kesujo · 14 hours
No worries. Pls blast my face with all your smuts. Send them all over me hehe
haha well the plan is to blast the next 8 oneshots I have in rapid succession, although the later ones are quite long so I might wait 2 days to get those out
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kesujo · 16 hours
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I'm gonna be sorta blasting through these earlier ones that I've written, so I hope you don't mind the swift cadence of updates for the next week or so ^_^" [also, this is the last time I'm gonna bore you with this forewarning, but this was written really early in my writing career ... :D]
The door of the homey apartment room squeaked open, reveling a flustered, brown-haired girl, face red from the coldness of the winter afternoon. On her back was a backpack much to big for her frame, but somehow, she managed to support the immense weight.
"Tiff! Taengoo! I'm home!" the girl yelled into the seemingly empty house, taking off her boots and her thick, black winter coat, "Jessica" on the back, written in a light blue cursive font.
She hung her coat on the rack next to the door and slipped on a pair of light blue slippers decorated with small rabbits at the toes
"Aish, why is it so hot in here?" she murmured, dropping off her backpack near a white table with a pattern of a chibi form of three girls standing next to each other, smiling. A caption beneath the pattern said "TaeNySic".
She took off her dark blue sweater, insides lined with fur, revealing a black T-Shirt, dotted with neat, staggered rows of silver that reflected light and produced a weak sparkle.
She pulled a chair back and sat at the table, unzipping her backpack and taking out a Macbook laptop. As she opened the lid and powered the Macbook on, the screen lighting up as the laptop hummed with life, she suddenly lifted her head past her laptop, realizing that no one responded to her.
"Tiff? Tae?"
A distinct moan was heard.
She instantly became alert. What was wrong? Were they in pain? Did a burglar break in and hurt them?
Her head ringed with every possible scenario. Another moan, a little louder, brushed past her ears.
Well at least I took taekwondo classes she thought to herself, heading towards the source of the noise, stopping at the kitchen to grab a rolling pin just in case.
She cautiously moved towards the first bedroom, a piece of paper saying "Taeyeon" on it hanging above it. Another moan.
Hang in there guys. I'm coming she thought, heart pounding, adrenaline doing laps inside her body.
She hovered her hand above the door, right hand tightly clenching the rolling pin. She took a few deep breaths, mentally preparing herself for combat.
Right as she was about to swing the door open, the door creaked open by itself.
Startled, she jumped back, rolling pin poised in front of her. "D-Don't move! I--"
"Sica?" another shorter girl with wavy, light brown hair said, head peeking out of the doorway.
She let out a sigh of relief. "What's the matter, Sica?"
"You scared me, Taengoo. I thought you guys were hurt,"
"Why would you think that?" the girl asked, eyes lighting up as if preparing for laughter.
"Well, you guys were making some kind of noise," she quickly explained, words pouring out her mouth, "so I wasn't sure what to make of it. And when you guys didn't respond to--"
"Whoa, slow down Sica. Fany and I were practicing something in here, so we didn't hear you."
Curious as to what kind of activity would induce a moan, she asked, "like…?"
"Oh, it's a surprise," the girl replied, smiling brightly at her.
Jessica frowned. She didn't like secrets, especially when they were being kept from her.
"Aww, don't worry. We'll let you in tonight," she said, winking.
Jessica felt her cheeks turn a little warm. What was this feeling?
The door swung open, revealing another girl about Jessica's height, straight light-brown hair hugging her face, eyebrows glistening from … sweat? "Jessi!" the other girl greeted her, hugging her friend.
"Tiff, are you sweating?"
"Hm?" she pulled away from the hug, wiping her brows. "Oh, I guess I am,"
"You'll find out soon enough," she replied, giving a big smile, eyes disappearing into thick-black, sideways crescents. She proceeded to walk past her, her sweater tickling her stomach.
She sighed. Oh well; she could wait six to seven hours, right?
Jessica closed her laptop, rubbing her eyes from exhaustion. She looked at the clock: 11:14. "I'm going to shower, guys," she told the other two girls who were smiling at their screens. "Hey, what are you two smiling about?"
They simultaneously closed their laptops, looking up at her. "Nothing," they chorused, smiling at her. Raising an eye, she turned towards the bathroom. Oh yeah, I get to find out what the 'secret' is tonight she reminded herself.
She pondered the topic as she gathered her pajamas and her towel. Why was Fany sweating? Were they exercising?
She shook her head. Not likely: why would they keep that info away from her? It's not a big deal to be exercising. Plus, Jessica definitely knew she wouldn't join them if that happened to be the case: she definitely was fit enough.
Or maybe they were teaching themselves dancing? And the sound was from frustration?
Jessica frowned as she closed the bathroom door. Keeping her out of that wasn't nice. They knew she loved dancing, as well as singing.
As she stepped out of her clothes, she started singing "Gee", her favorite Girls' Generation song.
She absolutely loved SNSD especially since there was someone in that group that looked like Tiffany. They even shared a similar smile, which, in Jessica's opinion, was the most attractive feature of her best friend.
Not that Jessica was actually attracted to her. It was just a fact; everyone loved her smile.
The simple thought of her smile caused Jessi to smile. She was so deep into her thoughts that she almost didn't notice the door open, a silhouette sneaking in. As the person exited, Jessi noticed it. "Hey! What--"
"I just forgot to get something I left in here!" she heard Tiff reply.
"Oh," she shouted back, nodding in understanding. She didn't even notice the absence of silhouette of her clothes in the place she left them, on the sink counter.
Instead, she started to think what Tiffany and Taeyeon dancing would like. Her mind quickly drifted to when TaeNy had entered a dancing contest together, dancing "U-Go-Girl". And then … her face quickly turned red images of them dancing with her filled her head.
After a while, she finally realized what she was doing and quickly stopped, realizing she was sweating, despite the fact that she was in a shower.
Wait. She was sweating. They couldn't, maybe, be --? No, probably not. It was probably only her that was a little gay.
She then caught herself as she exited the shower, turning the handle to the "off" position. Wait. Since when was she a little gay? She loved her best friends, but …
She blanked out as she reached for her clothes. Instead, her hand met the cold counter marble.
Wait, she thought to herself for the second time that day. Where were her clothes? she thought to herself, sweeping the room with her eyes.
Then, she remembered; Tiffany came in. "Tiffany!" she shouted, immediately suspecting her. This wasn't the first time they did this, either. She couldn't believe she trusted her with her clothes while she was in the shower again.
"Yeah?" she heard a small voice reply.
"Give me my clothes back!" Jessica yelled, looking for a towel. But that was also missing. She heard light footsteps gradually getting louder. Jessica flushed at the thought of her seeing her naked.
"W-Wait!" she frantically stepped back into the shower. Just as she closed the sliding door, she heard the door open. "I-I don't have any c-clothes on!"
She heard Tiffany's musical laugh. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before, Jessi,"
"B-But that was in fifth grade!"
