#i will be making another post later compiling asks from my inbox! please keep an eye out for that
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
In order to incentivize people to donate, I am giving away a set of three 11x17" risograph prints for free to one lucky winner! I can ship internationally to any country that the USPS allows.
💸 Donate $10 USD or more to enter! Each $10 donation to one of the fundraisers (linked below) counts as one entry. Donating multiples of 10 or to different gofundmes counts as extra entries.
💌 You must forward the email receipt of your donation to my email, [email protected], in order for your entry to be valid.
📆 Winners will be drawn on Wednesday, December 11th, 2024. I will reach out via email to confirm shipping information. Please be sure to donate and share.
List of fundraisers that have reached out to me:
(information current as of 11/15/2024)
@supportmyfamily1 (vetted) || £3,205 out of £30K goal
@ahmedomar3 (vetted) || €7,633 out of €50K goal
@aliandhadeel-family7 (vetted) || €1,798 out of €70K goal
@aya2mohammed (vetted) || €38,442 out of €50K goal
@hillesmahmoud (vetted) || €26,253 out of €37K goal
@albardawillhazem95 (vetted) || £12,840 out of £20K goal
@ma7moudgaza2 (vetted) || $19,829 USD out of $25K goal
@mohammedmadi20 (vetted) || €846 out of €30K goal
@/Farah94567558 (twitter) || £23,688 out of £50K goal
#pan doodles#free palestine#raffle#print raffle#art raffle#pan talks#i sincerely urge you to donate whatever you can whenever you can. it's truly the least that we can do.#i will be making another post later compiling asks from my inbox! please keep an eye out for that
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my “sort-of-complete” online classes and exams tips
This is a longer-than-usual post with tips for the 3 stages of online classes: focusing during an online class session, reviewing/studying for online classes, and preparing for online exams/ quizzes. So I decided to insert the “Read More” link to (a) not take up too much space on your dash, and (b) feel more confident in adding more tips as time goes on.
These are tips that I’ve compiled from my experience of taking online classes during my last 1.5 years at university. But having all of your courses moved online is so much more complicated. Since I’m currently doing an internship, I have tried my best to produce this post based on the comments of my friends IRL and on Tumblr (hence the “my”). However, I hope it can still be useful for you and many who were all abruptly put in this same situation.
So feel free to share your own tips and experience! I will probably go back to this once in a while to make some changes to it and add your tips. Good luck to everyone who is currently/ about to take online classes. You are almost there! 🍀 I believe in every single one of you!
~ Click away for them tips ~
- try to treat online classes the same as an in-person class, especially time-wise (set a specific time for each class and plan your own class schedule. even better, study for your classes at the same time they used to be held. this will create a sense of routine and trigger the brain's normal reactions to your usual class - which is to study)
- don’t be afraid to fix your plan/ schedule (aka don’t force yourself into one if it doesn’t work for you) (trials and errors, my friend. this applies to plans too. there’s no shame in not being able to keep up with the schedule you’ve made. if you’ve tried or if it hurts you mentally or physically, then that schedule is just not the one for you. everybody has their unique strengths and weaknesses. one’s perfect system might not suit another. finding a system that works for you takes time, patience, and courage. but it will be absolutely worth it)
- find a good spot with enough light and stable wifi (if you have multiple options, select the one that would make you most comfortable, most focused, and confident enough to take online tests/quizzes/exams at - create your “exam space” in advance to reduce the anxiety of tests and unfamiliarity)
- study at a desk, if possible (studying at a desk, with good posture, mimics the feeling of being in a classroom or the library. thus, it will create a sense of routine and help you focus better)
- accommodate yourself (I’m all about making the best out of a bad situation, and this is one way to do it. accommodate yourself, not just with comfort, but also with actual necessities that you cannot usually get in your usual classroom/library due to whatever reason. stress balls, stim toys, positivity cards, calming music/candles. comforting plushies. chewing gum. as long as it helps you focus better, it's on the table)
- get dressed (this will bring out that sense of structure and routine that you need. put on your normal outfits, uniforms and even perfume. trick your mind into being focused)
- minimize distractions (declutter your study space. put your phone out of reach. turn off notifications. close all other tabs on your browser. select non-distracting music/ sounds. don’t spam or pay attention to spams in your classes’ chatboxes. only bring along items that are absolutely vital to your focus)
- take notes, even if you can record your lessons and/or access the lessons later (it can either be digital notes or handwritten notes on paper - your call. this will force you to focus and prevent you from zoning out/ being distracted)
- be actively engaged in the lecture (if there are technical problems or if you have questions, chatbox away. this is also good practice for people with social anxiety too: the fact that you are in your home and behind the screen can make it easier for you to ask for help)
- if possible, put your teachers/profs on the big screen to create the illusion of being in a lecture (if your study spot has a TV/projector that can connect to your laptop and quality speakers, do it. it's more fun than you'd think. also super stimulating and kicks the boredom out of you too)
- if not, use headphones/ earphones (speakers can create a feeling of distance between the lecture and yourself. combined with unstable internet and/or monotonous voices of some instructors, this may result in your brain classifying your lecture as background noises and zone out. so use headphones or earphones with the appropriate volume for that optimal focus mode)
- give yourself breaks between classes (don't cram all your classes in one morning. but don't procrastinate either. time your breaks. look at something else besides a computer or phone screen while you’re on break too. maybe brew some tea/coffee for your next class or rearrange your notes from the previous one)
- make a schedule/ system - and be ready to change them (this is an elaboration of an earlier tip. your system doesn’t have to work perfectly right away. most of the time, you will have to make some kind of adjustments to it anyway. so take it easy. pay attention to how well you react/ adapt to the new schedule so that you can make necessary changes. and give yourself - especially your mind - some time to adapt to the schedule. don’t rush yourself or put too much pressure on being productive. remember to take care of your well-being too)
- it’s okay to give yourself some off-days (that’s the beauty of not having any physical or even abstract structure that forces you into an inescapable routine. Yes, I know this lack of structure sucks for a lot of us, especially for those who rely on external forces to keep themselves focused. But look on the bright side: now you don’t have to worry about missing classes or losing participation marks when you are unwell physically and mentally anymore)
- textbooks are your friends now (especially when your classes’ live-streams are just chaotic and hard to follow. or when the pre-recorded lectures aren’t loading properly and keeps lagging. practice speed reading. look for keywords and crucial information. take notes rather than highlighting everything. compare them to your lecture notes, your syllabus, or your friends’)
- take advantage of the online format’s availability + other resources (availability is here, baby! revisit lecture videos and podcasts as many times as you need to. check your email classes’ forums regularly for questions or announcements. re-listen to your lecture when you're cleaning or exercising. watch videos of Khan Academy or CrashCourse. look for online tutors. study at your own pace and in your own style. basically anything you wish you could do when your class was in-person)
- there’s no need to submit assignments early if it’s anxiety-inducing. but make a schedule/ tracking system/ set alarms to avoid forgetting to turn them in (take your time to double-check or edit your work - as long as the submission box is still open, of course. set aside about an hour or two before the deadline for submission to avoid any technical difficulties. and remember to start working on them early so that you don’t have to shorten that window of time and have more time for double-checking)
- don't be afraid to email the profs/teachers (if possible, compile your questions into a list. be as specific as you can about your concerns. put a subject for your email to reduces the chance of your email getting lost in your instructors' inbox.)
- reward yourself (don't stress yourself out by rewarding big accomplishments. reward small victories. reward baby steps. reward effort. you'll get things done eventually)
- take time to know your learning style (when are you most focused? do you like taking digital notes or do you prefer pen and paper? are you a visual or an auditory learner? do you like moving around while studying? what drinks or scents or sounds keep you going? you don't have to stick to your usual study methods or an online/paperless one now that you are studying in your own room)
- listen to your mind and body (it’s okay to feel a bit lost) (from my own experience, times that are without structure like nowadays is when most of us fall into this spiraling downfall of unhealthy sleep schedules, lethargy, and loss of purpose. so please take care of your mental and physical well-being during this very, very weird time. keep yourself active. re-ignite old interests/ hobbies. connect with people you love. give yourself some love)
- and more tips on productivity at home in my last post right here
- make a list of all the online exams and final assignment due dates (this will help you keep track of and stay on top of them due dates. from that list, trace backward to make a review or study plan to prepare for the tests and work on the assignments. if there are any time conflicts, especially for those who are now living in a different timezone from their schools or colleges, email the instructors to seek solutions or alternative options)
- again, find a good spot with good wifi, good lighting, and a desk (if possible, try to recreate your ideal exam environment as closely as you can while studying and reviewing for the exams. this can reduce the anxiety of tests and/or unfamiliarity)
- be prepared for technical difficulties (especially mentally, so that you don’t plan out a course of action to take if they ever arise. draft an email template. research in advance the contacts of people whom you can report to - IT personnel, your instructors, student office, etc.)
- bring everything you need to the exams - but no distractions (like mentioned earlier, if you need any special accommodations that are considered "unacceptable" in an in-person exam/quiz, now it's the time to bring them along - you’re in charge of your test space now, so make it as comfortable and accomodating as you want)
- plan your desk set-up prior to your exams (so many extra items. still so little desk space. therefore, plan ahead so your desk does not turn into a mess when you take your exams. plan where you want to put your notes, textbooks, calculators or scrap paper. think about how much use you’re gonna get out of each item and place them within or slightly-out-of reach accordingly. charge your laptop. sharpen your pencils. have your backup stationery handy. lay out everything you need onto your desk the night before your tests. this can create a feeling of preparedness and thus, reduce anxiety as well)
- make cheatsheets (the goals when making them are simple: (1) get you to rewrite your notes for that good memorization; (2) condense your information and find a connection between them for a thorough understanding of the materials; (3) reduce the time you use to flip through your notebooks or textbooks or google for information during the actual tests)
- time yourself with mock exams (if you are given mock exams to practice with, do them, with a timer. this will help you familiarize yourself with the stress of being timed, thus reducing your anxiety during the actual tests)
- get enough sleep and eat properly (even if the exams or quizzes are online, they are still, at their core, tests. and tests are always stressful and energy-consuming. so take care of both your physical and mental health, especially during the week leading up to your exams)
#guide#advice#tips#study tips#online classes#study at home#self-discipline#productivity#exam tips#online study#studyblr#aunoia#audrey's tips#coronavirus#covidー19#quarantine#sars-cov-2#online exam#studyblr community#online quiz#study inspo#studyspo#studyinspo#study inspiration#quiz#intellectys#jeonchemstudy#smartspo#elleandhermione
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ask dump the fourth
what can i say, i guess i get a lot of asks!! thanks for the attention, have some miscellaneous info
answered asks are collide from this ask meme, tm waspy dude’s Sky Striker, how much a mech can eat, tar taffy, Springload, Springer the secret John Deere tractor, dandelions, Soundwave, and nonhumanoid root modes
@confusedcriminal this has been in my inbox forever and i forgot about it halfway thru compiling an answer oops! but inspiration for SNAP taken from outside of transformers canon would, most obviously, be the entirely of magical girl anime. i legit scrolled through TVTropes for a long time doing research on stereotypical episodes, character types, etc just so i could really capture the aesthetic. i’m not basing it on any anime in particular, although the classic Sailor Moon and PMMM and even some Pretty Cure had a lot of good tropes for me to steal.
