#harry styles christmas fic
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 months ago
Twelve Days
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After her fiance broke up their engagement Y/N has been isolating for months, but now it's the holidays and she must show up to spend it with her family. Fearful that her failure of a love life would be the main topic of discussion, she's prepared to have the worst time. That is until her brother in law, Harry, reveals an even bigger problem than her own.
Warnings: infidelity, break ups, mentions of depression and anxiety and their symptoms, mentions of alcohol and drugs, description of masturbation (male), voyeurism, implied inappropriate relationship
WC: 11.5K
Day One:
“You can do hard things.” You whispered to yourself as you drove down the street as you looked out for your parents’s car in a driveway.
You hadn’t spent the holidays with your family for the past three years. You just had a lot of things going on and lived across the country for the first year away. And then traveled the following year with your significant other and then this last year you’d spent the holidays with them and their family since you’d gotten engaged. 
However, earlier in the year after nearly a year engaged, your fiancé backed out of the engagement and ended things with you. It had been the greatest humiliation and heartbreak of your life! After breaking the news to your parents over the phone followed by a “so I’m gonna need some space”, you’d successfully avoided every one from your family for the last several months, until now. You were mostly nervous to see your aunt and older sister. They were the most judgmental out of everyone and you hadn’t been in a place to hear their negativity. But now you were gonna be stuck with them all for twelve days. 
Twelve days in Palm Springs and you were sure that you weren’t going to enjoy at least 70% of it with their probing and commentary on what you did wrong or should have done. Your dad was great about placating his younger sister, but not so much your own sister. She was definitely the golden child out of you both, so your parents were never all that hard on her, nor did they challenge her too much. You believed that she never meant to be malicious towards you but sometimes you did question if she just liked to feel like she was better than you. This particular situation made you feel a bit uneasy because it felt like an opportunity for her to rub your nose in it because she was happily married to one of the best guys you’d ever met and they had a perfect life together. She honestly did not need to do anything more to remind you that she in fact was far better off than you were in this particular area of your life.
“Fuck me…” you muttered as you saw your mom, aunt, and sister unloading grocery bags from the car parked in the wide open garage of the house. You saw your sister point as the older women turned in your direction and smiled. You smiled as well and waved briefly before focusing on parking your car in the final space, beside your mom’s. You exhaled and then stepped out, already feeling that sinking feeling in your stomach growing with each step you took towards them. You could already hear their excited greetings to you. 
“Hey.” You chuckled as your mother enveloped you in a big hug and squeezed.
“Te extrañe, hijita.” She hummed lowly. You felt warm inside for a few seconds. It gave you sense of comfort knowing that she had missed you.
“Yo también.” You mumbled but ended the hug quickly because after what had happened to you, you truly needed a hug from your mom and it was going to make you cry. 
“Hi mija! How are you holding up?” Your aunt, Claudia, asked as she hugged you next and you semi-smiled.
“I’m good. Thanks.”
“Are you sure?” She pressed as she pulled back and looked in your eyes in concern and you nodded quickly.
“Okay. You know, whatever you need-”
“Yeah, thanks.” You nodded with a smile as she moved aside to let you greet your sister.
“Hey.” You smiled as she opened her arms and you hugged. You weren’t all that affectionate with each other so feeling her squeeze you closer felt a little unfamiliar but you just let it go on until she pulled back and placed her hands on your shoulders.
“You look good.” She complimented you. “That’s good. Show that loser what he walked out on.” She said with a smirk and you just nodded.
You felt your irritation towards her prick up your body. You hated that she attributed you looking after yourself to some revenge plot towards your ex. You had always been the kind of person to keep up with your appearance. You definitely kept things on the lighter more natural side for day to day, but you always had some makeup on. You dressed well and with thought behind your look. And you did all these things because it just made you feel good about yourself, it gave you that added little confidence boost that we all need. It was something that mattered to you and you didn’t do so for the male gaze. You felt like that was a slight dig, but you knew that she hadn’t meant it as such. You were quite sensitive though, so you always checked yourself before committing to the feeling that she wanted to piss you off. 
“Can I help you guys with the groceries?” You offered.
“You need to unpack.” Your mom reminded you and you smiled.
“Right.” You said and they continued with their task while you turned to your car. You lifted the trunk open and pulled out your shoes duffle and then reached for the handle of your large rolling suitcase. You tugged hard and then felt some resistance. “Shit.” You cursed to your self when you saw that it had gotten caught on something from the top of the trunk. You had filled that baby to brim and admittedly it was resting on a decently high bed of garbage bags filled with clothes that you’d been meaning to drop off at a thrift store near your work for a couple months now. 
“Need a hand?” You heard and jumped in fear as your brother-in-law’s voice coming from behind you shocked you.
“Fuck, Harry! You scared me!” You laughed, despite your creased features. 
“I’m so sorry.” He chuckled. Your lips started turning up as you took in his toothy grin and crinkled eyes.
“It’s fine. I think it got caught on something. I’ve got so much shit in there.” You explained and he went over to you as you moved aside to let him inspect the issue. Moments later he was pulling your suitcase out of the trunk successfully.
“You’re gonna need a new one. It tore the fabric beside the zipper.” He notified you and you huffed.
“Of course it did…” 
“I saw a roll of duct tape when I was snooping through the drawers in the pool house.” He shared, “We can put a little patch of it over the torn bit so that you can give’er, her final trip before you toss her out.” He suggested unironically and you smirked.
“How do you know it’s a her?” You asked and he smiled.
“I heard you refer to her as Jenna Rink once.”
“What? When?! Like 4 years ago? Because I haven’t seen you in ages…” You laughed.
“Yeah, actually.” He said pensively, his brows creasing deep for a few seconds as he thought about it and then he smiled. "It was when we were helping you pack for Connecticut.” He recalled and you smiled.
“Wow…great memory.” You complimented and he shrugged. 
“Guess so!”
“I just have these two if you need help bringing anything else in.” You said as you closed your trunk and watched him reach into the trunk of your mom’s BMW X4. It was her current pride and joy and had been her and your dad’s 36th anniversary splurge.  
“No, it’s just three more bags.” He assured you, “Just close it for me?”
“Yeah, go on.” You assured him and reached up to close the trunk before following behind him, you could hear the commotion inside as you approached the garage door.  And when you walked in you were overpowered by the delicious scent of some sort of breakfast sweet treat and bacon.
“Look how sweet these men are! They made us brunch!” Your sister, Julie, exclaimed as you walked in.
“Wow!” You smiled as you saw your dad checking on the French toast cooking on a griddle. 
“Y/N!” He exclaimed happily and left his task to hug you tight. He kissed your cheek and you chuckled as he told you that he missed you and was so happy to see you.
“Thanks, dad.” You hummed.
“Need help?” He asked you.
“I got it.” You assured, “Just need to know where to go.” You smiled.
“Harry, give Y/N the tour so we can set everything up!” Your sister cut in.
“Okay, just watch the bacon f’me.” He request as he set the grocery bags down. He then turned to you and grabbed the side of the suitcase handle, “I’ve got this.” He assured you.
“Thanks.” You smiled and he nodded before guiding you towards the living room.
“Let me show you what’s available.” He glanced back and you nodded. You went towards the main entrance and then turned right at the corner of the wall.
“There’s one down here. It’s the door on your left.” He said nodding towards the end of the short hallway and you slipped past him to get a look at the bedroom.
“Why didn’t it get claimed?” You asked Harry.
“Because your parents’ bathroom is on the other side of that wall.” He said and you huffed.
Your father was a notorious YouTube addict. He loved to watch videos about the news and world events but at full volume at all times, it was annoying to say the least.
“Your aunt chose the corner room.” He said and you nodded. 
“I take it you and Julie took the pool house?”
“Yep.” He said and you huffed.
“The bedroom furthest from ours is free too.”
“And why is that one free?”
“Because of the potential for noise, it’s behind the kitchen and shares a wall with the laundry room.”
“God, was it designed as a servant’s quarter?” You scoffed and he chuckled, “What are the other options?”
“Then there’s the room beside it, but it’s a jack-and-jill bathroom with the servant’s quarter room, so there’s no counter space.” He explained and you groaned. “And then the room at the very end has a queen bed and it’s own bathroom-”
“But?” You asked.
“It’s only like 10 feet from the pool house.” He said.
“Oh…” you groaned, “Just keep the sex volume to a minimum, please.” You said with a grimace and he chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Right…” He said sarcastically and you shrugged.
“Just have to put it out there.” 
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to witness any of that.” He emphasized.
“Perfect.” You hummed. He proceeded to guide you back through the kitchen where your family was urging you to hurry so that you could all eat. “I’ve got the door.” You said as you slipped past him and hurried to the end of the narrow hall. 
“Thanks.” He said as he wheeled your suitcase into the bedroom. The natural light was lovely. You looked around while you dropped your duffle bag of shoes onto the ground. 
“Oh yeah, you’ve got a tiny patio.” He said optimistically. 
“Well that’ll come in handy!” You chirped.
“Why’s that?” He asked as he left your suitcase right beside the closet door.
“I smoke a bit before I eat and before bed if I need it.” You explained, “After…everything I’ve been a bit down and it’s impacted my sleep and appetite.” You explained as you started out the small sliding glass door that led out to the small patio.
“Sounds like depression…” he said and you sighed.
“Yeah…I see a therapist, don’t worry.” You assured him.
“Yeah?” He asked and you turned and nodded when you saw him waiting expectantly for your answer. “Is it helping?”
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, I’m not as bad as I was like a month ago. S’why I decided to come but now I’m just nervous about what they’re gonna tell me about it.” You admitted to him and he hummed in understanding. 
Harry had always been extremely easy to talk to. You didn’t talk regularly but would randomly send memes, recipes, OOTD’s, and little check-in’s every now and again. You’d say that you had a  good relationship with him as his sister-in-law. You got along, you had good boundaries, and most importantly, you both wanted what was best for Julie. 
“Well if it helps, your mum reminded everyone to not bring it up over dinner when we got here.”
“Lovely…” you chuckled and he smiled. “And how are you doing?” You asked as you sat on the mattress.
“Harry! Y/N! Hurry up, we’re hungry!” Your sister shouted from the kitchen.
“Rain check.” You said and he nodded once, “Let me wash my hands and I’ll be right out.” You said and he nodded again before heading out of the bedroom.
Thankfully, brunch was going alright. No one had brought up your failed engagement yet, Julie was just talking a lot about an important work project she’d been assigned to for the last several months. She seemed a little flustered as she spoke about the project and Harry seemed a bit annoyed with this topic of conversation. Julie’s work had caused some issues between them in the past when they were dating. She was an overachiever and tended to overcommit herself, leading to her neglecting several other areas of her life.
This had likely happened again and if Harry was upset about it, then it was probably pretty bad because it took a lot for him to be upset to the point that he’d externalize it. Other than that little bit of tension, everything had gone well and you were now digging through your suitcase for the bathing suit you were certain you had packed. After giving up on trying to keep everything folded, you just dumped the contents out onto the bed and huffed when you realized that you had not actually packed the swimming suit.
“Julie, do you have a bathing suit I can borrow? I forgot to pack mine!” You called from the door to the back yard. 
“Yeah, but don’t grab my bikinis! Grab the other one.” She instructed.
“Is it ugly?” You asked.
“No, but it’s my least favorite of the two.” She said with a slightly apologetic smile from the jacuzzi.
“Okay.” You assured her.
“It should be in the top left drawer.” She called to you and you nodded, “Just go in through the main door, not the sliding doors. I think Harry’s napping!” She informed you and you gave her a thumbs up as you made your way out into the backyard and to the pool house. You quietly opened up the door and slipped inside, you heard the shower running and immediately felt a little embarrassed for intruding but then you heard something else… A gravelly grunt in a consistently rhythmic interval. You had to get out now! But then you heard him speak.
“Fuck, baby… you’re so fucking good.” You heard him mutter and then thought that maybe he’d snuck some bitch in! With rage building in your body, you swiftly but quietly made your way over to the bathroom door that was only half closed and you peeked in only to see Harry alone in the shower. He was facing the shower head so that thankfully saved you the embarrassment of seeing all of him.
You felt relief upon confirming that he was alone but then the realization set in that he was getting himself off. You knew it was wrong to stay but still allowed yourself one more moment to ogle him. Your eyes raked across the broad expanse of his shoulders and then moved on to admire his gorgeous back. He had muscle outlines in places you’d never seen on another person before and his ass was tight and perky. As your gaze traveled down, you honed in on his thick thighs and it made you bite your lower lip. You briefly thought about how it might feel to sit on his lap. And then you felt your stomach sink as you realized that you were doing something really fucked up right now. The feeling sobered up your lust-hazed mind and you blinked away the imagine of his dripping wet, naked body from your memory.
  “Fuuuck…Fuck!” he groaned and your heart stopped as your eyes flew back over to his frame. You could see his right arm moved back and forth with the pace of his pumping fist over his cock and seconds later he was gasping for air as he came undone. 
You took a few steps back, still in complete disbelief at what you had just witnessed. You could feel your walls pulsing steadily with arousal. You needed to get what you needed and get out! You dashed to the dresser and pulled open the drawer your sister instructed and saw her two weeks worth of underwear and work-out clothes in there. Just then you heard the shower shut off. Your heart started pounding hard as you started digging through the drawer frantically and you hadn’t found anything! Then the shower door creaked open. You pulled open the next drawer down and saw an array of tops and pants and you groaned quietly and slammed it closed in frustration.
“Jules?” You heard Harry’s voice call out and you felt your entire world start to crumble. You were trying to speak up but no words were able to come out of your mouth. You started to back away but right before you made it around the corner to the main entrance you heard Harry sigh, “Y/N, shit…”
You twirled around to see him half naked, bottom half wrapped in a towel. You were so terrified in that moment. Getting pulverized by a meteor would be the best outcome right about now.
“D-did you-”
“Yeah.” You confirmed quietly before he could finish his question. 
“Fuck…look ummm, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” He apologized, “I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking…” he shook his head nervously, “It’s a fucking family holiday.” He muttered and you sighed.
“No, I get it! You thought you were alone, it’s fine. Let’s just forget it.” You reassured.
“I’m sorry.” he apologized once more and you offered a small, sympathetic smile.
“I know.”
“What are you even doing in here?” He asked.
“Julie’s letting me borrow a bathing suit but I can’t find them.” You explained.
“Oh, she put those all the way at the bottom drawer with all her cover ups.” He informed and you huffed.
“Her stupid ass told me they were in the top drawer.” You mumbled and he chuckled as you headed over and opened the drawer Harry had said and sure enough, there were the extra bathing suits. 
You reached for the bathing suit that she was obviously letting you borrow. It was obvious because it was a rust brown color and not some cute little pattern. It was a one-shouldered, cutout one piece bathing suit with a ribbed textured fabric that you knew you’d love gliding your freshly done nails over just to feel them slightly catch over each little ridge. You thought it was actually quite cute, but could see how your sister wouldn’t really like it as much as she initially thought. 
“Well I’ll uhhh, get out of here. S-sorry again for ummm…eaves dropping.” You said as you fluttered your gaze away from his nervously. Harry chuckled a bit and you glanced to him again, happy that he had taken it lightly.
“Sorry for the literal sexual harassment!” He said with a painfully embarrassed expression on his face.
“If anyone here harassed anybody, it was me! Coming into an obviously…intimate moment and sneaking a peek!” You said to him comfortingly.
“Wait. You watched?!” He asked through a disbelieving laugh, “You just finished saying it was an 'eaves drop’!” He exclaimed and you groaned in embarrassment as you gave yourself up.
“I’m sorry!” You cried in embarrassment.
“Don’t be.” He chuckled with a careless shrug and you frowned a bit, “Not like that! I mean that you shouldn’t feel sorry f-for coming into this. I shouldn’t have been…you know? Especially with the door open. Like anyone could’ve come in, you know?” 
“Sounds like we both fucked up a pretty equal amount.” You said and he nodded in agreement, “Let’s just… pretend that you were napping like everyone thinks you are and that I just grabbed what I needed and hurried out. Cool?” You asked and he nodded.
“Alright, see you out there.”
“Yeah.” He said before you rushed out quickly. 
“Y/N, can you wake H up? Tell him to join us!” Your sister called out and you nodded and opened the door back up and headed inside to find Harry with his face in his hands,
“She wants you out there.” You said and he nodded.
“I heard.” He said and you could hear that he was crying.
“Hey, what’s the matter? I told you that we’re good!” You assured him with a deep frown and he exhaled and shook his head.
“It’s nothing to do with you, I promise. Just go.” He asserted.
“No, no, no… if it’s nothing to do with me, then what is it?” You pressed and he sighed.
“Look Y/N, I just need some space, okay? Please get out.” He resisted and you nodded.
“Okay. Just ummm, get out there.” You said and he nodded again before you left. 
You assured your sister that Harry was awake but you swore that it felt like an out of body experience. You could feel the steady beat of your heart at the base of your throat. You were also extremely turned on and you were concerned that the image of Harry’s solo session was practically burned into your longterm memory. The way he sounded and the things he said…they were on a loop in your brain but doing anything about it felt wrong. And as you dressed down you started to wonder if he had gone as far as carrying out any fantasies he had involving other people. Maybe he felt guilty for being caught but also for other things he had done? You didn’t want your mind to wander too far so you just took a deep breath and headed outside with everyone else. 
When Harry joined in he just stayed on one of the lounges that were built into the pool, which was unusual for him. He was typically very active and playful but he had his headphones in and a book about social policy in hand. You couldn’t see his eyes through his sunglasses but when you attempted to, he glanced away, meaning you had successfully made eye contact with him somehow. 
“Is Harry alright? He seems…off?” You said to your sister and she nodded.
“Yeah, he’s fine. He’s just a little moody over a disagreement we had about something.” She said and you hummed.
“Are you alright?” You asked next. Trying to fish out more information.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s him who has the issue.” She said with a slight scoff and you hummed. “Are you fine?” She asked and you shrugged.
“So-so.” You said and she hummed.
“I know that you’re sad about this right now but trust me, there’s nothing worse than committing your life to the wrong person.” She said and you frowned before glancing back to her.
“Are you just saying that or speaking from experience?” 
“From experience! I married a really wonderful man!” She said a bit defensively, “That’s how I know I made a great decision. There were other men that I was so infatuated with but were not able to give me what I wanted or needed. Like-”
“We don’t have to say his name.” You cut in and she nodded.
“Harry is…the ideal partner.” Julie said with a shrug. “And you know, I never told you this, but he stepped up at the 11th hour. I felt like maybe I was never going to get married because of how much I work and all but he…he understands and supports me.” She said and you nodded.
“That’s really good.” You offered a small smile and she nodded.
“Now, what is taking Claudia so long? She’s supposedly making us all some Palomas.” She said as she turned towards the main house to try and get a look inside.
“She wasn’t in the kitchen when I came out. Maybe she’s in the bathroom?” You said and she hummed. But then you started thinking about the bathroom and Harry in the bathroom having a steamy shower. Your face started to heat with a blush and you just fanned at your face for a moment. 
“It’s wild that it’s basically 80 degrees in December isn’t it?” She asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, but it’s nicer than being snowed in.” You said, “I did miss the weather the most.” You said, “I’m glad to be back.”
“Missed that more than us?” Your sister asked with a small smile.
“You know what I mean…” you mumbled and she smirked.
“We’re glad you’re back too.” She said and you smiled.
“Thanks.” You hummed.
Day Two: 
When you woke up the following morning it was because the door to the pool house closed loudly. You sighed and rubbed your eyes before grabbing your phone to look at the time. It was barely 6:30 on Sunday morning and you were a little annoyed that your sleep time had been cut short. You were surprised by how easily you had been able to fall asleep and most importantly, you had stayed asleep through the whole night. 
You laid there for a few minutes, staring at the designs of your ceiling from the light peeking through the blocks used to section off your little patio. You had committed to morning walks as part of your healing journey and intended on taking one later on but as you considered how much hotter it could get later on you decided to just wash up and go now, you were up anyway.
The neighborhood this AirBnb was in was gated and it only kept these vacation homes. You did see a few of them were rented out but most of them were desolate. When you finally started to circle back around you saw Julie walking down the corner of the street before your house. She walked down to the first house on that side street and then twirled around. When you were close enough to be within her line of sight you raised your hand to wave and she looked a bit startled at first and then put on a smile as she spoke quickly and waved with her other hand as she made her way back towards the corner of the main street. She hung up the phone as you crossed the street to reach her.
“Morning.” You greeted.
“Good morning.” She responded quickly.
“You didn’t have to hang up your call. I’m desperate to get back and have a shower. It’s already warming up.” You said.
“It’s fine…I shouldn’t have even been on the call while we’re here.” She explained.
“Work?” You asked and she hummed.
“Well, pick up where you left off.” you assured her.
“Thanks. I won’t be long.”
“Of course. See you back there.”
“Yeah, see ya’.” Julie hummed and you hurried past the next two houses until your reached your rental.
When you made it inside, much to your surprise, Harry was already in the kitchen, he seemed upset from how quiet he was as he cut up some fruits silently.
“Good morning.” You greeted him.
“Hey.” He responded as he spared you a glance before continuing with his task. “Did you run into your sister by any chance?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, she’s still on her call.”  You said cooly and he glanced up at you.
“Was she?” Harry asked and you nodded.
“You know, I get that she’s a workaholic and all but I think you need to ease up on her about that. I know it was an issue before but I mean, you knew how she was with this stuff from the start. Like, I get why you’d be upset when she does work stuff while on vacation, but it’s just who she is, you know? It’d almost be expected, I’d say.” You explained.
“Guess you’re right.” He mumbled as he continued doing what he was doing.
