#i think my hair and glasses really fit it
buzzinrusso · 1 day
i met sarah in the bathroom
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Based off of this song by awfultune.
In honor of reaching 300 followers!!
Warnings :smut ,fingering , public sex ,cunnilingus ,'friends' to lovers.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language!!
She met you at a party, you were holding a blunt in your left hand while your right hand sported your phone .
You had your braids up in a half up half down style using a colourful Walmart claw clip, wearing a long black dress that fitted your body perfectly, with your sunglasses resting perfectly on you head .
By your side was your bag that carried about fifteen Keychains, which, amazingly, suited your personality.
You were playful, kind, a little mean when you wanted to be . Leah couldn't help but feel a pull towards you, with the piercing that littered your ears and those small tattoos that went around your arms and back.
So, she sat next you.
Then the cycle repeated.
Leah would always find you at parties, it was like you shared a mind when I came to parties, whether it was a friends' party or a pub, you were always there dancing the night away, smoking a cig or a blunt, and then Leah would come up to you and start a conversation.
Each time you talked to know more and more about each other.
Like, you now know that Leah was a gymnast as a child, and Leah knew that you actually wear glasses, something that nobody knew.
You shared secrets, tried new things, you even convinced Leah to smoke a blunt with you.
The flame was undeniably there, ignited and ready to be blown, the flirting , the stolen looks and the secret touches.
It was a night where Leah and her team went to a random pub to celebrate their win in the conti cup that something finally occurred.
She was two drinks deep in her celebration when she spotted you in the swirl of people, your hair was out as you were dancing with whom Leah recognized to be your friend, lisha.
She walked over to you with confidence, asking lisha to hand you over to her .
Lisha happily complied, twirling you over into Leah's arms which immediately roamed over your body.
From your upper body to your hips and waist down to your bum. Her hands on your body felt like she was worshipping you .
"Hey, y/n? " Leah said once you sat down. Your body was basically on top of hers as you reapplied your lip gloss.
"What? "
"You know I really like hanging out with you. " Leah confessed as her cheeks flushed crimson red, Leah thought it wasn't visible due to the flashing lights of the club but with you staring at her like she was the only person in the world.
"I really like hanging out with you too, Lee" you said
"I think I really wanna kiss ya" Leah was sure that it was the alcohol that was talking by now.
You paused as you heard her say those words. "Wait, really? " it was like you couldn't believe what she was saying.
"Yeah but I don't want to scare you, darling. "
Next thing Leah knew, you had grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to the bathroom.
You closed the stall door and pushed Leah against it as you smashed your lips against hers.
Your tongues were at a fight for dominance , which Leah eventually won making you let out a muffled moan into Leah's mouth as her hand teased you through your underwear. "Is this a good idea? "
"Please, baby. " you muttered under your breath, and that, for Leah, was the final straw .
She pushed your panties to the side and let her fingers stroke a few times along your soaking pussy, teasingly letting her fingers slip in a few times , not enough to give you the pleasure you wanted but enough for you to let out a small whine as Leah's mouth drifted from you jaw to your neck, leaving scattered marks around .
Leah's hand drifted up slightly to play with your sensitive bud, making you let out a loud moan which led to Leah wrapping her other hand around your mouth just as a group of girls entered the bathroom.
Annoyingly, that was the moment Leah decided to slip inside of your soaking heat. You tried to suppress your loud moans, but failed as you felt Leah pumping her two fingers in and out of you.
Your loud noises were cut off by Leah kissing you hard.
"Come on, love, just a little more . " Leah couldn't help but moan at the sight of you, sighing in relief as you le juices spilled put onto her hand. "Good girl. " you let out a moan at her words
The football player seductively brought her hand up to her mouth and pushed her digets into her own mouth and sucked,the action making you let out a moan, she then kissed you , giving you a taste of yourself "you see how good you taste darling? " you simply nodded in response, still in a haze
"Words darling. "
"Yes , baby. ", you said in response, slowly dropping down to your knees in front of Leah as you muttered the words, " my turn. "
You looked up at Leah, " can I take these off?" you asked giving her your signature doe eyes that you knew she couldn't say no too.
"Please." She pleaded.
And so, you took off her trousers to be met face to face with her very wet underwear.
You slowly pulled down her panties and immediately dived into Leah like a starved woman , grabbing Leah's this game and hoisting them up to you shoulders as you ate her out.
Your tongue ran over her heat multiple times before zeroing in on her clit, licking and sucking as you wanted to, Leah's moan that were echoing through the empty bathroom only spurring you on.
Your tongue eventually made its way to Leah's entrance and pushed it in. Leah moans as the sensation of you inside her as you nose hit her clit perfectly was pleasuring enough for Leah to come with a loud moan that you were sure was heard by the people outside as you hummed into her pussy.
Leah pushed you away, pulled her pants up, and gave you a small peck before grabbing your arms in the same way that you grabbed hers about 30 minutes ago and pulling out of the stall "you're coming home with me. "
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purpdrawsthings · 2 days
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Yippee less goooooo, you can now know how the hell this man's outfit finally works now.
You guys can actually make him, with ✨COLORS✨
Honestly, making colors that would match him was really hard. It took me about a week to actually figure it all out just because of how hard it is and how I wanted it to be close to a star aesthetic.
Buttttt I got it all sorted out and to be honest, the result isn't too bad if I do say so myself.
After finishing the colors, it went all easy thankfully, I didn't really have to think that much about his Mario recolor form.
FUN FACT : He came right after the Revelations arc ended =3333333
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Relationship chart because yes
Some of the characters uhhh text things are kinda meh cuz my brain ain't braining rn.
Sadge =[
But heyyyyy, at least y'all can now know his relationships yippee =DDDDDDDD
But I don't really mind if you actually-
Uhhhhhhh deez nutz he can be shipped with anyone, as long as it's not someone he hates, like a certain tv someone =3
So now that that's done.... LET'S HAVE AT IT SOME FUN FACTS!!!!!
He was actually meant to be a silly villain, something like Storms oc, SMG8 =3 buttttt I saved that for later and changed him into a different character.
That human form you're looking at right now ain't even his true form, his true form is that weird star thing!!! Crazyyyy
Speaking about his star form, while in that form, he only speaks in speech bubbles, and is inaudible.
He was meant to be a ✨blondie✨ but after a test I found out it wasn't really the best color so why not use that uh.... Random ass hair color =D
He's got powers to fend off viruses ofc, but I'll do that for a later post, maybe I'll link it from here if I post it =]
Anddddd that's about all =DDDD
I'll probably think of more and probably update this post behind yalls backs lmao
But it'll probably not happen soon.
Anyways, you can now draw him, AND ask question for this man through my ask box, yippeeeeeee =DDDDDDDD
And uhh.... Yeah. Yeetus!!! =3
Naive people /silly
I actually just wanted to add some special thanks for some people that deserve to be here for a sec =3
The first insp for this man!!! He helped me form GSP the most. I remember that one post he made and I think it was a question thing. I think the question was how did he make 8 or something. Idk I don't remember it much.
But in that post, he stated that he made 8 by making an opposite or something, and that sparked an idea for some reason lmao.
You can see some opposite accessories from him that are opposites of both 4 n' 3. Like the weird ahhhh shaped hat, him having glasses, him actually wearing a suit or something, and him having long, beautiful hair ✨
Oopsies I'll get back to the thing =3
Anyways, yeah, as you can see, 8 was a big inspiration for this man, even sparking the idea of making him the same silly lil villain like 8 =3
I thank Storm so much for the huge insp, really helped make him!!!!!
This man was literally inspired by TSB... GUHH... This man is everywhere I swear....
TSB helped me arrange some of the colors, especially taking some inspiration from the orange and yellow =3
Funny thing but I sometimes accidentally draw GSP with a propeller like TSB on his head because I sometimes mistake him with TSB kshsisuwosossh
The name 'GSP' was also inspired by TSB! Seeing as the name meant TiredSmashBros, I thought if using PurpDrawsThings but when I realized that didn't fit, I just made up random shit lmaooooo
Sooooo yeah! Thank you Tomm for TSB helping me on how to arrange colors and also making his name =3
Not really seen here but when I said he was supposed to be a blondie and it didn't fit, I suddenly thought of Mango's hair 😭
I was like "Am I really sure I wanna use that"
Then I tested out different hues... Saturations... Andddddd nothing worked 💀 so I was like- "y'know what? Fuck it. I'mma just do it."
Sooooo uh... Yeah! Thank you Mango for helping me make his hair and relationship chart idea lmao 😭😭
Anddddd that's how his hair was born ❤
Also another huge thanks for Mango is insp for the relationship chart! I remember Mango's relationship chart having some text so I decided to do that =]
And that's about all!!!
Like actually fr this time.
These three were just huge inspirations on making him, and I can't thank them enough 😭
anyways, I'mma go and rest my fingers because I feel like they're actually breaking /silly
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withahappyrefrain · 8 hours
“You’re a sweetheart” “Believe me, I’m really not” + Jake Seresin pls? 🥰
FE YES THIS IS SO HIM also would you like a little Jake and Venus AU? We got some language and sub!Jake here aka my favorite
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Jake Seresin had a routine.
Step one, find who he wanted to talk to have for the night. Not someone who was clinging to the corner (they were for Bob), but also not the life of the party. He didn't like to share.
Step two, make eye contact. Sometimes Jake would be able to make it happen with the power of his lustful stare. Sometimes it meant playing pool at a different table or going up to the bar.
Tonight it meant going up to the bar, to order his drink loudly, ramping up his accent and 'yes m'am's to Penny. He didn't mind, he loved the spotlight.
Once eye contact was made, he could move on to step three. Bring her a drink.
He noticed she had ordered a gin and tonic at the bar. Jake practically strutted to her table, feeling confident that he would be walking out of here with the woman of the night in less than an hour.
"Howdy darlin'. I've always been told a lady should never have an empty glass. May I?" Jake pointed to her first drink, which was nearly empty.
She pursed her red painted lips together, looking Jake up and down, as if deciding whether he should be allowed to stay. At least, that's how Jake felt under her strong gaze. He tried not to falter, fighting the urge to close his free hand into a fist.
Finally, she spoke. Her voice was seductive, dripping with honey that was not double a trap to lure Jake.
"Aren't you a sweetheart?" Her coy smile gave Jake the confidence to sit down at her table. Though, he couldn't help but chuckle at her words.
"Believe me doll, I'm really not," it was said with a wink as he handed her the drink.
"Oh, I think you are," she winked back, causing Jake's heart to skip a beat, "However, I'm not a doll."
"Then what shall I call you? I was also thinking Goddess," Jake smirked.
She playfully rolled her eyes, "Sorry to break it to ya, but you aren't the first to call me that. My name actually means Venus."
Venus. How fitting, with her full lips and big eyes and hair full of curls. Jake couldn't think of a better name. If she was Venus, he would be her Mars, her fiery, passionate lover.
Just for tonight.
"I'm Jake," he stuck his hand out. He was a gentleman, after all.
She hesitated, just long enough to see his large hand begin to tremble before taking it.
Her skin was soft, though her grip was firm. She never broke eye contact, holding her own. This woman, this goddess, was different, confident. Jake couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't out on the dance floor or talking to other pilots.
"So Venus, what brings you here? Other than faith," He asked with a charming smile.
"Work was hell and my coworkers kept saying I should go here to blow off some steam," she shrugged, "I'm just looking for a sweet man."
Jake leaned back in his chair. Her words didn't match her mischievous tone. And there was that word again, sweet.
Sweet was not what anyone had ever used to describe him. Hot, charming, driven, successful. But never sweet.
"Well Venus," he shrugged as he looked up at her, "I don't know if I can offer you that. But what I can offer is a night you'll never forget."
"Shouldn't sell yourself short, Lieutenant," she giggled before taking another sip of her cocktail, "But why don't we just see where the night takes us?"
Jake expected the night to end one of two ways; either on top of her or going home with someone else.
What he didn't expect was to be underneath her in his car, her manicured fingers stroking his cock as he whined into her neck.
"That's it," She encouraged, "You deserve it. Been so fucking sweet to me."
Jake groaned, not caring if the whole bar heard him. He continued mouthing at her breasts, not caring about the tank top she had on.
"Made me cum with your fingers, let me get off on your thigh," She admired the stain he now had on his khaki pants, "What will your teammates think Lieutenant?"
"Don't....Fuckin' care," Jake gritted between his teeth, hips jerking up towards her.
"I knew you were a sweetheart. Makes up for your ugly as sin car," Venus chuckled.
Jake didn't care about her comment on his car. Truth be told, he didn't care too much about whether he came or not.
Truth was, he was too busy thinking of what engagement ring to get his Venus.
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Imagine Part 8
Office Bae. The finale.
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At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone—uplifting communities, improving access and sustaining our planet. We’re committed to managing our business with the utmost responsibility and to always strive for better—be that reducing emissions, creating social value or diversifying our senior leadership and workforce. We understand both the urgency of the changes facing our society and our responsibility to act in an impactful and enduring way. We’re leading the change towards a more sustainable and equitable future, partnering with those who want to make a positive difference in the world…
Michelle Jones shared a look with Bret Stevenson behind the scenes, seemingly pleased with their new CFO holding down the company. He talked with such poise and intellect. The satin peak lapels of his classic tuxedo glistened beneath the geometric chandelier with crystal accents. He’s leaning against the bar, a whiskey in his hand, eyes twinkling. He’s putting on the charm, smiling, and looking damn good doing it. Michelle watched him closely, her eyes sweeping over his body, taking in the way his tuxedo is tailored perfectly to fit his well-built physique.
“Good choice, Bret. Honestly, having a fresh, young face for our company. He’s quintessential. Not to mention how handsome he is,” Michelle said.
Michelle Jones is a member of the AECOM board, giving direction to Bret Stevenson. She passes along shareholder input and is a part of an oversight system with some controlling power. Michelle, dressed in a champagne-colored slip dress and Rene Caovilla heeled sandals, grabs her glass of wine from the bar and proceeds over to him, a slight smile on her lips. The volume of her layered, sleek brown hair bounced with each strut. The topaz color of her skin appeared golden beneath the lights.
“Excuse me, is it alright if I steal this brilliant man away for a second?”
Erik Stevens looked over at Michelle with a smirk before shaking the hand of the man that he’d been conversing with. Erik took his place in front of Michelle, his gaze locked with hers.
“How do you like the cocktail party?” Michelle questions before a smile stretched across her generous and sensuous lips.
“It’s cool, I’ve been to plenty of these so I know what to expect.”
“I bet you’re excited to spend some time in your new office space.”
The corner of her glossy lips is upturned and eager. Erik’s forehead puckered and then his eyes glanced over her shoulder.
“There she is…baby, what was the hold up?”
Michelle scrutinized you. She followed Erik’s arm wrapping around your waist, observing the way his fingertips rubbed you there in small circles.
“Michelle, this is my beautiful date, my baby girl, Y/N.”
“Oh,” Michelle extended her hand to shake Y/N’s, “What a pleasant surprise! I didn’t know you brought a date. Nice to meet you.”
“Yes,” Y/N’s eyes sized Michelle up, “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
She looked enticing. The red dress she wore has a sultry deep plunge neckline with clever draping that compliments her curves. It’s mid length just below the knee for an elegant, balanced look and a cinched waist with long sleeves. Her hair is pulled back into a low ponytail with long, flowing curly extensions. Gold hoops accented her ears and her feet are covered in patent so-kate pumps.
“We were just talking about how boring cocktail parties are,” Michelle added, “Same shit every single year,” she whispered.
“Well, it’s my first company cocktail event and I’m excited.” Y/N said before grabbing Erik by the chin, both of them sharing a smile.
“I think you’re gonna love it even more towards the end,” Erik spoke against your lips with a pleasantly rough voice.
Michelle could take a hint when it was time to make her exit, so she grabbed her wine glass and sauntered away to mingle.
“There, she’s gone. It’s really that simple.”
“You came in at the perfect time, beautiful. Listen, thank you for accompanying me tonight. It feels good to finally be able to show you off. You don’t deserve to be hidden, baby…”
“And miss my baby’s special evening as the new CFO?! You crazy?!” Y/N playfully shoves him, “I wasn’t going to sit at home in my sweats while you hold it down by yourself.”
“Damn,” Erik cracked a smile, “See, that’s why I love you.”
“Seriously, E. I’m always gonna be there. I love you too…”
Y/N loved a man who’s always sweet to you. Always wants a kiss, isn’t afraid to grab her hand or wrap his arms around her in public. Quick to show her off as his girl proudly. The slow jazz music set the mood perfectly as Erik guided Y/N over to his table. There are a few familiar faces that she recognizes and she waves to them on passing.
“That’s where I plan to make my speech tonight. Right there,” Erik’s hand points to an empty stage with a large banner with the AECOM company slogan.
“Are you nervous?”
Erik peered down above her, pushing in her seat like the gentleman he was before he took his place next to her.
“I only ask because I can tell. Baby…you got this.”
Erik glanced around the room and then his eyes fell to his lap where her hand grabbed his. He hummed quietly, a small smile gracing his lips before he took her hand, bringing it to his lips, and kissing her on her knuckles.
“I know, I just…don’t want to get up there and fuck it up, you know?”
“You are good at improvising. Half of these motherfuckers in here can’t keep up with you, E. You can talk circles around them. Don’t be so hard on yourself…”
Erik rubs the back of his neck, “I can’t flake. I gotta show them who Erik Stevens is.”
“There you go. That’s exactly what you have to do. Bret sees potential in you. I see potential in you.”
Erik studied Y/N’s face before leaning in to meet her soft lips. Y/N fell into his kiss, both of their lips moving in rhythm. The kiss became heated and it quickly turned hungry as her tongue roamed in his mouth. Erik slowly pulled away, his eyes blazing.
“If we start, we will not stop.” His voice is gentle and unhurried.
“But do we have to stop?” Y/N tried to kiss him again, but his hand is on the back of her neck now, rubbing there softly, staring deeply into her eyes.
“Yeah. Unless you want me to put you on this table.”
“This young man here…”
Bret Stevenson pointed to Erik from the stage, a spotlight moving across the crowd to ignite Erik’s table. Applause grew and Erik stood from his seat, one hand smoothing down the front of his tux jacket while the other waved to the people cheering him on.
“There’s so much I can say about him. Great financial foresight, excellent communication skills, confidence, a deeply rooted understanding of business and the natural aura of a leader. I couldn’t have chosen a better man to work alongside me. Everyone, please, let’s welcome our new CFO to the stage!”
Some hooted and hollered, others clapped loud and proud. Y/N gave Erik’s hand an affectionate squeeze before watching him go. That smile with those adorable dimples was just as bright as the lights overhead. Y/N stood from her seat, eyes glossy and a proud smile. Erik stood before Bret and they shared a firm handshake with a pat on the shoulder. Now, he’s alone at the glass podium with a small angled microphone. The applause dies down and everyone takes their seats. Waiters began to circulate with champagne flutes bubbling a golden hue. Y/N wasn’t concerned with that, her man is up on that stage.
“Wow,” Erik’s eyes danced around the room, “last time I was up here, I accepted awards for my work with the company. Now, I’m the CFO. It’s still so surreal. I’ve been given this opportunity to really shape the company’s agenda. Ensure a strong financial performance. AECOM always stood for something great to me. I’m a philanthropist myself and to be able to improve the world—I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. There is always room for improvement and I want to evolve as the company evolves. Look beyond what’s in front of me…”
Behind Erik, there is an enormous projector screen with a slideshow displayed. Each slide of photos is presenting Erik hard at work. Some photos show him out on business trips working within the environment hands on. Other photos show how dapper he is in his suits. There is even a photo that Y/N remembered being a part of during a department potluck.
“There are so many people I would love to thank for the opportunity and just being there. Bret, Jason Thomas, Barry Rowan, Monica Bradley. Thank you so much for everything. I’m looking forward to the next step in my career. It is an honor and a privilege to be here today and to be your new leader alongside Bret. I don’t know everyone in this room, but from speaking to so many new people that are a part of this company, you all do such amazing work. I grew up in Oakland and I was teased as a kid for being a nerd and wanting to improve my environment. None of that stopped me from becoming the man I am today…”
Y/N remembers the long talks late at night with Erik, his head in her lap with her fingers combing through his locs. He spoke so highly of his parents, both of which are no longer here. Y/N giggled when he walked down memory lane, reminiscing on the science fairs and the solar system that he built in his room. His first telescope. How much he enjoyed going fishing. How his mother loved to plant and she always dreamed of having a greenhouse. He could have easily fallen prey to the streets but he saw past that. He saw his potential. He wasn’t going to live up to the stereotype of a black man.
“…So thank you, AECOM. Thank you for believing in me. I won’t let you down.”
Applause broke the silence within the grand room and photographers lined up to capture the moment. Shortly after, Erik left the stage and joined Y/N at the table. After a few more speeches, the food began to arrive. Honey garlic glazed salmon, roasted red potatoes, grilled asparagus, rotisserie chicken, dirty rice, and oven roasted vegetable medley. Y/N was never left with an empty glass of champagne and the food was delicious. Towards the end of the meal, Bret stood up to say a few words, thanking everyone for coming. He couldn’t go without mentioning Erik again. Her eyes sparkled with ardor every time he smiled.
Erik felt it necessary to say a few final words to end the meal and even though he looked confident, her hand placed on his could feel the tremors. Y/N interlocked her fingers with his to calm him and he squeezed in response. What else did he have to say that was so hard to put into words?
“I forgot to mention that I would not have been able to get through my busy work days and even the Alaska trip without my beautiful woman, Y/N.”
Y/N bashfully smiled and prepared herself for what comes next. He was going to gush about her for the entire room.
“This woman is so hard-working. She shares the same amount of passion and concern about the environment as much as I do. She actually helped me out with several speeches of mine, one of which ended up with a famous quote in the New York Times. ‘The time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now. You can make history or be vilified by it.’”
Erik ushered for Y/N to stand with him. She smiles despite her very own nervous jitters and takes his hand.
“I fell in love with her the first day I laid my eyes on her. To have a woman who not only shares the same passion as you but someone who is caring, driven, fun, smart, and—and just such a good person. I know this has nothing to do with AECOM at the moment but I feel like she deserves her flowers. Please, let’s make a toast to Y/N.”
Everyone at the table and throughout the room picked up their new glasses of champagne and stood from their seats. Y/N did the same, never taking her eyes away from Erik. He held her piercing gaze as well.
“To Y/N, and a wonderful future with you. To traveling the world together, spending nights beneath the stars, watching the sunset from a mountain top, collecting seashells on the beach. This is to you…”
Y/N sipped from her glass and after three sips, she couldn’t control the tears streaming from her eyes. For a second, she thought he would pop the big question.
It’s been a long week for Erik. No one said it would be easy. It’s strange waking up after a good night's sleep and not going into work. Y/N would be lucky to catch Erik before he left for work but the 800 thread count of his sheets and the TEMPUR-Cloud pillows had you sleeping in until 11 AM. She yawned and stretched her arms above her head before grabbing Erik’s T-shirt with the logo for his nonprofit organization embroidered on it. Y/N works alongside him as an environmental and climate change activist.
Fashion has always been a passion of hers. One of her proudest achievements is being able to collaborate with sustainable clothing brands such as Colored Organics and Everlane while also creating lifestyle and travel content. Y/N took a look at her phone and realized that today is the day she’s supposed to meet up with Regina to show her around the new home Erik surprised her with a week ago. He always wanted a home with contemporary architecture with an eco-feel and a roof garden. What he didn’t know was that she secretly had a greenhouse built in the yard in remembrance of his mother. Speaking of Regina, she was currently calling Y/N.
“Are we still on for today?”
She finally gets out of bed, careful not to trip over a few moving boxes.
“Yeah, I’m just getting out of bed. Why don’t you just meet me there? I may be ten minutes late.” Y/N said.
“So that means no lunch on the way?”
“Just pick me up something and I’ll meet you there. My good friend that’s finalizing Erik’s surprise wants me to have a final look at things.”
“I can’t wait to see what she came up with! Your man has been running around this company with his assistants following behind. How does he do it?”
“Because he was born to lead. I’m sure he’s got it all together. He doesn’t talk about work much when he comes home. It’s always how much he misses me and I’m always spoiled with his attention.”
“You’re living the dream you’ve always wanted. I bet Eric with the C is miserable.”
“Serves him right…I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the speech he gave about me.”
“What did he say?!”
“Basically how much I’ve helped him through the stress of work and how amazing I am and how in love he is with me. I cried a little because I wanted to hold it together.”
“And he didn’t propose?!! What is he waiting on?!!”
“Maybe that wasn’t the time. Whenever it happens, it’s an automatic yes.”
“Awww! I can’t wait for the day! Anyway, I’ll see you soon, girl…”
After her brisk shower and other early morning hygiene rituals, she get dressed in a matching lounge set colored sage, slipping her feet in a pair of Ugg Tasman slippers, making sure she had the remaining boxes packed in the back of her new white BMW X3. On the way over, stuck in traffic, she decided to call Erik’s work phone—a second cell phone that he purchased strictly for the job. His personal cell is always stored away for emergencies or non job related things but he hadn’t picked up the times she attempted to reach him. It rang three times before he finally answered.
“Hey, beautiful. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. I just got off of a zoom call and it looks like I’ll be traveling again soon.”
“Hello, handsome. I just wanted to hear your voice and let you know that I’m headed over to the house. Where are you traveling to this time?”
“It’s a small thing that will happen multiple times but I’m going to Australia. Remember I was telling you about how AECOM is expanding internationally? Well, we want to partner with environmentalists there to help with the wildfires. It’s a start but it’s a lot of work—thanks Sarah—sorry baby—”
“Listen, no worries. We can talk more when you get home. I love you.”
“I hate getting off the phone with you. I love you too. I’ll see you later.”
Erik blew you a kiss through the phone before hanging up.
“I need it rented out for the evening and I need a nice dinner set up as well. The finest champagne for my beautiful girl. Don’t mess this up for me either, tonight is special…”
Erik paced his office while talking into his Bluetooth, the only time he had to finalize the romantic evening he had planned for you two. When he was a child, he remembered his parents' proposal. It was a trip to the zoo in the evening around Christmas, and his dad got down on one knee on a bridge decorated with colorful lights to propose to his mom. Erik had so many ideas of how he wanted to ask for your hand in marriage. Beneath the stars on a camping trip. On the Alaska trip. In your new home. He finally decided on taking you to your favorite childhood place and he had an elaborate evening of fine dining setup that will end surrounded by the beauty. This proposal plan is definitely his favorite out of all the options he could choose from. Erik and his photographer friend arranged a shoot first, then planned on having the proposal somewhere in the middle of it all. Erik loved the intimate and tranquil vibe of it all.
A part of him knew you would say yes. He could only hope you would. Erik could only see you wearing his ring and having his last name. It took him a long time to get here. Once a playboy until you walked into his life. He had come to realize that you are the most important person in the world to him. Erik cracked a smile as he imagined the blinding ring that will be on your finger, so eye-catching like a billboard announcing to everyone he knows and everyone you’re gonna know, that this woman is mine. She owns my heart. Erik is so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed one of his assistants enter his office. She lightly tapped him on his broad shoulder and Erik brought his eyes down to Sarah with a tablet in her hand and what Erik guessed was his information about funding for upcoming events.
“Should I come back, Mr. Stevens?” She spoke with caution.
“No, show me,” Erik leaned over to get a good look, Sarah taking a safe step back so she wouldn’t be caught taking a sniff of his vanilla teakwood cologne.
“It’s just some estimates on what we expect to spend. Are all the numbers good?”
Erik’s dark eyes studied the many zeros and while he agreed to most, a few unnecessary purchases bothered him, especially since he specifically spoke to Michelle about it.”
“Sarah, could you ask Miss Jones to come to my office please?”
“Yes, Sir,” Sarah sauntered out of Erik’s office.
Five minutes passed and Michelle Jones walked in dressed in a forest green maxi skirt with a black blouse and black pumps on her feet. Her usual silky straight hair is pulled back into a french twist with some strands framing the squareness of her face. She allowed his frosted glass door to close before walking towards his desk to take a seat across from him.
“Michelle, did you go over the final funding for the AECOM partnership event? It’s a few numbers that aren’t adding up.”
“I figured we could use some extra money to make the event more interesting. I mean, we’re sitting on a lot here, Erik. What’s wrong with a little bit more luxury? Gifts for the partners, a layout of fine dining—”
“We did that already. Do you understand how much it’s going to cost alone to get the resources and technology together for the Alaska deal and whatever else we have going on?”
Michelle remained silent and folded her arms across her chest defiantly. This isn’t the first time since Erik was made CFO that Michelle made decisions without consulting with him first. She may have walked all over the former CFO, but Erik wasn’t having it.
“…I’m talking millions of dollars, Michelle. I’m not saying we can’t have fun, but play time comes after.”
“Fine. I’ll make the changes and have one of your secretaries show you the new costs, okay?”
“That’s all I wanted. Thank you.”
Erik adjusted the collar of his tailored suit jacket and stood from his seat, walking to his door and like the gentleman he is, held it open for Michelle. She gave him one final look before walking out.
“Ten minutes, huh?”
Y/N stepped out of her car with a roll of her eyes at Regina’s words. She walked the pathway that led to their gorgeous new home and accepted a green smoothie from her work bestie.
“Traffic is a bitch this time of the day, girl. Thanks for coming!” Y/N smiled at Regina.
“I wouldn’t miss it even if I tried! I’m probably more excited than you!”
Spread across an expansive double lot on Stone Canyon Road sat their colonial Mediterranean home. It exudes elegance and old world charm. The estate is a perfect retreat from the city with ample space for both entertaining and the everyday routines of life. Y/N opened the door and allowed Regina to enter first. She was immediately blown away. The striking entryway sweeps you into an expansive, airy living room with dramatic windows overlooking the lushly landscaped backyard.
