#i wish i could have explored it a little better here
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scribesynnox · 13 hours ago
Kef's post here, specifically the art at the end, is haunting me. It is fucking with me bad. I wouldn't wish boredom and lack of mental stimulus on my worst enemies, and here Jazz is. Stuck and trapped.
So I decided to write a little something because OOF. Do you know what it's like to be bored? Constantly? Because I do and it SUCKS.
For @keferon's apocalyptic ponyo au.
There’s nothing to do.
This isn’t anything unusual. Jazz regularly finds himself bored out of his mind every day. He’s exhausted every avenue of entertainment he can and then some. He already knows this human dialect, English, so he can’t entertain himself trying to puzzle out words and letters. The people at this aquarium haven’t given him any toys to mess around with either. It’s always a toss up whether the aquariums he ends up at give him toys or not. He prefers it when they do. It’s demeaning sure, but what isn’t in his situation? At least with a beach ball, he could do SOMETHING. It’s night and usually, Jazz would escape his tank by now to explore the building, but the aquarium was setting up some new policy, something about frequent tank escapes and trying to prevent them. It’s not from Jazz’s end, he’s too good at this by now to get caught, but the octopi weren’t exactly being subtle when they went to throw rotten clams at their caretakers. What this means for Jazz though, is that the aquarium is busy tonight, and there’s too many humans around for Jazz to risk it.
What it means is that there is nothing to do, and Jazz is bored.
Bored bored bored, he is so BORED, there is nothing to DO!!
He bursts into an agitated swim, circling circling and circling, trying to burn off the restless energy, or maybe to get dizzy just to feel something, anything, but he’s done this too many times, it’ll take more than that to get him dizzy. The apathy and numbed anger quickly comes back, stealing his energy and hollowing him out. He hangs in the water, bored.
There is nothing to do.
More notes on being Bored!:
when you spend all day every day almost always always always BORED, you start creating your own entertainment
Jazz zoning out a LOT because there just simply isn't anything for him to do. Sure there's the training and there's the performances and the checkups and the people watching, but they can only take away the boredom for so long.
Oh! By the way, off tangent, but I finally thought up of a reason for why Jazz hasn't tried talking to the humans in an attempt to get them to realize that he's sentient and that he has a home and he wants to be free. Or to get them to make his tank more, you know, hospitable. Or at the very least not claw at the walls inducing.
Uh, simple reason: he physically can't. Like, merfolk just Do Not have the vocal cords to pronounce human speech. Humans don't have the vocal cords to copy a lot of noises! We can do a lot, sure, but we can't do everything! I say it's the same for merfolk! The may look like humans, but humans look a lot like mers too, and so I say: while both of them can learn the other's language, they're gonna have a difficult time actually speaking it.
so like, Jazz DOES try to talk to the humans, tries to get them to realize that he's a person and he just wants to go home, please please PLEASE-!
but he is clumsy with human speech and they just think he's like a clever parrot. He has intelligence, sure, but that's it. They think his cries are because he misses his home and his pod, sure, but they also think he's better off in captivity since he is so small and alone. They know better. Poor little orca, so scared and hurt. But they know better. It's for his own good. It's okay because it's for his own good.
ANYWAYS I'm digressing, back to boredom notes.
Jazz loses time a lot. There's just.. so little for him to do. And so little reason to do it. He tries to keep himself busy but sometimes he's just.. tired.
He swims because he's bored of staying still, and then he stays still because he's bored of swimming.
haha, wait, oof, ya boi probably has depression honestly.
He probably gets moments of mania too. You know, ACTUALLY clawing at the walls, throwing himself against the tank because he hates hates HATES how small and cramped it is! How it's only big enough for him to swim in small circles! HE HATES IT
The buzzing in his skin, the restlessness, the need for something, ANYTHING, to make him think, to make him FEEL. He’s going to claw at the walls, this is torture.
The reason why Jazz knows so many human languages isn't just because he was passed around a lot and was exposed to them, it's because he was actively trying to learn them. At first, it was to try and tell someone that he just wants to go home, but when it became clear it wouldn't work, he still kept learning anyways because that way he could overhear conversations, read information from maps and leftover textbooks/papers, and try to escape on his own. Can't escape from the aquarium if he just gets immediately lost once he's outside. (don't think about how he wouldn't be able to escape even if he can read and listen. That path leads to numbness and Jazz has had enough numbness, he needs to focus.)
There's also just.. nothing else for him to do. And if he wants to stave off the boredom and Empty Hollow Fog, then he has to do something.
Honestly, when Jazz and Prowl escape, Jazz is going to have one HELL of an adjustment period outside of just learning mer culture and the ocean world. Going from being bored every day to NEW EXCITING DIFFERENT CHANGES is going to be exhausting. Like, yes, it's all very new and very exciting, and Jazz is going to be a little too preoccupied with staying alive and being terrified to really feel the crash, but man oh man, when there is a lull in all of this? This mer going to crash a LOT.
He's going to have to take a lot of breaks, not just because his tail is weak and undeveloped, but also because he's never had So Much happening All The Time before. It's a lot to adjust to!
(Not that Jazz will let himself have those breaks because uh oh, he's kinda lowkey ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED that Prowl will leave him behind if he can't keep up and Jazz is tired, but he can not go back to being alone.)
Jazz has so many made up games and tricks and stories and music and and and in his head. Because, and I can't stress this enough, there is nothing else for him to do! And when there is nothing for you to do, you start making shit up because the only other alternative is to zone out and lose time, or hit something. And Jazz gets bored of zoning out too, and the last time he hit something, they restrained him and sedated him, so uh. No. No more of that.
Jazz spent a lot of time tinkering with the locks on his tank and practicing moving himself on dry land. He's gotten good at escaping, and very good at doing neat tricks, like doing pull ups to haul himself up the stairs by using their railings, or waddling over the itchy carpet by lifting his tail in the air and keeping it there, or doing a semi cartwheel where he flips himself head over tails by using his tail to help himself roll over (okay that last one is just for fun but come on, he's allowed to have fun.)
Sometimes, when he gets too good at sneaking around, sneaks around while giving himself a handicap just to give himself a challenge. Is it a good idea? Probably not. But he's so bored.
He's gotten some close calls, but he is now very good at sneaking around.
Jazz watches people, just like they watch him, and makes up stories for them. The lady with the screaming toddler is actually secretly a spy, and the child is their cover story! But the spy lady is regretting everything in her life now. She can hack into any computer ever, but she can not hack a child and tell them to behave. The man lingering by the penguins is staring at them because he's thinking about a lover who was lost at sea! The kid popping bubblegum in the corner has parents who are going through a very messy and very dramatic divorce, and they came to the aquarium to escape the fighting. The lady in the giant hat is having a secret affair!
He is so bored.
Jazz also observes, and notices people. Notices their behavior, their motives, their patterns. The caretaker with the Tuesday shift get nervous with loud sudden movements, so Jazz is careful to be small and gentle when it's his turn to feed him. Because if he is small and gentle, then the Tuesday Caretaker will give him a small smile back and sometimes, he'll spend a little extra time talking to him while feeding him, telling him about his classes or about whatever game he's playing for the week. The teenager regular, who must be one of the staff's kids to be able to come so often, loves it when he puts on a little show, playing up his cuteness, and acting playful. She stays longer when he does so, and that means that she stays long enough to meet with one of the cleaning staff members that she's friends with. THIS leads to them greeting each other, and the janitor leaving his cleaning cart unattended, and if Jazz is verrrrry careful, he can snatch one of the chemicals from the cart before the janitor notices. The night guard on Fridays is lazy and always leaves his shift a little early than he should, which means Jazz has less time to get back to his tank on those days.
Jazz notices it all.
There's little else he can do BUT observe.
Jazz probably fidgets and stims a lot too. Idle tapping of his fingers, splashing his tail into the water absentmindedly, humming notes to made up music, or snatches of songs he's memorized, making nonsense noises to himself, tearing up bits of his environment, like peeling paint or crumbling plastic rock.
He tries to stave off the Empty and the Fog, he DOES, but it doesn't always work. Some days, the Fog wins and he just.. floats. Listlessly. Bored. He's so sick of it all, and he's so tired.
He's heard about depression from the college interns and he's pretty sure that's what he has. Lack of stimulation, isolated, and bored bored BORED. Plus, there's that small deal with him being FUCKING TRAPPED AND HELPLESS TO THE WHIMS OF A PEOPLE WHO DON'T SEE HIM AS A PERSON. So you know. He's probably depressed. The Empty is probably the depression. Yippee.
He just wants to go home.
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moosesarecute · 1 day ago
Chapter 19: The Shadow to my Flame
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The continent was simply amazing. She had eaten so much food, drunk too much wine and gone on so many adventures. Ashe and Lucien had travelled from place to place. Both by winnowing, but also by walking. They had spent days in both woods and mountains. Lucien had taught her about all the different plants and flowers. Ashe didn’t have a lot to teach Lucien, but her curiosity made the trip more adventurous for both of them.
Lucien was known for many social connections. Ashe, however, could easily have known more people than he did if she had been allowed to explore. She had become friends with everyone. All the people they had met had been so kind and happy to see her. In return, Ashe had showed her curiosity, and she had listened as strangers told her about all and nothing. She had learned about so many different lives. Some had taught her recipes, others had told her about myths and fables. Ashe had learned enough in just one month to write an entire book of random stories.
“You should definitely become an emissary,” Lucien told her. His voice annoyed her. “So many people are oversharing with you after just one smile. It’s almost scary.”
Ashe had to admit she had been thinking about it. She had always known she loved speaking to people, but this last month had been something other entirely. She felt connected to all the people she had met. After just one conversation she felt like she had gotten new friends.
On the other side, maybe it only meant she should socialize more. That she was longing for interactions with other people than the ones in her family. Ashe sort of felt that was more accurate than her wanting to change her occupation again.
“I don’t think so,” she answered her little brother.
Lucien shrugged.
They were starting to hate each other again. Not hate that would last, but it was still hate. The past two days they had been arguing about all and nothing. Lucien refused to take the paths Ashe wanted to, and then Ashe refused to help Lucien hunt for dinner.
It was only two days left of their trip, so it made sense that they were getting more and more annoyed by each other. Siblings were supposed to argue. Especially siblings that have spent prolonged time with the only company being each other.
They had walked through the last city on their adventure. They had spent a few hours talking and drinking at the local tavern. That’s when they started speaking with the locals and Ashe had learned how to make the stew the two of them were currently eating for dinner.
The weather was nice, and the sky was clear. They had decided to spend the night outside. A fire was dancing in front of them, and they found both familiarity and respect in it.
The next day, they would move to a better spot for winnowing back to the Night Court. Now they were on a place on the continent that laid east of the Autumn Court. So, they wished to travel a little north before they winnowed.
“Happy with the trip?” Lucien was obviously trying to lighten the atmosphere, but Ashe felt every word he spoke to make her more and more tired of having him around. She rolled her eyes mentally and decided to try to keep the mood light.
“Very happy,” she answered as little sarcastic as she could. “It definitely won’t be the last time I’m here.”
Lucien smiled at that. He opened his mouth and was about so say something when they heard a stick breaking. Both of their attentions shot towards the sound, and they found a soldier.
He looked exhausted and hurt, but at the same time he wore a disgusting smile. Behind him more and more soldiers arrived. There had to be at least a dozen.
Lucien and Ashe shared a quick glance before they jumped into action. They had been sitting quite a few meters apart on opposite sides of the fire, but they hurried to get to each other. Ashe hadn’t needed to winnow far distances in over two centuries. The furthest she had winnowed was the length of Velaris. To get to a certainly safe space, Lucien would have to winnow both of them.
However, they didn’t reach each other before the soldiers attacked with ash arrows. Ashe immediately started thinking about her mate’s pale face as an ash arrow was shot through his chest. The thought made the nausea worse.
The arrow hit her in the leg and Ashe hit the ground before the pain could even get to her. She gritted her teeth and pulled the arrow out with a scream. Even though she was dizzy from the pain, she managed to see Lucien in a similar situation to herself. However, he had been hit by two arrows. He had one in each shoulder, and he couldn’t move enough to remove either one of them.
The soldiers were closing, but they didn’t pay much attention to Ashe. That was a huge mistake.
Ashe slowly sat up and tried to find some of the weak points of the soldiers. That’s when she noticed it was only three of them left. She was sure she had seen over a dozen before they got hit.
The bastards must have seen them get hit and thought the fight was over. But it had only just begun.
Ashe raised up on both feet and tried to hide her hiss. The wound on her left tight was quite a lot worse than she had hoped. The blood was pouring out and it was so painful she could cry.
The soldiers were now almost surrounding Lucien. He was struggling on the ground, and the ash seemed to get to him quickly.
Ashe looked around. All the weapons they had brought laid behind Lucien, so she wouldn’t be able to get to them without being noticed. The only weapon she could use was the ash arrow that she had pulled out of her own thigh.
She moved quietly, trying to remember all the tricks her mate had taught her. Her gaze flickered between the ground and the soldiers. She could not step on a branch, that would make too much sound. She also tried to make herself as little as possible, while still standing steady on her feet.  
Ashe had been taught to protect herself, but she hadn’t needed to do so in a while. During the war, she had been in the healer’s tents helping there and before that, life had been calm. It was only during the battle of Velaris she had fought, but she had been so angry that day. So angry, she hadn’t even thought twice before she burned down the warrior threatening to attack.
It had been the first time she killed, and Ashe had hoped she never needed to do it again. She had buried herself in the total horror of knowing she had taken someone’s life, and Azriel hadn’t let go of her until she spoke about it and cried her eyes out in his arms. She had tried not to think about it since, but now all the memories came back in a rush.
Ashe shut the door to her feelings and tried to focus. If she jabbed the arrow into one of the soldier’s arms, all three of them would hopefully be unfocused long enough for her to at least get one arrow out of Lucien. Right?
She didn’t allow herself to think.
It was a fast planned, maybe stupid, plan, but it worked. Ashe used all her power as she forced the arrow into the male’s arm. He let out a scream that would hunt Ashe’s nightmares for a while.
The two other soldiers moved their gaze from Lucien and Ashe immediatly ran to Lucien and forcefully ripped the arrows out of his shoulders. He also screamed from the pain but quickly recovered.
Ashe didn’t have time to do much more before one of the soldiers ripped her away from her brother and threw her into a tree. She hit the tree headfirst and instantly became even more dizzy and nauseous.
“Breathe”, she told herself with a hiss. “In and out, come on, in and out.”
After a few breaths, her vision was back to normal, but it was too late.
“Ashe!” her brother yelled, but she noticed the soldier too late.
Ashe was picked up by a strong and painful grip and then thrown harshly into the tree once more. This time, she hit a branch with her shoulder, and she could feel the blood soak the clothes she was wearing. She thanked the mother that she had decided to wear pants and not a dress that day.
The only positive thing about the branch hitting her shoulder, was the fact that her head had even more time to recover. So, when the soldier picked her up one more time, she had time to think of a way to protect herself.
He held her by her shoulders. So, she simply sat her arms on fire.
The male snarled but let her go. She landed on her feet and was about to run when she was the one that was hit by fire. She wasn’t wearing leathers, except for her sports-bra. The fabric burned easily. Soon, the leather bra was the only thing she wore on her upper body. It was ages since she had been burned by someone that wasn’t herself. It brought her many emotions. Fear, sadness and pain, but also anger. So much anger.
Anger from the pain she had gone through countless times. Anger for all the other victims. Anger for the bastard that thought he could burn her and get away with it.
Ashe turned swiftly, but she didn’t even notice her own unleashing power before it was too late. He was too slow to react and started screaming loudly. One second, he stood there, the next, he was gone. Only some pieces of his uniform were left.
She hadn’t meant to kill him. Ashe only wanted to harm him enough to stop his attacks. She lost control, again. Feelings of horror spread through her body.
“Ashe,” Lucien’s voice was horse, but soft. “We need to winnow, Ashe. We should get off the continent. It’s not safe here.”
She heard his words but wasn’t able to react to them properly. It was first when his hand rested on her shoulder, she got out of her thoughts.
Lucien looked awful. His shoulders were still bleeding, his nose was broken, and he looked wobbly on his feet. Ashe suspected she looked similar. Her back hurt from the fire and the wounds on her thigh and shoulder was aching. She only wished to lay down and cry. She wanted to cry in her mate’s arms. She needed to hear his heartbeat. To know that he was safe. Ashe needed to know that even though she was hurt and scared, he was safe and his perfect self.
