#i was laughing too when i realized..what a great opportunity i was given
inkspiredwriting · 2 months
A Date to Remember
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Five Hargreeves stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie for what felt like the hundredth time. His siblings had given him endless grief about his nerves, but he wanted everything to be perfect. Tonight was his first official date with Y/N, and despite all the apocalyptic scenarios he had faced, this felt like one of his biggest challenges yet.
"Are you sure you don't want some advice?" Klaus called from the living room, a teasing lilt in his voice.
Five rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Klaus. Just... try not to burn the house down while I'm gone."
Klaus laughed, giving him a thumbs-up as Five left the house, determination in every step.
Five had planned everything meticulously. Dinner at an upscale restaurant, followed by a moonlit walk in the park. But the universe, it seemed, had other plans.
As Five and Y/N arrived at the restaurant, the hostess informed them that their reservation had been lost. No amount of Five's usual intimidating glares could change the fact that the restaurant was fully booked.
"I'm so sorry, Five," Y/N said, trying to hide her disappointment. "Maybe we can find somewhere else?"
Five sighed, his frustration palpable, but he forced a smile. "It's okay. Let's try that little Italian place down the street."
They walked to the Italian restaurant, only to find a sign on the door: "Closed for Renovations."
Y/N giggled, trying to lighten the mood. "I guess the universe is testing our patience."
Five couldn't help but laugh. "Seems like it. How about we grab some takeout and head to the park anyway?"
With a pizza box in hand, they strolled through the park, the moon casting a gentle glow over the path. They found a bench by the lake and sat down, sharing the pizza and talking about everything and nothing.
Five found himself relaxing, the mishaps of the evening fading away as they laughed and talked. Y/N's presence was soothing, her laughter infectious.
"Who knew pizza on a park bench could be so nice?" Y/N mused, taking another bite.
Five smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. "I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself."
As they finished the pizza, Five noticed a small band setting up nearby, preparing for an impromptu performance. The first notes of a soft, romantic song floated through the air, and Five saw an opportunity.
"May I have this dance?" he asked, offering Y/N his hand.
She blushed but took his hand, letting him lead her to a small clearing. They danced slowly, the music wrapping around them like a warm embrace.
"Despite everything that went wrong, this turned out pretty great," Y/N whispered.
Five looked into her eyes, feeling a surge of emotion. "It's not about the plans, it's about who you're with."
As the song ended, they stood there for a moment, lost in each other's gaze. Then, almost instinctively, they leaned in and shared their first kiss. It was soft and tender, filled with the promise of more to come.
When they finally pulled away, Y/N smiled, her cheeks flushed. "I think this is the best first date I've ever had."
Five chuckled, his heart light. "Me too."
They walked back to the bench, hand in hand, and sat down, watching the reflections of the moon on the lake. The night hadn't gone as planned, but it had been perfect in its own way.
And as they sat there, content in each other's company, Five realized that sometimes, the best moments are the ones you don't plan for.
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earthtooz · 1 year
what do you think of reo with the jealousy + kiss cam prompt except you’re not dating (yet) so everyone is either shocked or happy because god it took you some time to realize your feelings for each other.
not proofread, very quick drabble
okay but let me present to you... reo confessing to you WITH the kiss cam.
he's got the money, the influence, and the will to bend things his way with just a flick of his hand. so with almost no effort, he sets it up.
you're the physotherapist's assistant, having been fortunate enough to land the opportunity of shadowing the manager of one of the top soccer teams in all of japan. an opportunity that came with a lot of advantages; decent pay for someone of your age, a great learning experience, and frequent interactions with a lot of (hot) athletes.
just as any job, however, there are also downsides... such as... developing feelings for one of the said athletes. a certain purple-haired who was way out of your league.
for professional sake, you kept reo at arm's length. to your dismay, he kept trying to lure you in.
whether it be spending unnecessary amounts of time with you, staying back after practice to help you sort through some files, buying you coffee with the excuse that he was 'given another one', or carrying all the equipment- not that soccer even had much equipment, so that you didn't have to.
as sweet as reo is, and as much as you want to delude yourself into thinking that it was because he was interested in you too, there are a lot of issues that could arise when it comes to pursuing a relationship with mikage reo.
therefore, for professional sake, you will continue to keep reo at arm's length. to your dismay, your plan turns south one fateful night.
it's the night of the finals and the matches just finished with a victory to your team, 5-2. the stadium and the team are hyped beyond belief, absolutely buzzing with energy and adrenaline as everyone celebrates, pumping their fists excitedly or collapsing to the ground in total exhaustion.
after presenting the awards, thanking the opposing team, and clearing the stadium out, all excitement eventually dies down as the boys let the victory sink in.
handing out their water bottles one by one as they go, you leave them with a congratulatory pat on the back. bachira bear hugs you with unforgiving tightness, but other than that, all the players thank you with a small smile or fist bump before retreating to the change rooms.
then, it's reo's turn, who is last out of all the team.
your heart thumps in your chest, trying your best to remain cool and composed in front of him.
"congratulations," you grin, holding out his water bottle for him to take. he does, but lingers, finding no hurry in rushing back to the change rooms.
"thanks," he huffs. "couldn't have been possible without you."
you laugh at that. "don't give me credit for something i could never do. it was all you guys, impressive as always."
he beams even bigger at that. "are you joining the team celebration later tonight?"
"what? oh, no, i'm heading home."
"why, are you busy?"
"not particularly, but i didn't want to intrude."
"that's ridiculous. you could never intrude, you've helped all of us so much."
"i'm flattered you think so," you break eye contact, wandering over to where the duffel bags of first aid and other medicine is. reo follows, even though it's just a few steps away. "but i really don't want to overstep, it's the team's win."
he frowns. "then can i ask of you another favour?"
"sure. what is it?"
the purple-haired points up and you instinctively follow the line of direction.
the kisscam. it's centred on you and reo. you feel your heart skip a beat and your breath hitch, clogging up your lungs. you almost drop the first aid kit too.
no way...
looking back at the athlete, he's giving you that boyish smile of his, laced with hope and sudden shyness.
"hey," is all he says. you blink at him.
"aren't you supposed to kiss me now?"
"i'm so confused, why is this happening, the game's ended-"
"-can you kiss me or not?"
your heart is hammering, reverberating violently up your spine and into your ears.
"can i kiss you?"
"w-wh- do you want to?" you splutter.
"yeah. i do. please?"
throwing all common sense and ethics out of the window, you give in to his pleas rather easily. "oh. okay."
everything that happens next happens in the blink of an eye. you feel his hand on your waist, then your chest pressing against his, and his warm breath fan across your lips before pulling you in for the most gentle, yet adoring, kiss you have ever received in your whole life. there's no bone in your body that tries to resist him, so, you allow yourself to sink right into him, letting go of your inhibitions (and the first aid kit).
reo doesn't let the noise distract him, instead, he throws away his bottle too and wraps both arms around your waist, deepening the kiss. his lips are slightly chapped from all that running around, but you could hardly care less.
after a few moments, you pull away, leaving the both of you with glistening lips and smiles wide enough to hurt your cheeks.
ridiculous. this all seems so ridiculous.
but it's real. you feel reo's breath fanning across your lips with every exhale, you see the strands of hair that stick to his forehead, and you hear the cheers and whoops of his teammates from the side. they look proud, some yelling 'finally!', causing reo to laugh triumphantly, throwing his head back whilst holding you tightly.
you hide your face in reo's neck, seeking protection from your embarrassment in his warmth. he holds you there.
"i've been waiting so long to do that," he says, rubbing circles on your back.
"sorry to have kept you waiting, then."
"it's not a problem, i would gladly wait for you, but..." reo trails off, a mischievous smile appearing along his lips. "i'll accept your apology if you come to the party? with me."
"with you?"
"as my date."
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Second Encounters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
Rin was warming up for his game, it had been a few days since he last saw you
He didn’t mean to look for you in the crowd, it just ‘happened’, at least that’s what he’s been telling himself 
And he didn’t actually get excited when he saw you he was just… getting in the mood to play! Yea, that’s right… He definitely smiles on a normal basis, this isn’t anything special…
He felt like he was playing better than usual, did your look of awe motivate that… no…?
Once the game wrapped up (they won, obviously) he poked through the crowd to find you. He wasn’t too sure why, his body started moving before Rin could come up with a good excuse stop it 
But you were the one to find him instead. Maybe it was because he was so tired from playing..
He just finished chugging his bottle too, and he was about to go get some more
“Hey Rin, great game! Oh here- would you like some water?” You offered a plastic bottle that you definitelydidn’tbringjustforRin just so happened to have on you
He looked at you like you were his savour before proceeding to down it in 2 seconds
He took a second to catch his breath before thanking you “So, why are you here?”
You could only laugh “I’ve seen most your games, you’ve got a very entertaining playstyle” 
“Oh… ok.”
It was only now that you realized how this made you come off, “Going to every one of Rin Itoshi’s games? It was just to watch, no feelings behind it, right…? Yea.” You thought to yourself “I mean- it’s not like I even know him. He wouldn’t even want to be around m-”
“Do you wanna come to my game tomorrow?” Rin blurted, as he interrupted your thoughts “It’s at a larger stadium, so you need to buy tickets…”
“Oh uhm… yea!” you gave a hesitant smile, never did you expect Rin to invite you somewhere, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity! You didn’t mind spending a few bucks on tickets-
“Great. I actually already have a ticket for you… you’ll be my +1, if that’s alright with you…” he pulled out a neatly folded slip of paper with your information and barcode. 
It was a VIP ticket
You were hesitant at first “Are you sure…? Aren’t these really expensive?” 
Rin just shrugged “Yea, I don’t mind.” he placed the tickets in your hands “Just actually show up okay?”
“Yeah! Of course.” you were screaming inside “I’ll see you there!”
And with that, the boy went on his way.
Shortly after he got a call from his mother
“Rin, have you given the ticket to your brother yet?”
It’s only been a few days after you managed to get him out the house
He ended up staying the night for the first day, and you only got him out by giving him your number 
He had been texting you constantly, telling you the most random things “Omg look at this bird bro, I could lowkey swallow it whole” “HELP I PISSED SAE-SAN OFF AGAIN-” “Will you watch the new csm movie with me?” “PLEASE WATCH THE NEW CSM MOVIE WITH ME” “WATCH THE NEW MOVIE WITH ME PLEASEEE I BEG”
He would NOT shut up about watching the new csm movie, turns out, he doesn’t have any friends that watch chainsaw man… actually, you weren't sure if he had friends at at-
So you finally agreed to watch it with him in the cinema, and he was OVERJOYED 
He bought the tickets and everything
Shidou would come and pick you up in the morning, then you guys would go out to buy some snacks, and smuggle bring them into the theater
Shidou was very happy to have someone hang out with him, and you guys had a lot of fun :D 
Sae found himself going to the perfume store for the 4th time this week
It was friday
Did he really need another perfume? No. Has he already bought 12 from you this week? Yes. But Sae Itoshi still wandered the mall, making his way over to your store
“Hello, [Y/N]” he said with a nod, the greeting had become a daily routine 
But it seemed that you were preoccupied with another customer, Sae frowned
The man was almost yelling at you, talking about how useless you were, making inappropriate comments, etc.
Just when Sae walked in, the man knocked over a very expensive bottle of perfume that he requested to “look at”, when you had tried to get him to pay for damages, he just walked out!
If you had more energy, maybe you would’ve gone after him, but it had been a long day, and your shift was about to end in a few minutes anyway.
You finally noticed Sae in the store, and tried to compose yourself
“Hello, Mr.Itoshi, 4th time is it?” You said with a small laugh
“Yes. Hello.” He said as he looked at the broken bottle on the floor “How much was that?”
You sighed “$420….” You grabbed the broom and quickly cleaned it up
“Hm. Let me pay for it.” Sae said, as he pulled out a fat wad of cash
“Oh! Uhm… that’s a lot of money…” You replied, staring at the cash
Sae only shrugged, “No, not really.” He placed the stack on the counter 
You gave a weak laugh as you finished your cleaning “So, what can I help you with this time, Mr Itoshi? I think you’ve already got all our new arrivals…”
“Hm.” He looked around the store. If he was honest, he didn’t even need more perfume, the first one you gave him was perfect. And yet he still came here everyday.
A few seconds of silence passed, Sae wasn’t sure how many. But you were counting
“6…5…4…3…” you kept track in your head “2…1.”
The clock struck 6. You gave a quick bow to the man “I’m so sorry, but my shift is over now.”
You grabbed your bag quickly from behind the counter and put your jacket on
“Wait uh-” Sae hesitated “Could… I buy one perfume before you go?”
You checked your watch “I’m so sorry, I have to catch the bus” you apologized “There’s always tomorrow!” you tried to keep it positive (and make sure you have clients)
“Let me get you an Uber.” he insisted “We wouldn’t want you getting wet now would we?”
Once the Uber arrived, Sae walked you out with an umbrella 
You turned to him and gave him your thanks “And what perfume did you want to get? I’ll make sure we have it in stock tomorrow if you pass by again”
“Oh… I was wondering which one you used…”
“My perfume?”
You smiled and looked through your purse, pulling out a small bottle and handed it to him “It’s this one, I’ve had it for a while” 
He was caught off guard by the action “Really? Are you okay with me having it?” He examined your facial expression
“Yes, I insist.” you laughed lightly, “You are indirectly my main source of income too so yk-” 
Sae smiled
“Thank you” He said, a genuine look on his face “Could I get one more thing…?”
“Yea, what is it?”
“Your number”
“Niko, you should really take a break…” You said, as you watched the boy continue to train
“No. The game’s tomorrow. I need to make sure we win” The boy said stubbornly 
You could only roll your eyes at his remark “Oh come onnnn. You’ve practiced the last 100 days. We’re basically guaranteed the win.” 
You weren’t exaggerating either, it really has been 100 days. And those 100 days may have been some of your best.
Niko sighed “Alright… I suppose I could go for a break…” he put the ball away as he grabbed his belongings 
You smiled “Great! We should go out!” You said enthusiastically as you helped him pack up
“Huh? But I’m tired….”
“Ehh? Alright, let’s go to your house then, we can watch some anime to cool down.”
He smiled at your consideration, ignore his light blushing too ok?
You had been to his place quite a few times now, so you made yourself comfortable as Niko picked a show
“Hey Niko,” you said as you scooped some popcorn “How do you feel about tomorrow?”
He took a moment to think about it before replying, “To be honest… I’m really nervous.. But having you there makes me feel a bit better”
“Aww, thanks Niko” you teased
As the two of you finished setting up, you guys sat down and prepared to start watching
“Hey, Niko, we should totally watch this in theaters one day! I really need to convince you to go with me one day…”
“Oh? Alright”
“Wait really!? You’ll actually go outside!?” you turned to him eagerly 
“Sure.” Niko smiled “If we win tomorrow, I’ll take you out, it’ll be a date!”
(man was absolutely panicking inside 🤭)
Kaiser stood by Ness as he checked his phone
“They should be here any moment, I swear-” Ness reassured the annoyed blonde 
Kaiser only scoffed “They’re a waste of my time…”
“I beg your pardon??” You approached them from behind “I’m two minutes late.”
Kaiser glared at you, “Those are two minutes of my precious time.”
You rolled your eyes “Yea right, like you have anything better to do…” you turned to Ness and switched up your tone of voice “Hi Ness! It’s so good to see you again :D” 
Ness smiled “Yea…” he was scared that you and Kaiser were going to break out in a fight at any moment 
Kaiser was deeply offended by your remark, and felt the need to make a comeback, but you had already moved off the topic
“So, where do you wanna go, Ness? There are quite a few places nearby…” You checked the map on your phone
Ness only looked at the other boy, “Is there anywhere you want to go, Kaiser?”
Kaiser stared down at you “Where do you want to go?”
You did not expect that, someone like him asking for your preference? “Not gonna lie, I’m pretty hungry… I’d be down for a cafe.” you gave him a warm smile as a thanks
Kaiser looked back at Ness “Let’s go Karaoke.” 
“WHATTTT??” your jaw dropped. He asked for your opinion to choose the most tiring activity?? You glared at him. You were going to out-sing this man if it were the last thing you did.
And out-sing him you did. Kaiser only scoffed and said he wasn’t taking it seriously anyway.
After karaoke, you guys did a lot of other activities, shopping, watched a movie, laughed at babies crying, you were having so much fun that you completely forgot about your hunger. And your grudge against Kaiser. Alright, fine, you tolerated him. But you weren’t going to tell him that! He can inflate his own ego.
“Hey Liebling,” He called, using a nickname he picked for you just a few hours ago (you had to ask Ness what it meant, but Kaiser told him not too) “You still hungry?” 
If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought he genuinely cared!
“Depends….” you examined his expression to figure out his intentions 
Kaiser only laughed “Alright. Let’s go pick up some food at the Cafe.”
This was too good to be true! So you kept your guard high
Ness giggled at your expression “You know, he’s not alway a jerk, just… 95% of the time!”
“Wow, thanks Ness, so very comforting.”
When you guys arrived at the cafe, you were immediately attracted by your favourite dessert. You looked through the display to see the one piece left.
“Oh? You like that dessert?” Kaiser popped up behind you, teasing
“What? No-” you lied
“Really? Then… I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I bought the last piece~” Kaiser taunted you as he grabbed his wallet
“You wouldn’t dare” you glared at him. You could put up with him being a jerk for the most part, but your dessert? Unacceptable.
And he still bought it!!
You were outraged, literally about to fight him.
“You sure he’s not always a jerk?” You questioned Ness as you glared daggers at Kaiser
Ness rolled his eyes playfully “I think he actually quite likes you”
“Really? Is mockery his love-language?” you joked sarcastically 
“Yes, actually.”
You rolled your eyes as you looked back at the other deserts, about to chose one
Kaiser scoffed and lightly tapped the boxed snack on your shoulder “Yours.”
He glared at you “It’s for you. You're welcome.”
You took the box quickly and thanked him. Maybe Ness was right… me wasn’t always that bad…
As the day ended, you guys shared a last moment.
You gave Ness a quick hug as you were about to leave, and thanked Kaiser for the dessert 
Kaiser rolled his eyes “Do I not get a hug?”
You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but you gave him one anyway.
As you were about to pull back, Kaiser grabbed on to you,
“Next time, let’s go out together without Ness” he winked at you before departing 
Ness totally heard him say it too, but pretended like he didn’t, for the sake of his own safety ;)
Despite it being a week since he last saw you, he was thinking of you constantly. I mean, how often does he meet someone so nice and pretty?
At this point, Ness was volunteering to go to the vending machine for Kaiser, even spending his break there, just waiting to see you again
And finally, finally, his waiting paid off
You on the other hand, just wanted to get a drink
When Ness saw you again, he just starting going off about how thankful he was, and how he “didn’t deserve your grace” (the drink you bought for him was $4)
Once Ness had composed himself, he offered to buy you something in return!
And you weren’t one to deny free food, so of course you accepted 
“If you don’t mind me asking, you’re Alexis Ness right?” you asked as you opened your drink
Ness was overjoyed to hear you say his name, “Yes! Yes yes, that’s me, how’d you know?”
“I think i’ve seen some of your games, you’re the midfield for Bastard Munchen? You’re pretty good”
Ness tired so hard to contain his screaming “Really? Do you think so? I’m so honored!! Actually… I have a game tomorrow here, if it’s alright with you, can you come watch? Please? I’ll pay for tickets and everything!”
He was practically begging you, it made you question how his stricker treating him
“Oh? Yea sure, that sounds fun” you smiled
“Great! I’ll get you VIP tickets! Just for you!” he seemed so excited to have you there “But um… there’s one small problem…”
“Really? What’s wrong?”
Ness hesitated, “Well… VIPs are usually reserved for friends or family… so, you might have to be my friend…” he looked up at you, you could tell he was shaking 
“Alright, what’s wrong with that? Can we not be friends?” you laughed lightly
Ness had to take a moment to process this “You’ll… be my friend!?” his entire face shifted to a huge smile “I promise you won’t regret it! I’ll be the best friend you’ve ever had!”
You could only smile at him
“Oh? Alright, I’ll see you at the game then”
You were still mad at him for getting you something as crappy as a candle, but he offered to make it up to you… with a date-
“You really are a f-boy…” you muttered as you met up with Otoya
He laughed “What are you talking about? I’m always genuine in my relationships.”
You mentally facepalmed- why did you agree to this??
“Yea yea, say what you want… anyway, where did you want to go?” 
“I’m down for anything” he shrugged
“Alright then, I’m going shopping for a gift, because someone couldn’t get me a proper one…”
Otoya only laughed “Sorry sorry, my bad. Do you not like the candle?”
You scoffed “It’s a fine candle, but I bothered giving you such personal gifts, things that you’d actually like…sigh, why’d I bother…”
“Oh yea, I wanted to ask, how’d you know what I like?” 
“Well, some of us are actually able to observe things about people”
“So you’ve been watching me~?”
“NO!? I’m just not an ass and am aware of my classmates' likes and dislikes?”
Otoya laughed, “Aww, that’s sweet.”
You rolled your eyes “Don’t take it to heart, I know just as much about our other classmates. Because I’m a decent human being and not some play-boy.”
“Oh?” he smiled “I think I’d like to be your boyfriend~”
“So you single?”
