#child!kakashi & y/n
obitos-whore · 5 months
How the Naruto men react to their crush kissing their cheek as a "thank you". (Kakashi, Obito, Gaara, Kankuro, Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara)
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Lets out a soft "Eh??" sound and quickly turns his head towards you, his eyes widened in shock
Thanks to his mask, you can't really see his cheeks heating up and turning cherry red (at least that's what he's thinking)
Will try his best to keep his composure but fails and just shifts his weight awkwardly from one foot to the other
His touch starved mind is a complete mess and can't seem to make sense of your sudden action
Will think about the kiss nonstop and touch his cheek every now and then when you're not around
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Obito.exe has stopped working
Obito's face turns bright red instantly and he immediately begins to stammer like a flustered schoolboy
"Wha-what was that for???"
Tries to somehow not be awkward and accidentally ends up acting even more awkward, much to your amusement
When he is all by himself, he will giggle to himself and will walk around with the goofiest and brightest grin
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His eyes widen instantly and he stares at you completely dumbfounded and with a light shade of pink on his face
"What... was that for, Y/n?"
Can feel his heart racing and fears it might burst out of his chest any second
Congrats, you just made him fall in love with you even more
Afterwards he looks longingly at your lips ever so often, imagining how it would feel to kiss them
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Shy boy
Tries to act tough but fails miserably
He doesn't want to look like a total idiot in front of you, but he can't really stop himself from blushing. And his face painting does absolutely nothing to cover it
Attempts to communicate with you in coherent sentences, without stumbling over his words and thinks he got it (he doesn't)
If Temari was there to witness it, she will never stop teasing him about his 'amazing' performance
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Grins like a total goofball and playfully offers you his other cheek as well
"You missed a spot, sweetcheeks."
On the outside he's completely chill about it, but mentally he's kicking his feet and giggling like a child in a candy store
Will take this as an invitation to flirt with you and may or may not give you a peck in return (he will)
Brags about this to Itachi
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Completely lost when your lips touch his cheek
"You kissed me." He states in a matter of fact tone while keeping a cool exterior
He may look unbothered by it on the outside, but on the inside he feels all fuzzy and tingly damn butterflies
Has to resist the urge to just kiss you back
Although he doesn't want to get his hopes up too high, he suspects that you might like him more than a friend. At least a little bit
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Instantly pulls away and stares at you like a deer in headlights before regaining his composure and crossing his arms in front of his chest
Pretends he finds it annoying, but secretly likes it
Literally fighting for his life to keep his cheeks from being anything but a healthy peach colour
Can't stop thinking about it and wonders why you would kiss his cheek in the first place if a simple "Thank you" would've sufficed
Ends up doing you more favours, hoping you'll kiss him again
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Lets out a soft grunt with his arms crossed
Tries so hard to not show any sort of reaction but ends up smirking before reaching out, grabbing your chin and kissing you back right at your mouth
"That's how you give a proper kiss, dear."
Basking in your flustered reaction and enjoying every second of it
Gives you another smirk before he walks off casually as if he didn't just steal your lips virginity
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detectivestucks · 7 months
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Yandere Tobi/Obito x F!Reader
Summery: Obito found you paying your respects to his memorial and an obsession with his first love's best friend blossoms. Soon he finds that he will do anything and everything to protect you, his delicate peach.
Warnings: Stalking, Violence, Kidnapping, Fingering, Nipple play, Unprotected Penetration, Virgin Reader, implied threat of suicide.
Word Count: 9.7k
Author's note: Yes, I know the timeline is a bit altered, it was a creative decision. Deal with it. :)
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Itachi and Kisame remove their hats as they return to the hideout looking slightly worn out, presumably from battle. They had just finished scoping out the Leaf in search of the nine tails jinchuriki and Itachi’s little brother, Sasuke.
“Did everything go okay?” Pain asked
“Yes, we ran into my former captain.”
“Itachi had it covered but the copy ninja's annoying boyfriend started attacking and then some shinobi we couldn’t see sent shockwaves into the ground that sparked a small tsunami.”
“It was at that point we thought it best to retreat. We know the jinchuriki is still located inside the village. There was no need for further engagement.”
Obito felt his chest constrict. Shockwaves...he knew that jutsu. That was the trademark of Rin’s best friend. That was a jutsu unique to you. But you had left the village a long time ago. When had you come back? 
Itachi being the only one among them who knew Tobi’s identity, quickly noticed the shift in Obito’s stance. The rest of the group, completely oblivious to the insignificant comic relief, did not notice as Obito exited the room and hurried towards the village. 
Rather than scouring the Leaf hunting for you, he waited at the one spot he knew you’d come, the memorial yard. Sure enough it only took one evening to catch you bringing lilies to your best friend’s grave. Obito cried with you as you shed tears for your friend but then you did something he didn’t expect, you stopped at the memorial stone to pay your respects to him. 
“Obito, I wish you knew how much I cared for you. You didn’t deserve what you got. You were too good for this world.” You dragged your fingertips along his name, tears streaming down your cheeks as you remembered the boy you loved as a child.
You…cared for him? He was… too good?
Obito felt a pang in his chest. You were just like her. So kind and sweet. Always seeing the best in people. Even poor retches like him. He wanted to thank you but he didn’t want to scare you.  Instead he let curiosity get the better of him and followed you home. He watched you through the window as you did your nighttime routine. Seeing you at peace alone in your home brought him contentment. He  snuck up to the window’s sill to catch a closer view as you got into bed and drifted to sleep. It brought him comfort to see you rest and he took that comfort with him as he finally returned to the hideout.
The next day, plans for tracking the other tailed beasts including the three tails had Obito feeling emotional. Itachi caught how stiff ‘Tobi’ stood during the conversation and soon after caught him leaving the hideout to go see you. He found you at the training grounds running drills with Kakashi’s team.
“Y/N-sensei, I wanna learn a new jutsu!”
“Now Naruto, I am under direct orders from Kakashi to work on chakra control drills with you three. A new jutsu will be no good if you don’t have a way to command the chakra to execute it.”
“When will Kakashi-sensei be better?”
“He’ll be better soon Sakura, don’t you worry.”
Obito sat in the trees watching you for a few hours until the jinchuriki kid was done pestering you. He was such a nuisance but you didn’t lose your patience even a little. The same could not be said about his teammates which seemed to only bring you amusement. When you were done you walked over to the memorial stone and gave your gratitude to your fallen comrades before heading home. 
You were so much like her. Beautiful and sweet as a peach. The way you cared for and nurtured others, it took a hold of his heart. He could watch you all day and never get bored. You were his light in the darkness of the Akatsuki. 
The next day he went out with his partner on their mission. While Deidara requested alone time so he didn’t need to suffer Tobi’s presence, Obito used kamui to visit you. Carefully watching from a distance till you fall asleep. Just like he did every time he visits you. Following the same ritual as before. He’d enter your home and play with your hair, stroking it as you slept. Some nights he would lay with you and breathe in your scent while you were none the wiser. It was in these moments that he knew he needed to protect you. His delicate little peach. No one in this cruel world would bruise you. He would make sure of it.
One evening while you were paying your respects to your friends, a jonin he didn’t recognize approached you. The man brushed your hip and backside and you pulled away as he asked you on a date. The audacity of the man to think of romance while you were mourning your lost comrades. You had told him no and he left but something told Obito it wasn’t over. This was clearly a man who needed to be stopped. 
The next day the man came to you again and held your hips while he asked to take you on a date, a little more forcefully than before. You had declined his request once more and politely pushed his hands off of you before turning to walk away. He had called out to you but before he could say anything further Obito had dragged the man into his void. The shinobi looked around bewildered. Obito growled at him from behind his mask.
“The lady said no” 
“Where the fuck am I?!”  
“A place no one can hear you scream so don’t give me a reason to bring you back here.” If the man could see Obito’s face behind the mask he surely would’ve wet himself. But instead in a facade of bravery he hurls insults at Obito
“A fuckin coward relies on tricks. Be a man and show me your face.”
“My face is none of your business, as for tricks, I have none, just superior prowess.” Obito makes his voice thick and deep, tapping into Madara’s tone of intimidation. “If I see you bother her again it will be the last time you speak.”
His facade is broken and his throat bobs as he swallows his pride. “Fine, no pussy’s worth a fuckin death threat.”
“Good, now that we understand each other, you may go.”
Obito materializes the man back in the village while he teleports himself over to the tree outside of your home. He spots you walk up to your door and head inside. He yearned to be the one greeting you, welcoming you home,  rather than outside in a tree. You should come home to his loving face, not a room of darkness. 
Instead he waits till you are sound asleep to touch your hips where the other man had touched them. He replaced the man’s predatory touch with his loving one. You rolled into him, your subconscious nestling into his presence. He held you, almost falling asleep from your intoxicating pheromones as they lull him into a state of bliss. When he was sure you wouldn’t wake, he slipped his body out of your bed, replacing himself with a pillow as you searched for his comfort. 
His thumb brushed over your forehead before he disappeared from your home. His beautiful peach ripe for the picking.
While masquerading around as Tobi, Obito couldn’t help but feel lonely and isolated. His thoughts of you began to consume his mind. Every opportunity he had to visit you, he took. He had disappeared so often that the Akatsuki almost forgot about him, not that they were complaining about taking a break from his annoying persona. 
He noticed that you and Kakashi had become close. You were always assisting with his young team and visiting the cemetery together. Obito didn’t like this one bit. Kakashi would pluck his sweet peach from him. But he had to remind himself that Kakashi did keep you safe when you joined his team on missions. He took care of you when Obito could not. Though that didn’t dull his need to claim you, take you as his own. The feeling was intensifying, swelling every day. 
He found himself hunting down every man who so much as looked at you. Kakashi was the only man who’s affection he let slide…even though he was the one who made him the most angry. Maybe it was his sentiment for his old friend. Maybe it was his fear of Kakashi’s skill. Either way, he let him be, not wanting to catch the copy ninja’s attention. 
The remaining miscreants were hunted without mercy. Sometimes he couldn’t help the bloodshed that was inevitable. He was unable to restrain himself, when it came to his peach, there was no limit to what he would do to keep you safe. If they showed no remorse for their predatory stares and their greedy thoughts he would gladly hear them scream before stopping their hearts. A trail of blood secretly followed you but it was all in your delicate name.
He kept tabs on everything you did, especially when it came to your missions. He had to ensure your safety. Recently learning some of the details of one of your upcoming missions, he knew he’d have to keep special watch over you. It was a dangerous mission with Hidden Mist shinobi that had been under consideration to join his troupe. He couldn’t risk history repeating itself and no longer cared if Deidara or Itachi figured out what he had been doing with his spare time. Even though you would be joining Kakashi on this mission, it wasn’t a guarantee of your safety. He already knew that too well and he must protect his sweet peach at all costs.
He stalks your group as you travel through the woods, earning him a side eye from Kakashi who knew something was up but couldn’t quite pin his finger on who the lurker was. You asked him what was wrong but Kakashi refused to say anything, not wanting to tip off a watching Obito that he knew they were being followed. 
Nice try Bakashi, but I already know your tricks.
Soon you came across your target. As predicted they put up quite a fight. You and Kakashi made a remarkable team fending them off. Your mission was to capture them for intel but the confrontation with the targets escalated to the point that elimination was deemed necessary. Obito was impressed by your strength. You took on three of them at once, knocking them down with your earth style shockwave. You manipulated the magnitude, where the earth would fracture, where it would cave in, and even where it would snap up. It was an impressive jutsu but it was not foolproof. He watched you closely, ready to intervene if it ever became too much. He watched you so closely that he hadn’t noticed the back up Mist shinobi that had been summoned. Kunai thrown from the trees flew at you as you went to weave more hand signs. You lept out of the way but still one caught your leg and the other grazed your thigh.
Before Obito could even breathe he was in front of you, mangekyou in place, murder in the front of his mind. His stance was so protective, you didn’t doubt whose side this unknown stranger was on for a second. You simply pulled the kunai out of your leg allowing the blood to flow freely before going on the defensive. 
When a second wave of backup came, you did what you could but you were overwhelmed. Kakashi and his team could not keep up with the stampede of attacks. The fear for your safety caused Obito to snap. He went on a homicidal rampage, annihilating the entire group with gruesome bloodshed, bringing both yourself and Kakashi to a halt. 
In your stunned transe you didn’t catch the shinobi who snuck past your blind spot and stabbed you in the chest. When Obito turns to slice down the man he sees you clutching the kunai. In the span of a single heartbeat he dropped his weapon and pulled you into his void, bending over you in a state of panic. 
He stole your body from the battlefield so quickly Kakashi almost missed it. Kakashi finished off the last of the Mist shinobi, making certain that the life of the man who attacked you would drain by his hand. He stood up in alarm asking Naruto and Sakura if they saw who the man was that took you away. Neither of them did and Kakashi instructed them to search the nearby area for you.
Obito’s hands shook over you as he went to remove the knife, holding pressure where it once had pricked you like a pincushion. You had no idea where you were or who this man was. You had just watched him slaughter nearly twenty men to protect you immediately before his abduction. You would have been terrified if you didn’t have a more pressing issue to tend to.
“My peach, how do I help?” 
In your state of confusion you thought you misheard him. He must have you confused with someone else. You feel your consciousness begin to slip as you speak.
“Do you know…medical…ninjutsu?” it came out as a whisper.
“No” he whined
“I can do that.” 
Obito goes back to the scene of his crime. Bodies strewn all over the field. He felt accomplished to see them sprawled out and covered in red.
“Hey you, girl”
“Me?! What did you do with Y/N-sensei?!”
“She’s safe. You know medical ninjutsu?”
“Meet me over there.” 
She looked at the masked Obito with severe skepticism. He nodded at her and walked away, swirling out of sight as he did, stepping into his void to retrieve you. 
He lifted you up, supporting under your shoulders and knees. He held you close, his entire body tense with worry but somehow gentle. He felt so warm as you were growing cold from your wounds. Despite the horrors you saw him commit, you laid your head against his chest as he carried you back outside to a sheltered spot behind a few trees and a bush where Sakura was waiting.
He laid you down and instructed Sakura to do what she had to while he eagerly watched. Sakura gave him sideways glances many times when she felt she could afford to risk the distraction. Who was this terrifying murderer? Why did he have a fixation with you? After twenty minutes Sakura lowered her hands, panting from the amount of chakra used.
“She’s healed?”
She nods, “She’s healed. The major damage at least.”
“Thank you”
He scoops up your body and retreats back to his void as Skaura shouts at your disappearing figures. 
You were out cold, resting for nearly a day when you woke up in a makeshift bed in a dark endless room filled with large gray blocks. 
“Where am I?”
You scan your surroundings but it hurts too much to move. The mysterious masked man suddenly appears in the room causing you to jump, quickly followed by you grabbing your chest in pain. 
“Careful Peach” he says as he rushes to your side, falling on his knees beside you.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” you inquire with eyes screwed shut in pain.
“Because you are my delicate Peach. I need to take care of you.”
“I’ve been taking care of myself just fine, thank you.” you say through clenched teeth, feeling the pain radiate over your entire chest. This man was clearly insane. Despite how he took care of you, you knew you were in danger.
“I wouldn’t call your current condition ‘just fine’, Peach.”
He feels your forehead, looking for signs of fever.
“Just who are you anyways?”
“It doesn’t matter. All that matters is you’re okay.”
“It does matter. And I need to go back to my team, let them know I’m okay.”
“The girl knows you’re okay, she’ll tell them.”
“Yes, but I need to get back to them. I need to-”
“Excuse me?” Disbelief filled you, yet the earlier bells of warning were officially verified.
He looks at you and shakes his head. “No.”
You look at him stunned, fear swelling. You look around the dark empty space starting to wonder where the exit was.
“You’re not going back. They can’t protect you. I know that now. You will stay with me. Here.”
Stunned into silence you look up at him. You open your mouth and close it a few times before you finally say to him, “You can’t keep me here.”
“I can and I will.”
Obito watches as terrified anger blossoms on your face. You stand up in spite of the pain, searching for an exit. Glancing over your shoulder at him as you move further and further away, frantically peering behind every gray pillar and block.
“You won’t be able to leave on your own.” he calls to you. “Only I can teleport you in and out of here.”
“And where is here?” You say, walking back towards him with a guise of bravery.
“My void”
Your jaw fell open. “Your what?”
“My void. Only I have access to it using Kamui.”
Comprehension made your eyes flood with tears. You were trapped. A madman who just slaughtered a fleet of shinobi to save you has trapped you in another dimension to ‘keep you safe.’ You looked up at him pleading, “I want to go home. Let me go home.”
“I can’t…it’s not safe.”
“But my home, my friends, the village…”
“They will be fine without you.”
Starting to realize he was serious, you begin to plead. “At least let me tell them where I have gone. That way they don’t come looking for me. Let me say goodbye.”
“Peach, I can’t risk you running away. I can’t risk you getting hurt.” He reaches out to pet your hair and you shy away from his touch.
The tears leak down your cheeks, feeling helpless. You walk away and sit down, turning away from the masked man, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head against the tops of your knee caps.
Obito, feeling pain at seeing you so sad walks up and puts a hand on your shoulder, “It has to be this way Peach, I’m sorry.”
He leaves you alone to sulk. You would be fine. You would grow to accept things the way that they are. You would grow to love him in spite of how it started. It was all going to be okay.
When he left in a swirl you wept. You allowed your mind to panic and wander to all the terrifying possibilities. What was he going to do with you? Why was he obsessed with you? How were you going to get out of this? 
The more your mind reeled the quieter your tears became. Eventually you collapsed back onto the ashen floor. As you lay there, staring up at the black ceiling of his void, exhaustion and sadness ebb you to sleep. 
You wake up the next day to find a large chunk of your stuff from your home was suddenly in the void. He had made the effort to move your belongings to you, even bringing many of your most cherished items such as your favorite clothes, your favorite mug, the blanket you sleep with every night, and your photos of Obito and Rin. 
How did this man know these would be the items you’d want most? How long had he been following you? You felt a shiver roll down your spine.
What you presume to be hours later, the masked man returns to check on you. He’s more timid than he was before. Approaching you carefully. 
“Thank you” you say, looking at the floor, “for bringing me some of my stuff. I’m still pissed, and I’m not staying here, but I appreciate the effort.” You were terrified but you didn’t want him to know that. You were going to find a way out of this. You just had to figure out how to get out of this damned dimension first.
If only you could see the smile below his mask. Overwhelmed by how cute you are he pulls you into a hug. You’re stiff with terror but you feel his strong torso pushed up against your own and you can’t help the little part of you that is left breathless. It feels familiar and warm but you can’t place why.
“I love you Peach.” he says as he holds you in his arms, laying his head on top of your head. He was insane. You reply to him with a shaking voice,
“If you loved me you’d give me some windows instead of dreary slate abyss. I can’t even tell what time of day it is.”
“Sorry, voids don’t work that way, Peach.”
“Sorry, I guess being abducted is new to me.” you forced the sass into your tone. You were petrified but you needed a way out of here. You figured maybe you could manipulate his affection for you.
Obito winces at the word abduction. He prefers to think of it as protection
“What? You didn’t think I’d be okay with this, did you? That is the title of what this is.” You weren’t sure where this bravery came from but he was buying it.
“At least I’m not trying to poison you against your own clan, or acting as the architect to kill your childhood crush.” he said with a venom that made you believe he was speaking from experience but you were too focused on your own situation to care. Your false bravery turned into false anger.
“Sorry to steal the opportunity away from you but I don’t have much in the way of a clan and my childhood crush is already dead.”
His face snapped and locked onto yours. “What did you say?”
“I’m not repeating myself, I know you heard me the first time.”
You watched as his throat bobbed beneath his black mask. Why did that impact him so much? Who was this guy anyways? He acted like he had known you your whole life yet you only know him as a mask and tuft of hair.
“Who are you?”
He turned and walked away from you, “Someone long dead to you”
Well that didn’t answer any questions. If anything it brought up more.
“Well if you won’t tell me who you are, then tell me what to call you.”
“Currently the world knows me as Tobi.”’
“Do you want me to call you Tobi then?”
“Then what do I call you?”
He paused. “I guess Tobi is fine.”
“Okay, well Tobi, I want to go home. I am not spending my life tucked inside this vault.”
“That’s out of the question.”
You inhale deeply. Acting skills front and center. “Then I guess my safety isn’t guaranteed.”
He glanced over, tilting his head, giving you a questioning look.
“Your top priority is my safety. I can think of a lot of ways to make myself unsafe all alone here in this little void of yours,” You taunt him with your words as your eyes dart around the room.
His blood boiled over. Were you really suggesting what he thought you were? And over some dumb sunlight?! His hands twitched by his side.
“Tobi, if you intend for this” you say pointing around the void, “to be the rest of my life, it will be a short one because I’m not doing it.” you cross your arms. Of course you weren’t actually suicidal but you were going to say anything to better your circumstances. He may be your psychotic captor but he seemed to have a weakness for your well being and you were going to pull at that thread till he unraveled.
He heaved a heavy sigh before grumbling. “Give me a day to figure it out.”
“And how will I know if it's been a day?! I can’t tell time without the sun or so much as a frickin watch!”
The theatrics were working. 
“I’m sorry Peach, I’ll be back.”
He fled from the void with his tail between his legs. You let out a huge breath. How you were able to pull that stunt off was beyond you. Desperation breeds its own strength. You hoped with all your might when he came back it was to get you out of his little dimension. 
You waited, having absolutely nothing to do. No books, no games, no radio, no food, no beverage…nothing. 
You mind tortured you with thoughts. You wondered how everyone was back home, rejecting the demons of your subconscious telling you that you may never see them again. 
I will find a way out of this. 
You strolled around checking out what was behind all the gray boxes. Surprise, it was more gray boxes. You climbed each one, beginning to count them as you went. You were usually a very ambitious person but there was nothing to do. You began playing with your jutsu to see if it would work in a void. Update: it does. You brought an entire kilometer to rubble just for fun and treaded up the path you created to get some exercise. Then you jumped block to block, back to your little makeshift bedroom waiting for Tobi. Eventually you got tired so you made yourself ready for bed hoping that when you woke up he would be back with updated living arrangements.
You turn over as you stir and nuzzle into a hand that is softly petting your hair. 
“Good Morning Peach”
You stiffen before your eyes dart up to his. Mask of bravery back in place, you greet him. “Good morning Tobi.” He winces. He hates how the false moniker sounds coming from your mouth. 
“I see you started destroying my void.”
“I was bored so I decided to train.”
A hearty chuckle left his throat. “I made arrangements but please understand I will not sound or behave like myself where we are going.”
“And why is that?”
“You will see eventually.”
“Oh boy, so glad you enlightened me.” you lay the sarcasm thick and it only makes him laugh more. Good, he finds you charming. You can work with this.
“I also want to warn you, we will be among rogue shinobi.”
“So your idea of keeping me safe is to have me live with the very people that I’ve been hunting. The very same people who want to kill me and my friends?”
“Yes, If you are among us, no one will bother you. If you remained in the village, you would be subject to their…missions.”
“Seems like stupid logic if you ask me.”
“Please trust me.”
“I don’t, but I don’t have a choice either.”
“At least you’re not dumb”
“Did you think I was?”
“Not even for a second.”
He grabbed your hand with his strong possessive one. Something about the way your palm fit in his felt right. You weren’t sure why but that was the signal your brain sent your hand when you gripped it tighter. A psychopath whose hand you were holding. Great, you’ve completely lost your marbles a mere three days into captivity.
Next thing you knew you could smell the air of the earth again, you could see the shadows left by the sun, happiness washed over you in a visible way and Tobi’s fingers slid between yours upon seeing your reaction. He pulled you into another hug, he seems to always be hugging you. It’s like he’s forcing you to get used to him. “I will be this person when we are alone. I will be another when the others are around. You understand?”
You nod your head worried about what he could possibly mean? What kind of a monster is he around this gang of thugs that he needs to warn you?
He removes his hand from yours and places it between your shoulder blades pushing you towards a cavern. A man with orange hair, purple eyes and many piercings looks you up and down as you enter. 
“Tobi, this is her?”
“Yes Pain! This is the hostage I spoke about!” His voice was comically high pitched and he sounded like a child. You tried your hardest not to react but it was just so different from what you were expecting. 
“Put her in the dungeon.”
“Well sir, remember I requested she stay in my room, sir?!”
“Yes but she’s a hostage, who will stop her from escaping?”
“Do you really think she’s dumb enough to try and leave the hideout of the Akatsuki?”
Your face went pale as you realized just who you had been dealing with this whole time. They were supposed to wear black cloaks with red clouds. You hadn’t seen Tobi wear his once! Always dressed in all black with sandles. But your reaction built a convincing case. The man named Pain accepted your fear as enough of a restraint. He didn’t question why it would be Tobi’s room but some blonde man eyed you hungirly and told Pain Tobi was probably keeping you in his room to finally lose his virginity. 
Once behind his door, he modulated his voice back to normal.
“What the hell was that?” you asked more honestly than you intended.
“What? You’ve never seen an act before?”
“Well of course. But why do you make yourself seem like a fool?”
“So no one will suspect.”
“Suspect what?”
“Don’t worry about it. Here.” Tobi swirls you back into his void and he starts gathering your things. After a second you begin to copy him and he brings you both back to his room in the Akatsuki hideout. You start to find nooks and crannies to store your things leaving only one remaining item in your hands. He watches you as you look down on your photos of your friends. Eyes lingering over the one of you and Obito before you tuck them away with mist in your eyes. 
“Are you okay?”
“No, but…thank you…for bringing the photos. I don’t know how you knew but I appreciate it.”
Tobi pulled you into another hug. You were unsure why he cared so much and why you kept letting him hug you. Maybe it was cause compared to your new roommates he suddenly seems less scary. To his credit this hug felt nice. Plus, since it seems like he was going to be your only companion for a while, you decided to tolerate it. 
He unfurled the hug and began tugging at your shirt. Lifting the hem above your neck, exposing your bare breasts.
He disregarded your complaint and touched where your stab wound had been. “How does it feel?”
“It’s fine.” You say blushing while you cover your bosom. “May you please let go of my shirt now?”
“Huh? Oh, of course. Sorry Peach.” He drops your shirt and backs away swiftly almost as if he was embarrassed. He seemed a little more humane today so you decided to press your luck and scout out your surroundings.
“Can we go outside? I’d appreciate some sun and maybe some real food”
He gives you a piercing stare out of the eye hole of his mask.  “Stay by my side. I know you are strong but however strong you think you are, I am stronger.”
You gulp remembering the massacre you witnessed three days ago.
“I will be your protector. No one will hurt you ever again.” he lifted your chin so you’d look up at his eye through the swirling mask. “I promise.”
“I believe you…”
You see his eye crease when you speak. He was happy. That’s good. Keep him happy and it will give you openings to escape…though you weren’t sure outrunning him would be possible given his tricky teleportation ability.
You spend the afternoon with him, gathering intel and acting flirty, playing along with his advances. When he grabbed your hand, you laced your fingers. When he reached for your hip, you reached for his. When he hugged you, you draped your arms around his neck. You play into his affection for you, keeping him happy, earning his trust and lowering his guard. If I keep this up, captivity will be bearable. But you also feared that if you acted a little too well, you may fall for your own lies. Holding him today felt too easy given your desperate situation. Was it a genjutsu perhaps?
Nighttime came and instead of parading you past the other members of the Akatsuki who were home between missions, he teleported you both straight to his chambers. You get ready for bed and realize you do not have a bed of your own. It was still in the void. Would he send you to spend the nights in the void? He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I would feel safest if you shared the bed with me.” he said looking down. “You can sleep on the opposite side of the bed if you would like but I don’t want an enemy who finds the hideout to get to you before I wake.” 
You swallow nervously. You know he loves you. That much is obvious but you are searching for signs that he might try to take advantage of you while you’re unconscious. You think back to earlier when he was checking your wound. He didn’t seem to register that he had exposed your breasts for his pleasure. It was almost like your anatomy was irrelevant, only your well being consumed his thoughts. You chose to believe he will be respectful and so you agree.
“Pick whichever side you want. I’ll be back when I’m done.” He grabs a fresh pair of pants and heads to the bathroom. When the door is snapped shut you stand there looking at the bed. You’ve never chosen a side of the bed before. You’ve never been in a situation where you had to. You paced around the mattress like it was the most daunting choice you ever had to make. It’s not like this was a long term decision. You’d escape or convince him to let you go soon enough. So why were you weighing your options so carefully? 
Eventually you decide to choose the side closest to the window and give him the side closest to the door. You were much more afraid of his fellow gang members coming in with less than pure intentions than you were of outside shinobi coming for the blood of the Akatsuki. 
Just as you finally slip between the sheets, Tobi comes out of the bathroom with only a pair of black stretch sweatpants on. Your eyes drink up his figure. His body was half white as if made up of false materials but it moved like it was his real body. He was extremely toned, swollen pecs and chiseled abs cut across his upper body causing a little drool to pool in the corner of your mouth. Most surprisingly, he also took off his mask and below you saw battle torn skin that etched across the right side of a face that was intimidating, yet soft and familiar. His eyes catch you staring and he quickly looks down removing some of the intimidation you felt. 
He scratches the back of his neck. “I haven’t shown my face to anyone in years. I’m sorry if it scares you. I just can’t always sleep in the mask.”
“No, it’s fine” you say in a hoarse voice. Your throat had suddenly gone dry. “It’s not scary.” 
It wasn’t but what did scare you was the thoughts of what epic battle had mangled him to this degree only for him to survive and still be as strong as he is. You suddenly wondered if he was invincible and if escape would ever be possible. 
He took his position on the vacant side of the bed, smiling that you left him by the door. He knew exactly why you chose the side you did. He turned to face you from under the covers. 
“Goodnight Peach.”
“Goodnight Tobi.”