She couldn’t stop the tears as they rolled down her face. Even though her brother stood before her, she suddenly felt utterly alone without her mate being there to hold her.
“You need to winnow, Ashe,” Lucien said, his voice had grown even more horse and shaky.
“Why can’t you?” she asked. Her own voice was also shaky, but that was because of the tears.
“I’m too weak right now, I can’t take both of us,” he hissed in pain as he spoke. “We’ll winnow to Autumn.”
“What? We can’t do that!”
“We don’t have much choice. Neither one of us will get much further. We’ll go to Eris’ cabin. It’s Saturday, so he’s hopefully there. Then he can winnow us to the Night Court within minutes.”
Ashe did as he told her. Lucien counted to three and then, they winnowed. How she got all the way to the Autumn Court, she didn’t know. It must have been the adrenaline. However, as she landed in the cabin, she lost all control over her emotions.
Lucien, who had a third wound from the arrows that Ashe hadn’t seen before, passed out the second he landed in the cabin. Ashe was too focused on not hyperventilating to notice it.
“What the hell is going on?” Eris asked the second he came running into the living room. He held a sword but lowered it the second he saw his siblings. “Are you okay?”
“I killed him,” Ashe muttered and then completely broke down. She fell to her knees. It hurt as hell upon impact, because of the arrow wound, but she didn’t care. She had lost control, and she had killed.
Eris’ widened. He dropped the sword and ran towards Lucien. He crunched down and laid a hand on his chest. A sigh of relief left him.
“I killed him,” she cried. Her heart was breaking. The male didn’t breathe any longer. He could no longer think or laugh or smile. He was gone. Nothing was left. Nothing to bury. What if he had a mate waiting for him?
She threw up at that thought.
Eris was suddenly at her side, holding her hair.
What if someone had killed Azriel? What if someone had lost control and killed him? What if she lost control and killed him?
She couldn’t breathe. Her chest was too tight, and her heart was beating too loud. Eris spoke to her, but she couldn’t hear a word he said. Her entire body was shaking.
She was awful. She had lost control and killed. Killed a male that had a future. He had a life, and she had taken it from him.
Ashe didn’t feel her own powers burning into her arms. She didn’t feel the fire as it burned its way from her fingers to her elbows. She only noticed it when Eris rubbed her arms fast enough to stop the flame. Then, she felt the relief. But it didn’t last long before she was again lost in her thoughts.
Ashe didn’t feel how Eris let go of her. Hadn’t noticed him walking to the table, scribbling a note and sending it away. Ashe was still bawling and heaving as he picked up Lucien and sat back down beside her. She barely noticed that they winnowed.
She threw up once more, now in the summer sun of the Night Court. Ashe was shaking. The adrenaline was starting to disappear and pain from her wounds started bothering her along the breaking of her heart.
It was first when she smelled him, she understood she was safe. Finally safe.
Shadows swirled and bunched together around her wounds. Some on her shoulder, some on her thigh, some calmed the blisters that formed on her arms. Most of them, however, stayed in front of her heart.
“Come here, Flame,” Azriel whispered into her ear as he picked her up. Ashe allowed herself to break only when she was in his safe arms.
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He had been looking at her at least three times. He was definitely planning something. Ashe hated that she didn’t know what.
The Night Court had been allying with Eris for a while, but just recently come up with the idea of using Ashe against him. Or as a reward for him. They didn’t know how he would take it.
Nesta and Eris was in the middle of a beautiful dance. Ashe could see multiple people that was in a trance because of it, but she knew that neither one of them used any magic.
It was almost funny seeing Cassian trying to control himself. Ashe would usually laugh at him, but she felt a little unsure. Both because of Eris, but also because she just wasn’t used to being in the Hewn City.
Azriel was a mess trying to take care of her, so he didn’t help a lot. He hated having her here. He hated even the sight of Eris. It seemed like he always would.
Azriel had been in meeting with Eris not long after Ashe and Lucien had returned from their adventure.
She and Lucien sat in the couch talking about their childhood. They often sat together trying to piece together things they were unsure about. Their evenings puzzling together their existence became longer and longer for each night. Especially now that Ashe and Azriel lived in their own house and not the Townhouse. They had been asked if they wanted the Townhouse as theirs, but it was simply too big.
Azriel came home. He didn’t make a sound, but Ashe still felt his presence. He walked through the door into the livingroom, saw Ashe on the couch and almost fell upon her. Ashe was quick to worry about her mate, but the movement of the shadows told her he was okay, just tired.
“I hate your brother,” he muttered into her chest.
“Me too, but just to be sure, which brother?” she asked him.
Lucien let out an insulted gasp.
“All of them.”
“That’s it, I’m leaving,” Lucien said next. He pretended to be insulted as he walked out with his head held high.
“Good night!” Ashe yelled after him. She would usually follow him to the door, but Azriel was still laying upon her, crushing her just a little.
Lucien muttered something from the door and then Ashe heard the door closing. She shifted her attention to her mate.
“What did he do this time?” she asked. She didn’t have to say who she was talking about, they both knew it was Eris.
“He’s too good at reading people. He knows exactly what to say to get on my nerves.”
That was a quality it seemed like all her siblings had. Reading people and using it for their own advantage.
“He knows about the two of us, or at least some of it,” Azriel said next. “And I hate it.”
They had discussed many times before whether Eris should know about their relationship or not. Ashe was for it, but not as much as Azriel was against it. So, they had decided to keep it a secret.
When Ashe and Lucien had winnowed to Eris and Azriel and Rhys had met them at the border, Azriel had felt so much of Ashe’s pain and spiralling thoughts, he couldn’t hold back even one second. In the days after, he had regretted it immensely. It led to the two of them having mental breakdowns at the same time, and that didn’t end very well.
It seemed that Azriel had hated Eris even more than before ever since.
“I don’t like this,” Azriel muttered and pulled Ashe from her thoughts.
Eris and Nesta had finished their dance and started a new one. However, Cassian didn’t let them finish it. While Cassian impressed with his new dance skills. Mor and Ashe had taught both Cass and Nesta how to dance. Ashe had mostly helped Nesta with the Autumn Court dances, but she had enjoyed watching Cassian struggling to be graceful.
It was so obvious that Eris was being a prick. Ashe could see it on his entire face. He was smug and proud as he stood and spoke with Rhys and Feyre. Ashe really wanted to be a part of the conversation.
However, it was quickly over. Eris looked back at Nesta and saw that she and Cassian was still dancing. That’s when his gaze landed on Ashe and stayed there.
She could feel Azriel’s anger grow bigger for each step Eris took towards the two of them. Eris ignored him completely.
He stopped two meters away from them. With one hand on his back and the other reached towards her, he spoke.
“May I have this dance?”
He spoke normal. His voice was proud and steady. But it was his eyes that gave away the desperation. They were begging. Begging her to take his hand and join him.
It was a time when dancing had been Ashe’s biggest dream. Now, it was something she enjoyed often. Azriel loved dancing with her. That’s what they would do every Starfall, sometimes also just the two of them at home. It was no longer something she was longing after. However, she decided to give him a chance.
She walked up to him and took his hand with a slight bend in her knees. Eris bowed at her and led the way to the dancefloor.
It was an easy dance. No fancy movements, just a normal waltz. It was originally from the Autumn Court, but it was Ashe’s favourite. Mostly because it was the only one she could so without stepping wrong. She had taught the dance to Azriel, but it was Eris that had taught her. Azriel didn’t know that of course, then he wouldn’t let himself enjoy it.
They moved together as they danced. Their movements were intertwined, but not at all as graceful as the ones he had with Nesta. However, both smiled a little. Not at each other, but both smiled from their memories together. The first time they danced, Ashe had been yelled at by Beron for handing out the wrong glasses. Ashe had just been a stand in and was supposed to have the night off. It hadn’t been her fault, but Beron didn’t care.
Eris had come to make sure she was okay after the ball was finished and then he taught her to dance. He spent almost an hour for her to understand the first move, so they continued next week too. And the one after that.
“You’ve gotten better,” Eris said. “You finally have a left and a right foot, not two left.”
“I’ve had the opportunity to practice more than before,” she spat back.
“I should have seen that coming,” he answered. He was about to say something else when Ashe spoke.
“I thought you didn’t like dancing as a way of getting to speak.”
He shut his mouth, and it stayed closed. They continued dancing a little stiffer than before.
That’s when Ashe felt the exhaustion. The total full body exhaustion of walking around being angry. Being annoyed. Forcing herself to be in a foul mood when she really wanted to smile and be happy while dancing.
She of course knew why she was angry at Eris. He had done many awful things that broke her trust completely. But so had Lucien. And now they were almost best friends, like they used to be when they were children.
She let out a sigh when she realized her entire mind and body told her to forgive him. To forgive Eris.
Azriel must have noticed it too, because even though he hated Eris, he poured just enough love through the bond for Ashe to get the bravery to speak.
“I taught Azriel this dance. We dance it often,” she told her brother, and he looked utterly shocked at her. She couldn’t help the laugh that left her. “Especially on Starfall.”
Eris nodded and gave her a small spin. He held her up when she started losing her balance and the rhythm.
“You’re married then?” he asked carefully. It was like he also felt the need to ask even though it felt so unnatural.
“We’re mates.”
He didn’t look too surprised at that.  
“That’s how he knew you needed him that day.”
He was speaking about the day Beron almost killed her. One of the many times he had wanted to end her life.
She nodded even though he hadn’t asked.
“He treats you well?”
“Better than anyone else ever have,” she answered without hesitation and Eris flinched. They were deep into foreign territory, so Ashe decided to keep going. “Why didn’t you tell me Eris? You told me so much else. So many things that would have gotten me killed if they knew I knew. Why didn’t you tell me?”
His gaze burned into her, and she made her own eyes burn into his. They had the same eyes, the same amber eyes.
“Because I’m a coward. I thought I could keep you safe and unknowing. I realize that I was wrong, but I thought knowing what he was would break you.”
“It did break me. It still does at times.”
Eris had the horrible look of guilt in his eyes, but his movements did not linger. He still led beautifully. They stayed silent for a while. Ashe didn’t know what else to ask. Eris didn’t know how to answer without ruining the little time she had given him.
“He didn’t know it was you,” Eris started, and Ashe looked confused at him. “Beron didn’t know it was you that gave the information to the Night Court. He only wanted you dead. They continued looking for the traitor afterwards. Only mother and I know.”
It was too much. Ashe understood what Eris was doing. He couldn’t answer Ashe’s questions in a way that she would like, so he gave up some other information instead. Information that Ashe should know, but it still hurt.
“What?” was all she could mutter as an answer.
Everything became overwhelming. They hadn’t known.
“Beron wanted you dead so, Maria gave him all the details that could lead to the traitor being you. He then used it against you, even though he did not at all have enough proof.”
Ashe stepped on Eris’ foot and faltered for the first time in the dance. Eris kept her upright and continued pretending like nothing had happened.
Beron had wanted to kill her so badly, he wanted her framed for a crime he didn’t even know she committed. Azriel had told her before that she had been given a much harsher punishment than Samli would have when she took her punishment. It had been awful to hear, but he hadn’t tried to kill her.
Or maybe he had, but she had been stronger than he expected.
The movements got too much. Her chest tightened and she felt suddenly so out of breath. Eris had already been embarrassed by Cassian interrupting his dancing with Nesta, and how she would have to embarrass him by stopping in the middle of the dance. She couldn’t breathe.
“Mind if I take over?” Azriel’s voice sounded from behind her.
Eris stopped their movements and gave a small bow before he left without any questioning looks.
Azriel didn’t smile as he took her hands. He laid one of her hands on his chest and the other around his neck. Feelings his steady heartbeat relaxed Ashe enough for her to catch her breath. Her chest still felt strangled, but it got better for each deep breath she took.
Then, he started moving. His movements were smaller than the ones Eris had made. Ashe didn’t need to stretch herself more than she felt comfortable. They stayed together and moved together to finish the dance.
“I’m proud of you, Flame,” he said to her. The song slowed and the dance was coming to an end. Azriel stopped, leaned down and kissed her forehead and then held his hand on her lower back as they made their way back to the corner they had been standing in before. And they stayed there for the rest of the night.
When the party ended, Azriel and Ashe had gone straight home. Ashe explained everything Eris had said to her.
Azriel had always cursed at Beron. He had gone it long before he met Ashe. He had done it so much more after meeting her. But knowing that he had wanted to kill his own daughter for something he wasn’t even sure she had done, how horrible could someone be?
“I’m going to work on forgiving him,” Ashe said next and Azriel felt his brain explode. How could she forgive Beron? How could she even think the thought? He didn’t deserve to be forgiven, not for hurting her or anyone else. “Eris. I’m going to forgive Eris.”
Azriel relaxed at that, let out a chuckle at his own jumping to conclusion and kissed her forehead.
“I’m tired of being angry at him. I’m tired of being angry in general, but I think forgiving him will make it better for me. I’m doing this for me, not for him.”
It just made him want to hold her tighter.
They laid together on the couch. The fancy dress and tunic were changed into more cosy sweats. Ashe laid upon him and he held both his arms and wings around both of them.
Ashe had always had issues with her emotions. Azriel liked to explain it as she was feeling a little too much. Extreme feelings of anger and fear, but also happiness and safety often brought her to tears. It was overwhelming and too much for her.
Anger had always been the worse. Anger tended to unleash her powers. Earlier, also the other emotions had made her go up into flames, but she had worked on it and now it rarely happened. But she was still carrying too much anger.  
Azriel knew she had gone through so much, and to know that she still had the bravery to face her feelings and trying to get better always impressed him. He loved it. Truly. He loved her. She was his inspiration every day.
“I’m going to start answering his letters, I think,” Ashe continued. Eris had sent her letters every year. On the first of December Rhysand would receive a letter to “Avron Venture”. It was obvious it was to Ashe Vanserra. Ashe always read through the letter. She kept them all, but she never answered them. Until now apparently. “I’ll start with just letting him slightly into my life again. Just like Lucien have done.”
His Flame was determined to make things better. And he was determined to stay by her side and keep her safe throughout the entire period.
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Avron Venture,
December 1st
The year has been long and painful. Mother seems to be doing worse and worse. I’ve tried to get father away from her as often as possible, but I don’t think it’s helping.
The hounds have gotten another litter. The young ones are exploring around my cabin as I write. They are eating, licking and peeing on everything in sight, but they are also adorable. I’m looking forward to training new pups again.
Father is bothering me about marriage again. I’ve decided to not marry until he’s dead. I don’t want to bring more people into this horrible family.
I hope you are doing well, even after the horrid experience it seemed like you and our brother had on the continent. I hope you know I am here if something similar happens again and you need a safe place to go.
Rhysand has invited me to a ball on the days closer to Winter Solstice. I hope to see you there.
Take care of yourself,
Evan Venture
Evan Venture,
December 27th
I’m happy to hear you’re doing your best to take care of our mother. I was hoping you could tell her about my mate. I must admit, I don’t know her very well, but I hope my happy news can bring her some happiness as well.
My year has been great. Even though our trip to the continent ended badly, I have never felt as free as I did when I was there.
Our brother and I explored all we could find. He taught me a lot, but the locals told me the most. I hope to go back at a safer time to explore even more.
I’m so happy to hear the puppies are doing great. Please hug and kiss each and every one of them for me. And please do not be too harsh in the training.
It’s good to hear from you. I suggest a monthly exchange of letters instead of a yearly one. Hope that’s okay with you.
Looking forward to your reply,
Avron Scheme (I do not go by your surname, I want you to use my mate’s chosen surname)
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Taglist: @tele86 @demon-master-zero @kbear8863 @atluky @mis-lil-red @rcarbo1 @adventure-awaits13
Let me know if you want to be added!
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
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ragnarockz · 3 days ago
I feel like a little feral fucking creature with foam at her mouth like hey! Have this, too! 👋🏻 😵‍💫
Alice/Agnes and THIS thought
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Agnes tried her hardest to walk and move as quietly as she could back into her and Alice's room. Nicky had finally fallen asleep, waking up in the middle of the night with tiny sobs of hunger. Agnes was happy that he was both a good eater and sleeper; drifting off to sleep the second he unlatched from her.
She padded into the room, hands cupping her breasts against her tee shirt. The comforter was still pulled back from when she got out of bed; letting her get back right in. She got herself down on her back and pulled the covers up halfway. Her hands went back up to her chest, cupping her breasts once more.