A little note was slipped to your desk while the teacher was drawing diagrams on the board, and you unfolded it quickly
It was written in your code, and you could tell the writer was very hesitant with their pen. It took you a few seconds to decode it, “I heard you bombed your chem test?”
you glared at the paper. You didn’t fail it, you just didn’t do great… and may or may not have been told to take a re-test…
You rolled your eyes as you crumpled the paper and put it away, sending a glare at the writer
Karasu only smirked as he silently laughed, he didn’t think he’d find such fun in writing encrypted notes. Otoya had even tried to read one, but he gave up the second he looked at it.
As the bell for dismissal rang, Karasu packed his bag while keeping an eye on you
At this point, everyone else had left the room, it was just you and him. He smiled
“...What do you want?” you asked him, slightly annoyed 
He laughed, “What made you assume I want something from you?” he teased
“You keep staring at me…”
“Can I not admire your beauty?”
“...Otoya influences you too much, you smooth piece of crap.”
This only led Karasu to laugh harder “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but thanks.” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed as well “Just get to the point will you?”
“Alright. I heard you failed your chem test?”
Karasu laughed again, if his voice weren't so pretty, you would’ve been done with it by now “You know… I’m top of the the class in chemistry, I could totally tutor you”
“Really?” you looked up at him “Are you serious?”
“Yea sure, why not. Since you taught me your code, it’s only fair.”
You smiled “That’d be great, thanks Karasu!”
Reo had been following you around for the past two days, it was really starting to bother you
Even your classmates were asking about it! “Hey [Y/N], why’ve you been around Reo so often? Why is he always asking about you? Is he cheating on Nagi with you-?”
“What?? No-”
“Hi [Y/N]!” speak of the devil… Reo came by your class again as school ended. Everyone else slowly left the area “Will you play soccer with me?”
You sighed “No, Reo. I’m busy.”
“What? No you aren’t, I checked your schedule, you don’t have practice today.”
“WHAT??” you turned to him “You checked my schedule??”
“.... You’re really creepy…” You picked up your bag as you prepared to leave
“Wait wait, cmon. Just one game.” Reo followed you out the classroom “I’ll pay you.”
Now he had your attention
“Fine.” you turned to him “One game.”
Reo smiled “Great! I’ll meet you on the field in 2 minutes!”
As the two of you played, Nagi was watching from the sideline, unwilling to participate. “It’s too much of a hassle…” is what he said
The score was now 9-2, with you in the lead. You stopped, “Reo, I think you’re done…”
The purple boy was almost out of breath “No… I can keep going…”
You sighed and put the ball away anyway “Sit down and take a break, you didn’t even warm up properly…” 
Reo took his bottle and downed the whole thing, clearly exhausted
You let him catch his breath before you spoke “Good job, you’ve improved”
Usually Reo would brush off compliments as he got them quite frequently, but this meant a lot to him
He’d been practicing for the whole week, and someone noticed! He was unusually happy
“Thank you!” he said with a smile
You weren’t sure why but seeing him happy… you don’t think you’ve seen him like that before. You smiled
“You know Reo… I’m off practice for the whole week…”
“I know.”
“.... well- I could help you practice if you’d like?”
His eyes lit up “Really? Thank you so much! I promise I’ll make it up to you, I’ll buy you whatever you want!”
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koolades-world · 4 months
I’m so proud of you for getting 2K followers!
Can you please do Simeon x reader (the two are already dating) with Simeon saying both prompts 5. "I’m here. You're safe with me" and 9. “are you bleeding?”
Please and thank you! :D
thank you so much!! i gladly will :))
i don't think i've ever written a dedicated piece for simeon so i'll put my whole heart into this to make sure it does him justice!
enjoy <3
prompts 5 and 9 w/ Simeon
It was getting late. The songbirds were asleep, and fireflies could be seen out in the open field near Purgatory Hall. The stars lit up the sky and if you listened close enough, you could hear demons laughing with one another. On any other day, the sight might be enjoyable and would be a great opportunity to gather loved ones to savor the moment.
But, it was too late for Simeon's liking. He was expecting you home hours ago. You had even called him, letting him know you were on your way home, and that you were running one last errand, despite the fact that you were out with friends. He didn't want to rush or question you though. You were an adult and your own person. You didn't need him looking over your shoulder. How he wish he did though.
He didn't want to call the brothers, because they would tear apart the Devildom searching for you, nor did he want to wake up his housemates out of fear they'd view him as irresponsible. He checked his D.D.D. for what felt like the hundredth time that hour, and after looking at the time, he decided he was going out to find you himself. If you were still running your errand, he could just apologize. He just wanted to make sure you were ok.
Just as he had gathered all his things and was about to put his jacket on, he heard the keys being inserted into the lock of the front door, and he heard it crack open. With the biggest sigh of relief he'd ever let out, he hung the jacket back up and rushed to greet you. You looked tired, and had your jacket oddly draped around you. But, he didn't question that. Instead, he was more focused on the bouquet of flowers in your hand.
"Sorry I took a while to get home. These are for you, sweetie. They took a tumble, so I'm sorry they look a little rough. " You held them out to him, and he felt as if his heart was about to explode from joy. Nobody had ever given him flowers before. He took them from you, and spun them around in his hands. He studied them closely, and found a little note stuck on a picket in the center. You watched anxiously as he removed it and read it.
"Mc. You're too kind. I'll have to make it up to you in some way." The note read 'because you deserve it <3' and Simeon was over the moon at the sentiment. There was no occasion. Mc just wanted to do something nice for him in a way he hadn't expected.
"I thought you might like them. No need to make it up to me. You're my boyfriend. That in itself is more than enough for me. You're my gift, silly." At your words, he threw his arms around you, unable to contain his feelings. He was usually so composed, but he just couldn't hold it in. He found it kind of ironic he found true happiness in the Devildom, but he could live with that fact as long as it meant he got to remain by your side.
In this hug though, something felt off. You leant into him heavily, which he might normally put off as you being loving and happy to see him again, but that combined with everything he'd observed when you'd entered, he felt as if he should at least ask. "Are you alright, my love?" He stepped back a little to scan you for any signs of harm. The way you wrapped the jacket tighter around yourself told him everything he needed to know.
"I'm alright. Just tired from my night out is all." You tried to comfort him with a warm smile, but he was quick to shut that down.
"Be honest with me. This isn't me trying to be mean, and you know that." He glared at you in a way you'd never seen before. With a sigh, you realized the act was up. You shrugged the jacket off, and at first, Simeon saw nothing wrong. But, as he looked closer, the fabric of your shirt looked as if it was damp.
"Are you bleeding? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you got home?" The flowers were quickly set on a nearby table as he rushed to your side to inspect you closer. You lifted your shirt just enough to show off the three evenly spaced slashes on your abdomen.
"I didn't want you to feel bad about the gift." You confessed. He was quick to put two and two together.
"Did you get this while getting my flowers?" Your silence was telling.
"I know what you're going to say, so you don't need to," you sadly told him. He put his arm around your shoulders and led you to the living room. He sat you down on the sofa and told you to hold still while he healed you.
"You should see the other guys." You weakly smiled at him, in hopes of trying to lighten the situation.
"There was more than one? We'll be talking about who did this later since I want to focus on your right now, but you can't casually mention things like that." Simeon sighed. He went silent after that to focus on healing you, and like magic, all that was left of the wounds was scars. Now, the two of you were just staring at each other silently.
"Why didn't you call me?" He remained in front of you to look you in the eyes.
"I had it. I didn't need any help." At first, you planned to stop there, but you couldn't hide anything from him. "They told me they'd hurt you if I tried to ask you for help, and I panicked. I was really worried about you, and they told me no matter what I did, I wouldn't be able to escape." You leant into him again, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Sweetie, it's alright. You did great." He wiped the tears as they fell. Despite the sparse amount of tears, you looked upset and worn down. "I'm here. You're safe with me." His words seemed to resonate with you, and you tightly clutched him as if he might vanish.
"Thank you. I love you." You rested your head on his shoulder.
"I love you too. Remember, your safety always comes first. Any world where you are is a world I want to be in." He gave you a kiss on the top of your head. "By the way, thank you for the gift, I really appreciate it," he told you, gently smiling.
"I thought you'd like it. They made me think of you when I saw them." He couldn't deny the fact that you were always on his mind, and it warmed his heart to know that you felt the exact same.
"Now, let's get you to bed. You need rest. I'll watch over you." With that, the two of you headed off so you could get your well needed rest. Simeone was glad you were safe.
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lolishdes · 1 year
❝Serendipity❞ || Diluc x Reader
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✧A/N: Guys I wanted to write about older Reader and older Diluc, can you even blame me? Also, think of this as a palate cleanser after my previous work hehe
Sorry this took a while, the week has been busy and I had to put so much thought for this fic, wanted this to be great for you guys!
✧Warning/s: Smut
✧Synopsis: One night stands were supposed to only last for one night, that's why they're called that! But how is it you find yourself in a tricky situation as you find out that your one night stand happens to be your business partner too! 
✧Word Count: 5.4k words
Minors kindly don't interact!
Oh how you wish the ground would just swallow you whole at this very moment.
There are things you expected for this day to go, that your time in Mondstadt would be a fruitful one or perhaps it would be an utter disappointment. However none of those expectations included seeing the man who just had a one night stand right in front of you and is about to make a business partnership with you! 
“It's a pleasure to see you, Miss Y/N."
For most of your life as an adult you've spent your time focusing on your business. It was something you were determined to succeed in. Especially being born in the desert, there was only so much opportunity for you out there. So you worked hard for it all,  but such passions have their own sacrifices and setbacks. You have secured yourself financially and you do uphold good relationships with friends and family. However such good relationships are unsuccessful when it comes to your dating life. 
Back then you were dead set in solidifying your business, long hours in the office and sleepless nights. And this not only affected you but also the person you were dating, they said that there seems to be no place for them in your life. So time and time again, lover after lover, they all eventually left. 
After some time you realized that romantic relationships are simply not for you. You suppose it's for the best, this way no one gets hurt but yourself as you sink into that lonely feeling. 
Now that you're in your 40s there have been less people trying to approach you with romantic intent. Maybe it's because society has labeled you as some sort of ‘old hag’, someone who has already reached their ‘expiration date’ or something offensive like that. But that doesn't bother you that much, as you mature you realize that it's best to just enjoy the moment, to have fun one night stands with attractive strangers– so that for at least one night you'll feel the arms of another. 
Currently you are celebrating in Lambad’s Tavern with a few friends as you have just recently successfully launched a new branch in Inazuma City. Quite proud that your spice business has been growing especially fast– and soon it would reach Mondstadt’s lands since you also bagged yourself a potential business partner!
“A toast to our amazing friend, Y/N!” The clinking of glass and loud ‘Cheers’ Can be heard all around the table. You felt shy by their enthusiasm, it was so sweet that they're doing this for you. Kaveh takes a sip of his wine before speaking to you. “Honestly Y/n you're on a roll right now.” You laugh at that. “What's that supposed to mean?” “Oh come on! It's not easy to pull off a place there in Inazuma. They are way too strict with their transactions! And here you are settling one of your branches in Inazuma City no less.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “You're making it sound like it was easy for me, I can assure you it wasn't. It was kind of a nightmare actually.” you sigh just thinking back at the months you've spent there in Inazuma, getting papers approved and other transactions necessary before you were given the go sign to start building the branch. 
Dehya took a swing of her drink and had a teasing smile on her face. “As if it wasn't obvious already, I will never forget that day you returned to Sumeru with the most god awful eye bags and ran into a pole on your way haha!” Deyha laughed out loud and you could only groan at the memory.
As if the fatigue from work wasn't enough already, the ride home was so rocky with the most atrocious weather to boot that it had your head spinning. Dehya was the first one to meet you once you docked at Port Ormos, she waved a hand at you when she saw your board down the ship. As you waved back at her you excitedly ran to her, you seemed to miss the light pole right in front of you. Dehya will never let you forget that day. 
“Yeah yeah whatever! Gods are you annoying.” Dehya lets out another laugh. After Nilou took a bite of her Samosa she looked at you with slight concern. “But about your health, I hope you did get the proper sleep you needed once you got home” You gave her a reassuring smile. “Of course I did, and anyways It wasn't a total nightmare there in Inazuma. After getting the go sign we went straight to building. There weren't any big problems along the way. Maybe because of a certain architect and his genius consultations and design.” You wink towards Kaveh’s direction. He left out a ‘pfft’ in disbelief by the compliment.
“Uh excuse me, the conversation was not about me, why don't we go back to running into poles or whatever.” Kaveh waved his hand in a dismissive way while taking a sip of his wine. A series of laughs follows and you just sit their mouth open and a hand to your chest, as if wounded by his diversion back to the embarrassing memory. 
By the corner of the tavern a certain gentleman had his eyes on you, his eyes glued to your direction even as the blue haired man in front of him kept yapping about how exquisite the wine was. “ It seems that you've mellowed down, Diluc.” Kaeya teases his brother as Diluc shifts his gaze away from you. “And what is that supposed to mean exactly?”
Kaeya grins towards his brother. “Oh nothing, it's just that you've never openly expressed such interest towards other ladies before. Look at you now, enchanted by her like a moth to a flame~” Kaeya turns behind him and stares at you. You continue to laugh with your friends, never noticing the two gentlemen. 
“Why don't you speak to the lovely lady when you have the chance, yeah? After all, we will be off to Mondstadt by tomorrow evening.”
By the end of the night you all had your fill of wine and food. As per usual Kaveh drank way past his limit, he even started mumbling gibberish while he walked as if he had two left feet. Nilou and Dehya insisted on being in charge of taking Kaveh back home, saying something in the lines of it was their duty at this point to drag him back to Al Haitham. As you waved goodbye to your friends, with Kaveh in the middle and his hands on both Dehya and Nilou’s shoulders, he lifted his head up and said his goodbye to you, his words slurred. 
You giggled at the sight and watched as they slowly walked away farther from you and the tavern. Once they were completely gone you sighed in contentment and turned behind you where the scenery of the forest was. It was already late at night so the streets weren't full of people anymore, but that's good since all you want right now is to bask in the ambiance. Shops were already closing up, boats docked as they sway lighty to the wind, and the stars seem to shine brighter than usual. 
Back when you were younger you would have never imagined seeing such a beautiful sight, thinking that only the familiar sight of sand would greet you everyday of your life. By the distance you see a couple walking together by the dock, they seem helpless in love, as if too busy in their own worlds to bother with anything else. A twinge of envy rises within you, but you try your best to push it away. After all, who would want that? Haven't you learned your lesson already, that kind of relationship just isn't for you…
“It really is beautiful here, isn't it?” 
Tall, dark, and handsome was not what you expected when you turned your head. The man has the most gorgeous pair of eyes, his tied up hair cascading elegantly down his back, a stubble adorned his face, while his posture held confidence. He looked like he was around your age. His eyes never left the scenery even when you looked at him, you simply smiled politely as you gazed back at the scenery. “Yeah it really is, I love Sumeru especially at this hour.” The wind was slowly picking up, making your hair sway with the wind.
The gentleman turns to you with a pleasant smile, he reaches out his gloved hand towards you. “Diluc, and you are?” ‘Diluc’? Huh, familiarity rings at the name. You reached your hand out as well and shook hands with Diluc. “Y/N, a pleasure to know you're at least not impolite.” You jest at him, he chuckles in response. “Well, I do hope I maintain a good impression.” “Oh? And why is that?” “Well…” He trails off his sentence and brings your hand close to his lips, he gives your hand a light kiss. His red eyes shifted towards you. “Let's say I simply want to enchant this one lady that has caught my eye.” 
Heat starts to slowly creep into your cheeks while a tingling sensation can be felt all throughout your hand, the hand that Diluc so delicately kissed. 
Just then a couple started running past both of you and you immediately removed yourselves from another. You looked away from one another in embarrassment and behind both of you heard the couple passing by. “Come on! The theater is at its high right now, we can't miss it!” “Haha right behind you dear!” as their footsteps and voices faded farther Diluc and you just stood there in silence, a little embarrassed and unsure. 
Just then an idea and just a bit of courage emerged within you. “Say, would you mind accompanying me to Zubayr Theater?” You were a bit hesitant to ask him, but for some reason there was just something pushing you to spend a little more time with Diluc. The red head seems to light this idea and his eyes shine a little. He offers his arm to you, to hook your arm with his. “Shall we?” You are more than happy to take the offer as you wrap your arm with his, the familiar warmth coming back to you again. 
As you both entered Zubayr Theater, you were greeted with colorful lights and laughter all around. Children and elderly alike were dancing and feasting on delicacies. And by the huge stage was a band that was playing all sorts of instruments while they maintained a lively beat that people can dance to. You begin to have a rush of excitement and unbeknownst to you, Diluc can see your eyes sparkling in elation. He directed his hand to the center where the people were dancing. “Would you care for a dance?” You looked at him. “You know Sumeru dances?” “Well, it's only due to a certain dancer that I learned how to conduct these dances. So, shall we?” Without hesitation you nodded enthusiastically and pulled Diluc to dance. 
And he stays true to his word, he dances to the beat of the music and syncs with you perfectly. As he twirls you around you can't help but be a little more charmed by this man, your hands were on one another for many hours as you both laughed heartily. This feeling of excitement and joy towards an individual was one you haven't felt in a while...it felt so foreign, yet not unwelcomed. Usually you'd spend your time like this towards someone you considered as your lover, and yet here you are treating this complete stranger with your guard down. 
After some dancing you enjoyed some snacks at nearby stalls, while eating you both converse a little more, telling some stories any of you may have. You found out that Diluc is from Mondstadt and back in his younger days he used to be in the Knights of Favonious as a Cavalry Captain. And you on the other hand told tales of your childhood back in the desert and some trials you have faced. While speaking you didn't notice the way Diluc would look and listen to you attentively, making sure that while you speak he has his full attention on you. 
There were even stalls nearby with fun games, Diluc was exceptionally good when it came to darts, he was able to hit the target successfully and gave you the prize which is a cute Aranara plushie.
At some point you found yourselves back at the docks of Sumeru City. Both of you sat on the wooden planks while you removed your shoes, dunking your feet in the water. Only the sounds of buzzing from insects can be heard as you and Diluc bask in the comforting silence and the presence of one another. There were smiles on both of your faces, you were playing with the water beneath you, lightly splashing the water around. 
Diluc looked at you tenderly, he thought you looked absolutely beautiful at this moment. The way the wind catches your hair, the lovely smile you wore, and how the moonlight seems to accentuate your features. He is completely captivated by you. It was only you and him at that moment, hearts pounding within in anticipation. 
“About what you said a while ago…” You start as Diluc looks at you. “Which part? I believe I said too many things during our time together.” He chuckles. “About being interested in me, I don't think you should waste anymore energy on me.” “And who said anything about this being a waste of energy?” He was quick to reply back but you only looked down at your hands. You smiled bitterly. “I’m sure there are many beautiful young ladies out there worth your while.” “Well I have the perfect candidate right here.” “I’m not young, Diluc.” 
“But you are beautiful.” 
Words seem to be stuck in your throat after he said that. It was unfair that he was saying all this, making you feel happy and special and for what? The night will only end in one way and after that you'll forget the other even existed. That's how it's always been. But unlike the others they never gave so much of their time to you, to actually get to know more about you…
“And I don't mean beautiful as in your looks only, but also your laugh…” He trails off, his hand inching closer to yours. “...your smile, and most importantly your utmost determination towards a better life despite the odds being against you. I really respect that about you.” He was only an inch away from touching your finger tips when suddenly the wind picked up. 
The night was already cold but the wind made it even colder, you start to rub your shoulders to ease the chilly air. Diluc sees this and starts taking his thick coat off. “Ah, there's no need—” “Please, take it.” You were a bit reluctant but nodded anyways, Diluc proceeded to drape his coat around your shoulder. You held the coat closer to your body, not only do you feel warmer now but the strong scent of the gentleman enters your senses. It felt somewhat comforting for some reason, you can smell hints of oak and vanilla. 
You looked at Diluc and was about to thank him, however words left your mouth when you saw Diluc was already looking right at you. Your faces were practically inches away from one another, noses almost touching. You could feel your heartbeat start to quicken from the anticipation. Diluc observes your face a little more, checking to see if this was okay for you, if in any way there was a reason that he should be falling back right now and apologize– but no, there wasn't. You seem to want him just as much as he wants you. 
Slowly he inches closer to you, the tips of your lips practically feeling the heat already. And as he closes the distance between you two, you finally share a tender kiss. You both close your eyes basking in the warmth of the other's lips. His left hand found itself cupping your cheek, deepening the kiss a little more. Your heart leaps in joy and even though you already had a coat on, you could practically feel the goosebumps all over your body. 
As you both pulled away you were left breathless, you rested your head on his shoulder to catch your breath. You both giggle at this, probably from embarrassment, but mostly due to the butterflies forming in your stomachs. Diluc looks at you softly, but a hint of nervousness was present. 
“Say, would…would you mind accompanying me a little longer tonight?”
The way to Diluc’s room was a bit of a blur, all you remember was how fast you two were walking while his hand was on yours. While walking your hearts kept pounding, the anticipation was tortuous but eventually you both arrived inside. Usually you weren't this…nervous? When it comes to having sex with someone, usually it's all hot and heavy and clothes are dropped in a snap. But this time you were slow as you walked in and shook your shoes off.
