#i will never stop making enderman memes
endspawner · 4 years
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enderwalk · 3 years
ok wait i do have a ranboo opinion this doesnt even have to be for the meme i just wanna gush and its that i genuinely want to see how he changes once he gets all of his memories back, and if that makes him like...... not a coward. give me a ranboo who isnt afraid to be a bitch, i mean the council (aka cc!ranboo) literally handed his character a giant fucking axe and said 'you need to stop being a pussy go stand up for what you believe in' and i want SO BAD for full-memories-ranboo to act differently from the ranboo we know right now
GRABBING YOU AND SHAKING YOU SO HARD. SO GET THIS. everyone says that enderwalk is the "dissociative" sleepwalking state, where ranboo is either more enderman or just like ,, violent? but here's the thing. we've seen him enderwalk, in a lore stream, where he gets foolish to sign a contract for him. he gets a god of life and death to do his bidding. ranboo, outside of his enderwalk, would never attempt anything like that. in his enderwalk state he seems to have more of his memories, considering he has entire memory books written in ender. the more i learn about the enderwalk state, the more i think that ranboo, as we see him, is the dissociative state.
i know cc!ranboo said that with the way he's planned out his character's story, he's going to give us no reason to be an apologist. but im fucking ready for c!ranboo to snap. i don't know what the breaking point will be, but he said that shit's going to get scary. i think that one day, ranboo's going to go into enderwalk and not come back out. i want to see ranboo not only not be afraid to be a bitch, and not be afraid to be more obvious about picking sides, i want him to snap.
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kitybur · 3 years
𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 | 𝐯𝐥𝐨𝐠
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warnings: mention of death penalty. ?
they/them pronouns, story starts at 1:06 in the vlog. reader isn’t in the whole vlog, mostly the parts with the benchtrio but in some others as well.
also, i know a lot of people dislike minx, but for the sake of this imagine the reader and her are friends.
part one bc i didn’t want to write it all in one go!
“Are you gonna play the piano?” Tubbo asked Tommy as he ran to the piano that was sitting in front of a glass elevator in the middle of the mall. You had joined the boys on their adventure when they randomly showed up at your house, holding a vlog camera in your face, and telling you that they request your presences for the day.
Tubbo stands beside Tommy, filming him as he plays the piano. George, Ranboo and you standing on his other side. “Stop staring at me like this.”
George then presses the key that is closed to him, making the song sound a little weird. “Thank you, George.” The camera then moves up to face you and the group of boys, Ranboo shaking his face to mimic a dance.
The camera is then shoved in George’s face by Tommy as Tubbo takes a turn on the piano. “This is wonderful, I’ve never been so… adored.”
“He acts like he hasn’t seen all the fans crazy after him.” You say as Tommy puts the camera in your face this time. “Oh, hello!”
“Why do you always film so close to people?” The enderman asked with a laugh.
“What was that?” “Okay.”
“I’m in the Ranboo!” Tommy shouts, pointing the camera once again in another’s face, this time pointing it into Ranboo’s glasses to see his and George’s reflection.
“No don’t stay that-”
At this time, the boys and you were on a train to go meet up with some others who were in the area. You sat in the middle of Tubbo and Ranboo, Tommy and George across from you.
After a long ride, you finally made it to the destination. “Tubbo and Y/N in the Brighton, it’s time to go meet Minx and Pyrocynical..”
You have a thumbs up to the vlog, and continued looking out the window at the pretty view. Well until George showed you and Ranboo and random meme he found on Twitter.
Once you arrived at the house everyone was meeting at, you entered the house last, taking off your shoes ( because who wears shoes in the house?? ) and walking to where everyone was.
Tommy had the camera shoved in Minx’s face, to no ones surprise, so you went over to Mr. Jack Manifold first. You gave him a quick hug and chatted a little.
“Look at my tattoo!” You heard Minx say, looking over you saw her showing her leg to Tommy.
“Oo nice I would never get one of those.” “I got this for money!” “But that’s fair enough.” “It was subgoal, subgoal.”
There was a pause before the camera turned to you and Jack laughing. That’s when Minx noticed you were there.
“You didn’t tell me Y/N was coming!” She wrapped her arms around you in a hug. Tommy grunted and turned the camera to film himself.
“Y/N will hug everyone here, but they won’t hug me.”
