#i was being turned into a hooved animal which is why they were breaking my ankles
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so glad you don’t feel pain in dreams because i just had one of someone giving me and other people “”ant legs”” (breaking our ankles with a sledgehammer)
#also got bit multiple times in the dream on my legs#I remember seeing my knee bent horribly in an off direction after they broke my ankle#I dreamt me n my mom were exploring this place which turned out to be a human zoo#where they idk mashed ur dna together w an animal’s and#i was being turned into a hooved animal which is why they were breaking my ankles#sum’z ramblez ⋆。𖦹°‧
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Part XLII: Purging Fire
Author's Notes: Sorry for all the angst. Hope you like it. PS: I am almost done with this story! I predict that there will only be just a few more chapters needed to wrap things up.
Summary: Joel, Jesse and Tommy make headway in their rescue mission for Joel's baby. Things get emotional and someone dies.
Genre: Angst
Ship: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Joel rode his horse fervently back to the settlement, only using the light of the moon to guide him. Once past the gates, he slipped off the horse with such urgency yet ease. He haphazardly tied the four legged animal down before breaking into a jog. Next thing he knew, Joel found himself bursting through the doors of the infirmary again.
“Where’s Carson?” Joel asked anyone within earshot. “He’s still in the OR with your wife. The procedure is going well so far and your donation has been very helpful.” A male apprentice leaned responded. Joel’s eyes softened slightly. “Thank you.” “Is there anything else I can help you with?” “I need to talk to him. Now. Can you just see if he can come out?” The apprentice sighed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“They’re back.” The sound of hooves alerted Jesse to peer out the window. “Thank God.” Tommy huffed as he got up. “Someone call for a doctor?” Carson awkwardly tried to make light of the tense atmosphere. When the apprentice slipped past the curtains, Carson had already completed the most important part of the surgery and was confident that you were no longer bleeding internally. He instructed for another apprentice to take over while he scrubbed out to meet Joel. “Right, I heard there was an ill baby.” He began to walk towards Theresa, having not moved from her position. “I never saw her like this before.” Theresa muttered as she looked down at the baby still shrouded in that pale yellow light. “Its ok. Let’s take a look at her shall we?” He crouched down to their level and Theresa moved her hand away to let him take a better look at the baby’s body. “Hmmm…” Carson made sounds here and there to make it seem like he was getting somewhere. In reality, there was very little he could do in such poor lighting. He needed to hold the child or have them laid out on an examination table. “When did you first notice her skin discoloration?” “Well, they,” She looked over to Jesse before continuing. “I noticed just tonight. Maybe there was a tinge of yellow earlier in the whites of her eyes, but now it's spread to the rest of her body. Do you think it's her liver?” “I can’t rule other possibilities out yet, but I do suspect that’s the case.” Theresa began to whimper when Carson turned to speak to the men. “Is there a way we can get more lighting in this room? Candles or lanterns? Can someone also clear the table?” Jesse turned to retrieve the lanterns attached to the horses’ packs while Carson turned back to Theresa. “Why don’t we take the baby over to my new examination table, how does that sound?”
“Ok.” Theresa began to get up, but her legs almost gave way underneath her from being contorted to fit in the armoir for so long. The doctor ghosted a hand under Theresa’s arm that held the baby while the other gently grasped her forearm to hold her steady. “Someone get her a chair, please.” He spoke to the last untasked man which just so happened to be Joel. He didn’t enjoy catering to that woman but proceeded to follow the doctor’s lead. “Have a seat, ma’am, I imagine your legs went numb from a lack of blood circulation. Do they feel tingly or any sharp pains shooting through your legs? Cramping maybe?” “Yes, all of that actually.” Theresa responded. Jesse and Tommy exchanged glances as if their thoughts were identical. “Lucky for you, that is an easy fix. For you, my dear, I prescribe a footrest and some salt water.” He looked around a moment before finding a wooden crate. Emptying it, he turned the crate over and placed it under her heels. “Leaving your legs in an elevated state straightens out your blood vessels. It's a good thing we got you out of there. Whenever the blood is prohibited from traveling at the pace it’s meant to because of some sort of blockage, it will build up creating a level of pressure to try and get around the blockage and continue its trip to the heart. Essentially, the pressure can build up to the point of making the heart weak. Putting your legs up in an elevated position will not only dissolve that blockage but help relieve that tingling pain.” Carson explained while unloading some tools from his doctor bag. He was so nervous about the entire situation that he didn’t know how else to speak to her. “Here, take this. It’s saline. I always keep a bit handy. Back in my office, we’d administer this to dehydrated patients intravenously, but I would otherwise need you to drink this. Cramps are a sign of a lack of electrolytes which can be easily replaced with simple table salt. I recommend drinking it fast as it’s unpleasant. While you do that, why don’t I take a closer look at the baby and when your legs feel better, you can feel free to see your baby girl closer at the table.”
“Umm…” Theresa was a bit hesitant to trade the baby for the bottle of saline. “It will only take a few minutes for my remedies to work their magic, then you can join us; We don’t want you falling.” He looked up from the baby to finally get a good look at the woman. “First time parent?” “Yeah.” She responded. “I was too. One thing you have to learn as a parent is to always take care of yourself. Sometimes, against every instinct in your body. If your child needs you to care for them but you are out of commission for one reason or another, then that may cause your child harm in the long run and we never want to see our children get hurt, right?” Joel listened as Carson spoke so gently to her. Theresa nodded. “Right.”
It took everything in Joel not to pounce on Theresa right after she slid the baby into the doctor’s arms. Tommy gingerly laid a hand on his older brother’s shoulder to keep him still. Their goal was to keep Theresa calm. It was really only her against the three men, all trained in combat, but still they did not want to risk the safety of the baby.
First Jesse, then Tommy casually walked behind the seated woman. There was a brief window where she remained distracted by the baby’s exam before sensing the movement. The doctor’s ears pricked up. The two men pounced on her as soon as she began to catch on. She fought harder than expected but was still no match for the both of them. Each took a side and held her down against the chair. She resorted to biting as the only parts of her body she could now move were from her neck up. The men would narrowly miss dodging her mouth as they struggled to hold her down. If she were a man, Tommy would’ve slugged her across the jaw by that point. He thought about still doing it when she began to growl. The aggressive sounds began to make the baby cry.
Joel cocked his pistol. “Don’t move again.” He went from pointing at the Irishman to her. A breath audibly caught in his throat. The doctor stopped the exam to cradle and rock the baby. His eyes darted from side to side as he waited for his out. Joel’s eyes shifted to him in return without moving his head from Theresa’s direction. “Go. Now!”
Doctor Carson darted outside with the baby and a lantern. He took a wearable baby carrier out of his horse’s satchel with one hand and expertly slid it on before putting the baby in. He adjusted the carrier as securely as he could around the tiny body but it wasn’t built for newborns; still it was better than nothing as he needed to steer the horse and carry the lantern through the dark woods. Doctor Carson was terrified. He hardly left the settlement and if he did, it was always with a partner or two who were trained in combat to cover him against the infected or whomever else. Now this time he was the protector.
“Stop it! What is he doing with her?” Theresa screamed, veins revealing themselves along her neck. “She’s mine! Give her back to me, Now!” “It’s over, my love. Our Saoirse is gone.” The Irishman tried to reason. “I’ll come back for you, my baby!” Theresa screamed out in the direction of the door. Joel hoped that the doctor was long gone with his child by then but she still thought she could hear her. “Your mama loves you! I’ll come back for you!”
Her last words ignited a raging flame within Joel. The audacity for her to call herself his child’s mother. She was the reason why his child’s mother was hanging on for dear life instead of cuddling her. Barely a day old and she almost stole everything from that baby girl. Joel knew you were afraid of being a bad mother, but he knew you and therefore knew that would never be the case. The two of you were supposed to raise her and Ellie together, but now all he could do was hope and beg God for you to recover and wake up; to not make him do it all alone again.
Joel knew there was something not right in the woman’s head. Something snapped in her from the grief in losing her own child. He could understand that. If it weren’t for Tommy, coming in to shoot the soldier that shot his Sarah, he would have either broken down and let himself get killed right along with her or snap and destroy that man. If the soldier hadn’t got him and Tommy hadn’t showed up, the infected surely would have caught up to him. But in all that grief, not once did he think of trying to replace Sarah. His thoughts of Theresa’s psyche drowned out her wails and promises to enact revenge and save her. Her voice was like ringing in his ears and he wondered where the logic was? He tried to reconcile the science and spiritual reasoning behind her belief that her child was reincarnated into his but nothing made sense. Maybe it was only a maternal thing? But it was when Theresa called herself her mother again when the ringing stopped.
A loud bang settled his thoughts and grounded him back into reality. With his arm still outstretched toward Theresa, Joel watched as faint smoke dissipated from his revolver. A heavy thud broke the silence as her body slid off the chair. Just like everyone else he’s killed, he didn't want to do it, but it always came down to it being either them or him. Now it was either them or his family. Wailing from the Irishman quickly followed. Joel let him grieve her for a beat. What made him feel for the man was that at least Joel got his daughter back. He even had two now to take care of and the man had none. The Irishman didn’t even get to meet the daughter he had loved so much; that he risked his life for. He felt for the man. Nonetheless Joel was not the type to leave loose ends and she was one hell of a loose end on this rescue mission. He was hoping the Irishman wouldn’t have to be either.
Tommy and Jesse just stood there waiting for Joel to say something. What were they going to do with her body? What were they going to do with him? Joel remembered that Theresa never told the Irishman about Jackson specifically. She didn’t want him to know how to get there when she was running away from the place. She just told him that she stayed at a settlement in Wyoming right after giving birth. Though they didn’t travel too far to find their cabin, the state was still a pretty big place, full of mountains and woods to get lost in if you weren’t from there and Joel knew he wasn’t.
The Irishman could potentially pose a threat. He now had every reason to enact revenge against him. Joel had come across many psychotic people in his time; those that would torture for no greater reason than joy. He could tell that man was not one of them. He would not risk orphaning the child he knew was not his just to avenge Theresa. Even if the Irishman came back and tracked him down, cornered him while on a patrol, he’d be confident enough that he could hold his own against him. He would definitely be no match for the settlement itself if he tried to breach the gates. That’s only if he could even find the place amongst the tall trees and hills.
“I’m gonna make you a deal and you’d be keen to take it.” Joel walked up to the Irishman, still tied down in the chair. He crouched down to his level and settled his gun onto his lap, making sure it was in plain view for the other man to see. Joel had no intention of shooting him, but thought the added touch would end this in his favor. “We will give you food, water and even a ride out to the next closest city and in return, you never, and I mean never, come back here again. Anywhere near here. Me and my men know your face now and will not hesitate to shoot on sight if we see you again. Am I clear?” The Irishman nodded. “Repeat it.” “I’ll never come back here again. Anywhere near here. And…and you’ll give me food and water?” “That’s right. Once we drop you off, it will be up to you to fend for yourself. Find shelter, wait out the rest of winter, find a working car, scavenge, whatever you need to do. That shouldn’t be too difficult in a city. If I were you, I’d find weapons as soon as I could though. No tellin’ who else is taking shelter too and they may not want to share.” The Irishman nodded his head in agreement. “What will happen to her?” He nodded toward Theresa. “The sun will be coming up soon enough.” Joel grunted as he stood up. “We’ll make a pyre. At least try to in this weather. The ground is too hard to dig and it is not in your best interest to take her.” Joel knew that if it were just him, he’d leave her body there next to the chair. They might just end up doing that if the wood was too wet from the snow to light ablaze.
While the four men waited for sunrise, Joel pulled Tommy and Jesse aside to explain his plan. There were only two horses left since Carson rode one back to the settlement and Joel wanted time on his own to process everything that had happened within the past 48 hours. He told Jesse and Tommy to take the horses, the Irishman riding with one of them, and drop him off. In case of danger, he didn’t want either man to ride out alone since he didn’t want to put a weapon in the Irishman’s hands. Joel further instructed them to blindfold him as extra insurance.
The three of them looked at a map of the tri-state area and pinpointed a destination far enough but not too far to make the journey days long. The plan was to leave the Irishman with all of the food and water rations from Tommy’s bag and for the two Jackson men to share Jesse’s rations while they traveled back to the cabin to pick up Joel. From there, they’d ride back home together. Carson rode back to Jackson with Joel’s rations, so he planned on scavenging the cabin. Though it’d been years, he’d gone without food for days before and wasn’t worried.
Joel desperately wanted to get back to Jackson to see how you were. He was lucky that he found you when he did. He couldn’t imagine what he’d do if he had to bury you. In the throes of winter, it was likely that they’d have to keep your body in the morgue until the ground thawed. Thoughts of him visiting a stone with your name engraved on it to lay flowers entered his mind before he quickly shook them away. He never had to bury anyone before the infections spread. The only time was with Sarah and it was the worst thing in his life.
Right after she died in his arms, he barely had time to grieve before danger came their way again. Joel refused to leave his daughter. He carried her in his arms, following his brother, until they could find an abandoned car. They drove as far as they could until they ran into an army medic road block. The three of them were inside a triage tent being checked for any signs of infection. Joel asked them for help but because no one knew exactly how the infection began and spread, the safest and quickest thing to do, like with many other pandemics, was to burn all collected bodies. Near the triage center, there was a mass grave. Joel hated the way they were just tossing bodies into it. He fought against the soldiers and made some demands. In the end, Joel wrapped her body in sheets and climbed down into a barely empty section of the pit and gently laid her down. His heart was never heavier being surrounded by so many bodies. Flashlights attached to the soldier’s rifles shown on him. They were given orders to shoot Joel on sight if any of the dead were in fact not and so much as laid a finger on him. He said his final goodbyes and climbed out. That morning, they set the grave ablaze.
Joel thought back to that day as he gathered what he could from outside. Most of the wood he found was still covered in snow. Still, he worked non-stop for hours to find enough for the pyre. By early afternoon, he finished stacking the pieces of wood and went back inside to take a short break. His eyes carefully avoided her body as he began to look around for anything worth consuming. Not quite trusting the food in the jar that Jesse used to save his daughter, Joel turned to another glass container on the shelf. The label was dusty and very faded. He guessed it was either vodka or cleaning solution by its clear appearance and strong aroma. Either way, he figured it’d help wonderfully in lighting the pyre.
After carrying her outside, he’d alternate between taking swigs and flicking the flammable liquid onto the pyre, body and all. Usually being good at handling his drink, Joel started to feel his mind become hazy. He had no problem completing the task at hand but made a point to grab a snack from the bag he kept on him. He pulled a pack of matches out of the same pocket and struck a few before the embers burned into full fledged flames. He stayed there watching, waiting for them to spread and engulf the entire thing.
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(Mercy) Rung caused Sunder to prey on people? ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )
So of course Sunder eats other bots for survival, to regenerate his parts because they will decay. Animals are not enough to sustain him though they help with the hunger. However, Sunder can eat old bodies and live as a scavenger instead of a killer! For the most part, Sunder IS a scavenger, which is why ghoul myths say they hang in graveyards. However, ghouls eat fresh bots too:
Ghouls are sentient, ravenous beings primarily associated with graveyards and hospital morgues. Though they feed mainly on corpses, they are eager to devour any living visitor who encroaches on their territory.
Sunder enjoys eating warm bloody bodies much more. In the story, you see him struggling to control himself around people because they appetize him. He avoids public spaces and has no friends besides Froid. But Sunder wasn’t always like this... because initially, he didn’t associate living bots with food!
Sunder was starving when he came back to life, but he didn’t know what hunger pain meant. He didn’t attack Froid, but instead the first animal he saw:
Slowly, Sunder turned with blood smeared around his mouth and a mutilated hooved body in his arms. Froid squeaked and went rigid, but when he did, Sunder dropped the animal and reached out.
“Wait, don’t be afraid!” Sunder begged.
Sunder repeats the pattern a few times of killing animals when hunger pangs hit him. But he doesn’t kill people. His mind blocks him from seeing people as food; they are just fellow villagers and neighbours. Sunder hates Rung but that’s it, he is mad but doesn’t think he is food.
Sunder convinces himself he is still a person until Rung starts calling him demonic names. Rung refuses to call him “Sunder” and says that name in a sarcastic way, calls him “creature” and uses “it” instead of “he”. Sunder overhears all this.
“This is not his home because that is not Sunder! Sunder’s spark is gone! It’s gone and you replaced it with a dark spark made from evil blood! That is a demon with the memories of Sunder!”
“He is not a demon!” Froid cried. “He’s Cybertronian!”
“No guests,” Rung stressed. “I don’t trust whatever that is. I can barely handle staying inside with that demon as it is.”
At this time, Sunder has no problem talking to their neighbours, walking around in public, and shopping.
“The neighbours who saw me asked me about my optic,” Sunder said. “Not the missing one… They wanted to know about the colour change. I didn’t know what to tell them, and I think they are suspicious.”
Rung and Froid faced each other, both slumped from exhaustion, and they ended their dispute to watch Sunder drop off two large bottles of energon on a shelf.
Rung freaks out at Sunder for going outside or when people are near him, calling Sunder a danger. Again, Sunder overhears this:
“Why does he keep going out?” Rung asked frantically.
Sunder had just stepped outside, but knowing an argument would break out, he leaned against the door the moment it closed.
“Relax,” Froid said. “We all go outside, don’t we? He lives in this city, you know. He can do what he wants.”
“What is he doing? You know, don’t you?”
“He’s just looking around at the things that were almost taken from him,” Froid uttered. “It is an emotional time for him.”
“There are people still walking around despite the weather!”
“And? You haven’t heard of anyone getting hurt, have you? He’s not hurting anyone!”
Sunder starts questioning his personhood and refers to himself as a monster, although Froid tries to erase those thoughts. Sunder did that before Rung, just for eating an animal, but he felt better until Rung continuously dehumanized him and treated him like a threat.
“What if… he is right?” Sunder breathed. “I think I am a monster.”
Froid put his hands onto Sunder’s thigh. “You aren’t.”
“It doesn’t matter what they know or don’t know about me. What about the meaning of the truth? If what I am and what I do makes people hate me, then surely, that makes me a monster.”
Sunder crashes into his murderer and recognizes her. Until now, he hasn’t eaten a person when he needs to, so he is ravenous. That combined with rage and a feeling that he is bad anyway makes him kill and eat her. If that encounter hadn’t happened though, Sunder would have started finding the scent of people suspiciously appetizing. If he preserved his humanity, then he would have wisely found a graveyard.
Still, that was only Sunder’s killer. Sunder didn’t want to eat anyone else—until Rung tried to kill Sunder by stabbing him in the throat. Imagine the betrayal of your best friend doing that. If Rung could turn against him, Sunder suddenly thought everyone else in the world would do the same!
He lunged and jabbed its sharp tip into Sunder’s throat, and with a holler, Sunder fell back a step. Rung ground his teeth as Sunder touched his neck, eye widening as he found the pen loosely embedded in him. It was not nearly deep enough; Rung had been too weak in his strike. Sunder gaped at Rung until the smaller bot leapt again, hitting the end of the pen as hard as he could.
Sunder wants to say he’s a person, but he does not feel like one. And in his eyes, people became the enemy. They were dangerous, but also delicious. So he didn’t feel bad anymore eating people...
Sunder restrains himself because Froid doesn’t want innocent people being killed. Sunder really hungers for fresh blood so they strike a deal that he can hunt and eat BAD people. When the war comes, Sunder is given the greenlight to eat any Decepticon he wants.
Again: Sunder could live on old bodies. He just doesn’t because he hates and fears people and sees them as potential food instead of friends!
In the bad ending, Sunder desperately seeks help. He gives humanity one chance, because maybe... maybe he is wrong and people like Froid are out there. Sunder runs into peaceful and neutral Maccadam’s where no weapons are allowed, but this rule is broken when the patrons hear he is a ghoul.
“Autobot!” the ghoul gasped. “I am an…”
Its shoulder turned to show a red insignia. Instead of aid, a sea of weapons rose and Maccadam squared up to it.
The ghoul’s single purple eye expanded.
Sunder’s hunger is often connected to anger or fear of Cybertronians. Sunder really wants to eat Nightbeat because he’s scared of them reporting him, killing him, getting him experimented on (Sunder’s fear of scientific experimentation is elaborated on in a bonus short story). Sunder hides behind Froid and watches Nightbeat intently, thinking he could eat them to end the threat
“Shh shh… That’s Nightbeat, who was just talking to you. They won’t report you or hurt you…”
Sunder’s needle-like claws retracted and he slunk around the berth, watching Predaking and the detective until he crouched at Froid’s side. The large bot was so still that though fully visible, the ghoul was like a patch of darkness in the corner of the room. White light twinkled in his eye socket while his purple eye coldly gleamed, and his nearly grey teeth glowed brighter from the fresh blood staining them. A dark tongue ran over Sunder’s teeth as he stared intently at Nightbeat.
It took a regular person like Nightbeat for Sunder to stop seeing other Cybertronians as threats and food. Nightbeat is openminded and figured that if Sunder and think and feel love for Froid, then he could be spoken to. Nightbeat makes Sunder feel more accepted by bringing him some food (spare organs)
As Sunder gazed at Nightbeat, his teeth retracted and his jaw closed, his metal resealing until a smooth and non-threatening face formed.
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Warden [wawr-dn] pt. 1 (?)
noun; a person in charge of protecting persons, animals, or things. A protector.
Other words for Warden: Guardian, Caretaker, Overseer
Would you believe Mumbo if he told you that it started on a Tuesday? Monday, now that would just make sense really, but a Tuesday? It could have even been a Thursday problem, but no, it was a Tuesday problem. It was annoying.
Because the problem started on a Tuesday and Mumbo wasn’t even sure what the problem is. He knew something was off (wrong if he were to be so dramatic), but it wasn’t as simple as pointing at a moved blue print and going ‘Aha!’
If he were to even guess what was off (wrong), he would say that he was feeling annoyed at the fact that he could hear Grian’s rockets early in the morning. And really, who wouldn’t be annoyed at hearing someone spamming rockets at unreasonable hours of the morning? It was impolite is what it is, and Mumbo had had it! He couldn’t stand the loud fweee going off at, jeez, 3 AM. Who does that?
Pulling up his communicator and groggily staring at the rather dim screen, his fingers pressed buttons, and he was sure he was pressing the right ones but the clicking sound he always had on was making him squint and get even more annoyed. Really, why must everything be so much this early? The sound of the mobs outside were annoying as well but it was the constant fweee that was making him want to punch a hole in Treesa.
<MumboJumbo> Grian if you keep spamming rockets I will break my peace, love, and plants and make you stop
<ImpulseSV> Mumbo????
<Grian> MUMBO??
<MumboJumbo> Is that a no
<Grian> I’ll stop!! Are you okay?
<MumboJumbo> Im going back to sleep
<ImpulseSV> Grian what did you do????
<Grian> I DONT KNOW????
Growling at the communicator still pinging, Mumbo slaps his hand over the silence option and fiddles for a few more seconds before turning it off completely. Turning over with a huff, he drifts off to sleep. The sound of fweee’ing fireworks stopping within a minute of the last message. It was still loud, but he could deal with it. It was always loud in Boatem.
Waking up later that morning did bring a sense of mortification and quick messages to apologize for his gruffness the night before. A red blush painting the back of neck like a tomato (He wasn’t a real tomato, thankfully. He would rather not juice another soul out of a hermit). But Grian simply waved him off, saying that everyone had their off days. But it still left Mumbo feeling on edge, like something was wrong with the fact that he had snapped at Grian. Which made sense! It did. No one wanted to be rude or mean to their friends, it was just natural that Mumbo felt awful that he had snapped.
But the problem was that Mumbo didn't feel bad that he had snapped at Grian. He felt a tad embarrassed, really, but not particularly bad. It was like biting into cotton balls and tearing it, or a fork scratching a ceramic plate. Not bad but so very wrong, like the very core of his being was repulsed by the action. But, no, that didn’t make sense did it? If he was repulsed by the action, that meant he felt bad right? Right? How is this so confusing? It really shouldn’t be! But it was.
Taking a big inhale, Mumbo leaned back and stared at the wood ceiling and glowberry vines all over the inside of Treesa. The sounds of outside were muffled but he could still hear Scar laughing and Grian screaming after him. He could hear Pearl shouting something to Impulse and Impulse shouting after her, he could hear goats screaming. He could hear the sound of hooves of cows and the furnace in Treesa hissing.
He, he could hear a lot.
Furrowing his brows, Mumbo paused to listen and think. He was a human, and had always been one, but something was off and it seemed he had pinpointed the exact thing that had screamed wrong to him.
Mumbo could hear far better then he could ever hear before this.
That, wasn’t normal. Was it? Humans hearing got worse over time, not better right? The only time Mumbo had really heard of someone’s hearing getting better the way his did was due to either magic or being a hybrid, neither of which he had been doing lately. But, that’s not really true is it? Mumbo had done some magic recently. He had eaten Grian’s soul and that had to be magic, right? That must be it. He must have gotten Grian’s hearing or something similar.
With that mystery solved, Mumbo grinned and went back to doing what he had originally planned on doing before this whole mystery had happened. He had a rope bridge to make.
It wasn't until a few days later that he had stopped to actually consider that he had been angrier then he usually would have been. Irrationally so. Of course, like all his usual blunders. This wasn't something he considered until well after it would have been important information to think of. Because the issue is, he had only considered this after punching Zedaph in the face. And Xisuma that one time. Also Doc. And maybe he had punched Tango and Ren in the same day within the same hour, but hey! Whos counting? Mumbo is, he’s counting very much.
See, with Zedaph, it made sense. Zedaph had put him into a small container of a room with a bunch of strange objects, asked him even stranger questions, then acted like Mumbo didnt know his words well. Mumbo did, thank you very much. Adjectives were descriptive words, straight from the scientist's mouth himself! But then! Then! He had the audacity to say that Mumbo lived there now. In a half drowned small container with a chicken and constant noises. It made Mumbo feel himself bristle in indignation. When he had gotten out, Zedaph went to say something to him, but Mumbo hadn't even listened before smashing his fist into Zedaph’s face and storming off back to Boatem. Looking back at it, however, made Mumbo wince.
Then Xisuma had come to talk to Mumbo about derpcoin tm at god knows what time of night, and Mumbo had lost his patience when Xisuma had implied that it would be better business for Harmless Harvest if Mumbo did so. Mumbo had punched Xisuma in the fins and threw a ender pearl to get away from that. Mumbo had stopped using his Elytra after finding fireworks much too loud for his liking.
Then there was Doc who had come around the shops gloating about goats or something, Mumbo didn’t even know what he had said before he found his fist in Doc’s face. Something about Doc just pissed Mumbo off so much that he couldn't help himself.
Ren and Tango, on the other hand, had been shopping of all things before Mumbo had chased them off. He didnt even want them to be gone! He just had felt an overwhelming feeling of anger and need to scare them off and he had. It made him feel off kilter and on edge anytime a hermit would come close to him.
The others were noticing and Mumbo didnt know if he could take a conversation at the moment. Much less an intervention. So he just sucked it up, sent some private messages of apologizes and lied about being pranked and thinking it was them.
All of them had said it was okay and that they understood. It was wrong. It wasn’t okay and they didn’t understand. But they weren’t angry, and that was enough. It was enough.
Now if only Mumbo could actually trim his nails and stopped the odd feeling in his temple. His nails had grown long enough to cut into the wood of his chests if he scratched at them, and his head had a constant ache now a days. But it was fine.
It had to be fine. Because if it wasn't he had to talk to someone about it and that's the last thing he wants to do right now.
So much so that he had an idea for the next meeting that Boatem has planned. Humming a tune to himself, a one note tune might he add, he began to make notes of what he wanted to make. It took most of the night, and he had to make some quick time crunch calculations if he had the time to actually do this, but he had a delightful blue print and name tags.
The actual construction was relatively easy, there were a few hiccups as there usually is, but it was surprisingly easy to throw himself into a fun plan for his friends. The minecarts in just the right position and the timing perfectly done.
It was a thing of beauty when his friends had delightfully figured out what he had made them. Grian doubly so, seeing as half the idea came from him. It made Mumbo feel like he made it up to the small Avian for snapping at him, even if Grian had said it was already alright.
Mumbo was fine to stand back and listen to them talk. Sure it was loud, but it was day time and that was fine. Their laughter was the only thing keeping him from leaving, they were happy and content and that was enough for him, but they clearly wanted him there. Even if they joked that robot him was the better CEO of boatem. A small rumble in the back of his throat went unheard by himself and everyone else.
Of course, everything went to hell in a hand basket within minutes of this perfect moment. As a single creeper and a kinetic death sent Mumbo into an outrage.
It went something like this.
The cement powder fell out of the way and a glowing sign stood proud in quartz, BTM. The words “simplify” on Grian’s tongue before Mumbo spotted the green out of the corner of his eye, instantly zeroing in on it and stepping back. His shoulders rising up and a low sound building up in his throat.
Pearl screamed “creeper!” and Grian hysterically backed up screeching “This wasn’t part of the plan!”
In another world, Pearl stepped forward and killed the Creeper with her flame sword as Grian flew into a wall and died of Kinetic energy after the creeper already died.
In this world, Pearl was on the other side of the room and had backed up with Mumbo and Scar. In this world, Grian had backed up hysterically, shouted “This wasn’t a part of the plan!” and died of Kinetic energy before the creeper died. In this world, something wasn’t right with Mumbo.
In the other world we had discussed, Mumbo kept his Peace, Love, and Plants motto until the very last seconds of that world.
In this one, Mumbo didn’t.
The Creeper had made a bone chilling hiss and lunged after Grian, who with wide eyes, flung himself backwards and hit his head off the side of the wall. His last words reaching Mumbo’s senses as they were abruptly cut off, not even a choked sound leaving the avian’s mouth before he was killed.
It felt like something snapped in Mumbo’s very core. The sense of wrongness condensing into a glass stick that shattered and left jagged pieces inside his lungs. Every inhale and exhale grating against this wrongness as Mumbo stared at the creeper, the rest of the boatem’s voices nothing more then background noise as the creeper turned to look Mumbo in the eyes. The green creature taking a step back, its fur puffing up as it shrunk down before Mumbo’s stare.
It cowered before him, and Mumbo thought good. Let the monster cower. Cowering would be this cowardly creatures last actions.
In the end, it took less then a second after Grian’s death for Mumbo to do what came naturally, less then a second for the monster to cower and for Mumbo to feel the shattered wrongness.
Mumbo leaned forward, opened his mouth, and roared.
The room faded to black, pulses of what could only be a heartbeat could be felt in the room. Every beat another tik and another tok, as Boatem could hear the sounds of growls and whines and hisses. They could not see anything. They couldn’t see what was happening, and if they could, they would have screamed. And one of them did, a small Avian who was not effected by the darkness effect because he had only just gotten there.
Maybe that is why it stopped, and maybe that is why, as one, they all checked their communicators when they heard the ping of a notification.
<MumboJumbo has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]>
<MumboJumbo has reached the goal [Soul Keeper]>
The pulsing didn’t stop, the heartbeat was still there. But it was calm, it was quiet.
“Mumbo, are you okay? Was that you?”
“Mumbo, I thought you weren’t planning on killing anything this season?”
There wasn’t an answer, and when the darkness effect cleared, there wasn’t anyone there to answer them.
Grian never said a word of what he saw that day, and when pressed, all he would begin to say is that Mumbo needed help. Nothing more, nothing less.
#mumbojumbo#grian#hermitcraft#mcyt#writing#okay look this is a fanfic thats not polished its not good but I wanted to drop this and then edit later for Ao3#Warden Mumbo#No I will not explain myself yes this was to test writing in Mumbo's voice thanks#SoulKeeper: Catch a soul and keep it
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Two Left Hooves [2/7] - Choice I
Choose your own adventure ~ “Die With Memories, not Dreams“
Characters: Technoblade x gn!reader, Philza
Summary: You decide to let Techno sleep with you. He spoons you, keeping you warm, and you dream about him… You wake up in the morning to him preparing your room. When you get downstairs, you notice him hiding a hard-on, and you both decide to deal with it the rough way.
Warnings: Cussing, praise kink, rough sex NSFW!! MINORS DNI
I could feel my blood rush to my face as they asked if I’d sleep with them. I turned to the fireplace and lit the fire, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Only if you’re ok with it,” I said.
They paused and my heartbeat harder, unsure what they were going to say. I started preparing the fire, putting the hesitation out of my mind.