another one is sort of the nature of ~political discourse i see between kids online these days. SNAP revolves around four groups of kids working to better the world but violently disagreeing on how that should be done. it’s not an inspiration i started out with (especially because i avoid all sorts of the disk horse like the plague) but it became an apt comparison as i kept working on the story.
a solid character! it sounds like Sky Raider is a lot like Sky Striker with the addition of some confidence and security
(the post this is referring to)
it sort of depends on the person’s size, how worn/physically tired they are, and what materials their self repair is drawing from. a mech with a lot of dings and scrapes will have their self repair systems working harder and thus “run out” of what they’ve eaten quicker, whereas someone in perfect health who isn’t moving that much will only need general minor upkeep. as for how much they can eat at once, the fuel tanks and material stockpiles someone has will vary by their size and frame. a seeker, for instance, has large fuel reserves for their large energy demands because it’s stored in their wings, like real planes! their material stockpiles are smaller though because flightframes carrying around more weight in the form of eaten food is sort of counterintuitive. the average grounder and toolformer will have proportionally larger material stockpiles, flightframes and spacers and aquatics will have proportionally smaller, and beastformers will have somewhere in between, usually erring larger. eating too much for any one of them will result in lethargy and nausea, loss of appetite for a good while, perhaps physical pain from overstressed tanks, and if necessary purging/spitting up food. doing this over and over can damage their internal forges and repair systems, and lead to self repair tacking excess materials onto places that really don’t need them, like the flash of overmolded stuff, which can cause lumps, compromised welds, and even shrapnel knocking around in the internals. they don’t really have the equivalent of fat storage like organics, at best they get thick and malformed armor.
all that said, to answer your question! yes they could eat more to go longer between meals, as long as they don’t push it and eat more than they’re physically capable of holding. also, it’s pretty normal to get physical materials within liquid fuel. silted energon mentioned in the above link and “protein shakes” are a quick and easy way to get all their “food groups” in one form, and some mecha live exclusively off of these
lol that’s a great name already ghfofhjdfgs nice and simple, i can use that
oh this is really really good! backstory and everything! also gotta love a good FMAB reference *chefs kiss* i don’t know if i have a place for Springload in my current plotline, but this would fit perfectly as one of the accidental alternate timelines that Skywarp sometimes falls into, so i’m gonna tuck this in my back pocket for later. i am however hesitant to use Aboriginal culture as i am definitely not Aboriginal nor even Australian and don’t want to disrespect them. at the very least i’d have to ask some Aboriginal people, but i really don’t think it’s my place to use anything from the Dreamtime, especially without explicit permission
@oldboyjensenhinglemeier it took me so long to answer this because it’s so beautiful i wanted to save it forever. also no he’s not a tractor sadly but you’re right about the colors. the obvious solution is to make him a tractor in your own canon! (also what i’m hearing is Sputter’s new nickname for Springer is John Deere)
!!!! i never got part 1 to this but i already love this so much??? giant dandelions yes please. this is so good. sky weeds
yes he can, among a lot of other befuddling supersenses! the Lenses manifest mostly as augmented sight, which is already confusing enough to handle, but his powerset is more expansive. on his character sheet i describe it as “perception so acute he can predict what an opponent will do next”, and that bleeds into hearing as well, even hearing thoughts. he has a lot of work to do to figure out how to operate without a migraine, made more difficult by the way Rumble and Frenzy just refuse to cooperate
as for swimming aids, i think soundwave is one of the ones who can swim safely? i think? i talk about swimming in this dump here. most of the heroes can. his tentacles probably would make some decent swimming aids actually, although it’s unlikely to come up because there aren’t exactly many places to swim on Cybertron
(the post this is referring to)
something like that ;)
there’s an in-universe answer and an out-of-universe answer, and the out-of-universe answer is that i wanted to keep a set style and visual language for each character design to lend a thread of coherency between all of them, so i made the difficult decision to sacrifice nonhumanoid root modes
#TM Waspy dude#cybertronian biology#tfoc#worldbuilding#cybertronian food#springload#springer#soundwave#Ask dump
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I'm so sorry for sending all these asks in today! Please only answer if you're feeling comfortable and well rested, I would never want to make you feel pressured, annoyed, overwhelmed or anything similiar ♡
I hope you don't mind me asking this; How do you cope after a stressful/exhausting day or when you've been hurt by someone or when you're not feeling the best?
If there's a comfort activity, person, song, musician, movie, show, character or anything else really, could you (please) recommend me something?
I really hope that you're feeling better, more rested and less stressed today! I'm wishing you the absolute best and a big comforting hug♡
Luna, my darling!!!!🥰💗
Honey, there's no need to apologise! I adore hearing from you, it always makes me smile to see you in my inbox and I promise I'll respond to everything you've sent me, though it may take me some time to do so!💕🤗I never feel pressure, annoyed, overwhelmed or anything like that to respond, I promise! I adore speaking with you and hearing things you want to tell me or ask me, it's a joy and so are you.💜💙
How do you cope after a stressful/exhausting day or when you've been hurt by someone or when you're not feeling the best?
I'm going to respond to these one at a time, my love, so that I can give each section my full attention! You deserve nothing less!💖
(Long post under the cut!)
After a stressful or tiring day, I reward myself with something I really enjoy physically and emotionally. Physically, I reward myself with a cup of coffee with some extra honey in it, or a snack which I don't have often because it's a bit pricier (which gluten free food usually is because people with coeliacs disease are penalised for being sick). Just something to thank my body for getting me through the day. This also includes a hot shower and maybe I'll massage my legs, too, to help my body relax and to realise that the day is over. I'll also watch a favourite show or listen to my favourite song seventeen times in a row because the day is done and I deserve to enjoy myself!
When I've been hurt by someone, I let myself feel. It's unpleasant, yes, and it hurts, but emotions are visitors - they come and they go as they please and the only way they're happy to leave your house (mind) is if you pay attention to them. I don't wallow in my pain when I've been hurt by someone, but I let myself cry, I let myself get angry, I let myself feel what I'm feeling, and I say hello to the emotions and let them do their thing while I do mine. I also try to consider the situation from the other person's perspective because most people are well-intentioned but clueless, though of course this is no excuse for the harm they caused, but rather an explanation. If it's a major injury I sustained from someone, I'll write them a letter and pour out all of my emotions, and then I'll set fire to the letter and watch it burn (if you're doing to do this, do it somewhere safe and with water near by to put it out!) so that I can cleanse my emotions with fire. Sooner or later, I put the situation to rest and move on from it. I don't like to dwell on the wrongful things which have been done to me; I'd rather process the emotions and be on my way.😊
When I'm not feeling my best, I try to be kind to myself. Humans are such messy creatures and sometimes we just need to bit of extra care, so in these instances I try to treat myself the way I would treat someone else if they felt the way that I did. I acknowledge my feelings and I try to feel them while also carrying on with my day; sometimes self-care is resting and going to bed earlier, but sometimes self-care is discipline and doing what needs to be done. It's a very fine line to walk but whichever side of the line I fall, I know that that night, I can crawl into bed and fall asleep watching one of my comfort films. When I feel myself lagging during the day, I tell myself, I know darling, but you can do it. You've made it this far - just a little more, honey pie. I talk to myself the way I want someone else to speak to me when I don't feel so good, because I deserve that tenderness especially from myself. I know that no matter what happens, I've got my own back.
If there's a comfort activity, person, song, musician, movie, show, character or anything else really, could you (please) recommend me something?
Well, you already know Ash, Arthur, Mary Reilly is one you'll know soon... Liz Taylor from AHS is another massive source of comfort from me; you can find a compilation of her scenes here. She's my wife and I love her very much. She's the reason I am the way I am today. Long story.🥺😭
I also really recommend BTS, so many of their songs really resonate with me but I especially find comfort in Spring Day, The Truth Untold, Idol, 4 O'Clock, Serendipity, Euphoria, Nothing Like Us, So Far Away, Epiphany, Winter Bear, Stay Gold, Magic Shop, 21st Century Girl.
(I enjoy many more BTS songs but these ones are my comfort BTS songs, so for that reason I didn't list any more than that).
Another comfort I can recommend, angel, is getting into bed and curling up with some pillows and putting on your favourite songs and keeping your eyes closed so you can really feel the music. Just do whatever you want to do in that moment and let yourself be. You deserve that, angel. 🥰💗
Thank you, darling!!! I'm feeling better today skskskskk got another busy day tomorrow but for now I'm treating myself to a night of kdramas and tumblr'ing!!! I love you so much darling and I hope that you feel better soon asdfghjk if you want to vent some more, then I'm here for you!!! I hope something here is helpful to you, angel. I love you and I'm sending you lots of cuddles!💕🤗
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How Social Media Infected the Glory Pro Circle #2
(or Conversations Most of the Glory Pro Community Would Like to Forget Existed)
[King’s Avatar /全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán ]
Next Chapter | Previous Chapter
Read on AO3
Summary: Or Ye Xiu is forced to deal with his fans. No one saw what was coming next.Because the alliance wants more exposure (i.e. fame) for the pro gamers, all pros are mandated to respond to questions from the fans.Naturally, this leads to some…strange conversations and some stranger answers. Likely will lead into AU TKA UniversePart Story, and TKA fun. Will include some social media.
Chapter #2: When Excellent Era Reads
The next day was filled with even more chaos. Slumped over the computer, Ye Xiu was awakened to the sound of loud chatter. Even though the training room had been renovated it was still located by the manager's office so even though the walls he could still make out bits of conversation.
As well as his name.
Rubbing his eyes, Ye Xiu stretched in his chair, and reach for a packet of dry food that was sitting at the next computer station over. It wasn't the same as breakfast, but it would do for now. For once it looks like he's up before it was time for training, so he might as well finish what he was doing.
Moving the mouse he woke the computer from sleep and clicked back into the Reddit email. He was expecting to see a little under two hundred questions, but instead of only having a few questions, the inbox count was over five thousand and growing by the second. Already just in the time, he was looking at the email count, the number rose by another hundred.
Resisting the urge to give up Ye Xiu set a timer. He agreed to do this, so he was going to do this to the best of his abilities... at least until training started.
