#i wear like the same coat n scarf every day i love it
finally nailed down what my clothing aesthetic (or aimed style) is.
fantastic mr fox
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thedgeofreality · 1 year
Burning Love
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summary: Earlier that day you met Elvis in the lobby of the hotel. He was silent and mysterious. Yet he wanted to get to know you better, so he invited you to dinner and things go a little.... off the rails.
warnings: can't really think of any. this is just a fluff once again. elvis being elvis. doing dumb stuff.
pairing: reader x big daddy e
wc: 1.6K
It was evening and you made your way to the restaurant in the hotel. Earlier that day, you met a certain man in the lobby named Elvis. He was mysterious and one of the best-dressed men you had ever seen. He wore makeup, but somehow the makeup made him look a lot more masculine. The soft smudgy eyeliner made his bright blue eyes stand out more, along with the light mascara on his eyelashes. When your eyes fell on him in the lobby he was wearing a plain black suit, with an olive green button-up underneath it. Finishing his look with a silky brown scarf and a gold belt with chains that looked very heavy to wear and expensive. It was so obvious he had money, as he looked expensive. But especially the jewelry he was wearing. You could tell that the diamond rings he was wearing were most definitely real
Elvis barely said a word to you when he saw you. All he knew was that he wanted to get to know you. He told you to come see him in the restaurant that same day. You don't know why but you agreed to. Usually, you wouldn't do such a thing as he is literally a stranger, but something about him intrigued you.
So here you are in the restaurant, scanning through the crowd of people to find him. The restaurant was dimly lit with only candles on the table and one yellow light in each corner. The walls were painted black and the carpet on the floor was dark red. The restaurant almost gave a vampirey vibe. You knew the restaurant's vibe was just to Elvis' liking.
You looked around to see him sitting in the corner of the restaurant, trying to avoid everyone around him as much as possible. You made your way through the restaurant excusing yourself as you accidentally hit someone on the head with your bag. His blue eyes met yours and you could feel your cheeks turning bright red.
You sat down in front of him and observed him. Thankfully the table he chose was near one of the yellow lights so you could see him better. He had put on makeup like the first time you met him in the lobby. You could see some mascara and eyeliner on his eyes. His lashes were long and voluminous, it sure could make any woman jealous. His lashes were so long that they were resting against the glass of his colored sunglasses. Why he was wearing sunglasses inside was a mystery to you.
This time Elvis was wearing a long black coat and leather black gloves on his hands. He was once again fully clothed in black, in contrast with the bright blue and purple scarf he wore around his neck.
You found him strange. His style was different and you didn't know whether you liked it or not. You were used to men not putting any effort into their looks, yet there he was looking fashionable every day. It made him stand out. Elvis wasn't the kind of person to go by unnoticed. Eyes were on him at all times. And he knew that, despite wanting to be secretive and not wanting to be seen, he liked all the attention. He felt empowered by it
"Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you finally gonna tell me your name?" Elvis said, snapping you out of your daydream about him. You looked up to meet his eyes again.
"Y/N" You said softly, taken aback by his boldness. "I didn't catch that. Speak up, baby." He replied, slightly leaning forward over the table almost knocking the candle over that was in the middle of the table.
"My name is Y/N" You said louder this time. Elvis leaned back in his chair, nodding. "Y/N." He whispered to himself. "That's a nice name."
Then an awkward silence fell between the two of you. You didn't know what to say or do. All you knew was that you wanted to go back to your room and hide from him. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. The sound of the clock ticking seemed to get louder, mocking the silence and all the seconds you were wasting by not talking and getting to know him better. Then the clock ticking got overruled by other people their conversations. All their voices started mixing, occasionally one word sounding clear as day. It felt as if they were also making fun of you, you knew that couldn't be farther from the truth but yet you believed it. You looked around the room nervously, there were a bunch of different types of people in the restaurant. One man sitting next to a woman, who very clearly didn't enjoy his company. The other sitting at the bar alone, wanting nothing to do with anyone.  
You looked back at Elvis and his eyes were still on you. Like he was noting your every move, trying to figure out your personality and the way you and your mind worked. Elvis started bouncing his leg nervously and bit his bottom lip. While bouncing his leg he accidentally lifted the table and this time he did knock the candle over, falling on the cotton tablecloth. "Well god damn." He said, standing up to get out of his chair. The candle wax was spilling everywhere and before you could do anything the table was set aflame. "Table on fire guys!" He exclaimed to the waiters who were standing at the bar, pointing to the table. All eyes were on them and this time they were judging, hard. Everyone started whispering things to the person sitting next to them. You felt anxiety hit you hard as Elvis grabbed your hand. "Come on dear, this isn't our problem. Let's go somewhere else." You laughed softly and followed him. You heard the workers yelling at the two of you as you ran outside.
When outside, you looked at your hands. You were now officially holding hands with him. You felt the same heat hit you, as the heat from inside. Except this time nothing was on fire, well maybe you were burnin up. It felt like someone lit up a match inside your heart and blew it out immediately. You felt weird. Elvis quickly let go of your hand and cleared his throat.
"Well that was something." He said while you were walking down the street to god knows where. You laughed, not believing the whole situation and what you just witnessed. "Do you think we're allowed back in?" You asked. "They have to allow it, we paid." You nodded, agreeing.
You kept your gaze on the floor, you were unsure of where the two of you were going. But right now you were too afraid to ask. Sure, you felt a little more comfortable around Elvis, but despite that, you still were very much intimated by him. Something about him scared you, you weren't sure what. Maybe it was his mysterious behavior, maybe it was because you didn't understand him and he was complicated or maybe it was the unkown factor. That had to be it, right? No one likes the unknown. The unknown being like your first day on your new job, or stepping into a room with a blindfold on.
With all these thoughts, you didn't notice how long you guys had been walking. And how silent it had been between you two.
Elvis looked down at you smiling, standing in front of you. "What?" You asked. "I just wanted to show you a place, where I love going when I need to clear my mind." He replied and stepped aside. Allowing you to see the beautiful landscape in front of you.
They were surrounded by trees and there was a small pond with a bridge over it. Some of the pond was lined with rocks. There was wildlife growing in and around the pond. Water lilies were floating on the water, while fish were swimming in the water. You smiled and looked at everything in awe. Taking the beautiful nature in. Elvis took your hand again and led you to the bridge. Standing on the bridge, looking down at the fish in the water.
"Thank you for showing me this." You said and Elvis stared at her, smiling. "You're welcome."
The two of you stayed there for a while, just having small talk and staring at the water. It was getting late, together you sat down on the bridge and stared at the sky above them. The sun was setting and the sky created a pink and purple gradient. It was truly magical to see. "I think we have to go now." Elvis said while standing up, getting rid of all the dirt that got on his pants. You nodded and stood up.
Together you calmly walked back to the hotel, not having a care in the world. When you were back in the hotel again, the staff still seemed somewhat upset at you. But honestly, who can blame them? After all, Elvis set a table on fire. Elvis just laughed at them. How could they not see the comedy in it?
Elvis walked upstairs to his hotel room. you followed carefully. Instead of going to your room, you followed Elvis. This was a taste of his own medicine when he tried following you earlier that day. Except he didn't seem to notice that you were following him. He shut the door right in your face. You stared at the door that was just slammed in your face, as you build up the courage to knock.
You knocked on the door and shortly after, Elvis opened the door smiling. He leaned against the door frame, and hummed. "Come on in, honey."
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
Hey, Merms! 👋
You always do such a good job avoiding physical descriptions when writing the Y/N's, but lately I've been wondering: what kinds of clothes do you personally imagine them wearing? You once mentioned your "headcanons" for the kinds of perfume they might wear, and I thought that was super fun. Also, you always describe clothes so beautifully! The parts in something where Kenzo, Kihara, and Scribbles are going over the Hero Gala outfits are some of my favorites.
On that note, I'm especially curious about Scribbles' wardrobe, since Deku's poor fashion choices are always a point of major contention lol.
I love getting to play with clothing, in writing, because beyond just liking clothes, personally, narratively they serve such an important function in world/character-building. Clothes are so telling of a person! Which is why I find it so necessary to avoid it as much as humanly possible with a Y/N, unless there’s a narrative/meta reasoning for it (getting a new coat, scarf; being kitted out for a formal event. Indulging in high-end lingerie to showcase you do think about what you’re wearing, at least intimately, and thus giving you a reason to be judgemental of someone else’s poor tastes in fucking cargo pants). But okay, I’ll play. 👀 Putting everything under a cut, so those of our friends who don’t want the fun/fantasy of the Y/N they imagine ruined don’t have to see my subjective taste in fashion, LOL.
Let’s start off with my baby, Weedsy-woo.
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Weeds would wear a lot of natural fibres, like 100% linen pants or dresses, woollen tops for the cooler months. Weeds was raised by Granddad, so Weed’s style would be unconsciously conservative, (high necklines, for example) especially on days when Weeds is working in the shop (which is most days lmao). Granddad was a practical man, though! So even though there’d be a unintentional romanticism in Weed’s choices (a lot of flowy cuts in the dresses and skirts), they’re made knowing that Weeds has to stand or work in them, and that they need to be comfortable and be able to handle, idk, getting wet from dripping flower ends, be about to get dirty and easily washable. There’d be a lot of soft colours (beiges and pale rosy pinks, sage greens) with the occasional vibrant pop of colour (a fun print of fluro pink and yellow and orange, for example, on a top maybe; or the red coat Akane gifts Weeds for Christmas, the yellow scarf from Katsuki). Once Katsuki comes into the picture and has carved out his own permanent space, some of his jackets would start appearing slung over a shop chair, or wrapped around Weeds in the early morning hours of the freezing warehouses of the flower markets.
Okay though, let’s talk my troublemarker Scribbles.
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Scribbles is sloppy. Wide-leg men’s pants, fished out from a 200-yen bin at an op-shop. Old, well-worn band t-shirts that have given so much in slack they slip over the shoulder. A sarong from a little Bali-import store that Scribbles finds in Mum’s stuff, when Mum moves to New Zealand. Oversized mens shirts, fished out from that same op-shop, layered over crop tops and silky singlets. Scribbles would like cuts that show cleavage, because why spend good money on lingerie if you’re not going to show it off somehow?
But mostly, I don’t think Scribbles would really overthink things. Because Scribbles spends like, idk, 17 hours or something bent over a tablet/lightboard, trying to draw, the pieces Scribs wears have to be comfortable (cue the wide pants, the oversized shirts). Scribbles crawls out of bed at 8 am (after coming home at 4am), crawls into the first pair of pants that smell clean and then idk, a random top pulled from a basket, before throwing on on old painter’s overcoat, because the aircon can get kind of chilly. But because Scribbles is an artist (an artist raised by a model mother who adored fashion), Scribs has an unwitting eye for it—every piece in Scribble’s wardrobe can be mixed and matched. I’ve always, always, from day one imagined Scribbles to be the kind of Cool Girl that can make anything work, from sheer attitude alone, but I think the deck was stacked from the beginning for Scribs, too. I think it makes it doubly unfair that Scribbles is so mean about Deku’s choices LOL, because Scribbles just takes it for granted that of course people can dress well, so wtf is he doing with all those cheesy t-shirts? That kindergarten colour-blocking he has going on with the hero merch? Disgusting, pull yourself together, Deku.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
found the one that some people have been talking about: here and here
the one with the yan husband, Evan, and the monster reader, a ghoul, re-read it and yeah is very fluffy, but how was the wedding? the marriage vows? what about the groom's family? did Evan seriusly went to gym so he could carry them? my goodness thats so sweet 😭🥺
He proposed on your second anniversary.
A beautiful day met at its end by a trip to a quiet park. Up a small hill was a bench that over looked the city; just far enough way from the light population to see the beauty of a starlight night. A full moon, just like the night you had met. The weather was cool, and the warmth of your love fighting off the soft breeze.
Evan looks at you, sliding a gift box across the bench; his usual chipper self replaced with the confidence of a teen asking someone to prom.
"Here, Y/n.... Your last gift of the night."
You take the small box from him, wrapped in a bow the same hue as your favorite color. Just as the year before, he had shower you in affection and presents leading up to the day; saving the best for last. As one might suspect, was always hard to go outside with a mouth in your neck; even if you were able to hide it.
Turtleneck sweaters, heavy coats. Things you had to wear, but became a hassle in warmer months. Last year, Evan bought you a lovely silk scarf to make things easier for you. Easy to breath in, and light as a feather. He even had your name stitched into it. You loved it so much, sometimes you'd wear it at home. It became a habit to buy you a new one on holidays. Valentine's day, your birthday; and tonight all the same - although there was something slightly different about this one.
As you pick it up to try it on, you feel a small weight in its center; no bigger than a small stone. You unravel the scarf, finding a silver ring beneath its cloth. You glance at Evan, but he picks it up before you can speak; kneeling before you. Taking a deep breath, he begins his speech.
"Y/n... being with you has been the greatest years of my life. I'm glad I can way up every morning and see you, and this... doesn't mean anything to show the magnitude of our lobe, but I dream about seeing you walk down the aisle. You've done what nobody else has ever done - give me a reason to live. Will you marry me?"
You say yes. Of course you. Whether you knew about the culture or not, you wanted to be with him. Somewhere deep in his heart, Evan knew you would, but he's still knocked off his feet. He slides the ring unto your finger, tears forming as he laughs in disbelief.
"I never thought you could make me any happier than you already do..."
He kisses you, his arms hooked under your legs; wanting to pick you up and carry you off into the night. As a guy who never did any physical activity beyond what was mandatory, he could barely lift you from your seat. Instead, he presses his forehead to yours with a promise.
"Just you wait honey... I'm gonna carry you off into the sunset on our wedding night."
The wedding would take a little while to come. He had to find the perfect place, plus there were other needs to be taken care of. As much as he wanted to wed you then, there was no greater feeling at the time than coming home exhausted after a day of mental and physical labor to cuddle up with his soon to be spouse.
The title's weren't important, your love stronger than words could muster, but it still had him grinning like an idiot to call call that.
Eventually, he settles on a small church by a beach. A pretty view, plus it was away from the public eye. After a brief talk with the pastor, the two come to the agreement to hold it just before dusk on Wednesday; one of the few days the church's doors were closed. With the area decorated and time taken off work; everything was ready for the special day.
Evan stands anxiously at the alter; fidgeting with the collar of his suit as he waited for you to walk through those door. The pews of the church were empty; nobody important enough in his life to joy him in this moment, aside from one.
His sister offers him a tissue to wipe the sweat from his face, returning to her spot behind him after. With a poor upbringing, the two only had each other until she moved away for a better life; leaving him behind. Years later she found him online, believing he'd never want to see her again. It was a big surprise when he sent her an invitation and an even bigger one when she found out the truth.
It was, understandably, a lot to swallow, but her baby brother had been through so much and to see the life in his eyes made her want to cry. She happily agreed to be his groomswoman, and even had a hobby in photography; the perfect guest. She holds her camera pointed at the church doors, right as you walk in.
Evan nearly collapses as his eyes fall on you. It was a dream he never wanted to wake from; the happiness he never thought would come to his miserable life. You walk down the aisle, the tail end of your suit dragging along behind you. A cream colored scarf wraps tightly around your neck, fabric smoother than any you'll had before - like it was cut from am angel's robe. In hand, you held a bouquet of the same roses that brought you together.
You stop in front of Evan; his heart hammering in his chest with each step until it finally exploded when you reach his side. He wanted to kiss you. He wanted to hold you. He wanted to spend eternity with you.
With trembling hands, he removes the scarf from around your neck. The already on edge priest nearly faints at the sight of your neck splitting in two; meanwhile Evan is taking away for the millionth time.
"You look amazing, honey.."
"You may now speak your vows."
Evan shoves the index cards he hand in his pocket. He had memorized each word down to the letter, but it didn't matter. He knew what was in his heart. He grabs your hands.
"Y/n... you are the only light in my life. You are the first friend I ever truly had, the first person that's made me feel whole. Without you, I couldn't face the darkness that surrounds me. I don’t know what I'd do if I ever lost you. I promise to always protect you. Keep you safe from anything that could cause you harm. As your best friend. As your husband.
You speak yours after his. You could have said nothing, you could have said everything that you held inside. Either way, your words have Evan smiling from ear to ear and squeezing your hands tighter. The priest clears his throat and continues.
"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do.." You grab one of the rings place on the podium beside you, slipping it onto Evan's finger.
"Do you take this... person to be your lawfully wedded-"
"Of course I do." Evan picks up the other and slides on yours, bringing you into his arms in the process. He kisses you before the priest can even say so, crashing his lips to yours in utter bliss. He trails his lips down your face until he reaches your neck, kissing your other mouth just as passionately as he brings his arms behind your legs. You're lifted off the ground with your lips still touched; carried bridal style to the end of the altar. His sister had been taking pictures the whole time, crying her own tears of joy. Evan stops before heading to the doors, making sure he's in earshot of the priest as he whispers.
"Thank you for the service, father. I'll be sure to send you a copy in the mail."
A silent threat; tale bearer of just how mad Evan's love for you was. He knew the risks of this ceremony, but there would be even greater ones for the members of it if they said a single word. He returns back to his smiling, happy self as he carries you off to your new life together.
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 3 years
97 ways - Nikolai Lantsov
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Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Warning: a bit OOC!Nikolai
Wordcount: 1322
Summary: Nikolai tries to convince Y/N to be his. The stars are shining and the sea is calm. So when Y/N is a bit hard to convince, being a bit romantic never hurts. Inspired by the song 97 ways - by the Fooo conspiracy (FO&O)
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On board on Nikolai’s ship Volkvolny, Y/N Y/L/N walked across the deck. The moonlight shined upon the carefully carved tree and it lit up the sails. The waters under you was dark and calm, the endless sea reaching your eyes in every direction. Surrounded by an horizon that glowed like a fine line between the dark sea and the star sprinkled sky.
Nikolai stood upon the quarterdeck, one hand resting on the ship’s steering wheel, the other stuck in the pocket of his coat. His gaze not settling down on anything specific. He watched the calm waters under them, peaceful and dark. The stars were reflected on the surface and made it look like they were sailing on the glittering sky itself. The moon’s bright light shined upon them. It made everything seem like it had lost all its colors. The sails were whiter than ever, the tree that made the deck looked gray under his gaze.
