#as you don new years. thing is none of us like champagne
hopeheartfilia · 4 months
for someone who is yet to finish the book, fuyao sect is very dear to me
0 notes
burnedbyshoto · 4 years
hole in the wall
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In a party for the ages, Shouto comes across a room with hole in the wall that has him coming back for more.
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, PWP, cult activity, drug mention, alcohol consumption, glory hole, cursing, degradation, praise, possessive jealous!shouto, stuck in the wall, spanking, overstim, bruising, bleeding, breeding
word count: 7,831
a/n: read the fucking warnings bro, im tired, I hate formatting, here’s to finally writing what I wanna write! also, this is for a lovely bnharem collab that kept getting pushed back... make sure to read the intro to understand my story! anyways, gloryholes is peak anonymous sex and I just,,, if thats the only way imma get to suck shoutos cock, I will. I had something else to say... I forgot. oH THIS IS WRITTEN IN A NEW STLYE-ISH??? porn from shoutos pov!!!
Traditionally, when people think of the connection between heroes and cults, they expect that the heroes eradicate the cults, not that the heroes are a part of a cult.
It was somewhat ironic that a group of people who advocated for public safety, for the wellbeing of every citizen of the country - the world - would demand compensation in areas that didn't involve financial compensation. Heroes saved the day countless amounts of times, but when they needed... help at night because they've been so busy saving the world, there needed to be compensation.
It had shocked nearly everyone within the hero community when none other than Yaoyorozu Momo brought them a solution. For nothing more than loyalty to saving the day, all heroes granted the benefit of joining the Savior of Eight Million, an… organization brought forth by the prodigious hero. It had shocked the hero community at first that the once thought of a modern-day princess, putting together a wicked group that served the beastly needs of heroes, was almost laughable. But as time passed, as trials tested the organization (cult), the more heroes realized how lucky they were that it was Yaoyorozu who created this.
The Yaoyorozus, in all their riches and connections, made this group untouchable.
Police were bought off, apprehended, silenced.
Heroes with the savior complex were put down.
Villains were never believed.
The Savior of Eight Million held ties with the greatest, the most esteemed people in the world. The parties were unworldly, dripping with diamonds and gold, the sweet smell of champagne barely drowning out the bitter acidic and burning plastic smell of the drugs used vicariously at their gatherings. All heroes joined, politicians and celebrities fought to get in, and commoners wished they could be the servants of the night, whether that meant they would be serving food, drinks, or drugs, or allowing the heroes to do what this was all started for: to fuck them.
Of course, it didn't help that each commoner was paid for their service, discretion, and loyalty. Those who attempted to give away the secrets of the nights were always taken care of, and every gathering after someone tried to snitch, there was always a complaint that a sex slave just wasn't good enough.
Yaoyorozu Momo was a sweet girl, a helpful woman. She was a hero.
Heroes far and wide grovel at her feet in thanks, and even more surprisingly, even her old class supported this. Oh, how great life was when you were the most significant, greatest, and most untouchable cult in history.
To Todoroki Shouto, well, he didn't really have an opinion on this all, not really at least.
The cult - the organization, was created to help out heroes such as himself live comfortably while having such a busy lifestyle. His sex drive had never been that high, with his twenty-fifth birthday approaching, he could count on his two hands the number of times he'd been attended to with the help of the organization within the past five years.
Yes, two years after debuting as heroes, Momo had approached the graduate class with her plan. Todoroki Shouto could never deny a friend, especially not someone as smart and intentional as Yaoyorozu Momo. He had been one of the first - if not the first - voice to approve of her project.
However, the fifth-anniversary gathering (it was not a party) was finally here. Two months ago, the first round of reminders came around in the form of a beautifully handwritten card by their fearless yet kind leader. Shouto wondered if she really had handwritten each and every card, or if she had created it with her quirk - while he wasn't that heavily involved, he was not ignorant to the numbers of the cult, group, organization.
The letter had been kind, inviting, and so fleeting it made Shouto feel like he needed more from one of his most missed and trusted friend. Still, there would be time to catch up with everyone, no use in pushing now.
Grabbing his phone, Shouto typed in Momo's contact name into the search bar, tongue swiping his lower lip while he typed in his message and sent it. He had never been one for these parties. Too often, there were just too over-the-top. The festivities and friends were fun, but having to fight the impossible crowds for a moment of peace kept him from attending.
A truly mundane member.
But this was different after all, it wasn't every day that they celebrated five great years of service.
I'll be going, Yayorozu.
Two months went by before Shouto had even realized it.
In those two months, he had received a formal invitation with a day and time. 
2X28, OCTOBER 23
Of course, the lack of an address is a precaution for keeping their organization out of the limelight should they be betrayed. Events of all shapes and sizes were always planned by the upper board of the organization. Only a specific few knew the place where the night would befall, and the rest of the members would be brought to the festivities by a chauffeur provided by the Yaoyorozu's. Getting to and from the party was always stressfree, no matter what befell that night, their safety of getting home was still safe.
The invitation was tucked away into the inside pocket of his jacket, it was his ticket to getting into the party, and it was best to not leave it behind. 
With the invitation now securely placed into his jacket, the smooth inflexible material stiff against his chest, Shouto stared into the mirror he stood before.
An elegant full-length mirror reflected his image to him, and truth be told, he was impressed with his presentation.