Glory Forums → Fourth Server → General -> Ye Qiu AMA?!?!
1st Floor— Forest of Rain
Hey all, did you hear about Ye Qiu's thread?
2nd Floor— Snow Dancer
I haven't just heard, have you read it? (Also: Sofa!) [1]
3rd Floor— Light of Life
Only some of it, but it's gold. Pure gold.
4th Floor— Endless Refrain
I know. He's just so cool!
5th Floor— Frost Burn
I heard he's going to be posting weekly. Are you going to submit anything?
6th Floor—Barren Defeat
Obviously. I've already submitted multiple questions. You should take this chance too.
7th Floor— Kicker Win
Any chance to speak to the Great God is a precious treasure.
8th Floor— No No Novak
Excellent Era Chatroom
[User; Ye Qiu has been removed from the chat temporary.]
[Users; Qi Breaker, Absent Sun, Merciless Magic, Bleak Sky, and Woven Shadows are logged in.]
Qi Breaker: Before we start, let's go over the issues. Did anyone else read the questions on YQ's thread? Woven Shadows: Nope was at dodging practice. Merciless Magic: No time. I was being punished... too much training... Absent Sun: No. Why? Bleak Sky: I did. Some of the questions were misleading. Why? Did something else come up? Qi Breaker: YQ came and asked me what AllYe and HanYe meant. Bleak Sky: What did you say? Merciless Magic: Did you tell him? Absent Sun:+1 Woven Shadows: Tell him what. I'm confused. What do those words even mean? Absent Sun: what Merciless Magic:what Bleak Sky:what Merciless Magic: You don't know?! I can't believe Nurse is out of the loop. Quick, Xia Ming explain it to him. Bleak Sky: Fine. Be right back. Merciless Magic: So you gonna tell us what you told YQ? Qi Breaker: Not until Xia Ming returns. Bleak Sky: Back. Please carry on. Qi Breaker: Well, it went like this...
When Wu Xuefeng walked into the Excellent Era practice room, a little after eight, he had expected several things. He expected to see food at Qin Tianran's desk, or extra pillows at Yin Xiong's desk, or perhaps Ye Qiu sleeping on the room couch again but what he did not expect was to see Ye Qiu typing furiously at a computer.
After their first championship, Ye Qiu hadn't needed to put in the same amount of work as he had before, and now with sponsors and a guild to back them up Ye Qiu's responsibilities had been shortened to only focusing on the team. So to find him still at a computer early in the morning instead of in his room, especially this early in the morning was completely out of character for the rather mature teenager.
Making his way over to his captain's side, Wu Xuefeng took a look at what his captain was looking at. He blinked at the words he was reading. While one half of the screen contained the Reddit email the second was something completely different. A plain word document, containing incredibly sexual and in some cases, vulgar words were listed. Every question was tied to a username or usernames and there was even a tally next to them. Taking off his glasses and cleaning them to ensure he was seeing what he thought he was, still did not make the words vanish.
The list was still there, and it was growing.
Feeling his age, Wu Xuefeng decided to just ask.
"Ye Qiu, what is this?" He asked as he motioned to some of the words on the word document.
Ye Xiu frowned at him. "I don't know. Some of the Reddit questions were odd, so I compiled a list so I could ask just in case."
Wu Xuefeng steeled himself hoping Ye Qiu's next words weren't what he thought they were.
"What does AllYe and the rest of these mean?"
Excellent Era Chatroom
Bleak Sky: And how did you reply? Qi Breaker: I just told him I'd tell him later. Merciless Magic: I don't blame you. Absent Sun: Wait, why not tell him? Merciless Magic: Remember who our captain is. Absent Sun: Oh right. Bleak Sky: Telling him would be boring anyway. But what are you going to do about the rest of the questions? Surely there are some that are worse. Qi Breaker: I told him that I would monitor the questions. Merciless Magic: Nice Qi Breaker: Don't be too happy, I told captain everyone would be chipping in. Absent Sun: Why do you hate us? Merciless Magic: +1 Bleak Sky:+2 Woven Shadows:+3 Qi Breaker: Either way, its time for practice. We'll talk later.
[Users; Qi Breaker, Absent Sun, Merciless Magic, Bleak Sky, and Woven Shadows have logged out.]
Breaking News: Ye Qiu's Shunning First Appearance on Social Media!
In a stunning first appearance, the mysterious and elusive Battle God himself made his first appearance to the fans in nearly three years.
In a Reddit thread climbing up charts (and currently number three as of this printing), Ye Qiu, or as he's known as on Reddit, OneLeafofTwo answered a large number of questions sent by fans. Everything from his favorite foods, to regrets, was answered in a Reddit MMA that is still taking questions.
Suffice to say fans are shocked, and overwhelmingly pleased to have this link to their battle God, which as all fans knew is notorious for never showing up at fan events.
Excellent Era themselves has teased some more appearances of the Battle God, but how and what shape will they take has yet to be announced.
But we at glory Pro are excited about the future.
This is Nang Shi signing off.
Ye Xiu watched as his team scanned through his questions and sorted them into different groups. Instead of Ye Xiu dealing with all of them in a disjointed fashion, his team was splitting them up. Wu Xuefeng was sorting through his thread and setting it up into sections, while Xia Ming was adding accents and personalization to the site. Qin Tianran was adding sub-threads and other links onto the website while Xue Mingkai and Yin Xiong were checking the questions for quality.
All of Excellent Era was working through the questions so fast Ye Xiu was impressed. He didn’t think his team would even really bother with the social media accounts the alliance had set up for them but they had really taken to it. Watching them now, helping him made him feel proud and a little suspicious.
Neither Wu Xuefeng and Xia Ming were able to look him directly in the eyes, and Xue Mingkai and Yin Xiong were blushing.
Ye Xiu frowned.
He hoped they hadn't broken anything important.
AMA: Ye Qiu Edition
Congratulations all! Due to the extreme popularity and demand for this thread, this thread will be separated into several sub-threads. Click on the links below to navigate to any of the topics, or submit a question!
*Note: As a reminder, all submitters must abide by the rules. Any inappropriate questions will be removed, and the users will be punished. Personal questions may or may not be answered depending on the topic, please keep this in mind. In addition, questions pertaining to face reveals will be deleted.
Recent Questions [click to see all questions and answers]
MusingthruDreams: Did you see yourself playing video games professionally when you were younger? And if not what was your dream profession before gaming kicked in?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): Gaming professionally was only an option for certain games when I was younger, and I wasn't even sure it was the right choice for me at the time but I end up giving it a try. My dream profession before I became a pro was anything that didn't deal with business.
SlippingLight: Do you wish you'd gone with a different gamertag? / How did you come up with the name for One Autumn Leaf?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): While I did come with the general name for One Autumn Leaf, I let the sister of my friend type in the name but she ended up using the wrong character for 'zhi' and instead of Herald of Autumn it became One Autumn Leaf. I just went with it in the end.
YellowFellow: What was the worst thing you ever did in Glory?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): I completely destroyed my friend's arena record but it was mostly by accident. He refused to stop challenging me until he won and he lost often.
UrbanKnight: Who is the weakest player in Excellent Era?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu):Boss Tao.
RevengeFry: You've hold a number of titles in Glory, such as Master Tactician, Battle God and Glory Textbook. Which one do you like the most and why?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): Glory Textbook. Glory is about more than fighting. Glory is a whole world of characters, and classes and meeting people. There are twenty four official classes but every person plays those classes differently and that what makes Glory.
SanonShe: How did you meet the rest of Excellent Era?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu):Most of Excellent Era was part of the guild before the team went pro, but I only met Wu Xuefeng a few months before Glory Pro was annonuced.
WaterBottleQ: What is your motto for teamwork?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): A team can only work when all members trust each other. If an enemy needs to be defeated I can only do so with Excellent Era. Glory is not a single player game.
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#quan zhi gao shou#king's avatar#ye xiu#ye qiu#excellent era#fanfiction#amerikaknight#ao3#How Social Media Infected the Glory Pro Circle
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I decided to get around to making a full FAQ to add to the sidebar. If I’ve missed anything, let us know.
Do you accept fuck coworker and manager submissions?
Yes we do! A while back we tried running a couple of separate blogs on the subjects but they weren’t successful because we continued getting asks and submissions here about coworkers and managers. Instead of just rejecting these we decided to accept them because they are a part of why customer service sucks. Changing the name of the blog isn’t necessary and would hinder the ability of our old and even new followers to find us if we suddenly just changed. We’ve been Fuck Customers for years, and it’s going to stay that way no matter how the blog evolves.
Why is the inbox/submission box closed?
We need to catch up because we’re neck deep in back log.
Can I use fan mail to submit my stories since the inbox is closed?
For the love of God no! This clogs the inbox up so bad and makes the process of catching up so much harder! Please be patient! We can’t reopen in a timely manner if we have to sift through and delete fan mail submissions that had no place being submitted in the first place in that format. Even when the inbox is open we delete those. The faster we can reopen the better. That all depends on our inbox remaining closed and uncluttered by fan mail. I may seem rude saying this, but it has become a serious problem and is hindering progress a LOT.
Why hasn’t my submission posted yet?
See here.
Who are the mods?
Abby, and Rodney.
Can you tag (insert thing)?
We used to, but with how big the blog has become it is unrealistic to be able to tag absolutely every single thing. We’re going to have to trust that our followers will be able to put trigger warnings before their own asks and submissions. We get up to 200 new asks and submissions a day on top of our personal and professional lives, so keeping up with posting/queuing is top priority.
Do you need anymore mods? Can I be one?
Ultimately this is up to Mandie, but at the moment the answer is no. Three is more than enough. You know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen.
What don���t you post?
Anything racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc for starters. Anything not on topic to customer service is a big one too. We also don’t accept customers whining about employees. There is a line where it might be acceptable, though, like a case where a customer may see a manager or coworker abusing an employee. But if you’re bitching because someone smashed your bread then you are in the wrong place. Go to yelp. Fan mail is not the proper course of submitting your questions or stories. Use the ask or submission options and if the inbox is closed then check back later. Finally, hate mail. We get a lot of it and it’s a waste of space. Now, sometimes we do post one of any of these simply to drag your ass through the coals. Catch us on a bad day and expect to get roasted. Don’t be an asshole and you’re fine. We also try not to post anything that includes real store names, so try to use a fake one.
Why have I been blocked?
If you said anything offensive in a note towards us or another follower then you will be blocked. That could be death threats, telling someone to kill themselves, racism, homophobia, basically being an asshole. If you’re dumb enough to send hate mail without being anon, whether it’s to us or another follower, you’ll also get blocked. We do not tolerate that shit.
I requested my submission be posted anonymous! Why did it get posted or why wasn’t it posted?
