#atsuhiro sako imagines
moodyvoid · 12 days
I wonder how many times Mr. Compress used the “sawed in half” trick to swindle people out of their money by threatening not to put them back together lmao
Or he’s made one of their loved ones disappear (they were marbled) and was like “Hmm. I believe I can bring them back for $1000.”
They’re like, “I don’t have $1000.”
Mr. Compress is like, “We can set up a payment plan.”
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imagineanime2022 · 4 months
My Hero Characters W/ S/O Like Black Widow
Mr Compress X Fem!Reader, Spinner X Reader, Fatgum X Reader, Eraserhead X Reader
Requested: @supernatural-hunter1
Request: I got the perfect idea for you? Mr. Compress, Spinner, Fatgum, Aizawa, dating Black Widow the shield agent?
Warning: Talk of not being able to have kids (Mr compress), general trauma
Mr Compress
🔮 No one knows how Compress had ever managed to get your attention but it was a story that you both kept to yourself, something that was yours 🔮 You are probably the reason behind the success that he had outside of the LoV. They honestly had no doubt about that. 🔮 He liked that sass that you’d often give back to anyone who challenges you, he’d often sit back and let you take care of it. 🔮 Will be there for you when you need him to, anything that you want to talk about, he’ll listen always.
You sat in the room provided for you and Compress, you had spent the whole day getting to know the people that you would be working with and most of them were what you expected, everyone except for Toga. The young girl had latched onto your side, probably because you were the only other female in the group. The act itself was harmless but given the life that you had lived it reminded you of something that you couldn’t have.
Compress had noticed that you were missing the moment that you disappeared from sight, heave you a moment after all you could have just gone to the bathroom, when you didn’t reappear he decided that he was going to look for you. It didn’t take long to find you in the bedroom “are you okay love?” He asked. “I’m fine.” You answered. “Then what are you doing hiding in here?” He asked as he closed the door, slipping off his mask and the fabric underneath, allowing you to see his face. “No I just, it’s Toga.” You answered. “The young girl?” He asked. “What did she do?” “It was nothing that she did, it just reminded me of something that was taken from me.” You answered. “Taken from you?” He asked. “You remember when I said that the people that made me this way, took some things from me, things that I could never get back?” You asked. “Yes.” He answered as he crawled onto the bed after kicking off his shoes sitting behind you, where he wrapped his arms around your waist as he listened. “One of the things that they took from me was my womb.” You answered hands lacing with his over your stomach “I will never have a child at least not of my own and I saw that girl, when she said that her family did nothing to help her, I just…” You trailed off and he pressed a kiss to your shoulder before resting his chin on it, fingers tightening around yours. “Why don’t you help her then, she seems to like you, she’s a delightful young lady.” He answered, you looked at him over your shoulder. “Take her under your wing and see what happens. At least if something ever happens to me then I know that you had someone else.” “Nothing is going to happen to you.” You insisted and he shrugged. “I’m sure with you around that is true.” He answered. “And we’ll make everyone regret ever taking anything from you on the way to our happy ending.”
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🦎 You were the one that taught Spinner how to use his abilities to aid him in a fight, your stealth instincts were on point and he’d trust you over anyone else. 🦎 When he decided to join the league of villains he offered you a chance to go with him, of course you said yes. He worried that you would end up killing someone before the mission starts. 🦎 You became the information gatherer, you were good at disguising yourself and blending in with the crowd, you got everything that you needed with no one ever knowing that you were there. 🦎 And the people who did know never lived long enough to tell anyone about it.
You were quick on your feet as you moved around the destroyed Mafia base, the heroes had been guarding it so well or so they thought. Shigaraki had asked you to get any information still left there that related to the bullets that he had taken from them. You didn’t think that there would be anything left but if there was even one more computer you could extract information from it.
You easily snuck through the corridors dodging the night guards and into the ruined building, it didn’t take long to find a room with a computer in it, it looked like one they had marked for removal but it hadn’t been done yet. “How is it going?” Spinner’s voice sounded through the ear piece. “No spotted yet, found a computer that they haven’t moved yet, looks like they want to though, so there might be something on this one.” You explained lowly as you put the memory stick in, you didn’t need the screen, the memory stick had a programme on ti that would take everything the computer had to offer but that did mean that you would have to go through all the information and pick out what Shigaraki would want to hear about, so even after you get out of here you’d have some work to do. “Good then you can get out of there.” Spinner urged and you hummed eyes moving to the corridor, there was movement outside, the room had no door but it was pitch black in the room, you were careful with your steps as you slowly moved around him as he checked the room, you got behind him, your arm wrapped around his neck cutting off his airways while taking the walkie from his pocket to stop him from calling anyone else, noting the soft beep telling you that the extraction was finished. You dropped the body to the floor when he stopped fighting you and grabbed the memory stick before getting the same way you had gotten in.
You met Spinner at the car where he had been waiting for you, you both made tracks ditching the car before heading back to the hideout, you had been working for hours when Spinner brought you food and water for the long night ahead “anything good?” He asked, leaning down behind you. “Nothing yet, just normal stuff at the moment, but there is something behind a lot of passwords and security so maybe that’s what we’re looking for.” You answered, pressing a kiss to his cheek “thanks for the food and water.” “No problem.” He answered, a small blush on his cheeks. “You should get some rest, you don’t need to stay up too.” You said softly, he looked at you for a second before shaking his head. “I’m not tired.” He denied as he sat in the chair next to you. “You're too sweet for this world.” You informed him, he just looked away from you mumbling something you couldn’t hear under his breath. It was only 15 minutes later that he was asleep in the chair, you moved him over to the sofa where he would be a little more comfortable, you could not be happier with the partner that you had found.
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🍭 Fatgum was completely different to anyone that you had ever met before, kind and encouraging, he seemed to see something in you, something that you definitely didn’t see. 🍭 You didn’t believe that you could be a hero, so he kept you close and show you that you could be a hero despite your past. 🍭 It took a long time for you to stop responding to physical touch negatively, he understood completely after a life where physical touch was used as punishment or training he was surprised that you didn’t have more of a reaction. 🍭 Slow and steady wins the race for him, he never forces you into anything and he makes sure that you have a safe space to explore everything and make new opinions about the world you are now a part of.
Fatgum hadn’t heard you come into the room but that was nothing new, you were light on your feet always had been, you glanced over his shoulder to see that he was sorting out paperwork. Perfect. You had been feeling like you needed to be closer to him and hoped that he was doing something stationary so that you could just climb on his lap and stay there for a few hours. “You alright Darling?” He asked. “Mm.” You hum, not sure how to ask him for what you wanted, it was his home office so you didn’t have to worry about someone seeing you, you stood there for a moment before walking forward worming your way under his arm he moved them so that you could get into position easier dropping the pen he was using his hands moving to your body. “You wanna sit with me until I finish?” He asked. “Yeah… Is that okay?” You asked. “‘Course it is sweetheart.” He answered “You're okay though right?” “Hmm.” You hummed, he had always encouraged you to tell him what you were feeling so he could understand where you were at. “I just wanted to be with you, close to you.” “You should have said something sooner, I always want to be close to you.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head as he leaned back moving you to a more comfortable position across his lap, he was in his slimmer form so he had less surface area to work with, you rested your head on his shoulder pressing your face to his neck to hide your eyes. “This is good.” You mumbled. “I’ll only be a couple more hours, after that we can go lay down, how does that sound?” You asked. “Great.” You mumbled softly slipping into relaxation easily.