Nikolai’s eyes stopped at the lonely figure hanging upon the railing, watching the waters, just like him. Your y/h/c hair had been an elegant braid earlier today but now, when the winds had pulled at it the whole day, strands hung loose around your face. You were only wearing your ordinary pants, your white shirt, a scarf and your somewhat elegant boots, but Nikolai couldn’t help but find you breathtakingly beautiful.
You seemed to have noticed that someone was watching you, and considering Nikolai was the only man up on deck with you, you turned around and looked up on him. You lent back and rested your elbows on the railing behind you. You met Nikolai’s hazel brown eyes and a small smile made it’s way to your lips. Nikolai smirked, left the wheel and headed down the stairs to the main deck where you stood. Silently you watched him as he came walking towards you. His steps were easy and calm.
Nikolai came up beside you and placed his arms on the railing, just like you. While you still were facing inwards, Nikolai stood hanging out over the elegantly carved railings. A smile was playing on his lips and soft breezes pulled at his blonde hair. He was awfully quiet, and everyone who knows Nikolai knows that there are few times this man chooses to be quiet.
”What’s in your mind, Nikolai,” you murmured and glanced at him over your shoulder. He threw a glance at you but didn’t rest his eyes at you a very long time before turning back to watch the water again.
“I know you don’t think we’re a good idea,” he started. You closed your eyes and leaned your head backwards, facing the sky. You stayed quiet, silently asking him to continue. “How can I prove it to you that I’m willing to try?” He whispered and turned to look at you again. You had pulled out your braid and now your hair was slightly wavy. It fell down around your shoulders and it flowed in the soft breeze. Nikolai felt his breath getting stuck in his throat at the sight of you. You turned around so you faced the same way as Nikolai, arms resting on the railing, hands hovering over open water. For a while you didn’t answer. You just watched he water down below and it slowly flowed by. At last you turned your head and looked at the man beside you. His golden locks and hazel eyes. His sharp jawline and his broad shoulders. He was undeniably beautiful. Even you had to admit that.
“I don’t know,” you answered him quietly and looked away again. “I really don’t know. We won’t last Nikolai. Everybody goes so fast, all the time, why would you be different?” You asked and tugged lightly on a few loose strands on your shirt.
Your hair hung like a curtain around your face and framed it in a breathtaking way. With soft hands, careful motions and care and love in his eyes, Nikolai reached out and tucked the hair behind your ear. You smiled softly at the sweet but cheesy gesture.
“Give us a chance Y/N. Please. I swear I’ll prove it’ll be worth it,” he softly told you. You just quietly shook your head at him and smiled sadly.
“I can’t Nikolai. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Nikolai left the railing and pulled you with him towards the middle of the boat between two masts. You watched him with suspicious eyes but let him pull you with him. Carefully and with slow motions, he pulled you towards him, placed his hand on your waist and took your hand with the other. Then he began to lead you through a slow waltz. Nikolai smiled down at you when you twirled in front of him.
This is what he wanted, he realized. The freedom, the fun, the love, the care, this life. He wanted this life, and he wanted it with you. He wanted to be able to dance with you whenever he wanted. He wanted to have every single, peaceful night at sea with you.
Nikolai pulled you in again after your elegant twirl and he pulled you even closer to his body this time. The heat radiated off of him and spread like a wildfire through your body. You liked Nikolai. You maybe even would go so far as to say that you loved him. But you didn’t want to risk anything. Love meant weaknesses. It meant that if something happens to either of you, the other one would panic to a new level. It meant that if it didn’t work out, you would still need to work for him and stay on the ship. That would only add onto your heartbreak. So much would be sat at risk if you were to have a relationship with Nikolai. Not to speak of the fact that he was the second son of the king of Ravka.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Nikolai as he pressed a lingering kiss on the top of your head. You were still dancing to the sound of soft waves hitting the ships sides.
“Don’t you want this?” Nikolai asked softly after a while. The waltz had turned into slow dancing in each other’s arms. Your arms rested around his neck and Nikolai’s hands pressed flat against your back.
“I want this, Nikolai. But I don’t want to be here when we fall apart,” you whispered out and looked up to meet his eyes.
“We won’t,” he answered. And you wanted to believe him. Your whole heart wanted to believe him. “I swear I’ll prove to you that we’ll be just fine. Wonderful,” he continued and pressed another kiss to your temple. And then he pressed his lips to your cheek, lingering longer than necessary. He carefully placed a hand on your cheek, softly stroking your skin and made it feel like you were ablaze.
“As soon as you give in,” he said, “as soon as you give in I’m gonna prove it to you,” Nikolai murmured. With slow movements he titled his head to the side, just barley. Then he hesitantly inched closer until his lips pressed onto yours and captured them in a soft kiss. And the time stopped for while. Everything was frozen in time until you pulled away. Slowly you opened your eyes and met Nikolai’s. One of your hands cupped his cheek, the other rested around his neck. Nikolai’s arms had snakes around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Fine,” you breathed out. “I’ll do it. Let’s hope it’s worth it.”
Nikolai smiled, his pearl white teeth showing, “it’ll be worth it. I promise. I’ll prove it to you. I swear I’ll prove it to you in 97 ways if that’s what it needs.”
“97 ways, huh?” You smiled and pecked his cheek softly. Nikolai nodded, a gentle smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
“Yes, my love. 97 ways.”
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moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
Def; Daydreaming is the stream of consciousness that detaches from current, external tasks when attention drifts to a more personal and internal direction. 
Synonyms; Trance, fantasy, Hallucination
Chifuyu x fem!reader
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Minors DNI, thank you.
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You were stunning, enticing, gorgeous. You were a angel sent down from heaven with the job of blessing young men's hearts. You shined bright like the rays on a sunny day.
You were his everything and yet you weren't his. As a matter of fact, he barely knew anything about you but you have him wrapped around your delicate finger. He was whipped.
Chifuyu met you one day, when he had been tasked with a mid-day coffee run for him and his co-worker. He walked into the café, the smell of coffee and pastries engulfed his noise, it was a small cat café not too far from where he worked. Nothing more than a five minute walk, Chifuyu heard cats meow and purred as they rubbed against his pants.
He bent down rubbing the head of the nearest cat to him, he lifted the cat up cradling it as he walked towards the menu.
"Hi! Welcome to Neko-Sama, what can I get for you today." You beamed at him from behind the counter with the softest smile. Your voice rung in his ears like a soft melody, your smile made heat rush to his face in an instant.
You had your hair in pigtails with pink and white cat ears, and a frilly maid costume draped over your body. You shuffled your body feeling Chifuyu's eyes look you up and down eyeing your attire.
You were adorable.
You stared at the man with cat like eyes, you catched your eyes with his before turning away and giving an awkward cough to clear the air.
"Wow, Tuba doesn't really like anybody..." You drifted off, "Much less let people hold her, you must be a great guy!"
"Tuba?" He questioned earning a small meow from the ginger cat that was in his arms nuzzling his head on his arm. "O-Oh! Well, I do work with animals, that's probably why." He chuckles softly petting the cat.
"That's amazing, I got this job here to work with animals. I adore cats, they're just so cute." You practically squealed, "Sorry! M'rambling" You looked down with a slight your ears slightly red from embarrassment.
The only thing that ran through Chifuyu's head was how adorable you were. Would it be weird if he asked for your number? You both just met, but he can't help but want to know more about you.
"N-No, no, not at all. Honestly, I thought it was cute..." He says the last part ever so softly, tightening his grip on the cat due to nervousness. The cat bites Chifuyu's hand in response jumping out of his arms, "Oh.. Guess I pissed him off." You both laughed at the cat as you watched him lick himself in spite.
For a split second you both lock eyes, you turn your head down to the iPad on the counter before beaming a smile at him.
"So! What can I get for you today?"
Ever since then Chifuyu has found reasons to make his way to the café. His co-worker caught onto him leaving work to bring back coffee and various snacks, one day he asked him about it.
"I like the coffee." He plainly replied, he would repeat this phrase over and over not only to those who asked about his constant ventures to the café but to convince himself that it wasn't because he wanted to hear your voice and see your face.
Totally not because he hopes that his constant visits would bring upon something. Something more than small talk as you prepared his drink, he convinced himself that he didn't want to be the reason you smile everyday.
You weren't running through his mind, he couldn't be in love with a girl be barely knows.
But the way you blush when he gives you small compliments, it's just too cute to ignore.
Over the course of a few months you and the man got closer, you learn his name and he yours. You were both around the same age, 23, you still being in college working towards your degree and him owning a animal shop.
One day, on a cold winter evening Chifuyu found himself at the café once again. So far he has been to Neko-Sama almost everyday. Naturally, being the animal person he is, he has created a bond with the cats there. Especially Tuna.
Tuna meows the loudest whenever Chifuyu is in the establishment, that's when you begin to prepare his drink. His order changes with the season, as any good barista does, you remember his orders for each season.
Being that it's winter you prepare his drink, a medium peppermint hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. You found it cute how a grown man would order such a cute drink.
"Good evening Chifuyu-san." You smiled placing his drink at his regular table. He takes off his coat setting it down on the seat next to him.
"I told you to drop the formalities, we're the same age Y/n." He sighs, softly thanking you for preparing his drink. He blows the steam away before taking a sip.
"I can't help it, you just seem so much older " You giggle before sitting next to him on the booth couch.
"Should I call you Fuyu' from now on?" You tapped your chin with a hum pretending to think.
"Do what you want, dummy Y/n." He mutters, hoping you're unaware of the burn on the tip of his ears.
Tuna jumped his way onto the seat laying on Chifuyu's coat, his purrs nothing more than a background sound as you and Chifuyu indulge in a conversation.
"And look at this, the new cat is so playful," Chifuyu chuckles pulling his phone out, "Look, she basically destroyed this toy we gave her." He shows you pictures of the cat along with the aftermath of her playtime. You giggle as he swiped through his phone.
This wasn't your fault. You could barely see the screen because of the glare from the lights, you shift your body closer to him. Chifuyu freezes as he feels your clothed breasts push up against him as you stare at his screen unaware of your actions.
"You okay?" You ask staring at his face, cupping it with your hands. His whole body locked up at your touch, his face was bright red with sweat heading down the side of his temple. "You're burning up!" You half screen putting the back of your hand on his forehead, "Are you sick?" You frantically ask while gripping the man's face.
"M'fine.. Just" He trails off, looking at your glistening lips, "Dizzy...."
"Fuyu, you idiot. You need to go home when you don't feel well..." You sighed, "Come on let me walk you home, my shift is over anyways."
Chifuyu waited outside feeling dizzy off of your touch, his head throbbed and his heart pounded. Maybe he was sick.
"Sorry it took so long, Tuna didn't want to go in his cage..." You sigh locking up, you looked at Chifuyu and worry spread across your face. Chifuyu's chest heaved up and down heavily, he looked out of breath as if he ran a marathon.
You quickly take off your scarf and wrapped it around his neck, he softly gasped at the sudden action.
"Let's get you home, yeah?" You lock arms with him and following him as he walked to his apartment. You missed the way his face got brighter as he smelt your scent on the scarf. You said your goodbyes telling him to take medicine and get a good night's rest.
He kicked off his shoes and stripped down on his way to the shower feeling lightheaded, after his shower he took his medicine like you told him to, he wasted no time getting into his bed not before grabbing your scarf and wrapping it around his neck. He ignored the cries of his cat as he tried to drift off to sleep trying to forget the throbbing pain in his head.
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ミ❣️That night he couldn't sleep, maybe it was the throbbing pain in his head or the nauseous feeling he'd get everytime he would shift his body.
ミ❣️Or possible it was the fact that everytime he closed his eyes he saw you, your smile, heard your voice, felt your touch.
ミ❣️Your hands were soft, oh so plush.
ミ❣️And your lips, the way they glistened due to the lip gloss you would constantly put on for worry your lips would dry out.
ミ❣️He couldn't forget your whines and pouts when he would call you, "dummy y/n" a nickname you acquired after spraining your ankle slipping while trying to give Tuna a bath.
ミ❣️The way you would stick out your bottom lip, your eyes would shine as if you were about to cry when he had to leave early...
ミ❣️You were adorable, his perfect little angel.
ミ❣️He drifts off daydreaming about every aspect of you that he loves, its a innocent little crush.
ミ❣️He begins to drift off about the way you dress, those pink cat ears that jingle everytime you move. That slutty maid costume that barely covered your ass. Those adorable stripped thigh highs that covered your thighs, pushing up the fat to the uncovered part of your upper thighs.
ミ❣️He nuzzled his flushed face into the scarf engulfing his nose in your sweet scent. It smelt like the fragrance you would constantly wear...
ミ❣️What was it again?
ミ❣️Fuck, he can't think straight trying to remember the name of your perfume makes his head hurt.
ミ❣️But thinking about how you would bend down he would get a full view of your plush cheeks made his cock hurt.
ミ❣️The way you would shake and sway your hips with each step you took.
ミ❣️He isn't in the right headspace, his mind has drifted away from his body. He's long gone, he lost all control of his actions.
ミ❣️Chifuyu is needy, the thoughts go right to his cock. His length twitched with every memory of you.
ミ❣️When did he pull his pants down to his knees?
ミ❣️When did his breath become broken and eratic?
ミ❣️He doesn't know how he ended feeling his dick through his underwear, how he began to fist his dick, all curled up in a ball, trying to release.
ミ❣️His other hand pulling the scarf closer to his nose to take deep inhales.
ミ❣️Chifuyu's voice becomes audible as soft groans leave his mouth.
ミ❣️Nothing more than pre-cum dripped from the tip of his angry cock as he aggressively jerked his hand up and down the length of his shaft, gripping it harder trying to get friction.
ミ❣️He just needed to cum.
ミ❣️It wasn't working. He spat in his hand, rolling into his back. He pr sses his thumb onto his tip. He hissed in pain as a electric jolt shot through his body.
ミ❣️His proud cock standing tall as he moved his hand up and down while simultaneously slightly thrusting his hips upwards. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when it just.. wasn't working.
It wasnt you
ミ❣️Chifuyu pulled his pillow from his head, shifting his position once more, laying back on his side, putting his cock onto the surface of the pillow. He slowly humped his pillow, grinding his dick into the pillow.
ミ❣️He found himself wondering what you were doing right now, if at night you played with yourself.
ミ❣️No, no, not that. He wondered how well you would take him, if you'd scream his name, begging him to go faster, calling him all sorts of names,
ミ❣️ They would sound so pretty coming out of your mouth
ミ❣️As he claimed your pussy as his spraying your insides with his cum.
ミ❣️Nah, you were too innocent for that... You were the type of girl to blush when somebody accidentally touches your hand of gives you a compliment.
ミ❣️If anything you would fail to understand why your core was heating up, desperate to feel something inside you but not understanding the meaning.
ミ❣️That's it, you'd come to him crying asking for him to help you feel better.
ミ❣️He groaned at the thought of him placing his hand around your throat while tongue fucking your mouth. You would struggle to kiss back as he roughly explored your mouth with his tongue. Your knees would buckle from the pleasure. He would pick you up, holding the back of your knees, gently grinding his hard cock against your sex.
ミ❣️He would treat you like a princess.
ミ❣️Laying on your back as you hurried to take your soaking panties off, your slick juices leaving a single string that was attached to your panties, proof that you were wetting your undergarments like a dirty slut.
ミ❣️Your face would be red as you shamelessly tell him in the softest tone.
ミ❣️"Want you so bad Fuyu'"
ミ❣️Fuck, his thrusts became more erratic, his knuckles turning white from his tight grip on his pillow.
ミ❣️Yeah, you'd call him by his nickname as you begged him to claim you, ruin you.
ミ❣️He imagine him sinking his fingers, he'd start with one not wanting to hurt you. Your tight untouched cunt tightly squeezing his finger. You would already be a moaning mess, Fuyu was talking all your firsts.
ミ❣️Your slightly loosened sex would take in another finger. You would try your best to muffle your slutty moans as he fingers your soaking pussy. You'd cover your mouth with your hand as his finger curled inside of you hitting that spot that made your toes curl and eyes widen.
ミ❣️You'd moan his name, begging him to stop. It felt weird, felt too good, something was coming.
ミ❣️He'd give you your first orgasm with his fingers, you had drool dripping from the corner of your mouth, your face was red. You were already so fucked out on his fingers.
ミ❣️He felt his cock twitch with these thoughts. He mindlessly began to fuck his pillow into the mattress, his body now on top of the pillow as he grinded on top of the pillow.
ミ❣️He'd have you suck on his fingers tasting yourself as he began to eat you out. His tongue slipping in and out of your slit, naughty slurping sounds emitted from the room as he throat fucked you with his digits that were once in your pussy. His nose would occasionally hit your lip causing you to arch your back pushing his tongue deeper inside you.
ミ❣️You love being eaten out huh? Love it when daddy fucks you with his tongue. Such a dirty little thing.
ミ❣️All the dirty things he could think of seeps from his mouth, while eating you out. He'd bring you to another orgasm with ease.
ミ❣️"Y/n, fuck, m'gonna cum" Chifuyu grunted out in a out of breath voice, he felt his cock spurt out his cum into his pillow, yet he wasn't satisfied.
ミ❣️He leaned back onto his shins, his knees pressing into the bed as he lifted the pillow up, slipping his cock into the pillow cover.
ミ❣️He wasn't done yet, your pussy would be twitching, eager to take his cock. You eyes would be begging him to fuck you into the mattress.
ミ❣️"Gonna fuck my princess dumb." He muttered out to nobody as he thrusted upwards into the pillow. His thrusts were shameless and aggressive as he pounded his pillow like a dog in heat.
ミ❣️His moans were loud as he muttered filthy things about you.
ミ❣️He would slip his cock into you, kissing away the tears from your eyes.
ミ❣️His cock was just too big, his dumb baby couldn't take it. The stretch hurt. Daddy made it fit though. Daddy will make you feel so good. Pretty girl.
ミ❣️He'd let you adjust waiting for you to give him the okay, he would start of slow, giving you small thrusts to get you used to the size of him. Deep passionate thrusts that said how much he loved you.
ミ❣️You would have the most beautiful moans and whines, he could listen to them all day. He would kiss you and your body till it bruised.
ミ❣️You'd beg him to fuck you, he would do just that. Slamming his hips into yours causing you to scream out his nickname, one of his hands would be on your thigh squeezing it oh so tight getting a good grip for when he pulls his cock out and slams your bodies into each other, fucking you senseless. While the other kept your mouth busy, occasionally taking his fingers out of your mouth to kiss you deeply bruising your lips with his.
