#idk i just find it an interesting situation and one that isn’t unique but also isn’t talked about widely
demieddie · 2 years
Hi! Your tags on the post about Buck going sober are very relatable! I'm also someone who just doesn't drink without a previous reason making my decision. It would be really cool & refreshing to see that. I think nowerdays it seems to be a lot more "socially acceptable" (ugh that thats a thought for personal choice!) To not drink just because or without having to explain or be pushed about it, which is really great! Anyways, long story short its interesting & basically a "same!" to your tags 😅
hi anon, thank you!!!!! and yeah re: the socially acceptable comment, i think it goes hand in hand with the standard-but-incorrect assumption of “a sober person is sober because they or a family member is an addict”. so it was more taboo to mention sobriety because it would imply this history. we’re getting to a point now, at least where i am, that this immediate connection is slowly dissipating so it’s more of a “no thanks i don’t drink/i don’t want to drink now” vs “here’s a very personal part of my backstory”.
i haven’t looked into this myself (and i imagine covid kinda skews these values a little bc parties weren’t a thing for a few years) but gen z is shaping up to be the most sober generation. i don’t know if this is a chicken-egg situation—are we more sober bc there’s less stigma or is there less stigma bc we’re more sober—but either way i think seeing that choice made intentionally in media would be really good to see. hell, in my tags i said i was sober (there’s more nuance to it but it works for this instance) but i don’t say that in real life. instead, i just get non alcoholic drinks when asked. this is mostly still because saying you don’t drink still feels a bit like a big reveal and i think seeing a similar situation on a large scale show might help normalize it a little more.
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A Love Like This ❤️
( I decided to make a long soapghost fic?? Dunno how this’ll go, but buckle up for the wild ride ig 🥱 )
Character backstories may be modified to fit the story!
KNOW THE CHARACTERS! (These are the main characters // characters that have set roles)
Soap 🧼 - Pizza Delivery Guy
Gaz - Pizza Delivery Guy’s Friend (also is a pizza delivery guy)
Price - CEO of the uhh pizza place yes🗿
Ghost 💀 - The boogie man under yo bed, just kidding! He’s the monster ;)
( Maybe a self insert?? Idk yet. )
Soap was just your average pizza delivery guy, the only thing that was unique about him in his opinion was fear doesn’t exist in his world. After retiring from the military, he settled for a quiet, safe life. But he was still full of energy, after all- he isn’t that old yet. And this deadly energy is EXACTLY what put him in this situation.
Ghost was hungry, he was curious so he decided to try human food instead of eating the human itself. Hm? What was this? “Pizza Delivery”…? Sounds interesting. Maybe Ghost would take a stab at it.
“Over here!” Gaz called as Soap pulls back into the pizza place parking lot.
“Oh hey Gaz,” Soap says as he gets off.
“We’ve got two more orders then Price said we’re done for today. You take one and I take the other.” Gaz said as he hands a pizza box to Soap, who accepts it.
“Hey, Gaz?” Soap says as Gaz turns around to get into his car.
Gaz turns around at the mention of his name. “Yeah?”
“Race you, whoever delivers their order first and gets back gets twenty bucks from loser.” Soap grins, already sliding into the driver’s seat.
He could hear Gaz cry out, “HEY! NOT FAIR!” and struggling to get into his own car as Soap takes off.
Soap loved to have these little competitions with Gaz- it makes up for the boringness of the civilian life. Normally Soap would crank up the music on the radio and jam to it as he drive to the customer’s house, but Soap couldn’t help but find the address of the customer… strange, to say the least. Soap shakes his head as he pulls up to the supposed “house” the customer was in. The twenty bucks was his.
Only when Soap finally steps outside the car with the pizza in hand, did he realize something was very off with this crumbling building.. he frowns. He could feel his skin getting goosebumps but no clue why-
One thing he knew was, in the military years, he’s developed keen senses for when there’s danger. And Soap was sure that sense is telling him he’s in danger. So Soap does what every not-sane person would do, and walks towards the poor excuse of a building.
The front door was barricaded shut, so Soap had to resort to the alley-way backdoor. Who the fuck barricades their front door shut??
As Soap rounds the corner, the symbols written all around and over the door could be seen.
“The hell is this?” Soap asks.
As he approached the door, there was no mistake; those symbols weren’t just drawn onto the wall- it was embedded into it. They even faintly glow.. but Soap could feel it’s magic power. He finds himself gripping the delivery tighter.
There was no doorbell, so Soap knocks…
..no answer.
So Soap knocks again.
..still no answer.
After a few more knocks, a shout, and some waiting- Soap had enough. He wasn’t a patient man anyway. And thats how he finds himself opening the door. At first only wanting to try it, but turns out it was unlocked.
Something strange was on the other side of the doorway however, it wasn’t your typical home entrance. In fact, everything was pitch black- Soap couldn’t see a damn thing! He squints his eyes but get nothing as well. The little bit of light filtering through the alleyway never made it inside either.. and now that Soap thought about it- the windows were all boarded up too.
This is SO fucking sketchy. Soap’s brain tells him.
But Soap in the flesh only shrugs it off, he’s been in the military. Probably have seen worse than this- though, it was still eerie. Since Soap already opened the door, he steps inside the house. Except he never steps inside the house. The floor starts sinking in on him.
“What the fu-uaaAAAHH!” Soap screams as he falls through the floor. Wait.. through? What the hell??
Soap kept falling- everywhere around him pitch black. He was falling into oblivion.
So this is how I’m gonna die. Falling forever and ever into a void that’ll swallow me alive. Soap thought dramatically.
However he didn’t. He didn’t keep falling forever and ever like he anticipated- he actually meets rock bottom a short while afterwards. Surprisingly landing on the pitch black floor didn’t hurt at all.. was this magic..?
“OOF!” Nevertheless Soap lands with a THUD.
As Soap was regaining his footing, cursing to himself, he looks up and meets the eyes of a monster. If Soap was a sane man, he would’ve opened his mouth to scream- but he wasn’t. And he knew it. The monster was fucking cool. Around 6 feet- Soap guessed. Red eyes, black flames to substitute the missing body, and a skull on it’s face.
Soap was just about to speak when the monster spoke first. “Didn’t think humans can ever be this noisy..”
Quickly Soap stands up. “Oh hello. Uh.. order number-“
“Does it matter..?” The monster asks.
“Huh..? Does what matter?” Soap asks, puzzled.
“What the order is.”
“Well yea,” Soap explains, “So we know it’s you who ordered the delivery. What- trying to strike up a conversation?” Soap adds playfully.
“No..” The monster responds flatly. “Just give me my food.”
“Nuh-uh! Not so fast. Gotta pay first!” Soap chirps, extending his hand for the money.
“…” The monster finally snaps his fingers after a moment of silence. Money pops out of thin air. Soap was intrigued. “Here..” It says, handing Soap the money.
“Thanks. No tip?” Soap asks hopefully, handing the pizza over to the tall being in front of him.
“No tip.” It says sternly.
“Fine.” Soap huffs, but realized that’s probability a little too childish sounding, and settles for a, “Nah, I mean its all good. Can I get a name at least?”
“Oh. No particular reason. Just felt like asking- sorry.” Soap apologizes. That probably sounded a little creepy- Soap thought- to ask for a stranger’s name like that.
The monster paused for a moment before replying briefly with “Ghost.”
No further conversations. Immediately Soap felt like he was being forcefully expelled from the realm he was currently in, and coughed back up into the alleyway. The feeling of a hole being torn in the very fabric of the green plant’s reality still lingers though.
“Rude.” Soap grumbles before patting himself down, trying to get rid of any potential wrinkles in his pants or shirt.
Maybe it was the more unhinged and dangerous side of his brain telling him he wanted to see that monster again- but that was all he could think about as he drove back.
(OMG ITS FINALLY OUT. Sorry it took a while, I’m feeling better so I decide to finish this today. And uh.. yeah. Don’t mind any grammar errors. I just want to get this out and be fucking done with it. Also this story’ll be posted in parts! So I hope you like it so far and I’ll see you in part two! ❤️)
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ali3nboyfriend · 2 years
no fucking way. you put it into words how I feel when it comes to relationships ( romantic and platonic ) with people. I've had trouble figuring out how to word it myself. I find it verrrrry difficult to form friendships with people because they never like things in the same way I do. They're never equally passionate about certain things as I am. It's frustrating because I know there's nothing wrong with them......... whenever I express and show joy about one of my special interests they're always just "ooo" or "cool." simple responses like that always annoy me and just give off the feeling that they don't really care and it sucks. going 2 take a guess and say my adhd + autism might have a part in this????? basically "becoming frustrated and upset when a friend or mutual doesn't enjoy something the same amount as you do and trying to talk to them about it just feels like a drag because they aren't like you." Are any other adhd and / or autism havers like this???
oh yeah a very similar situation is what got me talking about it. like i said in my tags on that post, this isn’t about anyone on tumblr, but it’s a uniquely frustrating situation when you know the two of you share a hyperfixation or special interest and you get to talking about it and it’s like….. their takes are harmless, but they’re not your takes, and they come off “wrong” to your brain. either annoying, or unsupported by what you know/focus on, or just entirely incongruent with what you’ve built up in your head. and it’s like, it would be a dick move to be like “no you’re WRONG.” so you just have to sit there and be like well okay then.
and then when people share an interest but they’re not as passionate, it kinda makes me feel like… a stopped up and shaken bottle of something fizzy, is the best way to describe it. i have so much i wanna pour out but feel like it would be annoying to do so.
i am both adhd and autistic so that very well may be why it’s so frustrating, idk if neurotypical people share the same frustrations (or if they do, if it feels as strong) but they may.
i do recognize for myself that i am a person that’s like, very very friendly but also easily annoyed. i’ve had to teach myself that people are not acting like this to hurt me, they’re not purposely trying to be annoying, and nothing about their behavior is malicious, and just because they don’t share my takes or passions doesn’t mean they’re bad takes or passions. they’re just not for me, and i’m gonna be that guy for someone else, so it’s live and let live.
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chicknparm · 7 months
There’s a degree of anxiety-induced delusion that most of us suffer from which is really important to unpack, and under broad strokes for most people it is best to assume good faith, and that everyone you’re interacting with isn’t Out To Getcha. broadly speaking a lot of peoples’ anxiety tends to bubble out into paranoia and misanthropy that is really maladaptive and needs to be actively fought and corrected in order to be able to interact with the world in a healthy way on a day to day basis.
But reinforcing that idea that, as Mogatrat the Wise once put it, “you’re a normal-ass person” does run into roadblocks sometimes when it just does not align with your material experience.
I was just thinking about my most recent session with my therapist, where (even in an attempt to give myself credit for being funny and charming!) I said “I know I’m not the type of person that people find interesting and desirable enough to approach and start a conversation.” She was like “what makes you say that?” Which was obviously an open door to get me talking about my assumptions about myself, which is a fair tactic, but all I could say was “because I’m almost 30 years old and literally nobody has ever approached me to get to know me, I have had to initiate literally every IRL non-familial relationship I’ve ever had.”
Like yeah, it isn’t healthy to assume that every time someone laughs in public they’re laughing at me. Or that someone looking in my direction is a sign of Danger, rather than just somebody’s gaze wandering as they walk down the street. But what do you do when you try to move past that, and then the only thing that’s left is just…absence? Invisibility?
How do you reconcile the notion that you’re not uniquely repulsive with the reality that you are almost always forgotten in social situation, and frequently *the only one* being forgotten in that way? How many people times can I be the only person in the theater club not invited to the party? The only person in my college suite left out of the next year’s apartment? The only woman in my department at work (including other trans women) not invited to “girls’ night out?”
Like yeah, I’ve logically come to terms with the idea that everyone I see isn’t actively disgusted by me, and I have enough evidence to know that once I’ve spent time with people they generally find me charming and interesting. But nobody wants me around more. An occasional sideshow is the best I can hope to be. People don’t miss me, don’t seek me out, don’t see me and think “I want to get to know her” (and let’s be honest, most people don’t think “her” when they see me anyway). There’s a reason that almost all of my long-lasting friendships are online, with people who don’t often have to visually look at me.
Idk I lost the plot and lost track of what my point even is. I’m just bitter that once again these women I work with are going around inviting literally everyone in the general vicinity to their burlesque show, organizing car pools and afterparty plans and whatnot. And I am literally the only person that nobody is talking to. I don’t even want to go, is the thing, but the context just makes it so obvious that I’m to be kept at an arm’s length at all times lest I get The Wrong Idea, right? Like if I see a hint of cleavage my Male Socialization will take over and I’ll become a sex criminal. At least, that’s where my mind goes, until I remember that they’re also buddy-buddy with a larger, louder trans woman who is frequently vulgar in ways that are indistinguishable from the men I knew in high school and college. So she can get an invite to the Nerd Strip Show, but I can’t even get a “Hi, how are you?”
Idk. Whatever. Hope people have fun screenshotting this and laughing at how pathetic I am. Talked myself back into self-loathing. Awesome, lol.
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dolugecat · 3 years
On some Japanese social issues I had learned about at uni and abroad):
(Rb ok!)