You see him wince as you say his name. You knew he wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t want you calling him by that name. He turns over and extinguishes the candle letting darkness blanket the room as you drift to sleep with surprising ease. Your body’s alarm, shockingly low given your current residence.
Sunlight seeps into the room as Obito wakes up. He suddenly realizes how warm he is and it only took a few more blinks of his groggy eyes to realize why. You had traveled over to his side of the bed last night and latched onto him. He smiled, feeling his chest fill with joy. He petted your hair. You were his. You didn’t know it yet, but you were. In a few short days not only were you almost completely healed from your recent battle but you were falling for him too. Hugging him, holding his hand, cuddling in bed, Obito had never experienced human touch like this before but he was sure it didn’t always feel this right. 
He tries waking you but is met with grumpy groans and you bury yourself deeper into his chest. He kisses the top of your head as your little fists cling to him tight. He gave up on trying to wake you and let you ride out your sleep, enjoying the cuddles that were sure to cease as soon as you came to. 
Sure enough, nearly an hour later he hears you sharply inhale as you withdraw from him. You quickly sit up and face the window as he casually stretches and gets up. 
“Good Morning” he yawns feeling smug and powerful
“Morning” you say as you adjust your messy bun, trying to seem casual as you hide your embarrassment that you were needily cuddling with your kidnapper. 
You both get ready for the day, you donning a set of tactical clothes for no reason other than it was what you were used to and him, his mask and Akatsuki gear, no longer hiding the cloak now that you knew his occupation. He grabs your hip and teleports you to a tea shop for breakfast. 
You live out a week in this manner. Spending all your free time together. Occasionally having run-ins with the other Akatsuki members. They eye you in a bone chilling way. You are certain they are calculating how to enter into your room without awakening Tobi. They are nothing but disrespectful towards him, but he gives as good as he gets. You especially have to hone your acting skills to not laugh when Tobi says something ignorant and rude in his comedic tone, earning the anger of who you now know is his partner Deidara. 
One thing that bothers you the most is the ever watchful eyes of the mass murderer Itachi Uchiha. He is always polite and quiet and would seemingly be the nicest of the members if not for his reputation for slaughtering his entire clan. It’s always the quiet ones. You didn’t like how he would stare at you. After your last run in with him and Kisame, you were sure they were looking for retribution. You decide to bring this up to Tobi as he gets in bed. 
“Tobi,” he winces “I know you said I’d be safe here among the other members but I recently fought against Itachi and Kisame. I don’t like how the Uchiha looks at me. I feel like he’s looking for payback.”
“He’s not.”
You were annoyed at how quickly his dismissed you. His concern for your safety was then entire reason for your current predicament.
“How do you know that?”
“Cause I know him.”
“So you should know what he did.”
“I do.”
“And you trust him?”
“With my life.”
“How can you say that? He doesn’t even know your true identity?” 
You are gobsmacked by the wild claim Tobi is making. He killed his entire bloodline and Tobi was okay with that. It was moments like this that reminded you that Tobi was a murderer, not the lovable goof that he had been masquerading around as. 
“Itachi is the only person walking this earth who knows my true identity.”
Your jaw drops open. 
“But you said that no one had seen your face…”
“It’s true, he does not know my face but he knows my identity.” You were at a loss. “One day I will enlighten you on the events of that night but know this, of every person here, Itachi is the one you can trust the most to keep you safe. If anything happens to me, he is entrusted with your safety.”
The thought terrified you. He was out of his mind. You saw what Itachi did to Kakashi first hand. You saw the morning after the Uchiha massacre. He was not to be trusted. “Tobi, no…”
His nose twitches and that was the last straw. “Well if you hate the name Tobi so much then why do you go by it!” your emotions had been high strung for over a week and you were snapping, boldly yelling at your captor.
“I don’t hate the name. I just hate when you say it.”
“What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Cause it feels wrong to hear you call me by something other than my name.”
“There’s just no winning with you. I can’t call you by your real name cause it’s some big secret that only a serial killer knows and oh yeah, apparently that same psychopath inherits me if you die!”
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing in frustration. You weren’t even sure why it bothered you so much. This is a temporary situation. You were kidnapped. You were going to escape. If Tobi dies then it will mean you’re finally free. You just have to find a way to sneak out of this hideout and you could finally go home.
“He’s the only one I can trust to guard you with his life.”
You roll your eyes, huffing once more before pursing your lips. “Why? I need to know, Tobi. Why?”
He looks down and shrinks in your gaze. “Because only he knows what it’s like to love as an Uchiha.”
You felt the wind knocked out of you. Was he saying what you think he is?
“You’re a…?”
“But Itachi…”
“...had help.”
Your hand flys to your mouth covering it in shock. 
He finally looks up at you. “Y/N, it’s not what you think it is. I can explain.”
You feel fear chill your entire body and you see on his face how upset he is that you are more afraid of him than ever. He rushes towards you and gets on his knees begging and pleading, “please allow me to explain.”
“Your clan…you helped him murder…all those people.” you said it robotically. You begin to disassociate from the conversation, lost in thought till you circled around to the realization that no one talked about a missing body among the corpses. The only survivor was Saskue. There was no one else left unaccounted for among the names of the fallen brethren. So who was Tobi?
“Tobi, if you’re an Uchiha, then who are you?”
His face flushed to a cherry red. Despite the horrifying details he just shared, for the first time you felt you had the upper hand in your captivity. Why was he so afraid to tell you? He grabbed both your hands, rubbing his thumbs along your knuckles. 
Your eyes bore into him anxiously waiting for an answer.
“It’s me.” 
You remained silent, your stern expression waiting for clarification.
Your hands went limp in his hold. Every tense muscle relaxed as your heart leapt to your throat getting your hopes up. Then after a moment you began shaking and crying with anger. 
“That’s not funny, Tobi.” You growled at him in quiet rage. “Obito died over a decade ago. Kakashi and Rin saw it happen. None of us were the same after. I visit his grave every day I’m in the village. But I’m sure you knew that already, didn't you?” You were seeing red. He had been stalking you. This was all a ruse to get you to fall for him. You didn’t care for your safety at this moment, even after discovering he was a part of one of the most heinous crimes in the history of the Leaf, you were going to knock sense into this liar if it was the last thing you ever did. 
“Y/N, it’s me. It’s really me.” He grabs your photo of him and holds it by his face. “See?” 
You can’t see the resemblance cause your eyes are too full of tears. 
“Take your hands off that photo! Don’t touch it!”
“Y/N, think about it.” He pleads with you, “Kakashi has a sharingan in his left eye. My left eye is missing. Obito was crushed under a boulder on his right side. Look at my right side! It looks like this.” he gestured to the Hashirama cells, “I was rescued, Y/N. Madara found me. I survived.”
You had to admit that it made sense except for the last part. 
“Madara is dead.”
“He is now, but he wasn’t at the time. He became my master after the accident, after I healed, after Rin…”
His voice cracked at the last word. It was a sobering sound causing your anger to break.
He swallowed heavily, “Yes”
You believed him….
The wave of emotion that crashed over you knocked you to your knees. You fell to the ground sobbing. The boy you had loved all your life was before you, taking care of you, alive and well. A monster who had done horrendous things but he was alive. The realization broke your mind. Obito joined you on the floor, holding you as you cried in his arms. 
“Why did you never come back? All of us, we needed you. I-I needed you.”
“I can’t tell you that Peach. But I’m here now. I won’t leave you.” 
Your hands grabbed at him like he would disappear at any given moment. One arm wrapping around his back, the other cradling his head as you hyperventilate in his arms. 
He nuzzles into the curve of your neck as he professes, “I love you Peach.” 
You wanted to say it back but talking wasn’t an option. You were too overcome with emotion. 
He helped you up to standing and laid you down on the bed. He got in next to you and held you in his arms till your cries quieted. His large palm stroking over your back, comforting you as your mind came to grips with the fact that he was very much alive and very much in love with you the way you were in love with him. 
Occasionally as you cried, he’d kiss your cheek or your temple. Suddenly all the terrifying things you’d witnessed over the past ten days were no longer so terrifying. He stalked you cause he loved you. He murdered all those shinobi to protect you. He kidnapped you cause he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. The alarms that he been blaring in your head all turned quiet.
Your breathing began to return to normal and you pulled away to look at Obito squarely in the face, leaving no room for misinterpretation. You needed him to know your intentions. 
You grabbed both sides of his face and leaned in for a kiss. He quickly pulled you into his body as tightly as he could, squishing you into his chest, nearly breaking your ribs with want. You both inhaled deeply as your lips locked onto each other. You opened your mouth, seeking to deepen the kiss. It was your first one after all, you wanted to make it good. 
You toss your leg over his hip, grinding into him as one of his hands lowered to stroke your thigh and ass cheek. You moan into his mouth, him returning your sounds of affection into your own. The stroking of your leg became rough as his tough hands grip into the flesh of your behind. Your breathing heavy and ragged as your arousal increases. 
Eventually he falls to his back as you straddle him, hunching over to feast on his mouth while you continue to roll your hips against his pants. You were in the most heated and only kiss of your life and you were sure for Obito it was the same. His deep groans as you dry humped his boner concealed inside his sweatpants made your heart flutter with excitement. Everything that had been stolen from you as an adolescent was right beneath you, in your arms and between your legs. 
Obito released your lips to lean his head back with a particularly loud moan echoing out of him causing Deidera to pound against the wall. “Just cause I knew you were going to fuck her doesn’t mean I need to hear it you fucking virgins!”
You laugh centimeters from his face before he flips you onto the bed so he is hovering over your panting silhouette. Lashes fluttering as you salivate from the way his strong presence looms over you. 
“Obito, I…” He kisses you slow and deep, not letting you speak. You break the kiss to finish your sentence. “I love you.”
He latches onto your lips again before speaking into your mouth, “I love you too.”
You wrap both of your legs around him, lifting yourself up to rut into him when he finally leans back on his knees to rip down your pajama pants, letting your legs fall to each side, exposing your soft flesh, ready and waiting to be sullied with unholy deeds. He sinks down, positioning himself between your legs. You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him with curious interest. 
He kisses and sucks on your inner thighs. He releases the pliable flesh with a pop and smiles at his artwork. Of course he’d leave a mark the first chance he got. You were his after all. 
He worked his way to your center, licking a stripe up your sex before latching over your little bundle of nerves. He began to suck on it as if hoping to separate it from your body. He licked the small nub gently between vicious suckling, driving you wild and causing you to squirm. Your hand shot down to rest in his hair as you furrowed your brows and tilted your hips up into his chin, soaking his face in your secretions. Desperate need consuming your body.
He came up for air and crawled back up over you to get another one of your sweet kisses, before sinking his fingers into your tight virgin cunt. You whimper into his lips. He drags his fingers in and out of you causing you to clench around them. You make small cries as you feel him attempting to stretch you, readying you for his intrusion. 
Your hand reached for him, looking to sink beneath his pants to stroke what you desired. He propped himself up on his elbow next to you while his hand reached between your legs. You slipped between his abdominals and his waistband, fingers gliding around his thick base before closing around it and stroking upwards. Obito shuddered at your touch, hips instinctively thrusting towards you. Your hand firmly set around him, stroking up and down, you twisted towards his face to continue kissing him. The sloppy exchange continuing while you worked between each other’s legs. The heat radiated off of your bodies as your lust filled every pore. You pull back, a trail of spit connecting your mouths as you speak.
“I’m ready.”
Obito withdrew his fingers as he leaned away. He sucked his fingers clean as he stood up next to the bed. He dropped his pants so that they pooled around his ankles. He stepped out of the fabric and crawled back on the bed over you. 
He gently glided his barren length over your folds, lubricating himself in your sopping wet juices. His tip lightly poked at your swollen bud causing your breath to hitch. He gives you a nod signaling he’s going in. He sinks just the tip in and your arms tighten around him in response.
“Are you okay?”
You look up into his eyes and nod. “Mhm”
He begins to push inwards. You gasp at the stretch. It was painful but soon it shifted into a pleasurable sensation.
“Are you still okay?”
You bit your lower lip as you nod in agreement. He reached down. He wanted to be the one biting your lip. Connecting his with yours once more, his tongue swirled with passion as he stroked in and out of you slowly, allowing you to turn into a puddle under him. You cry into his mouth as you feel your walls constrict around him. You had never felt anything quite like it. Every part of you was satisfied in this position. Legs wrapped around his waist, lips connected with his, sharing the air you breathed, and the feeling of him buried in you. It was love in its purest sense. 
His soft slow romantic strokes began to give way as he realized how good the friction felt. Your tight walls wrapped around him so well, squeezing him in a way he could have never even dreamt about. You were perfection itself and it was making him ravenous.
He rolled his hips into you till they slapped against your rear. You make little sounds in response to the connection. It encourages him so he continues to roll. You keep mewling with each stroke. It is an anthem to his heart and he wants to hear it played louder. He begins slamming into you. You want to take it and please him but it’s becoming too much. 
You see his eyes gloss over. He’s consumed with the unfamiliar sensation. He flips you onto your stomach. He straddles you with his knees on either side of your legs, pinning them together. He thrusts up and in as you lay down flat. He slams his palm down on your cheek and you make a small grunt upon impact. You hear him smirk.”tch” He wants to do that again. 
You grunt a second time. He sits back on his heels and pulls your perfect body up off the bed and sits you down on his erection. Back facing him, he snakes his hands around your front and under your shirt. His muscular arms lift you up and down on him as you sing out little sounds of pleasure. 
“That’s it baby. You’re doing such a good job.”
You completely exhale as he whispers praise into your ear. Your heart thundering at a wild pace as one hand grabs on top of his hand that has a bruising grip on your chest and the other reaches back to grab him behind his head. 
He bends forward to lay light kisses along your neck and into the curve of your shoulder. You were his every desire. All the dangerous things he was capable of were only out of love for you. He would murder hordes of shinobi, tame tailed beasts, and level entire cities in your honor. He would do anything to live this moment on repeat for the rest of his life. 
You twist in his arms, politely asking to look upon his face. He sits back as he lifts you off of him. You turn around on your knees and straddle his lap, facing him as he tugs at your hem, gently lifting the fabric over your head and tossing it to a dark corner of the room. 
He hunches down to taste your perky peaks. His tongue dragging along each nub before his lips close around it with a gentle suckle. Your head lulls backwards as you cry out blissfully, allowing the new sensations to overwhelm your mind. Obito rocks your body up and down along his shaft but he doesn’t think he will be able to hold out much longer. 
He gingerly lays you down on your back, propping your legs open with his arms as he leans down, pushing his chest into yours. You feel your flexibility being tested as he sinks into you and your eyes widen at how deep he went. He begins to stroke, craving the warmth of the fast friction generated by his thrusts. He allows his sack to sway into your rear, hitting it with a satisfying clap at each impact. Your face begins to twist with pleasure. Your rhythmic cries calling to him like a siren's song. 
He leans down and presses his lips into yours, allowing your moans to reverberate around the inside of his mouth. He nears his climax as you reach yours. Releasing together in loving harmony. He slowly pumps into you, draining the seed from his length into your loving walls that graciously drink it in. 
Your doting eyes never leave his face. You realize you are hopelessly bound to him. You would never escape your captivity, nor did you want to. Both of you have surrendered to the other. Your head collapses onto the pillow and he licks one last stripe up your neck before falling next to you and kissing your jaw. His strong finger tugs at your chin, turning you to him so he may continue to adorn your lips with kisses. 
Your faces would fold into each other's necks as your bodies tangled together under the covers. The man who kidnapped you, now your most valued treasure. He would possessively hold his delicate little peach every night from henceforth and you would never speak of going home ever again because now that Obito lay with you, you were home. You allow your eyes to close and your heart to go still as you fall into a deep slumber in his arms.
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ichatake · 5 months
Can I PLEASE request for a young kakashi, obito and reader ? Like what if kakashi and obito have a crush on the same person? Maybe the reader is like part of this super prestigious clan that makes her train a lot and they want her to succeed in everything. That’s why she might have a very strong attitude?
So when Obito Kakashi and her get teamed up for a mission, she ends up getting hurt but refuses to let the mission go to waste? How would Kakashi and Obito act?
Once again, YOUR AMAZING!!! THANK YOU! 🍀
HC: Young Kakashi and Obito liking the same person
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Requests are open! (Request rules)
The first one to fall is Kakashi, considering Obito was too distracted with Rin to think about anyone else. Kakashi found you interesting, because you were the first girl he ever saw training so hard—well, as much as a seven year old can train. You were part of a prestigious clan, so being a girl was already a burden. You’d been pushed to train ever since you could walk, so even as a child, you were already climbing to the top.
The first time he ever noticed you, was when he was taking a walk with his father. They’d passed through a training ground that always seemed to be empty, but today, it was different.
A man stood tall, watching his little girl struggle to throw kunais and shurikens in a straight line.
“Some kids your age already know how to do this (Y/N), you’re falling behind” the man would say, his back turning, revealing his clan symbol. Kakashi had recognized it as the same symbol you wore. That must’ve been one of your family members—your father maybe.
Kakashi’s father stopped, looking back at his son who seemed to stop and take a look at the people training, “Kakashi? Is something wrong?” He asks and looks at you and your father, “Ah, the (L/N) clan,” he shakes his head and takes Kakashi’s hand. “They train their children as young as possible, so they can succeed quickly. That must be his first born,” he starts walking with Kakashi, much to his distaste,
“Why?” Kakashi asks, looking back at how you huffed and tried the same technique for what seemed like the hundredth time. “Because they thrive off victory. If their children are not good ninjas, then they are no good for the clan,” he frowns, “such a sad thing,”
Ever since then, his interest in you has peeked. When both of you entered the academy, he didn’t really make a move to talk to you. You interested him, yes, but that didn’t mean he would just go talk to you. You sat right in front of him.
You were a very attentive student. You took your grades seriously—even more than him! He wasn’t surprised though, since his father’s words still echoed through his head.
As time passed and everyone in class began to become friends, you seemed to get along well with all the girls, especially Rin, so Kakashi took this opportunity to bud into your conversations once and a while. That’s how he got to know you better.
As for Obito, he’d take a little longer to fall for you. He was head over heels for Rin, so you were simply just ‘Rin’s friend’.
Since you were such good friends with Rin, you found yourself hanging out with the three of them. Kakashi had never seen you smile as much as you did when you hung out. It was like you could finally enjoy being a kid and not be worried about your clan’s honor for once.
You climbed up the ranks quickly, and as soon as Kakashi took the graduation exam and succeeded, you decided to try out as well. Your father’s wishes were to be obeyed, and though it took you a few tries, you did succeed.
“What?! You too?!” Obito exclaimed once he saw your new headband. Kakashi on the other hand, was quiet.
“Yeah, I thought if Kakashi could do it, then maybe I could give it a try,” you say, as your eyes connect with Kakashi. “Took you long enough,” he says. He mentally facepalms at what he says. He wasn’t good at complimenting people—even the girl he liked.
Your facial expression seemed to die down as you nod, “It did,” you say and sigh before shrugging, “I was just giving you a chance to shine,” you joked and smiled at Kakashi, making him look at you with crossed arms, “or maybe you just like copying me,”
“As if—,”
“Now, now, guys, there’s no need to argue,” Rin cuts you off, smiling and taking your hands in hers, “I’m so glad you made it,” she smiles and hugs you. That was the first time Obito noticed you a little more than he already had.
After everyone had graduated, you still hung out together. The four of you seemed to become really close, but of course, were separated into teams. You had been separated from the three, and it made several people sad. Those several people being you and the other three.
Thankfully though, you got assigned to many missions with them. One time in particular, Kakashi, Obito, and you were called up to the Hokage’s office. Due to Rin being sick and not able to go with Kakashi and Obito on their mission, you were assigned to it.
“It had to be you,” Kakashi says with crossed arms, earning an eye roll from you, “you always have something nice to say to me Kakashi, I might think you’re in love with me,” that made him choke on air, and Obito laughed at him.
“Oh (Y/N), I don’t think he’s capable of actually liking anyone,” Obito snorts as he walks out with you and Kakashi. You didn’t catch the glances the silver haired boy took of you.
As you walked towards your destination, which just had to be a very far away village, Obito chatted you up. It wasn’t something out of the ordinary, and you didn’t mind it either. You had to admit the dark haired boy grew on you. You’d giggle and laugh at anything he’d do or say, which only fuled him more than he was.
Thankfully, you couldn’t see the annoyance on Kakashi’s face, this boy was a very jealous boy. No one can tell me otherwise.
“You guys are driving me crazy,” Kakashi scoffs, “can you keep quiet and focus on the mission? It’s already bad enough that Obito is here,”
“Hey! What the hell does that mean?!” Obito yells at Kakashi, making the three of you stop.
“It means you’re annoying as it is, I don’t need two people chatting up my ears until they bleed,”
“You take that back—,”
“Guys keep quiet,” you quickly say, grabbing your kunai. Mist filled the area around you, and you could barely see anything. They caught onto this quickly and took out their own weapons. The three of you positioned yourselves back to back.
“Someone’s here,” Kakashi says, squinting his eyes to try and see through the mist, “There’s more than one person,” you correct, gripping onto your Kunai.
Obito seemed nervous, or maybe he was just excited. You couldn’t tell the difference.
Of course, you were right. There were more than one ninja waiting to strike the three poor hidden leaf kids.
When you thought that Obito and Kakashi didn’t fight well together, you didn’t think it would’ve been to this extreme. They were all over the place—you had never seen a team so out of rhythm before. While Kakashi took the lead and fought on his own, Obito went his own way, fighting—and struggling—with one of the ninjas. You were attacked by two of them, and barely managed to win! You were cut up and bruised while the other two struggled with the rest.
You knew Kakashi could keep his own weight, but you and Obito weren’t at his level. Even though you craved to be as strong as him, the truth was, you were just a normal genin.
Since both the boys were fighting on their own, no one was watching each other’s back, so when three kunais came lunging towards Obito, your feet moved on their own and you quickly jumped into them. They hit your back, and you fell face first to the ground. You gasped for air, the sharp pain of the blade and the fall had knocked the air out of you.
You tried to stand up, but you couldn’t seem to. You were… paralyzed. The blades must have some kind of poison in them that made you immobilized.
Kakashi was the first to notice and was quick to throw you over his shoulder, “Obito, let’s go,” he says and pulls the dark haired boy. Running away wasn’t something he’d usually do, but right now, you were hurt and vulnerable. It was the best choice they had right now.
Somehow, they managed to outrun the ninjas and hide in the forest.
Kakashi laid you down on the ground and looked at your back. You were filled with blood and you were pale.
Obito was crouched next to you, panicking. You had just saved his life, and you were paying for it, “Kakashi, she’s bleeding so much,” he says with a shaky voice. No one had ever jumped into danger for him before, and yet you did it with no second thought.
His heart tightened at the thought. You were so brave… so humble.
“She’s going to be fine,” Kakashi says, but even he sounded unsure. He went through your bag as you tried to speak. You were dizzy and out of it. You were basically incoherent, but you forced your finger to move and point towards your bag.
You carried bandages and medical supplies that might help along the way, but you never thought you’d have to use them on yourself.
“Obito, take the blades out,” Kakashi says, preparing everything he needs to at least stop the bleeding. “What..?” Obito hesitated, his hand shaking for a moment before he closed his eyes and pulled one out.
Your scream was one of the most horrifying ones he’s ever heard. Both Kakashi and Obito winced as you cried out in pain, but they couldn’t wait much longer. With a heavy heart, he pulls out the remaining two and shut his eyes, his teeth and fist clenched. This was all his fault.
He helped Kakashi pull off your shirt and wrap you in bandages while you quietly cried. The pain was unbearable.
Kakashi had never prioritized something else over the mission, but he found himself considering leaving it behind just to bring you back to the village.
Once they were done patching you up, they laid you against a tree.
“Can you talk?” Obito asks gently as he sat beside you.
“I can,” you say softly, but you were weak.
“We’ll head back to the village once the fog is cleared,” Kakashi states, making you snap your head towards him, “no,” you hissed at the pain in your back, but you still shook your head. The poison had somewhat faded, and you were starting to regain strength. “We’re completing the mission,”
Obito shook his head, “(Y/N), we can’t complete the mission. You’re hurt. We need to get you back to the village—,”
“I am not the weak link,” you snap, your body shakily standing up, “I will not go back to the village with my tail tucked between my legs. We will complete this mission,” you walk towards Kakashi, “you can’t make me go back,”
Kakashi didn’t like how stubborn you were, and he didn’t want you to get hurt, “you’ll drag us down if you continue the mission,” he says, but he didn’t mean it. He just wanted you to go back and get treated. However, you didn’t take that lightly. You jumped on him, making both of you fall the the ground.
“(Y/N)!” Obito quickly got up and ran towards you both.
“Don’t ever say that! I’m not weak!” You pull on Kakashi’s shirt, “I am not a burden to anyone, you hear?!” You look down at him, as his eyes were wide and staring at you in shock. Your eyes were glossed with tears. He understood that this meant a lot. Your family would’ve shamed you…
When Obito tried to pull you off, you shrugged his hands off, “we’re completing this mission even if I’m missing an arm. Do you understand me? I’m not going back to the village like a loser,”
After everything that happened, you took the pain like a champ and completed the mission. You got into another fight with the same ninjas, but this time, Kakashi and Obito worked together with you and you managed to beat them.
You got to walk back to the village with a completed mission, though when you passed those gates, you immediately fell to the ground. Kakashi and Obito quickly panicked and rushed you to the medical ninjas.
You were fine, thankfully, just exhausted. You were in the infirmary bed, and when you woke up, the two boys sat right besides you. Kakashi noticed when your eyes opened and stared at him, quickly looking away with crossed arms, “you’re so stubborn, you know that?” he says, catching Obito’s attention.
The dark haired boy quickly stood up and grabbed onto you hand, “you’re okay! You almost gave us a heart attack! We thought you died,”
“He thought you died,” Kakashi corrects, before finally looking at you again, “how do you feel?”
You look at them and then smile before sitting up and hugging them tight, “I'm doing just fine,” you say but quickly hiss and lay back, earning an angry “be careful” from Kakashi.
“You need to take care of yourself,” he scoffs while Obito keeps babbling about how he’s sorry and that he should’ve been more attentive. You couldn’t tell, but Kakashi’s cheeks were flushed red.
“You’re so strong—I can’t believe you kept going even after you were hurt. You’re so amazing,” Obito compliments you, holding onto your hand tightly, “I promise you (Y/N), if we ever get assigned on a mission again, I’ll make sure to protect you with my life,” he says and grins, looking determined, “You better believe I’ll give my life for you,”
“Let her go idiot,” kakashi buds in, “get your sweaty hands off of hers,” he crossed his arms, earning a ‘huuuuh?!’ from Obito.
Once again, Obito and Kakashi started arguing and bantering, but you didn’t care. You giggled which made them turn towards you, “Thank you, for always making me laugh,” you say with a smile, making Obito grin with red cheeks, and Kakashi looking away with a bashful look.
They didn’t know it yet, but this was the beginning of a very complicated love triangle.
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exhaslo · 1 year
Kinktober Day 2- Professor! Kakashi x Nurse!Reader
        It started out harmless enough. The two of you started in the same month, both confused on a few things about the college and had to guide each orher for help. Then it turned into him popping into your office for a nap on one of the beds every now and then to nearly everyday. This has become routine for you. Making sure there was always a spare bed for Kakashi to hide from his work and take a nap on. It seemed harmless. It felt harmless.
        Aside from the gushing crush you had on the man. You and probably every woman in town was head over heels for Kakashi. The man was irresitable. It was a shame that Kakashi had no interest in dating. At least that was the vibe he gave off. No matter how many times you squeezed the thought in, he would just return to his book.
"Oof, what a day." You sighed heavily before looking at the time.
        A light ray of crimson coated your cheeks knowing that Kakashi was about to enter. Prepping the bed by your desk, you tried to compose yourself. You were afraid of ruining your friendship with Kakashi if he ever found out about you crushing over him. Just the thought of him straying away from you hurt.
"Are there children around?" Kakashi asked with a loud yawn as he entered the office. A soft chuckle escaped your lips,
"They're not children, per se, but no. You are free to rant." 
"Good," He plopped himself on the bed, "They kept asking questions while I was trying to read." He mutteted into the pillow.
"You shouldn't be reading if you're supposed to be teaching."
"I was at a good part."
"You're always at a good part," You laughed. Pulling the blanket over him like a child, you bend down to his level, "Perhaps I should borrow that book? You never let go of it."
        Kakashi glanced in your direction. He made eye contact with your (e/c) orbs. They were beautiful. There was the urge to pull you into the bed with him. To engulf you in his embrace. Rolling his head back into the pillow, Kakashi just let you ramble. He didn't want you to see his fluster under his mask. You were never going to read his books. Never.
"Miss (y/n), can you check me, please?" A young man asked. 
        Kakashi grumbled lowly as you hurried to pull the divider to cover him. He could hear the tone the men gave you. He found it both irritating yet cute how ignorant you were. You were oblivious to how all the men drooled over you. He loved it how you always ignored their advances. You were so good at controlling your emotions, expect towards him. Kakashi saw the side of you that you tried to hide. Your cute little fluster that he could only make you do. 
"So (y/n)-"
"Either miss or last name." You corrected the young man. Kakashi turned, wondering where this kid found the balls to call you by your first name.
"I hear you're single-"
"Where were you hurt again?" You asked, trying to do your job.
        Kakashi knew where this was going. It was a good thing he learned the art of bullshit while he was younger. Giving the best fake cough anyone has ever heard, Kakashi groaned as he called for you. It even took you by surprise. Kakashi smiled under his mask as he heard you tell the young man to rest when he got to the dorm. Hearing the door close, Kakashi did another cough. You moved the divider and laughed. That smile should only be for him.
"You're so bad." You said with a bright smile. Kakashi's eyes soften,
"That's not what you say to someone's who is sick."
"Awe, my bad. Let me do a check up then."