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🐛 Aizawa had worked hard with you, when he had found you on the mission to take down the smudging ring. You had refused to talk to anyone but him and that was where the relationship started. 🐛 When you were well enough you started helping others, you became one of the most loved heroes using everything that they had taught you to help others. 🐛 You and Aizawa were dangerous on stealth missions, you were usually the ones called when information was needed or a job needed doing quietly. 🐛 When Aizawa got 1A, you expected to spend less time with him but instead with all of the villain attacks and the danger that followed the class meant that you spent more time together in the dorms than you ever had before.
You sat on the sofa in the room that they had given you in the dorm with the kids, you were waiting for Aizawa to do his last sweep of the dorms to make sure that all the kids were in their rooms and everyone was okay.
Your mind travelled back through everything that had happened since Aizawa had saved you, everything that he had helped you through, everything that you gained just from him helping you through your recovery. When he saved you, you didn’t even know what it meant to want something for yourself, or to deal with something outside of violence.
Your attention was drawn back to the present recognising Aizawa crouched in front of you “there you are, you back with me?” He asked. “How long have you been back?” You asked. “A couple of minutes later, I came back and you were crying.” He answered “what were you thinking about?” “Just everything that’s happened, I didn’t even realise that I was crying.” You frowned as you lifted your hands to your face wiping away the tears that were still on your cheeks. “Your okay?” He asked, you knew what he was asking, checking in to make sure that there was nothing that you needed physically, emotionally or material. “I’m okay.” You answered, throwing your arms out, he leaned forward accepting your affection and then lifting you easily from your place on the couch heading towards your bedroom. “Come on, let's get some rest.” He said softly as he took you to bed. “Yeah okay.” You nodded.
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Request Here!!
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yugiohz · 2 years
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boys being boys
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freya-fallen · 2 years
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Okay, but obsessive Compress... something about this man screams obsessive lover to me.
Imagine him, this perfect gentleman who always brings flowers on your dates. After all, he's a magician. Presenting you with lovely blooms is the least of his tricks.
He's one of the few LOV members who maintains anonymity for a long period of time. He is always masked, so when you meet him, of course you have no idea what he does (other than being a magician, which he's happy to share).
He'll keep you a secret from the other villains lest they develop an interest, too. He can't have Toga bleeding you or Dabi burning you. And he doesn't want to scare you away until he has you one hundred percent hooked.
There's marriage, though that's tricky, considering you'll want to meet his family. And then there's, well, pregnancy. That's a tie not even divorce can separate.
He's just the sort of magician who can figure out a way to circumvent birth control. And then he'll want to convince you to stay home and take it easy during the pregnancy. Slowly, surely, he will encourage your dependence on him. He will take care of everything, don't you worry.
And by the time you find out who he is, it's too late.
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smolthealmighty · 2 months
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blurbios · 2 years
League of Villains' Doting S/O
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synopsis: little stories about how you show love for your partner and how they react.
Dabi: part 1, part 2
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a/n: this is my first little series, initially intended it to be a short one off post, but expanded upon it in editing (somehow went from under 1k words to almost 3.5k geez) ! i have many more ideas to come in the near future, but any and all comments or requests are welcomed!! thank you x
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Sako: [sees Toga and Ochako fighting]
Sako: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Dabi: You mean…ship them?
Sako: No! I would never send them away.
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plush-rabbit · 2 years
The League Comforts You
A/N: I really don’t like holidays
You never really understood why you kept coming to family events. It's not like you liked your family. Well, that's not quite right either. You love your family, and they love you, but you think if you had met them and were strangers, you wouldn't like them nor would they like you. They're mean and exclude you, and when you try to match their energy, you come across as mean and rude. You like your peace and quiet, you never really minded being alone, but you still can't help but feel hurt when they have fun without you and don't seek you out. 
You're sitting at the end of the couch, nursing on something alcoholic to get you through the chatter- through the teasing remarks about you still being single, about you still being as quiet as ever. You smile with your teeth and take another sip. You glance at your phone- there’s no notifications other than online sales and emails. You have no messages from your friends since they're all busy with their own families who love and like them.
You wish that you were home.
Laughter is loud in the house and everyone is engaged with someone in a conversation. You try to put yourself in a conversation but you’re laughed at and your ears burn hot, and you hate yourself just a bit more. You're sure that if you got up right now and excused yourself outside and never came back in, they wouldn't notice that you left.
The bottle in your hand is empty, and you rise from the end of the couch and quickly, your space is taken, the crowded couch now more breathable without you. No one asks you anything, they don’t question why you’ve stood up, but you still tell them why. I need some air, to be right back. You smile and grab your things, placing the empty bottle next to the other bottles on the table. Your phone is tucked into your back pocket and you hold tightly onto your charger.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that the night life is bustling, that it’s fun and bright and you hate the people that have fun with others. The walk back home is loud. There are bars packed with people, groups of people walking in a tight group along the sidewalk, cars passing back with streams taped onto them. There's confetti and plastic cups and glass bottles on edge of the sidewalk and you stand in front of a bottle with the label missing, debating in picking it up and being a good civilian or picking it up and risking whatever germs someone else had, now on your, unable to properly wash your hands. 
You decide to let the issue be left for someone else, the streets of the city can remain dirty for one more night. Blowing out a puff of air that forms into a cloudy puff, you walk past the bottle, holding on tight to your charger. 
Finally, you’ve made it home, and you tell yourself to not be disappointed if you check your phone and no one has checked in on you. It’ll be fine. You don’t need them. If your phone has no notification, then that’s fine. It’s fine. You suck in a deep breath of air and hold onto it, and you check your phone. 
You haven’t received a single call or text from any of your family members.
The keys shake in your hand and you feel like crying. You aren't sure why. You don't care if your family doesn't like you. Well, you do, because of course you do, you've always been sentimental about family even if they aren't. Even if they're a bit mean towards you and leave you out if things, but they're your family. You still cling to the past, wanting to remember them as they were clinging to you, how they loved you and cherished you, how you were close to your cousins. But you’ve grown up now, and all that familial love has thinned, you’re left starving for it. 
The lock clicks open, and you enter your home. You kick your shoes off and drop your things on the table. It’s dark, and it’s lonely, and you tell yourself that it’s fine. That it’s better when you’re alone because you can do what you want. You try not to worry about the tears that have welled in your eyes and are burning, you bite the inner corner of your lips when you let a cry whimper out. 
And finally, you reach your room, and close the door with a smack, trying to keep your composure until you’re in bed. But then the light clicks on, you aren’t alone. 
Bubaigawara Jin:
The closing door was enough to wake him from his short nap, but you crying, was enough to jolt him awake. Jin hadn’t expected you to be home- you had mentioned how you were excited to be with your family after so long, that he assumed that he was going to have your place to himself for  a few hours before you returned. You always talk so fondly about your family, and he listens, trying not to interject because it’s one of the few times that you share so much about yourself. It’s not like he has anything to share either way- so many of his memories are muddled, and most of the ones about his family are nonexistent, he can’t even really remember what their faces looked like. He doesn’t mind when you talk about your family- he welcomes it, it’s nice to hear you talk and even when his other starts to interject, it’s always something nice, sarcastic, but nice.
