#i will never forgive them for doing turner dirty
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Yeah, this hurts. Especially seeing the first um those, those first two scenes with him, how great Tony is. You know, it's, I mean for me, not like it's overly dramatic, like I said about this whole episode in general, but he's so good as an actor and we have such chemistry when we get into the drama together. Ah, I'm, you know, it makes me really sad. Having done the live shows and getting to kind of work with Tony again. Like be on stage and we do, you know, we do our bits and stuff. I just love him so much. Obviously as a person, but also as an actor like and I, we have such a rapport and such a, an ease and he's so good. So yeah. This makes me really sad to think that this is it. -Rider 
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NME Review of Arctic Monkeys - ‘Live At The Royal Albert Hall’: a reminder of the cathartic joy of gigs
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
By Leonie Cooper 4th December 2020
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Forgive us, if you will, a brief moment of soppy nostalgia for banging tunes and DJ sets and dirty dancefloors and dreams of naughtiness. It’s now been nine long months since any of us have had a properly cathartic sticky-floored, shoulder-barged and clammy-armpitted gig experience and my god do we miss them. What I wouldn’t give right now for a stranger to spill the dregs of their pint on me before standing on my toes then barely acknowledging any of it. You don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone, right?
‘Arctic Monkeys Live at The Royal Albert Hall’ captures everything rough, ready and beautiful about piling out of work and into what might just be one of the best nights of your life. The gig itself took place two and half years ago – June 7, 2018 to be exact – a charity show for War Child UK with limited tickets available through an extremely over subscribed raffle, making it even more special for those that did manage to get inside the historical London venue.
20 greatest hits, including a smattering of tracks from the then-recently released ‘Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino’, spread thick and meatily over an hour and a half, this wasn’t just a show – it was an event. The band’s second time at the Albert Hall (their first a Teenage Cancer Trust gig during 2010’s ‘Humbug’ tour), Alex Turner was in full Sheffield Elvis mode, a schtick that seeps through the speakers still, even without seeing the vision that was his perfectly preened quiff and exquisitely tailored suit.
Lip curls, showmanship and sass are high in the mix, Turner’s vocal sounding the best it’s ever been during the end of the pier romance of ‘Cornerstone’ and a slinky ‘Don’t Sit Down ‘Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair’ while still holding strong during the clattering final track ‘R U Mine?’.
When all served up together in a kind of all-you-can-eat Arctic Monkeys buffet, the band’s sleek and deft evolution from indie tykes to martini-sipping rock gentry is easier than ever to digest here. Turner is occasionally breathless as he skats through 2006’s ‘The View From The Afternoon’ and ‘From The Ritz To The Rubble’, their early material setting itself apart not just through its knackeringly fast pace, but the amount of words Turner manages to cram into three-and-a-half-minutes. Conversely, the five then-new songs are as chilled out as a two week holiday on a remote Mexican beach, with Turner singing “I just wanted to be one of The Strokes” on the horizontal lounge anthem ‘Star Treatment’, but sounding more like he’d actually rather be Frank Sinatra.
But of course it’s not just the band themselves that make this show well worth listening to. If it was, we’d happily just run ourselves a nice bubble bath, pop on ‘AM’ and have done with it. Rather it’s the giddy, absolutely thrilled crowd that prove ‘Arctic Monkeys Live at The Royal Albert Hall’ to be truly captivating.
A brusquely erotic ‘Do I Wanna Know?’ comes alive with screams – actual proper Beatle-mania style squeals and shrieks – from the swirling audience, the noise layering over Matt Helders’ pile-driving drums to create the sort of sound that in any other situation would warrant the immediate attention of the emergency services. Now let’s pump some Covid vaccine straight into our veins and get back to gigs like these. We’ve never been so ready.
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pynkhues · 4 years
I just want Beth to be like, fuck boomer. How can she be so forgiving for everything he did to her and Annie?
I’ve only watched the episode once at this stage, anon, but the impression I got was that she did say ‘fuck Boomer’, and that she wasn’t forgiving of him at all. As soon as she saw him pop out of the septic tank, she knew what Rio was asking, and she never wavered in delivering him, which is huge, huge growth for Beth (and Annie and Ruby too). I’d argue too that trying to take him to Marion was smattered with three very different sets of motivations.
Annie was doing it for Marion.
Beth was doing it for Annie.
And Ruby was doing it for Beth. 
None of them were doing it for Boomer.
Overall though, I think this episode marked a really substantive growth in terms of Beth’s handling of a rotten egg, and that it represented a natural evolution from the horror of what happened to Lucy, and the initial disaster of her handling of the Boomer situation in the early parts of s2, in a way that felt true to her character and true to her moral descent, which is less a plummet off a cliff, than it is a stagger down the stairs. 
So let’s break that down a bit:
Annie + Boomer + Beth
The first real scene of violence (as opposed to threatened or inferred violence) on this show is actually through Annie, Boomer and Beth. 
He tries to rape Annie, and Beth first holds a toy gun on him, and then smashes a bottle over his head.
This scene is a really clear precursor to what happens later in the series, but also a very distinct character set-up for Beth, because it shows that she thinks quickly on her feet, will protect her and hers (aka Annie and Ruby), doesn’t think things through (was there ever a plan of what to do with Boomer in the treehouse?) and has a lot of barely contained rage, simmering beneath the surface of her. 
Beth + Rio + Dean
In a lot of ways, that barely contained rage manifests with Beth getting Rio arrested, an act motivated out of a conflicting cocktail of fear, anger, vindictiveness, and - as I’ve argued on here before - genuine hurt. The scene at the end of 1.10 is such a good cliffhanger, and they explode that cliffhanger back open with 2.01. 
Rio gives her the gun, manipulates Beth’s trust, and then uses that trust as a weapon against Beth to get her to willingly give him back the gun as he shoots Dean. 
It’s a scene that punctuates Rio’s ability to do what Beth can’t.
The Girls + Boomer
And yet, for Rio, that immediately seems to build into a desire to get her to do it. 
He’s just shot her husband, and now he’s strongarming, goading, and - in 2.04 - positively gleeful at the prospect of getting her to shoot someone too.
Boomer is really the first person who’s framed as a dead man walking on this show, and by the time the show articulates that explicitly in 2.01, it comes with a loaded, complex history. Boomer’s Annie’s boss, her would-be rapist, and now the fiance of their sort-of-employee? It’s a mess from the word go, and it falls out as a mess because Rio’s overshot, because Beth isn’t ready. 
That whole mess just falls out and falls out and falls out across season 2, until it culminates in: 
The Loft
Which not only parallels with 1.10/2.01, but also the Boomer arc. 
Rio gives Beth Turner as a gift, a lesson, and a punishment combined, and once again, Beth isn’t ready for any of it. 
It compounding with the games and then the abandonment and then the kidnapping, means Beth shoots the wrong person in a way that calls back to 1.01. It’s an explosion of desperation and then an ill-thought out rage that resets the board for s3.
Season 3
In a lot of ways, Rio’s taken a step back from Beth this season, and I think in no small part, that that’s manifested in his desire to see Beth get her hands dirty. That desire is absolutely still there, but he’s downloaded a lesson plan, and he’s pivoted his approach. 
Now, it isn’t about getting a gun in her hands, it’s about making her complicit with the gun in his. 
Beth + Rio
This is really started in 3.02/3.03 with their reunion, and the extension of the shift in violence in their relationship which was escalated in 2.13. 
Namely though, it reiterates a set of rules that haven’t always appeared so plainly, but have certainly underpinned many of their interactions. 
1. The gun is in Rio’s hands and he makes sure she knows that it’s there (he tells her he’s planning on killing her). 
2. Beth scrambles to save someone (in this case herself through the pregnancy lie).
3. She plays along (she goes to the OBGYN with him).
4. She tries to negotiate (their whole conversation at the bar in 3.04)
5. She suffers the consequences (lets him strongarm into her business.) 
And then it escalates.
Beth + Lucy
I’ve talked about it before, but Lucy’s death was a marked shift for the show, because it wasn’t about making Beth do it, it was about making her complicit in the crime. 
Again, it follows a formula, albeit this time, not over two episodes. It’s in a handful of scenes.
1. The gun is in Rio’s handsand he makes sure Beth knows that it’s there (he presents as a clear and obvious danger to Lucy, echoes language he’s used with Beth when trying to kill her to emphasise his intentions. I talked about this a lot in the post I linked to above).
2. Beth scrambles to save someone (she tries to tell Lucy not to finish the new template.)
3. She plays along (she goes out to the van with Rio and his guys).
4. She tries to negotiate (passionately this time! But - notably - for herself, Annie and Ruby first, Lucy second - her first moral slip in this particular sense). 
5. She suffers the consequences (Lucy’s killed).
It’s a stark contrast to 2.01, because Dean survived, and an even starker one to all of the other scenes of violence on this show so far, because Lucy was an innocent, unlike Dean, Boomer and Rio.
Hell, she’s even unlike Annie and Mary-Pat, who have both experienced awful sexual violence in this series at Boomer’s hands. There is no situation ever in which any person deserves that or invites it; however, in talking about the violence on this show, it’s important to acknowledge not only their respective traumas, but the way they play as morally grey characters in the storyworld versus Lucy, who was never presented to us as anything other than ‘good’. 
The brief foray between Beth, Max and Rio that falls out of it forms a compelling, but short-lived exploration of the ramifications to this, and is in no small terms about highlighting two things. a) Beth has never been as innocent as Max, who wets himself in the heat of the moment, and b) that she’s stumbled down a few stairs in terms of what she can do, while c) still letting her guilt guide her course of action. 
Beth + Boomer
Which is why this episode was, in practically every way, an escalation of what Beth’s capable of, even if it did perhaps feel like it wasn’t. 
1. The gun is in Rio’s hands (a fact Beth instantly accepts when Boomer pops out of the septic tank). 
2. Beth doesn’t scramble to save him. At all. This is huge for her and a really, really marked shift in terms of her character. Like I said at the start of this post, everything she did in this episode was for Annie’s benefit, not for Boomer’s, but I’ll come back to that in a tick. 
3. She plays along, but it’s different this time. She’s both falling into line, while creating her own space. Yes. She’s going to bring Rio Boomer. But she also might need more time within that, and she’ll fight for that when it’s for her sister (taking Boomer to say goodbye to Marion), but she won’t when it’s for Boomer himself at their expense (she’ll steal away the urn and threaten to throw it away when it’s too much). Beth bossed up in a big way. Not in a pretty way, sure, and not in a way that perhaps immediately presented as empowering, but it was  - she did what needed to be done to deliver, not just play along.
4. This is why I think Beth’s negotiation here was important and needed to be in there. The shift in her own morality in this episode has been both a logical evolution of the series and a really stark one. She needed to know she tried, and it’s no accident that her brief, half-hearted efforts at negotiating for Boomer’s life with Rio came after Boomer was appealing to Annie again, and again, and again, and again in that car. 
We’ve seen what Beth’s like when she’s fighting for a life. 
She wasn’t fighting for Boomer. 
If anything, she was providing the most base of comforts to her sister, and likely herself too. 
They tried.
5. She suffers the consequences. She doesn’t fight it. She doesn’t spring from the car, or start her filibuster like she usually would. Which means she doesn’t just suffer Boomer’s death. 
For the first time in the series, she accepts it. 
And she lets it go. 
And sure, maybe it’s not a fuck you, but for Beth? The woman who can’t even divorce her husband? I think that’s pretty huge. 
I also think that the end of the episode where Annie tried to give peace to Marion just reiterated how much this episode was about her for Annie, not about Boomer (which is why it’s also important that the show reminded us that Marion was racist, and that she chose Boomer over Annie anyway, which I really appreciated). 
And going off that final montage? None of them mourned him like they did Lucy, which, well. Says a lot, particularly when paralleled with their respective guilt spirals in 2.04 after disposing of Boomer the first time.
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arabellaaaas · 4 years
Favourite Worst Nightmare
Part 4: Mad Sounds
|An Alexander Turner x Arabella Davis fanfiction series |
Description: When two broken hearted meet, they try and hide their past. A story about two young adults whose pasts won't let them find happiness again in each other's arms right away.
A/N: As always, Credits to the owner of this gif!! Let me know if you all want to be tagged in here ❤
Taggs: @imagine-that-100
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What do you mean you are going to meet up with him today?!" a loud voice could be heard through the phone. It was, of course, Bree who was shocked at what her friend was telling her. What bothered her more was the fact that Arabella did not even try to let her know DAYS AGO about this. She was one hundred percent approving him by any sort, she noticed from the start that he was Arabella's type and she was clearly into him. "And you did not even bother to tell me?" she whined like a little child while running around her flat. "I am so so sorry, Bree! I-" she stopped mid-sentence to catch her breath before unlocking the grey door in her place. "I literally forgot to tell you when I came over. I am really sorry, please forgive me!" she apologetically said, throwing her bag somewhere around her couch. She ran from work because she was going to be late for her meet-up with Alexander. She could have taken her car that morning, but she forgot she had plans and did not think, not even for a second, that her work program won't align with her plans and she was risking running late.
"We spent almost two days together, Arabella!" she snapped back right off to her friend that was heavily breathing, almost chocking on the last quantity of air she could breathe. "We were high for almost two fucking days, Bree!" she reacted with her last drop of energy leaving her body.
Bree mumbled something for herself, probably some curse words for Arabella she couldn't say over the phone because it was unfair to curse her when she was actually right. Arabella put her phone on speaker after she texted Alex her address so he can come to pick her up at the time they set. Then, the chaos has begun. "Can you please yell at me later and help me think about what I should wear?" she begged for her friend's help since she was completely lost. She was looking at her wardrobe and it was like the clothes looked back at her, not knowing what to do. Bree began to explain the weather to her to help her out a bit. It was not cold considering that it was the middle of the warmest season, but at night there's still a little cold because of the breeze.
"Did he tell you where he will take you?" she asked, the answer coming right away not helping at all. "He told me he wants to surprise me" Bree could hold back her giggle. Arabella was on the edge of a crisis, but Bree's dirty mind could not chill for a second. "BREE, WE ARE NOT GOING TO HIS PLACE TO HAVE SEX, COME TO YOUR MIND".
"Okay, okay... Damn, you said you were not going to catch feelings for ~a boy you met at a random bar~, ain't it? What about your black jeans? They really make your legs look good." she was really testing Arabella's nerves, especially pointing out her body AND saying a lot of pointless things. She wasn't catching feeling, neither was she looking forward to doing it. She was just stressing out so much because it was the first time in months she was going to hang out with someone new, who was not one of Bree's lover boys. Plus, they were going to be alone God knows where. Also, she did not want to look like a complete tosser in front of a lush man. "I am not catching feelings for anyone. And what should I wear with those jeans?" That's how their conversations go all the time. They are most likely to talk about multiple things at the same time, chiefly if one of them is in a hurry. They chatted for a little bit more and Arabella finally chose something to wear, matching a sheer top with the jeans Bree was talking about.
She was going to bring one of her black jean jackets because that sheer top wasn't going to keep her warm at all. She brushed her hair and went ran her hands through it to give it a bit of shape, painted her lips with a bit of burgundy lipstick. Her makeup was already done since she did it in the morning. Even if it was a bit smudgy, she couldn't care less. When her phone indicated that she received a new text message, she told her friend in haste that she had to go and hung up the call. She took her perfume out of the bag she threw earlier and on her way to the door, she sprayed some onto her neck. She put it back in the bag, grabbed her jacket and ran out the door, after locking the door.
Alexander was waiting for her in front of the building she described through the phone. He had his glasses on, as usual, looking around him at people passing by his car trying to figure if he knows anyone. In about five minutes, he glanced at his right and saw her walk over to his car through his window. A small grin found it's way to his lips, altering into a real smile when she opened the door. "Hello, darlin'!" his greeting makes her smile bit. She looked like she ran for a marathon but still managed to look fit.
"Someone's feeling good tonight, I see" without even saying Hi, she started teasing him for smiling. She found it really cute for Mr. Mysterious to smile right away when he was always trying to keep on a straight face to impress. "It's a special occasion, take advantage of it" he softly laughs, driving toward the location he was talking about. "You look brilliant tonight" he adds, looking away from her.
She giggles, making herself comfortable in her seat right next to him. She could sense the strong scent of musk from his probably expensive cologne. It was something about men wearing cologne, or just taking care of themselves in general. It was truly odd to be attracted to the way someone is smelling, but for some reason, men really know what cologne to wear in order to attract women. "Your smile looks beautiful tonight". He gave her a short look, then rolling back his eyes. They were both really comfortable around each other as if it wasn't their first time going out all by themselves.
After about ten minutes of small talks and humming together along with the music that was playing on the radio that night, Arabella decided to ask where they were heading to, but unfortunately, he refused to answer. She noticed that they were on the road that leads to the outskirts of the town. She hasn't been on that side of the town for a long time. She didn't even know what could be so special about the place they were going to that made Turner shut his mouth about it.
"Oh. come on! Why won't you just tell me? If it is somewhere eccentric, you could at least tell me so I know what to expect" she whined, looking out her window at the sun as it was slowly disappearing into the green hills that could be seen in the distance. "Have you never experienced a surprise in your life, Arabella?" His tone hinted at the joke he tried to make, and she understood it. She never actually encountered a real surprise, but she was happy to do it now. She decided not to say anything about it and just start singing, smiling at him. It was still warm outside, maybe around 73 degrees.
