#i was using assistive touch to take its place but the part of the screen i gotts touch to use it
samwisefamgee · 2 years
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FUCK me I voted by accident and now I don’t even know where I added to this mans.....
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reikunrei · 6 months
"...the most scared out of all of us."
Several months ago, when I first started playing around with Doctor Who analysis as it pertained to Stranger Things, I decided to watch one of my favorite episodes for fun:
Season 4, Episode 11: Midnight
I posted some screenshots of it because some of the lines/ideas presented in it are very.... y'know. And while I didn't go into the episode with any memory of similarities to st, I found myself surprised by the number of shared details between the two shows. So, I figured... why not make a little postie about it?
So, the episode stars the Doctor and his companion, Donna, visiting a crystalline planet named Midnight. Donna stays behind for a spa day at the so-called "Leisure Palace" that's been erected as a tourist spot while the Doctor goes on a many-hours-long shuttle tour to a sapphire waterfall. The planet itself is extremely dangerous with an entirely uninhabitable atmosphere - there is absolutely no life on the planet, aside from visitors who are in highly equipped buildings and vehicles that stave off the literally vaporizing planet exterior.
Thus, with Donna staying behind, the Doctor is now alone with a bus full of strangers, who tuck in for their long trek to the crystal falls.
Just to get the other characters out of the way for clarity's sake, we have the hostess, a lone passenger named Sky, husband and wife Biff and Val Kane and their son Jethro, and Professor Hobbes and his assistant Dee Dee. There's also a driver and a mechanic on board who are in the cockpit.
The driver explains to them all that they're taking a slight detour, as part of the usual path has been obstructed by debris, and they begin their venture into totally uncharted territory.
While normally the bus has myriad entertainment for the long trip, the Doctor, using his Sonic Screwdriver, shuts down the overwhelming number of devices, which results in all of the passengers talking and getting to know each other better. We get several short scenes of everyone talking and laughing, sharing stories and such. Most notably, the Doctor sits with Sky over lunch and they chat about why they're there. The Doctor explains he didn't come here alone, he's with Donna, but she didn't want to come along the tour. Sky explains that she's recently become single because "she (her partner) needed her own space" and is still getting used to traveling alone.
Prof. Hobbes even gives a brief presentation on the planet Midnight. It's his specialty, and he's been on this exact tour to the falls 14 times now.
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This is emphasized a lot through the episode: there's no life on the planet, no one has ever set foot on it or touched it in any actual way, and they really don't know what's out there, aside from the general agreement that there shouldn't be any life that can exist on its surface. As I said earlier, they've even taken a path different from the normal route, so they wind up in places that literally no one has ever been before.
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While it's confirmed that both the UD and Dimension X contain forms of life in the shape of the democreatures and the Shadow, the sentiment reminded me a lot of Vecna's whole "unspoiled by mankind" thing; and Henry's exclamation in the VR game that "there's life" in the UD, as if it's a surprise.
Then, suddenly, the bus stops. It shudders, the lights flicker briefly, and they come to a halt for seemingly no reason. Everyone is immediately concerned, especially Sky, who snaps that there's "no point in denying it" when Prof. Hobbes explains that the buses never stop on these tours.
The Doctor weasels his way into the cockpit to talk to the driver and mechanic to see what's up, and they all confirm that nothing is actually wrong, they've simply stopped. As they're stopped, the Doctor goads the driver into lifting the screens on the windows (as seen in the last screenshots) just to get a glimpse of the planet in the few minutes of safety they have behind the glass. However, the mechanic spots something strange.
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No further comment necessary.
When the Doctor returns to the other passengers, Sky is still agitated. Dee Dee probes him on his explanation that the engines are "just stabilizing" because they're "micropetrol" engines that don't stabilize. When Prof. Hobbes further asks what's wrong, the Doctor gives a non-answer. Someone throws out the question of how much air they have; Val and Biff overhear and ask, frantic, what they just said. Even the hostess gives a non-answer when asked if they're running out of air, what's going on, etc. etc., until everyone, frightened, begins yelling over one another. The Doctor quiets everyone down and Dee Dee explains that these buses are designed to filter air so they won't run out, shutting down that fear. However, they still don't know why they've stopped.
Then, something bangs on the outside of the bus - two knocks. Prof. Hobbes and Dee Dee try to explain it away with the metal of the bus cooling/settling or rocks falling on the sides. However, the banging happens again and again, moving down the length of the bus. Again, it's (allegedly) impossible for anyone to be outside. The knocking even moves to the back emergency exit, where it begins trying to rattle with the door handle.
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"It" is what "Henry" calls the Shadow in TFS rather than "he."
The banging moves to the roof of the bus before trying the main entrance. Biff knocks on the door three times, and the mystery knocking returns the three knocks. The Doctor knocks four times, and it returns four times. Now it's confirmed that it's something sentient. Sky is especially freaked out by this.
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When the bus finally settles again, Jethro notices that Sky is sitting, crouched, on the floor at the front of the bus with her hands on her head. The seats around her have been ripped off the floor, as if by some unnatural strength. The Doctor approaches her to comfort her, telling her they're alright and the wall of the bus is still intact, though horribly dented inward.
The hostess can't get ahold of the driver, and thus tries the door to the cockpit, only to find that it's been entirely ripped off of the front of the bus. They slam the door shut before anyone can get sucked out. Thankfully, a distress signal and their location had already been sent out, but the driver and mechanic are dead, "reduced to dust." Like they were...... dematerialized......
The Doctor re-approaches Sky in an attempt to get her to come out of hiding. Jethro comments that the knocking has stopped, but what if that means it's now inside? "It was heading for her," he says as he nods toward Sky, who the Doctor is finally pulling out of hiding. However, when she turns to look at them all, she's unnatural. Her gaze flicks rapidly between everyone as she stares, wide-eyed and blank, like she's studying them. The Doctor cocks his head at her, and she cocks hers back. He asks her name, and she repeats it back to him.
He begins asking if she's hurt, etc., and she repeats the same questions and phrases right back to him. When the others start speaking, she whips her head toward them and echoes their words as well.
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Again, no further comment necessary, aside from a quick link to Em's post about doppelgangers and making a special highlight of "when One kills, he consumes."
This continues to frighten everyone, who begin talking over each other and yelling at Sky to stop copying them when she, obviously, continues. Jethro gleefully begins shouting silly things to get her to repeat, specifically yelling "666." Ah, Victor Creel, emo kid Colin Morgan would've believed you when you said it was a demon.
Only when the backup power system kicks on does everyone get startled out of their panic, but as the hostess is telling everyone to calm down, they find that Sky's condition has progressed...
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Here I also want to point out the growing change in Sky's physical demeanor. At first, as seen in the previous set of screenshots, her expression is fairly blank. However, as seen above, she starts to appear almost smug. And this continues through the episode; even the cadence of her voice is almost sing-song-y and smarmy. This isn't actually pointed out in the show, nor is there any clear explanation offered, but in my opinion it's likely due to the entity feeding off of/finding glee in the fear its behavior instills in the passengers, and likely beginning to pull from the actual personalities of the people on board to form something other than a blank slab repeating words.
The Doctor speaks with to her directly again, asking if it's really Sky, asking how she's doing this, and pondering what the "next stage" is. When someone asks if it's not Sky anymore, the Doctor says he doesn't think so and ushers everyone to the back of the bus, as far away from Sky as possible (though this doesn't stop her from echoing them).
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The Doctor urges them to not even look at Sky, and Dee Dee quotes Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market," specifically the lines, "We must not look at goblin men, we must not buy their fruits: Who knows upon what soil they fed Their hungry thirsty roots." I don't quite have the bandwidth to delve deeper into this whole poem, as it's quite long, but shout out to the word "roots."
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Another shout out to the word "sick" here, especially when we were told earlier in the episode that Sky is queer. Thank you Stav for your words in the words show analysis.
Much like how the Shadow was confirmed in TFS to feed off of fear/is triggered by fear, this entity clearly sought out the fear in Sky and found her a suitable target. It's never outright confirmed or explained, but this is a fairly easy assumption to reach based off of how frantic Sky was, more so than anyone else on board. As for "monster" getting struck down in favor of her just being a woman... well, no further comment necessary, once again.
The Doctor speaks to everyone about how while there's a consciousness inside of Sky, she might still be in there and they have to help her. However, everyone is too afraid to get near her, to the point that the hostess suggests they throw her out instead. Val cries about how she can't even look at Sky's eyes (a sentiment that's been stated already and comes up again; they're frightened by how she's looking at them, which reminds me of the weirdness with eyes and eye-color changing in ST that James and Em have spoken about).
There's a lot of back and forth, with most people hesitantly then enthusiastically agreeing that they should throw her out, because maybe if they kill the physical body, it'll remove the threat, but the Doctor pleads with them not to kill anyone. He asks if they really want to meet this new life form and show they're just a bunch of murderers, or will they decide they're better than that?
Ultimately, all fearful, they, one by one, agree that they could, in fact, throw her out with no remorse.
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So much good st2 language, mwah tasty.
When people still don't back down, the Doctor says they'll have to go through him first if they want to throw out Sky, and everyone sorta just goes "...okay." The Doctor asks, again, if any of them could really grab hold of someone and chuck them out the door. His insistence begins making them suspicious, and they all start to turn on him. The Doctor insists he's frightened and confused just like them; he isn't in on this, he's not "working with" Sky, but he, trying to hide his identity and being naturally fascinated by this never-before-seen lifeform, only makes them more wary of him. Val even says that "his eyes are the same as hers... It's a symptom!" and he's accused of lying from the very start of their trip. They all begin to believe that he's somehow involved with what's going on with Sky and threaten to throw him out with her.
Then, Jethro, again, notices a change.
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She's latched onto the Doctor alone, likely because of his heightened fear due to having his life threatened. Val once again uses this as evidence that they're working together, but the Doctor ignores her and crouches in front of Sky. He asks her why she's "captured" his speech. He wonders if the entity has picked up that he's the smartest one there as a Time Lord rather than a human, and maybe it's chosen him because he's the only one who can help, whether it be giving the entity "life or form or consciousness or voice," and insists she doesn't have to "steal" it. However, he also sees the look in her eyes, and gets the feelings it's not help the entity wants.
He promises to help her, asking "Do we have a deal?" But the words come out of Sky's mouth first.
When the others ask the Doctor what's happening, Sky answers first, saying, "I think it's moved. I think it's letting me go." As they speak to Sky, they all come to the conclusion that this entity has moved from her and into the Doctor instead. Dee Dee, however, seems unconvinced. She's ignored, though, in favor of listening to Sky as she expresses that she's "coming back to life."
When they get Sky back onto her feet, this conversation ensues:
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It's a lot of similar language to stuff about the UD and the flayings, especially irt Will in st2 and Henry listed as being "possessed" in the Weekly Watcher and possibly having an exorcism. I continue to be shocked by how so many episodes in Doctor Who revolve around concepts that are so akin to the Shadow.
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Sigh. Once again, no additional comment necessary, aside from another Stav post about blood.
I want to emphasize the change in pronoun use. Throughout ST, most often the Mind Flayer/Shadow and Vecna have had "he" used for both of them, as they've become conflated. However, in TFS, "it" is solely used to refer to the Shadow. Throughout this dw episode, "it" and "she" were used quite interchangeably when speaking about Sky, and same here, we get this use of "it" and "he" for the Doctor, starting out separate with "it went into him" until he just becomes one whole entity under "he." It's conflating things, narrowing it down to be "easier to understand."
Dee Dee shouts that it's not the Doctor who's doing it, he's "just repeating." However, that's what it did the first time, so it's the same this time, right? Dee Dee disagrees, saying that this seems like the progression the Doctor talked about earlier; this is the next stage, not the entity having moved to a new host.
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Val, frustrated, insists that she saw it move from her to him, despite none of them having seen such a thing, simply assuming it instead. Even Jethro is hesitant to agree with his mom, but ultimately does so when she pushes him. Everyone begins arguing as Dee Dee continues to say that it's not inside the Doctor, and Sky smugly says that, "That's how he does it. He makes you fight. Creeps into your head... and whispers... inside." It's all very “Henry” being goaded into killing animals by the Shadow in TFS, and the Shadow and Shadow Brenner talking to and taunting Henry in the VR game.
Being egged on and having their assumptions confirmed by Sky, Biff grabs the Doctor and begins dragging him toward the door to throw him out. The Doctor, now frozen due to being controlled/taken over by the entity, cannot fight back and simply continues repeating what Sky says.
However, Sky begins saying things that, through the episode, were established as being things the Doctor specifically says (the phrases "molto bene" and "allons-y" being common catchphrases in this episode and through David Tennant's three seasons). The hostess takes immediate notice of this, since she was present for the times he used these phrases, and she finally really realizes that Sky has taken his voice. Under the clamor, Sky is saying that, "The starlight waits! The emptiness. The Midnight sky."
Acting fast, the hostess rushes Sky and grabs her, hits the button to the emergency exit door, and throws out herself and Sky. The door automatically shuts behind them before anyone else can be affected by the atmosphere, instantly cutting off the Doctor from the entity, and he falls to the floor, muttering that, "It's gone, it's gone..."
Golly, did I say this post would be little? Sorry, I am incapable of making these posts without listing out the entire plot of the episodes so you guys have full context! Anyway.
What I really wanted to talk about irt this episode was the immense focus on fear, and specifically fear of the unknown and how that makes people behave in illogical, dangerous ways. It's a lot of knee-jerk reactions and wanting to swiftly remove the threat before fully understanding what the threat actually is. We don't even know if Sky could have actually been saved! She very well may have still been alive underneath the entity, but in the mess of everything, they couldn't take the time to figure it out and actually try to save her.
Obviously, all of that made me think of things with the Shadow, and especially of Will in st2 when he fully changes as a person/seems to be entirely taken over with everyone else being hard-pressed to break through to him.
However, more specifically, everything else about it just screams the situation around Henward, and specifically what we see in TFS.
"Henry" is dealing with something unknown having taken over his mind and body, feeling urges that do not belong to him that he's being pushed into anyway. But what drives the mess deeper and deeper is the fact that people (Virginia, Patty, etc.) are frightened of him. They think it's him and not something else making him do these awful things. They refuse to actually help him, or even listen to him to figure out what would actually best help him, thus condemning him... essentially to death, just like Sky, all because they simply don't understand and are scared of that.
They listen to their own fear instead of understanding that Henry is scared too. This is also an issue with the fandom at large, but we won’t get into that rn.
Similarly, the Party and the rest of our main cast are, understandably, scared of Vecna. However, it’s clouded their judgement. We all know I’m a huge proponent of the “there’s more than one guy” theory, and thus this issue of conflating people and things leads to poor decisions when it comes to trying to fix the issue, ultimately resulting in a worse outcome.
In Midnight, the rest of the passengers, terrified and frazzled, believe the first and simplest solution presented to them: the entity has left Sky and instead entered the Doctor. Therefore, if they throw the Doctor out of the bus, the problem will be solved; they'll be safe. However, obviously, this isn't the case, and due to their misunderstanding, they would turn a completely innocent man to dust and still have the entity residing among them.
Similarly, in st4, we're presented with a "new" villain: Vecna. Our team has discovered that the source behind everything that's happened to them is this one guy locked in another dimension, hidden in (more or less) plain sight. He is wreaking havoc and boasting about it, but it feels like a very big, flashy way to cover up another, more long-existing villain that's been present since the start of the show: HNL and, specifically, Brenner.
Take a victim -> Push him into unsavory acts -> Mold him into a villain, whether in real life or in retellings (lies) of his existence -> Hide in his shadow and fall out of focus.
It all feels a little too planned, y'know? Because the beginning of everything can always be traced back to the lab, but suddenly it's like everyone has forgotten the roots of the tree and decided to chop off one of the branches and call it good.
Which leads me into a brief thought I had about NINA when I was watching this dw episode, which was spurred by the characters claiming their voices were "stolen" or "captured" by Sky. Especially once Sky fully captured the Doctor's voice and was speaking "on her own." She uses his voice to goad the others into killing him, which, presumably, would have given the entity full control/absorption of his voice.
I've said it already, but the goading feels very akin to TFS Brenner saying things to Henry like "you liked it" irt killing animals, putting words in his mouth and conflating Henry's personal feelings with the desires of the Shadow. Or even of the Shadow and Shadow Brenner taunting Henry in the VR game, telling him that he always loved snapping bones and killing things, but we never actually hear Henry confirm this. The Shadow and Brenner are often "stealing" Henry's voice by way of putting words in his mouth and thoughts in his head that he wouldn't have on his own.
But circling back to NINA specifically, it makes me think of Henward being used as a puppet for Brenner's meddling. Brenner has stolen Henward's voice, his looks, his mannerisms, in order to say and do things that Henward may never have said or done on his own in order to paint a specific picture for El.
And, again, because El is scared, because she doesn't understand what's going on or have the resources to even try, she simply lashes out. Remove the threat and she'll be safe. No matter if this is the real threat; he's an immediate threat in her eyes, therefore he's her target. Killing him is the closest answer she has to "solving" everything.
