#i was gonna leave it there but realized tumblr deserves to see this too
cherryys · 10 hours
looking at this panel again made me realize what megumi says here has more implications about him other than his sexuality or preferences. it's about how he views his wants vs. his needs.
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Todo asks him about his type. Usually when someone is asked that, they answer with their preference, what they *want*, or *prefer*, like for example Yuuji's answer of a "tall girls with big butts", despite having a history before of not prioritising that like when he liked yuko.
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But Megumi answers, not of what he prefers or what he finds attractive (whether physically or personality-wise), he just says what he *needs*. He doesn't have a preference as long as the person's character is unshakable. That's it. That's why Todo found his answer boring.
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it's not just because he described a character trait or personality rather than a physical attribute like Todo & Yuuji, but because it was the bare minimum. When you ask someone their type, if they reply "someone with a stable career" you'd find it a bit boring, no? it's not really answering your question of what they want in a partner, what they desire. just what they need. This approach of only looking at what is needed persists through everything Megumi does, not just his type, specifically his career a sorcerer.
He doesn't take more than what he's given, and he forces himself to provide what the situation needs. For example, his sacrifice bunt in the baseball game that Gojo called him out for. He didn't think about what he wanted, but what was needed for the match, and that was to let Nobara advance while he stays behind, so that they overall win the match.
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He limits himself like that. That's why Gojo's words of "It's okay to be selfish!" resonated. Because he never let himself take more. He never let himself step out of line.
This goes for his relationship with Gojo, too. he was a teacher, a mentor for him, but he never let himself step out of line to get any closer to him, as opposed to someone like Yuuji or Yuuta who interact with Gojo freely without any barriers between them. To him, he needs Gojo as a mentor and nothing else, and never let himself entertain the idea of wanting to be closer to him. throughout the conversations and interactions between Megumi and Gojo, there is a sense of distance that not even Gojo has with Yuuta and Yuuji, despite the barriers Gojo put up. Yuuji and Yuuta are both close to Gojo in the sense that they let themselves depend on Gojo and express themselves freely, able to talk about things other than jujutsu. but there isn't anything like that with Megumi. he always speaks to him formally despite 10 years of knowing each other and he's never spoke to him about anything other than jujutsu. to Megumi, Gojo is a teacher and mentor strictly and nothing else. not an adult he could depend on or someone he could confide in.
This goes for Toji, too. To him, he thinks doesn't need his father because he left him, that's why he doesn't care. even if he wanted to grow up with a stable caretaker in his life.
When Gojo first provided him with the two "choices" of training under him or being with the Zenin clan, he didn't think to ask if there was a third option where he just doesn't become a sorcerer. obviously this is because when you're like 6 years old and you're provided with two options, you don't think to entertain a third secret option, especially when you're talking to someone you don't even know, but this mindset of just taking what life gives you without question or defiance is largely why megumi didn't really thrive, especially in such a selfish environment like jujutsu sorcery where you need to overstep to succeed. only when he let go of those limitations (CH. 58) was he able to take selfishly.
His dream in 266 tells you this in full clarity. what he wanted was a simple and domestic life away from jujutsu sorcery. but he knew he didn't have the authority to really demand that from gojo, so he settled for what he needed, which was his sister's happiness.
this attitude of his likely resulted from the fact he grew up having everything taken away from him (his mother, his father, and even his stepmother) along with the fact that he grew up in poverty, so he didn't feel like he had any sort of authority to want things. he saw it as a luxury he wasn't allowed.
(interesting that the only time he has expressed a want, went against life and actually stepped out of line and made a decision out of a selfish need, is when he wanted to save yuuji.)
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ranhaitanisgf · 9 months
hi hana! congrats on 2k followers once again and if it’s not too much of a bother, i’d like to have a mikey fluff/crack “oblivious best friends” & “stuck together” scenario/hc (whichever works for you) where it was after school hours and everyone in toman is looking for mikey ☺️ i really hope this combination is something new skjdjsjss thank you in advance!! 💕
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—manjiro [mikey] sano // oblivious best friends // stuck together
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☆ ˎˊ˗ KATIEEE hiiii im sryyy i took sooooo long for this my disappearance from tumblr messed things up 😔 idk how i did on this tbh !! i hope youve been doing well !! and also ur idea was so cutee wahh i hope i did it justice !! xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.5k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“how long are we gonna stay here?” the boy in front of you hummed, thinking for a moment as he swirled the lollipop in his mouth. 
“until they find us.” you sighed at him, leaning your head back against the wall. you could hear rapid footsteps in the hallway, people running around yelling mikey’s name, unaware of the fact that he was sitting in the classroom they just passed by. 
he hadn’t given you much explanation when he grabbed you and pulled you into the classroom, though you think you have a basic idea of what was going on; all you could say was, it was very mikey.
“so, what exactly is the point in hiding from everyone?” 
“it’s funny!” he grinned, crunching down on his lollipop. “but also ‘cause the doors in this classroom are broken; they only open from the outside, so i’ve been waiting for someone to come by and open them from the outside.”
“huh?! why’d you drag me in here then? wait, how did you even do that?” 
“i dunno, but i just saw you and it was boring here by myself.” he shrugged, not seeming to think it was a big deal. “aaand you’ve skipped out on the last couple of meetings, so i missed you.” he pouted, a childish look on his face. “where were you?!” 
“mikey, i told you weeks ago that i would be busy studying for exams…don’t you remember?” you sighed. “i even texted you before all the meetings that i wouldn’t be coming!” 
“whatever.” mikey said flippantly, the same pout still on his face. “you owe me snacks for not showing up.” 
“okay, okay, just stop making that face.” you said, pulling at mikey’s cheeks. “you’re making me look like a bad person.”
“oi, stahppp, it hurtsss!” he grumbled. you eventually relented, sighing as you looked around the classroom. 
“even being here with someone else is boring. can’t we just leave and go get food?” 
“but i’m testing them! they have to know how to find their leader!” mikey insisted, crossing his arms. 
“but you’re literally hiding from them on purpose. how are they supposed to find you?” 
“they can figure that out themselves!” 
“right…” you answered, giving up on trying to make him see reason. you really were hungry; you hadn’t eaten since you had that milk bread from lunch, which wasn’t a whole lot of food. “if you’re insisting on keeping us here, then you’re gonna pay for my meal after this.” 
“ken-chin will pay for it, but okay!” 
“no, you’re going to pay for it. i don’t care if you’re broke; you deserve to have no money for keeping me here.” 
“hey, that’s so mean!” 
“yeah, and you’re being mean right now by not letting us go so i can eat. i ought to just-” you stood up from where the two of you were sitting to avoid being seen, “-let them see me and then tell them where you are!” mikey’s eyes widened, motioning for you to sit back down, but you stood firm, not moving from your spot. 
“oi, sit down! they have to find me on their own!” 
“no! this is ridiculous! i’m hungry and i shouldn’t have to be kept at school any longer-agh!” while you were talking, mikey grabbed your hand, pulling you down with a surprising amount of strength, making you lose your balance and topple over. 
“urgh, what the hell-...” you suddenly cut off your words when you realized the position you were in. 
because mikey had been sitting right next to your standing form, you had fallen right on top of him, the space between your faces being very small as the two of you stared at each other. the space between your bodies was even less, and you swore that he could feel your quickening heartbeat from how close the two of you were, (you didn’t even want to think about how you could feel the warmth from his body right now). 
you knew that you should probably be clambering off of him right now and bonking him on the head for pulling you down so hard, but for some reason, your body was frozen, not knowing what to do. on the one hand, you knew you probably shouldn’t be staying here for so long, but on the other hand, you wanted him to do or say something, anything, to make you think that he wasn’t just an oblivious teenage boy, (how could he have not noticed your feelings this whole time?!)
“(y/n)...” he whispered, his breath fanning against your cheeks due to your close proximity. 
“can you get off? you’re kinda heavy.” at his words, you immediately scrambled off of him, your heart beating a million beats per minute, this time due to embarrassment. as soon as he got up, you slapped the back of his head, making him yell a loud ‘ow!’. 
“that’s what you get for pulling me so hard, asshole! i don’t get why you’re so adamant about staying here!” you yelled, feeling more shame and embarrassment than anger. you leaned your head back against the wall, wondering why you thought that anything would be different this time. 
it’s not normal for best friends to have feelings for each other, so why were you mad at him? 
this time, you felt the silence between the two of you to be unbearable, almost enough to make you scream with frustration. you didn’t though, instead choosing to just have your own internal monologue until you could make it out of the classroom. 
“(y/n)-chan? what’s wrong?” 
“nothing, i’m just tired as fuck. wake me up when we get found or whatever.” you murmured, laying down on the floor, not caring about the dust and first getting on your uniform. maybe if you laid down like this, the earth would swallow you up and save you from this embarrassment. 
you weren’t sure how much time passed like that, though you were sure that the silence filled the room for quite a while, only being interrupted by draken and takemichi’s yells in the hallway. suddenly, you heard some shuffling, wondering if maybe mikey was going to give up and let the two of you finally be found. 
you’d already gone too long pretending to be asleep, so even though you wanted to see what mikey was doing, you didn’t make a peep even when you could feel him getting closer to you. 
what is he doing? 
your question was answered just a moment later when you felt his hand on your cheek, brushing some of your hair out of your face, (you were hoping that your cheeks weren’t getting flushed right about now). 
“hm, i was able to hold back this time, but you really test me sometimes, (y/n).” after that, you felt his hand pull away, leaving you in much more confusion than before. what in the world was he talking about? 
a few minutes later, you heard him opening the window to the classroom, yelling for draken. when he arrived, he started chewing mikey out for disappearing for so long, which was when you decided to ‘wake up’. 
“hmm, you finally decided to give up that little stunt, mikey?” you asked, standing up and rubbing your eyes to make it seem like you were actually sleeping. “took you long enough.” 
“it got more boring sitting there since you fell asleep.” mikey answered, shrugging his shoulders. he kept the same lighthearted expression on his face as he started to get another earful from draken.
“you did this on purpose?! we’ve got stuff to do!!” he yelled, his face twisted in frustration. “it’s been a whole goddamn hour!!” 
“sorry, sorry.” 
you walked away from the two over to the door, trying to open it just to see. much to your surprise, it opened up, not showing any sign of the locked issue that mikey had claimed it’d had earlier. 
when you looked over at him, all he did was shrug, a smug smirk on his face. 
“you little shit! it was open this whole time?! i’m gonna actually kill you this time!!” you yelled, running at mikey. he swiftly dodged you and went out the door behind you, running into the hallway to get away from you. 
“catch me if you can!!” you heard him tease in the distance, fueling your anger even more. 
“when i catch you, it’s so over for you!!” you shouted, sprinting out of the classroom after him. 
as you chased him, he looked back at you, laughing and saying something that you couldn’t catch. despite the fact that you were acting so mad at him right now, you couldn’t help but admire how the light from the sunset reflected off of his skin, highlighting his playful smile and blonde locks bouncing in the air. 
you supposed that this was fine, for now. 
(mikey ended up paying for your entire meal out of his own pocket, leaving him with 200 yen to his name).
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many-but-one · 2 months
Hey, you, person scrolling on tumblr.
It does get better.
I know you hear it all the time, you’re probably sick of hearing it. I know I was when I was going through it. Like yeah, great, it’ll get better in ten years! Doesn’t help me right now, though, when I’m going through mental hell and just wish that death would take my suffering away.
I get it, I’ve been there.
Whether you are actively suicidal and practicing writing your note in your phone’s notes app, whether you’ve attempted and want to attempt again, whether you’re passively suicidal in the “I’m gonna start smoking because I don’t care if it kills me” way or the “I don’t drive with a seatbelt just in case I get in a car wreck and might have my suffering finally ended” way or in the “I don’t look both ways before crossing the street because maybe someone will be speeding and not paying attention and kill me” kind of way.
I’ve been in all of those states before. Many times. I’m writing this because I’m feeling ideation and it’s why I’m writing it. The reason it’s ideation and not action and why I’m not acting is because I know it will pass. I just gotta ride the wave.
It does get better. It doesn’t happen overnight. It can take hard work. Which sucks, because I know you’re tired. You’re bone tired. Soul-deep tired. I know. Hard work sounds like the last thing you wanna do right now, when you wish that every time you slept that you wouldn’t wake up again.
But it’s not the kind of hard work that you have to finish at a certain time. There’s no due-date for wellness. You have plenty of time to get it done, all you have to do is keep showing up.
For some, it’s talk therapy. For some it’s therapy and medication. For some it’s gonna take processing some deep seeded traumas and it’s gonna suck. But it is worth it. It really is.
Currently you are looking through life with sunglasses on. Everything is so, so dark. Even on sunny days when sunglasses can be helpful, you’re still muting the world around you. The colors aren’t vibrant, everything is a dull shade. You step inside and it’s dark. At nighttime, it’s too dark to even see. Eventually you gotta work on taking those sunglasses off. It might seem futile to step outside and take your sunglasses off because you know that you’re just going to put them right back on. But every day you go out and take those sunglasses off even for a minute at a time and really take in everything you’ve been missing, you’ll start leaving them off more. You’ll get to see more things. Do more things. Things you would have totally missed with them on. And eventually you’ll realize that if you had killed yourself, you wouldn’t get to see and do all of these beautiful things you’ve been missing.
I know that analogy makes depression seem like a choice, but hear me out. Sometimes you will need help taking those sunglasses off. Sometimes you will need to take medicine that makes taking the sunglasses off easier. Sometimes you’ll need to talk to your therapist about this dark world you’re seeing, and you know you need to take these glasses off but they are so heavy. Eventually you will gain the skills and the strength can take them off one minute at a time and experience the bright world you’re missing. Sometimes you need that mobility aid that can help you get outside in the first place, that pain medicine that helps you get out of bed to even make it to the door. It can take time to get those things too, and it’s so devastating when it takes so long to get the help you need, but you can’t give up. There is so much beautiful world out there and you deserve to see it.
Rainy days will happen in the midst of the bright and sunny ones, and that’s okay too. Rain is necessary, it keeps the world bright. It makes flowers grow, it nourishes the earth around you. But rainstorms don’t last forever, and neither will this bout of sadness amongst your sunny days. (Talking to you, folks who have been doing well and feel yourself getting bad again. Ride the wave, things will settle down again soon.)
Ten years ago I was sixteen. My first suicide attempt I can recall was when I was eleven. In the last ten years alone I’ve had many, many more. Some were meant to end my life, others were related to my specific circumstances and were meant to cause me harm but not kill me.
I am glad I am here today, at 26. These last six years alone have been some of the most difficult parts of my mental health journey outside of my young childhood. I had to work through some serious trauma. I had to learn how to set boundaries. I had to divorce my wife whom I had thought was good to me but was actually abusing me and I didn’t know it because I didn’t know what a healthy relationship was supposed to be. I had to finish college. I had to come to terms with a physical disability. I had to learn how to be comfortable asking for accommodations. I had to learn to stop fighting my brain and start working with it. I had to learn how to love myself. Every version of myself, even the versions of myself that are small and scared and hurt and want me to die. I had to work on my self esteem. I had to come to terms with cutting out toxic family for good. I had to go to work while I’m doing all of this. I had to find a reason for living every day, even if the reason is so simple as “my cats would wonder where I went if I died.” Even if the reason was “I don’t want my internet friends to wonder why I’m not posting anymore.” And as I started to gain larger followings of people who were rooting for me, it became “I can’t let them down, I have to show them that healing is possible.”
Something I’ve said to a lot of suicidal people who feel bad about telling me that they are only alive because they don’t want to make me sad is this: “if that is what is keeping you alive right now, then good. Whatever keeps you on this earth is important. Because every day that you are here is one more day that you will get closer to being able to live not just for other people, but for yourself.” And I am here to tell you that it is possible to be in a place where you are living because you want to. Where you are living because you are excited for what the future will bring. Where you are joyfully curious to what you can accomplish. Where you will look back on your toughest years and say “shit, if I can get through THAT then I can get through ANYTHING.”
I am 26 years old and I still get suicidal ideation. Usually because of trauma related stuff. Triggers, anniversaries, etc. I am not suicidal every day anymore. I don’t wish for death every time I go to sleep. I love myself. I look at myself in the mirror and even when I’m sleepy headed and bleary eyed with dry ass skin and messed up teeth, I am like “DAMN LOOK AT YOU SUPERSTAR” because gods damn, if I can live through all I’ve lived through already, then I sure as hell can take on just about anything the world can throw at me.