As they were going uphill to a look-out place Alex knew about, they could see their city slowly lighting up. It was a big, busy city that actually never slept as the myths say. Seeing how the day-life was switching for he night-life felt like they were teenagers again and they would just now go out with their mates. Faster than she thought, Alex stopped the car in the middle of nowhere.
She turned over to face him and he had a smirk on his smile, gesturing with his head that they had to get out of the car. She did as he suggested and studied everything she was seeing with the two green eyes she had. Alex grabbed her by the arm and pulled her with him to the spot he already knew it was best. He had a few things in his other hand, he came prepared. He let go of her arm and as she was admiring the view, he sat down on the grass, handing out a can of soda to the woman next to him.
She was so impressed by the view that she did not even notice Alex's hand. He snapped his fingers, bringing her back to the world they lived in. "I suppose you relish it here?" he was anxious she would just put it up front. "I love it here!" she cheerfully exclaimed as she sat down right next to him, grabbing her soda. "What made you bring me up here?" the question made him think for a little. He did not really think in particular of a reason to bring her up here, he just felt like that was the best place for them to hang out.
To offer her an answer, he also asked "Don't you ever want to escape and run away? I guess this was in my mind. It is peaceful up here. I often come here to cool my mind when everything seems too stressful. So I wanted to bring you with me." She was really pleased with what he was saying, also flattered.
He was indeed hiding a lot, and for her to be able to discover a teeny-tiny was really something she was looking forward and she clearly did not expect it to happen so soon. She appreciated the vulnerable side of the people surrounding her. Well, that once surrounded her. As she distanced herself from them, she didn't really saw that side of them anymore. The only one she keeps seeing is obviously Bree, and she would not trade her for the world.
"To be honest with you, I always think about running away. But I cannot leave my life behind. I worked too hard on this crap to just let it get lost" Bringing a cigarette out of one of her pockets, she brought her knees closer to her chest, admiring the wonderful view in front of her. He was starring at her eyes and he compared them to a galaxy. The lights from the city could be seen in her eyes, making them sparkle. She handed her pack over to him, leaving him with a confused look on his pretty face.
"Didn't you say you wanted to try these?". When they spoke over the phone in the middle of a night, he mentioned those organic cigarettes that she keeps smoking. He laughed and grabbed one with his lips as his hands were busy opening the can. They both lighted them, sitting in silence for a moment before Alex could go on with the conversation.
"Why would you be so scared to leave this damn place? It's filthy in here" as if he actually meant it, he looked directly in her eyes, analyzing her eyeful face. "You know, I would have said this too a year ago, and I thought I might want to say it now again. But I have the minimum I need to survive. Even more than that. I am free to do what I want, to hang out with who I want and I have the best human by my side. I think the only thing I want to escape now is my feelings."
"Do you think it is good for your mental health to just run away from your feelings?" he asks right away, and Arabella answers just as fast saying "But do you think it is healthy for you to run away from everything? It's pure death" Alex just nodded, trying not to think about it so much.
In order not to make the rest of the night a bit awkward, he started asking a lot of questions so he can get to know her better. He asked her about her work and about her past workplaces, then they started to talk about the future. Probably these were the best questions to ask someone in pursuance of getting to know him\her better. People tend to answer these questions sincerely, nut trying to lie about things they would want to do or pursue. When Arabella noticed how she was the only one answering questions, she returned Alex's inquiry. "How do you want to spend the rest of your life, Alexander?" The way she spelled his name sounded like music to his years.
"I just want to settle down, work from home, but not at some big company. Or maybe the big company could be one of the options, but only if I don't have to spend the whole day working. I want to live without fear or regret. To have my own house, that I designed myself, and I want to share it with someone special. Until then, I want to live as if I am 18 again. I just want to drink when I want, run for no reason, laugh all the time, tell stories, create my own, work on music, smoke, go out, traveling... All of that stuff, you know what I am talking about. " He sighed, lighting another cigarette, this time one of his own. He moved his eyes back to the view that sat still in front of him, waiting for a reaction of some sort. Maybe he seemed crazy, opening up to someone this fast, but he felt like she was not going to tell anyone anything.
"Mind if I join your life adventures?"
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 years
movie sex: valid or not valid?
Because I have nothing better to do and am the resident movie sexpert, I’m going to rate every single sex scene in this Buzzfeed List of Supposedly Hot Movie Sex Scenes based on its validity (which probably isn’t much).
1. Queen and Slim.  Off to a shameful start in that well I have not seen this, however as Jodie Turner-Smith is involved I’m gonna preemptively say it’s valid.
2. Swimfan.  I have not seen this either but the guy is ugly.  I only tolerate so many people I don’t find attractive.  Not valid.
3. Titanic, the scene where Jack lost his virginity.  EXTREMELY VALID.  The sex steam!  “You’re trembling”!  The way he had no idea what her plan was until she made him grab her tit!
4. Chloe, the scene with Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfried having mommy issues sex.  I would say valid, but in fact this movie is pretty problematic and plays into the psycho lesbian trope and is a remake of a movie that DOESN’T, so not valid.
5. Dirty Dancing.  Valid, because she touches his butt and also because every time you watch this with someone who grew up in the 80s they’re GUARANTEED to be like “and this part this part THIS PART” when he carelessly tosses her shirt aside.
6. Brokeback Mountain, the tent scene.  Loses points for the lack of lube, but I don’t think archive of our own existed back then so they wouldn’t have known their mistakes.  Also, easily the hottest tent sex.  Valid.
7. Unfaithful, the stairwell scene.  FUCK YES HELL YEAH GOOD SHIT GET IT.  Very valid cheating sex.
8. Indecent Proposal, Demi Moore has sex with her husband, not billionaire Robert Redford.  Lol what a bait and switch, I watched this because it’s my dream to get paid a million to have sex with someone and I have to watch Woody Harrelson have sex?  No thanks.  Not valid.
9. Anna Karenina, when Anna and Vronsky like, dance-fuck?  Fuck-dance?  I don’t know.  Vronsky’s hair is absolutely atrocious, and his mustache makes me feel like he shouldn’t be allowed around children, but this scene is very pretty.  Also, if you’re asking God for forgiveness after sex you probably did it right.  Valid.
10. Out of Sight, Clooney and JLo.  One of those sex scenes that’s like, intercut with the convo leading up to the sex, which can be hit or miss but it’s very sultry and 90s here.  Valid.
11. Vicky Cristina Barcelona, the threesome scene.  First off, lol, WHAT SCENE, you don’t even see shit.  Second, Woody Allen probably got his rocks off to this so instantly NOT VALID.
12. The Girl on the Train.  On Buzzfeed, this is described as, “when Luke Evans goes down on his wife”, and I agree.  VALID.
13. Monster’s Ball.  ............... Halle Berry is very good in this movie.  Is the movie a good movie?  Is this a good sex scene?  Also Billy Bob Thornton is there?  The debates about storytelling and realism can go on and on, but in terms of what I’m judging things by, which is good sex scene-ness,  not valid.
14. Black Swan. Natalie Portman fucks herself but it’s actually Mila Kunis.  You know how things can get when one knows oneself.  Very valid, as is the entire movie.
15. Body of Evidence.  I haven’t seen this movie, but the person who submitted it to Buzzfeed describes it as “the oral and then penetrative sex”, so I don’t trust them first off.  Second, Willem Dafoe and Madonna?  I worry.  Not valid.
16. Roadhouse.  Another movie where every woman who was a teenager in the 80s brings it up like “Have you seen Roadhouse?” with That Gleam in their eye.  Valid.
17. Conversations with Other Women.  I’ve never seen this movie and the cap Buzzfeed chose is absolutely ghastly, truly devastating for Aaron Eckhart, who I do not trust because he is not cute.  Not valid.
18. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the kitchen fuckfight scene.  Listen kids, marriages don’t always work out but you can always look back and watch the moment when Shiloh was conceived!!!  We love witnessing the death of a marriage with brutal boning, QUITE valid.
19. Atonement, the library scene.  Yes!!!  A thousand times yes!!!!  Knightley’s foot gradually lifting off the ground, the “I love yous”, the entire mood getting killed when her kid sister walks in?  Perfection.  Valid.
20. Rocketman, Elton John bones Richard Madden.  So valid!  It’s very sweet and loving even though you know Richard Madden is bad news, and also I totally get why Elton almost lost a career over him.  Same, bro!
21. Y Tu Mama Tambien, the threesome.  Y’all can fuck a Goldfinch, actually attractive men (Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna) actually make out with their actual lips and consummate their erotic friendship while the dying woman they’ve been roadtripping with blows them simultaneously.  Get your fucking shit together.  VALID.
22. The Mountain Between Us.  I.... I feel like a fraud here, but I did not like this scene.  Idris is very hot, but he looks like he’s crying during?  And I mean maybe that’s appropriate considering the fact that they almost died on a mountain, but that’s not my style.  Not valid, but gently.  Tearfully.
23. Her, that scene when Joaquin has phone sex with a robot.  I think that says it all.  Not valid.
24. The Piano, the scene where Harvey Keitel and Holly Hunter finally bone.  Like, am I attracted to Harvey Keitel?  No.  Let us get this disclaimer out there.  Is there some weird shit in this movie?  Yes.  But you can like.................. hear the vigor with which he’s going down on her in this scene......................................... ladies this was directed by a woman and you can TELL.  Valid.
25. A History of Violence, the stair scene.  This movie is very weird to me in so many ways, but like.  That shit.  That shit was..................... something.  Valid.
26. Crimson Peak, Tom Hiddleston fucks his wife when he wants to be fucking his sister.  I made this entire list because I saw the screencap of this scene for the article and laughed aloud.  Oh.  OH, Hiddlesstans.  Y’all think this was sexy?  His pale ass, the way he tried to snakedance his way up her body?  Oh.  Oh, my children.  Watch some other scenes, I beg of you.  Not valid, but a decent effort.
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lapishasproblems · 5 years
“You two can’t be serious.” (Post-reveal love square fic)
<Previous Part [PART NINE] Next Part>
(Yes me again, the stretcher for this idea that @livanarose came up with)
For @mysparkleaddiction @mothergeekness @rasberrytears @kae690 @realdumbasshours @xthreeravensx @flashflashitsash @tiffpotato @ale-san28 @datweirdname @absolutelycoathangered @idknowwhat @carzyanna @yasminahlam @coccinellegirl @flightfoot @hungry-scooby @the-alice-of-hearts @probsjosh @idkxvickx @fandomkitten99230 @shadowybutangelicsongbird and everyone else who have supported this far.
Biology is hard. Math is too. Good thing Brainly exists.
The brunette entered the school, her white bag slung on her shoulder, an apple in her hand. The school was already filled with students. She wasn’t late, but not too early either. None of her classmates were in sight. She immediately made her way to her classroom on the second floor. She was expecting it to be loud but not like this.
As she opened the door, nearly everyone was there, maybe only one or two were missing. The attention was centered on the two tables on the right, teacher’s point of view. The tables belonging to none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Cesaire, Adrien Agreste, and Nino Lahiffe.
Alya grunted in frustration. “I SWEAR THE NEXT TIME I SEE HER I’LL—“
“Alya. It’s—“
“MARINETTE STOP IT! How could you be wronged like this twice?”
The brunette slipped between the people surrounding the two tables, mainly the table in the second row, where a dark-haired girl was sitting. The redhead next to her looked furious. A blonde was around, trying to take control of the situation, despite the fact that most of the people in the classroom don’t even want want him there.
“Will someone please tell me what’s going on?”
Heads turned. The buzz of chattering and protests was replaced with silence the moment the brunette spoke up, inviting some dirty looks from certain people.
Rose immediately spoke up. “Oh, you will never believe it, Lila. It’s TRAGIC! Ladybug—“
“Ah, ah. Let me stop you right there. Who knows how long your explanation will take,” the mayor’s daughter spoke up from her seat, apparently not interested to join the crowd, but listening all the while, eyes glued to her phone. “The issue everyone seems to be talking about, dearest Lila Rossi, is that Ladybug—“
“No, let’s let it go. It’s my problem. None of you need to be involved in any of this,” a dark-haired girl from the second row spoke up, her usually cheerful face folded and scrunched up. “Besides, why do you care, Lila? How suspiciously nice of you?”
The girl with the red jacket gasped dramatically. “I can’t believe you thought of me that way, Marinette. Aren’t we friends? It’s only natural for me to care for your well-being. Isn’t that right?”
The girl squinted, as if she’s about to lose her temper right then and there, but decided to sigh and let it go.
A blonde smiled, his green eyes friendly as ever. “We’re here for you, Marinette. If you need anything, you know who you can turn to—“
Someone cleared their throat, making the crowd turn their heads to where a skater was standing, her hands crossed and her eyes glaring daggers at the blonde. “Not here to judge, but we’re still not over what you did, you know.”
“I know what I did was wrong. I know, Alix. I know,” Adrien immediately answered. “I’ve asked for an apology, a second chance—“
The skater chuckled, cutting off the model mid-scentence. “Bold of you to talk about chances. I was akumatized as a time turner once.”
Adrien’s face looked scrunched. He looked like he wanted to protest, but rethinking about the circumstances, even Lila knew that was impossible. The only people who looked sympathetic was the DJ. Even Chloe was so busy with her phone that she either wasn’t listening, or she didn’t care, or she also hated Adrien.
The brunette clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. The crowd’s attention was back on the dark-haired girl now, making Lila’s expression completely unseen by her classmates. Dirty thoughts raced through her mind. If she had her way, Lila would’ve easily changed everyone’s perspective on Adrien as easily as she could flip the palm of her hand.
Lila scoffed. Nobody seemed to be willing to tell her about the issue, but she took initiative and pulled out her phone. If it was anything about Ladybug, there’s no questioning, it has to be on that stupid redhead’s crappy blog.
Without having to spend her entire morning standing there, scrolling through the blog, Lila easily found the article she was looking for. Posted just yesterday. And she immediately knew why everyone was fussing over the stupid designer.
Ladybug was back with Chat Noir.
The brunette scoffed silently.
The blonde model was tidying up his books, ready to leave the school, but he paused and looked at the brunette, who had just called him.
“I’d like to talk to you, maybe just the both of us?” She said in a questioning tone. Lila also silently eyed the DJ standing behind Adrien, giving him a stare that said “get out”, which Nino immediately understood. He picked up his bag and patted Adrien’s shoulder as a greeting before taking off and leaving the classroom.
Adrien stared at Nino’s back until he disappeared through the door before turning back on Lila. “Come on, we can talk while we head out together.”
Lila smiled, walking with the blonde out the door.
“Listen, Adrien. About this morning—“
“Oh. That,” he cut he off. “You probably hate me too.”
The girl shook her head. “No. I would never.”
“Why? If even Alya can’t seem to look at me in the eyes anymore, what gives you the reason to? Let alone forgive me?”
He’s right. Lila said to herself. Even if you defend him, Lila, and he ends up falling for you, there’s no guaranteeing you won’t be involved in a toxic relationship the way that stupid Marinette was.
She smiled. “Adrien, sometimes you do ninety-nine good things and make one mistake, but all everyone could see and remember from you was that one bad thing,” she said. “And suddenly you forgot you did some good things in the past.”
The blonde didn’t answer, taking his time to digest Lila’s heavy words, something she doesn’t usually say. Even Lila herself didn’t know where those words came from. Probably the back of her mind where she stores things she never uses.
Reaching the first floor, Adrien finally answered. “You got a point there, but I wouldn’t be too confident and say that I’ve done ninety-nine good deeds.”
Lila chuckled. “You’re a clever boy, I’m sure you get it.”
Adrien was chuckling, and Lila was chuckling with him as they emerged from the front doors.
The grins were gone in an instant and their chuckles were muted immediately. Lila found a lamppost whirring directly at her. She barely had time to think before someone lunged at her. The lamppost missed them, but barely. Hitting the school steps instead.
She looked back at the direction the lamppost came from and found a giant ogre, his voice as inaudible grunts.
Adrien—the person who had lunged at her picked himself up and dusted himself off. “Listen, Lila. I need you to run and hide. It’s not safe here.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I’ll evacuate as much people as possible,” he said, extending a hand to help Lila up. “Go on. I’m sure Ladybug and Chat Noir will be here any minute now.”
The brunette hesitated for a second, but took Adrien’s arm and stood up anyway. She was about to take off, but more screams came from across the street and Lila found herself yet again in a near-death situation where a black car was on its way to make impact with her skull. She shut her eyes, ready for the worst.
She was sure she was as good as dead this time, but in the last minute, she felt something tug in her stomach, and she heard a loud crash not far from where she was. Opening her eyes slowly, Lila saw that she was now somewhere in the sidewalk, and the car had crashed, blocking the school entrance. Adrien was not too far away, picking himself up for the second time. But there was someone else there.
“You two get out of here! It’s not safe!”
The brunette decided to agree with the red and black heroine. She eyed Adrien and he smiled before she took off to one direction, and him to the other.
She was only a few steps away when Chat Noir showed up, immediately jumping into the fight.
Lila was on her way back to the school area to look for Adrien. He did say he was going to evacuate some people, but that black car the akuma victim threw had blocked the school doors. She didn’t knew if he ended up evacuating the other students or not, since Ladybug was there when she left and she was sure Chat Noir showed up not long after.