It is your responsibility to submit anon. We post what is given to us in a format that tumblr allows(why we don’t post fan mail btw). If we were to post your submission anonymous we would have to cut and paste. Multiply that by 100 per day and we’d be swamped. If it accidentally gets posted that is on you, but most of the time we just delete it.
I found something on here offensive! I’m sending hate mail right now!
You know that is the equivalent of asking to see the manager, right? Just skip the post and move on, you’re holding up the line.
*This does not include reporting posts that were accidentally posted that we would definitely remove. If you’re polite about it that is fine, but if you’re going to yell at us and tell us you’re unfollowing then that’s customer like territory. We get a lot of hate mail when all you need to do is point it out nicely. We also don’t condone sending hate mail to other followers. Maybe what they said was offensive, but sometimes good people don’t realize that their wording wasn’t that great. Sending hate mail isn’t the proper way to get your point across and help them learn from the situation.*
If I’ve missed any questions that need to be added let us know. These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Why hasn’t my submission posted?
We get this question a lot so I thought I’d compile a list:
1.) You sent it through fan mail. We do not post anything sent that way since it does not include an option to queue or post it, just reply. We stopped copy pasting submissions a long time ago.
2.) You included a store name. Some of these slip through, but for the most part these get deleted for the safety of your job and this blog. There are actually people whose job it is is to hunt down stories like these and punish those who tell them.
3.) You requested to be anonymous without actually submitting on anon. Again, we do not copy paste submissions.
4.) You said something extremely offensive. Such as racist, ableist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. Sometimes you might find we will call you out on it, but for the most part these posts are deleted.
5.) You sent hate mail. We will sometimes destroy you in response, but we delete 99% of these.
6.) The subject matter has been talked about to death. After a while we stop beating the dead horse with a stick.
7.) You posted a customer complaint. Yes, we will post good experiences praising an employee, but if you’re here to complain about an employee from a customer point of view then you’re in the wrong place.
8.) Rarely tumblr will eat the post. If your submission hasn’t posted in a month and it does not fit the rules above then resend it.
9.) Also extremely rare we might have accidentally deleted it. Again, if it hasn’t posted in a month and doesn’t fit the first 6 rules resend it. I think this has only happened twice to me personally though.
10.) It’s already queued or still in our inbox waiting to be queued or posted. We get a lot of submissions and asks, so you’ll need to be patient.
11.) Also, if you send a long submission through several asks instead of the submission link then we’ll delete them all. It is difficult to find all the parts.
12.) It isn’t on topic for the blog or any conversation happening on the blog.
13.) Asking to become a mod. We’re not accepting new mods.
14.) Complaints about what has been posted that does not fit the criteria on this list. This is rare, but it happens.
15.) Anything that seems like it’s an advertisement.
16.) Your post did not seem like it was related to customer service in any way. If you did experience at work then you need to make it clear.
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The Personal Stylist 01 | (M)
pairing— kim taehyung x reader, personal stylist AU genre/warnings— smut, fluff, swearing, humor words—3,501 → chapters ⤷ A/N: series co-written by @taenity
summary — ❝You and Taehyung dated briefly before his debut before breaking things off. When you get hired on the styling team for his group, Taehyung grows interested with the woman he used to know again, paid to clothe him. Alternatively, you are Taehyung's personal stylist and he wants to be everything but clothed with you.❞
► Listen | happy reading
“Stylist coming through, if you don’t move, you die and if you die, I get days off so please everyone if you’re in my way, you’re going to die and you bet your pancake booties that I will be happy about it!” you shout while pushing a clothing trolley filled with gucci past backstage staff. “I’m being serious, move! Important goods for BTS coming through!”
“Hey, watch where you’re going Y/N!” a makeup artist shouts, narrowly avoiding being run down by your trolley. “You nearly hit me.”
“I told you to move Jieun.” you shout back, just barely being heard over the sudden roar of screams coming from inside the arena. Turning back to the trolley carrying his clothes, you push it harder towards his dressing room. You were severely running behind schedule, but what person here wasn’t.
Bangtan were at a much larger stadium at this stop on their tour and it was amazing. Lots of air conditioning and lights SO YOU CAN SEE WHERE YOU’RE GOING down hallways but, obviously, it wasn’t big enough for you to hide from him and his blue contact coloured eyes and silver goddamn hair. You hate this comeback. DNA? More like DNA helicase because unzipping jeans is all you want to do to him lately.
“Y/N, are you running to Taehyung's dressing room by any chance?” another stylist asks holding up a paper bag filled with food. “Take this with you, my wife’s working on his makeup.”
“I’m taking some too,” you mutter, accepting the bag with open arms. “Wish I had a husband as thoughtful as you.”
He laughs. “One day Y/N.”
“I seriously doubt it in this job, I’m married to the paychecks I get every week.”
Ruffling your hair, he smiles. “Who said money can’t make people happy?”
“Rich people obviously.”
Pushing the trolley past him, you shake your head as you smell the beautiful scent of cinnamon donuts. “God these smell amazing!”
Let’s get something straight, you were only hired on the premise that you were engaged. Which is a crafty tactic set by your employers to protect the boys from unwanted romance. You never felt the obligation to tell them that your partner of 5 years had fallen out of love with you and in turn left you for someone younger and with a penis a month post-contract signage.
You didn’t tell them either that you had history with one of their members. It wasn’t appropriate and you didn’t think it would matter when you both dated in high school and broke up before he debuted. In fact, you hardly even remember those 4 months you spent together.
He wasn’t your first kiss.
He wasn't your first sex partner.
You hardly loved him.
You hardly cared when he broke up with you.
And you had spent more time apart than together which is what made breaking up easier than pulling apart two magnets.
He was a different person now and to be honest, so were you but that’s just the natural forces of life. Keeping your single status under control was another way of life you had to maintain too. Do you know how hard it is to pretend to be in a relationship when everything about you exudes loneliness? so hard.
And, it was only by chance that Taehyung had overheard your phone call with your mother when you had announced that you were single again. The same phone call that should’ve brought tears to your mother eyes but instead brought relief as she laughed and cursed into the shell of your ear. “I knew from the very minute he bought a christmas sweater that he wasn’t for you. Thank fucking christ we don’t have to see that ugly motherfucker again.”
Through the crack in the door where Taehyung stood, it was the smile that had taken over your face and the laugh that fell from your lips as you pressed the phone to your ear that piqued his interest. The sparkle in your eyes, the smile across your face, the care-free body language. You look so beautiful and the attraction he suddenly feels after so long of loveless nights makes his cheeks burn a blush.
You were single.
And Taehyung was overjoyed by that.
Then, days later when you had hugged him after a particularly poor performance because you just knew how torn he would feel, his heart began to flutter again. The way you hadn’t said a single word before wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him to your chest as if you just knew what he was feeling without him having to show it. He felt like someone finally saw him for the first time and then it felt like he could finally breathe again. It was akin to an emotional heimlich that squeezed out all of his anxiety and fear, and as you held him close, running your fingers through his hair, Taehyung never wanted to leave your arms.
He felt safe with you.
But that was a year ago when you worked for RM and before you became V's personal stylist.
And now everything was different.
No longer the innocent man he proclaimed to be, Kim Taehyung was enthralled by the feeling of danger when he was alone with you. He was a cocky son of a bitch, a tongue in cheek little shit, and the bane of your existence. He begged without saying a word for affection, for your touch, for your lips on places that would relieve him of the fire burning underneath his skin.
And it was driving you crazy because hell no were you about to jeopardise your dream job for a horny kpop idol albeit how much you relished in the bated breaths down your neck, his warm hands touching places his hands should not go, the raspy whispers into the shell of your ear and the dark stares he gave you when you fixed his makeup.
You weren’t stupid and neither was he.
It was just weird. You never knew him to flirt so much and to flirt so hard with the likes of a girl like you; a leaf amongst red roses. It was apart of what made being a stylist difficult. The deep look he’d give you as he’d slowly tear his shirt off in front of you, revealing soft abs, or when he’d reach down and unbuckle his belt. It was his tongue and the way he’d lick his lips before smirking at you.
He knew what he was doing to you.
But even then, he didn’t know how much it affected you, he just hoped it would.
“I’m coming in Taehyung, are you decent?” you shout, knocking loudly on his dresser door. Wiping away the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, you push open the door when you hear him grunt his answer.
“Where have you been?” he asks. Crossing his legs on the black leather couch in front of a coffee table filled with food, he nit picks his dumplings with a single chopstick as he watches you.
“I was picking up the clothes,” you say, pushing the trolley in and parking it by the wall. “There was traffic so the clothes for your set only just arrived.”
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, as you push the door closed. “You pushed it all the way on your own?” he asks.
Pulling out your phone, you ignore his question as you respond to the massacre of questions from your best friend in your inbox. You miss the frown flicker across his face as he watches you ignore him.
You were wearing double denim again with an old pair of white nikes and your hair was pushed up into a ponytail. He hated it when you wore your hair up, he could only imagine it in his fist behind you.
“Alright, Taehyung. Time to get your outfit on.” You lock and drop your phone, making your way over to the trolley rack holding up several coat hangers with different style of clothes. Ones that you’d specifically chosen the night before according to the data you compiled on latest trends vs. potential trends. All that was left to do was pick and help put them on him without messing up his hair or his makeup.
Running your fingers through the many materials, you look at the variety of coats, turtle neck sweaters, shirts and pants. It was way too hot for fur, but Taehyung often chose the strangest combination of clothing in a desire to be the centre of attention.
So in knowing that, the rack was filled with an array of clashing gucci colours, fabrics that ranged in price and designers who had sent their clothing specifically to the member who would most likely wear them, as opposed to Yoongi who was dead set on his leather jacket for his airport look.
“What did you want to wear tonight?” you ask, mindlessly lost in the thought of what he’d look best in with his new silver hair.
He laughs lowly on the couch. “Tonight or tonight tonight?”
You ignore his comment as you continue to look through the materials, picking out a good combination of clothing. Grabbing the hangers off the rack, you turn to show Taehyung. Not expecting him to be so close behind you, you slam straight into his chest
A pathetic yelp escapes your lips and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist, holding you up and holding you close.
You quickly regain your balance and put your hand up to his chest, “What the hell. Taehyung, you scared me. Can you not do that?” You exclaim, pushing him away and retreating behind him as quickly as possible. He was doing it again. Putting himself in these positions so he could touch you again and you were weak, very weak. “I’ve picked out the clothes for you and um, you might want to grab the robe or something.”
He pouts behind you. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“I know, just put the clothes on. Tell me when you’re done and I’ll come and help you.”
Knowing that Taehyung was stripping out of his clothes behind you, you busied yourself by adjusting the shirt onto the hanger then holding that over the pants. You looked at the layout, a simple blue button up with red ivory embroidered on the collar, and long black pants through the mirror. You nodded approvingly to yourself. You could see the pictures of him on stage in these plastered all over the fandom.
