#i was convinced it would be sakumo
dark-konohagakure2 · 3 months
kakashi having to punish his little cousin for going out with another guy
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tw: incest, cousin incest, age difference, protectiveness, slut shaming, impact play, breeding, abuse
All characters depicted are 18+
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Kakashi usually doesn't involve himself too deeply in his family's personal business, but when his father laments to him about the fact that Kakashi's younger cousin has been sneaking out at night to see some guy from time to time, Kakashi is suddenly very invested in what his family is up to now.
Sakumo himself was originally asked to give her a stern talking to, but Kakashi convinced his dad to let him do it instead, since Kakashi is (barely) closer to her age, so she'll definitely listen to her dearest older cousin.
Of course Kakashi's intentions are the furthest thing from pure. He's been lusting after his own cousin for a while, and this is just the perfect excuse for him to act on those desires. He isn't nice about it either, pinning her down and berating for going out with a guy, despite the fact that she's old enough to see whoever she likes, but Kakashi doesn't care.
Kakashi will act more like a bully than a cousin, roughly forcing her underwear down and spreading her cheeks apart to get a very good, thorough look at her pussy, snidely claiming that he's just checking to make sure she's still a virgin, and not a whore.
"Stop whining. That boy you wanted to get all friendly with would have done this to you and then some. Be grateful that I'm being more gentle."
Kakashi is easily able to force his thick cock into her cousin's pussy, his years of extensive shinobi training making him leagues stronger than a delicate little civilian like her, allowing him to practically use her like his own personal onahole.
Kakashi's reason for being there is to punish her, and he'll do just that as he fucks her, slapping any part of her body that his calloused hands can reach, mostly focusing on hitting her ass and thighs while telling her what a bad girl she's been, and how she must have had a lot of guys do this to her before him.
He wants to make sure his lesson will leave a mark on his disobedient cousin, so he'll be sure to cum inside her, and more than once at that. Kakashi is going to make sure she doesn't ever forget the rules of their family, and besides, if she winds up getting pregnant, she can't whore around anymore, so Kakashi wins either way.
When he's finally had his fill of her pussy, he'll sit her down and have an earnest heart to heart conversation with her, making sure she gets it through her thick skull that she isn't supposed to be talking to any man that isn't family, that's what whores do.
"Are you done crying? Good. Now you know what happens to bad girls who act like sluts. Oh, and tell your father I said 'you're welcome'"
Kakashi really hopes that his lesson stuck with her, and even if he didn't and she decides to whore around again, he is more than willing to teach her another one.
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grogetta · 3 months
I’m looking back at Kakashi saying “you don’t understand what happens to those who don’t follow the rules” and wondering if Kakashi cared more deeply for Obito than Obito would ever truly comprehend. Maybe I’m seeing things through my shipper lens but this line immediately changed my view on his motive for how harshly he treated Obito.
Every single time Obito did something against the rules, Kakashi scolded him like a teacher, directly in front of their actual teacher most times as well which is quite funny in an ironic way. Kakashi was always reprimanding him, always telling him to follow the rules, and was even hard on Minato — and Rin especially, — for being too forgiving of Obito and his tardiness. He really, really wanted Obito to break his bad habits and follow the rules. But why? If he didn’t care, the failings of his teammates wouldn’t concern him. Yes, you could say Kakashi was simply annoyed by these habits and concerned that Obito’s lack of obedience would drag them down on missions. But we see in the scene where Minato tells Obito about Kakashi’s past that Kakashi’s attitude toward the rules stemmed from the trauma of losing his father, and this was sort of reaffirmed in a much later episode when a young Kakashi visits his father's grave.
Kakashi vows to obey the rules, because in his eyes, if Sakumo had done just that, he would still be alive.
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At first, it seemed like Obito merely annoyed and inconvenienced him with his dismissive attitude towards the rules, and that he and Obito were so different “like oil and water” that this was simply a part of how they clashed naturally, and that was why Kakashi adopted the role of his chastiser. But I don’t think that was the case. Obito’s rivalry with Kakashi was somewhat (if not entirely) one-sided and Kakashi didn’t indulge in it at all, nor did he show any desire to engage with it. Any other time he did butt heads with Obito, it seemed like Obito was almost always the one provoking him. Obito was the main initiator.
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But the one thing Kakashi was extremely pressed on was making sure Obito obeyed the rules. This boy was practically hounding Obito like an angry mom. And again, for what purpose?
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I think that deep down, Kakashi wanted to protect Obito from the fate he probably thought inevitable for someone as careless as he was. Why else would he be so adamant about convincing Obito to follow the rules and change his ways? As far as Kakashi knew, those who disobeyed the rules died one way or another. I think Kakashi cared for Obito far more deeply than he was willing to admit and I think the only person that saw this was possibly Minato, who urged Obito to try and understand Kakashi.
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........or mayhaps I’m reading too deeply into it ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ. But to me Kakashi’s warning “do you know what happens to those who break the rules?” was always secretly followed by an unspoken “because I don’t want that to happen to you”.
In the end, I think Kakashi did not fear what would happen to him if he broke the rules. He feared what would happen to the person he cared for most if they did.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Venomous Naruto:
I honestly don't remember if you established a reason for Oro staying but I was thinking what if Oro and Sakumo started a relationship shortly before the mission where he saved his teammates. To say they both attached quickly is an understatement to say the least. And what if Oro was sent out on an extended mission while sakumo was gone so that when he returns he thinks Oro wants nothing to do with him anymore (broken pack bond) which adds to his growing depression.
When Oro returns, it's to a dead partner he allowed himself to love and a little wolf without a father. A little wolf that's so hurt by loss that he convinces himself his grief is hatred and the tragedy is justified. Oro tries to help him, he owes that to his lover at the very least, but there's only so much he can do when he's pushed away at every turn for being a reminder of everything Kakashi lost.
Then Danzo comes to him with an offer. One that would have been hard to refuse even a year before, but he knows What would happen should it be discovered. He'd be banished from the village if not executed for his crimes. And when he has a cub to look after, as much the boy would allow, it's not worth it. Even less so when he starts collecting new hatchlings that Danzo's interest strays to for too long to be coincidental.
So instead, Oro tries not to force his presence on the little wolf while making sure he knows he’s there. As kakashi loses more people, he turns to him and his new hatchlings. He holds him close as one red and black eye spins hypnotically and the other weeps for what could have been. Tucks him to his chest as lightning sparks off pale trembling hands with red Lichtenberg figures forming scars.
Basically Oro staying for Sakumo’s kid and then his own. Sakumo’s morality aligning dick strikes again
I’m crying?
