#i will never be able to make everyone use the & tag correctly
devondespresso · 4 months
i will not dedicate hours to explaining that & pairings are not the lower-focus version of romantic pairings, i will not dedicate hours to explaining that & pairings are not the less important version of romantic pairings, i will NOT--
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xcziel · 2 years
Is it okay to reblog your post about those "sexual offer posts tagged as fandom"? Because I couldn’t agree more and I always flag them as inappropriate, too. But I don’t know the etiquette for this, since it’s kind of a personal rant post?
oh sure, it's fine
i've just been seeing this issue so often in the last month or so, when it's not been a problem really before, so i'm very frustrated
like we joked about surprise!nudity on tumblr for years (back when the nsfw tag was actually useful for that very reason) but i have no problem with sexy fandom stuffs in fandom tags, or nsfw things that are reblogged onto my dash by people i'm following (bc i can choose to unfollow if it bothers me! or ask them to use a tag i can block!)
but these "sexual offer" posts, as you aptly put it, are getting on my last nerve
like - i sympathize! the sex work landscape online is more and more hostile, and onlyfans didn't exist as a kind of last holdout in the same way back before the tumblr ban
but half these kinds of posts are scams like we used to get in asks or like those random "looking for a sugar baby" comment bots (i hope they're bots)
and the others, the likely legit ones, are really annoying/distressing to find in unrelated tags!
plus the only options to make CERTAIN you don't see them is to ... not follow or search any tags??? hide ALL mature or sexual content (which maybe some of us might LIKE to see as a rule, if it's in the correct tag)??
there's literally no way to block or avoid those posts if there's not *some* kind of non-automated moderation process
tumblr needs to maybe give us a button that's like, not "flag as inappropriate", but "flag as mis-tagged nsfw" or something
we can have tags just for sex work or hookup posts! i'm cool with that - people who know what they want can find posts they're interested in!
i just don't want the header post for my favorite fandom to be some random lady's blurry coochie shot you know? there *needs* to be a way to prevent or at least specifically address that kind of thing happening
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gremlin-bot · 2 years
The Trials and Tribulations of Summoning Your Boyfriend
This is based on this prompt from @stealingyourbones !  Hope y’all like it!
AO3 link!
Tag list-  @bewitched-forest @half-dead-ham @eyesofcrows
Tim wasn't up in the watchtower much. It's the Justice League's base and he had his own city and team to take care of (even if said team is a branch of the Justice League and he shared responsibility of Gotham with his family). All of that is to say that when he and other available members of the League were called to the watchtower, it was bad.
Tim was expecting a world ending threat. What he wasn't expecting was a summoning circle and a portion of Justice League Dark to be there. John Constantine and a summoning circle always means bad news, it's even worse that Zatanna and Captain Marvel are there helping. What kind of threat is it to warrant this? All of this is topped off with superman wheeling in a projector to the training room they are all set up in.
Bruce steps up next to the projector. He looks extremely tired, not that most people could tell but a bird knows the bat well. As Bruce turns on the machine, Constantine takes his place next to him with a book bound in leather that holds pages that glow a slight green. 
"I called you all here because of this creature attacking Central City." Projected on the wall is a blurry image of a black dragon with a purple underbelly, its whole body glowing.
"Justice League Dark was able to identify it as from a place called the Infinite Realms. They have advised us to not engage and to evacuate everyone we can from the whole city. The Flash has started that. Half of you will join him, as indicated by folders Superman is handing out. The other half will be here to help with the solution that Constantine is handling."  
As Bruce directs those in the evacuation group, Constantine takes over the debrief. "The beast in Central City is a bitch to take care of and the solution is even worse. You boy scouts are here to make sure everything doesn't go completely tits up. I hate to say this and hate fucking doing it even more, but we are trying to trying to summon the Ghost King." 
At that point Tim tuned out a bit. Usually he wouldn't have but he actually knows more about what's happening than Constantine does. Looking back at the creature still being projected, he can vaguely recognize it now. How did Aragon get out of the realms? Especially without being noticed by Da-
Tim was pulled out of his thoughts by Dick, who apparently was dragged here as well, brushing past him with a smirk. What a dick, going out of his way to mess with him. He really should get to where he was needed. 
Taking his place near the top of the summoning circle, he noticed how it was actually set up. It was wrong, completely and utterly wrong. The array was correct. It showed the right constellations and had the right places connected but the candles aren't on the circles that represent the planets, nor was the offering placed correctly. This wasn't going to summon anything. Too bad that Tim was going to let them try anyway. It's better than trying to correct it and explain why he knew it was wrong, plus where was the fun in that.
The other heroes settle into their places. The ones left were the Justice League's big three , the JLD members, Conner, Dick, and Tim himself. They all looked a little nervous and on edge in their own way, from Superman's clenched fists to Dicks never moving smile. Besides Tim who was a bit more relaxed than he really should be. He really should hide it a bit better.
Constantine reading from the book starts the summoning. Latin falling heavy from his lips, a wind that should not be possible in a satellite blows through the room, the candles' flame turns neon green. Everyone holds their breath as the chanting stops. The candles flicker once, twice, and nothing. The room quickly reverted to how it was before. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
"Bollocks." Constantine deflates. "Looks like this didn't work, we must have fucked up somewhere." 
"Why don't we explain how we set it up and go from there." Zatanna offers, gesturing for everyone to gather around her and Constantine. Tim stays back and waits for the rest to be distracted by figuring out what went wrong. He can tell that Bruce and Dick have noticed his distance from the others but they haven't done anything yet.
Once the distraction is set, Tim moves in front of the correct offering section of the array. Removing his glove and taking out a birdarang from his belt. He can hear the moment everyone notices the actions he has taken and the one about to come.
"Red Robin, step away from the summoning circle." Bruce demands with concern hidden in his voice. 
Tim doesn't listen. 
In the moment before anyone can get to him, Tim slashes his ring finger on his left hand. It wasn't deep per say but it definitely wasn't a paper cut. Blood flows out of the wound (almost like a ring), hitting the floor inside the offering ring of the array.
Several things happen at once. First, Dick who was the closest and was trying to grab him, stopped in his tracks along with everyone else. Second, the summoning changed. The first offering was ejected from its place, the crystals shattering. Candles slide at high speed, settling on the represented planets, their flames changing color. The summoning is like a loaded spring trap now. Tim grinning, sets the trap off.
"Alnilam, my love" dropped soft and sweet from Tim's lips with a crawling static buzz. Everyone could hear the buzzing honey intertwined with those words despite their low volume.
The stilled room stirred, yet no one but Tim himself had moved. A cold fog rolls out from the array, blowing a light breeze with it. The static can be felt in their scars, healed bones, all the near misses, and clipped hits. All close calls of the past haunt them in this moment. The room's lovely held in tension snaps as the soul deep buzz is pulled from them into the array. It spills into a Lazarus, toxic, death, neon green pool with small rippling waves that crest with reflection of the space that engulfs the watchtower. This rippling pool stretches upwards. Everyone struggles to move as they inch closer to Tim. As the liquid barely reaches the tall ceiling of the training room, gravity seems to take hold. It sloshes down, turning into a cool fog on impact. Leaving a being in its wake, that is kissing Tim's offered bloody hand.
Danny is in his full king garb. A black metal crown floats above his head surrounded by light similar to earth's aurora borealis. White hair glowing starlight complementing pale blue skin, that blushes the prettiest cyan, not that anyone but Tim can see that. Jewelry hanging from pointed ears and slender neck. His suit is hidden by a long cloak cut from the barrier between realities. The outside is the space outside the satellite with the interlining of a swirling Lazarus green peaking out as the end floats upward. 
Tim is grinning like a love struck fool and he knows it. This is so worth the lecture he will be getting from both Bruce and Dick. Danny raises his head, blood staining his lips as they stretch into a fanged grin just as love struck.
"Hey Red, uh what the fuck!?" Dick's voice snapped the two boys out of their own world and back into the one with everyone surrounding them with looks of concern and from certain people, bone deep exhaustion. Danny drops Tim's no longer bleeding hand, allowing Tim to turn to fully look at the group around them. Tim's grin is now one of mischief and secrets yet to be spoken. From the look on Bruce's face if Danny wasn't behind him he would be out of the watchtower and locked in the manor despite not living there anymore. Too bad that Constantine could give less of a fuck about what's going on between Danny and him.
"Your highness, we called your assistance because one of your subjects is causing trouble in the moral realm and-" as Constantine told and worked out what was going on, Danny moved so he was behind Tim, his arms loosely wrapped around Tim's neck and chin resting on top of his head. Danny was floating off the ground to do this. 
"Oh! That's Aragon, give me 10 minutes and he'll be out of your hair. There is no payment needed, I insist. But before that –'' Danny’s legs float up, flipping him to face Tim upsidedown. A grin that only means trouble for Tim sets on his pretty face. “Red, Babe, Love. You could have just called me if you wanted me to meet your dad and his superhero friends!” 
“Danny, I swear to the Ancients if you disappear –” Tim couldn’t finish the hollow threat as Danny gave him a peck on the cheek and disappeared from sight. Leaving Tim to the heroes, one being Bruce ‘Tim is my little princess’ Wayne and another is his very protective brother. 
Tim looks at his family members in the room, and wow, yeah he is not escaping the interrogation when they get back to the manor. Bruce is approaching him swiftly and looks as if he is going to grab him and never let go. Dick is no better, he has a shit eating grin with his wrist computer up and is already typing. Everyone is going to be there for the interrogation and Bruce's coddling, Tim just knows it. He's going to make Danny go back to the manor with him, he is not doing this alone. It's the least his boyfriend can do after leaving him to deal with this. It was still worth it, even if he has to flee to the Infinite Realms after all is said and done. He’ll just become a trophy husband for Danny and avoid his family at all costs in doing so.
"Red Robin, would you please explain what your relation is with the King of the Infinite Realms." Bruce is definitely in mama bear mode, he was never going to be let outside of the manor.
"I think there are more pressing matters at hand here, like how King Phantom is on his way to Central City and we have yet to inform anyone on the ground." Tim is stalling and everyone knows it, but he's not wrong.
Bruce grumbles about not knowing the king's name but still steps away from Tim and starts relaying the relevant information to the evacuation team. Dick is leaving him alone for the moment, probably waiting for more privacy. Conner on the other hand is trying to hold in his laughter at the situation he got himself into. Tim just glares at him, even if Conner can't see it under the domino. At this point he doesn't care what the rest of the League thinks, he just wants Danny back so they can face Bruce and the rest of his family like he (they) has been avoiding. 
Danny was quicker than his self-imposed time limit, taking 7 minutes instead of 10. Giving just enough time for Bruce to almost give an on the spot interrogation, almost being Tim's saving grace. Unlike Danny, who decides to drop his invisibility only after wrapping around Tim's torsos, his head and arms taking their previous places. 
"Your ghost problem is taken care of. I'll be taking Aragon back to the infinity realms, along with Red Robin here." Danny casually says, like it isn't kidnapping.
"Wait, what." Tim said in shocked silence.
"Well since you summoning me got me out of a meeting with the observants, it's a perfect time to go on a date, you know like all of our dates." Danny is saying these things on purpose and he better get them out of here quick before Bruce tackles them.
"You are a menace!" as Tim says this, ectoplasm begins to pool at their feet, spreading out making a barrier of open space around.
"A menace, you love!" Danny lovingly teases as a low rumble ripples from his core making Tim smile. This is the last thing the heroes hear before the couple drops out of the mortal realm and into the one of the dead.
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the-radio-demon-blog · 2 months
Hello hello, its me again! *gives a small grin*
Thank you for sharing a bit of insight into your childhood pastimes with me. It was really intriguing!
I used to enjoy tag as well, though I am not very good at card games, minus go fish and possibly old maid. I can play uno though. I don't think I have the best poker face myself. Surprisingly enough, though, I am exceptional at liar's dice. It's a social game of deception and strategy were people make bids and call bluffs on other players while attempting to avoid losing their own dice, so to speak. Its quite fun, I recommend it!
However, math isn't a strong suit of mine, nor is figuring out the probability of things; but some how I have a weird sort of luck with that game in particular. I believe I even made an acquaintance of mine nearly loose his mind in trying to figure out how I was able to guess correctly almost every single time without an ounce of thought put into my strategy haha.
*clears throat and shuffles in place, holding both hands behind her. It's obvious she's holding something*
In any case, that's not the only reason I'm back. I wanted to give you a surprise. You seem the type to appreciate those, I'm assuming.
*glances over into the lobby at all of the flower arrangements present gifted from previous guests*
But I think I'm a little late to the party with the surprise I have for you, haha. Well, great minds think alike I suppose. Anyways, the suspense is probably killing you, so here you go!
*Presents a bouquet of magnolias and violet Louisiana Irises in a sizable vase with a soft, shy smile*
Everyone deserves to at least get a bouquet of their favorite flowers every now and then. Its a token of my respect for you, my appreciation for your time and just to say I'm a fan of your work and radio show.
Also, if you guys need any help around the hotel, I don't mind volunteering! Though I'm not the best at fighting for security purposes, I am quite good at listening if someone needs to express troubling emotions and the like. I am also somewhat of an artist and can help make pamphlets and such for the classes and activities the Princess is providing, if you think that would be beneficial to anyone...
*Sheepishly laughs*
Though, I suppose you would need to discuss such an arrangement with the princess first. In any case, if you think my assistance would be necessary or profitable, I am willing to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed.
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"Ah, of course, my dear! I am happy that you found my childhood pastimes intriguing!"
"Hmm...that's quite a curious skill? Terrible at poker yet good at liar's dice? How fascinating! Ah, yes, I have played old maid in my time at the bars. You should truly take up card playing, my dear! It is quite fun!"
"Well, fate and luck works in mysterious ways, darling! That's what keeps life fun, hm? I must also admit my strategies can be erratic. I like to be unpredictable. Once you fall into a pattern, your opponents can exploit it."
Alastor gives you a curious look and tries to discreetly peer behind you.
"Oh my goodness! Thank you, dear!" Alastor takes the flowers eagerly into his hands and sniffs their wonderous scent. He lets out a good humored laugh. "I never thought I'd ever get to smell them again! Hah! As strange as that sounds! It is always nice to meet a fan of my work!"
"Yes, of course I would have to discuss such things with the princess." Alastor tilts his head and grins at her. "That's quite alright that you aren't exactly prowess, not everyone is built to be. However..." Alastor taps his chin. "...the Princess has been organizing this...hmm...this odd "therapy" activity. Perhaps you could help her with that?"
Alastsor sets the vase on the coffee table, taking good care to arrange them in a pleasing position. Then he turns back to her and offers her an arm. "If you would follow me, I can take you to the princess herself if you'd like!"
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zwoelffarben · 1 year
#nice #right to repair movement #though I think right to repair should be limited to some extent #I don't want unqualified people trying to fix essential life-or-death things like brakes #or engines
Tags from some video it's not important, but they make me want to talk about right to repair, what it is, and what it ain't.
Right to repair is a specific framing of a more general personal and/or private property right that grants you the ability to alter or have altered on your behalf any object in your possession. Whether you want to upgrade, fix, break, downgrade, or laterally customize the object, the right to repair bestows on you that capability, and the additional unspoken right to choose any qualified person you want to make the desired alterations on your behalf if you yourself are not qualified.