I am in a healthy relationship now. It’s not something I thought was possible. (Seriously, the first time I saw my girlfriend look at me with love in her eyes I almost cried because I’ve never seen a partner look at me that way.) I’m learning how to be a good partner too, and how to set boundaries. I’m still learning how to be a human being. I’m still learning how to speak up when I get mistreated by people at work or out in public. I still get anxiety about leaving the house on occasion.
I’m learning that romantic love and platonic love can be equally deep and rewarding. I love my best friend with all my heart and soul. I love my girlfriend just as much. I’m learning I can have healthy amounts of intimacy with both my friend and my girlfriend, and it doesn’t have to end in a triggered spiral or desperately taking a shower trying to scratch the feeling of skin on skin contact off of me.
I’m learning that grounding methods and distractions are some of the most important tools in my healing toolbox. I’ve learned that sadness and anxiety and emotional pain doesn’t last forever. This post right now is me distracting myself and riding the wave through this triggered feeling I’m working through. I’ve learned that another important tool in my toolbox is hope. Hope that I will get better, hope that my life will not always be one nightmare after another, hope that things will settle down and I’ll be able to breathe again. And maybe have a fancy umbrella drink to celebrate, too. (Inside joke😉)
It will get better. Sometimes all it takes is a scenery change. Other times it takes literally tearing your life apart at the seams and gently stitching it back up into something you want to live. If you are a teenager reading this, you would be shocked at how much better things get when you move out of your parents’ house. If you feel stuck in an abusive situation and there’s no way out, I’m here to remind you that there is always a way out, and there will be people who will help you do so.
And remember, you’re not alone. No matter how unique your situation may be, someone else has either gone through it or is going through it now too. Find a community who is centered on support and healing. Changing your mindset and perspective is important.
You can get better. It takes time, patience, grit, and determination. And you’ve already got all that. I know, because you are here reading this post.
It will be okay. You will be okay. Deep breath.
You got this.
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Your answer is complete bullshit. What the dazai anon did is nowhere as serious as what you are doing. You want her personal life basically sabotaged, and all she did was send you a couple of cruel messages that made you have a bad day, guess what? That’s everyday for the dazai anon. She’s just fucking tired of the treatment her favorite character faces form this shitty fandom, even his own “stans” join in the hate against him but there seems to be some hypocrisy against chuuya or even the fucking pedophile mori.
All she did was send mean things out of frustration and anger, she deserves to feel that way. I don’t agree with death threats, but nothing about her behavior is “harassment” or “grooming minors” you’re all dumb fucking idiotic children and it shows seeing how you label petty internet fights as “crimes”, at the end of the day, did you lose your degree? did you lose your job? are you in constant fear and suicidal ideations because you’re scared you’re going to jail over THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CHUUYA NAKAHARA of all things???? No! You are completely fine and living your life with no fears or anxieties as she is. Your blog is also completely useless btw! No one is gonna make a case on this, your parents didn’t which is why they asked u to delete the previous blog. Follow their advice again and leave the Dazai anon the FUCK alone and have the balls to actually face her without holding legal threats over her head. You pieces of shits.
What she does is tell people to kill themselves and say that she hopes they die, that their pets die, that they fail their finals, that their mental health/life gets worse. All over fictional characters, and we are just documenting it. At most she might get a fine, or have her Tumblr/Twitter privileges removed. I'm not sure how that second one would play out but I know people have been banned from sites.
As for the. having a bad day bit. I've mentioned this to her before but I have several disorders that make everyday hard for me too, most notably that I've been either passively or actively suicidal for the last 6 years. How do you think her damn near constant hate and harassment of me and my friends affects my mental state? I say it doesn't get to me because it doesn't incapacitate me and I don't want my friends to worry. The shit builds up. I have blocked her, I have reported her, I have ignored her, I have asked her to leave me alone. None of that has worked.
I understand the frustration she goes through, that's the whole reason I don't interact with the pjo fandom anymore. I was taking everything personally, I couldn't play nice with others and I realized that I was problem so I stopped interacting with it. That is my oldest special interest that has kept me alive multiple times. I do not post about it. Because it is unreasonable for me to ask everyone else in the fandom to only see it my way.
She has become the problem here and needs to deal with that. It is not fair to everyone else here for her to decide that her way is the only right way and everyone who disagrees is against her specifically. She absolutely has every right to feel angry or frustrated but she does not have the right to take that out on everyone else, if she doesn't want to block people and respect people blocking her she needs to leave until she can play nice.
As for the legal action, she can stop harassing people right now and case will likely go nowhere. And I have tried to talk to her about the things she does without "threatening legal action" and she called me a cunt and stupid and jobless and a dickrider and a doormat. She isn't willing to talk things out and treat others with respect, so we have this blog. And we have gotten a few asks regarding legal action, we haven't answered them publicly because Kavya tends to harass anyone mentioned here.
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whiteteadreams · 2 years
Watching Over You
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Paring: Yandere!Gaurdian Angel!Lee Taeyong x Human!Female Reader
Preview: Turning your head to question his silence, his expression could only be described as fucking appalled. “What’s the matter?” His expression was even more flabbergasted if that could be possible. 
“What’s the matter? Darling, only a fucking fool would break up with you.” You felt hot despite the cold air, even your ears were warm. The heat didn’t stop even when his freezing hands were now cupping your cheeks. He smashed his lips into yours, ignoring the pain shooting through his nose when it pressed into your cheek a bit too roughly.
Word Count: 13.3k 
Genre: Yandere, darker theme, Non-Idol AU, kinda paranormal AU, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: Yandere/obsessive behavior, manipulation, taeyong using her trauma against her, sexual non-con watching (extremely easy to miss!!), violence, slight religious themes, summoning the devil, overall abusive and toxic relationship, she has a cat named ferguson 
Smut Warnings: body worship (f receiving), oral sex (f receiving), boob worship, praise, pet names (baby, etc), rimming (f receiving), slight ass eating (f receiving), unprotected sex (let's not), one night stand, kitchen sex, living room sex, he slaps her once, riding, slight humiliation, finger sucking, he calls her his bitch, slut, messy, etc. fingering her ass 
a/n- this is my first yandere/dark fic so I hope you guys like it! and this is purely fiction, I don't see taeyong as someone who would truly act like this. AND BIG THANK YOU TO MY TUMBLR BESTIE @neowinestainedress FOR HELPING ME COME UP WITH THE ENDING!!!!!!!! I'm also so sorry abt this taking forever, I got sick and then schoolwork piled up and it was all just a mess. I hope this was worth the wait and if it isn't, I'm so sorry. again, thank you rebs for supporting me thru this lol.
Moving on was harder than you thought it would be. When you were younger and as single as possible, you always thought that when a serious relationship ended, it wouldn’t be too hard, for you at least. Younger you was very wrong, because here you were, a whopping seven months after your relationship had ending, still sulking.
“Get your ass out of your apartment right now.” The screaming voice caused you to pull your phone away from your ear as you winced. “Come on Chae, it’s comfortable here. Nice and cold, with Ferguson.” When hearing his name, the chubby cat waddled over to your sitting figure on the floor and flopped down.  “See, Fergie-Boy wouldn’t ever leave me, he came over to me when he heard him name.” You pulled away from the phone to coo at the cat. “You’re my baby aren’t you, my little boy, my son.”
The baby talk was interrupted when you heard Chaeyoung’s cackling. “Okay, you really need to get out of the house that isn’t because of uni or work.”  You heard the sign that Chaeyoung let out through the phone, and it made you wonder if she was right. Should you get out, in that way? Meet someone? Move on?
You wouldn’t have realized that you said that last part out loud if Chaeyoung didn’t yell out, “Yes Y/n, move on, get over him. You deserve better, don’t give him any more of your tears, he isn’t worthy.” You knew she was right, but of course, you were still hesitant. “Okay Chae, let’s go out.” Finally giving in, you gave Ferguson another pat and then got up from your spot.
“That’s great Y/n! Now let me in.” You had already hung up the phone, Chaeyoung’s voice wasn’t coming from the phone this time, but behind the door. “I know you can hear me, open up!” Deciding that it wasn’t worth it to fight her on this, you huffed and silently walked to the door to let in Chae, with Ferguson right on your heels.
Opening the door, you saw the newly blonde smile wide at you and throw her hands in the air. “We’re gonna go out! It’s been so long!” Slightly rolling your eyes in a loving way, you allowed her to drag you to your bedroom to start the process of getting ready. “Okay, the goal is to get your sexy ass laid, so that’s what’s going to happen!”  That wasn’t your goal, but you noticed that Chae was already having fun and you weren’t going to be the one to ruin it.  
“Okay babe, I already have the dress and shoes that you’re going to wear tonight.” You just noticed the tote bag that was swung around Chae’s shoulder and with the grin on her face, you couldn’t tell her no.
Letting Chaeyoung push you into your own room, you watched her look through your makeup and jewelry while she told you to put on the dress. You did what you were told and with minimal tugging at the fabric, you let the short dress hug your curves. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you admittedly looked good, well your hair needed to be brushed and your eye bags covered, but other than that, it wasn’t obvious that you hadn’t left your house for fun in months.
“Alright, sit-down hot stuff, let me fix you up.” Talking about random things and listening to music, you watched the time pass on your digital alarm clock as you felt Chae tickle your face with various brushes, adding on pigment to different parts of your skin. Cheeks, eyelids, and finally lips, you and Chae were finished, and it was now late enough to head out. You slipped on your heels and headed to your front door.
“Wait-wait-wait!” Chae jogged to you after you passed your bedroom door. Spinning on your heels, trying not to fall, you were just ready to go and get the night over with. “I brought you some of my crystals, they’ll help you manifest love.” She wiggled her eyebrows along with her hips and took out a small drawstring bag from her tote bag.
“Alright, we got some green aventurine, malachite, sunstone, carnelian, emerald, clear quartz, smoky quartz, and of course, rose quartz. So, you’re gonna keep these on you for the night and hopefully some lucky guy will appear.” She tied the bag shut and pushed it your way.
“You and your witchy stuff, I swear. Where am I even supposed to put those?” Your freshly shaped eyebrow rose, patting along your pocketless dress.
“Put it between your tits, that’s where I keep mine.” Chaeyoung pulled at the hem of her dress, flashing her rock hilled cleavage at you. Both of you laughed, but Chae wasn’t laughing at the rocks, she was serious about those. Chae stepped closer to you, inspecting your chest.
“Alright, pull them apart sister, gotta get you some love.” Instead of letting her situate her crystals, you just took them and put them between your breasts yourself.
Sharing a laugh with Chaeyoung as the two of you walked to elevator, you were thankful that she was there to take your mind off of your ex. Chae was always able to keep the conversation moving, never running out of topics to talk about. She had just switched the subject to one of her witchy things, this was something that you knew nothing about so while she was ranting on how she figured out to summon the devil, you ordered an Uber for the two of you. You didn’t want to drive downtown, and Chae was probably going to drink so she shouldn’t drive at all.
Chaeyoung was looking at you when you looked up from your phone. “Can you repeat that last part? I was ordering our Uber.” She understood and repeated on how to summon the devil and why you would ever need to.
“Normally people only speak to him when someone who is holy is bothering them, like an angel or such. Other reasons include trading or selling your soul, getting rid of people, and some people just want to have sex with a demon, I don’t know how I feel about that one though.” You didn’t care much about what she was saying but you did care about how happy she was when she was interested in something, in this case, she was interested in knowing how to summon Satan himself.
Giggling at her rant, you just listened to her talk until the Uber arrived and then you listened to her talk some more in the car and until you pulled up to the club.
“Alright ladies, your total is $7.12.” You paid the man and gathered your purse and jacket. “Have fun, be careful, and watch who you summon!” He called out as you and Chae left the car, you threw your head back and laughed, realizing that he too had been listening to Chaeyoung’s demon summoning rant. Her shy side shone through for a quick second when she blushed and ducked her head down, hiding the color on her warm cheeks.
You smiled at her, watching the color leave her cheeks when the embarrassment wore off. “Well at he knows how to get some extra help if its ever needed.” You teased her, poking her arm, reminding her that he had heard the entire conversation. “Fuck off.” She giggled and pushed you a bit. “Well, at least he was nice.”
He had dropped you off in front of the restaurant next to the club so you a minute walk to get to the entrance, it was still early enough where the line only consisted of a couple people. The back of the line was where the two of you stood for a bit, until someone walked out of the club, and another could walk in. Chae picked up where she left off on her summoning talk, gaining some stares from other people in the line, as well as people just passing by. Once Chaeyoung found something that she was passionate about, she made sure that everyone knew. And if she caught someone side eyeing her for a bit too long, she would just respond with, “You’re gonna need it when I curse your ass.”
While Chaeyoung was telling someone off, the bouncer motioned for you to step forward and show your IDs. “C’mon Chae, time to go in.” Immediately dropping the argument, she was about to get in, she whipped out her ID, showed the bouncer, and walked into the club, with you reluctantly trailing behind her, despair evident on your face.
Taking your hand and dragging you to the bar, Chaeyoung was scoping out the people in the club, the ones dancing, drinking, and the wallflowers. She was making mental notes on who she was going to take home tonight. The watching didn’t stop when you got your drinks, she just sipped on her lemon drop martini while eye fucking one guy in particular. He was returning her stares and soon enough he was sauntering over to the bar where the two of you were.
They did what hot people do and started a conversation, one that showed they were interested in each other but still vague enough to not give anything away. It’s been a while since you had one of those conversations. Sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with Ferguson wasn’t getting you anywhere in life and while you understood where Chaeyoung was coming from, there was no where you’d rather be than at home, sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with Ferguson.
“And for you?” There was a slight pause before the voice started again. “Miss?” Once you’re out of focused mind, understood that it was you, the voice was directed at, you whipped your head around.
While you had been taking in your surroundings and watching Chaeyoung interact with the man, the bartender had been trying to get your attention. “Ah yes, and I suppose I should order something. I’ll just have a mojito, with lime, please and thank you.” You smiled at him, noticing just how attractive he was, thick black hair, deep eyes, a sharp jaw, and a thick bottom lip. Maybe just sitting at the bar all night while Chaeyoung mingled wouldn’t be too bad.
When your drink was placed in front of you, Chaeyoung turned your seat around. “I’m gonna go dance with him, but feel free to interrupt me at any point if you need anything.” She said it in such a serious tone and pointed in the area that you assumed they were going to be. Looking back at the bartender who now had his broad back towards you, you nodded at Chae and told her to have fun.
As soon as she walked away, you could tell tonight was going to be a long night. “Is there anything wrong with the drink?” The bartender returned to what you wanted to be his designated spot, right in front of you. You shook your head, “No, it’s quite good, and I’m not much of a drinker.” You smiled at him, an odd sense of familiarity washing over you. Positive that you had never met this man before, you still couldn’t help but be confused by the feeling he brought you.
“Ah, I was worried you didn’t like it since I haven’t seen you drink much.” He’s been watching you, that’s a good sign. “No, no, it’s really good, I’ve just been people watching.” He smiled at you and that caused you to smile back.
The conversation you two had could easily fall into the category in which you put Chaeyoung’s conversation in, the kind hot people have. You made sure he knew you were interested, but you gave him no major details about your work or personal life. The two of you didn’t even exchange names but you were confident in receiving the answer you wanted with you next question.
“Would you, maybe, want to get out of here.” You didn’t realize you were leaning over the bar until he did the same, and your noses brushed. “I would absolutely love to, but I’m unfortunately working. How about we exchange numbers and I give you a call when my shift is over? It shouldn’t be too long.” You didn’t want to pull away from his face, loving the feel of his breath mixing with yours, you looked at him and exchanged smiles. But you wanted to hurry up and get out of the club, not without getting his number though. Reaching into your purse, you grabbed your phone, eager to get any piece of him, even if it was just a handful of digits.
Watching his diligent fingers type in his phone number into the new contact he made himself, you were already excited to receive the call from him. And, quite frankly, you’d settle for a text from him that just said, “r u up”, although you could assume he wasn’t that type of guy. Surely, he’d request a booty call in your voicemail inbox. You noticed him pulling his phone out from somewhere under the bar and placing it in front of you, unlocked.
Noticing that you were putting in your number very carefully and reading over the number several times before giving him his phone back, you scolded yourself for being so desperate. You then heard Chaeyoung’s voice, somewhere far in your head, “you deserve to be thirsty girl, go get his dick. This is what we’ve been manifesting, don’t let it go to waste!” Smiling at the faint illusion, you looked back at the bartender, waiting for him to say something next.