Maybe he left. Lila told herself. Even if he had tried to evacuate all those people, Ladybug and Chat Noir would’ve made him leave. Those two always want the attention to themselves. I don’t see them in a team of five anymore.
She turned a corner near the school and was about to continue looking for the boy, but instead, found a crowd of people surrounding the two superheroes. In the middle of the sea of humans, Lila could easily make out the red-suited superhero and her partner, being held back from leaving the battle scene for the millionth time.
She walked over, not because she wanted to join the crowd and ask a few questions to the heroine and her partner, because Lila would be the first person to walk away everytime she hears the word “Ladybug”. But because she had to. The crowd were practically flooding the school area.
“Ladybug, mind answering a few questions?”
Lila turned her head as the heroine looked at her partner who returned the look with a shrug.
“Sure, a couple of questions wouldn’t hurt.”
The reporter paused to move a bit closer so that her camera crew can catch the heroine’s smiling face, but before she even could ask the question she was supposed to be asking, a redhead parted the crowd and with a swift movement, stood in front of the reporter with her phone, ready to question a few things to the heroine.
“Ladybug!” The very familiar redhead started, causing Lila to pause. She could tell Alya was trying really hard not to scream or cuss, remembering that a nearby camera is now going live. “Mind telling us how you singlehandedly seduced Chat Noir for the second time?”
Ladybug raised an eyebrow. “Is this about that Marinette girl again?”
“Yes and no.”
“Listen to me, superheroes aren’t supposed to be dating civilians. I made that mistake, and now Chat Noir made the same mistake. It’s his fault and I get it—“
“HIS fault? Bold of you to point fingers, honey—“
“Yes because it’s certainly not m—Marinette’s fault that they got into the relationship in the first place,” the heroine answered. “I specifically told Chat to stay away from civilians. That they are off limits. If he wanted to date them, he can date them as a civilian. But he didn’t listen. And look where we are now.”
“Alya Cesaire, if I didn’t cut in and cut off their relationship, who knows what would’ve happened to your friend today?” Ladybug asked her. “If Hawkmoth knew about Chat Noir and Marinette, he could’ve used her as bait. His akumatized victim was even making his way to her school. To your school. Aren’t you the littlest bit worried for her safety?”
Alya looked upset. Lila could tell she wanted to argue some more but the reporter was getting furious, and Alya was going to have to leave soon.
The redhead didn’t answer, so Ladybug moved on, focusing her attention on the reporter who had just finished interviewing Chat Noir. “I’m sorry, what was your question?”
“No, it’s alright. Chat Noir answered everything.”
“Oh, okay. Great job then,” she turned to her partner and held a hand in a fist. “Pound it?”
“Pound it.”
The crowd around Lila clapped and cheered, so she returned her focus to the task at hand: finding Adrien.
“Alright everyone, bug out!”
And with that, the two heroes were gone.
But did the brunette care?
Not at all.
She made her way to the school steps. Aside from the usual people making their way around Paris, there was nothing to see. Ladybug’s superpower definitely fixed everything. There was not a scratch on the school steps or walls. Other kids have probably gone home while evacuating the area. If Adrien did evacuate the students, then he definitely did a great job. Something gave Lila the urge to smile.
She continued walking down the sidewalk and had keep looking for a while.
He probably went home. There’s nobody here. He wouldn’t be waiting for me. He probably thought I went home. Lila told herself over and over, but something told her to keep looking around the school area. She knew she was on to something but even Lila herself didn’t know what.
Not until she turned a corner and heard very familiar voices on the alleyway next to her.
“That was great!”
“Yeah, you weren’t bad either.”
Lila pressed her back against the wall once she caught a glimpse of the two people talking. She strained her ears really hard, trying to find out just what was the person she was looking for talking to Marinette Dupain-Chang in an alleyway somewhere near school.
“Did you evacuate everyone?” She heard Marinette ask.
“Yup, everyone’s safe,” he replied. They didn’t talk for a brief moment until Adrien spoke up again. “Listen, we need to talk about—“
“Adrien, don’t make the same mistake. Paris has ears everywhere,” Marinette said, stopping him immediately, causing Lila to curse silently.
Well she’s not entirely wrong. Lila said to herself.
Adrien who seemed to understand immediately stopped whatever he was about to say. “Alright, then. I’ll see you at school?”
She heard Marinette chuckle. “You too.”
“Alright, see you later, My Lady.”
Adrien emerged from the alley and turned a right, but Lila wasn’t panicking or quickly turning away or trying to hide. She was already crossing the street, heading towards the direction of her home. Saved on her phone, a picture of Marinette and Adrien in the alley, ready to be sent.
Hello yes me again. You’re probably sick of me and my hiatuses but really, there have been so many things happening these past few weeks.
One, of course, high school. I actually have a History AND Chemistry test tomorrow. Plus, someone from another class accused me of stealing her boy (the boy is in my class and we’re actually quite close). I get that she’s hurt but seriously, we only started school a month ago and you’re out here spreading lies already?
Two, I was sick like, a week ago. I was diagnosed with dengue fever but healed quickly. Unlike my brother who had to stay in the hospital for three whole days. And now I have a cold because I didn’t get enough sleep and my body’s immune system was at its lowest so THANKS A LOT HIGH SCHOOL.
Three, I’ve been procrastinating. The fic was coming to an end and I kept telling myself to finish it but I couldn’t find the right idea for the conversations. And then recently today someone spammed me with likes for the fic and I finally picked up my supplies, turned up some music and started writing. And here we are. Y’all can thank that person cause I finally wrote because of them.
Thank you for all your support up to PART NINE! Part ten will be the finale so y’all can wait for it I mean, I might write that in like a month or so from today.
Leave a “:))” to be notified for the next (and last) part!
(HUUUUGGGEEE thanks to Tere Liye for that lil quote Lila mentioned. Specifically, thanks a lottttt to the Komet novel I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, and am waiting for NEBULA)
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fierycosmos · 5 years
YGO Laurel: Goodbyes and Hellos
(so it’s not a drabble, but features my YGO oc Laurel writing goodbye letter and some hello letters to people in her life. and a little background: she’s writing to her dad who’s in prison for abusing and kidnapping her, and her mom’s dead but she’s writing a cathartic letter to her anyway, and Adam is a friend she stayed with before moving to Domino City, and Fein is her best friend from childhood she had to say goodbye to when she ran away from home -- SORRY THAT’S A LOT BUT ENJOY) I rip the failed letter to shreds, again. I toss it with the rest of my mistakes into the trash. I lay back into my revolving chair roughly and my hair scatters across my face. I exhale through my nose and I watch as a strand floats lifelessly and then plops back down onto my face. Annoyed, I collapse my elbows onto my desk and rub my face with my shaky hands. Why can’t I write this God-forsaken letter? I’ve been able to write the others, and I even delivered! Even the ones to Seto and Mokuba I placed on their beds. But you, you like to mock me don’t you? I grab another card from my desk and begin to scribble out my thoughts once more. *** Lawrence Turner, Why? No, better question is how? How could you ever think you could get away with this? You won’t be able to hurt anyone in there. Didn’t you realize before this started? Before the drinking and the gambling and the Cuban cigars, that you would get caught? I can’t begin to count the scars on my body from smashed beer bottles to concussions that were never treated. And those bloody turtlenecks. I hate turtlenecks; and yet that’s all I could wear for two years! Don’t ever talk to me again. I hate you. I really hate you. __________________ Seto, I’m sorry. That’s the first thing that comes to mind. I know you won’t accept that. You probably won’t accept it or you will hate the lack of “better language in expressing my sorrow.” I don’t even know if you will read this. I understand though, I really do, but it hurts though to know you may never forgive me. I had my reasons. You still may deny that my choice to lie to you was reasonable, but I had to protect myself; I had to protect you. And Mokuba. Now don’t let that stupid ego of yours get in the way! To my surprise, I started to care for you both; I’ll admit that much. The more involved I got, the more I wanted to tell you my story. My insides were going to explode if I didn’t tell you soon; I guess that’s why I am writing this letter. To put it succinctly, we both have daddy issues. While yours was a pompous asshole with too much money, mine was an abusive alcoholic. Oh, and did I mention he was a wrestler back in the day? That’s why I acted so tough and wanted to work out. I had to be ready if I ever saw him again. That’s also how I got the scar on my left shoulder that you always asked about; it was a broken beer bottle. Happy? And then there’s the mom piece: she died not long after Luka was born. He was two and I was nine. Terminal cancer; there was nothing the doctors could do. That’s when dad’s drinking got out of control, and he got back into the ring. Once that started, there were lots of late nights and lots of brown-stained t-shirts. And so I ran and took little seven-year-old Luka with me. I was smart enough to know I couldn’t take care of another human being at my age, so I left him with Grandma Lacey. She stopped talking to my dad after mom died. And you know Adam. I met him along the way. He actually caught me when I tried stealing some food from his pub. It was a bad time in my life; I was a desperate and dirty fifteen-year-old. He said I reminded him of how he acted when he was my age and took me in. I slowly began telling my life story to him and became a part of his family. But once again I had to leave. Lawrence was getting too close to me and it was heartbreaking to leave them. Then I ran into your brother and my perspective on life changed. You and Michael stopped me from dwelling on my past. Please don’t try and track me down. I need to stay away to keep you and Mokuba from meddling where you don’t belong, and in circumstances you don’t understand. I’m probably not your top priority; I was more of a bother than anything I bet. I’ll find a way to pay you back. For all the clothes, for living in your house, even when I was using up all the hot water. I don’t think I need to go on; you’re probably enjoying it too much. The point is, you’ve done a lot for me over this past year and I feel the need to repay you for your generosity I continue to feel unworthy of. Before I end this poor excuse for a letter, I’d like to make a deal with you. I want you to let people into your life when I’m gone. I know that may sound nearly impossible for you to do, but I believe that it will help you be less of a grump. And don’t deny it – you’re a grump. Get out there, have a party or a fundraiser or a fancy gala or whatever. Get a girlfriend and treat her nicely. Go out to fancy dinners and see movies. Also maybe get a dog, to teach Mokuba some more responsibility. And yes, naked dogs are out of the question: those things are disturbing. So yes, you’ll have to put up with some new fuzzy furniture. And what will my part be in this deal you ask?  Well, if you wish, you’ll never have to see me again. If not, if you do manage to find me (which I still recommend you don’t try to do), I’ll answer any, if not all, of your pestering questions. Deal? Sincerely, Laurel Annalise Turner __________________ Dear Mokuba, You know I love you, right? You’re one of the sweetest human beings I’ve ever met. I had a hard life until I ran into you and you made everything in life seem worth living for. There’s so much I would love to tell you but I can’t get the words out. I don’t think you’ll want to read a novel about my life. I could go on forever in this letter but I’m kind of in a rush. To put it simply, you and Seto became the most important part of my new life. You two made me happy and almost helped me forget about all the hardships and people I had lost in the past, including my mother. She died years ago, but I never got over it. Then I lost my father, but he didn’t die. I lost him as a person I could turn to for help, someone who I could rely on for support. He turned on my brother Luka and me. I had to grow up quickly and become the one people, like my brother, could lean on. I wish you could meet Luka, my baby brother. He’s around your age. Maybe someday you will, if Seth ever lets you see me again. Don’t be mad at Seto, okay? He has every right to be mad at me, and you can’t blame him for being thickheaded. I want you to also be on your best behavior. No harassing your brother! He’s a very busy man and you’re heading off to middle school soon and you’ll need all the free time to STUDY. Don’t forget about me, all right? I’ll swing by some time; it’ll be our little secret. ☺ Love, Laurel __________________ To the Unworthy Human Being, To my Asshole of a Father, Hey douchebag, how’s it feel to rot in jail? That’s right, you’ll have to make due with hanging out with your sorry self and other good for nothing bastards just like you. Hell I don’t even think you deserve to live, and that’s coming from your daughter. You’ve done nothing but shame the Turner name, I’m thinking of changing it. I don’t even know why I started this. Say hi to your loser friends for me. __________________ Fein Wilson 25 Park Ave. Dear Fein, Long time no talk or long time no write. It’s been, what, seven years? Don’t be mad at me, okay? I just want to tell you that I’ll be heading back home soon. I’ve been gone for some time and I feel I should visit and reconnect with my roots, you know? You were the first person that came to mind. I’m sorry I never stayed in touch while I was gone. A lot has happened to me since I left our small little suburban bubble. The world outside is so strangely wonderful and different. I should show you around one of these days. I’d like to see you. Like I said, I have a lot to explain. Hope you appreciate the postcard. It’s funny, when I first saw it I immediately thought of us. Almost identical to the last picture we took together. We should go to the beach again, dig up some hermit crabs and stare at cute lifeguards. It’ll be good to act normal for a change. Again, I’ll explain that to you in person. Miss you, Laurel T. __________________ Adam and Meredith Jameson 21 West 52nd Street Apartment 2A Dear Adam, Surprised? I’m not going to forget about you any time soon. How’s that wonderful wife of yours? Tell Meredith I said hi. Last time I saw her she was a swollen planet. Did you name your newborn after me ☺? I bet the bar’s a mess without my leadership. The bartenders need to get better at their mixers. They were sloppy last time I was there. I would suggest getting rid of that blonde bimbo. But I’m not writing to insult your judgment, because you gave me a chance out of the blue. I just thought I should check in. A lot’s happened since my dad found out where I was. Sorry for the mess on the roof by the way, hope there wasn’t too much blood. I didn’t think he would find me while staying with you. I’m just glad all you saw of him was his mug shot on TV. Thanks for visiting me in the hospital by the way. I was out of the coma a few days after you visited. I never got to thank you for the roses. Meredith’s idea, I’m guessing? You know the more I try to joke about my dad finding me the harder it is for me to write this all down. I still have nightmares of that night on the bar roof every so often. Thankfully I’m not fighting my demons alone, so please don’t lecture me about going about my “recovery” on my own. You don’t need to worry about me anymore; you’re a father now and will have your own child to stress over. I just wanted to let you know that I’m moving past “the incident” (if that’s what I can call it – apocalypse sounds a bit too strong) and that I can’t thank you enough for your support, and for reuniting me with my old and new family. Thank you for everything. I’ll stop by soon. Best, Lor __________________ Hey Dad, People keep trying to stop me from writing this, but someone told me it’s best to get things down on paper to help move on. But one question keeps running through my head: how could I ever forgive you? Yet, somehow I feel like it’s not your fault. Some unknown force took you away from me and switched you for some demonic spirit, maybe to test me? Either way I feel the alone time you’ll have will hopefully be enlightening and help you be happy and accept the decisions you made. Maybe then I can see you again. __________________ Dear Mom, Hi. Hey, mom. How’s heaven? I miss you. So do Luka and grandma, and I know dad does too. I hope you understand why I can’t talk to him (you weren’t there when the harassment began, thankfully). I don’t even think you could have done anything. It would have happened eventually even if you had never left us. Though having you to hug again would be nice. I’m starting to forget some things; maybe it’s the head trauma from being slammed into walls and banging my head on tables. Dad always had a good arm. I buy your favorite perfume every so often, just to remember your smell. I still have the necklace you used to wear. The chain broke a year ago and so I attached it to an old charm bracelet I made in school. It stands out on the cheap rusted metal and I stroke it every so often, thinking how you would touch it when thinking of your father. I’m playing with it right now as I wonder what to write. I know, who ever thought I’d be so cheesy? I wish you could meet my new family. Seth and Michael mean the world to me. They’ve done more for me than I could ever give back to them. You always knew exactly what to say to make everything all right – I wish I had inherited that from you. I can’t seem to tell them exactly what’s on my mind. Seto makes me so flustered and he pisses me off (sorry, mom, I know you never liked rude language). But, I couldn’t picture my life without him now. I wonder if you’d approve. I have to admit he can be quite the charmer. But that’s not the point. You know I’m not very good with romance; it never made sense to me and I don’t think it ever will. I don’t know the secret behind a successful relationship. I remember Fein always talking about her celebrity crush of the week, but that was about it. I could really use your help right about now. Only Mokuba gets to see how I can care for someone. He’s just like Luka; it’s unbelievable. It’s like I got another chance at being a sister. Anyway, I hope you’re having a nice relaxing time up there. I’ll love you always, Laurel __________________ Father, I don’t even know why I started this. People say it’s best to get things off your chest to officially move on. I hate you. I really hate you. I’ll never forgive you. You hurt me, and worse, you threated Luka. How could I ever forgive you for that? Don’t bother writing back. Besides, I’m changing my name legally. You don’t deserve to know my new name. All you need to know is that I’m moving on to bigger and better things, and you’re not invited. L. *** I seal the envelope. Finally. I gently lift it up from the table and brush the seal, trying to calm down slightly. I can feel as though a heavy burden is being lifted off my shoulders. However, I can’t begin to relax or feel better. I grab my bags near the side of my desk, pocket the letter, and slowly head to the door. I look back at the room I called my own for the past year and sadly switch the light off. Once I close the door behind me, I lean against it seeking some sort of comfort. I am going to miss this old house. “Goodbye Seto. Goodbye Mokuba,” I whisper to myself as I try to hold back tears threatening to fall. As I head down the long hallway, I wonder where I will head next.      
hi - so i hope you liked this, i wrote it for an english creative writing class and i really enjoyed writing it back in the day
let me know your thoughts <3
also since i wrote it for a class, there might be instances where seto’s name appears as “seto” and mokuba’s as “michael” -- i changed them so not everyone would know i was a weeboo lol
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not-a-statement · 6 years
Chasing ghosts. Chapter 1
I’m finally posting the first chapter.