Legit had an epiphany about the true hidden meaning of the last arc of Mob Psycho 100. It’s hella projection but for real there is nothing neurotypical about Mob or Mob Psycho. I do not wish to enforce my interpretation on others (ironic bc I do that all the time but this is a serious social theory). There are some interesting and very sad social issues in Japan that the west really doesn’t understand but would I think help people understand a lot of context behind not only Mob Psycho, but also a lot of other anime. I learned this at my shitty university (prestigious but horrific) and while studying abroad in Japan and talking with Japanese peers. Get ready here we go (and tw for bullying and darker things):
Unfortunately in East Asian education systems, bullying can be extremely intense. Growing up I assumed it was over exaggerated extremely in anime for drama but it really can be so horrific. From what I’ve heard, there is often a single kid or so who is just shit on by everyone else, even the teacher. Mogami land *is* the reality of some Japanese kids. I’ve read that in Korea, this social punching bag sometimes is just the darkest skinned person (yayyy colorism /angry) and or someone who does not fit in. I mean, we have that in America too, but maybe not as common for the bullying to be as focused on one misfit rather than several. These kids just can’t escape the stigma too, kids from other schools find out they were a major victim at their old school and it starts anew. Thus there is so much stigma and incentive to join in on bullying so you aren’t the one. Sadly, this also ofc leads to higher suicide rates. That’s where the “shoe on building roof” anime trope comes in, bc somehow taking off shoes is relayed to death (I forgot why sorry)
There is a difference in how intense in general high school vs college is too. In the West, commonly college is the more intense curriculum and is harder than high school, but in Japan it’s usually the opposite. Grind suuuupppeeerrrr hard for entrance exams (huge standardized tests that determines what college you can qualify to) bc unlike the ACT or SAT here, that test is by far the most important factor for college admission. Then chill and relax a bit in college. Can’t relate. Name and prestige is very critical for job application, more important than here. That’s why planning out your future is sooo much more intense for Japanese high schoolers than in America, and why there is sooo much more pressure to excel in high school than here. Japanese school years and holidays are done different than ours, I’d suggest looking it up.
Social prestige of going to an American high school or college is nuts. Like whyyy do you value our shitty education, Japan’s is much higher quality (it’s bc we neo colonized them). Being able to speak English is very, very highly valued and any association with Americans make you cooler. From my experience, some Japanese students got very excited to practice speaking English with us, and their biggest issues with learning it is pronunciation, lmao. Wasai english is unique slang that is indeed English words but it’s kinda different and it’s kinda jarring to remember lol. So, Teru having parents that are working overseas isn’t too uncommon, idk about leaving him absolutely alone, but I did have a ex-friend who just came from Japan in middle school who’s situation probably wasn’t too far off from that. Empty wealth with no love, it’s no wonder those kind of people can end up being huge bullies (minori?)
I did a presentation on 引きこもり(hikikomori) for which means “shut in”, (like Serizawa) and it’s fucked up. It’s a social phenomena where according to some Japanese researchers a mix of undisciplined parenting, guilt/not living up to expectations, and hopelessness makes an alarming amount of youth/ young adults literally never go out side their house/room. Often a parent is “enabling” the behavior by supporting them, but idk the articles seemed a bit victim-blaming to me when I read it, but I don’t think I should make a judgement too hard, not my place. I will say I do suspect and believe I read something to support that ASD might play a role in hikikomoris (there is pitiful resources for autistic people in Asia, much much less support than even here, to the point I don’t think most know it exists). Like come on, with the other points I laid out my personal opinion as an Asian American with autism is that it really seems it’s unknowing ableism against autistic classmates, but I didn’t grow up in Asia so I don’t want to say.
Mental health in general is tragically quite abysmal in Japan, and with it being so hyper competitive and brutal work culture, it’s no surprise birth rate in Japan is so low; some Japanese young adults say it seems unethical to bring a life to such hostile world. Suicide rate is of the highest in the world. It’s fucked, I’ve interacted with some of the locals in Tokyo and they were so nice, but the business men just looked dead inside, it’s so sad.
Relationships between child and parent is also strained bc of this intense work and school culture. Quality time is too scarce when you gotta work so much. And the pressure from parents to do well in education or else you might end up socially stigmatized is rough. Bc your job is who you are, it’s hyper capitalism (thanks us for making them do this)
With autism being so unknown, support for parents in raising autistic kids is almost nonexistent. What happens if the “darker” side of ASD shows up in kids? I used to be a menace when I had meltdowns, I felt so bad but really just became so indiscriminately violent. See where this is going? Legit, I think ESP is a sort of metaphor for neurodivergance to ONE. There is so much stigma around it, and even less way for kids to understand why they are different than the others. My Korean family can’t admit we all got ASD, too much fear and internalized shame.
I got finally diagnosed with ASD as an adult and I’ll tell ya, I relate too much to Mob hurting Ritsu. I felt so bad, but also not in control, I knew what I was doing but not how to stop. Luckily, is was blessed in that my hyperfixations involved science and logic, so I did well at school. Sadly, our boy Mob just don’t got the passion or ability to do well at school. His kanji is very bad, even to point of not being confident he wrote a kanji (世) they learn when they are 9, in elementary school (thanks @katyatalks). Him being a bit berated by his parents for having bad grades and bending spoons seems harsh to Westerners I think, but IMO it’s pretty tame from what I’ve seen of some Asian parents (I get to say that lmao). Ofc, however the shaming is very real and Mob just agreeing with them about how weird and stupid he thinks he is so sad. There is even more pressure for the eldest to be better than here, I feel from some interactions. Nonetheless, it’s implied Mob is quite emotionally detached from his parents, even though he loves them, which also adds to his emotional complex. Combined with originally fragile self esteem and feelings of worthlessness, we got one emotionally stunted boy. However, contrary to common belief people with ASD are sometimes hyper empathic and experience emotions very intensely. We are prone to having “meltdowns” which if not assisted with can be quite violent if very intense. For me, my worse meltdowns as a kid came from when I didn’t understand why I wasn’t getting what I wanted, it seemed selfish and cruel of me but I couldn’t control it. I wanted to be a good kid, so why did hit my moms leg at target when she refused to buy me Pokémon toys? I couldn’t come up with a good reason for why my mind just commanded my body to do bad things, just a single thought was controlling me, I want I want I want I want I want ____. Which I argue could be what ???% represents… bc well…. Yeah….. hmm….. not in control of self (mob unconscious), selfish (not actually, I’ve forgave myself but my “normal” kid self was so ashamed), destructive, hurt family, wanting to stop but can’t, that’s kind of…. Too relatable.
But legit, since realizing my new HC, I’ve started to think of the last chapter of mp100 when I “explode” and it helps me feel better and I do gain “control” a bit easier. I don’t feel so bad anymore either, Mob!
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Dunno if you’ve talked about this, but which iteration of eggman was your favorite?
Personally I really liked both Satam eggman and adventure eggman. They both seem like genuine threats who could destroy the entire world,
I like SATam due to how terrifying he was to me as a kid. He took over the world, he’s already made the bad end, and he’s not afraid to kill if he really needs too. Also I hold onto this version of eggman for the nostalgia
I just like adventure a little more cuz they somehow made eggman feel more human during the arc, and I think it helps make him more… terrifying in my opinion cuz he isn’t just some crazy dude, he’s a dude with aspirations and ideals, he’s had a life and feels closer then any villain who feels so far away. Eggman isn’t just eggman, he’s human. And the idea that a human could be like him is horrifying, because we are just so close to them biologically enough that we feel disturbed.
Idk I like thinking about stuff like that hehehehehe-
Oh geez this ask is long lmao.
I have a very simple answer, for me it's game canon Eggman in his entirety, classic and modern, before anything else. Just every game because he's consistent and is the better part of the writing in some games because of it. I'm very lucky to have him as my favorite. They've always known exactly who they want him to be, what he wants to do, and how they want to present him and do it well and find ways to put him in many fun interesting situations while staying true to it. He's the perfect character for both darker and serious and more light hearted funny moments and stories and when both sides are balanced, it's even better.
I do agree that the Adventure games are a highlight for his character with the amount of focus on the great evil he's capable of, his sly cunning ability, and how he's a serious threat in ways nobody can deny but I love all of him before and after too. He's consistently evil and a great threat, regardless of the amount of focus on it and the humor, though it seems he could do with more because people try to deny he's still as evil as he used to be. But I do love how he can be funny too and how it can emphasize and add impact to the great evil he's capable of because he reminds you he's not a joke, he's still a very serious threat.
That's something I love too, how he's human. He's a unique looking cartoony one that's extremely intelligent and capable of amazing out of this world things, but human. I love how he isn't a cyborg/robot/etc, doesn't look generically evil, and has human feelings and passions. You don't have to be nice and empathic to be "human" and I don't know why people think so. He already is just by species lol and if we're talking characterization, he has moments of depth and personal insight without changing his entire being because personality wise, he's already an accurate narcissistic evil bastard.
He's a great representation of how humans can indeed be very evil, selfish, and capable of very terrible things. Eggman has done very evil things that make him a monster but there are also aspects that remind us he's still human just like us, like how he's very passionate about things he enjoys and has dreams and goals he wishes to accomplish, also his determination and confidence to work hard and fight for what he wants. But while those things can be done in harmless and innocent ways, Eggman is deeply selfish and evil and wants to accomplish it through doing terrible things, which isn't unrealistic.
Humans can be monsters and do terrible things and in many ways, he reflects that well in realistic ways, while also being able to go beyond what's possible in real life in fiction, so he can do even more. He can be relatable in terms of species and certain aspects of his interests/hobbies, hopes and dreams, and emotions but he's also capable of terrible things that only the worst people comparable to monsters could want to do, not just without a care or remorse but even enjoying it at times. And both sides are realistic regardless of personal relatability of the audience and that makes him all the more terrifying.
I love thinking about it too, it's a part of what makes him so interesting. He's earned the title of monster with all the worst things he's done but it doesn't revoke his humanity, it is realistic, and it adds impact. It's fantastic! That's why being 100% human, regardless of his differences and his evil, which other people can also really be like even if we don't personally relate, is very appealing over being nonhuman. And instead of the idea that because he's human he must have empathy and goodness (which isn't even true for everyone irl), the way he's human like us and reminds us we're capable of horrible things is gloriously messed up and exciting to me. XD 💜
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meggannn · 3 years
guerrilla does something interesting in HZD with aloy and her motivations and how they let her goals differ from the player's goals. most of the time when a main character's driving goals differ from the audience's, it means the writing has misfired and it feels jarring when you shine a spotlight on it. but it definitely works in HZD because guerilla knew what the player's immediate interests would be—they open their game with huge scenic shots of a pre-industrial community contrasted with these enormous robot dinosaurs! they want you to be sucked into the mystery of why things are the way they are—and they also knew going in that they had had to tie the player's interests to aloy's goals as a character (john gonzalez, the narrative director, talks about it a bit in this interview). and over time, the two start to bleed over as aloy starts to care about the old ones and we start to care more about her. i don't know if they'll continue this strategy in HFW, but they've set themselves up in a really unique situation with the contrast of aloy's focus on the present/future and the audience's interest (mostly) in the past.
i've been trying to find a way to articulate the ideas in this post for a while, and i am really tired so forgive me if this gets redundant or some sentences don't make sense lol. spoilers for HZD obv
in HZD, aloy, the motherless outcast, is largely concentrated on finding out the mystery of her origins. i mean hopefully we, the player, are also interested in that because it's a pretty unique set up (it's not possible for someone to not have a birth mother... right?), but i'm willing to bet that most of the audience was overwhelmingly more interested in figuring out what the hell happened to the old ones of this world (us) and why robots are wandering around everywhere, than we were about figuring out what happened to aloy's mom. (i'm aware that is a large assumption, but i think it's a pretty safe one considering the reactions i see when people finish the game usually mention APOLLO in some way, or ask if it's still around or there's a way to bring it back.)
for aloy, the status quo of robots-that-nobody-really-understands wandering around is just a constant of her life, and discovering her mother is her pressing issue. for us, this world's major differences between our world (why did we die off and why are robots now the dominant species on earth) are more fascinating. so guerrilla ties the micro and macro mysteries together so that we are also interested in aloy's journey about her origins: by making the story of her birth and the history of the world woven into the same narrative fabric
aloy even directly says "it (finding out info on the past) isn't why i'm here" and sylens replies sarcastically "of course, what's the whole of human history compared to the search of one girl?" it isn't until after aloy realizes she's a clone, that she doesn't have a traditional birth mother, when she faces the nora and decides to stop HADES because GAIA asked her to, in a sign of extreme maturity and character growth (imo), does her goal of helping GAIA by beating HADES now start to align with the player's goals of trying to "set the world right" (by helping GAIA by beating HADES).
