#i will until i get my butt up and back to the shop to collect my kindle but fk
lostandbackagain · 2 years
I left my kindle at work gonna kms
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pucksandpower · 8 months
Pretty Woman Moment
Max Verstappen x wife!Reader
Summary: you have your very own Pretty Woman moment in the glittering shops of Monaco
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You take a deep breath of the fresh Monaco air as you walk hand-in-hand with Max down the cobbled streets. He gives your hand a little squeeze and smiles at you. Even after all this time, his smile still makes your heart skip a beat.
You’re both dressed casually — just simple jeans and t-shirts, with caps pulled low over your faces. It’s one of the things you love most about your life here. The two of you can blend in and just be yourselves, without the glare of fame and fortune.
As you pass a small cafe, the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts out. Your mouth waters.
“I’m dying for an iced coffee,” you say longingly. “Do you mind if we stop for a quick drink?”
Max chuckles. “Of course, schatje. You stay here and keep browsing. I’ll go grab us something.”
He gives you a peck on the cheek before heading into the cafe. You watch him go, your eyes drifting down to admire his cute butt in those jeans. Yup, you’ve definitely still got it bad for him.
Humming to yourself, you continue down the street, peering in shop windows at the latest fashions.
Up ahead you spot the iconic red awnings of Cartier. On a whim, you decide to browse the opulent jewelry shop.
As soon as you enter the store, you can feel the receptionist’s eyes sweep over you, no doubt taking in your casual outfit. Her gaze lingers on your much-loved sneakers. You pretend not to notice as you begin looking at a display of gem-encrusted watches.
Moments later, a saleswoman approaches you. “May I help you find something?” The saleswoman asks in a frosty tone.
You give her a polite smile. “Just looking, thanks.”
The woman’s eyes flick to your sneakers again, and her lips press together in disapproval. Still, she gives a curt nod and stands stiffly nearby like she is waiting for you to leave.
You feel a flare of annoyance at her judgmental attitude, but brush it off. You don’t have anything to prove to her. You know who you are, sneakers and all.
As you admire a display of delicate tennis bracelets, you feel the saleswoman’s eyes on you. She hovers over your shoulder, as if worried you might steal something. You bite back an amused laugh. If only she knew the size of your jewelry collection back home. Max loves spoiling you with extravagant gifts just because.
You wander towards the case of Panthère de Cartier rings, their tiny emerald eyes glinting up at you. As you lean down to admire them, the saleswoman swoops in.
“I’m afraid those particular pieces are off limits to handle without intent to purchase,” she says crisply.
You straighten up slowly. “Of course. My apologies.”
You turn away, irritation prickling. The other salespeople eye you suspiciously too now. Pretentious snobs, you think.
Just then, the glint of your own diamond tennis bracelet catches your eye — the one Max gave you for your anniversary last year. It’s slipped partially down your wrist unnoticed. You nudge it back into place just as the first saleswoman appears at your elbow.
“Excuse me, but I believe you’re attempting to steal that bracelet,” she hisses.
You gape at her. “What? This is mine, I’ve been wearing it since I came in.”
“Likely story,” she snaps. “Jacques, could you please call security?”
A bulky guard steps forward, eyeing you distrustfully. “Let’s just take a look at that bracelet, miss.”
Mortified anger rises in you. “Absolutely not, I don’t need to prove anything to you,” you say heatedly.
The saleswoman’s expression hardens. “If you make a scene, we’ll be forced to restrain you until the police get here.”
Just then, the door opens and Max strides in, caramel-drizzled iced coffee in hand. His eyes instantly take in the situation. He steps forward, eyes blazing.
“What the hell is going on here?” He demands, voice dangerous. You’ve never seen his racing temper directed at you, though you know it lurks beneath his calm demeanor.
“It’s fine, Max, just a misunderstanding-” you start gently.
He silences you with a look, then turns his glare on the cringing salespeople. When he speaks again, his voice is lethally quiet.
“This is my wife, Y/N, and I suggest you treat her with the utmost respect. She is the most important person in my world.” Though his words are soft, they crack sharply like a whip. “Now apologize. Immediately.”
The saleswoman who accused you blanches paper-white. “M-Mr. Verstappen, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize-”
Max holds up a hand, cutting off her stammering. His sharp features are carved from stone. “Save it. Your behavior was unacceptable. We’ll be taking our business elsewhere and you can be assured that I will be speaking to corporate.”
But the security guard blocks your path. “Just a moment. I still need to verify this bracelet did not come from our store.” He reaches out towards your wrist.
Quick as a flash, Max grabs the man’s arm, halting him. “Don’t touch her,” Max says in a low, dangerous voice. You feel a shiver run down your spine at the ice in his tone.
The security guard tries to yank his arm away, but Max holds firm. “I suggest you let us leave right now, before I call my lawyer.”
He drops the offending arm as the security guard takes several steps back, then takes your hand gently. “Come, schatje. Let’s get you home.”
Once outside, Max halts and turns you gently to face him. His handsome face is creased with concern.
“Are you okay?” He asks, brushing a lock of hair tenderly from your face. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”
You lean into his touch, letting it soothe away the sting. “I’m okay now that you’re here. But Max … the way she looked at me, treated me like I was garbage just because of what I was wearing …” You trail off, throat tightening.
Max’s jaw tightens, a storm brewing in his beautiful eyes again. “She had no right to talk down to you that way. No one has the right to make assumptions and treat you like anything less than the amazing woman I know you are.”
Despite everything, you feel yourself smile slightly. No one can make you feel better like Max can but furious tremors in his fingers tell you his wrath still simmers below the surface. You squeeze his hand. “I’m okay, really. Don’t let them ruin our day.”
His expression softens as he looks down at you. “Of course. I just can’t stand to see anyone disrespecting you.” He smiles ruefully. “I may have overreacted.”
You laugh. “Just a bit. But it was gallant of you to come to my defense.” You lean up on tiptoes to kiss him sweetly.
Max wraps you in his arms. “I’ll always protect you, Y/N. I love you.”
“And I love you.” You take his hand again. “Come on, let’s go for a walk. I saw the most adorable baby swans in the harbor earlier.”
The tension eases from Max’s shoulders as you stroll together along the glittering marina. You chat and laugh, the unpleasant scene at the jewelry store already forgotten. Because nothing can touch the happiness you’ve found here, in the sun-drenched streets of Monaco, hand-in-hand with the love of your life.
The next evening, you and Max stride arm in arm into Cartier, looking every inch the glamorous millionaire couple that you are. You’re dressed in a slinky black gown with diamond earrings while Max cuts a sharp figure in an Armani tuxedo. The salespeople gape as you saunter in, not recognizing you as the girl from yesterday.
You head straight for the saleswoman who accused you of stealing. “Remember me?” You ask breezily.
She flushes, stammering apologies. You silence her with one manicured finger.
“Let’s start fresh, shall we?” You extend a hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“S-Suzanne,” she manages.
“Suzanne, my husband Max and I are looking to make a significant purchase tonight.” You gesture around the lavish store. “You have some beautiful pieces. Why don’t you show us some options?”
“Of course, right this way.” Suzanne leads you to a private viewing room. Hands shaking, she brings out diamond necklaces, tennis bracelets, rings — tens of millions of dollars in jewels laid across velvet.
You and Max pretend to consider each item seriously, before waving it away. “Oh no, that won’t do … this one’s not quite right either …” With each rejection, Suzanne’s smile grows tighter.
Finally you turn to her, feigning disappointment. “Well Suzanne, I’m afraid nothing here has caught my eye. It all seems a bit … subpar.”
She gapes. “S-subpar?”
“Mmhm. I think we’ll try Bulgari next. Their quality is much more superior.” You pause, tapping a finger against your chin thoughtfully.
“You know, now that I’m thinking about it, I realize this just isn’t going to work out between us.” You gesture around the store. “It’s not you, it’s me. I’m sure this is a fine jewelry store for some people with lower standards, but for me ...” You trail off, shaking your head sadly.
Suzanne is white-faced, swallowing hard. “Please, give us another chance. I’m certain we can find something to your satisfaction.”
You pretend to consider it. “Well … I suppose we could take another look.”
For the next hour, Suzanne desperately shows you their most elite pieces, diamond necklaces worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. You and Max have a gleeful time trying them on, admiring yourselves, but ultimately waving each one away.
Finally, after rejecting a spectacular €500,000 art deco diamond choker, you say airily, “You know what, Suzanne? I just don’t think Cartier is right for me. It’s been … educational, but I believe Max and I will be going now.”
As you saunter out, Suzanne calls desperately, “Please come again soon!”
You pause, looking back with a dazzling smile. “I would … but you made a big mistake. Big. Huge.”
And linking your arm through Max’s, you sashay into the balmy Monaco night, leaving the frantic saleswoman behind.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Mick Schumacher (Mercedes AMG) - Smoothie
Requested: no
Warnings: none
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"No problem, come again!" Y/n said, smiling through her mask as another customer left. She let out a sigh as she returned the computer to see which order was next. The door opened and in walked a blonde man with blue eyes. Y/n smiled over to him, assuming this next order was his. "Hello there, can I help you?" she asked as politely as possible. "Hi, I'd like a smoothie please." he replied. She sensed a bit of an accent butt she couldn't tell exactly where it was from other than it was definitely European. "Perfect and have you pre ordered?" Y/n asked. The man looked at her a bit confused. "No, I don't think so." he replied. "I'm so sorry, I can't give you a smoothie until you pre order it." she explained. "You could go out and order and then come back in and collect it if you'd like?" The man nodded. "Of course, I'll be back in a minute."
She smiled and waved as the man walked back out and went back to the register. "What do you think you're doing?!" her coworker Carolina shrieked. "W-what? What do you mean?" Y/n asked. "What did you do? You just kicked out Mick Schumacher!" Y/n arched a brow. "Should I know who that is?" Carolina rolled her eyes. "That is the son of the seven time world champion of F1 Michael Schumacher! You can't just kick him out!" Carolina shouted. "He didn't order, I can't let him in if he hasn't ordered." Y/n said. "He's special Y/n!" Carolina whispered. "How? Is he jesus christ or something?" Y/n asked, starting to get frustrated. "No, he's famous!" Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "Okay and? I don't care if he is Barack O-fucking-bama, he's not coming in without ordering. That's just the policy-"
"Why did you kick a formula 1 driver out of my shop?!" Joey, the manager came storming out after watching the scene unfold from his cameras. "He's just another customer-" Y/n tried to defend her actions but Joey wasn't having any of it. "He's a celebrity! Not to mention how famous his dad is!" Y/n was just about having enough of hearing about hwo this guy was. "Once again, and?" Joey's blood boiled. "He could do some great stuff for the business!" Y/n scoffed. "I'm sorry but I doubt this man is going to throw it up the shop's name and address on his social media out of the blue. He's just another customer." She said. Up popped a little notification on the computer, saying an order was placed and surely enough, there was the Mick Schumacher up there. "You better hope he doesn't have anything bad to say about you."
"Hi, you can come in now. Sorry for the wait." Y/n smiled, letting the German in. "It's no problem at all. I don't mind waiting." he replied. "Okay so banana and strawberry yes?" she asked walking alongside him to the counter. "Yes please." he said. Y/n walked behind the counter and made up the smoothie under the watchful eye of Joey. She cupped it up and walked back out to see Carolina chatting to the German who was very clearly uncomfortable with her so of course, Y/n rushed in to break it up. "And here you go. Have you paid online?" Y/n asked, moving Carolina out of the way. "Er, yes, yes I have but I'm going to just tip you a bit." The German reached into his pocket and pulled out a five pound note and smiled at her. "Oh thank you so much. That's very generous, sir." Y/n said. "It's Mick." he replied. "Pardon?" Y/n asked. "It's Mick. You can call me Mick." he said repeating his name. "Oh, okay. Well thank you very much Mick. Sorry if I caused an inconvenience earlier it's just, you know the new regulations for health and safety." Y/n said. "Oh no, I totally get it. Safety first." Mick chuckled. "Exactly."
There was a brief silence between tbe two, not knowing if Mick was going to leave or not but then Y/n just decided to brush it off and move along to serve some other customers. "Well, thanks for coming around and sorry again." she said fixing her mask. "No problem. Thanks." Mick replied before turning to walk away. "If you need anything Mick, just come right back!" Joey said as Mick walked out, kind of embarassed from being made a fuss out of. "Can you guys stop? He was obviously uncomfortable with being treated like a celebrity so just treat him like a normal human being, okay?" Y/n snapped at the two. Joey furrowed his eyebrows at her sudden authoritive tone. "You literally threw him out, we need to give him a reason to come back." Joey exclaimed. "You're scaring him away, I'm just saying." Y/n began typing into the computer yet again. "You know what? You're working overtime. You can close up shop." Y/n blinked in disbelief. "Joey, you're taking the piss completely now, there's no way you're being serious-"
"I'm being completely serious!" Joey raised his voice and cut her off That was end of discussion. Whatever Joey says, goes, end of story.
Y/n walked about wiping down tables, humming to herself. She heard a knock come from the door, making her groan. "We're closed." she called. The figure still stayed there. "Hey! We're closed!" she said again but the person still stayed there. "Oh for fuck's sake-" she muttered before grabbing her brush and marching towards the door. "Did you not hear that we are closed-" she was cut off by herself as she saw a beaming Mick Schumacher standing at the door. "I- Mick, we're et closed. I'm sorry." she said opening up the door. "Oh I know. I was wondering if you wanted any help?" he offered. Y/n ram her fingers through her hair. "Well, as much as I think you would be a help, I just couldn't. It's my job so." She said, trying to usher him away from the door. "Why are you still here? Everyone is gone home." Mick asked. "I got overtime for being cheeky." she explained. "When I was there?"
"What? No, if course not-" Mick cut her off. "I watched it through the window for a few minutes so don't pretend that it wasn't my fault. Just let me help. It's not that big of a deal." Y/n debated for a moment on whether or not she should let him in. "It is kind of my fault you're here and plus, it's starting to rain." Y/n opened the door and let him in. "I'll let you help but only because its starting to rain." Mick nodded and grinned as she walked by. "Oh definitely, definitely." he mumbled. The pair set off working for a while, Mick mainly sweeping up and Y/n counting the money and refilling different containers. As she was cleaning out one of the machines, she noticed a certain blonde man staring at her in the reflection. She watched him for a few more seconds before deducing that he was in fact looking at her. "You okay over there?" Y/n asked through a grin.
Mick jumped up and quickly thought of a lie. "Well, my mother usually cleans the blender after I use it at home but erm- I can't clean it properly." he stuttered. "Mmh, so you can drive these advanced cars but you can't clean a blender?" He nodded in return. That was the worst excuse he has ever made up in his life. She however, couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she watched in amusement. "Alright, so I guess you start off by making sure the machine is off and then you go looking for any clumps or leftovers in the blade of the blender. Now, what you'd want to do is-" In all honesty, Mick wasn't listening. He was just watching how focused the girl in front of him was trying to clean a blender. He liked how her hair was tied up and how a few strands just fell out of place and perfectly onto her face.
"And that's about it." Mick snapped out of his daydream and smiled. "You get all that?" Y/n asked. Mick nodded. Ne wasn't even listening but could you blame him? Y/n looked oh so gorgeous. "Yeah but just in case, erm...how about you come over and supervise my cleaning the blender?" Smoothe Mick, very smoothe. "Are you trying to flirt?" Y/n grinned. "Is it working?" he asked. "Not in the slightest but good effort." She turned back around and finished off cleaning the rest of the blenders, leaving Mick a bit flustered. "So, that's us done." Y/n sighed. "Yeah. Maybe I could help you again next time. You know, since I now know how to clean a blender." Y/n chuckled at Mick's remark and nodded. "Absolutely. Well, I'll see you around-"
"Actually, could I maybe take you-" Mick was thinking, thinking if the right words to say and not sound creepy. Y/n knew what he was going to ask but she wasn't the best communicator either. "Take me to a basement?" she joked. "What? No. Erm, could I maybe take you out? Like to hang out for something?"
"You don't know what you're doing, do you?" she asked him. "No, not a clue." he replied. "Well if I was in that situation I wouldn't know either but I think I'm supposed to say yes and then you pick a time that suits you." Y/n said. "Yeah, I think you do. So Friday, 8pm?" he asked. "Wow. Those are random but at the most cliché of times." she chuckled. "Yeah, I can go then." she said. "Perfect, I'll pick you up then." Y/n watched as Mick walked away. She wondered how long it would take for him to realise that he didn't know where she lived and surely enough he came jogging back. "Hey, where do I pick you up?" he asked. She chuckled and took a pen out of her pocket. "That's my address and my phone number in case you need me before then." she said clicking the pen and shoving it back into her pocket. "Now, I'll see you around." Mick joked. "I hope I do. See ya Mick." Mick watched as she walked away to her car and drive away. He was going to miss her but hey, it was only until Friday.
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billthedrake · 1 year
If it hadn't been for the lousy weather on the long weekend, Frank Grisholm may never have taken the chance. But he'd spent two days straight in his apartment, edging for hours with a vial of poppers, a tub of Albolene, and a collection of his favorite dildos, some quite impressive in size. The former D1 football player had a life change at 30, but for as long as it took for him to come out, it had taken less than a year for the muscled 6'5" hunk to realize he craved to have his hole worked over.
Just like grocery shopping when you're hungry, you should never log onto the apps when you've been marathon masturbating. But Frank couldn't help himself. Something about the dildos felt second-best that day. He scrolled through some familiar profiles, holding his phone in his right hand while his left slowly sawed a black-rubber Big Boy in and out of his ass.
He saw a couple of tops he'd hooked up with. Not fuck buddies, but maybe he could reach out for a repeat. Only his attention was caught by a new profile. Or at least new to Frank. The picture was PG rated. Well, R rated, maybe. A picture of a guys' shorts with a huge ridge filling out the package. The profile listed the vital stats. 20 years old, 5'9, 155#, top.
But the dick pick is what got Frank excited, and maybe a little scared. He'd never seen a dick as fat as this. Sometimes guys used the term "beer can" for cocks that probably weren't quite as big and round as an actual beer can. Unless images deceived, this one was fatter than one. It was a bludgeon of a cock that looked like a butt plug, slightly torpedo shaped with two heavy balls clinging to the stalk and a tuft of dark brown pubes behind it.
Then there was the rest of the writing:
THE REAL DEAL. This isn't photoshopped, fellas. It's a tree trunk cock ready to plow some experienced muscle ass.
TURN ONS: Masculine men, linebacker builds, meaty asses. Older guys cool. Cunt training. Seeing that gape.
TURN OFFS: Guys who pussy out. Condoms. Drugged out dudes (poppers and 420 ok)
FRONT OF THE LINE: NO FOREPLAY fucks. Military men.
I need serious takers only.
Frank had enjoyed some intense dildo play, for sure. Even back in his 20s, he had a secret stash of them, and he'd use them on himself whenever his fiancee was out. It was a lie he kept up, until his 30th birthday. He splurged and rented an escort on a business trip to Atlanta. He had to scratch that itch, to get it out of his system.
Only it was the best sex of his life. That big cocked escort had fucked the ex-jock to two toe-curling orgasms in quick succession. He didn't even charge Frank for going over the time.
The next week, Frank called off his engagement and started making plans to get a job in a city, a real city.
"Hey," he now typed. He was actually intimidated to reach out to Mr. Tree Trunk.
But he got a quick, flirty reply. "Hi man. You're fucking hot."
"Thanks," Frank said. Maybe it was the kid's age, or just that sheer cock size, but he didn't expect this easy rapport with the messaging. Frank revealed that he'd been edging all afternoon. Jake said he was taking a study break because he was really horny.
"Feel like coming over man? I'd love to pound your ass." The direct approach might not always work, but in Frank's worked up state, it was just his speed.
"Sounds hot," he wrote. "But I won't lie, that monster scares me."
"You a noob?" came the reply.
Frank had a sudden fear he'd killed the vibe and spoiled his chance to get laid. But his asshole would thank him, he decided. "Not to bottoming," the man replied. "I have some big toys, too."
"Hot," the college dude wrote. "I like breaking in new dudes. I won't hurt ya. Promise."
"That's tempting," Frank replied. "I'm so frickin horny."
"Me too man. Let's do this. My roommate is gone for the weekend." Jake sent his dorm name at one of the universities not far from where Frank lived. "I need to get back to my studying soon, but I wanna get my rocks off, bad."
It felt tawdry as hell, but the 32-year-old got cleaned up and dressed and made his way over to Jake's campus. Frank texted him when he was close, and Jake was down in the lobby waiting for him. The tall, almost beefy man blushed when he thought how transparent this was, being some college kid's booty call. But what the fuck, Jake was an adult, Frank was an adult, and it's not like anyone there knew the man.
"You're even hotter in person," Jake growled as they made our way to his room. He was wearing just some shorts and T-shirt and flip flops, with a college ball cap. He had a soccer player look about him, not a competitive one, maybe, but that tone, lean-muscled look accentuated by his ruddy cheeks and cute face. His body was buff for a college kid's, but his face looked younger.