Y/N started giving Regina a tour. The library provides a comfortable retreat to seek quiet while the formal dining room is at once grand and welcoming, making it easy to keep both families and guests connected over the dinner table. On the second floor, the elegantly-appointed primary suite closes off to the outside world, creating a sense of serenity and sanctuary. Many of the rooms feature clear glass French doors that open onto the verdant yard, which is filled with unique water features and mature trees that provide shade and greenery, making the estate the ideal place for both entertaining and peace. A home fitting for an environmental engineer.
Y/N ended the tour in the kitchen where Regina sat their Vietnamese food on the counter top. Y/N opened their wine cellar to grab a bottle of Chateau Suduiraut Sauternes 2016. She retrieved three wine glasses that were brand new and a corkscrew. A faint knock on the front door alerted Y/N to her friend, Sylvia’s arrival. She excused herself to open the door. Regina took that moment to uncork the wine and she filled the glasses almost to the rim.
“Hello Hello!”
Sylvia walked in with a friendly smile and bright, hazel eyes. She had a head full of loose, curly, brown hair with blonde highlights, and a tall, petite frame. She reached out to shake Regina’s hand and sat her YSL bag down on the counter.
“Are you excited? I bet you are, thank you,” Sylvia accepted her glass of wine, “I can’t wait for you to see it. I can’t wait for Erik to see it. He’s gonna flip out!”
“Y/N got herself a good one,” Regina tilted her glass of wine, “Good guys always finish first! Ain’t no last over here!”
“I hear that,” Sylvia responded, “Your momma love him?”
“Does she,” Y/N groaned, “She’s obsessed with Erik. She calls him more than me nowadays. He says she reminds him of his mother. I love that for him…”
“And your dad?”
Y/N couldn’t contain her giggles, “They are like two peas in a pod! You know how dads can be at first, but I was pleasantly surprised at my father! Joe hated Eric with the C.”
“Let’s toast. To a future with happiness and unconditional love…respect…kindness. Let’s toast to our black girl joy! And our love for our friend here. Y/N, we love you! We’re so happy for you! This home is beautiful! To Y/N!”
“To Y/N!” Sylvia raised her glass.
The three ladies clinked glasses and drank down some of the wine.
“Whew! This is good and smooth.” Sylvia said.
“Plenty to go around,” Y/N replied, “Now…the moment I’ve been waiting for. Lead the way, Sylvia!”
Sylvia couldn’t contain her laughter. She’d been working on this design for a while now. They walked out into the expansive yard and Y/N kept her eyes shut while holding Regina’s hand. Her footsteps halted and Regina’s audible gasp made her stomach churn with excitement.
“Okay…open your eyes.”
Y/N’s eyes slowly opened and the grip she held on her wine glass slipped.
Erik Stevens made sure to smooth the stress lines from his face before exiting his car within their four-car garage. He loosened his tie and released a deep sigh filled with frustration. Work has been kicking his fine ass. He didn’t realize his job as CFO would require a lot of cleanup. He had a long list of chores to do on top of prepping for his Australia trip. He’d just gotten news that some partners from Australia want to move forward with the in person meeting as soon as next week.
Erik had his proposal set within the next week. Now, he had to rearrange his plans and he hated last minute adjustments. He entered their magnificent home to the smell of good cooking and his mouth instantly watered. He hadn’t realized until now how hungry he was. Erik took off his dress shoes and hung his suit jacket, making his way towards the kitchen. There, he came face-to-face with a wondrous sight.
Y/N was removing a dish of mac and cheese from the oven that sizzled to perfection. She carefully sat it down on the stovetop and removed the oven mitts from her hands. Erik’s eyes took a lustrous tour of her body dressed in a black dress that was sheer and form-fitting. She even had on his favorite pair of heels. Those YSL Logo-Heeled Sandals in black patent. She looked up and almost jumped out of her brown skin from being startled.
“Erik! Baby, you scared me,” Y/N laughed, turning down the music she had been playing from her phone, “When did you get in?”
“Just now,” Erik walked up to her and dipped his head to kiss her forehead then her glossy lips, “Sorry I scared you…damn, baby girl…you look amazing.”
Erik twirled Y/N so he could get a good 360 of his woman. He wasn’t expecting a dinner and the dessert before him.
“I’m gettin’ fed tonight, huh, sexy?” Erik said with a bite of his bottom lip.
Y/N giggled, “All you can eat. Better save some room after all this food I made!”
“Baby,” Erik rolled the sleeves of his white button up shirt to his elbows, “You know I can put it away…”
He circled his arms around her waist and started peppering soft kisses along her neck. Y/N felt a flutter in her belly from the sensation of his pillowy-soft lips. The smell of Jasmine and vanilla on her neck caused him to nibble on her flesh. The sound of her soft breath shot straight to his big dick.
“Behave, daddy. Dinner first…”
“Dinner can wait,” Erik cuffed her ass in his hand with his face pressed against her neck, “You shouldn’t be this damn fine…”
“I want you to eat, daddy. You can have all of me all over this house after I show you your surprise…”
Erik paused. He peeled his lips from her delicious skin to stare at the side of her face.
“What surprise?”
“Just…a little something I’ve been planning…”
She escaped his attention by grabbing plates and silverware to set the dining table. Erik watched her with a curious brow raised. He didn’t like surprises.
“You’ll know after you eat, okay? Wash your hands and have a seat.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Erik went to the sink to clean his hands and after drying them he made his way towards the dining room. Y/N entered shortly after with his plate and a glass of red wine. The aroma of the smothered beef short rib, smoked kale, and mac and cheese caused his stomach to grumble. Y/N placed a napkin in his lap and kissed his cheek before sauntering away to grab her own. Erik didn’t waste time digging into his food. Y/N returned and she sat across from him with a content smile on her face.
“Good?” She questioned while forking some of her smoked greens.
“Good ain’t even the word, “Erik chewed his food and grabbed his wine to wash it down, “Shit is bangin’.”
“Thank you. How was work today?”
Erik’s left brow ticked up, “Too much to talk about. But there is an update on the Australia trip. I gotta leave by the end of next week.”
“The partners want to rush the process. My guess is they are testing us. Tryna see if we’re the right fit for the change they're advocating for. There’s a lot of flooding going on in the Southeast…bush fires…”
“How about the climate control program here in America? Before I left I remember that was going into effect.” Y/N said.
“Yes…that’s another thing that’s keeping me busy…and I’ve been trying to figure out how to divide duties. How am I supposed to control funding AND travel? It’s a lot…”
Y/N reached a hand across the table to calm Erik. The tension in his shoulders settled and he looked across the table at her with restless eyes.
“You’re the right man for the job, Erik. Brent wouldn’t have chosen anyone else. I’m proud of you and I believe in you, baby. Take it slow. None of this is going to happen overnight. It’s all a process…”
Erik raised her hand to his lips and placed a firm kiss there. She always knew how to calm him down.
“I hate bringing work stress home to you…”
“I mean…you could always take it out on me. You know I love it when you do it, daddy.” Y/N replied with a smile.
His eyes glinted with desire at her words.
“Come with me to Australia, Y/N.”
“Hell yeah. Why not? You don’t understand how hard it’s been since you left, baby girl. My assistants have been driving me nuts and Michelle—”
“What about Michelle?”
Erik watched Y/N’s face harden.
“…she’s been doing the opposite of what I expect her to do. I had to pull her into my office today about the monetary situation with this fundraiser we’re putting together.”
“Do I need to come up there?”
Erik chuckled. He knew Y/N would. Memories of Connie, Demetria, and Nicole popped into his head. He didn’t want Michelle to feel his future wife’s wrath.
“No, I got it under control. I don’t want you stressing about her. She knows I’m not the one to be played with.” Erik said.
“As long as she stays in her place…”
Erik gave Y/N a dimpled smirk, “So feisty…”
They continued to eat and Erik listened to Y/N talk about her non-profit he helped her form. He watched her with a transfixed smile and loving eyes.
“…it’s coming along so well. We’re working on clothes for kids now. I have to show you some of the designs.”
“I can’t wait to see them,” Erik ate the last bit of his mac and cheese before leaning back and patting his belly.
“Full already, daddy?”
Erik cut his eyes at her.
“Fed and happy not full. I still got room.”
Y/N got up to clean off the table and she had to stop Erik from trying to help her. She instructed him to stay put. Erik waited impatiently for her return and when she did come back, she had a blindfold in her hand and a cheeky smile.
“It’s time for that surprise…”
“Ahh, shit.”
Y/N laughed at Erik’s expression of confusion before walking up behind him. She placed the blindfold over his eyes and smoothed her hands down his shoulder before whispering in his ear. His chest heaved up and down from her voice.
“Are you ready?”
“More than ready…”
Y/N took Erik by the hand and he stood up from his seat. He allowed Y/N to guide him, his mind working to figure out what this surprise could be and where they were going. Soon, he could feel fresh air against his body and that’s when he realized they’d gone outside.
“Where are you taking me, Y/N?”
“Shhhh! Almost there…”
Their footsteps came to a stop. Y/N let go of Erik’s hand and he used his sense of hearing to track her movements. Eventually, she wrapped her arms around him.
“Before I take your blindfold off, I just wanted to say…I love you. I’ve been thinking about doing this for you for some time now…and a good friend of mine came through for me and put together something special. As hard as you work, you deserve a treat too. I know you don’t like surprises but..I know for a fact you’ll love this one…before I take the blindfold off, I want you to keep your eyes closed. Can you do that for me, daddy?”
It had to be something meaningful. Y/N slipped his blindfold off and Erik kept his eyes closed.
“Open your eyes!”
His cognac eyes snapped open and Y/N witnessed the biggest smile appear across his face. His hands went in his hair. He took two steps forward, and he kept staring at her with disbelief at what he was staring at.
Sylvia designed two Gothic Arch Greenhouses. One is a garden room and the other is a modern retreat. The well-made conservatory was uniquely designed to cater to Erik’s needs. The shape matched and complimented the layout of their new home. It had an aluminum exterior with a wooden interior in Spanish cedar wood. It housed a vast selection of decorative elements and greenery.
“Baby…what the fuck? When did you—when did you have the time—”
Erik was speechless. Y/N couldn’t contain her excitement. She was overjoyed by Erik’s reaction.
“Go on! Go inside!”
Erik walked into the garden section of the greenhouse like a kid in a candy store. Y/N gave him room to explore. He named all the greenery, flowers, and succulents, amazed at what Y/N put together for him.
“I have my own greenhouse…this is so wild…”
“I made sure to have all of your mother’s favorites planted…”
Erik nodded his head, “I see…”
He actually stopped to smell the flowers. Y/N followed him around the garden relishing in his silence. She knew he was remembering his mother. All the stories of their little greenhouse.
“Got the well-drained, rocky, sandy soil…these hydrangeas look exactly how I remembered…gotta make sure we water them regularly…peace lilies! She loved these…”
Erik paused to gaze out at the many beautiful flowers and plants. Y/N settled next to him and Erik wrapped a hand around her waist.
“I don’t even have the words to describe how thankful I am to have you in my life…this is such a special gift…”
“Anything for you…you still gotta see the other side.”
Y/N opened a door that led them straight into the other side of the greenhouse. It was the perfect outdoor lounge area to retreat to on a hot day. Erik especially loved the interior design. He could come out and have a beer while admiring the nature surrounding him. He would propose to Y/N right now if he could. Erik picked her up and gave her a passionate, fiery kiss with some tongue. He stumbled over to one of the sofas and made her sit side saddle on his lap as he continued tonguing her down.
Erik was on a roll. She tried slowing him down by touching his face and pulling back a bit. Y/N looked at him with deep desire and love. Erik’s chest heaved up and down like he was trying to catch his breath. He wanted Y/N bad.
“You’re going to Australia with me. It’s not a request. I need you there…”
“Okay—” Erik stopped her from talking with his lips. She melted into his frenzied kisses again.
"You’re going crazy, aren’t you?" she asked with a chuckle, but his hands were on her nape pushing her head back to him so his mouth could continue ravaging hers.
His heightened sexual need flowed into her and when their lips separated for a moment, Erik groaned so hard she thought he was in pain. Their mouths collided again and Y/N whimpered while Erik grunted from the mewling sounds coming from her as their necks shifted from left to right for a while. When Erik started sucking on her tongue, his hand reached up and clutched at her breast and his touch made her squirm in his lap.
“You keep moving on my dick like that…Keep it up.” Erik warned.
“It’s your fault, I could cum right now just from your kisses,” Y/N whispered against his lips.
“That pussy wet? I wanna feel that wet pussy…”
His hand snaked up her dress and he slipped her thong aside to feel just how wet she was. He groaned and his eyes rolled shut. Y/N loved that look on his face. She loved that her pussy made him look and feel so desperate. Erik strokes her clit to a nice, hard bud and then he slipped a finger down to tease her opening. He tapped it with his middle finger and her back arched. Curling two fingers, he pushed up inside of her deeply, drowning her moans with his lips.
“Tight fuckin’ pussy…”
His words were punctuated with each stroke of his long, thick digits in her creamy cavern. Y/N buried her face into his neck, moaning weakly and inhaling the scent of his cologne. She could hear her pussy making noise around his middle and ring finger. She just knew she was making a mess all over him.
“Daddy gon’ fuck you real good…you deserve it baby…you deserve all of it.”
“Erik!” Y/N gasped, “Right there…”
“You ain’t gotta tell me this wet puss cumming. Just do that shit…do it…do it…do it…”
“Oh my gosh!”
Y/N’s chest thrust out and Erik licked her sweaty neck. She kept squirming all over his erection. That movement made him pry her legs open further. He reached up under her dress and pulled hard on her thong. She felt it rip in his hands and he lifted her up from his lap. Y/N stood up as he fumbled with his belt and the zipper on his pants. His tapered locs fell over his forehead making him look more powerful and sexy. She could feel the frustration coming from him when he couldn't get his pants unfastened quick enough.
When he finally released his stiffness, he shoved her dress up higher on her hips and didn't even give her a chance to think before he was making her sink her pussy down on him. Hands full of ass, Y/N wrapping an arm around his shoulders with her other hand fisting the front of his shirt, he thrust up into her, drilling her pussy ferociously. She bounced in his lap and threw her head back with a bite of her lip.
Erik needed to get up in her better. He twirled her on his dick so she could straddle his waist. Y/N gripped the back of the sofa, the straps of her dress falling from her shoulders. Erik pushed her dress down further and yanked her strapless bra down, titties swaying from the force. He latched onto a nipple while one hand wrapped her braids around his fist for leverage, causing her neck to extend. He started beating that pussy up again.
Erik popped a titty out of his mouth, "I couldn't wait for this dinner to be over, girl. Looking at you in this fuckin’ dress...I needed to be in my pussy," he said.
Each and every time he craved her the same as the first encounter. Y/N felt her lower back pop each time his dick thrusted up deep. She dug her nails into the back of the sofa harder. He feasted on her titties so good she was seeing the galaxy.
“I don’t give a fuck,” Erik barked out, “Ima make you take it.”
Y/N’s walls clenched up tight and she froze above him in suspended ecstasy. Her body shuddered against Erik’s solid chest and he slowed down his movements to give her a second to recover.
“I’m not finished with you yet.”
Erik maneuvered Y/N onto her back and stood to remove his shirt and pants. Fully naked, body built and ready to fuck, he spread her legs at an odd angle and got down to eat her pussy. Erik wasted no time sucking on her clit. He sucked away as much cream as he could. Y/N dug her heels into his back and sat up to grab his hair. She watched him with a mixture of awe and delight eat her pussy. He had his whole mouth between her folds working overtime to make her cum in his mouth.
“Daddy…feels so good…huhhhuuhhhh! Keep doing it like that!” Y/N cried out.
She could hear his incessant slurping. She could feel his big lips. That skillful tongue. Her eyes crossed and her mouth dropped open.
That’s all he said. He didn’t have to say anything else. Y/N was creaming in his mouth. She almost scalped Erik with how hard she pulled on his hair. Erik removed his face from her sweet pussy and when he stood up his dick looked longer and thicker from her position on the sofa. Y/N sat up and took Erik’s big dick in her mouth hungrily.
“Damn, baby girl…”
He still had remnants of her pussy juice on his mouth and his facial hair. Each breath he took he could smell her pussy on his upper lip. It kept him bricked up in her jaws. She sucked all ten inches and tugged on his balls with her pussy spread open and titties out. Erik slapped her pussy lips so he could hear that wet and gushy sound he loved.
“That’s right, suck daddy up like that. Lookin’ real sexy with dick down your throat, girl. Ima gloss them pretty lips up with my fuckin’ nut…”
All he could think about was making her his wife. She was the total package. She was slurping him up so good Erik had to shake his head. Shit felt amazing. His pretty little slut. The girl he worked hard to make his.
“I love you so much, baby…uhuhhhhhhghh—”
Three more sucks and Erik’s dick was pulsating and spitting into her throat. His hips flexed with his release and Y/N’s sultry eyes connected with his. Erik’s lips poked out and his brows snapped together from the intensity of his release.
It was time to take this shit to their new bed and break it in.
Erik helped Y/N up and she undressed, leaving their clothes on the sofa in the greenhouse. They walked with Erik pressed against her back and his lips attacking her neck. She still had her heels on. Good. He loved the way it made her legs look. They made it inside and Erik stopped her just before they could reach the stairs. He pressed her back against the wall and started kissing her again. Y/N dragged her nails down Erik’s sweaty biceps. Erik pulled away reluctantly and then he rubbed her lips with his thumb before placing it in her mouth to suck.
“You ready for daddy to fuck you some more?”
“Mhm,” Y/N replied with a nod of her head while chewing on her bottom lip.
Y/N pushed away from him weakly and she started climbing the stairs. She looked back at him with those come-fuck-me-eyes and Erik raked his eyes up and down that body. He couldn’t take it. His dick was bouncing between his legs all hard. Erik caught up to her and Y/N gasped.
This man was about to dig her guts out on the steps. They didn’t even make it to the bed. The sight of her walking on wobbly legs and that big ass in his face he had to listen to what his dick wanted. It wanted more pussy. Erik gripped her waist and placed her on the steps.
She just let him get his pussy. He pushed her knees back and thrust into her pussy with her back digging into the steps. It was skin slapping, hard pounding. Y/N weakly grabbed at Erik’s arms but his constant motion had her losing her grip.
“I’m fucking this pussy up!” Erik growled in her ear, “Pussy just swallowing my dick all up…that’s why I can’t pull out now…”
“Damn, tugging on this dick…yanking on this pole like that…nasty bitch…”
Y/N drew in a sharp breath as her body convulsed with her release. Erik with his undeniable strength picked Y/N up and as he climbed the stairs he bounced her on his dick. Her toes curled and a series of emotions painted her face. Shock, lust, dumbfounded. He was screwing her brains out. They finally made it inside the room and Erik didn’t even bother turning on the lights. The light from the hall was enough. Erik’s dick slipped out of her and he put Y/N on her stomach.
“Bring that ass up…you know how I like it, baby girl. I told you I’m fucking you good tonight…”
“Umph,” Y/N arched her back. She could feel her pussy lips quivering with anticipation, “Like this, daddy?”
“Uh-huhhh,” Erik popped her on the ass, “Just like that. And keep that ass there. Don’t make me fuckin’ mad…”
“I won’t!”
Erik spread her cheeks and used his hips to sink inside. He went in nice and slow so she could feel every…single…inch.
“Yep,” Erik did it again, causing her pussy to queef, “It’s long ain’t it?”
“Fucking YES! So damn big! I love this big dick!”
“Show me you love it. Bring that pussy down on this dick.”
Y/N gripped the sheets and started fucking him. She threw it back and cried into the sheets. Erik would pop her cheeks if she didn’t go all the way down. He would even thrust forward to meet her backwards strokes if she didn’t behave. A sharp, single thrust that had her begging for him to stop.
“Cream all over this dick, lemme see it…good…fuckin’…girl…such a good girl…”
Y/N froze with her climax. Her brain was fuzzy and she didn’t know if she had more left to give. Erik rubbed her cheeks and then he dragged his hands up to grab her by the hips. His thrusts increased to a back-breaking pace.
“Look at me…”
Y/N looked back at Erik.
“I love you.”
“I–lo–love you–too—UHH!”
“My nuts tight, baby…I’m finna nut in you—”
Erik pulled Y/N into his body, grabbed her neck from the front, and buried his face into her hair while he clapped them cheeks. Her eyes crossed and her mouth dropped open. He moaned into her hair, the type of moans to cum to.
He sounded so damn sexy. Hips pistoning out of control, Erik painted her tight walls with his cum. When the tremors wore off, he slipped out of her and fell back against the bed. Y/N snuggled closer to him and rested her head against his sweaty chest. She stared down at Erik’s dick with their mixture of fluids. He rubbed on her sweaty back.
“You weren’t playing with me,” Y/N said with a grin.
“You know how I do, baby…I get you right every time.”
“Yes you do…”
One Week Later:
They traveled across the Great Victoria Desert that stretched from eastern West Australia to the western half of South Australia, making it Australia’s largest desert. It’s a sand-ridge desert with many low, frequently tangled sand dunes and lunettes bordering playa lakes. There are few creeks and rocky outcroppings. Gibber plans can also be found. Eucalypt open woodlands, mulga woodlands, and acacia shrublands, are among the vegetation types found in the Great Victoria Desert. Habitats have largely remained undisturbed. Animals such as desert skinks, sand goanna, and hornbills occupied the desert among other things.
Four desert ATV’s traveled in sync towards their destination. Erik Stevens with a black bandanna on his head, aviator shades shielding his eyes from swirling sand, stood up in his seat, taking in the view. He was dressed in a washed-blue Henley with khaki cargo pants and steel toe, Timberland hiking boots in a brown color. Y/N sat with a desert scarf covering her braids and face, shades over her eyes. She wore a long-sleeve, fitted white top with camouflage cargos that hugged her hips and ass. She had a pair of HOKA hiking boots on her feet in a teal color. She gazed out over the vast area, happy that she came along.
“Alright there, bloke?!”
A fellow environmentalist named Parker was controlling the ATV to their destination. Parker had sandy brown hair and forest green eyes. Erik replied with a thumbs up and a smile.
“Your lady?!”
Erik looked down at Y/N to check on her. She lifted her shades and winked at him playfully.
“She’s perfect!” Erik replied.
“Almost there! Ten minutes!”
“You seeing all this, baby?!”
“Yeah!” Y/N shouted.
It was beautiful. She was going to enjoy this. Bret was in the first ATV with his mistress; Jane and the other two ATV’s were packed with other engineers including Michelle. They finally arrived in an area filled with tents. Their ATV slowed to a dirt, swirling stop and Erik jumped out. He opened Y/N’s door and helped her out. Erik led her towards the area and Y/N watched the others exiting their vehicles. She noticed Michelle straight away. She was wearing a form-fitting leotard in a sage color. She was too busy shaking her curls out because of the sand. Something must have touched her arm—some insect. She leaped away and started squealing. Y/N giggled to herself.
Stupid bitch.
“How was the ride over?”
One of the new environmental engineers that replaced Connie; Aaron, was walking over to Erik. He’s the youngest of the bunch and Erik spoke about him a lot. He said he reminded him of how he was. Aaron was tall and lanky with a curly fro and light-brown eyes. His wide grin was enough to let Y/N know that he had a good time.
“Great! Really great!” Aaron replied.
“My CFO, are you ready?”
Bret approached Erik and shook his hand firmly. Jane lingered in the background on her phone and Michelle stood beside Bret, her eyes giving Y/N a quick once over.
“All ready, boss. Let’s get to it.”
Bret held his hand out to Y/N, “Nice to see you again, beautiful. This guy still treating you right?”
“Oh, yeah! Nothing to worry about, “ Y/N squeezed Erik’s hand affectionately.
They all walked towards the area and a short, pudgy man with balding hair dressed like he was ready to wrestle crocodiles and a tall, fair-skinned biracial woman with close-cropped hair wearing a denim top with denim shorts, a bandanna around her neck, and hiking boots on her feet waved to them.
“Arvo! Welcome to Australia! I’m Jeanie,” she walked down a line shaking all their hands.
“And I’m Robert.”
“Let’s talk shop! I have a tent set up here with beverages and snacks until you all get back to your resort.”
Y/N followed closely behind Erik into a tent with fans circulating. She exhaled a longing breath that she would be able to cool down. Everyone got settled and introduced themselves to others in the room before getting down to business. Erik got up to present with Bret to the group. They had an entire presentation layout and Bret allowed Erik to have the floor.
“Hundreds of fires burnt, mainly in the southeast of the country, until about May of 2020. The most severe is happening as of recent, in 2022, peaking from December to January. The fires burnt an estimated 24.3 million hectares, destroying over three-thousand buildings, and killed almost one hundred people. AECOM is aware of the natural disasters happening here in Australia. Including the most recent—flooding. We would love to extend our support and partner with you on future projects. You’ve seen our constant pursuit in rebuilding Sudan and other parts of Africa. Allow us to pitch a hand at making sure the surrounding habitats and wildlife are safe…”
Erik had this knack for captivating an audience. It didn’t take long for the Australian environmentalists to be on board. This was much smoother than their Alaska trip. Erik opened the floor for questions, and he answered each one honestly and intelligently. Y/N found herself falling back into old habits of writing down important information. After all, he didn’t bring his new assistant. They took a break from working hard to mingle. Y/N helped herself to some Aussie Bites and water, taking a seat at an empty table while Erik did his thing.
“Mind if I join you…”
Y/N glanced up at Michelle and Jane making themselves comfortable at Y/N’s table.
Then what was the point in asking?
“Sure,” Y/N replied dryly.
“How’s everything, Y/N? Been good?” Jane asked.
“Yeah. Finally getting to do what I love and make a difference, you know?”
“What exactly do you do?” Michelle questions.
“I have a non-profit for environmental impact. I designed different clothes and partnered with other eco-friendly brands to boost my work…”
“How interesting. I’m sure Erik is pleased. Mr. Carbon Footprint…”
Y/N internally cringed at that nickname.
“If you don’t mind me asking…did you two hook up while you were working at AECOM?”
Jane looked at Y/N out the corner of her eye. She knew not to chime in. She was currently fucking the CEO. Just had his offspring three months prior.
“I do mind actually.” Y/N quipped.
Michelle narrowed her eyes threateningly. Jane could sense the tension.
“Y/N, I love your nails, very pretty,” Jane pointed to Y/N’s almond-shaped pinky-nude nails.
“Thanks, Jane.”
She could tell that Michelle was jealous. Envious of her relationship with Erik. A bitter bitch.
“I’ll see yall around,” Y/N stood up when she noticed Erik was ready to get back to work.
After another hour of planning their short work trip, they all hopped back into their designated ATV’s and made their way back to the resort. Y/N couldn’t wait to take a long bath and snuggle beneath the luxury sheets.
“Today and tomorrow will be work days for me. On our last day here, I have something special planned for us.”
Y/N leaned into Erik while they were on their ride back to the resort.
“A surprise?! All for me?!” Y/N replied with a giddy smile.
“All for you! It’s a surprise though. No guessing.”
“Unlike you, I adore surprises.”
It took them a total of forty minutes to get back and when they did Y/N didn’t waste time leaving the ATV. She was covered in sand and her skin felt itchy. They were staying at the Crowne Plaza Adelaide—a contemporary haven located in the city’s vibrant East End. It had spectacular views of the city and the famed Adelaide Hills from South Australia’s tallest building. Their things were taken in on trolleys while everyone checked in. It felt good to walk in and not have to sneak around.
“We have a King premium with a city view…”
Y/N accepted her keycard and Erik insisted that he could take their belongings to the room. They both took the elevators to one of the top floors and Y/N made her way to the room to hold the door open for Erik.
“This is nice…”
Their suite gave them a glorious view of the dazzling city. There’s a walk-in shower, with other hotel amenities and the bed looked nice and cozy with lots of space.
“How do you like it so far? You think we got a shot?”
“I do. They seem on board with it all. I believe they will accept your offer.” Y/N replied encouragingly.
“I hope so. I worked hard on this. Bret was ready to pull the plug but I pushed him to keep going.”
Y/N wrapped her arms around Erik and rest her chin on his chest, staring up into his cognac eyes fringed with thick lashes.
“You got this, daddy…you always do. You’re the best thing to ever happen to AECOM. Bret wouldn’t be able to function without you. You could be the CEO and really show ‘em how it’s done…”
“Hmm, CEO, huh?” Erik cracked a dimpled smile.
“The best CEO. You’d take this company to soaring heights. You’d be a legend…”
Erik peered into Y/N’s eyes longingly. He lowered his head and kissed her, smiling against her lips.
“Shower,” Y/N tried to pull away from Erik but he had a tight hold on her, “We’re filthy!”
Y/N got undressed and trekked that beautiful body into the bathroom with a seducing sway of her hips. Erik waited until she turned on the shower before opening one of his bags. He grabbed a black velvet box and checked to make sure she wasn’t in sight before opening it. Erik stared down at a white gold halo engagement ring with a 0.76 carat diamond. He studied it carefully to make sure it didn’t have any damage to it from travel.
A nervous sensation formed at the pit of his gut. He shut the box softly and then he released a shaky breath before turning to place the ring back in his bag.
He shot up from his bag quickly. Y/N was standing in the doorway in her naked glory, staring at Erik with a skeptical eye.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. All good. Just grabbing some briefs and a tank to throw on afterwards…”
“Oh, you won’t be needing that daddy,” Y/N gave him a sly smirk, “I want some dick.”
Erik’s eyes roamed her body. Her words had his dick chubbing up quick. He quickly removed his clothes and rushed into the bathroom.
After two days of lackluster activity, it was finally their last day in Australia and the day of Y/N’s surprise. Erik made a room service order for breakfast instead of meeting Bret and the others downstairs. Their second day in Australia required a lot of touring and outdoor activity. Y/N joined them on the first half of the day, but Erik asked her to stay behind until he got back. He set up an entire day of relaxation for her. She went to the spa, and had a personal driver take her out for a bit of shopping and lunch. When Erik returned, they ordered food into the suite and sat in bed naked while watching Love Island.