A charcoal grey Italian suit trimmed glinting silver nearly gleamed against the white light; the jacket was undone, exposing the white-collared long-sleeved shirt underneath. Typically, Shouto was a tie man, but the sleek black tie he was to wear lay hanging on the hanger, the first few buttons of the shirt undone. It highlighted his toned chest, the few pale scars on his chest just visible enough on his exposed skin to look like it was intensional. He looked good.
His fingers touched his hair, the once long style had been cut in a recent fight with a villain. It hadn't mattered much to Shouto, and in fact, the sudden haircut had spiked his overall ratings. It was short now, just long enough for his fingers to graze through the locks. It was slicked back, the swirl of red and white mixing and strands of red falling into his sight.
“Todoroki-sama, the car is here.”
Shouto didn't bother turning to the attendee, his gaze taking him in one last time.
"I'll be there."
His footsteps were quiet in the hallway, his waxed shiny black shoes gleaming in his hands as he walked to the front room. He slipped on the tight shoes and looked up to his servant, who stood at the front door with a patterned, black mask.
Nodding, he grabbed the mask and slipped it inside of his jacket as well.
A kitsune.
"Safe journey."
"I'll be back tonight."
And into the car, he went, the warm smell of leather and spices filling the backseat of the self-driving car. Shouto relaxed against the black leather, his eyes staring at the road while he slipped the mask out from his jacket. There was no reason to don the mask while stepping out of the house, being caught with it at his home always smelled trouble. 
In the car's silence, his fingers rested onto his lap, his lips set into a firm line while his thoughts lingered to what was to come at this party. 
The last time Bakugou and Midoriya hosted anything, it had ended with an overall disaster. Thankfully then it had been for their agency's founding party and not something dealing with the organization. But before he could muster the will to seek out further information on the private event, he realized that the car was already pulling into the large mansion where the event was being held.
People emerged from the cars before his own, the sleek masks donning on their faces, keeping their identities from unwanted eyes. The covers were specially made by none other than Yaoyorozu with the assistance of Hatsume Mei to ensure that those who wore it would be unrecognizable unless they were within a certain radius.
A small puff of air escaped Shouto's lips as his car pulled up to the unloading zone, and his strong fingers slipped on the mask before the car door opened. With the confidence and power, only those who worked as a top-ranked hero had Shouto emerged from the car immediately greeted by the entrance staff. 
With his hands moving to button his jacket, he nodded his head when receiving information on what to expect upon entering. Shouto felt like he nodded forever while making his way up the entrance of the event, his hand reluctantly offering his phone and wallet over and receiving a ticket for retrieving it. Of course, the ticket came the bundle of condoms.
An eyebrow arched under the mask, and Shouto couldn't help the amused smirk that befell his lips as he pocketed the condoms.
The fuckers made this a sex party.
Why they even bothered to deny that they were a cult was beyond him at this point.
But as the grand doors opened, Shouto couldn't help but tense at the room's mixing aroma.
The sweet smell of champagne bubbled in his nose, wafting in powerfully with the perfumes secreting from every person in the room. If it had been his first time at an event like this, Shouto would have missed the undertone of burning plastic in the air. His eyes followed a civilian dressed up in a zebra zentai bodysuit holding a silver powder with most definitely not cocaine to who looked like the Prime Minister since he had his mask on.
Rolling his eyes, Shouto walked further into the room, ignoring the offers of drugs and alcohol as he carried on. 
"Todoroki, my man! You made it!" came the loud and energetic voice of Kaminari Denki.
It shouldn't have shocked Shouto to immediately be swarmed with who looked like Kirishima (who wore a mask resembling a bear) and Kaminari (who had his mouse resembling mask resting on around his neck), who by the smell at least, were not sober.
"You're the last one to show up, dude! We almost thought you were gonna flake!" Kirishima added, his hand coming to land on Shouto's shoulder, his lips perked into a broad smile. "Everyone else decided to join the orgy room a few minutes ago, but this guy here—" he made a pointed jab at Kaminari's chest. "Was causing a large enough disturbance that we were kicked out."
"Bro, it's not my fault that those dummy civilians can't handle a few jolts of pain!"
"You literally electrocuted everyone in that orgy and left everyone unable to speak for a solid minute, bro!"
"Everyone else is here?" Shouto interrupted rather impressed to here that even Mineta was invited to this party - or maybe he had snuck in - choosing to ignore the mention of an orgy room.
Typical cult things, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, Denki and I don't have to go in tomorrow, so we pre-gamed at his place before coming. Sero did too, but after a few minutes of talking with some trapeze girl, they went into a room and well…" Kirishima trailed off, letting Shouto put two and two together. "Mina is flirting with the crown prince, Yaomomo and Jirou are in the orgy room, Bakugou and Midoriya seem to be micromanaging everything—"
"Those two need sex the most out of the entire class! Have you ever seen a bigger work pole up anyone's asses than in those two?!" Kaminari groaned, his fingers roughly rubbing the skin of his face, and Shouto laughed softly in agreement. It was somewhat ironic that their virgin classmates were the ones who organized and put together a sex party.
"I can't begin to imagine Midoriya having sex. Although that man is basically becoming sex on legs," Kaminari continued to gripe, Shouto grunting softly in thanks when Kirishima handed him a cup filled to the near brim with a copper liquid that burned smoothly down his throat. Shouto grimaced as he managed to down the entire thing. "I can see Bakugou just blowing a hole into the wall and fucking it and considering that sex. Ain't nobody normal who can — OH MY GOD!"
