#i was a stan in like 2012-2014
ahoysteviex · 1 month
if any of my moots are wondering why im reblogging one direction content.... im afraid to share that this is not a new interest
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yuneu · 3 months
i feel like most of my interests that have really lasted ive gotten into when i was a kid or preteen and i just havent gotten into anything else since
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dailyjasontodd · 2 years
to the fav jason comic of all time question just list all of them!
anything written by:
winick, idc i know there's some issues in his stories but they're pretty solid overall, utrh, lost days, green arrow, and the story he wrote for the robin anniversary
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barr, of detective comics robin jason fame. Particularly loved his two face arc (detective comics #480-481 iirc)
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Batman #408-413 (1987) --> original post-crisis jason todd run before someone who hated robin took over, my baby and dear
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Batman Annual #12 (1988) --> PEAK robin jason
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New Talent Showcase (2017) --> a short story starring Jason and Duke. He's not the main character but he's written so well that i'll always add it to my fav jason comics list
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Red hood: Outlaw #51-52 (2021) --> listen delivering a good arc in TWO issues and after lobdell wrote everything else? an entire talent on its own. i love this mini arc, how jason is written, how it fleshed out his background, the new dynamics it added. just. exquisite.
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Event Leviathan #2-3 (2019) --> i loved him here idgaf, that fight? i just moaned out loud, everyone was calling it bullshit but it was so in character, we will never get his fighting abilities respected again but it was worth it
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Batman: Gotham Nights #11 (2020) --> i had been begging for a steve orlando jason comic for YEARS when this dropped and it didn't let me down. loved the characterization and how it fleshed out jasons background
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Batman/Superman Annual #1 (2014) --> if you weren't there for the mess of n52 storylines this comic might be confusing but i love it sooo much, it showcases his competency and i enjoyed his dynamic with the different characters
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Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer (2008) --> i just. love. this. mini series. i like his personality there and the different scenarios are fun, particularly loved the gotham by gaslight one!
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Injustice 2 #3 (2017) --> yes injustice is garbage etc but this issue was JAYSTORY, you had to be there when this was released weekly and we were all waiting for the confirmation of him being batman. when he bet bruce like it was nothing? MMMMH YEAH
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Convergence: Batman and Robin (2015) --> what if someone took morrisons canon and made it enjoyable for jason stans?
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Batman and Robin #20 (2013) --> this might be a controversial pick but i liked jason here, like ack he really was ready to help bruce..
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Tiny Titans (2010-2012) --> tiny titans.
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Theres some recent comics i've enjoyed but i'll let them age and see if i still like them in a year to add them to the hall of fame
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goldshirtleia · 6 months
Hello yes it is that time of year again, I am listening to the 1970 OG recording of JCS on vinyl and have decided to finally make a list my rankings for every role and aspect of this show. For the record I am a pagan whose only real knowledge of the Jesus story is from this show so forgive my unhinged takes.
Ian Gillan (OG album/broadway)
Ted Neeley (1973)
Ola Sålo (Swedish 2014)
Jack Hopewell (North American Tour 2022)
Morgan James (all female cast 2022)
Carl Anderson (1973)
Brandon Victor Dixon (2018)
Murray Head (OG album)
Shoshana Bean (all female cast 2022)
Peter Johannson (Swedish 2014)
Honourable mention to Colm Wilkinson (it is a CRIME that there isn't a full recording of the Irish cast)
Mary Magdalene:
Yvonne Elliman (OG album/broadway/1973)
That's it, no one else even comes close
(Maybe an honourable mention for Gunilla Backman)
Pontius Pilate:
Barry Dennen (OG album/1973)
Filippo Strocchi (Vienna 2018)
Orfeh (all female cast 2022)
Bob Bingham (OG broadway/1973)
Norm Lewis (NBC 2018) I will ALWAYS stan Norm
Victor Brox (OG album)
Simon Zealotes:
TIE - Larry Marshall (1971)
TIE - Eric Grönwall (NBC 2018)
John Gustafson (OG album)
Tony Vincent (2000)
Alice Cooper (NBC 2018)
Mike D'Abo (OG album)
Chris Moyles (Arena Tour 2012)
Overall - staging/set design/costumes:
1973 Movie
NBC 2018
North American Tour 2022
Arena Tour 2012
Honourable mention to the OG broadway production -- I haven't seen enough footage to accurately rank it but I LOVE Jesus's cape in Superstar.