The next time you met up was at Tubbo’s place late in the night. For some reason they wanted you to spend the night, so you did. You were currently sitting in the same room as Ranboo as he practice for MCC, Tommy and Tubbo in the kitchen.
“Tubbo making the cereal, Wilbur on the screen, Ranboo in that room, Ranboo- Ranboo doing minecraft championship practice. Oh! And we can’t forget Y/N who’s right there!”
Tommy points is camera towards you for a moment, before turning it back to him and Tubbo.
“Tommy always vlogs and the most random times I swear.” You say to Ranboo, earning a chuckle from him and a yell from Tommy in the kitchen.
The next morning you were outside with Tubbo, pushing him on a swing in his backyard. Why? You weren’t sure.
“Stop filming me…” “Aesthetically looking swing.” “I’m in my pyjamas.” “Aesthetic swing.”
Tubbo repeated that he was in his pyjamas once again, to which Tommy said the views couldn’t see.. then flashed Tubbo’s pj pants.
“Y/N’s in their pyjamas too.” Tommy states, also flashing your pj pants.
Chaotic. That was the one word to describe the train station that Tommy and Ranboo dragged you to with them.
There was school children everywhere. They had came up to you guys, some of them knowing you guys.
“I’ll be honest with you-” “there is so many” “this is a strange moment.”
Tommy pointed the vlog towards the crowd and they cheered and waved. The vlog then turned around to face you and Ranboo.
“Who let the kids out of their sight?” You half joked.
“I’m fairly certain this is a hazard.” Ranboo says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder in a friendly way, pulling you closer to him and Tommy.
“I say we give them Y/N and run.”
Getting on the train was even worse as some of the kids had to take it as well.
You sat between the two boys on the train. Tommy still vlogging everything.
“How tall are you?” One of the many children asks. “6 foot 3.” “Do you wanna measure?” “Nope.”
“I’m just documenting all of this.” Tommy waves the camera around.
“Maybe Tubbo did need some company after all.” You said, making Tommy laugh and some of the kids.
“Wait you’re American?” One asked Ranboo.
The kid let out a noise that made Tommy cheer him on.
“That was- that was just kinda rude honestly.”
“Do you believe in death penalty?”
“Yes.” One answered almost immediately, making you and the boys laugh.
Once it was time that the kids get off, you were sorta grateful. A few of them had asked to take pictures with you, or said you looked “lovely today”.
“That was cool.” Tommy says while grabbing his phone from Ranboo’s hands. “Okay, let’s go meet Will.”
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dreamerstreamer · 4 years
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Pairing: Ranboo & gn!reader (platonic)
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] Ranboo’s memory may not be the best, but that doesn’t mean he’s not your best friend. Sometimes, you just wish he remembered to do to some things—like not get stuck in the rain.
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: at last, some appreciation for my favourite enderman! let’s give this awkward, polite, tall child some love :) i tried a different writing approach to writing this, so please pardon the fact that there’s less dialogue in this one.
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You let out a small gasp as your eyes scanned the page in front of you, your toes curling in your shoes as you swallowed. Your fingers curled a little tighter around the spine of the book. You could not believe that just happened—they couldn’t just throw your favourite character into prison like that!
Chewing on your bottom lip, you sank back against the bench seat, you huffed as you set your book down face-up on your lap. Whatever. He’ll probably just break out, anyways.
Leaning back slightly, you stretched your arms out above you with a soft groan, your bones cracking with a satisfying pop. Relaxing once more, you blinked at the space around you while a soft breeze caressed the side of your face. It was a beautiful day out, but Ghostbur had told you earlier that it was probably going to rain, soon.
“How can you tell?” you had asked him once.
He had shrugged at you, humming aloud with a thoughtful look. “The sky just seems a little sad, don’t you think?”
You had glanced up at the clear, boundless blue expanse lying above you, your lips curling into a small frown. “I dunno. Looks pretty happy to me.”
“That’s the thing,” Ghostbur had said, flashing you that soft, ghostly smile of his. “It may look happy, but there’s more than what meets the eye.”
While you supposed he had a point, you still didn’t quite understand how he could tell it was going to rain. It must be me his ghostly senses, you thought to yourself, swinging legs back and forth on the bench, your heels dragging along the slightly dewy grass. That, or maybe he’s officially lost it. You wrinkled your nose. Can ghosts even go crazy? Is that a thing?
You shook your head. Crazy or not, Ghostbur was never wrong when he said it was going to rain—you weren’t about to start doubting him, now.