“Are you done?” you ask, shaking your head of improbable dreams. “Can I turn around now?”
He hums his response and you turn around, eager to complete the job so he can leave and you can deep breathe. But instead of the bathrobe protecting his skin from sight, Taehyung stands in nothing but his navy briefs in front of you.
His eyes are dark and his lips are smirking.
You roll your eyes, you aren’t a 17 year old girl. Skin isn’t something you’re afraid to see and if Taehyung things that, he’s poorly informed. “No robe? Fine. I can work with that.” you sigh. Walking around him, you let your eyes wander on each crevice, muscle and scar on his body. You know you shouldn’t, but it’s in the job description, you’re just doing your job.
“So,” he starts. “I’ve been working out. Jungkook’s been dragging me to the gym. Can you tell?” he asks, flicking his hair back.
You carefully rest the outfit on the chair and grab the shirt from the hanger and unbutton it before holding it open for him to slip his arms in through the sleeves. “Oh, no idea sorry. I don’t pay that much attention to your body anymore Taehyung. I’ve seen all that I want to with you.”
He laughs cockily, as though he thought your words to be a lie. “We can do a little revision at my house tonight if you can’t remember…”
“No thanks.”
“Are you sure? I know you like all of this.” he whispers, grabbing onto his junk in front of you.
“First of all, no,” you cringe. “Second of all, your head's too big and your ears are too small.” you deadpan. Adjusting his shirt over his shoulders while he buttons himself up.
“I’m just trying to be healthier. It’s important you know, self-love. How do you expect to love another if you can’t love yourself.” he whispers.
Grabbing his jacket and pants, you nod. “That’s true. Do you love yourself Taehyung?”
He nods. “Yes.”
You wait for him to completely button his shirt up before resting the coat over his shoulders.
“Not too hot?” you ask, watching him roll his shoulders back as you bend down to help him into his pants.
“I think I’ll be okay. The fans love it when I take my clothes off anyway,” he laughs loudly before looking down at you. “But I’ll keep them on because you put them on me.”
“Good, I don’t want you to ruin these clothes. Or, my boss will have my neck.”
“Do you like this?” he asks suddenly and for a deep mortifying second, you aren’t sure what he means. He steps into the material without you having to ask.
Pulling the material up his legs, you raise your brows. “Do I like what Taehyung?”
Pulling them over his toned thighs, he grabs the waistband, pulling them up until the top of the pants are wrapped around his waist. You pop the button through the hole first before attending to the zipper.
This pair of particular pants is from a Hungarian designer who stitched in clips on the zipper line, making it difficult for the pants to full down for dancers with intense choreo like the boys. The expensive catch was that it was difficult to put on and Taehyung and you had already established that fact many times and as much as you hate getting on your knees for him, it’s what you had to do.
“I mean, dressing me. Do you like it?”
You sit yourself on your knees, making yourself comfortable in front of him as you pull the small metal zip upwards through the two clips. The pads of your fingertips lightly graze his bulge as you do, causing you to freeze for a hot second as his pelvis slightly jerks towards your face.
“Sorry,” he whispers. “I’m sensitive so be careful unless you plan on-
-it’s just that the clip is difficult.” you interrupt, frowning at the stupid bloody design. You mumble a small apology to his acknowledgement while your face heats up naturally at the idea of letting your fingers accidentally graze him again out of spite for his stupid annoying ass.
“About dressing you ...I mean, it’s apart of the job description. What about you? Do you like being dressed?”
His eyes are impossibly black as they stare down into yours. “I’d prefer it the other way, but when it’s you …I’ll take what I can get.”
“Ah…” you mutter awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. “You’re oddly needy today, don’t you have a girlfriend or something? I thought I overheard Jimin talking about you liking some girl.”
It’s silent for a few more seconds before his voice cuts through the odd tension.
“I mean, I do like someone but I don’t have a love life or a sex life Y/N. I don’t really have the time to fit that in the schedule but sometimes when no-one's around and it's just you and me, I imagine you’re my girlfriend and you’re just here to look after me. Sometimes that’s all I need. Most times it’s all I want.”
“What?” Your heart thumps painfully in your chest. “Really? That’s kind of lame.”
He nods. “And then I have those days where I just wonder…”
“I’m afraid to ask but about what?”
He stares off into the distance as though his thoughts were intellectual, articulate and meaningful but then he says, “Sometimes I wonder what your pussy tastes likes.”
“W-what the fuck,” You choke on the frighteningly sudden words so unexpected your heart jumps against your chest wall. “What did you just say?”
He ignores your question, patting his groin. “You aren’t done with my pants yet Y/N?”
“Did you just say what I thought you just said?”
He taps his groin again, prompting the return of your gaze to his zipper. The tension in the room grows unbelievably thick as you return your fingers to his the zip clip.
“What did you say Taehyung? Did I mishear you or…?”
He clears his throat. “Y/N, I can be that guy you know.”
“What guy?” you ask.
He stares at you, eyes cast in sincerity. “The guy that kisses you, chokes you and throws you up against a wall. I can be that guy for you. I’ll treat you right. I’ll even eat you out for an hour. I’ll make sure you finish. I’m not like your ex. I won't be.”
“How did you…” heat floods your cheeks as you mentally slap your bestfriend. “Did you read over my shoulder in the car? That was private!”
You’re slightly mortified at the thought of him reading your texts especially when the content was explicit and made references about him but the thought doesn’t subdue the sudden ache between your thighs as you clench them closed.
“Your phones font is in size 16 you blind fool and sometimes when you type your messages, you say them out loud under your breath. I know you want me.”
“I can’t believe you were reading my messages and I can’t believe you just said that to me.” You slide your hands from the zip to right over his groin in anger, applying pressure to where you know he needs it the most. “I can’t do one thing without you getting into my business now can I?”
You frown hard when he whispers and then you almost immediately notice the outline of his hardening length under your palm. “What would you fucking know about satisfying me Taehyung, you’ve spent the last year murdering my soul and driving me crazy.”
You look up to see his eyes clenched shut and his bottom lip trapped in between his teeth, he was enjoying this a little too much. He steps closer to you, prompting the movement of your hands as he sways his hips. “Touch me Y/N,” he begs, “I know you want to and I want you to.”
You scoff. “You know you want me to?” you repeat, letting him move his hips against your hand.
“I heard you ...I heard you talking about wanting me to fuck you behind your clothing partition.”
You gasp loud, palming him harder in anger. “You were listening to my phone calls, are you kidding? Where's the privacy Taehyung.”
His voice his strained as you touch him. “In the same place where you have private conversations and not in the car or in my dressing room. Do you have any idea how much I masturbated over the idea of doing that to you?”
“I don’t know why I’m surprised that you listen to my phonecalls ...but then again ...who knows what kind of voyeuristic things you’re into,” You exhale, as if already fed up by this engagement.
“I’m into everything really if it’s with you.”
“Then you wouldn’t mind cumming in these expensive pants and having to explain what happened to them to my boss.” You weren’t being serious. You weren’t even prepared in the slightest of doing this but you were way too proud to stop. You're thankful thought when he grabs your wrist to stop you, there is no way you’d make him cum not on his clothes anyway.
He holds your wrists tight. “Please don’t stay stuff that sounds like a promise for later because I always keep my promises and really hope you do too.”
“Let’s not do this here,” He stands you up with a simple pull of yours hand and the gaze he gives you sends shivers down your body when he lets your wrists go. “I want my way with you where I won't have to worry about these pants ...or yours or your job and mine.”
You stare at him, heart still thumping loudly and groin pulsating. He finishes dressing on his own as the door slams open. “Taehyung, you’re on in two.”
He looks into the mirror once again before looking back at you with the slightest hint of that dirty cocky smirk placed on his lips. Walking around you, he whispers into the shell of your ear. “I’ll see you when I finish.” Then he was gone, leaving you alone to the strangest feeling in the bottom of your stomach.
If only you knew that was the beginning of a long comeback season with Taehyung.
#bts fanfic#bangtan scenarios#bangtan imagines#bts smut#bts angst#bts taehyung#bts#bts imagines#bts scenarios#bts v#taehyung#bts stylist
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Mikasa and the anime changes
First off: this is not a meta on the title above; instead, I have some things I need to say before opening up for the inevitable anime-changes discourse, some rules to establish – pertaining to namely Mikasa and the nature of the anime changes over all.
It’s no secret that many of us – many of my friends, many of my mutuals, fellow fangirls and boys – as well as myself, have a bone to pick with certain choices and changes that occurred (and inevitably will occur) within the the SNK anime. While I love the show for many reasons, and generally hate to dwell on things that are negative, I know that the discourse surrounding things we are critical of, will surface hereon out. The closer we get to the third season, the more of the fear/worry/distaste/anger/sadness/criticism we’ll see. And while, like I said, I hate focusing on the bad, I’m sure I will make posts about changes I dislike as well, if there are any - as I’m entitled to, as anyone’s entitled to – because this is important to me.
When I blog about it – and even when I don’t – I will no doubt get asks that want to add on, partake, and share with me their feelings on the matter. And I will welcome them. But I need to set rules this time around, otherwise this won’t work. Because last year was simply a chaotic shit fest, and if this year is just going to be more of the same, I think I’d rather just close my inbox. Let me explain: being critical is absolutely fine. I’m not saying that the asks from people who were upset by the anime were problematic. I’m saying that our venting was taken as character hate and baseless whining, which only helped to fuel our frustration, which helped nobody feel good. I can’t guarantee that this won’t happen again, because I can’t dictate people’s free will to word themselves as they please. But at least on my blog, I want to promote civility.
The reason we weren’t taken seriously is that people weren’t able to tell genuine criticism from character/ship hate disguised as criticism. And when we were all dismissed as angry fanatics, we just got angrier and looked more like angry fanatics. And on and on the negative circle went.
That is why I’m now making guidelines for those who want to send me asks regarding the minefield that is the anime changes. Anyone can send asks to an open inbox, but if you want yours answered, please follow the rules. If an ask does not follow the guidelines, I will not answer the ask, and instead reblog this post if I see it necessary, to hopefully guide the asker to rephrase or move on.
Rule #1: Do not hate on Mikasa!
It’s not Mikasa’s fault that things get changed. Please distinguish between hating on her, and hating on the changes she’s involved in. It’s also fine not to like the changes made to her character, but make sure that comes across.
Example: “I hate how Wit has made Mikasa’s character only about swooping down to protect Eren. In canon, she is so much more complex” is fine, but “I can’t stand to hear Mikasa whimpering Eren’s name with her waifu voice one more time” is not fine. Even if the second example’s anger comes from the idea that the anime has simplified a canonically much more diverse character, putting it that way will read as character hate to others.