"And now you're more beautiful. So there's nothing to be afraid of," Tiffany replied, reaching for the handle of the sliding door
Jessi quickly held the door in place. "Don't!" she whined, unwilling to let her brain make any decisions she would regret.
She stopped. "Fine. I'll open the door a little, and then hand you a towel, ok?"
"Get out of the room first. You can hand it to me from out there," Jessica said, not liking being confined to such a small space. Plus, the shower could be an additional hiding space in case she tried anything funny. Like take a picture, again (luckily, she managed to find the picture on Tiffany's phone and delete it).
"Wow. Getting dominant here, huh?" she said in her husky voice. She often used this to tease Jessi. In this case, it made her more red. "I like it," she said in a softer voice, still keeping the deeper effect.
"S-Stop it," she whined again. "I'm getting cold."
She laughed again. "Ok, I'm sorry," she said. Jessi watched her exit the room, trying not to pay attention to her long legs.
Once she heard the door click close, she waited a second, just to make sure, before stepping out.
Jessi jumped a little when she saw the door open, but then remembered Tiffany was going to hand her a towel. She verified this when she noticed the door only opened slightly, a milky-white hand clutching a body-sized pink towel appearing in the opening.
"Thanks," she murmured, taking the towel and wrapping it around herself.
"Yep!" Tiffany replied brightly before walking off.
As Jessica heard footsteps fade away, she stuck her head outside of the door, just to make sure. Tiffany was nowhere in sight.
She breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out.
What she didn't take into account, though, was that Tiffany might be on the other side of the door.
Before Jessica could take three steps, she felt a pair of soft, warm hands grab her shoulders firmly and push her against a wall.
Jessi closed her eyes and opened her mouth to scream, in an attempt to delay TaeNy's attack on her to get another picture of her in nothing but a towel, but was thwarted when she felt something warm come in contact with her mouth.
It was surprisingly relaxing. So much so, in fact, that Jessica instantly forgot all about the picture attack and relaxed all her tense muscles, her scream dying back in her throat.
"Mmh…" she heard a husky voice hum in pleasure, the warm thing on her mouth curving upwards slightly. Then, she realized something. Was she kissing Tiffany?
She opened her eyes and found herself staring straight into Tiffany's eyes, curving upwards from happiness.
"Mhm!" she let out a sound of surprise, trying to back away, forgetting completely, that she was just pushed into a wall. Actually, she was a bit thankful that she couldn't back away, because honestly, she was enjoying the kiss. Mostly because this kiss was much like ones she shared with guys; except for the fact that Tiffany's tasted like cherries.
It’s not like she hasn't kissed anyone before. Jessica had her fair share of boyfriends. She even, supposedly, accidentally kissed Taeyeon once, while Taeyeon was trying to wake her up; apparently, Jessica had just made a noise of defiance and pulled her straight down onto her body, her mouth just happening to find Jessica's.
Or so TaeNy told her. But what she did remember doing was waking up to the sight of Tae's wide-open eyes, filled with obvious signs of shock.
She had been dreaming about being at the bar with Taeyeon and Tiffany, for some strange reason. She also remembered that she started drinking her Coke, except it was warm and tasted extremely good. And yes, she ordered a Coke at a bar. She had low alcohol tolerance; plus, she was the designated driver. So it was always a fun thing to watch how TaeNy acted when drunk. It was actually pretty cute.
A pair of hands snaked their way under her towel. Before Jessica could react in time, Tiffany pulled away from the kiss and broke Jessica's hold on her towel, causing it fall to the floor.
Then, Tiffany stepped forward, occupying the space between Jessica's bare body and her clothed one.
An immense sensation of pleasure coursed through her body. Her eyes fluttered shut as she tried to take in the sudden increase in adrenaline and hormonal changes. In the end, the pleasure came out through her mouth, producing a drawn-out moan.
"I can see you're ready for this," she heard Tiffany say, voice hinting at laughter.
Jessi strained to create a reasonable reply. Tiffany latching her mouth onto her neck certainly did not help her predicament. "F-Fany-uhn!" she moaned as Tiffany nipped at a particularly sensitive spot under her jaw. Tiffany had discovered this a year ago, or so.
TaeNy loved teasing Jessica with physical contact, so she would know.
Without separating her mouth from Jessi's neck, Tiffany loosened the string on her sweatpants and slowly slid out of the restricting piece of fabric.
"Wh-What…" Jessi started, hearing the string loosening come down, as well as the distinctive sound of fabric sliding on skin. "T-Tiff-uhn!" She was cut off as Tiffany nipped at her jaw again.
"Sshh …" Tiffany hushed her. "We wouldn't want Tae to find out about this, would we?"
She felt her heart pick up its pace. Taeyeon.
However, instead of fearing a scenario where Tae sees them, Jessica started to imagine what it would be like if she joined. Her face reddened even more. No, I shouldn't be thinking of her like this. She's too innocent to-"Ng!" she moaned as her thoughts were interrupted, Tiffany's hand brushing her nipple.
Tiffany, noticing Jessi's gradually darkening face, smiled. She was always the most innocent one of the three, despite being having the most desirable body.
Tiffany stripped herself of her sweater, letting it fall to the floor before reaching back down, making sure to brush Jessi's nipple again (drawing another sexy moan), to grab the hem of her shirt.
She stepped away from Jessi for an instant to strip herself of her last piece of clothing.
Right as Tiffany stepped away, Jessi whined, already missing the feeling of Tiffany's body.
The empty feeling only lasted for an instant as Tiffany stepped back in, this time pressing her naked body onto Jessi's.
Jessi immediately felt a surge of pleasure as she felt Tiffany press her chest into hers. "Uh-" she began to moan, but was cut off as Tiffany placed her mouth back on Jessi's again.
Tiffany drew Jessica into a heated kiss, lips moving in synch with each other almost immediately.
Feeling more confident with herself now that Jessi responded to her kiss, as well as feeling aroused at the feeling of her best friend's body on hers, Tiffany placed her hands on the sides of Jessica's chest, slowly sliding them down her body, enjoying the feeling of Jessica's silky skin under her palms.
"Uhn…" Jessi gave out a muted moan in response to the increasingly pleasurable actions.
Just as Jessi felt the need for air, Tiffany pulled away, her hands tracing small circles on Jessi's upper thigh.
"T-Tiff–!" she drew a sharp breath as Tiffany daringly moved her hand a little farther up.
Tiffany smiled, pleased with Jessi's response. "Sshhh," she told her, pushing her against the wall, still tracing invisible circles inches away from Jessi's core.
Jessi's breath quickened, the feeling of Tiffany's finger rubbing such a sensitive spot becoming more and more pleasurable. But she started to feel something else: something she hasn't felt before: the feeling to grab Tiffany's fingers and drive them upwards.
She used what little resistance she had left, trusting Tiffany completely to continue do whatever she was doing.