Above you, the sky was still as clear as ever, the sun cresting high above you as its warm rays shone down on you. Just how long had you just spent reading? It felt like you hadn’t talked to anyone in ages, now.
Just then, something moved in the corner of your eye, and you turned your head, blinking.
A head of black and white hair bobbed along the distance, the figure slowly growing closer and closer until you could clearly make out the face attached to it. The moment you did, a wicked smile shot across your face, and you opened your mouth.
“Hey, Ranboob.”
Ranboo froze at the sound of your voice, raising his head only for a look of horror to pass through his eyes as realization sunk in. “Not you, too.” Exasperation tinged his voice as his eyebrows curved downward. “Have you been talking to Tommy, again?”
You simpered with a coy gleam in your eye, tracing a finger over the edge of a page. “Maybe.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, a long sigh fell from his lips. He strode up to you, stopping a few feet away to stare you down. “I came out here to have a good time,” he said lowly, “and I’m feeling very attacked, right now.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, your smile widening slightly. “Quoting stale memes now, are we?”
He lifted his chin at you, his expression firm. “Stale or not, it’s fitting for my current situation.”
You blinked at him, then shrugged. “Fair enough.” Picking up your bookmark from its spot on your lap, you swiftly slid it in between the pages of your book, letting the pages fall shut with a satisfying clap. “So,” you said, peering up at him, “what are you up to, right now?”
“Well, I kind of wanted to go exploring for a while. You know, see some new sights, get a break from—” He shivered. “—politics.”
A laugh bubbled out of your throat, and you caught the way his lips curled up at the sound. “A 2-in-1 deal then, huh? Sounds good to me.” You leaned back, your eyes pointing up at the sky above. “Ghostbur said it was going to rain, though.” Furrowing your brows, you shot him a worried look. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”
He jutted a thumb over his shoulder, rocking back and forth on his heels with a nod. “I’m heading home to grab my helmet, actually.” When you narrowed your eyes at him, he waved a hand at you. “Don’t worry—I’ll be safe, I swear.”
You cocked your head at him, a hopeful look flickering across your face. “But we’re still baking potatoes later, right? At four o’clock?”
He nodded, an earnest smile tugging at his lips. “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You grinned at him, wide and giddy as you lifted one hand in a wave. With the other, you opened your book once more, tugging the bookmark out and placing it on the space beside you. “Awesome. Take care, now.”
Turning on his heel, he waved over his shoulder, sending you a reassuring grin. “Will do.”
Ranboo was a few yards away when your eyes widened, a sudden thought barreling into you. Slamming your book shut, you shot to your feet, whipping around with a hand cupped around your mouth. “And do not forget,” you shouted, your voice ringing across the air, “you hear me?”
Stopping in his tracks, Ranboo turned, a smile stretched across his face as he called back, “Loud and clear!”
With a relieved sigh, you lowered your arm, watching as he darted down the path toward his house. You sat down on the bench with a hum, casting your gaze down at your book only to freeze. Then, you let out a long groan.
You forgot to put your bookmark back.
Grumbling quietly to yourself, you pulled back the cover, scouring the pages with a glower as your bookmark stared back at you tauntingly.
At least you had something to look forward to this afternoon.
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Ranboo strolled through his house with a soft hum, unlocking chests here and there to dig around and stuff things into his pockets. Food, check. Sword, check. Map, check. He blinked, tapping his foot. Am I missing anything?
He paused for a long moment, blinking down at the items lying in front of him before snapping his fingers, letting out a quick, “Aha!” Scrambling to his feet, he rushed to the other side of the room, leaning up against the wall to pluck the clock out of its frame. How could he not remember to bring a clock? After all, he had to be back in time to bake potatoes with you.
Slipping the clock into his pocket with a quiet hum, he turned back to the table where he had laid everything out. Clock, check. Is that everything? He squinted for a moment, staring at the open chest pressed up against the wall as the wheels in his head slowly turned.
A moment passed, then two.
He felt like he was forgetting something.
Didn’t you tell him something—reminded him of something? He wrinkled his brow, staring long and hard at the top of shoes. What could it possibly be? He was pretty sure it was something along the lines of... something, something... sky?
Ranboo lifted his head, his eyes trailing over to the window with confusion swimming through his eyes. Just outside, the sky was bright and vibrant, not a single cloud to be seen. There hadn’t been such a clear day in weeks, now.
