#i was playing stardew okay
phlonde · 20 days
i was also 7 minutes late so i don’t think im allowed to be mad
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tanblaque · 1 year
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jestroer · 4 months
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I am normal about a chicken man
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butteredfrogs · 5 months
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i couldn't decide which outfit i liked best so i decided to post all three
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scowlsnwhiskey · 3 months
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bakuliwrites · 11 months
I am motivated by one thing and one thing only in video games and that is romance. If I cannot woo the most (in any combination of the following) uptight, mysterious, theatrical, and/or tragic fictional love interest in the game, then what is the point of me playing? If I cannot shower them with affection and love and give them all the soft things they deserve, then what is the point???
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wigglebox · 3 months
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Winter Elliott!
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phoenixmetaphor · 3 months
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@serennedyweek Day 2 - Western
super late but i made the end of the week at least! the event snuck up on me but when i saw the prompt list i couldn’t help but do more cowboy!au. though this one is mostly about luis being thirsty and leon being testy. just. in the 1800s. a bit rushed but hopefully it’s mostly clear.
details below.
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ko0lit · 3 months
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wait cause like Sam is kinda that girl.... WIP HE'S NOT DONE BUT HE LOOKS LOVELY
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artisticow · 2 months
they could've gone the mythical society route and created an exclusive club for bonus content. how cool would that be with their retro tech aesthetic?
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‘Scuse me, sorry. Just remembered that Harvey exists
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I try so hard every time, but always fail when it comes to marry someone that isn’t Harvey 💕
Also pleaese I need the update on my Xbox!
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thebluestmage · 11 days
do u think in modern verse mithrun would b grandpa cant use computer or esports lvl gamer without trying
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amatres · 2 months
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jodi what does this mean. you knew my grandfather????
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shhh-secret-time · 3 months
No, see, because, like, you fucked up. Now you have to write that. I need that. I need the Star Park AU.
Below I will present my case:
1) That name is so freaking cute and I love it
2) Your tags made me fall in love with it
3) I know you have more ideas in that beautiful brain of yours
4) I really want it.
Please see points 1 - 4 if you have any questions.
Aafjdjakak Dude?! I'm cackling!
Fuck it we ball. Please look forward to it I guess.
I'll throw more in the tags!
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rosenfey · 2 months
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im so not immune...
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tj-crochets · 1 month
Crafting update! I had a bit of a health flare up a few days ago and haven't done much crafting since, but I do have the fabric ironed, cut to size, and ready to start sewing for my next canvas tote (purple and gold moths), and I've also got about half of my "whenever I feel like crocheting" baby blanket done I also ordered some shorts, and I think I might embroider them? I have one pair so I know the cuffs are a little weird, but they fit and the weird cuffs would be easy to embroider, I just have to decide between flowers or rainbow shapes like I did for my denim jacket. Maybe both? Rainbow shapes on the black shorts, flowers on the light blue? Or vice versa, rainbows on light blue, flowers on black?
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