#i was watching these videos of cats at the vet
3-aem · 16 days
no touchy him he trying to sleep
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asparklethatisblue · 5 months
sometimes I feel like I want to hunt shitty influencers for sport when they post animal stuff. Clearly distressed animals or wild animals that shouldn’t be near untrained humans or animals THAT SHOULD NOT BE PETS kept as pets… animals in situations that are dangerous or unhealthy. people pretending that high maintenance pets are easy and fun. Fucking… i hate these people
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sanchoyo · 4 months
watching a lot of cooking videos lately (great for background noise while working) and just saw one where a cat hops on the KITCHEN COUNTER while the lady is cooking 🤢 that is disgusting do ppl rly let their animals up there!! that kitty has stepped in its litter box maam!!! or it could shed on that counter!!! and you're prepping food up there rn!! ew!!!
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sudokuplayer · 4 months
i'm so angry and heartbroken and i think this is all i will ever be
#no it's not pms :( Jeremy is still missing and i haven't slept well waiting for him#it's getting so cold too#all my ''''progress'''' this year means nothing to me#also my sister is here because she didn't have to work yesterday and today and my brother video called her not knowing she was here#and when she picked up he was all cheerful and happy and it sounded like they video call often#(he texted me only a few times when he moved to the north and not a single time since he moved to Argentina)#and when he realized she was here he sort of got quiet and asked if i was around and she pointed the camera at me which always makes me sic#so i didn't look or wave and i didn't say anything and he said “she's got he headphones on” and my sister said no lol and it was awkward#then she told him we are all sad about Jeremy and said me in particular#i've been so sad and moody and angry#i can't do anything because of this anguish i feel#can't read or watch movies because i can't concentrate#i watched the emperor's new groove the other day to cheer up a little but it made sad#nostalgia doesn't work for me when i'm down like this because i see through it lol and i remember i spent my whole childhood scared#i remember i was certain something bad would happen to me (and it did but not as tragic as what i was scared of)#i'm rambling. i should be journaling instead#...#Keanu is with me now and i can't even look at him without tearing up because i start thinking about Jeremy#it's so cold and he's probably hungry. if he's even alive#the cats are all i have. i spend more time with them than with the only 2 humans i can interact with without throwing up (mom and sister)#you know how they say cats mirror twhe personality of their humans :( Jeremy is exactly like me. my mom and siblings used to joke about it#he hides when people come over to the house:( he pees himself when strangers touch him :(#we have the vet come over so we don't have to take him out of the house#and the vet is the only person he's forced to see. he pees himself when she touches him too#i can't stop thinking about how he's doing if he's still alive because he gets scared so easily and he's so anxious#i'm so angry because i should go outside and look for him but i can't even picture myself out of this house#i feel so betrayed too. because one thing is my stupid sick head thinking there's no amount of therapy or meds that could work for me#but why is my family listening to me when i say these things. why don't they get me lobotomized or something#maybe it is a bit of pms#📓
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emieclat · 11 months
i have 3 shots left for GOURD! (and the credits)
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bringingtherain · 2 years
This weekend I will finally be home again!!! I miss my cat and my dog so much!!! 😭
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Yandere V + H: Aizawa Shouta and Hizashi Yamada
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These two are the villains and you the henchman 
A couple of villains perfectly prepared to take on the army of heroes 
You’re probably one of many 
Hundreds of henchmen under the villains are meant to be nameless and faceless 
Just a pair of helping hands to whatever scheme these two seem to come across
“Sirs! I have something important to report!”
“WHAT!? What’s the matter?”
“Out with it! Tell us, then.”
“Our cat? Oh yeah, you took her to the vet, right? So what’s the matter?”
“Go on! We can take it!”
“She’s pregnant!” 
“Eureka!!” “So, my suspicions were correct.”
“Congratulations! I’ve brought a cake to celebrate, the awesome news!”
"Wow that's awesome of you!" "Thank you, (Y/n)."
It's your focus on them as people that make them realize your worth
Unlike your coworkers who easily clock out the moment their hours are enough, you stay
Always asking if they’ve eaten, drunk enough water, or if they’ve been able to get to their laundry this week
First, its a key to their private home just to feed the cats
But then it's a meal plan of what they’ll want for dinner
Then the type of detergent for their clothes
And at this rate, they should will just start moving you into their guest bedroom
You’ve just become such an important part of their lives they can’t imagine their lives or their villainy without you:
Shota did a double take at the mass of eager minions he was prepared to lead. Not seeing a familiar face smiling and saluting among them. It would be unnerving if he didn’t remember that there were chores that he and Yamada assigned; it’d be safe to assume that’s where you there. 
“Uhm babe, did you see (Y/n) on the cameras?”
“No, but I was going to. Did you?”
A look of worry and unease was on Yamada’s face, he pulled out his phone pulled up the feed of multiple cameras, and turned the screen to his significant other who had a bad feeling. The feed was clear, and a video of the cats and kittens walking around the house was sped up as the hours continued on. The speed-up footage seemed to slow as you stumbled into the room, wobbling haphazardly as the felines crowded around you as you prepared their food. He watched as you jerked and jumped to what seemed like sneezing. You eventually left but the thought of your state alone was upsetting.
“Yeah, but what’s worse they didn’t even say anything to me! What about you?”
The couple grew silent, enveloped in an unnerved feeling as they looked at their beloved henchman through the screen. Shota was the first to look away, reaching for a device on his belt that held a blinking moving dot. He noted the time on his watch, humming to himself as he adjusted his cape.