Y/N was still sound asleep when their breakfast arrived. Erik grabbed their cart of food and set it up on a table for them to enjoy. He stepped over her designer shopping bags and returned to bed, climbing in carefully. Y/N’s serene face glowed in the morning sun that peeked through the slightly drawn curtains, bohemian knotless braids scattered across the pillow. Erik smiled, brushing his knuckles against her warm cheek. She was beautiful beyond words.Y/N stirred and stretched her limbs. Erik felt her lashes flutter against his chest before she let out a gentle sigh.
“Morning,” she murmured against his solid chest.
“Morning, Angel,” Erik leaned in to kiss her cheek, “I ordered us breakfast.
“Thank you.”
Y/N finally opened her eyes and looked up at Erik.
“Waking up to your face every morning just does something to me,” Y/N said.
Erik stroked Y/N’s bare arm, “I’m happy to have that effect on you…”
Y/N giggled before sitting up fully. She was naked beneath the sheets. Erik stole a kiss from her before climbing out of bed. Y/N excused herself to the bathroom and earned a slap to the ass while she brushed past Erik. It didn't take Y/N long to return. She was wearing her robe open. They tucked into their food and Y/N looked across the table at Erik with a questioning look on her face. He didn’t realize how hard he’d been staring at her.
“Erik, what’s up with you?”
He knew what was up with him but he couldn’t say at the moment.
“I’m just…happy to be here with you. I love you.”
“Aww, love you too, babe.”
Erik tried to settle his nerves while eating. He swore he wouldn’t be nervous about the proposal. But the reality of it all, and seeing this beautiful woman in front of him, he couldn’t calm down. In his heart, he knew she would say yes.
“Erik, did you hear me?”
Y/N forked some of her eggs, “Are you worried about the Australia deal?”
“…Ever since I became CFO, I’ve done nothing but worry.”
“I’m gonna have to fix that…”
Y/N took a sip of her orange juice and stood up, making her way over to Erik. Erik watched her drop down on her knees in front of him, fumbling with his briefs. She looked up at him with a smirk.
“Take these off.” She whispered.
Erik chuckled before raising his hips, lowering his briefs. He was semi-hard and hanging over his balls. Y/N gripped him and started slowly stroking him to full capacity. She never took her eyes off of him. Erik’s eyes remained locked on hers.
“When I first laid eyes on you…when you walked into that office…something told me you were special…and I was correct…”
Erik parted his lips, revealing his tongue that swiped his bottom lip.
“I would watch you from my cubicle…peeking at you while you talked through your Bluetooth…played with your Rubik's cube…pace back and forth while studying your paperwork…I started developing a little crush on you…”
Erik had never been told any of this. His dick evolved in her hand in a matter of seconds. Veins protruding, tip seeping precum, and shaft rigid.
“…but I knew that it wasn’t right…I knew I shouldn’t have those thoughts…but the more we connected, the more I wanted to see what it would be like to kiss you…and touch you…” Y/N stroked his tip with her thumb, “I’m so happy that you felt the same…I just wish it was you first and not him…”
Y/N peppered soft kisses along his dick. Erik closed his eyes and savored the feeling of her soft lips on his hard dick. One of his hands rose to stroke her head. She started moaning with each kiss. Erik opened his eyes and watched Y/N sink her tight lips around him. Erik gripped the arms of the chair to control the urge to force her head down on his dick.
“Fuck…baby…that feels so good…”
His feet slid across the carpet. His pecs jumped. He dragged his teeth across his bottom lip. The slow sucking had him in a whirlwind. She was showing him with that talented throat of hers just how much she loved him. Their eyes connected and Erik almost bust on her uvula with that look she gave him. Such a nasty girl.
His brows knitted together each time she would focus on his tip. He was so close. She increased her pace and Erik couldn’t take it anymore. He palmed the back of her head and bounced her slutty mouth on his big dick. The gawk gawk gawk gawk grew louder and louder. Erik bit down hard on his pouty bottom lip, quads flexing and hips levitating from the chair.
“Fuck baby…dats it…uhhhhhh…drink this nut…drink this nut down…..huuuuuuuhhhhhh….”
Y/N emptied him like a insatiable woman. No cum left behind. She sat back and licked her lips. Erik held his dick at the base and watched Y/N tongue away a trail of cum from his tip.
“I needed that bad,” Erik threw his head back and laughed.
“I know you did!”
Y/N stood up and Erik grabbed her hand, pulling her onto his lap. He tongue kissed her nice and sloppy. That had her pussy good and wet, he knew that for sure.
“My turn.” Erik whispered.
He picked her up and placed her on her back on the bed. Y/N spread her thighs and then with one hand she stroked her clit to tease him. Erik crawled up onto the bed and Y/N pressed her foot against his chest. Erik playfully nibbled on her toes and his teeth grazed up her leg until he was situated between her thighs and staring into her wet flower. He strong-armed her legs to keep them out of his way, and then he used his tongue to savor her taste. Y/N threaded her fingers through his tapered locs.
“Eat that pussy…yes…”
Erik flicked her clit with his tongue at just the right angle that had Y/N squeezing his head with her thighs. Erik forced her thighs open and with furrowed brows and his eyes closed in bliss, he sucked and licked all over her puss. Y/N wiggled beneath his attack to her folds.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, ERIK!”
Her nipples were hard, her clit twitched against his tongue, she looked pleasantly ruined. Erik added two fingers and sucked her clit into his mouth while finger-fucking her. Y/N sat up on her elbows to watch him. He looked up at her, watching her come undone. She moaned so angelic it was music to his ears. Her legs quaked from her orgasm and Erik kissed her pussy.
“Good girl…”
He made his way up to her and before he reached her lips, he sucked on her nipples. Y/N hooked her leg beneath his and forced him onto his back. Erik looked up at her with wide eyes. She reached down and pointed his dick at her pussy. Erik popped her on the ass.
“Get down on this dick…”
Y/N turned reverse cowgirl so Erik could have a better view. She threw her braids over her shoulder, looked back at Erik, and sank that good pussy down on his big dick. Erik was dizzy from the up and down motion of her ass. Her cheeks clapped against his hips. She moaned and talked her shit, taking what’s hers. What will be hers forever.
“You fuck this dick, baby. Get yours…”
“This my big, fuckin’ dick…”
“Show me…keep showing daddy…good girl..”
“Uhuh, I’m your good girl…no other bitch can fuck you like I can—”
“Gahdamn, baby…”
Erik gave her two appreciative slaps to her cheeks. She was correct. Ain’t no other like her.
“I can feel that dick getting bigger in me…pressing against my walls…you wanna cum?”
Erik groaned, “Make me cum.”
“What do I get for making daddy’s big dick cum? Do I get a present?”
You’re getting a ring on your finger and a baby in your womb fucking with me.
“Whatever you want, baby. Whatever you want…fuck…I’m close…”
Y/N bounced harder. Erik’s body seized up. He extended his neck and grunted deeply. Erik’s dick pulsated deep within her, covering every ounce of that lethal pussy with milky-white jizz. He was spent. She wore his ass out. Y/N leaned forward so Erik’s dick could slip out. He watched her push his cum out that wet ass pussy and he almost fucked her again.
“Nasty bitch…”
Y/N giggled, turning to lay next to Erik.
“The food is probably cold…”
“We’ll microwave it in a minute…let me rest my eyes…”
They sat in the back of a chauffeured car on the way to their surprise destination. Erik gripped Y/N’s hand tightly, admiring how beautiful she looked in one of the new dresses she purchased. It was an emerald green, strapless, ruffled fringe dress. She wore the Van Cleef and Apels earring, necklace, and bracelet set he purchased for her birthday. His favorite heels were on her feet and so was an anklet with his name on it. She covered her beautiful brown skin with a body shimmer that glittered in the light.
Erik wore a Ralph Lauren tailored velvet suit jacket in emerald with a white button down and a black bow tie and black slacks. Dior Derby dress shoes were on his feet, and he accessorized with a custom made Eliantte diamond watch and pinky rings. His locs were braided back—Y/N did it for him. Y/N remained blindfolded the entire ride. They arrived to take a jet and Erik hopped out, jogging around to open Y/N’s door for her. He held his hand out for her to take and she grabbed it.
He removed her blindfold and Y/N opened her eyes, staring at a personal jet. It was one of the best in Australia.
“Erik?!!! A jet?!!! Where are you taking me?!!!”
Erik smiled at her excitement. He grabbed her hand to stop her movements, leading her over towards the jet. He had her climb on first so he could make sure she didn’t fall. They settled in their seats and while the pilot prepared for take off, an attendant sauntered over to fill their glasses with champagne. Y/N stared across at Erik with glee.
“This is bringing back memories…”
Erik laughed, “Some of the best memories we’ve created. I don’t know though…tonight might top that…”
Y/N squinted her eyes at Erik.
“What do you have planned, Sir?”
“Drink your champagne.”
Y/N poured her lip, reaching for her drink.
“How long till we get there?”
“About an hour. Hour and a half…”
They stared down from the clouds at Australia below. Erik needed the distraction. He was too tense. Y/N kept him calm with her stories. He loved listening to her talk. They were descending after an hour and fifteen and Erik had to take a deep, calming breath. His jaw tensed as he unbuckled himself. He made sure Y/N was straight before they both exited the jet. Another car was waiting for them.
They entered the SUV and Erik made sure to put her blindfold back on before stealing a kiss. He squeezed her hand affectionately, staring out the window. His heart pounded against his rib cage. He could feel his hands sweating and shaking slightly. Y/N didn’t question it thankfully. The SUV slowed to a stop outside of their destination. Erik exited the car and held a hand up to the driver, stopping him from opening Y/N’s door. They left the car and Erik pressed forward, pausing directly in front of the entrance to their memorable evening.
“Okay…we’re here.”
Erik looks down at Y/N, taking her in before removing the blindfold.
“Open your eyes.”
She opened them on his command, and her hands went up to cover her mouth in shock. She stared at him with wide, shiny eyes. Erik smiled down at her fondly. There were people holding the doors open for them to enter.
“Erik…the aquarium?! We’re having dinner here?! This is so cool!”
She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Erik wrapped his arms around her waist, swaying her from side-to-side. He closed his eyes and planted a kiss on her neck.
Erik reserved the entire AQWA Aquarium in Western Australia. One of the best in Australia with an underground journey along their coastline. It has stunning exhibits and iconic creatures. Erik rented out the entire dining area for the evening and booked a photographer. They climbed the stairs carefully, greeting the workers at the door. Y/N took in everything with a bright smile.
They were given a guide to take them throughout certain areas before they had dinner. Y/N held Erik’s hand, stroking it with her thumb. He looked down at her and she met his gaze with loving eyes. It was an aquatic paradise. So many marine animals and colors. Y/N pressed her face closer to the glass, eyes wide and filled with thrill. Erik admired the way the motion of the water created patterns against her brown skin. He couldn’t wait to travel the world with her. His fingers grazed the ring box in his pocket with anticipation the further they traveled.
They made a pit stop at a gift shop and Erik purchased a large, dolphin stuffed animal for her as a souvenir. After an hour and some minutes, they finally entered the dining area. It was a large, undersea restaurant located sixteen feet below sea level. They would be able to enjoy their meal with 180–degree panoramic views of the water above them. Erik pulled out Y/N’s seat directly next to the glass so she could have a closer view. It was a fine dining experience to remember.
“This menu has a lot of seafood on it.” Y/N jokes.
“Says the woman who loves crab legs and salmon.”
“Sorry fishies,” Y/N whispered, “You’re just so GOODT.”
“Finger-licking good,” Erik added with a chef’s kiss.
They enjoyed lobster bisque, crab bites, and shrimp cocktail before their main dishes arrived.
“Let’s toast,” Erik raised his wine glass, “To many memories with you. To traveling the world. To love.”
“Here! Here!”
They clinked glasses and both of them watched each other take a sip.
Their plates of sizzling fish with roasted vegetables and red potatoes arrived. Y/N snapped photos of her plate before taking a bite. It was delicious.
“I love how intimate this is. When did you even have the time to do all of this?”
“I make a way. Took care of it before the trip.” Erik responded.
“You never cease to amaze me, Erik.”
“That’s the plan,” Erik elevated a single brow at her.
“I love you,” Y/N spoke softly.
Erik gave her a half-dimpled smile, “I love you too, baby.”
They finished their meal and Erik made his cue and a photographer was waiting to come out after the final act. Erik shifted in his seat, praying that everything worked out how he planned. He had to draw her attention to the glass.
“Look at all these pretty fish…”
Y/N gazed out at the fish swimming. The photographer started recording the encounter. Erik kept his finger to the glass, pointing at random fish to keep her attention. Music started playing, a saxophone rendition of Whitney Houston’s Saving All My Love For You. Y/N swayed in her seat, singing along to the love song. Erik watched her with glossy eyes.
“Baby, baby, look…”
He pointed to a diver making his way towards them. Y/N’s eyes bugged out in shock. The diver settled in front of her underwater. They waved their hand to her, and Y/N waved back. De’Ree I’m Kissing You started playing. Y/N giggled at the choice of song, since Romeo and Juliet was one of her favorite movies and the scene where Romeo looks at Juliet through the fish tank makes her cry. The diver pulled out a peace of paper, Y/N trying to make out what it said.
Erik watched her with a penetrating stare. The paper unfolded and the words were clear as day.
Y/N L/N Will You Marry Me?
She looked at Erik across that table. Her hands shot up to cover her mouth first. Erik stood as the song began to fade out, making his way towards her. The photographer drew in closer, Erik dropping down on one knee. Y/N gripped the arm of the dining chair with one hand while the other covered her mouth, eyes flooded with tears and shoulders slightly bouncing as she cried.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
‘Cause I’m kissing you
I’m kissing you, oh…
“Erik…oh my god,” Y/N sobbed, “oh my god…”
He opened the box. Y/N weeped harder. Erik lowered his head to wipe his own eyes.
Marry me, Y/N,” he blurts out with a shaky voice.
“Erik…” She was in pure disbelief. Even after he expressed to her countless times how much he loved her. The song replaying again made the moment more beautiful.
“…Because I love you,” he says, staring up at her and taking her hand in his, “and I want to go to sleep with you every night and wake up seein’ your face every morning. I want you to be the mother of my children, I want to see the world with you. I want to climb mountains with you and be challenged by you, I want to argue with you just so we can have crazy, hot, makeup sex…”
Y/N laughed at that last part as her tears fell. She was so stunned that all she could do was stare down at him on his knee, the white gold halo engagement ring with a 0.76 carat diamond brilliantly blinding her.
“…Marry me, because without you I’d be lost….and because I love your family like they’re my own…and because you’re my best friend and I want to grow old with you.” He starts tearing up, and it’s shocking because she’s never seen him cry. “Marry me, Y/N, because all I could ever think about since the Alaska trip was making you my wife. Say yes, Y/N.”
Y/N was blown away by the shock of it all. The big rock that he was proposing to her with, his meaningful words, how she was not expecting such a beautiful and heartfelt moment. She’d loved aquariums since she was a kid. Erik took careful consideration into making sure it was all perfect for her. To have a man like this in her life…she burst with happiness and tears leaked from her eyes even more. Y/N covered her face with both hands and bent forward, body shaking from the uncontrollable crying she was doing.
She could go on and on about how amazing Erik is; her Office Bae. He set the tone. He stepped up when her ex couldn’t even do that after so much time together.
He defended, protected, encouraged, and would carry the planet on his back for her. She finally removed her hands from her face, makeup still intact thankfully. Y/N straightened herself and fanned her eyes to control the tears. Erik stared up at her with tears in his eyes and a smile.
“HELL YES!!!!!!!”
Y/N jumped up and down, spun around, threw her arms up. Erik finally stood up and he couldn’t contain his joyful laughter. She held her hand out and he gently took her delicate hand in his, the breathtaking ring sliding down her fourth finger, a perfect fit like Cinderella’s glass slipper. He’s her Prince Charming.
Throwing her arms over his shoulders, Erik’s arms circled her waist and he spun her around like a princess in fairytale endings. The photographer worked overtime snapping photos. Y/N stretched her hand out to admire the engagement ring, a cheesy smile on her face. She was all teeth and gums. Erik peppered kisses along her cheek while still holding her up off of the floor.
“I love you so much, I’m so fucking happy that you said yes,” Erik spoke with a hushed tone.
“It was always going to be a yes, baby! I’m so happy you came into my life…”
Erik finally put her down and he watched her admire and gawk at the size of the diamond. He chucked at her shocked expression, unable to keep his hands to himself. He gripped her waist, pulled her closer, and kissed her forehead.
“To forever with you…” Y/N said, looking up at him with a smile, “I love you, baby.”
Y/N grabbed his face and Erik leaned down, kissing her passionately. His tongue smoothed over hers in a sensual dance. Hearts racing, they both smile against each other's lips. She couldn’t wait to start their life together.
Mrs. Stevens had a ring to it.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
‘Cause I’m kissing you
I’m kissing you, oh….
@hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @lisayourworries @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixt @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @bxolux @sweet2krazee @seyven89 @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @cocoa-puffs @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @queenfaithmarie @angelicniah @soulfulbeauty19 @aijha @novaniskye @callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227 @blackerthings @kenbieee @princessxotwod @palmstreesallday @kokokonako @coolfancyone @soulsparker @richgirlaesthetics
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finally nailed down what my clothing aesthetic (or aimed style) is.
fantastic mr fox
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thatoneluckybee · 9 months
PICREW CHAIN GO MAYBE? I really like this one it's so cute
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Anyone can join! But feel free to tag others :> No pressure tags: @the-ultimate-luck @awanderingcatharsis @thestaticonyourscreen @yttd-enjoyer @kirexa @justalazytrashpanda @runetallem @lilithospheree @feline-insolitum @quintessential-candles @arcaneafterhours @ace-and-the-rpg-horrors @rosehipfield @frenchgremlim1808 @shingetsu-online @jackpotsadgirlmafuyu @peckforlovingheck @sypersweet @2beat2heart @bake-offhamster @flyingdumpsterfire @fruit-gummiees @grilledchese @strangler-fish @saraanzu @ranmaruliker @a-being-of-chaossss @1emon-ice @reahustar @a-dumbass-jester @dewyrose
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sysig · 6 months
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VUXisms (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Damned#ZEX#Or if you prefer my very Normal Collection of ZEX stimming lol#I'm not choosing to read alien behaviours through a neurodivergent lense you can't prove anything#Okay you got me yes I am lol - in conjunction with my ADHD Max HC (which I am only more convinced of lol) I went into this with#Really any kind of self-soothing behaviour fascinates me :D And ZEX definitely needs the soothing ;;#But it's not just the stimming! Though I did keep pretty diligent notes about that lol he's deeply interesting to me!#He's a texture person! Part of that is due to being VUX and having very processed food but if it fits it fits!#I'm also a texture person - again I have too many notes relating to ZEX lol#I also find it charming (or sad - whichever is applicable at the time!) when ZEX eats in ''odd'' ways haha ♪#Eating without utensils - you can always just wash your hands you do you <3#The weighted blanket lol so - I had a very normal and measured reaction to ZEX enjoying full-body pressure lol#Solely and purely intellectual! Of course! VUX enjoy swimming! Full-body pressure makes complete sense!#And he's a tactile person on top of that - pressure good for multiple reasons! I really do think he'd sleep better with a weighted blanket ♪#Back to stimming! I really loved the scene of him opening the water bottle and his therapist being So Impatient with him about it lol#Let him figure it out! He's very intelligent! Very skilled at finding weak points and exploiting them hehe <3#But then he runs his finger on the lip of the bottle! Wine-glassing it while he talks hehe <3 I love him#Humming!! Another stim I relate to! Not so much now since it was ''encouraged'' out of me so I may be doubly biased towards him using it hee#Too delighted to focus on utensil lessons and yet he's still clever enough to pay attention to multiple things at once hehehe ♫#And then aside from his actual biggest stim he plays with his hair quite a lot - in various ways and to different ends :D#Running his hands through it to self-soothe or tugging on it to express - I kinda read it as him trying to move his head feelers around haha#Not quite the same but something!#Oh and then his biggest stim - just looking at humans lol it is very dopamine-delivering <3 And he has dopamine now! Very powerful :3c#Hhhhh human chemistry for VUX behaviours <3 It's so interesting to me hehe ♪
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disengaged · 1 year
i’ve been messaging this dude for a couple weeks, we haven’t met in person yet but i …… think he walked past me at the gym
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yanderenightmare · 3 months
part one
TW: nsfw, dubcon, blackmail
fem reader
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As promised, you receive the pictures in the mail while the payment is forwarded almost emmidiatly. You don’t know which makes you gawk more, the photos of you or the numbers.
You also get an email—an invitation. The photographer is asking you to dinner. Or, asking is putting it nicely—which he most certainly didn’t. It’s phrased like a notice from your boss—matter-of-factly, he’s picking you up at eight, wear something nice.
You think about declining, but then you think about your friend again and how you don’t want to cause her any trouble. A free dinner isn’t really all that bad, is it?
It’s worse, actually.
“You should have told me you didn’t have anything to wear. I would have lent you something,” is the first thing he says when you get in his car. He hadn’t opened the door for you or anything, just sat in the driver’s seat waiting.
And though your cheeks burn with embarrassment, you think you’re foolish for it. You hadn't really dressed to impress him, after all—something you might as well tell him, “Maybe I just didn’t feel like dressing up. You didn’t exactly leave a good impression last time we met, so I don’t believe I owe you anything.”
He scoffs with a grin—face turned towards the road as he starts driving. “You have a lot more bite without your friend.”
“She has too much respect for you.” You cross your arms and look out the window. 
“That’s for sure.” You hear him chuckle, but he doesn’t offer any more of a response. You’re glad to spend the rest of the drive in silence.
You feel underdressed at the restaurant. You hadn’t thought he’d take you somewhere so nice. Most of the other couples there are dressed as if for a gala, while you’re dressed as if you’re going to an office party.
He hasn’t tried too hard himself. But still, he fits in—fat watch on his wrist, kempt hair, neat shoes, dress trousers, and a silk shirt with one too many buttons undone—a nauseating skinny chain beneath the collar as well as the hint of a chest tattoo. You bet it’s one of those dumb tribal inks, probably with some mundane Japanese characters he doesn’t know the meaning of.
“Is this where you undermine all the models desperate for your recognition?” you sigh as you sit down.
“We haven't even gotten our menus, and you’re already causing a scene?” 
He’s the one who was rude the moment you got in the car. In fact, he was rude the minute you met him. “Might as well speed this along.”
He chuckles—his smile genuinely amused instead of angered the way you’d imagined—the way you’d remembered from last time when he sent girls crying. “You know, for a face like that, you have one hell of a tongue.”
He orders wine by the name with ease and swiftness before returning to what he was saying.
“I like that. Most models are dull, but not you.”
“I don’t agree. And I’m a model,” you snip, showing no interest in his flirting.
 “No? Didn’t you see the pictures?” Your attitude doesn’t seem to deter him—rather, it only seems to egg him further on. “I have them all mounted on my walls at home—you should come see.”
This makes you falter. Looking at him from across the table with rounded eyes. “On your walls?”
“Framed.” He smiles, finally having broken through—he only intends to take it further. Not that what he was saying wasn’t true. “I just couldn’t help myself. I consider it my best work.” 
The look on your face is something between disgusted and uncertain—speechless in a sense.
It makes him laugh again. “Does anything flatter you?”
The wine comes. He’s poured a glass for testing.
“Not when spoken by men like you.”
His grin grows as he swirls the liquid around, smelling it like a phony.
“That’s a shame,” he says before taking a sip. He nods to the waiter, and you’re poured a similar glass. Meanwhile, he looks at you. “I’d like to flatter you—I’d like to spoil you even. You seem like you deserve it.”
You sip your glass. “No need.”
“I’m not so sure about that. You currently work at a diner, right?”
You gaze at him from atop your glass, brows furrowing. “How do you—”
“I didn’t.” It’s a lie, of course, he’d searched you up and gone over every little detail he could find. “It’s clear from the looks of you—”
“Fuck you,” you snap, putting your glass down a bit too harshly, enough to make a little wine slip and spill.
He doesn’t mind it. “Oh, I want you to,” he says instead. “After I pay for dinner and drive you back. We can fuck right under my favorite portrait of you.”
You’re stunted by his crude words, but only for a second. “How about we skip dinner, and you go fuck yourself.” 
His smile doesn’t drop, even as you get up to leave. “Settle down, sweetheart.”
“Make me, jackass.” 
You’re on your way to go, but his next words have you halting. 
“Either you humor me, or I make sure your friend never models in the country again.”
You turn around to look at him. You don’t really know why you’re so surprised. The card he just pulled is the very reason you agreed to the dinner in the first place. But an incentive is very different from outright blackmail, and suppose you just hadn’t really believed he’d take it that far.
“It’s my impression you don’t want that,” he continues.
You sit back down. He tops your glass off.
“I could make her big, you know?” he offers while pouring for himself as well. “Really speed her career along—set her up for life. I’ll do the same for you, too, of course.” 
He swirls his wine, lifting it as if to make a toast.
“And all you gotta do is come back home with me.”
You don’t have the words.
“You won’t be disappointed,” he promises. “I’m good at it.” As if that’s your concern. “You’ll never want to fuck anyone else again.”
You hate how right he is. 
You’ve never cum sooner or harder before in your life, not with anyone else or on your own. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced—so good, you’re screaming—moaning out in echoes throughout his giant penthouse, bouncing off the marble floors into all unlocked rooms, creating a cacophony of your undeniable pleasure.
He’s on his knees beneath you as you lean with your back against the window overlooking the city, barely able to stand as he buries his face between your soft thighs, canting his chin up while lapping hard at your slit and clit. His hard stare set on your face and the way you throw your head back while cumming in his mouth—your hand tussled in his hair, yanking on it hard enough to make him growl.
Your legs and feet give you little support. It's his hands that keep you up as you slide further and further down the floor-to-ceiling window until you’re almost about ready to drop your weight completely.
But he’s made you come undone three times by then, and just can’t wait any longer. 
He’s spun you around before you know it, making you face the pretty lights of the city skyline—his mouth hot on the shell of your ear, “I told you so, didn’t I?”
Your breath fogs the glass with your panting—knees wobbly, only standing thanks to the thick arms he’s got supporting you, each with a tit in their hand, giving them rough squeezes as he starts pounding away at your womb—hard enough to make the city lights blend in with the stars. 
“You won’t wanna fuck anyone else again.”
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♡ BNHA – Bakugou, Shigaraki, Dabi, Aizawa, Shinso, Overhaul ♡ JJK – Sukuna, Naoya, Toji ♡ HQ – Tsukishima, Kageyama, Iwaizumi, Sakusa ♡ BLLK – Reo, Rin ♡ AOT – Levi ♡ DS – Akaza, Sanemi
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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dreamwritesimagines · 26 days
Sunshine [2]- Summer Breeze
AN: My loves, thank you so so much for your wonderful support and lovely comments and HCs on the first chapter! ❤️ You're amazing! ❤️
I hope you like this as well, and please don't forget to tell me what you think, thank you! 🥰
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female!Reader
Summary: Summer breeze can be enchanting.
Word Count: 3464
Series Masterlist
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There were some days that you just knew it wouldn’t be a good day, and today was exactly one of these days.
It wasn’t because it was Monday morning and you had slept through your alarm. It wasn’t because while taking the fastest shower of your life you realized you had run out of body wash.
It was because while driving Theo to school your car had broken down, and though you didn’t know much about mutant schools, you were pretty sure that they cared about punctuality just like any other school.
“Isn’t this fun, bean?” you asked as you walked with Theo’s hand in yours through the gates, pretending you weren’t stressed out at all so that he would have a good day. “It’s like we’re explorers.”
“It is!” he said, looking around the vast of greenery surrounding you. “Professor X says the mansion was built ages and ages ago.”
“Ages and ages ago?” you asked with a gasp, his backpack slung over your shoulder. “Really?”
“Yes! And Ralph says if we tried to explore the grounds, it would take us a week!”
“Who’s Ralph?”
“He’s my friend,” he said. “He can breathe underwater!”
“Wow,” you said. “That’s impressive.”
“Isn’t it?” he asked, excitement laced in his voice. “He said he saw so many pretty fish in the lake—mommy, can we get a pet fish? Wait no, can we get two?”
“Um…” you trailed off while you approached the mansion with him, students running around in the yard. “Why two?”
“Because we can’t get just one, he’d get bored without a friend!” Theo insisted as the roar of a motorcycle reached you. “Can we get a really big aquarium? Ralph says fish need huge aquariums.”
“We can’t get a huge aquarium, bean,” you said, crouching down to fix his hair and he pulled his brows together.
“But why not?”
“But why not?”
“Because we have no place to put a big aquarium in,” you said patiently and he pouted.
“I’d keep it in my room!”
“They’d keep you company when I’m here and you come home from work! You said we couldn’t get a dog, but fish don’t need a yard or anything, just an aquarium!”
“Bean, that’s not…”
“I already have names for them both!” he insisted, making you pull your brows together. “The orange one will be Cheeto, and the white one will be Popcorn.”
“Very creative my love, but—”
“Please!” he said. “Please please please? I’ll take care of them when I’m home, I promise!”
“Theo,” you said. “It’s time for your class. Apologize to your teacher for being late, and tell them the car broke down, okay? They can call me if they—”
“Good morning Mr. Wolverine sir!” Theo smiled at someone behind you and you turned your head to look over your shoulder, your heartbeat speeding up as soon as you did.
Alright, so as it turned out, you weren’t daydreaming last week and he was in fact as hot as you remembered.