Shouto looked at his friend with nearing annoyance; however, the alcohol already taking a humming effect over his body made the annoyance slip easily.
"Bro, you're gonna get us kicked out of this party, and that's gonna be the shittiest thing!" Kirishima groaned while Kaminari spazzed with what seemed to be the biggest lightbulb of an idea.
"The hoes — the holes! For the glory!" Kaminari slurred with how fast he was speaking, his hands fisting into both Shouto's and Kirishima's jackets, his yellow eyes burning bright in his excitement.
Shouto tried to keep his annoyance down, and the itch to rip Kaminari's iron grip from his shoulder.
"I don't know what you're talking about—" Kirishima tried again, his hand resting on Kaminari's ribcage to steady him. 
"Ei, the gloryholes!"
Shouto numbing mind searched the banks of his memory to figure out where that word came from and why it sounded vaguely familiar.
"Oh, fuck," came Kirishima's strained approval, and Shouto looked at his two friends who were grinning pervertedly at each other.
"What's that?" Shouto asked, his lips buzzing slightly as the alcohol was fully absorbed into his bloodstream, and somehow the smell of sex filled his nose, and the noises of unadulterated carnal lust filled his ears.
"Oh man, Todoroki, if you don't know," Kaminari trailed off, his lips pinched into an elfish smirk, and electricity coming off his hair in his evident excitement. "Just trust me, you gotta experience this shit!"
Shouto wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that thrummed merrily in his veins or the knowing glint in his friend's eyes that whispered to him to find out just what it was, but he felt his head nod without his full awareness. The feeling of their hands on his upper shoulder felt fuzzy as they took him away, intent heavy in every step they took.
He could barely take in the passing rooms as they went, the aerial artists, the sex rooms, the orgy rooms. There were so many rooms designated for just about every kink imaginable that even the stoic Shouto felt his cheeks flaring in embarrassment. With each passing step and opened room, the smell of sex, pheromones, and lust grew in Shouto's nose; the more the sticky sweet moans and screams of the cult members clung to his skin.
For a hero that was never too hot or too cold without his own ministrations, his skin was feeling feverishly hot with cold feet when they finally stopped in front of the only closed door in the hallway.
"Welcome!" came a cheery voice, Shouto blinked, and a woman appeared from nowhere.
She wore a powder blue ava tea dress; it was elegant, sleek, yet too old-school for an event such as this one. Shouto immediately assumed that she was not partaking in the sexual activities, but was instead acting as a hostess of sorts.
"Just you three patrons tonight?" she asked, her head tilting to the side and Kirishima speaking up in agreement for the group of three. "Good, good. We do have enough openings for the three of you, most people haven't found our little… hole in the wall, if you would," she took a moment to giggle joyfully, her gloved fingers pressing to her ruby red lips and Shouto fought the urge to walk away. "So please, feel free to look around and stay as long as you want!"
Her words were light and breezy, but still, there was rising suspicion and tension in Shouto's spine at her small quip.
With an innocuous smile and a glint in her eyes, she opened the door with a gentle, "have fun," and Shouto's friends ushered him in.
His initial reaction? What. The. Fuck?!
The room they entered was large and spacious, or well, at the very least, Shouto assumed it would have been if it wasn't for the obviously installed maze of walls. But with every wall, there was a collage of pictures. Faces of women, men, humans, mutants, everything you could think of plastered above a hole. Curiously enough, the images above one hole were of the same person.
His eyes swept the room, and he saw a few spots already taken, men with their pants and underwear dropped to their knees pressing up against the wall so that their noses were smushed to the makeshift walls.
Shouto blinked.
Gloryholes? Pictures of random people?
Were they fucking ghosts?
"This is paradise!" Kaminari groaned in pleasure, his arms spacing out as if he had come with fantastic news. "These normies always look at you so weirdly when you fuck at orgies, here… you get the nut and don't have to have them staring at you!"
Shouto stared as his electricity wielding friend approached a hole that adorned photos of a girl with hooded eyes and a tongue piercing. He dropped his bottoms before sticking his hardening cock into the waiting hole with two raps of his fist. At this point, Shouto wasn't sure if what he had drunk was actually alcohol now. 
"These aren't dead people, are they?" Shouto couldn't keep himself from asking, his palms sweating while Kirishima laughed deeply in his chest.
"Not at all, man, it's real people, I promise! Pick your hole and have fun!" Kirishima encouraged, placing a solid pat on Shouto's shoulder before approaching a hole with a picture of a girl with bright eyes and a bright smile.
Nodding numbly to himself at this point, Shouto meandered the different walls, his eyes absorbing the various pictures on the walls.
But he fell on the spot with a picture so vivating that drew him in. The chasms of your eyes defiant yet shy, a smile that called him in, and lips that looked supple and strong.
He stood no chance in defying the itching, burning need to follow suit of every other person in this room. Shouto approached the hole, his fingers pulling at his belt, quickly lowering his charcoal grey slacks and black boxer briefs. He stared into your pictured eyes, mesmerized by them, and grasped onto his hardening cock.
A soft shudder invaded his skin as he pressed his cock through the awaiting hole, the skin of his heated cock scraping against the hole, making him strangle a grunt in his throat. But when the wet heat of your mouth enveloped his cock past the hole in the wall, Shouto's face nearly crashed against the wall.