“We’ve got time to catch our kitten, but we must be quick.”
You felt despicable. More than your stuffy nose and rising temperature, you felt despicable with yourself. For getting yourself sick in the first place. How could you be the best henchman you could if your body wasn’t working correctly? It made you feel even worse.
You couldn’t properly serve the couple after they so lovingly offer for you to stay in their home. Granted they were awfully adamant about that going so far as to start moving your clothes and other things into the guest room in their house. But who were you to question their kindness when you were just a mere stepping stool to their villainous success?
Deep down you couldn’t help but let your insipid doubts creep in. Like why your heart beat so fast when you walked in to find the couple going through your fridge. Or when the couple send an uplifting photo of your ex being waterboarded. It shouldn’t strike fear into your heart that your employers were so involved. You were being ungrateful. That’s what got you sick. Your unwillingness to let them further involve themselves in your life is to blame for the weakness in your immune system. You’re not sick from stress…right?
“Here’s your medicine! Hope you get better hun!”
“Thanks, miss.”
Thanking the old woman as you retrieved your medication from over the counter. Trudging out the pharmacy you planned to begin the long trek back home. Completely unaware of a flashy hero stopping their route to slowly float next to you.
“Oh troubled citizen! May I be of assistance?”
The loud question grated your ears as you refused to focus on anything other than keeping awake. 
“No. Go away.”
“But dear citizen I cannot for you seem to need help!”
You groaned at their insistence reminded of the enemy your employers were especially not fond of…infact—You finally looked with familiarized malice at the shining mass and recognizable hair at the hovering super-powered individual. 
“You’re that one hero…aren’t you?”
“So you know of me? Good! Then you have the honor of being under my care!” 
“We don’t think so.”
The monotone and distorted voice of The Eraser had you both looking up at the villains in shocked stupor. Both were fully decked out in their villain armor menacingly standing still in broad daylight. The Mic was uncharacteristically silent further upsetting your already flipping stomach. It didn’t seem that the hero felt any semblance of that though.
“You two? My it seems you have the most uncanny sense for where I am! Perhaps you’re stalking me?”
You could tell he was rolling his eyes under his visor but the villain still reached a gloved hand out to you. 
“(Y/n) come with me, I’ll be taking you to our home, now.” 
You didn’t know why your feet weren’t moving or why your hands shook as you reached out. Or why your heart was pumping so fast. Perhaps that was why you let the hero put an arm out in front of you as he lightly shoved you further behind his back.
“Do not hark their villainous temptations (MY/n)! They only wish to unsettle me with a hostage–” 
His heroic declarations were interrupted by the sudden closeness of The Mic their speaker enhanced mouthpiece dangerously close to their exposed ear.
“Don’t you dare touch them!”
The hero cringed further keeping you behind him as he backed up. Holding the side of his head he swung it back and forth between the villains. With an unexpected battle cry he opened his palms towards the villains before frantically shaking it when he found no reaction.
“W-what is this?! Why can’t I–?”
“Did you forget who you were fighting? Idiot.”
“Wellll the idiot is realizing just how much of a moron he is maybe we’ll grant some mercy.”
“Yup you give us our lovely (Y/n)! And we won’t immediately squash you to bits!”
“Do I hafta keep repeating myself? Just give us the kitten we’ll be up on and on our way! Okay?”
“That is until we return to beat you to a bloody pulp for so much as talking to them. See (Y/n) this is why you should just stay home, it just means more carnage for everyone else. Besides you’re so sick I bet you can’t even think straight, come home (Y/n).”
“Yeah precious how about we just go home…”
“You want watch us obliterate him would you?”
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anarchy-and-piglins · 1 month
Cat au
Philza and Techno, the notorious rules of the Antarctic Empire who ruled with an iron fist, are reincarnated as cats and get adopted.
Ranboo has had his eye on a couple of the campus cats for a while.
Well, the only campus cats, they were extremely territorial and no other cats would set foot on campus anymore.
The big one, Techie, was rumored to have fought off a rattlesnake.
Okay, maybe the cat’s names weren’t *actually* Techie and Phil, they were originally named by the social studies teachers with the same names the famous AE dictators, Philza and Technoblade. They had a similar appearance, as much as cats could resemble famous dictators, and a tight bond.
And Ranboo couldn’t exactly go around calling them *that*, now could he?
Someone would think he was one of those neo-Antarctics if he did.
Ranboo had put a lot of effort into getting the cats to trust him, sometimes just spending hours sitting on the sidewalk near the bushes where they liked to sleep.
He’d occasionally bring treats for the cats, a can of chicken or tuna, and it seemed to be working. Slowly though. Very slowly.
Ranboo really hoped they’d trust him enough to be able to take them home before he graduated.
The small light orange shorthair tabby, Phil, would sometimes come over to greet Ranboo now when he sat near the cat’s hideout, and occasionally allowed Ranboo to pet him. Techie usually watched from the bushes, distrusting of Ranboo.
Today though, Ranboo was worried. Tubbo had shown him a video one of the students had posted on ChitChat of Techie fighting a coyote. Techie had run the coyote off, but not before it got a few hits in.
So here Ranboo was, skipping class, with a bag of cat treats in his hand, a blue towel over his shoulder, and a pink cloth carrying case under his other arm.
He arrived at the cat’s favorite spot and called out for them.
Phil came *running* out of the bushes towards him, meowing loudly.
That’s not something Phil had ever done before, and it certainly didn’t reassure Ranboo about the cat’s well being.