“Exactly. So stop brooding over things you have no control over. You’re just going to spoil your own time.” You advised.
“Okay… whatever.” He mumbled and you smiled and playfully punched his arm as you walked by and headed towards your room to get showered. 
Harry was already in a bad mood and after what you’d mentioned to him, he was even more upset. There was something that had been weighing on his chest for the last year. Something that he had hoped to talk to you about but with everything going on with your ex, he didn’t want to overburden you with his issues with Julie. 
It was Valentine’s Day when he got an anonymous call from a private number saying that Julie was cheating on him, it had been left as a voicemail since he did not pick up the call. But even then, the voice had like an automated filter over it, so he paid no mind to it. But then, a few weeks later he’d picked up her phone because she kept receiving tons of texts and they were from a guy, a guy that he already knew. 
Joseph was a friend of Julie’s from grad school who had landed the same internship site as her and they ended up getting hired at the same hospital in the accounting department. Apparently, they’d had a friends with benefits things going for a while before she started dating Harry. When he had asked if she had feelings for Joseph she admitted that while she liked him a bit more than she ought to, she knew that he would never commit to her, he wasn’t that kind of guy. And she assured Harry that she liked him a lot more. More enough to end things with Joe so that they could give it an honest try. It had been about five or six months of them being together when he caught her making out with Joe at a co-workers’s wedding. He ended things on the spot because he knew that there was history there. But when Julie came to him after a few days, pleading and begging for forgiveness, the love he had developed for her broke him down and he accepted her apology. She promised that it would never ever happen again and he believed her. And to his knowledge, it hadn’t happened until he discovered that it had happened again. By the looks of it, it had been happening for nearly six months already.
Of course, he confronted Julie about it and once again, she promised she’d stop but this time, he insisted they go to couples counseling to fix whatever was causing her to cheat and that she would need to allow him to look through her phone when he felt suspicious of her. Not forever, but just until he was able to trust her again. But during that time she’d also accepted a new job for a development firm, meaning no more Joe at work. So the counseling had been deprioritized by them both and whenever he’d ask to look through her phone it was never an issue and she always complied, so this made him feel even more trust towards her.
And over the last few months he’d felt suspicious over a work trip she went on but found nothing and now she had been assigned to doing the budgeting and accounting for a big new project with a client from France which had her working longer or strange hours. But sometimes her stories wouldn’t add up. So last month when she told him she was working late he showed up at her office before the end of the day and sure enough, she left right on time but drove to the nearest suburb where he saw her meet up with Joe. It was happening again and he was just collecting evidence this time around. He knew that this phone call wasn’t for work, it was Joseph. 
All day Harry was brooding, waiting for the opportune moment to confront her. Eventually, he found the alone time and he was looking in her eyes asking her to please just be honest with him.
“Harry, you’re acting insane!” Julie threw her hands up in defeat as she finally exploded.
“I’m not! I know what you’ve been doing!” He shouted.
“What?! You’ve seen my phone every time you’ve asked, there hasn’t been anything.” She insisted.
“I followed you one night, after you said you were working late.” He said and he saw her starting to tense in rage.
“What the fuck, Harry?! How could you do that to me?” She shouted.
“Because I don’t fucking trust you!” He shouted back, “I cannot trust you.” He emphasized and she shook her head. “Please, don’t try to fucking gaslight me. Just say it. Say it.” 
“I need to know. If you even have a shred of love or respect for me, you need to be honest.” He begged and she sighed.
“Fine…I’ve been seeing him again.” Julie admitted and Harry nodded with a sad smile on his face. His gaze drifted past her and focused onto the wall across from him as he just let the reality sink in. 
“How long?” He asked monotonously.
“Just a few months.” She said. “I’m sorry.”
“What the fuck…” he sighed sadly.
Your day was slowly going to shit. After you showered you picked up your phone and when you saw the memory it prompted you to view, you felt your heart sink. It was from your last Valentine’s day. That led you down memory lane and all day you were thinking about your failed relationship in some way or another. After lunch your parents and aunt went out to some market and you decided to just take a nap. You were startled awake a couple hours later because your phone started ringing. You huffed at the spammer who called and settled into the silence. That’s when you heard the shouting from the pool house. You sat up as it quieted it down for a few seconds before your sister was shouting louder than before. You still couldn’t make out what was being said but you hurried out of bed and decided to go break it up. You rushed out through your patio and hurried to the sliding doors, getting ready to knock when you heard Harry shouting angrily…
“I want to get divorced because you keep cheating on me!” There was silence and once again you found yourself overstaying your welcome to listen in. “I’m not just saying it like it’s nothing. Yes, I realize that it’s a serious step to take but this has gone on for long enough, Julie. I’m not going to continue to be committed to you when you’re not committed to me in the same way.” He said more calmly. When your sister started to cry you backed away and hurried back to your bedroom.
You were in complete shock that your sister was cheating on Harry. It seemed like the least likely scenario to ever happen to them. Especially for that to be something that your sister did! It didn’t make any sense! Even the day before, she had told you that Harry was the best decision she had ever made. However, that would explain why Harry was acting strange. If he already had suspicions and then you mentioned she was outside taking a call, you could see how his mind would go in that direction. More so when it was something that had happened before. You also felt really guilty now because you had quite literally just disappeared from everyone’s lives because of your own issues without really thinking that they might be going through their own challenges. To be fair, your sister didn’t ever like to show any vulnerability, so you’d never know that something was actually wrong unless you caught her at the perfect moment, but still. You could’ve at least asked her or even Harry! 
“We’re back!” You heard your aunt announce as soon as you’d made it back into your bedroom. To prevent them from hurrying off to find Julie and Harry you hurried out of the room.
“How was it?” You asked your aunt and parents as they congregated in the kitchen.
“It was nice!” She smiled and then your mom and aunt proceeded to show you the little knick knacks they had picked up at the outdoor market. 
“We should get started on dinner. Can you get your sister and Harry, they were going to be in charge of dinner tonight.” Your mother informed and you nodded and made your way over to the pool house. 
Thankfully, they weren’t shouting anymore, but when you knocked and Harry opened the door you felt the tension escaping from the room in gargantuan waves. While his eyes were a little blood shot he looked relieved to see you.
“Ummm, they said you guys were in charge of dinner tonight?” You informed.
“Right…ummm, Julie’s got a bad headache so she’s gonna try and sleep it off for a bit. Do you mind helping me?” He asked you.
“Not at all.” You assured.
“Thanks. I’ll be over there in a bit.” He said and you nodded and hurried back inside.
There was almost an unspoken rule that you were not to cook for your family except on their birthdays if they asked or on a holiday. You did it for a living, you were a private chef, so you cooked for people every single day for hours and hours. But this time, you were inclined to make an exception to stand in for Julie. While everyone else got showered and ready for dinner, you and Harry were in there preparing everyone’s meal. You were melting the butter down and getting it all aromatic with the rosemary and garlic while the filets marinated in their dry rub of seasoning that Harry had mixed up earlier. He had moved on to peeling potatoes he had boiled earlier in they day as well and he seemed to be very entranced with his task. You kept stealing glances of him to ensure he was okay and were dying to ask him if he was but didn’t want to risk upsetting him for eaves dropping once again.
“What’s wrong?” He asked without looking away from the final potato he was peeling and you sighed.
“I…heard you guys fighting.” You admitted and he glanced up quickly.
“Oh…all of it?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Basically and well, the most…important bit.” You confessed and he sighed. “I’m sorry. I was just going to try and deescalate the argument because it was really heated. I’m so sorry!” You apologized.
“It’s alright. I’m glad that someone else knows now. I’ve been carrying this around for months at this point.” He explained and you frowned upon hearing this.
“I’m so sorry, Harry. Are you alright?”
“I will be once your sister agrees to a divorce.” He explained lowly.
“Why won’t she?” You asked and he shrugged.
“We can talk more about this later if that’s alright with you? I just ummm…I don’t want to risk someone else coming out and hearing this.” He explained.
“Oh, of course!” You assured him and he nodded before you just got back to your respective tasks. 
Harry was very in his head and it made you feel sad for him because he genuinely looked concerned and sad. When you finished setting the rest of the vegetables to steam you excused yourself to get cleaned up for dinner. He thanked you for your help and let you know that he’d cook the steaks once everyone was at the table so that they could be cooked how each person preferred. 
Once dinner came around Julie was acting completely fine. She looked extremely put together and refreshed. Her ability to just pretend like everything was fine made you feel a bit upset at her. What more could she be hiding behind that nonchalant facade? You were trying your best not to judge her too harshly but surface level you saw no reason for why she would cheat on Harry. A small and very petty part of you was satisfied that your sister’s life was not as perfect as she made it out to be, but you still felt sad for her and for Harry.
After dinner you all decided on watching a movie because Harry and Julie were going to go “get drinks”. They probably just needed to go somewhere private to yell at each other. Even after you headed to your bedroom after the movie, you waited up to see if you’d hear them come back or if Harry would try and talk to you. But before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
Day Three:
You suddenly woke up from your sleep and felt in real time as your slumber started escaping you immediately. You sighed because it was just your luck that after having one really good night of sleep the insomnia would kick in. You were laying in bed for a few minutes scrolling through your Calm app in order to find some sort of relaxing sounds or even just do a meditation, but then you heard some foot steps and then the slight squeak of a door down the hall before you heard it being shut very gently. After a few moments, your phone lit up with an incoming text from Harry asking if you were struggling to sleep to which you replied “Yes.” And moments later he was peeking into your room. You glanced over to him and offered a sympathetic look.
“Are you alright?” You whispered your question and he nodded as he quietly walked in.
“Just…sad, tired, angry…” he mumbled as he sat at the edge of your bed.
“We don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want.” You reminded him.
“Thanks.” He hummed, “Wanna get my mind off of it.” He exhaled.
“Do you wanna watch TV or something?” You asked.
“Actually, I have a collection of memes that I wanted to share with you but wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to when you had asked for space and I’ve been saving them this whole time! I need to show you.” He said and you found yourself smiling from ear to ear. 
“I would love nothing more than for you to show me that treasure trove.” You assured him and he nearly squealed before he hurried out of the room to get his phone.
When Harry returned it was with the blanket from his new bedroom and he sat across from you, criss-cross style, and you mirrored his position as you waited eagerly for the memes. Image after image and clip after clip you were nonstop laughing and hyperventilating into a pillow. If there was one thing you appreciated about Harry the most, it was his sense of humor. You were both into very stupid humor about banal things. It often irritated your sister because you two would make jokes out of the most random things, everything had the potential to be unserious when you were around each other.
“Oh god…those were soooo good!” You laughed breathily. You were struggling to keep it quiet and Harry was very pleased with himself.
“I knew you’d appreciate them.” He smiled as he set his phone down on the bed. He suddenly noticed that you had gone quiet. So he looked over at you and saw you slightly smiling. “What is it?” He asked curiously and your gaze flickered up to his.
“Nothing, I just…I haven’t felt joy like that in a long time. It feels really great to laugh. Like really laugh. You know?” You asked and then glanced away when you realized how vulnerable you’d just been. You suddenly wanted to throw up.
“Hey…” he said as he gently squeezed your knee and you glanced up to him again, “I do know.” He affirmed sincerely before pulling his hand away. When he pulled his hand back you missed the warmth of it.
“Why don’t you leave her?” You asked him of your sister.
“I’m scared.” He said simply and you nodded in understanding.
“What happened with…?” Harry trailed off before speaking your exe’s name.
“Just came in one day saying they had doubts and were feeling unready to take the next step and that was that.” You shrugged.
“I’m sorry.” He frowned.
“I’m not…like it’s been really hard but I’d rather this than for them to feel obligated to go through with it and then we’re both miserable until someone has the guts to do something about it.” You explained and then frowned, “Sorry, I didn’t mean that as a dig at you. I think that realistically I would cling to whatever I could…it’s my fear that makes me pretend that I’m callous.” You explained.
“Wow…Therapy is working wonders for you.” he said with a grin and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut the fuck up…”
“I’m not saying it to tease you! I’m happy that you’re getting to know yourself! And to know your worth and your vulnerabilities. It’s admirable.” He said and you smiled softly. 
“Thanks.” You hummed and he nodded. “Are you in therapy?”
“No. We did counseling together for a bit, Jules and I. But it didn’t really help. She was too busy with work to do the therapeutic work.” He explained and you hummed in understanding. “I’m really glad you decided to come for this.” Harry added after a few moments of silence between you two. 
“Well, thanks. I’m not regretting it yet…” you said with a soft smile.
“A win is a win.” He chuckled and you nodded.
“Exactly.” You hummed.
“Well, I’m going to try and let you sleep. If you need anything ummm, I’m going to be staying in the next room over.”
“For the rest of the time?” You asked and he nodded.
“It’s that bad.” He explained lowly and you nodded in understanding.
“Well, I’m really sorry that everything’s going to shit right now.”
“Thank you. And thanks for holding space for me or whatever they say.” He smiled as he clambered off of your bed, “At least we don’t have to deal with this alone.” 
“Right.” You smiled.
“Get some sleep. We have plans tomorrow.” He said and you groaned and let yourself fall against your pillows. You heard Harry snigger a bit as your door closed quietly.
Day Four:
Despite Harry’s warning to get some rest and your efforts to do just that, you’d had maybe another hour, if that, after he’d gone. At 8am sharp you heard movement in the kitchen and then some knocks at your door.
“Yeah?” You called out and the door creaked open and you saw your mom peek in.
“Hi, hijita. We have plans for today, will you join us?” She asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go.” You assured her and she smiled.
“Bien. We’re leaving at 9:30.” She informed and you nodded in understanding before she left. 
After lazing around for a few more minutes you took a quick body shower before getting on some light make up. You got dressed and then headed out to get something to eat with everyone. You greeted your dad and aunt as they helped your mom with breakfast. You were making small talk with them as you moved around them to prepare yourself a cup of coffee.
“Harry! Good morning!” Your aunt exclaimed energetically and you glanced back to see Harry coming in through the sliding doors.
“Morning, everyone!” He greeted with a smile. He was portraying high energy but he still looked tired.  His eyes then met yours and lingered for a moment before you got a little nervous and turned back around to finish making your coffee.
“Julie is awake, right?” Your dad asked and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, but actually, she said she’s feeling bad again and is going to stay behind and rest.” He explained.
“By herself?” Your aunt asked and Harry shrugged.
“I told her I’d stay but she insisted we all go. I think she just needs some alone time.” He explained. “But I think she’d appreciate if we check on her before we go.” He said and your mom nodded.
Sure enough, even when your mother had gone over to check on her, Julie declined going on the planned family outing and declined your mom staying to look after her since she was the one who had planned these excursions. So your aunt offered to stay with Julie because was afraid of heights and didn’t want to go on the tram and expressed that she also had no interest in the zoo, unsurprisingly, your sister accepted. So once that was settled the rest of you packed into your parents’ car. You buckled up and then glanced over to Harry who offered a half-smile to you before pulling out his phone. Moments later your phone buzzed and you saw it was a text from him.
Harry: The guy your sister is seeing came here yesterday to meet her.
You glanced over to him with a frown and he smiled slightly.
Y/N: Is that why she stayed behind?
Harry: Yeah. I think she was hoping to get some alone time to see him. She “didn’t know he was going to drive out”. I think that’s who she was talking to when you saw her on the phone.
Y/N: Fuck. Well, lets just have fun today. I’m sure we’ll be able to get our minds off of things!
Harry: I think so too:)
The zoo had been pretty cool. Your mom had been dying to feed the giraffes so when your reservation time came up she was the first one to approach the animals. In truth, it was a very awesome experience. It was certainly something you never thought you’d do in your life, but you were so happy that you experienced it. After a stop for lunch you guys were on your way to the aerial tramway. You were looking forward to seeing the valley from up there. The drive up was beautiful and soon enough you were getting on the bus that would take you to the tram. 
“Wow…” you whispered to yourself in awe as you slowly went past the tree line and saw the crazy formations of rocks littering the mountainside. Your mom and dad were cozied up beside each other on the other side of the tram. The slow rotation of the inside floor allowed you to see all of your surroundings. But then your attention veered from the scenery as Harry’s familiar scent invaded your personal space. You glanced to your side and there he was, standing right beside you. He looked a little apprehensive.
“Sorry for the proximity. Heights make me a little nervous and I get a little vertigo if I look down. I wasn’t about to go brush up against either of your parents for comfort, you know?” He explained lowly and you giggled.
“Yeah, I get that.” 
“Thanks.” He hummed as he scooted just a bit closer. Close enough that his arm was brushing against yours. “You seem to be enjoying this.”
“I am.” You smiled.
“You don’t worry that the cable might snap or something and we all just… you know?” He asked and you turned to him with a furrowed brow.
“Jesus…that’s fucking dark…” You scoffed through a laugh and he chuckled a bit.
“It’s a real anxious thought I have!” He defended.
“I’m not judging. Believe me, I know about dark.” You said as the smile faded from your lips.
“I didn’t mean to dampen the mood.” He said when he felt your mood shift.
“It’s alright, it wasn’t you. It was my brain. It’ll pass.” You assured him with a small smile. 
You saw Harry reach for the handrail and squeeze around it and glance up to see him squeeze his eyes closed for a moment.
“You alright?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, I just ummm looked down for a second there.” He explained and then opened his eyes again. “I just wanted to see the view, it is breathtaking.” He said as he just kept his eye line level as he glanced around. 
“It is. But I’m sure it doesn’t help that this thing is rotating.” You said and he groaned.
“Don’t remind me.” He mumbled through a smile.
“Well, we’re almost to the top.” You reassured him.
“Thank fuck.” He hummed lowly. “Your mom picked a good time, we’re gonna get to see the sunset from the top.” He said.
“Do you wish my sister were here?” You asked and he shrugged.
“Yes and no.” he said, “Yes, because I’d have someone’s hand to hold on this tram. And no, because I know she’d rather be here with someone else.” He said and you frowned. It was instinctive when you reached out and placed your hand over his on the rail. You gave him a reassuring squeeze before letting go and sliding it back in front of your own body. Your grip tightened as a nervous feeling made your stomach feel like it was swirling.
“Sorry.” You said quickly as your eyes met his.
“Don’t be.” He assured you and moments later you felt the warmth of his hand right beside yours as he closed the gap on the railing between your hands. You glanced down at the sides of your hands pressed together and then up at him. His eyes were already prepared to meet your gaze and when they did, you felt that swirling in your tummy again. Those butterflies starting to stir awake. “I know you’re just trying to make me feel better.” He assured and you nodded and quickly looked away.
Were you? In a way, yes, you wanted to comfort him because he too was going through a hardship. But at the same time you felt nervous about it. You couldn’t say that you didn’t find Harry attractive or charming. You were afraid that you were suddenly noticing this more than usual because of your current romantic turmoil. His immediate instinct to check in on you, to notice and care about your feelings. To be vulnerable with you and provide you the safety to be able to do the same. And then what you walked in on, on that first day at the house…that was definitely a contributing factor to why you were suddenly more aware of him as a person. As a man…
You were more than grateful when the tram ride came to an end just seconds later. You quickly got out and he followed behind you until you went up to the edge of the observation deck, that was just a little too out of his comfort zone so he hung back. You put your hands on the railing and just took a slow but shaky inhale. It was significantly colder at this peak of the mountain so it kind of burned your throat to breathe that deeply but that sobered up your mind that was all fuzzy from Harry’s scent and words and existence in general. Your heard your mother approaching with your dad following behind, telling her to slow down.
“Are you okay?” She asked you as she came up beside you and you nodded and smiled.
“Yeah, I was just admiring the view. It’s incredible. Thank you for planning this.” You said to her with a smile before turning back to see the valley before you. You then went into the museum and ate away at your time there with photos and the gift shop until it was nearing dinner time.
The sun was setting beautifully and you just needed to get back to the viewing deck and take it all in. Despite the overarching theme of tragedy in your life for the last several months, in that very moment you realized how insignificant you and your problems were in the grand scheme of things. Things could be much worse. You had what you needed; your life, your health, your family and friends. After getting a few pictures taken with your parents by Harry from a comfortable distance you were all heading inside to the restaurant  for your dinner reservation. 
You were doing what you could to avoid having to focus too much of your attention on Harry but it was difficult. He was practically spellbinding. He was charming and funny and a gesticulative story teller so it was hard to not engage with him. But every time you looked in his eyes there they were again, those pesky little butterflies, some good and other not so good. They were a reminder that despite the excitement of being with someone that you got along with after so much time alone, you weren’t ready. The proof was in the fact that you were fighting off a crush on your brother in law! How much more twisted and pathetic could a person be? You were on your second cocktail by the time the appetizer showed up and your lack of appetite throughout the day was starting to pay off. You had gotten to the point where your lips felt tingly and your worries were soon to float away. 
Making eye contact with Harry wasn’t as scary any more. Because it was just the four of you, you could get away with constantly looking at each other. You weren’t even being flirtatious about it, you were just admiring him. You admired how good he was at masking everything. All of the hurt he was in. All of the anger and disappointment that you knew were weighing over him like a ton of bricks. 
Your phone chiming loudly from your purse broke you out of your spell of admiration. And then it went off again. And again. And again. And again. Your family and the patrons at the neighboring tables all honed in on you as you frantically reached for your purse while giving apologetic glances to the strangers. 
“Sorry.” You muttered to your family with a smile. You had a strict “no phones allowed” rule when eating out together. You had every intention of just putting it on silent and just checking the texts later, you were just really enjoying yourself! But when you saw your ex’s name on the screen, the rose tinted haze that you’d been seeing things with for the past fifteen minutes instantly vanished. Your stomach did a nasty flip that had you wishing you’d slowed down. You needed to open your phone to see what he said, not being able to see it had your anxiety through the roof. Then your phone pinged again with a sixth message and you just stood up and hurried out to the viewing deck. 