It's high-stakes situations, fear of the unknown, and mob mentality that results in the passengers on Midnight and our Hawkins gang having their knees knocked out from under them. Without taking the time to think, to stay calm, to mull over their options, they will always come to the wrong conclusions and not fix things like they hoped.
In st4, they're scared and on a time crunch, and with only some of the necessary information at their disposal, they're going to work with what they've got, even if they'd find contradictions if they looked just a little bit harder. They have their immediate threat, someone they can point at and see harm happening because of them, so why see if there's someone else hiding in his shadow? Why waste their, quite literally, precious time when they can, theoretically, still do good with what they have?
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sonkitty · 5 months
The Pocket Trick - Triple Part 2 - LINK - Update
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-Correction that human holding phone is part of Pocket Frame for Triple Part 2, not 3. I assume that was a typo.
-Added that the line, "Do you need a lift somewhere?" has an added meaning:
It has an additional meaning since "lift" is the word actually used for the Heaven elevator in the story by Muriel when referring to where they found the matchbox. The Heaven lift will be across the street from where this interaction takes place in episode 6 where Aziraphale does "need a lift somewhere"."
-Added that I think the Black is blocking in the rainbow to help trap the Green.
-Added that I think the watch and its reflection contribute to why the "hold" is still active, even if the White is not on screen, in addition to the human puppet still assisting Crowley.
-Updated the GIF for the actual cut. It used to be faster and end at the actual Pocket Frame touch point. This time, the GIF is the full cut and slower. Here it is:
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cooking-pokemon · 14 days
So I went to the lab this morning to learn about battling. The professors were out, but an assistant named Hop was able to help me out. We spent a few hours on a crash course of things most people learn by the time they turn ten apparently, things like types, moves, what the Pokemon League is and what it does, etc.
Then he insisted on a ‘practical lesson’ by having Blueberry battle against on of the lab pokemon. Hops normal pokemon were apparently way too strong to consider giving us a fair fight.
Before the battle, he handed me something called a Pokédex and told me to scan Blueberry so I could find out her moves. I’m not entirely sure how it worked but a light came out of the eyes on the back and scanned over Blueberry, and then her information showed up on screen. Electric/Flying Swablu with the moves Peck, Growl, Disarming Voice, and Thundershock. There was a little blurb about the Swablu species and in large black font it said “NOTE: Swablu are usually Normal/Flying types. You have something pretty unique here!” I kind of already knew that Blueberry had a weird typing though. I was about to show the screen to Hop but he shook his head with a smile. Apparently it’s part of battling to learn what your opponents moves are along the way and have a flexible enough strategy to account for surprises.
The battle itself was against something called a Chewtle. Hop told it to use Water Gun but Blueberry dodged fairly easily by just flying out of the way. I figured Chewtle must be a water type because of the move and how it just looks like a turtle so called for Blueberry to use Thundershock. It was amazing to see the crackle form in her wings and a little arc of electricity form between the yellow markings on her head feathers. It was a little scary to watch the Chewtle shriek at the shock.
It looked pretty hurt but it didn’t go down. Blueberry flew around in circles chirping happily at her success. Hop seemed extremely surprised but shook it off and ordered Chewtle to do another Water Gun. I called for Blueberry to look out but she was distracted with her little celebratory swoops so she got a good soaking but seemed more annoyed than hurt. I was afraid to do Thundershock again so I called for Disarming Voice instead. Blueberry let out a high pitched, very loud sound and a pink wave of energy came from her beak and slammed into the Chewtle knocking it out. I was pretty worried about it but Hop just recalled it into one of those pokeball things and said it did a good job.
Then Hop and I had a long discussion about Blueberry. Apparently pokemon with unusual typings are extremely rare but not unheard of. Usually only experienced trainers ever take one on. I explained how when I first got here, the professors got me in touch with @belamew , a daycare somewhere in the multiverse that had recently had some Swablu that needed homes.
Hop went on to explain that Blueberry might be a bit more difficult than the average Swablu to take care of just because the unusual typing can have strange effects on a pokemons normal temperament. I haven’t had any trouble with her yet though so I hope I don’t have to worry about that.
I told him why I was wanting to know about battling in the first place, that I was looking to get a job at the new Battle Cafe in town. And apparently I have to get a Trainer License to work there so… I guess I’ll be getting that tomorrow.
Blueberry seems extremely pleased with herself, constantly puffing her feathers and giving happy chirps and dances so. I guess she likes battling. Yay.
I asked to see the Chewtle, just to see how it was doing. Hop let it out and it seemed pretty tired and a bit dirty from the battle but otherwise fine. It didn’t even seem upset at Blueberry, letting her ride on its shell while it stomped around the lab dramatically!
I asked if there’s any pokemon who don’t like battling… and I was surprised with Hops simple “Oh, sure.” I asked what happens to those pokemon. He didn’t seem to understand the question at first but eventually said “Then we don’t make them battle. They’re just our companions, or they’re just living their life in the wild, or whatever it is they want to do.”
After that, I could finally feel myself relaxing a bit about the whole idea of an entire society run on pokemon battles. There might be some outliers, but it seems like the norm is people genuinely caring about their pokemon and whether they even like battling. So, tomorrow I’ll get my Trainer License, register Blueberry as my ‘starter’, and go interview at the cafe!
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sydneywidevending · 3 months
Vending Machine Hire in Sydney: Convenience and Benefits for Businesses
Multipurpose vending machines are known to have been a primary means of obtaining food and beverages without prior preparation for quite a long time. Thus, for SYDNEY-based companies, the hiring of vending machines remains a flexible and cheap way of responding to the demands of both their employees, clients, and other visitors. In this article, I will be discussing how vending machine hire is beneficial to people in Sydney, how businesses of different natures can take advantage of such technology and what factors one needs to consider when hiring vending machines.
Vending machines have been noted to bring along with them certain benefits to its users, and these are as follows;
Cost-Effective Solution
This is one of the main advantages of using vending machines for offering lower costs compared to acquiring. Purchasing a vending machine comes with several expenses most especially if it’s new and therefore hiring will assist in the successful management of expenses. This helps the business to provide the services offered by vending solutions without using so much capital, thus freeing capital for other uses.
Flexibility and Scalability
Since hiring vending machines entail outsourcing the use of vending solutions means that businesses can alter their vending setups depending on their current requirements. Some of the reasons include new applications from consumers that may require additional machines or moving the machines to more appropriate strategic positions involving vending machine hire permits for changes to be made easily. It also helps that the program is highly scalable, especially for companies that have variations in demand for their products and services or organisations with growing operations.
Maintenance and Support
This coverage is ordinarily part of the rental agreement when you contract the services of vending machines. This implies that in any form of complication or hiccup on the technical process, the provider pounces into action immediately and as such, the service is continuous. They include regular maintenance services and restocking which are usually carried out by the vending machine companies themselves; this is due to the fact that business people do not have to worry about the maintenance of their vending machines since the companies' contracts with them are all inclusive of this factor.
Advanced technology has become a norm and it is only necessary that people get the opportunity to access it.
There is always a pool of vending machine hire providers who usually provide new vending machines that come with some of the following features: touch screen, cashless system and monitoring from a distance. There are two types of these advanced machines that can improve the capability and increase the sales of the business. Using external resources makes it possible for companies to acquire the latest trends in vending technologies after they may not be able to afford the expensive technologies.
Advantages Which Can Be Derived By Different Forms of Business
Offices and Workplaces
In offices and other working places, vending machines are seen as a perfect solution which allow employees to have easy access to various products such as meals, snacks, and beverages. This can also enhance employee satisfaction and productivity as the employees will not be required to leave the premises in order to get some food and beverage. Vending machines can also do away with the need for staff kitchens or canteen services, otherwise, the space and resources would be used for this instead.
Educational Institutions
The usual convenience of having vending machines in school, college and university help students in having easy access to food throughout the day. This can facilitate payment of activities over the course of the day, keeping the energy levels high and focus consistent. Furthermore, as vending machines are increasingly being placed in schools and colleges, healthy foods can also be placed in the machines to encourage healthier eating habits among learners.
Healthcare Facilities
Bearing in mind that health facilities may remain open for twenty-four hours a day, people often find themselves needing a snack or item at some ungodly hour; vending machines solve this problem. These machines give a quick way and get snacks at different times of the day, which is very crucial to the persons with zero time to make errands or with ailments that do not allow them out.
Retail and Leisure Venues
Hospitals, schools, offices, and other institutions and commercial establishments that have heavy traffic of people generate additional income through vending machines as well as convenience for those establishments’ customers or visitors since people can easily grab a snack or beverage without needing to leave that particular location. This may also improve the chances of establishing a long-term relationship while also upping the possibility of spending more time at the hotel and in turn more sales. Vending machines placed to sell items that are non-food items like the toiletries or electronics accessories are also possible.
Hospitality Industry
It is to the advantage of the hotels and motels to offer vending machines for the guests to buy snacks, beverages, and any small travelling items. This is something that is much welcomed for various guests who may arrive at the hotel late into the night or those who may want to make a purchase without going to a store. A small vending machine in a hotel lobby or other public area would add an additional touch that could enhance service delivery to guests.
Some Useful Factors When Employing Vending Machines
Provider Reputation
The use of a vending machine for hire is very common and in the process of employing one, a lot of factors have to be put into consideration but the main one is to ensure that the provider hired is reputable and reliable. It would be best to select providers with pleasing reviews from previous clients as a way of being sure about the quality of their service. A credible vendor should thereafter guarantee that machines are effectively maintained and adequately supplied so that they do not break down frequently to disrupt the clients’ exercise routine.
Customization Options
All organisations are unique and therefore require unique solutions and this makes it crucial that one is able to select a provider who is able to offer a solution that is tailored toward the organisation. This includes the freedom of choosing between what stock the machines dispense; and the liberty to have the corporation’s logo or design incorporated into the machines. It is also preferable because its added value can improve the user experience, and its design can be compatible with your corporate identity and objectives.
Contract Terms
Apartment residents should ensure they fully understand the terms that are presented to them when engaging the services of a vending machine hire company. Who: Identify who is responsible for the lease agreement, and details regarding time of rental, charges to be levied and what it is going to provide in terms of service like maintenance, restocking or technical support etc. Make certain the terms that preserve enough flexibility to embrace the altering demands of your business.
Technological Features
Think of the innovative technologies embedded in the vending machines inventions. Equipment can be developed with cashless payment options, touchscreens, and automatic monitoring and control; this is better for the consumers and can be more efficient. Others, such as inventory tracking the sales data analytics can also bring helpful information for upgrading product portfolio and service.
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asmr-nazerke · 1 year
You are servicing an "opera video game" for smart phones which also incorporates ASMR? Can you speak a little concerning your technique?
Lee, "Although the ASMR therapies in The Village were for the most part well received, I don't consider them to be music make-ups. They are rather extremely curated talked word items with accompanying ASMR-inspired appearances Asmr Nazerke. I do however have ideas for something that is a little much more 'arranged' that makes use of both binaural (or 3D) recording strategies and a brand-new symbols system for guided the 'efficiency' of the ASMR singer. The discussion forum to test such suggestions is a location-based opera 'video game' I am creating called, Fragments. Fragments is an music-led experience for smartphones that occurs in the historical city of Bath, UK. The gamer begins their opera in a well-trodden park in the centre of community. They encounter the protagonist practically-- via video and audio-- resting calmly on a park bench. When she mixes, the gamer quickly starts to comprehend that this figure has no memory of the previous night's events-- she feels overwhelmed, frightened, as well as alone. Her name is all she can recall. It is Lucy. The player takes duty for Lucy, assisting her through the city to gather fragments of her shed memory. Each place offers a new piece of the problem, and exposes new pathways to discover. What is the link to ASMR? Well this game is all about affect. It relies on its capacity to facilitate a meaningful link between the lead character as well as the player. Although Lucy is generally imaginary (we see her only at the beginning and end of the work), the gamer has to create a feeling of duty for her health. They need to be really compassionate, as well as to do so, Lucy should connect with them on a highly individual, perhaps psychological level. I think ASMR is the ideal tool to assist achieve this. Things that shocks me most around ASMR, is the method which it removes the barrier of mediation. When I listen to activate videos, the ASMRtist is no longer throughout the Atlantic, however right here. The screen, the earphones, and also the network go away. I still don't fully understand why, yet I pick up a connection with the specialist. I experience real feelings of warmth, depend on and also intimacy. I do not think I'm the just one who does. It is significant, and is the driver for my opera."
Do you experience ASMR? If so, what are your triggers as well as how would certainly you explain your experiences?
Lee, "I do experience ASMR, and my triggers are almost entirely audio based. Of these, I find the voice the most efficient without a doubt. Whispering as well as plosive consonants (p's, t's, d's) work well, specifically when delivered using close microphone methods. Videos that feature binaural audio recordings (3D audio) were my 'go to' for fairly some time. It was something about the unforeseen positioning of the voice-- the method the practitioner relocated in between ears, behind the head and so on-- that was so compelling. For me, ASMR shows up specifically within the scalp. It is a sedative, tingling sensation that seems to have the result of undermining all various other stimuli. When I'm experiencing ASMR, my mind it totally transfixed on the source-- the voice, the touching and more-- there are less disturbances. ASMR provides differently in all individuals I know that assert to experience it. I discover this rather intriguing. What does ASMR feel like across the spine, or the arms? Would running into such physiological effects reconfigure my partnership with ASMR? In the last 2 years, I've found that the intensity of my 'tingle' reaction has actually dulled significantly. I'm not exactly sure why this holds true. Is it possible to develop a resistance or desensitivity to the sensation? In any case, I am not extremely disheartened because I discover trigger videos are still exceptionally leisure. I really feel fortunate to have experienced ASMR in any way." You are working on an "opera video game" for mobile devices which additionally integrates ASMR? Lee, "I do experience ASMR, and my triggers are practically totally sound based. When I'm experiencing ASMR, my mind it entirely petrified on the source-- the voice, the touching and so on-- there are fewer interruptions. ASMR provides in a different way in all individuals I recognize that claim to experience it. I feel fortunate to have actually experienced ASMR at all."
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bricktonki · 2 years
Rhythm thief
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#Rhythm thief download#
If you're knocking some of them for being too simple because their only control input is tapping and stroking the touch screen, then I would like to ask whether you enjoy any other rhythm titles on DS or 3DS, because that's pretty much how they all play. I'm a stone's throw away from reaching the end of Rhythm Thief, and with the exception of the ones with clunky motion control, I have found all the rhythm games to be both well-executed and fun to play. With the lavish presentation, the intriguing story, and the assortment of collectibles, it is so disheartening to see gameplay that ranges from "kind of okay" to "pretty broken." And though I recommend that everyone experiences Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure, the whole package is disappointing and not worth rushing out to get. While I had a good experience with Rhythm Thief, it is not a fantastic game. Even if the gameplay doesn't necessarily inspire replay value, the urge to replay for bonus chapters and a complete collection of stuff is clearly prevalent.
#Rhythm thief download#
There are also songs and movies to collect, StreetPassing to accomplish, an incentive for clearing every song with a high grade, and a competent multiplayer component featuring both local and download play. Two major side quests task you with finding paper scraps and sound clips throughout the game, and collecting all of either unlocks a bonus chapter that further fleshes out a relationship in the game. Outside of the story, there are tons of collectibles. The music is good, but it’s not memorable. With so much diversity and excellence, I was especially surprised that I could barely remember any of the specific songs after I turned the game off. Even at its best, the games in Rhythm Thief don't feel fun enough to warrant replay, and likely won't even be the parts you remember when all is said and done.ĭespite this, the music throughout is outstanding, featuring hip-hop, folk, classical, upbeat jazz, and more. This is only assisted by a horribly broken grading system, where slipping up for a moment can immediately bring you from a perfect score to a near-fail. The fun and polished ones are overly simplified affairs of tapping the touch screen to a beat, while an equal number of games (specifically the gyro-controlled ones) feel so clunky that I was actually upset when the game required them to progress the story. This in itself isn't problematic, as the game still has a ton of diversity, but it's apparent that, in coming up with so much variety, almost none of the games feel fully developed. Rhythm Thief features 50 rhythm games, ranging from "swipe the touch screen in a direction to do an action to the rhythm" to "press buttons to take out enemies." Of course, the game features plenty of diversity, like a one-off Samba De Amigo inspired game and a very competent sword-fighting affair, but the games still generally fall into those two camps. With that said, the gameplay is not nearly as refined as the presentation. There are also some non-rhythm puzzles to keep the story sections fresh, and they are really cool (despite a total lack of difficulty). Furthermore, Raphael progresses across Paris using in an almost-identical static screen format as Professor Layton, all the way down to "tap everything to find secrets" trope. Like the Layton series, anime cut scenes are frequently used to push the story forward, and likewise, the animation is stunning. The story and presentation are both absolutely excellent, complete with great pacing despite a short length of six hours. As the story develops, Raphael meets a mysterious girl Marie, faces off against the local police force, and tries to stop a man who claims to be the resurrected Napoleon Bonaparte. The story follows Raphael, an adolescent who steals objects of rarity as the mysterious Phantom R with his dog Fondue. Rhythm Thief is a Sega published-and-developed rhythm game that takes place in a relatively modern Paris, France. Unfortunately, only two of those assertions proved to be correct. For a while now, Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure has been seen as the 3DS answer to Elite Beat Agents, with quirky settings, fantastic style, and great gameplay.