Jake may have been in a rush, but Frank had to give him credit, he took his time. They sat on his twin dorm bed and made out, then lay back. The ex-jock had never made it with a dude this much younger than him, but the fact Jake had a massive cock gave that age differential a certain thrill. And when the college dude started tugging at Frank's sweatshirt, that put the man in a real bottomy mood.
"Fuck," Jake growled as he lifted Frank's arm and started feasting on the furry pit. The swipe of his tongue sent goosebumps down the bigger, more muscular body. Jake kissed along the chest, then munched at the other pit.
When they finally kissed again, both could feel the temperature rising. Frank reached down and massaged that fat boner in Jake's shorts.
"Wanna see it?" he asked. Boasting.
Frank nodded. "Please."
"Big muscle guy is a frickin size queen, aren't ya?" Jake wasn't a dom, not exactly. He mostly loved the physicality of sex. But he also knew he had 7 incredibly fat inches calling the shorts.
He undid his shorts and there in the flesh, Frank learned that in fact no Photoshop was involved. He was staring at the most colossal prick he'd ever seen or could imagine.
Like a hungry power bottom the big man scrambled to get down and lick it. He actually tried to work the head between his lips, but that cock was too fat.
Jake gently massaged my short hair and laughed. "Don't worry, dude, I've only met one guy who can suck me."
Frank Grisholm felt sad he wasn't that guy. And more than a little ashamed for his lust for that tool. The college kid was cute as fuck but it was the monster meat between his legs that had me acting like a slut. "OK if I lick some more?"
"Be my guest," Jake said, hands on his hips as the man laved him. The thing about dicks that big is they're generally not as hard as smaller cocks. Too much blood flow needed for all that vascular tissue. But as Frank licked him, Jake grew harder and definitely sported a fuck hardon now.
"On your back, man," he hissed. "I wanna eat your hot hole."
The big man did as instructed and when he pulled those meaty legs back, Jake actually whistled before getting down into place. He stared at Frank's pucker and gently ran his finger around it. "So nice... you have a little looseness." He looked up at the guy, a horny expresion on his face. "You been playing with your toys all day, huh?"
Frank nodded. "Yeah. But none of them are as thick as you, kid."
That made Jake smile. "Should be a tight fuck, then," he growled and dove in to lick the hole.
Frank loved every part of this. On his back in some goddamn college drom room getting a very eager and skilled rim job. He had to imagine Jake's endowment meant he had a good deal of experience, if he wanted it. Now he softly urged the college stud in a deep gravely voice, coaxing to lick him deep.
The rimming didn't last TOO long. Maybe five minutes. But Frank's hole felt alive and ready. There had been too much stimulation and edging and now he wanted it.
Jake wasn't giving him a chance to back out. At least not unless and until the big guy said no. He slathered on some milky viscous lube, and Frank realized he'd seen it in some toy play videos. The college kid was actually nervous as he pushed that first fat inch past Frank's ring.
The ex-footballer wanted this, bad. But the entry stung and he did his best to hold back a wince.
Jake looked on concerned but also majorly turned on. "Yeah, man, first time's a bitch," he said. "But you got it." He reached down and ran his hands along Frank's beefy furry front. "I'm in ya now, buddy. So just relax and let me in."
Frank took a couple of deep breaths until he decided the heavy breathing was making him tense up.
"Want some poppers?" Jake asked.
"Um, yeah," Frank said. Sometimes they gave him a headache afterwards, but that would be worth it if it allowed him to take this massive cock.
Jake walked as the big guy huffed the fumes. "You're just my fucking type, man," He said excitedly as he fisted that tree trunk meat and added some extra viscous lube.
Frank screwed the cap back on the vial and lay it down on the mattress. He nodded up at Jake.
The poppers rush coincided with the college kid's second entry. That humongous prick was boring right into that slick ass and Frank's body was letting it.
"Fuck!" the big man growled. "You're huge."
"You like huge," Jake said in his turned on voice. He pressed on, feeling a crazy snugness but not an outright clenching of the man's guts, like he usually did with noobies. Soon he felt his balls press against that muscle ass. "I was right, man. You're tight as fuck."
Frank had lost his hardon earlier but the idea he had that giant dong buried all the way up him turned him on and made his cock bone up. He reached down and scooped up some extra lube and applied it to his cock.
Jake was now sawing in and out. Not a lot. But priming the pump. "Not gonna last long today, I'm afraid," he grunted. "Too fucking tight."
"That's OK," Frank said.
Jake nodded down to the poppers. "Take another hit," he urged. "You'll need it."
The ex-jock did just that. Then enjoyed the wave of warmth in his body. Jake was fucking now. Heavy full strokes. It wasn't rough or hard or fast, but with a tree trunk dick, it didn't have to be. Hands down, it was the most intense fucking Frank Grisholm had ever experienced. He tugged at his regular-sized boner and felt jolts of pleasure. His prostate was downright flattened by that torpedo-tapered dong, which sawed over it over and over.
"Shit!" Jake hissed. As he came, that was the only time he lost control, his hips jerking harder and fast as that bazooka blasted deep inside Frank. He'd actually had bottoms pass out with that part, but Jake couldn't help himself. When he was mid-nut, nature took over.
Fortunately, that extra intensity pushed Frank to the hardest cum of his life. Pleasurable to the point of hurting as ropes of seed got pushed out.
Before the poppers wore off, Jake was pulling back, very slowly. With size comes responsibility, and Jake was always careful in the dismount, at least until he knew a bottom was well trained for some rougher stuff.
His eyes were fixated on Frank's well-fucked hole. "Damn, that's one hell of a gape!" he enthused. "Fucking beautiful."
Frank felt exposed and slutty but the fact this kid liked his wide-open cummy hole made him less self-conscious.
"I wish I had more time to play with that," Jake said softly, actually wistfully as his fingers traced the gaping rim. "Is my finger OK, man?" he asked.
Frank winced a little. "I'm a little tender. But go ahead."
Jake was like a kid in the candy store as he examined his handiwork. The man's pucker was a little red and a lot stretched, though it was closing back up before his eyes. Frank leaned back and watched that giant college dong shrink to a soft elephant trunk.
Jake looked at Frank with a leer. "You think you'd ever be up for cunt training, man? You have an amazing pussy."
Two years ago, Frank would have objected to those terms. Now, he was OK with them. "What do you mean, cunt training?"
Jake smirked. "I've given some guys real big pussy lips, just by fucking regularly." He added, "though some of the dudes have also used toys. Either way, it's hot as fuck."
"I dunno," Frank hissed. He'd loved everything about taking on the challenge of Jake's cock, but he didn't want to be a freak or anything.
"Just think about it, man," he urged. He pulled up his finger and licked off the fuck juice from it. "You'd have a lot of fun doing it."
Jake patted his meaty thigh. "Listen, I really do need to study for my midterm. But dude, that was incredible... I'm glad you hit me up."
"Me too," Frank said sheepishly, gathering his energy to get dressed again. The popper headache was coming on, but he'd been right: this was all worth it.
"Seriously man," Jake said as he slipped his shorts back on over that soft heavy, flopping meat. "Let me know if you want a repeat. I'm not looking to date or anything, but it would be hot to have a longer session."
"We'll see," Frank answered, but with an encouraging smile. Jake stepped up for one last kiss, then Frank was off.
The whole way home, the ex-jock's hole felt tender and used, but that very feeling made him smile.
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reedsofintimacy · 3 months
Hi everyone! Welcome to my bio! (It's a long one)
You can call me Reeds or Reed. Some basic facts:
💚 I am 25
💚 I am 6'4 = 193cm
💚 I am American
💚 I am ethnically Scandinavian
💚 I speak basic Français and 汉语
💚 I am a virgin 😇 I've actually never had my first kiss
💚 I wear glasses and am definitely a nerd
💚 I am straight
My tags:
#Ask Reeds - my ask responses
#ReedsPosts - my misc short posts
#ReedsWrites - my longer form writing
#ReedsIRL - photos/audio/media of me
I have a snap with the same username and am finally verified on PH! But i haven't posted anything yet.
This bio will be a bit long, so for more info on everything about me click below! 🥳
I'm a top, meaning I enjoy the act of pleasuring my partner more than having my partner be focused on stimulating me. If we had to pick a position, I'd want it to be the one that feels best to her, because seeing her loving it is what thrills me, less about min-maxing my own sensations
I lean a bit subby, meaning I'd prefer my woman to be in charge and take the lead, but I can be flexible and switch. Society has (sadly 🎻) not created many women who feel naturally comfortable bossing men around in the bedroom or elsewhere and really enjoy it. That's fine, I mostly just want to pamper my partner. Whether that's through worship and service as a sub myself, or spoiling a pillow princess submissive as more of a dom. It feels less natural to me, but when I see how happy and needy it makes her I'm very happy to give it my best 🩷 but I can't do super mean aggressive slap-slap-slap "what did you say to me!?" *punish *punish it just isnt in me.
So combining those two (top and sub), I like the sort of woman who while we're hanging out would decide she wants her pussy eaten, and so would spread her legs, and begin tugging a bit at me coaxing "babyy~ i think you need a little snack~ 😈🫦" and then watch a huge bulge form in my pants as my face makes contact with her thighs and I greedily service her until she can't take it anymore and pulls me up to kiss her instead.
Or while we're in a fitting room shopping for clothes would lift up her skirt, revelaing she isnt wearing any panties, and lean in giving me a big hickey and whisper "you're going to breed me in this fitting room 💋" and giggle as she leaned over into the position that always felt the best for her, eyeing my blushing red embarassed face, hesitating. "Or else I'll moan 👅💕" she'd threaten and tease, but silence herself with a bite of her lip when she felt me slide in and fill her, her personal fucktoy thrusting just the way she taught him until she gets everything she wanted, and then praises me with a "thank you, good boy 🥰😘" enjoying the helpless puddle I've now been turned into. Then slide her pants back on and walk out of the room with her pet's sperm still leaking down her thigh, off to go keep browsing while waiting for me to collect myself.
I'm fine with just plain vanilla sex ofc all cuddly and lovey with little growls of "you're mine 🫦"
🩵 BDSM ❓️
I'm not into bdsm like sadomasochism and pain play. Wax, knives, whips, black leather. I just don't get the appeal, I'm soft and sweet. Some light bondage to mix things up, collaring, etc is all fine but not too much beyond that.
🩵 Pegging ❌️
I am *not* into pegging 🙀 (gasp) I know. Heresy. But I don't want anything in my butt, see the above about topping. Although being pinned down and her riding her clit against my bottom to masturbate herself...😏💦
🩵 Humiliation & Praise
I like the idea of humiliation but anytime I've actually heard it its been super cringe. The fantasy of the "popular girls" inviting me to a sleepover just to watch how easy i get hard then pin me down and toy with me knowing whatever they show me would be the most I've ever seen, etc is really sexy to me 🫠 but the moment a real human voice is roleplaying it idk I find it hard to suspend disbelief and not be overly aware of myself and feel silly. Maybe its the anxiety disorder. Praise is always nice 🥰
🩵 Service
I consider myself a service top sub and love to worship and please someone, whatever it is that makes them turned on. That can be giving lots and lots of head and getting my face ridden 😍 or using my hands for her, or giving a foot massage, or chest kneading, or holding her book as she reads, or brushing her hair, or carrying her things, or worshipping her butt with kisses, smooching her tummy, clitwarming her in my mouth while she reads, etc. I love to be useful to someone and that extends to in the bedroom. Bonus if it comes with praise for doing a good job.
🩵 Breeding 💦
Creampies are so sexy, i dunno why you'd want to finish anywhere else. There's something so posessive about insemination and the idea of fertility and a cervix and womb thats just very 🥵. I also think the body changes associated with pregnancy are very sexy. Getting a cute tummy bump and swollen leaky breasts the prove I'm claimed to you now is yummy. But i dont think i want kids, definitely not right now, and theres nothing sexy about labor pains or abortions lol so for now this is more of a mental fantasy kink. But if they invented a birth control pill that still simulated the tummy and tits a bit and needed a particular potency and cycle timing to activate i would be alllll over it 😍😍 also maternity clothes are so cute.
🩵 Dry humping & grinding
I'm a very big virgin, so sometimes overly forward stuff just overloads my senses like blowing out a photograph with sunlight and i dont get much out of it. With dry humping the motions, the desperation, the longing for whats behind her panties but not quite getting it, the involvement of her clit which will feel really nice for her, how she rocks her hips controlling exactly what tempo will make her go absolutely crazy its just so needy and cute and sexy. Id love someone able to get off just by desperately rubbing agsinst my throbby bulge.
🩵 Posession, Lipstick stains, & Hickeys
Possession is very sexy and what better way than cute lipstick marks stamping me as owned. Or a collar, or her name written in sharpie on my underwear, or bites just under the shirt line. I want it all I want to be so so hers.
🩵 Lactation 🙈
Idk if the actual milk would be warm and gross irl but the idea that you can suckle someones pretty tits so hard it makes them leak, and that milk pressure builds up and gets achy needing to be relieved by a subs mouth is very 💦💦💦 plus needed to go through breeding to activate it usually is kinda naughty in a "I did this to you" type of way.
🩵 Me as a Dom
As far as being more of a dom goes, I think I actually prefer the ddlg side of things, which I think is currently out of style and unpopular. But I like the dynamic lending itself to pampering and spoiling someone and being more focused on sweetness relative to just being some sort of master figure. Also like littlespace gear is still so cute like pacis and onesies will be adorable forever its such a mix of cutesy girly and a bit humiliating for someone to wear that I really think it works 🩷When I identified more as a dom I kinda always wanted an abdl sub to baby and still think its cute and degrading and hot & am embarassed to admit that, I never e-dated anyone who actually did it. 💖 but if I'm the sub, while I have a mommy kink I'm not into regression or any of that stuff myself
🩵 Omo/pee (her, not me) sounds spicy and is hot to watch, idk if it'd gross me out irl. I used to be really into videos of girls wetting their pants or panties and something about it is still strangely hot. Have a tiny maybe fantasy of a girl making out with me straddling my lap and then just letting her bladder go as we kiss and grind soaking us both. 🙈
🩵 Collaring and petplay is cute, I'd totally wear one for her.
🩵 Getting referred to as "my little white boy" by a nonwhite person with a thing for white guys (🙈🙈 SHUTUP!!)
🩵 Minor humiliation like being teased by her panties or sat on/used as a stool etc
🩵 Not really an irl thing but in hentai when the girl is overstuffed and you can see the bulge pushing up her tummy 🥵
🩵 Corruption, of either of us and especially me.
🩵 Dirty Talk
One of my absolute favorite things to do is get to talk to someone as they touch themselves 🩷 turning them on with my fantasies and then begging them to please please please cum, spamming my words as they release so they can just read and not have to type just feel like im there with them 🥰
My taste in women irl is that I always have the biggest crush on the kindest girl 🙈 like the one who's proactive and honestly makes me feel bad for not being a better person when I'm around her. Someone who listens, has a big heart, Christmas is her favorite holiday just because of the cheer and her sweet childhood memories and she thinks its cute to hold hands. Who focuses on the positives whenever possible and wouldn't compromise her ideals to fit in socially. Not into gossip or putting people down, is nice to strangers, waitresses, etc. I think you get the point. Something about those sort of people imprints deep into my heart 💟
I am into successful, intelligent, driven women. Like "I was the president of ___ club, I'm a ___ position in this company, I have a degree in ___, I speak ___ and ___ languages, I play the ___" it all makes me just 🥵🥵🥵. I'd love someone who has some sort of public skill/hobby like playing in an orchestra 😍 or doing community theater or playing in a sports team, anything where I can show up and get to be a cheerleader like 🥹😻 that's my baby up there!!! And get to clap and cheer and compliment how she did I just think would be super cute and fun. Then take her out to dinner afterward for doing such a good job ⭐️
I don't find typical domme-aesthetic things like -- *Smoking *Vapes *Weed *Lots of tattoos *Short hair *Goth vibes *fishnets *dyed hair *promiscuous *into knives and blood -- to be very attractive personally. Just not my type.
I'm more into miss innocent church girl, honors student valedictorian who secretly has had a high sex drive awakened and guess who walked right into her trap 👀💦 she secretly corrupted herself and now she's going to corrupt me 🙈❤️‍🔥
I totally get the sex appeal around the bully type domme who is all tough, even if she shows you her sweet side, and that sounds super hot on paper but idk irl I just don't seem to be into people who are actually that way. Its very "sexy" but it isn't compatible on a deeper layer
I don't really care about age. Obviously they *must* be legal but college student who is younger than me vs someone my age vs milf who is a bit older it's all a wash. All have their distinct appeal. All get a 👍.
Height is also inconsequential. I mean I'm (6'4 193cm) or thereabouts so I'm nearly always going to be a fair bit taller than my partner regardless of her height. I think the size difference is cute, something about having a 4' in your height is just idk a bit hot? Lol but i have no real preference I like the whole spectrum and never really think about height, and hypothetically if I *could* find a woman who's my height or taller, that'd be sexy too 🥰 Different flavors but all delicious.
I am a genuine fan of both more curvy and more skinny body types, but less so each extreme. A slim figure and grabbable waist i can fit my hand around and a lil *pow* booty is scrumptious, but if she's so skinny its like borderline unhealthy and it feels like id break her if I grab her wrong and I can see all her bones 😬. Of course I'm very happy to support a partner struggling with an ed or who has had one in the past, but I want my darling more than anything to be healthy. Likewise curvy people can be extremely yummy 😋😍, I love a curvy tummy in a bikini it oozes fertility. but if its to the extent it prevents her from going on cute lil hikes with me and creates health problems then I'd want to help her workout and cook her some homemade healthier food so she can feel better and be more energized and well. But purely aesthetically ❤️ curvyness is a yes. So are stock standard body types ❤️
Breasts and everything to do with the body is actually kinda gravy because for me its the *face* that I'm attracted to and the body is just the fun present that comes along for the ride. Nothing about someones chest size or whatever would make me unattracted to them if i liked their face. Buttt obviously a full chest is nice, but i hesistate to say big because it really depends on weight and body. Fullness relative to body type so that it 🥳 pops is most sexy. So a skinnier girl will be a smaller size, but being skinny and still having a fairly prominent bosom makes it 🥳 pop. Likewise being curvy will grow the size, but some people already big will now develop 💥turbo milkers💥 that 🥳 pop. So its less about surface area or bra size and more about protrusion from the chest, and ofc big is nice ❤️ that being said an itty bitty chest while independently less sexy becomes part of a persons vibe and fits into the whole which as a connected body can be very attractive 💋 Plus then you get to wear pretty bralettes. I'm not really hyper aware of tit sizes but I did want to explain what I think most guys mean when they say they like "big tits" but also we dont pay that close attention a boob is a boob and theyre all fun so just 🩷 love your body mkay?
Bootys i notice less person to person, theres just like 3% of the population that has 💥💥 in their pants and *also* dresses to accentuate it and show it off and look we all think those people are 🤤🤤 like making a protruded lil mound out of their tight jeans or rocking some yoga pants or leggings. Hottie hot hot but 97% of us have unremarkable normal butts.
One thing I *am* really into, the closest thing I have to a "type" is long hair ✨️✨️. Like i have never seen a girl with hair past her butt I didn't want to marry. Mid-back 😀 waist length 😃 past butt 🤪 the longer the better. Idk what it is it just seduces and intoxicates me its so pretty. I know its such a pita for women to maintain which is why its very rare, and my partner can have her hair however she wants it i wouldnt want her to suffer for me, but super long hair is just goddess tier its like the one physical attribute i have a clear robust preference on. Short hair indeed can be cute but long hair will always win in my heart. Straight, a bit wavy, curly honestly it doesnt matter that much its all gorgeous. Long hair my beloved 💕 may i have my lady sit on my lap and allow me to brush it for her some day. I want to help wash it and learn 1,000 ways to style it for her, although hanging free is the best 😍
People have different physical sensitivities, and I think I prefer having a pretty sensitive partner. I've had before during sexting where I'd spend 3 hours naughty talking someone and sexting while they touch and still just barely cum by the end, and other partners where we'd be going 20 mins and she'd go 🥺 I'm really close and I'd beg her to let it go and then she'd release and then probably be too sensitive to even go again for a whole day. That was soooo cute and sweet to me. Since I love pleasing someone so much getting that validation more quickly was really nice and also fit my schedule better, and it would be so creamy and throbby and pulsy when she was done it made my eyes roll back to just watch it. And she'd have to be so careful about how much she touched or it would ache even if she was soaked and horny still. It was really endearing ❤️ everyone is different and needs different amounts of time but I'd prefer someone where I can pour everything into a really great 30 or 40 mins as opposed to being up all night trying to get them off. Being especially creamy is also a plus 🤭
I'm totally fine with someone who is a little too tight and has to be really gentle with themselves, its cute and I don't mind at all if most days all she can tolerate is a gentle tonguing and some kissing. Same with if she's too sensitive and has to stop early before I finish, so long as she gets off and is satisfied I'm a happy camper 😇💖 But nothing wrong with stamina either
So concludes the sexual information!