*** Harry’s POV ***
Harry could not stop thinking about you. Admittedly, the thoughts had started when he saw your profile on a dating app. Not on his phone, on a friend’s phone, he recognized her from his and Julie’s wedding party and had asked if it really was her. He looked through it and was smiling by the end of it. If he ever ran into your ex he would kick their ass for leaving you hanging like that. He had truly hoped that you would come for Christmas and was so happy that you had in fact shown up.
You were gorgeous, you’d always been. And maybe it was because of his emotional distance from Julie over the last several months that he just decided to lean into the attraction he felt towards you. Admittedly, it was stupid of him to have a wank without fully closing the bathroom door but he couldn’t help but be a little thrilled that you had crashed it. To him it felt like this little secret you shared now had you on a new level of comfort and trust. 
Today, when you touched his hand on the tram he felt that long forgotten zap of excitement electrifying him. Julie wanted nothing to do with him, she was in love with another man for their entire relationship, so he didn’t feel too bad of indulging in a little betrayal himself. He could see that you viewed him in another way too but you were fighting it. He saw how it scared you and quite frankly, it scared him too. But feeling the things and actually doing something about the feelings were two very different things. In this situation there was a double safety. His flirting was safe because he wouldn’t do more than that and your acceptance of his minor flirtations was also safe because he knew that you wouldn’t act on it. Once you were a little more loose from your drinks your fear eluded you and he was very much enjoying that and then your phone interrupted everything. It had been nearly ten minutes since you’d left with your phone and he and your parents were feeling a little worried. The food would come any minute.
“I think it’s time I go check on her. Make sure she’s okay.” Harry said. Your dad nodded and he rushed out onto the viewing deck. He looked around and then heard your voice from somewhere. He glanced up and saw that there was another level. He hurried up and then heard you speaking angrily into your phone before hanging up. You were standing right up against the railing, it was freezing outside so there wasn’t anyone up there with you. He quietly made his way over but the closer he got to the railing the harder his heart would pound. He hesitated but the sound of you sobbing gave him the courage to walk the rest of the distance to you. 
*** Y/N’s POV ***
“How fucking dare you!? You can’t just call me and tell me that after everything I endured! You don’t deserve me.” You seethed as hot tears ran down your face. You were practically trembling from how angry you felt. “Fuck you, Ash! Never, ever fucking call me again! Bye!” You shouted before hanging up and blocking the number. Your chest was heaving from how hard you were breathing. And when the adrenaline wore off you felt so fucking heavy and just started to sob quietly at first, but soon it just came out of you. You were afraid that maybe you’d made a huge mistake, maybe reconciliation was possible…and just when you were about to unblock Ash’s number…
“Y/N?” Harry called and you gasped as you whipped around quickly. Your fright dispersed when you saw his familiar frame approaching.
“It was Ash.” You explained as he stopped before you. “Just drunk and trying to get me back after all this time…The fucking gall to ask if we can start over!” you exclaimed angrily through your tears. Your head was shaking in disbelief.
“Jesus.” He sighed and you sniffled and nodded. 
“Right? Like what the fuck?!” You scoffed and then exhaled sharply. He saw you shivering and pulled off his jacket to drape over you. “You don’t have to. It’s freezing up here.” You assured him.
“I’m alright.” He reassured you. “C’mere.” He instructed and he opened his arms for you. You easily stepped forward into his space to allow him to hug you, “Fuck that loser. Doesn’t deserve you.” He comforted you.
“I know.” You said quietly as you allowed your head to lay against his chest.
“Good.” He said supportively as he slowly rubbed over your back. When he looked up he realized that he was on the ledge of of the viewing deck and the view was completely breathtaking. It was even more magical now that the sun was nearly gone. The lights from the cities in the valley were shimmering enticingly in the distance. “Look how beautiful that is.” He said to you and you moved your head to look ahead of you and hummed. “Makes me wish I could fly.” He said lowly and you smiled.
“It really does…” you agreed. “I’m surprised you came up to the edge.” You added teasingly. He smiled and squeezed you just a bit.
“I needed to make sure you were okay.” He explained softly and you slowly pulled away.
“Thank you.” You expressed as you glanced up at him.
“Of course.” He smiled at you.
“It’s just… hard to talk about all of this with my family because they start to interject and give their opinions on what could’ve been done better and ugh…sometimes people are just shitty, you know? Regardless of what you do, nothing will change that!” You huffed in exasperation. Just thinking about the typical responses they would give you had you feeling a little heated. “Anyway…” you mumbled with a slightly flustered smile from your little outburst, but Harry was just smirking at you. It made your heart start pounding harder as you held the eye contact between you two for a few seconds. “We should get back inside.” 
“Yeah, the food was just about to come.” He informed and you nodded and followed him back into the building.
The food and the company were both excellent. You were more than grateful that your parents didn’t try and question you about anything. You were huddled up against your parents for the tram ride down because it was freezing cold, though you really wanted to be huddled up against Harry. You knew that he’d allow it and that made you feel really pleased with yourself. The whole way back to the Airbnb you two were texting nonstop, exchanging glances every now and again, to the point where the tension was building. You weren’t even talking about anything inappropriate, it was just the energy of the quick closeness that had grown between you two. Upon arriving at the house Harry went and “checked on Julie”, which really was to shower and get ready for bed before heading to the main house to sleep. You expected to hear them argue or something but there was complete silence. 
You plopped onto the center of the bed and pulled out your phone to waste time on Instagram and saw that your sister had recently posted a story. When you clicked on it you saw three cocktails clinking, your aunt was tagged and you rolled your eyes in annoyance. Seconds later Harry texted you to tell you that she was gone and you told him to check instagram and didn’t hear back for a while until there were soft knocks on your door. By then you were cuddled up in bed, propped up on the pillows, and watching Home Alone on the TV. 
“Come in!” You spoke towards the door and when it creaked open you saw it was Harry.
“Would you mind some company?” He asked and you smiled.
“Absolutely not.” You assured and he hurried in, closing the door behind him before sliding into the empty side of the bed. As he was getting comfy he yelped when his foot accidentally touched yours.
“Jesus! So fucking cold!” He chuckled.
“Feel my hands.” You said as you reached over blindly because he was under the covers after all. Your hand found his and he gasped.
“Like a fucking corpse…” he grumbled and you chuckled and glanced at him briefly before turning back to the TV.  But soon your attention was drawn back to Harry as he brought your hand up to his mouth and gently blew his warm breath over your open palm and then clasped it between his hands. “Giving you some warmth.” He explained, “Is that okay?” He asked and you nodded silently. 
There it was again, that tension, building up some more. And like air in a balloon, it could only hold so much before it had to burst. His eyes glanced down to your mouth and you did the same to his. If he went for it right in this moment, you’d let him kiss you. Easily. You were covered in goosebumps from the anticipation. And then your eyes met again and you saw the conflict in them. That also made you hesitate and slowly, the burning in you started to fizzle. 
“Sorry. Ummm…”
“Don’t be. You’re right to doubt! This could be so fucking messy. It’s stupid to even…like, no! We’re fucking stupid for this, Harry.” You chuckled through your disbelief at what you were about to do.
“I know…but that doesn’t take away the desire to.” He said and you sighed.
“I know! But we need to fucking…find it because I don’t want to lose you.” You explained with a hint of desperation in your tone and an earnest look in your eyes. Harry didn’t want to lose you either, so he just nodded and turned his focus to the TV. Your hand was still in his, being kept warm as he’d said. And you did feel warm with him. So fucking warm…
“Thanks.” You whispered to him and he turned and smiled before focusing back on the TV.
Part Two...
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finelinevogue · 3 months ago
do you take requests? With the holidays here I am craving a fluffy holiday writing w/ Harry 🥺 like being with family and soaking up time together - just super fluffy
yes my lovely!!! i’m so excited to be writing this for you - keep them coming✨🌟
word count - ~1k (just silly moments of christmas morning tbh!)
pairing - boyfriend!harry x reader
•🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄•
It was Christmas morning.
You were blanketed in a soft duvet, as well as being smothered by your boyfriend. One of Harry’s arm was draped over your waist, whilst the other was tucked under your pillows.
The fairy lights were still on from last night, casting a warm glow over the room since it was still dark.
You got out bed really quietly, making sure Harry was tucked in still, before going to the bathroom for your morning routine. Harry knew by now that you couldn’t stay in bed long before needing the toilet or brushing your teeth.
When you exited the bathroom Phoebe, your little black cat - not that she was a kitten, she was just very small - brushed past your legs.
“Merry Christmas, Phoebs.” You knelt down to scratch under her chin the way she liked.
“Can’t believe you wished the cat a Merry Christmas before me.” You heard Harry grumble from bed.
You laughed, scooping Phoebe up. She was a very calm cat, so picking her up was no big deal to her.
You walked around to your side of the bed, dropping Phoebe off to say ‘Hello’ to Harry. She purred when she realised she was between her parents, nuzzling her head under Harry’s chin. You and Harry had come to realise that Phoebe enjoyed the feel of Harry’s morning stubble.
“You were asleep.” You argued, stroking Phoebe’s back as Harry allowed her to keep head-butting his chin.
“Mm, but… Yeah fine.”
“Well, Merry Christmas anyways my love.” You smiled, leaning over to give him a kiss on his forehead since Phoebe was in the way of his lips.
“Merry Christmas to you too, love. Sleep well?”
“Yeah, but you seriously need to keep your hands to yourself at night.” You gave him a side-eye, which Harry knew was in jest.
“W-what?” He pretended like he didn’t know.
You just gave him a look like you didn’t need to explain yourself for him to understand.
“Babe!…. I can’t help it if my hand accidentally ends up resting on your boob. I have no control.” Harry said innocently.
“Sure you don’t, pal.” You rolled your eyes.
“Pal? Oh I’m your pal now, am I?”
“My best bud.” You chuckled.
Harry moved Phoebe and gently placed her on the floor, where she took it upon herself to go curl up on the dirty laundry in the corner of the room.
“Phoebe, darling, would you so kindly run along so I can remind mum exactly how we’re not just ‘pals’.”
•🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄•
The kitchen had been cold when you’d both eventually made it downstairs.
You’d made a morning black coffee for Harry and a breakfast tea for yourself, whilst Harry put some logs on the fire and put the Christmas tree lights on.
Next, you could hear the sound of Netflix starting up.
You smiled to yourself as you waited for the kettle to boil. The garden was covered in a layer of thin frost. It looked like something out of a Hallmark Christmas movie - especially as a Robin flew across the window and onto the bird stand.
Harry soon found you.
He wrapped his arms around your middle, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You two stood in silence, standing together as you watched the birds dance around the garden. You cupped Harry’s hands on your stomach, feeling so close to him in this moment not only physically but emotionally too.
Christmas was always a solemn time of the year for you both, after having relatives pass away this time of the year and relationships fading during the holiday time this was always a time when you and Harry held each other a little closer.
“I love you.” Harry said quietly.
“I love you too.” You said back.
•🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄• 🎄 •🎄•
You couldn’t stop laughing.
Rolling around on the floor as you belly laughed, hands on your stomach because the laughing was now causing aches, as Harry had opened his next present.
“What the fuck…” Harry laughed.
It was a gimmicky gift but one that you knew Harry would love.
People often complained that Harry was difficult to buy for, using the excuse that he could afford to buy everything so why buy him anything. To you, though, you were always finding things to buy him. A photo album. A crappy disposable camera to take photos on for a specific event. New pyjamas. A new hoodie to replace the one you’d been stealing.
In fact, Harry was the easiest person to buy for.
Just as you were the easiest person for Harry to buy for. He always knew just what to buy you - not that Christmas was about the presents for either of you.
“Phoebs, your mum is crazy!” Harry stroked Phoebe from where she looked confused at the continuous laughter coming from you.
“Ahh.” You sighed as you came to a close on your laughing.
You looked over at Harry to see him surrounded by wrapping paper, which Phoebe was now attacking.
You could feel your pupils dilating as you looked at him. You couldn’t get over how good he looked in Christmas pyjamas and a stupid Santa hat that he had gotten as Secret Santa present.
“What?” He asked when you’d stared for a moment too long at him.
“You’re pretty.” You said, sounding like you were drunk even though you’d only had a tea and one eggnog today.
“Oh am I now?”
“Stop fishing for more compliments. One was enough from me today.”
Harry crawled the distance between you and held his body up over yours. Your teasing stopped then.
“What?” You asked, returning the question after Harry just stopped above you.
“You’re pretty too.”
And he leaned down to kiss you, over and over again until he showed you exactly how pretty you are.
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hazzashouse · 2 months ago
First Christmas as a couple (Harry Styles one-shot)
A/N: Merry Christmas 🎄! I hope this little Harry one-shot warms your hearts this holiday season. Thank you for reading and supporting my writing—it means the world to me! Stay tuned because I’ll be sharing more festive one-shots in the coming days to keep the holiday spirit alive. Wishing you all a cozy and magical Christmas!
If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a comment, liking, or reblogging—it truly means so much and helps support my work.
Summary: Spending their first Christmas together, Harry and the reader savor quiet moments filled with warmth and laughter.
Triggers: None—this is a soft, fluffy Christmas story with no heavy content.
Pairing: Harry Styles x Female Reader
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The snow fell softly outside the window, flakes swirling under the glow of twinkling fairy lights Harry had insisted on hanging everywhere. The small, cozy living room smelled of pine and cinnamon, the Christmas tree in the corner twinkling with mismatched ornaments. Harry was kneeling by the fire, poking at the logs with careful concentration, his pink lips pursed in focus.
“Harry, you’re going to set the whole house on fire,” you teased from the couch, wrapping your blanket tighter around you.
He turned, a mischievous grin spreading across his face, dimples deepening. “I’m a man of many talents, love, but burning down our first Christmas isn’t one of them.”
You rolled your eyes, but your heart fluttered at the way he said “our first Christmas,” like it was something to be cherished, something important.
Harry got up and dusted his hands off, his emerald green sweater slightly askew, revealing a sliver of his collarbone. He crossed the room and sat beside you, his arm snaking around your shoulders as he tugged you against him.
“You’re freezing,” he murmured, pulling the blanket over both of you.
“Maybe because someone made me wait outside in the snow for fifteen minutes while he picked out the perfect tree,” you teased, nudging him with your elbow.
“It had to be just right,” he said, faux-serious. “Our first tree should be special.”
You laughed softly, tilting your head to look at him. His curls were messy, catching the light from the fire, and his eyes seemed to glow.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
He leaned in closer, his nose brushing against yours. “And yet, here you are,” he whispered, his voice low and teasing.
Before you could respond, he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, his hand cupping your cheek gently. The kiss was warm, unhurried, and it felt like everything a first Christmas kiss should feel like—comforting, sweet, and full of promise.
When he pulled back, his gaze lingered on you, soft and full of something you couldn’t quite name but felt all the same.
“Harry,” you began, but he cut you off, reaching into his pocket.
“I wanted to give you this,” he said, pulling out a small velvet box. Your breath hitched as he handed it to you, his fingers brushing yours.
“Don’t worry, it’s not a ring,” he said quickly, though there was a teasing glint in his eyes. “I mean, not yet.”
You opened the box to find a delicate gold necklace with a small charm—a tiny snowflake encrusted with a single diamond.
“I saw it and thought of you,” he said softly. “Unique, beautiful… and maybe just a little too perfect for me.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you set the box down and hugged him tightly. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Well, now you’re stuck with me. At least until the tree comes down.”
You laughed, leaning into him as the fire crackled softly. Outside, the snow continued to fall, but inside, everything felt warm and bright, just as Christmas was meant to be.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months ago
Mistletoe & Holly
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Summary: Harry finally reveals to his friend Holly how he feels about her on her birthday...which just happens to be Christmas.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4833
A/N: As promised, this is one of my two holiday fics from the past. Originally written and posted in 2021. In Harry's POV.
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Holly’s birthday was the 25th of December. “Freaking Christmas Day”, as she'd put it when we'd become friends years ago.
"I was born on freaking Christmas Day, Harry! Like baby Jesus. Can you believe it?"
Her mum had been told she couldn't have children, but 'lo and behold one day after having a horrible upset stomach and a case of indigestion, she went to the doctor only to find out she was pregnant. Holly'd laughed about it then when she told me, making light of the fact that she'd been a miracle baby. I couldn't help but think she was indeed a miracle.
To say I'd had a crush on her would be an understatement. I reckon in those early days it was just a crush, as I followed her around like a dumb lovestruck puppy. But I didn’t really know what love was yet; I just thought she was pretty, and she was cool because she had the entire second floor of her parents’ house to herself. She sat behind me in class, and I’d let her copy off my papers, or she’d let me do the same, even though neither of us got the best marks.
It wasn’t until the second year that I realised my feelings for her were more than mere infatuation. She started dating…other guys…and I didn’t like it. Especially when she would tell me about them. I found myself jealous, and I didn’t like that either. I would sulk, wishing I could turn back the clock to when it was just her and me. But the truth was, there never had been a her and me. We were never a thing and were never gonna be. I’d missed my chance. I was in the friend zone.
Still, every year I would celebrate her birthday with her. I thought it was a shame that she had to share her birthday with the biggest holiday of the year, so we’d do it a week before, a tradition I came up with myself.
“You need to have your day, Holly,” I insisted. “A day that’s just for you.”
“Okay,” she agreed, giving me that grin she’d use when she was humouring me. “What do you suggest we do to celebrate?”
I shrugged. “I’ll think of something. Just leave it to me.”
That first year I’ll admit was a little lame. It was too late to plan a party, not that I would have known whom to invite anyway. I baked her a cake (okay, my mum helped me a little), and I brought it to her house. The look on her face when she’d opened the door was totally worth it. She beamed at me with her big eyes and lovely crooked-tooth smile, and I could have kissed her had I not been holding that massive cake in my hands. Okay, maybe not.
We sat on the floor with our backs against the sofa whilst we ate cake and watched Star Wars - her choice. Somewhere around the middle of the movie, I gave her my other gift, a stuffed bear wearing a beanie. Yes, I know, cheesy. But I was a kid. She kept it on her bed for a long time, so I guess she didn’t hate it.
The next year I was able to plan a party, and a lot of kids came. But the downside was that Holly had a semi-boyfriend, a prat named Duncan who kept trying to get her alone. I came close to getting him to eat one of the cookies I'd brought, knowing he was allergic to nuts, but Holly quickly slapped it out of his hand, giving me a look. I lied and told her I hadn’t known of his allergy, and spent the rest of the party in the kitchen with her mum and dad, claiming I had a headache.
That wasn't the last time I had to walk around with my tail between my legs. After the X-Factor and becoming part of One Direction, we continued to stay in touch. But I'd forgotten about my pact with Holly until it was almost too late, and the guys and I were making plans for Louis's birthday.
"You should come," I told Holly on the phone. "We'll make it a joint thing. A massive celebration."
“Are you sure?” she asked, and I could detect the tone of hesitation.
“Of course. It’ll be fun.”
The party itself had been fun, but what I had neglected to do was try to make it extra special for Holly, seeing as most everyone else was there for Louis. After my bandmate had blown out his candles, and we roasted him for a bit, I brought out the cake for Holly, a round one with white icing and holly and berries on the top. While she put on her best smile, I could tell she was disappointed that no one made a big deal, barely singing an encore of “Happy Birthday” as they stood digging their forks into Louis’s cake.
Each year, I tried to one-up myself, hoping I’d make her birthday more enjoyable than the last - or at least better than that one. I made it a point never to combine her day with Louis’s again as the entire idea was based on her having her own day.
A few years later, however, I did the worst thing I possibly could. Niall and I had gotten into the liquor before the festivities had started, long before Holly even arrived. To this day I don’t really know why I did it, but I blame it on the nerves. I’d had it in the back of my mind that I was finally going to tell Holly how I felt about her. She’d had another boyfriend earlier that year, Eric, and I’d hated him. I mean, gritting-my-teeth-every-time-he-appeared and keeping-my-hands-in-fists-in-case-he-breathed-wrong hated him. He was a dickhead and just...completely wrong for Holly. She deserved much better. She deserved to be with someone who treated her like a queen. She deserved to be with me.
So when she and Eric had broken up before Halloween, I was so relieved and elated, I wanted to throw her the best birthday party ever. I was going to tell her everything in my heart. And up to then, I hadn’t told a soul. 
That is, until Niall handed me a drink. I wasn’t sure what was in it, but it tasted amazing. The more I drank, the more I liked it. I was feeling pretty good, making jokes and having fun until I found myself telling Niall my plan. 
“Shit, good luck, mate,” he said, slapping me on the back. “Just...what if she turns you down?”
Before that moment, I hadn’t even considered that Holly wouldn’t love me back. I mean, certainly there was no guarantee that she would fall into my arms as soon as I confessed. She might have some reservations, even, what with us being such good friends and all. But what if she actually said she had no feelings for me at all and told me to get lost? Suddenly, I felt a sourness in my stomach, and not from the liquor.
To make matters worse, as if on cue, the door opened and in stepped Holly. For a second my face lit up, all doubts I’d just had a second earlier now dissolving at the sight of her in her black dress and red lipstick. Straightening my shirt, I stood back, waiting until her other friends gave her welcoming hugs to make my move.
And that’s when I saw him.
Fucking Eric was stood right behind her.
In less than two seconds, I strode across the room, my eyes shooting daggers at the wanker.
“Hey, Harry!” Holly beamed at me, but I barely noticed. “Looks like a great party.”
“What’s he doing here?” I growled, my hands in fists ready to take a punch if needed. Eric merely raised his eyebrows, as though he already knew he was unwelcome.
“Oh, I hope you don’t mind,” Holly said meekly. “I invited him.”