it's interesting because if anything, sylens, the anti-hero and arguable deuteragonist, is the character whose goals most match up with the audience's own throughout HZD: he's the one who is seeking out the knowledge of the old ones, he's the one who mourns losing APOLLO the way we do. aloy doesn't really react to what became of APOLLO at all (when it's revealed what happened to it, her immediate response is sorrow over the alphas' deaths, the more human element compared to sylens's laser focus on info-hunting). sylens is... also a total asshole and might be an anti-villain in the upcoming games (i hope not; i hope he's more of a rogue agent than an actual villain, personally) so it will be interesting if the audience eventually starts feeling torn between aloy's goals (save the world today) and sylens's (recover what can be saved the world of the old ones)
for aloy, APOLLO's absence is not a loss because she's never known a world without the knowledge of the old ones. why does she care about expending energy to hunt for info on our music and art and politics and wars? how does shifting through datapoints about things she doesn't understand and tools/tech she doesn't have access to help the planet today? after discovering GAIA's origins and purpose, i'm sure she'd probably be interested in recovering APOLLO if there is anything left of it to recover—even she's only interested in it to honor samina/elisabet's memory and the effort of PZD—but a lot of the fandom (myself included) keeps hoping and speculating and wondering if APOLLO is still around because APOLLO is the audience, or rather, it's the last scraps of what's left of us. we have an interest in APOLLO but aloy never shows any interest in or sorrow over it besides to vaguely wonder what happened to it. her interests are in the here and now.
when the audience looks at her world, we see what we've lost, and we know APOLLO is a way to get some of it back. for aloy, she's definitely engaged and interested in the old ones' technology and wants to make sure PZD's work is continued and restored and rebuild GAIA, so if APOLLO turns out to be around i'm sure she'd be interested in it, but for now, she's got too many things going on to consider it a priority. and even if she did, it would have to come after she's taken care of the immediate threats of the other chaotic subfunctions; and she would have to justify the time and energy spent on APOLLO to the value it gives her world (a world that doesn't utilize focuses as much as PZD had hoped, and a world whose language has likely changed enough that they might not even understand what they were being told) because she'd have to do it for her world. her world is already here, the old ones' world is gone, and her world the one that needs saving, not the possibility of bringing the old ones' back
so guerrilla has set themselves up with something very interesting here imo where the protag and the audience have mostly aligned but largely separate primary interests and i'm very curious to see how these interests will keep aligning, or not, in the future. personally i think they'll make the main focus of the series discovering and befriending the subfunctions and restoring GAIA, while also wrestling with modern-day politics in an effort to start preparing contemporary groups of people for a more holistic understanding of nature and machines, with the hopes of preparing them for GAIA's return and a future where they 1. take care of the planet and 2. stop attacking machines for parts lol. and i think they'll drag out the mystery of APOLLO possibly still being around until the end (assuming there will be 3 or more games).
personally, when i look at what we've been given so far (everything could change when HFW comes out), i could go either way on if APOLLO is still actually around or not. it would be an interesting (if expected) twist, but i wouldn't want it as wish fulfillment; i wouldn't want it to be used as a cheat that suddenly means ted faro's harm can be negated, or brought back as a HEA in a way that implies knowledge will suddenly be used and spread equally or even easily. also we should consider APOLLO is now an AI of its own! it will have opinions and things and the will to act on them!
discounting the overwhelmingly difficult logistics of introducing APOLLO to a new world that has evolved without its involvement from its inception, if APOLLO comes back in the way the we, the audience, want it to, then spreading several millennia's worth of knowledge to several diverse, warring peoples is full of difficult challenges that you are now suddenly introducing; aloy + GAIA + co. would now be in charge of not only taking care of humans on this spinning ball called earth, but also educating them equally and fairly. it's a huge task to introduce on aloy's already very busy schedule! so frankly i wouldn't be surprised if they wrote APOLLO off and went with an "it sucks but we have to make the most of the world the old ones left us" angle—or, alternatively, have aloy (or sylens!) dedicate the rest of her life traveling and hunting down and/or spreading what remains of APOLLO'S knowledge?
idk! there's a lot to dissect here about what guerrilla is doing and where APOLLO fits in as both a possible ally/villain and a narrative tool to keep us interested (it is a carrot on the stick for the audience)! and i find it all very interesting!!
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shotorozu · 4 years
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“you didn’t think getting a classmate thrown at you would cause you to choke in silence— and by some miracle, todoroki is the first one to catch on.”
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader with they/them pronouns, all might’s daughter reader, reader has a telekinesis quirk
warnings : swearing because of bakugou, choking, if you ever hit your windpipe and you start choking, get help right away!
notes : i’m trying a new format for fics! (and drabbles) idk why i’m going on a todoroki dump lately, it’s his birthday after all. ALSO I WAS ALMOST DONE BUT GRRR TUMBLR RELOADED. i was so mad lol. so i don’t really like this but DONT WORRY!! i’m making another fic.
»»————- ♡ ————-«
It’s been almost 4 months since your first year at UA had started, and you’d think by now— you would’ve gotten used to all the hectic things that had to come.
Nope, not in the slightest bit.
Though you do love the class, and you enjoy being around them since they all seem like nice people, (minus one person) the class itself goes haywire with their frenzied energies.
Sometimes you wonder if you’re able to keep up with them, since they all have such excentric and unique personalities. They somehow manage to keep the room’s atmosphere lifted up with their voices, that are accompanied by lighthearted jokes.
But today, it seemed to be out of your favor.
You’re in your seat, recalling what your father— All Might, had said about your progression, and how he planned on helping you work with your quirk more.
Needless to say, you’re quite delighted to hear that your father wants to pay more attention to you, since he was mostly just focusing on Midoriya.
But your train of thought is cut short when you see Mineta fly towards your way, practically knocking into your entire front, and jamming into your windpipe— as it bounces from you and towards the wall.
“Damn grape fruit, learn some fucking decency for once,” You can hear Bakugou call out to him, and you can assume it was him that decided to throw your classmate at you
“Sorry, Y/N!” Kirishima calls out to you, noticing how his hot headed friend chucked the short, and purple haired classmate towards your direction.
You try to play it off cool, since you can’t even be mad. Even though Bakugou’s quite a spiteful person, he probably didn’t mean to throw Mineta at you.
Your seatmate, Todoroki looks at you as if like he was analysizing you. His mismatched gaze locked onto you with concern, I mean.. how could he not? Mineta has been thrown on you.
The air escapes you for a moment, and you try to breathe in to counter it. But it doesn’t work, as it became futile.
You blink, and you try again— trying your best to just breathe damnit, you’re questioning what’s all of this for? And it feels like you’re suffocating.
It’s all very sudden too, and without any warning. You can practically the way your heart hammers against your chest violently, and you try your best to not make too many movements. Okay, just breathe Y/N, am I having an attack right now? It really can’t be, can it?
You grasp your chair as you need something to grip on— facing yourself away to prevent any attention to be drawn towards you, since that’s the last thing you want. Every second that passes, it gets even more difficult to take in the air, and it feels like your life actually slipping away from your grasps.
Was it even possible to choke from getting your windpipe hit by Mineta? You never thought it would happen to you, since your quirk allows you to protect yourself— curses. What would your dad think of this? It’s not like you expected this to happen in a classroom.
A calm voice breaks you out of your thoughts, and suddenly you feel a cool hand press against your nape— “Did you hurt your windpipe, L/N?”
Todoroki’s eyes scan over your facial features calmly, noting about every single red flag that’s shown on your face, that’s practically screaming for something
You feel shame course out your entire body due to the situation, but you nod— still unable to accumulate proper words due to the current situation
The dual quirk user says nothing. However, his actions are quick, moving infront of you to shield you from any attention. His other hand resting against your back— proping you up right, so your position on the chair isn’t hunched uncomfortably.
His hand caresses your back up and down, giving out instructions for your labored breathing— “Breathe in,” he commands calmly, activating his quirk in hopes of aiding you “Breathe out,”
You finally manage to get in some air, inhaling through your mouth, and sharply exhaling the air back out. It feels so good to be able to breathe again, and you’re confident that after this— you won’t take it for granted again.
Unfortunately, the situation hadn’t been discreet enough— as it managed to grasp the attention of Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, they crowd at your desk. Asking Todoroki if there’s an issue, concern lacing their tones.
But you’re overwhelmed, eyes threatening to close. Your body slumping against your desk, and you fall unconscious.
It was interesting describing the situation to Recovery Girl, and also to your father.
All Might being concerned was an understatement. He was concerned about how it happened, and how he could’ve prevented the situation if he was there. (But he’s not to blame, at all.)
Briefly after you fell unconscious, attention was gravitated towards you— as everyone was clearly concerned. Then, you were dragged to Recovery Girl by two of your classmates; Kirishima and Midoriya, since Midoriya couldn’t stop rambling about his concern towards you.
“Your windpipe got hit, and the impact blocked it.” Recovery Girl explains, briefly after using her quirk on you “And it appeared to be that you’ve gotten the wind knocked out of you. Good grief, who throws people in classrooms? I could give them a scolding right now.” Recovery Girl rants.
You wince at the problem, “Ah.. there’s no need for that. I’d suppose it’s partially my fault for having my guard down.” You grin, but she doesn’t look amused.
Recovery Girl can only sigh, placing a hand on your shoulder. It’s her way of comfort, you’d guess. “Either way, it was still careless of them. I’d go on and on, but for now, you just need to rest right here— you were overwhelmed back there so it’s important to get some rest.”
Recovery Girl’s partially right. So after resting for a little bit longer, you finally leave the infirmary. But you flinch in surprise; a little startled when you meet Todoroki— who’s leaning right behind the door.
“Ah, Todoroki,” You wave at him, and.. you honestly don’t know where to start. Especially after the classroom situation. “I want to apologize about what happened back there. You didn’t need to do that.”
He shakes his head, “It’s alright, L/N. It’s.. what I had to do anyway.” His brows furrow, remembering what happened back in the classroom.
“Besides that.. are you okay? You didn’t damage your throat, did you?”
You laugh, and it may or may not have been in attempt to make the situation light hearted. “My windpipe got blocked, and apparently, I got the wind knocked right out of me! I didn’t know there was an actual name for that! I should really be cautious next time.”
His lips turn up, and he releases a short chuckle— “I suppose it’s a learning lesson for both parties.”
The walk back is.. rather shameful. How were you supposed to go back there, almost as if you didn’t nearly die? choked? The lack of conversation is painful on your ears, and partially on your ego since the silence is almost awkward.
You don’t know what he’s thinking.
“So!” You decide to break the silence, heterochromatic eyes laid on you as he awaited your response. “What do you mean by.. both parties?”
“Well.. you did say you wanted to be cautious more. Which I get, even though you shouldn’t be that cautious in the first place— since it’s not your fault,” Todoroki stares at his feet momentarily, finding his words.
“And both parties because.. I should’ve asked you if you were okay when I saw Mineta get thrown at you,” His expression crumples up, grimacing when he suddenly remembers that exact moment, he should’ve helped them. “I noticed you were choking a little too late.” He mutters.
Like.. how can he stare at you all the time, and just suddenly not notice you choke?
Your feet stop in it’s place, and you shake your head— “You’re so hard on yourself,” you comment, looking up at the ceilings. “Again, it’s not your fault. I was trying to be discrete— y’know!”
“I don’t want you to feel like you should hide anything from me.” He tilts his head to the side, eyes boring into your own.
Blinking, you think over his words— “I’ll keep that in mind.” You’re taken a back by the bluntness in his tone,
“Anyways, thank you, Todoroki. I.. wish I could pay you back somehow.” You pat him on the back, his heart hammering against his chest when you lean in to do so. It’s doing that again.
You turn your back against him, as you start walking even closer to the classroom— and before you can have your hand on the door, he calls out.
“..What?” You ask, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“You can start by calling me that,” He offers you one of his one of a kind smiles, something that feels so genuine— full of authentic gratification.
An uncontrollable smile breaks through your face, and you immediately turn away to hide away the flustered expression that is your current state “If you say so.”
Choking in class because someone was thrown at you is definitely not your proudest moment as Y/N Yagi, but.. you’ve definitely gotten something out of it.
Shouto speaks once again. “Oh and.. why wouldn’t I help you? That’s just watching someone die.”
You wince, realizing that Shouto’s correct. Why wouldn’t he help you?
bonus : mineta got flamed by everyone afterwards— including a serious talk from recovery girl, and all might. even though it wasn’t inheritantly his fault that you almost died in class lol
»»————- ♡ ————-«
tldr : Y/N gets folded by mineta bc bakugou threw him at you by accident,
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
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naoreco · 3 years
ruby naoreco's YTTD research log
i have played yttd chapter 3 part 1B almost five times and each time it has chipped off more of my mental wellbeing. here are a lot of tidbits i’ve found along the way! 
(BE WARNED, THIS IS LONG. it’s also written under the assumption that readers have played at least once)
the yabusames always die when you’re on shin’s route, sadly! even if you fail the conduit puzzle that gets ranmaru killed, his collar only goes off right after he’s killed your sibling of choice
kurumada is always saveable provided you don’t take too long to reconcile with maple! the route will progress pretty the same if you mess it up; it’s just when the dolls are about to go back in their coffins that his body finally gives in, and even then it’s said that he could still be saved
notably, these are the only two dolls with delayed deaths! the other dolls you can kill across 3-1 as a whole just die instantly
depending on your choices of coffin: hayasaka, kurumada or mai can be your surviving doll! namely:
hayasaka if you pick a coffin without a hint on your first shot, and a coffin without a hint on your second shot
kurumada if you pick the coffin with the hint on your first shot, and a coffin without a hint on your second shot
mai if you pick a coffin without a hint on your first shot, and then go back to the first hinted coffin on your second.
