#i was a little tipsy my bad
vidasecaeveredas · 3 months
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You'll ride a black tornado across the western sky
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supercasey · 3 months
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White Palace is a layer of hell
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6okuto · 9 months
i'm sure we've all seen cillian murphy accepting an award covered in lipstick from his wife kissing him. the real discussion that must occur is about which fictional characters would do this with their partner.
my instinctive answers are gojo (so annoying about it), atsumu (so annoying about it), oikawa (so annoying about it), sage lesath (so annoying about it), mammon (so annoying about it), yuuji (cute about it), luke pearce (cute about it),
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faaun · 5 months
i deleted the café we used to meet at from my maps history but unfortunately my feet still know the way . w/e though
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agendratum · 1 year
“what’s the difference, just another unstable theerapanyakul for him to care for.”
tankhun didn’t mean to say these words out loud. he thought that of course, to himself, privately, often. he didn’t mean to say them.
it’s just that he spent the whole evening staring right at vegas from across the room. couldn’t tear his eyes off him. arm and pol tried to distract him, but it was pointless. it was the first time they were together in a room since [that day]. and the first time since he took pete.
tankhun couldn’t stop looking, and so vegas noticed. of course. gave him that stupid fucking smirk of his. like he was trying to be annoying. but that was vegas, so of course he was.
on purpose. everything vegas ever did was on purpose.
maybe tankhun had a couple of drinks too. alcohol didn’t distract him either, it just blended the colors of the room around them, zeroing his focus on vegas even more.
they ended up next to each other at some point. arm and pol weren’t around, couldn’t stop him. pete wasn’t around to stop either of them. tankhun was okay with that, after all, pete wasn’t around at all for him anymore. tankhun was okay with that.
it’s just that vegas was annoying. vegas was trying to annoy him. everything vegas ever did-
“will you stop trying to burn a hole through me?”
that smirk.
tankhun wanted to let the poison out, to remind him of [that day], how there were some other holes in vegas’ body, how much [all that red] were on the tiles, and how it was him, tankhun, who made it possible for vegas to survive that day. how if it wasn’t for him- but thinking of that made tankhun nauseous, so instead of letting out the poison he would probably just throw up on vegas’ nice looking shoes. which would have been funny, hilarious even, if it wasn’t so fucking sad.
“will you make your existence less annoying?” he asked instead of saying all that. not the smartest comeback he ever came up with. tankhun blamed alcohol.
vegas smiled sweetly, “well, there is nothing i can do about that.”
tankhun rolled his eyes. of course, like he could ever expect vegas of all people to make an effort, to change, to do something about being less- less- less himself.
there was a voice in the back of tankhun’s head, a familiar voice. it was saying something to him, accusatory.
but tankhun ignored it.
“you better try, because if you do anything to him-”
“then you’ll make sure i pay, etcetera, etcetera, i get it. get in the line, you probably won’t be the first to do it.”
vegas was so nonchalant, like they were having a normal conversation. so. fucking. annoying.
“but i don’t do anything to him. and he’s free to leave whenever he pleases, you know. but do you really think that if this time he decides to leave,” tankhun tensed, “he will crawl back to you?”
why wouldn’t he. why wouldn’t pete go back to him. why would he choose [that] instead.
but, tankhun thought to himself, why would he choose you.
“is that what you think i’m doing?” vegas continued, even though he was meant to shut up a long time ago, “keeping pete away from you?”
“are you not?”
tankhun wasn’t going to cry today. and he definitely wasn’t going to cry in front of fucking vegas.
pete would know what to say to calm him down. pete always knew.
“he’s happier with me, whether you want to believe it or not.”
so yeah, tankhun didn’t want to say these word out loud.
“what’s the difference, just another unstable theerapanyakul for him to care for.”
he just wanted vegas to hurt as much as tankhun himself was hurting.
he could feel the time stop. vegas froze. khun froze as well. he wasn’t afraid. (he was.) he was just really worried about pete. (he missed him so much.) he didn’t mean to say this. (he did.)
he wished he could take these words back. he wished the poison in them would kill vegas for good, finally making him disappear. he wanted vegas to continue living no matter what, because seeing pete [like that] was something tankhun never wanted to do again. he wished he could explain to vegas how saying that hurt him just as much. how it sucked for him to compare himself to vegas just as much as it sucked for vegas to be compared to tankhun.
vegas still wasn’t speaking. khun felt like a child who just won a little game. but truly, if vegas couldn’t see what tankhun was seeing, he was just stupid. unless vegas was avoiding the truth on purpose, in which case khun really won, he won-
“vegas?” a familiar voice.
“khun-” pete cleared his throat. these days he didn’t know what to call him, so he just wouldn’t call him anything at all. “i met arm and pol, they were looking for you. probably should let them know you’re alright.”
tankhun couldn’t meet his eyes. he noticed that vegas was avoiding looking at pete too.
their mutual silence was starting to get unbearable for khun.
the stupid game wasn’t fun anymore. (was it ever fun?)
