#i will post the full picture too on a seperate post
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Found a very cool pastel cat sweater at the bins but I have literally nothing that matches it well, so I always struggle to make outfits with it lol
#ootd#pastel#I really really want to SELL CLOTHES I keep talking about selling clothes.. its just such a process..hhhhhhh#Because you have to take pictures. edit the pictures. list them somewhere. write descriptions. choose a price. advertise the fact you listed#it somewhere. Repeat with literally hundreds of items (since I get bulk clothes at the bins and etc.). I have a lot of cool stuff that I thi#nk people into similar styles would want to buy. and I always need money to fund art and healthcare expenses and eventually moving to a diff#erent place someday. replacing broken electronics. etc. etc. So a wise decision is 'well sell a lot of the old clothes you have'. It is so#difficutl with my specific functioning issues though since it's such a long process and also packing things up. taking them to the post offi#ce etc. takes timing since I always have to be driven by roomates and stuff. etc. etc.#I think the way I was considering getting around this was to sell clothing in 'packs' like.. A pack of 5 or 6 matching items the same shade#of pink. or all green items with flowers so it's the same 'nature theme'. Or even selling full outfits or something. so that way I can kind#of bundle items. Instead of the effort of photograohing and listing literally 50 individual items. Turn them into 5 packs of 10. Or 10 packs#of 5. etc. ? But I think I never got too far with that because I was uncertain how that'd actually go over in terms of whether people would#buy groups of items instead of just individual. Especially whole outfits or something like. I think you'd get a wider audience giving people#more individual choice to choose seperate things instead of putting them together and going 'this is just what you get' or etc.#but I could also see it being cool. You already have some guaranteed stuff that matches. They have a theme. Especially if it's something you#like. Love brown themed mori kei items? here's 5 of them already together. etc. etc. etc.#ANYWAY. Came to mind because as much as I love anything with cats on it that's a light color. I also am chronically warm natured due to my#health issues so I overheat immensely if I wear sweaters. even in the winter I don't wear that many layers lol. So a sweater like this is ju#st impratical for me outside of taking one or two outfit photos with it. but I don't think I could ever actually wear it even if I really wa#nt to. But it's nice! and very cool!! so a good candidtate for selling. Give it to someone who would be happier to have it than I would in#the sense that maybe they could actually WEAR it lol.#ANYWAY... rhgh#everything......... difficult.......... whye#Also sweater is too hot for me and doesn't match anything I own even though it's perfect and I love cats..... whye....... cruele world#self
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tofupixel · 19 days
i'm just not sure your argument on art plagiarism really holds up at all, is the thing. at what point does an art style become plagiarism? is it when the art style is directly inspired by a certain other art style, or when the art looks like another art style? because those are two completely seperate things. i know multiple artists, including myself, who are inspired by multiple other artists, yet our works look nothing alike. on another note, two artists can have similar or even identical styles and yet know nothing about each other, so is it plagiarism at that point? are they plagiarizing each other? who is plagiarizing who, the person who had the art style first? at what point is it "original" enough to call it your own without any credit to multiple other people? at what point does a composition become plagiarism?
i feel like you're undermining the ways in which drawing and writing are separate avenues of art, and also misunderstanding what plagiarism in writing even is, as a whole. i would appreciate a more concise explanation as to what your full thoughts on this are, though.
i don't know if you're intentionally misunderstanding my point or if you just didn't read it. look at my replies in the thread to get the full picture.
if we use the most basic definition of plagiarism, none of the pointless examples you gave would fall under it, quite obviously. nobody is talking about that. let's put our thinking caps on here
i'm not talking about two people who have similar styles completely by chance. literally nobody is arguing that that is plagiarism.
i'm not talking about people who are inspired by multiple people and borrow from each of them and make it their own. literally nobody is arguing that that is plagiarism.
i'm not talking about master studies. literally nobody is arguing that that is plagiarism
i gave an example of someone whose work was eerily similar, and they EVEN ADMITTED that they were inspired. they apologized and agreed to do better in the future, but still people were running defense for them. that's what the post is about!
but if your work exists in a grey area, yes some people may raise some eyebrows, it will happen. and it should! people should be allowed to ask when things are a little bit too close, without people saying "ummm well nothing is original anyway"
i'm talking about actual, blatant plagiarism. i don't know why you're playing defense for thieves, but maybe because you feel the call is coming from inside the house? i'll turn off anon and you can reply again and we'll all judge for ourselves.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
Chapter Two: Meet the Stars
TDI! Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader
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Duncan and you had been separated for around three hours now, you had both on seperate boats and you were aleady getting twitchy. You both had brought a total of four things from juvie, as well as two confiscated items of yours. Duncan had bought his switchblade, a handheld pistol, a bracelet, his meds, a picture of his mom, as well as a small heart locket that held a picture of you when you were around nine.
You had bought a handheld pistol, a dagger with your initials on it, a locket that had a picture of Duncan in it, a picture of seven year old Duncan and you, a deck of cards, and lastly a lighter.
The older boy had been furious when Chris informed you that neither of you would be on your meds for this little 'expedition.' and by furious I mean, had quickly shoved Chris into a wall holding a knife to his throat. "I can deal without my shit. But unless you want a fucking wild animal released she get's her shit at least once a week got that, asshat?" Duncan hissed. Chris's eyes flickered towards you, as you took a selfie of the two while doing a piece symbol with a large smile.
You were crazy.
He loved crazy.
Crazy made money.
Chris didn't want you on your meds. His exact words were that you were "So much more fun without them!" he didn't seem to mind the fact that Duncan had shortly thereafter had shoved him into a wall and put his forearm to his neck. "She's going to get her meds, at least once a week, every friday, got that?" he had whispered. "You know what that's a great idea. She'll have this strange contradicting personality, people will think she's crazy!"
Chris truly, loved an insane idea.
You had leveled the gun at his head in record time, your phone gone in a flash. "Don't, call me crazy." Your voice was shaky.
"If you say so scorpion. Let's get a move on!" Chris smiled patting your shoulder as he quickly got guards to seperate you and Duncan both. Now you were on a boat on your way to an island which sure looked nice from the picures.
The medicine you took kept you steady, kept you from losing your cool on everyone around you. It kept you sedated, calm, cool, and collected. Without you turned into an injured animal that had just been cornered.
Wild, rabid, and feral.
So that was the deal, you would get your meds every friday because then you'd have a confusing contradicting personality which would get viewers intrigued and therefore more money!
The weekend after Chris had picked you up, he had seven armed guards seperate you and Duncan and put you on two different boats. Duncan had yelled for a long time and eventually got three of his guards down. You had broken the finger of a guard that had grabbed your shoulder and had broken the shin of one of the others.
You were staring at your hands by the time you felt the boat hit the dock slowly. They were already shaky. Your eyes flickered upwards and your stomach was quickly full of dread. It was a dump, the island, was an actual god forsaken waste of space. You jumped off the boat not bothering to find the ladder.
"Here she is, Y/N our resident scorpion." The insane TV show host yelled from his post on the dock. Your eyes flickered quickly around the island, at least what you could see. A pit formed itself in your stomach. "This was not what we were told, Mclean. I don't like being lied too." You nearly screeched at him, you were seething with anger.
