can’t even keep up with me on foot, small feet.” He chuckles at his own tease for you.
“Okay- uncalled for. So much for caring about the sick human here.” You sassily reply.
“Hey, I am caring for the sick human. You need your emotional support, right?”
“Ha ha, funny.” You roll your eyes, smirking and roll onto your back in your hammock.
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anxiousdreamcore · 4 months
May I humbly asks for your interpretation/opinion/view of the Spider & Quaritch as well as the Spider & Sullies relationships/dynamics ?
Sure! I’ve complained about how my opinion of the characters changed throughout the year of being engaged in the fandom so I might as well share! 🤭
Spider: An audacious, frat-boy-ish teen who stinks of dirt, sweat and will eat a live bug to gross you out. Kiri said that he bites and she was 100% honest because this kid will fling his mask off and tear into your throat if you mess with his baby siblings 😤 at the same time, he’s more than capable of being responsible and gentle, especially when it comes to Pandora, its wildlife and cultures, all of which are clearly very important to him. A menace with a heart of gold and an iron fucking will, untameable. Unbreakable. No authority scares him.
Quaritch: A man so damaged he can’t be repaired. He’s seen too many horrors, killed too many people, watched too many comrades die, has been infected with too much poison. It runs in his veins and destroys everything he touches…which is precisely why he is only likeable as a father. He has never been one before and that part of him is completely new, not yet damaged. The only part of him not yet tainted by the rotten creature that is the rest of him. A mangy, old army dog that will burn Pandora to the ground if its chain is broken, but will lie down and wag its tail for his child, and only him.
Oh, and he’s mentally ill too, at least to some extent, canonically. It’s not to say that his mental illness makes him a bad guy. No. It’s the lack of care he puts into coping with it that contributes to the dumpster fire that is Miles Quaritch. My personal headcannon is that he needs mood-stabilisers yet regularly skips them.
Spider & Quaritch dynamic: Two outcasts who bond over being isolated by their respective groups. Also, Lima and Stockholm syndrome duo! Quaritch gets an instant liking to Spider that soon grows into fatherly love, as Spider brings out the best in him; his most pure, childish and kind traits. Does the rest of him, the rotten, the poisoned, hate it? Oh, absolutely. But he can’t, won’t stop the wild-child from worming his way deep into his decaying heart. Spider meanwhile battles his own platonic feelings and holds onto his resentment as much as he can. He wants to love Miles but he doesn’t. He loves him but he wishes him an agonising death. He wants to be hugged by him and sink a blade into his chest. He wants Miles to prove him that not all grown ups are rotten and he can still be loved. He wants Miles to love him.
Spider & Sully siblings dynamic: “A family disappointment and local cool stoner to his siblings, who are more than happy to take after him because they think his utter freedom and lack of care for authority is cool” kinda vibe. Will play fight with his siblings and bite their noses before kissing them better and shoving them away. Calls Tuk a little gremlin affectionately. Brings Lo’ak back down to Pandora when he spirals into his insecurities or gets too bold and self-sacrificial. Is platonic soulmates with Kiri and feels a profound connection to her, as she does to him. Resents Neteyam for abandoning their little group to become a "respectable warrior". Wants him back. Wishes things could be like when they were kids.
Spider & Neytiri dynamic: She she sees him as a pesky, dangerous demon child that…that didn’t do anything but stay loyal, through all the torture and horrors. A lot of guilt is present between them after the final battle, and they will definitely have a horrible, explosive argument about it sooner or later, but for now they are content at silently sharing space, at time quipping and taking light jabs at each other, because that is their cycle. Playfulness, fear, resentment, until it all explodes and they scream at each other, then the cycle repeats, fuelled by guilt. Is there a chance to stop it? Will they ever be okay?
Spider & Jake dynamic: Hero worship turned disappointment. Spider idolised him for his status and incredible feats as a child but as he grew, and Jake consistently kept him at an arms length without establishing clear boundaries, the constant pining to have him as a father became a never-ending, aching pain in Socorro’s chest. Jake gave him an empty hope that they might one day be a family, without ever clarifying that it’ll never be true, confusing the boy until he was proved not once, not twice, but thrice, that he isn’t needed, isn’t missed, or loved by Jake. He’s a stray animal, and that is all he’ll ever be to him. He knows better now than to wish for something that can never be…doesn’t even want to. Quaritch might be a horrific monster, but at least he genuinely loves him. He doesn’t need Jake’s pathetic scraps of affection anymore. He doesn’t need him anymore.