~Recap Complete~
— The Bird —
Techno is so cute when he’s trying to hide his shame. As if he should be ashamed of offering to sleep with me. It didn’t need to mean anything, but it obviously did to him. Never one to pass up and opportunity to make fun of him, I took the bait.
“Please, that fire is not going to be enough,” I cuddled up into the cloak, looking bashfully at him, “I need some body heat, pig boy.”
“Is it really that cold in here?” His voice was slightly shaky.
“Yeah, and I promise I won’t try to fuck you,” I said, “Unless you want to, of course,”
He stopped, not looking up. I could tell his face was burning because his ears were bright red, a sure sign of embarrassment. I hit the right nerve, and I watched eagerly to see what he did next.
“Let’s take a raincheck,” he said, “but if that’s what dates do then I’m down.”
I turned his words over in your head, half dumb-struck, half… well…
“I’m joking, Bird,” He says, his blush is gone, replaced by a victorious smile, “And I think you were, too,”
“What makes you think that?” I said innocently.
“Shut up and get dressed,” He squinted at me and shook his head, “I’ll be back up in a few.”
With that, he left. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand, my hands getting clammy. His cape around me felt heavy as if he were there holding me. I shook the thought out of my head, ignoring the sudden arousal stirring inside of me.
Bracing for the cold, I shucked his cape off and then the rest of my clothes. Part of me silently hoped he’d walk in on me undressing, see me there and… no. I slipped on a pair of comfy pants and a soft shirt. Even if Techno wanted to, he would never say it, and it’s too hard to read him to risk bringing it up.
I draped his cape across the back of a chair and scurried under a pile of woven blankets and furs on the bed. It was still cold, but I ignored my goosebumps and shut my eyes.
— Techno —
By the time I had gotten upstairs, it looked like they were already asleep. I thought about leaving them there, deep in slumber, and going downstairs to sleep on the couch, but when I touched their neck, my hand froze. They were incredibly cold and still shivering. Thank god the banquet isn’t supposed to take place here, I think they’d freeze to death.
I wriggled under the blanket, heart pounding. They were cold to the touch all over, but I held them close to me anyway. Slowly, I tucked my leg in between theirs to warm their legs. I wrapped my arms around them and held them close to my chest, quickly realizing they were still awake.
“Mmm, Techno,” They mumbled.
“You’re so warm,” they quietly laughed, “like a radiator.”
“That’s why I’m here.”
“So you’re cute and hot, huh?” They teased. I blushed again, this time not hiding it. There was no chance I’d be able to hide that and my arousal at the same time, and one was obviously more important.
I did not want them freaking out if they realized I was hard, so I shoved those feelings deep down somewhere in an attempt to forget about it.
Soon, my eyelids grew heavy, and Bird was asleep in my arms.
— The Bird’s dream —
He’s there, he’s right there. I need to go see him, I need to get there before it’s too late. There are so many people in the way that I’m not going to be there in time to dance. Who are all these people? They whisper about him as if they know him as if they watch his every step and live in his mind. Left and right, they whisper things about me, about him.
“Did you hear, he’s going to the ball!”
“Oh and with that beautiful bird,”
“If only they knew. Tsk.”
Their eyes were unmoving, fixated on me. I shoved my way through the crowd, suddenly falling into the void.
“Did you really think it was going to be that simple? That you’d just seduce him with the snap of your fingers? He’s not a dog, he can’t be trained. He’s a wild animal. He’s unstable, He’ll break your heart, little bird.” A voice boomed, echoing in my mind.
I’m below him, he’s thrusting into me in a white space, the voice was gone and there was no sound except for the quiet moans escaping his lips.
— The Bird —
I gasped, suddenly wide awake. Techno wakes, breathing into me. I’m back in his bed, the man behind me was stirring, opening his eyes. His arms were wrapped around me, pressing my back against his chest, his leg was between mine.
“Bird,” He whispers.
I shifted so I faced him, burying my face into his chest, which I realized was bare. He pulled me closer, softly squeezing me.
“Sorry, go back to sleep,” I said. He was already sleeping
— Techno —
The sun was in my eyes, making my vision red before I even opened my eyes. I was holding them in my arms, they silently snored, unaware I was awake. The curtains had been left open and sunlight spilt into the room in an orange glow. The fire had gone out sometime last night and the stale air was cold in my nose.
I kissed them on the forehead, reluctantly letting them go and standing up. I carefully shut the curtains and lit the fire. When I looked back at the bed, they were watching me, smiling.
“Good morning,” I said.
“G’morn’n” they muttered, still half asleep.
This was a strange feeling. Everything was right in the world, the gods were finally smiling down at me. Fuck, they’re so cute.
I picked myself up, moving to open the furthest curtains slightly to allow them to get up if they wanted. In what would be a small gesture for most people, I put their clothes for today out on the chair, where they’d left my cape.
I lifted it up, pulling it close to my face to free the end from the top of the chair. It smelled like them, even though they’d only been wearing it for a few minutes.
I trot down the stairs, leaving them to awaken alone. I hung my cape on its stand and went to the kitchen. I grabbed some bread and tore a chunk out of it, absentmindedly chewing.
We know what you want, Techno. They know, too. They want it, you want it, so what’s stopping you? Huh? Oh, and you can feel that?! It’s lust, Techno. I know you know who it’s for. I cursed at the voices to shut it, I’d had enough teasing for today. I didn’t need to be enticed further, just being around them was enough.
The floor creaked above me, meaning they’d gotten up for the day. I tried to take deep breaths to slow my heartbeat, but I couldn’t stop the hard-on I was getting. What are you gonna do now, big boy? They’re gonna see you biting back an erection in the kitchen. You’re going to scare them away. You’re going to put them on their knees-
Their face peeked around the stair entrance, searching for me. I composed myself as best I could. They nodded at me and rushed down the stairs, still dressed in the clothes from last night.
Their hair was a bird’s nest, fitting. Their shirt was half-tucked into their pants, which hugged their form and cut just before the ankles. Their bare feet were playfully pattering towards me.
“Like what you see?” They asked.
I cleared my throat and swallowed the bread, “I left clothes for you on the chair if you want to change.”
“You’re not changed,” they poked my chest, eying my abs, “You’re being a hypocrite.”
“Am not,” I was. “You’re going to freeze in that, I’m fine as I am.”
“That’s why you’re here, remember?”
The blush was too fast to hide. Thankfully, they’d already looked away and at the bread in my hand.
“Can I have it?” They asked as they plucked it from my hands, not waiting for a response.
“Um, you already do…” The voices were picking up again, shoving themselves into the front of my mind. You want them to devour you like that, don’t you? You want to feed them something more… substantial.
“Shut-“ I said.
They paused, “What?” Their mouth was stuffed with bread and my mind raced. I could fit in there, and it would be so nice, tight, wet…
“It’s nothing. I need to get dressed if you’re not going to,” My dick pulsed, begging for release. I knew I liked them, but this was new. Last night, I couldn’t help but imagine what it’d be like to fuck them. They’re so small compared to me. I’d fit in so nicely.
“No, stay.” They demanded.
I was already heading for the stairs, and I didn’t face them, knowing the tent in my pants was a dead giveaway. “Why? What’s in it for me?”
“I’ll suck your dick.” They said. It was a bit too honest and my face burned, my mind pleading for me to flip them over and destroy their innocence.
“Bet,” I said, or rather, the voices said through me. Regret rushed through me as their footsteps approached.
“As if I didn’t notice, Technoblade,” They said, now in front of me. My shame was palpable. “I felt it last night, and I saw it this morning. You are so adorable.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I just looked at them blankly.
“I’m being serious,” They said, crossing their arms, “I need to destress and honestly, I haven’t been fucked in a long time, so just let me know. The offer’s open.”
They began to walk away, taking my blank stare as disinterest. I grabbed their arm, holding them in place. I looked them in the eye, glimmering in the morning light, the last bits of dusk were barely visible in their pupils. Their lips parted partially as their eyes met mine. Do it, I know you want to.
“I do,” I said, out loud. My thoughts were getting a little too audible.
“You do… what?”
I grabbed their face and kissed them harshly.
— The Bird —
When I first saw Techno cleaning upstairs, I was enthralled in his form. He looked lean with his shirts on, like an emaciated cow. With it off, I could see the curves of his muscles, how they flexed when he picked something up.
He was also covered in scars. They were lighter than his normal skin tone, and they were raised slightly. Some of them looked older than others, and I couldn’t help but imagine him telling the stories behind each and every one.
As I woke up more and my eyes adjusted to the light, I also noticed his bulge, which I was desperate to unsee. The dream from last night was fuzzy, but my pants were still damp from it. I remember him over me, letting me have it and-
“Good morning,” He said.
I barely mumbled a reply, silently running scenarios through my mind. He could slip back into bed and destroy me. I would be screaming his name in minutes. The tent in his pants was nothing less than an invitation.
“You do… what?”
He grabbed my face and pushed his lips onto mine. I moaned slightly into it, knowing it would put a sizable dent in the walls he’d put up around his heart.
He pulled back, “I can… can you?” He couldn’t even form full sentences. It’s almost like he was in heat.
I pushed him lightly against the wall and got on my knees. Fuck, am I really doing this? He’s my best friend, does he even care about me? Am I doing this just to have it ruin the banquet? Our relationship is going to go off the fucking rails if I do this.
I was already putting my hand on his dick. I could feel the precum soak through the fabric. I rubbed its head, putting my other hand in his pants to get a real grip on it.
“Is this ok?” I had to ask. There’s no dignity in assuming.
“Yes,” he growled, pushing my hand down into his pants, “Just… oh gods-“
I put my hand around his dick, my fingers couldn’t even touch, that’s how thick it was. It was not going to fit all the way in my mouth. It’d be like trying to eat a fence post, but I wouldn’t let that stop me.
I put my thumb on the tip, rubbing the precum on the head, then licking my fingers, tasting his lust for me. Sizing it up, I licked the tip, then kissed it, trying to test my limits. Each time I touched a new area, he would quiver slightly. Had he ever even fucked anyone before? That was a nice thought… I’d take his virginity.
I tucked my teeth behind my lips and took the head of his dick into my mouth. I sucked slightly, relishing at the moment.
“Please…” He begged for me to take it deeper. I obliged, pushing my mouth further down the shaft, feeling the veins and curves with my tongue, sending him spiralling. For a man who’s killed entire countries, he was incredibly sensitive.
I started to bob my head on his dick. His hand flew to my head, grabbing my hair by the roots. He followed my lead and stayed still, breathing heavily as I got further down the shaft, close to the base.
Instead of waiting, he took it upon himself to thrust into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged hard, my eyes tearing up from the pressure. He slowed but did not fail to push himself deep into my throat over and over again.
He pulled out, panting. “Techno…” I moaned. I was starting to sit in a pool of slick, my body preparing for his entrance. I could feel my insides tense up and release over and over, gripping around nothing, desperate for his dick.
“Fuck me, Techno…” I muttered.
He picked me up from the waist, his dick still hard and pulsing. He carried me to the couch and flipped me onto my stomach, facing away from him. My legs hung off the end of the couch, spread to allow for easy access. I could hear my own heartbeat. I’d never had anyone inside of me, and he was a scary first-time.
“Go easy, Tech,” I said.
“I can’t make any promises,” He said, adding, “But if it’s too much, tell me to stop.”
He grabbed me by the hips, positioning himself behind me. The head of his dick was pressed to my hole, his hands digging into my sides, preparing for penetration.
I was soaking wet by now, practically dripping onto the carpet. Thank gods I was because he pushed in without warning.
“F-FUCK,” I screamed, the moans no longer being held back.
“Shh, Phil will hear you,” He whispered in my ear.
He pulled out and thrust in again. This time pleasure outweighed the pain. My insides were making room for his enormous penis. My walls gripped around him, trying to milk the cum out of him.
Now he started a rhythm, the sounds of skin slapping against skin was loud enough that Phil could definitely hear it. Techno was not going easy on me.
He pounded into me, rearranging my insides. Every thrust was met with an accompanying moan escaping from my mouth, loud and unrelenting. I held onto the couch for dear life and prayed to the gods I’d make it out of this able to walk.
My core tightened, signalling what was to come. He leaned over, his chest on my back like we were in bed, and he whispered praise into my ear.
“You’re so tight, ugh”, “You’re doing so well,”, “I’m gonna cum into you”, “I’m gonna make you quiver and scream in ecstasy, baby”, “be a good bird and cum for me, huh?”
He was so close, and I was close behind. His thrusts lost rhythm as he lost his sense of words. They became spastic, spaced randomly, going down to the base every time. His moans and grunts were getting louder and my moans had turned into whines.
I felt my eyes water as the pressure in my gut built. He thrust in hard a few more times, sending me over the edge.
“Techno, ah, fuck… AAAAH!” I screamed. My legs shook as my body tensed up, squeezing his dick inside of me, he pulled out and pushed back in again as I shuttered under him.
“I’m - ‘m gonna,” he stuttered. He shoved himself all the way in, pushing everything inside of me out of the way. I felt the liquid fill me up, his cum hitting my walls and making me shake uncontrollably. He held my hand as I continued to moan and whine, overstimulated from his load.
“Holy… shit,” He huffed.
“T-Techno,” He was still inside of me, shooting another rope of cum into me.
My orgasm ended with a final squeeze, leaving me to quiver below him as he came. Eventually, he pulled out. I felt empty but more full than I was before he went in. His cum was still sloshing around inside of me. I rolled over to look at him, our cum dripping out of me. He looked at me, no, through me. It was the face he made when he was thinking about the future, when he was testing his possibilities.
“Techno, I-“ I whined, still sensitive.
“This stays between us alone, alright?” He breathed.
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” I said.
He laughed, now finally looking at me properly. I smiled and laughed back, just basking in the ridiculousness of what just happened. Part of me wished he picked me up and put me back on him. Another part of me wished I’d somehow end up carrying his children. The rational part of me was worried he’d shove this memory so far down that he’d forget about it completely. I wouldn’t let that happen.
— Philza —
“Hey, you two…” I creaked open the front door to Techno’s cabin. The couch was a mess like someone had tipped it over and roughly put everything back in place. Oddly, nothing else was awry, and Techno was in the kitchen, making eggs like nothing ever happened.
The bird smiled at me, “Hey Phil, good morning!” They seemed very chipper for having just woken up. Both of them were already dressed in the day’s clothes, excluding overcoats that hung on the hooks by the door.
“Hello, Phil,” Techno nodded at me. His hair was dishevelled, to say the least.
“What was all that screaming about? Did a creeper almost explode in here or something?”
Techno’s ears pinked, the bird responded, “No, Techno just scared me. I woke up and I just saw this silhouette standing over the bed. Apparently, he was not a demon, and I startled him more than I think he did me.”
“Jesus, you have to stop standing creepily in people’s peripheral, Techno.” I laughed.
“Yeah, I didn’t even know they were awake. They were completely hidden under the pile of blankets.” Techno responded, not looking back at me. I detected a hint of deceit but brushed it off.
“It’s nice to see you, mate,” I said to the bird, wandering over to join them at the breakfast bar. I sat down on a stool next to them, putting the notebook on the counter in front of me. “I’ve got something for you.”
“Ooh, what is it?” They said, sliding the notebook over to them. I reached over and opened it to the page I was referring to.
“The banquet has a dress code, and I’m assuming you don’t have anything that matches it,” Everything they wore was forest green or yellow, sometimes they had black or white clothes, but it was few and far between.
“What’s the dress code?”
“It’s blue, black, white, and gold,” I pointed to two drawings on the page, “I’m thinking either I make you a dress or a tuxedo, or I can mix the two. A tux top with a skirt. What do you think?”
They pressed their lips together, surveying their options. I tried my best to draw them, although they were rough sketches of a fancier design in my head. I could draw buildings and architecture for my blueprints, but flowy things were not as easy.
Choose your garment! It only affects the story slightly, I promise! There is no gender attached to them, it just changes how you’ll interact with people :)
#techno x reader#c!techno x reader#c!technoblade x reader#technoblade x reader#technoblade#choose your own adventure#two left hooves#mcyt x reader#mcyt#dsmp#dsmp x reader
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Oh master, plez, DRAGON WARRIOR BAKUGO, my lord! I was thinking, if you please, a darling who is like clairvoyant, and that's why King bakugo needs her??? can you make it dark ;3 like like like whatever means necessary dark, like like like ill murder anyone who gets in my way, also also also it being really grotesque, I want merciless bakugo, BUT also kinda sweet when it comes to darling?? I don't know what exactly I want, but I know whatever you write I'll prob enjoy, Master Nightmare :3
goodiebag WARNINGS: abuse, violence, genocide, kidnapping, abduction, death, blood, murder, ableism, classism, anxiety, arson, narcissistic personality disorder, slavery, trauma, war
so, a little foreword, the darling in this story has a quirk (ik, I’m breaking my beliefs thinking Bakugo should have a quirkless reader! The insanity!) but it’s because in this au not it’s quite special to have a quirk. Quirks are achieved and not given so to say. So Katsuki has earned his quirk and reader has earned her quirk, and so has everyone else who has a quirk. Also the song is called “If I Had a Heart” by Fever Ray, it’s the theme song to vikings ironically haha.
The King was in her village.
Word from the south spread quickly, like any wildfire would, especially when riding the wings of a dragon. The Kingdom’s seer was dead, and the almighty bruise-knuckled King required a new one. They called it misfortune, but give a child a toy, and the toy is destined to break. Some might say that that’s what they’re made for. The old toy had apparently done something so distasteful that it cost her own tongue. Unfortunately, or perhaps ironically the only thing she was useful for: on her knees, mouth open, worshipping her king.
She counted the smoke rising to the sky near the horizon. Hers would be the thirteenth village they came to, lest their quest was done. She thought she might have seen him in the cloud-coverage. Eerie shadows resembling what bats she found in the caves, but the sun was bright and could easily be mistaken for him, or the other way around, as she’s heard his coat is golden.
She heard the rumbling tumbling of hooves and paws and claws riding up the mountain-side. They were coming.
Their houses were made of rock, sturdy as they should be when placed on a mountain-top with constant winds howling at them, and handled the fire well. But people aren’t made of stone. The smell of burning flesh is awful, and though she had nothing to puke, she barfed nonetheless. People were screaming and she probably would have too if she could, she was most certainly crying and bleeding and heaving for breath like those unlucky others that were still left alive.
High mountains are a bleak habitat for animal life, partially why they lived up there: to be spared of being hunted, to escape fangs and claws. And now: people running for their lives, the aching in her ankles, a body not built for running, and a mind not used to being hunted. Yet, it was strange but, it wasn’t really foreign at all.
She’d been dreaming of things lately, and as death as well as dust and ash and blood settled and seeped into the mud around her, she couldn’t help but feel as though she’d seen it all before. In fact, there came a point in the middle of the fray she was certain she was dreaming as she stopped to eye the great golden mass in front of her. Scales sharp and silvery like mica on the mountainside, ruby-red eyes as though soaked with blood. Teeth long and sturdy like the jagged rocks of the tunnels, dripping not with water as they did in the caves but with blood and guts and torn clothes. And the talons, curved and shiny, black as night, digging into the gravel by his feet, treating the soil as though it were as thin as the air. But the wings… the wings are what had her falling to her knees, skin bitten by gravel. Greater then roofs, sweeping the sky as though he could pluck each and every star from the welkin, stud himself with them if he so wanted to, or swallow them if only to breath the light onto earth. He could shred trees with those wings, he could slice oceans apart, he could probably part the mountain, head in the heavens and roots with hell, the bridge that had stood for thousands of years, singlehandedly torn open by that great monster conquering both sky and earth as though they gave him life.
Her arm was bleeding. It had dentures, no… puncture wounds it seemed the more she looked. A pretty crescent moon of red marking deep into the soft tissue of her meager muscles, dripping onto the dirt, creating streaks in the mud caking her bare feet. She looked up to see a wolf turn into a man, a large man with spikes for hair, red but not the same red she’d seen earlier in those eyes, red like poppies far away from the red flowing in her veins, from what was leaking out of her arm.
She looked forward and saw bodies… no, not bodies… mangled mockeries of the human form strewn about her as though they were trampled wildflowers on a field. She looked to her side and saw her reflection in the faces of those she’d grown up with but never truly knew. She looked behind her, not spotting what abomination of life she’d seen earlier, the one painting the sky, the one eclipsing the sun.
Every young, pretty thing was lined up on a row that stretched about ten meters long as they weren’t that many in her village, and she was surprised to be one of them. The auditions began in the early left side of the fray, boys and girl shaking on unsteady knees, holding onto broken arms and gushing wounds. Her bitemark was begging for a fist around it too, but she had not the focus to indulge the wish as her eyes caught sight of a blot of gold contrasting the otherwise grey figures, it being clear who he was despite having altered form. Although not the tallest in stature, one could see it as clear as day, he towered over the rest of the flock.
The tones ripped from their throats were scratchy, untuned; garbage. It would seem none of the kids in the village were gifted, but if the Gods were of mercy they would grant them the vocal cords to survive the night. She couldn’t blame them for allowing their fear to taint their song. Seeing how the drapes in which the hooded figures dressed were soaked in blood from past failures. Knowing well how their weapons would breach flesh and bone were they not of any use to them.
If she had a voice she would use it for speaking and not for singing. This would probably be her last night.
They rushed through the girls and boys rather quickly. Swiftly; as if they had done it countless times before, as if they could decide by the first utterance of their very first tone, that they were a disappointment, that they were as good as dead.
Caught in the middle of the small gathering; her turn came along. The man, standing in front, had purple hair and a nasty scar on his face, adorned with bladed eyes like a cat. Another blade, a steel blade, was held at her throat. Unnecessary, as the brutal scarring of his arms was intimidating enough for her to understand she could survive nothing compared to what he had already lived through. “Sing.” He commanded abruptly, an atmosphere of force settled on the word, as though compelling her, quite like how the wind shakes the trees in command to dance for them.
She did her hand gestures as smooth as she could under the pressure, lips remaining closed.
He threw his eyebrows up, scar shifting in its place like a serpent, the message had clearly gotten across. A condescending smile, a most sinister snicker and an unfortunate scoff was all the sympathy he allowed her. “No voice?” It wasn’t a question. “What a meaningless life.” He stated in a mutter, before moving onto the next girl.
The golden figure, who had followed discreetly, didn’t continue on with the scarred boy, he instead planted his clawedfeet in front of the girl, threatening to crush her barefooted toes, sinking into the red clay of the town square. “Sing.” His voice was fuller, and because of it she didn’t dare look up.
The scarred boy came to a halt, looking back to watch the girl repeat the hand gestures once again, she thinking that maybe the scarred boy had blocked the view the first time.
“No excuses.” His foot shifted in the mud, talons somehow growing longer as they impaled the ground, indicated he leant in closer. “Sing.” He said again, the sharpness of the demand sending a shiver to travel down her spine as it was accompanied with a growl too much like the sound of thunder to be called human. The girl furrowed her brows and looked up, her bottom lip visible quaking. Yet, what looked at her was no dragon, no… it was a man, a boy. And his skin was not golden like the rarity found in the mountain halls, but tan like sand, and his hair was only a shade lighter, nothing alike the mane of the sun. But those eyes had her quaking, those sharp slitted eyes that seemed to hold her soul in a chokehold, full of cultivated knowledge, merciless, red like wine, red like blood, red like hell. What’s a fate worse than death? She wondered and swallowed at the thought, her breathing picking up its pace. “Sing!” Spit flew to her face like venom with the roar, the tone reverberating through the ground, shaking in her knees.
She felt the itch in her throat, and she would be lying if she said she hadn’t been feeling it more and more lately, the feeling of dead born words somehow washing away. Her whimpers, absent of anything except for breathiness before, now carrying a somewhat lilt of tone. She stared a little deeper into those blood-soaked orbs of the man that looked like the onset of death before her.
“If I had heart.”
The wind roared as if it were as surprised as she was, or perhaps it rejoiced, or perhaps it mourned.
She was silent, the wind crashing and flailing, whipping the rags of her dress, letting the ripped fabric lick her dirty and bruised legs, pulling the disheveled locks of hair out from her face. Eyes; terror-wide, looking into a pair of sharp ones, who seemed to be looking beyond her disheveled state, into something far more divine than she had ever seen, ever known. “Continue.” The red-eyed boy commanded firmly, a detectable form of lust in his voice.
Startled, feeling the gravel dig into her soles. “I would love you... if I had a voice, I would sing.” The people on either side of her looked to be even more distressed now, crying and screaming, looking like wraiths in those charcoaled rags they wore, hands covering their ears as though to protect themselves, terrified as they looked to the sky expecting it to come falling down upon them.
However, their insolence and disrespect wasn’t what angered him, he could allow them that much before he took their lives. But the conflict found in her voice, that’s what truly boiled beneath his skin. He reached out his hand, quick like a viper, the pressure in his fingertips simmering on her skin, sizzling with heat, only for him to dig his fingernails into her throat as well. “Forget everything you know, except for that your life is in the palm of my hand.” He said, securing her gaze, lifting her up to her tippy-toes, though still nowhere near leveling his height.
Awakened by his words and frightened to her bones by the searing look of his eyes, she did as she was told and forgot who she was, forgot what she was and gave into simply doing exactly what needed to be done to keep her alive, to keep what beast in front of her subdued, or perhaps also to satiate what fire seemed to have burst to life inside of her, screaming to be heard. “After the night, when I wake up, I’ll see what tomorrow brings.” Eyes glazed over by some infernal light. She roared, a howl of some sorts, and the trees seemed to shiver and shake in the outmost reverence. “More, give me more, give me more.”
Somehow the leaves stopped rustling at the sound of her abrupt finish. Overwhelmed; all she could do was breath, all she could to was quake, the wind making the tears ever present on her face, the blood of her arm drying and awakened again as new blood came gushing out of her wounds.
The swirling dramatics in his eyes died down into a calm yet eerie content look. “Found you.” He stated, taking his time for the awakening to soak in, bask in the glorious feeling of triumph, before breaking focus from her. He let out a long, satisfied sigh. “Burn the village.” The statement left her blood turning cold. “There’s nothing left for us here. Dispose of the disappointments.” He was quick with his words as though they had been said many times before, and the actions performed by the ones in grey were just as swift, just as merciless. Humans turning into monsters murdering humans.
“No!” She wasn’t aware the voice belonged to her, so many years gone by without being able to voice anything; an opinion; nothing more than a foreigner, let alone an objection.
The people beside her dropped to the floor like rag dolls nonetheless, her voice just as insignificant as if she was still voiceless, drowning in their own bloodied throats. Her throat didn’t match theirs, but had strong, calloused fingers wrapped around it instead, coated with blood, the stench of it becoming so familiar yet far from friendly.
“Forget them, they don’t matter.” His voice still sheer, despite the screams around them both, overwhelming in fact. She felt her mind slip away from her then, as though her sentience was squeezed out from her by the deadlock fist wrapped around her neck, a conquering drowsiness following, seeping into her like the crawling of darkness when the sun settles on the horizon, her vision blurring everything except for those red, red eyes, who; from this point until her death, would never leave her.
#yandere#yandere bakugou#yandere bnha#yandere bakugo katsuki#yandere boku no hero academia#yandere bakugo#yandere katsuki#yandere katsuki bakugou#yandere katsuki x reader#yandere bakugo x reader#bakugo#bakugou#katsukibakugou#bakugou katsuki#Katsuki Bakugō#bnha bakugo katsuki#katsuki#katsuki bnha#katsuki bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugo imagine#katsuki bakugo fanfiction#katsuki bakugo fic#bakugo katuski x reader#bakugo katsuki#mha bakugou#bakugou x reader#bakugou x y/n
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PatB Oneshot: Heartbeat
Based on @wimsiecal‘s wonderful Brain Meets Brawn AU...I might have a thing. for monsters...it’s bad...
There are some ideas from @thecutiewhoyaksandsnacks here too, namely Brain holding Pinky’s wrist for his heartbeat.
Summary: Brain Meets Brawn AU where Pinky drinks Dr. Jekyll’s potion.
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London was such a fun playground!
The horse-drawn carriages, the chimney sweepers, the marketplace!
And there was the lovely silhouette of Big Ben in the distance! Vaguely, he heard a voice call that he was going in the wrong direction, that he was supposed to hold the giant doohickey, that he was supposed to stop dilly-dallying and pay attention-
But why would he wanna do any of that? It all sounded so boring! He just wanted to play!
Bounding into the street on all fours, he took in the gray skies, coughing as a nearby factory spewed smoke from its stacks. No wonder the people all seemed drab and lifeless if all they had were gray skies and smoke.
They needed some fun fun silly-willy in their lives!
There was a man with long, funny sideburns walking arm-in-arm with a woman in a big, poofy dress! They were such a lovely couple, and they’d be perfect to play house with!
He bounded up to the couple, tail wagging in excitement at the very thought of having new playmates.
“Hellooooooo!” he said, and his voice was a lot hoarser than he thought. It was a lot harder to get the words out of his throat too. “Wannaaaaa plaaay?”
The woman screamed, and the man threw his arm in front of her.
Oh, did they want to scream instead? Okay, that was fun too!
He screamed right back.
The couple fled across the bridge, towards the other side of London over the Thames, shouting for a constable. Why did they want a constable? Unless...oh, the fashion police probably wanted him cause he wasn’t wearing anything except green fur.
He could’ve sworn his fur was a different color before this, but he couldn’t quite remember. Oh well! What’s the point in worrying over something like that?
The voice called again, harsh and scolding in that why-aren’t-you-doing-as-you’re-told sort of way. Too many big words. He didn’t want to hear big words. He only wanted to have fun!
Further down the road, a horse-drawn carriage rattled down the uneven pavement. The horses moved in sync, their hooves clip-clopping against stone. They were both large brown horses with white stripes on their foreheads, a short man with a pinched face driving them towards the bridge.
Horses were lovely, friendly animals. They’d play with him!
Clapping his hands with glee, he ran after them, nearly bowling over a group of children in his haste. They immediately scattered, yelling something about green monsters.
Once he asked the horses to play, maybe he could find that group of children again. He’d never heard of the green monster game before, but he definitely wanted to try it out!
The pathway was narrow, so he climbed on top of the stone archway that formed the sides of the bridge and switched to all fours. The horses trotted along at a steady pace, and he quickly overtook them, dropping in front of the carriage just as they reached the other side of the bridge.
He crouched down with his tail wagging, but before he could ask if they wanted to play, the horses reared up and batted the air with their front hooves. The short man screamed as he flicked the reins in an attempt to get the horses under control, but the horses shot forward instead, nearly tipping the carriage on its side.
He barely leapt out of their way in time, and the horses dragged the carriage past him and through the streets, ignoring the coachman’s shouts for them to slow down.
They didn’t want to play either.
Nobody did.
A raw, unfamiliar feeling settled into his stomach. It bubbled up to his chest, his entire body trembling. He didn’t like it. This wasn’t fun.
Why didn’t anyone want to play with him?
He screamed, sending an entire crowd scurrying for cover.
“That’s him! That’s the monster, constable!” a woman yelled before fainting in her husband’s arms. It was the couple who’d fled from him earlier.
A tall young man in a blue uniform broke free of the crowd, his arm quivering as he raised his billy club. His face was pale as he slowly approached. But he didn’t seem bad. Just looked like he needed to sit down for a bit.
He stretched one long arm and pushed the constable down. The constable’s eyes widened with terror, and he yelped as his bottom hit the pavement hard.
He hadn’t meant to push the guy down with that much force.
The crowd shuffled back, their whispers loud and accusing. Many watched him with fear in their eyes.
He whimpered and carefully held out his clawed fingers to see if the man was hurt. This wasn’t what he wanted. He just wanted someone to play with.
Before he could touch the man’s shoulder, he heard heavy boots thunder against stone. The constable beside him suddenly shot up, nearly knocking himself in the head with his own club. A red-faced man with an equally red mustache stormed across the bridge. His blue uniform was crisp with hardly a wrinkle.
He squeezed something small and white in one gloved hand while gripping his billy club with the other hand.
“OI, GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUM AND DEAL WITH THAT CREATURE ALREADY, HENRY!” the newcomer bellowed. Henry fumbled for his club while trying to stand. As he scolded poor Henry, he lost his grip on the small white thing, who tumbled to the ground in a heap.
It wasn’t a thing. No, it was a very familiar mouse.
“Pinky?” he murmured, rubbing his large head as he sat up.
Though just a tiny voice, the fog in his mind began to clear, and he remembered things like tomorrow nights and worlds and clocks. And with all that was a name.
His name.