"Oh I know princess. Your parole officer told me about that. She also told me to tase you and bring you back if you started making a fuss." The psychotic man smiled at you. Duncan watched you wearily from his spot on the dock and noticed your stance.
Hands clenched, body tense, eyebrows furrowed, eyes slitted, jaw set. Yes, all the looks of a L/N, ready to pounce.
Suddenly before you could jump there was arms around your shoulders and hands around your waist. "Scorpion, you better put that tail of yours down. I'm too pretty to die!" Chris giggled as Duncan dragged you away.
He grabbed your waist right before you could jump at the TV host. "Hey, ain't worth it, Y/N. We both know it." He hissed in your ear and gently threw you into the group of people. You sighed your body untensing and your fingers found his.
You stared at the people around you. A pretty blonde with a surfboard, a goth-chick who was fine as hell, a girl who clearly looked like she got everything she wanted, a girl with brown hair that seemed nice enough, a buff girl in a blue outfit, a girl with a shit ton of additude, a set of girls you would've thought were twins, a dude everyone thought was fine (you didn't see it), a tall chubby blonde boy, a nerdy looking redhead, a kid who was clearly homeschooled, a short boy who was looking at the goth chick with a huge smile, a dude who clearly played the guitar, a sporty dude, a blonde muscle-boy with a hat, and lastly a goody-two-shoes who was cute.
Suddenly you heard a loud yell and saw a flash of redhair hit the dock. Courtney ran to grab the girl out of the water. "She could be seriously injured guys." She scolded your group.
"If she thinks a concussion is a serious injury you've never actually been hurt have you?" Duncan laughed and honestly you had to resist the urge to giggle as well.
A chance of 100,000 dollars, and the ability to fuck around with some assholes?
This is going to be the best couple weeks ever.
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baskeigh-ball · 2 years
Loving your seperated raph au so far! So if Raph wasn't around, Leo must be the leader up til now? How did that affect his personality?
Thanks so much! And I actually have several ideas for their dynamic without Raph that I've been exploring, so prepare for a long-winded rant because I have Too Many Thoughts
I've brainstormed a lot about how the leadership role would work with Raph out of the picture, and my consensus is that Leo isn't a full-fledged leader. Instead, he and Donnie accidentally end up as co-leaders!
And by "accidentally", I mean "Leo elects himself as leader but Donnie hates the idea of being ordered around by his slightly-older annoying twin so much that he turns it into a competition for the leadership role". Actually in this context, I'd call it more of a president/vice-president dynamic, with Leo taking charge more often and Donnie occasionally stepping up if he doesn't agree with a decision. Poor Mikey kinda ends up stuck in the middle of all this, lol.
Outside of leadership, Leo is definitely more responsible as the self-appointed oldest brother, but that responsibility is more spread out between him and his brothers than it is with canon Raph. My reasoning behind this is how he's just barely the eldest. The difference in age between him and Donnie is so small that his younger brothers feel more inclined to help him out. Overall, the trio is more mature than in canon, but not by much (this isn't one of those super serious AUs where it's all about survival and familial issues, trust me. they're still a bunch of gremlins that love each other and do as they please, they just. know how to do their chores now.)
Also side note, without Raph around to be the tank/shield that takes the big hits, the trio's missions default to stealth if they're unfamiliar with whoever they're facing. At least until they get a handle on their mystic weapons; after that they can go into fights guns-blazing in all of their unhinged glory >:] (and i'd say Donnie with his tech takes up the mantle as the "tank" of the group, i mean did u see the first episode's fight with draxum? he was the only one getting effective hits in)
Exploring their dynamic is gonna be fun, especially how Leo and Raph might clash about leadership once things start winding down and Raph is finding his place in the family. He'd definitely feel like he should be the protector, what with his size, strength, battle skills, street smarts, etc etc, but I imagine the trio would be hesitant about the idea. After all, they've survived just fine up until now. Sure, they've got a few extra scars they could've done without, but they're still kicking!
To sum it up, Leo and Donnie somewhat share leading the team while also competing to become the True Leader, then Raph comes along and unwittingly joins in on the competition while Mikey has to just Deal in the background. Wonder how long it'll take for Dr Delicate Touch to step in?
Anyways, rant over. I hope this answered your question! (and sorry if it's kinda rambly, my thoughts usually come out as word vomit and this is the first time i'm posting them publicly ('._.))
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yourturntofnaf · 6 days
Stitchline Adaptation
oh boy, a post I didn't think I'd be making.
going into fnaf week, I was pretty strongly opposed to both frightsgames and talesgames. hell, even VIP made me confident in tales not being canon. two things, however, made me step down on all of it.
1. the scott interview. obviously he didnt confirm anything about book canonicity, but him explaining how security breach didn't tell his story correctly and he's been working to correct that paints a good argument for tales being written for clarification purposes, maybe even beyond being hints to the games lore.
2. into the pit games. goddamit. let me just say, i love this game. aesthetically its awesome, the easter eggs are great, I love the story, everything is perfect. but following this, I have a hard time believing that the stitchline stories are completely seperate from the games.
the use of minigames to display frights stories was beyond what I was expecting this game to have. when I firsr saw them, my brain jumped to a few different solutions.
- these are just easter eggs as its an anniversary game looking to showcase the whole franchise
- these are in universe games of in universe books, aligning with frightsfiction
- this is meant to support stitchline games
now each of these have their issues for me.
these minigames are pretty damn complex to simply be an easter egg. it's not something simple like a poster appearing, they are full fledged mini games. too much for me to write off as just a reference.
I would be less open to this being frightsfiction if the way of accessing them weren't so strange. if it was just getting them in the arcade, that would feel pretty direct in stating they're simply games, but thats not the case. also, there's nothing else in the franchise suggesting these books exist as just that.
finally, these games are simply different than the actual books. theyre recognizable as being their respective stories, but have different details.
so if all of these don't work, what does it mean? I'm honestly not certain in it, but this is what I've come up with.
it relies on this: the minigames are different, but have the same major beats.
in to be beautiful the story, eleanor grants a girls wish of becoming "beautiful" piece by piece using a pendant. by the end, it's revealed eleanor was slowly killing the girl to take her appearance. to be beautiful mini game has eleanor, the girl, and the pendant; along with the concept of making her beautiful piece by piece. theres a difference in the ordering, however, as eleanor only gives the girl the pendant at the end. in the game, it even looks like the necklace is what kills her.
in count the ways story, a goth kid obsessed with death is trapped inside of funtine freddy, where she is listed off the ways she can die. the story ends with freddy killing her. in the minigame, bonbon is pictured (but never mentioned in the story). still, the major characters and story are there.
finally, in fetch the story a dog animatronic falsely reads instructions of the high school boy main character, ending in fetch harming other people. in the minigame, fetch is in a fazbear location and eventually mauls a boy. this minigame is clearly the most different from it's story predecessor. hell, the main character doesn't even look like greg from the book. but there's important context that I think explains this:
scott wants the next game to be based off of fetch. ITP ends with "CU", the text fetch sends at the end of his story.
so we have 3 stories turned into minigames. all 3 are stitchline related. all 3 have the same major characters, major message, but different details and methods. the one thats most different is due to get a full length game. the game this is in is also a story based full length game that has the same characters, same plot points, but majorly different methods.
going off the scott interview, he wrote a shorter story of each book, and then the writers over doubled it in length. this leaves a whole lot of room for difference in what scott was thinking and what was written. and following security breach, he seems to be far more clear in what the games are supposed to say.