Orochimaru going through Minato to get Kakashi the things he needs because he will accept them from his sensei but won’t accept them from Orochimaru. He can’t be an active part of Kakashi’s life but he can at least make sure he has the things he needs and can watch from afar.
It’s not perfect.
It’s not much even.
But it’s as much as Kakashi would allow.
Then Danzo comes to him with a plan. A way to fix everything that had been broken. A way to bring back the dead.
But the cost…
Danzo tries to put his foot down, tries to threaten Orochimaru with his former sensei, tries to threaten him with more, but… orochimaru knows what it’s like to be a monster. It will take more than this man baring his flat teeth at him and trying to snarl at him with his flat little vocals to frighten him.
He doesn’t think anything could scare him more than losing what little access he still has to his little wolf.
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I hear you're in the mood for silly/ stupid au stuff today. So let's see if I can get something out for GOS.
What is the top three dumbest things Obito, Rin and Kakashi have ever done. Obito is genuinely hilarious, so I imagine he's madd a fool of himself more than once. But have Rin and Kakashi ever done anything super hilarious/ dumb XD (I mean, besides the dragon ass incident. But you can use that if it's one of Kakashi's top 3 moments XD)
Top three dumbest things they did
Joint dumbassery
The time when they were still new and quit new when Obito decided to show off his pretty stars and how he can paint the night sky, and Kakashi decided to make it rain in the middle of Obito’s work causing everything to be covered. That wasn’t the dumb part, but Rin decided to try and help Obito by trying to convince Kakashi to get rid of the rain, only for her to make an embaressing comment that resulted in the rain coming down heavier.
They might have accidentally washed away an entire village because rin was embaressing Kakashi while Obito was yelling at him.
It was a harsh lesson in ‘just cuz he can cover his emotions doesn’t mean his rainfall won’t show them’
Mito and Hashirama gave them one hell of a stern talking to for that one
The really dumb part? Kakashi and Obito clearly didn’t learn shit and continue to bug each other
Once decided to go to a mortal festival in disguise, only to get upset qhen he heard some mortals talking smack aboit the night sky and how it ‘wasn’t even that pretty’
Might have gone god mode in front of a village of mortals
Sakumo had to show up to reign him in.
That village has a story about that day and it’s pretty much law that you do NOT insult the night sky lest a certain god be among the crowd.
Kisame’s taunting of her being a ‘goody good’ really got to her one day so she decided to prove him wrong by capsizing the next boat she saw
She did just that and had the biggest smile on her face
Until Kisame pointed out the flags on the boat that signified it was a boat belonging to a kingdom that worshipped Tsunade
Oh BOY was she in trouble with mom XD
Prank wars with Obito are a norm, but he once decided that he was gonna take it a step further and prank Kaiyo so that they would join in on the fun
Decided to prank his loving sibling while they were entertaining company
Did not realize ‘company’ was Jiraiya
His prank involved paint, and needless to say 95 % of it landed on Jiraiya
Man had purple hair for a century cuz Kakashi used the strong stuff XD
Kaiyo still has not let him live that one down, and neither has Jiraiya. He won’t trust Kakashi around any kind of paint anymore
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Finally something new!!! Lol. Chapter Four will be going up on AO3 shortly.
< Prev
The Chosen One
Chapter Four | Where is Kakashi?
“What do you mean, you can’t find him?!?”
Minato ducked his head, trying not to wilt at his girlfriend’s scolding. A tiny part of him still grew warm at the thought of Kushina being his girlfriend now but not the time, he grimaced.
“I’d thought it would be a good exercise, Kakashi got to practice his stealth while Obito and Rin worked on tracking by trying to find him, but, well…”
Kushina froze, expression blank and hair deceptively still. Minato could feel a shiver run down his spine.
“The Hatake excel at tracking, Minato. If you told Kakashi to hide. He.Will. HIDE!” Kushina’s voice grew as she spoke, and Minato winced.
“I- really didn’t think he’d hide so well, not so quickly. I didn’t even get a chance to see where he went.”
“You’re the one telling Sakumo-sensei his son is missing.”
“How can a seven year old be so fast??”
“I mean," Rin huffed "he is a chuunin.”
Obito sniffed, but didn’t complain further. When Minato-sensei had first given them this assignment, he’d thought it’d be fun. It was basically hide-n-seek! And when they found Kakashi, the boy’s amazement at their tracking skills might even be enough to convince him to join them for Dango!
Except they never found Kakashi. Morning came and went, and they were well into the afternoon now. He and Rin had given up on finding their teammate around lunchtime, and Minato-sensei had told them he’d get Kakashi almost three hours ago. And still, nothing.
“Still, it is concerning that Minato-sensei hasn't found him yet.” Rin sighed, obviously worried.
Obito frowned, looking up at the sky. The sun would be going down in a few hours since it was winter, and looking for Kakashi in the night wouldn’t work with a new moon.
“He probably fell asleep somewhere or already went back to his house.” The Uchiha scuffed at the ground, crossing his arms behind his head.
Rin didn’t look at him as she said, “Maybe we should ask for help from the police force, or a Hyuuga.”
Obito dropped his arms, spinning to look at her. “No way! Minato-sensei’s got this! I’m sure!”
“I don’t know Obito, what if something happened to Kakashi? He might be a chuunin, but sensei’s a jounin, what if something happened to him?”
The concern is Rin’s voice was clear, and Obito’s shoulders dropped. “One more hour. Let’s give him one more hour before asking for help from the police force.”
Rin smiled, “Let’s keep looking, too! Maybe Kurenei or Anko have seen him?”
Obito shook his head. “If any of the others have seen him, it’s probably Gai.”
“Let’s go then!”
The blonde turned around just as they reached him, and Obito let himself hope that maybe their teammate had been found and everything was fine.
But Minato only stared at them before sighing, “I don’t suppose you’ve found Kakashi either?”
Rin groaned. “That’s what we were going to ask you!”
Obito felt like laying in a heap on the floor. “We went around asking the other teams but they saw nothing!”
“And when we tried looking for Gai we couldn’t find him either.”
“So we went and told the police force-”
Minato paled. “Wait, what- You told, why-” a deep breath, “Kids, I appreciate it, but there’s no cause for concern yet.”
“But sensei! We ran into Inuzuka Tsume and she couldn’t find a trace of him!”
“Yea!” Obito nodded. “So the police force is looking for any trace to make sure he wasn’t kidnapped or something.”
Minato only shook his head at the ground, murmuring what sounded like ‘falsities’? Then looked up at them and said, “Kushina’s talking to Sakumo-san right now, I’m sure this is just another trait of Kakashi’s, and his father will be able to find him.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure. Little Kakashi has his ways of avoiding even the White Fang when he wants to.” The trio turned at the sign of Orochimaru’s voice, and Minato visibly brightened.