(if mai survives, qtaro will show relief in his doll reveal that both gin and mai got out. in the same vein, if she dies in the second maple fight, her final words are her apologizing to qtaro. what a fatal stabbing will do to a mf!)
anyways, the other dolls have no such privileges: hinako has to die for it to be revealed that she’s a human, midori always kills anzu when you bargain for more time to save gin, and you always shoot ranmaru’s coffin after
therefore, it’s possible to have a run where you kill every single doll. for the dead ones, their bodies are just placed in the coffin! (note that anzu and hayasaka are alive by default if you start a save by part, so you’d need an existing save where they died.)
the less characters are alive, the easier the banquet is, as important statements just get passed on to other survivors and there are less to sift through! but it’s pretty lonely. no doll says goodbye if there’s nobody left :(
alice is the one who points out what his first trial was (only on an alice+kanna route, obviously). he’s very regretful about killing the real hinako, as he had just walked out of the room without thinking about it, and calls himself “the worst” because of it </3
idk if anyone had the heart to try but i forced myself for science: you physically can't kill gin when you have the final choice between him and midori, keiji tells you not to do it
generally if you make a choice that's not advisable you're forced to change your decision to something specific! so don’t worry if you’re not keeping track of choices for the most part
as most of your minigame failures kill dolls instead of sara, there are only two you can get in this part! they are:
if you take too long to get the ID out of maple before you have to reconcile as a team, she unleashes an attack that causes some debris to fall on sara’s head and then she dies.
if you have too many gravity increases in the locker lantern puzzle, sara is pulled to the ceiling as she tries to reach for gin and she dies. (it’s unclear if gin does too, but...)
both of these have a special CG, which you can find on the wiki if you’re curious
and now for some less important but still fun tidbits!
if anyone was too suspicious to try midori’s fake ID, that’s alright! all it does is show you screen upon screen of shin smiling towards the camera because midori’s a freak
this embarrasses both shin and the shin AI greatly, and on his route you can point out that they’re good pictures. he goes “...gh...” if you do he’s very embarrassed.
kanna is just relieved that it’s a good trap. which it technically is that time, as nobody is in the locker room, and also those pictures are really cute
if ranmaru dies by explosion on shin's route, his last words are about how he wanted to win with sara; on kanna's route it's him being confused and horrified and trying to explain that he didn’t betray them... before it blows his sheepy head into smithereens
did you know the fucked up and evil ransara scene doesn’t happen on kanna’s route and there’s a cg of sara crying instead? did you know there’s a fucked up evil ransara scene on the shin route? i just think that difference is interesting because it sets up what ranmaru does after he locks keiji up
i also think it's interesting how in kanna's route, it's ranmaru who points out that keiji escaped from the coffin after sara signs the consent form, but in shin's route he objects enough where shin asks why he doesn't want sara to have hope
if you say maple has bad taste while you’re trying to get info out of her, maple chides you because there are some stuff you shouldn’t say and then ranmaru tries to save the situation by saying “s-so what if others don’t understand?! love, uh... it’s just like that... right...? ᶦ ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ...ˀ”
each person has a unique line for if they pass out during the conduit puzzle; i assume sara’s is a little more in-depth given she’s the one you play as, but i’ve only tested it with her and hinako
there are seven different lines of ranmaru struggling if you select to not press the switch while he’s hoisting sara up. his last one “sara...! hurry...!”, repeats after you hear it the first time
if you wait it out enough when you’re going up the elevator to floor 5 with keiji, he starts to fall asleep, wonders what he’s waiting for, and then your only option is to go up
if you say you want to get miso soup from the drink machine with shin, he gets excited, and then gets angry when he finds out there isn’t any. he’s like “i’m gonna get corn potage you can have hot water or something :/”
with kanna, if you say not to get drinks, sara says it isn’t the time and kanna is like :’( “r-right... ᶜᵒᶜᵒᵃ...” and sara relents
anzu’s coffin goes through so much. if it isn’t crushed by her death in 3-1A it gets crushed when maple explodes on it
on a kanna route, both alice and reko can sing the song they used to sing together as kids at kurumada’s request! it’s so 💖💖💖💖
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goshi-kun · 4 years
Nekoma with an Intimidating Manager Who's Actually a Softie
Summary: you have a pretty intimidating aura but that doesn't stop the train of love that comes with managing the nekoma high volleyball club!
Nekoma x gn reader!! :)
Warnings: kuroo tetsurou 😐 jk i love him haa ha 
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When you first started managing for Nekoma things started off really weird. There was some kind of tension between you all that you didn't quite understand.
The day you had been introduced to the team is when the tensions arose. You had known Kuroo since he was in one of your classes and he was extremely good at getting on every last nerve in your body- 😭 He finally got you to agree to become their manager after many weeks of pestering on his end.
"Oh, just so you guys are aware. I got someone to be our manager." Kuroo really didn't think it was gonna be as big of a deal as it was but everyone was immediately interested in who the new mystery manager was!
Questions like, "WHO!!??" "How do you know them?" "Are they cute??" "What's their name??" flew through the gym.
"Calm down jeez. Their name is Y/n and I advise against bombarding them with questions when they come by after practice tomorrow." Kuroo then left it at that. Only bothering to answer one of the many questions lmao.
It was the day after Kuroo brought you to the team's attention. You were kinda nervous about meeting them. They were all huge volleyball boys 🧍...you weren't scared exactly but you were worried that they would be put off by you. You had a bit of a reputation…
You didn't really talk to people. Not because you didn't like them just because you didn’t really care? You didn't need socializing to survive so you kinda kept to yourself most of the time.
People started to become pretty intimidated by you. You had no clue why, but you also didn't mind at the time and just let people think what they wanted.
So you can expect that when you walked into the gym for the first time your intimidating aura was the first thing the boys noticed.
You stood by the door you had just opened kinda confused on what to do next. All eyes were on you instantly and you were desperately trying to find Kuroo in the small crowd of GIANTS! You did eventually and Kuroo jogged over to you so he could introduce you to the team properly.
“Okay guys this is Y/n. They're gonna be our new manager so be normal please.” The gym was quiet for once. Everyone was giving you strange looks. They weren't necessarily glaring at you, but it was definitely uncomfortable in a way. You, wanting to make a good impression tried to lighten the mood.
“Woah, stare daggers at me any longer and I might bleed out.” Okay yeah it was morbid, but c’mon you were trying here!
Yeah things were definitely awkward to start out. No matter what you did the team was always so..intimidated by you? You weren’t quite sure. All you knew was that Yaku avoided you, Teketora was 10x more anxious near you than any other person you’ve seen him around, and Kenma wouldn’t even dare look your way. Kai and Kuroo tried to reassure you by saying that it was normal behavior for them, but you knew deep down what was up.
But, at the end of the day, you needed an extracurricular activity and you told Kuroo you would be a manager. Not wanting to go back on your word you decided to stay.
In the beginning of your volleyball journey it was like the manager and the team were in two separate worlds. The most interaction that would be between you all would be when you gave them water bottles. Jeez you even made that look scary. You didn't mean to be so intimidating or whatever, but it was just your pure nature as a person.
It worked for you in the end. You weren’t bothered by the lack of people's presence and actually felt unburdened by it at some points, but that didn’t mean you didn't want to at least become acquaintances with the team you would be spending a fair amount of time with.
You left practice early one afternoon and Kuroo took this as a chance to talk to the team about the awkward aura that was there every practice. It had been a week since you became manager and Kuroo couldn’t help but feel guilty. He was the one that got you into this predicament after all.
“Alright everybody! Gather up we need to talk about a few things.”
The group conversation started off with the “rudeness” that the team members were displaying. Leave it to Kuroo to add a lecture into what was supposed to be a simple conversation.
Kuroo placed his concerns and was curious as to why the tensions were so high. See Kuroo never looked at you as intimidating. A loner? Well sure, but that’s nothing he’s not used to. He meshes well with people like that. So you can only imagine his surprise when the team confides that they are actually pretty scared by your presence.
He totally thought they were dumbasses- cue another Kuroo mom lecture.
At the end you can say the team started looking at things from your perspective. They didn’t have much to say on the matter and the situation seemed to end there. That is, until next practice.
When you walked into the gym the following day you were greeted by one awkward wave from Inuoka. You waved back, but you were still confused. The energy between the players and you was still awkward, but now it kinda felt like..pity awkwardness? Whatever it was, it seriously weirded you out at first.
You decide to brush it off and continue with your manager duties. Until you get a call from your younger sister's school.
To your surprise it was your sister on the other end of the phone, not the school officials. She had gotten really hurt during her break period.
“What? Are you okay? Oh my god breathe it’s okay-” The panic in your voice could be heard throughout the gym and caught everyone's attention.
The conversation was mostly you worrying for your sister and making sure she was okay. After you were reassured you ended the call.
You were startled when you realized half of the team was looking at you with unreadable expressions. Was that- Was that shock on their faces?
“Um..uh Kuroo-san I’m sorry, but my younger sister needs me to pick her up. Our mother isn’t available. Is it alright if I leave?” You rush the words out of your mouth. You were made uncomfortable after realizing everyone heard you become your softer self while on the phone with your dear sister.
“Go ahead Y/n, no worries.” Kuroo was even surprised by your parent-like nature when it came to your younger sibling.
You exit the gym leaving the team beside themselves. Had they really read you the wrong way this whole time? In all honesty they felt extremely guilty. Even Kenma thought about how he had avoided you.
Now the next day was something else-
You enter the gym after your last class like normal, but somethings different. Your body is being pushed to the floor by..one..two..seven?? People?? Or maybe more! You couldn’t quite tell because you were being smothered in a group hug right as you walked through the doors.
“We’re sorry Y/n!!! We appreciate you!!” “We’ll never avoid you again!!” Yeah, they were babies and most certainly dumbasses, but you couldn’t deny that it felt good to have some support on your side. You finally felt accepted into this group of unique characters and it made your heart happy.
After that day things start becoming amazing. Your dynamic with the team is something people envied. You would help them practice and they would help you study, babysit, vent, whatever you needed they were there!
It’s known Nekoma isn’t the most popular group in the school, but the people who were more than non supporters made themselves less known when the school found out you were the manager. The team was grateful to say the least.
You were there to protect them from harm like some kind of hero and you were perfectly fine with that. It’s not like you were gonna go rumble with random kids to “defend the team's honor” -Kuroo’s words not yours. But it did feel nice to be somewhat of a protective blanket and they would give you the same energy in return.
Some weirdo bothering you? Well congrats you now have about 10 bodyguards. You’re welcome.
Kenma even lets you play his games when you’re bored during practice. He always reminds the team that you're the only one he tolerates-
Kuroo is still Kuroo and you were glad to have him a solid supporter during this whole thing. Yaku and Teketora warmed up extremely quickly. Yaku because you were another strong minded person he could agree with and Teketora because he thought you were “badass”.
The first years warmed up to you as well! You were honestly a parental figure and yeah it was weird getting used to having a whole volleyball team as your children, but hey that’s life.
In the end the team and you create an amazing dynamic. Yeah it was a bit of a rocky start, but that’s the past. You had many more memories to make with your new found family. <3
Thank you for reading 🤍
well um- yeah this is a thing. idk i had the urge to write something random so take this- 😭 okay love ya’ll stay hydrated 🤍
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luckysliceofbread · 3 years
Genshin Characters Reactions to you having the powers of someone from another world
(Aka: yet another excuse to talk a bit about Honkai imapct)
Tw: talks about fighting but I think that was a given, swearing
Oh also just know that I’m barley ever serious, it’s not enough to be a whole crack fic buuuuuut...
Quick explanation/ the best explanation I can make about Honkai imapct and how the fighting stuff works:
People called Valkyries are trained to fight these things called Honkai beasts and use these things called “battle suits” to fight them, but there are the gods called Herrschers, they don’t count as Valkyrie’s but some fight Honkai beasts.
One person can have multiple battle suits and depending on the battle suits, they can control elements, there are no elemental reactions, but the elements are still in the battle suits.
I’ll assign you a random battle suit, with pictures of said battle suit and the stats, of course (Although the weapon stats are the stats of the weapons when you first get it).
Oh, and I should also add:
SP is like the energy that’s used for ultimates.
Some cost less than others some cost more. You get SP from hitting monsters and stuff.
Now onto the headcanons!
You loved Genshin Impact, playing the game when you felt like it, trying your hardest to get a good team and then build them up, you hated the constant grind, but you put up with it because you were having so much fun playing the game.
Recently you’ve heard about another game MiHoYo released a few years back, Honkai Impact 3rd, you saw a video of one cutscene from inside the game and immediately went to download the game.