Tiffany continued tracing circles, moving her hand up a little every five seconds or so. But to Jessi, those few seconds felt like an eternity: and with every inch forward, the feeling of pleasure increased. And with every movement up caused the unknown feeling to grow in strength.
Tiffany looked up to see Jessi's nose scrunched up, her eyes tightly shut, mouth slightly open, letting out quick and frequent breaths, eyebrows already shining with sweat. Feeling extremely aroused by this sight, she leaned in and once again, pressed her body onto Jessi's and captured her lips.
However, unknown to Tiffany, her leaning forward caused her hand to shoot up, causing it to end up a few inches short of Jessi's labia.
In a sudden uproar of the mysterious feeling, Jessica poured its strength into the kiss, bringing her hands up to grab Tiffany's head and hold it firmly, sharing a passion hidden from anyone she has ever kissed before.
Tiffany, turned on by this passion, let out a throaty moan, letting Jessi be dominant. Her initial plan didn't escape her mind though; as soon as Jessi grabbed her head, Tiffany hovered a finger over the labia, feeling an immense amount of heat escaping from it.
Then, without warning, she placed a single finger on it and slid it across the whole length of the labia, sliding easily as it was already lubricated with pre-cum.
"Hng!" The beast inside of Jessica was let loose for a moment, instantly commanding her to buck violently in response to the immense feeling of pleasure. However, it did not reach its goal of forcing Tiff's fingers inside her before coming back under Jessica's control.
Tiff broke the kiss, face still centimeters from Jessi's face. "A bit eager, are we?" she asked, grinning at Jessi, who still had her eyes tightly shut, mouth open, drawing in sharp breaths.
"Do-Don't–HNG!" she moaned again as Tiff interrupted her by sliding her finger down her labia again, but this time, brushing the clit.
Tiffany's grin widened as Jessica bucked downwards again, attempting to receive more contact from her fingers.
She proceeded to bend down, but before she would capture a nipple, she heard light footsteps coming up the staircase. And before she could do much but turn her head towards the direction of the stairs, Tae appeared with a curious look on her face.
Tiff immediately froze, eyes wide. She was caught.
Jessi noticed Tiff freeze. "T-Tiff?" she asked, opening her eyes, only to see her step in and press their bodies together. "Nh," she moaned, closing her eyes again, still not used to the extremely pleasurable feeling.
"Uh … hi Tae," Jessi suddenly heard Tiff say nervously. Oh, Tae was here.
Then, in a sudden realization of what that meant, her eyes flung wide open, following TIff's gaze onto a small, slim figure standing on the top of the staircase. Taeyeon.
"Fany," she started with a dangerous edge to her voice. Her eyes darkened … with what? Anger?
"Y-Yes?" she replied nervously, hugging Jessi even tighter. Her eyes closed again in response to the adrenaline.
After a few seconds, she finally heard Taeyeon sigh. "Why didn't you wait for me?" Jessi heard her whine in the cute voice that she only uses when begging us to buy ice cream for her, and always works.
She also heard Tiffany sigh, loosening her grip on her. "Well, I couldn't help myself, and I–"
"But we promised!" Taeyeon cut her off, adding a sad tone to her voice.
"But when I was giving her the towel, a picture of Jessi, naked," Jessi turned deep red at this.  "–just appeared in my head and I–"
Taeyeon sighed again. "I knew I should have taken this part,"
"It's not like you would've been able to resist," Tiffany countered, sticking out her tongue and hugging Jessi tightly again.
"Mm," she groaned with surprise, causing a sudden rush of adrenaline, yet again.
"Well, I would have had a better chance than you did," Taeyeon replied. Then, it dawned on her: they had planned this.
"F-Fany," Jessi said weakly, voice still shaky from the feeling of Tiff's chest on her's.
"Hm?" she turned her head back towards Jessi.
"D-Does your s-secret in-involve…"
"Oh, right! We still have to show you our secret!" How Tiffany could still be this happy while doing something like hug Jessi while both of them where bare skinned escaped Jessi.
She released herself from Jessi, causing her to whine, which drew a tinkling laugh from Tiffany, and took her hand, leading her into Taeyeon's bedroom, stopping them at the front of the bed.
"Taengoo; Plan C, ok?"
"You're lucky I predicted this would happen," she teased Tiffany.
Tiffany stuck out her tongue at Taeyeon before walking behind Jessica.
Jessi watched Tiffany questioningly as she walked behind her, wondering what 'Plan C' was.
As soon as she got behind Jessi, Tiffany pressed her chest into Jessi's back, drawing out a gasp, and rested her chin on Jessi's shoulder. "Look at Taengoo, ok?" she whispered to her, bringing her hands to Jessi's breasts and rubbing them.
"Nh," was Jessica's only reply as she hastily turned her attention to Taeyeon.
Once Taeyeon met Sica's eyes, she smiled and nodded to Tiffany, who nodded back.
She looked at Jessi again, who was looking questioningly at Taeyeon. Taeyeon grinned at her before reaching to the hem of her shirt and slowly helping herself out of it.
Jessica stared at her, wide eyed. She knew she shouldn't be looking, but some unseen force was keeping her head in place, and her eyes unblinking. Watching Taeyeon go so slow was painful to watch; Jessica wanted to go up to her and rip off her clothing, but Tiffany's arms kept her in place. And it was a good thing, too, because she probably would have scared Taengoo.
After she finally slipped her head out of the shirt, Jessi's eyes devoured Taengoo's milky white skin, not a minuscule flaw to be found; her gaze was so concentrated that she didn't even notice Tiffany's hands move up.
Noticing Jessi's intense stare, she grinned devilishly, causing Jessi to remember her position. She flushed a deep red.
Taeyeon barely contained her squeal. Sica’s so cute when she was blushing!
But remembering her duty, she continued by loosening her belt, throwing it to the side when she was done. Taeyeon glanced back up: yep, she still had her attention.
Smiling to herself, she slowly slid the jeans off her legs, revealing her perfectly smooth legs, tone matching that of her upper body. After the jeans fell to the ground, Taeyeon took a step forward, leaving the jeans in a pool behind her.
Jessi's gaze was undeterred by this: Taeyeon was now in nothing but an extremely revealing dark-red bra with matching panties. The sight of her reawakened the beast.
But before she had a chance to ravage her body with her eyes more, Jessi suddenly felt a pair of smooth hands pinch her nipples. "Ng!" she moaned in surprise, finally snapping out of her trance, blinking.
Taeyeon caught her breath as Tiffany molested Sica's breasts with more vigor; the sight, as well as Sica's moan, had already turned her on. However, remembering her part of the plan, she reached behind her back, wondering why she didn't force Tiffany to do the stripping.
Her hands roamed her back until she finally found the back of her bra; relieved, she unhooked it and pulled the bra off, but not bringing it down.