Forgive me for my grammar, like I said I'm not a native speaker, but I hope you'll find it at least readable.
As always big thanks to @edward-or-ford for all his help and guidance
I’ll soon figure out how to create a master post, but just for now I’ll leave a link to a prologue (if you haven’t read it) here
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter
New City, NY, August 31st 2024
Dipper set aside the empty glass and glanced around at the merry people gathered to celebrate the Pines twins’ birthday. There were friends, a couple of relatives, colleagues. Mostly the Zach Turner’s colleagues: Dipper himself did not have personal contact with many people every day. A freelance journalist is called freelance for a reason. But if you are a stockbroker, even a beginner, then you might be in this kind of crowd. All of them fit, most of them tanned (probably from a solarium), wearing fancy Trussardi polos, a full set in order to impress you. To make you believe that you are looking at a wealthy confident man who knows no worries and ready tackle any money issues.
No, It’s not that Dipper could blame them, it's just their job to look successful and reliable. But from all this dazzling crowd hanging out in the backyard of the house he began to feel a ruffling sensation in his eyes. As if somebody poured a bucket of transparent glue on each of them and after they were shot with a sequins canon or whatever. It’s just seemed that each movement of these people somehow refracted the rays of sunlight at such an angle to hit Dipper directly in the eyes with a piercing beam. But anyway, Mabel was probably over-delighted with this kind display. Somehow it became a sort of tradition for the past ten years: what was painful for Dipper was pretty joyfull for Mabel.
Pines mentally kicked himself for that last thought. It sounded terrible, even if he didn’t say it out loud. And it sounded even worse coming from the thoughts of a loving brother.
Hah, a loving ... brother. It's odd even to put these two words in one sentence…
Another mental kick. Don’t you even dare to think about your feelings for your own sister, not now. Better to not ever.
Disgusting thoughts.
Wrong feelings.
Bad brain. Very bad and being an ass right now. We need to focus on what is important: today's birthday. Stan could get to us from his backwoods. Dad and Mom are also going to visit in a couple of days, when they return from the next trip around the country. They are probably happy with their new life without the constant care of children, busy only with each other and with their dreams.
Everyone was happy. Why couldn’t Dipper at least relax a little and pretend that he enjoyed this noise, instead of constantly thinking about escape paths from this house filled with smiling mannequins and idle talk? From the house where every piece of furniture, every spoon from the gift set and every word uttered by its inhabitants would forever remind Dipper of what he lost, and more than that, what he could never get. It was taken away from him by this slender hard-built bastard with a radiant smile from ear to ear and the sweetest speeches that he poured in huge doses into the ears of everyone around him. All these manners, courtesy. Damn, was it really only Dipper that was sick of this man-made likeness? Did no one else see his essence? Why did no one else see him as the dirty bastard he was? And why was Mabel, sweet smart Mabel, so blinded by all his fake ... this fake ... facade?
Dipper let out a deep sigh and reached for the glass again.
You know what? Forget it. You once again begin to come up with wild ideas and seeing things. Not every man hovers around Mabel actually turns out to be a psychopath, a juvenile maniac or a bunch of wild Fae creatures.
Yes, but I was right then!
Because then you tried to protect your sister, not the girl you are in love with.
As if there is any difference.
Newsflash. Of course there is. Want an example? Okay second year at college, the black guy what’s-his-face? Always found an excuse to hang in your dorm room with Mabel. You do remember him, right? And how long did it take your eye to recover from swelling.
Hey, it's not my fault that he got into a fight.
It happens when you get a lot of suspicious glares.
There weren’t so many of them ...
Dude, he still probably thinks you are a racist or something.
The rumble of a bourbon being filled in a glass was almost a lullaby. Dipper did not even notice how he filled the vessel almost to the brim.
Well, that was great: he was talking to himself now! Not that it was the first time. He often arranged internal disputes on this or that topic, clashing his rational part with itself or with the sensual, but never before his emotional side sounded so offended and pitiful.
Dipper frowned, sipping an amber drink, which burned his tongue and throat, but at the same time it became a little easier to consider everything that was happening and himself in it. With this ease, eyelids grew heavy, thoughts became slower - only the footage of the last six months of his life began to flash before his eyes.
If it could be called that. A life ...
Life is something sensible, controlled in the most of things. With no comprehensible forecast, only with assumptions - and that's enough, believe me.
And this kind of floating in the time-space with rare interactions with random objects floating there as well could hardly be called a life. It's like flying on autopilot without a specific purpose. And even you can not enjoy a journey in spite of what they say. A kind of asteroid in the cold space.
Or more like....
Perhaps it's ... like a satellite? Yes, a satellite that spends its entire life quietly orbiting its planet - a circle after a circle, year after year. It's boring, but you can adapt, especially if you do not think about why you get in this orbit and what happened before. If you do not replay in your mind moments from the past when at the age of fifteen you started to notice things that should not have been noticed, when your sweating hands, weak legs and lack of words turned the simplest conversation into an attraction of strangeness and awkwardness. If you do not replay memories of prom night over and over again in your head, which you found an excuse not to go to having no date to bring along, and your sister spent the whole night accompanied by that tall blond guy from her Spanish class and returned only the morning after. Or how you secretly threw out letters from the MIT that was ready to tear you away from the opportunity to choose a college in the same city as Mabel did.
Collect all these pieces together, and here you are - Dipper Pines - a proud mayor of the city called "What am I doing with my life?". Population: one person.
No, not like that.
And you are ready to go out into the streets and tear leaflets to passers-by with an invitation to the seminar "Are you too happy with your life? I will tell you how to get rid of this feeling. Every Sunday at a local community center. BYOB"
Yes, that's better. I can at least raise a little money.
Wait, what am I talking about? I need to open my eyes ...
A little more ... a little more ...
Oh, No! Bad idea!
Too light! Too light and too many people!
Oh... damn it …
Hmm ... although what am I? This was like it before I fell into my thoughts.
And yes - I'm still here. In the backyard of this hellhole, where Turner dragged my May ... um ... my ... my sister in his clawed paws. And from this hell I will never get her out of.
Dipper opened his eyes a little wider and looked at Zach's two-story house with complete disdain. Painted in a sky blue color, with windows washed up to the illusion of their absence and a neat backyard with garden gnomes, miniature paths lined with wooden footbridges, solar-powered lanterns and a low fence separating this site from the neighboring ones, it fit perfectly into a quiet family scenery, which New City of himself represented. This house came in no comparison with a small apartment in Brooklyn, where the twins has lived for almost a year after moving to New York. The apartment, which was a witness of moments of happiness and sadness, where the TV sometimes wasn’t turn off til morning because of the another marathon of cheesy horror movies, which housed the whole world of two closest friends, who loved each other sincerely and unselfishly. And which kept the secrets of one of them about where in its sincerity and disinterestedness there were footnotes in small print.
At the age of sixteen, Dipper told himself that only time was needed and that everything would end, everything would pass.
Now that’s a funny statement. Like a film or a book with an open ending, it gives a choice. For example, how long will it take or what will end? How many more will a small gray spinning top spin before shaking and gradually slowing its course until it stops? And will it stop at all?
Well, anyway, Dipper learned one thing - nothing can depend only on his will and obey the dry logic and, therefore, control. At the age of eighteen, he began to feel how gradually the situation began to develop according to his own scenario, regardless of his efforts to manage it. At twenty-two he could hardly find an explanation for his actions and decisions, and six months ago …
Six months ago, the satellite nevertheless descended from orbit and began its journey through the cold dark and empty nothingness. Six months ago, time had finally passed and everything was over.
On that day he walked from the editorial office with a new assignment. It was Friday, there was nowhere to hurry, although on the streets of New York even if you do not want to you have to merge with the eternally rushing crowd. There was a smell of spring in the air, and no matter how cliched this phrase was, damn it, it was true. Even Dipper felt something like that. Light and warm whiff. For the short time that he walked from the editorial office, the world around acquired more color, more smells - not literally, New York, with its busy streets, always supplied smells even above normal. Everything around seemed to come to life, blossoming in all its glory.
Not surprisingly, Mabel was always so happy about the arrival of spring, wherever we were. Maybe I should learn from her? Observe her today while taking a walk in Central Park - why the guy can’t invite his sister to take a walk in Central Park? Also, it’s now so beautiful there - bare trees are just beginning to be covered with the first signs of foliage, old men and women and young lovers are walking slowly along the paths of the park, contemplating what’s happening around them ...
It is possible to pretend that there is no hidden sadness that there is no emptiness inside. You can just move your legs, do not think about anything and absorb the sensations. And all this next to the most beloved person in the whole world …
Immersed in these thoughts and not particularly paying attention to scurrying hurried to and fro people around him, Dipper did not notice how a lazy and pacified smile began to creep across his face.
At least today life is good!
Mabel was waiting for him in the Ferrara bakery on Grand Street, where she was heading after another interview. It turns out that it's not so easy to find a job in New York for a mobile designer, but Mabel was not one of those people who despairs even after four months of searching. Although it seemed to Dipper that her enthusiasm was already at an end, and only by some miracle she still finds the strength to get up in the morning. He wanted to cheer her up, somehow raise her spirits, even if she does not admit that she is sad. Show that he is near, that he was always and will be there.
He planned everything: meet Mabel after work, a walk in Central Park, pizza for dinner and several pre-prepared playlists to choose from - romantic comedies, musicals, horror films and detectives. When they were sixteen, they could spend the whole night before the TV screen watching this kind of marathon of films. It's clear, they are older now and they have work and responsibilities, but, hey - today is Friday.
Simple and sincere. Only two of them, together.
It sounds like a date. Something like that…
From Worcester Street, on which stood the editorial building, it was ten minutes to go to the venue. Turn to Grand Street and go east, bypassing Green, Mercer, Broadway, Crosby, Lafayette, Center, Baxter and Mulberry Street. Piece of cake.
Despite the fact that after the turn the only thing that he had to do was to be on the straight line all the time, Dipper repeatedly checked the route in Google maps to make sure that he does not get lost and will be in place on time. Yes, it sounds odd, but New York is a big city, and it needs to be able to navigate. He didn’t want to repeat the story when Mabel mistakenly left for Jersey City and Dipper had to explain to her how to send her geolocation message to find it and pick her up.
Although now, probably, Dipper with all the desire could not not find the place where his sister was waiting. Huge signboards to the owners of the establishment seemed to be not enough, so they hoisted a giant plastic cones with a multicolored ice cream on both sides of the entrance, put a showcase with sweets on the street, and on the visor above the entrance for some reason they’ve put an old red baker's truck or something like that. Only the red carpet leading inside was missing. Oh, no, here it is …
Mabel sat in the far corner at a table for two. Before her stood a half empty mug of latte (obviously with a syrup of bubble gum, how can one drink it at all?) And a barely touched strawberry cheesecake. A slight dreamy smile played on her lips, a look through half-open eyelids was directed against the wall opposite her, the cheek is propped up by the palm, and the head is slightly tilted. Oh, so might it be that today she was at luck?
And how did it always happen that in any situation, in any position and with any expression of her face, Mabel was more beautiful than all the girls, that he’s ever seen in his life?..
"Hi, sis," Dipper said with a smile. "How was today?"
Whatever Mabel dreamed of, she was deep in her thoughts, because only the creak of the chair being moved in front of her and the appearance of her brother in her field of vision could bring her back to reality.
"Oh, hello, Dip," she chirped smiling wider. "I didn’t expect you so early."
“What?” Dipper was slightly taken aback. “I thought that I was even five minutes late ... wait, is this sarcasm? ...”
"No, no," Mabel said, quickly removing her elbow from the table and tucking the hair into her ear. She scanned the bakery, as if not quite understanding where she was.
“What time is it now?”
"Um, seven o'clock, just the time we agreed to meet”
"Oh, already?" Mabel lowered her eyes slightly and began fiddling with the tips of her hair.
"The time flew by so quickly," she added in a half whisper. Her cheeks glowed softly.
“Yes, already”  something suspicious was in the behavior of the sister. But put it off, Pines. You were going to offer something.
"Well, how did it go this time? Everything’s worked out? Looking forward to the call?”
"Or I can call first," Mabel playfully giggled.
“Mmm? Can you call them first for what?”
Mabel raised her eyes to her brother, in which a certain perplexity was read. For another couple of seconds, the sweet mist of dreams in her gaze dissipated until something clicked in her head, and she finally realized what Dipper was talking about.
"Ah, yes," she did her jazz hands "an interview. Well, it seems that next month you’ll still have to pay for the apartment. "She sighed and took a mug of coffee with both hands, lowering her head," again ... "
"Hey, hey," Dipper reached out and covered Mabel's arm, "it's all right. It's not important, the main thing is that you find a place where you’ll be appreciated and where it’ll be interesting for you to work and manifest yourself. You're the most creative person in this world. Heck, they're just idiots, if they didn’t take you right away!”
Mabel looked into Dipper's eyes and sadly, but sincerely smiled.
"I'll help you with what I can and will be around," Dipper smiled back.
God, how beautiful she is. There were so many guys in high school who liked her that the fingers of Ford's hands would not be enough to count them. True, none of those who had the luck to be with her, did not last more than two or three weeks, because none of them saw that behind the beauty of her there is also a very sharp mind. The whole universe with its rules and colors was stored in this charming fair-haired head. But none of them seemed to notice this.
Unlike Dipper.
Mabel embodied all the things that he lacked so much: freedom, creativity, infinite energy. Without it, he would not be a whole person. No one would have him learn to enjoy life and look at the world from a different angle, different from the position of dry logic.
"Thank you, bro bro," Mabel said quietly. "It means a lot to me, really”
"Any time, May," Dipper snapped his hand away and looked at his watch. "We still have plenty of time until the sun sets. It's about 20 minutes by metro to the Central Park, so I thought that we could wind up our heads a little. What do you say? You didn’t have any plans for tonight, did you?”
Mabel looked away and blushed profusely, covering her mouth with her palm and softly giggling.
Oh no. No no no! He screwed up, did he? He said it as if he was inviting her on a date. Oh, damn, oh, damn it! He rehearsed this phrase so much that it sounded like a simple friendly proposal in order to funk up anyway ?! She knows, she knows for sure, and now this situation will become even more awkward.
Set the panic aside! I need to figure out how to get out of this. Just laugh it off or try to explain what he meant.
Shit, why his palms are so sweaty? Is he in the eighth grade again?
“It sounds tempting, Dip. I’d really like to take a walk now …”
Oh, my God, phew. Everything is fine.
"... but, you see ..."
But? What’s for but? But what?
"... I really don’t know how it happened ... it seems that I have a date tonight!" Mabel finished her phrase. Her eyes were just glowing with happiness. The smile was broader and more dreamy than before, which made Dipper feel cold in the lower abdomen.
“I really didn’t know that this is the case in real life, but when I was walking from Five Points here ... i mean, our eyes just met, and I realized that he’d come up to me and ask me some question or say something... I just don’t understand how you constantly experience such stress every time you try to talk to a girl, this has never happened to me ...”
But Dipper wasn’t listening anymore. Only now he finally noticed all the details surrounding them. Strawberry cheesecake - when was the last time Mabel allowed herself something sweet in the city? Of course, they were not so poor, but given the fact that Mabel still did not have a permanent job, she tried to save money and not squander the money of her brother over trifles. So it was a treat. Then, how did Dipper not notice the empty espresso cup standing on his side of the table? He was too busy contemplating his sister to draw attention to this and to the fact that Mabel was constantly fiddling a napkin in her hand, on which was visible the pen-written sequence of numbers and one word.
He left her his phone number. Who does this now? What kind of moron should one be to do this, instead of just dictating a number to be recorded in the phone?
That invisible, light breath that warmed Dipper so far from the moment he left the editorial office was instantly replaced by an importunate cold draft, from which all the muscles of his face grew cold and numb, turning nis face into a fixed mask that did not express any emotion. The bright March evening began to be replaced by a dark emptiness.
And Mabel kept talking and talking. She was extremely excited by what was happening: so many emotions, so many assumptions and hopes. As many as many times the only one phrase sounded in Dipper's head:
It happened again …
Sooner or later, it should have happened, but why today? On the day when he finally felt a barely perceptible wave of happiness?
Sometimes it seems that the universe itself is against you. Whether you achieve something desirable say some fun and joy come to life - bam! Sign here, please.
On the one hand, you can, of course, decide that this is "designed" so, that it’s fate and junk, that everything is natural and the time has come. The time for whatever - for example, the time to give up.
On the other hand, one can regard this same "bam" from the Universe as an appeal not to relax and to act further, to become better, to grow and all that.
You can, of course, just not react at all.
It depends.
A lot of dependencies happens to be all around us. Someone sits for hours with a guitar, learns to play the way his or hers favorite performers do, someone shoves career needle into his or hers veins, someone’s obsessed with science - yes, there are plenty of examples.
And love is something you can depend on too.
It’s even addictive.
And for someone who already has a strong addiction, something smoother will ... be like ...
Damn ... words ... how to make them into sentences? ..
So, enough for today's memories.