Now you’ve been playing for a while and you’re also having a pretty great time there too, you’ve pulled for quite a few characters and found it fairly easy to build a team.
One night, you stay up to late playing Genshin and you wake up literally inside Teyvat. You soon discover that you have the powers and abilities of the Valkyrie you were building up.
Cool part is, you look exactly like the Battle suit, the only things you kept were your skin, eyes, hair colour and body shape, pretty cool that you somehow magically also took their fighting reflexes, fighting style, weapon and powers/abilities.
(No seriously, fighting like the Valkyrie does in the game feels like second nature to you.)
You spend a few weeks in Teyvat, and make quick friends with a few people, however you only tell one about- uh- this mess.
Battle suit: Stygian Nymph
Let me clarify that the more SP Stygian Nymph has during her ultimate increases her damage output. That’s why she’s op.
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Oh wait that makes a lot of sense.
He knew you came from another world, you told him that
But to also imitate that person’s abilities?
How interesting
He studies you a lot, asking questions about the Valkyrie herself
You tell him that Seele (the Valkyrie that uses this battle suit), also uses her ‘other self’ to fight in battle, but you haven’t tried to summon her because you literally have no idea what would happen
Which is pretty reasonable
Albedo asks you if you’re okay with trying it out for the reasearch
You go “fuck it” and call upon your ‘other self to lend you their strength’ just like Seele does
It works, but you still have full control, no ‘other you’ sadly
You test out the fact that your sythe had turned into these giant floating claws and tenticals
You have SO MUCH fun bulling the hilihurls
Poor them
Then after clearing through many, many, many camps (listen this battle suit can solo anything), you remember Stygian Nymph’s Ultimate
You figure that you’ve definitely maxed out your SP and that the damage is going to be humongous
So you go to bully that poor cryo flower (I forgot what it’s called)
Albedo is unsure, but after you tell him that this battle suit has solo fought a god, a killing machine, a giant dog and more stronger things in Honkai impact, he agrees, completely ready to step in, only just in case though
You just run in, and Albedo goes to find a safe spot to sit down while he watches you fight for a while
He’s like ‘this’ll probably take a while’
So it took less than a minute
You used your ultimate when the boss slouched on the ground
That flower is very dead
You collect your rewards and leave
Albedo’s like wtf was that
You’re like idk man, I had a lot of SP
wtf is an SP?
Battle suit: Herrscher of the Void
Side note: you also evade and float around like HotV I just couldn’t find a way to bring it up here without getting off-track.
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This is the only acceptation to the ‘your eyes stay the same too’ bit
Your eye colour looks the exact same now
Aether looked you in the eyes and went ‘hey that looks like the person who kidnapped my sister’
He attacked you and you were like ‘Aether wtf’
You tried explaining the situation as calmly as you can while almost being stabbed
He calms down a bit and is like
“So, can you use her powers?”
“The Herrscher of the Void and that unknown goddess are probably not the same person.”
“But I’m pretty sure they’re like, alternate universe counterparts?”
“Really? Cool.”
You joined his party after a few weeks of Paimon BEGGING Aether to just “Invite y/n, already!”
Paimon is getting tired of watching your semi-awkward interactions
So they hope bringing you on the team will stop making things so awkward
It kinda worked?
After gaining enough SP you used your ultimate, knowing that the missiles(?) couldn’t hurt anyone on your team
You scared the FUCK out of everyone
I mean you helped a lot but like
Give a warning please
Wait no he’s not mad at you don’t feel bad
Battle suit: Motolov Cherry: Augment Core
Let me tell you what an augment core is. I don’t know if they have a canon explanation because I skipped a lot of the HI3rd text, but it’s like a battle suit inside a battle suit.
They usually work similarly but in this case the battle suits aren’t very similar.
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The way he met you was unique
He heard a ruckus around Wangshu inn and went to go see if it was trouble
It was but you were taking care of it
He was about to leave because you looked more than capable of handling this
But then he saw that you dual-wield greatswords (or claymores, as they’re called in Teyvat)
You were just flinging them around like it was nothing???
Curious, he stuck around to watch you fight from afar
Then you used your ultimate
Great, now there’s even more pink and blue paint every—
Wait what it all disappeared after the fight wtf
See, the thing is, you actually expected him to be there
That’s why you were clearing out any remaining hilichurl camps around the inn
But you didn’t tell him
So now your talking
You trust him a lot, considering you literally lured him out to talk to him
He sticks around, and of course he asks questions
“Are those horns?”
“Uh, I think?”
“You think?”
“How do you dual-wield strange looking claymores, and then fight with them like they’re regular blades?”
“They’re not actually that heavy.”
“Yeah, you can hold one to test it out.”
He then dropped it on the ground, and fell down with it
Obviously it was kinda funny, but this is Xiao, so you try to hold back your laughter in order to keep Xiao as your friend
He then disappears out of embarrassment
You make a mental note to visit him at the inn sometime
Oh, and don’t forget the Almond Tofu
Battle suit: Starlit Astrologos
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Yeah she’s a support-dps
She’s my child and I love her
So it all started when you went to the adventures guild to find a place to stay
That’s where he heard you say “I have an anemo vision, but it’s in my coat.”
He surely didn’t remember giving you a vision, he’d definitely remember someone who looked as pretty as you
You got away with it and you were allowed into the adventurers guild!
Suspicious, he goes all like
“Hey, I couldn’t help but over-hear that you have an anemo vision! Let’s be anemo buddies!”
After he says that your just like oh no he’s on to me
You feign obliviousness, pretending like this man isn’t the literal anemo archon, and you agree
So you’re doing a commission and he tags along
Mainly because he doesn’t believe you have anemo powers and he waits for an excuse to come from you
“I’ll stay a bit behind and shoot a bit.”
“Ok, be careful.”
“I will.”
You dig your weapon into the ground, it made a musical bum sound
Wait do you actually have anemo powers
You used your charged attack and deal MASSIVE amounts of damage
And you use your normal attack to heal yourself when you get hit
He’s already amazed
Then a hilichurl is about to attack you from behind, but he can’t shoot it in time
Luckily, you dodge it in time, activating your ultimate evasion
Now, ultimate evasions differentiate from different battle suits
But the most common one is literally stopping time
But an extra thing this battle suit does is release a large burst of wind at the enemy who cause the evasion in the first place
Venti is so confused because he can move, you can move, but the hilichurls are slowed down by a lot
You yell at him to come step in the formation on the ground after time stops
So you continue attacking the hilichurls, and Venti makes his way to the small formation on the ground
The entire time he’s like
‘What the fuck, is y/n actually a human? What’s happening??’
Time goes back to normal and he steps in the forma— AAAAA EVERYTHING IS FROZEN AGAIN
Then the cherry on top to the cake of confusion was your ultimate
Hoo boy
Your ultimate is a giant formation with a tornado inside it
“Ok what the fu—“
After that you tell him that your from another world and about the whole situation blah blah blah
“So, you come from a different world, and then you took the powers of someone else from a different world?”
“Yeah, she’s like, really strong.”
“Is she a god?”
“Then what are the gods in that world like..?”
“You don’t wanna know.”
“I wha—“
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
ahhhh ty ty ty <3
ok, so I think that what makes Dream act this way (iykyk) is how dreamwastaken became so big so quickly. and by quick I mean fucking lightning speed.
he didn't have enough time to learn enough about cc etiquette, especially in these three aspects: influence, boundaries and fanbase/stans/whatever you call it. I'll try to explain it:
• Influence: Does he know the influence he has? Like, when he hears that he is the myct with the largest fanbase, does he really process that? I remember he talked about not being able to control all of his fanbase and there's bad apples everywhere -- which is true, and that only like 1% of his fanbase breaks his boundaries (that include sending hate for him, harassing, doxing, etc. yk, basic twitter culture lol) but, honey, with your big ass fanbase, 1% is still a lot of people. As a content creator you *have* to be aware of that.
let's take the hbomb situation. First off, as a streamer, it's you that set the mood of the stream. Even if he was only messing around with his pals, even if they did say to do not send hate to hbomb, dt dunking on him created a toxic environment, which caused his fans being toxic towards hbomb and you know what happens next. Hell, when this happened, I was watching Tapl and he was watching them and he was crying laughing over them screaming bc they were just. so loud and so aggressive that it was kinda ??? Sirs, this is literally a Minecraft Stream lmaooo
my point is, that was not the road that dreamwastaken, 21M fans, should've taken. he don't condone his fans actions but he knows his fans are diehard and will always be on his side, he should be more careful before stating negative opinions, especially if its towards another person.
• Boundaries and Fanbase: He posted a list of his boundaries a while ago, idk if you know or seen it (btw please george copy your bestie for the love of god <3) but I'm not talking about those boundaries, I'm talking about the basic boundaries between cc and viewer. boundaries that, in my opinion, should exist between cc and viewer. I get that Dream is an open person, an oversharing type of open person if I may add, but I think he should take a step back regardless. When I heard that he was taking a time from twitter, I genuinely got so glad, not because he couldn't start any drama then, but because it would do so so good for his mental health. I'm not even that fond of him, it's just that for me, any cc taking a break or outright leaving twitter is a win for me. I know how RSD is hard to deal and honestly letting shit out it's better but dream you have dt you have bbh so please don't make things worse online 😭 I know how good can be to feel validation from millions of people but. it's not a good idea, especially in the state that his fanbase is on rn (this topic is kinda sensitive to talk abt for me bc people be outright ableist and hide it as criticism like. say that shit's not helping his reputation and whatever without acting like he's fucking. manipulating his fanbase for being affected by his rsd💀 or, on the other hand, don't say that hes just being adhd🤪 when he's just being an asshole like damn that's a Him thing bro lol)
(omg it's so big I'm so sorry and theres a part two I'm so sorry tumblr user messed-up-gal ToT) - morango 1/2
pt. 2:
Dream is the proof that the people who loves you can be your downfall. istg. Have you noticed that every drama that Dream enters, people usually get more mad abt how his fanbase reacts (85% they'll react in a bad way) than Dream himself? it's not always, but its definitely more likely. I'm not saying Dream is saint, he Is petty and his ego does him dirty and made him choke multiple times before,, But! i dont think hes a bad guy. he's literally just a dude. ok, he's a 21yr old white gamer man that has a trumpie past (maybe?? idk. I think hes cured now ig lol) so he's bound to do some shitty things but he still tries to get better and hopefully he'll mature. 21 is old enough but it's still so young, yk? I kind of lost my mind during the end and my eyes are literally begging to be closed so tl;dr: Its gonna be hard for him to become a better cc bc his fans don't let him be criticized (by infantilizing his adhd symptoms or the mob mentality as soon as someone says anything abt him), the honest criticism get lost between lies from antis that don't know shit, he still has a lot of growing up to do and overall he became famous too fast and he needs to learn things even faster bc as soon as there's not a single one dream hater on sight they'll turn their back and attack him instead lmao I hate twitter i definitely have more to say but I'm tired and my memory is shit. just-- hate dream if you want, love dream if you want, nobody is obligated to have an opinion but I wanted to express mine. have a lovely day! -morango 2/2
Aight, there's a lot to unpack here, so Imma try to only go into the points I have something to add to (here's what I talk about in each paragraph, if you want to jump to a specific point):
Speed of Dream's rise to fame
The "bad apples" in the Dream fanbase
Post-MCC HBomb stream
Not condoning versus actually condemning his fans
Manipulation & RSD
Criticism of Dream, his fanbase, and his brand
The “just a dude” argument, flipped
First, I agree that one of the many factors that has resulted in the current image Dream has set up for himself, the way his fanbase functions, the ways people hate on him, and the way the Dream brand functions, is the speed of his rise to fame. It's unique, and there are probably a hundred social/psychological angles that could be used to examine the exact effects of that speed upon all of these facets of the Dream Name; did rapid fame beget the rapid rise of unrighteous hatred, did those waves of hatred then instigate the rise of a surprisingly overdefensive fanbase, did that rapid fame get to his head and/or result in an inability to appropriately handle all the after-effects of rapid fame, etc.? That point you bring up, about how the speed of his rise to fame requires him to learn even more quickly, is so interesting to me. I think that maybe Dream expected to get pretty famous pretty quickly, hence the preparedness in regards to some mechanics of influencer fame- merchandise, business-building, networking, knowing how to manage his fanbase to best benefit him. But I don't think he expected to get this famous this quickly. This is all speculation of course, as are this entire post and your ask, but I think that he just couldn't anticipate having to learn how to handle enmasse controversy, waves of antis, or every Youtuber speculating/knowing about him; and yeah, that results in him having to learn all of these things very quickly, lest he allow his whole brand and fandom to fall apart.