You must have just said something about how nice the weather was, today—he was sure of it.
Moving quickly and surely, Ranboo slipped his belongings into his pockets, making sure to strap the sword to his back before stepping outside, a soft breeze immediately caressing the side of his face.  He took in a deep breath, feeling the cool summer air fill his lungs. With sunlight dancing on his cheeks, he felt his lips quirk up into a small smile.
It was time to explore.
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Ranboo gazed up at the towering trees with a soft gasp, shielding his eyes from the dappled sunlight flitting across his face with his hand. People said he was abnormally tall, but when he was surrounded by trees as big as this, he just couldn’t believe that to be true.
Ducking under a low hanging branch, he let out a whistle as he stepped into a sudden clearing, a short stump lying in the center. The sunlight almost seemed to shine a spotlight atop the cut wood, and he found himself immediately walking up to it and sitting down. With one hand, he lifted his sword from his back and tossed it onto the ground. With the other, he pulled out a carrot from his pocket and took a bite, glancing around him with curious eyes.
He had never even known that there was a spruce forest in this area. Maybe he should go exploring more often instead of spending so much time thinking about countries and borders and allegiances and—
A shiver ran down his spine, and Ranboo shook his head. Now was not the time to think about all that.
For a few minutes, Ranboo simply sat and chewed, stretching out his legs. He watched as a pair of foxes darted between the trees, their orange, bushy tails swishing behind them as they ran off into the bushes. He smiled at the sight, finishing his carrot. He had to tell Fundy about them later.
All of a sudden, something wet dropped onto the bridge of his nose, and he let out a sharp yelp while leaning back. He slammed a hand over his face, not quite realizing how far he had leaned back before he was suddenly lying face first on the ground, crashing into the earth. Letting out a groan, he lifted his head, rubbing at his nose.
The skin burned where he touched it like a hot ache, and Ranboo scrunched his face. What in the world was that? Tilting his head back to look up, his breath hitched in his throat at the sight that met his eyes.
The once clear, blue sky was now overcast with dark, stormy clouds, their hazy appearance overshadowing their softness.
He squinted for a moment, desperation stirring in his veins. It wasn’t raining, was it? It couldn’t be. You would have told him if it was going to rai—
Ranboo froze, then let out a long sigh. “I,” he said aloud to himself, his low voice ringing out in the quiet forest, “am an idiot.”
You did tell him, didn’t you? That must have been what he had forgotten—that, and his helmet.
He paused again, furrowing his brow. Wait, no. There was something else too, something else he was forgetting.
With a huff, he pushed himself onto its feet, screwing his eyes shut as he pressed a hand to his temple and ran through the jumbled mess of memories in his head. He remembered walking down the prime path and seeing you on the bench... you had called him Ranboob, asked where he was going, and...
His eyes flew open, a low, sinking feeling settling in his gut.
Potatoes. He was supposed to bake potatoes with you at four.
Without even an inkling of hesitation, Ranboo shoved his hand into his pocket, frantically fishing around for a moment before pulling out his clock, his eyes widening.
It was four eleven.
You were so going to kill him.
All of a sudden, another wet droplet landed on the top of his head, and Ranboo let out a quiet shriek, feeling his scalp grow hot with the same, uncomfortably familiar burning sensation as earlier. Whipping around, Ranboo swept his eyes across the clearing. He wasn’t going to make it back in time now, at least not without possibly dying. For now, he had to find something—anything—to hide under.
Something burned against his backside, and Ranboo didn’t need to turn around to know what it was, far too busy turning this way and that. But no matter where he looked, all he could see were tall, looming spruce trees, there branches too spaced out separated to serve as even remotely sufficient shelter.
Just then, another raindrop splashed onto his shoulder. Then another fell on his arm. Then another dropped onto his foot.
With each passing second, the rain grew heavier and heavier, more and more droplets landing on him and leaving his body aching all over. Ranboo gritted his teeth, his chest heaving with wracking, wet breaths. Choking back a pained cry, his hand desperately clutched at the front of his now damp and soggy shirt.
He was so, so screwed.
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You stared at the empty baking tray sitting on your kitchen counter, your eyes darting back and forth between it and the clock on your wall. After a few moments, you let out a groan, smacking your head against the counter.
It was four fifteen.
Ranboo was late.