Diluc was just behind you as he closed the door. Inside the room most of the lights were turned off, only the dimmed lights of some laps were providing you with light. But that only adds to the atmosphere. You were about to take the coat off your shoulders but Diluc got his hands on it first. Neither of you spoke, but there was no need for that really considering that the heavy tension did all the talking. 
He took the coat off and dropped it on the floor, his hands slowly roam down to your hips, taking in every beautiful curve of your body. While his lips found themselves on your neck, kissing and teasing them oh so gently. It was a little agonizing with the pacing that he had chosen, you were getting hotter by the second.  “Diluc what–” “Shh let me take care of you, please?” His voice was low yet tender, you could only nod and let him do what he wanted. 
After he is done teasing he leads you to the bedroom, gently dragging you to the soft sheets of the bed. He entered the room first and sat on the bed, his legs spread a little wider while you stood up and looked down at him. He smiles and pats his thighs, asking for you to take a seat. “Come here, darling.” You compiled and sat on him while facing him.
Despite the lack of light, the moonlight creeping through the curtains does well to highlight Diluc’s features. He had a few wrinkles under his eyes, showing his age. Your hands land on Diluc’s face to swipe away some strands of hair away from his face, while you're doing this Diluc just observes you, enjoying the fact that you're taking in every detail of his face. 
“Hmm is there something you're trying to find on my face?” He chuckles when you slowly back off from his face. “It's just that… you're really attractive.” You start removing your top, unbuttoning the buttons before dropping it on the floor, leaving you only with your bra. “You think so? I can say the same thing about you, especially…” He grabs a hold of your thighs and puts you down on the bed. “When youre right here in my arms~” Diluc smirks above you and adjusts your legs, keeping them at each side of his hips.
You grind yourself on him, you can feel some hardness down there. Diluc lets out a groan and proceeds to kiss down to your almost bare chest. He unclasps your bra to suckle on your nipples, he teases one of them with his lips while the other is being pinched and rubbed. You pant as a response and grab onto his hair, this made Diluc groan, he seems to enjoy his hair being touched. 
He then travels down your body, the tip of his nose slides lower while you can feel his hot breath on your skin. He stops just above your hips, you were about to unzip your shorts, however Diluc stops you before you could sit up.
“I insist.” He says in a deep voice as he bites the zipper between his teeth and zips it down, he then completely removes your shorts off you to reveal your panties. Without a care he discards it on the floor before diving in to press his nose on your puffy pussy lips. He can feel your wetness even through the thin fabric. You can feel his hot breath and the stimulation of his nose, you whine out. “Luc, stop teasing.” He hums at your complaint, the vibrations of his voice stimulating you more. He hooks your panties and removes them to expose your pretty pussy.
It wasn't quite wet yet and Diluc is still left unsatisfied. But that's alright, he simply dived down and started eating you out like a starved man. At first he starts licking you, making sure to tease and prod every part that his tongue can reach, then after that he begins to suck on your clit, earning a whine out of you. His hands grip both your thighs, making sure that they spread wide since you end up unconsciously closing your legs.
Your moans and whines are delicious, your hands are on his hair and fisting him, holding on for dear support from the delirious pleasure. Just seeing the way you feel good makes his cock hard, yet despite the unattended hard on between his legs he does not touch himself just yet. How could he? He's way too busy pleasuring you to even think of himself. He needs to see and hear more of you.
The pleasure only increases from there when you feel a finger enter you. “Oh archons Diluc!” Your back arched a bit from the sudden intrusion. Diluc kept going with both his mouth and fingers teasing your cunny. If that wasn't already enough You could hear Diluc groaning and moaning from below, he seems to be hot and bothered just like you. "That's enough Luc, come here, please…” And who was he to deny you really? 
He starts removing his own clothes, when he was left with only his boxers you could see the form of his cock. He starts pumping himself but then you sit up. “Wait, let me.” Diluc looks at you but compiles anyways, he removes his hand from his cock. You start spitting and licking your hand, making sure to put as much saliva as you can and start stroking him, as you do this Diluc’s breath hitches. With your free hand you cup it on his cheek and share a kiss with him, you could hear him softly moaning and groaning. 
With you stroking his cock and your luscious lips devouring him he can't help but feel oh so hot and bothered. He even believes that he could cum right here right now if you don't stop any moment from now. He pulls away first and rests his forehead with your, he was panting with his eyes closed. “Okay stop, any more and I just might cum–” He was interrupted when you pushed him down on the bed, with you straddling above him. Your hand travels down his beautiful body, your nails dragging down on his skin.
“Let me return the favor, yeah?”
Usually after such a passionate night you would immediately leave early in the morning, to forget their faces and move on with life…However this time it's different, you can't help but look back at that one special night with Diluc. The sex was amazing of course, but was it wrong to have felt that it was more than just sex? Your head gets all scrambled up just thinking about the situation too much. It's been two weeks since then, you won't see him face any longer thus such an individual is out of your life. All that matters now is to meet and hopefully score a partnership with this wine tycoon from Mondstadt. 
“It's a pleasure to see you, Miss Y/N.” The redhead said before you, his eyes were cold and his form was towering over you. Beside you was the Cavalry Captain, the one that told you all about this partnership. “I’m so happy that you could come, Miss Y/N. This is the renowned Diluc Ragnvindr, owner of the Dawn Winery. He has anticipated your arrival!” 
You pray to any god out there that hears you to save you from this dreadful situation. You hesitantly reach out your hand towards Diluc, nervousness was evident on your face. “Mr. Ragnvindr a pleasure to meet you as well.” Diluc's eye didn’t leave you even as he shook hands with you. And although you want the ground to just swallow you whole right now, there's a sense of…happiness? Lighting up within you as felt Diluc’s touch. 
“Now, since the introductions are finished, my job here is done. I have more work to do back at headquarters, may the wind lead you to a prosperous partnership.” Oh gods no, please Kaeya stay! As the man walks away from you two, you're left alone with the Wine Tycoon. You swallowed the small bit of dread within you and acted accordingly, to pretend as if you've never met before, yeah! You're sure Diluc would do the same.
“Well then Mr. Ragnvindr shall we go straight to business?” “Ah yes of course, Miss Y/N. Kindly follow me.” Relief washes over you, this day should go smoothly. Just then Diluc offers you his arm. “Why don't we walk through these Grape Vines as we discuss, yes?” You looked down at his arm. “I would love that, however I can't possibly–” Suddenly he comes closer to your ear, the invisible barrier you had gone. He whispers “I insist.”
A chill runs down your spine. The memories of him between your legs flashes in your mind and your cheeks burn in embarrassment. You hesitate as you hook your arm with his, slowly you two walk along the beautifully grown grape vines. 
The fruits were lucious and some even ready for harvesting already, you look at your surroundings in amazement. For a brief moment you were distracted, Diluc was too as he watched your reaction. “Wow, I've never seen grape vines like these, they never looked so healthy and succulent!” Your hand touches a couple of grapes, inspecting its quality.
“Dawn Winery provides only the best quality for its customers.” Diluc responds right away, he too inspects the grapes around him, proud that he has amazed you, and to at least ease off your nervousness away. The last thing he wants is that look of uncomfortableness on your face  and to have your eye practically screaming for help. 
Both of you come to an abrupt stop. His eyes were looking at yours, a look of frustration and hurt mixed in his eyes. “Diluc I–” “I was worried about you.” You paused and looked down at your feet. Diluc looks at you and sighs. “I apologize, I just…the day you left, you didn't just leave my side but you also left with my heart.” Your heart beats faster hearing that. “I know we never discussed meeting each other in the near future, but I thought my intention towards you was clear. Not only that but how would I have known if you were alright? Did I hurt you anywhere or if you were okay mentally? ”
Your hand forms a fist as you clenched down hard. “You didn't have to worry all that, what we had was a simple one night stand Diluc.” “Was it really just that?” “Yes, it was. We left that room satisfied and that's all that matters.” “That's bullshit and you know it.” “It's not, and anyways why are we talking about this? None of this matters!” 
“Well it does to me!” You avoid his gaze, you can't look at them , you just can't. Because deep down you know that once you look back at his eyes you'll fall right back at this stupid spell he somehow put upon you.
“Look at me please.” When you looked as if you were not budging he steps closer to you, his gloved hand approaches your face as his index finger drags along your cheek tenderly. In a whisper he speaks. “Please look at me, darling.” He sounds so gentle, as if pleading for your attention.
You decide to give in, you can't just not look at him, right? After he asked so nicely too…but at the same time damn him for asking with that soft voice of his. You slowly tilt your head upwards and are met with that gentle smile of his, the same one he gave you before sharing your first kiss under the moonlight. 
“There she is.” You were left breathless as he rested his forehead on yours. Both of you closed your eyes , soaking in each other's presence, after weeks of not seeing each other, desperate for touch. “Gods I miss you so much and you don't know it…” Your heart gets a little wounded hearing that, he sounds so hurt…
“I'm so sorry ‘Luc.” Your hands found themselves on both sides of Diluc’s face, your thumbs rubbed on him in comfort. “I didn't mean to hurt you, truly. I was just unsure and…afraid? I can't quite understand myself, but all I know is that I don't want to be hurt anymore ‘Luc. Heh kind of ironic isn't it?” Diluc furrowed his eyebrows at that. “Well I’m not here to hurt you, please give me a chance…give us a chance.” His hands rest comfortably on your waists, but this just gives more proof on how compatible you two are. It just felt so right that he's here. 
You sigh before you smile back at Diluc and pounce toward him, you land your lips on his happily. This came as a surprise for Diluc, but it was a surprise  most welcome. He sighs from the kiss and wraps his arms on your waists tighter, keeping you as close as he can. 
“You know, I knew we would see each other again.” Diluc said as you both walked while holding hands. “Oh?...Wait, don't tell me you knew me from the start?” “What no! Honestly I didn't anticipate sleeping with a potential supplier and business partner haha!” Diluc laughs softly, the last thing he wanted was a sticky situation, and yet here he is. “Okay so how did you know about me?” “After you left that night, I tried finding you around Sumeru City and I had to find you fast since hours later I would need to leave and head back to Mondstadt.” 
You looked at him, tilting your head. “And? Did you find me..?” “Sadly no, however I did have your name investigated as soon as I settled down here.” You slapped Diluc’s shoulder playfully. “Ew you investigated me? Creep.” You laugh as he looks at you, as if offended. “Well excuse me that I couldn't find you, my mystery girl just suddenly disappeared without a trace after spending the most wonderful night with me!” “Okay you sap, what happened next?” Diluc simply smiles as he continues. 
“I brought it up to Kaeya and that bastard simply grinned, he told me that your business was the perfect candidate he deemed worthy for Dawn Winery. I never anticipated he chose you as Dawn Windery’s supplier, after all there were so many in Sumeru and not only that but Kaeya never revealed to me your name early on, he said to just trust his choices and forced me to drink with him…” 
“Huh a sly one that one is…but perhaps we should thank him?” “Perhaps, but first..” Diluc suddenly picks you up and carries you with both his arms. “We have some unfinished business, why don't we head inside Miss Y/N, hm?” 
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©All content belongs to lolishdes 2023. Please refrain from reposting (reblogs are appreciated !).
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hottiehiei · 4 months
I love all of your writing but specifically the soft Hiei story had my grown butt giggling like a schoolgirl 😍! Could we get more soft Hiei, nsfw or sfw dealers choice, in any sort of scenario?? I look forward to reading more of your stories! Also just had my first Hiei dream the other night and I was giddy when I woke up 😁
i’m so happy you enjoy my writing, anon :’) now i’m giggling like a schoolgirl!!! haha <333
i did headcanons because it’s easier for me to write!
Soft!Hiei (Fluff Version)
sfw, fluff, gender neutral
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is so whipped. Everyone has caught him smiling at you from a distance, just obsessed with every little thing you do. Years ago he would’ve laughed at the possibility of falling in love. Now he can’t imagine himself without you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When sitting alone together, Hiei falls asleep on your shoulder. At first it was accidental, and he was pretty embarrassed about it after he woke up, but as time went on, he intentionally shifts closers to your side in hopes of leaning on you. As he gets comfortable with this level of intimacy, he will occasionally rests his head on your lap, which is the perfect opportunity to play in his hair or trace the outline of his face.
𓆩⟡𓆪 It may not seem like it, but Hiei doesn’t mind listening to your random thoughts or interests, even if he can’t relate to them. He makes an effort to understand who you are, and that includes your weird opinions! Before long, he knows you better than anyone else.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei doesn’t have any cute nicknames for you like “Baby” or “Babe”. He only calls you by your given name, but honestly, it rolls off his tongue so smoothly that it feels just as endearing. When he calls out to you, his voice is alluring, and you’ll feel compelled to follow him anywhere.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Disagreements rarely escalate because Hiei can’t stay upset with you for long. He might pretend he’s angry, but the second you start pouting, he drops the act.
𓆩⟡𓆪 If you’re upset with him though, he’s very stubborn, almost like a child. Oh, you’re mad about what he said during an argument? Okay, well now he’s mad too! (He tries to move on like it never happened, especially if he’s the one in the wrong.) Hiei is the type to apologize while you’re half sleep. He mumbles a small “sorry” just as you begin to doze off. You’ll probably end up thinking you dreamed it.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei brags about you more often than he realizes. It’s an unconscious habit, sort of like ‘thinking out loud’. He tells other people not to underestimate your abilities if they’re concerned about your safety. Or, if someone gets something incorrect about you, he is quick to correct them. It can be something as simple as your favorite color and he’s suddenly butting into the conversation like “No idiot, they actually like xxxx.”
Hiei loves being praised. If you cheer him on during a fight, he’s all nonchalant like “They’re no match for me. This is child’s play.” but he feels so fired up on the inside. Ego boosts are great for Hiei, seriously. Works wonders.
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WIP Wednesday (sorta)
No WIPs on the horizon for me but I’ve been tagged in an assortment of writing posts (thank you all 🥰❤️❤️) so thought I’d use the opportunity to share a (very angsty) scene from my cutting room floor that I like but never quite went anywhere.
O.B. and Casey ask Mobius for his opinion on a new statue dedicated to Loki at the TVA, angst ensues.
Mobius blinks, pulled from his memories by the sound of chairs scraping against the linoleum floor. The meeting is over. His coworkers gather their things and meander out of the conference room—laughing, gossiping, planning follow-up meetings—but Mobius stays seated and stares at his notepad. It's empty. He slumps, running a weary hand through his hair. He hadn’t paid any attention to Judge Gamble’s briefing on this cycle’s latest threats to the multiverse. Again.
He’ll need to get the notes from Bea. Mobius gets up, trying to ignore the churning in his stomach as he searches for Bea amongst the crowd. There’s no way she hasn’t noticed Mobius slipping—the way he’s constantly asking for her notes, the decreasing numbers of files he’s completing, how patterns that used to seem so obvious elude him lately. She’s looked the other way thus far but eventually she’ll need to take disciplinary action, whatever that means in their new TVA. Mobius can handle it and honestly, she’s already given him more leeway than she should as their new Director.
It doesn’t take long for him to find her. Bea’s standing at the end of the hallway, embroiled in what appears to be a hushed argument with Casey and O.B. Despite the anxiety pounding through his system, Mobius’ curiosity spikes.
“Hey guys.”
Bea jumps slightly at his approach—odd—and turns around with a forced smile. “Oh, hey Mobius,”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” she answers too quickly. She shifts when O.B. tries to get around her, file in hand. It's a futile attempt to hide the technician from Mobius’ view.
“Right,” Mobius chuckles, stepping around Bea to take the file from O.B.’s outstretched hands. He might be losing his edge but he’s not useless yet. He can detect a lie when he sees one. “You know, Bea, I might have believed you if not for…”
The words die in Mobius’ throat as soon as he opens the file.
They’re plans. Plans for a new statue in the atrium; a statue dedicated to the person who made everything they do now possible, the holder of all the timelines, their savior, the person whose absence is felt like a dagger to Mobius’ chest with every heartbeat.
He looks gorgeous, just like always. Whoever designed the statue did a great job. They almost captured Loki’s likeness. His hair curls loosely about his shoulders, his jaw set and determined, his expression regal—though his eyes are missing that familiar, mischievous twinkle. He’s dressed in emerald robes and wearing those magnificent horns Mobius had last seen him in. In all his years studying Loki variants, Mobius had never seen a Loki with a larger set. They’re a testament to the power he wielded that day. After centuries, it seemed Loki finally found his glorious purpose. Mobius wishes the sight filled him with pride. Instead, he’s taken straight back to his nightmares.
“We wanted to honor him,” Casey begins in a soft voice, “but we weren’t sure if it’s what he would want so we thought we’d ask…” Casey trails off.
They thought they’d ask the Loki expert, Mobius finishes, gulping past the lump forming in his throat. Smart plan. If anyone knew how Loki would want to be remembered, it would be Mobius. Except…
He doesn’t know.
The thought strikes Mobius with harrowing realization. In another time, this statue would be exactly what Loki would want. Mobius’ mouth quirks up into a smile as he recalls the statue Loki had arranged for himself on the Sacred Timeline following his fake death on Svartalfheim. It had been a grandiose, expensive thing. Another prank pulled by the God of Mischief.
Mobius’ smile is gone as soon as it appears because that Loki isn’t his Loki. This time, it isn’t a trick. It isn’t part of some grand plan. Or, at least, not one that Mobius can understand.
He has so many questions about that day. How long had Loki been timeslipping? How many other options had he tried before he settled on that final decision? What led him there? Had he spoken with someone beforehand; had they led Loki to this conclusion?
Mobius shuts his eyes in an effort to clear the now familiar tears building behind them. Why hadn’t Loki talked to him? What hadn’t he asked for help? Mobius is sure he could have convinced Loki to try something else. They could have figured out a solution if only they’d worked together. Why did Loki think this was the only option? Why did this sacrifice fall to him and him alone? Why didn’t he say goodbye? Why? Why? Why? Why? The questions circle around and around in Mobius’ head. Forever unanswered.
“Mobius?” O.B. prompts. “Do you know if Loki would be okay with this? We don’t want to move forward until we know.”
Mobius opens his mouth in an attempt to answer but nothing comes out. He doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know if this is what Loki would want because that Loki, the Loki who sacrificed himself for all of them, is a stranger to Mobius. That Loki had spent who knows how long traveling through time, attempting to find a solution, alone. There are no reels for what happens within the TVA, no reels for Mobius to analyze.
Sometimes, when he dreams, Mobius swears he can remember moments with Loki that never happened. Arguments, laughter, philosophical conversations over pie, even… There’s one night in particular Mobius returns to often in his dreams. He flushes at the memory before shaking it away. It all feels so real when he’s asleep but when he’s awake his memories jumble together until he can’t determine what happened and what didn’t. It makes him feel untethered, these half-forgotten memories, these dreams, these fantasies. Mobius settles on that last word: fantasies. That's all they are. Something his mind has manufactured in a desperate attempt to make sense of what Loki did.
“Mobius?” O. B. tries again. “Is this what Loki would want?”
Would want. Past tense. Because Loki isn’t coming back. Not this time. Mobius takes a breath but it doesn't reach his lungs.
“I—” he stutters. The papers shake in his hands, that image of Loki holding the timelines grows larger on the page until it consumes the world around him and Mobius feels himself slipping back into his memories. “Um, I don’t…”
Suddenly, it’s too bright and the ringing in his ears has returned. It’s the alarm from the observation deck blaring a warning that they’re running out of time until the loom breaks. Mobius’ wipes sweat from his brow. It’s excruciatingly hot; he wonders if he should be worried about the temporal radiation leaking through the glass window before him but he can’t focus on anything except Loki. Loki walking out onto the gangway. Loki raising his arms to break the loom. Loki grabbing hold of the timelines and breathing life into them with that brilliant, beautiful green magic of his. Loki turning back, one last time, to give him a smile before he-
“Mobius?” Bea puts a grounding hand on Mobius’ arm and Mobius forces himself to the present. He can’t allow himself to be overtaken by that particular memory again. He can’t.
“I’m fine,” Mobius says after a moment. “Just a headache. Really,” he adds at Bea’s unconvinced stare before turning to O.B. and Casey. “To answer your question, O.B., I don’t know. I don’t know what Lo-“ Mobius’ voice catches on the name. “I don’t know what he’d want. Not anymore. Maybe he’d like a statue. Maybe not. I just… I don’t…”
“It’s okay,” Bea cuts in, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll put the plans on hold and revisit them later.” Her last words are unmistakably a stern warning to O.B. and Casey to drop the subject.
“But-” O.B. starts.
“We get it,” Casey nods. “We’ll come back later. Feel better, Mobius.”
With a pitying glance that Mobius begrudges but can’t say he doesn’t deserve, Casey takes the file from his hands and guides O.B. back down the hallway, leaving Bea and Mobius alone.
Mobius half expects Bea to follow, he can’t imagine her to do list, but she doesn’t. He can feel her eyes boring down at him while he scuffs at the TVA emblem on the floor below. For all time. Always. Mobius snorts. Yeah, right.
He knows what he has to do. He can’t be here anymore. The memories are too loud, too painful. And more importantly, the new TVA deserves better than an old, washed-up analyst broken beyond repair.
Mobius takes a shuddering breath. “Look, Bea, I’ve been thinking…”
“Can we get some lunch,” Bea interrupts.
Mobius meets her gaze confused. He knows they need to have this conversation. He knows that she knows that they need to have this conversation and yet…
Neither of them are ready. He can see it in her eyes. Somehow she knows what he’s about to say and she doesn’t want to have this conversation any more than he does.