“I hope you assumed that I wasn’t going to charge you for the drink, so is there anything else you want?” His eyes told you that no matter what, he wasn’t going to let you pay, and you felt the butterflies in your stomach flutter around. “The only thing I want right now, is you.” Even with the glaring LEDs in the club, you could tell you made him blush. He bit his lip and looked down, all while slightly shaking his head. You mentally patted yourself on the back, proud of his flustered reaction. All of a sudden, you were proud of yourself for paying attention to all of Chaeyoung’s flirting advice and sitting through all of the romance movies with her.
“I’ll be right back; I’m going to go tell my boss that I’m feeling sick. You find your friend and tell her that you’ll be leaving so she doesn’t worry. I’ll meet you at the door.” Smiling at the fact that you wouldn’t even have to wait for him to get off shift, you nodded at him and watched him back away and tell the other bartender that he wasn’t feeling well. You turned around and searched for Chae, who stayed true to her word and was where she said she would be.
“Hey Chae, I’m going to head out, I’ve had enough for the night.” You yelled over the loud music, trying to let your friend know that you weren’t just disappearing. “Okay, let me get my purse and then we can go!” Once you heard the words that came out of Chaeyoung’s mouth you started shaking your head. “No, I’ll be okay, I’m going with the hot bartender, you keep having fun!” You nodded your head back towards the bar and then towards the man right next to Chae, who was patiently letting you guys finish your conversation. Although he looked sick, Chaeyoung seemed to be into him. Her face made everything even better, the surprise was evident but so was impressed look. Without giving a verbal answer you just smiled at her and nodded, happy to see her having a good time and happy that you wouldn’t spend the night alone.  
You looked up from Chae and swallowed, if the music wasn’t blasting, surely, you’d be able to hear it. Your throat contracting out of nervousness, the club had attracted a crowd since you arrived, and it caused the path to the door to disappear. Yelling your final goodbyes at Chae and glaring at the man she was dancing with in warning, you mapped out your escape plan.
As soon as the couple closest to you slid to the side a bit, you squeezed through. You felt the sweat of the other dancing bodies land on your skin, you shivered in disgust, wishing you were just at the door, with him. “Wanna dance, baby?”
Looking over to your left you saw a man, one who was not attractive to say the least, and the way he was sitting wasn’t tasteful at all, a way that some men could pull off but not all, manspreading. Your face couldn’t hide your distaste and the man didn’t seem too fond of that. “I’m okay, thank you though.” Continuing your journey to the door, you felt his hand latch onto your arm, refusing to let you go.
“But I want to dance, so you’re going to let me.” His grip tightened and you winced. “Ow, let go, you’re hurting me.” He just sneered and pulled you to his chest, starting to thrust against your ass.
The man’s breath was right against your neck, until it wasn’t. “The fuck is wrong with you, man? Touching my girlfriend even after she told you to stop.” You weren’t someone’s girlfriend, that was the reason why Chaeyoung made you come out tonight in the first place.
With the quick decision to trust the mystery man over the man who touched you, you moved over to where you heard the voice, shielding yourself from the other man.  
The mystery man didn’t stay a mystery for long, you noticed that he was the bartender. You suddenly felt safer than you were just being behind him, now knowing who he was. He didn’t seem interested in starting a physical fight like the other man was. He just threw a couple names at him and started walking out of the club. You felt his hand hover above the small of you back, not wanting to touch you without your permission after what had just happened.
While you were afraid of pushing people out of the way, he wasn’t. With him helping you out of the club, he made sure not a single person touched you, you knew how hard it was the moment you did try so you were curious about how easy it was for him. He was behind you, so you saw people move before you were even close to them. One guy in particular’s eyes widened and nodded his head at the bartender.
Since he was able to get people to move immediately, exiting the club was much easier than from before. You could hear the other man’s yells over the booming music but the only thing you were focused on was getting outside, away from all the people, and away from all the body heat.
“We’re close, calm your breathing, it’s really heavy.” You hadn’t realized that you were all but panting, stressed and uncomfortable, feeling trapped, except the man behind you. You felt safe with him, he was oddly protective over you, but it was nice, something you had never experienced.
You gasped in the fresh air once the cool evening air ingulfed your warm body. Laughing at the absurdity of it all, you smiled over at the bartender who now was out with you, and you could see him clearly now. The entire situation wasn’t that absurd, but with how far outside your comfort zone you were right now, it was insane for you. The bartender just watched you laugh to yourself with a smile on his face. “Ah, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s so funny?”
Starting to walk in the direction of your apartment, you started to explain, without giving too much, still trying to achieve the hot people talk. “I just don’t do this too much, let alone go home with someone.” It was his turn to laugh now and that made you look at him, a bit funny too. “That’s pretty hard to believe, you have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.”
Raising your eyebrows at him in surprise, you giggled at him mimicking your facial expression. “What’s surprising about my amazing taste in women?” You bumped him with your side, you voice now significantly quieter than it had been. “I’ve just, never been told that by anyone in my life. The only people who called me pretty, were my parents.” He tsked at your confession like it was the craziest thing he’s ever heard.
“Did you not have an ex-partner or anything?” Not sure what he was implying, you started off with nodding. “Yeah, I’ve had a boyfriend. We were together for a really long time, since high school actually. He broke up with me seven months ago, this the first time out of the house for something ‘fun’ to be honest.”
Turning your head to question his silence, his expression could only be described as fucking appalled. “What’s the matter?” His expression was even more flabbergasted if that could be possible. 
“What’s the matter? Darling, only a fucking fool would break up with you.” You felt hot despite the cold air, even your ears were warm. The heat didn’t stop even when his freezing hands were now cupping your cheeks. He smashed his lips into yours, ignoring the pain shooting through his nose when it pressed into your cheek a bit too roughly.
“He made it seem like it was my fault.” So overwhelmed by the unexpected emotion from the kiss, you sniffled. “It wasn’t.” Before you could ask how he knew, he cut you off. “I just know.” Looking at him through teary eyes, you whined without really saying anything. “He already took too much of your time, let’s stop thinking about him and I’ll do my best to help you forget him.”
“I still don’t even know your name.” Watching his fingers caress your knuckles, you realized that you were still calling him ‘the bartender’. “Taeyong. My name is Taeyong.” Pretty name for a pretty man. You gave him your name in return and loved the way to said it, he whispered it, almost like if your name was said too loud, it would break. That’s the same way he held you too, like you were a piece of fragile glass. But more importantly, he held you like you were his, and you were more than willing to be just that.
Taeyong straddled you, his thighs trapping you underneath him, he stared down at your bare body. Bare for him, while he was clothed except for the unbuttoned shirt, showing you, his tattoos. “You don’t understand how long I’ve waited to have you.”
His confession caused your brows to furrow, confused by what he meant. Before you could even truly think to ask, you felt his nose drag between your breasts, breathing you in, and descending down your body. He mentioned worshipping each and every piece of you, and he fulfilled that promise. Taking his time with moving alone your body, he kissed, licked, and nipped every few seconds, never letting a single inch of skin go bare. You were positive that when you looked into the mirror in the morning, you would see several bruises and marks along your once bare skin.
“You smell and t-taste so fucking good.” He said it like it was too good to be true, like he had been longing for you. “Y-you are just so fucking good.” Taeyong looked up from where he was between your legs, finally at his destination. The thing he’s been obsessing over ever since he met you.
He didn’t run his tongue through your slit like you first expected, you felt something harder, the bridge of his nose. Taeyong loved the smell of you as it was, but the seedy scent of your arousal was something that made his mouth water, and the fact that it was caused by him, made everything better. He wanted to be the only person to ever get you like this and to ever experience you like this. You were his.
Opening his mouth and breathing your scent in, he groaned and jutted his hips against your bed sheets, trying to get some relief for the aching throb he was starting to feel surge through his cock. You saw him roll his hips into your bed and grew jealous of the friction that he was receiving and that you weren’t. Trying to take matters into your own hands, or hips, you tried bucking your pelvis up, closer to his mouth.
All he did was laugh and hold you down. “Be patient, I’ve been wanting to taste you ever since I met you.” You felt the tip of his nose at your hole, once again, he inhaled your smell, seemingly never satisfied with one breath. The foreign feeling was felt out of nowhere, you were trying to distract yourself from bucking your hips into his face again. He finally licked along your slit, teasing you from your cunt to your clit, until his tongue made its way back down to your pussy. He passed your hole and ventured even further down, to your unused rim.
Gasping and arching your back, not used to the feeling, Taeyong laughed. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to leave any part of you untouched.” You laughed with him, enjoying the feeling of being cared for in your chest, as well as the feeling in your lower stomach.
Taeyong’s mouth returned to the place you wanted it the most. “Tae-”, you moaned when he sucked your clit particularly rough. The way he played with you had you unable to sit still, your legs almost involuntarily kicked up at bit, now bent at the knee. With the way your legs were positioned now, and your feet were right by his head, exposing your entire cunt to him.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” With that, his head disappeared between your legs, face pressing hard into your pussy, almost like no matter what, he couldn’t get enough of you.
His tongue flicked through your slit, gathering wetness and playing with it. He played with you, even as you were begging him to just fucking you already, he still enjoyed the taste of you.
It wasn’t until you let out a harsh scream when his teeth grazed your clit, he finally came back up to properly fuck you. With one last kiss to your clit, he kissed his way back up your body. You were panting when you were at last, face to face.
“I haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already a mess.” Disbelief was the only thing that was shown on your face. “You haven’t done anything? That’s the most pleasure I’ve experience in more than half a year that wasn’t caused by myself!” As soon as the words left your mouth, embarrassment washed over you, worried that you had shared too much.
“Well, that’s just a shame, a woman like you should have someone bending over backwards to make you feel good. I’m still pissed off from the fact that your douchebag ex left you like that.” You grimaced at the memory of him, not wanting to talk about him, especially now.
“It doesn’t matter now though, because I’m here now.” The tip of his dick prodded at your hole, one, twice, and then Taeyong thrusted inside you. Taeyong groaned above you while you gasped for air, not used to the feeling of being full anymore, but Taeyong filled you perfectly, like he was made for you.
The feeling of his cock dragging against your walls was almost overwhelming. You could feel him in your throat, like you couldn’t breathe in air. You could only breathe him in, you felt like he was everywhere. Feeling caged in, you felt safe. Safe in his arms. You had only known him for less than a few hours, yet you felt as if he knew you, he understood you.
When you looked up at him, he was already watching you. Analyzing your expressions, making sure you were enjoying yourself. You worried however, that he was so focused on you, that he wasn’t having fun either.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer, craving to feel his lips on yours again. You heard Taeyong whine as soon as his lips met yours, and you couldn’t help but make the same sound. “Tae-, I’m close.” Your words were broken up by a moan, now unable to think properly about anything that wasn’t him and the way he was making you feel.
Taeyong grabbed a hold of your right leg and threw it over his shoulder, spreading you open even more and allowing him more access to your pussy. You felt his hips meet yours with every thrust now. His thrusts were getting quicker and uneven, trying to chase his own high while bringing you to yours.
The moment he brought his thumb to your clit, you lost it. You felt your entire body tense up with sweet heat spreading throughout you. With your pussy tightening, Taeyong couldn’t hold back anymore either. He was about to pull out to cum, but as soon as you noticed the full feeling disappearing, you wrapped your legs around his hips to keep his hips pressed against yours. “Cum in me, please Taeyong.”
You could hear the squelch of your pussy now with how fast his hips were hitting yours. “Fuck, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum.” With a stutter of his hips, you felt his release coat your walls.
Taeyong gently laid on top of you, not pulling out of you just yet. “Oh my god.” You panted out a laugh, in disbelief of how much pleasure you just felt since it had been so long. He smiled down at you and kissed your turned up lips.
He made sure you were cleaned up and satisfied before he held you until you both fell asleep. You were calm and happy for once. But as soon as you woke up, you were no longer calm.
It was several minutes before 6 AM when your eyes opened. At first your instinct was to freak out since you didn’t recognize where you were and the bed you were sleeping in, wasn’t empty. You became aware of the other body on the bed when he rolled over, farther from you. The memories from the night came crashing down on you all at once, affecting every single part of your body. Your heart, head, and the area between your legs. Your breathing sped up, but you knew you needed to leave, it was just a one-night stand, and by the look of him, you weren’t the only girl he’s been with. He was just too perfect.
The sight of your discarded clothes on the floor made you look beneath the blankets, because you weren’t naked. The ratty worn-out army green t-shirt was baggy on you and the boxers you had on were definitely not yours. The thought of him dressing you in his own clothes caused your heart to flutter, but still, that didn’t stop you from scooping up your club clothes in your arms and booking it to the front door. You figured that if you just kept on the old clothes, it would look less like a walk of shame than wearing your skimpy dress, just in case you had a long way to go. Thinking about whether or not this was stealing, you just decided to override your morals and just hope you saw him again someday.
As quietly as you could, you opened the door but gasped when you looked outside into the hallway. His hallway was an exact copy of yours. You looked at the number on the door, wondering if you had gone to your apartment but you saw an E32, which did not match your H19. Clearing the idea of this being your home out of your head, you closed the door and looked at your location using the 3% left of your phone battery.
You were in your own apartment complex.
“Fuck.” Not being able to decide whether you were relived or not, you just ran up the stairs to your floor after getting impatient with the elevator. You were glad that you were already in your own area and didn’t have to worry about finding a way back, but also you were worried about running into him sooner than you expected.
Your lovely H19 appeared into sight and with the panicked panting, you were finally able to have a peaceful exhale. Unlocking your door and slipping in, you were immediately met with Ferguson giving you an earful on being gone. He wasn’t used to you being gone for this long but when you bent down to pet him, he sniffed you and no longer wanted anything to do with you. It hurt to be honest, he was your only friend besides Chaeyoung, most importantly though, he was your sweet precious baby angel.
“Fine Fergie-Boy, you be like that, I’ll go wash away my sins, so you love me again.” And that’s what you did, you treated yourself to an everything shower since you hadn’t partaken in any self-care activity in such a long time. Shaving, plucking, washing, and exfoliating was some of the things you did for the next couple of hours. After drying off, you lathered your body in lotion, sighing at the relief of the cool temperature and smooth texture. Ferguson peeked his head through the crack since the door wasn’t closed. He sniffed the air, presumably smelling you without getting too close. Seemingly happy with the data he gathered, he slipped in the bathroom, but not without opening the door much more than he needed to.
You replaced Taeyong’s clothes with your own and Ferguson was more than happy to rub against the leg of your sweatpants. “Oh, my baby boy, I’m back to smelling like roses, just like what you’re used to.” You picked up the bottle of body mist and allowed Ferguson to smell it. Scent was always important to him, he only liked yours and Chaeyoung’s, no one else’s. He was stingy.
“How about we bake something? I’m thinking some kind of turnover.” Ferguson purred in response, helping you make up your mind.
After pulling the freshly baked pastries out of the oven, you suddenly remembered that you hadn’t gotten your mail for the past couple of days. You pass the mailboxes every time you go downstairs, but you only force yourself to do every couple of days.
Double checking that the oven was turned off and that the turnovers were out of Ferguson’s reach, you grabbed your apartment keys and the key that opened your mailbox.
“I’ll be right back Fergie-Boy.” You yelled over your shoulder at the now uninterested cat. Making sure your apartment was locked, you headed down the hallway towards the elevator. You had forgotten about Taeyong until you saw the E floor button on the panel in the elevator, but you shook him from your mind and just pressed the Lobby button.
Smiling at the man behind the counter, you walked next to said counter where the resident’s mailboxes were. You held the key in your hand and unlocked the little locker type door. Unsurprised was what you were when you looked through the box’s contents, bills, coupons, junk mail, the usual, of course.
“Hey stranger” a familiar voice was heard from your side and you tensed up, not mentally prepared to speak to him again. Taeyong just gave you a shy smile and unlocked his mailbox that was two rows below yours.
“Hey Taeyong, how are you?” He giggled a bit but answered your question. “Well, I’m doing pretty good, had a good night. I just can’t seem to find a shirt and pair of boxers.” He gave you a knowing side eye and raised one of his eyebrows expectantly.