“Hey, little guy.” Ranboo crouched down. “Are you okay? Where’s Techie, huh? I heard he got into a fight with a coyote.”
Phil, still meowing loudly, turned in a circle twice and started walking in the direction he’d come from, glancing over his shoulder peek at Ranboo.
“You want me to follow you?”
Phil kept walking.
“Okay” Ranboo stood.
Ranboo followed Phil a short way before Phil disappeared under a bush, and Ranboo knelt down to get a look amid Phil’s frantic meowing.
“Yeah, I see him Phil, I see him.”
The large reddish brown tabby lay under the bush. Ranboo shouldn’t have been able to get so close without Techie reacting, but for now he was still.
“Alright, let me get a better look at him.” Ranboo said, setting down the treats and the carrier and reaching out with the towel to gently grab Techie and drag him out from under the bush.
Ranboo caught his breath.
Techie’s fur was blood matted and the rise and fall of his ribcage was barely detectable. The complete lack of reaction to what Ranboo had done was an indication that the cat was likely unconscious.
“Oh nooooo” Ranboo breathed. “That’s not good. This- this needs professional help.”
Phil was quiet now, worriedly nudging against Techie.
Ranboo tried to think as he wrapped Techie in the towel.
“Okay, the nearest emergency vet is about a twenty minute walk. I can take him there.”
Phil meowed.
“You don’t want to let him out of your sight, do you. Okay, you can come, but you have to be in the carrier.”
Ranboo unzipped the carrier and Phil got inside. Huh. Ranboo thought that would be harder.
Ranboo got the carrier strap over his shoulder and picked up the towel wrapped Techie in his arms.
“Okay, here we go.”
It turned out that the walk was twenty five minutes with two cats. Techie had been whisked to the back before they even got Ranboo’s information.
Once he was gone Ranboo sorted out the situation with the front desk. The lady asked if Techie had been vaccinated, and when Ranboo said no, she asked if he wanted to go ahead and have that done.
Ranboo agreed, and asked if they could vaccinate Phil too. The vet could do that, and if he was going to be here for a few hours anyway, they could even neuter him. Techie would need time to recover before he was eligible to be neutered though, so he’d need a separate appointment.
Phil didn’t seem too happy about that idea, but Ranboo was determined to be a responsible cat owner, so Phil was soon in the arms of another veteran, on his way to surgery, and Ranboo waited alone.
A few hours later, Phil was returned to him and he got an update on Techie’s condition. He would be okay, but they’re keeping him overnight for observation, and would need a couple weeks of medication. After that he would be healthy enough to be neutered.
Ranboo went ahead and scheduled the appointment.
Ranboo takes Phil home (they gave Phil the good meds, he is very high) and takes Techie home the next day.
Techie recovers well, but Techie is very stubborn and refuses to get in the carrier and Ranboo can never get him to the vet.
Not even after Techie warms up to him.
I love everything about this, but especially that Phil lost his balls in the divorce...
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donutdrawsthings · 6 months
I can't stop carrying this in my heart. As funny as those videos of people bothering their cats are (like they hold their cat close for kisses and the cat goes aaaa), I think it's infinitely more rewarding to not do these tiny teasing things and get this rock solid trust between you and your pet.
Because by not crossing these boundaries ever, your cat becomes so heartwarmingly forgiving when you DO have to break a boundary for medicine or vet stuff. These animals who are often seen as solitary creatures who hide when feeling ill, will instead seek you out for comfort (looking for company but knowing you won't pet them if they don't want you to). You'll give them their medicine, but instead of running away afterwards, they'll stay and lift their tail, accepting of a job-well-done pet on the head. It's the most special bond you can create with a cat, I feel!
And all of this is not just coming from how sweet my late cat was when he fell ill last year, but also now with our young cat who's got a mild stomach virus. To be able to lift a sick cat towards the draining tub without a fight or fright, because you know she'd love to watch the drain (and she does). I dunno! That's just so special to me!
I wish that deep connection onto anyone with a cat! But I also think if you want that connection, you have to respect your cat's boundaries, no matter how minuscule or silly they might feel
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fartable · 1 month
I feel like we need a Balls update. Please post Balls
Here’s the long awaited balls update
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I look so bad in this video but the cute kitten makes up for it. I have more pics I need to gather and post
So he’s about 6-7 weeks maybe older . He’s doing really well he’s very playful and he’s eating well. Only concern is he’s a bit late switching to solid food. Any tips ? I’ve tried everything (I think)
Ima gonna take him to the vet soon after my trip to get him all taken care of and checked out.
He likes to climb on my head to groom me. He’s kinda skiddish but he trust me a lot. It’s my family’s cat but I’m the only one who takes care of him so he’s mine now. I wanna buy him like a bigger pen to be in cause he’s so tiny and my house just has a lot of places he could get lost or stuck in so he reminds in his own room until someone can watch him. I wanna buy multiple pens for him to explore but I have to save cause they’re expensive. I forgot how expensive kittens are.
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justastraymoa · 27 days
As soon as I saw Cheese I ran to him and scooped him into my arms. Cheese made an annoyed noise and wiggled, but I held firm.
“You had me worried to death! How could you do that to me!” I chastised in a cutesy baby voice. Cheese looked away, uncaring about the agony he caused me and the years of my life he took from me.
Beside me Chan gave Felix a hug clapping his back loudly. “Thank you so much man! We have been looking everywhere!”
Felix laughed uncomfortably. “No problem. I didn’t even recognize him; it’s been so long.”
“And he doesn’t like you because you scared his mother.” Lino put in as he came over to scratch Cheese behind his ear.