He'd watch your every expression.
ミ❣️"Your pussy was made for me, look how well you're taking it. Doing so good"
ミ❣️Your eyes would cross as your tongue rolled out, you'd pants and beg for him to slow down. You didn't really want that, no, not when he was making you feel this good. The way you would arch your back, grind your hips into his, wrap your arms around his neck and grip his hair as you moaned louder with each thrust told him everything he needed to know.
ミ❣️You wanted more, you're greedy aren't you?
ミ❣️"My pretty little cocksleeve"
ミ❣️Chifuyu felt himself getting closer to his high, but he wanted to cum with you.
ミ❣️No, you weren't here.
ミ❣️His hand would make it to your clit giving it a soft slap before his thumb rubbed it in circles. You'd start cursing because of how good it felt. Telling him you wanted more, how you were about to cum, how much you wanted him to cum in you.
ミ❣️You would adore it, he knows it. You'd be such a cum hungry slut for him, no matter when or where you'd want him to cum in your tight pussy.
ミ❣️"Fuck, fuck— so good, Y/n— yer' pussy so good" Chifuyu cursed out as he imagined you creaming his cock the same time as he slammed his dick in you once more before spraying your insides white with his cum. Your body would shake as you had your final orgasm feeling so full.
ミ❣️"Fuck... Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck!" Chifuyu cursed out realizing what he just did, he felt a wave of guilt as he felt his dick go limp after fucking his pillow to the thought of you like a madman.
ミ❣️He rushed into the shower, almost falling off his bed in a panic mode. He tried to wash it off, tried to wash off the sin of moaning your name while he fucked his pillow like some highschool horn dog.
ミ❣️He hoped you'd forgive him, he prayed you would.. You couldn't ever find out what he did, you'd label him as a pervert.
ミ❣️Maybe he was one.
ミ❣️He couldn't look himself in the mirror, too ashamed to face himself.
ミ❣️Chifuyu threw the pillow away before curling back in bed chanting soft apologies to nobody. He'd wrap his body in his blanket nuzzling his face back into your scarf as he drifting off final able to sleep.
ミ❣️The next morning you didn't understand why Chifuyu refused to make eye contact with you...
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It was supposed to be a short drabble.... 500 works max 🤧🔫 anywaysssss
@baji-kuns hope you liked it 🙄 #Chifuyu'sAHoe
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captainapple · 3 years
Ride or Die
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale X Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning: implied smut, cursing, swearing, explicit language, crime, fluff, 18+: MINORS DNI
Summary: Nice lazy day with Ransom got interrupted by The Thrombeys.
A/N: A repost from my old tumblr that got banned for no reason. It contains Knives Out spoiler!
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18+, you have been warned
“Hugh” you called as you rolled softly to his side of the bed.
He opens his eyes and smiles at you. The sun is shining brightly, the light enters through large windows of your bedroom. You can see his sparkly blue eyes scanning your face before his hand ran through your hair.
“It’s Ransom, sweetheart. I set the ground rules here.”
“Ground rules?”, you scoffed. “This is my bedroom, Hugh”.
“You really want me to punish you, don’t ya?”. He challenged you. “You are a brat, aren’t ya?”
“Sharing my bed too long with a brat, I might become one”, you winked. “So, what are you going to do, Hugh?”.
Oh, you really pissed him off this morning. He does not like his first name since that is what everyone called him in his family. The relationship between his family and himself is quite complicated. You met them for couple of times and understood his feeling completely. They are bunch of entitled hypocritical, licking his grandfather’s boots to get the money and power that Mr. Thrombey has. That is why every time you tried to push his button, you just called him Hugh.
After what it felt like hours, you are a whimpering mess right now. He went on you restless until both of you were panting. Well, who needs cardio when you got man like Ransom- you thought to yourself. He rises from the bed and runs a warm bath for you. He might be rough, but he will treat you right afterwards. He would wash your hair, scrub your back gently, and eventually shower you with kisses.
As you lazily drying off your hair, his phone rings.
“I think that might be your side chick. Go pick it up, daddy”, you smirked.
Ransom shakes his head in disbelieve. He might mess around with girls before, giving his entitled playboy nature, but that is before he met you. You are well aware of his traits, but that does not stop you dating him. It seems like he has a charm that drags you to him. Although, he might think it is the other way around.
“It’s my old man, Richard”. He slams his phone to the bed. “Let’s pay a visit.”
“Ugh, what does he want?”, you huffed. “Aren’t you cut from the will?”
“I am. Just mere formality.”
Ransom grabs whatever clothes he left in your house, his old cable knit sweater, long brown coat from last night, and random scarf from your wardrobe. He never really cares about what he wears, but his style is always effortlessly on point. It is either because of his well-built body and perfect face or because you are madly in love with him. You step outside the house as he opens the car door.
“Nope. We are not gonna use that old car”. You pointed to his vintage BMW car.
“C’mon! It’s vintage, sweetheart.”
You grab your helmet and jump on your motorcycle.
“The last one is a loser.” You started the engine.
This is one of your traits that he likes, your sass and stubbornness. When you made up your mind, no one could change that.
“Oh, It’s ON!”, Ransom yelled as you rode away from him.
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The road to Thrombey’s mansion is quite breathtaking. The trees are colorful with some of the leaves fall and blown by the wind. It takes you a while to enjoy this view, which you regret it later as the sound of Ransom’s car approaching. Both of you end up arriving at the same time. He goes out of his car and walks towards you. His arm automatically wraps around your shoulder and you walk together with him. There are two men waiting in the porch of the mansion.
“Hugh Drysdale?”, one of the men called him.
“Call me Ransom. It’s my middle name”, he answered.
“Please don’t call him Hugh”, you winked at the man as you and Ransom walked pass them.
The meeting, investigations, and Harlan’s will are really messy. Everyone was shouting at each other and throwing dirt at every names. You watch this whole scene next to Ransom who shows his disinterest while munching on butter cookies. He occasionally feeds you cookies as he laughs at his family antics and curses at them.
As soon as Marta was announced as the beneficiary, the Thrombeys were furious. They do not stop following Marta as she walks out, trying to escape. You follow everyone outside to watch the drama. Ransom is in his car right now. He signs Marta to go with him and she does. As he drives away, he waves and winks at you. Only God knows what he is up to.
“Where does Ransom go?”, Linda asked you.
“You’re his mother, not me”. You sneered and gave her and the rest of the family your middle finger before you rode away.
After that incident, Ransom never visits you again. He keeps you update through text messages. He does not tell you what he is up to, but you do not care anyway. His texts were random. Sometimes he asked how you are doing, sometimes he asked what you are wearing. These texts are his way to apologize to you since his ego is way too big. As long as he is fine, you will be fine.
One day, you heard the news that Ransom was behind Harlan’s murder. He is currently held in police custody. You never been so excited before. He finally stops running away and you miss him so badly. This is your time to shine- you whisper to yourself before went to meet him.
“Mr. Drysdale, your lawyer is here”.
You walk inside a room. Ransom is there, sitting calmly before looking up at you. He smirks, knowing fully that you are the one he has been waiting for, his lawyer and his lover.
“Such a pain in the ass, literary and figuratively” you muttered. “I believe you owe me an explanation.”
“About the murder?”
“Nope.” You pressed the ‘P’. “About the girl”.
“Jealous?” He laughs hard. He never thinks that will be your first question for him.
“Well, I thought we will be having threesome”, you joked.
“If you said so, I could find another candidate.”
“Deal!”, you shouted. “But now, let’s get you out of here.”
“Playing dirty now, aren’t you?”. He cannot believe he finally sees this side of you. He thought you would leave him as soon as you heard the news. “For better and for worse, huh?”
“Ride or die, baby!”
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‘’Hugh ‘Ransom’ Drysdale escaped, His Lawyer/Lover to Blame.” You read the headline out loud. “Why not wife?”.
You huff as you see the glistening ruby on your finger.
“Who cares, Mrs. Drysdale. Now, shall we begin our honeymoon?”
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hes-writer · 4 years
All Too Well
Summary: right person, wrong time
Warning: sweet fluff and angst
Word Count: 4519 words
A/N: listen to ‘All Too Well’ by Taylor Swift first as there are some references throughout the fic. I also added time stamps as this occurs over the course of one year. I’m sorry if it’s confused—I tried my best to make it as coherent as possible ❤️
also, covid doesn’t exist in this au!
‘~~~’ = flashback, ‘—‘ = cut scene
November 2020
Y/N scrambled through the many articles of clothing sprawled in her drawer. The fabrics mingling with each other into a giant mess. It didn’t even include the pile of clothes sitting on the mattress and dripping on the floor.
That was the thing with Y/N. She had a habit of keeping things she didn’t need. She wasn’t a hoarder—although, Y/N did keep more things in favour of their sentimental value. It was her thing.
The fact that she could cradle a t-shirt in her palms and tell someone exactly what happened on a day that moulded the story of that specific shirt was her skill. Y/N liked to think that you could tell a lot about a person on what kind of clothes they wore—whether they were seeking affection or isolating, but not lonely.
In fact, her clothes didn’t just hold meaning for herself—it catered pieces of places she went to wearing the outfit. The things she thought of while adorning it, the emotions that she felt as it covered or—barely—shielded her skin. It was especially important to her to remember the people she spent it with.
Like that oversized, knee-length coat hung near the back of her closet. Y/N barely wore it now but seeing it beneath the splayed doors of the wardrobe, she could see flashes in her head about the last time she had worn it.
The way the pea coat flowed behind her as she twirled in a gentle circle, twisting the fabric slightly and catching tiny drops of littered snow. Y/N could picture the bulbous hat she wore on her head. A tiny pompom weighing every which way with the direction of her head. Her hands were in warm mittens that rendered her fingerless. The snow boots on her feet were crunching with every step of the crisp white snow beneath her feet.
It was truly a winter wonderland when the white weather sprinkled down on her—on them.
Y/N could just about feel the same large grin replicating her face when she snapped out her memory. The ghost of the hung overcoat literally hunted her as it rested in the shadows of her closet.
Y/N blinked twice, slouching her shoulders as she stayed frozen on her knees. The carpet wasn’t doing much to protect her taut skin, but she was in search of something and intended to find it. Except, she couldn’t find it anywhere.
She was sure that there was absolutely no way that she could lose it. It was a loud patterned scarf that frayed at the edges. It was, quite possibly, the ugliest design Y/N had laid her eyes upon. Though, a certain someone had reassured her that she looked beautiful regardless. Besides, the air was way too chilly to think about fashion choices that day.
December 2019
“Why don’t you pose for me, love?” Harry suggested, holding his phone tightly in one hand. That same hand was pulled free of the warm confines of his leather gloves as he insisted on capturing a few photos of his girl.
“You got it, mister,” Y/N replied, bending down to ball a glob of snow in her mitten-covered hand. She could just barely feel the iciness radiating off the protective layer. “Mind if I add some props?”
She lifted her hand, a raised brow quirking up her knit beanie.
Harry chuckles, “Go right ahead,”
He tilted his phone, ignoring the way his fingers lost feeling at the fingertips in favour of watching the woman of his dreams throw the patch of snow in the air. He captured the picture, admiring the way her back looked. Y/N really was beautiful from all angles. It was kind of counterintuitive, really, since it was snowing after all. But Harry was way too enamoured to question the questionable actions of his lover.
Besides, the gleaming smile on her face was enough to wipe his mind clean of anything other than her.
“Great! Why don’t you turn around?”
The woman looked over her shoulder was a subtle roll of her eyes, “No way,”
“C’mon, love. ‘S not even tha’ ugly,” Harry urged, commenting about the scarf wrapped around her neck.
She scoffed, “The fact that you have to reassure me is proof that it is ugly,”
Y/N played with the thin ends of the fabric, smiling to herself as she heard Harry groan loudly behind her. They were staying at Gemma’s house for the holidays and Y/N had purchased the first scarf she had seen at the store. She had nearly forgotten it if it weren’t for Harry calling her the night before to ensure that she would be warm during their stay. Not only was it cold, but the chilliness was just a tad too crisp to leave the cozy home without some sort of neck protection.
So, here she was dressed all cute from head-to-toe except her shoulders. It was a bit stupid to care so much about an ugly scarf design but Y/N guessed it had something to do with wanting everything to be perfect.
“I don’t think it’s ugly,” Harry quipped, sounding much closer than he had before. “‘Think it’s really nice. Especially the cutie who’s wearing it. Mind if I borrow it some time?”
Y/N couldn’t help the appearance of her love-struck eyes, smiling again when she felt his bundled arms snaked around her waist. Harry was warm, as usual, and he was sturdy as a rock both literally and metaphorically. Standing still in the snow gave her a bit of a shiver but having Harry’s body close was a breath of relief.
He cradled her between his arms, resting his own scarf-covered chin on her shoulder. Y/N knew that he must’ve been bending at the knees to reach that height. She clutched his naked hand between her mittens, directing it to a pocket in the confines of her coat to keep warm.
“Are you talking about me or the scarf?”
“How about both? Make it a two-for-one deal, yeah?” Harry’s voice was a bit hazy.
He felt as though he was captivated in a trance, watching the snowflakes rest gently on the slope of Y/N’s lashes. Her eyes glancing at their joined, mittened and gloved, hands.
She sighed, “Why not?”
Harry gave a silent cheer, leaning little ways into peck her cold cheek with his lips.
“Alright, now why don’t ya’ twirl for me, Y/N?” He instructed, taking cautious steps back in the snow.
“Like this?”
Harry nodded, thumbing the red button on his phone to press ‘record’. He watched as Y/N gracefully spun in a circle. Her pea coat flailed just at knee-level. Her boots squelched the starch white snow.
She did a full 360 before fully facing him with a bright grin. Harry couldn’t be sure how much his heart could take. He switched the setting to capture a photo.
“Exactly like that,”
He wanted to remember this.
Upon realization that Y/N would not get hold of that specific scarf—at least not for a while—because it was at Gemma’s home miles away from her, Y/N forced herself to clean up the mess she had made. Maybe it was the sudden strike of sensitivity coursing through her but Y/N felt much more emotional than she did before.
Perhaps it was the match-strike ignition of burning memories that flickered through her brain because once she started; she couldn’t stop.
It started with the frosty memory of twirling in the deep snow. Then, it was the flashback of driving from the grocery store to pick up ingredients before heading back to Gemma’s.
Y/N couldn’t deny the butterflies she felt playing that particular memory back because it was one of the moments that cemented a deep-rooted emotion in her.
The feeling of being beautiful—captivating, charming and alluring that Harry failed to notice the red traffic light switching to a reflective green. (‘Oi! Eyes on the road’)
She could still see the blush on his pale skin, realizing that he had been caught staring. And, by the way, the car behind them honked when Harry failed to move through the intersection. (‘Sorry, got distracted’).
And Y/N didn’t want to say anything but she could feel his tiny glances over her when Harry thought that she wasn’t paying attention.
November 2020
It has been nearly a year now.
Only a few more weeks until the dreaded date looped around to a full year passing. This time, Harry wasn’t around to celebrate the festivities with her and that ugly scarf was an article that Y/N had desperately missed. Ironically.
It would be just under a year when Harry had taken Y/N to his childhood home—now Gemma’s house as Anne had moved to a smaller place. It was where he excitedly showed her his room—the posters on his walls. The comics he used to read and the CD’s he used to listen to piled on his desk.
December 2019
“Quite an improvement,” Y/N commented, sitting on the edge of his twin-sized bed. She was referring to his King-sized bed from when she had slept over a couple of times.
“I’d say,” Harry agreed. The wood creaked under his weight as he sat beside her.
They both stared at the wall in front of them, feeling a sense of intimacy as Harry shared the remnants of his life to her.
The day continued when Anne had called the both of them down for hot cocoa, paired with a striped red, green and white candy cane dipped in the mug.
This was the part that hurt Y/N the most. It was almost too painful to remember—to reminisce because it was proof that the couple were so close to making a future together.
It didn’t happen, though.
Despite Anne and Gemma’s stories about a once upon a time, dorky Harry in his glasses (‘He still is’)—his family couldn’t stop referencing Y/N as his future.
“Hope your kids don’t take after his naked habit”
“Maybe your garden will have wild roses”
“Reckon you guys will get a small home?”
It made Y/N’s cheeks heat up. His family already thought of her as part of their family. And one sneaky look at Harry ensured her that Anne and Gemma weren’t the only ones thinking of their future because Harry caught her gaze long enough to give her the answer she was subconsciously searching for.
And when salutations had to be said, Harry and Y/N said goodbye to Gemma and Anne as they were to return to their respective London homes.
It was also the day that Harry had asked Y/N to move in with him.
It was exciting, to say the least. Moving in with your significant other was a big step in any relationship. The fact that Harry was a world-renowned superstar almost disappeared from Y/N’s mind because even though his home was a million times larger than her tiny flat—it immediately felt like home.
Harry wasn’t one to dwell too much on changes. In fact, he often referred to it as a sign that things were moving forward. There was no use being stuck in the same place when the universe had so much to offer. So, he was quite glad when Y/N made herself comfortable in his—their—home.
She managed to make the large place feel cozy. The decorations and tiny trinkets she had placed all over the house were really just pieces of her heart sprinkled in a home in which they’d build a life together. He would look at a pastel-coloured tea kettle and question when he had gotten the appliance before realizing that it was Y/N’s. Harry would use the tea kettle to boil water instead of using his Keurig.
Their schedules wouldn’t always line up. But Harry and Y/N were too loved-up to care how little time they spent with each other. There was no use in complaining when they could use that time to appreciate each other—for sticking around. For being the same when things moved too fast. For being the rock that both of them needed when times get rough.
Harry’s late studio sessions ran through the early morning when Y/N would be cooped up in their shared bedroom. Fast asleep and hugging his scented pillow. Sometimes he would find her bundled with a blanket on the living room couch. The soft glow of the television highlighting Y/N’s beautiful features. One look at her was enough to release Harry of the tension he felt on his joints and shoulders.
Y/N’s night shifts were the same too. She would return to a quiet house because Harry had fallen asleep. Despite his attempts to stay awake, he was not a night owl at all. Not only to stay up past ten in the evening unless he was out to do work. She had reassured him countless times that she would be okay on the drive home and that he should sleep when his body grew tired.