It was times like these she wished her and Evanora had a better relationship. She wished she had someone to ask about motherhood; all the little things she didn't think would ever cross her mind that she now dealt with every day. Breast feeding was one of them. Luckily enough, Nicky latched on right away at the hospital, and the nurses and doctor were beyond happy. He was able to suckle without any issues and, therefore any feeding worries were quickly put out of Agnes' mind.
But god, she thought, did she wish to know what to do about the ache in her chest, the weight. Her body had changed, that she knew, but there were just certain things that threw her off. She let out a sigh as she felt another pang in her breasts. Had he drunk enough? Should she go back into his room?
Alice rolled over so that she was now facing Agnes. She looked so peaceful in her sleep, Agnes thought as she looked down at her with admiration. She looked safe here, comfortable. Agnes watched as Alice opened her eyes and gave a sleepy smile,
"Hey, you..."
"Hey you, yourself...sorry I woke you, I was trying to be quiet..."
Alice yawned softly, shaking her head against her pillow. She smiled lazily at Agnes,
"Don't be sorry... you're doing your job as a Mom..."
Agnes beamed, nodding her head. She felt another pang and hitched her breath; Alice's eyes opened fully from the sound,
"Are you ok? Agnes?"
Agnes nodded her head, massaging her breasts slightly through her shirt. Alice's gaze moved from Agnes' face to her hands, watching the circular movements at she gropped and cupped herself. Alice licked her bottom lip,
"You should lay down, sweetheart...let me help you..."
Agnes' eyebrows shot up as she stopped moving her hands, holding in wait to see what Alice was going to do. She slowly laid back down onto the bed, her head hitting her pillow. She looked over at Alice and then up at her as she got closer, sat up.
Alice's hands went down to the hem of Agnes' band tee, pulling her shirt up until her breasts were fully uncovered. She knew her breasts were easily a cup bigger than what they were before Nicky, something Agnes disclosed with her when they went through her garbage bag of old clothes. Bigger and fuller; softer to the touch. Alice's curious hands moved down to cup them both, playing with the weight.
Agnes moaned in both arousal and relief. It was nice to feel the weight be lessened and to still be desired through motherhood. Alice hadn't turned away from her or thought any lesser of her; didn't see her as any less masculine just because her breasts were full with milk to feed her baby.
Alice bounced them in each hand, cupping from right underneath the gentle, soft curve. She watched as Agnes' nipples went hard from being touched, being loved. Alice smiled as she scooted a little closer, which allowed Agnes to bring her left hand around Alice's waist.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
Agnes kept her gaze into Alice's eyes, quietly pleading with her to do what she wanted, to explore. Agnes nodded her head before she gently closed her eyes; waiting to feel what happened next.
Alice's pointer and thumb fingers moved up to pinch Agnes' erect nipples; pinching ever so gently. She watched as pearls of white milk bloomed from her nipples and dribbled down her breasts; following the curvature.
Alice moaned at the sight, turning herself on. She had been more intrigued at the thought of this more so than she was having a preexisting kink to it. And now? Squeezing and gropping; pinching and cupping Agbes' painfully swollen breasts, was sending new flares into her brain. It was so intimate and so natural; something that was so instinctual. The beauty and simplicity and complexity of a woman's breasts rocked Alice to her core.
Agnes' eyes opened and dared to look at Alice's face. Agnes spotted the age-old tell of arousal on Alice's face, and instantly, Agnes fell relaxed into Alice's touches.
"You want a taste, sunshine? There's enough..."
Agnes hadn't realize the words coming out of her mouth until she watched Alice's body and head bend down towards her chest. Alice didn't waste anytime; savoring this moment between them. Her mouth latched onto Agnes' left nipple. She let her tongue swirl, tracing around the areola before licking the nipple directly.
Agnes' back arched upwards off of the bed; right hand flying down into her boxers to touch herself. She waited for Alice to start sucking; waiting to feel her milk flow before dipping her fingers inside of herself.
Alice complied, sucking slowly, gently at first. She felt the milk flow into her mouth. She was tasting another part of Agnes now; not her mouth, not her saliva. Not her sweet sweat between her breasts nor her cum on her fingers. This was something else; something Alice would never have dreamed of in her life.
It was intimate and romantic. It was revealing and raw. Something Alice knew was linked to Agnes' push and pull with her femininity and masculinity.
Alice moaned against Agnes' skin to show her, tell her she was thankful; that she was without a doubt turned on.
Agnes kept fingering herself, following Alice's lead in time with the sucking. Her brows were furrowed in concentration; getting closer to her orgasm. This was so unexpected, so unscripted in her and Alice's relationship, and yet, Agnes felt like they had found an unspoken turn on between them.
Alice got her fill before letting her lips release Agnes' overworked nipple. The cool air hit Agnes' wet skin, making her moan as she gave a final pump of her fingers. She moaned loudly as she felt the release from her core coat her fingers. She pulled them slowly out of herself; out of her boxers.
Alice stared at Agnes' fingers with hungry eyes, and Agnes saw it, recognized it. Without a word, she brought her hand towards Alice. Alice, with her eyes so hungry, so desperate, took Agnes' wet fingers into her mouth as well.
Agnes swore she was melting into the bed, their bed right then and there. Smothered by love and acceptance; a place to explore the unspoken. She moaned at the feeling of Alice's tongue now in between her fingers; eyes closing as she slowly...ever so slowly drifted into a soft and peaceful sleep.
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whitherwanderer · 6 months ago
3 // tempest
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// 487 words. Anger isn't pretty and Sawyer isn't trying to be.
Yours is not the domain of ‘loveliness’.
You do not turn heads when you enter a room. You pull at skirts with discomfort. Your steps are less a glide and more of a march, and your hair doesn’t keep elegant curls’ like the other girls’ does. While they flit from group to group, greeting and giggling, you try to put on forced smiles and what conversations you manage to strike up are short, light, usually end with one of you excusing yourself to find a drink or get some air.
You understand there is no expectation for a lowborn midlander to rise to such fanciful heights as the Haillenarte socialites, but your well-meaning godmother tries to encourage you regardless, extolling the virtues of a well-connected woman. She pulls you into conversations with the elders who politely oblige, and you speak of your work in the manufactory, only to be given the polite, yet disinterested compliments about how proud you should be. You are reminded sorely that these are merchants and magisters whose hands have scarcely been sullied by ink, let alone oil, and you are ever more aware of your hyuran stature as they tilt to look at you.
Most have already heard about you. Critical. Overly serious. Disagreeable. A little stormcloud of a girl, your free-wheeling mother once teased, and though she meant it lovingly, the words haunt you well into your midlife. All things that a young woman should endeavor not to be, and yet you cannot convince yourself to put on the wool long enough to fool the flock. You were not born soft and delicate. You pulled at your lips in the mirror one day and found sharp teeth. But instead of reaching for the file, you tested your bite.
You were not the first, of course. Other little girls like you had long found their fangs and grew into them, offering up their swords in service: Of the sky, from the sky, for the sky. How you envied their silver armor, all of them walking together in one shining sea. No one questioned if they belonged. If their teeth had merit.
Why couldn’t someone value your anger, then? Were storms not a blessing for the farmer? Was this not the city whose matron goddess was exalted as Fury?
You pour yourself into your work. Mad scrawl turned metal, metal turned machine. This endless churn of concept, design, prototype, product appeals to your critical eye. Your seriousness demands the respect of your peers, and your disagreeable attitude is no worse than any of theirs. You fashion weapons for the weary because you have no wool to warm them and pray to Byregot that it is enough. Bark and bite are tools where charm avails you naught, and you hope the Fury smiles.
Yours is not the domain of ‘loveliness’. But a storm needn’t be lovely to draw all eyes to its brilliant light.
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a-tale-of-legends · 7 months ago
Like I love Piers. I do. But it will forever erk me on how he just. Pushes so much on Marnie. I don't think it's malicious by any means, it's clear he adores her. But again, the " team yell situation would've been out of control if it wasn't for her" as if he's not the adult there. Or the " I'm not much of a gym leader, so I want my sister to take over for me", despite her interests being. Not that atm.
And I don't exactly hate these flaws for Piers. I think they're really interesting! But both the game and masters kinda don't do anything with it. At least masters goes " yeah, my sister wants to be champion, so I'm still gonna be a gym leader for now and let her do her own thing " but it's still banking on the fact Marnie will eventually become the gym leader in her place. Like he doesn't mean to do this, but he's putting so much pressure on the girl. Him and team yell! And I don't think that's fair! But nah, they still have a good relationship - and I want them to! But I also want them to address this. I think their entire situation is just messy, and pokemon isn't exactly showing that.
I do think it's interesting, according to Marnie, she feels like the reason her and Piers don't argue is because Piers is holding back on her. And that she would want that sibling squabble. Like! God that's so interesting! And kinda sad! To know your older brother is holding back emotions for your sake! There's so much you could do with these two I swear, and yet! We don't get much!
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months ago
#Watched ep7.#Not many strong feelings. A nice‚ nicely animated episode.#I've already said this‚ and despite despising the ending...#I gotta admit that every time the episode ends and you're hit straight to the face with the ss/kks I'm like 🥰🥰🥰#Tetcho is quite cute… All the time‚ I'm thinking “I care for all the hd except for Tetchou”.#But then he hits the screen and he's so cute together with Kenji and I'm like… Actually I do care……#Ugh I love the Teruko / Atsushi parts. They're very emotional and they're both characters I love a lot.#I just wish it had taken a different route… I really wish they would have let them fight– *actually* fight ಥ_ಥ#I wish we would have gotten the chance to explore Teruko more… And Atsushi too.#I so wish there was a moment of more flashbacks orphanage horror due to the age regression / torture Teruko would make him go through.#What can I say I love to see a man suffer 😔#I just think the conflict resolution was very underwhelming and didn't match the build up.#Teruko just letting Atsushi go like that…#For Atsushi to say “I can't decide for myself‚ so I'll have the president decide in my place”– that's not very satisfying either#But. Eh. Idk perhaps not everything can fit. They had to make space for the ss/kk scene perhaps.#I just wish the few women had a little more action here. The last episodes I have been missing Kyouka and Lucy so much.#I enjoy the ss/kk scene (and bloodsucking!)‚ but I genuinely would have liked it even better if Kyouka or Lucy had come in to save Atsushi#(The Lucy option sounding particularly appealing to me... Partly because we've already seen Kyouka fight Aktgw.#Partly because I feel like Anne's Room could maybe perhaps pose an actual challenge for Rashomon who knows?#I just want to see Lucy and Aktgw interact I think their dynamics would be so much fun… )#Then again the truth is that if I wished to see more women in action I should just watch something else 😭😭😭#random rambles
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year ago
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How these guys would react to having their face held…
Dick smiles out of habit and pushes his face even further into your hands, humming in content.
He loves it when you held him, however that may be, as it was the one thing he looked forward to the most when coming home.
He’s prone to frequent bouts of fatigue with patrols and the like, but it was moments like these where he could truly appreciate your touch and the healing properties they have on him.
‘I could spend forever here in your hands.’ He’d sigh as he allowed himself to relax within your touch.
‘Oh really? Is that so?’ You raised your brows, watching as the features within his face relaxed into a one that showed you just how exhausted Dick looked. You could see the toll his job his job took but you knew that Dick was too devoted, too attached to what he does to ever give it up, no matter how constantly drained and tired it made him.
You respect his decision to keep doing what he was doing but there came times where you’d just wish he would take a breather from it all, even if it was just for a second, you just wanted to take the weight off of Dick’s shoulders and put it aside for a moment while you work the tension out of his aching muscles.
‘Yeah.’ He responded, feeling himself sink further into sleep. Dick loved what he does but some times he resents it for leaving him with little to no time to spend with you, at least not without him falling asleep five minutes within the interaction. Time with you was sparse and all Dick wanted to do was spend as much of it as he could to make up for the fact that he was barely home at all during the day.
He knew that he prioritised being a hero over your relationship too often and he couldn’t help but feel a tremendous amount of guilt over it during your relationship. You didn’t deserve to wait up for him every night to make sure he was okay, not while developing heavy eye bags of your own and a lack of a sleeping schedule.
He just hopes that one day you too will realise that you better then what he’s giving you and put yourself first, but you were too selfless to ever do that and he could feel that through the way you trace his features with your fingers with featherlight caresses.
Jason stiffens beneath your touch and goes unresponsive for such a long time that you were worried that you had accidentally crossed a boundary.
So just as you were about to remove your hands from his face, Jason quickly reaches out to grasp your hands and pull them back to cupping his cheeks as he then proceeded to nuzzle his cheek against your palm.
‘Stay.’ He whispered. ‘Please.’
Your heart broke at his plea but obeyed as you began to stroke his cheeks with either of your thumbs, feeling him gradually relax under your touch until he was practically a puddle in your hands.
‘I’m sorry.’ He whimpered, burying his face into your hands so that you didn’t see his tear stricken red face. ‘I don’t deserve this. None of it.’ He adds, cursing himself for being so pathetic but your touch practically broke him in the best way.
In your hands Jason felt as though all his broken prices were being put back together again through love, warmth and patience and that was enough to make him breakdown into tears.
Physical affection is a foreign concern to this poor man, and in due to that Jason is naturally going to be skeptical and on edge the moment the pads of your fingertips explore his jawline, before slowly coming up to cup his cheeks. ‘I’m right here Jaybridie.’ You utter softly as you felt his grip on your wrists slack a little. ‘I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere because nowhere is more important than staying here with you. Just take your time.’ And stay with him you did.
Damian is another one who’s not use to soft touches and sweet affection.
So he’ll initially be on guard when he saw you coming his way with your hands outstretched to cup his cheeks, but will huff and reluctantly rest his face in your palms, he’s extremely stiff while doing so and looking away from you out of initial embarrassment.
‘Get on with it.’ He’d mutter, acting as though such acts or moments of tenderness and vulnerability were beneath him, when in actuality Damian loved the feeling of you hold his face as though it were porcelain. He loved the fact that despite knowing his upbringing you still treat him with a love, kindness and warmth that he has never been shown before.
To Damian it was clear that you didn’t care if he was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, grandson of Ra’s al Ghul. You only cared about him, Damian Wayne and he could feel that care through your touch as he vowed to cut through anything and everything that intended to harm you.
Your touch brings him a sense of calm, serenity and peace that brought him back from the brink a plethora of times, especially in moments when his arrogance and brashness would resurface. Damian was thankful for you being in his life, a true guiding light in his darkest moments, and he couldn’t think of any possible way to thank you for everything you’ve done for him but he’ll surly try.
Bruce feels the tension behind his eyes and in his jaw sooth themselves under your touch.
His eyes would slowly close as he brought his calloused hands up to gently stroke the inside of your wrists. Bruce needs no words to describe how he felt because he feels as though his expressions and the noises of content made it clear how much he appreciated you being here with him.
‘You look tired.’ You commented, tracing the weary lines on his hard face with your eyes as he observed your face and the way it showed most of your innermost emotions whether you were aware of this fact or not.
Bruce knew that you worry and that you worry a lot about him in particular when it came to whether he was sleeping enough, eating enough and keeping himself safe whilst fighting on the streets of Gotham. Bruce knew he was as stubborn as mule when it came to his life choices and that you were only just worried about him because you cared for him, but sometimes he wished you would redirect all this effort towards yourself because he oftentimes didn’t think he was worth of your worry, nor your care.
Bruce felt as though he should be the one taking care of you rather than you taking care of him. It’s not as though he hates it, it’s just you’ve shown him on countless occasions of your care towards him, and on even more occasions you have shown him of your unwavering dedication towards him. Bruce also feels like he should be the one paying you back for all the hard times where you stood by his side, watching him practically work himself to the bone and almost into a comatose if you didn’t step in and deal him away from the computers.
For you’ve proven time and time again that you weren’t so easily swayed into leaving, and that was made more true when he felt comfortable enough telling you that he was Batman and the dangers that would come with knowing such knowledge. You however only shrugged and told him that by his side, you were the safest you’ve ever been or will ever be.
‘More so than usual?’ He asked in a way that it might as well have came out as an indignant huff.
‘And by more so than usual you mean constantly, then yes, yes you are more tired than usual.’ You replied as you ran your thumbs under his eyes and across his eye bags as if to emphasise your point. Bruce only huffs as he watched you take in all of him with nothing but love and affection in your eyes and your touch.
John would most likely bite your hand out of an inherent need to be a teasing little shit.
Will boast about the fact that you just wanted to touch up his stubble. He wasn’t lying but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that and instead say; ‘in your dreams John.’