I’m also banning the words “waifu” and “moe”, because it’s flamatory language, whether you believe it’s earned or not. There are other ways to say it.
Rule #2: No character hate in general!
This one’s self-explanatory. You may not like the entire cast of SNK – I sure don’t – but unless you want a real discourse on why x is problematic to you (at which point, I might still decline to answer because I don’t usually enjoy negative discourse), please refrain from sending me asks about this.
Rule #3: No ship hate!
Much like the Mikasa rule, this one is all about phrasing. And all feigned vagueness aside, this is about ere//mika first and foremost. You may like the ship, you may hate it, but if you want me to answer your ask, you needs to be respectful of it. The anime is arguably biased in its favor, but it is the result of this that is problematic, not the added ere//mika content. What I mean is: Mikasa holding Eren in her arms is not the problem – WIT taking that moment away from another character (Armin) to make it happen, is the problem. Of course, added moments can also be received well or badly, but ultimately, you’ve got to be respectful. If the added focus to this ship is your issue, at least be honest and calm about it. Example: “I really don’t like how WIT adds all those ere//mika moments. It feels like they’re forcing it” is fine, but “ere//mika isn’t even supposed to be canon, Araki just wants something to wank to” is not.
Rule #4: I will not engage in any more talk surrounding what part Isayama had/has in the anime – or how much power he has over the changes.
I wrote extensively about this throughout all of last year and I’ve said everything I can possibly say about this already! I will be compiling some of those posts in a master post some time before s3 starts, and I’ll be pointing askers in its direction if they show up. We’re passed arguing about how “approved” the changes are, which is why I want to focus on what the changes add or take away from the story as it’s presented in the manga!
If I receive an ask I feel is hard to determine the nature of, I reserve the right not to respond, even if I turn out to be wrong. If you’re ignored, please wait a little bit, or see if I have reblogged this post (if I do, it might mean you need to rephrase). If you meant well and having to ask again is annoying, I’m sorry, but ultimately I’m trying to do the right thing here and I’m not forcing you to send again. Rephrase or move on. I also sometimes take longer to reply to ask, either because I want to save it to respond more extensively later, or because I’m just mentally exhausted and need a break. Sometimes I post about my ask progress, so keep an eye out and see it as your opportunity to exercise your patience if I appear dormant.
Ultimately, I’m making these guidelines so that hopefully our voices will be heard and respected this time around. I know many of you have lost faith in the anime, and feel like certain characters are perpetually being dealt the short end of the stick – and hey, my pm is always open for more frustrated language – but turning hostile or passive aggressive will only set us back further. So please, help me out here and keep the discourse respectful. Hopefully, we’ll be respected in return.
NB: I will also compile my posts on anime ere//mika because I’m all but spent on that discourse as well. I don’t know what more to say concerning it.
PS: I have already received four asks (will be answered in three) on this topics, and they will be exempt from the rules since they were sent before this post’s publication - I’ll answer them shortly. After that, these rules rule ;)
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❝ Can you believe that skyline -- ? Ah, well, perhaps you all can’t, you haven’t seen it yet ! Believe me when I say its beautiful, and I’m a man who knows beauty !
❝ I know, I know, ‘ Laslow don’t be wasting time ’, but I assure you, you’ll LOVE what I have to say this time ! I have excellent news regarding our schedule of events ! Er, that being we have one. Tentative as it may be, myself and Robin squared ( talk about weird ?? ) have agreed that this will give you all the basics of the week’s layout, so you all can plan ahead ! Considerate, right ? I know, you can thank me later for being so thoughtful. ❞
Cabana check-in, but save the unpacking for later ! Complimentary sno cones are served all day long as we, the mods, spend today welcoming guests to the luxury Hotrealms resort! Grab a sno cone from the cabana bar because today is the day to get to know your fellow resort comrades! Walk around the resort and view the boardwalk, and as always, I am ALWAYS available for any lonely adventurers. Take a stroll on the beach and wade in the water, go for a swim if you’d like ! This is just a day to get a feel for your surroundings and explore everything the resort has to offer ! Kick back, relax, and socialize ! . . . or don’t, if that’s what you prefer.
Did someone say ladies in bikinis – AHEM – er, swimsuits all around ? Surely you’ve already procured a swimsuit, why not show it off ? We are now taking reservations to walk the stage for this Summer Scramble’s Swimsuit Showcase ! Handmade or commissioned, if you’re interested in the opportunity to earn bragging rights about being on stage, then this is for you ! Come in your bikini best -- or, your best in general I suppose, whatever your preference, we have room for you on the catwalk !
Also, Robin and Reflet have given me word of a sandcastle contest ! I personally will offer you bonus points if you manage to build your sandcastle on someone. I would assume they will have more information on this later !
The boardwalk is NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN. All shoppes have been open for a while now, we realize, but now there’s more to do ! Vendors have all moved in and – is that lemon cake ?? Anyway, there’s going to be a whole big stretch of gift booths, and leis are available for purchase ! You may see some familiar faces running booths of their own, so be sure to give them your support and stop in ! Avoiding having to walk all the way into town for something small for your love interest has never been easier! Well, except if they need a new shirt, or a sunhat, but you get the point. Also, along with the boardwalk vendors, we’re excited to announce the dunk tank among many other activities! Yours truly will take the first seat ( more like forced into it ) and the other two will follow suit. No ticket necessary, just jump in line until time limits are cut short, as will the lines. But this is your chance to show no mercy, and get your game face on for Wednesday ! And have I mentioned the sunset from the view of the boardwalk ? Not even a beautiful girl could distract me – er, alright, alright, maybe she would a little.
And I’ve also heard word of a . . . crushing watermelons contest . . . ? What in the Gods’ name . . I suppose some of these people can crush watermelons with their bare hands. Perhaps that’s something someone can enlighten me on later.
Is your team ready to take the trophy home ? Is your body beach ready ? Wednesday is being spent on beach front territory ! The volleyball nets are going up, the referees are ready to call the shots. Gather up your teams and play to win ( you’re joining TEAM LASLOW, right ~ ?) . Trash talk is always fun, but don’t get out of hand, now ! Nobody likes a sore loser, especially when you already know you’re going to lose ~. Compete to defeat, my friends, lay on that sunscreen thicker than faceless skin !
For those uninterested in volleyball but still wishing to compete and hone their skills: maybe beach wrestling is good for you ! Go up against other strongmen, or women, in a test of physical strength. Nobody likes a face full of sand so come prepared to knock your opponent to the ground. Try to keep rough physical harm such as actually making someone bleed all over the sand to a minimum . . we’re really trying not to have any casualties . . please don’t turn this into a death match. I’m begging, I’m not a very good nurse.
Not the sporty type ? Grab some goodies and flags to wave from the boardwalk and cheer on your favorites to victory! They’ll love hearing your harmonious cries ~, even when you’re cheering for me.
***Volleyball teams ARE ENCOURAGED. There has been talk on the dash about potential teams and this is to organize all of those. Matches will be generated ala ‘ hunger games simulator ’ style. We will be posting a call for captains very soon, are we’re looking for 4-8 teams to compete gauntlet-style. If you are interested in forming a team of 10-12 players, be on the lookout. Ground rules and more description on this to come ! All ‘ teams ’ will get a special treat!
Seems like Anna has some new ‘ weapons ’ to share with us ! Only these come in the form of pelting your enemies without mercy! I daresay no one is safe from the attacks of those who even they think they can trust. All of you sitting ducks in the umbrella lounge had better watch out! Oh, it would proooooobably be wise of you to not wear your Thursday best for this, ladies and gentleman, it’s about to get messy ! Water guns and paint balloons will be available at checkpoints for pickup, only one weapon per person but balloons are unlimited ! Let’s see who can avoid getting hit ! No holds barred and no one’s off limits – w-well except for me of course ! You wouldn’t hit your humble host now would you !?
Spend your day how you like, my friends, but you have to join us for the bonfire ! Anna has told us she’s providing the makings for uh, s’mores I believe ? Chocolate and marshmallows on graham crackers ? Sounds good to me ! I’m certain a few candy-loving souls will melt at the taste of one! Also, yours truly will have an extra little treat in store for you ! In addition to this, once nightfall is upon us, we can partake in SCARY STORIES. Bring your most terrifying stale to hold the attention of your comrades and really scare us ! Make us so paranoid to walk back to our cabanas without holding someone’s arm afterwards ! Top three scariest stories get prizes ~ Good enough to give it a go, right !? C’mon, don’t be so afraid to give us a fright !
*Scary stories can be SUBMITTED to the EVENT PAGE INBOX. These will be compiled into a compilation post for other followers to READ and VOTE on which one they think is best! NAMES WILL NOT BE ATTACHED to give fair chances and rule out ‘popularity’ votes. DEADLINES FOR SCARY STORIES ARE BEFORE THE 30TH !!
** Scary stories MUST be original. Any submitted may be subjected to be cross referenced for copy/paste. Obviously be as creative as you want, and as in character as you can be with this! Names/URLs will not be posted with them to again, avoid popularity vote, so being ‘ in character ’ is encouraged !
*IN ADDITION, we will be planning a movie night rabb.it stream ! A poll will be going up to vote on a movie to be shown FRIDAY NIGHT. Time is still TBA once we are able to figure out an ideal timeframe. So pop some popcorn and join us !
Ah, the end of a vacation can be so bittersweet. The final day is always the hardest, is it not ? Having to pack up all of your things and shamefully realizing you’ve bought too many souvenirs . . wait, that isn’t just me right ? Fear not, my friends, this wonderful week shan’t end with an upset, but with a bang ! Preoccupy your day with whatever you would like but join us Saturday night for FIREWORKS ! Anna is helping me put together a great lineup of a lightshow for you all ! We’re hoping you’ll enjoy it and that will wrap up a breathtaking and relaxing week up nicely with a bow as we all return home !

❝ And I, your humble host, will be most everywhere during this week. If we bump into one another, do join me for a smoothie, eh ? ❞
❝ This is all for now, but if YOU have any suggestions, don’t be afraid to approach me or either of the other two, or drop something into our suggestions box. And if you would rather run something on your own, OUR VENDOR APPLICATIONS are still open ! I would love to see more of my wonderful comrades selling their wares or contributing to this in any way they can ! It’s been lovely to see the excitement already ! We’ll see you soon ! ❞
** Many of the main events will have their own ask meme to coincide with it ! Activities and other roleplayer’s booth events are taking place everyday, but of course, people are busy and threads and ask prompts can be continued on other days, and even past the event week ! We are actively working to make this schedule work and be fun for everyone ! We hope you’re as excited as we are !