The leather jacket he was wearing fit him perfectly, making you gawk at his broad figure for a moment before you remembered to look up at his handsome face, but that seemed to make your heartbeat even faster so you shot him a small smile and averted your gaze from him to Theo quickly.
“Logan is fine, bub,” he told Theo and Theo nodded so eagerly that his glasses slipped down his nose, making you reach out to fix them.
“Okay Mr. Logan sir,” he said. “Mommy, if we get an aquarium—”
“We’ll talk about it later bean,” you said as you slipped his backpack off your shoulder and helped him put his arms through the straps. You straightened your back at the same time he reached back to open the zipper of the backpack, the simple motion making him stumble backwards but Logan had already grabbed him by the backpack with one hand and lifted him up in the air to put him back on his feet, Theo letting out a cheerful “whee!”.
“Thanks,” you murmured and ruffled Theo’s hair. “Straight to the class, come on.”
Theo gave you a bright smile, then hugged your legs before turning around to run through the hallway.
“Theo don’t—” you started but heaved a sigh. “Great.”
You could hear Logan huff out a chuckle and you swallowed thickly, then turned to look at him better, the fluttering in your stomach getting even worse upon seeing his gaze on you.
“Hey,” he said and you took a deep breath, shifting your weight.
“It was—it was nice to see you,” you stammered, taking a step past him but stopped when you heard him say your name. The fact that he had remembered your name wasn’t supposed to make your chest tingle, you were sure of it, but you didn’t even try to stop the tentative smile pulling at your lips.
“Yes?” you asked, blinking up at him and he stared at you, then frowned like he was trying to pull himself together.
“Your car broke down?”
“Um, yeah,” you said, pointing at the yard. “Like a mile down the road.”
“You walked here?”
“Uh huh,” you said, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. “I don’t mind, really. I’ll just go back to the car and call my friend, she knows a guy so I’m like ninety percent sure I can get out of it without having to declare bankruptcy—”
���I can fix it,” he said, motioning at the motorcycle. “Let’s go.”
Your eyes widened and you gawked at him for a moment, then scoffed a nervous laugh and waved a hand in the air.
“Oh no no, there’s no need to…” you trailed off. “Please, I’d hate to be a bother.”
“You’re not,” he said, already walking to the bike and you lingered there for a moment before rushing to catch up with his long strides.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” you asked him. “Seriously, if you’re busy or anything, I don’t think—”
“I’m not busy.”
“And your motorcycle looks like a one-person type of motorcycle, I can just walk if you—”
“Are you always this polite, princess?”
Well, that was a sure way to shut you up. Your breath caught in your throat, your head spinning for a moment because of how fast adrenaline rush hit you, warmth blooming in your chest.
“…Yeah,” you said after a pause. “Bites me in the ass most of the time.”
The corners of his mouth twitched and he grabbed the only helmet on the back of the motorcycle, then held it out, making you snap out of your thoughts.
“You?” you asked and he shook his head.
“I don’t need it.”
You took the helmet from him to put it on before he got on the bike and started the engine, and almost automatically your hand shot up to your lips but it hit the helmet, making you grimace. You dug your fingernails into your palms before unclenching your hands again, then got on the bike as well, slowly wrapping your arms around his torso. He took a deep breath as if he had just smelled something sweet, then cleared his throat.
“You’re gonna have to hold on tighter than that.”
“Oh I don’t want to accidentally hurt you,” you said, and the simple sentence managed to coax a chuckle out of him. He turned his head sideways to look at you out of the corner of his eye, your cheeks burning before he turned his head again and the engine roared before it sped off down the road, the movement making you gasp and hold onto him tighter to make sure you wouldn’t fall down.
Fine, maybe today was a good one after all.
Back in high school -and the first year of college-, you had never understood why people were into motorcycle. If anything, they looked rather uncomfortable, not to mention incredibly dangerous, and if it rained it would rain on them, and it would be cold and wet and just unpleasant but now—
Now, hanging onto Logan as the wind whipped around you, trees wheezing past, you were starting to get the appeal.
Logan stopped the motorcycle when you pointed at your car parked at the side of the road, and you pulled back from him even if you didn’t want to, then got off the bike, taking your helmet off and fixing your hair in a haste.
“I didn’t die,” you announced, making him shoot you an amused glance. “That’s nice.”
“That was the expectation?” he asked as you both made your way to your car and you nodded.
“Kind of?” you said, unlocking the car before Logan lifted the hood up to look inside, then tilted his head.
“Hold on,” he muttered and he started unbuttoning his flannel, making your eyes widen. Your heart climbed up to your throat, a sudden warmth swirling your insides and when he slipped his flannel to reveal his very tight white shirt underneath, you gulped, unable to drag your gaze away from him. He didn’t even need to hear your heartbeat, your flustered state was clear as day and your brain recognized him saying something you didn’t even hear with a couple of seconds delay, making your head snap up.
A cocky smirk curled his lips and you shifted your weight.
“I was um—I was thinking about something,” you stammered and his smirk widened.
“Uh huh,” he said. “I’m gonna go under the car for a moment.”
Never in your entire life had you wanted to be a car more.
“I don’t know if I have that lifter thing—” you started, trying to pull your thoughts together but before you could even finish your sentence, he had already reached down underneath the bumper and lifted the car a bit to get under, making your jaw drop.
Oh alright, so this was just…
You were just fantasizing about him and this whole thing in general, that was the only explanation you could possibly come up with. Any minute now, your alarm would start blaring and you would wake up and go to work with no sign of a very specific, incredibly hot and strong guy.
Jesus, he looked like that and he could lift a car?
“Um—Logan are you okay down there?” you asked, approaching the car to bend down a little. “Do you need help?”
“Nope,” he said, his voice not even strained as if he wasn’t holding up the car with one hand. “Just checking something.”
“The car isn’t gonna fall on you, right?”
“No, I’m holding it.”
“Yeah because that’s the normal answer to that question,” you said, nodding your head. “Sure. Uh, another question, how do you know you can in fact hold up a car? As in, have you tried this before? Because if you die, not only will I be very sad but also I will go to jail and I don’t think I’d survive there, I watched a lot of shows like that and I like flavored coffee a bit too much, and I also don’t know who’d be taking care of Theo—”
“Relax princess,” he cut off your rambling with a chuckle. “It’s fine.”
You hoped your hormones wouldn’t get the best of you and by the time he got out from under the car, you wouldn’t be checking Pinterest for wedding venues but before you could even grab your phone, you heard a car coming to a stop behind you, making you look over your shoulder. The man inside looked you up and down, making you shift your weight, discomfort hitting you out of nowhere as you clenched and unclenched your fists.
You recognized that look just fine.
“Hey there,” he said with a small grin. “Car problems?”
You plastered a well-practiced polite smile on your face. “Yeah but it’s fine, thank you.”
“Get in, I can drive you to the nearest station.”
“Um no sir, thank you,” you said. “I’m actually handling it.”
“Oh come on now,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’m not a bad guy. Just being helpful.”
You opened your mouth to answer, but before you could say anything else, the car groaned as Logan lifted it a little and got out from under it. You didn’t even need to turn your head to know he was glaring at the man, the look of complete fear crossing the man’s face was enough of a clue and you bit back your smile, raising your brows at him while Logan stood at full height behind you, towering over you.
“She said she’s handling it,” he said, his deep growl making your heart do a happy flip and you nodded.
“Thank you though!” you said with the most customer service level of cheerful voice you could muster without bursting into laughter and the man’s eyes went from you to him, and he gulped down.
“Ye—yeah okay,” he said and drove off, making you let out a giggle and turn to look up at Logan.
“I think you scared him off.”
Logan glared at the direction the man drove off as if he was genuinely contemplating whether to go after him or not, then gritted his teeth and glanced down at you.
“You okay?”
“Sure,” you said. “I have a knife in the glove compartment, just in case. Theo isn’t allowed to open it.”
He shook his head slightly, then went to the motorcycle to grab a couple of tools, wiping the motor oil on his hands onto his shirt. You had to physically force yourself to look up at the sky just so that you could stop the sound threatening to spill from your lips, then rubbed at your eyes as he started working on the car. You lingered in your spot for a moment, then opened the car door to climb up to sit on the roof of the car, making him glance at you over the hood.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m keeping you company,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “It’s easier to talk like this.”
He didn’t comment on it, instead returned back to what he was doing and you pressed your lips together, keeping your gaze on him.
“So how’s the crying going?” he asked and you scrunched up your nose.
“It’s going well actually, thank you for asking,” you told him. “I already cried this morning so…”
“There was this cat video,” you said. “It was so adorable. I keep telling Theo he can’t have a pet, I need to remind myself that as well.”
“He wants a fish now?”
“He wants to have a lot of animals,” you told him. “He wants a dog and a cat and now fish. Apparently, his new friend told him there are many pretty ones in the lake, and I’m glad he’s making friends but I’m gonna be so screwed when he finds one who can talk to like, horses or something.”
He scoffed a laugh. “He made friends pretty easily.”
“Oh he could make friends in an empty room.”
“He got that from you or his father?”
“Me,” you said, barely aware of the proud tone in your voice. “He gets everything from me, or at least that’s what I’ve been told.”
“Mm hm,” you said, nodding your head. “But I mean, it makes sense when you think about it, considering…”
Logan’s gaze on you was almost too hot. “He’s not around?”
You bit at your thumb, shaking your head. “No.”
“Um, how about you?” you asked, trying to change the topic. “What do you do when you’re not fixing cars and scaring off creeps? Do you teach at school?”
“Sometimes,” he said. “I work for Charles.”
“As a teacher?”
“Not necessarily.”
You pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on top of them, your arms wrapping around legs.
“An open book, aren’t you?” you asked, making him chuckle.
“Mm, pretty much.”
“Now why would a mysterious man give such short answers?”
He shot you a mischievous smile. “Probably the same reason why a pretty girl would ask so many questions.”
Your heart skipped a happy beat as you felt your cheeks burn, and you had to resist the urge to bury your face to your knees with a squeal so you bit down on your lip, smiling at him. He held your gaze for a moment, making fire spread through your veins before he nodded at you.
“You mind if I try to start it?”
“Oh go ahead,” you said, and he got into your car, then you heard him slide the driver’s seat back to adjust it to his height. “But I had the mechanic check the car like a month ago, so I don’t really think…”
You stopped talking immediately when you heard the roar of the engine as it came to life and a gasp left your lips.
“Are you serious?” you exclaimed while Logan got out of the car and you slid off the roof to jump to the ground.
“Yeah, the next time it happens, just—” he was cut off when you flung yourself to him to hug him tight.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” you said with a huge smile. “Seriously Logan, you saved my life!”
 A small chuckle escaped from his lips and his arm sneaked around your waist, and if you didn’t know if better, you could’ve sworn he tilted his head down to get closer to your hair and took a deep breath.
“Not a problem,” he said, his deep voice vibrating in his chest and all of a sudden all your senses were filled with him; his warm body against yours, the pleasant scent of leather, smoke and pine in your lungs, his voice in your ears. You swallowed thickly, your heartbeat getting faster as you forced yourself to pull back, then craned your head up to look at him.
“Sorry!” you said. “Sorry I’m…me and my friend took this test and apparently my love language is physical touch and I’m not very sure about it really because I kind of feel like it’s a scam but also is it though, because I used to have a cat when I was little and um, I refused to put her down, I always carried her everywhere so that I could hug her all the time and weirdly enough she liked it, which you wouldn’t expect from a cat most of the time but—um—” you paused. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem,” he said, his intense gaze pinning you to your spot and you nibbled on your lip, then willed yourself to take a step back, your hand shooting up to your mouth again.
“How—how do I repay you?”
He shot you a reprimanding look. “You don’t.”
“No but seriously,” you insisted. “There has to be something.”
That had sounded more grateful and less like a porn dialogue in your head.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “Change your mechanic though, seems like the engine hasn’t been checked in a while.”
“Okay,” you said, forcing yourself to lower your hand. “Thank you. Again.”
“My pleasure,” he said with a small smile and you lingered in your spot for a moment, then got in the car, almost falling on your ass since he had slid the seat back to adjust it to his height. You cleared your throat, trying to keep it cool as you slid it forward, and as soon as the brochures on the dashboard caught your eye, you reached out to grab one and looked up at Logan out the open window.
“I found a way to thank you,” you said with a proud smile, your heart was beating in your throat. “I work at this diner, you should drop by. It’ll be on the house, and the pie is amazing.”
A small smirk curled his lips as he eyed the brochure you were holding up.
“You sure about that?” he asked. “If you feed me, I might come back.”
The warmth bloomed underneath your skin as your smile widened.
“Looking forward to it,” you said, raising the brochure just a little and he chuckled, then took the brochure from you.
“Drive safe,” he said, patting the roof of the car and you nodded your head.
“See you around, Logan,” you said before you drove off, checking him out from the rear mirror until you slowed down at the road junction, then turned the car and let out a breath, trying to keep your attention on the road.
“Oh fuck,” you muttered to yourself. “Fuck, he’s too hot.”
[3] - Downpour
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yundeob · 2 months
the parent trap | KHJ
part 1 of the Night in Hollywood!series
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☆ trope: exes to lovers!au, divorced!au
☆ pairing: producer!hongjoong x designer!reader, dad!joong x mom!reader
☆ warnings: nsfw (mdni), swearing, mentions of food, mentions of food poisoning, female desc. reader, drinking, suggestiveness, smut, slight!breeding kink, oral sex (f. receiving), overstim, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap!) nipple play, titty sucking, marking, praise, slightdom!joong, blond!joong bc that itself is too much for me, mentions of (early) pregnancy, you’re both in your early thirties and make an unbelievably stubborn couple in this!
☆ synopsis: AS DIVORCED PARENTS to two twin daughters, you and hongjoong have your fair share of work cut out. Driving to piano lessons, cheering at hockey games, drop offs at each other’s houses, it can all be a little much. But could a relaxing summer retreat as a whole family possibly rekindle past emotions you’ve swept under the rug? . . .
☆ word count: 18.1k
☆ playlist: soulful strut by young-holt unlimited, l-o-v-e by nat king cole, just the way you are by billy joel, slipping through my fingers by abba, this will be (an everlasting love) by natalie cole
☆ a/n: it’s finally here. I can’t believe I’m writing this and saying it’s finally here oh my goodness. first off, thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has supported me with the series so far (shoutout to @kitten4sannie , @byuntrash101 and especially @desirehorizon for being amazing!) everyone’s sweet comments have been greatly appreciated, and I just hope this silly little fic brings a smile to your everyday lives.
ty for making writing worth it as a writer. now cue the opening credits!
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“ABSOLUTELY NOT” Hongjoong says.
“But dadd,” she whines, clutching the wrinkled pamphlet closer to her chest. Eunseo’s small hands are covered in purple doodles her sister drew using a glitter pen. 
“Why not?” the girl complains, shrugging her shoulders. 
He sighs, pushing his glasses up with one hand as he continues typing away at the important document the producing company sent him on his laptop. He tries his best to reason with the child.
“Because, baby…” pausing to think for a moment before responding. “It would be hard for your mom and I to find a time that fits into our schedules. I’ve got work, and she must be busy as well.” 
Eunseo glares at her father’s excuse. 
Okay, yeah, the man knows it’s somewhat of a lie, himself. 
She continues to protest by shoving the advertising pamphlet in her dads face and blocking his view of the screen. Thankfully, Hongjoong is used to these sort of work distractions, expertly avoiding her by craning his neck sideways and continuing to type away.
“But dad, it’s an amazing cottage resort! They’ve got a lake where you can go swimming in, a forest hiking trail, a bonfire to roast marshmallows and even a diner less than fifteen minutes away! So if you end up burning the camp food like last time, we can just order and eat in! Isn’t that great?” She beams. 
He stops typing for a second, fingers hovering over the keyboard as he gives his first born a look that makes her immediately break into a sweet smile, batting her lashes and flashing him a look of innocence. 
“Please?” She begs, standing on the edge of her feet as she gazes up at him. “The last time we went was when Eunbyul and me were toddlers.” 
And how on earth could any dad’s heart not melt at the sight of his daughter trying to convince him about one harmless vacation? 
Hongjoong wheels his office chair back, turning so he could look her in the eyes properly and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. 
“Listen honey, I’m sorry, I really wish I could, but…” he trails off, looking back at the open tabs and file documents displayed on his computer.
Turning his head around and upon seeing a frown form on his daughter's face, he quickly reassures her. 
“Once you finish your final piano recital tomorrow and your mom picks your sister up to take her to her hockey game, how about we go fishing the weekend afterwards?” he suggests, brows raising. “That’ll mean I have just the two of you all to myself.”
Eunseo mumbles under her breath, quiet but insistent enough that he catches it. 
“But we’re supposed to be a family of four.” 
She sulks, thinking of how that would leave you, her mother, left out of their plans. The arms holding the pamphlet up, ultimately fall down in defeat. 
He places a peck on her forehead, patting her on the back. “You know, if you can get your mom to say yes, then I’ll think about it” he chuckles, knowing the highly unlikely probability of the event.
Adjusting his glasses, the producer goes back to his work, peeking his daughter slugging away from the corner of his eye. 
Eunseo slumps her shoulders in defeat as she walks out of her dads office, turning the corner to see her twin sister, Eunbyeol, pressing her ears near the door with her neck outstretched. Clearly she’s been caught in the middle of trying to overhear their conversation. 
The twin younger by fifteen seconds quickly rushes over, waiting expectantly.
“So? What did dad say?”
Eunseo exhales, throwing the information pamphlet away on the wooden floors and slumping against the living room couch. 
“He’s totally not buggin. Said he wants to take us fishing next weekend instead. Just us three.” she grumbles. 
Eunbyeol scrunches her nose at the idea. 
“But dad sucks at fishing.”
Her sister groans, kicking her small feet against the couch in frustration. “I know!” Eunbyeol starts to worry, coming to sit beside her.
“Then how on earth are we going to get mom and dad to get back with each other again? They haven’t been in the same room since we were like, five!”
Her twin sister scoffs, “First, we gotta get them to have a proper conversation with each other. They barely even talk when they drop us off at each other's houses.”
Nobody truly knows why you and Hongjoong had divorced so suddenly when the girls were young. Not even themselves.
All they were used to were cold stares and one word replies shared amongst their parents, refusing to find harmony in their co-parenting.
Frankly, your girls have had enough of the performance you were both trying to maintain, looking past your expressions to realize you and your husband still held feelings for the other. It was only a matter of time and place in order to set you two up together, thus, the idea of an intimate, family getaway came into their minds. 
After a few moments of letting her words hang in the air, Eunbyeol’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. 
“That’s it!”
The older twin looks up quizzically, watching her sister jump off the couch and gaze at her excitedly. 
“We’ll just have to force them to meet each other! We can always guilt trip them for dropping us off at their houses and making us play alone!”
Eunseo rolls her eyes at the idea. “Right, and how are we going to do that dummy? The only reason they’d do that, was if it was an emergency.”
Whoever said twin telepathy wasn’t a thing was a liar, because the second Eunseo catches onto what her sister is saying, the twins share a look of pure mischievousness, the gears in their brains working together as one. 
With hushed whispers and quiet giggles, the twins immediately begin conducting their plan in secrecy near the corner of the living room, backs turned and in the middle of discussion when Hongjoong walks out of his office with an empty coffee mug. 
“What are you guys doing over there?”
“Leave us alone! Family man traitor!” Eunbyeol shouts, holding a slightly hostile grudge to her father before turning back to whisper to her twin. 
Hongjoong shakes his head, sighing as he heads into the kitchen. 
“Then it’s perfect! I’ll stay here with dad once my piano recital is over, and then when Mom picks you up for your hockey game tomorrow, we’ll try convincing them together!”
Eunbyeol nods her head in agreement, eyes lighting up with excitement as she whispers in a hushed tone. 
“And once both events end, we’ll pretend to be so sick that they have to take us to the nearby hospital.”
The other twin smirks. ”Where we’ll end up guilt tripping them into taking us to the cottage.”
They double high five in victory at their flawless plan, already waiting for tomorrow to come as soon as possible.
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“A summer cottage?” you repeated, brows raising at the idea as you made a left turn onto your street. 
Eunbyeol nods eagerly from the back seat after getting picked up, having ranted on and on about the ad in the pamphlet since the moment you saw her.
“It's an amazing establishment mom,” She boasts, making you laugh at her words while parking the car and unbuckling your seatbelt.
“They have everything you could possibly think of!”
“Oh, really?” You say skeptically, opening the door for her. 
Eunbyeol is lost in the middle of passionately describing all the relaxing activities you could do by yourself, or rather per se, with a special partner together. 
“There’s couples hiking retreats, couples canoeing, couples yoga… did I mention couples hiking retreats?” She confuses, retracing her words. 
You roll your eyes and smile, keys jangling as you walk through the entrance of your apartment flat while balancing the bags and items in your hands.
Being a wedding dress designer and yet picking up your daughter from your ex-husband's house could’ve been ironic to some people. But after having split with Hongjoong since the girls were so young, you came to grow fond of having some independence as a divorcee, channeling your main focus into setting up your own bridal shop downtown.
It was through that hard work and focus that you did it all by yourself with no additional help.
You’d be lying if you said you haven't opened a bottle of red wine some nights due to loneliness as a divorced single mother, but at least that was what you had your daughters for.
You made sure to work just as hard as you did enjoy playing and spending time with them. After all, they were the light of your life and purpose for living.
Balancing the pizza you picked up on the way home, you set it down on the kitchen island, telling Eunbyeol to go wash her hands in the sink. The girl doesn’t stop ranting.
“There’s usually only two rooms in the cottage, so you’ll have to sleep together with dad, but I guess you won't mind, would you? After all, you were once married” She rolls her eyes, reaching for the soap.
You shake your head with a sigh. ”What is up with you and getting me and your father together in the same room?” you muttered as you took out the plates and utensils. 
Eunbyeol eventually walks back to you, wiping her hands on her baggy jeans before sitting on the kitchen stool. 
“It’s not that I’m obsessed, Mom. Actually, Eunseo and I are just dying to get away this summer now that school is over.”
Turning around from plating the pizza and salad, you chastise your daughter, telling her to sit with her bum flat on the stool so she doesn’t fall. She immediately listens, carrying on with her persuasion. 
“We just want you and dad to get the chance to relax as well, that’s all!” her mouth full from a bite of hot, greasy pizza. 
You smile, wiping your washed hands on the kitchen towel and coming over to wrap your arms around her affectionately. 
“Spending time with you and Eunseo every week is how I relax,” you assured her, smothering your baby with kisses on her cheek.
Byeol lets out a squeal of annoyance, taking another bite of her pizza. “You’re squishing me!” She tries hiding her smile, failing when you lean in closer. 
You pull back in laughter, ruffling her hair as you walk away while reminding her.
“Oh! Don’t forget you’ve got your hockey game tonight!”
Byeol chews faster, munching on the soft crust and counting down the hours on the kitchen clock. 
She smiles to herself. 
“Don’t worry, I know!”
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“What do you mean you need to go to the hospital?” Hongjoong asks in a worried voice, standing against the women’s washroom stall. He holds Eunseo’s congratulatory flower bouquet for first place in hand, feeling the stares of multiple women passing by, clearly judging him for being in the ladies room with them. 
“Honey, is everything all right?” He asks worriedly. A string of groans come from behind the door.
“You need to leave!” one old lady thrusts her walking cane at the father, lips pursed in dissatisfaction. 
Eunseo did such a phenomenal job tonight for her piano recital, that Hongjoong was shocked to see his daughter clutch her stomach first thing after running down the steps of the stage, dashing to the washrooms.
He whips his head back. “My daughter’s having a bit of a situation in here, okay miss? Have a bit of understanding!” He barks frustratedly out loud to the onlookers before speaking softly back to the stall door. 
“Eunseo, baby, talk to me, is everything alright in there? Are you sure you need to go to the hospital? Is it that bad?” 
The girl continues her acting performance, letting out fake groans while typing furiously on her cellphone. 
“Oh the pain! I think I might have food poisoning, dad!”
Seolie: How far along are u
Byeolie: Mom’s outside, banging to come in. 
Seolie: same, I told dad I needed to go to the hospital.
Eunseo lets out another groan of pain, causing Hongjoong to worry even more. 
“That’s it, Eunseo. Let me in and help you” he decides, searching his bag for a painkiller or at least some sort of medication for relief. 
The girl frantically checks her phone, eyes lighting up at the new message. 
Byeolie: Mom’s getting the car to take me to the hospital. I’ve got her convinced to call dad soon.
Eunseo types as fast as her small fingers can move, even faster than when she performed her piano solo from before. 
Seolie: Then what do I do????
Hongjoong gets slightly suspicious at the lack of sound coming from the stall, calling to his daughter again.
“Eunseo? Everything alright?”
At the next notification, the girl makes up her mind, getting the signal from her sister. 
Byeolie: play dead. Mom calling soon. See ya there.
The actress gets into character, gaining her composure before unlocking the washroom stall and holding her stomach as she stumbles into her dad’s surprised arms. 
She wails, falling limp. “Oh, dad! Please! Take me to the hospital, it hurts too much!”
It’s truly a mystery which parent she got her acting skills from.
But she doesn’t have to tell him twice at that point. The man is already piggy backing his fainted daughter and sprinting out of the ladies washroom, reassuring her with soothing comments as he makes a beeline for the parking lot.
“Stay with me baby!” He huffs, unbeknownst to Eunseo who peeks one eye open. 
Only after he straps his daughter in the backseat and is turning on the engine does he receive a sudden phone call from you, pressing the speaker for the whole car to hear your panicked voice. You break the news to him first. 
“Eunbyeol’s severely sick. She fainted right after her hockey game.”
Hongjoong’s eyes widened. “What?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “She was holding her stomach saying she ate something wrong. Is Eunseo okay?” 
Hongjoong puts the stick into drive, backing out of the parking lot and replying in a hurry.
“She’s hit with the same thing right now. I’ll meet you at the Hospital in ten” he grunts, sweat forming on his brow as he speeds through traffic, not caring if he gets a ticket. 
Had he looked in his rear view mirror, he would have seen Eunseo sagging near the car door, clutching her stomach with a small grin on her face.
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You never liked the hospital. 
The sounds of babies crying and hospital beds wheeling become the background noise, shifting nervously in your seat that was in the emergency pediatrics unit waiting area. 
Hongjoong has his eyebrows furrowed, hunched over one seat beside you as he hangs his head in his hands, knees bouncing up and down. A middle aged nurse nasally calls on the next family waiting from the front desk, boredom laced in her voice. 
You sigh, uncrossing your legs and choosing to bite at the fingernail on your right hand once realizing you’ve already done the same to all the ones on your left. 
“It’s all my fault.” Hongjoong confesses, suddenly sitting still. 
You glance to your left, watching as he sits up slowly. 
“Last thing they ate together would’ve been at my house. I probably made them sick with something I fed them,” he dejects, hanging his head down in shame. 
“It’s all my fault, god I’m so stupid!” He beats himself up. 
You have half the mind to snap at your ex-husband, anger already filling up inside you earlier when you heard Eunbyeol suggest it was something she ate at her dad’s house. You really did want to yell at him for being so bad of a chef that he sent his own daughters to the emergency pediatrics unit, undeniably relieved that Seonghwa was working tonight’s shift. 
But those cruel words sitting on the tip of your tongue are thrown away when you glance down to see your ex-husband missing a shoe on one of his feet. 
Hongjoong rushed over here so fast with Eunseo that he left his shoe behind like some sort of fairytale, Cinderella. He hasn’t even realized he wasn’t wearing one right now.
You exhaled, knowing that if there's one thing you’ve learned while parenting, it was that to have patience and understanding was a virtue. Even for your ex-husband.
“It’s not your fault,” you sighed, staring at your hands folded in your lap. 
It feels awkward when Hongjoong stops tugging at his blond locks to look at you in surprise, continuing to speak as you place a gentle hand on his thigh. 
“That could’ve happened to anyone. We don’t know yet if it was because of the food. Let’s just pray and wait and see” your voice being a sign of reliability to him. 
The man is a little shocked at your supportive nature to tell you truthfully. He delivers all the things he needs to say through his grateful gaze alone, reciprocating a small smile. 
“Didn’t think I’d see you guys tonight.” Seonghwa chuckles, walking in before Hongjoong has the chance to reply. He comes from the patient's room wearing his dashing, white doctor's coat. “Together, at that” he mumbles under his breath before looking up and flashing you a polite smile while giving his worried friend a soft pat on the back.
Hongjoong holds his breath when he asks: “How are they?”
“Better,” he tells him, flipping through some papers on his clipboard. “But it was a big shock to their bodies. They need some rest at the moment.” 
The pediatrician tries not to show his smile, standing in front of you and Hongjoong while hiding his expression behind his clipboard as per his niece’s request.
To be fair, if someone had told Seonghwa earlier that evening that he would receive a fifteen minute pep talk from his best friend's twin daughters that day in the emergency unit, he would’ve laughed in their faces. 
Alas, life was always filled with surprises. Here’s what went down thirty minutes earlier in the hospital room:
“We’re trying to get them back together,” Eunseo announced confidently, sitting next to her sister on the hospital bed. 
Eunbyeol nodded, eyeing the dumbfounded medical professional standing in front of them with his clipboard tucked under his arm, hands in his pockets. 
“So.. you guys don’t need an IV drip?”
“It’s this whole entire thing, Uncle Hwa, we’ll explain to you later.”
It took a minute before Seonghwa reclaimed his composure as an adult, chastising the twins for pulling a false alarm over something like this. He made sure to make them promise him they wouldn’t do something stupid like this again. But after that, of course Seonghwa is immediately pairing to help them with their plan on getting his best friend back together with his ex-wife. The man is just tired of watching Hongjoong beat himself up half the time about missing you. 
“So you essentially want me to lie about the fact that you guys don’t have food poisoning, and were just faking this whole thing so your mom and dad would have a reason to see each other.” 
