#i wasnt gonna post this otherwise
wackarat · 5 months
u r a wanker for that su post
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you can’t stop me
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the au is from @lenny-link btw
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mokutone · 2 years
I can just imagine the context behind that gai post, rip anyone who witnessed that.
im fascinated by this ask i have NO idea what ur imagining but it must be quite a vision
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
sorry that im a bit ignorant but im trying to learn, I've never come across the term MRA before, can i ask what it means, please and thank you? - trans kid who is trying to learn about this stuff
"MRA" means "Men's Rights Activst." It refers to a movement of cis(het) men, largely white, which claims to seek more rights for men on the basis that men are oppressed by women/that women are privileged in some or all areas of society, to the detriment of men. It almost always focuses entirely on cis, straight, white men.
In practice, MRAs reject the concept of the patriarchy and downplay or entirely reject misogyny as a form of oppression. It grew out of men's liberation, which was originally feminist-aligned but then split between men whose politics aligned with feminism & men who saw feminism as a source of their issues (MRAs). MRA rhetoric involves taking men's issues and using them as a cudgel against feminism, rejecting any analysis of these issues that places the blame on the patriarchy (often relying on an understanding of the patriarchy as "men in general," born out of a poor understanding of feminist theory). MRAs tend to use these issues as a "gotcha!" against any feminist discussion of misogyny or male privilege, rather than actually seeking the cause of these issues (patriarchy) & working with women to make the systematic changes needed to alleviate them.
For example, one of the hottest topics MRAs use is parental rights, specifically child custody and child support. MRAs will claim that courts are unfairly biased against fathers because they love women and hate men (to be very reductive about the arguments they make). This is very comforting to men who have been fucked over by the court system & who have unexamined internalized misogyny. However, this bias can be better explained by feminist men's liberation; the Youtuber F.D Signifier (in a video linked in the post linked below) made a great counter to this, explaining how mothers are prioritized because the patriarchy says that women's natural role is motherhood, and attempts to discourage them from working by placing the burden of parenting on them; fathers, on the other hand, are perceived as naturally being less involved.
MRAs make discussing men's issues really difficult because people end up associating any discussion of men's issues with them. Additionally, a lot of people counter MRA arguments by just disagreeing with anything they say, rather than acknowledging that the issue is an issue but pointing out why their conclusions are flawed and unhelpful.
I semi-recently had to deal with MRAs myself on a post about sexual assault & cis men, which you can check out here if you want to see this kind of rhetoric in action.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I'm sorry but the moment Alicent decided to obey her father she knew what was going to happen she knew she would have to have sex with him and have heirs. It's the only reason viserys remarried
what else was she meant to do? this was a day and age where women, especially young girls were controlled by their fathers, to some if not a great extent until they were married off (children of nobles typically betrothed for political reasons not love, these betrothals arranged by their fathers to whoever they pleased and saw fit, no matter what it could mean for the daughter). was she supposed to say no? was she supposed to disobey? what could have happened to her if she did? there was no point in which she could say no, when she could disagree. she was a girl, a child, all she could do was bite her tongue and pray for a miracle, pray for Viserys to not take to her, that at the very least he would wait to get her pregnant (the fact a 14 year old had to worry about that is sickening)
she was 14, she was grieving Aemma and reliving the pain of the loss of her mother, her father gave her an order, though disguised as a suggestion, one she could not deny. it didn't mean she wanted to, it didn't mean she wanted him to marry her, it doesn't mean she would have been forced to bear heirs as a child herself (especially because Aemma died because Viserys tried to get her pregnant to young and cause long lasting health issues that eventually lead to her fatal pregnancy), it doesn't mean she wanted any of it. but she didn't have any other choice, she didn't have a choice when her father sent her to his chambers, when Viserys claimed her hand, when Viserys assumed her consent and raped her in their marital bed, when she bore multiple children before she was 18, when she had to take care of him in his illness, when she had to practically rule in his stead. women didn't have choices at the time, nine of it was s choice she could have said no to, she just had to take it, all of it, cause her father told her to and it's her duty to obey him, and then Viserys married her and it was her duty to serve him.
y'all are so quick to blame a CHILD for the actions of her father and the king himself and forgetting the time and place she was in. nothing she could have done would have spared her fate, if not bringing her a worse one.