‘Oh I’m sure I am in yours.’ He reply with confidence as he winked, causing you to lightly pinch his cheek as punishment for his cockiness. ‘I hate you.’ You’d say as you push your fingertips through his stubbly beard, enjoying the way it deliciously tickles your skin, almost as though they were little prickly kisses.
‘No you don’t sweetheart, try as you might but you and me both know that for definite that you love me.’ John would state in a matter of fact tone. Once again you hated how right he was, but kept your lips sealed shut as not to give him any more ammunition to tease and contradict you at any given opportunity than you’ve already have.
The air between you is playful and light in comparison to how cynical, sharp witted and sarcastic he usually is on a daily basis. It was a welcomed change as you allowed the blonde to pretend to bite your hand, only allowing for his teeth to barely graze your skin before pulling away with a sly smirk as you scratch at his stubble.
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calypsocolada · 6 months ago
they think they lost you... ft. sanemi, rengoku, obanai, giyu, tengen, & hotaru
authors note: holy cow this was a lot of writing but i fear i may have done a good job. i hope you all enjoy this angst :)
cw: lots of mention of blood and gore, suggestive, angst, not proofread apologies
wc: 6.8k
click here for my masterlist
Sanemi isn’t able to speak. He'd never felt more anger in his life as he searched the charred remains of the mansion. A hopeless sort of desperation slowly nudging his anger to the back of his mind as he almost frantically tossed debris out of his way. His eyes searched everything they could, he left no stone unturned and only when all hope had been lost had he taken a step back.
You two paired up for this mission against Sanemi’s wishes of course. He’d been cold to you ever since you became a Hashira. Ignored you at every turn and when he couldn’t outright ignore you he was outwardly rude. Saying things about your position, how you weren’t strong enough to be fighting beside him, let alone any other hashira. Things that burnt you to your core. A part of you didn’t want to care about him. Didn’t want to linger on his vile words but you found yourself trying to prove him wrong at every turn. Trying to prove to him that you belonged. That you were strong enough to fight alongside him. It was stupid. It was idiotic. But you couldn’t help yourself. So when the chance to pair up with Sanemi arose you snatched it up with pleasure. 
He didn’t talk to you the entire train ride to your destination. You tried sparking some small conversation but… he just wasn’t having it. Not wanting to evoke his anger, you let him be, you lapsed into silence. You let him spend the rest of the ride alone in the suite as you explored the train, landing a seat in the little cafe until your platform was announced. Sanemi met you at the train door and gave you a withering look as he led the way off. For a moment you paused. You could let the door close right now, let the train carry you away. Let this week not be wasted on a man like him. 
But you stepped off the train.
The ashes of the mansion dusts up around Sanemi as he kicks the nearest pillar causing it to crack under his ire. You followed him off the train. He stayed spiteful to you. Why in the hell did you follow him? Sanemi felt the endless pit of anger in his stomach grow. You followed him into this mansion despite his warnings. You fought well. You fought violently and when Sanemi felt backed into a corner you helped him out of it at the cost of your life. This was the exact fucking reason he was so cold to you. The exact reason he kept his distance. The coldness inside of him was warmed just by your mere presence and he hated it. He hated that the mere thought of you and the mere sight of you weakened his deposition. You made him weak and you made him sloppy. You evicted his better judgment and filled his thoughts with only images and moments he’s shared with you. You’d never know this though because he never once let even the slightest amount of want slip through the cracks. He was a tight ship and he hated himself for it. Because all his work amounted to nothing. All his attempts to scare you into another avenue, another way of life and it all didn’t matter. You were dead and you’d never know just how much he cared. 
Sanemi felt the aching start in his chest. A deep bone rattling ache that made him physically reach up and place a hand over his heart. He was bereft. He was speechless and angry and couldn’t fathom that your last moments were wasted saving someone like him. He could hear the spiraling of his thoughts, their downturn. Honestly… he wasn’t quite sure if he could live with himself after this. 
“Shinazugawa!” A voice chirped, clipped and quick. Then again. He turned and the sight was something that almost took out his knees. The utter relief that flushed over him turned his stomach and healed the ache in his chest. You limped your way towards him, your hand still gripping your broken sword. There was a shit eating grin on your lips as you waved your sword at him. “I saved your life, you absolute asshole!” You yelled, coughing slightly as you slowed your pace. Sanemi didn’t answer your words. He almost said he could kill you for scaring him so deeply but with the possibility still real and tangible in his mind it was something he couldn’t speak aloud. He walked forwards without words, none of them would come out right no matter how it was spoken. You slowed down at his quick pace and something flashed across your face moments before he yanked your stubborn ass into a lip smashing kiss. You stumbled back at the force of it only for Sanemi’s ash covered hands to slide around your hips and yank you into him.
It was beyond Rengoku’s scope that you’d been taken from him. The indomitable spirit within him wasn’t allowing him to accept the very real fact that you could be dead. That no matter how hard he fought there were things beyond his control. Things that could be taken from him. Even when he held on with the utmost of his might. 
Rengoku had happily asked you to accompany him on his mission. You weren’t a demon slayer, just a nice girl he met in a village diner a few years back. 
He’d seen you in the kitchen, watched you from his diner booth. Watched you wipe sweat off your brow as you fixed food so effortlessly, tendrils of hair around your face like vines of ivy. He couldn’t look away, even when a nice waitress brought him his food and it sat slowly losing its warmth. He’d made a habit of coming to the diner as often as he could and it wasn’t for the food, obviously… 
The first speaking interaction you two shared was a quick moment as you passed by. He met your eyes and you paused. Your town was pretty normal, most people around her dressed in darker colors and lots of layers due to the colder climate, hair usually one of three or four colors so seeing a man with loud two toned hair and fiery garb had stopped you in your tracks, though this wasn’t the first time you’d seen him it still gave you some pause. That was until you remembered your father telling you about the hashira that had been stopping by a few times a week. You minded your manners and gave the man a soft smile.
“Enjoying your food?” You knew the answer, this man usually ate ten to fifteen bowls in one sitting. He was currently on his seventh bowl when you ventured out of your spot to take a little break outside. The man’s mouth was full so he gave an enthusiastic nod of his head as you breathed out a soft laugh through your nose. “Good to hear.”  You said demurly, walking your way towards the front door. 
Rengoku searched the depths of the forest, he called out your name relentlessly, He listened intently. He searched for hours.He’d search for days for years if needed. He’d run himself ragged, he’d tear through the leaves, he’d overturn mountains, he’d tear down the sky in search of you. He’d find you too. There was something about the determination in him that would fight off the improbability that you could really be gone. If there was even the slimmest, smallest chance he could find you, that he could save you he’d traverse the depths of hell and back. He’d do it all for you. 
Rengoku popped his head out into the cold to follow you outside. He hadn’t followed you after the first time you spoke to him but he decided a few days later he wanted to talk more with you. Not usually given the chance while you were hard at work You sat on a bench on the side of the diner, shielded by the overhang as snow flurried around you. Rengoku wasn’t used to the cold but just the sight of you brought warmth to his bones. You turned your head at the door being pushed open and offered him a polite smile. Rengoku returned your smile, wide and bright. 
“Morning.” You greeted.
“Good morning.” Rengoku returned eagerly. You moved over, sharing your space as Rengoku greedily took your offer and sat beside you. The first thing you noticed about this man was his warmth. You grew up in the cold with a colder family. Rengoku’s smiles and radiating kindness was something foreign to you. Foreign but wholly welcomed and intriguing. For a few days after he sat beside you it started to be a sort of regular occurrence, he’d find you, you’d offer him a seat you two would talk. The normality set in quite quickly and you began to look forward to the moments you two shared on your little breaks. You found yourself drawn to him like a freezing body drawn to a roaring fire. Before you knew it things were serious, he took you away from that cold town, away from uncaring parents into a stable environment. He filled you with love and soon enough the dregs of your past were slowly forgotten. And when you begged him to let you tag along on just one of his missions he was unable to turn you down. 
So as he searched for you now he didn’t have a moment to cry. To let out his emotions. He wouldn’t let himself grieve. He hadn’t lost you yet. 
“Kyojuro…” Your voice was small but there was no way in hell he’d let it go unheard. He called out to you again and waited. He heard his name once more and ran with ungodly speed towards the lips that had spoken it. When he found you it was like seeing you for the first time all over again. You parted your lips, most likely to apologize for letting the demon separate you two but Regoku swept you up in a hug, spinning the both of you around. His hands held you tightly as you smiled, breathing out in relief. For a moment, lost in the pines, you felt that cold creeping in. But once again this man fought it out and won.
You staggered, your wounds opening as you pushed out through the trees. You felt the warmth of oozing blood staining your uniform. Losing your footing you crashed into the forest flooring, the pain making you see white momentarily. You tried to push to your feet but you were unable.
Obanai was fast through the trees, he was quiet, precise. He killed the left over straggler demons without remorse, without a second thought. He sliced cleanly and kept moving. You two had been separated for too long and Obanai couldn’t help but assume the worst. Assume that he’d lost you and due to his negligence would never see you again. He found part of your haori in the hand of a slain demon. He ripped the scrap away from its hand and held it tightly between his fingers, his heart thrumming wildly in his chest.
You had managed to finally get to your knees, you sat there for a moment. Rain had started to pour, freezing rain that soaked you completely through. Against all odds you got to your feet, you trudged forwards towards a clearing, back the way you and Obanai had previously been separated. 
Obanai enjoyed nights like these. Cold and quiet. With rain pouring against the roof of Kagaya’s mansion. He’d stopped here to give a report but the rain poured so heavily he was asked to stay over for the night before taking a trek back to his own home. Likewise you were in the same position and out of all the hashira to be stuck with Obanai would be your last choice. You found him terribly scary. He was standoffish with mannerisms much like his white snake that always perched itself on his shoulders. You weren’t necessarily a fan of snakes, nor a fan of the man that had one as a pet. But the people pleaser in you kept what little conversations you two shared, well more of you talked and he possibly, possibly not listened. 
You found yourself in a similar situation tonight like many other nights. That damned snake always found its way to you, startling you into a choked scream. Embarrassed, you clapped a hand to your mouth, not wanting to wake Kagaya and his family. Pretty much every time you were forced to interact with Obanai it was after he’d come looking for his snake that, without fault, found its way to you everytime.
“H-hello Kaburamaru.” You greeted as the white slithering thing made its way closer to you. You felt your heart in your throat as the creature raised its head as though to greet you back. You swallowed as it lowered itself and slithered towards you again. You stepped back, softly blowing out a stressed breath as it wrapped around your leg and made its way up and up until it was around your own shoulders. A part of you hated this but another part felt sort of… excited, almost honored that this creature chose to climb on you. Kaburamaru’s head sort of nuzzles against your cheek as you hear the backdoor to Kagaya’s kitchen slide open. You’d been eating a late night snack when the snake found you. Your probably wide eyes met Obanai’s as he stepped inside. He takes in the scene, his hand paused on the handle of the door. “H-he always seems to find me doesn’t he?” You ask, attempting lighthearted banter with the dark spectral that was Obanai. His two toned eyes meet yours. His black hair was slightly damp from the rain and he wasn’t in his usual haori but instead some casual clothes. You cleared your throat after he didn’t answer, after realizing you were staring at him. “It’s like he likes me or something.” You say as Kaburamaru nuzzles you again and you swear the creature nods its small head. Obanai doesn’t answer, just walks forwards and holds out an arm. It takes a moment for you to realize he’s extending a branch for Kaburamaru and you feel slightly sad as the creature slithers off of your shoulders, leaving them bare. Obanai wordlessly makes his way back to his room. “G-goodnight.” You call after him. No response.
Obanai stopped in a clearing, slowing. He felt… disheartened. Kaburamaru hadn’t perked up since the moment he last saw you and the last time was… well it was bad to say the least. You were injured, far worse than you tried to let on. Obanai didn’t want to push, he just wanted to get you out of this damned forest in one piece. But he’d been searching for over an hour, he couldn’t sense you at all. He’d called out to you time and time again but only the sound of trees rustling responded. That’s when he spotted something, something unmoving and still at the edge of the clearing.  
You sat beside him the next morning. Kagaya and his family had left earlier, leaving only you two. You were an early riser. You fixed breakfast and just as you finished Obanai stirred awake. WIth messy hair he walked groggily into the kitchen, yawning. When you first looked at him you almost didn’t notice but then you did. Usually he had a white bandage around the entire bottom half of his face below his nose. Usually. But he must’ve been entirely exhausted because that bandage was nowhere to be found. You didn’t let your eyes linger, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. 
“M-morning.” You greeted in the same sort of nervous cadence you always greeted him in. He didn’t respond as he gathered his things. “I made breakfast.” You said.
“I see that.” He answered, his voice clearer than you’d ever heard it. You swallowed, feeling silly. 
“I made enough for two.” You added and watched his hand pause. He then suddenly slaps a hand over his mouth and wordlessly leaves the room. He must’ve noticed in a reflection. You fixed two plates in his short absence and two cups of green tea. Obanai appeared a few moments later with his bandage in place, Kaburamaru on his shoulders and his bag packed. “Wait… you should eat something before you go.” You say and when he doesn’t respond you just stop. You stop talking, stop trying to be his friend. He wrenches open the front door of the mansion. 
“Obanai,” You called out one last time. He pauses and turns as you walk up to him. You packed the breakfast into a little container, you held it out to him. “At least take it to go.” You say. He stares at you, eyes scrutinizingly sharp and you felt like he could see right through your skin to your innards.
“You saw my scars.” He started coldly. Your lips part in surprise as your eyes rise up to his. You give a simple sort of solemn nod of the head to him. His snake eyes cut to the container in your hands, the stare lingered there for a moment before rising back up. “You shouldn’t be nice to me.” He says. You can’t help but furrow your brows slightly.
“You should be disgusted.” He says as though your reaction to his scars is something strange. You suck in a quiet breath, thinking about the right words to say at this moment.
“I’m not.”
Rain pelted against Obanai as he ran to you. You were slumped against a tree, blood staining your uniform. He didn’t waste a single second, he scooped your limp cold body into his arms and set out at a breakneck pace towards the way you two had previously entered the forest. There was a village doctor and Obanai would get you to him in record time. He wouldn’t lose you. Not after figuring out just how important you were to him. Not after sharing moments and nights and stories. You knew of his past, he’d told you everything over the few months after you’d seen his scars. All that shit that weighed him down, that haunted him you had listened to and bore some of its weight, easing things up for him a bit. He felt lighter with you around. He felt seen, he felt heard. And most of all… he felt loved. Care for even. You deserved everything you’d given to him, tenfold. He took you to shelter, he held your hand through the worst of it and sat at your bedside until you woke up hours later.
“That was one tough bastard of a demon.” Were the first words you’d spoken the next morning. Obanai had a crick in his neck from sleeping uncomfortably in the chair next to your bed. With snake-like grace and ease he rose from his chair and was sitting on your bed in mere seconds. You gaped at him as his hands slid against your cheeks, cupping them as he pulled you to him and pressed his forehead against yours. A gentle and tender gesture. He didn’t even need to tell you how bad you’d scared him, you understood it in the slight tremble of his fingers as he held your face.
It was happening again, just before Giyu's eyes. That fresh pain of revelation sat familiar and heavy in the pit of his stomach. He’d watch someone he’d loved risk it all before and lose. He couldn’t watch that again.  
Not after all you two had been through. 
Through ups and downs. You were just as much of a pained soul as he was. You’d lost about the same as him. Where he resorted to quiet you resorted to anger. It was something to be worked on but Giyu had never known anyone stronger than you. The loneliness inside him had reached out greedily for the smallest bit of warmth you had to offer and vice versa. You two had found solace in one another. A quiet comprehension and understanding. He’d begun to rely on you. You’d begun to trust him. You two had formed something not many hashira could keep. A simple thing that had been ripped away from almost every single one of you. Love. Something so pure and simple. You lost your family and after a lot of hardships and shutting yourself off from the world Giyu had found his way through your walls. He wormed his way into your heart and although you were wholly reluctant at first in the end you realized that life was just entirely too short to keep behind shackled walls. 
It wasn’t easy. You were easily scared off to relationships let alone the absolute devotion Giyu showed you. It was hard to stick beside him when you were so damn scared you’d lose him one day. It was just a recurring curse that always struck you when you least expected it. It was as though loving and losing was just a prophecy to be fulfilled. Giyu stood strong. He never wavered in the face of your fear. He stayed by your side even when you screamed and yelled for him to leave. He never raised his voice, he stayed on the path. The path being you. Because everytime you’d leave, or storm away, or get scared to your core he showed restraint to his own fears. He was as afraid of losing you as you were of losing him. But he didn’t push you away, in fact that only made him pull you closer. 