Your home, and you’re crying- well you’re close to tears, breathing in deeply and fisting your hands at your side, and he doesn’t know what happened. You seem fine- no skinned knees or bloody lips. You’re okay- physically. Hopefully. So what happened? And the question is forming on his tongue and fills the room, and it’s less than polite, a bit crass and with sleep lingering in on his voice, it’s easy to mistake it for annoyance. But you know him- of course, you wouldn’t take for anything other than just him. At least, he believes that that’s true, but then you start to cry, and he realizes that he shouldn’t have been senseless with you. You’re already near tears, of course, anything harsh would have made you start crying, but then you rush to him and as he’s sitting up, you hug him, and sit on his lap, and you’re pulling him closer to you.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn't felt relieved when you chose to sit on his lap and pull him close- you’re still crying, but at least he knows that it’s not because of him, that you still want him to hold you. You;ve always been there for him, and you try to understand him, and you never really leave him alone, and he wants to do the same for you. He holds you tight, and his hands are ever moving- running up and down from your arms to your back, to your thighs, and back to your arms, and starting the cycle all over again, desperate for your cries to quiet down. Maybe he should do something right now- No. He should be doing something right now. Panic runs a cold chill down his spine, and he blurts out that he’s glad that you’re here with him. He could do without the crying, and he immediately fixes that little slip up, but you only snort, apologizing, and kissing at his collarbone. Of course, you wouldn’t take offense to it. 
In a quiet voice, when you’ve settled, and your legs spill over the edge of the bed, he asks if you need anything, juice, alcohol, candy, smokes? Anything at all, he’d go rushing out to get it for you. And you shake your head, telling him that you just want to stay with him like this for a bit longer, reaching for his hand to hold in yours. You trace up and down his fingers, across each ring of lines that circle around his finger, and trace on his palm. You tell him that you would have liked to take him out tonight. Maybe to meet your family- an hour max- and then go get something to drink afterwards. He’s never met your family, but he hates how they’ve made you cry. If it were anyone else, they’d regret it, but he knows how you feel about family, he knows that hurting them would only hurt you, that it wouldn’t make you feel better, it’d only push you away from him, and isolate you further. He doesn’t want that. He kisses the top of our head, and he says that maybe when it’s cold out, he can wrap himself in a scarf and you two could go out-it’s be cold, but he could treat you to something warm. 
A part of him wishes that he could have met you before everything went so awful for him. No. All of him wishes for that. If you accept him as he is now- a villain with a dissociative disorder- then maybe you’d like him back when he was younger, when he was making ends meet, and could hold up a job. Maybe during his life of theft, he would’ve stolen something nice for you- a ring, maybe. But, you met him as he is now, and you still want to be with him, and you even wish you could show him off to your family. You wish you could be seen with him. And maybe that makes up for all the string of bad luck that has followed him around his entire life. And with you tracing the lines on his palms, lying and making up what the lines mean- a long life, a wealthy life, lovers past and future. He thinks your crap at telling fortune, but he likes the life that he has with you now. He kisses the top of your head, and holds you tight, the lines that you’ve traced burning his palm, and lays back down, smiling when you let out a squeak and a laugh mixed together. 
He doesn’t really spend the night at your place as much as he should. It's too quiet at your home, too neat and orderly, too tucked away in its own little corner with the only noise available being your fan that hums. Dabi is used to the noise, the screeching of tires and yowling cats and barking dogs, the loud, drunken laughter and belches of people, that being in your home makes him feel discomfited. He’s only staring at your ceiling, trying to force himself to sleep until you shut the door and he’s alert. Heat tickles and burns his palms until he realizes that it’s you, and in the next moment he realizes that you’re crying, and he’s throwing his legs over the edge of your bed, and you meet him at your bed, rushing to him, and holding him. You cry silently, whimpering and taking in shaky breaths that shudder throughout your body. Your hands are cold as they hold onto him, pressed against his thinned shirt. 
Your tears don’t last- you cry and you sniffle and when you pull away, your face is wet, and can’t look him in the eye. He stays still beside you, and you’re silent, pulling your hands away and twisting them in front of you. The silence is killing him worse than before, he needs something to fill the air, and it’s always been you, always humming or talking about something or another that he’ll listen to and remember when he’s stuck somewhere else. Slowly, his hand reaches over to your side, his index and middle finger wrapping around your thumb and pulling it towards him, his thumb rubbing softly over your thumb knuckle. He offers you something- alcohol, you know, just to get the edge off a bit, he reasons, whispering into the quiet room. You shake your head, and twist yourself to wrap your arms around him, your face nestled against his chest.
Even after all these years, all this resentment and hatred, he hates that he understands why you’re so sentimental; he hates knowing why you want to hold onto the fond memories of your family, and why you seek their validation and love. He had hoped that after being with you, that he would have gotten better at being able to provide some type of comfort, that he could do more than sit on the bed and let you cry. You start out slow, and he realizes that it’s because the pain is still too fresh, the humiliation and the exclusion are burning through you and making you shake beside him. It isn’t a big deal- it shouldn’t be a big deal. You’ve been excluded from conversations loads of times, this isn’t anything new, and yet it still hurts as if you were a child facing rejection for the first time all over again. You talk about how you aren’t treated like an adult, but neither as a child, a weird middle ground, a punching bag because if you fight back, if you return the same energy, you’re mean. It isn’t fair for you- to have to face the constant pressure from them when you’ve been doing so well, when you’ve finally feel like you’re on the right track.
Words fill the air, a spew of nonsense that comes from him, slow and unsure, trying to find something to say, but being unable to fill it with any meaning. All he’s aiming for you is to be distracted, to think about anything else than your family. The thing about him is- and you learned this quickly- he will never talk about his own family with you; try as you will, he never utters a single word about them, and he knows that it irritates you, but it’s his own thing to deal with. But he understands you, and he doesn’t know how to fix it, because his own solution was to kill himself, and now he’s missed so much of his youth and his own body is no longer his. But it’s about you and your pain, and he doesn’t know how to make you feel better other than just talking. He tells you about how quiet your room is when you’re not there, and how he likes the scent of your new soap, and that he might have ruined a towel, and you laugh, it’s short, but you laugh and he pulls down on the bed, pulling and letting his hands run underneath your shirt till your laying beside him, your back pressed against his chest and his nose rested in the back of your scalp, nestled into your hair.
His body aches, and you’ve laced your hand with his, trailing it from the soft curve of your stomach, to the swell of your chest and resting it above your heart. Every breath that you take is getting slower, and heavier. Dabi wonders to himself, if he ever will tell you about his family, how his father threw him aside, how he said such awful things to his mother and how he wished he could have apologized, how there was a moment in time where all he wanted was to have them hold him and tell him that he’s been forgiven, and held like a child. He calls your name, and after a moment, you squeeze your hand, and he knows you’re already asleep, in the odd place between sleep and consciousness, and he won’t pull you away from that. If things were different and he weren’t born with a cursed body, that he would have liked to sleep with you in a quiet room, that he wouldn’t let you feel alone in a room filled with others.