You felt hot, scared that anyone near you would know what was going on, but to your relief when you looked around your surroundings, it was just you and Taeyong, even the complex’s receptionist wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
Laughing off your worry, you looked at Taeyong. “I think I might know where you put them.” His laugh was hearty, like it came from his chest, like he meant it. “Ah, really? You wouldn’t mind showing me where they are, would you?”
The crumpling sound of the mail that was now tightly gripped in your hand was the only thing keeping you down to Earth. But that wasn’t enough for you to tell him no.
“Fuck, Taeyong” your back hit your now closed door. His lips were attached to your neck, sucking the flesh into his mouth, leaving scattered marks. Both of your hands were roaming around his chest, glad to experience this again but with a clear head.
Much to your dismay, Taeyong pulled away from you in confusion and looked down by your feet. The little cock blocker himself was staring up at you. Ferguson was headbutting Taeyong’s ankles, trying to get him off of you. “You have a cat.” Taeyong bent down to give Ferguson some affection but the cat just hissed at him, not having any of it.
“Ferguson, he’s my little Fergie-Boy.” You smiled at them both. Even though you were upset at Ferguson’s distaste for Taeyong, you weren’t surprised at all. “I should’ve guessed, he looks like a Ferguson.” You bent down to both of their levels and put your hand out for Ferguson to rub against, unlike with Taeyong, the chubby cat gladly accepted your love. Even though he was preoccupied with rubbing against your hand, Ferguson kept side eyeing Taeyong.
“I think he wants me to leave.” Taeyong frowned a bit at you, waiting for you to say something. “Yeah, I think that would be for the best. Maybe we can go somewhere together sometime?” You immediately offered, not wanting Taeyong to think you weren’t interested in him after all.  
“I would like that. There’s this little café near here. Would that be something you’d like?” Your smile took over your face and you nodded. “Alright, you have my number, text me whenever you’re free. I really hope you text me.” His lips ghosted over yours and his smile matched your own. “You have my number too, you can text me first, you know?” He pecked your lips after you said that.
“The only reason I’m not going to text you first is because I don’t want you to feel pressured.” It felt like your stomach was doing somersaults. “I’ll text you.” Biting your lip to try to conceal your ever-growing smile, Taeyong brought his thumb up to your face. He pulled your lip from your teeth. “Now if you keep doing that, I don’t think I’ll be able to leave, whether your cat likes it or not.”
His nose brushed against yours, but when you tried to reconnect your lips, he pulled away and stood up.
With his hand on the doorknob, he looked down at where you were on the floor and said, “Remember to text me.” Feeling like your voice was lost somewhere in your throat, you just nodded. Taeyong chuckled lowly and opened your door, stepping out with a wink.
When your door was closed and you could hear his footsteps get quieter, you looked down at Ferguson who was already giving you the stink eye.  
“Why don’t you like him? He’s so nice and not to mention hot.” You scratched him on top of his head, trying to somehow convince him to like Taeyong.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. You baked a few more things, unnecessary things, but none the less your apartment was smelling like a bakery. You also caught up on laundry and did other household chores, but every now and then Ferguson would demand treats or attention.
As soon as you called it a night and sat on the cough, your bowling ball sized cat jumped on your lap, refusing to let you get comfortable before he did. “Oh how I love it when you remind me that you’re higher up in the hierarchy than I am.” You looked down at Ferguson, lightly blowing on his head, just to get him to look up at you.
“How about we text Taeyong? I know you hate him, but mommy doesn’t so we’re gonna text him.” The cat grumbled when you reached for your phone and immediately going to his contact.
you- hey, i know we just saw each other but i was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow
taeyong- it’s alright, i was just thinking about you so i don’t mind at all, and sure, i’d like that
taeyong- i have to work tomorrow night but i’m free in the morning and afternoon
The both of you agreed at meeting at the café Taeyong mentioned earlier around 11 AM. Although Ferguson wasn’t happy with you at the moment, you couldn’t help but pick him up off your lap and into your arms to give him a little hug.
“This is amazing Ferguson! I’m finally going on a date!” You just couldn’t keep in your excitement; it had been so long since experiencing this feeling and now that you had it back you weren’t just going to let it go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hey Taeyong!” You approached his side, excited to sit down with just him in a quiet environment. The smile he gave you caused you to believe that if you died right then, you’d be happy. “I’m so glad you showed up.”
He already had a drink sitting in front of him, but it was still full and piping hot. “Why wouldn’t I?” You racked your brain for any reasons why he would think you wouldn’t show up.
“Well, Ferguson, he doesn’t seem to like me very much and since he’s the number one man in your life, I understand that you would put him first.” Busting out a laugh, you looked at his serious face turn to a much more playfully pleasant one. “Ah, don’t worry about that sour puss, he only likes me and my best friend.”
You were honestly in disbelief with how easy it was to fall into a comfortable conversation with him and much to your displeasure, the day grew later and Taeyong had to get to work.
“I’ve had a really good time with you. Do you think we could see each other again?” This was the first time you ever saw Taeyong act bashful but here he was. This man looking at you with round innocent eyes and a blush so red it was the color of a rose covering his cheeks.
Feeling some foreign sense of power from being the cause of his expression you smirked and said, “I already planned on texting you tonight.” He laughed and leaned in, kissing you on the cheek.
The next few months went along the lines of you two going on similar cute little dates and getting to know each other. He always seemed to understand you, even if you didn’t say much, which you appreciated.
You were helping Taeyong wash dishes after eating over at his place when your arm brushed his and caused you to pause. He immediately thought you were uncomfortable with the proximity and put some distance between the two of you.
“No, no, no. That isn’t it Taeyong. I was just thinking, or I guess wondering about something, about us. What are we?” He didn’t hesitate to eliminate the space he put between you, and he answered immediately.
Now closer to you, he said quietly, “Well, I hope we’re two people who like each other and are close to being a couple.” You smiled at him and responded with, “I’m good with hurrying up and being a couple, if you want.” Taeyong shook his head in approval and pressed you up against the sink, planting his lips to yours.
Turning around, remembering the task you two had, you whispered, “Taeyong, we have dishes to wash.” You felt his head lean on your shoulder. He placed kisses along the bare skin of your neck.
“You are the light of my life. I promise you; I will never cheat on you like that bastard did.”
You never told him that. The only person that knows that would be Chae, and she doesn’t talk to Taeyong unless you’re there. Not sure how to confront him, you just stood still, keeping your back to him. “Well, shit. I guess I gave myself away.” With Taeyong mumbling nonsense, just loud enough for you to hear, you were getting more and more confused. “Wha-what are you talking about Taeyong?”
Instead of responding immediately, he just laughed, a bit sinisterly and walked closer to you. By now you had turned around and was walking backwards in order to keep some distance between you and him. But the distance decreased when your back hit the edge of the kitchen island and Taeyong kept walking towards you. You could smell his breath as it fanned over your face, minty, you once loved it, but now, you weren’t too sure what to think.
“I’ve just been watching you. Watching over you for a very long time. You’re just too special to stay away from.” Taeyong brushed the back of his fingertips on your cheekbones, lightly like a feather, causing you to finch. He laughed at your fear, finally having you cornered.
"I’m your guardian angel, I appear whenever you're in pain, but I just can't stay away from you. I've been here this whole time and you just didn't know it sweetheart." Taeyong smirked at you, but you could tell he was telling the truth even though you were praying he wasn’t. "That's impossible, I met you three months ago!" he snickered and tossed his head back.
"Then how do I know everything about you? From when you were five and scrapped your knee on the playground, when you were eight and learning how to ride a bike, you ran into that tree, or when you were 17 and becoming curious about your body. You bought a toy for yourself-" "No, please no" you were backing away from him, now scared.
"Oh yes, that's what you said that night, until you pushed that little blue toy a bit too deep, you whimpered so sweetly, my love." Taeyong brushed his knuckles along your shoulder blades and smiled gently at you, quite the contrast of what he was saying. "No matter how much or how little pain you were in, I'd always be there. Even after everyone has left you, I always stayed, right by your side."
You were on auto pilot for the rest of the night, only when Taeyong would bring up old memories would you show any reaction. You’d cringe or tense whenever he’d say anything about him watching over you. When it was time to go to bed, you couldn’t sleep at all. The thought of you never being able to do anything without him seeing made you sick. Every time you’ve talked to somebody, went through something emotional, had sex, Taeyong saw it all.  Tears were streaming down your face, and you couldn’t do anything about it since the man you thought you knew turned out to be a complete stranger was right next to you.
Taeyong was sleeping, or at least you thought he was, so you took this as your chance to leave. As quietly as you could, you grabbed your purse from one of the chairs by your kitchen island and tiptoed to the door. You reached forward and wrapped your hand around the chilled doorknob and you turned it as you pulled it open. A hand appeared over your shoulder and pressed against the door, shutting it.
“What are you doing Y/n?” Your blood ran cold, terrified to turn around, you just stayed facing forward. “I need to go to work Taeyong.” His hand left the door and out of your sight, but you the suspense of where it was didn’t last long. Feeling both of his hands on your shoulders, rubbing your shoulder blades, you tensed up.
 “Why would you do that? There are so many dangerous things out there, I need to keep you safe.” Shaking your head rapidly as Taeyong used his hold on you to lead you away from the door. “Please Taeyong, you can’t keep me here.” Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes when Taeyong drug his nose along your neck. He chuckled against your ear, “Oh but I can. I was assigned to you and you to me, we were paired by the gods above. I broke the rules for you, my love. You see, you were never supposed to know I existed, I was supposed to live in the shadows.” “I didn’t ask you to do that Tae-” You tried to reason with the man who kept tightening his grip on you the more he spoke.
“No, you didn’t, but I couldn’t stand just observing you, that was enough for a while. However, I grew tired of being forced to watch you and not touch you.” His hands moved from your back to your stomach, where they moved up slowly, until they were hovering above your breasts. “Please, Taeyong, no, please stop.”
The tears finally fell and the man behind you just removed his hands and laughed. “I don’t want to force you to do anything, it would be much more enjoyable if you were begging me to do something. I don’t wish to be the man you hate; I desire to be the man you love.”
He went to bring you back into his embrace but when he got close you slapped his hands away. “I will never love you.” Taeyong just turned around to look out the window. You heard a hum come from the back of his mouth, “You may not love me now, but you will. If it takes me keeping you here and being the only person, you ever see again, then so be it.”
“Now, let’s get you to bed, you’re acting ridiculous, you must have not of gotten enough sleep.” Taeyong picked you up from where you were sitting on the floor ever since your knees buckled, his presence tore you apart. His embrace was warm, and it made you want to nuzzle into him but the thought of him not letting you leave made you want to puke.
“Why Taeyong?” You sniffled and your nose felt raw as he laid you on the bed. “You’re smarter than this Y/n, that’s an easy answer. It’s because I love you. It just helps that it’s also my job to keep you safe.” He laid next to you. Immediately being reminded of the times you and Taeyong would lay together before you found out who he really was, you were aching to move closer to him, but he kept the distance.
You thought about how he knew you better than anyone else did, but of course, he had an advantage.
Taeyong rarely let you leave the house without him, and you feel like you haven’t seen Chaeyoung in such a long time. You text her as often as you can, but it wasn’t the same.
Looking across the table at him, you questioned where you went wrong in this. You shouldn’t of ever gone to the club with Chaeyoung, or you should’ve at least not of sat down at the bar, in front of him. The thought of that night made you realize just how much you missed Chaeyoung.
“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Your sight refocused, getting out of the fuzzy daze you at put yourself in. “Oh, nothing, don’t worry about it.” Wanting to ignore him, you shut down his advances of conversation.
He just laughed and got up. “I think you forgot what I am to you. I know you’re in pain now, so tell me what’s the matter. I hate seeing you hurt.” His sweet words and sweet voice made you think twice about if Taeyong was actually a bad guy. He cared about you, he listened to you. Even though he made you live with him, he allowed Ferguson to come with him and he even endured the scratches and bites the cat would lay on him.
Exhaling, you told him. “I just miss Chae so much; she’s my only friend and I haven’t seen her in a while.” Taeyong frowned at you, “I know you miss her but I just, I can’t risk losing you. She might lie to you and say I’m mean or something.” You just nodded in acceptance, giving up at attempting to convince him to let you see her again.
“I’m going to the bathroom and then I’ll help you clean up from dinner.” Just staring blankly in front of you, you nodded and laid your chin on your folded arms on the table. Longingly staring at the door, you thought about how easy it would be to leave. It wasn’t like you had much to lose so you waited for Taeyong to step out of the kitchen and head into the bathroom.
Squeezing out of the chair, you refused to move it, afraid that the scraping of the chair on the floor would alert him. Quickly but quietly, you approached the door, terrified that he would return soon. You had the first lock unlocked but when you heard the toilet flush, you didn’t care about the volume of your escape. Your only concern was getting out of the apartment.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Taeyong yelled from the bathroom and when you had the door open finally, his arms were already around your waist.
“No Taeyong, let me go. I do not want you near me right now.” His grip around your waist only got tighter. “Oh baby, I’m always gonna be right by your side, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He was trying to drag you away from the door but struggled to do so when you started dragging your feet and kicking at him.
Screams were starting to leave your throat, some words and others just noise. “No! Let go of me!” Taeyong rolled his eyes at you, thinking about how dramatic you were being. You loved him and he loved you, so much. You shouldn’t be running away from him.
“You love me, stop whining.” His voice was eerily calm, calmer than normal. “I don’t love you, what the fuck are you talking about? I want you to let go of me!” Taeyong started mumbling to himself and the words flying quietly out of his mouth made you think that you should’ve gone along with it. “You…what? You don’t love me?”
All of a sudden it was like you couldn’t even struggle anymore, Taeyong had found a way to keep you still. “Well, if you don’t love me, I’ll just have to keep you here until you do. Until I can trust you to not leave me.”
“Taeyong! Please! I don’t want this; I want you to go away!” Tears were rushing down your face, but the sob that was trying to bubble up stayed in your throat. “But if I go away who will stay with you? This is why you wonder why people don’t love you, it’s because you push them away.” His grip loosened and soon he dropped you on the floor and started to grab his coat. “Fine, I tried to love you, but I guess you just don’t want to be loved. Goodbye Y/n.”
You watched him leave the apartment and instead of feeling relieved, you felt empty. What if he was right? What if you were hard to love? Did you really push everyone away? It would make sense, he had a point, a good one. He knew you better than anyone else. Taeyong knew you better than you knew yourself.
Maybe if you got up now, you’d still be able to catch him, he couldn’t have made it to his car that fast. Getting up as fast as you could, you ran to the door and threw it open. But when you started running out, your face hit a hard wall immediately. The wall’s hands fell to your hips in attempt to steady you and then you realized you knew this wall.
“Taeyong! I’m so s-” his left pointer finger contacted your lips before you could get out your apology. “No, I should be the one apologizing, what I said was rude and unnecessary, I was upset and let my emotions take over me. I’m sorry for the pain I caused you, that is what I try to avoid, you getting hurt. I am truly and genuinely ashamed that I was the one to cause you pain.”
His apology made your heart ache and only caused you to feel bad for the way you treated him. “No, Yongie, I’m sorry for always being so difficult and I never meant to push you away, you’ve always been there to help me, and I am forever grateful for you. I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t love you, I do, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone ever and I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.” The boy smiled at you and cupped your cheek, he used his other hand to help pick you up off the floor and pulled you into his arms. “We’re both sorry and we both love each other, how about we leave it at that? No more tears tonight.” He wiped the remaining droplets with his thumbs and let you back inside.
“I’ve learned that you get tired after being upset, so let’s lay down and rest up before the new day.” You silently agreed and allowed Taeyong to pick you up when he asked for permission. “It’ll be okay Y/n, just forget about it, no more sniffles.” You giggled and leaned your head on his shoulder when he made his way through your living room, down the hallway, and soon into the bedroom.
Taeyong had been correct, whenever you were upset, you got awfully tired, as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were already at the point between being awake and being asleep. The last thing you remembered from the night was Taeyong kissing your forehead and rubbing your arm soothingly.
“In the morning, text Chaeyoung and ask her to meet you for bunch.” You smiled, glad that you would see her again.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chaeyoung broke the silence, asking the question to receive the possible answer that feared her. “Does he hurt you?” You told the truth immediately, “No, he doesn’t hurt me. Not physically at least, he’ll hurt my feelings when he’s mad, but he apologizes soon after. In his defense, most of the time, I’m asking for it.”  
She just sipped her smoothie in silence, thinking about what to say without hurting your fragile state. Chaeyoung knew that you weren’t telling her something, you kept fidgeting, looking around, as if you were being watched. The only thing she didn’t know was that you were, Taeyong was lurking around the corner, like he always was, because it’s his job.