She looked up at the JeTi pair; at this point, they were both staring at Taeyeon, mouths slightly open.
Grinning, she pulled the ends of the bra against each other, making it so that it was still covering their view of her chest. She saw Tiffany press extra hard on Sica's breasts, drawing out another gasp from Sica. Caught off guard, her fingers loosened their grip on the bra, and eventually let them fall.
Their eyes widened even more as it fell to the ground. Taeyeon, realizing she couldn't pick it back up, slid a few fingers under her already wet panties, and pull them down.
She kept eye contact with them as she let the underwear pool on the ground and walked towards them, swaying her hips.
While doing so, she heard Jessi's breathing become audible. She laughed to herself: was her stripping really that effective?
She also noticed Tiffany stopped her ministrations to just stare at her, despite having already seen her bare body before. Sica didn't seem to mind, though, as she was also too busy staring at Tae.
She stopped when she was a few inches away from Sica and Fany. "Done goggling?" she asked, grinning widely.
Jessi, realizing what she has been doing the whole time, blushed and lowered her gaze. Only that didn't help because her eyes landed on Taengoo's legs. She found herself short on breath again.
"Oh, right. Sorry," Tiffany said, removing her hands from Jessica's breasts and on her upper thighs.
"Sica, look up."
She obediently lifted my head back up only to see Taeyeon close the gap between them, meshing their chests together. Jessi leaned her head back and rolled her eyes to the back of her head, pleasure overwhelming her from both the front and back. "Ngh," she moaned, unable to control herself anymore.
TaeNy carefully carried her onto the bed, with Tiffany still behind Jessica who was face up. Taeyeon crawled up Jessica's body and wrapped her legs around her waist.
Tiffany lifted Jessi's head back up to its upright position, then positioned her mouth next to Jessi's ear. "This," she whispered, "is our secret."
She barely registered Tiff talking to her though, as Tiff's fingers already started to crawl upwards and onto her soaking wet labia.
"We agreed to mutual share the pleasure: I finger you, you finger Tae, and Tae fingers me. Ok?"
Jessica nodded, hormones still running rampant in her body.
As Tiffany guided Jessi's hands onto Tae's upper thighs, Taeyeon placed hers on Tiffany's. Two gasps were heard as soon as the hands met the soft legs.
"Move them up, Jessi," Tiffany instructed her as she placed her fingers on Jessi's labia once again, causing another loud sharp intake of breath.
She followed her orders, though, and slid her hands up to meet skin coated with something sticky. "Mh," Taeyeon moaned, her aching hormones finally being satisfied.
"And then insert them, like this," Tiff continued, finding the entrance and plunging her fingers in.
"MNG!" Jessi screamed, pleasure overloading her brain, a strange kind of pressure starting to build up in her stomach. "Ng! Ng!" she panted as Tiff began to thrust her fingers inside her.
"C'mon Jessi, you're turning me on," Taeyeon whined, feeling both anxious and impatient at the sound of JeTi already starting.
"SorRY!" she tried to apologize, what was interrupted by Tiff's thrust again.
Trying her best to concentrate, Jessi slid her finger across the length of the labia, finally going as a reaction to Tiff's thrusts.
"Mhph," she moaned in response, the building impatience and anxiety being replaced with pleasure. Then, realizing she hasn't started on Fany, she found her opening and slid two fingers in.
"Taeng…" Tiff moaned. In a move to try and distract herself, she leaned in on Jessi and landed her mouth, once again, on her smooth neck.
"Hmg!" Jessi groaned as Tiff nipped her neck, beginning to move her fingers inside of Tae.
"Sica … y-you l-learn we-weLL!" Tae felt a sudden increase in adrenaline as Jessi accidentally brushed her clit.
But the pressure in Jessica's stomach distracted her from anything else, as she focused almost all of her effort on withstanding that pressure. "T-TiffaNG … my st-stomach f-feels…"
Taeyeon, being distracted with Jessi's thumb resting itself on the tip of her clit, was unable to answer, as the thumb seemed to tease her: it felt good, but at the same time, it wasn't enough. So, in order to gain more, she had to constantly buck into her thumb, while making sure she didn't fall off.
Tiffany, noticing this, removed her mouth. "Th-that pressure is–!" she was cut off as Tae added another finger. "NNNhh … is nat-tural," she informed her while trying to get used to Tae's fingers. "It-It's oh-ng-kay to re-release the pressurE NNG," she attempted to tell her, but again, was interrupted as Tae added another finger.
Trusting Tiffany, she released the pressure. "HN!" she screamed, immediately feeling something escape from her core, causing her to shudder violently. She instantly felt herself drained of energy, but Tiffany's fingers were relentless.
However, knowing that Jessi would have a hard time reaching her climax again right after her first one, especially since she was new at this, brought one hand up to her breasts, slid them in between Jessi's and Tae's, and started to rub the soft skin.
"T-Tiff…I-I can't…" Jessi gasped, desperately trying to keep up her pace inside of Taeyeon. "Taengoo, s-sorry…"
"S-Sica, j-just HN-you're d-doing f-fine," she informed her. "J-Just k-keep your f-finger on th-that n-nub," Taeyeon told her.
As soon as Jessi followed Tae's orders, Tae leaned forward and bit her shoulder, screaming into her silky skin.
The pain, however, was nullified as Tiffany navigated her palm to the nipple and started to rub there. The pressure in her stomach started to build up again.
The sound of squelching filled the room, accompanied with lustful moans. In fact, if it hadn't been for the sound-proof walls, designed to for capturing Taeyeon's voice so her recordings would be high quality, neighbors would have probably been suspicious. Scratch that, Jessica probably would have found out sooner if it hadn't been for that piece of technology.
Tiffany broke the unspoken pact of no talking. "Taeng, I-I'm–". She was unable to finish her sentence, as Tae had already sensed this and began to thrust faster. "I-I'm–NG!" Tiffany screamed, releasing her bodily fluids.
However, at her climax, Tiffany accidentally pinched Jessi's nipple extra hard, causing her to scream as well, also releasing the pressure yet again.
Taeyeon, now satisfied that she lasted the longest, buried her face into Jessi's neck to muffle her scream as she released as well.
Exhausted, the trio fell onto the bed, with Taeyeon beneath Jessi and Tiffany falling to the side of them. "We have to clean each other up," Tiffany reminded them.
"Do you feel that stickiness in between your legs?"
Now that it was mentioned, Jessica did feel something sticky resting on her upper thighs. "Yeah," she said with a disgusted face.
Taeyeon laughed at her reaction. "Don't worry about it much, it can be licked away easily,"
She nodded, happy there was a method to get rid of it. But as Taeyeon flipped them around and turned her body to face Jessi's legs, she realized what would happen while cleaning that part. "Wait-!" the revelation came too late, as Taeyeon already started to run her tongue along the sides of her legs, causing Jessi to squirm in pleasure. When she reached the labia, Jessi used every ounce of her remaining strength to keep back the beast that wanted to buck into Taengoo's face.