💚 About Me Personally 💚
🩵 I am musical 🎶
I play the guitar 🎸 and previously played the drums 🥁 and piano 🎹 and even have a clarinet
🩵 I'm a big reader 📖
I have a particular interest in Classical Eastern Literature and have read things like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Valmiki Ramayana, Journey to the West etc. I'm a big fan of classics in general, my favorite book of all time is the Count of Monte Cristo
I also have been getting into classical SciFi, been reading a lot of PKD and some Dan Simmons and Kurt Vonnegut and it's been really enjoyable so far.
🩵 I'm a programmer
I can do fullstack web development from html to nginx and work mostly within the dotnet ecosystem.
🩵 I'm a nerd en général
I love learning things. My first love is the sciences, I went to college for chemistry. I would love to have time to improve my terrible math skills and pick up Korean as a another language, and want to level up my world history especially with regards to Africa and Southeast Asia both of which I am fairly unacquainted with.
You can talk to me about productivity systems, desk setups, fountain pens, video games, and other weird nerd things.
🩵 I want to travel
I've never left the US and one day would love to get to see more of the world.
🩵 I do some amateur writing
I enjoy making my lil erotica mini stories here, and also sometimes in my freetime plan out silly novels and short stories never to be published but just for fun.
💚 I think I'll end things here for now, there's definitely more to me but that should be an effective enough primer. If you made it this far and havent dm'd me...wtf is wrong with you?? We're basically already friends now? 😘
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machiroads · 1 month
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anirevo 2024 con report belooooooow
Left my office at 4:30. Took the bus to the ferry straight from work except the GODDAMN BUS DIDN'T ACTUALLY STOP TO PICK ME UP so I had to wait for the next one and missed the 6:00 ferry so I didn't get to my hotel in Vancouver until after 10pm oof
The slow bus was very nice once i got over being mad about the fast bus leaving me on read by way of listening to linkin park. It goes through some very quaint rural areas.
I purchased a can of wine on the ferry which was like $15 for 8.5oz. I don't know how I feel about this but I do feel like I got ripped off because the wine was only ok
I edited and posted ch2 of WTBL&W entirely on my phone which may or may not have been a mistake. Getting the html formatting right wasn't too bad, but editing the splash image for twitter and bsky on photopea was uhhhhhhhhh a mistake. FAFO
My hotel had one of those fancy toto washlets so you bet your ass my butt was squeaky clean all weekend
My hotel also had a room service menu that had a bowl of oatmeal for $14 as an offering. Which. No.
I got an actual breakfast at a tiny hole in the wall crepe place staffed by a single old man, then trundled over to the con to pick up my badge at like 10ish. I was in line behind a cute couple in horimiya cosplay
The first panel I actually wanted to see wasn't until like 12 so I sat on the seawalk, finished my coffee, watched floatplanes, and replied to AO3 comments. 11/10 banger morning.
I watched an improv comedy D&D skit, which was fun, then traipsed down to the exhibition hall to do Some Shopping
MERCH REPORT: nobody really had heroaca stuff? Or if they did it was just the main kids. Still lots of people with HQ stuff, which I'm encouraged to see years after its ending. I'm happy with the pin selection this year tho, I picked up some nice stuff (but I think i will need to find additional capacity on my button collection because it's p much full oops)
BONUS COSPLAY REPORT: There also weren't really any heroaca cosplayers either, i saw like 1 shinsou, a couple bkgs, and a handful of people in nonspecific UA gym uniforms. Very strange. I did, however, see like 3 Nanamis within the span of 2 minutes on Saturday. (i don't even go here re jjk but he was the basic white boy cosplay of the year)
I spent like 2 hours in the exhibition hall and my brain hurt so I got poke for lunch, went back to the hotel to eat it, then took a nap
I went back for another couple panels on Friday night (a panel with vancouver VA graham hamilton, and another improv advice panel)
I went bra shopping on saturday morning because i accidentally overstuffed my backpack last week and zipped my bra into the zipper and tore the liner whilst trying to extract it. This is not relevant to the con, however it was an important part of my weekend
There wasn't anything I wanted to see at the con in the morning so I didn't get there until like 2:00 so I could line up for the cosplay contest. I'd never been to one before, and I don't really cosplay mself, but I've recently been watching some sarah spaceman videos, so I thought it would be fun to go see a contest for the first time.
On the schedule the contest is supposed to start at 2:30. There's like 6 down-and-backs of queueing space for people waiting to get in. When I got there around 2ish there were people milling about saying they'd cut the line. I loitered a bit longer until some admin looking folk went around telling people to disperse because queueing outside of the taped off area was a "fire hazard", and to come back at 3:00 when the event started. At this point, the line of people illicitly queued for this event wrapped probably halfway around the building, and the VCC is a Large Building.
I assume the delayed start time was probably due to pre-judging going long (thank u sarah spaceman for this education i now know how cosplay contests work), so i wasn't too fussy about that, but the fire hazard thing was a little silly to me because I'd been in the exhibition hall already which to me seemed like waaaaaay more of a fire hazard than a generally orderly line. Regardless. I bummed around on the seawalk for a bit and then went back just before 3 and managed to snag a seat. The contest itself ended up being really fun, and I'm glad i stuck around for it.
I went to another 3 panels on Saturday night, all 3 of which had similar queue capacity issues, and all 3 of which started late. Again, when the panels themselves started, they were all really fun, but logistically it seemed like they had some challenges. It does feel a bit silly to complain about though when I have literally nothing else to do that weekend tho haha
I attended the Philosophy of Science in FMA and Dr Stone (TIL epistemology is a word), a panel about adaptations that are superior to the source material, and...............yaoi bedtime stories. Which was a hoot.
Kind of a chill morning. Got some goodies at a bakery for breakfast / lunch / to bring home, checked out of the hotel, then trundled over to the con.
I went to a panel that was just a bunch of tables set up with colouring sheets and books and stuff and that was super what I needed. I coloured the eeveelutions from memory (and only forgot half of their colour schemes), and then there was a little time left so I also coloured in a cardcaptor sakura.
I thought about attending cosplay life drawing afterwards but ended up just heading home after colouring since I was kind of Done after a full weekend. There was another improv dragon ball tribute scheduled, but not until like 6:30pm and if I stuck around for that I wouldn't have gotten home today lol
No bus mishaps on the way home fortunately
ANYWAYS that's all folks thanks for reading about my dramatization of what was actually a pretty chill weekend.
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
To Build a Home
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Chapter 17: Birthday Shenanigans (PART 1)
A/N: Alright, here we go. Get ready! This and the next two parts are a few of my absolute favourite chapters! I remember writing these Easter 2023, whilst driving cross-country to see my side of the family. The memories... 🥰
TW! PTSD flashback.
Masterlist / Chapter 16
It was nearing 6 on a balmy Friday evening; Val was standing with her luggage in the alley beside her apartment, anxiously tapping away at her phone screen whilst awaiting her ride.
After three weeks of (justifiable) stonewalling from Molly, her best friend finally reached out today, enquiring about weekend plans. Val feared her answer may scare her off, but she refused to re-enter this already vulnerable friendship with another lie...
She answered truthfully.
Up until then, Molly had been rather receptive, answering each of her texts within five minutes - Val had been on 'read' for this one for over an hour.
The boys were always punctual; she only had another minute or two of relative peace before the birthday shenanigans officially commenced. She wasn't about to let this weekend be dampened by her drama, so it needed to be at least semi-dealt with now.
C'mon, Mol...
She could feel the window of reconciliation rapidly closing on her.
6pm hit; any second now.
Please, please, please...
Val's head snapped up at the tell-tale revving of the Shellraiser's engine.
Her heart sank. Time's up.
Casey's was the first face she saw as they rolled to a stop beside her. He looked suspiciously smug.
"Well, hello there, little lady..."
Val blinked at him. What in the world...?
She wasn't sure whether to be impressed or horrified by his scarily accurate impression of Herb the Perv from Family Guy - lisp and all.
"Would you care for shom candy- oof!"
A pale, slender hand that could only belong to April smacked the man upside the head, nudging him forward. A startled gasp escaped Val's lips as another larger, green hand suddenly appeared behind his seat, striking him as well.
"Oof! Val, help - I'm bein' assaulted!"
"Quit bein' an idiot!" Barked a Brooklyn-accented voice inside the vehicle, before the door promptly slid open. Her better half stood at the opening, smiling down at her.
"Hey," Raph greeted warmly as Val approached to hand him her suitcase; but not before stealing a quick kiss.
She giggled against his lips as a collective "ooh!" emanated from inside the cabin.
"Oh, shuddup, the lotta ya!" The terrapin hissed as they broke away. He then lowered his gaze to her luggage - the small suitcase and a pair of insulated grocery bags - quirking an inquisitive brow ridge. "What's in the bags?"
Your present-
Well, one of them.
"Noneya," Val smirked.
"Ohhh..." he playfully narrowed his eyes at her, muscular arms folded across his plastron. "It's gonna be like that, is it?"
"Guys!" April called impatiently from the front passenger seat. "Have your lover's quarrel inside-"
"Please, don't-"
"Shoosh, Donnie! ... Look, we're running out of time to beat weekend traffic. Val, get your butt in here!"
Nodding, Val quickly retrieved the rest of her luggage (swatting Raph's hand away when he attempted seizing them) and stepped inside the vehicle.
"Oh, wow!"
The interior had been completely transformed, akin to a soccer mom's van (the only comparison she could conjure up - sorry, Don!). The previously empty centremost space had been replaced with two rows of three seats. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey occupied the back seats, while Raph and little Tyler sat in the front two. Everyone's luggage was stacked neatly at the rear of the cabin, secured by ratchet straps.
"This is awesome, Don!" The brunette exclaimed, flashing the group (Tyler, specifically) a cheery smile as she took her seat between him and Raph; shopping bags at her feet. "I can't believe you were able to fit everyone in here-"
Raph harrumphed as he nudged her leg; a petulant attempt at conveying a message.
"Yes?" Val leaned against him, smiling mawkishly. "Did you have a hand in this as well, my love?"
Casey and Mikey sniggered at that; she caught Raph stifling a bashful grin as he sunk into his seat.
Thankfully, traffic leaving the city wasn't as bad as they expected; they were even able to pick up dinner - KFC (Raph's shout; he practically shoved the cash into Val's arms) - without much delay.
They had roughly two hours to kill till they reached Northampton.
Leo and Donnie were talking amongst themselves, organising a Sunday morning sparring session (because of course they'd train on vacation). Raph and Casey were debating which vehicle to drag out first - the latter's old Chevy or their ATKs.
"I was hopin' to put Val behind the wheel at some point this weekend..." Raph gently squeezed Val's thigh, drawing her attention away from the cute youngster attempting to play 'Peek-a-Boo' with her.
"Can you drive stick, Val?" Casey enquired from the passenger's seat; April booted him from driving duty as he couldn't stick to the speed limit.
Val's bewildered gaze ping-ponged between the raven-haired man and her partner. "Uhhh... I've never driven. Period."
"What a stupid question, Case," Mikey scoffed, rolling his eyes. "She's a New Yorker; why would she need to know how to drive?"
"You can drive," Casey countered, before gesturing to himself. "I can drive, April can drive- basically everyone in here can drive, except Ty, obviously... and Val... and Leo-"
"Why am I being dragged into this?" Leo peeked over their heads at Casey, unamused.
Casey shrugged. "I'm just statin' facts-"
"No," Mikey snickered as he nudged his eldest brother, who sighed in exasperation. "He's totally ribbing you for not knowing how to drive-"
"Alright, alright!" Raph's hands shot between the squabbling men, promptly silencing them. "We're gettin' off topic..."
"...Wow." Donnie snapped toward Val, awestruck. "Tell me your secrets."
"Yeah!" Mikey concurred, fixing her a playful glare. "What have you done to our brother? He never stops a fight."
"I can still start one, though." Raph side-eyed his youngest brother, cracking his knuckles.
The orange-banded terrapin snorted. "Not in front of your girl, you wouldn't- hey! Wha..." Reaching down, he retrieved what he assumed was what flicked his face off the cabin floor; quirking a suspicious brow ridge at Val. "Did you just hit me with a hair-tie?"
The brunette winked over her shoulder.
"Now I know what she sees in you-"
"I'm tuning you guys out, now." April dialled up the volume on the stereo; the iconic guitar intro to 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' by The Proclaimers filled the cabin, prompting a collective gasp from its occupants.
"Aw, yeah! How good's that?!" Casey exclaimed, sharing a delighted grin with his wife.
"ImPECcable timing!" Mikey added.
"It's my 'Roadtrip' playlist," April laughed, nodding to the phone resting atop the centre console.
"Ooh!" Val lunged for the phone. "Can I, pretty please, add to your queue??"
"Sure - go nuts!"
Raph threw his head back. "Urgh, here we go..."
"For that - add two songs, Val."
"Aw, what?!"
Val shot him a shit-eating grin.
"Ha!" Mikey smacked the back of his brother's seat. "Sucked in!"
"You're gonna regret this..." The red-banded terrapin sing-songed.
"Shoosh, you!" Val giggled, elbowing him gently. He attempted peeking over her shoulder at the screen; she pushed his face away. "Ah-ah-ah, none of that! It's a surprise."
Defeated, Raph slumped back into his seat with an exaggerated sigh. Val shot him a look at that, before returning her attention to the phone.
As he watched her scrolling away, humming softly to the current tune (somehow ignoring Mikey's 'singing'), he couldn't help fixating on the delicate way she chewed her bottom lip, and her fingertips tracing along her prominent clavicle. Though it wasn't her intention, those little tics of hers were riling him up big time.
They haven't done much since that first time; with everything going on, it hadn't felt appropriate. She'd been assaulted, dropped by her best friend, and slapped with charges of her own - aggravated assault - within 48-hours of each other. The prosecution really pulled out all the stops to ensure someone's - anyone's - neck hit the judge's chopping block.
Luckily, said judge had some common fucking sense.
Though she hid it exceedingly well, he knew she was still hurting. It obviously went without saying he was more than happy to wait as long as she needed them to; till then, he'll focus on helping her heal.
"I'll be nice, this once." She grinned mischievously as she returned April's phone. "As for the next one? Well..."
Just what is it that you want to do?
"We wanna be free!" Val turned to Mikey for back-up, who readily obliged; as did April and Casey. Tyler beamed at the ensuing chaos, while the three wet blankets shared a wry look.
We wanna be free to do what we wanna do...
And we wanna get loaded
And we wanna have a good time
And that's what we're gonna do-
No way baby, let's go!
We're gonna have a good time...
We're gonna have a party!
Darkness had enveloped the truck by the time it finally rolled through the paint-worn front gates. Confident he wouldn't slump forward in his seat again, Val carefully removed her hand from the sleeping youngster's forehead to check her watch, wincing at the blaring light - 9:12pm.
"We're here," Raph murmured, entwining his fingers with hers then resting them atop her thigh.
"Have a nice nap, nanna?" She whispered impishly; he'd been snoring into her ear for nearly thirty minutes.
The terrapin hummed as he nuzzled her shoulder; his warm breath on her neck sending a shiver down her spine. "It was quite pleasant, yes - thank you."
Val giggled, then a sudden, excited gasp escaped her when she finally glimpsed the farmhouse; aided by the truck's enormous headlamps.
They spoke fondly of it often; it was their refuge in times of physical, emotional, and spiritual recuperation... It was also their father's eternal resting place.
It appeared to be a traditional colonial-style home, boasting three storeys and a steeply pitched shingled roof. To its left stood the silhouette of a hulking barn, nearly twice the size of the main house. Thick woods and mountain ranges lined the rear of the multi-acre property, accentuating its secludedness.
As someone who's never lived nor vacationed outside the city limits, this was a brand new experience for her.
"It's gorgeous..." She breathed.
Raph chuckled softly, enamoured by her ever-present childlike wonder. He never thought he'd meet someone as sheltered as they were, growing up.
Just wait till you see the stars...
Casey scoffed. "You shoulda seen it a few years ago; it was about to keel over from neglect."
"No argument, here," Donnie remarked, barely looking up from his phone screen. "No electricity, no running water, no heating... It was essentially a shell. Pun intended." The terrapin finally acknowledged Casey with a smirk. "Who made it habitable, again?"
"...You did," Casey muttered.
"Thank you."
"Well, I supplied the thing, so I should at least get some of the credit..."
"Can the rest of us go inside, or do we need to witness this..." April frowned as she gestured between the two men. "Well... this?"
"I vote we leave," Leo suggested.
Val nodded immediately. "Ditto."
"Yep," Raph added.
"Please!" Mikey begged, eager to stretch out his aching joints.
The redhead turned to her husband with a smirk. "Seeya," then proceeded exiting the truck; Casey grumbled under his breath as he followed suit.
Val carefully unbuckled Tyler as April slid open the side door. "Hi, sweetheart..." The boy stirred as his mother lifted him out of his seat and into her arms. "Shhh... Val, could you grab me his Buzz? He dropped it on the- thank you... C'mon, buddy, let's get you to bed."
As expected, the first thing Val looked to once outside was the sky. Again, as expected, she was wonderstruck. "Look at all the freaking stars!"
That was the boys' first reaction, also.
"Yeah, that's what it looks like when not obscured by light pollution," Donnie remarked before joining Raph, Mikey, and Casey at the rear to begin unpacking.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Leo nudged her gently as he stepped to her side. "One of the things I miss about Costa Rica is sleeping under this, every night... Hey, by the way."
"Hey." Val then smirked at him. "What about the mosquitos?"
"No," he chuckled. "I definitely don't miss the mosquitos. I swear, they were as big as my head."
At that, the brunette shuddered. "Urgh! Yeah, no, thanks."
"Jeez, Val!" The pair turned to find Mikey hauling out her suitcase, exaggerating each and every sound effect. "What've you got in this thing - bricks?!"
Rolling her eyes, Val finally ambled over. "Give it here, you big baby!"
Screams rang through the empty street as he rapidly gained on her.
She felt his grubby palms slam her back, then a coldness as blood trickled down her battered face.
Airways constricting.
Skin tearing.
Bones grinding against brick, like carrot on a grater.
And those eyes...
She swore a part of his soul clung to her as it was unceremoniously ripped from his body.
She still felt him.
All of him.
Val jolted awake, immediately blinded by hot tears. A hand touched her wet cheeks and she flinched again, a frightened squeak forcing its way out.
"Shhh, I've gotcha..." A familiar voice soothed, their delicate touch returning warmth to her face. Another hand enveloped hers, pressing them against a hardened surface; a rhythmic lup-dup knocking against it. "You aren't there, Val; you're here - with me."
Vision finally clearing, she realised she was already sitting up.
"Hey..." The hand at her cheek moved to her chin, tilting it up. The moment she met his eyes - aided by the moonlight peeping through the bedroom window - she felt grounded.
"I'm sorry-"
"No, don't be sorry," Raph insisted, wiping the last of her tears away. He cocked his head slightly, searching her face with a regretful look. "I wish I could take this from you..."
"I know..." Val croaked, squeezing his hand comfortingly. He kissed the back of hers, before leaning forward to plant another at her brow.
Forehead beaded with sweat, she winced away.
"I don't care." The terrapin gently seized her occiput. He kissed her there again, then carefully returned her head to her pillow and laid down himself. Pulling the quilt back over them, he draped an arm over her middle and pulled her close; back flush against his plastron.
"Thank you," she sniffled softly, resting her hand atop his just below her breast; he responded with a peppering of featherlight kisses along her bare shoulder.
"No need to thank me," he murmured.
"...Happy birthday, by the way."
He smiled against her skin. "Thank you, beautiful."
"I love you, Raph."
"I love you too... Now, back to sleep."
She couldn't be idle in this state any longer; she needed to do something productive.
Careful not to rouse her slumbering partner, Val silently slipped under his arm and off the mattress; tugging her floral chemise back down her thighs.
The air had a bite to it, causing goosebumps to prickle her skin. After slipping into something a little warmer (a pair of boyfriend jeans and oversized hoodie), the brunette retrieved her sneakers from the foot of the bed and quietly left the room; clicking the door closed behind her.
Val neither heard nor passed a single soul on her way to the ground floor. Understandable; it wasn't even 5am.
She exited through the front door; an objective to fulfil. The boys' individual gifts were mostly complete, save for the finishing touches, which she'll tend to after breakfast.
This gift, however, was all for Raph.
One thing: she had to change locations, as there was no way on God's green earth she's giving it to him in his father's bed.
She luckily found the cosiest spot up in the barn's near empty hayloft; with its own skylight! How much more perfect could you get, honestly? It'll take a little longer than initially planned to set up, but she was confident she could pull it off undetected; whilst everyone else was enjoying the lake.