Best overall rendition of Superstar (incl. staging, costumes, etc)
1973 Movie
NBC 2018
Arena Tour 2012
Swedish 2014
Best facial expressions:
Carl Anderson during Simon Zealotes
Carl Anderson right before he engages in respectability politics to slut shame Mary
Tim Minchin when the priests take his joint lmao
Best Superstar costume:
Carl Anderson's white maxi fringe jumpsuit (come ON)
Peter Johannson's shirtless #lewk (I have a whole thing about how Judas should not look like a demon but the sparkly red pants and the Legolas hair are too fantastic)
Brandon Victor Dixon in the full silver fit
Best WTF moments:
That bit in the 1973 film where they all form The Last Supper for a quick second and no one comments on it
When the 1973 crowd says "won't you die for me?" in Hosanna and it just FREEZES on Jesus's face
The Swedish cast pushing Jesus into Jerusalem in a shopping cart
The fighter pilots swooping at Judas after Blood Money in 1973. What WAS that. How did they get that.
That is all lol. Every time we watch even a clip of a new production my mother and I spend 2-3 hours discussing how it fits into our rankings, so this could change.
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consistentsquash · 1 year
23 dirty/hot/bad/wrong Slash Fics from 23 Years with 23 Pairings! (2001-2023)
This year is pretty rough for me but really excited to make a list I have been planning to make for like years now. Good old fashioned dirty/bad/hot/wrong with a twist. Some of the most complicated fics out there which use sex for exposition and do it really, really brilliantly.
AO3 Collection for the list
Rec notes
No blurbs this time because these fics are really dirty/hot/bad/wrong Experiences. You need to read them to get them. Trust me. They are way beyond my blurb writing skills. Also for the older fics it was hard to find exact dates so I just did my best.
These fics are 100% on AO3! Yay!
No repeat pairings, no repeat authors.
Rec lists are subjective based on my reading. YMMV. If a fic is not your thing, just be a good fandom citizen. Don't Like Don't Read.
  2001: Descent by Delphi. Snape/Albus.
2002: Sans Merci by Predatrix. Snape/Lucius.
2003: Nemesis by Juxian Tang. Lucius/Sirius
2004:Cut With Diamonds by pauraque. Ron/Peter
2005: Learning from Orpheus by Amanuensis. Harry/Marauders
2006: In the Lady's Name by rinsbane. Narcissa/Bellatrix
2007: Trappings of Privilege by orphan_account. Snape/Draco
2008 : Better the Instruction by Celandine. Teddy/Remus, Remus/Stubby
2009 : Alive by MaxWrite. Barty Jr./Percy
2010 : Bitter on the Tongue by Woldy. Remus/Snape
2011 : The Placebo Sequence by Snegurochka. Harry/Draco
2012 : King of Beasts by @kellychambliss. Kingsley/Moody
2013 : Comme un Rêve de Pierre by @squibstress. Bill/Stan Shunpike
2014 : Catullus 16 by eldritcher. Harry/Voldemort
2015 : Nowhere to Fall by @gracerene. Albus Severus/James Sirius
2016 : Fallen Angel by PurpleFluffyCat. Gilderoy/Snape
2017 : Hidden, Safe and Sound by @unmistakablyoatmeal. Harry/Sirius
2018 : Soft Touch by @perverse-idyll. Harry/Snape
2019 : Until My Bones Are Tired by @writcraft. Poppy/Molly
2020 : As Soft As Fur by monkiainen. Sirius/Snape, Sirius/Lucius
2021 : Teardrop in Your Palm by @danpuff-ao3. Scorpius/Harry
2022 : Till Tomorrow and Till Death by @thistlecatfics. Regulus/Remus
2023 : Unbreakable Vows by sky_watcher_rose. Narcissa/Druella
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Canon Poland: bit of a dick but deep down a good person ridiculous exterior façade of his true much less confident side.