“Could you help us find him?”
“No.” And the sannin walked away. Minato let out a small whine and hung his head, a gloomy aura surrounding him. “I’m doomed,” Obito heard him say, and he winced in sympathy.
“I did it! Rival, I have climbed up and down the monument 10 Times Before the sun sets and- oh.”
Gai fell silent as he took in his friend’s prone form, noting the steady rise and fall of his chest. Kakashi fell asleep.
He huffed, then sat where he was, facing the village.
“The view from up here really is nice, rival.”
Kakashi didn’t answer. When Gai turned to look at him, he noted the clouds had parted, and the sun’s rays were giving Kakashi a rather cozy-looking glow. The rock must be warm, Gai thought, and put his hand down to check. Not scalding, and stone may not be the softest surface, but he could see how his friend would decide this was a good enough place for a nap.
Gai smiled, looking out to the village again. It seemed like there was a lot of foot traffic all of a sudden, maybe everyone had decided to enjoy the afternoon outside?
It certainly was nice for a winter day, even if he still thought Spring was better. Certainly, the view from atop the hokage monument would be all the better once color bloomed back to life all around them!
Gai couldn’t wait for the day!
Sakumo felt like pulling all his hair out.
“I’m terribly sorry for this, sir. We have a team of ours along with some volunteers continuing the search into the night but so far we’ve found no trace.”
“I just want to ask why no one thought to tell me about this earlier?”
Minato’s shoulders hid his ears and Kushina sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.
“I got distracted looking for him myself, ya know?”
“We both know you were with Mikoto.”
“I was with Mikoto.” Kushina hung her head.
Sakumo shook his head and turned to the police officer. “Thank you officer, but I can take it from here. Please call everyone off. My son is fine.”
“With all due respect, Hatake-san, the fact that we haven’t found trace of your son is very concerning and we are required to continue investigating for the good of the village.”
“I understand that, but Kakashi is right behind you so I really don’t think you need to keep looking for him.”
“Daaaad,” Kakashi whined, stomping his foot. “I was going to avoid Minato-sensei! Now that they’ve found me I lost the game!”
“Game? Game??” Minato crouched on the floor. “Kakashi, I gave you an exercise that was supposed to end before lunch.”
Child and teenager stared at each other. Then, “So I won?”
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
96 nanahiko and sakumo
96. "Your voice is so relaxing." | shimurastorino | wc: 583
a/n: WILDCARD!! The Shimuras are now werewolves (and we are talking like, Elder Scrolls Appearance), and Sorahiko isn't one, but he's not gonna lie. He's kinda into it.
Nana surfaces from sleep in slow waves, registering first the presence of a snoozing Sakumo sprawled next to her, then the softness of the bedding, and next the thigh pillowing her face. It is a very familiar thigh. It has gray hairs scattered across the pale skin, and it smells faintly of parfum and menthol: Sorahiko’s body wash.
Over her head, she hears a constant grumbling, the contents of which are about Nana and Sakumo.
“Werewolves. Werewolves. In fucking Japan. Can’t believe it. Well, actually, I guess I can, considering Sakumo’s entire thing, but you?” Gentle fingers comb through her hair. “Almost twenty years knowing you, and what? Now you’re some creature of folklore? Geez…”
She struggles to not smirk, fails, and turns over onto her back. Sorahiko stares down; he frowns in response to Nana’s grin. 
“You just wake up?”
“Yeah,” Nana answers. “Did you have a good night?”
“Not as bad as I thought it would be. It was sort of a shock to see you guys… grow into the werewolves instead of just transforming into a plain wolf. But apparently you’re just as cuddly. So it turned out fine.”
“No bite marks?”
“... Was that a possibility,” Sorahiko says flatly.
When Sakumo first told Nana that there wasn’t any time to go on the mountain retreat, she’d worried. Being among other werewolves during a full moon was immensely helpful when it came to heightened tempers and passions. Not to mention, no one screams about monsters when the only people around are monsters.
But they couldn’t go. Sakumo had landed a last-second case, and the Sky High agency was doing its obligatory time as the ‘cavalry’--that is, Nana and Sorahiko were on-call for other agencies who couldn’t throw their weight against stronger villains.
So the alternative to spending the night running in the woods was to spend it lounging at Sorahiko’s studio.
Nana convinced Sakumo not to spill the beans immediately about their being werewolves; hell, she’s only been blooded into his line for less than a year, only a few months before the wedding. So they told Sorahiko about it being a Quirk effect. Manageable, but better when someone played chaperone.
Last night had been the first of three. She’d like to think that Sorahiko hadn’t been too traumatized about it.
“We wouldn’t eat you,” Nana says, finally, then adds, “even though you’re a treat!”
“What a comfort.” She sticks her tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes and prods her cheek with a chiding finger until Nana retracts it. “Anyways, what’s the hold-up with Sakumo? He’s usually the early bird out of the three of us, and I want breakfast.”
“Hm,” she hums. “It is weird that you’re the first one awake, Sorahiko. Did you get any sleep last night?”
“How could I? Two lazy lumps were smushing the air outta me.”
Affronted, Nana splutters, “‘Lumps’!”
“And heavy ones too,” Sorahiko says. He stretches to scruff Sakumo’s bedhead. “Hey, wake up. How can you still be asleep with all this noise between us?”
A muffled groan vibrates into Nana’s ribs, and then a brief chill elicits goosebumps as Sakumo pulls back. “Your voice is so relaxing, Sorahiko-kun,” he says sleepily. There’s the presence of Sakumo shifting his arm, moving it around Nana to pat Sorahiko’s hip. “Thank you for keeping us safe. Mind doing it two more times?”
“Two more times?” Sorahiko echoes, then catches himself. “Oh. Full moon. Yeah, I’ve got you guys. Don’t worry about it.”
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Not to derail @depressedhatakekakashi‘s post about their OC I’m making my own post instead of reblogging, but if I had one wish that I would change about Naruto it would be a scene, even if tiny, in which Kakashi just gets to be angry at his dad. Just a little. He can forgive Sakumo after. But he deserves the anger first.
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cooliogirl101 · 3 years
From a very young age, Obito's grandmother had cautioned him to guard his heart.
"There is nothing more dangerous than an Uchiha in love," she warned him. "If you're not careful, caring too deeply will destroy you, drive you to madness."
For a five-year-old Obito, all it took to fall in love were three words, coming from a girl with sparkling brown eyes and the brightest smile he'd ever seen.
"Hey, nice goggles!"