        Neither one of you know how, but somehow the Dean found out about Kakashi's little nap times in your office. She had to give you two a small scolding about professionalism. Kakashi was disappointed and so were you. You were going to miss Kakashi's little visits. It was hard for the two of you to hang out after work due to your different positions. 
        There was one other problem that occurred once the Dean found out. Both students and teachers heard and started to assume things. You had noticed the awkwardness in the air when around the other women. That and a lot of the male students were being quite cold and harsh towards you. It started to hurt. You did nothing wrong, yet it felt like you did.
"Hey, Kakashi, you're not busy, are you?" You asked.
        It was a long day for you. You felt more drained than ever. While your day had finally ended, you knew that Kakashi still had a few hours to go. He was sitting at his desk in the teacher's tower. Each professor got their own room for their work and for students to come and ask for help. You had decided to check on him, wondering how he was handling the change. Kakashi raised his head from his work and motioned you in. You closed the door behind you,
"I was wondering when you'd stop by," Kakashi said softly, watching you take a seat on his couch, "You look tired. Normally that's my look."
"I am tired." You sigh, "It just feels like a lot lately."
"Sounds like you need a nap," Kakashi chuckled as he made his way over to you.
        Your cheeks flustered as Kakashi stood in front of you. He seemed so tall from this angle. A small gasp escaped your lips as he hovered right over you and pressed something under the couch. Within the second, the couch changed into a bed. You yelped as you laid on your back, staring up at Kakashi in shock. He took his mask off, grinning towards you,
"Ordered it five minutes after Tsunade lectured us." He explained, reading your mind. 
"Y-Your mask-" He was gorgeous. Never had anyone seen him without his mask, "W-Why?!"
"Hm? Because you're tired." Was all he said.
        It hadn't occurred to you the position you were in. Kakashi was hovering over your body as you laid beneath him on his bed. Your hair was all over the place and your clothes were ruffled from the sudden shock of laying down. Right now, Kakashi could only see you as a meal in front of him. He tossed his mask aside before heading towards the door. You raised your head as he placed a 'Do Not Disturb' sign and proceeded to lock.
"What are you doing?" You asked as your heart started to race a mile a minute. Kakashi crawled onto the bed beside you,
"I'm about to get a check up from the best nurse on campus," Kakashi pulled you towards him, his lips against yours, "I'm not feeling too well."
        If your face could burn any redder, it would. Kakashi slid you onto his lap and pressed his lips against yours. It was soft, yet so demanding. His hands reached up to tangle themselves against your (h/l) (h/c) hair. There were sparks. Kakashi licked your lips, wanting to test you. There was no questioning what to do. You allowed yourself to fall into his little trap. Kakashi's tongue explored the dampness of your mouth. This was a new tingly feeling that you were enjoying.
          While you were engulfed in the kiss, Kakashi decided to test the waters. He was a man too and it drove him crazy being unable to see you everyday. He was waiting for this moment. For you to come to him. His hands slid down from your head to your waist. With ease, your coat came off and your button down shirt was revealed. His hands stroked up your stomach, earning a mewl from you.
"Kakashi," You gasped, catching your breathe. Kakashi's hand reached your breast, toying with your nipple thru the fabric,
"Told you I'm not feeling too well. I think there is only one cure," He chuckled, enjoying your new expressions towards his touches, "Don't you agree?"
"Mhm, w-well-" 
          You shivered slightly as Kakashi toyed with your breasts. There was a pool of heat forming betwewn your legs as you felt his bulge grind agaisnt youe clothed pussy. Never would you have thought this to happen, but it was feeling so good.
           Kakashi watched you tremble from his touch. It sparked an urge in him to hurry. With swift motion he undid your bra and took one of your nipples in his mouth. While one hand held your waist in place, his other strated to trail down to your wet pussy. Your gasps and mewls were music to his ears.
          His fingers stroked your soaked fabric, touching you in places you had only dreamed of. Swiftly, Kakashi laid your back against the bed, unable to hold himself back much longer. His fingers slid past your panties, directly rubbing your clit. His eyes sparkled as you cried out his name, raising your hips ever so slightly.
"(Y/n), can you take care of me?" Kakashi whispered in your ear, poking his fingers against your throbbing hole.
           You could only whimper in response as you felt your stomach twist and turn. Kakashi licked his lips before engulf yours once more. He lowered his pants, revealing his cock that was already dripping precum in anticipation. Kakashi fasten his fingers, wanting to prep you before entering. He felt you tighten against his fingers, arching your back as you started to reach your climax.
"K-Kakashiiii," You moaned out, feeling a burning rush burst from you. You took a moment to catch your breathe, watching as Kakashi poked his tip to your hole, "P-Please, put it in" You begged quietly. Kakashi chuckled,
"I thought you were taking care of me?" He teased.
          Kakashi held your waist as he continued to push hinself inside your drenched cunt. He told you to relax as you whimpered and whined at the feeling of being stretched out. Your vision started to blur as you felt him fill you. He groaned lowly once he was fully in and took a moment to let you adjust.
          You swore you could see stars. Kakashi slowly pulled out, making you feel empty before slamming back into you. His hips making contact with you as the noises you made grew louder. Kakashi silenced you with a kiss, not want anyone else to hear those delicious lewd sounds. Those were for him and him alone.
           Another orgasm was brought to you as Kakashi's pace fasten. Every time you sucked him in made his mind go hazy. Oh how he wanted to hear you more. Glancing at the time, Kakashi grunt as he hurried. You cried out as you felt him twitch inside. Begging him to keep going, Kakashi complied. He wrapped his arms around you, gently kissing you before thrusting one last time. Your inside being filled with his cum.
"Kakashi! You better not be napping in there!" Tsunade yelled out as she knocked on the door.
          Both you and Kakashi flinched at the sudden yell. With speed, Kakashi fixed you up and hid you under his desk. He fixed the bed and looked for something to spray the room to hide the smell of sex. You resisted a giggle, hearing him struggle before finally answering the door. It was a small conversation before Kakashi closed the door, returning to you.
"You're always welcome to stop by," Kakashi told you, fixing your hair. You wrapped your arms around his waist,
"And help you with your little issue?"
"My personal nurse."
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mavrintarou · 9 months
[Daddies in December] Hatake Kakashi
Happy New Year! I hope you had a fantastic holiday. I know it's technically January now but I have a few drafts still and I think I can FINALLY get them out. This is long, I just couldn't stop.
Warning: Angst, reconnection, and smut
“I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, thank you for taking my class. If you’re in my next class, see you next year.” Kakashi ended his last class for the semester, dismissing his students.
One by one, each of them thanked and complimented him on his class, giving him great feedback.
At last, the door to his class closed and he took a deep breath.
Reaching for his phone in his pocket, he has a few unread messages but none from Y/n.
Ever since she dropped the bomb on him about her pregnancy exactly a week ago, neither has spoken to the other.
Kakashi didn’t exactly take the news well, blurting something he shouldn’t have said and every time he thought about it, he wanted to beat himself up.
“It’s not mine.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. It couldn’t be Kakashi. One, he always wore a condom. Two, he was nearly forty-three and his doctor told him he had low sperm count!
He was not blind to the pain written on her face.
Their last encounter did not end very well.
He used this week as an excuse to get through the semester for his students; now, he must face the consequences.
Day and night, 24/7, Y/n was all he could think about.
He’ll admit that he let his anger get the best of him. He let his past trauma control and dictate his actions towards Y/n, who didn’t deserve any of it.
Kakashi could come up with a million excuses and reasons how it cannot be his child, for one, after his injury during a mission, he was told having any children was no longer an option.
But he couldn’t excuse the fact that she was a virgin when he bedded her and Y/n wasn’t one to have multiple men even if they were officially in a relationship. Their fling was exclusive for the most part. Even if Kakashi had used condoms every time they had sex and had been told he couldn’t have children… there was always a possibility…
He groaned, suddenly remembering a time when they had both just come. Still in a daze of euphoria, he slipped off the filled condom. Only with Y/n, does he ever ejaculate so much. His cock was still erect, oozing with leftover cum.
Kakashi’s eyes glaze over her wet pussy that coated with her wetness.
He had only had raw sex once in his entire life when he was still young and that was the first and the last time he had done so…
But he was so tempted just to be swallowed by Y/n’s hot and tight pussy.
“Just once,” he murmured before slipping his cock, raw, inside of her. Y/n gasped at the same time he groaned, feeling the same bliss of skin on skin. “Just want to be cock-warmed by your pussy…”
Even if he had just allowed her pussy to wrap around his raw cock for a few minutes, that could have resulted in this unplanned pregnancy.
Y/n had no reason to lie to him, she wasn’t one to manipulate and trap him with a child.
He’d known her since she was twelve, he was best friends with her brother who was in the same military unit as him. Who died saving him.  
Y/n knew she should have just left the fallen pen on the ground but her determined self wanted to be independent and pick it up.
Now, she was stuck in a crouching position, able to stand back up after successfully grabbing the pen.
Being almost eight months pregnant with twins, with only a solid four weeks left, she was large. Very large.
She gripped the edge of the table, taking deep breaths to build up the strength to stand without peeing in her underwear.
She needed help.
Her assistant Viv was out running a delivery and wouldn’t return for another ten minutes at the earliest. 
“Are you okay?”
Y/n’s head snapped up, eyes meeting the father of her unborn babies. When had he entered her shop? How did she miss the bell ringing at the door? She blinked before looking away embarrassed.
“Why are you down there?” He looked over, frowning.
Taking a deep breath and setting her pride aside, “Kakashi,” she called his name sharply.
She looked up at him sternly, “I need your help.”
His eyes widen in a flash of panic. “What’s wrong?”
Placing both her hands on the table, she reached out to him, “I can’t get back up, help me.”
Quickly walking around the table, he looked at her, seeing she was crouching down, “are you hurt?”
Y/n shook her head, “no, I just – I just can’t get back up, my belly is too big. Just support me and help me stand.”
Going behind her, Kakashi took her outreached hand and wrapped the other gently below her bulging belly, “slowly…” he cooed lifting her until she could straighten up. As soon as she was back on her feet again she tugged her hand away, walking away from him.
She cleared her throat, wiping her hand on her overalls. “Thank you. What are you doing here?”
Kakashi’s eyes fell on her belly, the last time he saw her was two months ago. “I…” he inhales, “I want to talk.” He noticed her body switching to defense mode, and he took a careful step towards her. “Just talk, that’s all.”
“I’m not sure there is anything to discuss, nothing needs further clarification.” Her tone struggled to stay in control. “You made it clear where you stand.”
Kakashi expected her hostile attitude and gave her a small smile, “you don’t owe me any of your time but I ask kindly, please, can we talk about the baby?”
He exhaled softly, she was going to make this difficult for him. “Okay,” he continued to smile at her, “I’ll come back tomorrow and try again.”
She glared at him, and he knew it was meant to make him fear her, but he found her adorable. “My answer will still be no.”
“Then I’ll come back the next day.”
The next day, Kakashi returned, with a basket of fruits. The fruits Y/n likes.
“Can we talk?”
“Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow.”
Every day Kakashi returned with a gift and would leave with a sigh and his usual phrase as soon as Y/n turned him down, “okay, I’ll come back tomorrow.”
He stopped at the door and turned around, “please at least tell me what you would like for me to bring tomorrow. I’m running out of ideas.”
Before Y/n could tell him anything, Viv answered on her behalf, “Takoyaki please!”
Y/n turned her head, giving her a silent serious look.
“Takoyaki tomorrow then,” he waved before leaving.
“Seriously?” Viv groaned, “the man is doing all that to just talk to you. Can you imagine what he would do when you give in?”
Instead of answering her, Y/n turned her heels and headed to the cooler. Viv followed behind her, carrying the bag of chips and snacks. “I have seriously gained weight from all the gifts he has brought in.”
“Then stop eating it,” Y/n answered rather sharply.
“Well, you won’t eat it, so someone has to?”
Y/n ignored her, grabbing a few bundles of bouquets before heading back to the front of the shop.
“How do you guys know each other?”
Sighing, Y/n answered, “I’ve known him since I was twelve, my brother met him in school and since then he’s been pretty much part of the family.” She grabbed a white rose, one of her favorites. “They both enlisted into the military together and were deployed together.” Her breath hitched, “but Kakashi was the only one who returned home alive.”
Viv leaned over to hug her. She knew about her brother’s death and how it had affected her.
Y/n has barely spoken about Kakashi but it did not take much for Viv to put two and two together to confirm, she asked, “he’s the father of your babies?”
It was a long pause before Y/n answered quietly, “yes.”
“It seems like to me, he wants to be part of your life?”
For a second, Y/n zoned out. “He didn’t want us at first.”
“Key word, at first.” Viv clarified, leaning onto the table. “Not trying to create excuses for him but just stating that people can change overnight. He didn’t want you guys at first but what if he wants you guys now?” She stares silently at Y/n before walking away, “people can change and it could start with their actions.”
When Kakashi arrives the next day with two orders of Takoyakis, he glances around the shop looking for Y/n.
Viv greets him and answers his silent question, “she’s resting in the office, she kind of had a rough morning.”
“Ah,” Kakashi nodded, passing the bag of Takoyakis to her. “Maybe this might lighten her mood?”
Viv motioned for him to go on ahead to the back room, “it’s the first door to the left.”
Kakashi gently knocked on the door slightly closed door before slowly opening it. He catches sight of Y/n, her back facing towards him. “Hey…” He froze, hearing a sharp gasp.
Y/n moans, a hand clutching her belly.
A loud pop echoes the room followed by the sound of gushing fluid.
Kakashi reaches Y/n before she can stumble forward. His eyes widen when he sees the floor wet. “Is that…”
“My water… my water just broke…” She gasps, her hand grips tightly around Kakashi’s arms as her contractions begin.
“What’s going on!” Viv burst through the door and gulped, “are the twins coming?”
“Twins?” Kakashi shouted, he looked at Y/n with wide eyes, “you’re expecting twins?”
Kakashi has been watching the chests of the two tiny humans rise and fall in one incubator. He had only discovered a few hours ago that all this time, Y/n was carrying twins.
He is now the father of not one, but two babies. A boy and a girl.
They were early by three weeks, his son is slightly smaller than his sister and has been crying from the separation of his sister after the cesarian surgery that the nurse has kept them together.
Y/n was recovering, and sleeping with the help of some medications and he left her alone to go visit the nursery.
The door to the nursery opened and the nurse peeked her head out, “would you like to come hold them?”
Dressed in a gown, Kakashi’s hands trembled as he neared his babies. They were so small.
“Would you like to hold one at a time or both of them?”
“Both,” Kakashi answered in a heartbeat.
He took a seat in the glider and the nurse carefully handled one baby at a time, setting one in each arm. He can feel his throat tightening at the immense emotions swelling within him.
Their hats were removed and after a wash and dry, Kakashi could see their physical traits.
Though it was faint, their hair was visibly silver just like their father's with Y/n’s eye color.
During the surgery, Kakashi kept his gaze and attention on Y/n, he had never felt so useless, unable to take away any of the pain she was feeling.
As soon as the surgery room echoed with the first cry, a tear slid from the corner of Y/n’s eyes. Kakashi reached to wipe it away, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
A second cry echoes the room along with the first baby and together, Kakashi and Y/n sighed in relief.
“Here are your babies!” the nurse carried them over, bringing them close.
Kakashi has never been a sentimental one but before he knew it, his cheeks were wet. Amidst the bustling room, his focus narrowed to the sight of the two infants’ cheeks nestled against the individual who had been nurturing them for the past few months.
He recalled reaching for his phone and capturing an image to cherish the moment.
Once they settled into a private room, the babies were brought back where Y/n got to hold the both of them for the first time. The nurse spent the next hour informing Y/n and Kakashi on how to care for the babies.
“Do you want to try and nurse them?” the nurse asked.
Y/n nodded, her gaze fixed on the two babies in her arms with affectionate eyes.
Kakashi was on the verge of exiting the room to give them some privacy when Y/n remarked, “it’s all right; you can stay.”
He stayed seated at the end of the bed, watching as the nurse helped Y/n untie her gown. He felt his cheeks flush when her breasts were exposed. Kakashi couldn’t help but notice how full and engorged they looked.
“Hey daddy, why don’t you come closer, you could learn a thing or two.” The nurse urges, waving him over.
Kakashi walked around the bed and sat beside Y/n. He tried to keep his heart rate down as he watched his son immediately suckle cutely the moment he tasted the liquid gold. He chuckles, his finger rubbing his chubby cheek.
His daughter remained snoozing. Kakashi reached to nudge her cheek gently, “hey you.” The tiny baby stirred and yawned adorably before whimpering.
Y/n giggled and brought her over to her other breast, urging and cooing the baby to suckle.
As soon as their feeding was over, Y/n was ordered to rest and the babies were brought back to the nursery. Not wanting to disturb Y/n, Kakashi made his way down to the nursery.
Cradling both infants in his arms felt surreal; he had only recently come to terms with the idea of expecting one baby, and now there were two. During the months when he and Y/n were apart, he discreetly acquired various items. However, he hadn’t presented them to Y/n, uncertain of her willingness to accept them.
An unsettling sense persisted with him, urging him to engage in a conversation with Y/n.
Kakashi truly wants to make it work between him and Y/n, not just for the sake of his babies now but because he really cares for her.
Y/n hadn’t voiced it yet, but she was thankful for Kakashi’s presence. Even if they are only working together for the sake of their babies.
She thought she would have to go through this all alone, and though she spent most of her pregnancy alone, she didn’t know what happened for Kakashi to change his mind at the last minute.
Whatever the reason was, she wasn’t going to question it because as much as she did not want to admit it, she needed Kakashi.
When she discovered she was expecting twins, she panicked. She had seen a single mother raise one kid and it already made her nervous but just her luck, she was going to be a single mother and raising two.
Y/n didn’t take the initiative to inform Kakashi about expecting twins, especially considering his initial reluctance towards taking responsibility. When the twins were finally born, she anticipated him making a hasty exit.
Upon waking from each hospital nap, her first thought was a concern about being alone in the room, wondering if he had discreetly left with no intention of returning.
It was as though he could sense it; Kakashi would enter her room and greet her with a smile as she awoke. Every time, he would inquire, “do you want to see the babies?”
He stayed with her for the four days of recovery and insisted on taking them home when they were finally released from the hospital.
Y/n was in no position to decline his offer, accepting it with a soft, “yes, please.” The car ride of them four was quiet. The babies slept through, tucked cozily in their car seats.
She didn’t want to assume or expect, she would take whatever Kakashi had to offer.
“Thank you for the ride,” she said quietly as soon as he parked in front of her apartment. She unbuckled her seat belt and froze when he turned off the engine to his car, unbuckling his seat belt as well. “you’re coming… inside?”
“Of course,” he said with a matter-of-fact tone, “you’re not supposed to be carrying anything more than a few pounds, remember?”
Kakashi carried both babies into the apartment, setting them down on the couch before returning to his car to gather the rest of the other items.
While it was just the three of them, Y/n cooed at her two sleeping babies. “Welcome home.”
“Kakashi,” Y/n called his name quietly, he turned his head, looking away from his daughter that’s nestled in the crook of his arm. “I appreciate you being here with us.” She inhaled softly, “but you are not obligated in any way to be here.”
It has been three days, three days of Kakashi giving them his undivided attention. He had told her that he would stay a few nights, only leaving home to shower and grab some items before returning.
Due to her cesarean surgery, she had restricted movements, with swift sitting and standing being prohibited. All remaining activities were geared towards minimizing the risk of reopening her wound.
She wouldn’t have been able to relax and stay off her feet if it wasn’t for the help of Kakashi. He had made their meals, handled the babies, and assisted Y/n with tending to her after-birth wound.
“I don’t want…” her voice croaked, “I don’t want you to feel obligated to be here, because you and I both know – “
“I want to be here. I want to be here because I am choosing to be here, not because I’m obligated,” Kakashi clarified softly. He adjusts his daughter in his arms, “I know there is nothing I can do to take back how I had initially reacted to the pregnancy. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. The only thing I can offer you now are my actions, maybe my words.” He scoots closer until he is sitting beside Y/n who is nursing their son. “I want to be with you and the babies. Through it all. I’m not going anywhere and if I am, it is wherever you three are.”
Y/n stares into Kakashi’s eyes, searching, searching for something she knew was not there. “So,” she whispers, “you want to be with us as their father?”
“Yes.” He answered without a second thought. “I want to do the honorable thing and marry you if you allow.”
“For the sake of the babies?”
Kakashi stammered for a second, “well, that too but I want to be a husband to you.”
“Do you… can you love me?”
Silence sat heavy between them before he answered, “I can learn to love you.” He wasn’t sure if the tears that filled her eyes were tears of joy or pain. They pooled at her lower eyelid, refusing to fall down her cheeks. “I – I don’t know how to love, but I can learn. If you can give me a leeway, I’ll learn to love you.”
Y/n turned away so he wouldn’t see her tears fall as she quickly wiped them with her sleeve. “Okay. I’m okay with that.”
Nine months have passed and within that time frame, Kakashi proposed in the presence of their two-month-old babies and moved into their place, taking over the spare room beside Y/n.
They formalized their marriage in the presence of an intimate gathering. Despite being married, they maintained separate sleeping quarters. Their connection remains amicable, marked by occasional displays of affection centered around the babies. Their lives persist with the primary emphasis and priority placed on their little ones.
Y/n continued her life running her flower shop and Kakashi resumed teaching at the university.
With two babies, time went by quicker than they anticipated and before they knew it, winter had arrived and Y/n’s business slowed while Kakashi was on winter break.
It was the night of New Year's Eve, the babies had gone to bed at their usual time leaving Kakashi and Y/n alone. Though they spent many nights alone together, it was exceptionally different, considering that their first night together had happened the same day two years ago.
“Did… you want to watch the ball drop with me?” Kakashi asked when Y/n had finished preparing her nightly tea.
Caught off guard Y/n froze for a split second before answering, “sure, if you don’t mind.”
“Never, never with you.”
Her heart fluttered and she turned away to hide her red cheeks. “Wou – would you like a cup of tea too?”
“Please,” he said softly.
When Y/n returned Kakashi had lit a few candles and had two throw blankets out but he was nowhere in the room. At that moment, he exits the baby's room, returning.
“Emi began fussing but she went right back to sleep with the pacifier.” He reached for the cup of tea.
Y/n stepped forward to hand him the cup when she stumbled, the hot tea spilled onto his hand.
“Oh my God!” she shouted, setting the cup on the coffee table before checking his hand. She immediately tugged her shirt, gently drying his hand to inspect the burn. It was red. “Let me go get some toothpaste!”
She returned with some gauze and the tube of toothpaste and quickly applied it all over his hand before bandaging it up. “I’m so sorry…”
“It’s okay,” he murmured.
Y/n looked up at him with worried eyes, not noticing that he had been quiet and allowing her to tend to his wound. He was happy to have this interaction with her.
Kakashi reached up to brush her hair behind her ear. “Y/n.”
Y/n could melt that instant hearing him call her name, she always loved how he said her name. “Yes?”
“I’m tired of living this way,” his eyes flashed at his choice of words and he quickly corrected himself, “I mean in a way of I am tired of living like we’re strangers but parents to our children.” His eyes search hers, to make sure she didn’t misunderstand his initial words. “I want to be more than a husband to you, I want to be your rock, the person you can rely on.” Kakashi inhales sharply before speaking the next few words. “I want to be someone you love.”
“I do love you, Kakashi,” Y/n replied, “I have loved you for many years since I was probably a teenager.” She rubbed her thumb over his bandaged hand. “You were my first crush and first love. I still love you.” She looked down at his hand, “but you always just saw me as Brian’s little sister.”
With his other hand, Kakashi cupped her face, guiding her to look at him. “It is true, I did see you as Brian’s little cute sister who was so shy when I was around, but when I returned from my first deployment and you were nineteen… a grown woman… believe me when I tell you that you were the most beautiful woman in my life since that day.” He closed his eyes and released a deep breath, “then Brian and I were deployed again and that day – “ he choked on his words. “Days before that day, he had said to me – as if he knew his days were counting down, he said to me ‘I know you have something going for Y/n, I see the way you stare at her. I’ve noticed it. If anything ever happens to me, take care of my sister for me, will ‘ya? You’re the only man I trust with her.’” His thumb reached up to swipe the tear that slipped from her eyes. “Y/n, I didn’t exactly grow up with love or how to love? I learned how to love and be loved the hard way or no way at all. Please – give me grace… teach me how to love, teach me how to be loved, and teach me how to be in love with you because I don’t want it with anyone else.” He pressed his lips against hers. “I just want you love and I want to love you. Teach me how to love you so that you’ll love me back.”
Y/n threw herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “I love you, Kakashi. I love you and I am in love with you.” She lifts herself to look down at him with a bright smile. “I know you already love me, you show it to me in different ways but I know you love me and our babies.”
“Y/n,” he calls her name huskily.
“Please, kiss me…”
Y/n giggles and fulfills his request. Immediately everything around them began to escalate. Kakashi’s hands slipped beneath her shirt, rubbing her back. His fingers fumble with the back of her bra strap. “Kakashi…”
“Sorry, I just… I just miss touching you…”
“No – no please… please touch me. I need you.”
Kakashi groaned, “I need you badly too…”
“But before we have sex – can we share rooms? I… will it be too soon to move into one?” Y/n asked with a tint of pink on her cheeks.
Kakashi smiled, “you have no idea how long I have been dying to share a room with you. I missed you so much.”
“I just thought you didn’t want to sleep with me.”
He shook his head, “no – I wanted to after we got married but I didn’t exactly know how to approach you with that question. I didn’t know if… you wanted your own space still.”
Y/n pecked his lips, “move in, I want you to make love to me every night.”
“You might regret that…”
The bed softly creaked against the floor, thrashing against the wall with each slow thrust of Kakashi.
He rolled his hips, grunting each time his cock stroked entirely into her sweet pussy.
“I love you… I have loved you for so long…” His fingers tightened around hers as he pinned them above her head. “I don’t want to waste a second without you anymore…”
“Me too – me too Ka – ashi…” Y/n moaned and gasped, “I’m so close, please –“
Kakashi cut her words with a kiss, his tongue thrusting past her lips to dance with hers. He was close too, it had been too long and he wasn’t going to last much longer.
With deeper rolls of his hips, Kakshi groaned against her mouth as he cums into the condom. He continued to slowly thrust, feeling Y/n’s walls clench and tightly tremble around his cock.
As they came down from their high, Kakashi gazed lovingly down at her. “I might be late but… Happy New Year, I cannot wait to start this year with you and our babies.” Tenderly, he takes her hand, adorned with the wedding ring, and gently kisses it. “I love you, wifey.”
. . .
E/n: Kakashi is so #hearteyes
>>>@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Just a Baby (Part 2)
Kakashi x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Part 1 Part 2
Synopsis: When Naruto's parents died, the third Hokage asked you to raise him. You were only a baby back then, but now at the age of 17, with a three-year-old on your hip, you started to see the world as it was. Cruel.
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Your hand moved softly through Naruto's hair. It didn't take much to put him down for his nap and you hated to admit that you were beyond tired. The way your eyes drooped would suggest to anyone that you were severely sleep-deprived, so the fact that it would take you 5 minutes flat to be out wouldn't shock them.
What they didnt know is that the nightmares made it difficult to stay asleep.
Kakashi leaned against the door frame, eyes narrowing as you resisted the urge to leave Naruto's side. You needed sleep and he was kicking himself for not noticing that his absence was the cause of it. "C'mon, Y/n… Why don't we go lay down sweetheart?"
A sigh came from you but you didn't budge, the incident at the market was still circling around in your mind. The way the lady talked about Naruto like he was an animal was upsetting, the looks that everyone threw your way only made it worse. They truly saw him as a monster, but looking at his 4 year old face, you knew he was anything but a monster.
He was your baby. A sweet, funny and caring little boy. He wasn't the monster the parents would warn their children about. He was just Naruto.
Kakashi pushed off from the door frame as he heard a tiny sniffle come from you. He got down onto the floor beside you and wrapped his arm around you, "Don't cry… Those people don't know him like we do."
You inhaled shakily at the words as tears fell down your cheeks, landing on the bed below. Naruto looked so peaceful and innocent, it broke your heart knowing that he would only know hatred from anyone other than you and Kakashi. "How can they be so cruel to him… He's just a baby. He didn't choose for this to happen to him" you cry out softly only breaking Kakashi's heart further. Your reaction was warranted and expected, but he knew the pain you were feeling was heightened because of your lack of proper sleep.
Kakashi moved to press his lips against your forehead as his fingers came up to play with your hair. Your eyes began to droop and you could feel the edge of sleep creeping into your vision. Kakashi pulled you more into him and positioned your head into the crook of his neck all while he continued to soothe you through the ache.
"Why don't we go to bed?"
Your eyes drooped close but he felt your small nod against his skin. Before you knew it, you both had moved into your room and were snuggled deep into the blankets. "I don't wanna go to sleep" you whined out as you tried your best to fight against the hands of dreamland. Kakashi pulled you into his side before resuming playing with your hair, "You need rest-
"The nightmares-"
"I'm here now. The nightmares can't harm you."
"But they feel so real. I hate them" you choked out, fingers gripping onto his shirt as if it would keep you tethered to the world of light and happiness. As if he could keep you from falling into the dark dreams that haunt you. Kakashi sighed as you curled into his side like a child. He's never seen you so afraid of your dreams, not like this at least.
"What do you dream of?"
Silence answered him, and for a split second he wondered if you had fallen asleep. "The masked man came to take Naruto away and I could do nothing to stop him."
Kakashi didn't know if he was breathing, all he felt was his heart breaking for you. Your voice sounded so small, as if speaking too loud would make your dreams come true.
But he wouldn't let that happen.
Even if for some reason the masked man did come back, he would protect the both of you with his life. "I won't let anything hurt you, hurt either of you. I'm sorry I've been absent but know that you've always been protected while I'm gone."
