#i was listening 2 cas while i made this n i just can;t i ca
francarieq · 3 months
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the amount of zest this man has.
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yutahoes · 3 years
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pairing : dad! Yuta Nakamoto x mom! Reader, Shiho, Shin (ft. NCT 127 Members)
genre: fluff
word count: 1.7k
taglist:  (The Yuta’s Angels team) @ailoveyuta @aiforyuu @yutazen01 @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @nuoyipeach @dreamlesswonder86 @loona-4-eva
a/n: Welcome to another episode of dad! Yuta. I miss writing for Shiho. I tried my best to put all members of NCT 127 but I might make another one where it’s more focused on them. I also feel bad that I can’t post some AUs lately so I’ll post two scenarios today and ghost you all. 😂
Yuta watched in amusement as little six-year-olds started going out of the door in a line. They’re so cute. But what made him grinned widely is seeing his daughter, smiling. He doesn’t believe it at first when you claimed that your daughter is indeed enjoying school. But here she is, the sunshine of his life, beaming widely.
“Daddy!” She called, running to him. He was quick to carry her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. 
He should really pick her up from school more often now. “Hi, princess. Did you have fun today?” Shiho nodded. Yuta opened the door of the car then helped her put on her seatbelt. Her bag was next to her and Yuta smiled at how it was creatively done. Truly, a one-of-a-kind bag. “I got you this.” Shiho smiled when he handed her two yellow roses wrapped in pink paper. 
The younger giggled, looking at the flowers as Yuta started dashing to the driver’s seat of the car. “Thank you, daddy.” She said when he started putting on his seatbelt. “Did you get mommy some flowers also?” 
“Later,” Yuta answered then adjusted the mirror in front to see Shiho who was just smiling at him. “Mommy is going to the doctors with Shin.”
The happy expression was replaced with a worried one and he smiled. “Is mommy sick?” Yuta shook his head. “Is Shin okay?” 
Yuta nodded, smiling at her. “The doctor just needed to check if Shin is healthy. He’s fine.” He assured. “Can you come with daddy to practice today? Then we’ll meet mommy and Shin for dinner later.” 
“We’re going to SM?” She asked, wide-eyed. Her dad chuckled, she’s too happy. “Is Mark oppa going to be there?” Surprisingly, he can hear your voice saying, ‘You’re really the same. Even Shiho is obsessed with Mark.’ 
The Japanese NCT member was smiling to himself when they entered the building and Shiho is becoming a real darling greeting all the staff with a bow and a ‘Good afternoon’. “Taeillie, Johnny samchon, Taeyonggie, Yuta…” She was singing the name of each member of her dad’s group inside the elevator that made Yuta chuckle. “Doyoung samchon, Jaehyunnie, Jungwoo oppa, Mark oppa, Haechannie...” 
“Who taught you that song?” Yuta asked and she mentioned your name. “Why am I just Yuta? You call them samchon and oppa.”
“I’m not yet done.” Shiho revolted then giggled. “My handsome daddy Yuta who loves mommy, Shiho, and Shin.” Yuta grinned. “Winwin oppa, Jungwoo oppa, and Mark oppa, too.” She continued that made him laugh. Why are you like this? He’s going to make this a really long night for the two of you.
When the father-daughter entered the practice room, the other guys ran to where Shiho is that made the younger giggle. She showed the flowers to Jungwoo, and Jaehyun asked her what she did at school. Yuta put her bag on one corner of the room, next to his things, then watched his daughter in adoration. 
He remembered when he first formally introduced you to the guys, they had the same reaction. He never actually saw you the whole night because they kept on talking to you. If not for Doyoung, you wouldn’t have some alone time that night. But that was the time he first realized how much he really liked you. Who would have thought that he’ll have the same feelings while watching his daughter interact with the guys he calls his brothers? 
“Where is Mark oppa?” Shiho innocently asked that made Johnny laugh, teasing Yuta that she is indeed his daughter. The youngest kept on thanking Haechan who gave her a strawberry smoothie that he bought with Mark. Taeil gave her some papers to kill time in drawing, even asking her to draw him. 
Yuta smiled at the younger girl, crouching down beside her in the practice room. “Will you be alright here? Daddy will just practice.” He said while Taeyong called everyone for practice. Shiho nodded, grinning at him with her toothy smile. 
Surprisingly, she really behaved while they were practicing the choreography for their new song in Japanese. Doyoung was just smiling, noticing how she bobbed her head along with the song while busy with her paper and crayons. "You'll probably have a little idol soon." Jaehyun teased. 
This is something that you and Yuta have talked about over and over. What if Shiho wanted to be an idol? As cool as you are, you just wanted to support her whatever she wanted in the future. And he wanted to be as cool as you so he promised to be okay with it. 
You were seated on the couch in the lobby when Yuta and Shiho exited the elevator with the other members. Your daughter was running to you, giving her little brother kisses that made you giggle. "Did Shin cry in the doctors?" You nodded your head at her question. "I'm sorry noona can't come with you." She whispered. You smiled at that, she’s really growing up. 
"Hi." You greeted Yuta who gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Are you tired? Should we go home?" He shook his head, telling you that you needed to eat dinner since you're all outside. Your husband asked you to take the bags that he placed on the couch as he carried Shin in his arms. You bowed at the other members, thanking them for taking care of Shiho.
Yuta was driving the family car, Shin and Shiho on their child seats. "You should have seen daddy dancing, mommy. He looks mashitta." You giggled at that. It must be really hard for Shiho to learn different languages at once. 
"Honey, daddy is meoshitta. Mashitta is delicious." Her eyes widened in the mistake she did that made you smile. "Maybe daddy is also mashitta, do you want to bite daddy?" You teased that made the six-year-old chuckle. Yuta just shook his head, laughing. 
He decided to grab dinner in a kids' café near your home. Shin was on a high chair and Shiho was next to him, eating her meal. Once done, she asked if she could play on the slide that made Yuta nod. You needed to tire her out or she'll just stay up all night. Kids' energy really is no joke. 
"I can feed, Shin. You should eat more." Yuta volunteered, moving his chair near your son so he could reach him. You only stared at him, smiling as he gave your son some breadsticks to munch on. "I know that look. Do you want me to feed you?" He teased and you nodded, grinning like a small child. 
He twirled some spaghetti using a fork then fed you that made him giggle. "Did Shiho bother you earlier? I'm sorry, I should have brought her with me to the doctor." 
Yuta shook his head, smiling. "She's really behaved earlier." He explained then gave you some breadsticks as well. "I already feel bad that you had to bring Shin to the doctor alone. Next time we can do this set-up." You nodded, it really is easier since you only focused on one child. "So what did the doctor say?" 
You shared what the doctor said, about his teeth growing and his increasing weight and height. "Yuta, I was thinking. Should we transfer to Japan?" He glanced at her in surprise. Why so sudden? "I wanted Shiho to learn Japanese." 
"I can teach her Japanese." Yuta volunteered. "We're doing fine here. And Shiho is enjoying school here." He held her cheek. "She will eventually learn Japanese. We can go on a vacation to Osaka on her break." 
"Don't worry about it, love. She's still struggling with Korean, Japanese will be easy for her." 
You always trust Yuta in his decisions especially when it comes to your children. When you're planning to have a child, both your parents would always tell you to talk to each other when it comes to your child. That they matter the most. And it was something that you always keep in mind. 
It was a weekend night. Yuta just finished up some things in the office before heading home. You were washing the dishes when you heard a certain voice humming. “Shiho.” You called from the kitchen hearing the six-year-old singing a song. You knew she sings great, something that she got from your husband. But she was singing an unfamiliar song in a foreign language. "What are you singing? Did you learn it from school?" 
She shook her head, still focused on the task on her book. "This is daddy's song." You knew all the songs on their past albums. But this is relatively new. You decided to listen more and was surprised that she's singing in Japanese. They do have a Japanese comeback but why would Shiho know that song? "I heard it while the uncles were practicing." But how can she even memorize all that? 
A jiggle of the keys was what you heard while folding the laundry, Yuta gave you a kiss on the top of your head. "Are they asleep?" 
You shook your head then held your husband's hand, guiding him to Shiho's room. "Listen." You could hear her voice singing to the song she had been singing all day. Yuta's eyes widened in surprise. "Is it really your song?" 
He nodded. Not only does she pronounce the words clearly, but she was also clearly in tune. But how? Yuta never played the song in the house. She only heard it while practicing. "Did you give birth to a genius? Her pronunciation is even better than yours." You raised an eyebrow at that. "And she's in tune." 
"I do think our children are geniuses. Shin even said mama today." 
"He did?" 
"But Shiho was the one who heard it." 
Yuta smiled, pulling you closer. "They're getting bigger. Maybe it's time for another genius." 
You just shook your head smiling at him. "Put Shiho to sleep first and I'll finish things here." Yuta grinned, opening the door to his daughter's room.  
You had to laugh at yourself. To think that you're worried about Shiho not learning Japanese. Yet, here she is proving you otherwise. She might really be a genius. 
Your children might really be geniuses. Can your family be any more perfect? 
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Cater is so underrated! Could you do a yandere Cater fic where a fem!MC is already dating him and they’re having an intimate moment (kissing) when she decides to break up with him and he keeps trying to get her to stay (he’s desperate). He wasn’t a yandere until she decided to leave. I hope this is an okay request! Slight nsfw if you’re willing!
I don't know why but writing Cater as yandere was way harder than Kalim.
Achievement unlocked: You made your boyfriend go yandere
Italics indicate thoughts
Cater Diamond
Warning: Yandere behaviour, toxic relationship
You can do this, (Y/N)! (Y/N) was giving herself confidence-boosting phrases as she firmly made her way to Cater, her boyfriend, well, soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. He was taking selfies when she arrived at his side. He greeted her with a kiss on the lips after he was done with selfies. She couldn't find it in her heart to return the kiss. To get out of the situation and get his attention, she gingerly patted his shoulder. Lady luck must have been on her side as he withdrew the next second.
"No kissy today?" Cater asked with a cheerful attitude. He didn't even wait for her response before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pressing their cheeks together, and making a peace sign with his hand. "Say cheese!" She force smiled at the camera instinctively as she grew accustomed to Cater's sudden selfie moments. He took a few selfies and retreated his arm to select the best one in his standards.
"Cater, we need to talk."
"Hmm hmm," Her request, once again, fell into deaf ears as he didn't even acknowledge it. "Just a moment babe, I'm posting our picture #CutestCouple #Sweethearts #CantGetEnoughOfEachOther #Ca(Y/N) #(Y/N)ter"
Oh shit!
(Y/N) launched at his phone before he could post it, being grateful that he was "You need to listen to me before you post it." Only interrupting him posting on Magicam would get his attention since it was all he cared about. “I don’t think this,” she motioned herself and Cater, “... is working out.”
“Huh? What are you saying?” He looked confused, looking at her intently while he was reaching to get his phone back.
“I asked you to meet because I want to break up. It would be better to do it in person." She felt relief wash over her after she told him what she was holding back for the last 2 weeks. "I just ca-"
"That is not cute, totally not Magigrammable." (Y/N) assumed he didn't process what she had told yet considering he was standing in front of her with a blank expression.
"You are amazing and I had such a great time with you. I thought I would be fine with you posting every moment we have on Magicam but I am not." It is better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush. He is going to understand me, I'm sure of it.
"I want people to see how cute we look, (Y/N). Why wouldn't you like it?" He was trying to bargain with her, completely ignoring what she had just said.
"You are too focused on being cute and showing it off to everyone and expecting validation for it but you don't live the moment from my point of view. It is not something I can handle. It just encumbers me." (Y/N) put her hands on his biceps gently, making eye contact so he would see her genuineness. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but the reality was better than living a lie. "I can't expect you to change or force to be different than you already are. It is best if we part ways as a friend. I'm sure there is someone out there who would love every side of you." She let her arms fall to her sides, slightly patting on her thighs as she awaited his response. He was far too silent than usual. She just hoped he accepted her reasoning as a mature person would and now was pondering a way to react.
"That's not going to work." Thank goodness, he understood! "My followers adore our pictures together. They get the most likes! We can't break up!" Damn it, I spoke too soon. (Y/N) was about to reason with him but he suddenly grabbed her arm. "You can't break up with me!" She had never seen his eyes blazing with anger, and it was a sight she ought to not see.
(Y/N) was wriggling to be free of his grip but he was squeezing her arm more and more as she continued her struggle. "You are hurting me!" She grabbed his hand on her, digging her nails on his skin so that he would let her go out of pain.
"I'm hurting you?" Cater ignored her plea as if it meant nothing to him. "You are the one who is hurting me! Are you trying to make me lose followers? Do you want people to dislike me? Is that your goal?"
She stopped her strife momentarily, too shocked to hear what he had said. "Wh-what... What does that have anything to do with how I feel about our relationship?!" He was being too self-centered at the moment, only caring about how he felt. "Listen, I want to remain as friends. We can take occasional pictures together that you can post on Magicam but I gotta go my own way, Cater." She wanted to bite his hand and kick him in the sack but she wagered it would be worse if she pushed forward so she decided to take a passive approach.
"Is that your way of pitying me? You are just like my sisters. So cruel, thinking yourself better than me, taking the best thing from me, and expecting me to be content with the scraps." He let her go abruptly, making her lose her balance and fall on her butt. "But you aren't a cruel person, are you?" He knelt on her level, lifting her head from her chin with his hand. "We aren't going to break up. That is just a silly joke you made."
Was he always delusional? (Y/N) tried to sing his tune but it didn't work. She hastily swatted his hand away. "I thought he would stay as friends but clearly you are too deranged for it!"
When she tried to get up, Cater pushed her back. "I believe you would prefer to continue dating me." He was too calm as he uttered those words while twirling the end of his hair strand with a snide smile on his face.
What the fuck is he on? He better gives me the number of his dealer! "Were you not listening to me?!" The more this drew out the more she got irritated. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He just smiled at her remark. "I suppose plenty of things but now isn't the time for me. It is the time for you." He unlocked his phone and scrolled through something. He chuckled when she assumed he found what he was looking for. "You would prefer to date me than seeing what I have to be shared on Magicam and for everyone to talk about it." He had a chesire smile as he closed his eyes and waited for her response.
The gears turned on her mind as she understood what he was talking about. She couldn't help but laugh, it was such a weak threat for her to continue dating him. "If you think I'll still be with you because you would share my nudes and you're in for a ride. The moment you share them or are involved in their distribution, my lawyer will call you." She was certain that he would cut the crap now.
Instead of him falling out of his act, he let out a burst of loud laughter. He then turned to face her once more, bopping her nose. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would I put myself at that type of risk? It would ruin my life more than yours." He chuckled, giving her the most devilish look. "I know what you did last summer."
(Y/N)'s heart started to pound in her chest. She was panicking, her breathing was getting hitched but she kept quiet this long and she wasn't going to quit the act now. "Nothing besides having fun." Her voice cracked as she spoke, her nerves getting to her.
"I bet you did. Especially with your high school friends. Did all of you agree to never speak of what happened last summer?" He was calm as if he was talking about weather instead of her secret.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She was convinced that he would drop the topic if she persisted to deny it.
"Oh?" He feigned surprise before turning his phone towards her so that she could see what was on the screen. Her breathing stopped and her eyes widened the second her eyes laid upon what was on Cater's phone. How did he learn about that? How did he get that video?
(Y/N) gulped, trying to collect any courage left. "H-h-h-how?" Her mind was racing, trying to find an escape from the situation but failing amazingly.
Cater just shrugged his shoulders, acting as if this was a regular thing for him. "I know a lot of things about everyone. Perks of knowing many people and having a broad network, I say. I have everything to know everything about my girlfriend, don't you think?" He didn't expect her to answer. Even if he did, what could she say? She just remained silent and she tried to process everything that happened in the last 10 minutes. He seated beside her on the grass. He took her right arm and put it around his shoulders. Her arms were limp, not having enough energy to fight back. He inched even closer and wrapped his left arm around her waist. They must have looked like a loving couple from outside while in actuality, one of them was a psycho who just threatened his girlfriend into dating him and the other one was a murderer who kept quiet even though it was just an accident.
Cater looked at her, stroking her face as a lover would. "Now be a good girl and wipe that terrified expression off your face. That's not Magigrammable unless it is Halloween time." He closed the video and opened the camera on his phone, holding it up for another selfie. "Smile for the camera." (Y/N) couldn't even bring herself to fake-smile. She was just looking at his phone with a blank expression. Cater must have seen it too since he pouted after looking at the pictures he took but he didn't fret about it, instead, he moved forward. "Now kiss me. Lovers kissing always gets more attention." (Y/N) turned towards him and leaned to kiss him as he took pictures. After he ended the kiss, he simply turned his attention to his phone. "This is going to get so many likes, (Y/N). See what happens when you stay with me?"
She only nodded in response, not wanting to talk. As Cater was adding tags to their picture, (Y/N) was left alone with her thoughts.
I deserve this. I shouldn't have agreed to stay silent last summer. Now not only I have to live with its guilt but also have to obey everything Cater says if I want to live free. But will I be truly free with Cater?
If someone is threatening you to share your intimate photos, don't bend to their will. You can take legal action which can result in you receiving indemnity from intangible damage caused by them and they can get jail time for the distribution of sensitive personal data (I am unsure of the actual term in English). Just know your rights and don't stay silent.
I love "I know what you did last summer". It is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. I highly suggest it.
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Irresistibly Yours
Chapter 2 - Noise Complaint
Summary - Y/N Y/L/N moves to NYC in hopes for a fresh start after a nasty breakup. There she meets her neighbor, the cynical lawyer, Dean Winchester. A love-hate relationship starts evolving between them ever since they met in the elevator one morning but a desperate situation and a string of lies forces the two friendly rivals to go on a date or rather a fake date. Will sparks fly between them when Dean gets to know Y/N real and up close? Will Y/N finally find her Prince Charming in the grumpy, workaholic, divorce lawyer?
Pairing - Lawyer!Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warning - None expect meanie Dean (Suspicious, isn’t it?)
WC - 2154
Square Filled - Don't put me in this position ( @anyfandomgoesbingo​ )
A/N - I promise the next chapter will have more of Dean and more conflict! This is just the beginning of a very long ride. Enjoy!
Beta’d by @miss-nerd95​
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Series Masterlist               Masterlist 
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The silence in the cab on her way back to her apartment gave her the quality time she needed to think. In a few weeks, Meg was getting married and now, since they knew, Y/N had to show up with her 'boyfriend’. She racked her brain, scrambling to come up with a good excuse because it was all a big lie.
Every time, however, she reached two conclusions - either make a fool of herself and admit that she lied or tell everyone that she broke up and be the one person at the wedding that everyone looks down on with pitiful eyes.
There was a third option, which was risque as hell too, cause Y/N barely knew the man and their first meeting did not go so well, but there was definitely something about him that made her blush every time she thought of him.The way he carried himself and the dominating vibes he gave off, sent shivers down her spine. Maybe he wasn't a morning person and she did start blabbering in the elevator the minute she stepped in. She swallowed hard when she remembered the way her name rolled off his tongue. ‘How did he know?’ She wondered.