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devildomwriter · 3 years
Reacting to Your First Sonogram | Asmodeus x Reader
Asmodeus wasn’t excited about being a father, but at the same time, he couldn’t wait to see the cute little baby.
You weren’t sure he was entirely aware that the baby looked like an alien at this point in time. You estimated based on symptoms you were about six weeks along, which meant it didn’t even have hands yet, but he was already talking about painting their nails.
“And all the cute little bows!” He continued his ramble on your way into the building where you’d be getting your sonogram.
“Yes, they’ll have a million bows; we’ll need to make room somewhere for all of them.”
“Oh, yes!”
“Name, please.” The lady at the front desk asked, and you gave them to her. She seemed surprised to hear Asmodeus.
After all, this man was once notorious for sleeping around, but not once had anyone gotten pregnant thanks to the contraceptive spell he had placed on him.
He removed that spell after you became an item because he had no idea that you being part Angel meant you’d be extremely fertile. Now that he did know, the spell went right back up immediately, but that did little to change what was happening now.
The woman he loved was carrying his baby, and he was going to show his full support.
“What’s all this paperwork for? This is going to take ages,” he whined. You rolled your eyes and took the clipboard away from him.
“You don’t even know what you’re doing; hand it over,” you instructed, and he handed you the clipboard.
He watched over your shoulder as you filled everything out.
About twenty minutes later, the doctor’s assistant called your names and beckoned you to follow them out of the waiting room.
As soon as the assistant left, Asmo helped you out of your shirt and kissed the back of your neck lovingly.
“Asmo now’s definitely not the right time for this,” you chastised but couldn’t help giggle at the tickling feeling across your back.
“Really? I don’t think the doctor—“
You heard two knocks on the door and the clicking of the handle twist and yelped.
“Asmo, you sexy fuck help me put the gown on, I told you!” You scolded in a panic and helped you into the gown before the doctor saw anything.
She stepped into the room, trying not to laugh at what she’d overheard, and went over the procedure with you.
Asmo listened intently because he knew absolutely nothing about the birthing process. He’d volunteered for a nursery school before, but when it came to pregnancy, he knew as much as the average grade-schooler, the overall picture and none of the details.
The doctor was very friendly, but you had to try your best not to glare at her whenever she blushed, looking towards Asmo. Asmo noticed and squeezed your hand to remind you he was yours alone, but he giggled at the attention he so desperately loved.
Asmodeus helped spread the petroleum jelly across your exposed belly and giggled at the feeling. “This is so weird, hehe. This is really going to let us see the baby?” He questioned, and the doctor explained how it worked in scientific detail that went over both your heads.
After a minute of getting the screen ready, she ran the transducer across your belly, and you shivered at the cold touch.
You squeezed Asmo’s hand tightly, and he gave you a reassuring look when the doctor pointed at the screen, grabbing both your attentions.
“Right there is the heartbeat, see? That’s the head, and those little guys are the beginning of its hands forming.”
“Woah! It’s so little…it doesn’t look human or demon at all…” Asmo gasped, squinting at the screen, trying to understand how that was a head and how those stubs were hands.
You chuckled at his confused expression, as did the doctor before she left you two alone to look at the screen.
“Woooow! I can’t believe we’re really doing this, MC!” He exclaimed after a few moments of stunned silence. “Um…it won’t look like that for long, right?” He asked nervously.
“Of course not. Next time we come here, it’ll probably be three times or more the size it is right now.”
“How big is it now?”
“Uh, I’m not sure. It depends on the age, and I forgot to ask. We’ll see when she comes back. Though I’m not too fond of her, really…” you mumbled the last bit.
“Hehe. Don’t worry, hon, the only girl I’ll ever love as much as you is one we have together.”
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Not like a MESS mess.
Part 1 of Adventure Log+ (Sequel to Link's Thought Brambles. There's a lot of context that you'll lose if you read Adventure Log+ without having read Link's Thought Brambles. I highly recommend reading in order!)
(Warning: this chapter is rated mature for very strong suggestion of NSFW things).
So close!
Almost there.
Wow, Link, keep up with her!  Brahm and Zo can hear you speeding up and it’s beyond obvious what you’re up to considering the spicy-pepper-face you had when you passed them, but WORTH IT.  How does Zelda stay so composed?  Maybe if I watch her long enough, I’ll learn how to do it.
She seems absolutely all-business, like we’re about to attend a trade negotiation.  Her gazebo-flush is all gone and huh?!  She passed my door she passed it, what’s she doing?  Did I misread the whole situation?!  What if she wanted to get changed or take care of some personal needs or something- yup, she’s opening HER door.
Or… maybe… she wants to do this in her room… not mine.
Down… down DOWN down down, Link.  Don’t jump to conclusions.  Your hormones can just- hold their slobbery horses.  The right move is NOT to bound in there after her like a hyperactive puppy even IF she wants to shove you down on her bed and crush its embroidery-patterns into your back while she repeatedly calls you her divine beast and what is WRONG with you, Link?!  After that Yiga attack, you're sweeping every crack in her chambers before she does anything inside them, no matter what that thing might be!  Better get started.
It’s not like you won’t get that anatomy lesson at some point.  It’s coming-
OH!  THAT is the best pun I’ve EVER MADE, and it was ENTIRELY UNINTENTIONAL!  Should I feel proud, or…?  Was random chance just with me that time, or am I deeply unconsciously smart?
Yeaaaah it’s probably not the deeply smart thing.
All windows visible from here shuttered.  Good.
…AH HA!!!! Nope.  No one under the bed.
“You giggle now, Princess, but that’s the SPOT if you’re an assassin.”
“Hmm.  Perhaps you’d better try the wardrobe, next.”
“Good call.  You just warned them, though.”
“Apologies.  I’m not used to being security.”
Don’t get distracted, Link.  “Huh?  You’re not security, I am.”  Wardrobe clear.
“I am your security, Link.  Just as you are mine.”
Under desk. “…Hph.  You’re not wrong about that. You’ve saved my ass three times.  Four if you count after the melee.  Your track-record’s better than mine.”
Anything in here
"Firstly, had you not kicked me-"
seem odd?
"-I’d have been struck by the Yiga's very first arrow.”
“Well- okay, true, but-“
"You saved your sister-"
her screen?
"-in the space of the same instant.   which is, of course-”
Don't... think about that.
“-why you needed my assistance in the first place.”
"Hph."  Upstairs. “I-“
“Thirdly, you saved me from Vayden’s downthrust despite the arrow already lodged in your lung.”
Don't.  Windows shuttered.  Good, that's... good.
“I… shall never process how you managed to keep moving with that cruel thing so deep inside you.”
“…Me neither.”  Don't- touch your side, Link.  There’s nothing there.
“I’m sorry, Link.  I- didn’t mean to make you recall such pain.”
“Don’t be sorry.  It’s still fresh in my mind, that’s all.”   I hope.
“Mine as well.  As is the fact that you also saved Ria’s life.  I count four, Link.  Just as you do for me.  Each life you save need not be mine in order for it to matter.”
“That’s a little different from what you said yesterday.”
“…Link… it’s not that I don’t believe Ria’s life matters.  It’s that without you, we are all doomed.”
I wonder if that’s even true.  What happens if I die?  The sword said-
“Ah, Link!”
“I’d forgotten you dispatched those monsters in Tabantha.”
“Heh.  They may not even have noticed you.”
“It counts. You protected me even in my arrogance.  Five for you.”
N-no, come on, Link, don’t smile at that.  It shouldn’t matter who’s up a tick or two!  What’s wrong with you?  Wipe this off your goddess-damned face and think long and hard about why it showed up.
Check the fricking walkway door.  It’s barred.  There.  That’s it up here.  Back downs and don’t un-feel that shame.  You deserve it.
Maybe she didn't notice- busy taking her shoes off.
We… definitely DID head this way with privacy in mind, but I shouldn’t pressure her.  I should make my exit and let her go about her business.  When she’s done in here, she’ll let me knoOH! The fireplace!
Link.  Really?   It… has a fire.  Unlikely anyone’s hiding in the chimney.
…It… would be… completely unsustainable.
…Come on, self.�� Don’t do this to me.
Uuuugh.  No no no, it would be beyond stupid to look, and paranoid, and Zelda’s probably already wondering why I’m staring at the grate. I will seem SO CRAZY if I stick my head in there and look up.  My hair might even catch fire and my skin’ll start cooking.
No.  No, Link.  Don’t do it.  Don’t.  Calm.  Not crazy.  NOT paranoid.
I’m fine.
The fire itself is relaxing, at least.
Breathe, Link.  You can let go of this.  In.
Aaaaand release.
Fi, why didn’t you try to stop me from sticking my head in an unnecessary-bodily-damage-zone?  Is there a real risk or am I an irrational mess?
Had you begun to move toward the fire I would have questioned you, Master. .
There is a remote risk if certain conditions are met:  if an intruder were extremely slender and dexterous, if the flue is wide enough to fit a person, if there is a compromised screen above, and if significant protective magics were used.  I estimate the longest an intruder could remain conscious in the high carbon-monoxide environment of an active flue is four minutes.
Okay.  So… I’m not entirely insane. 
Perhaps, master…
However, I must point out the extreme unlikelihood that even two of those conditions are met.  Have you, during any of your castle climbs and explorations, noticed an unsheltered chimney?
Um.  No.  You don’t want the rain getting in, or keese.  Keese in the chimney is bad news.  For you AND the keese.  And, you know.  Hyrule castle.  It's not like they can't afford sturdy chimney-caps.
...I am aware, master.
Right.  Of course!
“A few minutes ago, I believe you were quite eager to pursue our second anatomy lesson together.  What has changed?”
YES!  “I’m so glad you said that!  I was going to walk out.”
“Oh?!  Why?”
“This is your bedroom.”
“Well, I… thought you might've come in here to… I don’t know, change or clean up or take care of other personal needs or...”
An open mouth, raised eyebrows, a weird head-shake-then-nod-thing and now a touch of a smile maybe and there are SO MANY new looks now!  Learn, Link!  You don’t know what it means yet, but you'll-
“And not to take advantage of my far larger, far softer bed?”
“Oh.  Ohhhh.  I… uhhm… didn’t want to make assumptions.”
“Mmmhm.  Such as?”
She’s… leaning back- on that bed- on her hands- and ohhhh the spread knees they're spreading, is it on purpose?!
Control, Link.  Focus.
Wasn’t I just really mad at myself about something?
Oops.  Flue-intruder-check.  No, wait, Fi basically said that was stupid-
Wow, this is bad even for me.
“I haven’t seen you appear this divided since you danced with me while pitying our court poet.”
“…You’re… going to make fun of me.”
“Ah.  I do enjoy the privilege of knowing your most ridiculous of thoughts.”
This might be the most ridiculous yet.  “I was just… thinking… what if someone stuffed themselves in there.”
“In… the wall?”
“…Has Fi computed the likelihood that someone is, in fact, crammed within the flue, and therefore privy to this conversation?”
Correction, Princess.  The sound of the flames and wind rushing up the flue make it unlikely such a person could hear your voice at its present volume.
“Uh.  The slate, Zelda.”
“…Ah.  That makes sense.  In order for someone to ambush us from within the flue, they would of course need some means of determining a favorable time to strike, and indeed, to exit without being hindered by the flame itself.  Those conditions are unlikely to be met.”
“…Yeah.”  So… come on, Link.  Your sword and your Princess both agree this is silly.  There’s no one waiting to ambush you in the flue.  They’d probably be dead already even if they were.  It’s not… it’s just not likely.  Not one bit.
“I’ll… I’ll be right back.”
“Sorry.”  Ohhh good, no one in the hallway, aaaand better close her door just in case, so you know, if there's someone lurking or something (not that there is) they'd have to at least open her door to get in which would make a sound and warn her and holy Hylia Link what's wrong with you?  Yeah, so, let's just skidaddle out my window.  Uhh.  Link.  Why didn't you climb out ZELDA's window?  Hehehehehhh.  No excuse this time, Link.  No concussion.  If you're addled it's because YOU are nuts.
Might as well knock on her shutter- “Hey, Princess!”
Ohhh, that is not happy-face. …Hi.
“What on the surface are you doing?”
“Just, uh- leave your window open so I can hear you well, just in case, okay?  I’ll climb up and check the cap and come back down.”
“Link, you can’t be serious.”
“Sorry.”  Is it absurd? …Yeah.  Do I have to do it?  Yes.
Brisk breeze.  ALright- let's climb up and get this over with.
Like climbing that cliff behind our house.  Father liked watching me.  Mom… I wish she hadn't been so scared I’d fall.  At least once I did it about a thousand times the evidence overwhelmed the protectiveness .
Aaaand there’s Traleene gaping at me.  “HI, TRALEENE!”
Ohhh man, oh man, she’s not answering me.  I’m nuts.
You are not insane, master.  This is, granted, unusual behavior even for you-
EVEN for me?  Am I that weird?
You are… a deviation in some ways, master.
I’m a deviation?!  Holy crap, Fi.  Way to make me feel like… I don’t even know what that makes me feel like.  Maybe more like how I felt right after the melee.
That event was most unfortunate in many ways, master.  It did serve some useful purposes-
Hang on.
Yeah… it' s secure.  There’s no way in hell anyone got in here.  I mean half of what’s protecting this thing is built right into the stone. The other half is bolted in fast.  Absolutely no one is hanging out in there waiting to harm her.  Or us.  This shaft is shared by my fireplace, too... it’s pretty narrow.  I might be able to stuff myself inside if I contorted a lot but only because I lost weight.  I don’t think Zelda’s hips would fit, and she’s a small person, too.
Okay… back down to face your Princess.
I hesitate to say this, master, but the possibility of the chimney being a source of danger is remote at best.  Of greater concern is the probability of impregnating the Princess-
-which is, in fact, extremely low as long as you continue to follow minimization protocols.
Traleene is very much staring at me. Yeah… heh… see you … later…
Master, you did not acknowledge the more relevant of my two statements.
Sorry.  Which one was that? 
There was no real need to check the chimney cap.
I know.  But it would’ve kept bugging me.
Here I am.
“Link, what in the world was that about?”
“…I… uh… I checked the chimney cap.”
“…Link, that’s… that’s…”
“Yeah, you and Fi agree.”
...That's so how she looked at the slate when it first read my thoughts.
It is once again not a happy face.
Get inside, Link.
…Did I ruin the afternoon?
I hope not.
Close the shutter, Link, close it and try not to feel like too much of a dummy.
Let in a bunch of cold air, doing that.  Maybe I should-
Oh yes.  Yes, maybe I should. There's loads of firewood in here.  I’ll throw another log on.  The leaning one is still a little wet.
That's your baby, Link!  Stick it on the fire.  Make some smoke.  Smoke them out, literally!  Even though… there’s… no… one… there….
Sound fine sound fine sound fine “Yep?”
“…Are you alright?”
Oh s@#$ “Of course, I am.”
“…You’ve never fed my fire before.”
“I let the cold air in.”  Not lying.  It’s true.
“…You purposefully fed it a wet log.”
“Yeah.  You know.  Uh.  Smoke’s… romantic?”  Now that WAS a lie you dingkeese!!!  “No, no, it isn’t, sorry.  Sorry sorry sorry sorry.”
What’s the matter with me today?!  I don’t LIE to Zelda!  I might joke-lie, but that’s different- oh no, here she comes.  Please don’t let her think I’m a total idiot.  Why’d you use the wet wood, Link?!  You gave yourself away!
“Link, you’re still worried someone could be in there?  You’re trying to- to make the flue even more inhospitable than it already was?”
Who knew a bicep-rub would feel so good?  And- her arms around my shoulders.  Goddess, I want to crush her to me as hard as possible, but I probably shouldn’t.  She has incredible strength, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t squish her.  I have absolutely no idea if her bones are less breakable than most people’s.
Mine definitely are.
But I can still hold her to me.  She seems to like when I run my arms up her back, and now I can lean on her shoulder. I love feeling the nape of her neck, nuzzling her hair.  I. LOVE. The way her hair smells.  Fresh sunlit plains in June.  Specifically June.  Especially on Irch Plain.  I should pay more attention to which flowers.
“My extraordinary knight, we are together."
We are.
"We keep each other safe."
Well... I'm supposed to keep YOU safe.
"It is unlikely anyone else in these walls means us harm, but even if they do it’s nigh on zero probability they would attempt to assault us here.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Vayden didn’t try after the melee.  Too much risk of failure, I imagine. If he didn’t then, now is even riskier with my expanded guard.  This place is highly scrutinized, as you well know, Sir Knight who knelt at my window.”
“Heh. The grass was wet.”
“Hmhmm.  I’m certain Farniha and Beraya noticed your knees.”