And another too, one that belonged to his best friend in the whole world.
“Buh-raaaaaain?” Pinky said, and it was hard to get the word out when it should’ve flowed off his tongue like butter.
And there was another word too, one that brought him much joy.
“Naaaaaarrrrf,” Pinky warbled, and it was finally a word that came easy to him. It was simple and right, like a lost friend he was just reconnecting with after being apart for so long.
Brain sighed, and Pinky giggled at his funny scowl. “Of course you’d retain your nonsensical vocabulary.”
How he could sound disappointed and relieved at the same time, Pinky didn’t know. But he was here, and that was all that mattered in the end.
Pinky gently pressed the side of his finger against Brain’s cheek. Even one finger was much bigger than Brain. He was just so itty-bitty, like the spider who climbed up the waterspout!
Brain’s face turned tomato-red. “Not in public, Pinky!” he hissed, trying to shove Pinky’s finger away from his face, though he was too small to accomplish that. He stumbled with that particular action, wincing as his hand flew to a spot just above his left hip.
Though Pinky didn’t see why he couldn’t show affection, he removed his finger from Brain’s cheek. Brain quickly glanced at the crowd, but they were much too focused on how the mustached constable was berating the younger one for not doing his job properly.
The younger constable had gone paler, if that was even possible.
Brain flicked his finger. Pinky laid his head on the pavement, turning a large ear toward the smaller mouse.
“I would’ve caught up sooner, but that brutish oaf of a constable captured me,” Brain said, gripping the outer edge of Pinky’s ear as he spoke. “He knows we’re...associates, and unsuccessfully tried to interrogate me for any information I knew about you. I, of course, gave nothing away about my plans for Big Ben. Speaking of which, we’ve been delayed for too long. No more...ow, no more distractions, Pinky.”
There was a tiny hitch in Brain’s voice. The one that always appeared if he was hurt and trying to hide it so he could move on with a plan.
Pinky stood up so quickly that Brain was left dangling from his ear, feet kicking out in an attempt to find solid ground. Carefully, Pinky brought one hand up to his ear, securing Brain in the palm of his hand before bringing up to eye level.
“Enough, Pinky. Let’s depart before-what in Ptolemy’s name are you doing?” Brain protested as Pinky gently pushed him down, using his free hand to check Brain over injuries.
He rolled Brain onto his side. He winced even though Pinky used the lightest of taps above his left hip.
There was a purple bruise, visible against the white fur.
Hurt. Brain was hurt.
Fog clouded his mind once again, and this time, it was red. The city was blanketed in a crimson haze.
Part of him feared it. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before, this deep urge to hurt and maim and kill.
It was wrong. It was evil.
But the urges only grew stronger.
Hurt Brain. Make man pay. Make man suffer!
He growled and doubled over, and he felt something slip out of his hand. Something important, but he didn’t remember what.
There were scary noises coming from his throat, loud and ominous and terrifying.
“He’s dangerous!”
“Kill him!”
“No! Can’t you idiots understand you’re only agitating him?”
That last voice was the loudest and clearest of all, though it was quickly lost in the cacophony.
Something struck his back multiple times.
“Why isn’t this working?” the constable screeched. The billy club thumped against thick, green fur. But the blow didn’t hurt at all. His fur was too thick.
“S-sir, m-maybe the little big-headed guy is right?” Henry stammered. “Wh-what if you make him mad?”
But the older constable didn’t listen, though he gave up trying to break through the thick fur. His sharp gaze fixated on a small, white-furred mouse.
“Sympathizer,” he snarled, as the mouse hurled long, big-worded insults at the crowd. He didn’t notice the constable’s heavy footsteps, the raised club, the shadow falling across him-
Hurt Brain! Make man pay! Make man suffer!
The mantra once again encompassed his mind, his hand striking the pavement behind Brain just in time to block the club with his wrist. Brain leapt back at the noise, clutching his zigzagged tail close to his body to protect it.
His bare wrist throbbed, unprotected by thick fur.
But he didn’t care.
Hurt Brain! Make man pay! Make man suffer!
He roared, and the constable’s mouth opened in a soundless scream as he dropped his club. Drawing himself up to full height, he towered over the man and snatched him up by the waist. His hand wrapped around the man’s chest, claws digging into his uniform.
The man whimpered, frozen to the spot as he stared right into sharp, long fangs.
You hurt Brain! You hurt friend!
He snarled, claws tightening, pricking the man’s skin. Just a little more...sink the tips in…
The man begged for mercy.
Oh, now he’d beg when it was his own life on the line? He didn’t deserve mercy at all.
He squeezed. The man’s eyes bugged out of his head, his limbs stiff and useless.
Stop this! A voice inside pleaded. This isn’t right!
Shut up! he snarled, and the man made a pathetic, muffled noise.
He wouldn’t be weak ever again. From this point on, he’d be strong enough to protect Brain from the humans.
In the corner of his eye, someone moved. He snarled in their direction, warning them to stay back or else.
The movement stopped. But he was still being watched.
Irritated, he turned to whoever dared to interrupt.
And he saw loose, drooping ears. Unsure hands caught between reaching out and protecting a soft, vulnerable body.
A pair of rose-pink eyes that were round and wide with fear, shining with a sadness from deep within.
Pinky? A trembling mouth whispered. Nobody else heard.
The red haze tainting his vision lifted. Within his claws, the man choked for breath.
Pinky dropped him.
The man crumpled to the ground, and the crowd fearfully watched Pinky. Henry dragged the man away, several people breaking off the staredown to check the man over for injuries.
He...he just wanted him to stop hurting Brain. He didn’t mean to almost kill the man!
He tried to apologize, tried to say sorry, but it wouldn’t come out. Why wouldn’t it come out?
Why was it so hard to say anything?
Only one thing came to mind.
He ran.
All he did was hurt everyone. All he did was hurt Brain.
Pinky ran until he was completely out of breath. Maybe it was a cowardly move, maybe he should’ve owned up, but some instinct told him to flee before he was attacked with fire and pitchforks.
He took all the twists and turns he could, trying not to think about anyone he nearly bowled over in his path.
What’s one more person? some dark part of him chuckled.
A howl tore from Pinky’s throat, the only protest he could make from that bad, evil voice. He didn’t want anything to do with it ever again.
He came across an empty alley, surrounded by tall buildings that blotted out what little natural light trickled into the depths of the city. He could crawl into the darkness and never hurt anyone else.
It was perfect.
He collapsed on his stomach, too exhausted to move to the farthest spot in the alley. Then he tucked all his limbs in so he wouldn’t hurt anybody. As he curled his tail around himself, he felt something odd on the tip.
Did he catch it on something?
He turned to look, finding Brain balancing on the crook of his elbow, clutching the tip of Pinky’s tail against his chest. They stared at each other for a long moment, Pinky’s tail sliding out of Brain’s grip.
“Buh-raaaaaaain?” Pinky asked. His words just weren’t coming out right.
“I grabbed your tail when you fled,” Brain explained, awkwardly shuffling his feet against Pinky’s fur. He winced and rubbed his left side, where the constable had bruised him. “Um, how’s your...condition?”
“Hurrrrrrts,” Pinky whimpered. It hurt to even force that out.
Worry flashed in Brain’s eyes, and he patted the thick fur on Pinky’s arm. Pinky couldn’t feel the soothing motion at all. “Pinky, you don’t have to worry about it. Nobody’s dead, so-”
But they were still hurt because of him!
Pinky couldn’t tell Brain that. It was too long and he could barely say single words.
He wanted to thrash around, to take it out on everything he could reach, but he dug his claws into the ground underneath himself instead, letting the asphalt take the brunt of the scary anger that overtook him.
The feeling soon passed.
Brain’s ears drooped. “That was foolish of me,” he mumbled, not meeting Pinky’s eyes.
And there was silence. Pinky cried, too afraid to move. What if he hurt Brain? He didn’t bother wiping the tears away. Brain made some odd sounds, like he wanted to speak words of comfort but couldn’t.
Then he settled for pondering quietly to himself.
“Show me your injured wrist, Pinky,” Brain said, in a tone that left no room for argument.
Obediently, Pinky stretched out his arm.
Through the tears that fell fast and free, Pinky watched Brain crawl down his arm and into his palm. Sitting there like he wasn’t surrounded by claws that could hurt him.
Brain carefully pushed on the bare skin, watching Pinky as he did so. Truth be told, it didn’t hurt much. Then Brain pressed two fingers on a spot below Pinky’s thumb.
“Strong beat,” Brain murmured, like he was trying to assure himself along with Pinky. “Means your heart’s good. That you’re here. With me.”
Brain looked up, and he was crying too.
Brain truly thought so? After all Pinky did?
“Heart’s...good?” Pinky repeated, carefully rubbing Brain’s damp cheek with his thumb.
“In a purely anatomical sense, of course,” Brain coughed. “And what’s more, I...I shouldn’t have put you through this.”
Brain pushed Pinky’s thumb away and slid off his hand, turning his back to Pinky, afraid to let him see his face.
“...I’m sorry.”
With those two simple words, an entire burden lifted off Pinky’s shoulders. Easier to move and breathe and talk. No more worrying about claws and hurting someone with a strength nobody should have.
Snowy white fur replaced green. No more claws and fangs. A size where he could properly wrap Brain in a hug and tell him everything would be okay.
Shedding the last of his extra height and muscle, Pinky walked up to Brain, resting his jaw against the top of Brain’s head like he’d done so many times before.
“Poit,” Pinky whispered, wrapping his arms around Brain. He was careful to avoid the bruise. “It’s okay, Brain.”
Gently, Pinky took Brain’s wrist in his hand. There was a sharp intake of breath from Brain, like he couldn’t believe Pinky was at a normal mouse’s height now. Pinky felt the skin just below Brain’s thumb, resting his fingers just over Brain’s pulse.
It was a strong, steady heartbeat.
“Good heart. And you’re here with me too,” Pinky said.
“...I’ll concoct an antidote when we get back to the lab,” Brain whispered. For once, he didn’t shove Pinky off. Instead, he turned around and nuzzled into Pinky’s chest, clutching his fur tightly like he was afraid Pinky would leave if he let go.
In the distance, Big Ben chimed four.
#pinky and the brain#brain meets brawn au#patb fanfiction#hello my mind's monster obsession we meet again
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A Royal Love Story || K.NJ
Pairing : Kim Namjoon X Reader Genre : Fluff, a sprinkle of angst somewhere too Summary : Namjoon has often imagined being the prince in Cinderella, yet he never imagined that his version would have horses in it too. Wordcount: 9.3k [ A/N: Sorry for the shitty summary lol. Anyw, Enjoy!]

You're a royal staff member of your country and you're head of the royal horse care.
Namjoon is the second born prince of South Korea.
You two aren't really meant to meet, but accidentally do when Namjoon and his family come over for the coronation of the princess of your country, Jisoo.
Unlike the rest of the royal staff members who come to greet him and his family, you aren't there.
Not because you're sick or anything, but simply because you forgot and were busy with the horses.
Namjoon meets you when he walks off into the fields of the palace, where you let the horses graze.
The first thing that catches his eye is how good the horses look.
They look a lot more healthy than the horses in his palace, he realizes.
"Hello sir, are you lost?"
It’s the first thing you say to him.
It takes Namjoon a moment to realize that you're talking to him and a moment longer to realize that you don't know that he's a royal.
" Ah, no. I went to take a walk around the palace for a bit of fresh air." Is what he finally answers.
He sees you nod and turn back to your own business, which appears to be cleaning up horse tack in the small building near the grazing fields.
He looks at you for a moment before one of the horses in the back of the graze field spots you, and starts neighing.
At first he thinks that the horse is about to charge at him as the animal heads his way in a calm gallop.
But then he's left perplexed as he watches the horse stop near where you are standing, dragging one of his legs over the ground to get your attention.
You complain in your own native language to the horse after a moment as you come out from the tack building, tough Namjoon doesn't know what you say.
He watches in admiration as he sees how you pet the horse and how the horse reacts to you, unlike the horses in his palace, this horse looks a lot happier.
" That's a lively horse." Namjoon comments, trying to start a conversation.
" Yes, he certainly is. His name is Winter." You smile at him.
" I assume you work here?" He smiles.
You nod.
" Yes, I'm the head caretaker of the stables. I assume that you work for one of the royal families who have arrived?"
Namjoon's breath stutters for a moment, you really didn't know.
" Yes, I'm one of the prince's advisors." He ends up telling you.
" Cool. What country are you from? I don't think I've seen you before."
" I'm from Korea."
He watches as you nod along to his words before your expression looks like something akeen to having forgotten something.
" That's what I forgot this morning! The royals from Korea were arriving today! Wait, that means it's the 24th! Excuse me sir, I have to go. There's a new delivery of horse tack waiting and the delivery guy can't get in without a signed paper of mine. Bye!"
And then you're sprinting away.
Namjoon blinks as he looks after your form, that was quite a meeting.
You obviously didn't recognize him, and he's happy with how relaxed you are because you think that he's also part of the staff.
He ends up going to the stables a lot more often in his time off.
He ends up learning a lot about you, and unintentionally about your horse too.
For instance, your horse is a picky horse, and only lets you ride him with little to no trouble.
The black and gray arabian horse is happy to be pet by everyone, but doesn't allow everyone in his stable and certainly not everyone on his back.
He also almost loses his sanity when he gets chased by one of the chickens of the stables and you laugh as he comes running to you while being chased by a chicken, yelling that it wants to kill him.
You laugh and pick the chicken up as she tries to run past you.
" What did you do wrong to Nugget?"
" You named it?" Is Namjoon's only response as he turns to you when he realizes the chicken is now just complaining in your arms.
You smile and nod.
He smiles back evilly.
" The name suits her, she should become a few chicken nuggets."
Namjoon's social skills with women were never really good, but this was particularly terrible, he realizes as he doesn't see you laugh at his joke.
Instead you look at him with a deadpanned expression before putting the chicken down and letting it resume it's hunt.
He does miss the tiny smile that grows on your face as Namjoon is out of sight.
The time after that when Namjoon goes to visit you, he's surprised that Chaeyoung is there too, Jisoo's younger sister.
The both of you are just smiling and talking like normal teenage girls.
You both look like typical horse girls right now while you're both brushing your own horses.
Chaeyoung spots Namjoon before he can turn away.
" Prince Namjoon? Are you looking for something?"
And you look surprised, while Namjoon starts feeling nervous.
" Ah, no. Ehm, I'm just walking by and-"
" Prince?" You ask, obviously confused.
" Oh, right. Y/N, this is prince Kim Namjoon the second born prince from South Korea, Prince Namjoon, this is L/N Y/N. She's our head caretaker of the stables. He's one of the princes you've missed the arrival of." Chaeyoung whispers the last part to you.
" Wait- you're a prince? You told me you're the prince's advisor." You say, now very confused.
Chaeyoung gulps and starts to feel awkward, so she decides to let her horse out in the meadow to give you two space.
" Why did you lie?" You ask, you don't sound hurt, just confused.
Cause' why would he lie over something like that? It's something you're bound to find out.
" I was planning on telling you at some point, but I like the way you treat me. I don't want that to change. I feel like a normal 25 year old. I knew you didn't know who I was as soon as you spotted me that day, so I decided to just lie." Namjoon gulps, feeling like a little kid caught stealing candy.
You nod before turning your back to him, carrying on with brushing your horse.
" So, am I still allowed to call you Namjoon or do you rather have me call you your majesty?" You ask him, and he can feel the teasing edge in your voice.
He smiles and relaxes.
" So, are you going to the ball?" Namjoon asks you a few days later while the two of you are sitting in the stables at night.
You shake your head.
" No, I'm not invited."
" Oh, and if I'd manage to get you in, would you come?" He asks hopefully.
" Probably not, sorry. I have nothing to wear to an occasion like that and that's really outside of my comfort zone." You smile a little embarrassed.
Namjoon nods, unaffected.
" And if I get you a dress? A real pretty one. And I'll stay by your side the whole night, would you then come?" He tries.
You chuckle and shake your head.
" Nope. Why are you so set on getting me there anyway?"
He bites his lip, pondering if he should tell you the truth or tell you that it's a suprise and that you could only know if you show up.
He decides to go with the truth.
" All royals are attending the first dance during the ball for the coronation. I wanted you to be my dance partner."
He doesn't look at you while he's telling you, instead staring at the mare who's just eating hay.
You blush, touched by his answer.
" I'm sorry, and although that does sound nice. I'll just end up feeling uncomfortable at the ball anyway. But we can have your first dance of the night right here if you want?" You smile at him as you get up, holding out your hand.
Namjoon usually isn't a dancer, but he doesn't see why not, and so he takes it.
That night he really feels like a guy his age, as he dances the most random and awkward dance moves with you.
One thing was sure, you both suck at dancing.
And even tough th both of you did, the moment was still very precious for Namjoon, and though you're not aware of it, the moment is precious for you too.
The day of the ball is boring for Namjoon.
His dad, the king, tries convincing him into dancing with the Italian princess who will be present tonight, but Namjoon really doesn't want to.
He goes to visit you in the early afternoon, but you're very busy, because there will be even more people than there already were, so you were supposed to have all your chores done by the time the first guests arrive.
He decides that he'll look for you later.
The main part of the afternoon is spend with dance practice, and him trying not to step on his dance partner's toes.
Which he does several times, but he doesn't really find it in himself to care, she was getting paid to put up with him after all.
By the end of dance practice, his instructor Hoseok is thinking about just breaking one of his legs and using that as excuse to not dance at all.
When Namjoon looks in the mirror that evening, he realizes that he's not really happy.
He's not depressed either, just not happy.
He doesn't want to be put under all these social standards of looking good and acting good and just being perfect.
He takes a deep breath before entering the ballroom.
He ends up dancing with a random princess from China.
She is pretty, he admits. And nice too, but she's not...... You.
His breath stops for a moment when he realizes he's got a crush on you.
After the dance he excuses himself saying that he isn't feeling too well.
That's all a lie however, and he's really just going to you.
He hopes that you're still at the stables, but he's feeling disappointed when he sees all the lights turned off.
At first he thinks you're already off to bed, but then he hears hooves and he knows that you never leave the horses outside at night.
He goes to the meadow meant for riding and he's surprised to see you riding your horse without any tack.
He ends up watching you ride for a while.
Until the moment the moment is ruined and someone else approaches the meadow.
In the most chaotic way possible.
Yelling while sipping wine and barely walking on his two legs.
Namjoon feels his heart stop for a moment as Winter raises his front hooves in the air, leaning heavily on his behind legs, the horse spooked by this new stranger
He calms down when Winter's front hooves touch the ground again, and you're still seated.
" Prince James, why are you here instead of enjoying the party?" You ask, not dismounting your horse.
" Realized the pretty girl wasn't there. Decides to come look for her. Aren't I cute?~" James, one of the two princes of England, must know you to talk to you like that.
Namjoon doesn't like it.
You cannot disrespect a woman like that, that's just, wrong.
" No, you're disgusting, honestly. Please go back to the ball." You ask him, and Namjoon sees that look in your eyes and knows the meaning, you're afraid of the prince.
" I don't think I want to-"
He spots a rope halter lying on one of the fences and decides to try and help you out.
" Hello, fancy seeing you here. I assume that there are no troubles?" Namjoon rolls in smoothly, wordlessly handing you the halter.
You seem relieved at his arrival and slip off your horse, gently putting the halter on Winter.
James seems a little less pleased with Namjoon's arrival.
He mumbles out an excuse before leaving, almost falling in the bushes as he walks off.
" I thought you went to the ball?" You asked once James was out of sight.
Namjoon shrugged with a dimpled smile.
" I was, but it was boring there. Decided to come here instead."
You smiled at his answer.
The both of you went to lead Winter back in his box and walked a little bit around the stables, just talking.
" You know, it seemed as if you knew James. Have you met him before?" He asked at some point.
You shrugged and nodded.
" Sort of. My parents used to work for his stables until I was born, the court here was impressed by how good the horses look and promised my parents a finer stay on the royal grounds, they agreed to go here instead."
" So, you're born in England?" Namjoon asked.
" Yeah. And I used to be friends with James, but he became too spoilt." You answered.
Namjoon nodded in understanding, he knew more royals like that.
" So, are you coming to the coronation?" Namjoon asked.
You nodded with a smile.
" Of course I am, everyone is invited."
" That's great! Than I'll probably see you there tomorrow, right?" He asked with a shy smile.
You nodded.
" Definitely."
For the first time in what felt like forever, Namjoon cared about his outfit.
He wanted to look good in front of you.
He knew he had a bad taste when it came to clothing, but luckily his younger brother Taehyung didn't, and so he decided to bother him.
" Oh, what do I owe this pleasure too, your dear royal highness." Taehyung dramatically bowed as his older brother stood in front of his door opening.
" Stop being so dramatic, drama queen. And I need your help with something." The elder rubbed his neck and looked at the ground, feeling shy.
" Let me guess, you found out that stable girl of yours is coming to the coronation and you want to look good?" Taehyung teased with a smile.
Namjoon looked at him in suprise.
" How do you know that?"
" Know what? Your little crush on her or the reason why you're here?" Taehyung smirked.
" Both."
" Well, I'm pretty sure everyone knows about your little crush because you spent more time with her than you ever did with me or anyone else, and I knew she was coming to the coronation too and my genius brain managed to get that all together and came to a conclusion." Taehyung said proudly.
" Wow, I didn't think your two brain cells could manage." Namjoon teased him.
Taehyung let out an offended 'hey' before getting to work and going to Namjoon's closet.
Because they weren't at home, they had a limited amount to choose from, but Taehyung was determined to let his brother look handsome.
He was supposed to look good after all, especially since he wanted to impress a woman.
Meanwhile you were in your little house trying to decide on what to wear.
You too wanted to look good, your crush was also coming to the coronation and last time you checked, you were kind of unofficial dating.
You two haven't spoken in a while as other royal families had stayed over and you were busy, but you hoped he didn't forget about you just yet. ( He also works in the palace, but he's a butler.)
For some reason, you also found yourself hoping to look good in front of Namjoon.
Whenever you thought of him, you felt shy and warm.
The gentleman has certainly charmed you for sure, but you did not know him well enough to consider him as a romantic interest.
You shook your head and focused back at the task at hand.
You decided to go with a simple red dress, with thin straps and off shoulder ruffles.
It was innocent, but sexy.
The coronation was beautiful, and you couldn't believe how your best friend was now a real queen.
" Your majesty." You curtsy with a teasing smile as she approached you.
" Aish, stop it you." She smiled as you giggled in response and hugged.
" I can't believe you're a queen now." You told her proudly.
" I know, I can't either. I'm really afraid I'll mess something up." She said honestly.
" That's understandable. I don't know the feeling of standing in your shoes, but I'm sure you'll do great. Besides, even the greatest people make mistakes sometimes. They'll just have to learn to not stand still by it." You reassured her.
" Thank you for being my best friend." She smiled.
" Also, pretty butler at 5 o' clock." She winked before slipping away.
You bit your lip nervously and turned around, happy to see him after so long.
You smiled as you spotted him and approached him.
" Hey, long time no see, huh?" You greeted him.
" Yeah, hey. Certainly a long time yeah." He smiled awkwardly back.
Was something wrong?
" I assume it's been busy in the palace?" You try to start a conversation.
" Yeah, indeed. Not like you understand." He muttered the last part.
You raised your eyebrow at his attitude.
" Is something the matter?" You asked him.
" Yeah, no.- Look, I should apologize. I know we had something, but I have a girlfriend now. And I honestly don't want to deal with you." He huffed bluntly.
Ouch. Now that's a pang in your heart.
" Oh. I'll be go-"
" Hey baby, who's this?" A woman approached the two of you, most likely his girlfriend.
" Just a horse girl." He said it as if it's a bad thing.
You couldn't believe him right now, you felt the need to cry, but refused to cry in front of him.
" You're pathetic." You chuckled while shaking your head with glossy eyes before walking off.
" Spotted her yet?" Jin whispered in his younger brother's ear as he was still searching.
" Yah! Don't scare me like that." Namjoon huffed.
" Isn't that her?" Jin asked, ignoring his complaint, while pointing to a direction.
Namjoon followed his hyung's finger to see where he was pointing, and indeed there you were.
He watched as you chuckled while shaking your head before walking away from a couple.
You looked beautiful, he didn't know just how good you looked in a dress, and coincidentally, the dress was his style too.
" Y/N!" He called, hoping to catch up with you.
" Yah! No thank you for your hyung?" Jin complaint from behind him.
" Thanks hyung!" Namjoon yelled back over his shoulder.
Jin shook his head smiling, his brother was whipped.
" Y/N, wait up!" Namjoon yelled, hoping that you heard him, but you kept walking.
" Y/N?" He asked as he finally reached you, and put a hand on your shoulder.
You jumped at the contact and turned around, only now he noticed your glossy eyes.
" Oh, Namjoon. Hey. Sorry, my head was elsewhere." You showed his a forced smile.
" Hey, are you okay? Your eyes are glossy." Namjoon asked.
" Sorry, it's not everyday you find out that your crush turns out to be a dick." You smile bitterly.
Namjoon didn't know how to feel when hearing that.
He was obviously not the person you were talking about, because he didn't ( and would never) break your heart, but now you were sad and he didn't like that.
On the other side of it, he now knew that there would be a free spot in your heart, and he's willing to fight for it.
" Let's take a walk. I'm here for you." He said as he wiped a tear that fell from your eye, moved a lock of your hair behind your ear before eventually taking your hand and leading you through the market whitin the palace grounds.
You told him everything.
From the part where you started gaining feelings for him, to where you two kind of had something, to where he turned out to be a dick.
And Namjoon listened patiently to all of it.
" Honestly, I just wish that I could leave this place but I have no guarantee that I will ever get a job half this good ever again." You groaned at the end of it.
An idea clicked in his mind.
" But what if you can?" He whispered, stopping with walking.
" What?" You asked confused.
" Come with me. We have stables too, and the horses back at home don't look as happy as they are here. So I'm sure my parents will be fine with it." He suggests.
" I don't know." You think.
" Just think it through for a few days, the pay won't be as great as here and instead of a house on the castle grounds, we've got an apartment building for staff, but if you really want to leave, just come with me. I know my stables need improvement anyway." He smiles.
" I will." You smile back at him.
After another moment of walking peacefully in silence, the two of you resume walking in the market.
You spent the next few days without Namjoon, and end up thinking a lot about what he said.
By the end of the third day, you made up your mind.
You will go with him.
Not because you're not on good terms with your ex crush anymore, but because you want to.
You want to work somewhere different, somewhere with a challenge.
And you want to stay with Namjoon.
Going with him is easier than you had expected, sure you'll have to learn the language, but finding a replacement was pretty easy as you had all the routines written down for when you were on a day off. One of your most trusted employees will take over your work, while you'll take the same position in Korea.
Your goodbyes were a little teary, but you knew that this wasn't the last time when you'd see your friends.
Your ex-crush's face was incredibly amusing to see too.
According to Namjoon, you were just as important as he is, and so you ended up in a seat on his private jet to Korea.
Winter was on another plane, but will arrive as the same time as you. ( You had to admit that you were a little unhappy with having your horse on a plane, but the drive to Korea was much longer and would be likely less comfortable for the animal anyway.)
During the plane ride, you were sat beside Namjoon in a luxe plane chair, treated as if you were royalty yourself.
Namjoon was all too happy with how you easily got along with his parents and brothers.
Once you're there, you're instantly out exploring, for the first few hours with Namjoon, and a few hours without.
You note on how bad the horses look. They look a little underfed, and unhappy too.
You're happy to know that you'll be properly taking care of them now.
The next day is directly off to work.
Where you talk with the head caretaker who's apparently very inexperienced in taking care of horses.
You're surprised that he even managed to land a job here, this high up.
Namjoon doesn't manage to talk with you for the next two weeks, as you're both pretty busy.
He's busy with classes and formal stuff, while you're busy with creating a different diets for all horses in the stables.
Some horses had too little power food, and some too much.
You have to replace a lot of horse tack too, and some horses actually need some medical treatment.
For instance, the crown prince's horse, RJ, needed quite some medical assistance. ( Which is obviously scandalous, considering it's a royal horse.)
Some of the horses the King and Queen have for guests are already too old to be riding, yet they're very high spirited, and so you choose to send them off to a horse pension.
After the second week, Namjoon tries to visit you in some of his breaks and free time, but you're still very busy.
It's around another two weeks later when things have finally calmed down for you and you visit him in his office.
The stables aren't too far off, and so you manage to locate yourself in the castle.
Though you don't really know how to go from there.
After 20 minutes of walking around aimlessly, you turn around to find someone who's able to lead the way.
" Y/N dear? Is that you?" The voice of the queen sounds from behind you.
You turn around in surprise, quickly bowing in respect before properly greeting her.
" Your majesty, how good to see you." You smile at her, talking to her as if she's an aunt of you.
" My dear, it's good to see you too. I haven't seen you in a while. Is there too much work on your shoulders to be able to breath?" She asks as she starts to stride alongside of you.
" No your majesty, things were just a bit messy but now that everything's sorted out, I can breathe again." You tell her calmly.
" Ah, I see." She smiles gently.
" How are you your majesty? Had it busy yourself too?" You ask her.
She glances at you before answering.
" Ah, it's been a little stressful. But nothing I can't handle." She tells you honestly.
You nod along to her words.
" I can only imagine." You tell her.
" Are you busy right now?" She asks you as the two of you stop in front of a door.
" No your majesty, is there something I can do for you?" You ask her.
" Would you fancy talking to me over tea? You don't have to of course." She asks, obviously curious.
You smile and nod.
" Sure your majesty."
And so the two of you chat for another 30 minutes. Sure, you were originally going to Namjoon, but talking with his mother is certainly not bad either. Unlike the queen of your home country, Namjoon's mother is a high spirited and curious woman.
" Mother." Someone walks in and nods in greeting to the woman across from you.
"Y/N?" The same voice asks with a surprised, but gentle tone.
" Hey Joon, I was actually on my way to you before I bumped into your mother. " You smile at him.
Namjoon takes in the pleasant sight in front of him with a surprised smile. One that reaches all the way to his dimples.
It's the first time he has ever seen his mother so comfortable to be talking with another woman, not even a princess could bring her in this deep of a comfort zone.
" I assume you want to steal her away from me?" His mother smiles at him before he can actually think of a reply.
He nods.
" Yes, but I can wait if you're having fun together." He tells her.
She shakes her head with a happy smile and shoos the both of you out of the room.
" Nonsense. Have fun together."
You and Namjoon look at each other before the both of you start chuckling.
" I don't think I've ever seen my mother this comfortable around other people." He tells you with a smile.
" How so? She's a pretty fun woman." You tell him honestly.
Namjoon shrugs and holds his elbow out for you to take as he starts walking towards his office, not that you know what it means, as you are a non royal.
You walk alongside him, oblivious to the look he's giving you by not linking your arm in his.
" Not sure." He takes it upon himself to link your arm trough his.
You blush at the contact, and look puzzled at his action.
" It's a way royals usually walk together. You might've seen my parents do so before." He smiles nervously, hoping you get the hint.
He was already crushing on you, hard. But now that he sees how you get along with his family, he's sure of it. He doesn't need a princess to be happy, he needs you.
" Oh, so like this is how you'd walk with princesses and noble women?" You ask.
Namjoon wants to facepalm at your response.
" No, no- Royals walk like this with they're- You know what, nevermind, I just like to walk with you like this. Also, I don't walk like this with a lot of people." He ends up getting flustered at his own answer.
" So, how's the work at the stables going?" He asks, changing topic before you can say something about his behavior.
It works, and the two of you end up talking for the rest of the day in his office, snacking away at his secret snack stash and at some point actually having dinner there too.
" Damn, you're whipped." Are Hoseok's words the next evening.
Namjoon is currently sat with his friends ( his brothers Jin and Taehyung, the royal advisors Jimin, Yoongi and Jackson, dance teacher Hoseok and stable boy Jungkook who they grew up with)
" Yeah I know. But she only just got off an unofficial relationship, I think I need to wait before I can ask her out." Namjoon tells the rest.
" Woah, hold up, my last braincell can't understand this. Unofficial relationship?" Jungkook asks.
Namjoon nods.
" Yes, her crush turned put to be a dick-"
" Joon, I'm sorry to point it out but I get paid for it- don't cuss-" Jackson butts in.
" - they were her exact words tough." Namjoon mumbles.
" If those were her words than she'll move on pretty fast right? I mean girls cuss out their ex when they're officially done with them do they not?" Jimin wonders out loud.