And speaking about strong and smooth ... I need another drink.
The glass stood on the table right here. Where is it ... hey?
What the...?
"You tell me. That's enough for you, kid."
Kid? Oh he didn’t...
Dipper opened his eyes, trying to make out the speaker with him. It would have been better if it was anyone, but Zach.
"I think you might have the wrong glass, buddy," he croaked, trying to focus on the figure of the man next to him holding a vessel with amber corn liquid.
“Oh yeah? And didn’t you have the wrong party, knucklehead? The last thing I want to see right now is how my nephew gets drunk as hell at his birthday party”
Stan? ..
“No, Pope John Paul II. Who do you think?”
In a second, Dipper's eyes flew open, and consciousness returned to online mode. Was he talking all this time out loud?
“I ... um” Dipper uncomfortably fidgeting on the chair, adjusting the edges of the shirt that was pulled up and briskly brushing his hair with fingers.
"Stan ... how long ... are you sitting here?"
"What? You wanna know how much of that nonsense that you muttered I heard? Don’t worry, your secrets will die with me.”
Oh no…
Dipper swallowed nervously and nodded uncertainly, looking before him. Stan responded with a laugh and added, changing his tone from more strict to good-natured:
"It's a joke, kid," he lifted his massive hand onto his nephew's shoulder, "there's nothing for me to blackmail you. This time.”
If they were in another place and under different circumstances, Dipper would have laughed along with his Gruncle. Now he did not even try, because together with laughter it would have turned out to be some silly awkward likeness.
"And yet, what made you to portray that guy ... Kain Rivers? Give you a piece of cake in the hand, and there’ll be complete similarity.”
"You mean Keanu Reeves?"
“Him, too.”
Dipper sighed and lowered his head, covered his face with his hands. Stan, having sipped a little bourbon from the glass, put his hand on his shoulder again.
“Seriously, Dip, what's wrong?” he added worried.
“Nothing, I'm fine” telling lies to a man who has proved over many years that he is the most understanding and caring member of the family left a disgusting taste on the tip of his tongue. If someone than it would be Stan to always be able to hear out and help. He would lay down his bones for the well-being of his family. Maybe he can at least somehow pour out his soul? ..
“What did you feel when Gruncle Ford disappeared in the portal? What’s it like to understand that your closest friend’s gone forever?”
Stan also sighed, setting aside his glass, and turned to face Dipper.
“Listen. You and Mabel, as long as I can remember, have always been together. You grew up, studied, moved to another cities. As I said, you rarely see such a relationship between a brother and a sister. But sooner or later, both of you should have had other companions of life. This is normal - it’s so arranged in the world. People get married, have families, children, invite each other to their dinners, go to work, dig in the garden in the backyard. It’s not the same as getting lost in another dimension for thirty years. Mabel just got married, she didn’t disappear from your life. Yes, now you’ll be separated not by the walls of the rooms, but by a good one and a half hour drive, but ... I’m not a good speaker... anyway,” - he drank some more whiskey.
"You two are better than we were with my brother. I'm telling you this, Ford claimed it until his last breath - believe me. Even if you were separated by space and time, you’d find a way to find yourselves... I mean to find each other. Do you understand what I mean?”
Dipper looked at the old man. In Stan's glance, God bless his heart, confidence and love were read. As always. And although he did not come even a bit close to understanding what was going on in Dipper's heart, his words still warmed.
"Yes, I do, Gruncle," Dipper smiled slightly. "Thank you."
"Well, it takes more than a simple thanks to be stuffed" Stan laughed and rose from his seat, leaning on the cane, "if you knew what they feed you on the plane, you’d understand what I mean. Next time I fly business class, and you pay. I spotted like a table with snacks inside, it's time to visit it.”
With these words he headed toward the house, stepping unsteadily and constantly leaning on his cane. Dipper saluted him in the style of Lando Calrissian and frowned. It was not fair  to upset Stan today with talk like that. So much of a burden was falling on his shoulders lately, and then there's just a glimpse of joy. Still, not every day his grand-niece marries.
It's a pity that Ford did not live to see this day. I definitely need to take a couple of  days off and go to Oregon. Stan becomes too weak to regularly care for the grave.
“Dipper! Bro-bro!”
Oh no.
Dipper pulled a smile on his face and turned to the source of the sound. There she was, flying to him in a light purple summer dress with a white collar.
"Silly drunken little brother. Where did you disappear?“ Mabel laughed, catching him with an empty glass and a half-empty bottle.
Dipper rolled his eyes and smiled wider.
"Mabel, we're the same age. Also I noticed that one bottle of champagne was open before the guests arrived”
He frowned in a mocking way and rubbed his chin,
“Hmm ... But who drank the champagne?..”
He pretended to be chewing a pen, thinking hard.
Mabel stuck out her tongue at her brother and laughed loudly.
"You’re such a nerd!"
She plopped down next to him and laid her head on his shoulder.
“Just think of it, we’re twenty-five now. Do people even have to live so long?”
"I'm still surprised that you even lived to be of age, considering the amount of sugar you absorb daily ... Ow!"  light elbow pokes from her still caught him off guard.
“You deserved that. Be grateful that Mister Tickles didn’t show up for such conversations with your sister.”
“Okaaaay. Mabel, are you sure you’re twenty-five?”  Dipper quickly moved away from Mabel, who was ready to attack on his brother's ribs with his fingers spread out, and raised both hands, "Okay, okay! No more of that!”
"Good brother." Mabel nodded with a satisfied look. "And now, if you'll allow me, jokes aside."
She took a small rectangular bundle from her handbag hanging from her shoulder on a thin chain and solemnly handed it to Dipper.
Dipper took the package from his sister's hands and for a few seconds admired this neatly wrapped in a nice-to-feel gift paper object. It was a pity to spoil such beauty.
“Come on, open it!”
In one motion Dipper opened the package, and in his hands was a large, thick notebook of dark blue. On his soft leather cover was woven golden threads of a small pine tree. Dipper carefully opened the title page, which was encoded with a neat letter. This time Dipper's face was lit up with a sincere smile - they invented the cipher together, many years ago, when in the classroom they passed notes to each other or left them in lockers.
"Wow ..." Dipper sighed. "I ... um ... thanks, Mabel."
"You're welcome, Dip," his sister shone, "I just wondered where it's seen that Dipper wouldn’t have a journal, would he?"  she again laughed and wrapped her arms around him, pulling her brother in a bear hug.
“Happy birthday, Dipper.”
"Happy birthday, Mabel," he replied, breathing in the fragrance of her floral perfume. "I ... um-uh ..." he cleared his throat and pulled away. "My present ... it... I decided not to carry it with me, so it's in the house, but ... I'm sure you'll like it too.
“It would be better if it was so.” Mabel said haughtily. With these words she jumped up, grabbing Dipper by the sleeve of his shirt and dragging him toward the house.
"There's a whole bunch of them there! Gifts!” she skipped off to the house, taking her stumbling brother along with her. "Let's go! I can’t wait to open each one right now!”
* * *
“Son of a…”  the lighter was still sent to the garbage because of malfunctioning, and now all the hope remained that the houses still had matches. Dipper had already rummaged through all the drawers in the kitchen, but not even one sucker was found in this abundance of kitchen utensils and cutlery, such an absurd abundance for the apartment, now serving as a lonely young man's refuge.
Dipper's gaze wandered around the kitchen, the space in his eyes doubled, quadrified - in general it was multiplying in every possible way, and it was extremely difficult to focus on something definite.
Was it really necessary to get so drunk? He did not have a car in New York for the time being, he used to travel by public transport and a taxi, but this is not an excuse for finding a pub on his way home to Brooklyn and staying there until midnight. The morning will be very bad. Very painful and bad.
But, it looks like this is the problem of tomorrow's Dipper, not today's, who has a real business to do now.
He held his hand to the countertop, and staggered to the gas stove, which looked like the last chance to light a damned cigarette, clamped in his teeth. Unsafe last chance. After meditating for couple of seconds, Dipper shook his head, muttering "No, sir," and went to investigate further. Still an eternity, according to the present chronology of Dipper, was wasted - there were no lighters or matches in the house, so that the stove was again in his field of vision.
Still adhering to the nearby interior for a safety net, Dipper drove to the suspicious fire-breathing inhabitant of his house. The fire was only lit from the fifth attempt, and, bending over to the hotplate itself and almost putting his shirt collar on fire, Dipper finally sucked in the pungent tobacco smoke.
And, it turned out that trying to smoke his first cigarette in life right now was a bad idea. Even disgusting. Not only that, he immediately became overwhelmed with a heavy cough and the shaking of his diaphragm awakened something dark in the stomach, consisting of half of bourbon, and half of the birthday cake.
Oh, shit, shit, SHIT!
To the left from the kitchen into the corridor, to the end ... lights on...
Where’s this switch ?!
Oh no! ..
At the last second Dipper managed to touch the toilet before he utterly unpleasantly vomited. All thoughts and emotions were compressed into a dot, leaving the consciousness with a devastatingly pure emptiness.
At some point, it might even have seemed that Dipper had blacked out, but as soon as the last urge receded, he straightened leaning with his hands on the rim of the toilet bowl and stood on his unsteady legs and went to the sink, much more tired and much less drunk.
At least giving the face a splash and rinsing the mouth with a freshener will not hurt.
And what do we have here? Oh, nothing, just your dirty still green face with a week stubble and some substance smeared around your mouth.
Oh, gross, ew!
He pulled off his shirt right over his head, doused his face with cold water, rinsed his mouth and staggered into his room.
Well, that's my life now. Drinking, no permanent job, a broken heart ... what could be better?
Dipper hobbled to the bed and plumped on it, without even bothering to remove the veil and pull off his trousers.
At least here I can quit pretending, he thought, as the tears came down bombarding his pillow.
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Larry Ezekiel Goodman Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Larry Ezekiel Goodman Nicknames: Darkheart, Larebear Age: 21; Can Change Birthday: February 27th Sign: Pisces Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic Polygamous; Nonsexual unless introduced to sex by outside source (then highly sexual) Hair: Naturally Brown, dyes tips blue Eyes: Dodger Blue Skin: Pale White Height: 5′0″ Weight: 110 lbs Faceclaim: Gerhard Freidl Piercings: Horizontal Brow Piercings (Left Side), Angel Bites, Labret, Both Ears Gauged (Size 0g) Tattoos: None Scars: Nothing real noticeable
Alignment: Lawful Good Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, Aetheist Allegiance: South Park Vampire Society, Mike Makowski, Ryan Ellis
Family: Zachary Fetter (Father, Alive, Out Of The Picture); Mariah Goodman (Mother, Alive); Martin “Big M” Goodman (Uncle, Alive); Mary Goodman (Grandmother, Deceased); Ezekiel Goodman (Grandfather, Alive)
Pets: Lestat (White German Shepherd)
Personality: Adaptable, anxious, artistic, attention-seeking, caring, compassionate, compliant, desires an escape of reality, emotionally intelligent, empathetic, extroverted, forgiving, friendly, generous, gentle, gullible, impulsive, intuitive, loyal, overly trusting, passive, patient, protective, prudish, responsible, self deprecating, selfless, sensitive, shy, submissive, sullen, tolerant, worrisome
Likes: Sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, the spiritual side of vampirism, comaraderie, his friends, clamato juice, deviled egg potato salad, sweets, animals, helping others, rainy/snowy weather
Dislikes: Confrontation, cruelty of any kind, thinking too much, being criticized, know-it-alls, being taken advantage of, being left out, touching fish, Swedish meatballs, bitter things, plain water, hot weather
Can Do: Drive, make telephone calls, organize events, drop everything when a friend needs him, offer advice, play instruments (Cello, piano, clarinet, a little bit of violin, kazoo), write fiction
Can’t Do: Actually kill things, relax easily, cook, math, abandon his friends, most magic, handle confrontation, get too warm, resist singing to songs he likes/knows
Mental Health Diagnosis:
PTSD: Larry was treated rather poorly up until he started school, often locked out of his mother’s room at night and left with nobody to help him through things but his uncle. His uncle was and still is a drunk piggybacking off of his mother’s paychecks, and Larry suffered a lot of physical and sexual abuse from him. To this day he dislikes being alone with the man.
Dependant Personality Disorder: Larry will pour himself into other things in order to escape his actual reality. Because of this, he takes on the brunt of handling most Vampire Society affairs, including but not limited to booking events and venues, securing timetables and even setting up the occasional bake sale. The busier he can stay, the happier he is.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Flat Feet: Larry has to wear special inserts in his shoes because his feet have no arches in them. It occasionally makes running hard.
Fears: Being forgotten, aliens, being eaten alive, earthquakes
Positive Traits: Loyal, trustworthy, tolerant
Negative Traits: Self-deprecating, anxious, worrisome
Quirks: Listens to such a wide variety of music it’s hard to pinpoint his tastes; Likes peanut butter and cheese sandwiches; Has an interest in all occult/supernatural things but vampires are his number 1
Tends To: Busy himself to the point of forgetting himself; Become nonverbal during conflict; Cling to his dog when scared
History: The timing couldn’t have been worse for Larry to have been a shine in his parents’ eyes. Zach Fetter was content to be the guy Mariah Goodman’s parents couldn’t stand, and she was content to know she was breaking rules, until Larry came into the picture. The minute it turned from rebellion into the possibility of a family, all parties tried to run. Mariah, sadly, was a little stuck. She couldn’t get an abortion, and had to temporarily move back in with her parents until Larry was born. He spent the beginning of his life mostly with his grandparents, while his mother got back on her feet with a job.
When he was three, his uncle was released from prison and his mother moved out of her parents’ house to move in with her brother. The initial idea was for him to get a job and help out, but something always got in the way. He spent a lot of time babysitting Larry, who began to behave differently. Quiet, more sullen, he flinched a lot in the presence of his uncle and refused to talk about it. By kindergarten, he was reluctant to do much on his own, and immediately clung to an older kid by the name of Mike Makowski.
They became fast friends, and Larry was ever loyal to any of Mike’s causes, even if he was a year younger than him. When they became the South Park Vampire Society in fourth grade (fifth for Mike), Larry was a dutiful second in command that spent as much time as he could with his friends. They were all a very close-knit group, and even as they grew and everyone else changed, Larry didn’t see a whole lot of it.
He let himself be so enveloped in his work for his friends, in spending time with them and helping them with problems, that he never thought of much else. Most things that regular teenage boys did escaped him, barring his schoolwork, and he was always probably the least sexual of the vampire kids. Not to say that he didn’t like people that way, or that he didn’t have the thoughts on occasion, but he was always so tired when he got home, and it took a lot to get him to open up about things like that.
Tags List - Personal
Not A Ghost Nor A Demon (Larry) This Is What I Do I Spit On You (Larry’s IC Posts) Stripes Are Always In (Larry’s Closet) A Vampire’s Lair (Larry’s Stuff) I’ve Got A Notion (Larry’s Desires) Fake Fangs And Clamato Juice (Larry’s Aesthetic) The Vampire Lestat (Lestat Tag) Like Fog Lights In The Rain (Larry’s Music) Things Are Different When You’re Dead (Larry Musings) Here It’s December Every Day (Larry Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
We Are But Shepherding Wolves (Larry And Allison Mertz)
The Different Need Us As Well (Larry And Amanda Harrison)
Please No Grieving (Larry And Annie Barlett)
Blondes Have More Fun (Larry And Bebe Stevens)
I Don’t Know Him (Larry And Billy Harris)
Sister In Darkness (Larry And Bloodrayne)
Where Oh Where Has He Gone? (Larry And Bradley Biggle)
It’s The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life (Larry And Butters Stotch)
I Don’t Like Dirt (Larry And Christophe “The Mole” DeLorne)
He’s Cool Enough To Hang Out With Us (Larry And Clyde Donovan)
If He Had Wheels He’d Be A Wagon (Larry And Craig Tucker)
Party Till It’s 666 In The Morning (Larry And Damien Thorn)
Nothing Is Ever Perfect (Larry And David Harrison)
He Rode Cthulhu Like A Pony! (Larry And Eric Cartman)
A Sweet Kid (Larry And Filmore Anderson)
Sharp And Scathing With Shipping Included (Larry And Firkle Smith)
The More The Merrier (Larry And Flora)
Brothers In Vampirism (Larry And Gangsta Vamp)
It’s Not Right To Tell Someone They’re Wrong (Larry And Gary Harrison)
What’s Up Drunkie? (Larry And Gregory)
She Wears A Dress Like A Body Bag Every Day (Larry And Heidi Turner)
Fire Bad! (Larry And Henriette Biggle)
Under Our Wings You Could Flourish (Larry And Ike Broflovski)
Don’t Let The Losers Win (Larry And Jennifer Harrison)Could She Be One Of Us? (Larry And Jenny)
Humor Is The Lifeblood Of Society (Larry And Jimmy Valmer)
One Of Us (Larry And Karen McCormick)
Why Does He Hate Us So Much? (Larry And Kenny McCormick)
Help Yourself To Guns And Ammo (Larry And Kevin McCormick)
Millennials Against Canada (Larry And Kyle Broflovski)
Everyone Is Welcome (Larry And Leslie Meyers)
I Believe (Larry And Mark Harrison)
Anywhere But Scottsdale (Larry And Michael)
They Worry You With All The Talk Of How You’re Not Their Kind (Larry And Mike Makowski
A Little Extra Help (Larry And Mimsy)
Always Scheming (Larry And Nathan)
The Sun It Withers In Comparison (Larry And Nichole Daniels)
Ugh You Spit On Me Larry (Larry And Pete)
He’s Not Like The Others (Larry And Quaid)
Leader Of The Pack (Larry And Red Tucker)
We’re Cool Huh? (Larry And Ryan Ellis)
Not Everyone Is On Our Level (Larry And Sally Bands)
You Poor Guy (Larry And Scott Tenorman)
Dogs Are Life (Larry And Stan Marsh)
Fanastic Wounds (Larry And Timmy Burch)
Is He On The List? (Larry And Token Black)
Tally Marks (Larry And Trent Boyett)
Too Young To Drink Caffeine (Larry And Tweek Tweak)
Class President (Larry And Wendy Testaburger)
Tags List - With X - OC
For What It’s Worth (With Hershy) - @brokenxdelinquentsx
It Was An Honest Mistake (With Nikolai Robins) - @sub-nikolai
Tags List - With X - Crossover
Daddy Daddy Get Me Out Of Here I’m Underground (With Jareth)
A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
Second Best Friend Ever (Larry’s Elementary Verse)
It didn’t take long for Larry to be swept up in Mike Makowski. Someone that was so confident and cool actually paying him attention was the biggest, nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. He would have followed Mike to the ends of the Earth and back, and usually helped retrieve him from Scottsdale, at least by tattling to his parents.