Oh Goddess, she's at the rear of my jaw, digging digging yes, yes- “Zelda-“ more, my- jawbone, her hand- she's so strong to press me against her like that, she’s so- thank the Goddess she’s here holding me like this.  I don’t know what I’d be thinking about if she wasn’t.
Her mouth- and mine- those- shocks again!  Like this morning, strong again, shooting into the floor, right through my feet.  OH, she's- it's like she's cradling me, she won't let my mouth leave hers, angling, rolling, her lips, her tongue... yes, please, make me forget- “MMm-mm-” did my eyes just roll back?
She's smiling, isn't she?   No, please don't pull back-
“Did that help take your mind off things?”
Yes.  PLEASE don’t stop.
“Should I help you-"
"Goddess, yes."
"-further?  Oh- hmmhm.”
She smiles so wide now.  Heh.  Nuzzles.  ...Upward nuzzles?  Oh.  She’s trying to look in my eyes.  Hard to keep focusing there, though.  Hard even to keep my eyes open.  I just want to feel her.
Aaaaand she’s tugging me back toward that... huge bed.
“Let’s trade places, shall we?”
Ohhhh!  No arguments there- "woah!" She spun me FAST, wow.
This bed’s high, actually, my thighs hit the side and she’s pushing me back so hard this is NOT just a request is it, she so wants to do this right now and there are a zillion dreams in my head where I just obey her and that's exactly what I'll do.  Exactly.  How the hell does she do this to me?
Er… this is really awkward, actually.  The bed’s so high, my thighs hardly made it on here and here I go!  Slooowly slipping, why do things I do end up stupid?  She's hot, I'm stupid, she's-
“Hehehe- you appear to be in a minor predicament.”
She says as I slowly sink.  Though I could-
“Hmm, I see where you’re headed, knight, but I’m afraid that’s not what I had in mind.”
“…Mmph.”  That… was higher than my normal voice, wasn’t it?
Yes, master.
“It’s Fi-“
“Hphhhh.  Fi, please remain silent until we’ve finished unless there is some emergency of which we are unaware.”
Very well.  Perhaps, however, I ought to remind you I am still strapped to your back, master.
... No wonder this bed didn’t seem comfortable.
Indeed. Master.
“I’m just- I’ll just unbuckle-“`
“I’ll help.”
I can’t believe I did that.  That would’ve been… SO… creepy.  Okay... sword on dressing bench, check...
“Well, that’s sorted.  Now, Link…”
“Please be so good as to scooch back.”
Scooching commenced.
By the sky, here she comes.  Gathering the skirt up and standing on her knees around me, why is she hovering like that?  And why is it such a massive thrill?  It's more than just how much I want her.  There’s an awe. Almost like fear.  I don’t know what I’d be afraid of.  Maybe disappointing her, or losing her, or losing my self-control.
Maybe I’m just scared the sound I'll make when she finally touches me will make me seem like a total weakling.
“Lie back, Sir Knight.”
“Hh- hhh- yes.”
“Hands at your sides.  Relaxed.”
“Anything you want.”
That... smile of hers FLASHED.
“I know.”
She does know, doesn’t she?  I wonder how much she read on the slate.  If she skipped anything, or if she read all of it… oh…. Oh, did I think about this bed at all?  I probably did.  Goddess help me, I want her to do it.  I want her to say it so bad.  But it is so, so, so, so, so, so, SO silly.  I feel SO MUCH SHAME whenever I think it but holy s@#$ it’s hot.
“Your respiration rate has increased, Sir Knight.  Why would that be?”
She- she still hasn’t touched me.
“After all, we haven’t even begun, yet.  Not really.”
I know!
“And yet, I see your lips trembling.  I hear the rapid sounds of your breath.  I see your eyes widened.  I wonder what would happen if I were to touch you?  Ah- but I insist that your hands remain on the blanket, at all times.”
Well, that’s going to be difficult.  I guess this is different, I definitely DID touch her in that fantasy.  Just- just relax, Link.  See what your Princess has in mind.
Her nails "MMmm- hhh!" at the top of my chest, trailing trailing down down, so light, hooking my neckline- passed, she passed it and down, down my- muscles- and oh- oh- she's right at my belt and I’m already a complete mess below it-
Well… not like a MESS mess, but an emotional mess.  An emotional mess below the belt.  That pretty much describes me, actually, they should put that on my headstone.
“I must also insist, Sir Knight, that rather than look up and to the left when your thoughts distract you – as they so often do – that you instead fasten your gaze on some part of me.  Any part will do.”
“There’s no need to be sorry, my love.  I do feel rather as though I’m asking a lot of you.  It has not escaped my notice how difficult it is for you to look me in the eye when highly stimulated.”
Stimulated! Words, these words I’d never have thought of using.
Distracted already, Link.  Concentrate.  She- she deserves to have your attention.  Not that she doesn’t, but she deserves to know she does.  “You… shouldn’t have to ask me to look at you when we’re being intimate.”
“A conversation for a later time, perhaps.  For now… I hope you will watch me.”
And her dress is on my legs because both hands are on my belt buckle and she’s not actually touching ME but I’m still getting ratcheted and she has it open oh s@$% she’s sliding it through the buckle and it’s open and Goddess- Goddess- now it’s my LACE- es-
Her hand- the finger- pads- tracing upward- my laces- laces- she’s not even undoing them- she’s not- just- just- just- just- just- “Z-Zhheldhha- hh-“
“Such a practical article of clothing, truly.”
She’s- AGAIN-
PLEASE please please “Mmmmhh!”
She’s... smiling.  All that... hair of hers. Pulling it over her shoulder.
“I love the sounds you make, Sir Knight.”
“I’d like you to make more.”
Make me make more.  Please!
Ohhh, she’s started again-
Oh Goddess, she saw, didn’t she, at the ball, she read the slate later and knew I wanted her to do this, she’s going to do it over and over and over again and torture me and it’s absolutely incredible and NOW she’s also leaning to kiss me and her hand- turned- LOWER-
Relief, that's a relief, kissing her- her tongue in my mouth- rise, Link, meet her- wh- she’s pushing me back, so- so firm I’m flat again and there’s no question her tongue is so deep so insistent she wants me to submit and yes, yes, anything you want!
Just sink, Link. Deep into the mattress, let her... breathe my air in and out, hands and arms flat on the bedspread, just like she said, while she tortures me exactly how I wanted.  Coaxing me.  As if I’d say no. As if I resisted at all.
Softness, her above, her mouth warm and waves and waves as she does this to me.  Somehow her breaths slowed mine, but my heart’s slamming my ribs so hard she must feel it, like it’s trying to leave me and join her, it’s hers anyway so why not?
Woah- no, Link.  No hands.  She said so.  Stay down.  She can do anything she likes.  Anything.
Kiss over.
“I- I believe, Link, I enjoyed that kiss more than any other as of yet.”
“M- me- t- too.”
“…I like seeing you like this.”
I like being like this.  A LOT.
“We cannot stay this way forever.”
“Right- hhh-hh.  Yeah.”  She’s smirking?  Why?
Ohhh, that’s why.  My baldric.  Unbuckling.  My tunic-
“Arms up.”
Arms up, Link, WOW that was fast, she practically ripped that offff- bothhandsmychest pressingsliding everycountoureverydivet- pushing me to the bedspread, the embroidery, pressing its pattern into me, marking me as hers like the royal seal, no a brand I’m burning- “Hh- hh- hh- hh-hh-hh!”
“It’s astonishing.  The pressure of my hands alone makes you gasp so, and nowhere even so vulnerable…”
Her eyes- following her hands on me-
“It astounds me, Link, that you do not consider yourself handsome.  I find these shapes not only entirely fascinating and pleasing to the eye, but also exquisite to touch.  So many hard lines drawn in muscle… it’s difficult for me to understand why you like the way I feel.”
“Wh- you-?!  I love touching every single inch of you.”
“I am not like this.”
“No.  You’re soft, and smooth, and you give against my hands and I have to resist digging in hard so I don’t hurt you.”
A twitch of a smile.
“And you like that?”
“Yeah.  But… your legs… from riding… you have muscle.  I love feeling that, too.”
“I’m glad to hear it, for I shall change once I begin training in earnest.  But for now, keep your hands down.”
“Yes, Princess.”
OH wow, leg-crushing!
And now her arms like she’s holding me down and “AH-h!”
Goddess- she's on me- on- on-
How low her eyelids are.  She’s definitely still looking at me- through slivers.
“There you are.  I feel you.”
Yes, yes-
Yes, yes- please kiss me again- her hair, ripples, ripples- her mouth- at- my ear-
“My Divine Beast.”
”Hhh!”Oh my GODDESS she said it she said it I can't believe she SAID IT!
Holy FRICK breathe Link, breathe, and Goddess Goddess the tip of her nose tracing all my EAR lines, so good, so good, her "Mm-MM!" TONGUE and we're together, pressing, pressing, a rhythm, it’s not enough, not with so much between us but no no no hands I’m not allowed to use my hands I’m not allowed and I think I might be near tears-
She- pulled back.  Need- moment- catch breath- what’s she-
She’s… pulling her dress off.  No.  No, no no no no no I was going to save that for later, MUCH later, I-
Oh.  Th-there’s something else under there.  Of course there is.  Fancy court women have fancy clothes, she has a slip and a brazier doesn’t she?  Of course she does.  It shines like her hair, catching the light, hinting at the rest of her.  At ohhhh her hands- lifting the hem-
“Rules, Sir Knight.”
“At no time will you touch me with your hands.”
“You will remain on your back at all times.”
“Hphhh- hphhh-“
“I will keep my brazier in place.”
A tiny twitch.  That rule’s for my benefit... sort of.
“And I will ensure we both have an extremely pleasurable afternoon.  Do you agree?”
“Y-yes, Princess-“ and leg-squeeze and she’s kissing me again and I’m falling deep into warmth, comfort, love, and blissful forgetfulness.
Forget, Link.  Yes, princess- my Goddess, yes.
Note: Edited August 2023 to fix some voice issues and tighten up the language.
Read Next: [Fi avoids anonymous gratification, explicit discussion of quantum field theory, and opening wounds.]
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This may be oddly specific but what the heck, how about a scenario with a g/n reader where they’re a fashion designer, and they’re talking with the Adeuce duo in Mostro lounge about modelling their latest designs for a magicam photoshoot, but Adeuce are too busy and can’t help, so they’re trying to figure out who can substitute on short notice, all while a certain pair of twins can’t help but overhear their conversation (delete if this is too much)
I fastforwarded past the “reader talking to Adeuce about their designs” part so I could get to the more interesting bits~
I wanted to actually write the part where the twins modelled, but I hit my 1k word limit just doing the build up to it. If you’re interested in seeing the twins model, please consider submitting a follow-up request when I’m taking new ones!
Model Jade though--
[Image used is credited to KawaiiR.]
Imagine this...
Tumblr media
Not enough. The hit of sugar from the fruit juice you downed wasn’t enough to settle your stress. As soon as your glass was drained of liquid, you slammed it down upon the counter, head snapping to the bartender.
“Another round,” you grunted, motioning for him to make it quick as you slid your empty container over.
Jade received your cup with a sigh and passed it off to his twin, who had taken advantage of slow business to invade the counter space. Floyd was collecting glasses and stacking them into a neat pyramid. His heterochromatic eyes peered out at odd bends through the curved cups, shining with glee as he used his newly acquired cup to crown off the formation.
Jade’s gaze returned to you, paired with a fake sympathetic smile. “I’m afraid I will have to ‘cut you off’. Drowning your sorrows with drink is not a healthy means of coping.”
If they keep this pace up, we won’t have anything left for the lunch rush. And how bothersome it would be if he had to take precious time out of his break to restock on their beverages.
“Who cares, as long as I pay for it,” you muttered, slamming a hand on the counter. “Another round, Jade.”
“You are already incurring a hefty tab.” He shook his head--a polite refusal.
“Good,” you grumbled sarcastically. “That means Octavinelle gets another indentured servant when I can’t cough up the cash.”
Jade chuckled, bringing a hand to his chest and not making any effort to deny your grim prediction. “Rather than drag yourself further into the depths of debt... May I ask what it is that troubles you, dear customer? Perhaps we may be able to hear you out and assist with your woes.”
“I’m not sure if you can,” you retorted, fingers rubbing at your temples. “I’ve just lost my two models, and I don’t know where I’m going to find replacements on such short notice.”
“You mean Kani-chan and Saba-chan?” Floyd asked, propping his face up with curled fingers. His cheeks squished against his touch, granting him a more innocent look than usual. “They were with you earlier and left all in a hurry.”
“Yeah. Deuce had a Track and Field Club meet he forgot about, and Ace got detention with Crewel for failing the last quiz,” you groaned, “which leaves me without models for my new collection.”
“Collection?” Floyd’s face suddenly lit up with interest. “Like a fashion collection?”
“Yup, that’s right.” You fished your phone out of your pocket and unlocked it, pulling up your Magicam account. The students of NRC may have boasted magical pens, but you wove your own magic with needle and cloth. “I share the outfits I design and make.”
You tilted your mobile device to show your page. Each image cropped nicely, expertly shot and edited to perfection--very aesthetic. Floyd “ooh”ed and “aah”ed at the designs parading across the screen, but Jade’s eyes immediately honed in on your follower count.
It wasn’t celebrity status like Vil’s cool 5 million count. It wasn’t even decent-sized influencer status like Cater’six digits. But it was at least a few thousand, and numbers like that had reasonable sway.
“I could take pictures of mannequins with my clothes, but it just doesn’t feel the same as when real, breathing people are wearing them,” you explained. “It’s hard to find the right types for this sort of thing...”
The twins hovered over your phone, nearly cheek to cheek and shoulder to shoulder, as they absorbed your Magicam gallery. Spitting images, reflections with slight differences--the shape and colors of their eyes, the black tufts of hair that swung like pendulums, framing their handsome faces. Features delicate, yet sharp.
Your voice trailed off as realizations lowly set in. The longer you stared at the twins, the more pieces seemed to fall in place of the puzzle. “Tall, broad shouldered, and the facial symmetry...” You brought a hand to your chin, brows creasing in concentration.
That’s it.
“You’re exactly what I’m looking for!!” you blurted out, abruptly standing and seizing each of their hands. “Please, be my models!”
“Mmm? Sounds fun!” Floyd threw his head back and laughed, eager to be amused by something new. He turned to his brother. “Ne, ne, Jade~ Can we?”
“Hmm.” Jade cast a cursory glance around the Mostro Lounge. Not a soul in sight. Then he returned to your Magicam page, and its tempting follower count. “Well, the Mostro Lounge has been looking to increase its social media presence. What better way to achieve that than by cross promoting with a fellow content creator? And what’s more...”
He snickered into his hand. “I could not possibly allow Floyd, nor myself, to continue to wallow in boredom.”
“Then...!!” You clutched their hands tighter, hope filling your heart.
“We will lend you our aid for this endeavor.”
“Yes...!! Thank you, thank you so much!!” You clapped in excitement, your legs caught up in a little jig. “Oh, I’ll need to take your measurements, then tailor Ace and Deuce’s original outfits to your sizes. We also need to find a suitable spot for the photo shoot--a place with natural lighting would be best--and, and, and...”
“There will be plenty of time to sort those details out,” Jade calmly reassured you. “Ah, but first... there remains the matter of your drink tab.”
“... Oh.”
“Furthermore, since you are contracting us... You will need to draw up a formal agreement with Azul, and agree to his terms and conditions by signing off on the dotted line,” Jade continued, his tone even and pleasant.
You swallowed hard. A deal with Octavinelle? It may as well have been signing your soul away.
“You got it, riiight?” Floyd inquired in a lazy drawl. “Cuz you’re a fashion designer and all. You must’ve worked with contracts before.”
“You understand, yes?” Jade pressed, chiming in with his twin.
“E-Er, now wait a sec...”
“It’s just business,” the twins recited in unison--their smiles dangerously devilish.
235 notes · View notes
rachetmath · 3 years
Favorite (Characters)
Ruby: *barges in* RatchetMath!
Me: What is it Ruby?
Ruby: You’re showing favoritism.
Me: Okay. And?
Ruby: You need to stop. Why not draw us for once?
Me: Hm, maybe because I like Jaune more. Hell I like Penny and Neo more than you or your team.
Ruby: Why?!
Me: Because your team is horrible.
Ruby: So is team JNPR!
Me: Yeah, but only because they have to follow you. They have some individuality but we don’t explore that as much. Plus, your team would be dead without them. But you know what Ruby, I would rather draw Yang, Blake or any other character except Weiss than you right now.
Ruby: What?! But I’m-
Me: The main character that barely does main character things. Woman, Salem was in Atlas! Why was she not your top priority? Why was James your problem?
Ruby: Um well…
Me: Ruby, she knows your mother! She might know what happened to her! I get Yang was some levels your mom but shouldn’t learning what happened to your actual mom be just as important? Especially after that dark memory.
Ruby: That is true.
Me: You have silver eyes but you still don’t know how to use them. There was army of grimm around Mantle and that would have been good practice. And a better solution than Ren.