“I’ve been implementing some changes,” Bea starts. “Trying to get something better than wilted salad and stale pizza in the cafeteria,” she adds with an awkward laugh. Then, she pauses, uncharacteristically hesitant “I’d love to get your thoughts if you’ve got time. If anyone knows how to make this place better, it’s you and …I could really use your help, Mobius.”
Mobius sighs. It’s an easily delegatable task, a distraction technique. Bea doesn’t need his help picking the food in the cafeteria. But—Mobius meets Bea’s gaze—she’s scared. There’s no script for them now; the future is unknown. There’s no guarantee that anything they do will make a difference or if it’s even the right thing to do. Amidst all the changes, she needs the reassurance. And in a way Mobius does too. The TVA might be haunted for him now but it’s the only home he can remember. He doesn’t know where to begin out on the Timelines. He isn’t sure if he’s ready to leave. Yet.
“Sure,” Mobius says. “Let’s grab some lunch and we can talk through your plans for the place. I’m sure they’re great.”
Bea smiles in relief and they make their way to the cafeteria. Mobius half-listens as she chatters away, outlining her plans to improve life at the TVA. He won’t be here to see them through. It’s only a matter of time before he leaves but that conversation can wait a little longer.
The finale was sad but lemme tell you the tears didn’t come for me until that conversation with B-15 and Mobius. 😭💔
Anyway, sorry to leave it here with hurt/no comfort but if you need some comfort, recommend Tell Me Some Things Last - a lovely story by @loki-is-my-kink-awakening about Sylvie & Mobius healing that I’ve fully adopted into my own headcanon. Also shamelessly plugging my own Lokius S2 reunion fic (which is where this scene was going to drive towards eventually anyway).
No pressure tagging my fellow creatives back for a “last line” “seven sentence Sunday” or “WIP Wednesday” whatever floats your boat. I want to hear what you’re working on and absolutely love reading your writing updates as they come in!
Happy writing! 💖
@loki-is-my-kink-awakening @lgwilt @kcscribbler @blackbirdofasgard @queen-of-meows @dewdropreader @mirilyawrites @wolfpup026
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ninapi · 1 year
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Infuriating Beauty ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: Being transferred as a new teacher from the Kyoto Jujutsu High was more troublesome than you though it would be. There weren’t many students at the moment in the school making you having to share classroom and students with an obnoxious beautiful man. Dealing with him was part of the job description but you didn't know what you were fully getting yourself into.
Word count: 3274
Kyoto was a beautiful city, especially during the fall season when the landscape turned to a mesh of reds and orange hues, a lovely place to live in.
Though, you wanted something bigger. Yes, the Jujutsu school in Kyoto was big enough, had more than enough good sorcerers to learn from, great students to teach, but you’ve been there for a couple of years now and things got dull when your favorite students were moved into someone else’s care.
So, asking for a transfer was not an unexpected move on your end.
When the opening in the Tokyo branch came around, saying you ran all the way to the office in nothing but your pjs would be an understatement.
You were excited, clearly. Even more so when you got accepted.
Tokyo had one thing you looked forward the most, even more than all the shops and fancy cafes, touristy activities, and specialty drinks, and that was Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer there ever was.
It wasn’t like you would be a match for him, but who could you learn more from than from the one recognized by everyone as the strongest? This was a fantastic opportunity; one you couldn’t let go.
The process itself went smoothly, after a few hours of paperwork, pictures being taken and interviews, you were accepted within hours of your first application. In fact, you hadn’t even left the building when you got an email saying your transfer was approved by the other school, just like that, no more interviews or anything really, all you had to do was pack and be there by next Monday.
A new life about to start just around the corner.
You were given a room in the school dorm, the rest of the teachers had their own apartments, yet, since your previous job had housing included, they agreed to let you stay in the dorms, it was a good idea to have the students a bit more supervised anyways, particularly now with the newish dangerous student lurking around. Yuji was not very well received around just yet, sadly, but thanks to him you were able to secure your home away from home.
Yaga, the principal of your new school and your boss, picked you up the very next morning to guide you around the premise and hand you over to your class, a lovely man, such a difference from your old boss.
“So glad to see you’re a normal person, (Y/N). I must admit I was terrified when I realized he was snooping in my email and approved a transfer teacher request, I swear I thought you’d be an insufferable weirdo.” his boisterous laugh and comment threw you off, “What do you mean, Yaga-san?”
“Oh well, Satoru was sitting on my chair when your application came in, he opened it because that’s just how he is, and even accepted it after reading your application.” so the strongest sorcerer wanted you in the school? Why would that be? Is not like you had some sort of recognition for pretty much anything, how did you manage to get his attention?
“Don’t worry though, I would have accepted it anyways.” your horrified expression made him feel bad for putting you on the spot, quickly trying to change the subject to make you forget about it. “Here’s your class, dear. You’ll find it…interesting…hopefully…if you have any question don’t hesitate to stop by my office, ok?” After giving him a short nod, you faced the door, bracing yourself for your next challenge, the kids. “Satoru, she’s in your care now, don’t bother her too much or you know what will end up way up your you know what…” chuckles could be heard from the area the teenage students were sitting at, a tall man with the famous blind covering his eyes coming up through a window. “I would never do such thing, haven’t you seen her? She’s gorgeous…” you could feel he was checking you out, even when you couldn’t see his eyes, an odd feeling to say the least.
“Did you just accept her after looking at her photos? Were you not reading her resume and application? I shouldn't even be surprised....” a desperate hand came over to the principal’s face, disapproval written all over it. “I did, but I read it afterwards. Aren’t you happy she actually meets our needs? It would have been terrible if she was some sort of bimbo.” laughing, he moved away from the window to greet you by the door, “Come here, beautiful. Let’s get you and the children to get to know each other.”  
Stepping out of the comfort zone that was the principle’s back, you headed inside with the man you once thought was your role model, first impressions can really mess up what you think of the person overall.
To your surprise, there were just three students in the classroom, making you wonder why they needed a second teacher, “Just them?” You whispered near Satoru’s ear, making him shudder and a little worried at the fact that he thinks he felt your hot breath over his ear when that was technically impossible. “Yeah, we only have a few students in the school right now, but because I’m the strongest, I get sent out in missions more often than others, so we wanted to have someone in standby who could give the kids support when I’m away.” that made sense, you did see more than one report a week on success rates for his missions, children were really not a priority for this man.
“Well guys, my name is (L/N) (Y/N), just transferred from the Kyoto branch of the school and I’ll be helping you guys from now on!”
“OH!!! I KNOW YOU! See, Fushiguro? I’m not imagining beautiful women in our dorms; I knew she had to be real!” Megumi, who seemed to be in a trance staring your way, could only blink twice as to acknowledge his friend.
“Oh? Fushigurooooo! Cat got your tongue? Excuse him sensei, he’s probably never seen a pretty girl in his life before.” his ears turned bright red at Nobara’s provocations, making you giggle at their cute banter. “Of course, he has, he’s your classmate!” 
“Sensei!!!” she jumped into your arms, nuzzling her cheek on yours, “Wow, so you just bought my entire class in what, two minutes? You’re not just drop dead gorgeous but good at this too…” he was most definitely undressing you with his eyes at that very moment, normally an off feeling for someone you just met, but he was undeniably attractive and was doing things to your head. 
“Gojo sensei is hitting up on girls again, Fushiguro…Attack!”
“I’m not a dog, Kugisaki. I just control them…” the quite spell finally broke, only to bring more laughter into the class, this wouldn’t be that bad, wouldn’t it?
“Of course, I am, you all are and I ain’t letting any of you brats to steal her away, she’s way too old for you all.” sticking out his tongue at his students, he wrapped his arm around one of yours, pulling you behind the desk along with him.
“(Y/N) baby, we were about to train combat skills outside, would you like to come with us? It would be nice to see what your techniques are and see how we can divide tasks after that.” baby????What??? Almost chocking in your own spit, all you could do was nod in his direction, following him outside.
It was a beautiful day, a little chilly, but perfect for some one-on-one training, you’ve been sitting around for three days now and your body needed some exercise. 
“I’ll go with (Y/N) sensei. You both go against Gojo sensei.” without a doubt in his judgement, Megumi walked over to your side, guarding you from the upcoming storm.
“Oh no you are not, young man. You go play fetch with your pooches. I’ll take the babe.”
“What?? Wait, wait, wouldn’t the most normal thing be for me to go with her? I mean we are both girls and all…”
“Nope, definitely I’m the best choice!” every single pair of eyes laid on Yuji, waiting for him to elaborate, but he wasn’t able to come up with an excuse so he just grinned as widely as he could to win some charm points.
“Shut up Itadori. You two go with Gojo-sensei. I’m the only one who respects her personal space, she needs it right now. Right?” Megumi was looking down at you through his beautiful lashes, he was certainly pretty and kind regardless of his rough exterior. “Right, I’ll go with Fushiguro-kun.”
“He won her over, Gojo-sensei. You lost, who would have thought she liked younger guys? I should have been more assertive, shouldn’t I, Kugisaki?” she just nodded, still laughing at the face her teacher was making.
“Loud brats…” the tip of his nose was getting pink while you could literally see his hands sweating, such a sweetheart. “I can go with you tomorrow, Itadori-kun, then I will go with you Nobara-chan. Let’s take turns, ok?”
“And what about me? When is my turn?” Megumi let out a hissing sound, coming to stay in front of you as soon as he started moving in your direction.
“Hm…after class?” even if to you was just a suggestion, a very normal one, after all you had to plan your new classes and distribute your tasks, compare schedules, all that and more, it was obvious you’d have to spend time together after hours; but to Satoru, it was almost like being asked out in a date, hearts leaving his eyes in a comical way. “Anything for you, babe. Even overtime is a lovely concept if you’re involved.” a wink was all he could let pass Megumi and was enough to make your heart race. Dealing with handsome men was definitely not in the job description but it was how it all started.
A few months in, things were smoother than you had hoped for. Your teaching routine had good results, the first years bonding constantly made the three of them polish their techniques on their own, they barely need any coaching and even ended up teaching you stuff, as strange as that sounds. 
Having Nanami-san help you with Yuji, and Satoru helping whenever he could with the rest, things went better for the first years than for the second years who rarely had their instructor around, Inumaki-kun constantly visiting your class for a place to nap at as he felt more comfortable there than in his own class after a while.
But Satoru being away so often, just made him cling to you further whenever he was around.
At first it was cute, like a lovesick puppy trailing after you.
But after he saved your life from an ugly special grade curse, things changed more than a bit between the two; it all escalated from a simple co-teaching/flirting buddy kind of relationship to something way deeper.
That day, that awful day, was forever embedded in his memory, the gloomy sky and the drops of filthy water falling from the sky onto your beautiful face a constant nightmare of his. Satoru saw you die that day, he saw it and by a millisecond, he was able to save you. He’s never been this scared before in his life, scaring him was not easy, he even thought it was impossible to be afraid of something at least this much, but after losing Suguru, the thought of losing you too drove him mad.
He vaporized the curse in less than a second, bringing you to his chest and wrapping his entire self around you as tight as he could, he just wanted to feel your heartbeat as intensely as he could, in every single fiber of his self. He needed to make sure you were alive and safe, that you wouldn’t leave him like he did, that you would still be there by his side, always.
You’ve never seen him like that before, his pride would never allow him to be this vulnerable, his infinity was never off enough to touch him that way, it was an intimate moment, and even if it only lasted a couple of minutes before your students came around you as well turning you all into a huge ball of tears, it was definitely the moment that brought you here, to this very moment; your head was laying on Satoru’s chest as both of you looked at the stars, a blanket laid out beneath you as you cuddled away the cold weather, while he tells you everything about his last mission.
This has become a routine of sorts, yet you two weren’t really a thing, not more than co-teachers to the public eye, or maybe a little more…even though ‘friends’ was also not a term to be used to describe whatever the relationship you two had.
“Gumi went to pick me up after you left, nothing bad happened.” Satoru had to leave early from your previous mission together, something that ended up weighting heavy in his heart for the whole length of his side mission. Though, the pout currently in his lips was beyond absurd, he really didn’t like how close you were to his adoptive son, he knew him, he clearly had a crush on you and didn’t want you to be giving the kid hope, he was the only one who should be given hope in the matter, yet you two spent more time together than he ever did with you, and that made him feel uneasy.
“I am forbidding you to hang out with Megumi on your own, you hear me? Next time you need to bring, I don’t know…Nanami with you, yes that would work…Wait no, that’s not a good idea, he’s more attractive than the damn kid…shit, ok I know, I know, I am quitting my job as a sorcerer, from now on I’ll be just a teacher, that way I could stay by your side all day, every day.” a content sigh left his lips as he turned on his side to bury his face on the crook of your neck as he solves his chaotic life problems, reality was very different and the both of you knew that clearly, yet dreaming was always allowed, and that would be a lovely future to dream of.
“You are not doing such thing, Gojo Satoru. I forbid you from doing so.” giggling quietly you wrapped yourself around him, a mix of tangled limbs and tufts of hair all that was visible from your embrace.
“You mean, mean baby...” fake sobs being muffled by your hair, made you roll your eyes at his antics.
“Who will save the world if you stay all day stuck in a classroom seeing your kids read about sorcery history? That’s my job, keeping us safe is yours.” Satoru just huffed in annoyance, he knew you were right and that he was talking nonsense, but it was difficult to admit he was jealous of not only a teenage boy, but his very own adoptive son.
“And who will keep that rascal away from my ball of fluff? Don’t think I don’t see the way he looks at you and the way his paws get all over you every time he gets a chance.” Pouty Satoru was obnoxiously cute, you couldn’t really deal with this side of him, he always gets what he wants, and it annoys the heck out of you.
But not this time.
“Megumi is my student, your son. He does nothing more than look after me and be a good boy. He’s our best student and you know so.” the way your words resonated sent a swarm of butterflies straight to his gut. In all truth, Satoru had been with a lot of women in all these years, he started pretty young in the path to self-destruction, nothing could satisfy him more than the guilty pleasure of his forbidden relationship with his male best friend, but since you came into his life, a yearning he didn’t know he could feel started to develop in the strangest of ways. Not liking how the kids had you all to themselves being one of them.
“He has a crush on you, babe. Everyone knows about it.”
“So what? He’s a smart kid, he understands I’m his teacher and he’s the only one that actually knows about…well about this…” you gestured to the messy knot you were now tied into, making him chuckle; the memory of Megumi gasping in horror as he found your naked leg falling from the side of his bed when he got in his room without knocking bringing joy to his pride swollen heart.
“He thinks we just hooked up, he’s never seen me having a real relationship before, so he isn’t worried about it, he just hates me a bit more for having you first.”
“You’re over reacting Toru. Just let people know we are a thing then…that should keep everyone at bay, wouldn’t it?” this made him untangle himself from you, sitting up and burying his face on his own knees. “You know I can’t do that, love. They would get to you and most likely kill you. Nobody can ever know the great Gojo Satoru has someone he loves. Megumi is fine, I trust him, he wouldn’t do anything that could hurt you. But anyone else…no…it’s too dangerous…” getting up yourself, you wrapped your arms around his mid-section, placing soft pecks onto his shoulder blades. “I’m sorry boo, I won’t say it again. Don’t worry, I’m fine with being a secret.” he knew that couldn’t be true, nobody wants to be kept a secret, but he didn’t really have any other choice, not yet at least.
“Just wait for me a little longer, ok? I’ll kill them all if that means I get to give you a normal life…” a heavy promise, that was, but not an empty one; he’s never been this sure about anything in his life, and he would do anything within his power to fulfill it.
Unfortunately, word goes around faster than wildfire.
‘Someone’ apparently saw Satoru kissing a woman, though, this time that was in front of his building.
That had never happened before, he never takes his women home, Megumi is there most of the times and even when he’s at the dorms, he just never takes them to his apartment, he doesn’t really want them knowing where he actually lives.
So, this was rather unusual, and the rumor landed in the elder’s council meeting.
Gojo Satoru was to have an arranged marriage, they would decide who he marries, and his offspring will be monitored as much as he was since birth, this was decided long time ago and he was aware of this. No kid would defy the great council and they would make it known.
When a message was sent over to him to notify him of the direction this was heading, a new development was happening at the same time over in his apartment.
While Satoru was currently away in a mission, Megumi was crouching next to you on the toilet bowl rubbing your back as you let your breakfast go down the drain, trying to provide any sort of comfort while the responsible of this was away.
Things were about to get messy...
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imagine-you · 6 months
Make All Your Demons Be Gone pt. 6 [Sirius Black/Reader]
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summary: When you first meet your brother's friends, you're not very impressed. You're especially not so keen on Sirius Black and the feeling seems mutual. But as time goes on, you start to realize there's more to the boy who seemed to only hate you because of the house were sorted into. Through heartbreak, loss, danger, and pain, you begin to realize that you need Sirius just as much as he needs you.
chapter word count: 4.8k
author's note: So, I haven't updated in two years...A lot of stuff happened like I started a new job, lost my motivation, had a whole bunch of personal problems. But, I finally found my way back, and I hope you're all still interested in this. If you like this, please let me know! It would make my day. 💖
read on ao3
You supposed, if anyone desperately wanted to know the truth, that having Sirius as a houseguest for the rest of that summer wasn't entirely the worst thing that could happen to you. It seemed as if you had reached an unsteady truce after you caught Sirius in your father's study and you noticed a difference in your interactions.  
You had insisted he was being all dramatic and brooding in the study, but Sirius swore he was only thinking over his family situation. You knew that you had truly lucked out with your parents and James, but you couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have a family you absolutely loathed. Sirius had his flaws and he was entirely too impulsive for your liking, but maybe James was right. Sirius might just be someone who might be worth knowing and you should stop fighting with him at every given opportunity.  
You still teased each other and made fun, but it didn’t seem to have the same bite it used to just days before.  
You got used to Sirius taking up space in your house and while you still found yourself irritated by him, you had to admit that it was a different kind of irritation than before. You wouldn't ever tell anyone, even Lily, but you had started feeling nearly fond of Sirius and his antics.  
One day near the end of July, you found yourself bored, so you decided to write to your friends.  
You started with a letter to Remus. You had yet to respond to his last note and you didn't want him to think you had forgotten about him. You confided in him that while your prank war with Sirius was never-ending, it didn't seem as mean-spirited as it had the previous year. It was almost like you were simply picking on each other. It was almost like you were something approaching friends.  
Even though you trusted Remus, you only confessed to Lily that having Sirius there wasn't nearly as horrible as you imagined. You tried not to let your feelings on the matter shine through too much, so you made sure to tell her that he was usually off somewhere with James, exploring and laughing and conveniently far away from you.  
She was quick to write you back, joking that maybe you and Sirius would become great friends, fulfilling James' dreams of having the two of you finally get along for once. What you didn't tell Lily was that you were sure James' dreams mostly involved her, but you weren't going to traumatize her with that bit of information. 
You wished that you could write to Severus, but you didn't know how to feel about him anymore.   
As the summer wore on, James and Sirius seemed a bit more secretive than usual. You weren't sure if you were being paranoid, since it seemed like the Daily Prophet was constantly showcasing the worst of the wizarding war that was brewing. Voldemort was gaining followers and it seemed as if you couldn't go anywhere without news of Death Eater attacks or people mysteriously disappearing following you.  
By the time you were starting your fifth year at Hogwarts, you were beginning to get scared. You knew that Severus was on his way towards becoming a Death Eater, if he wasn't one already, but you were starting to realize that a lot of Slytherins were turning to that side as well. You weren't sure who to trust or what to say to others when you were in your dorm or common room, so you mostly kept to yourself.  
You weren’t even sure if you could trust Regulus. Sirius had been vocal about the fact that his younger brother was all too content to simply fall in line with his family’s loyalties to the dark side. Was Regulus a Death Eater too? Were the only Slytherins you had come to call your friends now the enemy?  
You convinced yourself that it was best to focus on your studies and protect yourself from the war. Over the summer, you had heard your parents speaking quietly in the study, pondering whether to keep you and your brother and Sirius from attending Hogwarts. They were more concerned about you being in Slytherin and the influence you would fall under. The fact that your parents were scared for your safety at a veritable fortress like Hogwarts told you that the situation was a lot more serious than you feared.  
Despite your resolve to ignore Severus, you quite literally ran into him when you were trying to leave your dorm on the first day of classes.  
"Oh," you breathed in surprise, having to stumble back a couple steps to avoid crashing into Severus.  
"Y/N," Severus greeted with a nod of acknowledgement. "I didn't hear from you this summer." 
"I, uh, well," you started, not sure how to let Severus know that you were terrified that he had joined the wrong side and now the two of you would have to be on opposing sides of a war. He had been one of your best friends since you started Hogwarts and now you weren't even sure if you should talk to him. "I have to go see my brother," you blurted before brushing past him.  
"Y/N!" Severus called, but you were already out of the dorm and striding down the hallway, hoping you didn't look like you were running away.  
You made it to the Great Hall without running into any other suspected Death Eaters. You started to approach the Slytherin table out of habit before you redirected towards the Gryffindor table. You loved being a Slytherin and you didn't think it was a bad thing. You wanted to do great things and find success in your endeavors. You wanted to be ambitious and cunning and all the other attributes that were fitting for a Slytherin.  
You just didn't want to be evil.  
And the most horrible thing to you was that you weren't sure how to distinguish the evil ones from the good ones.  