As she pottered about the westside of the property, watching the sun finally peek over the mountains, Val suddenly found her view obstructed by an enormous white oak; its dense, sprawling branches surrounded by lush greenery and weathered, particoloured string lights.
It was the most beautiful tree she'd ever seen; and she lived just across the street from Central Park.
Lowering her gaze to its trunk, something caught her eye. A wooden grave marker stood before it; a posy of desiccated wildflowers lay atop the grassy mound, preceding a small dish of water and a ladle. Etched along the horizontal board, the epitaph read:
Beloved teacher, father and friend.
"You're up early."
Val hadn't realised she'd been holding her breath; instead of a gasp, something akin to a strangled squawk escaped her lips. She whipped around to find Leo standing there; a fresh bunch of flowers in hand and a sheepish grin on his face.
"You lot need bells!" the brunette tittered breathlessly, clutching her chest.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's all good," she smiled reassuringly. "You saved me my morning coffee."
At that, Leo chuckled softly, before gesturing behind her. "I see you've met dad."
"I did..." Val awkwardly inched away from the grave, afraid she may have violated some unspoken boundary. "Is it okay, my being here? I didn't mean to-"
"Wha- no!" The terrapin's amber eyes widened as he fervently shook his head. "No, no - you're fine! It's perfectly fine; you're more than welcome, here."
The brunette heaved a relieved sigh. "Oh, good..." She muttered, trailing off. "Good, good, good..."
Leo eyed her carefully. "I heard you crying earlier... Is that why you're up?"
She lowered her gaze, glimpsing her disfigured knuckles before shoving them inside her hoodie pocket. "Well... that, and my body clock; I'm usually up by this time, anyway..."
He ignored her tangent. "So, why were you crying?"
Stubborn, the both of them...
"...He's still here," She finally admitted, jamming both hands in her pocket in an effort to keep from gesturing aimlessly. "I can still feel him; o-on my skin, my hair, my face! My... my-"
"I get it-"
"I wanted to kill him..."
Leo said nothing; only listened, as she continued.
"Had you not come when you did... I-I honestly don't think I'd have let him live..."
"Aren't you glad I did come, then-"
"No, actually. Cos you suffered the consequences of my mistake-"
"Blaming the victim, again, Valerie?" He stared hard at her as he folded his arms; posy sitting snugly in the crease. "Because that's what it sounds like-"
"I'm not-!"
"You are," he shot back. "...Have you forgotten what I told you? It's not your fault."
"Yeah, well..." The brunette shrugged helplessly, fixing him a pleading look. "I'd rather we not get into this, today, please? Not on your birthday... and definitely not in front of your dad."
Leo compressed his lips. He stared at her another moment; she could see the metaphorical cogs in his brain turn as his expression steadily softened.
Finally, he spoke. "Could you wait in there for me?" He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, toward the barn. "It's too dewy out here for what I wanna try- just... humour me, alright? Please? I'll be there in a minute."
"No, that's alright - leave the door. A little wider... Perfect, thanks; it'll give us some natural light... and prevent us from getting smoked out."
Smoked out??
The moment I think I've got you figured out, you throw me this meteorite-sized curve-ball.
Val's suspicious gaze followed Leo as he proceeded about the barn, lighting an array of partially melted pillar candles; retrieving an incense burner and refills from atop a dust-covered storage box, then scooping out two flat, round cushions from inside said box.
She stepped forward. "Do you need some-"
"No, no - I'm good." He easily nudged the lid closed with his elbow. Setting the cushions side-by-side in the centre of the room, burner just within reach, he beckoned her over. "Have you meditated before?"
Oh, thank God...
Unfurling her arms, the brunette tentatively approached. "No, I haven't..." she answered quietly, lowering herself into a cross-legged position atop one of the cushions. Once he'd smothered the flame on the stick (leaving only a tiny, smoking ember), Leo leaned back onto the last cushion; bracing himself on his heels.
"I practice at least once a day; well, twice, now, over the past few weeks..." He mustn't have liked what came out of his mouth, as he grimaced, then cleared his throat. "...It helps."
Leaning forward, Val carefully searched the terrapin's face. She's seen more of him in these three weeks than she had in the first two months. These days, he's present for nearly every group activity; even suggesting a few himself. She wanted to be happy he was finally coming out of his shell (for lack of a better term), but she couldn't help but worry...
Whilst the pleasant smoke blessed her senses, Leo corrected her posture.
"Straighten your back for me? That's it; this'll allow more air into the lungs. Alright, now, from here..." Pressing a palm against the centre of his plastron - the diaphragm - the terrapin commenced with a long, deep inhale. "...And out. Just keep doing that. Close your eyes, if you need, as well."
Oh, I'll need to...
Val creaked an eye open mid-breath to check whether she was being watched - yes.
"This is stupid-"
"It's only stupid because you've never tried it. So, try it." Leo smirked at her. "Go on, I dare you."
Now, I HAVE to.
Shrugging off her nerves, Val tried again.
"Well, good morning, early birdies!" April greeted cheerfully as the pair finally sauntered inside. The redhead was standing near the kettle, several mugs neatly lined before her. "Tea? Coffee?"
"Tea, please," Leo answered politely as he approached the sink. "I'll give you a hand; let me just wash them, first."
April nodded in acknowledgement, then turned to Valerie. "What'll it be, Val?"
"No, thank you," she replied, finally prying herself from the back door to stand by her friend's side. "I'll help, too... Is everyone up?"
"All except one..."
April gave her a look, implying she should already know the answer.
Groaning inwardly, Val petted the redhead's shoulder as she left the kitchen. "I'll be right back."
She passed Mikey, Casey, and Tyler in the living room on her way to the stairs.
"Morning!" She greeted hurriedly.
"Morning!" Mikey and Tyler answered cheerily.
"Goin' to ish your boy, are ya?" Casey enquired with a smirk.
"I've no idea what that means, but yes," the brunette replied. "Wish me luck."
"Tell him if he doesn't get off his lazy butt, then Case is comin' to get him!" He called after her; she giggled under her breath.
She met Donnie in the hall.
"Good morning! He's still snoring in there..."
"Morning, and he won't be in a few seconds."
The terrapin let out a squeak as he hauled ass downstairs.
Pushing their bedroom door open, Val found Raph sprawled on the bed; snuggling her pillow as he usually did, whenever she wasn't with him.
He looks so cute-
No, don't you dare!
It's time to get up!
Steeling herself, the brunette stalked toward his bedside. She went to make a move-
He struck.
Raph lunged for her, snatching her waist then yanking her beneath him.
"You-!" Before she could finish, he crashed his lips against hers. A tingling warmth bloomed in her belly as he moved between her legs; one hand behind her head, the other fondling her thigh.
"The door's open!" She hissed, once he pulled away.
"You weren't here when I woke up," he pouted. He squeezed her ass, and she jolted.
"Again - door open!"
"Mm, I miss the dress you had on..." He hummed against her neck; his wandering hand was under her hoodie now, toying with her bra.
I'm talking to a brick wall...
"Raph, stop!" She laughed; his fingers were grazing her ticklish spot.
He met her gaze with an impish grin. "It doesn't sound like ya want me to stop."
"Raph, no-!"
He dug in.
After a moment or two of kicking and squealing, Val suddenly spotted a figure in the doorway - a little one.
"Stop, stop, stop!" She cried, pushing at Raph's arms. "It's Tyler!"
That made him move.
The terrapin threw himself off her and onto his feet, whipping toward the doorway with the deer-in-headlights look; after quickly adjusting her clothing, Val hauled herself to a seated position.
Tyler was, indeed, standing there; grinning like the cat that got the canary... but so was his dad.
Casey finally showed himself, arms folded as he leaned against the frame. "Kids make great contraception, don't they?"
Finally snapping out of his daze, Raph promptly snatched the nearest pillow and hurled it at him; which he smacked away with a laugh. "You asshole!"
"Happy birthday!" Casey cheered, disappearing down the hall as his friend gave chase.
Masterlist / Chapter 18
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
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helloheyhihowdyheya · 2 years
We're Shit Out of Luck, Munson | Sneak Peek
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Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Here's a sneak peek for a snowed-in one bed trope with Eddie! I'll be posting it tonight, hope you all enjoy! :)
Your fingers grasped the handle, rasping into it, “Hello?”
“He- hello? Can you hear us?” The voice crackled through the receiver, though it sounded familiar. But Eddie by your side whispered, “Who is it?”
“Robin?” you asked, ignoring him.
“Where are you all? You’ve been gone awhile,” you said, though only guessing from how much darker it seemed outside.
“Oh yeah, about that. We’re in the middle of butt-fuc– Hey!” The sound of rustling and distant voices talking over one another on the other end erupted into your ear before Nancy’s voice came into focus.
“Still there?” she asked, a bit out of breath.
“Still here, Nance,” a smile evident in your voice.
She huffed out a breath before speaking up again. “We’re stuck here in town. Snow blocked my car in while we were shopping – we can’t get it unstuck no matter what we try–” More noise comes from behind before Nancy’s voice comes from farther away as she says, “We are not using Steve for traction.”
You assumed she said that to Robin, and you’d laugh if you weren’t waiting for the other shoe to drop. Nancy let out a long sigh. “No one can come get out to us today… or even a few days if the storm stays this bad.”
Your eyebrows lowered into a deep valley. “Storm?” you asked. You craned your neck toward the nearest window, unable to see much outside with the sun far down now. As you did, you caught Eddie’s face in the reflection looking stern, making you turn to him. 
He waved a hand at you, mouthing something that you only caught every other word of. You mouthed back “What?” but held up a finger as Nancy began speaking again – leaving Eddie with his arms crossed and jaw tightening.
“Yeah. Ugh, I was stupid not to check beforehand. But we’re not making it back tonight.”
“Not at all?” You knew the question didn’t quite make sense, but your eyes flicked to Eddie for a moment, your heart crawling up your throat. All it did was make him whisper-yell at you to tell him what was happening. “What about all of your things here?” you asked, your voice much quieter. There was no way they’d be able to walk all the way back, especially if this snowstorm was as bad as she was saying.
You could practically hear the frustration laced through Nancy’s words. “After we walk to the one motel this town has, we’re going to buy toiletries and things. We’ll try again tomorrow and call you, but in the meantime, are you two okay by yourselves? I know you and Eddie don’t know each other too well.”
Glancing at Eddie again brought his patience to an end, his legs bringing him to your side and holding the receiver between both of your heads to listen. The proximity of his body so close to you all of a sudden had you stepping back, eyes merely blinking at him as you tried to answer, but the way he looked at you didn’t make words come any easier. Eventually, you let out, “Uh, yeah, we should be okay. We brought enough food to last us.”
His gaze held yours, his eyebrows raising high at your words. He mouthed, “Why?” but Nancy responded first.
“Good, good. Okay,” she breathed out, “Sorry about all this, but we’ll hopefully see you tomorrow then.”
You didn’t think Eddie’s face could’ve twisted further in confusion, but you were mistaken. “Yeah, see you, Nance,” you said, your own voice feeling distant from where your mind was at. The line clicked to an end after saying goodbye, the receiver falling limply with your hand.
Before you could even collect your thoughts, Eddie spat out, “Can you finally tell me what the hell is going on?”
Your head jerked back just an inch before your eyes rolled. This was going to be a longer weekend than you ever thought. Instead of answering him, you walked to the cabin’s front door, pulling it open carefully so the wind didn’t fling it off its hinges. Standing there, gazing out into the world, you felt Eddie’s feet walk across the floor until they stopped next to you.
With the front porch lights illuminating the way, you could see heavy flakes pelting down onto growing piles of snow. It wasn’t nearly as much of a surprise as to how their car had gotten buried so fast after seeing how much snow blanketed the world.
“They’re stuck – staying in town tonight,” you finally muttered. “They’re shit out of luck.”
He rubbed a hand down his face, fingers tangling in his hair as a groan rumbled up his throat. “No, we’re shit out of luck. Jesus.”
Despite the view of endless stars littering the sky, goosebumps started littering your skin. Your hands grasped the door handle and pushed it shut and locked before resting your head against the thick wood. 
“Well,” Eddie said from behind, making you turn and watch him shift from one foot to the other, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “At least we don’t have to share a bed anymore.”
You let out a mostly unamused snort, lifting your head to shake it back and forth. “That’s the least of your problems. They had all the beer.”
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 months
You move to the big city in search of bigger and better, so naturally, you get your first place.
You just don't anticipate the roommate that comes along with it.
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f / m, strangers / enemies to lovers, slow burn, hijinks and shenanigans, leon is bad at feelings :( but don't worry because there will be so much fluff omg like a romcom, leon being a little shit to a sweetheart pipeline, and banter!! so much banter
inspired by the Japanese drama Good Morning Call!
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chapter masterlist // read on ao3
chapter 1: what fine print??
Couch surfing, living off canned beans and rice, giving up your potted plant collection. Nothing has gone your way since you packed up shop and left your hometown behind for the big bright lights of the city, but things have never been this bad.
In typical you fashion, you hadn’t read the fine print of your apartment lease before signing it. It was too good of a deal not to snag: a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom suite fit for Zack and Cody and for an unbeatable price! With a mediocre waitressing salary and a hefty college tuition to boot, you figured beggars couldn’t be choosy. You certainly weren’t when you’d signed the lease with flourish.
So now as you shove a chair in front of your bedroom door while an intruder jiggles the handle to force their way in, you think that moving into your first place couldn’t have possibly gone worse. 
It had to be a setup. The sweet old landlord lady must have set you up in some mafia den and now you’d gone ahead and stepped on their turf. What kind of intruder breaks into a new apartment anyway? How’d they even get in through the front door? This neighborhood was supposed to be safe!, you whine to yourself as you cram your back against the door.
After a few seconds, the jiggling stops. You let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness your old habit of locking doors from dorm-
You land ungracefully on your butt with a surprised yelp as the intruder bashes the door in with a shoulder. Firm shoulder, honestly. You’ve tried that before and it’s nowhere as cool as the movies make it look. From your seat on the floor, you grab the nearest dangerous weapon (a particularly nasty curling iron) and brandish at your assailant. He, in turn, points a handgun at your face.
Cool, a loaded weapon! No biggie.
And just like in the movies, you both shout at the same time: “Who the hell are you?”
“I asked you first.” he points the barrel of the gun at your face. “You’ve got 5 seconds.”
His blue eyes narrow as he slowly inches forward. “I said,” he repeats, “Who. The hell. Are you?”
“I live here!” 
“Huh?” Now it’s his turn to look surprised. “You’re lying.” 
Okay, rude. “What are you talking about?” you shoot back. Pretty rich of a burglar to break into your home and then accuse you of lying about it.
“You can’t live here.” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“I don’t think you get to tell me I don’t live in the apartment you just broke into.”
You gesture at the half-unpacked moving boxes surrounding you and he has the nerve to frown.
“No, I didn’t.” he shakes his blond head as if he couldn’t believe you’d accuse him of literally breaking down your new bedroom door. 
“You didn’t?” 
You think that this back and forth could go on all day until he quickly raises a pair of keys to answer your question. A pair of keys, you realize with a start, that are identical to the ones sitting on your dresser right now because they’re the ones to your apartment. You piece together how he got in through the front door; he’d simply unlocked it with his own keys. 
You lower your curling iron as you take in the scarily well-built form of your would-be intruder. He mirrors you, smoothly clicking the safety back on his gun. A couple of snowflakes drift to the floor from his shearling biker jacket as he tucks the weapon into an inside pocket and you wonder how big men’s pockets really are if he could fit a whole freaking gun in there.
“Can’t break into my own apartment, can I?” he says drily. “But hey, this makes for one hell of a move-in day.”
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back to the chapter masterlist...
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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Pandemonium - Chapter 1 Body Drop
The birthday party the night before had run on just as promised until midnight for those of you who had attended, its results mixed in tenseness from its mid-party thievery and what seemed to be the natural progression of this group of people mingling in one place. Perhaps it was disappointing that in the end you hadn't gotten a solid date confirmed with the reveal that it was Calluna’s birthday and not one of your own, but in exchange you’d learned more about your host in question, and some of you had even earned your free 2 hour reprieve from the motive that was slowly gnawing at your minds or bodies.
It was assumed that you’d have the night to rest at the very least after all of that had occurred, and come the morning it seemed that the majority of you were granted that much. Though… judging from the bing of the PA system, and the clear ring of Calluna’s voice, it seemed that one of you most definitely had not.
“A body has been discovered in the Spa. For those of you not already present, please make your way there immediately to begin the investigation. After everyone has gathered, the Expiry Report will be given to you via your tablets to assist in basic information, and your restrictions from the motive will be lifted. For those of you missing physical items, they will be recoverable via AION in the Work Shop.”
As Calluna finished speaking, An’s voice took over where the other had left off.
“Alrighty Alrighty! Once everyone’s in the Spa we’re starting a 2-hour timer for everyone to finish looking around and to get their butts in gear for the trial, be there or be square! If you take too long I’ll tase ya, so don’t dawdle, got it?”
The atmosphere was heavy as the subjects gathered, some leaving behind whatever they were doing, others needing to get ready after waking up instead. 8:28 AM. It was a number you’d remember, as you watched the time of the announcement. Silent shuffling of feet to carpet led to the group to the spa, where you were greeted with a hectic and somber sight.
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At first glance, it almost appeared as though they might be sleeping - and really, who could blame them? For the past few days, it’d been evident sleep had been a luxury they hadn’t been able to afford. The expression on their face was one pinched with mild pain and discomforted confusion, almost as though they were plagued with bad dreams. And maybe, if you tried hard enough, for the first few seconds, you could convince yourself of a gentler fate, a sweeter conclusion. 
But the coppery stench of blood that permeated the room betrayed the truth. Stains of pink soaked through fabric and bandages. And there could be no denying that the one living the nightmare was you. 
Kaguya appeared to be nothing more than a lump on the floor; fallen to her knees, nails trying to grip the tiles below her to no effort. Her head hung low, body heaving as she struggled to breathe in from choking back sobs. If she'd looked like a wilted shell of herself before, she's on an entirely new level right now. Next to her, Lyrica was crouched, pressing a hand to Kaguya's back, even if it seemed to faintly be trembling as well. They spoke in small hushed words, almost as if they're unsure how to process what's going on themself. But the horror in their eyes was real, because someone out there really had decided it was within their right to take someone's life.
Horror, disgust, fear, the reaction was clear on Arakiel’s face as he brought a hand up to his mouth in shock. His usual cold and collected air was gone and replaced by shaking hands and shivers as he stumbled against the back wall. Soon after he speaks, "I need a shower," before guiding himself out along the wall. 
END was even shakier than she has the last few days, staring at the body. "Yeah, I should..... Go get my leg," she mumbled, even as she took another few unsteady steps forward with her crutches. She leaned down, careful not to fall, and grabbed the strap of the bag from the floor. The bag was set on the table next to Paisley and opened, anything to avoid actually touching her and having to acknowledge it.
As people began to split into groups, be it for comforting each other or for preparing to do what must be done, you found yourselves faced with a task to complete.
“Your 2 hours starts now! Eheheheh~”
Your tablets pinged with the download of a new app, the file you were promised delivered to you. It was time to start whether you liked it or not.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Hope 2 | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Potter!Reader
Summary: Life is unfair in numerous ways but it seems like it’s out to get the Potters in every way shape and form.
The huge eight-foot man who introduced himself as Hagrid was bringing Harry around London. It was amusing to see Hagrid turn his cousin - Dudley - butt into a pigtail after trying to eat his birthday cake. It was the first birthday Y/n, and Remus hadn’t shown up. Harry didn’t blame them. Of course, to be fair, they didn’t know where Harry was. 
“Um, excuse me, Hagrid?” 
“Yes, ‘Arry?”
“Where- Where are we going?” Harry questioned hesitantly, and Hagrids lips curled into a smile, “‘Er gon’ meet with som’ of yer folks.” Hagrid answered. 
Harry wanted to jump with joy, “Moony and Y/n?”
Hagrid nodded, and Harry smiled brightly. It took a couple of minutes and walking of a couple more blocks. But eventually, they were coming up on an old-looking building made of black stone bricks. In front of the door was a familiar sandy-haired male with green eyes. He was accompanied by his wife with h/c hair and gleaming e/c eyes. 
“Y/n! Remus!” 
Y/n turned to see her little nephew running up to hug her tightly, “Hey Harry.” 
Remus ruffled his hair while Harry hugged his aunt, “Hey there, mini Prongs.”
“I missed you.”
“Awe, I missed you too, Harry.” Y/n replied, pulling apart from Harry, “I’m sorry we didn’t show up right away. But we’re here now. I hope that’s okay. We wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world, okay?”
He nodded, “I know. I can always count on you.” 
“Good.” Remus stated, “Now c’mon mini prongs. Gotta get your school supplies.”
Walking into the Leaky Cauldron with Hagrid, they were greeted by multiple people. Many people were flabbergasted by meeting the famous Harry Potter and were welcoming to see Y/n Potter. In the back of the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid tapped his wand against the brick wall, causing it to open into Diagon Alley. Harry’s mouth was agape at this new form of Magic. 