Current Fanon Poland: Too extra to give a fuck, rocks any outfit, an accessory character if you are a liet stan, an icon. Solid side character. But now with more attention to history and culture lacking in 2012
2012 Fanon Poland: would betray his best friend for a single jar of glitter, pink ponies like so much pink totally. Characterisation? Depth? None.
2014 Polish Fanon Poland: remove every character aspect that makes him unique (read gender nonconforming) add gratuitous polish swearing kurwa, angst, and uncomfortable amounts of patriotism. Now he's typical polish guy right?
Council-of-Beetroot Poland: Will fight everyone but is too short to actually be threatening. Runs on insane logic that makes no sense to anyone else but him. Same vibes as sitting with your Ciocia who is teaching you how to play poker combined with aesthetic of Babcia's basement. Surprisingly Complicated character (read: I don't know what I'm doing half the time)
I will summarize your version of Feliks if you want me to!
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 months
To support you @wellthatwasaletdown - I would just like to add whoever that anon was she was right
Rape and trafficking - In regards of Olivia Wilde and her association with Harvey Weinstein and Red Hot Chili Peppers and Kroll Family. Everything is on the internet. Just see what RHCP did-🤮 yikes.
I don't think many people read articles or ignore it because they don't want their favourite and the guilt that comes with associating their favourite with these controversies. Allegations on Harvey Weinstein started in 2011- there are close pictures of OW with HW in 2012, 13, 14, 15.
Also, Azoff was accused of molestation charge and rape of a south american model in 1996, unfortunately it has been scrubbed of the internet I can't find it. Rest all I have provided the links.
(Kroll Family is mentioned, this actually happened- Harry and Nick Kroll hung out even after DWD.)
(even in 2009 , a case was registered against HW- It was quite public)
(spread your legs - that's where power comes from)
https://cubazinsight.s3.uk.io.cloud.ovh.net/were-olivia-wilde-and-harvey-weinstein-friends.html (just a blog - not official media source- but it just stated and known facts)
Also, on a side note - many models/actress who don't have industry background - had been introduced to Harvey Weinstein via Olivia Wilde - she would encourage Young models to build connection with HW - two Victoria Secret Models spoke about it.
The audacity to make such a statement - that she never witnessed "HW"'s conduct.
The Azoff -
(Azoff individually isn't named, but you can draw the connection.)
https://pagesix.com/2015/04/24/irving-azoffs-wife-threatened-sony-after-movie-snub/ (the snake 🐍 story almost everyone knows)
(this was in 2014, Mark Ronson -who runs in Harry's circle)
I apologise for the long post - it is totally up to you to share - but to think Harry wasn't aware about all this when everything is on the internet and being an apologist for him doesn't stand right with me.
This is coming from a "once upon a time - Harry stan". To give the benefit of doubt to that anon - because I don't want the anon to feel bad - maybe she wasn't aware about all this - hope this helps the anon.
Also, Harry has made it impossible to cancel him - because of TPWK and his mother coming to his defense every time, it gets hard to troll when you have mummy by your side because people are sentimental - they will always go - that's his family so ya in a way things are messed up for Harry and why should we bothered if he isn't - this fandom - has victimized Harry for long, only blogs like yours are becoming a safe space to speak out, so yeah! I don't have anything else to say.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇷🐢🏝️ i got tired of complaining constantly on my main blog (@thewingedwolf is me!) about how sansa and rhaenyra did nothing wrong and also i needed a way to organize my theories and stuff. yes i have read all the books. yes i have (unfortunately) seen the whole show. yes i have seen all of hotd as well. so here we go. my stances are this, so you have an idea what to expect:
i am a catelyn, sansa, brienne, elia, lyanna and rhaenyra stan FIRST and a person SECOND
i would die for Gaemon Palehair, Lady Essie, and Sylvenna Sand, those are my canon OCs, and that’s why they’re my header.