#mod lasnigo ;#sea sky and sun ;; summer scramble#tentative schedule of events as we see them!#we're so excited to present this to you guys!!
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20 of the Best Free Stock Photo Sites to Use in 2019
Best Stock Photo Sites
Negative Space
Death to Stock
Startup Stock Photos
Fancy Crave
Life of Pix
Jay Mantri
ISO Republic
New Old Stock
I got the image above for free on Unsplash.
Yet for some reason, many publishers continue to push out cheap (and usually cheesy) stock photography to serve as a representation of their brand.
The truth is, high-quality stock photos don't have to come hand-in-hand with a hassle or high price tag. To prove it, we've compiled a list of 20 awesome resources for free, high-quality stock images for websites, blogs, and similar online properties.
From enviable office spaces to stunning scenery, we're certain you'll find exactly what you're looking for with the help of this roundup.
20 of the Best Free Stock Photo Websites for Royalty-Free Images
1. Negative Space
Negative Space offers up new free stock photos every week. All of its photos are shared without copyright restrictions, meaning you're free to use them however you please.
From architecture to technology, Negative Space's continuously growing collection of images is one you'll find yourself tapping into again and again. The best part? It's easy to filter through the gallery of photos, which are sortable by category, copy space position, and color.
Click here to view the full license details.
2. Death to Stock
When founders and photographers, Allie and David, noticed how challenging it was for businesses, bloggers, and creatives to find free high-quality images that fit their "vibe and tribe," they stepped in.
As a result, Death to Stock was born. Simply submit your email and enjoy a new batch of photos delivered to your inbox every month.
If you do have some extra budget to spend, Death to Stock also offers a Premium membership for $15/month or $180/year. The cool part about the paid membership is that a percentage of the profit is used to fund photography trips and other creative projects to keep the resource moving forward.
Click here to view the full license details.
3. Picjumbo
Need free images for your next website design or blog post? Look no further than picjumbo.
With new photos added daily, there is a wide selection of high-quality images to fit a variety of different topics.
The photographer, Vicktor, also offers unique paid packages for bloggers, designers, and agencies (starting at $10/month), as well as a handy plugin for Photoshop and Sketch for just $7.99.
Click here to view the full license details.
4. Stokpic
Photographer Ed Gregory generously dishes up 10 new photos every two weeks that you can use on your website, as part of a template, in an ad, and ... well, pretty much anywhere.
You can check out his latest 100 pictures here, or browse through categories like landscapes, people, and technology until you find the perfect fit.
Click here to view the full license details.
5. Kaboompics
Karolina, a web designer from Poland, is the creative eye behind this awesome resource for high-quality photos. From fashion to food to landscapes, her images cover a variety of different scenarios. And users have the freedom to use them for anything they'd like -- commercial or not.
While there are no formal attribution requirements, Karolina does ask that you include photo credit with a link back to the site when possible. This request will help her grow the website, and in turn, provide even more awesome photos for everyone to use.
Click here to view the full license details.
6. Startup Stock Photos
"Take 'em, these things are free. Go. Make something."
With a Twitter tagline like this, it's tough not to scoop up what Startup Stock Photos has to offer.
While the name is specific to startups, there are plenty of professional options to use no matter what industry you're operating within.
Click here to view the full license details.
7. Freerange
All of the photos on the Freerange website come from a pool of both in-house photographers, as well as a growing community of external contributors.
Not only is there a lot to choose from, but the photos are good quality, too: "Images provided directly (in-house) by Freerange Stock originate one of two ways. They are either digitally photographed on Canon DSLR cameras or they are a high resolution (4000 dpi) Nikon scan of an original 35mm slide," according to the site's 'About Us' section.
Click here to view the full license details.
8. LibreShot
Photographer and SEO Consultant Martin Vorel is the creative force behind the stunning photos available on this site.
From crisp architectural shots to vibrant florals, Vorel's collection of photos contains some of the most unique selections we've come across.
Click here to view the full license details.
9. Fancy Crave
Not only are the photos on Fancy Crave free of copyright restrictions, but they're also pretty remarkable. (Can't you practically taste those green grapes?)
All the photographer asks is that you never advertise the photographs as your own, and provide attribution when and if you can.
With two new photos uploaded daily to keep things feeling fresh, this is a bookmark-worthy resource for great photos if we've ever seen one.
Click here to view the full license details.
10. Unsplash
Unsplash serves up 10 new "do whatever you want" photos every 10 days.
What we love most about this resource is the uniqueness of the photos. With pages upon pages to choose from, you won't run into any cheesy, "Smiling Boss Shaking Hands With Male Employee" shots.
Not to mention, every photo published on Unsplash is licensed under Creative Commons Zero, which provides users with the freedom to copy, modify, distribute, and use all of the photos without permissions or attribution.
Click here to view the full license details.
11. StockSnap.io
StockSnap.io proudly claims that it's "not your typical crappy stock photo site." And we couldn't agree more.
In fact, its selection is so interesting and versatile that it's almost too easy to "fall down the rabbit hole" and come to fifty-something scrolls later.
Click here to view the full license details.
12. SplitShire
SplitShire offers a ton of awesome free photos for you to use without commercial restrictions. Powered by Italian photographer Daniel Nanescu, all of the images available on the website are "made with love" -- and it shows.
From stunning portraits to sleek work stations, we've got a feeling you won't have any trouble finding the perfect photo for your next project or blog post.
Click here to view the full license details.
13. Life of Pix
Brought to you by Leeroy Advertising Agency in Montreal (and its network of talented photographers), Life of Pix is home to some awesome high-resolution photos.
All of the images are donated to the public domain, and are available for personal and commercial use.
As if that wasn't enough, Life of Pix also has a counterpart, Life of Vids. According to its website, Life of Vids serves up free footage videos, clips, and loops, weekly. Like the images, the video content contains no copyright restrictions, and can be easily downloaded on its Vimeo account.
Click here to view the full license details.
14. Pexels
These photos are carefully handpicked from a variety of free image sources to ensure that you're getting only the best of the best.
All of the photos that make the cut are under the Creative Commons Zero license, meaning that they are free for personal and commercial use with no attribution required. And thanks to its search functionality, turning up the right photo for your next project is super easy.
Click here to view the full license details.
15. HubSpot
You didn't think we'd leave you hanging, did you?
When we noticed there was a shortage of high-quality free stock photos available to marketers and creatives, we decided to whip up some of our own.
Check out the following collections to get your fix:
80 Assorted Photos
75 More Assorted Photos
160 Business-Themed Photos
250 Holiday-Themed Photos
16. Gratisography
With new photos added weekly, Gratisography is another awesome website serving up high-resolution photos covered under the Creative Commons Zero license.
All of the photos are taken by Ryan McGuire, a "whimsically creative visual artist, based in Ithaca, NY." And while these photos are a bit more quirky (we're talking everything from monster feet slippers to Vespas to bananas), they are entirely usable for the right project.
Click here to view the full license details.
17. Jay Mantri
Designer Jay Mantri has built up an impressive gallery of professional, quality images just for you and me ... and everyone else.
If I had to describe Mantri's photos in one word, it'd be "scenic." But don't just take my word for it. Go see for yourself.
Click here to view the full license details.
18. ISO Republic
ISO's Republic's mission is to "provide high-quality images to be used by designers, developers, bloggers, marketers, and social media teams."
And all it takes is one quick scan of the website to know that it is succeeding in doing just that. (So much so that it's hard to believe the images are free)
For those looking for access to more exclusive free photos, ISO Republic invites you to sign up for its email list and receive photos right to your inbox.
Click here to view the full license details.
19. New Old Stock
Who can resist a good black and white photo?
This collection of vintage photos comes from the public archive via Flickr Commons. According to the website, the photos are free of any known copyright restrictions.
That said, while it's likely that they are safe to use for things like blog posts and hero images, you'll want to read up on the rights and usage below before you use them for any type of commercial project.
Click here to view the full license details.
20. Pixabay
Pixabay serves as a repository for a ton of quality photos that released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain. The site is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate your way through the 780K+ free photos, vectors, and illustrations.
The main search bar even allows you to filter your query down by factors like media type, orientation, color, and minimum dimensions.
Click here to view the full license details.
Want to see a deeper dive into some of these stock photography galleries? Check out the following video and download some free photos from HubSpot below.
0 notes
How to avoid drowning in digital marketing advice in 2017
Use these 3 tools and 4 techniques to save time keeping up with digital marketing developments
Five years ago (how time flies) Dave Chaffey wrote about taming the social media fire hose. With so many tweets and Facebook and LinkedIn updates sent every minute hoping to impart advice, even if we narrow that down to Digital marketing advice it is still a never-ending hurricane of content, advice and views. How do you make sense of it all?
In a previous post on the issue staying up-to-date on social media we advised using tools like Hootsuite combined with Twitter lists, which bring channels together and allow for easier social media listening. This is all well and good for social, but what about the general vast amount of digital marketing advice posted every day? How do we digest it and take actionable steps from it? That's what we'll look at in this post.
We are always pondering this problem so it was interesting to see this post from one of our LinkedIn group members that confirmed we weren’t alone. Donna asked:
How do you avoid sinking in good content?
I'm drowning in good advice! I'm bringing my digital skills up to speed, and I've attended the Econsultancy course and downloading lots of content. Too much in fact. So how do you sort out the good, the bad & the indifferent. Any tips to help this newbie from sinking.
This challenge of too much advice is perhaps biggest in digital marketing... You could spend all day, every day reading blogs on how to improve your SEO, how to improve your productivity, how to get more leads via Social Media, and end up with no time left in the day to actually put anything that you have read into practice!
So as digital marketers, we need a way to quickly sort the wheat from the chaff, so we can get all the key info without drowning in a sea of content designed to help us, but actually doing anything but. There are a number of ways we can do this, and I’ve divided our ideas into strategies and tools. Thanks to everyone who commented on our LinkedIn discussion for their ideas, here's our summary of techniques to share your insights further - thank you!
Three techniques to avoid drowning in content
Technique 1. Find reliable providers
You should 'Sniff out' reliable providers and use these for updates on Digital Marketing rather than random Googling or glancing at social media and going with whatever comes up first or grabs your attention. This is a basic but effective tactic, and actually one of the best ways of cutting through the unnecessary content and getting straight to the gems of useful advice. We’d like to think Smart Insights is certainly one of these reliable providers and several were kind enough to say so in the discussion, but there are others that specialise in certain areas. Search Engine Land is great for news on Google’s algorithm changes, whilst Yoast is brilliant for succinct and actionable SEO news and advice. Build up a list of a couple of sites you really rate for providing advice in each of they key areas of digital marketing: Social Media, Email Marketing, SEO, Content Marketing etc. Then always turn to them to keep up with the latest news, rather than looking whatever comes up on your Twitter feed or Google search results.