It was astonishing. The narrow alleyway was packed with people. Clusters of them walking in groups. Some were carrying animals, or brown-wrapped items Harry could suppose were books. Y/n smiled and intertwined her hand with Remus’. She could remember the first time she stepped into Diagon Alley. James was acting like such a prat. 
“Woah!” James gasped, “Look at all the cool stuff!” 
Fleamont chuckled, “Yeah. Isn’t it cool, sweetheart?”
Y/n nodded, completely entranced in the stonework in the alleyway. It was littered with different shops, and the roads were an uneven stone. Euphemia and Fleamont shared a look of pure glee. Their children were magical born, and they were finally experiencing it first hand. Of course, they had their incidents where Y/n would make lights flicker or James blowing plates. 
As they began walking, James began to run off, bumping into people left and right, “James! Get back here!” Fleamont scolded, but he was out of sight. 
Euphemia sighed, “He’s gonna be a handful.”
“Definitely.” Fleamont agreed, running a hand through his dark brunet hair, “Perhaps he’ll be even worse than me.”
His wife glared at him. Despite James disappearing, they took Y/n into Flourish and Blotts to get their books. They needed books such as The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History of Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and finally, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection. 
They didn’t find James until they reached Quality Quidditch Supplies. He was already eyeing the new broom on display. His mouth seemed to be salivating at it. Y/n rolled her eyes at James, drooling over a piece of wood. Euphemia chuckled and motioned Fleamont to reel him back in. It seemed that Euphemia would never get a break, and her heart would be in a constant attack of worry. They had a mischief Quidditch player on their hands. 
“C’mon Harry,” Y/n beckoned, “Lots of stuff to get.”
His smile faltered just a tad, “But I don’t- I don’t have any money.”
Harry’s embarrassment made the tips of his ears red, “That ain’t true. ‘Course ye got money.” Hagrid replied bluntly, making Y/n nudge him harshly, “Hagrid!”
“What?” Hagrid queried, confused, “‘S not like ‘m lyin’.” 
“Yes, but you don’t just say that.” Y/n scolded, laughing lightly. 
Harry looked up at his flustered aunt, “Come on, Harry. We’re going to Gringotts.”  
They began walking to the bank of wizardry. The goblin at the front allowed them to the vault, where Harry was able to pocket a couple of handfuls of galleons, sickles, and knuts. Hagrid made a separate trip for Dumbledore as the other three waited patiently. When they exited Gringotts, Harry began to buy all his supplies. 
Their first stop was getting him a wand at Ollivander’s. Harry pushed the door open, and it sounded a bell off, but no one appeared the be in the shop. Remus and Y/n stood behind him as he let out a hesitant, “Hello.”
It took a minute, but then an older male appeared with hair as white as snow and wispy as whiskers. Ollivander smiled brightly at the familiar people in his shop and at the little boy who resembled the older female greatly. 
“Ah, Y/n Potter.” Ollivander said, “James broken his wand again?”
Y/n released a shaky breath, “No, not this time.” 
“We’re here actually for Harry here.” Remus motioned to Harry, “He’s getting his first wand. He starts at Hogwarts this year.”
Ollivander's lips quirked, “He yours?”
“No, sir.” Y/n shook her head, “He’s James and Lily’s son.”
“Where are they? I’d love to see them, you know.”
Remus shifted awkwardly, “You haven’t heard?”
Ollivander shook his head, “My parents are dead.” Harry informed, “Someone killed them.”
Everything clicked into place in Ollivanders mind. How stupid could old age make him? He had just sounded terribly insensitive, “‘M so sorry. Pardon me and my old age. I didn’t mean-“
“It’s perfectly fine, Ollivander.” Y/n smiled reassuringly.
The older man smiled and began giving Harry wands. The first one was horrid. It made wands on the shelf fall onto the ground, making a vast clatter noise. The boy smiled sheepishly and placed it back in the box. The next wand caused a shatter of a vase which Harry cringed at. It took a couple of minutes until Ollivander came out with the following wand. It was 11 inches long, made of holly, and possessed a phoenix feather core. 
Harry waved the wand, and nothing disastrous happened. Remus and Y/n smiled with joy. Ollivander charged him seven galleons for it, and Harry placed down the golden coins with glee. Ollivander could remember the way James had done the same while Y/n beside him. Their identical toothy grins as Fleamont paid the man.
“My wands cooler than yours!”
“No way!” 
James nodded in triumph, “You’re just lame.”
“And you’re boring!”
“No way!” James gasped, “I am far from boring!”
Y/n crossed her arms, “And I’m not lame.”
Euphemia chuckled, redirecting her children to look at the counter while the two parents stood behind them, “Ignore them. They like to try and be better than the other.”
Ollivander grinned, “Ah, siblings. What amazing pairs they make.”
Fleamont scoffed, “Yeah, try having two at the same time. Felt like the crucio curse.” 
“What do you say?” Euphemia beckoned, and both twins turned to Ollivander, smiling gleefully, “Thank you!” 
“They’ll be a handful.” Ollivander informed Euphemia and Fleamont, “But they’ll change the world, and they’ll do it together.” 
The older man smiled at Remus and Y/n as Harry went outside to see Hagrid carrying a giant golden cage with a beautiful snowy owl inside, “That boy is something else.”
Remus chuckled, “We know. Little mischief-maker, just like James.”
“Perhaps he is,” Ollivander replied, “But he’ll change the world.”
The rest of the day went by blissfully. After getting all his school supplies, they retreated into the Leaky Cauldron to eat dinner. The tavern was practically empty as they sat at a long narrow table. Hagrid at the head, Harry to his left, Remus across, and Y/n beside Remus on the other side. They were eating in silence before Harry spoke up. 
“What happened to my parents?” Harry questioned, and before anyone could answer, he continued, “Truthfully. No lies.”
Hagrid and Remus turned to the female at the table who swallowed thickly, “Something horrid, Harry.”
“How horrid?”
“Harry-“ Remus began. 
“A death I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, even my worse enemy.” Y/n answered, staring at the soup in front of her, “The way they died doesn’t matter.”
Harry crossed his arms, “I believe it does.”
“In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t.” Y/n replied, taking deep breaths in and out, trying to stay calm, “It doesn’t matter how they died. They’re dead, and they aren’t coming back.”
Tears collected in her eyes when she muttered, “No matter how badly I want them to.”
Hastily Y/n wiped her face and placed her napkin on the table. She sniffled before standing and pushing her chair in. Y/n leaned down to kiss Harry on the forehead before retreating to the room they got upstairs. Harry sighed and stared at his bowl of soup that remained steaming hot. Remus rubbed his face with his palms. 
“Harry,” Remus called, and Harry’s green eyes met similar ones, “Your parents died at the hands of a very evil Wizard. He went as dark as one could go.”
Harry looked intrigued, and Remus continued despite his throat beginning to constrict, “His name was Voldemort, but most people call him ‘You-Know-Who.”
Hagrid flinched at the actual name being said, “James risked everything to try and save you and your mother. When he died, Lily tried to save you. In the end, it all worked out because you were saved. You didn’t die like you were supposed to.”
“Why did aunt Y/n leave the table?”
“Talking about this is still hard for her.” Remus replied, and Harry could see the tears in his eyes too, “It’s hard for me too, but- but you need to know.”
“What were they to you?” 
“James and Lily were everything to me, Harry. Everything and so much more. Your mother saw the good in people when they didn’t see it themselves. Your father? Well-“ He chuckled, “He was a trip and a prat. But he cared for those around him. Treated me like family and took care of me like a brother.”
Harry fiddled with the sleeve of his sweater, “James was a mischief-maker that one.” Hagrid said, “Always up to no good.”
“Him and that Sirius boy.” Hagrid chuckled, “Dynamic duo those two.”
Remus let out a tearful chuckle, “Yeah, that was Padfoot and Prongs.”
“Always up to no good.” Remus whispered. 
The following day Remus had waken up to what he swore was the most perfect sight. Y/n was still sleeping beside him. Her head was nestled under his chin, drinking in his body heat. Her hair was laid against the fluffy white pillow. Their legs were intertwined together. Gently Remus kissed her forehead before seeing the clock read about nine o’clock. 
Remus took five more minutes to admire her before waking her up. He began to kiss all over her face, and Y/n scrunched her nose, waking up as his lips kept attaching to a new place on her face. He smiled as she opened her eyes to meet his green ones. 
“Mornin’ love.” 
His Welsh accent was to die for, “Morning, Rem.”
“You ready to take Harry to Platform Nine and Three Quarters?”
Y/n shook her head, “No. Not really.”
“Hey,” Remus said softly, stroking her hair, “You’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
“There are so many memories there, Rem.” Y/n replied, “Like- Like meeting Sirius for the first time.”
“Or seeing you come back after fourth year with an entirely new style.” Remus chuckled, “Or- Or seeing James almost fall out of the train. 
Remus caressed her cheek with his thumb, “We’ll make it through, love. Harry needs us today.”
“Yeah.” She replied breathily, “He does.”
They both ventured out of bed into the cool air of London. Remus, Y/n, and Hagrid walked Harry to Kings Cross. When they arrived, Hagrid had departed from them to do something for Dumbledore. Harry was bluntly confused when his ticket read Platform Nine and Three Quarters. Last he checked, that wasn’t a platform. 
As they reached the main floor of the train station, Remus and Y/n recognized the Weasleys almost instantly. Molly had embraced them tightly as they all went through the platform. Harry gave his trunks to the man at the end of the train and turned to the only family he had left. His eyes glistened with tears, and he tried to hold them back but failed. 
“Harry,” Y/n knelt to his level, “You’re gonna be okay. I promise. James and I made lots of friends at Hogwarts.”
He smiled at the mention of his father, “Do you think… Do you think he’d be proud of me?”
“They’d be beyond proud, Harry.” Remus replied, smiling, “You’re everything they wanted you to be.”
Harry turned back to Y/n and hugged her tightly, “Please make sure you write to us.” 
“‘Course, Auntie.” Harry replied as they pulled apart, “Love you guys.” 
Y/n stood beside Remus, “We love you too, sweetheart.” 
Harry smiled and wiped his cheeks before hopping on the train. He found a compartment alone and watched out the window as the train began moving. Y/n and Remus watched as the train hauled by. Kids who started waving their last goodbyes to their parents. 
“Mum, dad!” James exclaimed from inside the compartment, “We love you!”
Euphemia and Fleamont chuckled tearfully, “We love you guys too!” 
Truthfully James never wanted to leave his parents. They were his entire world. When Kings Cross was no longer in sight, he plopped down in the seat beside Y/n, who put her head on his shoulder. His left arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her tightly to his side. 
“We got this, sis.” James assured, “We always have each other.”
It didn’t take long for Harry to get in trouble. As a matter of fact, it made Y/n laugh that within the first month, he had already managed a detention. She had settled for a letter rather than a Howler. Remus had made sure to tell him his fair of scolding words (“Say hi to Minnie for me!”). Harry smiled when the letter arrived in the morning. 
Harry definitely made sure to say hi to “Minnie,” which made McGonagall smile like an idiot despite her usual strict nature. She could see and hear James saying the name when she gave them detention or Sirius’ pouty face begging her to have some form of mercy on them, for they had just turned the Slytherin robes red. Ever the dramatics that Black. 
When he arrived back at the Platform, he nuzzled into Y/n and Remus’ arms before departing to the Dursleys. But all was good because in just a month he’d see them again for his birthday, which he did. They took him to Diagon Alley to get his second-year stuff along with some ice cream to celebrate his twelfth birthday. 
He spent a week of his summer with them in their little house in London. It was far better than Privet Drive, and he felt a lot safer. But after the week was up, he was forced to return to the Dursleys. Within a week of being back, he’d managed to screw everything up. A thing named Dobby had quite literally dumped puddling all over one of the Dursley’s guests, and that got him trapped in his room. 
Thankfully, Ronald Weasley, who had become his close friend, had saved him. Harry went to the Burrow for the first time and met everyone else. Molly had notified Remus and Y/n of his entrance. Sadly, they couldn’t make it to the Platform for reasons. Molly wouldn’t tell Harry, but he was okay with it. 
Until Ron and he smashed into the brick wall, making them late for the train. It was then Ron had a brilliant thought of taking the flying car to Hogwarts. It did work until they got stuck in the Whomping Willow and then got caught by Severus Snape. A letter was sent home to Y/n and Molly. Both of which made two very different Howlers to their children. 
Molly’s howler was scolding them, and it made Ron’s ears turn pink. Y/n and Remus’ howler was a different story. The moment it opened, laughter rang through the Great Hall. Familiar laughter of Remus and Y/n. It made McGonagall furious and happy at the same time. 
“Merlin Harry!” Remus’ voice rang out, “You’re brilliant, aren’t you!” 
“Remus, we’re supposed to be scolding him!” Y/n retorted jokingly, “I’m scolding myself for never thinking of it!” Remus replied. 
Y/n chuckled, “Obviously, you shouldn't have done that, Harry; however, as long as you’re not harmed, we aren’t mad. Just be more careful next time.”
Remus was still dying of laughter, “Remus is still dying of laughter. We love you, Harry. Stay safe.”
Ron looked appalled with the coolness of the howler, “Bloody hell, you have a cool family.”
“They’re pretty cool.” Harry shrugged, smiling. 
Y/n and Remus would be lying if the whole petrifying thing didn’t scare them. They were worried for Harry’s safety but weren’t surprised when Harry ended up saving them all like last year. When they were on the Platform, Remus began getting on the train with him after kissing Y/n goodbye. 
He was grunting and groaning at every movement. The bags beneath his eyes looked more prominent than usual. Remus moved sluggishly, which was very unlike him. But Harry didn’t question it until he began to get on the train at Harry’s side. 
“Uncle Moony?”
“Yes, Harry?” Remus replied after sitting in a compartment, his cloak covering most of his body. 
“Why’re you on the train?”
He chuckled, “I’m your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.”
Harry smiled, and Remus fell into a dreamless sleep after a rough full moon the night prior. Hermione and Ron joined them not too long after as Harry began telling them about Sirius Black. The year went by as eventful as usual. Harry found out the accurate way his parents died along with Remus and Y/n. Peter Pettigrew being the culprit and then leaving before someone could catch him. 
Afterward, Sirius had been staying in the guest bedroom at Y/n and Remus’. He didn’t want to go back to Grimmauld Place. That was the last place he wanted to go. So despite not wanting to be a burden, he took the position that Y/n offered him. Ever so kind, just like James. When he walked through those doors, Y/n had hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. 
“It’s good to have you back, older brother.”
Sirius could’ve cried on the spot, “It’s nice to see you again, little sis.”
The next couple of years were a trip. Fourth-year Harry had managed to get his name pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, leading to a new adventure of challenges. After finishing his fourth year, Cedric Diggory had died, marking the return of Voldemort, which had traumatized Harry in more than one way. That summer, he decided to stay with Y/n, Remus, and Sirius. They were all fantastic help throughout the entire thing. Through his nightmares, Y/n would make him hot chocolate and sit on the couch with him as he talked. 
Fifth-year was dreadful. Delores Umbridge had come into the office as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, and the Order of the Phoenix reformed. Her detentions were terrible and horrid, especially for the first years. They were just kids, for Merlin’s sake. It made Y/n fume when she saw the back of Harry’s hand. The night they ventured to the Department of Mysteries was almost the worst night Harry could have dreamed of. 
Sirius had almost died if Y/n wasn’t as quick as she was. Bellatrix was stunned to see her spell deflected but kept firing nonetheless. When they got home, it was silent. Remus had made tea for himself and Sirius while making hot chocolate for the other two. Harry had laid his head on Y/n’s shoulder and fallen asleep. 
Truth be told, sixth year wasn’t any better. Dumbledore had died, and Harry was left to find the rest of the Horcruxes. It was then Sirius learned the actual death of his brother, making him mourn him all over again. Seventh year Harry, Ron, and Hermione ventured out to find the rest of them. 
When Harry returned to Hogwarts through the passageway to the Room of Requirement with Snape as headmaster, the war had officially started. In the end, everything had fallen into place. When Harry used the resurrection stone, he saw them. He saw James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius. Harry almost wanted to laugh at seeing them all together. They looked so happy. 
“Where- Where’s Y/n?”
Remus gave a solemn smile, “She made it. She’s still out there. Waiting for you.”
“Does that mean…”
“Turns out my sister is a tougher cookie than I thought.” James stated, and Harry turned to him, “She misses you.”
James chuckled, “As I do her.”
Harry turned back to Remus, “Does she know?”
“She was there when it happened.” Remus replied, “I had to give her one last ‘I love you’ and kiss goodbye, right?”
A noise rumbled from a distance, “It’s time, sweetie.” Lily stated. 
Harry released a shaky breath before dropping the stone on the ground. He had to do this for Y/n, for Ron, for Hermione, for everyone. He was ready. When he stepped in front of Voldemort to die, all he could think about was his Aunt's eyes. The way they glittered with tears when she let him go for the first time. The way they creased when she smiled at his first Christmas. The way they gleamed with mischief when she gave the Weasley twins new prank material. 
His last words would be ones he’d never regret, “Thank you, aunt Y/n, for everything.”
Because through everything, she was the only constant. She was the only one to hold him through anything. Through every nightmare, every battle, every tear, every smile. She was there with her radiant smile and caring nature. 
When Harry defeated Voldemort, the world stopped. It was done. It was over. But the pain wasn’t gone. The trauma wasn’t bypassed. This was more than a war. Harry walked into the Great Hall to see crying parents, kids, and siblings mourning their dead loved ones. His eyes zoomed on Y/n sitting crisscross beside her husband, holding his hand tightly. 
Wordlessly Harry sat beside her and leaned his head against her shoulder. Y/n tilted her head onto his. No tears fell from her eyes despite everything she had gone through, two wars, friends dead, parents dead, brother dead, and now husband dead. 
“His last words were- they were,” She choked, and Harry rubbed her shoulder, “I love you more than Moony loves the moon.”
Harry smiled, “Dad said you were a tough cookie.”
Y/n chuckled, and Harry relished in the sound, “He said that if anyone could get through this, it’s you.”
“Damn it, James.” She said to no one, still holding Remus’ hand. 
“We’ll get through this.” Harry said, “And we’ll do it together.”
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Hiii! I don't know if your requests are open. But i would still like to request one. I would a knb one where the gom+kagami gfs wore a skirt(which shrunk during washing and had no choice but to wear it) and every time they bent, their patience are tested until they couldn't take it anymore. Their s/o completed obvious to the attention they are getting from others.
GOM Boys + Kagami and Short Skirt Reader (f!reader)
“[Y/N]-chan, lets go in here.” You pause in your walk with Akashi around town, spending the lovely outside, in front of a pose looking clothing store.
“Here? Why?”
“I thought you might like to buy something in here.” He replied with a soft smile.
“Oh...Akashi-kun...I don’t know. It looks awfully expensive.”
“It’s my treat.” He countered. The corners of his soft smile becoming strained. “I’ll get you anything you want.”
“I appreciate it Akashi-kun, but I couldn’t let you do that. Spending money on me like that would make me feel uncomfortable.”
“[Y/N] please.” Now not only were the corners of his mouth strained, but his voice as well. “I’m trying to put this as delicately as possible but, you’re skirt is too short.” You blink at Akashi. Not expecting that, nor did you really think your skirt was that short. Sure you’d had it since middle school but... “It’s incredibly distracting, and not just for me.” His mouth scrunched in an unflattering frown before it softened again. Those beautiful crimson eyes darting to the left, sending a pack of boys running off. “So please, let me buy you a new skirt or outfit. You look beautiful in anything, so you don’t need a short skirt like that to get my attention.”
That hadn’t been your intention in wearing the skirt today and you blush. “Well....ok.” It was always really hard to argue with him.
Akashi bought you a new outfit in the store; you dare not look at the price tags. You continue on your date hand in hand. Your skirt you had thrown in the shopping bag after changing mysteriously vanishing when you got home.
The bell for second period ending chimed, and was soon drowned out by the sound of students shuffling through the halls. You were about to join them to your next class when Ryo asked if you’d seen Aomine. He wasn’t in class, apparently, and he took it upon himself to collect his teammate’s assignments to pass them on to him.
Such a nice guy.
You look towards the window, where the sun was shinning brightly, and sighed. “I’ll give them to him.” You knew exactly where he was.
Climbing the stairs to the roof, you of course find Aomine there. Stretched out like a cat in the warm sun, dozing the day away in the fresh air. 
“Honestly Aomine, you couldn’t even make it to second period?”
The tall, tan basketball star opened his eyes slowly from his cat nap and grinned at you. "What up with your skirt?”
Your cheeks turn red and you tried to futilely pull the front down. “I-I-It shrunk in the wash! The school was supposed to get me a new one but they didn’t have my size!”
“Nah. Keep it. I like this one much better.” His grin grew wider. “Did you wear those blue panties just for me today? Since it’s my favorite color?”