Growing Into Oneself (Larry’s Middle School Verse)
In middle school, being the vice president and treasurer of the Vampire Society became his life. He would make sure that everyone had their tickets for dances and things, that everyone was going to parties or zoo excursions. Mike’s birthdays became a big-ticket item and he did a lot of work with Mike’s stepdad to get the parties to be just right for his best friend.
Workaholic (Larry’s High School Verse)
In high school, Larry got a job as a clerk at the Photo Dojo. If he wasn’t doing that or school work, he was almost always with his friends doing something. If they weren’t together, he was planning things, or taking dictation from Mike. He spent as little time at home as he could leading up to his 18th birthday, and after it he tried to spend even less time there.
We Are The Fortunate All The Time (Larry’s College Verse)
The second Larry graduated high school, he was already out the door. The soonest he could get to his college life and away from his family, the better. Sure, he missed his friends, but they all talked on group chats and Discord, so things were still close. Living outside of Colorado was odd for him, however, hard to really put into place. Outside of his friend group, which apparently sheltered him a lot, he didn’t know how to function.
AU Verses
I Can’t Wait To Show You My Love (Larry’s ABO AU)
Born a male Omega, Larry was always looked down upon by his mother, and his uncle saw him as a target. His grandparents took him in when he started to smell too much like his uncle, and have full custody of him. He lives with them in Middle Park, but still goes to school and hangs out with his friends in South Park.
His Only Fault Was His Trust (Demon!Larry AU)
Larry had never been much of a bad person. In fact, his only real flaw was that he trusted others so thoroughly that whatever they said or told him to do made him dangerous. A loyal friend, he became a majordomo to the royal family of hell when he died.
Creatures Of The Deep (Mer!Larry AU)
Larry is a Demasoni Cichlid, one of the least aggressive of his species. He tries to be a kind of vegetarian, but his species cannot survive without meat for long. He eats fish more than anything, though he goes into a frenzy on occasion. When he’s on land, he loses his ability to speak.
Apprenticed (Larry’s Repo! The Genetic Opera AU)
It started off innocently enough; Larry had been hoping to get some good, interesting work for his stories. Vampires were still a hit, even if it was more organ-themed now-a-days. But working as an apprentice to a Graverobber wasn’t always the easier thing to deal with, especially when squeamish.
Warn Your Warmth To Turn Away (Vampire!Larry AU)
It made sense, at some point, for Larry to obsess over vampires to the point of following ‘real’ ones. When he’d left South Park for college, he never once thought he’d find anyone that fit his aesthetic. Here he was, though, in a club called The Den, a bartender that didn’t realize just what he was getting himself into. Three days into his employment, he found out the dirty underbelly of the city operated there, and that most of them were not human. To keep him from running, he was slowly being poisoned, turned into a vampire that could still provide blood to others until the night of his full shift. Which just so happened to be his twenty-second birthday.
I Don’t Want To Be Team Jacob (Werewolf!Larry AU)
Larry had always loved dogs. He had enjoyed seeing wolves in the forest, thinking of them as vampiric familiars. The one time he stepped over his boundaries and pet an unfamiliar dog, though, turned out to be the worst night of his life. Trying to hide his new side from his friends and relatives was proving to be too hard, to boot.
None At This Time
Open Starters
None At This Time
Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Gerhard Freidl
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Art By Me
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Lestat is Larry’s loyal White German Shepherd. The pair are mostly inseparable, and he will take Lestat with him to occasional Vampire Society meetings. Lestat protects Larry from his uncle, who is the only person that Lestat doesn’t like.
11 notes · View notes
Why Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End Is Actually a Masterpiece of Modern Blockbuster Cinema
This is a review written by my friend and fellow filmmaker, @kubrickking. It’s a bit long, since she is a huge fan (and good film critic, imo), but it is definitely worth the read.
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Since my sisters and I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl in 2003, we have all shared a sense of undying loyalty to the franchise. As BIG Disneyland people, the ride was a staple in our short lives long before we even understood how the concept could become a movie. Thus, we’ve enjoyed going to the midnight premieres, viewing the ride updates, and gathering pirate merchandise through the years. At this point, however, I think it’s fair to say that while we will see whatever film they release, we consider ourselves more fans of the original trilogy than what has followed with Dead Men Tell No Tales and - what was that fourth one called again?
To that point, this review is going to be biased as shit. I was an impressionable kid when I first saw these films and I will always remember them fondly. That being said, I just rewatched them at the age of twenty and feel my reaction is very similar. I was only fourteen when I saw the fourth film and was able to admit that it was terrible. In addition, know that this is not a reflection on Johnny Depp or any of the recent publicity he has faced. I am, and would hope you are as well, able to separate his work as an actor in this series from the recent revelations about his personal life.
As a side note, I am operating this review under the information given in the films, not the historical accuracy of pirates during this time. I don’t know if pirates regularly helped transport slaves and I acknowledge that the themes related to pirates having duality as both savage criminals and good men shows undeniable moral ambiguity regarding the historical truth. Jack, along with Will, is a romanticized version of a “good” pirate for the sake of a family-friendly protagonist in a story about pirates. And this analysis operates under a full awareness of that fact.
Regardless, one of the things that has always bothered me is the dismissal of the third film subtitled At World’s End. Common criticism of the film labels it as too long, too odd, and too exaggerated with little at stake and even littler sense to it. I do agree that any viewers expecting a simple, enjoyable action flick will be undoubtedly disappointed with the third Pirates offering. However, if you’re the part of the audience that is at all invested in Jack’s dive into the Kraken at the end of Dead Man’s Chest and is smart enough to realize the film is only truly 15 minutes longer than the other two, At World’s End delivers more than you could ever ask for as a conclusive chapter.
While the first film is obviously the most efficient and coherent on both a plot and tonal level, the third film acts as a bridge for cohesiveness between the entire trilogy without shying away from taking risks. And I firmly believe these risks pay off. Unfortunately, a majority of viewers feel it is more madness than brilliance. And to them I say, “It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.”
The film begins on such a dark note that it’s easy to see how people get the initial impression that it will not be a “fun ride.” A montage of hangings with a somber pirates hymn that ends with the murder of a child who can’t even reach the noose without a barrel to stand on is quite a way to open a film. And those are the kinds of risks you will see taken throughout the entirety of the movie’s 169 minutes. And I intend to prove to you that they are worth it.
From that first moment onward, you are given a direct association for the villain which up to this film is still underdeveloped and has done the majority of his evil actions off screen. The actions of Lord Cutler Beckett - or the pathetic cousin from another Keira Knightley film: Pride and Prejudice - now have tangibility. He’s no longer just the plot device for the evil Davy Jones, but a bastard in his own right. While Jones did senselessly murder sailors with the Kraken, his actions were motivated by a personal and justified search for Jack. But he never murdered children during a crackdown on pirate conspirators. Beckett’s actions serve as a power play, but also as revenge for Jack's refusal to transport slaves for the East India Trading Company; okay I’ll admit, Beckett’s motivations are still a little glossed over. But the film is juggling so many of the series' villains, anti-heroes, and “bloody pirates” with selfish motivations that a further explanation just isn’t necessary. Let me clarify that. Beckett’s specific personal motivations beyond greed for fucking everything up would simply distract from what we all really care about: Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Fucking Swann.
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The film proceeds to build characters and set up future plot efficiently as the setting moves to Singapore, which is not a “random” or “meaningless” choice as some would have you believe. Dialogue from Jack in the first film and during the search for him in the second have previously established Singapore as a hub for a significant band of pirates. Their journey there serves a two-fold purpose of procuring mythological navigational charts that will provide a course to Davy Jones’ Locker as well as a ship and crew to get them there. They do all the pirate-y things like misdirect attention to allow an alternate plan of stealing the charts including a crew below the floorboards ready to provide weaponry and the secondary motivation of enlisting Sao Feng in the meeting of the Bretheren Court. It also gives just a glimpse of the assertion and decisiveness that Elizabeth has carried over from her choice to sacrifice Jack to the Kraken at the end of Dead Man’s Chest.
The number one thing I love about the romance at the center of Pirates is that Elizabeth and Will still have their individual character arcs, motivations, and plot. Even after the revelation that Elizabeth indeed left Jack, they do not immediately fall back into the simple conflicts related to their affections. A confrontation below deck parallels the scene from the first film as secrets and feelings are once again revealed. But instead of making this the focus, they both decide to carry on their journeys making their own choices. In fact, the root of their individual character arcs can be traced back to the first twenty minutes of the first film, Elizabeth’s being a more internal struggle and Will’s a more external one. Elizabeth continuously evaluates her own evolving moral beliefs and desires for her life; does she condone, participate in, and forgive the actions of pirates or does she condemn them. Meanwhile, Will must focus on the familial promise and connection with his pirate father Bootstrap Bill Turner that has been a source of conflict for him since the opening sequence of the series.
Just as it has always been, their love story at the heart of it is pulled apart and put back together by the choices they make and, thus, the people they choose to become. Neither needs the other for fulfillment per say - this is why Will always waits until the last moment to profess his love or insist they marry - but they work better together than they do apart. And that is why their ending is both ironic and essential. Their marriage being officiated by Barbosa in between sword fights with cursed pirates is the only appropriate setting for the unification of the two and one of the best damn scenes.
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Call me dumb or sappy, but this romance still feels honest and emotional to me in its restraint. Even though I know it was cooked up in some board room meeting of Hollywood execs, I still genuinely feel invested in it. I think it comes down to the fact that they don’t hit you over the head with it. They allow the female character room to breathe and grow independent from the romance; which is perhaps why you can interpret her ending as either the greatest or worst conclusion to a character arc. Elizabeth’s speech to the crew of the Black Pearl before they enter into battle with the Flying Dutchman gives me chills every time. Because of her heart, dedication, and true duality, she is able to understand and act on the conflict with a decisiveness and purpose that none of the other pirates can. She has allegiance to her beliefs unlike the fickle criminals around her. She fights with and for values and a purpose, enjoying the adventure and adrenaline along the way.
In a similar way, Jack Sparrow’s character is fairly consistent through this film. There is justified criticism about Depp’s performance becoming a parody of the original idea as the series has progressed, and I would agree that it has never been as pure as it was in the first film. However, I don’t feel that Sparrow becomes a full caricature until the fourth film onward and I will tell you why.
Sparrow has always been defined by equal parts wit and luck. The details of his plans or the existence of them at all has always been left up to the interpretation of the audience, with rather blatant characterization from British soldiers about if he “plans it all out or just makes it up as he goes along.” While we can assume he gets lucky a lot and doesn’t always win - i.e. the mutiny that is ingrained in his character’s history - there is obvious intelligence lurking underneath all his actions. He’s persuasive and charming in the way a dirty, murderous pirate shouldn’t and doesn’t need to be. For example, Jack spends most of the second film convincing others that the only way to get what they want is to help him first. He weighs their desires and presents ultimatums, using whatever he has as leverage against them. Jack’s long-winded dialogue scenes where he talks someone around his finger function in the same way that deduction scenes do for Sherlock Holmes.
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What makes this most impressive, or the laziest writing ever, is that the people around him are often not unintelligent people. Elizabeth, Barbosa, and Will have all outsmarted Jack on screen by the beginning of the third movie, Elizabeth’s trickery even proving fatal for him. Because of this, Jack’s character is only half what’s written for him.  He is also half Depp’s performance, which does not feel strained in the original three films. Some classic Jack Sparrow moments you may have forgotten actually take place in this film include the canon firing springboard onto the pearl with Beckett’s toy figure in the mouth of the barrel, the discovery and following flipping of the ship to return home, and the manipulation of the Bretheren court to approve a vote for pirate king and subsequent battle with Beckett.
Also, if your argument is that Jack became the main character when he should only be a strong supporting character, HE DOESN’T EVEN APPEAR ON SCREEN UNTIL THIRTY-TWO MINUTES INTO THE FILM. He is a supporting character in this movie. That is tremendous restraint considering the major draw for most viewers, which was heavily capitalized upon by Disney, was Depp’s performance as Captain Jack. And when they finally do show him, it is a lengthy eight minute sequence of him arguing with himself, eating peanuts, licking rocks, and rocks becoming crabs that roll the Pearl over sand into an ocean. Not necessarily the audience-catering character re-introduction you’d see in a Marvel film. Jack is in a mythological purgatory or hell that represents the silly and truly odd essence of pirate lore, and the filmmakers honor that. From the moment Jack is back with the crew on the Pearl, his comedic moments hit every time - with the exception of the angel and devil shoulder Jacks. His interactions with everyone from Barbosa to Will to Davy Jones to Beckett are spot on. Jack is witty, wily, and wondrous as ever while twisting the desires of those around him to spare his life time and time again.
But it’s not just the comedic moments this film gets right, it also nails the emotional and dramatic ones. Particularly Will’s final moments after being stabbed by Davy Jones and Jack’s confrontation with the now dead and beached Kraken hit perfectly. Still, my favorite scene of the whole film has to be Elizabeth’s speech which leads the Pearl into battle with the Dutchman. Dialogue from three male characters plays out in the background as the camera circles Elizabeth, in solemn reflection over the release of Calypso and the impending fight. “Then what shall we die for?” she questions Barbosa. Then she continues with the fiercest fifty second monologue, throwing Barbosa’s words back at him and using them in a way he never could to inspire the pirates aboard the Pearl to rise to the occasion and “hoist the colours” - effectively answering the plea of the chain gang in the beginning of the film.
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As with many blockbusters, there is a dramatic scene where the audience typically laughs out of turn. So let me be clear: if you even laugh a little bit during Elizabeth’s desperate attempts to bring her ghostly father aboard, you have no heart whatsoever. It is quite obvious to the audience, who has already been told the people in the boats are dead, that Governor Swann is beyond help. However, to the eye of someone who has seen the mythical Kraken devour the living person beside them, it may not seem so impossible that her father can also be saved. As a matter of fact, why couldn’t they save him?? I am still crying during this scene ten years later. Not because I loved his character, but because I can easily imagine my own parent afloat in one of those boats and my own hysterical attempts to reach them. Take a moment, please, and imagine your parent in this position. Not so stupid now, is she??
And this brings me to my favorite thing about the film: the visual language. Working with supernatural fables and period piece restrictions, At World’s End utilizes an array of solid and effective visuals that stimulate on levels of both the studium and the punctum. An Asian pirate ship floats on still water like glass that reflects the starry night into a mirror image, as they travel into a dimension of suspended time and space at the world’s end to retrieve a dead soul from eternal purgatory. Jack Sparrow gazes into his own reflection in the dead eye of the rotting beast that killed him and contemplates the true nature of freedom in relation to immortality. “The world used to be a bigger place,” says Barbosa and Jack responds, “The world’s still the same. There’s just less in it.” The wrath of a scorned lover materializes into a swirling maelstrom that becomes the setting for the separation of another pair of lovers. Jack holds the heart of a monster in his hand, blade at the ready, and hesitates in completing the task for fear that he faces his own future cruelty. These images as well as others in the film elevate interesting and elaborate themes into dynamic expressions of consciousness. Don’t even get me started on the coloring. And you get all those layers with an amazing dose of action and thrills.
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Also, the effects in this movie still look great because they are 90% practical. Wait, you mean the series with skeleton and fish pirates has practical effects? Yes, you asshat, CGI was only used to supplement the majority of the special effects you see. While certain settings and the crew of the Dutchman are obviously computer generated, all the scenes involving ship effects were either done with the built-to-scale, fully functioning set pieces or models before receiving any post-production visual effects aid. The scenes underwater were actually shot underwater with all the lead cast and the final twenty-minute storm battle was shot on the ship decks with manufactured torrential rain for 10 weeks straight. Not cool enough yet? They also actually blew up Beckett’s ship and layered the shots of him and the other soldiers on it. That Singapore set they blew up was indoors with at least four feet of water and an entire series of buildings on stilts. And honestly that’s almost nothing compared to the shit they actually did in the second film.