After what seemed like an eternity, Taeyeon reemerged. "Ok Jessi, you're going to clean up both of us, ok?"
She reluctantly agreed and bent her head down, cautiously licking off the white liquid on Taeng's legs. However, she stopped as she reached the labia, also coated with the with substance. "Um–"
"Its ok, Jessi. You can lick that part," Tiffany told her. She nodded and slowly inched her head forward, sticking out her tongue to receive the fluid. Jessi darted out her tongue and quickly licked away a small amount of the fluid, but this still caused Taeyeon to moan softly. However, this was unheard by Jessi, who preceded to lick away the fluid with more confidence.
As she licked away the last bit, she pulled her head back to notice that there was a little bit more on a curious little nub located on the top of the labia. She leaned in again to clean that part up.
As soon as her tongue met the nub, Taeyeon bucked her hips in response, using her legs to trap Jessi's face, giving out an audible moan.
While she was trying to process what just happened, she felt Tae's head be lift off her upper thighs, a warm hand spreading her legs, and a smooth pair of legs fitting in with her core.
Jessi let out a moan, surprised, as she felt a cool liquid contact the entrance to her core, followed by legs wrapping around her waist.
"Hmm…" Tiffany hummed, beginning to thrust her core into Jessi's, creating a pleasurable friction.
Jessi felt Taeng thrust onto her face again, causing her nose to brush the little nub again.
"Ung," Taeyeon moaned, thrusting once more.
Not again...
Part 2 coming tomorrow (haven't reread it yet, but hopefully the quality of the writing's better; link to it will be updated here) :D
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kesujo · 2 days
i just wanna ask, are the "vulgar" words in your work The Pet of Kim Taeyeon really censored/not there? or am i bugging? if so, could we perhaps get the explicit version? i think it really just adds flavor to the whole thing
I think it's because the vulgar words are censored if you don't have an AFF account, as I've been informed recently. If you don't want to make an AFF account though, don't worry, I'll be releasing the entire chapters on Tumblr in due time though, so you can also wait for those :D
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kesujo · 2 days
The Speed of Light
In accordance with [the majority of people's] wishes, I'll be posting stuff from AFF on here! Starting with the first smut I've ever written ... and have been convinced to leave as is. Just a forewarning. :D
“So, as light passes through something like water, it has to bump into more molecules, or in this case, more water molecules …” Tiffany explained, drawing a little diagram to follow her explanation.
A very bored-looking Jessica sat Tiffany’s left, chin resting on her left hand, right hand under the table, drawing circles on Tiffany’s knee. She lazily stared at her beautiful girlfriend’s face, barely paying attention to the words pouring out of her mouth.
“—but in … Jessi, are you listening?” Tiffany finally took her eyes off her diagram to glance at her, noticing she was not even looking at the piece of paper in front of her.
“… No …” Jessica said, smiling sweetly to Tiffany.
Tiffany sighed. “Jessi,” Tiffany whined. Her girlfriend chuckled at Tiffany’s aegyo. “You never pay attention to me whenever I’m trying to teach you s—!” The last part was cut off into a gasp as Jessica moved her hand further up Tiffany’s leg, stopping at her upper thigh and rubbing circles there.
Jessica’s mouth stretched into a smile at Tiffany’s reaction. “We’re seniors already though, Tiff,” Jessica whined to her girlfriend. “Why don’t we take a break from all this hard work?” She said, leaning closer to Tiffany, pressing her chest into Tiffany’s left arm.
Tiffany couldn’t suppress another gasp as she felt Jessi’s chest onto her arm. “O-O-Ok…” Tiffany stuttered, face turning dark red. Jessi’s smile widened as she leaned away, taking her hand off Tiffany’s leg.
Tiffany let out a breath of relief, leaning back on her own chair while trying to cool down her face. The sound of a door closing was heard, which led Tiffany to wonder if she had done that just as an excuse to go to the bathroom. If she wanted to go so bad, she could have just asked.
But knowing her perverted girlfriend, she didn’t leave just to go to the bathroom.
The transition from sweet and kind Jessica to sweet, kind, and perverted Jessica was very sudden; for some reason, ever since they became a couple, Jessica became more touchy with Tiffany.
It was the middle of the second semester of their junior year when Jessica asked Tiffany out. Tiffany had always been harboring secret feelings for her best friend, but always tried to hide them by going out with guys. Jessica would always be overprotective of her, though, which would sometimes scare them off. Either that, or Tiffany wasn’t willing to ditch her Jessi for anyone, even her boyfriend.
After a particularly bad breakup, Jessica made her move; she animated the story of her life using Totoro, since she knew Tiffany loved Totoro, and put it into a disc. On the day of the breakup, Jessica invited Tiffany over to her house to help her transition out of the breakup; she had sat her down on her couch, knowing that what she was about to show her had the potential to make her sadder, but what’s life without risk, right?
As she watched it, her eyes filled with tears of happiness. At the end, Jessica came out of nowhere with a big Totoro costume and asked her out. Overwhelmed with joy, Tiffany hugged her tightly and said yes.
As her best friend, Tiffany had been tutoring Jessica a lot; but really, Jessica didn’t need tutoring. She already knew everything; it was just her excuse to see Tiffany more. However, when Tiffany started tutoring Jessica as her new girlfriend, Jessica demanded to have more tutoring sessions. Even during the summer, Jessica went over to Tiffany’s house to review what they had learned, as well as singing ‘lessons’. But more often than not, these sessions evolved into Jessica touching her girlfriend, being intimate with her, and in general making her flustered.
Secretly, Tiffany loved this.
Who wouldn’t though? Not only was Jessica extremely attractive, she warmed up easily to those who she knew well, was smart, and was a talented singer. Tiffany had long figured out that Jessica didn’t need these tutoring sessions, but still did them just for the sake of seeing Jessica.
The restroom door opened, revealing a scantily dressed Jessica, who silently walked up to the unsuspecting Tiffany. As Tiffany was deep in the memories of her past, Jessica snuck up on her and hugged her arm.
Tiffany immediately snapped out of her memories, moaning a little. “J-Jessi …”
Jessica grinned at her cute reaction. “I’m ready, Tiff,” she told her. She didn’t let go of her arm, though.
“O-O-Ok,” Tiffany managed to say, trying her best to keep a straight face. She was considering just stopping and attacking her, but that’s what Jessica would want. And Tiffany was too stubborn to give her what she wanted right away: she decided to make her fight for it. Although Tiffany knew she couldn’t hold it in for long, she would at least try.
“O-Ok, so t-the exception would b-be…” Tiffany continued, trying her best to explain the properties of light to Jessica.
Jessica frowned at the little effect it had on Tiffany. Last time when she did this, Tiffany almost immediately pounced on her and … well, it was a fun session, to say the least. Then, Jessica grinned as she realized Tiffany was playing hard to get.