Your blush deepened and your growled at your boyfriend. You swing your arm to swat at his propped up knee but he caught your wrist and pulled you down. Forcing you to fall haphazardly on top of him; just like he planned.
“A-Aomine! Q-Quit it!”
“Nope. No can do.” He replied. His hand on your thigh. “I held out as long as I could. You can’t expect me not to react when you wear your battle panties in front of me.”
Needless to say, neither of you made it to third period.
Another lively afternoon at Serin basketball practice. You were sitting on the bleachers, watching your friends and boyfriend, play 2-on-2 games around the court for training. You would cheer Kagami and some of the others on. Doing your part to motivate the team as your way to show support.
Riko finally blew her whistle to call for a break and the team let out a collective sigh of relief.
“H-H-Here!” You look put at Kagami when he came up to you, cheeks flushed, holding out his warm up jacket. “Put it on!”
“I...uh..thanks Kagami-kun. But I’m not cold.” You assume that why he gave it to you.
“It’s not that! Just put it on! Don’t worry. It’s not dirty or anything.”
“Um...ok. But why?” 
“Don’t worry about it!” He snapped. “Just put it on!”
You frown and grumble a little, before you demand, “no. Not until you tell me why.”
Kagami grumbled himself and looked away. “....your skirt....” He said it so quietly that you have to give a little ‘hn?’ and he repeated, “your skirt. It keeps riding up when you cheer. I can’t practice right.....”
You blink in confusion, then blush. You hadn’t thought about your skirt coming up when you cheered. Now you felt embarrassed.
You took his jacket and put it on. Obviously swimming in it with your boyfriend’s large frame, which was good for once because it fell past your skirt for coverage. “Is this better Kagami-kun?”
The red head’s eyes went a little wide, and his cheeks darked to almost the shade of his hair. “N-N-No!” He exclaimed, taking you by surprise, before he looked away and scratched his head. “Now you look even cuter......”
“It was so nice of manager-san to give me this skirt. I can’t believe I own something from a designer now!”
Kise grumbled beside you as you left his photoshoot. His hand attached to yours squeezing it tighter as you walked. “Kise-kun? Is something wrong?”
The blonde seemed to realize that he was frowning, and quickly bounced back to his jovial self. “What? Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong [Y/N]-cchi. Just tired I guess.” You give a suspicious hum at Kise. Knowing that when he did 180s like this that something really was wrong.
“Kise, you know you can tell me anything. If something wrong, just tell me.”
“It’s....your skirt.” He finally confessed. Looking slightly to the left, away from you. “I’m all for fashion, and it was really nice of manager-san to give it to you, but....it’s too short. And I didn’t want to say anything because I sound like a cranky old man, but it’s true! [Y/N]-cchi’s perfect legs are only for me! I don’t want anyone else to see them!”
You snicker at Kise’s outburst. He could really be so silly sometimes.
“If you didn’t want me to wear it, then why didn’t you say anything.”
“I didn’t want to insult manager-san.” He told you. “He’s helped a lot with my career. And he really was being so nice to you. Plus, green is not my color.” Meaning he was jealous.
You giggle again and lean up to give him a kiss. “Lets head back to my place then and I’ll take it off. I’ll put on something more ‘appropriate’ for you.”
“Or....maybe don’t.” His hand squeezed yours again, only this time his face held on to a bright grin when he looked at you.
“We’ll see.”
You fiddle with the charm on your phone as you head down the street, leaving your apartment to go meet Kuroko.
He was supposed to meet you at your house, but when you didn't see him outside you just assumed that he got mixed up and went to the bookstore you had been planning to go to instead. Boys could be so spacey sometimes.
"Short," you jump a little at the sound behind you, seeing Kuroko there. "Your skirt is short."
"K-Kuroko-kun! Don't scare me like that! Wait....what?" It took you a minute to process what Kuroko was saying, being startled like that. "My skirt is too short?"
"Yes." Kuroko replied in his normal, soft tone, with a little nod. "It's too short."
You grumble a little and stamp your foot. "Who are you to tell me my skirt is too short??"
"No one I guess. But, I'm your boyfriend." He said. As if you needed to be reminded. "And I don't like other people staring at you, [Y/N]-kun." You blink once back at him. You hadn't noticed anyone staring. Nor had you noticed the slight tightening in Kuroko's fist until now. "It's why I've been following behind you for a while now. To keep your butt safe."
You let out a startled squeal and swat Kuroko in the arm as your cheeks turn red. "D-Don't say stuff like that!" You scold while he rubbed his arm. But...maybe he was right. Maybe it was too short. "Fine. Follow me home and I'll go change."
"Right behind you." Kuroko said with a smirk as he came along.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!’ You repeated over and over in your mind as you sprinted in a mad dash towards school.
You alarm hadn’t gone off, and it was honestly a miracle you had woken up even remotely close to the time with just enough time to make it out the door in a panic. If you some how made it to school on time you would never forget to set your alarm again!!
Cresting the hill, you see the gates to the school coming into view. And, more importantly, Midorima standing there. He was always on time, so he must have been waiting for you. Your heart swelled at the thought of it, and it gave you the extra boost to run fast towards him.
“Don’t shout. In any case why are you so -- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!?!”
You come to an abrupt halt in front of your boyfriend. Not expecting that response when you got close to him. “W-What? My uniform?”
“That’s not your uniform! That skirt is too short!”
You look down and turn about as red as Midorima was as you realize the skirt you had pulled out of your closet was your middle school uniform skirt. Not your high school one. They looked close enough in color you hadn’t noticed, and thought the ‘breeze’ was from you running. Could this day get any worse!!
There was movement out of the corner of your eye and you look up from your moping to see a field of green being offered to you. “The Oha Asa is never wrong.”
“M-Midorima-kun.....” You feel like you’re about to cry as you take the scarf and wrap it around your waist. This would do, for now. At least until you could get to your gym locker after first period.
“Let’s go. We’ll be late for class.”
You smile at Midorima and fall in beside him as you head to class. Spirts lifted. Maybe you should listen to the Oha Asa more too.
"What is the process called when an animal reproduces with itself? Is it A) Biomorphic reproduction? B) Symbiotic reproduction? Or C) Asexual reproduction? ....Mura-kun....? Mura-kun? Are you even listening to me?!"
"Ccccccaaaannnn'ttt...." Murasakibara whined from his place across from you at the table. Looking rather comical scrunched up like that.
"Jeez Mura-kun. I offer to help you study. The least you can do is pay attention."
"Ehh.... I can't. [Y/N]-chin is trying to seduce me."
The towering teen smirked before he licked the potato chip salt off his fingers, then tugged at the hem of your skirt. "[Y/N]-chin's legs look like tasty mochi. I can't resist."
Your cheeks turn pink and you bat his hand away before returning to your book. "Y-Your...You're not going to get out of this so easy Murasakibara-kun! You need to study!"
Murasakibara frowned with a low hum of disappointment before retuning to his potato chips. "I'd rather have mochi......"
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teddyeyeseddie · 3 years
A New Set of Eyes: Chapter 5
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x reader
Warnings: Fluff, Language, Maybe some angst? 
WC: 1,800
A/N: I am so sorry this part took so long to post! I started my job at the bakery and its full-time and been kicking my butt. I’m hoping I can get some chapters of this and Wildflowers pre-written this weekend! Writing this chapter made me want to scream IT’S SO CUTE 
Also the song I imagined playing by RKS is called “Hey Pretty Momma” 
Previous Chapter
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The week after New Years passed in a blur. Y/N had gone back to work on the 3rd. Usually she would have dreaded going in on such a cold day, but she was ready to get out of the house. Plus, the ambiance of the record shop always felt homey when it was snowy outside. 
The shop was only a block or so over from where her apartment was so she decided to walk to work. She slipped on her coat and made her way downstairs, the cold hit her quickly and sent a shiver down her spine. She quickened her pace and was now regretting her decision to walk once she reached the sidewalk. 
She stuck her earphones in her ears in hopes that the music would distract her from the cold. She finally reached the shop after the third song ended. She reached into her bag for the keys and quickly opened the door. She locked the door behind her, walking to the counter and flipping on the lights. 
She did a quick walkthrough of the shop, making sure everything was clean and in order. Once she was satisfied with everything she checked the time. 10 o’clock, time to open. She made her way back towards the entrance, unlocking it and turning to switch on the “Open” sign.
 Her shift passed rather quickly, only a few customers braving the cold and snow. Y/N had her back turned to the front door as she was looking through some records she had pulled, trying to decide which one to spin next. She finally decided on an album by RKS, finally getting sick of the classics she had been playing all day. 
As she was about to place the vinyl on the turntable, the front door opened. It caught her attention but she didn’t acknowledge wherever had just walked in until she finished the task at hand. “Welcome to Tone Deaf, is there anything I can help you find today?” She asked as she turned around, smiling when she realized who the customer was.
 “Dean! Hey, what are you doing here?” Dean raised his eyebrows, just as surprised as she was. 
“Hey Y/N. I didn’t know you worked here.. I was just looking for a record to add to my collection. I don’t know how I never knew this place existed.” Y/N smiled at him and walked to the other end of the counter to get closer to him. His hands were worn out, not quite able to scrub off the evidence of his work day.
 “Yeah it’s pretty small, easy to miss if you aren’t looking for it.” Dean chuckled and backed away from the counter. He made his way to the “Classic Rock” section as Y/N turned to place the needle down onto the record she picked out. 
“Again, all of these records, all of these zeppelin vinyls and you never brought one home?” Y/N rolled her eyes and left her place behind the counter and approached Dean.
 “If it’s such a big deal to you, why don’t you pick one out for me and I’ll add it to the collection?” She leaned up against the display next of her and watched Dean as he flipped through the records in front of him. If he was anyone else she would have scolded him for rifling through all the vinyls with such dirty hands but she couldn’t bring herself to really care.
“Aha! Here it is.” He said as he smiled and handed her a record titled “Led Zeppelin II” 
“It’s one of my favorites, and has good songs on it that I think you’d like.” The grin on his face caused his eyes to almost close. Y/N gripped the records tightly in her hands and smiled right back at him. 
“Is this the one with Stairway to Heaven on it?” Y/N asked. Dean threw his head back laughing, turning to flip through some other records that were on display. 
“No sweetheart, that would be Led Zeppelin IV. How can you work here and not know that?” Dean questioned. 
“I’m more of a Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel kind of girl. Or, ya know music made in this time period.” Y/N quipped as she bumped hips with him before walking back to the counter. 
“Oh like whatever this crap that is playing right now?” Y/N shot him a glare from her place at the register which caused Dean to laugh again, God she could listen to that all day. 
Y/N left Dean to his browsing as she cleaned up some of the records from a collection that was just brought in. 
She was brought out of her trance when she heard Dean place his finds on the counter next to her. He saw the Zeppelin vinyl he had picked out for her next to the register and placed it with his stack. 
“Oh I was gonna buy that once I got off.” She said as Dean reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet. “
“Nah, I pestered you to get it. It only makes sense I get it for you. But you have to promise me something.” He said with a small smirk on his face.
“And what would that be?” Y/N asked as she busied herself with ringing up his purchase and adding her employee discount on. 
“You have to wait to listen to it.” He handed over her card and waited for Y/N’s response. 
“Wait?” She questioned and Dean just nodded his head. “Yeah, I can bring over some drinks, maybe some takeout and I can witness you listening to the greatest album ever for the first time ever on vinyl.” Dean flashed her a hopeful smile as Y/N looked at him in shock. 
“Like a date?” Y/N asked and Dean shrugged his shoulders. 
“Yeah, like a date. Are you free tonight?”Y/N had to make sure her jaw wasn’t on the floor as she stared at the man in front of her. She just blinked at Him before she finally was able to stutter out a quiet, 
“Y-Yeah I’m free. Totally free.” Dean let out a gravely chuckle and grabbed his bag off the counter.
 “I’ll see you at 7? Just text me your address? I don’t really remember how to get to your place.” Y/N just nodded at him and flashed him a quick smile. 
“Sounds good Dean.”
“See ya then sweetheart.”
“No! What do you mean you’re selling?” Y/N huffed out as she paced behind the counter. The older man across from her sighed and ran his fingers through his barely there hair. 
“Y/N, I know you love this place but I’m old, they offered me a lot of money for the building and I couldn’t say no..” Mike looked at her with pleading eyes. 
“They? Who is “they”?” She questioned, lowering her tone as she tried not to cry. “I love this place Mike, it can’t be over just like that…”
Mike sighed and cast his gaze down at the ground, “The Scottsman’s, they want to tear down this whole block and make some shopping mall out of it. I was the only one left that they needed to buy from.”Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes as she processed the news. 
“The Scottsman’s? Seriously? You hate them! You absolutely hated Troy!” Mike attempted to offer her a kind smile but it did nothing for Y/N, her anger still coursing through her veins as she processed the information. 
“Troy came down on your day off again and I just couldn’t refuse them anymore Y/N, I had to.” Y/N grabbed her coat and bag, deciding to not respond to Mike in fear that she would start crying more than she already was. 
She stormed out the front door, really regretting that she didn’t drive to work.  
As soon as Y/N got home she went straight to her bedroom, hoping to avoid Charlie before she left for work. She hopped in the shower, hoping it would somewhat relax her. 
By the time she was out of the shower and dressed again, she was completely exhausted. She made her way to the kitchen but stopped midway when her phone began to ring in the other room.
 She rushed to pick it up and her heart sped up when she saw who was calling. “Dean” was displayed on the screen, her hands began to fumble as she tried answering it. 
“Hey Dean, what’s up?” Y/N asked as she paced around her apartment, trying to settle her nerves. The line was silent for a bit before she finally heard his voice. “Hey! I was about to head out but you never texted me your address.. I just wanted to double check that we were still on? It’s okay if something came up.” Dean rambled out.
 Y/N huffed out a frustrated groan as she checked the time on her stove, it was already 6:30. 
“Dean I am so sorry I didn't even realize what time it was. I had an awful rest of my day and time just slipped away from me.” Y/N said, she felt so bad for forgetting to text Dean.
Disappointment laced Dean’s voice as he responded to her, “Oh, it’s okay. We can just reschedule or something, it's not a big deal.” Dean began to worry, he wondered if he was too forward with her. He began to pick at the leather in the seat of the impala as he waited for her to respond.
 “No! Sorry I didn’t mean that you can’t come over. I just feel bad I forgot to text you. I’ll send my address now, I still have time to get somewhat ready.” Dean held his phone between his shoulder and ear, throwing his car into reverse. 
“Don’t worry about getting ready or anything, I’m heading out now, how does pizza sound?” He asked as he pulled out of his driveway. 
“Sounds good, and maybe some wine?” Y/N asked, hoping he would say yes. She needs about 2 bottles to deal with the day she just had. 
“Yeah, I brought my whiskey with me but I can stop for you.” Dean said. 
“I am not a whiskey type of person, my body cannot handle it.” Y/N laughed as she began to quickly pick up her living room. 
“Darlin’, you just keep breaking my heart.” Dean laughed, those little crinkles undoubtedly forming around his eyes and Y/N wishes so bad she could see them right now. 
“I’ll be there in 30 sweetheart, see you soon.” 
“See you soon, Dean.”
Tag List:
@vampiregirl1797 @loki-laufeyson965​ @leigh70​
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nev3rfound · 3 years
glass : b.b
after a messy breakup with your boyfriend, you can’t help but be a tad bit reckless during a mission leaving bucky to help pick up the pieces and learn why you’re acting the way you are. (2.5k) 
warnings: mentions of blood, violence, wounds, breakups 
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
also hi, we’re almost at 5k which is amazing and i’m planning a little giveaway! sorry if i’ve been quiet this week, i have been hooked with the ‘shatter me’ series and i can’t get enough lmao. but i do have more pieces in the works :)
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Sitting in the Quinjet, you could barely register what Tony was saying as the words that were practically spat at you last night circulated your thoughts.
“Y/n?” You flinch at the call of your name, breaking you from the trance-like state you were in.
Steve smiles warmly as he takes the seat beside you as prying eyes watch closely, noting the change in your mood the moment you boarded the jet.
“Sorry,” You mutter to Steve. “late night.”
Nodding in response, Steve glances over to a concerned Bucky whose brows remain knitted together. Usually, you would sit with Bucky, joke around with him and Sam about all sorts. Yet today, you boarded the jet and sat alone, closing your eyes and blocked everyone out.
“Tell me ‘bout it.” Steve playfully huffs, trying to incite some form of reaction, but you remain silent. “Listen, if you wanna talk,”
“Thanks, Steve.” You cut him off, forcing your lips upward. “I’ll let you know if anything comes up.”
With that being his cue to leave you be, Steve shakes his head to Bucky as he wanders back toward Tony, organising the final details of the plan before you land.
“Okay team, descending now, arriving in less than ten.” Tony announces, ensuring he has everyone's attention- including yours. “So, Cap, you and Romanoff will head straight for the side entrance whilst Wilson and Barnes take the back. I want Y/L/N and Barton to head for the hostages.” Tony explains, watching as you all nod along.
“And what will you be doing, Tony?” Steve asks as he picks his shield up.
“I will be with Wanda,” Tony states as Wanda playfully salutes. “on standby in case something goes wrong.”
“Not that it will.” Wanda comments but quirks a brow to Sam who holds his hands up in defence.
“That was a one-time thing, witchy.” Sam retorts, causing Tony to roll his eyes once again at the team's antics.
“Anyway, get ready.” Tony finishes before retreating toward the pilot whilst everyone gathers their weapons.
Whilst grabbing your gun and placing it into your holster, you notice the small bruise forming on your wrist as your sleeve rises slightly. You quickly tug on it, thinking nothing of it as you reach for the set of knives you usually carry.
Yet Bucky noticed, it was impossible for Bucky to not notice the smallest of details about you. His heart ached at the sight. You’re known for being clumsy and would often laugh about the matter. If you got a bruise, you’d joke about it, explain how this one happened in another idiotic motion as opposed to hiding it.
“You ready for this one, Y/n?” Clint speaks up as he appears by your side, counting his arrows as you tighten your grip on your favourite knife, causing your knuckles to lighten in colour.
“As I’ll ever be.” You remark as the Quinjet door opens and you all walk out, splitting up into different directions.
It wasn’t supposed to happen, you weren’t prepared enough as a team for what you encountered inside the building.
You reached the hostages and quickly untied them. They thanked you senselessly whilst Clint remained on guard, keeping a close eye on the door as you helped them to their feet.
“Who are you?” One man speaks up, his voice hoarse as he grips your arms for dear life.
“We’re the Avengers.” You softly tell the man, watching as the fear in his expression lightens, and he starts to laugh maniacally in your face.
Trying to prise yourself from his grasp, his nails dig into your skin. “You made a mistake coming here.” He states, breaking his gaze from you momentarily, giving you a chance to slam your foot into his.
With the man's grip easing, you snap yourself from his embrace and hit him with the butt of your gun. He falls to the ground, and you raise your gun to everyone else in the room.
“Who else is a plant?” You ask, looking at all of the terrified faces staring back at you. “Who else?!” You repeat yourself, adrenaline rushing through you before you fire your gun into the ceiling as they all jump.
Clint whips his head around, evidently shocked having never seen you react this way before. “Y/n,” He speaks up, but you ignore him, keeping your attention fixated on the ‘hostages’ before you.
“No one, Ma’am.” A little girl announces as she releases her mother's hand, stepping toward you. She looks up at you with her bright brown eyes and holds her hand out. “Are you here to save us?” She questions.
Kneeling down in front of the girl, you smile softly, your cool exterior melting. “Yes, and you’re all going to be okay, I promise.” You tell her, breaking your gaze as you look around at everyone else.
“Y/n, now.” Clint states as you rise to your feet, holding your hand out to the little girl who gladly accepts.
“Okay, follow me, you’ll all be safe if you stay close.” You explain to the dozen hostages who huddle together, following behind you and Clint.
“Tony? We have them, there was a plant, tell the others.” Clint speaks through the comms as he walks ahead, his bow at the ready in case anyone else lingers in the corridors.
Glancing over your shoulder, you check to ensure the hostages are still with you. Whilst your head is turned, you hear Clint groan and fall to the ground with a thud.
“Clint?” You rush forward whilst the hostages remain still. Holding your gun up, you turn the corner, catching sight of a man stood with his gun aimed at Clint’s unconscious body. “Corridor seven, ground floor.” You speak up, hoping someone hears you through the comms.
The man before you smirks as his gun is now aimed at you whilst you mirror his actions, not daring to let your hands shake as his words ring through your ears.
“You really think that’s a wise move?” He asks, removing the safety from his gun.
“I’m not one to go down without a fight.” You state, hearing a collection of footsteps echo behind the man as a glint of metal flashes across your eyes.
The man's focus shifts to behind you, but his gun remains trained to you. “Ah, I see we have a friend.” He chuckles and you can feel your heart rate increasing as the little girl stands by your side.