Your eyebrows furrowed at that and you pushed up a little to show him your confusion, but he only shot you a smile and pulled you back down onto him. You didn't need to know that he always left a dog to keep watch over you and Naruto, it didn't matter. His dog would protect you, yes, but you needed him.
"Will you stay with me? Just for a couple of days?"
Kakashi nodded and pressed a kiss to your head, "I'll stay for as long as you need me to. But I won't be leaving until the bags under your eyes disappear." You nodded against him and snuggled into his chest. The dark hands of sleep were starting to pull you under and for once in a long time…
You welcomed it.
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forthereaderinserts · 7 months
Iruka: So, who’s your favorite child of your team?
Kakashi: Favorite child? I can’t have a favorite child- Y/n- I can’t have a favorite child.
Kakashi: Wh- what are you talking about?
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
inextricable (sasuke x reader)
a/n: just gonna dip my toes in the naruto water..see what we think. It's been so long since I watched Shipudden so if I get something wrong...no I didnt xoxo. this is definitely gonna need a second part, I wanna see if anyone likes it before I get too ahead of myself.
summary: Itachi spared two souls that night, his brother and the sister of the man he held most dear. No one can find the second Uchiha, no one can find out that there is a pureblood male and female still alive, ones that were born to be...inextricable.
pairings: sasuke x reader, maybe some naruto x reader if you squint
warnings: mentions of blood and death, angst!!! asshole Uchiha nonsense, dad mode Kakashi, reader is a bully lmfao, uhhhh long as shit
wc: 7840
next final
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You were born to be best friends. At least, that’s what each of your parents had in mind. When Hae Uchiha told Mikoto that she was once again pregnant, the latter practically jumped for joy. She was a few months along with another boy, and she imagined your mother’s next child would make a perfect pal for her second born. Itachi and Shisui got along famously, the two borderline inseparable. 
Mikoto extended her hand to cover Hae’s not-yet showing stomach. “How far along?” She asked with a warm smile on her lips. 
Hae closed her eyes and returned the same embraceful grin. “Just a few months, she should be born soon after your boy!” 
“She! How exciting, I’m sure Sasuke will protect her for her whole life! Have you decided on a name yet?”
“Y/N…I always dreamed of naming my daughter Y/N.”
Mikoto returns her hand to her own stomach, her bump showing through. “That’s beautiful, Sasuke and Y/N…yes, they’ll be another version of our Itachi and Shisui!”
Hae beamed, knowing that her daughter would have a forever ally. 
Well, she had hoped, anyway. 
Nonetheless, you and Sasuke never spoke. He went out of his way to stay out of your path and you did the same for him. Truth be told, there was a great reason. There was hurt, and anger, and most forcefully, the fear, and what you had to do to hide. 
You had been friends, once. Just like your mothers had wanted, from birth, the two of you became inseparable. Where Shisui was a few years older than Itachi, feeling like an older brother to two now; Sasuke was only a few months your senior, making the two of you closer than even your own siblings.
Make no mistake, Shisui’s love for his younger sister was widely known and highly regarded. One might mistake you as his own daughter, if he wasn’t just nine years old. You were a much anticipated gift to the boy, he had been begging for a sibling for years. And his parents tried and tried to fulfill this wish, overjoyed when it came true. You truly were the pride of your branch, as hard as it may be to believe with Shisui’s reputation. Itachi was always kind, about six years older than you. Itachi would often babysit the two of you, being the perfectly responsible young man he was. Itachi was just happy to see Sasuke happy, and bonus points for you as well. He seemed oddly relieved that Sasuke had someone to grow attached to.
So you were, for about six years. You learned to walk together, he learned how to spell your name before he learned to spell his own, you refused to take naps without him. Once, Shisui and Itachi built little tricycles for the two of you, Sasuke’s purple and yours green. You rode those tricycles all over the village, laughing in the hot Konoha sun. You would traverse to the mountains and collect fruits to bring back for your mother to bake into sweet pastries. It was magical, it was perfect. Until that infamous night. 
That fateful night, the night that tore apart mind and soul, body and spirit. You thought it couldn’t get any worse. A hole had been left behind when Shisui died, something irreparable and ever painful. You couldn’t call it a void, for it was too powerful. It was nearly two years ago now, your tiny body and soul already weighed down with his loss. It created a rift between you and Sasuke, too. Itachi was blamed for his death for a while, and it hurt even more to feel so alone. You felt like you were drowning and no one was there to pull you back up, no one to even notice you slipping away… 
You had grown numb to the life that was without Shisui and Sasuke, you went to training and classes like you were supposed to. You did what you were told at home, your parents just as much a shell of themselves as you were. Everything that was colorvision faded to dull grays and empty blacks. Where you once saw beauty, you saw injustice. Where there was once love there was now ugly pain that had rooted, hatred growing in its place. Hatred for who? For Shisui, for dying? For Sasuke, for letting rumors pull you apart? For the forces of the universe that caused it all to begin with? You weren’t quite sure, maybe it was a mixture of all three. 
When you came home that evening, it took you a moment to realize. The house had been quiet since Shisui passed, there was simply no joy without him. Yet still, you were used to the sound of your father’s footsteps shuffling through the kitchen, the clink of dishes. The sound of your mother turning pages in her book–everything was silent. Eerily so. A dread washed over you, familiar with the haunting ache. What was left of your heart sank in your stomach as you realize there was blood on the walls. Your breathing became rapid and shaky, you crept down the hall, hoping it was some cruel joke from the village or–or maybe it was paint!
There was no humor in what laid before you that night. Your parents lay slumped over, almost like they were sleeping. Kagami laid propped up against the wall, seated perfectly on the floor with his head tucked into his chest. Your mother’s head lay in his lap, her torso twisted at an awkward angle, legs sprawled. 
Tears cloud your vision immediately. You could feel your knees wobble and buckle, seemingly too heavy for yourself all of a sudden. You fell forward, hands and knees catching you and making a sickening squelch. You realize the stickiness soaking into your skirt was blood, the dark red blood of your parents. You scream. It’s more of a wail, your entire body wracked with emotion so strong, your eyes begin to burn. It hurts, it gives you a headache, and when you force your eyes open again, the world looks different. It felt…slower. You can see a glistening trail of what you can identify as chakra, it glows all over the house, coming in through a window and leaving through the front door. This had happened before, when Shisui died. Your sharingan was activated for the first time. This was different, it felt like a new level. You pull yourself up, running at the door. You throw it open and run into the street, tracking the chakra house to house where you only find more slumped over bodies. The entire clan, everyone…they’re gone. They’ve been slaughtered, every last one. You can’t bear it when the chakra trail leads you down Sasuke’s path, knowing you would find the last of your home in there. You never got to make amends, never got to reunite. Sasuke would be dead, just like everyone else you ever cared for. 
You’re stopped in your tracks when you see a figure in the street, you notice glowing red eyes, the pattern so familiar you couldn’t help but gasp. “I-itachi?” Your chin wobbled, the tears coming back as you ran closer, relieved to find someone alive, someone you know. 
“Back away, child.” His voice thundered, it chilled you to the bone. He had never spoken to you like that. 
“Itachi, it’s m-me! Y/N, you know me! I-I’m scared Itachi!” You plead with him, the new vision of yours highlighting the blood on his clothes the closer you got to him. 
“The second tomoe..” He revered, a nod of approval following, just as quick as it came, the familiarity left. He was icy again when he spoke, “You should be scared. You’ve realized what I’m capable of.” 
You fall back, astonished. This couldn’t have been, no, you refuse to believe such a thing. Itachi wasn’t…capable of this? He looked as if he was going to speak again, but another figure moving rapidly towards you grabbed his attention. It was Sasuke, alive after all. 
“I don’t believe it!” Sasuke said, tears streamed down his face, “This is too unlike you, Big Brother. I mean…” He looked around wildly, finding solace in your presence, relief. You couldn’t help the tears, the same relief he had coursing through your own mind. Itachi had spared you both, but why?
“You have the potential to become my opponent.” He directed his voice to his younger brother, ignoring you completely for the time being. “You are someone who could be able to use Mangekyo Sharingan just like me…” The wind blew ceremoniously, whipping up leaves from the ground and sacrificing them to the sky, to the full moon that was the only light to go by. “However, on one condition…that you must kill your closest friend..Just like I did.” His gaze flickers to you then, making Sasuke’s eyes widen. 
Sasuke gasps, as do you. Itachi really did kill Shisui. He has now killed your entire family. Your brother, his best friend, died senselessly to the little brother he never had. You were wrecked, this realization makes your head spin, the boy you’ve known since birth…Itachi Uchiha was a cold blooded killer, and your life was forever destroyed because of him. 
“That was…your doing?” Sasuke’s brows knit together in shock and confusion. “Big Brother, you…killed Shisui?” 
“That’s right…and because of that I obtained these eyes.” Itachi replied stone-faced. As if you needed the confirmation, but hearing the words from his very mouth absolutely ruined whatever remained of your soul. You felt your eyes burn once again, the vision skewing, leaving you momentarily blind before you blinked and everything was clear again. It was clearer than before, you could sense the movements of two brothers before they did them, this shouldn’t be possible. You had just awoken your second tomoe minutes earlier, had you already gained the third through this extreme emotional distress? There was rigorous training involved to level up your eyes, you could feel the drain it put on your body as it began to sway in the wind, feeling light. You couldn’t hold on much longer, you knew that, but you were in danger…and so was Sasuke, you had to fight for consciousness. 
“If you attain these eyes, you will become the third person including myself to utilize the Mangekyo Sharingan. However,” He turns abruptly, startling you both. “Neither of you are worth killing. And one day, Sasuke, when you have the same eyes I do…come and stand before me!” Itachi challenges, his eyes swirling into his familiar triangular pattern. 
“And you…” Itachi says, beckoning you forward with the point of his finger. “Come here, child.” He says, issuing an order. Sasuke makes a strangled struggling noise before he falls to the ground, the emotional distress leveling his eyes too fast as well. He was in a genjutsu, you realize, by the sounds he was making on the ground, crying out in agony. 
“Let him out of that! I’ll go with you, I won’t fight. Let him out.” You plead, not in the position to make any demands yourself. Even fighting wouldn’t get you out of this, Itachi was far too powerful, you could never hope to escape. 
Itachi chuckled dryly and shook his head. “No. He needs this. He will foster hatred and turn it into immense power. You…you have to be hidden.” He says, his voice in a dream-like state. He was thinking deeply, wondering what he should reveal to you. Enough to keep you alive, and nothing more. “You will stay away from Sasuke…until it’s time. No one can know your identity. It’s imperative you understand this, child.” He says, and if you didn’t know any better you would think he was panicked. Itachi kept calling you that, child, as if he were not. He was only 14, but he clearly felt much older. 
You were confused, but didn’t even know where to start asking him questions. He didn’t wait for a response, just sweeping you up in his arms and jumping from rooftop to rooftop until he was in the trees with you, Sasuke long abandoned on the outskirts of the village. Itachi was taking you somewhere, apparently to be hidden. “Itachi-san–please, I’m scared, I don’t understand!” 
“You need to be scared! You have to understand. Force yourself to. They can’t know that I left you alive, they know Sasuke will live…they can’t know that you do as well…it would be most troublesome…” Itachi explains without explaining a single thing. Who are “they”, and what involvement do they have in this? “A male and a female Uchiha could save the clan, they will not let that happen. I owe this to Shisui.” Itachi says quietly, dropping down in front of someone’s door. 
A man opens the door before Itachi can make a single noise. He was waiting for Itachi, you realize. 
“Here she is.. Train her to be strong, stronger than you. Keep them apart, keep them safe.” Itachi pleads, or as close to it as he can get. He sets you down, letting you see your new caretaker for the first time. 
“I understand, Itachi. It’s best if you get a move on, they’ll be on your scent soon.” The taller man says, the cover of the night obscuring your vision of him. 
Itachi nods, taking one last look at you with a trace of pain in his eyes. You look down at your feet, not sure what to make of the situation, everything happened so fast. “Thank you, Captain.” Itachi says with a curt nod before disappearing into a puff of smoke. 
It was silent. The wind blew again, whipping your hair into your face and pushing the clouds across the moon like it was a normal night. You begin to cry, everything so overwhelming you couldn’t help but do anything else. You’ve lost everything. Your family is dead, every single one. You, the sole survivor, have been placed with a stranger by the very man that murdered everyone you love. The last person alive that you care for is trapped in a genjutsu, lying on the pavement outside the house of his murdered family. 
The man crouched down to be on your level. He looked young, but you couldn’t really tell. His face was mostly covered, his shinobi headband covering his left eye and a black mask pulled over the lower half of his face. The most notable thing about him was his tall and spiky gray hair. His one brown eye looked at you sadly, and at once you knew he understood. You felt more at ease nearly immediately. You were still wary, after all he seemingly knew what was going on and had worked with Itachi. But the look in his eye and the expressive way he puts his hands on either arm of yours makes you feel safer. He knew sadness too, you recognized it in him. 
“Hello, little one. I know this has been…a horrible night, to understate…but you’re strong. You’re safe now, I’m Kakashi, and I’ll make sure of that.” He nodded determinedly, searching your expression for your next move. He frowns under his mask as you cry, unsure of how to console a young girl at his age of twenty two years. 
“What’s wrong with your face?” You ask, sniffling out your sentences and wiping viciously at your eyes. Your mind was all over the place, you didn’t want to think of this night anymore but the only other thing you could ponder was why the man in front of you dressed like that. 
He chuckled earnestly. “Oh!” He pushed his headband up to reveal a long scar running lengthwise over his eye and down his cheek to where the mask starts, but most strikingly a sharingan sat in the eye he kept covered. The sharingan consumes a massive amount of chakra for non-Uchiha wielders, so you gather that the eye was given or stolen almost immediately. 
“That’s partially why he left you with me. I can help with some of your training. You’re in luck, little one. The Hokage has just released me to be a jonin Sensei. So you’ll get first class training living with me. I…I know I can’t replace what you’ve lost, or hell..even understand what you’re going through.” Kakashi slipped his mask down just for you in this moment, wanting to earn the trust of his new foster child. “I will protect you and make you strong, smart, and ready for this world. It’s you and me now. I set up a room for you..” he adds rather sheepishly, sliding his mask back up after a nervous smile. “We can..make changes to it as time goes on, I wasn’t sure what would best be suitable for a girl of your age.”
You blink at him,eyes still bleary from leftover tears. You wipe at your eyes, your own sharingan taking in his full appearance and making a mental note. His half-baked motivational speech was partly moving, and you could tell he was genuine in this. You tilt your head to the side to analyze him further. He was young, taking on a six year old at his age was surely difficult. He was nervous, you could see that much, but his chakra was powerful and in a way, calming. 
“What about Sasuke?” You managed as he opened the door to his place. 
Kakashi sighs. “He will be taken care of, don’t worry. We have to keep you separate for now, it’s for the best. When you start school it may be different. Do you remember what Itachi said?” He asks, partly wondering what all the boy even told you. 
You nod. “He said they can’t know he left me alive. I don’t know who they are though.” You say, feeling everything all the time all at once. Pain, numbness, sadness, fear, nervousness and wonder. Your eyes were wide and your sharingan kept glowing, a red beacon in the dark night. You looked inside the home, small and neat. It looked like…a real place, which surprised you for some reason. With the night’s events it was becoming difficult to predict what would happen next, in your mind he was going to open the door to a slaughterhouse or some medical lab for testing. You were relieved to see it was a completely normal apartment. The young man led you to a decently sized bedroom right across the hall from the bathroom. It was decorated haphazardly, pink cherry blossom wallpaper was slapped on the wall, a little bed covered up with pink blankets sat in the middle of the room. There was even a closet outfitted with a few changes of clothes, luckily regularly colored. It was a nice effort, you recognized. It was natural for any young man to assume a six year old girl would love pink. Your favorite was green. It reminded you of rolling down hills and the bushes you would pluck fruit from, the trees the sun peeked over, the tricycle your brother built…and Sasuke’s was purple. 
“I hate pink.” You say solemnly, feeling bad almost immediately, he had tried to think of your comfort and here you were, being rude. “B-but it looks nice! Thank you…” You looked to him a bit confused on how you should address him. 
“Kakashi, that’s fine for now.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed for giving you a stereotypical girl room. It was clear that there was nothing to be assumed about you. “What color do you prefer, in that case? I can work on a replacement tomorrow.” Kakashi offered with a closed-eyed smile. 
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Kakashi followed through on his promise. The next time you went into your room, the walls were painted a deep plum, the covers that decorate your bed were as purple as the evening sky after the sun had left, and on a table you noticed a few more trinkets and accessories. There were hair ties and clips, little earrings and a purple headband. He heard the word purple and ran with it. Kakashi wasn’t sure why he displayed all this effort, well he had an idea.
He had knocked against your open door, just to alert you to his standing there. You still looked so sad. It had only been a day after all. At least you had stopped crying, he would happily take the progress. He leaned against the doorway, arms folded over his chest. “I hope some of those things make you feel a little more at home, Kurenai helped me pick them out…” He mentioned, once again, scratching at the back of his head nervously.That was his nervous tick, you noted. 
“Thank you, they’re pretty..” You say with a small smile, reaching for the headband and slipping it over the long black locks signature of your clan, luckily it was also a common characteristic of the citizens of the Stone village. That’s the story, anyway. Kakashi found you on a mission while in Iwagakure. You were newly orphaned, and had no one else to take you in. Which, now that you think about it, isn’t much of a lie at all. You were new to the Leaf village, and Kakashi was your young and kind foster father. It gave him a reason to change, and he didn’t know if he liked that yet; he did know that he wanted you to grow into a powerful kunoichi, and he had no doubt you could accomplish that. 
He cleared his throat. “You know, Y/N…I..” He hesitated, wondering if it was worth mentioning at this moment. He sighed out and continued. “I lost my father when I was six, as well. I don’t pretend to know everything you feel, but I do understand some of your pain. You can talk to me, when or if you ever want to. I’ll listen.” 
You look to your feet, the tears pooling in your eyes again. His kindness was overwhelming at times, you hadn’t expected him to be so warm. He just retired from the Anbu after all, and you were old enough to know what that meant. You nod your head after a minute, picking up a purple fuzzy stress ball. You squeeze down, finding it helps temporarily. 
“Mhm, I will..thank you for being here.” You mutter out after a few beats.  
“A-Alright. We’ll go out for dinner around 7. I’ll come get you.” Kakashi hummed pleasantly, touched by your gratefulness.
You were thankful that you wound up with someone like Kakashi. Last you’d heard, Sasuke was set up in a nice apartment, well taken care of and monitored by Lord Third himself. But he was alone, and that worried you. He was sure to become a cold shadow of the former joyous boy he had been, just as you are. But even you had another person around, someone to at least distract you from the constant pain. Sasuke didn’t have that, he didn’t even know if you were alive. The last thing he saw was his older brother sweeping you up and leaving with you. 
The purple made you feel better. It helped you feel just a little closer to where he was. You hoped he would make friends with the kids in his building, if there was any. You hoped he could power through and find happiness in the little things. Would he try to remember you? Find you, even? Your heart ached, you physically covered it with your hand and winced.  
You decided you hate Itachi. That you would do everything and anything it took to get to him and kill him. You came from a powerful line of the clan too, Shisui was a prodigy and the youngest to ever awaken his sharingan before you did it at four from his death. You committed, promised yourself in Kakashi’s apartment that you would train until your eyes bled, you would master genjutsu just as Shisui had, you would master chakra control. You would learn everything Shisui had mastered, and you would kill Itachi the same way he had killed your brother. 
Little did you know that Sasuke had made himself the same promise. He would avenge his family, your brother in your honor, he would become a worthy opponent and he would use Mangekyo to kill the man that had caused all this pain. 
He was beyond lonely, there was no word to describe the hell he was living. He relived his parents’ death again and again, trapped in a genjutsu by his older brother. But the nightmare was reality. He had no one, everything was destroyed. The only person left was missing at best, dead at the worst. Even once he was released from the genjutsu’s chakra control, the only thing burned into his eyelids was the scene of his parents' slaughter. The only thing he can hear is the sound of your tears as Itachi admits to killing your brother, it’s miserable. 
 Why did Itachi spare them both, did he really just want to fight? Well, Sasuke could give him that. He couldn’t wait to start the academy, to refine his talents and find a rival and friend that could fulfill his needs for the Mangekyo Sharingan his brother wants him to have so badly. There wasn’t a reality that existed where he would kill you for it, as his brother insinuated. He was sure that his new friends would suffice, when the time came. 
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Kakashi had arranged for him to proctor your bypass exam the following year. The rules for the Academy aren’t concrete, and you were a prodigy after all. Kakashi stressed your physical prowess and shadow clone jutsu to get you through the Academy in just one year, passing your genin exam easily. 
Over time, your numbness had resided. You found yourself motivated by revenge and desire for rebuilding what was taken from you. Kakashi was a friend and mentor, and he helped you train your eyes and genjutsu regularly. He had to, as you weren’t allowed to display this power outside of the training grounds with no one else around. You had to train harder over the next few years, both your sharingan abilities and those you would use to cover your identity. 
Kakashi and yourself had landed on a plant style jutsu, where you could summon different plants, both poisonous and strangling variations. It reminded many of Hashirama Senju’s wood style jutsu. Your chakra control was impressive, and your inclination toward medical nin was just another tool in your arsenal. You owe most of this to your mentor, who, so far, has followed through on his promise to make you as strong as he can. 
He was impressed by you, a prodigy indeed. It was no surprise you were Shisui’s younger sister. He wondered how you could have absorbed so much from him since he passed when you were so young, now a girl of twelve. He can’t believe he’s had you in his charge for six years now, and how you’ve grown in that time. He cared for you like his own child, even though he was not much older than a kid himself when he decided to take you in. 
It was hard work, especially now. He had been assigned as Sasuke’s sensei, along with two other promising shinobi. He was splitting most of his time between his new team and the child he’s been training for years. He found it hard to hand you over to Kurenai, even though the woman was somewhat familiar with your delicate case. She didn’t know your true identity, as Kakashi would never risk that knowledge to anyone, but she had helped Kakashi with the more delicate matters of your girlhood your entire life. He had kept you in his own training since you graduated the academy, it was time for you to join a team and attempt the chunin exams. He knows you’ll pass easily, so why is it that he’s so nervous? 
Because he knows the days of keeping you and Sasuke apart are over. He knew he wouldn’t be able to prevent it forever, but he wasn’t ready for you to revisit that time in your mind. He didn’t wan your hard work to crumble once you faced your old friend again, under the guise of an adopted Hatake. Would Sasuke call you out immediately? He hadn’t been given the same warnings to stay away, as far as Kakashi knew. The boy was angry, and he was boiling over with immense talent. He had been working with the boy on chidori and other sharingan practices that he had once done with you.  Kakashi knew that there was nothing he could do to prevent Sasuke from seeking revenge, and it bothered him…deep down inside he knew you were the same way, your anger tamed to your own mind. You were quiet all the time, your chakra a lime green–just a few shades lighter than your brothers. He could feel your emotions and recklessness bubble inside you. It was just a matter of time, but the seasoned shinobi worried what would come of the girl once she was faced with the Lone Uchiha, and what would come of him when he saw her. 
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You were first. The beginning match was you against a girl named TenTen. You thought she looked silly. Ridiculous, almost. Her speciality was weapons, you heard her talking about it as all the chunin hopefuls piled into the colosseum type building. As far as you could tell, she had no special control of chakra or any impressive jutsu. This would be over quickly. 
The two of you stepped forward, the sound of your first name making Sasuke’s heart stop. He looked over at the scene, brows knitting together in confusion. His teammates, Naruto and Sakura started whispering about the match. But they truly don’t know how to whisper, Sasuke tuning into their every word. Y/N? Hatake…? It looked like you, at least close to what he could remember. But you were definitely an Uchiha, and surely he would have known if you were living in the village this whole time?
“Kakashi Sensei’s daughter?” Naruto asked with a sense of disbelief. “I didn’t know Kakashi Sensei had a family!” He adds.
Sakura slaps him lightly on the arm. “He rescued her from the Stone! She was six when her parents died and the villagers were just too busy to take care of her, that’s what I heard.” 
Sasuke arched his brow in curiosity. Kakashi really hadn’t mentioned you, and the way you walked around the battle ring piqued his interest. You were confident, cocky even. You let TenTen throw a few exploding kunai at you, easily outjumping them. You weren’t using sharingan, he noted, but there was no mistaking that smirk. That truly hadn’t changed a bit, your features easily identifiable to him. It seems like Kakashi attempted bleaching your hair at one point, but it had grown out now. You had dark black roots, your eyes big and dark brown. It was you, there was no argument to be made otherwise. You chuckled at TenTen, making her scrunch her nose up in anger. She charged at you with another kunai. You grasped her wrist, quickly turning it and making her drop the weapon, kicking her hard in the stomach, sending her flying through the air. 
The crowd gasped, knowing the other girl would be seriously hurt if she landed on the hard ground from that height, the power of your chakra control something to be feared. You closed your eyes and weaved a hand sign. Out of nowhere, a giant lilypad caught TenTen, keeping her from serious harm. As the crowd sighed with relief, everyone watched more vines burst free from the ground, tying the opponent to the lilypad without any fuss. 
Needless to say, you won the match effortlessly. Kakashi took a deep breath of relief, wandering over to his own team of hopefuls. 
Sasuke stared at you, watching you help TenTen out of the plant trap once the winner was announced. He didn’t even notice Kakashi coming up behind them. 
“Certainly an exciting first match!” Their sensei said with delight, as if he didn’t know anything about you and was just as surprised as everyone else. 
Naruto nodded with widened eyes before remembering that Kakashi hadn’t mentioned being a father. “Hey, Kakashi Sensei, how come you didn’t tell us you adopted that girl?” 
Sasuke tore his studying gaze away from you to hear the answer to this. 
Kakashi shrugged. “It never came up, of course. My job is to train you as shinobi, not teach you my life story.” He replied coolly, as if they were unreasonable for wondering. 
Sasuke narrowed his gaze at Kakashi, identifying that there was more to the story. There was something he was missing, why would they change your name and try to hide your hair? Why would Kakashi be involved? He needs to find you and ask you himself, because he clearly wasn’t getting anywhere with his sensei. 
But how could he be certain you would talk to him? The last memory you share is his brother basically saying he kept you alive so that he could kill you later. Maybe you were trying to distance yourself from him specifically. Maybe you didn’t know he was here just as much as he didn’t know you were. It was his turn to fight next, but he planned to track you down after the battle was quickly won. You beat TenTen in 18 seconds, his goal was to beat that time. Then he would just have to make you understand that he wasn’t a threat to you. 
He beat your time by six seconds, dismantling Choji Akimichi in 12. You smiled to yourself as you watched him, he was very good. Just as you hoped. It would always hurt to stay apart, you realized then. He surely recognized you from your fight, so now you had to work to keep him away. Just as the battle was wrapping up, you pushed through the crowds, getting stopped by some of the girls your age. You had briefly talked to some of them, but you didn’t care to now. You had to get away, distance yourself. He would surely come looking for you. 
“Y/N-chan! Who do you think the hottest boy here is?” Ino asks, a beautiful blond girl with a ditsy grin. 
You roll your eyes at the question. “Really, that’s what you’re worried about right now?” You ask, confused by her priorities. You turn your head, noticing people parting a little down the way, knowing what that means you turn back to the girl. 
Ino giggles and nods. “I’m a great multi-tasker! I know all the girls are dying to get closer to Sasuke Uchiha!” She purrs, cheeks turning red at the mention of his name. 
You sigh, with forced disgust you groan. “I for one don’t want to be anywhere near Sasuke Uchiha.” You say, folding your arms and walking onwards, hoping the digging comment would keep Sasuke at arms length. 
You should know better than to think yourself lucky. You feel a weight on your shoulder, keeping you from getting away. 
“Why would you say that?” He asked, voice on the quiet side as he stared at your back. Your hair was wavier than it was when you were younger, or maybe it was just because it was so long. 
You scoff. “I don’t owe you anything.” 
It was his turn to scoff. “Y/N Hatake?” He practically hisses at you. “I think you owe it to me to explain why you’re not using your sharingan.” 
You turn and clap your hand down over his mouth. Your eyes are wide with a frenzied type of fear, searching around to make sure no one heard him. “Don’t say that. You don’t understand.” 
He pushed you off him easily, looking at you with a mix of frustration and confusion. “No I don’t understand because no one tells me anything! I didn’t even know you were in the village!” He says angrily. 
You bite the inside of your lip, debating your options. Maybe it would be easier to explain it all, maybe if he could understand why this was happening he could play his role and you could both stay safe. You know that would help put Kakashi at ease. 
“Come with me.” You order pointedly, walking out of the building with the knowledge that you had at least twenty minutes until your next battle. You keep walking, far away from the building or any people.
Sasuke follows you into the treeline, mind racing. He didn’t know what to expect. He eyes you with his sharingan, noticing your abundance of chakra and power. He blinks his doujutsu away.
 “Now.” He orders expectantly, folding his arms over his chest. 
“I don’t know why…” You admit with a shrug, thinking back to what Itachi said that night, both about Mangekyo and how important it is to keep away from Sasuke. “But when Itachi took me away, he said ‘they’ couldn’t know that he spared me, that it was dangerous to have a male and a female. He said it was imperative for us to stay away from each other, “until it is time.” I’m not sure what that means, really. But Kakashi agrees…there’s more to this that I don’t even know.” You explain cautiously, your eyes trained on the boy in front of you. He hadn’t changed much, except for the most striking thing. His features were haunted by grief, the once happy and smiling eyes turned cold and empty. You wonder if he thinks the same of you. 
“I would never hurt you.” He says simply, a hint of annoyance laced through it. 
You blink at him a few times, unsure of how to respond. “I’m not scared of you.” You clarify for him, looking at a spot on the ground. “I’m scared of the ‘they’ Itachi was worried about.”