Harry tried to stay awake. He really did. And Y/N could tell because as soon as she crawls to her side of the bed, Harry’s right arm immediately pats the cold sheets for her as if sensing that she was nearby. He would mumble a quiet murmur of her name, “Y/N? Tha’ you?”
He would receive no verbal response, nor would Harry be able to see his love in the dark of the night even because Y/N hadn’t bothered to switch her bedside lamp on. Y/N was aware of Harry’s sensitivity to light, especially if he was in the dark for a long period of time. Despite that, Harry would hum in satisfaction when Y/N’s body would etch perfectly against his in a silent greeting that yes it is her.
They would fall fast asleep cuddled into one another.
If they managed to stay awake or if sleep failed to come, Y/N and Harry would trudge down the stairs for a midnight snack, squealing loudly as one playfully chased the other down the staircase.
Sometimes it was Y/N walking in on Harry munching on a few biscuits (‘Not such a health nut anymore, huh?’). Sometimes it was Harry catching Y/N making a fruit salad—an array of fruits and vegetables laying on the counter (‘I take credit for this’, he would say.)
But it would always end the same.
With both of them dancing goofily with each other. The refrigerator light was the only source of illumination because neither would be bothered to turn on an actual light. Not when the fridge served as a light source and a container of a variety of edible choices.
One night would end with Y/N slow dancing in Harry’s arms. His hands-on her waist, grazing her skin when her pyjamas too lifted. Their bodies would rest against each other like a stacked jigsaw. Harry’s chin on her head, hers on his broad shoulder. A pair of their hands clasped tightly on one another while the other found purchase with their bodies.
Harry would hum a light tune or sing softly so that they can find their rhythm. They would sway across the kitchen—slowly—crying out in pain and laughter when one would bump their hip on the marble counter. Y/N would listen to his heartbeat thrumming beneath his chest and even though she could only see a bit of him—it was enough.
One night would end with Y/N and Harry goofily flailing their limbs every which way. Boisterous laughter filling the room as Harry practically wheezed at Y/N’s admittance of performing a mean Dougie.
And with the fridge light catching the bits of it, Harry would slap his palm on the counter to catch himself before his knees gave out below him (‘There’s jus’ no way you’re that good’). She proved him wrong.
Neither of them knew when it would be the last time these moments occurred. Until they stopped completely.
It was the small changes that brought them closer together. And what would inevitably drive them apart.
It was the fact that even though the couple didn’t see each other much, they still cherished the time they had together because that was enough.
The relationship was built off of mutual trust, respect and honesty. Time was essential but Harry and Y/N didn’t necessarily need a lot of it. They just needed the reassurance of ‘always’. That no matter what happens, however far away they were from each other physically, however, the time they spent apart—that Harry would always come back to her and Y/N would always run home to him.
It was late-August when they broke up.
Leading up to it, Y/N had been promoted at her workplace and Harry was no longer spending late nights at the studio. He was sleeping in the studio instead of coming home.
Y/N was understanding. He was on a time-crunch since his second album was due to be released at the end of that year. She wanted to be as supportive as she had always been—if not, more. Harry didn’t need more pressure from her—his partner—who was supposed to be his solid ground in a cracking centre.
It was okay. It was okay. It was okay.
It was fine that they were spending less time than they normally would—not that it was a lot in the first place.
He was still trying. She was still trying. Messages, video calls—hell, even emails were there. The rare times when their schedule would actually coincide were spent peacefully sleeping on the bed. It wasn’t much, but it was enough.
Then, Y/N got promoted. More responsibilities. Training her colleagues. Interviewing assistants. Typing detailed emails. Double-checking spreadsheets.
At the same time that Harry was being pulled left and right to make decision after decision. Finalizing next year’s tour dates. Promos. TV shows. Modelling campaigns. Photoshoots. Interviews.
And like any other, answering later turned into a message left on ‘read’. A missed call manifested into an unopened voicemail. A desperate-measures email was only one of the many in each others’ inbox.
Harry wanted Y/N to come with him on tour the following year but it was a stretch waiting to be snapped.
She couldn’t.
Y/N was starting to build her life, building her career and she wasn’t going to give that up for him just yet. He could go on tour and she could visit when time allows. They knew that. Harry would buy her a ticket and she would be off to see him—when she can.
June 2020
“I can’t go. You know that,” Y/N sighed, rubbing a palm over her face.
Harry leaned his shoulder against the doorframe of the bathroom. “I knew that. ‘Was worth a try though,”
They shared a comforting smile with each other. A hint of reassurance when uneasiness prevailed. There was something about the shift from spring to summer that simmered in their chests.
“Promise you’ll come to visit?”
“Of course,”
London may be Harry and Y/N’s home but LA was calling for him. Hence, why he spent the summer on the other side of the world. On another continent, across the pond, as some people might say.
It’s just a few months. He’ll be back before you know it, Y/N thought.
Harry will be home for the holidays and they would drive up north to spend it with Anne and Gemma as they did the previous year. The year when Y/N had met them for the first time and despite that, attained their approval to build a future with Harry.
Just a few months and then Harry will be back with her. The same Harry who will gently loop an ugly scarf around her neck. Teasing her about its hideousness before reassuring her that it was ‘as stunning as the woman wearing it’. . .or something. Harry always complimented her.
Yet, Harry never came home a few weeks shy before their scheduled road trip as they had planned. And Y/N did not visit him like she had promised to do.
Though, none of them blamed the other because they were too busy with their own lives to keep up with each other. What once was a loving and caring relationship was not a liability pushed to the back burner.
One might say that Harry and Y/N’s love was a case of wrong timing. They were perfect for each other—but just not now.
Because Y/N had a lot of things going for her and expanding her career. Harry was becoming more and more popular and successful by the minute. It wasn’t like they meant to ignore each other or be oblivious that they were still very much in a relationship with each other. Both Harry and Y/N just had a lot on their plate to even think twice about a relationship.
It wasn’t anybody’s fault—really. Even though their phone call says otherwise.
August 2020
“Y-you what? Y/N, love,” Harry spoke through the phone.
Y/N’s breath hitched at the sound of the beloved nickname. It had been a while since she had heard it.
“I want to break up,” She repeated.
The woman picked at her fingernails, distracting herself from going back to the spreadsheet in front of her. She was in the middle of a break up yet her body urged to continue working.
“What do you mean why?” Y/N sighed exasperatedly. “It’s been months since we’ve seen each other, Harry. You said you’ll be home before Christmas so we can see Anne and Gemma but—,”
“We don’t have to see them! Y’can fly out here and spend it with me,”
“You know, I can’t,”
Upon letting those slip past her lips, Y/N was starting to question if Harry had disconnected because of the eeriness over the phone.
And as he said that night months ago with the alteration of Y/N’s word, “‘Know y’cant. You promised, though.”
Harry’s voice cracked and Y/N wondered if he was gnawing on his lip like he usually would when tears overflowed the ducts of his eyes. In the distance, Y/N heard a door close shut and she wondered if he had been working—the same as her—before she had decided to call and he had decided to answer.
A knife pierced into Y/N’s chest, guilt seeping in her veins as she recalled the words she had uttered to him. A promise that she would visit if he gave her the ticket. But that was then and this is now.
She wasn’t the head of her department then. Y/N had a lot more responsibilities now and she couldn’t just up and leave whenever she wanted to.
“And you promised to come back. Did you?”
He didn’t.
“Look, can we talk about this later? ‘M in the middle of recording and—“
“When are you not?” Y/N cut him off absentmindedly, splitting her attention on the Excel sheet in front of her.
“Excuse me?” Harry quipped, faintly hearing the clacks of a keyboard. “I know I work a lot but y’do too. Barely even respond to my texts anymo’”
“Says the one who doesn’t answer my calls,” Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes.
And there it was again. The defeat of silence that proved no matter how much they retaliated against one another—neither of them would win because both of them were at fault.
“I was busy,”
“I am, too,”
“I-I don’t want to lose you. . .”
The ache in Y/N’s chest grew tenfold. Her fingers momentarily paused over the keys of her laptop board. There was nothing to lose. Not when they’ve already thrown it away.
“I don’t want to either, H. But don’t you think breaking up is better than waiting for something that will never happen?”
“What won’t?” He asked, genuinely curious.
Y/N pushed her chair back, staring at the view of the city from her office.
“Us. Our future. It won’t happen because you’re busy and I’m busy. There’s no right time for us to start, Harry.”
“Who says there has to be a right time, huh?”
“Says, everybody! How are we supposed to build our relationship further when there is no relationship to work on?”
The waves of emotion came crashing down. For months, Y/N had suppressed the feeling of loneliness inside of her. She missed Harry so badly that it hurt her to admit so she went with the temporary bliss of balling it up until it became too much.
“We just need time, Y/N. We don’t need to do it at the right time. Y’know that,” Harry whispered, wishing so badly that this conversation didn’t take place over the phone where he was currently locked in a bathroom stall.
He continued, “You were there, weren’t you? Barely saw you but y’were there. You know how I feel about you and I know you feel about me. We jus’ need time,”
Because time is when Harry and Y/N  would slow dance in the kitchen at god-knows-hour of the morning.
Because time is when Harry and Y/N blissfully spent their time in the cold, watching her throw the bundle of snow in the air as if it was in slow-motion.
Because time is when Harry would look at Y/N and swear that it has stopped because nothing else mattered except her.
“You know it, you know it,” Harry gulped, breath hitching over the phone. Was he crying?
“All too well,” Y/N responded underneath her breath. She knew that he was right—that all they needed was a chance to reconnect and rekindle the flame put out by distance.
She hated how familiar every memory was to her. She hated how easily she was brought back to the moment it all happened with just the breath of his whisper.
There was no denying the emotion she felt wearing his hoodie and red and black plaid pyjamas at three in the morning. The affection she received wearing those pieces of clothing from the man who owned them. Her sock feet glided against the cold floor. Everything came flashing back to Y/N and it hurt because there was no way she could grant his wish.
“You’re asking for too much, Harry. I-I can’t give you that. You can’t give me—us—that,”
“W-what are you saying, love?” He whimpered, clutching the device in his hand as a last resort to hold onto something that was drifting away.
He knew that she was right. Y/N couldn’t give him that and he certainly couldn’t either.
“We can’t be together. At least, not now. We’re not the same anymore. We want the same things but we’re headed on different paths,”
“But we’ll meet again, won’t we?” Harry’s hoarse voice exemplified that he was—indeed—been crying. And Y/N’s wet cheeks were proof that she was as well.
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ttttaehyungie · 4 years
home; bday | kth x reader
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home; bday | kim taehyung x reader
genre | CEO!taehyung, dad!taehyung, established relationship, fluff summary | Feelings of home can be found anywhere, he often tells himself. But there’s really only one home. rating | PG13 word count | 1.5k words warnings | none a/n | bcos our taehyungie deserves the softest, warmest, loveliest birthday ever 😌🌻
There’s many things that feel like home to Taehyung. The creases between rumpled sheets, the gentle warmth of the rays of the afternoon sun, even the way all hotel bathrooms seem to look the same till they all blend into a monolith of shiny mirrors and cool marble top counters.
Frequent travel was to be expected with his job, given his position as the CEO. It had taken some getting used to at first, but by now he's well adjusted to the hustle and bustle of airports and the flurry that accompanies cumulatively spending a good quarter of his year living out of a suitcase. The sights and smells and entirely different cultures packed into the numerous cities he’s had to visit no longer daunts him. Not when he began to find little things that always remained the same. Home could be found stashed away in little pockets of the universe, like in the consistent offering of scrambled eggs at hotel breakfast buffets all over the world. Comfort could always be found in even the tiniest of things.
But not today.
Today, the tie around his neck – a blue tie with the signature Gucci snake that he’s normally excited to wear – is mildly suffocating, the stiff collar of his button-down like the looming threat of a chokehold. Sat at the meeting room table as someone drones on, he stares through the immaculately spotless glass of the table to watch his feet as they tap anxiously in his glossy black dress shoes. Somewhere at the back of his mind, a little voice chides him for not paying attention. The presentation is for him after all. But the meeting has spilled fifteen minutes overtime now and it doesn’t seem to be coming to an end any time soon.
Normally, he doesn’t mind. Normally, he recognizes the amount of time and labour that goes into each presentation, and would love to honour that by giving his employees his fullest attention. Normally, he’s anticipating hearing the innovative ideas that they’ve curated for him, more than eager to discuss them and offer his own insights.
But this isn’t a normal day. On a normal day, he wouldn’t have scheduled a midday flight on the day of an important meeting, wouldn’t be checking for the time every two minutes, and most definitely would not do what he’s about to do.
Raising a hand, his velvety baritone cuts across the presenter’s rushed monologue, “I’m really sorry. I know it’s really rude of me to do this, but is it possible for us to wrap this up in the next five minutes?”
“Ah,” the presenter stutters, fiddling with the cuffs of his pressed shirt nervously, “I, um, I have one more component to share on. Just one, and it’s the crucial centrepiece to this idea.”
“Will you be able to cover it in five minutes?” Taehyung asks, skimming through the printout of the deck he’d been given at the start of the meeting.
“Ah, um, no, but-”
Taehyung nods, and returns his gaze to the presenter, all fidgety from being caught off-guard. In his periphery, he watches as a figure saunters down the corridor towards the glass door of their meeting room, the unhurried yet purposeful footsteps so distinctly Stella. Perfect. Right on cue as she always is.
Three knocks sound on the door quietly but confidently. The door swings open and the executive assistant pops her head in, winged eyeliner and red lipstick flawless. “Sorry to interrupt,” she says, addressing the room. Then, she turns to him. “Mr. Kim, your flight timing is steadily approaching and you need to leave very soon. Would you like me to call the driver now?”
“Dependable as ever, Stella,” he says with a smile. “That would be most ideal. This meeting will conclude in three minutes, yes?”
His question is met with docile nods and murmurs of agreement. No one can fight the CEO’s word after all, no matter how benevolent and understanding he normally is.
“Alright, thank you everyone for your time and your effort,” he says, gathering his handouts and slotting the folder into the sleek leather of his hand-carry. He stands, dusting himself off and collecting his belongings. “Not just for this morning’s meeting, but for all that went into the preparation for it as well. I know that we weren’t able to complete our agenda for today, but I will look over the deck in my own time and we can take this conversation online over the next few days.”
From there, it’s a mad rush to the car, hastily swapping his blazer and tie for a plaid trench coat and scarf to combat the winter chill. Stella aids in rolling his luggage across the polished floors of the office, the sharp clacking of her stilettos accenting against the steady thrum of the luggage wheels.
When the luggage’s hauled into the boot of the car, and Taehyung’s strapped in, ready to leave, Stella pauses with a hand on the open door.
“Have a safe flight home, Mr. Kim,” she says, then flashes a tiny smile. “And happy birthday.”
Taehyung laughs. Of course Stella would know. No detail is too small that it would escape her eagle-eyed attention.
“Thank you, Stella.”
“Ok, now go before you miss your plane.”
The car zips off and carries him closer to the only thing that’s been on his mind all day.
It’s a one hour ride to the airport and then a flurry of check-ins and security clearances and then it’s the bit that he hates the most – waiting. The emptiness in waiting – for boarding to begin, for the plane to take off, for the flight to end and the plane to land and the worst by far is waiting in line for the passengers to clear out – it’s agonizing to him. Nothing, not even the clogged ears from the altitude changes, can compare to this awful feeling of having to rush to wait and wait to rush. Especially when it’s compounded with the building anticipation that accompanies the closing of the distance between him and what he really wants.
And so when the cab finally pulls up on the street he loves the most out of all the thousands of streets his work has taken him to see, his heart leaps and he can’t help the grin that spread across his face. The white orbs of the streetlamps cast the shoveled snow on the sidewalk into a luminescent glow amidst the nighttime darkness. Climbing the steps to the front door carefully – how anticlimactic would it be if he were to slip and fall here after the long journey he’s taken to finally now be at the cusp of arriving at his destination – he unlocks the door and crosses the threshold, his footsteps slow and heavy and breaking the sleepy silence that’s blanketed itself like the snow atop the roof of the house.
Shrugging off his winter wear, he hears light footsteps pad their way towards him.
“Daddy?” a sleep-addled and tiny voice calls out.
“It’s me,” he replies softly. “Daddy’s back.”
His daughter gasps and the little footsteps quicken as they run off, and he follows after his 4-year-old into the living room.
“Mummy, mummy,” he hears her sharp whispers. “Quick! Daddy’s home!”
“Wha-?” comes a sleepy voice.
Taehyung enters the living room, toasty and warm from the heater, to find his daughter attempting to shake you awake where you lie bundled up in blankets.
“____,” he murmurs, kneeling next to you. “I’m here.”
In an echo of your daughter’s earlier gasp – you truly were mother and daughter after all – you jolt upright and kick off your blankets. “No! No, no, no, we had something planned for you!”
Hurrying into the kitchen and flicking on the lights as you go, you dash to the fridge. Taehyung can’t help but notice the mixing bowl in the sink and the piping bags left abandoned on the island counter, conspicuous amongst the otherwise spotless kitchen. You weren’t normally this messy, but the unkempt state of both you and the kitchen pointed to some plans going awry. When he looks up to find you, you’re setting a cake on the table. It’s rustic looking, definitely home baked, and the icing is patchy in places. The words Happy Birthday Taehyung are scrawled shakily across the top, and the copious amounts of sprinkles is surely his daughter’s handiwork.
There’s a tug on his pant leg, and he looks down to find his four-year-old gazing up at him. “Do you like it?” she asks. “Mummy and I made it for you! But then we got tired and went to take a nap for too long.”
He holds back tears as he bends to pick her up into his arms. She squeals and squirms against him as he places kisses all over her forehead and little chubby cheeks. “Of course I do,” he says, moving over to wrap you up in a hug with his other arm, giving you a kiss of your own on the lips that he’s been missing for the past week. “I love everything you two do, whether it goes according to plan or not.”
You laugh, burrowing your head into him. “Welcome home,” you say, your warm breath puffing into his neck.
“Yeah,” he breathes, “I’m home.” And he really is, no longer scrounging for bits of it, but taking it in in its entirety.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Vampire! King! Ardyn Izunia!- Sadistic
Hey guys! Let’s kick off October with a bang!!! 
Sooo Ardyn is a guilty pleasure of mine. Feel free to do what you want with these prompts, I won’t judge lol. They are all from the prompt list.