“You’re back together?”
Holly shrugged, a pink blush to her cheeks as she looked over her shoulder at him. “Maybe. We’ve been talking…”
Eric gave a grin so smug that I felt my arm swing back, but someone grabbed it. Turning my head, I saw Niall who shook his at me. Just then I heard a squeal to my left as another one of Holly’s friends ran up to greet the birthday girl. As they embraced, I suddenly felt the room close in on me, so I pushed through the crowd back to wherever Niall was keeping that good tasting concoction.
I don’t remember much else about that night except some girl whose name I’ve forgotten. Niall tells me I “played disciple”, following her wherever she went until she agreed to join me in a spare room. I’m not sure what I was doing, or how far I actually got with her, but apparently Holly walked in on us. She’s never told me what she saw, and I’m not sure if that’s more for her benefit or mine.
But yeah. Not my finest hour.
As the years went by, Holly and I remained friends, keeping in touch mostly through her private social media accounts, occasionally reaching out or getting together when our paths crossed. I heard of her new boyfriends, one I even met in person whom I considered to be a proper lad. Holly asked about my relationships as well, never sounding jealous or snarky, only supportive. I reckoned we’d both matured, particularly from my end. Eventually my romantic feelings for her evaporated to more of a warm, mutual understanding. Or at least that’s what I told myself.
This year, Holly decided to have her party at her place. She’d recently purchased her own place, her first “big girl flat” she called it, and was excited to show it off. She let me know that I needn’t plan anything, that she had it all under control.
Slamming the car door behind me, I looked up at her building, the windows and balcony trimmed in clear lights, a wreath decorating the center of the railing. I thought of all the previous Decembers I’d spent with Holly, celebrating her birthday, and suddenly felt a sense of loneliness. I hadn’t been dating anyone in what seemed like a long time as I tried to recall if she currently had a boyfriend.
The large, red, square box under my arm, I wiped my brow with the back of my other gloved hand, feeling the first fall of snow. Trudging up the steps, I rang the buzzer for Holly’s flat, an unmistakable smile twitching my lips when I heard her voice welcoming me in.
“Oh, I’ve missed you, my love,” she cooed softly into my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I tried my best to keep my adolescent desires at bay as I innocently inhaled the scent of her perfume. “You need to come around more often.”
“And when’s the last time you came to see me, hmm?” I teased.
Her mouth in a straight line, Holly considered my comment. “You know, we can’t all afford to follow you around on tour for a year.”
“Have I been gone that long?”
“Longer,” Holly chided, taking my coat and setting my present on the credenza behind her, next to the other shiny wrapped gifts.
I chuckled. “Impossible. I saw you last birthday.”
“Fair enough. Just don’t make it a habit.”
“Too late, darling.”
I caught the gleam in Holly’s eye just before I felt a hand slap my shoulder, making me turn.
“Harry, lad! Wonderful to see you!”
“You as well, Richard, how are you?” I greeted Holly’s dad who guided me into the next room. My gaze searching for Holly, I caught her hanging my coat just before the doorbell rang again and Richard poured me a bourbon.
I sat in Holly’s living room, chatting with Richard and Megan, Holly’s mum, and few of Holly’s friends - some I’d known for years and some I’d just met. Holly, being the gracious hostess, greeted each person to arrive, so it was a while before she finally joined us. I noticed how she pushed her hair behind her right ear; I noticed how she sipped her cocktail; I noticed how she threw her head back laughing at something funny that was said. I noticed everything.
But more importantly, I noticed how no one had claimed the spot next to her, taking her hand or sliding their arm around her shoulder, chatting like she was their better half.
Holly was single. Just like me.
“Harry,” she suddenly addressed me as she rose from her chair with a smile, “let me show you the rest of the flat.”
Setting my glass on the table, I eagerly stood up. Then Holly surprised me by turning toward the other guests.
“You lot can sit tight and talk amongst yourselves for a bit, can’t you? I need some alone time with my old friend.”
“Of course, love!” Megan cheered, waving us away. “Take your time.”
With a smirk on my face and a thump in my chest, I began to follow Holly out of the room just in time to hear Richard’s remark that I was sure was not meant for me to hear.
“Old friend, my arse!” he quipped. “Girl’s been mad about him since-”
“Shhh!” Megan interrupted. “Quiet, Richard, they’ll hear you!”
“Harry, are you coming?” Holly’s voice called, making me realise I’d stopped just outside the doorway.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“I’ll show you the kitchen last because it’s closest to the den,” she explained. “And that way we can circle back around.”
“Alright,” I nodded sheepishly as she stopped at the end of the hall with a smile. However, instead of gesturing toward the room ahead of her, she pointed at the lovely french doors beside where we stood.
“This is probably my favourite part of this flat,” she said wistfully. “It was the selling point for me.”
I knew the doors must open to the balcony I’d seen outside when I’d arrived before she grabbed the handles and pushed them open. A gust of wind blew in, causing her hair to lift and flow behind her, like she was Elsa in Frozen.
“Sorry,” she muttered, “I know it’s horribly frigid out there. I just wanted you to see.”
“It’s very lovely,” I grinned, stepping up next to her.
“I can’t wait to have morning tea out here,” she added, grabbing my arm. “But I’m afraid that will have to wait until spring.”
In what felt like slow motion, Holly squeezed my arm against her chest, and I felt the warmth of her even through my jumper. I couldn’t help but smile as she pressed her nose to my shoulder before releasing her hold and pulling the doors shut.
“Brrrr,” she shook. “Perhaps that was a bad idea.”
I chuckled as I followed her to the open doorway to our left.
“Toilet,” she confirmed with a shrug. “Nothing fancy. And this is my bedroom.”
The room at the end of the hall was open to reveal a large bed, decorated in loads of blankets and massive amounts of pillows, all in shades of blue and grey. As I stepped into the room, the familiar scent that I only associated with Holly filled my nostrils. Everything felt very serene, as though I’d been there before, and I never wanted to leave.
“I tried to make it as calming as possible,” I heard her speak behind me. “Like my own personal sanctuary.”
“I reckon you succeeded,” I nodded. “It’s beautiful, Holly.”
“Thanks,” she beamed. “Okay, now for the kitchen.”
Holly surprised me again by holding out her hand, which I took gratefully. Passing by the french doors again, I noticed something I hadn’t before - a small sprig of a plant hanging just above the doors.
“Hey, is that…” I pointed.
I caught the pink in Holly’s cheeks before she giggled and nodded. “Mistletoe. I just thought it was cute, and kinda funny.”
“Alright then,” I smirked, recalling Richard’s previous hushed words.
“Mum and Dad may want to use it later,” she shrugged before turning the corner where I swore I heard her murmur, “or someone else.”
Pulling me into the kitchen, she stopped only to emphatically announce her pleasure in having more counter space than she’d ever had in her life. I smiled at her animated enthusiasm, happy for her that she finally owned her own place.
As she gestured to the exit to the left, I followed her back into the living room where a resounding game of charades was being played. I laughed as I watched Holly’s friend Gina try her best to mime the clue whilst Richard called out absurd answers.
“It might be time for Dad to put down the bourbon,” I heard Holly chuckle to my left just before Megan called out the correct answer and the room cheered.
“Ah, the birthday girl’s returned!” announced another of Holly’s friends. “I say it’s time to open the gifts!”
I felt Holly’s hand push the back of my arm, guiding me to the party. I took the chair I’d sat in earlier, across from Holly’s as I awaited the presents ritual. I was suddenly reminded of what I’d gotten her when Richard and Megan brought in the gifts collected on the credenza, setting them at Holly’s feet. My ridiculous red box sat in the back of the pile, like a caboose of confession.
I considered that she might take it lightly and even joke about it, the way she probably would have had she had a significant other. I supposed that was my own initial idea when I’d made the purchases and put it together. But now...after seeing her again, and all the feelings flooding back...I knew I’d been kidding myself.
Now everyone was going to watch her open it and see the awkward reaction she was bound to have. Good one, Styles.
One by one, I sat in silence and watched Holly open each gift, all earning oohs and ahs. When she finally reached for mine, I knew I was doomed.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she said to the entire room, though her eyes were focused on me. “I saved this one for last.”
I could feel the stares without shifting my eyes. Licking my lips, I awaited the inevitable. When she tore off the wrapping and lifted the lid to the box, however, I got a different reaction from what I’d expected. Instead of looking confused and awkward, Holly laughed gleefully, throwing a hand over her mouth just as she snorted. Though I tried my best to laugh along with her, I was extremely perplexed.
“Oh my God,” she shrieked, lifting the bouquet of mistletoe. “That’s so funny, Harry! How did you know?”
Giving a light-hearted shrug, I muttered, “Just thought it was cute and funny.”
Gina, sat to Holly’s left, took the mistletoe from her hands and lifted it above Holly’s head. “Alright, who’s ready to kiss the birthday girl?”
Feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment, I was glad when Gina took it upon herself to give Holly a kiss on the check. And even more relieved when Marcus, her friend sat to her right pointed at the box.
“Looks like there’s more, Hol,” he said.
As Gina claimed the mistletoe, Holly reached inside the box for the second item - a monogrammed photo album I’d had made especially for her.
“Oh this is lovely!” she breathed, setting the box on the floor to balance the album in her lap. “Oh and look! There’s mistletoe and holly on it. How clever, H!”
When she opened it, I saw how wide her eyes got, realising what was inside.
“This...this is all you and me.”
“All of your birthdays,” I confirmed, “at least since I’ve known you. Except for the one that I ruined. And few other...fun moments.”
I heard a few awws and a “that’s so lovely, Harry” from Megan, but all I could focus on was Holly as she scanned each and every photo.
“How did you...find all these?” she asked. As she lifted her head, I noticed the wetness in her eyes.
I shrugged. “Most of them I already had. I’ve just been...collecting them.”
“I had no idea we’d taken so many pictures,” she sniffed. “Thank you, Harry, this is really special.”
“You’re welcome,” I nodded, relieved that she hadn’t thought more of it than a mere gesture of friendship.
Shutting the book, Holly reached forward for the box, noticing one more thing was inside.
“Oh, there’s more?” she asked with raised brows.
At the bottom of the box was another smaller box. When Holly lifted the lid, she gasped.
When Holly and I were fourteen, I’d given her a friendship bracelet. She’d worn it every single day for two years until one day she’d gotten it soiled. That birthday, I’d given her a new one. Though she’d argued with me that she didn’t want to replace the original, she was ultimately happy that I had.
That birthday that I’d ruined - the one where I nearly punched Eric and fooled around with some girl I don’t remember - my gift had been a silver charm bracelet. My idea had been to tell her that it was to officially replace that friendship bracelet, which I knew was long gone. But I hadn’t gotten the chance to see her open it because I’d been drunk and preoccupied.
I’d never seen Holly wearing that bracelet, either.
This year…
“Wow, Harry, I…” she began, more tears forming in her eyes as she lifted the gold braided bracelet in her hand, “I dunno what to say. This is...way more than you’ve ever given me.”
“That’s so gorgeous,” oohed Gina as she leant over to see Holly slip it onto her wrist.
“It’s to...replace that old one,” I explained.
“Which one?” Holly asked.
“The one that I never got to give you,” I admitted. “The one that is probably tainted because I was such an asshole that night and got wasted at your party.”
“Oh,” Holly mouthed. I could see the recognition in her face. She knew exactly what I was referring to.
“I regret that night, terribly, love,” I added, pressing a hand to my chest.
“Oh my God, what happened?” inquired Gina.
“I’d rather not talk about it,” muttered Holly, closing the box and returning it to the floor.
“I ruined her birthday,” I said before I even realised what I was doing. “Because I couldn’t just admit to her how I felt about her.”
Jaws dropped all around the room as Holly stared at me.
“Good on ya, mate!” I heard Richard say. “I always suspected!”
“Richard!” Megan scoffed in a loud whisper.
“Well, I did!”
The room seemed to fall away as I saw Holly rise from her chair and sprint down the hall. It wasn’t the reaction I’d expected, but it wasn’t a surprising one. Hastily, I followed her, wondering what the bloody hell I was going to say next. Hopefully I hadn’t just ruined a second birthday.
I found her stood next to the balcony doors, her hands on the knobs like she was debating whether or not to open them. I cleared my throat to let her know I was there, as I heard her whimper.
“Holly,” I managed to say, my mouth as dry as a desert. “Are you...okay?”
I saw her shoulders drop before she nodded. “I’m fine.”
Stepping closer, I could tell she was wiping her eyes.
“You don’t seem fine. I made a fool of myself and humiliated you in the process. I’m so sorry, Holly.”
“No, Harry,” she said. “I’m the fool.”
Turning to face me, she threw up her hands. “I had no idea.”
“That’s my fault,” I admitted. “I’m shit at communication. And I was afraid of rejection.”
“Since when?”
With a tiny, quiet laugh, Holly shook her head. “Me too.”
“Not only am I shit at communication, Harry,” she confessed, “but I suck at giving hints apparently.”
“No, I suck at taking them,” I giggled. “‘Cause I don’t recall any hints that you felt...any way about me.”
“See?” she threw up her hands again. “God, Harry, can you even imagine the feeling of being gutted when you’re crushing on your best friend and you walk in on him getting head from some other girl?”
Her words were like a knife right through my heart as I slowly closed my eyes and sighed. “I’m so very sorry, Hol.”
“The worst of it was that I had only invited Eric to the party to make you jealous.”
“What?” I asked again, my eyes popping open in disbelief.
“I was convinced you would never like me back the way I wanted you to. So because I knew you hated Eric, I reckoned you might take more notice if I got back together with him.”
“Holly, what the fuck?” I ran my hand down my face.
“I know,” she muttered. “Not my proudest moment.”
“Can we just erase that night out of our lives?” I suggested.
With a tight smile, Holly looked down at her new bracelet, tracing the plaits. “Maybe.”
“So, what do we do now?” I inquired.
“I don’t know that either,” she admitted. “This was rather sudden. To be honest, Harry, I’d thought I’d gotten over you. And then you-”
Her words were interrupted by my sudden kiss. Soft and tender, it was a quick kiss, though I could feel her sigh against me.
“What was that for?” she breathed.
With a smirk, I raised my brows and pointed at the ceiling. “Mistletoe.”
“You were saying?”
“I…” she began, a dreamy look in her eyes, “don’t remember.”
I pulled her into my arms then and kissed her with purpose, doing my best to replace all the time that we’d lost. I knew it would take years to even get close, but I was willing to try.
I felt Holly’s hand slide down my arm and grab my hand before she pulled back. With swollen lips and a look in her eyes I’d ever seen before, she led me toward her bedroom, closing the door behind us.
With only a lamp lighting the room, I joined her on the bed, kicking off my shoes. We made out like teenagers - as though the years had not made any difference in how we felt or what we wanted. The only real difference was that I was no longer afraid to let it be known.
My head spinning and my heart pounding, I suddenly felt Holly press a hand against my chest.
“Harry? Let’s not make this a bad fanfiction, okay?”
I chuckled in disbelief. “What?”
“You know, the friends-to-lovers trope, where we finally have sex and at the end, we just assume everything ended splendidly like a fairy tale.”
“Well, love, I was kinda hoping it will,” I stated honestly.
Holly tilted her head, her soft hair falling against the pillow and her shoulder, her expression both innocent and seductive. I had to bite my lip.
“I think you know what I mean.”
“Okay,” I grinned. “So how should it end, then?”
“Well…,” she sighed, the vibration against my chest causing me to take a breath. “It seems rather silly to say we should take it slow given that…”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“But how about we ease into it? See what happens.” She ran her delicate hands up my biceps, her suggestion nearly being blanketed by her touch.
“That seems like a good idea,” I agreed as I leant forward and kissed her inviting lips again. She hummed low as I separated our kiss, taking a moment before opening her eyes. Then grasping at a curl near my ear, her eyes danced as she wrapped it around her finger.
“How does one tell her best friend that she loves him?” she suddenly asked.
A wide grin spreading across my face, I let my fingers trace the side of her beautiful face.
“I reckon you just did, my love.”
I kissed her deeply then, her fingers tangling tighter in my hair. Mistletoe or not, I knew in that moment that I could continue to kiss her forever, if she let me. When I felt her leg slide against my hip, however, and she gasped against my mouth, I knew we should return to our original vow.
“We should probably get back to the party,” I admitted.
“Hmm, yeah,” Holly nodded with a sigh. “Let’s do that before my dad calls out a search crew.”
I laughed against her neck, feeling her giggle rise from her throat. Giving it a few more pecks, I finally lifted my head to look at her pretty, glowing face.
“Happy Birthday, Holly.”
“Happy Christmas, Harry.”
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tpwkwriter · 1 year ago
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☃️❄️Tpwkwriters December fic recs 🎄💫
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! And these fics will certainly most make you feel more festive and cosy! All credit goes to these writers and accounts, as normal my DMs are always open, if anybody wants to be added/removed from this completion let me know!
As usual lots of love and stay safe this winter ❄️🩵
Gingerbread kisses- @finelinevogue
Christmassy kisses- @finelinevogue
Holidays with Harry- @harrysfolklore
Wife material- @harrysfolklore
Let it settle- @twostepstyless
We’re matching- @twostepstyless
Christmas cookies- @jarofstyles
The perfect tree- @storiesforallfandoms
Gifts- @tinydestinybear
Christmas Eve- @fictionalwh0ree
Baby it’s cold outside- @watermelonlovershigh
This Christmas- @leveller-75
Matilda- @goldenbuckyyy
That’s my apron- @glitteredrry
Christmas dance- @astranva
Christmas in Holmes chapel- @nationalharryleague
I gave you my heart- @suchalonelysunflower
Baby it’s cold outside- @watermelonlovershigh
New home for the holidays- @1025cherrystreet
This- @sapphicgarlic
This- @kissme-hs
The Christmas gift- @hesmygolden
Christmas spirit- @crowdedimagines
Christmas morning- @afeb
Winter flakes- @oghoneytryst
A dad!harry Christmas!- @lovecanyon
Snow plow- @lovemepleaase
Holiday wishes, mistletoe kisses- @berrynarrybanana
Baking made easy- @harrysgloves
Frosty the snowman- @gucciwins
25 days of Christmas- @emotionally-imbruised
Underneath the tree- @all-things-fic
It’s not Christmas ‘til you come home- @tobesolonely
Christmas lights and love bites- @mouthfulloftoothpasterry
Santas grotto- @musicforastylesrestaurant
One year- @watchmegetobsessed
12 days of ficmas by @watermelonlovershigh
25 day advent calendar by @twostepstyless
Christmas Thyme- @ihearthes
Part 2- @ihearthes
———-☃️❄️Happy holidays to you all 🎄✨————
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bravetemptation · 2 months ago
I Guess I’ll Surrender
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A lad’s Christmas holiday provides the perfect opportunity for Louis and Harry to prank their friends.
They decide to fake date.
Feelings kind of get in the way.
Out now on AO3 ❤️💚
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mieldreams · 3 months ago
hello and a good day to all the lovely writers of tumblr but
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itsnevercasual · 1 year ago
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
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part ii
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
warnings: none really.. not edited.
summary: in which y/n's friends book her an amazing gig, but they don't mention anything about her favorite singer being in attendance.
request: nope!
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your friends were more than aware of your obsession with harry styles. it’s not like it was a secret.
so, it only made sense that when you started to sing in bars and cafes — anywhere, really — that you’d always incorporate something of his into it. whether it be a love on tour crewneck, a song of his, a one direction song, or a song about him — you loved to cover style, because.. who didn’t want to strut on a stage to a song everyone knows?
however, you weren’t aware of what they were planning when they somehow booked you in a very prestigious bar.
the dress-code for this bar was strict. your usual get-up of jeans and a crewneck — or jeans and anything, really — was vetoed before you could even ask. so, you searched through the depths and trenches of your closet until you found a black, skin-tight cocktail dress that ended right at your mid-thigh.
“seriously, babe. you know sign of the times inside and out. you’re just psyching yourself out,” one of your friends, melanie, told you.
“i know, but.. still.”
“you doubt yourself too much.”
“so you tell me everyday. now shoo! i’ve gotta be onstage in five.”
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you weren’t exactly sure how you got onstage. you’re pretty sure you blacked out.
as you nervously scanned the crowd, you spoke into the mic, “hi.. my name is y/n. uh.. i’ll be singing some songs tonight. i figured since it’s christmas eve, i could sing through a few.. christmas classics or whatever. so.. yeah!”
a few people in the audience laughed at your awkwardness.
you sang through last christmas first, which really boosted your confidence. the audience was very interactive, singing, dancing, and clapping along.
you sang a few other christmas classics. santa baby, let it snow, things like that.
and then.. it was time for the section you very much dreaded. your songs.
“so.. these next few songs are songs that i wrote. they’re.. like.. my babies. so.. please be nice to them,” you laughed.
you nodded to the band. a silent signal that they could start the music.
“when you first told me about her, you said she was thirty. and i just can’t help but think.. you knew it was dirty. and maybe you were just a little sad, but there’s no excuse to lie to me like that. but when you first told me about her, you said she was thirty,” you took a deep breath before belting the chorus, “but she’s only twenty-eight. i’m not even half her age. she probably just had her first high school reunion. you’re probably the first guy she’s ever moved in with. you think that i wanna hate. but you set me up this way. so for my health i’ll be blocking your number, ‘cause you couldn’t wait till i got a bit older.”
the crowd cheered, giving you more confidence as you walked around the stage.