Technique 2. Build a folder structure to keep tabs on your advice
Rather than just downloading a white paper here, a research report there, and a compilation of stats that looked interesting and then forgetting about them, a good strategy is to put together a file structure to make sense of all the advice you download. Saving web pages as PDF can put these alongside research reports.
This may sound like common sense, but it is often overlooked. We assume after skim reading a white paper that we’ve learnt all we need and thus there is no need to save it somewhere to come back to later. We all do this, but by doing it we are massively overestimating our cognitive abilities. After reading something in a rush we are unlikely to have taken it all in, and when a week later it comes to actually putting the advice into practice we won’t be able to remember it all. Build yourself a simple file structure where you divide into the key areas of digital marketing or RACE (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage). That way you’ll be able to save advise you really rate and return to it when you need to be able to put it into practice.
Technique 3. Sign up to quality newsletters
Rather than searching for digital marketing news, you can have the news come directly into your inbox on a weekly or daily basis (depending on the newsletter). I would suggest weekly newsletters are usually higher quality as the editors can offer the pick of the week rather than just sending out everything they have so they can fill a daily newsletter. Somewhat obviously, we think the Smart Insights weekly newsletter is a great one to sign up to - it's free as part of Basic membership. Luckily though it’s not just us, we got plenty of people telling us they rate it too.
So, pick a few sites you think are at the top of their game for marketing news and advice and sign up for their newsletters. If you ever find yourself not using the content that is emailed to you, just un-subscribe. We use Jeff Ente's weekly Whosbloggingwhat.com to check we're covering all the latest news - it's a great place to start when it comes to using newsletters to keep up to date and will give you ideas of others to follow..
Tools for finding and managing your insight
1. Feedly
For us, Feedly is the best alternative if you don't use Twitter lists to keep up-to-date with different publishers. Feedly is an RSS feed reader that shows you the popularity of blog articles in the categories that you select as being relevant to you (say Marketing, Tech, Social Media). It’s a great way to stay on top of marketing news by seeing what’s hot that day. Just subscribe to the sites that are most relevant for you and then look at them once or twice a day or week. We use Feedly since the categorisation is easy to use and you can see the most relevant articles based on number of views from other Feedly readers.
2. Evernote
Evernote is possibly the best tool for managing resources once you have found articles of interest you want to return to. It’s a great place for keeping track of what you have read and ideas you may have off the back of it. Note down highlights of interesting articles and points you think you could action off the back of it. It's free unless you have a very high volume of use and it syncs your content nicely across devices.
3. Instapaper
When you find a piece of content you don’t have time to read right now, the instapaper app can save it to your Smartphone for reading later offline. The simple text format means ads and pop-ups are removed and you just get the content you need. It is a great app for using down time. When you’re on the train and your signal keeps dropping in and out with every tunnel, you can be reading articles you’ve saved for reading offline. Better still, the paid version can create playlists of articles, which it will read to you. So when you’re on the bus home or out for a walk, you can be swatting up on the latest marketing news!
4. What’s hot in Digital
This is a feature available in our members area for Expert members of Smart Insights. It gives our readers the latest 'must-read' developments from the month-to-date.
These include the latest major platform changes to the key Digital Marketing channels; Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. That way you’ll never miss out on any key news, but you won't have to spend hours keeping up to date.
Our inspiration for creating 'What's Hot' was interviews with our Expert members who explained how they have weekly or monthly meetings with their team or agency to review the most relevant changes to act on each month, so we developed it to support this process - that's another technique in fact!
We hope the techniques and tools here help inspire new approaches to stop you drowning in content! If you have any clever strategies or know any nifty tools to save time keeping up with marketing news then please let us know.
from Blog – Smart Insights http://www.smartinsights.com/managing-digital-marketing/how-to-stop-drowning-in-digital-marketing-advice/
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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
I decided to get around to making a full FAQ to add to the sidebar. If I’ve missed anything, let us know.
Why can’t I tell you why you are wrong in the comments?
Because this is a blog that is designed to be a safe space for retail employees to come and vent about their frustrations and asshole customers. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s a petty reason or not. We do not need more customers coming into the comments and giving us more grief. If you come to this blog and act like a customer you will be permanently removed from the blog.
Do you accept fuck coworker and manager submissions?
Yes we do! A while back we tried running a couple of separate blogs on the subjects but they weren’t successful because we continued getting asks and submissions here about coworkers and managers. Instead of just rejecting these we decided to accept them because they are a part of why customer service sucks. Changing the name of the blog isn’t necessary and would hinder the ability of our old and even new followers to find us if we suddenly just changed. We’ve been Fuck Customers for years, and it’s going to stay that way no matter how the blog evolves.
Why is the inbox/submission box closed?
We need to catch up because we’re neck deep in back log.
Can I use fan mail to submit my stories since the inbox is closed?
For the love of God no! This clogs the inbox up so bad and makes the process of catching up so much harder! Please be patient! We can’t reopen in a timely manner if we have to sift through and delete fan mail submissions that had no place being submitted in the first place in that format. Even when the inbox is open we delete those. The faster we can reopen the better. That all depends on our inbox remaining closed and uncluttered by fan mail. I may seem rude saying this, but it has become a serious problem and is hindering progress a LOT.
Why hasn’t my submission posted yet?
See here.
Who are the mods?
Can you tag (insert thing)?
We used to, but with how big the blog has become it is unrealistic to be able to tag absolutely every single thing. We’re going to have to trust that our followers will be able to put trigger warnings before their own asks and submissions. We get up to 100 new asks and submissions a day on top of our personal and professional lives, so keeping up with posting/queuing is top priority.
Do you need anymore mods? Can I be one?
Ultimately this is up to Rodney, but at the moment the answer is no. There is more than enough for the blogs size. You know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen.
What don’t you post?
Anything racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. for starters. Anything not on topic to customer service is a big one too. We also don’t accept customers whining about employees. There is a line where it might be acceptable, though, like a case where a customer may see a manager or coworker abusing an employee. But if you’re bitching because someone smashed your bread then you are in the wrong place. Go to yelp. Fan mail is not the proper course of submitting your questions or stories. Use the ask or submission options and if the inbox is closed then check back later. Finally, hate mail. We get a lot of it and it’s a waste of space. Now, sometimes we do post one of any of these simply to drag your ass through the coals. Catch us on a bad day and expect to get roasted. Don’t be an asshole and you’re fine. We also try not to post anything that includes real store names, so try to use a fake one.
Why have I been blocked?
If you said anything offensive in a note towards us or another follower then you will be blocked. That could be death threats, telling someone to kill themselves, racism, homophobia, basically being an asshole. If you’re dumb enough to send hate mail without being anon, whether it’s to us or another follower, you’ll also get blocked. We do not tolerate that shit.
I requested my submission be posted anonymous! Why did it get posted or why wasn’t it posted?
It is your responsibility to submit anon. We post what is given to us in a format that tumblr allows(why we don’t post fan mail btw). If we were to post your submission anonymous we would have to cut and paste. Multiply that by 100 per day and we’d be swamped. If it accidentally gets posted that is on you, but most of the time we just delete it. (To post anon, if it’s short use the ask and check the box to make anon. If it’s too long for an ask you can submit a story anon by signing out of tumblr, using incognito, or a different browser that you are not logged into.)
I found something on here offensive! I’m sending hate mail right now!
You know that is the equivalent of asking to see the manager, right? Just skip the post and move on, you’re holding up the line.
*This does not include reporting posts that were accidentally posted that we would definitely remove. If you’re polite about it that is fine, but if you’re going to yell at us and tell us you’re unfollowing then that’s customer like territory. We get a lot of hate mail when all you need to do is point it out nicely. We also don’t condone sending hate mail to other followers. Maybe what they said was offensive, but sometimes good people don’t realize that their wording wasn’t that great. Sending hate mail isn’t the proper way to get your point across and help them learn from the situation.*
Why can’t I use a company name?
It is a decision that we have made at the blog that protects both you and us. Companies have people whose job it is to scour social media and look for people bad mouthing their store. and they will either fire or harass the employee (if they can determine their identity.) or in the blogs case sue us for libel. As they have a team of lawyers and we do not we would have little chance to win in a court fight. So it is our choice to not publish company names.
If I’ve missed any questions that need to be added let us know. These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Why hasn’t my submission posted?
We get this question a lot so I thought I’d compile a list:
1.) You sent it through fan mail. We do not post anything sent that way since it does not include an option to queue or post it, just reply. We stopped copy pasting submissions a long time ago.
2.) You included a store name. Some of these slip through, but for the most part these get deleted for the safety of your job and this blog. There are actually people whose job it is is to hunt down stories like these and punish those who tell them.
3.) You requested to be anonymous without actually submitting on anon. Again, we do not copy paste submissions.
4.) You said something extremely offensive. Such as racist, ablest, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. Sometimes you might find we will call you out on it, but for the most part these posts are deleted.
5.) You sent hate mail. We will sometimes destroy you in response, but we delete 99% of these.
6.) The subject matter has been talked about to death. After a while we stop beating the dead horse with a stick.
7.) You posted a customer complaint. Yes, we will post good experiences praising an employee, but if you’re here to complain about an employee from a customer point of view then you’re in the wrong place.
8.) Rarely tumblr will eat the post. If your submission hasn’t posted in a month and it does not fit the rules above then resend it.
9.) Also extremely rare we might have accidentally deleted it. Again, if it hasn’t posted in a month and doesn’t fit the first 6 rules resend it. I think this has only happened twice to me personally though.
10.) It’s already queued or still in our inbox waiting to be queued or posted. We get a lot of submissions and asks, so you’ll need to be patient.
11.) Also, if you send a long submission through several asks instead of the submission link then we’ll delete them all. It is difficult to find all the parts.
12.) It isn’t on topic for the blog or any conversation happening on the blog.
13.) Asking to become a mod. We’re not accepting new mods.
14.) Complaints about what has been posted that does not fit the criteria on this list. This is rare, but it happens.
15.) Anything that seems like it’s an advertisement.
16.) Your post did not seem like it was related to customer service in any way. If you did experience at work then you need to make it clear.
17.) We will no longer post any submissions that talk about adding or switching items in people’s food. If you tamper with peoples food you could cause an allergic reaction up to and including death. You have no idea what people are or are not allergic to and if you put in regular milk when they ask for soy because they were rude you could put them in the hospital OR KILL THEM! Don’t do it. If you submit an ask or story that has food tampering in it, it will be deleted immediately.
18.) If we feel you need to be called out for being unreasonable or for just being a dick, don’t be surprised that we do. Sometimes we just want to impart knowledge to help people grow as a person. Sometimes we just want you to know you’re being an asshole. This may be a venting space, but if you’re acting like a customer we’re going to let you know.
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