Second, I disagree with the frequent argument that Dream's fanbase is only marginally toxic. Personally, I think that the circumstances of Dream's fame, his personality and management of his fanbase, and his brand of content have resulted in the very specific kind of stan that Dream stans are. I don't think this is simply a case of "all fandoms have a small percentage of assholes who take it too far;" rather, the nature of the community itself breeds the kind of mentality of "an asshole who takes it too far." I only even know this because I was a Dream fan (kinda a stan, I'm ngl). At one time, I watched every single Dreamwastaken & Dream Team video multiple times; I listened to the Manhunts on repeat, as though they were podcasts; I followed mostly smiletwt and dttwt accounts on mcyttwt; I had upwards of 10 tabs for AO3 DNF fics open on my phone at a time; I watched DNF and Dream Team Being A Family-esque compilations on repeat; I watched every George and Sapnap alt stream I possibly could; I went out of my way to defend Dream against Redditors and Twitter antis regarding the cheating scandal. For the latter half of 2020, and a couple months of 2021, I lived and breathed this part of the fandom; so when I say that Dream stans are a whole other breed than any other kind of mcyttwt stan, I say that because I used to be like that, too. I usually use parasocial very loosely or ironically, but Dream stans are genuinely one of the most parasocial fanbases I have ever seen or been a part of. The level of investment Dream stans have in this man's life, the lengths they will go to to defend him, the amount of psychonalysis and digging they do on his life and character, the amount of emotion he can evoke in them- it's taken to another level, man. This isn't just characteristic of a fraction of his fanbase; this is what the fanbase is like as a whole.
Third, I partially disagree with your take on the HBomb thing, but not in the way one might think? I actually empathize with the way they reacted much more than I thought I would, simply because I suspect I have RSD (also suspect I have ADHD, have for several months now) and I can see myself getting insanely frustrated because of something like that. Like yeah, it was "just a MC stream" or "just an MC game," but that's kinda disregarding the fact that something that might seem like "just a [insert inconsequential thing]" to a rational mind might have a major emotional consequence/take a major emotional toll on someone with RSD, or really anyone who gets easily impatient/angry about video games (Sapnap reminds me of many of my friends, in that way). The issues I, personally, had with the way they handled the HBomb situation is that these are simply explanations and reasons for my empathy; they are not excuses. I have no excuse when I get irrationally angry about something inconsequential in my own life, for a couple of reasons. One, because I am an adult and I need to learn how to handle my reactions and manage my own anger. Two, because as someone with many mental problems, it is my responsibility to learn coping mechanisms to ensure my own emotional stability and livelihood; this includes learning whatever I need to handle RSD- whether that be isolating myself from others when I know I will become violently/passionately angry about something, creating and sustaining a support system that can get me through bouts of extreme emotion, finding healthy emotional outlets for my negative emotions that won't harm myself or others, or a combination thereof. I don't think what they said about HBomb post-MCC was an irreversibly horrible thing, or anything. I think there were errors committed by two men who should be fully capable of foreseeing and preventing those errors, but I don't unconditionally hate Dream or Sapnap for the post-MCC stream or comments. I just wish they had made amends quickly, publicly, and sufficiently, because the greatest consequences from the whole thing weren't even from those two criticizing HBomb themselves; they were from the waves of backlash because of their immense influence on the MCYT fandom, which could've been prevented, if they had acted maturedly and responsibly after the stream.
Fourth, you’re right, that he doesn’t seem to condone his fans’ behavior. I detest the frequent anti argument that one of the reasons Dream should be criticized is because he explicitly uses his fanbase to attack others, or something of the sort. Personally, I think he created his fanbase in a very specific way and interacts with them in such a way so as to benefit him as much as possible, yes, but he never actually tells his fanbase to go and yell at or harrass anyone. Still, there is a significant difference between not condoning something and condemning something. It might seem unfair, and it might be annoying of me to say this, but I truly think that someone with this large a fanbase, especially one as overzealous as Dream’s, needs to be condemned every single time it goes on some kind of rampage/harrassment campaign. Either that, or Dream needs to make a definitive, permanent statement against any kind of harrassment of others on his behalf. I know he’ll occassionally make the odd tweet or serious stream addressing something his fanbase did, but one of the many reasons his fanbase keeps doing the same damn thing is because he’s so lukewarm and spotty about this condemnation. A fanbase like his needs to be given explicit guidance and boundaries for the numerous things they do in his defense- harrassing/doxing antis, harrassing people who criticize him who aren’t antis (respectful criticism, other CCs, other MCYT stans, etc.), harrassing the people he critcizes (i.e., HBomb), speculating about his personal life (his relationship with his gf, his mental health/ADHD, his romantic life, his childhood, etc.), and speculating about his relationships with his friends and colleagues.  My personal ideology is that, if you have significant influence over someone or a group of people, you are at least somewhat responsible for the things those people do or don’t do, if it at all relates back to you. I’m so fucking tired of the argument that CCs aren’t responsible for what their fans do. Obviously they aren’t responsible for every single one of their fans, and obviously they can’t fully control their fans at the end of the day. But I think there are certain things that reach such a level of extremity that does make those CCs responsible. This can be measured by either scale or intensity; that is to say, if a CC’s fanbase does things on an extremely large scale, or one person from/a fraction of the fanbase does something really extreme, then the CC is made all the more responsible. Another CC I’ve always had trouble discussing with other people on this subject is Pewdiepie, in particular, about the extremists in his fanbase. Because the things a small handful of his fans have done in reference to him and/or in his name were so fucking extreme, I thought Pewdiepie had to take at least some responsibilty. Along a similar vein, because the things Dream’s general fanbase does are so widespread and on such a massive scale, Dream has to take at least some responsibility.
Fifth, okay. Hmmm. I want to tackle this point you made about the ableism he faces in some criticism of him carefully and with empathy, but not coddling. One, I do think a lot of the criticism he receives for the ways he handles criticism (post-cheating Tweets, reactions to John Swan, post-MCC HBomb stream, etc.), disregard his RSD and can be oftentimes ableist. I’ve actually encountered people irl who criticize this aspect of Dream’s character, and have had to explain to them their disregard for how ADHD/RSD affect neurodivergent people’s reactions to criticism. But - and this is a big, and very controversial but - I think mentally ill/disordered people can 100% leverage their mental illness/disorders for the sake of manipulation. This is actually something I’ve learned from a psychiatrist, regarding the ways people I know and I handle our anxiety and depression. This manipulation can be unwitting or intentional, but it is entirely possible, and the possibility shouldn’t be entirely dismissed as ableist. Living with a mental illness or disorder that others know about/that you are very public about puts you in an interesting position to receive frequent sympathy, empathy, and/or pity. I’m not saying that empathy for Dream having ADHD/RSD is entirely unjustified; on the contrary, I have frequently expressed how I can relate to his ADHD symptoms and have defended him for expressing those symptoms, both on mcytblr and in real life. I am saying that Dream fans tend to use his ADHD as a kind of shield for a lot of criticism levied against him, including the supposition that he could be manipulating his fanbase to defend him because of his public expressions of RSD. So yes, my theory is that Dream knows how to levy every aspect of his life for his personal gain and for the growth of his brand, and that includes his ADHD. I think he has courage for his openess about his ADHD, I think his openness has contributed to the rise in awareness of mental health and empathy for neurodivergent people within Gen Z, and I think at least some of his expressions of RSD publicly/online weren’t intentionally made public. All that being said, I also think he has to know just how much his fanbase cares about defending him for his ADHD, and I think he has to know that some of the things he does related to his neurodivergence endear him to his audience, in a coddling, baby-ing, mildly ableist sorta way.  Maybe this is all incredibly presumptuous of me. Of course, I can never know the real intentions behind any Dream video, Tweet, or stream. Maybe I’m just projecting, because I can see myself doing just this, if I had the maturity I had circa 2018-2019. Idfk know, man.
Sixth, I actually agree with you here, people probably do get more mad at his fanbase than him. Dream puts out content pretty seldomly, considering the frequency of content output for other Youtubers/streamers in his field/at his brand size. And yet, he has received masses of criticism. Considering that the things Dream himself does/says do not entirely correlate with the amount of criticism he receives, I think it’s a logical assumption that a lot of that criticism actually goes back to the size of his presence online, rather than the man himself. That is to say, because of the massive community he’s amassed, the exponential growth of his fanbase, their presence on every single social media site and in virtually every single Internet space/fandom, and the size of his metaphysical presence in his fields, Dream is much bigger than the man himself, so the criticism he receives will, at least in part, be a direct or indirect result of all these other aspects of the Dream brand.  Something I don’t think many Dream fans/stans, or even most MCYT fans in general, understand, is that Dream isn’t just “one guy” in the eyes of the Internet- at least, not anymore. He hasn’t been for nearly a year. Like Pewdiepie, Mr. Beast, and other CCs who have amassed similar levels of fame and wealth via Internet content creation, Dream is a brand now, and most people will treat him as such. He isn’t just some uwu soft boy playing Minecraft anymore. He is on a whole other level from any other MCYT in his friend circle or colleague interaction bubble. His words will never again live in a vaccum or private bubble, his friend circle will never again be under anything less than intense scrutiny, his past actions will never again be simple mistakes or silly errors, his words will never again be casual tweets or streams for laughs among a couple thousand followers. Dream’s name represents something much bigger than just the one man. As such, all aspects of his brand, including his fanbase, will tie back to him and, ultimately, to any general criticism of him.
I’m not saying I like any of this, and I actually think the evolution of influencers from people to a marketable brand with similar mechanisms, responsibilities, and liabilities as a corporation is some kind of late capitalism nightmare fuel; I’m just stating my own observations and theories as to why so much anti-Dream criticism seems to be directed at his fanbase, rather than him.
Seventh, he’s just a guy, you’re right, but I think a lot of the antis on Tumblr understand this more than you know. As I’ve seen it, the sentiment among much of the “DSMP stans DNI” crowd seems to be that of “Dream/other MCYTs are such ‘bad’ people, so why do their fans stick to these mediocre, racist men, when there are so many better people to watch/better content to consume?” We know this argument is flawed for many of the obvious reasons - the conflation of all MCYTs’ actions regardless of individual identity, the equating of a CC’s fanbase’s morality to that of the CC they enjoy watching, the exxageration of any error MCYT CCs have committed as bigotry/racism, the fundamental misunderstanding and misinformation that led antis to believe this exxageration of the facts, etc. But I want to focus on the general, underlying sentiment of, “why not watch someone better, when your creator is problematic?” Sometimes, I ask this of Dream stans. Yes, being mildly ignorant, getting involved in the scandals Dream has, and being a right-leaning/libertarian centrist in the recent past all seem like harmless things, all things considered. One could say Dream isn’t nearly as bad as many antis who are misinformed seem to believe, and that there are much worse CCs Dream stans could be watching and creating fan content for. But I think what Tumblr antis wonder is, aren’t there also much better MCYTs/CCs people could be watching and stanning? Because he’s just some guy, right? Is his content truly so exceptional or is he really so exceptional a person, that people have to stick by him, despite the things that spike up regarding his current or past actions? I think that’s what made me finally decide to stop watching Dream. I realized he was just Some Guy. The Dream Team was a comforting dynamic to indulge in, DNF was a cute ship to read and speculate about, and Manhunts were fun videos to watch; however, once the Reddit posts came out and I read them in-depth, the cost-benefit analysis tipped over to the “not worth it” side for me. I realized Dream’s content, while fun and comforting, was not entirely unique, and wasn’t worth sticking around for, given what I then knew about his past political leanings. If he is just Some Guy, then there are a hundred more like him out there. There a hundred more ships, a hundred more found family dynamics, a hundred more entertaining and skilled Minecraft players. So while I agree with you on the point of people being allowed to love him regardless because he is just a guy, at the end of the day, I think that, if we are to believe that sentiment or use that argument in such a manner, we should also understand the flip side- that, if he is just some guy, why is it worth sticking around? To that I say, maybe because people just enjoy the simple things they enjoy.
Anyways, I wholly agree with your tl;dr. Thanks for that insanely long ask, this was a fun thing to keep me occupied while I’ve been at work, facilitating Zoom sessions this whole morning.
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sirescumbag · 3 years
AA7 thoughts
So I just finished Spirit of Justice and then I heard about Ace Attorney 7 apparently in the works, so my brain decided this is the time to make up potential plot twists to be excited about that don’t actually exist. I know this is divergent from my usual fanart posting but here’s a very long text dump of some new stuff I’d be interested in seeing but will probably not happen because it is all very specific and caters to my own desires, probably not the fandom’s in general:
Phoenix is still there, but not as active as an acting defense attorney, though he’s still key to the plot (as a mentor, or to be used as emotional blackmail). He’s not playable (or if he is, it’s not for long), but more there as a plot point in a Maya sort of way (oh the turntables). This time, he’s the one under threat or danger. Instead of switching around from lawyer to lawyer, I think that Athena should undergo some more development as a main character this time around since Phoenix and Apollo have had their time to shine. The removal of Phoenix and being all alone, I think, would also be interesting in her character development
On that note, bring on the major character angst!! Having a big tragedy occur, with a fairly major character. Usually the tragedy pulled is a murder/death, but how about a different sort of tragedy-- a fate worse than death/on par with it to someone who is still alive? Someone is severely incapacitated, a psychological injury (classic old memory loss, or perhaps a genius who is reduced to a very limited mental capacity), coma, or even a temporary death (like with Petenshy, Edgeworth), or perhaps a kidnapping (not Maya this time, please). If it happens to a major character, it’ll have greater impact, BUT there’ll be fan riots if it’s not reversible. So have the tragedy with the character get resolved, but not in a deus ex machina way-- recovery is slow and angsty but filled with hope.