Worse yet, you worried that you were falling into the prejudice against your own house that the rest of the school seemed to hold. And who was to say it was only Slytherins joining the ranks of Death Eaters? Who else in the other houses had decided to join Voledemort? 
You didn’t know and you figured the only true safe place for you was with your brother and his friends.  
So, you decided to drop down into a seat at the Gryffindor table between James and Remus.  
"A little lost, snake?" Sirius asked and you glanced up to see he was sitting opposite you. You weren't sure if you were imagining it or if Sirius’ 'snake' comment didn't hold as much venom as it used to.  
"I'm avoiding some people," you admitted with a shrug of your shoulders.  
Remus shot you a concerned look. "Everything alright?" 
"Yeah," you sighed, briefly sparing a glance for the Slytherin table. Severus was just sitting down and you had to hurriedly look away before he noticed you. "Just need to figure out how to handle something." 
"Well, you're welcome to sit here whenever you like," James offered, throwing his arm around your shoulders. "And if anyone gives you any trouble, just let me know. I'll make them regret ever picking on my little sister." 
You shrugged your shoulders, throwing off James' arm, and shook your head. "I can fight my own battles," you told him.  
"I know you can, but--" 
"But she's fully capable of taking care of herself," Lily cut in, joining the conversation. "But I suppose you are her brother, so maybe you could be good for something." 
James spluttered out an indignant response that you only caught part of before he turned in his seat, giving Lily his full attention. Remus had his head buried in a book and Peter was nowhere to be found, leaving you with just Sirius.  
You were going to settle for simply ignoring him in favor of eating breakfast, but Sirius had another idea. 
You felt something brush against your foot under the table. At first, you thought it was merely an accident, but then something pressed into your foot again and again. You glanced up at Sirius and caught the knowing smirk on his face before he shot you a wink. You weren't sure why it had you ducking your head and refusing to look at him. It was an entirely new response to Sirius’ antics and it uneased you.  
What did it mean? Was he just trying to annoy you or was this something different? Was he trying to get a rise out of you or simply teasing you or was it more than that? 
"Why do you look like that?" James asked, finally pulling his focus away from Lily.  
"Like what?" You wondered, trying to school your expression into something neutral. You would rather die than let Sirius know that he had managed to stir up that reaction within you, so you kept your head down and focused on your food.  
Sirius decided to break James' focus on you by flinging a spoonful of eggs at his head and among the chaos that followed, you managed to slip away, wondering if Sirius was simply your ally or maybe even something more now.  
As the year progressed, you began to hear more and more snippets and stories about the wizarding war that was waging on. Muggles were being tortured and wizards were going missing under 'mysterious circumstances.' Voldemort and his army seemed to be growing bolder by the day, venturing into muggle cities and causing a ruckus in the Ministry.  
You feared for your parents and you hoped that they were staying as far away from the war as they could get. Besides the obvious Death Eater problem in the school, you never really thought anything bad could actually happen to you or your brother as long as you were at Hogwarts.  
Which, you figured, was why you were attacked in Hogsmeade.  
It was the second Hogsmeade visit of the year and you were eager to get your hands on more chocolate wands. You hadn't expected just how stressful your fifth year would be and you had severely underestimated the amount of time you would spend awake at night, studying in bed and reaching for a snack that wasn't there.  
You were just about to make the trek back to the castle. The sky was beginning to grow dark and a lot of the other students had already left. There was a chill to the air that had you wrapping your scarf even tighter around your neck, shivering as a blast of cold air met you.  
"Little Slytherin girl," you heard someone hiss. It was a woman, you could tell that much, but you didn't recognize her.  
You instinctively froze in your tracks, not aware of where the voice was coming from. There was something screaming inside you to just move. Run now before they caught you. But your feet betrayed you and stayed rooted to the spot.  
"Won't you join us, little Slytherin? All your friends have," another voice taunted, growing closer to you by the second.  
You finally managed to turn around, pinpointing the voices to two Death Eaters approaching you. They were wearing masks, shielding their identities from view, and a sick twisting in your gut worried that they were really Slytherins who were undergoing some kind of initiation. What if this was Severus? Would Severus kill you? The fact that you didn't know anymore had you feeling even more sick to your stomach.  
"Leave me alone," you ordered, dropping your Honeydukes purchases to the ground and attempting to go for your wand.  
"Incarcerous," the wizard shouted just as the witch cast impedimenta. 
You fumbled your wand, letting it fall to the ground, just as chains enclosed you. You fell to the ground, helpless and terrified, as they stalked closer towards you.  
"Now, what should we do with you?" The witch mused as she twirled her wand, as if this was all some kind of game to her.  
"We should take her back to Master," the wizard answered, sounding positively gleeful at the thought.  
"Help!" You called, glad that they hadn't managed to silence you just yet. "Someone! Anyone! Please!" 
"Shut up, you stupid girl," the wizard growled, striking you across the face.  
Blood blossomed across your tongue and you could feel where the skin of your cheek had split under the force of his blow.  
"Let's get her back to Master before--," the witch's words were cut off by a low growl followed by a snarl.  
The witch let out a shriek before she fell to the ground. The wizard turned, surprised and confused, only to let out a howl of pain. You had no idea what was happening and you managed to roll to the side, getting a glimpse of the fight that was happening just steps away from where you were lying on the ground.  
You had to blink a few times, wondering if you had hit your head, because there was no possible explanation for the sight before you. A black dog was snapping its jaws repeatedly, attempting to take bites out of the witch while she held it off. And of all things, a deer was rushing at the wizard, butting its head into his chest.  
The wizard chose to apparate away, but the witch stayed behind.  
She let out a gleeful, malicious giggle and then struck the dog in its side. The dog let out a whimper before finally backing off. The deer rushed towards the dog, attempting to aid it, but the witch cast a hex at the deer, causing it to back off.  
All the while, you had been attempting to get the chains off you. You had wriggled and squirmed and finally they fell away, leaving you to grasp your wand and aim it at the witch just as she aimed hers at the dog.  
You cast the first spell you could think of which just happened to be the horn tongue hex.  
The witch screeched in alarm when her tongue grew heavy and began to protrude from her mouth. You followed it up with a stinging hex and then another. The witch stumbled back before finally apparating away, but you didn't think it was enough. You kept aiming hex after hex at the space she previously occupied, furious and hurt and terrified.  
"Y/N!" A voice called from far away. "Y/N, it's alright now. They're gone," they said, trying to shake you out of your shock.  
You blinked a few times, your eyes finally focusing enough to notice that James was standing in front of you. He had his hands on your shoulders as he attempted to get you to make eye contact with him. A relieved smile appeared on his face once he realized he finally had your attention.  
Your right hand was clutching your wand so hard you were amazed that it hadn't yet broken. Your left hand was clutching a bunch of fur and you looked down to see that it was the dog. It seemed content to stand still, as if knowing you needed the reassurance, and it pressed its nose into your knee when you slowly let go.  
"James," you managed, wanting to ask about the deer and the dog, but all you got out was your brother's name before you began to sob. You fell out of James' grasp and to the ground, hunching in over yourself. There was blood in your mouth and your arms ached from fighting the incarcerous charm. You were beginning to shake and an inane thought crossed your mind that you should really get your Honeydukes purchases before they were lost forever. 
The dog whined low in its throat before pressing close to you, sending a beseeching look up at your brother, as if asking him to do something.  
"I know, Padfoot, but we should get her to Dumbledore. Those were Death Eaters. In Hogsmeade," James stressed, sounding just as shocked as you felt.  
The dog, Padfoot, growled before he was gone. In his place was Sirius, fury written into his expression.  
"That was my cousin," Sirius snarled, reaching out to hold onto your shoulder. "And she could have killed Y/N." 
You stared at Sirius, stunned speechless. You glanced over to your brother to see if he was also hallucinating his best friend, but James didn't seem to think anything was amiss.  
"But--," you started, looking from James and back to Sirius. "You're a dog?" 
Sirius shot you a smirk, but his heart didn't seem to be in it. "Wow, sweetheart, tell me how you really feel about me." 
"Sirius," your brother rebuked before he brought your attention to him. "You can't tell anyone about Sirius or me, understand? We could get in a lot of trouble." 
"You...," you trailed off, finally putting the pieces together through a mind still dazed with shock. "You were the stag," you observed, thinking that of course your brother was an animagus, because your life was bound to take just about every insane turn it possibly could. “How did you find me?” 
“We were just out in the forest, letting off some steam,” Sirius answered. “And then we heard you screaming for help.”  
James nodded his head in answer. "I’m just glad we got here in time.” James glanced around before he sighed. “It’s getting late. We should get you out of here," he decided, reaching down to pull you off the ground.  
Sirius rose with you, his hand still on your shoulder, as if he was afraid to let go. He ushered you forward a few steps before you remembered about your chocolate wands and you tried to turn.  
"What are you doing?" Sirius wondered, watching as you stumbled your way over to your dropped bag.  
"I need this," you defended yourself with a shrug of your shoulders.  
Sirius rolled his eyes, muttering 'barmy' under his breath. "C'mon," he sighed, moving to wrap an arm around your shoulders once you were beside him again.  
James moved to walk at your other side, keeping you between the two of them.  
There were no more attacks on the way to the school and when you officially walked through the gates and onto the Hogwarts grounds, you felt a tiny little shiver work its way down your spine in relief.  
"You're safe now," Sirius assured you, letting his hand drop until it was resting at the small of your back.  
"If you two hadn't been there...," you didn't even want to finish the thought. The Death Eaters would have taken you to Voldemort. They would have tortured you. They probably would have killed you.  
"But we were," James refuted with a small smile at you. "And I'm not letting you out of my sight again, you got that?" 
"I think she did pretty well taking care of herself," Sirius reminded James. "Getting my cousin with a horn tongue hex was just...brilliant," he finished with a wide, toothy grin at you.  
"You're sure that was Bellatrix?" You asked him, thinking of the near maniacal glee she took in taking you down. You had only dealt with Sirius and Regulus, and while you thought Sirius was mad, he was nothing like that.  
"It was her," Sirius confirmed with a heavy sigh. "I'm sure the Black family will commend her for her loyalty to the dark arts." 
You weren't sure how to respond, so you settled for bumping your elbow into Sirius' side. "Thank you," you told him when he finally looked at you. "The both of you." 
"Yeah, well, can't let my best mate's sister suffer, can I? Not unless it's me making her suffer," he added with a conspiratorial wink.  
The conversation trailed off there and you became caught up in your thoughts of what had just transpired. It seemed like one moment you were hurrying across the grounds with your brother and Sirius and the next you were standing in Dumbledore's office.  
"You two may go back to your dorm," he said, addressing James and Sirius. "I would like to have a few words with Miss Potter alone." 
"Headmaster," James started before he was cut off by Sirius clamping a hand down on his shoulder.  
"Understood, Professor," Sirius readily agreed and dragged James from the office.  
Dumbledore waited until the two of them were gone before he turned his attention on you.  
"I expect that they will be waiting for you to escort you back to the Slytherin dorm once we're done here. I've never found Sirius to be that agreeable before." 
You couldn't help the nervous laugh you let out at his words and from the way Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mirth, you knew it had been his aim all along.  
"Now," he started, watching you from across his desk. "Would you like to tell me what happened tonight in Hogsmeade?" 
You found the words for the story in bits and pieces. Your hands began to tremble as you talked about the Death Eaters approaching you while you were helpless and you found yourself pulling out a chocolate wand and taking a bite. "Sorry," you told Dumbledore when you noticed the amused look on his face.  
"No need to be sorry," Dumbledore dismissed with a wave of his hand. "I too find that sweets help me through trying situations. So, your brother and Sirius came to your rescue?" 
"They did," you agreed with a nod of your head. There was no way you were going to mention that James and Sirius were animagi, so you quickly glossed over that part of the story. "And once I was able to free myself, I attacked one of the Death Eaters when she hurt Sirius. I, uh, I turned her tongue into a horn," you admitted with a sheepish grin. "And then I cast a lot more hexes until she left. I was, I mean, well...," you didn't know how to talk about the worst part. "They wanted to take me to him," you forced yourself to get out. "And they would have killed me. There's no way I could have fought him or any of them and escaped with my life." 
Dumbledore seemed to mull over your words for a few moments. There was a look on his face you couldn't immediately decipher, but the more you studied it, the more you realized that Dumbledore seemed oddly proud of you.  
"Tell me, Miss Potter, what would you like to do once you leave here?" 
You weren't sure how that was in any way connected to the night's events, but you were happy for a change of subject. Your mind was still reeling from Death Eaters and animagi and the possibility of being taken to Voldemort. You really just wanted to think about anything else at the moment. 
"Well, I would really like to continue my studies," you answered, thinking over where you might want to be in ten years time if you were still alive. "Particularly in history of magic." 
"Ah, yes, I've heard that you are far more passionate about the subject than your classmates." 
"It's fascinating," you admitted with a genuine smile. "Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be a professor one day." 
"I think that sounds like a wonderful plan," Dumbledore mused with a thoughtful look. "I suppose when Professor Binns is ready to move on, we'll have a candidate in mind for the position." Dumbledore considered you for another moment. “I will have to inform your parents about what happened tonight. I don’t doubt that they will try to convince you to spend the rest of the term at home.” 
You knew your parents would fear for your safety even more now, but you didn’t want to leave Hogwarts. “Then I’ll just have to convince them that Hogwarts is safe.” 
Dumbledore offered you a content smile before he pulled out a drawer of his desk. He rummaged through the drawer before he pulled something free. “May I offer you a sherbet lemon?” 
Not long after that, Dumbledore sent you on your way with a few more sweets than you had arrived with and the knowledge that he thought you had done well for yourself under duress.  
You weren't surprised to see that Dumbledore was right about Sirius and James. The second you stepped off the staircase leading up to Dumbledore's office, James was right there with Sirius not far behind. 
"What'd he say? Should we get you to the Hospital Wing?" James asked, worry in his tone as he considered you.  
"I'd rather just go to sleep," you dismissed James' concern, brushing past him in favor of heading towards the dungeons. 
"Maybe we could sneak you into the Gryffindor common room to sleep it off on the couch," Sirius suggested, falling into step with you.   
"No," you immediately argued. "I have to trust that I can be safe in my own dorm." 
Sirius and James shared a look, a silent conversation taking place between them, before James finally rolled his eyes. "Fine, but we're walking you there." 
You couldn't help but snort in amusement. James was always going to be your overprotective big brother and Sirius...well, you weren't quite sure what Sirius was anymore, but you knew that things were constantly evolving between the two of you. 
And really, you didn't think that was such a bad thing. 
The next day, visits to Hogsmeade were put on hold for the rest of the year since it was deemed unsafe with the recent attacks on muggles and wizards. Your attack wasn't mentioned, and you were grateful since everyone seemed upset by the news. You knew they would just find a way to blame you and you didn't want to know what anyone would have to say. You were still shaken, and while you were going to miss your Honeydukes shopping trips, you couldn't deny that you wouldn't have felt safe there again.  
You had just finished writing a letter to your parents in response to their plea that you consider coming home. Dumbledore had been right, but you were stubborn and wanted to finish out your fifth year at the castle. Your parents wouldn’t like it, but you also knew that they wouldn’t force you to come home if you didn’t want to.  
You were clutching the letter tight in your hands, intent on going to the owlery, when someone called your name just as you were leaving the Great Hall. 
"Are you alright?" The voice caught you off-guard, stopping you in your tracks.  
You turned to see Severus standing there, his expression neutral with just a hint of conern in his eyes.  
"You appear to be injured," he observed with a quirk of his eyebrow. "This wouldn't have anything to do with the Hogsmeade trips being cancelled?" 
A hundred different emotions flooded through you before you somehow finally landed on contempt. "And if it was?" You took a couple of steps closer to him, lowering your voice so only the two of you could hear. "And if it was Death Eaters who attacked me and attempted to kidnap me? Would you still be with them?" 
Severus' expression morphed from poorly concealed worry into masked irritation. "I don't see how that's any of your business." 
You scoffed, shaking your head. "It's my business because you were my friend, Severus. You were one of my best friends and the fact that you could join them? That's just...I don't know who you are anymore," you admitted with a scowl.  
You turned away from him, not letting him even attempt to get another word in. You didn't want to know if there was anything left of your friendship with Severus. The fact alone that he would join the Death Eaters, especially after what you had endured the night before, was more than enough for you to know that you didn't want anything to do with him as long as he was with them.  
The rest of your fifth year was spent fearing for your loved ones and doing your damnedest to make sure that you got the OWLs scores that you wanted. While you had lost a friend, it seemed as if you had gained another in Sirius. He spent less time trying to poke and prod at you, attempting to get a rise, and instead did his best to make you laugh. He watched out for you and finally seemed to accept you despite the fact that you were a Slytherin. 
A year before, you never would have guessed that you would be facing your sixth year at Hogwarts trusting Sirius Black and avoiding Severus at all costs. You didn't know what the future held for you and you were terrified more than anything that Voldemort and his army would find a way to win. 
But as long as you still had the people you loved, for now you would simply focus on what the summer holidays would bring. And even though you were loath to admit it, even to yourself, maybe you were just the tiniest bit interested in seeing where the new amicable nature of your relationship with Sirius brought you. 
taglist: @mizelophsun11 @mysticalfuncollectorus @honeybxes @siriusement @takem3tothelakes @fangeekkk @strawberrysodaslut (if you would like to be added please let me know! some people who used to be on the list have different usernames, so I wasn't sure if I should still tag you.)
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
Hii, what is dialogue game?
And can you link your patron pls, I can't reach the site for some reason
Link here
Dialogue game is when people give me a line of dialogue and trope and I write small blurbs for their prompt.
Someone gave me the dialogue with trope cowboy!h
Line of dialogue given - “I’m only going to tell you one more time.”
“I’m only going to tell you one more time, sugar,” Harry warns with a low warning, his hand out like that could do anything to stop her.
“Or what? What’s going to happen?” YN teases because she loves pushing his buttons, testing her limits with her husband.
“You don’t want to know what I’m going to do to you,” He threatens but it’s moot point because YN knows he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body (at least with her).
“Mm, I don’t think that’s a good enough reason not too,” YN pops her hip, acting like she’s thoughtful as they stand outside one of the many barns in the property.
YN had a hose in hand, pointed directly at Harry who was almost done in the fields - sweat soaking through his flannel and his skin golden from the sun.
At first, it was a joke because he was hot and said he couldn’t wait for a cold shower but then YN got the bright idea of hosing him down.
“Don’t you dare, pea. If you know what’s good fo-“
And he doesn’t get to finish his sentence because he’s being hit in the chest with a blast of water and his eyes widen in surprise.
“You lil’ brat,” Harry laughs as he gets soaked but he doesn’t just stand there, he lunges towards YN who squeals and bolts out of reach.
As she’s running, the hose goes a bit haywire and hits him in the cheek, it doesn’t hurt but he uses it as an opportunity for the upper hand.
He stops running and cups his eye, “Ah shit, that hit me right in the eye. Fuck, that hurt.”
And YN in instant concern takes her grip off the trigger of the nozzle and comes to check on him in worry.
“Baby, did-“
As soon as she’s in his space, he shoots up, and snatches the hose out of her hand and point it at her.
When she realizes it was a ploy, she backs up with her arms up in surrender, a fucking beautiful smile on her face.
“Please baby, don’t do it,” YN asks with a puppy dog expression, doe eyes and a pouty bottom lip.
“You know, sugar, that look nearly almost works on me,” Harry tilts his head, a crooked smile on his lips, “But you’re wearing a pretty white sundress and I’d love to know if there’s anything underneath.”
With that, he’s spraying her chest to soak through the thin white material, a devious smile on his face when her nipples harden and contrast through the fabric.
“No bra, sweet pea?” Harry questions as he lowers it to her bottom half, “This was a great idea.”
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izvmimi · 10 months
malevolent enterprise ch. 6
cw: ceo!au. you, the reader, make a name for yourself at Itadori Enterprises. header by @/cafekitsune! masterlist
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In less than a month, your reputation at headquarters begins to precede you. 
There’s a break room in the executive suite of offices that’s not meant to be used often, particularly since all of you have personal assistants, yours a plucky, young girl who seems eager to work far more than you remember to use her, named Misato. You manage to escape her to pour your own coffee, wondering if you should find a reason to give her the afternoon off. You have trouble with directly managing subordinates at times, particularly if she’s not actually in your domain.
Once you are two to three sips in your coffee, another one of your co-executives slips in, the musclehead who works a door down. You don’t really know him very well, but he’s so overtly friendly that it’s hard to keep him at arm’s length.
“Hey,” you offer as polite yet casual a greeting you can offer. He, in turn, gives you a sly look before moving towards one of the cupboards and pulling out a tub of protein that practically shakes the counter as he drops it on the counter. Scooping out enough protein to match that of a small cow into a bottle of Perrier, enough to make you wrinkle your nose, he chuckles to himself, before turning to you, stirring with his finger.
“You don’t give a fuck, do you?” He asks, laughing. 
Mr. Todo’s dark eyes practically sparkle with mirth as he teases you. You tilt your head, pretending not to know what he’s talking about, but you’re well aware of what he’s referring to. The firmness you displayed with the board of trustees in the 9am meeting this morning had bordered on aggressive, especially bold given that you were new, and this was your first in-person meeting with them. By the time you were done rebutting the second biggest donor’s unrealistic demands, using words like ‘set better expectations’ and ‘consider reviewing the literature’, Yuuji looked almost as shocked as Mrs. Yokohama herself, and Aoi was two seconds from howling in laughter. Nobara, the third exec in your meeting, had looked up from her phone, finally finding something more entertaining in real life, than whatever was in social media. Yuuji’s secretary was actively shaking.