7. You like when I choke you don’t you?
62. What a gorgeous dress…but it’d look better torn to ribbons don’t you think?
70. You know…it’s dangerous being out like this. A pretty little sla- I mean thing like you out here all alone.
Thank you for including the actual prompt in the ask!! I may or may not have made him slightly sadistic. Also I got a rude ask telling me to put a read more break...so on purpose I didn’t add one here. It pays to be polite.
The hem of your gown was torn to shreds as you ran through the forest. You were barefoot running through the cold and wet dirt. Your feet were starting to itch from the scratching of small twigs against your skin. You were running away from your parents’ palace. 
You were to be married to someone. Someone you were disgusted by. You had two options. Marry or Be disowned. You chose to escape through your window and jump down. You almost hurt yourself on the way down, but it was worth it. 
You had been running for what felt like hours with the moon on your tail. You finally stopped as soon as your palace was nothing but a silhouette in the distance. 
“Guess I’m homeless now.” you sighed, sitting on a small log. “What am I supposed to do?” you groaned. It was dark and you could barely make out the moon amongst the smog. Lucky for you the wind was slightly picking up allowing you to feel the breeze on your skin.
“What’s this?” a low vibrating tone allowed you to come back to your senses. 
You instantly rose to your feet, turning to meet the face of tall man. He looked as if he was dressed for the middle of the winter time with his heavy trench coat and scarf. 
“A scared little lamb all by herself in such a place. You’re a long way from home aren’t you, young one?”
“Don’t speak down on me as if I’m a child, sir.” you narrowed your eyebrows at the strangers. “I’m far from it.”
“Hm.” he smirked. “My apologies.” he gave a slight bow. “What’s a young soul like you doing out in these parts so late in the night?”
“I don’t believe that is any business of yours, sir.” you took a step back. “Now I’ll be taking my leave now.” your voice wavered as you turned aroundd. But just as you turned to walk away, a man, the same man appeared before you.
“ You know…it’s dangerous being out like this. A pretty little sla- I mean thing like you out here all alone. “ he said with his hand held out. “If I may be so bold, I can escort you out of these parts.” his eyes practically glowed in the dark.
“No thank you.” you stepped back. “I know my way very well, thank you.”
Just as you turned around again, he appeared in front of you once more.
“Darling little girl-”
“Don’t call me a little girl!” you seethed.
“Hm, touchy are we. Young one doesn’t like being called a pathetic...little...girl.” he towered over you. “And don’t even think about grabbing the dagger I know is strapped to your thigh...you won’t get to use it.”
“What are you?” your voice slightly wavered.
“Ardyn Izunia...is what I am.”
Ardyn, where have you heard that name. The man seemed to laugh as the look of realization crossed your face. King Ardyn? The ‘Father’ of all vampires. He cackled at your fear struck expression. Your father had told you stories of his evil. 
“Ah the young princess Y/N knows of me?”
“How did you-”
“Know your name, love? Everyone knows of the, most beautiful, kindest and giving of her time. You should know better, how forgetful we are.” he raised an eyebrow.
“You stay away from me.” you warned. 
“Hm are you’re guards going to come and kill me, love?”
“I have no guards...not anymore.” you found yourself saying. You had your hand on your thigh under the slit of your dress. You wrapped your hand around your dagger. “Leave me...now.”
“Hm...anymore? Why? Was the little princess disowned?” he laughed. “Did their royal highnesses finally get rid of their problem child?”
You suddenly felt small and inadequate. “That’s none of your business.”
“Oh yes you have.” he took a step towards you. “You’re all alone, with no one?” he cooed. “Which means there’s no one to hear you scream.”
“Hear me sc-”
You were tackled to the floor, your weapon flying out of your hand. Ardyn bared his fangs towards you...” You like when I choke you don’t you? “ he cackled as he tightened his hands around your throat. You felt dizzy, very...fucking..dizzy.
”I must admit, darling girl...you look so delectable. It’s a shame I must kill you...but a vampire must drink.” he moved his hands from your neck allowing you to inhale sharply.
With his arm wrapped around your wrist and bought your shaky arm to his mouth. You were too frozen to even try and move. Adryn inhaled your scent, smiling sadistically down at you. 
You held in your pain as he sunk his needle like fangs into your skin. You wouldn’t scream or cry.
“...So...divine.” the man shuddered. “S-so...addicting.” Was that normal? 
You had no idea why, but feeling this. It was supposed to be painful, it was supposed to be what happened before you died a terrible death. So why were you seeing images...images you shouldn’t have seen.
“You look so beautiful in the sun, my darling.” the man beside you caressed your face as you both laid in the gardens. “You are the most beautiful of my fledglings.”
“I’d just better be the only one you treat like this.”
“Trust me darling, there are other people who will sire for me...my fangs will only ever touch your skin...when I’m not feeding or killing.” he smirked. “Come, it’s been a busy day. Lay your head on my chest...rest with me.”
You laid on his chest, the sun casting a glare over your naked bodies. “Can I ask you a question, Ardyn? Is this whole laying naked in the sun a regular thing?”
“Clothes are for humans with no free time...Now hush my dear...rest.”
and everything else went black.
You awoke on a plush surface. It was soft and velvety. A large, black comforter was covering your body. 
“Oh fuck, am I dead?” was your first thought. You swung your legs around the bed and planted your feet on the floor. Why were you so cold. You walked over to a vanity, standing in front of a mirror. Your arm was bandaged up. “No...I’m not dead.”
“You’re finally awake.”
You whipped around. Ardyn was sitting in an armchair wearing only a silk bathrobe. “I was beginning to think you’d never wake up.”
“W-what? What did you do to me?”
“I didn’t kill you, I know that much.” he rose from his seat.
“What?...Where am I??”
“My home...well. Our home now.” he walked towards you. “I know what you’re thinking-”
“You saw it too didn’t you?” you cut him off. “I know you know what it means...so tell me.”
“I’m not sure...all I know is that I couldn’t kill you. Before I knew it, I bit my own hand and made you take my own blood...I’ve never done that when changing someone.”
“Changing?!” you widened your eyes. “You...you PEICE OF!” you raised your fist when you realized just how clearly you could make out every crevice and divot on your hand and nails. “N-no this isn’t real!”
“Oh it is, my sweet.” he tiptoes his fingers up arm. You took a small step back, staring down at yourself. 
“ What a gorgeous dress…but it’d look better torn to ribbons don’t you think? “ he grabbed your hands in his. “Stop resisting and accept your new fate.”
“I feel strange.” you expressed honestly. “Is it supposed to feel like this?” you stared up at him.
He tilted your head up, staring at your innocence. 
“It can feel even better. Vampires are godly lovers...very few have laid with me...if you agree, you can be mine.”
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parkerslatte · 3 years
Tough Times [two]
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2k
Summary: After a tough case, Y/N begins to question whether her friendship with Spencer is something more. Penelope, helps Y/N put things into perspective.
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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When the BAU got home from their most recent case, Hotch let everyone have the full weekend to recharge and rest. Y/N bid goodbye to everyone and headed into the bullpen and over to her desk. She needed to pick up a couple of things before she headed home. She sat down in her chair and leant back. Y/N wasn’t aware of anyone else in the room until they cleared their throat behind her. 
Y/N spun around in her chair to come face to face with Spencer. He clutched the strap of his bag tightly. She gave him a small smile as a greeting. 
“What are you still doing here?” He questioned, he hesitated before taking a small step towards her. 
“I’ve just got to pick up a couple of things first,” Y/N responded, “I’ll be done in a minute.”
“Okay, well I’ll see you on Monday.” Spencer said before giving Y/N a parting smile and leaving.
Y/N sighed and leaned back in her chair. Normally, Y/N and Spencer would practically spend the entire weekend together. They were best friends at work as well as outside of work. Where one of them would be, the other wouldn’t be too far behind. However, since the both of them woke up in her hotel room, things had felt slightly different between the two.
The alarm on Y/N’s phone went off, causing the quiet hotel room to fill with noise. Y/N let out a groan as she was rudely awoken by it. Slowly, she opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the light. She was laying down facing the door, a completely different position she remembered falling asleep in. In fact she didn’t remember going to sleep at all. Y/N went to move to get out of the bed and it was then she noticed an arms wrapped tightly around her waist. 
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she turned her head slightly to see the sleeping face of Spencer Reid - how her alarm hadn’t woken him up, she didn’t know. Her back was pressed tightly against his chest while his arms were locked securely around her, preventing her from moving too much. Y/N didn’t know why but she had a weird feeling in her stomach...butterflies?
Spencer’s hair was messy from sleeping and he had a peaceful expression on his face. To Y/N, he looked completely and utterly adorable. A soft smile spread across her features. She almost didn’t want to wake him up. One reason being that she was very comfortable wrapped up in his arms and the other reason being that it was most likely going to be incredibly awkward when he woke up.
Y/N gripped onto Spencer’s wrist and tried to gently pry his arm away from her waist. It failed horrendously. Spencer only pulled her into his body more, his head burying itself  in the crook of her neck. Y/N felt herself blush. 
Trying another tactic, Y/N gripped onto his forearm and began to shake him slightly, “Hey, Spencer, wake up.” He lightly stirred but didn’t wake up. Y/N shook him a little more, “Hey, wake up.”
Y/N could feel Spencer sigh into her neck before he began to open his eyes. At first Spencer was confused, but then he realised what he was doing. He quickly woke up and unwrapped his arms from around Y/N and sat up on the bed spouting out apologies. 
“No, it’s okay - totally fine.” Y/N said, sitting up as well, feeling her bones crack. She instantly felt the cool morning air get to her skin. She instantly missed the feeling and warmth of Spencer's arms. Spencer missed the feeling of her wrapped in his arms.
“No, I shouldn’t have-” Spencer began.
“Spence, it’s fine seriously. We both fell asleep. It’s okay.” Y/N said, getting up from the bed, collecting clothes to wear on the plane journey home.
Ever since waking up in that position, things had been slightly awkward between the two best friends and Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about it. Unbeknownst to her, Spencer couldn’t stop thinking about it either. 
The rest of the team could tell something was up as well. They know that on practically every journey home from a acse, Y/N and Spencer would sit on the couch and read, Y/N legs thrown over Spencer’s lap. However, on this journey home, the two were sitting at two opposite ends on the plane. Spencer was sat by Rossi and Y/N was sat by Emily. Everyone could tell that something was up with the both of them but they knew better than to question it.
Y/N grabbed what she needed out of the drawer of her and headed home. 
As soon as she entered the threshold of her apartment, her phone rang. She closed her door and threw her bag down on her couch before flopping down on it and answering it, not bothering to look at the caller ID.
“Hello?” Y/N answered.
“Hey Y/N!” Penelope answered. 
“Oh, hey Pen,” Y/N greeted happily once realising who it was, “What’s up?”
“Do you have any plans this weekend?” She asked, “If not do you wanna go shopping and get a coffee or something. If you don’t want to go that’s completely fine, I know you just got back from a tough case and you want to rest. I can ask someone else if not-”
“Pen, slow down, I’d love to go, what time?” Y/N questioned.
“Uh, noon at the cute little coffee shop we always go to.” She answered.
“I’ll see you there.” Y/N said and bid goodbye to Penelope before hanging up the phone.
The next day, Y/N made her way to the coffee shop she was meeting Penelope at. It was a cold day so she had her coat wrapped tightly around her and a scarf around her neck. What she originally failed to realise was the scarf wasn’t hers - it was Spencer’s. He had left it at her apartment a week prior, she had just forgotten to return it. By the time Y/N noticed that she was wearing Spencer’s scarf, it was too late to turn back and swap it out for one of hers. 
Y/N entered the coffee shop and she instantly clocked Penelope. As usual her friends was wearing bright and colourful clothing so she was easy to pick out in the crowded coffee shop. Y/N headed over to Penelope and greeted her. Penelope quickly jumped up and threw her arms around Y/N.
Penelope had already gotten drinks and due to her knowing Y/N so well, she knew her usual order, “I got your drink already so you don’t have to wait in line.”
Y/N smiled gratefully, “Thanks Pen. The next set of drinks are on me.”
The two fell into easy chatter for the next hour - they never ran out of anything to talk about. That was one of the reasons why Y/N enjoyed talking to Penelope so much, it kept her mind off of the whole Spencer situation. Well, until Penelope brought it up. 
“So what’s going on with you and Boy Wonder?” Penelope asked.
“What?” Y/N asked, “Nothing’s going on, we’re fine.”
“Then why did Derek call me and tell me that on the way home, you two were acting strange?” 
“We were just tired, that’s all.” Y/N lied.
“Y/N, sweetie, I’m not a profiler but I can tell when you’re lying,” Penelope said, her eyebrows furrowing, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Y/N sighed and took a sip of her drink before answering, “Well, things have just been slightly awkward between us.”
Y/N grabbed her overnight bag and threw it on the bed. Spencer had awkwardly left after their little incident after waking up, saying that he should go and grab his things before they left. Y/N offered to go and help him once she grabbed her things but he refused, saying that he can do it himself. 
Y/N didn’t know why she was feeling the ways she was. Spencer was her best friend - she shouldn’t be feeling these things for him. Y/N made sure everything was in her bag and that she had everything before leaving the room. On her way down to the hotel lobby, she ran into Spencer on the elevator. At the moment, she didn’t want to be alone with him but she knew that it would make things even more awkward if she went to another elevator or took the stairs. Reluctantly, she stepped in after him. 
The two were silent the entire way down. Both of them wanted to say something but they both stayed silent. Y/N rocked backwards and forwards on her feet while Spencer fiddled with the strap of his bag. If this were any other day, the elevator would be filled with chatter but it was now filled with deafening silence. The elevator seemed to be going extra slow, causing Y/n to let out a small groan.
“You okay?” Spencer spoke up.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” Y/N said, “Just tired.”
Spencer only nodded before the silence fell upon the two yet again. Finally, after what felt like forever, the doors of the elevator opened. In her head, Y/N let out a sigh of relief. The rest of the team were already in the lobby waiting for the two. 
“There they are, let’s go.” Hotch said, before they left the hotel.
Y/N caught up to Emily and JJ while Spencer stayed near the back with Morgan and Rossi. Everyone gave Y/N and Spencer weird looks, which they ignored. The two of them would always walk at the back of the group chatting up a storm that sometimes someone would have to tell them to lower the volume. The two not interacting was out of character for them.
Even more questioning glances were thrown around once they got onto the plane. Y/N sat next to Emily while Spencer sat next to Rossi. Two completely opposite sides on the plane. At one point, Y/N went to get up and get a drink for herself but when she noticed Spencer doing the same, she sat back down and waited until he had sat back down to get one. Now everyone knew for sure that something was up with the two geniuses.
Y/N finished telling Penelope what happened with her and Spencer in the hotel room and Penelope sat there, mouth wide open. 
“You two are completely oblivious.” Penelope stated.
“What? Oblivious how?” Y/N said.
“You love each other!” Penelope exclaimed, maybe a little too loud since many people looked over to their table. 
“Love each other? Penelope, what are you on?” Y/N questioned, “We’re best friends, that’s all.”
“Yeah, best friends who love each other. And I don’t mean that in a platonic way, I totally mean it in a huge, romantic, lovey dovey way.” Penelope said, exaggerating her statement by moving her hands wildly. 
“Penelope, I don’t love Spencer and he doesn’t love me,” Y/N said, “If we did love each other, why were we so awkward interacting?”
“Because you both finally realised it!” Penelope stated, “It’s so obvious Y/N. The two of you always spend practically every waking moment with each other, I’m surprised you aren’t with him right now. You know how Reid is with germs, have you noticed that when it comes to you, he doesn’t care. You flirt all the time, even if you don’t realise you’re doing it,” Penelope rambled on, “I can give you a list of many more reasons if you want.”
Y/N sighed, swirling the little bit of drink that was left in the bottom of her mug. She didn’t have any words. Y/N hadn’t really been in love before, sure she has had partners in the past but she wouldn’t necessarily say she loved them. Now thinking of Spencer, she can see where Penelope is coming from. 
“You’re realising it now aren’t you?” Penelope questioned.
“I don’t know, I guess I just need to think it through.” Y/N said.
“Y/N, you overthink things too much. Don’t think, just do.” Penelope said.
Y/n didn’t reply.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 1k!! I saw your requests were open with sending in a number and a charcter so I had a few but you can pick which one!
Kaeya with 9, 15 or 28 💕
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | discord server
★ went with 28 since i haven't written about that prompt yet :,)
★ before reading: angst, breakup, right person wrong time?, this was a little longer than intended but i needed to get brainrot out (i definitely could have done something cute + funny idk why i straight for this asdfgh)
prompt 28: "this might hurt a little..."
The day you met Kaeya Alberich was cold. So cold, in fact, you were wearing two layers of clothes and a hand-knit hat from your grandmother.
But Kaeya didn't seem to mind the cold. When you bumped into him as he exited a tavern as you were entering, you noticed how he was in such light attire. No gloves, no hat, not even a winter coat.
You were so preoccupied mentally critiquing his clothes that you hadn't realized Kaeya had spilled his coffee onto the ground. You apologized profusely yet Kaeya brushed you off every-time. The man even convinced you to trek back to his house so he could treat you to a home cooked meal and some wine.
And you shivered the entire walk. Looking back, perhaps you should have known by Kaeya's attitude at the bitter weather that things between you two wouldn't be bliss forever.
After all, if someone is so used to the cold on the outside then they must be just as cold on the inside.
The honeymoon phased lasted for a year.
You often sat back and watched Kaeya partake in dangerous, unnecessary commissions only to come home late at night and slip into your shared bed without a word. He flirts around to gain intel and while you understand its part of his job, it still hurts.
It was moments like these that made you want to pack up and leave - find someone new that made you feel special again.
Then Kaeya arrives home with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and makes love to you like never before and it's moments like these that cause you to curl up into his chest and swear to never depart.
But when you wake up, he's gone and you're alone and Archons, your bed is cold.
On the same day you met Kaeya a year ago, you muster up enough courage to abort your relationship. It's just as cold as it was back then, possibly even colder, and you ask Kaeya to meet you for a walk after work.
You stare at Kaeya for a moment. Just like a year ago, the man adorned nothing but his usual uniform while you bundled up furiously.
A few days ago, Lumine expressed her interest in leaving Mondstadt and traveling elsewhere in search of her brother. And without explanation, you asked to accompany her. You pondered for a while on the right words to tell Kaeya but decided you couldn't push them away any longer.