“… as light doesn’t have t—!” the last part, again, was the result of Jessica moving her hand to Tiffany’s upper thigh.
“What’s wrong?” Jessica asked innocently, looking at her girlfriend with fake curiosity.
“N-N-Nothing…” Tiffany stuttered stubbornly as Jessica once again began drawing small circles on her thigh.
Tiffany internally took a deep breath, suppressing her hormones before starting again. But before she had the chance to, Jessica put her mouth on Tiffany’s silky-smooth neck and nipped at the skin, causing Tiffany to gasp. “Tiffany … do you know what else I want moving as fast as light?” Jessica asked, breathing hotly into Tiffany’s ear.
Tiffany’s face instantly darkened to at least ten shades of red.
Jessica smiled, satisfied at Tiffany’s reaction. However, it wasn’t enough … yet. Jessica laughed. “I don’t know what you were thinking of, but I was thinking about this lesson.”
Tiffany huffed indignantly. So she got all ‘excited’ for nothing? But Jessica wasn’t finished yet. “So, of course, we can have some fun time.”
That’s it, Tiffany thought. She used her free arm to push Jessica onto the bed, which was located right next to the desk they were ‘studying’ on. She hovered over her, reaching to the hem of her shirt and ripping it off.
Jessica grinned under her, proud that she finally got Tiffany to snap. She watched in amazement as Tiffany tore off the clothes on her body, eyes devouring her perfect skin and sexy body as more and more of it was revealed.
After Tiffany was left in just her undergarments, she brought her lips roughly down on Jessica, kissing her fiercely. But just as she reached beneath the bed to remove Jessica’s bra, she stopped. This is what Jessi wants, Tiffany reminded herself. She retracted her hand, forcing herself to get off of Jessica.
Jessica, surprised, looked at Tiffany. What happened? She wondered curiously. Is she playing hard to get again?
Well, whatever she was doing, Jessica was enjoying this too much to let an opportunity like this to slip by again. Just as Tiffany was removing herself from her, Jessi quickly grabbed Tiffany and switched positions with her, putting her on top with a shocked Tiffany on the bottom.
“Wh—“ Tiffany was cut off as Jessi roughly brought her mouth to Tiffany’s, kissing her passionately. “Umf,” Tiffany moaned as Jessica brought her hand around Tiffany’s back, undoing the bra strap without breaking the kiss.
She stealthily slipped off Tiffany’s bra before reaching back to undo her own, only to meet Tiffany’s hand. She felt the pressure of the bra release as it, too, was slipped off and flung to somewhere in the room.
The moaned simultaneously as they reconnected their bodies, chests mashing into each other.
Jessica broke the kiss, causing Tiffany to whine. She moved down Tiffany’s body, stopping briefly at her neck, sucking her soft skin. Tiffany moaned in response.
After hearing the satisfactory moan, she moved further down, again stopping Tiffany’s full breasts, leaving red love bite marks on Tiffany’s neck. She took a nipple to her mouth, using her tongue to flick it back and forth, licking every inch of the areola.
Tiffany let out a throaty moan, arching her back to maximize the amount of skin that was going into Jessi’s mouth.
Jessica grinned at her eagerness. She brought her hand up and pinched the nipple of the unoccupied breast, earning another throaty moan. As she continued to swirl the nipple around her mouth, she rubbed, pinched, and tweaked the other nipple every which way.
“Jessi…” Tiffany moaned. She brought her hand to Jessica’s head and forcefully pushed it against her chest, enjoying the feeling of her skillful tongue.
Feeling confident now, she flicked the nipple a few more times before softly biting it.
“Ahng!” Tiffany moaned loudly, gripping Jessi’s hair more forcefully. She started to feel familiar pressure in her lower stomach. “Jessi …” Tiffany panted, weakly pushing Jessi’s head lower. “Lower …”
Her girlfriend complied, sliding further down Tiffany’s smooth skin and stopping at her legs.
An idea popped into Jessi’s mind. Grinning, ripped off Tiffany’s panties and kissed the inside of Tiffany’s upper thigh, while using another hand to rub circles in the inside of the other thigh.
“Hng!” Tiffany bucked her hips into Jessi’s face, trying to make contact. However, Jessi quickly pulled back and quickly resumed her teasing.
The pressure started to build up a little more as Tiffany bucked her hips again, but the same thing happened; Jessi retreats, and then quickly resumes. Frustrated, Tiffany calls out, “Jessi, stop teasing…” she moaned as Jessi moved a little bit closer to her dripping core.
“What was that?” she asked, grinning once again at how eager her usually submissive and shy girlfriend was.
“Stop teasing…” Tiffany said a little louder, still panting.
“I can’t hear you,” Jessi said in a mocking voice, starting to tease her girlfriend yet again.
“Just fuck me already,” Tiffany said a little louder.
Still unsatisfied, Jessi blew cold air into her damp core.
This sent Tiffany over the edge. “STOP TEASING ME AND FUCK ME ALREADY!” She screamed.
“As you wish,” Jessi said with a grin, finally satisfied at the volume of Tiffany’s voice. She shot upward and drove her tongue into the slit, causing Tiffany to scream in ecstasy. Tiffany grabbed a fistful of Jessi’s hair and pushed her up, forcing her tongue to go further and further into her.
As the pressure in Tiffany’s stomach grew, Jessi increased her pace, magically hitting all the correct places. Moans filled the room as her pace reached light speed; she used her nose to nuzzle Tiffany’s clit, making Tiffany moan even more.
Tiffany wrapped her legs around her girlfriend’s head, preventing her from pulling away at the last second, like last time. She then used her legs to pull Jessi closer, desperate for release.
Tiffany threw her head back and closed her eyes, feeling the pressure in her stomach reach an almost unbearable point. Moans echoed across the room as Tiffany felt her climax coming up. “Jessi … I’m close…” she warned her. But Jessi already noticed this and instantly increased the pace.
Right after that, Jessi’s tongue was met with a wave of sticky fluid. Happy of her accomplishment, she lapped up every drop of Tiffany’s delicious cum.
However, in the process of cleaning her up, Jessica’s tongue accidently brushed Tiffany’s clit, reinvigorating her hormones.
As soon as Jessi finished cleaning Tiffany up, Tiffany suddenly flipped them over, causing her to be on top, looking down at a surprised Jessica.
Before she had the chance to question her, Tiffany attacked her left nipple, palm rubbing the other nipple. Jessi let out a surprised gasp. She had never seen the aggressive side of Tiffany before. Well, aside from their last session; but even then, she wasn’t this aggressive.
Disappointed that she only managed to draw a gasp from Jessi, she pinched her right nipple, simultaneously nipping the left one with her mouth. Unable to contain herself, Jessi let out a drawn out moan. “Tiffany …”
Tiffany finally smiled, satisfied at being able to make Jessi moan.