He considers this, looking at the same spot on the ground that you are, as if there were hidden answers stored there. “So that’s why Kakashi Sensei never mentioned you, then. He doesn’t want me around you.” He determines, the annoyance gone and replaced with a hint of sorrow. 
“It’s not a personal grudge, he knows how hard it’s been on me…” You defend softly, the corners of your lips dropping. “Until we know who I’m hiding from, I have to stay under cover like this. I’m sorry..”
His body tensed with anger, you could tell he was close to snapping. “I want revenge, I swear I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him for what he did to me, what he did to you!” He announces, eyes teeming with tears of anger. “We can get revenge together, we can find and destroy those that caused this, and you can live as an Uchiha, like you’re supposed to! You can’t be a kunoichi without your sharingan!” 
You sympathize with his pain, after all, you feel the same way. His offer of revenge sounds nice, so you nod. “When the day comes where we are ready to seek revenge, I’ll accompany you.” You say, envisioning the two of you as jounin, ready to track Itachi down. 
He smiles when he hears this. “Until then.” He says, taking another look at you. If he wasn’t so damned angry, his heart would be relieved to see your familiar face, just a few years older. You were utterly unchanged, even the grief written into your face seemed to disappear when you smiled. He would keep his distance like you requested, until it was time to enact revenge. 
You wait for Sasuke to disappear back into the treeline before you begin to walk back to the arena. It would be your turn soon, and you intend to impress–without your sharingan–just to prove how powerful you really can be. 
By the end of your second match against Sakura, the crowd of other expecting chunin whispered amongst themselves. It really wasn’t her fault, she was like the others. She was completely unfocused on being strong, only desiring to look desirable. It’s a shame, you hoped she would change after this. Your Venus Flytrap jutsu was too much against any opponent, she was just its latest victim. Your giant flower sprouts from the ground and grabs the unsuspecting opponent in its teeth, releasing venom on your command. You wouldn’t take it that far unless you wished to kill. You make a few hand signs, “Release!” You call, letting Sakura tumble from the mouth of your monstrous flytrap. 
Still the crowd spoke of your victories, all quick and painless. You were surely impressive, and it was no wonder you graduated to genin in a year, just like your adoptive father. “You can tell she’s trained by Kakashi Sensei.” Someone said as you walked past, shaking their head in wonder. 
“She’ll be another heartless Anbu member in no time, just like her dad.” Someone else declared, linking your emotionless victories back to Kakashi’s vicious streak. You wanted to lash out in his defense, but maybe it’s better if they thought that of you. It’s good for them to compare you, as if you were related the whole time. It kept them from thinking anything was off, so you’d take it for now. 
Sasuke was thoroughly impressed with your abilities, though he’d likely never say so aloud. Naruto was also occupying his mind as his rival was also the other popular subject amongst his classmates. Naruto won all of his battles that day, all his classmates plus the mysterious Y/N Hatake made it to chunin. 
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Things only spiraled from that day. Kakashi relaxed a little when you told him that Sasuke understood why you needed to keep your distance. He didn’t mind for his team to interact with you as much now, but Sasuke did. 
He hated being close to you while not being able to be close to you. That annoying Naruto was quickly becoming a close friend to you, leaving Sakura to obsess over him. Needless to say he hated everything about that arrangement. He didn’t want Naruto near you in the slightest, and he hated pathetic girls like Sakura. He hated everyone, no one seemed to understand. He was training for a real goal, meanwhile the others just wanted to be cool. He wanted more, he needed more. He would never relinquish this goal. He would never admit that Naruto was stronger than him, even if it meant he had to leave to become stronger. 
You told him that you would go with him, right? That when the day came, when he was ready to seek revenge, you would go with him. That’s what you said. So Sasuke was loud about his plans, he didn’t care to put Naruto down when he tried to stop him from leaving that day. 
Even when Kakashi explained to him that revenge was not all he thinks it is, he was undeterred. The emotions swirling inside him, the life that was stolen away…he had to get that back. And if Kakashi wouldn’t help him do it, then he would find someone who will. 
Sakura tried to stop him too, right on the edge of the village. The two of you sprinted there when you heard, Sakura a mess of tears, you a mess of nerves and emotion. 
You watched with your mouth agape as Sakura begged him not to go, only met with fierce rebuttals and disapproval from the Lone Uchiha. She even offered to go with him, which evoked a warped laugh from the dark haired boy. 
He was different. Completely consumed by his grief and desire for justice. He wasn’t thinking properly, and your heart dropped when you saw several shinobi from a different village drop from the trees. They’re here as escorts?
“Sasuke!” You shout in disappointment. “You’ll make yourself an enemy of the Leaf, just settle down and think about this for a minute, please!” You step forward, past Sakura and her unyielding tears. 
He chuckled with mirth. “This is all I can think about, Y/N. I refuse to let Sakura join me on this, she’ll just ruin her name.” He groaned, appearing behind the girl and knocking her out in a swift motion, laying her body on a bench. You eye him in disbelief. He was serious about this. You didn’t doubt your ability to stop him by force, excepting the three or four sound village ninja that would surely interfere. 
He looks at you with a crazed glint in his eyes. He holds out his hand to you. “Are you ready to go?”
You look from his hand and then back to him, shaking your head in shock. It’s that curse mark, you think to yourself. This isn’t him, he just needs to see that. “Sasuke, you’re being controlled. You’re not thinking clearly.” 
His mouth drops open in surprise. “Oh on the contrary, dear Y/N. I’m thinking clearly for the first time!” He protests, staring at you with disgust. “You told me you wanted revenge too, you told me you’d join me!” 
“I thought you meant when we were finished training! As Jounin! I didn’t think you meant defecting!” You defend yourself, thinking of Naruto’s heartbreak once he discovered that he wasn’t able to keep Sasuke. 
“Pathetic.” Sasuke hissed, shaking his head at you. “You’re weak. That’s why you can’t bring yourself to leave. You know you can’t take revenge, I wouldn’t want you weighing me down anyway.” He spat, his words cut like a knife. 
“Please don’t do this. They’ll send people after you! You can’t do this by yourself..” You plead desperately, hoping against all hope that you could get to the friend you once held so dearly. 
“Watch me.” He says, casting one last disappointed glare over his shoulder before walking to the shinobi waiting to guide him away. 
You watch him leave, the figures disappearing into the trees without a trace. You didn’t even notice the tears begin to roll down your face, nor did you hear Naruto and Kakashi land on either side of your body. 
“Wh-what just happened, Y/N-chan?” Naruto asked innocently, trying to delude himself against the truth before he even heard it. 
“Sasuke left the Leaf.” You reply, eyes fixated on the spot he last occupied in front of you. He was bound to be tracked down or hurt by someone dangerous before he could come to his senses. Had you upset him so badly that he would speak of your secret? Kakashi seems to know what you’re thinking as you make eye contact. You knew he wasn’t thinking clearly, the curse…you can get him, bring him back and have the mark removed. 
“I can catch him if I go now..”
tags: @cullenswife @sixxze @anele-anomis @cigarettesandicedcoffee @jheneaikosbae
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brotheramberland · 1 year
Senseis' as fathers with a child!reader that was born blind.
Senseis' include: Kakashi Hatake, Satoru Gojo, Yami Sukehiro, and Levi Ackerman.
Please keep in mind: All character & reader interactions are purely platonic. There is NO romance. The reader is somewhere below the age of twelve and is portrayed as non-binary. These drabbles are meant to be platonic, fluffy and comforting.
Kakashi Hatake
"Do you have a good sense of your surroundings?" Kakashi asked from where he knelt beside you.
You sported a determined expression that he couldn't help but to find both adorable and admirable. Even blind you still tried your hardest to improve your skills no matter how dangerous it may be. It made him proud and also worried him to death.
"Mhm," You nodded, tilting your head, "There's a tree five meters that way. I think I know where to go."
"Very good," Kakashi patted your back, "Just remember, if you happen to fall, I'll be right there to catch you."
"Ok, daddy," You smiled at him before focusing all your attention on using echolocation to navigate the branch you wanted to jump on. If you were going to be a ninja one day, you had to practice and train with all your might, "Here I go."
Kakashi held his breath while calmly waiting for you to make your jump, his body braced in precaution. A lump grew in his throat and sweat lightly dampened his clothes. Honestly, he might be over-thinking a bit, but he couldn't help it. He loved you so much, and while he respected your desires to train, he still worried about you tremendously.
He had lost so much in his life. Losing the most precious piece of it would cause him to go infinitely insane. Your blindness was an extreme vulnerability, and although you had grown well adapted to it, there was still much you had left to learn. And it didn't help his anxiety any when you decided to do dangerous activities like this.
In a flash, you jumped.
With a stumble, you landed perfectly on the tree branch. Wobbling to regain balance, you blushed in triumph and giggled, "Ah! Did you see that, daddy? I made it!"
Kakashi swiftly jumped onto the same branch, smiling proudly behind his mask, "Yes I did. That was well done, dongo, good job. At this rate, you'll be a ninja in no time."
Delighted by his praise, you grinned and began looking around, getting excited when you sensed yet another nearby branch. "There's another one," You grinned and went to jump.
Kakashi gasped and reached out for you, "Wait, (y/n), not so fast."
This time around, you didn't land where you were supposed to. In fact you didn't come into contact with any trees, and instead fell to the far away ground. "Ahh, daddy!" You cried.
Kakashi caught you in an instant, safely securing you in his arms while landing on a nearby branch, "You okay?"
You whimpered, hugging him tightly and frowning in failure, "Yes, but... I missed."
"That's okay," Kakashi quickly reassured you, running a soothing hand through your messy hair, "We all make mistakes. Why don't you try again, but this time, try not to let your emotions overwhelm you, ok? Often times emotions can be more blinding than blindness itself."
"But... What if I miss again?" You say sadly, "I-if I can't jump like I'm supposed to, then I'll never get to be a ninja, an-and you'll hate me, a-and I w-won't get to be like you-"
"Hey, hey, where's this coming from?" Kakashi grasped your shaking shoulders, looking into your milky, watery eyes, "Dongo, I could never hate you, so don't ever assume that, ok? And this was only your second attempt. You have plenty more to go. Don't be so hard on yourself. One of the most important things about being a ninja is never giving up. You're not giving up, are you?"
Quickly wiping your eyes, you shook your head and say softly, "Do you really think I can do it?"
Kakashi smiled and went to playfully pinch your cheek, kissing you on the forehead through his mask before saying, "I know you can. There's nothing you can't do, (y/n), and I'll always be right here by your side to make sure of that."
Levi Ackerman
Levi was enjoying one of his rare days off from the ever tiring Survey Corps. He hadn't gotten to see you in over a week- something he chewed Erwin out for sternly. By the time he entered his house, you came rushing towards him, your tiny figure accidentally bumping into things along the way.
"What did I say about running?" He grumbled, unable to resist hugging you whenever you were close enough, "Damn runt, gonna hurt yourself."
"I missed you, daddy," You say in a mixture of sadness and excitement, your cracking voice causing him to frown, "You were gone so long. I-I was scared you wouldn't come back."
"Hmp, so much for faith," Levi ruffled your hair, relief flooding him at finally getting to be at your side again, "Has nanny been good to you?"
You whimpered a bit, your glossy eyes pointing towards the ground, "I like her, but... She doesn't let me draw... or cook... or sew."
At that answer, Levi sighed and palmed his face, cursing nonsense underneath his breath. This was a common problem for you and him; nannies and babysitters not letting you do anything fun all because you were blind. None of them had any patience or consideration and it really got on his nerves.
"Tell me she read to you at least?" He rubbed his temple, not really in the mood to threaten another dumb nanny for mistreating his child, but if he had to he would absolutely give her a piece of his mind.
Your small "yes" was the only thing that saved her.
Seeing the dejection decorating your face, Levi tapped on your nose and said, "Well, you should know it's been a while since I've had some decent food. Get your little butt in there and cook me something already."
Gasping in joy at his given permission to do one of your favorite activities, you nearly leaped into the air, twirling around and giggling excitedly, "Yay! I get to cook for daddy."
Before you could run off, Levi grabbed your hand and grumbled, "No running this time."
You grumbled back at him and marched to the kitchen with a silly pout on your face. Levi shook his head, grinning as he thought about how much he loved you. Honestly, you being blind was kind of a relief to him simply because it meant that you would never be able to fight. And being the protective father he was, he rather preferred it that way.
You were already doing such a good job at basic daily activities like reading braille, learning how to write, cooking small meals, navigating your way through familiar places, and even drawing and sewing. People said you wouldn't develop properly when you were born. Well, Levi would like to see them say that to his face now.
Taking off his jacket, Levi none-too-politely paid the nanny and threw her out of his house. Then he went into the kitchen where you were currently working on mixing eggs in a bowl, your eyes staring mindlessly at the wall. You may be blind, but you made him so unbelievably proud, you had no idea.
"I'm making your favorite, daddy," You say cheerfully when you noticed his presence.
Levi smirked and went to put some fire in the stove, "'Bout time I was spoiled."
You giggled, carefully climbed down from the chair, and walked over to him, reaching out to feel for his hand, "Can I see you?"
After getting the fire started, Levi knelt down in front of you and patiently allowed you to touch his face with your hands. You often did this during moments when he held you, your little hands gently feeling the structure of his face in an attempt to get an idea of what he really looked like.
"I missed you, daddy," You say quietly.
Levi reached forward and pulled you into a firm, loving hug, kissing the side of your cheek, "Missed you too, you little runt."
Satoru Gojo
Who would have thought that his child would be born with beautiful crystal eyes like he himself had, and yet be cursed never to use them? Even though your disability was not his fault, Gojo still felt guiltily accountable, and always sought protecting you and making you the happiest he possibly could.
Starting a new morning, Gojo carried some fresh, folded clothes into your bedroom, quiet and stealthy. You were sleeping peacefully on your bed, your little snores causing his heart to flood with endearment. Gosh, you were so precious to him.
Setting the clothes down, Gojo knelt beside the bed and reached out to brush a gentle hand through your hair. You whimpered, your head stirring around on the pillow. "Hm? Hello? Rise and shine," He playfully sang.
You groaned softly, your body stretching out as your eyes squinted open. "Mm... Daddy?" You reached out to feel for him as your eyes stayed aimed towards the ceiling.
"Morning, my little angel," Gojo grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently, "Time to get up."
"Are you taking me to work today?" You asked curiously, tilting your head towards him, your hand tensing within his own larger one, "What if they don't like me?"
"Are you kidding me? They're gonna love you," Gojo blew raspberries and laughed, "And if they don't, then guess what? More butts' for me to leave my ultra-famous, Gojo styled foot print on."
Giggling at his joke, you reached out with your free hand and go to feel the blind-fold covering his powerful eyes, "I wish I could be more like you."
That sent a bullet roaring through Gojo's heart. He absolutely hated it when you degraded yourself and/or claimed that you wished you were different. It broke his heart more than you could ever imagine. "Hmm, well I love you just the way you are," He said casually.
"In fact I'd give up my own eyes any day to be just like you; free house, free food, the world's most riveting, handsome dad (if I do say so myself), and of course the opportunity to never have to work in a dangerous environment," Gojo smiled and patted your head, "There are plenty of reasons to be like you. Quit being so negative- you'll make the walls cry- and they don't even have eyes."
Letting go of your hand, Gojo grabbed your clothes and unceremoniously tossed them onto your face, "Hurry, hurry, or I'll eat all of the breakfast. Hm? Breakfast... Oh no, the breakfast!"
Sensing your father quickly disappear, you only manage to frown when the fire alarms began going off seconds later. Looks like he burnt breakfast... Again...
After you got dressed, brushed your teeth and headed down the hallway, you grimaced at the stench of burnt eggs. Goodness, what a silly father you had, but you loved him. Coming to a stop at the table where you sensed he was sitting at, you timidly held out a single band of cloth.
"Oh? What's this?" Gojo asked nonchalantly, pretending not to be embarrassed about, yet again, burning breakfast, "A scarf?"
"I... I thought that maybe... S-since I'm blind, maybe I could wear something like what you wear to cover your eyes. Then that way..." You frowned, tilting your nose down at the ground, "That way they won't know I'm blind. They'll think I'm strong, like you."
If your words could be knives, then they would have just sliced right through his chest. Still though, he managed to maintain his optimistic, calm persona, "What? You wanna lie to your new friends? Well that's not very nice. Their hearts would be broken in seconds."
"But..." You whimpered.
"Listen, (y/n)," Gojo reached out to grasp your shoulder, squeezing it gently, "You're not like me. You will never be anything like me. Why- you may ask? Because you're already a million times better."
You sniffled, leaning in to hug him, grateful that he so greatly accepted and loved you no matter how flawed you were, "I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, little angel who is stronger and cooler and- while I hate to admit it- better looking than me," Gojo teased, your laughter his haven that he could live in forever.
He loves you, (y/n), remember that.
Yami Sukehiro
Yami, in general, was already extremely protective of you, especially after he discovered that you would forever be blind. Now that's not to say that he didn't encourage you to push past your limits. In fact he helped you train all the time. But see, the only problem he had with you training was when you trained by yourself.
And when he found out that you had been flying around on a broom by yourself thus leading to the breaking of your arm, Yami just about tore the rooftops off buildings with his sheer rage alone.
He was in the medical ward giving Magna and Luck a good scolding until you came prattling up, your arm perfectly healed by healing-magic. "Daddy, please stop being mean to Magna and Luck," You whined, tears in your eyes as you lightly shook, "I'm sorry. It's my fault... I went outside without their permission and rode the broom... It's my fault."
The entire ward went dead silent as Yami turned all his attention to you. Considering how bad his temper could get, you were pretty brave for admitting your mistake. And the look on your face; embarrassed, frightened and sad. He knew that you were telling the truth.
"Alright then," Yami relaxed and stepped forward to take your healed hand in his, his voice calm as he said, "Think it's 'bout time you and I had a little chat."
You whimpered but otherwise said nothing the entire time your father lead you just outside the ward. You knew from how he treated others that making him angry resulted in a scary outcome, and you worried what he would do to you now that you've finally done something to upset him. You felt bad too. Sad and regretful.
Once you were outside, Yami let go of your hand and lit a cigarette, "So... Ya just thought ya could do whatever the heck ya wanted to, huh?"
You tensed, your blind eyes staring at the ground, "I did a bad thing. I'm sorry, daddy."
Yami considered you. Unlike other people who annoyed him, he had never really ever gotten mad at you. Seeing how scared you were right now was suffocating enough to make him pout. Was he really making you that uncomfortable? But... He was your father. You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable around him.
"Ya know, if this were me an' my dad, I woulda' already got my head beat in," Yami blew out a cloud of smoke, "Lucky for you though, I ain't him... I do wanna know one thing though- If all ya wanted to do was ride a damn broom, why didn't ya ask for help?"
You swayed back and forth, fiddling with your hands, "'Cause... You don't need help, an'..."
Ah. So you wanted to be like him. Yami closed his eyes in understanding. "Squirt, get over here an' look at me," Yami crouched down and guided your tiny hand to rest against the side of his face.
He in return cupped your face, gazing into your foggy eyes and saying, "I don't need help 'cause I'm all grown an' got full control over my mana. You're still a tiny, little sprout. Now if ya wanna train, that's fine, but 'till then, you train when someone else is around to help, ya hear?"
You nodded, your lower lip wobbling, "Yes, daddy."
"Eh? I go easy on ya an' you're still about'a cry? Talk about sensitive," Yami chuckled a bit, gently whacking your nose with his thumb.
"I-it's not you, daddy, I..." You whimpered, your body buckling up, "When I fell- i-it... It was just so scary a-and it hurt..."
Oh. Yami's face bloomed with realization. Oh... That was your first traumatic experience, huh? No wonder you were so upset. At first he thought about teasing you or making a sarcastic remark, but ultimately decided against it.
Instead he settled for wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his large chest. "It'll be alright, squirt. You're tough. You'll pull through. Everything's gonna be alright, ya hear?"
Soaking up his comforting warmth and attention, you whimpered and nodded, trying your hardest to hide in the safety of his chest. Your father was so strong and comforting. With him around, it was guaranteed that you would always be safe.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #5 Kakashi (Naruto)
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He had known about you since he was a child.
And at that time he absolutely hated you
How could someone so careless and utterly dimwitted be a shinobi?
You were constantly fumbling missions
You were never on time (actually getting lost on the way there)
And you could never take hints
It was a miracle you never died.
But as he grew older and everything with the 3rd Shinobi War, he sort of forgot about you.
He wouldn't run into you again until after he started teaching Team 7.
Naruto had pointed out a new squad's unusual training methods.
"Look at those weirdos! They're balancing an egg on their finger! And I thought you were weird Kakashi-Sensei. Ha! Their teacher must be insane!"
The boy wasn't wrong, it was odd, but that's more of a thought he should've kept to himself.
Especially since the squad heard him
One of them lost focus and dropped their egg.
The other gave up in favor of chewing Naruto out.
And the last kept their cool.
It was complete chaos.
"How dare you insult our sensei! I'll have you know they're one of the strongest Shinobi the Leaf has!"
"Yeah right! If they're so great why haven't I heard of them!?!"
"I haven't even told you their name yet you loudmouth!"
Kakashi was about the intervene, (trying not to cause a bigger scene) when the boy arguing with Naruto was hoisted up by a familiar figure.
"Ryuuuu~You know better than to pick a fight."
The boy lost all the fight in him and hung his head in shame.
"I know, but he was disrespecting your training."
And then Kakashi saw you in full.
That dimwitted kid he assumed would become nothing, was right in front of him.
You'd become a teacher and a Jonin.
And you still had that overly dopey look.
"Then you'll just have to prove him wrong, won't you?"
And it seems you actually matured.
He decided now would be the best time to re-indroduce himself.
He was curious to know just how the hell you got where you were.
"Y/n, long time no see."
And you gave him the blankest stare he's ever received in his life.
He felt a little self-conscious then because what if you had held a grudge for the way he treated you as a kid.
"I'm sorry??? Who are you???"
You didn't remember him??????
"Kakashi. We were acquaintances when we were kids. You were in Gai's squad right?"
Usually when people heard his name, it was immediate recognition.
But you continued to give him a blank stare for another two minutes before the dots finally connected.
Thanks goodness
"You're Gai's rival! The one he could never beat! How cool I get to meet you in the flesh!"
Kakashi was distraught because not only did you not remember him, but you only recalled him from Gai's stories.
But maybe it was a good thing you didn't remember him.
He could start fresh
And it would be nice to have someone to talk to that didn't constantly challenge him.
So he keeps finding ways to bump into you, just to take a peak inside that mind of yours
Realizes that no, you haven't outgrown your stupidity.
And it's not an act like his carefree facade
You still trip over nothing
You still have trouble deciphering secret documents
And you still can't find your way to meeting areas.
But unlike Kakashi's 'An old lady needed help' excuse, you just right out and say you got lost
And it catches him off guard everytime.
Your students adore you and after teaming up with your squad, he understands why
Whenever Naruto and Sasuke fight, he let's them sort it out themselves.
When your students fight, you make them perform such an outrageous act, that they forget what they're arguing about.
Instead of trying to one up each other over the smallest of mistakes, they actually work together because 'the faster we finish the mission, the more time we'll have to pick out a place to celebrate.'
But the one thing he still doesn't understand is how you became a Jonin.
Sure you were a great teacher, but you were still incredibly careless.
And then he finally sees your monster strength after the two of you had been ambushed on mission.
He didn't even have time to awaken his sharingan before you launched into action
There was no special jutusu's, no chakra based attacks, and no Kekkei genkai.
Just you downing enemy after enemy with Taijutsu
And he was so surprised, because you, the knuckle head idiot who even Obito could outsmart, had defeated about 30 Shinobi in less than 5 minutes
He understands clearly now how you got as far as you did
And it makes him feel a little guilty inside for the way he judged you
He seeks you out more frequently from then on, wanting to see what else you've been holding back.
But then he starts to notice the little things about you
Like how your socks are always mismatching
How when you can't read an important document, you have a student of yours read it out for you. (Those are secret for a reason dummy)
Or how whenever you see him, your eyes seem to light up a little more.
And goddamnit he's got a crush
He won't tell you for a long time
But there will be hints
He'll hold your hand in crowds because he's worried you'll wander off and get swept away
He'll request more missions with you even if it's a one man job
He'll take off his mask around you, knowing you won't make a big deal.
He'll be even later to meeting spots because he knows you got lost on the way and he wants to be the one to lead you there.
He doesn't tell you about his feelings for the longest time because he doesn't think he could take it if something happened to you.
If he let you into his life just to be taken away like everyone else.
But time and time again you prove your strength to him
And little by little his walls break down.
He's a sucker for romance as proven by his taste in books (not the Icha Icha novels 😭😭😭) so he'll try to confess using the traditional methods.
(we've got another one fellas)
Dinner dates, bringing you flowers, trying to woo you with his strength
But you never get the idea.
Not until he's ranting to Gai, the only other person closest to you, about his failures. Because at this point, he would take any help given.
He was already straining himself by being this forward, not used to being forced to confront his emotions.
"I just don't know what it's gonna take for Y/n to understand I like them."
And Gai sees you peaking over Kakashi's shoulder, with the other male not noticing you. And he gets a brilliant idea
"You like them?"
"You know what I mean."
"I don't believe I do rival. To understand one's own emotions, they must verbalize it to the world."
The copy ninja had never been so flustered.
Verbalize his feelings?
Not a chance
It was just too embarrassing.
But Gai's plan wasn't for Kakashi to take the bait. It was for you. And take the bait you did.
"I love you!" So proud and happy and everything pure.
And Kakashi jumped because he was completely unprepared for it.
He turns to face you red in the face, while you're beaming up at him.
No embarrassment.
No regret
Just you with nothing going on up top
Head empty
And he's so smitten he pulls you into a hug.
Not a kiss, his heart's not strong enough for that yet. It's something he'll need to build up on.
He's a total dork when it comes to romance so all his nicknames for you are the lovey-dovey ones
Calls you love, honey, sweetheart, baby, dear, darling
He introduces you to his ninken and they straight up prefer you over him. You always bring over treats for them and have the energy to play with them.
Kakashi doesn't get jealous, but he gets very insecure
When other women or men flirt with you, you don't realize it. But Kakashi does and he thinks you might prefer the advances of the other party more than him.
But then you're always walking away from the other person because you saw him start to sulk.
You find him and squish his cheeks going-
"Why are you sad. C'mon and smile for me my pretty boy."
And he's so 😍😍😍 because you called him pretty.
And then he's blushing real hard because you also called him yours.
It always gets him to forget about the other person and cement the idea that you chose him
He's also fiercely protective of you.
Yes you're strong and can handle yourself, but there's always a possibility you could be killed.
And that's enough of a reason for him to never let you take on a mission by yourself
If the wrong person were to use your stupidity to their advantage.......
You're never allowed to fight by yourself
Please don't go without supervision
He doesn't want to lose you 🥺🥺🥺
UP NEXT: Sebastian Michaelis
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morizus · 2 years
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minors do not interact . ♡
the way he eats pussy is so selfish. yet so good. he will eat you senseless.
licking a stripe against your slit, he can't help but want to tease you even more with his tongue. he spits on your cunt, watching as it dribbles to your hole, making you clench around nothing.
he lives for the way you beg him to put something, no— anything, into your cunt. he laughs it off, but you're serious. yet he does nothing but the same cycle, circling your clit with his tongue.
what can you do about it? he's giving you something, enough for you to wrap your thighs around his head. the way he sucks your clit so slowly makes your eyes roll back. when your back arches, he sucks it harder.
knowing what it does to you, he'd place his palm against your lower abdomen, warning you to stay down on the bed where he had you.
"you keep moving like that, 'n I won't finish you off the way you want." he says, before continuing his lack of given paradise.
your fingers make your way to tear & run through his locks, gripping the roots of his hair. he likes it, so he gives you something more, and slides his hot tongue into your hole.
he loves the way you taste, & how your thighs feel around his head. "y' taste s' fuckin' good angel." he says through you.
the vibrations of his voice through praise send you mewling, his grips on the back of your thighs getting tighter as he feels your walls clench even tighter around his tongue.
"you cummin' on my tongue, pretty?" he'll say, before getting you right there .
there's that motion of his tongue sliding out of your hole, and his thumb leaving your clit.
"if you're cumming anywhere, pretty; it'll be on my cock. ♡ "
— HANMA, eren, TOJI, draken, GETOU, GOJO, kageyama, sae, REO, suna, OSAMU, ZORO, aki, kishibe, choso, LEVI, iwaizumi, RYUK, rensuke, nanami, KAKASHI, L, CHILDE, DOTTORE, AI HAITAM, ITTO, uzui, iguro, sanemi, DABI, SHIGARAKI, hawks, AIZAWA, kisaki, sanzu, ran, PEH, kazutora, TAIJU, IZANA
taglist: @shoyoist
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゛ ✦﹒﹒© FSBACHIRAS 2023 — do not steal, plagiarize, translate, repost, or modify my works! and definitely don't recommend my content outside of tumblr. mwah mwah ♡
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abs-2020 · 2 years
Kakashi Hatake x reader(F)
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Summary: kakashi was your school boy crush. But you were the girl that was scared of evening. And him? He was scared of nothing. You hadn’t seen him since grade school. You hadn’t thought about him since grade school… at least up until now.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/praise kink/degrading kink/virginity loss/P in V/size kink/breeding kink/primal&pray dymanics/heartbreak/language/heavy topics/jealousy/stalking/alcohol/manipulation/guilt tripping/abuse if you squint/ and other stuff… it’s me so it’s either gonna be dark and angsty or sad, dark and angsty. But of course it will have SMUT.
Authors note: uuuh, I just had an idea and went with it. Kakashis my daddy. And I hope he’s yours too.
‘Kakashi Hatake…’
“Kakashi Hatake!” Naruto would yell once again both his arms waving in the air.
