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telyscope · 2 years ago
Omg! Just read your jealous hc and this gave me an idea. Can you do something where Neteyam and the reader are best friends (he’s in love with her, obviously) and Ao’nung notices. He tries to flirt with the reader just to get on his nerves and he succeeds his mission. Neteyam tries to stay away from her for a while because he can’t stand the thought of her with someone else and everytime he sees her is just pain. She notices and question him about it and he finally confesses. (If you could do, it would be great! Sorry if this is confusing, english is not my first language)
of course!! i’m sorry isnt the best or seems a little rushed, im still getting used to writing longer fics! but i still hope you enjoy<3
neteyam x fem!reader
you and neteyam were inseparable. ever since you guys were kids, you two were always around each other. as you grew older your relationship with neteyam had only grew stronger, and now that you two were new to the metkayina clan, you only had each other
it was painfully obvious to everyone else that neteyam liked you. though for some reason, you were the only one that couldn’t tell. i mean sure he’d openly flirt with you here and there, but you always just brushed it off
aonung on the other hand, indeed did not just “brush it off.” he first caught onto neteyams little crush on you when he saw neteyam smiling at you and looking down at the ground while smiling when you weren’t watching
ever since he saw that moment, all the other hints were so clear. he noticed every time neteyam smiled at you or watched you in awe
he would’ve found it cute, honestly.. only if it was anyone other than neteyam. and what better way to piss neteyam off than to flirt with his beloved.
aonung, roxto, and tsireya were showing you and neteyam around the reef along with lo’ak and tuk. it was so, so beautiful. you wanted to see all of it, the entire reef. but your swimming and breathing capabilities were getting in the way of that.
the four of you rose to the surface to catch your breaths, aonung, roxto, and tsireya following shortly after. tsireya understands you guys can’t swim or hold your breath as well as them, but aonung and roxto can’t help but let out a small laugh
“stop that aonung” tsireya hits him on the head, trying to knock some sense into him
his smile slowly fades but widens once again when you two make eye contact. “you’re right tsireya, im sorry. it’s not their fault they can’t swim as well as us. it’s a shame, truly, i would’ve loved to show y/n around the reef, but i wouldn’t wanna tire her out.” you vaguely hear sarcasm in his voice, but you’re too busy focused on his words to care about his tone of voice
you mouth falls agape and you stare right into aonungs eyes. “no no that wouldn’t tire me out, i just cant keep up with you, that’s all. i would love to explore the reef some more.”
“is that so? well then, what do you say i show you around, just the two of us. ill hold your hand the whole time so that you don’t get lost.” aonung flashes a rather flirtatious smile, and your face gets hot.
“just the two of you? really?” neteyam turns to focus all his attention on you. “how do you know he won’t leave you stranded all alone. you barely know each other.” the irritation in neteyams voice is clear, and the glare in his eyes is sharp.
“neteyam, calm down. do you really think the chiefs son would do that to a guest?” you respond, confused by neteyams sudden annoyance.
“she’s right, my father would kill me. i just want to show her how beautiful the reef is. no harm in that, right?” aonung adds on, purposely sneaking a wink at you at you to provoke neteyam even more.
neteyam was pissed. was he doing this on purpose? worst part was, you didn’t even seem to mind it. in fact, you were excited to go with him.
“cmon bro it’ll be fine, let’s just go back and find kiri.” lo’ak says trying to ease neteyam, clearly catching onto his anger.
neteyam doesn’t say another word. he just looks at you for a moment before swimming off with the rest of them.
how long has it been? an hour? two? you and aonung finally finished exploring the reef, and goodness was it gorgeous. you cant wait to tell neteyam all about what you saw, that is.. if you can find him.
everyone was gathered on the beach except for him. lo’ak, kiri, tsireya, tuk, all of them. where was neteyam? he was always the first to welcome you back after you went somewhere, but he was nowhere in sight.
“lo’ak, do you know where neteyam is?”