“and sometimes i kinda feel like i wanna forgive. but it never crossed your mind that maybe i’m still a kid. and i’m so used to being the adult. even when you say it’s not your fault. but i’m kinda getting sick and tired of crying. so please stop lying, and lying, and lying. she’s only twenty-eight. i’m not even half her age. she probably just had her first high school reunion. you’re probably the first guy she’s ever moved in with. you think that i wanna hate. but you set me up this way. so for my health i’ll be blocking your number, ‘cause you couldn’t wait till i got a bit older. to tell me she was twenty-eight.”
as the drums and electric guitar got more intense, the lights flashed different colors.
“to tell me she was twenty-eight… what the fuck is twenty-eight? you said she’s mature, so that makes it okay. and you said she likes sports, so that makes it okay. and she’s actually pretty, so that makes it okay. but there’s nothing you can say that makes twenty-eight okay.. to me.”
the crowd cheered as you lowered the mic. a smile overtook your face as you laughed.
you walked back over to the mic stand, putting the mic in the slot as a slow, piano-ballad type song started. the lights switched to a soft white.
“they’re always charismatic. and they’ll turn up the charm. their words do something magic, saying no is really hard. they’re over-generous, you’ll never pay the bills. they’ll fall in love in seconds. die for you, or probably kill. ooh. and after six months, you’ll feel really stupid. ooh. i promise that it’s not your fault you fell for it,” you shook your head, keeping your eyes closed as you sang, “‘cause.. one little fight breaks into war. feels like you’re dying on the bathroom floor. you’ll make an excuse. you’ll say that it’s you. and the mirror’s telling you it’s true. won’t leave, can’t stay. how much are you gonna take? ‘cause you’ll always take the blame. it feels like shit, but that’s just how it is. when you love a narcissist. so if you’re feeling crazy.. i wouldn’t be surprised. the only thing they’re good at’s knowing how to gaslight. then make you feel like the most beautiful in the world. while they’re sleeping with another girl. ooh. and after six months, you’ll feel really stupid. ooh. i promise that it’s not your fault you fell for it, ‘cause.. one little fight breaks into war. feels like you’re dying on the bathroom floor. you’ll make an excuse. you’ll say that it’s you. and the mirror’s telling you it’s true. won’t leave, can’t stay. how much are you gonna take? ‘cause you’ll always take the blame. it feels like shit, but that’s just how it is. ‘cause i felt like shit. so i know how it is. when you love a narcissist.”
the crowd cheered as it went straight into another song.
“when you’d yell, i would stay quiet. you never noticed i was quiet. i was taught that speaking up was talking back. always first to say, ‘i’m sorry’, ‘cause i wanted you to like me. and i thought that’s what it took to make it last. it’s a lose, lose. that i don’t choose. but you don’t always choose the ones you love. i shouldn’t have to be the bigger person. how come i have to break to keep us working? it’s always up to me, even though it shouldn’t be. i’ll take the blame the way you want me to. ‘cause that’s what i do for you. i was half of this dynamic. i was stable, you were manic. without you or with you comes with a cost. i got used to the excuses and emotional abuses. we kept moving the lines we never crossed. it’s a lose, lose that i don’t choose. but you don’t always choose the ones you love. shouldn’t have to be the bigger person. how come i have to break to keep us working? it’s always up to me, even though it shouldn’t be. i’ll take the blame the way you want me to. ‘cause that’s what i do for you. i always think it’s over, but it never really is. but i can’t get the closure when you’re like this. can we switch? maybe this time you’ll be the bigger person. ‘cause i’m getting tired of carrying all your burden. it should be up to you, but you won’t admit the truth, oh-oh. shouldn’t have to be the bigger person. how come i have to break to keep us working? it’s always up to me, even though it shouldn’t be. i’ll take the blame the way you want me to. ‘cause that’s what i do for you.”
the crowd cheered again.
“thank you! we have.. four more songs tonight. this next one is would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.”
a crew member came and slipped an electric guitar around your neck. you quietly thanked them as you cleared your throat and the music started.
“if you would’ve blinked, then i would’ve looked away at the first glance. if you tasted poison, you could’ve spit me out at the first chance. if i was some paint, did it splatter on a promising grown man? and if i was a child, did it matter? if you got to wash your hands? oh-oh, oh. all i used to do was pray. would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. if you’d never looked my way, i would’ve stayed on my knees. and i damn sure never would’ve danced with the devil at nineteen. and the god honest truth is that the pain was heaven. and now that i’m grown, i’m scared of ghosts. memories feel like weapons. and now that i know, i wish you’d left me wondering. if you never touched me, i would’ve gone along with the righteous. if i never blushed, then they could’ve never whispered about this. and if you never saved me from boredom, i could’ve gone on as i was. but, lord, you made me feel important… and then you tried to erase us. oh-oh, oh. you’re a crisis of my faith. would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. if i’d only played it safe, i would’ve stayed on my knees. and i damn sure never would’ve danced with the devil at nineteen. and the god honest truth is that the pain was heaven. and now that i’m grown, i’m scared of ghosts. memories feel like weapons. and now that i know, i wish you’d left me wondering. god rest my soul, i miss who i used to be. the tomb won’t close, stained glass windows in my mind. i regret you all the time. i can’t let this go, i fight with you in my sleep. the wound won’t close, i keep on waiting for a sign. i regret you all the time…. if clarity’s in death, then why won’t this die? years of tearing down our banners, you and i. living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts. give me back my girlhood, it was mine first,” as you held the note, the crowd screamed.
“and i damn sure never would’ve danced with the devil. at nineteen. and the god honest truth is that the pain was heaven. and now that i’m grown, i’m scared of ghosts. memories feel like weapons. and now that i know, i wish you’d left me wondering. god rest my soul, i miss who i used to be. the tomb won’t close, stained glass windows in my mind. i regret you all the time. i can’t let this go, i fight with you in my sleep. the wound won’t close, i keep on waiting for a sign. i regret you all the time. oh, god rest my soul, i miss who i used to be. the tomb won’t close, stained glass windows in my mind. i regret you all the time. i can’t let this go, i fight with you in my sleep. the wound won’t close, i keep on waiting for a sign. i regret you all the time.”
with the final strum of your electric guitar, the crowd stood up to applaud. the crew member switched out the electric guitar for an acoustic one.
“this next one is called ceilings.”
a little bit more applause.
“.. ceilings. plaster. can’t you just make it move faster? lovely to be sitting here with you. you’re kinda cute, but it’s raining. harder. my shoes are now full of water. lovely to be rained on with you. it’s kinda cute but it’s.. so short. then you’re drivin’ me home. and i don’t wanna leave, but i have to go. you kiss me in your car. and it feels like the start of a movie i’ve seen before. before… bedsheets, no clothes. touch me like nobody else does. lovely to just lay here with you. you’re kinda cute and i would say all of this. but i don’t wanna ruin the moment. lovely to sit between comfort and chaos.. but it’s over. then you’re driving me home. and it kinda comes out as i get up to go. you kiss me in your car, and it feels like the start of a movie i’ve seen before.. but it’s not real. and you don’t exist. and i can’t recall the last time i was kissed. it hits me in the car. and it feels like the end of a movie i’ve seen before. before.”
you laughed as you saw melanie and your friends stand up in the back of the bar, dancing on stools.
“i can see my friends dancing.. so badly because they love the next song,” you laugh.
“once the flight had flown. with the wilt of the rose. i slept all alone. you still wouldn’t go. let’s fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later. i see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters. you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor. you search in every maiden’s bed for something greater, baby. was it over when she laid down on your couch? was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? ‘come here,’ i whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out, baby. was it over then? and is it over now? when you lost control. red blood, white snow. blue dress on a boat. your new girl is my clone,” you smiled, knowing was part comes next. “and did you think i didn’t see you, there were flashing lights. at least i had the decency to keep my nights out sight. only rumors ‘bout my hips and thighs, and my whispered sighs. oh, lord. i think about jumping. off of very tall somethings. just to see you coming runnin’, runnin’. and say the one thing i’ve been wanting, but no. let’s. fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later. if she's got blue eyes, i will surmise that you'll probably date her. you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor. you search in every model's bed for something greater, baby, was it over when she laid down on your couch? was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? ‘come here,’ I whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out, baby. was it over then? and is it over now? oh. oh. think i didn’t see you? there were flashing lights. at least i had the decency to keep my nights out sight. only rumors ‘bout my hips and thighs, and my whispered sighs. oh, lord. i think about jumping. off of very tall somethings. just to see you coming runnin’, runnin’. and say the one thing i’ve been wanting, but no. let’s fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later. oh. i was hoping you’d be there. and say the one thing i’be been wanting… but no.”
another round of applause as you passed off the guitar.
“so.. this song is not my song. i am.. very nervous for this, but.. this is sign of the times.”
you closed your eyes tightly as the music started, “just stop your crying, it’s a sign of the times. welcome to the final show. hope you're wearing your best clothes. you can't bribe the door on your way to the sky. you look pretty good down here. but you ain't really good.. we never learn, we been here before. why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? the bullets? we never learn, we been here before. why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? the bullets? … just stop your crying it’s a sign of the times. we gotta get away from here. we gotta get away from here. just stop your crying, it’ll be alright. they told me that the end is near. we gotta get away from here. just stop your crying, have the time of your life. breaking through the atmosphere, and things are pretty good from here. remember everything will be alright. we can meet again somewhere. somewhere far away from here.. we never learn, we been here before. why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? the bullets? we never learn, we been here before. why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? the bullets? just stop your crying. it’s a sign of the times. we gotta get away from here. we gotta get away from here. stop your crying, baby, it'll be alright. they told me that the end is near we gotta get away from here. we never learn, we been here before. why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? the bullets?” you finally opened your eyes, trying to find melanie, but instead, you find the last person you expected to be here.
the man whose song you’re literally singing.
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harry was slightly weary when an over-excited girl with light pink hair came up to him and asked him — begged him, really — to come to her best friends show. he wasn’t sure what convinced him. or what possessed him to bring his mother and gemma along with him.
but he had to say, he didn’t.. regret it.
you were pretty — extremely pretty. and you were a crazy good singer. he was pretty sure you were singing his song better than him.
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you swallowed your nerves as you sang the chorus and bridge, keeping eye contact even though you felt like shitting your pants. “we never learn, we been here before. why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? the bullets? we don't talk enough. we should open up. before it's all too much. will we ever learn? we've been here before. it's just what we know. stop your crying, baby. it's a sign of the times. we gotta get away. we got to get away..” you finally looked away, closing your eyes. “we got to get away. we got to get away. we got to get away. we got to, we got to, away. we got to, we got to, away. we got to, we got to, away.”
you let out a shaking exhale as the song ended, backing up from the mic. you bowed and blew kisses to the audience before practically sprinting offstage.
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to: mel x
from: mel xx
to: mel xx
from: mel xx
to: mel xx
oh i dunno
from: mel xx
to: mel xx
from: mel xx
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after taking ten minutes to breath, you walked over to the bar, finding melanie pretty easily.
“i love you so much for playing is it over now!”
“i played it just for you and your psycho obsession with it,” you laughed as she yanked you into a hug.
you two pulled away, and you turned around when you felt a presence behind you.
your eyes widened when you were face to face with harry fucking styles.
“hey.. y/n, right?”
you blinked a few times… that couldn’t be real. this was most definitely a prank.
“.. are you alright?”
“yes! sorry, i’m.. yeah, i’m good. hi, yeah. i’m.. y/n.”
he smiled at you, “i’m harry. but.. you seem to already know that, since y’sang my song and all.”
“i.. yeah, i do know who you are,” you laugh awkwardly.
“well, i’m glad to know who you are as well.”
you had to bit your lip to keep from smiling like a psycho.
“oh, and uh.. happy christmas,” he smiled.
you furrowed your brows, grabbing your phone.
12:01, 25 december 2018
happy christmas, indeed.
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a/n: edging 😛 LMAO this might get another part, it lowk just depends on how well it does!!
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1dchristmasfest · 1 year ago
We’re back for 2023! Sign up info and prompt info coming tomorrow, 25th October 2023!
Share far and wide, and join us for more fantastic festiveness!
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adoremp3 · 1 year ago
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📝✨ 'tis the season....to write! ✨📝
unwrap your creativity and embark on a festive journey of words! embrace the magic of the season by unleashing your creativity with these 20 writing prompts. whether you're cuddled up with a notebook or typing away by the twinkling lights, dive into the spirit of the holidays through the power of storytelling.
if any of the prompts below spark your creativity, i'd love for you to tag me in your posts so i can enjoy your work. feel free to use the hashtag #TisTheSeasonWriting to share your festive tales with the writing community!
on a snowy christmas eve, a struggling musician finds inspiration and love when a mysterious stranger leaves sheet music with a heartfelt note at their doorstep
two longtime pen pals, who have never met in person, decide to surprise each other by showing up unannounced at the same charming bed and breakfast for a magical christmas reunion
a jaded city executive reluctantly joins a small town’s christmas decorating committee and discovers unexpected romance with the quirky but endearing local florist
a department store santa and a hard working elf develop a secret connection throughout the holiday season, finding love behind the scenes of the north pole
a young professional reluctantly attends a company retreat in a snowy mountain lodge during the week of new year’s eve, only to discover unexpected connections and new beginnings as the clock strikes midnight
during a christmas tree lighting ceremony, a photographer captures a spontaneous kiss between two strangers, sparking a viral sensation that leads them to reconnect in the spirit of the season
a group of friends from various backgrounds come together to celebrate chrismukkah, exploring the beauty of their traditions while navigating the challenges of the holiday season in a heartwarming tale of unity
on a delayed train home for the holidays, a lonely traveller strikes up a conversation with a fellow passenger, and as the snow falls outside, they realise they might have just found something special
a competitive ice-skating duo is forced to reevaluate their partnership when a surprise injury jeopardises their chance at their final competition of the year, ultimately bringing them closer than ever
a single parent and a kind-hearted school teacher collaborate to create a memorable christmas pageant for their children, discovering love amidst the chaos of holiday preparations
in an expected turn of events, a corporate lawyer finds himself stranded in a cosy mountain cabin with a free-spirited artist, leading to a heartwarming christmas filled with laughter and love
a baker and a chef find themselves in a friendly yet intense holiday bake-off, but as they share kitchen space and secret family recipes, the competition transforms into a sweet love story
in a bustling city on new year’s eve, two strangers get stuck in an elevator just before midnight, sparking an impromptu celebration and a connection that lasts long after the clock strikes twelve
a struggling writers receives an anonymous gift of a vintage typewriter on christmas morning, along with a note that leads them on a scavenger hunt, unravelling a love story from the past
two childhood friends reunite in their hometown, reminiscing about the past and realising that the feelings they had buried long ago might still be alive
in a small town where winter celebrations embrace various cultures, a local bakery hosts a dessert exchange that brings together neighbours from different backgrounds, leading to unexpected romance and sweet connections
a librarian and a history buff team up to organise a winter festival that highlights the cultural diversity of their community, leading to a shared appreciation for traditions and a budding romance
a ski instructor and a snowboarder, both passionate about winter sports, find themselves drawn to each other during a festive holiday competition that blends their favourite activities
a travel blogger, stranded in a charming european village on new year’s eve due to a snowstorm, joins the locals in their unique celebration, where she meets a charismatic chef and discovers the magic of a small-town countdown
a cosy bed and breakfast in a snow-covered village hosts a winter storytelling night, where guests share tales of their lives and dreams, leading to a heartwarming connection between two strangers with intertwined stories
on the last night of hanukkah, a chance encounter at a festive celebration sparks a connection between two people who come from different backgrounds. as they navigate cultural differences and family expectations, they find that love can be the most meaningful gift of the season.
a photographer on assignment to capture winter landscapes in a charming town unexpectedly crosses paths with a reclusive writer known for their holiday romance novels. as they collaborate on a project, the line between fiction and reality blurs, and they discover the magic of love in the midst of the holiday season.
as the new year's eve countdown begins, two childhood friends reunite at a cosy winter cabin after years apart. through shared memories, laughter, and the warmth of the fireplace, they realise that the greatest gift of the season might be a second chance at love.
in a charming Christmas market, a baker and a candlemaker find themselves competing for the most coveted spot. as their rivalry intensifies, so does their undeniable attraction. in the midst of holiday chaos, they learn that love is sweeter than any gingerbread cookie or scented candle.
during a snowy hanukkah celebration, a chance meeting between a violinist and a writer creates a symphony of emotions. as they navigate the melodies of their pasts and dreams for the future, they discover that the harmonies of love can be found in unexpected places.
in a small town where christmas is celebrated all year round, a jaded writer assigned to cover the festivities meets a local bakery owner who believes in the magic of the season. as they collaborate on a holiday feature, they find themselves falling for each other against a backdrop of twinkling lights and festive cheer.
a workaholic corporate executive reluctantly attends a company christmas party and ends up stuck in an office elevator with the quirky office assistant. as they share stories and snacks from the office holiday party, they realise that true love might be waiting right under the mistletoe.
a professional ice skater and a hockey player collide on the ice during a festive winter carnival. despite their competitive spirits, they find themselves drawn to each other in a whirlwind of twirls and spins, discovering that love can be as graceful and unpredictable as a figure-skating routine.
a stranded traveller spends christmas eve in a charming bed and breakfast, where they meet the innkeeper's single parent sibling. as they join forces to create a memorable holiday for the guests, they realise that love can blossom unexpectedly, even in the cosiest of inns.
a dedicated firefighter and a compassionate paramedic find themselves working together on christmas day, responding to holiday emergencies. as they navigate the challenges of their demanding jobs, they realise that sometimes the warmth of love can heal even the coldest of nights.
on a snowy winter getaway, a solitary writer seeking inspiration crosses paths with a charismatic tour guide. as they explore the picturesque landscapes and share stories by the fireside, they uncover the chapters of a love story waiting to be written beneath the falling snowflakes.
in a quaint bookstore hosting a holiday book club, two avid readers find themselves discussing a romantic novel set during the holiday season. as they delve into the story, they realise that their own lives are beginning to mirror the tale, sparking a romance that unfolds with each turn of the page.
an amateur astronomer and a meteorologist find themselves on a remote mountaintop on new year's eve, chasing the perfect view of a rare celestial event. as they share their dreams under the starlit sky, they discover that love is as infinite and unpredictable as the universe.
during a community hanukkah celebration, a culinary enthusiast and a chef with a secret family recipe connect over their shared love of traditional holiday foods. as they collaborate in the kitchen, they discover that the perfect blend of spices can lead to a recipe for love that transcends cultural boundaries.
during a magical snowstorm on new year's eve, two strangers find themselves trapped in an old bookstore. as they explore the shelves and share stories of their pasts, they realise that the most enchanting chapter of their lives may be just beginning.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 months ago
Twelve Days: Part 2^**
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In days 5-8 Y/N confronts her sister about her behavior. The tension between Harry and Y/N starts to grow as they continue spending more time together after hours until it's just impossible not to address it. READ PART 1 HERE
Warnings: infidelity, break ups, mentions of depression and anxiety and their symptoms, mentions and use of alcohol and drugs, breast/ nipple play, dry humping
WC: 7.1K
Day Five:
When you woke up the following morning you were alone in the bed which definitely was for the best because you felt really guilty for the night before. Yeah, you hadn’t actually gone through with anything terrible, but you two had crossed a boundary that shouldn’t have been crossed. Maybe it was because you were both a little heartbroken over the things that you were going through personally, but ultimately, that didn’t really justify anything. 
Despite the very successful night of sleep you’d had, you felt a little unwell. Your stomach felt funky and your thoughts were going a hundred miles a minute. You didn’t want to get out of bed today even though you knew that a walk around the neighborhood would help you feel a little less gross, both physically and mentally. It seemed like a great day to just be lowkey and rot and then your door creaked open and you sat up to see your mom peering in.
“Sorry, I thought you’d still be asleep. Was just seeing if your sister had stayed with you or something.” She explained with a worried expression on her face.
“No. I was alone. All night.” You added with a nervous lump in your throat.
“Hmmm…did she say anything to you last night?”
“No. But she was out with Claudia, she’s not here?”
“Claudia is, but she said they came back together. She hasn’t responded to Harry.”
“Maybe she went out for a walk or a run. I saw her the other day when I went out.” You explained and she nodded and left.
The logical thing to assume was that she had spent the night with that guy she was sleeping with. Doing this on a family trip was a new low. Suddenly, you didn’t feel so bad for having the hots for Harry because she was out with another guy! That alone was enough to motivate you to get out of bed and you called your sister while you paced around your room back and forth waiting for her to pick up. 
“Hello?” She hummed happily and you sighed.
“Where are you? Everyone’s freaking out!” You whisper shouted, trying not to sound too angry with her because you technically weren’t supposed to know what was actually going on.
“I went to have breakfast with a friend! I left a note by the door!” She said and you sighed, “I’ll be back in like an hour tops.”
“Why didn’t you text Harry back then?”
“I didn’t want to text him and wake him. You guys did a lot yesterday and he was pretty tired. I got back late and slept in Claudia’s room.” She fibbed and you hummed.
“Well just…hurry back.”
“Yeah. Bye!” She said and hung up quickly. 
You got your slippers on and headed out to the kitchen where your mom was making coffee for everyone.
“She answered my call. She’s out at breakfast with a friend who’s also here, I guess.” You said and just like that, the crease between your mother’s brows was ironed out. 
“Oh, thank god.”
“She said she left a note by the door.” You said and your aunt hurried over and was soon back in sight with a piece of paper.
“I may have missed it in my panic!” Claudia chuckled and your dad rolled his eyes.
“Well, what do you guys want to eat?” Your mom asked.
“I don’t care, I just want some mimosas.” Harry said and headed to the fridge to get the champagne.
“Excellent idea!” Your dad exclaimed happily and you smiled and started heading back to your bedroom.
“Hey, where are you off to?” Harry asked.
“Just gonna wash up and get dressed.” You informed and he smiled and got back to his task. 