Shouto wasn't sure what to have expected, but he had summed up that this was some over-glorified handjob, a vigorous clumsy jackoff he could have done himself. But he did not expect, in any sense of what this was, to be met with warm, wet lips and a tongue that pressed underneath the head of his cock.
A guttural noise slipped past his lips, and Shouto's palms pressed against the wall, his head spinning dizzyingly from the sensation.
Shouto's breathing was erratic, his cock hardening more, twitching within your mouth as he felt your head begin to bob against his length at a slow, leisurely pace. 
His hips thrust toward the wall, his vision spinning from what this heightened sensation of what he always thought to be a mundane act. Shouto's slacks were too far up his thighs; however, the fabric spread to his max despite his attempt to lower down. He wanted to get closer to the wall, get whoever you were past this wall to take in his entire cock without an issue, so mindlessly, instinctively, he shoved the slacks further down, grunting with relieved pleasure at being able to spread out further, at getting closer to you.
"Holy shit," Shouto grunted, his forehead pressing against the cold wall, undoubtedly crinkling the paper of your photos. His hips came forward, hitting the wall dividing him and you with low, vibrating thuds, and you let him, allowed him to keep his rutting hips at the pace they were. You took him in as if it was nothing, the smooth skin of your lips gliding against his throbbing length, your tongue running alongside the bottom of his cock, tracing the veins of his skin, twisting against the sensitive skin, providing new sensations and shivers.
Shouto knew immediately that you were letting him fuck your mouth however he saw fit.
He felt you moan around him, a long, deep, undeniable noise that somehow drifted through the hole, vibrated against his cock, and could be felt against his curling toes. The sound and sensations were proving to be effective, a pooling heat building in his balls, simmering up and down his spine and neck. How he wished to grab you by the back of your head and drive his cock down your throat without mercy.
Snarling in the back of his throat, suddenly fueled by the image of fucking you, the thought of you on your knees, tears built in your bright eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks feeding him. And as if you knew what he wanted, Shouto's knees near bucked out when your mouth took him in even further, the soft choking noise, the feeling of his cock pressing against the back of your throat sending his fingers digging into the wall.
He drilled in faster, grateful for your ability to keep up, the feeling of his cock pressing down the back of your throat sending his jaw flying open, curses and praises spilling past his lips with every inch you took him further down your throat. The area of his cock unable to be taken in your mouth was surrounded by your fingers — by god, what fucking fingers you had — warm and robust, they held his skin, sliding effortlessly against the spit lubricated skin.
"You can hear me right, whore?" Shouto growled against the wall, the hot air of his breath almost fogging the area he was standing in. Somehow, he heard the choked noise of agreement, the bobbing head vigorously nodding, sending you into a sputtering choke from the awkward angle. But Shouto liked hearing you choke, liked hearing the needy tone in your whining agreement, and he swore he was feeling his heartbeat in his balls. "You're not here entirely on your own will, are you? Came here for money, to suck some rich mans' cock?" His hips stammered when you sucked your cheeks in around his length, his eyes rolling in the break of his concentration, his blood pumping in his hormone pumped euphoria. "I want you to fucking choke on my cock, you hear that? Take me all the way in, don't be scared, I know you probably don't see much cock, but I promise if you can handle me, you'll never want other cock, slut. Take me all, and I promise you, you won't regret it."
A hiccuped breath came from your side of the wall, and Shouto almost wanted to simply burn the wall down to claim you for all his need and glory, someone with a mouth as gifted as yours definitely needed to be fucked correctly. Still, his hips reigned down, slamming against the wall so that the thuds of his impeding hips were heard softly in the other areas. 
And you? Behind the wall?
He could feel the weight of your head pressing forward, the feeling of his length sliding further and further down your throat. The pulsing of his cock ridiculously stilled with the restrained muscles of your throat, and the almost excessive drool and spit that dripped from his length with your choking movements.
More, he wanted more, he needed more.
"Fuck, slut, you're taking me so fucking well. You almost have me entirely in your mouth," Shouto growled, an inch or so of his cock still not entirely in your mouth, but not letting your tight fist work his cock. "Don't give up, take me all, I know a whore like you who shows up to be a sex slave can take my cock."
A whine (was that a horny or a frustrated whine?) emitted from the wall, and with a strained noise, Shouto felt your wet, hot lips make contact with the base of his cock as he continued to drill into you. Spluttering groans poured from his throat, the feeling of your hot cavern and resisting throat, sending him over the edge.
"Yes," Shouto gasped, the smell of sex, electricity, and barely burning walls simmering in his nose. "Fuck, yes, just like that."
Shouto could feel his nerves being shot out, the feeling of the compliant mouth keeping him pumping into the hole, his fingers digging further and further into the wall into it cracked and crumbled, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, to break through the wall to get to you. He was almost there, so close, but needed to get over the hill. And then Shouto was swallowed completely when his slamming his stopped, he could feel your lip press to his skin hidden by the hole. He had no doubt that it must have been sorely uncomfortable for you, yet you were doing it to the point where he was fumbling for words, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your tongue wrapped around his cock, massaging the skin. Fuck, fuck, "Fuck!"
His head dropped back with the shooting electricity in his blood, sweat dripping from his temple and you, the stranger behind the wall, gave one vicious, strong suck, your mouth only surrounding the head of his cock, your wet tongue flicking the slit on his head, and he was spilling over.