“nope, once we got back from the reef he left and i haven’t seen him since.”
how strange.
perhaps he’s just tired. he hasn’t gotten much rest since the arrival here, so maybe he went to sleep early. it’s fine, you’ll talk to him tomorrow.
it’s been almost two days and neteyam still hasn’t talked to you. at first you gave him space in case he truly was mad at you, but now it was just getting tiring, and you were sick of it. it was obvious something is upsetting him, and you were gonna find out what.
you observed him as he talked to lo’ak on the beach. it was already eclipse, and you watched the way his spots faintly glowed under the dark sky. there was a nervous feeling gnawing at your stomach and you just couldn’t figure out why. “it’s just neteyam,” you remind yourself.
lo’ak started walking back to the hut, and you took the chance to finally speak with neteyam. you paused for a moment before you continued your steps towards him. he looked serene, beautiful even, but there was a glint of sadness in his eyes.
“neteyam,” you mumbled out, your footsteps matched your voice, soft. he shifted his body towards you, his back facing the ocean with his arms crossed. he had the same look on his face he did just seconds ago. you exhaled slowly, a light breeze blowing your hair. you could feel his stare on you, it was intimidating. you finally lifted your head to meet his eyes. his eyes reflected the stars and for a moment you forgot what you were gonna say.
“neteyam, did i do something?” your voice was hesitant at first, but your pace sped up, “i mean- you’ve been ignoring me, haven’t you? you’ve never ignored me. what’s going on.” you let out a deep breath that you didn’t realize you were holding.
he didn’t say anything for a moment. he just stared into your eyes with no visible expression. “do you have feelings for aonung,” he finally lets out.
did he really just ask that? you stare at him with utter disbelief for a moment. “i’m sorry, what?” you scoff. “you don’t talk to me for almost two days and that is the first thing you say?”
“im giving you your answer.”
“no, no you are not. is this some sort of awful joke?”
he lets out a breathy laugh, and you can see his body tense up, “you just don’t get it do you?? how much more obvious do i need to make it for you to finally get the damn hint?” his arms fall to his sides and his voice becomes more assertive, “for fucks sake i like you, y/n, i’ve loved you for years, and you still haven’t noticed?”
the both of you fall silent. seems you aren’t the only one in shock, neteyam takes a step back as if he couldn’t believe what he just said either. you stand still for a good minute, unsure of what to do. perhaps you shouldn’t have brushed off all the hints after all. the wind gently blows his braids and he stands tall. you could admire him for hours. you practically already have. you always find yourself unknowingly staring at the way his eyes shine in the sun, or the way he smiles, or the way he’s so, effortlessly, alluring.
but right now was not a moment to just stare at him. your heart is racing and the nervous feeling comes back. “neteyam..”
“no i’m sorry just forget what i said i didnt-“
“neteyam,” you cut him off, “i see you.”
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telyscope · 2 years ago
neteyam and lo’ak when human!readers mask breaks when they’re with them
okay so this was originally an anon req but i accidentally deleted the ask i am so sorry anon. BUUUT LUCKILY i was able to remember the request. if i remembered incorrectly, or if you wanted headcanons instead of whatever this is (idk what to call it) then please send me another req! if it also just wasn’t what you had in mind, i’ll be more than happy to rewrite it for you!
pandora is a place made to inhabit 8 foot tall creatures. every form of life on pandora is stronger, bigger, and a threat to humans. even the air.
“watch your step. we wouldn’t want you plummeting to your death now would we”
“very funny.” you throw a glare at neteyam, clearly not amused by his joke because you’re afraid that may actually end up becoming your reality
neteyam had decided to show you around the forest. well, the parts of the forest you haven’t yet seen. you’ve been around the omatikaya people for years now so you’re quite familiar with the forest, but you’ve never gone in the tops of trees or climbed mountains tops. i mean, you’re a human after all, the amount of dangers you could’ve faced if you’d tried are endless
sooo neteyam offered to finally show you the places you’ve always dreamed to see. you felt safe with neteyam, he knew how to fight and he could fight well. you knew he’d protect you the entire time, so you agreed
you two were hopping along the tree tops, bouncing through the huge leaves provided by the trees. it was nothing like you’ve ever seen before. you had the best view from here. it was so beautiful.
you were in such awe, adrenaline was rushing through you. you were too busy admiring the view that you seemed to have forgotten that the only thing keeping you up right now was a leaf. you weren’t paying attention to where you were walking, your mind occupied by the view. in fact you forget you were walking at all. you were just mindlessly taking steps. alas, you stepped on the tip of the leaf. it couldn’t hold you up.