The reason it's such a big deal is because companies don't want you to be able to do this. Apple, Toyota, Ford, John Deer, and so on all want you to be entirely reliant on them as the sole source of repairability and modification so they can take as large a slice of the pie out of that secondary market as they have in the primary market; because if they can charge you for repairs, or refuse to repair it at all (inventing the need for a full cost replacement) that's more profit in the shareholders' pockets.
Having the right to repair does mean having the ability to open up your car and ruin the engine; but everyone who isn't my father would never do that because cars are the most expensive consumer good normal people will ever own, and the tendency among normal people is toward preserve the car's value as a functional object.
Instead they'd take the car to an expert of their choice to be repaired on their behalf, and again Ford etc would rather you be required take it to a liscenced Ford repair person paying Ford repair liscence premiums, even for something as routine as a tire rotation or oil change, because then Ford gets a kickback which is more money than they'd get if you tooke it to the equally, or perhaps more, qualified Moe's Auto Repair that doesn't bother with Ford liscenced repair shop nonsense.
And if someone vastly unqualified to throw a wrench into their car engine does so, and shreks their car's roadworthiness, there are laws defining road worthiness and the privilege of driving which regulate to mitigate the potential damage that behavior can cause without infringing upon the right to repair. Not to mention cars without working engines don't run; just ask my father who somehow managed to completely brick his Ford F150.
The right to repair movement isn't telling everyone to repair everything they own themselves, or at least that's not what anyone correctly articulating the point of the right to repair movement is saying, but rather trying to free everyone from the oppressive policies of manufacturers who want a monopolistically large cut of the repairs market, and are using paternalism to justify their unfair business praxises.
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poppitron360 · 2 months
One thing I felt like HoO really dropped on is the characterisation of the Argo II itself.
Where a lot of shows like Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, and Star Trek really shine is where the ship itself becomes it’s own character.
I’m gonna use firefly as an example here, because I started re-watching it today, and this is something that’s a VERY key theme.
I think Joss Wheadon (the creator of the show) talked a lot about Serenity (the ship) actually being the “ninth cast member”. “Serenity” is the name of both the pilot episode and the follow-up movie, it’s name-dropped in the theme song, and the show is called firefly because it is a “Class-3 Firefly Spaceship”. And we as an audience really connect with the ship- despite the show being only fourteen episodes long (If I was only able to throttle 20th Century Fox… I answer to no god)- and I think the reason we do so is because every single character has their own personal connection with the vessel. Wash being the pilot (Also, if I remember it correctly, it being the place he met Zoë), Kaylee being the engineer, for Simon, it being a safe space to hide his sister from the totalitarian government trying to do experiments on her brain, and Mal and Zoë starting the ship together- Mal naming it “Serenity” after the battle of Serenity Valley which he fought in with Zoë (I could lore-dump about this show ‘til the gorram cows come home). And the whole premise of the show being about surviving with your rag-tag crew on this piece of shit that you love dearly, and just… keeping flying. Ugh, there’s something so magical in the writing that makes you adore the ship itself.
Other examples, like the Millennium Falcon, the TARDIS, and the USS Enterprise, are also good for this.
Now, onto how the Argo II itself:
The only person who really has a personal connection with the Argo II is Leo. The rest of the Seven just feel like they’re… on Leo’s boat. All the food is provided by the magic plates from Camp Half-Blood. Most of the piloting/engineering is done by Leo, and a little bit by Annabeth and sometimes Percy when they’re on the water. You never get the sense that any of the others really love the boat, or have any connection with it at all.
I think that’s the reason why the Seven never felt that close in my opinion. There was never a sense of community. Of people united by a common location.
I think, just love for a place in fiction is something really powerful to me. That’s where Harry Potter most thrived, not necessarily the plot, but wanting to be in the world, go to Hogwarts.
Camp Half-Blood had that charm and homeliness. So did the Waystation in TOA. Camp Jupiter didn’t for me, but I think that was kinda the point. But I never really got that from the Argo II, because of the way it was set up so that Leo was the only one who could really bond with it. And this is what makes Leo so compelling to me, is that he actually connects with his flying ship. I just feel like the Argo as its own character, similar to Serenity from firefly, could’ve been so good if it had been written right and was such wasted potential. It would’ve strengthened that bond between the Seven, and made that “familial” dynamic feel a lot more natural.
In conclusion? Everyone should go watch Firefly on Disney plus. It’s just fourteen, forty-five minute episodes, plus the movie. But man, is it worth it. You will cry at the deaths (why do all the good ones get impaled?). You will laugh at the jokes. You will probably say, “Wait- is that a young Zac Effron?” When a young Zac Effron has a cameo. You will wish you were as badass as River.
Idk, it’s 3:03am and this is basically a good idea of what the inside of my brain looks like most of the time. I’ve mentioned at least six obsessions of mine in this post.
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chwedout · 18 days
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chwedout has finally reached 1k followers! thank you to everyone who decided to press the follow button, from those who followed me way back in the spiderstingle days to those who only followed me recently, i really appreciate it! to celebrate this milestone, i've decided to do a few things.
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first of all, i've finally started a tracking tag — #chwedoutbox. you can find more about it in this post. i can't wait for you all to use it so i can see and share all the cool things you create.
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secondly, i've decided to open up my ask box to requests! all you need to do is choose one of the following prompts and send a request through my ask box.
seventeen member + music video (e.g. vernon in rock with you)
seventeen member + going seventeen episode (e.g. mingyu in svt's kitchen for two)
this or that (e.g. left & right era wonwoo or 24h era wonwoo/ long haired jeonghan or short haired jeonghan)
there's no limit to how many requests you can send, go wild if you want to. i just ask that you be patient with me as sometimes i do like to go outside to breathe in fresh air and touch some grass. sending requests on anon is okay too! however, i won't be able to tag you when i do eventually post your request.
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now i just want to say a massive thank you to all of my mutuals! being sappy lowkey makes me cringe but i couldn't have reached this milestone without any of you. to my og mutuals (i won't tag you dw) who were here way before i turned into a kpop blog, to my newest mutuals who i probably haven't spoken to, thank you! i hope you all know how much i appreciate you and that you all mean so much to me ♡
first of all my ride or dies- the hhu wives- sarah @vertiny, bec @storyoflight, and alex (idk if you deactivated </3) i literally would not be here without all of you. we've been through so much together and i just want to say that i love all of you so so much! let's all hope that we can one day go to that svt concert together.
j @vcrnons - my dolly in crime and my first ever caratual on tumblr! if i remember correctly, you followed me way back when i hadn't fully committed to being an svt blog yet. thank you so much for being so kind and supportive to me when i first started. i mean it when i say i don't think i'd be here if we didn't become mutuals since your work always inspired me to start creating myself.
ophelia @lee-sanghyeok - another one of my fave vernon stans! thank you for always being a joy to see on the dash! you're so incredibly sweet and i know i can always count on you to send me vernon content when i ask for it.
kashi @jeonsupershy - one of my fave wonwoo stans fr! seeing all of your wonwoo gifs always puts a smile on my face. every time he does something i just know that i'm going to be reblogging one of your stunning gifs later in the day. thank you for always being such an awesome presence on the dash. i'm so grateful to be mutuals with you!
max @scouped - you are so incredibly talented and i really hope you know that! i'm always in awe whenever i see one of your creations on my dash. you definitely inspire me to push the boundaries of my creativity when it comes to making content. i do miss your presence on tumblr but i'm always happy when i see you on the dash from time to time.
tiff @uservernon - my beloved dolly moot! thank you for always being so sweet. you always bring such a fun and bright presence to caratblr and i love seeing you on the dash or in my notifs especially when you're screaming about vernon. the url is still a powermove in my opinion!
maddie @jeonwon-wonwoo - you are genuinely one of the kindest and friendliest people i've met on tumblr. i've had so much fun talking to you about the most random things. i'll never forget our chats about the walking dead and teen wolf. i hope you're doing well!
yena @fairyhaos - my fave joshua stan! i hope you know that every time i see the couch shua pic i think of you lmao. i always love seeing you lose your mind over shua and you never fail to make me laugh with all the tags you leave on posts. thank you for bringing such a positive energy to caratblr! i'm so glad to have you as a mutual.
zaynab @galatariel - another one of my insanely talented mutuals! your gifs are always so gorgeous and always inspire me to go out of my comfort zone and create something new. i always enjoy seeing you make content for the things you love. thank you for being so kind and helpful.
nuri @jjunhui - again, another mutual who is extremely talented! everything you make is just stunning and your svt as text posts gifsets never fail to make me laugh. thank you for being so supportive and kind. i am so grateful to have you as a mutual.
nana @kyeomies - so glad to see that you're back! i've always enjoyed seeing your pretty gifs on my dash and can't wait to see more of your content. i hope you're doing well!
yo @redrcbin - literally one of my most beloved mutuals! i'm still not 100% sure when we became mutuals but i think it's pretty funny if it was because of the c-word game. i always love seeing you on the dash and in my notifs, especially when i see you losing your mind over wonwoo or mingyu. i'm so happy i get to call you a friend.
and to all the mutuals that i haven't talked to or interacted with that much - @jeongtokkie, @kimsmingyu, @wonboos, @leedonghun, and @soonhoonsol - thank you so much for being awesome! i really hope we do get to talk more in the future.
now i'm going to kick myself because tumblr won't let me tag anymore people and i'm pretty sure i've missed out on so many beloved mutuals of mine. i'm extremely sorry if i did, but please know that i appreciate every single one of you so much!
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kinzis-writing · 9 months
Jellyfish | Tee Higgins
Summary: a Jellyfish tank in your boyfriend's house, what could go wrong?
Pairing: Tee Higgins x Reader
Requested: Yes | No based on this request.
Warnings: mentions of jellyfish as pets? suggestive content, i think that's all.
Note: This has taken exactly two months and I apologize! I am finally rolling with requests so let me know if you want me to write anything. Also, if this isn't what you wanted, feel free to let me know. This was requested by an anon, so I cannot tag a certain account!
*Not edited or proofread*
Word count: 2.01k
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When your boyfriend, Tee, had mentioned getting a Jellyfish tank. You thought he was joking, that was until you walked into his house and noticed big boxes sitting on his living room floor. It was then that you noticed he had bought a Jellyfish tank, and he was getting ready to buy some to put into the tank.
“Hey baby,” Tee greeted as he got up and placed a kiss on your cheek and gave you a quick hug. “How many Jellyfish do you think I should buy for the tank?”
Y/N eyed the boxes before turning her attention to her boyfriend. It was offseason and she knew that he would be back at practice before too long. “You’re actually making a tank?” she asked carefully. “I thought that was just a dream.”
Tee shrugged his shoulders before looking at the computer in front of him, “Why not make It a reality?” He spoke his eyes while staying trained on the computer. “You think three would be enough? What light should I get?”
“I think three is more than enough.” Y/N mumbled not sure on how this whole experience would go. She knew that it had been on her boyfriend’s mind for a minute, but she didn’t know that her boyfriend had been serious. She thought it was one of his intriguing thoughts.
Y/N was right that three was more than enough, seeing as the Jellyfish had not survived the trip the first time. Tee was disappointed that he would not be able to put Jellyfish in his tank right now and He was looking for a safer way to get them to his home. He had to start practicing within the next few days and he was finally getting his tank installed correctly by someone he had paid to come do it.
“Be honest with me, am I getting too crazy?” Tee asked Y/N as he watched the men put the tank together easily and do it in no time.
Y/N shrugged her hands wrapping around his muscular arms, “Maybe a little, but it is why I love you so much.” She muttered, leaning up and giving him a quick kiss on his lips. “Whether I act like it or not, I want whatever you want because I want you happy.” She added honestly giving his arm a squeeze before heading to the master bedroom and grabbing her extra work uniform. She always left clothes here in case she ended up staying all night with him. “I have to go to work but I will see you later.” She told him before kissing him quickly and bidding each other goodbye to head off so she could support herself. One thing she would never do is ask Tee for money or use any of his money, because she has a great Job and can support herself.
It had been two or three months since Tee had gotten his Jellyfish tank installed and he had still yet to put any Jellyfish in it, but the Bengals games had started so his time to focus on his tank was limited. Today they were facing off against the Buffalo Bills in Cincinnati. Y/N had gotten herself ready in her Higgins Jersey and headed to the stadium. She knew that she could meet up with Tee’s mom and sit next to her so they could support their boy together.
Y/N grabbed her clear bag out of the passenger seat of her car once she had found a parking spot and made her way into the stadium. She was a bit early, but lines to the games started to get long within two or more hours before the game. Everyone wanted to make sure they could see the boys practice and warm up.
Once getting past security and getting her pass, she made her way to the stadium seats, Tees mom usually showed up around 30 minutes after her, so she knew that her man’s momma would be there soon. Y/N had made sure that her tickets were next to the field so she could easily reach Tee in case of emergency, but mainly because she could see him for a moment before the game.
“You look fine, can I get those digits?” A voice called up to you as a grin spread on your face. Your heart filled with love as you turned around and walked to the edge of the seats.
You shook your head and thought for a moment, “I have a boyfriend, I don’t think he’d be so happy to share me.” You responded finally leaning over to where you could meet him face to face.
Tee grinned, his perfect smile causing your smile to grow back once more. “You right,” He nodded. “You look great in my jersey, baby.” He then leaned up to meet you in a kiss. It was quick but passionate so attention wouldn’t be drawn to you too consistently.
“You say that every time.” You muttered when the kiss ended.
“Only speak the truth,” He shrugged before Chase was calling him over. “I’ll see you after the game.”
You nodded before leaning down a placing a “good luck kiss” on his cheek and lips, “Go beat those Bills.”
“That’s the plan.” He winked before starting to walk away, He paused for a moment and turned around to face you again, “I love you.” He added before running over to the guys he considered his brothers.
“I love you.” You mumbled to yourself before turning back and walking the couple steps to your seat. Tee’s mother had joined by the time that you had gotten done talking to Tee. “Hey, how are you?” You asked as you gave Tee’s momma a hug before sitting down beside her.
You and Tee’s momma made small talk while you waited for the guys to come out after they finished warming up. “Is he still wanting Jellyfish?” His momma asked you to know that he had discussed this with both woman on many different occasions. “He told me about the mishap.”
You nodded at the mention of his last Jellyfish purchase, “Yeah, He still wants some.” You assured her as the team came running out and you two stood up so you could cheer your man on. “I actually got paid last week and there’s some supposed to be delivered today, I was counting on beating him to his house and getting it ready.” You explained as they did the coin toss and the kickoff started.
“That is very sweet of you, He is so lucky to have someone care for him like you do.” She gushed as the game in front of the two progressed. “He was worried about finding someone because of his job and he didn’t want someone who wanted him for the wrong reasons. I am beyond thankful that he found you.”
You teared up hearing how highly Tee’s mom talked about you. Never had you had any potential in-laws to talk so kindly to you. Most of the time, your ex’s parents didn’t like you or had other things to say about you. It felt nice to have someone on your side since you were deeply in love with her son. “Thank you, that means a lot.” You told her honestly as you blinked the tears away. “I truly love him, and you’re his favorite woman so I am happy that we have this bond.” You explained.
After the conversation settled, you guys’ paid attention to the game. With Tee’s momma yelling at him from the stands to catch the ball, not to drop the ball, and so on. In the end, the Bengal’s had beaten the Bills and it was a win under Cincinnati’s belt.