“did you have another argument?” pete asked calmly, but it shocked tankhun as if he was hit.
in the past, when tankhun and vegas would argue (or rather khun would argue with vegas, while he was walking away, not even paying attention to him), pete was always silently in the back. he could never participate in their poisonous exchanges. he would only interfere to stop tankhun from following vegas further. he never said anything, never voiced his opinion. he could now.
“and what made you think that?” vegas finally said something.
the smile on his face was different now. it was worse.
“i-” khun wanted to take back everything that just happened. he wanted to hurt vegas, sure, but he didn’t want to hurt pete.
he didn’t, right?
he didn’t?..
but he hurt pete before.
so what, said another voice in his head. vegas hurt pete as well, vegas had surely hurt pete worse. why was pete choosing vegas, why was he staying with him, was he really so brainless-
“khun noo?”
tankhun flinched.
he saw the way vegas looked at pete in that moment. how he wanted to stop him. probably wanted to tell pete not to call him “khun”. but instead vegas just said, “excuse me”, and left.
it didn’t escape tankhun how much pete wanted to follow vegas, to check up on him. he was like a magnet getting tugged away in that moment. yet he stayed. and why? he clearly wanted to leave. was it because in the moment tankhun demanded his attention more? because among their instabilities tankhun’s state was worse? because no matter how terrible vegas was tankhun would still end up below him? because no matter how difficult vegas was, at least he could manage on his own, but takhun couldn’t?
“shouldn’t you go with him?”
tankhun didn’t want to sound like a sulking child, but he did.
“why do you say that?”
pete was putting on that face. not too cheerful, but calm enough to disarm. that face he would always put on for other people when they were out in public (public here meaning more people than just three of tankhun’s personal bodyguards). face that meant to protect tankhun. now that face was protecting vegas.
did vegas know that? did vegas know pete was using the same tricks he once used for tankhun?
vegas would hate to know that.
“because you’re with him now.”
“i don’t have to follow his every step,” pete gave him a confused look now. another patented pete look.
but you do, the voice was yelling in tankhun’s head, and you followed every step of mine.
until you gave him away.
that accusatory voice came back.
you gave him away like a cheap toy you didn’t want anymore. you, it was you. you gave him away and he ended in vegas’ hands, and vegas [what did he do to him??] him. and now pete doesn’t want to stay with you anymore. he wants him. because you threw him away.
“i didn’t-”
tankhun gasped, covering his mouth.
“khun.. noo?” pete pleaded, it seemed real now, “didn’t we talk about this? you promised me you would be okay with that. what did you tell vegas?”
the truth.
he was as awful as tankhun was.
to pete. tankhun was awful to pete.
“i’m sorry.”
all that tankhun could manage.
“it’s okay,” said pete.
it wasn’t.
“i feel sick. could you, please, help me find arm and pol?”
“of course.”
of course he would. good old helpful little pete.
tankhun didn’t remember the end of that evening. somehow he ended up home. arm and pol were talking to him, he was sure of that. he asked them to leave. they were probably surprised.
he crawled under the blanket, covered himself with pillows.
he wasn’t going to cry that day.
he hated the feeling of pitting himself so much. so so much.
vegas probably hated it too.
but he hated vegas.
because in the end of the day, if vegas was so bad, if vegas was so awful, if he truly represented the worst of what came out of their family. and someone so dear to tankhun would still choose vegas over him, then what did it make tankhun?
at least, thanks to his words, that day vegas would feel equally terrible about himself, tankhun thought.
and wailed.
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six-of-ravens · 4 months
every so often I come on here and see another unhinged theory as to why the mcelroys fell out of fashion and like. wow y'all try so hard to not blame travis for things that you circle back around to....blaming travis for things.
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ferberus-skull · 2 years
aghjfekn okay so I MAY have made a mistake and gotten myself a lil bit tipsy and ohhh dear lord the urge to go to the auction house right now and make bad decisions............
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iceicewifey · 1 year
I'd like to know the answer for both Shay and Richelle pweath 😳👉👈💗
🧊 - Is their current design the first one? (Do share some concept sketches or so if you'd like I'd love to hear your process in creating your OCs! 🤩)
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
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    🧊 ::   Is their current design the first one?
i've never actually finished a drawing of either of richelle's designs beyond sketches, but you can see them here. shay on the other hand has had a few. I was asked this same question here and mentioned having to dig thru my pc for them. — i had a chance to do so since then i could only manage to find one but I KNOW there's more i haven't scanned so i'm gonna have to dig for my old sketchbooks in storage :') AHGJFGBJK anyway, if you've been around for a while you're probably familiar with her previous design with the purple pants. ihat one was her first 'real' design and i used it for the longest time and even after her recent(ish) redesign, i'm still too attached to it to scrap it completely, so it's just her backstory design now.
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   💀 ::   Does your OC have any phobias?
i'm not sure about any actual full on phobias by the literal sense of the word, but richelle's greatest fear is losing her only good eye since her right is a prosthetic, while shay's afraid of being strangled and having to see (more) friends die in front of her 😔✊
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    🍩 ::   Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
answered here for richelle! as for shay...