I think, after months of denying it, that the events of stitchline take place in the games. but I dont think the story version is the exact recount. over time, I think we are going to get game versions of these stories that explain how it happens for the in-game universe. the important characters and concepts are all here, but details are updated to fit more cleanly into the games timeline. some changes are small (such as clarifying bonbons presence in CTW), and others are major. the ones that will see the most major changes are likely the book-title stories, hence why the fetch minigame is such a drastic change and why it'll likely get a full game.
I think secret of the mimic will create a similar situation for the tales stories, although I'm leaning towards all of those stories being canon rather than something like mimicline.
I also feel a similar intent was behind VIP. the constant mention of the pizzaplex entering a stage of renovation cant help but make me think it's meant to explain why the main pizzaplex in tales is structurally different than that of security breach.
to summarize my rant, my running take from here (until SOTM comes out and inevitably changes the lore again) is the concept that the stitchline stories are overall canon, but are in the process of being adapted into the games to accurately fit in. I believe fnaf is in a stage of clarification over what was previously believed or outright implied to fit the modern story.
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Bouncing in here like a madman again
Do you think Captain Marvel (seperate from Billy) considers the Wizard SHAZAM as their father as a sort of creator and creation relationship? Giving room for Billy and grandpa wizard relationship kinda?
I've had a lot of sugar today, so I'm not sure how that sounds, but I kept thinking about your fic, "Split", and how if things took a different turn and Captain Marvel revealed he existed because of the Wizard, would the JL come to the assumption that the wizard was his father/Billy's grandfather?
Or if things took an angstier turn, if Captain Marvel let slip accidentally that he didn't believe that the death of Billy's mother (and actual father) was a genuine accident/had suspicions about it, how would they react? Would they suspect the wizard bc of all the suspicions they're having? Also, I'm not sure if I remember, but did the JL get to have a conversation with the wizard?
Kinda factors into that one ask I sent before, where the gods killed the parents of the champions of magic to challenge and prepare them without them knowing, which might include the wizard, too. (Sorry, I re watched the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 recently and it's been doing numbers on my little mind)
In all seriousness you could write an AU for your fics and we'd eat it all up and ask for seconds because your writing creates a universe of wonder for us.
That was a lot, wow :0
Okay first of all you are so sweet! It's driving me crazy (in a good way) that I can discuss AUs of my fics!
I think that the Wizard already plays a sort of wise grandfather figure to Billy (in my preferred version of him) regardless of Captain Marvel's feelings towards the Wizard.
But I think it's totally logical for Captain Marvel to think of the Wizard as a creator figure, especially in his current incarnation since it was just Shazam who made him instead of a full Wizard's Council. There's respect between them, but Marvel also wants to make Shazam proud, wants to prove he's a good Champion. And I think that can translate to a father-son type dynamic even if it's a lot more complicated than that.
If we're talking Split in particular, the JL "met" the Wizard but Shazam didn't bother talking to any of them so their many confusions and suspicions didn't get brought up to him directly.
But if they had reason to believe Shazam was Marvel’s father, Flash in particular would have been having a freak out because the Wizard would have gone from possibly sketchy mentor to controlling and possibly abusive father/grandfather. He might have even had more people on his side if that was the case (especially if we add in the idea that the Batsons were killed as some kind of test of Billy’s pure heart).
There would still be those who insist that they shouldn't get in the middle of their complicated and potentially messy family situation. But there would also be those who wonder if Marvel had a choice in becoming a hero if his father was the one who imbued him with his powers because it was his "destiny". I can definitely picture Marvel bluescreening if someone asked him if he'd had a choice in being a hero (he didn't, and Billy didn't either) or if he'd ever wanted something else for himself (it had never occurred to him that he could be anything else because he was created to fight evil). His answer would definitely send up some red flags to whoever he's talking to.
There are so many cool ways having people think Shazam is Marvel’s father could play out and it would be so fun to explore that.
And since you mentioned it, while I don’t currently have plans to write an AU of my fics, I AM completely open to other people writing AUs of my fics if they are inspired enough to do it! So long as you credit me as the original author/check the Inspired By box when you post, I encourage you to go for it!
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murdrdocs · 3 months
hi... this is awkward, i admire your work very much! i mean really! I'm an anon who has been reading fics on tumblr since like almost 2 years ago and right now i want to write my own fics! (it's my hobby to write and i have so many writing ideas that i want to write down) but I don't know how to really start writing on tumblr... so I'm asking you for help if you don't mind! like what apps do you use for writing before u upload it in tumblr? how do you edit your fics and how do you edit the, what is it called... the picture above your fics... as you can see I am not educated in this LOL.. how do you edit the fonts?.. to make the lines that seperates.. whatever, stuff like that!! if a writer saw this post too, maybe you can also help me!! thank uu 🧡
oh i got u anon (imagine me rubbing my hands together)
for my drabbles/blurbs, i write and edit in tumblr just bc its sm easier for me that way. i do everything on my mac now (sometimes i'll use my phone to write but i always edit on my mac) but sometimes i'll give everything a read on my phone bc i catch errors easier that way.
when i'm writing a full fic, i keep it simple and use google docs. the app doesn't matter i don't think, i just know when copy and pasting into tumblr on docs, if you copy and paste on a computer it'll keep all your formatting (italics and bolds etc) and make it sm easier for you.
when i edit my fics i just read and check for errors, plot inconsistencies, the flow of the story, and just things like that. nothing crazy revolutionary.
for the pictures above my fics i use art that i find on pinterest (im not well versed in art i just look for pics that i think r pretty) and the i crop them. when i crop i legit guess on how thin i like them to be but i never do any bigger than 16:9. however i also used to do the three square pics format, and also just use gifs. this part is totally up to u and it'll deff change over time.
i use one font on tumblr but before the keep reading line i use the cutesy tiny text. to get the tiny text u just highlight ur text and next to the 'B' and 'i' will be a '<s>'. and the for keep reading you place a space between your text blocks and there's a grey icon that has a line, a squiggly, and then another line. thats the keep reading button (very crucial plz add it!)
and tysm!! this is not awkward at all i get lots of questions like this
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oliviabutsmart · 11 months
Physics Friday #10: The Philosophy and Ethics of Science
Preamble: Some Important Information/Disclaimers
Education Level: High School (Y8/9)
Topic: Scientific Philosophy and Ethics (Philosophy)
An important disclaimer to the Philosophers: This post is discussing philosophy and ethics from the perspective of a scientist, meaning that I'm purposefully going to brush over and ignore entire fields or subjects within philosophy.
You may read this post the same way a pure mathematician may read a physics or astronomy paper. It's generally okay but it's full of abuses of notation, physical numbers and values, and hand-wavy approximations. So don't worry too much if I brush over and oversimplify a lot.