There’s often a focus on the past haunting you-- let’s try shifting this to the present! Building suspense on a case that is happening in real time-- I am fond of the idea of a serial killer on the loose in the present and the dread of suspense in present time throughout trials as they continue to kill and hinder key advances in solving the mystery.
Very often, there are personal ties in court-- both the prosecution and defense are tied together in some way in the past, resolving their own personal backstory. Instead of oneself, maybe let’s have some focus on a client instead? It might be interesting to see a lawyer get so deep into protecting a single client-- instead of a new client for every case, protecting a single person over multiple cases-- that they get roped into an outsider’s story instead. A little idea in my head is of playing around with maybe witness protection, or say (off the serial killer idea) someone is expected to be the next target for a murder and you are tasked with trying to protect them in real time (and then a tragedy happens to them that moves plot forward, bonus if players gets to build an emotional connection between you and the client).
In SOJ and DGS, the stakes were big on “saving the masses” and government reform-- the stakes can still be high, but instead of something lofty like reforming the world or community, instead it could focus on the relationships with the people immediately around you, protecting them, or just some good old self-preservation.
Newer characters like Athena being really fleshed out! Whether there are new or old characters, really build and explore the depth of their character beyond that of a plot point. Not just slapping on relationship labels that immediately trigger emotion but have no context beyond it (like the killing off “my best friend” Clay in DD, or the classic parental death). I thought the fleshing out of Dhurke and building an emotional relation to him in SOJ was a lot more effective in making it really feel like a tragedy than with Clay in DD.
For introducing any old characters, please show some personality changes due to age. Or, maybe! Even a 180 change from the personality from the original trilogy for intrigue-- what happened to the old person I knew (and have it be integral to the plot)? I know I griped about the old “ah That Event 5/7/10 years ago” past plot thing being used but I wouldn’t mind this being used as a part of plot development either
Maybe try to bridge the feeling of separation between the old trilogy and newer characters’ worlds by, instead of kind of sequestering them into their separate spheres of interaction to preserve nostalgia (like in Turnabout Time Traveler, where the old gang is all together in the same dynamic, Maya and Phoenix and Edgeworth, etc), have old trilogy characters interact with newer ones in significant ways and build their own unique bond. So, not just a passing mention where the old encounters the new, having the old interact with the new and build a bond through going through significant conflicts together (for example, this has already been mentioned but if Athena is the main focus of the next game, there could be an opportunity to explore this if she confronts Franziska in court!).
I know there’s already so many gimmicks added (Apollo’s perceive, Athena’s widget) but if there has to be something new added, instead of making it individual-specific, maybe have be similar to spirit channeling as a concept-- have it be a broad phenomenon in the world that plays a key part in causing a case, rather than a tool for discerning the truth of a case.
Or, if we’re sticking with the same gadgets/tricks, instead choosing to tamper more with the tools of the trade that were supposed to never lead you astray-- this has already been seen in DD, where Apollo’s bracelet led him to the wrong conclusion about Athena, and AA4, where evidence was tampered with. Perhaps instead of adding new gadgets, let’s manipulate, tamper with, lose, have it used against them in new ways!
The use of a civil case in SOJ was very much unexpected but in my opinion a very interesting one! Would be very interesting to see more in-fighting among the prosecutor group or within the defense attorney group and see how that moves the plot along. Messing more with the court system instead of adding new gadgets would also be interesting.
More threats during investigation, not just in court! Remember when von Karma tased you in the evidence room? Let’s have suspense in AND out of the courtroom.
I’m sure there’s plenty of interesting psychological phenomena that could be used to complicate court cases (for example, that use of Justice Minister Inga’s cognitive disorder in recognizing faces coming into play)!
Different approaches for moral ambiguity for clients using psychology-- we’ve seen this with defending clients who are actually guilty, or being blackmailed. I’d be interested in seeing a Jekyll and Hyde situation where 2 different sides of one person commit a crime, but one side is unaware of it-- and how a defense lawyer would handle this!
Exploring the plea for insanity in court! Double jeopardy! Escaped convicts! A murder whose trial to find a good jury has been delayed for a long time and is forced to find its resolution outside of court due to the murderer striking again!
Also, to pull in some stuff I read about elsewhere, after reading about moral psychology in Jonathan Haidt’s book The Righteous Mind and moral triggers that typically pull strong reactions (care, fairness, loyalty, authority, sanctity), I was also thinking about how ace attorney manages to build emotionally compelling cases in relation to this model. Ace Attorney imo so far has done pretty alright at hitting most of these triggers at some point to hype the emotion, but for the final case, it ends up being played in what I see as generally the same way (ex: character development starts from from my duty as a lawyer is my role as the defense/prosecutor into that of my duty is to find the truth, authority corrupt and that is bad, justice should be served fairly, I am loyal to my group of prosecutor/defense, also played with loyalty and betrayal in DD with Apollo and Athena splitting, also triggered sanctity a bit in SOJ with the religion, lots of other examples probably but that’s a few). I’d be interested in seeing these same moral triggers played upon in different manner for some variety! Maybe even pursuing some different themes than justice and truth and duty and all that jazz, but idk what else could be alright to explore cause the courts kinda embody all that and deviating to make a statement about other themes might not fit as well in the courts hmm
Also part 2, I wonder if there’ll be romantic undertone somewhere (or heavily implied) for any new or old major characters. Romantic love isn’t usually used with major characters as a plot point (usually platonic stuff, friendship, family, or duty to the truth is instead) but I’d think it’d be interesting if romance was used this time around as an emotional motivator to drive the plot
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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Homestuck 2 has updated! Christmas is ruined!
Previously, on Homestuck 2: Literally nothing happened, and a non-trivial portion of the patreon supporters gave up and quit. Can this update pull a Christmas miracle and right the sinking ship of Homestuck 2? Probably not, but let’s find out! 
We’re back in Candyland, having completely skipped over Karkat and John talking about Dave’s apparent death, because this comic is only interested in long conversations when they’re boring and not about anything at all. That’s alright, I got the gist of it.
When Karkat is finally gone, John still doesn’t move. It isn’t as though he has nowhere else to go, since there are quite a few places he might attempt to make himself useful, for better or for worse.
So, it appears to be morning now, meaning that John’s son has been missing in a war zone for almost 24 hours and I guess John literally forgot Harry existed?
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Prediction: This conversation is going to end in some variant of “Where is our son?” “Oh shit!”
ROXY: hey john can u do me a quick solid
ROXY: actly idk how quick itll be but its definitely solid
ROXY: harry anderson says i just missed u being here but could u skip back on over?
So, I went back and checked, and apparently nowhere is it explicitly said that Harry Anderson was also looking for the Vriskas, so I guess he....stayed home? Which makes sense, I suppose, but maybe a “Stay here I’ll go look for them” would’ve helped. I wasn’t the only one who thought Harry was out looking for Vriska too. 
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ROXY: sup
ROXY: follow me
ROXY: well were just going to my room so i guess technically u know the way
JOHN: haha ok.
John follows, trying to shake the ominous feeling he got from what she’d just said. He’d been in and out of this house a lot in the past few days. Why should this be any different?
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Is Roxy....horny? Is the solid she’s looking for John’s dick? I mean, that’d make her saying Harry wasn’t available kind of weird, but I think this framing is a fake-out.
What the fuck is that lamp, Jesus Christ it’s awful. Just a cat’s asshole, facing the door.
ROXY: r u kiddin me rn egbert
JOHN: i’m not? unless you were, in which case yeah lets say i was also kidding.
JOHN: oh my god, i’m sorry, i don’t know why this making me freak out.
ROXY: i remember our past boot knockin with fondness but that is a situation im not interested in revisiting
Oh hey, it was a fakeout. Good job, Homestuck 2. You successfully implied something just through the art. Art which, by the way, looks a lot better than the last chapter. There are backgrounds and everything. I wonder if Chapter 15 was rushed out due to Hiveswap and that’s why it was so weak?
He’s almost embarrassed by how relieved he feels. So what if his ex wife wanted to hook up? Shouldn’t that be a situation he could navigate? Don’t people like to find solace in human physical connection during dire times? Why did the idea of it make his mind white out in panic more than, say, any number of the traumas he just experienced?
ROXY: u said ur house is gone??
JOHN: yep.
JOHN: completely.
ROXY: jeez
Heh. I like Roxy, still. 
JOHN: so i just sat there, watching, trying to figure out why watching my house burn down felt like i was being released from prison.
If this comic actually uses the phrase “home” and “stuck” in the same sentence I’m turning this blog around and we’ll go right back to Winnipeg.
ROXY: aight then no wind bending just use your mangrit
Roxy flexes, the corner of her mouth pulled up into a familiar grin. John feels his guts, so recently calmed, twist up into knots again. Her eyebrows shoot up and the smile loosens. He must have shown something on his face.
ROXY: ok or just like push when i push
ROXY: we both got sick muscles
ROXY: no other adjectives necessary
I feel unqualified to talk about how hard Roxy is pushing the June Egbert thing.
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....Is that the fucking portal from Hiveswap under a tarp? Also hi Candy Callie, appearing in HS2 for the first time. One of the Calliope’s is nonbinary, I think, but I honestly can’t remember and I think it’s Meat Calliope? 
JOHN: do i get to know what that big thing under the sheet is?
ROXY: hmmmmmm no
JOHN: oh ok.
JOHN: are you sure? i mean, it seems like a pretty prominent feature of the room.
JOHN: space.
JOHN: wherever we are.
ROXY: and a totally mysterious n COMPLETELY inconspicuous feature it will have to remain for now
ROXY: we r kinda in a hurry here fyi
ROXY: and by that i mean
ROXY: we are in precisely the amount of hurry that means im excused from having to a that specific q rn
JOHN: right, sorry.
JOHN: i will pay no attention to the object behind the curtain.
ROXY: u catch on fast egbert
Oh thing HS2 has not been great at is that it has a lot of plot mysteries that are supposed to keep us enticed but they don’t really get implanted into the audience’s head (Remember Vrissy mysteriously collapsing that one time? Probably not, she did it off screen and the boys kind of laughed it off). This one’s hard to miss.
JOHN: so... this is all downstairs?
JOHN: it seems like you had a lot of work done.
ROXY: well no not x actly
ROXY: were in the old meteor
It’s kind of weird how this meteor keeps popping up like this. 
CALLIOPE: besides, hUman divorces are even more fascinating than i had ever imagined, and being able to witness yoUrs in motion was an honoUr.
This is an unexpected but not unwelcome direction for Callie to have gone.
CALLIOPE: ah right, right. yoU're probably a little cUrioUs as to where the dickens we are.
CALLIOPE: how much do yoU know aboUt black holes?
Oh, wow, we’re going right there, then. This does seem like a bit of a reaction to complaints HS2 wasn’t shmoovin’ enough, but maybe I’m reading too much into it.
CALLIOPE: no, i mean, what if oUr whole WORLD was inside a black hole.
JOHN: ok.
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A’ight, that got a laugh out of me
JOHN: ugh, i fucking KNEW it!
JOHN: i'm so sorry.
JOHN: i'm so sorry that i put the earth inside a black hole everyone. ):
I like this conversation a lot. 
ROXY: iirc at least part of y u got so weepy was the fact that u couldnt believe a version of earth existed where ppl got 2 watch more mcconaughey films than you
JOHN: listen.
JOHN: i simply don't think you all appreciated the gift you were given.
Quite a bit, in fact.
ROXY: ur not gonna enter a weird time vortex and change the trajectory of a little girls life with the power of love
JOHN: aw.
Roxy and John have a good dynamic. 
CALLIOPE: bUt Upon her departUre, the rift closed for good. as far as i can see, there's simply no way for Us to commUnicate with the world oUtside the black hole.
CALLIOPE: i woUld certainly be very sUrprised to find oUt that anyone had managed sUch a thing!
JOHN: ...right.
John’s phone has very good coverage, since he was able to talk to Terezi in the epilogues, as we’re being subtly reminded of here with that ... before the “right”. I wonder if it still works after alt-Calliope left.
CALLIOPE: oUr exclUsion from the overarching coUrse of events which governs all reality means that oUr existence here is liable to dramatic and violent Upheaval.
CALLIOPE: to pUt it another way, becaUse nothing in here "matters", we are likely to be sUbjected to things which are a bit bats in the belfry, for no reason other than it's totally insignificant to the wider canon of reality.
CALLIOPE: and mUch thoUgh i am personally titillated by some of the conseqUences of this predicament, it is a degrading way for Us to live. u_u
Okay, so we are now being explicitly told that living in the black hole is fucking with the characters and is part of the reason they make such baffling decisions, like Rose not telling Kanaya about Yiffy, or naming her daughter “Yiffy” in the first place.
CALLIOPE: we need yoU to free vriska from the clUtches of oUr misgUided friend jane, and bring her here, to the singUlarity.