As Y/N boarded the elevator, she thought about how, she wanted nothing more than to see a certain green-eyed man again. She had been residing in this complex for almost three months but she had never seen the man before. Maybe he was new here, in this apartment building, who knew? Mind plagued by millions of thoughts, Y/N trudged down the empty hallway to her cosy little home.
“Who invented these fucking heels?” She grumbled as she freed her feet out of the painful, yet pretty high heels when she reached the comfort of her own home. Shrugging her coat off, she relaxed as her ass hit the soft mattress of the couch.
“I need a date in seven weeks.” She said, making a mental note of the wedding date. This was the only wedding she ever looked forward to attending where she knew she wouldn't have to face the constant stream of questions involving her dating life and a particular man. All she ever wanted was to be with her close friend on the best day of her life.
“First dress fitting - tomorrow at 10.” Her phone lit up with an incoming text and groaning, she dropped her head backwards. Y/N couldn't even skip the wedding if she wanted to. She was one of the bridesmaids and it wouldn't be fair to both Meg and Cas, if she didn't attend it. A smile graced her frowning face when she remembered the time Cas proposed to her friend on Valentine's Day. Cliche- Y/N would say, but deep down, she knew she just wanted what Cas and Meg had.
A sigh left her lips as she got up, still in her work clothes. She put on some light music as she went into the bathroom to freshen up. After the long, tiring day she had, a warm bath and a Ryan Gosling movie were very much needed. Quickly stripping off, she stepped into the tub. She leaned her head backwards, closing her eyes, as the warm water soothed her aching body and her troubled mind.
“Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone,” Y/N sang along the song, slightly off tune but she didn't care, as she stepped out of the bathroom after some time. She let go of the towel wrapped around her body and stepped into a pair of comfortable pjs. Getting a box cold pizza out from her refrigerator, she turned up the volume of the music playing in her apartment.
“He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring, and said,” Y/N yelled out the chorus when she started to heat up the pizza. Her private singing session, however, was cut short by a sudden knock on the door. She grudgingly pressed pause as she walked up to the door to find out the unwanted visitor.
“Excuse me- Ms L/N?” As soon as she opened the door, she was met by a very familiar, deep baritone that had been haunting her.
“Dean Winchester. And please, call me Y/N,” she breathed out. The formality in Dean’s voice made her cringe. Her eyes fell as she took in the man in front.
Dean had gotten rid of the dapper grey suit and slipped into a much laid back look. A black polo t-shirt fitted over his body and plain blue jeans hugging his bowlegs perfectly. The look on his face mirrored the one from the morning and Y/N wondered if he would look better with a smile on. Her train of thoughts were again rudely interrupted by the man speaking.
“I assume you're having somewhat of a casual evening,” Dean said, his hands waving to point at her pjs, making her suddenly self-conscious of her clothing state.
“Y-yeah. How may I help you?” She asked, genuinely curious.
“See, I moved in the apartment right beside you a few days ago, and I think you might have noticed sometime or the other that there are other people living in this building as well,” Dean said, his face not imparting any sort of emotions, “You might be having a casual evening but I can assure you that there's at least one person who is certainly not. Turn the music level down.”
Y/N’s mouth fell open at Dean’s words but she wasn't going to turn down the volume just because a man turned up at her door, asking her to do so. His words were sharp, but his tone was downright rude, and it was definitely not because he wasn't a morning person. The least he could have done was ask her nicely.
“Well, listen here pal, no one's having a problem, other than you. So you can go back to your room, put on some earplugs and do whatever the heck you were doing before you decided to make my day more awful,” Y/N said, taking a threatening stance with hands on her hips, a deep frown on her face.
“I'll file a noise complaint report against you.” Dean warned with his pointer finger right in front of her eyes.
“It's just music. Learn to appreciate the little things in life.” She said while rolling her eyes.
“I'm a very busy man and I got work to do, alright? And speaking about music, play something actually good like Zeppelin and people will personally come up to thank you. This song is not even a classic.” Dean spat back.
“Believe me or not, everyone is a Swiftie at heart.” She smirked with a sarcastic shrug. Dean’s lips twitched in anger as his face grew more rigid before he said, “If you don't lower the volume, expect a noise complaint report delivered with your newspaper tomorrow.” He walked away before Y/N had a chance to even think of a comeback.
Glancing over his shoulder, Dean went inside his own apartment room right beside Y/N’s. She glared at the empty hallway before swinging her door shut and walked back to her room towards her amazon echo, turning the music down anyway. She couldn't risk getting a report filed against her, and the man appeared to be dead serious about what he threatened to do.
“Stupid Dean Winchester.” She grumbled.
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Squinting at the clock, Y/N woke up the next morning to loud bangs on her door. 7:30 am, it read. Removing the covers, she immediately shivered when the cool air hit her bare legs.
Hair still a mess, she grabbed her robe from the nearby chair, putting it on along with her slippers before she warily made her way to the door. “Dean will be complaining now for sure.” She grumbled as she unlocked her door to reveal her friend standing on the other side in a dishevelled state, eyes red like a mad woman.
“Meg?” Her face scrunched up in confusion as the said woman shoved past her into her apartment. “You’re wearing your shirt inside out.” Y/N closed the door behind her as Meg took a seat on the couch.
“Can I have some water?” Y/N dumbfoundedly nodded at her friend’s request and went to her kitchen to retrieve a glassful. Handing the glass over to her, she sat down next to the brunette who gulped down the entire glass of water in one go. Setting the utensil down on the wooden coffee table in front, she turned towards Y/N with slightly glossy eyes as she spoke, “I don’t want to go and finalise the dresses.”
Her words elicited a laugh from Y/N before she said, “Okay, bridezilla, we can reschedule it. Cas should better watch out!” She chuckled out the last words.
“No, y-you don’t understand!” Meg grabbed her friend’s hands, surprising the latter, “I don’t want to try the dress on at all.” Y/N was utterly surprised over her friend's outburst.
“Honey, you have a wedding in less than two months.” Y/N cooed as a few drops of tears rolled down the bride-to-be’s cheeks. “Meg, talk to me. Did something happen between you two?”
The woman shook her head, letting the other lady in the room know that she didn't have to kick Cas’ ass to her relief, but it confused her even further. Since their engagement five months ago, Meg had been over the moon and had started planning every minute detail with high precision and finesse for her big day.
“What if I'm making a huge mistake?”
“Don’t put me in this position. You know how I am when it comes to-”
“But I need to know, and I trust you.”
Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line before she said, “Cas is the best thing that has ever happened to you-”
“You barely even knew me when I started to go out with him. We have only been together for fifteen months - five of which I have spent being engaged to him. What if I regret this later?” Meg's words were correct. Y/N used to barely talk to her when she had started dating Cas, but all through those eighteen months, as she slowly got to know the pair well enough, she knew that they were clearly meant to be in it for the long haul.
“But I have never seen you regret your decision to be with Cas even once… so why start now?.” Y/N politely answered, her hands letting go of her distraught friend's iron-clad grasp and reaching out to soothe her.
“Sometimes even if you have been with your man for what feels like forever, marrying him might seem to be the worst decision you can ever make, but it doesn't matter how long you have been with him. When you know, you know. Follow your heart.” Meg looked up at her as she mulled her words over before speaking.
“I love him.” She said.
“Then go, be with him.” Y/N smiled. Crisis averted.
A smile started to appear on Meg’s tear stained face as her eyes twinkled with a suggestive glimmer in them. Fiddling with her sparkling ring, she said, “Dean’s good for you. Don't let him go.”
Y/N was taken aback by her friend's supposition. She sat up straight in her seat as heat crept up her neck. Her mind was stuck in a turmoil as she tried to come up with an appropriate response.
“He’s not-Dean is not-” She stuttered, the words got stuck in her throat when she tried to think of a decent excuse. Maybe, this was the universe giving her a chance to take back everything she had said before, but the disheartened look on her friend’s face made her rethink her decision. After all, a little white lie never hurt anybody. “Yeah, he is a good man.” Meg smiled as Y/N played her into the deception game once again.
“Will he be at the wedding?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“What are you waiting for? Unless he is a figment of your imagination, ask him! I want to meet this certain Dean Winchester.” Meg giggled.
“I don’t have such vivid imaginations, Meg.” Y/N let out a nervous chuckle. She was now being given an ample amount of opportunities to tell the truth, then why was it so hard for her to deny everything she had said? Maybe she liked living in this utopian world where for once, no one deemed her as the broken, pathetic girl who failed to make a man stay. Maybe deep down, she wanted this damn lie to be true.
“I’ll ask him but you do know how men are about weddings.” She replied, having no knowledge of how to keep her end of the promise.
Chapter 3
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x18: Despair
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The entire fandom preparing for this episode
We literally start off right where we left off last week. Jack is a ticking time bomb. Sam hauls his nephew/son into the war room. Team Free Will freak out and try to come up with a plan. Jack wants to get far away from them. “Don’t let me hurt you.” AGGHH. We’re fine. It’s only 2 minutes into the episode, WE’RE FINE. Dean insists that they’re not giving up on him, and we love a good 180. 
Billie pops up and tells them all that she can’t stop what’s happening to Jack, but she can help. 
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She sends him to the Empty where he promptly explodes. 
Billie explains to the trio that the Empty was the only place/entity that could absorb that kind of power. Jack could survive --and the Empty could survive, but it won’t be happy. Billie points out that the Empty will want her, but can’t get to Earth without being summoned (coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool). 
Billie wants God’s book back from Sam. Sam Fucking Winchester confronts Billie about her end game plans of restoring order --and sending all of them back to their death. Billie tells Sam that if they want Jack back, he’ll give her the book. 
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Petty, petty, sullen Sam brings Billie the book, but throws it on the table instead of handing it to her, and we love him and his insolent little heart. 
She grabs the book and starts to open it. Cas wonders what she’s doing. 
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She tells them that God’s book has a new ending. Dean’s done and wants Jack back. 
Meanwhile, the Empty recorpealizes and is D O N E. She drags Jack to her and just as she’s about to HURT HIM, he disappears. 
He’s home, but Billie claims him. Dean doesn’t like that idea so he grabs Death’s scythe before she can ditch the bunker with the kid. He slices her arm and she sends him flying. Billie disappears without the book, her scythe, or Jack. 
Later, the Brothers Winchester take a moment in the library. Dean apologizes for pulling a gun on Sam. 
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(Listen, if we’re going full Bicon clown with Dean these next couple of weeks, this shot reminds me SO MUCH of the shot of James Dean from Giant.)
He also breaks down that Chuck is probably now all powerful, they’re on Billie’s hit list, Jack’s powerless, and Michael’s in the wind. They toast to their impossible odds. 
*Charlie and her cute GF Alert*
Stevie, the cutie from episode 3 is making perfect scrambled eggs for Charlie, and I’m dying inside. Charlie suggests a hunter’s date, and they smile and ARE CUTE, and I’m dying inside. The eggs are perfect, but this story isn't. Stevie just poofs away before Charlie’s eyes. 
Cut to Dean and Sam checking out Charlie’s place to piece together what happened. Charlie tells the brothers that she didn’t see or feel anything before Stevie disappeared. 
Outside, Cas waits with Jack. Cas asks how Jack is doing. 
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Jack feels “strange”. He doesn’t know how to feel now that he’s not needed for the big plan. Cas assures him that he wasn’t there to get absolution from the Winchesters. “We don’t care about you because you’re useful or you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you’re you.” BRB CRYING. 
Jack is crying, I’m crying, and the world is crumbling. Jack is scared, and Cas, gripping his son’s shoulder, tells him that he’s scared too. 
Inside, the brothers tell Charlie that they think that Billie’s killing people that shouldn’t be on Earth. Charlie gets upset and admits that she promised herself that she wouldn’t do “the love thing” again. Sam gets a call from Bobby. More people are disappearing. Dean points out that no one is safe. 
Sam instantly thinks of Eileen AND WE HAVE EMOTIONS. They take off to find Eileen. 
Sam texts Eileen as they drive, but doesn’t tell her what’s up. Sam watches the dots...until they disappear. Hahahahahahah, NOPE.
They get to Eileen’s place and find her purse and phone on the sidewalk. 
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She’s gone. “If I let myself go there, I’ll lose my mind.” AND WE’RE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SAMMY. 
Sam activates action mode. He tells the others that they need to protect the other hunters from Alt World. Dean tells Sam that he should do this, but he’s going to make Billie pay. “I’ll go with you, Dean,” Cas volunteers. OF COURSE. 
We jump to a close up on Donna and her fabulous D-TRAIN license plate. Readers, I love her. She talks to Sam over the phone. She’s found a silo they can ward up and hide out in while Dean and Cas try to take out Billie. When Sam hangs up, he notices that Jack’s looking unrooted and gives him a job to do. Jack “has to drive” so that Sam can do work. Jack scooches over to the driver’s seat, ready to do something at last. Readers, I love Sam.
Dean and Cas arrive at the bunker and make plans to barge into Billie’s library. Dean plans to trash the place like a particularly unruly raccoon who breaks into a kitchen, until Billie arrives to stop them. He grabs Death’s scythe and they’re off. 
When Sam and Jack arrive at the silo, Donna tells Sam that she’s there for him - whatever he needs. 
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The hunter network is on high alert, and Bobby’s got his AU crew holed away in the silo already.  Charlie pulls up, transformed from her sunset bright t-shirt into apocalypse world Charlie again.
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Sam joins the crew in the warehouse and reconnects with Bobby, who immediately informs him that Sam’s the boss of the operation. When Bobby told the hunters that Sam wanted them to head to the silo, “they came running, no hesitation.” ….Excuse me, I have something in my eye. They’ve warded the whole silo with every warding they can throw at it, and Sam’s using one of Rowena’s spells (EXCUSE ME, I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY EYE) to bolster the strength of the sigils. 
Jack and Donna are painting sigils together, when Jack notices a plant. She recommends pulling it to protect the warding, but when Jack extends his hand it withers and dies.
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Dean and Cas creep into the library, where Billie stands waiting for them. Dean tells her that they’re after her because she’s been killing off his friends. Her only reply is, “Interesting.”
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Dean jabs Billie in her wounded shoulder, and the pain is high enough that Dean can get the upper hand. She holds the scythe at bay with just her hand, and Dean orders her to call off the hits. Billie laughs right in his face. She’s not killing anyone! Dean’s little papercut to her shoulder is enough to kill her, so her only plan at this point is to kill herself a Winchester and go out in a blaze of vengeance. 
Sam powers up the warding in the silo, ready to defend against Billie. Meanwhile, Billie thinks Chuck’s the likely one who’s been disappearing people. Quickly enough, a little girl is the first to disappear. As her family breaks down into full freak-out mode, all the hunters hiding out in the silo flash away. ALL OF THEM.
Hey, if I have to suffer, you have to suffer.
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Sam, Jack, and Donna can only watch this with horror and then Donna looks down at her hands. She smokes out too. NOOOOOOOOOO!
Billie power-smacks Dean across the room. It’s vengeance time! As much as I don’t want Those Two Idiots™ to die, it is lovely to see Billie storm around in battle-Death mode. 
Dean and Cas race into the bunker without a plan, Billie in pursuit. It’s only moments before Dean is buckling. As he collapses, we reveal Billie on the balcony. I do love how this is framed!
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She’s clutching Dean’s heart in her grip and pursues them through the bunker. “I’ve got you,” Cas tells Dean as he supports him. HELP, I’ve been murdered by emotion!
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Cas directs them to the dungeon, grabs Dean’s pocket knife from his back pocket (I’m FINE, btw), and slices his hand. Quickly, he wards the door with a sigil, and Dean recovers instantly.
That is, he recovers physically. Emotionally, he is in ROUGH SHAPE. While Billie pounds away at the sigil, Dean realizes that they’re trapped. He blames himself - he was angry and needed something to kill and that’s ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO. f r o w n y f a c e
Dean’s in a pretty bad headspace. He thinks Billie’s going to break in and kill Cas, then himself, and then EVERYBODY ELSE. He apologizes, while Cas puts his strategic commander-of-garrisons brain to work. There is ONE thing that Billie’s afraid of. 
Readers, it was at this point that Boris and I were shouting our usual gleeful shit at the TV. Things like, “Lay one on him, Cas, and the Empty can come!” And then CAS SAYS, “I made a deal.”
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“Kiss ‘im,” I murmur while wondering WHAAAAAAT IS HAPPENING when Cas brings up the “moment of true happiness” requirement. At this point, I’m thinking they’re in the dungeon and it’s full of spellwork supplies probably. So, like, I guess they’ll light some quick candles and summon the Empty? 
We fall silent as Cas starts talking about FEELINGS. “The one thing I want, it’s something I know I can’t have.” He says this RIGHT TO DEAN’S FACE. RIGHT IN OUR FACES. “Happiness isn’t in the having. It’s in just being. It’s in just saying it.” 
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We stop breathing.
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And then Cas murders us forever when he shifts to talking about Dean. He knows Dean sees himself as a killer, a “blunt instrument.” But Cas sees him differently, and his way is true: Dean cares more than anyone Cas has ever met. He’s powered by love and not anger. “You’re the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. Ever since we met. Ever since I pulled you outta Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”
Cas is crying and we are murdered dead in our beds by this show. 
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Dean thinks it sounds like goodbye. “That’s because it is,” Cas tells him. And then he follows up with one last thing. “I love you.” 
And...it’s there. The love we’ve seen in his eyes for eleven seasons is there, out loud, and centered on Dean. We joke a lot at ShirtlessSammy about the need to just KISS ALREADY but this flayed us in the way a kiss could never do. It heightens everything. Castiel’s care for Dean, his loyalty and friendship now have a new layer - that of textual, unrequited love. We’ve obviously been personally clinging to the destiel train car for quite some time, but laying out Castiel’s feelings and saying it’s enough for him to acknowledge them out loud is SO POWERFUL. As a love story, it’s tragic beauty. As a personal coming out story, it’s just BEAUTY. 
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With this dropped between them, Dean can read the writing on the wall. “Don’t do this, Cas,” he begs. Immediately, gooey sounds begin to squish out from the brick wall behind Dean. 
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The empty swirls in, and Billie breaks through the door at last. Cas grasps Dean by the shoulder. “Goodbye, Dean,” he says, hurling him away from the twin threats. 
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In an instant, the Empty advances, swallowing Cas and Billie and retreating back into the wall without so much as a howdy. (Please join me for a displeased hiss at Billie’s apparent demise.)
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Sam and Jack emerge from the silo, shocked. Sam tries calling Dean, while Jack looks around. Jack wonders if it was just the people in the silo who disappeared. 
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The camera POV pans out to abandoned playground equipment, still-spinning bicycle wheels, and cars left behind on the road. It’s the end of the world, and suddenly the world feels too big. Too lonely.
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We cut to Dean. He’s on the floor in the same place Castiel threw him. His phone rings. It’s Sam. Dean stares at it, before dropping it to the floor. He pulls himself inward, and the episode ends on the sounds of choked sobbing.
Boris and I are monsters, as WE end the episode entirely too jubilant for words. Here’s to being right! Readers, while Boris can’t fully hope for a happy ending (gotta protect that heart), Natasha has zero doubts. We’re getting them back, damn it! And love’s gonna light the way.