After the game, you had spoken to Tee’s mom for a bit longer before bidding her farewell and safe travel. You had also found Tee and told him that you were heading to his house, and he could meet you there. To which he agreed and understood because he would be a minute. So, you had made sure to rush to his house, but made sure to be careful enough to not wreck. You had to get his Jellyfish in the tank before he got home so you could surprise him. He hadn’t known that they were ordered and since they were on the cheaper side compared to the items he usually bought, you made sure to buy them for him.
Once arriving at his house, you located the Jellyfish and googled and watched videos on how to properly transfer them so they would not die or have any issues. Once watching the videos and you felt you could safely transfer them. You placed them in the tank and made sure the tank was officially ready.
Once the Jellyfish were in the tank floating around, you made sure to turn the lights off, so they would emit the light of the tank. After watching them intrigued, you quickly tracked Tee’s location before facetiming his mother so you could ask her what she thought.
“Is it set up?” she asked after the initial starter conversation.
“Yes,” You replied as you flipped the camera and showed her the three Jellyfish floating in the big tank that he had bought. “Do you think he’ll like it?” You asked nervously. What if he wanted to buy the Jellyfish himself? What if he had a change of heart? Tee was someone who hated it when you spent your money on him, because he felt as though he had enough money if he ever wanted or needed anything. Which is why you resulted in the Jellyfish since they were $30 apiece.
“Oh, I think he’ll love it.” She spoke with so much emotion in her voice. “I sure do hope that you’re going to be my daughter-in-law.”
You spoke to his mother for a few more minutes before getting off the phone once you tracked your shared location and he was in the driveway. You quickly rushed through the living room and to the front door when you heard the door open.
“Why are the lights off?” He asked once he noticed you walking up towards the door.
You gave him a smile, “I have a surprise for you!” You spoke with excitement. It was getting harder to keep this a surprise and you were beyond happy that he would be seeing what you had been keeping for the past week.
A smirk appeared on his face for a moment, “What kind of surprise?” he asked in a certain tone.
You scoffed a bit knowing where he was going with it but brushed it off as you grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. The LED light lit up most of the space and the three Jellyfish floated around in the cylinder fish tank that he had bought.
Tee’s eyes widen slightly at the sight of the Jellyfish in his tank that he had gotten installed. “Did you buy those for me?” he asked as he turned to you.
You shrugged a huge smile on your face, “Who else would I buy Jellyfish for and store them in your house?” You asked rhetorically.
“I love you so much!” Tee mumbled before turning and pulling you into a hug. You already knew how excited he was, seeing as he was usually cool, calm, and collected. Yet, he was becoming Giddy like a child on Christmas morning because he officially had Jellyfish in his house. “You are the best girlfriend ever.”
You shrugged a cocky smile making its way on your face, “I try.” You joked before meeting him in a kiss full of passion and love. “Seriously though, I love you and I hope you understand how much you mean to me. Think of this as payback for all the “because you’re having a bad day” gifts that I have received from you.” She explained, noticing the happiness all over his face.
“I’m going to marry you one day.”
“That’s the plan, Tamaurice.”
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nocturnal-desolation · 7 months
Hello sorry for tagging. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Would you look at that… I have a prime example of how to spot a scam in my asks. It's not very well done, just well enough that some people might fall for it - and some have even reblogged it. You've been redirected to the Fraud Detection Unit, which will take it from here. (actually it's still just me, I'm the fraud detection unit, we have "Fachkräftemangel" in Germany, sorry, jk)
Seriously though… First of all, I'd like to address the fact that it's incredibly sad to play with people's emotions like this. You should be ashamed of yourself, but I'm sure you're not. It's the same with scams asking for help and donations for people and families in Gaza, which has come up a lot recently and is even more despicable because there are actual fundraisers going on (which are official) and these people are in a terrible situation. So to exploit that worldwide sympathy or solidarity and use the inhumane circumstances of these or other people for your scams is disgusting to the core.
But back to this particular ask and blog… The text itself makes no sense. Like, not at all. For example, a " freezing nose" is not a typical symptom of asthma. I've never had asthma, but I'm pretty sure your nose doesn't freeze up when you have asthma. What are you trying to tell me? That you got asthma in the middle of a blizzard? Sorry, I can't help you with that. "Get out of the blizzard!" is all I can tell you. And what is the "maximum level" of asthma? Is that some kind of asthma end boss? Sounds more like you need an ambulance, not money...
That's why it's important to be fluent in English if you want to pretend to be a native speaker. I can't help you there either. I can barely speak my own language, let alone English.
Some other things everyone should notice or look for when getting messages like this:
blog was created fairly recently, no consistency, just reblogged some random things (like posts from 'tumblr staff' lol - no offense) to have something on it at all + obviously otherwise empty blogs that are just begging for money or reblogging other similar posts all the time are even more suspicious
something I haven't seen before either is "Black Lives Matter" being used as bait to appeal to those involved in the movement
randomly generated usernames (what is "toosaladgarden"? I've never had a salad that was too garden, so I don't know - not too important, but in this case it doesn't help to be convincing)
no bio, no age, no country (usually not important, but in this case it is)
non-transparent fundraiser, no one knows why this exact amount of money is needed (I think it even went from $1700 to $1900 since yesterday if I saw that correctly lol) and how the supposed current donations came about (you could put any number in there)
randomly contacted
scammers often use tactics such as emotional manipulation and urgency to evoke sympathy and to prompt a quick response
lack of details, very vague in general, limited information about specific circumstances
But that made me curious and I wanted to know more. You (the scammers) were "smart" enough to use a profile picture that can't be easily traced back to the original source, I'll give you that. But that's a problem for you, because it seems to be the only picture you have of this person with this child, so you had to use it everywhere…
And that's why I was able to trace your picture back to a Twitter / X account that goes by the name "Aska" and the handle askafarao… which also engages in very, very obviously fraudulent requests for money. Every few days or weeks since August 2023, this "X" account posts nothing but new "reasons" why the money is needed. And it's quite funny how little effort they put into it, because the reasons are not creative and half of them don't even add up. But most importantly, somehow there are a couple of different email addresses for different paypal accounts with different names on them. I think we can all agree that unless you're trying to hide something, you don't need more than one name… right? Unless Paypal is going to close your accounts all the time, or you're afraid they will because they're detecting fraudulent activity, you don't need more than one account, right?
TL:DR Let's make this part short and sweet: If you get a message like this, or see a similar post, be aware that it's a scam. Don't reblog it and don't be like, "But what if it's true…" It's obviously not, and when I saw the X account, I actually had a good laugh because this account is a complete mess, even for a scammer.
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bluecookies02 · 2 years
Teacher!Zhongli x Reader
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cw: nsfw/mdni , power imbalance , mild dubcon , creampie , oral(m!receiving) , "Sir" and "Pretty Girl" are used a few times
word count: 4,5k
taglist for the teacher x student series: @kithewanderingme @rvisn @celestarvs @arraxthatsonjah @riarelyn @scaramoochie2657 @ll34hh @pussymode / idk why the rest wouldn't tag but i'll try in the comment section
comment under this post to be added
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Everyone knows that Mr.Zhongli takes on offers from his students. If you're really desperate for your grade(example being the end of the semester) he'll make a deal that satisfies the both of you.
And that's perfectly fine, he's respectful, patient and never pushy. He won't ever be the one suggesting it, and you can always change your mind, maybe that's why nobody fired him yet.
He believes in exchanging favors, he reckons that it's the only way you make connections throughout your life. He offers extra tutoring if you actually want to prepare for his test but a man has needs and he doesn't mind taking advantage of lazy students that would be happy to find a way around studying.
So there you were, fidgeting around in his office, waiting for him to finish sorting some papers. Your friends reassured you countless times, just be straightforward and truthful and there won't be any problems.
You were desperate to keep your scholarship, and even with your hardest efforts, you couldn't seem to get an A in his class. Your dusted cheeks were a cue to him, and he already knew why you were there, sitting all pretty across his desk with your thighs pressed together, buttons on your shirt loose and your eyes peering at him, all doe and innocent.
"Ah, I see..." he mumbles, scanning over your scores on his computer.
"A high achiever If I may notice" he comments, a gentle smile directed at you. You nod, not really having the courage to say anything.
"No need to be shy, I understand...Scholarships are hard to keep, even getting one is a hassle" he tries to relax you, placing his glasses on the table. You clear your throat, urging yourself to speak up.
"Yes, uhm...I currently have 81%...I need at least 91 to keep it so that it totals correctly with my other classes...I was wondering if there was....anything that I'm able to do since all of the exams are over..." you try to smile but the nervousness just makes it awkward so you decide to look away.
"Mhmm...of course, now I don't usually have students ask for A's, I'd say that those would take a bit more effort this late into the semester...don't you think?" he muses, getting up from his chair.
Your heart is pounding against your ribcage, his large form coming dangerously close. You think about bailing and never showing your face again, but the damage has been done, your image is already compromised just from you sitting right here at this exact moment.
"Yeah...that would be alright" you nod, meeting his eyes. Zhongli's mind was racing, and keeping himself calm took great effort. You're delicious, soft and timid yet right here in front of him, something he never would suspect after teaching you this whole year. Usually, he can tell, or at least speculate about who'll be crawling to him at the end of the year. You? Never in a million years.
It was very obvious that you weren't used to dressing like that, and judging by the way you tried to seamlessly cover yourself let him know that you were quite uncomfortable.
"Do you maybe want to come around some other time?" he mused, taking your hand in his, inspecting it as your fingers shook from embarrassment.
"It's urgent, the documentation needs to be delivered by the end of the week" you mutter, swallowing a lump in your throat. He nods, moving away so that he could lock the door.
"I see that you're uneasy, how about this...." he thinks for a little sitting back in his chair.
"You may do whatever you want, anything you have in mind and I'll agree, and if I'm satisfied I'll up your grade....don't worry, I'm not greedy" Truth to be told, he sometimes is, but scaring you off is the last thing he wants to do, after all, you made him feel some kind of tension he hadn't felt for a long time. You're not aware of it, but you could just breathe against his lips and he would round your grade to a 100 in a heartbeat. Maybe he's sadistic, he thinks...was it because you were so hesitant compared to everyone else? Because you looked inexperienced and he wanted nothing less than to defile every surface of your being? He scolds himself for thinking about seeing you again after this. Maybe when all is said and done, he can suggest something else...no...he shouldn't, he already crossed enough lines and he can't put his job at risk any further. He should enjoy it now that the opportunity is laid out right in front of him.
Truthfully, it's not the job he cares about, would he call himself too nervous to be bold with you?
You caught his eye before, yet he never gave it much thought, but there was always a need clawing at him beneath the surface. He remembers the way your eyes would follow him around the classroom, drinking every word that left his mouth as your pen worked overtime to catch up with his sentences.
He got lost in thought, and as he snapped back to present, he saw you getting up from your chair. On shaky legs you made move for the door, double-checking if it was locked. With a slow, self-encouraging breath, you turned back to him.
Excitement bubbles in his chest, his cock stiffening as you approach him with unsure steps. You stood out because you were timid, so curse him for being the stereotypical pervert that gets off on that.
You are so close to him and he can feel your shaky breath on his face. Your fingers move to his shirt, steadying yourself while you tower above him, pressing your soft lips against his.
If you thought your heart was going to jump out of your chest before, goodness knows how fast it's thumping now. You feel lightheaded, but being pulled in his lap brings some sense of relief for a split second. His lips part, deepening the kiss.
You're overthinking still, what if your lips are too dry, what if your kisses are too messy, what if someone catches you...The last one is being pushed as far back to your mind as possible in order to keep you sane.
None of it seems to matter once his rough tongue scrapes against yours, causing your mouth to open wide to let him reach whatever he wants to taste. Low grunts get absorbed, echoing in your throat. Despite your pride, you feel yourself getting more and more aroused, calloused hands reaching to the back of your neck and holding you in place.
You feel the outline of his cock against your panties, twitching up whenever you suckle on his tongue, swallowing the spit pooling in your mouth. His other hand is secured tight around your waist, gently guiding your hips in rhythm with his small, held-back thrusts.
Boldly, you unbutton his shirt, struggling a bit since your eyes have been shut tight ever since you started kissing, peaking ever so often to check if he's enjoying himself. Sneaking your hands over his now exposed chest, you feel up the defined, warm figure under your fingertips. He's taking sharp breaths whenever you tickle over any particularly sensitive spot on his lower belly, his moans getting a tad louder.
The hand on your neck disappears, only for you to feel it trail down to your hips, finding purchase on them from each side. Zhongli is getting a bit impatient, his pants now uncomfortably tight and he hopes you'll do something soon, but at the same time he'd like to keep being engulfed by the warmth of your lewd mouth, sinful whines and pleas rolling off your wet tongue each time he bucks his hips into you.
Finally, he lets you go, watching as you gulp for air, eyes glossy and half-lidded. You hesitate to grab at his trousers, feeling up the large bulge that immediately throbs against your palm. His calloused hand rests atop of yours, guiding you to press harder.  You adjust to sit on one of his thighs, your legs cramping from your previous position. Placing your hand back on him, you squeeze gently, eying the way he bites the inside of his cheek.
If you exclude the fact that he's your teacher, you'd probably rate this as one of the hottest affairs you ever had. Or maybe it was especially because he's your teacher...which you deep down know is the truth. You give him a knowing look, briefly tugging at the belt he was wearing.
He unbuckles it for you, unhooking the button underneath as well. He feels the warmth of your pussy on his thigh, imagining how it looks under the thin panties you're wearing. He'd guess that they're thin by how soaked they are, enough so that he can feel the wet spot on his pants.
His curious hands never left you, hiking up your skirt and stealing glances of your plum thighs, along with a few firm glides of his fingertips between your legs, never touching but always getting agonizingly close to where you began to crave him most.
He traces the outline of your panties, teasingly just tugging at the edges before resting them on top of the armrests, deciding that he has guided you enough.
"I know that all classes are long over, but I wouldn't mind if we up the pace of this, a man can only hold out so long" he suggests, flicking his eyes to his hard-on, like he wants to admit how uncharacteristically impatient he's getting, and the relief of having his belt undone didn't satiate him enough.
Truth be told, he wanted to fuck you a moment ago, right there in his lap, but he likes teasing himself, seeing for how long he can keep his cool before manhandling you around and taking what he wants. It wouldn't be the first time he surrendered to his needs, bending students over the desk and holding them down until he's all empty and milked dry, giving a few clicks on his computer after and leaving the room, letting them stay there, ruined,  messy and all alone in his own office.
You heard those rumors too, and at this point, you'd rather take that over having any kind of control right now. You want to be told what to do, that's just how you always were... But if you look at this like just one more order, maybe differently formulated...but it's an order nonetheless. A request to be bold, tempting and pleasing all the same, in the ways you best knew.
Getting down on your knees, you tug at his boxers, regaining his attention. He helps you by raising his hips, letting his underwear and pants pool at his ankles.
Dear lord, the way he's sitting forces you to squeeze your legs together. He's looking down at you, praying on every exposed skin of your cleavage, his legs spread out confidently, muscular thighs flexing as cold breeze tickles the tip of his leaking cock.