The twins nod, one of them pointing out. “And make sure to tell them we’re fine of course. Maybe throw in we’re like, really sick, but that we’ll live so it’s best if we get rest.”
“At like a cottage or something” the other chimes in, wiggling her eyebrows at the hint. 
The doctor sighs, scratching his neck sheepishly. 
When Seonghwa leads you and Hongjoong into the hospital room, both of you feel awful seeing your babies laying in their beds, dressed in the children’s gowns. 
Eunbyeol peeks open her eyes first, voice hoarse (she practiced). 
“Mom? Dad? Is that you?” she groans, pretending to clutch her stomach in pain. 
Both you and Hongjoong rush to each child, grasping their hands and stroking their heads softly with sympathy. 
“Hey baby, I’m here” you coo.
“I’m so, so sorry girls, it was probably all my fault. I should’ve never cooked for you guys earlier today.” their dad cries out painfully, looking down in shame.
You come to stand beside him, reassuring them both. “But what’s important is that you guys get better now. We want to make sure you get the rest you need” you say, making eye contact with your ex-husband. 
Seonghwa clears his throat, crossing his arms as he flashes a wink to the girls behind your backs. 
“They seemed to have been mentally exhausted as well,” He asks on purpose, watching as you and Hongjoong share a look with each other. “Have they been receiving proper familial support at home?” 
“I can’t even remember the last time I saw my parents in the same room together.” Eunseo weakly admits, showing a faint smile. 
As parents, you and Joong feel the most amount of guilt anyone could ever feel. You realize how exhausting and stressful the pickups and drop offs to each other's houses could’ve been, especially when you two were so busy with your respective jobs to spend time with your daughters now that it was summer break for them. 
Hongjoong smiles, holding both their hands and making a promise to them. 
“Make sure to rest you two. Tell me, is there anything you guys need right now? Anything you guys want I'll make sure to get it for you.”
”Do you guys have crunchy ice?” Eunbyeol blurts out loud, breaking her weak facade. 
Eunseo almost wants to shoot a glare at her sister but she realizes both of you are still looking at them. 
“I can get you some ice!” Seonghwa quickly assures you and his nieces, mouthing to them good luck for support as he shuts the door behind him. 
You sigh, coming over to stroke Eunseo’s hair and caress Eunbyeol’s hand. 
“Well? Is there anything else you guys need from us?” Hongjoong states, eyes soft in sympathy. You nod, waiting to hear their response.
“Let us know girls, anything at all.”
Eunbyeol and Eunseo finally take their chance, sharing a hesitant look before speaking at the same time. 
“We want to go to the cottage”
“Together,” Eunseo says.
“As a family.” Eunbyeol adds in.
You and Hongjoong share a silent look. 
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Later into the night, the twins are finally discharged from the hospital, deciding that they would stay at Hongjoong’s mothers apartment which was closest nearby, considering they were both tired and immediately needed a place to rest. 
The car ride home is awkwardly silent, even as the kids are (what you think) to be fast asleep, hockey gear and a bouquet of flowers riding with them in the backseat.
It was at their request for you to drive them to their grandmother's house, wanting both their parents with them till the ride home. Hongjoong settled on driving your car and dropping all of you off, planning to take a taxi back home and pick up his own car in the morning. Despite your protest on how inconvenient that was, he insisted as he didn’t want to disappoint the twins.
But suddenly the man begins to regret his offer, currently driving in complete silence on the highway, eyes facing forward and shoulders tense. Quiet FM nightly jazz plays from the radio. 
You’re sitting passenger seat up front with him in what feels like forever, looking solely at the reflections in the window, the street lamp lights scattering across your face as you travel through the nighttime traffic. It’s awkward being together like this.
You hear him clear his voice, speaking softly so he doesn’t wake up the girls.
“So, are we really considering that cottage retreat?” he glances back at you. 
You sit up, straightening your back and exhaling as you secretly wanted to have avoided that topic of discussion.
“We can’t Hongjoong,” you reasoned, shaking your head. “I couldn’t possibly take a whole vacation from the dress shop. Not unless I had someone take care of it for me, which my staff probably aren’t ready to do.” you explained, voice tense.
Hongjoong nodded, understanding your point of view. “I realize that. I’ve got a few projects I have to record and demo with Eden.” he tells you, an arm placed on the wheel with his sleeve rolled up. His veins become perfectly outlined as he passionately tells you about his producing job.
He’s so hot like that.
Jesus what were you thinking? Cursing your mind as you clear your voice and try to change the topic.
“How’s everything been going then?” you say stiffly. He nods, still awkward with sharing conversation with you. 
“Um, it's going good. You?” he asks.  
“Fine.” you swallow. 
Silence prevails. He’s first to speak again, building the courage to say the next thing in his mind. 
“I’m willing to put things on hold if I need to.” He confesses. 
Hongjoong continues to drive normally after having said that. Now it becomes your turn to stare at him now, watching how he glances at the side mirror, switching lanes swiftly like the pro-driver he was. 
“What do you mean?”
“Honestly, I think it would be good for the girls,” he admits, calling you by your name. Even hearing him call you your name feels weird. It feels foreign, like it almost wasn’t yours. 
“Hongjoong-” you warn, shaking your head at the warry possibility. 
“Just hear me out, alright?” He states firmly, making you quiet. 
He glances back into the rear view mirror, watching your girls peacefully asleep with their heads leaning against each other. 
“It’s been almost seven years. Seven years since they’ve last seen their parents speak to each other without breaking into a fight. Tonight was the first time they saw us together without having to plan a drop off and pick up in god knows how long.”
Hongjoong licks his lips, gripping the wheel as he emphasizes. “Seven years since they’ve gotten a goodnight hug and kiss from us at the same time in one place.”
You scoff, turning to face him properly this time. “I don’t know why you’re acting as though we can make this request of theirs come true Hongjoong. This is a big deal-”
“It is a big deal!” he exclaims, trying to get his point across. “I can see how badly our daughters want us to both be in their lives more, to acknowledge the fact that the other still exists after splitting apart.”
He sighs. “Us, not acknowledging each other’s existence at all is worse than if we had to see each other regularly.”
You bite your lip, getting angry. “So what Hongjoong? You’re saying you want to suddenly play family with them at the cottage?”
You shrug your shoulders. “Do you really think we can pretend to be normal parents to them without fighting like we are now? There’s a reason why our current schedules work. Don’t make me seem like the bad guy for not wanting to take them.” You glared, pointing a finger at him. His jaw locks. 
“You fully knew the lifestyle changes we would need to make as a couple when you signed those legal papers—”
“Well then did you also predict everything that happened after you brought me those papers?” He spits like venom, gaze hard as he clenches the wheel.
You blink your eyes at his words, pressing your knees together at his sudden attack. 
You don’t remember clearly if you even meant what you said at the time when you threw those papers at him seven years ago. But all you still know is that Hongjoong was just as stubborn as you were, making up his mind to sign them in the end regardless.
Looking in the rear view mirror, you muttered to him quietly. 
“Don’t raise your voice. The kids are sleeping.”
Their dad scoffs, muttering a sure, under his breath as he switches lanes. 
The kids were in fact, not sleeping, and very much awake. Eyes closed but ears wide, as they were listening in to the first real discussion their parents were having in so long. Or perhaps it was an argument?
At the right turn into his mother’s apartment’s underground parking lot, Hongjoong shuts off the engine, getting out of the car without another word and shutting the door in your face. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose, hear the back door open. 
You watch in the corner of your vision as his demeanor immediately changes, softly caressing Eunseo and Eunbyeol’s hair. 
“Hey girls, we’re here now. You gotta wake up.” He coos.
They yawn theatrically, pretending to stretch their arms. 
“So soon?” Eunbyeol mumbles.
A few feet ahead, you see your mother in law walking out from the elevators, a knit cardigan wrapped around her small frame. You smiled, getting out of the car and greeting her first. 
“We’ll leave Eunbyeol’s hockey gear with you for the night if that’s alright Mom-” 
Hongjoong’s words are cut off as the woman who birthed him walks straight past him, ignoring him and immediately taking you in her warm embrace, eyes forming crescent moons. 
“How are you my dear?” she asks, causing you to smile and hug your mother in law affectionately. “It’s been so long, I’ve missed you so much!”
Despite the break up between you and Hongjoong, you were thankful for one thing, and that was the fact that your relationship with Hongjoong’s family stayed strong, especially with Mrs. Kim.
“I’ve missed you too” you tell her genuinely. “I’ve been good, I’m just sorry for dropping them off so suddenly at your place,” You say, feeling apologetic for waking her up late into the night. 
“We had a bit of a situation,” you explain, watching as Hongjoong collects their things. 
She shakes her head, reassuring you. “Nonsense! Why would you be sorry for that.” she grins, turning her head at the car. “And where are my girls, may I ask?”
At the sound of her voice, Eunbyeol and Eunseo dash out from the back seat and into their grandmother's welcoming arms, pressing soft kisses to her cheeks.
Hongjoong is the only person that stands all alone, awkwardly holding the bouquet of flowers with heavy hockey gear and a duffle bag perched on his shoulder. 
“Oh, how I’ve missed my little squirrels!” she exclaims using their signature pet name and happily reuniting with her grandchildren. 
She turns her head, face falling at the sight of her son and lips pursing into a frown. 
“And where on earth have you been? Not giving me a call!” she snaps, slapping her son on his back. Eunbyeol laughs out loud while Eunseo tries to keep her giggles in. 
You hear your ex husband protest to her while you close the back seat door. 
“OW! I’ve been busy alright?” he mumbles, massaging his sore arm. 
Your mother in law takes both the twins hand’s on each side, nodding her head to you. 
“Leave all the kid’s stuff to Hongjoong, he’ll take care of it darling” she smiles sweetly, sending a glare to her son to take a hint and be more of a gentleman to you. She walks away with her smiling granddaughters, exchanging light-hearted giggles and excitement. “Bye, mom!” The twins wave back. 
Hongjoong cranes his head up, sighing at the ceiling before taking Eunseo’s piano bag that you were holding in your hand in one swift motion, walking reluctantly behind the three. 
“Stay here. I’ll drop them off.” he briskly walks away, leaving you stunned. 
Hongjoongs words from before can’t help but replay inside your head as you wait for him to come back down. 
Before you guessed it, it was already the ride back home, and the car was painfully silent once again. In reality, you were each thinking deeply to yourselves about the possibility of the cottage retreat. Could you really be a mom and dad together as a couple to your kids?
“Are you giving your plants enough water?” He brings you out of thought, the car slowing down as he turns onto your street. 
You look up, giving him a confused look. 
Hongjoong nods in direction, following his eyes to look at the measly, dying flower pot perched on the steps of your flat’s entrance as the car stopped to a halt. “You know, it’s really hard for plants to die when they’re outside.” He says in amazement at your shit gardening. 
You scowl at him, asking him when he became such a plant expert all of a sudden. 
He continues to poke fun at you, smirking when he undoes his seat belt. Hongjoong suddenly leans over to help you unbuckle your own, face dangerously close to yours as he lowers his voice. 
“Unless their owner just really sucks at taking care of them.” 
His eyes gaze into yours for a split second, feeling your face heat up from the proximity. You let out a tiny gasp for air when he leans back in his own seat. 
“Fuck off” you replied harshly. 
“You should give them some more care,” he suggests, ignoring your swearing. 
You don’t reply to his stupid comment, refusing to look at him as you get out of the car. 
“I can go in by myself” you press, adjusting the strap of your purse on your shoulder. You didn’t think it was necessary to draw out your time with this man any further.
Hongjoong straightens his dress shirt as he moves to your side of the car, shoving his own car keys in his trousers as he locks your doors and hands over the keys. You take them hesitantly, watching as he rests against the car door, strong arms crossing against his chest. 
“Think about it at least.” he mutters to you. 
You look at him, eyes shutting softly when you realize he was still talking about the cottage getaway. Sighing his name is exasperation, you run a hand through your hair. 
“Would it kill you to spend a week with me and our daughters?” He scoffs as he asks you straight up, looking at you in a way that makes you hesitate to say your next words. You observed one hand come to shuffle with the silver lighter in his trouser pockets. 
You stayed silent for a moment, genuinely thinking back to your daughters and what this meant to them if you went. What this would mean for you two as well. 
Finally, you look up to him, returning his gaze.
“I need time.” 
He nods, face serious. “I understand.”
“Let me think about it.” You mumbled. 
And with that you turn around, walking up the steps to your front door. At the sight of your flowerpot, you quickly remember his comment and snatch it in your hands, slamming the door shut to Hongjoong as he finally lets a soft grin break out on his face. Letting his back come up from leaning against the door, Hongjoong nods his head, satisfied enough at that answer, as he walks silently down the road while opening his Uber app. 
At least you’d give it some thought. 
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Okay, maybe now you’ve given it too much thought. 
Sipping your fifth glass of wine of the night, you’re sitting, back hunched over with your knees tucked into your chest on the breakfast table chair, zoning out as your best friend Sophie continues barking at you and your inconsistent commitment. 
“I don’t even understand why you’re considering going! Does the man realize what it takes to leave your own shop for a full week?” she fumes, adjusting her royal jelly sheet mask while cursing at your ex-husband for pressuring you into going to the family retreat. 
“Not everyone can just pack their bags and go swimming at the cottage, Jesus Christ” she rolls her eyes. 
“He didn’t pressure me,” you told her pouting. “He wants to do it for the kids” you mumbled looking down as you defended him. 
You invited your best friend Sophie over to your apartment that evening for your weekly slumber party, a time you each looked forward to dedicating a bottle of wine and chardonnay over some gossip, spilling all the uneventful drama in your lives. 
Perhaps you revealed too much drama to your best friend tonight. 
“I don’t think I would mind going, to be honest” you hiccup, words slurring. “I haven’t had a vacation in so long, Sophie, and the girls really want to go! I would feel bad for leaving them with nothing to do this summer.” confessing through the alcohol. 
Cheeks flushed, you sigh as you play with your silk robe mindlessly while Sophie shakes her head at you, one hand coming up to snap at you and bring you back to reality. 
“Hello? Earth to Ms. Divorcee?” She sighs, rolling her eyes in frustration. “You said you wanted to set boundaries with him! To cut the line straight and keep your distance so you could get over your feelings for him! Show him who’s boss!” 
“He said he’s willing to put his music projects on hold for us,” you muttered quietly, the thought making your heart weak as you smiled at the memory of Hongjoong teasing you about your flower pot. Your chest blossomed with warmth now. 
Sophie sighs, shaking her head as she thinks just how differently you were feeling four wine glasses ago.
“Listen, honey, I’m just warning you in advance” she sips the golden liquid in her glass before placing it on the table. 
“Take it from a girl who’s had three divorces. I mean look at me! I’m still somewhat young, I’ve got no kids, no responsibilities, filthily rich, and not once have I had to pay for my own divorce settlement fees!” 
You nod mindlessly, eyes blinking softly under the bright kitchen lights. 
“What you need is a provider, sweetheart,” she crooned, caressing your head. 
“A guy who won’t leave you stressed and unimpressed like Hongjoong does.”
You continue mindlessly nodding your head at her words, ears perking up when you hear small footsteps come down the stairs. 
“Hi mom, Hi aunt Sophie.” Eunbyeol greets, eyes glued to her iPad that Eunseo trails after from behind, whining how it was now her turn to play Super Mario.  
“Hi girls,” Sophie replies like the cool, hot aunt she is, eyes shut as she’s concentrating on giving herself a collarbone massage right now. 
“Hey sweetheart,” you mumbled, smiling at your daughters standing near the fridge getting a glass of water. 
“Say, did your dad tell you guys anything about the cottage?” You blurt out loud, avoiding the look that Sophie gives you. Eunbyeol looks up from the glowing screen, ears perking in interest. “No, not much, why?” 
Eunseo snatches the iPad from her twin, coming over to you. “Did Dad say we’re going?” She asks enthusiastically, eyes widening. Sophie is quick to assure them. 
“Now of course not girls, your mother here was just-”
“Oh fuck it, why not?” you say confidentially, shining a bright smile. “Let’s go to the cottage!” You exclaimed in drunk excitement, all three girls staring at you with their jaws hanging at your sudden profanity as well as your final decision. 
Oh, how dangerous the effects of a bottle of wine were. 
Eunseo and Eunbyeol immediately embrace each other in a passionate hug, squealing in excitement that their plan actually worked. You and Hongjoong were now both convinced. “Oh my gosh, we’re going to go as a family!” They cried in happiness. You giggled at their joy, reciprocating their enthusiasm.  
Sophie leans back in her seat defeated, shaking her head with pursed lips as she picks up the whole Chardonnay bottle and sips it. 
“Oh whatever. . . This isn’t my problem anyways.” 
When Hongjoong drops by the next morning to pick up Eunbyeol and Eunseo from your house for the weekend, he can’t lie but be a little heartbroken at the way his daughters ignore his kiss to them first thing. They instead, immediately shove the cottage advertising pamphlet in his face with victorious grins. 
“See! We told you mom would say yes!” 
“Say yes to what?” He pouts, avoiding the paper and obsessively trying to peck a kiss to each of his daughter's cheeks. The idea of going to the cottage almost slipped the busy man’s mind after almost a week of no news from you. 
“What’s so important that you guys don’t even say hi to me anymore?” he sulks.
Eunseo giggles, fighting back her laughter when her dad tries to tickle her with his kisses. 
“We’re going to the cottage!”
Hongjoong stills himself, leaning back to make sure he heard her correctly. 
“We’re what?”
Eunbyeol, taking after her mother, has a cheeky expression on her face as she places her hands on her hips and sasses her father. 
“Pack your bags and swimming shorts, daddy, we’re going on a family vacation!” 
In perfect timing, you manage to stumble out your front door, coffee mug in hand and mid-yawn when you realize Hongjoong is already staring at you in shock. 
“What?” you snap, still grumpy from your slight hangover. “You’ve never seen a woman wake up before?” You replied, asking your kids if they packed all their stuff. 
The twins watch as their dad stands up from his crouched position. 
“You’re going to go to the cottage?”
At Hongjoongs words you freeze, everything coming back to you all at once. The wine, the twins, the promises, it hits you like a moving truck. 
“No take backs mom! You said it yourself last night that you were excited to go to the cottage!” One of the twins pointed out. 
Hongjoong doesn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“I-I did say that, didn’t I?” You chuckled sheepishly, toes curling at the rookie mistake you made in parenting 101: saying yes when you should’ve said no. 
Your ex-husband quickly tells the kids to put their things in the trunk, promising he’ll be right with them after talking to you. As Hongjoong dashes up the stairs in his white polo golf shirt, you feel slightly exposed being in only your silk slip dress and robe. 
“I didn’t realize you’d be here so early” you mumbled, looking down at your toes. 
He ignores you. “So I’m guessing we’re going then?” He smirks, looking at you with an expression of undeniable cockiness and peaked interest. 
You shrug nonchalantly. “Let’s surround the focus of this trip towards the kids” you remind him, straightening your back.
Hongjoong nods, agreeing with you wholeheartedly. “Of course, that was my intention from the beginning,” he smiles. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, unnoticing his stare drop at your breasts perking up from the cool morning air. You jump in surprise as you hear the honking of the car. 
“Come on, love birds! We gotta go back to dad’s to get our swimming stuff!” Eunbyeol cackles, leaning from the backseat into the driver's seat window. Eunseo already begins journaling in her hello kitty note book, an organized list of what she’ll need to bring to the cottage.
Hongjoong looks back at his daughters, before looking back at you with a smile. 
“Let’s keep in touch about details, alright?”
You nod silently, gripping your mug. At the sound of your nextdoor neighbor coming out, Hongjoong contemplates for a moment before quickly leaning forward, shielding you from their view with his backside. Clearing his throat, Hongjoong nods his head to the inside of your house, leaning forward to whisper to you. 
“Think, um, you should get inside, it’s getting cold,” he mutters, his dimples faintly showing. You glare up at him, “I’m going to say goodbye to my own daughters”. Still clueless to what he was referring to. He grins, shrugging his shoulders before looking at you. 
“If you insist. Just thought you wouldn’t want your neighbor to see what I can see, would you?”
You gasp at his words, looking down at your chest to see what he means before wrapping your robe around you. You quickly waved goodbye to your girls before you shut the door in Hongjoong’s smug face. 
It’s now become the second time you’ve done that.
Thankfully, the next time you see Hongjoong you’re wearing a much more appropriate outfit. In a white cotton blouse and casual jean shorts, your effortlessly chic vacation outfit was the only highlight today, considering the day you had been internally dreading for so long was finally here. 
You tried to take deep breaths while scurrying all over your house and finishing some last minute packing. Reassuring yourself that a family getaway couldn’t kill you. 
Reservations at the cottage were made over the phone last week, booking a house with the perfect lake side view, access to the forest trail and close proximity to the offered activities. It would only be a seven day stay, both in your respective rooms, (you clearly emphasized you and Hongjoong had to have separate ones) while the twins would lodge together. You had no intention of interacting with your husband alone together on this trip, apart from the quote on quote, ‘family bonding times’ you promised your daughters. And yet why were you here sweating nervously like a sinner in church?
“What a hot lady!” Eunbyeol wolf-whistles at your outfit when she walks through your bedroom doors. You jump at the sudden entrance, realizing Hongjoong was already here to pick you up with the girls.
A pair of black designer sunglasses slightly too big for her sat perched on her nose. Eunbyeol smiles before jumping onto your bed of clothes. You already know Hongjoong must’ve spoiled her and her sister with those, buying them a pair each.
“C’mon Byeol, off the bed” you quipped, packing your toothbrush as she reluctantly slugged off the covers. 
Your suspicions of Hongjoong buying them designer items are correct when Eunseo walks in, classily perching her matching white ones on her head before chastising her sister's tasteless compliment. 
“Elegant. She’s Elegant, Byeol. You don’t just go around wolf-whistling at people.” she rolls her eyes. 
“You look very pretty by the way, mom”
You smiled, nevertheless pleased at both their compliments and thanking them before going back to doing a last minute check of your things. 
Sun cream, clothes, makeup bag, swimsuit…
At the thought of your swimsuit you immediately blush, thinking back to how Sophie forced you to borrow her yellow bikini that left very little to the imagination. Despite your protests that you wouldn’t be needing it, she insisted. 
Hongjoong is last to walk through your front doors, swinging his car keys around his index finger and calling to his three girls from the downstairs foyer of your apartment. The man is clearly excited for the trip, he can’t lie. 
“Come on ladies, we’re gonna miss the chance to swim in that lake if we don't leave soon!” 
Hongjoong is your typical dad, except for the fact that he does not mess with dad!fashion. The producer is dressed classily from top to bottom in a loose-fitting designer button up with a pair of reformed denim pants, his pearl earrings and gold piercings complementing his outfit perfectly. 
Kim Hongjoong didn't play when it came to fashion. Even as a father. 
“Coming!” You exclaimed, ushering your kids out of your bedroom and making your way down the stairs with your suitcase. Seeing that it would only be a week at the cottage, you tried to pack light, though you may have to reconsider that thought with the way you struggled to lift the case properly. 
“Need some help?”
A strong hand comes to help you, immediately inhaling the scent of Hongjoong’s cologne as he brushes his knuckles near yours. “Here, I’ve got it” he assures, making you step back and admire your undeniably fine husband. 
Ex-husband. You meant Ex-husband. Scratch out the fine as well. 
You watch from behind as he struts out the foyer, smiling and joking playfully with his twin daughters, carrying your luggage out the door with them. 
What was this trip doing to you?
Once you’re on route to the cottage resort and the GPS is set, the car is blissfully quiet, each and every one of you surprisingly at peace. Jittery excitement still lays deep in your daughters' minds as you overhear them talk about what they want to do first once they arrive. 
Hongjoong’s 2000s soft rock and ballad playlist is playing quietly throughout the speakers right now, relishing in the music as luscious, green trees flash by you from the passenger window. 
While Byeol and Eunseo distract each other on their own, Hongjoong turns to talk to you. 
“I’m not going to lie, it’s been forever since I’ve been on a road trip” he smiles.
You copy him, feeling good in the moment. “Same, I don’t remember the last time I went to one.” you confessed, thinking only of all the times you had in the past when you were a child and as a teenager. 
Even back to when you were a young college student, wide eyed and so innocent to the chaos of your first college retreat with Hongjoong. That was the summer you two began dating, and boy were you fools in love. You cautiously look to your husband driving, bringing up past memories.
“Do you remember that one college retreat we went on during second year?” 
The corners of Hongjoong’s lips are already grinning upwards, smiling as he reciprocates your expression. 
“Right, like I could forget that summer” he replies sarcastically, gripping the steering wheel. 
It’s an easy memory to digest. A time when you were both so young, filled with nothing but dreams and passionate love for one another. Love so deep, that you remember the nights you’d spend locked up with Hongjoong under the sweaty bed sheets inside your cabin, blissfully making love until the sun would rise and he would finally kiss you to sleep. Perhaps, it was that summer when you realized you were going to marry and be with Kim Hongjoong forever someday. 
Though it’s too bad, someday already passed. 
“Do you remember when Seonghwa got so drunk he ended up confessing to Jieun in front of all the girl’s sleeping cabins?” Hongjoong snickers, relishing in the embarrassing memory his friend always hates him for bringing up. You laugh out loud, remembering the memory. “Oh my god, yes!” You turned to face him, shaking your head. “In nothing but his underwear, right?” 
Hongjoong nodded, smiling with one hand on the steering wheel as he drove.
“Didn’t he end up jumping into the lake afterwards? With you having to go in and save him as well?” You share your laughter with one another, catching up on past memories as your twin daughters listened attentively in the back, reliving them with you together.
That's what makes the hour and half drive from the city into the wilderness feel so short, finally pulling into the graveled parking lot of the vast cottage resort. White suburban cottages lined along one another, a good amount of distance in between each for every family staying. 
As Hongjoong parked the car, the view outside was so glorious you had to hold your breath. Glistening clear blue waves in the lake reflect the bright sunshine from above. A light breeze is present today with the way the willow and oak trees swayed gently. 
“It’s beautiful” you gasped from as far as you got out of the car, stretching your upper body with eyes closed as you inhaled the fresh air. 
Hongjoong stills his movements, shutting the door before replying with his gaze caught at your backside.
“Yeah, it is” he smiles.
Both of you turn around at a loud voice coming from behind. “We’re gonna explore the campsites and souvenir shops first!” Eunbyeol shouts as she runs away with her sister's hand in hers, towards the wooden cabin that's settled further away. 
“What about lunch?” you call to them. 
“We’re not hungry!”
Hongjoong tells them to be safe, and to stick around nearby. You smirked, helping him unload the trunk as you told him. “They’ll be fine. They’re probably too excited to even think right now” you giggled, bumping shoulders with him. 
You feel the tension that was once so strong between you two fade slowly, walking up the wooden steps of your lodge and exchanging conversation with each other.
“Hey, I just want my babies to be safe” he admits, a grin on his face as he holds the cooler in his hands. You chuckle, shaking your head at his protectiveness. 
“Here it is!” he exclaims, setting the suitcases in the front foyer as he opens the door. “Lodge number 1117”
The two story cottage is larger than it appears from the outside, having a modern yet rustic interior that you and Hongjoong admired. It had everything you would need, from a well designed kitchen area to a cozy living room space.
“It’s perfect, the kids will love it” you beam, looking at the hanging hammock chair in the corner of the living room and the gray stone fireplace. It fit perfectly for your family. 
Hongjoong smiles, sunglasses perched on top of his head as he sets the luggage down near the kitchen. Walking up beside him, you help him unload the cooler and ice boxes first, settling into your new home for the next few days. 
“I’m guessing you still drink?” you ask, looking in his direction as you unloaded the case of beer you saw him bring from the trunk.
He gestured to the booze. “C’mon, it wouldn’t be a vacation without it, would it?” 
You wholeheartedly agreed, placing a few in the fridge before you shut it closed. 
“Hopefully, this time we won’t end up shit faced like we did back in college” you laugh, turning to face him. 
“I can already picture that time we got so drunk from that bottle of tequila my friend brought, we snuck out of the campsite and went to the forest and got lost.” you spoke, the memory a little foggy but nonetheless fresh in your mind. 
Hongjoong smiles, listening as you speak.  
“There wasn’t anything but trees and bushes in that forest!” You exclaimed, shaking your head. “What did we even do there?” 
Hongjoong replies nonchalantly, folding the cardboard box in his hands.
“I’m pretty sure we fucked.”
You momentarily freeze at his words, before letting out a soft awkward laugh, causing him to look up. 
“No we didn’t, Hongjoong” you immediately deny, not believing his words. But your brows began furrowing at the foggy memory, starting to realize you really couldn’t trust your alcohol tolerance, now as an adult and even back when you were a college student. Did you guys have sex? In a forest out of all places?
Hongjoong leans against the kitchen counter, across from you as he crosses his arms in front of his chest and smirks smugly. 
“Nope, I distinctly remember it” he recalls, taking a step closer so he was now in your space. 
“I held your hand in mind as we walked up that trail by the cliff. And gosh, were we horny that night, because I remember you complaining about all that dirt you got on your knees from giving me the greatest head i've ever experienced in my entire life-” 
Slapping your hands over his mouth to stop him from going on, you blushed as you glared at him. 
“Jesus christ,” you mumbled, rolling your eyes before confessing.
“I get it, we fucked.”
Suddenly, you and Hongjoong break out into giggles like varsity sweethearts again at the story. Though embarrassed and cringing internally from the way you acted as young adults, it was nice to share them together now. At the proximity in which you’re standing in, you can't help but stare at each other softly. A hand wraps around your waist, making your breath hitch as he pulls you closer. 
“What are you doing?” you grin, watching him.
He looms over you, able to tell that something sits right at the tip of his tongue that he hesitantly decides to say. “I’m pretty sure,” he mutters, staring at your face and cautiously grazing the skin under your blouse. You feel your breathing speed up. 