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atlasxspeaks · 1 year
Background: Inspired by @be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie Secret Mating Nocorro AU where they mate after the final battle, and Ronal finds out leading to everyone finding out. She calls an entire meeting between elders, Jake, Neytiri, Mo’at, Norm, and Max to discuss how to break the bond. Some elders and Mo’at don’t think they should intervene at all, but Neytiri and Ronal are furious, deeply bothered by the idea that Eywa would allow a human to experience something as sacred as a mating bond. Neteyam is forced to attend this meeting, but Spider doesn’t because he’s not mentally well enough. Neteyam finally snaps at everyone after Jake, in an attempt to mediate, says that Neteyam will just stay away from Spider until the bond dissolves.
“I won’t.”
Mo’at ears perk up in surprise at her grandson’s defiance. Neteyam has never been a child known to defy his parents anything; he was always obedient and respectful. His body shows no signs of anger, but his eyes hold contempt to a degree she has never seen. Jake and all the other elders in the hut also seem surprised by the boy’s refusal.
“Boy, -”
“Don’t call me that,” Neteyam snaps back, sitting up straighter against the hut’s wall and looking his father dead on, “Don’t treat me like a disrepectful child. Like I’m being unreasonable.”
Jake looks as though Neteyam had struck him, and for all it matters, he might as well have. Mo’at can see contempt in his eyes, and it seems to be verging on hate. Hate is something no son should feel toward their father. She wants to reach out to her grandson to stop him, comfort him even, to do anything to stop what she fears is coming, but she is frozen by that look in his eyes.
Neteyam stands, swaying a bit from the position change. He is still weak from being shot but strong enough to move with some assistance. He looks around the hut, first at his mother and then at the rest of them, his gaze falling directly on Ronal.
“You all stand here and judge me for my choices as if you know anything about me. And you judge Spider as if any of you even know him beyond him being human. You talk of controlling my future as if you are Eywa herself and I have had enough! I mated Spider, and it will remain that way!”
“Neteyam-” Jake moves towards his son, but he pushes Jake back.
“No! I have had enough of you!”
Everyone bulks at that. No Navi child has ever talked down to their parents; it simply doesn’t happen. Mo’at feels a familiar feeling of dread pool in her stomach. The look in Neteyam’s eyes has only grown darker.
“All my life, I have done nothing but obey you,” Neteyam speaks softly now, poking Jake in the chest before grabbing his war vest. “I have been nothing but be an obedient son, a protective brother, a perfect heir. Every rule you have given me, I have followed.” A tear falls from Neteyam’s eye, illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the hut’s ceiling. He looks like he’s rallying himself to speak again. Mo’at fears that whatever he says next will be the worst thing yet.
“And what has it gotten me?”
“I have no home. I can barely walk. Kiri has no friends. Lo’ak nearly died multiple times, and Tuk can barely sleep without nightmares. I followed you without complaint when you made me leave my home. I obeyed you when you ordered me not to go after Spider, and I trusted you when you said they would not hurt him. And now, he can barely speak! He cannot sleep, he cannot eat! I trusted you when you said he would be safe and he is a shell! I have no mate because of you!”
“I have done everything you have ever asked and it has gotten me NOTHING!”
“…I am done obeying you.”
Neteyam lets go of Jake’s vest with a finality that takes all the breath out of Mo’at lungs. His eyes no longer hold all the anger and contempt they once did, the tears he’s cried washing those emotions away in streaks down his face. Now his eyes just look empty. His gaze moves away from his father to the rest of the room.
“Spider is my mate. It is done. If you will not have us here, then we will go somewhere else.”
Mo’at wishes she could be proud of the level of emotions her normally reserved grandson is showing, but she cannot be. Neteyam is finally coming into his own at the cost of his relationship with his parents. How could she not have seen this coming?
Not my best but I got inspired from the scene in Outerbanks season 3 where Sarah yells at Ward for all the bad things he’s don’t and what she lost because of him and I think Neteyam and Jake dynamic would mirror theirs but in a less abusive way is he mated and refused to leave Spider behind.
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