" I think Joon's right, he should be patient-"
" Yoongi, do you actually know stuff about romance?-"
" Shut it brat." Yoongi cuts off Taehyung with a good natured glare.
" I can't wait to see if she stands out to the public." Jin says randomly.
All eyes turn to him, confused by his words.
" The parade is in a two weeks. Considering she's head of the stables, she'll probably be there too right. " Jin points out.
The parade which Jin was talking about is once a year every year, it's a parade in traditional style meant to not forget where the country's origin lies.
Usually Namjoon didn't really like the parade due to the old traditional music and having to sit still for hours, but if it meant that you were there too, it might be a little more bearable.
The rest of the week goes by in a wink. Everyone is mostly busy with preparations and stuff alike. You and Namjoon only have little moments in between to talk and meet up, despite living on a two minute distance.
It isn't until two days before the parade that he has a free spot in his schedule to meet up with you. You don't have a spot free, but he's bothered you enough to know that you're usually able to talk while working.
" Hey Kook' seen Y/N around?" Namjoon asks Jungkook who's cleaning up one of the horses' their stable.
" I think we just had some stuff for the decorations on the tack in, so I think she's working with it in the tack room." He tells the elder with a smug smile before turning back to work.
And so Namjoon walks towards the tack room. While he walks by the stables, he can see the change of the horses. They look healthier, and his very own horse Koya was actually happy to see him for once ( the mare was usually in a bad mood). Winter recognized him too, and happily greeted him and both horses happily accepted the treat he had brought for them.
" Hey. Things look better here." Namjoon greets you as he walks into the tack room.
You look up from the mess you've made on the table, where an array of white, yellow, black, blue and red decorations are spread out.
" Hey. Long time no see." You smile as you greet him with a hug.
He returns it all too easy, his nose greeted by your gentle body mist.
" So, what's this all about?" He asks, motioning to the huge amount of traditional styled tack decorations lying about.
" Decorations for the horse tack. I'm currently sorting everything out." You smile at him.
He blinks at the mess on the table.
" This is sorted out?" He asks.
" Some of it. There's the stuff for Koya by the way, the only thing missing is her norigae but I've heard that she's supposed to wear the same one as you. I was planning to go by your office to ask you for it later, but since you're here anyway...?" You tell him, pointing to the white and red tack.
" Yeah of course. Is this winter's tack?" He asks you, motioning to the yellow and black tack which is lying beside Koya's.
" Yes. I'm only missing a norigae, so I might go to the market later today." You tell him.
Namjoon's eyes shine with an idea as he hears that. Maybe he can sneakily get you to wear his custom norigae too? That way you'd both be matching in a way too.
" Hey, if you want, we can go and get the norigae right now?" He asks you, bringing his idea to life.
You look at your work in tough before nodded.
" Sure, that way Koya's tack is all complete." You smile at him as he holds out his arm to you.
This time you don't look confused, you take it.
You miss the way Jungkook's eyes widen when the two of you walk by him, you also miss the vibrant smile on Namjoon's face as he looks at Jungkook.
Instead of leading you to his office like usual, he leads you to a different part of the castle, where the royal' family's personal chambers are.
" Hey, um, are you sure that I'm allowed in here? I don't want to cause trouble." You tell him.
He nods, unlocking his door and stepping aside to let you in first.
" Yeah, it's me who you're with, so it's all cool. Also, you're allowed here always. I'll give the guards a heads up so they'll know it too. If I'm not at my office, you'll most probably find me here." He tells you as he lets go of you arm and instead laces his fingers with yours, leading the way with a gentle smile.
His quarters are bigger than your apartment in the staff building, there's a hallway, a door to the bedroom, a door to his walk in closet, a door to the bathroom and an opening to the livingroom.
" Quite a big apartment you have Joonie." You tell him as you look all over the place.
He doesn't even realize what you're saying, the only thing that reaches his ears is the nickname you've just called him by.
" Joonie?" He asks with pink ears.
You smile with a blush.
" Oh, I'm sorry, your royal highness." You tease him.
He laughs with you, and shakes his head.
" I think I like Joonie better." He winks at you before opening the door to the walk in closet, pulling you in with him.
In the room there are rows upon rows of clothing, each sectioned. There's casual, nightwear, outdoor activities, formal and traditional.
He opens one of the doors of ( what you geuss to be) a closet full with accessories.
You're not wrong, and he pulls out a wooden box with elegant carvings, putting it down on one of the dressers and opening it.
" Pick which one you think looks best by Koyas'." He tells you as he motions to the norigae in the box. Unlike the rest, there isn't a lot of it.
Koya's accessories are white and red themed, like all royal horses' are, and just to your luck, Namjoon owns one which would suit it, the design actually much the same as the Koya's actual tack.
" This one looks nice." You tell him as you point to the white and red one.
" You can take it with you, I know you're a neat person anyway." He smiles, nervous for his own question.
" Anything which you like?" He asks you, the tips of his ears turning pink once again.
You turn to look at him with wide eyes.
" What? I'm not allowed, you know?" You tell him, your eyes holding a sadness he can't explain and turning your head away from him.
" They don't need to know." He tells you softly, lifting your chin up gently.
You blush. Hard. At his actions.
You don't make a move to look at the norigae either, and so he takes it upon himself to do so.
He takes a yellow and black one and shows it to you, the decorative accessory more of an art work.
" What about this one?" He asks you.
You shake your head.
" It's too extravagant.... If you're really okay with it, can I borrow this one?" You ask him, motioning to a minimum decorated yellow one.
" Of course." He smiles as he takes that one off and the same one in black, handing both to you.
" One for your horse, and one for you." He smiles cheekily, not looking into you eyes, but instead putting both of them into your palm.
When he looks up at you again, there's a soft look in your eyes, filled with something he can't explain.
Suddenly the room's a little hot, and his hands start to feel clammy.
Were you two going to kiss?
However, he's left a little disappointed when you clear your throat, clearing the tension with it.
" I should get back to work." You say.
He snaps out of his trance and nods.
" Yeah. Same." He responds lamely.
You look at him again before making your next move.
" Thank you." You say softly as you kiss his cheek before walking away.
The small kiss on his cheek is all Namjoon can think about for the next few days, up until the day of the parade.
The day of the parade starts off hectic as per usual.
There's Jimin and Taehyung being serious for once ( which makes them very suspicious.) There's Yoongi looking for Seokjin every five minutes, the royal advisor tired of chasing after the future king every day. And then there's Jackson who let Namjoon sleep in for a bit.
Jackson ( Namjoon's advisor) has always been able to balance everything perfectly. Today is no different. Though Namjoon wakes up fairly early, and therefore decides to start the day by himself, he does inform Jackson of where he is and what he's doing.
He knows in the back of his mind that he doesn't really need to, about everyone knows that he's at the stables if he's not in his office or private chambers.
The stables are a mess and very busy. In fact, it's so chaotic that Jungkook doesn't even realize that Namjoon's standing there, who's standing outside and readying the carriages.
It takes around 10 minutes before Jungkook actually notices the prince, who's leaning against a stable wall.
" Oh. Morning hyung. How long have you been standing there?" Jungkook greets him, bowing his head.
" Not too long. An-"
" Y/N's at the main stables, she's was working on getting Mangs' mane braided last time I checked." Jungkook smiles at his hyung who's speechless.
" Thanks." He says puzzled.
A few minutes later he's at Mang's stable, and you appear to be working on Chimmy's braids now. There's a Bluetooth box in the corner of the stables, playing one of the many songs you've let him hear before.
In comparison to the rest of the stables, it's pretty chill here. It's just you, and a few of your coworkers, who're preparing the tack of the royal horses. Namjoon can spot the norigae you've picked out for Koya standing proud on his bearing strap.
" It seems you've got the situation under your control." Namjoon tells you, making you turn around.
At the sound of his voice, your coworkers immediately greet him with respect, and Namjoon nods his head back to each of them.
You smile and greet him with a hug.
" Yeah, we've been preparing for a week now so we didn't have to do everything last minute for a reason. How're things going in the castle?" You ask him as you move back to Chimmy, going back to braiding.
" Pretty good actually-" He's cut off by the vibrations of his own phone, and he barely excuses himself as he takes it.
" Namjoon, Where are you? I have called you six times already. Your stylist arrived ten minutes ago. Hurry up to your closet!" Jackson's voice screams trough the phone.
" Oh, um, it appears I have to go. I'll see you at the parade?" He asks.
You nod at him, and as he leaves, one of your coworkers turns to you with a silly smirk.
" So, you and prince Namjoon, huh?" He hears her teasing voice, which causes him to leave with pink ears.
The rest of the time passes by in a heartbeat, and before he knows it, he's standing in front of the castle, waving at the press and citizens.
Soon after he's with the rest of the royal family in the royal carriage, and he can see you on Winter on the side, ready to ride off with him.
He secretly wishes that you're seated right beside him, though he knows that that's for now a lot to ask.
Winter's norigae is also proudly displayed, as is yours. He's surprised at how neat Winter's posture is. The horse's head is usually held high with his ears forward, ready to explore the world. Right now his head is bent like the dressage horse he's supposed to be.
Then everyone is setting off as scheduled.
Taehyung's eyes catch someone looking rather suspicious to the side after about an hour or two.
The male was wearing all black, standing out from the colourful festive. He wasn't smiling or cheering, just stood completely still.
He looked at the figure more carefully, not wanting to create drama out of nothing.
He changed his mind as the suspicious male catches his eyes, and smirks at the prince.
He turns to Jin, who's sitting beside him, but before he's even fully turned, there's suddenly a loud bomb going off.
Everyone sets into panic, especially the horses.
Namjoon is worried about not only his people now, but especially his staff and more important to him, you.
He can only watch as the person who's driving the carriage sets the horses loose, and is left perplexed when you run after it with Winter.
And then he's demanding to get off the damn carriage because he wants to help you.
There's the distinct yelling of his title trough his mind, but he doesn't pay any mind to it. All he can focus on is helping you.
" Prince Kim Namjoon! Listen to your king and-" His father's sentence is cut off as he closes the carriage door behind him and walks off into the forest he's seen you disappear into.
He doesn't make it far into the forest before one of the guards is pulling him back to his family, who're now sitting in a bulletproof car.
"Namjoon, what are you thinking?! You've not only put yourself in danger by stepping out of the carriage but us too! Not to mention the citizens. What's wrong with you?!" His father screams at him in anger.
Seokjin and Taehyung are worried upon looking at the panicked look on their brother's face.
"She's out there."
His mother understands what's happening by hearing that sentence.
He's in love with you.
His father gets it too, and sighs before looking at his wife, both of them sharing worried glances.
His father panics, and decides that Namjoon is to stay in his chambers for the rest of the night.
Instead Namjoon sneaks out, making his way to the staff dorms. He halts at the door, not sure on which number to ring.
After all, he's never been at your place.
Luckily for him, one of the maids who just finished her shift spotted him, and asks him if she can help him.
" Any idea what Y/N L/N's house number is?" He asks her sheepishly.
She smiles and nods.
" Yes, but if you're looking for her, She's still at the stables, inspecting the horses." She tells him.
He blinks at her before thanking her and running off.
It's around 23' at night now, and the incident was around 17' in the afternoon.
Worry fills his eyes as he spots you in the stables.
You're now talking with the horses' vet, but your clothes have blood on them.
He's got no idea if it's yours or the horses, but he just hopes that it's neither.
He hears you and the vet greet each other a goodbye and rushes to your side.
" Hey, are you okay?" Is the first thing that he asks you.
You jump as you turn around, your tired eyes making contact with his.
" Woah, you scared me there. And yeah, I'm fine, just a few scratches." You wave him off, though the blood on your shirt tells him another story.
It's not seeping through dramatically, it's mostly dry, but Namjoon can't help but worry as your undershirt is matted with dirt and there's lines of blood on it too, as tough You've been cut.
" Are you sure that it doesn't hurt? We can take you to the doctor in the castle? I'm sure he won't mind-"
" I'm fine Joon, honestly. The cuts aren't something I can't treat myself." You smile at him tiredly yet in a reassuring way, something that touches his heart.
" Thank god. Also, why're you still here? Are the horses injured?" He asks you.
You sigh and nod, walking over to Rj's stable.
" Some yeah. Especially Rj, he's always been a bad jumper, especially today when he ended up stuck on a fallen tree trunk. And it was about 19' when I had managed to get all the horses with the rest of the staff. I dismissed them all after that and decided to help the vet myself." You tell Joon as you look at the white horse who's leaning heavily on three of his legs, the fourth being stitched and bandaged.
" You didn't even eat dinner yet?" He asks, eyes wide.
You shrug and nod.
" Yeah, but it's fine, don't worry about it. Now if you don't mind, I really want to go home. So I'll be locking up the stables, if you still want to talk, feel free to come with me to my humble home." You tell him as you collect your stuff and turn towards the entrance.
He's quick to catch up to you, wordlessly taking your stuff for you.
Moments later he's stood in the kitchen, exploring your cabinets on what to make you while you're in the shower.
You've told him to make himself comfortable while you'd freshen up, but he wants to make you something so you didn't have to make yourself dinner.
However, Joon can't cook, as he has never been taught. From the three princes, only the eldest knows how to.
And so he ends up following a recipe, which doesn't turn out great either.
And so when you step out of the shower, you hurry to the kitchen due to the smell of fire.
You're very surprised to see the prince just standing there, in front of the stove, looking more confused than panicked.
He's scratching the back of his head and you hear him mumbling "Is it supposed to smell like this?"
His question is quickly answered by you hastily turning off the stove and turning on the extractor.
" You don't cook very often do you?" You ask him dryly, folding your arms over one another.
He's lowkey disappointed by his failure of being husband material, and it shows on his face.
" Sorry. I wanted to make you dinner so you wouldn't have to after such a long day." He tells you guiltily with a small pout, which turns you soft.
You smile at him due to his antics.
" That's real sweet, but I was planning on simple ramen." You tell him.
And so the two of you end up making ramen together ( as he's very set on letting you do as little as possible.)
About thirty minutes later, the two of you are seated on the sofa, each a bowl of ramen in your grasp as he's looking for a good movie, and a blanket thrown over your laps.
The distance between you two is smaller than it's appropriate for a prince and his staff member, and you both love it.
Moments later, the two of you are done with dinner, and Namjoon watches worriedly as you sleepily blink at the screen and keep switching positions, unable to find a comfortable one.
" You know, if you're uncomfortable, you can lean on me, I don't mind."
The words leave his mouth before he can think about it twice.
No words leave your mouth before you're snuggling against him, legs thrown over the couch, folded sideways, blanket pulled up to your chin and your head resting on his shoulder.
He's only too happy with your reaction, and wraps an arm around you in response, pulling you even closer.
The two of you watch most of the unimportant movie in silence, until Namjoon hears your light snores.
The sight that greets him makes him just realize how deep in he is once again.
You're literally drooling on his shirt, yet he still finds your visuals pleasing to the eye.
He's whipped and he knows it.
He turns off the tv before moving you to the bedroom.
He really didn't plan to sleep over, but once he's dropped you off on your bed, ( literally, almost falling on top of you himself) you don't let go of him.
And so he just sleeps over, and he's happy he came in sweats and a sweater.
The next morning, you wake up without an alarm, you wake up in the prince's arms.
Which leaves you very flustered.
Because as far as you're concerned, you're supposed to take the morning shift at the stables today.
The first thing you do is check your phone, something you haven't done since you called the vet for the horses.
You're greeted by kind messages of the other staff from the stables, and they let you have a day off as you were working from 6 am to 11 pm yesterday.
And so you set on making breakfast.
Meanwhile Namjoon's slowly waking up in your room.
Luckily for him, he's off duty until around 15', and it's now about 10'.
Pleased with the time, he reaches out for you, only to realize that you're not there.
He's not really in the mood to stay lazy in bed, and so he comes to join you in the kitchen.
The sight that greets him there makes him feel fuzzy, again.
You're not even doing anything specific, just flipping pancakes while you're wearing this huge shirt and sweats, your hair pulled up in the most unorganized bun he's ever seen.
But he loves it. He really does.
" Morning." He murmurs lowly in your ear as he hugs you from behind in greeting.
You jump, but relax soon after.
" Morning sleepyhead. Slept well?" You ask him.
He smiles.
" I did but when I woke up you weren't there anymore." He pouts.
Meanwhile his parents were figuring out on what to do.
" Well, what do you suggest? Our boy is in love. And what's wrong with that? She's a nice woman." The queen tells her husband as they're talking in one of the yards, enjoying the weather.
"Of course there's nothing wrong with that, but she's a peasant. He'd be breaking tradition, and I don't want anyone using that against him, nor do I want someone to use the woman's former title against her." The king tells her.
His wife looks at him in surprise.
"You don't have anything against her?"
" Of course not honey, why would I?" The king asks her.
" You didn't really seem to like her in the carriage ride." She tells him pointedly.
" I admit, I had to think about it, but she's indeed nice. and Namjoon's obviously in love with her." The king said with a small smile.
" Then I suggest we let it be up to him."
When Joon came back home, a fortunate surprise was waiting for him, the 'okay' of his parents.
When he heard so, he was shook, but happy out of his mind.
Soon his group of friends knew it, and not too long after, his staff too (though they lowkey were already).
Next up he started planning everything out, and with everything, I mean like too much.
He's starting to think about on how to ask you, and on what to wear, whenether to take you on a date or straight up ask you out.
It's not until a few days later that he admits his feelings.
The two of you are simply cuddled up together, doing absolutely nothing, simply talking about life and complaining about Yoongi's horse riding skills.
It's already late at night, and it only settles the mood.
It doesn't go according to plan though, instead of being cute and asking you out with a fancy sign and everything, the two are laid on the couch, you in his arms as the two of you lay saggedly against one another. And he literally goes;
" Did you know that I have the biggest crush on you?"
It's not planned, he didn't even mean to say it.
It just happened.
All you did was laugh at a really bad joke he made, and it just came out.
He blushed hard, as you now get up to face him.
" Wait, are you serious?" You ask him, eyes wide.
He swallows, and stays silent, not entirely sure on what to say. It takes him a moment before he answers.
" I, uhm, yeah. I do."
He says it so cutely you have to keep yourself from chuckling at him.
He adjusts his position, now sitting up too, except he's leaning his back against the couch.
You don't take too long to respond, instead being pretty quick.
" You mean, I could've asked you out a whole while earlier, and you would've said yes?" You ask him.
He nods, at first normally, softly, then suddenly vigorously.
" Of course I would! Have you seen yourself? You're one heck of a woman!" He exclaims.
Now it's your turn to blush.
" Okay, uhm, wait- I know this pick up line and- I think you got your pronouns wrong, instead of he/him it should be you're/mine." You pop suddenly adding to the moment.
Joon laughs at that, throwing his head back.
He bites his lip once he's calmed down again.
" I mean, I guess you're right. In a way.- Mind if I kiss you?"
The two of you are suddenly moving fast, very fast, but neither of you are bothered.
The two of you have been good friends since a while back anyway, and this really didn't bother either of you.
You've simply waited way too long for each other either way, it appeared.
" Oh, yes. Please do-"
You can barely finish, before he's pressing his lips to yours.
#bts#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#min yoongi#jung hobi#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jungkook#x reader#bts x reader#bts royal au#bts prince au#kim namjoon x reader#idkeitherman#bts ff#bts fluff#lil bit of angst
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Predator’s heir (Yandere Warrior King Katsuki x Hybrid Dragon Reader x Yandere Prince Charming Izuku.) Bonus.
Things after that fatefull encounter were anything but simple.
The Warrior King had told his parents about his discovery and about his desire to have you as his wife. They saw no reason to refuse but his mother warned him not to push his luck when dealing with a dragon.
Izuku had also spoken to his family and advisors... and those old greedy goats were at first fearfull of what such a woman could do if displeased... but that changed as they realized that they’d have one of the most powerfull breeds of dragon on their side and thus wouldn’t have to fear other kingdoms ever again.
As for you....well, you had been going from one kingdom to another and had been meeting with other dragons in hopes of finding a suitable mate. Unfortunately, the only male that had caught your eye already had a mate and the rest were brainless idiots or stuck up divas, treating dragons of lower ranks like trash and being the definition of disgust.
Now, once you actually took a small break from all this search, some interesting news reached your ears... some humans were after you. They wanted you as their mate.... and that had the word “trouble” written in giant, bright letters.
“A human... mate?” You mumbled as you rested inside a cave, still in dragon form and hoping that seeing you as you were now would make any unwelcomed visitors leave. It wasn’t unsual for dragons and humans to become mates at some very rare cases... but usually humans hunted anything that was alive for their own personal gain. And that didn’t only involve supernatural beings such as yourself, they’d even hurt their own kind just so they could gain more power, it was disgusting and insane.
As you began to relax, you heard hooves approaching the cave, raising your head you managed to see the same two males that you had met at the lake a while back. You began wondering how they found you, given that you mostly flew high above the sky, making sure that humans wouldn’t be able to see you clearly. They had no humans escorting them, it was just them and their horses. However you could feel the power of enchanted items... meaning that they were prepared to fight, kill or capture any supernatural being that came too close.
You reversed to human form and came closer to the cave’s entrace, not close enough to be seen but you were able to hear the blonde one shout about how annoying it was that he couldn’t find you.
“She’s a giant flying lizard! How the hell is it so hard to find her?!”
“Kacchan! I won’t let you insult her like that!”
“You wanna fight you useless piece of shit?! Huh?!”
“You said we’d fight only when we’d have her with us!”
Then it dawned on you, that these males were the ones that wanted you as their mate. You slowly looked at them, starting from the blonde one.
You had to admit that he was quite handsome and seemed like a strong mate, his attitude was less that appealing. And he didn’t really look smart, which could lead to more problems than what it was worth.
You then looked at the green haired male. He didn’t seem strong and thinking back to the moment he and this blonde male talked to each other, it felt like you’d most probably end up protecting him without even realizing it. But he seemed quite clever.
You sighed and decided that resting in this cave was not the smartest idea. You got closer and jumped off the entrance, landing a few meters away from them. They both looked at you and were shocked by your entrance, you didn’t even turn to look at them, stretching your arms and slowly walking down the road.
Then they threw their enchanted items on you.
“She’s fast.” The blonde one said.
“Of course, she’s perfect!”
“Not only do you humans not introduce yourselves but also have the nerve to attack me? I ought to tear you to pieces.”
The two males looked at you shocked... they had seriously forgotten how lovely your voice had been, after all you had only said one sentence back then... but now that they got to hear it again...
“Oh! I’m sorry! My name is Izuku Midoriya! I’m the prince of a nearby kingdom!”
You nodded and then turned to look at the blonde one, he smirked and looked at you proudly.
“I am Katsuki Bakugou, the Warrior King! And you are coming with me!”
“Ha ha, no.” You said in a stoic, cold tone.
“Then would you please come with me? I’m sorry for attacking you but I was scared you’d leave before I could talk to you!”
“And tell me what?”
“Please marry me!!!”
You blinked and raised an eyebrow, you’ve heard that humans “got married” as proof of becoming mates... so you assumed that he was asking you to become his mate.
“Fuck off Deku! She’s mine!”
“She rejected you!”
“She didn’t agree to marry you either loser!!!”
“Both of you, shut up!”
No sooner had that command left your mouth that they literally stopped talking and looked at you. They seemed surprised but one look on their pants and anyone could see the effect your tone had on them.
“Please, I promise I’ll be a good hus- I mean mate!” Izuku pleaded, his eyes growing wider as he stared at you adoringly.
“Ha! I’d be a better match for her, any day!” Katsuki said and the two glared at each other.
“Why on earth do you want me to become your mate?”
“Too many reasons and I keep finding more right now!” Izuku said and Katsuki nodded.
“Yeah, no. I’m searching for a mate from my own kind.”
The two looked at each other and before you could so much as blink, they had jumped on you, forcing four metal bracelets on your arms and legs. They had the power to keep you docile for a total of seven hours.
“Sorry, darling... but we can’t let that happen! I promise I’ll do my best to make you happy!”
“Yeah right, she’s mine!”
“So who exactly is supposed to be my mate?” You asked and they glared at each other. They moved away but made sure to trap you in a magic circle to ensure that you’d go nowhere.
“It’s time to settle this Deku!”
“Actually Kacchan... why don’t we just share. If one of us dies, there will be war. Your people are strong and brave but my people are more advanced. Either way, it’d only lead to disaster.”
Katsuki stopped and seemed to think about it. He looked at you and then Izuku.
“And what about her?”
“We can both love her, besides she first needs time to get to know us better. And hey, whoever charms her first, can be the father of her first child.” Izuku said and that got Katsuki’s attention...his family and Izuku’s had been on friendly terms... so they’d definetely alter a few laws if it meant keeping the peace between them... and Izuku’s idea of that harmless little competition sounded like fun.
“All right then,Deku. But if you even try anything funny, I’m going to rip your heart out and feed it to wild animals.”
And now, without really knowing how or why, you found yourself with two human mates... and judging by the way they were eyeing you, it wouldn’t be long before you were with young.
This was going to be the beginning of a nightmare.
#bnha#yandere#jealous yandere#Warrior king Katsuki#Prince charming Izuku#katsuki bakugou#izuku midoriya#Female reader#dragon hybrid#fantasy au#fanfic#competitive yanderes
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A Promise to Keep - Micah x GN!Reader
I liked the beginning, then hated the end. But it’s done and you all get to deal with it.
Summary: Micah keeps his promise of taking you to dinner and a show, and you find the man to be on his best behavior while on the little date.
Word count: 1,823
True to his word, you find yourself on the back of Baylock in the late evening, Micah all dolled up (as best he could be and felt like) and asking if you were ready to go. You had laughed when he took your hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, and you knew it was all out of sarcasm. Still, it did make your heart pick up a bit, and you made sure to mess with the outlaw on your way into Valentine, resting your head on his back and wrapping your arms around his waist. Oh, you felt him stiffen and inhale sharply, and you couldn’t stop the grin that spread across your face.
“Makin’ yourself comfy?” he asks, head turning to look over his shoulder. You let out a hum as a reply, and you can hear that soft chuckle escape his lips. He’s talking, something to fill the silence on your way down the old road, joking that if this show is horrible, then you’ll be owing him money. It’s enough to bring a laugh from you, sitting upright so you can playfully hit his shoulder.
“Can’t you just have fun for once?” you ask, and that offended scoff cements the smile on your face.
“Doll, I’ll have you know that I’m very fun,” he purrs over his shoulder, “You just don’t wanna find out. No, instead you wanna go to a show.”
“Which will be fun,” you correct him. You can’t see it, but you know he’s rolling his eyes as you two finally make it into town. He brings Baylock to the stables and you link your arm with his when he hands the reins over to the stable boy. You have to shush him when he growls at the poor young man, instructing his horse gets the utmost care. You knew how much he loved that animal. It was probably the only time you ever saw him care about something so much, aside from his beloved guns.
The theater is right beside the stables, little tents and wagons put up all around with the gallows just across the road. Micah mutters something about wishing there was a hanging that you two could watch instead, something more enjoyable. Another playful smack to his arm, and you have to remind him of the events that transpired in Strawberry. He huffs, pouting as you comment how fun that would’ve been as well.
“Now, you know you don’t mean that,” he says, pulling his arm in to drag you closer to him. You let out a thoughtful hum, but he can see the smile on your face. Walking over to the ticket booth, the man inside greets you both with a warm smile. He tells you what the show is about when you ask, the tale of why bears hibernate and it’s enough to pull a scoff from Micah. He seems almost reluctant to give the man a dollar for the tickets, having looked at you with those eyes that clearly asked “are you really sure you wanna see this?” When you held your smile, he finally handed over the money, grumbling about how it better be worth it as he led you inside.
There wasn’t much, but you didn’t expect anything fancy. Some wooden chairs lined up, three in a row with a big screen in the front. The man operating the film was right by the entrance, seated in his own chair with his legs crossed, as he stared down at the table. Micah leads you over to the chairs in the back, right in front of the film operator. You finally remove your arm from his as you sit down, hands folded in your lap as you lean back against the chair. Micah’s leaning forward instead, arms resting on his thighs with his legs are spread and his knee brushes against yours. You don’t move away this time. Instead, you allow the contact.
The show starts, getting right into it. The main character, Bear, is visited by Old Man Wind, who warns the grizzly of an upcoming winter. You can tell your companion isn’t into it and isn’t even paying attention. He’ll look at the screen, sure, but he’s also glancing around at the others in the small tent. You didn’t expect much from him in all honesty. You were surprised he even made it this far without throwing a fit and wanting to leave.
Halfway through the movie, and Micah’s still being good. He’s finally leaned back, back pressed against the top of the seat. He’s not subtle about his actions, bringing his arm up to wrap it around your shoulder. There’s a look in his blue eyes when you turn your attention to him. His eyebrows are slightly raised, gaze trained on you and you can feel how he’s slowly easing his grip from your shoulder. Well, he had been a good sport for this long. Shuffling over as far as you can on the chair, you allow yourself to rest your head against his shoulder. You can tell you’ve caught him off guard, but he’s quick to recover and relax against you. His thumb is rubbing your arm softly, back and forth against your shirt. This was quite the change from how you viewed everything going in your head.
You can hear the man chuckling at the end, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. He’s making some sort of comment about how the characters should’ve listened, and this is the first time you find yourself agreeing with the man. When the show ends, the two of you stand up, and you slip your hand into his as you two exit the tent. His grip is firm but gentle, just enough to keep your hand from falling out of his grasp. You walk close to him, still smiling as the two of you make your way over to the saloon for some dinner.
“I’m surprised you behaved so well back there,” you comment, catching his attention. Brows raised again, he stares at you.
“What? Don’t think I know how to be good?” he chuckles, but he lowers his head just a bit, just enough to cover his eyes. “’Sides, it wasn’t that bad I guess…”
“I liked it,” An amused huff escapes him as he pushes open the doors to the saloon. You tell him what you’d like to eat and drink, and you choose a table as he makes his way up to the counter. You watch him talk, and you catch the way he sneers at the man, no doubt throwing in some sort of insult wrapped in charming words to the poor man. Well, it wasn’t much a surprise, and you couldn’t expect him to stay good all night.
He comes over with everything when he’s given his items, setting your plate in front of you and handing you your drink. It’s nice, and you thank him softly as he sits across from you. Dinner starts out quiet, both of you enjoying your meal, but he finally speaks up about halfway through.
“Why the sudden interest in me?” he asks, and you wait for him to clarify his question. He lets out a low groan when you don’t respond. “Ya don’t take interest in me before, but after last night, you’re suddenly curious about ol’ Micah Bell. Now, why is that?”
“Guess you finally caught my attention,” you respond, taking a bite of your food. You watch him and you can practically see the cogs turning in his head, trying to piece everything together. And when it takes him too long, you continue. “I see you around camp, Micah. Hell, everyone does. Talkin’ nonsense, startin’ fights for no reason. Then you start talking to me, actually talking, and you ain’t that bad.”
“I’m not a monster,” he grumbles out, and you just nod, reaching over to gently rest your hand on his.
“And I’m realizing that after you’ve simmered down,” you tell him. A smile forms on your face when you see him nod, and you stroke your thumb over his knuckles. “Maybe you could work on it?”
“Now, I think you might be askin’ for too much,” He’s chuckling softly, but you know it’s the truth, and you didn’t expect the man to change overnight. But, you’d settle for his calmer attitude now, giving him a nod and telling him you understood.
Micah’s out of the saloon first when you two finish eating, focus trained on you as you thank the bartender for everything. He doesn’t hear the trampling hooves coming his way, and he seems almost shocked when you’re rushing forward, grabbing onto his coat and dragging him forward. A young man rushes by on a horse, an obnoxious leaving his lips.
“You need to be more careful,” you chuckle as you look up at Micah. You were sure he’d be ranting and raving by now, promising to teach the kid a lesson. You’re surprised when he reaches out, however, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into his chest, lips crashing onto yours. The shock lasts only for a bit before you melt into his embrace, moving in sync with him. One hand rests on his bicep while the other goes to his cheek, your fingers threading through his beard. You finally break away after a while, abruptly when you feel him try to reach lower. The hand that was on his cheek is pulled back, just for a moment, before it’s making contact again in a sharp slap. He’s stunned, but there’s a smile on his face and he’s laughing.
“What was that for?” you ask, face red as you cross your arms.
“I thought ya might like it,” he responds. You’re almost at a loss for words. Truth be told, you had liked it. He had taken you by surprise, and he had even been gentle with you.