“I also held you like this in my arms as you were leaning against that tree” his grip gentle and immediately transporting you back to the scenery that night. His sharp tone contrasts his touch. 
“Yknow, the one we fucked against?” he teases to you one more time.
The scent of burning campfire. A cold, midnight breeze. The feeling of the rough cedar tree against your back as Hongjoong thrusted inside you with every delirious snap of his hips, holding you close while he fucked you to oblivion with only the forest animals standing witness to your sinful actions. The film replays like a cheesy R-rated romance movie in your mind. 
“Did you, now?” You gulp, looking up at him as you adjust to the foreign feeling of his touch on your hips. 
“Yeah. I remember it all” he states, smirking down at you with an intense gaze.
The memory dies down when you catch yourself staring at his lips, arms finding their way around his neck as he dives down to whisper softly to you.
“Do you remember too?” He asks.
How he held you in his arms. How he whispered in your ear while you came around his cock, drool and traces of cum littering the corners of your mouth while Hongjoong didn’t care if you were stretching his flannel from how hard you were tugging at the material.
You nod. “I do,” you muttered, lashes fluttering as you felt as though your heart wouldn’t stop beating. “I remember you kissed me on the lips,” you confessed. 
Perhaps you wanted him to do it again right now. 
He looks in your eyes, searching for your approval that you desperately give, breath hitting each other's faces as he slowly leaned down to try and connect your lips. His chest is pressed against yours, and you begin to realize you haven’t shared the same breath like that in so long. You were so close to kissing right then and there.
If only you leaned in closer…
“We’re back!”
You push Hongjoong across the kitchen, shoving his hip painfully into the marble counter and ignoring his high-pitched groan of agony as you immediately look away to avoid suspicion, continuing to grab the beer from the icebox in front of you.
“Girls!” you exclaimed, voice wavering. 
Of course, Eunbyeol and Eunseo walk in with matching postcards and goodies from the souvenir shop in their hands, their sunglasses perched on their heads as their eyes lit up with excitement. They were still oblivious to the fact that they almost caught their parents about to make out in the kitchen.
“Dad, this place is amazing!” Eunbyeol deadpans, telling her father. “They even have jet skiing on the other side of the lake! We gotta go now!”
Hongjoong clutches his hip, pursing his lips as he hides his expression of pain and surprise. 
“Really? That's great sweetie”
Eunseo however, is quick to catch on.
“What were you guys doing?” she looks at you suspiciously. Her words hang in the air for a moment. 
“Were you guys about to kis-”
Hongjoong and you frantically scurry to find a plausible excuse, shuffling awkwardly. 
“I was helping your dad unload the cooler” 
“I was helping your mom get something out of her eye”
Both girls stare at you meekly. Eunbyeol scrunches her nose. “Huh?”
Plastering on a fake smile, you briskly leaped over the luggage nearby, ushering them upstairs before they had the chance to ask anymore questions.
“I think it’s time to unpack your things.” you watched their eyebrows quirk at the way you pushed them out the kitchen.
“We can do it on our own, mom! It’s really no big d-”
You clamp Eunbyeol’s mouth shut with your hand, blushing profusely as you walk away with them. 
Hongjoong stands there alone in the kitchen, rubbing his hip and wondering what the hell just almost happened.
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The next few days, you and Hongjoong don’t discuss the incident between you two. Rather, the beginning of the trip after that event has become a painful performance trying your best to be eerily polite yet distant to each other in front of your children, as if that would make you forget the fact that you two almost kissed in the kitchen.
“Could you pass the sunscreen, honey?” Hongjoong would say awkwardly, turning his back to flash you a cheery smile on the lake deck as Eunbyeol and Eunseo watched you interact while floating in the cool, summer waters. 
You passed the bottle to your ex-husband while maintaining awkward distance. “Of course, darling!” 
“Thanks honey!”
“No problem sweetheart!”
This resulted in Eunbyeol and Eunseo looking at their parents in horror, the youngest twin muttering under her breath as they discussed an urgent change of plans.
“We have to get them to stop being weird.”
Apart from that, the ‘family bonding time’ promise to your daughters was maintained, and each day was an adventure for all of you in terms of what you would do together next. An accumulation of forest trekking, water-skiing and outdoors barbeques on the patio of your cottage made everyday feel more and more special for your girls, seeing how they relished in having both their parents with them at the same place and time. It became moments of peace and resolution that eventually became special for you and Hongjoong too. 
“I hope we stay here forever,” Eunseo blurted out one evening after a blissful day near the lakeshore, watching as the sun began to go down. She was busy licking the sticky sides of her melting ice cream cone in one hand, the other one held in yours. 
Hongjoong and Eunbyeol were a few feet ahead, laughing loudly and holding hands as they compared their fruit popsicles with one another to see whose was bigger. 
“You and Byeol would eventually get sick of going to the lake all the time” You smiled, the corners of your mouth turning up before her next words made the strings of your heart tug. 
“Sure, but at least you and dad could be together with us too.”
You watched as she ran up to her sister and dad, joining in on their fun as she began boasting that her ice cream was better than theirs. Hongjoong’s smile is the biggest you’ve ever seen it to be, looking down at his girls with a golden tan from the past few days spent outside, and hair slightly damp from swimming. 
Any person could tell the love in his eyes was as pure a father’s love for his girls could be. 
Her words stuck with you until that very night, where after dinner, board games, and much pacing back and forth in your own room before getting into bed, you decided to cautiously approach Hongjoong’s room on the opposite side of the second floor.
Bare feet padded across the wooden floors as you peeked through the sliver of the open door.
He's wearing an oversized sleep tee and blue pajama pants, getting in some nighttime reading before bed. His glasses are perched on his nose, intently reading his paperback novel. He looks as domestic as a husband gets. 
At the sound of your steps though, he sits up from his relaxed state on his bed, one arm that was supporting his head coming out as the other hand settles the book down on his abdomen. He looks surprised to see you. 
“Hi” he states, looking at you. 
Hongjoong’s expression immediately softened at your figure, watching as you shuffled awkwardly in front of him. The room is quiet. 
“Can I come in?”
“Of course,” He nods, setting his bookmark in the spine of the cover and turning his attention to you, offering you to take a seat on his linen covers. You see his polaroid camera with photos taken of Eunbyeol and Eunseo perched on a desk nearby. 
You don’t see the ones he secretly took of you, as those are in his drawers. 
“Don’t tell me you can’t sleep by yourself” he gently teases before watching as your smile doesn't reach the ends of your eyes. You wrap your silk robe closer to your body, feeling sort of vulnerable. 
“How do you like the resort so far?” He asks, watching as you played with your fingers absentmindedly. “Is the room okay?”
“It’s wonderful Hongjoong, better than I could ever have hoped for.” You spoke up, telling the truth.
It’s hard to arrange your thoughts in your head when it’s just the two of you in his room. The kids were already fast asleep. Now was your chance to just tell him how you felt. Why were you hesitating so much?
“Hey, look at me.” Hongjoong’s soft voice calls out to you, a protective hand coming out to caress the back of your head in habit. He can tell you want to say something, and the gesture makes you emotional, remembering how he always used to do that to ease your nerves when you were younger. 
“What’s wrong? Am I making things uncomfortable on the trip?” he worries about the boundaries you established with him at the beginning, watching as your lip begins to quiver and the emotions suddenly overcome you. 
“I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” you sniffled, tears forming near the brim of your eyes as you looked up at the father of your children. 
Hongjoong’s eyes widened, shifting through the covers over to you. “Woah, hey, shh that’s alright I got you” he coos, immediately going into dad mode and embracing you in his arms, letting your head rest against his chest. 
The action is natural, no longer foreign or weird, and you silently thank him for leaving reassuring circles on your back. Husband or not, Hongjoong would always be your best friend first. You had forgotten how much you missed this comforting side to him.  
“Tell me what you’re sorry about” he states, chest tightening at your wet cheeks before he slowly raises your chin to look him in the eyes. 
“For being mean to you for so long” you sniffle, a weakened state of emotional guilt eating away at you. You let him watch you carefully.
“I’ve been thinking about how happy the girls have been during this trip. A-And it kills me that we’ve been fighting for the past seven years, and that they’ve grown up seeing such bad parts of ourselves, of my own self” you ramble, confessing how you felt. 
You look up. “They’re happy because we’re together Joong. Because we’re not fighting or avoiding each other like we used to do before.”
He watches as you look up at him with tears forming in your eyes. 
“You’re such a good dad. And I realized you deserve to hear that.”
At the sounds of more sniffles, Hongjoong finally speaks, smiling as he brushes stray hair from your face. 
“I wouldn’t want anyone else but you to be the mother of our children, I hope you know that”
His truthfulness throws you off guard.
“I’m sorry too” he sighs, letting you sit up straight and look him in the eyes properly. “I haven’t been the best partner either, baby. We were both mean to each other.” he says, brushing a tear away from your face.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve thrown a hair dryer at me once before as well” he attempts to make you laugh, affection blooming in his chest when he sees he succeeds, wiping your tears. 
“But I already knew how you felt, sweetheart. I always know” he smiles, eyes mirroring a weak ache in his heart.  
“Married or not, we were once friends. And now we’re family” His voice turns deep, strong and dependable like the father he’s become.
“We can start over” you tell him, smiling as he folds his hands over your palm. “We can always do better from now and going forward. For ourselves, and for Eunseo and Eunbyeol.” 
Hongjoong nods, hesitantly for a split second before he leans over to press a soft kiss to your cheek, showing a gesture of affection that you longed for so long.
You shut your eyes, the kiss making your heart flutter. 
“Friends again?” He whispers, though silently wanting something more. 
You sighed, pulling him in closer to embrace in a hug. “Friends” you nodded while inhaling his comforting scent. 
The next morning, and for the rest of the remaining trip onwards, you and Hongjoong’s relationship dynamics did the equivalent of a 180 degree turn. 
It’s hard to believe you two really just wanted to be ‘friends’
Eunbyeol and Eunseo could tell by the way you talked to each other more, noticing you share more secret glances and fleeting touches that were innocent to the eye, but concealing a longing that you both tried to hide. You knew you couldn’t get carried away. You and Hongjoong were simply resolving a rough patch in your parenting. Not getting back together in a relationship. 
But after spending more time together while Eunbyeol and Eunseo became occupied on their own, it was hard keeping the interactions to a justified amount. Long walks in the forest, evenings spent cooking together, even cuddling together on the couch during family movie night. Thinking your kids were too busy watching the vintage Disney movie play on screen, when in fact, the real love story they were more invested in was happening right in front of their eyes, watching their parents falling in love again.
This led to the last event in their plan that they hoped would finally seal the deal. 
On Saturday night, the last night of your trip before you had to go back to the city, you and Hongjoong are surprised to find mini invitations left on your beds, scribbled in glitter pen and cursive handwriting reading out the following:
Gourmet Dinner Date for 2
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Outdoor patio 
Dress code: Formal and Classy
You and your husband chuckled at the cards left on your beds, suddenly finding a twin each by your side and ushering you to get ready. 
“Do you and your sister even know how to cook dinner, Eunbyeol?” You questioned as your daughter rushed to push you into your walk-in closet, forcing you to get ready. 
She huffs, placing her hands on her hips looking offended. 
“At least my cooking skills don’t take after Dad’s, mom.” She mumbled, choosing your shoes for you. “Have some trust in a girl!”
Meanwhile, Hongjoong gets pampered by Eunseo in the other room, though in reality, her blunt critiques on her dads fashion are bruising his pride at the moment. 
“Dad, you have many normal clothes to wear. You have to chill with the ripped baggy jeans.” she demands, trudging through his closet to find something formal for him to wear. 
He begins to protest but his daughter shakes her head. “You’re supposed to look good for mom!” she huffs, searching on her own. At Eunseo’s words, the man starts to slightly worry, scratching the back of his head. 
“You and Byeol are gonna join too, right?”
She stops for a second, looking back to her father as she avoids the question and instead retorts back. 
“It’s just a date, Dad. Relax”
Back to what was happening in the other room at the end of the hallway, you huffed in frustration when you walked back into your closet after Byeol rejected another one of your outfits for the dinner date. 
“I have nothing else to wear, sweetie, these are all the clothes I have.” you came to terms with a hand coming to your forehead after having searched in despair. 
The ten year old shakes her head before pushing you out of the way and digging deep into your suitcase. She reveals a delicate piece of material you didn’t even realize you packed. 
“We got some help from Aunt Sophie and Uncle Hwa to pack you guys clothes that you could wear for a special occasion.” she wiggles her eyebrows, a smug grin on her face as you gap in shock. 
You inspect the dress, lips parting in disbelief as you feel the material. 
“I haven’t worn this since I was in college.” You uttered softly to yourself. 
At one longing look of the short dress, you shake your head, walking back into the closet to find something else. “I-I can’t wear this Byeol, what would your dad think?“ you asked nervously.
“Dad said he thinks your boobs looked hot in this dress so Aunt Sophie and I picked it specially” she looks up at you, proud of what she just said.  
You whip your head around, mouth hanging open in shock.
“Byeol! Where did you hear that from?” 
She sighs. “Dad had one too many drinks this one time and started talking about you guys back in college” she explained before shoving the infamous black dress in your hands. 
“Talked a lot about how pretty you were,” she draws out her words in a teasing voice. You curse your husband for his mistake.
You bite your lip as you stare down at the fabric in your hands. 
It was undeniable. You knew you looked amazing in this dress. You could testify from the amount of times Hongjoong ripped it off of you after countless night out’s filled with sexual tension and playful flirting. For god's sake, Eunbyeol and Eunseo could’ve almost had another sibling thanks to that dress.
“Fine.” you muttered bashfully, turning away as you walked into the closet to change. 
“But I’m just gonna try it on.”
Thirty minutes, one mental breakdown and too many outfit changes to count later, you walk down the stairs wearing the dress Eunbyeol had successfully persuaded you to wear. 
What do you know, the kid was right. Your boobs looked amazing in that dress. 
Not just your boobs, your whole body looked incredible with its strong curves and the beautiful fill it gave to the dress, making it slightly tighter than when you wore it as a twenty year old, but still all the more mature and sophisticated. You really did look hot.
Eunbyeol rushes down the stairs before you, catching up with her sister to inspect her job on their fathers preparation. 
“Well?” She says expectedly, looking at her dad. “Let’s take a look!”
He sports a simple yet timeless white collar dress shirt, the first few buttons undone as he wears a form fitting black dress-vest that accentuates his waist, dress pants paired to go along with it. Though simple, his silver rings pulled the outfit together, making him just as good looking and sophisticated as you were. 
Hongjoong’s back faces towards your front, watching as the man nervously shuffles his hands in his pockets.
“How do I look guys?” He gulps, adjusting his collar and sweeping his blond hair back. 
Eunseo rolls her eyes, a grin on her proud little face. “Do you even have to ask, dad?” She’s more than confident in the outfit she and Seonghwa coordinated together. 
He chuckles, shaking his head as he nervously tells them. 
“I want to look good for your mom, you know what I mean? She's a difficult woman to impress sometimes.”
“I’m difficult?” You tease, walking down the last few steps of the stairs. 
The man turns his head around, losing his breath at the sight of you standing there in front of him, wearing that dress that he hadn’t seen you wear for so long, looking breathtaking in every possible way. 
“Hi” you grinned softly, feeling sort of shy.
The way you fit in that dress made an insatiable hunger fuel inside Hongjoongs chest, eyes gazing at the way you strutted over in the black, lace covered material with your hair tied back and glossed lips turned upwards as your dimples showed. He breaks from his admiration when you quirk a brow at him, making the man almost fall to his knees and stutter uncontrollably. 
“I-I No I didn’t mean that-“
You giggle as you bravely take Hongjoongs hands in your own, shutting him up as you turn to your daughters standing in front of you, starstruck at your aura. 
“Outside, right?” you winked at them. 
“Right this way!” Eunseo enthusiastically leads you out back to the outdoor patio, a perfect view of the garden and lakeside coming into effect. Hongjoong slips his hand from yours, and slides it across your waist, pulling you into his side. 
“My parents are too cool” Eunbyeol sighs under her breath, watching from behind in awe.
Your ex-husband makes you swoon when he leans in to whisper softly. “You look breathtaking, sweetheart.” feeling an immense sense of pride at how lucky he was to make you the mother of his children. 
You blush, turning to him to whisper playfully back. 
“Not bad yourself.” 
You both look forward when you come to a stop at the patio steps, sheer amazement at the full preparation your daughters did for this event. Fairy lights were hung around the area, a table with two chairs on either side placed with a white table cloth and a bouquet of freshly hand picked flowers from the forest, battery powered candles that were sold at the souvenir shop lit in the middle and glowing softly. 
Eunbyeol dashes to the door when it rings, making you and Hongjoong furrow your brows. 
“Is someone here?” he asks, watching Eunseo fold a napkin over her arm like the pro waiter she was. The other one walks out, an oily fast food paper bag in her hands as she smiles. “Dinner is served!” 
“Turns out that diner 15 minutes away also delivers!” She chuckled, helping her sister plate the two cheeseburgers, fries, and vanilla and strawberry milkshakes. 
You and Hongjoong continue to watch in stunned amazement as the girls prepare the not exactly gourmet(?) but still impressive meal in front of you, their small hands working swiftly. 
“You guys prepared all of this?” You asked, getting a little emotional. They grin proudly, nodding their heads. “We called the place earlier and planned it all by ourselves!”
You pressed a kiss to each of their soft cheeks, thanking them both as Hongjoong did the same. 
“What did I do to get so lucky with my girls?” he smiles, ruffling their heads. 
“What about you guys?” You asked, watching as they slowly backed away to give you two some privacy. 
“Natalie and her mom invited us over for dinner and a sleepover tonight at her cottage,” Eunbyeol smiles. At the mention of their newly made friend that they had gotten close to over the week, Hongjoong looks at you then back at them. 
“What? But- ”
She cuts him off, rolling her eyes. “Her mom said it’s totally fine with her. She’s only two cottages down, and she’ll make sure we’re back in time again for tomorrow when we leave!” 
The two girls smile in excitement, though the both of you have your parental instincts kick in. 
“Please?” they begged, wanting you to let them go so that they could do this for you guys as much as they wanted to do it for themselves. “She’s waiting for us now!”
Hongjoong feels guilty. “C’mon, you guys should still join us!”
Eunseo immediately shakes her head, declining the offer. 
“Tonight is all about you guys. We don’t want to intrude” she chuckles, bumping shoulders with her sister who chips in.
“We’ll text you guys in the middle to let you know everything’s good of course” 
You and Hongjoong smile, a feeling of immense proudness overwhelming you from seeing your daughters act so grown up. There wasn’t anything else you felt grateful for more. 
“Thank you girls.” you muttered softly, watching as they flashed you a wink before hurrying out through the backyard door. 
“Don’t get all kissy in the backyard!” Eunbyeol teases, making cheesy smooching sounds with the back of her hand as her sister rolls her eyes and shoves her out. 
Before you know it, you’re left standing with just the sound of smooth jazz playing on the patio speakers and the buzzing of the summer cicadas. 
“She takes after you, I hope you know that” You told Hongjoong softly.  
He chuckles, “Not as much as you.” He gestures to the table. “Shall we?” 
And that’s how the next few hours seem to pass by without even realizing. 
You see, there was a reason why you fell in love with the man sitting in front of you, and you’re just beginning to remember it now. Being with Hongjoong felt as if the moment was everlasting, and you could testify that from the amount of laughter and deep conversation that was shared over dinner, bringing you to sit on that patio until the sun had set. Every so often you’d smile again at the thought of the twins preparing this all for you. 
“I don’t remember the last time I’ve been on a date like this” You blurted out after laughing about something, taking a sip of your strawberry milkshake through a straw. 
“Oh, so we’re going on dates now, are we?” Hongjoong grins, making you roll your eyes at him. 
You lean forward on the table cloth, watching as a glimmer passes through your husband’s eyes while he sits back in his chair, cocking his head to the side as he clears his voice. 
“But you’ve gone on dates after we split, haven’t you?” he asks, leaning forward in interest now, letting his chin rest on his palm. 
You shook your head slowly.
“Nope. Not since signing those papers” you revealed. 
Hongjoong furrows his brows in surprise. “And why’s that?” 
You suddenly didn’t have an answer. “I-I don’t know, I just…” You began, watching how he looked at you with an unreadable expression. You smiled, looking down and suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“I guess I was too focused on running the bridal shop, I couldn’t find the time to.” You use as a cliche excuse. 
“Bullshit” he retorts back immediately. 
“It’s true!” You protested, throwing a fry at him that he dodges, landing on his finished plate. 
“You always did say back when we were younger that you wanted to be a designer. And look at you now” he admires, letting the candle lights shine a youthful glow to your face. 
“You always said you wanted to become a music producer and write your own songs.” you reciprocated, smiling as you soaked in the presence of one another. “And here you are now.” 
You think for a moment before asking the same question. 
“How about you?” 
Hongjoong silently shakes his head as his answer, though silently thinking about something else. The music changes to some old Billy Joel song in the back. You don’t realize it, but Hongjoong smiles to himself when he realizes the girls added it to the playlist. Of course they had to, it was one of the songs you played at your wedding. 
“What were we thinking when we got married like that?” You asked out loud, looking at how far you’d both come. You definitely skipped some of the order of the stages of a normal relationship. 
“I mean, we had no money, no prospects. Hell, we didn’t even have a car, Hongjoong!” you realized.
Your husband laughs, sitting straight and letting some skin show through his unbuttoned collar. 
“We were young” he justifies. 
“Yeah, and stupid too,” you pointed out, feeling the summer breeze pass by. It felt good to sit here like this with him.
You wondered, could sitting here like this with Hongjoong be a regular thing? After this trip, would you be able to walk back into each other’s lives again like this? 
As both parents and lovers?
Hongjoong brings up something you wouldn’t have expected him to. 
“Do you remember when we first found out about Eunseo and Eunbyeol?” he questioned softly, looking at you. 
You blink, taken aback. Suddenly you’re back in your college dorm washroom, sobs wracking through your body as Hongjoong who had only just sent his first few mixtapes to recording stations and companies nearby, pulled you close into his chest, eyeing the two lines left on the counter while he caressed your back. Only twenty years old and figuring out what you wanted to do with your lives, you were suddenly stuck in a sudden situation that had made you feel like your dreams would have been given up on completely. 
“I do,” you told him, pulling yourself from the memory. 
“I remember because in that moment I felt like the whole world was caving in”. You laughed, though it wasn’t fully cheerful.
“I don’t regret it, though” Hongjoong replies after some thought, gazing at you with truth in his eyes. 
You shook your head. “Of course. Neither do I.” 
It was a blessing to have two beautiful daughters as the product of your love.
“I don’t regret you either.” Hongjoong states.
You lock gazes, unable to take your eyes off of his face. 
“I loved you when I first met you and I still loved you when we divorced,” he says all at once, making your breath hitch and heart waver. 
“Don’t say that.” you tell him, looking away and suddenly reminding yourself you’re still divorced from the man sitting in front of you. 
How could he still love you after all this time? How could you feel the same about him?
Hongjoong continues, shaking his head as he bites back the lodge in his throat and makes up his mind. He has to tell you. 
“Truthfully, I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.” 
Don’t do this to me you begged silently.
“I’ve hurt you just as much as you’ve hurt me.” He swallows, thinking back to the times you already knew he was referring to. The times where you fought to the point where there wasn’t even anything worth fighting for anymore. 
“But you have given me the greatest gifts of my life.” He smiles, holding his tears back.
“And for that I will always love you.”
You push your seat from the table, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and wanting to avoid him.
“I can’t do this anymore.” you dejected, walking away from the patio and from Hongjoong.
There wasn’t anything else you could fake anymore. You couldn’t bear to hear the man you once loved, possibly even still love, say these things like he had a dagger lodged in his heart. Didn’t he know he was only going to do the same to you?
Hongjoong is quick to catch up, holding onto your wrist and turning you around, that your back collides with the nearest wall inside, pressing your fronts together and closing the distance.
“Why do you always run away from me? From the possibility of us?” He exclaimed, voice breaking. His heart crushed at the way you turned your head, hot tears already clouding your vision. 
“Because ‘us’ can’t happen again, Hongjoong!” You cried, staring up at the man you once promised your life to.
“Don’t you get it? Us going on this trip isn’t a sign to get back together. What would we do seven years after breaking up?”
“We could do it” He states firmly, staring you down, both your chests heaving.
You bite your tears back again. “No we couldn’t, honey. We would be pretending to think we solved our marriage. What would we do about our daughters? After putting them through our constant fighting— ”
He slams his lips to your own, shutting you up as you painfully resist his touch. Your hands came up to push him away, but at the sudden gesture, you’re already giving in and sobbing softly, letting him hold you for just one last time. 
Your lips mold so perfectly, it almost hurts how much you missed this feeling. To have him slot his arms around your waist, pull you in close, and cherish you. You almost forgot this feeling. 
He pulls away softly, watching your lashes flutter, pleading to you for a chance as he leans closer, making your breath hitch. 
“We could be together as a family again,” he states firmly, your name leaving his lips in a desperate plea. “We never know if we try—”
You drown out his words, looking up with tears falling as you cut him off. 
“Seven years ago I gave you those papers to sign, thinking that you would’ve chased after me,” 
Hongjoong holds his breath, watching as the next words stumble from your mouth. 
“I realize now, how stupid I was to think that.”
“I didn’t know you wanted me to chase you”
Shoving his chest away while mustering the last of your strength you uttered. “Of course I wanted you to chase me.” You let go of his hands. “It’s too late either way”, walking away from the defeated man.
Hongjoong stands alone near the patio entrance, watching his tears fall to the wooden floorboards. Holding the ring he had kept hidden in his trouser pocket, he plays with it in his fingers, silently wishing he had given it to you sooner. 
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It rains the next morning on your departure back to the city. Perfect, considering it reflects the sudden storm of utter depression that falls upon your family. Long gone are the cheerful giggles and longing stares that were shared between you and Hongjoong during the ride to the cottage. 
There was no room for that, not after last night.
Eunbyeol and Eunseo sat slumped in the backseat, rain hitting the roof of the car as they mindlessly played on their cell phones. Really, they were peeking from behind every so often and watching their parents sit in the front seat with tension so thick, you could’ve cut it with a knife. 
What had they done wrong? They planned the trip, the activities, the dinner— it was all perfect. And yet why were you still fighting with each other? 
These questions racked in their brains, baffled to have witnessed the sight of their parents refusing to talk to each other after walking back from their friends' sleepover. 
Eunbyeol and Eunseo felt as useful as matchmakers without a couple, feeling their efforts all gone down the drain. 
At the sudden ring of your cell phone, you pick up, answering at the voice of your assistant. 
“I’m driving back up right now”
Hongjoong continues focusing on the road, the occasional wiping of rain from the windshield wipers on the front window. 
“Yes. That’s okay, I'll take care of it.” You muttered, glancing at the rear view mirror for a moment. Your twin daughters immediately sigh, having an idea of what to expect when you say those familiar words. 
“Thanks for letting me know.” 
You hang up the phone, 
“One of us isn’t going with you, are we?” Eunseo asks, making you look back at her with a sigh. 
“No, you’re not” You confess, apologetic. ‘I’m sorry honey. I really am.”
You look back facing the front, swallowing as you told Hongjoong. 
“You’ll have to drop me off at the studio. Some things aren’t working out with the client so they need me to come in and take care of it.”
He nods, unphased as he continues to look straight. 
“Will you be fine with the girls?” You asked carefully, watching them as they were slumped in the backseat.
Hongjoong grips the wheel before turning to you. 
“I‘ll be fine. Don’t worry about it” sending a small smile, though it doesn’t fully reach his eyes. 
The twins thank god that at least neither of them had to choose to go back home with either parent. 
They would’ve hated that more. 
After barely being able to depart and say goodbye to your daughters in front of your studio, holding them close for a warm embrace and thanking them for an unforgettable weekend, Hongjoong drives off with his daughters, an empty feeling cascading his thoughts. He puts on a smile still, trying to cheer up his girls. 
“What do you want to do first when we go home? Want to unpack and then eat? We can eat and then unpack. Or we could- ”
Eunseo crosses her arms, having been fed up for far too long.
“Dad, you must be out of your mind.” 
Hongjoong stills, furrowing his brows and peeking at the first born who crosses her arms, holding an attitude. 
“Eunseo, what are you- ” 
“You’re telling me you and Mom just spent a whole entire week together at the cottage, had the best time of your lives since separating with one another, and now you’re just going to go back to not speaking or talking to each other again?”
Hongjoong blinks at his daughter’s sudden outburst, already making a turn into the driveway of his house.  
Eunbyeol now reciprocates her twin, looking at her dad as she slouches beside him, coming near the front seat area. 
“She’s got a point dad. Do you really just not love mom anymore?” She worries, looking up at him genuinely concerned. 
Hongjoong doesn’t know how to answer these sudden questions right now, stuttering to reply.
“Me and your mother are fine!” He lies, trying to reassure them. “That trip wasn’t just for us, it was also for you two to enjoy— ”
Eunseo asks the million dollar question. 
“If you still love Mom, why are you letting her go a second time?” 
With the engine turned off, it's gone silent. Two pairs of eyes staring at their father, awaiting his response. 
“Well? Are you going to chase after her or not?!” Eunbyeol groans, her fathers lack of response making her pull her hair. 
They were right. How could he have made the same stupid mistake twice?
Hongjoong struggles to put the keys back in the engine, telling them to put their seat belts back on. Their eyes begin to glow with hope.
“Do you girls mind staying at your uncle’s for a bit?” He asks hurriedly, punching into his cell phone to call his brother for a favor as he pulls out of the driveway. Eunbyeol squeals, hands clamping over her mouth as her sister speaks on behalf of them both. 
“Dad, if you don’t drop us off and get your butt over to mom’s right away, I’m gonna report you to child services.” she threatens, watching as he steps on the accelerator, heart pumping so fast as he smiles through the rear view mirror.