Never Gonna Quote Me Away (From You!):
I don’t wanna hurt you. Don’t let me hurt you.
To somehow
I wanted to make things right. And now I don’t know why I’m here
Let’s go reap a reaper
I brought a bucket
I guess this is the part where I say, “Hello, boys”
It’s you, Dean. It’s always been you. Death defying. Rule breaking. You are everything I live to set right. To put down. To tame. You are human disorder incarnate
You think that hate and anger - that’s what drives you. It’s not. Everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done - the good and the bad - you have done for love.
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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And imma add the minor trio and Rika too!
RFA+minor trio+Rika playing among us:
As crewmate: he’s pretty chill, his avatar is the white one with a halo (because he has an angelic face), his name is Zen with a little heart and he sticks with you and Jaehee most of the time. He does some of his tasks, to prove he’s innocent and then he’ll follow you and Jaehee around to sort of “protect” you. When an emergency meeting is called he is the one in the groups that talks and tries to find out who’s the impostor, along with some other people. He will say that you and Jaehee are innocent and he’ll defend you :)
As impostor: he gets caught immediately because he always kills Jumin first and then when an emergency meeting is called he’ll say “I’m sure he deserved it” or he’s just laughing evilly in the background. He will kill everyone except you and Jaehee! Another way of finding out if it’s him is that he will also kill whoever killed him last round just to get some revenge pft. But the more you all play, the better he gets and soon enough he’s fooling everyone around him (I mean he’s an actor, he can lie) so Zen is pretty good at being the impostor (but he doesn’t kill you or Jaehee so that’s another way of finding out it’s him lmao)
As crewmate: He plays with the light green avatar, and he didn’t really have like an accessory until Seven hacked into his server and made Yoosung’s avatar wear the post it note that says ‘I’m dumb’ or something like that lmao (he also changes Yoosung’s name to baby Yoosung or something like that which makes Yoosung so freaking angry pft.) Anyway, since LOLOL is something that requires teamwork, he’s pretty good at it! He’s always doing his tasks and sticks to you or Seven. He is the one that gets killed first tho, on A L L O F T H E R O U N D S which makes him shout and scream (sometimes he will rage quit while Seven is just laughing his ass off.) Also if he isn’t killed by the impostor then he’s voted off pretty early lmao
As impostor: he’s an angry chihuahua out for vengeance. He normally gets caught in the 2-3 round. Also. He kills V first so thats how you know. He will literally just kill V and then he won’t do anything else, his purpose is complete (he might kill Seven if he feels like it tho.) its pretty easy to know when he’s the impostor lmao. Also he doesn’t know how to really lie and you can catch him pretty easily.
As crewmate: she is so freaking perfect holy shit. She gets her tasks done super quick, and she’s the one that can actually guess correctly about who the impostor is. Her avatar is the orange one, and she doesn’t really have any accessories, her name is simply Jaehee. When she’s crewmate she’s super cooperative, and she’s just, the perfect player. She loves trying to figure out who the impostor is, and she’s the one that actually uses evidence to get someone voted off.
As impostor: dude. SHES PERFECT TOO PFT. She is literally one of the best impostors. No one is able to suspect it’s her, and she managed to get the group to vote off someone without seeming too suspicious. She also may or may not sometimes kill Jumin first, it mayyybe makes her a bit happy lmao. She will leave MC for last though, and she will follow MC all around the ship. She doesn’t usually kill a lot though, she mostly sabotages the ship and that’s how she wins.
So, his avatar is purple, and he has The cat head hat as his accessory. Seven hacked so his name would be Cat Mom. Alright so our baby actually gets killed first lol. If Yoosung doesn’t get killed, then it’s him. He also finishes his tasks quickly (once he learns how to really play, it does take him a while and he will need your help.) When he isn’t killed he’s also really good at finding out who the impostor is, using facts and logic. He’s a genius my babyyyy. I love him pft. Anyway, Jumin is really really good at finding the impostor which is why they also always kill him lmao. He will stick close to you no matter what.
As impostor: listen. The first time he played and got impostor, he immediately said in the chat: MC can you explain this to me? I can’t do the tasks, and it only lets me ‘vent’ and ‘sabotage’. Do you know what this means? Also why is my name in red?”
He shortest round ever lmao. But then, he’s super good,once he gets the hang of it. The only people he refuses killing is you and V. He’s super good at lying, no one can tell it’s him because he’s perfect at defending himself. Jumin kills and sabotages, he usually does a bit of both. If he has to kill someone like you or V,he will immediately apologize in the chat, and apologize for everyone he balmed or killed too lmao. But it’s so cute. Also Seven taught him that whenever a game finishes he has to say ‘gg ez’ and now he won’t stop saying it. ‘Mr. Han, we managed to sign the contract with Mr. Kim.’ Gg ez. He leaves the chatroom, he signs off with gg ez. ‘Jumin would you like your pancakes with sugar?’ Yes love, thank you. Gg ez. It won’t. Stop.
As crewmate: boi. This guy is just super chaotic. He will act like he’s the impostor to scare everyone. He will be following you to make you uneasy. He doesn’t really do the tasks, and mostly focuses on teasing Yoosung or Jumin. He’s also the reason Yoosung gets voted off pretty early lmao. He’ll call an emergency meeting the first 5 seconds of the game and say he just missed you all, and wanted to see your faces pft. Still, when he gets his head in the game (ooo get dat reference??) he’s super good. Sometimes he will play seriously, but it’s like, a 1/100 chance lol. His avatar is the red one, and his accessories will change every single round.
As impostor: He’s still chaotic lmao. As for his name...it’s green lmao. It’s mostly when he’s playing with other people though, but Jumin will always refer to everyone by their username, so he will say “I saw Green vent.” And then everyone will voye Yoosung lmao. He’s like CallmeKevin (his Among Us videos are amazing, rip to peepeepoopoo, 21, Big Chungus, and the rest.) Saeyoung is just a huge troll lmao. He will also kill in front of Yoosung and then proceed to say that Yoosung was the one who did it lol. Oh I really want to play with him lmao it’d be so fun to form a freaking alliance.
As crewmate: he’s super cooperative. His avatar is the turquoise one, and his accessory is the snow crewmate (Seven hacked so V could have one pft.) V always does his tasks. He isn’t one to suspect people, and he’s always the one that reports the bodies. He believes that no one gets voted off unless you’re all 100% sure that the person is the impostor. V was the one that taught Jumin how to play and they mostly spend the whole game together. Also if someone kills him, he’ll be the one to apologize (LMAO I’m sorry, but it’s now a rule that V has to always apologize for something in my head canons, B U T you KNOW he would! This man will apologize for being born lmao -honey no please-)
As impostor: he will lowkey cry. Nah I’m joking lmao. He doesn’t kill everyone and mostly uses sabotage. He doesn’t really blame anyone either. He’s like...a pacifist impostor lol. He doesn’t like getting impostor that much, but he’s the one that gets it’s like three times in a row. There’s nothing else to say, because we all know that V ain’t doing shit as impostor lmao he’s a sweet baby that doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. He does sometimes kill accidentally, when someone suddenly appears close to him he will sometimes press the kill button (he always forgets it’s there) and ends up killing the person, then he’ll confess to everyone and apologize pft.
As crewmate/Impostor:
Ray: sweetest bean ever. Has the pink avatar and the little flower as accessory. He likes doing his tasks and will follow you around every where. He’s always super quick to blame Saeyoung though. As impostor he will always kill Saeyoung and V. He’s actually really good at lying, since he looks so sweet and innocent. He won’t kill you.
Suit: Black avatar, knife hat. He’s always suspicious. He won’t let anyone follow him. He doesn’t really do his tasks, and is not one to participate in the chat. He always laughs when someone gets killed. As impostor he always wins. He will kill everyone in a single round, no one really knows how he does it, but when he’s impostor the round is never long.
Unknown: he has the black avatar too, with the fedora cuz why not? He doesn’t really do his tasks, and mostly follows you around. Not to like, frighten you or anything, but he does like teasing you sometimes. He will not take part in the discussion most of the times, but sometimes he’ll just say: it’s zen... and BAM he’s right.
SE! Saeran: he has The pink avatar and the little crewmate pet. He likes doing tasks and walking around the ship. He also won’t really participate in discussions. He doesn’t really like getting impostor, and he will always win by sabotaging. It’s just...something about killing them (even though it’s a game) that makes him feel weird. Sometimes he will kill Saeyoung though, but it’s probs because he wants to get revenge for a prank or smth lmao.
GE! Saeran: he has either the pink or white avatar, with the flower hat or the snow crewmate. He always follows you around and is pretty good at doing tasks. He’s also a bit more active during discussions. When he’s impostor sometimes he will kill Saeyoung, but it’s in a more to tease his brother kind of way. He is pretty good at lying, but he will always tell you if he’s the impostor. He also won’t tell if you’re the impostor on a round too lmao,he’s just so cute and loyal.
As crewmate: first. How in the diddly darn fuck did you get him to play LMAOO. He got stuck with the a maid hat and dress that Seven made for him lol. He’s fine as a crewmate, and he is the one to vote people off mostly because of gut feeling. He can always catch Seven when he’s the impostor too lol, he’ll just call an emergency meeting five seconds into the game and type: ‘it’s seven’ and 80% of the time it is.
As impostor: the other 20% of the time he isn’t right about Seven is because Vanderwood is blaming him lmao. He’s a really sneaky impostor, he’s super good at using vents and great at killing people. He’s also one to win the rounds pretty quickly.
As crewmate: she’s still sus lmao. Yoosung is always defending her though. Rika doesn’t really do her tasks, she doesn’t really do anything really. She follows you around, and will always say you’re innocent though. Her avatar is the yellow one with ram horns (don’t ask why, it’s the first thing that popped into my head lmao)
As impostor: ahhh she’s super good at manipulating and blaming others. She also frames V a lot lmao. She will kill everyone, no mercy at all. Saeran and Yoosung are always defending her, so she’s pretty good and hiding that she’s the impostor. During meetings she’ll stay quiet and mostly watch, but sometimes she will say something to stir the blame to someone, in such a...natural manner. She’ll just be perfect at shifting the blame without being suspicious. She’s really good at being impostor.
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infernal-fire · 4 years
I Can Save Everyone But Myself (2/3)
Warnings: fluff, angst, strong language, mentioned sexual themes, sort of CA: TWS and Far From Home spoilers.
Please do not interact with this blog if you are under the age of 18. Your media consumption is your responsibility.
Summary: Fighting the bad guys comes easy to James Buchanan Barnes. What will end him, is the fight against his will to be with you. 
Word Count: 2200
Here’s Part 1 in case you missed it. 
(This GIF does not belong to me)
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The next day, Sam took Bucky to the barber and fixed up his hair. Sam was convinced Bucky was backtracking on his recovery which was going smoothly up till this point.
The car ride back to their place was quiet. Bucky looked out the window, subconsciously rubbing the nape of his neck, looking for the lost hair. 
“Why’d you do that man.”
Bucky looked straight ahead and lowered his eyes after a moment. “Don’t say I don’t know dude, I will punch you” Sam warned. 
“I didn’t grow out my hair willingly. I just never got to cut it when I was with HYDRA.” 
Sam drove without replying. They both knew he was lying. 
“You cut it because she said liked your hair.”
The car pulled over to the side of the road and a surprised Bucky turned to look at an exasperated Sam. “Why won’t you let yourself be happy? You know she likes you. What you’re doing is going to push her away.” Sam berated. He held the steering wheel and dropped his forehead onto it with a light thud. 
“I don’t want to hurt her,” Bucky mumbled.
“I’m done tryna’ convince you to move on from things that you had no control over. Come on. Just ask her out or something and if it doesn’t work out then it doesn’t. She’s not the type to make it weird if it doesn’t work out,” Sam pleaded. He couldn’t help but feel like everything he was saying was going through one ear and coming out the other. 
“I don’t deserve her love Sam. I’m so fucked up, I have so many of my problems that I don’t want to drag her into.” Bucky sighed. At this point, he wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince his friend or himself. 
“I’m not saying you should pick her up and take her to the altar. All I need you to do is acknowledge to her that there is something more than friendship between you guys. Please Buck, man, don’t let something good go to waste.”
That was the end of the conversation. Sam could tell that only parts of what he said made into his friend’s thick skull. Bucky was too stubborn for his own good.  
The next time you saw Bucky was during the mission briefing. You were surprised to see he cut his hair. Regardless, you complimented him.
“Sweet look, Buck.”
Bucky involuntarily beamed at you and you grinned back. You sat down, waiting for Fury to begin the debriefing. He tried not to make it obvious, but Sam noticed his friend lose brain cells over deciding where to sit. He nudged him in Y/N’s direction and took his own seat, waiting to see if he would listen to him and sit beside her. 
Bucky considered his options again before sitting far away from Y/N. Sam smacked his forehead and groaned. 
“Don’t start groaning just yet,” Fury chuckled as he entered the room. The debriefing began and Nick rambled on, but you couldn’t stop thinking about how Buck chose to sit away from you. 
“And we have an unofficial new addition to the Avengers. His name is Mysterio, and he is currently working with Peter Parker to stop the Elementals,” Maria Hill announced “The final Elemental is what we’ll need help fighting against.” 
The three of you looked at each before Sam spoke up. 
“What can a super soldier, a bird-man and an assassin do to stop an elemental monster?”
“Mysterio will be leading the mission. He has dealt with this before and has an idea of how you can help. You’re flying to London and you leave tonight.” Fury concluded and dismissed everyone. 
That night, everyone regrouped at the quinjet and put away their belongings in overhead cabins. You struggled to put up your luggage and Bucky watched. He wanted to come over and help, he really did; but it was best if he just stayed away. “Bucky?” your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. 
“Can you..” you gestured at your suitcase. “Uh no, I’m… busy” he blurted before walking off to the front of the jet. 
“Ignore that idiot” Sam interrupted and helped you. “Did I do something Sam?” you asked. 
“It’s nothing Y/N, he’s just being weird. This is why I don’t take him out in public” he laughed and you awkwardly laughed along. Your anxiety grew as you thought back to anything you may have done that set Buck off. 
You couldn’t be happier to land, stretching as you got out. You gathered your belongings and made your way to the hotel. 
“Y/N! Wait!” Sam called after you. 
“Mission is in 2 days. You wanna’ check out the bars nearby?”
You thought about it before agreeing. It didn’t seem like such a good idea but you thought it'd be better to accompany Sam rather than sulk in your room. Bucky caught up to the two of you before Sam walked off with him, discussing what places they would visit tomorrow. You didn’t miss the way he completely ignored you.
When you greeted the boys again, the smile on your face wasn’t fooling anyone; both of them knew you were sad about Bucky’s sudden shift in behaviour. They reached the bar and you left to go to the bathroom. 
“You’re not protecting her. You’re flat out hurting her right now. Stop the charade and talk to her, please.” Sam chided. 
“After the mission, I’ll talk to her.” Bucky argued.
“Just… allow yourself to be a happy man. Only good people worry about being bad.” Sam said as he produced Asgardian liquor out of his pocket. 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Bucky downed a shot, ignoring Sam’s glare.
When you joined them again, Bucky downed his second shot. You listened to Sam and Bucky engaging in conversation about the Elementals, when a guy came up to you and offered to buy you a drink. You heard Bucky go silent in mid-conversation. 
“Hey, could I buy you a drink? If you’re alone that is,” the guy referred to Sam and Bucky. 
“Oh, these are my friends, Sam and Bucky. You can buy me a drink,” you greeted, adding a warm smile for good measure.
Time passed and Bucky was getting tired of hearing him make you laugh. It seemed platonic enough but he couldn’t think straight with the liquid courage swirling around his head. He wasn’t paying attention to what Sam was saying and walked over to the nearest girl. 
At the end of the night, you said goodbye to the nice guy, declining the exchange of phone calls. You ignored Bucky, who kept burning holes into the back of your head. He was the one who repeatedly pushed you away today. It wasn’t to get back at him, but you didn’t mind getting him a little jealous if it’ll push him in the right direction. 
What you didn’t notice was Bucky getting up and flirting with a girl nearby. Sam watched as Bucky pulled out all of his tricks from the 40s. The air-headed girl giggled at everything he said, practically hanging off of him by the end of the night. They left before Sam asked Y/N to leave. The Falcon was a smart guy but the one thing he didn’t know how to do was lie; when you asked where Bucky was, he barely managed to tell you that he went back to the room, omitting the part about the girl. 
You reached the hotel and upon nearing your rooms, which was lined up beside each other, you heard the unmistakable sound of moaning and grunting. Bucky’s name was muffled, but screamed by whoever was inside the room. 
You stilled and looked at his hotel door before quietly slipping into your own room and breaking down. Sam didn’t call after you when he himself didn’t know what to say - there was no excusing Bucky’s behaviour. Whatever happened to talking to her after the mission, he thought as he willed himself to walk away from the sound of your crying. 
The next day, you ignored the girl that walked out of Bucky’s room and headed for the breakfast bar. Bucky and Sam showed up a few minutes later and no one said anything as they sat down with their food. Everyone ate in silence, unsure of what to say. Once you were done, you worked up the courage to say what you were wording in your head throughout the duration of the breakfast. 
“I thought you and I had something before you started acting all weird Buck.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“You avoided me right after I complimented you at the debriefing, you refused to help in the quinjet and then you hook up with some random girl at the bar? I thought we were going somewhere with this.” You tried to avoid his gaze, a feeble attempt at ensuring you didn't cry but it was too late. Unwarranted tears trickled onto your plate and shirt. “And you cut your hair after I told you I like it. Don’t think I didn’t notice Buck.” you wiped your tears and waited for an answer.
“I didn’t cut my hair because of you. There’s no need to make this about you.” 
You looked at him in disbelief while Sam dropped his fork and stared his friend down. 
“I don’t know what made you think at this,” he pointed at himself and you, “was going anywhere. Because I didn’t even know this was a thing.” 
“Right.” you choked out. “Well since this isn’t going anywhere, I’m gonna’ head out with Maria. Have fun banging random chicks.” 
With that, you got up and left the room.
Neither of them said anything. 
They sat in silence for god-knows-how-long until Sam broke the silence. 
“All this time, you try to prove to everyone that you’re a good person and no one believed it. You were scared of being a bad person, well congratulations. You are a horrible person. You hurt the only person who never questioned whether you were good or not.” Sam got up and left too.
Bucky slouched into his chair and blinked. He was supposed to feel numb but felt like crying and crying until his body had no life left in it. He told himself that he did what needed to be done. 
The super soldier spent the day walking around London - a lot had changed since the war. He pulled out his camera to take a picture of the Big Ben. When he flicked back to take a look at the shot, he saw the picture of Y/N resting on his lap while his arm draped over her. He remembered that day and thought back to the intimate conversation you had with him about Tony. A stray teardrop reminded him of what he said this morning. 
“What am I doing?” he questioned himself and began running back to the hotel. 
He reached your door and breathlessly called out for you, knocking on your door. You opened the door to reveal your red eyes and a stuffy nose, surely a byproduct of relentless crying. He pulled you into his arms and you began crying again with your head nestled into his chest. He walked in while holding you and closed the door behind him. Picking you up bridal style, he walked over to your bed and laid you on it before climbing in and snuggling you. 