“That too.”
“This more than makes up for that. Seriously, thank you, Felix.” I added giving the man a relieved smile.
“You are such a naughty, naughty boy! You had daddy and mommy scared.” Lino lectured Cheese, who again was uncaring and just wanted to be put down.
A new person walked into the room with a wide smile on his face. “Apparently, he likes scaring people. He nearly had me jumping out of my skin hiding on the black rug and blending in.”
“This is Jisung, one of my roommates.” Felix introduced the new man. I nodded and smiled at him.
Chan chuckled. “Yeah, I changed my blankets because he blended in to well with my old ones. I kept sitting on him on accident.”
I jumped slightly as there was frantic pounding on the door. Jisung opened it to let in Bin and Hyune who looked like they ran all the way here from my old apartment. They immediately zeroed in on the cat in my arms.
Later on, that night as we all ate dinner (I hadn’t eaten all day and when Chan found out he scolded me like a dad for ten minutes) Lino brought up putting a chip in Cheese.
I shrugged. “Honestly it never occurred to me to do that. But it’s a good idea since he has gotten out twice now. And with you guys taking him on trips and crap.”
Lino looked relieved. “Exactly. And if this should ever happen again, we can find him right away.”
“Plus, I am going to take him to the vet anyways to get him checked over for injuries. I can just have them put the chip in then.” It would be a weight off my chest knowing that we had a very good chance of getting Cheese back right away if he escaped again. And most places have chip scanners now so if some nice person took him to a vet or animal shelter, they would be able to contact me.
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I smirked at Bin. He had spent almost every second doing little things for me and Cheese to ease his guilt. I kept telling him it wasn’t necessary, but hell if he would listen to me. Instead, he actually let Cheese on his bed and made me my favorite snack before bed.
Cheese scratched at the door again mewing pitifully before turning his big boba eyes on me. “Nuh uh, mister. You aren’t going to cute your way out of this one. We are almost done then we can go home.” I reached a handout to offer pets, but Cheese ignored it, meowing loudly at the door again.
Cheese was so mad at me he slept with Chan for 3 days. But at least I knew that I could find him now and that he was okay and healthy.
Now the Chan Clan was gone for 2 weeks on a business trip, and I had the apartment all to myself. It was too quiet. I was used to there being noise always coming from somewhere.
I was used to being able to talk to one of them or show them a stupid video or meme I found of them that would make them laugh or blush. It was one of my favorite past times now. But it was lonely in this apartment without them.
I had spent a whole day distracting myself by cleaning everything I could get my hands on. Right down to washing and sanitizing Cheeses toys and putting his cloth toys and blankets in the washer. I even went through my dresser and filled a garbage bag full of clothes to donate.
Now everything was spotless and the whole apartment smelled like cleaning supplies, but I had nothing to do. Anytime I started to watch tv I would get to a part that I wanted to show one of the boys and remember again that they weren’t there. And a lot of shows I was watching with them, and I couldn’t watch without them here. That ruins all the fun.
Even cat movie Friday was a bummer. I watched the first movie I found that mentioned a cat. Turns out it was about a cat who was abandoned and spent the rest of the movie searching for his loved ones. I was sobbing the entire time.
My phone rang early the next morning with a video call from Lino.
“Melluh.” I mumbled still half asleep.
“I told you she would still be in bed.” Bins tiny voice came over the line and I opened my eyes in confusion.
All 4 of my boys were on the tiny screen of my phone. Squished together so they could all fit into the frame but looking happy enough. I sat up and rubbed my eyes trying to wake up. “S’okay. How are you? I miss you.” I mumbled.
“We miss you too, y/nnie!” Bin said way too loudly making me flinch slightly.
Hyune squinted and leaned closer to the phone. “You look puffy.”
“Gee, thanks oh so much. You look great. Like usual.” I rolled my eyes.
Hyune ignored me. “Have you been crying?”
This got everyone’s attention and they all suddenly looked very concerned. I waved their concerns away shaking my head. “Yeah. I watched a sad movie last night. It got me right in the feels.”
“You watched a sad movie for cat movie Friday? Why?”
I swear. “I didn’t do it on purpose! I just chose one at random and it happened to be sad. And then I couldn’t just stop watching because then I wouldn’t know what happened and it would bother the hell out of me!”
“Whatever, who cares. Where’s Cheese?” Lino asked. I glared at him. I know he cared about me, but sometimes his words did hurt a little.
“I’m hanging up.” I announced.
“No, wait, I’m sorry! It is good to see you too, just I need my fix of Cheese too, you know.” Lino was quick to back step.
I sighed at moved so Cheese was in the frame too. He was sleeping peacefully on the empty side of my bed, one of his blankets curled around him like a nest and him nestled inside nice and toasty warm.
There were 3 collective ‘awwwws’ which made Cheese crack an eye open before stretching out his front paws and yawning.
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I did have to admit I saved the video and all the photos I could of the kitten interview on my phone. They were truly adorable and the interactions with them were funny as hell. Chan was such a little baby when it came to their sharp claws. And Lino was just chilling there like an expert cat whisperer playing with them and keeping them calm in his arms.
You would think Chan would be in better practice in dealing with cats now that he has lived with Cheese for so long, but apparently not. And Hyune was really about to love all Cheese privileges if he says one more thing about dogs being better than cats. That’s a crime in this house. And I will not stand for it!
A/N: Cheese is back home from his wandering! Now we can get back into his more fun shenanigans!