Before you move to grasp it in your hands, you unbuttoned your shirt, letting it fall off your shoulders. Your nipples were already prominent against your thin shirt, but now that he sees everything, he has to grip on that armrest a bit tighter.
He can already see them covered in his seed, dripping between them and down your stomach, some landing on your collarbones as well. He wouldn't want to cum down your throat...you're too precious for that...but having your skin stained in his release seems much more appealing. By what logic he can't explain, but he's already squirming in his seat.
You search your brain for more things you could do before touching him, biting your bottom lip in thought.
"Mr. Zhongli, would you mind getting up?" you ask, resting your hand in your lap as he shuffles around, kicking his trousers off fully before sitting up from his chair.
With big doe eyes, you thank him, looking up at him. He's shameless, able to be as naked as the day he was born in such a public space. His hand comes down to grip at his cock, giving it a few slow tugs toward your lip, the comes trails below your chin, inching you closer, loosening your jaw with his fingers.
"Ohh...that's a precious sight indeed, what else are you able to show me?" he asks, tenderly rubbing his length across your cheek. You hum, letting him guide your head before you finally stick out your tongue, curiosity getting the better of you. You were shamefully eager to have a taste, placing the purpled head inside your warm mouth, suckling and swallowing around him, just to daringly look up at him.
His breath was ragged, words cut short when you slowly slid him down your throat. Your hands were balled into fists, nails imprinting moon-like crests into your palm. You struggled not to gag, fighting back tears while you bobbed your head.
"Shhh...look" he huffed, grabbing your hair, guiding you off of him. He held himself at the base, a large hand covering half of his dick. As you relaxed your mouth, he slowly thrusted inside, your lips bumping softly against his fist as he pumped himself in sync.
Your tongue was lolled out, your mouth filling up with spit, coating his dick thoroughly as strings of sticky saliva lubed up his fist. He's being considerate, and for some hell sent reason it makes you respect him and hate him at the same time.
The pretty sounds of your glucking throat leave him in a daze, ragged moans rushing past his lips. Your cheeks are so full, and he makes sure to prod the inside of them with his cock ever so often.
"Breathe..." he whispers, pulling out so that only the tip of his pulsing length is resting on your tongue. You do exactly that, closing your mouth around him to relieve the ache in your jaw.
He wipes his hand against your cheek before joining it to the one already tangled in your hair. You feel the eagerness in his touch, bracing yourself, you grab onto his thighs.
Pushing your head towards him, he slips to the back of your throat, keeping you there for a brief moment until you get used to him, swallowing your gags.
"There you go, such a pretty girl, look up..." he hums, rutting his hips. You fight the urge to cough, eyes teary as he slams into your throat, his navel pressing against your nose with every thrust. He tries to keep looking at you, yet he can't help but throw his head back, closing his eyes as he chases his pleasure. He zeroes in on the rhythm of his balls slapping against your chin, your weak arms pushing at him to no avail. He needs you to hold on a little longer though.
He stares at his ceiling briefly, his own moans spurring him on as well. He should feel guilty, shouldn't he? He ponders over that for a moment before he feels the knot in his lower stomach tightening, heat coiling through his muscles. Who cares if this makes him a terrible, gruesome man, if it was wrong it wouldn't make his dick so hard.
He looks back down to see you digging your nails into his thighs, and your eyes are filled with fear. You're starting to feel dizzy, vision blurring. You're trying to pull off but his hand keeps a stern grip on your head for a few long thrusts before he pulls out, fisting his cock. Deep grunts and groans buzz inside your head until he pulls your head a few inches back, aiming his release toward your naked breasts.
You watch hypnotized as he fucks into his fist, his strokes now short and fast-paced as his knees buckle.
"Hah....fuck..." and it dawns on you that you never heard this man curse, just as he paints your chest white in his seed. It suddenly reminds you who you're really doing this with.
He holds onto your head a bit tighter, trying to ground himself briefly. His eyes are many shades darker than earlier and you've been treated nicely long enough. It's not that you mind, and you don't know when but this stopped feeling like an exchange of favors, and more like a forbidden hookup. The shift in mood was evident, and even Zhongli doesn't seem too keen to keep his composure.
His cock is still stiff, jerking ever so often as your breath ghosts over his sensitive head.
He wipes his hand against his thigh, offering the other to you. Your calves ache from the position and he holds you up for a moment before pushing you back, hoisting you onto the table. You can still practically feel him in your throat, especially when he wraps his fingers around your neck, his hungry lips bruising yours.
His hand trails under your skirt, feeling the soaked fabric of your panties. Your face is flushed...you're not sure if he can feel the needy throbs of your clit against his fingertips, but he can for sure feel and hear the gasps coming from you, considering he's the one swallowing each and every one down.
He twirls the fabric in his hand, balling it together before pushing it to the side, exposing you.
Moving the hand from your neck, he lowers it against your hole, dipping only slightly to see just how much you're desperate.
Pressing his forehead against yours, he slowly slides one of his slender fingers inside, adding the second one with ease.
"There...How badly do you need that grade, show me?" your brain is mush, his voice eliciting constant shivers down your neck and spine, making your toes curl. This tone was new, voice raspy and rough.
You wrap both of your hands around his wrist, burying his fingers deeper, mewling when they start curling and prodding against the softness of your pussy.
"I thought you said we will do whatever I want" you protest, trying to call him out for being a liar.
"Is this not what you want?" he taunts, whispering in your ear.
"You want me to stop?" he questions, snaking his other hand under the small of your back for support before he starts slamming his palms into you, lewd slick sounds of your pussy against his hand filling the room. You feel like you can't catch a proper breath, each slap against your clit knocking the air out of your lungs with its intensity.
"No!" You moan, spreading your legs further apart until your thighs strain and the seams of your skirt loosen with painful ripping sounds.
"No?" he dares, gasping with you.
"This does feel good, doesn't it?" He can feel the burn in his shoulder, but he speeds up nonetheless, pulling out only to give a few filthy taps on your clit, spreading the slick from your cunt all over.
You slowly turn into a broken record, stuck on repeating syllables of his name, choked by incoherent whines and sniffles.
Your knuckles are turning white as you grip the table with great force, nails scraping against its edge.
"That's a pretty girl, it takes this little to rile you up huh?...No sweetheart don't cry...you can take it..." you feel overwhelmed, you're not even sure if you can cum from the sheer intensity of his thrusts, but it's so addicting and you welcome the water welling up in your eyes.
"I don't think I can cum like that Sir, please...Jesus....fuck" you whine, your legs tensing.
"You don't have to..." he encourages. "Just enjoy it until it's too much, yeah?" his considerate words are followed by a harsh slap against your pussy, making you jolt in his grasp.
You pull him close, burying your head in his shoulder, nodding.
He has to admit that his hand began to ache a while ago, and he can't feel his fingers anymore, the thrusts turning sloppy and mismatched in tempo as he tries to keep up the intensity.
You twist your fingers into his thick hair, desperate to anchor yourself. You're tearing up, your body shaking as it struggles to keep up with how good and bad everything feels at the same time.
He shows mercy soon, pulling out his fingers. You grip onto him tightly, feverishly grabbing at the strands of his hair.
"Please, I need-" you mumble, too embarrassed to articulate anything else, hoping that by some magic he'll read your mind.
His hands find purchase on your skirt, turning you around and guiding your ass against his dick.
"Is this what you're whining for? Or is it something else?" he asks, prodding the tip of it inside.
"I-" you start, trying to defend yourself, but the slow drag of his length stops you, stretching you so much you fear you might split in half. No...that's not it, it's not the sheer thickness of it that makes you tremble, it's the fact that when you turn around he's barely in yet and you already feel like you can't fit an inch further.
He felt big in your mouth but this is different.
"Gonna fuck you until you're spilling out sweetheart...and you're gonna come over here again if you want your silly little grade okay? And you're not going to tell anyone about it..." he threatens, grabbing handfuls of your ass and spreading your cheeks apart so that he can truly see how you're taking him in. He pulls out briefly only to spit in his hand, leathering his dick with a few sloppy strokes.
He pushes into your cunt with a punched-out moan rushing out of his mouth, "such a tight greedy pussy...listen to how nice it takes me..." he praises, giving sloppy thrusts to prove his point, the plapping noise urging him to grind into you harder.
He leans down, angling his hips so that his cock prods even deeper, his shaft finally disappearing fully.
Sneaking an arm under your belly, he slides his hand to cup your wet cunt. You want to respond to his previous threat, but you can't, every word of disagreement would be a blatant lie.
He twirls your clit with his fingers, pinching and flicking over it with each meaningful snap of his hips.
He stills, pressing his hips flush against your ass before pulling you up into his chest, turning your head to the side to distract you from the burn in your core, the change of position intruding in places he didn't press against a moment ago.
Your brows furrow, adjusting to the feeling. "Mr. Zhongli, it hurts, please-"
Grabbing a handful of your breasts, he pins you even closer, your arms flying up to hold onto his forearm.
His fingers are still circling your clit, easing the dull ache in your lower tummy.
"It'll feel better..." he whispers, moving the hand from your pussy and tugging at your wrinkled blouse.
Your eyes are half-lidded but you nod, dropping your arms to your sides for him to slide it off of you. You're breathing heavily, huffing with every minor tug of his dick, jolting ever so often when he sinks snugly against your cervix.
He spreads your legs with his feet, pushing you back down mercifully.
"I'm so nice to you... am I not" he grins, tugging on your hair once he starts fucking into you again.
You can't see it but his eyes are dark with lust like he was an animal locked up behind the bars with someone swaying a juicy piece of meat in front of his nose, and he was finally let out.
His hidden obsession with you was concerning, he wanted to beg and selfishly take you at the same time, and all you ever had to do was smile and nod at him to get him this whipped. He just couldn't understand how it slipped his attention.
He'll make you drunk off his cock, so much that you never want to look at anyone else ever again.
He sways between gentle adoration and toxic possessiveness he can't control, altering amongst sweet promises and hushed groans of claim over you whole.
Only now does he realize how badly he needed to do this, the laid-back facade crumbling over once he feels like he's close, the need to release so deep inside you until he's sure you'll end up knocked up with his kids. He knows he's thinking out loud, especially when you grind into him harder, ridden of last traces of sanity.
All other words are stuck in your throat, but the warm feeling in your belly fully agrees with him, eager to have him release inside you.
He's pounding ruthlessly, knocking you off your feet with each thrust, making the wooden floors creak under the two of you.
You gave up on holding onto the table, letting him hold you up by your hair and the hand that never stopped torturing your pussy, the same intense feeling you had when he fingered you present all over again, only this time you were closer, the ghost of an orgasm spreading through your muscles.
"Don't stop, please..." you whine, being pulled back against him so that he can dig his teeth at your pulse, leaving marks on your neck as he muffles his own screams.
Your toes curl, knees buckling when your high comes crashing in waves, the slaps on your clit sending your mind into a frenzy. You can feel the warm load spilling inside you, with a sharp thrust to your cervix, he makes sure he releases flush against it, fucking his cum in thoroughly.
Gasping for air, you hold onto each other, his hands wrapping possessively around you. Digging his nails into any part of your skin he can reach.
Once you can hold your own weight, he lowers you to the ground, pulling out of you. You hiss at the uncomfortable feeling, sitting up on the table to rest your sore legs.
Zhongli wipes the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand, moving the hair out of his face.
You untangle the mess of your skirt and wiggle it back in place, inspecting the marks it left from biting into you for so long.
Shame settles in fast, and you can feel the tears stinging your eyes. How did you allow yourself to get to this point, you're not sure, but you feel nauseous once he adjusts himself within moments, sitting back down in his chair like nothing happened.
"Same time tomorrow Miss Y/N" and yeah, some of them get the nice, simple exchange, but you? You end up having to come to his office every day for the rest of that week, yet for some reason the habit picks up well after your grades are settled.
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[A/N]: Hi! Thank you for reading and sorry for the wait! I just forgot how to exist for a second there but yeah, I hope you enjoyed 💕 once again minors do not interact w me even if you actually read this thank you <3
tip yar🍥
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Joint Lessons in History (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob love the days when you guys can lay back and enjoy the show with your classes
Tagging: @sebsxphia @bobfloydsbabe @bradleybeachbabe Helena my love, I heard you were having a bit of a rough evening and I figured you could use a little pick-me-up. I wanna write more of this AU down the road so if you wanna be on a mini taglist let me know
Friday afternoons before school vacations were always the best, because for you and Bob, it meant a joint history and literature class together. You always loved days like this, because not only would you be with Bob, but it meant shenanigans with your students before having to go home and tend to the house. Luckily for you, your mother and father-in-law were there to help keep things in order, making it easier on you and Bob.
"Alright my freaky little aliens, everybody up on those desks!" Bob announced.
The group of sixteen and seventeen year olds were excited as ever. The day before winter break was always the most exciting with Bob making it easy on them by doing review games for whatever the main lesson block was that week. This week's rewards were pieces of the endless arrays of candy and chocolate-peanut butter fudge that Bob kept in the desk drawers.
Up on the desks they went, sitting cross-legged or with their legs dangling over the edge before your class entered the room to join them.
"How goes Mrs. Floyd?" Bob mumbled before he kissed you.
"We might need to stop for coffee on the ride back," you answered. "I've had more than enough water and I'm exhausted."
"We've got the next two hours to decide where we're gonna stop," Bob told you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Momma called earlier, she and Dad made us dinner for when we get home."
"Oh thank God," you sighed, relieved that your mother-in-law had done so.
Bob took his place at the front while you hopped up onto the edge of his desk, making yourself right at home on your favorite little perch.
"Pop quiz guys," Bob announced. "Rulers of Lothlorien in Fellowship of the Ring, who were they?"
"Celeborn and Galadriel!" Deshawn answered.
"Awesome dude!" Bob said, tossing Deshawn a mini kit-kat bar. "Speak friend and enter, what's the elvish word for friend?"
"Mellon!" Kelsey answered.
"Young lady, ya'll have just earned yourself a Mr. Goodbar!" Bob answered enthusiastically, reaching into the drawer of his desk and tossing the mini chocolate bar to Kelsey, the girl in the navy blue and orange varsity jacket.
"Alright, lets see if Mrs. Floyd can stump you guys," Bob said.
"Aragorn's nickname is what?" you asked.
Every possible name for the character was shouted through the room until Justin threw both of his hands up in the air. "The dude who never showers!" he blurted out.
"Justin Daly sit your ass down this instant!" Bob laughed.
You and Bob couldn't help but laugh. "Alright who's got the real nickname, c'mon, don't be shy," you told the kids.
As soon as Birdy O'Connor shouted out "Strider", a mini packet of M+Ms went flying in her direction. You and Bob were able to waste the last two hours of the day playing the game with hardly a break in between.
"Gandalf's famous words to the Balrog?!" Bob called out loudly.
"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!" the kids chorused together.
"Alright guys everybody's getting a piece for that one!"
Everyone laughed as you and Bob tossed the mini chocolate bars, packets of gummies, Nerds, Reese's peanut butter cups and mini packets of Skittles and M+Ms to your students when they answered correctly. The enjoyment of the game however, was interrupted by one of the admins ringing the handbell to signal the end of the day.
"Alright guys, you know the drill," Bob announced. "Chairs up, bags packed up and make sure nobody slips on their way out to the parking lot. It's slippery out there!"