Iguchi Shuichi:
Shuichi thinks to himself that he probably shouldn’t have come over- that maybe it would have been better for him to just have stayed back at the base. But you look so pitiful, and he knows that you need him- hopefully- he still isn’t quite sure how to tell whether you need comfort or space. He clears his throat, and awkwardly opens one arm, inviting you to come sit with him, and you nod. With you so close, he can see the tears in your eyes, how they swell and catch on your lashes, and he wonders if you’ve looked like that the whole walk home. You slip into the space that he’s created, leaning on him, and wrapping your arms around his torso as he leans against the headboard of your bed. He’s hardly ever seen you cry from something that wasn’t from a television show or a video game, and he knows what to do in those scenarios, hear you out and nod along, and it shouldn’t be different in this case, but the atmosphere and the way that you hold yourself feels so much heavier than it’s ever have before.
Softly, he asks what happened, his body shifting to hold you at a more secure position. His hands lay on you, and when you don’t respond, he adds that you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. He can hear you intake deep, shaky breaths, trying to catch letters and shape it, only for you to stay silent. He decides to talk before he can lose any of his nerves. You were supposed to be with your family. How come you’re not? You were so excited too. He regrets talking immediately when you begin to cry, latching onto him and going to hold at one of his hands. You clasp onto him with such strength, and you need him at the moment. He tries to soothe you, but the only he knows how is to scratch at your back, slow, steady movements where his hands reach underneath your shirt, feeling the warmth of your skin against his claws. It’s steady, and it keeps you grounded enough to have you go to a quiet whimpering, with your hand cupped over his chest. 
Something must have happened. Of course, something had to have happened if you had come back with tears in your eyes, so desperate to hold onto any part of him, and only cry further when he asks directly about your family. He doesn’t really get it. He always thought you had a nice relationship with your family- you speak so highly of them, and yet, you’re here, crying on his chest. You know enough of his own backstory to understand that he didn’t have a good support system- or any for that matter. Even if mutant quirks have grown more accepting in a city, the country and town life is still difficult. People still look down on him for being anything less than normal. Only a few looked past his quirk- you included, and he can never thank you enough for that. He tells you all of this, and he apologizes to you, that he wasn’t there for whatever it was that happened. There are times that he wishes he was still a shut-in, that he ever saw Stain on television and never got inspired, and maybe then, he would have met you in a grocery store or something. But he also knows that he never would have met you, and if he did, he wouldn’t have bothered with you, because Stain sparked something inside of him, and then you did so, when he realized there was something past reshaping society that was worth living for. 
Slowly, you start to speak, grabbing at the hand that isn’t scratching up and down your back, and placing it over your cheek, holding it there. You’ve never been good at socializing with your family. You love them, but you aren’t like them, and he understands that sentiment. He taps two fingers against the soft plush of your cheek, encouraging you to continue with your story. You go on and about how lonely you felt- how everyone was with someone and you were alone. It was a room full of loved ones and all you could do was pity yourself and hold an empty bottle. You felt like you did when you were younger. And you hated it. You felt so embarrassed and they didn’t even call after you left- and your voice cracks. He shushes you quietly, and moves the hand that is resting on your back to curve over your waist. You’re here with him now and even though it’s not what you had planned for the night, he’s happy that you’re here with him. 
Shifting under you, he moves until you’re laying beside him, and he can stare at you. Your eyes are rimmed red, and there are tear tracks that curve down your cheeks and dry at your chin. With a shaky hand, he reaches to wipe away the tear tracks, and you lean into his touch. He smiles softly, and he asks if there’s anything more that you want to get off of your chest. He isn’t fond of his family either, but he has you now, and the League, and he thinks that’s all that really matters- found family or something like that, that you like to fantasize about. Nervously, he inches closer to you, and your breath is warm and it smells sweet and it must be the drink that you talked about, and he leans in, and there’s pressure against his snout, until you twist your head and kiss him back, pulling away to intertwine your body with his, hiding your face into the crook of his neck, and peppering kisses along there as a show of thanks.
Sako Atsuhiro:
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen this side of you. You've cried before him, but it was reactionary- you watched a show and cried, you’ve read a book and clung to him, whining and moaning about how they deserved a happy ending- things like that. You’ve never closed a door so roughly, not on purpose, not without saying a  quick sorry to the inanimate object. You’ve never closed a door with tears in your eyes, looking so sad. Atsuhiro didn’t mean to be here- it just happened. He thought about not coming to your place when you told him you wouldn’t be here for the night, that you would be out with family. He even sat on your chair as you pulled out a potential outfit- something appropriate, that would still seem nice around others. You were excited for it. And now you’re home, and you’re crying, and he isn’t sure what to do. Do you want to talk about it? Because of course something happened, and it hurts him to see you look so small. You’ve closed in on yourself, lowering your shoulders and clasping your arms around yourself, and you haven’t looked him in the eyes since you’ve entered the room. 
Come here, he tells you. And you walk towards him, your steps quick to reach where he now sits upright on your bed, and his arm wraps around you, running up your torso, and cupping it over your neck. You’ve always been more of the crier in the relationship, always tearing up in moments as you read, clinging to characters and to people, and he knows what to do, how to comfort you- to offer a talking point and to let you stay silent until you’re ready, and give you a promise that he’s still by your side. Unlike you, he doesn’t talk about his family much, when you pout about him keeping secrets, he pulls out some line about magicians and secrets- something corny that has you rolling your eyes, and grinning at him. You’ve always been one to overshare, to tell stories about your past, to tell him whatever it was that he wanted to know, and he always liked you for it. He never really liked keeping secrets from you, and while he strongly doubts that you would ever judge him for who his lineage is, he doesn’t want to have that looming, he doesn’t want to think about the questions you’d have and the answers he would be unable to tell you. 
Seeing you defeated leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He was hoping that he’d fall asleep in your bed, and in the morning, he’d wake up with you curled next to him, hair a mess and he’d spend the whole day with you and get to eat your cooking, and just laze around with you. However, now with you crying on his chest, and how you intertwine your legs with his, he thinks that you’ll be the one to taste his cooking. He doesn’t pry further about what happened- you’re still too sentimental about it, the wound and pain too fresh for you, and he doesn’t want you to cry because of him, because of the memories that he’s trying to dig up no matter how recent they are. 
You tell him that you wish you could introduce him to your family. That maybe if you met earlier, before his name was released to the public, that you could have, that you would have been able to show him off. He counters that when his name did get released, you’d have to explain to your family. You say silent after that, he kicks him for bringing reality back to you after hopeful wishes. He stutters in trying to fix his mistake, telling you that it would’ve been nice to be introduced to your family. That he would’ve liked to meet the people who you talk about. He tells you that he would have been perfect at meeting your family- the shining example of what it is to look like a good partner. You interject with a laugh, that he would have been the prime example of a “bring home boyfriend” until it was revealed who he is. You’re laughing and that’s a good sign. He smiles, and his hand lowers curving underneath your chest. He agrees, stating that then he’d be the worst example, and that he probably wouldn’t mind being referred to as the bad boyfriend whose parents disapprove of. You groan and pull away from him, and the tears have dried, and all that remains are reddened eyes, and quiet sniffling. 