I hope you enjoyed and as always thank you for any and all interactions
Skz + pets masterlist
Taglist: @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
hi p!!! hapy sunday (maybe monday when you see this) i hope your weekend went well!
popped in here because i recently remembered that cats see you as just another weird cat who is just really bad at hunting. so I've taken to carrying squeezable treats with me to feed almond when i get back home so she see's me as capable 💀 and i just cant help but think that simon would literally do something similar because he can't have his little kitties thinking he's an inadequate hunter
- kiko 💕
hiya @mikichko! my weekend has been a smidge stressful so it's a joy to write some silly fluffy thoughts based on this ask!
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it's gaz who tells simon that cats tend to view humans as weird hairless cats. he says it super casually, completely unaware that he's sent simon into spiral of researching cat behaviours and mild anxiety thinking that Kebab Meat and Cat think he's a bad provider.
after several days of trawling through vet tech blogs, watching cat behaviour videos, and questioning the pretty vet nurse at Cat and Kebab Meat's vet when he dropped by to pick up their monthly flea treatment, he orders some squeezable treats for his cats.
Cat and Kebab Meat love them. as soon as he reaches for the cupboard that he normally stores them in they start yowling and weaving around his legs, begging with all their furry little hearts.
it seems normal then to start training them to sit when he says "at ease" to the pair of them to stop Kebab Meat from digging his sharp claws into his thighs as the tiny orange horror tries scaling simon to reach the delicious sludge first.
then Cat starts tapping his hand and simon decides to train her to give him high fives when he says "present arms" for a laugh (it comes back to bite him when she starts slapping him indiscriminately when she has decided that he isn't providing affection fast enough).
he also uses the Power of Sludge for "evil" by using it to bribe them into their cat carriers when he needs to rush Kebab Meat to the vets after he jumps from the top of the fridge and refuses to put his paw to the floor (after an anxious wait and frankly eye watering bill, it's determined that the silly little cunt isn't injured somehow - just a little dramatic).
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moyokeansimblr · 10 days
Moyo life update
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Hey friends so yeah uhm... Well after our old man kitty Zook passed on the 4th my dad decided pretty much immediately that we'd be getting kittens because he thought we needed kitten therapy. Initially the plan was only to get 1-2 because we do still have Sophie (Zook's sister) and while she adores the pants off me she's admittedly a grouchy old lady towards everyone else so we weren't sure how she'd do with a kitten. She's also 15.5 so that's why my dad wanted more than one kitten because Sophie doesn't play much.
My brother's girlfriend knew a family that had a litter of 4 kittens and the plan was for us to take 2 so as to not overwhelm Soph. But get this: on the 4th while my mom and brother were saying goodbye to Zook at our vet... a 12 week old kitten just waltzes up to the door! One of the vet techs grabbed him and was like omg he's here for them! But the other tech wouldn't let her interrupt my mom & brother so she took him home with the plan to tell us about him when we were slightly less sad. When my mom called the vet Friday morning to settle our account she told us about him and he was ours an hour later. My brother named him Waffle (short for wunderwaffe dg2, idk spelling I don't play cod).
But we still wanted Waffle to have someone who wasn't 15 years older than him so Saturday morning we went to meet the litter of 4 kittens my brother's girlfriend's mom's friend had. It was pretty easy, two of them clearly liked us most right away. So by mid day Saturday had two more kittens. They're 8 weeks, and named Pez and Cooper. Cooper is the runt and the first thing my brother's girlfriend said when she saw him was oh my god he's so derpy. 😹 But my dad said he thinks Pez knows Cooper is a little behind and looks out for him.
So far they're all separate. Waffle has his space, Pez and Cooper have a space, and then Sophie has reign of the house. They've had a few supervised meetings that have gone well. Sophie's gave her warning hisses if they've gotten too close but otherwise has just watched them. Pez and Cooper aren't scared at all because they came from a house full of other animals but Waffle is pretty scared. He gets all poofy and growls both at Sophie and the other kittens but we don't think he's had experience with other cats since nobody knows where he came from. So we're working on him so he'll be less scared.
ANYWAYS, because I work part time and from home I am the primary cat carer. Between all the cleaning/kitten proofing, giving Sophie ample attention, and acclimating all three kittens I'm utterly brain fried. I've been trying to work on some CC but I've not been able to sit down and actually play sims at all in weeks what with how sick Zook was and now kittens. I did have a sims 2 birthday gift planned but there's no way I'll get to finish it or any of the other CC I've got in progress by that date. I really just want to play but I'm in cat mode so it's what it is. But in the meantime while I can't play I've been watching a lot of sims YouTube content instead (like sammy sundog's service area videos) so that I can still get my sims fix until whenever I get to play again.
I'll end this post with a pic of my good old girl Sophie because she's handling all of these changes pretty damn great so far. But yeah long story short basically I don't have anything sims to contribute to Tumblr right now. Hopefully soon.
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possumdnp · 11 days
Let’s get some spoiler free posts on the dash! What do you love about dnp? (Be sure to tag #phan #dan and phil for the fandometrics <3)
First, the whole story of how they met. I still can't get over how much like a romantic comedy their whole relationship is. Like, how did these two guys who are so perfect for each (as best friends, husbands, partners, arch-enemies, 4000 year old tortoises, etc.) other manage to find each other?!
I love how sentimental they both are, all of their little traditions together (Fryday!), how they still have that Tonberry plush sitting in the gaming room, how they printed out and framed a photo of their Final Fantasy characters.
I love how they've always made up silly little songs together. I love that even after 15 years, they're best friends who love to have fun and be silly together.