“Y/n…I know something is wrong, tell me what it is.” But she didn’t say it, she wrote it. Her frantic handwriting was now on one of the napkins, she all but threw you the pen and waited for your response.
You knew that Taeyong was somewhere behind you, always observing your surroundings. So, you mouthed your next words carefully and slowly, making sure Chaeyoung caught every last syllable. It’s going to sound really fucking weird. You’re not going to believe me, but I need you to.
Instead of saying something out loud, she just nodded and waited for you to write down everything. You could see her trying to read your writing upside down, but you covered the napkin, not wanting her to skip anything. She needed to read it all.
Deciding to summarize everything to save time and to save your wrist some pain, ending your sentence with an explanation point, you passed the paper to Chaeyoung. Sitting back and watching her expressions, waiting for her reaction, you needed her to believe you, you didn’t know what you would do if she didn’t.
Chaeyoung never said anything for the rest of the brunch date, but she wrote, I know how to get rid of him. You released the breath caught in your throat, thankful that she was someone who believed and knew about “other-worldly” things.
Paying the bill and nodding in farewell, you parted ways as soon as you got out of the door, an unspoken promise to text later. Taeyong wouldn’t know what you guys said over text unless he looked at it. He could hear and see you, but he wouldn’t be able to see writing unless he was right over your shoulder. Taeyong was your guardian angel but there were still rules he needed to follow, although some rules didn’t seem too important to him.
You didn’t look back at Chaeyoung and you were glad, because as expected, Taeyong appeared at your side. “How was your brunch?” He peeked his head over your shoulder, and you hated how cute you thought he looked, how cute he was. “It was good, but uh- Tae? I want to ask you something.”
He smiled and gave you a looked that told you to continue, and with a deep breath to calm yourself, you let it out. “I feel like over the past months we’ve been together, I’ve done my best to show you how much I love you, and I was hoping you trust me by now. Would it be okay if I hung out with Chae, without you around me, visible or invisible, I want to hang out with her alone. She’s gonna help me find a gift for you.” You squeezed his hand in emphasis, hoping it would lead his mind to his favorite things. Sex and you.
Taeyong didn’t say anything at first, just thinking to himself. He wanted you to continue to love him, but he was created to protect you, you in all of your lifetimes, both past and future, as well as this one. “I suppose you can, I will give you three hours to hang out with her and I won’t even watch over you, but you have to promise me that at any moment you feel unsafe or any pain, you text me, immediately.”
Barely able to hide the joy, you kissed him. You knew he liked kissing you, and unable to lie to yourself, you knew that you liked kissing him as well. Hating the way he made you feel, you deepened the kiss, knowing it would be one of the last. “Thank you Yongie, I love you, so much.”
A few minutes later, once you two had made it to the comfort of your own home, Taeyong had you bent over the kitchen counter with your pants and panties around your ankles. “You smell so good.” You felt his nose meet your clenching hole, inhaling your arousal. Letting yourself indulge in this, one last time, your muscles relaxed, until a feeling you had only felt once take over. His tongue licked over your puckered rim. Every time Taeyong had tried this with you, you turned down his advances, but this time, you weren’t going to. At this point, you were going to do anything to keep him happy.
Taeyong waited for you to tense up and push him away, but once you didn’t, he kissed your hole. “Fuck, are you really gonna let me in there?” You whined in approval when you felt his mouth go back down to your pussy.
 His tongue went back and forth between your folds, with the occasional lap around your ass. “I’m sorry but I don’t think I can wait, I need to be in you.” You moaned at the loss but it was replaced by a yell when Taeyong swiftly turned you around and entered your cunt.
 “Oh fuck, always so tight for me. No matter how many times I fuck you, you’re always so fucking tight.” Taeyong’s teeth gritted together and picked you up off your feet. Walking the two of you to the couch, he never once removed you off his cock. Sitting down on the couch, his hands were placed on your hips, forcing you up and down onto his cock, forcing you to ride him.
 “Open your mouth.” You listened to his command. He took one hand off of your hips and placed two fingers in your mouth. “Suck on them.” Sucking and licking as much as you could with the overwhelming pleasure, your moans interrupted your task. Taeyong deemed your work not good enough and started fucking his fingers into your mouth, wetting them as much as possible.
 While you were distracted with the feeling of his fingers dragging along your tongue and hitting the back of your throat at some points, his cock continuously slammed into the spot that made you clench your pussy around him. With each contraction of your walls, Taeyong let out a whine that caused your pussy to gush more arousal.
“Fuck, making such a mess. Can feel you leaking all the way to my balls.” His fingers were triggering your gag reflex and it caused tears to run down your face, you couldn’t hold it in or control it at all at this point. “My messy baby, made just for me.”
He removed his fingers, and his spit-soaked hand left your eyesight. But the mystery was soon solved when you felt his fingers circle your asshole. “Taeyong-” He didn’t stop or slow at the sound of your whines and soon one of his fingers were forcing its way through your unused hole.
You gasped once you got used to the initial stretch and pain when Taeyong played with the walls that haven’t ever been touched. He barely gave you any time to prepare for the next finger though because soon it was joining the first.
“Oh fuck, next time, I’m gonna shove my cock in there. Fill your ass with my cum. Make you my horny little bitch.” The way he was talking to you made you humiliatingly wet and he didn’t let it go unnoticed.
“Maybe you’re already my little bitch, you’re ruining the couch with your slutty cum. But my stupid baby can’t help it huh?” You were out of it, the feeling of both your holes being filled and your clit grinding against his pelvic bone, you whined, but Taeyong didn’t take that as an answer.
His free hand made contact with your face, slapping you. He grabbed your cheeks and forced you to stare at him. “You’re my messy little bitch, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Tae- I am. M’gonna cum. Need to cum.” You were babbling and Taeyong laughed at your attempts to speak. “I’m close too, are you gonna squirt all over me?” You just nodded.
The hand that was holding your face still was removed and took place at your pussy. When your cunt clenched one last time Taeyong pinched your clit and you let it all go. The whine that left your throat intensified at the feeling of his hot cum filling you up. Your grip on his shoulders tightened while he rode out the rest of your highs.
“Welcome back baby, you left me there for a minute.” When your eyes opened you were in your shared bed, wearing his clothes, and looking up at him with tired eyes. You giggled at him and allowed him to pull you to his chest, holding you close after the intense feeling your body endured.
“I hope you enjoyed yourself.” Taeyong petted your hair soothingly. “I did, did you?” You felt him nod and heard him yawn, interrupting himself. “I always do when it’s with you.”
The last thing you heard him say was, “I hope you enjoy your time with Chaeyoung tomorrow.” And everything came crashing down again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“So, what’s going to happen afterwards is that Taeyong will still exist, but he won’t be your guardian angel anymore. He won’t be able to watch you anymore and he won’t be able to have an influence on your or your life, unless you allow him to. You have to stay strong if you ever run into him again.” Just nodding along, you looked at Chaeyoung, waiting for her to continue.
“Since you can’t exactly survive without a guardian angel, so you’ll be getting a new one. The only downside is that he isn’t an angel. He’s from hell because if Taeyong does somehow regain his power, another angel wouldn’t be able to stop him, only someone who isn’t good.” You felt better knowing that you’ll still be protected from the evils of the world, but more importantly, from Taeyong.”
Chaeyoung reached over towards you and grasped your hand, trying to comfort you since you weren’t saying anything. With her other hand that wasn’t holding yours, she lit the black candle.
“Alright, are you ready for this?” Chaeyoung whispered into the dark, the only light source in the room was the now lit candle sitting between you. With a shaking breath, you nodded your head. “I’m kind of nervous but this needs to happen.” You looked over to her, only seeing two emotions on her face. Relief and since its Chaeyoung, there’s of course excitement mixed in.
You looked at the floor you were sitting on, taking in everything. Taeyong would be gone and out of your life soon.
Chae was looking down at the worn book she had in her lap, reading over the page, making sure everything was correct. She had gone over different things you would need and made sure you had them. “Do you have a piece of his hair?” You held up a little plastic baggie that held a few strands of Taeyong’s hair.
You were thankful that his hair was the only thing you needed to bring, Chaeyoung on the other hand was more than happy to bring all of the “weird” items. A variety of dried herbs sat around you two, with several other items, such as feathers from ravens and crows, serpent skulls, a vial with a dead black widow spider and a bunch of salt that surrounded you and all of your items. From an overhead view, one would see the shape the salt was in, a pentagram.
“Okay, I’m going to read the script and you’re going to toss the pieces of his hair into the flame of the candle.” You just nodded and opened the bag to take out his hair. “Let’s just get this over with, okay? It’ll all be over soon.”
Looking over the flame one last time you dipped your head in approval. Chaeyoung squeezed your hand and started chanting. Words you didn’t know were calmly yet fiercely flying out of her mouth, in a language that you could only describe as something like Latin.
While Chaeyoung was chanting, the flame grew wild, and you grew afraid of the fire taking over the stick of wax. Your eyes widened when the flame spread to the pentagram of salt. Soon, every grain of salt was on fire, and you didn’t know what to do. Chaeyoung saw what was happening, but she just kept chanting, her voice growing in volume as the fire grew in size. The fire however, stayed on top of the salt, never going outside of the lines or inside, closer to the two of you, but the heat was starting to get to you.
You wanted to reach out to her, but she told you beforehand, under no circumstances should you move or speak until it was safe. She had mentioned the fire, but you now understood just how much you underestimated her words. Chaeyoung had spoken up about how intense this would get since you were dealing with higher powers. With everything running through your head, you still looked at Chaeyoung and listened for her to stop talking, that’s when you would do the one thing, she told you to do.
Droplets hit your thighs and since you weren’t able to look down, you assumed it was sweat. But when you moved your hand up to wipe your cheeks, you felt the drops of liquid come from your eyes. You hadn’t even realized that you were crying but you weren’t able to think about it for too long, because Chaeyoung had stopped talking and the look in her eye altered.
The fine strands of hair that had been pinched between your fingers were heavier than you thought, or it was your conscious, but you needed this. Raising your shaky hand, you hovered it over the orange flame that had ingulfed the candle, the wax starting to spread across the hardwood floors.
Your fingers were pressed tightly against each other so much so that when you released Taeyong’s hair, your fingertips ached. Almost in slow motion, the dark hair fluttered in the air, mixing with the ambers of the fire. When you expected the hair to float down, it never touched the ground, an amber touched the end of each one, and slowly it burned. Burned into nothing. As soon as each hair disintegrated, the fire disappeared altogether. The room was dark, silent, and oddly cold.
You opened your mouth, attempting to whisper out to Chaeyoung, but nothing came out, too scared to do anything.
“It’s okay. He’s gone now, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Your head was spinning, and your eyes were straining from trying to see in the dark. Still too afraid to say anything, you and Chaeyoung sat in silence.
The silence went on for a bit until you remembered something Chaeyoung said at the beginning of this. “What about the new guy?”
“He should already be here. Normally guardian angels aren’t supposed to show themselves but obviously Taeyong didn’t listen to that rule, since he still has his human form and he will most likely live out the rest of his life here on Earth, your new guardian will also take a human form. It will act as a precaution just incase Taeyong tries anything.” You looked around the room since she said he should already be here but because of the room still being pitch black, you didn’t have any luck.
All of a sudden, the almost completely burnt-out candle, relit. When you the light illuminated the room, you jumped. A man was sitting next to you, one that was beautifully sinister. “I guess I’m your new guardian angel.” He smiled a big toothy smile, but it didn’t show genuine happiness, his smile should sinful excitement.
You looked over at Chae in worry. “Oh, don’t worry, I can’t do anything fun. Your witchy friend set a little curse on me so I behave.” Your eyes met the man’s and you nodded sheepishly at him.
“What’s your name?” Chaeyoung interrupted the staring contest you were unwillingly in, but even though you looked away, the man continued to stare. “Yuta” you offered your own name, but he already knew it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You were happy with Yuta being your guardian angel, or demon. He kept his distance, protected you, all while developing a friendship with you. He understood your boundaries but still warned you before going out, to just be aware if Taeyong was near. The best part about Yuta though, was that he was the first man and third overall person that Ferguson liked.
Whenever you had an uneasy feeling, but still needed to go out, Yuta offered to go with you, but never making the decision for you.
“So, we just need things for the apartment, like paper towels, toilet paper, cereal, food for Ferguson. Things like that.” You read off your list, allowing Yuta to guide you through the aisles of the super store.
Yuta helped you look for the items that you needed and asked if you wanted him to carry the big bag of cat food.
“I could get it for her.” Taeyong.
“Fuck off man, leave her alone. You already ruined her life so just let us be.” Yuta stepped in front of you, doing what he was summoned to do. Taeyong just laughed condescendingly, not intimidated by Yuta at all.
“You know you still love me, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t deny the way you felt about me before you knew who I truly was.” His attention was now directed at you and you hated how he was right. You did love Taeyong, but he also lied to you, and then abused the power he had over you. You hated the fact that if Taeyong never gave away his secret, you would still be with him.
“C’mon baby, admit it. You still love me, and you miss me.” Shaking your head, not in disagreement but in denial, Taeyong stepped forward. Yuta’s aura changed, no longer in the laid-back vibe he normally gave off but now it was protective.
Yuta set the bag of food down on the ground next to you so his hands would be empty. “I’m not gonna ask you again man, step back.” Yuta warned Taeyong one last time but even with the warning, Taeyong stepped forward. And then he was gone.
“Taeyong?” Nothing remained in the spot in which he stood, and your first reaction was to grasp for him, anything left. “Is he gone? Forever?” Your knees hit the cold floor and the material of your jeans did nothing to stop the chill.
Yuta’s hand was heavy yet comforting on your shoulder. You stood up and buried your face into his chest, seeking some kind of comfort. He was gentler than you thought he would be. His arms wrapped around your back, matching the tightness in which you held him. One of his hands reached up and he ran his fingers through your hair.
“How about we go get something to eat and shop another time?” You agreed but still asked to buy the cat food since Ferguson needed it.
The emptiness in your stomach was mistaken for hunger, but you knew that wasn’t it. There was a park across the street from the store and in the park parking lot, there was a food truck. Still carrying the bag of food, Yuta offered you his hand and walked you over to the food truck.
“What are you thinking about getting?” You really didn’t care about what you ate, you just wanted something to fill the void that was now in your stomach. “I’ll just get whatever you get.” He squeezed your hand, understanding that you didn’t want to speak much.
After eating you were able to calm down, maybe it was the food, but you enjoyed the company more. Yuta did this thing where he made up stories and double lives for the people around you, and he kept making them crazier and crazier when he saw that it made you smile. You even made up a few but your imagination wasn’t nearly as creative and wild as Yuta’s.
You finished making a story about an old lady who was a secret agent assassin in her youth when you noticed Yuta’s silence. And after him making you feel better, you were kind of sad that he was no longer in a good mood.
“What’s the matter Yuta?” You looked out over the water. The sight of the sun reflecting off of the water calming you. But that feeling was quickly replaced by something not nearly as pleasant.
“I can’t say I blame Taeyong for everything he’s done. I’m starting to want you all to myself as well.”
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vynlqwv · 2 years
Saw your requests were open! Sorry if this is like, cringy? But maybe a denji x reader (ft Nayuta) where denji realizes that he likes reader, and not in a lustful way, like he feels safe around her and all that cute shit he deserves? Thank u!
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"𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘴, 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵."
a/n : hello!! this is oficially my first ever csm fanfic i've written or you could say firsg ever fanfic that i've made. Please give feedback on what you think about this fic!! Thank you so much for ur request! <3
(WARNING : MANGA SPOILERS!! , insecure denji )
denji x fem! reader
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For all these years, denji felt he was destined to be lonely. All denji wanted is to have a normal life, yet his life even became more ruined after he met makima.
His luck with love is shit, why does every woman that he ever met only wanted his chainsaw heart but not him? what was he lacking that other guys have and he dosen't? is he not good enough? those thoughts run over his head while suddenly, he heard an familliar voice.
"𝙃𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙞, 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙠𝙖𝙮?"
he looked at the direction where the voice came from, it was you. he spoke up and said "oh i'm fine, how is nayuta doing?" he said with a soft voice "she's sleeping soundly with the dogs beside her." y/n said while lowering her head to rest against the glass lining of the balcony.