Sansa and Bran are my favorites! I am a Sansa will be Queen in the North truther and a Bran will be the King in Harrenhal conspiracy theorist, It Is Heavily Foreshadowed In The Text and I stand on that!!
I'm well aware Rhaenyra has plenty of faults, I am saying that the greens (as in, the characters) do not like her because of her gender, and not for stuff she does that’s actually wrong, also, idc that she did all of that i simply think she’s fun.
Helaena really IS the one who did nothing wrong tho.
i am a Dark Daenerys believer. no, i don’t hate her - in fact, i really love her, although i do hate her show counterpart - I just think her arc is heading towards a dark path and being a villain protagonist is the more interesting route for her character.
House Martell will rise or I will piss in old man germ’s cornflakes.
I Will talk about the racism Dorne faces in the text and outside of it and neither your favorite house nor my favorite house is exempt from this. If you have a problem with that, keep it to yourself bc i do not care 🙏🏽
i multiship!! just bc i ship it doesn’t mean i think it’s gonna happen in the series, i just like the dynamic!!
i am in fact the annoying book jonsa truther they warned you about. i will Stay bitter about this. argue with the wall.
with that said, i also like theonsa, throbb, daemyra, laenyra, rhaewin, nedcat, braime, briensa, and a million other ones. faves listed here. several of them are dead dove-esque; what can i say, that's just george's style.
you decide whether it’s romantic or platonic when it’s an incest one, my opinion changes by the hour & im gonna fight grrm for making me think this much about incest.
i don’t like jonerys!!!!!! i'm sansan & sanrion ambivalent and i simply do not care about littlefucker like that. i would say i’ve thought positively about basically every other ship.
i’m in the middle of a reread, as of this moment (april 2024) i’ve kinda stalled on the beginning of a dance with dragons but i Have started a rewatch of the tv series as a form of torture.
i first read this series when i was 16 in like 2012-2013. i love to bitch about the takes i’ve seen. i sometimes reblog really old ass graphics bc they deserve new life even tho the creators are long since deactivated. i sometimes make graphics that look like they’re from 2014 bc we should bring that style back dammit i hate the typography movement going on rn.
big on tagging triggers so lmk (i’ll tag for all characters & major triggers but i’m fine with adding a specific one if asked and don't worry about it being a "weird" trigger - if sean bean's face or knives or wolves or whatever trigger you, i'm happy to tag for that!). my spoiler policy is that i’ll tag everything from this season as “hotd spoilers” and any of the Big Events with “episode title spoilers” but i can’t guarantee I can be consistent longer than like 2 days though i will try!! i Will be talking about any book canon events tho, the books have been out for years either you know how to avoid them or you know everything, i’m not tagging that.
i have a tag page that is more organized than the slapdash nonsense on this post, feel free to check it out here.
i may sound angry but i promise i am genuinely just here for a laugh. i just have resting bitch voice and no feel for tone and use the word fuck too much. it’s fine and unserious.
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Love the bear!! I cannot remember the name of the show but I remember I used to watch it during school holidays in the mornings when my parents were at work and I had free rein of the house.. ah the memories 🥰🥰
But, yes, sorry, I digress. Here’s why I think Taylor’s cruel summer was actually the summer of 2013 (or even 2012) and not 2014 like most Gaylors think. And it’s by no means research, just a possible timeline in my head.