She moved her hand down to Jessica’s wet core, teasingly sliding her finger back and forth on the slit. She flicked the nipple back and forth with her tongue simultaneously, occasionally biting softly, making Jessi moan once again.
As she continued to rub the opening, Jessi stubbornly held herself down, making herself not buck into her fingers. But she lost her will as Tiffany ‘accidently’ brushed her clit. Unable to maintain control, she bucked fiercely into her finger, but just as Jessi did, Tiffany anticipated this movement and retreated her finger just as quick.
Jessi let out a distressed and desperate whine, causing Tiffany to giggle. The hum of Tiffany’s giggle caused vibrations to reach the nipple Tiffany was working on, causing Jessi to gasp in pleasure again.
As Tiffany continued her actions, Jessi once again forced herself to not pounce on Tiffany and force the finger inside of herself. But when her finger brushed against the clit once again, instead of bucking, she released her frustrations by pushing Tiffany’s head further into her breast.
But as Tiffany brushed her clit once again, Jessi barely managed to hold herself down. “Tiff…” she whined, finally giving in. “Stop teasing…”
Tiffany smiled, but ignored her protest and continued to run her slim finger up and down the opening, driving Jessi more and more insane.
Not wanting to satisfy Tiffany, she bit her lip and held back her moans. But it reached an unbearable point when Tiffany moved up to kiss her, pressing her chest onto Jessi’s while moving the other hand down to help the hand that was driving Jessi up a wall.
Jessi released her frustrations on Tiffany by grabbing her hair and roughly kissing her, muffling the moan that came out as Tiffany’s other hand started to rub her clit.
“Tiff!” she moaned into her mouth, giving in again. “Please…”
Tiffany, already proud of making Jessi beg, decided to push her luck a bit and tease her more. “Please…?”
Jessi huffed indignantly, not willing to beg more. Tiffany, however, was persistent and pinched her clit once again, hard. “Put your fingers inside me!”
Tiffany, smiling, complied eagerly, plunging two of her fingers inside of Jessica’s damp core. Jessi screamed in pleasure, Tiffany’s mouth unable to muffle the volume of her scream much.
Jessi started to squirm under Tiffany, pressure building up in her stomach region as Tiffany pumped her fingers inside of her fiercely, free hand pinching, tweaking, and rubbing the clit.
Meanwhile, Tiffany fought fiercely over dominance with Jessi, their kiss intensifying. Their tongues danced around each other, trying to pin each other down. However, Jessi, busy being pleasured by Tiffany’s eager hand, was unable to win, letting Tiffany win the battle as she plunged her into Jessi’s mouth, now exploring the caverns in both her mouth and her core.
She pushed deeper into her mouth, adding a third finger into Jessi’s core and began to pump faster.
As the pressure built up more and more into Jessi’s stomach, her moans became louder and more frequent, muffled by Tiffany’s tongue. She brought one hand into Tiffany’s hair, grabbing a clump of it and deepening the kiss while grabbing Tiffany’s inner thigh as leverage as she started to aid Tiffany quicken her release.
“Tiff … I’m close,” Jessi’s muffled voice told Tiffany who, in response, quickened her pace.
“Hng … hng,” Jessi continued to moan, practically pounding Tiffany’s fingers with her wet core. She pounded on her fingers a last couple times before releasing, letting out a scream before enveloping Tiffany’s fingers with her cum.
As Jessica panted, trying to catch her breath, Tiffany moved down and licked away every trace of Jessi’s cum, savoring every drop of it. However, if anything, her hormones became more rampant as she watched and heard Jessi’s release.
As Jessi closed her eyes and caught her breath, she felt her legs being pushed apart. Surprised, she looked down to find that Tiffany was aligning their cores together. “No ...” Jessica panted, exhausted. “Tiff … I’m so ti—!” she was cut off as the feeling of Tiffany’s wet fold meshed with hers, creating a pleasurable feeling of ecstasy.
The pressure in both of their stomachs became renewed as they continued to push into each other, clits occasionally brushing, causing both to let out moans.
“Ugh … Jessi …” Tiff moaned, wrapping her legs around Jessi’s for the sake of more leverage, continuing to pound into Jessi.
“Hng … Tiff…” Jessi panted, following Tiffany’s example and wrapping her legs around and joined Tiffany in pounding each other’s core, despite her exhaustion. “Hng … Hng…” Moans from both Jessica and Tiffany filled the room.
As she was about to close her eyes, she noticed Tiffany had already closed her eyes. She immediately darted forward and attacked one breast with her mouth, bringing them both in an upright position.
“Ugh …” Tiffany moaned as she felt Jessi’s expert tongue twirl around her left nipple. “Jessi … Ugh …”
Tiffany started to feel the pressure in her stomach reach an unbearable point. “Close …” was the only thing Tiffany managed to breathe out before increasing her pace, rubbing the opening of their cores, already lubricated with pre-cum.
Jessi responded by increasing her pace as well. Even though she was also close, she didn’t warn Tiffany as her mouth was already preoccupied.
“Hng…Hng!” Jessi and Tiffany screamed in unison, releasing the juices into each other, mixing each other’s substance.
Jessi let go of Tiffany’s breast as she collapsed onto the bed. As Tiffany tried to catch her breath, Jessi took the liberty of cleaning them both up. Not even the accidental brush on the clit turned Tiffany on again, her exhaustion forcing her hormones to finally rest.
“That was … amazing,” Tiffany said in between breaths.
Jessi just smiled as she finished cleaning up the last of their juices that was left on Tiffany’s legs.
Jessi then crawled up Tiffany’s body, rubbing some of the cum on her legs onto her silky-smooth skin. “Can you clean me up?” Jessi begged Tiffany, also out of breath.
Tiffany simply nodded, bringing her face up to Jessi’s core once again and licking off the mixture of her’s and her girlfriend’s juices.
After they were done cleaning up, they both laid under the blankets, too tired to put clothes back on. But Jessi, being the perverted girlfriend she was, had her hormones come back quickly as she recalled what had just happened. Her lust quickly recovered her exhaustion, causing her to run one hand down Tiffany’s smooth leg.
Tiffany, however, had yet to recover. “Jessi …” Tiffany whined tiredly. “No more…” Tiffany pouted as a grinning Jessica brought her body over Tiffany’s.
“So do you think I matched the speed of light pretty well?” Jessi asked, causing Tiffany to turn bright red. “Well, you haven’t seen anything yet,” she said, grinning mischievously as she once again began suckling on Tiffany’s breast.
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kesujo · 2 days
hcs for obsessed!karina?
Sorry, not too sure I know what you mean by this?
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kesujo · 2 days
Hello I absolutely love your work. I've been a huge fan of your series on aff for ages. Any spoiler on who the friend that Jessica is going to introduce to Parker is?