Hot, thick, heavy ropes of white cum spurted from his cock and Shouto shuddered, his shaking breath echoing in his ears, and he could still feel your tongue moving, coaxing out the finality of his orgasm, teeth scraping against his sensitive cock just enough to have him seeing stars.
But the giggle that erupted in your throat was well noticed by Shouto, and he grunted in slight annoyance. Pulling away, a soft, almost unwanted pop echoed on the other side of the wall.
Shouto watched as his spit and cum covered cock pulled back to his side of the wall, and he grunted unwillingly. His forehead still rested against the wall, and he looked up to his left side with a disgruntled noise to see that he did, in fact, scorch his fingertips into the wall.
As he tucked himself back into his underwear and slacks, Shouto's blissed-out eyes fell onto the hole where your hand was perched out of it, your pinky the only finger visible.
"Pinky promise you'll come back later?" your raspy voice asked, and Shouto wondered if that was how you usually sounded or if it was from what happened.
"As long as you promise to do something like that again," Shouto smirked, his pink taking yours anyways.
He could promise that to the hole in the wall.
Shouto slips out the door and is immediately greeted with a bummed out Kaminari and a profusely apologizing Kirishima. He later finds out that Kaminari let out yet another round of voltage of electricity (he's banned from fucking anyone that can't absorb his quirk without damaging themselves), and that Kirishima in his blissed-out state accidentally went into his unbreakable mode and tore a hole into the wall. Shouto didn't bother telling them of the scorched walls and left with his friends.
It only felt like a few minutes before Shouto found himself outside the same closed door of the room with gloryholes. The alcohol had long since been burned from his system, he is practically positive that you managed to suck it out from his bloodstream.
For the past two hours, he had been around the mansion, aiding Kirishima in his objective to keep Kaminari from accidentally killing a sexual partner. It had been for the best, Shouto believed. He was no prude and definitely didn't hate indulging in the occasional orgies - especially at parties like this. But for some reason, as strangers attempted to shed him from his clothes, lips, and fingers roaming his scarred, heated skin, he thought of you and only you.
Your tantalizing mouth and fingers.
He had exited the orgy room faster than All Might at his peak. 
He was strangely obsessed with a stranger, a person who was no more than someone past a hole in the wall. Who knew if your picture was what you looked like, but he sure hoped it was.
But when Mina had appeared out of nowhere, her perfectly manicured fingers pressing against Kirishima's chest as she emerged from behind him. She was, obviously, one of the few easily discernable members of the cult. 
"So, the crown prince does not know how to use his dick, and I am disappointed in men all over again!" Mina pouted, but her usual sly grin was back on her face before Shouto could ask if she needed help scouting potential 'dick appointments' as she so fondly calls them.
This was where things got strange in that Kirishima pointed out that Mina should just fuck a woman to teach men how to fuck women properly. Kaminari filled Shouto in with a horribly done stage whisper that the two of them had fucked before and that despite the experience of any man, Mina was never truly satisfied. 
"Alright, student Kirishima," Mina had thrust her finger into Kirishima's chest. "Follow me to the hole-y wall and watch the master do her job!"
Once more, Shouto was outside the door, the woman seemingly materialized from thin air in her same powder blue ava tea party dress and ruby red smile. 
"Welcome back! For four patrons this time?" the woman gleefully smiled, her gloved fingers clasping below her chin.
"For one, actually," Mina spoke up first, "I'm teaching these boys—"
"I've actually never had a problem," Shouto spoke up, his calm and collected gaze unwaveringly met the hostess despite the chilling horror and embarrassment of his words that crawled up his spine. At the same time, Mina looked up him and down with a small, small smirk. "I'll be taking a spot."
"Ho ho, well, excuse me," Mina giggled, turning back to the hostess with a brightness to her stance. "Two spots then. I have boys to teach!"
"Of course!" the hostess spoke unaffectedly by the group's dynamics. "Please enjoy yourselves! This part is a special treat for you lovely patrons, don't forget to be mindful of our poor angels stuck in the wall!"
The door opened, and in the group of four walked in.
If Shouto had been taken by surprise the first time, he was beyond belief the second time he entered this same room. His first time coming, there had only been those beautiful glory holes, but this time? There were no material holes.
Where the holes used to be, there were only large holes where the person assigned to the area was now presented to the public.
Asses curved to the sky, asses pointed to the ground. Cocks leaking, limp, and red with overstimulation, cunts soaked, throbbing, and swollen with overuse. It was indeed as if these individuals had been stuck in a wall, and Shouto already felt his cock twitch in his carnal lust and need to see just how you were positioned. How he prayed that you were at your spot, laying on your stomach, ass hanging out to the world waiting for his cock to claim you, waiting for him to ruin you. He wanted to feel your liquid lust drip from your cunt, splashing and trailing down your inner thigh.
Shouto didn't bother saying goodbye to his friends, the smell of sex, and his own lust switching his brain onto a one-track mindset with the growing need to get to you immediately. 
And almost to his raging hormonal anger, he came to the aisle where you were parked, and while his heart hammered with the growing pleasure to see your ass hanging in the air, your thighs pressed to the wall, his vision turned red at the sight of some no-named man rutting his ugly cock between your dry folds.
In no time flat, Shouto was behind the man, his hand fisting into the collar of the man's shirt and tearing him away from him.
"Mine." he all but growled, his aura darkening while he glared at the red-faced idiot who attempted to cover himself up in the act of running away.