As someone who loves animals, I love that they're so good with animals. That to me has always said so much about them as people. Watching DnP interact with the dogs and cats on their calendar shoots (remember how that pomeranian just fell asleep on Dan because he was so warm?) Dan's little "he-llo there!" that he always does when there's a cute animal in his presence. And just the whole "rescuing Steve the pigeon" video. What other YouTubers do you know who would call around to four different vets during a pandemic then train a wild pigeon to enter a pet carrier just because he had some string wrapped around his foot? (Also from that video, Phil thinking the vet was asking for the pigeon's name, not his, makes me feel so much love for him.)
For me personally, I love that they are comfort at the end of a long day. I know that even if I have a rough day, I can always turn on The Final Google Feud or Incohearant or Trombone Champs and they will instantly make me feel a little bit better. They are such genuinely funny, kind, creative, humble people, and I'm glad they can bring joy to so many people around the world.
I could probably come up with a hundred more things, but I think I'll leave it there! Thanks for asking, anon <3
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comelay · 4 months
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"It's been a little over two months, since my friend, Aaron, passed away.
This has been my experience."
When the police let me know they were performing a wellness check, I was confused. They let me know Aaron left his cat in his will to me. I didn’t think much of it at first, I was confused by it. About an hour later, I opened an email from Aaron. I read the words “If you are reading this, it means I have passed away.” It was followed by Aaron asking me to take care of Pumpkin. My heart sank. I called the police immediately and sobbed to the dispatcher while telling them I thought Aaron was about to take his life. The Stow Police called me about 30 minutes later, and let me know Aaron’s phone had pinged in Washington DC. I had hope that they would find Aaron before. I had hope that I could still talk to Aaron and grow with him as friends.
I spammed Aarons's email, begging him to respond, telling him I would be his friend and help him. I did not know Aaron was on life support when those messages were sent.
I called Aarons's friend, who, for the purpose of protecting his privacy, I will not name. He let me know he had a suspicion that Aaron was the person who self-immolated in front of the Israeli Embassy. I didn't understand. I asked for clarity, and Aarons's friend explained that he believed Aaron lit himself on fire earlier as an act of protest. I heard the emptiness in his friend's voice caused by shock. We chatted for a little longer, but, we both didn't know what to say, and shortly hung up. I spoke to Aaron's other friend about 30 minutes later, and told him what I knew. His first emotion wasn't shock, but pure sadness and horror. The conversation didn't last more than a few minutes.
After he hung up, I got a phone call from the Stow Police. They asked me to come outside and told me I could go into Aaron's apartment to get his cat, Pumpkin if I still wanted him.
I walked in with Ross. I looked around Aaron's apartment as much as I could, seeing the snacks he liked to eat, the books he had on his counter, and his lack of furniture but an abundance of cat supplies. I walked upstairs. The police officer picked up Aaron’s mattress, and I grabbed Pumpkin and kissed him before putting him in his carrier. The police officer tried to crack a joke with me, saying “Crazy story right?,” which I ignored. Ross and I took Pumpkin to the emergency vet to get checked out.
Between all this, I read bits and pieces of Aaron’s last will. After the vet, I was able to read it in its entirety. I saw a piece of Aaron I never knew about. I knew little Aaron’s life previously. I knew about how he was from Texas, how he came out here for a software engineering internship, how he liked our dogs, and how much he loved his cat. I now knew where Aaron’s heart was, and it was with Palestine.
Every five minutes I was refreshing the news and looking up “Aaron Bushnell.” I was desperately looking to see that Aaron somehow survived. Ross and I watched the blurred video of Aaron self-immolating. We were in shock and didn’t realize the impact it would later have on us. We heard Aaron's screams for justice and his final scream of pure agonizing pain.
The last time I refreshed this day, I saw that Aaron had passed away, with no friends or family present.
The next day, the shock wore off a little. I was sad, but didn't understand how sad this would make me. Ross and I went to Aaron’s friends apartment and explained to him that Aaron had passed away. This man, presumable about 60 or 70 years old, was a little surprising to me at first. But, by talking to him, it made sense. He was kind, and gentle. Just like Aaron. And he really, really, loved dogs and cats.
A couple days later, the fire alarm went off at work. It brought me back to seeing the video of Aaron, and filled my body with pure panic. Ross and I know to warn each other of scenes in shows with fire, knowing it will still bring our minds straight back to that video.
The next few weeks were hard. I talked to Aaron’s friends and tried to process the situation with them as much as possible. They told me about Aaron's love for rootbeer, video games, activism, and cats. They told me about Aaron’s backstory. It felt like something I was never supposed to know about Aaron. It was everything Aaron hated about his life. It was everything Aaron was trying to forget.
I became friends with Aaron's aunt and would call her for hours trying to process everything.
I began knowing more about Aaron in two weeks than I had learned in the past 5 months of being his neighbor.
I felt closer to him, I felt like a better friend to him. I had frequent thoughts of how I would bond with Aaron more with this newfound information. And then I would remember that he was gone.
I would see all the new stories about Aaron being mentally ill, or crazy. I would have people ask me if he was. I would try to explain that Aaron was just, good. That’s how I have and will always see him. I could tell that they heard me, but didn’t believe me. Everyone wanted this crazy story about how Aaron was psychotic. No one wanted to hear that he was the kindest person I knew.
I saw Aaron’s mailbox fill up with letters. I would pick up his flowers and rootbeer I left out on his doorstep every morning when the wind blew them down.
I would imagine Aaron saying hello and chatting to me when I let my dogs out.