Also, This is just a psa to everyone who is saying that there are words missing for them for Asianfanfics. The swear words appear once you make an Asianfanfics account
Thanks for that PSA, I actually didn't know that LMAO Very good to know
Spoiler as to the friend Jessica's gonna introduce Parker to ... she's a gen3 idol. :D
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kesujo · 3 days
If you decide to reupload your stories will you be adding words back into the story where they were left out? Like in soiling Mr.innocent there are a lot times words like dick, pussy, cum, etc is left out and it can get hard to read if a lot of it occurs back to back.
hmm, that would require some serious editing/revising, and while I can empathize with you (the repeated use of a handful of words is something I try to be mindful of when writing), I can't say I have plans to do those major revisions. I'll try to be more mindful of my word choice going forward though :D
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kesujo · 3 days
I’m pretty sure the answer is no but would you reupload some of your fics on tumblr? I enjoy reading them there but sometimes when there are words missing or descriptions it throws me off and I think I’m having a stroke haha
tbh I've thought about reuploading some stuff on here, but felt sorta weird about it. Idk why I feel this way, maybe something about like it feeling like a cheap way to get views or something? I've written a lot, so if I were to reupload onto Tumblr, I think I'd mostly do the one-shots and the two smut-centric stories I have going on in AFF. Actually, lemme ask below: **some context for the two smut-centric stories: The Pet of Kim Taeyeon - following Seojun, a male OC, who happens to be a magnet for a succubus like Taeyeon. Also featuring other KPop girl group members as succubae with other various supernatural powers that enhance their feeding experience, or in other words, sex. Soiling Mr. Innocent - following Parker, a goody-two-shoes everyday man, and Jessica Jung, a woman married to Parker's best friend who tries to soil that image - by any means necessary.
ALSO, HEADS UP: my original plan was to upload only the 2nd person smut I planned to write for Tumblr, and MAYBE the other one shots I write, but that's it. I'm down to change my mind if people want otherwise though.
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kesujo · 4 days
Yo am I dreaming one of the AFF GOATs is also here on Tumblr? That's crazy! Welcome! I'm a huge fan since the beginning of Garden of Hesperides!
Haha I'm extremely flattered you consider me one of the GOATs of AFF, and glad you enjoyed 'The Garden of Hesperides'! Honestly, I've been super surprised recently about just how many people seem to have read that
(and also, sorry for flooding the feed of anyone following me, I try to make it a point to respond to everyone no matter what)
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kesujo · 4 days
big fan of pet of kim taeyeon and soiling mr innocent. any plans on new standalone smuts for both? or perhaps a new series?
Not too sure what you mean by standalone smuts for both ... as in, involving different characters but in the same universe (i.e. in the universe of 'The Pet of Kim Taeyeon' but centering around not Seojun/Taeyeon), or smuts that aren't canon/irrelevant to the stories as a whole? The answer to both is that I don't have plans for either, but that's not to say it'll never happen.
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kesujo · 4 days
Well even if it isn’t Jessica I look forward to your new stories with the same out there more “kinkier” kinks like the piss drinking and stuff like that. It’s always so hot seeing idols doing nasty and degenerate things. Keep up the good work! :)
I really appreciate it! Feel free to share some ideas for 'Soiling Mr. Innocent' (not just the asker, anyone reading this), and I'll take it into consideration. There's no promise I'll do it - for example, there are no plans for feet/toes/armpit kink, but other things maybe :D
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kesujo · 4 days
do you still update your AFF stories? they’re the best
Yeah, don't worry, I don't plan on stopping updates with those stories for a long time. If I ever do, I'll post an update to them Currently in the process of writing the new chapter for 'Soiling Mr. Innocent', already have the outline done so now it's pretty much just a question of writing the actual chapter :D
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kesujo · 5 days
Really enjoyed the karina story. The building up was really nice, felt like I was reading a normal fanfic. I was wondering if you had any plans for another part or was this story just a stand-alone? Hope to see more works coming!
Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed the additional setup! I planned for 'Obsessed' to be a stand-alone, but that's subject to change if I'm inspired by something/someone else to write a sequel. I don't really forsee that from happening though, so best not to hold your breath on that. Instead, I hope the other one-shots will be also to your liking :D
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kesujo · 5 days
Absolutely love your other works too.. Always patiently waiting for whenever you update Soiling Mr. Innocent and The Pet of Kim Taeyeon
Truly appreciate your work, even if it takes some time to release, it's always worth the wait
Thanks for being so patient with me, I really appreciate your kind words and your support <3
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kesujo · 5 days
Hi! Been a big fan of your works on aff including imo one of the best stories ever made for a fanfic, the Garden of Hesperides and honorable mention to Soiling Mr. Innocent. It's good to finally see you here on Tumblr especially with a debut piece with Karina which makes it such a strong start.
Just a quick idea iydm, would it be okay with you if you make your debut piece into three parts? Since Karina was the first one to stalk OC and got what she wanted, then for the second and third part, if you agree to it or give some thought about it. OC gets “obsessed” by Irene next and then gets “obsessed” finally by Taeyeon. Making OC get “obsessed” by the three leaders of SM's active girl groups…only a man can dream lol.
Have a great day!
Ooh Taeyeon ... you know how to appeal to me xD
Unfortunately, I can't really imagine the story going that way, even though it's just a one-shot. Feels a little too indulgent (if that even makes any sense, since the fic is like inherently indulgent LMAO) - I guess one way to connect the two is Jonghyun (the name of the MC for 'Obsessed') doing something for Karina (like, maybe going the extra mile to make sure she doesn't get caught by paparazzi on her way back to her dorm?), which is conveyed through casual conversation to Irene (and eventually, Taeyeon?), which piques their interest ... ? But to arise to the level of stalking ... not too sure. Tbh, I vaguely have an idea as to what Jonghyun did that made Karina obsessed with him, but what he did isn't easily replicable.
You're welcome to pick up the story concept yourself, or request it/suggest the idea to other writers to see if they'd want to play around with the idea though!
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kesujo · 5 days
Imagine you were front row (perhaps barricade) at your favorite group’s concert, trying to get your bias to notice you. She doesn’t. How would you feel and what would you do? Would it change your perception of her?
Assuming this isn't like a prompt or something but a genuine question, my perception of her probably wouldn't change like at all. I don't really consider myself to stand out that much, so it'd probably be pretty easy to gloss over me, and there would probably be a bunch of other people (with signs/phones with messages/whatnot, things I'm not likely to be holding up), I would probably in fact expect her to not notice me. I imagine I might be a little sad, but that's speculating about maybe I'd feel slightly different at the concert itself rather than sitting in front of my computer (as I've never been to a concert before) - right now, logically speaking, with the expectation that she won't notice me, I'd say I would feel pretty neutral about her not noticing me.
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kesujo · 6 days
Hi I love the obsessed karina smut any plans for mommy Irene
No concrete plans for that yet, but let's be honest, mommy Irene is inevitable for any KPop smut writer.
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