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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as much as i love his design i fucking CANT draw his expressions as exaggerated as i want to an its v frustrating
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dontwanderoff · 3 months
went to pub for tea and had two wines which makes the notion of doing ieps and planning tonight much less scary BUT just realised today is hair wash day and that could be the thing that breaks me
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lostinthesasuke · 1 year
naruto would be a disaster of a lolita he would literally
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but if a normal person styled him i think he would wear AP holy wolf with the official furry ears
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hopezzy · 2 years
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“It’s because of me. That’s why he’s late.” —Max and Nat as Hia Yi and Kon-Diao in Cutie Pie Special Episode 1
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blushouyo · 1 year
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ive been dating you in my head for three years, happy anniversary beautiful 💙💙💙
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mbat · 5 days
just cause im still thinking about umbrella academy im also just. thinking about how parts of it play into antisemitic tropes and shit
like theres literally 2 secret organizations that control the world
one of them has a prominent character who speaks yiddish and literally killed a pair of parents just to steal their child
and the other group planned to kill jfk (and succeeded) and has a literal alien lizard man in that small group that is literally described as a cabal
and on top of that one of the main characters was literally spending a whole season in conspiracy theory mode and his conspiracy theories were true and also some of the things he said were very... hm. like i dont think diego would ever be like 'the jews did it!' but some of the stuff he said sounded like it i swear
anyway ive just been thinking about that ever since i finished the show because of course i have
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oflgtfol · 1 year
Literally on my hands and knees rn about the fact im working 10 hours like the one and only time i worked 10 hours at michaels was a surprise because two people called out and the closing manager was my framing manager whos not used to closing so i said yknow what fine i’ll stay an extra three hours to give her an extra set of hands in getting the store ready to close so i stayed 7-5 when i had only been scheduled 7-2. so it was a random unplanned thing that i had done as a courtesy for a coworker i like
but now having my store manager be like oh youre willing to do 10 hour shifts? okay well out of nowhere im gonna adjust your shift to be 10 hours long tomorrow without even asking you or even just telling you ahead of time. im just gonna do it and then tell you after the fact. yeah you have to stay the whole ten hours haha yeah i know its a long shift ^w^
like. Agony
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
How do you think the digital circus crew would react to a new member who genuinely to want to stay and doesn't want to leave at all?
TADC cast x reader who doesnt wanna leave the circus !
i lied about the previous post being the nights last post, imma spit out one more before i call it a night!! hope this is okay anon, this one may be a little on the short side; maybe.. i always write these notes before everything and forget to edit them accordingly
wrote this as general reactions instead of platonic/romantic/whatever relationship stuff! i like to imagine reader says this when the topic of trying to find an exit comes up... like imagine the atmosphere the looks the !!
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hey i mean, hes not gonna stop you from not leaving! caines part is a little weird, since ive seen so many theories on his whole deal and i like them all, i cant settle on just one idea and roll with it... i think he would be thrilled that you want to stay, though.. doesnt have to remind you there is no escape because youre not interested in it... i think he would casually ask why you dont want to leave, though, its not often he finds someone whos content, at least not content without the loss of hope
she was the one who brought up trying to find an exit, again.. she kind of just looks at you with confusion written all over her face. she asks you if you meant that you have given up on trying to escape. you assure her that you just dont want to leave, giving up has nothing to do with it. she just gapes her mouth, before closing. blinks twice, and just asks why. why stay in a program like this? you cant provide an answer that seems to appease her, though... definitely some weird and confused looks from her
she doesnt know what to think of it. ragatha herself has come to terms with her position. like sure if there were a plan to escape that truly seemed like it would work, i think she would jump on it and try to leave.. i dont think she would pry you for answers, she believes you have your own personal reasons
honestly i dont think he would care, assuming this is as i said in the note above where the topic of escape comes up and you guys arent dating or like best friends. i mean its your life and hes not going to argue with you, if you wanna be stuck in this shithole thats your business. oddly enough doesnt use it as ammo against you, though, and he bullies everyone over just about anything... maybe he cant come up with a cool nickname that makes sense, or otherwise find a way to make fun of you... but. idk
i think kinger would like to escape but i think he just accepted hes going to be stuck here forever. now if he had someone to fight for and be with and they wanted to leave, he would follow them. otherwise hes content with staying put because he doesnt have much incentive or desire remaining to leave. being there for years and seeing so many people fall does that to a person
very similar to jax, in the case that its your business, of course this is assuming you guys arent close to one another. theyre not going to lecture you on how to go about your life. nothing to say here that wasnt already said in jax's segment
gives you a soft and meek "but why" when you speak up to the group that you dont plan on leaving when pomni brings the topic up. you offer a shrug, or just say you dont want to leave. true utter confusion, and in a dark way believes that you prefer this world over the real one; even when your memories are smeared and burned, if any remain at all
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sableprince · 10 months
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originally i wasnt gonna post this but i've been convinced otherwise. a post-game sequel to this silly comic.