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You sighed, holding up your cellphone to your ear. 
“Call me once she approves the design then,” you told your assistant through the receiver, one hand looking over the sheets of paper, highlighting the changes to the new blueprint. 
“Alright then, bye.” 
After hanging up the phone, you rubbed your temples, head pounding as you tucked the files back into the folder. 
The clock in your studio showed the hands about to reach seven pm. A few hours had already passed since coming back from your trip to the cottage, trying to forget everything by burying your focus into the new dress prints a client of yours requested, remodeling them after the original was rejected. 
Fingers worked away swiftly, comparing textiles and fabrics as you looked at the piles of papers and messy sticky notes in front of you. But yet the gears in your mind seemed to churn achingly slow, sighing as you repeatedly told yourself the same thing. 
Just focus on the dress, focus on the dress, focus on the dress.
Don’t think about him. 
The task is impossible. Your mind can’t help but slip back to what your relationship has become with Hongjoong, and what you were going to do now that those seven days were over. For so long you had deprived yourself from indulging in your love life, prioritizing taking care of Eunseo and Eunbyeol while juggling your job as a designer. Had you been doing it all wrong? 
Hongjoong’s words repeat in your head like a broken record player. 
I will always love you
Lies. That promise couldn’t be kept. Your divorce was a clear outcome of it. You and Hongjoong were two people not meant for one another. You were too different, all you would do is hurt one another, make life an unbearable living hell—
And yet you missed him. You missed Hongjoong so much. 
What was fucking keeping you from loving him? Was it your stubbornness? Was it really the fact that he didn’t chase after you? Or was it none of that and just your own self being stupid?
The front door of the studio opens, pulling you from your thoughts as you got back to the sketches. You called up from your desk as you worked quietly. 
“The studios closed for the- ”
Heavy breathing. The man who just walked in catches his breath from dashing out of his car and up the three flights of stairs, driving through almost an hour of traffic in pouring rain to be here in this moment with you.
He’s drenched, making a mess on the floor of the studio as the droplets fall softly one by one. 
Suddenly he's striding over to where you’re sitting in long steps before slamming his lips against yours. The kiss throws you off guard, the shock of his cold hands cradling your face makes you close the gap unknowingly. 
Linking your arms around his neck while kissing back passionately, you let your hands rest on his shoulders, pulling back for air as you panted heavily, catching your breaths and looking at each other with pure love and lust. 
“Why are you here?” you asked, feeling dumb because your heart already knew the answer. His hands wrap around your waist, desperate as if you would leave him again. 
But he’s just so fucking tired of that now. He just wants to love you now.
“I lost you once.” He breathes, eyes watering.
“I’m not going to lose you again”. 
Suddenly, everything that kept you from being with each other is thrown away. 
That hate, that fear, everything is gone because you realize you still needed each other. You’re still the same twenty year old couple standing in that dorm washroom, holding each other close and knowing it’ll be okay because at least you had each other. 
You grasp onto his damp shirt, pulling him down with such force that your lips meet again, taking charge as you finally allowed him to have you. 
“You’re a fucking idiot” you whined between kisses, curses escaping your lips when he softly bites the flesh of your neck to test the waters. “I hope you know that”
He agrees wholeheartedly, nodding as if he was already getting pussydrunk.
“I’m an idiot” he mumbles to himself, letting it escape his lips like a mantra. Well, he was stupid enough to only chase after you this late, so if his wife told him he was an idiot, then so he was.
“Let me prove how much I love you,” a hand comes to graze near the collar of your shirt. 
You gasped, watching as Hongjoong lifted you from your seat and rutted his hips against your core pathetically, your ass digging into the edge of the table.
“Here?” Your eyes widened, watching his expression turn dark. He presses kisses on your collarbone, making your hands grasp the wood for support. “Hongjoong wait,” you exhaled in a deep breath, heart beating against your chest.
But he doesn’t give a shit. He’s tired of waiting. 
“It’s been too fucking long” he protests, ripping your top off. You’re dizzy from how abruptly he’s stripping you, latching onto his shoulders for support as you wobble from him unzipping your jeans and pushing them down, exposing you in nothing but your underwear and bra. 
And like the good little whore you are, you immediately spread your legs, letting Hongjoong get a view of the embarrassingly wet patch leaking through your panties as he’s crouched down to let you step out of the denim near your ankles.
Holy fucking shit
You stand bashfully, toes curling from how exposed and vulnerable you were being the only one naked. 
“Please?” you asked nicely, letting your foot rest on his shoulder as your pussy was now on full display for him.
You don’t have time to even finish the last word before Hongjoong dives in, lapping at your soaking cunt and humming in pure ecstasy at the taste. The muffled vibrations make you throw your head back, tugging on his locks to shove his face further. 
Hongjoong’s hands press into your thighs that cage his head in, leaving a grip that you guarantee with littering the flesh with red splotchy bruises. Did you mind? Not at all.
When his tongue pokes at the gummy flesh of your walls, you let out a full moan, echoing throughout the studio as the air begins to smell like sex. 
“Right there, yes” you urged him, leg beginning to shake from how weak it was getting. 
He's so invested, you fear he might suffocate any longer if he doesn’t pull back for air. So you grasp his head, pushing him away from his meal while you both gasped lightly.
You watch him wipe his slick covered chin with the back of his hand, not breaking eye contact as he stares. 
“You were just begging to be fucked for all these years, weren’t you sweetheart?” He teases. 
Though you wanted him to lap at your juices until you came, you knew you needed to still feel his cock inside after so long. 
Your fingers played with the hem of your underwear, smiling back at your husband. 
“And you were just begging to get a taste of this pussy, weren’t you, Joong?” wiping that smug grin off his face.
”Lay down for me” he demands, getting up so that one hand finds its way to the back of your bra to unclasp it. The other clears half your desk covered in wedding dress blueprints and sketches, making sure nothing would make you uncomfortable before he fucked you on that mahogany surface so all you’d remember would be his name. 
And people said romance was dead. 
When the bra slides off and your bare back hits your desk, you suddenly realize what Hongjoong’s intention was when he ordered you to do that. 
Soft mounds spill out as your breasts take their natural form, giving Hongjoong the perfect view of your tits. Pervert. 
He immediately latches his tongue on a nipple, taking his hand and playing with the other, twisting painfully. 
A cry escapes your lips, parting them open as you let him play with them as much as he wanted to. He smiles against the motherfuckers, knowing that shut you up perfectly. 
“Are you ready for me to fuck you now?”
“Please, Joong, I need you” you whined, submitting yourself to your husband. He already knows you’re in need of one last kiss, coming up to give his wife what she wants by slotting his lips against yours again, this time much harsher. 
“Tell me so that I treat you good, baby” he mumbles, pulling back and making you clench your thighs together. He undoes his shirt in the meantime, unbuckling his belt and pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek when you sobbed. 
“Fuck me, please” 
His fingers slide your panties to the side to press his aching tip to your wet core. 
“Like this?” He teases.
“Inside, Hongjoong” you emphasized, meaning what you said with the way your nails dug into a pile of papers nearby. Biting your lip from how sensitive and needy your cunt was. 
“I know, I know,” he murmured, smiling to himself after messing with you. 
“I just missed this pretty cunt” before in one strong thrust, Hongjoong’s bulging tip enters inside your walls, giving you a stretch you forgot how much you loved. You whined softly. 
“Shit” he curses, relishing how the buildup finally led to this moment. 
The man is ravenous, but he’s genuinely trying his best to ease the painful stretch as you adjust to his thickness, nipping your neck in a trail of hickeys and love bites posessively.
With every thrust he makes, you arch your back, pencils and papers shuffling near by you. 
“Fucking look at my wife” he admires proudly, watching the woman he loves bounce her tits at every thrust of his cock. 
“S’too much” you caved in, shaking your head at the stimulation. 
You claw at his arms, head turning to the side as your eyes roll back from pleasure. 
“I know, mama, I know” 
He grabs a tit in his left hand, the right one coming down to play with your clit, pressing slow circles near where you were connected. 
“Fuck, I missed these” He rasps, savouring the feeling of your soft flesh in his hand, making you throw your head back. 
“Missed how they looked when you were pregnant” he says, thinking of how ethereal you looked when you were knocked up with his kids. 
“God, at this point I’m gonna get you fucking pregnant again” Hongjoong grunts, snapping his hips deliriously back and forth. He envisions you round and full, fulfilling his inner fantasy. 
“Shut up.” You spat, breaking the mood as you bit your lip to suppress a moan. He almost laughs when you then crane your hips back to give him easier access to keep penetrating you. The desk shuffles. 
“Your mouth is saying one thing, honey, but your body is saying something else” 
After hearing his words, you suck him in further, both of you now getting close. 
“M’close. M’so close!” you whimpered, sitting up so that now Hongjoong could hold you in his arms, caging your body so his cock could stuff you better. 
Your mouth hangs open in silent bliss, hands scratching his back. You leaned into his ear, making the final chord inside him snap. 
“Make me cum, daddy” 
And just like that, you’re clenching around Hongjoong’s massive cock as a creamy white ring begins to form. Hot ropes fill you up inside, tangled in a sweaty mess as he purrs, caressing the back of your head again in habit. 
“So fucking good, sweetheart. You did so good for me”
The sounds of your breathing fill the studio, a pencil or two rolling quietly away on the ground from being shoved off the desk. He shakes his head when you try to pull your sweaty bodies away, hair sticking to your neck but feeling the way he refuses. 
“Just let me love you,” he mumbles into your shoulder, dick softening inside you. “Just for a moment.”
You’re too tired to say anything back, so you finally give in. 
Seven years passed by you two without even realizing how much you still loved each other. Though you wouldn’t be able to get that time back, for once, there was something that you and Hongjoong agreed upon. 
You had no intention of wasting that time any more. 
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Months later, and it still takes everything in Eunbyeol and Eunseo hearts to not scream at the sight of their parents when they walk hand in hand, smiling happily in public as they pick their daughters up from the first day of school. 
The girls jump into their parent’s embrace, eying the two silver rings they now wore proudly together. 
“How was school, darlings?” Hongjoong asks, pressing a kiss to Eunseo and Eunbyeol. 
“It was fun! We watched a documentary about lovebirds” she smiled, looking back up. You laughed softly.
“Which reminded me to tell you,” she grins, watching as you, her sister, and father all looked at her. 
“I hope you know that getting you and dad back together was my plan from the start.” she confesses, smirking at Eunbyeol who scoffs, crossing her arms. 
“Nuh uh, this was my idea first!” 
Before her sister could yell at her twin, you jumped in. 
“Plan? What plan?” You asked quizzically, both you and Hongjoong standing there confused.
“To get you guys to fall back in love again, of course!” Eunseo smiles, both her and her sister now giggling softly together.  
“How am I just finding out that there was a plan?” Hongjoong mutters, scratching his neck in confusion. You turned to the two girls, stopping in your tracks on your way to the car
“When did you two even think of all this?” grinning in astonishment as you felt Hongjoong slot his hand and intertwine it with yours. It felt natural now.
“Yeah, I'm curious too” he states, leaning close and becoming intrigued.
Your daughters look at each other before smiling. 
“It’s a long story.”
But at last, time is something you finally now have as a reunited family of four, walking back to your car, holding hands with a twin on each side.
Listening carefully, as your daughters start from the very beginning.
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taglist: @vent-stink @dazzlingstarrs @vcutparis @xpixie @potatos-on-clouds @showingmafandomlove @bibbleypoof @kpop-will-kill-me @avantalem @beabatiny @gabrielle-brugger @nsixns @amaranth1ne @stayminho @myblovedjyh @kkeshia @rebekah-reads @yoonbroom @4kwp @butterflydemons @iwaizumiismybae @soobinsputnik @stayatinykatsy @atitties @justconniez @kitten4sannie @ghostskilledmyaddiction21 @cheolsthicthighs @morethingsfandom @geminiml95 @byuntrash101 @quailbagutte @syubseokie @newworldwritings @urmom26john @sleepy-kat-here @pearltinyy @hjshyhyssnmgwyjh @cursedeastern @starryunho @piratekingateez2001 @jiminbility @paumll @drinkingrumandcocacola @roomsofangel @channies-bbg-room @meanaonthemoon @teeztopia @pommelex @kiln9z @sanhwalvr @youresolivlie @edawg77 @a-0206 @summer-gyu @bvidzsoo @yoongzsmile28 @tournesol155
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sodacowboy · 1 year
I still just do not understand how my family has associated me with the color blue like how was red/orange/brown not your first choice when my bedroom looks like this and when I haven’t worn blue as a fashion choice in literally several years
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rachalixie · 7 months
can’t get you off my mind
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all good love stories start with a drunk stranger, don’t they?
warnings: mentions of alcohol, fem!reader
genre: fluff, comfort
word count: 4k
it starts at a bar. 
or really, it starts with a man at a bar. one that you’ve seen before in passing, a familiar face in a sea of more familiar faces. someone who you’ll later learn is one third of your best friend changbin’s production team, someone who you should have met years ago probably, someone who you would find is the perfect puzzle piece that fits into your jagged edges.
but right now, he is just a man at a bar with a beer in hand and a ridiculously dopey smile on his face. 
“marry me, please,” he says, absolutely serious but it’s a bit diluted from the way his words were slurred around the edges. “or i’ll have to kidnap you.”
“excuse me?” you raise a brow at him, his image swimming a bit as you turn your head to fully take him in. you’re not drunk, but youre a couple glasses of wine deep and you’re not known for being fully articulate whilst sober anyways. 
“i swear i’m going to marry you,” he says, eyes wide as he looks at you. “you might be the most perfect person i’ve ever seen.”
you’re not overly fond of men you haven’t met hitting on you, but this one seems a bit harmless. if you ignored the part where he said he would kidnap you. at least he wasn’t grabbing onto you or trying to touch you - that would have sent your fist flying towards his face and probably a swift exit from the bar. it was a little weird that you didn’t find him weird, but in retrospect you must have known, even then. 
“okay, listen,” you put your hands on your hips, giving him an unimpressed look. “if you find me when you’re sober, ask me again and maybe i’ll reconsider.”
“okay,” he nods, hair moving along with his movement like a puppy’s ears. “i can do that. i’ll find you, i promise. i’m gonna marry you, did you know?”
“so i’ve heard,” you roll your eyes, already feeling a bit fond about him. you didn’t think you’d meet him again, but you were sure that you’d look at this night with a fond smile later. 
he sends you the brightest smile you think you’ve ever seen on a person and scampers off, and you stand rooted to that one sticky spot in the bar for longer than you want to admit.
he’s in the back of your mind when you wake up the next morning, in a better mood than most - you never liked waking up early, it always took you a good hour and some coffee to be able to stand without grimacing. this morning though, you float around your apartment as you get dressed with a small smile on your face. 
a cute stranger who kept his boundaries and called you perfect? that wasn’t something that happened often, at least not to you. 
the floatiness followed you all the way through your morning routine until you found your feet stopping outside the coffee shop that you and changbin all but owned. you had no stock in it, but you’re sure that you supply them at least half of their revenue, you probably sit on their rickety chairs more often than your actual couch at home. this place has nursed you through every college class and job interview preparations and beyond, and if it ever closed you might lose time off of your life span. 
your movements from the door to the counter to your usual seat were robotic, muscle memory taking over while your head did somersaults through the clouds. it’s only when you take the first sip of coffee, the bitterness and heat hitting your tongue in a delightful dance, that you notice it. 
another man is sitting next to changbin. a man that looks awfully familiar, and it takes you a moment to realize why. it’s the man from the bar. 
“changbin?” you keep your eyes on the other man as you direct your question at changbin, trying hard to keep your face neutral. “explain?”
“i’m chan,” the man interjects before changbin can answer, reaching his hand across the table for you to shake. it’s warm, his grip somewhere perfectly in the middle of too hard and too soft, and he lets go after an appropriate amount of seconds. despite the neutral passivity of the gesture, you feel something ignite within you, and it threatens to sputter out when you catch no spark of recognition in his eyes. was he that drunk last night that he doesn’t remember you? do his sober eyes not find you as perfect?
“he crashed at my place last night,” changbin’s voice filters through your turmoil, and you finally break away from chan’s gaze to level him with a look. “and he needed coffee, so i brought him along. chan, this is y/n, my best friend.”
the conversation that followed flowed more freely than the coffee dripping from the machines behind the counter, and you almost hate how much you like it. chan is a little goofy, the man from the previous night shining through moments of seriousness and rapt attention. 
by the time you had to leave to go to work you felt like you knew him. you learned where he lived (close to you!), that he worked with changbin (he’s a producer!), and that he loved all animals but he adored dogs (he has one named berry!). just an hour of casual conversation had led to you needing more of him in every aspect of your life, but still in the back of your head lived the thought of him not remembering you from the night before.
changbin leaves first, citing some meeting he had to run to in the middle of a yawn, and when you were left with chan the embarrassment began to set in. 
“i’m going to marry you,” he blurts out, startling you so much you almost jump out of your seat. 
“what?” you ask, a mixture of surprise and disbelief combining into a confusing vortex within your head - was he going to go through this again? you didn’t know if your heart could take it. 
“i mean, i remember you,” he says before you could awkwardly excuse yourself and commit to getting to work early for the first time in a year just to escape being in a room alone with him for much longer. “i’m sorry, i was just embarrassed. i didn’t want to make a fool out of myself in front of changbin.”
“oh,” your breath leaves you all at once and you slump into your chair, understanding hitting you like a train. “that makes sense? i think?”
“i’m going to marry you,” he repeats, a mischievous glint in his eyes, the boy from last night shining through. “one day. i’m going to do it.”
“take me on a date first,” you tease back, a genuine smile stretching across your lips when he laughs, a full bodied thing that drew in eyes from the patrons across the room. for once, you didn’t seem to care that others’ eyes were on you. he made you feel comfortable. 
“what are you doing tomorrow?” his mouth turns upwards into a beautiful smile that you can’t help but return. 
“eager, are we?” you open your phone, sliding it across the table with the new contact page open on it. “i’m free.”
“you’re the most perfect person i’ve ever laid eyes on,” he says, as serious and genuine as the way he had proposed to you last night as he taps his number into your phone. “sorry if i’m a bit desperate.”
“don’t apologize,” you take your phone back, making a mental note to text him later. “i like it, for some unearthly reason. you’re cute, chan.”
the sound of his delighted laugh follows your footsteps all the way to work. 
he picks you up for your first date at noon, right on the dot. he wasn’t a minute late, a polite knock sounding through your apartment just as the hour turned, as if he had been waiting and watching the time outside the door. 
god, is everything about this man endearing? 
he’s wearing shorts and a light sweater, looking like something out of a posh magazine. his hair is curly and swept off his forehead and he’s wearing a smile with the most adorable dimples shining through. 
he leads you to his car and you have to hold back an impressed whistle. you knew changbin and his team did well for themselves, the name 3racha all over the credits of songs on the radio, but this car was nice. you were going to have a talk with changbin about why he still drove the same beat up sedan he’s had since college but that was a thought for later. right now all you wanted to think about was the man who held the door open for you to slide into the passenger seat and was now holding your hand over the middle console. 
“do i get to know where we’re going?” you ask, peering at the map open on his phone but it tells you nothing more than that your destination was 15 minutes away and that he had to make a right turn in one mile. 
“it’s a surprise,” he says, voice a little nervous but it was masked with excitement. wherever he was taking you, you would be happy to be there if he was this happy the whole time. 
four songs on the radio later, one of which you teased him for when he revealed that he wrote it, he was pulling into a parking lot illuminated by flashing colorful lights. he had brought you to the fair. 
“i’ve never been to the fair!” you bounced a little in your seat, wriggling in excitement. “i’ve always wanted to go, how did you know?”
“lucky guess?” he shrugs, avoiding your gaze as he cuts the engine and unbuckles his seatbelt. 
“changbin told you, didn’t he,” you smile at the thought of chan asking his friend about what you’d like. it was cute, a word that you were probably exhausting when thinking about him even after a day of knowing him. 
“yes, but,” he flushes, the tips of his ears burning red. “i asked him after i had decided to come here, just to make sure it was a good idea. i didn’t steal it from him.”
“hey, it’s okay,” you squeeze his hand in yours that he had yet to let go of in what you hoped was a comforting gesture. you didn’t know what brought him calmness yet, but you wanted to learn. you wanted to learn everything about him. “now, take me to the fair, bang chan. i was promised a date.”
he finally meets your eyes again and he’s grinning so happily that you feel like you had just won a prize. who needed a fair when you had your very own carnival game right here? 
it turns out, you did. by the time the sun was beginning to set, your arms were full of various plushies that chan had won for you, each one earning him a hug and a kiss to his cheek. you treasured every single one, the fluttering in your chest when he stepped up to the booths to throw and shoot various things never ceasing. 
“let’s go to the ferris wheel,” you tug at him with your free hand, thanking the skies when you see no queue there. “i bet the sunset looks beautiful from the top.”
he’s quiet when he follows you there and into the carriage, his thigh pressing against yours as he slides in next to you, but you don’t notice in your excitement. it isn’t until the wheel ticks to the top and stops that he grabs your hand again, trembling a little. 
“chan? are you okay?” you ask, concern warping your voice as you turn towards him. your movement rocks the carriage a bit and he turns pale, ducking his head into your neck to hide. 
“yeah, ‘m okay,” he murmurs, his eyelashes ticking your skin when he blinks his eyes shut. “just don’t like heights very much.”
“oh my god, why didn’t you tell me?” you cry out, jumping a bit and regretting it when you rock the carriage again. “nevermind that, what can i do? it’ll go down soon, you’ll be alright.”
“just keep holding my hand?” he squeezes your fingers lightly and your heart melts. you may have made a joke that he was just trying to trick you into holding his hand any other time, but the fear in his shaking body was real and you’d never tease him for that. 
“of course,” you press a kiss to his hair, moving your other hand slowly to wrap around your intertwined fingers. the wheel begins to turn again, swaying the carriage as it descends. you keep your grip on his hand tight the entire time, all the way until you’re on your feet again on steady ground. 
“i’m so sorry,” you begin to say, the horror of subjecting him to his fear creeping up now that the crisis has passed. 
“i’m going to marry you,” he says, cutting off your apology and lifting your hands to his mouth so he could press a kiss to the back of yours. “no one’s ever been able to keep me that calm. thank you.”
you were left speechless after that and all you could do was smile at him, the ghost of it not leaving your face for the rest of the night. 
your thirty first date with chan ends with you crying into changbin’s arms, utterly confused and the feeling of despair creeping up your veins. you had met him your cafe as you had done several times since the fair, but when you arrived he wasn’t there. he came late, dark storms in his eyes and a hard set to his jaw and you didn’t understand what had made him like that. the usual smile and twinkle in his eyes were missing, and when you and asked him about what was wrong he had snapped at you in a way you hadn’t been talked to in years. 
you had left after that, brushing him off when his eyes had widened and he reached for you while calling out your name. you know that you should have given him a chance to explain, but at the time you were too hurt to consider it. 
you made your way to changbin’s apartment without thinking, your feet taking you to safety before your head could catch up. changbin had taken one look at your face before wrapping you up in his arm, walking you to his couch so he could cuddle you properly while words spilled out of you like a leaky faucet. you felt like you were back in college, crying and blubbering over a boy who had rejected you at a party, and you hated it. 
you didn’t notice changbin sending an angry text to chan, but the sound of changbin’s door opening with a bang startled you out of your tears. chan bursts in like a whirlwind, his hair sticking up at weird angles and a look of panic on his face as he takes you in. he reaches the couch in a few strides and falls to his knees in front of you, holding a crumpled bag from the cafe in his hand and taking your cheek gently into his other. his thumb wipes at the tear tracks there and you could practically taste the guilt emanating off of him. 
“love, i am so sorry,” he starts, ignoring changbin when he scoffs at the apology. “i shouldn’t have snapped at you, i had no right to do that. i got some bad news this morning and i wasn’t feeling my best, and i should have been honest with you. i’ll never do anything like that again, please forgive me? i’ll do anything.”
it was more his voice than his words that did it - he sounded so desperate, like he was trying to hold
onto a ledge that was crumbling, threatening to hurl his body into eternal nothingness. you knew him, you knew he was sorry, and against your first instinct you trusted him when he said he wouldn’t do it again. 
“is that an almond croissant?” you eye the bag in his hand. 
“it’s two almond croissants,” he nods fervently, his hair swishing back and forth with the movement. you sit up, sliding out of changbin’s arms and onto the floor in front of chan. chan’s arms replace changbin’s easily when you lean into him, and it feels like coming home. 
“it’s not like i have a nice couch you could be sitting on,” changbin mutters as he leaves, shaking his head fondly at the two of you before making himself scarce. 
chan kisses you, cradling your head gently into his hands, and they’re so warm. he slides his lips against yours, slowly like he’s taking his time memorizing the planes of your mouth to commit to memory. even after kissing him dozens of times you still find new things to learn about each other. 
“i swear,” he says, pulling away to meet your eyes. “i’m going to marry you, someday.”
“keep getting me croissants as apologies and we’ll see,” you say, sniffling into his neck. 
your eighty seventh date was spent in your bed, your head spinning like both hands on a clock simultaneously and your body exuding more sweat than you ever have. 
chan is wringing out a cool cloth to place on your forehead and it feels so nice that you moan. 
“i’m sorry,” you mutter, and chan has lost count of the amount of times you’ve said it at this point. “we had a date and i ruined it.”
“we were going to see a movie,” he says, running a hand up and down your spine. “and we will. we don’t need a movie theater when we have a screen right here, hmm?” 
“but the popcorn,” you complain, closing your eyes in bliss when he runs a hand through your hair, scratching gently at your scalp. an apology for being so sweaty was at the tip of your tongue but you hold it back in favor of enjoying the feeling of his touch. 
“i’ll make you all the popcorn you want when you’re feeling better,” he promises, dropping a kiss to the side of your head. “for now, how does soup sound?” 
“popcorn soup?“ you ask, a wave of dizziness taking over your body; if you weren’t lying down already, you’re sure that too would be falling over. 
“yeah, baby,” and even in your delirium the fondness in his voice was prominent. he couldn’t hide it even if he tried. “i’ll make you some popcorn soup. get some rest okay?”
you’re asleep before he leaves the room, and you only wake up when he shakes your shoulder a bit and helps you into an upright position. he feeds you bites of what is definitely not popcorn soup after putting a movie on your laptop, the screen sitting at the foot of your bed. the both of you fall asleep before the movie finishes, but you don’t mind. 
he stays with you for days, making you soup and tea and toast and feeding you medicine and being an all-around angel as he nurses you back to health. by the time you’re better you think you’ve fallen back in love with him several times. 
as you had expected and warned him about, he catches your sickness the next week, and now it’s your turn to be his nurse. you try and do the same job he did, but his delirium seems worse. the silver lining is that his fever isn’t as bad, so you’re babysitting a babbling boyfriend more than a sick one. 
the night before his fever breaks is the worst, since he doesn’t even recognize you. you shake your head at his silliness when he asks who you are and calls you pretty. you smile when he takes your hand in his and asks you to come closer. 
you tear up when he tells you that he has a girlfriend that he loves very much and so even though you’re pretty he can’t do anything else because his girlfriend is the prettiest one in the whole world. you let a tear slip when he tells you that he can’t wait to propose to his girlfriend and that he’s going to marry her someday. 
you tell him that you have a boyfriend that you're going to marry someday, trusting that he wouldn’t remember it in the morning. 
your hundredth and fifth date was not unlike your fifth, or your tenth, or your ninetieth. two and a half years later, you were just as endeared by him and he was just as obsessed with you - even more so, if it were possible. 
he takes the time to tell you how gorgeous you look when he picks you up just like he does on every date, and you hide your disgustingly fond smile for him behind his back like you do every time you see him. 
he parks and runs around the car to let you out like he does every time you habit this restaurant, a little fancier than your usual best but it was a favorite of the both of yours - across the street from the bar the two of you had met at. 
you start walking before he does, letting him jog to meet you and complain about how you left him, just like you do every time. before him. you might have thought the monotony would have gotten tiring, but he had a fantastical ability to make every moment feel like the first despite their practiced nature. 
he calls your name from behind you right on schedule and you hum in acknowledgement, turning towards him absentmindedly. the second you lay eyes on him you’re completely alert, though; he isn’t jogging after you, but rather he’s kneeling on the sidewalk, a small box in his hands as he smiles up at you. 
“i’ve told you that i’m going to marry you more times than i can count,” he starts, eyes shining like the stars twinkling in the night sky above you. “but this time i’m asking you.”
“chan,” you choke out, hands coming up to cover your mouth as it quivers. tears spring to your eyes and you silently curse yourself - you always thought you’d be level headed when you got proposed to, but nothing could have prepared you for this, not even the thousands of declarations he had made to you prior. 
“i love you. you’re the only one in the entire universe that i need more than blood or breath, you’re the song that runs through my heart and the fire that leads my path when i’m lost,” his voice is thick, like he’s trying to hold back his emotions long enough to get his words out. “i never thought that i would feel so strongly for someone, i never thought that i deserved a love like this until i met you.”
he pauses as you walk closer to him, letting you approach him before he continues. 
“my love, my eternal light,” he’s tearing up now, blinking fast to keep the salty water at bay. “will you marry me?”
“chan,” you start, kneeling down next to him and taking his wrists in your hands. “i never told you this, but ever since that first day i knew. i knew that the drunk idiot that was hitting on me would be my husband.”
he chuckles, smiling delightedly as the tears finally spring from both of your eyes in unison.
“so?” he trails off, searching your face with his eyes, waiting. 
“oh!” you tighten your grip on him in an apology. “of course i’ll marry you, gosh i love you so much.”