Obito, as a general rule, tried to avoid thinking too much about Hatake Kakashi. As far as he was concerned, stupid Bakashi already had too many people thinking about him. It felt like Obito couldn't go five minutes without hearing the whispers of "prodigy" and "genius" and "future-Hokage" trailing Kakashi everywhere he went (and what really stung was that they probably weren't wrong-- what Obito worked at for hours upon hours to accomplish, Kakashi managed in minutes without breaking a sweat).
Obito thought he'd been doing a pretty good job of ignoring Kakashi all things considered, despite the other boy's annoying attitude and annoying hair and annoying voice and annoying mask and annoying everything. He didn't even care (much) about Kakashi's annoyingly large number of fangirls-- up until he noticed that Rin had also started watching him.
He lasted three days before he confronted her about it.
"Why're you watching Kakashi?" Obito blurted out. He'd considered straight up asking her if she had a crush on him-- like half the girls in their class, he thought bitterly-- but had chickened out at the last moment. He wasn't sure what he'd do if the answer was yes--probably something that would land him in detention again.
"He's walking home alone again," Rin said quietly, gaze still fixated on Kakashi's departing figure. "It's been weeks now."
"So?" Obito asked. "He walks home by himself all the time."
Rin shook her head.
"Only when his father's on a mission. Which he might be, I don't know, but given what happened--" Her voice trailed off. Obito didn't need her to complete the sentence, anyway. Everyone in the village knew what had happened on Hatake Sakumo's disastrous mission.
"We're going to follow him," Rin decided. That got Obito's attention.
"What? Why?" He wasn't whining. He wasn't.
"Because something's not right here. And until we figure out what it is, I'd feel better watching over him to make sure he's safe." She glanced at him and grinned. "Besides, this will allow you to practice your stealth skills. And my Henge skills. Think I can make a convincing bush?"
Through some miracle, because Rin did not make a convincing bush-- bushes didn't move for one thing, nor did they have legs-- they managed to follow Kakashi back to the Hatake Compound undetected. The moment the compound came into sight, Rin jolted, her henge dropping away completely.
"Oh," she whispered, eyes widening. Obito swallowed, feeling rather sick to the stomach himself.
The wall of the compound was completely covered by graffiti. Obito clenched his fists, mouth going dry-- there were words on there that would make Obito's grandmother scrub his mouth with soap if he even thought of saying them but worse than that were the words scattered between the cursing and insults:
Your fault
Your fault
Your fault
"Obito." Rin's voice was strangely calm.
"Y-Yeah?" Obito cleared his throat, tearing his gaze away from the Hatake Compound. Kakashi didn't deserve that, he found himself thinking. His dad didn't deserve it either. No one deserved that.
Rin glanced at him, eyes hard.
"Do you think your grandmother would be okay with you sleeping over at my house tonight?"
Obito blinked, then slowly began to smile.
"I think I can convince her."
"Great." Rin folded her arms across her chest. "How are your painting skills?"
Of all the things Sakumo expected to find outside his house in the middle of the night, two kids wearing badly-made face masks painting his wall was not one of them.
"What are you guys doing?" Kakashi demanded, looking like he wasn't sure whether to be angry or confused.
"What does it look like we're doing, Bakashi?" The kid in the orange eye-mask retorted. "Everyone calls you a genius, figure it out."
This night was getting weirder and weirder, Sakumo thought bemusedly to himself.
"You're...vandalizing my house. At two in the morning," Kakashi replied. It looked like the confusion was winning out over the anger.
"It's not vandalism if it's done with good intentions," the girl in the purple eye mask said primly. Sakumo resisted the urge to rub at his eyes.
"Friends of yours, Kakashi?" Sakumo asked, and received an immediate flurry of responses.
"No, I hardly even know them, they're just some kids from my class--"
"Friends with Bakashi? No way, I--"
"Not yet at least."
Sakumo let them talk over each other, gaze drifting back over to the half-completed paint job. They'd...done a surprisingly good job, actually. He could barely see the words underneath anymore.
He held up a hand, causing all three kids to go quiet.
"Why?" He asked finally, addressing the two kids who apparently weren't friends with Kakashi and yet had gone to the trouble to do all...this.
"Why not?" the boy said defiantly, jutting his chin up. "We felt like it and your wall is messed up, so we're painting it to look better."
The girl remained silent for a beat longer, before turning to look him in the eye.
"Because you deserve better," she said. Sakumo's mouth twisted.
"I'm not sure I do," he murmured, almost inaudibly. He blinked as the girl suddenly narrowed her eyes, brandishing her paintbrush at him like a kunai.
"Don't say that," she hissed, glaring fiercely at him "Don't you dare say that! The first thing they teach us in the Academy is that your teammates always, always come first. You acted according to that and the fact that people are treating you like a monster for it is wrong."
"It's not that simple--"
"It's not your fault that Konoha is on the brink of war,” she interrupted sharply. "If you didn't trigger it, someone else would have. You don't teach five year olds wartime tactics if you're not expecting...if you're not preparing for a war. People don't want to admit that, so they look for someone to blame-- but that's their problem, not yours."
She turned around, re-coating her brush with paint.
"I can't make you believe me, Hatake-san. But what I can do is cover up this wall of yours. At the very least, Kakashi-kun doesn't deserve to look at this every day."
At that, Kakashi straightened up, scowling at her. If his glare seemed rather halfhearted, no one pointed it out.
"I don't need you to do it, I can do it myself," he grumbled.
"Great," the girl said without missing a beat. "While you're here, you can settle a debate between me and Obito-- hypothetically speaking, would you prefer snakes painted on the wall or dragons?"
"C'mon Rin, dragons are so much cooler, what kind of person would prefer snakes--"
"Obito, neither of us can even draw a dragon and besides, they summon snakes--"
"What? No we don't! We summon dogs!"
"Oh. Really? But your dad is called the White Fang. That wasn't a reference to snake fangs?"
"Huh. Who summons snakes then? Someone summons snakes."
"Forget the snakes, is there a dragon contract I can sign?"
"They'd take one look at you and eat you, dead last."
"Shut up, Bakashi!"
Sakumo felt his lips twitch. He turned around to walk back inside, feeling lighter than he had in weeks.
And to think, he'd been worried about Kakashi making friends.
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95jezzica · 2 years
TimeTraveling Thoughts
If I had more time I would write fanfiction(s) with this concept, but I think a missed opportunity many “Kakashi Time-Travels” fanfictions skip is the fact Kakashi has canon knowledge of Fūinjutsu. It’s part of why he was choosen as Naruto’s teacher, on top of the fact that he was “the only person in the village with Sharingan” at the time. (Since Sasuke was still counted as un-awoken at the time).
The biggest issue for Kakashi early on in the series was his depression and lack of chakra.