“I don’t know what you were referring to.” You lie.
Todo finishes stirring and downs nearly the entire bottle in a long series of gulps and you find yourself distracted by just how quickly his Adam’s apple bobs with the activity, wondering how he doesn’t choke.
“You know they could just pull out their investments, right?” He finally says after a refreshed sigh.
You roll your eyes.
“If the simple act of asking investors to be engaged with their investments in a reasonable way, and not just demanding arbitrary results with no frame of reference is considered disrespectful, what exactly is the point of these meetings?”
“I’m just saying, even I wouldn’t have bothered,” he replies. You scoff, and he takes the opportunity to take the armchair next to you, separated by a small end table, on which you place your coffee. He turns, leaning towards you, and you’re struck with a whiff of his cologne, preparing to be offended but realizing you like the smell despite yourself. 
“Yuuji is simply too nice,” you say.
“Yeah. He is. It’s part of his charm,” Todo replies, grinning. You purse your lips, but Todo nods, as though enticing you to agree. “You get sick of working with bastards after a while. When his brother used to work here, it took all of me not to go to blows constantly. Whooping one of these prettyboys’ asses isn’t exactly great for my resume.”
You stifle a laugh.
“I’m surprised Yuuji is that different from his brother supposedly.” The coffee is too sweet, even for you, and you start to wish you’d asked Misato to do a Starbucks run instead. Perhaps she still can.
“You couldn’t imagine they’re from the same womb. One of them is probably adopted, I’d pay money to see that scandal. Sukuna is much more like the old man though.”
You adjust yourself in your seat, not ready to leave to work again yet, but also not sure where this conversation will take you. Todo’s pulled out his phone by now, and is watching a loud video, and when you peek closer, you realize it’s an idol concert.
“Takada?” You ask. Todo’s neck snaps so quickly in your direction, you’re practically concerned.
“You know?!”
You give him an odd look.
“I mean she is a celebrity…”
Todo grins. “We went on a date last month. She doesn’t realize she’s in love with me yet.”
You nod slowly, and make a mental note to expect a restraining order being served to the executive suite in the coming months.
“She’s pretty,” you mention, likely in order to lessen the guilt already forming because of your negative thought.
“I know,” he says, nearly flippantly, and he practically beams at the phone. It’s so genuine, you decide to adjust your thinking, rooting for him instead. 
You rise, deciding you should probably get back to work. “If Takada and I ever cross paths, I’ll put in a good word for you, don’t worry.”
He doesn’t look up. “Thanks for the offer, but we’re soulmates. I don’t need it.”
For some reason, this actually makes you chuckle.
“Right.” You turn to leave, and can’t help a giggle as you leave the suite and return to your own office.
Back in your own office, you settle down, letting your feet stretch out beneath your desk, and then once looking around kick off your pumps. You let yourself relax.
There’s a text from your old boss that was sent this morning, and annoyed you when you first saw it, but now, realizing that in your first few weeks of sink and swim, you’ve not only swam but you’re big fish on campus, you venture to reply.
How’s the new job? Gojo Satoru’s text says..
Swell. Next time don’t send my resume to your friend, however sweet the gig is. 
Or they are, you think but don’t add to your text.
You look at your phone for a moment, and consider that he’s probably in a hot tub in Cabo, and has no idea what the fuck you’re on about. But three more seconds pass and you can see a typing bubble. You grit your teeth, natural irritation returning, and it doesn’t abate when he sends you a sticker of a cat sticking its tongue out, sparkles surrounding it. 
Yuuji thinks you’re amazing, just like I said you were.
You wrinkle your nose. The idea of Gojo saying anything nice about you makes your stomach turn, and then you think about Yuuji nodding and agreeing and it makes it turn slightly worse, but in a different fashion.
How about you never discuss me from now on? I’m not a charity case.
Gojo sends a sad sparkly cat this time and you blow air through your nose, admittedly somewhat amused. You have a few more questions to ask him about exactly how much convincing was involved in your far-too-swift hiring, but Misato suddenly knocks on your door and you decide to table your bullying for later. Pushing your phone to the side, you ask her to come in. 
“Ms. Kugisaki called to see if you looked like you’d be free for happy hour.”
You wonder why she doesn’t just text you, then remember you’ve dodged happy hour three times in a row, and give Misato a reassuring smile.
You’ll take all the allies - rather, friends - you can get.
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kesujo · 57 minutes
Chapter 7: A Game of Chess - Part 1
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Previous chapter here.
A/N: If you want to follow the chess game played in this chapter, you can go to this link: https://www.chess.com/analysis/library/5c899FnMgi [let me know if this link doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, and you want to follow the chess game going on] Starting from the beginning, you can click on the ‘>’ button on the right console to advance to the next move, and the ‘<’ button if you went too far and want to backtrack. The coordinates listed in this chapter can be seen at the edges of the board.
I’m going to be honest, if you don’t understand chess then the game Jessica and Parker play isn’t really going to make much sense, so in that case you can mostly just ignore the chess game going on.
Maybe Parker wasn’t as careful as he should’ve been when Jessica knocked on his door with a chessboard in hand. “I heard from Hunter that you used to play chess when you were younger. I did too, so I thought it’d be fun to play.”
The tension in his chest was relieved all at once in a sigh, a laugh following after. So, she was capable of being normal. “Yeah, that sounds fun. Hunter working late again?”
She nodded, bits of loneliness creeping into the forlorn expression on her face. Seeing it made Parker feel bad, guilty even, that he was so on guard when he saw Jessica on the other side of his door’s peephole. “Were you about to go to sleep?”
“I have an hour or two in me, so we can get a few games in.”
Hearing that lit up her face. “Great! Let’s set up!”
They headed to the living room, Jessica winning the white pieces after a quick game of rock-paper-scissors. While setting up the board, Parker decided to make some small talk, absolutely reveling in the normalness of the situation. “Do you play chess often now?”
“Mm, not really. Not as much as before.”
“Did you go to many tournaments?”
“Just a few local ones.”
“Win any?”
Jessica smiled. “A few.”
“Ooh, so you’re a hotshot.”
This caused her to laugh. “Not exactly, I never really made it past state-level. How about you?”
“Same deal but made it once to nationals. Got whooped in the first round though.”
“Wow, so I better bring my A-game, huh?” she shot back, looking up at smiling at him. Parker smiled back, thinking about just how nice this was. Why couldn’t all their interactions be as wholesome as this one? “We’re going to be playing with some stakes to make this more interesting.”
Parker didn’t know why he let his guard down: maybe it was because he was too preoccupied with the immense feeling of relief that things weren’t going how they usually did with Jessica, or maybe he was just kidding himself.
“First of all, rewards for winning: if I win, I get to do anything I want with you.”
Hearing that instantly made Parker lose all hope. “I’m not—” he started, getting up but was cut short when Jessica reached over, quickly grabbing his arm and interjecting.
“If you win, you can command me to stay away from you for the same number of days as the number of points you win. Which means you can be free of me for up to 40 days, maybe even more.” Hearing that gave Parker pause. The thought was extremely lucrative, and he seemed to have a fair shot at it too given they were probably around the same level.
“What about stalemate?”
“Then I just go home and that’s that.”
“And what constitutes as ‘anything you want with me’?”
Jessica smiled. “You’ll see.”
It’s not like this was anything new, anyway. If anything, Jessica was inserting an extra step into something she would normally do without giving him a chance to escape anyway. In fact, this was a chance to get out of the situation—and if he lost … well, it was essentially business as usual.
Realizing how absolutely degenerate his expectations had become made Parker only more ashamed of himself, but the prospect of an entire month without having to worry about Jessica’s schemes was too big of an opportunity to pass. Maybe he could take the time to develop countermeasures, such as finding a girlfriend and cashing in on the promise Jessica made last time.
Parker realized this line of thinking was falling right into Jessica’s trap, but if he learned one thing about Jessica—well, that would be that she was much more ‘adventurous’, as she often put it, than he would’ve initially thought—but the second thing was that she always kept her word. And if what Jessica said was indeed correct, that she never made it to national level and hasn’t been honing her chess skills recently, that meant he had an extremely decent chance to win.
“Promoted pawns count as the piece they were promoted to when captured.” Because of Jessica’s proposal, Parker realized he was incentivized to capture as many pieces as possible before delivering checkmate. It also meant that if he could capture a pawn promoted to a queen, he would gain nine additional days of freedom. However, that was risky; allowing Jessica to have an additional queen did little to improve his chances of winning.
In fact, basing his strategy around having a long, bloody game was risky in general; passing up a checkmate to extend the game for the purpose of buying himself more days of freedom meant that it was very possible that he blunder and find himself at the command of Jessica’s risqué imagination.
“I bet you’re thinking that you’ll want to capture as many pieces as you can before checkmating, so I thought I would introduce some additional rules for capturing pieces.” Of course. Nothing had to be simple with Jessica, did it?
“Losing a pawn means giving the other a kiss wherever they want, and subsequent pawn captures have to be in increasingly more intimate places. Losing a knight or bishop means removing one piece of clothing—both socks count as one piece of clothing. Losing a rook means directing the other in how you want to fuck him or her for five minutes. Losing a queen means giving the other oral until orgasm.”
As Jessica went down the list, Parker’s somewhat upbeat, hopeful mood plummeted. “And promoting a pawn means the player gets the benefit of the other losing that piece. So if I promote a pawn to a queen, you have to give me oral until orgasm. And one last thing, you must accept the rewards, even if you don’t want them.” And there went Parker’s final line of defense, a ‘loophole’ he thought he found but was instantly filled in by the ever-prepared Jessica.
Parker looked down and cursed himself for not wearing one more sweater or something over the T-Shirt he was wearing: collectively, counting both his socks as one piece of clothing, he had exactly four pieces of clothing. He looked across the chessboard to Jessica, seeing that she had a light jacket over the nightgown she was wearing, the somewhat see-through material revealing a pair of underwear. Assuming she was wearing both pieces of underwear, Jessica’s clothing total amounted to five. However, knowing her, she probably would choose to leave her socks on if all her knights and bishops were taken. “Your turn,” she announced, looking up from the board and matching his gaze, her signature mysterious smile adorning her lips.
Parker looked down to see that she had already moved her King’s pawn to e4. Did he want to play an explosive opening or a closed one? There were clear advantages to both: getting twenty, or even as few as ten, days free from Jessica was a pretty serious victory, but the greedy part of him wanted more. However, the downside to claiming more free days was that he would have to ‘accept’ the rewards of capturing her pieces, something he wasn’t looking forward to at all. So, should he try to checkmate her as quickly as possible to win the days of freedom without much sexual activity, or should he just bear with it for today and try to claim as many free days as possible?
“Shit,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head and deciding to mirror her, moving his King’s pawn to e5.
“Have you decided on what your strategy this game is going to be?” Knight to f3.
“Nope.” Knight to c6.
“Well, I have.” Bishop to b5.
Seeing the aggressive move threw Parker off. He assumed Jessica was going to be having the same doubts as himself. Unless she was confident in her ability to win? Parker looked across the chessboard but found Jessica staring back, the smile never leaving her face. “Well?”
“You’re taking that knight aren’t you?”
“I’m taking that knight, one way or another.”
Parker knew that chess was a game of give-and-take and of necessary sacrifices, but this soon? At least the punishment was rather tame. “Fine.” Knight to f6.
As promised, Jessica captured the knight on c6 with her bishop, Parker taking the knight back with the pawn on the b file. “Well, one piece of clothing each.”
Figuring he would take the time to get used to it (since there was no way he wasn’t losing at least another knight or bishop), Parker elected to take off his shirt. Jessica, however, reached her nightgown and pulled off her noticeably damp panties. “That feels much better~” she sung, giggling after seeing Parker’s shocked expression. “What? Can’t I be excited?”
“A little … too excited?”
She shrugged, castling her king side. “I’ve always wanted to do something like this with Hunter but he sucks at chess, so learning that you played when you were younger made me so excited that I got this wet,” Jessica informed him, nudging the damp piece of cloth now laying on his couch.
Hearing his best friend’s name reawakened the guilt that was shoved aside previously by his competitiveness flaring up. “Yeah, I tried to teach him in high school but he never really was that interested…” After some thinking, Parker settled on moving his pawn to d6.
“That’s funny, I also tried to teach him.” Knight to c3. “He told me a similar thing.”
“Hm…” Bishop to e7.
Without much thought, Jessica moved her queen’s pawn up two squares. “So looks like you’re trying to be conservative with capturing.”
“Maybe.” Bishop to a6.
“Oh…” Jessica paused for a second, then continuing, “I almost want to let you take that rook just to see what kinds of things you would do to me.”
Parker wondered himself if he had the balls to take the rook, but thankfully Jessica eliminated the choice for him by moving the rook to the left by one square. “But I want to win, so I’m not giving you freebees.”
After Parker proceeded to castle his king, they exchanged pawns on e5. “Since I captured your piece first, I get to choose first. But I think I’ll start off tame.” For a second, Parker was hopeful that she would request a reasonable starting place, remembering the rule that subsequent pawn captures result in kisses in increasingly risqué places, such as the hand. But, of course, Jessica’s reply shattered those hopes so thoroughly, Parker didn’t even know why he even bothered. “Let’s just kiss and both take our rewards.”
“But—why not just start off with a kiss on the hands first?”
Jessica just giggled at the notion. “We’ve fucked how many times, and you’re still afraid to give me a little peck on the lips?”
“The rule, that further pawn captures have to lead to kisses in, well, worse places though.” Parker knew she wasn’t going to budge, but still he felt it necessary to communicate his resistance to the idea. Even if he had no control over the idea, at least he could voice that it wasn’t something he particularly enjoyed. “Starting off with the hand gives me the best chance not to—”
“—have to make out with my pussy?”
Parker felt himself cringing at her reply, half in shock but half in the disdainful feeling of the tightness in his pants worsening. “Well, yeah. I mean, can’t I at least choose somewhere else?”
“Nope, since me kissing you means you necessarily are kissing me.”
“But aren’t I allowed to choose?”
“In that case, you should’ve taken my pawn first~”
Ultimately, Parker knew he was fighting a losing battle, so he just sighed and acquiesced.
Doing something like pecking Jessica on the lips was something Parker shouldn’t have much of an issue with given that he literally had sex with her multiple times already but doing so still injected him with a shot of guilt.
 However, Jessica’s next move made his face pale.
“There’s your queen~” she sung, happily grinning at him. “Are you going to take back and let me give you a blowjob?”
“So much for starting off tame,” Parker muttered in reply, his voice just loud enough to cause Jessica to hear and laugh in response as he took back her queen with his rook on the f file.
“Good thing your floor is carpet,” she noted, crawling over to the man sitting in front of the chessboard, reluctant to move. “Do you want me to give you your blowjob first, or do you want to do this simultaneously?”
After a pause, Parker found himself letting out a frustrated sigh. “Damn it, can’t we just play a normal game of chess?”
“It’s no fun that way!”
“Normal chess is plenty of fun!”
“Well, this is more exciting, isn’t it? It brings another layer of strategy into the game.”
“And another layer of physicality middle school me was trying to escape from by joining chess club.”
Jessica laughed, a good-natured response of understanding and agreement. “Same actually, but enough stalling. How do you want to do this?”
“Just … simultaneously, I guess…”
Jessica smiled so brightly that Parker felt his brain pause for a second, subconsciously appreciating how great she looked when she smiled so openly. “Great! Go ahead and lie down, and feel free to pull up my nightgown.”
“…Are you sure we can’t do some other kind of punishment for losing our queens? Like time constraints or having to stand on one leg for the rest of the game or something?”
Jessica turned around, riding up her pajama one-piece, the frills on its hem beautifully framing the perfect, round shape of her butt. Its skin was so taught and the shade such a bright, snowy white that Parker swore he could almost see the reflection of the apartment’s living room light on it. Sinful as it was, Parker couldn’t help but stare at it for a second, admiring how unrealistically beautiful—and how undeniably sexy—her butt was. The way her slim waist curved to her wide hips, accentuating the fullness of what appeared to be no less than perfect semi-spheres of tight, plump flesh, something about it was hypnotizing. It was only when Jessica turned her head around to answer did Parker tear his gaze away. “Nope.” Unfortunately, the swift movement of his eyes did not go unseen by Jessica, who said the single syllable response with a grin so prominent that Parker could hear it in her voice. “Like what you see?”
“Let’s just get this over with.”
“So that’s a ‘yes’, then?” The seductress continued to tease, shaking her butt at him teasingly.
It would be a lie to say that Parker wasn’t tempted to take another glance, especially seeing the playful motion in the corner of his eyes. What was wrong with him today? Has all this adulterous sex impeded his sense of morality? No longer wanting to be on the back foot, Parker countered, “Are you stalling to buy time to think what you’d do once you lose?”
“Hmm…” she hummed, leaning down atop Parker’s body lying on the carpet in his living room, “But do you think you have what it takes to win?”
“What, do you think I’m not good enough?” It was pretty hard to keep a straight face, trying to talk to someone who was laying on top of him and pushing her ass into his face. Parker could barely see her, his vision primarily swallowed up by Jessica’s legs and the pair of plump mounds of flesh nearing him.
“Well, you don’t only need skill to win, do you? You don’t think I’m going to just let you win without getting my way at least somewhat, right?” Parker couldn’t reply, because frankly, he wasn’t sure himself. “If you’re going to win, you’re going to at least strip down to your underwear, maybe even go fully nude, not to mention that we’re going to fuck for at least ten minutes, maybe even twenty if all rooks get captured. Are you willing to endure all that to ensure victory?”
“Shut up and start sucking already.”
“Ooh, where’s that aggression in the bedroom? Or the bathroom, or against the living room wall, or—” her sentence was cut off with a squeal, Parker plying her butt cheeks apart, tilting his head, and attacking her clit with his tongue.
He could feel his chin being splashed with her juices as he ran his tongue across the hardened nub, her silky legs wrapping around his ears, slightly smothering his sense of hearing. Parker himself took in a sharp inhale when he felt Jessica’s hot grip tighten around the base of his shaft and her voluptuous mounds press against his legs, shortly after feeling those same soft velvety lips that pecked him now planting kisses along his shaft. “Mmm, looks like someone’s excited,” Jessica’s sensual moan seemed to echo about the apartment, the palm of her hands rubbing along the shaft of his penis.
Parker elected not to respond, focusing instead on the task in front of him. The faster he brought her to orgasm, the faster this would all be over. And luckily, from Parker’s observation, Jessica seemed to be more sensitive than most other women he had been with.
The sexy seductress dribbled another layer of saliva onto Parker’s erection, using her soft, dainty hands to spread the warm fluid about its length. “It’s so veiny, I’m always so impressed by it whenever I see it up close.” Jessica’s breathless statement again went ignored by Parker, who had recruited his finger on the task of bringing his opponent to orgasm, stroking her damp labia while his tongue played with the sensitive stub. The building arousal was apparent not only in the slight vibrato in her voice but the tenseness in her legs and the increased flow of her juices right onto Parker himself.
“O-Oh, god, you’re so good at that, Parker…” even her gasps and sighs were sexy, the added motion of her hands slathering his cock with more and more of her saliva only adding fuel to the fire. “Are you getting bigger? I feel like I’ve been trying to lubricate your cock for so long, maybe I should just dive in.”
This time, Parker didn’t even have the option to respond as Jessica followed that up by doing exactly that: in an instant, her lips were tightly sealed around the perimeter of his dick, her tongue resting on the underside of his shaft and the tightness of her throat creating an immense pressure on his cock.
Parker jumped, the sudden surge of ecstasy causing his body to twitch in response to the strong stimulus. It took barely a second before Jessica had managed to swallow well over half his length, her hands warming up the lower half with twisting, pumping motions.
Deciding to match Jessica, he switched the position of his face and fingers, his lips making contact with her vaginal lips while his thumb found her clit. Jessica’s legs wrapped around Parker’s head in response, her ecstatic moans and sighs partially muffled by the cock filling her mouth to the brim.
Usually, Parker would be able to look at Jessica’s overjoyed expression while taking his larger-than-average sized penis in her mouth and all semblance of guilt specifically regarding the pain or discomfort she was feeling would disappear. However, this time, all Parker had to go off was the occasional gagging noises that was being emitted from her throat, the warm liquid that would fall onto his groin—whether it was drool or tears, he had no idea—and most of all, Parker could feel the trouble Jessica was having with her hands constantly shifting around.
But that guilt started to die down as he realized that Jessica had barely come up for air or to take a break; in the minutes that had elapsed, Jessica had stubbornly held his cock inside her throat, pushing further and further down his shaft. That on top of the cacophony of sounds of pleasure joining the occasional gagging noises was more than enough for Parker to feel at ease, refocusing on his challenge.
By then, the tangy, unique taste of Jessica’s juices had stained the tongue that had run across her wet folds and was currently delving inside her love canal, but Parker didn’t let it phase him. His fingers were relentless, transitioning from a simple rubbing motion around the clit to rougher massaging and occasional pinches. Parker’s hands were gripping the plump flesh of her bottom tightly, something Parker himself wasn’t even aware of but was adding to the overwhelming sensation of the building orgasm Jessica was feeling.