Kaeya lead your stroll despite it being your idea. His fingers grazed yours and it felt like an agonizing shock so you shoved your hands in the pockets of your coat.
Part of you didn't want to do what you were about to do. Perhaps if you just sat on your plan, you and Kaeya could fix yourselves and look for that tenderness again.
But another part of you, the rational part, knew that there was no way to fix yourselves if you were with each other. Hidden frustration and angry words covered up by chocolates and sex were not what made a good relationship and deep down, you both knew that.
Finding a bench overtop a cliff you guided Kaeya to sit with you. Your eyes stared at your lap, refusing to meet anything but the ground.
"Kaeya, this might hurt a little."
You firmly believed that time stopped in that moment. The birds in the sky froze midair and the window came to a halt. Kaeya's breathing hitched and you didn't blink.
Then, you sped ahead.
"What?" Kaeya's voice echoed off the grasslands and trees and your stomach dropped. He knew what was coming - he just never expected you to be the one to do it.
You gripped your knees, biting back tears you couldn't control. "I've fallen out of love with you," You said. Your voice was hardly a whisper.
You expected Kaeya to reel back and argue with you. Convince you to stay with him and that he would do better. But when nothing came from the man, you finally looked up at him. His eyes were closed and his head was facing the sky.
Your nose began to ache from the sheer cold and you pulled your hat even father down over your ears, "Kaeya?"
"I never loved you," Kaeya finally mumbled, "I'm sorry."
Horrendous silence enveloped you both. Your fists were balled so tightly they were turning white and you couldn't hold back your tears anymore. At least the hot liquid warmed your face up slightly. You hid your face again, embarrassed now.
It was one thing to fall out of love with someone but to never love them in the first place?
Finally, you stood from the bench. You glanced at Kaeya, who had a solemn look on his face, and removed your scarf from around your neck. You gingerly placed the fabric in his lap and clenched your jaw.
When your grandmother fastened your snow boots on your feet as a child she used to repeat a phrase to you. Back then, the words made you roll your eyes but now you understood them.
It wasn't good to stay in the cold too long.
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chan-skz · 4 years
Going back the way we've come
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Pairing : Hwang Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
Summary: You didn't want to go, but forced by your parents, you gave in. Your relationship with Hyunjin hadn't started very well, after reuniting years later, you realized that a lot of things had changed. but for some reason, you couldn't push him away.
Words: ~ 7.5k
Genre: Fluff, smut (around the end), slight angst
Warning(s): Making out, Oral (f receiving), Fingering, Kinda raw language, Semi-public, Light choking, Light overstimulation, Teasing under table
Note: This is part of the christmas collab I'm doing w/ @hanflix and many other writers. I tried my best to give it a holiday vibe, but I guess I totally failed hahah.
A/N: This is the longest fic I've ever written for now, and I also tried my best in writing it, so I really hope you'll enjoy it! English isn't my first language, so I'm really sorry if there's any mistakes or non-senses.
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Your fingers tightened around the collar of your coat, the cold breeze gently hitting your face. You cursed yourself for not having listened to your mother when she insisted for you to take a scarf, arguing that it would be colder than usual.
"Fuck winter." You said when you got back under the shelter of the bus stop, collapsing on the bench next to your bestfriend, where he was sitting.
"Hi to you too, Y/n." Jisung laughed.
"Sorry, really not in a good mood." You said, glancing around, noticing that besides you, there were few other people waiting for the bus.
"Do you want to talk about it though?" He continued.
"Well." You began, sitting correctly on the seat and turning to him, announcing your long speech in advance. He knew you by heart. "I argued with my mom about a stupid decision she and my dad made. They want me to spend Christmas Eve with them and some old friends of theirs! Do you realize that? I don't even know them! She told me they had a son of my age and that I was bestfriend with him when I was younger, as that would some how change my mind. Christmas is supposed to be between families, not strangers."
"Are you done?" He asked when he saw you cross your arms against your chest and sigh even more on the bench. He was really trying to keep from laughing at your despondency. "It's not funny Sungie! I'm really serious!" You complained. "How did I found myself having to spend almost a boring evening with complete strangers?"
"You could come and spend it with me if you really don't want to spend it with your parents' friends." He suggested.
"Are you serious?" You asked, suddenly straightening up, hope shining in your eyes.
"Will your parents accept, though?" He raised an eyebrow.
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"No." Your mother firmly refused.
"But why!" You whined through the phone, kicking your foot at the pile of snow in front of you, in frustration
"Because Christmas should be celebrated with the family, honey."
"Family.. We don't even pass it between real family." You whispered to yourself, rolling your eyes, before setting your gaze on your best friend who was still waiting for you at the entrance of the high school.
"It's not the same thing!" She exclaimed loudly through the phone, forcing you to move your phone away from your ear. "Do you really want to stay with them on Christmas Eve anyway?"
"But Jisung offered it to me! He even told me that his parents wouldn't even mind!" You exclaimed in your turn. "You yourself know how much they love me!" You added in hope that it will change her mind.
"It's still no, the discussion is closed." She concluded, before hanging up on you. You sighed in frustration, kicking one last on the snow pile before turning back to your best friend. You weren't in the mood it was clear.
"So?" Jisung asked as you approached him.
"She said no." You answered, walking past him to enter the school. "But don't worry, I'm going to keep pushing when I get home, she says the discussion is over, but I'll keep pushing the subject."
"You really don't want to spend it with their friends, do you?" Jisung chuckled when he saw how persistent you were.
"As they say, perseverance always pays off." You gave him a smile, letting him know you weren't going to drop the case that easily.
"Yeah, but I don't think that's gonna work." Before you could answer, a group of girls down the hall caught your eye. You glanced at each other in disbelief as you approached your group of friends.
"What's going on over there." You asked curiously, as you opened your locker to deposit your things in.
"Ah, just a new student." Jeongin just shrugged, not looking away from his phone, too focused on his game.
"Damn, he's this special to create so much enthusiasm." You continued, taking your books in your arms before closing your locker and leaning against it.
"I heard he was handsome, rich, tall. The pure cliché you know." Changbin added, earning amused looks from all of you. "What? I only rehearsed what I heard, I didn't even saw the guy yet."
"My only question is who would get transfered to a new school a day before winter break? It's so unlikely." You were curious to know who this new kid was, since he already had girls at his feet when it's barely been a day since he arrived.
"I really don't know." Changbin shrugged. "But I also heard he was from your hometown. You must know him."
"No luck, I don't even remember a lot of things from back there." You were still a little surprised that he also came from your hometown, but despite all that, it didn't change your opinion of him.
"Merry Christmas!" Felix came out of nowhere, dressing ridiculously in rudolph. Totally his type. You couldn't help but burst out laughing at his outfit. The day before, you all had agreed to dress in a holiday theme, but it was clear that someone surely hadn't understood the real concept.
"What the fuck, Lix." Jeongin said, finally turning his attention away from his game to judge his friend. "When I suggested yesterday that we could dress like it was Christmas, I didn't actually mean to dress up like this."
You kinda felt bad for Felix as he looked disappointed at the judgment of the youngest.
"Rah, you are so boring." Felix said, crossing his arms over his chest before pretending to sulk.
"Okay, pass me your red nose." You added, rolling your eyes as Felix's face lit up.
"It's good now?" You asked rhetorically, placing the red ball on yours.
"Looks like a real clown now. Your makeup wasn't enough, but with that nose you really look like one now." Jisung said amused, making the whole gang laugh, except you obviously.
"I swear to you that one day I'll kill you." You threatened him, hitting his forearm causing him to whine in pain.
"Ow- damn you hit real hard-"
"Y/n? Y/n Y/l/n?" A familiar voice called you out, making everyone turn around. You then suddenly found yourself facing a guy that neither of you knew. You surely assumed to be the new student.
"Excuse me, do I know you?" You had to admit that the fact that this tall guy knew your name freaked you out.
"Don't you recognize me? Hyunjin. We went to the same elementary school." The so-called Hyunjin indicated, making you frown at his words. But your brain still didn't seem to recognize him despite how hard you tried to remember who it could be.
"I'm so sorry, but you must be wrong on the person. I really don't know you." This time you raised an eyebrow and looked him over from head to toe. You couldn't deny that he was handsome, even though you didn't know him.
"He's from your hometown, there's a chance he's right." Chris pointed, once the guy had left. You sigh in exasperation. "I don't remember him anyway. So whether he's right or not, it doesn't really matter."
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You threw yourself on your bed, almost screaming into your pillow in frustration. Again, you tried to convince your parents, but it was a complete failure like this morning. They were really determined that you go with them, even though you had made it clear to them that you didn't want to. You spent long minutes looking at your reflection through the mirror in your bathroom. Did you have to wear a dress and full makeup to go to a stupid Christmas dinner? Obviously, it was your mother who forced you.
The red dress she chose for you was quite tight and followed every curve of your body. But it was either that or nothing, since you would've been allowed to wear something more comfortable. Everything had to be perfect, you rolled your eyes recalling the words of your mother, and also of your father. You didn't understand either why you had agreed to wear high heels, your feet were hurting horribly and the freezing winter cold really didn't help your situation. It was snowing and you were forced to wear these heels anyway, that's how your parents exaggerated. Luckily, there was no ice, otherwise you would've tripped and humiliated yourself in the middle of the entrance. You were torn from your thoughts when the front door opened, and revealing a quite beautiful lady about your mother's age.
"Y/m/n!" The lady exclaimed with a big smile, softly giggling as your mother returned the same energy to her. She wasted no time to make you get in and hugging your mom and shaking your father's hand. Once you got in her facial expression only lit up even more.
"Y/n! Woah, you've grown so much!" She indicated by taking you in your arms too. "You've become so beautiful, I'm sure Hyunjin would agree." She said with a slight smirk. Hearing his name made you choke on your own saliva. You tensed, but managed to fake a smile, even though you were praying inside that you had misheard. Unfortunately for you, all your doubts were confirmed when you walked into the living room and found yourself face to face with Hyunjin.
"Damnit.." You cursed under your breath, when you came to sit on the couch in front of his and according to the face he expressed, he seemed to have heard you. Lucky for you, none of the other adults next to you seemed to have heard it. You could feel his intense gaze on you, and it lowkey made you anxious.
"Dinner's not ready yet, because we got too caught up at the last minute, so sorry." Hyunjin's mother laughed lightly. "I know the kids won't want to wait here all along, so maybe they could go do something else until it's ready."
If you could think that the night couldn't get any worse, you were completely wrong.
"Stop following me." Hyunjin suddenly turned as he walked up the stairs. Making you roll your eyes.
"I 'follow' you, because I have nowhere else to go and I would rather stay with you than stay with them for a second. Their 'good old days' really don't interest me." You crossed your arms against your chest, defying him with your gaze.
"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, before turning around. His room was quite large, almost double yours. You made sure to sit in the opposite side of the room. You then found yourself sitting on the sofa while he was lying on his bed, both phones in hand. Your phones keep you busy, making you forget the awkward tension.
"How could you not recognize me?" Hyunjin suddenly asked, distracting you from the video you were watching.
"Do I really have to?" You looked away from your phone to focus on Hyunjin, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed and facing you.
"Did I change that much?" He said, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"We knew each other when we were kids, now we are adults, what do you expect? I can't recognize everyone I was friends with in my childhood at one glance." You said in a mocking voice. "I don't even understand why you keep pushing so hard for me to remember you, but if you really want to, just show me what you looked like when you were a baby. It would surely refresh my memory."
You didn't expect that he would actually do it. But your eyes widened when you saw the little boy in the picture. You recognized him right there. Your heart pounded at the realization, but you tried to pull yourself together. It was stupid to react so exaggeratedly just because you realized you were facing your childhood best friend, your first love. Finally you didn't really know if when you were young you really loved him, because after all, you were still kids, the meaning of love wasn't real known, nor understood.
"Stop Hyunjin, you're hurting him!" You yelled at him to let go of your friend's sweater, Chris.
"No! How dare he touch you! Only I have the right to give you a hug!" Hyunjin frowned, looking at you before quickly looking back at your friend, who just let it go, finding his jealousy quite ridiculous.
"But I was the one who gave him a hug." You started, finding his possessiveness frustrating.
You couldn't help but have a small smile forming at the corner of your lips at the flashback of this event. And you couldn't control your teasing.
"So how's your jealousy? Are you still so possessive of a temper?" You said amused, expecting him to becomes slightly shy and sulky as you pointed out his toxic trait, but what you didn't expect was for him to smile and look down on you.
"Oh, why do you want to know that? Unless you want me to show you what true possessiveness is." He smirked, looking you up and down. Your own smile faded as he watched you closely, making you feel oddly exposed to him in that tight, cropped dress.
"What do you mean?" You pulled yourself together again and asked, raisong an eyebrow.
"Well, I wouldn't have thought you would've had so many guy friends." His comment frustrated you for some reasons. After years apart, as soon as you meet again does he really have to get jealous over the fact that you have a lot of opposite sex friends? You really didn't like it.
"Does it even matter anyway?" You asked insistently. At your reaction, Hyunjin's expression changed, becoming more nonchalant again.
"Nevermind." He got up from the sofa he was leaning on and went to lie back on his bed. You took advantage of him not looking at you to detail him. You couldn't deny that puberty had blessed him, making him not only beautiful, but also extremely attractive. His hair, which he had dyed blond, was slightly messy, but enough to make it look quite classy.
"Do you like staring at me?" He asked rhetorically, but as you were about to deny, he continued. "No need to deny it, the trickle of drool at the corner of your mouth is proof of that."
Seeing your panicking face, he laughed out loud. Quickly running your hand over the corner of your mouth, you finally realized that he was only messing with you from the start. As you opened your mouth to clap back at him, you heard your mother's voice calling you from downstairs, informing both of you that the dinner was ready. Hyunjin didn't miss the glare you gave him as you sat face to face at the dining table. He could've simply ignored it, but the little smirk that appeared on your lips worried him slightly. He had a bad feeling.
Your parents were talking and laughing with each other, paying almost no attention to you two, which gave you the best opportunity to tease Hyunjin. For his part, he was frustered when he felt something caress his leg. Looking down he saw your foot caressing his leg, he wasted no time pushing you away, finding the whole thing quite inappropriate as you found yourself at the table with both of your parents. But you didn't give up, in fact you were determined to make him restless. You restarted your gesture, but this time, taking advantage of his man spread, you deflected your touching on his crotch. You knew he was going to lose his temper at this action and your doubts were confirmed when he jumped at the feeling of your heel pressing against his crotch.
"Hyunjin, are you okay?" His mother asked, slightly worried. You could see a pinkish tinge forming on Hyunjin's cheeks and you had to admit he was so cute like that.
"And yes, y-yes. It's okay, I just banged my knee against the table, sorry." He managed to convince the others. After all, he wasn't going to openly say that you were touching his dick under the table. Stop that, he mimicked, his gaze changing dramatically to become more firmer, but it only made you keep going, finding his reaction funny and extremely entertaining. Suddenly he got up from the table, apologizing to your parents and pretending he wasn't hungry, so he could get away from that family dinner. Not wanting to be alone with them, you did the same, sighing in relief when you in turn managed to sneak out of that Christmas dinner. Except you weren't expecting to be tackled by a pretty angry Hyunjin from the moment you stepped into his room. You then found yourself stuck between him and the wall, his arms placed on each side of your body, blocking you from escaping from his grip. Besides his tall figure, which made him quite intimidating, didn't help your case.
"If you were so desperate for my cock, you should've told me." He said in a dangerously calm voice.
"What are you talking about?" You manage to say, completely confused.
"Oh don't be innocent. You really think this is a game, don't you? Do you think teasing my cock around our parents is fun?" You bit your lip and your eyes widened when he grabbed your hand and put it on his bulge for you to feel it, which was quite hard.
"You feel it? Now I'm fucking hard." He said in a long sigh of pleasure, feeling your fingers trace his length. He then leaned against your ear, his hot breath giving you chills.
"From the moment I met you again, I knew straight away that I didn't want to just be friends with you." You still couldn't quite assimilate the situation you currently found yourself in and it was only when he leaned against your ear to whisper those words to you with his deep voice that you finally broke out of your thoughts. Suddenly you pushed him away, forcing him to pull away from you and step back. He looked at you completely lost, not understanding your sudden action and to tell the truth, you didn't understand what had taken you neither. You couldn't deny that this whole situation had made you slightly aroused, but it was too soon. No sooner had you met again than you already found yourself doing dirty things? It was going a little too fast for your liking.
"That-that won't work, I'm so sorry." You avoided his gaze in embarrassment. After a few moments of silence, you finally returned your gaze to Hyunjin, who was now looking at you completely detached. And to be honest, his expression hurted you, but you tried to hide it. You knew you ruined your evening, that's why you decided to end up speanding it with your parents. It was quite boring, but at least it allowed you to escape the discomfort that would've been present between you and Hyunjin, if you stayed with him.
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"And? What did you do?" Jisung asked excitedly. A few days later, you had wasted no time summoning Jisung, your best friend, to tell him what had happened to you. But no sooner had the story started than he was already feeling excited, obviously expecting you and Hyunjin to have done it.
"I pushed him away." You simply said, looking as if you didn't care about it. Even though a few days later, you were still mentally slapping yourself for pushing him away so coldly. While deep down, you wished things had turned out differently.
"What did you do?" Jisung repeated slowly, his excitement fading.
"I pushed him away and even told him that it wouldn't work between us." You closed your eyes, anticipating his reaction.
"Oh my god, I have never known a girl so stupid." Jisung said in exasperation. "You literally had the chance before you and you didn't even take it."
"I know!" You pouted. "It's just that I realized this when it was too late. I was in the living room with my parents, you really expected me to go back to his room and take back everything that I said and did to him?"
You concluded ironically before crossing your arms against your chest and sighing in exasperation.
"Well that was an option that you unfortunately didn't take and which could've prevented from finding yourself in this situation." He dramaticallyraised his hot chocolate cup to face, making you roll your eyes.
"I'm seriously starting to regret telling you this story and even offering to go out. You really aren't helping me."
"It's too hard not to judge you when you literally make so many stupid decisions, sorry." He said, chuckling at your annoyed reaction. "Ah, by the way, I almost forgot to mention it, but Changbin is throwing a new year party tomorrow and he told me to force you to come."