Admittedly, it was only by fifteen minutes, but late was late.
You turned your head so that your cheek was smushed against the counter, the coolness seeping into your skin as you glared at the sack of potatoes sitting on the opposite side of the kitchen. Ranboo was a punctual guy—he was almost never late, and if he was, it was never by a landslide, or anything.
Lifting your head, you nodded to yourself, feeling yourself fill with resolve. Yes, that was it—he was surely going to show up soon! In the meantime, you could always just read some more of your book.
Abandoning your baking, you were soon curled up on your couch once more, your book clutched between your fingers as you drank in the rest of the story. You were right—your favourite character did break out of prison.
Although you were engrossed in your novel, you slowly found your eyes returning to the clock every few minutes, anxiety gnawing away at you. Everything’s fine, you reasoned with yourself, flipping to the next page with a nervous glance. Ranboo’ll turn up soon.
But soon enough, twenty minutes passed with no sign of Ranboo.
Then thirty.
Then forty.
By the time an hour had gone by, you found yourself staring out the window, your lips pursed and your eyebrows furrowed in worry. The rain ran down along the glass panes like tiny rivers, and you could hear it pattering against your roof. Beside you, your book lay abandoned facedown on the couch. Is he okay? you wondered, clenching your jaw. Did something happen?
You didn’t let yourself think about it for a moment longer, shutting your book and setting it onto the coffee table before getting to your feet, your eyes narrowed. If Ranboo wasn’t going to come to you, it looked like you were simply going to have to get him yourself.
It only took you a few moments to grab your jacket from its spot on the hanger and tug it on, your fingers deftly buttoning the front while you muttered to yourself. “He probably forgot we were hanging out, didn’t he?”
Rolling your eyes to yourself, you walked up to your front door, your hand reaching for the handle when you paused. A grimace stretched across your face, and your gaze shifted toward the coffee table.
You forgot your bookmark, again.
You stared at your closed book for a moment longer, then scoffed, twisting the door open. Who cared about some book when your best friend was missing? You had your priorities straight.
Flipping your hood over your head, you rushed down the path, splashing past puddles and damp grass as you raced toward Ranboo’s house, grumbling. Keeping you waiting for half an hour was one thing, but two? This called for some serious retribution.
When you arrived, you didn’t bother to knock before pushing the front door open, your mouth already open in a shout. “Ranboo?” you cried, your eyes taking in the room. “Are you there?”
There was a beat of silence, then you frowned. Now he’s ignoring me? Rude.
Slipping off your shoes, you stepped inside, ducking your head around as you searched for him. But it was only after a few moments that it was obvious that he wasn’t home, and you were alone. Blinking, you stared at the open chest near the wall and the empty frame attached to the space above the door.
Is he... still outside? you thought carefully. Your bit your lip, crossing your arms over your chest. There’s no way. I specifically told him that it was going to rain today. You paused, your frown deepening. Unless...
Stifling a sigh, you slowly turned until your eyes landing on the armour stand sitting in the corner of his room. Your jaw dropped.
He forgot his helmet.
You didn’t even have to think about it before you were ripping the helmet off the stand and diving for Ranboo’s open chest, immediately pulling out a handful of regeneration potions and stuffing them into your pockets. Maybe this was considered stealing, but in that moment, you couldn’t care less.
“He is so dumb,” you whined in a panicked tone, pulling your shoes back on and kicking down the door. “I cannot believe him.”
In a flash, you were sprinting down the hill that led outside L’Manburg, Ranboo’s helmet bouncing along at your side. He said he was going exploring, you remembered, panting to yourself as you tried not to slip on the wet ground, so he must be somewhere in the wilderness.
You were about to turn the corner when a figure came into sight from the side, blond locks bobbing along the side of your vision. At the sound of footsteps, Tommy lifted his head, sending you a bright grin as he waved. “Hey, [Y/N]!” His eyes fell down to your hand, and his eyebrows knit together. “Is that Ranboo’s helme—”
“No time to explain!” you shouted, barreling past him without even a second glance.
Tommy made a face as you passed, his cerulean eyes following after you. “Wait, what the f—”
But by then, you were already long gone, leaving Tommy behind to swim in a puddle of confusion and unanswered questions.
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Ranboo huddled further against the tree trunk, his back digging into the bark as he wrapped his arms tighter around himself where he sat. Above him, the branches rustled, and a raindrop whizzed past his face, sliding down the side of his arm. Bristling, he let out a small whimper, his nails digging into his palms.