“One of us will die, leaving the other. So what’s the point, Tomioka? This will only serve to hurt us.” You had said teary eyed one day in the beginning of your relationship. For a few weeks you two wrestled with your feelings and it resulted in Giyu kissing you. It changed everything because from that point on you craved more. You hated it too. To crave someone so deeply knowing one day you’d lose them. 
“That’s true.” He said softly then. He’d reached for you, taking your hand, gently kissing your knuckles. You bit your lip, your cheeks flushed. Giyu was always like this when you were alone, around others you could never figure what he was thinking but alone he let you know exactly the scope of his thoughts and feelings. “But I’d rather be with you than not.” He answered as if it was really just that simple. He started kissing his way up your hand to your wrist, past your wrist up your arm. You swallowed dryly and when you turned your face towards him he kissed your lips. That terrible flip in your stomach came and the fear that wracked your brain over things out of your control slowly washed away. 
You killed them demon. It was an upper rank that surprised you both. It had Giyu at one point, had him by the throat as its jaws opened to finish a thing that wasn’t a person to it. That was until you swooped in, you knocked Giyu out of the way to safety and took the battle alone on your shoulders. Giyu was gravely injured and the moment he hit the ground he lost consciousness. The last thing he'd seen was the flash of the moon glinting off your chipped sword then nothing at all. When he woke up all was quiet. He’d sat up achingly quick. Blood rushed to his head making him dizzy as he searched for you. The demon you had killed was slowly dusting away in front of you. Giyu pushed to his feet and limped his way over to you, only pausing for a moment to watch your sword fall from your grasp. His breath caught in his throat. All those nightmares of his dying in front of you were in vain because your fear ricocheted to him. About fifty yards from you Giyu watched as you crumpled to the ground, still and lifeless. Giyu tripped over himself to get to you and in his haste reopened the slowly healing wounds on his body. He didn’t care, no amount of pain could stop him from reaching you. The closer he got the better he could see your weakened state. There was so much blood, your hair was stained red from the color of it.
“Hey… hey---” His voice was strained and weak, choked up from the sight of you. His hands slide on either side of your face. You felt him touch you and immediately opened your eyes. Although you looked close to the grave it turned out that after your almost hour long fight to the death that really you weren’t as bad off as it looked. You were just fucking exhausted. You smiled up at him. 
“Hey.” You breathed out and the absolute relief on Giyu’s face brought fresh tears to your eyes. 
“You scared me.” He barked, not necessarily loud but you could tell with the way he slumped down against you, hugging you tightly that your dramatic fall to the ground had his heart in his throat.
“Sorry.” You apologized, gently sitting up and wrapping your arms around him. He kissed the side of your head and pulled back, kissing your lips.
“You saved me.” He spoke against your lips. You smiled.
“Uh huh.” You mumbled, missing the press of his lips already. “Let’s get out of this damned forest.”
Tengen wasn’t someone that hides his feelings. In fact to the effect where it was always known that he was in love with you. That this thing you said made him laugh or the way you trained made him proud or the way you killed demons made him flush. All those factors were something you weren’t new to but still caught you off guard every time. All these compliments, his kisses and time spent with you was something you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to but… slowly you were starting to look forward to it all. He’d first kissed you after begging you to choose going on a mission with him rather than Giyu and after that any moment you two were alone things dissolved into flicked off lights, warm exploring hands and heated kisses. This had been a recurring thing for weeks with no end in sight. But neither of you wanted it to end and although Tengen was the more outspoken of the two of you, your quiet confirmation was all he needed to push you against the backs of doors and kiss you senseless. 
But that’s all you let it be. Against Tengen’s multiple attempts to make it something serious you’d just shut it down. He’d ask you to accompany him on missions but you’d say no. He’d be gone for weeks and write to you but you wouldn’t write back but the moment he’d darken your doorstep again you’d grab a fistful of his shirt and yank him inside. He could tell you missed him through the way you touched him but that’s all he had to go on. You never slipped up when it came to revealing things you kept close to your heart. Revealing how you truly felt was a well kept secret behind locks and vaults and ciphers. You were a riddle that Tengen was driving himself mad to solve. But Tengen was shameless, he didn’t care if he had to beg and plead on your closed doors because just an ounce of your attention was flashy enough for him. 
That’s why when you finally agreed to go on a mission he felt as though it was you finally giving him some ground to stand upon. And he accepted it greedily. You weren’t a Hashira like him, you were Gyomei’s tsuguko and although you wouldn’t tell Tengen this, Gyomei had asked you to accompany Tengen. Though you wouldn’t also tell anyone that you wanted to come every time he’d asked you before but wouldn’t allow yourself. It wasn’t that you were afraid of commitment because people could come and go in your life all they pleased. It was more of the fact that you already felt tenfold of what Tengen probably felt for you. You cared for him so much that it affected a lot of your training. So much so that Gyomei sent you away on this mission because of how frustrated he was hearing you mope around the house waiting for Tengen to stumble on the doorstep. You couldn’t travel together though for circumstances out of your control and when you finally made it to the entertainment district almost an all out war was being waged.
Tengen sat, unable to stand, his wives surrounding him as the poison in his blood had finally been cured thanks to Nezuko. He was one arm short and short of one girl that he’d make his wife one day. Hinata had taken the other two wives out to look for you in the rubble of the district after Inosuke had told them you had helped decapitate that female demon. But the aftershock had separated you into disappearing from the rest of the group. Tengen tried to push to his feet but held no strength in his limbs whatsoever. The pain of the fight was nothing compared to being stuck unable to look for you. Then it only got worse when he saw a flash of your hair and realized you were being carried. It was Obanai that found you, he’d got here late after all the destruction and stumbled upon you. Tengen sat up, his wounds screaming as Obanai carried you closer. You weren’t moving. He called out but his voice was strained as Obanai met with some of the medics, handing you off to them. You still didn’t move. Tengen was in absolute hell watching this. He pushed to his feet and fell back to his knees, the pain so striking it brought fresh tears to his eyes. But he persevered. He got to the medic who’d set you on a makeshift stretcher, carefully inspecting your wounds. He jumped at the sight of Tengen.
“M-Mr. Tengen!” He was startled. “Y-you should be sitting down.” Tengen dropped to his knees, he reached for your hand, it was cold in his grasp. Your face was pale, a large slashed cut stretching across your brow down the side of your face. Your uniform was stained in soot and blood. But the only thing that kept Tengen from losing his mind was the steady slow rise and fall of your chest. You were alive and you were breathing. The relief was like a punch to the stomach and it seemed the search for you was the only thing keeping him awake because the moment he realized you’d be okay Tengen fell unconscious beside you.
When he woke up he was in a room alone. He felt better, though his body still ached he pushed out of the bed. He traversed the halls of the butterfly mansion, outside he saw his wives eating, he smiled at the sight of them. He kept going, looking for one more person, one more thing he’d been craving. When he pushed open the door to the training room he felt weak in the knees. It was as though you weren’t even affected. You trained mercilessly, sword swinging expertly. You paused, turning at the sound of the door opening and met Tengen’s eyes.
“You’re awake.” You greeted, voice light. Tengen didn’t waste another damn second. He was across that room in the blink of an eye. Sweeping you up into his arms, hugging you tightly as he spun you around. “Careful!” You called out, amusement in your tone. “You’re still healing.” 
“Don’t care.” He breathed out, setting you down, arms sliding down against your waste as he and his giant body leaning into your space, lips meeting lips. 
“I care.” You mumble against his lips. He kisses you hard at that. It’s not often you expressed a liking for him outloud. 
“That’s good to hear.” He kissed past your mouth down to your neck as he hugged you tightly again, lips kissing at whatever they could find.
“Uzui.” You warned. “Lots of people walking around.”
“Don’t care.” 
“I care you big oaf.” You snap but your tone is light, still amused. Tengen raised his head.
“Come home with me and the wives.” He asks, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head.
“Hm,” You hum as he pulls back, so tall you have to crane your head to meet his eyes. “Feeling sentimental?”
“Most of the time, yes.” He answers simply. “I want you. I want to be with you, I want you home with me. Please… say yes this time.” He can tell you’re thinking about it so he lowers his head and presses another kiss to your forehead, sweet and tender.
Hotaru first kissed you a few months back. It was a startling and confusing moment. You’d traveled to his village for a new sword scared out of your mind because you’d broken a sword. You stupidly asked a competitor of his to fix it, hoping to save yourself from his wrath. But Hotaru caught you in the act and instead of being outwardly angry… he kissed you. And this simple act changed everything. It changed how you perceived all your interactions after that day. His competitor had referred to you as Hotaru’s favorite and you hadn’t been able to wipe that from your mind since. You hadn’t seen him since the kiss and you tossed and turned almost every night since just trying to make sense of the moment if there was any sense to be found. Maybe he’d kissed you to shut you up. Maybe he kissed you in a polite way? Like a thanks for keeping him in business kind of kiss? No… that kiss was anything but polite. It was hot. All consuming. It was everything you didn’t expect to come from the man who struck fear in all demon slayers. So despite your better judgment you used the little bit of time off that you had to trudge back to his village. You told everyone you were going there to relax before your new mission but in reality it was to solve the mystery of why he kissed you and why you couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Hotaru lived on the outskirts of the village. A bit of a walk from everyone else’s house, It was like he was the town pariah or something. It was dark when you spotted the glow of his parted curtains, his chimney puffing out smoke. It was the dead of winter so you were chilled to the bone, not only at the fact you were about to speak to him after months of silence but also because of the damn snow storm you trekked through to get here. 
As you got to his door you blew out a breath and knocked. But just as you lowered your hand you heard something. A rustle, the movement of steps in the snow. You turned, surveying the area. Maybe a villager kid had followed you up here, interested in the girl that had come to talk to the town's scary ghost. Your eyes scanned the trees as the door opened. You didn’t turn back and that’s when you spotted it, lumbering through the trees, blood dripping into the snow. You turned back, hand flying to your sword. Hotaru stood in the doorway unaware of two things. Why you were here and why you pushed him back and closed the door in his face.
“Stay inside!” You called out to him, your sword in your hand at the ready as the demon busted through the trees towards you. 
The thing was viscous and obviously starving as its jaws opened and latched onto your shoulder. You screamed in pain, hitting it back and slashing violently across the length of its stomach. It was hard to maneuver in your layers of thick winter clothes but you mostly made it work. You fought the demon back away from Hotaru’s house, it’s bloodlust like that of a rabid animal. It snarled and growled and slashed at you, slashing up your clothes and your face. When you were finally able to get the upper hand you wasted no time slicing it’s head from its shoulders. It crumpled into dust and fire, blowing away with the wind. You blew out an exhausted breath, leaning heavily against a tree near you. So much for relaxing. You jolted at the sound of Hotaru’s voice as he called out for you near the treeline. You sighed, pushing off the tree, trudging towards his voice through the snow. 
“That was one tough bastard.” You said as you spotted him. You must’ve looked worse than you felt because Hotaru stumbled his way towards you rather ungracefully. “Careful,” You said as he approached, slamming against you in a tight hug. You gasped in surprise, winded by the force of his body slamming into yours. He hugged the life out of you. Hugged you so tightly you wondered if he was trying to kill you. “It’s okay-- I’m fine.” You breathed out and still he didn’t let up. 
“I heard you scream. I couldn’t find you.” He spoke into your hair, tightening his hold on you just barely. 
“Yeah, it bit me.” You answered nonchalantly. Hotaru pulled back, anger on his face. You sucked in a breath at the look on his face.
“What were you thinking!” He growls, turning and pulling you gently towards his house, despite the anger in his voice he handled you with care. 
“What?” You stuttered.
“You scared the hell outta me.” He says, throwing open his door and pulling you into the warmth of his house. He guides you to the kitchen. “Strip.” He commands and you do as told, kicking off your snow boots and peeling off your layers of clothes, careful around the stinging bite on your shoulder. Hotaru gathered some things, slamming things left and right. You were speechless, his reaction to you saving him was something you weren’t expecting. When he grabbed all he needed he dropped into the seat next to you and you turned to face him.
“Are you mad that I saved you?” You asked and watched his brows furrow. You sighed out heavily, almost exhaustedly. Both his hands slid against your cheeks and in another surprising twist he kissed you. He kissed you so softly and tenderly it had your stomach turning in knots. This man was loud, he was angry most of the time and every single slayer and villager was scared at the mere thought of him. But he was different when he kissed you, it had your entire body lightening on fire. You absentmindedly tried to wrap your arms around the back of his neck only for that bite on your shoulder to remind you with white hot pain. You gasped, sucking in a breath as Hotaru pulled back. He didn’t waste a second placing a rag over the wound, soaking up some of the blood. 
“I’m not angry you saved me.” He said after a moment. “Just mad you got hurt.” 
“I get hurt all the time.” You answer lightly, hoping for some humility but Hotaru doesn’t crack a smile. “It’s just part of being a Hashira.” His gentle hands are patching up your shoulder and he doesn’t say anything for a few long seconds. Once he’s finished he gets up, grabbing a blanket, wrapping it around you to warm you up. He sets back down and pulls your chair closer to his. Your nerves spike at the closeness. 
“You didn’t come all this way for a broken sword right?” He asks, your breath catches as you shake your head. 
“My sword’s fine.” 
“That’s good to hear.” He says, reaching a hand up to tuck your hair back out of your face. “Didn’t visit my competitor first this time?” It’s weird to see him joke but you find yourself relaxing.
“No. I came straight here.” You answer and his hand lingers on your cheek.
“Thanks for saving my life.” He says.
“You’re welco-” He cuts you off with a press of his lips against yours.
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helluvapoison · 1 year ago
Could I get Adam, Lute and Lucifer and how they 'court' the reader? Like how birds with court each other, little gifts, wing 'dances', nesting, etc...
Also, could I be your 🐌 anon? <3<3<3
Birds of a Feather
Adam, Lute and Lucifer courting you
˚✧₊⁎ Adam ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Peacocking has nothing on The First Man
• His personality is amped up to the highest level when he sees you walk in a room
• (Overcompensation for how fucking nervous you make him)
• Adam gets cocky when he knows he has your attention
• Tossing grapes high in the air and catching them in his mouth, bragging louder than usual about something or the other
• Heaven forbid you laugh at any of his antics, (His smirk is dangerous, “Oh you like that?”) he’ll start singling you out in front of everyone, calling your name before he acts up
• Performances include inviting you to watch his band play and miraculously getting more energy
• Casually tosses guitar picks in your direction— and when he finds out you kept one!? He’s over the moon
• He won’t go out of his way to get you food but he’ll order you something if he goes somewhere
• Adam hates nesting. He doesn’t like being stressed in general and nesting is really fucking stressful!
• The very fact seeing you pricks the urge in him to nest drives him insane
• (AKA, he likes you a lot more than he thought he did!)
• Seeing you in his space does something he doesn’t particularly hate though
• “It’s whatever if you don’t like it.” Adam shrugs
• “No, I think it looks nice! Very you. Tell me about these pictures?”
• He’s fucking done for
˚✧₊⁎ Lute ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Like they have a mind of their own, her wings stretch out and audibly fluff up when she makes eye contact with you
• Mortifying is an understatement
• She picks out trinkets to give to you at first, something small that could be waved off as insignificant
• Later, when Lute realizes her affections are returned, she brings useful offerings or something you offhandedly mentioned needing
• She wishes she could tell you about the exterminations solely to brag
• See how fierce she is, how skilled she is, how good of a protector she could be for you
• Lute will ask you to arm wrestle as a compromise. She gets to hold you hand and show off her strength!
• Nesting was fine, it was the judgment part that drove her up a wall
• Watching your eyes roam over her apartment, deciding whether or not it was good enough for you? Gah!
• “What, uh—“ Lute clears her throat, she’ll hate herself for even asking later, “What do you think?”
• You smile knowingly, something else that makes her absolutely mad, “It’s perfect.”
• Lute beams with pride like she’s won a great victory
˚✧₊⁎ Lucifer ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Never before has he felt the need to actually flaunt.. anything?
• With you it hits him like a fucking train and it’s even harder to supress it
• He’s Lucifer! That’s supposed to be self explanatory, that’s supposed to be enough
• Suddenly he’s checking every mirror on his way to you, making sure he looks better than he feels
• He tries to find other ways to steal your attention or show that he would be a worthy partner
• …But showing off his wings couldn’t hurt, right? He has six after all. If you needed to get to the other side of town he’d be more than happy to fly you over!