Okay. I think I have to wrap this up now because if I even get started on Hans Zimmer’s score, this could double in word count. If you can’t tell already, I really enjoy this super under-appreciated film and I absolutely adore this series as a whole. It has flaws, it can be stupid at times, and sometimes moments fall flat. But the code for a “good” film is "more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules." I still feel my love for this series has been well-founded and well-intentioned for 14 years strong (nearly 70% of my life). Now if you remember "Pirates 3” as being a dud, I encourage you to rewatch and rediscover the magic within. If you were waiting for the "opportune moment," this is it!
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Roadblocks, part 5.1
Welcome back. When last you were here, we whacked Aurora and made some s’mores. Onward.
Suffice it to say, after dealing with Aurora for the final time, all of us wanted to just head off our separate ways. I had the most uneventful evening, babysitting Gershwin and sitting at my table with a bunch of notes in front of me, trying to make connections with what Amberleigh was, what the pledge she’d made the other changelings in her service take meant, and if there was anything we could do to help clear it up. I didn’t make much progress – my head was still swimming from everything that had happened earlier.
Pam did end up staying at Brenda’s, watching Turner Classic Movies and exchanging home decorating tips. She told Brenda that she thought her house was charming and Brenda was over the moon because none of her friends liked her house. “You know, I’m kind of glad Day didn’t show up, because I’d never hear the end of it if he saw this place,” she said.
While they were in the middle of watching The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Pam felt a needling sensation at the back of her head, similar to how her Fetch occasionally send a message. She let the feeling in and before she realized it, she wasn’t in Brenda’s living room anymore: she was back in her own living room in Minnesota, her husband’s arm around her, two of the kids there. They were having a family movie night. She looked over at Sierra, who wasn’t watching the movie as much as looking over the program for the camp Yova recommended for her. She was going off about how excited she was and showing all the cool programs and activities and all the visiting actors. Pam heard her own voice, but not quite her own voice, in the back of her head: “I thought you’d appreciate this.” The Fetch had heard somehow through the grapevine that something had happened to Aurora and thanked Pam for it.
Pam tried to think hard to send a message about how her Fetch didn’t have to worry any more about Aurora showing up and tearing everything apart. She got a flash of someone sitting in a bed in a very plain, white room with a flower vase next to her. It was very dark; all Pam could see was moonlight coming through the window and the silhouette of the person. But as the figured turned over and started to lie down, Pam got an image of Yova’s old face. Another thought came through to her: “This one might not be so okay. Be careful.” She snapped back into Brenda’s living room right in the middle of the Mexican standoff scene.
Yova herself wasn’t entirely all right, either. She headed over to Marigold’s place, not in the best headspace and still clad in the bloody clothes she was wearing. It was her first time going to Marigold’s apartment, which she said was absolutely precious, including the giant autumn wreath on the door. Marigold was in a plaid nightgown and her hair was down around her shoulders in thick waves. She was delighted to see Yova, but clearly concerned about the bloodstains. “You’re just in time, I made some cocoa, if you want some!” she said. “That sounds lovely, darling,” Yova said. Marigold asked if she wanted whipped cream and Yova just managed a nod.
Marigold poured her a lovely glass of whipped cream with a few tablespoons of cocoa, and as Yova sat down, she realized her shirt was still covered with blood. She kicked herself mentally. Marigold seemed to realize what was on her mind and asked if Yova wanted to throw it in the laundry. They had some nauseatingly sweet banter about how Marigold’s nightgowns would be about the size of one of Yova’s shirts, then Yova kissed her forehead and took off the shirt, having a tank top underneath.
“So is this something I can ask about or is it not good?” Marigold asked hesitantly after a second. Yova leaned back, sighed, and said, “I’ve mentioned to you briefly the changeling who coaxed me beyond the Hedge? Well, she didn’t just coax me. She dealt with me directly, but either directly or indirectly, she was responsible for my entire motley being sent into Arcadia. And we confronted her tonight.” “Oh. So the blood is…” “Hers. I, uh, I suppose you could say I struck the killing blow. A Summer courtier took care of the body. One less loyalist we have to worry about. I’m glad we got to her when we did. She was in the process of making another Fetch. She was planning to take someone else soon.”
Marigold’s eyes went wide, then she squinted. Yova could see a few tears starting to form. She kicked herself again, apologized and went in to hug her. Marigold hugged back as tight as she possibly could and mumbled something into Yova’s shirt, though Yova couldn’t make it out since it was muffled to hell and back. Yova rocked her gently, humming to calm her down. After a minute or so, Marigold looked up, apologizing and saying, “You shouldn’t have to do things like that. None of us should have to do things like that.” Yova looked at her dead serious and said, “If it means keeping you safe, keeping the rest of the Courts safe, keeping my friend’s family safe, I don’t mind doing it.”
She wiped away a few more of Marigold’s tears and said that she didn’t want to be alone. “No. No, you shouldn’t be alone,” Marigold said, extracting herself and showing the cocoa at Yova. “You’re going to drink that and then I’m going to put something on the TV that’s a little funnier than what I was watching.” Yova put her arm around Marigold and said, “I came here because I wanted to be with you.” Marigold turned the color of an overripe tomato. Yova suggested that they just get caught up on whatever Marigold was watching and Marigold launched into a full explanation of Outlander. They settled in for a lovely evening of snuggling and watching fine period costume dramas.
Day had been spending most of his time staking out Bella’s family’s hotel. He’d gotten a tip that Aurora had been checking them out, so he was hanging out in the lobby, ensuring she didn’t show up. After a full night of nothing happening, he made his way back to his apartment to see a very sulky Bella sitting on his doorstep. When he approached, she looked up and said, “I brought wings and beer so you won’t kick me out right away.” “Okay. Wanted, hunted, or pregnant?” he asked. “None of the above,” she said. “Good, otherwise I’d say no. Come in.” His apartment was a sophisticated blend of dirty, messy, and filthy, though the kitchen was at least fit for sitting in.
Day took one of the beers and gave Bella a bottle of water, then told her to spill it. She told him the story of going to Aurora’s Hollow, finding the Fetch of her brother, and how she felt like she deserved to kill Aurora instead of Yova. “I wanted to beat the shit out of Yova for no reason. So I came here,” she said. Day stared at her for a good minute before he said, “Okay, so you went a little crazy. So you decided to lash out. So what? I know you care about all of us. I mean, that hasn’t changed, right?” Bella said that she felt like crap and Day told her that’s good, because the feelings she had before weren’t real. “If they were, you wouldn’t feel like that. So count your blessings and know that regardless of whatever you do, you’ll be forgiven. ‘Cause that’s what that whole motley bullshit means,” he said.
“So you’ll forgive me even if I clean up this shithole you call an apartment? And I put things in bags and places with labels and designated spots so you know where things are?” she asked, beaming up at him. “I’ll ask forgiveness over your corpse,” he said. They debated going to one of Day’s favorite classy joints, Beef, for Legs and Kegs and Eggs, but Bella said she just wanted to die. They agreed to just watch an old movie, eat those disgusting wings, and hang out.
And so a few days passed. Some of us had work, others needed to decompress, but we were all avoiding each other for the most part. It was Pam who sent out a group text, telling us we should meet to have brunch. The conversation went like follows:
Day: “Brunch?”
Me: “There’s alcohol at brunch.”
Day: “I’m in!”
We ended up meeting at Pam’s suggestion at a lovely little spot by the capitol building called the Iron Gate Café. The entrance was in an alley between two larger buildings with an iron gate in front of it and a beautiful little courtyard with outdoor seating. It was definitely too cold for that, so we went inside. Pam was the first one there and she got a table. Bella was hanging off Day’s arm and they were talking and laughing. Day ordered a beer and was completely dumbfounded. When Yova and I got there, he looked at us and said, “I don’t know how I never heard about this brunch thing.” He looked around and said, “Let’s see, gay, gay, lesbian, gay… did you guys know about this?”
Yova and I shared a look that clearly agreed we could not break the sacrosanct Gay Pact About Brunch. “You know, there are some things that are just lost to the sands of time,” I said. “It’s a mystery,” Yova said. “We’ve been gone two years…” “Things have changed…” Thankfully, we had a different waitress than the one we’d had the week prior. When he looked over the menu and saw all the different booze and breakfast items, Day was completely delighted. “Damn, brunch kicks ass!” he said.
After we got our drinks in and were looking over the menu, Day looked at us and asked, “So, anybody here pissed at Bella?” I downed an entire champagne-and-cranberry juice and Yova drank a colossal beer, because we were both way too sober for that conversation. After she let out a satisfying but very ladylike belch, Yova said, “I was just giving space where I thought space was warranted. Emotions were running high, there were a lot of conflicting feelings. I didn’t want to insert myself where I wasn’t wanted.”
Bella put down her menu and said that she didn’t know what came over her, that she felt horrible, and that she’d been spending the last few days cleaning Day’s house as penance. Yova topped off both our glasses and knocked hers back. “My concern isn’t your actions, Bella. My concern is that you’ve been out of sorts for a while and it seems like…” she trailed off. “You’re not yourself,” I chimed in. “You’re not yourself and you’re not doing anything about it. That’s my concern. I can take being lashed out at. I’m concerned this is a sign about something else going on that you’re not willing to admit,” Yova said.
Bella sighed and admitted that she knew something was wrong. “But I can’t exactly go to a therapist about it,” she said. “Well, there’s got to be at least somebody in the freehold who has a psych degree,” I said. When I said that, Pam’s eyes lit up, then Yova’s did a moment later. They looked at each other and Pam piped up, saying that from talking to people in the freehold, she’d heard that there was at least one therapist in the freehold in the Autumn Court. Yova asked if I could text Evain, and I pulled out my phone. Our messages are recorded below for posterity.
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“JJ! She looks like a beagle!” I said triumphantly. A few people turned to look at me, but I had another drink to celebrate.
After we put our food orders in, Yova asked Pam if there was a reason she wanted to get together. Pam cleared her throat and said, “Actually, it’s about something you’ll want to know.” Yova flagged down the waitress and ordered a few more pitchers. Pam told us about how her Fetch let her know that Yova’s Fetch wasn’t doing well. “I know that. I’ve been calling and pretending to be her sister,” Yova said. “Did you actually talk to her?” Pam asked. “Oh, yes, once. It went dreadfully. She’s – how do I put this…” she trailed off again. “Bonkers?” I asked helpfully. “That’s the word,” Yova said.
After the pitchers came, Yova told us about how her Fetch got thrown into an extremely high-pressure situation and clearly couldn’t handle it. “I think when Aurora took me, she took all of my anxiety and put it into that person,” she said. She told us she checked in about once a week, trying to figure out how her Fetch was doing, and ensuring that she was still in one piece. With that, she looked to Pam and asked if she thought something else had happened to Yova’s Fetch.
“I’m just worried, because my Fetch seemed concerned about her,” Pam said. “Can they communicate?” Day asked. “I saw a vision of her, sitting in her room for now. She turned and looked over. There wasn’t too much to it, but it has me nervous,” Pam said. Yova poured herself another glass, but drank this one a bit more slowly and thoughtfully. Finally, she said, “I have thought to put in an anonymous call to my parents to see if they would come and do anything about her. But I don’t know if that would do anything, or if they would even respond or care or if they’re even in the same place they were when I last saw them.”
Between sips, Yova told us that when she first found out what her Fetch was like, she had a wild idea that they could go on their separate ways, but admitted she probably went about it too directly. “You can say that again,” Day said. I kicked him under the table. “Ow!” he said. Yova asked Pam what she thought she should do. “Do you want me to go and talk with her?” Pam asked. “I have to admit that she isn’t pleasant and probably has the worst parts of me all wrapped into one,” Yova said. Pam said that she thought she would visit, just to try and figure out what was going on and make sure there wasn’t anything that might come back to hurt Yova.
I could see that Yova was actually a little teary-eyed at that, though she did her best to blink them back. “If that’s the case, I can at least drive you up there,” she said. She wasn’t in any condition to do that at the moment because she and Day were completely blitzed. Pam ensured we all paid the bill and got on our way safely.
Neither Yova nor Day were in any condition to do anything that day, so we decided to hold off on any action. A couple of days passed, during which I was being a petty bastard messaging Yova about going to check on her Fetch. She stopped deigning to respond after I sent a message saying, “Hey, Nurse Ratched called, she said we should go check in.” So I realized it was time to bring in the big guns. I called Pam and told her I thought Yova needed a little encouragement to go check on her Fetch.
Click here for part two of this recap.
0 notes
swearronchanel · 8 years
I apologize in advance: this will be lengthy  LONG AF, as it’ll be part-my thoughts watching live & part-post comments to certain thoughts
ALSO** DISCLAIMER** I SHOULD’VE SAID THIS A WHILE AGO BUT I’LL SAY IT NOW that I type my thoughts VERBATIM, which is why it’s never in essay format because eh, it’s not me. IT ALSO MEANS I CURSE A LOT IM SORRY IT JUST COMES OUT, I’M NOT ELOQUENT ENOUGH TO MAKE MY POINT WITH BETTER WORDS .. Anyway I shall begin, feel free to comment on anything *just don’t come @ me for literally just thinking something* 
Ready @flyingnonny, @marialujan22
Cute little community, alright let’s see what’s going down
Chinese laundry a little stereotypical but I get it
“dear Patrick!” Laura is so adorable I can’t
The smiles in the mirror!! *shit after I think about it, more parallels. Shelagh’s looked in the mirror in so many of her great scenes. Series 1! & 2! & was that 4 with the nurse’s uniform the first time! Ah my bby growing up 😭
Lol sister Ursula’s annoying ass still here .. not for LONG THOUGH😊
dead @ Patrick’s reaction, someone gif it
Her mother in law looks mean as hell
Is Lucy mixed?
ah yep called it. Damn deported? Too relevant today..
I just get so excited now I love her
Lmao remember when I legit didn’t like her because of her comments to Shelagh before she came back to nursing. DONT WORRY IM OVER THAT
Shelagh looks so pretty!! More of her in cute outfits with the hair down pls 😍
Here for her 1962 wardrobe
Lol lullaby type music what’s she pulling out
“Tempting fate” stop! No bby everything will be okay if not I’m losing my shit
Sister J & Shelagh moments are precious ** Ah you guys reminded me of again another parallel I’m so here for it.
But like if she’s almost halfway as sister j says, has she told everyone already? we shall see, or maybe it’ll be implied
Shelagh saying “WHAT?” is most of my internal monologue in just about all my classes
Phyllis’s hand raise tryna avoid actually saying “no offense” to Dr Turner is gold
I will bet all my the cash in my wallet (prob $30 at most) we’ll see a soft side to her and Ima still be like “adios puta”
Shelagh’s like “we have a game plan” aw she is pure gold, protect her at all costs what the hell!¡💖
Also if no one at nonnatus knows this could’ve been a perfect chance to tell them, or someone could’ve been eyeing her walking around the table and suspecting? Like Phyllis would notice, she knows everything
Shelagh looking at Patrick literally like “is this bitch serious??”
This isn’t Downton Abbey, I never hated a ‘main character’ (don’t come @ me I hated a few characters but still loved the show)
Yo did sister Julienne really not slide Shelagh a new uniform? She’s in a cute outfit but c'mon
Lol this lady knows she’s pregnant
Fred angrily spinning the wheel, I feel
20 min visits, “OK”.
Oh no. I sense a sad story coming
Phyllis’s little run, precious
Sister Julienne spilling the tea, but again I don’t care about sister Ursula’s feelings or backstory
WAIT WHO CALLED A THREAT OF GETTING SHUT DOWN THOUGH? IT WASN’T ME BUT I REMEMBER READING IT? Lol score for u because I didn’t see this coming (even though I know damn well they’re not shutting down, like the show would be over)
she’s my hero anyway, no disappointment
Angela is precious
Tim trying be funny lol but we actually hate sister Ursula
HA NO SQUIRRELS , WAIT so today literally a squirrel ran across the feet and I freaked out. My campus is full of squirrels but like I’m from NYC I don’t fuck with them.
Ok, A) Shelagh’s shoes kinda don’t match but I’ll let it go & 2) is it implied everyone @ nonnatus knows? Like how has she not had a checkup this whole time. I guess Patrick could but that’s doesn’t seem likely
Toad in the hole??  que eso?