God, she look so mesmerizing right now. He looked at her and observed her features. "you're really pretty." he musters out, barely audible. "Did you say something, denji?" she lifted her head up from the glass lining to face denji. "N-no! im okay!" he sputters out, embarrased. "Oh crap! i'm gonna get going now denji, it's really getting late and i still have some stuff to do, see you tomorrow! i promise to come over here again! Goodnight denji."
He watches her leave the apartment, was she always this pretty? considering it, she was always there for me even through the rough times that he's been through. Am i inlove? for real this time? i get so shy around her and my heart feels like its about to get out of my chest! god, can a guy ever get a break?
The next day comes by quickly, denji tiredly went to the couch and immidiately rested his head against y/n's shoulder while nayuta is in her lap watching tv together. "Oh hey denji! how was your day at work?" she beamed, eyes lighting up with join seeing him. that has gotta mean somethinf right? does she enjoy talking to me? "it was alright, i tried to do work quickly as possible but those damn devils kept on wasting my time." he sighs as he burries his head in your neck.
"Hey y/n, what do you think of me?" he randomnly says. "What do i think of you? I think of you as a person thats really important to me, i will always tey ti help you no matter what situation in you're in. cause i love you." she says truthfully but she mumbled the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear it.
"You love me?!" he bolts out in surprise, startling a sleeping nayuta.
"i feel the same way y/n, i love you too"
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first fanfic in tumblr ☹️☹️💪💪💯💯
i do not own any of the characters in chainsawman.
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miriatwstuff · 1 month
TWST ask game! 10. Top five favorite characters?
(Gosh tumblr really need to update their notification settings because I didn't even realize there was an ask in my inbox 😭 Tysm for sending me asks tho 💕 and prepare to see me yapping)
Disclaimer I don't exactly hate any characters (aside from [REDACTED for JP spoilers]), but these dudes just top my list.
(put under read more because damn I didn't think it would be this long)
1. Lilia Vanrouge
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Ok he is kinda a wild card even for me because much as I love parental-like cough cough fatherly and motherly characters, I am more inclined to serious-but-secretly-soft ones. But Lilia was totally not like that. He's an old man who is more, for lack of better words, modern and up-to-date with the trends compared to his children. He's careless and might even come off as irresponsible or annoying at times, but he's also a bundle of joy and he's so so so soft-hearted and caring and full of love (despite how he thinks). And I love the enigma that is Lilia Vanrouge and I love even when his pasts and secrets are revealed, love the resilience he has shown, love how he has grown and at the same time how much his heart stays loving regardless of the hell he's been through. He is not without his flaws but I love him all the same, broken and imperfect and alike 💓
(gosh this was not intended to be a confession of love but you know, Lilia deserves that <3 gonna shoot him my love beam if it convinces him he deserves love too <3)
side note I really need to spare some time to share the dorm Lilia analysis I found on lofter... silently pray for OP to give me permission to translate 🙏
2. Vil Schoenheit
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Gotta admit, idk if I love Vil or if I want to be him lol. Peak case of gender envy. But yes, among the main cast, his appearance is definitely the one that I love the most. I was quite reserved when it came to opinions regarding him out of fear he would be just a shallow self-absorbed guy who only cares about his looks, and I was so freaking GLAD that I was wrong. Vil is probably one of the most hardworking fictional characters I know (or maybe I don't know that many) especially considering how privileged he is, even when his goal is not as common as you would see (to be the fairest). One would easily mistake his goal for a surface-level physical attractiveness, but he aims to achieve inner and outer beauty, which, yes, includes health and nutritrion and diet and P.E. etc. as well as the grace of the character (though his personality leaves much to be desired lol, but that's another part of his charm: never bend to appease others).
What seals the deal, tho, is how he looks after other people, especially his underclassmen. Did I mention I love fatherly/motherly characters? And he isssss. His approach is rough (tough love in capital letter), but he is meticulous and he cares so much he even take notes of how his dorm students can best improve themselves. That kind of knowledge and dedication normally do not come for free and here he is, sparing the little free time of his just to see his potatoes blossom. Gosh I am weak for those like that.
(not twst related but lol I love the way he is like Lucifer from Obey Me, which is another fav of mine. Despite having completely different goals in life their approach is similar, and so is the way they handle those under their tutelage lol)
3. Trey Clover
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iirc Trey isn't exactly popular with the global fanbase, but he IS extremely well-liked in the Japanese one, particularly because of how domestic he is, and I can see their point. Much as I love Lilia and Vil, if I have to pick someone to get married to, Trey will definitely top the list because I do value the normacy of an ordinary person. Besides, he takes care of others (oh no another fatherly/motherly figure), he's sensitive to others' feelings, he wants to keep peace and ensures a normal life, and he bakes delicious treats! What's more to ask for?
(He also keeps up with others' dental health and damn how can I disappoint him am I right 👀)
(No wdym he's secretly unhinged as well that's just his little quirkiness <3)
4. Leona Kingscholar
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He's lowkey depressed so relatable points for him /hj. And the rizz from Scar incarnate definitely helps.
Yeah yeah I can list out what is WRONG with him and it can take all day but at the same time, he takes care of his dormmates 🥺 Did I mention I'm weak for characters who embody the task of a caretaker? like every 2 sentences You know, he did all of the things in book 2 (which is a dumb plan btw) just to secure a better future for his dorm students? Because they look up to him and rely on him and for the first time in forever he feels like he could try to mount for something? Because his career is dead-end but his Savanaclaw underclassmen's are not.
(I don't forgive him for the thing he did to Ruggie tho, so sleep with one eye open Leona :<)
That aside, him being one of the few who got a good grasp of other people definitely adds because I do love a perceptive character. The entire therapy session with him and Jamil is so refreshing and the undertone humor certainly sold it for me.
5. Silver
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At first I was debating putting Idia up here (because third-years bonus points and I generally look at third-years more than the younger students), but then I saw Silver and I was like, sorry dude better luck next time.
We didn't get to know Silver (or Diasomnia as a whole) much prior to book 7, but what we get from the main story so far is an entire feast. His backstory, his origin, his relationship with the rest of the Diasomnia (especially with Lilia), the way he held back his tears just to cry in front of Malleus, the way despite his love and loyalty he had to stand up against his liege, everything we know about him just straight up adds to the list of reasons why I love him.
Do I even need to add his Disney princess charm and how every animal love him lol?
But yes, it is so easy just to make him yet another two-dimensional goody-two-shoes, but Yana just ate and left no crumbs made his plotline one of the most compelling in the game, and I look forward to seeing him shine in the upcoming updates.
And baby please don't cry anymore, my heart shatters along with your tears 😭😭😭
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jiihu · 2 years
﹅ 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗿𝘆; 𝗵𝘂𝗵 𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻
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﹅ summary — despite you always being there for yunjin, you come to realize that she never is for you. she tries her hardest to reassure you, but can't deny the fact that she isn't what's best for you.
﹅ content — angst, a little toxic, college!au
﹅ word count — 1.9k
﹅ a/n — for @kiraecl1pse ! tumblr deleted your ask for whatever reason, but i still had the request saved + i'm gonna start updating consistently again ! also everyone pretend this fic isn't ass thank you
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Nighttime is the best time to cry. You'd come to this realization after many times of Yunjin walking in on you sobbing, followed by her pulling you into her arms to comfort you. Many times of Yunjin begging you to tell her the reason for your tears, and many times of you wishing she hadn't heard you at all.
Her comfort usually included you sitting in her arms for hours, not you, nor Yunjin daring to utter a single word. Once you'd finished sobbing, only quiet sniffling coming from you, Yunjin's hands would come up to hold your cheeks. She'd tenderly wipe away your tears, pressing a kiss to your eyelids, before leaning down to capture your lips.
"You're so pretty like this, jagi." You looked up into Yunjin's eyes, her soft gaze holding nothing but tenderness. You leaned forward, burying your face into her chest. Yunjin sighed, looking down at your figure curled into her side.
She'd spent so many nights watching you weep from behind corners, and it was only in her own selfishness that she found herself unable to prevent herself from being the reason for your tears.
Yunjin had grown accustomed to seeing you this way, her body moving on autopilot the moment she saw tears forming in your eyes. Yunjin assumed that she enjoyed comforting those close to her, until the day she walked into a study room and found one of her close friends in hysterics. Unlike how she felt with you, her heart sank to her stomach, her mind going blank as she tried to figure out the appropriate response to the situation.
As much as she tried to deny it, Yunjin realized that the only reason she felt this way is because she felt like you deserved better than her. She wants to make you cry, hoping that one day you'll use your better judgment and find someone better. Despite this, Yunjin couldn’t bring herself to leave you. As much as she truly wanted the best for you, she couldn’t help but be selfish, at least once in her life, and keep you to herself.
"Jen? What's wrong?" You were looking at her with a worried gaze, your fingers clinging to her sleeve.
"Nothing, don't worry. We have class in the morning, so don't stay up like you always do," she playfully scolded you, her fingers poking your sides. She stood up from her place on your bed, grabbed her phones and charger, and walked over to lean against your doorframe.
"I'll walk you to class in the morning. I love you, sweet dreams."
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Your fingers tapped on Yunjin's bedroom door which was across from yours as you looked down at your phone. "Yunjin? Our class starts in eight minutes." You stood outside her door, waiting on a response. After a moment of not hearing anything, you pushed open her door, peeking your head inside.
You looked around the room, realizing that Yunjin had already left. Her bed was made perfectly, and you realized that she'd left at least 10 minutes ago because her alarm's snooze timer was still counting down. You frowned, leaving her room and speed-walking towards the door, hoping you weren't too late for class. While you fumbled with the key to lock the door, you thought back to Yunjin's words last night. Why would she say she'd walk you to class if she wouldn't?
You dragged your feet to class, feeling your chest start to burn, thinking about Yunjin's many empty promises to you during the time you two were dating. It started with simple things that could pass as mistakes, like promising to bring dinner home, or promising to buy you something you had your eye on for a while.
Her empty promises only grew more significant from then on. She'd promised to pick you up from class for spring break since both of you had the same hometown. You sat outside of campus after class ended, your bags tucked under your arms and your suitcase leaning on the wall beside you.
After about ten minutes of waiting, you heard footsteps and looked up to see one of Yunjin's friends. "Hey!" She looked up from her phone, smiling as she recognized who was trying to get her attention.
"Y/N! What are you still doing here?"
"I'm waiting on Yunjin to pick me up. I thought she'd be here by now..." you trailed off, holding your hand above your eyes like a visor and looking around. She gave you a perplexed look, pointing towards her phone.
"To pick you up? Yunjin left this morning already. I assumed she already told you." You stared at her phone like a deer in headlights, looking at Yunjin's text which read 'made it to niskayuna' an hour ago. "I could drive you if you'd like?" You shook your head, waving your hands.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to inconvenience you!" She apologized for Yunjin's behavior, which it'd seemed like everyone could do but her, before getting into her car to head home for the break. You huffed, pulling out your phone and dialing your mom, which was the last thing you wanted to do.
"Y/N, are you okay? Don't tell me it has something to do with that Jennifer girl."
You vowed to never put your trust in Huh Yunjin again.
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"Y/N, please don't start this shit again," Yunjin groaned, resting her cheek on her palm. You looked up at her in disbelief, shaking your head.
"Yunjin, are you kidding me? This was our 200th-day anniversary, which you promised you'd take me out to dinner for."
"And out of those 200 days, how many of them do you think we spent together?" Yunjin's tongue toyed with the inside of her cheek, a tell-tale sign that she was irritated.
"What are you trying to say, Jennifer?"
"I'm trying to say that we spend almost every day together, so why's today so important to you?" You scoffed, feeling tears welling up in your eyes at Yunjin's words. You watched as her eyes softened, her hands reaching out to grasp your shoulders. "I didn't mean it like that."
She reached out towards you before you pulled away like her touch was an open flame. She huffed, moving to sit in front of you on her knees. She extended her hands towards you once more, to which you reluctantly placed yours in hers. "I wasn't implying that today wasn't important to me. I was trying to say that every day is a special one as long as you’re here."
You playfully shoved Yunjin's shoulder away from you, feeling flustered at her words. She pulled her sleeve over her wrist, taking your chin in her fingers and gently wiping away your tears.
"Why does it seem like I always end up crying when you're around?" You joked, your mood changing to a more serious one as you watched Yunjin's demeanor change. Her hands stopped wiping your tears and her back became more rigid as she leaned away from you. Although you were joking to begin with, the way Yunjin reacted made your heart sink. "Jen, I was kidding."
Yunjin shook her head, toying with the hem of her pants while she stared at you, her gaze intense. "I know. But I also think you deserve to know this as well." She suddenly broke eye contact, opting to look at the wall behind you.
"It's true—you do cry a lot more when I'm around. And I take full responsibility for that. Recently, I've felt like I needed to push you away; to push you away before you do the same to me. I know you deserve better, and I want you to have better than me."
"But there's still a small part of me that wants, no, needs you to stay. Even though I know there's better people out there, I want to be that better person for you. I swear I'll make it up to you."
You smiled, your hands coming up to wipe Yunjin's tears that'd begun unknowingly dripping from her eyes. Grabbing your arms, she pulled you into a tight hug—one that felt genuine for the first time in a long time. "I trust you. This is your last chance, Huh Yunjin, don't waste it." She grinned, her fingers poking your sides.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
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"Yunjin, it's cats here!" You exclaimed, pointing over to the colony of cats that were huddled around a small heater. She moved to stand behind you, grabbing your bookbag by the hook and slinging it over her shoulder. You shuffled over to the cats on the balls of your feet, slowly extending your hand out to pet them. The cat tentatively sniffed your fingers, before rubbing the length of its body along your hand, purring softly.
Yunjin cleared her throat, causing the cats to scatter from the area. "Yunjin!"
"Sorry, but it's cold. And I wanna go home," she whined, passing your bag back over to you. You sighed, looking back over to the direction that the cats ran off to. Not seeing any cats after thoroughly scanning the area, you turned back to Yunjin with a huff.
"Let's go, you big baby." You two walked back to the dorm in semi-comfortable silence, Yunjin's thumb rubbing the back of yours. You shook your head, realizing the only reason you feel uneasy is because Yunjin is never this quiet. Pushing away your thoughts before you started overthinking, you took out the key to the shared dorm.
You walked into the room, slinging your bookbag on the couch, and went to your room before collapsing on your bed. You felt yourself slowly drifting to sleep until Yunjin entered the room, placing your bag by the door. "I'm going to take a shower and head to bed now. I love you, don't forget that." She pressed a kiss to your forehead as your eyes fluttered shut, too tired to say anything other than a quiet, slurred 'i love you too'.
A few hours later, you were jolted out of your sleep, realizing that you never got ready for bed properly. You slid your jacket off of your shoulders, laying it across the back of your chair. Grabbing the pajamas from the edge of your bed, you quickly slipped them on before leaving the room to find Yunjin.
"Jen?" You called out to her, getting no response in return. You peered around the corner into the bathroom, in which the mirror still had a fresh coat of condensation on it. You felt your heart start to pound as you walked to Yunjin's room, pushing the door open to see nothing but a mattress and a bed frame in the center. Your vision started to get blurry as you found it hard to breathe, your eyes focusing on a neon pink sticky note on the side of the mattress.
Rushing over to read it, you snatched it from its place, shaky hands gripping the note as the ink from her pen started to bleed from your tears dripping onto the page with realization.
'i love you, y/n. and i swore that i'd be that better person for you, even if it means letting you go'
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bottomlouisficfest · 10 months
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the fics from week 11 of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2023! Every two weeks, we’ve compiling all of the fics from that period into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Since this is the last week of the fest, we just have one week's worth of fics. Please enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
Wait until you're sure
A fic by tommilfson on AO3 | @tommilfson on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 465: Louis and Harry are best friends who made a pact. If neither of them has found love by the time they’re 30, then they’ll get married. It was all laughter and fun until Harry realizes they’re celebrating his 30th birthday and in a few months, Louis is gonna be 30 too. So, he struggles to find someone for Louis to avoid being together, but Louis just keeps rejecting all men Harry introduces to him (because he has feeling for him, of course), which really upsets Harry. They argue about that and Louis says something like “wow, it’s that bad to be with me?,” accepting that Harry simply doesn’t feel the same. Louis moves for a couple of months with another friend and Harry has all this time to understand his feelings, realizing that he loves Louis too and wants to be with him. But when he goes to tell him, Louis is already seeing someone else. So what’s Harry gonna do to get Louis back?