Ruby: But then I be overpowered.
Me: No. Ruby your silver eyes only work on one person. If someone sneaks up on you or doesn’t care about that light you give off then, you’re dead. Maria is proof on that.
Ruby: Um..
Me: Plus, the question that everyone in the audience could have an answer to is whether your silver eyes can even work on Salem. In all honesty, it proves the writer don’t keep track of the characters and their personalities to where they fit together in story. You know what I have been making skits, trying to be funny but… the jokes died. Look guys I-I’m sorry but… let me explain.
1. Ruby and Blake should have stayed in Mantle. Why?
1. Salem is the main villian. She knows Ruby’s mother. You know the same mother who left for a mission and didn’t come back. The same mother, who Ruby knows nothing about while everyone seems to have different perspectives of her. Or has a better clue on who she is, than Ruby herself. Plus wasn’t Salem after her too? She basically would be killing two birds with one stone by kidnapping Oscar and giving Ruby a reason to see her. That way Ruby isn’t assuming what happened to her mother. Let Salem antagonize Ruby. (Question: Can silver eyes work on Salem?)
2. Perfect training for silver eyes. Let’s face it, Ren proved to us he can mask a bunch of people without Jaune’s help. All he needed was concentration. However, Ruby is more effective because silver eyes seem to be able to destroy multiple grimm on sight. And with lives on the line that gives Ruby plenty of reason to start using them.
3. Ren calling Ruby out on her issues. Look I loved how Ren was willing to tell the truth, but him revealing Jaune cheated Beacon was… weak. Reason being it relates to Jaune’s character and Ren still follows Jaune’s orders. However, Ruby, who is supposed to be a prodigy because she came to Beacon two years ahead of her class, has not proven once that she is worthy of such praise. The only reason-The ONLY reason Ruby was enrolled into Beacon was her silver eyes. Ruby even in volume one has been nothing but liability. Initiations, she almost dies from a Stinger. Stake out, she almost got run over by a truck and it ended in failure. First mission, she gets kidnapped and almost destroyed a city block. Roman, a man with no semblance or aura continues to beat her four times in a row. And it gets worse. Ruby almost got her uncle killed. She was the first to get knocked out by Emerald. Almost dies by a robot and Godzilla. And the moment she arrived in Atlas her first move was to lie to James. She didn’t even try to stop Tyrian when she saw him. She had her gun with her too. Ren is not her sister, he might as well tell her the facts so she can do better.
4.  Blake is Faunus. Mantle hates faunuses. Why not have Blake help them to prove faunuses are people too? Let Blake represent her people. I mean Velvet and Sun represent faunses more than she does her whole existence. Blake also can relate to Ren’s problem. How? Blake was a part of the White Fang, so there were expectations she had to fulfill. Especially when trying to measure up to Adam. However, she explains the longer she was in the White Fang, the more she found out how messed up and extremely bias it was. Including with Adam to the point she decided to leave. She even states she was lucky that Yang even forgave her after all the trouble she caused her. Blake challenged her bias nature, and it made her stronger for it. Blake would be basically telling Ren the more he tries to live up to someone else’s expectations, without seeing their flaws, the more he loses touch with himself and everyone around him.
5.  Oscar shouldn’t have been able break out of Salem on his own: I’m sorry but… Oscar got beat up. Took a magic beam to the chest. Had to switch between him and Ozpin and mind you he had no aura to help him. He should be tired and unable to move. (In my opinion, this kid was given too much screen time. At first I was worried about him but now I’m wondering why was I worrying at all.)
2. Jaune and Yang should have gone to Atlas.
1. Penny is basically Pyrrha in the opposite light. Penny’s special because she’s a robot with a soul, a mind of her own and an attitude to prove it. She is just as human as everyone else, but no one seems to treat her as such. James only sees her as something of a weapon. Pietro treats her like child even though she’s more mature than the rest of the female cast, except Maria. And now with maiden powers, everyone is out casting Penny even more. Jaune is perfect for her because he has experience with this kind of issue. However, he would’ve had to take different route to the situation considering his failure with Pyrrha last time they had discussion on maiden powers or responsibilities (Destiny.).
2. Jaune already has been a part of maiden business since volume three. His reason to be with Penny would be make sure she doesn’t meet the same fate as Pyrrha or Amber. Not just for himself but for others around him. Especially since Cinder was in Atlas and is willing to hunt her down for the maiden powers. And James was willing to turn Penny into a soulless machine to follow his every command. (Actually, Watts is more a fault considering he hates Pietro.). James and Cinder are also opposite to Jaune in some ways.  James earned his position and earned respect from his military. Jaune on the other hand cheated, and unlike James might not have everybody’s respect. Cinder treats her allies like tools. And with power she just consumes and gives nothing return. Jaune however treats his allies like family. And instead of just taking power he gives power to others around him. He’s the reason Cinder has maiden powers. So, him making it his personal mission to make sure Cinder doesn’t get more power only increases his resolve to protect Penny. (Especially since he already had to kill her in the canon finale.)  In other words, James and Cinder purposed a challenge to Jaune. Can he pervert history from repeating itself? Can he really protect the maiden powers? Is he truly worthy of being a huntsman? What is he willing to risk in achieving his goal? (Also let’s be clear. Hazel beat Oscar down for the password to the relic. James shot the kid and was willing to let him fall to his death. Qrow intentionally punched the kid.  I don’t care if it was for Ozpin, he still punched Oscar. Lion before even knowing Oscar was Ozpin reincarnation was already about kill him anyways. All Jaune did was push him to a wall. Yes, Jaune still would have hurt Oscar, but he didn’t. He walked away.)  
3.  A lot of the situations could’ve been avoided or mattered if Jaune was there. Don’t believe me? Well let me explain. Was Ruby the only option when sneaking pass Central Command? No, because they had Weiss, Nora and Penny. Weiss could have done a freezer burn like in her fight with Marrow. Or Nora could have thrown her grenades and Penny just shoots them before the hit the ground or damage anything. Both causing a smoke screen, so no one sees them. Plus, they were already caught by using Pietro credentials. Did Nora need to get knocked out for the team to escape? No. If she had Jaune with her they could’ve one caused an EMP wave being Jaune has gravity and Nora has lightning. Or two, if Nora still went through with it, Jaune would have healed her immediately. Penny lifting and keeping the arena in place. If Jaune and Weiss were with her then once Amity was in position, Weiss with Jaune’s assistances can keep it place so Penny can come back inside and the whole video could be played. Also, Pietro would know what was going on with his daughter and can properly explain how to fix her. (Better than Jaune healing her.)
4. Nora’s whole character is knowing who she is without Ren right? Then why not just have her lead the evacuation once she’s done with Atlas? Why not have her and Yang work together along with the happy huntress to evacuate Mantle? Especially if their friends disappeared to save Oscar. (And before ya’ll tell me they can’t do it….. Yang, blocked a punch from a mech, held off a Manticore, and has a semblance that literally lets her take damage and dish it back five times harder. Nora who literally crushed Weiss and Yang in a food fight. Knocked a giant horse down on its knee. And knocked Hazel away.  Are you seriously saying these girls are not enough to take on a few little tigers? Come on!) If the whole point of Nora’s character development was finding out more about herself then let Nora try something without Ren. Let her call the shots. Let her take charge. Give her a character. (Hell don’t stop there. Have her interact with other characters. Like Jaune. Yang. Weiss. Or anyone other character than Ren. Let them tell her what they think about her. Let Nora be a solution to a character’s struggle. Ya’ll make it sound like Nora has no friends.)
5. All Yang needed was a break from Ruby and Blake. In all honesty Yang should have been the one to see the hounds face and kill it. Why? Well Ruby is Yang’s sister and only reminder of her nonblood related mother. And Blake is her girlfriend. And if we saw the hound’s face, we know it’s not just a silver eyed person. It’s also a faunus. This will give her a reason to protect both her loved ones because by seeing the hound she knows Salem intention with Ruby and want to keep her, and Blake from meeting the same fate of being turned into monsters. Yang should’ve been the 2nd to 4th member of team RWBY to fall. Why? One, a Yang vs Neo fight. Two, Cinder and Neo both wanted Ruby dead. So why not get rid of Ruby first? The fights would have been more thrilling and seeing the character, the show is named after, presumed to be dead would have added stakes and tension to the fight. (Also let me say this. Why is it, that the only great display of the maiden powers I’ve ever seen, was from Amber and not the maidens, as of now, Winter, Raven, and Cinder? The maiden powers are basically magic right? Why isn’t Cinder using any other element than fire?)
6. Weiss was completely useless. Look, as the saying goes, “You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.” And when it came to Weiss and family, she has little to no clue of what it is nor deserves it. Weiss should have been more of an inspiration for Whitley to do right. How? By simply talking to him. What reason would she have other than Mantle? Simple, he’s her brother and she started off like him. Beacon, she was a brat. She was arrogant. And more importantly a jerk. Blake ran because of her racist attitude. Ruby literally had to impress her to prove she can be leader. Even though Weiss is not leadership martial herself.  Plus, hearing May and how she and her family never resolved their issues should inspire Weiss to not repeat that mistake. And guess what, her mom, Willow, the drinker of the family, wasn’t wrong. Both her and Winter left Whitley alone. Klein wasn’t there for him either. All Whitley had was his father. So Weiss, actually acting like his sister and trying to help him allows him to feel less alone. Instead Weiss was complete Jacque through out the entire volume.  
And that’s all.  Look I know I should have seen this coming but I had to say it.  Volume 8 could’ve been good. The problem was.
1.       Characters are not placed well within the story.
2.       We lost track of who said characters are.
3.       The ships are in the way.
4.       Being dumb for the plot. (Sometimes it’s necessary.)
90 notes · View notes
dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 15 - Playing with Fire [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 3800
Summary: Good intentions can lead to bad consequences.
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Your first night with Spencer was different than any other time with anyone else you had ever been with, and you were one hundred percent sure that he would have some scientific explanation for it, but for you, the reason behind that was very simple.
Even if you couldn’t even admit it to yourself yet.
But for the first time in a very long time, your nightmares left you alone. Your sleep wasn’t disturbed, not by anything unpleasant anyway and you were almost sure that the small movement beside you in bed followed by a soft kiss into your neck was a part of your dreams.
The fuzzy feeling spread through you as the haze of the sleep slowly withdrew from your body and you snuggled closer into the covers, not ready to leave the warmth yet but as soon as you turned and felt the empty spot next to you, you opened your eyes, frowning. You sat up in bed, rubbing at your eyes and grabbed the folded paper lying on the pillow beside yours.
She is the sum of nature’s universe,
To her perfection all of beauty tends.
You smiled and your eyes skimmed the next lines under the quote.
New case in Ohio, they called in the whole team.
You heaved a sigh, falling back to bed again, pulling the silk sheets over your head and letting out a groan. The sunshine that seemed to fill your veins had disappeared already, leaving its place to coldness and you kicked off the sheets to walk to the bathroom.
After taking a long hot shower, you got dressed and blow dried your hair, humming a song to yourself, the memory of last night flashing in your mind, sending a spark through your whole system. You turned off the blow drier, stealing a look at your phone to see whether Spencer had texted you yet but there was nothing, so you grabbed it and left the bathroom.
As soon as you stepped into the kitchen, a shriek left your lips, making your mother turn around.
“Jesus Christ mom!” you pressed a hand over your chest, “How many times do I have to tell you not to break into my apartment?”
“It’s not breaking in if I have a key.”
“That key is for emergencies,” you let out a breath, “There’s a copycat killer sending me flowers, remember? Now is not the time for surprises.”
She tilted her head, “Speaking of, I heard you let the security I fixed you go.”
“I’m not going to walk around with bodyguards,” you said as you approached the coffee maker, “There’s security at my office already, I can’t have it in my building too.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“As long as you don’t give me a heart attack, I think we will be fine,” you checked your wristwatch, “Damn it, I need to leave in five.”
“Well, I won’t take much of your time,” she said and put a file on the kitchen island, making you look up from the cup you were pouring your coffee into.
“What’s that?”
“I took the liberty of contacting Philip.”
“Your P.I?” you asked, “Why?”
“To look into your boyfriend of course.”
You blinked a couple of times and put the coffee cup down, “Mom, no.”
“Relax, I didn’t read it.”
“No,” you insisted, “No way. Throw that away.”
“Y/N, don’t you want to know if there’s anything in his past that might be—”
“I’m not going to dig into his past!” you interrupted her, your heartbeat getting faster, “Anything he wants to tell me, he can tell me himself, I’m not going to learn it from a freaking P.I file.”
She heaved a sigh, “You don’t know what he might be hiding from you.”
“He’s not hiding anything from me,” you said, “Also, I know his father isn’t a serial killer, which is more than I can say for myself. I’m the last person to judge someone for their past.”
“What your father has done has nothing to do with you,” she said, “I didn’t tell Philip to look into his parents sweetheart, just him.”
“Throw that away.”
She rolled her eyes, “Y/N.”
“I’m not going to read it,” you told her as you put your coffee down and grabbed your purse from the counter, “I gotta go, but lock the door behind you when you leave okay?”
“Y/N, we need to talk about this!”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you turned around to look at her, “Mom, for the first time in my life I actually feel—“ you paused for a moment, “He makes me happier than you could imagine, okay? I’m not going to betray his trust, not like that. Ever.”
She shot you a look and you walked out of the apartment, your phone already buzzing in your hand.
“Erica?” you greeted your assistant as you answered the phone, “I’m on my way.”
You definitely had not imagined the next two days going like this.
For starters, you had thought you would get to wake up next to Spencer. That didn’t happen.
You had thought you would have a peaceful morning. That didn’t happen.
You had assumed Spencer would call you, at least text you sometime in these two days, but that didn’t happen either. Between meetings and clients and running from venues to pastry shops to flower shops, you kept checking your phone but there was nothing. Even after you had texted him good morning, it was radio silent.
You tried to convince yourself that it was because of his job. You were busy during the day yes, but he was dealing with actual serial killers and their victims, so it was more than normal that he couldn’t find….five seconds to text you.
On second day though, you were getting way too restless.
“Nothing?” Mina asked as she came back from the bathroom and you put your phone down, taking a sip of your rosé and averting your glances to the other people in the restaurant.
“No,” you murmured, “It’s—it’s fine.”
“Is it though?”
You clicked your tongue and pushed at your salad with your fork, “No,” you admitted, “It’s not fine.”
“Thought so.”
“It’s just that…” you heaved a sigh, “Maybe— I don’t know, maybe I misunderstood what this was?”
“Or maybe he’s an idiot.”
“He has an IQ of 187, Mina.”
“Doesn’t mean he’s not an idiot,” she pointed at you with her fork, “Listen, you know what kind of a job he has. Every second counts when you’re hunting down killers.”
“A text takes like five seconds to type,” you reminded her and bit inside your cheek, “What if—“
“No,” Mina said, “Whatever you’re thinking right now, that’s not what’s happening here. You just decided to date a guy who has the worst work hours, that’s it,” she tilted her head, “Speaking of, did mom seriously get Philip to look into him?”
“Oh my God yes!” you looked up at her, finally able to focus on something else, “Can you believe that?”
“Yes I can. I one hundred percent saw that coming,” she sipped her drink, “I didn’t think she would tell you though, not after what happened the last time.”
You frowned, but then a look of realization dawned on your face, “Right,” you said, “She did the same when you and Kenzie started dating. I almost forgot.”
“Kenzie broke up with me when she found out,” she reminded you, shaking her head, “It was the worst week of my life. I had to beg her to at least listen to me.”
“I mean I get that she was angry, but breaking up?”
“I don’t know how I would react if she did the same thing to me,” Mina stated, “I can’t blame her, not really. It was way out of line.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I didn’t read it.”
“You shouldn’t read it,” Mina said, “Did you get rid of it?”
“I told mom to throw it away as I was leaving,” you said, “I didn’t see it on the counter when I came back, so I guess she did throw it away. Or took it with her, I don’t know.”
“You do realize none of this would be happening if you didn’t walk around announcing you’re in love—”
Your eyes widened, “Mina!”
“What? Just because you didn’t tell him doesn’t mean it’s not crystal clear to the rest of us.”
“I didn’t announce anything!”
“You might as well have,” she said, “Now that you got laid, there’s no excuse to that behavior.”
“At least I’m not calling him my love,” you pointed out and Mina scrunched up her nose.
“Don’t remind me,” she murmured, “I don’t know what mom is thinking. Also, apparently, there’s this auction for charity and all of us are supposed to be there. You, me, Kenzie…. Do you want to guess who the sponsor is?”
“Mom’s boyfriend.”
“Mom’s boyfriend,” she repeated, clinking her glass with yours, “Trust me, that’s gonna be a disaster.”
For the rest of the day, Spencer made no contact with you, and it was becoming more nerve-wrecking than you had thought it would be. Every hour your mind came up with some theory that was even more ridiculous than the other.