The clatter of wood on wood echoed throughout the room as students picked up their chairs and turned them over to put them on the desk, packing up their backpacks with whatever they needed for the duration of school vacation.
"Wanna make a run to grab coffee?" Bob asked as you walked out into the freshly falling snow.
"Why not?" you asked with a cheeky little grin. "I hear they have that new chocolate-peppermint flavor you love so much."
Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "Love you Mrs. Floyd."
"Love you too Mr. Floyd," you answered, eagerly returning the kiss before you hopped into the truck and pulled out of the dirt parking lot, the heat blasting and waring you both up.
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riabef · 2 years
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✎. I regret you all the time VARIOUS X READER
SUMMARY: Have you ever wanted to have your heart broken in less than 10 000 words? I have a solution for you, read this fic. In which, the reader breaks up with the respective male characters. (These actions done by the characters are not made by any means to sway you into not liking them, this is made for the fact that is… breakup… scenarios)
FEATURING CAST: Al Haitham, Cyno, Tighnari, and reader ^^
PRONOUNS: gender neutral, used second perspective, “You” when writing (please inform me if there’s a mistake)
WORD COUNT: 7322 words
WARNINGS: angst! Mentions of breaking up, very… uhh… emotional moments ? Tighnari’s has some self doubt, Al haitham is a little bit of a jerk here. lowkey toxic relationships (?) I was more focused on the break-up part. Fluff to angst!
PROOF-READ: nope! the only witness to this fic is me and this spider that’s been hanging on my wall for the past 30 minutes
AUTHOR NOTES: i love making Angst but first and foremost I love making it everyone else’s problem, I spent more time formatting and tagging this than I did writing it
yes I still don’t know how to center text…. yeah…. also I genuinely do not remember half of what I just wrote so if there’s any grammar errors uh…. Good luck (?)
Even in darkness I can see the colours shine bright
Yellow, red and blue calling out your name
From the bottom of my heart, it’s so relentless
The love I had for you is trying to break its way free
“Be careful of Alhaitham”, “Stay safe”, “I don’t like that guy”, are all phrases you’ve heard about the man, more correctly dubbed as your lover. A man who purely operates on rationality, one who finds it far more easier to put a value to things before emotional value. A relationship with AlHaitham requires more than patience, it requires a security in yourself, confidence, and even more patience.
Falling in love with Alhaitham is harder than falling in love with most, love indeed does have its own trials; yet falling in love with Alhaitham is on another level. For a man so deeply unchanging in rationality, he never expected to fall in love, much less, pursue a relationship with someone. This was drastically different from the life he had planned, the caution all thrown away to the wind as he eagerly counts down the minutes until he can see you again.
For a man so rational, he does have his own round-about way of saying “I love you” in the strangest ways ever, but you couldn’t deny that he made you feel as flustered as the day you met, his traits never seeming to bore you, and someone who always loves to keep you on your toes; that is the kind of lover Alhaitham is.
It is very rarely that he will voice the words, but just from his actions you can feel it, you feel it in the scented candles he gives you when he remembers your favourite scent, you feel it in the extra annotations he leaves in your notes when you’re particularly stressed, and you feel it in the way his presence is a never-changing constant, a lighthouse signalling the way home for sailors in the night.
“I have something for you,” He gives you a box, and you can only assume it’s from your favourite bakery again, and you sigh.
“Let me guess, you just so ‘happened to be in the area’ despite it being a 20 minute walk from here, and you just so ‘happened to notice that I was working in the library long enough for a break’ and it also ‘coincidentally appears to be your break-time’?”
“Good, you already know, I don’t need to repeat myself again.” Insufferable jerk.
He takes a seat across from you, taking notice of the textbooks you were working on, storing their titles in his mind, perhaps he’s able to assist you this time–
“You wrote that wrong.”
“Why do I even love you again?”
“I wonder that as well.”
He may be an insufferable jerk, but he’s your insufferable jerk.
Falling in love with Alhaitham is akin to a stormy night on the seas, the waves crashing against the sides of the ship, threatening to drown any of those who come unprepared; the seas that show no mercy, all that comes must take proper precautions rather than wish on the stars for their hopes to be achieved. That, is a better description of Alhaitham. He is a man incredibly fond of routines, although he understands that it’s not meant for everyone, but he does as his schedule allows. Fortunately for you, his schedule always allows for him to spend time with you, pleasant or not.
His fondness for you, as he likes to put it, is expressed, you know it in the way he stays up late with you on rare occasions, looking over your papers. Or when he would ensure that your research involves the proper safety precautions, or when he double checks your itinerary to make sure that everything matches up to his standards.
Although, just because he loves you doesn’t mean that he’s not going to forget what he’s known his whole life, his rationality. It’s not at all easy to discuss his feelings either, unwanted presences making itself known in his usually clear mind aren’t usually what he faced before he met you. Now, it’s as if it’s what he felt everyday.
He’s not the best communicator, he either bottles everything up, or he tends to say it too straightforward that it hurts even you.
“Alhaitham, I understand–”
“No, do you? If you understood then you wouldn’t be doing something as reckless as this.” He looked at you in disapproval, you felt yourself humiliated by his unwavering glare; feeling as though he’s seen through your actions.
In front of him you felt like a child.
A child incapable of being with someone of his calibre, surely he deserves someone much better; someone more capable than you clearly are, if you were just a bit more capable, you wouldn’t be watching as he tightens the splint on your currently broken leg. You wince at the pain, only registering it now, you were far more pained by his disappointment in you than the physical pain you felt.
The more he tended to your leg as best as he could, the more incapable you felt, despite being the lover of the Scribe, you felt so insufficient to be beside him.
In your mind, with every incident you get into, it only adds more to the list of why he may hate you. Perhaps he did hate you after all, even you couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
It’s no secret that he does try, although he’s so focused on other aspects that you fail to notice that you can’t help but feel a little bit more surprised when he does reveal his true intentions towards you. If it was already hard enough for anyone else to befriend Alhaitham, it’s even harder to be his lover, in the face of what he believes is rational, you may find it rather off-putting.
Although, you cannot deny the hurt you feel everytime you feel that he’s brushed off your feelings in favour of something that makes sense to him, the sense of familiarity makes its unwelcome entrance in disagreements between the two, as he sighs as though he’s dealing with a minor inconvenience rather than his lover.
You loved him, you truly do. There’s just, circumstances where it’s better to know the other as a memory rather than a constant in your life, the one you wake up to everyday.
You wished that you could’ve worked out, you really did.
“You’ve injured yourself multiple times attempting to perform, and everyone in the Akademiya looks down on your association with the arts.” He says, as he grabs the first aid kit again, after you came home limping with a sprained ankle.
He pauses, as if wondering whether to say reassurances, before he figures that you already know of his worries about you. Although you didn’t.
“And what, are you disappointed in me too? Just like–”
“Yes, I’m disappointed in you. It’s so incredibly obvious that it was dangerous, yet you went anyways, I expected you to know better.”
Biting back your tears you couldn’t help but feel helpless to the frustration that was welling up, “You wouldn’t know, I would give up everything for the arts. I don’t care about what I have to give up, as long as it’s what remains.”
Perhaps it was the amount of frustration that had gotten to you, or was it the pain of you injury? You couldn’t tell as you practically spat the words, “I would give up even you.”
You watch as his eyes widened infinitesimally, trying to take time to process what you had just said, before he wordlessly got up from his kneeling position to tend to your injuries to walk out the door.
You’re left to wallow in the weight of the words you just said, sitting there motionless on the kitchen counter.
It’s not often that you two get into disagreements, with him being so resolute and unchanging in his ways, it was only evident that you two would get into fights, or disagreements about what the other said. To take time away from the argument, either one of you would usually storm out of the house to take a walk, but you always reunited with each other.
Be it awkward apologies for each other’s actions, or simply staying in each other’s presence after having reflected on the argument, it was always enough.
Although as you sat there you had come to an epiphany.
You had plopped yourself down on the bed, remembering the argument from earlier, the words you said, and the words you wished you didn’t. If anything, it would be the opposite, you’d be willing to sacrifice the arts if it meant you could keep your lover happy, you’d be willing to tear yourself to shreds if that was what would bring him joy.
Yet it seems like you always did the opposite of that. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him feel happy because of you, and you were the cause of his distress. A lover should be someone who makes you feel right at home, not someone you argue with on a daily basis.
Hugging the pillows, the cold doing little to comfort you. The storm ravaged the boats, bringing it to destruction, the unrelenting storm destroying anything it could.
Just because you two had always found your way back to each other, doesn’t mean that it was necessarily healthy, you could feel the words you said, and his actions weighing down on you, like endless regrets attempting to swallow you whole. It wasn’t an uncommon sight to see you and your lover ignoring each other, or at least go on breaks every so often.
So it was not an unexpected sight to see you and your lover clearly ignoring the other. Except it continued. It was common for you and your lover to have disagreements that woud last about a week, yet this recent argument showed no signs of stopping.
Unregistered feelings kept building up and showed no signs of stopping, Alhaitham notes. Ever since your most recent disagreement, he can’t find it in himself to move past what you said. If he were to admit it fully, without any room for a facade, or any room for any egos to make a big deal; maybe you would’ve known that your words haunted him day in and day out. Every time he’s about to make a turn on the way home, he hesitates before he decides, “one more day.”
Eventually that had extended so long, he just couldn’t figure out how to begin even talking to you.
It’s been a week, 3 days, 7 hours, and 23 minutes since he’s last had that argument with you. That should be enough time for him to recover, it’s petty of him to ignore you for an argument, even if he did feel hurt by your words.
Finding his resolve, he walks, the familiar way to your home, about to turn onto your street before flashes of that moment appear in his mind, he can’t ever forget what you said. If he was any less than he is now, he would’ve accused you of putting him under a spell, memories flash in his eyes as he remembers the way unshed tears were present in your eyes, he can tell just how tiring it was to be with someone like him from the numerous times you had hidden your future artistic plans from him, the way you had hidden future research topics from him.
Of course he’d know, he had just chosen to ignore them to grant you some sense of stability. Even someone like him, understood that this relationship was closely approaching its ending.
Good thing he never believed in fairytales.
It takes a long while for you two to speak to each other, even longer for you to discreetly move his things back to his own home that he still shared with Kaveh, the latter helping you as well. Despite that, nothing escapes his sights, he’s not clueless, he’s far from that. He’s noticed long before you had hoped he would.
He doesn’t know what hurts more, how lowly you had thought of him, or how you were actively reaching out to his roommate rather than him.
It’s been four weeks from the argument when he sees you, it was difficult since it was obvious that you were clearly ignoring him, not wishing to spend any more time in his presence; contrasted to the love he thought you held for him.
Was it so easy to fall out of love with someone?
You finally catch notice of him, you almost spin around from how startled you were, you paused in your movements of handing over some mementos of Alhaitham that he left at your house, every time you looked away, you could’ve sworn there was more items from him than there was from you.
Kaveh, thankfully sensing the mood, returns the box in your arms before he announces his impromptu walk.
In that moment, Alhaitham’s never felt so grateful to Kaveh, seems like the man did have a brain after all.
“I believe we do have a lot to talk about, don’t we?” You start the conversation, lacking the patience to draw this out any longer.
Words, for once, fail him, as he nods, gesturing for you to enter his home.
He was never a verbally expressive man, preferring to speak the bare minimum, speak only what he needs to, and express it eloquently. He was never one for idle talk, yet that’s all he could hope for when he sees your figure taking a seat on his couch. You’re just across him, almost within arm’s reach yet he felt as though you were far away.
“I…” you begin, thinking of a better way of expressing yourself, “I apologize for what you’ve said, I know I won’t be forgiven, but I’d like to apologize regardless. It wasn’t very appropriate of me to treat you like that, especially since you are my lover. Once again, I don’t expect your forgiveness, nor do I expect a sudden change of heart from you.”
“Thank you. I also think there’s many overdue apologies that I need to make as well.”
You two revel in the silence of the room.
The silence disturbed him, it was unsettling, normally he would’ve welcomed it, yet it only felt foreboding now.
“Although there’s one other thing I would like to say,” you wait for his approval before you continue, “I just don’t think this is working out anymore, it’s clear that this relationship only serves to harm us. I don’t think it’d be best if we continued as romantic partners.”
For someone dubbed as the lunatic of the Akademiya, he seems to have deserved the title as he ignores your wistful stares at him, the way you would almost reach out to call for him like you always had. He would pretend to not know that you kept re-reading the textbooks he’d give you notes on, reminiscing on your relationship.
You wouldn’t know either, the fact that he never touched anything that you returned to his home after that breakup. The way that they were so carefully stored away, yet never left to see the light of day again. The remnants of your relationship that he can’t bring himself to erase. The memories of you that he was all to eager to forget.
It’s been a while he’s seen you, and for a moment he doesn’t think he could even forget about you, it simply wasn’t even an option. But he’s never seen you happier.
It’s almost unheard of, to see a scholar and an artist thriving as one and the same, the way you had practically radiated in happiness as you perform. The perfect and elegantly trained movements he remembered seeing you stumble and struggle with, and once again, the fond memories come crashing back, like waves lapping at the sand. And for a moment, he’s entranced in what you’ve become, so entranced that he almost reached out to your hand, so entranced that he almost stayed for your whole performance, and so entranced that he almost confessed. I still love you.
Although, like everything with you, it ends up in a hilariously futile attempt as he returns the way he came.
I can’t save us, my Atlantis, we fall
We built this town on shaky ground
I can’t save us, my Atlantis, oh, no
We built it up to pull it down
A relationship with Cyno entails a lot of things, most of which require patience. The closer you are to fire, the more it burns and that is how you would describe your relationship with Cyno. The fire that once burnt so brightly, built on the fuels of your love and adoration for each other slowly dimmed until all you could do was blow it out.
There were mementos of your love for each other, hidden notes tucked in his papers for him to discover; love hidden in the baths you’d prepare for him when he’d get home, and love prepared for you when he would prepare your favourite foods after stressful days. The fire burnt vibrantly, its heat a testament for the love you shared.
Patience, patience, patience, it was required every step of the way, a man who’s been enshrouded in a world of black and white struggles to comprehend the shades of gray you brought to his world; and you struggle to adjust to a man so steadfast in his beliefs
Although, patience that rivals a saint’s still runs out like grains in an hourglass, people are only people, and so eventually there was only so much you could take before it all started to crack. Cracks in the foundations of your relationship, the love, and admiration for each other simply wasn’t enough to sustain you. It never was.
It’s all become too familiar, to be greeted by an empty bed, the curtains billowing in the night’s breeze. It had become a routine of sorts, to arrive at your house; never to greet your lover. You’d be lying if you didn’t say that you had missed the times when your love for each other was enough. Yet another note lies on the dinner table of Cyno’s sincere apologies that regretted not being able to spend enough time with you.
Somehow, his sincere words left an awfully bitter taste in your mouth.
Understanding can only go to a certain extent, and you prepare to spend another evening alone. You supposed you even missed his jokes, empty words hanging in the air, and the love that once filled the home with a welcoming presence seemed to have dissipated.
Even being greeted by a cold bed was of no surprise to you, the lack of warmth fills you with more thoughts of your lover; was he okay? Was he at least safe? And selfishly, was he thinking of you?
Midnight falls, and you blow the candles out.