“She has us.” The girl states, standing tall as the hostages emerge and gather behind you.
Sighing under his breath, the man clicks his tongue. “Well, this is sweet and all, but you’re not making it out of here alive.” He scoffs, lowering his gun to the little girl.
Everything plays too quickly for Bucky’s liking as he runs toward the man, his arms outstretched and fists clenched.
Upon watching the man pull back the trigger, you force the little girl back, feeling the impact of the bullet hit your stomach. Another shot rings through your ears, but you’re already down on the ground, curled up.
Bucky steps over the man's body, not caring to step in the blood that pools around his head as he rushes toward you.
“Hey, doll, stay awake for me, okay?” Bucky pleads, brushing your hair out of your face as he glances down, noticing your fingers are coated in crimson. “Sam, get Tony, now!” He yells, picking you up in his arms as both Steve and Natasha appear, taking in the sight before them.
Bucky looks over to Steve, and he doesn’t need to say anything. “Go, we’ll handle it.” Steve nods to Bucky as you hang in his arms, eyes barely open.
Rushing past the hostages who stare with wide eyes, Bucky keeps his on you. “Come on, Y/n,” Bucky mutters as the cool breeze hits his face, feeling you move in his arms and bury your face into his chest.
“I’m cold,” You mumble tiredly, barely able to keep your eyes open as they droop heavily. “just five minutes.”
“No, don’t you dare,” Bucky firmly tells you as the Quinjet comes into view, the sight of worry evident in Wanda’s expression as she meets Bucky halfway, guiding him into the jet.
“What happened?” Wanda asks as Bucky places you down on the ground, reaching for the medical supplies on board with urgency, ripping out various weapons and mechanical items until he finds some form of bandages.
“She tried to save a little girl,” Bucky sighs as Wanda cradles your head, her fingers hovering over your temples as a red glow forms whilst Bucky applies pressure to the wounds, watching as they soak instantly from your blood. “we, we have to go, now!” He yells to Wanda who barely flinches.
“Tony? Can you handle this?” Wanda questions through the comms.
“Just get Y/n back, we’ll sort this out.” Tony responds, trying to hide the fear in his tone for the younger Avenger, one he can’t help but view as a daughter in many respects.
“She wants to be strong,” Wanda whispers, hearing your thoughts as you drift further and further away from consciousness. “but she’s scared. I, I can hear his voice.” Wanda trails off as Bucky tenses up, knowing exactly who she means.
Bucky can feel his heartbreaking as the Quinjet flies through the air at an accelerated rate back to the compound.
“Oh Y/n, you’ve got so much coming for you,” Bucky takes one of your hands in his, gripping it tightly as he focuses on your face, the light disappearing from your complexion. “don’t go, not now, doll.”
Lying in your own bed, you remain in a deep sleep whilst Bucky hovers by your bedside. Ever since you were brought back and cleared, he insisted you’d feel more comfortable in your own room.
“Anything?” Wanda speaks up, peering in your doorway as your chest rises and falls rhythmically. Bucky shakes his head in response, aware of Wanda approaching your bed as she perches on the edge, her fingertips dancing over your head.
Wanda quickly pulls her hand away, the red wisps disappearing as she avoids Bucky’s cold gaze. “What is it?”
“I’m not sure,” Wanda mutters, moving your hair out of your face. “but something happened before the mission, something to do with him.” Wanda sighs. “I just, I can’t tell what it was.” She explains as Bucky keeps a straight face, unable to take his eyes off the various bruises now exposed on your skin, the cuts and scars forming alongside them.
“She’s always been agile on missions, even if she’s clumsy.” Bucky breathes out, uncrossing his arms from his chest. “But she’s careful, she’s always careful.” He repeats to himself, wondering why you’d risk yourself like that when it could’ve been avoided.
“I had to,” You mumble, your eyes now beginning to open as you look up to your two friends, forcing your lips upwards. “did I miss much?”
A chuckle escapes Wanda as she looks over to Bucky, seeing the concern in his face refusing to ease. “I’m sure Bucky will fill you in.” Wanda tells you as she touches your hand before heading to the door. “It’s good to see you awake, Y/n/n.” She smiles at you whilst Bucky slowly moves closer to your bed, his legs leaning against the frame.
“So,” You sigh, still feeling your muscles burning beneath the covers on top of you. “is everyone safe?”
Trying to hold back the scoff building, Bucky simply nods.
“Good,” You nod to yourself, a sense of relief crossing your system. “I’m glad it worked out.”
“Worked out?” Bucky snaps, noting your eyes widening as you struggle to sit upright without wincing. “No, don’t try and move,” His voice softens momentarily, forcing you to remain still. “Y/n, you think almost dying is a mission ‘working out', really?” He huffs loudly.
“Look, the hostages are safe, the team holding them was taken care of so yes, Bucky, I do think it worked out.” You bark back, your tone rising.
“God, you’re an idiot sometimes.” Bucky remarks, turning away from you as you look down at your lap.
“Max said that too,” You mumble.
Turning on his heels, Bucky focuses on you closely. “He said what?”
It was no secret Bucky wasn’t the fondest of your now ex-boyfriend, Max. He tolerated him for your sake, not wanting to lose your best friend in the midst of a relationship. But Max was never the most understanding, and this is just another reason Bucky mentally adds to his list of why Max was a lousy boyfriend.
“Forget it,” You brush it off, refusing to meet Bucky’s cold blue eyes. “it was nothing, I went to get the last of my things the other night and, and we had an argument.”
“What did he say to you, Y/n?” Bucky persists as he now sits down on your bed, his hands remaining in his own lap as you play with yours, fidgeting.
“He said I’m too fragile for my own good,” You admit, hearing his bitter words ringing through your head. “that I’m weak, and I shouldn’t even be an Avenger.”
Bucky can feel his blood boiling, the list in his mind becoming mere shreds of paper as he imagines what he’ll do to Max if he sees him again.
“And maybe I am, he said I’m broken goods,” You add, lifting the sheets from your body to reveal the stitching in your skin where the bullet was. “what difference does one more scar make?”
“You don’t believe him, do you doll?” Bucky asks sadly, afraid he already knows the answer.
Your prolonged silence only causes Bucky’s heart to sink further into his chest.
“Y/n,” Bucky speaks up, taking your hand in his. “you’re not broken goods, you’re not made of glass that shatters easily.” He explains, unable to meet your teary gaze. “You’re one of the strongest, most selfless people I’ve ever met, you’re not fragile, doll.” He rubs his thumb over the top of your hand, avoiding the fresh scuffs lacing your knuckles.
“You think so?” You whisper as tears fall down your cheeks before you can stop them.
Now catching your eyes, Bucky smiles softly. “I do, Y/n.” He admits, watching you struggle to shuffle in your bed as you force back a whimper.
Patting the spot beside you, Bucky raises a brow. “Will you stay, Bucky, please?” You whisper, too afraid of your own voice.
“As long as you know you’re worth so much more than him, Y/n, okay?” Bucky asks as he lifts his arm up, wrapping it around you as you curl up into his chest. “You deserve the world, doll.” He mutters, feeling your grip around his waist loosen as your breathing softens. “And I promise to show you someday.”
Bucky brushes his lips across your forehead as light snores leave your lips, unaware of the promise Bucky has made to you and intends to keep it.  
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter is the only one of the Avengers who doesn’t tease you for being a little slow 
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Now you weren’t exactly dumb.
You were just a little slow.
When you joined the Avengers last year, the team learned pretty quickly that your mind moved at a different pace than everyone else. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing and it didn’t keep you from doing your job, it just meant you were the butt of most of the jokes. Every time one of your blunders happened, your intelligence would be mocked in some way. You knew it was all in good fun, but it hurt to it feelings every now and then. The only person who never poked fun at you was Peter. And for that reason, he was your favorite on the team.
“How are there 23 minutes left in this movie and I still don’t know any of the characters names?” Steve wondered as you all sat in the couch in Stark Towers, watching a movie on a particularly rainy afternoon.
“I think the main kids name is Phoenix. That’s all I got though.” Sam shook his head, just as confused as Steve.
“The dogs name is Benson.” Bucky mumbled quietly.
“Who names their kid Phoenix?” Peter wondered out loud as he shoveled popcorn into his mouth. The two of you were tucked into the corner of the couch, sharing a blanket and bowl of popcorn. You looked at him like he was crazy when you heard his question.
“Ummm, Joaquin Phoenix’s parents.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You turned your attention back to the movie as a silence settled in the room. You felt everyone’s eyes on you after a minute and looked around to see everyone staring at you with a dumbfounded expression.
“What?” You asked shyly, shrinking down a little in your seat in discomfort.
“That’s his last name.” Sam stated, chuckling a little under his breath. You realized your mistake and felt your face heat up.
“Oh.” You mumbled, your voice getting drowned out as the rest of the Avengers laughed at your expense.
“Did she really just say that?” Nat looked at the group with a playful smile. Everyone, excluding Peter, nodded as their laughter died down.
“Oh my God.” Steve chuckled. “That’s so stupid.”
There was that word again.
He didn’t mean it maliciously. Steve was the kinda of guy who ushered spiders into a magazine so he could let them outside. And yet, it still stung when he said that word.
You smiled sheepishly and tried to focus on the movie, snuggling closer to Peters side until it ended. You were fully aware that he was the only one who didn’t laugh, and you loved him that.
And maybe you loved him for a few other reasons too.
“Alright. Who has money for the subway?” Sam asked the group as he patted his empty pockets. You were on another late night trip to get cookies from a specific shop in Times Square, leaving without Tony’s knowledge. Everyones hands went to their pockets and collectively made a face.
“Not me.” Rhodey shrugged.
“I don’t have any.” Bruce added.
“I don’t even have pockets.” Nat realized.
“I have gum.” Peter proudly produced a silver wrapper from his pocket. “Oh wait, it’s just a wrapper.”
“You’re telling me we’re earth’s mightiest heroes and we’re broke?” Sam shook his head is disdain.
“I gave my last dollar to a guy in the subway for playing music.” Peter defended himself.
“What was he playing?” You asked him as you tiredly leaned against his arm.
“A mandolin.” Peter answered, making your face scrunch up.
“That’s a language.” You laughed at him slightly, feeling empowered by having the upper hand. Everyone looked at you and a few of them snorted.
“Mandarin is a language.” Bruce said gently, not wanting to embarrass you further. “Not mandolin.” 
“What?” You blinked in confusion and looked to Peter for answers.
“A mandolin is an instrument, dummy.” Sam chortled. You smiled tightly as the group laughed at your mistake, looking down to hide your blush.
“Oh. Sorry. My bad.” You laughed shyly as you tucked your hair behind your ear and pretending to read a nearby sign.
“That’s okay.” Peter spoke up in your defense. “They sound really similar. Plus like, French, French Horn. Who knows what’s going on?”
“Yeah.” Bucky said softly. “Or like, bra’s aren’t pointy anymore.”
Bruce nodded like it made perfect sense and Sam just shook his head as he texted.
“What?” You whispered to Peter, not knowing what he meant.
“He’s from the 1920s. He’s still adjusting.” Peter whispered to you out of the corner of his mouth before looking at Bucky. “That’s the spirit. Kind of.”
“FRIDAY is sending a car.” Sam informed the group. “This is never happening again. The cookies aren’t that good.”
“They’re pretty good.” Rhodey shrugged, but wanting the late Nate tradition to end. Sam looked at him for a moment before breaking into a smile.
“Hell yeah they are. Let’s do this again tomorrow.”
Bruce found you in the lab the next day with a pin between your teeth and a pencil behind your ear. Papers with drawings of suits were scattered around the table as you measured a piece of black fabric.
“What are you doing?” Bruce wondered as he took a seat across from you. You glanced up at him before marking a dot on the fabric.
“Mr. Stark asked me to help him with the new suits. I’m trying to make a fabric template for Nat’s gloves.” You told him as you smoothed the fabric out.
“Is it hard?” He asked, watching you intently as you worked.
“Not really.” You shrugged and took a step back to examine your work. “Okay. How many holes do we need? 1,2,3,4,5.” You counted your fingers. “Okay. Five holes.”
You sat back down and put five dots where her fingers would be to mark where you had to cut. You heard a slight chuckle from Bruce and looked up at him curiously.
“Did you just count your fingers?” He asked slowly, wanting to make sure he saw what he thought he had. “To know how many fingers Nat has?”
Your face burned when you realized how dumb you looked, in front of a scientific genius no less.
“Oh, Uh, yeah.” You stammered, feeling very insecure with him watching you now. You moved slower than before and second guessed moves you’d already made a hundred times. Bruce sensed your discomfort and got out of his seat, tapping the table twice as he thought.
“Have you ever heard the expression “the lights are on but nobody’s home’?” He asked you and you were grateful he changed the subject.
“Yeah, I think I have.” You smiled, proud of yourself for knowing something.
“It reminds me of you.” Bruce said so politely that you didn’t realize it was an insult at first. He left the lab to find Tony, leaving you feeling embarrassed and a little hurt. Everyone knew Bruce could hurt you ten times worse with his words than the Hulk could with his fists, you’d just never been his target before. You slumped down in your seat and continued making the gloves, your mood significantly dampened from before he came in the room.
You walked into the kitchen the next morning, sleepily rubbing your eyes. You pressed a chaste kiss on Peters shoulder as you passed him, also more affectionate to your best friend when you were half asleep. You smiled at Rhodey, who was seated at the bar and skimming through a newspaper.
“Did you eat yet?” You asked him through a yawn as you got out yogurt and fruit for yourself.
“No. I needed my coffee first.” He smiled sleepily at you and held up his mug.
“Oh, you mean your sugar with a spoonful of coffee?” You teased him. “Yeah, it’s good you got that out of the way.”
“I prefer it this way. The sugar wakes me up.” Peter defended his drink as he took a sip.
“That’s what the caffeine is supposed to do, mi amor.” You laughed as you ruffled his bed head ridden hair. He was about to make a comeback when his stomach rumbles loudly.
“Someone’s hungry.” You remarked. “Do you want eggs?”
“No thanks.” Peter shook his head. “I can’t eat eggs alone.”
“Well I’m here. And Rhodey’s right there, so you’re not alone.” You told him. “And I can grab Steve and Bucky. They’re just in the other room.”
Rhodey looked up from his newspaper with raised eyebrows and looked at Peter. Peter set his mug down and made a face at Rhodey that told him not to say anything. You looked between the two of them in confusion as you wondered what was going on.
“I meant alone as in without toast, sweetness.” Peter said gently, not wanting you to feel dumb for misunderstanding. “But I am glad you’re here.”
“Oh.” You faked a smile and shrugged like it was no big deal. Peter had handled the situation with ease and you didn’t feel as embarrassed as you normally would. That is until…
“You know, Y/n, it’s a good thing you’re pretty.” Rhodey nodded before going back to his newspaper. You froze with your spoonful of yogurt midway to your mouth and looked at him. He didn’t actually call you dumb, but it was implied. You looked at Peter to see if he was thinking the same thing, but his face had nothing but kindness on it.
“You are pretty.” He agreed with Rhodey. “But you’re a lot of other things too.”
You cracked a smile and rubbed his back for a moment in appreciation.
“Thanks Peter.” You said softly and went back to your breakfast. Not wanting to worry him, you ignored the way Rhodey’s comment made you feel and tried to push it from your mind. But no hard you tried to focus on other things, you had one thought prodding at the back of your head.
You were dumb.
A week went by without anyone poking fun at your intelligence. You had a sneaking suspicion Peter had something to do with the lack of comments, but you said nothing. It was nice to have a break from all the teasing and it made hanging out with the team more enjoyable. You all lingered around the kitchen one day, eating all different kinds of lunch when Tony came in the room.
“Eat up, funky bunch.” He clapped his hands. “We have a mission in Alaska to train for and I need all hands on deck. Cap, do you think you can teach Peter that spinny thingy you do?”
“I can try.” Steve looked at Peter and nodded.
“Great. I’m getting a manicure. I’ll be back around noon.” Tony informed you all.
“Wait, I thought you said all hands on deck.” You tilted your head at him.
“I did. Which I why I have to make sure my hands look the best.” Tony waved flirtatiously, wiggling his fingers around like a teenage girl. He smirked as his action was met with some eye rolls and a few chuckles before leaving the room.
“I can’t believe we’re going to Alaska.” Peter nudged you excitedly and you smiled with glee.
“Is Alaska the same as the North Pole? Or am I thinking of Antarctica?” Sam wondered out loud.
“No. The North Pole is all the way at the top. Alaska is below California. Like by Texas.” You said confidently, proud that you knew information that someone else didn’t. Your pride quickly dissipated when you saw the teams faces twist in amusement.
“Wait a minute.” Steve looked at you like you were joking. You shrugged, letting him know you weren’t. Sam burst out laughing and clapped his hands as the rest of the team began to laugh.
“Absolutely not.” Sam grinned as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“Yes it is.” You insisted. “Look at any US map. It’s on the bottom by Hawaii.”
You were getting angry now. You knew you were right this time and they were still teasing you.
“No.” Bucky shook his head is dismissal. “No.”
“Alaska is below California on every map I’ve ever seen. You’re telling me I’m wrong?” You our your hand on your hip and stared at them.
“100%. I am 100% telling you you’re wrong.” Sam said between his laughter. Peter came to your side and showed you a picture of a map on his phone.
“Alaska is US territory but it’s not connected to the rest of the states. They just put it below California on maps to show it’s a part of the US. Thats not actually where it’s located.” He said quietly. You looked at the map for a few seconds before you realized he was right. And if he was right…
You were wrong.
“Oh.” You smiled apologetically and averted your eyes. “Oops.”
You turned around and pretending to clean up the kitchen to hide your searing blush. Your fingers clenched around your sponge when you heard the teasing laughter from behind you.
“Sometimes I wonder how you made it out of high school.” Steve joked as he threw out the crusts of his sandwich. The comment stung you and you began to scrub the counter faster so you could leave the room sooner. Peter could see your shoulders tense and put a reassuring hand on your back. You gave him a tight lipped smiled before putting your dish in the sink.
“I’m still wondering how she made it out of first grade.” Nat teased you and she poked your side.
“I can’t believe she made it out of the womb in the first place with nobody telling her where to go.” Sam said, making everyone laugh loudly. You abruptly threw a dish in the sink, making everyone go silent. You tuned around slowly and faked a smile.
“Haha. Yeah.” You forced a laugh. “I’ll catch you guys later.”
You swiftly left the room before anyone could catch your tears. You felt stupid for even getting upset over it, but their words hurt. Feeling like you were always the dumbest person in the room was taking a toll on you, especially when you weren’t the only one who felt that way. Peter watched you leave with sympathetic eyes, feeling his own frustration bubble at the sound of the team laughing at you. He thought they had listened the first time he told them to stop making fun of you, but they clearly hadn’t. After seeing the pained look on your face, Peter made a decision.
It was never going to happen again.
“Ugh. I’m never gonna get this right.” Peter groaned as he messed up the move Steve was trying to teach him once again.
“You’re getting too much inside your head. Just let it happen naturally.” Steve instructed as he resumed his stance. Peter tried the move again, wiping out and landing on his side with a thud. You watched him out of the corner of your eye as you spared with Nat.
“I can’t.” Peter got up and rubbed his arm. “I can’t do it.”
Steve nodded, like he was accepting Peters defeat. You stopped sparing and looked at Peter.
“Yes you can. Come on, Peter.” You encouraged him. “Everyone told Van Gogh that he couldn’t be an artist because he only had one ear but he did it anyway.”
The room feel silent, as it often did when you spoke, and everyone looked down.
“Oh dear Lord.” Rhodey sighed and hung his head and he snickered. You could see everyone else fighting back laughter or cracking a smile, yet saying nothing.
“What?” You crossed your arms in annoyance, looming to Peter for help.
“He chopped his ear off after becoming an artist.” Peter said kindly. “He wasn’t born without one.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Tony beat you to it.
“Speaking of ears, do you think of you shone a light in one of Y/n’s ears, it would come out the other ear?” Tony quipped, making everyone laugh. The tips of your ears burned as that feeling of stupidity sunk in again. You undid the Velcro on your boxing gloves and pretended to wipe sweat from your face as you rushed to the bin where the gloves went. You kept your back to the group and pretending to be putting your gloves away when you were really concealing your pained expression.
“Yes.” Nat jeered. “Yes I do.”
Your shoulders slumped with exhaustion as you turned around, making every effort to keep your face neutral. Your face didn’t give away any signs of sadness, but your knuckles turning white from how hard you were gripping the bin gave your true feelings away. Peter noticed this and felt his jaw clench. If you weren’t gonna tell them to stop, he was.
“Leave her alone, guys.” He commanded the crowd before looking at you. “Thanks for the encouragement, Y/n. I’m gonna keep trying.”
“It’s fine.” You nodded curtly. “I’m gonna hit the showers. I’ll see you guys at dinner.”
You walked out of the gym, pausing in place when you heard Sams voice.
“Hit the showers?” He laughed. “We just started.”