I think we all mostly agree that the song is about her first summer with Karlie, kind of casual ‘friends with benefits’ before they were properly together. So the question (that I bet we’d all love to know the answer to) is really how long have they been together. And I think it’s longer than the public ‘best friends’ story that started at the VSFS. That show was filmed in November 2013 and it was where they later told the media that they met. But we know that’s not true, Karlie has previously spoken in an interview about being introduced to Taylor at the 2011 Met Gala and actually speaking to her about baking together. We then have her ‘your kitchen or mine’ tweet in early 2012 following Taylor’s vogue cover shoot. So they’d met and spoken by 2012 and I’m supposed to believe that Taylor, the girl who wrote gold rush and gorgeous, would ignore a literal supermodel blatantly flirting with her on twitter?? No way. I think she did respond and that’s when they started casually hanging out. Maybe a few baking dates, the swiftgron stans will come for me if I erase Dianna from the timeline, so, no, I’m not ignoring her, I know that happened in 2012 too. If these two relationships overlapped in some way I know that sounds messy but what would that be if not a cruel summer, right? The shiny boy toy from the first verse could refer to either Harry or that Kennedy dude, notably Taylor didn’t have a bf in the summer of either 2013 or 2014. Or if Dianna and Taylor ended in the spring of 2013, Karlie enters the picture for a summer of ‘friends with benefits’ after a breakup, sneaking into garden gate for a few months before they both catch feelings. Everybody who’s ever read any of Taylor’s lyrics knows she doesn’t conduct romance in public so by the time she was ready to walk the runway with Karlie and upend her life and move to NYC I’m pretty sure they were serious about their relationship. So, my guess is cat and mouse over a summer in 2013 before they properly got together and the ‘not wanting to keep secrets to keep you’ then meant that they launched their public BFF story at the VSFS so they could be seen together every day. Those pap photos that were taken of Taylor coming and going from Karlie’s garden gate in 2014 were definitely intentional, there was no sneaking involved ;) they were definitely together by the time they took that Big Sur trip in March 2014 so any later than that makes no sense to me. I know it’s not perfect with being overseas for some of the summer for the Red tour but it seems plausible to me.
There you go ☺️
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grace-williams-xo · 3 months
Rating a selection of the (main) fandoms I’ve been in over the years. This is just for shits and giggles, please don’t start a war. I truly sincerely don’t care that much. Peace and love. [my current level of engagement with these fandoms varies]
One Direction 7/10 (fandom since 2013)
Absolutely cooked, but looking back, not that bad
Very powerful. Live in fear if we ever properly reunite again (the last big thing was July 2020 iykyk) bc we have reach everywhere and it never leaves our souls
Ahead of its time, but also an exact summary of 2012–2014
The solos who fight are the worst please fucking chill
The best fandom ever when it comes to tagging fics I won’t be debating this
Larries still exist in 2024 I can’t believe it either and they are the blueprint for all toxic shipping culture. Larries get a 1/10 and that 1 is for the good au fics only
5SOS 8/10 (fan since 2013, fandom since 2018)
Lots of overlap with directioners so have always kind of just been the smaller version of that fandom
Smaller fandoms can be less toxic but also sometimes 5sos fam is/was an absolute mess for no reason at all
Has been much more toxic since 2020 onwards because the guys have lives and people get way too bored
Some fans with directioner roots can’t comprehend that the band actually like each other and that’s just funny to me
Fletcher 6/10 (fan since 2017, fandom since 2020)
It was a great fandom until the first album cycle started, and then it got bad, and then Becky’s so hot made it worse, and then last year Fletcher herself joined a cult and drove it off a cliff
Currently it’s a mess of fans either forgiving her entirely, stanning Chappell Roan and Renee Rapp instead but continuing to tweet about her problems once a month, or—my favourite—forgiving her when she tours near them
Taylor Swift 4/10 (fan since 2009, fandom since 2015)
Gets worse with every passing second. Rep era? Great. Lover era? Good. Folklore/evermore? Alright. Fearless/Red TV? Tolerable. Midnights/Eras onwards? Abhorrent.
Gaylors will either save the world or end it
Some of the most insane dick riding for a fave I’ve ever seen in a fandom in my life please have some perspective
Hawaii Five-0 10/10 (since 2017)
The most active fandom for a dead tv show, I feel like I’m clout farming every time I post a fic
Never seen a more headcannoned ship in my life than mcdanno
No controversial debates
Overall very chill, but we all give the people writing genuine Steve/Lynn or Danny/Amberlissa fics side eye
Glee 9/10 (since 2018)
If you watched glee, it will come as no surprise that no one in this fandom is mentally okay
Way too passionate about ranking the seasons
Entirely cooked, but very self aware so we’re having fun
Bridgerton 7/10 (since Apr 2024)
The shipper fights take years off my life PLEASE relax I am begging you
Some of the fandom think rich straight white women are the most oppressed class of society
Good fics but you do not know how to tag smh
White Collar 19/10 (since Jan 2024)
The best!!!