This was probably the most pathetic situation he’d ever been stuck in.
He could feel the back of his eyes sting with unshed tears, and he sucked in a shaky breath. He half-wanted to cry, but he knew he couldn’t let that happen. He could already imagine the way his cheeks would burn at the feeling of his tears flowing down his face. Crying would only make everything even worse than it already was.
To think that of all the days he could forget something you said, it just had to be today. God, just how bad of a friend was he to get stuck in the rain even after you told him to bring his helmet, let alone forget about hanging out with you?
He buried his face into his knees, squeezing his eyes shut with a ragged breath. He really was awful.
Suddenly, a distant voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
He whipped his head up at the sound of his name, eyes wide as he scanned the clearing. “[Y/N]?” he shouted.
Just then, you burst through the bushes, stumbling forward. Before you could stop yourself, you found your shoe catching on the tree stump he had been sitting on earlier, and he winced as you toppled headfirst into the ground with a crash.
“A-Are you okay?” he asked, concern etched onto his features.
You quickly pulled yourself up from the ground, completely ignoring the mud staining your pants. “I should be the one asking you that,” you said in a blur, rushing over to him with a focused gaze.
Ranboo could only gape at you with a stunned look as you crouched down in front of him. “How—how did you even find me?” he sputtered, his head still reeling at the sight of you. “This forest is hundreds of blocks away.”
You deadpanned at him. “Lots, and lots, and lots of running.” You gestured to your dirty shoes, soaked with rain and mud all over. “My feet are kind of killing me, right now.”
He winced, his voice growing quiet. “I’m sorr—”
You raised a hand. “Ah, ah, ah. This comes first.” Pulling his helmet out from behind you, you immediately slammed it atop his head, easily making sure it was securely attached to his skull. “Also,” you added, burying a hand into your coat pocket, “drink this.”
Without missing a beat, you pulled out a potion of regeneration and shoved it toward him. As his hand clasped around the glass bottle, Ranboo opened his mouth, only to close it at the stern look you gave him. Swallowing, he removed the cork and lifted the potion to his lips, the sweet liquid pouring down his throat. In an instant, the burning of his skin subsided, and he felt his shoulders relax.
At his calm expression, your eyes finally softened, and you nearly sagged against him in relief. “Feeling any better?”
Capping the empty bottle, he let it drop to the damp grass as he nodded, but something sad flickered across his gaze. “Yeah, but...”
The words were flying out of your mouth in a flurry, and you already reaching for your pockets again. “Did you still need anything?” You pulled out another potion. “I, um, didn’t bring a lot of stuff with m—”
Ranboo shook his head, and you fell silent. “No, no, it’s not that, it’s just...” He paused, and sucked in a deep breath, his voice coming out fragile and cracked. “I’m really sorry, [Y/N].” He curled his legs closer to his chest, and he suddenly looked very, very small as his words came out in a mess of choked out syllables. “I forgot we were going to hang out and I just couldn’t remember and then it was raining which I also forgot you told me about and now you must hate m—”
Before he knew it, your arms were wrapped around him, your head pressed against his as you softly crooned. “Shh, Ranboo, stop. I’m here, okay? And I would never hate you for something like that.” You patted your hand against his sopping back, and felt him melt into your touch. “I’m just glad you’re alright.”
He pulled away from you, his lips parted in surprise. “Really?”
You smiled, sincere and true. “Really.”
Just as a slow, shaky smile spread across his lips, you suddenly realized how quiet it was. Turning, you peeked up at the sky once more, your eyebrows raising at the sight of a clear, blue sky. The rain had finally stopped.
“Well,” you said, your smile widening, “would you look at that.” Then, you blinked, and frowned down at your dirty shoes. “Dang. That means I got all muddy for nothing.” You saw Ranboo wince again, but you merely shrugged, getting back onto your feet. “Oh, well. Enough of that. Let’s get going, instead.”
For a moment, Ranboo simply stared at you as you dusted off your front, a soft, affectionate warmth filling his chest. Then, he spoke. “Thank you for coming to get me,” he said so softly you almost missed it. “I really am sorry.”
You paused, then smiled at him again. “And I really do forgive you.” Stretching your hand out toward him, you tilted your head. “Now, stop thinking about it, okay? I promise I’m not mad.”