“Asshole, I’m still mad at you” you reminded him. He smiled lightly, kissed your forehead and pulled you closer. “I’ll make it up to you doll. I’m sorry” he promised. 
“Sam told me everything. You deserve a good life Buck. The Winter Soldier and you are two different people. Please,” you sobbed harder, “Stop hurting me. You deserve a good life too.” You tried to look up at him but he kept his chin on top of your head, refusing to meet your eyes in fear of crying. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart” he repeated before delicately shushing you to sleep. 
When you woke up, Bucky was nowhere to be found and it was 8 PM. You checked your phone to see that Sam had reserved a table for dinner.
You reached the restaurant and Bucky was waiting at the front. He gave you a soft smile before wordlessly walking you to the table. You weren’t sure where you two stood right now, but it was better than not speaking at all. You contemplated whether the incident at the hotel was a proper apology or not. 
“I’m glad no one was in the breakfast room for our little scuffle.” Sam teased as you both sat down. 
“I’m not gonna’ lie, I would shit my pants if the Falcon and White Wolf were arguing in a breakfast bar,” you remarked and settled further into your chair. The three of you were laughing before a sudden movement out of the corner of your eyes stopped you.
Someone splashed water onto Bucky’s face. “YOU MURDERER! YOU KILLED MY DAD YOU ASSHOLE,” the guy grabbed Bucky by his shirt collar. “FUCKING WINTER SOLDIER, DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER HIM?” Sam pulled the guy off of Bucky and tried to calm him down but he wasn’t having any of it. He repeatedly spat insults at the ex-Winter Soldier before he was escorted out by the security. You tried to hold Bucky’s hand but he recoiled from your touch. He wiped wetness off his face and you couldn't tell if it was his tears or the water. He stalked off to the exit before sprinting out of the restaurant. 
You called after him with no avail. Sam and you shared a hopeless glance between each other and ran off to find Bucky.
a/n: oh bonky :’(
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deantransgressions2 · 4 years
4x21 when the levee breaks
this is a long one. enjoy.
#1: sam asked dean repeatedly to be let out of the panic room so he can explain. dean said no. instead he chose to continue to keep sam locked up against his will.
time tag: 1:10
#2: “you lied to me over, and over again. i get it now” (dean to sam).
here he is acknowledging sam has a serious addiction. he doesn’t fucking care though! because instead of treating sam like an addict, he is treating him like a monster.
time tag: 1:36
#3: “strong? this is about as far away from strong as you can get. try weak. desperate. pathetic.”
.... he is an ADDICT. quick google search will tell you that you should never blame the addict, or insult them. dean has never been able to see things from other’s perspectives, and this is a perfect fucking example of that. calling your brother, who has a drug addiction, pathetic and weak....makes me sick.
time tag: 1:55
#4: “oh lilith is going to die. bobby and i will kill her, and not with you” (said to sam).
idiot. dean couldn’t even kill alastair. hell, the angels couldn’t even kill alastair. and lilith is known to be stronger. dean has lost his mind.
time tag: 2:07
#5: “congrats sammy. you just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse”.
okay a couple things, 1. sam didn’t buy shit, dean is forcing him to sit this one out. and 2. dean wants to kill lilith? cool. glad we are all acknowledging that no one knows the consequences of that yet.
time tag: 2:15
#6: shuts the hatch again and leaves to just go back upstairs while sam is screaming for dean to let him out. he not only left sam to detox alone in a locked metal cage. but now he is also leaving the basement so he won’t have to hear his screams? obviously doesn’t care about sam’s wellbeing at. all. it’s so fucked up.
time tag: 2:32
#7: “no one knows how long it will take. hell, or if sam will even live through it” (bobby to dean). dean and bobby do nothing.
time tag: 5:19
#8: “so what? we sacrifice sam’s life, his soul, for the greater good?” (said to bobby, after bobby suggested letting sam help with the apocalypse)
.....bold of dean to act like he cares about sam’s life. his brother is dying downstairs, and dean chilling with bobby upstairs. cute.
time tag: 8:45
#9: sam is too ill to walk across the panic room to get a glass of water. maybe if his “loving” brother was in there with him, that wouldn’t of been a problem.
time tag: 9:47
#10: “you got ass-reamed in heaven, but it was not of import?” (said to cas)
time tag: 14:02
#11: “can he do it? kill lilith? stop the apocalypse?” (said to cas)
oh? dean also believes killing lilith will stop the apocalypse? good to know. won’t matter though, because he’s gonna pretend he didn’t come 5x01.
time tag: 14:20
#12: “we believe it’s you dean, not your brother.” (cas to dean, about killing lilith)
we all know cas was lying, angels knew dean couldn’t do shit about lilith. but the words cas uses are similar to the ones ruby says to sam. dean is being manipulated into thinking HE can kill lilith “the right way” and if sam tries to kill lilith, then he will become a “creature you would feel compelled to kill” (cas to dean). point is, if dean was fully prepared to have the angels use him to kill lilith, then shouldn’t he have understood sam sacrificing himself to kill lilith?
time tag: 14:35
#13: the way the light was hitting him made him look so ugly for a second. looked 85 at best. he deserved to look ugly. best part of the episode.
time tag: 15:40
#14: strapped sam down to the bed. now he has zero access to water, or a toilet. smart.
time tag: 19:23
#15: bobby: “if he doesn’t get what he needs soon, sam’s not gonna last much longer”
dean: ”no. i’m not giving him demon blood. i won’t do it.”
bobby: “and if he dies?”
dean: “then at least he died human!”
dean doesn’t give a flying fuck about sam as a person. he would rather let his brother die, ALONE, just so he dies “human”.....sam hasn’t been 100% human since novemeber 2nd 1983. and ever since dean found this out in 4x03, he has treated sam as less than. he can act like he cares for his brother all he wants, but it’s obvious he fucking doesn’t.
time tag: 20:50
#16: “i won’t let my brother turn into a monster” (said to bobby)
....what kind of “monster” kills demons for the greater good. what kind dean? you let me know.
time tag: 22:27
#17: both dean and bobby think ruby got sam out of the panic room. ok. dumb. but ok.
time tag: 28:07
#18: “i am on call, in my car, on my way to murder the bitch” (said to bobby, about ruby)
time tag: 28:44
#19: ruby: “i had no idea that dean would do that to you”
sam: “you and me both”
thats just....sad. to trust your brother so completely your entire life, and then for him to do that to you....its fucked.
time tag: 30:00
#20: “us finding sam? that’s got to be about getting him back, not pushing him away” (bobby to dean).
dean didn’t fucking listen to a word bobby said.
time tag: 35:52
#21: tried to murder ruby again. as far as dean knows, ruby is also trying to kill lilith for the right reasons just let everyone else. i get he’s mad about the demon blood, but that’s sam’s friend, it’s his call to make. if sam wants to continue his addiction thats HIS choice. the addiction affects dean in 0 ways. therefore, he gets no say in the matter whatsoever.
time tag: 36:32
#22: sam: “let’s just talk about this”
dean: “soon as she’s dead (ruby), we can talk all you want”
why is he giving conditions? just talk to your fucking brother.
time tag: 37:18
#23: “i just want you to be okay” (said to sam) oh? is that why you left him alone to die in an underground metal room?
time tag: 37:53
#24: “come with us, dean. we can do this together” (sam to dean)
let’s remember sam said this. because dean is gonna act like he didn’t
time tag: 38:11
#25: “demon bitch is a deal breaker”
why are there always conditions with dean? like everything always has to go his way. god forbid anyone objects.
time tag: 38:20
#26: sam: “i’m the only one that can do this dean” dean disagrees. he thinks he is.....he thinks that because the angels are manipulating him. two manipulated boys standing in a room f-i-g-h-t-i-n-g.
time tag: 38:38
#27: dean: “you’re not gonna do a single damn thing”
sam: “stop bossing me around, dean!”
time tag: 38:59
#28: sam: “my whole life, you take the wheel, you call the shots, and i trust you, because you are my brother. now, i’m asking you, for once...trust me”
dean: “no.”
so sam trusts his brother, solely because he’s his brother, yet dean won’t trust sam because???? idk he’s too tall maybe.
time tag: 39:11
#29: “it’s not something that you’re doing, it’s what you are!” (said to sam). 
proof that dean only cares if sam is human, and not who sam actually is as a person. he started treating sam differently the day he found out what azazel did to him, and he has treated him with the same apprehension and disdain ever since. 
time tag: 39:35
#30: “it means you’re a monster” (said to sam).
time tag: 39:58
#31: sam punched dean. dean fights back. based on EVERYTHING dean has done to him, i’m gonna go ahead and say that sam punching him is completely justified. now dean deciding to beat the shit out of him....not justified. sam did nothing to deserve that. he literally just made a friend without dean’s permission, and got high. none of which, affected dean.
time tag: 40:05
#32: “you walk out that door...don’t you ever come back” (said to sam)
same words john used. cute dean. like father like son
time tag: 41:46
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princesscas · 4 years
That N*ncy and her crew came at me for making a parallel post and started abusing and mocking me and they didn’t ever give me a chance to explain I was pointing out the differences between the two moments. They made me leave the fandom as a result because I was so upset and shocked by their hostility to someone who literally just made that one post. It was crushing...
UGH JESUS CHRIST- Alright strap in, this is a loooong one ‘cause I need to let out some steam. *Puts on some (live!) Alice In Chains while I write this* 
First off before I delve deep into this: I’m so, so, so, sorry that happened to you. You never, ever, ever, deserved that nor anyone else. Block them. I’ve had N & Crew blocked for years (even another blog when N’s original blog got removed by Tumblr, yes that happened) I would not be surprised in the slightest if N talks about me and others on here but I wouldn’t know thanks to that wonderful button. 
I’ve noticed over the years that they love to prey on smaller blogs and people new to the fandom. They love to scare people away, just like you. no matter what. You like Cas? “You’re a Casti-ewer!!” You like Deancas? “Leave destiheller!” You like Mish? “Ew, a minion!” You like Gen & Danneel? “Go away beard stans!” I’m not exaggerating on those names. They’ve made up countless names and the mockery they do is outright disgusting. In fact, just last night while I was on a block-spree, N made a comment on a post saying she couldn’t stand working at Staples because her co-worker was, and I quote, "worked with a castiheller, we didn’t get along that well.” Jesus, leave the poor guy alone with his opinions on the show, would you? This is what they do. Ordinary fans off the street aren’t even safe. Think the show got better once Cas or another character was introduced? You are now their enemy.   
Many fandoms have toxic sides to them, I know and I’ve seen others even when I wasn’t too involved with them. But the ‘Bronlies’ side of the Superdooperbloop fandom? This shit is on some new levels kind of toxic. You can’t reason with these people. No matter what, they will twist your words and spin their bullshit around like they’re better than everyone else. 
I said to that hate blog, use a blacklist addon (heck, I think Tumblr has implemented this feature now) and what did they say? "Learn how to be a civilized and productive member of society instead of a spoiled entitled brat. There is something seriously wrong with them.” The fuck? I came off as nice as could be and they threw that up right in my face. It’s impossible. I’m legit concerned with these people. If this is how they treat others on the internet, what the hell do they do in real life? That’s scary. 
They hate any and everyone who writes fanfic with Canon-Divergence. (or art or anything for that matter) They spew this bullshittery: “You forget the REAL Canon.” I feel like I’m going to turn into Doom Guy levels of rage at that. 
They yell, ‘This isn’t canon therefore you can’t do that.’ It’s utter bullshit because they don’t consider what happens in the last seasons (4 above and 13+ especially) canon. It’s 3000% hypocritical. Also 2) They say we can’t have destiel but they can go on their merry way with w////t. I don’t ship shame, that’s not who I am but some of them ship w/////t as underage in some of the more fucked up ways imaginable. I’m not talking AO3 Teacher/Student fucked up, I’m talking...I’m stopping right there no one needs to know about that. 
They exclude (and hate) every single character except Salmon and Deer. It’s like they refuse to realize that these character have other relationships. They claim time and time again that Deancas shippers have harassed the cast/crew/writers when the reality is the complete opposite. The shit Gen, Danneel, and other female cast members have faced is criminal. 
I wish N*ncy4*4 and Co would just give up and leave already. Jen, Jar, Mish, Danneel, Gen, Rich, and the entire cat has said time and time again, they do not like nor endorse that side of the fandom. Gen and Danneel especially because they’ve personally faced that crew since they’re both on Instagram now. These people...act like Jar and Jen don’t know nor realize they don’t want them in the fandom. 
God, I long for the day after the show ends. Imagine when Mish and everyone can just...talk about things they weren’t able to before. I don’t know if they would talk about it but I’d give anything for it to happen. Mish esp with the way he’s been treated over the years. 
I don’t know if you or anyone else knows about this, but she literally trash talked the orphanage in Hati that Random Acts built. Here’s a video of Misha basically saying ‘f-you’ to that post. 
Again, I’m so sorry that happened to you :( Please don’t listen to them. I know they love to claim they’re 95% of the fandom but the reality is they’re 5%. Go ask a random Souperbloop fan on Reddit or anywhere outside of Tumblr, they won’t know a damn thing about whatever these antis think. 
I’m ending this with a Reggie quote: 
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Fallen - Chapter 3
Tumblr media
Summary: Sam thought he had found happiness, but now his past is back to haunt him. Lucifer has claimed the throne of heaven, and it is his intention that Sam should finally fulfill his destiny as King of Hell.
Characters: Sam x Reader; Dean, Cas, Lucifer
Word Count: 2706
A/N: This a series I started a couple of years ago. I’m finishing it now. Each chapter is inspired by a song. For Chapter 2 it is “All the King’s Horses” by Karmina. 
“Sam?” There was nothing, not a sound, not a movement. Sam’s hand still felt strong, but he didn’t close his fingers around yours or brush his thumb across your knuckles the way he once did. His chest was barely rising and falling as he breathed.
You let go of his hand and climbed into the bed to lay down next to him then rested your head on his shoulder and lay your palm flat against his chest. From the moment you first knew you loved him, your life had changed. Most of your friends had dreamed about weddings and having babies. You’d been witness to your parents’ unhappy marriage and had decided at an early age you wanted no part of that. Sam changed your mind without knowing he’d done it. He made you want those things. 
There was so much you wanted and needed to say to him. You talked out loud, telling him things he might not know, giving him a reason to fight his way back. “Sam I won’t give up on you. Ever. We can get through this. I don’t know why I thought you would betray me; you wouldn’t, not if you had a choice. I was just so scared about what was happening. I’d forgive you if I needed to, but I don’t.”
You stopped talking long enough to kiss his neck, the very spot that had always made him moan and bury his hand in your hair. Your lips touched him there tenderly in a plea for him to open his eyes; you watched for a few seconds waiting for something that didn’t happen. Then you lay down next to him again with your head over his heart. “It’s okay, Sam. Just get better. Get better for our baby.” 
The sound of Sam’s heart beating under your ear offered some comfort and hope while memories drifted through your mind, one after the other, in a constant stream of special moments and simple everyday routines that hadn’t seemed special, but they had been. You had fallen in love with Sam during the hours you’d spent with him sitting at a table in the library making your way through lore books together.
One Year Ago
Sam put a blue mug down on the library table next to you and surveyed the stacks of books. “I made coffee; looks like we’ll be here awhile.”
The weight and warmth of the mug was comforting. “Thanks.” You had been pouring over the same book for hours, then your eyes fell on something you hadn’t noticed before, and you sat up straighter. “I think I found it.” Sam finished his sip of coffee and put his cup down on the table. Then he reached for the book you were sliding across the table. You told him excitedly, “I think it’s a harpy. In Ancient Greece, they removed people from the earth as punishment for wrongdoing. Everyone who’s disappeared hasn’t exactly been guiltless.”
Sam read the open page and nodded. “Okay. Harpy. How do you kill it?”
“Silver dagger. Tell Dean he might want to let Cas take the lead on this one; they fly.”
Sam ended the call with Dean and put his cell phone back in his pocket. You watched the way he moved. He wore the hunter’s uniform well. The cuffs of his red plaid shirt were rolled up revealing his forearms, and the black t-shirt he wore underneath hugged his body. Sam fascinated you. He was damn good at being a hunter, but there was something else about him. You contemplated him a moment before asking, “Sam, did you always know you’d do this?”
He leaned forward and picked up the book you’d given him absentmindedly stacking it on top of the one he’d been reading. “No.” He paused before continuing and sighed. “I ran from this. Over and over I ran from it.” He told you about Jessica and Amelia. Sam talked about love, how he’d been scared to love anyone again after Jessica died and how with Amelia he’d chased after something that wasn’t real.
You listened and told him you’d been in love twice. The first time you loved him as much as your eighteen year old self could which it turned out wasn’t really lasting. The second time you were much more ready for love, but he wasn’t. When you finished talking, Sam eased his fingers over the back of your hand. His eyes were deep green sprinkled with gold, and he looked at you intently. “A guy would be lucky to have you.”
He pulled his hand back, and you felt butterflies explode in your stomach. You knew everything had just changed. The air felt charged; then he lightened his tone. “You hungry?”
It wasn’t your first dinner with Sam, but it was a changing point. He made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, proud of what he’d done and joking that he could cook. You tore off a piece of your sandwich and put the warm, buttery bite in your mouth. You swallowed and smiled at the chef. “It’s perfect, Sam, melted just right.” After a few bites of soup, you found the voice to ask him questions you’d always wondered about.
“Sam, when did you start hunting?”
 He put down his spoon and got a faraway look in his eyes. “My first hunt I was so scared I stayed in the car.” Sam let out a little laugh with a small shake of his head. “Dad and Dean finally left me there. I didn’t want to kill monsters. I didn’t want the blood. I didn’t want the ugliness and fear, but it was what I was born to. It was expected of me; I was trained for it. I was taught to be a hunter.”
Sam studied your face for a second and asked quietly,“What did you want to do?”
You lifted your napkin from your lap and wiped your fingers. A nostalgic smile crossed your face.  “I wanted to be a fashion designer, live the glamorous life, travel to exotic places, experience things no one in my life ever had. Turns out I wasn’t really meant for that, just not that glamorous.”
“You’re good at what you do, Y/N. Sometimes a life chooses you.” Sam’s eyes moved down your face to your chin and back up again. His eyes lingered on yours before he glanced away. “It’s late. I’ll get the dishes in the morning.”
Sam walked you down the hall to your room. He stopped by your door. He was so close you could feel the heat from his body. The first touch of his mouth on yours was feather light. He moved his lips over yours in a kiss that was intense, consuming, soft, and gentle. Sam lay his hand against the small of your back and held you against him. You reached for his neck, sliding your fingers under his hair. When he pulled away with a final lingering kiss, his eyes stayed on yours. “Good night, Y/N.”
You raised yourself up so you could look down at Sam’s face. You bent to touch your lips to his remembering how they felt during that first kiss. You whispered, “I love you, Sam,” but this wasn’t a fairytale. He didn’t wake up. You wrapped your arms around yourself trying to control the grief that threatened to bubble up and flood out of you uncontrollably. You pulled the chair close to the side of the bed and sat down. You traced your fingertips lightly up and down his arm.  “Sam, if it’s a girl, I’m going to watch while she ties ribbons in your hair.” The thought of that made you smile even as tears filled your eyes again.