This is a rather big post. Full of different foundational topics to the way we do science. But it's important, for all areas of science, to have this information in the background as it comes to the forefront. In our discussions, our conclusions, and when presenting information to the public we use these tools constantly and subconsciously.
It's obviously going to get a teeny bit political, but not in a way that you'd like hate me or something. As we will be talking more about science's interaction with the political and public worlds (but not completely).
What does it mean to know things?
It's important to seperate the idea of truth and knowledge.
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A prehistoric Soyjack.
Of course, the main difference is that what is true is not necessarily what you know. But is what you know necessarily true?
If I knew that the sky was green and I lived underground ... would I really know that the sky is green. I'd be incorrect, how can I know something if that something is wrong?
Often, for simplicity we remove the colloquial definition of knowledge and say, generally, knowledge = belief + truth. You have to both believe it's true and be correct at the same time.
But that isn't the full picture. I could stay in my underground cave for a day and then believe that it's raining, and it just so happens to be that it is raining. But I wouldn't actually know it's raining. I just made a guess and got it right.
Okay so obviously in order to know something you've had to have seen it yourself. Knowledge = belief + truth + evidence.
But what if I was in my cave and could hear the sounds of thunder, or could hear the sound of rain falling? I never actually saw the rain itself, just it's effects. What I actually had to do was deduce that it was raining:
There is the sound of thunder
There's a storm nearby
There are sounds of water falling outside the cave
Water is falling outside the cave
There can be no other sources of the falling water.
Therefore it must be a rainstorm
Okay ... so Knowledge = belief + truth + evidence + reason. This is generally where most people stop. Because it's kinda hard to come up with more details afterwards. And sometimes we often wrap evidence and reason into just "justification" generally.
But what's clear is that we haven't really proportioned our sum correctly. We don't always need reason if we can see it in-front of us, for example.
Epistemology - the study of Knowledge
From the scientific perspective, there are three guiding "ways of knowing":
Empiricism "Knowledge comes from evidence"
Rationalism "Knowledge comes from reason"
Skepticism "Knowledge can go fuck itself"
All three aspects of these philosophies inform how we do science.
Generally, we found our scientific knowledge off observation, experimentation. In order to demonstrate it practically. This is a foundational component to the scientific method. Which is why science could be termed as "Methodical Empiricism"
Reason, while not the foundation of our work in science, is still important. Some things we cannot see. We cannot look at an electron, we cannot see evolution. But what we can see is it's effects, and we can connect previous bits of information together in order to deduce more complex outcomes.
Mathematics is an example of something that is much less Empiricist and much more Rationalist. Everything in mathematics stems from a set of 'truths' (axioms) from which we derive all of the subject using reason.
Skepticism is a bit broad but it is generally about questioning our ability to know things, sometimes stating that true knowledge is impossible.
While it doesn't sound immediately helpful, can be appreciated in the aspects of assuredness. Are we really sure X is true? Skepticism allows us to constantly question what truths are truths and allows us to re-examine our world around us.
It is thanks to skepticism that we often require the ability for experiments to be repeated, or that consensus is necessary to "knowledge". Because experimentation and measurement conducted by one human, can never be enough for everyone to know.
The power of logic
As I said before, reason forms an important sub-component to the scientific method, appearing in-between the foundational aspects of observational knowledge. It appears in the details, the statistics, the mathematics, and the deductions we make.
But there are different ways in which we use logic, some of which doesn't behave as rigorously as you may think.
We can generally split logic into two camps:
Deductive logic is absolute. If our premises are true then so are our conclusions. Deductive logic is best used with mathematical proofs, or generating a conclusion from the evidence.
Inductive logic acts as a means of generalising. If something is true in specific, then it might be true generally. We use inductive reasoning when generating a hypothesis from prior knowledge
Each of these types of logic are important. When we have already observed something we want sound and valid reason to produce a conclusion that is also always true.
But we also like induction. The scientific method is an ongoing process and often a conclusion will come with it's own package of questions that need answering.
Induction is not always correct, however. When you generalise something you may end up finding exceptions to the rule. Take this popular example:
All swans I see are white, therefore, all swans are white.
This in the would be true for your medieval peasant living in England, until we go to Australia and find a species of black swans.
You may look at this example of logic and see it's flaws. But it's important that a hypothesis is only an educated guess. When constructing a hypothesis we must have a method of making sure it can be proven wrong.
Induction guarantees this, because we know it can be disproven using a counter example. Other forms of reasoning and idea generation also must follow this same style of induction if it wants to survive the falsifiability test.
What actually is science?
I remember one time in the past one of my friends said the following:
Astrology is a science
Now, of course, this is not exactly the most correct. Her two arguments were "the ancient peoples (whoever they were) treated it the same way as we treated science" and "It follows from a tradition of science going back to ancient times".
The problem obviously, is that you cannot use a modern definition of something to the ancient world, "science" didn't really mean anything to ancient scholars (it was either logic or astronomy), and it's kinda disrespectful to group the thousands of years of "ancient peoples" all into one culture and category.
But this brings up an interesting question - what actually is our modern definition of science, and where did it come from?
Our modern understanding of science has evolved over time, from the Classical Greeks to the Islamic/Hindu Golden Ages, from the Enlightenment to the Information Age.
While Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were forming their ideas on logic and knowledge, our understanding of the "scientific method" comes from Ibn al-Haytham, and was developed over the years by European scholars who "borrowed" the credit for their method:
Research previous sources of knowledge
Generate a Hypothesis, based in justification from what we know
Develop a Method to investigate the validity of our hypothesis
Perform an Experiment to derive observations of our claims
Discuss the ability for our results to provide meaningful insight
Deduce a Conclusion from the observations and what we know
Well, that's great and all. But you've probably already seen this. What's important is how we jump from each component to the next.
We use induction to get from research to hypothesis by making a series of educated guesses
We develop a method to determine if our guess is correct
We use the method and setup to perform a repeatable experiment
We discuss the efficacy of our experiment i.e. assess our data and method. A backwards analysis of the methodology and the observational evidence
We use deductive logic to generate a sound conclusion based on what we got as a result, and what we can/can't say about it given our known limitations of the method
We publish our conclusions to build a portfolio of researchable knowledge on the topic
It's a cyclic process that repeats endlessly, like an uroboros!
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Pictured: Science, to an accuracy of 1 significant figure Image Credit: The Spectator
This gives us a baseline of understanding for science: it's about the method. But there are different ways we can conduct our method and process in general.
Three extra ways in which we conduct Science
Pseudoscience vs. Science: Falsification
One of the most influential ideas to science is falsification. And Karl Popper's idea science is based on this idea fully.
A theory in science is just a hypothesis backed up by evidence, or in other terms, it's a collective series of conclusions and ideas given structure due to what we know.
Popper believes that for a theory or hypothesis to be scientific, it needs to be disprovable. i.e. I can set up some experiment that can demonstrate it wrong, given that it is wrong.