However, it was Parker who was the first to orgasm, flooding her already-filled-to-the-brim oral cavity with a tsunami of his sticky, salty semen. Something between a cough and a gag burst out of Jessica, a mixture of her saliva and Parker’s semen spraying onto his groin as she quickly retreated to make more space for the following ropes of semen shooting into her mouth. Her eyes watered, vision rendered inert as her nose desperately tried to keep up with her body’s need for oxygen by taking large inhales of oxygen while her mouth was continuing to be filled with Parker’s ejaculate. It was this tight, almost panicked feeling that finally pushed her over the edge, a wave of her own cum washing onto Parker’s face.
Parker, too absorbed by the guilt from hearing Jessica’s gagging that was undoubtedly a result of him forgetting to warn her about his impending orgasm, was caught off guard by her orgasm, recovering seconds later and resuming his motions, letting her ride it out.
Even after Parker’s orgasm had died down, Jessica continued to keep his cock inside her mouth as the last waves of euphoria rolled through her body. When it finally subsided, Jessica unsheathed her mouth and climbed off him.
“Sorry about that, I just completely forgot to tell you.”
Jessica laughed. “What are you talking about? Like I’m always telling you, it’s fine!” she said, collecting the last bits of the sticky substance that had landed on his crotch area and feeding it to herself. “It was exciting—oh gosh, your face!”
Parker was still in the process of using his shirt he had set to the side to wipe off the excess ejaculate from Jessica on his face that was apparently still so visible that Jessica could see. “Why is it always so much?”
“Well, it’s partially your fault for being so good at it,” Jessica playfully shot back, joining Parker at his side and helping him wipe the sticky fluid off his face.
That sentence made Parker think. If, in the future, when Jessica had another ridiculous request like this one, he just performed badly, then would Jessica leave him alone?
“Oh, but if you’re thinking about doing poorly the next time we have sex, that won’t work because I already know you’re good at it.”
“Wha—how did you know what I was thinking?”
Jessica simply giggled, taking her side at the other end of the table after having adequately cleaned Parker’s face. “I mean, it’s pretty obvious that you would think that given what I just said.”
“Really…” Parker had almost forgotten about the chess game and felt almost cheated that they still had to play it. Usually, after they had sex, Jessica left him alone—this time wasn’t quite like that, and that threw Parker off. “…wait, whose turn was it?”
“Mine,” Jessica answered, moving her dark-square bishop to g5.
“You’re attacking something right away?”
“Well, you only have your shirt off so far.”
Knowing he didn’t really have much of a choice other than to recapture if his knight on f6 was captured, he instead elected to attack a pawn by moving his a rook to b8.
Jessica paused for a moment before catching him off-guard; instead of capturing the knight like he expected, Jessica instead captured the e5 pawn with her knight. “Well, where do you wanna kiss me?”
“You’re way too happy that I just hung a pawn…”
“You know what, I’ll let you choose kissing me on the lips again just this once~”
“Wow, you’re so gracious.”
Jessica giggled at Parker’s deadpan reply. “I know, right?”
Despite everything, Parker found himself smiling at the infectious positive energy Jessica emitted, leaning over the table to land a quick peck on her lips before making his next move: reinforcing his knight by moving his rook to d6. Jessica’s response was to just take the knight, Parker taking the bishop back in kind.
“Alright, one piece of clothing each~” Parker removed his socks, and to his surprise, so did Jessica. Seeing this, Jessica giggled. "What?”
“You actually chose to take your socks off. I figured that was going to be the one article of clothing you kept on.”
Jessica chose only to respond with her mysterious smile again, thinking for a bit before moving her undefended knight to g4. Not wanting to remove another piece of clothing so quickly, he moved his dark-square bishop to d4. Jessica’s response was a simple pawn move, moving her pawn to e5.
Rook to e6 followed, moving his rook out of danger of the advancing pawn, Jessica’s rook swooping in from the corner to d1, attacking his dark-square bishop.
Well, so much for not taking off another article of clothing so quickly. He felt that spending an entire turn moving the bishop away was a waste of time, but on the other hand, it was pinning the f2 pawn to the king. Still, was it valuable enough to waste an entire turn to keep it safe?
“Fine,” he muttered, taking her c3 knight with his bishop.
“Ah, one left~” she taunted him, taking the bishop back with her pawn.
While Parker elected to remove his pants, Jessica chose to take off her light jacket—or at least, that’s what it appeared at first. When Jessica moved to remove her nightgown, Parker interjected. “Wait, it’s only one piece of clothing.”
Jessica cocked her eyebrow at him, stopping part-way. “I know. I’m taking this off,” she stated, proceeding to remove the pajama one-piece.
The defeated sigh from Parker turned into a warbled noise of surprise when her fully exposed boobs popped out from the confines of the rather form-fitting one-piece, nipples already fully erect. “What the f—” Honestly, at this point, Parker wasn’t even sure why he was surprised. Of course, Jessica would do something like this.
“That’s better,” she said, draping the light jacket over her shoulders. Although the jacket covered part of her chest, it still left much of it clearly visible, least of all the extremely tempting peaks of her voluptuous mounds. Seeing Parker’s shocked reaction from across the table put a smirk on her face. “What? Do you like what you see?”
“I don’t even know why I’m surprised, honestly,” Parker replied, focusing back on the board and moving his pawn to h5.
“Oh, so you do like what you see,” Jessica commented, the smirk on her lips widening, “or else why would you want me to take off my last piece of clothing?”
“I’m just trying to win and be done with this.” Parker would never admit it out loud and could barely admit it to himself, but Jessica’s boobs were addictively alluring. The pureness of its color, the soft appearance and tightness of the skin, the perfect round shape it had, the volume of them, not even to mention how succulent her nipples looked when swollen as they were at the moment and how it made him want to do nothing more than to take one to his mouth and suck on them. But there was also something about the fact that they were partially hidden by the jacket draped over her shoulders that just added onto Parker’s immense desire to glance up, but his guilt and desire to not be teased by Jessica for doing so trumped those desires.
“Hmm…” Jessica elected to move her knight out of the way, back to e3. With the e5 pawn no longer defended, Parker took the pawn with his rook. “Alright, where do you want it?”
“The kiss I owe you.” Absorbed by the game and fighting the urge to take a peek, Parker had completely forgotten about those extra rules and was left dumbfounded until she was next to him.
“Can I say lips again…?”
Jessica thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “There’s six more, so sure.” Parker breathed a sigh of relief, letting Jessica peck him on the lips before returning to her side of the table. Then Parker realized how messed up it was that he was relieved that Jessica chose to allow him to tell her to kiss him on the lips.
After moving her pawn to h3, Parker connected his king-side pawns by moving his pawn to g6. What followed were essentially positioning maneuvers: Jessica’s rook shot up the board closer to his king, Parker responding by protecting the pawn under attack with his own rook, and Jessica responding by placing her other rook behind the first. Parker adjusted his bishop’s positioning to b7, thinking he could open some sort of attack after moving his c6 pawn, Jessica responding by her rook to attack his bishop. Parker scooted it into the corner, Jessica following up by attacking his rook by moving her knight to c4.
Figuring he could move his rook out of the way while attacking the knight, he moved his rook to e4 but was stopped short by Jessica placing her rook between the two pieces.
“Remember, if you take, then we both get five minutes with each other~” Jessica sang, shooting a grin at him.
Parker gritted his teeth, his hand hovering over the piece before ultimately deciding to take the rook. Jessica answered by taking his rook back with her pawn, standing up to move to Parker’s side while grabbing her phone that she had set on the side.
“Wait, stay there.” Jessica, shocked that Parker actually was directing her, obeyed, watching Parker as he moved over to her side of the table, desperately trying to avoid looking at the delicious pair of tits that were more or less out in the open for him to see. “I get to choose first, right?”
“Mhm, since you took my rook first,” she answered, leaving the screen open on the timer app.
“And I can choose anything, right?”
“As long as it qualifies as sex, yeah.”
“Then I’ll just finger you for five minutes.”
“Pfft, that hardly counts. But, I’ll allow it if you slap me while doing it.”
“…Slap? …Where?”
Jessica beamed. “Anywhere! My face, my tits, my ass, you choose!”
Parker found himself sighing again, sitting down on the couch. “Fine. Situate yourself here, laying down on your stomach,” he said, patting his lap.
Jessica happily agreed, laying face-down on the couch and situating her groin with his lap. He once again found himself staring at her juicy, round, firm rear, only snapping out of it when Jessica let out a giggle. “You like my ass that much?”
“How the hell does Hunter not suspect anything if you show up to bed occasionally with a red ass?”
“Well, Hunter leaves a red mark on me more than occasionally whenever we—”
“Never mind.” Jessica full-on laughed this time, Parker reaching over to grab her phone off the table and setting in on her back. Her laugh quickly turned into a noise of surprise followed quickly by a sharp moan as his index and middle finger penetrated her.
He immediately was met with firm resistance, her tight, moist walls making it difficult to advance. “Fuck,” he murmured to himself, pulling it out briefly only to summarily shove it back in. Another drawn out moan escaped Jessica’s lips, her body jumping in reaction to his actions.
He followed shortly after with a slap, watching on in guilty pleasure as the plush flesh bounced in reaction to his firm action. Jessica’s moan increased in volume, urging him on. “More! Harder!”
Jessica’s body responded wonderfully to his every action, her voice matching the ferocity of his slaps and the fierceness of his fingers’ pumping, the ring finger eventually joining the two. It didn’t feel too long after before the timer went off, signaling the end of the five minutes.
There was a part of Parker that was frustrated he had to stop when he was finally getting into the rhythm of things, but hearing the jarring sound mostly created inside him a feeling of relief. However, that feeling was immediately replaced with a sensation of dread, seeing the glimmer in Jessica’s eyes as she got up from her prone position on the couch.
“My turn! Come around,” she instructed him, jumping off the leathery three-person seat and positioning herself leaning over the back of the couch. Parker reluctantly followed, standing a good few feet behind her. “You’ll have to take those off for now,” Jessica said, nodding at the only piece of clothing left on the man. “You’re going to take me from behind like this, but also squeeze my tits and slap my ass and face, in any order you please.”
“…But only for five minutes, right?”
She nodded, holding up her phone, showing him that she had reset the timer on it to the 5-minute mark. “You don’t trust me?”
“No, it’s not that, it’s—”
“Oh, did you think it was a shame you couldn’t fuck me until you filled my tight little pussy with your thick cum?”
Parker let out an exasperated sigh, something Jessica couldn’t help but giggle at. “I’m not even—let’s just get this over with,” he said, sliding off the boxers he was still wearing. “Are you ready with the timer?”
“Yep,” she answered, again holding up her phone with her thumb hovering on the ‘Start’ button.
The instant he felt his dick surrounded by the tight warmth of Jessica’s pussy, Parker knew he was in trouble. He was already slightly horny from watching Jessica enjoy being fingered, but feeling the slick, warm walls of Jessica’s vagina rub against his shaft was overpowering.
This problem wasn’t something Jessica was even remotely concerned with: as soon as she felt Parker’s cock penetrate her, stretching her tiny pussy to match its enormous size, the moans and groans of pleasure never stopped streaming out of her mouth. The combined sparks of pain from the jarring feeling of Parker’s rough hands landing on her butt and feeling them squeezing her tits like he was trying to milk them added onto that feeling.
So absorbed was Jessica that she didn’t even notice the timer go off, whining when she felt Parker suddenly stop and pull away. “Parker—” she looked back in complaint, but in that brief reprieve from the cloud of lust that was filling her mind, remembered the time constraint and cursed herself for not making it longer. “Right, five minutes.”
When they got back into their positions, both of their faces were slightly red from physical exertion but also from being blue balled; Jessica had to actively stop herself from finishing herself right in front of Parker, the thought of masturbating in front of him as he watched on in morbid curiosity immensely appealing to her. The wait would only increase the potency of the orgasm, Jessica reminded herself, and refocused on the game.
“My turn, right?”
Jessica nodded, so Parker moved his c pawn up one square. “Oh, offering me a free kiss?” Jessica said, grinning smugly as she captured it with her pawn. “This time, you’re going to kiss me on the neck. And don’t make it a peck like the other ones, do it genuinely.”
Parker rolled his eyes but complied returning to his spot after following Jessica’s request and moving his rook one square towards the center. The next few moves were relatively uneventful, with Jessica positioning her rook more towards the center and Parker doing the same with his bishop, Jessica moving her rook and knight to attack the piece while Parker reinforced it with a pawn.
For his next move, Parker thought for a while, and thinking he had some sort of tactic, he moved his f pawn two squares forward. However, Jessica’s response mirrored his, moving her c pawn up to attack the bishop. Knowing it was most likely going to be taken and that it therefore meant the two had to finish the game completely in the nude, Parker elected to advance his pawn one more square to attack Jessica’s knight, her response being to finally take the bishop with the piece. Parker responded by taking the piece back with his pawn, afterwards leaving the two completely naked.
“You know, if you want to look at my tits, you can just look at them, you know. You don’t have to do this sneaky thing where you pretend to look at the board and use the corner of your vision to take a peek at them.”
Parker hadn’t even fully realized he was doing that until Jessica mentioned it, but now that he was caught red-handed, he felt doubly embarrassed. “I—It wasn’t intentional.”
“Oh, so you’re saying you can’t help but look at my boobs?”
“I—never mind,” he mumbled, Jessica bursting out into laughter as she retook the pawn with hers.
“Well, since you like them so much, come here and kiss them,” she said, claiming yet another reward for taking his pawn.
Parker ignored Jessica’s playful remark and obeyed, cursing his dick for hardening at the feeling of the soft, pliable skin under his lips as he planted a kiss on her milk jugs. Jessica was only up two pawns, but it somehow felt like he was on the verge of losing. Still, there was one definitive reason to play: if he couldn’t win, he could at least bring the game to stalemate and send Jessica home early.
But all it took was one pawn move forward for Parker to realize just how doomed he was.
Jessica was only a few moves from promoting a pawn to a queen, and he wasn’t in any position to stop it. “Ah, wow I’m screwed…”
Jessica simply smiled, saying, “Are you going for a stalemate?”
“I mean, that’s the best I can do at this point.”
“Well, too bad for you because endgames were my specialty~” Hearing that turned Parker’s face pale. Should he just give up? Jessica was so far ahead, and if endgames were her specialty, then with two pawns so close to the edge of the board and promoting, there was almost no way for him to do anything but lose? “No forfeiting though, I’m not letting you go until I get all of my rewards~”
Parker gritted his teeth. That’s right, losing wasn’t an option. Jessica wasn’t a perfect player, there must be an opportunity to stalemate somewhere. “Right.” But looking at the confident smile on Jessica’s face, Parker felt his days free of Jessica’s schemes fall further and further away.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
Could I request this, please; Reader is on the soccer team with Whitney and is her best friend. Leighton has a huge crush on the girl. (R is a sporty badass? Has a couple tattoos and doesn't give a fuck about anything.)
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Leighton Murray x fem!reader
Summary: 3 times that Leighton gets overly flustered by you, and the 1 time she finally gets you back for it.
Warnings: Leighton being uncharacteristically
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: So sorry it took so long! I had some serious writers block on this one. Hope you enjoy it!
navigation  the sex lives of college girls masterlist
Soccer has always given you a rush that no other sport has. You discovered it when you were 10 years old, and you haven’t stopped playing since. That was how you met your best friend, Whitney Chase. You both bonded immediately, and haven’t separated since.
Your parents weren’t always there for you, but surprisingly, Senator Chase took you in as her own.
You were the type of person that she would usually try not to associate with, due to your tattooed, leather jacket-wearing, motorcycle vibe, but she loved you as if you were her daughter. 
You and Whitney were both child soccer prodigies, and by the time you hit senior year in high school, colleges were vying for you to attend. When you were younger, you had made a pact with Whitney, promising that you would always stay friends and always go to school together.
So when two offers came from Essex College, one for each of you, you knew it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. 
Now, having been at Essex for a while, you couldn’t be happier. You found your people, and you stayed close with your best friend. 
“Who. Is. That.”  Leighton sputters out, transfixed on your sweaty, shirtless body. Looking up from her homework, Kimberly glances over at you. “That’s Y/N. She’s like, Whitney’s best friend. She talks about her all the time.”
Leighton whips her head towards her roommate, snapping, “I don’t listen to what you guys say! How could she keep such a hottie from me?” At this point, Whitney had made her way over. “Who kept a hottie from you?”
Leighton glares at her. “You did! Look!” She points over at you. Whitney does a double take, not realizing who Leighton is talking about at first. “Y/N? I haven’t been hiding her! You just never listen when I talk about my other friends!”
Leighton looks at her roommate guiltily, at least until Whitney calls you over. She quickly scrambles to try to hide, but to no avail. You jog over to the three girls sitting on the bleachers, taking note of the cute blonde whose blush is taking up most of her beautiful face.
You sling your sweaty arm around your best friend and say, “Hey, Whit. Are these the famous roommates?” Whitney laughs, pushing your arm off. “Ew, get your sweaty body parts off of me! And yeah, that’s Kimberly and that’s Leighton.”
You jut your chin out towards them when your best friend points. The brunette that she points to gives you a friendly wave, while the blonde avoids eye contact. You smirk, deciding to see if you can get a response from her.
“Hey there, blondie. How’d you like the practice?” Leighton looks up at you shyly, pointing to herself to confirm that you were talking to her. You nod, smiling slightly, and lean on your knee that is propped up on the bleachers.
The blonde glances down and immediately regrets it. She can’t tear her eyes away from your toned legs, your flexing tattoo-covered forearms, your veiny hands. You know she’s staring, and you can’t help but smirk. You move your head so that you can make eye contact with her, waving your hand in front of her face.
“You okay?” She somehow blushes even harder, stuttering out her answer. “Yep, mhm, I’m- I’m okay. All good. Practice was great, really enjoyed it, gotta go.” She quickly grabs all of her stuff and runs off. You chuckle in amusement, happy that you could fluster such a pretty girl so easily. 
Before you run back to gather your things, you turn to your best friend and say, “Your roommate is hot. Bring her to the Theta party in a couple days. I’ll try to bump into her.” Whitney laughs, nodding in acceptance. “You know her brother is Nico Murray, right?” 
You blink at the Chase girl. “No shit! Really? Man, Nico Murray is the man. I love that dude. Alright, I’ll just text him about letting you guys in. Bring the rest of your friends! I want to meet them.” Whitney nods again, and you run over to your stuff and grab your phone. 
You click it off before climbing on your motorcycle and riding towards your dorm. This was going to be a fun party.
On the night of the party, Leighton and her friends made their way into the basement of her brother’s frat house. She couldn’t help but look around for the soccer player that had been plaguing her thoughts for the past couple of days.
When she finally spotted you, she had to do a double-take. You were chatting it up… with her brother?! It seemed like everybody was keeping you from her. Leighton moved off to one side of the basement so that she could observe you out of the way.
She watched as you downed a red solo cup probably filled with some vile alcohol. A couple drops escape your lips and roll down your chin, hypnotizing the blonde, causing her to miss you catching her staring. She’s so distracted that she only realizes that you’re making your way towards her when it’s too late to run away or hide.
“Hey there, pretty lady. Want a drink?” You slur slightly, holding out a drink for her to grab. She takes it then says, “You didn’t tell me that you were friends with my brother.” You laugh drunkenly, replying, “You ran away when I tried to talk to you. But that's okay. I think you’re hot, so I’m willing to chase. Ha, Chase! Like Whit!” 
You then wander off to go find your best friend, completely forgetting about the conversation you had just been in. The flustered blonde stands in place, frozen. She begins to process what you said, which makes her turn bright red. 
In your drunken stupor, you don't realize how much of an effect you have on Leighton. When her friends find her in the same place she was when she talked to you almost an hour ago, they know that it’s time to take her outside to get some fresh air.
“Are you good?” Bela asks her, not-so-secretly wanting to know what or who made the Murray girl this shocked. “She… She called me hot, said she was willing to chase me, and then got up and left!” Bela tuts in understanding, nodding her head. “You’re talking about Y/N, aren’t you. Yeah, she’s black-out drunk right now. She’s also not wrong, Leight, you are hot!”
‘God, how am I going to face her whenever I see her next?’ Leighton thinks to herself.
Turns out, she can’t face you. Instead, she runs and hides behind a tree. Honestly, she isn’t very subtle about it, but you find it adorable so you pretend like you didn’t see her sprint away. When you approach your best friend, the first thing she says is, “Did you really have to hit on her at the party? She turns bright red if someone even says a name similar to yours.”
You laugh in astonishment. “I hit on her? Well, actually that makes sense. They do say a drunk man’s words are more honest than a sober man’s.” Whitney slaps your chest, giving you a look that says ‘be serious’. 
“Look, I don’t want you messing with her feelings. I’m your best friend, which means I know you better than anyone. I know how you are with girls, and I can’t have you doing that to Leight. You have to promise me that if you make a move on her, It’s because you're serious, not because you need another conquest.” 
You take your friends' words to heart. She’s right. But you know that you genuinely want to get to know Leighton, and that if things work out, you would be committed to a serious relationship with her. You tell Whitney exactly that, and she nods in acceptance. 