‘Kakashi Hatake..’
“KA-KA-SHI!! HA-TA-KE!!” Naruto would yell even louder this time each syllable getting aggressively pronounced.
You finally spoke “kakashi Hatake…” you’d say in a whisper, your face was covered in disbelief and concern. “Kakashi..h-“
Naruto would sigh an ‘uuuuuugh’ and roll his eyes “YES! (Y/N) YES! Again YES!”
A small ‘huh’ would leave your Cherry lips as you took your hand from the boys spikey, yellow hair and rose from your knees to your feet. The dust and dirt from the floor staining your navy blue combat pants. You were flabbergasted.
“I went to school with him.” You’d say out loud. More to yourself than anyone else.
Your small and dainty hands would fidget with the sticks and leave you had collected only minutes ago. You sat and the corner of the school. You liked to spend recess alone you were scared of the other kids. Your lips would form into a small pout when the leave you were trying to tie to the twig ripped in half. With an annoyed sigh you’d throw the sticks and leave to the side your hands now stained green.
You’d lift your head and trail your eyes upwards. And there he was. Your little school boy crush. Kakashi Hatake. Playing with his two best friends. Obito and Hanare. You didn’t quite know why you liked him. You didn’t even know him. Maybe it was His silver hair was just so beautiful. Maybe it was his pretty obsidian eyes. Or perhaps the little beauty mark on the right side of his face. But you didn’t know. And he didn’t know. He didn’t even know you existed.
Naruto’s eyes would gleem at your words and suddenly he’d jump up and down even higher.
“What was he like?? We’re you two friends??!!” Naruto would squeal jumping up and down.
A ‘meh’ expression would cross your face at the words friends. ‘Far from it.’
You’d lift your finger up in anticipation quickly raising your eyes brows in a cheeky manner.
“Heeeee…” you’d draw your words out to tease the little boy his eyes lighting up. ”..didn’t know I existed..” another ‘meh’ expression would cross your face as you slouched your shoulders.
Naruto would fall to the ground in a dramatic manner. “(Y/N)-Chan that was so messed up.” His voice was high pitched and full of disappointment.
Your look down at the blonde boy and smile. “Cmon get up.” You’d giggle like a child as he rose from the floor like you after a hard mission or battle. “Honestly tho, I had completely forgotten that, that man existed up until now.” You said with a cheeky smile as you and Naruto headed down the street the sun starting to set.
A knock at your door would have you throwing your head back and dropping your dough as you headed to the door a rag in your hands to wipe off the flour that coated your hands and forearms. Slowly and angrily you’d unlock your door annoyance radiating off your body as you swung the old piece of wood open.
“You better have a good reason for knocking this lat- oh.. Kotetsu.. Izumo.” You’d pause as you stared into the eyes of the two men who sheepishly held their hands up in a surrendering manner.
“Po tchari!!” The boys would yell in unison. The nickname had you cringing and your body visibly tensing.
“What do you two knuckle heads want?!” You’d bark wiping the flower from your hands obviously unimpressed.
The boys would grimace at your tone as they looked to each other. ‘That look.’ You hated that look. That look meant they had something up their sleeves. Kotetsu would finally speak his chin lifting in a proud manner.
“Well, we thought since todays a special day-“
“It’s a Monday” you’d chime in unimpressed
The boys would puff and shake their heads.
“We thought since it’s a very very special Monday, that maybe you’d want to go out to a party and get wasted??” The two boys would say the last word in unison as they both jumped in anticipation, stupid and childish grins painted on their faces.
Your face was plain and expressionless, you were obviously unimpressed or amused
You’d mentally curse at yourself as you stood between the two overly drunk boys that had dragged you to this party. ‘I’m going to kill them once they’re sober’ you thought as you shoved past them and the crowd of drunken and who knows what else ninjas. You’d stomp your way over to a kitchen island grabbing yourself and cup of water before plopping yourself onto a chair. ‘I hated parties’ you thought as you sensed started to get overstimulated and overwhelmed. You’d groan as you rubbed your temples in an aggressive manner. Annoyance was radiating off of you.
“Hmm, don’t like parties?” A velvety and alluring voice would coo from in front of you. As a slutry chuckle follower.
‘Jesus’ was all you thought as you raised your head to meet the eyes of the man with the slutry voice.
“Uh no, no not at all actually.” You’d laugh out before meeting eyes with the man.
And when you did verbally sighed. It was just some ugly guy. You thought as you looked the brunette up and down as he eyes you down like you were some dog toy.
“Cmon, how could a pretty little lady like you not like parties?” The man would boast.
His cheeks were visibly red. He was obviously drunk. His finger and hands were stained black from some kind of much or dirt. And his skin was coated with a nasty sheen of sweat. He looked what one would call musty. Especially since the white shirt he was wearing was stained yellow from where he sweat the most. The sight of him almost made you gag.
You’d visibly cringe at his words. ‘This, this is why I don’t go out.’ With an exhausted sigh you’d leap from your chair and make your way to the exit. You didn’t want this musty man to chase after you and you didn’t want the situation to escalate any further. But as if satan himself heard you, a rough and clamy hand would find it’s way onto your shoulder and squeeze the soft and delicate flesh. A shiver was sent up your spine as the man’s breath assaulted your ear.
“Hey now sweet thing..” he’d grind his hips against your behind. You’d freeze. No man’s ever touched you like that. Ever “why not go back to my place hmm? Let me forgive you for walking away from me like that??” His voice was husky and there was an anger behind it. A drunken anger. Your guy would turn as he ground his hips against you once more.
You saw red. You saw red and in the blink of an eyes you’d spun around and had the drunken bastard on his back. You didn’t say anything, you just stared into his eyes very fiercely and walked out of that crazy house.
Once the cold fresh air had hit your face your let out a sigh. A sigh of relief.
“Thank heaven..” you’d mumble as your stuffed your hands into the pockets of your maroon hoodie and sighed once more.
It was late. Super late. Luckily you hadn’t even let a drop of alcohol enter your system. But as you wondered through the streets you couldn’t help but think about why you were so ‘anti social’. The only people you could really stand were Naruto and maybe the two boys that had invited you to the party. They were the only ones you weren’t annoyed scared by. You laughed to yourself. A ninja, someone who saves people yet so annoyed scared by them.
You were lost in your thoughts, that was until the hairs on your body stood up. ‘You were being watched’ your intuition screamed as you froze in your steps. You’d close your eyes and take in a deep breath, you didn’t sense anybody. And you sure as hell couldn’t see anybody. You bit your lip at the feeling of prying eyes. With a gulp you shoved the feeling down and continued forward.
After what seemed like the longest walk of your existence you’d finally find yourself at Ichiraku Ramen. It was nearly 2 A.M. and the man was still up waiting for someone to come and eat his ramen. You’d chuckle at that observation.
“One bowl of your finest Ramen please” you’d say with a finger pointed up and a cheeky grin as you sat yourself.
The old man would chuckle and make small talk. The conversation you two were having seeming to be somewhat bearable.
“You found anyone special?” The old man would ask as you slurped up a noodle almost chocking on the damn thing at his question.
You’d laugh as you set your chopsticks down.
“Uh no, haven’t found the right guy.” You’d say your lips forming into a straight line. “Actually, I just got back from a party and this man practically threw himself at me..” you’d shiver at the memory. “The audacity of some men.” You’d say out loud as you shook your head.
A small clang would be heard from beside you, causing you to turn your head to the left wanting to investigate what made the noise. Your skin would go ghost white at the sight before you. ‘Kakashi.’ Your body would freeze at the sight of your childhood crush. It wouldn’t have been so unsettling if he hadn’t already been staring at you. But his obsidian eye locked onto yours. The hairs on your body would stand up just like before. His eye causing the same prying feeling as before to course through your veins.
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‘He was watching me. He was the one watching me while I was walking.’ You thought as you continued to stare at the white haired man. His presence now felt, more dominating than ever. There was a grey gloom that filtered your vision as your stared into his eye. Even though he was 2 seats away from you he looked huge. He looked like a big bad wolf. Your finger would twitch when you finally broke the trance you were in and pulled your wallet from the pocket of your sweats.
“Here’s a tip-“ you’d pause the feeling of Kakashis eye still on you. He was boring a hole into your soul. “T-thank you for them ramen. It was delicious.”
With shakey hands you’d place a $5 bill onto the island quickly stuffing your wallet back into your pocket. With a faker smile and a wake you’d throw your hands into your pockets and make your way back to your house, your heart was pounding. Racing. ‘Why was he just staring at me like that?” Your frantic steps would fill the streets as you sped walked to your old and crusty apartment. ‘Don’t look behind you’ you told yourself as you squeezed your eyes shut.
After a few rushed turns and twists your finally made your way to your small apartment shutting the old wooden door behind you with a rushed and quick thud. You didn’t give two shits about waking your neighbors as you tree yourself against your now locked door your breathing frantic and ragged as fear continued to pulse and shoot through your veins like a thick syrup. ‘Why was he staring at me like that…’ you thought to yourself as you bit your quivering lip. ‘Why was he watching me…’ questions filled your head as the image of his one eye bored into your brain. As your breaths died down and your heart rate calmed you’d close your eyes ‘he doesn’t even know it’s me. He doesn’t know I exist.’ You told yourself as the adrenaline from your earlier encounter began to die down and your body became tired and your eyelids heavy. Slowly but surely you drifted off only one thing on your mind ‘kakashi Hatake’.
You’d laugh with Naruto as you two sat in a small clearing in the lush green forest bright rays of sun poking through the thick bush of leaves formed on top of the forest canopy. It was a warm day, and a very light breeze flowed through and rustled the leaves. The chirping of birds filled you and the small blonde boys ears as you two continued to giggle at whatever none sense you could.
Then a crack would fill the air as the wind started to pick up causing leaves and stick to smack into you and Naruto’s face. A whine would leave the boy as he jumped up to protect you. the sun was quickly covered by a dark grey cloud. As the birds and animals in the forest started to screech and whale. Then another crack would fill the air and sting your ears. A growl would fill the air and suddenly the hairs on your body would stick up as prying eyes stalked you through the thick bush of the forest. The world would spin as you began to hyperventilate your small hand going to clutch your chest. Another crack of twigs and a single red eye would have you whipping your head to the left. A scream would shoot for Naruto’s lips and..
You’d jump awake as a scream ripped through your own throat your body covered in a cold sweat. You clothes were sticky and clung to your body in an unwanted way as you wiped a sheen of sweat from your forehead.
“My god..” you’d gasp out fear still racing through your heart, the images your brain had made up still causing panic to fill your senses.
‘Kakashi’ was all you thought as you stood from your spot on the floor your arse numb and flat from the hours you spent sat there. ‘I slept against my door..’ you’d note as you rubbed your ringing temples. You may have not drank last night but your encounter with Kakashi and that dreamnightmare was definitely enough to make you wake up and feel like you had. Your clothes were sticky and stained with sweat. Your body covered in the sheen of your BO. You needed a shower. So with a roll of your eyes and a shuffle from your living room to your bathroom you’d go and get the job done.
You’d throw your damp hair into a messy bun before throwing a jacket on and stepping through your front door. Today was your day off. A Tuesday. It made you cringe. Everyone else got to work and get their jobs done then party on the weekend. Everyone but you. You could say that was part of the reason you never really made efforts to talk to anyone or make friends. You never had the right time.
Aimlessly you walked through the streets full of everyday faces holding your head high but keeping your eyes low, that was until you heard the name ‘kakashi’ it had your ears tuning in and eyes widening. You’d start your eyes to the side using your peripheral to find the source of his name. It was two women. Two young and done up women. And they were whispering into each others ears their body’s full of excitement. You’d lean against the post of a small shop closing your eyes trying your best not to act as an imposter. Taking a deep breath you’d calm your body and mind tuning your senses and listing into their conversation.
“The way he touched me and ran his hands up my body.” One would squeal from beside her friend her feet stomping to the floor in excitement. “He was huge.. in both ways” a gargled chuckle would leave the woman’s throat as she playfully chives her friends shoulder.
“you know how high his body count is right?” Her friend would chime in your tone wavering and stern. “Did he even take his Mask of to kiss you?” Her friend would ask. “Or like, say anything?”
The once excited and ecstatic woman would Stay quiet for a moment a long pause filling the air. “No.” Her once Loud voice was now week.
“Exactly, you were just another body to add to the bag. You don’t change and man like that. You don’t change a man like kakashi.” Her friend would add lightly rubbing her friends shoulder. “He’s like a wolf, a big bad wolf. he takes what he wants and he leaves.”
You’d open your eyes after hearing the end of the conversation. And you’d cringe. ‘High body count’ was all you were stuck on as regret set into your stomach. Nervously you’d rub the back of your neck and shake your head as you continued forward. A part of you wasn’t surprised at all. But then another part of you was. You knew girls likes kakashi, and you knew he knew. You just never thought that he’d use their affections for that. But then again ‘what else are you supposed to do when your sweetheart dies.’ You’d reason as you stepped into a small book store.
Boredom would sink into your bones as you walked the the isles and looked at the covers and titles on the books that sat on the shelves. After walking around the store for about 5mins you’d feel defeated Turing around and making your way to the exit in a surrender. Then, a bright orange book with two people sat on the counter would catch your eye causing you to pivot around on your feet. Your small hands would reach to the book brining it closer to you to read the title.
“Icha Icha- Make Out Paradise….” You we’re intrigued and unimpressed with the title your words laced with curiosity as you flipped the book around and began reading the summary. Then In giant bolded red letters ‘18+’caught your eye. Your eyes would widen and your fingers would twitch. ‘A little curiosity never killed anyone…’ you thought to yourself. ‘Might as well read about it. See what I’m ‘missing out on’’ Izumo’s words replayed in your head as you convinced yourself buying the book would be ok.
Guilt and Shame would claw and scream at you as the cashier placed the orange novel into your hands. you were quite ‘embarrassed’ but at the same time you knew the man could care less about what you bought from his store. He had to make a living somehow. Just like you.
“Have a nice day” you’d squeak out as you waved ‘goodbye’ to cashier. Quickly tucking the book into your pocket before rushing out of the small store.
As you sat against the bark of a tree a bright red dust would paint it’s way onto your cheeks as you read a particular part in your new romance novel that had your thighs squeezing together and your stomach turning in an unfamiliar way. Hastily you’d throw the book away from you the orange novel landing with a thud a few feet away from you. your hands would shoot up to your now tomato red face.
“Icha Icha~” a velvety and unfamiliar voice would coo from above you.
‘Oh god, not another perv..’ you’d internally groan as Your delicate and small hands dragged across your face.
“Whao-“ you’d jump back your head hitting the back of the tree as none other than kakashi Hatake stared at you his face only inches from yours.
He was giant. He was a giant. His form overpowered yours like you were nothing. It looked like he could swallow you if he wanted to. ‘Bastard’ you thought to yourself as he slowly lifted one of his arms placing it right besides your head against the tree. ‘I forget about this man for years and suddenly he has me pinned to a tree.’ Your hands would begin to shake at the proximity of the large man. Your school boy crush. The big bad wolf. And right now you felt like a little ass lamb.
“U-uh… yea-“
Kakashi would cut you off as he lifted the book into your face in a taunting manner.
“(Y/N) right?” His voice was just as velvety and smooth as the first time he spoke, something about it drawing you in.
All you could do was nod as you staired into kakashis singular obsidian orb. Kakashi would give you a close eye’d smile as he gestured for you to take your book. With a shudder you’d grab the orange Novel from his large hands and mutter a small ‘thanks’ as you continued to stare into his singular eye. ‘So close’
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“It’s a good read.” Kakashi would say as he lifted his hand from the tree and stood himself up. “I would know.” The white haired man’s voice was filled with a strange sense of pride as he pulled a much more tattered and withered version of your book from his pocket. Then he’d give you another close eyed smile. “Although, I don’t think I’ve ever had that kind of reaction.” Kakashi would snicker in a teasing tone as his eye never left yours.
You’d give the giant man a look that said ‘what the fuck’ as you stood up from the tree your back still flush against its bark. Then a look of confusion would cross your face as you finally broke eye contact with the man an insulting laugh leaving your throat in the process. You’d take a step from the tree walking towards the man. And his eye widened. That was until you shoulder checked right past the beast making your way out of the forest. Out of the big bad wolfs territory.
“The audacity of some men” you said out loud to yourself. The boldness and Oddness of your encounter finally setting in. ‘He’s watching me’
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Naruto would yell your name as he pulled on your pants trying to get your attention in a childlike manner.
“What?” You’d question your mind still fuzzy from zoning out. “What is it?” Your tone was full of annoyance.
“Kakashi…” your eyes would roll at the sound of the white haired man’s name coming from the blonde boys mouth.
Purposefully you’d zone out as the little boy rambled on about something the legendary ninja has taught him and the rest of his team. If it was any other teacher, any other man you’d care to listen. But not when it was kakashi.. not when ever since the first time naruto had brought him up he’d consumed your ever thought and being like some animal.
Then there it was again. Your hairs would stick up from every single place on your body your spine automatically stiffening as once again prying eyes pried onto you. You’d stop dead in your tracks your heart stopping once again.
“Do you feel that?” You’d ask naruto as your eyes did a 360 of your surroundings the sun bright and heavy.
It had been 3 days since your last encounter with the white haired man. 3 days since prying eyes had pried onto your very soul. 3 lucky days.
“Feel what?” Naruto would ask jumping into a ninja stance as he dramatically whipped around. “WHOS THERE??” Naruto would bark as he circled you in a protective manner. ‘Funny, I should be the one protecting him.’
“So you do feel it?” You’d ask the little boy frantically. A small sense of hope washing over your small form.
Naruto would turn to face you making a ‘oh’ face whilst rubbing the back of his neck.
‘I hate the feeling of his eyes..’ you though to yourself as you rubbed your fingers tighter and tried to shake the stiffness from your spine away.
“No…” Naruto would cringe at his words. And you’d sigh in defeat as you rubbed your temples annoyed steam coming from your ears.
“Forget it… I think I’m just going crazy.” You’d say as you hung your head in a defeated manner. “Let’s just go get some ramen.”
Naruto would jump up and down at your words and start yelling about ‘how much’ he was gonna eat and ‘how full’ he was gonna feel. You’d chuckle at the boy his smile causing your paranoia and stress to fade.
Loud slurping noises would fill your ears as you tried to peacefully eat your ramen. ‘This boy acts like he hasn’t ate in months’ you groaned to yourself as you looked down at your bowl of ramen. ‘And he’s going to make me go broke’
“TWO MORE!” Naruto would demand from besides you causing you to shoot a glare to the child next to you.
“Naruto!! You’re going to make me go broke! Five is plenty you little crotch goblin!!” You’d yell.
“Don’t worry, it’s on me.”
‘Oh god’ your eyes would widen at the sound of the same velvety voice from earlier that week filled your ears invading your presence. You’d look to your left only to find kakashi sitting right next to you. ‘How does he just sneak up like that?’ You asked yourself as you continued to stare at the giant man. There was a glint in his eyes as he gave you another far to innocent close eye’d smile.
“Oh, that’s really uh, sweet of you.” You’d stumble on your own words trying to find the right words for your school boy crush. “But you don’t have to. Trust me it’s fine.” You’d say as you raised a defensive hand in the air your eyes locked onto kakashis.
Kakashi would chuckle.
“I insist, it’s the least I can do.” You’d raise a brow at his words ‘the least you can do for what? Stalking me?’
“Well then.. I gotta get going. Uh. Here’s this, it should cover for me and Naruto.” You’d hand a $50 bill to Teuchi Ichiraku but before the bill could reach his fingers kakashi would rip it from your fingers in the blink of an eye.
“It’s already covered.” Kakashi would say sternly as he grabbed your hand and placed the bill into your fingers in an aggressive manner.
His eye stared you down like prey, like he was testing you. like he was just waiting for you to make some kind of mistake. And you did. Your brows would furrow into a harsh line as you ripped your fingers from kakashis grasp crunching the bill in your harsh grip. You and kakshi would stare each other down both of your eyes filled with a fire that neither one of you could quite describe.
“Ya know, most ladies would say thank you.” Teuchi would peep from beside the two of you.
You’d break eye contact with kakashi to look at the old man and give him a nervous smile and look back at kakashi who was now looking at you with dark, dark eyes. It had you taking a step back.
“U-uh thank you Hatake..” you wouldn’t call him by his first name. Not to his face.
Kakashi didn’t say anything, all he did was stare at you. The same look in his eye as when you first saw him at the ramen booth.
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“Yeah, you’re crazy Po tchari.” Kotetsu would laugh as he listened to your story of kakashi and your frantic and crazy assumptions. “The son of the great White Fang wouldn’t stalk you, or ANYONE for that matter.” Kotetsu would add as you took a sip from his canteen Kotetsu wiping the sheen of sweat from his forehead.
The two of you had been training together for the past two hours and a half the sun finally starting to set and tiredness beginning to hit your overworked bodies.
“Whatever, you have no idea.” You’d bite back your voice laced with annoyance. “It all makes perfect sense, it all lines up.” You’d state as you threw a hoodie over your sweaty form. “You wouldn’t understand, you’re too realistic to understand.” You’d say your voice dying down.
Kotetsu would laugh.
“And you’re too paranoid to think straight.” He’d sigh “cmon Po tchari.. let’s be realistic here. What are the chances that your Childhood crush would suddenly come into your life and start stalking you? What are the chances he would like you..?” Kotetsu would stay quiet for a moment “slim. Very very slim. Especially since it’s Kakashi Hatake.”
You’d visibly wince and shrink at his words. ‘Chances that he’d like me’ you’d drop your eyes downward as you turned around making it so your back was now facing Kotetsu. ‘That hurt’ you’d think as you bit your lip feeling smaller and more defeated than ever.
“That really fucking hurt.” You’d say barley above a whisper. And you had no idea why, but tha though of kakashi not liking you brought an emptiness you hadn’t felt before. “Why would you say tha-“ you’d cut yourself off as you brang a small Hand to the bridge of your nose pinching the soft flesh before taking in a deep breath. ‘Be realistic…’ kotetsus words rang though your head “yeah.. you’re right.” Your words were small. You felt small. Smaller then when kakashi was around.
Subconsciously you’d bring both your arms across your chest in a way to protect yourself from anything else your ‘friend’ had to say Before walking away. Your brows would furrow at the words Kotetsu had said played on an infinite loop as you made your way from the training grounds to your apartment. Your safe space. Your sanctuary. You didn’t quite know when or why, but as the sun set a sheet of grey had filled the sky blocking out the beautiful colors of the setting sun. This only depressened the mood. Your mood. Then it was back. Those prying eyes that had you stopping right in your tracks and every hair on your body sticking up. But this time you weren’t scared. You were angry. Angry at the man that wasn’t was stalking you. You’d bite your lip as you looked to the trees around you steam coming from your ears as you stomped at the floor like a child.
“GO AWAY YOU SICK BASTARD!” Your words were filled with a sadness and venom you couldn’t quiet put your finger on.
There was nothing. No answer. No rustle of leaves. No gust of wind. And no kakashi. It had you rubbing your temples yet again a few mumbled curses leaving your breath. ‘Just go home’ you pleaded to yourself. A look of distress crossed your face as you looked to the heavens above before continuing your journey home.
“ kotetsu was right. You’re just paranoid (Y/N)” you reassured yourself.
“Rough day?”
“Perfect….” You’d spit out rolling your eyes as you looked to your left. And there he was in all his glory resting against a fence post.
At first you were angry. Furious when you heard his stupid amazing voice but when your eyes met his singular obsidian orb you found all of your anger and stress melting away. You found yourself humming as a warm and fuzzy feeling sat inside your belly. You felt safe. And happy. And you just didn’t understand why. So you finally caved in. You caved in and gave the man what he wanted. A response.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah you could say that..” you’d reply as you turned your body to face his. His frame still leaning against the fence post.
Kakashi would stay quiet as he studied your form. You should’ve felt embarrassed letting him see you like that, sweaty, messy hair, tired, boyish clothes. Most girls would’ve. But you didn’t seem to care. That intrigued him.
“How so?” Kakshi would question his voice as velvety as ever as he pushed himself from the fence post making his way towards your small form.
Now you were nervous. Nervous to have him so close. Nervous to have him tower over you. Nervous to inhale his woody and grassy smell with just a hint of lotus. You’d rub the back of your neck nervously, pondering what to say to the legendary ninja.
“Well, I just feel like I’m being watched…not all of the time but most of the time. I feel like prey. But my friend said I’m just paranoid.”
Kakashis eye would darken at your words his body visibly stiffening. He’d hold still as he looked down and you something dark glowing in his eyes. He’d take a deep breath in then a long exhale out.
“What are you telling yourself?” Kakshi would ask his head tilting ever so slightly. The world seeming to get a whole lost smaller and kakashi and whole lot bigger.
“T-that I’m being hunted..” your voice was squeaky.
Kakashis singular eye would darken even more, you didn’t think that was possible. Not with his already obsession orb. Then he’d lean in, the fabric of his mask rubbing against your cheek as he whispered into your ear.
“Might wanna listen to your instincts and be careful then…” kakashi would growl causing vibrations to shoot down your spine at the animalistic noise. “You don’t want the Big Bad Wolf to get ya.” Kakashis voice had dropped a million octaves, your body visibly shaking at the dominating tone in his voice.
‘It was him.’ Now you were sure of it.
The next two weeks had gone by perfectly fine. Kakashi had walked you home a couple times and even decided to buy you a couple snacks for some of your missions. Although you and his ‘encounters’ were limited and vague you still enjoyed ever second of being with him. At least some part of you did. The other part was terrified every second screaming and begging for you to run away. It was warning you. Kotetsu and Izumo had teased you about kakashi singing stupid little love songs about you two just to get on your nerves. Naruto had loved training with kakashi and always told you about how ‘cute Sakura’ was it made you giggle. But something just didn’t feel right. Something was just so wrong.
You sat with Kotetsu And Izumo all three of you hanging at another party with some friends. Everyone sitting in a circle you all getting ready to play ‘truth or dare’ part of you was annoyed that they had dragged you into this yet again buuut another part of you was happy that you were finally learning to let go and have fun. You still wouldn’t drink tho, not in-front of everyone one, and surely not in this setting. Then the door would click causing all of your heads to turn.
“Sorry everyone, sorta got lost on the path of life.” Kakashi would wave as he gave everyone a close eyes smile.
Everyone would cheer and chant his name, especially Might Guy. He looked happy and relaxed. Until his eye connected with yours. And where you were, at this party, full of drunken ninja and seated between to boys at that. something about him changed. And you could sense it. Hell you could see it. But you just didn’t understand why he looked so bothered. You were just here at a party you didn’t really care for. So when he asked you to talk with him for a bit and somewhere ‘more private’ you fingers twitched and your gut sank as you excused yourself from the circle Kotetsu and Izumo playfully nudging you before you left.
Kakashi was quick to grab your wrist and pull you outside quickly placing his large hands onto your shoulders and placing you against the door in an all to aggressive and caring manner.
“Why are you here?” Kakashi would ask his tone laced with annoyance as he stared into your eyes.
An audible gasp would leave your throat as tor mouth fell open. ‘The audacity of some men’ you’d laugh a boastful laugh.
“Because I can be.“ was All you replied with as you took kakashis hands from your shoulders and shoved them away.
“Are you drunk?” Kakashi would ask as he took a heavy step towards you his body language rigid and fierce. His eye drilled a hole into yours.
“No, as a matter o fact I don’t drink!” You’d say pridefully. “And either way, it would be none of your fucking business.” You’d scoff “why do you care anyway? It’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything.” You’d question your tone fiery and fierce as you looked up at the white haired ninja with challenging eyes your brows furrowed into a hard line.
Kakashis Demeanor would shift at your words as he took a step back. He was stunned. You stunned him. No body had ever talked to him like that. No woman has ever talked to him like that.
Your Angry eyes would look kakashi up and down. ‘Who does this guy think he is?’ You’d ask yourself as you shook your head at the man. The large man.
“The audacity of some men..” was all you said before you aggressively took off stomping down the porch and back to your apartment.
You’d hum to yourself as you stepped out of your shower your hair wet and dripping a towel wrapped around your form. You hadn’t seen kakashi in a bit, and to be honest you didn’t want to. Not after he came into that party and acted like he owned you. Not after everything he’s done. Not after he stalked you. Thankfully you hadn’t felt his prying eyes in a bit. You’d hoped he’d just gone off and found some other prettier girl to mess with. But that thought also made you sad. He made you bipolar.
A sigh would leave your throat as you threw your towel off and quickly threw on an oversized hoodie and panties. You’d lay yourself in bed quickly reaching over to turn off your night lamp, only you’d stop once you saw your Icha Icah book sitting on top your night stand. And open at that. You’d raise a brow. ‘I never just leave it out in the open.’ You thought as you rubbed the back of your neck trying to think about how in ended up there. ‘Eh, maybe I just forgot..’ you tried to convince yourself as you finally turned your lamp off and laid your head onto your soft pillows. Your bed was much to big for one person. It needed someone. Kakashi. As you drifted off to sleep something felt off. ‘You never left your book out in the open’ you told yourself once again before drifting off into a slumber.
A long hard sigh would leave your throat as you slammed your back against the wooden door of your apartment. You’d just gotten back from a mission, and a hard one at that. You’d almost lost a teammate and your own life. Your close your eyes as exhaustion finally rammed into your body.
“Jesus..” you’d mumble as you pushed yourself from the wooden door “I’ll shower tomorrow” you mumbled to yourself as you hung your head low. Your back felt like crap, a sharp pain shooting up your body part with each step you took. You felt like crap.
A small grumble would have your eyes widening. You were hungry. Your body was hungry. You hadn’t ate all day. But you sure as hell weren’t making anything and nothing was open this late.
“I’ll eat tomorrow too..” you told yourself as you entered into your bedroom ‘it was darker than usual’ each step you dragged out and heavy.