Wedding Bells Will Never Ring For Me
A fic by lousmoonshine on AO3 | @lousmoonshine on Tumblr | @lousmoonshine on Twitter
15k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
After a failed proposal a few years back, Louis gets an unexpected invitation to his ex - Harry’s – wedding
Your name is tattooed to the bottom of my heart
A fic by meloummy on AO3 | @meloummy on Tumblr | @meloummy on Twitter
7k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 114: a PWP where Louis gets an arse tattoo with Harry’s name for his birthday. Or where Harry likes to mark what is his and receives a very special surprise fulfilling one of his fetishes; to see Louis marked for life with something related to him and in one of his favourite places.
with gilded wolves on the wall
A fic by bruisedhoney on AO3 | @yvesaintlourent on Tumblr | @bruisedhoney on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The night was cold and bitter, much as he was. Though it was only early evening, darkness had already fallen over Winterfell, the snow a thick white blanket coating the grounds and the spires of the First Keep. It wouldn’t be Winter for a while according to his father, but Harry could tell that it now felt like it was on its way. The cold wind whipped his dark, tousled curls back and forth, biting at his cheeks until they were pink. He wrapped his fur lined cloak tightly around his tall frame to keep out the cold. It worked for the most part. “I won’t marry him,” Harry said into the night, his voice steady and confident; the exact opposite of how he felt. If he hadn’t known better, he’d have thought she left since he was only met with silence. Dead leaves rustled in the trees below like they were whispering their approval of his defiance against his family’s orders. “You will,” Anera replied calmly, her expression neutral. Or, the Game of Thrones ABO AU where Harry is of the North, and Louis cannot be burnt.
Remember to give these fics kudos and comments, and spread their fic posts!
All roundups will be linked here:
Weeks 1-2 Roundup
Weeks 3-4 Roundup
Weeks 5-6 Roundup
Weeks 7-8 Roundup
Weeks 9-10 Roundup
Week 11 Roundup
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I feel like no one talks about the whole mumbattan sequence can you do a deep dive on that one
Oh Mumbattan, there is so much to unpack.
What I mean like that is that we have a lot of stuff going on not just on screen, but Miles and Gwen as well, which a lot of changes thanks to the circumstances and characters of screen. If it took me two posts to talk just about a portion of the Clock Tower scene, I am sure Mumbattan is going to be multiple.
They will probably be short since I think there are a lot of moments not necessarily connected to the ones before, that I think that deserve their own post, etc.
So let's start Mumbattan with the actual beginning, or at least the beginning of Gwen's and Miles interactions in Mumbattan.
As per custom, we start a little earlier since set up is important.
(Side note, I just lost half of the original post because Tumblr is a nightmare to use for post and I will probably fist fight whoever coded this if given the chance. So the writing and the screenshots may be a bit rough because I am pissed.)
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Something that caught my attention while rewinding this scene, was Gwen's exchange and behaviour towards the spot here.
I think is good time to remember that Gwen is probably an internal mess right now.
She knew she blew up with The Spot, she got cocky, thought the guy was going to be easy, and focused on Miles more than in her mission.
Gwen is in a tough position right now, she is basically homeless, she needed to abandon her old life, her home and the people in her life; none of those things are easy, let alone when you are forced to and being a teen.
The Spidersociety seems kind of a like a dream come true at first, and she is happy to be in it; but we can see how she is still missing certain things the society just cannot give her. A company is not a replacement for family and friends. I honestly believe part of the reason she is hyped about it is because she wants to focus on the positives to avoid the negatives.
Seeing Miles was a gamble, one where she risked too much by refusing to leave his side, and she may pay the price for this; she earlier was looking extremely shaken at the idea of being sent home.
While she is having all of this, it didn't escape me the longing and the defeat in her face when she say goodbye to Miles without knowing he was there. That is also weighting on her.
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Not gonna lie, is funny that a character that feels so entitled to people react the way he wants (like he asking the guy he was robbing to not make this a bad experience for him,) accidentally say something that for him is just a comment, but DAMN I can imagine how much it had to sting for Gwen.
The reason I brought up the other screenshots and this close up of Gwen, is to pay attention to her masks.
I had mentioned in other post, the masks are extremely expressive for what they are, which is a handy way to show expressions when you are character's face is hidden.
In multiple shots, Gwen looks angry; this isn't like the battle with Vulture when even after almost getting her face sliced she was just back to cracking jokes and not taking stuff too seriously, just the regular amount of a spidey.
This isn't a joke to her, this is important, and she isn't in a good mood already. So her doing a joke that feels tired isn't shocking.
But while The Spot was just talking about the joke, after letting down her mentor, underestimating what Lila determined as a canon killer for MULTIPLE universes, and having trouble getting a hold of the guy; hearing "That's the best you can do?" Had to suck.
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(While going for Miles's frame, I realized Gwen just looks angrier before she hears him; which is to say. DAMN Miles you really picked a bad time.)
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You know? Something I like to do in my writing, is bring scenarios that are different in context but the basics of it repeat as to carry a meaning behind it, reinforcing an idea either for the characters who are seeing the pattern (or think to see a pattern,) or the audience.
Some of it can be wishful thinking but this movie has much going on that I bet a lot of what I am picking up was meant to be that way.
This particular moment is interesting because Gwen is just dealing with a mess that happened because she was prioritizing Miles over her mission, and what happens shortly after?
Miles distracts her from the villain, which also gets him an opening to kick her and escape.
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You may be wondering why bring those frames of Gwen falling and Miles finally getting her, this is important for two things.
One, this will go to show something later about the importance of team and the tragedy of the spider people (that would be their own post because I had a lot to say, and a scene in particular during this sequence scared the living shit out of me, 3 times.)
But another factor is this is all quietly reinforcing in Gwen's mind, how she shouldn't had gotten to see Miles.
Not only did she lost her shot to capturing The Spot as his most vulnerable (because let's face it, if Gwen went to him without his ability to make holes it would had been done in less than 2 minutes,) she also lost track of him again thanks to Miles. And now she is having trouble with her footing.
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Miles is lucky the circumstances kind of support his stance, and that he is cute.
In most movies I will see a guy following the girl he likes I say that's a red flag of the size of a house. But considering everything I can't really blame him.
He doesn't know how much is at stake, or how much can get worse; but he knows that The Spot is doing this partially thanks to him, and he may be filling guilty for assuming he was already done for when he wasn't. And now the girl he likes is in deep shit because of this, and he has more information than the rest.
(Or he should, Miguel seems to have eyes everywhere, no idea how much he knows about the Spot.)
It was still stupid? For sure, he really has no way home, has never done dimension hoping, and certainly didn't think about glitching before this.
But his heart is in a good place.
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Yeah Gwen is still pissed regardless.
I think even if Miles has the best intentions she doesn't appreciate being followed, doesn't appreciate having him as is another thing she needs to be juggling in this situation, which is a lot already.
We will talk about the falling scene better, because that deserves it's own post, and also that scene made me suffer in theatres so I will get my compensation by rambling later about it.
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This is something I will come back later, probably more than once. Not gonna lie the first time I saw this movie this hurt (And that was before getting as obsessed with this ship as I am now, mind you,) and it only got worse seeing it a second time when you know what will happen.
Regardless, is ties nicely to the rest of this post. Gwen is stress out, conflicted about her role as a spiderwoman and just being a teen, and in the heat of the moment, she does think that seeing him and trying to get that connection with the circumstances at hand is a bad idea.
Once again, heat of the moment, I think she would had probably continue being mad if the things that happened didn't happen; but I think this will come back later on by her realizing that she wasn't getting blindsided by Miles, but the organization.
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n0wav · 4 months
Pinkerton appreciation
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Today i did what i do on almost a weekly basis, which is to listen to pinkerton. i was in a good mood listening to this very awesome album... UNTIL! i noticed something that somewhat upset me not really but its really interesting.
you see back in the 90s pinkerton wasn't loved as much as blue album because it's messy dark and emo and not silly fun power pop like blue. it wasn't till many years later that pinkerton the the love and appreciation it deserved. Although it isn't nearly as popular as blue, green, or even make believe (really only because of Beverly hills), it is still very loved by weezer fans now.
Today while looking through the deluxe version i realized that "I just through out the love of my dreams" is more popular than any of the songs on the normal non deluxe album. Now don't get me wrong its a really good song (although this cover of the song is kinda better imo :3) and i do really enjoy it, i do feel like its a repeat in history.
now if you don't know what i mean by this repeat in history, i will shift the attention for a short moment to another band, PAVEMENT!!!
one side note i think is funny is that back when weezer started, people called them cheesy pavement rip-offs... just something i remembered!
pavement is an awesome band and they will get another post out of me at some point of me writing on this tumblr blog, but in the mean time... Pavement has always been relatively popular in indie rock circles, but nothing exceeds the popularity they got when harness your hopes blew up like crazy on tiktok, making it their most popular song on streaming services by a very large margin. AND Just like i just threw out the love of my dreams, harness your hopes is also a B-side that randomly got popular from social media.
Don't get me wrong I'm not upset at all, to be honest i don't care that much like it really isn't that deep, i just think its interesting how common this is, where a song from an older band gets big thanks to social media, more specifically tiktok.
The only thing i do wish is that people listened to more of the bands music rather than just listen to the one song they know, but then again i just realized not everyone is as obsessed with music as i am lol.
Back to pinkerton
i LOVE pinkerton, i def like it more than blue album, which isn't much of a hot take since the weezer fandom has been split on which album is better for prolly 2 decades at this point. For me the album is just more up with the kinda music i listen to, while being very different at the same time. the way the album starts with the synth, and you automatically hear the raw and underproduced sound this album has.
aside from the sound, i just personally kinda relate to some of the songs, maybe not the weird parts... but def many of the bit more normal ones.
With tired of sex, I have definitely grown tired of having relationships with people where there's no actual relationship or connection at all. for a long time i really didn't know who i am (weezer reference).
getchoo is hard for me to analyze or related it to anything so i will skip that one (good song tho)
no other one hit pretty hard home for me. i've been in pretty shitty relationships with people who treat me like shit, hence the shittiness, and for some reason i didn't leave because i didn't think i could do any better and that nobody knows me like her, that we're all we got and we don't wanna be alone (weezer reference).
why bother? is me when I'm scared to make relationships and friendships with basically anyone because of my fear that whoever i talk to will eventually not like me and abandon me, to where in my head i will think "why bother? its gonna hurt me. it's gonna kill when they desert me. It's already happened to me twice before. it wont happen to me anymore." (weezer reference)
i only semi relate to across the sea because i've e-dated as a young child on discord.... next song (still a good song)
the good life is me too because i used to be really cool and leave my house a lot and play shows and have lots of friends and just do things that aren't me sitting at home doing nothing being a pig and a dog (weezer reference). it is def time i got back to the good life (weezer reference) But to be fair i don't really want to go back to that time i just wanna be a normal person again.
i don't really relate to el scorcho much but its still an awesome song.
pink triangle is me because I've dated girls who turned out to be a lesbian but trust me i didn't turn them, they were already lesbian before we started dating i don't know why they started dating me maybe because I'm not very masculine so they thought it would be fine. (note that i didn't know they were lesbian till after we would break up)
i put falling for you in a mixtape i made my ex. whenever i would hear that song i would think of her because its how i felt about her. i was afraid of falling for her, but in the end i just wanted to settle down with her (weezer reference)
I don't relate to butterfly either but it is a really really good song
as you can see i really like pinkerton and relate to it very much. it is prolly one of my favorite albums of all time no doubt
this is the end of the post
we love pinkerton
pinkerton is our everything
here's a song rec from the album pinkerton by weezer
thanks for reading my weezer rant! idk what i will post about next but we will see!
Goodbye!!!! :3
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fortpeat · 6 months
Hi! I hope you are doing ok. I know this might be coming out of the blue, but I feel the need to spread the word so other fans can see this and not go through the same that I have been. I recently joined a FortPeat server on Discord. I saw the invite on a tumblr tag and I thought it could be a good idea since most fandom spaces I've been in were usually wholesome and nice to meet new people and talk about the things we all have in common and love. I will be honest with you that I had actually thought the server had something to do with your account since I always see you in the fortpeat tags (I don't really use my tumblr account, I'm more of a lurker, I just recently got into the fortpeat fandom) and you always seemed to be like a lovely person. I was actually told by this server owner that you were also one of the server owners at some point, and I remember seeing one of your posts talking about "the discord incident"… I have no idea if both of these things are related to each other, but I understood immediately after talking to this server owner why you'd leave that place. This server is extremely toxic. I and another member were kicked out simply because we harboured a different opinion than the one from the server owner. She is a grown-ass woman and treats people in a really childish manner. She's condescending and passive-aggressive. She deleted our messages for no good reason and then said we were free to leave if we were not happy with her rules. The other member called her out on it and this is what got us kicked out. That was it. Nothing else. I thought for a second that I could've been somewhat rude, but another member of the server reached out to me in private to tell me this had happened many times before and that neither I nor the person who was kicked out were rude. So, my point with this ask is I hope whoever's still stuck in that graveyard filled with toxicity, please leave as soon as possible. I had other people reaching out to me since then to tell me that they also experienced really bad things there. I'm really sorry if you went through some shit because of it, but yeah. I hope the owner reflects on her attitude if she intends on keeping up with a server she clearly has, currently, zero capabilities of running if this is how she treats her members. Thank you so much, and I am sorry for the huge ask. I think it's important to let people know when fandom spaces are nasty. Love your blog! ����
Hi Nonnie ✨🥰
First of all sorry for the late response I needed some time to think through a proper response since it's a sensitive topic and I am typing this out while in the middle of a program and my Wifi is wacky so I don't know when you might get this 🫣
Now I am not gonna lie, when I first received this ask I was sceptical about even posting this. I tend to avoid all kinds of drama as I quite don't have the time for that but then I realized won't that mean I too am ignoring you the same way the server owner did and essentially cutting you off and I am not that kind of person. I believe that everyone deserves to have their opinion heard and from what you told me I think you deserve it especially when you are definitely not in the wrong.
But first things first. I am so sorry you went through something like that. Nobody deserves it least of someone who joined a server believing that it might be something good. I will tell you it used to be good but then everything kind of fell apart. I left that server back in Nov due to personal reasons and a disagreement with the server owner.
Now the discord incident.. it was more or less connected to this but it was also me and my best friend joking around coz the both of us have had bad experiences with it. I never thought anyone would pay attention to it 🫣🫣😂. Now I don't want to dish out my personal experiences publicly like this so if you ever want to talk privately my DMS are always open 🥰 I promise it to be safe space for you and anyone who wants to talk.
I would also like to thank you for opening up like this I am sure it must not have been easy to trust me especially after your experience. I hope in the future this doesn't cloud your judgement towards future servers you might want to join. There are lots of lovely people in the fandom and there are some in that very server as well.
Also thank you for raising this awareness. I never would have thought things would get this bad there. That too in a server that represents our beautiful Fortpeat and Paisky who has taught us nothing but the importance of proper communication 🥺🥺
I hope you have a good day nonnie 🥰✨
Here's some Fortpeat hugs to feel better 🥹🥰
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
I’m piggy backing off our 5x20 anon cause I read your answer and I had thoughts and I was gonna comment on the post but I thought it might be too long 😂
Anyway, I’m really interested to see what they do with Lucy’s UC (long term ops) but on one hand I can see that she really does love UC, but I don’t necessarily believe her when she says she’ll be fine being gone for 6months to a year. She’ll absolutely be good at the work aspect of it, but emotionally being away for that long I don’t think she could handle. She was like almost devastated at the thought of not seeing Tim every day and their shifts not syncing up when she was going to transfer and again when they were discussing the detective vs metro hours. You could see how much she hated the idea of being away from him, and yet she’s gonna be okay not seeing or speaking to him while under for a long time? Idk it just doesn’t sit with me. It doesn’t seem in her character.
And then with Tim — I firmly believe when he asked her out, he already knew she was going UC and probably was already mentally preparing. He knew from the jump what being with Lucy would entail. So I do believe him when he says he’ll be fine. Cause knowing Tim, he thought it all before asking her out and taking that chance with her.
So how interesting would it be if it ends up being flipped. She’s not okay with it but he is, in a way — cause he really won’t be fine fine but he’ll manage cause he loves her.
You know what I mean?