Now, assuming time-travel, Kakashi would already have the knowledge of his Mangekyō Sharingan, Obito and also have worked through his depression - but not have nearly enough or power to back up a spamming of Kamui. The Naruto series is kind of muddy about how you gain more chakra, but in general the fandom seems to mostly agree it’s a bit of a combination between growth/maturing as well as physical training and training mental abilities.
However, the “easiest”/quickest way to gain more chakra would obviously be to become a Jinchūriki. It’s not an ideal solution given their reputation at the time, and obviously the logic of how Kakashi gains a tailed beast depends a lot on how far you have him travel back in time, but if it should happen I say the likeliest candidates would be Minato’s half of Kuruma (instead of Minato getting it), or Isobu/the sanbi.
[ Sadly there’s no lightning beast, so ironically enough I think Matabi/Nibí or Kokuõ/Gobí would have been the best fit, but they’re busy sooooo... ] 
Either way, IF Kakashi became a Jinchūriki the smart thing would probably be to try and keep it as secret as possible, and just tell Naruto later on when the time is right.
Another option for more chakra would be that Kakashi gets to start actively training for more chakra early/earlier on, instead of spending YEARS in the Anbu. Honestly, after getting Yamato out it’d be great if Kakashi just excused them both and went on a Training Camp Year to get away from Danzo as well.
Kakashi was only 14y old at the time Minato and Kushina died - there’s no chance he’d be allowed to adopt Naruto. So, imagine if Kakashi at least got to spend 1-2 year(s) travelling and training with Jiraiya/Tsunade? Even before the sharingan Kakashi was/is canonly a genius with perfect chakra control, and his dad Sakumo canonly rivaled the Sannin in strength. Who knows? Perhaps Kakashi would even be able to convince Jiraiya and/or Tsunade to get their acts together and show up (earlier) for Naruto.
Seriously though. Imagine what knowledge/strength Kakashi could gain if he got the same opportunity as his Team 7 later gets? Actually getting to train under a Sannin for 1-2 year(s)? Add that to the knowledge Kakashi already has from his time-traveling and he’d be Terrifyingly strong by the end of it. With power comes influence. With influence comes further power. Kakashi could easily grow to Sannin level of strength and influence by the time he hits 20y old with those conditions. In a time-travelling scenario Kakashi would (hopefully) not spiral into a destructive grief-fueled depression after Minato’s death either, so he’d be able to focus on getting away from the village and train for a while.
Training with Jiraiya might be necessary in order for Kakashi to learn more Fūinjutsu - but given Kakashi’s status as a genius, self-studies in that area would absolutely be valid as well. [ Besides, I feel like getting Yamato to Senju Tsunade would benefit them all. Tsunade was still afraid of blood at that point in time, but she would still be able to teach Kakashi and Yamato a lot of useful stuff. Kakashi has perfect chakra control just like Sakura too, so who knows, he could perhaps even learn some basic healing.]
Additionally, a time-traveling Kakashi would likely be a MUCH more stable teacher in general. Kakashi was not doing well mentally when he originally got Team 7, but they helped him. In a time-traveling scenario he would already BE better, and would thus be able to help them better from the start. The fact that Kakashi would actually have some teacher-experience in a time-travelling scenario absolutely helps as well.
Kakashi’s knowledge in Fūinjutsu would potentially also allow him to help Naruto build a relationship with Kuruma earlier, his new chakra building-exercises would strengthen Sakura from the start, and well... Assuming Sasuke isn’t the only Uchiha in this time-line because Kakashi managed to in-directly or directly stop the massacre, Sasuke hopefully wouldn’t need as much emotional support. Or, in case Sasuke is still the last Uchiha in the village, Kakashi would be more ready and experienced on how to help him.
[ In Sakura’s case I just say generally strengthen her, because I really don’t want to take away Sakura’s training with Tsunade either. Maybe Kakashi can teach Sakura some genjutsu like he originally intended and/or generally strengthen her taijutsu, which would still leave Sakura’s training in healing and chakra-punching to Tsunade. ]
For Naruto, imagine if Kakashi teaches Naruto something like Air Bullets? Not necessarily a strong jutsu, but it’s mid-/long-ranged and would be AMAZING in combination with Naruto’s shadow clones - and if nothing else it’d at least give Naruto something else to fire off than Rasengan.
Not entirely sure about what Extra Thing that Kakashi would teach Sasuke, but some extra emotional support would likely do wonders no matter if what the Uchiha situation is like.
Anyway, this is turning long and it’s 3:40am, but here’s some random thoughts about time-traveling for Kakashi. Also, Kakashi should get to kill Danzo. As a treat.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 1 month
Sakumo Hatake getting rejected from his crush but he doesn't take no for an answer
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tw: noncon, stalking, yandere, breeding, age difference, power imbalance, domestication, semi-public sex
All characters depicted are 18+
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Sakumo Hatake has had some especially bad luck as of late. His wife had died very recently, leaving him to raise their two year old son alone, his missions have been getting more stressful too, but luckily the White Fang has found a silver lining to all of this; a cute civilian girl that has caught his eye.
She's a cute little thing, much younger than him and his late wife, but still old enough. Sakumo has made a habit out of watching her from afar around the village, for her own safety of course, and he's reached the conclusion that she's perfect for him, she's young, innocent, kind, just the perfect wife and mother for his needs.
Being a revered shinobi among the people of the Hidden Leaf Village, Sakumo feels rather confident in his ability to woo her, so he'll ask her out directly, letting it slip that he's been watching her for quite some time without her knowing. She is very unnerved by the revelation from the man old enough to be her father, so she understandably rejects him, and Sakumo doesn't like that one bit.
He tries to convince her that being with an acclaimed ninja like himself would be good for her, but no dice. Never being one to let things go easily, Sakumo decides that now he has no choice left but to take matters into his own hands.
"Don't move... This will feel good for both of us. Maybe you'll finally stop being shy and realize your feelings for me after I fill you up..."
He'll clamp a gloved hand over her mouth in the alleyway, telling her to be quiet lest someone hear them. He's one of the most respected ninja in the village, so nobody would believe her if she claimed he assaulted her, if anyone saw what was happening, they'd assume she was just being a needy slut for the White Fang.
Sakumo isn't too rough with his delicate little housewife to be, buy he's certainly forceful, bullying his cock inside of her until it's hitting her perfectly fertile womb with every thrust, the sensation making her whine and whimper into his hand as he claims what's rightfully his.
His thrusts will speed up slightly when he imagines knocking her up, making her round with his second child and giving Kakashi a sibling, the mere thought triggers the wolfish primal instinct to breed deep within him, and she is the perfect receptacle for these dark urges of his.