It was no surprise, when the relationship started to crumble, slowly and unnoticed by both of you. Putting on a facade despite the yearning for certain words to be said,
When was the last time you heard him say “I love you?”
Empty promises, and empty seats, it was not a strange sight to see you sitting at a reservation, waiting for your lover; although a pitiful sight, those who saw ignored you. Perhaps it was an attempt to restore your dignity, even though the walks back home felt even worse.
You wanted to laugh.
Would it have been strange if you laughed in a street, well past sunset? You would assume so.
Expectations, and far more useless promises; promises of making it up again, promises of being able to do this again at another time. Especially the promise that you could fix what you had together.
The more it happened, the more you noticed the cracks in the relationship, and oddly, how it started to become far beyond your capacity to fix. You loved him, but at that moment in time, you hated him. For the briefest of seconds, you felt the utter resentment build in your heart and swell until it couldn’t be ignored any longer. The love that you could’ve sworn was that all you two needed, wasn’t enough.
The frustrations of giddy flashes of adoration, the nervousness of looking good enough to render your lover stunned, and the expected downfall of it all. The walks home, full of resentment, and embarrassment for having yet another no-show.
That doesn’t mean Cyno wasn’t trying though, he had tried. That was all he did, if you ever wanted answers to any of those questions you asked yourself late at night you would’ve gotten your answers. Yes, he was okay, yes he was safe, and he thought of you every second of his day. Even doing the most mundane of tasks would bring his mind back to you, like a sailor finding solace in a lighthouse on a stormy night.
He thought of you every second that he was given the luxury to think; even if he was in the middle of battle, he would look to the stars and hope that what he was doing was keeping you safe.
For every crack that appeared in your heart, he was there to mend it right away, for every walk of resentment you had, he was there at home, there to soothe your sorrows and mend your heart anew. For every minor disagreement, he would apologize for disregarding your words and leave you feeling the happiest you’ve ever been
He sees you before he hears you. Sitting at the front steps of your shared home, hugging your knees, clothes slightly dry with the new addition of your tears. Whatever he was taught to do, or if he was ever taught to feel shame, he threw it all to the wind as he started comforting you.
His gentle voice, and painful regrets swirling in his soul reflected in his eyes. Nothing ever felt as reassuring as the hug he gave you, and the small kisses on your hands.
For once, his love wasn’t in notes or in the meals he prepared for you, and it consumed you. The flickers of embers in the candles that day slowly relit themselves into a warming fire. You gladly accepted his affections because you were far too scared to figure out how it’d feel without it. It was a question you didn’t want to find the answer to (you hoped to any archon listening that you wouldn’t).
The gradual change of seasons came with more duties, more love to miss, and more love that you wished for. The love that you craved. All you wanted, was to have him back in your arms again, or the lover that you knew that liked ranting to you about TCG invocation, The man that you thought you fell in love with.
It started as a yearning, a yearning for his presence, and a yearning for his comfort on the nights you awoke in a cold sweat. Then it snowballed into a yearning for him, the sorrow that was felt too often became hard to be swallowed, and emptiness in your days.
It came as no surprise when you eventually broke down in tears on one of the days he was at home with you, savouring whatever you had left.
“I…” you started your sentence, hesitating and both trying not to choke on your tears, “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“Are you okay? Did something happen?”
The noise of rain hitting the ground seemed to grow louder in that moment, “I think we need to end this.”
“My love, we should talk about this some more hm? You are right, I can’t be away from home all the time and–”
“I don’t think we can fix this Cyno.”
A moment of silence occurs, and his hand hovers over yours, as if contemplating whether or not touching you would destroy everything you had together.
“Are you sure? Maybe if we talked a bit more we could—“ he pauses, fully taking in your pained expression, “maybe I can fix this, it’s my fault after all.”
The room is silent.
“I beg of you, please let me fix everything one more time, maybe we can go down to the port together, you’ve always wanted to go there. Or maybe if you don’t like that we can go to the forest together like you had suggested for our first anniversary…”
There’s no response from you, and he understood in that moment, that he lost you.
That day, the candles were extinguished, the smoke hanging in the air, and the ashes were all that remained.
It wasn’t easy getting over you and Cyno’s breakup, especially since your former lover had been present in almost every aspect of your life, it was difficult trying to get over him, every night as you cried yourself to sleep all you could think about was him. The way that he told you the worst jokes you’ve ever heard, or the way he wouldn’t hesitate in assisting you in any way he could.
Despite the relationship having been ended, it wasn’t rare for others to see you steal glances at each other, the looks that you’d pretend to be less the wiser of. It wasn’t something that you would’ve blamed him for regardless, for a relationship that had bonds deeper than just love; it was understandable why the both of you couldn’t seem to move on
“You’ve looked at him eleven times in the past five minutes, are you sure you’re really okay?”
You’re snapped back to reality as you’re greeted by the worried face of one of your friends, someone you’ve always been on good terms with, sighing as you remember that life decides to go on despite the crushing feeling present in your chest. “I think so…?”
It wasn’t even fair, you were the one who had broken things off so lamentably, yet you were also the one who missed him. It felt like you were the only one who had missed the others, if anything, rumour has it that the General Mahamatra has been working far more efficiently than he used to. Yet you were still stuck here, rooted to the ground still trying to process the loss of the other.
Of course it wasn’t easy for him as well, the nights he spent wondering about your safety, changed to restless nights he’d contemplate the entire relationship. Eager to forget the pain that now suffocated him day in and day out, he drowned himself in his work, not allowing for a second for his mind to drift to you. It was all he could do to keep himself sane.
The nights were the ones he hated the most, unable to focus his mind on anything else, he was completely and wholly plagued by thoughts of you, losing the ability to forget.
Tossing and turning in the bedsheets that still smelt like you, getting up in the morning, pouring you a glass of water only to remember once the glass was full. He still wears the scarf you knit him when it’s cold, he still keeps the dried flowers you sneaked into his papers, he still has photos of you two together on the walls, he still has your photo in his wallet, and he still loves you.
You wouldn’t be the only one who would sneak glances at your former lover, maybe if you let your gaze linger for just a bit longer, you’d see the way his eyes would always land on you. In some way, he hated it. He hated the way that he was reduced to nothing but a desperate lover who searched for you.
In every crowd, in every festival, in every gathering, his eyes would always wander, searching for a familiar figure, hoping yet dreading the notion of seeing you again.
He watches you, the way that you kept trying to take another glance at him, hoping that it was all the closure that you needed. Unable to tear his gaze off of you willingly, he beats himself up, archons know how many times he did that ever since your breakup.
You notice him catching onto your glances, and out of old habits, you almost felt his name exit your mouth. Luckily you were able to catch yourself, and settled with looking intensely at the book you had in your hands, “Did you need something, General Mahamatra?”
At the name, he almost flinched, unused to the uncaring tone that you had taken. He promptly considered what it’d be like if he could spend time with you rather than imagining worlds where you still belonged to each other. Without even a nod of acknowledgment, he turns around and went back the way he came.
The ashes dance around in the air, and flickers of what once was, rush to your mind as you continue, to no avail, of trying to read the same sentence over and over again.
After that day, you only saw him in your dreams.
But I always thought you’d come back,
Tell me, all you found was
Heart break and misery
It’s hard for me to say, I’m jealous of the way
You’re happy without me
Falling in love with Tighnari was frighteningly too easy, maybe it's because everything about him was just so easy to fall in love with, from his sass to the calming reassurances that he’d offer to struggling students.
Falling in love with him was like a marigold growing within the crevices of your heart, the steady growth of the flower pulled you deeper into your affection for him. The archons finally granted all the wishes you could’ve attained, in the form of your lover. The answers to all your wishes, all your wants, all you could ever need, appeared in the form of a man named Tighnari.
Like sustaining a plant’s life with proper care, returning home to your lover had been the constant to your days, tea brewing in the air, and smiles exchanged in the silence of you ridding your coat.
“Hey, I knew you had a stressful day, do you want to talk about it? I even prepared your favourite tea for you.”
What a joke, just by seeing him, all your worries had dissipated away like it always had when you saw him. Grabbing the cup, full of gratitude, you place a quick kiss on his lips. “I’d love that, thank you so much.”
The marigolds that he planted in your heart grew blossomed wonderfully, the golden petals swaying in the gentle breeze, roots that have entangled deep within your heart, racing everytime you see your lover.
When Tighnari was with you, it was easier to do anything, with him, you found how easy it was to laugh, how easily he had allowed your smile to spread across your face. With him, it was easy to let all your worries become nothing but a faraway dream. In your heart, the marigolds that blossomed were taken care of by Tighnari, and take care of it he did.
It was easy to let the dwindling feelings slip away unnoticed, your lover was an amazing person, surely he was just stressed from all of the events that occurred at his work. It wasn’t exactly the most easiest job to keep people from danger in a forest, after all.
To love Tighnari, you truly adored him, it’s just that sometimes, things didn’t work out as planned. Time will tell, and it whispered in your ear; doubts of a long-lasting relationship, the pressure building on your back as you smiled off your pain once again to assure him that no, everything’s alright, you’re just tired.
“You know, your attention’s been lingering on the ground too much, I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with it.” his back was turned to you, in favour of examining some mushrooms growing on the grass.
“Yeah, I think there’s something wrong with the ground because I could’ve sworn I scraped my knees falling for you.”
“You need to stop talking to Cyno so much, he’s starting to rub off on you,” he tuts, sighing deeply before he pretends to contemplate the reasons why he loves you.
He turned, and he was prepared to see your smile like he always had, like he always would. Yet this time, he only felt worry grow, and an undeniable sense of something wrong when instead, your expression reflected barely concealed pain.
You would hope he hadn’t noticed or that he at least ignored the fact that your heart didn’t beat as fast as it normally would when he walked into the room. Maybe then, it’d be easier to pretend that you were still just as madly in love with him as you once were, maybe this was just cold feet. Or maybe you seriously had to check out yourself for any commitment issues.
You had hoped, to every archon, that this was just a passing phase, maybe there was some external factor that you hadn’t noticed. Or maybe this was just a test, to persevere, after all, not all relationships require one to be happy at all times. The irrefutable fact remained, that your feelings for him dwindled by the day.
When most things occur, usually the feeling we turn to most would be denial, denial. You’ve denied any fact relating to the issue as much as you could, swearing over and over again that this wasn’t you falling out of love, this was just some plateau where your feelings had begun to adjust to staying committed to Tighnari.
Surely it wasn’t love that you were falling out of, it couldn’t be. Tighnari was the most amazing lover you’ve ever had, yet you could feel the marigolds begin to wilt, its petals adopting a duller shade of yellow in contrast to the stunning gold that seemed as though it was sown by the stars hung in the sky.
The moments you got alone, you’d contemplate, and maybe if you thought hard enough, your feelings for him would return. At least then, you wouldn’t have to pretend that you were just as in love with him as much as he was, so maybe then you wouldn’t have to deal with seeing his worried face after he notices the dwindling amounts of times you’d smile. As for your heartbeat… you could only hope that he was willing to ignore the fact that he no longer made you giddy like people usually do once they first fall in love.
Walking through the streets of Sumeru City with your lover running an errand, you felt relieved at the strange sense of peace the busy city had filled you. At least here, the silence of the forest wasn’t audible, and here, you could feel the pressure lifting off your back, dissipating at the busy streets, comforting you like he used to. You had always admired cities, seeing people from all walks of life gathered in one place granted you some semblance of comfort.
You no longer felt the heat rise in your cheeks when he’d call you by an endearing pet name of his, or when he’d do the smallest of gestures which always made you feel loved.
You had agreed, to be his forever, to be the only one he’d choose.
You hoped that your heart still had it to act out the part.
His hand eventually found his, a small smile returning to his face once he notices the shock he’s given you. You pray, desperately, that he couldn’t hear the normality of your heartbeat, or the way that you quickly avoided eye contact playing it off as being flustered.
“Let’s go back home.”
Tighnari was no idiot, he’s been the opposite of that actually. It was unmistakable, he used to struggle to hear your racing heart over his own; now, only his heart alone would race. Similar to you, he had hoped, even prayed to the dendro archon, that maybe this will just eventually pass, perhaps it was because he’s been too domestic lately.
Perhaps he should try Cyno’s advice to spice up the relationship.
He was at a loss for words, trying to figure out your heart as though it was some plant that had refused to grow; taking any advice he could get. Perhaps you’re just getting bored of the relationship, he does admit that it feels as though it’s similar to stagnated waters. It didn’t sit right with him to let his lover struggle alone, yet he also recognized the space that you had subtly asked for every time you directed your gaze to the floor.
Skimming through books he found on the subject, he had to stifle the ridiculous remarks he would’ve made if it wasn’t for your situation. Tighnari didn’t wish to devalue any advice that may help resolve this predicament, yet even he recognized how embarrassing these solutions might be.
11. Spend time apart.
Seemed to be the only one helping, he knew the sighs of relief, and how your hands had lost all tension in them when he left for an errand. Or when he gave you the space to think without the pressure of appeasing him.
The rest were laughable advice. Yet, there’s no explanation for how he started planning a date. A picnic under the cover of a tree near a flowing river; something you had always wanted to check off on your bucket list.
He was a determined and self-disciplined individual, yet that’s all nothing if he couldn’t ignite the love that you thought, began to run out.
While he was preparing for your impromptu date, you had begun to reminisce on important relationship milestones hoping that this little trip down memory lane would spark the feelings you were so desperately missing. Similar to how scholars of the Akademiya would spend hours pouring over texts and documents, you spent hours upon hours looking through the scrapbooks of your anniversary, of your birthday, of his, of the memorable moments you spent together.
You still remember the first time you held hands, the first date, the first kiss you shared, and many of the firsts of you two as a couple. You felt nothing but fondness as you had looked back on those wonderful memories, perhaps that was all you really needed, a reminder of why you fell for him in the first place. Maybe you had overthought it and it felt like a bigger issue than it should’ve been.
The days passed by and you found yourself being invited by Tighnari to a certain location beside a river, where the nilotpala lotuses grew in the water, surrounded by the serenity that only a forest could offer.
“And here we are,” Tighnari gestures for you to take a look at the scene before you, and your heart momentarily stops. There were little lanterns that lit up the night, the floating nilotpala lotuses blooming under the moon and stars radiating an ethereal glow; a blanket set aside on the floor with a picnic basket of what you could only assume was some small snacks considering the time. He felt pride at your amazement of the scene, a smile growing when you began to excitedly ask him where he got the time to decorate this as beautifully as he did.
Revelling in your returned admiration, he returned your questions with a quick kiss planted on your forehead, unsaid words exchanged in your minds, I did this for you. I did this for you so I could see your smile again, I missed it.
That night, you spent the comfort that you two desperately needed in each other’s arms, laughing about past mistakes, finding solace in each other about recent struggles. Of course, this resulted in him teasing you about it, “Did you really think I wouldn’t know? Goodness, I don’t know whether I should be disappointed or if I should laugh.”
You smiled once more as the magnolias in your heart began to wilt.
It was an irrefutable fact, that date was helpful yes, but. It had felt so wrong. The feelings you once felt about your relationship had returned tenfold, the uncaring guilt crushing you as the crevices in your heart grew wider. The deeply intertwined roots that you thought Tighnari had in your heart, seemed to have disappeared, slowly but surely.