You had started with the theory of that night before not being as good for him as it was for you and somehow reached the theory of him lying dead in a ditch because a serial killer had gotten to him. Your fingers were practically itching for you to call him but you managed to control yourself, pouring yourself a glass of whiskey and trying to focus on the emails your assistant had sent you.
But the buzz of your phone was more than enough to make you sit up straight and snatch your phone off the coffee table. You touched the screen, your eyes skimming the text.
Sorry I couldn’t call, the case was chaotic and we just landed. Can I drop by? I missed you.
You stared at the screen, trying to repress the fury bubbling inside of you but managed to reply with just one word.
Two days of complete silence, and then I missed you.
You let out a breath, forcing yourself to focus on the screen of your laptop instead of the anger filling you, because if you didn’t calm yourself down you were pretty damn sure that tonight would end in a huge argument.
And you didn’t want that. You didn’t want to let yourself play that messed up pushing and pulling game with him, because you knew where that would end.
It took more than an hour and a couple of glasses of whiskey, but when you heard the knock on your door, you pushed the cashmere throw off of you and walked to the door to open it.
Damn it, even the sight of him at your door was more than enough to make you want to rush into his arms, but you managed to hold your ground, leaning sideways to the door to take a look at him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in these two days and he was clearly exhausted, if not physically then mentally. The thought tugged at your heartstrings and you pressed your lips together.
“Welcome back,” you managed to say, not moving an inch to kiss or hug him and of course that didn’t escape his notice. Even when he was tired, he knew exactly how to read you.
You opened the door wider and walked back into the living room, listening to him close the door behind him and follow you.
“Tough case?”
“Yeah- is everything okay?”
His question made you turn around to look at him and you crossed your arms, frowning slightly.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Hm?”
“What happened?”
“Nothing,” you said, “I guess I’m surprised to hear from you, that’s all.”
A look of realization flashed over his handsome face, “I wanted to call you,” he said quickly, “I really did, but as soon as we landed in Ohio they took us into the crime scene, and the whole night I tried to crack the case but it turned out the killer had already committed—“
“A text would’ve been fine,” you pointed out, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet, “You didn’t get five seconds to yourself, professor?”
“Will you believe me if I say no?”
“No,” you stated, “Not really. It’s fine, I just misunderstood what this was,” you motioned at him,”It’s—like I said, it’s fine. I just didn’t know it before so I got confused, that’s all.”
“What did you misunderstand?” he asked you and you shrugged your shoulders again like a petulant child, keeping silent. He watched you, his brows furrowed as he tried to understand what was happening before he pulled back slightly.
“You thought—“ he started, his voice soft, “You thought I’d leave you like that?”
Don’t say it. Don’t say it.
Don’t fucking say—
“What do I care if you left?”
Anthony, -your ex you had broken up with months and months ago- had once told you that during the arguments, especially if you were mad at the person in front of you, it was like you were possessed by the devil himself.
“I have no idea what the fuck you want,” he had yelled at you, “I don’t think you know either.”
Now to think of it, you were beginning to agree with him about you being possessed because you knew it was illogical, you knew you were being petty and nonsense, and yet, you couldn’t stop yourself.
“You don’t care.” Spencer repeated, his aura changing completely, his tone calm and collected.
You supposed that was normal. You had already trespassed into his area of expertise voluntarily, and yes you could push and pull someone until they broke, but Spencer could play these mind games and come out on top no matter how much you tried to beat him at that.
The thought of him taking a peek into all these defenses you had spent years building was so intimidating that for a moment you felt almost naked and blinked a couple of times, your nose in the air.
Walking away when you were at your own goddamn apartment was a challenge but your pettiness knew no limits.
“You know what, I’m gonna take a shower, it’s really late.”
“Yeah listen, like I said, it’s fine. You missed me, you saw me and we’re clearly both very happy right now, so do you mind closing the door behind you when you leave?” you said, your voice cold as ice and took a step to walk past him but he grabbed your arm before you could do that, his grip firm but not painful.
“You know I can see through that, right?” his voice was low as your heart started pacing in your chest, the fire shooting through you despite anger, “Try to run away from it, lie to me all you want, but I’m not one of those clueless idiots around you. We both know you do care.”
It was as if there was an invisible electric wire crackling between your bodies, getting stronger and stronger with each second passing. Your eyes narrowed as you stood still for a moment, like a snake ready to strike, your mind going overdrive with where to attack him first.
“Then it’s a good thing one of us does,” you managed to say, your voice like a hiss, “Because we both know that you don’t.”
Something behind his eyes shifted but before you could even question what it was he had already pulled you into a kiss, his fingers buried into your hair while he walked you back until your back collided with the wall. You pushed his jacket off of him, not caring where it ended up and your fingers nimbly tried to get rid of his tie, a whine escaping from your lips when you had to break the kiss so that he could pull the oversized shirt you were wearing over your head. He pulled back for a moment, his fiery gaze focused on you and that was when you understood why he had stopped.
He was making sure he would remember this.
You pushed yourself off the wall, flinging yourself into his arms once again. It was nearly impossible to fight the urge of being closer to him, so you gave in as his hand tugged at the roots of your hair while both of you blindly tried to find the nearest flat surface, knocking over a vase and the floor lamp in process before he finally pushed you back to the couch. A squeal escaped from your lips when you landed on the soft cushions, but it soon turned into a moan when his body covered yours, his teeth grazing your neck.
“Well,” he murmured, his low voice in your ear giving you shivers, “Let’s test that theory then.”
Of course he woke up before you. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he hadn’t slept at all but he looked better rested than when he first had got there, so you figured he at least got a couple of hours. He had put his pants and white button up on, but his tie and jacket were still scattered along the room. He was sitting by the edge of couch, his files all over the coffee table as his eyes darted between them and he dragged his fingertips over the papers, but when he felt you watching him, he turned his head to look at you, a smile pulling at his lips, mirroring yours.
“Good morning,” he said and your smile widened before he leaned in to kiss you.
“Hi,” you murmured as you reached out to touch his curls, “Why does your hair look prettier than mine in the morning?”
He chuckled against your lips, “You’re seeing things,” he said, stealing another kiss from you before pulling back, his thumb caressing over your cheekbone.
“What time is it?” you rasped out and he checked his wristwatch.
“7,” he said and you scrunched up your nose,
“How much time do you have?”
“Less than half an hour,” he sighed, “How much time do you have?”
“Perks of being the boss,” you wiggled your brows, “I don’t have any meetings before ten o’clock today.”
“Incredibly lucky,” you winked at him as you pecked him on the lips and grabbed your bra and underwear off the floor, painfully aware of his gaze on you sending fire underneath your cheeks. You got into your shirt, then narrowed your eyes at him.
“It’s rude to stare professor, where are your manners?” you asked, making him chuckle before he snapped his fingers as if he just thought of something.
“I almost forgot,” he said, pulling away to grab his satchel and he dug into it to pull out a small magnet, making you gasp and snatch it out of his hand.
“You remembered!” you said with a smile, “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll put it on the fridge. Coffee?”
He raised his brows and nodded his head, “Yes please.”
“I’m beginning to think I’m becoming a profiler,” you grinned at him and fixed your hair before jumping over the back of the couch. You had every intention to walk to the kitchen but you couldn’t help yourself as you leaned over to rest your chin on his shoulder and kissed his cheek, making him smile. He entwined his fingers with you, pressing his lips on the back of your hand, the warmth spreading from that spot through your whole body.
“Thank you,” you said softly and he turned his head to look at you,
“Of course, it’s nothing.”
“No, it’s… it’s not nothing.” You shook your head, “It makes me happy.”
The light in his eyes was so warm that you thought you would melt.
“Good, because I want—“ he swallowed thickly, “I need you to be happy.”
You nibbled on your lip before you stole a kiss from him,
“I am,” you murmured, not lying for the first time in your life. You rushed to the kitchen, putting the magnet on the fridge carefully before you turned the coffee machine on.
“So I was thinking,” you said, “About this 7 hour long conference.”
“You lost that bet, you have to attend it with me.”
“Ah no, I’m not trying to skip it,” you leaned on the kitchen island, “I just have a question.”
He looked over his shoulder, “Yeah?”
“There are bathrooms there right?”
“Of course.”
“And everyone will be pretty busy during and after the sessions?”
“Yeah because the Q and A sometimes goes longer than planned.”
“Great, so we can hook up in the bathroom?”
He blinked a couple of times, as if he couldn’t tell if you were joking.
“Come again?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “What? No one ever does anything fun in these conferences?”
“I don’t—“ he stammered, “They’re highly academic, so I don’t think… I don’t think anyone—um—”
“You okay there, professor?” you grinned, aware of your effect of your words “You’re telling me you keep attending these conferences and then you end up not hooking up with anyone?”
He shook his head, still confused and you winked at him.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” you said, “You’re going to be late if you just keep sitting there and gawking at me by the way, IQ of 187.”  
He tried to pull himself together, gathering his files as you turned around to get the cups out of the cabinet.
“For the record, I think people are having fun in a non-academic way in these things, you just don’t know it yet,” you said, pouring the coffee into the cups “In one of the conferences we had to attend during college, me and my friend got these flasks of whiskey, then we—“ you stopped talking when you turned around and saw him standing there, completely frozen as he skimmed the papers in one of his files.
“What?” you asked when his eyes snapped up to yours, but there was something behind his gaze, completely void of the affection you were used to seeing. He swallowed thickly, his jaw clenched and he threw the file onto the kitchen island, making you frown.
Then a shudder ran down your spine.
Your mom’s file on Spencer. The one she had told her P.I to prepare when she paid him to look into Spencer’s past. You had just assumed your mother threw it away when you couldn’t see it after you came home that day, but apparently you should’ve looked harder.
“Y/N,” his voice sounded way too distant, way too cold, “What the hell is this?”
Chapter 16
1K notes · View notes
Series: Just the assistant..?
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Plus sized reader
Summary: [Y/N], Tom's personal assistant knows that she shouldn't have fallen in love with her employer but she just couldn't help herself. When she thinks that her biggest wish is about to come true, a third party arrives and makes her question whether she'd ever have a chance to escape her situation and simply be loved back by the person she loves the most...
Warning(s): None, I think?
Word count: 5,2k
Picture(s) found on: Pinterest/Google
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"Just a few more minutes until they call, do you want something to drink?" (Y/N) asked Tom as she made her way to the kitchen, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest as the tension rose in his living room. 
He had been sitting on the couch, frozen on the spot while staring into space with his phone clutched tightly in his hand. He couldn’t voice the intense waves of anxiety and nervousness coursing through his body, time seemed to pass slowly. One of the producers of Harold Pinter's Play "Betrayal" was about to let him know whether he had gotten one of the main roles or not.
Tom had auditioned for the play a while ago and had desperately hoped that his performance was worthy enough to act the play out on the stage. He had always loved theatre, the interest had never decreased throughout the years. Harold Pinter was also a writer Tom had always looked up to as his plays always inspired and touched him on a deep level that not everyone was able to understand.
 "Tom" (Y/N) called out again.
He had never answered her question which had made her turn on her heel and focus her gaze on his tensed back and shoulders. He still hadn’t moved a muscle as his brain was clouded with too many thoughts at the same time. His assistant let out a soft sigh, her heart fluttering as she longed to gently place her hands on his back and give him a soothing massage. God...I just want to feel you relax under my touch. Whisper my name in a state of longing...
She bit back a craving hum as her eyes continued to appreciate his backside, he obviously needed some time to himself and wasn’t in need of any liquid refreshment. She turned back around and walked into the kitchen while hoping and praying that he’d get the role as he really deserved it. 
She empathised with his every emotion and felt anxious herself, a habit she had when loving someone. Once in the kitchen, [Y/N] quickly walked over to the fridge and took a bottle of water out of it, popped open the cap and let out a soft hum when the cool liquid made its way down her throat. It had been dry and itching for a little while but she didn’t want to leave Tom’s side. She was his biggest supporter, not just the assistant that had been loving him for three years now.
She couldn’t distinguish whether she ever crushed on him or just immediately found herself loving him. She had been a silent admirer of him and his work before she got the amazing (and well paying) opportunity to work as his personal assistant. But she was a professional and strictly made herself keep all the romantic feelings she had for Tom on the down low, she knew that both of their images were at stake if she’d dive into the cliché “employee messing with their boss” mess.  
It was easier said than done but she quickly developed some quality acting skills that prevented the British gentleman from even guessing her true feelings about him. She didn't want to jeopardise her job as it was something she really loved and appreciated doing.
"[Y/N]!" Tom called out in panic, causing her to place the water bottle on the kitchen counter and run back into the living room, where she found him standing in front of the coffee table with his phone still in his hand. The anxiety clouding his eyes quickly vanished the second he looked at his assistant, her presence immediately had calmed him down.
His loud ringtone echoed through the room.  “W-what should I do?” he questioned, feeling like he had lost all common sense while his heart beat harshly against his ribcage.
She chuckled and shook her head while pointing at his phone. “Accept the call!”.
He frantically nodded, letting his thumb slide across his screen before holding his phone to his ear. [Y/N] let out a shaky breath, this was finally the big moment and she was glad that she was the only one who got to witness it. He never put up a show in front of her during these types of moments and that was one of the many reasons why she loved him; he unconsciously made her feel so special on an almost day-to-day basis.
“Hello?” Tom spoke before a nervous laugh escaped his lips, “Gerald, how are you?”, his manners were impeccable while his facial expression turned serious. A big frown crept onto his face, he bit his lower lip and slowly nodded his head. The room got silent  and the assistant didn’t know what to do; she was silently contemplating whether to have a seat on the couch or stay on her feet, ready to walk away in case he wanted some privacy. 
A smile appeared on her face when the actor looked at her again, smiling brightly and motioning with his hand for her to take a seat on the couch. Her stomach fluttered in delight at the fact that he wanted her near and witness this exciting moment with him. 
She made her way over to the couch and was about to sit down when a loud gasp escaped his lips, a smile stretching across his handsome face. “Thank you so much! I-I can’t believe this! Thank you, thank you!” he happily spoke out and then chuckled. She stared wide eyed at him as she quickly caught onto what was happening.
He had gotten the role.
[Y/N] barely could hide her grin as she felt the anxiety disappear like a heavy weight being lifted off her shoulders. An overwhelming urge to reach out for Tom’s handsome face and press her lips against his overtook her senses. But she knew damn well that that was something didn't have the right to do. So, with a soft sigh she fought her inner voices and body parts to stay still and not do something she'd regret. 
Words couldn’t describe how proud she was of him, he was perfect for the role and she couldn’t wait to see the whole production come to life. Tom would have the time of his life and gain more experience in the industry which could lead to his next job, once the play would be over.
“I certainly will!” Tom laughed and nodded his head, snapping [Y/N] back to reality. They locked eyes and just grinned at each other.  “Thanks again, have a nice day. Bye!”, a loud laugh escaped his lips as he tossed his phone onto the couch and surprised his assistant by charging towards her and then quickly engulfing her in a tight embrace.
“I got the part! I can’t believe it!”
“Congrats, Tom! I knew you’d get it”. [Y/N]’s knees almost buckled as her arms were wrapped around his broad shoulders, his delicate scent filling her nostrils. Her body instantly relaxed and she felt lightheaded, she wished for this moment to last forever, this is where she felt to belong. In his arms. The actor gave her another squeeze and let out a relieved sigh, his body enjoying the intimate embrace, the sensation surprising him greatly. They had hugged countless times (which had always left [Y/N] a sensitive mess like in that current moment), but this time it felt different for him.
Her delicate scent mixed with her sweet perfume  made him close his eyes, his soul suddenly being at peace. The feeling of her soft and squishy body made him bury his head in the crook of her neck and gently sigh out in pleasure. She clenched her jaw in order to stop herself from gasping out loud as an intense shiver coursed down her spine. Tom had never hugged her this way, his beard tickled her sensitive skin and she loved every second of it. 
Her heart skipped a beat before playing a loud song against her ribcage, this felt like a dream. A delicate dream she hoped to never wake up from. The room was silent, their soft breathing being the only thing whispering through the atmosphere as the actor continued to enjoy the feeling of having his assistant so close to him.
 Pleasant tingles coursed through his body as he absentmindedly gave her another squeeze, her beautiful face appearing behind his now closed eyelids. No one spoke a word. Just two souls initiating their passionate connection.
 “Tom” [Y/N] whispered after a few minutes, needing to end the moment even if it made her heart ache. But she knew that if she wouldn’t speak up, he would and probably conclude that they’d been hugging for way too long and inappropriately. When he hummed softly and opened his eyes, he gave her one final squeeze before slowly pulling away and smiling at her. He didn’t regret anything.
 He drank in the sight of her beautiful face, his eyes sparkling suddenly. “We need to celebrate this!” the excitement was slowly bubbling up again in his stomach. The assistant let out a chuckle and pulled her out her phone from her jean pocket. “Sure, who do you want me to invite?” she questioned while trying to get down from the delicate high she still was on. His cologne mixed with his mesmerising scent still lingered in her nose and her heart even ached more now.