The next morning Dean found you still sitting in the chair with your head down on Sam’s stomach. You stirred when you heard the door. He’d brought you breakfast. “Thanks, Dean. Put it down on the desk. I’m not hungry.” You glanced at the food. Dean had been cooking. It was an omelet that, from the looks of it, was filled with vegetables and fresh fruit on the side.
Dean walked across the room and stood next to you resting his hand on your shoulder. “I know you don’t want to eat, but you should try.” Feeling the comfort of Dean’s hand and hearing his caring words, you burst into tears. Everything you’d been trying to hold back came pouring right out. “Hey. Y/N.” He knelt down beside you; and you fell into his arms. 
“He’s not waking up, Dean. He isn’t waking up.” Dean held his hand firmly at the back of your head. “He did this for me. He went with that evil thing to protect me. He may never wake up because of me.” The sobs were racking your body now.
“He’d do it again, Y/N. That’s how he loves. Don’t blame yourself for a decision Sam would make every time.”
You lifted your tear streaked face from Dean’s shoulder. “There has to be something. Cas. Can’t Cas help him?”
“I already tried that, Sweetheart. His powers won’t work because heaven considers what Sam did to be...an abomination.
You sat back and looked at Sam. “He tries so hard to do the right thing. I told him I didn’t know who he was.” You ran your fingers over Sam’s hair. “He’s full of good.”
Sam’s POV
I could hear you. You sounded far away, but I could hear you. You were calling my name. I tried to answer, but my mouth wouldn’t move. I had to let you know I was there. You needed me. “Y/N?” My mouth was so dry. I blinked my eyes open. Your hair was spread over my chest; you raised your head to look at me. Your beautiful eyes were filled with tears. My arm was heavy and weak when I tried to lift it. “D...don’t cry, Y/N. I won’t let anything hurt you.”
I heard you yell for Dean, and I remember seeing him run into the room before I drifted back to sleep. When I woke up again, you were smiling this time. I tried to sit up, but you stopped me. “Not yet. How do you feel?”
I brushed my hand through my hair. “My head hurts.” 
You straightened the covers around my waist. “Don’t move. I’m going to get you something to eat. It might make you feel better.” You were close to me and smiling; I already felt better.
You came back with a bowl of broth and set it down on the bedside table. I had a hard time getting the pillows propped behind my back, so you helped me then sat and dipped a spoon into the bowl. I reached for the spoon. “I can feed myself.”
You avoided my effort to get the spoon and brought it to my mouth. “Let me take care of you, Sam.” When I had eaten almost all the soup, you looked happy. “Take the last bite.” I opened my mouth, drank the last bit from the spoon, and swallowed. “You’re going to need your strength because you’re going to be a daddy.”
My mind was all focused on you and the incredible feeling of having you again, so it took me a few seconds to process what you’d said. “I’m what?” My eyes went to your stomach.
You laughed, and it was a beautiful sound. “I’m pregnant, Sam.”
That night you stayed with me. I fell asleep holding you close with the side of my face in your hair. For awhile, I understood real happiness. 
“Sammy boy!!” I jerked awake. My eyes darted around the mostly dark room, and I tightened my hold on you trying to block out the sound of Lucifer’s voice still echoing in my head. “She’s a pretty one, and she still wants you. Go figure.” I heard him, but there was nothing there. I was having hallucinations of Lucifer again.
Two days later we moved back into my room. As soon as we were under the blankets, I took you in my arms. You slipped your leg between mine and kissed me. I kissed back slowly, not rushing a minute of what I’d waited for what seemed like forever to have again. My tongue circled around yours, and you moaned softly. You eased your hands under my shirt and rubbed them up my back. 
It felt so good for you to be touching me this way again. I broke the kiss long enough to pull my shirt over my head and toss it on the bed somewhere. I wanted your hands on me. I wanted to kiss you. I wanted you to know how much I love you. We kissed each other for a long time. I trailed kisses across your cheek to that spot just below your ear and back to your mouth. I brought your hand to my lips and kissed your fingertips one by one. Those kisses were complete. 
Tonight was about starting over. It felt innocent in a way, like the past was washed clean. I didn’t push for anything else, just kissed you and held you. I was holding you when you fell asleep.
Everything was perfect, but still the nightmare came back. The voice. “You can’t get rid of me, ol’ buddy. We’re bonded together. Just no escaping it.” I opened my eyes. Lucifer was standing at the end of our bed. His expression was cold. “She’s a problem, Sam. Don’t make me take care of that problem.”
I watched you sleep trying to memorize the way you looked, the way your hair fell across your cheek, the slight hint of a smile on your face. I struggled with what I felt and who I am. Morning came too soon. I eased out of the bed, my mind made up.  I walked away from where you were sleeping and kept my back toward you so you couldn’t see the tears; then, I called your name. “Y/N.” 
I heard you start to move, and I heard the smile in your voice. “Sam.” It felt like a fist was squeezing the life right out of my heart. 
I didn’t turn around. “Y/N, this isn’t a good idea.” What happened after that is a blur. I muttered some senseless crap about not knowing how I felt and needing space, which everything I’d done the night before proved was a lie. But you believed me. Crying and begging me to tell you why, you believed me. 
Seven Months Later
I could hear you screaming down the hall, screaming to bring our baby into the world. I bent my head over almost to my knees and laced my hands behind my neck. I wanted to go to you so badly it was tearing at me with a physical pain I could feel in my chest and down into my stomach. It had gotten to a point where we passed each other in the bunker without saying a word. I’d been so afraid you’d catch me looking at you, and then you’d know the truth. You screamed again; I bit into my bottom lip, and then you screamed my name.
 I tore into the room; Cas was by your side, and Dean was at the bottom of the bed looking under a sheet draped over your legs. When Cas saw me, he stepped back. I took your hand in mine forgetting all about the act I was supposed to make you believe. You looked at me like you thought maybe I wasn’t real. “Sam?”
“I’m here, Y/N. I’m here. You’re not going to do this alone.” When Dean said it was time to push, I gave you all the encouragement I could. At times it felt like you were going to break every bone in my hand, and I didn’t care. All that mattered was you and the baby. The love I felt for you burned hot inside me. It raged with all the intensity I had spent every waking moment trying to control since I the morning I lied to you about what we have. 
You’ve never been more beautiful than when you were lying there exhausted looking into the face of our baby. You looked at me with pure forgiveness like you had forgotten the way I’d pulled away from you. “Sam, do you want to hold him?”
He was tiny, perfect, and the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I didn’t know there was such a thing as the love that went through me then. I started to move my hand to touch his sweet head. Then I stopped. Lucifer would hurt you. Lucifer would hurt him. Lucifer was worse than Ruby. I took one last look at your happiness. “I can’t.”
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @gh0stgurl @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @maddiepants @volleyballer519 @outcastedangel @iknowwheremytowelis @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @oldfreakything 
Sam/Jared Love: @girl-next-door-writes @stunudo @feelmyroarrrr @theychosefamily @winchesterxfamilybusiness @idabbleincrazy @evansrogerskitten @focusonspn @i-joined-social-media-finally @wingledsam @autumninavonlea @spnxbsessed @durinsbride @deansyahtzee @wendibird @fantasy-shadows @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @waywardnerd67​ @neii3n​ @fullmooner​ @supernatural-took-me-over​ @julesthequirky​ 
Fallen: @stephaniecanfield96us​ @petitgateau911​ 
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X20 The Devil You Know
due to yeeting Places, we're doing this tonight
"if they were actually worried, they'd give the vaccines out for free" uhhhh
and the quick turnaround uhhh
boy this season is unfortunately relevant huh
croatian virus..?
quick infection but just swine flu
ah yes the crying statues
boy you are both TERRIBLE at lying oh my god
the unison East?
Shit that one actually got me too
oh they figure he knows about the colt not working
Sam is surprisingly angrier than Dean
Dean is Tired never mind
they're so bitchy to each other I'm cackling
ooo his lamp is red
he's so Angsty it's SO FUNNY
he's like..I'm a bit mad that he's so Tentative, but I think he's not used to being nice
he's a Rich Bitch
ooo he was tailing them nicenice
and makes sense
he's such a disney villainnnn
ah yes the admin, the worst person in this scenario
listen I understand the idea of "I'm doing my best" and the yell, but "do the best of somebody better" doesn't quite jive
he's got a hufflepuff tie
ah yes murder
to the surprise of No One
oh the line of best is from Pestilence
yeah it DID n O T read like his line
did he overplay
oh he DIDN'T
good manipulation huh
Dean you have to be smarter than that though
Bobby: yeah nothing's working let's go apeshit
Sam: understandable, have a nice day
ah Sam's sacrifice being set up
Satan himself Sam that's not gonna work
he is indeed Angry and Arrogant too I think
Don't you hate it when your demon ally doesn't understand morals and just SHANKS everyone
and yeah he's not coming with
Dean cmon man, he clearly had a plan
ah yes just fucking kill them
just exorcise them i stg
ah using the rings as bait
"who says I want them" ah that's off script
ah you're about to get FUCKED up dude
"rip it right out of your ass" that...was a weird expression
also he reminds me of homelander, like a lil bit
ah crowley left didn't he
genuinely shocked
"I Was manipulating you for the authenticity, so even though I'm on your side, I don't mind you getting injured because it makes sense to me" oh that's GREAT
and the devils went back to sophomore year of college huh?
"you introduced me to jess" oh the Jess/Ruby thing..oh
boy they really chuck trust around a lot don't they
and truth
huh this guy chameleons. like he matches tones and picks them up
I do appreciate how Dean's "drag sam away" worked like clockwork
hey the poof out reminds me of cas
I miss cas
ah of course Sam
"we're doing last words or no" pfft
that blood look is good though
yellow eyes set him up to get ... where he did
boy this villain speech was FUN
"you're going to live forever" the thing he was threatened with Ope
"Lovers in league against Satan" OH MY G O D CROWLEY
A H E L L H O U N D ?
Crowley what was your end goal
hey Dean the hellhounds are back didja miss them?
C R O W L E Y ?
"mine's bigger" "I'm invested" HOLY SHIT I LOVE HIM
"won't last that long" I love this guy
"it's on you" yeah that's not gonna work with him
ah yes the desperate villain speech
cool visuals though
"moderately successful literary agent" ha
"I liked this suit"
"you crap margaritas" HAHAHA
Damn Bobby does catch quickly
I love this motherfucker's intonation
"temporary loan for your soul" Oh my god
1. Crowley. Ok so I would have said a Bela type(chaotic neutral, can never tell what she does) but I'm wrONG! Crowley plays AGAINST his type! you expect him to betray, but really his sense of consequence is just messed up. He sounds like he's messing with you, but at least in this case, he kept up his ENTIRE end of the bargain, just with more sass. You don't expect it, and it plays with that by lingering the will they won't they, but always picking will. Like Bela is neutral type, Crowley is evil, but he plays against it while Bela's is a roulette wheel.
2. Demons as disney villains with varying speeches and sass. I just thought that was good.
3. Sam has Arrogance and Anger issues, and like...he has Main Boy syndrome. Like he thinks nothing can touch him. Which is worth a mention
Listen, seeing Disney Villain but Not Really Crowley MADE MY FUCKING DAY THAT WAS GREAT I'M SO GLAD THEY HAVE ANOTHER ALLY
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The journey to save humanity with the least qualified person for it
prologue part 2:
‘’We have to hurry, Senpai, if you’re late, you’re going to be on the director’s radar for the rest of the year’’
Just go along with, Maka, once you get what’s going on, then you can raise hell
‘’Yeah, just one question’’
She had several but looks like it’s the only one this girl…. Mash will be able to answer.
‘’Why the h- why are you calling me Senpai?’’ It’s true, she did look younger than her, but it’s not like Maka did anything to get Mash to respect her. Unless falling asleep in the fucking hallway is something that impresses her.
‘’Oh,’’ the girl blushed ‘’It’s just… you are the most human person I ever met, I don’t feel threatened or need to be hostile… Oh, we’re here, Senpai’’
‘’Oh’’ Said Maka and yawned
‘’Looks like the simulation really tired you out’’ Mash smiled ‘’be careful not to fall asleep in front of the director, or else you’ll never hear the end of it’’
‘’You got’’ another yawn ‘’it’’
And guess what the fuck happened literally five minutes into the director’s speech.
Maka was promptly kicked out of the Central command room, where the orientation was taking place, and Mash followed her outside. 
‘’Are you alright, Senpai?’’
‘’I think so?’’ Maka said while rubbing her burning cheek
‘’At least the director’s slap seemed to wake you up completely, thank goodness’’
‘’yay me…’’ Maka said sarcastically
‘’Anyway, looks like you’ve been left out of the first mission, So I’ll take you back to your room, Oh!’’
Fou, the furry squirrel thing, landed on Mash’s face and settled on her shoulders and then glared at Maka.
Mash smiled ‘’looks like he sees you as a rival, Senpai’’
‘’Wh- do I need to jump on your shoulders too?’’
‘’huh? N-no I meant that- Oh, looks like we reached your room, Senpai’’
‘’Oh, thanks’’
‘’I’m on the A team, so I should hurry on back, take care of fou for me, will you?’’ She handed Maka the furball ‘’If we’re lucky, I think we’ll meet again’’
That’s ominous, Maka thought as she opened the door, at least now she has a few hours to relax and try to process what’s going on….
‘’Okay, I’m in here! whhaaaat, who are you?’’
Or not
‘’This is an empty room! it’s where I slack off! Who gave you permission to come in?’’
‘’I was told that this is my room’’
‘’I see, so the last one finally showed up, huh?’’
‘’Well, nice to meet you Maka. Didn;t think I would run into you like this, but let me introduce myself’’
Did I tell him my name?
‘’I’m the head of the medical department, Romani Archaman. But you can call me Roman, that’s how most people call me for some reason. It has a nicer ring to it…’’
‘’Nice to meet you’’
The doctor smiled ‘’Anyway, I think I get what’s going on here. You’re the rookie who just got here and managed to get on the director’s bad side?’’
‘’I seem to have a talent for that, yes’’
‘’Then you and I are alike. Just so you know, I got yelled at by her too! But since the rayshift experiments are about to start and the entire staff was sent there, I have nothing to do, since my job is to take care of people.’’
Why are you telling me this? Thought Maka, but smiled politely
‘’Since we both have nowhere to go, why don’t we deepen our friendship?’’
‘’I mean, this is my room, so…’’ I don’t have anywhere to run
‘’Woo hoo, I made a new friend!’’
Maka spent the next hour questioning the Doctor about the placeThis Chaldea was a place built on a snowy mountain, it was a place where the organization was tasked with preserving humanity, she and 47 other candidates, go on missions in order to try and stop the destruction of humanity.
Maka was still confused but then-
‘’Romani, we’re about to start rayshifting, can you come here in case of an emergency?’’ The leprechaun said over the intercom
‘’It looks like I have to go…. It was fun chatting with you, Maka’’
‘’I mean, it was more of an interrogation, but whatever you say’’ 
Roman laughed ‘’Next time, come to the infirmary, I’ll treat you to some ca-’’
suddenly, all the lights went out
‘’Emergency, Emergency. A fire has broken out on the central power station and the central command room. Central area’s containment wall will activate in 90 seconds. All staff must evacuate from gate 2 at on-’’
Suddenly, a loud bang was heard 
‘’What on earth….’’ Maka heard Romani’s voice ‘’Monitor, show us the command room!’’
the monitor blinked and there was the command room, in flames.
‘’Holy shit…’’ Maka whispered 
‘’Maka, evacuate right now, I’m going to the command room’’
And just run away? fuck that. The leprechaun maybe was creepy, but Mash was sweet, and Fou was practically clawing his way through her hands, trying to get out. Maka Shizumi was never the type of person to run away, anyhow.
‘’I really am a fucking idiot’’ she mumbled to herself as she sprinted after Romani 
‘’Wait, where are you going?’’ asked Romani ‘’gate 2’s over there!’’
‘’I’m coming with you, you can’t evacuate all of them by yourself’’
‘’Bu- There’s no time to argue, just make sure you get back before it’s too late’’
‘’Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing’’
No, I fucking don’t
‘’No survivors….’’ Said Roman in a serious tone ‘’this explosion wasn’t an accident, it was a sabotage…. Hurry up outside and wait for help, you can still make it. I’m going to the underground power station’’
‘’Switching systems to the final phase of rayshift. Coordinates AD 2004, January 30th, Fuyuki, Japan’’
Something cryptic was paying over the intercom but Maka didn’t listen, she looked around the room, looking, maybe someone survived the explosion…
Then she saw her… Mash, under a pile of rocks, crushing her.
She smiled when she saw Maka ‘’Oh’’
‘’Mash! oh my god, I’ll try and get you out of there!’’
‘’It’s all…. right’’ she said, weakly ‘’You can’t…. save… me. Don’t mind me… please… run’’
Suddenly the orb in the center of the command room lit up
‘’Unable to detect the existence of mankind 100 years in the near future on Earth. Unable to confirm human survivors. unable to guarantee mankind’s future’’
What does that mean?
‘’’’No, never mind that’’ Maka looked at Mash again 
‘’Central area, sealed, 180 Seconds until internal containment procedure’’
‘’They,,, shut off the area… now we… can’t get out’’
‘’We’ll figure something out’’
It’s fine, 180 is plenty of time, just need to get Mash out and-
‘’Searching for qualifing master… Found. Candidate no. 48, Maka. Reset as Master. Unsummon program, start, Spiriton conversion, start.
‘’Umm…. Senpai? would you mind… holding my hand?’’
Without much thought, even though Maka was confused as all hell, her body moved, almost on it’s own, And held Mash’s hand. There’s no way she’s gonna say no to something that might be someone’s dying wish.
rayshifting sarting in 3 2  1 All procedures clear. First-order, commencing operation’’
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dis-easedfairy · 6 years
Impulsive Christmas
WARNINGS: Swearing | Fluff | Maybe some slight hints to the future chapters. 
Pairing: BTS x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: Poly!au, fluff, humor
Word Count: 5,035 
A/N: I’m not telling you if this is canon to the Impulsive Decision series or not. #getrekt (gif not mine) I finished this at 4am to keep my promise to post this on Christmas morning (for me anyway) so tired 
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“Joon. Put the ornament down. ” I stated cautiously, my hands up as I stopped decorating the tree.
“Hyung, Jimin made that, so if you break it you break his heart.” Jungkook stated, only looking up from his phone for a brief moment.
“Don’t be dramatic.” Hoseok scoffed, getting a garland from the box.
“Are we thinking silver or gold theme?” Seokjin asked, walking into the room with two boxes of ornaments.
“We’re thinking Namjoon puts the WINGS ornament down.” Yoongi informed, untangling the white lights.
“I won’t break it! I just don’t know where to put it!” Namjoon defended himself.
“DOWN. That’s where you put it.” Jungkook exhaled in slight annoyance.
“If Jimin comes back to see you with that, he will lose his mind.” Hoseok shook his head.