You’d throw your head back looking to the ceiling as you threw your headband off it hitting the wall and floor with a few clangs. Next was your vest, it was heavy. It felt heavy on your shoulders a small ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you took the burdened protective piece of clothing off your body. You’d take another deep breath your body relishing in the feeling of being free. Then a shuffle to the right would have your head snapping to the corner. You were on edge, after almost losing your life and a teammates who wouldn’t be? The corner was dark. Every corner in your room was darker than usual. ‘Who’s there.’ Is what you wanted to ask as your eyes glared holes into the dark corner of your room. Your breath would shutter when the hairs on your body slowly stood up the same feeling of prying eyes boring holes into your very soul “kakashi’ was All you thought. He’s what you expected to come from the corner to your right. But when a chuckle was heard from infront of you causing you to whip your head to your front your stomach would drop. He was in front of you. Taking slow and teasing steps from the darkness infront of you. His white hair shining brighter than the moon.
“Hatake…” you’d breath out as your eyes locked onto his obsidian orb all the tiredness from your body leaving in an instant. You still wouldn’t say his name. And you knew it triggered him.
He didn’t say anything. He just walked closer and closer. Slowly stalking his way up to you like a predator. There was a darkness to his eye as he looked your beaten and tired frame up and down. With each step he took he got closer, and closer, bigger and bigger, bulkier and bulkier, more dominating by the second. He truly looked like…
“The big bad wolf..” your mumble barley above a whisper.
The comment had his eyes growing even darker and his head dipping in an animalistic way. He kept stalking towards you Until he was finally an arms length from you. Then he’d speak.
“He’d lift a hand to her throat” kakashis voice was velvety and primal as he slowly raised a hand to your throat. “And squeeze” kakashis fingers would squeeze your throat his grip strong, like a vice. “Then he’d force her backwards slamming her against the wall.” And kakashi would do just that lightly lifting you from the floor your the tips of your toes barley touching the floor beneath you. You’d panic as a slick started to form between your thighs. “Then he’d leave in, his breath tickling her ears.” Kakashis lips would brush against the lobe of your ear the fabric of his mask sending shivers to shoot up your spine. “Then he’d speak…” the grip on your neck would tighten. You were gonna have bruises. ‘A mark to remember this.’ You thought as you stared at the wall infront of you.
Kakashi would practically throw his head back so his eye could lock with yours his lips leaving your ear.
“you’re Mine.” Kakashi would practically growl his words, the anger in his voice causing your thighs to clench.
Your eyes would widen as a recollection of a specific ’underlined’ portion of your book slapped you in the face. Then you connected the dots.
You’d lay yourself in bed quickly reaching over to turn off your night lamp, only you’d stop once you saw your Icha Icah book sitting on top your night stand. And open at that. You’d raise a brow. ‘I never just leave it out in the open.’ You thought as you rubbed the back of your neck trying to think about how in ended up there. ‘Eh, maybe I just forgot..’ you tried to convince yourself as you finally turned your lamp off and laid your head onto your soft pillows. Your bed was much to big for one person. It needed someone. Kakashi. As you drifted off to sleep something felt off. ‘You never left your book out in the open’ you told yourself once again before drifting off into a slumber.
“Y-you we’re there that night. It was you.” You’d try your best to accuse the man your words choppy and broken from the lack of oxygen you were receiving kakashis hand still wrapped around your delicate throat.
Kakashi would chuckle. A dark chuckle. It had you shivering. You were his prey. His meal. Kakashi would take his free hand using the giant limb to tuck a few lose strands of hair behind your ear. He was warm, too warm. His warmth had you subconsciously leaning into his touch. Again Kakashi would chuckle slowly dragging his fingers against the soft flesh of your cheek tantalizingly slow. You’d shudder when the pad of his thumb connected with your lips slowly pushing the large digit past your lips and into your mouth. The action had your thighs clenching and rubbing together as slick continued to poop between your panties.
“I can smell you (Y/N)” Kakashi would coo in his velvety tone as he dipped his thumb to the back of your throat causing you to gag on the digit.
Your hands would go to his forearm trying to pry his hand from your neck, or for support. You weren’t even sure. Your mind was just dizzy. Blank. You had to be dreaming. ‘This had to be a dream.’ Kakashi dipping his thumb into the back of your throat had you second guessing if it was a dream as you gagged a second time.
“Please..” you’d all but whisper as kakashi dragged his fingers along your plumb lips coating them with your own saliva.
You didn’t know what you were begging for, not in the slightest. All you knew was that you needed kakashi, you needed him like an alcoholic needed alcohol or an addict needed his drugs, because ever since he’d randomly popped into your life you hadn’t been scared, you hadn’t been lonely, and the world wasn’t grey. It was warm, colorful and enjoyable. You needed kakashi.
You’d bite your lip stuffing a whine when kakashis hand left your throat and his lower half parted from yours. before you could even protest the man leaving kakashi was back to you in the blink of an eye. You’d reach for the white haired ninja only to have him grab your wrist and spin you around before putting your back flush against his chest. He felt like stone. Every muscle in his body solid and condensed. It was your insides clenching and you throwing your head back to look at the ninja. You wanted to kiss him. And He knew. The fucker knew. So without asking he’d bring your headband into view only to blindfold you with the soft cloth. You were blindfolded. Completely at his mercy your senses were now doubled. Every touch or whisper from the man now brining more Ecstasy and pleasure to between your thighs.
“Hatake..” you’d whine as the man’s hands left your body once again.
He didn’t say anything, all he did was place his hands back onto your body hooking his finger tips underneath the fabric of your shirt slowly lifting the material off of your body. You’d blush a bright crimson red a as flustered smile crossed your lips. Then kakashi placed both of his hands onto your shoulders and guided your small frame backwards until the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed causing you to fall onto the soft and fuzzy material of your blanket. Then without warning kakashis lips were on yours his quickly overpowering yours in searing and passionate kiss the action had you audibly gasping as you brang your hands to his hair lacing your fingers between his beautiful white locks. ‘If only I could look at him’ you though to yourself. Kakashi would pull his lips from yours resting his forehead against yours.
“You taste good lotus..” is all kakashi would say before diving back claiming your lips with his in seconds.
You’d moan into kakashis mouth when his hand traveled between both of your bodies and began rubbing smooth and calculated circles over your bundle of nerves. It had you melting, slick and wetness staining your panties even more. Kakashis lips still dominating yours. You wanted him, more than you’d ever wanted anybody. Any man. No man has ever touched you like this, and you’d be fine if kakashi was the first and last. Subconsciously your begin to buck your hips against kakashis fingers your body begging for a release it’s never had or felt before. Finally kakashi would break the kiss once more only to slowly travel down your body leaving small kisses along the way making sure to unclasp your bra and give both your breasts undivided attention before he confined downwards stopping at the hem of your pants.
“Please.. Hatake please…” Is all you could muster as you dug your fingers into the blanket below you your knuckles going white.
“Beg.” Is all kakashi would say as he stared at your blindfolded face a devilish smirk plastered onto his handsome features.
“Hatake I need you, please… please..” you we’re embarrassed. You felt shame. Begging for such a thing?
All kakashi would do is click his tung before slowly dragging your pants and panties down your legs, ankles and finally discarding them some where on your bedroom floor. Kakashi would pepper small and delicate kisses up the Inside of your thighs as he made his way back up your body until finally stopping right between your legs.
“You smell… exquisite.” Kakashi would mutter to himself as he gripped onto your thighs Harshly. Then he’d take a long and dragged out whiff basically inhaling your scent. And then to your surprise the white haired ninja would moan. A quiet and buttery moan.
That had you going feral, your toes curling and your hole clenching around nothing. You didn’t think such a giant and dominant man could make such a beautiful noise and it had you falling deeper into madness with the man. Kakashi blowing a cool line of air onto your clit had your whole body jolting your thighs a molding around his head. Kakashi would chuckle saying nothing as his hands snaked around your thighs pulling them from his head like nothing. He was so strong.
“Please…” it was the hundredth time you’d said that word tonight. At least it felt like it.
To your surprise kakashi would comply with your plead planting A wet kiss was planted onto your clit. It had your hand shooting to his white locks while the other dug into the blanket below you. Kakashi would continue to pepper wet kisses onto your clit before he finally decided to take the little bundle of nerves into his mouth and give it a long and harsh suck. And my god the noise. The noise that filled the room when he sucked onto your little bundle of nerves had you crying outloud your nails digging into his scalp. Kakashis grip on your thighs was bruising but oh so pleasurable. You wanted him to leave his mark. Needed him to.
Kakashi would take another long and torturous suck before he finally decided to flick his tongue across your little nub deciding to finally devour and torture the bundle of pleasure. He’d continue to suck and flick at the nub for quiet a while wanting to draw out ever little noise from you he possibly could. At it was working quiet well. Very well. You were writing in your bed, bucking your hips into his mouth every so often your fingers daring to pull chunks of hair from the man’s scalp. Little Mewls and moans left your throat. But never his name. His name never left your throat. Your first ever climax would continue to build your vision fading as your mind trailed off into an abyss a knot in your stomach daring to snap any minute as slick poured onto your bed sheets kakashi every so often leaving your slit to suck of your delicious and exquisite juices. Your nectar. Kakashi bitting down onto your little bundle of nerves had the knot finally bursting as a white hot pleasure invaded every sense in your body. It had your toes curing and you screaming…
“Hatake!” As your heels duh into your bed.
Kakashi would continue to ‘eat you out’ through your orgasm making sure to drink every last drop you dripped.
“Oh, (Y/N) you taste so good.” Kakashi would grumble as he climbed back up your body the fabric of his clothes rubbing against your clit making your bottom lip tremble.
Kakashi would place both of his hands to your head and take you in a searing hot kiss the feeling of your wet juices and the taste still on his chin and lips. Your whole body would tremble and melt underneath the giant man fully accepting the kiss he planted onto your lips. But you just wanted to see him. To see his face. You hated that he had blindfolded you.
“Kaka-..” you’d pause “Hatake.. please. Take me. Take me, I’m yours.” You’d say between the kiss you two had just shared.
Kakashi would say anything. You were used to that tho. In a flash hed leave your body, filling the empty void with the noise of rustling clothes and your heavy breaths. Then kakashi was back onto you filling your senses with warmth. Kakashi would give you another kiss before taking both of your wrists into one of his hands and pinning them above your head. You couldn’t see him. Or his eyes. But you had no doubt his pupils were blow out and dark. Animalistic. It had you biting your lip.
Kakashis tip teasing your Folds, dragging back and fourth between your aching hole and abused clit had you jumping back into reality and out of your thoughts. Then kakashi would finally. Finally. Like his tip up with your aching hole. But, not All things go as planned.. at least not how you planned. In a matter of seconds kakashi was thrusting his entire length and girth into you untouched core in one go. A socket scream would leave your mouth your hand immediately fighting against kakashis trying to break free from his lock as a white searing hot pain pulsated through your lower half. You felt as if you’d just been ripped in half and split open. Pain, pain was all you felt. There was no pleasure. He was taking you. Taking you a wild animal.
A shuttered breath would leave kakashi lips when his cock had gone as far as it could go in one thrust. He felt your gummy walls stretching in a way they hadn’t before your insides confused on weather or not they wanted to suck him in or push him out. A cry would bubble from your throat as kakashi pulled most of his length out only to plunge all the way back into you causing another shot of pain to shoot through your lower half. None of this felt good. None of it. You were too hot. Kakashis body heat mixed with yours now causing you to overheat as a sheen of sweat began to form on your trembling body.
“H-Hatake that hurts..” you’d mewl from below. “You’re hurting me..”
This only earned a growl from the white haired ninja, as he quickly reached his lips down to yours taking you into another searing, wet, hot kiss. It actually seemed to numb the pain, that was until he started rutting into you setting a brutal painstaking pace that had your legs wrapping around him heels digging into his arse as another cry of pain left your throat. Grunts and snarles would leave kakashis throat with each thrust the sound of wet skin slapping set skin filling the room and your ears. The sound had your hole clenching around kakashis cock.
“J-just shut up and take it.” Kakashi would growl between his words as he continued to slam into your body.
Quickly the pain would turn into a burning hot pleasure few and quiet moan beginning to leave your throat as kakashi abused and used your weeping cunt. Tears of pain were falling down your eyes from just the size and girth of the man only minutes ago, now? Now tears of pure joy and bliss were falling soaking into the fabric of your headband. Your hole began spasming around the white haired ninja’s cock signaling to kakashi that you were close. And you were. Your toes were curling and that oh so pleasurable knot was beginning to form in your stomach. Kakashi would bring his free hand and squeeze it between your bodies immediately attacking your bundle of nerves with his large and rough digit.
“Oh fuck.. you’re squeezing me so tight (Y/N).” Kakashi would mutter a moan leaving his lips.
His moan was enough to set you off causing you to reach your second orgasm of the night. A loud and pleasure filled moan would leave your throat as your cunt squeezed and creamed around kakashis length. Kakashi would continue to pound into you through your orgasm his hips and thrusts starting to stutter signaling he was close to his own climax. Before you knew it kakashi was pulling out of you and paining your stomach with his cum another guttural and feral growl leaving the man’s throat.
Both of you would stay quiet the only sound that filled the room was the sound of you two catching your breaths. Then there was a rustling, kakashi getting off your bed. But then he was back. He was back and his hand were untying the blindfold from your eyes. ‘I finally get to see him.’ You thought. But when your eyes finally met his singular eye and the mask a sigh of disappointment would leave your throat. But you were tired. Too tired to protest. Your eyes and body were sleepy tiredness finally hitting you like a punch to the face. Kakashi noticed this and planted a kiss to your forehead before he laid you in bed and wrapped and strong and large arm around your form. A hum of satisfaction would leave your throat before sleep finally over took you the last thought on your mind being
‘Kakashis right here. Here’s right here.’
Authors note: Sooooo I hope yalll enjoyed. AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! This is y’all’s gift. Sorry for the wait but yeah!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 this was honestly just a daydream that I decided to write out so I hope it’s okay. I also didn’t know who to add to the tag list so I’m so sorry. 😅 buuut let me know for part two. 👍🏻
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xhoneywheatx · 10 months
Oh Baby (Naruto x black fem!reader)
Warnings: None Category: Fluff Summary: Just my thoughts on me you and Naruto going through the birth of our your first child. Also, this is slightly proofread. I apologize for any mistakes.
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(Third person POV)
Y/N tossed and turned for the last time before finally accepting defeat. A few hours ago, you and Naruto finally laid down to rest for the night. She was sure the baby would get through the whole night this time. Y/N was about eight months into her pregnancy, and she blew up like a balloon. She was so big that the ability to put on regular shoes without Naruto's help was impossible. She hadn't even seen her toes in about three months, and she cries about it every so often.  
Now, the baby was playing soccer or something, keeping her awake. She didn't know why the baby was up at nearly 3 in the morning until her stomach growled. At that moment, she realized just how hungry she was. "How am I hungry? I made sure to eat something before bed." She pondered to herself as she carefully threw her legs over the side of the bed. She felt around the floor for her slippers, pushing her pretty white colored piggies into the soft fabric, and stood up once she had them on. Looking back, she saw that Naruto was sleeping on his back with his mouth slightly open with light snores coming out. He looked so peaceful that she was almost jealous. 
Usually, when Y/N wakes up in the middle of the night, he wakes up with her. However, two days ago, Naruto was sent on a mission as a last resort from Kakashi. Everyone else he had in mind before picking Naruto was already set out on missions, and he'd volunteer to do it himself before making Naruto leave Asami in such a state at home. Still, even his assistant was gone on a mission. Naruto wasn't upset at all, which shocked Kakashi. He thought he'd have to talk him into doing it, but he didn't. 
Anyways, the mission ended up lasting until earlier this evening. Even though he was gone, Kakashi had Ino stay with her to help her around the house. She helped Y/N bathe in places she couldn't reach and assisted in dressing her. Ino didn't mind it at all. She was finally away from the hospital for a few days. Once he got home, Naruto thanked Ino for her hard work and took over to which she replied, "Taking care of my baby momma is never a problem!"  
Since Y/N had already taken a bath and was dressed in her most comfortable nightgown and matching black bonnet, he didn't have to do much. He bathed himself and spent a few moments rubbing her sore feet and telling her about his mission. Although it was short, he had to spend most of it on his feet which really took it out of him. It didn't last too long though once he felt himself nodding off the moment he stopped talking. He helped Y/N up the stairs and into their bed before falling asleep when his head hit the pillow. 
Y/N went downstairs and into the kitchen to soothe the rumbling in her belly. With a hand on her belly, she opened the fridge and immediately reached for two brand-new boxes of strawberries and pineapples. Her most recent craving was fresh fruit, so Naruto made sure they were stocked up on her favorites. She pulled the boxes out and shuffled to the living room to begin feasting. 
After finishing the first box and halfway through the second, she was beginning to feel satisfaction. Once completely satisfied, she closed the boxes, placed them on the end table beside the couch, and began rubbing her belly. A flutter of kicks and punches made her giggle at the weird feeling. "Are you happy now?" She asked smiling down at her stomach. 
"I can't wait to meet you and find out what you are. Your daddy and I already came up with names for you. We have one for a girl and one for a boy, but I'm not telling you until I see you." She felt a tiny kick under her hand as she continued speaking. "Your daddy loves you. Don't give him a hard time, okay? He's excited to meet you too." She sighed feeling her eyes getting heavier and heavier. She realized it would take her much longer to go up the stairs alone and decided against it. Instead, she reached for the throw beside her and called it a night on the couch. It wouldn't be the first time she got stuck down there. 
Just as she got comfortable and was about to close her tired eyes, Y/N felt a presence behind her, so she turned around to see her husband standing in the arch with a tired smile. "How long have you been there?" She asked, looking back down at her belly. It seemed like the baby was finally calming down. "A few minutes." He responded, his voice deep and scratchy. He walked up behind her and placed a kiss on her cheek before grabbing the boxes of fruit and going to return them back to the fridge and throw away the empty one. When he came back, he took a seat beside his wife and smiled, placing a hand on her belly. 
"Why are you up so late princess?" He asked. Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and placed her hand on top of his as he gently rubbed her belly. "I could say the same for you love. Aren't you tired?" She asked noticing the pinkish tint in his eyes. "I am, but I rolled over and couldn't find you, so I got worried." He leaned down to give her a quick kiss. "Well, the baby was hungry and wouldn't let me sleep, so here we are." She giggled. Naruto laughed with her. It was nearly every night now that she was getting up to snack on something to feed her hungry baby. No matter how tired he was, Naruto always made the effort to keep her, and his child satisfied. 
Suddenly, Y/N felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and flinched, grabbing the place where it hurt. "Ah!" She cried out making Naruto worry. "Hey, what's wrong baby?" If he weren't already awake, now he is. Her face twisted in discomfort as she tried to fight through the pain. "I-I don't know, but it hurts. I think the baby kicked me the wrong way or something." She talked through clenched teeth and squeezed his hand. After a few more seconds of sitting there, the pain began to subside, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. 
"Are you sure you're okay Y/N? That didn't seem like a kick or anything, ya know." Naruto worried. He'd been there when the baby gave her a hard time and it's never been this bad. He looked at her glossy eyes and began worrying even more. "She's never cried over a kick before." He thought to himself as she reached up to dry her tears before they fell. "I think so." She looked at him and tried to her best to reassure him with a smile. However, another surge of pain hit her in the same spot causing her to cry out once more. 
"Owww!" She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to think of a way to relieve the pain. "Maybe I should stand up." She groaned. Naruto wasted no time standing up and grasping her two hands before gently pulling her up. However, as soon as she stood up, Y/N felt something trickling down her leg and on to the floor. The two of them both looked down and saw the small puddle of clear liquid running on to the floor. "N-Naruto... I think my water broke." Her voice was uneasy and shaky. 
Naruto's blood ran cold. "How is this possible? The baby isn't due for another three weeks!" He panicked to himself trying to understand the situation. "S-so that means it's time, right? The baby is coming right now?" His words were quick from his spiked nerves. Y/N nodded her head and doubled over in as another wave of pain, which she now realized were contractions, hit her. Seeing her in this state made Naruto realize that he needed to get their baby bag and get her to the hospital. He quickly ran up the stairs and burst into their bedroom. He frantically looked around and spotted the green bag at the foot of the bed. Grabbing it, he quickly stepped into his slippers and went back downstairs to his wife. 
Y/N, still in the same position, was now crying from the pain in her vagina and abdomen. "Who knew this would hurt so fucking bad?" She thought to herself as she held on to the couch for dear life. Naruto slung the bag over his shoulder and walked over to Asami and crouched down so she could see him. "I'm going to carry you, okay? It's not that far, so it won't take long, okay?" He waited for her to answer. Asami sniffled and nodded her head. Immediately, Naruto stood up and carefully cradled her in his arms and headed to the door. 
"Don't worry princess. Before ya know it, our baby will be here." He tried to reassure her. She smiled through the pain and began trying her breathing techniques Sakura went over with her as Naruto closed the door behind them. 
"Here we go princess."
At the hospital, Y/N was loaded on a stretcher and put into a labor and delivery room. She was undressed and put in a hospital gown due to protocol. However, she nearly killed one of the male nurses for taking her bonnet off and putting it in the bag with her nightgown. Poor man was scared to death seeing her skunk stripe glow from her starting to activate her jutsu. Naruto snatched the silk material from him and returned it back where it belonged. Although, he didn't mind seeing her head of curls all frizzy and cute. 
From there, she laid in a bed hooked up to an IV to keep her hydrated while they waited for her doctor get there to check if she's ready to push. Naruto sat in the chair beside her, holding and kissing her hand as she fought through each and every contraction with the next one being worse than the last. 
A knock on the door was heard before it slid open. A head full of pink hair peeked through and smiled at the two before she stepped in. "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting you when I was called in." Sakura spoke as she walked over to the nervous couple. "Hey Sakura!" Naruto grinned at her. "Hey Naruto. Are you guys excited?" She asked as she sat down in the swivel chair provided for her. Then she started going through Y/N's chart. "You know it!" 
Y/N was going to answer but yelped in pain feeling another contraction. Even though Naruto panicked and tried his best to soothe her, Sakura only placed the chart down and lifted the blanket covering Asami from the waist down and stuck her head under. 
This obviously wasn't her first rodeo. 
From there she saw that the baby's head full of dirty blonde hair was beginning to crown. "Y/N, I need to you breathe, okay? It's time for you to push." Sakura announced. 
Y/N began getting nervous. She didn't know how to feel about finally giving birth, but the pain from the contractions was more than enough to motivate her. "You can do this princess. I'll be right here the whole step of the way." Naruto entwined their fingers together and smiled at her. She turned to him, covered in sweat and nodded her head. "O-okay." She said through her labored breathing. 
"You can start when you're ready." Sakura threw the blanket from over her head and Y/N's propped up legs so the process could go smoother. This left her exposed from the waist down, but she wasn't worried about it. 
Another knock on the door was heard making Sakura say, "Come on in and start setting everything up." Three medical ninjas walked in with different equipment in their hands that Naruto didn't know what it was for. He looked back at his wife and decided to give her a bit of encouragement since she hadn't started pushing yet. "On three, okay?" Naruto waited for her to nod. Once she did, he began counting "One... two... three," Y/N began pushing with all her might, screaming out in pain as the baby began to move and stretch her out. She squeezed his hand as she held the push for a few seconds before quitting.
"Fuck! It hurts so bad." She cried out. Never has she ever been in this much pain. She's gotten stabbed, blown up, and everything in between. She'd rather go through that pain again than this. It felt as if multiple bones in her body were being broken at the same time. This was hell! She huffed and puffed seemingly out of breath after just one. 
"Good job momma, keep pushing like that for me, okay? The baby will be out right away." Sakura encouraged. "Okay." Y/N struggled to speak through the pain. She was trying to calm her breathing, but the more she pushed, the harder it seemed to breathe. "Come on sweetheart. You got this." Naruto stood to his feet and pressed a kiss on her forehead tightening his grip on her hand. "One... two... three," Y/N screamed out, pushing with all her might, following her husband's counting. She threw her head back and held the push for as long as she could while gritting her teeth the whole time. 
"Good job! Good job! You're doing amazing. The head is through! The head is through!" Sakura encouraged Y/N through her push. 
Y/N let go and decided to catch her breath. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart." Naruto brushed her braids from her face and smiled down at her. She looked up at her husband through her tears whispering, "It hurts Naru." She sniffled. Naruto was quick to brush her tears away with the back of his hand. "I know, sweetheart. Hang in there for me okay? Our baby is almost here." While placing another kiss to her sweat-covered forehead, Naruto's heartfelt moment with her was short lived when Sakura spoke up once more. 
"If you can hold this one, it might be the last push, okay? Can you do that for me?" Sakura looked up from her position to make eye contact with her for acknowledgement. Y/N nodded which Sakura copied for confirmation. "Yeah? Alright, one more big push!" Sakura refocused herself and let Y/N take the lead once more. 
"Look at me baby, look at me." Naruto urged. When she did, Naruto began counting once more. "One... two... three...!" 
Using the last bit of strength she had, Y/N cried out while unintentionally pulling herself slightly upright as she pushed. Both Naruto and Sakura encouraged her the entire way.
"Keep going sweetheart!"
"Yes, yes, yes Y/N! The baby is almost out!"
"You got this sweetheart! You got this!" 
After what seemed like an eternity, Y/N felt the unbelievable amount of pressure in her vagina go away followed by the soft cries of her newborn baby. She breathed a sigh of relief and exhaustion knowing the ordeal was officially over. 
"You did it, ya know." Naruto's voice wavered upon seeing the nurses clean and take care of his child. Tiredly, Y/N looked up at her sniffling husband and placed her hand on his cheek to catch his attention. Looking down at her, Naruto's heart swelled a thousand times over. It was at this very moment he really and truly felt like his life was complete. 
He smiled through his tears and leaned down to kiss his exhausted wife. 
As the medical team cleaned up Y/N, changed her and the bed sheets, the baby went through the process of being cleaned and documented in the Konoha Baby Book. Everything from the baby's name to a picture was input. It was only when the team was finished applying a bit of medical ninjutsu to heal her stretched lady bits that Y/N's beautiful baby was brought to them...
...in a pink swaddle!
"It's a girl!" Sakura exclaimed while holding the baby out to Y/N. With a quivering bottom lip, Y/N took her baby into her arms and began soaking everything in. Their beautiful baby girl had a head full of honey blonde hair - with Asami's signature silver skunk stripe running down the middle. The baby's skin was a nice caramel color being that Y/N was a woman of a darker skin complexion. Most importantly, three little whisker marks adorned her cutie patootie face on either cheek. 
"She looks more like you than me." Y/N directed her sour tone to her husband. "What can I say," Naruto bashfully rubbed the back of his neck before continuing. "I came out looking like my dad too." She giggled and then passed the sleeping baby to her husband. 
Sakura decided it would be best to leave the new parents alone for a bit. "I'll be back later you two. Make sure her name is ready to go in the Baby Book!" 
Three knocks on the heavy wooden door caught Naruto's attention. His fingers were flying across the keyboard of his laptop when the noise was heard. He glanced down at the time and began to wonder who it was seeing him during this hour. His next meeting wasn't due for another few hours. 
"Come in!" He called out focusing his attention on the door. Upon opening the door, he expected to see an adult of some importance greet him with a stack of papers or something. He didn't expect his mini me waddling full speed at him with her tiny little baby arms stuck out grabbing the air. 
"Dada! Dada!" 
His heart swelled hearing the name he's grown used to over the past two years. He immediately rose from his chair and quickly stepped around his desk to greet his baby girl. "Nami! Hey baby girl." He enveloped her in a hug before looking up to meet your adorable gaze. "Hey, sweetheart. Whacha doin' here?" He asked as her stood up securely holding his daughter in his arms. 
Y/N stepped towards him, holding his gaze before leaning up on her toes for a quick kiss. "Nami tell daddy why we're here baby." She asked her subtly grabbing Naruto's hand and the two of them looked at their adorable daughter. As time passed, Nami continued to grow into her face - or should she say, Naruto's face. There was no doubt that this precious princess was Naruto's daughter. From her attitude to her appetite, she was Naruto's carbon copy. The only things distinguishing Y/N as her mother was her caramel skin, silver skunk stripe, and her brown eyes. Everything else was Naruto.  
"Dada fwood!" She exclaimed pointing to the pretty yellow back slung over Y/N's shoulder. Naruto's heart swelled three times over and couldn't help the blush rising on his whiskered cheeks. He's been working nonstop in the office lately due to a few political issues at the border. It's been killing him waking up before his daughter and coming back after she's gone to bed for the past few weeks. Y/N quite literally dried his tears a few nights ago - and with that, she cried right alongside with him. So, to cheer him up, Y/N planned with their toddler to surprise him with a family lunch. 
While Nami was preoccupied with toying with Naruto's cloak, he gazed down into Y/N chocolate eyes and saw his entire future within them. Everything from having a cute little puppy to becoming a grandfather. He witnessed it within her eyes. Just as he did before he closed them to capture her lips in their first kiss as a married couple. 
"I love you so much princess."
"I love you too Naru." 
This was long overdue. I have so many unfinished drafts in storage it's ridiculous. 18 to be exact and they're on our four favorite men: Levi, Naruto, Itachi, and Kakashi. I'm working on them guys! It's just whenever I get a new idea, I start another fic lol. That happened 20 times over the last two months sooooo...... Let me know which person you want to read after this so I can finish their fic. 
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otakubimbo · 2 months
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The Rabbit and The Wolf
It's A Date?