Despite her promise to return in an hour or so, your sister was not back until nearly two in the afternoon. Your parents were inside watching a movie with your aunt and you and Harry were pretending to play tennis. Pretending because you had no idea what you were doing, you were just winded from all the back and forth. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed. You and Harry were laughing about you accidentally hitting the ball over the fence when your sister came out to the back and towards the pool house. Suddenly the laughter died down and Harry headed towards you.
“I should go talk to her.” He said and you bit your lip for a second.
“Ummm…let me.” You said, “I can get her to tell me the truth and then talk a little sense into her.”
“You shouldn’t have to…”
“I know. But this is super fucked up and everyone’s all confused and she’s just going to yell at you, so let me try.”
“Alright.” He agreed and you nodded once before heading towards the pool house.
You did feel extremely nervous as you reached for the door handle but you had to talk some sense into her. It seemed that she was just over pretending to be happy and didn’t care how it all came out. However, you knew that your sister actually really cared for how she was outwardly perceived, so this was extremely out of character for her. As soon as she heard the front door open she sighed.
“Spare me the argument, Harry. He’s gone.” She called out as you rounded the corner.
“Who’s gone?” You asked and she quickly turned around from walking over to the bathroom.
“No one. Just a friend Harry’s jealous of.” She mumbled with a shake of her head.
“Mmm…some friend that must be because Harry’s not the jealous type.” You said as you sat on the corner of the bed. Showing her that you had no intention of leaving any time soon.
“And how would you know that?”
“Because I’ve known the guy for almost 10 years, Julie! It takes a lot to upset him. Him not being the jealous type was one of the things you really liked about him when you were dating. You told me about it many times.” You reminded her. “You’ve got everyone thrown for a loop with how you’ve been acting.”
“Oh my god…don’t make this a thing.”
“I’m not! This is very much a thing already. What is going on, huh?” You pressed and she sighed.
“Nothing, Y/N! Just mind your business.”
“What’s really going on?” You pressed and she groaned.
“You wouldn’t even understand so just stay out of it, Y/N!” she raised her voice.
“Try me.” You said simply and her anger seemed to dissipate and she just stood there for a second, genuinely giving it some thought. And then her eyes started welling up.
“I can’t.” She said and you frowned.
“Why not?” You questioned.
“Because you’re going to think so badly of me.” She said and you frowned.
“Jules, I’d never judge you.” You said sincerely and she sighed. “Look ummm…Harry, h-he told me about you.” You said carefully and her jaw dropped as her tears started to fall. She quickly sat beside you and started sobbing, so you pulled her into your side. It was strange for you but you wanted her to know that this mistake she had made wasn’t enough to make you not love her. Despite your slightly complicated relationship, she was important to you and you wanted nothing more than the best for her. “It’s okay…” you assured her. 
After she calmed down some, you grabbed her Stanley for her and let her drink a bit as you grabbed some toilet paper so that she could blow her nose. She let out a long exhale and then let herself fall back onto the mattress.
“I’m a major demisexual and I’m in love with someone else and yes, I’ve been…having an affair with him.” She confessed.
“For how long?” You asked.
“There’s been three separate times.” She explained, “The first time Harry and I had been dating a few months and ummm…it happened after a work party and it went on for about a month. It ended because Harry caught us a friend’s wedding and he dumped me for a few days for it. Then again, right after Harry and I got engaged.” You frowned as you heard this, “And that one lasted like four months.” She explained and your jaw slightly dropped upon hearing this. “I know…and it just…it fucked me up! I started to doubt and was sort of on the fence until we were like three months away from the wedding! I just, I was trying to find the courage to end it with Harry.” she cried and you nodded as you listened, “And then it was the month before the wedding and I missed my period.” Julie explained and you nodded. “By that point Joey and I hadn’t seen each other for three months! Because he had given me an ultimatum and that’s what made me decide to leave Harry. But yeah, then that happened and I just…felt like it was a sign to stay.” She shrugged.
“So…what happened with that?” You asked carefully.
“Nothing. I mean, I was just late. Probably stress from the wedding and the decision I was making with Harry…and I think I had started on birth control a few weeks prior, so yeah, it was just late. But I still took that as a sign, you know and I stayed with Harry. I didn’t talk to Joey all this time until last year. I decided that maybe being friends on social media would be alright after all those years. Like we were such good friends and I did miss that. But obviously, that was a slippery slope and here we are… and I mean, I’ve loved him all this time. But I’ve also loved Harry enough to stay. But then when Joey and I started talking again that love for Harry was gone.” She said sadly. She brought her hands up to her face and groaned into them. “I’m such a horrible human being! I’m a piece of shit!” 
“You’re not, Jules. You did a horrible and shitty thing, but you’re not that.” You assured her. “If you don’t love Harry anymore then why don’t you just get divorced?” You asked.
“This is what I hate myself for most!” She cried. “I just know that…leaving Harry is not the best option for me. Joey is flighty and kind of a fuck boy! But he still cares about me. So then I think if I show him that I am that committed to him he won’t be so afraid of trying with me for real.” She explained and you wanted to laugh. That was maybe the most delusional thing you had ever heard in your life. You felt so bad for her.
“I know how fucking delusional that makes me sound! Trust me, I know! That’s why I haven’t left Harry. Because logic is completely out the window right now! And I mean, m-maybe with time I’ll fall for Harry again? I mean, I did once before…” she explained as the tears streamed down her face.
“I’m sorry.” You said lowly. 
“Don’t be…I did this to myself.” She sniffled. “And now I’m dragging one of the best persons in the world down with me.” She whimpered before she started to cry again. “I know I’m being selfish but I’m so scared!” She broke down again and you pouted. 
“I know how scary it is to be alone, but you’re going to punish Harry for it and I don’t need to tell you how unfair that is. You get both things and he gets nothing? I mean, you both deserve the chance to be with people that make you happy.” You reasoned.
“Yeah…I know.” She whimpered before letting out another sob.
She continued crying for several more minutes before she had calmed down. You were gently rubbing her back as she was turned away from you. You could sense her shame, is was so great that it was suffocating the both of you. 
“Look, I think you need to have a nice relaxing shower. Wash the day away, yeah? And I can make you a really great cocktail and then we can watch Mean Girls.” You suggested and she rolled over and gave you a confused look.
“That’s not a Christmas movie!” She exclaimed. Your family also had a rule that during the Christmas season you could only watch Christmas movies with another member of the family.
“I’m talking about the real, iconic version. Like it’s not entirely Christmas-y but it does contain one of the most iconic Christmas scenes in cinematic history and that alone makes it Christmas-y enough!” You defended and she smirked.
“You’re right. Love that movie.” She hummed and you smiled.
“I know.” You responded.
“Well, it sounds like a plan.” She said with a smile.
“Alright.” You confirmed. 
“On your way out can you send Harry in? I should apologize.” She decided and you nodded and got up to go. 
Harry was sitting on one of the pool chairs when you emerged from the pool house and he instantly sat up and glanced around to see you approaching. He looked a little nervous and you offered a small smile to reassure him some.
“She told me the truth.” You said and he looked surprised, “I know. And ummm, she asked if you’d give her a few, she wants to apologize.” You said and his features softened.
“Yeah, of course.” He said and immediately sat up.
“Good luck in there.”
“Thank you.” He smiled as you went your separate ways. Despite how badly you wanted to eaves drop in hopes for some indication of how the supposed apology was going, when you got to your bedroom you decided to have a shower instead. 
By the time you were out and making the cocktails, Harry was also arriving at the kitchen from his bedroom, freshly showered.
“Can you add a bit more f’me? I’m gonna watch the film with you two.”
“Oh, sure!” You agreed easily. “So it’s good with you guys?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” He assured and you were pleased with that.
And truly, for the rest of the day everything was great. It honestly felt like the tension between them that you’d sensed this entire time had evaporated and you hoped that it would stay that way for the remainder of the trip.
Day Six: 
It had been a really fun day with your family. You’d decided to go to the outlets, and on the way back stopped at the casino where you’d actually won nearly $1,200, just your luck. And then had an excellent dinner with everyone before you got back to the house. Despite your busy and exciting day, you found yourself staring up at the ceiling. To be fair it was only around 10pm, but you’d had a very long day. And then, the sound of a few quiet knocks on the door made you smile.
“Yeah?” You spoke up and Harry peeked into the bedroom with a smile on his face as well.
“Can’t sleep?”
“No.” You mumbled. “Come in.” You said and he hurried in and closed the door quietly.“Wanna smoke a bit?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yes, please.” He hummed with zeal and you chuckled as you got out of bed. You tended to get hot in bed, so you always wore something more revealing on top and some long bottoms. It was currently cool in the room though and the thin, baby blue tank you were wearing was leaving nothing to the imagination, so it was no surprise that Harry did a double take before quickly looking down at his phone.
“I’m gonna grab a sweater, s’cold out. Can you grab the weed? There’s a little black bag from the dispensary in the bedside drawer.” You instructed and he nodded. You hurried into your closet and grabbed the first one you saw and grabbed your lighter from your purse as you hurried out. And soon you and Harry were positioning the chairs so that the edge of the roof didn’t obstruct the view of the starry sky. 
“Just pick what you want.” You said and he started looking through the bag and pulled out a more indica heavy blend. “Ooh, good choice. But we’ll definitely need snacks. And water.” You said and he grinned. 
You made a quick trip to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and milk because you figured that it would satiate the munchies and also hydrate you to counteract the cottonmouth. And with that settled you were finally passing the joint back and forth and staring up at the sky. You had been talking about TV shows and things you’d read, music you were into at the moment, it was really nice and comfortable with him. And after a moment of silence Harry turned to you.
“I have to ask…” he said and you turned to look at him and nodded, “Ummm, the day when you…walked in on me?” He asked and you nodded nervously, “Did you see everything?” He asked and your groaned and looked away bashfully and he chuckled. “No point in lying about it…” he said and you turned back, face beet red as you faced him.
“I didn’t. I promise!” You insisted.
“Okay…” he hummed, still in slight disbelief. 
“It’s true!” You pressed once more.
“I’m just teasing you.” He grinned.
“Well stop, it’s making me feel bad all over again!” You chuckled and he chuckled along with you.
“Don’t feel bad. I understand the curiosity just gets you sometimes.” He said and you hummed and shrugged in agreement. 
“So…what’s next for you. I-if you guys end things?”
“I don’t know…I’ve been approached about a tenure track opening at the university and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it.” He said and you nodded in agreement.
“I know I could go back home…work at my alma mater…be closer to my family…”
“In a way, going back would feel like defeat. Like I just wasted all of this time.” He said and you felt sad for him as he confessed this.
“Well, you got offered a tenure track position! Clearly you haven’t been wasting your time.” You encouraged him and he smiled.
“That’s true…”
“But I mean, if you decide to go back then at least you’ll be closer to your family.” You said with a smile.
“Well, my family is kind of a mess so…things are better with us when we have some distance between us. That’s why coming here was an idea to begin with” He explained.
“Oh, I didn’t know that. Sorry.” You said.
“It’s alright.” He assured you. “Let’s talk about you… I know you’re a caring person but you’re just deflecting at this point.” he said and you smiled a bit and shrugged.
“It’s just…when I think about it I still get really sad.” You explained, with a sad smile on your face and his gaze softened.
“I saw the depression meds in the drawer. You know, you really shouldn’t smoke while you take them. You could get serotonin syndrome.” He said with concern.
“Oh, I haven’t started them. I was supposed to a few weeks ago and well, I had brought them to start on Sunday but I forgot.” You explained.
“Why haven’t you started them?”
“I don’t know…not any good enough reasons though.” You shrugged.
“Like?” He pressed and you sighed and just straightened out and looked at the beautifully starry sky. You hadn’t seen that many stars in a long time.
“My pride…” you chuckled dryly and he sputtered out a laugh as he tried to keep quiet.
“Okay…in what way?”
“Just in the most obvious way…like this person affected me so much that it broke my mind and unbalanced by brain!” You whisper shouted and then sat up straight and brought the joint to your mouth and took a small hit before blowing out the smoke. “How could I let someone hold so much power over me?!” You chuckled in disbelief as your eyes welled up with tears and handed over the joint.
“This is not your fault. You loved and trusted, that’s not wrong.” He reassured you and you sighed. You watched him take a hit and then sighed.
“You’re right. But I still feel weak for it, you know? So ummm…yeah, not taking those meds yet and still surviving and finding joy every now and again, it makes me feel a little bit better.” You confessed.
“And you feel alright?”
“Yeah and getting better too. Slowly but surely.”
“Okay. Promise you’ll take them when you start to plateau.” He requested as he handed back the dwindling joint.
“Promise.” You assured before taking the last hit and then smashing it against the ashtray to completely extinguish it. “Should we put something on and eat our cereal?”
“Yeah, lets do it.” He agreed and you smiled.
Before you knew it, the both of you were reclining against the headboard with your cereal bowls and watching SNL highlights.
Day Seven:
Once again, you had woken up alone. You had gone on your walk and when you returned Harry and Julie were already in the kitchen.
“Great, you’re back! Guess what!?” Harry exclaimed.
“What?” You asked as you put your AirPods back into their case.
“Save Ferris has a show at Pappy and Harriet’s tonight!” 
“Oh, no way?!” You gasped in disbelief and your sister turned to you.
“You know who that is?” She asked and you nodded.
“I had a ska phase in high school.” You shrugged and she knocked her head back and laughed.
“Oh, right! God… glad you got through that.” She said and you flipped her off as you started to head to your room to shower. “So what? Do you want to go?” Julie asked and you stopped and turned towards her and then glanced to Harry who was smiling expectantly.
“Ummm…yeah! I’d like that actually.” You confirmed.
“Perfect! We’ll get the tickets, don’t worry about it. Merry Christmas.” She said to you and you smiled, “And well, I’m just going to get drunk because I don’t know what the fuck that band is.” She added and you chuckled.
“Well I think you’re going to have fun. And this is like a huge dream come true for me because I never thought I’d ever get to see them!” You said excitedly and she chuckled, “Thank you! I love you.” You said pointedly and then hurried off to shower.
All day the anticipation for this show was building up and building up. By the time you were leaving the house Julie was already tipsy. You were driving since they had paid, it was the least you could do, and you were actually glad you had driven, it was a nice distraction from just wanting to talk to Harry about anything and everything while your sister just laughed at TikTok’s in the backseat. You were also kinda worried that she might make herself car sick, especially as you started going up the winding roads to Pioneer Town.
You guys had intentionally arrived early to take a walk through the historical little western town. You looked through a few shops and then made your way to the saloon next door to the venue and had some tacos while you guys drank and chatted until it was time to make the short walk back to the venue. You guys waited in the merch line for a bit before heading over to the outdoor stage area and finding a spot to stand. Despite this not being a genre that your sister enjoyed, she was having a pretty decent time. And you and Harry had enjoyed the opener and also Save Ferris. You guys were bopping along and singing the songs. Your sister had a few more drinks during the show and by the the time it was all over she was draped around you as you guys headed to your car. 
“Want me to drive?” Harry asked as he opened the back right door to help you get Julie inside.
“I’m alright.” You assured him. Your sister groaned as she dropped down onto the seat. “Jules, seatbelt on please.” You said and she hummed.
“M’going, m’going…” she slurred. Once she was all strapped in you and Harry got settled in and you were making the drive back. It had only been a few minutes before you heard your sister slightly snoring from the back.
“Did she pass out?” You asked Harry and he glanced back and smiled.
“Yeah, she’s out.” He confirmed and you chuckled.
“Thanks for mentioning this show. It was super fun.” You smiled at Harry quickly before turning back to the road.
“I’m glad you had fun. You deserve it!” Harry explained with a smile, “Also, are you generally this great to go to shows with?” He asked and you giggled.
“I don’t know…I guess?”
“It’s just so nice to be present isn't it?” He asked and you nodded.
“Definitely. I get what you mean.” You agreed, “But specially here. It’s such an intimate venue. We couldn’t haven’t seen Save Ferris in a better place.” You gushed and he nodded with a wide smile. 
The rest of the way you guys were exchanging brief but charged glances. Even if you were just talking about the show and music, the air between you two was once again tense and you finally got a break from it when you arrived. You were giggling as you tried to get Julie inside as quietly as possible on your own since Harry had to pee. While you struggled with the task at hand, you had eventually made it to the pool house. She trudged in and just dropped herself on the bed and you chuckled before letting her be. When you returned to the main house Harry was in the kitchen, grabbing himself a glass of water.
“Want one?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You confirmed and he handed the glass over to you before grabbing another for himself. You quickly drank it down and washed it before setting it back on the drying rack and then asking for his glass and washing his as well.
“Of course.” You hummed.
Moments later you were both walking down the dark hallway to get to your bedrooms. When you reached his door you stopped and he turned towards you.
“I also wanted to say that you look very pretty tonight.” He said softly and you smiled.
“Well thank you.” You responded bashfully.
“Of course.” He smiled nervously. You both looked at each other for a moment, the tension from before was rising between you again.
“Ummm, well…I should get to bed. Thank you again for finding this. I really did have the best time. I needed it.” You stated with a genuine smile as your gaze met his own. It lingered for a few more seconds before you felt all bashful again and you blinked away quickly. “Anyway, good night!” You chirped softly before he bid you a good night and you hurried into your room. 
You got changed and got ready for bed, but before you could get into it you felt a funny tug in your tummy. Yes, you had spent a whole afternoon basically with Harry, but having him in your room at night, it helped you sleep through the whole night. Which as you’d mentioned to him before, was a current struggle of yours. And more than that, you liked the warmth of him beside you. You loved how deep and raspy his voice got as you spoke late into the night. You liked that one of your pillows smelled like him from how much of a habit it had become to have him come see you and you were working up the guts to go ask him. You hurried to your bedroom door and swung it open only to see Harry already a few steps away from your door. 
“Hi.” He smiled as he came closer.
“Hi.” You smiled up at him as he stood before you. “Wanna come in?” 
“Yeah.” He smiled and stepped inside. 
Before long you were propped up on the pillows side by side, TV on some old reruns. You were barely paying attention because you were using all of your will power to try and not turn to face him. If you did, surely you’d lose all self-control and do something stupid like lean over to kiss him. Already, the warmth coming off of him was enough to make you want to close the small gap between the two of you. But then, from your peripherals you saw him steal a glance quickly. Your heart started to race, you were buzzing from head to toe as you debated whether to glance over as well. Your heart won that battle as you turned towards him and he smiled slightly.
“What?” You asked and he shrugged.
“Nothing just…we get along too well.” He shrugged and you smiled.
“Too well?” You asked and he hummed. “Maybe our personal situations are influencing a lot of the…vibes, you know?” You asked.
“Why do you say that?” He asked.
“Because, we’ve both been a bit neglected and disappointed by the people we loved. Like…for lack of better terms I think we’re both a little…thirsty.” You said as you giggled away the nerves and he smirked.
“Yeah…That’s true.” He verified.
“And well, then with like the underlying sadness, sometimes you just aren’t thinking all that clearly about things that you’d normally just… push aside.”
“Like what?” He pressed and you sighed.
“Like why we suddenly have the hots for each other!” You whisper shouted and he chuckled. “Like I’m suddenly very aware of you.” You explained.
“I think that was from seeing me half naked.” He said and you groaned in embarrassment as you let yourself fall onto your pillows. “Hey, hey…” Harry giggled as he turned onto his side to face you, “I’m teasing you.” He assured as he glanced down at you.
“I know, but still not my finest moment.” You reminded him with a playful roll of your eyes. But then he reached for your face and tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“I almost kissed you the other day, which…is equally as bad so I’d say we’re both on thin ice. And well, it’s not like I don’t want to now or something…Like I know that no one would find out about it-”
“What if they do somehow?” You asked nervously.
“They won’t. But if they did, it’s not like I was gonna be around you guys for much longer any way, with the divorce an all…” he said with a small shrug.
“So you’re going to get divorced?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yeah. Gonna get it going when we get back home.” He said and you nodded. 
Your eye contact with him didn’t waiver for another few seconds and before you knew it, you were both leaning in slowly. He exhaled shakily before you finished closing the gap between your lips. It was just a small and quick touch of your lips together before you both pulled away. Your noses were nearly touching as you just hovered near each other for a few seconds. But from one second to the next, his will power snapped and he was kissing you again gently. Over and over, in quick little pecks, lips smearing together for seconds at a time, both too scared to kiss with a bit more fervor as to not find out just how far it could go. But like he said, no would find out…
“Fuck it then.” You whispered as you reached around his neck and he pulled you in closer by the waist. Your kiss deepened quickly, you moaned at the taste of his mouth, feeling his tongue smooth over your own and for his teeth to nibble at your bottom lip… you were reeling. Falling blissfully into a state of non-worry as you sunk into the delicious mattress and were blanketed by Harry’s warmth and weight over you. His constant squeeze at your hip was telling you that his body was screaming to do more with his hands, but he was trying not to do too much. You pulled away from the kiss quickly, smiling as he chased after your lips, “Just wanna tell you that you can…” you trailed off as he smooched over your lips quickly, “Y-you can touch me more.” 
As soon as you gave him the green light he slid his warm hand down the side of your thigh and to the underside where he hoisted it up around his own hip. Then he smoothed his hand back up your thigh, then up your waist, but from under your shirt. And slowly, he covered more skin until he was sliding his big, warm palm over your breast. You moaned as he gave it a gentle squeeze. The curiosity with which he was feeling you out was reminiscent of a very early sexual experience you had with some guy at a birthday party in the 8th grade, with all that seven minutes in heaven shit. 
“So you’re a boobs guy…” you giggled as he swiped his thumb over your hardening nipple.