It didn't matter that what Shouto did was probably entirely rude and could result in him getting thrown out, you were his, and no way was someone going to fuck you when he was there. The weirded out gazes that fell upon him temporarily did nothing to Shouto, his focus back onto your squirming bottom, no doubt weirded out by the sudden lack of contact.
But with a sigh, his fingers combing the few falling free strands of hair out of his face, Shouto stood centimeters from your shifting thighs, watching you continue squirming until he finally moved. His hands pressed against your supple, smooth ass, enjoying the way you fit against his hands perfectly. 
He stepped forward, allowing the bulge of his strained cock to press against the top of your ass — the perfect height for him. Shouto leaned forward, his forehead once more pressing against the cold wall, his eyes taking in the still visible scorch marks he had left behind and chuckled deep in his throat.
"I'm back, my precious whore, I bet you missed me," Shouto spoke through the wall, hoping that you would respond back to him. He thought he could hear an agreeing sound on the other side of the wall, another layer of muffled, and he wondered if maybe you had been gagged. The thought made him exhale slowly, his hips strained from rutting against you, but against his belief, your ass ground against his hardening cock, sending waves of pleasure through him. "You did miss me, huh?"
His calloused fingers moved from your supple ass to the outsides of your thighs, feather-soft touches skimming your skin, leaving behind trails of goosebumps and twitching nerves. Shouto's gaze remained hard on your body, watching how you completely stilled when he found his fingers against the inner part of your thigh and just shy of the excessive heat that was radiating from your cunt.
And he leaned down, his lips pressing against the curve of your ass, his eyes partially hooded when he felt you relax against his hold. But the relaxed position you held quickly erased the moment his teeth sunk into your skin, and his finger pressed against your swollen clit. 
Immediately, your body arched, a weak attempt to buck out of his hold while he heard a muffled cry from the other end of the wall. But Shouto was a hero, he was some with extreme control over his body, and as his tongue moved to soothe your throbbing ass, one finger continued to delicately dance against your clit, while the other shifted over to your softly beating cunt. 
Shouto groaned against your skin, his pants feeling too tight, the material of his underwear too hot and stiff for how strained his cock was right now, yet it was nothing to the feeling of your tight, wet, hot cunt. In and out, he pumped his finger, curling the long digit against your puffy spongey walls, the thumb on your clit circulating in slow, intentional figure-eights until you were pathetically rising and falling against his finger, a garbled whine for more barely audible through the wall. He chuckled at the feeling of your inner walls forcible clenching against his intruding finger, and he rewarded you with a second finger.
"Doesn't this feel good?" Shouto groaned, his body straightening back up so that he was flushed against your ass, his forehead resting on the wall, and his now free hand slowly grinding your ass against his crotch.
He watched you with the intensity of a predator stalking their prey, his mouth twitching into a smirk when your toes curled with a sudden drag of his fingers over a ribbed area of your core. Growling in need, Shouto's hips slammed into you, mindlessly fucking you even with his clothes on. His fingers doubled in speed and intensity until the rapid clenching of your walls was unignorable around his fingers.
His forearms ached slightly with his continued fingering, his thumb almost stiff as he continued to assault your clit, but with the arching of your back, the stuttering of your hips as an impeding orgasm was growing bigger and stronger. Shouto barely registered the sight of his own hand rising and falling heavily onto your ass, the sound of the spank echoing loudly, but that had pushed you over the edge.
A loud mewl sounded from the wall, your legs trembling entirely uncontrollably against Shouto, who still drove his hard crotch into your soaked cunt. He didn't care if you were to wet the expensive suit, his mind now solely on the fact that he needs to claim you, needs to sink his cock all the way in, and make sure you were bruised for days to come. 
Wasting no time, Shouto sheds off his pants and his underwear, letting them fall to the floor with a soft thud before aligning his already hard and swollen cock head to your clenching, sopping cunt. Shouto nearly shivers as he grips his fingers into your ass, his eyes mesmerized with how your flesh molds to his grasp, moving and shifting accordingly. With only a moan as a warning, Shouto wasted no time in pressing his cock to your cunt, and thrusting in with a single, sharp thrust.
If he had thought your cunt was tight with just your fingers, if he had thought the instance where you had vacuumed your mouth while sucking him off was tight, he was in a world of surprises when he came through from entering you. Your cunt was hot and oh so fucking tight around him, milking him dry of all and any precum that he had gathered at his swollen slit. Your inner walls flutter around him, intensely and quickly trying to adjust to the monstrous thickness that he was, and he could hear the pained panting pleasure of you through the wall, and he almost lost it at the keen whine on your tongue.
He shifted, moving his hips just so slight as to regain what little sanity he had left to ensure that you were thoroughly and roughly fucked. 
"Fuck," Shouto moaned, his fingers digging bruises into your skin, his skin feeling sticky and sweaty as he felt you continue trembling beneath him. "For a fucking whore, you have a really tight cunt. I bet you wished I had used fucking lube, huh?"
Shouto took a tentative thrust into you, his legs quivering at the feeling of the way your cunt gripped his cock, making it almost impossible for him to move as he did. "Should've made your pussy wetter then," he spoke in a near whisper to the wall, unsure if you had heard him as he began his conquest in fucking you.
With his fingers gripping your hips, he enjoys the way you bruise against his hold, almost as much as he enjoys the way the wall rocks with every slam of his brutal hips.