Holding his hand in yours, you apologize in a low voice, telling him that you didn’t mean to wake him up, nor did you mean to cry in front of him over something so trivial. Atushiro hums, telling you that he doesn’t mind being woken by you- that he’d rather wake up and be with you, than let you cry alone. He’s glad that he was here, that he feels better knowing that he was able to just be here with you, that he didn’t want you alone. He brings up your held hand to his lips, giving short kisses to each knuckle, and turning it over to kiss your palm. You smile, and pull your hand away, leaning into him, giving out another small cry, thanking him for being here, and promising him a meal tomorrow. He watches as you move, curling beside him your hand going to rest over his ribs, and you trace arcs over his chest, stopping at where you think the rib would stop and he watches you get lost in thought, resting back on the pillow and kissing your temple. 
Shigaraki Tomura:
Seeing you teary eyed always makes him uncomfortable. Tomura isn’t sure of what to do in these types of scenarios; he isn’t sure on how he should go about to comfort you. Should he hold you? Should he be giving some type of advice, something vague that could be applied to any scenario? He knows that you need something and the most that he could offer up is patting the space beside him, offering up your own bed to you. You nod, scurrying in beside him, your bare legs cooled from the outside air and enough for him to feel through the material of his own pants. You hide yourself in his chest, arms going around to clutch at the back of his shirt. If he knew that you were going to arrive early and cry, he probably wouldn’t have even shown up in your home. Immediately as that thought enters his mind, he feels awful. You’ve done a lot for him, the least he could do is hold you, or allow himself to be held for a moment.
You shouldn’t be home- so why are you home? He had messaged you a few days prior asking if he could stay the night and he remembers that you told him he could, but that you were going to be with family. And he remembers it so, because he thought about just not showing up because if you weren’t going to be here, then why come at all, but the temptation of your bed, pillowed with blankets and stuffed animals, was far too much for him. He’s careful to put his arms around you, careful to make sure he isn’t completely touching you, trying to avoid adding injury to your less than great night. He asks why you’re home so early, and he quickly adds that he doesn’t mean anything mean by it, he’s just curious is all. You’ve been still the entire time in his arms, you don’t move even when you sniffle and the pillow and his shirt are damp with your tears. 
Family is complicated, and- you can’t go on any further. Your voice cracks and he moves closer to you, closing the already small gap between the two of you. Something awful must have happened. He doesn’t remember much of his own family- before All For One and Kurogiri. The things that he does remember make him itch- more so than usual, more than just scratching until his skin is a bright red, but a depper, primal urge that has his skin feel too tight. Even so, All For One wasn’t a good caretaker, and Kurogiri did the best that he could with a bratty child from the streets. Even so, he knows how much you care for your own family, how you hold his hand and tell him that you wish things were different so you could introduce him, how maybe if you were a family of villains, they’d be proud of you. You always cut the conversation right after that, and you always have a sad look in your eyes. He never really wants to talk about his own upbringing, always talking about it as it was unimportant, never wanting to recall how empty his bedroom was until he used his quirk. He’s sure that his retelling how he decayed two people who were mean to him wouldn’t bring you the comfort that you need, nor is it the story that you would like to reminisce about with him late in the nights.
He should be offering you something. A drink maybe? But then that would mean that he has to pull away from you, and he doesn’t want that. He doesn’t think you want that either. Still, he should be doing something right now, something to fill the gap of silence and to stop you from whimpering. He presses his lips against the top of your crown, and  when he pulls away, he starts. Talking about his past is far too much, but talking about the future isn’t so bad. He talks about how nice it would be that when he topples over society or makes some type of chaos, that you would be right there. When it comes to it, he’s going to bring you with him. It’ll be great- you won’t have to get the approval from family, or anyone else. It’ll be you and him- and the others, but they’re not important in the story he’s telling you. He likes to think that it’ll be the end of society, and he’ll be able to stand beside you, to not worry about heroes- bad or good- would interrupt the both of you.
When you’ve calmed down, you lift up from him, and he misses the warmth that you provided. You wipe at your eyes and pat your cheeks, and he stays watching you, waiting for you to come back to bed. You do so, and you apologize for all the crying, giving a humorless chuckle that you’ve always been the emotional one, and he doesn’t mind because why would he. He sits up beside you, and your head rests on his shoulder, and it’s the two of you alone in a room, and your arms slink around his, holding tightly onto him, and he can feel the tears that wet his shoulder. You don’t have to think right now, at least not about family. And again, you apologize for crying, and again he tells you that it’s fine, even when he’s so unsure of what to do, but you still cry, and you still latch onto him, and in the dead of night, he holds you, and he stays there until you’ve fallen asleep, with tears and warm cheeks.
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slayersins · 2 years
imagine giving head Sako so good he has to remove his mask to breathe because he is getting lightheaded under it ♡
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
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So I made this comic.
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And then I made this one.
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I have others planned for the same alternate universe.
There's too many ideas and too little time to do all the comics I want to do since this is a very slow medium of storytelling.
So I thought, 'Screw it, guess I'm writing a fic now.'
The Summer Camp Ambush Simulation
The kanji on the wooden hyousatsu was too worn, weather-beaten, and altogether rotted out to be clear, but he could tell it used to read Sako.  The house itself had probably been a nice place in some distant past, a comfortable home where a thriving and happy family once resided.  Now, the windows were clouded with grime and mold, the front yard was overgrown with weeds, and the engawa-porch had warped into a terrain of its own.  As he stood before the front door, looking over the address he’d copied from his notes one last time, Aizawa was reluctant to imagine what state the interior was in.  With some disappointment at finding he was in the right place, he let out a tired sigh and rang the remarkably still intact doorbell.
A short conversation.  In and out.  No hassle.
From the other side of the door, a muffled voice immediately answered the bell with an exasperated shout.  “No, no, no!  There are far too many people here already!  I did not sign up for my home to become the halfway house for wayward youths!”
Aizawa frowned and took a strategic step back, bracing himself for possible aggression as a series of rapid footfalls grew louder and louder in their approach.
“Well, who’s here now——”  the voice continued, only to go dead silent when the front door was flung open, aside from a quiet,  “Oh.”
It was odd seeing Sako Atsuhiro without his mask.  He looked younger than he sounded and from the way he stared at him in bewilderment, Aizawa suddenly felt his visit had not been expected after all.  “Good evening,”  he said.  “I have a certain matter to discuss with Todoroki.  I was told to meet him here.”
Full chapter available in the link above.
If you want a read a fic where the Vanguard are a vigilante group participating in UA's summer camp by running a surprise attack simulation, plus extra, I gotchu.
I also try to write as much 'in character' as I can if that interests you. No hate to OOC, I just love the challenge of trying to keep true with canon personalities as much as the fan-plot allows.
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Speaking of daddy compress (sorry) I've seen some posts about rei/compress recently. I don't ship it, but imagining the todosibs reactions does make me wheeze. Dabi's like what happened to being too young to be the league dad????
Oh my GOD. Like from a shipping standpoint, it's not a crack pairing I adore, but I will 100% overlook that for the BIT!!!
God that's so fucking funny, Compress marries Rei and she keeps her maiden name this time because of the trauma with Enji and Atsuhiro is encouraging her to be her own person and do whatever she wants with her life now, and ALL of the kids take Sako as their last name.