Pseudoscience is the opposite; it's when you try to seek to prove something true rather than prove it false. The reason why this is dangerous is that methods "attempting to prove something right" is going to be riddled in confirmation bias, and will never be held up to full scrutiny.
Science can only progress when we are constantly vigilant to disprove our conclusions and hypotheses.
We do rely heavily on this in the realm of science. Many scientists attempt constantly to disprove certain theorems that may be true, or to re-examine old bits of evidence with new equipment.
Where Popper Goes Wrong
There are several criticisms of Popper's ideas:
It may be difficult to prove a single hypothesis on it's own, as it could rely on several bits of logic pulling on other strings. Meaning that you cannot individually verify one theory with a simple test.
Falsifying can be done naively; you may falsify a true statement on accident because of an unknown correlation or due to errors in experimental data
Social and psychological sciences often cannot rely on the falsifiability of hypotheses, because experiments are much more complicated than simple deductions and hyper-precise measurements. Generally when you have a complex system, your methods are more focused on probing than predicting.
We may be a little too over-eager to disprove theories, especially for ones that are well-established. This can lead to genuine conspiracy theories being masked in science-like rhetoric. We need to direct our attention to theories which are still uncertain as to how "well-established" they are
His use of "Scientific Marxism" as an example of pseudoscience; as for some Marxists use a different definition of science to mean "the analysis of material information instead of pure ethical reason" - that and some Marxists rejected the ultimate predictions made by Marx, an example of more scientific thought
The idea that progress in science is purely defined by falsifying theorems, something we'll get into much more
Scientific Revolutions
Thomas Khun emphasised a different idea of how science progresses, instead of it being the falsification of already-established models, science comes from noticing contradictions that present themselves in well-established theories.
If a theory or model is incorrect or at least not the full picture, we will inevitably stumble on anomalies in our data. Anomalies that cannot be explained by other information.
This is where the idea of a "scientific revolution" comes along. We have an established paradigm - a paradigm that is regularly proven via experimental evidence - but slowly over time, more holes begin to appear in this paradigm.
As further research builds the holes outnumber the proofs of efficacy, resulting in a crisis. This crisis gets resolved when some new theory comes along, completely upending the old and begging in a series of steps to cement this as the new paradigm.
Miasma vs. Germ theory and Newtonian Mechanics vs. General Relativity are the best examples of these revolutions. Whereas the many acid and base theories work as more minor examples.
Scientific Anarchism
This is another response to Popper - it follows the idea that there is no specific way in which we progress science or focus on methods of experimentation.
While there still is an empirical process of Guess - Test - Present, there is no clear or necessary way to conduct this process. And that any further attempts at structure cause us to land into a series of exceptions.
Tools for getting rid of bad information - Razors
There are other parts of the scientific method that are important. These are often known as 'Razors'.
Razors act to shave the flack and crap off an argument, and also help shorten discussions by pointing out the limitations of certain arguments.
Occam's Razor
Occam's Razor is often very misused. It goes like this:
If there are two or more explanations to a phenomenon, the simpler explanation is likely more correct.
You can see, and probably already know why this is problematic. It's not always true that the simplest explanation is correct. And sometimes, multiple explanations can be more valid.
It's important to examine what we mean by "simpler". Because if we just mean "less words", well, then the "simpler" argument becomes a question of semantic specificity.
Is it really simple if we can describe something in a few words? If all of those words require individual definitions?
Often, physicists take simplicity to mean "less equations". Which makes sense. If I can describe all of the universe, in one equation, and it works fairly well. Then it's probably better than two. It's part of the reason why we so often try to compress our equations into as little as possible.
Hundreds of equations describing electromagnetic phenomena -> 4 Maxwell's Equations -> 1 Tensor Maxwell-Einstein Equation -> Standard Model Lagrangian.
This forms what is closer to Einstein's Razor:
The goal of any theory is to make the irreducible elements as simple and as few as possible without having to remove it's explanatory power.
Newton's Flaming Laser Sword
Yes, this is an actual name, also known as Alder's razor goes like this:
If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worthy of debate.
This is effectively a restatement of falsifiability. You cannot have a theory that cannot be proven true or false.
This razor is very powerful, as it basically can cut out any and all supernatural explanation to a theory.
It's also why our current paradigm in physics is so hard to break through. Primarily because we cannot find a theory that is falsifiable, or a theory that can make a testable prediction. It's also why so many people are slowly beginning to loose enthusiasm for string theory.
Of course, that doesn't mean "physics bad", it means that we can't find an explanation for anomalous or unexplainable phenomena. Many physical theories attempting to unify QFT and GR require extremely complex mathematics, and just may require a lot of theoretical development before coming up with a testable hypothesis.
Where does ethics come into this?
Now there's a lot of ways I can tackle ethics. Ethics around how we present science to the public, ethics about corruption and inclusion (i.e. human scientists doing bad things to other human scientists), or the legality of conducting science (less ethics and more politics). But to keep on track we'll focus on methodological ethics.
Methodological ethics concerns ourselves with the ethics of conducting our experiments specifically.
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It's a pyramid scheme! ... or the next splatoon splatfest idea. Image Credit: technicalandcomputerissues.wordpress.com
Now, this triangle of ethics is generally useful, but I'll put it in terms that concern a scientist in specific:
Consequence (what effect/outcome will this experiment have?)
Intent (what intentions do I have going in?)
Natural Law/Principle (Am I playing god? Should I play god? Should I step beyond a certain taboo?)
When making decisions about how to hold and conduct experiments, it's important to consider all aspects of the triangle. Not just for the safety of any test subjects, but also the safety of the examiners.
Of course things change depending on the field of study. In Physics and Astronomy, our discoveries often are never in violation of any "natural law" or at least "natural law" that is taken seriously.
But I include natural law for several reasons. As the reader, you might be left-leaning - and that probably means when you hear "we have to care about principle or natural law" you may scoff.
Natural law and principle comes into effect when we think of several different cases:
In conservative and religious societies, natural law may be more than just a philosophy. To "violate" this societies' natural law could harbour very bad consequences to YOU and your colleagues but not really to the progress of science. Take Galileo or Copernicus
Societal taboos exist in general, and sometimes, researchers themselves might have personal objections to your methods. Some taboos are in place for a reason; like "don't use women's egg cells in cloning research, especially if it's not consensual"
Forgoing principle and procedure also means ignoring an ethics board. Even if what you're doing may be free of consequence and of good intent, the next researcher to ignore the Ethics board might not be
Note that in these three examples, we have mixtures of both intent and consequence. "Violating" natural law could result in consequences, or forgoing principle may be a sign of bad intent.
Of course, any person prioritises their own view of ethics, which is why I must add that I am generally more consequentialist-leaning. To state my biases clearly.
But from a general point of view, all three aspects need to be accounted for, as different people will weigh each aspect more.
Back to the subject of Physics, our application of experiments has a lot less ethical weight, and our methods can only be unethical if the methods are unsafe. Which is why we focus much more on risk and harm reduction in the physical sciences.
In the psychological, natural, and medical sciences, however, ethics is very important. Primarily because you are now bringing the subject of study to animals and humans.