“I might’ve if you asked!” you shoot back. You turn your heels, and decide it’s time to end the night. You didn’t get to hear much about Micah. Didn’t get to know him any better, and that kiss only fueled your desire for more. “You comin’?”
“And just where are we goin’, doll?” he asks, jogging to catch up with you. “To get a room,” you tell him. Eyebrows raised, he sends you a smug grin. “Figure we can get to know each other more without the rest of the gang listenin’.”
“Oh, I have a feelin’ we’ll be getting to know each other real well,” he purrs. He snakes his arms around your waist and pull you close, and you have to pry yourself away with another smack.
“You don’t get anything if you don’t behave!” you scold him, and he gives you a playful pout. This would be a long night, but maybe, just maybe you’d reward the man if he didn’t act out again.
#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#micah bell#gn!reader#micah x gn!reader#I headcanon the man on the horse to be The Boy tbh
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Rogue Feelings
Pairing: Hellboy x Male Reader
Warnings: Extremely Adult Content below the cut.
A/N: This was a commission piece for @sleepy--bat who kindly allowed me to post this! I hope you all enjoy something a little...well very much adult haha.
“Have you seen Red?” You walked into the library with a huff, looking over at Alice as she turned another page of her book, studying, seemingly ignoring you, “Alice?”
Alice jumped in her seat, looking up from the book on the table with wide eyes as she finally looked at you, “Huh?” She snapped the book closed.
“I said, have you seen Red?” You asked again, resting against the doorway as you tried to get a look at what she was reading.
She was quick to hide the book from your prying eyes, “I haven’t seen him since yesterday.” She tucked the book under her hands and folded them over the title with a smile before sliding it into her lap and tucking her ponytail of dreadlocks back behind her shoulder.
“Oh, you haven’t?” You asked with a scowl, “Well Ben said you were the last one to see him.” You scoffed, “So I guess I’ll go back to Ben and tell him he’s a liar.” With a kick of your boot on the floor, you turned to go back and annoy the shifter again.
Alice sighed, and threw her head back with a groan, “Fine!” She grumbled before reaching for the book in her lap and tossing it on the table.
‘Demon Anatomy and the Cycles of Devils’
“Alice what the fuck?” You asked as you sat at the table, “What does this have to do with where Hellboy is?”
The medium pushed her fingers together underneath her chin and smirked, “Well if you look at the pages that I bookmarked it might make a lot more sense.”
With a suspicious look you opened the book, “Alice there’s a lot of diagrams of penises here and not a lot of explanations.” You fumbled through the pages, half curious and half distraught at the amount of demon anatomy being thrust into your brain.
Alice stopped your flipping with a finger and tapped the chapter title with a laugh, “This one, love.” She teased as you looked down at the words.
‘Mating Cycles’
“You better be messing with me right now, Alice.” With an open mouth you looked up at the medium. You regretted looking.
A smirk was plastered on her face as she reached for the hot tea on the table. She took a sip, still smirking at you over the top of the mug, “Why would I joke about this?”.
“I don’t know, but its usually to mess with me or Ben.” You scolded as you glanced over the parts about binding a mate to themselves. An interesting read without the current woman in the room.
Alice rolled her eyes, “Ben will tell you the same thing.” She rapped her fingers across the table before tilting her head, “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”
Ben scowled at her as he entered, “The devil will be less inclined to kick your arse.” He snarled, the scars on his face twisting before he walked over to Alice, and placed his hands on the back of her chair with a growl, “You were supposed to be in simulation training forty-five minutes ago, Alice.”
“Cry me a river, cat-boy.” She spat back as she stood and flexed her fingers, fingering her knuckle dusters as she stood, spinning them teasingly at the soldier, “I’ll kick your arse for fun then come back and finish my cuppa.”
Ben scowled at her before looking at the book in your hands, “Perhaps you should be more inconspicuous about yours and Hellboy’s…activities?” He let out a laugh as you hid the book underneath your arms, “That or go and help the poor fucker. He’s a dick normally, but he was unbearable yesterday.” The were-jaguar grumbled as he pulled Alice from the room, “Sort him out.”
The two of them disappeared through the library doors once again and you let out a deep sigh as you looked back at the pages underneath your arms.
“He’s locked in his room!” Alice screamed from the corridor before Ben growled once more and steered her away to the training room, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
Hellboy’s room was entirely reinforced alloy steel. Inches thick and rather unbreakable. It was like a vault, sealed tight to stop him breaking out or someone getting in. A prison was what he usually called it. You had to agree most of the time. It was like a super reinforced cell made just for him. However, usually it didn’t stop him from punching his way out of it for a night on the town. You banged a fist against the door and waited for a reply. Nothing. Silence.
“Red! I know you’re in there. I asked Jacob in security to check the cameras!” You shouted as you stood in the hallway, tapping your foot against the steel flooring as you waited for the demon to open his door.
You heard a thud and an annoyed groan, “Piss off!” Hellboy shouted from inside.
“Don’t you tell me to leave, Red! I’ve had enough of you as it is! Open this door right now or I swear to God I’ll get someone to unlock it for me!” You threatened as you knocked again, persistent in your hounding of the demon locked in his room.
You jumped as a bang sounded from the door, “Will you listen to me for once!?” Hellboy snarled from behind it, his voice muffled by the metal, “I ain’t feelin’ good and I don’t want you on the receiving end of this one!”
He sounded tense, like he was struggling to control his temper.
“Alice and Ben are worried about you…I am too.” You pressed a hand to the door, “Ben said you were more of a dick than usual.” You joked as you listened to what was going on behind the door.
Hellboy was silent for a moment before he replied, “Well Ben is an asshole.” He grunted, “Maybe if you like Ben so much you should go bother him.”
“Now you’re being a brat you oversized tomato!” You thumped at the door again, “You know full well I only have eyes for you.”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t!” He declared before stomping back into his room, his loud footsteps disappearing in the direction of his bed.
“You great oaf.” You hissed before opening, unlocking your phone, and ringing the security room. Jacob picked up, “Yes?”
“Open his door for me.”
“You know that’s not…”
“Open. It.”
“Yes, Sir.”
The great locks churned open, clunking before the great vault door swung open to reveal a trashed room inside. You stepped inside with a confused look and closed the door behind you with a slam.
“Red, I’m coming in whether you like it or not!” You announced as you stepped into his small lounge room. There was a lack of grinding noises, but the bathroom light was on and his sander still plugged into the wall. There was rubbish all over the floor of the lounge, mostly made up of smashed pieces of the table. You stepped over a cushion impaled with a table leg and moved to turn off the bathroom light. A great sigh came from behind Hellboy’s bedroom door, and you headed towards the large doorway, carefully picking your way back through the rubbish once more.
“Hellboy?” You asked, softly, gentle as you reached his door.
“Why can’t you just listen to me…” He grumbled from behind the door, “Always ignoring me…”
You opened the door, “I want to help…” Your mouth dropped open as you looked at the demon laid back across his bed, cheeks flushed almost purple as he rubbed at his head and tried to adjust his legs. He was half dressed, his bottom half covered in slack, soft, black jogging bottoms. There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you gazed at the picture before you. Your gaze lowered to the strained fabric over Hellboy’s crotch.
“Well this is awkward.” Hellboy grunted as he sat back against his headboard, legs spread to stop his own large thighs from pressing against his genitals, “But since when do you listen to me, huh?”
“This is what all this drama was for? Because you’re in season or whatever?” You asked softly.
“Don’t say it like that.” Hellboy grumbled, “Makes me sound like some sort of animal. Which I’m not!” He snapped, his pointed tail swishing irritably by the side of his bed. His stone fist clenched rhythmically as his orange eyes looked up your body, raking over the tight uniform of the BRPD, which you had been forced to wear since arriving. Hellboy’s assistant. Most people called you his wrangler. The boy-toy. Hellboy tended to get handsy then, usually meaning one or more people ended up in the infirmary with broken noses.
“You’re being…” You stopped when he rolled over onto his side, hooves scrunched up, knees bent as he hid his face from you, his tail swishing grumpily, “Such a meathead, HB.”
The demon peered over his shoulder, hair spilling over his shoulder as he rolled himself back to face you, “Not the worst thing I’ve ever been called.”
You stepped into the room as Hellboy’s orange eyes looked you up and down, admiring the tight shirt over you as you snapped the lock on his door. His red tail perked up with interest, debauched ideas streaming through his mind as he watched you walk towards the bed.
“You could have told me…” You whispered, reaching a hand towards his chest.
Hellboy felt his chest flutter underneath your warm hand and he reached for it with a low rumble, clutching the fingers with his human hand, keeping your touch on his skin, “Its not entirely normal, babe.” He rumbled as your fingers threaded through the fur down his stomach. He caught your hand before it could reach the waistband of his joggers.
“But its part of you, Red, and I love every part of you.” You promised as you let him just hold your hand. He placed your palm against his cheek and smiled as your fingers rubbed against his sideburns. You threaded your fingers into his facial hair as you moved to sit by him on the bed, perched on the edge.
Hellboy shuffled back from you, recoiling, his right-hand grazing against your wrist, but not holding you, just pushing your hands back, “This ain’t a good idea.” His tail snapped like a whip against the bedding, “You could get hurt. It was bad enough last year in Mexico. I thought I was gonna…”
“Kill somebody?” You offered with a half-smile. You pressed your hands against his stone palm and rubbed at it softly, trying to sooth the worry coiling in every muscle of the demon.
Hellboy rumbled again as your finger wandered over the stone of his arm, stroking the swirling patterns over the hellish coloured rock. You passed the top of the rock, just below his elbow and connected with his skin, gently circling the red skin, feeling the tension in his bicep as his breathing fluttered.
“Stop that.” Hellboy whispered, “You don’t know how hard this already is, sweets.” He plucked away your touch again and levelled his orange gaze at you, “I don’t wanna hurt you.” He insisted, “And I’ve never…I’ve never rode this thing out with another person! I don’t know what I’m capable of or…” He shouted until your finger pressed over his lips.
“Are you done worrying now?” You asked as you flopped yourself against his chest, feeling the burning heat of him through your uniform, “Because I know that you won’t do anything to hurt me.” You insisted as Hellboy wrapped his arms around you tight, pressing you against his front, your head resting on his pectorals.
“You ain’t listening to me is my problem.” He grumbled as his tail reached to coil around your waist, the end poking against your skin. The demon held you possessively, “But…I’m.” He groaned in exasperation, “Fine. You can have your way then.” He relented, sagging back against the cushions, throwing his stone arm up into the pile as you grinned down at him.
“You might want to get undressed before we start.” Hellboy purred underneath you, the words whispered, dark and deliciously, against your cheek. You shuddered against him as his hand moved down your back, following the curve of your back before he squeezed at the flesh of your backside.
“You want me out of my clothes that badly, Red?” You teased as the demon underneath you rumbled, enjoying your attention as you laid your hands on his chest again and rubbed at the hair on his chest, fingers teasing over his nipples, watching his red skin go flush with a myriad of purple tinted red. It was a puce colour, a red mixed with purple, almost brown. Puce suggested it was a foul look for him. It was anything but. The bright flush on his cheeks and chest was endearing. The embarrassment suited him. You pushed against Hellboy’s chest, leaning back, slotting your hips against his own as you settled yourself back comfortably before you stood up from him, swinging your leg over his hips, escaping his grabbing hands.
“I wanna rip you out of it all.” He growled, watching as you kicked your shoes and socks off. You pulled your jacket off with a smirk and then tugged your shirt off, revealing your skin to his hungry orange eyes. He didn’t move from the bed, sprawled back, fiddling with the elastic of his waistband as you unbuckled your belt and slid it free from the trouser loops. Your bottoms followed as you shimmied them off your legs and kicked them into the pile with the rest of your clothing.
“Somehow those briefs look hotter than they ever have.” Hellboy groaned as he pushed his jogging bottoms down, revealing his hard cock and thick thighs.
You laughed at the desperation in his tone, “They’re no different than usual.” With a hum you followed him in pulling at the elastic from around your hips, giving the demon a peak at your crotch before you tugged them back into place and placed your hands on the edge of his bed, leaning over, peering at him as he touched himself.
“Are you really just going to stand there?” He huffed at your smile, “I wouldn’t mind a bit of help.” He all but purred as your hand squeezed at his left arm’s bicep, admiring the squash of the muscle underneath your fingertips.
“I might just pull up a chair.” You whispered hotly, teasingly, before you reached for his bottoms and eased the soft fabric down his thighs, watching Hellboy flinch as your fingers grazed his skin.
“If you pull up a chair, I think I might drag you out of it.” He promised as he tugged his hooves from the clothing and fisted his dick again, squeezing the base of his erection with a shuddering breath.
“I know you would, Red.” You chuckled as you sat on his thighs.
Hellboy grumbled at your underwear, a stone finger slipping under the elastic of your pants before he grazed the rough texture over the curve of your ass, “Take these off.” He grunted as his hips thrust upwards, jarring you against his thighs, his red cock bobbing, even though it was still enclosed in his fist, “Please.” Hellboy whispered as you knelt on your knees and tugged the fabric down, awkwardly wiggling upwards to get your legs out of the holes. Hellboy took your underwear in his hand and grinned smugly as he pressed the crotch of it to his nose before tucking them under his pillow for safe keeping.
“You’re gross.” You were cut short and whined as his fingers clutched at the meat of your ass again, human and stone, grinding into the flesh as he dragged you up his legs, meeting your hips in a rough, jarring slide.
“You love it, baby boy.” Hellboy rumbled as he pressed his lips against your neck, grinding his nose into the flesh between your neck and shoulders, inhaling deeply against your skin. You shuddered at the name. Hellboy gave you a hot kiss as you melted against his chest, his facial hair rubbing against your skin as you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, opening your mouth to his advances. Your tongues met in a wet exchange before he domineered the kiss, demanding rights to explore your mouth. Happily, you complied to his control, one hand easing down his chest, kneading at his chest, squashing the large pectorals as you continued to kiss.
You pulled away for air far too quickly for your own liking, the desperation to breathe making you whine at the demon.
Hellboy grinned up at you, looking at your flushed face and swollen lips. He leaned up to bite at the skin and tugged on your bottom lip with another growl, “One nickname and you’re already ruined. What happened to all that bravado, baby boy?” He purred darkly as the fingers of his stone hand gripped your ass tightly, leaving grazes on your skin as his human hand reached to stroke your cock, “I think its my turn to wind you up…” He hummed against your neck before watching your own fingers wrap around his cock, both hands squeezing rhythmically around his shaft. It was too large for both to cover completely, the end weeping in his desperation to fuck something other than his own hand.
“Fuck I can’t…” He moaned as your hands trailed up and then down in a featherlight touch, “I’ve been fucking my own hand since yesterday to the idea of this. The idea of fucking you has…” Hellboy’s orange eyes burned as you squeezed the tip of his cock. Fangs snarled at you as you pulled away, red lips peeled backwards in a harsh display before his pointed ears shifted up and down, “Fuck!” He cursed as his cock twitched in his own lap, clear precum clinging to the hair down his stomach.
“Hellboy…Do you have lube?” You asked, half delirious as he commandeered your lips again, exchanging spit once more before he gathered himself.
The demon heaved a deep breath with another snarl before his stone hand slammed at his nightstand, “Shit!” He cursed before he held you up with the stone hand and searched with his other in the mess of items from the drawer. After a moment, he sat back in the cushions, and held up a bottle of lubricant with his thumb and finger. He was quick to snatch your wrists with the stone hand, gripping them in front of you tightly as he spread his own thighs, spreading your legs wide, opening your cheeks to the fingers of his other hand. They sought your entrance, already slick with the lubricant, a moment later. You never even heard him open the top of the bottle.
“You ready, baby boy?” He asked, eyes full of lust but serious and in the moment.
You nodded and relaxed over his legs as a finger massaged at the tight ring of muscle, gentle as he eased his way inside, one finger at a time. One long finger stretched you open, and you clenched around the thick finger, breathing as evenly as you could manage. You squeezed at his stone fingers your mouth open as you let out a breathy moan. A second finger breached you a few moments later, pumping just as gently as the first, easing you open a little more. The third was a surprise and you gave a great moan as Hellboy popped it inside.
“You sure about this?” He asked again.
You gave another shuddering moan, “If you don’t shut up and…”
“Got it baby.” He teased as he grazed a bundle of nerves inside of you.
Hellboy’s finger’s slid free, leaving you feeling empty.
“Hellboy.” You whined as you were pulled forwards, your dick grazing against his own. You thrust your hips against his own and opened your mouth to receive another messy kiss as he growled, fangs bruising your lips. He turned the fangs against your neck and purred in delight at the blood and bruises welling under your skin. A dexterous tail slid around your waist, holding you up as Hellboy poured lube over his cock, fisting his dick as he quickly spread the lubricant over himself.
“Shh, baby.” He rumbled as he slid his cock between your buttocks. The head grazed your entrance before he slid home, slowly easing you down on his demonic sized dick. The lubricant eased the way dramatically and your thighs smacked with a wet slap as you paused over the root of his dick, already feeling a little too full. He snarled underneath you and held your hips steady before he eased his own hips up the last few inches, impaling you fully on his cock. Your moan made his ears twitch and the demon smirked as you sat there in his lap, stuffed full, wet eyed and asking for him to move. He did after a moment, hips snapping upwards as his stone hand gripped your waist and dragged you up and down, impaling you repeatedly on his dick. Words seemed to escape the two of you and you whined for another kiss as he started a snapping, heavy rhythm, in and out of you.
“Hellboy…” You moaned as you pulled away from his heavy, addictive kisses, “I want you to come inside me.”
Hellboy growled, his head pressed to your chest, pointed tongue licking at your nipples as he ground his sanded horn stumps into your muscles, “Fuck yeah.” He cursed as his cock twitched inside of you, “I don’t…I don’t know how much…” You kissed him before he could finish and gripped his long hair as his hips stuttered and so did your own. His hand sought your cock between your legs, stroking you as you took him to the root, moaning into his mouth as your cum splattered against his stomach. Hellboy let out a growl, then a moan, before he pushed your hips down further, fingers gripping your ass as his cock twitched and fired a heavy load of cum straight inside of you.
“Fuck…” He cursed again as his orange eyes went lidded, another shot of semen pouring inside of you as you felt your entrance go tight.
“Shit!” You reached for his cock and moaned as the feeling of a sharp barb tugged inside of you, “Is…Is that a barb?” You whined as Hellboy’s hips moved, another drip of cum searing inside of you before he managed to realise what had happened. A few soft barbs and an inflated knot at the base of his cock held the two of you together.
“Oh shit!” He cursed as you shuddered in his lap, “Baby, I swear, I did not know that would happen.” He appeared sheepish once more, his face flushed with a familiar purple tinted red as he held you tight against his front, stroking your face gently, trying to soothe you.
The demon beneath you peered down in shock as you started to laugh, “Uh? Babe? You okay?” He asked as he tilted your chin upwards.
You whined softly as you moved your hips but settled against his plush chest happily, tracing your fingers through his hair, “I have no idea you had a knot…” You trailed off as he shuddered, “Looks like we’re stuck for a while in any case, but before I…” You yawned, “Before I fall asleep. I love you, Hellboy and nothing like this, nothing about you, could ever put me off or send me running, because you’re perfect just the way you are.” You kissed his chin and settled down, watching his eyes go wide before he sniffed, cringing, and hiding a tear as he returned your kiss.
“You’re too good for me.” He grumbled into your hair, “I love you too.”
You smiled against his skin and kissed at his blush.
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All You Will Ever Need To Know About Writing Horses, Part 1.
Trust me, I’m not exaggerating with that title. Before I became a full-time writer, I spent my days teaching riding lessons. I went to university for Equine Sciences, and spent my teenage years apprenticing under a marvelous horseman who taught both working cowhorse and fixed ‘problem’ horses.
Note: if a term isn’t defined, feel free to ask for the definition in the comments. It likely isn’t a term you would want to use in a fantasy setting, but further education is always awesome!
Getting the Details Correct: Why Does It Matter?
Immersion, first and foremost. Horseback riding is not an uncommon hobby, especially among fantasy readers. While some readers are fairly forgiving of issues, it’s one of my personal biggest pet peeves. So to make it easy for writers, here are all the major details most people don’t know, don’t get correct, etc etc.
The Basics: horse 101
Hoof & Leg
Horses stand on what is the equivalent to the human middle fingernail. The leg is the equivalent of the finger. That’s why horse legs are spindly and fragile.
hooves need to be picked out by their caregivers (riders or grooms) at minimum before and after riding. Debris can get caught in the grooves of the hoof (or in the shoes) which can lead to injuries (think of if you had a piece of gravel jammed under your fingernail and then had to type with it)
Horses have a space between their incisors before their molars, which is where the bit fits in their mouth.
The older the horse is, the more ground down their teeth are and the harder it is for them to break down forage.
Horses have horizontal pupils, though their eyes are dark enough you don’t normally see them. Because their eyes are on the sides of their heads, they have blind spots directly in front of their nose, below their neck, and behind their tail.
Horses have terrible depth perception. They aren’t colorblind, but they are dichromatic (unlike humans who are trichromatic) and see blues and greens. No reds.
Tack (Gear)
Halters & Lead Ropes/Shanks
Rope or leather that goes around a horse’s muzzle, along the cheeks, and then behind the ears and below the jaw. Depending on the time period and culture, these can be plain and simple or highly decorated.
Arabian halters are usually styled differently as a thing chain that goes behind the ears, sometimes across the brown, down the cheeks and around the muzzle.
Halters do not have anything go into the horse’s mouth and the lead rope attaches underneath it. Halters can be left on when the horse is being ridden (under the bridle) and the lead rope can be tied around the neck or attached to the saddle if there is a place for it.
The general style of a bridle is similar to a halter, except that instead of having a piece that attaches around the muzzle (a noseband), the cheek pieces attach to the bit.
Reins attach to the bit and then go back to the rider. There are two main types of rein: split reins and loop reins. Loop reins are one single piece of leather (or two that buckle or tie together in the middle) from one end of the bit to the other. Split reins are two pieces of leather, one for each side of the bit. Managing split reins can be very difficult for beginner riders (I always tied them together to make a loop rein or just gave my students loop reins until they mastered the basics).
There are too many different types to break down and this isn’t for the faint of heart to play around with. If you really want to get into this level of detail, comment and I’ll give you more info!
Bitless Bridles, Hackamores, Riding Halters, etc.
Lead ropes can be made into loop reins and the halter can be turned into a bitless bridle in this way. The average, well started horse will understand the pressure cues being given this way.
Modern day saddles come in two main types: western and english. Both of these riding styles have ancient roots. Western saddles are bulkier, with a horn in the front. English saddles are smaller and lightweight.
Many ‘working saddles’ have a built up pommel area in the front of the saddle (in front of where your thighs would be if you were in the saddle). Consider what sort of setting you have, what kind of tools horses are being used for, etc. in your worldbuilding to figure out what kinds of saddles make the most sense.
Cinch is the western term for the band that goes underneath the horse’s belly and keeps the saddle in place. Girth is the english term for it. As long as you keep consistent, either word is an acceptable term to use. To tack up properly, you need to “tighten the cinch”.
Stirrups need to be adjusted between riders that have different leg lengths. So if you have an extremely tall character and an extremely short one, please take a moment to adjust the stirrups before they sit in a saddle the other was riding in.
Saddle Blankets
Saddle blankets go underneath the saddle as a protective layer between the saddle and the horse. Western style saddles have lambskin on the underside of the saddle to have additional padding for the horse, but still require a blanket.
English style saddle blankets (saddle pads) are smaller and thinner than the western blankets as the english saddle is smaller and lighter.
"“Are you sure you are?” Loralee asked, glancing dubiously at Jin’s tack. Loralee handed her mare to Jin before double-checking the amira’s saddle. The cinch tightened an inch. Loralee buckled the clip and retied the knot before taking her mare back from Jin." -- Chapter 8, The Dying Sun by L.J. Stanton
Diet & Care Needs
Obligate herbivores with one stomach, horses need frequent small meals to keep their gut-fill at appropriate levels. Large meals several times a day is harder on a horse’s body.
Horses primarily eat roughage (grasses). They can also have their diet supplemented with different grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Fun fact: horses don’t get drunk off beer.
Personality & Body Language (They Aren’t Dogs)
Horses are prey animals first and foremost, unlike dogs, and react to the world through that lens. It means there is a high likelihood of horses spooking at nothing, or at dark spots on the ground. They tend to be cautious at water crossings unless trained. They can be loyal, but they certainly don’t do things like wag their tails happily.
Whinnying and nickering aren’t anywhere near as common a behaviour as movies and television would have you believe (once again, prey animals). Horses will shriek, whinny, and nicker to communicate with each other for different reasons.
Blowing (exhaling loudly) in combination with lip licking is a stress relief/self soothing behaviour.
Horses greet each other by sniffing noses and smelling breath. A horse will do the same with a person or an animal that comes up to it (like a dog or a cat).
Pinned ears are a threat and sign of imminent danger. Pinned ears are usually followed by nipping, biting, shrieking, striking, and/or kicking
Striking is with the forelegs, kicking with the back legs.
Lead Mare
decides where the herd stops to graze, drink, etc. etc.
helps decide whether or not spooking is necessary
Lead Stallion
protects the herd from predators and competition
make up the rest of the herd. These may be a group of sisters and aunts, but mares will come and go from herds as other stallions harass/steal mares, so they aren’t always related. Liking the stallion has a greater bond than family.
Bachelor Bands
colts (male foals) are kicked out of their birth herds when they reach sexual maturity. For safety, they will often form bachelor bands. During mating season, these bands may break up or splinter depending on whether there are herds with mares nearby.
Gaits (speeds)
Walk (4 beat)
Trot (2 beat, diagonals)
Canter/Lope (3 beat)
Gallop (4 beat with hang time)
See Part 2 in two weeks for Riding!
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To give without knowing (10/?)
word count: ~5k
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Geralt sat on the forest floor, doing his best to sort their equipment. For the past weeks, Geralt had carried most of their things. Jaskier claimed it was because he couldn’t possibly carry his lute while having the weight of all the things Roach used to carry on his back. Geralt had snorted at that, saying that if that were so, maybe Geralt should let him carry everything to get him to quiet down.
It had been an empty threat and they both had known it. When Geralt had relented with a grunt and shouldered everything he could carry, Jaskier had smiled at him. The next hour had been spent with Jaskier composing ditties praising Geralt’s strength and selflessness and with Geralt scowling in order to hide the way his face warmed at Jaskier’s words.
Walking the Path without Roach was strange. Geralt found himself missing the comforting click-clack of her hooves and the way she would nibble at his shirt when she was happy.
Jaskier did his best to distract Geralt. He didn’t state his intentions, but they were clear as day. Jaskier was louder than usual, sang more songs and nudged Geralt’s arm playfully whenever he passed him. It wasn’t much, but after having to let go of so many other Roaches all on his own, Geralt was grateful for his efforts.
Well. Not that one could speak much of Jaskier’s efforts now. In fact, Geralt was the only one working, trying to figure out which of their stuff should go into the saddlebags and which they should continue to carry themselves.
All the while, Jaskier was still his bright, loud, distracting self. Only this time, he didn’t sing about Geralt. Oh no. He was singing an ode of the most beautiful lady with chestnut hair and kind eyes. One who was loyal, lovely and would get to spend a long portion of her life with Jaskier. A lady who wouldn’t bite him in the fingers when he offered her treats in her greed or stomp her hooves threateningly when he wanted to plait her mane without bribing her first.
Geralt shook his head and grinned when Jaskier’s song was cut off by a yelp when the new Roach started nibbling at his hair.
Jaskier was squawking indignantly at her. “Dear lady! You have no appreciation for the arts! Here I am trying to serenade you and already you interrupt me.” He swatted at her neck, but ended up running his hands over her soft fur and cooing at her instead. “Truly, you are a mare after Geralt’s own heart.”
Geralt’s chest warmed and his grin turned into something gentler as he watched Jaskier do his best to win their new companion’s favour.
When Jaskier caught his eyes and winked at him, Geralt had to force himself to look away. If he kept staring at the ridiculousness unfolding before him, he would never get to finish his task. Still he listened with half an ear as Jaskier picked up his song again, this time telling Roach about all the adventures her predecessor had been a part of. He promised her that one day she would get to meet Old Roach, just as he had promised Basia that they would visit her and Roach again some time.
Geralt had just put their cooking supplies in one of the saddle bags, when he paused. There was only one thing left. Something that he had carried ever since saying goodbye to Old Roach.
The bag with the animals he had carved for Jaskier. They weren’t heavy, but still Jaskier had insisted that Geralt should carry them. He hadn’t told him why he was so adamant about it, but Geralt had had the suspicion that this was yet another way in which Jaskier had tried to comfort him. It had worked.
As right as it felt seeing Jaskier with Geralt’s gifts, it felt right holding them himself – being allowed and trusted with something so important to Jaskier. There was no doubt that the figures were Jaskier’s through and through and holding onto them gave Geralt an irrational sense of having a part of Jaskier with him. It was reassuring, even though the real Jaskier was never more than a couple of steps away from him. It was the carvings that had made Jaskier decide not to leave Geralt’s side even once until winter and Geralt was holding onto this promise, reassured by the weight of the animals.
And now they had a new Roach. A horse with big enough saddle bags to stow away the figures.
Geralt hesitated – and put the carvings back to his own belongings. He would hold onto them, claim that he had forgotten about them when he had sorted their stuff if Jaskier asked. If Jaskier demanded that he put them in the saddle bags, he would do so, of course. But if Jaskier didn’t…. well, Geralt could live with carrying a little more weight than normally, if it meant he still got to hold the reminder that Jaskier would stay with him close.
He willed his heart not to speed up and closed the last of the bags before standing up. He leaned against a tree with his arms crossed in front of his chest, watching with a bemused expression how Jaskier switched to telling Roach about his own great accomplishments as travel companion and bard.
“You forgot to mention that you are also incredibly humble,” Geralt chimed in when Jaskier needed to take a breath before he could continue telling Roach about what an invaluable friend he made.
Jaskier narrowed his eyes and wagged a finger at Geralt. “No need to be so sarcastic about it. My humbleness is one of my best qualities.”
“As is your ability to be quiet.”
Jaskier huffed and put his hands on his hips. “Oh, mock all you want. I know you’re just scared that by the end of the day, I will be Roach’s favourite.”
Geralt grunted in amusement. “Good luck with that.”
Jaskier’s grin got broader. “Good thing I have my lucky charms then.” He lifted his chin triumphantly. “And once Roach and I become inseparable, you will always have to let me stay with you or else you will risk breaking the poor girl’s heart.”
Geralt melted a little and he unfurled his arms. “If that’s your plan, then there’s no need to suck up to her.”
Jaskier scoffed. “So eager to get rid of me that you’d deny me a friendship with your horse?” he asked playfully, but there was an edge to his words that cut into Geralt’s chest.
Geralt shifted his weight and pushed himself off the tree, walking towards Jaskier. He petted Roach’s neck, so he didn’t have to look at Jaskier when he said, “I would keep you around even if Roach didn’t like you. So you can save your energy and make yourself useful. Gather some firewood.”
For a moment, Jaskier was quiet, stunned. Then he put his hand on Geralt’s that was still resting on Roach’s neck. He hinted at threading their fingers together for a moment, before pulling back again.
Geralt tensed up. He almost reached out to take Jaskier’s hand again and really hold it this time. Instead, he let his hand drop to his side and clenched it into a fist.
Jaskier must have sensed how uncomfortable he suddenly was, for his soft expression vanished and was replaced by a smug grin.
“No, I don’t think I will,” he said playfully and demonstratively resumed petting Roach.
“Jaskier,” Geralt warned without heat.
“Oh no, my friend. You just said that I don’t need to do anything special for you to want me around.” He threw Geralt a playful wink that did something funny to Geralt’s insides. “You like me. I don’t need to be useful.”
Geralt growled, but he didn’t disagree or take his earlier words back. Not when Jaskier looked so gleeful at the prospect of Geralt saying that he liked him. Not when that was the truth.
“Fine.” Geralt shrugged his shoulders. “Keep doting on Roach and you’ll be cold tonight without a fire.”
“But Geralt!” Jaskier turned his pleading eyes to him, not even bothering to hide the mirth in them. “You, as my dearest friend that likes me and wants me to stay with you, would surely not let me go cold in the night?” He tilted his head a little and Geralt would have called his smile downright devious if it hadn’t been so infuriatingly endearing. “Besides, I have it on good authority that you are wonderful at cuddling to keep your friends warm.”