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Leighton can hear your whole conversation from behind the tree. She then realizes that if she wants to actually have a chance with you, she needs to stop running away. She resolves to ask you out as soon as she can get you alone. Which leads to…
“You. Me. Dinner then a movie. Pick me up at… say, 7 on Friday. Don’t be late.” After blurting all that out at you, Leighton walks away, leaving you speechless in the dining hall. Quickly glancing behind her, she sees your shocked expression morph into a love-struck look that has your mouth twisting into a silly little smile.
It seems out of place, seeing that you were always either smirking, frowning, or somewhere in between. Right there and then, she decides to be the one person that can make you smile like that. The one person who can make you drop your cold exterior and let your inner softness shine through. 
She was going to take a hammer to all of the walls you put up, and you were just in for the ride. And you couldn’t wait to see where the ride would take you.
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townsenddecades · 1 month
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1316 – Day 1 – Praaven Castle
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Lord and Lady Petersmarch have lost another son.
News of another pregnancy had been a blessing to the young countess, who had still been struggling with the loss of her second son. And the pregnancy had been going well. Only when she had given birth, and the longed-for cry hadn’t come, had she realized that something was wrong.
The loss of her third child hits her hard, and even after her confinement ends, she hardly leaves her chambers, doesn’t even seem to rise from her bed. A hush descends over the castle, and once again, each of them seeks their own diversions, except for Lady Katheryn, who stays with her cousin most of the time.
It is better that way, Robert supposes. Lady Katheryn had made good on her idea for them to paint together, although she hadn’t yet elected to sit as his model, as he had so carelessly proposed. It hasn’t taken long for her to find out about his parentage, but the fact that he is a bastard – and not even a naturalized one – doesn’t seem to deter her efforts to seek his companionship.
He is reading a book in an out-of-the-way corridor when she approaches him.
“Squire Robert! Well-met.”
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He tries to rise immediately, but she waves him off, and, to his great astonishment, sits down next to him. She does it gracefully and with the daintiness expected of a woman of her station, but he is still rather sure that an Earl’s daughter shouldn’t be sitting this close to a mere bastard squire in a shadowed corridor.
“My lady, I’m not sure this is appropriate”, he complains, but she just laughs.
“It’s not, but I don’t believe anyone will catch us here. And I need a diversion.”
“Is everything all right with the countess?”
“I believe it will take my cousin quite a while to be ‘all right’ again, but she’ll recover, I think. But you, Sir, are a bad diversion. Talking about my cousin is exactly what I didn’t want to do.”
He can’t help but smile. “I apologize, my lady. What do you want to talk about?”
“Well, we could start by you telling me what book you have been reading.”
And so he does, and although he knows he shouldn’t enjoy sitting this close to her, he can’t help the way his heart is beating faster. Since her arrival, she had sought him out repeatedly, and he has had much opportunity to admire how charming and witty and well-spoken she is. She is far more salacious and forward than a well-bred lady ought to be, but he would have to lie to claim that this isn’t one of the things about Lady Katheryn Deane that draws him in.
She is also still the prettiest girl he has ever seen.
He hardly even notices them inching closer to each other, until his arm slides around her shoulders and he is leaning over to kiss her. He knows it’s wrong, he knows he should draw back, but because she is enthusiastically kissing him back, he can’t bring himself to.
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And then, after far too long a time spent kissing the cousin of his lady, he realizes what they are doing, and jumps out of his seat, leaving behind a blinking Katheryn. For once, she seems to need to get her bearings before speaking again, a reprieve he uses to back up even further.
“I’m so sorry, my lady. I shouldn’t have let my judgement lapse so.”
She rises as well. “You have no need to apologize, Robert. I rather enjoyed your lapse of judgement.”
“It was ill-advised”, he insists. “If someone had spotted us, it could have compromised your honour.”
“My honour is my concern, not yours”, she says with a faint smile, stepping closer. “And no one has spotted us, so it is quite intact. In fact, if chivalry is your only argument against it, I was rather thinking we could repeat that performance.”
He shakes his head. How can a woman that has been raised to be the great lady of some domain someday be so brazen, so careless? It thrills him, and draws him in, but he keeps steadfastly to what he has been taught. “Sir Silas would have my hide if he found out, not to mention the Earl”, he says. “Your father would never consider a knight, let alone a bastard squire, a suitable husband for you.”
“I wasn’t talking so far as marriage, Robert”, she says gently, taking his hand. “Just a bit of fun. Nothing that will seriously taint either of our honours. I like you, and spending time with you, and, well…kissing you.” She smiles faintly. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same.”
He wants to tell her so many things. How seeing her has quickly become the best part of his day, how he’d like to ride as her champion in tourneys, how much he admires her learnedness, so unusual for a woman, and her grace and her eye for beauty.
And she’s right. What can a few walks through the castle or even a few stolen kisses hurt?
“Yes”, he answers, after a moment, and is rewarded by a bright smile and another kiss.
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Prev: 1316, Day 1, Part 1/3 <--> Next: 1316, Day 1, Part 3/3
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whiskey-bumblebee · 2 years
I'm On Fire (Chapter 5)
Pairing: DBF!Aaron Hotchner/Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2162
A/N: Well.
Warnings: Age gap relationship (older Hotch, younger reader), the shit hits the fan.
Taglist: @littlepeanut03 @rosaline-black @moonmark98 @yuly @jazzymariexoxoc @frogoko @morgthemagpie @laisy @whoreforhondo @ssamorganhotchner @lex13cm @mrs-ssa-hotch @violetlilites @fairy-alix @mercurysrhapsody
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You're certain that you're acting out of shock, because before you're aware of what you've said, it seems that you've invited Haley into your house.
It doesn't cross your mind that this might look bad, incriminating. She's beautiful and she holds your life in her hands, and probably Aaron's too. She's beautiful, holds your lives in her hands, and she's sitting on your couch. Great.
"Could I get you something to drink? Juice, coffee, tea?"
"How about some water?"
You nod and pour a glass of water, only vaguely aware of your actions. You hand her the glass and she accepts it gratefully.
What the fuck is happening?
Aaron's not in custody. Technically, they haven't pressed charges. The dust is still settling. Means, motive, opportunity. The tenets. Premeditation, intent. The more complicated parts.
He paces his house. Barefoot, because Haley's voice is still in the back of his head, telling him that he's wearing down his shoes.
Means. I had a gun and I shot him.
Motive. He was going to kill me. He was defending his crime scene.
Opportunity. There were about four seconds before Morgan entered the house behind me. Anything could have happened in those four seconds. I'm the only person who knows what happened and walked out of that house alive.
Intent. Did I want to kill him? Did I walk into that house knowing I'd kill him? I couldn't have. I didn't have all of the facts. I wanted him to have his day in court, so I couldn't have.
But then you... You. You'd have to be dragged through a lengthy trial, would have to testify about your childhood, comment on whether the crime scene photos resembled your memories of growing up. You'd have to face each macabre detail of your father's crimes.
Intent... Did I want to kill him?
"Fuck," Aaron breathed, running his hands through his hair. "You can't say this out loud. You can't tell anyone. Not even her."
He looked around the house, each of the tchotchkes he and Haley had collected over the course of their relationship. They were all hollow, he realized. Empty vessels. Vases. Pottery. Porcelain. Even the picture frames, he saw. Empty frames. Haley must have taken the pictures with her.
Empty spots in the bookshelf, where she'd removed the photo albums, her favourite books, the cookbooks, the parenting books.
In the midst of all of it, this absolute shitstorm that he couldn't help but trace back to her, his wife, he hoped she'd be happy one day. That she'd meet a nice guy. Someone with a 9-5 and the weekends off. Someone who would mow the lawn and repair the furniture that didn't stand straight. Someone who'd father her children.
Years ago, or maybe months ago... Sometime before he'd taken off his ring and given it to you, sometime after the fiftieth sour look- he had loved her. He'd met her parents, become a fixture in her life.
"Haley," He breathed. "God, I'm sorry."
It all landed at once. Sure, he'd killed someone. But he'd broken the vow he'd made to her, to God. He'd fucked you in their bed. He'd done something he never thought he'd be capable of. The way he'd treated her, this woman he'd loved, that was the only thing he was really guilty of. Or at least, the only thing he felt guilty about.
His thoughts caught on that, like a fish on a hook. He'd met your father when Haley was already a part of his life. Before you'd been born. His stomach twisted into knots. They'd been friends, once. Smoked together, laughed together. Consoled each other with pats on the back and macho pleasantries. Driven too fast on dark roads. Rolled their eyes at each other when the professor made another subtly racist remark.
Aaron stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He looked like shit. He patted his cheek, trying to encourage some colour into the skin.
No wife, no friends. What's your life? Work? A lover half your age? Who the fuck are you?
His jaw clenched and he gripped the edge of the counter. His gaze fell to the toiletries dotting the counter; toothbrush, toothpaste. Aftershave. A bachelor's bathroom.
"Who the fuck are you," He said lowly, his gaze flicking back up to the mirror. When his eyes refocused, he saw the man that his team talked about. The bully. The drill sergeant. The scary one. The bulldog, sent into interrogation rooms to bark at suspects, make them confess. To scare the shit out of them.
"Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled, slamming his fist into the counter.
You looked beautiful. A slip dress complimenting your figure perfectly. All of your best features were on display, and he couldn't tear his eyes from you.
"We're okay," You smiled. "Everything's okay."
"Oh my god," He cried, falling at your feet, not caring about the people walking past. They parted around the two of you, like a river flowing around a rock. "We did it?"
You nodded, pulling him to his feet. "And my dad gave us his blessing. You can ask the question now."
He looked at you, confused. Your father?
When he looked down at his hands, he saw they had a ring box in them, propped open. A huge diamond ring, comically large, like a ring pop.
"Marry me?" The words were foreign on his tongue.
Your father stepped out from behind you. Blood was still spattered on his face, a prominent bullet wound above the arch of his right eyebrow.
Aaron felt out of his body when he walked around the man who used to be his friend. Sure enough, there was an exit wound from where the bullet had gone straight through his head.
He was vaguely aware of you saying yes.
"Good, good. I'm glad it'll be you," Your father said.
"What's happening? I don't... I don't want this," Aaron said, trying to make sense of what was happening.
"Aaron?" Your voice, tearful. "Aaron?"
His eyes snapped open, and he was greeted with a strange perspective from the bathroom floor. The counter loomed over him. There was a throbbing pain in his hand, and when he brought it into his field of vision, there was a large lump visible on one side.
"Oh, sir, thank goodness," Penelope said, taking a seat beside him. She held a cool cloth in her hand, and dabbed his forehead. She extended an ice pack to him, encouraging him to hold his injured hand against it.
"Yes sir."
Hotch groaned.
"I think you passed out. When I came in, you were just lying here... What happened to your hand?"
"Must have landed on it," He murmured. He knew it was a lie.
"It happens, sometimes, with periods of extreme anxiety. Your brain just shuts down and," Penelope mimed a domino falling over. "Boof. When I was in college, I did like three all nighters in a row and-"
"Yes, sir?"
"Could we do this another time? Do I need to go to hospital?"
"How's your head feeling?"
Hotch brought a hand to the back of his head. It felt like it weighed a thousand tons, but there was no pain.
He gave a half-hearted thumbs up.
"I think she got the message. She definitely picked it up," Penelope whispered.
Hotch sat up suddenly, feeling his head spin, so he pressed his hands over his eyes.
"How is she?"
"She looked tired. But she's so beautiful, sir. You'd be a great looking couple. And polite, too. She tried to give it back to me a bunch of times."
Hotch huffed a laugh. Of course you had. And yes, you were beautiful. But being polite, being beautiful... He needed cunning. He needed secretive, unassuming. He needed someone the tabloids couldn't latch onto.
He sighed, realizing that the two of you had accidentally cooked up the perfect story for the gossip rags. Lovers, an abusive father, a botched murder. And you were beautiful enough that your face wouldn't be out of place on the front cover of a thousand airport paperbacks, under some horrific title. Rehoboth Beach Lolita. The Agent and the Murderer's Daughter. A true crime documentary on one of the crime networks. He felt sick.
He wondered if he'd ever see you again.
"And then he told me that you left, so I thought it was okay, and I know you're still married but..." You trailed off, then looked at Haley.
She encouraged you to continue, nodding.
"I know it's wrong, but I love him. I'm sorry, that must be so strange to hear," You said, words laced with apology.
She exhaled heavily. "You really love him?"
You nodded enthusiastically. "I've never met anyone who makes me feel the way he does. I feel safe, and excited, and ready for the future, and just... peace. It feels like everything is going to be okay."
"He's solid like that," She smiled wistfully.
She reached for your hand, and you let the awkwardness fall away for a moment, enjoying the comfort. Without Aaron around, it was something you'd been craving.
"At first, he was gone a lot, more than usual. And it was strange because I knew he was in the state, I knew his plane had landed and he just... wasn't here. And the arguments... We'd been fighting for god knows how long by then. Then, I'm borrowing the car to run errands, and there's this smell, like the car had been cleaned. And one day he stops wearing his ring, and I can't find it anywhere."
She stopped to take a breath. "A wife always knows. And I knew. I couldn't explain it, but I knew there was someone else."
You hung your head. You'd never considered Haley's side of things. She was desperate for a baby, trying to rekindle her marriage. And then her husband had cheated on her.
"So I called the phone company, and I had them send me a list of all the cell towers that had picked up his phone, or whatever. And I saw Rehoboth Beach, and I just thought... what?"
"I'm so sorry," You breathed.
She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I've gone and made this so much worse."
You shook your head. "No, you haven't. I'm glad we met and talked this through."
She shook her head again. "You don't get it... I went to the police, when I heard the guy he killed had a daughter. I had no idea it was you, I had no idea it was one of Aaron's college friends... And I told them," She took a deep breath. "I told them he was with the girl, that he killed her father so they could be together. That he was taking advantage of you, because you're so young..."
You stared at her, speechless.
"I mean, what are the odds? What are the odds it's actually you? I thought maybe I'd get him into a bit of trouble, let him feel the heat for a bit, and then I thought the daughter would deny it, wouldn't be able to identify him in a line up. So he'd get out of it soon enough. It would be easy to prove they'd never met each other."
"But it was me," You said slowly.
"But it was you," She sighed. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."
"But there's no proof," You breathed. "Right?"
She looked away, glancing into the bottom of the empty cup.
"I told them to check the traffic cameras on the highway from here to Rehoboth Beach. They said they'd check and get back to me."
"Fuck," You breathed. "If they find them, they'll see me and him. I was in the passenger seat. And the way back, the drive back, looks even more incriminating."
Haley wiped tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry."
Your heart started racing. Once they caught you in the lie, it would all fall apart. Aaron would have intent, maybe premeditation. There would be nothing anybody could say to get him out of it. He'd lied to the police. You'd lied to the police. And now it looked like Aaron was some sort of predator.
"Haley," You said softly. "He's going to jail."
A phone rang, and you and Haley both checked your pockets. It was Haley's.
"Hi, Haley speaking," She answered, shooting you a nervous look. There was a beat, then she scrambled to put the phone on speaker.
"- police department. We looked over the traffic cameras, and we need you to come in right away to confirm your statement."
Shit, she mouthed, looking at you wide-eyed. "Uh, sure. I could be there at..." She checked her watch. "Quarter to eight?"
"We'll see you then."
The line clicked, presumably the phone making contact with the receiver.
"Oh my god," She said.
You closed your eyes, resting your face in your hands.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
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*jazz hands* Guess who started a new WIP?
This is an expansion of this post. It'll go through every Hazbin episode and basically show what the show would've been if Loona was staying at the hotel for fun. This first chapter has the start, with her ending up at the hotel.
As always, it's archive-locked but cross-posted here under the readmore if you don't have an Ao3 account!
(@blitzmorningstar, since you left those eye emojis in the replies of that post i thought you might want to hear about this lol)
The Consequences of Believing Demons
Chapter 1: Overture
The plan was going well. Too well, considering Loona was only trying it as a joke.
Loona had been scrolling on Sinstagram while ignoring her job as a receptionist, as she so often did, when she’d seen a post advertising a hotel with a goal of rehabilitating sinners. She'd assumed it was a joke, given it a like, and kept scrolling. Oddly enough, a different ad for the same hotel soon reappeared in her feed. This time she'd noticed that the ads were from the verified account of Lucifer’s daughter. Once she saw a third ad, Loona had to admit that this commitment to the bit was impressive.
Each post had a phone number attached, and frankly? Loona was really fucking bored. She decided to try the number and see if anyone would pick up. After typing the number into her phone, not expecting much, somehow the princess of Hell herself was the one on the other end of the line.
“Hi, I’m calling about your…” Loona double checked the name. “Happy Hotel?”
“Hazbin hotel now!” How did anyone sound this happy on a phone call? The tone of voice was like if someone was barfing rainbows into Loona's ears. “Are you a sinner looking for rehabilitation to avoid the extermination and get into Heaven?”
“Yes?” Ms. Morningstar- fuck, Loona needed to research titles- was so earnest that Loona actually felt a little bad. There was a small suspicion in her gut that this was an actual, serious attempt to save sinners.
“Alright!” How had the princess gotten even more excited? “Just stop by whenever you get the chance! We’re located at the Hazbin Hotel in Pentagram City! Do you need directions?”
“No, I’m good.” Loona paused. “Thanks.”
“Of course! I can’t wait to see you at the hotel!”
Loona felt like she needed a nap after the sheer energy in that phone call. She hadn’t intended to go anywhere, but if this was a bit, Loona wanted to see where this led. If this wasn’t, she was honestly a bit curious.
Over the next couple of days, Loona hadn’t stopped thinking about it. First off, there was no way that was actually Princess Charlie Morningstar. Logistically, why would someone that important be doing something like this? Whatever sinner it was, they could imitate voices with shocking precision. She wasn’t getting her hopes up about getting ahead by befriending royalty.
However, if this was legitimate, she’d come up with a few reasons that it was a good business decision. As intentionally shitty she was at her job, Loona still marginally cared about the business, and had realized that the sinners who'd believe they could leave were likely to be new sinners. New sinners were also the ones most likely to ask I.M.P. to murder a human for them, so getting to know more new sinners would be a great advertising opportunity.
Plus, no matter which it was- everyone in Hell knows that once you’re there, you’re there forever. She might be laughing with them, or she might be laughing at them, but it'd be the same to her either way.
Loona used the grimoire to transport herself directly to Pentagram City. She'd checked beforehand, and the directions on VoxMaps were easy to follow. There weren't any other similarly-named establishments, and she was confident as she navigated her way there.
Apparently there weren’t many businesses of hotels trying to rehabilitate sinners. How surprising.
When she knocked on the hotel door, some angel-looking chick opened it. Loona tried to hide her surprise. Most demons in pride were sinners, the same way most demons in Lust were succubi or most of Gluttony was hellhounds, but fallen angels weren't common anywhere. This could be a sinner, they had the greatest variety in appearances- but over the years and her travels, Loona had met a lot of demons and a few fallen angels in other rings. This sure as hell looked like an ex-angel. Especially with the spear.
“Are you sure you’re in the right place?” The potential-fallen-angel asked after taking in Loona's appearance.
“Pretty sure,” Loona responded.
“You know that this is for rehabilitating sinners, right? Not Hellborn.”
“Wow, I thought this establishment was above judging on appearance. I am a sinner.” Loona hoped this person would fall for that.
The person guarding the door simply raised an eyebrow.
“I was killed by an infected dog bite, ok? It’s a sensitive fucking subject. I didn’t ask to spawn here looking like a fucking hellhound,” Loona continued, trying to keep her tone harsh. She was a little surprised she’d thought of that on the spot- if she ever decided to actually try to do her job well, she’d deserve a raise.
The guard (maybe?) stepped aside to let Loona in. “Fine. Can you at least act? We’ll need you in the commercial we’re filming.”
Loona’s ears twitched backwards. “Not at all,” she answered. She hadn't heard anything about a commercial, and definitely didn't want to be in one.
“Then come back later and we’ll give you your room. We’re kind of…” she glanced backwards, “in the middle of that.”
Loona nodded. She'd been walking away, looking for a good place to create a portal back, when Blitz jumped out of a fucking bush at her.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” She demanded, the words leaving her mouth as soon as she comprehended what she was seeing.
“Tracking you down?” Blitz said, as if it was obvious. “You just fucking disappeared to who the fuck knows where without telling anyone! I had to use your phone tracker to find you.”
“Blitz! I’m an adult. I can leave when I want to.”
Blitz just shrugged. “What’re you doing in this dump in the first place?”
Loona glanced around the two of them and hissed, “That hotel claims to have Lucifer's daughter behind it. It probably doesn't, but just imagine how much it'd help us if it did. Also, it'll be full of new sinners. Some of them will want revenge.” That wasn't why she was doing this, but Blitz didn’t need to know that part.
He was looking at her with open shock. “That's actually a decent fucking point. This could fucking make us.” He looked genuinely proud for a moment, and as much as Loona denied caring about him, seeing it created a warm feeling in her chest. “But this better not interfere with I.M.P!”
Loona rolled her eyes. “Of course it won't.”
A few hours later, Loona had met the hotel staff. Princess Charlie Morningstar, who Loona had been shocked to find was somehow actually involved in this joke of a project, was more than enthusiastic to give Loona a room key. Besides the single other resident, a porn star who’d apparently filmed with hellhounds before, none of them noticed anything off about Loona. Even he only seemed mildly suspicious of the dog bite story.
One other resident. The hotel was completely fucking hopeless. This would be fun.
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