Weirdly, when you get to social and economical sciences, the emphasis of ethics returns to a bit of a similar state to Physics, where the bulk of ethical decisions comes in the way you present your findings to the public, and how you interact with the political world.
Long post? Long post. Fortunately I had the time to do so because I did not have much else to do today. I wanted to do a more 'bigger picture' post as well, as you can see.
The importance of knowing the reason as to why we do things in science and the importance of knowledge, ethics, and logic, is something sorely missed in today's education system. It specifically becomes evident in how these methods of science often come accessory to a subject itself.
The problem obviously is that different subjects in science need to prioritise different parts of the ethical and reasoning process. And so the lack of cohesive information can result in the creation of pseudo-intellectualism i.e. "people pretending that they are being rational or scientific".
Anyways, you know the drill. Follow this account or my silly shitposting account for more of these posts. Feedback and criticism is also heavily appreciated.
See ya next week!
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humankk · 1 year
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An art! for the fanfic Heart on the Table! again!, this one is like specifically the first chapter
And hey! what a coincidence! according to our dear The Author @floofanflurr (say that like it's a title, I mean it is but like in a fantasy way or something) today! (20/09 I think, well it's 21 now in my timezone but like it's still 20 in America until like another 8 hours or so so-) is the anniversary of the fic! or well the fic is published at March today is first draft anniversary.
First draft! of the first chapter! I am drawing that this can be anniversary art that's cool!
So yea have this picture of Frisk suffering like an hour before the comfort part of the hurt/comfort in this story! well the first part of suffering I am sure they will get to suffer more, not like I want them to or anything but like there're plenty more chapter
that sounds kinda suspicious
ANYWAY yea happy anniversary! what do people say in this occasion again? is it like some character's birthday? well happy birthday a hypothecal character I don't know exist! or I do but don't know which one is it!
...oh yea I know how to end this, picture without the grasses and stuffs under the cut!
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I don't really know what to put on the wall, I could put up some gems I guess but like, it isn't going to be seen anyway, also yea the grass, is like that tall, but like there're more closer to the camera so it looks bigger
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as you can see I have no idea how waterfall wall works like is it a rock or dirt or... well at least in this case it's probably rock since there're creek, anyway what even is those wavey line? rock jutting out? and the above part of it is like flat anyway? and the thing, at the bottom, in not lining up with the lines, well it looks great so it works I guess
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hmm, oh yea I put the black pencil thing for dirty particle or whatever on the wrong layer so I guess it's just with the lineart now and not like color... it's specifically the one on their cloths and hair too, huh
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...well, I should make a seperate layer for that anyway but like, I didn't really want to at the moment so
anyyway welcome back to the end where I didn't know what to say next
I guess this is a long post now?
well, uh yea
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oh hey another one, this one is the version I sent in voice chat as like a WIP because that's yesterday and I want to sent something before I sleep, it looks kinda nice actually, also tis one got the full grass lineart, and Frisk without the dust thing... well that sounds like they did murder it's, not monster dust, okay?
hell yea ending 3, electric... boogalee
I guess I'll just end here
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radioheadyaoi · 2 years
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OKAY SO the document has some incredibly embarrassing notes and ideas + its linked to my email with my full name so i'm not gonna share a link to it BUT here are some screenshots from it + pictures and stuff
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re-reading some of these, i have no idea what the fuck i was talking about
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i have no idea when these photos are from but they are sooooo tbhc the frontman #To Me
i liked the idea of the frontman coming with his band to the moon and being the in-house lounge band, (hence part one being "lounge singer shimmer") and playing there for a while. the part in star treatment about being a little too wild in the 70s, i think, could be imagined as the frontman is now a little past his peak - or at least, this is how the public/audience sees him. which i say because i think that a lot what builds up the character is the perception of how they are viewed by the people who consume the product, in this case, the art and the singer. i was reading annotations of tbhc songs on genius.com and i found this one for the lyric "maybe i was a little too wild in the 70s" that i wanted to use a bit as a background for the character: Alex Turner himself could never have been too wild in the 1970s; he was born in 1986. As such, here he is most likely playing the role of an aging rock star whose career peaked in the 70s and is now forced to get by as the resident singer at the futuristic Tranquillity Base Hotel and Casino on the moon. This narrator crops up a number times across the record and is used to draw parallels between his form of isolation and that of Turner.
i didn't want to see it as "forced" to take the job as the lounge singer, but instead as a way to seperate from earth, and who the singer was in the 70s - too wild. to be able to become a more refined artist (for lack of a better word). it might've been a post from you, or from a mutual or something, that talked about how alex turner will sing about the melacholia of achiving your dreams and the sadness that can come with that. i can't find the post but i do think this idea is very interesting, and can lend into the characterization of the frontman, and what drives his emotions. genius says this about star treatment: Turner personifies a washed up lead of the fictional band The Martini Police, and crafts a rich metaphor for how idolized celebrities are never seen except from a distance, similar to the light of a star. i think that the frontman should feel very disconnected to the people around him, less so to his band, but especially the guests at the hotel. just like how the monkeys went from am to tbhc, i wanted to add that a bit to the plot. the frontman, now sliding away from the 70s persona he had, wants to branch out and try something new. but sex sells! even though he no longer wants to be that guy, or play that role, he still wants to make something people will love. so its a bit about deciding to just do your own thing and create the art that you want to create without the worry of what the consumers will think. art, not a product.
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i hope this makes sense. please tell me to shut up if it doesn't.
i also wanted to play a bit into the idea of double lives, and personas and playing character, although i haven't quite worked that out yet fully. that's why i called part seven i think it was??? "i suppose a singer must die." i also considered using "what a death i died."
i think also themes from the car can also be pulled into this, because i think, more than any other two am albums, the car and tbhc are a little connected. with mr schwartz and how he, the actor mr schwartz, is connected very much to the people working on the set, who help him get into character. big ideas with coming up with something new and being excited about it. "your horrible new sound" lyric in sculptures of anything goes. the lyric about keeping on the costume to use as a writing tool in body paint. themes of being a performer rather than being a lover and being in love. but idk man, maybe this makes no sense at all. but the car and tbhc are sister albums To Me because they are my two favourite am albums and they will always be loved by me. ALSO pretty visitors and the look into fame at such a young age. also the dream synopsis and the bourne identity by tlsp.
i also thought a bit about how the hotel might look. the taquería - "the information action ratio", a lounge, obviously, where they will perform, a pool, a spa, all that stuff. so its most like a resort than a hotel. and i thought the line "everybody's on a barge /floating down the endless stream of great tv" and the idea of giving the hotel a little movie theater called "the barge" as a little nod to the lyric. visually, 2001: a space odyssey is, of course, a huge inspiration in terms of looks. i don't know if you've seen 2001 but there's this spot on a space station where its all very white and blank except for massive, bright red chairs. i like the idea of decor like that, maybe even a spot just like that, to pay homage to the film. i think also "retro realism" is a good jumping point. how people from 50 years ago imagined what the future would be like. blade runner, that sort of thing.
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i think also "retro realism" is a good jumping point. how people from 50 years ago imagined what the future would be like. blade runner, that sort of thing. 1950s astropunk. taking inspiration from older science fiction movies rather than newer ones. also vintage interiors and hotels that look like the one in the shining.