“Definitely a boobs guy.” He mumbled into your lips before kissing you a few more times. “Can I take your shirt off?” He asked and you bit your lip as you weighed out your options. But who were you kidding, the thought of having those same lips all over your breasts had you slicking up your underwear even more than they already were. 
“Yeah.” You consented verbally and you sat up as he helped pull your body free from the shirt and then dropped it on an empty part of the bed. 
Harry’s warm, smooth lips started to kiss down your jaw, nibbling a few times on his way down to the column of your neck. You held in your giggles from his stubble tickling your sensitive skin. He had both of his hands on your breasts now as he sat over you, he was teasing your nipples, being so light and airy with his touches, it had you squirming. You knew he’d get there soon, but soon wasn’t happening as fast as you wanted.
“Please!” You whimpered and he glanced up at you and smirked.
“I’m going.” He assured you and he lowered himself until he was face level with your breasts.
He wasted no time in parting his lips and sucking your nipple between them. You whimpered and wove your fingers into his hair. He sucked harder and you gripped at his hair harder. His other hand kneaded over your other breast as you writhed beneath him. And as you wiggled around trying to part your legs to wrap around him, he pulled one out from under him and lowered his hips a bit as you ground up and that’s when you felt the bulge in his pants. He was so fucking hard.
“Fuck.” He sighed as he kissed back up your neck and finally back at your lips as he started to grind his cock against you. One of your hands slid up his arm, feeling at his bulging muscles. The other slid down to his backside, encouraging him to keep going. It wasn’t so much the feeling of the dry hump as it was the desperation that existed between you two. It would feel wrong to fuck so quickly, but you wanted to so badly that you were both willing to settle for this. It was a little bit sick and a lot pathetic, a true reflection of you two as you made out sloppily while rubbing fronts. 
You’d been struggling with your sex drive since the depression and you really hadn’t needed to be in tune with it, seeing as you had planned to steer clear of anything with another person for the foreseeable future. But now here you were, wetter than you’d been in months, feeling the fabric of your underwear clinging to the skin of your pussy. You needed more if you were going to come and you really, really wanted to come. 
“Harry…Harry…” you mumbled against his lips, “Take these off.” you panted as you tugged at the band of his pants and boxer briefs.
“Sure?” He asked and you nodded.
“It’ll be easier to come like that.” You said and he smiled. “What?”
“I just…hadn’t really thought about that, I was just kinda happy to be here.” He chuckled and you giggled.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just got a little carried away, s’been a while.” You explained.
“For me too. I want to…I just want to make sure, you know?” 
“Well, thank you for making sure.” You whispered and he smiled down at you before kissing you again. You two struggled for a bit as he tried to get his pants off without stopping the kisses, but eventually you had to and you watched as he knelt up onto the bed. His cock was so fucking pretty, it made you salivate. He wasn’t shaved clean but he was definitely trimmed. You also wanted to get his balls in your mouth and make him squirm with pleasure. You also started to get your pants off and he helped you pull them off of your legs. Your underwear matched with the sleep tank you had on, a nice baby blue color, but they did nothing to hide how fucking wet you were. 
After tearing off his shirt, Harry had your legs spread, holding you down by the backs of the thighs as he slid his cock over your clothed crease. Back and forth, over and over, the head of his cock was colliding with your clit. His foreskin was starting to pull back to reveal his tip, meaning that despite how hard he already felt to you, he had more to go. You were trying to keep your sounds at a minimum, but you were starting to get close to the edge. The steady pace Harry was going at, plus the weight and warmth of his cock gliding over you and between your sticky pussy lips were all pushing you to fall apart quickly.
“You’re gonna make me come so hard…” you moaned and he groaned and kissed you.
“Good, baby. Come for me.” He mumbled against your lips and you nodded. You were inhaling his exhales as you kissed sloppily. You could feel your legs starting to tense up and your walls starting to tighten inside of you as the pleasure started to become more concentrated in the pit of your core. It was so hot and tingly and lovely, it was starting to ache, you could feel your slick starting to pump out of your needy little hole. If Harry decided to try put it in you’d let him do it. Just processing that thought and how possible it was had your orgasm overcoming you. Your breath hitched and your whole body went stiff for a second before the pleasure just exploded. A gratifying moan slipped past your lips and Harry was quick to cover your mouth, chuckling lowly as you got lost in the pleasure of the orgasm. He watched your breasts bounce and jiggle beautifully as your body rolled gently with the waves of your orgasm. You were gripping the sheets so tight that your fingers slightly ached but it just felt so good. Even as he kept going, you welcomed the sensitivity. He pulled his hand from your mouth and reached for one of your boobs again before glancing down at his cock all slicked up with your slick and cum.
“Fuck I’m gonna come!” Harry mumbled and you bit your lip in anticipation. Opposite of what you expected, he slowed his pace and then grabbed the crotch of your panties and pulling it to the side. He moaned as he saw your whole pussy and then laid his cock over it again a few times and then very intentionally, he pressed against your entrance, it was making you tremble. “Fuck…gonna let me come all over your pussy?” He asked as he looked up at you and you nodded, mouth agape, eyes nearly closed from the insurmountable waves of lust.
“Please, need it so bad.” You encouraged his orgasm. And moments later he was groaning lowly as you felt his thick, warm load start to spill all over your pussy. His slow ruts against you were making you melt and you propped your self up on your elbows to see the mess he was making against you. “Do you always cum that much? Fuck…” you chuckled as you glanced up at him and he just smirked at you as he came to a slow stop.
“Do you feel bad?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Not yet at least…” you added and he nodded.
“Okay, me either.” He assured you. “Just wanted to check before I kissed you again.”
“Oh, okay.” You whispered as he leaned in and kissed you slowly again.
Eventually you got cleaned up and back into bed with him. You knew that you would wake up alone, but still weren’t sure if you’d be happy about it or not.
Day Eight: 
When your eyes opened the following morning you felt fine. You weren’t afraid to face Harry, you weren’t regretful of what you’d done. However, you did find yourself wondering when you’d be able to get away with it again.
What did concern you is how he would feel about it this morning. He was eager in the heat of the moment but what about now, after the post nut clarity? The more and more you gave it some thought the more you psyched yourself out and were avoiding joining everyone for breakfast. You were in your patio, smoking a joint to help you build up some appetite, but also to help you relax and be normal when you were in the same room with your aunt, parents, and brother in law who had just come loads over your bare pussy, and of course, your sister, his wife. Well, soon to be ex-wife, but still! It wasn’t official yet!
Finally you decided to bite the bullet and headed towards the kitchen. You greeted everyone good morning and then glanced to Harry who flashed you an easy smile. 
“You alright?” He asked. What sounded like the most casual question to everyone else was the most charged question between you and him. You smiled and nodded.
“Yeah. All good.” You reassured him and he smiled and nodded silently before continuing to eat his breakfast.
@daphnesutton @mads3502 @triski73 @xoxxjada @fangirl509east @stylesftcher @charlottesrecommendations @taintedwonder @goobernickle @loverofhsandallthings1d
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finelinevogue · 1 year ago
gingerbread men
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summary - christmassy vibes fic where you’re baking gingerbread and harry is being his usual self
word count : ~1k
pairing : husband!harry x reader
The front door closed, signalling that Harry’s home.
“Hello, my gorgeous girl.” Harry didn’t say to you, but your black and white cat Circe.
You smiled to yourself as you heard Harry talk to Circe. As Harry greeted your cat, you took out the gingerbread men from the oven and placed them on the side.
The kitchen smelt amazing, full of Christmassy scents like cinnamon and ginger. It was sweet and comforting.
And soon as Harry walked into the kitchen, there was another level of comfort.
He stood in the doorway, holding his car keys and his water bottle, smiling at you. He had this soft smile that he only reserves for you. One that could melt away a thousand problems and make your world feel safe.
“Something smells good.” Harry said, watching the kitchen floor as Circe passed him by.
“I got bored. Decided to bake and voilà… Gingerbread men.”
“You’ve had a productive day then.”
“I actually did. I did the washing and—”
“Well you didn’t wash everything baby.” Harry gave a knowing smirk at the t-shirt you were wearing.
It was the t-shirt Harry’s been wearing to bed for the past week. You were going to add it to the wash, but it smelt of Harry and you missed him today, so wearing a piece of him sounded like a good idea.
“Oh yeah. I’m wearing your t-shirt if that’s okay.”
“More than okay.” He glazed his eyes over you, like he often does when he’s having an ‘i-love-y/n’ moment.
“Stop simping for me, you simp, and come and give me a proper hello.” You rolled your eyes at him.
Harry immediately walked over to you, chucking his keys and water bottle on the side. You patiently waited for him to walk over, arms crossed over your chest as you watched him.
He was slow with his movements, but the space wasn’t too far between you. He met you with a kiss on the forehead, wrapping his arms low around your waist so his hands could rest nicely at the bottom of your spine.
“That’s not a proper hello, mister.” You tutted, tilting your head up to look at his looming figure.
He didn’t say anything. Instead, he leant down to kiss your cheek once.
“Try again.” You said.
So he kissed your other cheek.
“Harry. I swear to God, if you don’t ki—”
Harry’s lips pressed onto yours before you could finish telling him off. Your lips moved knowingly over each others, pressing yourselves into one another with ease.
Before it could get too heated, Harry pulled away slowly.
“That was better.” You hummed in delight.
“Yeah.” Harry nodded, kissing you lightly once again.
“I missed you today.”
“Not as much as I missed you.” He kissed you again, like he couldn’t stop. Like he didn’t want to stop.
“Did you write about me?” You teased.
“I can’t disclose that information yet.”
You groaned in frustration, since that’s all he ever told you about his new album he was working on. You knew it was a gift from himself to the fans, as always, but you often wondered what his inspiration for the day was and how that was channelled into a song.
“You’re so annoying.” You pushed his chest so he stumbled away from you.
“I know, and yet you still love me.” Harry shrugged.
You turned back to your tray of gingerbread men. “Think he could love me better.” You turned around to Harry holding up a gingerbread man to him.
Harry instantly leaned forward and took a great, big, bite out of the gingerbread man’s head. You stood there in shock over his territorial move.
“H-harry!” You laughed his name. “Babe, what the hell?”
“Damn, that’s a good gingerbread man.” Harry wiped his lips with a cheeky grin.
“He’s not a man anymore, you dickhead. He’s a headless body...” You giggled in shock still.
“Would you still love me if I was a headless body?” Harry asked you, finishing off his mouthful.
This would seem like a really random and weird question to anyone else, but these were actually the types of conversations that you two had with each other.
“Yes, ‘cause I wouldn’t have to see your stupid face anymore.”
You threw the headless gingerbread man down on the tray in disbelief.
“Heyy.” Harry pouted.
“No. You’ve done the damage now, babe.” You pretended to be mad.
“This is unbelievable…” Harry mumbled, before stepping to cup your cheeks and pull your lips to his. You instantly responded by moving your lips in sync with his, getting a taste for the remanence of your gingerbread men.
Harry pulled away once he was satisfied that he had been forgiven.
“They are pretty good.” You said with a smile, referring to the gingerbread men.
“Told you.”
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rockstarlwt28 · 4 months ago
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Homeless at Christmas. Louis Tomlinson is preparing for the wintry temperatures. The soup from the soup kitchen not only warms Louis' hands, but the server Harry Styles warms his heart.
‘We're equally brassic. I understand, Lou,’ he interjects. His brow arches in curiosity when Louis waves the dismissal away; hand reaching into his pocket to retrieve the five pound note.
Arthur protests kindly, eyes filling with gratitude once the note makes contact with the guitar case. ‘Louis,’ he chokes softly. 
Louis smiles. ‘You know the rules, once the note hits there's no refund policy,’ he reminds playfully, reciting Arthur's words. ‘And who better to receive than a man that can strum chords together and orchestrate his own melodies,’ he enthuses.
‘In that case, we should share, you and I,’ Arthur offers.
Louis chuckles softly. ‘Maybe one day, man. One day, yeah?’ He sighs wistfully. ‘When we hit the jackpot, make a breakthrough in the industry, fall onto better times to clean ourselves up and make positive first impressions eh?’
‘I'd say, in another lifetime, but with words like that, there leaves zero room for hope-’
‘Hope; the one thing we all need to survive in this climate alone,’ Louis finishes. 
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lemoncrushh · 3 months ago
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
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Summary: Harry invites Rebecca to his Christmas party, but she overthinks too much, misinterpreting his intentions and nearly missing out on her chance to be with him on New Year's Eve.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 6528
A/N: The last of my collection! Originally written and posted in 2016. Harry x OC, written in first person. Inspired by one of my all-time favorite Ella Fitzgerald songs.
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I was exhausted. I'd spent the day Christmas shopping, the first half shared with my mother up until we stopped for lunch. Then after we parted ways, I continued my hunt for the perfect gifts, checking off my list one by one. By six o'clock, I'd called it a day, pushing my door open with my shoulder as I struggled with enough bags to completely cover the foyer. I set them down with a sigh, shutting the door behind me and tiptoeing around the bags to get to my kitchen where I dropped my purse and keys. I took a gander back at the mess in the hallway, my eyelids heavy with fatigue. Making my way over, I grabbed only one of the bags, leaving the rest to be put away later.
Once in my room, I laid the bag on the bed, removing the dress I'd purchased for myself. It was a pretty, deep crimson shade with a simple A-line hem, and it cost almost as much as all the gifts I'd bought put together, but it was totally worth it.
Harry was having a Christmas party.
Harry Styles and I had gone out a handful times. I wasn't really sure if you could say we were dating. How many dates constitutes dating? One? Five? Seventeen? I never really knew the answer to that. He'd taken me to dinner a few times and to a party another, and we had a good time, at least I thought so. I just felt like it was too soon to tell how he felt about me. But I liked him. I liked him a lot.
This wasn't really a date though. This was a party he was throwing for all his friends and other people he knew. I would just be one of many to attend. Nevertheless, I was excited to be going, and this little red number I hoped would make an impression.
I hung up the dress on the hook that hung on the closet door, pressing my hand along the soft, silky fabric. I smiled to myself as I thought of Harry, the way his green eyes twinkled when he smiled and the way his soft lips felt against mine when he'd kissed me goodnight. I sincerely hoped he would kiss me again. Maybe even under the mistletoe? I chuckled to myself as I made my way back out into the hall, grabbing the rest of my bags and bringing them into the bedroom. Too tired to sort through them at the moment, I left them lined up at the foot of the bed and returned to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. That's when I heard my cell phone going off in my purse. I smiled when I saw Harry's name on the screen.
"Hi, Harry," I greeted.
"Hi, Rebecca," he said in a low tone. "How are you?"
"Tired from shopping all day, but otherwise I'm great."
"Good," Harry commented with a smile in his voice. "Just wanted to confirm that you're coming to my party tomorrow."
"Yes," I replied. "I sent the RSVP. Didn't you get it?"
"I did. I just wanted to double check personally."
"Oh," I grinned. "I feel special."
Harry chuckled. "You should. I'm really looking forward to seeing you."
I felt my cheeks stretch as my smiled widened. "Me too. Can't wait."
"See you tomorrow, love," he said softly before we disconnected.
I leaned against the kitchen counter with a sigh. He was looking forward to seeing me. Me? Or did he tell everyone that? Yes, that was probably it. He was always so cordial and charming. Still, as I went to bed that night, I couldn't help but be a tiny bit excited that he was glad I was coming.
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I'd been there a good thirty minutes, and I hadn't seen him yet. Sure, the place was crowded to say the least, and he was only one face in a sea of many, but I'd started to get the feeling that my efforts in making sure my dress and makeup were perfect, and the fact that I'd taken a taxi instead of driving my own car so I wouldn't have to park so far and walk in heels, were all in vain.
After some mingling with strangers, and a few people I did know, I decided to make my way around the left side of the room to the bar. Before I could reach it, however, I felt an arm slip around my waist.
"There you are," he said.
I turned and smiled. "Here I am."
"Was beginning to think you weren't coming after all." Despite the sly smirk at the corner of his mouth, I reckoned Harry actually meant those words.
"I've been here for a while now, Harry," I teased, "you must've not been looking hard enough."
His smile grew as the tip of his tongue darted out to tap his lip. "I suppose not."
I returned his smile and gazed around the room. "Great party," I commented.
"It is now," he raised a brow and reached for my hand. "Come, I'll get you a drink."
I followed him to the bar which was set in the corner closer to the stage where a band played Christmas songs. I watched Harry as he ordered cocktails for us and then turned to look at the musicians who were currently playing a jazzy rendition of "Winter Wonderland". I twisted my hips slightly to the rhythm until I felt Harry's hand on my back again.
"Here, love," he whispered in my ear.
"Thanks," I said, reaching for the glass. As I took a sip, we made eye contact, his brows furrowing a bit, causing a crease above his nose before relaxing into a smile. Licking my lips, I smiled back.
He looked really handsome in a lustrous black suit, the first few buttons on his white shirt undone to reveal his chest, giving a peak of his tattoos and the ever-present cross pendant that hung from his neck. But more than anything, I liked the way he was looking at me. A mix of desire like he was drinking me in, and friendly admiration. A warm feeling oozed through me down to my toes, and it wasn't just due to the alcohol.
"Are you ready for Christmas?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he nodded emphatically. "Finished all my shopping early so all I had to worry about was tonight. Then on Monday I'm flying home to be with my family."
"Oh, I bet you're excited about that," I remarked cheerfully, though I felt my heart plummet to my to stomach. Of course he was going to be with his family. Still, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. I'd sort of hoped I'd get to see him sometime during the holiday.
"Won't be gone long though," said Harry, interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh?" I raised my brows.
"Should be back a couple days after Christmas."
I smiled and nodded. So there was still hope...
The band changed it up then, starting in on a slow classic rock tune. I swayed my hips again, partly from nerves and partly because I liked the song. Harry noticed when I'd sipped the last of my cocktail through the straw, meeting only ice. He took the glass from me and set it down on the bar next to his.
"Do you wanna dance?" he asked me.
I beamed at him, nodding as I took his awaiting hand and followed him to the small area in front of the stage where other couples were dancing.
"So what are you doing for Christmas, Rebecca?" Harry's eyes focused on my face as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we began to dance, one hand in his, the other near his shoulder, just above his chest.
"Well, I'll be with my mother on Christmas morning," I began, "and then I'm-"
"I'm sorry," Harry shook his head. "I just have to say this. I should have said it when I first saw you. But you look so beautiful."
I blinked. "Thank you."
"You look like...a Christmas angel," he commented low, a slight grin on his lips.
I felt a tiny giggle escape my throat and I knew I had to be blushing. "That's really sweet, thank you."
"You're welcome." Harry and I stared at each other for a minute until his chest rose and fell with a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I interrupted you. You were saying..."
My eyelids fluttered as I tried to remember what we were talking about. "Oh...um...Christmas morning with my mom, then we're going to my Aunt and Uncle's for dinner that evening. Lots of cousins and relatives, that sort of thing."
"Sounds lovely," he muttered.
I merely shrugged until Harry leaned closer. Releasing my hand, he brought his up to brush my hair off my shoulder. I quivered from the tiny gesture and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. But he surprised me by pressing his cheek to mine and inhaling.
"Mmm, you smell good too," he whispered.
In my head I was laughing. Why was he smelling my hair? But I didn't make a sound. Every nerve ending in my body felt like a frayed wire about to spark at any given moment. I stood frozen except for the almost nonexistent dancing we were engaged in. I felt Harry's arm pull me closer until my body was flush against his. His hand that had pushed my hair away was now on my neck while his cheek slid against mine as he shifted to look at me. His green eyes seemed to sparkle, reflecting the Christmas lights that decorated the room.
This time I knew he was going to kiss me. When he confirmed it by tilting his head, I instinctively slipped my arms around his neck. His lips were soft, his kiss equally tender. It was over much too quickly, but I didn't complain. I heard the band finish the classic rock tune, or perhaps it was a different one. I'd been too wrapped up in Harry to notice.
"Really glad you came," he finally said.
"Yeah?" I grinned.
Harry nodded, his eyelids heavy. I cleared my throat as the band began to play their next song. I recognized it right away, one of my favorites.
When the bells all ring and the horns all blow and the couples we know are fondly kissing Will I be with you or will I be among the missing?
I felt Harry's hands slide down my back, and with a sigh, I bit my lip and stared at his handsome face as the singer continued, seemingly reading my mind.
Maybe it's much too early in the game Oh, but I thought I'd ask you just the same What are you doing New Year's New Year's Eve?
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight When it's exactly twelve o'clock that night Welcoming in the New Year New Year's Eve
"Harry," I said softly, prying my eyes from his to focus on his chest.
"Rebecca," he mimicked.
I gave a nervous chuckle, though I tried to sound nonchalant. "What are you doing New Year's Eve?"
"Well..." he began, "I'm not exactly sure yet."
I looked back up at him. "No?"
Maybe I'm crazy to suppose I'd ever be the one you chose Out of a thousand invitations You received
Harry twisted his mouth to the side like he was pondering something. I waited with bated breath, but his next words not only cut me to the quick, but made me realize he hadn't been paying attention to the lyrics like I had been.
"I have a few things up in the air. A few different parties I've been invited to."
"Oh," I said, my face falling.
"And Jeff and Glenne might be having something too," he added.
Harry shrugged, oblivious to my disappointment. "Haven't decided yet."
"I see," I swallowed hard and averted my gaze. Sliding my hands down his shoulders, I muttered, "Will you excuse me?"
"You okay?" Harry inquired.
"Yes," I replied, finally looking at him. "Just need to go to the ladies' room."
"Oh, sure."
I barely waited for him to release me before I bolted for the bathroom. I'd just reached the door when I heard the singer sing the final refrain.