I think I said the other day I think she’s watching tv somewhere
The table: *collective gasps* me: *LOUDER GASP*
Why is babs taking it to heart? Like she sucks anyway
I love Phyllis damn it, not in a way I love Trixie and Shelagh though, it’s different I can’t explain it
I need Phyllis to encourage me to stay in university PLS (some one meet Linda Basset & send me a video of it)
Ah “delightful” screams. This show terrifies me to think about being pregnant one day lol. Like I thought my mother’s stories were bad enough but nah
Shelagh: *is frustrated* me: *gets frustrated* RELAX BBY
Also someone get her a new uniform she’s going to dirty her nice clothes
When did scrubs become a thing ?? my mother has like a zillion pairs & I can’t imagine her working in a dress all day. Omg I gotta find a picture one day from when she graduated nursing school she had such a similar style uniform to the nonnutans, I love it 😂
Patrick needs to put his damn finger down im tired of that shit. If he ever does it again with Shelagh I’ll flip a lid
Did she not want a girl?? @ in law
“no, a girls very special” aw
“She wouldn’t appreciate the term Elderly primigravida” ha true man, remember she said that last series
lol I wanna see her reaction if they ever label her again
get the fuck outta here, let them send sister MJ away I will revolt
Saw this scene haha, hope Ursula falls off
Damn came at Lucy, what’s wrong with Linda haha, that’s my gram’s name
She’s so chill about that, me? I wouldn’t let that go. I’m also so damn extra & annoying
Not the same as Phyllis saying “Hells teeth” but that’s catchy
Also Patrick can’t type that’s funny
“mending your dress” FIRST OF ALL PATRICK, SHUT UP
“Cool, calm, collected & professional” love her
You guys don’t understand, i need to screenshot a conversation with one of my friends. Her and I only ever use CtM screenshots for message reactions it’s so funny but also weird in a way😂 sometimes their cringes are better than basic memes
But to be honest they really have never fought? Lmao that moment could’ve been a little argument but they got over it too quick, bc/ how do they ALWAYS agree/get on? (Excluding the adoption issue but whatever)
Lol why did she have to get up, you get up Patrick
Her outfit is so cute !! My bby
AW!, they’re cute, I’ll forgive him
former nun sitting on a mans lap I love it!¡ without context it sounds funnier
“We’ll pull through, we always do” better be some foreshadow for something good!
I don’t think she has postpartum though
*SUCKS TEETH* UMM BABS not checking the baby is prob a bad move
Shelagh definitely has a baby bump at that angle, DOES EVERYONE KNOW or not WTF?
Bby you feel pain that’s not good u know this !
seriously does Barbara not see it
“Have you all been speculating?” HAHH
“Well I don’t approve of gambling on the premises” SHELAGH YOU ARE A GEM
seriously protect her at all costs, I know it’s coming but I don’t know when or how
shit they screaming, calm down ladies
lol Patrick trying to play it all off like he’s calm, cool and collected
no one asked u to be honest keep it pushing
Also it’s 31 MINS IN & TRIXIE IS NOT HERE YET? like when is she coming? I’m less hopeful of her saving the day the more time goes bye :/
“how can you [maternity home] compete with that [hospital]?”
Don’t blame yourself Barbara :/
Again Shelagh’s having pain, it’s going to be soon isn’t it?
This better not be the heart to heart Laura mentioned ** ah we’re good it’s not
Shelagh is going to the bathroom OMG SHES GONNA BLEED NOW RIGHT
she’s so scared, I cry for her
“Hello nurse Crane, it’s Shelagh..” *omg she rarely introduces herself & even less as Shelagh & I feel no one calls her that but Sister J & Patrick?
why St Cuthberts vs the London?
Phyllis being a badass simply walking down the hall
I hope this baby lives omg
I mean baby Lin, baby Turner will happen
Shelagh in the hospital bed is breaking my heart I swear I don’t have
I wanted it to be Trixie but IM NOT MAD LETS GET IT PHYLLIS
ugh pls save the maternity home
my poor girl looking so sad **** also how did she get all her things on the table?
Give Laura Main every damn award this series, I don’t care if we’re only 3 episodes in.
Her bump looks more visible in the hospital gown? do you think it’s a pillow or something lol
SHIT ITS SO SAD omg, I’m cryin
AW babs we all feel
Phyllis protecting Barbara aw
There’s not been as much Trixie as I had hoped 💔
But she’s back bitches and I’m happy I missed her
So Barbara smokes for real now, but Trixie doesn’t share her black cigarettes haha
Take your weak apology and go
they put a bench out for her how sweet
Sister MJ saying “silence” then “shh it’s starting” is me every week watching this damn show
It hurts that I am so invested in this show
How did it happen I don’t know but I love it so much 
Barbara’s ring is pretty
All is well & everything is almost back to normal and lovely *for now*
Sister Julienne is so faithful, like I really would struggle to be so compassionate
Sister Ursula is upset and I’m awful because I do not care
I knew they’d show her vulnerable side so we’d change our minds but I can’t
Sister Julienne you’re so great
It wasn’t a leak??
“I’m going to the mother house” *squees* YES ENJOY, THANK YOU FOR THE DISTRESS, PLEASE BE ON YOUR WAY
Sister Julienne don’t ask her to reconsider
This was a sweet moment but still don’t like Sister Ursula
she’s so pure, protect her!
Nice leaving the door open Sister Ursula
Phyllis driving her is only right
Trixie’s concerned, WHERE IS SISTER MARY CYNTHIA?? ** I really thought Trixie was going to play a bigger role in this episode & I thought this was going to be a longer scene but there’s 5 more episodes, I won’t complain I’ll just be patient. LOL JK UM when is Trixie going to get some time to shine
Oh Shelagh 💔
Aw the Chen’s
OKAY THEY’RE CELEBRATING & EVERYONE’S HAPPY BUT DO THEY NOT KNOW ABOUT SHELAGH? ** **I’m still not sure if they even know she’s expecting but why was Sister Julienne not told she was in the hospital? I know it happened fast but there was time. I don’t like how this played out like it seemed pushed aside but I guess that’s what next episode will address (I hope)
Otherwise, excellent as always
“We are all traveling through one another’s countries but it is no matter if we meet as strangers, for we can join forces and learn to love..” ah this so applies today ugh the world is insane
New midwife = Valerie’s coming back which is cool but also she’s going to be problematic so *hmm* maybe not
Fred and Violet are cute but still cringing & laughing about them in episode 1
finding out Tom’s past will be interesting, I’m thinking his mom almost gave him away but then didn’t? probably was raised with out a dad maybe? We’ll see
“We were happy enough before and we’ll be happy again, whatever happens” I don’t freaking know if this is Patrick comforting or breaking but I’m going to BAWL NEXT WEEK. Shelagh’s face omg💔 I can’t take this like she’s been through so much! They’ve been through so much heartache, what more can they take. UGH WTF I feel like they never get to enjoy anything, & I know “that’s life” & “it’s a drama” or whatever you say but damn. I love this poor character so much (why?¿!) & she’s usually sad in every series !!
The End.🙃 it’s 1:52am, I should go to bed.
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beholdthethunder · 8 years
Turning Points
This is in response to the prompt  “Take my hand, show me the way, and never bring me back here...” Submitted by @apirateslifeforme123 and @snowbryneich
Fair warning: angst and fluff to follow...Hope you like it =)
Five years, two hundred forty days since Will Turner abandoned her to captain the Flying Dutchman. That was unfair to say. He hadn’t abandoned her. He had a duty to fulfill, a duty that was thrust upon him lest he slough off his mortal coil. Nevertheless, abandonment was what she felt. Left on a beach with naught but the chest and her sword, the Flying Dutchman disappeared with a green flash, and the Pearl not far behind it. She never said implicitly that she would have wished to stay aboard the Pearl, but Jack never bothered to ask either. The sting of which still burned like a brand upon her skin, a feeling she would become all too familiar with.
There wasn’t much to that little island; a scattering of fruit trees and what could loosely be described as a water source to keep her from withering away, but it didn’t take long for her to realize life could not be sustained upon those sands. She buried the chest deep in the jungle and took to the waters in her longboat. Four days of rough seas tossed her about like a rag doll when suddenly, from the shadows of the storm, a frigate appeared. The Seastar: A merchant vessel barely escaping the storm itself.  Her excitement was trumped only by her trepidation over what kind of men she’d be meeting upon the deck. To her great satisfaction, they knew nothing of her and held no loyalties to any crown. So she bargained with them. Free labor, plus the few shillings she had on her person in exchange for safe passage and a hot meal.
Four years, one hundred days since she was arrested in Nassau. She had sailed all over the Caribbean, aboard a number of different ships, escaping the clutches of the East India Company, only to end up at the doorstep of their largest stronghold. The streets of Nassau were littered with wanted posters. Many of them bearing a striking resemblance to one Jack Sparrow, a few for Hector Barbossa, but a great deal were scribbled with her likeness upon them.
She made her way into a tavern that sat at the end of a dark alleyway, figuring it to be an establishment for those who wished not to be seen. It was her first mistake that evening. Upon entering, all of the eyes that rested on her belonged to East India soldiers on shore leave. Her second mistake that evening was trying to take them all on at once. She was knocked unconscious and apprehended immediately.
She woke tied to the chair of an up and coming officer trying to make a name for himself. He’d barked all sorts of questions at her that never quite reached her ears due to a terrible, unrelenting ringing. Her inability to give him answers only enraged him further. The metal poker seared her skin with a sickening sizzle. She wished she would have stayed more composed during the whole ordeal, but the pain was unlike anything she’d experienced before, and so…she screamed.
They tossed her in a cell and withheld food for days. To this day, she wasn’t sure what information they wanted from her. Perhaps it was none at all, but an excuse to torture her and use her until there was nothing left of her.
Four years, sixty-five days since she’d become the right hand of Charles Vane. He’d been captured not two days previous and two of his men, came to his rescue almost immediately. She begged him to free her. He finally agreed, but it would come at a price.
He had taken her into his employ. Once he realized who she was, he made quick use of her. In the two years she spent doing Vane’s dirty work, she built quite a reputation for herself. She struck fear into the hearts of merchants all over the seven seas at the barest mention of her name. There wasn’t much left of the poor Governor’s daughter, only a ruthless murderess and an occasional bed mate of Captain Charles Vane. It wasn’t the worst arrangement, but he was a possessive man, a sometimes violent man, and freedom soon became a distant concept from a life lived long ago, if ever at all.
Two years, sixty days since they’d docked in Tortuga. Charles had business with a jewel merchant and left her to her own devices for the first time in a long time. She sat at a table near the back, keeping a watchful eye on the patrons. She’d become increasingly aware of people in recent years, the slightest bit of body language could give away an epic story. That night, though, she’d been caught unawares by a figure from her past.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the angel of death.” The man slurred drunkenly from behind her, his breath stinging her ear. “Surprised to see Vane let his bitch off of her leash.”
In one quick motion she grabbed the man by his coat and flipped him over her onto the table, her dagger pressed to his throat. Her eyes widened at the sight. “Jack?” She questioned disbelievingly. In all her travels, she’d heard no word of Captain Sparrow or his misadventures, she presumed him dead. She couldn’t describe what she felt in that moment; anger, relief, guilt, and probably a few others were bubbling in her gut.
“Miss me, love?” He smiled up at her.
“What’s to miss?” She said putting her dagger back in her belt.
“Is that any way to speak to an old friend?” He asked with half hearted grin as he sat up on the table.
“You mean the old friend who just referred to me as Vane’s bitch? Or the old friend who left me on a deserted island with only a chest to keep me warm?” She asked pointedly, with folded arms.
“Forgive me if I wasn’t thinking about her royal murderess’s welfare whilst you were having your one sodding day with the whelp.”
“You thought about it enough when you plunged Will’s dagger into Davy Jones’ heart.” She bellowed at him.
Jack stayed silent. She knew there was something more he wished to say, but he kept it close to the vest as he did all things of great importance to him.
“You’re lucky. I could have killed you, just then.” She added in a softer, more forgiving tone.
“Not likely. I’m rather un-killable these days.” He retorted arrogantly as he sat down in the seat next to her.
“The fountain? It’s real, you’ve found it?” She turned to him with sad excitement. She wished she would have been on that adventure. Treasure hunts and myth chasing were hardly part of her world anymore. She longed for the days when putting a piece of steel through someone’s belly wasn’t always the first course of action.
“Aye, only took me three years to find it too.” He grumbled. “What brings you to Tortuga all by your onesie? From what I hear, you and Charles are nigh inseparable.” His tone was laced with unmistakeable bitterness.
“I’m off duty.” She muttered.
“Grown tired of you, has he? Not surprising, a man like Vane has varied tastes.” He, quipped before taking a sip of his rum.
Her palm collided with his cheek in an instant.
“How dare you!” She screeched at him. “Don't sit there presuming to know all, you arrogant twat. You have no idea what I’ve been through.” She attempted to hit him again, but Jack grabbed her hand mid flight, clutching it tightly.
“You might not have gone through any of it, if you’d chosen differently.” He sneered at her, refusing to loosen his grip on her hand.
She didn't need to be reminded of the difficult choices she was faced with that day during the battle. “Neither of you left me with much of a choice, did you? No matter, I make my own choices now.” She pulled her hand back violently.
“You’re sure of that? From what I hear, Vane makes your choices for you.” Jack began to lean toward her, gaining a positional advantage over her.
“Perhaps I choose to let him.” She answered none too confidently as she retreated backward.
Jack laughed. “Don’t play me for a fool, Lizzie. I know Charles. I know what he’s like and what he likes. You’re no more free sailing with him than you were in Port Royal.” His voice was low, practically vibrating as it reached her. He stared deeply into her eyes, seeing every secret she kept hidden beneath her feathery lashes.
“I’m where I want to be.” She lied, feeling suddenly claustrophobic in such close proximity to Jack. Her breathing had grown ragged, sweat was beginning to form upon her brow as he leaned in closer.
His mouth covered her ear again “Liar.” He whispered. The heat of his breath sent a shiver from the pit of her stomach to her center.
She swallowed hard, trying to contain the heat building up inside her. “You have a better offer?” She managed to exhale in a rasp whisper.
"I've always had the better offer." He purred, sliding his hand along her thigh. She gasped when his fingers lightly grazes the inside of her waistband, his lips ghosting over the skin just behind her earlobe. Her insides were twisting into a knot, ready to explode, but she wouldn’t let him win her over so easily.
"Then you should have offered it when you had the chance." She grunted, pushing him off of her.
"I did,” He barked “and, if you recall, you threw it back in my face when you shackled me to the mast of my own ship and, again, when you married the whelp."
She shouted back at him. “You could have had me, but you left me on that island, and I had to watch your blasted Pearl sail off into the distance.” She rose angrily, keeping her back to Jack.
"It was the least you deserved." He grunted.
“Is that so?” She turned, leaning her back against a pillar next to the table.
Jack’s brow furrowed. ”You want to know why it took me three years to find the fountain?” He stood, stalking her with a feline’s grace.
“Please, enlighten me.”
"I went looking for you first. I had gone back to that bloody island to bring you to the Pearl, but you were gone. I searched the whole bloody world for you until I heard you'd taken up with Vane, and then I realized the truth. Any pirate would do, isn’t that right dearie?” He leered, towering over her, an arm perched above her head against the pillar. “Like I said, the least you deserved.”
“It was Vane or the noose.” She seethed through gritted teeth. “I chose the lesser of two evils. You haven’t the slightest inkling how badly I wished it was you who’d sprung me from that cell in Nassau instead of him, or how I wished we would have come upon the Pearl so that I might leave with it. I didn’t choose him over you. I’ve only ever chosen what was left for me to choose, which, more often than not, has been no choice at all. As a result, I’ve been widowed, deserted, branded, beaten, and taken by privateers and buccaneers alike. Is that not enough to settle the score between us?” She thrusted her chin up at him in defiance.
“Hardly.” He said before capturing her mouth with his. His free arm found its way around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. They were a tangle of mouths and limbs when Jack was unceremoniously yanked backward and thrown to the floor.
“Make one move and I’ll gut you like a fish” Charles Vane spouted with a menacing rage, his sword pointed at the fallen man. “Sparrow?” He squinted upon realizing who had been assaulting his companion. “I should have known.” He said dropping the point of his sword. “You’ve always had the uncanny ability to get your hands on what does not belong to you.”
“I’m afraid she doesn’t belong to you either, Vane. The Dutchman claims this one.” Jack said as he rose to his feet.
“One day every ten years. I’ll take my chances. Come, Elizabeth.” Charles commanded her as he turned to walk out of the tavern.
She didn’t move.
“It doesn’t seem she wants to be going anywhere with you, mate.” Jack spoke seriously.
“Elizabeth, let’s go.” He commanded her again.
She stayed put.
“I’m not going to ask you again.” Vane marched to her and violently grabbed her arm, yanking her with him.
She struggled to pull her arm from his grip. Tighter and tighter he squeezed until she stopped resisting and followed behind him. She gave a pleading look to Jack for just a second before they exited the tavern.
“You belong to me, do you understand?” Vane hissed at her, pulling her roughly to his side.
Two years, forty-five days since the Pearl overtook the Ranger, rescuing her from servitude. Jack had followed Vane for two weeks, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The Ranger was within an inch from sinking and Vane within an inch of his life when he finally surrendered. Jack had beaten Vane into a bloody pulp. If she hand’t stopped Jack, he would have killed him.
“Jack.” She lay a hand on him. His shoulders flinched at her touch, the sound of her voice shook him from his enraged daze. “It’s done with. He surrendered.” She continued.
Jack’s breathing was labored as he tried to calm himself, his eyes never straying from the bloodied captain.
“Jack.” She whispered to him again. “Take my hand, take me to the Pearl.” She put her hand in his. “And never bring me back here.” He turned his head toward her and she rested a comforting palm on his cheek as he nodded with closed eyes.
Two years, ten days since Jack first uttered that he loved her. She’d been cross with him for something too minuscule to remember, and they’d been bickering like squabbling gulls for days. His apology finally came with a professing of love and the two shared vows upon the deck of the pearl not a few weeks later.
One year, nine months since she told Jack she was with child. It was the happiest she’d ever seen him.
One year since she stopped counting down the days. The day her son was born was the happiest she’d ever been. Every year after that would be a reminder of just how happy she remained.
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