There was no more room for denial or anger, the bargaining was surely far gone by now, you knew it in the way you stole glances at him when you woke up earlier. You understood what you needed to do when you couldn’t bring yourself to take a look at him when you felt his loving stare when you made him tea after a long day.
It wouldn’t be easy, but it was what needed to be done.
“We have to talk.” Your hands fumbled with the promise ring that he gave you, the seemingly small ring weighing more on you than you remembered it had. The dim lights of the living room helped conceal the distressed look on your face, the kind of expression a guilty criminal would make as they recounted their crimes.
He looked towards you, and within a moment, he understood. All he needed to see was the way the ring weighed down on you, the way that you couldnt begin to speak, the guilty expression you wore.
All he could do in that moment, was give you a pained smile, he spoke as though it would be his last words that you were hearing, “I know. Thank you for everything.” He watches as you kiss him for the last time, he supposes this will do as a goodbye kiss. The desperation catches in his throat as he pulls you in closer, for the last time before he lets you go.
Without much noise, you slip off your promise ring, leaving it on his bedside table before you exit the room.
It takes a long time for him to see you after that, if anything, he’s been intentionally avoiding you. Even stealing a glance at you would bring him unimaginable pain. Even though he can’t bear to think about you anymore he still desperately wishes for you, even though he can’t imagine to change out the coat hanger that’s made for two.
Not much has changed for him since you left, however you begun to find yourself, you surrounded yourself with the friends you loved and adored, and he couldn’t begin to hope for a better outcome with you.
Although he hoped that ending was with him.
His promise ring glints in the sun, shimmering with every slight movement, the sapphire glinting in his misery as he walks by, running another errand; preferably he would’ve had you do it in his place, although you… left.
While walking through the streets crowded of people, he can’t help but notice a familiar face in the crowd, the world stops as the first thing he notices about you is the happy look in your eyes; as though you’ve lived a million lives and you don’t regret a single one of them. Twisted feelings emerge in the shadows behind him as he tries to escape, although it’s futile since you cannot escape memories.
He knows it’s selfish, he knows it’s wrong, yet he couldn’t stop himself from hoping, that maybe you were feeling just as destroyed as he was, maybe you felt even more miserable.
And he guesses, it’s worse, to have seen you so happy while he remains rooted on the ground, still holding onto the magnolias of your heart.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
yes pls more detail if you can
there is functionally no difference between self-insert and x reader imo. the communities overlap so much they're basically a circle. and while it's possible to come across someone who writes self-insert and not x reader or someone who only writes x reader but never self-inserts, its extremely unlikely. they're the same community to me and most other people
like i cant emphasize enough that they're just the same thing. but i figure you're asking something else so i'll explain like this.
if you want to get specific and technical, on the perspective of writing - "self-insert" tends to be when the author of a fic is injecting themselves wholly into the dialogue and story they're writing. this can be appearance specificity or character traits or actions. but it ultimately means that the author is in some form, directly putting themselves in the story. some authors write self-insert in second pov and some in first.
"x reader," tends to lean more towards a non-appearance specific character. reader can be a manifestation of anyone, not necessarily the author and tend to take on their own livelihoods. none of what i've just said is strict or finite, they're just general trends. they're more akin to an OC in terms of story telling and as a sub category of fic are defined by the use of second person pov for the most part.
this difference is ultimately very arbitrary and this distinction is kind of pointless to make which is why i have to emphasize that i use them interchangeably. most people who write x reader will inevitably have pieces of themselves appear in their x reader which is by definition a kind of self-insert.
the reason people tend to shit on "self-insert" is when things go untagged that break the immersion of a fic. it's completely fine if an author wants to write about them, specifically, screwing their blorbo. but as someone reading a fic, specifically if you're going into the x reader tag - you'll want to be able to project some parts of yourself in the story your reading and it can be frustrating to come across that.
that being said, no reader is entitled to that. nothing can be completely catered to everyone and if an author wants to post the most specific fic ever about themselves that's their prerogative. the only thing the author is responsible for is tagging it correctly.
but a lot of people (very entitled people) feel like everything has to be catered to them, and this entitlement appears doubly in the x reader genre because it involves and engages the audience more than other fics do.
so the reason people dislike self insert specifically is because it isn't catered to them. i do think the way things go untagged is a huge issue and i think inclusivity is something worthy of being discussed - but ultimately there is nothing wrong with raw-dog self insert. go and make yourself fuck that guy.
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nururu · 1 year
Hi. So I saw your posts about the x reader stuff, and I'm sorry that your having your time on Tumblr ruined by a community you aren't apart of. I know the tag feature has been an issue with a lot of people in tons of different communities.
But I am genuinely curious, because shouldn't this be something your more mad at the Tumblr tag function or just Tumblr in general for? Like I checked the posts you showed in the video, and both seem to be tagged fairly normally, and neither seemed spammed with tags. So wouldn't it be more productive to submit reports to Tumblr about the lack of the tag function reflecting your blocked/muted tags and creators?
As someone from the x reader side, I can assure you that we aren't doing this stuff maliciously, and I know I can speak for a lot of people on here when I say that we just want everyone to enjoy their time on the site. But taking the anger out on the creator when the fault really is with the site's tagging feature itself doesn't really solve anything.
Especially since this is an issue much bigger than just fanfiction side, as I know many artists try their best to tag their art with phobias that may trigger people in a particular piece, and how the tagging system is now, it's not really able to help as effectively as it should.
But anyways, again I'm sorry this is having a negative impact on your time here. I really do hope they get this stuff sorted out soon. And I highly recommend that you submit a report to possibly further help the push for a better tagging system.
I hope you have a wonderful day. ❤
Since 2012 when I started using Tumblr, it's always had issues with how it's functioned and how the tagging system has functioned. That's why it's userbase came together as a whole to do a damn good job at making sure things were tagged properly so people wouldn't have these issues with the tagging system (that has never once been perfect since the beginning of Tumblr and most likely never will be.) I'm specifically mad at x reader writers because they are the ONLY people who do not tag properly.
Example: don't tag x reader stuff with main fandom tags. Like instead of tagging it [character name] AND [ character name x reader], tag it with JUST [Character name x reader] instead of tagging it with [show name] AND [Show name x reader] tag it with JUST [Show name x reader]
That way, when I mute "show/character name x reader", it will actually mute it. The I can properly avoid it. But when you tag it with all the main fandom tags as well, it gets unmuted and I can no longer avoid it.
Also x reader writers will tag it with EVERY main fandom tags. Not just the characters they've wrote about, but every single strawhat. So I'm seeing usopp x reader in the Luffy tag.
Truly, this is less of "Tumblr tag system not working" and moreso "people not using the tag system properly and ruining its purpose". If I tagged every single dog I saw with cat tags, it would show up in all the cat tags. So when people search cats, all they'll get is dogs. Not that they hate dogs, but it's NOT what they're looking for. And just because I want everyone to see dogs, doesn't mean I should force them to.
Tumblr doesn't use an AI to auto tag things and sort them properly. It uses it's userbase to do that. If it's userbase isn't using it right, it doesn't work.
I am 1000000% blaming x reader writers. Every single fandom has this issue. Ive seen multiple viral posts complaining about this NOT just from the one piece fandom. It's inconsiderate, and rude, and ruins many peoples tag pages, fyps, AND dashes.
It's not my responsibility to fix an issue I didn't create. All it would take is for this one group of people to stop accosting everyone and start using the tag system as it was intended. This is the first time in my 12yrs on this site where it's been an issue. And it's because none of these writers tag correctly. Simple as that. Tumblr can't stop "dog" from being sorted into the "cat" tag if everyone is tagging dogs as cats.
Also it's not an accident or simply forgetting. It's intentional. And it shouldn't be bc it ruins everyone else's experience.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
The Eclipse Takeaway - It's about the kindness
Alrighty folks I hadn’t decided whether I was going to write this post or not because all of ya'll already know the show is great, but right now I feel like doing it so might as well.
@wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @thegalwhorants @grapejuicegay @dropthedemiurge you all enjoyed my eclipse journey so tagged in case you want to read this
I already did a much more self-indulgent post of how Akk affected me personally but I wanted to talk a bit about how much the kindness in this show resonated with me.
The Stairs Shot
The first time I was utterly struck by the kindness of the show was with this moment with Khan and Ayan on the stairs
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After watching Khan spy Ayan with first Akk and then Thua, combined with his previous warnings to Thua, on how dangerous Aye was, I full expected this confrontation to BLOW UP.
The framing of this initial shot and the power dynamics implied by this difference in height did nothing to temper those expectations
And yet…
It doesn’t blow up, and not just because Ayan keeps a level head, but because Khan never loses his in the first place. He approaches the conversation softly, mostly trying to make sure that Ayan isn’t toying with Akk or Thua’s feelings and then apparently giving him his blessing to date Thua, even as Ayan correctly notes that Khan wishes to date Thua himself (even if he can’t admit that out loud.) This scene also resonated with me for the way, as both parties speak with kindness they move closer onto the same level (literally) as Ayan moves up the stairs.
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The kindness makes them more equal.
This got me thinking about the way kindness to used in so many parts of the show to connect our isolated characters in together.
Khan being Bruce Wayne
Khan choosing to reach out to Thua via an anonymous internet friend is a beautiful example of this kindness, not for how it helps Thua (who I’ll get too) but for how it helps Khan. The closeness he gains through anonymity to check in on Thua and try to keep him safe makes him realise how much he wants to be able to do this in person. Which in turn leads to him prioritising Thua over his prefect responsibilities when he goes to the rally and reveals his identity.
Khan choosing kindness once, makes him more able to choose kindness again.
Uncle Dika
It is clear from the beginning of the show that Dika’s presence had a pretty clear impact on the school when he was there, at least for our main cast. Akks visceral feelings of betrayal at his absence come from the belief that someone he trusted has abandoned him for (he believes) no reason.
Dika’s kindness is seen again in the moment in episode 7 when Khan is acting out different characters (specifically the teachers) for his friends to guess and when he acts as Dika his words and actions are unbelievably kind and EVERYONE knows immediately who he is enacting despite the length of time it has been since they saw Dika (it’s also realistic enough to trigger poor Ayan)
Ayan himself is obviously a wonderful example of his uncle’s kindness with every flashback we see of them (and Chadok and Dika as well) is irrevocably altered by Dika’s kindness even though, with Dika’s death, we see Chadok’s regression and fear forcing him back into a space of repression and unkindness.
Ayan is undoubtedly the heart of kindness in this show and it was so unexpected to me that, given what he knew from the beginning about Akk and his Uncle’s death, he continues to choose to be kind. This kindness is shown throughout the show to be the means of far greater change and persuasion than any other tactic used (Fear, Anger, Defiance, Hate, Financial Enticement, Neutrality etc.)
We see this with the World Remembers Gang, when he successfully gets them to leave their location with a quiet suggestion that they’ve done enough that day (Leading Akk to even more suspicions whoops)
We see this with Khan in the above conversation and again later with his encouragement to Khan to tell Thua the truth
We see this with Thua and the way Ayan notices he’s not okay and sets up the conversation with his mum. Ultimately, in my opinion, it is Ayan’s kindness that convinces Thua to fight for the change (regardless of what you think of his methods) where all the other pressure he was under only left him to sink down, Ayan’s kindness causes him to rise up.
Before I talk about Ayan’s kindness with Akk, I want to talk about Akk’s kindness with Ayan, because their entire relationship comes about (in my opinion) because even as they are suspicious of each other, they do remain fundamentally kind. We see this in the early stages most clearly in this moment
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And when Akk asks the teachers to be responsible more managing Ayan.
But even before this, the sitting together in class and the volunteering to help train him in the martial arts class weren't steeped in malice. Yes, these things were about keeping tabs (and maybe wanting to be close for unacknowledged reasons) but regardless of complicated motivations Akk takes these things seriously and does not use them as a chance to bully or otherwise make Ayan’s life at school more difficult (think semantic error style) even if he wishes Ayan would just follow the rules already.
Additionally a key moment of understanding and softening between them comes from a moment of pure human kindness, when Ayan see’s Akk feeding the dog.
This friendliness builds up because as Akk remains kind, despite his suspicions, Ayan responds with kindness despite his suspicions (and actual knowledge of Akks actions)
Ayan again
Ayan’s support of Akk through all this is incredibly central to the story so I’m not going to go into it in detail. His kindness towards Akk extends to the point of covering up his wrong doing as he sees Akk for who he is and prioritises Akks mental safety over finding out the truth of his death. But all this came about because throughout their initial antagonism, harm was never Ayan's primary intent.
Another moment
Another moment which struck me on my initial watch through was this moment
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Where Akk apologises to The World Remembers gang even as he follows his orders and takes away the things they’re using to protest. (I think it's around episode 10?) The shock and confusion on their faces as he does this, and their immediate relinquishing of their things compared to their loud anger over his removing them on other occasions (when in the past he stepped forward not with apology but instead with anger) highlights to me how he has changed, and how his new kindness de-escalates the situation (in much the same way Ayan’s had some episodes earlier).
Related thoughts on the Isolation of the Characters
The isolation of Akk, Thua and Khan at the start of the show is a grounded foundation. Akk is desperately scared of being perceived as weak (in terms of his authority and management - this later is added to by his fear of being gay), Khan is desperately scared of being perceived as Gay, Ayan is isolated as a newbie and Thua is isolated as an ?out gay person in the school. (Thua’s identity seems to be known by his classmates but not his teachers so not sure on the details here but he is definitely isolated). It is these characters reaching out to each other in kindness, and continuing to reach out to each other in kindness despite the difficulties that arise as their identities shift and grow that results in positive change within themselves and within the school.
Brief mention of Thua
Just to officially state my opinion on the record I am absolutely including Thua as part of this without caveat, he is the most isolated character and his change is wrought by Ayan’s kindness causing him to wish for change. His anger came from a place of hurt and I don’t view his actions as more extreme than Akks, especially as neither the banner or the fire were likely to hurt anyone. His goal of drawing attention to the wrongdoings of the school made sense and though it was NOT driven by kindness, it was pushed on by the desire to have a kind place for all people, (especially LGBTQIA+ people).
I loved how everyone in episode 11 got to be angry, Thua at Ayan, Ayan at Chadok, Khan and Wat at Akk etc. They were allowed to have these emotions and express these emotions and in doing so they didn’t end their relationships or loose their friends. Everyone’s anger was used to create understanding because THEIR ANGER WAS MET WITH KINDNESS.
The forgiveness of ALL our teenagers in the final episode underlined this theme of kindness with the welfare teachers standing up for Akk and Thua, The World Remembers gang forgiving the boys because they sincerely apologised and were regretful.
And of course Akk coming out to his parents.
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Final thoughts
Kindness isn’t perfect of course, in some ways Akks parent’s kindness lead to his own warped self image and Ayan’s kindness to Thua in part lead to some of the not kind choices he made.
Many shows have examples characters choosing not to forgive and that is a valid and healthy choice (one we could all stand to make more often). I’m not saying that always being kind to everyone is the right choice, and it’s certainly not a sustainable one.
Instead I’m highlighting how this show used kindness in defiance of isolation, in defiance of jealousy, in defiance of anger and in defiance of hate.
For the record, rating wise this show got 97% making it equal third overall out of 77 BLs and counting. I loved it for so many reasons and I honestly can’t wait to watch it again.