He'll be sure to fill her up thoroughly before he's done with her, gently pulling out of her while informing her of some great news; she's the newest member of his family and clan, whether she likes it or not.
"Atta girl, that wasn't so bad was it? You're just perfect for me, and I know you'll be the perfect mother that my little son needs..."
Sakumo is finally content now, he has a much cuter and much younger wife to replace his dearly departed one, Kakashi has a much needed mother figure, and the Hatake clan is about to gain a new member in just nine short months.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Ray. I'm so sorry for bothering you so much but like... I need to get my messy head straight and you're a safe space to do it so!
I have started gathering notes for my timeline, I'm comparing two timelines and I've decided to take what I like and adjust/rearrange accordingly. But I have yet to get to the actual rearranging stage— I haven't even gotten to the First Shinobi World War in the note-taking department. Ray. Ray. The discrepancies. There's so much. How can two timelines of a single franchise be this different? I'm sobbing. I've been at it for the whole morning. So imma take a break by daydreaming vaguely about the AU instead.
I'm not gonna go the Moon Alien™ route, I've decided. There will be Kami, though. Haven't figured out the exact stuff yet.
I've decided Kushina was sent before Uzushio fell— and that Uzushio fell when she was stuck in Konoha.
She'd still be in the Uzushio Academy when her special chakra (whatever that means) was discovered.
Hoshiori would've been her teacher in the Academy, and when a small and scared and confused Kushina came to him for comfort (since nobody is telling her anything and she only knows that she's being shipped off to Konoha for apparently no reason at all) Hoshiori begs the Clan Elders and Uzukage to send him there instead.
There is resistance, of course, because well they all know Konoha wants a weapon it can use, war is waging (or looming on the horizon, timeline fuckery) and sealing the beast into an adult might give rise to... complications. It's better to start young, to acclimate the vessel to the beast. Konoha might not agree and instead just demand Kushina instead.
It doesn't help that Hoshiori fought for his freedom to not be sent to Konoha when he was younger.
He didn't want to be caged up, never to set foot outside of Konoha again, never to see Uzushio again.
He didn't want to be the cause of his grandmother's death, too.
So why is he willingly walking into it now, after kicking and screaming and opposing it so strongly before?
The answer is that he loves Uzushio, loves its inhabitants, loves his students. The sight of his student, crying and shaken, is engraved in his mind. He can't, won't, let this fate he knows will be miserable befall her.
Not when the burden was his to bear in the first place.
Eventually they agree, but there's a catch: he won't be sent there alone, Kushina will be accompanying him. It is up to him to convince Konoha that he's a more suitable jinchuuriki than Kushina. If he doesn't succeed in convincing them, or if his chakra system is messed up and crippled after sealing the Kyuubi in him, Kushina will be the next vessel instead.
Hoshiori agrees to the terms. Kushina still doesn't know, but is reassured when Hoshiori promises she'll get to go home in no time at all.
They arrive at Konoha, and Hiruzen agrees to Hoshiori's request— though Hoshiori has a time limit. He starts working with Orochimaru (and maybe Jiraiya if the guy's present) on a solution. Uzushio probably falls during this time, or during the time spent recuperating and adjusting to Kurama.
The Uzumaki clan has been whittled down to just Kushina and Hoshiori. They aren't rich, not really compared to Konoha's other clans, though they did inherit Mito's possessions. They don't have a large compound. I'm not sure where this is leading— if they'd have a prominent voice in the clan councils or not— but well, it's something. It'll lead to something, I'm sure.
I've been thinking about this AU's endgame, and well...
Hoshiori willingly gave up his freedom (and happiness as he knew it) to protect one of Uzushio's children. It probably would be satisfying for him to be rewarded for his sacrifice by being set free in the end— to be reunited with the ocean again. So as much as Hokage!Oro or Hokage!Sakumo or Hokage!Hoshi would be dope as hell his ending would probably lead to rebuilding Uzushio, or raising a new village in place of Uzushio.
While I'd love to share some stuff I found (and also ramble on about this) the ask is getting very long so I'll end it here jkshfjkdbfud
Have a nice day, Ray!
You're no bother darling and it sounds like you're having an entire Time trying to figure out this ramen noodle time line of ours.
You got this though and we're all eager to see what you end up doing.
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natsuzoku · 2 years
disgrace, especially one wrought by strong public condemnation.
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TW: blood, suicide, death
A repost from my old blog. I remember how I was feeling when I wrote this, and reliving it is an experience.
Spoiler warning for Kakashi's past.
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He’s dead.
He’s actually dead.
Gone- and he won’t come back.
And it’s all my fault.
Kakashi’s mind played these thoughts on loop. The ominous words racing through his head, over and over again, as his small five-year old body trembled at the sheer effort of trying to grasp the gravity of the scene that lay in front of him.
The White Fang of the Leaf lay sprawled on the floor of his house in a pool of crimson. Hatake Sakumo, the man Kakashi took pride in calling his father, lay dead - killed by his own hand.
I should have seen it. I should have seen the signs. They were there, staring at me in the face and I brushed them away.
It’s all my fault.
Kakashi’s hands fell limp by his side. There was nothing he wanted to do more than to run, run as fast as his little legs would take him. Run into his father’s arms and bask in his calm, earthy scent. He wanted nothing more than to be convinced that this was all a bad dream, a mere figment of his imagination.
That was what he wanted.
That was not what he got.
With a rising panic, he realized that the floorboards had caught him in a death grip, unwilling to let him move a muscle. Gone was any trace of that warm, familiar smell. Kakashi was forced to inhale the stench of blood, his father’s blood, that seeped through the air. It seemed like a cruel way to entrench him in his reality.
A reality where his father would continue to exist, but only as a memory.
I could have stopped this from happening.
It’s all my fault.
The passage of time was a blur to the young boy. He could barely register the whispers of the people who started to mill around him. He could barely feel the presence of the Hokage, who offered his measured condolences to him. He could barely comprehend the story of his near future.
After all, how could a five year old know what it felt like to lose a loved one? How would he know how it felt like to be abandoned and left to fend for himself?
How, pray tell me how would a five year old know what it felt like to have no one left to love- no one to come home to?
No matter. If he didn’t know now, he will surely know it soon. His village will make sure of that.
Unbeknownst to Kakashi, he would lose a part of himself the day his father was lowered into the ground. The day he would realize exactly how much of a disgrace his father was to Konoha. The day he would decide that he wouldn’t make the same mistakes his father made. The day that Kakashi would resolve that rules shaped his life here on out.
And he would stay this way until many years later, when a young, hot-blooded Uchiha boy would utter a few words. A few important words that would change Kakashi’s life completely and initiate the slow and painful process of healing his heart.
I think the White Fang was a true hero.