I believed I would see Aaron again, until about a month after his passing, when the airforce knocked on my door.
They told me they were clearing out his apartment, and asked me if I would like to take any of Pumpkin’s supplies. I spoke to Aaron’s mom to confirm with her what I was taking. I felt guilty talking to her, as I knew Aaron would not have liked me too. I asked her if I could take one of Aaron’s shirts, so Pumpkin could have his scent. She agreed. I looked through a pile of Aaron’s shirts, and picked a red pullover I had saw him wear before. It smelled like him.
Seeing his apartment cleared out solidified in my mind Aaron was completely gone. They took away the flowers I left for him. I no longer saw the mailman delivering mail to him.
Pumpkin was the only thing left I had to hold on to the memory of Aaron. I can not express enough my gratitude towards Aaron for leaving him with me. Aaron stated in his will that his biggest regret was leaving Pumpkin. I am so fortunate that Aaron saw me the same way I saw him, and trusted me with his beloved cat.
This is all to say, the stories you read online never reflect reality. See the good in others before having your preconceived notions. Aaron always did.
To Aaron:
Hi friend.
I miss you. I love you. I hope you are doing well out there. I hope you know we are all managing down here. I hope you know we all still think of you.
Pumpkin is doing well. I took him to get his surgery. He did incredible. I wonder if he slept on your pillow every night. I wonder if he woke you up by head-butting you every morning. He stares at the wall we shared. I wonder if he knows that’s where he lived with you. I bought the same treats you used to buy him, which he goes crazy for. He still loves to sleep in the bed you bought him. He is truly, my biggest blessing. I hope you see how much love I give him for you.
I miss you, Aaron. I will always say your name with love and respect. I will always remember you as good.
With love,
Your friend,
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soullumii · 1 year
can i request video game Joel miller giving his wife a cat for christmas? like i cant see him as a cat person and i imagine the days prior he’s keeping the cat hidden and taking care of it reader is like “are those fucking scratches???” and hes like “um… no lol what are you talking about…” and I thought itd be cute and funny cus hes so eager to make her happy
cat scratch fever | joel miller x f!reader
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this is so damn cute. imagining joel with a cat is such a silly and adorable image. i didn't know if u wanted outbreak universe or modern so i kind of just went with my gut LOL... i hope this is okay <3. fluff, modern au, married. tried to keep this short and sweet {1.7k}
“What’s that?” You asked, eyebrows knitted in concern as you gestured to the thin scratches on Joel’s hand with your chopsticks.
The two of you were sitting at the dinner table eating the takeout you had bought from a local Chinese place. Christmas Eve dinner. It’s a tradition. 
Joel hummed, tilting his wrist, his watch blinking in the candlelight. His hand was covered in scratches from the kitten he had been so dutifully hiding from you for the past three days.
Joel had never been much of a cat person, dogs had always seemed to speak to him more. They were wide eyed and ready to do whatever you asked, while cats were much more independent. Feisty. They did what they wanted, when they wanted. 
In a way, they reminded him of you. His fireball of a wife. 
And you loved cats. Always showing Joel videos on your phone of cute cats, tearing up instantly any time the two of you saw a stray on the streets, to which you fed it whatever you had on you. And if you didn’t have anything on you, you’d crouch down, profusely apologizing to it as if that’d be a suitable replacement to a real meal. As if it could understand you.
Joel always carefully tugged you along when you got like that, and gently refused you when you begged to bring it home. 
Not because he was an ass or anything… It’s just…the fleas on that thing! Who knows what diseases it could have? And the expenses…it’s a lot to worry about.
But you’re coming up on seven years together, and the two of you had finally reached a state of economic stability and owned a home together. 
So, when Joel was out in the city one day running errands for a new renovation project under his contracting company, he didn’t refuse the stray kitten that had scrambled after him from seemingly out of nowhere. An orange one, with big green eyes and the pointiest little tail that flopped with each bound of its little legs.
It was damn cute. He’d never seen anything that fucking adorable. Besides you, maybe. 
Joel was not usually very weak to the charms of cats, but this one reminded him of you somehow. The way you’d follow him with an excitement he’d never seen in anyone else before. You loved unconditionally, and while that was a trait Joel often saw in dogs, the little kitten following after him seemed to possess a similar quality without even having known him. 
So he snatched that little sucker up and texted you he’d be home a little bit late so he could take it to the vet for shots and buy some supplies. He’d been keeping it in the guest bedroom that you refused to go into, claiming it was “haunted”, ever since.
And let it be known that it’s incredibly difficult to keep a cat from a very intuitive (nosy) person like yourself. 
Still, he’d been managing pretty well.
“It’s nothin’,” Joel said. “I just scraped myself with a plank of wood at work.” 
It’s a very believable lie. He’d done that plenty of times. Contractor things.
“Those look deep, though. You don’t have splinters do you?” You asked, reaching for his hand to scrutinize it. Shifting right into concerned wife territory.
He threaded your fingers together and titled his head to catch your eyes. “Sweetheart I’m fine, I promise.”
You squeezed his hand. “You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
You gave him a mild smile, returning to your lo mein. “So, I heard some weird sounds today.”
Joel’s pulse spiked. He roughly swallowed down a dumpling. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “It was weird. Like, high pitched and squeaky. Coming from,” you sent a wary glance down the hallway before leaning in close to whisper, “the guest room. I’m telling you it’s haunted.”
Joel bit back a smile. “Baby, it ain’t haunted. But I’ll go check it out tonight for ya. Maybe it was a rat or somethin’.”