 Her fingers slightly trembled while typing in her passcode before she went on the message app, ready to send out a dinner invitation to Tom’s closest friend group. She cleared her throat and looked up again, her heart skipping another beat when she saw him smile brightly at her like she was the most delicate creature walking the earth...
 “How about I cook something just for the two of us and we can celebrate with Ben, Charlie and Idris tomorrow?”.
 [Y/N] let out a breathless chuckle and nodded her head, “Sounds great…”. Words couldn’t describe the euphoria pumping through her blood. Even though he hadn’t officially asked her out, she still felt happy and excited to spend some more time alone with him. She didn’t have high hopes of  something happening but just being in his presence was more than enough for her to soothe her cravings temporarily and that made her gladly accept every opportunity to be alone with him, work related or not.
 “Great! How about Chicken Fettucine Alfredo?”. She grinned, nodded and put her phone back into her pocket. She was overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do next, a part of her wanted to throw herself back into his arms and another one to get back to her house and let the previous, intimate moment dawn onto her. 
She chose the latter.
 “I-I’ll go freshen up and finish some tasks for you. Let me know when you want me back” she smiled at him one last time before walking towards his front door, knowing that the actor was staring at her back. “Okay, I’ll send you a text message!” Tom gently called out and watched with a smile on his face how she waved her hand in the air to indicate that she had heard him. [Y/N] then had left his house seconds later.
 “Mhm…” the actor whispered to himself, suddenly feeling his stomach sink. The happiness and excitement simmered down while he sat down on his couch and leaned back. His eyes fell shut and he thought about what just had happened: He had gotten the role of one of his favourite plays and felt like he was dreaming. He couldn’t wait to start the project and try his best to captivate the people with his talent all over again. He was going to play Robert, a man whose wife was having an affair with his best friend of several years. 
 He was impatient to find out who was going to be casted as the other two characters: Emma and Jerry. He appreciated and loved his work so much, but knew that he wouldn’t have gotten this special part if it weren’t for his assistant who had strongly encouraged him to audition for the play. 
Tom could barely express how much she had changed his life for the better when he had hired her three years ago. He just had broken up with his famous ex-girlfriend and was being bullied by her fans so much that he disappeared from the spotlight once his work schedules were cleared. 
His friends didn’t see him often as he hid away in his house, trying to tune out the discomfort and regret he felt from letting the whole world focus on his relationship. He was known for keeping his private life private, but the love he had felt for her had made him disregard his own strict rule and boundary. To be publicly ridiculed was one of harshest lessons he had to learn.
That's when his agent suggested hiring a personal assistant to help him keep his profile on the down low until he’d feel better. 
[Y/N] was hired not too long after his hiatus from the public eye, her job had been to see what roles the entertainment company Tom was signed to had to offer and also fulfill personal tasks like going grocery shopping or sending out birthday gifts and so on. But with her already having caught serious feelings for him, she had a natural urge to also take care of him, not as her boss but as a confidant and comforter.
 It was her bright, charming and loving personality along with her soothing and encouraging ways that slowly brought Tom out of the protective bubble he had created around himself. A strong friendship was quickly formed while he felt himself change back into this natural self. A better self.
[Y/N] became his silent rock to lean on while continuing to work for him. When he was back to his naturally charming and funny self in public and private, she had become conscious about her feelings for him. She was surprised (but also very relieved) that no one had suspected anything. Benedict and his wife Sophie, Idris and his Wife Sabrina along with Charlie and his wife Samantha all had quickly grown to love her as a part of their friend group.
The assistant was way more loosened up with the actors wives as they had a very close and strong bond as women. Around the male actors, she was a tiny bit more reserved but just to keep up the professional “I am not hopelessly in love with my boss and don’t want you to know about it” act. 
But Tom was just as supportive of his assistant when life became difficult for her too. Often placing a comforting hand on her shoulder or back while fighting the urge to hold her close and promise to take care of whatever issue she was facing when she couldn’t keep the tears to herself anymore. Tom and [Y/N] had come a long way together, individually and as friends.
“Bloody hell” 
Tom muttered when realising that he had zoned out for a good ten minutes. His stomach was doing flips but he didn’t feel sick or nauseous. The overwhelming urge to feel [Y/N] so close to him again had left him craving for more ever since she had left his house. 
He bit down onto his lower lip when he remembered the delicate sensations tingling through his body, the intensity was something the actor hadn’t experienced in a long time. Or ever. He shook his head, snapping himself out of his little daydream and shot up from the couch. “I should go grocery shopping for tonight’s celebration” was what he muttered to himself before picking up his car keys from the small coffee table and saying his goodbye to Bobby who had waltzed into the living room with a wiggly tail. 
Tom chuckled, petted his beloved dog and then made his way towards the front door with a pleased smile resting on his handsome face.
“Fuck, why am I like this?” [Y/N] cried out in frustration as she was standing in her full length mirror, staring at her naked body wrapped in a towel. She just had gotten out of the shower, her skin was glistening and glowing from the lotion she had applied to her body, her hair moisturised . She was scanning her body from head to toe and slowly felt herself become insecure. She had this lingering feeling that the hug she had shared with Tom had a deeper meaning. 
 Her conscious refused to let go of the matter and she found herself wondering if he’d ever be interested in her. Her eyes continued to scan her body from head to toe, every thick bump and curve being intensely observed. “Stop it” she hissed at herself, shaking her head and trying to distract her craving heart from the fact that it might had found its perfect match. “I’m just the assistant” [Y/N] reminded herself before stepping away from the mirror and walking over to her closet.
 She didn’t want to overdress for a simple celebration dinner, and quickly decided on a simple and comfortable outfit for the private event; a pair of black jeans, a white, long sleeved shirt with not too much cleavage and a black jean jacket in case she'd get cold.  
It took her a few minutes to get dressed before she focused on her hair and light makeup. She chose to not wear many layers of makeup. Tonight she preferred a natural look that would also enable her skin to breathe easily. Once she was done, she gave herself a final look in the mirror and nodded her head in approval.
 She looked beautiful, as always.
 “Let’s do this then” she whispered to herself and then made her way out of her bedroom. Now all she needed was for Tom to let her know that he was to welcome her back into his house.  “Okay, it’s nothing special” the assistant muttered to herself while suddenly feeling her heart starting to beat faster in her chest.
 This was the usual habit she had whenever she was about to see the British actor: reminding herself that her deepest desire wouldn't become reality and to keep herself in check. [Y/N] had been in love and had loved a decent amount of people but never had she felt these intense emotions for someone. 
She had been with the most charming and loving or shitty and selfish people, the heartbreaks she had gone through were either very painful and long lasting or quick and rather painless. It always made her wonder how Tom had been able to sweep her off her feet in such a delicate yet simple manner, and why she loved him stronger with each passing day.
The plus sized beauty was now in her kitchen, eating a granola bar while sitting at the counter. The silence in the house smoothly encouraged her to relax for a little while and unwind. She had finished the few tasks she had to do for her boss; making sure that his stylist had the suits ready for his public appearances that were coming up in a few days.
A BAFTA event was just around the corner and Tom had gladly accepted their invitation as he was one of the many ambassadors. The organisation had planned a few games with delightful prices such as apprentices abroad for upcoming musicians, actors and artists or tickets to Tom’s upcoming play to encourage people to get in touch with their creative self. 
The actor was thrilled to meet new people and witness others from different backgrounds, to witness them earn amazing opportunities to either learn, travel or create themselves artistically.
[Y/N] wouldn’t join him to the event. She had a lengthy list of new things to work on for her boss. The final Avengers movie would be released in the theaters in a few months but Tom wouldn’t join the press tour as he’d be on stage here in London. But his own Loki series had gotten the green light so he’d have to start meeting up with the creative writers and producers to see how they’d bring the series to life. It was obvious that Tom would be booked and busy for at least a year.
[Y/N] got lost in her thoughts again, absentmindedly finishing her granola bar while planning her following weeks ahead, she knew that stressful days were ahead but she didn't mind that at all. At the end, she'd get her job done.
It took her a few minutes to snap out of her daze before her phone loudly notified her that she had received a message.
From: Tom
Finally, she thought to herself while unlocking her phone and reading Tom’s new message.
To: Me
I’m done cooking, waiting for your presence now 😊
From: Me
“Aw” the assistant cooed with a wide grin on her face, the message was so short and simple yet it made her feel like she was floating on cloud nine. Especially because Tom rarely used emojis, so to see that she was worthy enough for a smiley face filled her heart with joy.
To: Tom
Her thumb hit the sent button before she hopped off the kitchen stool, her heartbeat increasing again as she felt a rush of warmth and excitement ripple through her body. 
I’m on my way 😊
[Y/N] took her purse off the counter and placed her phone in it before taking out her keys. Her footsteps softly echoed through the air as she made her way to the front door with a gorgeous smile resting on her face. She couldn’t wait to see her love again.
“Wow” was the first thing Tom whispered once he swung the door open, his eyes immediately were blessed with the sight of [Y/N] standing right in front of him. Their eyes sparkled while staring deeply into one another. “Hi” [Y/N] whispered, her body relaxing instantly while waiting for the actor to welcome her back into his home.
“Hello” Tom finally spoke, his heart pounding so hard that he was afraid she’d be able to hear it.  He took a step aside and widened the door, “Please enter”. The assistant thanked him before walking into his house, not noticing how he closed the door while whispering a soft “You are so beautiful” into the air. 
“It smells amazing” she complimented while already having placed her purse on the small coffee table in front of his couch, now patiently waiting for the actor to turn around and interact with her.
Tom took a few seconds to lock his door before finally turning on his heel and biting back a grin when his eyes landed on [Y/N] again. Her beauty and presence were sucking him into a delicate whirl of endless contentment, but he didn’t fight it. “Thank you, I hope you’ll enjoy the meal. How about a drink first?” he suggested while walking over to her and playfully holding out his arm to her.
She chuckled and happily linked her arm with his, his cologne mixed with his scent filling her nostrils while they made their way into the kitchen where she could hear the soft sizzling filling the air. Tom led her over to the big counter where he already had set the table and everything else up, some candles included. It looked like a romantic dinner.
[Y/N] clenched her jaw to stop herself from voicing how pretty everything looked, it looked like a meal for lovers, not employer and employee. But she swallowed her thought, not wanting to risk saying anything that could ruin the smooth and delightful vibe. So with a soft sigh, she turned around and gently thanked Tom for preparing the celebration dinner.
“Don’t even mention it” he chuckled and made sure that she was comfortably seated before he rushed over to the pans and pots and started to serve her the celebration dinner. Her mouth watered at the delicious sight and she couldn’t wait to dig in. But she patiently waited until he was done with his own plate and was seated before she rose her glass filled with non-alcoholic Peach Moscato. [Y/N] wasn’t planning on getting drunk as the next day would be very hectic for her.
"To you” she gently spoke, her heart fluttering in her chest when Tom copied her actions and smiled brightly at her. “No, to us” he added and let his glass with the same drink clink against hers.
“I didn’t do anything” the assistant responded with a soft chuckle before taking a quick sip of her drink and humming in delight. It tasted delicious. “You’re the actor who went to the audition” she added before lifting her fork and smoothly digging it into a piece of diced and seasoned chicken.
Tom shook his head while following her motions, “You did a lot actually. I wasn’t sure whether I was good enough to even audition for the role. But you encouraged me and supported me from the beginning to the end, and I can’t thank you enough for that [Y/N].
Once his words left his mouth, the room fell silent. 
[Y/N] and Tom just looked at each other, so many unspoken emotions flashing past their eyes. The tension had shifted again but not to something awkward. It was like their souls were communication as the sparkles in their eyes never left. They only thought about each other and how grateful they were to be in that intimate moment with one another.
The actor couldn’t stop thinking about how he suddenly longed to be close to her again. Feel her warm and soft body pressed against him, have her scent make him forget about the world and just focus on her. His lips tingled, the urge to feel hers pressed against his overwhelming him.
[Y/N] was thinking the exact same thing, the attraction she had felt for him only became stronger with every passing moment. Her breathing became quicker when her mind started to picture how it would feel to kiss him…Hold him close while letting their lips melt together as one with nothing but love and passion.
“T-Thank you” was all she was able to say as she snapped back to reality and realised that she hadn’t responded to his kind words. Tom nodded his head and gave her a bright smile before both of them continued to enjoy the food together.
“This is scrumptious” the assistant praised with a hum before taking another bite, trying to play it cool while she felt the heat and warmth course through her body. Tom chuckled and bowed his head, blushing at the simple compliment, “I’m happy you’re enjoying it”. What he didn't voice was how he had spiced up the simple recipe, the need to impress [Y/N] driving him through the short time of preparing the meal.
The two of them then continued to eat while talking about their upcoming vacations, the production of the play wouldn't start until a few weeks and the Loki series was months away from being filmed.  [Y/N] didn’t want to just talk about their work and happily listened to Tom voicing his desire to travel to Asia again for two weeks. He then told her about filming Kong: Skull Island in Vietnam and Hawaii. Throughout the dinner, his hand found hers numerous times and he gave it a gentle squeeze before sliding it back and either taking a sip of his drink or finishing his plate.
"And so I had to explain to my boss's ex-girlfriend that he had wanted the engagement ring back but that he was too embarrassed to come and collect it himself! After he had been caught red handed cheating on her!" [Y/N] finished explaining the crazy story about her previous employer, clasping her hands against her cheeks and shaking her head at the awkward memories.
Tom was having a delightful laugh, his cackles echoing through the kitchen while trying to imagine how his assistant must've felt in that moment. "That is just crazy! I assure you [Y/N] that I won't ever ask you to do such a thing for me" he chuckled at the end and shook his head.
"Good, because that experience made me add lots of terms and conditions to my general contract. I've actually been rejected a few times because those who had been interested in hiring me didn't approve of my demands" the assistant chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Like I have no issues going grocery shopping for you but I won't do your dirty laundry or buy lube and condoms for you at 3 o'clock in the morning...". The last phrase made Tom almost choke on his spit before he burst out laughing again, his cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiles and laughter. He couldn't remember the last time he had laughed or enjoyed someone's presence this much.
"Shit, Tom. it's almost midnight! We've been eating and goofing around for hours!" [Y/N] gasped in panic, not having realised how fast the time had rushed by. She quickly got up and took her now empty plate, strutted over to the sink and was about to wash it when Tom's voice stopped her.
"Don't even think about turning on the sink, [Y/N]. Let me do this" the soothing yet amused tone in his voice made the assistant roll her eyes and simply place her plate in the empty sink and turn around with a defeated look on her face. "Fine! But I better get going then, thanks again for the meal, it was delicious".
Tom grinned at her and joined her at the sink, both of them washing their hands before drying them and making their way out of the kitchen. "It was my utmost pleasure, [Y/N]". No words were spoken after that as the assistant collected her purse and made her way to his front door, feeling like she was floating on cloud nine.
"Let me know when you get home safely, okay?" Tom whispered while surprising her again with another gentle hug, his arms and hands welcoming her delicate body again. All poor [Y/N] could do was nod her head and close her eyes for a few seconds, no thoughts clouding her head as she lost herself into the embrace.
"Goodnight" she then whispered while pulling away, looking one last time at his handsome face before creating some space in between them, her heart feeling like it was about to combust into flames. "Goodnight beautiful, thank you for being you" Tom whispered, the sparks glistening in his eyes as he watched his assistant bite her lip to prevent herself from grinning like an idiot.
The two of them shared another gentle moment before [Y/N] turned around and left Tom's home. He watched her walk down the front porch and to the drive in where her car was parked. The man couldn't keep his eyes away from her, she was all he could think about and he couldn't stop whispering her name every few seconds while watching her drive off into the night... 
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-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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yunhoiseyecandy · 4 years
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✕ 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞; 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞
✕ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
✕ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 ◆ 𝐟.𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
✕ 𝐰/𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 𝐧𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧
✕ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬; 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥- 𝐟.𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞
[𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭]
 happy birthday, @hanatiny !!! a big thanks to @barnesbabee​ for giving me the plot for this story
it was like a constant cycle
he goes to work, deems his workers' articles unworthy of being published, and then drives home late in the night only to be greeted by the emptiness of his home.
and he was starting to lose his mind
he needed a change in his schedule, like an escape from the real world. it’s normal to grow a need to leave a place you’ve grown to get tired from after so long.
the only thing closest to an escape for him would have to be sarah, his assistant at work. but he can’t remember the last time she’s made him feel something. 
it started out as fuck buddies, but hongjoong soon got bored of her. she wasn’t into the things that he was, which made hongjoong confused because she said she liked it rough.
and it’s not like he did anything that she wouldn’t want, he made sure to respect her boundaries. but he was tired of being vanilla, so he opted to do the one thing he never thought he’d do,
sign up as sugar daddy
“mingi, are you sure this is a good idea?” hongjoong said, his thumbs swiping up and down the screen of his phone. they’ve had no luck so far, only finding sketchy accounts that seem to be run by bots. “Yeah, I mean I got olivia from this app.”