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akascow · 1 month
the more posts i see about tua4 the more im convinced none of the writers went back and watched the previous seasons because literally so much is wrong dude HAHA
annoying words under the break and spoilers !!
for starters since when has allison ever helped klaus in the previous seasons🧍🏻‍♀️ it was always diego man. im glad he got to be the fun but very cautious uncle for claire but allison rarely helped klaus with anything except in s2 where they just got drunk together on the kitchen floor HAHA
also lila 'i dont like bracelets' pitts who was already shown making bracelets in 2 (with diego), losing her bracelet at the end of 2, then diego giving it back to her in 3 (and she wore that shit !!) all for it to be thrown away for whatever the fuck happened in the strawberry timeline lol
this ones a throwaway rant but 1) why did none of the fives in that diner experience paradox psychosis and 2) whyd they all look the same lol u cant tell me every five chose to wear the same exact suit with the same haircut (and the same age appearance wise!!)
someone already said this one so dont credit me but five wouldve 1000000% recognized his apocalypse that second he stepped outta that train (by the smell) and would not need to look around for 10 seconds at the debris he spent like 40 years in to clock it as ".....i know this place,, its my apocalypse" lmfao yeah man
not gonna get into this one but raymond "id rather spend a day with you than a year without you" chestnut would never fuckin walk out on allison and claire lol WHAT
anotha one that ppl have already mentioned but ben wouldve told klaus what happened to him when he died right? like he stuck around for 15 years because he wasnt ready to leave his siblings he for sure woulda mentioned it at some point right 🧍🏻‍♀️
and biggest of all (for me bc its been bugging me) but if lila had to be there in the end "otherwise itd just reset again" then why the hell didnt the other oct 1st people need to be there too are we just supposed to forget about them (RAHHH) if the reasoning is that they shouldve never existed (awful reasoning btw) then why do the others get a free pass HUH?? unless theyre like "well the cleanse took over the entire world so they got slorped up too" or "the others died a while ago these 8 are the last marigold kids" which is a stupid cop out and i will not accept it lmao.
also they never went anywhere with reggies alien self HAHA not a problem w me bc i do not care about him at all but like,, why was he an alien (i cant remember if they explained it in the comics but) HAHA whatever man
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marunalu · 10 months
Soooo..... *kracks knuckles* time for my review of the newest chapter and OH BOY what a chapter it is! I dont even know where to start.
(Warning this post is long as fuck and NOT edited, so be prepared for some horrible grammatical mistakes 😜)
Okay so first of, as far as Im aware of, there is literally a feud going on right now on twitter with people debating if this chapter confirms that afo was true evil from birth or not. I did read about this opinion AFTER I read the spoilers and I have to say while I was reading the leaks not ONCE did I have the feeling the narrative was trying to tell me that baby afo was evil from the get go. Its a BABY guys! All what I did see was a child desperatly trying to survive in a fucked up enviroment which continued with the following years!
But lets start from the beginning. There were a few things in that chapter that really surprised me and then some things I reacted like: I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!
What surprised me was the backstory of afos and yoichis mother. Not gonna lie Im a little dissapointed, because I wanted to know more of her and not just "well, she was a prostitute that got pregnant without noticing and then died. End of story." But despite that I think it still works. It confirmed my suspicious from the start that afo and yoichi grew up without parents in a horrible hostile and dangerous world all on their own.
An other theory I had which was more or less confirmed here is that quirks are indeed a disease or what I like to call them "parasites" that take over their hosts body (vestiges). Its still not clear from WHERE or from WHO they originate from. The translation I did read made it sound like as if they either originate from rats and spread like the plague or its an sexually transmitted disease which could explain why afos/yoichis mother (a prostitute) had it. The only thing that seems strange is that the chapter says she wasnt aware that she was pregnant for 8 months, because she had some kind of memory lose and couldnt remember that it happend. So who knows, maybe its still possible that quirks originate from a failed experiment.