"Dabi, I thought you didn't want a last name?"
"You fucked my mom, now I'm going to fuck up your family legacy and dignity."
The kids having someone in their life who treats them well, doesn't take himself too seriously, and offers them comfort and advice as well as space when they need it? Oh he is getting 4 #1 Dad mugs and a pocket square embroidered with 'I'm not the Step Dad, I'm the dad that Stepped Up' around the edges for Father's Day
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imagineanime2022 · 11 months
League Of Villains W/ An S/O W/ Talking Cat
Spinner X Reader, Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Mr Compress X Reader, Dabi X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: I got a question remember the show “Sabrina secrets of a teenage witch” how would the league of villains (Spinner, Shigaraki, Mr. Compress, and the others) react if they had a S/O who’s quirk is ‘witch’ and they have a pet talking cat named Salem? Like one day, the league was hanging out somewhere and then S/O’s talking cat Salem shows up to says “hi” and the others freak out and S/O just laughed 😂
🦎 Spinner knew that you had a cat, he had seen him around your apartment, he never really came near you but that never really bothered Spinner. 🦎 I don’t think that Spinner has any strong feelings towards animals, he doesn’t swing one way or the other. 🦎 You had never mentioned that there was anything different about your cat and he gave Spinner no reason to think that he was different. 🦎 You had actually completely forgot that you hadn’t told him until he came over one day, he could hear you talking in the kitchen.
Shuicki had come over after a particularly challenging mission from Shigaraki, he heard you in the kitchen first “you know you don’t have to sit there and wait, I’ll give you the food right?” You asked and he smiled, knowing that you were talking to your cat. “I can never be sure with you.” A voice answered, that made him stop for only a second before continue on his path to the kitchen, when you were in view he became even more confused, he could hear someone else but there was no evidence of anyone else in the house. “Oh Shu hey, I didn’t hear you come in.” You smiled. “Who were you talking to?” He asked. “Me, Genius.” The same voice spoke again and Spinner turned to see the cat sitting on the counter. “Who was that?” Spinner asked and you looked at him for a second before you burst out laughing. “Me.” He watched as your cat's mouth moved, he didn’t even know why he was surprised, there were animals with quirks but he still stared wide eyed as you continued to laugh. “It’s really not that funny!” Both of them finally said at the same time as they turned to look at you. “Just give me my food!” (YC/N) ordered before disappearing from the room, when you used your quirk to have the food appear next to his bed. “I would thank you but I had to ask you three times.” “It’s not like I forgot you're just impatient.” You called out to wherever he was in the house but the only answer you received was silence. “You never told me he could talk.” Spinner finally said. “Yeah that’s now occurring to me.” You nodded as you gestured for him to come over “you didn’t say that you were coming over, something happened?” “Nothing, just tired.” He answered, dropping his head to your shoulder. “Well then let’s eat and then you can rest up.” You suggested, your arms coming up to wrap around him. “Yeah and you can explain why your cat talks.” He mumbled. “Yeah sure.” You answered
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Tomura Shigaraki
✋ Tomura does not care for the little furry creature that you brought with you at first, you were what he wanted but if he had to deal with the cat then he would. ✋ As the bar started to fill up with other villains he noticed that the cat stayed closer to him when you weren’t around. ✋ You had told me that the car was special when he asked if it had to come with you but it had yet to show him. ✋ He actually decided to ask you one night why he was special and why he stuck around him like glue.
You were laying on his bed playing with his hair as he sat on the floor in front of you playing a new game that was out, he could hear the cat purring “what’s so special about him anyway?” Shigaraki asked. “He was my only friend before I met you, you remember that people used to hate me right?” You asked. “Mm.” He grunted as he glanced at the cat at the end of the bed, he could at least be thankful for that. “Fine but what does he stick around me for?” “He sticks around you because none of those other busy bodies bother him when he’s with you.” The voice that answered him was not yours and you felt him tense. “Tomu calm down, that’s just (Y/C/N).” You said. “Talking?” He asked. “Yes.” You answered completely seriously. “So when I asked what makes him special you didn’t think to mention that he could talk.” Shigaraki said as you giggled. “What are you laughing at?” Shigaraki asked. “Nothing.” You answered leaning over and pressing a kiss to his temple “you know even through all of that you still didn’t lose.” “I’ve seen better.” (Y/C/N) chimed in. “You know just because you can talk doesn’t mean that you should.” You reminded him “and if you don’t stop talking I’m going to throw you right out of this room to those busy bodies that you love so much.” “You wouldn’t dare.” He mumbled, Shigaraki watched you both as you argued. “If he’s so special he can start earning his keep, bet he could get info much easier than we can.” Shigaraki said, you smirked. “Looks like you’ve bagged yourself a new job.” You turned back to Shigaraki after that quiet settling over the room again as you continued to play with his hair. “You’re both mean.” (Y/C/N) said before lowering his head to go to sleep.
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Mr. Compress
🔮 Compress loved your cat, from the moment he saw him, they were fast friends but he had never heard him talk. 🔮 Compress would always share with him or make off handed comments about how pretty he was, he has thought about making the little feline part of his act as well. 🔮 You never told him because you thought that he was so cute with you little cat, you didn’t want to ruin it. 🔮 One day however (Y/C/N) decided to answer him but you didn’t know that all you heard was the scream that echoed through the apartment.
“What!? What happened!?” You asked. “The cat!” Atsuhiro answered, pointing at the cat across the room and you looked at him raising an eyebrow. “What did you do?” You asked. “I answered his question.” He answered. “You- Wait! Really?” You asked, you started laughing as soon as you finished the question and he narrowed his eyes. “I know you don’t believe me but it happened!” He said and you tried to calm yourself as you answered. “No I believe you, he talks all the time.” You answered. “What did you say to him?” “I just said how great it would be if he could talk.” Atsuhiro answered. “And then I said that I could.” (Y/C/N) said and Atsuhiro screamed again and you doubled over. “No you really have to stop doing that, my sides hurt.” You said reaching out for something to stablise yourself as you ended up sliding to the floor instead, taking deep breaths. “Alright… (Y/C/N) has always talked from the day that I adopted him to now, that’s normal for us, so normal that it seems I forgot to mention it.” “You are the worst partner.” (Y/C/N) scolded you as he walked over to Atsuhiro “I’m sorry for scaring you.” “Aww he’s so polite.” Atsuhiro gushed and you raised an eyebrow. “Maybe to you.” You grumbled. “He’s nice to me.” (Y/C/N) answered and your eyes widened and he padded out of the room to find his bed. “I think you stole my cat.” You explained. “Don’t be silly, my love, he's our cat now.” Atsuhiro said and you rolled your eyes as he pulled you up, pressing a kiss to your lips before dragging you back to whatever you were doing before.
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🔥 Dabi was indifferent to your feline friend as long as he didn’t get in his way, if they crossed paths however it ended up being a stand off until one of them decided it wasn’t worth it. 🔥 For obvious reasons he didn’t know that the cat could talk but he did know that there was something going on with the cat. 🔥 They constantly competed for your attention, whether that was Dabi lifting your cat off of you or (Y/C/N) pretending to get hurt so you’ll fuss over him for a little while. 🔥 There was only one thing that they had in common and that was that they wanted you safe.