Also I have a feeling it’ll go something like — she does a semi long op between 6a and 6b and comes back realizing she doesn’t like long term and just stays doing short term for a while and then stopping when her and Tim get married and eventually have kids. Cause that’s also what she wants and I highly doubt she’d want to still be doing UC like that once they’re married and have tiny humans and all that.
But also I want Lucy to have whatever career she wants lol she’s a badass.
Disclaimer : this is going to be a very long post… So hopefully Tumblr doesn't eat the 'keep reading' line. Also, I know how polarising the undercover discourse can be, so remember, those are just my two cents.
This is exactly why I hope we get to see Lucy on a long term assignment soon. So that she can find out if UC is truly something she enjoys doing and something she can handle. With all its ups and downs. Not just the part of playing a different character for a few days/weeks : this, she manages without trouble. I'm talking about the separation, the anxiety, always being on edge, the lies and deception, leaving the people you love behind (including the ones she might get attached to while undercover)… All the things she has been told about but hasn't really get to live yet. She needs to experience this to determine if that can be compatible with what she wants in life. The catch is she has to be a full-time undercover agent first. But she deserves to give it a try. Actually, more than that : she owes it to herself to try. Maybe she will decide that it's not for her (at least not long term UC)… Or maybe she will love it...
I think part of the reason why this seems out of character is because we don't really know why Lucy loves undercover work so much, what really attracted her to this line of work in the first place… The fact that the show has often portrayed it in an unflattering light doesn't help at all… It just creates a bigger dissonance. However, we need to remember that she is just starting her career, she's still figuring things out… Up until she joined the Academy, she didn't know what to do with her life. These are her words on the topic : Being a cop is the first thing I've ever been serious about… (1.04) I've been adrift since college, trying on different hats and different personalities, and nothing's felt right, until… Until this. (3.10) That's her whole driving force here : she finally found something she loves, that has meaning to her. That is so important. Even better : she is fully supported in that endeavor, including by people whose very lives got turned upside down by undercover work. We saw how much she loves the danger. It's not a coincidence that she asked Tim if he ever wished he had a normal job. Both of them can't fathom being anything else. Playing different roles is something she clearly likes and so far, only undercover work can give that to her. It's also the only department that showed an interest to her… At the end of the day, this is what makes her feel fulfilled, so I understand why she wants to pursue it and thinks she can handle it.
And maybe she can! Lucy is often underestimated, but she always proves herself. Don't get me wrong, I agree with your assessment : she did look rather devastated at the idea of spending less time with Tim… And yet, that didn't deter her one bit. She was still ready to move to another station. She still went along with the five-player trade despite Nyla's warning that the Metro hours were brutal. She was still studying for the detective's exam. Obviously there's a big difference between seeing less of each other and being completely separated for months. But my point is, she was still ready to make the sacrifice for Tim and she doesn't seem to regret it. She may not like the idea of being away, of not talking to him (and her friends) for months but that doesn't necessarily mean she can't handle it. Those are quite two different things. Wanting a family and a job that takes you away from your loves ones might seem contradictory, but she's not the first woman who finds herself in this conundrum. And notice how in the first two cases (moving in another station + Metro), she was fine with the trade-off (spending less time with Tim) because it meant that he would get to do something he loves, something he would find rewarding. If UC is that for her, then she deserves the same support.
As you mentioned, Tim absolutely knew about all of this and still decided that it was worth the risk. He was aware of her choice of career long before he even realised his feelings for her. From the moment she graduated, he's been nothing but supportive towards her goal. He was the one to convince her to go to the UC Academy. He asked her out mere days/weeks after she last went under (seriously, that was the episode right before). Undercover work is even the reason why they got together in the first place… which is so ironic when you think about it. When he said they were worth taking the risk, he meant it. Just like when he told Isabel that Lucy was different, I have no doubt he also meant it. He has some experience in the matter, he has some inklings as to what being separated for months truly means. Now it can be a hindrance, since it could trigger some bad memories - like we saw during her last undercover op. But it can also be an asset : he can learn from the past and avoid to make the same mistakes. I'd like to think that having both Tim and Nyla as her 'guardian angel' when she goes undercover is not just a happy happenstance. They both know the pitfalls of this job in a very different way and can guide Lucy on how to avoid them, to succeed where they previously failed. And let's not forget that he knows what's it like not to be supported… Ashley was trying to make him quit his job - I can't see him doing it to Lucy. I believe that Tim's biggest challenge will be to express his feelings, since he tends to internalise them. That's why I'm glad that he and Lucy were able to set things straight, to set their boundaries. Like you, I also think he is going to be fine (under the circumstances), but it was an important step for them. They can only make it work if they're both honest and communicate with each other.
And hear me out : maybe they could be the ones to make it work! So far, with the exception of her first solo op, Tim has always been involved… and even then, he managed to insert himself in the equation. So maybe that could be an alternative : having Tim as her case officer. It's not like it's impossible : her last assignment was supposed to last weeks or months, and Grey didn't have an issue with Tim being Lucy's handler. It would also solve a lot of issues : they would still be in direct contact, he would be able to immediately know if something was wrong and raise the alarm if necessary and she has complete faith in him, so knowing he's the one who has her back would probably make her feel more comfortable. And apparently they are not against the casual hookup during their debriefing ;).
You know, sometimes I wonder if we are just over thinking it… The writers have been teasing us with this long term UC mission since s3 and so far, the longest period was the 2-week op she did in 3.14. That and the month away at the Academy if we want to make it count… So who knows if we are ever going to get one. Maybe the writers are just going to follow what NCIS LA did. I don't know if you are familiar with the show, but basically the agents had to often go undercover to solve a case… it ended up being mostly short assignments so the mission would fit in one episode - two in rare cases. A bit like Lucy has done until now. Also, her getting married or having kids doesn't have to mean the end of her career. She could still work undercover. She could be a case officer herself. Or coordinate/supervise UC missions. Or mentor new officers… You know, be in a leadership position, which would be perfect if that happens in a couple of years. Or maybe she can be recruited by another division like Porter suggested in 5.02.
I want Lucy to have whatever career she wants lol she’s a badass. YES! I couldn't agree more! That's why I'm a bit sad at the idea that she has to change her dream… All the other main characters got their dream job. Sure, that job doesn't take them away for a long period of time but hey, it's a show, they can find a way to make it work. In the end, I don't know if she'd enjoy long term UC… I understand why you think she won't : that definitely wouldn't have been my first choice of career for her. But regardless of my opinion on the matter, I just want her to be able to make that choice for herself, you know? To determine what's best for her, whether it's going forward with UC or doing something else. The only scenario I would completely hate is if that decision is taken away from her… That Primm blocks her. Like they did with Nolan and that Union guy… Because unlike with John, I doubt there would be a Golden Ticket waiting for her...
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
My Riddlebat Recs
ive read most of the stuff in the riddlebat tag. most of it. i dont really read any batman 22 stuff, but ive read just about everything else. that said, heres a list of some of my favorites ive read!
first of all, jovialJuggernaut and fromjannah write my absolute favorite riddlebat fics of all time, so theyre gonna be on this list a LOT. i dont think i put all of their fics on here, tho, so im just telling you right now that you should 100% check out everything both of those authors have. i will link some of my favorites below tho along w some of my other recs
baby lose the costume
by @fromjannah
"Hey," Eddie says, impossibly soft. The lights are so bright. "C'mon, Crusader. You're here. Listen to my voice." Bruce can only oblige. Easy as breathing.
Bruce, Eddie, and a late night visit to Arkham that goes a little sideways.
read all of fromjannahs unburied fics. do it. immediately. rn. they are all devastatingly good and frankly some of the best riddlebat fics out there. this one in particular is so melancholy and aching and it wrecks me every time yes i reread it all the time i reread ALL of their unburied fics
once more to see you
by @fromjannah
The Riddler has been missing for over a year -- that is, until tonight. Bruce Wayne has very normal feelings about this.
shortened version of the summary bc im just reccing everything from fromjannah and you need to just start accepting that theyre all good. the way they write eddie is so perfect
ghar aaja pardesi
by saheeli (@sa-heelies on tumblr i think?)
Bruce gets the news on a Tuesday. The letters start coming on Wednesday. Or; Eddie escapes from Arkham again. He leaves a trail of clues behind him so that Bruce and Barbara can follow.
ohh this one is so good. i think its the longest of the unburied ones and i think it was the first one i read?? the set up and eventual payoff is so good and sweet and barbara and eddies relationship OFC is iconic. this was the fic that made me realize i desperately needed to listen to unburied
a dreaded sunny day
by @lesbiantriphosphate
“Who do you think I am, Bruce Wayne?” He smirks. “Or should I be asking: do you know who you are?” Bruce takes his time to decide whether to continue the banter or answer truthfully. He can’t tell whether Eddie wants to continue their comfortable Riddler-versus-Batman game of talking around in circles, or if he’s just searching for an entrance into a more geniune conversation. “I think…” he starts and stops again. “Far too much, in my humble opinion,” Eddie quips as he makes his way over and sets two steaming mugs on the table.
more unburied bc the unburied dynamic is the best dynamic. this one is really fucking sweet ;;;;;;; i love it so much its very short but its such a good read
by penguistificial
Edward had thought the only flaw in his perfectly planned crime was that nobody would ever be able to appreciate it - apart from himself. And yet, Batman had deftly deciphered all his clues, seen the solution Edward hadn't thought anyone would ever find. Doesn’t a correct answer deserve a reward? But, what to offer? What would be both acceptable and accepted?
this ones good! its a different take on their dynamic than the fics i usually read but its a very good take
Kings, Knights, Pawns
by jovialJuggernaut (@jovialjuggernaut-draws on tumblr)
riddle man gets to smooch the batman but its a slowburn so thatll be checks watch in a while updated summary when i can think of a good one update: it took 12 chapters but we made it, they smooched
the summary doesnt do it justice, honestly. as far as comics riddlebat goes this is THE riddlebat fic of all time as far as im concerned. this is the blueprint. this is It(TM). liam has such a way of writing eddie hes so irritating and whiny and fidgety as hell you just HAVE to love him. this fic is peak adhd4autism and the way they write bruces autism in this honestly totally influences the way i write bruce all the time. gamechanger of a fic, youve GOT to read it
by jovialJuggernaut
A hurricane hits Gotham and something (someone) washes up in the Batcave.
eddie w eds!!!! yes!!!!! one of my favorites of liams fics. that said, you should read ALL of liams riddlebat fics. they all go hard as fuck and honestly if i looked any further into my bookmarks itd all just be liam all the way down
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thatonecrookedsmile · 10 months
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*kicks the front door with all the strength I have*
Hey there IRIS fans. It's been a while. More than 3 months to be exact. I came once again to offer you my gifts. Behold…..breadcrumbs! :D
Yeah, that's all I have at the moment. I'm sorry.
I was reflecting on the idea of posting things that are more....small? Don't just post finished drawings. Maybe WIPs or, sketches, or in the case above, a doodle! Basically, I don't need to ONLY post finished drawings. Or drawings. Sometimes I can just. Post words, you know. I had the realization about this a while ago when I remembered that I'm on Tumblr. I can post (almost) anything here without limiting myself. Now, will I fulfill this? I don't know. Maybe I'll do that, or I'll just post it when I have a drawing ready to post. I don't promise anything lol.
Anyway, IRIS! I made this little doodle of Goliath while I was out of the house. I only drew his Pre-Explosion version once and it was in that Transmission 3 drawing. As a joke too. So I tried to do something a little more serious. This time…he has a face! I thought it turned out good. I think I found a good way to do his hair too. I decided to color it (and do a light digital lineart over it) to make it more pleasant. Simple, but it looks nice! (I'll leave the normal scribble unedited at the end of the post) Also, I know that in the only art we have of P.E Goliath it doesn't show him with irises and pupils in his eyes. I drew them here because I thought it would be cool.
Next stop is to practice drawing his body. I have to learn how to draw more muscular bodies. Goliath has to live up to his name (and he deserves the muscles tbh)
It goes without saying that I did this after watching the new chapters of Story of Vegala. And speaking of that: i'm gonna be honest with you: I think this is my favorite part of the IRIS story/lore drops posted so far.
It's quite intriguing to see the very story that happened before everything we've seen so far. It's also nice to receive what I've wanted for a while: Tyrant and Fate Lore. It's good to have more information about two characters that we've known (more or less) for a long time now. Especially their origins (broader origins than just *the first beings that walked the Earth* or *beings that came from distant worlds in search of the emblem*)
SOV also makes me excited for other things. Like, obviously, HOAA:R. Releasing soon! December is knocking on the door, you know. But I also really want to see Jaws of Vegala now. And whatever happens in the story that takes place after GT.
So again, SOV is currently my favorite part of the lore, I believe. The anguish of waiting for the next episodes this past week was real.
I'm talking too much once again, SHIT. Yeah, Pre-Explosion Goliath. He deserves the world (He's NOT a monster, he's just BIG and STRONG, and needs a functioning family *cries*)
I don't know when I'll do my next Big Piece related to IRIS. I had something in mind but I lost the will. But I was thinking about doing something related to Solitude for a while. Hold this thought,then. Until then, I'll sketch Tyrant next. Because I like his official design.
Also, here is the unedited scribble:
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mommypieck · 10 months
Hello! I've been here for a while and seeing how much you've been through so far makes me sad that you've experienced so much sad shit. I recently came back to your blog since I wasn't on Tumblr for a while(I've been following you for sometime now) and decided to snoop around for a bit to see what I missed, congratulations on 10k followers btw🥺. Also I'm sorry in advance this will probably be long knowing how I can go on for a while.
Some things you've been through I can relate to, my family isn't a step family but it's definitely incredibly dysfunctional and can be shitty. It's almost 4am here so excuse any mistakes I make in writing this, I literally told myself if I didn't send this to you now I'm not gonna be able to later so I'm fighting sleep. Also your friendships I'm sorry you're stuck with people who don't deserve you in just about every aspect ☹️.
You seem like such a genuine sweetheart. I had an experience with a friendship I wanted to end before and I remember being the same as you were, wanting to stay in that friendship but couldn't leave because I was so attached to that person. I thought the end of the world was gonna happen when I left because I was so codependent on them. But I realized that the feelings I had when it came to them shouldn't be taken lightly, the bad feelings, every single one should never be taken lightly. I'm not gonna sit here and make any promises towards you that certain things are gonna be perfect but I can at least say that it's gonna be okay. Not just when but comes to friendships but living apart from your family. I know you've probably heard this shit a million times but you're not gonna be stuck in the same situation forever. If you have decided to leave that friendship I hope you felt the relief I did when I left mine, if you haven't decided to yet, you most likely will feel relieved even if there's always gonna be a longing for the good moments you might have had before, don't let the good distract you from all the bad.
When we all are teenagers or were teenagers, we are constantly told how grown up we have to act that we forget how young we really are. You are 19, you are so incredibly young and you have so much time to become whoever or whatever you want to become. I remember Jane Fonda saying that if you can't do something in your 20s,30s,40s or even 50s, you can still do it in your 60s. I DON'T mean that you won't accomplish all you desire now, because I'm sure you'll definitely get there, but you have a lot of time to get there, to think, to breathe, to exist, to have fun, to have new experiences.
Please remember that you haven't even met all the people who are gonna love you yet. You have so many people who will enter your life later on, as long as you allow them to enter and stay, that can and will love you so much.
If your family is shitty or weird, then you can have your own family, family is not defined to me by blood but by love. So I'm not telling you become pregnant or anything, but your friends can be your family, people you meet along the way can always become family, maybe even family members you'll eventually meet again will rekindle your family relationship.
I'm a bit forgetful (ADHD and trauma not a good combo)so I'm trying to remember what else I was gonna add omg.
You're a sweet girl, you're incredibly talented, if your desire is to become a writer then you're perfect for it already. Honestly I live by, "if Colleen Hoover and Anna Todd can write and publish those damn books, you damn well can too." And I know your books won't suck like theirs do. Full offense to Colleen Hoover fans btw🙃 I expect if you're reading stuff by mommypieck then your taste isn't bad.
Anyway this has been so long and I don't want to overwhelm you, so I'll end it for now, stay safe, and I hope you have a beautiful forever because just wishing you one day isn't enough💖🥺💖.
i am at loss of words.i seriously don't know what to say. thanku so much for this message. it means a world to me really. i am so happy that i have people here who stick with me and actually care what i have to say.i kinda feel bad that you spend so much time, typing all of this. but you seriously gave me hope for better life. thanku so so so so so much. i love u and i appreciate you. thank you again.
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