a scream of your name. that’s all you heard. it was neteyams. a branch had broke your fall. you had landed on your stomach, so there was no severe pain but you were sure it would leave a nasty bruise. the branch wasn’t too far down, just slightly below the leaf, so you thought you were fine. you were too careless and fell, but you were fine.
until you felt a breeze on your face. you didn’t even need to feel your face to know that your mask broke. it seems a smaller branch had cracked your mask and the impact of the fall shattered it.
neteyam hurried down, jumping down from leaf to leaf to get to you as quick as possible. his typical calm character was gone, he was terrified.
you didn’t acknowledge him. you froze. you couldn’t move, or speak, you were just frozen. your mask was broken, and you guys were nowhere near the lab, there was not a single chance in hell you would be able to last long enough without breathing until you reached the lab.
neteyam pulled you up off your stomach and layed you in his lap. “hey focus on me alright? please, just try to stay awake for as long as you can, please.” he swoops you up and starts going down the tree. “ i promise i’ll get you to somewhere safe.”
you could hear the worry in his voice. but even so, he pursues his promise without hesitation.
god, your head was pounding. you sit up to find yourself in the lab with neteyam nervously pacing back and forth around you. “i passed out, didn’t i”
he shoots his head toward you with a huge sigh of relief to finally hear your voice. “i tried to get you here as quick as i could, but you could only hold your breath for so long, im sorry. how are you feeling?”
“hey, at least i’m not dead,” you shrug. “but honestly, this is all your fault. if you hadn’t made that awful joke about me falling i would’ve never fell. so, thanks for that, teyeam.” you give him a teasing smirk and he playfully whips his tail at your arm
“this is not the time to be joking, you could’ve seriously gotten hurt you know,” he walks over to you and kneels down to your level. “im sorry. im glad you’re okay. i promise to keep you safe from now on.” he places a kiss on your forehead and tucks a piece of your hair around your ear. you smile to yourself, relieved that you’re okay and so grateful to have someone like neteyam.
you and lo’ak were always sneaking out around the forest and doing things you probably shouldn’t
no matter how many times you two go out and about on some sort of adventure, you’ll never stop being so clumsy
i mean really it’s unbelievable. you’d think that somebody would learn to not be so careless after doing something so many times. but you, oh you just seemed to get clumsier every damn time
nothing too bad has ever happened though, you usually just end up with some scratches from walking into branches or bruises here and there from tripping over your own feet
that’s all it ever was. a funny little incident that leaves you and lo’ak both laughing at how reckless you are
this time wasn’t the same though.
you and lo’ak were running along a big branch that was connecting two trees. you’ve crossed this branch several times with ease, but this time there was a particular dip in the branch that you hadn’t noticed
“cmon hurry up, i know you can go faster than that” lo’ak calls out from up ahead
“i hope you havent forgotten that you’re 7 feet tall and your legs are as long as my entire body.”
“excuses, excuses,” he sarcastically rolls his eyes
not wanting to hear him continue whining about how slow you are, you speed up your pace quite a bit
as you’re about to reach where lo’ak is, your foot falls into the dip in the branch you’ve never seen before.
you fall face first, hard. and you earn yourself a rather harsh tumble down the branch.
lo’ak is struck with panic. “shit shit shit.” he races down to where you landed, luckily only a couple feet below the branch.
you groan in pain, pushing yourself up with your hands only to find shards of your mask scattered across the ground. oh fuck.
“don’t move, you’ll only hurt yourself even more” he shouts from above. he’s too busy trying to get down to you.
“are you okay?? what hurts??”
he finally gets there in front of you and looks down to see what happened.
“your mask-“
“it’s broken. i know.”
well, shit. you just wasted your breath by talking.
he stands there for a moment with wide eyes unsure of what to do. guilt rushes through his chest. all he can think about is how this is all his fault. if he hadn’t told you to hurry up you wouldn’t have tripped.
but his emotions are irrelevant right now. he can deal with them later. he needs to get you somewhere safe.
luckily, you guys aren’t too far from the lab. if he sprints fast enough, he could get there in a couple minutes.