Geralt choked on the air and had to turn away forcefully to hide the thoughts flashing through his mind.
He hadn’t held Jaskier close at night ever since the storm. But oh, how he wanted to. Every night he looked at Jaskier, only a few feet away from him but still too far, and had to bite his tongue to not ask him to come closer and allow Geralt to hold him again.
Nothing good would come of that. If spending one night feeling Jaskier’s heartbeat against his own had such an impact on him that the thought of it consumed his mind every waking hour, then what would happen if he allowed himself to have this again? He didn’t want to find out.
No, that was a lie. He wanted more than anything to find out, but he’d be damned if he ever let himself be that weak again.
So instead of risking saying something he might regret, he scoffed. “Why don’t you ask your new best friend Roach if you can cuddle up to her? Maybe if you sing another song about her grace and beauty she’ll let you sleep next to her just to get you to stop singing.”
Surprisingly, Jaskier didn’t rise the bait. Unsurprisingly, the teasing grin on his face grew wider.
"Speaking of Roach‘s beauty, I'm surprised you didn't succumb to the temptation of buying a black horse instead. You know, to really sell that dark, brooding loner thing you insist on putting on when you’re not showering your dearest friend with affection."
Geralt huffed.
"Oh come on, Geralt We both know that deep down you're as dramatic as can be. There's no use denying it."
Geralt only gave him a blank look and Jaskier rolled his eyes.
"Alright then. I see a black horse would have been a bit too much even for you. But why, oh why didn't you even look at the white horses?" Jaskier whined. "It would have made for such a good song! The White Wolf, a knight in shining armour and his trusty steed the white stallion!"
Roach chose that moment to nudge her head against Jaskier's back, making him stumble forward.
"Alright, fine," Jaskier relented and lifted his hands in surrender. "I admit, no other horse could come close to your beauty."
"I don't choose my companions based on how pretty they are," Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier shot him a sly smile and a wink. "And yet you travel with me."
"I didn't choose you, did I?"
Jaskier's eyes shone with glee and Geralt felt as if he had stepped into a trap he should have seen coming from miles away.
"I don't hear you disagreeing. You do think I'm pretty. My, Geralt, you're full of compliments today. What did I do to deserve such generosity?“
Geralt didn't answer, though his mind and foolish heart supplied him with a myriad of memories of things Jaskier had done for him that warranted praise and compliments that Geralt would have given if he knew how to.
Jaskier seemed to take his silence as his cue to sigh wistfully and turn to Roach for support.
"You truly are the only one who understands me. It's the two of us now - you and I suffering from Geralt's lack of taste," he declared in his overly theatrical voice that made it clear he was just having fun and wasn't truly offended. He hung his head in mock-lament. "It's such a pity that a gorgeous lady such as yourself has to suffer the shame of being named after a bug."
Geralt scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. I wouldn't name her after a bug." His lips twitched and he was sure in his eyes was the same sparkle of mischief he had so often seen in Jaskier's. "She's named after a fish."
For a long moment Jaskier gaped at him, not unlike the fish Roach was named after.
"Are you telling me all these years you let me live a lie? You didn't name her after - no wait, a fish isn't much better. Geralt, what on this sweet earth possessed you to name your horses after a fish?"
"Why did you name yourself after a flower?" Geralt shot back, thoroughly enjoying himself.
"That is not the end-all argument you think it is," Jaskier said haughtily. "I'm not sure if you just said that to prove a point, but I assure you I could spend the next hour elaborating on the meaning of my name."
"Please don't," Geralt said, though he put no heat in it. He wouldn't mind learning why Jaskier had chosen that name for himself. He hadn't wanted to push him for an explanation. It was none if his business, but if Jaskier were willing to tell him one day, Geralt would be more than happy to listen.
That day, it seemed, was not this day. Jaskier's grin turned impish, making him look like a cat ready to pounce.
"I shall spare you the tale. On one condition. You tell me why you name your horses Roach."
Geralt turned away slightly, crouched down and pretended to be busy with the bags again. He knew the act fooled no one. "If you're expecting a dramatic or tragic tale you’re going to be disappointed. There's not much to tell."
"Humour me."
When Geralt chanced a quick glance at Jaskier out of the corner of his eye, Jaskier looked genuinely curious. Gone were all traces of teasing and challenging. All he wanted was to learn more about something that was important to Geralt.
"It's... My first horse didn't have a name for a long time. I didn't plan on ever giving her one. Don't look at me like that, Jaskier. I know what you're going to say. Don't."
"No, I..." Jaskier trailed off. After the slightest hesitation he sat down next to Geralt, brushing their shoulders together. "I'm not judging you. It's just… You didn't call me by my name too for a long while either. I think I understand and I'm glad you do now."
Geralt nodded, unable to give any other response. So he just continued his story. "That horse was the worst. Stubborn and mischievous. Wouldn't listen to a single thing I said." He couldn't keep the fondness out of his voice and when he briefly looked up he saw Jaskier look at him with an affection in his eyes that made Geralt's chest ache. He couldn't tear his eyes away and for a heartbeat all thought left him.
"She sounds wonderful," Jaskier supplied when Geralt stilled.
His words shook Geralt out of his reverie.
"Of course you would say that." he swallowed thickly and kept his face carefully blank, unwilling to show a hint of hurt that next part still caused him sometimes. "I got chased out of town a lot back then. I didn't know yet to recognise the right moment to leave before things turned bad. So I ran. Had to leave all of my supplies. I had nothing to eat, nothing to keep me warm. Only my swords and that bastard of a horse. Without my crossbow or any gear to set up snares, all I could think of doing was to try to fish."
Jaskier's hand found his and this time when he linked his fingers with Geralt's, he didn't pull back.
"You caught a roach?" Jaskier guessed.
Geralt's lips twitched into a half smirk. "Something like that. Turns out fishing is damn near impossible without a rod or some kind of spear. I still tried to catch a fish with my bare hands."
Jaskier's eyebrows shot up. "That's impressive."
Geralt hummed in amusement. "Maybe it would have been, if the horse hadn't found it funny to nudge me with her head right as I was leaning over the water."
Jaskier let out a startled laugh. "She didn't!"
Geralt's grin became wider. "Made me fall right in. I landed on a roach; pretty much squashed it against a rock somehow." He scoffed. "I swear that horse was laughing at me the whole time."
Jaskier snickered. "Can't blame her."
Geralt shot him a false glare that only made Jaskier laugh harder.
"Of course you would take her side."
"Of course,” Jaskier echoed. “How could I not adore anyone who managed to shove the great Geralt of Rivia into water? I know how near impossible a feat that is. First Roach has all my respect." For a moment he was silent and as they listened to Roach's huffing and scraping at the dirt with her hooves. Jaskier squeezed his hand. "Thank you for telling me, Geralt. That means a lot to me."
Geralt nodded. He thought that was all the reply he would be able to give, but something tight in his chest was begging to be released. After a small pause he whispered back, "Thank you for listening."
After that, Geralt was once again filled with that burning need inside him that made his fingers itch to take up carving again. And so he did. After so long of not picking up his carving tools, his hands felt a bit rusty and clumsy, like when he had first learned to use those tools, but the wood felt familiar and right in his hands.
He thought of his first horse- his first Roach- as he carved. The familiar motions felt smooth and sure as he was cutting away wood piece by piece until Geralt held his new creation in hand. He smiled as he looked at it. It was exactly how he had wanted it. Now all he needed was to find the perfect moment to hide it for Jaskier to find. With this carving, he felt the need to perfect the execution more than with any other. He owed it to his first Roach.
So he carried the figure with him for days, separate from Jaskier’s collection. Jaskier had noticed how Geralt carried the other carvings still, but he hadn’t mentioned it. If anything, he had seemed pleased for some reason.
Geralt couldn’t wait to see Jaskier’s face when he saw this newest carving for the first time.
It wasn’t until one day the sun shone unusually bright – probably the last hot day of summer before autumn winds would chase the warmth away – that Geralt knew the time had come.
Geralt sat on a riverbank, holding a provisional fishing rod in hand and waited for what felt like hours, even to him. Jaskier must be going mad with the wait. It sure seemed like he was about ready to tear his hear out, from the way he had flopped down on the grass, too bored to even sing anymore.
“Does this always take this long?” He whined.
Geralt forced the smile that tried to twist his lips to stay hidden. “You’re the one who thought it was a good idea to fish for our dinner.”
“That’s what I get for trying to be sweet and honour Roach.” Jaskier groaned. “And in my defence, I suggested fishing before I knew how boring it would be. Are you sure you’re even doing it right?”
Geralt hummed in the affirmative.
Jaskier didn’t look convinced. “Really? Because from here it looks like you’re not even doing anything. You’re just -” he gestured vaguely at Geralt, “ -sitting there. One could almost think this is just an excuse for you to do nothing and be quiet for hours.”
Geralt couldn’t keep the grin off his face any longer. “Maybe you should try it then.”
Jaskier made an outraged sound, but before he could come up with any colourful protests, his mouth snapped shut and he narrowed his eyes.
“You know what?” he said and held out a hand demandingly. “Fine. I’ll do it. See if I don’t catch something faster than you.”
Geralt snorted and scooted over to let Jaskier sit where he had just been. He handed over the fishing rod.
“And just so you know,” Jaskier added, “I know what you’re trying to do here. And I tell you, you will not find me sitting all quiet.”
“There goes my masterplan to get some peace,” Geralt deadpanned.
“So how does this work then?” Jaskier asked, giving an experimental tug at the rod.
Geralt’s brows knitted together and he put his hand over Jaskier’s, holding the rod in place. “You’re not supposed to move it.”
“You sure? Because not moving it hasn’t brought us dinner yet,” Jaskier teased.
Geralt let go and took a step back. “Alright then,” he said, barely able to keep the amusement out of his voice. “Figure it out on your own then.”
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “I will. Can’t be too hard. I’ll just –“ He gave another tug, only to stagnate mid-motion. His eyes became wide and Geralt could see the moment he realised what was happening, as unbridled joy and triumph bubbled up in Jaskier’s chest with a loud laugh. “Geralt! I caught one! Ha! I told you I’d better at this then you.”
Geralt watched with raised eyebrows how Jaskier gave another harsh yank, until suddenly the something came flying out of the water with a splash, attached to the fishing line.
“Look! Geralt, I did it! I-“ Jaskier’s smile turned into a confused frown and he did a double take. “The hell is that?”
Jaskier grabbed the fishing line with one hand and brought the thing at the end of it closer to his face. Geralt’s heart was hammering in anticipation as Jaskier let out a small gasp, finally realising what exactly he had caught.
“I’ve got to say,” Jaskier said slowly, “the fae are getting more creative in their delivering.”
“Oh? It’s another gift then?” Geralt asked as nonchalantly as he could. “What is it this time?”
“A fish,” Jaskier said, baffled. “What even… is it a cod? A carp maybe?” He made a face. “I’m only just realising that I know absolutely nothing about fish.” He paused. “Pike?”
Geralt snorted at Jaskier’s silliness and rolled his eyes. One would think that less than a week after talking about this very same thing, Jaskier would have a clue as to what this could be.
“It’s a Roach,” Geralt deadpanned.
The palm of Jaskier’s free hand met his face and he huffed out a single laugh, before his face took on a look of mock-annoyance. “Oh very clever. I sure hope the fae think they’re funny.”
Geralt grinned openly. “I think they’re hilarious.”
“I guarantee that you are the only person who would think so.” Jaskier’s shoulders were shaking with poorly supressed laughter, giving the lie to his words.
“You better not let the fae hear that,” Geralt warned, “or they might stop giving you gifts.”
“Nah, they like me too much to forsake me.” Jaskier waved a hand through the air with a self-assured grin. “And I’ve complained about your terrible sense of humour for years and you’re still here, aren’t you?”
Of course Geralt was. As if Jaskier could do anything that would make him want to leave.
Jaskier didn't seem to expect or need an answer. His focus shifted back to the roach in his hand. He turned it over and admired the scales Geralt had carved into it.
Jaskier seemed to hesitate but then his brow set in determination. He lifted his head and looked Geralt dead in the eye.
"I'm naming the roach Horse."
Geralt didn't think about what he was doing. All he knew was that Jaskier was bursting with laughter and that he was being so ridiculous and suddenly Jaskier's laughter turned into a surprised shout when Geralt nudged him just enough to make him stumble right into the water.
Vaguely he registered Jaskier dropping Horse, the roach, on the grass before he hit the water.
After a heartbeat Jaskier emerged from the water with an enraged look that would have been much more effective if he didn't also look like he was doing his damndest to hold in his laughter.
"Geralt of Rivia!" Jaskier shrieked accusingly and wiped the wet hair out of his face. He reached out one hand to Geralt. "You help me out of here right now!"
Geralt shook his head with a grin. "You know you won't be able to pull me in with you."
"I won't try to do that. Promise." The mischievous twinkle in his eyes betrayed him but Geralt still grabbed his hand and hauled him up.
Jaskier hadn't been lying. He didn't try to pull Geralt into the water with him.
What he did instead was practically throw himself at Geralt with the momentum from his pull. Jaskier wrapped both arms around him, soaking him thoroughly. For good measure he rubbed his dripping wet hair into Geralt's face.
Geralt let out a startled laugh. After a second of stunned immobility, Geralt wrapped his arms around Jaskier as well, his laugh ghosting over Jaskier's hair.
He could feel Jaskier's pout where his face was pressed against him.
"You're not supposed to like this," Jaskier said accusingly. "This is my revenge."
"Yes, you're being very evil right now," Geralt grinned and chuckled when Jaskier only scoffed.
This was so petty. Jaskier was just utterly ridiculous. Geralt loved him so much.
He froze and his heart refused to beat in its normal rhythm.
Oh no.
This...this wasn't really what he felt for Jaskier. It couldn't be. Jaskier was his friend, his travel companion, the one person who was always by his side without ever asking for more. Geralt couldn't want - he couldn't be in love with him. He couldn't.
And yet the burning in his chest where Jaskier's heart beat against his own, already knew what Geralt's mind was still trying to deny.
Geralt's body wanted nothing more than to stay right where he was, in Jaskier's arms, but he needed to know, needed to see.
Painfully slowly, Geralt pulled away from Jaskier until he was only holding him on the shoulders.
Jaskier's eyes crinkled with his laughter. "Changed your mind then? My revenge was effective?"
Geralt's mouth was too dry to answer. All he could do was look at Jaskier and know, feel, wonder how he could have not seen this before.
All this time Geralt had stared at Jaskier like an enigma and now it was revealed to be as easy to solve as a children's puzzle. It had always seemed so complicated, so impossible to understand and now within the blink of an eye, the meaning of it all had become so clear, so simple, so inevitable.
Because that was the thing; Falling in love with Jaskier had always been inevitable.
And yet Geralt had wasted so much time not knowing, not wanting to know. He had told himself improbable lies when all this time he had - just how long had he felt like this?
Long enough that Geralt couldn't remember what it had felt like getting touched by Jaskier without having chills race down his body. Long enough that the mere thought of not getting drunk on Jaskier's smiles, his words, his closeness seemed impossible.
Geralt felt Jaskier slip from his grasp and immediately his hands felt painfully empty. He watched as if from far away how Jaskier bent down to pick up the roach again and brushed the dirt off, throwing a grin at Geralt as he did so.
The sight alone was enough to make it impossible to form a single coherent thought.
Every stutter of his heart, every tightening of his chest, every time he had yearned for Jaskier's touch... it had always been this. This simple word.
This word that flared up when Jaskier complained about dirt on his clothes. The word that wedged itself between Geralt's thoughts when Jaskier composed a ditty about Geralt's hair when the wind had made it shaggy like a wolf's coat.
Geralt had loved Jaskier as if it was the easiest, the most natural thing in the world to do. So easy that he hadn't even realised he was doing it until he was in so deep that he couldn't turn back if he wanted to.
He didn't want to. He wanted this, this feeling, this knowledge every moment of every day.
Geralt watched with an aching softness that he finally could give a name to, as Jaskier introduced his wooden fish to Roach as if he was announcing an honoured guest at a ball.
In this moment, Jaskier was utterly undignified. And Geralt…Geralt knew without a doubt that he was utterly in love with him.
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A Spark in the Commons [Yugyeom x Reader]
Pairing: Got7 Yugyeom x GN Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hybrid au, College au, 13+
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Mentions of a panic attack
A/N: This was done for @got7writerscollective‘s flightlog project! It’s my first official got7 fic! So please enjoy!
Summery: You help an anxious deer shifter in the shifter union commons and a friendship buds.

The Shifter Union commons of Seoul University was empty aside from you and the occasional guard who would sweep through to make sure that nothing amiss was happening. Of course nothing ever was on evenings like these where the only person in the commons was an employee getting paid to make sure any shifter in need had someone. Some nights were more wild and full of shifters who were in various states of shifting, but you didn’t like to work those nights. You prefered staffing the less crowded times when there were next to no one in the commons and you could work on homework while getting paid. Even with the occasional person who would come in, the quieter nights were best in your personal opinion.
This evening was one of those quiet nights. You’d been alone in the common space for almost an hour, the last shifter having left after the two of you had a conversation about a class they were taking. It was just as you finished writing your tenth page of your peace studies essay that you felt the strung and pungent smell of burnt toast and something more bitter made you look up to see an anxious deer shifter, his antlers parting his hair as he approached the open common’s room.
“Hello! Welcome to the Seoul University’s shifter union!” You said cautiously, your eyes meeting his large, blown out ones with worry as he finally entered the commons.
The man stopped stiffly, tightly gripping his bag and not breaking eye contact with you, his nose flaring as he sniffed the room. Breaking eye contact first, you gave him a once over, struck by how still he was. You were glad that you took blockers this morning, your predatory raccoon pheromones not filling the room this moment and making the poor shifter feel more anxious and he didn’t need that. Poor man was working himself up enough already.
“How can I help you?”
He didn’t move, a small squeak leaving him.
“Would you like a private room to shift in?” You pointed to a door to the right of you that led to some small rooms sterile for shifters who needed to engage with their animal form privately for a little, “The union has some rooms for people right over there.”
He lowered his eyes which were looking more and more deer-like by the second and quickly walked over to the door that led to the private rooms, closing loudly behind him. A sigh left you as you tried to return to your paper. Many times shifters needed space when their stress and anxiety forced them to shift, but you knew that before the man left you’d need to talk to him.
Part of your job at the shifter union required you to record his use of the room, check in to make sure that he was ok, and that the emergency need of the space wasn’t due to any issues on campus. You worried about him trying to run off the second he calmed down enough to return to his human form, having dealt with many shifters who feared using the union for its help or felt like they had to return to class immediately after a forced shift. They never had to. The union worked out a deal with the school to make sure forced shifts were seen as excused absences if filed through the union. You loved this job and how it allowed you to help your fellow shifters. You’d be damned if you didn’t take your work seriously.
In fact, part of the reason you got on pheromone blockers was to make prey shifters more comfortable around you (the other part simply due to you not enjoying the feeling of heat and regular blockers kept your heat at bay). At the thought of pheromones, you got up, opened one of the windows and lit a candle in an attempt to start breaking up the stress pheromones that hung in the air.
What sounded like a constant clatter of hooves made it hard to focus on your paper. It wasn’t like you could look at what was happening, the rooms had windows high up to allow light in but not let people see what those who were decompressing were doing. Somehow, the noise of the anxious shifter became background clatter and you managed to carve out a good chunk of your essay before you started to hear more… human-like movements in the back space.
Your mind drifted to how you could get his attention without scaring him when he finally exited. There was a chance that he was informed about the processes the commons tries to have when the rooms are used but there is also a chance that he is completely unaware of them. There were many shifters who didn’t know the protocol. Plus, if you did need to get his attention, you didn’t want to startle him or make it look like he was in trouble for using the space for three hours. The decompression rooms were here for moments like this after all. You heard the telltale click of the door opening but before you had time to try to get his attention, he spoke.
“I… thank you for letting me use the room for so long.” His voice was soft and smooth and, unlike last time, you were the one whose eyes widened and felt frozen in place.
He was good looking and smelling when he wasn’t sending off stress pheramones every which way, and his voice… it was so soft.
You floundered for a second before coughing, “N-No problem. They’re here for all shifters. Which room did you end up using? I will want to tell the next person working the union commons to make sure it gets cleaned.”
“I used the room number… 3,” He said while leaning back to verify.
A silence hung in the air after he spoke, he was clearly waiting for you to speak but you were still frozen. He hesitated before slowly walking past you, his eyes trained on you as if waiting to see if you kept talking or if he was free to go.
“Before you go… may I ask…”
You froze… you knew how you were supposed to go about getting the information. You needed to ask for his student ID, name, and why they needed the room… but something about this man was making words hard for you. Your mind was blanking and stuttering as it tried to function.
“I-If you have time, we like to keep a record of who uses the rooms and why. Mostly just to keep track… but also if you were using it because of…”
Come on, Y/n! You knew this stuff! Why were you struggling so much now?
You sighed, “If it was caused by a staff member or a fellow student, the union can take action to protect your rights as a shifter. There are also options to message professors or coaches to excuse possible absences if the room was used for a stress shift. Also… I, as a worker, um… I work here and part of my job is to be an ear for venting and… all that… I am not a mandatory reporter too so if that is a worry… uhh… don’t.”
He nodded slowly, “Uhh… I have a class… now,” He mumbled and pointed back to the entrance of the commons, “was on my way to it when I got a little… overwhelmed…”
Did he not check his phone yet? Any evening class was going to be done at this time you thought, checking the clock on your computer just to verify.
“Sir, you were in the room for three hours.”
“What?!” His eyes widened and you noticed his pupils grow once again.
Quickly, you jumped up and walked over to where he was standing, “Don’t worry about it! If you give me a list of your professors, I can email them! This can count as an excused absence! There’s no need to worry.”
His eyes seemed to gloss over as he stumbled back slightly, his breaths coming out shift and fast. Quickly, you moved to guide him back to one of the nearest chairs that was only a few steps away and plush, gently rubbing his arm as he took a sharp intake of air and collapsed onto the chair, his horns slowly growing again and pushing some hair back.You got up and locked the door to the union entrance before returning to help. While it was normally policy to keep the door open and unlocked all times a staff member was in, you could risk making sure no one interrupted this moment to make sure this student felt safe (especially since you were a fairly small school and there were only 1000 shifters… out of 5000 students in the school and it was dinner rush).
By the time you did make it back to him, he was starting to hyperventilate, his eyes distant and his antlers growing by the second. At this point, his distress pheromones were making the air heavy and hard to breath in and you were thankful that the window was open. You simply sat next to him and waited. At this point, if you tried to touch him, he would likely feel even more panicked and you didn’t want to do anything that could possibly harm him. Panic attacks were hard enough without any extra stressors.
The panic attack came in waves and you sat with him through it until he was able to speak some, but instead of letting him even think about apologizing, you simply started to ask him about the room. How many grey items were there? Purple? Green? And so forth until his breathing was calmer and you stopped being showered in his stress pheromones.
“My name’s Yugyeom, by the way.” He said after a minute of silence when he finally calmed down more.
“Nice to meet you Yugyeom, I’m Y/n.”
As it turned out, Yugyeom was a transfer just a year below you and had just declared his major the day he came in. You could easily see how the stress of being a transfer, with a human roommate (who didn’t want him to shift), delaring, and the start of a seven week night course could compound. That night, the two of you talked until Yejin, one of your coworkers came for her shift and forced you out so that you could get some sleep. The two of you left in a fit of laughs and then walked around campus and talked even more until you barely had enough money to drive back to your apartment. Despite how the night started, it was probably the best night of your whole week and you were hoping to talk to Yugyeom whenever you saw him next to get his number and hopefully hang out… Although you were tempted to try to pursue a romantic relationship as well.
The thing was, that after that night you didn’t see him for a whole week! You’d see his name on the record of people who used the shifting rooms, would sometimes have to clean up after him, and even saw him around campus some. Sadly, it seemed as if your schedules never matched up to see eachother again and despite all the near meet-ups, you didn’t have a chance to talk to him again. You wanted to as well… you were worried about the anxious transfer student and wanted to make sure that he was doing ok.
Part of you wanted to seek him out. The campus was small and you were fairly positive that the two of you saw glimpses of each other (and just didn’t realize) so seeking him out wouldn’t be too hard to do. That part of you was overshadowed by a worry that he didn’t want to try to have a friendship with you or the little flirting you did near the end of the night was too much and now he never wanted to talk to you again. Of course it was a mostly irrational fear (hopefully), but it kept you from trying to find Yugyeom.
. Just as you were starting to give up hope of seeing him again, you were proven wrong. It was another late shift at the shifter union and since you didn’t have any dier work that needed to be done, you simply sat one one of the couches and read.You were still present in case anyone wanted to be in the space, but you were trying to relax. It was somewhat hard though as you were also very aware of the security guard who was slowly meandering around the unions commons and making sure that everything was ok. As the guard spent more and more time slowly walking around the commons, you started paying less and less attention to your book, instead your senses honing in on the guard. It was likely due to your raccoon part that you felt so cautious around the guard but the longer he stuck in the union commons, the worse you felt about him.
He was taking glances at you. Maybe he was just double checking to make sure all was alright but your mind started to wander. You hadn’t had issues with this guard but you knew that some of the security guards were iffy around the shifters they thought they could dominere. Part of you wished that you weren’t on pheromone blockers so you could show him that you were not a shifter to be messed with. That you could be intimidating and a force to be reckoned with. Technically raccoons were apex predators.
Before your mind started to wander further about how you could intimidate or protect yourself against the guard, the union door opened and the smell of Yugyeom filled your senses. Almost as soon as it hit your nostrils, you felt yourself relax. Part of you told yourself that it was simply due to having another person in the room and a male shifter at that (another part of you swooned when you caught a glimpse of Yugyeom in all his glory).
The guard huffed and, as Yugyeom started to settle into a seat somewhat near you, the guard left the room. As he left, you wondered what he was thinking and if he actually wanted to try something or if your anxiety was all in your head. You really hoped it was all in your head.
Slowly, you relaxed in your seat, part of your brain still focusing on Yugyeom while you tried to continue reading. His smell comforted you. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t feel the need to question it. Instead, you simply settled further into your chair and focused on your book again, taking deep breaths all the while.
As the night dragged on, you occasionally checked on Yugyeom to make sure that he was ok (and maybe see if he was looking at you. During all your “sneaky” glances, you were once again struck by how handsome he was. Even as his brows furrowed in confusion and got ink on his nose, he was so good looking. No one should look as good as he looked while doing school work.
At one point, you had to stifle a small laugh when you saw him reach for some drink he brought with him only to realize that it was empty. The shocked face he made when he realized made you want to swoon and get him another drink as well, but you didn’t want to speak and further break the delicate silence. Apparently Yugyeom must have heard your laugh because he looked up and met your eyes. Both of you simply stared at each other in awkward silence.
“Uh… what were you drinking?” You asked, cringing as each word was spoken.
A sinkhole would be wonderful at this point. You really didn’t want to answer and yet he was simply looking even more confused as the silence festered, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of what to say in response.
Without even giving him time to answer, you excused yourself hastily, embarrassment filling you to the brim as you practically ran out of the commons. Now you had another issue to worry about as well… what would be your excuse for leaving?
You were such a dumbass for leaving.
Yugyeom was surely going to answer if you hadn’t left, and now that you suddenly left he probably thought you were rude and most definitely wouldn’t want to be your friend. All your stuff was still in the commons as well and you still had another two hours that you were supposed to be working the commons before your shift was done. It wasn’t like you could just leave and not return for the night.
The only plus you could see was that you had your lanyard with you. At least you could get something at a vending machine or something. It wasn’t the most acceptable reason to walk out of the commons before he could answer but at least it was something.
At that thought, you briskly walked to the closest vending machine, hoping no one who was still working late in the building wouldn’t look at you or try to talk to you. It was just down the hall so it wouldn’t take you too long to get something and return as long as no one talked to you.
Before you punched in a number for one of the foods in the machine though, you found yourself realizing that you had no idea what he liked to eat. As if tonight couldn’t get any more embarrassing. It was like part of you was dying as you stared angrily at the vending machine for help (not like it was sentient and could suddenly shout “This is the food Yugyeom gets every time!”).
In the end, you settled for getting him one of your favorite snacks from the vending machine and praying that Yugyeom had some sense in food. As you slowly walked back to the commons, different scenarios played through your mind depending on how he reacted. It wasn’t until you almost entered that you wondered if he was even still in the commons.
He was, thankfully.
When you entered, you stopped at the door though, suddenly worried about going up to Yugyeom and giving him the snack… It wasn’t a big deal… but what if he was allergic to what you got? Or what if he…
“Are you just going to stand by the door?” His voice cut through your thoughts.
You coughed awkwardly, “No… Sorry for leaving so suddenly earlier… I… uh… I had to pee. Badly. To make it up though…” You shuffled to him and quickly set the snack in front of him, “Here’s a snack. I didn’t know what to get you so I got my favorite.”
He looked shocked, “Thank you! I love this snack! I was drinking a matcha latte by the way. The cafe downstairs makes a really good latte. I’m addicted.”
“They are so amazing.” You laughed and nodded, quickly sitting in your seat again as relief filled you, “I remember having like five a day until I ran out of swipes for it on my card and had to struggle without them for the rest of the semester… which had like two months left.”
Yugyeom snorted and you felt a jolt of excitement at hearing it, “Yeah. One of my friends is that way with their coldbrews. Loves their honey and vanilla one.” He scrunched up his nose cutely, “It doesn’t taste good to me though.”
“You know… if you want really good matcha stuff. There’s a cafe off campus near the town’s library that is all matcha themed. They have some other stuff but almost everything uses matcha in it and it’s amazing.”
“That sounds amazing… I’d love to go sometime… maybe…” Yugyeom stopped and you noticed a deep blush grow on his face, “Maybe we could go together sometime.”
“I’d like that a lot.”
You felt positively giddy as you waited for Yugyeom outside of the union commons the following day, your mind racing as you tried to look calm and collected. Of course, almost every shifter in the room could smell the anxiety wafting off of you as you waited but all of them had the decency to act like you weren’t anxious… well except for Yejin who was another shifter who worked at the union and was probably your closest friend that you also worked with.
As soon as she saw you show up with nothing but a small backpack that only held a few things and smelled your anxiety, she knew right away that you weren’t in the commons to relax. When you told her that you were meeting with a… a friend, she got all excited (even more excited when you confessed that you were here earlier than needed). You weren’t normally someone who was overly worried about time, especially when it came to hanging out, but Yugyeom made you nervous and you wanted to impress.
While Yejin started to complain about you not telling her sooner, you felt thankful that you hadn’t. She was amazing and you loved her, but you knew that if you told her that you were hanging with a guy you had a crush on, she would try to style you up. You didn’t think that this was the type of occasion for that. Besides, Yugyeom probably meant it as a friendship hang out and not a date hangout. Your gay ass never knew how to handle good looking people who wanted to be friends… especially when they were as sweet and good looking as Yugyeom.
You so had a crush on the guy.
“Haha. Looks like we both had the idea of arriving early.” Yugyeom’s laugh broke you from your train of thoughts.
You looked up to see him enter the commons and make a b-line to you, and you were struck with how handsome he was. Not that he wasn’t normally. He always looked good, but he looked amazing in the large blue sweater and skinny jeans. What topped it off was that his hair was swept back in a graceful windblown manner, unlike the past few times where it rested in a simple bowl cut that still managed to make him look amazing.
Like you, there was also a smell of nervousness that radiated off of him, but neither of you mentioned the nervous smells. If anything, his anxiousness made you feel more excited and comforted. Maybe Yugyeom thought of this as something more than two potential friends hanging out… just like you did.
You tried to smile as naturally as possible (although, it probably looked slightly pained), “Yeah! I mean… I had a shift here just before this.”
“Oh.” Yugyeom’s smile faltered slightly and you immediately knew you messed up.
“Not like I wouldn’t have arrived early if I didn’t have a shift,” You laughed awkwardly, the two of you now walking to your car to go to the matcha shop, “Honestly, I am so bad with time, if it wasn’t’ for my shift, I would have probably been here two hours early instead of just thirty minutes early.”
“I thought you just got off of a shift?” Yugyeom smirked and you blushed.