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( pardon the sketch, i haven't drawn in days and i need to redraw em orz ) ANYWAY e was a Cuban gang leader by the name of Estefania Santamaría Torres, but Shay would always call her "Scarface". [ 'Spivak' pronouns preferred (e/em/eir) but she/her for safety. ] The story is long and conflicting and tbh i've never fully written it out, but Estefania killed the previous leaders and took over i mean... she ran the Outlaw support gang that Shay got herself wrapped up in before fleeing to Cairo and becoming involved with DIO. I have to save it for it's own post since it's so long, but Shay got on eir bad side (which isn't hard to do tbh) and yeah :') I don't talk about em too much, but Estefania is one of my favorite OCs like,, easily in my top 5 and it still makes me SO upset that e needs to die for story progression 😭 Speaking of that, Estefania is the reason Shay ends up in Cairo in the first place; Shay fled because she was afraid of gang retaliation, mostly because Este liked to play up eir influence. She's also the one that gave Shay her stand using one of the set of extra stand arrows i added (which i'll also explain later i swear fghng) i don't wanna ramble too much but yeah it's a lot dfnjkfg 😭
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thewater · 10 months
i don’t know how far my reach is but here in Aotearoa, we have a time honoured tradition. Crate Day. Where on the first saturday of december (first saturday of summer here in the southern hemisphere) you buy a crate of beer (12 bottles (750mls each (9 litres of beer))) and you start at midday and you have until midnight to finish them (1 bottle per hour) but beer is gross as hell so some people do two boxes (of rtds) (24 bottles/cans of a Ready To Drink)
but i am a little baby light weight
and so my flatmate and i decided to just split a bottle of prosecco and make mimosas. but then we realised that was only 3-4 standards each. so we got red bull and decided to vodka redbulls. and then we realised we had both opened a v (energy drink in nz) so i have currently drunk 2 vodka redbulls and half a bottle of wine and one vodka v.
i was having an excellent time listening and jamming to 2010’s tunes. i decided to make people food
then two other girls came over
they didn’t eat any of my food
and now it’s not 2010’s music it’s music i don’t like
and it flatmate who i was drinking with is talking to the other girls more and ignoring me and my additions to the conversation
and now i’m not having fun anymore :( i just want to jam out to white girl music as i down a bottle of wine
is that too much to ask :(
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barley-st-band · 1 year
i don’t usually make personal posts on here bc that’s what private twitter is for but. i finished my first year of teaching and it was really hard but i did it and i’m going back to it next year and right now i’m off for 8 weeks for summer and my partner and i are going to move to a bigger apartment over the summer and also we’re probably going to get engaged??? and idk a lot of bad things have happened recently and this year burned me out so badly but there’s so much to look forward to and i’m just really proud of myself for making it here. i have excellent friends and a loving partner and 3 cats and a career i don’t completely hate and maybe that’s enough
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zeldasideblog · 1 year
So far, my favorite side quest has been the Stable Trotters. They're all so adorable and sweet, especially Pyper trying to make his friend smile with the glowing tree 😭 and Mastro is the sweetest man. God, I love the whole group and the fact they call themselves the Stable Heroes afterwards?? My favorite people so far, for sure
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broodygaming · 2 years
Gods it’s so rare that a second book in a series is so stellar. I love Catching fire so much. It’s such a good story.
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demieddie · 1 year
Hi! Your tags on the post about Buck going sober are very relatable! I'm also someone who just doesn't drink without a previous reason making my decision. It would be really cool & refreshing to see that. I think nowerdays it seems to be a lot more "socially acceptable" (ugh that thats a thought for personal choice!) To not drink just because or without having to explain or be pushed about it, which is really great! Anyways, long story short its interesting & basically a "same!" to your tags 😅
hi anon, thank you!!!!! and yeah re: the socially acceptable comment, i think it goes hand in hand with the standard-but-incorrect assumption of “a sober person is sober because they or a family member is an addict”. so it was more taboo to mention sobriety because it would imply this history. we’re getting to a point now, at least where i am, that this immediate connection is slowly dissipating so it’s more of a “no thanks i don’t drink/i don’t want to drink now” vs “here’s a very personal part of my backstory”.
i haven’t looked into this myself (and i imagine covid kinda skews these values a little bc parties weren’t a thing for a few years) but gen z is shaping up to be the most sober generation. i don’t know if this is a chicken-egg situation—are we more sober bc there’s less stigma or is there less stigma bc we’re more sober—but either way i think seeing that choice made intentionally in media would be really good to see. hell, in my tags i said i was sober (there’s more nuance to it but it works for this instance) but i don’t say that in real life. instead, i just get non alcoholic drinks when asked. this is mostly still because saying you don’t drink still feels a bit like a big reveal and i think seeing a similar situation on a large scale show might help normalize it a little more.
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hopeheartfilia · 4 months
for someone who is yet to finish the book, fuyao sect is very dear to me
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bestfluteninja · 5 months
yay flunk day :)
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
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