No drama the only debate is about what happened in/after the finale, but it isn’t toxic
I lied the debate is are Peter/Neal romantic
Speaking of, no one protects spoilers like this fandom. We will go to battle to make sure new watchers don’t get the big reveals spoiled
Would’ve gotten a 20 but y’all, respectfully, mostly suck ass at tagging fics it’s maybe the worst fandom I’ve ever come across
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cesperanza · 2 years
Random 4MW question (I don’t think I missed this in the story, but apologies if I did!) And please feel free to disregard if this is a spoiler somehow, but…did Steve and Bucky’s trip to City Hall ever “leak,” per Bernie’s concern? Or is it like…people kinda know but it’s not Known.
I'm kind of laughing because part of me is like--how on earth would I know? If ever a universe has it's own life, it's this one, and I feel like lots of people have a better sense of what's going on than I do!!! :D
That said, my sense is that no, their legal marriage has not leaked and so is not widely known, despite being public record--I think the guys at city hall didn't sell them out and nobody else has bothered to look. (I also think that if it leaked, it would be a big deal and we would have had to have seen them process it, in a story: they really do think that their lives are their business alone.)
If you were to go to their wikipedia pages--(oh god do I have to write their wikipedia pages? please no)--you would learn about the events of The Tradeoff, i.e. Bucky Barnes a) is alive and b) a supersoldier and c) wore the Captain America costume between the eras of Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson and d) was a POW/The Winter Soldier from 1945 to 2014. But I don't think it's known that Steve and Bucky are more to each other than very close (intimate?) friends (for obvious reasons of being the only two survivors of another era?), or even that they live together, say. While Bucky did that interview in Brooklyn with the guy from Brooklyn College, I wouldn't take that headline ("Bucky Barnes Returns To Brooklyn") as an admission that he now lives in Brooklyn, though obviously he and Steve both have strong ties to NY (and the Avengers in general have strong ties to NY; this is a 2012-Avengers spin off world where they all still have rooms in Stark Tower). Even SHIELD is now in NY thanks to Natasha. But I think that most of the private things about their lives are still private.
I will say, also, btw, that I feel like I see four guys who look like Chris Evans every single day just walking around. I mean this as no insult to Evans-stans, but his particular brand of Italian-Irish looks is just super-common around here. So in my heart I really do believe that they could basically just live their lives acting normally and not be recognized (which I had a lot of fun with in Captain America At Home!)
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makaylan · 5 months
I was tagged by my dear friend @sorryallonsy 😘
3 ships you like: Polin aka Penelope Featherington/Colin Bridgerton, Johnlock aka BBC’s Sherlock/John Watson and Philoise Phillip Crane/Eloise Bridgerton
First ship ever: I had to wrack my brain for this but I’m just gonna say Haylor: Harry Styles/Taylor Swift back in 2012-2014 cause I was a huge One Direction fan and Swiftie and them together was like my kryptonite.
Last song you heard: So Long, London by Taylor Swift
Favorite childhood book: This is hard cause I was a huge reader as a little kid but I remember really loving Corduroy 🐻
Currently reading: Does being 10 pages into my re read of Romancing Mr Bridgerton count?😅
Currently watching: Big Mood starring my girlie Nicola Coughlan
Currently consuming: I just made some cheesy alfredo pasta sans meat. It was quite good actually.
Currently craving: Lots of things but as the press for s3 ramps up I’m reallyyyyy getting impatient. As a Benny girl first and foremost but also a huge Polin stan, how the fuck am I supposed to survive ? I’ll also be on a work trip so I’ll have to wait to watch it, and that also means I won’t be on social media. 😩😩
Not tagging but anyone who wants to do it, please do!!!
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years
i love your blog so much it makes me laugh a lot :)) when did you get into gravity falls in the first place?