Dabi was already at your apartment when you came home, you walked in silently sighed as you dropped everything that you were holding and walking towards the sofa where Dabi was sitting, you climbed on him so you were straddling him “what’s going on Doll? Who do I need to kill?” “No one.” You mumbled. “She’s lying.” The voice startled Dabi into a defensive position, his arm wrapping around you tightly and pulling you into his other hand coming up to burn anyone close enough to harm you, but the only thing that he could find was the stupid cat. “Dabi relax.” You mumbled “it’s just the cat.” “I know that’s the cat but someone said something, you bring anyone back?” He asked. “No, the talking was the cat.” You answered and he raised an eyebrow as his eyes moved to the cat. “What?” (Y/C/N) asked. “Okay so not only is the kitten annoying it can talk too?” He asked. “I’m a cat not a kitten.” (Y/C/N) argued. “Uh huh.” Dabi grunted as he adjusted you when he felt you laughing against his shoulder. “What are you laughing about?” “You two are funny.” You answered “made my day better.” “Really?” Dabi asked. “Well he’s not the worst cat around.” “Mmm, well I guess you're not the worst mate she could have taken.” (Y/C/N) answered. “Yeah, will you give us some time then?” Dabi asked. “I want my food in an hour or I’ll be back.” He muttered before disappearing. Dabi pulled you back to look at him properly. “Your okay?” He asked. “Yeah, just a long day.” You answered and he nodded. “Well we’ve got an hour, any idea what we can do with that time?” He asked. “I assume you have some ideas.” You said and he smirked as he leaned forward. “A few.” He answered.
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Request Here!!
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lovebeatriceplz · 9 months
Atsuhiro Sako relationship hcs ☆✧
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( this fan art has me in a chokehold)
✷ He's not sure how he bagged you tbh. You kinda just happened to stumble upon him and you fell into his trap :)
✷ You wouldn't necessarily have to be apart of the league, or a villain even. I could see him with a vigilante type or a regular civilian who's not too fond of heroes.
✷ He definitely crashes at your place when he gets tired of the hideout. And best believe he creeps up on you in the middle of the night.
✷ Imagine your just starting to drift off and then you feel fingers crawl up your shirt and wrapping around your waist. Probably scared the crap out of you the first time but you get used to it.
✷ He definitely rambles. About everything. From missions he's been on to random stories.
✷ Very good at telling stories and very very dramatic. Gets on top furniture and throws things down to tell you how he went to the grocery store.
✷ Trusts you enough to tell you about his past and talks about his great - grandfather all the time.
✷ Loves when you call him by his first name. The name compress has grown on him so much sometimes he forgets how his actual name sounds.
" call me sako again" Some corny shit he would say lol.
✷ Kisses, kisses and more kisses. His favorite place is probably your nose, and your forehead, and maybe your shoulder blade two ( and your lips ofc). He's a gentleman after all.
✷ Absolutely worships you. Praise on top of praise everyday. It doesn't take long for him to fall in love.
✷ If you put in the effort to convince him he would leave his life of crime behind for you. Probably move or run away and start over, once he has you by his side ♡.
✷ He's not insecure about his looks but doesn't take off the mask right away. As i said he doesn't think he's ugly or something but he's afraid of rejection either way. What if that's not how you imagined it? What if you've seen better? no you didn't.
✷ He would eventually, or you probably catch him off guard ( which is unlikely)
✷ Showers you with gifts. Flowers, chocolates, your favorite books, tickets to your favorite play. Just don't ask where he got them.
✷ Protective but not in an obsessive way. He just keeps an eye on you and makes sure you don't get involved in his crimes.
✷ Loves physical affection and i think it would be one of his love languages. So pls hug and kiss him it reassures him.
✷ He's definitely a big big tease. He finds your reactions adorable and just wants to see you smile.
✷ He loves your kisses but his favorite place is his neck. And not even in like a sexual way he just loves the feeling. Kiss him on his forehead and he gives a charming smile, returns the favor.
Kiss him on his neck tho-. Atsuhiro exe stopped working. Literally malfunctions and gets flustered as hell.
✷ He talks about you all the time ( the league is kinda sick of it tbh). You know that one audio that goes like "i miss my man"💀 and everyone is like "stfu". That's him.
✷ He's actually perfect like there is no flaw in this man and i had way more hcs in mind but i forgot so-
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rose-riot-johnson · 6 months
Have you heard of “Carmela Carmine” the weapons dealer from the Amazon series “Hazbin Hotel” I have a cute idea about what if Mr. Compress was dating Carmela Carmine? And one day after that whole “Overhaul incident” and the LOV had to regroup Compress called her after the incident, and what all happened an hour later after they regroup, Carmela sent out her daughters Clara and Odette showed up With the amputated arm for Compress (and cue the rest of the LOV meeting his girlfriend’s daughters😅) and the girls explained that Carmela and them were worried and that they want to help take down overhaul For all the shit he’s done.😅
Your request sounds fun to try writing😃👍While I have written a fanfic about Mr Compress being the staring character, writing about Carmilla (and her daughters) definitely makes the request really interesting💡😃Considering that I really wanted to go through with writing atleast something that is a crossover fanfic, while having history of writing plenty of My Hero Academia fanfics, and wanting to write a fanfic pertianing any of the characters from Hazbin Hotel and/or Helluva Boss this request is definitely going to shake things up with me writing fanficsin a good way😃👍I'm really excited to try writing this fanfic out to see how this turns out😁👍
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💐🟢A Misunderstanding Without Any Problems, Except Overhaul 🟢💐(Mr Compress, Real Name, Atsuhiro Sako (My Hero Academia) x Carmilla Carmine (Featuring her daughters, Clara and Odette) (Hazbin Hotel)
Genres: Ship drabble that features one of the character's and crossover fanfic (Warning ⚠️: Language)
When Mr Compress and Carmilla Carmine fist met they were childhood friends, however they started dating months before the he joined Tomura Shigaraki. Ofcourse both Mr Compress and Carmilla Carmine are very aware of eachother's occupation and stuff (up to reader's imagination, if Mr Compress knew if Carmilla had daughters at the time). While Mr Compress' relationship with Carmilla isn't perfect, they're so compatible (and have so much chemistry) it's really obvious that they're meant for eachother, as if they're eachother's soulmates.
One day Mr Compress had to call Carmilla about what everything that happened with the Overhaul situation the (day or night) before he called her. He even told her the League Of Villains had to regroup from everything that happened, especially what Overhaul did to him. After the call she was livid... She was not happy for what Overhaul did to the League Of Villains, she was very aggravated to hear Mr Compress told her what Overhaul did to him.
There are things that meant alot to her, including her daughters, Zestial, and her boyfriend Mr Compress, and she felt anywho whos messes with anyone or anything precious to her, including the her daughters, Zestial, and Mr Compress, she will make these culprits pay. So, considering that Overhaul fucked with Mr Compress and the League Villains (considering that Mr Compress is part of the League Of Villains), there's going to be hell to pay in Overhaul's case, so she decided to send her daughters Clara and Odette to make Overhaul pay for fucking with to her boyfriend Mr Compress and (the rest of the members of) the League Of Villains.