“oh fuck- okay. i need you to hold your breath for just two minutes. could you do that?”
you nod in response not wanting to use up even more of your breath. never in a million years did you except to be this thankful for the stupid ass things you and lo’ak would do when you were younger. he would dare you to see how long you could hold your breath without your mask. it made you a pro at holding your breath, and oh boy were you thankful for that foolishly earned skill right now.
he picked you up, careful not to place his hands on your injuries. you wrapped your hands around his neck and closed your eyes hoping that would somehow get you there faster.
he rushed into the lab, startling everyone that was peacefully working just seconds ago.
lo’ak sets you down gently and you let out the biggest breath you’ve ever held. you began practically panting and you hunched yourself over in exhaustion.
lo’ak opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out.
“thank you, lo’ak”
“no. no don’t thank me. im the reason that all happened. what if we weren’t near the lab?? im sorry, it’s all my fault.”
you’re not sure if it’s because you just held your breath for two minutes or because you think he’s speaking nonsense, but you laugh. right in his face.
“you’re kidding me right?? there is no way you’re laughing right now.”
“sorry, sorry. i just couldn’t take that seriously. it wasn’t your fault lo’ak, you know how clumsy i am. you saved me, so seriously, thank you.”
he pulls you in for a hug, smiling to himself.
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telyscope · 2 years ago
how jealous are they?
neteyam, lo’ak, and aonung x gn!na’vi!reader
also, please send requests. i have no idea what to write
neteyam is right in the middle when it comes to jealousy. he has the self confidence (and ego) to know that all the guys constantly staring at you in awe have no chance with you because they’re nothing compared to him. but, he is not at all fond of people always sneaking winks at you and making flirty remarks when he’s right next to you. he acts as though he doesn’t notice, he finds it amusing letting them be delusional. he’ll swiftly wrap his arm around your waist, still acting like he doesn’t see anyone, and pull you closer until your back is pressed against his chest. he leans down to give you a small but rather desperate kiss on your cheek, and only then will he finally acknowledge the person by greeting them with a threatening glare and a cocky smirk with his lips still on your face. he will take any opportunity to piss off somebody he knows likes you by showing that you only have eyes for him
lo’ak is a jealous man. simple. his jealously is driven by both his insecurity and possessive nature. which because of that, he tends to show his jealousy two different ways. when he’s around you, he expresses his jealously in a protective manner. unlike neteyam, he is much less subtle when he acts on his jealousy. he has no shame in confronting a person when he thinks they were being “too friendly” to you, and often times it isn’t a kind confrontation. not to mention there have been several times he’s ended up fighting somebody because he can’t control his jealousy. but..when he’s alone, his anger turns straight into a sad feeling. often times, the same night something took place because of his jealousy, he’ll ramble to payakan how afraid he is of losing you. his aggressive behavior is him trying to block out his insecurities and fears of you leaving him. although he would never admit that to you, you figured it out a while ago when he would always have the same sad and quiet expression whenever you were patching him up from a fight he caused.
aonung is overly jealous. he’ll mistake innocent kind gestures as flirting and then get confused as to why you’re mad at him after he hisses at the person. he’s also ten times more jealous if it involves neteyam. both him and neteyam are the eldest sons of a clan leader, and especially because neteyam is a skilled warrior, aonung can’t help but feel possessive over you because he’s afraid you think neteyam is better. whicchhh leads to him doing everything in his capability to keep you away from him. not a day goes by where he doesn’t tell you to stay away from neteyam because he “has the blood of the sky people.” and ever since the sully’s arrival, he’s been following you everywhere. he would alssooo make sure to kiss you right in front of neteyam, as a little reminder for him to back off. and don’t be surprised if he leaves small bite marks right on your neck. it’s his way of telling you you’re his only<3
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telyscope · 2 years ago
when you’re sick-(neteyam and lo’ak)
(neteyam and lo’ak x gn!na’vi!reader)
i don’t even know if it’s possible for na’vi to get sick, but for the sake of this we’re gonna act like it is
oh boy
he grew up with 3 younger siblings. he’s practically a third parent.