ROXY: weve been calling it the plot point
CALLIOPE: yes, the plot point is a key part of oUr plan
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CALLIOPE: as far as we have been able to sUrmise, the only remaining method for escaping oUr grim confinement depends on leveraging the UniqUe properties of this location to create an event of sUch catalcysmic proportions that it simply cannot be contained within the black hole any more.
CALLIOPE: something SO dramatic, so hyper-relevant, that it becomes ontologically impossible for anyone to ignore it.
CALLIOPE: for that, we need an individUal of sUfficient narrative cloUt, so to speak.
CALLIOPE: and to liberate her, who better than the embodiment of the aspect of freedom itself?
So, the plan is literally for Vriska to be such a Huge 8itch that the black hole itself gets sick of her and yeets Earth C out of its own event horizon to freedom.
This is actually a great plan. 
And that’s Hamsteak. This definitely feels like a bit of a reaction to complaints about HS2, but hey, I dig it, I guess? Definite improvement over the last chapter.
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dragonherder2030 · 4 years
So I watched Raya and the Last Dragon-
I honestly was very disappointed with the movie as a whole. I LOVE dragons and main movies and media just doesn’t have much of them that I have seen. So when I saw that Disney was making a movie about and staring a dragon character, I got very excited. I had loved the design for Sisu when she was just a concept art
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She was much more colorful and had a very different face, a more regional face. She is definitely more water dragony compared to the actual final draft design. And she is just overall prettier in my opinion.
Spoilers under this point
Another thing is the continuity and main logic of the movie. In the beginning of the movie it is practically about 15 minutes of exposition. It tells that apparently all the dragons are water dragons, every single one since they all look the same, but that there were multiple dragons in the past. These evil creatures made of human greed or whatever started attacking humans, and well I guess other things but the humans primarily. When attacked, they pass through the human and either take or freeze their spirit or something I don’t remember exactly, but the person becomes stone. So the dragons being the most powerful creatures in the world, they tried to fight the things. The dragons were also turned to stone, all but one, The Mighty Sisu. In the exposition it says that she compiled all her magic into the orb, and used it to destroy the things and turn everyone back from stone. Except the dragons. Do they ever explain why it didn’t turn the dragons back to alive? No it does not, it absolutely does not, but ho boy there is SO much more. Later in the exposition, the dragon gem gets broken into 5 pieces, one for each of the tribes. And they each possess a piece of the gem now. So, when the gem gets broken, all the evil creatures from the very beginning just, come back! This is never explained- nothing is ever explained in this movie it was just made for the funnies I GUESS. This movie feels like a really bad book adaption HONESTLY. And at the end of the movie when everyone comes back because it’s a kids movie, it’s just AHHGH everyone is happy now all the dragons come back and everything is dandy. But why didn’t the dragons come back in the beginning? The whole moral of the movie is “Trust good”. Seriously that’s it. And when they put the dragon gem back together at the end everyone is like “oh wow we need to trust each other and that’s how the magic will WoRk”. But explained earlier when we hear Sisu’s whole backstory is that when SHE did the magic fix she trusted her siblings the most that she had in that moment, SO TELL ME WHY DIDN’T IT WORK!!?? It makes no sense to me at least maybe I’m just missing something. But it annoys me so much, nothing makes sense in this movie. Another theory I have is that there were 3 writers. Each assigned to a seperate story arc, one to the beginning exposition thing, one to the middle main part, and one to the climax and final bits of the movie. The thing is, the writers only vaguely know what the past ones did XD.
The next problem I have is with the actual magic and formulation of dragons, as well as what the heck is up with the dragon gem. But don’t worry, I have at least 2 more problems with this movie. So as Sisu gets more and more of the dragon gem shards, she gains new powers. But do you know why? Because APPARENTLY when the gem broke into the 5 pieces, the magic of her individual siblings who gave their magic to the gem was separated perfectly. Ok that may not make much sense. But when we see Sisu’s backstory it shows that her oldest brother made the gem, then each sibling except Sisu put their special magic into the gem. So then, when it broke, the individual gem pieces only had the 1 type of magic in them? Excuse me what? That doesn’t make sense, if I make a cake, then I won’t cut it up and get only egg from one slice, then a bunch of sugar from another slice. It’s just- really bad and they could have fixed it by just- not having the siblings at all. They so easily could have been written out of the story, instead Sisu could have no magic when she is brought back, which she practically has none, her “magic” is that she is a strong swimmer. But then as she gets the pieces she gains back parts of her original magic, that would have been more indering then the siblings. Now the second part of this is the actual powers. Ok, which sounds like more of a power, being able to glow, or being able to fly around by walking on raindrops. The second one right? Well, ThEY aRe BoTh COsIdeReD MaGIc iN tHiS UniVErSe. All the powers that Raya aquires from the dragon gem pieces is being able to do the glow, being able to shape shift into a human, and being able to walk on the rain. Now, that isn’t even the part I’m the most mad about. At the end of the movie when all the dragons come back, THEY ALL CAN WALK ON THE RAIN. LIKE WHAT!? I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE OLDER BROTHER’S MAGIC TYPE! Do you get what I mean by this movie having no continuity? At the end of the movie, Sisu was killed by evil cat lady, and all the dragons come back walking on the rain and just- resurrect her. Ok, I guess that could be explained away as all the magic beings being magical, but I still don’t like how easily they did it. Yet another thing is that Sisu can make a bunch of magical smoke, well not magical but it’s really shimmery and thick, that’s not explained, she just can do it.
Let’s talk about the relationships in this movie. I hate them. No ones characters are developed on or improved except for maybe cat lady- I need to find her name somewhere, but except for Namarii is her name, her and Raya. Namarii’s big stitch is, I don’t even know just not being the most evil person? Either that or the same trust thing, which would mean that her and Raya have the same character arc. Raya in the beginning of the movie is explained to be the daughter of the chef of clan Heart, one of the most prosperous out of the 5 clans. They at the start of the movie had the dragon gem, and the father guy, he invited every other clan over to have a big feast or whatever. So when they get there, young Namarii, all this is happening when Raya is like, 9 I think, but Namarii and Raya become friends over fangirling for Sisu. Namarii has a necklace of Sisu that she gives to Raya. And side note, they act as though Sisu isn’t the SAVIOR OF THIER LANDS, but she’s some really good singer. Well I guess they have to connect to all those youngsters out there with an obsession and that rElATaBlE moment when you fInD AnOTheR oF tHiEr kInD. That just triggered me. But since Namarii is such a big fan of Sisu, Raya, after being shown to be VERY offensive about the idea of the other tribes coming, just decides to show Namarii the dragon gem! But uh oh, twist, Namarii is actually bad oh noooo and everyone comes up and starts to fight over the dragon gem. Then it shatters and the evil things come back. So Raya and her dad are trying to escape, her dad had been injured from fighting an arrow to the leg, but the things are repelled by water. So what does the dad do? He yeets the child into a river(they are on a bridge at this point) after having a minute long conversation with her. Like, could he not just tip himself off to? But hey we have to give them characters angsty backstorys amiright? It’s just so stupid the character motives. So like, Idk 12 years pass by or something since Raya is an adult now. She actually has a pretty emotional prayer type thing to Sisu when she is trying to resurrect her to save the world. This movie has a few ups that I will put at the end. So let’s talk about Sisu now, ho boy, she is the “oh everything will be fixed with hugs and kisses”. You know what this is, this is the same exact dynamic that Poppy and Branch went through during Trolls movie! The exact same dynamic! HECK Disney couldn’t even get original personalities. Sisu blindly trusting everything gets them into wacky situations and causes some conflict between Raya and Sisu but BARELY ANY. And Sisu just seems like- really innocent, she’s oblivious all the time. She’s this ancient beast and she just has the most generic personality and I loath it. Namanii is actually someone I liked. She seemed like the most real character until the very end, just, the blindly “oh everything is alright now and I’m fine with everyone now trauma doesn’t exist”. Also on that point, apparently trauma doesn’t exist in this world, because Sisu lost every single one of her siblings, and just, doesn’t show any sign of grieving or remorse she just doesn’t give a thought to them. Except for the backstory bit but she just doesn’t seem to care. Also just a side note, none of those side characters are developed at all and just there for practically comic relief. The whole resolution of the movie is them putting the gem together and then all “hugging” each other and wow look at that it worked. *inhales* and then when Sisu comes back, she has the most emotionally dead response to Raya, none of the character reuniting is good. You know, if you have seen storks, that near end montage where all the babies are brought to the people? Yeah, that was 100% better then the resolutions of Raya and the Last Dragon. One scene that ticked me off so much was when that ninja baby was reunited with her parents, the mom, oh my gosh, she looked as if she had just found an old purse she misplaced. She did not look- ah I can’t even put it into words just look up the clip to get it.
That’s all that I have to say about the movie, I probably have more somewhere but honestly I couldn’t put it into words. Now, you know, I have to give this movie a few good opinions. The movie looked amazing, great character design(except for the dragons I dispose them) and everything looks gorgeous. As well as the animal design, I wish I could have seen more animals honestly they all looked really interesting and unique.
Sorry this post was so long I just wanted to put my opinions out there.
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inkykeiji · 3 years
i think before you’ve said that reader in bmb universe dresses similar to the actresses in clueless (cher and dione) and i was curious if u thought that the reader (in bmb) is just as clueless/as much of an airhead (ahhhh idk how to say this diplomatically) as the ppl from the movie like cher or her friends(?) i know she goes to university/college but is she like smart? lmao i feel so mean rn but i genuinely am curious about ur original thoughts and ideas when writing this and what u had envisioned in mind
i know before u said anyone and everyone imagines different things and details but i was really curious on what YOUR original ideas were if you’re comfortable w me asking
ahahahaha yes yes of course i’m comfortable with you asking!!! i actually love questions like these SO much! <3 so thank you very much for asking!! and all i meant when i talk about interpretations of a piece of art/fiction is simply that there is not one “right” interpretation; mine as the author is just one of endless—it has a very special, personal meaning to me, but someone else might read it and find their own personal, special meaning for themselves, because we are all unique people with different experiences, opinions, beliefs etc.
i hope that makes sense!!! that’s all i mean tho hehehehe <3 but i also totally understand what you’re asking and why you’re asking it!!! i am like this with my favourite directors; like, their films have personal meaning to me that i’ve interpreted based on my life/who i am, but i’m always interested to know THEIR interpretations as well!!!
but yes yes thank you for asking!!! i remember talking about her intelligence a looooong long time ago, but i can’t find the ask hehehe.i feel like the answer is a little complicated. bmb!reader IS smart in a book smart sense—at least, shes more intelligent than cher + dionne—but she’s nowhere near as smart as dabi and tomura are when it comes to book smarts. she does well in school, not amazing but decently (slightly above average, i’d say), because she works hard and her education + grades are important to her.
but it doesn’t come naturally to her, doesn’t come easy in any way, and she’s got zero street smarts. like, nothing at all. she grew up sheltered, and she’s still extremely sheltered by tomura. as such, when it comes to life stuff, she’s a little dumb and definitely lost, and it almost lends itself to the perpetual innocence she seems to exude. she’s quite used to tomura making all of her decisions for her, and for the most part she’s HAPPY with that.
a good example of her pushing back and not being happy with this tho is when she says she won’t stop going to university in part one; but one of the big big reasons why she pushes back against him there is BECAUSE school is important to her, you know??? it’s one of the only things she does for herself and by herself, and she enjoys it. it’s a little bit of freedom but it’s also enough freedom for her; she’s a little lazy, she likes being treated like a baby/princess and being taken care of, she likes not having that responsibility and just being the prize she is and getting all those fancy gifts + being doted on by her Daddy etc etc.
other than that, she doesn’t have too many issues with tomura making the decisions most of the time, and when she does, she can almost always entice him to change his mind ;) it’s also worth noting here though that the majority of ‘decisions’ she isn’t alright with are when tomura says no and denies her something she wants: ie saying no to sweets before dinner. when it comes to bigger, more substantial decisions she will happily let tomura take the wheel.
so, i’d say cher + dionne are smarter than her when it comes to street smarts. cher knows how to manipulate and argue her way up to A’s in all of her classes; bmb!reader would never be able to do that. cher + dionne are masters at makeovers and plan them in detail, and i’d even go as far to argue that they’re able to read people and life situations better than bmb!reader, too. they have a lot more experience than she does. reader is much easier to take advantage of because of this, and much easier to manipulate, and she’s also mostly content with her lack of autonomy. i can’t see cher or dionne being okay with that, you know?
in sum: she’s smarter than them when it comes to academics, but more clueless than they are when it comes life stuff.
AH SORRY FOR SUCH A LONG ANSWER ANON EHEHEHE i hope this makes sense!!!! let me know if it doesn’t, or if you have any other questions! <3 the interesting thing about bmb’s reader is that she’s all of these things above, yet she has this brattiness to her, like the tiniest sliver of a rebellious streak, just to see where things will go if she pushes, and she will fight back when she wants to (ie dabi + drugs in part two, yelling at tomura for his absence in part two). 
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