At the mention of a party, you whined. You didn't like parties, you preferred to stay at home, doing nothing, rather than partying among people you didn't know.
"Tell him back that despite you forcing me, I'm not coming." You said directly.
"Please, for once come on. And it'll help you to forget about your night with Hyunjin." Jisung begged you. It was very rare that you attended parties organized by your friends, one because you didn't like the vibe, but you also didn't understand the usefulness of getting high and drunk. But coming to think of it, not only did you want to forget the shit you had caused, but you also felt like getting wasted.
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You scrambled through the room, the wave of dancing people glued to each other began to make you sick. Your glass in hand, you passed through all these people, until you finally got off the dance floor. You shiver slightly when you feel the light cold breeze brush your exposed legs. You were already regretting having put on such a short dress. It wasn't really ideal to go out so exposed, but it was the only evening dress you had.
"Looks like you're bored." Felix's deep voice surprised you, making you jump.
"Oh my god!" You exclaimed in surprise. almost dropping your drink. "You scared me."
You hit his forearm, making him laugh out loud.
"No, but seriously you look really bored." He said, calming down. You just nodded, it was true that you were slowly starting to regret coming. Your dress that bothered you, the alcohol that took too long to hit you, and the cold freezing were all the reason of it.
"Do you want to come with me play truth or dare? Changbin and the other boys were organizing it." He proposed to you, not failing to see you looking with disgust at the gathering of people completely wasted and grinding on each other. You accepted, telling yourself that it might change your mind. You didn't know this kind of game was still being played at parties, but you were curious enough what kind of dares and truths other players will throw themselves into. Obviously, you should've expected to see Hyunjin as soon as you set a foot in the room, which seemed to be Changbin's room, accompanied by Felix. Other than this one, Hyunjin and even Changbin, you didn't really know the other participants, but even then you cursed yourself for not thinking for a second that Hyunjin might be there too. You blushed slightly when you noticed him contemplating your body shamelessly. You thanked the lord for making the room a little dark, only a lamp on the floor on the floor litening the room.
"Y/n!" Changbin exclaimed with joy when he saw you, glad you came. Coming to hug you, only to ruffle your hair.
"Stop." You giggled. "You ruined my hairstyle." You pouted.
"Ohh, it's okay, you're beautiful the way you are." He said, making you blush. Changbin treated you like his little sister, his way to make you comfortable no matter the situation would always surprise you. Your interaction didn't go out of Hyunjin's attention. From the corner of the room he watched you silently, paying no attention to the girl beside him who was desperately seeking his attention.
"Are we starting or not?" Felix complained loudly, drawing attention to himself.
"We're just waiting for Jisung and Jeongin." No sooner had Changbin finished his sentence than your two friends entered the room, their arms laden with drinks.
"To spice up the game!" Jisung exclaimed as he placed the bottles on the ground, beside the circle you had formed. You had hesitated for a moment to sit down, your short dress really bothering you, obviously you didn't want others to have an easy view of your panties. You were then offered by Changbin his jacket to cover your lap, clearly having noticed your struggle.
"Thank you." You smiled at him, before kneeling on the floor and covering your legs with his jacket.
"Ok, we all know the game rules, right? But this time, if you don't want to answer the truth or don't want to do a dare, you're going to have to take two shots of vodka." Jeongin vaguely explained. "Okay, I'm starting."
He leaned over to spin the bottle, stopping in front of Changbin.
"Truth or dare." Jeongin asked with a smirk at the corner of his lips. It was in those moments that his inner devil was coming out.
"Truth." Changbin said. "I don't trust you enough to pick dare when it comes to you." He added suspiciously.
"What's your body count?" Jeongin asked, ignoring his friend's comment.
"Do I need to have slept with them?" He asked, waiting for the clarification of the younger. He took time to think.
"Then I think around 15, if not even more." He nodded. Hearing this number, you almost choked.
"15?! What the hell?!" You turned to Changbin, your eyes widening. "You better spill the tea, mr.Don Juan."
The game went on, you had to admit it was pretty funny seeing some people taking two shots of vodka and gradually get drunk just because they didn't want to do something, or even see some people do of ​​stupid things. Well, until Hyunjin's turn came and he had the misfortune of being told what to do by Jisung.
"Truth or dare, Hyunjin." He asked him with a smile, which the world that didn't know him might consider innocent, but knowing him very well, you knew he was up to no good.
"I guess, dare?" He answered.
"I dare you to make out for a minute with the girl you find the most attractive in the room." As soon as Jisung's words came out of his mouth, his turned gaze to you. You rolled your eyes when you had eye contact with your best friend. Seeing how the girl, who was sitting next to Hyunjin, looked quite pretty and looked so interested in him, you expected him to turn to kiss her. But you were a little taken aback, when he got up to approach you to kneel down in front of you, ignoring the complaints of the girl you think was one of his fangirls at school.
"Wait what?" Your eyes widened, completely lost. Your heart quickly started race up as you saw him lean towards you.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly. You really didn't know what to add, you were literally wordless. Subconsciously, you started to nod your head gently, giving him your consent. When your lips touched, it was as if no one existed around you. The exclamations of surprise that other people around you were expressing went over your head.
Hyunjin's lips were soft, the kiss you exchanged was initially passionate, but the longer the seconds passed the hotter it got. Without thinking too much, you wrapped your arms around the older man's neck, pulling him closer to you, as he grabbed your hips. Too absorbed in each other, you hadn't noticed that the minute had already passed and it was only when Jisung called you out that you finally came out of your reverie, instantly detaching yourself from Hyunjin.
You blushed slightly when you felt a light trickle of drool dripping from the corner of your mouth, you pressed to wipe it off quickly with the back of your hand. Hyunjin, for his part, just licked his lips, giving you a smirk, knowing that this action would destabilize you even more. Clearing your throat afterwards, you for sure wanted to divert the attention others had on you, while Hyunjin, sat down next to you with a big smile on his face, not caring that all the attention was on you. After all he had finally kissed you, which he had wanted to do since the dinner with your parents, so nothing else mattered. Your thoughts wandered elsewhere as the game continued its course. You couldn't think of anything other than Hyunjin's lips on yours, his kiss had made you lose your head. Your mind was engulfed in unhealthy thoughts and it didn't take you long before you felt yourself being drowned by your own mind.
"I-I think I'm going to go." You huffed, feeling a pleasant, but quite uncomfortable heat growing between your legs. You were clearly starting to feel bad. You didn't give Changbin or Hyunjin time to speak as you got up and quickly left the room. The loud sound of the music playing backwards was much more audible once in the hallway, it's precisely at this moment that you could gradually feel the influence of alcohol washing you off. Luckily for you, you found the bathroom easily.
"Y/n?" You heard Hyunjin calling you, but you didn't pay him any attention to him when he hesitantly walked in. You were propped up against the bathroom counter, staring at your reflection through the mirror, it was easily recognizable that you were not feeling well. Your cheeks were red, your breath quickened and your eyes slightly narrowed.
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, approaching you, but he resigned himself when he saw you stepping back when he tried to come closer.
"Stop playing with me." You finally said, turning to face him. You couldn't help but slightly laugh bitterly when he looked at you in confusion, obviously not understanding the meaning of your words.
"Seriously Hyunjin, what do you want from me." You rolled your eyes, "You tell me straight up that you want more than just a friendship with me, when it had only been one evening that we met again. Things have changed Hyunjin, I've changed, you've changed. We're not the same as when we were still children." He was silent for a moment, looking deep in his thoughts, before he resigned himself to saying something.
"I understand that we are no longer children. And from the moment I saw you again I understood it very well. You must think I'm talking nonsense, but just seeing you and talking to you again last time, I don't know why, i had the same feelings i had when we were young."
He stopped talking to approach you slowly, making sure first that you weren't going to distance yourself from him.
"I'm very serious. I'm really not trying to play with your feelings, nor you in general." His gaze reflected a slight sadness. He was genuinely afraid of being rejected by you, even after his speech.
"How could I believe you?" You asked, hesitantly whether you should take him seriously or not.
"If you give me a chance, I swear I could prove it to you." You felt butterflies in your stomach at his words. You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it immediately, you really didn't know what to say. And he looked pretty determined.
"I hope you're not going to make me regret it then." You manage to say. At your answer, his face lit up. He was anxious that you would reject him, that you would tell him that his 'confession' was absurd, but he felt a huge weight off his shoulders at your words. His gaze wandered over your lips for a few seconds, before he glanced quickly behind him.
"I-" He started slowly, looking suddenly slightly embarrassed. "Can I kiss you?"
His question made you smile for real this time, finding his reaction rather unexpected and ironic, given of what had happened earlier.
"Really, Hyunjin? You literally kissed me in front of dozens of people and now you're getting all embarrassed." You teased him. "So cute."
At your last comment, his expression changed dramatically. Suddenly, he leaned over and grabbed your chin, forcing you to lock your eyes with his.
"Me, cute?" He tilted his head to the side, his gaze languishing in your face, as if to memorize every detail. "You sure about that?" All trace of embarrassment had disappeared from his attitude. He looked more than serious and you couldn't deny that you liked this new facade of him.
"Why don't you show it to me then?" You didn't know where that line, or even that daring, had come from, but you didn't complain when Hyunjin's lips rested on yours for the second time that evening. The kiss was way more intense than the one you had shared earlier. Hotter and more eager. You gasped in surprise as Hyunjin grabbed you by the back of your thighs to lift you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. Your dress, which was already short, rose at this gesture, giving him easy access to your ass. Placing yourself on the bathroom counter, you were slightly disappointed when he pulled away from you, breaking your kiss. You looked at him with puppy eyes, as he turned around to close the bathroom door and lock it.
"Just making sure we won't be disturbed." He smirked, taking full notice of your desperate look. He wasted no time before stepping back between your legs, his lips joining yours for a warm kiss once again.
"Fuck, you don't know how many times I've fantasized about being like this with you since the last time." He whispered in admiration, as he kissed the path up to your neck, where he teasingly bit your soft spot which he found easily. You suppressed a small moan at his gesture, your fingers venturing into his long curls and pulling them gently. You could tell he liked it by the deep moan he made.
"You left me so hard when you ran away last time." He straightened up to look at you straight in the eyes, the sheer desire burning through his gaze making you feel in a certain way you could describe as sinful.
"I was afraid I had done something wrong when you pushed me away. I even felt bad for getting so excited after you teased me under the table in the presence of our parents." The tone of his voice clearly reflected nostalgia.
"But don't feel bad. I just panicked at the time." You smiled at him, passing a hand on his cheek to reassure him.
"And if I'm being honest, the situation got me excited too." You confessed shyly. Your revelation relaxed him slightly, but also boosted his confidence.
"Really?" He asked rhetorically, stroking your thighs with his fingertips. Your heart race increased as he rushed to drop hungry kisses down your collarbone, wasting no time slipping your sleeve, giving him a perfect access to the base of your breasts.
"Fuck.. Please..." You moaned, wiggling lightly against him, begging him for more, which made him smirk in satisfaction. You were as desperate for him as he was for you.
"My baby is so impatient. So sweet." He chuckled, visibly enjoying seeing you so hopeless for him to touch you intimately. It didn't take him long before he decided to finally slid his hand between your thighs, easily finding your clit, his fingers rubbing it so skillfully.
"I can already feel your wetness." He bit his lower lip, his dark eyes focusing on your face contracted with pleasure. You were so beautiful.
"Lay down." You were torn from your little cloud of pleasure again, when he removed his touch from your panties to remove it entirely, exposing your soaked pussy to him. You leaned back as he ordered, leaning back against the mirror behind you and opening your legs wide for him to give him an easy access to what he wanted the most right now. You knew seeing yourself so exposed and vulnerable just for him, hugely turned him on. The visible bulge on his crotch being the proof.
"You look so fucking good, baby." He said, licking his lips, obviously pleased pf the way you were already dripping just for him, when he barely touched you. Not breaking eye contact, he knelt between your legs, gripping your thighs to keep them firmly open, before languidly licking your cunt, stickinf his tongue inside of you. Your fingers found his hair again, gripping it tightly when Hyunjin suddenly began to suck on your sensitive swollen clit. You couldn't stop a few moans from escaping, even though you were trying the best you could to not to be too loud. Your hips subconsciously bucked against his face, forcing him to wrap his arms around your hips so that he could stabilize you moving too much. He intended to make you scream his name with pleasure and he wanted to do it the right way. You felt like you were losing your mind when the way he was eating you out changed, getting much more rougher and hungrier. He then suddenly slipped a finger, then a second, inside you, touching your weak spot with every pump and strock of his fingers.
"Hyunjin.. Too much.." You moaned, squirming more and more under his grip on you with each of his moves. Your thoughts were clouded with pleasure, dizzying your mind. You couldn't think properly anymore, only your orgasm, that you could feel was getting closer and closer, was the only thing you could think about. The tension, which you could feel building in your lower abdomen, exploded as Hyunjin once again eagerly wrapped his lips around your clit. Your eyes rolled back, as your orgasm washed you away, making you moan loudly in ecstasy. Seeing you come around his fingers and his mouth didn't make him stop his movements. You had to beg him to stop when it got too much for you to handle. His mouth and chin were almost dripping with your juice, giving his lips an delicious shine. You felt empty when his fingers slipped off you, but you ignored it, straightening up quickly and pulling him back into a sloppy kiss, where you clearly tasted yourself on his tongue. Your hands were hanging from the waistband of his pants, which you delicately untied during your erotic exchange. You desperately wanted to feel his cock, which you could feel was already hard enough, between your lips and at the very thought, you could feel your pussy getting wetter than before.
"My good girl is so desperate for my cock?" He whispered between your lips, the sudden nickname and the hand that came wrapping around your throat made you feel much more excited and eager for him. You moaned slightly in contentment at the pleasant feeling he made you feel just by his actions and presence. You went to answer him, but was cut off by what happened outside.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Happy New Year!" The loud mixed voices of people still partying echoed throughout the house. At this understanding, you looked at each other for a few moments, before involuntarily bursting into laughter.
"New year, new girl, which means new resolutions. That's all I can say about it." He said, giving you a wink full of innuendos. Blushing, you couldn't hide the smile that crept onto your lips.
"I think it's the same for me then." You declared in admiration in your turn, matching his vibe.
"Good, because I have every intention of making up for the lost time." He whispered seductively. "In every sense of the word." His last words gave you shivers of anticipation. You knew you were in there for a long ride. After all, maybe the special connection you had as a kid hadn't changed at all.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
A Gift For Mr. Compress - Headcanons
Request: plushie, your favorite compress anon is back, with a hcs request! cause i'm a sucker for handmade gifts and i couldn't stop thinking about it so how about atsuhiro receiving something this time? something liiiiike ....a plushie! made by his s/o, of like an animal that he reminds her of (thinking of a red panda cause they kinda share the same color scheme as him and are also known escape artists! like the zoo's gotta keep careful watch on them or they might make a break for it! the little rascals; their eyes are also warm chocolate and sparkly with mischief! oh.. and the eyebrows!! how could i forget the little eyebrows!! they too have in common)
i got an idea ..hidden pockets!! for his marbles!! like a pez candy dispenser or y'know kinda like that car meme *slaps plushie* this bad boi can fit so many marbles in it! so you can add this bit to the story <3
A/N: You are my favorite and rightfully so
Whether it be with his words or through his actions, it is no surprise that Atushiro is an affectionate partner. He’s always making sure that you know just how much he appreciates you. It’s through small gestures on most days- making you breakfast or giving you your favorite snack. Throughout your relationship and even preceding it, he's always gotten you gifts and has even made a few for you ranging from personalized cards to gifting you something that could only be explained with a boop to the nose, and telling you not to worry about it.
Despite the clear instances of robbery- that he commits for you- he tries to give you what you want or what you’ve shown interest in. He wants to give you things simply because he wants to, he doesn’t expect anything in return because every gift to you is a gift to him as cliché as that is. He likes knowing that he was the one who made you smile, who knows you well enough to give you what you want before you’ve even realized it. His status as a villain is one that he takes pride in, but to you, he is nothing more than a misunderstood man, leaning down and sliding his mask away to press a kiss against your lips as he hands you a bag in your hands.
He’s given you many things and while you two have exchanged gifts, you’ve never given him something handmade like he has to you and you want to change that. It takes a long while before you actually find what you can do. You could draw something for him, but then he wouldn’t have a place of his own to place it and the League can only stay stationary for so long. You could knit him a scarf- the thought of him wrapped in a thick off-color white yarn scarf has your face burning and hidden in your palms. A knit sweater sounds nice but he already has his coat and while you’re sure that he would exchange his coat for your sweater, you aren’t confident that the sweater would be the most efficient attire. You want something that’s useful for him, that can be something that he can admire and be able to hold close to his heart.
It’s a long minute before you decide to settle for a project- sewing- or crocheting, you aren’t sure yet- a stuffed animal. It’s cute, it's something that he can remember when you two are apart, and it’s manageable. The only issue that you have now is deciding what animal you should make. You want something that is reminiscent of him, something that you know he’ll appreciate for the hidden details and time that it took out deciding what to give him.
You scour the internet, desperately typing words that could resemble the man who will slip out of anyone’s grasp. Finally, you decide to go for a red panda- an excellent choice on our behalf that you’re quite proud of. They’re cute, red and white, and cunning. They’re just like him. Except smaller. It takes a longer time to come up with a pattern and gather the materials without arousing suspicion from him. You want the small stuffed animal to resemble him so you even gather yellow fabric, a white feather and a little top hat for the critter.
The project takes a long amount of time and it’s hard to hide your project from the curious man. He has a suspicion that you’re doing something behind his back and rather nosy, he wants to be involved. He’s constantly hovering around you, offering his assistance and raising his hands in front of his chest, telling you that he’s quite the craftsman, and well experienced with his hands. He wants to help you and despite the pout that he gives you, you refuse his services.
With the critter now staring up at you with beady black eyes that reflect your appearance and the little knit eyebrows that you’ve painstakingly made sure were proportioned correctly, you hold the soft plush in your hands. The yellow coat is a similar shade to his, held together by a green button reminiscent of the green jewel that he wears around his neck. The feather tickles your palm as you straighten it out and the top hat is small compared to the size of the head. You smile lovingly at it, your thumb teasing at the parted mouth of the plush, butterflies in your stomach as you think about how he'll react to the secret feature you’ve given his gift.