“I… Yeah. I mean… I got off two hours ago, went to get ready, and then I returned… not…”
Yugyeom laughed loudly and shook his head, effectively cutting you off. Before either of you had time to respond, you made it to your car and in a somewhat awkward silence, the two of you got in and drove to the matcha place. The actual time in the cafe was… amazing.
Laughter and amicable conversation filled the whole evening as the two of you tried multiple foods and drinks together. Before you knew it, the sun set and you had to drop Yugyeom off at campus before returning to your apartment for the night, a pile of reading waiting for you to work on the next day. All throughout the next day, you felt as if you were floating on cloud nine, a dazed smile stuck on your face when you thought back on the time at the cafe.
It was only after not seeing Yugyeom around for a few days that you started to feel anxiety pool and bubble in you once again.
Did you do something wrong?
You’d given him your number… he knew where he could find you… why hadn’t you two talked since?
Suddenly, you started to feel jumpy and worried, reliving the moments at the cafe over and over again so see if there was something you possibly did wrong to make Yugyeom not want to associate with you again. Maybe it was because the two if you barely talked about shifters… You weren’t a common shifter and people often had trouble guessing normally but you are now on pheromone blockers as well and that adds a whole extra layer of befuddlement, but what type of shifter you were shouldn’t matter… unless was Yugyeom one of those shifters that didn’t like associating with predators?
No. Surely he couldn’t be that way.
Prey shifters didn’t often use pheromone blockers in the first place… he had to have known that you were some sort of predator… so that couldn’t be it… right?
You sighed and shook your head to try to release some of the anxiety you were holding. It wasn’t good for you to hold it all in like this. There was barely any time for you to shift and relax lately and at this point. It would probably give you less stress to just find Yugyeom yourself and ask instead of dwelling on why the man hasn’t messaged you yet. You didn’t need people stress along with the regular school and shifter stress. But damn, you couldn’t stop dwelling on how stupid you were for not asking for his number in return.
Tiredly, you picked at the dinner in front of you, your body feeling the stress building. This wasn’t how you wanted to spend your Friday. You planned to go out later in your racoon form and run around for hours on end, but now that you were thinking more about it, maybe it would be good for you to spend more time in your shifter form this weekend. You didn’t want to return home yet. The apartment was empty and while normally you enjoyed the alone time, you felt the need to be around people today.
Maybe you could put your stuff in the shifter commons and wander around campus… although many humans didn’t enjoy seeing raccoons around so maybe it would be better if you stayed in the shifter commons so that no one got too startled by you. Most people wouldn’t bat an eye at an animal in the commons.
After picking at some more of your food, you put your dishes in a bin for the cafeteria staff and walked off, each step making you more excited for spending some time in your animal form. Inside the shifter commons there were probably a handful of people, some half-shifted and some chilling around in their animal forms.
“Hey Yejin!” You said with a smile as you made your way to Yejin (who was staffing the common today).
“Omg! Y/n! It’s so good to see you here today! I was meaning to ask, do you think you could take my shift Monday? Jisoo asked me out and Monday works best for them.” Yejin was smiling broadly as she spoke.
“Sure. Can you watch over my stuff? I want to shift and while I can still watch over it myself, with you here, I can wander more.”
“It’s a deal!” You responded eagerly, already putting your bag under her desk, your ears excitedly popping out.
Fairly painlessly, you shifted, your clothes falling around you as you grew smaller and smaller. As soon as you fully shifted, you felt relief flood you. In the back of your mind, there was still stress to worry about, but right now, you felt relaxed and relieved. You weazled out of your heap of clothes excitedly and watched as Yejin nudged them under the table with the rest of your stuff before running off to explore the commons. In your human form, the commons were a usual gathering place but as a raccoon, it was a jungle of excitement. Soon enough, you found yourself following your nose which had locked onto some tasty smelling food somewhere in the room. You weren’t likely going to get to eat the food but you’d be damned if you weren’t going to try. The smell led to someone you didn’t expect to see in the commons.
He hadn’t noticed you yet though and you had half the mind to turn around and explore elsewhere when someone he was next to pointed at you and started excitedly shouting.
“A trash panda! Omg! I’ve never seen a raccoon shifter before! Omg! This is so cool!” The man kept gushing as he stood up and looked at you closely, his eyes wide.
You got a strong dog wiff coming off of him and his intensity made you freeze. The man must have gotten the hint because the next second he was whimpering and closing his eyes slowly. Part of you wanted to laugh because most shifters still understood what people were saying but another part of you was comforted at how he tried to communicate with you. Slowly you closed your eyes as well before making grabby motions with your hands. You wanted to sniff him more.
He extended one of his hands, clearly understanding what you were saying, and you sniffed him slowly.
“Yugyeom! Come introduce yourself! It’s rude to just stare!” The man said, ushering Yugyeom to join the both of you in the ground.
Yugyeom slowly blinked at you and extended his hand which you happily sniffed, enjoying the comfort that washed over you with his smell. At this point, you were fairly positive that he knew who you were but he didn’t say anything.
“Oh! Would you be willing to at some point tonight, we will be here all night,” The man shot Yugyeom a look at that addition, “Come talk to us in your human form? I’d love to be friends with you!”
“Their name is Y/n, Jackson. We’re… we’re friends.” You relished as blush spread across his face as he spoke and nodded.
“Omg! This is the person that you were telling me--”
“Nope! Don’t continue!”
“That you want to ask on a date?”
Your world stopped and you felt your eyes widen in shock and excitement.
He wanted to ask you out.
You started to jump around and made excited squeaking noises, before you could stop yourself you jumped onto Yugyeom, excitedly scenting his arm.
Jackson started laughing happily, “I guess that means they want to go on a date with you too dude!
#got7writerscollective#wkcnet#got7#got7 yugyeom#got7 x reader#got7 hybrid au#got7 fluff#got7 college au#yugyeom fluff#yugyeom x reader#yugyeom hybrid au#yugyeom college au#got7 angst#yugyeom angst#w: panic attack#flightlogproject
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Chapter 2: Dead Or Alive
(from ‘The Winter and The Crown’)
…in which Y/N faces her first real defeat.

Word count: 6.1k
AU: queen!y/n, commander!harry
Description: Y/N and Harry set off on a new adventure to find ‘the cure’ for an ancient curse, meanwhile, the enemies are plotting to take her kingdom.
Wattpad link (Reyna as Y/N)
“Stay alive,” she’d said to him before they’d set off.
Of all the things she’d wanted to say, she’d chosen those two words. And he’d smiled at her, adjusted her shoulder pads and said, “You, too.”
She wished they could have kissed or at least hugged, but since they weren’t alone, they could only tell each other to stay alive. Stay alive because I’d rather it be me than you. Because you’re all I’ve got left. Because I don’t want to be alone.
Stay alive, Harry, she thought as she watched him mount his horse and then told herself, You too, Y/N. Stay alive.
She and Lance, followed by Harry, led a group of fifty veterans and horses and ten carriages carrying supplies to the northern border. This would be the first time she’d travelled there, which possibly explained the sinking feeling in her stomach. Either that or something bad was going to happen, and she didn’t want to presume it was the latter. Once in a while, Y/N would keep glancing over her shoulder to check on Harry, despite the fact that he couldn’t just vanish into thin air.
“To be honest, I’m quite offended,” Lance said as they rode knee to knee. “I did my hair nicely today and you wouldn’t even notice.”
“Your hair looks the same.”
“See? You wouldn’t even notice,” he said with a smirk, and she pretended to try to shove him off his white horse.
“What’s her name?” she asked.
“You named your white horse Midnight?”
“You’re just jealous that my horse’s name is more intimidating than your horse’s,” he scoffed, eyeing her stallion. “Thunder? Really?”
Thunder huffed in disgust and walked faster to get ahead of Lance. Y/N couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the look on the King’s face, and suddenly, she was glad Lance had come with them; someone must distract her from this unwilling anxiety.
By the time the sun was directly overhead, they’d reached the northern forest. It was all so quiet until someone at the back shouted, “Look!” Harry lifted a hand, and everyone stalled. In front of them was a giant pillar of smoke rising from the tops of the trees, blackening the white sky.
“Fire,” Y/N and Lance said at the same time then exchanged the same worrying look. She knew he could feel it, too. Trouble.
“Your Majesty—” Harry began, but she didn’t let him finish.
“We must save them.”
“Y/N!” Harry snapped; he didn’t care if that was disrespectful to his Queen, but Y/N didn’t care, either. Her people were dying and she was here. She could not turn a blind eye to it and flee.
She looked to her left. “Lance?”
The King pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, ‘fuck’ under his breath. He didn’t try to talk her out of it, so she took it as a yes and kicked her horse into a gallop, heading for the smoke pillar. High-pitched screams of men, women and children from the distance urged her to ride as fast as she could, ducking all the branches and holding tightly onto Thunder.
When she turned to her left, there was Lance, riding on Midnight. On her right was Harry; he’d caught up with them, his face pinched with a scowl, and she wasn’t sure if he was angry at the situation or at her. As their eyes met, she cast him a look that was meant to be an apology and could only hope that he understood.
They continued chasing the screams. The quieter it got, the louder Y/N’s heart was pounding. Soon they broke out of the forest into an open field. Y/N was the first to get there, but it was already too late.
The village was afire in a dozen places. The houses had burned almost to the ground. Black corpses were scattered all over the blood-stained snow. If there had been animals, there weren’t any now. Nothing but silence and emptiness.
Y/N felt tears sting her eyes but she didn’t let herself cry in front of her men. Most of them expected her to be the scared little girl who would run home as soon as she saw dead people.
Sadly, they were right. Y/N felt sick in her stomach. She wanted to leave. This wasn’t a good idea. And yet, she sat frozen on Thunder’s back and took in the devastating scene before her eyes, and for one second, she could have sworn she saw Egon crawling out of the ashes. But it was just a man, or a woman, burned from head toes, wiggling desperately before going limp.
“Find those who are still alive,” she heard Harry say. “Rescue as many as you can.” She turned to him, looking through the tears, and when he mouthed at her, “I got you,” she felt partly relieved. She had to remind herself that she wasn’t alone in this. He was here. And they would fight together if they had to.
“Scared?” Lance asked. She wondered if the look on his face was supposed to be mocking or sympathetic, but she didn't reply and redirected her horse, following Harry.
They rode silently side by side, passing the houses that were still ablaze and looking for signs of life in the burning ruins. Smoke made her eyes water some more and she covered her mouth with the fur of her coat.
“You’re good?” Harry asked. She liked the businesslike sound of the question. It reminded her that this was serious, and she still needed to keep her guards up even when there were just the two of them.
Still, she had to ask, “Are you mad at me?”
Harry pulled Lightning to a halt and turned to her. A line appeared between his brows. “I’m mad at myself.”
“I should have been more creative at convincing you to stay home,” he said, a corner of his mouth arched.
“There was nothing you could have done to make me stay home,” she told him.
“I could have threatened to hang myself or something, maybe jump out of the window.”
“Don’t say that!”
He smiled that beautiful smile, and a scream tore through the silence, sharp and thin. Thunder huffed unhappily and turned around as if he could sense where it’d come from. He galloped ahead and Lightning quickly followed.
The horses stopped near a burning house and Thunder’s ears swivelled; at the same time, Y/N spotted a slender dark shape. She slid down Thunder’s back, caught the woman by the arms and dragged her back from the flames. Her hands came away sticky with blood. The woman made a fainter sound of pain, unable to speak. The light of the burning house illuminated her. She’d had her throat cut, but not well enough to kill her at once.
She’d also been pregnant. Y/N laid a hand on her belly, but it didn’t stir, and there was a great, dripping wound there. The woman was gasping, her lips blue and cracked. Her dim eyes sought Y/N’s face as Y/N took her bloody hand in hers.
“My child,” the woman whispered. “Where is she? I can’t hear her cry.”
Y/N could feel Harry watching her from his horse. She could feel the weight of his powerless look on her shoulders. They both knew this woman was going to die in Y/N’s arms. Like Jo had. Y/N had managed to bring Jo back, but she didn't have magic to save this poor woman.
“Did they—“ the woman gasped. “Did they hurt my baby?”
“No,” Y/N uttered, smiling despite her tears. “Your child is safe. Don’t you worry. Be at peace.”
She knew she’d be damned for eternity for lying to a dying person, but this woman was facing a painful death and the last thing she needed was to hear that her child had never made it into this world.
Y/N was soaked with the woman’s blood and burning with shame, that she’d been hiding behind the curtain walls for months while these innocent folks paid for the anger she’d caused. She held the dead body of a stranger to her chest, then began to weep.
“Someone is here,” Harry said. Y/N snapped her head up to find her lover’s face taut with listening. “Someone—”
The bitter wind rose to a shriek, but not loud enough to mask the howl and thump of an arrow. One of her soldiers cried out. Y/N’s stomach twisted when she saw strong men on stocky horses riding down on them from every side, blades flashing in the high winter sun.
“AMBUSH!” she shouted and vaulted to her horse just as Harry roared, “ATTACK!”
The horses reared, startled by the first rush, and more arrows fell. The men drew together at once, surrounding their Queen. No one panicked. All the men were veterans who had ridden with her father in his wars.
The attackers galloped straight toward Y/N's men. The two groups met body to body, and then the swords rang out—swords? Y/N stiffened. How did folks carry such expensive weapons?
When Y/N caught Harry’s eyes, she believed he shared the same thought, but this wasn’t time for theories. In a second, everything turned to madness. Y/N blocked a spear-thrust, split the shaft with a downstroke, and cut down viciously, felling the first man who tried her. Thunder reared and lashed out with his forefeet, and three more attackers, riding smaller horses, drew back in fear. Right at that moment, a vision flashed before Y/N’s eyes. The same one with a blade thrusting through Harry’s chest. “Harry!” she snapped. “Get out! Don’t—”
But he was fighting on his own, unbothered by her warning. Lightning was helping her rider as much as she could, her kicks sending the enemies flying; her hooves caved in their skulls. Y/N took a sword-stroke to the forearm, yelped out in pain, and beheaded the man who gave it to her.
How many of them could there be? They couldn’t outnumber her group, could they?
She saw Lance’s white horse kick out, breaking a man’s leg and sending his horse crashing to the snow. Lance gutted another and booted him out of the saddle. A few of her own men fell, and then the battle grew desperate.
“Harry!” snapped Y/N. “Get out of there!”
But he couldn’t. He’d been cornered to a burning house, and Y/N’s heart stopped as she watched him being thrown off Lightning’s back.
“No!” she roared and kicked Thunder into a gallop towards Harry, but before she could reach him, she heard a whistle of an arrow and Thunder neighed loudly before he collapsed. A bone cracked. She was stuck under her horse. “Get up, boy! Get up!” she screamed desperately while trying to seek Harry in the chaos. A man charged toward him, and he retrieved his sword fast enough to stop the first blow.
Y/N mustered all her strength to free herself from Thunder. The horse was alive but badly wounded. Y/N was in tears when she decided to leave the poor animal lying there and limped toward Harry. She swung her sword and killed two men who came at her.
“Y/N!” Harry shouted.
She turned quickly and the man who was holding a sword above his head fell to her feet. Lance was behind him, his blade dripping with red blood. Their eyes met and he gave her a shove. “Go! I’ll help Harry!”
A horse charged out of nowhere and kicked Lance hard. His body hit a trunk of a tree but he managed to get up fast enough to fence another strike. Y/N gutted another man, still fighting her way toward Harry in case Lance could not. But then she recognised the scene.
Harry fell to his knees, his weapon sliding out of his grip, and he brought his hands up to his stomach, his eyes sought hers as blood came pouring out of the fresh wound.
A scream tore through her. She didn’t even know if she’d just called out his name. She’d seen this in her dream last night and many nights before. She tried to run with a broken ankle but she couldn't be faster than the arrow flying straight into her back. She felt nothing when she crashed for the second time. The sounds around her were muffled. The world blurred around the edges. Before her vision turned black, she saw Lance fall into a puddle of his own blood and the man standing beside Harry lift his blade.
Y/N awoke screaming.
She was in her bed. Had it all been a dream? “Harry! Harry!”
“Y/N, it’s me. It’s Jo!” Jo caught Y/N right before she could throw herself out of the bed and tugged her into her arms. As Y/N tried to break away, the sharp pain at her back numbed her all over.
So it hadn’t been a dream. She was really hurt. This was real. The battle had been real. Where was Harry? Where was Lance? Were they dead? Was she?
All those questions and she could not utter a single sound as she began to cry and could not stop. Why was she here? What had happened after she’d been shot?
“Shhh, you’re safe,” Jo whispered in her ear. “You’re home. You’re safe. You’ve been sleeping for three days now. Lance will be so happy to know you’re awake.”
“I want to see Harry.”
“Tell him to come in here!” She pulled back and clutched Jo’s arms. Her maid looked frightened, but not of her. “If he’s hurt so bad he cannot walk, I’ll come to him. Just let me–”
She pushed away from Jo and rose from the bed only for her legs to give in and she fell to the carpeted floor. That was when she realized that her ankle was broken. Jo got on her knees beside Y/N and held her by the shoulders as she called for Lance. It didn’t take long for him to burst into the room and staggered toward them. As he kneeled down, she noticed that his hand was bandaged, and he’d lost a finger. Shivers raced through her.
What had happened to Harry?
When Lance cupped her face, it was the first time he’d given her the look that made her feel like a deer before the hunter shot it down. Lance’s words shot her down just like that. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
“No…” she sobbed, shaking her head despite him holding it. “No, no, no, no. It was my fault. I couldn’t save him. I couldn’t save him…”
“Y/N, stop, you’re bleeding!” she heard Jo said but she continued to swing her arms and the back of her hand collided with Jo’s face, sending the maid down to her back. Jo was crying, too.
“Leave us,” Lance told the maid, his voice cool and calm, but it was just an act because his remaining fingers were shaking against Y/N’s cheek. He was stronger than Jo, so he managed to gather her into his arms despite her resistance. She fought for another moment and eventually surrendered. He held her until her voice was lost and her eyes were dry.
For the next couple of days, Y/N didn’t eat. She stayed in the tower and stared out of the window from dusk till dawn. And at night, she lay awake until exhaustion lulled her to sleep. Jo slept in Y/N’s bed now; she didn’t trust Y/N to be alone, and Lance returned once in a while to check on her.
On the third day, she finally asked Jo about what had happened. Jo had told her that they could have been all dead if Harry hadn’t ordered another group of veterans to go after them. Though they’d shown up a bit too late, they’d been able to rescue Lance and Y/N and all the survivors. Thunder, Lightning and Midnight, though wounded, were also brought back alive.
Y/N had said nothing about it. She hadn’t even asked to see Harry’s body. She’d not said a word about him, and neither Jo nor Lance mentioned him to her because neither knew how to comfort her.
Meanwhile, the whole court was in turmoil without their Queen. People said that she was dead and that Lance was hiding her body in the tower while plotting on taking the throne. Jo had advised her to make an appearance to pacify the court. Y/N had said she’d think about it. But Jo knew it was just a way of saying she didn’t care, and that she’d rather the rumour be true. Lance had tried to calm the people by lying that the Queen had not yet recovered. Jo didn’t know if it was just a part of his plan in taking power into his own hands; she did not trust him at all.
It was the first day of the second week. Y/N’s health had shown some improvement though not significant, and she was eating again. On her way to bring food to the Queen, Jo heard from one of the other maids that the King was interrogating one of the attackers in the dungeon.
The investigation team had been searching around the battlefield for bodies of Isolde soldiers, and they’d caught that man in a pile of dead bodies. He’d been half-dead, half-alive when they’d brought him back to the castle and had recently regained consciousness. Lance had been interrogating him the entire morning, and when Jo broke the news to Y/N, she saw a flash of hope or the first sign of life in Y/N’s eyes. The Queen shot herself out of bed and limped barefoot down the castle corridor. Jo picked up her skirt and chased after Y/N. Y/N was still wearing her nightgown, her hair uncombed and she was not in her right mind to care about her virtue.
When she arrived, Lance was there with two guards and they were all in shock. Jo wasn’t sure if the guards were shocked because their Queen was still alive, or because of how she looked – no better than a walking corpse. But she knew Lance was shocked because Y/N had finally left her chamber.
She walked up to him and looked in the face of the enemy behind bars. The man was half-naked and his upper body was covered with seeping wounds. He’d lost an eye but that didn’t stop him from grinning maniacally as he saw the Queen standing there in her nightgown. Jo could tell that Y/N wanted to smash his teeth in for giving her that look.
“Would you like to question him?” Lance spoke softly as if there were only him and Y/N.
Y/N clenched her fists at her sides. “Has he said anything yet?”
“No. Not a single word.”
“Have you tried beating him?”
Y/N didn’t cast a single look at Lance, so she couldn’t see the horrified look he was giving her. Jo pressed her lips together, gripping her skirt. She didn’t like this side of Y/N at all.
Calmly, Lance said, “Yes.”
“Maybe cut off his fingers and he’ll talk.”
“Your Majesty–” Jo interjected, and Lance shushed her at once.
“You dirty little whore,” the prisoner finally said, his voice full of contempt. The two guards standing on either side of the cell immediately stepped forward, but Y/N put up one hand for them to stay where they were.
Jo wondered what was on her best friend’s mind. At this point, she was too afraid to find out.
The man spat and bared his blood-stained teeth. “You can cut me to pieces,” he hissed, “and I still won’t say a word. You don’t deserve the throne you’re sitting on, little girl. Look at yourself, do you see a queen? I see a whore who thinks she’s the Queen just because she puts on pretty dresses and wears a crown.”
All eyes were fixed on Y/N, waiting for her reaction. It was so quiet that Jo could hear the beating of her own heart. Lance, who managed to look the calmest, was breathing heavily as he watched Y/N’s face with a look of concern.
“Open the cell.”
“Y/N–” Lance started.
“Do it,” Y/N snapped at the guard on her right, and he frantically pulled out his keys and unlocked the prisoner’s cell.
Lance snatched Y/N’s wrist, but she yanked her hand away. Meanwhile, Jo gathered her courage and took a step closer. She saw Y/N glaring down at the prisoner whose hands and feet were chained.
The Queen tightened her fists. Then, she kicked him in the stomach. Jo gasped, a hand flew to her mouth as Y/N’s foot collided with the man’s jaw, sending saliva and blood splashing onto her white dress. Jo was stiff with terror and the next thing she knew was the guards dragging the Queen out of the cell by Lance’s order.
Y/N was punching and kicking and screaming. She said that she’d skin the man alive for what he’d done. Jo didn’t think she cared if this man wasn’t the one who’d killed Harry. She just wanted revenge. She just wanted someone to pay for the death of the man she loved.
The guards were twice bigger than Y/N so they didn’t budge as she fought them. They twisted her arms behind her back and yanked her away from the cell like a ragdoll. Jo threw herself at them and tried to pry Y/N out of their grips.
“Let her go!” She whipped her head to Lance. “Tell them to let the Queen go!”
“Take her to her chamber and tie her to the bed,” Lance said with a dismissive wave. “No one’s to attend her for the rest of the day.”
“No!” Jo screamed as a guard shoved her out of the way and carried a screaming Y/N on his shoulder out of the dungeon. Jo turned back to Lance. She was filled with anger as tears started running down her cheeks. “What do you think you’re doing?! You’re not our King! You’re disrespecting the Queen!”
Lance gave her a stern look, his face contorted slightly before returning to his usual unbothered expression. He didn’t say a word as he sidestepped her and followed the guards.
“Is he awake?”
Where am I?
“Someone please clean him up. He smells like shit.”
“How long will it take?”
“At least six months, Your Grace.”
Where am I? Who are these people? I can’t see.
“Six months? You’re telling me I have to keep him alive for six months?”
“At least.”
Peach, are you alive? Where are you?
“Very well. But if this doesn’t work, I’ll behead you myself.”
“This will work, Your Grace. I assure you. But you must send a physician. I can’t do it if he’s bleeding like this.”
“Guards, send a physician to treat his wounds! And you better do your job.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Stay alive, Harry. We’ll release you but you must stay alive.”
Dead or alive, I’ll come back to you, Peach. I’ll never leave you alone…
“I’m sorry, Harry. I really am…”
“Get out, you piece of shit!” Y/N screamed at Lance the moment he stepped through the threshold. He didn’t say a word, his expression unreadable as he padded to the bed and peered down at her. She was sitting with her back against the headboard and her wrists tied to a bedpost. She was ashamed and furious. She never should have trusted him. For all she knew, he could have planned the attack himself. Or he’d been waiting for her to break and somehow got lucky.
“Get out,” she hissed as he sat on the edge of her bed.
Still not talking, he reached for the rope that bound her wrists.
“Your Majesty,” a guard said, making Lance stop. “The Queen’s not herself. She might be dangerous.”
Lance looked over his shoulder. “I don’t need you to warn me about my wife. Now leave us and shut the door.”
Y/N was startled and confused at the same time. She guessed the guard was, too, but he left without asking more questions, leaving her alone with the King.
Lance heaved a sigh as his eyes finally found hers. “Will you promise not to hurt me if I untie you?”
She looked away, clenching her jaw.
“Y/N,” he warned.
She pursed her lips and took a breath. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I promise not to hurt you.”
He nodded and untied her. As soon as she got free, she wasted no time to throw herself at him, shoving him against the wall with a loud thump. He seized her wrists, but not hard enough and she could still pound her fists at his chest. He didn’t even push her back. She was much lighter than him. Why was he just standing there?
“Fight back! What are you doing?! Fight back! Hurt me.”
She didn’t know why she started crying. But she couldn’t stop. And then she surrendered and slipped down onto the floor. If he wanted to kill her now, he could do it with his eyes closed. And yet, Lance sat down in front of her, crossing his legs, still holding her wrists but his fingers had loosened.
“Are you done?” he asked quietly.
Sobbing, she gave a nod.
“Good. Now listen.”
He placed his fingers underneath her chin and tilted her head up. His grey eyes looked darker here and his brows slightly furrowed. They were sitting so close she could see the cut on his cheek. It looked fresh; he’d probably got it from the battle. She knew it would heal at one point and probably wouldn’t leave any scar, but it was strange to see an imperfection on his face.
“Did you see how easy it was for me to command your guards to tie you up?” he began, looking serious. For a second, she thought he looked and sounded just like her father. “That’s how loyal they are to you, Y/N. They don’t take you seriously because you don’t take yourself seriously.” Lance brought his hand to her cheek. This time, she didn’t flinch. “I know it’s been hard for you,” he said. “But Jo and I are the only two people in this castle who know about your loss. The court thinks you’re weak and afraid and a joke. Would your father be happy if he knew his heir is like this? Would Harry? How about your mother? Would she be happy to see how you chose to act as a queen?”
Y/N didn’t speak, her eyes glued to the floor.
Lance continued, “You can grieve. You can be angry. You can cry. You can even hit me; I’ll let you if it makes you feel better. But outside this room, I want you to be the Queen people expect you to be. I want you to show them that you are not weak. You are not a target. You are not the prey. Show them they can count on you to lead them and keep them safe. Think about the innocent people who died in the attack. We’re the lucky ones who live, Y/N. We have to live for them.”
He waited for her to say something, and when she remained silent, his thumb brushed her cheek. “Can you do that, Y/N? I know that fearless queen is still in you. Can you bring her back to me?”
She looked at his left hand and saw the missing pinky and her heart pained a little. She licked her lip and finally nodded.
“Good girl.”
She averted her eyes, not wanting to look at him as shame washed over her like a tidal wave. She expected him to stand up and leave. But he continued holding her face like that. Like she was the most fragile thing he’d ever touched.
“Look,” he began again. “You and I might be the loneliest people in the world, but at least we’re in this together.”
“I know,” she heard herself say. Lance let out a breathy chuckle.
Then his voice turned grim again. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save him. But I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” She glanced up to his face and saw him smiling wistfully. “I can’t keep you safe if it’s you who endanger yourself.”
She pursed her lips. “How’s your leg?”
Lance lifted his shoulders. “The physician said that I’d have to walk with a limp for the rest of my life, but I can still ride a horse, not sure if I can shoot arrows with four fingers, though…”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I should not have led everyone to that village. It was all my fault.”
“No, you did the right thing. It was just bad luck.”
Y/N didn’t think luck had anything to do with this, but she did not argue.
“You asked me if I really thought I could marry for love,” Lance said.
“That was a joke,” Y/N mumbled. “An evil one. I’m sorry for that, too.”
Lance smiled a little. “The answer is yes. I did.” Then he released her face and dropped his hand. “I met her at a market,” he said, staring at his hands on his lap. “Her name was Daliah, and she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. My father killed her. She was seventeen.”
Y/N thinned her lips. Her stomach dropped. She knew Lance had secrets; who didn’t? But that wasn’t anything she’d expected.
“Well, he tried to kill me,” Lance said. “I wasn’t the son he wanted, and when I turned sixteen, I bought myself a ship and became captain and left the life in court to travel the world. My father got angry.
“On my seventeenth birthday, my crew, Daliah and I were drinking in a tavern when a group of men with swords and daggers burst in. We tried to fight back but most of us were drunk. Nearly half of my crew was slaughtered that night. Dalilah and I managed to escape through the back, but they caught up with us and they killed her. I survived. It wasn’t until a year later that I found out my father had sent those men to kill me.”
“I’m so sorry,” Y/N said. “Was that why you said you’d protect Harry for me?”
He nodded. “Don’t tell anyone, all right? I’d like people to continue to fear me.”
Seeing the humour on his face again made Y/N feel quite relieved. “Your secret’s safe with me,” she snorted. “And...I’m sorry for doubting you...and for hitting you...”
“I’m sorry for tying you up,” he said. “Well, for ordering the guards to tie you up.”
She smirked and rolled her eyes. “Never do the dirty work yourself?”
Lance gave a shrug. “What’s the point of having servants if you have to do things yourself?”
They laughed at that, then fell back to silence.
“I want to see Harry’s body,” Y/N said after what seemed like a minute, and from Lance’s expression, she could tell he was taken aback. “To say goodbye,” she added. “I promise I won’t go mad again.”
Lance only stared at her. She regarded him tentatively until he said, “There’s no body.”
She blinked. “What?”
“We’ve been looking everywhere and couldn’t find his body.”
For the first time in two weeks, Y/N finally found a spark of hope. She straightened and pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “He could still be alive,” she blurted.
“Y/N,” Lance warned when she rose to her feet. He grabbed the edge of the table beside them and pulled himself up as he started pacing back and forth.
“I don’t believe Harry’s dead until I see his body,” she said. “His body can’t just disappear.”
“Wild animals can take it during the night…”
Those words froze her to the spot. She caught the look of guilt upon his face and realized he regretted having said that. She wasn’t angry at him, though. He was just talking like a normal person with common sense, and he could be right. Still, she hoped he was wrong, and she wasn’t discouraged. If anything, she was more determined to look for Harry now that she knew they’d never found his body.
“Have you sent news to his family—”
“No,” Lance said. “Not yet. But don’t you dare consider looking for him, Y/N. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and—”
“Just think about it! Something feels wrong, Lance!”
“What do you mean?”
“The attack,” she said, closing the distance between them until she was as close to him as she’d been before. “Those men were carrying swords.”
“Yes, I got my finger cut off so—”
“How could every single one of them carry a sword, Lance? Folks cannot afford those expensive weapons.”
Lance’s eyes went wide as realization dawned on his face. “You’re saying that it was a set up?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N threw her hands in the air. “Maybe.”
“That’d be my first guess, but she’s closed the border, and the North has always hated the South. I know my people don’t want me as their Queen, but they would rather have me than Calanthe.”
Lance’s face twisted as it seemed like he was sinking into deep thoughts.
“I’m telling you,” Y/N said, “something is wrong. So maybe Harry’s alive and someone’s holding him captive for a reason. But it might not be Calanthe. For all I know, a lot of people want me dead.”
“But why Harry?” Lance asked.
Y/N didn’t know, either. On second thought, none of those theories made sense to her. Perhaps she was making things up just so she could believe that Harry wasn’t really gone.
“Dead or alive, he must be here with me,” she told Lance. “So until his body’s found, I cannot accept that he’s dead. Just give me a few months. Don’t send news to his family yet. If we still can’t find him after a few months then we’ll tell them and...and I’ll let him go. But I don’t want to give up without a fight, Lance.”
Y/N didn’t fully believe in her own words. She knew she would never truly move on if she kept clinging onto the hope of finding him. And she could see the same doubt in Lance’s dark grey eyes as he considered her like she was mad and speaking nonsense.
“All right,” he said, to her surprise. “But will you promise that you’ll get back to running the court?”
She nodded fast. “Of course.”