• Nothings too good for you! If Lucifer thinks you’ll want or like something, he’s buying it!
• Did you notice he can make things too? He’ll make you something— or fix something for you!
• Quick, break that so he can show you he can fix it!
• Lucifer pulls all the stops trying to prove himself, nesting is no exception… he’s just not great at it
• He starts! However a little after beginning he realizes just how big his mansion is and gets overwhelmed so he closes all the doors and focuses his energy on the only room that matters; his
• “I mainly stay in here,” Lucifer explains while squishing a duck in his fist, watching you explore his room, “I cleaned it up for you! N-Not for you, not for that— I mean not that I’m opposed! I just meant so that you could, uh, see?”
• “I see why you like it, I’d never wanna leave.”
• You’re gonna kill him saying shit like that
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trashytracktales · 2 months ago
ong yes!! lando gotta loveeeee doggy and taking her against a wall!! But imagine her on top for the first time and not knowing how to ride him and him teaching him and telling her what to do! im asking this to santa !!
kill me now!!
Oh, Christmas treat | LN ⁴
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💌 INSPIRED by anon ──── Why ask Santa when I'm literally right here... enjoy 💋
⤿ We're yapping about this ask.
𐙚 summary ──── It's a quiet winter night, and Lando notices that his girlfriend seems a bit distracted. After some playful coaxing, she admits a secret desire to try something new. With his gentle guidance, they explore new paths together, each step bringing them closer.
𐙚 pairing ──── Lando Norris x she/her reader
𐙚 rating ──── explicit
𐙚 category ──── F/M
𐙚 warnings ──── 18+, mature/sexual content, established relationship, fluff & smut, descriptive language, light teasing, themes of vulnerability, unprotected sex, reader's first time on top, bit of swearing.
𐙚 word count ──── 2.5k
𐙚 date ──── Dec. 24, 2024
𐙚 a/n ──── I know this wasn’t a request per se, but I wanted to share this one-shot with you since it was already mostly ready to go. I’ve been dealing with some health issues recently and couldn't get myself to get anything done, so thank you for your patience. The rest of the requests are still on their (admittedly slow) way, but I promise they’re coming 🤞🏻 Wishing a very Merry Christmas Eve to everyone who celebrates, and who knows, I might have another little treat up my sleeve 👀
THE DAY HAD been nothing out of the ordinary, but that was exactly what made it special.
Lando had woken up late, groggy but grinning satisfied when he caught her padding around the kitchen in fuzzy socks and an oversized sweater, humming along to Christmas songs. She loves the holiday season, because she likes it when he's home, and Lando doesn't have to be anywhere but their own apartment. That's exactly why she can't get upset when he streams with Max for hours in the night, and ends up sleeping in the next day. The simple fact that he's there is enough.
Maybe she conditioned herself to accept that, but then she sees his sleepy face and thinks she'd accept worse in order to share her mornings with him.
It's Christmas Eve, so they’d decided to bake cookies, mostly because she insisted it was a winter tradition, and Lando, ever the competitive spirit, took it as a challenge to see whose decorations would turn out better. As expected, chaos followed. By the time the cookies were ready, the kitchen looked like it had been through a snowstorm of flour and sugar. Lando had a streak of frosting on his cheek, and she had somehow ended up with sprinkles in her hair. In reality, they spent more time laughing and teasing each other than actually baking, but that was always the way it went with them.
Now, their cookies sit patiently on the counter, forgotten as the two of them relax on the couch in the living room. The Christmas tree lights glow warmly in the corner, and a cheesy holiday movie plays on the TV. They’re snuggled under a thick blanket, her legs curled up and tucked into his side. Lando’s arm drapes around her shoulders, his fingers playing lazily with her hair. It’s peaceful and comforting, but somewhere in the quiet, she feels a sudden pull in her chest.
In all the time they've been together, she never took the lead — not willingly, at least — feeling more than happy to surrender. She's been thinking about it for a long time, but she's never had the courage to do it. She doesn't feel intimidated or inhibited by her boyfriend, but rather by how it could all go wrong for both of them if she, somehow, ends up doing something she’s not supposed to.
Suddenly, her arms tighten around him, her nose nuzzling into his shirt. There’s a weight in her heart, not sadness exactly, but something tender, something raw. It makes her extra clingy, but she doesn’t say anything. She just holds him closer, hoping he won’t notice.
But Lando always notices.
His fingers pause in her hair, and his brows furrow slightly as he glances down at her. “You good, baby?” he asks, his voice soft and curious.
She hums nonchalantly, her face still buried in his chest.
“You sure?” Lando insists, his tone teasing but gentle.
The girl freezes for a moment, debating whether to brush it off, but before she can decide, he tilts her chin up with his fingers, making her look at him.
“Come on, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hm?” he asks, his eyes scanning hers.
Her cheeks heat under his gaze, and she sighs. “I don’t know. You just… feel extra nice to hold tonight,” she says quietly.
Lando blinks, then his grin widens, teasing again. “Didn’t know I had levels of cuddliness.”
“Oh, shut up,” she mumbles, hiding her face against his chest again.
His smile softens, and he wraps his arms around her fully, pulling her tighter against him. “Hey, you don’t wanna talk to me?”
She shakes her head and, at that, Lando stops pushing, knowing that whatever it is, she’ll come to him. Eventually. When she’s ready.
A few hours later, their movie marathon ends in a comfortable silence, the glow of the TV instantly muted by the credits rolling on the screen. Lando stretches, groaning softly as he shifts from the couch.
She gathers the blanket, folding it neatly before turning to him with a small smile.
“Bedtime?” she asks, her voice soft, almost reluctant to leave the warmth of the evening behind.
“Bedtime,” he agrees, though he watches her carefully as she heads toward the bedroom.
She moves through her usual routine, brushing her teeth and slipping into one of his hoodies, paired with sleep shorts. As she pulls back the covers and sits on the edge of the bed, he hears it again — the same quiet sigh that makes his chest tighten.
Lando leans against the doorframe, arms crossed, frowning in her direction. “Alright, that’s the second time tonight,” he says, his tone light but edged with curiosity. “Should I worry?”
“What?” she replies quickly, too quickly, as she gets ready to tuck herself under the duvet. “No, baby. It’s nothing.”
“Right,” says Lando, stepping closer, his lips curving into a mischievous grin. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to get it out of you another way.”
She narrows her eyes at him. “Lando…”
Before she can finish, he lunges, playfully grabbing her waist and threatening to tickle her sides. She squeals, trying to wiggle away, but his grip on her is firm.
“Last chance, I'm serious,” he warns, his laughter bubbling up as she giggles uncontrollably.
“Okay, fine, stop it!” she pleads, breathless, her face flushed.
Lando stops, pulling back just enough to sit on the edge of the bed. Then, with a gentle tug, he pulls her onto his lap. His arms wrap loosely around her waist, and he tilts his head, watching her with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Now,” he says, happy that he managed to break her wall, “What’s going on?”
She hesitates, her cheeks turning pink as she avoids his gaze. Instead, her fingers find his curls at the back of his head, twisting them gently as she takes a deep breath. “You know, it’s not even a big deal. I’ve been thinking about something, but I just didn’t know how to bring it up.”
“Mhm,” he nods, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to her lips. It’s deep, slow, almost as if he’s trying to reassure her without words. When he pulls back, their foreheads touch, and he whispers, “You can tell me anything, you know that.”
She knows. Still, that doesn’t make it any easier. The heat rushes in her cheeks as she finally meets his eyes. “Look, I like when you’re on top. I mean, I really like it,” she says, stumbling slightly over her words. “But I was thinking, maybe, I’d like to, you know...”
Her voice trails off, and she looks away again, clearly embarrassed.
Lando blinks, letting her words sink in. His mouth opens slightly, but no sound comes out as a flush creeps up his neck. Then, a grin spreads across his face, equal parts flustered and excited.
“Yeah?” he asks, his voice soft, his hands tightening slightly on her waist. “You want to ride me, baby?”
She nods quickly, still twisting his curls nervously. “But I’ve never done it before, and I’m not sure I’d be good at it. It's just that—”
He exhales a chuckle, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. “Slow down,” he murmurs against her skin, his tone so tender that it makes her stomach flip. “You don’t have to worry about being good at it, baby. If you wat to try it, I can guide you, and we’ll see what works for us as we go.”
Her cheeks flush as she processes his reassurance, the tender way he’s looking at her making her feel bold and seen. And listened to.
She smiles, shifting on his lap, searching for some friction, and the slight brush of her core against his growing hardness has her letting out a soft gasp. Lando notices immediately, but he doesn’t say anything yet. Instead, he lets her take the lead at her own pace, on her own terms.
She shifts again, this time deliberately pressing herself against him, and the soft sound she makes has Lando’s self-control slipping. “I suppose we can try now?” he murmurs, his voice thick with heat.
She doesn’t reply — at least not with words. Instead, she grabs his hoodie, pulling it over her head in one swift motion, leaving her in nothing but her shorts. Lando’s breath catches as he takes her in, his hands immediately coming up to palm her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her hardened nipples. He's seen her naked so many times before, but somehow, every time she gets rid of her clothes she uncovers something new.
“So beautiful,” he mutters, leaning in to press open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone. She tilts her head back, giving him more access, and the heat between them builds until she pushes him gently onto the mattress.
Lando goes willingly, a grin tugging at his lips as she leans over him to kiss him again. His hands move to her hips, holding her firmly as she presses herself against him, grinding slowly. He groans into her mouth, his hands sliding lower to grip her ass, then he spreads her slightly, pushing her down against his growing length, making both of them gasp at the feeling.
Her hands trail down his chest, and she tugs at his shirt. “Off,” she breathes, and he obeys, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. For a moment, she just looks at him, her hands tracing the defined lines of his chest.
The tension between them builds rapidly, their breaths mingling as they press closer. It doesn’t take long before she’s tugging at the waistband of her shorts, her nerves creeping back in as she pushes them down. Lando sits up slightly, watching her with darkened eyes, and when she glances at him nervously, he reaches out to stroke her thigh gently.
“You’re perfect,” he says softly, his voice full of sincerity.
Her nerves ease at his words, and when he pushes his joggers down, freeing himself, her anticipation drowns out her doubts.
He sits up fully, pulling her closer until she’s straddling him again. “Alright, love,” he murmurs, his hands steadying her hips. “Go slow, yeah? Just sit on me first. Take your time.”
She nods, biting her lip as she lines herself up with him. Slowly, she sinks down, feeling the stretch as he fills her inch by sweet inch. Her breath hitches, and Lando groans, his hands gripping her hips tighter.
“Oh, fuck,” he rasps. “You always feel so good.”
She pauses once he’s fully inside, her hands braced on his chest as she adjusts to the feeling of being so full of him. Sensing her nervousness, Lando rubs soothing circles on her hips, letting her take her time.
When she finally starts to move, lifting herself up slightly before sinking back down, a soft, shaky moan escapes her lips. Lando watches her with a mix of awe and hunger, his hands guiding her gently.
“Just like that, baby,” he encourages her, “Easy. You’re doing so well.”
Slowly but surely, she manages to build a rhythm, her movements tentative at first. But as the pleasure starts invading her senses, she becomes bolder. She opens up more, craving all of him at once. Her hands slide back to grip his thighs for support as she leans back slightly, the new angle sending sparks of pleasure through her body.
The taste of power it's rather interesting in this position, and she can’t afford to be shy anymore. Not when his cock feels so good inside her, and not when she decides how to take him.
“Fuck, Lando,” she breathes, her head tilting back.
She begins to move more rapidly on top of him, her hips following a predetermined path that she wasn't even aware of before. Lando watches her in amazement, feeling every pulse of pleasure every time she comes back for more, her walls hugging his cock so tightly that it leaves him breathless.
He groans, his hands sliding up to her waist to steady her. “That’s it, baby. Keep going. God, you’re going to make me cum so fast like this.”
The sight of her riding him, her body moving with such confidence now, nearly breaks him. Somehow, he resists the urge to thrust up into her, letting her stay in control, but his grip tightens as his restraint begins to fray.
He hears a silent cry, getting ready for every scenario in his mind, while his eyes study her frame by frame.
She whimpers, her movements becoming more erratic as the pleasure overwhelms her. “Lan,” she gasps, her voice shaky. “I can’t go—too much.”
He sits up slightly, pulling her towards him and pressing his forehead to hers. “Of course you can, baby,” he says softly, his voice steady despite the fire coursing through him. “I’m here. Just a little more, yeah? You’re doing so good.”
She feels his cock twitching inside her as she shakes her head weakly, “Lando, please…” her hands desperately clutch his shoulders, and that's when he understands what she needs from him.
Lando's hands land on her waist again, gripping at her firmly, and he starts to guide her harder on his cock while thrusting up into her simultaneously, meeting her halfway. The sudden change in rhythm makes her cry out, her nails digging into his skin.
“Yes,” she moans, her head dropping onto his shoulder as he drives her higher. “It’s so good, fuck. I’m—”
“That’s it,” he growls, his voice tinged with exhaustion. “Let go, baby. I’ve got you.”
So she does, her body trembling as the pleasure crests and crashes over her. He follows seconds later, his movements growing erratic before he stills inside her, holding her tightly against him as they both ride out their highs, breathing each other’s air. They stay tangled together, bodies still pressed close as the intensity of their orgasms fades away.
Lando brushes a strand of her hair away from her damp forehead, his lips curling into a soft smile. “You okay there?” he asks, his voice a gentle rasp.
She nods against him, her body still warm and buzzing. “Mhm, ‘m okay,” she murmurs, tilting her head up to meet his gaze.
He grins, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “You did so well, baby. Made me proud.”
She lets out a breathless laugh, her head dropping back onto his shoulder. “Cheers,” she trails off, playfully groaning. “But that was so much work. My fucking thighs are on fire.”
Lando laughs, the sound deep and rich. “Oh, you poor thing,” he teases, stroking her back soothingly.
She swats at his chest, unable to hold back her grin. “I’m serious! It’s a full-body workout being on top.”
He hums thoughtfully, his fingers lazily tracing patterns on her skin. “So what you’re saying is…” he starts, tilting his head with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I get to be in charge again next time?”
She pulls back to look at him, her cheeks flushing, but there’s a playful sparkle in her eyes. “You won't hear me complaining,” she quips, biting her lip to suppress her laughter.
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Thank you for reading!