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
Cooking with Chef Ruggie
Summary: You've been enrolled in culinary school for a few months now. Today's task- making Fondant Potatoes with your assigned partner, Mr. Ruggie Bucchi.
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WC: 3382 Tags: one shot, fluff, culinary school, gn!reader, this has an actual recipe you can follow lmao, Ruggie is really good at cooking, he's also so helpful, mild cussing
a/n: thank you @the-dumber-scaramouche for this super cute, uwu idea! I can't wait to see and read about your chef oc ❤️
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You came into class, looking at the board behind your professor to see what was in store for the day. You had been in culinary school for a few months now and every day your professor would write on the board something relative to your lesson for the day. To your surprise, the board simply just said “pommes fondant”, or Fondant Potatoes. Your lesson from the day before dealt with the different types of oils and how each affects the searing of different foods and can even help infuse flavors into them when used correctly. Fondant potatoes were seared on both sides, so you figured it made sense to be in today's lesson, but what was your professor going to do- make them for the class?
The professor got up from his desk once the clock struck the hour; he never missed a second of teaching. It was clear from his enthusiasm every day that he thoroughly enjoyed what he did. “Alright, so can everyone see the board? This is what we have going on today,” he started to say. Around the room you could hear the oo’s and ah’s of the other students. Fondant potatoes weren’t ever something you really experienced; simple as they were, it was still a nicer way to make potatoes. You were just used to the regular baked and french fries variety.
“So are you making these for us then?” you heard one of the cheekier students ask as he raised his hand, smirking at his friends around him. The professor chuckled for a moment and shook his head. “Actually, no. You all are going to make these. You’ll be in the kitchen today. Each of you has been assigned a partner, so lean on them and help each other. You’re not only going to be graded in technique and execution of the recipe, but also how well you work with others. I’m watching,” he said, giving a few students an obvious side eye. Your fellow students seemed pretty excited about being able to work in the kitchen today, already chatting amongst themselves as the professor started to go through his list and read off the assigned pairings.
“Y/N,” he said. Your ears perked up, waiting for him to tell you who would be your partner today, hopefully not that obnoxious guy across the room. You knew he would just shittily try to do the recipe by himself because “he just knows better” and would ruin it, leaving you with a bad grade without even being given a chance. “Your partner is,” he said, running his hand across his paper, “Ruggie”. He pointed out the student a few tables over from you. Honestly, you had ever really noticed him, which was surprising to you. He was not bad to look at, and the way his messy, biscuit brown hair kissed the side of his face and forehead made it hard for you not to swoon over. 
He got up from his table and made his way to the back where the kitchen setups were, you took it as a sign and also got up and made your way back there. Ruggie was looking at the recipe sitting on the counter as you approached the work space. “Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said, holding out your hand to him. He looked up at you as he put the card down and smiled, taking your hand and shaking it. “Ruggie,” he said. You let go of his hand, but couldn’t stop thinking about how it felt in yours. “So… have you ever made these before?” you asked as you picked up the recipe card and started reading it. “Yeah, a time or two before. They’re not that hard to make, just have to take your time with it,” he said confidently. “You?” You looked up from the card, meeting his eyes. For a moment, you lost all thought process, getting lost in the cool, blue-gray hues of his them. “Hello?” he said, confused. “I-I’m sorry,” you said looking back at the card. “I haven’t made them before. I’ve never even eaten them, but they look really good from the picture.”
Ruggie took the card from your hand, looking it over once more, and placed it on the counter. “That’s ok. If you don’t care, I can kinda take the lead if you want. I’ll share all my secrets with you,” he said, putting his hand behind his head and grinning. “Sure, I don’t mind. I have no clue what I’m doing with these,” you said, laughing back. “So where do we start?” you asked as you made your way to the sink to wash your hands. Ruggie followed suit and washed his hands as you dried yours. “Well, we start with the Yukon potatoes, gotta slice ‘em a certain way,” he said. You nodded as you grabbed the potatoes from the ingredients provided by the professor on the counter, taking them to the sink and washing them. “So how do you have to slice them?” you said, bringing the now washed potatoes over to Ruggie. Ruggie had out a cutting board and knife, ready to start his prep. “Well, the potatoes are supposed to be thick, but will melt in your mouth when you eat them. So you take em,” he said, grabbing a potato,” and cut like this.” You watched as he finished cutting them all. “Wait, these in the picture don’t have skins like these,” you said looking back and forth at the potatoes he had cut and the picture on the card. “Yep! That’s where the next step comes in,” he hummed. “Look in that drawer over there and see if there’s like a round cookie cutter in it.” He gestured his head to one of the drawers near the sink behind him. You opened it and dug through all the utensils in it; finally, you found a round cookie cutter. “Here ya go,” you said as you handed it to him. “Thanks.”He smiled.
He took the cookie cutter and used it to cut the center of the potatoes, making them look like little cylinders. “Ohhhh, that’s pretty neat. Looks cool,” you said in awe. “It ain’t that special,” he snickered. You rolled your eyes at him playfully. “Yeah, well to me that looks pretty cool.” Ruggie chuckled again. “Alright, so next we gotta get the pan and oven ready. Could you preheat it to 450 degrees for me, please, while I finish these up? Then we just need a good sized skillet for ‘em.” You nodded as you went to the oven and set it to preheat like he instructed. You found a bigger skillet in the cupboard and held it up. “This a good size?”
Ruggie looked over and nodded. He was busy patting the potatoes dry, trying to get rid of the starchy juices that came from cutting them. You put it on the eye, turning the heat on to medium. You glanced at the recipe to see what was next. You took the avocado oil sitting out and used it to grease the pan. Ruggie just smiled as he watched you work, seasoning his potatoes with salt and pepper. “Alright, the oil is about ready for the potatoes. Time to get to searin’,” you joked as you took each potato and gently put it in the pan. Ruggie shook his head at your silliness, grabbing the herbs and cloves of garlic from the ingredients. You could see him out of the corner of your eye as he crushed the garlic. As much as you wanted to watch how he smashed it so easily with the muscles in his arm flexing each time, your mind was preoccupied with watching the potatoes on the stovetop. Once golden on the underside, you had to flip them over to sear the other side.
“Wow, that looks amazing. The sear is like.. perfect,” Ruggie said, peering over your shoulder. “Yeah, I’m like an expert searer actually. I actually got a National prize for it,” you teased. Ruggie gave you a stare, still smiling at you though. “Wow, I had no idea my partner today was a world renowned chef already. Guess I don’t have to do anything else then, shishishi,” he snickered. He picked up his dirty cutting board and knives he used and put them in the sink. You could hear him run the water for a second and turn it off behind you, so you turned around to see what he was doing. He came back to the counter with a wet paper towel and cleaned it. Wow, he seems pretty chill. Not to mention, he cooks and cleans? Seems like a house husband, you thought to yourself.
“Okay, so the recipe says once seared to add the herbs and butter into the pan. Could you grab me the butter, Ruggie?” you asked. To your surprise, Ruggie laughed at your request. Nothing is funny? “We don’t need butter, I got something better,” he beamed. “But the recipe says to use butter?” you said, confused at what he was planning. “Yeah, it does. But think of it… more like a suggestion,” he said as he took a few steps backwards out of the work space and then scurried to the back of the room. Past the workspaces were the bigger fridges and pantries. They had extra ingredients and were free to use if the students chose to. Ruggie came back a few moments later, a container in his hand. He brought it to you and let you read the label. “Beef fat?” you said looking at him. “Shh, shh. Don’t say it too loud,” he said looking around. “Can’t have these other guys knowin’ our secrets, now can we?” 
You shrugged and complied with his suggestion, adding it to the pan. Ruggie put in the sprigs of thyme and rosemary and then the crushed garlic. He happily smelt the air above the pan, closing his eyes to really take it in. “Wow, it smells so good already. These are gonna be so good. I can’t wait to eat later,” he purred. You used a spoon to help glaze the tops of the potatoes with the liquid. “So, why the beef fat? What difference does that make?” you asked curiously. Ruggie grinned wide as he answered. “Well, ya see, the beef fat actually gives it more flavor than just regular old butter. You kinda get some of that beefiness infused in the potatoes. It’s not like they taste like beef, but damn does it makes ‘em taste way better.”
“Time for the oven now, right?” you asked, taking the food off the eye. “You got it, that’s right,” Ruggie said, snapping his finger at you. You put the pan in the oven carefully. You brushed your hands together and looked at Ruggie. “And now we wait,” you said smiling. “How long are they in there for?” You picked up the card off the counter to check. “Uh, about 25 to 30 minutes, gotta make sure they’re nice and tender,” Ruggie chuckled. He wiped his own hands off on the hand towel by the oven and set the timer. “So what made you join culinary school, wanna own a restaurant or something?” he asked.
“No, not really. Truthfully, I don’t even know what I want to do after this,” you groaned. “I like the idea of owning one, but I don’t know if it’s for me. I just love the idea of marrying flavors together, putting stuff together. The look on people’s faces when they eat my food? Man, it makes my heart full. I just- I like it, that’s all.” You stopped yourself from saying any more, not wanting to talk about yourself too much and sound vain. Ruggie looked at you pleased, content listening to you talk about your passions. “What about you, Ruggie?”
“Oh, me?” he said. “Well, shishishi. I work a lot of side jobs to make money. Catering is one of my biggest payers, but you can make a lot more as one of the cooks. So I’m here to finish school so I can do that, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll own my own catering place.” He was leaning his back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn’t speak with the same passion as you did, but it was obvious he enjoyed cooking. “You seem like you know your way around the kitchen. The places never let you cook before?” you asked.
“I mean, one of the catering places had this chef who was super chill. He taught me a lot when I worked there, even how to make these,” he said pointing at the recipe card. “He doesn’t do catering any more so I can’t work with him. But he would always show me stuff if he had the chance.” You nodded your head at his response. “That’s cool, sorry you don’t get to see him really now. Why do you work so many jobs anyway? You don’t look old enough to have a shit ton of debt,” you asked curiously. Part of you wondered if you were prying too much. “Well, someone’s gotta pay my bills.” He laughed. “I just don’t like the idea of struggling, so I work a lot so I won’t ever have to.”
He smiled softly at you, making you look away and try to find something else to put in your line of view. You were trying so hard to not seem flustered, to not seem weird. You were brought back to reality as Ruggie approached you, his arm reaching in your direction. Oh god, what is he doing? What is happening? He smiled as his arm went behind you; you closed your eyes shut trying to process what was happening. And then you heard it- the beep on the stove as Ruggie turned the timer off behind you. “Sorry, ‘scuse me,” he said as he grabbed the oven handle to open the door. You were so in your head about Ruggie, you didn’t even notice the timer was going off. You moved out of his way so he could take the pan out. Now you just felt stupid for thinking it was something more than that.
Ruggie took the pan and put it on one of the unused eyes on the stovetop. The potatoes were glistening under the lights, they looked perfect in every way, in your opinion. You took a spoon and used it to glaze them some more with the juices in the pan, only making them shine more. “These … look so good,” you whispered. “Wait til teach tries ‘em. We’re definitely getting a good grade on this little lab,” Ruggie purred. “Well, we gotta plate them first,” you laughed. Without even finishing your sentence, Ruggie was grabbing two plates from the cabinet. He put them both down on the counter. “Y’know, I’m no good at this plating stuff,” he nervously laughed.
“No biggie, I love plating. It’s a way for me to show my creativity,” you said as you gently started placing some of the potatoes on one plate. Ruggie watched as you carefully plated them and then lightly glazed them with more pan sauce. “Your plating is so clean. What’s your trick?” He smiled. You shrugged your shoulders and gave him an “I don’t know” look as you laughed a bit. “I guess I’m just that good,” you said with another laugh. “But really, it’s just taking your time with it. If you go too fast, the juices and everything spill and then it just looks sloppy.”
Ruggie nodded his head as he gestured to your professor walking around the workspaces. “Check it out, teach,” he hummed as he made a ta-da gesture to the plated Fondant potatoes. The professor gave a look full of surprise and excitement. “Wow, they sure do look amazing! Guess I’ll have to try them out,” he gleefully said as he picked up a fork and cut the potato. The fork easily glided through the potato, it was so tender. As he took his bite, the teacher closed his eyes in ecstasy. “Now that is delicious,” he hummed. Ruggie looked at you with a beaming smile. “So?” Ruggie said to your professor, waiting for him to finish.
“Well you two definitely pass, with flying colors even. But I gotta know, what’d you put in this?” You smiled widely, excited to boast about your food. “Well we actually used-“ you started to say. Ruggie cut you off before you could say anything more. “We can’t give away all our secrets. Not even to you, teach,” he snickered. Your professor hummed in amusement. “You’re right. A good chef never tells his secrets. Once you two are done cleaning up, you can have whatever food you have leftover and leave for the day. Great work, guys!” And with that, he left and it was just you and Ruggie once more.
Ruggie turned to look at you. “So whatcha wanna clean? I’ll do whatever you don’t wanna do. I don’t mind,” he said sweetly. You looked at the work space and your eyes trailed to the sink full of dirty dishes. “Uh, is it bad if I hate doing dishes?” you asked coyly. Ruggie shook his head and grinned. “No, not at all. I’ll do ‘em.” Ruggie made his way over to the sink, rolled his sleeves up, and started the water. You grabbed a few paper towels and used the running water he had going to get them wet. You finished up wiping down the counters and putting stuff away as Ruggie was washing the dishes. 
Ruggie could see you eyeing the plate of potatoes from the corner of his eye. “You can go ‘head and eat some while you wait on me,” he snickered. “Are you sure? I can wait, it’s ok,” you tried to reassure him. But truthfully, your mouth was watering so bad, you wanted them now. “Shishishi, yeah. Eat away, just leave me some,” he said with a wink. He didn’t have to tell you twice, you were already at the plate and grabbing your fork. You cut up one of the potatoes and took the small piece into your mouth.
Your taste buds exploded in joy. The amount of flavor that came from every bite was intoxicating. You never knew potatoes could taste this good. The sear on the top and bottom gave a nice, crunchy contrast to the soft, tender inside. You felt bad as you looked at Ruggie from the other counter. He worked just as hard as you did today and he’s still doing dishes and can’t enjoy his own food. But there was one way he could enjoy it with you.
“Open,” you said as you held the fork with a potato on it close to his face. He looked over and laughed at the display. “Feeding me? Like a baby?” he teased. “Oh come on, I feel bad I’m over here pigging out and you’re still doing stuff,” you said. You gave him a pleading face and he rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay. Fine,” he said quietly. He let you feed him the potato; his face giving the same expression you did when you ate them. “They’re so good, damn. We did a good job,” Ruggie hummed as he finished the potato. You took turns taking bites for yourself and feeding Ruggie bites afterwards.
Soon enough the plate was finished, and Ruggie took it and the fork from your hands. You crossed your arms over your chest and waited for him to get done. As Ruggie finished and drained the sink, you handed him the hand towel that was hanging on the oven handle. “Y’know, I think we make a pretty good team,” Ruggie said with a chuckle as he dried his hands off. “You think so? I mean I guess we do work pretty well together,” you grinned. “Yeah, we do,” he said, smiling back. “Maybe next time he’ll let us pick our partners, that way I can pick you and we can bring our A game again.” Ruggie lifted up his hand, holding it there for a high five. You laughed and gave him one. “Yeah, together.”
© please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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