The sounds of his cock slamming into your sopping cunt send loud, wet noises ringing in his ears, sending a few other nearby patrons to turn their heads to look at him - to look at him in his conquest of claiming you as his. It only fueled him on, and he picked up his pace until there was a medley of sounds: his thighs crashing against your ass, the squelching of your wet cunt against his thick cock, and your thighs slapping the wall. 
Shouto growled at the feeling of your cunt stretching for him, the tremble of your legs, the way your feet twisted and curled against his knees, almost as if in a silent beg to get him impossibly closer, to make him fuck you impossibly faster, harder. 
His gorging fingers break your skin, and Shouto delights in the painful, garbled scream from your side of the wall. Your body is weak against him, yet he can still feel your hips jutting against his rutting hips, your body desperately trying to keep up with his insane speed and lust.
And when his hand presses to your lower back and the other right above your crotch so that he can raise you higher, the new angle of penetration sends Shouto fumbling for strength. It's then he can feel the head of his cock pressing against your cervix, your toes digging into his skin as he continues to pound away at your cervix, and he takes the rolling shrieks and moans from your mouth like a good thing. 
"Such a good fucking whore, I never found many of you who enjoyed when I literally rearranged their guts," Shouto huffed, his fingers tweaking and yanking at your clit until you were shaking in his arms. "You're enjoying this so much, I bet you wanted this the entire time after I left, didn't you? You wanted my cock in your pussy, I wanted to have my seed pumped into you until everyone knows that you're mine. You'd look so pretty pregnant with my babies, your stomach swollen, and your tits just fucking leaking milk for our children, huh?"
It's then that your cunt around his cock becomes a vice grip, and Shouto shudders at the feeling of your orgasm rocking through you, your pathetic keens barely audible in his blood rushing ears. And he continues, Shouto could feel the familiar sensation of his nerves being shot out, the feeling of your cunt desperately trying to milk him of his seed and worth as you grew limper in his arms, his fingers raking raised lines against your ass, forever marking himself against you, his grip trying to keep his shaking legs from giving out, his mind solidifying over the need to somehow appear where you were now so he could fuck you with no restraint. He thought of your crossed eye gaze, the possible spit pouring from your mouth as you took his every drop of seed greedily into your cunt. He imagined seeing your eyes spilling with tears, seeing your fingers rip into the fabric as he fucked you with no restraint, and with his imagination, he lost himself.
Shouto continued to blindly ram his cock into your cunt, a savage, insane last attempt to spill himself into you, fumbling to keep his head on straight as your cunt pathetically clenched against his hammering cock, finally sending his left hand to the wall, fire bursting from his palm as finally his orgasm tears through him. Shit, shit, "Shit!"
Shouto's temples are damp with sweat, and his vision swims with his overwhelming desire for you and the need to get to your room without destroying the wall to completion.
He picks up his pants and underwear, quickly fixing himself up so that he's almost remorse in the way that he can't appreciate watching his cum spill from your cunt, but the lack of you on his cock is enough to have him zipping up his pants and racing to where the hostess appears.
She doesn't stand a chance when both fire and ice bite against her neck.
"How do I get into the rooms?"
After being caught flirting with whoever you had pinky promised, you had been gagged. It wasn't a bad thing per se, that man had been the last person to visit you when the room was still functioning as glory holes. With the new stuck in the wall theme, it only invited men and women to be aggressive, and a part of you guiltily and ashamedly enjoyed how rough they would get in there attempt to hear you against the gag.
But you couldn't help the flutter in your cunt and in your heart when the familiar voice of the pinky promise man sounded through the wall. Right now, however, your body felt wholly and thoroughly used. Every inch of your asscheeks and cunt was abused, but the orgasm that came with his fucking was otherwordly. 
There was still nothing to prevent the shameful clog in your throat when he abandoned you after a single orgasm, but then again, you didn't expect the door to your cubicle to be thrown open, and a man stood there with a black kitsune mask. You wondered who it was, but there was the distinctive, infamous red and split white hair behind the cover, and you whimpered at the sudden shame at being caught like this by a Pro Hero you absolutely adored. 
The mask was torn from his face, the door closing behind him, and you were ripped back into the tight cubicle, pressed flush against his chest as he sealed off the hole with his ice. You were speechless as his obviously hard cock pressed against your diaphragm, and you trembled upon hearing the zipper of his pants coming down.
And the voice of one Todoroki Shouto sent shivers down your spine, reigniting the flame in your cunt.
"I got to fuck your mouth and your cunt through other people's rules, I think it's about time I get to fuck you however I see fit."
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Once You Loved Her - Now You’ve Lost Her | Yan!Pannacotta Fugo x F!Reader
Pangs of familiarity fill Fugo’s heart, in the way that Mista looks at you, because it is how you used to gawk at the strawberry blonde man himself, when you were both still young. As if he were a spring and you a parched disciple.
For skully-greg: Who suggested an angsty piece featuring Pannacotta Fugo
Content Warnings: Not S/F/W Content, Yandere Behaviors, Implied Child Abuse, Implied Non-Con, Past Underage Relationship, & Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics
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It is raining again.
Pannacotta Fugo sighs, releasing the breath that he has held in for far too long. He does not bother to avoid the puddles on the sidewalk. The soles of his shoes are already ruined. In the distance, the clock tower chimes as morning turns to noon. Church bells ring – the sounding of a wedding, no doubt. Though, it is a particularly dreary day for one.