One of the things that actually surprised me is that afo and yoichi are actually TWINS! Its so simple but somehow I never really thought about that possebility, maybe because afo was ALWAYS framed as the older brother (which he still kinda is I guess if he was born first). So baby afo already possessed his quirk since he was in his mothers womb and "stole" her quirk (the reason why the "wart" on her arm vanished). Baby afo holding on baby yoichis arm is both kinda heartbreaking and creepy at the same time. Barely born and he already shows his possessive nature, BUT I want to remind everyone that it makes sense. Afo is selfaware enough that he calls himself a kleptomanic (the urge to steal and possess). This kleptomany is a negative side effect of his quirk controlling him (hence why I call quirks parasites). In other words, he never really had a chance to choose otherwise. This kind of quirk? In this kind of hostile enviroment to grow up alone without a loving parent? Yeah, no wonder dude turned out fucked up!
So the next thing we see is this
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Yeah no nice place to grow up for a child and I want to point out the crazy parallel here between small afo and little tenko. Both get rejected by adults that should take care of them. The difference is that small afo sees these man who refuse to give him anything and decide to ignore him as a tread and lashs out at them.
The next we see is baby afo violently sucking at his dead mothers breast.
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Its incredible unsettling and creepy to see a baby drawn like this. But I think thats more hori trying to give us the image of a monster baby we shouldnt feel sympathy for which is of course wrong. It makes perfectly sense that a new born hungry baby tries to survive by sucking at his mothers breast. I really dont think baby afo was aware at that point that his mother is dead. The next pictures we see is an toddler afo beating up (killing) some man. We dont know the details why afo attacked these man but we need to remember that the people living in the same enviroment as him are very dangerous and people with quirks were getting killed. Then I also want to point out what we see next.
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We see little yoichi LYING ON THE FLOOR, with a BRUSED face and MISSING TOOTHS. Do you get what Im trying to say? Because all of a sudden it makes sense why small afo was beating these guys up, right?!
They hurt his brother!
Afo sees his brother as his possession (surprise surprise) and when someone hurts his possession there needs to be a punishment. Yoichi is of course a little angel and doesnt want people to get hurt. I saw a lot of people freaking out that small afo kicks small yoichi and not gonna lie its very hard to watch. But again I want to point a few things out. Yoichi while justified threw a cane at his brother and tells him to stop to hurt the people who were (most likely) about to hurt THEM first! So the kick is in respons for throwing a cane at him and standing up for a group of adults who most likely wanted to hurt them (or DID hurt yoichi). The kick is brutal from a readers point of view, but we also need to remember that small afo was NEVER teached which part of his behavior is wrong. There was no one who raised him or teached him anything. There was no moral in the world he lived only survival. In his eyes yoichi belongs to him/is a part of him. Yoichi has to do what his brother says because he is the weak one and cant survive without him (afos mindset). We can also see on afos visible ripps that he is malnourished.
A few years later we see yoichi finding the captain hero comics. (It breaks my heart to see how this two children literally have to live in FILTH! At least afo doesnt wear a trash bag anymore....)
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We find out that they cant even read properly which makes of course sense since they dont go to school. And not gonna lie that picture in the left of them sitting and reading the comic together is actually quite wholesome 😢
Afo instantly fixiates on the demon lord of the comic! Why? Because the demon lord does the same things as he does (killing people) and the demon lord wants everything for himself. It makes sense why that would intrigue a small child that has NOTHING! If we look at small yoichi and then at small afo, we can see that yoichi looks actually better groomed. Afo wore a trash bag while he already wore proper clothes. Yoichi wore shoes while afo walked barfoot. This shows that, as fucked up afos mind set of seeing yoichi as property is, he took way better care of yoichi then for himself. He gave him the better clothes and shoes to wear, he maybe even made sure that yoichi was never to hungry while he is clearly malnourished. Afo sees yoichi as property.... because he is the only thing he has and so he takes care of him as best as he can. But lets remember he is still a child himself without a moral compass and without the knowledge what is right or wrong.
I saw a few people question why afo turned out so messed up while yoichi didnt. Its actually quite easy. Afo SHIELDED yoichi from the cruelty of the world they had to live in. He feed him, gave him clothes, a place to hide, protected him from danger. And thanks to that shielding yoichi was able to gain a conscience and moral. It also explains why afo feels so entiteld with yoichi. In his mind he does everything for him while there is NO ONE who actually does something for afo in return. Yoichi is to young to do that. All he can do is giving his brother love, but in this kind of cruel world thats not enough to survive. Yoichi has his brother who takes care of him. Afo has nobody. It makes sense why he wants to be like the demon lord who gets everything for himself. Afo wants everything for himself, because he has nothing. And the very tiny bit he does have... he gives to yoichi... because yoichi cant die... because if yoichi dies he TRULY does have nothing anymore.