None of my works are available for reposting on other platforms. Reblogs, likes, and comments are deeply appreciated ♥︎
© trashy track tales, 2024
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fastandcarlos · 8 months ago
Welcome To The World Of F1 : ̗̀➛ Ollie Bearman
summary: as a new contract waits for ollie, you’re right by his side to make sure that you can enjoy all of the celebrations by his side
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liked by olliebearman, ybffusername and 32,492 others
ynusername: up, up and away ✨
username1: omg pls tell us you’re going to see ollie 🥺
username2: my dream is to be as aesthetic as yn!!
olliebearman: can you hurry up and come back to me now please 🫶🏻
ynusername: @/olliebearman I’m omw love 💕
username3: my two fave people about to be reunited
username4: I love how supportive yn is of ollie ☺️
oscarpiastri: cannot wait to see you this weekend!!
dinobeganovic_: secretly wish you were coming to see me
ynusername: @/dinobeganovic_ 🤫🤫🤫
username5: can’t wait for all the paddock updates this weekend 🙌🏻
username6: the cutest couple strikes again 😭
kimi.antonelli: come and see me instead, I’m way better 😂
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liked by liamlawson30, oscarpiastri and 42,605 others
ynusername: exploring with my best friend 💞
username7: yn always comes through with the sweetest snaps
username8: can ollie come and be my tour guide too please 😭
liamlawson30: can’t believe you didn’t let me come and third wheel 😂
username9: I love how ollie still always makes time for yn during a race weekend!
olliebearman: thank you for coming to visit me, ily angel 🫶🏻
ynusername: @/olliebearman ily so much more 😘
arthur_leclerc: eurgh I hate how adorable you two can be sometimes ❤️
username10: glad to see you got some time together 🥺
jackdoohan: next time you can come and show me around oliver
username11: officially obsessed with the two of you!!
oscarpiastri: you forgot the bit where you bring yn to come and visit me 🙂‍↔️
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liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon and 293,402 others
olliebearman: officially an f1 man 💪🏻 I always knew that red and white was my colour 😂🏎️
username12: there’s never been anyone more deserving than you ollie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
username13: can’t wait to keep supporting you on this new adventure!!
lewishamilton: congrats brother and welcome to f1 🏎️
ynusername: you never fail to amaze me…I could not be happier for you 💞
olliebearman: @/ynusername I never could’ve gotten this far if it wasn’t for your support
username14: praying that haas know how lucky they are to have you 🙏🏻
oscarpiastri: about time, buzzing to line up on the grid with you next season bro
username15: I’ve never been prouder, we’ve got your back always 🏎️
landonorris: yet another brit bossing it on the track 💪🏻🇬🇧
logansargeant: told you it was just a matter of time!
charles_leclerc: so well deserved, we’ll miss you here at ferrari ❤️
username16: can’t wait to cheer you on every race weekend ☺️☺️
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liked by olliebearman, kimi.antonelli and 48,604 others
ynusername: a rare day off with the best looking driver on the grid 💕🥺
username17: I couldn’t agree with you more yn 🥺
oscarpiastri: I didn’t realise that we spent the day together today?? 😂
landonorris: you just wait until you meet me next season…might just change your mind 😝
ynusername: @/landonorris 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
username18: look at his little smile omg
username19: if anyone ever questions how happy yn makes ollie just show them this photo
olliebearman: always the best time with you my love 💕💕
kimi.antonelli: can you stop making it so obvious how in love you both are please
username20: this is the sort of date I dream about enjoying one day 😭
username21: pls let me have a relationship like this one day
carlossainz55: looks like I trained you two well on social media 😂
username22: can’t deal with the cuteness anymore
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liked by logansargeant, arthur_leclerc and 69,482 others
ynusername: officially a haas girl now 🫡
username23: you look so good in red and white omg
liamlawson30: don’t tell ollie but I couldn’t be happier for you guys 😂
username24: ollie’s so lucky having you in his corner 🫶🏻
olliebearman: I’m the luckiest man in the world having you by my side
ynusername: @/olliebearman you’re stuck with me forever 😘
username25: can’t wait to see you in the paddock next year yn
iamrebeccad: it was lovely to meet you today 💞
username26: the best looking haas girl that ever did exist
oscarpiastri: btw lily told me to tell you she’s very offended that you didn’t come and find her today
ynusername: @/oscarpiastri that’s because I knew if I found her I’d never let her go 😂
username27: I still can’t believe we actually get to see ollie in f1 next year omg
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 382,605 others
olliebearman: thank you for everything ferrari, onwards to the next adventure 🤧🤩
username28: bigger and better things coming your way ollie ❤️
scuderiaferrari: thanks for everything, see you across the grid next year!
username29: your time now ollie, show em what you got 💪🏻
carlossainz55: all the best for next season, drive like you did for me and you’ll smash it
username30: more of those podium celebrations next year please
jackdoohan: are you joining haas?? wow you never mentioned it 😂
olliebearman: @/jackdoohan why do you hate me 😂
username31: the best adventure ever awaits 🥺
ynusername: have I mentioned recently how handsome you are 🤔💞
username32: never been prouder to call myself a fan of you, can’t wait for what’s to come!
georgerussell63: looking forward to having you around the paddock
username33: I love how all the british drivers have just slowly adopted ollie over the past few weeks
username34: can the new season just hurry up now
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liked by oscarpiastri, olliebearman and 53,594 others
ynusername: get you a guy that can be incredibly handsome and a massive goofball at the same time 😂
username35: idk bout you but he looks like the best guy ever
arthur_leclerc: I’m available if you want a better version of this 😝
ynusername: @/arthur_leclerc soz but no one compares to mine
username36: I want an ollie in my life too please
username37: wow he looks good in blue 🥺
logansargeant: stop making him look so irresistible
username38: why is my heart suddenly racing a thousand times faster 🤔
username39: do you rent him out to single fans by any chance?? 😂
olliebearman: thanks for always knowing my perfect angle 😂
ynusername: @/olliebearman every angle of yours is perfect 😘
username40: boyfriend ollie is the vibe I didn’t know I needed
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liked by georgerussell63, pifitti and 59,503 others
ynusername: remember the days when we could go wherever and no one would no our names, now everyone knows yours…I’m so proud of you, day one as a formula one driver ✅❤️
olliebearman: those days are my favourite…as are you 🫶🏻
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audliminal · 5 months ago
Survivability Bias Pt 1
Masterpost - Ao3
Danny stares at the screen in front of him. The fact that he’s in a library is the only reason he’s not squealing at the clearly well-maintained website he’s currently exploring. As it turns out, this dimension does have NASA. That fact on its own isn’t too terribly surprising, considering all the other ways it’s similar to Danny’s home. What is surprising (and, in no small part, exciting!), is that in this dimension NASA seems to have much better funding. Danny had managed to resist looking up anything related to space for the first hour of his time in the library, but then Danny had chanced across an article about the ISS, and his resolve had crumbled. Not even fifteen minutes later, and Danny is here, exploring the very nice NASA website. Plumbing its depths, really, for all the information it can provide on what space is like in this world.There’s lots of new information; space research is definitely more advanced here than it was back home, and there’s occasional vague allusions to odd things like the livability of Mars, and other oddities, it’s almost like this dimension has come to the forgone conclusion that aliens must exist. Which is certainly an exciting thought, but it also seems odd to Danny. What divergent experiences lead to such a conclusion Danny wonders, as he absently hovers over the opportunities tab for the fifth time. He knows he really shouldn’t get his hopes up, but with a more funded NASA, maybe he could find a way to get a job there eventually. After all he has no real idea when, or even if, he’ll ever manage to go home, so maybe it’s okay to think about the future a little bit.
Maybe they’ve already come into contact with aliens, Danny thinks. Maybe I could get a job working with aliens! It’s that thought that gets him to actually click the tab, desperate to know if that’s even a possibility. The page that opens doesn’t really list specific jobs or anything. Mostly, it seems to just be advertising that NASA is always looking for smart people that are passionate about space (Danny’s definitely one of those things, at least). But there is an interesting little banner advertising a special summer camp for aspiring astronomers, ages 14-18. The idea of that is both surprising and exciting. Danny doesn’t think his home world’s NASA had anything like that. Sam had sent him through with some money, but he’s still unsure if it’ll even work here, and he’s also not sure he wants to risk getting in trouble if it’s just a really close match. Plus it’s definitely not enough to afford the inevitable cost of a whole entire space camp. Danny remembers going to summer camps a couple times as a kid and he knows they weren’t cheap. Still, Danny remembers that Sam had also given him a few pieces of really nice jewelry that he could pawn off for cash, and maybe that could let him afford it?.
It would be so much easier if Danny had a social security number. Or, like, literally anything proving that he really does exist. But, well, technically he doesn’t exist here. Obviously, physically he is here, but he certainly wasn’t born here. He’s basically an undocumented immigrant, just from a place that he literally can’t ever physically go back to. Even the computer he’s using right now highlights just how alien this place is to him, with its large, flat screen and graphics better than anything he’s ever seen in his life. It runs so smoothly, too, that he just knows Tucker would cry if he could see it. And this is what they have in a library. Danny can’t even begin to imagine what high end tech here might look like.
Everything here is strange and new, and Danny doesn’t even really know what he needs to catch up on. He wishes he could have stayed. He had wanted to stay. Of course he had. But after the second time the Guys in White managed to capture him, well, it wasn’t hard to see why they wanted him gone. So when Sam and Tucker and Jazz had cornered him, and explained that they’d found a way to send him away, to somewhere that the GIW couldn’t follow, he hadn’t argued. He hadn’t argued when they dragged him down to the lab, and he hadn’t argued when Jazz shoved a backpack into his hands, and he hadn’t argued when Sam had told him that she’d added cash and jewelry to what Jazz had gathered. He hadn’t argued as Tucker had messed with the portal, and he hadn’t argued when they pushed him towards it.
He can’t go home. Maybe just for a while, but maybe not ever again. He can’t see his friends, and he can’t go to sleep in his own bed, and he can’t come home from school and play Doomed with Sam and Tucker. But maybe all that wouldn’t be so terribly painful, if he could just have one little thing here that he couldn’t have done back home. Danny knows it’s a long shot, but he clicks on the banner, just to see.
The first thing he notices as he reads through the description, is that it offers a lot. Eight weeks, overnight in a specialized science camp facility, an opportunity to experience both a shuttle launch simulation and a zero gravity simulator? The opportunity to experience multiple different kinds of jobs? This isn’t some camp that wants to introduce kids to the idea of astronomy, this is designed for kids who already want to be astronomers. All in all, it’s everything Danny could have imagined and more. It’s not exactly cheap, though. Five thousand dollars isn’t exactly affordable when all you have is some cash that may or not work, and a few necklaces, fancy as they may be. After all, it’s not like Danny knows enough about jewelry to have even a hope of not being ripped off.
At the bottom of the description, there is mention of scholarships, though, and maybe if he angles it right, he can manage to make use of one of those? Danny glances through the list. He doubts he can prove himself worth the aptitude scholarship. His grades weren’t exactly good back home, even if he did have his transcripts. And he’s hardly going to get the financial hardship scholarship if he’s got no proof that he even exists here. One of the scholarships catches his eye, though, specifically because he has no idea what it’s for. 
Danny knows the word meta. It’s like self-referential shit or something. But it’s not exactly a scientific thing. That’s language arts stuff, the kind of thing Mr. Lancer goes on about, and there should be no reason for it to be a kind of scholarship. But maybe it’s an acronym or something? Danny mouses over, and clicks through to see what exactly it is, even if it probably won’t be relevant to him.
“Here at NASA we understand that people don’t always fit our standard expectations of normality!” The meta scholarship page reads. Danny tries not to let his hackles go up at the mention of normality. They can’t possibly be talking about people like him, after all. Nothing he’s seen so far has implied that ghosts have any sort of presence here. “In our efforts to expand our understanding of the infinite expanse of space, it only makes sense to do our best to work with those who do not conform to those expectations, especially when those exceptions often represent unique opportunities for possible field work. If you identify as a meta, and believe your talents make you uniquely suited to extreme environments, we welcome you to apply for our full-expense meta scholarship!*”
The introductory paragraph only leaves Danny more confused, and a bit wary. The references to normality and unique opportunities for field work have bile rising into Danny’s throat, and he shakily opens a new tab, and types the word meta into the search bar. If they’re experimenting on people here too-
The search returns an astonishing number of results. Among the first ones are a wikipedia article on metas, and so many news articles. Danny clicks on the wikipedia page first.
“Metas refers to an individual who possesses meta powers. Derived from the prefix “meta-”, meaning beyond or transcending, meta powers are innately defined by the natural capabilities of the general population. Thus, on Earth, the term meta, or metahuman, typically refers to anyone who has abilities beyond the standard human experience. A significant portion of metas can be attributed to the human metagene,  which typically triggers in moments of intense physical or mental stress, and can produce unique situational abilities. Other metas, may belong to other species who naturally have certain abilities, or to individuals who are granted powers by various deific forces or even objects.”
It can’t possibly be that easy. This world can’t possibly be that perfect. Danny keeps reading. He realizes as he continues that this article is long, with literally dozens of subsections. On top of that, as he begins to read, there are references to numerous other events, and topics that he’s never heard of before. And by the time the librarian arrives to usher him out of the library for the night, he still isn’t finished with it, but he has learned quite a bit.
Apparently, it isn’t exactly as perfect as it sounded. Rather, this dimension has a long history of meta-related conflict. There’s been plenty of discrimination and mistreatment in the past; the kind of thing that Danny is more than familiar with. But on top of that, there’s literal, actual superheroes here. A lot of them. Superheroes that have fought against numerous world-ending threats and won. And those same superheroes have worked with the world governments, and ratified the protection of metas’ rights as being fundamental human rights. If Wikipedia is to be believed, Danny really is safe.
Still, Danny knows first-hand the way that governments can and will lie. And just because the internet claims that these so-called metas are treated fairly, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s true. 
Propaganda, Danny thinks. Who’s to say it isn’t all just propaganda? I need to be more careful about transforming tonight.
But the library does need to close, so Danny heads out into the second night in his new hometown, mind racing as he thinks about the implications of everything he’s read. The space camp seems so far away now, in the aftermath of the following revelations. Danny needs to get further from civilization if he wants to transform tonight. He follows the main street out, away from town. Maybe in a field somewhere, he’ll be okay? This doesn’t exactly seem like a large town. Even if it’s not true, Danny thinks as he walks. At least I’m not alone here. And I didn’t see anything about Anti-Ecto Acts.
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navillee · 4 months ago
I need to talk about sub Sylus. I got the mental NEED to go against the grain and spread the word, so here I am.
All lads' men can be subs. You guys aren't seeing it cause you vision what a sub should be is restricted.
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Sub Sylus 𓅨
an Introduction
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Sylus has so much potential as a sub and you all are committing the nastiest sin for ignoring that possibility;
I'm gonna say that once: all that facade he proudly polished being the Onychinus leader is just to hide the fact that he's a finsub. And probably a SAM too;
Let me elaborate to the people who also knew he was into something but couldn't figure it out. Sylus doesn't fit what most people consider the standard for a submissive men is, but that doesn't mean that he's automatically a dom, or that the things making Sylus eyes spark – quite literally – are approaches reserved to doms only;
First of all, it is clear he's a finsub. Finsub is a shortcut to 'financial sub', and the term explains itself. I'm 100% sure that as soon as you enter the N109 zone, he was already requesting a credit card for your use exclusively. It didn't get delivered in time. That's why he landed his at the protocore auction;
"5 million. You offer will make people think I'm broke. Wouldn't want that, sweetie." That line alone explains everything, on top of he only sounding satisfied when you bought every protocore there;
He loves showing off to others how healthy he is and how no other but him is suitable to spoil his dom miss hunter;
Did you ever notice he's always spoiling you? Dresses, high-quality protocore-based weapons, week dates to expensive and exclusive restaurants, jewelry, even a private fireworks show. Luke and Kieran are always running down to Linkon to deliver you something new in the middle of the week because Sylus can't wait the entire week. He never can;
Sylus gets off watching his bank account movement as you spend his money. As higher the spent, better his orgasm;
You can spend all you want, but he made sure to request that every time you wish to buy a new set o lingerie, he could give his humble opinion on it;
On top of that, he always gives you hints about what he wants you to use on him. That's why you had to stop opening your message app on the hunter's association computer browser: Sylus can send you links to a new sex toy any time during the day. As I told you before, he can never wait properly;
"They made an exclusive high-quality leather collar craved in rubies." *sends the link of the N109 zone's craftsman* "Wouldn't that match my eyes, mistress hunter?"
It's a matter of three days wait to receive the said collar at your apartment's door. That's Sylus way to make you visit his mansion;
And THATS when his other side bloom. The SAM sub side. 'SAM' is also a shortcut that stands for a combination from "pain slut" and a brat. Sylus is both;
I mean, come on, he made you shoot him, and since the evol resonance failed, he acted like a desperate brat. When he noticed that his behavior was making you dislike him, Sylus noticed that it was better to show his freaky side little by little, to not scare his darling away from him;
But he couldn't even if he wanted to. You two are attached to levels that neither of you can actually understand. He knows that, and he wants to explore his desires with you because they're made to suit yours. He knows that deep inside, you want to devour him as much as he wants to feel the pain;
Is that threatening feeling that makes his eyes sparkle in blood red. That's why there's this push-pull dynamic happening with him. It's because he's desperately trying to bring out your dom side;
That's when the second name he refers about you appears. "Miss hunter," "mistress hunter," is just the surface level of Sylus as a sub;
It's when "ma'am" slips out his mouth that you know you have this man on your hands. And "ma'am" isn't "mommy." There's a substantial difference between them. That's why every sub is different;
As an example, let's use another lads man as an example: Rafayel. Rafayel is the type of sub that refers to you as "mommy." From his behavior to his tone of voice, his "mommy's" melodic calls are a meeting awaited for centuries, it's a sign of obedience, an eager plea for guidance to a comfort place where he doesn't have to worry anymore;
Sylus "ma'ams" are pleas for destruction. He wants more, and he wants harder;
"Yes ma'am. Can you do it harder? Fuck! I need it harder!"
You're entropy to his universe. As you two reach the chaos together in a complex dance of testing the others' nerves, more alive he feels.