I walked over to Namjoon and took it carefully out his hands, “Don’t worry about it right now, Joonie. We haven’t even decided the color scheme of the tree.” I smiled.
“Taehyung is voting on rainbow.” Jungkook informed us while typing on his phone.
“And Jimin?” Yoongi asked, handing off the lights to Hoseok to hand on hooks around the room.
“He’s thinking either red and white or silver and purple.”
“This would be a lot less complicated if we did this in the bunker.” Seokjin frowned, helping Hoseok steady himself on the couch arm.
“You know our family is just waiting to surprise visit. I don’t want to explain to them why we’re in a bunker.” Namjoon grumbled moving to get the box of stockings.
I shrugged going over to Namjoon to pluck a few stockings out the box to hang, “It’s bad enough we had to make up a story of how we met.” I frowned.
“It’s not all bad. How about this, we’ll tell them the truth when you and I get married.” Jungkook bargained.
“I always thought it would be me.” Yoongi smirked as he untangled more lights.
“You are very sensible at times.” I pondered.
“You only think that because he’s good at making himself look good!” Hoseok argued, making Seokjin chuckle.
“If I’m losing to any of you at the marriage game, I’d rather it be Namjoon-Hyung or Taehyung!” Jungkook scrunched his nose at the word ‘losing’.
“Why them!?” Hoseok looked offended.
“OKAY, that’s enough of that! We won’t argue about this right now!” I shouted over them.
I took a deep breath, “Jin, Hoseok, as soon as the lights are done, the two of you start on the cookies, one cuts and bakes, and the other frosts and decorates. Yoongi, please get a hold of Christmas classic sheet music or something of that nature to play for me, please? I need to stay sane and you know you and your piano calm me the most. ” I whined, showing weakness for a brief moment before starting again, “Jungkook, Joon, you two work on moving the living room to better fit the tree and then work on the lights for the hallway, please baby boys.” I sighed.
“We like when you take charge.” Hoseok smirked.
“Baby Boys? Don’t you mean Baby Boy?” Namjoon scoffed.
I frowned, “No, Joonie. You’re really cute today. ” I saw color litter at his face as his smile grew.
“Yeah, she means Baby Boy.” Jungkook teased.
Before he could retaliate Jin spoke up, “What about Jimin and Taehyung?”
“They will be wrapping presents as I try to decorate the tree as fast and presentable as I can.” I looked over at the tree, frowning.
It took Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin and I almost an hour to set up the fake tree because we didn’t have time to get a real one. We left the safety of the bunker in a hurry that we didn’t think about much. We headed to the store and bought as much as we could to decorate the dorm that was empty of decorations and holiday cheer. The boys wanted the calm bunker that was already decorated. They wanted to spend Christmas worry-free, but due to my family and theirs, it became clear that it might not happen.
Jimin and Taehyung left forty minutes ago to go food shopping because we didn’t really plan to spend Christmas Eve at the dorms.
Jungkook got off the floor with a sigh, “Why does our first Christmas with you have to be so stressful.” I frowned, moving to cup his face.
“How about we have a re-do after Christmas? We can do it the way we planned when it settles down?” I proposed.
Jungkook quickly nodded, “Cozy morning and a lot of food!” I smiled brightly at his excited expression while his eyes twinkled in happiness.
“Done!” I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, “Now help Joon with the furniture.” I giggled as his face flushed a bit.
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It was chaos. I wished my plan had worked.
“Will you stop moving the box!? I’m trying to line this up right!” Jimin almost snapped a Taehyung.
“Well line it up right and I wouldn’t have to move the box!” Taehyung argued.
“HYUNG! Stop stepping on the cords!” I heard Jungkook scold from the hallway.
“WILL YOU ALL STOP YELLING!? I’M TRYING TO LEARN THIS SONG!” Yoongi shouted from the piano.
I would hear the arguments between the three duos and Yoongi who wanted them to stop.
“KNOW WHAT!? FUCK THE TREE THEN!” I stated finally, walking over Taehyung and Jimin.
I got the wrapping paper with the grid on the inside and put it next to them, “Get it together you two!”
I moved over to the kitchen, “JIN! Just keep cutting cookies!” I dropped down and helped Hoseok pick up the hot broken cookies and then made my way to the hallway.
I grabbed the stray light strand off the floor, rolled it up neatly and handed it to Namjoon, “Keep the cords rolled up so it’s easier and you don’t step on it! Jungkook! Have the hooks go between the braiding of the light strand so they don’t fall!” I stomped back into the living room and picked up and ornament.
I took a deep breath in the more quiet, cooperative home.
“Blue, silver and gold.” I breathe, trying to calm myself.
“Hyung, you better stop or they will kill you.” Hoseok chortled.
“Seokjin! I better not hear you fucking up over there!” I called in warning.
“I’m not!” Seokjin defended.
“Really!? Because I hear fuCKING UP OVER THERE.”
“He’s making the cookie man have a pink beard.” Hoseok notified.
“…Is it stylish?” I questioned.
“…It has a cowboy hat.”
“He’s yelling at you.”
“Take a deep breath and relax.” Yoongi’s voice floated into my right ear.
I took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to shake off the tenseness of my muscles.
“Taehyung-ah, get me the ribbon.” Jimin asked casually.
“Ribbon? We don’t have any remember?” Taehyung whispered.
“Guys stop! I just got them to ca-!” I cut Yoongi off.
“They ran out!” Taehyung held up his hands in surrender.
“Y/N! Calm down!” Yoongi grabbed my face and making me look at him.
“Who cares about ribbon!? Just calm down. Seokjin and Hoseok are handling cookies. Jimin and Taehyung are handling gifts. Namjoon and Jungkook are handling decorating. The tree looks done. Just come sit with me and relax a bit.” I sighed, nodding in agreement, letting him lead me to the piano.
Yoongi guided my head to rest on his shoulder and started to play a light melody.
“Is that ‘Silver Bell’?” I ask softly, now calm.
“Are you calm?” Yoongi urged.
I only nodded.
“Thank God. I was worried I would have to tie you to the tree.” He exhaled.
“But it’s a blue, silver and gold theme.” I frowned.
Yoongi shook his head, “I love you.”
“I love you all too.” I smiled.
“You just all irritate me sometimes.” I added.
“…You just had to add that, didn’t you?”
“A genius once told me honestly is the best policy.”
“The one time you actually listen to me.”
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I rested my head on Hoseok’s stomach as he idly played with my hair while on his phone. I hummed happily. Namjoon moved a bit on the couch to put my feet on his lap.
“My parents are going to my sister’s this Christmas, so less to worry about,” Hoseok stated, looking up from his phone.
“My family is on vacation.” Jimin sighed, tossing his phone on the coffee table.
“What do they mean ‘we didn’t know you wanted us’,” Seokjin mumbled, still focused on his phone.
Taehyung decided to climb on top of me and Hoseok, “I’m tired.” He only said as we complained about being disturbed from our comfort.
“We should head back to the bunker since no one is coming tonight.” Yoongi suggested, putting his phone in his pocket.
“All this for nothing.” Jungkook shook his head.
“We got cookies out of it.” Namjoon smiled.
“Let’s leave everything here and just come back for stuff later. I’m too tired to clean and move stuff.” Jimin whined.
“Sounds like a plan.” Taehyung’s voice was muffled as he tried fighting off Hoseok trying to push him off us and the couch.
We all reluctantly got up and put on our shoes and jackets. We made our way to the car and drove back to the bunker. As soon as we got in the boys spread out, turning on lights and making their way to their rooms to change into more comfortable clothes.
I happily went to the living room and turned on our tree. I went to the kitchen and started to make us all hot chocolate as they all came back into the living room.
“We could watch that one!” Jungkook suggested as Namjoon scrolled through holiday movies.
Taehyung started to make bowls of popcorn and Seokjin started putting the cookies in our glass cake stand and Yoongi was getting blankets out the storage closet.
Jimin and Hoseok started pushing the two large couch ottomans to the already large couch to make it seem like a large bed.
Yoongi lied out the blankets. Taehyung put popcorn in three large bowls. Seokjin began to walk to the living room with the cookies. Namjoon and Jungkook settled on a movie. Jimin helped Yoongi by putting down pillows. Hoseok moved the coffee table more towards the side of the couch and I served the hot chocolate in eight mugs.
Taehyung handed out the bowls and Seokjin put the cookies on the coffee table. I started putting the mugs on a tray to carry easier and moved them to the coffee table, happy my boys were getting comfortable. I climbed into the makeshift nest right in the middle and moved under the blankets. Seokjin pulled me a little closer and Jimin happily leaned against me. Namjoon ran to turn off the bright light in the kitchen to only leave us in the soft glow of the tv and twinkle of the tree and string lights we put up.
All cuddled together, drinking hot chocolate, eating popcorn and enjoying the mutual love in between us.
“This is the best Christmas Eve.” Yoongi smiled while reaching over to get popcorn out of the bowl Taehyung was sitting with.
“I’m paranoid I’m going to spill this.” Hoseok admitted before taking a sip of his hot chocolate and setting it on the coffee table for good measure.
“Can we do this every year? It’s really relaxing.” Namjoon sunk more into the pillows.
Jungkook playfully shoved Namjoon more into the couch, causing Namjoon to let out muffled panic for a few moments. Jungkook let out an evil laugh and resumed watching the movie. I tried to hold back my laughter, unlike Hoseok and Jimin as I reached over and fixed Namjoon’s hair.
“This is why we decide you get alone time with Y/n last.” Seokjin shook his head at Jungkook.
“No, you’re saving the best for last. ” I only frowned at Jungkook’s comment.
Namjoon gave me a big grin to which I giggled at, “You’re so cute, Joonie.” I beamed, my heart squeezing in admiration.
I gave him a small kiss on the lips, restraining myself from giving him more, and settled back into my spot.
“Why does he get a kiss?” Taehyung questioned.
“Because there was an attempted assassination,” Namjoon stated nonchalantly.
“That’s a lie. I didn’t try to kill you. You only stopped breathing for a second.” Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“That sounds so bad out of context.” Jimin commented.
“Because it was bad.” Namjoon shot a look at Jungkook.
“Can you all stop talking? Jin and I are trying to watch the movie.” Yoongi grumbled.
After a few moments of silence, I started thinking more.
How did we even begin to explain this complicated relationship? It was bad enough that we had to sit a the dining room table and make up stories on how I met each of them. Then we had to pretend I was only dating one of them for certain amounts of time. it always broke my heart when I couldn’t hold hands with them in public, they looked like they really wanted to as well. Right now I’m just like their REALLY close friend to the public. Each of their parents think I’m dating their son and their son only.
Surprisingly the boys loved the bunker as much as I did and I had to make copies of the key to everyone. They spent their days off in the bunker. My apartment was still there mostly untouched, I only slept in it when I would be very busy because it was closer to the company.
I really wanted to settle down with the men I fell in love with, but it was far more complicated than that. They seemed to know too but brushed it off. The one who did this the most was Jimin. Every time the boys would bring it up so we could sort it out, Jimin would just say we would figure it out in time. I couldn’t marry them all. I might not be able to have children with them all either.
“We should take a picture,” Jungkook suggested, sitting up.
Hoseok grabbed his phone off the coffee table while Namjoon paused the movie. We all moved closer to the Christmas tree where Jungkook at. I smiled at the atmosphere that hung around us. I did focus too much on the negative sometimes. The outlook always left me when I looked at them. Despite the situation that was given to me, I would enjoy this Christmas. I would enjoy the loves of my life for the holidays to come.
“SAY BUNKER!” Namjoon encouraged in English.
“BUNKERRR!” We cheered, giggling as Hoseok took the picture.
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I helped Seokjin make pancakes as he mixed around the large pan of eggs. Seokjin and I didn’t hold back singing off tune and dancing like idiots to Christmas songs as Namjoon and Hoseok unloaded the car from getting our presents from the dorms. Jimin laughed at us and poured Yoongi coffee. Yoongi only shook his head as he focused on his ‘Genius Book’. Taehyung walked out from the hallway, dancing with nothing but a large puffy green robe and garland around his head like a crown. Jungkook walked behind him, black hood and robe, smiling but shaking his head.
Namjoon came back into the room, seeing the chaos and shaking his head, “You were actually serious on wearing those outfits?”
“Why do you think Jimin wore white pajamas?” Jungkook chuckled.
“I DON’T NEED TO HANG MY STOCKING, THERE UPON THE FIREPLACE!” Seokjin, Taehyung and I obnoxiously sang.
“You all started without me!?” Hoseok gasped, quickly going behind Seokjin and me to start being obnoxious with us.
Jungkook and Jimin quickly joined in, “SANTA CLAUS WON’T MAKE ME HAPPY, WITH A TOY ON CHRISTMAS DAY!”
“You are all embarrassing!” Yoongi complained from the table.
“ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOONGI!” We somehow managed to think the same thing to tease our grumpy boyfriend.
“YAH! ENOUGH!” He shouted flusteredly.
“This is what we deal with ARMY.” Namjoon sighed holding out his phone to record us.
All us star singers started serving the big breakfast and delivering it to the table. Pancakes, waffles, sausage, eggs, toast, berries, and home fries. We really didn’t care about diets that day. Jimin happily retrieved the non-virgin eggnog from the fridge and got out glasses.
“That’s for the night, not the morning!” Namjoon took the large glass eggnog bottle from Jimin.
Seokjin took the bottle from Namjoon and began to open it, “We have three of these, one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It’s Christmas!”
“Fuck yeah!” Jungkook cheered making Yoongi give him a look.
“This is going to end badly isn’t it?” I turned to Hoseok who nodded.
“Y/n! Why did you get three!?” Namjoon interrogated.
I held my hands up, “My family makes it every year so it’s really good! I figured one bottle would do us justice. Yoongi and I get drunk with music so one bottle was for us and the other two were for Christmas and New Years!” I quickly defended.
“Then why didn’t you hide our bottle!?” Yoongi demanded, getting up from the table to run to the fridge to protect our bottle.
“We’ll just see how this goes,” Taehyung sighed, covering his cup so Jimin wouldn’t make him drink.
“I’ll just have one glass.” Hoseok asserted, sitting down.
“No one gets plastered before nine pm. I don’t give a fuck, I’m not peeling anyone off this table!” I warranted.
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“As the Ghost of Christmas Future, I demand chicken nuggets!” Jungkook ordered.
“Who thought it would be a good idea to get fast food for Christmas lunch!?” Seokjin demanded from the backseat.
“Because you wouldn’t let us cook in ‘your’ kitchen!” Taehyung defended from behind the wheel, still in nothing but his boxers, green robe, garland crown and now slippers.
Jimin giggled, trying to hold my hand, “Chim, you’re making it very obvious, you’re not sneaky.” I sighed.
“How did WE become the sober ones!?” Taehyung groaned.
“Because you don’t love us.” Yoongi mumbled from the very back.
“Our leader stood strong but lost the battle to save us.” I fake cried, making Jimin look worried enough that he tried unbuckling his seat belt so he could hug me.
“He did take my cup so I wouldn’t have to drink.” Taehyung agreed, pulling into the McDonalds drive-thru, coming to a stop behind a car.
“Hyung, I’m a hero.” Namjoon whispered to Seokjin.
Hoseok was just leaning back, I wasn’t sure if he was sleeping or dead at this point.
“Ghost of Christmas Past, I wasn’t really crying.” I muffled from Jimin’s shoulder.
“Chim Chim, sit back!” Taehyung commanded, prying Jimin off me.
“Stop hogging them, Taehyung!” Seokjin complained.
“I’m not! You all need to sit back and put on your seatbelts!” Taehyung was so done with them all.
“You’re not nearly as fun as the REAL Ghost of Christmas Present.” Jungkook taunted.
“Oh shit, you just got called out.” I instigated.
“Y/n, not now. ” Taehyung gave me an unamused look.
“Do we just order chicken nuggets for everyone to keep them busy while we make the real lunch?” I asked.
Taehyung looked to the back seat and rolled down his window, “Time to order eighty chicken nuggets.”
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Taehyung shoved more bread into Jimin’s mouth, “Mmm sofer!” Jimin muffled in protest.
“This isn’t very necessary. ” Namjoon said with a frown, all sobered up twenty minutes ago after lunch, water and coffee but Taehyung insisted they eat bread too.
Jungkook unhappily nibbled on the sandwich bread, looking disinterested.
“It is! This is punishment for making Y/n and I have no fun while you were all gone.” Taehyung established.
“You liar! We all know you snuck some time with Y/n during lunch!” Seokjin inquired.
“HEY! I wanted a gift and the Ghost of Christmas Present was more than happy to give me that present.” I clapped back, mixing the soup for dinner.
I mean can you blame me? He had on a soft robe that showed off his chest and I thought he looked especially sexy in an outfit I didn’t think he would wear.
“You will unwrap me later.” Jungkook teased.
“Stop saying something that won’t happen.” Jimin fussed.
“He’s the Ghost of Christmas future. Doesn’t he know everything to come?” Yoongi examined.
“He could be lying though.” Hoseok debated.
“You won’t know until the future comes.” Jungkook shrugged.
“I should help Y/n with dinner.” Seokjin began to stand.
“No! I’ll help them.” Taehyung stood quickly.
“Now you’re just being clingy!” Hoseok laughed.
“You know he gets clingy after.” Yoongi smiled.
“You do too. That’s why we all have a DAY with Y/n and not an hour.” Namjoon chuckled.
“How about you hug and I help.” Seokjin rolled his eyes.
“Deal!” Taehyung agreed before jogging to me and attaching himself to my back, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Can we just agree to sleep in the BED tonight? Christmas a New Year will be spent in the big bed. All together.” Jimin recommended.
The boys seemed to agree to the idea. Not wanting to start the New Year in sperate rooms and beds.
“We haven’t even opened presents.” Jungkook frowned.
“I was surprised you all didn’t go right for them.” I tittered.
“Do we open them now?” Namjoon asked.
“Sounds good!” I assured trying to walk to the living room with Taehyung not letting go.
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“WHY ARE YOU THE WAY THAT YOU ARE!?” Seokjin demanded as Jimin put down a 4+ Uno card.
“I want it green.” Jimin shrugged.
“No one has green but you!” Taehyung groaned.
“WHY DID I SUGGEST THIS!?” I cried out, my head falling forward so my face pressed to the glass of the coffee table.
“This game has gone on for longer than forty minutes,” Hoseok declared, his voice sounding emotionless, he’s been dead inside since the ten-minute mark of the game.
“Dinner had been done for an hour!” Yoongi complained.
“This was supposed to be a quick game…” Namjoon trailed off, looking at his hand of cards, wondering where it all went wrong.
“It would’ve been if you would’ve just let me win the damn game!” Jungkook snapped.
“Let’s just agree we are all competitive assholes who don’t want the others to win.” I whispered, my voice hoarse from shouting, not looking up from the table.
“Jimin is the asshole right now.” Taehyung muttered, drawing cards to get a green.
“All I have is green!” Jimin objected.
“WELL, YOU GOT ALL THE GREEN OUT THE DECK!” Taehyung finally snapped as he already drew six cards trying to find a green card.