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seelestars · 6 months
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caught wearing their clothes ?! (argenti, aventurine, sunday)
a/n : isn’t it kinda funny all 3 of them have boss forms? (´-ω-`) we don’t talk abt the way argentis part is the shortest </3
it was a nice afternoon, perfect for going out with loved ones. though, even with such lovely weather, you felt bored to death waiting for argenti. so naturally, you would search for ways to cure your boredom while waiting for argenti’s return.
that’s how you got yourself in your current situation—getting caught wearing a spare set of argenti’s usual armor as he returned.
“you look absolutely stunning in my outfit, dearest.” his soft voice startled you, causing you to freeze and immediately turn towards him. your face was practically the color of his hair, as you had never meant for him to see you like this.
“a-argenti! back so early?” you let out a nervous laugh, averting your gaze out of the embarrassment you were feeling.
“is something the matter, dearest? why so nervous? afraid I might scold you for wearing my clothes?” your embarrassment and nervousness seems to elicit a hearty chuckle out of him as he takes a few steps closer to you, extending a rose towards you. “if it’s that you’re worried about—then fear not—as I believe your beauty could rival even the goddess idrila no matter what you wear.” argenti smiles as he softly reassured you.
his words only served to make you flush further, his flattering compliments making your heart race faster. “…you really think so?” originally, you were quite worried about what he’d think if he saw you in this state. but with such kind demeanor and reassurance, how could anyone resist having an ego boost?
“of course, there is no need for me to lie to you.” argenti’s smile widens as he decides to insert the rose behind your ear. “though, I do believe the attire I would love seeing you in the most is attire fit for our wedding one day.”
this was your lucky moment! aventurine was currently out attending an ipc meeting, which meant you were left all alone. being left alone gave you many opportunities—specifically an opportunity to borrow his spare clothes and have some fun with it.
as you looked yourself over in the mirror, you had to admit you looked nice in aventurine’s usual clothes. you even chose to take a pair of his glasses and one of his hats to fully immerse yourself in the experience! his outfit was quite flamboyant and was definitely flashy, usually catching the attention of many.
wearing his outfit made some mischievous ideas slowly start to come to life as you made the choice of mocking him in his clothes.
“I always win in my gambles, so naturally I’ll bet my entire bank account! i’m just a stupid, careless, mindless gambler—“ suddenly, you were cut off by the sound of the door opening as aventurine stands there in the doorway, arms crossed with an amused smirk on his lips as he leans against the doorframe.
“hmm… so this is how you choose to kill time while i’m away, huh?” aventurine laughs as he approaches you, observing the way you looked in his clothes. “i have to say, you look quite good like this. I’m surprised you’re bold enough to rock a little window like me, though~” he narrows his eyes, glancing at you playfully as his words made your cheeks flush.
“even your little impression of me was fun to witness. but, it says a lot about you as a person, doesn’t it? if I’m a stupid, careless, mindless gambler, then what does that make you for being attracted to me?” aventurine teases, making your jaw drop as you find yourself scrambling for a response.
“don’t get ahead of yourself now. i’m certainly not attracted to you.” you retort, despite the fact that the both of you knew very well that your words were a blatant lie.
“oho? is that how it is? then let’s see just how much you’re ‘not attracted to me’ once I start doing this…” aventurine’s chuckle sends a shiver down your spine as he begins to lean closer to your lips, his hand making its way down to your hips.
you had some time before sunday arrived home, and coincidentally, you spotted spare pairs of sunday’s usual attire as you were searching for something to occupy yourself with.
unfortunately, you weren’t a halovian like sunday. so after you had finished putting on his clothes, you had to find a way to improvise when it came to his wings and halo. messily, you began to draw outlines for his wings and halo on some paper. you then colored them in, planning to cut them out and find a way to use them.
just as you were about to tape the paper wings behind your ears, you heard sunday’s voice as he stepped into the house.
you tried to clean everything up and change, but it was too late. you had already been caught.
“ah? is this what I think it is? is the love of my life trying to impersonate me?” sunday jokes light-heartedly, his pleasant laugh filling your ears as you look away shyly. “you even went so far as to make a fake pair of wings and halo… you’re very dedicated if I do say so myself.” he smiles softly as he takes a few steps closer to you, humming as he admired you.
“this was a dumb idea… you’re still the one that looks the best when wearing these clothes.” you laugh awkwardly, a sheepish look in your eyes as he admires you. his attention being completely directed on you at a moment like this seemed to be the most embarrassing possible timing.
“no need to be so embarrassed about all of this, my love. I don’t mind this at all.” sunday shakes his head, hoping his words will reassure you as he lightly pats your head. “in fact, I’d say you look just about ready to replace me as the head of the oak family.” he lets out an amused chuckle at the idea, his mind already painting an image of you leading the family like he currently did.
“then… what would I be missing?” a sigh of relief escapes you at his reassurance before you decided to reply with a more light-hearted tone.
“firstly, you’ll need to learn the proper etiquette, my love. mm.. but I suspect with someone as capable as you, it won’t be hard teaching you how to replace me.” sunday gazes at you with a look filled with fondness. “but at the end of the day, I like you best when you’re being yourself. so there is no need to delve into topics that involve becoming like me or someone else.”
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weakformingyu · 7 months
You are my favorite
Pairing: Lee Know x afab!reader
Part 2 of Can I be your favorite?(Recommended to read the first part for context)
Genre: smut, fluff, angst(the tiniest bit)
Summary: you let your insecurities come in between your new relationship with Minho, luckily for you though, he's not gonna let you run away so easily.
Words count: 3,076
Warnings: oral(f. receiving), unprotected piv(wrap it before you tap it ffs), creampie, marking, hickeys, dirty talk(barely), Minho is possessive asf(is it even my fic if he's not possessive?), reader is insecure
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You were sore when you woke up the next morning — or should you say, afternoon? It was already 2pm when you opened your eyes, finding Minho's place empty by your side.
You look around the room, now there's enough light coming from the windows for you to be able to see the room. You don't know how to explain it but it fits Minho perfectly, the decoration is discreet but not basic and it shows a lot of his personality, more than you're aware of.
You get up, not really sure what you're supposed to do. So you collect your things and start getting dressed, tying your hair in a ponytail to try and conceal the mess.
When you open the door, you look around before getting out, not sure if you're going to find someone and a bit embarrassed to be going away at this hour. You get down the stairs, walking past the kitchen at a quick pace but before you can turn the knob, you hear a voice behind you.
“Minho, your girl is trying to escape”, he yells, making you spin on your heels quickly looking at the telltale just to find a boy, who you're sure is Jeongin, the youngest of the frat house.
“Never thought you would be the type to smash and dash”, your crush says, popping out of the kitchen.
“I'm not!” You defend yourself, crossing your arms.
“That's not what it looks like to me”, he shrugs.
“I was just looking for you”, you lie and he scoffs, walking towards you.
“You shouldn't lie, princess”, he leans closer to you, making you gulp. “I don't like liars”, he whispers. Smirking when he sees your breath quickening and the way you lick your lips nervously. “Anyways, you can go if you want. I'll pick you up at 8”
“F-for what?” You ask, trying to recompose yourself.
“I told you I was going to take you out for dinner, didn't I?”
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"I can't believe you're really going on a date with Minho”, Jihyo says, clapping excitedly while she searches for something in your wardrobe.
“I don't why he wants to go on a date with me”
“‘cause you're hot?” Your best friend says, as if it's obvious.
“He has a hundred other hot girls to take on dates”, you scoff, making Jihyo throw a pillow at you.
“Stop with the self depreciation, he doesn't want the other girls, he wants you. So get your ass over here so I can help you with your makeup”
You were hopeful but didn't think Minho would actually do as he promised. At exactly 8pm, you heard a knock on the door and Jihyo squealed, giving you a thumbs up and sending you to your date.
Minho was looking exceptionally handsome in all black, hands tucked in the pockets of his pants. He stares at you up and down with a grin on his lips.
“You look good”, he tells you, enjoying seeing your cheeks turning a dark shade of red.
“Y-you look nice too”, you say, stepping outside and closing the door behind you.
You are seated in front of him, not really sure what to do next, you two ordered your food and some expensive wine that you never heard about. The ride to the restaurant was a bit awkward, you felt the need to say something but didn't know what to say so you talked about the weather not realizing that he liked seeing you trying, nervous like a bunny being hunted by a predator, him.
“So, what's your major?” He asks, taking you out of your thoughts. He's resting his face on his hand while watching you fidget on your seat.
“Engineering”, you answer, sipping on the glass of water the waiter poured to you.
“That's interesting”, he smiles. “I'm a dance major”, he tells you.
“I know”, you say without thinking, covering your mouth immediately. “I mean, everyone knows”, you smile sheepishly.
“Ah, yes. You like me, right?” He smirks, proudly, making your face turn as red as a tomato.
“Please, stop saying that, it's embarrassing”, you hide your face in your hands.
“It's embarrassing that you like me?” He chuckles, tilting his head.
“You were not supposed to know that”, you clarify, “it's pathetic that I have feelings for someone who didn't even know I existed until last night”, you sigh.
“I clearly knew you existed, since I knew that you like me”, he teases. “I don't think it's pathetic, the heart wants what it wants”
“Is that why you dated all those girls?” You ask, naively, making his eyes grow wide. He didn't think you'd be that straightforward.
“No, I'm not one to rejected a nice looking girl”, he shrugs, “they just didn't manage to be more than that to me, but I'm sure they can be something more for someone else”
“Ah”, you nod, feeling awkward.
“Do you want to date me?” He asks nonchalantly like he's asking how was your day, making you choke on the water you just drank.
“What?” You ask, shocked.
“I think I was very clear”, he answers, scowling.
“Why would you want to date me?”
“I guess you heard me well”, he teases, “you're my type”, Minho clarifies.
“I don't think I'm, though”, you oppose.
“I think I know better than you who is or is not my type”
“I mean, I'm not pretty like your other girlfriends”, you push.
“Firstly: why would I want someone just like the people I broke up with? Second: I think you're pretty”
You feel your whole face hot, covering your mouth instantly so he doesn't see the stupid smile you have on your lips.
“Also, I like fucking you”, he ruins the moment, smirking, “I wanna keep doing that”
“What a gentleman”, you roll your eyes, ignoring the heat growing on your lower stomach. He doesn't need to know that you'd give anything for him to fuck you right now on the restroom of the restaurant.
“I can be one”, he stretches his arm, grabbing your hand, caressing it. “Or I can be the opposite of that, it's your call”, he shrugs.
That's precisely how you ended up fucking on the restaurant’s restroom. He pulled you inside the confined space, bending you on the sink and before you could prepare yourself his cock was inside of you.
“Fuck, kitten”, he groans, covering your mouth, not slowing down his thrusts. “You have to be quiet if you don't wanna get caught”, you nod, crying out, seeing his smirk through the reflection of the mirror.
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You ended up dating him. It's not like it's a sacrifice for you or anything but you couldn't wrap your head around the reason that the Lee Minho would want to date you of all people. People's reaction was different from the one you expected too, they didn't really care, thinking he was going to dump you in a week.
However, to their surprise and especially yours, he didn't. Minho never even brought up the idea of breaking up and when you realized, two months had already passed.
After two months you still couldn't believe you were dating him and how hot he is, you always thought he was the most handsome man you ever saw but dating him hits differently. Now you can see him after a shower, coming out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his hip, his muscular chest bare for you to drool over. He cooks for you, making your favorite foods or some you never ate before. He brings you snacks and makes side dishes for you to eat at home. Minho picks you up before class and takes you back home after or he invites you to sleep over at the frat. You're already acquainted with all his friends, they even come looking for you to show you things when you're in the house. It makes you wonder if they acted like that with all of his girlfriends. Two months of the sweetest romance and the best sex you've ever had.
At least it was. You're not going to deny it, you're insecure. Minho is someone you never thought you could reach, so to be his girlfriend? It's something you never imagined. As he told you before, he has a great number of options, so the possibility that he'll replace you anytime, scares you.
You try forgetting about that, try not to overthink, until you find him at the library with a girl all over him. She's beautiful, perfect skin and shiny hair, she's hanging too close to him, touching his arm and throwing her head back in an exaggerated laugh. She's actually touching him at any chance she gets and you're there paralyzed like an idiot, watching it.
You feel the tears brimming in your eyes and you turn around and walk to the opposite side. You are his girlfriend, you should definitely step in, but in all honesty, you are too scared. Scared he'll look at you like you are nothing, that he's finally going to look at you with cold eyes like you have been waiting for it to happen.
You don't talk to him for days, avoiding meeting with him and ignoring his calls. You know it's childish to just ignore someone like that but you just needed to prepare yourself for the dreadful conversation you were about to have. It's going to be for the best if you two break up, he can go back to the way he lived before and you can stop worrying about when he's going to get tired of you.
It's not a surprise when Minho shows up at your door, you expected that to happen but wasn't expecting his appearance. He has his hair disheveled, deep eye bags under his eyes and he looks furious.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He asks, angrily, not even greeting you and storming inside your apartment like a hurricane. “Why did you disappear?”
“I needed to think”, you murmur, closing the door behind you.
“Think about what? You should at least have answered my texts”, he huffs, taking his jacket off and throwing it on the couch.
“About us”, you answer him, making his face soften a bit.
“What about us?” He asks, tilting his head in confusion.
“I think it's best if we break up”, you tell him at once, not really capable of dragging this conversation for too long, it was already so hard to say that sentence, you are about to cry at any minute.
“What are you on about?” He frowns, taking a step closer to you, but you take a step back.
“I'm trying to make the right decision for the both of us”, you sigh, “it's not like this is going to last anyways, you should go find someone who's on your level”
He scoffs, breathing a laugh. You expected any other reaction of him, but that one was not included.
“So that is what this is about”, he starts walking towards you and you start stepping back, until you bump into the kitchen table with nowhere else to run. Minho gets closer to you, looking down on you as he cages you between the table and his body.
“My kitten is insecure, is that it?” He asks, making you blush with the pet name. Minho never gets tired of making you flustered.
“I'm not”, you lie, avoiding his gaze.
“You know I don't like liars”, he tells you, “but I guess it's on me, if I did a better job as your boyfriend you wouldn't be feeling like this’, he pouts.
“You are a great boyfriend”, you murmur, trying not to look into his eyes, he's too close.
“Hm? I am?” He teases. “Then what's it, kitten, did you find someone more interesting than me?” He smiles, it was supposed to be a joke but the way your eyes widened with that simple suggestion makes him a bit mad. “Is that it?” He asks, narrowing his eyes to stare at you.
“No, there's no one like that”, you tell him.
“Then why did you hesitate?”, he raises his brows in questioning. You were just too shocked to answer right away but he doesn't let you tell him that. “Nice way to make me angry”, he scoffs. “I told you I can be a fucking gentleman so why do you always make me be the opposite of that?” He asks, taking a step closer to you and pressing his body against yours. His hands slide around your waist, caging you even more in his hold.
“Minho, I-”, you try to speak but he tsks, interrupting you.
“You need to learn a lesson”, he tells you, leaning closer and brushing his lips on your cheek, trailing it down to your jaw and then your neck. “You are mine”, he whispers before attaching his mouth to your neck, biting on your skin so hard you whine with the pain.
His hands slide down to your ass, squeezing it and pulling you up, to sit on the table. You were on your pjs already ready to sleep and that makes his access to your body easier, the thin fabric of your clothes can barely block the warmth coming from his body to yours.
Minho pops open his dress shirt, letting it slide and fall on the floor, watching your reaction to him. You bite on your bottom lip, staring at his muscular chest. He always looks so good, you feel like moaning just by looking at him.
“Min…”, you murmur, spreading your legs wide for him. It's not like you can resist him anyways.
“There you are”, he smiles, unbuckling his pants and letting it fall down at his feet, “my needy girl”
You avoid his eyes, pulling your shirt off to reveal your bare chest to him.
“You look so hot, all spread for me like this”, he smiles, getting on his knees. Minho pulls the waistband of your shorts and panties down, watching your glistening cunt in excitement. “Is this because of me or are you thinking about someone else?” He pushes, finally seeing you look at him, shaking your head frantically.
“It's all you, the only one I think about is you”, you confess, feeling your cheeks hot.
Minho grins, putting your legs over his shoulders and kissing your inner thighs. He licks your pussy slightly, just teasing you, making you put your hands on his head to force him against your core.
You can feel him smile, licking a long strip between your folds, attaching his lips to your clit next. Minho slides his hand between your legs, inserting two fingers inside of you, going in and out while he sucks your aching core, grunting and groaning with you pulling on his hair and he watches as you become undone in his mouth.
You can feel your orgasm coming, your toes curl immediately and you buck your hips against his mouth desperately, chasing your high and when the knot on your lower stomach finally explodes, you moan loudly, trembling in his embrace.
Minho stands up, cleaning around his mouth with his fingers and then licking on them.
“Still my favorite taste”, he smirks. You look stunning with your soft lips parted and hair disheveled, your chest rises and falls in a fast rhythm.
“This is going to be the last time I'll let you have your way”, you try looking the least bit believable while stating that, but that only makes him chuckle, stroking his cock a few times before he comes closer to you.
“And that only proves that you still haven't understood the situation you're in”, he tells you, teasing your entrance with the head of his cock while he waits for you to stop him but you don't, you want to feel him inside you so fucking much that it seems like you're going crazy. He pushes in, feeling your cunt squeezing him deliciously. “Fuck”, Minho murmurs. Your arms wrap around his waist, burying your nails in his skin, the snap of his hips against yours making you breathless.
He kisses you, feeling your sweet lips against his only adds to the building up of his orgasm, you look so pretty, you're perfect for him, your pussy is perfect for him, he won't let you end things with him that easily.
He pulls away from you for a moment, your mouth is parted and your eyes are glossy, he wants to hold you forever.
“I'm in love with you”, he confesses, thrusts faltering a bit. Your eyes grow wide to his sudden revelation. “You won't get rid of me that easily, kitten”, he groans, pressing his lips against yours one more time.
That's enough for you to cum, squirming and trembling in his embrace, while you watch him breathlessly thrust inside of you, eyes locked with yours.
“Do it inside”, you cry out, overstimulated after your second orgasm. Minho groans, bending towards you and kissing you, spilling his hot cum inside you while he bites on your lips.
He rests his head on your shoulder, breathless, trying to recompose himself.
“Don't ever talk about breaking up, ever again”, he pulls away to look at you, finding your eyes brimming with tears.
“But I saw that girl hitting on you the other day at the library”, you pout, making him sigh, cupping your face with both of his hands.
“Yes, she was hitting on me but I told her I have a really smart, hot girlfriend and that I was not interested”, he tells you, making you feel like the greatest idiot in the world.
“I'm sorry, I should have checked with you first”, you say, “I just love you so much, I'm scared you're going to dump me”, you confess, making him chuckle. His heart beating like crazy, it's the first time you openly say you love him.
“Y/n, you're stuck with me for a long time”, he gives you a peck on the lips, “I won't ever do anything to hurt you, okay?”
You nod, feeling warmth spreading all over your chest.
“Now, you better prepare yourself, ‘cause you need to receive some punishment for disappearing and making me worry”, he tells you, showing you that devilish smirk of his and before you can run to save yourself, Minho is picking you up and dragging you to your room.
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fathomlessgaze · 6 months
bring your child to work day: zayne and his daughter spend a day at the hospital
fluff, dad!zayne/reader (a little bit), ~2.2k
warnings: reader only makes a small appearance it's mostly about zayne + his daughter spending quality time together tbh, allusions to zayne + mc's lore (no specific memory idt just the overarching theme of their story), zayne is a devoted girl dad bc i believe in girldad!zayne...
a/n: mc/reader + zaynes daughter is named zenith here bc i liked the idea of them sharing an initial 😭 meaning the highest point/the point right above you in the sky bc i think thats what she would be for zayne+mc like one of the best moments of their lifetimes :( anyway it's mentioned in the fic but shes the spitting image of zayne thats his mini-me fr
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“good morning,” zayne says, passing by the nurses’ station without much fuss. it’s an ordinary wednesday, after all.  
“morning,” greyson echoes with a curt nod, his eyes still focused on the files he’s reviewing from an overnight patient. 
“mornin’!” a third voice calls happily. 
greyson freezes, his papers falling unceremoniously on the floor. “huh!?” he exclaims, a little too loud for a hospital corridor. 
however the chief pays his outburst no mind, and he suddenly sees why, greyson’s gaze finding the little girl perched on his boss’ hip. of course, he remembers, it’s “bring your child to work” day. but for some reason, he never thought that zayne would actually bring his child to work. perhaps that explains why he’d made sure no surgeries were scheduled for this day weeks ago. 
zayne strokes her dark hair, brushing a loose strand from her pigtails behind her ear. “this is dr. greyson,” he speaks softly, pointing in his direction. “dr. greyson, meet zenith.” 
“nice to meet you!” she exclaims, waving a chubby hand in the air, paying no mind to his wide eyes and slack jaw. 
she can’t be over four judging from her height, and, of course, greyson knew zayne had a daughter, but he didn’t really know. he remembers you mentioning her at your appointments, the photos on his desk and, of course, zayne’s paid time off actually being used at personal all time highs (which had already been on the incline after you moved in and then got married) since a few years ago, but it still feels surreal to actually see him with his child. 
if she has any opinion on greyson’s lack of response besides the cartoon birds that would appear around his head if they were in an animated tv show, she gives no hint. instead, she smiles brightly, her green eyes sparkling as she takes zayne’s glasses off his face and fists the lenses, trying to rotate them in her tiny hands and fit them on her own face. 
somehow, with the much too large frames perched on her nose, she looks even more like her father. everything, from her dark hair tied with ribbons to her hazel eyes, the curve of her brow and little nose, she is her father’s daughter to a t. perhaps the only un-zayne-like thing about her is the permanent cheeriness in her gaze and her gummy smile. that she must��ve gotten from you. while greyson has definitely noticed how his boss has become a little less taciturn and stern over the years, he would be lying to himself if he said he ever thought zayne would become even a miniscule fraction as bubbly as the daughter he holds close right now.
“i didn’t know you were bringing your daughter in today!” greyson exclaims, the realizations of today finally settling and coming together in his mind.
there’s a fondness in his eyes as he glances to zenith, his lips quirking the slightest bit upwards. “she’s been asking for weeks to come with me; i figured now would be the best time with the other kids here. i know you’ve seen the schedule for today, but—”
“oh my god!” yvonne gasps, speeding towards the trio gathered. “you brought your daughter, dr. zayne!” she extends her hand to the girl, which she happily takes. “i’m yvonne, i work with your dad.” 
“i’m zenif,” she babbles, her syllables getting caught on her missing tooth. 
simultaneously both greyson and yvonne coo at the little girl. 
“aren’t you the cutest thing? i’ve seen so many pictures of you but you’re just the dearest little one, hm?” 
and word of mouth travels fast, because, soon enough, a whole crowd has come to fuss over the most adorable little girl who looks exactly like the aloof department chair and has the sweetest smile. she graciously accepts their compliments with quiet ‘thank you's' and hides her face in her father’s neck and shoulder, causing even more ‘aww’s to fall from his colleagues’ lips. when the attention dies down, zayne finally gets to his office, nearly an hour later than he usually would have by now, but he can’t even be annoyed. his little girl is the most precious; of course, he would react in the same way. 
he shuts the door behind them and puts his bag down by his desk, moving zenith so she has a place on his lap when he sits down. “what would you like to do today, hm?” he asks, booting up his computer and finding a pile of files from the depths of a drawer. 
“what do you do?” she asks.
he hums. “well sometimes i see patients who don’t feel well, sometimes i do surgeries on them so they feel better, and sometimes i have to do paperwork. i don’t have any patients or surgeries scheduled today, so we can do whatever you want; how does that sound?”
“what about paperwork?” she exclaims. “you said that’s what you do?” 
“would you like to do paperwork with me?” 
she nods firmly. “i wanna spend time with daddy!” 
his heart softens, his already abnormally warm (at least for work standards) gaze growing even more endeared by his precious, favorite little girl. “you want to spend time with me?” 
her head bobs and she wraps her arms around his neck, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “of course! i love you, daddy.”
pressing a kiss to her cheek, he can’t help a smile. of course he knows she loves him, loves spending time with him. when he’s home she’s practically glued to his hip. and he tries his best to make sure she knows the same. but sometimes it’s just nice to hear it from someone you love. “and i love you, princess.” 
it used to be a foreign expression on his tongue many, many years ago, before you’d returned to his life, and especially before she came into his life. but as time flew by, thanks to you and your help, he’d grown familiar, comfortable, fond with it. while he knew you didn’t mind him not saying that as much as other boyfriends and husbands might from all your conversations, knowing he expressed how much he loved you and then some through other ways, he knew she might not have understood just how her father expressed his feelings and fondness at her young age. 
so beyond his quiet actions, he makes sure to tell her. whether it’s a post-it note in her lunchbox, right next to the heart-shaped sandwich with the crusts cut off, just how she likes it, whenever it’s his turn to make her lunch, or a birthday card she’ll know how to read one day, he tries to tell her through words too. ‘i love you’ went from an expression he seldom said or heard, to one he couldn’t get enough of, whether it be from your lips or hers, and one he always wanted you both to know. 
“let’s see what kind of paperwork we can find for you, then.” coincidentally a knock sounds from the other side of the door. “come in.” 
“they brought some donuts and coloring pages out in the lobby,” yvonne says, popping her head in. “i figured you’d both be interested.” 
“thank you, yvonne.” when the door shuts, zayne leans back to look at his daughter, brushing her hair. “what do you think about that? do you want to take a look?” with her eager nods, zayne stands.
“i wanna walk,” she pouts, tugging on his once crisp button-up, and he puts her down accordingly, taking her small fingers in his. 
they make their way hand in hand down the corridor, drawing even more endeared coos from the staff until they reach the table. kneeling down to her height, he points at a smaller kids table in the corner.
“how about you get some coloring sheets and crayons? i can get you a donut and we can head back and do some paperwork,” he explains.  
she happily obliges, skipping over and inspecting the books with a familiar seriousness (which also makes the other staff coddle her just as much as her bright smiles. “aren’t you so precious!?” “she’s just like her father!” zayne can’t help the small quirk of his lips when he hears how cute they find his daughter, because she is, speaking from his personal experience.). meanwhile he grabs a strawberry donut with sprinkles and a chocolate one, both her favorites, placing them on a napkin and grabbing a few extra knowing how she takes after you in terms of her messiness. 
meeting her in the corner, he bends down, taking a quick look at the drawings she’s taken. “find anything you like?” he asks.
raising her pages to his eyes, she beams. “they have the bears!” 
he smiles softly, tucking her loose hair away. “yes, they do,” he hums. “who knew?” 
it totally wasn’t like he’d ordered specific character coloring books when it was time for the cardiology department to refill their kids’ activity section. it totally wasn’t like he’d looked for some ones he knew his daughter would love. it wasn’t like that at all; zayne maintains he’s as impassive and serious at work as ever…he’s lying to himself.
when she gathers her crayons, the duo make their way back to his office. the day flies quickly by, her babbles and light, curious questions bringing a new level of comfort and joy zayne never thought he’d get from his job. he loves what he does, of course, but everything just seems more enjoyable and memorable with his daughter by his side. or rather, with her on his lap, in her own little world of just her and her beloved dad, oblivious to the seriousness of the paperwork her father is dealing with as she busies herself with her own “paperwork” and scribbles vibrant colors all over the once black and white image.
and zayne thinks he would be perfectly content if it were to stay like this forever. even with all his prizes and awards, nothing could compare to the reward and title of being your husband and zenith’s father. 
he lowers his pen to the desk from his fingers, using his free hand to rest his head as he admires the precious life before him. “i love you, princess,” he murmurs, pinching her cheek. 
“i love you too, daddy!” she turns to face him, crumbs of donut glaze still around her lips. 
he takes a napkin and dabs at her face before checking his watch. you’d said you’d meet them around now… “how about we get lunch soon?” 
right on time, a knock sounds from the door, which opens to reveal you. “how are my favorite doctors doing?” you exclaim. 
“mama!” she cheers, hopping off zayne’s knee and running into your waiting embrace. 
kissing her head, you give her a squeeze. “how’s work with dada going?” 
“i love it here! daddy colors and eats dessert all day,” she cheers. 
glancing to your husband, you chuckle. “is that so?” 
he makes his way towards you both, giving you a peck as you stand, your daughter now on your hip. “something like that,” he mumbles. 
“then maybe i should become a doctor too,” you tease. “is now a good time for lunch?” 
he nods, opening the office door once more and allowing you to pass first. 
“i wanna become a doc-tor, too,” zenith ponders, suddenly serious with her small fingers tapping at her chin as she thinks, a habit no doubt from her father. “then daddy and i can color and eat snacks together forever!” 
“is that so?” you ask, but you can’t help the smile you shoot at your husband. 
she bobs her head, a determined furrow in her brow. “i wanna be with mama and daddy forever.” 
zayne has a warm fondness in his gaze as his eyes find his daughter. she looks up to him with wide eyes and her gummy grin, reaching her small hand out for his own, which he happily obliges. her tiny fist wraps around two of fingers, and he briefly wishes that she could stay his little girl for eternity. she doesn’t need to know how hard her dad’s job actually is, how much work he had to put in to get to where they are now, the sorrows of her parents’ past. she is a precious gem, the shining peak of all your shared lifetimes. 
this one existence, finally at peace, a happy ending for you and him, domestic bliss with the two, now three, of you, he thinks it’s worth every tear that’s been shed before. and maybe in another universe and lifetime, the you’ll get another happy ending. he thinks that even if it’s a simple life, as long as it’s with the two of you, it’d be one he cherishes and treasures close to every fiber of his existence, one he would fight all there may be to remember, for no god could tear his devotion. maybe he’d even bet every splintering past life that led to this one was worth the years he’s gotten to spend with you in this one, and the years still to come. so he hopes she stays as optimistic and bright as ever, that you stay by his side in this heavenly life he could only once dream of. after all, ice is made of crystals.
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