And now it gets REALLY interesting
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3 years later afo comes back and yoichi instantly realizes that his brother was in a fight. He is bleeding, looks tired and his clothes are in shreds. Afo explains that he killed the "glowing baby" (the older one) and stole his quirk (I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!) and has a whole ass rant that he cant understand how this person was able to gather 10 MILLION supporters who love him when in fact that "glowing baby" wasnt even the first quirk user and there were 50 people from india who got quirks before him. In other words afo only killed that "glowing baby" person, because he was fucking JEALOUS that he had so many supporters and people on his side showing love and understanding, while NO ONE was supporting HIM! Think about how afo is obsessed with gaining followers and supporters and HOW does he archive that? By "helping" them and by that forcing them to join his side because they are in his debt.
Afo has no grasp how to gain friends in a selfless way, because he was never teached how! He has no grasp of love and how to love in a selfless way (since his possessivness of his brother). Its not that he cant love or doesnt want to love - he simply has no idea HOW to do it in a healthy and selfless way! He killed the "glowing baby" guy simply just because he was LOVED by people, while he himself isnt and it pissed him off. Afo has no concept of love and doesnt really understand it. The love he feels for his brother is toxic and more possessivness then anything else. He never experienced parental love, never had a friend that loved him. And still what afo wants the most is to be loved. He wants everything for himself and that includes the love of people. Dude has just zero idea how to do that without killing people.
And at least a little dfo crump. Without a doubt we can all agree that afos concept of love is pretty fucked up. Personally I always thought that if dfo is canon then afos affection for inko and izuku would also be portrayed as toxic. Knowing a little bit more of afos backstory now and seeing how obsessed he is for wanting everything for himself including peoples love, makes me wonder how afo and inko could have meet. Maybe its not even because of some conspiracy theory like the inko shimura theory, but something way simpler. Maybe inko showed afo at one point just some kindness and afo with his completly messed up view of love interpreteted her kindness as love and became obsessed with her. So he startet to follow her (stalk her), organized some meetings that were of course completly "coincidentally" (not) and charmed his way into her life.
And at least I also want to say, that afo clearly lied when he said that his last name is shigaraki. The mother didnt had the chance to give her sons any name, so I guess that confirms that "shigaraki" is a fake last name afo gave himself at one point. And the question is also who named him and yoichi? Does he even have a name? Did he give himself one? Was he the one who named yoichi? Because yoichi means "first gift", and I could see afo giving him that kind of name. (And now Im picturing afo introducing himself with the name hisashi to inko, just because in that very moment a truck drove past them with that name on it 🤣).
Okay that was a pretty long post and I still feel like as if I forgot to mention something. But I think that were all my thoughts for now.
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wiihtigo · 7 months
wiihtigo.tumblr.com/post/743934944739557376/ okay enough about Nell dying. what about that bad ending 2 with Casey dying 👀
grimacing at you sort of mournfully
similar to nell I think it happens during some big event- not as big as a crisis event alien invasion like nell but a citywide threat..(otherwise known as a regular tuesday in gotham), nell is out as ladybug helping out along with some gotham regulars (i imagine batman and nightwing are skulking around) shes not working WITH them exactly. theyre just out and shes also out at the same time and theyre fighting the same things. you see.
casey tags along sometimes when ladybug is out doing her thing because she lowkey doesnt respect nells job and thinks they can just combine patrolling and hanging out, BUT this time she actually stayed home. shes just laying on the couch, maybe scrolling her phone or finding something to watch on tv or dozing off into a nap when something hits their building. For the kind of big show-y jackass-y destruction thats happening in the city ive had it in mind this is a joker stunt. Not that thats super important even, hes not directly involved with casey blowing up. Anyways something hits their building and casey is crushed or...pierced by debris. She manages to fish out to phone (now cracked to shit) and calls nell for help (her reasoning being that nell will treat her as priority and come get her and help her ASAP meanwhile the ambulance's and police in gotham are pretty busy already)
Luckily, Nell picks up and immediately hears something is wrong even though casey (delirious and in shock) does not open with "there is a wooden beam lodged in my ribs come fucking get me" and instead is like "um...are you almost finished with work i think you should come home now. someone broke your window. its cold in here" but her voice is really strained and shes breathing kind of hard.