Now that you and Kakashi are friends again, all can now go back to normal. Can it go back to normal? Who knows but this get weird when Iruka asks you to hang out with him. Just the two you you.
otaku note: yeah sorry, editing this has been a headache cause the writers block in me has HANDS but hopefully we can get more consistency, requests are open if you have any. Mwah. ALSO I realized I already uploaded chapter 4 without editing and then I edited it and now here it is, my bad
Ch 1 2 3 4
master list
For once, you did what you were told, drank some water, and went to bed. Surprisingly, you didn’t wake up with the worst hangover, but still one. With little reluctance, you got up to visit your sister. Her husband was there, and you’ve grown to tolerate him, still a dumb ass but he loved your sister.
“How you feeling today?” You ask while pulling up a chair.
“A little tired but I’m doing okay.” Your sister says attempting to sit up. You sigh, helping her get adjusted, oh how frail she was.
“That’s good. I went for drinks last night and Kakashi was there.” speaking as casually as possible. For some reason, it meant a lot to your sister for the two of you to talk again.
“And?” She perks up, a small glow coming to her face.
“We talked and decided to be friends again.”
 It was as simple as that, giving her a small shrug of your shoulders. Even if it wasn’t a big deal to you, you knew it would be to your sister. Her favorite thing to joke about was the two of you getting married one day, from friends to lovers, ‘how romantic’ according to her.
“Just friends?” She pries, leaning forward.
“Yes, just friends.” You gently push her back down, she shouldn’t be straining herself over something like this.
She sighs, “When will you see that y'all were made for each other? I know y'all slept together.”
You start choking on your own spit, coughing away from her with a bewildered look on your face as your breathing evens and you see the smug smile that graces her lips.
“What are you talking about?” you finally manage to get out.
“You really are your father's daughter you know? I’m not stupid, I remember the way he looked at you when you left my wedding. And then after the fact, you two never spoke again it seemed and you just left. When times get hard, you leave, just like dad.”
“Yeah, I think the sickness has gone to your brain, and with that,” You say standing up, “ I have to go. I’ll be back before visiting hours end.”
Aki pouts like a child but you ignore that, she's the one who started it after all. As you leave see her husband on the way out, letting him know of your departure. Before you were even out of earshot, you could hear your sister gossiping about the conversation y’all just had. With a roll of your eyes, you leave with errands you need to run, especially since there wasn’t much in your house with your continued absence.
Amid your shopping, you hear your name being called by an oh-too-familiar voice.
“Y/N” Kakashi's voice calls out to you and when you face him you smile for once, grinning almost from ear to ear. You hadn’t looked at him like that in ages, if he didn’t have the mask on he might be embarrassed by the expression under it. He almost forgot how radiant your smile was, how blinding it was when it was finally directed at him.
“Hey Kashi.”   With your basket in hand, as you stride over to him, it is mostly filled with snacks and other things. There was nothing in there to make a real meal in sight.  
He peeks into your basket, surveying the assortment of savory and sweet treats that you gathered for yourself. Almost on instinct looking at your basket and his taking some of your favorite treats out of his basket holding it up to you.
“This is your favorite right, here” he places it in your basket without even asking if you really wanted it.
You giggle excitedly, biting your lip thinking about the snack for later “Oh I love these. Yeah, how’d you know these were my favorite?”
“I just know you,” he says shrugging. His eye never left yours, his gaze was intense as if he had something to say that you were supposed to understand just with the look.
“Well, I should go.” You stammer, getting all your items together. All you could muster was a “See you later” as you scurried off.
You were sweating, it wasn’t even hot, but you were sweating. Why the fuck were you nervous?! It’s literally just Kakashi like yeah y’all had sex but that doesn’t change him as a person. Right? Things were bound to be awkward of course, because y’all haven’t really spoken in two years after sleeping with each other. But that shouldn’t make you nervous, you had no clue why you were nervous. Friendship with him was going to be weird, to say the least.
The only walk home, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way he was looking at you and what it could have meant. There was no way to get it out of your mind, so you needed a distraction. Since your sister had many complaints about not keeping up with yourself, you could only think of doing your hair in that moment, it was a process as it was it would surely get your thoughts off of Kakashi.
First step; hair washing. It was so much easier for you to wash your hair in the shower since you had to wash it in sections to prevent knotting. As you work through the sections, all you can think about is Kakashi’s wet and naked body behind you helping you. Imagine him taking a section, gently scrubbing your scalp while detangling the section and spreading the shampoo. The thought sent shivers straight to your core, a small moan escaping your lips. You hadn’t even realized you closed your eyes when you snapped them open with the realization of your fantasy. This wasn’t good, this was very bad actually. It’s not going to go like that, y’all were JUST back to being friends.
Quickly, you finish washing your hair before your brain decides to take a worse course. After putting the dead conditioner in, you go cleaning around the house. There wasn’t a way you could fantasize about him while cleaning, that would be weird. There’s nothing sexy about cleaning. Unfortunately, you were wrong, very wrong.  Your brain was a lot more creative than you thought it was. As you were cleaning the mirror in your bedroom, your mind wandered. The thought of Kakashi sitting on the bed, legs spread, rubbing himself to the view of your ass as you bend over and reach to wipe the mirror. He would get up and press himself behind you, wrapping his arms around you. Close. Too Close. In your mind, you could feel his hardness up against your ass, the way his breath would tickle your neck, the wetness starting to form as you watch how he would hold you in the mirror. Your knees get weak with the thought, and you slam them right into the dresser.
“Fuck that hurt. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You curse, sitting on your bed holding your knee. What the hell is going on?! Maybe you were just horny and needed to get it out. He was the last person you had sex with intimately. Like yeah, you’ve fucked some people in the last two years, but it hadn’t been that great. Bingo! That was the problem, obviously, you were just horny and unsatisfied. Now, that makes more sense than just being horny specifically Kakashi. The issue now was how to solve this problem and it wasn’t going to be an issue you could solve now because you literally need to finish your hair. For now, you needed a real distraction.
Kurenai! Friendship!
That’s what you would do, send a message over and make her come over with some sake. You needed a word with her for telling your business. In her best interest, she agreed. While you wait for her, you go ahead and rinse out the deep conditioner and start blow-drying your hair out to get into twisting it. By the time you were getting ready to start on your twists, Kurenai was at the door. She had a key, for emergencies, so she came right in and she brought the good stuff with her. Oh, she really didn’t want you to yell at her.
“Sooooooo” Kurenai starts after you gave her a good one for not telling you she told Asuma. You didn’t really care if she told him, you just needed to know beforehand, you were so thrown off.
“What?” You question, hands still working away as you tip back a shot of sake with your teeth.
“So Kakashi walked you home last night.” She states even though it came out more as a question.
“He did.” You say plainly, you knew what she was getting at.
“And?!” she practically yells, getting impatient.
“And nothing, we agreed to go back to being friends. Like old times” You state, fighting the flashbacks of your own imagination.
“Just friends?” She questions, not believing you one bit.
“Yes, girl! Just friends. Like old times, I said.” You say focusing more back on your hair. You knew that she was ready to pry more information out of you because that couldn’t just be it. Not between the two of you, no, surely not.
“And you’re just fine with being friends? I saw the way he was looking at you and don’t act like you weren’t looking all over him.” She states smugly, settling into your couch.
“You know what? You’re right, I never even got an answer to what happened two years ago so why do I even want to be his friend.” You attempt to change the subject back to what should be the real issue.
“You’ve never even asked him!” She yells at you, almost spilling her drink. You roll your eyes, taking another sip.
“I shouldn’t have to ask! What am I supposed to say? ‘Yeah, remember when we fucked? Why did you leave and avoid me?’. That literally sounds mental.” You’re annoyed, getting your hair tangled in the process.
“OR literally just ask him what happened? What are you so afraid of?”
Now that was the question. What were you afraid of? That the friendship would be ruined? It already had been when you left. That he could say it was the worst sex of his life? Now you know that would have been a lie, especially since he didn’t even pull out. The questions were going through your head and silence fell. You didn’t really know. You didn’t know what you were afraid of. Sleeping together already changed the dynamic. So why couldn’t you just ask him what happened? You’ve literally looked death in the eye on more than one occasion.
What were you afraid of?
You finally acknowledge Kurenai and lock eyes with her.
“I don’t know what I’m afraid of.” You say softly, out of character for your own voice.
“Then ask him.” She says sincerely putting her hand on yours.
“Absolutely not” You state, proceeding to chug the sake straight out of the bottle. Kurenai just shakes her head sighing. For one of the strongest ninjas in this village, you sure were a wuss when it came to anything emotional. Luckily for you, she dropped it after that. Yall had regular girl talk until you finally finished your hair, way too late at night and you were sure the top middle part looked a little worse for wear, but it wasn’t like anyone would see it or notice anyway.
There was nothing like having a new hairstyle to put a pep in your step. You had your twists up in a high ponytail because you may have made them a bit too tight dealing with Kurenai and her interrogation. Even still, you glided on your way to visit your sister before your regularly scheduled training with Team 7. This would be the first-time training with Kakashi and the team on solid terms. That would be nice, it should be good.
As you pass the school, you hear someone call your name for your attention. It was Iruka. He jogs over to you as you wave at him.
“Hey, your hair is different.” He says sort of breathy rubbing the back of his neck. You swing your ponytail back and forth to show it off a bit.
“Oh yeah, I did its last night.” You say showing off, with a smile on your face. You were just in such a good mood today.
“I like it. It’s pretty.” He says weirdly, he must be tired you thought as he looked nervously at you.
“Thanks Iruka.” Again you say with a smile. Iruka was always so kind, such a dear friend to you.
“So, we really haven’t had time to just catch up. Just the two of us. I was thinking maybe we could do something together tomorrow night, maybe.” He looked really uncomfortable which confused you.
“Of course, Iruka, I love spending time with you.” You state earnestly. This was the truth, you enjoyed his company, especially all the times you used to help him around the school. He was such a gentle nurturing soul. He did seem surprised at your response.
“OH really? Awesome. Great! Uhm how about we meet at that new sushi place? Around 8?” He suggests enthusiastically, which you giggle at. You can’t help being reminded of Naruto by his demeanor, you see how close they have become that they act so much like each other.
“Yeah, that sounds great, but I have to get to the hospital. I’ll see you later, okay?” You smile and wave goodbye.
This was going to be a nice time. You’ve been waiting to try that new restaurant and Irukas company was always enjoyable. Maintaining that glide in your step, you make your way to see your sister. Once at the hospital, you tell your sister about the encounter with Iruka because that meant you wouldn’t be able to stay as long.
“You know that’s a date right?” Aki asks laughing at your now confused expression.
“It absolutely is not. Me and Iruka are just friends. There’s no way he sees me like that.” You state dismissively, almost disgusted. It’s just two friends catching up.
“So then, why did he ask for it to be just the two of you?” She questions, a smirk on her face.
“Because he said we haven’t really caught up with each other personally.” Your rebuttal matter of factly.
“Okay, but then why was he in your own words ‘acting weird and sweaty’ hmm?” She probes.
“I think you’re reading too much into what I said. He’s probably having a tough morning.” You reply crossing your arms. The last thing you wanted was for Iruka to like you, now that would be too weird.
“If you say so but,” Aki starts putting her finger in the air to make a point, “if it is a date, would you be happy?”
You grimaced at that almost immediately, not disgusted because he was a sweet guy and wasn’t ugly or anything, just definitely not your type. Aki burst into a fit of laughter, almost in tears.
“Whew, you’re so mean and so funny.” Your sister says still giggling holding her sides. You roll your eyes at her.
“I didn’t even mean it like that, he’s just not my type ya know.” You say shrugging.
“Well, why don’t you ask your new friend Kakashi if he thinks it’s a date or not? He’s a guy after all I’m sure he would be able to tell.” Aki suggested, still trying to hold back laughter. This gets another eye roll from you.
“Fine, I’ll ask him.” You say with a sigh, standing up with a little stretch. Aki developed a sly smile on her face.
“Good” She comments, and you raise an eyebrow at her in question. “Oh nothing, now get going before you’re late.”
You give her a quick hug and make your way to the training grounds. There was something definitely on your sister's mind but for once you couldn’t really read her. Maybe it was just a sly joke about you and Kakashi being friends again like y’all used to. You used to always use him to solve arguments between you and your sister. He was level-headed and unbiased in that way, definitely unbiased because even though he was YOUR friend, he would always end up agreeing with your sister.
When you finally make it to the training grounds, Kakashi is actually there on time for once. Surprising, especially since your definition of being on time is being early. This meant he was early, super early for him.
“Hey Kashi, you’re early.” You greet him with your past pleasantries. He just looks up from his book for a moment giving you a quick nod and returning to his smut.
“I’m actually glad you’re here early. I need to ask you something” you say gliding over to him. That got his full attention, and he finally looks at you directly. His eye gives you a once over and he notices the pep in your step and how you’re smiling directly at your ponytail swinging behind you.
“Your hair looks nice.” He states and your smile widens as you flick your hair.
“Thanks, it took all night but yeah I have a question.” You say hands behind your back playing with your hair. He raises an eyebrow at you and gives a simple hmmmn in question.
“Okay so I ran into Iruka today and he asked me to catch up with him over dinner tomorrow and my sister has this crazy idea that he wants to take me out on a date.” You state making gestures with your hand to show how crazy you think your sister is being. Kakashi’s eye flickers for a second and his expression is something you can’t exactly read. Everyone was being so damn weird today.
“What exactly did he say?” He questions sounding rather casual about it.
“He said that we haven’t caught up yet, just the two of us, and then he said we should get dinner tomorrow and suggested the new sushi restaurant. You know how much I love sushi.” You respond plainly as if it’s still no big deal. Kakashi was leaning on a tree when you arrived but now he lifted himself off it standing straight in front of you.
“I think your sister is right,” He says looking down at you and you scowl.
“And I think both of y’all are crazy. Me and Iruka are friends. Just friends. There’s no way he could even see me like that.” You exclaim, pouting. How could anyone see that this was just a friendly dinner?
“See you like what?” Kakashi questions and that makes you pause for a moment.
“Like in a romantic sense, obviously!” You exclaim again rolling your eyes and crossing your arms in front of you with annoyance.
“And why wouldn’t he?” He questions softly, grabbing your chin and making you look at him. Your annoyance almost immediately melts away as he looks into your eyes.
“Because we are just friends.” You state just as softly as he did.
“Just like we are friends?”
Another question. A question you didn’t even really know how to answer because your brain wasn’t working right then. His hand didn’t leave your chin as you stared at him trying to formulate some type of sentence. He gazed at you in a way that he’s never looked at you before.
“I mean…..” you start before trailing off. Before you could even think of what else to say when someone loudly calls out Kakashi's name.
“KAKASHI SENSI YOU’RE ACTUALLY HERE ON TIME! BELIEVE IT” Naruto’s too-loud voice comes bellowing towards you two. Kakashi’s hand drops from your chin taking a step back and now you’re just standing there a bit dumb waiting for your brain to restart again.
What the fuck was going on today.
The training session went smoothly as usual and neither of you brought up the topic of Iruka. You actually planned on not bringing it up at all until after to prove to those two that it was definitely not a date and just a friend thing. This same mood carried on over to the next day and you were not going to bring it up as training ends with Team 7.
“So are you still going on that date with Iruka?” Kakashi asks nonchalantly.
“YOURE GOING ON A DATE WITH IRUKA SENSEI?!? WOW HOW LUCKY!” Naruto interjects and Sasuke looks disgusted at you.
“It isn’t a date. We are just two friends catching up. Not a date.”
“Is it just the two of you? Tonight?” Sakura asks. Of course, the only thing she’s ever really interested in is dating.
“Yupp. Just two good ol pals hanging out. At dark. Not a big deal.” You groan rubbing your temples
“That sounds like a date to me” Sakura giggles and that makes you groan even loader which gets a smirk from Kakashi.
“But the thing is, its not a date”
“Are you gonna kiss him?!” Naruto asks because of course he does.
You and Sasuke both make the same uncomfortable face which gets a slight rise out of Kakashi.
“Absolutely not because it's not a date and we are literally only JUST friends.”
“Good” Sasuke says stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking a bit annoyed.
“Anyways, I’m going to go now.” You say exhaustedly turning away and starting to walk off
Sakura calls after you in a teasing tone, “Hope you have a good date”
“I will literally kill all of you” You say over your shoulder and all you can hear is giggles.
Sigh, kids.
Of course, you do not rush home because this is not a date. But now you have to figure out what to wear. You knew it had to be something casual because again, not a date but you didn’t want to look frumpy. Simple. Cute. Not date attire. Next is hair, a cute little half up, half down. No makeup, just brows, mascara, and lip gloss. The amount of effort in trying to make sure you didn’t look like you were going on a date was making you sweat. You really hoped it wasn’t a date, but everyone was starting to make you believe it may be. That made you nervous, you really liked Iruka but strictly as a friend. Just like you told your sister, he wasn’t your type, and the last thing you needed was to ruin another friendship.
8 pm came a lot sooner than you wanted it to and now you were walking up to the new sushi place. Iruka was already there which means he got there early. He had flowers. Fuck. He was dressed really nicely, a lot nicer than your casual attire. Fuck fuck.
“Hey Iruka,” You say walking up, “Are those for me?” You question sheepishly.
He thrusts the flowers at you, which makes you giggle a bit. It was cute. “Yes, yes these are for you.”
“Thanks Iruka, that’s so sweet of you. Should we get a seat now?”
His face is red and a little sweaty. Yeah he definitely is hoping this is a date. He places his arm to direct you inside. Once inside and seated, you immediately order a shot. You needed a little something to take the edge off and ordered a beer.
“Thanks for making time for me” Iruka says nervously.
You smile, he was cute but in a brother type of way, “Of course. I love catching up with my friends and we haven’t spent time together in a while.”
You emphasize ‘friend’, hoping he would get the hint but it didn’t seem like he did.
Even though he obviously thought it was a date, you were still nice and were actually having a good time. A really good time. He made you laugh through the whole night with his stories of his antics with Naruto. He really loved the kid and the way he spoke about him was just so sweet. The evening carried on in good spirits, you talked about your long missions and what was going on with your sister. He was so sympathetic about it, it was all so nice.
At the end of the night, he offered to walk you home and you said you didn’t need it but thanked him for hanging out with you that night. Before you could even get anything out, he kissed you.
He fucking kissed you.
You never thought he would be that brave to do that, he was so red and nervous the whole time y’all were out. So all you could do was stand there shocked. Luckily, he quickly pulled away looking at your stunned face.
“I’m so sorry.” Iruka starts apologizing. He looked mortified.
“It’s fine Iruka.” You reply still kind of stunned.
“It’s fine?” He questions back, hopeful look in his eyes. And now you were going to have to crush that hope.
“I mean I’m not mad at you about it but I don’t think I’m really ready to date. Ya know with just getting back in the village and having to deal with all the stuff with my sisters' health. It’s just not a good time for me. I hope you understand.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie and it looked like he took it well and actually believed you.
“Oh no! I completely understand. You have so much to deal with, it literally took us this long to hang out so yeah I get it.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.” You say putting your hand on his shoulder and giving him a SMALL kiss on the cheek. The last thing you wanted to do was crush him but the two of you together would never happen.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you later. Have a great night.” He blushes, quickly going in the opposite direction of you as you turn to make your way home. You decided to take the long way since you wanted to get rid of the awkward tension from Iruka kissing you. And to your surprise and annoyance, you ran into Kakashi out in the middle of the night.
“What are you doing out here so late at night?”  You asked as soon as your line of sight met.
He ignored your question, ‘So how was your day’ He asks with a somewhat smug smile underneath his mask as if he already knew what happened.
“I literally hate you” you pout as you begin walking besides him.
“I’m guessing the date went well.” He replies trying to hold back the laughter.
“He brought me flowers. You know I hate flowers, I can’t ever keep them alive” You hold them up towards him, showing him the lovely bouquet.
“Yeah, you do have a black thumb.” He agrees.
“And everything was going so well until it was time to leave. It was just a normal hangout eating really good sushi. We should go there, by the way. And then he had to go and ruin it when before we left each other.”
“He didn’t kiss you or something?” Kakashi says with a chuckle.
More silence.
“He kissed you.”
You groan, “He kissed me. It was so awkward.”
“You didn’t like it?”
“No, I didn’t like it” You yell, “I feel as if I’ve made it very clear I don’t want to date Iruka. I had to make up a whole excuse that I wasn’t ready to date, and it just wasn’t the right time and blah blah blah.”
“So it was a ‘it’s not you its me’ situation. Cruel” Kakashi says laughing
“I was trying to be nice about it” You whine on the other side “He’s a good guy, he’s just not my type. And I wouldn’t even mind the possibility of dating someone. Just definitely not him. Absolutely not him.”
“So you’re open to dating?”
“I mean yeah I guess”
“Hmmn okay.” He says plainly.
“Okay?” Which you posed more as a question than a statement.
“Well you should probably get some rest from your disaster date.” He chuckles as the two of you near your house.
“Hardy har har. You’re SOOOOO funny. I really do hate you. Good night.”
“Hate you too. Goodnight.” He says softly, a smile in his voice as you walk towards your house leaving him behind.
Now it was just you and your thoughts. Not good.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Wage War
Kakashi Hatake x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Synopsis: You were overprotective of Naruto. Overprotective to the point where Kakashi had to remind you that waging war on another five-year-old was not the answer.
A/n: I have a nephew. I have almost waged war on a two-year-old before for taking his toy and shoving him. I was cackling about this thought today at work. This is also based on Cameron in a scene from Modern Family 0:54 seconds is the part -> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2360776/ You don't need to watch, but iykyk. I couldn't wait to write it.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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Kakashi’s eyes flicked to your face as a gasp fell from your lips. Your eyes were wide in shock before they quickly morphed into pure rage. “Hey, what-” Kakashi’s question fell on deaf ears as you stormed towards the playground. Naruto was wiping his eyes, trying to get rid of the sand that landed there. The other boy was laughing down at him but stopped once he saw you storming toward him. His face dropped, and he stumbled back. His mom warned him about you and told him not to mess with Naruto, for you were scarier than any punishment he would receive. He ignored her, of course.
He wished he had listened.
“Why you-”
“Hey, whoa, whoa!! You cannot wage war on a five-year-old!” Kakashi hissed as he grabbed you by the collar, yanking you back in the hopes of stopping your stampede. Your e/c eyes were blazing with fury, and while you were no longer speeding towards him, the little boy still felt afraid of what you would do. “If you ever put your hands on my son again, I will string you up by your feet, run you up the flag pole and let the birds… peck out your eyes….” 
“Do you understand me?” 
The young child gulped thickly at your threat, knowing it wasn't empty and was indeed genuine. “Y/n,” Kakashi hissed as Iruka came into view, eyes wide and frantic as he took in the scene before him. “Everything okay?” Iruka asked as he looked between you and the young child. He knew about your temper, knew about how overprotective you were. But he also knew how mean these kids were to Naruto, and none of his scoldings seemed to get through to them.
But somehow, someway, you managed to shut up the meanest of the bunch with a sentence and a look alone.
“This little shit-”
“Language, Y/n,” Kakashi reminded as he shot a covered smile towards Iruka, silently praying that he would take his apologies as your own. You weren't in the right headspace; you never were when it came to Naruto. 
“This young child,” you corrected yourself, yet still let the venom float through your words as you looked down at the child in disgust, “Kicked sand in Naruto’s face. I was simply telling him that if he messes with him again, he’ll have to deal with me….”
Iruka’s brown eyes were wide in shock as he looked at Kakashi for reassurance that what you were saying wasn’t as harsh as what you had said before he arrived, but the look Kakashi gave him told him you had said much worse and you were simply dumbing it down for the young teacher. “Okay… Well, um. We don't threaten our children, Y/n-”
Your e/c eyes shot to his, shutting him up as you challenged him to continue. 
“He wouldn't need to have been threatened if you would have been doing your job-”
“Y/n. that's enough,” Kakashi stated firmly as he ripped you back to his side, having quite enough of your hostile attitude now directed towards parties not involved. Iruka pursed his lips at your words; this wasn't the first time you’d said something incredibly hurtful. Therefore, he knew you didn't mean it. You were just angry with the world for the cards you were dealt. “I’ll have to report this incident to the headmaster-”
“Go ahead,” you snarled out as you grabbed Naruto. He whined as you hauled him onto your hip, eyes still tearing from the sand stuck there. “I’ll meet with him at four today. In the meantime, I’m going to take Naruto to the doctor to make sure this little asshole didn't mess his eyes up with the sand he so graciously kicked in his face” Your steely gaze flicked to the young boy, who flinched behind Iruka. You stormed off with Naruto closely pressed to your body, angrily promising Naruto that you would hurt anyone that hurt him. 
Kakashi sighed and sent another apologetic look at the younger teacher. “Sorry for her…. I’m sure you understand her anger?”
Iruka nodded before sending off the child to go play, “I do, but she needs to keep her anger in check-”
“She wouldn't hurt a child, Iruka. You know her just like I know her.”
Iruka looked at Kakashi blankly. His interactions with you were not always pleasant, but he couldn't deny that he knew your threats were empty even though your anger was not. He opened his mouth to add another warning, but Kakashi’s hand flew up, “I’ll make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks,” Kakashi stated briefly before moving to catch up with you. Five years ago, when you took Naruto in, he didn't know that you’d have this level of love for the blonde. While it was a hassle sometimes, it was admirable. The unlovable child was loved, and everyone in this world needed someone to go to war for them.
Even if the war was against another five-year-old.
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hailuchiha · 3 months
Su Casa, Mi Casa
!! 18 + NSFW CONTENT!!
!! ALL characters involved are ADULTS ; NO minor characters!!
Summary: Kakashi visits visits Itachi's house, and finds his sister alone. He immediately takes the opportunity to get what he wants.
prompt filled for this anon ask
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rape; noncon; gaslighting; verbal abuse; age difference; manipulation; victim blaming; delusional behavior
Itachi would always tell him to come visit whenever he wanted; to feel at home at his house. The Uchiha was a good friend, and Kakashi cherished him like a brother.
Or, at least, that's what he would tell everyone he met. Itachi may be kind and even welcoming to him, but since Kakashi had met his sister, Kakashi's own intentions had become less than innocent and pure.
So, when Itachi was on a work trip out of the city, Kakashi had found one reason or another to stick around the Uchiha's house. Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha remained hospitable towards him, though Kakashi had seen them exchange a few curious glances when he would show up daily and spend the whole day at their house.
But, Kakashi had played it smart and been of great help, always being there when Mrs. Uchiha needed assistance, or to keep Mr. Uchiha company. He even tolerated the youngest teen's sullen behaviour with patience and a kind smile.
All for the sake of being around the middle child of the family- Itachi's younger sister.
And boy wasn't it paying off! She'd smiled at him yesterday across the dinner table. And just today, she'd joined him and Sasuke in the back garden, all happy smiles.
Kakashi could feel his cock stirring at the mere thought of her coy smile and her shy attempt at being in his presence today.
A couple days later. upon returning to Itachi's house, Kakashi was given the best news of his life!
Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha had to rush to a relative's funeral, where they'd likely be stuck all day. Sasuke had to be dropped off at his high school right away if he was to make it to the school trip, where he'd be gone for the weekend.
Kakashi immediately offered to drop him off, telling Itachi's parents that they should not worry and to hurry and get going.
"Thank you so much, dear," Mrs. Uchiha said, touching his hand in thanks, her eyes filling with relief.
"It's no problem, Mrs. Uchiha. Glad I can help," the young man said with a grin.
Upon returning from dropping Sasuke off at his school, Kakashi was already thrumming with excitement. He knew Itachi's sister was at home, since she had nothing lined up for today.
In fact, she was still probably in bed!
The thought excited him, and he hurried into the house, letting himself in with the spare key he'd once seen Sasuke dig out from under a pot.
Kakashi slowly crept up the stairs and entered the sleeping girl's room. She was just a couple years younger than Itachi, which meant she was around ten years younger Kakashi.
He sighed upon seeing the beautiful girl fast asleep, her long, black hair fanned around her head.
He quickly undressed, groaning as his aching cock was freed from his clothes. The sound must have been loud enough to disturb her, because she sighed and blinked sleepily.
As he took a step towards her, she caught the movement out of the corner of her eye and froze when her gaze fell on him.
"K-Kakashi! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, covering her eyes with her hands.
Kakashi huffed a laugh at her reaction, endeared, but also annoyed. She'd been making eyes at him the whole week! What the hell did she expect?
He stepped towards the bed and yanked her hands down, gripping her delicate wrists tightly.
"Oh, please, Y/N," he sighed. "Stop acting all innocent now. Don't act like you don't know what you've been doing to me."
With that, he yanked her blanket off, revealing the thin nightgown she was wearing. Not hearing her pleas, Kakashi let his hand wander, groping her full breasts through the sheer material. He hummed in approval as her nipples hardened, peeking through the thin garment.
"Kakashi, please, stop!"
"Shut up, you little whore," he spat suddenly, somehow enraged by her verbal rejection.
"I am not-!"
She was cut off when he shoved at her, manhandling her onto all fours, her pillows stuffed beneath her belly, and bunched up her nightgown over her ass. With a few thrusts of his fingers into her cunt, he positioned himself at her hole, not caring to prep her anymore.
"I don't care what the fuck you are anymore," he breathed next to her ear. "All I know is, you're gonna take what I give you."
Kakashi shoved in, grunting when there was so much resistance. Ignoring her pained cry, he pulled out and spit a thick wad into her gaping cunt before shoving back in. This time, the resistance was still there, but there was enough lubrication for him to push through.
"If you weren't such a whiny bitch, I would've prepared you better," he chucked as he bottomed out and her body trembled.
"Why are you doing this?" she cried into the mattress, her tears staining the bedsheet.
Ignoring her question and most importantly her pain, Kakashi gripped her slim waist tightly and set a punishing pace, fucking her hard enough that her bed shook and creaked.
"Maybe you won't be such a tease from now on," he groaned as he pulled out just before he came.
Biting his lip as he watched her abused, swollen pussy, he pumped his glistening cock a couple times before aiming at her plush ass and covering it with ropes of his cum.
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