So im going to tell you my unnecessarily long gravity falls backstory here
I watched a good chunk of the first season when it was on tv when I was a kid, and I liked it again a little in high school in a sort of dashboard osmosis way when the first part of the 2nd season started airing, but I didnt actually watch it.
And then fast forward to summer 2021, one of my friends made a tier list of fictional character crushes of theirs and Stan was on it. And I was like "Aww, Stan! I remember Grunkle Stan :) "
So at this point he was in my mind. And then I saw that one tumblr post that was like "nobody on this site knows how to draw old people" and I was like "I wonder if i can draw old people... I know an old guy". So I drew stan and sent it to the aforementioned friend. Who proceeded to ask me if I ever heard of/played the dating game. (I had not.) And I eventually said this
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Yknow. Like a fool.
So then we watched the show together! And now here I am. Obsessed with old men.
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...so TLDR in 2012 and then in 2014 and then 2021
(Also thank you !!)
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
So who was your gay awakening? If your like me and can’t remember one in particular who are some people/characters you can safely point the finger at?
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Okay. Some men that 2008-2014 me was Definitely Not Normal about. I only really realized my own gayness around 2014, so these are the guys it became clear to me that I was actually crushing really hard on but before I realized I liked men in That Way.
Thor/Chris Hemsworth (first appearance 2011) - mythology? love it. hunks? love em. sexy accents? yes please. Put em all together and I'm a goner. Totally in love with Thor from the word go, and Chris Hemsworth was so charming and handsome that I even watched that stupid Red Dawn remake for him.
Gwaine (first appearance 2010) - ahhh, a cute scruffy guy with a playful sense of humor? Yeeeeeee. I was never into Merlin or Arthur the way so many seemed to be, but Gwaine pushed all the buttons I didn't know I had.
Chrom (first appearance 2012) - himbo prince that's moral and loving and even if you play a male Robin, you get a really deep relationship with him that can still read as romantic even with his literal wife right there. I love himmmmmm and he was one of the last nails in the coffin of presumed straightness-until-proven-gay
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans (first appearance 2011) - Steve grew on me over time, mostly due to Chris Evans' charm and sincerity in the character. I think I'd like him as a character less if a different or less-skilled actor played him - I mean, you know, the last part of The First Avenger where Steve sacrifices himself and says goodbye to Peggy is the only MCU movie scene I genuinely cried at. It never occurred to me until later that I had a crush on him.
Prince Phillip (I first remember seeing Sleeping Beauty in 2008) - Okay, he's cute, sweet, funny... and he spends a good portion of the movie tied up, so... yeah.
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan (2014) - Probably the final nail in my coffin. He's just so cute and hot that I'm still happy about him haha
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Ewan McGregor (first remember seeing Attack of the Clones in 2009-2010) - it was the sexy jedi mullet. He's sooooo pretty and his accent slips through his RP voice as Obi-Wan sometimes and it's yum.
Haru (was only able to watch all the episodes of atla when my family got netflix because we didn't get nick and I had to watch it all scattered at my grandmother's, so around 2009) - hehe, was anyone else really interested in Haru the way I was? Long hair, moral and cute in the right ways. Didn't love his mustache later but he's still a hottie.
August Booth (first appearance 2012) - Forget Hook, August was the bad boy that I fixated on from Once Upon a Time. Not really sure why, but I just liked him a whole lot more.
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milkydraws8 · 2 months
Hey milky!!! I just wanna say two things: firstly, I love, love, LOVE you're work. My sister and I practically worship it. Secondly, do u have any reading recs for marvel? I'm a big DC girly and wanna get my toes wet with thst sweet Stan Lee goodness... OKAY THANKS LOVE U BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!
also forewarning, im not a marvel head but some reccs under the cut
Unlike DC, Marvel doesn't reset their timeline, they scale it. The Avengers you see in 1963 are the exact same Avengers you see in 2024, but every so often events are pushed around to keep the characters modern.