Nell is already speeding away but hes really far from their apartment and these stupid henchmen just keep getting in the way and its hard to keep casey talking when casey is usually the one DOING THE TALKING. but they do. keep talking together i mean. nell is kind of short with her at first because hes also kind of freaking but once casey starts panicking near the end when hes starting to realize hes cooked he starts lying to him telling him that hes almost there hes almost up the stairs and to just hang on a second more (hes like 20 blocks away)
at first casey was like. freshly in shock. so she wasnt talking about things like they happened. she asks nell to come home and clean up the glass on the floor because if she looked down and sees the blood coming out of her she was going to flip out or something. but the longer nell takes the more she starts to get scared and desperate and whiny (notice how i can find ways to insult her even as shes dying..now thats love) the more nell lies to her the more her solid faith in ladybug saving her ungrateful self is wavering. shes never let her down before! casey always follows nell/ladybug around and gets into trouble and nell always picks up her by the scruff of her neck and drags her back home. its basically what their relationship was built on, nell taking a random criminal home and promising to keep her on the up and up. nell is big and tough and strong and confident and independent and stable. these are all qualities casey really liked about nell right from the get go and its why, aside from being given a rent free place to live in, she stuck around this long even through the less desirable traits of hers and how insufferable she finds her sometimes.
in her fear (and pain) she starts swinging wildly between anger and pleading like "why arent you here yet!??! do you think im gonna die?? are you even coming?? are you doing this on purpose because youre mad at something i did.? WELL IM SORRY! FUCK! WILL YOU PLEASE COME GET ME NOW!!!!!!' (im sure this isnt doing anything to help nells stress levels. can someone tell her to relax?)
Nell.....did the smartest thing anyone has ever done in the history of the world, and before, when he took the call and nightwing noticed his alarm and comes down to say "hey is everything ok--" he brushes him off and speeds off to go deal with casey himself. Because casey is his responsibility and he doesnt really like nightwing. or any of the bats. nell is self sufficient, over confident, and (quoting from marty) "she has tunnel vision and chronic independence syndrome and by viewing caseys wellbeing as her own responsibility she has inadvertently doomed them" (unquote) (crowd booing sfx)
he could have asked for help from someone who could fly, or asked oracle to patch him through to an ambulance to get to the apartment faster than she could, or accepted nightwings offer to help knowing that hes more experienced than she is as a hero or done any number of things that would have to involve swallowing his pride, but he didnt and when he arrives back home casey is already gone
to be fair she wasnt really thinking straight. but wow, way to go nell. you really fucked that one up. can we cancel this heinous heinous bug?
when i compare our intrepid heroes death scenes in my mind i lol bcuz nell is like (coughing up blood) fuuuck i cant believe i loved that stupid girl. oh well. bleh. but casey in her last moments is like NO NO NO NO NO I DONT WANT TO DIE STOOOOP WTF WTF WTF
i think shes so panicked and frantic and scared in her last moments the complete opposite of nell accepting death and feeling content she did everything she could have (at least in regards to crimefighting that day)
she probably didnt even think it was a possibility until the last minute. shes so self confident. too self confident. some might even call it...stupidity.
in the way nell is letting her eyes creak shut thinking about a phantom image of casey and is just filled with regretful sadness, casey is not thinking fondly on ANY memory shes clutching onto her phone and wishing nells voice would jump out of the speakers and be there in front of her and carry her away and keep taking care of her FOREVER i mean keep financially supporting her until shes casted into the new scream film. she cant accept shes going to die. she wont accept it. she did so much hard work for so long to make something of her life and it was all just going to end in one night...she finally found a friend she could stomach the company of, actually enjoyed the company of, and it was all for nothing. AGAIN! these are depths of despair only previously felt when booster FIRED HER! she doesnt ..blame nell, exactly. well she kind of does. but its different than it was with booster. she put the full brunt of blame entirely on booster to shield herself from the possibility .. maybe her own choices and actions have something to do with the outcomes in her life? (NO NOT POSSIBLE) she is angry at nell for not being there. but shes also sad and confused and scared and all these mixed up emotions and even though shes angry at nell Somewhat she also...eugh....CARES about nell, and she thinks that nell also cares about her. (unclear in what way. and now we'll never know..SAD) so she isnt casting hexes on her like she had with booster, who she knew didnt really give her the time of day like ever. she just wishes she wouldve been there with her
but when have i ever given casey anything she wanted.
again, i advise you to go knock down martys door if you want more nell deets but im told ted and michelle support him through this (and isnt that more than casey ever got in the canon end? see..not so bad)
im also told he doesnt tell spider, caseys mom, about casey dying until 8 months after the fact. which im sure just about drives that poor woman over the edge. nell bishop are you ready to die..?
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