which also means he knows exactly what to do and how to take care of you
neteyam would refuse to leave your side. he’ll get you anything you need. water? he’s got it! feeling hungry? he’ll make you a nice warm meal
but don’t you dare try to get up. he needs you to get as much rest as you can. half the time you’ll be sleeping in his lap, and if you tried to get up he’d place his hands on your forehead and over your eyes and push you back down to his lap
he’ll use his body heat to warm you up. if he finds you shivering because of the lack of heat in your body, he won’t hesitate to spoon you from behind and hold you close until you’re warm
(it may get him sick, but you’re worth it)
lo’ak isn’t the greatest at showing his emotions, but i can assure you this man is worrying like crazy when he finds out you’re sick
he asks neteyam what to do bc he had no idea tbh
he’s much more compliant when you’re sick. usually he’s all whiny when you ask him to hold something for one second, but when you’re unwell he’ll do whatever you request. you want fresh fruit? he’ll go out until eclipse finding the ripest ones for you
lo’ak is a little more stubborn than neteyam and doesn’t wanna get sick..
if you get too close to him he’ll swiftly put a hand on your chest to prevent you from coming any closer
but when he notices your smile fade into a slight frown he gives in and tries to pull you in for a hug
you mock him and playfully push him away because of his audacity of keeping you from coming close
“no no don’t try to hug me now. you’ll die from my sickness because i came close to you!! you can’t hug me!!”
“ ‘m sorry im sorry i didn’t mean it,” he grabs onto your arm and, at last, pulls you into a hug
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telyscope · 2 years ago
general neteyam hcs again bc why not
neteyam x gn!na’vi!reader
he likes to wrap his tail around your waist when you guys are around a group of people. his protective nature naturally makes him feel the need to protect you at all times; wrapping his tail around you gives him reassurance that you’re safe
he manspreads a lot. like in atwow when tonowari was talking to the kids his legs were spread, but it makes a perfect seat for you. you sit in his lap with your back against his chest
he rests his chin on the top of your head when you sit in his lap. it’s his favorite thing to do
he also loves playing with your hair when you’re in his lap, he’ll attempt to braid it (but fail miserably.. he has the hands of a warrior, not a braider.)
speaking of braiding, you’re the only one he lets braid his hair. he says neytiri is too “rough” (he just wants an excuse to be close to you)
lends you his necklaces to wear. he thinks they suit you better, anyways.
“it compliments your eyes. keep it, it looks better on you”
he tries to hide his wounds from you. he hates worrying you even the slightest, but you know better
he tries to find kiri as quick as he can before you find out he’s wounded because you always end up lecturing him for being so careless which just ends up exasperating both of you
but no matter how much he hates your lectures or your worried expression, he can’t deny the warmth and comfort you bring when you tend to his wounds
you’re so gentle compared to anyone else, and you always have a serene look on your face that he could admire for hours
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telyscope · 2 years ago
general neteyam hcs
neteyam x gn!na’vi!reader
this is my first post i have no idea what i’m doing, apologies
he loves touching or holding your hands whenever he has the chance
you struggle to keep up with his walking pace so he often holds his arm out behind him, lightly grasping your hand to make sure you don’t get lost or get too far behind (but when you are able to keep up, he usually keeps his hand on your lower back)
i feel like he’ll unknowingly play with your fingers when you guys are sitting next to each other, especially when he’s a little anxious
most definitely would lightly grab your face to bring your attention back to him when you get distracted mid convo
could fall asleep in 10 seconds whenever you play with his hair. if he’s had a particularly long day, he’ll come and rest his head on your lap without having to say a word, you already know what to do
he gently traces his finger across your markings when he can’t sleep. he traces every distinct pattern and can’t help but admire your peaceful sleeping figure
he loves how sweet you are to tuk. he finds it so endearing whenever he catches you two playing around- he swears tuk laughs the most around you
and tuk LOVES you. his entire family does tbh. lo’ak and kiri love to tease neteyam whenever you guys are affectionate around them
he’s developed a habit of resting his arm on your shoulder every time he walks up next to you
it started out as a joke.. he would always tease you for being noticeably much shorter than him and would call you an arm rest, so he’d rest his arm on your shoulder to piss you off
he did it so often that it became second nature at that point
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