Ranboo hesitated for a second, then slipped his hand into yours, letting you tug him up onto his feet with a grateful grin. “Okay.”
Once he was upright once more, you clapped your hands together. “C’mon, let’s go back to my place. I’ve got some bandages you can use. Besides,” you said, shooting him a cheeky wink, “we still have some potatoes to bake.” You shivered, sticking your tongue out in disgust. “I also need to do some laundry.”
Laughter bubbled up his throat, lighthearted and pure as the two of you strode out of the forest, the sun shining down on you as you made your way home.
Ranboo might be forgetful, but he was sure he wouldn’t ever forget the important things—things like you.
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randompasserbyer · 3 years
For the D.I.D meme, 1, 6, 16 and 17
sytfuygihnoi #1 is a big one so I’ll answer the other 3 in another ask lmao
1.  Introduce your headmates/alters. How many are there? What are they all like?
So, there’s 26 of us, give or take 2, so I’ll try to give brief descriptions of everyone in order of when they split. Thank you for asking uwu
Blue is our host. He's the one we all refer to as the owner of the body. His form in the headspace shifts depending on his kinshift, but he’s usually presenting as an Underswap Sans fictive. He uses he/him pronouns a lot but he’s genderfluid and often doesn’t consider himself a man and appreciates being called a woman despite using he/him pronouns. Gender is confusing tyfugihop
Sam is the main protector/gatekeeper of our system. She’s been around the longest, she was the first that Blue was aware of when he noticed the system, and we all kind of look up to her. She’s a “take no shit” type of person and we’re all very grateful for her. She looks like a ghost and I don’t know how else to describe her iohguyfutd
Quadi is our main trauma holder. She rarely fronts and I have zero clue how to describe what she looks like. Nobody ever interacts with her in the headspace because she’s always in her room. If she fronts,, just send her love and support.
Shnep is.. well, I don’t actually know her role, to tell you the truth oiugfyt She looks like Walmart-brand Flame Atronach from Skyrim. She only gets to front if Sam lets her front and it’s a controlled environment. Loves to play videogames tho. Murder Mystery is her favorite cause she gets to let loose.
Watcher is our persecutor. He’s only gotten front, like, twice in the last year but he causes plenty of harm in the headspace. He can shapeshift and the only way we can tell it’s him is that his eyes will stay black. He’s been around just as long as Sam, but you can never find him unless he wants you to. Our protectors are good at keeping everyone safe.
Zane is our sexual protector/trauma holder. He stays in his room as well but we’re free to come visit him at any time. I don’t,, really know?? how to describe him?? He’s another shapeshifter but I personally haven’t interacted with him since I formed so I can’t tell you much ftuhiojn
Viper is a giant skeleton lamia and while I personally quake in fear, he’s a genuine sweetheart and he loves talking to people. He knows broken English but he doesn’t let that stop him. He actually went dormant shortly after forming and nobody knew he even formed until he woke up a year and a half later and everyone went “Huh?????”
Nightshade is an Error Sans fictive. He’s another one of our protectors and he’s really good at his job. To be more specific, he’s an avenger, he helps us deal with our abusers. He’s gotten over his haphephobia for the most part since splitting, though it flares up around strangers and honestly I don’t blame him.
Template is a Template Sans fictive lmao. creative nickname I know XD He’s a middle and Nightshade is fiercely protective of him. He loves to play videogames and draw. Ask him about Spyro or Pokemon ;) He keeps going in and out of dormancy so,, idk when he’ll front again but he always seems to have a good time when he does.
404 is a Blueberror fictive. He’s fairly impulsive and.. yknow, I want to say he’s impulsive, but the guy has so many amnesia barriers about his entire being that I can’t say it for certain. He’s a cryptid. You’ll never see him in the headspace unless you see one of his soft triggers and he has so few of those lmao (Our partner says he’s like Ghostbur but hyper, so take that as you will)
Gold is a Birdtale Sans fictive. He doesn’t like to talk unless you’ve gained his complete trust, or he’s alone. He’s very much a “body language is a universal language and it’s the only language in the universe I know” kind of guy. He tells great puns tho. He’s pretty chill. Apparently he formed like.. years ago?? And Sam had just been blocking him from the main area of our headspace for a really long time??