After the League Of Villains (including Mr Compress) defeated Overhaul in another incident involving interfering with the police taking him to a prison, Mr Compress went shopping for some tea and as he was just about to call Carmilla that the "(Overhaul) pest issue" was tooken cared of, both of her daughters asking him about killing Overhaul for fucking with him (and League Of Villains). He asked who they are, before they answered that they're her daughters Clara and Odette, which (up to the reader's imagination if Mr Compress was aware of Carmilla had daughters prior to him meeting them), then he introduces himself as Atsuhiro Sako, then telling them that they can call him Mr Compress. He took her daughters to the hideout where the other members of League Of Villains are in.
Mr Compress then introduce his girlfriend's daughters to the rest of the League Of Villains, then her daughters, Clara and Odette explained that they and their mother Carmilla are worried about the League Of Villains (her boyfriend Mr Compress included) and how they want to make Overhaul pay for all of the hell he put Mr Compress and the rest of the members of The League Of Villains through. So, all of the members of the League Of Villains had to explain that they have tooken cared of the problem on every member of the League Of Villains, including Mr Compress explained everything and every word on how they have took down Overhaul and how they made Overhaul's life hell.
Months afterwards, Mr Compress had married Carmilla, meaning they are husband and wife, while her daughters Clara and Odette become Mr Compress' step daughters. So, not only Carmilla and her daughters become the part of the of the League Of Villains (who Mr Compress low key considers family), Mr Compress has also become part of a family of four: Mr Compress, Carmilla, and her daughters (Clara and Odette). So, as Carmilla and her daughters became new members of the League Of Villains and Mr Compress becoming part of Carmilla's family, the rest of the members League of Villains, Mr Compress, his wife Carmilla, and her daughters (Clara and Odette), became one big happy family.
🟢💐The End💐🟢
Okay my Tumblr Peeps I hope you enjoyed this crossover fanfic😃👍As for you @supernatural-hunter1 I hope I have written the Mr Compress x Carmilla fanfic well💐🟢😁👍I hope it was alright if I tag you😅Anyways, I did start writing ship drabbles with the bullited list, since writing a Naruto Shippuden ship drabble pertaining a particular ship, which was why I have written this ship like that. I did have fun writing this crossover fanfic and I hope you had fun reading the fanfic, as well😁👍
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anakeakayo · 10 months
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Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)
Dabi (Toya Todoroki)
Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
Mr. Compress (Atsuhiro Sako)
4? Let's just add 1 more!
Overhaul (Kai chisaki)
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Tomura Shigaraki
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He doesn't really know Christmas (bc of past)
When you give him gift it's just warm his heart. But God he thinks your like teasing him to seduce him better
And dang, he ring you dry!
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My man also don't really know Christmas (bc of past) 🥲
He's a little bit like Shoto...
But when you make home cook meals, you can see be have tears- uh I mean bloody tears rolling down his cheek
The man will return the love, by ringing your dry-dry
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Christmas or not he will tease you.
He may seen like a dom, but God dammit he is.
You know his quirk right?
Imagine him, using it, to pleasure you in every spot!
Plus this man is sadomasochism!
Mr. Compress
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If you read the manga, you know how Hot he is 👍
I bet he is a sadomasochistic person
He love Over simulation even at Christmas
Since you both don't do much, he will ring you dry everyday
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Ahhhh! This 🚩 man!
He is 100% a sadomasochistic guy!
he will fuck you, even if you whimper or crying
If you say stop, he will fucking continue
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Thanks for reading!
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Class 1B will be post soon! Hang on!
Master list
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blurbios · 2 years
Being Mr Compress' Doting S/O
warnings: food mention
other: gn! reader, fluff
part 3 of League of Villains' Doting S/O
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Since meeting Atsuhiro you’ve taken note of his love for things of grandeur, it came natural as he himself was a showman. Whenever you went out and passed storefronts he’d comment about the outfits on display. He even slipped in to buy you an outfit whilst Toga distracted you one time. You knew how much he loved fashion, so when you found out that he’d be leaving for a week-long mission you knew how you were going to spend your time. The sadness you felt when he left was soon replaced with determination as you took it upon yourself to design and sew him an outfit. You had an idea of the general things he liked and you knew what fit you liked him best in, so combining the two you quickly sketched out what you had envisioned. You made sure to ask Jin for the proper measurements to ensure your work would fit him. You worked feverishly for days and after many trips to the local fabric shop, you were putting the finishing touches on it. You decided to monogram his initials into the tag to make it extra special. You ironed it once it was finished so that it would be ready when Atsuhiro arrived tomorrow. You debated laying it out in the bed, but thought hanging it in the closet would be best, just in case he was too tired and just wanted to rest when he got home. You heard the door open and the footsteps that followed. Shigaraki went straight to his room not even saying hi, Spinner waved as he made his way to the fridge, Dabi just glared at you before walking past, but there was no sign of Atsuhiro. Your heart began to pound in your chest, you walked to the door and stuck your head out, maybe he was just lagging behind. Your mind immediately started running worst case scenarios, you fought back tears. “Damn, you’re annoying. He didn’t die or anything. Compress stopped to get something, he shouldn’t be too long.” Dabi said before exiting the room. You sat back on the couch, knee bouncing as you waited. It felt like hours had passed before you heard the door open, immediately you perked up and turned toward it. 
“Ah! There you are, Atsu!” You said throwing your arms around his shoulders. 
“I’m sorry, were you worried? I thought one of them would’ve told you.” Once you were down clinging to him, he placed the bag he had in his hand on the countertop. 
“What’s in the bag?” 
He motioned for you to close your eyes and you followed suit. “3, 2, 1, open!” You opened your eyes and saw a small cake, a confused look on your face. “Oh come on, that mission was hell, let us celebrate that nobody died.” 
“Well, if we’re celebrating, let me go get your gift!” You hurriedly went to retrieve what you’d been working on. Holding the hanger behind your back, you motioned with one hand for him to cover his eyes as he had you. He let out a light laugh as you counted down, “3, 2, 1, open!” You were beaming as you thrusted the hanger towards him. His eyes grew wide, his jaw dropped, at a loss for words. He reached for it and took it gingerly from your hand. He took the pants from the bottom of the hanger and held them up to get a full look. He ran his hand over the back pockets to feel for quality and check their size. He looked at shirt and jacket, 
“Darling, where’d you get this?” 
“I made it.”
 “You what?” 
“I made it! Even sewed your initials on the inside of the shirt pocket. See?” You opened the breast pocket to unveil his initials in gold thread. 
“Thank you. I don’t know what to say. Wow. I–thank you.” He sounded like he was gonna cry, like the way he sounded when you told him you loved him for the first time. 
“You’re welcome, my love.” The next day he planned a date night for you two, he wanted a good excuse to wear it. Before you two left, he made it a thing to parade around and tell all the members that you made it. He really did appreciate you working so hard on it and it was easily his favorite outfit in his wardrobe now. This led to Dabi rolling his eyes and Toga exclaiming how you needed to make her an outfit too. You made a mental note to start drawing up plans for her birthday, but right then you focused on how good Atsuhiro looked and how great of a night you two were going to have.
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a/n: this one wasn't supposed to be this long, but the thought of making him a snazzy little outfit to make his day made me soft, plus he's a loser so he'd be like "it garmeant a lot to me" and expect you to laugh at his terrible pun
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