There's a few major events/storylines that shake up the status quo both in and out of universe
Kree-Skrull War (1971) Secret Wars (1984-1985) Infinity Trilogy (1991-1993) Introduction of Marvel 2099 (1992) MC2 (1998) Introduction of Ultimate Marvel (2000) House of M (2005) Civil War (2006) Secret Invasion (2008) Fear Itself (2011) Avengers v. X-Men (2012) Age of Ultron (2013) Secret Wars (2015) Civil War II (2016)
INTRODUCTIONS These cover the origins for many of Marvel's big dogs. They're just fantastic introductions to various teams and characters, as well as the general feel for the world.
Mythos Six issues that serve as introductions to The Fantastic Four, X-Men, Hulk, Captain America, Ghost Rider, and Spider-Man.
MARVELS 4 Issues chronicling Marvel's history, from their 'Golden Age' to the 90's.
Avengers Origins Five issues that serve as introductions to The Vision, Thor, Luke Cage, Ant-Man & The Wasp, and Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver
STATUS QUO Now that you're familiar with the big shots, here's some stuff you can jump into. Don't be afraid to skip as many issues as you'd like. Hell, skip years at a time if you wish.
Fantastic Four (1961)
Uncanny X-Men (1963)
Avengers (1963)
Daredevil (1964)
New Mutants (1983)
The Sensational She-Hulk by John Byrne (1984)
Weapon X by Barry Windsor-Smith (1993)
Alias By Brian Michael Bendis (2001)
She-Hulk (2004)
New Avengers (2004)
She-Hulk (2005)
House of M
Age of Ultron
Astonishing X-Men
Fantastic Four by Waid and Wieringo
Hickman's Fantastic Four
Uncanny Avengers (2012)
Ms. Marvel (2014)
Spider-Woman (2020)
Wasp (2023)
These are just all the guys I like off the top of my head, I'm sure I'm forgetting even a lot of my darlings. I'm also very much a Marvel noob, so try looking up omnibuses for characters/teams you're interested in or just can't get enough of. Half of my faves I locked in on because of something I learned in passing dialogue, or just cause I liked their costume.
OTHER These guys are off-shoots of 616 and best enjoyed after you've got a solid grasp on the world/universe
MC2 Marvel Comics 2 was a series of comics in the 90s that take place in an alternate future of the Marvel Universe
Spider-Man 2099 (1992)
Spider-Girl (1998)
Old Man Logan
What-Ifs (Literally just look up Marvel What Ifs and read whatever)
The 'The End' Series Kinda the opposite of Mythos, gives various endings to different characters/teams. Pretty wild at times
Spider-Man Noir (2009)
A few names I never really called out but ought to put out there Carol Danvers, Hank Pym, The Defenders, Doctor Strange, The Illuminati, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Patsy Walker, Venom, and SHIELD. Also Deadpool's fun!
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stuckyfingers · 8 months
Headcanon time:
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these are McKenna Grace and Sebastian Stan's faces overlaid on each other
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and look at her canthal tilt compared to Chris Evans ( like yes, that's also why they play uncle and niece in a movie)
Just sayin'....
---tw: medical abuse, violation of reproductive autonomy ---
Say, Hydra had a human/supersoldier breeding which failed because the human ova couldn't deal with the other half of DNA from Bucky- they figured out that if they could recombine an Ovum with existing supersoldier DNA- the embryo would be viable.
The problem is- the serum doesn't allow cloning. So they need another supersoldier's DNA.
But Isaiah Bradley is 'dead' at that point in time.
Only in 2012 does a new opportunity arise: Steve Rogers is in a vulnerable, freshly thawed state, free to be sampled from.
The experiment is restarted and selected women are implanted with viable zygotes. They're shifted around Hydra bases where the Avengers inadvertently disrupt the process while they destroy the bases in 2014-2015.
Most of the pregnant women die from complications, but one survives and gives birth to a baby girl. Idk, this woman could be (Y/N) but I don't do reader insert fics.
The mother of this kid leaves Hydra and flees with Sokovian refugees to neighboring countries.
And eventually post endgame, she finds out who the father(s) are, and she gives them custody so that she can recover from the experiment.
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