“Fuck you all, I’m going to go eat.” Hoseok grunted, throwing his cards on the table and leaving to serve himself.
“Stop abandoning this family, Hoseok!” Seokjin called after him.
“I want to abandon this family too.” I lifted my head up from the table.
Yoongi got up wordlessly to follow Hoseok and Namjoon began to draw for a green card.
“Guys, come back I’m cold and I don’t want Jimin near me right now.” I whined to Hoseok and Yoongi who were at my sides.
“Hey! You should be mad at Jungkook too! He’s heartless!” Jimin bickered.
“Then come eat.” I dropped my cards without hesitation and decided to join the two.
“DON’T TURN THIS ON ME YOU GREEN STEALER!” Jungkook held a finger up.
“We should really stop before we all hate each other.” Seokjin laughed.
“The constant Christmas music is really adding to the slow decline of my sanity.” Namjoon added, changing the color to blue.
“WHY BLUE!?” Seokjin roared in disbelief, his attitude flipping on a dime.
“What do you mean? You don’t have green, blue or red? You have a banana hand over there?” Jungkook asked, lifting up slightly to peek at Jin’s cards.
I happily pulled apart a dinner roll as Hoseok slurped up soup. Yoongi wrapped his arm around my hip and pulled. I understood and moved so I was sitting on his lap but still enjoying my meal.
“We had it on yellow and you complained. Something you want to get off your chest?” Taehyung asked.
“This is why I hate playing games with you all sometimes!” Seokjin complained as he drew cards.
I wiggled a bit in Yoongi’s lap, making him grip my hips as a warning. I heard groans and cried of anguish as I looked up to see Jungkook lay down a 4+ card.
“NO! I REFUSE TO DRAW ANYMORE CARDS!” Jimin shook his head.
“You have to! That’s the rules!” Jungkook growled.
“No, because I know you have a blue in that hand and you just want to be petty!” Jimin fought.
“Jungkook-ah, don’t be a brat.” Taehyung seemed to scold.
As much as I was mad a Jimin and liked the fact that he was getting a taste of his own medicine I knew Kookie had a blue in that hand as well. I sighed, knowing Jungkook was just acting out because he was frustrated and competitive.
“No, I don’t, just draw the cards!”
“Chimmm!” I called out.
Jimin snapped his head over to look at me.
“If you come eat with us, I’ll feed you!” I tempted with a smile.
“I know what you’re doing! He can’t act this way bec-”
“But Chim, I’ll even give you a kiss!” I baited.
Jimin let out a sigh, “Y/n, he’s being a brat!”
“And I want to love you! Who’s going to get their way?” I pouted.
Jimin looked at his cards then dropped them on the table, standing so he could make his way over to the table.
“WHAT!? That’s not fair!” Jungkook accused.
Jimin served himself the soup and sat in front of me. I gave Yoongi a quick kiss on the cheek and made my way to sit next to Jimin.
“Do I get a kiss if I quit?” Seokjin negotiated.
“Then Yoongi and I get a kiss too.” Hoseok insisted.  
Jimin happily leaned forward and cupped my face. He tilted his head and pressed his lips softly against mine. Our lips moved in sync for three seconds before I pulled back with a smile and got his spoon. I scooped up a perfect dumpling and blew on it for safety reasons. I lifted the spoon to Jimin’s mouth, he blew on it twice before taking it into his mouth lovingly.
“Stop or I barf.” Jungkook fussed.
“It’s your fault the rest of us have to see that!” Seokjin challenged.
“I will give you all a kiss if you stop playing that game, come eat this multiple course meal and love each other.” I offered.
I saw cards spew across the table and the boys rush to the kitchen.
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I nustled my face in Namjoon’s neck as we all got in the big bed after dinner to watch a movie.
“If it’s not you, it’s Hoseok being stingy with Y/n for movie time.” Seokjin complained, sitting next to Yoongi.
“They were next to us last night.” Jimin stated, unamused by Seokjin’s lie.
“You also tried to get your day tomorrow even though it’s Jungkook’s day.” Taehyung added making Hoseok “Oooh”.
Namjoon was in the middle of the bed, I was cuddled up to Namjoon, meaning I was technically in the middle myself. Hoseok was to our right, next to Hoseok was Taehyung and at the end was Jimin. To our left was Seokjin, then Yoongi at the end, leaving a space between the two for Jungkook.
Jungkook kicked off his slippers and climbed on the bed. He made it a point to push Seokjin towards Yoongi so he could take the spot next to us.
“YAH! WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT!? YOU CAN’T JUST MOVE PEOPLE OVER WHEN THEY WERE THERE FIRST!” Jungkook only grinned at Seokjin’s rant, while Hoseok and Jimin laughed.
“You really are bratty today, Jungkook.” Namjoon commented.
“I think it’s because Christmas Eve was his day but we moved it until after Christmas.” Yoongi guessed.
“We should really make a better schedule,” Seokjin hinted.
“Hoseok on Sundays. Namjoon on Mondays. Taehyung on Tuesdays. Seokjin on Wednesday. Jimin on Thursday. Jungkook on Friday. Yoongi on Saturday?” I recommended.
“What?? No! That would mean Jin-Hyung has his day tomorrow!” Jungkook sat up.
“Brats get punished.” Jimin fake coughed.
“I like it, we don’t have to choose and argue because we have assigned days.” Namjoon shrugged.
“It’s only two days, Jungkook.” Hoseok teased.
“It’s been two days already!”
I yawned, relaxing more into Namjoon, effectively making most of the boys lay down instead of watching the movie.
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” Taehyung smirked.
“No, we talk now! Don’t be mean!”
“You’re the Ghost of Christmas Future, not Christmas Present, we can’t talk now.” Jimin mumbled.
“You all suck.” Jungkook huffed as he lied down.
“We love you too.” Yoongi stretched.
“Good night!” Seokjin teased Jungkook as he turned the other direction.
“…Good night everyone. I love you and Merry Christmas.” I said tiredly.
“I love you too.” They responded, half asleep.
“We should have a rule or something. The days of the week system is flawed during the holidays.” Jungkook’s voice pressed.
“Give it a rest, brat.” Jimin argued sleepily.
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A/N: HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I hope you all have an amazing rest of/beginning of the year! I hope this brought you a little happiness. Thank you for reading and here is to the year to come! 
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philcmena-archive · 5 years
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NATALIA DYER / DEMI GIRL. — philomena carmichael is really making a name for themselves as a sheep. i think that she/they are studying wildlife science in their sophomore year at lockwood, living in audax. originally from woodside, california, philly is known to be whimsical & patient, but can also be apathetic & unpredictable. — james / 20 / est / she/they.
hllo !! 2/5 intros so far, ur almost there !! like saige, there has been slight alterations to philly bt they’re not very extreme uwu
a e s t h e t i c s
wildflowers in your hair and bare feet against moss, binoculars and maps, madonna beating out of half-dead speakers in a half-dead van, whipping wind, jumping off cliffs and rolling down hills, a bandaid wrapped around each finger, cryptic bumper stickers and cryptids in the woods, facing the sun and letting the rays hit you, counting stars late into the night, mismatched socks and lucky ribbons, hoarding a box of special treasures, shoplifting and diner-dashing, bleach against roots, pink sweaters paired with ripped fishnets and slip dresses with knock off uggs, willingly wearing crocs, glitter stickers.
general info !!
full name: philomena brontë carmichael
nickname(s): philly, phil, mena, etc.
b.o.d. - april 20th lmao !!
label(s): the amaranth, the halycon, the neophyte, the wanderer, etc. etc.
height: 5′4″
hometown: woodside, ca
sexuality: ??? $500 ebay mystery box. pansexual if you had to label it.
biography !!
a middle child belonging to christopher and imogen carmichael - two stanford professors. christopher specialized in british literature whilst imogen specialized in the classics. hence the name.
the order of siblings goes as such: lysander, elektra, juno, philomena, and twins orion & valora. the deal was that everybody had a greek (or in juno’s case, roman) first name and a middle name inspired by a piece of british literature circa 1800s and under. a family of nerds, if you will.
so, clearly - right off the bat, their parents are … eccentric. they’re both in love with their respected topic, and with each other, and with their kids. the carmichael family is a happy family.
they each have their own quirks and whatnot - though philly’s always been particularly dreamy - even as a child, she’d spend hours watching clouds or caterpillars or the leaves blow in the wind rather than play with other kids. she wasn’t a shy kid - she just had her own interests.
hardship doesn’t hit the family until philomena is five and starts having splitting headaches. they’re slow at first - but as soon as she’s seeing spots and unable to walk in a straight line, doctor appointments are made.
it doesn’t take long for them to discover the tumor, though the official diagnosis of malignant ependymoma comes a month later.
it’s grade ii but slow-moving, small enough to not be as much of a threat as worried, but big enough where removal is necessary. philomena earns a scar and brings it in for show-and-tell. for two months afterwards, philly’s at radiotherapy monday through friday.
they’re lucky - philomena’s considered cancer-free by the next year. she’s babied at first - handled delicately, as if she could break if touched - but with five other children … it doesn’t last for too long.
and life continues as normal.
her personality doesn’t shift much over the next few years - she’s awfully independent for a kid, and awfully quiet - when she speaks it’s about faeries and bigfoot, about how the sky is so blue and if you listen quietly, you can hear the leaves whisper their secrets to each other. this is not odd.
she’s close to all her siblings, but she idolizes her older sister - elektra. elektra’s six years older and dyes her hair whatever colors she wants. elektra bought a knife off a seedy guy downtown. elektra threw away all of her heels and renounced god. elektra is god. her music is loud but it’s not heavy - it’s florence and the machine.
they’re opposites - elektra’s boisterous and feels loudly, philomena’s softer and feels…less. when elektra sneaks out, philomena keeps watch. they are a duo.
philomena is smart - but she’s fifteen and hates school. hates sitting inside all day. hates the same routine - day after day - it’s all the same. her parents’ routine is the same, philly feels contained and she wants to live.
elektra’s twenty-one and just bought a brand new spanking (used but not falling apart) 19-something volkswagen … van - using her entire savings account. she says she’s tired of routine, she’s leaving the next day.
naturally, philomena stows away in the back and isn’t discovered until they’re two states away and she’s got to pee. elektra nearly crashes the van in shock.
it’s an argument - philomena vs. elektra, then them vs. their parents, then their parents vs. the school, the state - it’s an ordeal. philomena switches to an online program in the end.
it hurts christopher and imogen - lysander’s not having any of their nonsense, juno’s betrayed and alone - the twins are twins. in the end, it’s alright. the carmichael family is a happy family.
philomena and elektra take their time - it’s not a road trip, it’s their new life, permanently on the road. they stop and explore often - they do odd jobs in whatever town they settle in. they dine-n-dash, they shoplift. they survive in their own way.
during particularly desperate times, they two resorted to identity theft & credit fraud - getting away with it only by ditching the cards once they’ve made it out of state.
she drops out of high school officially when she’s seventeen - they have to drive all the way back to california to deal with the wrath of their parents and to deal with paperwork, but it’s done. philomena doesn’t know what path she wants in life - but it’s not that.
it’s during this time that the episodes occur - philomena’s outside her body, philomena’s wrapped in cotton, her memories are not her own. she’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t recognize herself. they take shelter in a city for six months, long enough for her brand spankin’ new therapist to figure out what’s wrong with her. she’s diagnosed with depersonalization / derealization disorder - they think it’s stress. philomena doesn’t get stressed. they think it’s trauma. she laughs - she never laughs.
she gets medication, and life is normal.
three years later and her parents want philly to have a higher education - desperate for it, really - worried for her future. it’s a battle that she loses, getting her GED and applying to a local college in a town halfway across the country.
staying rooted pains her - pains elektra, stuck in a midwest state for no good reason. by the summer before her sophomore year, philly deides to transfer to lockwood. elektra can travel up and down the eastern coast and philly goes too, sometimes, on the weekends. it’s a compromise that favors her parents’ wants above all.
school has caused philly’s disorder to flare up - a small rift in her day-to-day life even when she doesn’t realize it.
things were fine for a while - they have to be fine, because philly is always fine - because elektra is always fine, because they’re always fine and happy and content with their situation. but years of negligence had caught up with philly - and now she’s not quite sure what to do.
it began with a phone call from juno - angry juno, hurt juno - juno who has called every week for four years and has only gotten a handful of answers - and many, many handfuls of answering machines. juno who doesn’t understand why philly is like this - when she’s so hurt, all the time - when things are so much, all the time. the call ends with a reminder that they are the same - that they’ve experienced the same thing, the same thing that nobody else in their family had experienced.
juno, of course, refers to the dead body in the woods nine years ago.
to backtrack - philomena was ten and juno was thirteen when they had decided to go on a hike - a nearby trail that had been walked countless times, in a town they’ve always felt safe in. it should’ve been safe - it should’ve been fine. but philomena liked going off the trail, making her own - insisted on it, in fact. she was the one who skidded down the slope first, curiosity drawn to a dirty, fraying red scarf - but juno had been the one who had tripped and fallen, who had landed besides decaying flesh and maggots. philomena had seen the body first - but juno had touched it. juno had touched it.
after the police and the sirens and the years of therapy, juno had always wanted to talk about it - always wanted to address it, vent to the one person who would maybe, could maybe, understand. philly had already blocked it out of her mind.
back in present day - the phone call with juno had attracted elektra, who then in turn called juno and marched away, screaming match from across the country (supposedly). philly, always a little too curious, had only overheard parts of their argument. but she heard the one thing that left her bothered - a rare experience, and a sickening one. elektra had called her a child. just a kid, to be exact.
philly had stopped considering herself a child when she turned eighteen - and she certainly never thought she acted childish. confrontation led to a rift, and philomena determining that they needed time apart - that elektra should go, now, please. and she did. and philly was alone. no elektra, no florence - no more depending on her sister, just philly. alone. 
personality !!
she’s quiet but she’s confident - her voice sounds like rustling leaves, if leaves smoked a pack of cigarettes a day.
often underestimated - philly’s petite and looks like she’d fall over if a plastic bag blew too close to her. she’s independent - for the most part. elektra is the only person philly takes orders from.
has always been considered odd - weird, strange. still talks about the trees as if they’re listening, as if they’re old friends. she’s vague and doesn’t elaborate on the things she says.
believes in pretty much any superstition you throw her way. luck is very important to her. if you ask her if the earth is flat, she’ll say probably. believes strongly in bigfoot and the lochness monster. has personally seen aliens, and loves ghosts almost more than herself.
she can be amusing - whether you ‘get’ her or not, her outlook is often bright - she talks about the negatives the same way she talks about the positives. can be seen as naive or gullible, but she’s plenty smart. even if half of her education has come directly from google.
philly doesn’t laugh. a smile, yes - often, in fact - not always reaching her ears, or bearing teeth - but these are not indicators of her happiness. philly is consistently content. she thinks many things are funny - she still will not laugh.
her voice is often monotonous - she doesn’t sound dreary, she sounds far-away. her voice carries. her emotions are often unknown to others.
is apathetic in most situations. she’s hard to bother - she’s incredibly patient and enjoys the company of most - tolerates them at the very least. it’s hard for her to express her emotions, because she feels them so little that it’s very nearly not worth it. her affection is not verbal - it’s small touches and gestures of kindness, love in her own way.
is a fan of knock-knock jokes and bad puns. she won’t crack a smile while telling you them, nor does she expect you to laugh. she just enjoys them.
she owns a motorola razr covered in puffy stickers - hasn’t ever had a smartphone. she’s a fan of emoticons. her favorite is :o)
has a lot of bruises and scratches and scars - she’s often getting herself into pickles. there are always, at the very minimum, three bandaids on each hand.
she has insomnia, so she’s awake often. is often seen wandering town - even when she shouldn’t be, even when it might be dangerous. her intuition is delayed. when she does sleep - her dreams are vivid and fantastical.
keeps a box of memories - sentimental bits and pieces she’s picked up over the last few years. there are a lot of buttons and postcards, but any teeny tiny object will do.
her style changes every week - most, if not all, of her clothes are thrifted. one week she’s baby spice and the next she’s lydia deetz. she combines pieces from different styles often - she looks like a barbie clothed by a child. she feels most comfortable like this.
will either patch-up the clothes that get too worn or reuse them in some way. sometimes donates the clothes she gets tired off - isn’t minimalistic, but she’s learned to keep only a small amount of possessions.
the only consistency is her lucky ribbon - it’s pastel yellow and silky and as thin as a shoelace. she ties it onto her outfit of the day, everyday. if she loses it, she’s lost. elektra has a matching ribbon.
has no problem with minor theft - she only takes bare minimum, puts herself and elektra first and that’s how it’s always been. she tries to be good while in rochester - would hate to make enemies whilst florence is getting repaired.
currently living in audax while elektra stays in their van, florence - sometimes philly stays there during the weekends.
they used to live in motels on the occasion, the cheapest room, and more often than not they’d both go home with strangers for a comfier bed and a hotter shower.
it was a common occurrence - she didn’t sleep with them - but somehow, she weaseled her way into their homes anyway. has come out mostly unscathed, on most occasions. this has been a practice ever since they’ve been on the road.
really, truly - has not slept with anybody, had her first and only kiss at thirteen with a frog. this doesn’t bother her.
will consume a n y t h i n g you put in front of her - isn’t picky.
listens to whatever they’ve picked up along the way but she likes instrumentals the best. her second favorite genre is 1990′s and 2000′s top hits. they’re nostalgic for her.
loves storms - will go out in the rain and will risk her life for it.
owns a pair of roller-skates and is often skating rather than walking. unless she’s on grass - then she’s walking barefoot.
has many hobbies, and gets bored of them often. her favorite hobby is welding. she’s not certified.
also, juggles.
also, accordion.
the kind of girl who’ll do any job you give her. odd jobs are her favorite jobs. babysitting is her least favorite - but she does it anyway. has lost children before. have they ever been found? not by philly.
dyes her hair blonde often and cuts her own hair - bangs included - finds it cathartic, likes the itchiness of bleach.
everything she does is often in pursuit of feeling free, alive, and meaningful.
connections to the victims !!
tatiana samuels & george craig iii / philly was not attending lockwood university at the time of their deaths, and has never met them.
hana williams / they were friends, but didn’t hang out together often. they sometimes ate lunch together, or went on walks at night together. hana had wanted to meet philly’s many pets.
christoph wainwright / philly and christoph had met through a mutual friend, and though philly hadn’t been expecting kindness from him - he had given her it, and in turn she found him interesting. a little too interesting, maybe - and they had kept talking since their initial meeting. they met and spoke often at night, for hours at a time - where nobody would see them. philly never understood why he had wanted it that way, but she respected it. even now, their ‘friendship’ with each other isn’t known by others. it’s a secret, one could say.
wanted connections !!
random encounters - she’s new to rochester and doesn’t know many people - if anybody at all, so :-)
alternately, people she’s run into with elektra during their journey. whether they’ve stolen from them or stayed with them somewhere or just, ate dinner with them. anything.
someone whose couch / floor she’s crashed on after a night of whatever - a party, adventure, etc.
people she does jobs for !! people who commission her to make stuff for them. people who need a babysitter.
people who think she’s weird - and those who like it. or those who hate it. people who don’t understand her - people who do, in their own way.
someone trying to get closer to her but she keeps slipping out from between their fingers.
a parental / older sibling figure !! they take one look at philomena and instantly want to swaddle and protect her.
people who take an immediate liking to her. people who introduce her to the music scene. people who show her around town.
someone who catches her stealing or about to dine-n-dash.
late-night walking pals.
a dealer b/c weed ? a thing.
someone who gets into a debate with her about conspiracies or superstitions or anything !! someone who gets frustrated at her apathy.
somebody who just immediately distrusts her for whatever reason.