Squid is our Ink Sans fictive (are you seeing a pattern here? Hyperfixation go brrrr). He’s chaos but he can be pretty down to earth if he wants to be. He’s stuck in a state of constantly missing his old life, though. He loves to draw and leave long supportive chaotic comments on other people’s art. If he can’t draw, he gets anxious.
WDG is our Handplates Gaster fictive. His lab takes up the entire basement of the headspace mansion and half of it is just an entrance to the Void, which only he and Shard can access. He’s very analytical and emotionally and physically distant, but he’s really good at making sure the body is taken care of. He likes to document everything he does and when so it’s pretty easy to see what he did when he fronted. Terrified of his curiosity though, that skeleton loves science way too much.
Shard and Sunshine are a subsystem Shattered!Dream fictive. Sunshine is really sweet but very paranoid and sensitive. Shard is actually both a persecutor and a protector. Kind of a.. “Nobody gets to hurt this system except me” kind of vibe, yknow? He’s been working hard to reform though because he hurt our partner once and felt really bad. He’s come a long way ^^
Viola is an Underswap Sans fictive, but she split from a fanfiction called By the Angel (it’s nsfw if you look it up, but it’s got a great plot lol). She’s actually transgender since her fic has her as he/him and we’re very supportive of her <3 She’s.. I don’t know how to describe her other than she’s got an old soul and a old-fashioned way of speaking. She loves to listen to kulning videos. Swedish culture really vibes with her.
Drake is a fictive from a really old Minecraft roleplay called The Haunted. He’s half Enderman and he can do magic. He’s kind of timid and his anxiety is always through the roof. He gets hella dysphoric when he fronts and often has headaches and we’re?? not sure?? if he’s a subsystem or not??? with Herobrine??????? He won’t tell anyone if he is or not, he just dodges the question.
*inhale* Pinky is a vampire Ink Sans fictive. He’s what would happen if you gave a vampiric opossum a bigger body lmao. He’s incredibly mischievous (and a tad selfish, if you ask me) and likes to cause pranks at the worst times. He adores our partner though.
TB is a Technoblade fictive/factive. Both?? It’s hard to tell with him. He looks like a twunk piglin and behaves like one too. He’s taken on the role of protector recently, though, and he monitors any new splits until we’re sure they’re not going to hurt the body or any relationships with other folks. He likes to talk about piglin culture a lot. (he kins Billiam and it’s entertaining to watch him call everyone peasants and poor when we too are in fact poor)
Phil is our Philza fictive. He’s the dad friend of the system, the caretaker. He takes a very neutral stance on things and will often refuse to step into a fight, but he will try to calm folks down. I can’t tell you how much of a comfort he is. He loves to talk about his past life and his little family, though he gets sad about it sometimes.
Ghost is our Ghostbur fictive. He loves pranks and he’s very sweet. He has so much blue, you would not believe. He’s such a softy and loves to make people smile. He either hangs around TB, Phil, or Theo and he doesn’t usually front alone. He does have Alivebur shifts but he essentially just gets really edgy and depressed in a sort of self destructive way, but he’s still soft. He just tells really wild jokes and he’s a lot more impulsive.
SNL/Space Heater (he doesn’t have a good nickname yet) is our Sapnap factive/fictive. He really enjoys front but he doesn’t really get much done when he fronts tfuygiuhoip He just reads fanfiction lmao. He loves Dadboyhalo and Dreamnap content. He’s a pretty chill guy, doesn’t get into a lot of fights. He just wants to have fun.
Theo is our protege!Tommy fictive. He actually split from the popular fic Rewind and he’s just been.. vibing? He gets along well with Sapnap most of the time but he’s had a lot of trouble warming up to TB, Phil, and Ghost. I think he enjoys front?? He fronts often enough. I don’t know how to describe him except that he’s very Tommy-like lmao
Fakier is our newest split. He’s an ARG Wilbur fictive. He doesn’t like to talk too much about himself but he loves to infodump about codes and cryptic stuff like that. He’s actually done a lot with taking care of the body and taking long walks outside and just, enjoying life. He did leave the windows open on a really cold day tho and our apartment hasn’t been warm since :\ He seems cool, I’m just annoyed that my fingers and toes are freezing off lmao /hyperbole
We’ve had a few integrate over the past two years so it’s hard to keep track of how many there are for sure, but that should be everyone. Sorry for the wall of text dytufibonk Hope you liked the answer tho ^^ I’ll answer the other 3 answers tomorrow in a post together and @ you so you don’t miss them uwu
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