“Shhh. Don’t confuse the poor girl any further.” Bruce joked back. You looked back at the gym with your eyebrows knit together, taking a quiet step closer to hear what they were saying about you without you there.
“She’s probably like, ‘whats this magic closet that makes rain?’” Rhodey imitated your voice, making you sound as dense as possible.
“Knock it off guys. It’s not funny.” Peter snapped, but the teasing continued.
“Or like, ‘this shampoo says it adds volume, but I used it and I can’t hear any louder than before’.” Tony mocked you, skipping around a little like a child. Your face contorted in misery as they made fun of you. You knew who they really were, and they were good people. They didn’t intend to hurt your feelings, they were only joking around like they did with everyone. Steve was teased all the time for his old fashioned dialect and no one lets Tony live down the kimono incident. Still, all their insults and mockery cut you like a knife.
“Ahh, I love that girl.” Nat shook her head with a smile. “She’s so dumb.”
“She may be slow, but she’s entertaining as hell.” Sam nodded in agreement.
“I said knock it off.” Peter repeated, getting a reaction this time.
“Aw. Peters mad because we’re teasing his girlfriend.” Nat pouted and pinched Peters cheek. She quickly realized how wholesome she was being and punched Bucky in the face to maintain her lethal assassin persona.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter grumbled. Now that you were out of the room, he was the next target.
“He’s right. Hey, maybe that’s why you guys haven’t gotten together yet.” Rhodey shrugged. “She’s too stupid to realize you’re in love with her.”
That was all you had to hear. You ran towards your with tears running down your face. Thanks to Peters advanced heating, he heard every heavy footstep.
“Okay. Maybe she is a little slow.” Peter shook his head in disdain at the team. “But you guys are idiots.”
You were quiet the entire way to Alaska, keeping to yourself and silently looking out the window. Peter attempted to talk to you once or twice, but he could tell you wanted to be alone. The Avengers completed the mission within a few hours with minor damage to the area. Peter focused on his job but found himself looking for you every now and then, being as you usually stayed together during missions. He didn’t see you anywhere and assumed you were doing your own thing on the other side of the field. He heart rest assured when he saw you boarding the jet, still looking reserved and aloof from the rest of the team. You took a seat by the window and rested your chin on your hand, looking out at the bleak landscape in front of you as the jet took off. Peter didn’t engage in small talk with the rest of the team and wistfully stared at you instead, silently willing you to cheer up.
“I think that went pretty well.” Rhodey nodded and the team agreed. “But where were you the whole time, Y/n? Picking daisies?”
Peter held his breath as you slowly turned around. You gave Rhodey a frigid smile and shook your head.
“We came during a blizzard so I used my powers to create a heated force field around the area we were in to prevent frostbite and give you guys and easier time seeing in the snow. We were also at a higher altitude than any of us are used to so I kept the air pressure to sea level standard.” You said simply. “And I assumed there would be smoke from the battle so I rounded up the nearby animals and made a separate for field around them to protect their lungs.”
The room went silent, something you were used to at this point. But instead of everyone falling silent because they were laughing at you, they were impressed.
“Oh.” Rhodey blinked in surprise, not expecting the answer he was given.
“I also picked this flower.” You smiled proudly as you produced a Forget Me Not from your lap. Peter couldn’t keep the grin from breaking through on his face. You were the center of attention once again, but in a good way this time. Everyone was pleasantly surprised with what you had done and it showed.
“I didn’t think about the altitude.” Nat realized.
“I had no idea there was a blizzard.” Steve added, looking dumbfounded.
“Because I kept you from knowing.” You shrugged. “I wanted you guys to focus on the mission.”
“I mean, I knew. I just didn’t tell you guys because I was so distracted by my buffed and polished nails.” Tony twiddled his fingers again, showing off his freshly manicured nails. You all laughed, breaking the tension in the jet.
“Well look at that.” Sam looked impressed. “Y/n knew something we didn’t.”
It was almost a compliment, but it still made you feel insecure. You didn’t want it to be this mind boggling every time you did something useful.
“Thanks, Y/n. That was really smart.” Peter said softly as he patted your knee. You put your hand over his and squeezed it. It was the first time someone called your smart, and it made you feel good.
“It was really smart.” Sam said skeptically. He stared at you for a moment before poking your side.
“What are you doing?” You swatted his hand away.
“Just making sure you’re still in there.” He eyed you suspiciously. Peter could sense the attention was making you uncomfortable and changed the subject.
“Are we almost home?” He asked Tony before peering out the window. The flight was a little over 7 hours on a normal plane, but the Stark jet was much quicker. The flight would only take a few hours, but Peter was not known for being patient.
“Yes, Peter. We are almost back at the tower. You can get your diaper changed and your bottle as soon as we get back.” Tony sassed him, making him shrink in his seat. Your body language had completely changed and your were now sitting straight, facing the group. Peter was glad you were feeling better and didn’t even mind Tony’s comment.
“Guys, let’s be civil. We’re all tired. We all want to get home.” You said calmly. “Let’s just focus on how pretty the sky looks tonight. Isn’t is pretty, Peter?”
He gazed at your profile as you looked out the window at the stars, admiring how pretty you looked from the side.
“Yeah. It’s beautiful.” He conceded without ever taking his eyes off you. You shot him a smile before looking straight ahead at the dashboard.
“Wow, the moon is huge!” You pointed time a large yellow crescent that could be seen through the window.
“That’s literally the reflection of my banana on the windshield.” Tony deadpanned. He may have been right, but it still looked pretty.
“Should we make a wish?” You asked Peter, ignoring Tony’s comment.
“On the banana?” He asked.
“Yes.” You nodded. “On the banana.”
“Why?” Rhodey asked. “It’s not like people wish on the moon.”
“It feels like we should.” You said with confidence.
“Yep. She’s still in there.” Sam chuckled. And just like that, your confidence receded.
“I hate it here.” Bucky sighed heavily and tuned out of the conversation.
“It must be so peaceful being you, Y/n.” Tony remarked.
“Why do you say that?” You wondered.
“Because instead of thinking about your problems and mistrials, you simply don’t think at all.” Tony said suavely. In only a better for minutes, you’d gone from being the hero to the laughing stock of the group. The sly comments and taunting laughter made you feel like you should stop opening your mouth entirely. You faked a smile and turned back towards the window, tuning out the rest of the way home. Peter chewed his lip as he stared at you, feeling useless to helping you out. The team just wouldn’t let up, no matter how many times he told them to stop. Knowing you weren’t in the mood to talk, he scooted closer to you and put a comforting hand on your back. You smiled warmly at him and rested your head on his shoulder, listening to him point out the constellations the whole way home.
The next day, you and Peter were sitting in the balcony, working on some new gadgets for Mr. Stark when Peter made a startling discovery.
“Where’s my right web shooter?” Peter stood up in a panic when he realized it was missing. “I left it right here.”
“Maybe a bird carried it off.” You shrugged as you twisted a tiny screw into Peters left web shooter.
“I’m being serious, Y/n.” Peter stated. “Mr. Stark is going to kill me and turn me into a decorative rug if I lost it.”
“I’m being serious too. We live in New York and I see birds around here all the time.” You told him as you continued your work. “And you know the pigeons here are feral. A bird probably stole it to pay for his child support.”
Peter usually entertained your antics and joined in with his own batch of sarcasm, but he wasn’t in the mood. His web shooter was missing and their were actual stakes involved. Without his web shooter, he couldn’t be Spiderman. And without Spider-Man, he couldn’t be an Avenger.
“Can you be serious for once?“ Peter whined, picking up everything on the table to look under it.
“I’m just saying it’s possible, Peter. You never know.” You insisted as you put your screw driver down to help him look. You began looking in the flower pots on the windowsill that you and Peter had planted. Peter stopped his search for a moment, growing angry with you for wasting time. He didn’t know if you were joking around or genuine believed his web shooter was in the flower pots, but it made him frustrated nonetheless. A combination of his lack of sleep and stress over losing the webshooter manifested into a moment of unchecked rage.
“No, it’s not possible.” He snapped. “A bird didn’t steal my web shooter. God, do you have to be so stupid?” 
 The word hung in the air for a moment, settling in to the both of you. Peters eyes immediately softened, feeling instant regret for what he had said. You stopped trifling through the plants and slowly turned around.
“What?” You asked quietly. Peter tightened his lips into a line and tried to justify what he had said.
“I try to defend you but you make it so hard. Can you help me out a little here and not be so…” He trailed off when he realized he had only made it worse. Your face hardened and you looked disappointed in Peter, which killed him. He would have preferred anger or even sadness, but the disappointment killed him.
“So what?” You shrugged. “Finish your sentence Peter.”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“No, really, go ahead.” You stated coldly. “You got this far. So what, Peter?”
He looked at you for a moment, getting that feeling of wishing you could turn back time just a few seconds to fix a mistake.
“So dumb all the time.” He finished his sentence with an unsteady voice. Your face scrunched up in a pained expression as you sucked in and let out a shaky breath.
“You were the only one who never called me that.” You whimpered before moving past him and going inside. Peter watched you through the open balcony doors as you disappeared into the hallway with a heavy heart. His mouth was open to apologize, but you were long gone. He’d seen you being ridiculed so many times already, and now he was the one doing it. All that talk about it never happening again, only for him to be the reason it happened. Peter couldn’t live with himself for another minute without you knowing how sorry he was. He took a step towards the doorway until he heard a pigeon land on the table. He watched it curiously for a moment as it pecked at the screwdriver you had been using before picking it up with its beak. It flew over to the edge and began to walk along the railing, still keeping the screwdriver in his mouth. Peter followed the pigeon, walking all the way down the balcony to find a large nest in the corner. He watched as it dropped the screwdriver into its nest, right next to his web shooter.
“Holy shit. A bird stole my web shooter.” Peter said in disbelief. Peter watched as baby pigeons poked out from inside the web shooter to greet the other pigeon.
“Holy shit. A bird stole my web shooter for his kids.” Peters eyes widened even more than they already were. Realized struck him and his shoulders slumped.
“She was right.” He mumbled, angry at himself more than ever. “I yelled at her and she was right.”
Peter wasted no time in rescuing his web shooter from the birds, offering them a nice biodegradable coffee cup in its place, and ran to the kitchen to make you a peace offering. He knocked softly on your door and didn’t wait for an answer before going in.
“I made you this cup of tea as an apology.” Peter stiffly held out a mug with an awkward smile on his face. You looked at Peter from your bed, eyes puffy like you had been crying. You stared at each other for a long time, you with a death glare and Peter with his awkward smile. Neither of you said a word as Peter continued to hold out the mug. After two full minute of silence, a bead of sweat ran down Peters face as he looked around nervously, never breaking his smile. You let out an angry sigh and decided to throw him a bone, crossing the room to accept his mug. You looked into the cup for a moment before looking back at Peter.
“This is empty.” You deadpanned.
“I don’t know how to make tea.” Peter whispered, never breaking eye contact.
“I’ve seen you make it.” You snapped.
“I forgot how to do it.” Peters eyes shifted nervously to the side.
“Bucky was in the kitchen, wasn’t he?”
“I know he hates me.” Peter talked over you as you groaned. “I know he does.”
“Just go away.” You tried to close the door but he kept it open.
“No.” Peter said firmly. “I came in here to apologize.”
“You see this?” You held up the mug for a Peter to see. “It’s my cup of care. And look at that” ,you dumped the cup over, “it’s empty.”
Peter stared at your demonstration with raised eyebrows, surprised that you were still able to be sarcastic when he hurt you. Peter took the mug from your hands and set it on the ground before slowly looking up at your face.
“You’re not stupid.” He said softly with all the sincerity his heart could give. You scoffed and folded your arms, looking to the side when you felt tears sting your eyes.
“Yes I am.” You said like you fully believed it, which was Peters worse fear. “Everyone says so. Even you.”
It hit Peter like a sheet of glass when you looked at him like that.
Like he was someone you didn’t want around.
“I didn’t mean to say that.” Peter apologized. “That is not how I feel. At all.”
“Don’t act like you’ve never thought about saying that before.” You laughed sadly. “Everyone on the team calls me dumb. It was only a matter of time before you did it too.”
“I didn’t mean it.” Peter repeated. “I don’t think you’re stupid.”
“Bullshit.” You snapped. “You’re so full of bullshit.”
“I’m not full of bullshit.” He whined like a child and gave you puppy dog eyes. “I’m full of regret.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek as he gave you his best pout, willing you to forgive him. Finally, you caved and cracked a smile.
“I hate you.” You stamped your foot and hung your head, frustrated with yourself for not being able to stay mad at him. Peter opened his arms and you walked into them, arms still folded angrily. You bumped your forehead against his shoulder before moving to rest your chin on it as he wrapped his arms around you. Peter nestled against your hair and sighed, happy that you had forgiven him but still saddened that he had hurt you in the first place. He could see the pile of used tissues on your bed and it killed him to know he made you cry.
“I didn’t mean to call you that. I really didn’t.” He said softly. “I’m the one who’s been trying to stop people from saying that.”
“But they still do it.” You sniffled. “Everyday I get called dumb or stupid or scalene.”
“I think it’s obtuse, not scalene.” Peter reluctantly corrected you. You pulled away and little and let Peter wipe the tears from your face.
“Maybe they’re right.” You shrugged and looked Peter in the eyes. “Maybe I am dumb.”
Peter kept your face between his hands, staring at you for a moment before sighing.
“I once sneezed so many times in a row that I peed my pants.” Peter deadpanned. “I was 17.”
“What?” You chuckled as you wiped your nose.
“I saw Bucky try to take a piece of toast out of the toaster with his metal arm and electrocute himself.” He continued. “And I constantly see Tony bumping into glass doors.”
“I don’t understand.” You squinted your eyes, but sure what point he was trying to make.
“Steve still picks up the phone and asks for the operator. Nat leaves her curling iron plugged in all the time. I do not think Sam knows the address of where we live and I’m pretty sure Rhodey can’t do laundry. He gets all his stuff dry cleaned, even his socks.”
“Why are you telling me all of this?” You asked.
“Because were all dumb.” Peter concluded. “We all do and say dumb things. You don’t know where Alaska is and no one in this tower can read analog clocks. If we’re all dumb, then maybe none of us are dumb. Or we all are. Who cares?” Peter shrugged, making you laugh. “And you were right. A bird did carry off my web shooter. So no, you’re no dumb. Or stupid. Or obtuse. You’re, uh, you- you…” Peter looked down at he fumbled over his words.
“I’m what?” You raised an eyebrow. You could finish his sentence last time, but this time you were lost.
“You’re…” Peter tampered off again, staring at your confused expression for a moment before pulling you into a kiss. Your hands clenched into a fist and slowly uncurled as you relaxed into the kiss. Peter pulled away too soon and let his eyes flutter open. They met yours and you shared a moment of hesitation, not knowing what happened rest next.
“I’m gonna be honest lovey, I didn’t really have an ending to that sentence.” Peter chris joes softly, his breath fanning your face. “That was mainly improv.”
“You’re pretty good at improv, Parker.” You cracked a smile and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“I did a little bit of theater in high school.” He shrugged smugly, making you giggle.
“Mmm. I severely don’t want to hear about that.” You teased before kissing him again.
“Oh, I think you do.” Peter remarked. “Because I once went to the bathroom during intermission with my mic still on and the entire audience heard me peeing.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed. “You’re so stupid.”
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7K notes · View notes
megslovesbooks · 2 years
5x17 spec fic
I couldn’t sleep last night so here’s 1k on a split second shot from the trailer for next week. This is who I am now I guess. 
The phone rings just past three in the morning, but Buck isn’t really asleep. 
He’s stretched out on the couch, one arm tucked behind his head, and so far all he’s been able to manage is a light doze.He’ll be sorry when the alarm goes off at 5:30, when he has to get a sleepy eleven year old up and washed and fed for school. He needs sleep, it refuses to come. 
He knows part of it is this god awful couch, which has–if possible, only gotten more uncomfortable in the last year. His back is already stiff and it’s only the second night of the week he’s agreed to watch Chris while Eddie is visiting his parents. He also knows that Eddie fully intended him to sleep in the bedroom, had said as much when he told Buck he’d put clean sheets on the bed. But somehow, in the quiet of the house after Chris had gone to sleep that first night…Buck just couldn’t do it. He’d stood in the bedroom doorway, gaze fixed on the slate gray comforter Eddie had insisted on when they’d shopped for a new bedroom set a few months ago. It looks cozy and soft, but something lurking just under Buck’s skin also tells him it looks dangerous. It feels dangerous. 
He decides to sleep on the couch.
So when the phone rings on the second night of his stay at three in the morning, Buck has to scramble to where it's plugged in just out of reach. He’s afraid he’ll miss whoever it is before he can pick up, but when his fingers close around the phone Eddie’s name is bright against the background. He swipes open the call.
“Eddie?” His voice is more breathy than he’d like, between the lunge for the phone and the sudden anxiety that’s thrumming through his chest. For a moment there is silence, and Buck starts to think he’s been butt dialed, but then he hears the shaky exhalation of breath.
“Ed’s?” He says again, anxiety ticking up into panic, “What’s wrong?”
“Hey.” Eddie says, and his voice sounds—wrong.  Not upset exactly, but thin, fragile in a way it hasn’t been in weeks and weeks.
“Hey.” Buck breathes when Eddie doesn't continue. “Hey. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry to call so late.” Eddie says, in the background Buck can hear voices, they sound familiar but he can’t put his finger on why. “I uh—“ he breaks off and the voice in the background chimes again. Cold dread washes through Buck as the sound clicks into place. It’s a PA system. A hospital PA system.
“Where are you?” He says, more forcefully than he intends to. “Eddie what’s happened?”
“It’s uh, it’s my dad.” Eddie says, and Buck hates the small wave relief that trickles through him, because as bad as this may be about to become, at least he knows Eddie isn’t bleeding out 800 miles away. “He had a heart attack, Buck. It’s…I don’t know, it’s…” 
“Ok.” Buck says, even though it isn’t. “Ok. What do you need? I can get Chris up, we can be on a plane by breakfast.”
“No.” The word is sharp, almost vicious. There is the sound of another shaky breath. “No.” Eddie says again, more measured. “We don’t know enough yet. I can’t ask you to do that when we don’t even know…”
“You don’t have to ask Eddie. I’d do it anyway.”
“Yeah.” Eddie says, and there’s something aching in the tone of his voice. “But I don’t want to worry Chris until we know more. It could be nothing.”
It could be something, the worst kind of something. They both know it. They don’t say it.  
“I should know more tomorrow. We’ll figure out what to do from there.” Eddie says, and Buck can hear the effort to be calm and collected in his voice. 
“Alright.” Buck says, bringing up one hand to scrub at his eye. “While Chris is at school tomorrow I’ll pack us a bag, so we can just jump in the car and go if we need to.”  He hesitates for a moment before asking, “What should I tell him?” 
Over the line Eddie sighs and Buck wishes he could see his face. 
“Nothing yet. I need–I need a better picture first. I’ll call you.” 
“Ok.” Buck says, and then when there is silence on the other end of the call, “How are you?”
There is a long moment where neither of them speak. Buck can feel Eddie wrestling with what he wants to say, can practically see the way the words ‘I’m fine’ are forming on his lips. They’ve been through a lot the past few months though, and Buck hopes…he hopes…
“Not great.”  Eddie says at last, the words slipping free breathless and sour. 
“Yeah.” Buck sighs, because of course, of course. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” then, “Not…yet.”
“Ok.” Later is good. They can work with later. “I’m here Eds, whatever you need. Whenever you need.” He wants to say ‘it's all going to be ok’ or ‘you’re dad’s strong, he’ll be fine”, but he doesn't know if either of those things are true, and they’ve been trying not to lie to each other anymore. “Call me anytime, ok? Or say the word and I’m on a flight. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m right here.” 
“I know,” Eddie’s voice is thick and Buck has to clench his free hand into a fist, he’s so desperate to reach out. “I know you are Buck.”  He pulls in a wet breath then says, “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” It's too small a word for all the things rising in his chest. It will have to do. “You want to hear about the latest middle school drama? Apparently that girl April in Chris’ english class is at it again.”  This makes Eddie laugh, and it's a small fragile thing, but it warms Buck down to his toes. 
They talk about nothing until the sky outside the windows is beginning to lighten, and when they hang up Buck feels…not ok, he’s still worried, and sad, and trying to figure out  how to get a super perceptive kid to school without giving himself away. But he can remember a time when Eddie would have simply muscled through, when Buck himself would have been afraid to let Eddie set the boundary and would have pushed and pushed and pushed until both of them were bruised. So it's not ok. But it's better. 
Sometimes better feels like a miracle. 
It's too late to go back to sleep now, even if he thought he could, so he gets up. He’ll shower, then start breakfast. Chris has a vocab test today so they’ll review in the car on the drive to school. And then…then… Well. Then they’ll handle whatever happens next. And they’ll get through it. They’ve got each other's backs.
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