His gift is placed in a bag stuffed with colorful tissue paper, and held tightly in your hands. You call his name and he is quick to rush to meet you, the door slamming open as he tries to adjust his posture when you catch his frantic motion. His eyes land on the bag in your hand and his mask is removed, his face still hidden by the balaclava. He closes the door behind him, his eyes wide and head tilting as he expresses his interest in the gift you hold. Suddenly, you’ve grown quite nervous. It’s been a long time, days with little sleep and needles that have accidently pricked your skin, and it all comes down to this. Your face is warm as your heart beats rapidly as you opt to hold the gift out to him, your eyes downcast.
With gentle hands, he takes the bag from you. The tissue paper crinkles in his hands and you watch his eyes, fearful for his reaction. Logically, you know that he will love it, you know that he’ll cherish your gift, but the irrational part of you also fears that he’ll laugh at you and toss the gift to the floor. You stay focused on him as his eyes widen when he finally meets the reflective eyes of the stuffed animal. It’s carefully pulled out of the bag, the bag dropping to the floor with a soft crash. He turns the gift around, the corners of his lips slowly turning upwards, his eyes crinkling and without words, he starts to laugh, looking up at you with such a joyous smile that you are rendered speechless.
Atsuhiro closes the space between you, clutching the stuffed animal in his hand and spinning you around. He claims his love for it, promising to never have it leave your side, his lips peppering kisses against your face as the balaclava is removed. His hair bounces in freedom, his face dusted in red as he looks at you. You can only offer the hidden secret to the gift- a small compartment in its mouth where he can store marbles, and all he has to do to retrieve them is squish the tummy. He laughs again, calling you a genius, pulling you for another hug, his face hidden in the crook of your neck as he rubs butterfly kisses against your heated skin. He loves the gift, he holds it close to him and repeats his thanks, a kiss pressed against you at the end of every word.
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harold231 · 3 years
It wasn't real
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Posted: 04/30/2021
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: None? Maybe a lil angst just a lel bet.
A/N: I think it might be good? Idk You let me know. But like frfr, don't just give me feedback in your mind, put it into words. Also I apparently have a thing for Bucky in a dotted apron soooo yeah.
FYI: time zone/era is open for interpretation. Bucky never became an avenger/soldat and steve isn't part of this one.
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The wind that blew around you was warm and sweet with the scent of freshly bloomed flowers. Perhaps it was an act of kindness from some God trying to distract you from the cold bitterness settling into your bones. Closing your eyes you conjure the very memory that left you so desolate.
The sun snuck it's way through the curtains to illuminate the room, effectively disturbing the sleep that you always seemed to be craving. Waking up is always hassle but whenever you remember that you get to spend your day with the only person who tolerates you and you him, getting out of bed is the easiest thing. Bucky is crazy and the damn boy is never in one spot for to long and he always has something to say, but you can't imagine how boring your days would be if you guys had never met. well technically if your parents had never met.
When you were a child you parents had to move to new york for business and they decided that Brooklyn was the place to be. You had been Bucky's neighbor and the first day you guys moved in his mom had dragged him over with the most delicious angel food cake that he so proudly claimed to have made mostly on his own. He just loved cooking and baking since forever, he would tell you that he just liked experimenting with foods but you knew the truth was that the boy liked to eat and didn't have the patience to wait for his mother to come home.
Only a few years after your family had moved to Brooklyn you and Bucky had already built an unbreakable bond. You guys had found a beautiful cherry tree one day when playing tag and had deemed it to be your's and Bucky's spot. Whenever you had a bad day or needed time away from the world you guys would go to the tree and just pick cherries, in the winter time you and Bucky would lay under the tree and kick the trunk so that the snow would fall from the leaves. It was the place where at only 15 years old bucky swore he would open his own Bakery and to quote him "I'm serving my ma's food my way doll, It's gonna be the next best thing to hit New York."
You were laying on the ground with your hands crossed behind your head looking up at Bucky swinging upside down from a branch when he told you all this. You felt something you had never felt before at that moment, looking up at the wild haired boy who loved to eat, loved his family, and had the most ambition you had ever heard from kids your age. Your heart felt full and your cheeks grew warm as you looked up at the same blue eyes you had know for years now, only this time you notice the way they twinkle in the sunlight and how rosy his lips are. Now 7 years laters you and Bucky were preparing to open the very bakery he promised you he'd open. Banners were beautifully strung along the walls and cute retro china was set out, ready to be filled for opening day. There was no hesitation from you when Bucky had asked you to run the bakery with him, you were excited to spend your days with the person you hoped you would spend the rest of your life with.
At around 6:30 in the morning you had arrived at the bakery but it seemed that Bucky had beat you to it. The smell of fresh angel food cake and cocoa danced up your nose as soon as you opened the door. Closing your eyes you smiled at the memories that it brought back. Moving to the back you grabbed your Disney themed apron and placed your bag and coat in its place before scurrying over to the kitchen while trying (and failing) to tie your apron. There in all his dorkiness was Bucky wiggling around to the chordettes. He knew that you loved the 50's aesthetic so he found a way to incorporate it without going overboard, by adding little trinkets, a jukebox, and even those cute little dining tables. In fact at the moment he was wearing a ruffly red polka dotted apron as he frosted some cupcakes.
Apron tied, you were finally ready to get to work. You walked up to Bucky bumping his hip as you reached for some cupcake pans, "Whatcha doin here so early Buck, we don't open until 12" he looks at you with squinted eyes, "The hell are you doing here so early." "Woah,woah,woah completely unprovoked. I'm just saying cuz' you were the one complaining about the opening time being set at 8. Like damn." Breathing out a huff of air he wipes his forehead with a towel "I'm sorry doll, I'm just super nervous and I couldn't sleep so I came to start baking things. I already frosted the ice cream cakes and I just finished the pies, but I was thinking that maybe we needed some cupcakes too, even though we already baked so many pastries and stuff last night I'm worried it won't be enough."
Setting down the trays you move to hug Bucky from behind holding him close to you. "Buck I know we'll do great your food is too good to pass up on especially when it's free." You place a soft kiss to his shoulder " I promise you'll do great, everything you do is amazing you try your hardest at everything Buck, You've worked your butt off and made mine considerably larger to get here, don't start losing your mind on me now." A cute little laugh from Bucky lets you know that he's hearing you and he isn't so stressed anymore. "I just want this to be perfect ya know?" with your head still against his back you nod, "I just want it to be a special day for my special girl."
You couldn't stop the slight blush that rose to your cheeks or the way that your heart suddenly started beating three times faster. You had also wanted to make him something special which is why you had got here so early. Finally releasing your hold on Bucky you straighten your apron out before gathering everything you need for some red velvet cupcakes. Bucky loved your red velvet cake so you loved making it for him. After hours of mixing, baking, and frosting had passed, you guys were rewarded with a bakery that looked as great as it smelled. "Alright doll, I'm heading out, I gotta go get ready. Meet you back here at 12 , Love ya." He didn't even give you a chance to answer as he ran right out the door. "Love you too."
You had stayed behind just a little while longer as you perfected your secret project. Carefully you added snowflakes to some of the cupcakes because you knew how much he loved snow even if he hated winter, some cats, flowers that reminded you of bucky, and one extra special cupcake. When you finish you decide to clean up a bit more and prepare some drinks for later before heading home to get ready. As soon as you got home you took a shower and did the simplest of make up with a light pink lip. You had decided to wear a dress to match the blossoming flowers that spring had brought. Pink with a yellow lace trim and flowers embroided all over the dress, matching it with some yellow flats.
You had decided that it was a perfect day for a walk so you grabbed a light scarf and slung it over your shoulders, grabbed Bucky's cupcakes, and headed over to the bakery. You felt as if a Hundred pounds had been lifted from your shoulders knowing that Bucky had felt the same way about you. You had decided that you would tell him today with your special cupcakes. As you rounded the corner you felt giddy and you couldn't wipe the smile from your face no matter how hard you tried. As you reached the bakery you saw that a majority of the people had already arrived and you knew that it would put Bucky at ease to see all the people enjoying his food. You stopped at the window, closing your eyes to take a deep breath to prepare yourself to join the celebration.
Opening your eyes you reached for the handle only to stop at the sight on the other side of the door. Bucky stood there arms wrapped around a woman eyes locked on hers as he leaned in for a kiss. It must have all happened in about 30 seconds but it felt as if time himself had slowed it down for you to watch the way he tilted her head and ran his tongue along her bottom lip before finally uniting their lips. Your heart dropped as quickly as your smile did and suddenly you felt so stupid for thinking this could be real. You willed yourself not to cry as you allowed your legs to carry you anywhere but there.
That's how you found yourself sitting underneath a blossoming cherry tree. A tree that held only happy memories because it wasn't a place you could be sad... back then. With your back against the tree and box of cupcakes full of unrequited love in your lap you realize how much you over romanticized Bucky. Opening the box you decide it would be a shame to let them go to waste. The first one you grab has a big red heart frosted in the middle, you let out a deep sigh before breaking the cupcake right down the middle. You shove half of the cupcake into your mouth and only then do you allow the tears to fall. You sat there for hours crying eating cupcakes, watching the sunset, and thinking about everything that Bucky did for you, as a friend. You realize you had no right to be angry at Bucky, after all you never told him how you felt you just assumed that he would feel the same way after so many years. With every broken memory another cupcake vanished.
He was always there for you, when no one wanted to come to your slumber party Bucky did and he even did all the girly things with you. Painting your nails, doing your hair, watching chick flicks, and pillow fights. once he even asserted that no one could protect you as well as he could, when you had decided to go camping with your friend from class so he insisted on taking you himself. Your friend was most noticeably gay so you had assumed he wanted to spend time alone with you. But now that you think back on those memories these are things that anyone would do for their bestfriend. And that's what you realized 8 hours and 11 cupcakes later.
The moon floated above you and as it's white rays settled upon the lake you decided it might be time to go home now. You get up and dust your dress off before leaning down to grab the mostly empty box. Turning around you are stopped again by what's in front of you. Bucky stands there brows furrowed as his eyes flash from you to the box in your hands. "Where the hell have you been, I've been calling you all day." swallowing the lump in your throat you go to answer but are interrupted. " everyone's been asking me about you all night and I had no damn idea what to tell them, but apparently you were just out here being inconsiderate. You go and tell me I can do great tonight, that you'd be there for me, but you weren't." You try to answer him but are again interrupted. "You could have told me something earlier instead of leaving me there like a dumb-" "SHUT UP!" this time it was your turn to interrupt him.
Taking a deep breath you look into his eyes before explaining. "Of course I was ready to be there today, you think I wore this dress to sit under a damn tree? Well I didn't. When I left my apartment I was ready and I was excited, so excited. I couldn't even stop smiling on my way over, but then I got to the shop and I saw-" Immediately you stopped as you realized what you were about to say. He cocked an eyebrow and shook his head slightly as if to say 'Hello?' "You saw what? What did you see that would make you abandon ship just like that?" Shame flushed through your being and you could no longer keep eye contact. "Nothing, you know what, it doesn't even matter. I'm sorry I was being dramatic I should have been an adult and dealt with it on my own time. And I'm sorry I abandoned you all, but the night was about you anyways."
"The night was supposed to be about the both of us so it does matter if you saw something that made you want to leave. Just tell me doll, what did you see?" his voice is soft as he pleads with you. "I saw... well I saw you kissing that lady and I just wanted get away and ended up here okay!?" You said it all in a jumble hoping that he wouldn't be able to understand what you had said. But luck wasn't your friend so of course he did. "So seeing me kiss another person was so gross to you that you had to run away, what the hell? are you 13 again?" You hadn't admitted it outloud yet and it seemed that the dumbass in front of you was going to force it out of you.
Stepping around Bucky you pull your scarf tight around your body as you focus on not crying anymore until you get home. You distract yourself by thinking of all the love you saw in all the little things Bucky did for you. Dancing around the newly furnished bakery body against body as frank sinatra brought you heart to heart, watching rom-coms and ugly crying together, but by the time you get home you force yourself to face the ugly truth. The Love was always in your head. It wasn't real.
A new wave of tears blurred your vision as teardrops fell perfectly to the ground. "It's because I have feelings for you Bucky, and I now know you don't feel the same way." Sniffling you don't bother looking up because your heart is to broken for that right now. "I'm Just gonna need a little bit of time and I'll be back good as new like nothing even happened." Still unable to lift your gaze from the ground you decide to focus on the last cupcake left in the box. 'I Love You' is written in tiny light blue frosting letters. "I uhm, uhh." That brought your attention to Bucky, as embarrassment pulsed as strong as ever through your veins. " You don't have to say anything Buck, It's fine, I'll see you next week, on monday" you hand him the box as you go to pass him "I think you would have a better use for this than me I ate 11 others already so."
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Divider credits: @firefly-graphics
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lost-inthedream · 4 years
How sf9 would warm up their s/o who's cold
☆★ Requested for the writing party
This is pure fluff and made as little (and very cheesy) scenarios.
 he definitely analyzes your outfit and nags at you if you are wearing a too thin coat for his taste. He meets you and immediately touches the fabric and look into your eyes with a questioning look, he repeats your name without clearly mentioning the issue. In any case, you know what he means and just laugh it off. "Binnie, take it easy. Look, I'm pretty.,"You draw a sweet smile from him. “Yes, baby, you’re stunning in this color.”
As soon as you cross your arms before your chest in a sign of cold, he starts to rub your upper arm and pulls your body against his. Close to your ear, you hear his voice in a warm tone "Princess, I guess we should come back home right now so I can cuddle you properly" He doesn't mind if people are looking, just suggests you to insert your hand inside his long coat pocket as you head to the parking lot.
➹ Inseong:
You get habituated to have your boyfriend glued to you during cold days, he insists that only you can warm him right. So you laid some pecks on his clothed shoulder and let him be. Once you start to feel the cool breeze provoking shivers on you for real, he helps you at covering your neck with the coat you have on, he even takes off his own scarf to lend you. “We should have stayed home” he complains paying attenction to your facial expression and touching your icecube-like cheeks.
You and Inseong are rarely seen outside in very cold days. You prefer your dates to take place in the confort and warmth of your house, sometimes his. He orders some hot food, takes the remote control and covers both of you with multiple blankets, wishing that nothing makes you stand up from that couch, the coziest pillow fort.
Jaeyoon is naturally a clingy boyfriend. As soon as you comment on the temperature, he nests you onto his chest and caresses the back of your head, tenderly messing your hair with his sweater paws. The soft wool of his clothing also touches your face and makes you smile. “Y/N, you’re suddenly so silent” he notices as you snuggle on him, your embrace tightening around his body, a Teddy bear.
“You are so warm and smell good.” Your voice is muffled but you do not bother to pull back from his chest. You can feel as he sighes, clearly melted by your words, he surely has a silly smile making his eyes become two half moons. You take adventage of his body for some minutes more before he invites you to his place.
You do not even need to say. If you shrink a little bit when you are on the balcony looking as the snow flakes, he knows it. Sanghyuk does not say a word, he purely runs inside and comes back with a fluff blanket to lay over your shoulders. You thank him, but he just shakes his head in response and brushes his nose against yours. The cold touch makes both of you chuckle like two idiots.
You accept his embrace, his gesture mantains the blanket exactly where it has to stay. “Tell me when you want to go inside.” he says calmly and kisses your forehead. You spend some minutes more just apreciating the light flakes that sweetly cross down your sight.
➹ Rowoon
Asks multiple times if it is too cold for you. “Are you sure?” He fixes your cold cap covering your ears, his face gets a bit serious but in the end he messes with a lock of your hair and whispers how pretty you are, making you shy. ”Now my face is getting hot.”
“That’s the idea” he jokes.
He takes you inside the closest restaurant if you insist that it is not too cold. Prefers sitting by your side over across from you, so he can mantain you close. You laugh when he asks you to open your mouth big, but there is alredy a generous portion of noodle held in the chopstick.
➹ Zuho:
Ju immediately interprets your complain about the cold weather as a good reason to head back home and cuddle until you both fall asleep. “We don’t need to be cold when my place is so warm for us” he suggests lifting your face to him by the chin. “What do you say, love?” he asks slightly pouty. How to say no??
You easily find your pajamas inside one of his drawers and change into them so your bodies can meet again in his bed. Both of you sleep quite quickly, only to be waken up a few hours later by Kkompaeng and Huru waking graceously on top of you, his low meows calling you out of cozy dreams. Juho shushes them, settling their fluff frames between the two of you. Your eyes weight and you doze off once again.
➹Yoo Taeyang
He notices how cold your hands are and cage them on his, making them disappear for a while. "Oh my God, you need gloves". You can see so much concern in his face as you struggle to not shake, managing to smile and say you are alright. He blows the warmth of his own breath a little bit, then buys you a coffee so you can come back home before you freeze.
Taeyang prefers taking you to your own place, where he can watch as you get comfortable in your cough or bed. He loves the soft smell radiating from your blankets. "You won't ask me to leave, will you?" he asks as he looks you unfolding that large cover that you have just picked from the wardrobe. "My love, I'm sure that we both fit under this blanket right here"
➹ Hwiyoung:
None of you seem to be willing to enter before the eclipse starts, the sky is perfect for witnessing such phenomenon. In any case, you admit you should have take a blanket with you. Despite Younkyun proximity to you, it is impossible to not shake at some point. He notices your struggle and pulls you between his legs. “Not the best weather to stay in the rooftop”. You hear him murmur behind you, tightening his embrace around you in every way he can, therefore with legs and arms.
“Why did the sky chose to be this beautiful in such a freezing night?” you complaim knowing that you eventually is going to need a real blanket, same for your boufriend. He plays it cool, but he smoothly shivers as well. “This is a hard question, love”. You forget about the eclipse for a second as your eyes get stuck on the view of your legs folded together.
He is always going to offer his own coat, he simply cannot bear with your shaking next to him. The way you shrink your frame trying to warm yourself (and failing) just gets his heart in pain. There is no way of convincing him otherwise, he definately takes off his warm item and envolves you with it. “Don’t say a word, baby. It’s better now, right?” he asks tilting his head to the side to appreciate how cute you look protected in his coat. 
You both need to find a rescue or go home quickly because soon or later, he is going to be cold just like you were. You cup his face, nose and cheeks getting redish. "Chani, I am very thankful for your gesture but we still need make you warm." You could warm him up in public, but you know it would make him shy. The two of you eventually make your way home in a hurry because you promised that you would spoil him with warm cuddles and kisses.
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