Hatake Sakumo was dead. The official cause of death: suicide.
But there probably would come a day when Kakashi would realize that it was not suicide that robbed him of his father.
It was murder.
It was all those malicious whispers, the disgusted faces, and the cold indifference to how valuable a life was- it was the heartless Shinobi ideology that took a life that night.
Hatake Sakumo was murdered in cold blood. And the culprit?
It is ironic that the very people the White Fang swore to protect would be the reason he thought that it would be the right thing to leave his son. It seems so unfair, but unfortunately, life has had the reputation of never being a fair player. It just takes and takes.
But the silver haired five year old couldn’t possibly know all this.
At that moment, all that Kakashi could wrap his head around was a sinking feeling. A feeling of immense guilt. A feeling of immense responsibility.
A feeling that he was all alone.
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the last time he felt that way.
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kakashidaydreamer · 3 years
A shelter for young Kakashi #Part 2
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-> Part 1
"Good evening Teuchi. I'll have a big bowl of shoyu-ramen with an egg please. And kiddo, what would you like?"
Kakashi hopped on the chair next to me. "A bowl of miso-ramen, please."
"Y/n, long time no see. Glad to see you're doing well. I'll finish your ramen right away, of course." Teuchi always radiated that down-to-earth calm, and it was good to see an honest and friendly face here in Konoha.
The little gray-haired boy, on the other hand, was now sitting quietly next to me again, staring at his interlocked fingers.
"You can't remember Kakashi, but actually you and I have even met before."
Frowning, the little boy looked up at me.
"I used to babysit you a few times when your father was on a mission. But you weren't two years old then. So you probably won't remember that."
But the memory made me smile. Little Kakashi lying quietly in my arms and how soothing his steady breathing was for me when he slept.
Now the little one stared at me in detail and tried to remember it probably in vain.
"No, I don't remember that."
He put his hand to his chin, brooding. "Nor would I know if my father had ever mentioned your name to me before."
"I'm not surprised. I haven't been back here in Konoha for over three years."
With a friendly smile and two delicious smelling ramen, Teuchi briefly interrupted us to serve our food. I joyfully rubbed my hands together and thanked him for the good meal. For a while it remained silent, only the clattering of our bowls and slurping noodles could be heard. Until I sat back contentedly and put my hands to my stomach.
"That was delicious. Thank you Teuchi." Satisfied, the chef beamed at me. Then I turned back to little Kakashi.
"I hope you enjoyed my apology."
Satisfied, he nodded. "Thank you y/n."
He had definitely learned his politeness from his father. It's just the indifferent bitter old man that I'll have to get out of the boy somehow.
"Well, let's get you home safely."
I paid the bill and ignored Kakashi's eye roll at my offer to take him home. Leisurely, we made our way.
"Don't worry, of course I believe you can get home safely on your own, but it's much nicer with two of us."
Once again no convincing responce came, but at least the little one seemed to trust me a little bit.
Surprisingly, he now also asked a question. "Why haven't you been to Konoha for so long?"
"I was training." He stopped short and looked at me in irritation. "For three whole years?"
"Sure, I was in the realm of the thunder wolves. For that, you have to know that I used to be not a very patient person and quite restless, unfortunately, so I spent the first year almost exclusively meditating until the pack was ready to take me in and train me."
Slightly flushed, I rubbed the back of my head.
"Your father had always admonished me back then for being far too hyperactive and lost in thought." In my mind, I corrected my sentence. I was Sakumo's little bird. Always flapping wildly and with my head in the clouds. The memory tugged at my heart and I had to shake it off quickly before Kakashi could have noticed anything about it. Fortunately, he also interrupted me with a question and I tried to focus my thoughts on it.
"What are thunder wolves?"
"They're big, strong, and exceedingly intelligent wolves. I'd be happy to introduce you to one sometime, if you do decide to train with me for a round." I winked at him and could hardly stifle my amused laughter. But he countered glibly:
"At your lame learning pace, I'll definitely be able to keep up easily."
He crossed his arms behind his head and walked on, unimpressed.
Once again, his words felt like a mental slap in the face, but he didn't give me a no, so it was still like a small victory for me.
"Ok, if I'm that lame, let's see who can get to your house faster." I immediately started running.
"What, hey wait that's unfair!"
It took me some time to continue the Story but: Thank you @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored for your Encouragment 😊
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Okay but Sakura having Kakashi's ninkens as summon is such a amazing idea! Could you make more hc/plot points about it??
Sakura would be so hesitent at first because she can’t really think of a reason they would be a good match for her, but Kakashi convinces her to give it a try. He’ll summon them and she’ll work with them and see if there’s a bond
There is
Sakura works so well with the hounds. They may not be genjutsu focused but they bond well with her earth nature (when Kakashi uses jutsu’s that include the hounds they’re earth style) and they’re fiercly loyal and protective
She decides after two hours that they’re the perfect summons for her
Now i have this headcannon that every hound summoner gets their own hound. One that no other summoner before them has. For Kakashi that’s Pakkun. Sakumo had Akino, etc. Sakura tries out the summon for the first time and instead of one of the eight dogs she knows really well she is greeted with a Sakhalin Husky.
A big dog ready to go and so excited to introduce itself to her. It’s delightful, she loves it. As such, she actually doesn’t get access to Pakkun who has only ever been Kakashi’s hound and would prefer for it to stay that way, but she does get the other seven hounds alongside her new cutie.
Her and her husky bond extremely well. The both of them are very hard headed and brash but incredibly smart. It doesn’t take them long at all to figure out how to work together and Kakashi is watching the entire process like a damn proud Sensei.
Training with the hounds also helps Sakura improve her speed a lot because they are fast buggers and they do not go easy on her at all. Kakashi gives her a training excersis to catch one during one of their first session’s without the boys and this poor girl ends up face first in the dirt with aero captured hounds. It’s pathetic but she’s determined to get better and rectify this situation as soon as she can move again.
She loves to tease Pakkun whenever she see’s him. Bugs him about not thinking she’s good enough for her, and then as she gets to know him and understand his bond with Kakashi she begins teasing him for being a sucker for her weirdo of a Sensei.
During the Kazekage rescue arc it’s Sakura who summons the hounds to track Sasori and Naruto just about falls over when she does it. He was not expecting her to have gotten a summon, let alone their Sensei’s summon. It feels a bit like favoritism but he’s not complaining (much)
Her new dog also works with her to learn new Jutsu’s that she can use with the hounds, teaching her how to summon them to track an enemy using their blood (as Kakashi does using his own blood to track down Zabuza). She even learns the technique Kakashi used on Sasuke in the first bell test to bury him under ground, from her hound. She tries to use it against Kakashi but he avoids her and the humiliation. Her first successful use of that move is against sasori and he’s SO MAD about it but the hounds are damn proud
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
The Tsunade & Sakumo Recovery Fic
Yet another bulletpoint fic concept that may never get written for real, let’s go. Warnings for explorations of mental illness and other dark themes from canon.