“that doesn’t mean shit, dude.” san chuckled, slapping mingi upside the head. online dating is one thing, but finding a sugar baby who only really wants money is another. 
it was hard finding someone who wasn’t only there for money, and he knew it would probably take a while before he found someone, considering money is the only reason they even had an account.
he wanted someone to take care of, to get his mind away from work and only focus on the way she felt wrapped around him, focusing on the sharp gasps for air that left her mouth.
“guys, I think we should just give up alread-”
san snatched hongjoong’s phone from mingi’s hand, motioning towards him with a wide smirk on his face. “I think you’ll like her. read the description.”
hongjoong laughed, surprised at how excited san seemed to be. he looked down at his phone, mouth agape at the words on screen. he’d never seen someone as intriguing as you, and the white lace you had on only made it harder for him to not press message right then and there.
hey baby, my name’s rose. are you my next sugar daddy? I’m 22 years old, and I’m looking for someone who always has time for me. 
what are my interests?
I love painting, and photography is a close second on my favorites. I’m open to just about anything, so I don’t mind it if we have different hobbies.
hard no’s in bed?
nope, I’m open to anything and everything. maybe even a little bit of pain..
"you can breath if you want." san said, and hongjoong scoffed at the younger ones words.
he couldn't peel his eyes away from the screen, you were just too pretty. and he knew he had to have you.
"you guys can leave now, I think we're done here."
as soon as he saw you walk into the restaurant, he knew this was going to be a long night.
you had on a black dress with small slits on the side of it that made him want to bend you over the table you two were about to eat on.
he stood up from his seat to greet you, pulling out your chair and gesturing you to sit. "you look beautiful, rose."
he really didn't know what else to say, and the words left his mouth so effortlessly.
you couldn't lie that he looked more than handsome, and you felt slightly intimidated by the look in his eyes.
"thank you. and you look really nice, too."
it was a long and comfortable evening, but you couldn't help but tease him every now and then.
sometimes by going to "grab a napkin", but just using it as an excuse to show off your cleavage. or even going as far as to flirt with the waiter, slightly touched their arm when they would bring a new glass of water.
hongjoong lost it when you both had ordered dessert, and you decided it would be a good idea to suck the chocolate off the spoon while looking right in his eyes.
you loved his reactions, and you could tell you'd be in for it tonight. but after all, that was your whole plan.
this seemed different than all of your other sugar daddy's. he was genuinely interested in you, and not only for the sex. even though, you wouldn't mind it if he was.
"I can tell what you're doing, and you might want to stop while you can," he said, leaning in towards you.
you smirked at him, tilting your head to the side. "I don't think I understand what you mean, hongjoong."
scoffing, he waved down the host to bring the check. "I doubt that, sweetheart."
maybe teasing him was a bad idea. because as soon as you walked through the front door of his apartment he had your clothes scattered across the floor, already leading you to his room and on the bed.
“what’s your name, baby?” his voice was deep as he whispered into your ear, biting down on the shell of it as he sat you on his lap.
you leaned back, hands resting on his chest. “rose, I thought you knew?”
he chuckled, “no, you’re real name.”
you didn’t know what to say to him. no one has ever asked you for your real name, let alone care enough to ask if rose was your actual one. you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face when he brushed his hand against your cheek, feeling the warmth through his actions.
you hesitated, leaning back into his touch. “it’s y/n..” 
your lips brushed against his as you spoke, and you could taste the chocolate ice cream from earlier on them. 
he hummed, his hands running up and down your body before he placed his thumb on your lip, trapping your jaw between his pointer finger and thumb. it was a soft movement, and it took your body by surprise when he tilted your head to the side so he could place wet, hot kisses all over your chest.
no one has ever done that before, and you loved the rush it gave your body. you tried your hardest to keep your legs from closing around his waist, but your underwear was starting to rub against you in a way that had your mouth closing to keep any noises from escaping your mouth.
“mhm, y/n,” he groaned into your skin. it was a beautiful name, and he thought it fit you all too well.
maybe it was the way he felt your wetness when you brushed against his shirt that had him flip you over, or it could’ve been because of the lingerie you had on. but he needed to hear you, taste you, anything that would have you screaming his name over and over again. 
you gasped when he un-clipped your bra and pulled it off, tossing it on the ground and getting on his knees in front of you. 
“I’ve been trying to picture how you’d look like this,” his hands ran up your legs, pushing them apart, “but nothing that I’ve imagined could ever compare to the view I have right now.”
your hands gripped the sheets beneath you as you took in everything. his lips as he dragged them up your thighs, the way his fingers teased the hem of your panties. and the way his eyes never once left yours. 
“hongjoong,” you moaned as you felt him pull your underwear from your body as he returned back to his previous place. “please just do something already.”
he teased you, kissing right above where you needed him the most. he'd usually tease you since that's what you'd done to him. but right now there's no time for that.
he pressed the flat of his tongue against your clit, flicking up into it and moaning around you. your head dropped back, and you couldn't help the whine the left your mouth.
"fuck, right there."
he made sure to take his time with you, wanting to make you come more than once tonight. his movements were slow at first, but they got faster with every moan you let past your lips.
his lips parted from your core, slipping a finger in you and groaning at how wet you were. "you taste so good,"
he felt you clench around him, and he easily slipped in another finger while watching your mouth drop open again.
his mouth found its way back to your clit as he sucked on it hard, curling his fingers to push you over the edge.
"h-hongjoong!" you clenched one last time around his fingers, feeling yourself tense up when his teeth grazed your clit.
he sat up slowly, enjoying your fucked out face more than he should. and as pretty as you looked right now, he wanted to see tears streaming down your face while making you come.
you were already tired and he hasn't even fucked you yet, so to say you were excited would be an understatement.
without warning, he flipped you onto your stomach and spread your thighs apart, pulling his boxers down.
his hand grabbed the base of his cock and he dragged it up your core, his knees digging into the matress behind you.
he pushed in slowly, making sure you were comfortable and not in pain. your eyes fluttered closed at your good he felt, and you clenched tightly around him when his finger moved to draw circles around your clit.
just like earlier, his strokes were slow. but with every passing moment his hips seemed to have a mind of their own and his place quickened.
you felt one of his hands press on the small of your back, pushing you into the matress.
the angle that you were at now had you screaming his name, and you could feel his cock hit all the places your fingers never could.
he made a warmth spread through your body when he angled his hips a certain way, hitting that one spot inside of you that made a silent scream come out.
"you close, baby? gonna make a mess on my cock?"
you couldn't tell if it was because of your previous orgasm, but you came as soon as those words left his mouth, nail ripping the bed sheets as you came around him.
hongjoong's head fell back as you came, his bangs sticking to his forehead from all the sweat he's built up.
it wasn't long after you came that he pulled out, ropes of his cum lining your back as he took in the view.
you slumped onto the bed legs giving out while he went to the bathroom and turned the shower on.
never in his life has he ever taken a shower with someone, only grabbing a wet towel to clean them up. but this felt different, and he felt the need to pamper you after all the stress he's put on your body.
"can you walk, baby, or do you want me to carry you?"
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stardust-kenobi · 4 years
Let Me Help You
Obi Wan x Reader
Summary: Obi Wan isn’t very tech-savy, and he wants you to help him with his computer while you two sit in the Jedi Temple library. You offer your assistance, and decide to help him in other ways, too.
Warnings: smut, dub-con!!, male oral receiving, public oral sex
Word count: 2k
A/N: ⚠️please DO NOT read if you’re uncomfortable with dub-con. It’s not for everyone. (In this specific plot it’s used because Obi Wan is trying to be a good Jedi) Consent is slightly more clear right before the act.
This was requested by anon! Thanks lovely, hope you enjoy 💕
(my gif)
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Obi Wan’s face became more frustrated by the second. You sat across from him in the Temple library. You’d joined your friend today because he wanted the company while he completed some tasks undoubtedly related to his Jedi duties. 
“You alright?” You inquired, attempting to withhold a giggle at the sight of a man who is so usually calm becoming annoyed at technology.
“This datapad is going to drive me mad” he huffed. His fingers furiously tapped away at his attempted tasks.
“Sounds like a user-error” you teased him while continuing to stare at him. He looked up at you, obviously trying not to smile back. “And it’s a desktop computer, so, not technically a data pad” you jokingly corrected him.
“Well, whatever it is, it doesn’t like me very much” he remarked and returned his attention to the illuminated screen.
“What exactly are you trying to do?”
“I’m trying to navigate the archives here but it keeps telling me I’m typing in invalid coordinates” his voice grew more annoyed.
“Would you like my help?” You offered kindly
“No, that’s not necessary.” He politely declined.
You waited, not responding, knowing he’d change his mind after another failed attempt. His eyes shot upward at you across the table and quickly looked back down, but then hesitantly returned to your gaze.
“Maybe I could use your help, y/n” he finally admitted.
“Mhm, that’s what I thought” you rose from your seat and headed around the table. You observed the room, and no one was around. You hadn’t seen anyone in the library since you walked in. You could probably hear a pin drop in the vast silence. You came around behind his chair and leaned down next to him. Obi Wan’s eyes could not have been less discreet as they peered over to your chest that was now at his eye level. Your shirt was low cut, and perhaps a little too tight, but nothing you wouldn’t normally wear. You noticed but said nothing to Obi Wan, just flattered that he wanted to look.
“Let me try and enter the coordinates. What were they?” You inquired. He gave you the same numbers he had been typing in. You unfortunately found yourself having the same issue he was having. Obi Wan laughed, mocking you for thinking it was his fault.
“User-error, was it?” He teased you. You shook your head and giggled.
“Let me try something else” you said. You attempted other methods in order to make it work. 
“Why don’t you pull up a chair?” He suggested.
You looked around, there were no chairs close, except for your chair on the other side of the table.
“Oh no, that’s alright” you shrugged, but then an idea crept into your devious, sexually deprived head. You checked your surroundings again, no one was in the library. It was late, anyways, so it wasn’t unusual.
Obi Wan’s lap sat there, open and empty, legs spread open, as if it was waiting on you to fill the space. You slowly moved your hips downward and over onto his thighs. He didn’t say a word, protest, or even make a sound, until you were fully seated on his unprepared lap.
“Oh, um...alright then” he stuttered, unsure what to say, but didn’t reject you either.
“Sorry, I saw a perfectly good seat and took it. That okay?” You clearly played innocent.
He roughly cleared his throat and breathed out hard. His built up sexual tension was obvious, and you preyed on it guiltlessly.
“No problem at all” he chuckled, finally responding to you. Continuing to work at the computer in your new found seat, you rotated your hips side to side subtly, pressing more firm into him. Hardly any time had passed before you felt him grow aroused under your ass. You smirked, loving the effect you were having on him.
“Oh, there we go, it worked!” you announced suddenly. The screen displayed the archive location that he searched for, after tweaking with the settings for a bit.
“What worked?” He breathed out, clearly more flustered than the last time he spoke. It was as if he was snapped out of a trance. He was incredibly distracted and couldn’t even recall for the moment what you were even helping him with.
“The...computer?” You stated the obvious, turning around sharply to meet his eyes.
“Right!” He shyly remembered.
His erection was continuing to grow and he wondered if you could feel it against you.
“Something wrong, Obi Wan?” You asked him, Both of you were fully aware of what was happening, but the lack of direct communication refused to acknowledge it plainly.
“Oh, I’m fine” He replied, clearing his throat again.
“You sure? You seemed flustered” You pushed the conversation further.
“Y-yes I'm, uh, I’m sure” he stumbled over his words.
“Seems like you’re having a hard time with your words there, Master Kenobi” you purred, wasting no time dancing around the idea. “Well, something is hard” you smirked, getting close to his face while sitting sideways across his thighs.
His breath hitched in his throat when he heard your voice turn sensual. Obi Wan said nothing because he wasn’t sure what to say. He wanted you, that you could tell, but a man that lived so strictly by the Jedi code would be hard to crack. And in public? He’d be insane to let you seduce him.
“Y/n...” he groaned deeply. His body language communicating how hard it was to restrain himself.
“Yes?” You whispered while moving your lips to his bare neck. You placed your lips at his supple skin and pecked slowly and lightly.
“As lovely as this is, I can’t” he protested. “It’s forbidden for me to engage in this, y/n, you know that”
Regardless, your lips continued working at his neck. A hum, almost resembling a moan, crawled from his mouth.
“You’re telling me, that if I got on my knees, right now, right here in front of you, that you wouldn’t want me to suck your cock?” You purred so softly directly into his ear. You observed the chills that cascading down his body and you smiled against his skin.
“Stars, y/n, I’ve never heard you talk like this” He avoided the question, his breathing still tense. You felt his hips buck slightly up into your weight.
“I know how stressed you are, Obi Wan, let me help you” you offered. He looked into your eyes for a moment. Desperation was hidden deep in his gaze. He wanted a release, but had to make a decision of his morality and his loyalty to the Jedi Order.
“You want to do that to me...here?” He inquired the absurdity of your offered actions and especially there in public. His tone was so innocent and clueless to your attraction to him.
“Oh, Master Kenobi, it’d be my pleasure” you called him by his formal name yet again, even though you’d only ever called him Obi Wan. You assumed it might turn him on. You were right.
You softly press your lips onto his. He received your lips hesitantly, but then eagerly. You moved to straddle him, placing both legs on either side of his hips. You pushed your hips forward, curling them into his bulge. Becoming more comfortable with your touch, Obi Wan’s lips danced with yours passionately.
Butterflies fluttered in your belly as you finally acted on your eager built up desires for him.
“But, y/n, the Council -” he began again, breaking the kiss, and still worried for his long list of ethical restrictions on his life.
“I don’t see them here...do you? And we both know Anakin doesn’t follow the rules, does he?” You persisted.
“Well, no. I suppose you’re right” he whispered back, laughing quietly at your comment. He was nervous, but it was impossible for him to hide his new hunger for your lips around his cock.
“Allow yourself some fun, Master”
“Y/n, I want to, but I’ve never done anything like this before” He admitted casually.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you” you sweetly assured him.
“Okay, darling, but I do believe we must make this quick” he finally fully accepted the idea, but looked quickly around the very large room to confirm you were alone together.
“Oh it won’t take me long at all” you winked at him.
Removing yourself from his lap, his eyes never left you as he was unsure of your next step. You got on your knees in front of him, as you promised. His hands eagerly fumbled to pull his trousers down. You met his hands halfway and took over.
His cock begged to be let free from its restraints. Once the cloth passed his full length, it sprung out and met your eye level. He was so adorably nervous. You released a moan at the sight of him exposed to you.
You wrapped your hand around him and the contact made him twitch. He breathed out heavily as he’d never been touched like this by another person. Your eyes met his lustful gaze. You raised your eyebrows, non verbally asking If he was ready. He nodded his head, and you proceeded.
Your lips parted widely to bring him into your mouth. Your eyes locked as you lowered your mouth completely down his length, taking all of him into you. A feeling so unfamiliar to him caused Obi Wan to grip the arm rest of the chair. He breathed in sharply, and exhaled the sweetest moan. Using the moisture from your mouth, you glided yourself up and down slowly.
“Oh my stars, y/n” he whispered. You two knew you still needed to be quiet, in case someone was close.
Obi Wan was so sensitive and touch starved beyond belief. No matter how hard he tried to muffle himself, he was unsuccessful. Your ears were graced with the delicate sounds escaping his lips as you brought him more pleasure than he’d ever experienced before.
“Fuck” he cried, already so close to his climax from your skilled motions. Vulgarity flying from him was a new sound to you and it earned a warm sensation inside of you.
An aching formed between your legs, a feeling of pleasure that was all too familiar to you. You wanted him to take you right then and there, but you’d surely get caught. Another time, you thought.
Removing your mouth to rest your jaw, you pumped your hands around him. You looked up at him, his eyes had still not broken contact with you while you created a euphoric form of pleasure for him for the first time.
“Y/n...” he whimpered
“Yes, Master Kenobi?” You cooed and smiled at him. He formed a grin down at you that quickly turned back into his O-face as you pumped him faster.
“I’m...oh my” he started, his body couldn’t stay still.
“Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Oh, yes, y/n. I’m so close. I’m gonna cum” he whined.
You returned the moisture of your mouth back to his cock and sloppily, yet rhythmically, sucked him continuously, responding to the way his body moved and the sound of his moans. The veins in his length twitched and his hips shifted.
Obi Wan threw his head back in ecstasy and just then you felt your throat become coated in his hot cum. The suppression of the growls that formed from his climax was intense and deep, somehow loud and quiet simultaneously.
You swallowed him up and removed your mouth from his sensitive parts. Obi Wan’s head was still laid back, you watched as his chest rose and fell with the effort to catch his breath.
“Was that alright?” You asked, giggling, knowing the answer already.
“Well, I...darling that was...incredible” he finally expressed in between his deep breaths.
You helped him pull his trousers back up and plant a kiss on his cheek as you stood.
“Glad I could be of some assistance for you tonight” you winked.
He was blushing, still in disbelief that you two just engaged in such an act. He was so precious and shy about the whole thing, but enjoyed every single second of it.
“Perhaps maybe I can help you next time, hm?” He suggested. You bite your lip, already growing eager for the next time you’d be alone with him.
Kinda wanna make a part 2??
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