He teases, and he teases way too much. You should always keep attention to his body signs cause he's reckless when there's a collar around his neck. When he watches the rubies of his now favorite collar shining on the mirror, all he wants is to you to break him;
Put a pretty gag on his convinced smile. He doesn't want praises, so when he starts drooling slut him out. Watch Sylus getting hard with your condescending tone. He will keep mumbling back cause he wants more;
Force him on his knees, kick his legs spread apart, and pull his hair back. The face of eagerness approval he will give you is gonna be priceless;
Slap his skin, face with your hands, thighs, and ass with the so commented good leather toys he bought. Do that every time he shows himself unable to keep his damm hands on the handcuffs;
Rip his skin with your nails. It isn't like he gives you other options. When Sylus notices you're scratching him, he will find a way to piss you off. "I thought your nails are sharper than that," "a kitten can't scratch it like tiger after all, shouldn't put my expectations too high." Watch him hiss and arch as you paint his torso with thin red fillets of his ripped sensitive skin;
I think he's also okay with spit, especially on his mouth;
He is large and tough. He can take anything, and I mean ANYTHING you give it to him;
Shove a vibrator right on prostate and keep pumping his cock, test him to see how much he can handle until he breaks;
Because when he, in fact, breaks, there's nothing left but a dumb slut that can only mumble unconnected words – swearing disconnected sentences in its great majority;
When you finish with him, he will be a mess, head too cloudy to think as you take care of his bruises;
Isn't it like you could prevent him from walking around with little to no fabric on his torso inside the house. He's definitely an exhibitionist. Those are bruises worthy to show of, anyway, he likes seeing himself in the mirror with them, it feels right;
As he watch them fade away, it is just a matter of time for him until he starts to get on your nerves again, to make your obscene art on his skin and on his mind.
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lanadelnegan · 4 months ago
Sober Enough
S7 Negan x Assistant
Summary: After 2 years of being Negan’s assistant and remaining professional, one night of playing pool together in the Sanctuary's lounge changes everything. Warnings: 18+, smut, extreme dry humping, c*m licking (lots of it), angst, negan being sweet, very slight daddy kink
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“You’re insufferable. You know that?” I glare at Negan from across the pool table.
His chest rises and falls with a laugh as he leans over the table, adjusting his stance. “So I’ve been told, doll.” He smirks before sinking the striped ball into the pocket.
“I mean, seriously. Who needs multiple wives?”
He strides around to my side of the table, plucking his beer from the bar behind me and taking a generous gulp.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re jealous.” His gaze drags over me, igniting a heat within me I’ve kept hidden for two years—ever since I became his assistant, or right-hand woman, as he calls it.
I laugh, trying to shake off the warmth spreading through me. “Do you hear yourself, Negan? I think you’re drunk.”
I lean over to line up my shot, but my balance falters, and I tumble into him. His arms wrap around my waist from behind, steadying me. The scent of his leather jacket and woodsy cologne envelops me and I breathe him in.
He leans closer, his breath warm against my ear. “I’m sober enough to catch you.”
Something about his tone and the way his arms are still clinging to me has my heart beating out of my chest. His lips skim across my neck and I smell his minty breath laced with beer, a reminder that this is probably just the alcohol talking.
If I were sober enough myself, I’d plunge out of his arms and call it a night. But my heart is tired of pretending I’m not head over heels in love with this man and have been for a while.
I turn around in his arms, my chest now pressing against his as I look up at him. “What else are you sober enough to do?” My hands roam teasingly along his chest, coming across much more confident than what I’m feeling on the inside.
His slightly glazed-over eyes dart back and forth between mine. He looks like he’s battling himself on the inside right now and I wish I knew what he was thinking. Before I can ask, he leans down and presses his lips to mine, tilting my chin up to gain better access as he deepens the kiss.
I let out a whimper that makes him growl in return, and he turns my back to the pool table, setting me on it like I weigh nothing. My legs wrap around his waist and he holds them there, his rough hands gripping the back of my bare thighs.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me? Walking around here all day in these pretty little dresses, begging for my attention?”
I don’t bother arguing with him. Mostly because he’s right.
His hand closes around my neck gently, claiming me as his. When I let out another whimper, he continues. “That’s what you want, right? My attention?”
He stands between my legs and I don’t know where to put my hands, so I rest them behind me on the pool table as I look up at him.
“That’s why you asked to be my assistant, isn’t it? So you could follow me around all day.” He chuckles, his rough voice growing deeper with each word.
“Answer me.”
“Y-yes.” I say, my heart pulsing.
“Yes, what?” He bites out impatiently.
“Yes sir.”
"Atta girl." He lets go of my neck, his hand gliding down to my exposed thigh, where my dress has been hiked up, almost exposing my damp center.
“Well, you have my full and undivided attention sweetheart. What are you gonna do with it?”
Feeling a surge of confidence, I lean forward, my fingers reaching for the noticeable bulge in his black jeans. His eyes darken as he closely observes my face, allowing me to explore him. I trace my fingers along his lengthy shaft, feeling the ridges beneath and imagining how incredible it would feel to have him inside me.
“I - I wanna see it.” I say, unbothered with how desperate I sound. I’ve imagined what it looks like since the day I met him and he bragged about how big he was. Most men would only brag if they felt the need to compensate for something, but I knew that was never the case with Negan.
And now that I’m feeling him, I know for sure he wasn’t lying. He’s big. Bigger than anything I’ve felt before.
He lets out a low chuckle, carefully removing my hand from his pants and placing it back on the pool table. He then holds my hands down on either side of me, leaning in close to my ear. "Such a desperate little slut, who would've guessed?" he whispers, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You had me fooled with your sweet innocent act, doll."
I wrap my legs tighter around him, needing to feel some sort of friction, even if it’s through his jeans.
"Fuck," he exhales as I begin to grind against him, the sensation making me bite down on my lower lip. His hands return to my thighs, guiding my movements as he gazes down between us. His eyes are fixated on the way our bodies connect through our clothes.
I watch his expression, getting off even more on how his brows knit together and his mouth hangs open slightly. He always looks good, but never as good as right now, with my wet pussy soaking his jeans.
“Negan, fuck, it feels so good.” I cry out, wrapping my hands around his shoulders to steady myself.
His mouth falls to my neck, as he groans with each of my movements, his sounds fueling me to ride him faster. I lift my ass off the table for a better angle and he grips my ass underneath my dress, driving me into him over and over.
“Shit… fuck darlin’, if you don’t stop, I’m- fuck, I don’t want to come yet.”
I pull back, leaning my hands back on the table and riding him slower. I can feel the heat radiating off my cheeks as I stare at him, both of us on the edge and ready to blow any second.
“Baby.. You’re so fucking perfect, have I ever told you that?”
I blush harder at his words, not expecting him to say something so sweet.
“I mean it, y/n. You have no idea how many nights I’ve fucked my fist thinking of you.”
I exhale, speechless as we stare at each other and he rocks his hips into me, taking the lead this time.
His quick, rough thrusts cause my tit to fall out of my dress and his eyes lock on it instantly before he bites his lower lip.
"Fucking perfect." He shakes his head subtly before diving forward and taking it into his mouth, sucking gently on my hard nipple.
I cry out, knowing that’s all it will take to push me over the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, Negan, I’m-“
I don’t finish my sentence before tears run down my cheeks, the feeling overwhelming me like no other orgasm I’ve had before. And this is just with his clothes on.
He gazes down at me, a hint of pride etched on his features as he rocks his hips into me.
“That’s it baby, that’s it. Give it to me.”
I start to come down from the high, softly moaning before my lips find his neck and suck on his flesh. He groans in my ear and I know he’s holding back his own orgasm.
“Negan, stop holding back. I want to you to come.”
I pull back slightly, locking eyes with him and I can see his pained expression like he doesn’t want to blow in his pants like someone horny teenaged boy. Taking back control, I grind my hips against his shaft in a circular motion.
“Baby…” he whines.
“Please.. daddy.” I say sweetly, blinking up at him.
“Fuck.” He growls, dropping his forehead to mine as my hips work faster.
“I can’t hold it, sweetheart. Fuck, I -“
He buries his face in my neck, letting out the most animalistic groans I’ve ever heard a man make.
I firmly hold myself against him, feeling him pulse over and over. Knowing that his warm cum is filling his underwear makes me want to get on my knees and lick every last drop.
As if he read my mind, he stands back, unzipping his pants and keeping his gaze locked on me. “On your knees.”
“I-but, you already-“
“Do not make me have to ask twice.” He snaps impatiently.
I drop to my knees hesitantly, gazing up at him while waiting for his instructions. With a proud grin, he pulls his underwear down to his knees.
My eyes widen at the sight of his cock covered in his cum. Even soft, it’s insanely impressive and thick. I reach out to grab it but he knocks my hand away.
With his thumb, he pulls down my lower lip, tracing the pad of it over my tongue. “Open that pretty mouth and clean up the mess you made.”
Taking one last glance at his handsome face, I lean in and lick my tongue along his shaft, instantly moaning at the taste.
“Look at you.” He praises, gliding a hand through my hair. “Such a good girl.”
After a few moments, he pulls away, buckling himself back up. “Fuck.” He lets out a long sigh. “I’m sorry.” He helps me to my feet, but immediately backs away again, running a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Oh, okay... I get it.” I laugh annoyed. “You’re sober now and coming to your senses?
“No, that’s not, fuck, that’s not it. I-“
“Don’t worry, I got it. I’ll see myself out.”
“Y/n…” He says, making no effort to move towards me, which just makes me want to leave the room that much faster.
How stupid was I to think he was actually into me? God, how embarrassing.
I fling the door open to leave when his large palm wraps around my arm, turning me to face him.
“Goddamn it, listen to me.”
“Fuck off, Negan. Next time you get drunk and horny, use one of your wives to get off, not me.”
I try to wiggle out of his grasp but his large frame presses me against the door.
“I wasn’t drunk, y/n. Fuck, I wasn’t even buzzed. I had one beer. And if I wanted to simply use you and get off I would have fucked that pretty pussy without clothes in the way.”
My cheeks heat under his serious gaze. “So why didn’t you?”
“Well, before you tried to run off, I was going to tell you that I’m fucking crazy about you. And have been since day one. Not sure how it wasn’t obvious, doll.”
“Then why did you apologize?”
He slides a hand over my jaw, cupping my face. “Because I didn’t want to tell you like this. I wanted our first kiss to be… hell, romantic.” He rolls his eyes playfully before his serious gaze returns.
“What about your wives?”
“Sweetheart. I haven’t touched any of them since I laid eyes on you.” His pleading hazel eyes bounce back and forth between yours.
“I-I don’t believe you.”
“Then I’ll prove it to you.” He picks me up, carrying me me over to the black leather couch in the middle of the lounge. “But first? We’re going to finish what we started.”
Tag list <3
@loganlostitall @chaospossum @negansbabydoll66 @redqueenphoenix @n3g5nx @crustyweirdo @youngpersonaathletebear @sadgirlzluvdilfs @ilovebill-and-gustav @neganscumbucket @manipulatorpoem @im-a-goddamn-cat @raininhell @mahogany-cherry-wine @daryldixmedown @munsonslovergirl @sanctuaryforthelost @thelauraborealis @carlgrimesbbg @c3linesworld @blueheisenbergtragedy @startwinklekitty @darlingmadelinee @oceandeepthirst @jschlattsqtip @lavenderchai @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @neganswoman @n7crophiliac @cats-writing @alldevilsarehere90 @natykacenka @queermilfs @stasiaangelsinner @lupa-03 @sadgirlzluvdilfs @pamago-bb @javier-penas-wifexx420 @motelprincess444 @thatonefroggirl @myhappyplaceofstuff @darlingmadelinee @used2beee @easystreet07 @princess-23-xoxo @twdxtrevor
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betterthanyalls · 3 months ago
Hey! I liked your Epic x reader! The one where Zeus kiddnaped Y/N and Athena fought for them and Odysseus!
Can I request a Epic!Hera x Reader
Even tho the gods couldn’t do anything to help, I can still feel like Hera had a liking to reader, they weren’t like the other ‘scamps’ that Zeus seduced.
I feel like Hera would comfort Reader and became their friend during the Seven years they were held captive.
Platonic or Romantic- your pick :D
AAAAAAAAAAAA HI HI HI HI IM SO SORRY WITH THE LATENESS BUT I LOVED THIS also im sorry for how short this was :sobs: it was meant to be like an interlude/minor pt 2 ANYWAYS THANK YOU SM I LOVE YOU THIS IS A GREAT ASK
Part 1
Stolen Soldier PT2
Hera [p] x Reader
EPIC: The Musical ~ Oneshot ~ Comfort/Angst
Words: 503
Published: 12/10/2024
In the corner of a dark, unlit room, whimpering sobs were being produced. A young mortal cowered in fear, shaking uncontrollably while trying to bite back their anguish. 
The door slowly opened to the dark room, providing a haunting light to cascade over the entire area. Y/n choked out a terrified cry, coiling herself further into the corner to try and remain as small as possible.
Instead of the king god she expected, Hera walked in slowly, gently shutting the door behind herself. The queen held her hands up as if to show she had no weapon and walked towards Y/n as if the mortal was a wild animal. She may as well have been a rabid creature with how little of humanity she had left.
“I won’t hurt you, my darling." The queen comforted softly, crouching down in front of Y/n.
Y/n bit back another sob, watching the goddess’ hands and movement like life or death. She wanted to push Hera away to fight back, to try and keep any safety she could find. Y/n knew the stories of Hera, yet that wasn’t the only thing making her keep distance. How could Y/n ever trust a pair of hands again, divine hands at that? “My husband is still with the other gods in his meeting; he won’t be back for a while. I know it’s not your fault for being here," the goddess of marriage explained soothingly. “I do not wish to hurt you.”
“Why-” Her sentence was cut off as another cry escaped her throat. Tears fell like a broken fountain down her cheeks. “Why are you here?” The mortal managed to question, her voice hiccuping. 
“I am the goddess of women; of course I know the pains you bear."
Something in the goddess’ tone made Y/n feel a little better, comforting her. Hera opened her arms, offering an embrace of heavenly love. Y/n hesitated, unsure whether she could trust the touch of another. But the queen’s gaze was so calm and loving, it was impossible not to be drawn in.
Warily, the young woman crawled over, at once being encircled by holy hands. The true love and safety overwhelmed Y/n. It had been so long since the hands who touched her weren’t filled with uncaring lust. 
Hera rubbed gentle circles on the woman’s back, ignoring her newly wet shoulder. Y/n tried not to cry loudly, but it was getting increasingly difficult. The two ladies sat on the marble flooring of a cluttered room. 
The tune of an ancient hymn explored the room quietly, as if searching for someone to hold warmly. Cascading upon the mortal’s ears, the beautiful rhythm began to enclose her mind, providing the exhaustion she oh-so craved. 
Gradually, Y/n shut her eyes and sighed softly, her sobs quieting to soft sniffles. Bit by bit, her tired mind began to falter, providing the lulling space she desired so much.  “Sleep well, my little bird. You’re safe here.”
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babyleostuff · 9 months ago
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[ 💿 ] . . . TAPE 9
いつでも君のそばにいること / それが何より大切さ 君も / 僕の隣にいるなら完璧 ay ya ya / 広い like the sky
☁️ "24h" by seventeen
being loved by kim mingyu means having a small big teddy bear as a boyfriend. the fact that mingyu is quite clingy not only means that you always have someone to hug, kiss, or cuddle with - but also that he is your oasis who is able to ground you. his touch, whether it's a thumb brushing your cheek, strong arms around your shoulders, or just a hand on your thigh - mingyu is always able to convey so much emotion through a simple touch, as if he was silently telling you "i'm here, don't worry." besides, there is no place where you would feel safer than in his embrace - he is your home, your safe haven, your other half that makes you feel whole.
being loved by kim mingyu means having a travel buddy with whom you could travel the whole world with if you wished. apart from physical touch, mingyu thrives off quality time - he would spend all his time with you if he could, because what's better than spending time with the people you love? and combine it with his love of travelling and discovering new places? exploring the world with mingyu would be the most beautiful adventure of your life, because this boy has the power to turn every moment into a magical and unforgettable one. whether it would be sunny italy or ice-cold iceland, every place and every thing you did would be a memory that you would treasure for the rest of your life.
being loved by kim mingyu means having someone who will always be by your side to help you get up when you fall. he's always there for you when you need him, it doesn't even need to be mentioned, but while some people coward when they see their partner going through harder times and needing more support, mingyu would go through even the hardest part of your life with you. no matter how ugly it would get, how hard it would be for you to get up - mingyu is your pillar who would always stand by you.
being loved by kim mingyu feels like a warm home to which you come back after a hard day, like the smell of the sea, like hot chocolate on a rainy day, like a hug that you don't want to end.
“i’m yours for ever -- for ever and ever. here i stand; i’m as firm as a rock. if you’ll only trust me, how little you’ll be disappointed. be mine as i am yours.” - henry james, portrait of a lady
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