Exploration of recovery, Tsunade-focus, builds on friendships with the Sannin and Sakumo
Inciting incident: someone makes a bet with Tsunade where the wager results in her having to take a shot at grief counseling in good faith
She ends up spending a lot of time at the Hatake compound because Sakumo lost his wife a few years earlier, and he's doing better than Tsunade is but he GETS it in ways that Jiraiya and Oro don't. We’ll say this starts when Kakashi is three or four years old, and that momma Hatake died in childbirth, so Sakumo’s had some time to adjust but hasn’t run the mission that was the Archduke Ferdinand of the Third Shinobi War
Ducks into topics like withdrawal, probably, because Tsunade decides she needs to Be Better for Shizune and that means cutting back.
Later goes into mutual support when Sakumo's reputation goes into a tailspin and Tsunade has to drag him out of depression the way he did her, except they're BOTH fucked up and Tsunade has to tell him to send a summons to get Jiraiya and Oro, because she doesn't think they should be alone right now, ESPECIALLY when Kakashi and Shizune are there.
Sakumo tries to convince Tsunade to get a dog, or even a cat (ugh), because pets are helpful for mental health! A week later she's like "yeah, I let Shizune pick, we have a pig now."
Sakumo isn't JUDGING her for not getting a dog, except for the part where he totally is
Sakumo mentions feeling suicidal one night after both adults have gotten into the sake and Tsunade just PANICS. She ends up basically scream-crying and sending for her idiots because she can't DO this and someone has to save Sakumo from himself.
It also circles into Orochimaru not getting drawn into Bullshit because he's still tethered to people who care about him as a person and would judge him for human experimentation, even on supposed orders
Too busy taking care of Friends who haven't left the village (in this timeline) to recreate Mokuton for you, Danzo-sama
I like the idea that like... Tsunade has a six-year-old. Sakumo has a four-year-old. Orochimaru probably didn't get Anko until a few years later, unfortunately, but Jiraiya! Jiraiya has a student in his mid-teens to throw at the kids as a babysitter when the adults are trying to pull themselves together
I just. I love the idea of Tsunade having been pulled out of a spiral by Sakumo enough times that she realizes when the two of them are both getting bad enough that they need external support. Like, 'knowing you need help' is step one, and she's been doing this 'trying to get better' thing long enough by that point to realize it before Sakumo does.
And then Orochimaru and Jiraiya show up, because they're still mostly-decent people, for shinobi, to pick up the pieces and ply them with water and make sure someone is looking after the kids so they don't have to see their parent/guardian in such a state.
Jiraiya is very confused about how he ended up the most well-adjusted He's a mess? He's always been a mess? His hobby is writing questionable literature? Sakumo's a hero and Tsunade's a genius and Jiraiya thought Oro was doing well but apparently not and now Jiraiya's just. Scratching his head and turning to Minato like "How the hell do I fix This?"
Fun to consider is that Tenzou somehow STILL ends up with Mokuton, completely unrelated to Orochimaru (we’ll say it was nascent in canon and the experiments just brought it out, doesn’t matter), and nobody knows what to do with him until they turn around, and he’s gone, and everyone panics but then it turns out he just went to hide outside where there weren’t shouty people and got ‘kidnapped’ by other kids.
Kakashi and Shizune and Gai and Anko came across this small child and went “Hm. He looks panic-y, and the adults aren’t helping. So! We Help!”
They make him hold Pakkun and all cheer when he smiles.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Why do you think Kakashi never married or had a kid or given a “traditionally” good life in general by the creators like the rest of the Naruto main cast?
I like to think that Kakashi would have been a great father because of his own early relationship with his father, and what he felt he missed due to Sakumo’s s-word and fall from Shinobi grace.
He would have been better husband and father than Naruto and Sasuke. He seems like the type that would pay attention and dedicate a lot of time to his family/kids just as Sakumo did with a younger Kakashi when he was alive.
Thanks for the ask, Anon.
Why do you think Kakashi never married or had a kid or given a “traditionally” good life in general by the creators like the rest of the Naruto main cast?
I don't know what do you mean by 'traditionally' means, Anon?
You mean, finding a girl and having kids ???
Why would he do that???
He never had any romantic interaction with any Girl in the Manga.
His Team 7 got that "traditional" good life... And look at their pathetic situation.
I saw a post that said, at the end of Chapter 700, Everyone was next to their wedded partners and kids except Kakashi who was seen sitting next to Might Guy. [Because, I will never open/see/read that idiotic chapter 700 in my life].
Plus, Kakashi at the end of the war was heavily traumatic. He lost his Best Friend Obito, died protecting him and sacrificing his Sharingan in the Third Shinobi World War. He saw his Best Friend again, whom he thought was dead for 16 years as a Main Villain along with Madara instigating the Fourth Shinobi World War and created a mental trauma for Kakashi. Then Obito was reformed by Naruto and then fought together.
Again Obito was dead before his eyes. But this time for real.
Even to write this, I feel traumatic. Imagine how Kakashi would've felt.
Added to that he was handed over a big position of 'The Sixth Hokage' right after the war. He pretty much cleaned up the mess created by Madara and Kaguya, made Naruto's job much easier to take over.
This man has seen enough.
All he needs is someone who can heal his Traumatic heart. That person is Might Guy, the only person who knows Kakashi like his back of the hand and supports him no matter what.
I've seen a small clip in Boruto Anime where Kakashi was seen with Might Guy travelling with a little girl named Mirai (daughter of Asuma and Kurenai) for some mission and having the best time of his life in Boruto.
Again, I am not shipping them. [Even though shipping them would make sense]
So, why spoil Kakashi's mood by having pesky kids and annoying Wife???
I like to think that Kakashi would have been a great father because of his own early relationship with his father, and what he felt he missed due to Sakumo’s s-word and fall from Shinobi grace.
I am not sure whether he would be a good father, Anon.
Look at how he handled Team 7. One of the fucked up dysfunctional team I've seen in the series.
He never could convince Sasuke to stay in the village. He never advised Sakura to move on from Sasuke. As for Naruto, Kakashi completely ignored him during Chunin Exam's training period. He focused only on Sasuke to teach him Chidori.
He pretty much failed every team member at different point.
So, I don't think he would make a great father especially after the Fourth Shinobi World War.
I think currently, in Boruto series, he is living peacefully catching fishes and stuffs after participating in Two Shinobi World Wars.
Why spoil that????
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