??? you don’t have a smartphone ??? cue someone trying to teach her how they work - and philly hating it !!
thrifting pals.
m a y b e a hook-up, eventually, but it’s questionable.
something unrequited, likely on their end b/c philly is … a hard egg to crack.
maybe something returned !! eventually. slowly. slow.
god … someone she just tells her entire life story to. like this meme.
i’m rly down to brainstorm and think of anything !!! dnt forget 2 leave a like :)
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college au (spicy)
Yoosung x MC? 👀
Oop I see you there nonny :0
MM college AU (Yoosung x MC) nsfw-ish wink wonk
Warnings: uhhh lote of fluff and also sum drinking so uh yeah (idk if I should put it as a warning but there ya go anyway, just in case!)
You bitterly congratulated yourself as you looked at the text message you just received from your classmate.
Basically you had overslept, playing games too late at night(or should we say morning? You went to sleep at 4am and your class was at 7!) You didn't hear your alarm and basically missed your first day of class!
To be fair, you had planned on going to sleep at 12, but all of a sudden this bastard stole your loot and you wanted v e n g e a n c e
Sadly you weren't able to find the guy and had to cool off by playing a few rounds of LOLOL and just massacring the enemy team. Still, you swore to get back that amazing item you had just received.
The thing was, the first day of class, your professor had actually given everyone a group project! Yes, he was one of those teachers -_-
Since you hadn't been there you weren't able to group with your friend, and you had gotten paired up with people you didn't really know. You weren't super good at making friends, so you were getting a bit nervous, and you also didn't want to loose the whole percentage of the work, since you did have to get good grades!
A few weeks later, the group (who had already made a group chat a few days after you missed class, there were a total of five people with you included) and you all decided to meet at the coffee shop near the campus to talk about the project. It was due in two days, and you already had most of your part of the work done thankfully! We stan being responsible (a/n says the procastination queen LMFAO SORRY)
When you made it to the coffee shop, you only saw a total of two people there. One of them was a plain looking dude, with brown hair wearing some purple glasses, and the other one was a blonde boy who immediately made you think of a golden retriever! The two guys looked up at you, with the blonde one immediately standing up and introducing himself.
"Hi! Uhm, my name is Yoosung! Yoosung Kim! Nice to meet you!"
Oh my goodness he's adorable... though where have I heard that name before...?
You introduced yourself and told him your name, replying that it was nice to meet him too!
As you sat down beside him, you couldn't help but sneak glances in his directions. He was very very cute, his purple eyes looking all happy and excited all the time. Yet sometimes you could see a hint of.... hopelessness. You wondered why.
It turned out, that the other group members had suddenly called in sick, or said they had a family emergency. Not only that, but the plain guy with glasses gave you both an usb and mumbled that he actually had to go somewhere else today, but that he had his part of the presentation done and was in the usb.
Of course that did not make any of you happy at all. Yoosung looked as if he was about to either cry or punch someone, maybe both, and you werw mad that your teammates were so useless. But you tried to stay positive, I mean hey, now you get to spend time with the cute guy alone!
The two of you seemed to be the only ones to have done any work, the glasses dude's presentation was....let's just say wrong information and a white background with a yellow sans font. No I'm not joking.
"AGHHH this is impossible! How are we going to get all this work done in two days!? This is three people's part of the project, and it's not exactly short! Were gonna be here all afternoon!" Yoosung sobbed, as he covered his face and laid his head on the table.
"H-hey it's alright! We can uh...we can do it! I'm sure it won't take that long!"
It did take that long.
In face, it was 3am when you finished and had to leave the place because it was closing, so you had to go to your room and finish it there.
As soon as you were done, you both let out a tired victory yell and you fell back on your bed.
"Oh,hey Y/N, could I borrow your computer for a second? I just gotta check something that can't really wait..."
"Sure!" You gave him a thumbs up and rolled on your side to face Yoosung who was probably checking his emails.
You were not prepared for the scream that he suddenly let out.
He flinched when he heard your voice and slowly got up from the chair, pointing a finger shakily in your direction.
"Y-you....y-y-you a-are....TortillasRock320?"
You immediately sat up upon hearing the username you had made when you were 13 suddenly being said. Then you nodded. "How...how do you know me...?"
Yoosung's face became paler and you could see him start fidgeting a little before he pointed at himself.
You immediately let out a gasp, shocking the poor boy and you stood up. "YOU!! YOU STOLE ALL MY LOOT IN LOLOL!"
"I...ugh....dammit. it just had to be you didn't it?" You rubbed your temples and then Yoosung looked up from the ground.
"U-uhm...I could give it back...and uh...maybe get you some food?"
"Food isn't gonna cut it, as much as I love it."
"W-well how about we go and eat in a few days f-for now and then uh...we couldddd....think of something else!" He looked at you with a big smile and who could say no to that face?
So you exchanged phone numbers. It was just meant to try and see whenever the two of you could meet up for some food, but then it became into LOLOL discussions, and just talks about everything and anything. He talked a out his family, his friends, and his struggled with school, with you eventually telling him about your struggles as well. Before you knew it, the two fo you were speaking every single day, at any hour, and you had found out so much about each other. Not only that, but you had eventually become attracted to him.
Finally, vacations came! And the two of you decided to celebrate it by going to a bar with your friends! But then the two of you left because there was too many people, so you bought some beer and went to a nearby internet cafe to play....you guessed it! LOLOL
The two of you had such an AMAZING time, taking shots everyone one of you got killed, or destroyed a tower, or killed one of the dragons, or....well eventually it was just you two drinking and playing.
When you were done it was about 1am, and the cafe closed so you decided to go to Yoosung's place to maybe play there. But then, as the two of you drunkenly made it up the elevator, you suddenly remembered that Yoosung owed you from stealing your loot!
"Hic! Y-Yoosung...l-listen to me y-you brat. You oweeee me a wishhhh."
"Huh?.....oh wait...yeah I d-do right? Bec- hic! Becauzeee I stole your loot last t-time right??"
"I k-know what I want. L-lets just go to y-your apartment first....hic!" You smiled evilly as you thought about what you would do.
You grabbed Yoosung's hand, and he led you towards his place. After laughing and fumbling with his keys for a solid 2 minutes, Yoosung managed to open his door! He mockingly bowed and said "Y-you firstttt~" which made you courtesy and giggle replying "Wh-what a gentleman!"
You waited for Yoosung to close the door, and then he turned around to look at you with a big smile on his face.
"S-sooo Y/N! What...what do you want me t-to do?" He asked.
You made your way towards him and smirked. Then before Yoosung could reply he let out a help as you grabbed him by the hair and made him kneel in front of you, in all fours. "Yoosung. I want you to be my....servant for a day. I want you to do anything I ask you to."
Yoosung gulped and shyly looked up at you, his entire face red. "I...I should? Anything?"
You chuckled. "Yes. You owe me remember? That was a pretty rare item, the one you stole for me. So you should....pay...for what you've done, don't you think so?" He slowly nodded and you pet his head. "Good boy~ Now how about we start by....you taking your clothes off."
Yoosung's eyes widened, but you tightened your grip on his hair and he slowly started undoing his shirt buttons. Then he looked up at you again. "U-uhm...Wh-what else should I do...?"
"Mmm how about you take your pants off now? And do it quickly Yoosung, we don't have all day."
He nodded and took his pants off, kneeling in the ground only in his boxers, and then, in the heat of the moment (you don't exactly knew what took over you) you pressed your foot between his legs, making Yoosung let out a surprised gasp.
"Oho~ You like this don't you? You're hard." You chuckled and pressed harder between his legs, and Yoosung let out a moan.
"I'm...ngh! S-sorry, I d-don't really understand why it's...it's like that uhm.. I'm sorry."
You chuckled and knelt beside Yoosung, cupping his face in your hands. "Yoosung you don't need to apologize. It must feel hot down there...how about we make you feel good?"
Yoosung became even redder, but he looked to the side and covered his mouth with the back of his hand, shyly nodding at you to continue.
You smiled and took Yoosung's underwear off, his member already hard, and slowly, you started licking the tip making Yoosung moan.
"MNGHHH! Y-Y/N!!!"
"Mhmm? What ish it Yoosung? Mmph..." You replied, looking up at him while having his member in your mouth.
"Y-you're....s-sucking...it! Ah! I- I'm....if you do it with your tongue like that...I'm going to...-mmmgh!".
He's adorable, you thought, as you sucked harder and harder. Soon, Yoosung reached his climax, and you mischievously smirked. "I'm glad you enjoyed it...now how about we go to the main course? I deserve to feel good too, you know?" You said, as you took your jeans and underwear off.
"H-huh?! N-no, wait I just ca-AHHHHN~"
Yoosung gasped as you slowly took him in, straddling him. You tangled your fingers in his hair while Yoosung gripped your hips, his hands trembling.
"I'm....I'm moving now, ok Yoosung?"
Yoosung moaned as you started grinding your hips against him, your hips moving quickly up and down on their own. You laughed and leaned your head back, making Yoosung look confusedly up at you.
"You're just so adorable Yoosung!....I really like you, you know?"
Yoosung stared at you, and then he quickly grabbed your head and pulled you in for a rough kiss.
"I...mhm...I've liked you...too...mmm...for a very...very long time...Y/N." He whispered between kisses. "Agh! Y-you suddenly tightened up, down there....mhm it...it feels really good." He said as he looked at you, his eyes teary and full of lust.
Goddamn this man.
"Yoosung...I...I like you too!" You felt your face heat up a bit, and Yoosung quickly pulled away to look at you. Then, he tightened his grip on your hips and quickly started moving up and down
"Y-Yoosung!!!! Y-you're moving t-too fast! Mhm!!! I can't!! Too fast! Too fast!"
"Y/N...Y/N...." He whispered, burying his face in the crook of your neck, as his thrust became faster and harder.
"I'm going to...." You gasped.
"M-me too! Let's...let's do it...together!"
You pulled Yoosung in for a kiss and the two of you moaned as you both reached your climax.
The two of you held each other for a bit, until Yoosung got cold and he carried you to his bed. The two of you kissed each other for a bit, before falling asleep.
The next morning you found Yoosung on the corner of his room, his ears all red while he hugged his knees.
"Uhm....Yoosung! Mor...ning...?"
He flinched as he heard you and then he slowly looked up. Before you could ask him what in the diddly darn heck his ass was doing in there, he got up and bowed.
"I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry about, about yesterday I was drunk, and then I just got really excited and kept going even after you said it was too fast, and I also said all that weird stuff and I'm just, I'm really really sorry!!"
You were taken aback for a minute before you smiled and made your way towards him, making him look up at you. "Yoosung...you don't have to apologize for anything. I know we....we were a bit uh...well we were really drunk but... I still stand by everything I said yesterday. I do like you. I...I like everything about you Yoosung."
His face became red, bue eventually Yoosung slowly and shyly smiled at you. "You...you really do?"
"Heh....I'm...I'm so happy Y/N...I really like you too!"
He cupped your cheek and the two of you slowly got closer and closer until your lips were touching in a chaste kiss. When you finished Yoosung chuckled, still red in the face. "So uhmm...does that mean we're a...couple now?"
You smiled and poked his cheek. "Yup! And there's no going back after this, you hear me?"
"Y-yes! Of course I'd never think of it!"
"Good! Now how about we go back to bed...and have a little fun hmm?~"
Yoosung smiled and pulled you towards him, smiling. "That doesn't sound too bad...and we're on vacation right now, so I don't see any reason we shouldn't stay in bed and do...that all day."
You laughed and Yoosung picked you up bridal style, gently throwing you in his bed and pinning you down.
The two of you officially became a couple that day! Yayyy!
Also btw you got an A- in the assignment so good work fellas ;)
The end!
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tumbler-tidbits · 5 years
Bunker Bunch Ch.9- Nursery, Names, and Naps. OH MY!
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Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam x Eileen and their kids OMC Shaggy & Crash
Word Count: 1375
Warnings: None, just floof and silliness
Summary: The Winchester’s make room for babies, and discuss possible names.
A/N:This is for @idreamofplaid Bunker Challenge, my prompt was Nursery!
Finding out we were expecting twins was quite a shock to say the least. But now it’s time to get down to business and start preparations before I’m so big I can’t move. First thing on the agenda? The Nursery.
It’s no secret that there is an abundance of rooms in the bunker, so that’s not the issue. We just need to tweak it a bit and make it feel more homey and less… you know, like an underground bunker.
I was fine with any of the rooms, but Dean insisted that it be the one between ours and Cas’, which put Sam and Eileen directly across the hall from the room, thus surrounding our soon to be kids by armed adults. Can’t say I had a problem with it though.
Dean & I decided to keep it simple with just some paint, and carpeting and then reuse some of the bunker furniture in the room. Then we settled on redoing 2 walls with siding, and the other 2 with paint to hide the tired old brick. An all the walls would be a soft grey. That was the plan, but the execution of said plan is not going so smoothly.
Sam and Dean put the siding up and the room already looks cozier, but now it’s time to paint. Of course, Dean’s already grumpy and constantly cursing under his breath at every damn thing, something about hammers and little brothers who can’t aim.
Then there’s Sam and Eileen. They are trying to help but the boys are fighting with them. Crash fussed over being made to take a nap, despite the fact that he was asleep in 5 minutes. And now, I can’t help but smile at the scene unraveling before me.
Sam and Shaggy, my oldest nephew, are in a serious debate over naps and the current status of one 4 year old tiny Winchester. Shaggy wants to help paint, but it’s past his Naptime and he’s getting fussy with every little thing.
God forbid Sam suggest it was time for him to go lay down for a nap with his brother, Shaggy immediately protested and now we’re gridlocked. Looks like he inherited that old Winchester stubbornness, great there’s something fun for me to look forward to.
Honestly I think having so many people in this small room is getting to our heads, so I make a suggestion,
“Ok guys, we’re all tired and getting cranky. Why don’t we finish painting this one wall, Shaggy can help, then he lays down and the grown ups take a beer break. Sound good?”
“I don’t wanna lay down m’not tired” Shaggy whines while rubbing sleepily at his eyes.
I squat down in front of him and look him in the eyes, but he avoids my gaze,
“JD, eyes up front buddy” I say, it’s a Winchester thing that I somehow picked up on. A sign of respect and proof your listening. Anyway, once he’s looking at me I continue,
“Sorry buddy that’s the deal. You can help paint this one wall and then take a nap. Or you can just go take a nap now, and we’ll paint without you”
I can feel all eyes on us, waiting for the inevitable tantrum to start. So I add to the loot,
“Tell ya what, you can even have your own paint roller all by yourself”
His eyes go wide as if I’ve just offered him a million dollars and he nods his head vehemently
“Yeah Ok!”
I smile and ruffle his hair as I stand then walk over to retrieve his prize. Sam speaks up then,
“What do you say dude?” He prompts
“Thank you Auntie Y/N”
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2 hours later and all the walls are finally painted, 2 tiny Winchester’s are fresh from a nap and playing at the park with Sam, Eileen’s gone out to get some lunch and Dean and I are slumped on the floor of the nursery, covered in paint, sipping piping hot cups of coffee.
Everyone’s exhausted and we still have to lay out the rug, bring in the furniture, and put the cribs together. But right now, we just enjoy a quick break,
“So I’ve been thinking” I say catching Dean’s attention,
“Hmm?” He murmurs in response.
“We need to start talking about names”
“Yeah, what’re you thinking?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing. We need at least 2 boy names and 2 girl names since we don't know what we’re having”
“Well” he sighs, “of course I’d like to honor my dad. Doesn’t have to be a first name, but at least a middle name”
“Ok, I can work with that. For a girl what about Charlie? I know she was like a sister to you and my grandmothers name was Charlotte. She’s the one who took me in when my parents were killed, y'know until she passed”
Dean gripped my hand, “That’s cute, I never thought of that. I also like Mary for obvious reasons”
“ Of course.I also think Caleb is cute for a boy and I Joanna for a girl”
“Those are okay. I don’t know, this whole naming a person thing is a lot harder than I thought” he shrugged.
“Ooh I know, for a boy we could do Dean” I say lightly jabbing him with my elbow.
“Oh God n…” he starts and then Sam walks in.
“What’re you guys doing? Slacking off”
“No, just taking a break, we were talking name ideas” I reply
“I know” Dean grins, “what about Samantha? I have to give homage to my baby sister”
“Very funny Dean” Sam says
“What? Your a girl Sam, why else would you have those luscious locks?”
“Yeah whatever Jerk”
“Okay you two” I intervene “ let’s eat lunch and then you two can build some cribs” I say as I walk out of the room, leaving two whiny hunters behind.
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Day two. After lunch yesterday we pretty much halted all construction. We were all too tired to finish everything in one day so here we were. This time we were smart and waited until the boys both went down for a nap before starting back up. That avoided several tantrums.
Sam and Dean had the carpeted rug rolled out and in place in no time, so I polished one of the old Men Of Letters dressers while Dean began the task of putting the cribs together.
Dean managed to get the first crib together, with much help from Sam, and was working on the second. By now the boys were up and “helping” Sam and Eileen move one of the old armchairs and ottomans from storage.
I couldn’t help but laugh when they came through the door with Crash hitching a ride in the chair! Once that was in place, Sam moved the dresser where I wanted, then he and Eileen bid us farewell while they took the boys grocery shopping.
Everything was pretty much done now, except that one pesky crib. I could hear Dean muttering curses while I fixed the bedding in the first crib. When I heard a crash and a shout of “SONOVABITCH” I decided to end his suffering.
I walked over and sat down beside him “what’s the trouble babe?” I asked rubbing his back,
“Nothing? It sure sounds like something.”
“Stupid crib” he mumbled.
“Why don’t you have Sammy help you when he gets back?”
“I’ve rebuild the Impala a dozen times! I can build a damn crib!” He snapped frustratingly.
“Someone’s grumpy”
“M’not grumpy”
“Now you sound like the boys,” I laughed, “do you need a nap too?”
He leaned his head on my shoulder and mumbled yes. I carded my fingers through his spiky hair. We sat contentedly for a few minutes then Dean sat up and looked at me.
“You know, you could take a nap with me” he said with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
“Is that so?” I replied with a grin. Dean stood then, scooped me up and flung me over his shoulder and he headed towards our room as I shrieked laughter.
The nursery wasn’t done, but there’s always tomorrow.
Taglist: @idreamofplaid @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants @pisces-cutie ​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @sammyimpala-67 @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten @missjenniferb @sculptorofbeginnings @kbl1313 @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @purpleskiesandcherrypies @curly-haired-disaster @getnaildbyme @akshi8278 @rebelminxy @a-mess-of-many-fandoms
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