#5x20 the devil you know
stonenumberone · 3 months
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you see, we're the ones you should be afraid of.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 102/326
Supernatural 5x20//The Devil You Know
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arcanespillo · 9 months
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why does he look so tiny in this
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spn-rewatch-ventzone · 3 months
The homoeroticism of Dean saying “You’re back?” And Crowley responding, “I’m invested.”
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littlebluejaydraws · 2 years
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Juliet Appreciation Week: Jan 29th- Hunt/Hunted
Mine's bigger 😈
ID: Three images of a digital drawing of Crowley and three hellhounds from episode 5x20 of Supernatural. They are standing in a dark room, with a fire in the fireplace behind them. The hellhounds appear as wolf skeletons, with two sets of burning eyes (literally- small flames in their eye sockets) and black smoke rising from their rib cages. The hounds are standing around Crowley, who is patting the largest (Juliet) on the back. The second two images are close up of the first. The first close up shows Crowley and Juliet, with devil horns and tail and the words "Mine's bigger :)" doodled over Crowley. The second close up shows the other two hounds (Ophelia and Emilia). End ID.
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thebeautyofspn · 1 year
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5x20 The Devil You Know
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CROWLEY: That was perfect.
DEAN: Perfect? He didn't want the rings. He wanted me.
CROWLEY: Imagine the surprise on your face.
DEAN: What?
CROWLEY: Your ignorance and misinformation --I mean, completely authentic. You can't fake that.
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It's not a betrayal
expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.
In hindsight we know that the consequences of the souls leaving Purgatory were a bit worse than we thought. But most of us just assumed Cas and Crowley would power up and that's that
At the time Cas didn't know that there would be a future of Leviathans and Dick Roman. So Cas wouldn't have thought he was exposing anybody to danger let alone the Winchesters. I feel like it has to be deliberately knowing that it's dangerous for it to be betrayal
Cas has also seen Crowley be an ally to the Winchesters in the past and genuinely had no reason to suspect that had changed until Crowley tried to kill the boys in 6.10, and I believe that episode along with 6.21 were factors in Cas' decision to get all the souls. The fear that Crowley would use those powers to kill Dean so Crowley can't have any of those souls
My point is that Cas didn't think there was any danger. When he did realize Crowley might not be so much as an ally to the boys as he used to be, Cas got what he needed to stop the apocalypse and once he had that Cas stopped Crowley from getting any of that power
Be gravely disloyal to
Okay like I could probably understand if Sam had a problem with it. Because Sam honestly has a problem with anyone working with Crowley just Sam being Sam you know
But Dean knows full well that working with Crowley is sometimes necessary and Cas notices if it's okay for Dean to go off with Crowley in "Two Minutes to Midnight" then why would Dean have a problem if he works with Crowley?
Cas had no reason to think it was disloyal when Crowley was literally their ally recently. Then when Crowley said it's better for him to be on the throne than another demon its like hmmm a demon who helped us stop an apocalypse or another demon? Gee which is the better option?
But if it wasn't bad why didn't Cas say anything? If he had nothing to hide?
1. When Cas tried to talk about the war. Dean told him blah blah blah Raphael
2. When Dean worked with Crowley in "The Devil You Know" he didn't ring Cas up to let Cas know he was working with Crowley because he didn't think it was a big deal. And why would Cas think it was a big deal to work with Crowley when he saw Dean do the same in "Two Minutes to Midnight"
3. Crowley actually wanted to invite Dean to join the operation. It was Cas who told Crowley that Dean can't be involved because he deserves the break. What we're doing can't be that bad if Crowley wanted to invite Dean?
By the time Dean found out and told Cas to stop, uh Cas had just thrown 50,000 souls at Raphael. Unless Dean had another plan to stop Raphael? Cas can't stop now as he's already thrown down the gauntlet. Does Raphael sound like the kind of person who would forgive and forget? The civil war had already started and until there is a clear winner, the angels on Cas and Raphael's side would go on killing each other
Maybe if Dean said something before Cas and Crowley's chat it would have been different. But at that point it's kinda too late now for Cas to just back down and Dean wasn't giving any other solutions
He lied about killing Crowley
Cas is trying to stop the apocalypse and trying to protect the boys because look Crowley made it very clear he was only going after the boys because he was afraid they were trying to kill him
So if the boys think Crowley is dead they won't feel the need to try and kill him which means that Crowley won't feel the need to kill them first to preemptively stop that from happening meaning that all of them are safe
Win win
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what if you guys lead the devil to the edge...and i jump in?
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Amy and Annabelle talk about the hundred and second episode of Supernatural “The Devil You Know”
This week we discuss; zooms, Crowley and SuperWhoLock.
WARNING: Spoilers ahead and Content Warnings within the context of the episode.
Art by @thepixelagora
Listen Here: Spotify
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hellofaride2021 · 2 years
This episode is starting with a virus, talks of a vaccine, quick spread, people wearing masks, human trials some think are too soon. Giving serious early covid vibes
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bloodydeanwinchester · 4 months
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🩸Bloody Dean Every Episode🩸 ↳ 5x20 || The Devil You Know
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spn-rewatch-ventzone · 3 months
Crowley and Cas may not love each other but if they have two things in common they are:
1) Hopelessly in love with Dean
2) Made it clear as early as possible they could not fucking stand Sam when they met him
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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Crowley Tour: 16-18th April 5x20- The Devil You Know 5x10- Abandon All Hope 5x21- Two Minutes to Midnight
ID: Three digital drawings, each with two rough sketches of Crowley, on a pale peach background. In the first image, the sketches show Crowley standing behind a seated man. One shows him waving with a knife in his hand, in the the other he is pulling the man's head back and holding a knife to his throat. There is a title reading "April 16th: 5x20- The Devil You Know", and a quote reading “That’s what you get, working with a demon.”. In the second image, one sketch shows Crowley facing forward and smiling, and the other shows him holding up the colt and looking at it. There is a title reading "April 17th: 5x10- Abandon All Hope", and a quote reading “How about you don’t miss, okay?”. The third image shows one sketch of Crowley holding up a phone, with an image of himself and bobby kissing. The other sketch shows Crowley holding up Death's sickle. There is a title reading "April 18th: 5x21- Two Minutes to Midnight", and a quote reading “Hello? King of the Crossroads.”. End ID.
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thebeautyofspn · 1 year
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5x20 The Devil You Know
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