Ah, but in case I stand one little chance Here comes the jackpot question in advance What are you doing New Year's New Year's Eve?
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Rebecca, are you ok?
Are you ill? Did you leave early?
What happened??
I don't want to jump to conclusions, but if I did something, please let me know.
I'd stared at Harry's texts all night until I finally fell asleep. The final one had come through that morning, apparently before I'd even awakened. I wondered if Harry had stayed up all night.
With a sigh, I reluctantly replied.
You didn't do anything. I'm ok.
After crying for a few minutes in the ladies' room, I'd felt foolish. Other than perhaps the kiss, which was probably just a result of being caught up in the moment, I had no reason to suspect he would want to be with me for New Year's Eve. I was being ridiculous to assume and to cry over it. Wiping my tears, I snuck out of the bathroom to find him engaged in a conversation with a small group of people. I made my way around the bar to the exit and slipped out without him noticing.
I'd been home barely ten minutes when he texted me. I felt bad for not replying right away, but I was ashamed and humiliated, no fault of his. I had a bad habit of expecting people to feel the way I felt, and as a result I continuously got my heart broken.
This time, Harry surprised me by texting me back right away.
I thought we were having a good time. You left without saying goodbye.
I suddenly imagined Harry standing in the middle of the massive room, looking around for me, wondering what had happened. I felt a pang in my chest.
I'm really sorry. I just wasn't feeling well.
I'm sorry too, Rebecca. Are you ok now?
I didn't know what else to say.
I guess he didn't either.
Feeling guilty, I tried to reassure him (or perhaps myself) with small talk (or, erm, text as the case was).
So you're leaving tomorrow?
Yes. Early. I haven't been to bed yet, was about to. So I can sleep all day.
Good plan.
He was quiet for a moment and I wondered if that was the end of the conversation. The pang in my chest had turned into a sour, nauseous feeling in my stomach. Now I really was ill.
Harry? I nervously texted.
I waited a few moments longer and didn't see the three dots come up. With a sigh, I dropped my phone on the bed beside me, plopping back onto my pillow. I stared at the ceiling, wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into. I liked Harry, a lot. And he seemed to like me too. But I'd made a mess of things. Now it felt like he was backing off.
As I wiped a tear, I suddenly heard my phone ping.
Sorry love, I was changing and getting into bed.
Oh God.
No worries. I blatantly lied. I should let you sleep.
Ok. If I don't get to talk to you, have a Merry Christmas.
I swallowed hard. Same to you.
Thanks x.
Well, I guess that was that. I was an idiot.
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Christmas was lovely, I had to admit. I'd thought I'd have to fake my way through the day, since I had yet to hear from Harry. I hadn't wanted it to bother me like it had. But my mother as usual made the day special, and being with the rest of my relatives proved to be just the medicine I needed for a heavy heart.
It wasn't until I'd excused myself to use my Aunt Margie's enormous upstairs bathroom so I could have a few minutes of privacy (and to check my phone) that I'd noticed Harry had texted me earlier.
Merry Christmas Rebecca x
I looked at the time he'd sent it which was over three hours ago. Damn. It was late in England now, nearly midnight. But knowing Harry, he was still awake. If not, he would just get my message the next morning.
Merry Christmas Harry. I hope you had a great day.
I was just leaving the bathroom when my ringtone startled me.
"Hello?" I answered when I saw it was Harry.
"There's my Christmas angel," he said in a low voice. "I thought maybe you'd forgotten about me."
"Um," I giggled, taken aback. I wasn't expecting that greeting. "No, I haven't."
"Good. 'Cause I haven't forgotten you either. Did you have a good time with your family?"
"Yeah," I replied. "Still going on actually. I'm at my Aunt and Uncle's. They'll probably be breaking out the board games soon."
"Did that!" chuckled Harry. "I won."
"You won what?"
"I don't remember. I just know I won."
I laughed at his cheery disposition, wondering if perhaps he'd had a few too many egg noggs.
"I miss you, Rebecca," he confessed. "Been thinking about you since I left."
Yep, he was definitely drunk.
"Um...you have?"
"Yep. Keep thinking of you in that red dress. Dancing with you. Kissing you. Really wish you hadn't left me that night."
Any other time those words would have made me melt like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. But the way he slurred his words and the fact that he was across the ocean made his confession seem a little stale. I did however, notice how he'd said "me". Left "me" that night. I wasn't sure if it was a slip of the lip, but I caught it nonetheless.
"Harry, I'm-"
"I have something to ask you, Rebecca," he interrupted.
"Okay?" I sounded, my voice cracking just a bit.
"Can I see you when I get back?"
"Um, sure, I-"
"I have something I wanna give you."
"Okay," I barely managed to breathe.
"Right. Um," he chuckled. "I'm sorry, love, I've had a few glasses of wine."
"I kinda figured as much," I remarked, though in a teasing tone.
"You go have fun with your family. I'll call you, yeah?"
"Sure. Goodnight, Harry," I said.
"Goodnight, beautiful."
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Harry called me two days later. He'd just returned from his holiday and wanted to see me. Unfortunately, this time I truly was ill. Probably from being around all of my relatives on Christmas, I'd somehow caught a bad cold. Harry didn't hide his disappointment.
"Damn, I really wanted to give you your gift today," he pouted.
"Harry, you didn't have to get me anything," I said.
"It's not much," he conveyed, "I just wanted you to have it."
"Maybe I'll be better in a couple days," I sniffled into the phone.
"I'm gonna be really busy then, unfortunately," he remarked.
"Oh," I groaned. "I'm sorry."
"'s okay. I'll get it to you sometime. You just get well."
If I hadn't been coughing every ten minutes and my nose hadn't been pouring, I might've felt more disappointment as well. He'd gotten me something. A gift.
I told myself I wasn't going to think too much of it. In typical Harry Styles fashion, he could have just been nice. And I noticed he wasn't flirting with me like he'd been on the phone Christmas day when he'd been drinking, calling me his Christmas angel and all that. And he certainly hadn't mentioned anything about New Year's Eve. He'd said he was going to be busy in a couple of days anyway. No. It was probably best that I was sick.
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The next day after I'd managed to get out of bed and was in the kitchen in my robe making a cup of tea, my doorbell rang. Jumping, I clung my robe to my chest tightly and tiptoed to the door. My doorbell never rang. Peeking through the peephole, I saw no one. Still curious, I unlocked the door and opened it, only to see a small package on the floor. I picked it up and noticed it had my name on it, but no address, proving it hadn't been mailed but hand delivered. After looking both ways down the hall and confirming no one was there, I brought the package inside and set it on the kitchen counter.
Opening the box with my kitchen shears, careful not to cut too deep since I had no idea what was inside, I pulled out another smaller box which was wrapped in colorful Christmas tissue paper. I took a gander inside the larger box to see if there was any card or note but saw none. With great precision, I unwrapped the smaller box. As I moved it my hands, it felt light and heavy at the same time and when I finally set it back down on the counter, it made a sound.
A music box.
Ripping away the rest of the paper, I revealed a lovely rectangular wooden box with a simple cut-out of a moon and a music note on the top. I smiled as I ran my fingers over it before gently lifting the lid.
The tune, though familiar, didn't register with me at first. When it finally did, the music was over and my breath hitched in my throat. Lifting the box, I twisted the knob at the bottom to get the music to play again. I couldn't have stopped the tears if I'd tried.
The lovely music was in the tune of "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?"
Harry'd said he had something he wanted to ask me. This was it.
As I wiped my eyes, I heard my phone chime with a text.
Did you get my gift?
I laughed out loud, though I wasn't sure why.
It's lovely. Thank you.
Do I have to ask you properly? I don't wanna do it in a text.
No, I liked the way you asked me. I just can't really give you an answer right now. I'm still sick.
Then we'll have to get you well.
I have to go now. But was that a yes?
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For the second time that day, my doorbell rang. This time it was nearly 7PM and I was watching TV with my feet propped up on the recliner. And this time, when I looked through the peephole, someone was there.
"Harry," I said when I opened the door, covering my mouth with my handful of tissues. "What are you doing here? I'm sick."
"I know, I brought soup." Harry held up the covered pot that I just noticed in his hands.
"You didn't," I sighed.
"I did," he nodded before walked past me purposefully into my kitchen.
I watched as he set the pot on the stove and turned on the burner. Then he turned to me.
"Do you have a ladle?" he inquired.
I just stared at him.
"Big spoon? Ladle?" he gestured.
"Oh," I shook my head and pointed to the utensil carousel. "Yeah, right there."
Harry nodded and grabbed the ladle, lifting the lid off the pot with his other hand. He stirred the contents, his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth.
"Have a seat," he ordered, pointing toward the small kitchen table.
I obliged, taking the seat nearest me so I could still look at him. He found the utensil drawer quickly, pulling out two spoons.
"Bowls?" he asked me.
I pointed to the cabinets next to his head where he retrieved two bowls and set them on the counter. Then he scooped up the soup with the ladle and filled one bowl at a time, setting one in front of me, and the other across from me.
"You're eating with me?" I looked up at him.
"Of course. What would you like to drink?"
"Water's fine," I said softly, pointing at the refrigerator. "There's bottles in the door."
Harry grabbed two bottles and sat down across from me at the table. I continued to stare at him as he blew on his hot soup.
"What?" he finally asked.
"I just...I don't know what to say."
"Don't have to say anything," he smirked. "Just eat. Get better so we can go out for New Year's."
I smiled at him, lifting my spoon.
"Harry, I-"
"Shh. Eat."
We ate in silence for a good ten minutes. I watched as his tongue darted out of his mouth with each bite, as if to test the temperature or taste before allowing his spoon to enter. I found it cute and endearing, and caught myself beaming at him a time or two.
"So I have a question now," I said, finally breaking the silence and setting my spoon in my bowl.
Harry looked up at me, licking his bottom lip. "Alright."
"Where exactly are we going? For New Year's I mean."
Harry's lips grew into a smile, his dimples dipping in his cheeks. "Ah. Well, that's actually another reason I came by." I watched as he pulled something out of his back pocket. Three somethings actually, and he laid them on the table in front of me.
"Those are what I've been invited to. Take your pick."
"Me?" I widened my eyes.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Whichever sounds like something you'd like to do. I want you to choose."
I continued to glare at him before inspecting the invitations. Two were very swanky Hollywood parties, held at some of the most glitzy and glamorous hotels, the third at the home of his friends Jeff and Glenne, whom he'd mentioned before. I swallowed hard.
"Or..." Harry added, "we could just stay here."
"Here?" I echoed.
Harry shrugged. "We don't have to go to some fancy party, Rebecca." He placed his forearms on the table and leaned forward. "I just wanna be with you."
I sniffled, grabbing the tissues from my pocket to wipe my nose. I felt horrible, and not just from my cold.
"I'm an idiot," I declared, looking down at my lap.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry.
"I...I wasn't ill that night, Harry. I left early because...I thought you weren't interested."
"Why on earth would you think that?"
Finally lifting my head, I saw Harry's expression of confusion on his face. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
"That song...started playing when we were dancing. I thought it was a sign or something. So I asked you what you were doing for New Year's Eve. And you said you didn't know."
Harry raised his brows. "I know."
"I thought...I thought that meant you...oh, I don't know what I thought it meant." I shook my head, feeling more and more like a fool.
"Rebecca," Harry grinned. "What more can I do to prove I like you?"
"Huh?" Great, now I even sounded like an idiot.
"I asked the band to play that song. I requested it specifically to be played while we were dancing."
"You...you did?"
"I was planning to ask you, but you beat me to it. It caught me off guard, so I had to play like I didn't notice the song. When you left for the bathroom, I got a plan B."
"Plan B?"
"I uh...asked the band to play "The Lady in Red" when you returned. I was gonna ask you then. But you never came back. I looked all over for you."
I hung my head in shame. "I'm so sorry," I muttered.
"Please. Don't apologize, love. I should have just asked you when you mentioned it. But...to be honest, I kind of got the feeling you were backing off."
"When?" I asked.
"Well," Harry hesitated, "the next day for one. When I texted you. I felt like something was wrong, not just that you were sick. But I was so bloody tired, I needed to get to sleep. Otherwise I would have just called and we could have talked. That's why I was glad when you finally texted me back on Christmas. I really wanted to talk to you."
"You were drunk, Harry," I scoffed.
"I was," he chuckled. "But I still meant every word I said. I missed you and I was thinking of you the entire time I was gone."
I blushed, looking down at my hands.
"I also wanted to make sure you were willing to see me when I returned," Harry continued. "I'd found that music box and I was really excited to give it to you. I reckoned that was the perfect opportunity to ask you out for New Year's Eve."
"I..I guess I'm not good at taking hints."
Harry laughed. "I guess not. 'Cause I thought I gave a lot."
I leaned my elbow on the table and rested my head in my hand. "I um...have a bad habit of reading too much into something. I suppose I was afraid of being wrong or disappointed. So I told myself you were just being nice. Even when you invited me to your Christmas party."
Harry's eyes staring directly into mine. "Rebecca, you're the person I cared the most about seeing at that party."
I widened my eyes. "Really?"
Harry smirked. "Yes. Do you think I called anybody else personally to make sure they were coming?"
If it was possible to still be breathing at that moment, I had no idea how I was. I felt the tears well in my eyes again so I threw my head back and quickly wiped them.
"I'm a first class moron," I muttered, my eyes shut tight.
"No you're not," I heard Harry say. "A little too cautious, maybe? But not a moron."
"I've just made a mess of everything," I cried. "You're so amazing, and while I got this idea in my head of kissing you at the stroke of midnight, you were thinking the same thing apparently, but I had no idea because I was getting ahead of myself while you were being romantic and I fucked it all up and-"
"Rebecca," said Harry, while I rambled.
"Then you got me that precious music box and came and brought me soup and you're so sweet, Harry, oh my god-"
"Rebecca!" Harry nearly shouted over me.
When I opened my eyes, he was staring at me, a look on his face that I couldn't quite read. My chest heaved with heavy breaths as I watched him rise from his chair and walk around the table to me. Then he surprised me by holding out his hand. Blinking, I took it and stood next to him as he pulled his phone out of his other back pocket. I watched as he tapped the screen a few times, then placed it on the table. The music began to play as Harry wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled shyly when I recognized Ella Fitzgerald's voice come through the little speaker.
When the bells all ring and the horns all blow and the couples we know are fondly kissing Will I be with you or will I be among the missing?
"Harry," I whispered as we began to sway.
Maybe it's much too early in the game
I sighed, sliding my hands up his arms to his shoulders. Harry's eyes sparkled just as they had that night at the Christmas party. I, however, probably looked like death warmed over and was suddenly conscious of my makeup-less face and oversized t-shirt.
"You're so beautiful," declared Harry.
"No," I shook my head. Harry merely nodded in response. Then slipping one hand from my waist, he lifted it and slid it under my ear as he continued to gaze into my eyes.
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight
His lips were on mine before I could protest. His other hand was now on the other side of my head as he cupped it gently.
"Harry," I whined between kisses. "Harry, I'm still sick. I don't...want you to get...what I have..."
"Shut up for a minute, Rebecca," he growled against my mouth. "I'm tryin' to be romantic."
With a slight giggle, I surrendered. Harry continued his soft kisses, leaving a trail across my cheek before pressing his against mine.
Ah, but in case I stand one little chance
Harry crooned in my ear, singing along to Ella.
Here comes the jackpot question in advance What are you doing New Year's New Year's Eve?
Lifting his head, he looked at me with the greenest, most sincere eyes I'd ever seen. His thumbs massaged my jaw for a moment or two before he spoke.
"So what do you say, love?"
The song had ended, but I felt like my body was still dancing.
"I say I want nothing more than to be with you. Wherever it is."
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I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Harry had texted to say he was on his way. After our little dance in the kitchen, we'd decided together to attend Jeff and Glenne's party. They were his friends after all, and the atmosphere, though still somewhat fancy, would probably be a little more relaxed and informal. Plus, Harry had made a good point that their house had a lovely patio, and we could step outside if needed, unlike at a stuffy hotel ballroom. Personally, I thought he was just thinking of more ways to be romantic. I wasn't about to fight him on that.
I'd still been under the weather for another day or so, but finally trudged through the next day so I could go shopping for something to wear. Harry had said he'd love to see me in that red dress again, but I'd told him he'd already seen me in it, and most likely anybody else who had seen me at the Christmas party that would also be at this one, including Jeff and Glenne. It was too soon for repeats, I told him.
So this time I'd chosen a short gold sequined dress with a sexy black mesh section down the front. I had to admit, I looked pretty and felt amazing in it. I stepped into my black heels and twirled around, smiling at myself just as I heard the doorbell. Grabbing my matching clutch, I answered the door excitedly.
"Oh!" I exclaimed when I opened it. I hadn't been prepared for what I saw before me. He was so handsome, he took my breath away. "Wow."
Harry nodded. "Wow, indeed."
It was only then that I noticed he was eyeing me up and down, taking me all in.
"My God, Rebecca," he swallowed hard before puffing out a huge breath. "Just when I thought you couldn't get more beautiful..."
I felt the blood literally flush my face at his compliment. I suddenly felt hot and weak in the knees.
"Thank you," I barely whispered.
Locking the door behind me, I took Harry's hand and walked with him out to the awaiting car.
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I couldn't remember the last time I'd been so happy. Jeff and Glenne were absolutely wonderful people and such gracious hosts. After an hour or so I was already feeling right at home and even told them I wanted their house (teasing of course, as though I could ever afford it). They both told me I looked beautiful, and once when I excused myself to go to the restroom, I turned to see Jeff pat Harry on the shoulder and heard Glenne say I was lovely.
When I returned, Harry beamed at me, sliding his arm around my waist.
"Thank God," he sighed in my ear.
"What?" I stared at him incredulously.
"Was afraid you'd run off again."
"Harry!" I scoffed, but I realized he wasn't joking. At least not entirely.
"I'm sorry," I said softly. "I swear that's not happening tonight."
"Good," he grinned. "Are you having a good time?"
I nodded emphatically. "The best." Then I leaned forward and gave him a peck on the lips.
Harry didn't leave my side all night except to use the toilet himself. He enjoyed introducing me to people, which made me feel appreciated, and I enjoyed seeing him happy and loose.
We took a stroll outside on the patio that was glowing with strings of lights. It was heavenly with the California breeze keeping the night cool, but not too cold. I stood by the railing looking out while Harry stood behind me, his hands on my hips as he nuzzled his face in my hair and down my neck.
About twenty minutes before midnight, the champagne started to get passed around so that everyone would have a glass to toast with.
"Rebecca," said Harry, raising his glass, "before the ball drops, I wanna make a little toast. To you."
"To me?" I smiled up at him.
"To us," he corrected, sliding his other hand down my arm until he captured my hand in his. Then clearing his throat, he continued. "Thank you for coming with me tonight."
"Thank you for asking me."
Harry's smile grew as he squeezed my hand. "You were my Christmas angel...if only for a bit..."
I looked down until Harry released my hand to lift my chin.
"Now you're...I'd say New Year's Eve angel but it doesn't make sense and honestly...you're even better than that."
For once I was totally speechless.
"Twenty seconds!" I heard someone call out.
Harry sighed. "To you, Rebecca. And hopefully...to us."
Not taking my eyes off his face, I clinked my glass with his and took a sip.
"To us," I finally echoed, lowering my glass.
"Ten! Nine!"
Harry's dimples dipped again as he took my glass from me and set it next to his on a nearby table.
"Six! Five!"
He grabbed me once more by the waist, pulling me flush against him, like he had when we were dancing. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck so that my face was merely inches from his. I felt his breath as he counted along with everyone, though not loud enough for me to hear.
"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!"
His mouth was on mine before I finished saying year. He kissed me deeply like his life depended on it, and probably mine as well. I let my fingers tangle in the curls on the back of his head as I melted into each kiss. I could hear cheering around us, but it all sounded far away. There was only Harry and me, our lips, our tongues, our moment.
When our mouths finally separated, Harry continued to stare at me until a slow grin spread across his face.
"Happy New Year," he murmured.
"Yes," I nodded, my fingers grazing his cheek. "Very happy."
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avalentina · 1 year ago
Ava's Holiday Writing Spectacular Masterlist!
Harry Styles and The Most Difficult Time of the Year!
Shopping for the perfect Christmas presents is stressful enough without your boyfriend refusing to tell you what he wants... Little do you know, he has big Christmas Plans!
Wednesday December 6th, 12pm CST
12 Days Of Christmas (Draco Malfoy Style) - You're a fourth year transfer student from Ilvermorny sorted into Slytherin and your Yule Ball Date Draco tries to get you to be his girlfriend.
Monday, December 11th, 12pm CST
Please let me know if you want to be added to the Holiday Spectacular Taglist!
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donovankinard · 1 year ago
The Holiday Season has arrived, which means… CHRISTMAS FIC!
For almost a month now, I’ve been writing a multichap fanfiction as a little christmas gift to you all! Writing is the best thing I can offer, so this will be my thank you for all the support, advice, friendship, entertainment, comments, kudos and love that you’ve given me over the past twelve months.
Enter the long-held secret surprise!!
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they’re singing deck the halls (but it’s not like christmas at all)
Louis Tomlinson is no fan of Christmas.
Between his douchebag ex-husband/co-parent, his two teenage kids, and the awful fact of his torn-apart family, the holiday season isn’t usually that festive.
But maybe a boys trip with his closest friends will lead him to something that’ll make the season a little more bearable.
Or the one where Louis’ a bit of a grinch, Harry’s a gorgeous present, and there’s more weight to the past than either of them like.
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I’ll be posting one chapter each day, starting on December 1st, all the way up to Christmas day! It’ll be available on my ao3! I’ll post for each chapter upload, and link it. Hope you’ll all check it out!
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