“A murderous rat,” you said, seriously. “That murdered the man that lived here before. And his ghost now haunts that room.”
“Honey, we met the man that lived here before us.”
“Doesn’t mean there couldn’t have been another guy living with him that was brutally murdered by the rat.”
“You’ve been watchin’ too much true crime.”
You shrug, taking a bite of lo mein. “You can never watch too much true crime.” 
After dinner, Joel kept his promise and stopped in the guest room to investigate the ‘killer rat’ while you got comfortable in bed. 
“Be safe,” you had whispered soberly to him, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“You are ridiculous, but I love you,” he whispered back.
"I love you, too."
Joel carefully opened the door enough so he could slip in without the kitten escaping, but he didn’t have to worry. The little orange fur ball was curled into a shape reminiscent of a croissant in the middle of the bed, and when Joel entered, its head lifted up, green eyes blinking sleepily up at him.
“Shit, how are you so damn cute?” Joel murmured, settling down on the bed to pet the kitten. His hand practically engulfed the tiny little thing, and he picked it up gently, tucking it in his arms.
“My wife is gonna love you,” he said, kissing its head. It started purring, a loud rumbling sound that for sure could not come out of a kitten. And yet, it was. “I’m pretty sure I love you.”
It nuzzled its little head into the crook of his elbow, and Joel was hooked right then. Any past bad experiences with cats were forgotten. Friendship ended with dogs, cats were his new best friend.
He sprinkled some more food into its bowl, told it to be a bit quieter, and promised he’d be back tomorrow before he found his place in bed next to you again.
You turned to him under the sheets, cheek squished against the pillow as your hand found his bare, hair-dusted chest. “Was it a rat?”
Joel angled his head to press a kiss to your hair. “Didn’t find anythin’. It must’ve been the AC makin' noise.”
You sighed in relief. “Good.”
“You don’t really believe a rat murdered a man there, right?” 
“No. But I still think it’s haunted. It’s just a hunch.”
“I’ll protect you if you end up being right.”
“Well I’m always right, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing you sexily protecting me.”
Not right this time, he thought to himself, and was proud you hadn’t managed to find out about your surprise. 
He chuckled, and leaned down to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “Merry Christmas Eve, darlin’.”
You smiled. “Merry Christmas Eve, Joel.”
Joel woke you with soft kisses to the back of your neck, his body wrapped around yours, his hand heavy and warm over your stomach.
You looked over your shoulder at him with sleepy eyes. “Merry Christmas.”
He kissed you gently. “Merry Christmas.”
And then he was out of bed almost in an instant. “Ready to open your present?”
You laid there for a second in stunned silence before a light, disbelieving laugh bubbled out of you. “Jeez, someone’s excited. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get out of bed so fast.”
“I just think I did good this year,” he tapped the doorknob anxiously.
“You do good every year.” You quirked a brow. “What is going on with you? You’ve been so jumpy these past couple of days. Did something happen?”
"Everythin' is just fine,” Joel insisted, coming forward to press his lips to yours again, his hands framing your face. “I’m just nervous about your Christmas present, that’s all.”
“If you didn’t get me anything I wouldn’t care, you know?” You said. “I love just being with you. I mean, at long as you at least got me flowers or something.” 
“I got you more than flowers. C’mon.”
“Okay, okay.”
You followed Joel to the living room, and he made you both coffee before setting you down on the couch.
“I’ll be right back.”
Joel nervously made his way to the guest room, grabbing the decorated box he had poked holes in and had set the kitten inside this morning while you were still asleep before he snuck back into bed.
He opened the lid. The kitten stared up at him and mewled. Yup, still alive. Thank god.
Joel reentered the living room with the box. You made grabby hands at him, grinning with amusement as he carefully set it in your lap. 
“This better not be anything too expensive,” you said, reaching for the lid.
Joel shrugged. “Practically got it for nothin’.”
“Well, now I’m concerned.”
“Just open it.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and lifted the lid, and Joel’s entire body flooded with a relieved warmth the moment you registered what was staring back at you, quelling the anxious jitters he had been dealing with the entire night before and into the morning.
Your curious gaze melted into a look of pure shock, your wide eyes immediately starting to swim with tears as a high pitched oh my god, Joel left your lips.
You carefully took the kitten out of the box, holding it tight to you as a sob escaped you. And then you were fully crying fat, wet tears. Panic struck him in the chest, and he hurried to sit down next to you on the couch.
“Do you not like him? We can give him away, please don’t cry, honey-”
“No no! I’m just so happy,” you said through tears and Joel relaxed. “I love him. I can't believe you got me a kitten. I thought you didn’t like cats?”
“This one changed my mind,” he explained, petting the little creature. “His claws are goddamn sharp though.”
You elbowed him. “I knew those scratches looked cat-like.”
“Wouldn’t have been a surprise if I told ya.” 
“Yeah yeah.”
You maneuvered the cat to look him straight in the eyes. He wriggled in your hands. “Did you scratch up daddy’s hand? You’re a little stinker but god you’re so fucking cute!” You squealed, pressing the kitten’s head to your lips to pepper hundreds of kisses on it.
Joel’s hand snaked around your waist. “What’re you gonna name ‘em?”
You didn’t even hesitate, mumbling against his marigold fur. “Pretzel.”
“Pretzel?” Joel huffed in amusement.
“I’ve always wanted to name a cat that,” you defended, holding Pretzel up to fawn over him again. His purr loudly echoed through the living room.
“Alright then. Welcome to the Miller family, Pretzel.”
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