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i did also think about the idea of leaning more into a horror, like psychological, but i think it should be more of a study in character. a tbhc horror film would still be cool though.
so yeah. idk if any of this makes sense and maybe i'm off my rocker and don't understand the album at all. but it's a little fun to think about.
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hihi its me, the anon from ur other blog (yknow, the selfship questions one) and i'd like to kmow bout ur f/os,(u can gush nd stuff, idk)
and also, i'm curious as to how they look like cuz you said that theyre humanised! :>
Eeeekk!!! Screams!!! I love sharing how they look so this is...very good question for me. This is a bit of a...long list so I'm putting it under the cut, though I'm going to try and not type more than like three sentences or less for each of them so it's mostly just gonna be pictures. But I'm just showin my humanized ideas for how my primary F/Os look, but I do have humanized headcannons for...I kid you not everyone in the franchise.
!!!Not all the art here is mine!!! For the art that is not mine I will be writing their respective credentials and what social media platform it was originally posted on. I tried to stick to using my art as much as I could but I don't have a lot of digital drawings of them, nonetheless ones I'm ready to reveal to the world haha(though some I'll gladly share)
Some of them, to try and keep this to my main F/Os that I've been exploding over lately and to try and keep this from getting lengthy, I intentionally left out, ex. M.ater, L.eland, R.od, S.trip, C.hick, the- the rest of my F/O list, you get the point!😅
I also used this as an opportunity to mention what I headcannon their heights to be >:)
If anyone would like a version of just the images and without the descriptions 100% let me know, won't be a bother one bit!!!
For L.ightning I imagine something like this:
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By @/Laoian on Twitter. Except I picture him to have his hair closer to a shoulder-blade sort of length and him not quite as fit.
I'd imagine him around 5'6-5'7
For F.ranceso(forgive me for the full-body one looking a little more messy/wonky, it's a lot older than the other one and is.. im quite nit picky about that drawing but its what I got. The other drawing is leaning towards a doodle/being really simplistic and quick) basically this:
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Ignore the color picks and whatnot, that was before I was smart enough to put those on a seperate layer JDNSJSJSJS
I'd say he's like 6'ft.
I had also posted a drawing of F.rancesco quite recently as well, I just didn't put it here cause he's got his helmet on and it's a close-up shot so you can't really see how he looks too well(it's one of my proudest drawings though!)
Also, this and this
please. PLEASE I cannot stress this enough this is just. THATS HIM!!
I'm pre-appologizing(/half joking) for not having any normal drawings of F.inn, I don't know how all my digital drawings(that are colored) of him ended up being incredibly self-indulgent, I didn't even realize I did that till now! So I'm just doing this one for now(though I recently posted the art of me and him snuggling a bit ago on my blog. I'm quite stinkin proud of that one too!! One of my proudest, i think)
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F.inn :)
He's like 5'4, same height as me(Except I'm a liar and I'm really like 5'3 and a little bit).
I'm not good at drawing Grey in hair quite yet but. That. He's got salt and pepper hair(or whatverr you want to call it) except it's the Grey mixed in with. Whatever blue-ish haircolor that is that he's already got JSBDJAJDR.
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I actually don't have a lot of colored drawings of him, which surprised me a bit, but I do have a tonnn of doodles of him aufbsifnskffj
He has a big overcoat and stuff :) and his button up shirt thingy is supposed to have a plaid-like pattern but I have no clue how to draw plaid quite yet 😅
He's basically the same height as me though! His facial hair is just kinda whispy fuzz, if that makes any sense. Kind of like a kiwi.
G.rem and A.cer together! Cause they're inseparable JFNDJSN
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I adorrreeeEE this drawing of G.rem and A.cer, I take very much pride in this drawing I love sticking it in people's faces. G.rem on the left and A.cer on the right.
G.rem is like 5'6 and A.cer is 5'1.
Annndd J.ackson!!
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By Jeno0305 on Twitter (I don't know what the writing says in the first image. I'm assuming the drawing of the person he's with in the first image is the artists version of G.ale, his driver/hauler)
I headcannon him to be 6'ft and pale as hell cause he just sits in his room all day and plays videogames(which is also canonical)
Anndddd that's all!! I'm trying not to hyper apologize for the length😅 when I spill the beans everything in the can comes out!! But really thank you for the ask, really was tons of fun to answer :) I appreciate it! Felt good to get to ramble and babble a bit!
If anyone somehow read through all of this then I'm sending you a life time supply of your favorite food
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I think England actually makes his office really tidy; It's neat, it's organised and it's...weirdly devoid of England's personal things. He's someone who tries to keep work and life seperate, and it's clear to see that in his office. While he does have a desk in his room, England is a lot different when it comes to his workplace office.
It consists of one large mahogany desk, probably from the Tudor times and a large, spinny chair that's rather well-padded for his back problems and no arm-rests; As well as a few book shelves on his wall and framed papers that are his qualifications (England has done several courses during his life: Zoology (Eels, yes, from the eel-rent post) and English Lit being the ones that it is clear that he was most passionate about).
Otherwise, there's no other personal effects. England likes to maintain and keep control in his office and it's here that he has a rather jarring change of character, being calm and almost aloof - a barely managed veneer of stoicism, where underneath roils a sense of anxiety, of tension that if something goes wrong, England will find it almost ruinous.
Anything that goes wrong here, England will take full brunt of and he sees his office as almost a castle, a bastion against the barrage, somewhere that England can try and fix things, even if they are crumbling all around him. He doesn't like his office much. Too little of him there, too impersonal, but England does not want anyone that walks in there (politicans, businessmen trying to bribe him, civil servants, journalists) to be able to pry so closely to him.
No pictures of family, of friends, of significant others. No books that he likes (strictly they are mostly dictionaries and files), no nothing of his hobbies. Sterile. The most outward-face of him that there possibly is, sterile and in-control, calm and not hurting. Quiet, furious and grave.
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what is wrong with people?
and what is wrong with me?
one of the first things i did directly after logging back into this (probably) five-year-old account was to investigate whoever the hell my two followers were.
cheese bot
one of them was, of course, a bot. @cheezbot (?) to be specific.
1) what's actually, the point of bots? it seems like this one reblogs random (non-cheese related, may i add) posts. yay...interaction? but literally maybe just buy followers at that point?