Lance nodded once. “Then I’ll have people look for him. Now get some rest. I’ll call for Jo.”
“Actually,” she stopped him before he walked out of the door. Y/N felt pain in her chest as she saw him standing in the glow from the corridor and remembered her last night with Harry. She shook it off and worked up a smile. “Let Jo rest tonight. She’s been here every night. I’ve troubled her enough.”
Lance seemed hesitant. “Would you...want me to stay?” She stared at him. And he seemed amused. “Don’t be so horrified, baby dove. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“You? On the floor? Oh, please I’d love to see that.”
“Maybe not on the floor.” Lance looked around the room. “That chair by the fire looks comfortable enough. But if you feel bad about it, we can share the bed.”
Y/N crossed her arms and sneered at him. “You can stay up all night if that’s what you want, but we’re not sleeping in the same bed.”
Lance shook his head as his mouth curled to its favoured side. “Fine. Your loss.”
“What’s your name?”
“Harry Styles.”
“How old are you?”
“Who are your family? Do you remember them?”
“Um...My father’s dead. So, my ma, my sister...oh, and there’s also Kenny…”
“Who’s Kenny?”
“We grew up together.”
“Do you know who Y/N Y/L/N is?”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Does that name sound familiar to you?”
“It’s familiar, but–”
“Do you know who that is?”
“Can you repeat the name?”
“Y/N...Y/L/N...Well? Do you?”
“No. No, I don’t.”
(end of chapter 2)
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What Would You Do Without Me? (Jaskier x Reader)
Characters: Jaskier, Geralt
Fandom: The Witcher
Tags: Reader Insert, Female Pronouns, Pining, Heavy Flirting, Fluff, Cutesy, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Injury, a little sad and angsty at first.
Word Count: 6k words.
Summary: Y/N is intent on exploring perilous lands and Jaskier, ever at her side, agrees to go wit her. His presence and comfort prove more helpful than she could have imagined.
A/N: I read this great piece by @lia-writes and was inspired to write some cute hurt/comfort of Jaskier myself. Hope you all like it! :)
AO3: Link
“No” Geralt insisted, not giving in.
“Well, I’m going!” You assured, turning to Jaskier. You were received with a concerned and cautious glance from the bard. “What about you?”
He rolled his eyes in a dramatic fashion and nodded his head at you.
“Of course I’m going with you, whatever will you do without me?”
You had to grin to his response, and so did Jaskier.
“Go ahead” Geralt interrupted. “But don’t blame me if you get killed”
“It is settled then” Jaskier patted the witcher’s back, earning a grunt from him.
Leaving the witcher alone in the inn, you walked outside with the bard.
“Perhaps this will make for a fantastic song” He started speaking as you went to the horses, too used to his ranting to have to turn around to him. “If we survive your reckless adventure, that is”
“So you do agree with Geralt” You briefly smirked at him over your shoulder.
“Uh, yes, I do” Noticing you walking ahead, he jogged a bit to stand by you. “I just didn’t want to say it in front of him”
“And give him the satisfaction of telling him he was right”
You chuckled, absently glancing around the town as you made it to your horses.
“I mean, we are walking straight into uncharted territory, Y/N” Jaskier insisted. “We literally don’t know what sort of monster might be lurking in there"
“That’s what I want to find out” You nudged him in the ribs, to which he frowned. There was unease to his gesture as his eyebrows knitted together. “What lays at the outskirts of this town?”
“Possibly death”
“Or perhaps just another rumor and it is perfectly safe”
“Geralt didn’t want to go”
“Geralt wasn’t scared, he just couldn’t be bothered to come”
“Relax, Jaskier, I will protect you”
“You’re lucky you’re delightful, Y/N”
Mountains could be seen in the distance. The atmosphere was completely quiet once away from the busy town. Only the sound of your horses hooves was heard in the complete silence.
You slightly turned in your saddle, glancing at Jaskier. He moved on his horse, eyes glancing all around him. His shoulders were tense. His hands tightly gripped the reins.
“You’re terribly quiet back there” Your comment seemed to bring him out of his thoughts. Possibly pessimistic ones that involved danger and injury.
“Forgive me, my lady, if I’m cautious about this mysterious desert land that people say is cursed” He sarcastically replied, dedicating you a mocking grin.
“If you’re so worried, then why did you come?”
“I just can’t say no to you”
You laughed a little and sent him a flirtatious look. A genuine smile appeared on his lips and his shoulders eased down. You were opening your mouth to tease him when your horse suddenly stopped.
Merely exchanging a glance with Jaskier first, you faced forward again. The horse stirred in the spot, anxiously stomping on the ground as it paced up and down.
“What’s wrong?” You leaned forward to gently caress his neck, but that didn’t help.
“Y/N” Jaskier uttered behind you, just barely loud enough for you to hear. “Do you feel that?”
You straightened up when you realized what he was talking about. A certain darkness seemed to reign in the air, enveloping you and bringing a tight knot to your throat. Something evil seemed to be lurking in the shadows, threatening and dangerous.
“I… Yes…” You replied, immediately regretting your foolish act of defiance.
During all your many travels with Geralt and Jaskier, nothing had happened. It was all fun as you mostly stayed in taverns and chatted with the bard. How naïve of you to believe that you couldn’t be touched for this reason. That nothing could ever happen to the witcher’s loyal companions, even without his presence.
“Perhaps we should go back to-“ Before Jaskier could finish his sentence, your horse cut him off.
He neighed and whipped his head around like he had seen a terrible apparition that didn’t reach your eyes. You desperately held on to the reins, but it was starting to become hard to stay on the saddle.
“Ah!” You shrieked when the horse stood in his hind legs and threw you off.
Your landing was rough and unpleasant, ridding you from all the air in your lungs. A blinding pain shot through your back, so overwhelming that you didn’t even know where it started. It just pulsated through your whole body as you struggled to breathe.
“Oh, gods!” Jaskier uttered, suddenly next to you. “Y/N!”
For a moment you grew disoriented as the pain claimed all your focus. You grimaced, trying to process anything. How had he gotten to you so quickly? What had happened? What did the horse see? Were you in danger?
“Are you alright?” Jaskier hovered over you, reaching out with his hands but being too afraid to touch you. “Speak to me!”
You gaped, breathless, and clung on to his arm. He scrambled for words as he gingerly pulled at you to sit you up. Then you could finally take a breath and recover. You finally got your bearings back as you locked eyes with him.
“I-I’m alright” You gulped, gasping as your heart thumped against your chest. “I think…”
Jaskier dropped his head and sighed in relief. His arm under your hands was shaking just as much as your entire body was.
“Can you move?” He kindly asked you as soon as you found with his blue eyes fixed on you.
Still slightly dazed, you nodded your head and let go of him. You folded your legs to try and stand up. At least you didn’t think you were hurt, it was probably just the shock of the impact.
However, as soon as you leaned a hand on the ground to push yourself up, that lacerating pain returned. It shot up from your wrist until it reached your shoulder. You screamed out, clutching your arm to your chest and rocking forward.
“What! What’s wrong?!” Jaskier urgently patted your knees.
You had to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Tears arrived to your eyes, and you only felt worse at the look of utter sadness and worry in his expression.
“My arm…” You breathed out, barely being able to move it. “I hurt my arm, it hurts so much…”
Jaskier stared at you helplessly. For a brief moment you thought he would break out crying himself. There was a long pause until he frantically stood up and moved around.
“Alright, we’re going back” You heard him mutter behind you. “Up you go first”
His arms snuck under your arms and he grunted as he lifted you up. The sudden change of height made you slightly dizzy. Or it could be just the dull ache that went from your right shoulder down to your wrist.
Jaskier hesitated to move, wanting to make sure that you could stand. When he assured that you wouldn’t fall back down, he hurried to step in front of you.
“I-I’ll take a look” He muttered, softly placing his hands on your shoulder.
Despite the delicate manner in which his fingers moved, you hissed in pain at the smallest of grazes. Jaskier heaved a restless sigh and watched you, eyes laced with concern.
“I-I don’t actually know much about this…” The bard shrugged, seemingly small and helpless. “It is a bit swollen”
You nodded your head and clutched the injured spot. The pain was so intense that it made it impossible for you to find your voice.
“Geralt probably knows more than I do” Jaskier added with a sudden cheerfulness that could be nothing but make pretend. “He might be able to help you!”
Once again, you solely nodded your head. You were pursing your lips so tightly that they hurt. Facing your back to the bard, you returned with your horse. The animal nudged his head against your collarbone as an apology for having done you any harm.
“Can you actually ride?” Jaskier’s nervous tone didn’t quite help your anguish. “Perhaps we should ride together, so-”
“I can ride” You urgently interrupted him, struggling to even breathe through the pain. “Just let’s get back as soon as possible, please”
“Right… Yes, of course” Meek and obedient, the bard helped you get up on your horse.
He lingered by your side even once you were safely on the saddle. With a resigned touch to your leg, he finally went to ride his own horse, knowing there wasn’t much else he could do for now.
Luckily, you hadn’t been through a lot of pain in your life. Unluckily, this one was making you wish you could just faint and forsake yourself to a peaceful slumber.
You were hunched over in the saddle. By the point you finally made it back, you were at the end of your rope. As soon as you lightly pulled at the reins to stop your horse, Jaskier’s stallion to your left halted as well. The bard nearly threw himself off the horse to the ground in order to help you down.
His hands, clumsy but gentle, fell on your hips. He pulled at you until you were gracefully placed on the ground. You leaned into his touch, feeling too weak to stand. Not only was the pain becoming unbearable because of the intensity and duration, but your arm was also mildly numb and it was a very unpleasant sensation. Discomfort and nausea filled you and made you want to cry in frustration.
“Alright, stand still” There was distress in Jaskier’s voice as well.
“What are you doing?” You feebly asked as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Trying to…” He mumbled, wrapping an arm around your side and attempting to sweep your feet into the air. “There we go”
You were scooped into his arms, much to your relief. Having to hold your own weight proved exhausting on itself. You snuggled closer to him, shivering and whimpering, as you sought every ounce of comfort he could provide you with.
“Sh, it’s alright” He shushed, hoisting you up to properly hold you against him. “Geralt will help you, we’re almost there”
Jaskier strained as he walked as fast as he could. The distance between there and the inn seemed never ending for both of you. You didn’t think you could take the pain for much longer. On his side, Jaskier was having a hard time carrying you, but he was more preoccupied with healing you first. He never stopped whispering words of comfort to you. It broke his heart to see you in so much pain.
“That damn witcher” Jaskier swore through grit teeth, quitting his pacing to sit by you in the bed he had settled you in. “Why does he always wander around?”
You were a mess, trying not to sob in front of him. You were mortified enough already knowing he was so worried about you. You refused to, on top of all, start bawling your eyes out.
“He should be back any minute” Jaskier kissed the top of your head. “Hold on for a bit longer, love”
You just nodded, mentally cursing Geralt yourself for not being there. He would know what injury you were facing, as well as perhaps having a potion to eliminate the pain.
Too restless to sit by your side anymore, Jaskier sprung up from the bed. He walked over to the cupboard and rummaged through the drawers. You wanted to ask what he was doing, but were simply too drained to speak up.
“Ah-ha!” He finally exclaimed, grabbing something and turning to you. “I knew it was here somewhere”
You observed the foulard he was holding and peered at him in confusion.
“We can make a sling out of it!” His excited grin comforted you slightly and reminded you to breathe. “That way you can keep your injured arm in place”
He fiddled with it and approached you once more. Just as he was trying to tie it around you, the door of the room opened.
“Oh, thank the gods” You and Jaskier sighed at the same time.
“You’re alive” Geralt greeted you, solely glancing at you.
“Not quite” You sulkily replied, being fed up with your injury.
His golden eyes fell upon you and his deadpan expression turned to anger at the sight.
“Geralt, please help” Jaskier followed him around the room as Geralt came in. “Y/N fell of the horse when-“
“The horse got scared?” He sarcastically finished the sentence, dropping his satchel on the other bed and searching it.
“I literally don’t have the strength to put up with an ‘I told you so’, Geralt” You sighed, clenching your fists in annoyance and helplessness. Your shaky voice was proof enough of the distress you were experiencing. “You were right, I was stupid to go, please tell me you have a potion or something for this pain. Please…”
Jaskier returned to your side while the witcher did his thing. The bard was careful enough to sit on your good side and rub your back there where the pain didn’t reach.
Geralt towered over you, offering you a small bottle that contained a clear liquid. You didn’t hesitate to take it from him and desperately drown it all in one gulp.
“Ugh” You shivered when a wave of nausea hit you. “That was disgusting”
“Yeah, well” The witcher tilted his head as he took the bottle back from you. “It will help with the pain. What hurts?”
“Her arm” Jaskier replied for you. “I think she landed on it when she fell”
“Stand up, I’ll take a look at it” Geralt briefly turned to leave the empty bottle atop the cupboard.
Along with Jaskier’s support, of his arm once more around your waist, you stood to your feet. You forced yourself to stay up while your whole body complained and threatened with collapsing.
Geralt faced you once more, so you pointed him to your right arm.
“Let me see” Was all he said, so you moved your shirt to reveal your bare shoulder.
He carefully squeezed, making you squirm at his rough calloused hands. Just the briefest touch to your delicate skin made you grimace. He kept palpating your shoulder until he seemed to come up with a diagnosis and let go of you with a thoughtful hum.
“Turn around” He asked you, and you did as well, now revealing the skin on your back.
“Oof” Jaskier exclaimed behind you. “That’s a nasty bruise! It’s all purple and-“
“Jaskier” Geralt quickly scolded him, but it was too late.
“Oh, no, is it dislocated?” Your mind started racing. “Do you have to put it back on the socket? T-That will hurt even more! I don’t… I don’t think I can take-”
“It’s not dislocated” Geralt turned you around to be facing each other once more. “You were lucky”
As you recovered from that scare, you felt Jaskier falling into place behind you. In a gesture that surprised you, he wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his chin on your healthy shoulder. You smiled a bit, imagining it was his apology for having worried you.
“Try not to move it” The witcher concluded, stepping away from you. “You’ll be fine, you just need to rest”
“W-Where are you going?” The bard asked next to your ear, but Geralt didn’t reply.
When you were left alone in the room once more, you exhaled. It was a big relief that you hadn’t badly injured yourself. Jaskier’s gentleness also invited you to further relax.
“Phew…” He sighed, rubbing his thumb over your rib. “You gave me quite a scare there”
You just hummed in response. Your knees were nearly giving in under your weight, but his arms lightly tightened around your stomach.
“Alright then” With baffling ease, he left a small kiss on your shoulder. “If my lady allows me, I will now look after you”
You chuckled as he took you with him to the bed once more. Once you were sitting, he went to retrieve the foulard from before. In the meantime, you started to feel quite groggy, probably because of the effects of the potion Geralt gave you. Finding that your thoughts were tangled and messy, you paused.
“You’re spoiling me, Jas” You then told him with a sleepy smile.
He laughed at his new nickname but didn’t comment on it. Instead, he stood before you with his hands on his hips.
“Absolutely, it will make for a quick recovery” The way he smiled now, with so much relief and renewed energy, made you calmer than you had been all day. “I will gladly spoil you”
He carefully put your injured arm in the foulard, then wrapping his arms around your neck to tie the ends diagonally over your good shoulder. When he moved away, he was still smiling like that.
“Now lie down, Geralt told you to rest”
You wearily nodded your head and closed your eyes. The pain was finally subsiding, making you relax your muscles and make you aware of how tense they had been for hours.
“I am sleepy” You groggily lifted your legs up to the bed.
“No wonder, love” Jaskier’s fingers tenderly fell over your healthy arm, pushing you slightly until you were lying down. “Today was quite the ordeal”
“Mhm” You sighed, finally finding comfort and calmness to what had only been chaos. “Will you stay with me?”
You blindly reached out until your hand fell over his arm and you squeezed it tight, eliciting a fond chuckle from Jaskier. The bed lightly shifted with his weight as he sat on the corner, but you weren’t satisfied with that. You frowned and whined, barely managing to open your eyes to look at him.
“No, here” You kept tugging at him, trying to make him understand that you wanted him to lie down with you. The only thing missing in your perfect comfort was him. His arms around you. His fidgety and warm body against you. His voice in your ear, whispering soft words with his delightful accent.
“Oh” Jaskier finally realized, smiling like that once more. “Of course”
As he occupied the space next to you, on your good side, the bard lowly laughed to himself. You stirred, trying to fit in the small space with him. You settled over him at last with your head on his chest, not putting pressure in your bad arm and instead squeezing your left one against his torso. At that moment, you were confident that you had never felt so cozy and peaceful before.
Jaskier continued giggling under his breath, even as his arms lovingly fell around you. He brought your frame closer to him as to not let you lay so close to the edge of the bed.
“What’s so amusing?” You went to slap him in the chest, just then remembering your arm was kept in place with Jaskier’s improvised sling.
“You are quite adorable when you’re sleepy” He playfully wrinkled his nose at you.
“Stop…” You nuzzled his shoulder, only making him laugh more as you proved his point.
“Are you comfortable?” His hand tenderly pressed against your back in a gentle massage that relieved your sore shoulder. “Do you need anything else?”
“I’m alright… Now I am” You sighed, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to give in to the welcoming sleep. “Thank you, Jaskier, for everything”
“It is my pleasure” His voice had lowered into a whisper, helping you fall asleep with even more ease. “I am quite comfortable myself, honestly”
You smiled and nuzzled his neck, treasuring his warmth and loving affection. Despite your many shared travels and adventures, you had never been this close. Nonetheless, it felt natural and comforting.
“You are so great, I love you” You shivered as his hand caressed your hair.
You didn’t notice he abruptly stopped at your words. Nor that he was suddenly holding his breath.
He was saying something to you now, but you were already asleep.
A deep voice brought you out of your slumber. After a few seconds of haziness, you recognized it was Geralt. You couldn’t differentiate the words he was saying, but you felt Jaskier’s voice resonating in his chest under your ear as he replied.
You jolted up slightly, cruelly dragged away from the comfortable stupor, when the door was slammed closed. The bard stirred under you as well, surprised by your movement.
“Y/N?” He cautiously asked, his fingers brushing over your ear as he secured your hair behind it so it didn’t fall over your face. “Are you awake?”
You lazily opened your eyes, being welcomed by the sweetest of looks in his eyes as he peered down at you. A smile immediately appeared on his mouth at your intertwined gazes.
“Was that Geralt?”
“Yes, he… Came to check on you”
You wondered if the sudden restlessness and hesitance present in Jaskier’s voice was a product of your imagination. Perhaps you were still too drowsy.
“How are you feeling, by the way?” He resumed, gently squeezing his arms around you. “Any better?”
“Yeah” You pouted at the thought that you would have to leave that position. Being engulfed by him, you wanted nothing more than to stay there forever. “It doesn’t hurt as much”
Jaskier uttered a sound that was a mixture between a sigh and a chuckle. His bright grin reminded you of the one that seemed to illuminate your world before you fell asleep. Then when you needed it the most, when you needed him the most.
“Well, I am happy to hear that” Apparently, the bard had nothing but loving gestures for you as he gingerly squeezed your arm. “I was worried about you”
Your eyes met and refused to look away. Something stirred within you with the sudden realization of how close you truly were, mere inches separating your faces. Of how sweet and tender he had been. How caring, how gentle. Gentle Jaskier.
Despite the wonderful moment, your body complained. You groaned, knowing you needed to get up and eat or drink something. After all, you didn’t even know how long you were asleep for. That thought also made you aware that Jaskier hadn’t moved an inch, for your sake. Surely, he must have been feeling sore himself after maintain that position for so long.
“Thank you, Jaskier” You carefully leaned your hand on his stomach to push yourself up. “You have been so kind”
“That I have” His playful and flirtatious tone, that you hadn’t quite heard since before the accident, had thankfully returned. “Perhaps you should give me a token of your gratitude?”
Not without effort, you had managed to sit up on your own. When you turned to him, he had rolled over on his side now and was resting his jaw on his hand. You grinned at the cool demeanor he displayed.
“Heroes don’t ask for rewards, my dear Jaskier”
He pursed his lips in a badly contained smirk that still crept up to his mouth.
“I am not a hero, I am a knight. Saving damsels in distress”
“Don’t get used to it” You leaned closer to him and lovingly pecked his cheek. “But thank you, oh valiant knight in shining armor”
Jaskier shrugged with feigned bashfulness, but you could see a faint blush on his cheeks.
“You’re welcome” He nimbly stood to his feet, running to your side in case you needed any sort of assistance. “In any case, you… already said thank you before, remember?”
You tried to sort out your thoughts, too distracted by his magnetic presence next to you. By his charm. His beautiful smile, his lingering glances and lively blue eyes. The way he reached out to lightly touch the small of your back, asking you if you needed any help without using words at all.
“Um…” You muttered in an attempt to focus. “Did I?”
“Aha…” Jaskier calmly followed you around the room.
Upon seeing your reflection on the mirror atop the cupboard, you gasped in outrage. You were suffering from a terrible case of bed hair. With your one healthy arm, you reached out to try and comb your hair. Until a sudden memory flashed in your head. Heat arrived to your entire face, but you tried to ignore it as well as Jaskier, who still expected a proper answer from you.
Instead of giving it to him, and with the mental excuse of feeling slightly cold, you went to pick up your forgotten jacket from the chair it rested on. You were disappointed, however, when you remembered you couldn’t move your arm.
“You seem flustered” Jaskier observed, softly taking the garment from your hands. “Is something the matter?”
You couldn’t quite get mad at his sarcastic tone as he put your arm on the sleeve, first the healthy one. As he moved to stand to your other side, he paused and stared.
“No, I’m not flustered” You saw his smile with the corner of your eye.
Jaskier waited for a few more seconds. In the end, he chuckled and you prayed that you weren’t blushing. It was a mild relief when he began carefully maneuvering your injured arm out of the sling and into the other sleeve.
Your gaze lingered on the ground and away from his eyes. He positioned himself before you once he was done adjusting the jacket over your shoulders and reclaimed your attention.
“You do remember it, then” He put his hands on his hips. “Hm?”
“I do, Jas”
“Well, did you mean it?”
“I… Y-Yeah”
“Would you say it again?”
The flirtatious atmosphere shifted in favor of a more serious one. His eyes were now glinting with emotion and expectation. You opened your mouth to say it, to show him that you actually were fond of him. Fond of him in such a way, that was. However, the words got stuck in your throat and you were unable to pronounce them.
“It’s alright” Jaskier suddenly took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You don’t actually have to say it”
“I don’t need to, do I?” You looked at him through your eyelashes.
Jaskier stirred in the spot and cleared his throat, apparently flustered. You eyed him carefully and saw him opening and closing his mouth like a fish. When he gazed at you again, you smiled at him.
The two of you chuckled together. There was so much left unsaid that was implied in that shared laugh. The nervousness, the familiarity, the longing.
Your breath caught in your throat when his hand found its way to your face.
“Are you really alright?” He asked, quite seriously now.
“I am now” You sweetly smiled at him, earning a smitten look.
Jaskier took a deep breath, nodding to himself. You couldn’t help but to notice the way his eyes kept drifting down to your lips. Betraying your yearning, yours did the same.
It wasn’t until you felt a soft squeeze in your hand that you remembered he was holding it. You used it to softly push yourself forward. A chuckle escaped your lips when your noses bumped against each other.
Your arm throbbed. As well as that, you felt light-headed, but you couldn’t tell if it was because Jaskier’s closeness took your breath away or because of your injury. You leaned towards the first, since you felt completely elated.
Butterflies flew inside your stomach in anticipation. You could feel the soft velvety touch of his lips on yours already when a sound broke the magic spell.
“Ugh…” You cowered back in shame, holding your growling stomach.
The wonderful sound of Jaskier’s laughter filled the room.
“Come on” Jaskier tugged at your hand, refusing to let it go. “We need to get some food in you”
“But…” Your glance fell over the door. At the other side of it were countless of indiscreet eyes, and you were far too fond of this newfound intimacy with Jaskier to put up with that. “My… My hair is… a mess”
He looked up at it, considering it for a moment, and then nodded.
“Yeah, right” Jaskier gawked at you as you hurriedly stepped away from him.
A part of you cursed your stupidity for hiding. The other one, though, urged you to get away from his prying eyes that were likely to spot your flush.
Pretending to focus hard on the task ahead, you picked up your hair brush and began furiously carding through your hair trying to get rid of the knots. With your one arm, it was a challenging task.
“Wow, wow, wow” The bard was back at your side in the blink of an eye. “What are you doing?”
“Combing my hair…”
“Why so violently?”
“I always do it like that, it’s easier to untangle it and-“
“Give me that” He took the comb from your hands and shook his head in disapproval as he moved behind you. “How are you not bald already?”
You had to chuckle, still endeared that he was so adamant on looking after you. The comb gently passed through your hair as Jaskier’s hands slowly worked. Your neck tingled when his fingers travelled through your tufts. If there was any unease left in you, it vanished the more his fingers sunk in your hair.
“That’s better” He concluded, letting your mane gracefully fall over your back. To top it all off, he bent down slightly to kiss you on the head. You glanced down, smiling to yourself. How could you not adore him?
Determined to focus on anything else not to throw yourself at him and kiss him silly, you tried to gather your now combed hair to tie it up. An inevitable grunt crawled up your throat at your useless arm that made it impossible to finish simple tasks such as that.
“Fine, I’ll do that too” Jaskier held his hand out, with the fake reluctance of someone who definitely was excited to spoil you even more. “Give me the thing”
“What thing?”
“That ribbon you always carry”
Your hand fell over your wrist in awe, surprised that he had noticed such a small detail. Pulling at the ends of the thin red ribbon to untie it from your wrist, you gave it to him over your shoulder.
“Thaaank you” You bit your lip when your hands brushed and with his lively reply.
His fingers reached out from behind until they picked up all of your hair, dragging across your temples to make sure no tuft escaped from his grip. As he gently gathered all of your hair into his hands, you sighed in delight to his further gentle cares.
“Was that a happy sigh?” The fond amusement was obvious in his voice.
“Yes…” You shivered when his fingertips graced your neck as he tied the ribbon around your hair and secured it there.
“What for?” Jaskier took ahold of your shoulders and turned you around to face him.
“What would I do without you, Jas?”
The bard smirked, and even if you mirrored his expression, you felt slightly embarrassed by how clingy you suddenly felt. Jaskier chuckled and infected you with soft laughter.
Craving his closeness, you softly kissed him in the jaw and then hid in his chest. As you buried your face on his shoulder, he tensed up slightly, perhaps as flustered as you.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his hand tenderly cradling the back of your head.
“I’m trying to hug you” Was your excuse as you reached out with your good arm and put it across his back to demonstrate.
“Oh” His arms immediately pressed you against him. “Like this?”
You hummed, happily nuzzling his chest. Honestly, all that pain was nearly worth it just for bringing you so impossibly close. For earning you his delicate cares and loving attention.
When you looked up at him, your gazes met once more. You could feel the romantic atmosphere that surrounded you, nearly being able to touch it. Not breaking away from his embrace, you tilted your head up. His lips were right there, so close, so reachable. So enticing.
His mouth perked up, grinning at your gesture, and he leaned closer too. He closed his eyes, and you did the same as his arms squeezed you even closer to his torso.
“You two!” A deep angry voice exclaimed just as the door violently swung open.
“Dammit, Geralt!” Jaskier complained, glancing at the witcher.
He merely pointed a finger at you and scowled, apparently either oblivious or unfazed by what you had been doing before he so rudely erupted in.
“If you’re not there in two minutes, I’m eating without you” That said, Geralt stormed off.
Exchanging a glance with Jaskier, the two of you giggled like two mischievous children.
“Let’s go, the white wolf is hungry” He reluctantly pulled away from you. However, he refused to completely abandon your touch and took ahold of your hand.
“He was waiting for us all this time?” You gawked at him, following him as he reached the door.
“I… Might have forgotten to tell you” Jaskier grimaced in apology, not meeting your eyes. “Even forgotten he was there…”
You just laughed and exited the room with him. Even if, as you had foreseen, the noisy crowd that gathered outside harshly broke the sweet magical spell that hung over you and Jaskier.
Geralt wolfed down his food, barely paying any mind to the two of you sitting across from him. Even with your playful and even childish gestures, like lowly laughing together, all the nudging and whispering and leaning into each other.
“Cut it out” The witcher finally complained, not bothering to glance at you.
“Sorry…” Jaskier mumbled, leaving you with a last pat to your knee before focusing on his friend. “Where have you been, by the way?”
“I went to the outskirts” You intently listened as you nibbled on the food before you. “There was a ghoul there, that’s why your horse got scared”
“Oh” You could only say in return. “Well, thank you. Not only on my behalf, I’m sure the people of this town are grateful now that they’re safe”
“Hm” Geralt only hummed.
“That’s good…” Jaskier absently picked at his bread. “Yeah…”
“You barely had a bite” You observed, watching his full plate. “You should eat something too”
“I can’t eat” He dramatically sighed and peered at you. “I have butterflies in my stomach”
You let out an involuntary guffaw at the unexpected comment. You could discern that wonderful bright grin of his before you hid your face on his shoulder.
“Is there something between you two?” Geralt demanded to know, forcing you to look back at him.
Both you and the bard stuttered as you tried to find a proper response. It turned out that you didn’t even know it yourselves. There was certainly something, but what exactly, you couldn’t tell.
You shrugged your shoulders and that immediately reminded you of your injury, nearly forgotten. A sharp pain started in your shoulder blade and spread down to your arm and wrist like it had done at the start of the day.
“Shit!” You hunched forward and angrily slammed the table.
“What happened?!” Jaskier’s palm settled over your back in alarm.
“I fucking shrugged!” You took a deep breath to calm down from the sudden shock.
“Maybe that will remind you to be more careful next time” Geralt said as he stood up. “Instead of pulling any reckless deeds again”
“Are we leaving?”
“Yes, I’m not putting up with you two”
You were equally amused and mortified by his blatant annoyance with your cutesy interactions. Instead of commenting on it, however, the both of you stood up and quietly followed him.
The air and the sun outside were refreshing after such a long day. Besides, Jaskier’s lingering hand on your back brought you that comfort he had been providing you with all day.
As you neared the horses, the bard paused next to yours. A sly smirk had mysteriously appeared on his expression, and you found out why before you could question it.
He smacked his lips against yours, sneakily yet casually, and ran away.
“Jaskier!” You called him, stopping him before he could escape.
“Yes, Y/N?” He innocently turned to you, like nothing had happened.
“I… Help me up on the horse, please?”
Without a word, he returned by your side and settled his hands on your hips. Before he could boost you up, however, you leaned your hand on his shoulder.
“It has been quite a day” You said as an excuse to keep him close. “Will you stay by my side?”
“I am your knight in shining armor, after all” He winked an eye at you.
You played with your hair and moved in closer, painstakingly slow. Every centimeter of your body started tingling when you finally met on a proper kiss. Slow but passionate. Tender and delicate. Loving and demanding.
Jaskier laughed against your mouth as he pulled away.
“Are you trying to seduce me, you little devil?” His lips had never been so attractive as they curved up against yours.
“Perhaps…” You innocently batted your eyelashes at him. “But you’re not allowed to fall in love”
“I’m afraid it’s far too late for that, Y/N”
You chuckled in awe at his words and leaned in again. Geralt, already up on Roach, loudly cleared his throat behind you. You had to suppress a guffaw when a flush appeared on Jaskier’s cheeks. To divert attention from it, he nodded and silently helped you up on the horse once and for all.
You smiled to yourself as you absently caressed your horse’s neck. Surely, it had been a long day, but you wouldn’t change a thing. Even as you towered over him, Jaskier smirked at you.
“What would you do without me, love?” He playfully squeezed your knee before he left to ride his horse. Despite his teasing, the sweetest of smiles was plastered on his lips.
Geralt went first, but as he passed you by, Jaskier��winked an eye at you. You couldn’t help but noticing that he didn’t let you go first this time.
Tag list: @kingniazx / @greensadmoon / @they-call-me-thewildrose / @aviankin / @jasper-the-stan / @v3nusc3 / @kisabellar / @breezyfails / @iwannaendme5 / @squirrel-saloli / @saveatruckrideoptimusprime / @ultracolorfulnerdcollection / @creativemayhems / @bands-messed-me-up / @pantrashtic / @buckyness-intensifies / @drunkonbuckybarnes / @kkcline123 / @designfailure56 / @this-is-whump-dammit / @anderfelll-s // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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