2) how did he find me, of all users (inactive for long enough to be shocked that my account hadn't been deactivated)? i'm quite glad he did though to be honest, since he's actually reblogged some really nice photography and cute paintings.
part of me definitely adores and naturally came back to the versatility of this platform. although i wasn't a huge user when i was younger (12/13/14), i distinctly remember how artsy it was. as i was typing up tumblr into the google search bar to log in, i could almost picture the standard blog homepage. i'm glad it hasn't changed much.
anyway yes yes, back to the other follower.
having spent around 90% of my childhood staring into screens, i thought i'd seen every strange thing the internet has to offer. from talking to older men and boys on discord, to darknet browsing on tor, to my weird best friend and her best gore obsession, to 'thinspo' on pinterest, to hours lost browsing furry art and mind rot on deviantart, and gradually developing into a longstanding on/off porn addiction - treating it either as an antidote for my boredom or a learning resource.
i haven't had the healthiest relationship with it. but in my defense, no one (*cough cough* my lacklustre parents *cough cough*) told me to do otherwise. i was out of their hands, i can't blame them. and they had no idea of the potential power the internet could hold over someone.
this other follower was a prime example of a strange internet fetish. and after having written all that, i don't think its too outrageous compared to some of the material that i was exposed to as a child.
honestly, maybe my intense reaction is a good sign? a way to show that my baseline has returned to somewhat normal.
it was full of (what i'd consider) cpr porn. there was no piv, just long, slow shots of naked women and their breasts being shaken by the electric shockwaves.
i have two other theories for why this shocked me more than i expected it two, but i'll only go over them in brief.
being raped in the past, and comparing my helplessness with that of the unconscious models
completing my cpr and bsl training a few months ago
the part i liked the least is that i enjoyed it for a moment. i want to say that i only enjoyed it up until i realised the woman was incapacitated, myocardially infarcted, possibly dead. but i enjoyed it for a moment after.
this feels brual and horrible to write, but at the same time freeing. i think that part of my brain has still been impacted by the strange upbringing i had. the more i write this, the more seperate i feel from the online identity i experienced and created when i was younger. i feel more and more that reactions like these aren't my fault.
so long as i do my best to actively better myself - and although i haven't experienced any of this for a while - still maintain my distance from the internet - i should be okay.
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Another shit weekend another late post. But whatever.
Today we make a favourite of mine...
Cake in a jar!
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Good to take in the go/transport and easily portioned. As well as easily modified.
My go to is lemon-mousse but you can easily use any kind of mousse or flavored whipped cream.
For lemon-mousse you will need:
Any kind of cake layers(sponge cake is easiest)
Whipped cream
Grated Chocolate(optional but gives a great contrasting taste)
Lemon curd
For the lemon curd you will need:
250ml lemon juice
250g sugar
4 eggs
5 egg yolks
120g cold butter
Seperate your 5 yolks and add everyting except the butter into a medium sized sauce pan. Crank the heat to medium to high heat and stir constantly, preferably with a whisk until the mixture starts to thicken. Lower the heat and continue stirring. Stop occasionaly and check for big bubbles. The go: blubb blubb... Plop! Caution: they might splatter. Once you see the bubbles, kill the heat and add your cold butter. Keep stirring until it is all combined and put aside to cool for a bit. Half an hour or so should be enough to be able to use it for the mousse. Stir occasionally to stop any skin from forming and to make sure it cools evenly.
In the meantime prep your cake layers. Make sure they are not too thick, maybe half a centimeter or... 0.19 inches... But centimeters are easier to measure😅. If you don't have a ruler... About half your thumb thickness. Take your jar and just use it as a kind of cookie cutter amd cut out as many layers as you need. Alternatively use a cookie cutter the same diameter of your jar. You will have cleaner edges but that is the only difference.
Whip up your cream with a bit of sugar and if you have it a bit of vanilla. Once your lemon curd is cool enough take a whisk and add one tablespoon of the curd at a time. Five tablespoons will probably be enough for about 200ml of whipped cream.
(You will have a ton of curd left. But don't worry. It will keep in the fridge for at least a week but I usually use/eat it all befor it can go bad.)
Now. Your whipped cream WILL have turned a bit runny. That is OK! After all, everything will be contained in a jar. If you want to use it normally (not in a jar cake) you can use gelatin or agar agar to make it keep its shape or you can fold some melted white chocolade into it. The chocolate will solidify once you put it in the fridge to set an keep everything in its place.
It is time to assemble!
Now this is up to your preference. You can start woth a layer of mousse and then the cake or the cake first and then the mousse. But I like to put a layer of cake in, then a layer of mousse and, for a little extra a dollop the curd. Then another layer of cake and repeat until the jar is full. If you opted for the grated chocolate, you can add that at any point after whipping up the cream. I like to layer it in wherever but always add some on top. Done.
Put your jars in the fridge until you are ready to eat/go. They will keep for about 2-3 days in the fridge but after that you should be careful. Because of the lemon you will probably not notice if the cream went bad so make sure to test befor hand. If you are unsure toss it. But keep the jar😅 they are quite useful.
Here another picture with a chocolate sponge instead of vanilla and in smaller jars.
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Hope you try it for yourself. I made the ones from the first picture today and all in all that took me about one and a half hours. I did use storebought sponge cake. There is absolutely no shame in that.
And with that Tüdelü and till next Saturday(hopefully😅😇).
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letsahtyart · 2 years
Hi there!! the ''James and Vernon over Evans' dinner'' anon here!!
So, I just saw your 'after quidditch visits art' (which is absolutely adorable btw!), and I have a new suggestion,
Picture this: All of the Marauders ending up in the hospital wing, Remus, exhausted after the full moon,
James, grumbling after a bloody Gryffindor v/s Slytherin quidditch match (which he lost because Slytherin played dirty), too worked up to enjoy Lily Evans worry over his health, smothering him with affection.
Peter gets a concussion after a rather violent Transfiguration class, because Benjy Fenwick thought it was a great idea to transfigure a levitating tea cup into a grand piano, and it ultimately landed on poor peter.
Sirius, the only one being out of the hospital wing, just decided to get into a duel with a couple of Slytherins . It is a win-win, he got a nosebleed, and an opportunity to hex some Slytherins.
so, Lily Evans is play-arguing-flirting with James, over whether Slytherin deserves winning the match, and Regulus' seeker capabilities, and Sirius is chiming in between to support James' , while James is over dramatically (and hilariously) protesting the injustice, oblivious to the fondness in Lily's eyes or the humor in her voice, Peter, for some reason is groaning about ducks? and Remus is just nibbling his chocolate, pretending to be annoyed and agreeing with nurse Pomphrey that 'these good-for-nothing ruffians cannot even be trusted to keep their head on their shoulders without supervision', but is secretly happy that he is not alone this time
bonus: McGonagall shaking her head in (fond) exasperation 'Black! just because you suffered a relatively severe nosebleed in the clearly unauthorized duel *you* started, doesn't mean that your are exempted from detention', and Pomphrey declaring ' this is the last time I should see you marauders in here' but it isn't , James is like 'Marauders? I like it. THAT's what we are calling ourselves as ..
I am so sorry! It is so much, and all over the place, but I would really like this weird drabble? kind thing I conjured right on the spot, come to life with your art! It is LOVELY and I am OBSESSED.
PS- You can call be the drabble anon from now on, I guess? (because you're so awesome and like a celebrity in jily fandom and I feel embarrassed to actually ask like a normal person on tumblr, (curse my crippling anxiety))
Amazing! And absolutly lovely! You sent this to the wrong place so I've done a seperate post and added a link here! Sorry this took so long to do but I wanted to do it properly xx
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Request: characters reactions to being told “I love you”
Thank you so much for the request anon!! Hopefully this is what you wanted :)
Since I can only have ten pics I put Elizabeth and Gladys together.
Also if I forgot any characters please tell me, I did all the ones I remembered.
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