He can see it all. An ivory lace gown and a black silk tuxedo. Baby’s-breath and roses. Candles on the altars. Matrimony – everything he might have had if life was more forgiving. Alas, his stomach curls at the thought, and so he forces his mind elsewhere. First, to the file tucked beneath his arm, which he must deliver to Don Giovanna before the day ends. Then, to the faint rumbling in his belly that reminds him of his promise to get tea with Sheila; never mind the matter wherein there is another woman whom he would much rather divulge in menial conversations with, over two saucers of earl grey.
It is you he has lost.
He passes the boutiques that you had so many times begged him to accompany you to. He never said yes, because he always felt that there were far more important things to do than to waste money on clothing (it simply reminds him too much of his parents, always so preoccupied with appearances) – and so you went alone. A street vendor selling elaborate bouquets hoists a tarp over his stall to protect his wares from the unrelenting storm. Fugo had once thought to buy you flowers – he refrained, as he knew they would die within the week.
A head of hair the color of yours catches his attention. He stops.
Through the display window of L’Abito di Fiori, he watches, helpless, as you lift a dress shirt made of pressed cotton to the torso of Guido Mista. The hanger dangles from your grasp as you gauge the shirt’s sizing to his body – and his eyes fall to your face, taking in the expression of determination that sweeps your brow. Pangs of familiarity fill Fugo’s heart, in the way that Mista looks at you, because it is how you used to gawk at the strawberry blonde man himself, when you were both still young.
As if he were a spring and you a parched disciple.
You bat away the dress shirt and offer Mista another; one that is slimmer and formfitting. Fugo has almost forgotten the occasion. It is an occasion indeed, as in no other circumstance might Mista give quite so much care about his uniform: Don Giovanna’s compleanno gala is nearly upon you all.
You say something to Mista that is unintelligible to Fugo, though by the way the chocolate-brown eyed man smiles, he knows it is nothing good. The long-forgotten, youthful rage within him has become an acquaintance as of late – a rekindling of something that ought to have gone away. The file snaps in his grasp. Pages upon pages of the report that took him a month to compose and organize scatter amongst the puddles.
Fugo stares at the ruin and sighs. Fishing his cellphone out from his pocket, he dials Don Giovanna’s number. Tea with Sheila will have to wait - not that he minds.
“Buon pomeriggio, Fugo,” the young Don speaks. Years of strain weigh heavily on his tone. “I was just about to call you – Monsieur Polnareff is getting impatient waiting for your report. How soon can you be here?”
“Ah, about that, Giorno. Mie scuse, but there’s been an incident . . .”
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Il Libeccio is quiet, though perhaps since it is far too early in the day to be patronized. You and Fugo peer over the menu, as if something new might strike your fancy. In all honesty, you have committed it to memory; still, it makes for a good way to pass the time. Unreciprocated teasing glances are thrown his way. Unreciprocated, that is, until he grins only slightly – enough to be noticed by you before the corners of his lips fall.
You are glad that none of the others are here yet. Your moments with Fugo have always been cut far too short. First as children, when he would be ushered off to his studies and you to assist your mother in her duties around his parents’ estate. Now as two teenagers pulled apart by tasks assigned from Bucciarati.
If not for Fugo, you never would have joined Passione. Though from opposite ends of the social hierarchy, it was you who kept him grounded amidst the berating and the abuse – and the same can be said of him regarding you. Trauma is indiscriminatory, and it has an interesting way of bringing two thwarted souls together. Even after everything he had endured, his thoughts were of you. Following his expulsion from the university, he came back for you. With nothing to lose, and an optimistic inkling of something to gain, you joined him.
He took you from one life and gave you another. And for that, you will always be indebted to him.
“Have you two decided?” the waitress asks. “Or perhaps a bit longer?”
She clicks the pen in her hand. Fugo does not recognize her, and he realizes she must be new. Otherwise, she would know better than to inquire before the others have even arrived. “A few more minutes, please,” he says. “Grazie."
She obliges and leaves. You place a hand over your stomach, contemplating your options. “Fugo?” He raises an eyebrow and glances in your direction. “Will you share some cake with me?”
“Maybe. What flavor?”
He is not one to spoil his appetite with sweets; however, he might indulge for you. In truth, there is not much would not do at your behest; even as a boy, he has always loved you. You hum to yourself, dragging your finger down the dessert menu. He swallows the lump in his throat. A knowing smirk graces your face as you give him your answer.
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The banquet hall has been done up rather nicely. Round tables draped with white-satin tablecloths dot the perimeter of the room, each set with six chairs and a bouquet of lilies. The hired musicians – comprised of the most desirable instrumentalists in Napoli – play a lively little jazz tune. The caterer bores over the display of desserts, ensuring that not a single plate has been moved out of line.
Seated together, Mista lifts a forkful of strawberry dolce to your mouth. It hits your tongue and melts like sugar. Don Giovanna has spared no expense in preparing his gala, and the cake is no exception. You look far too elegant, wearing that beaded sheath dress while clasping a champagne flute betwixt manicured fingers. Your mulberry lipstick stains the rim like a kiss. Without a doubt, you are the most beautiful woman in the room tonight. Mista knows this, as do the men who pass you by and let their gazes’ wander.
And so does Fugo.
“If you squeeze your glass any tighter, it’ll snap in half. God forbid you’ll hurt yourself. I’d rather not end my night with taking you to the hospital.”
He eases the grip on his goblet. The color rushes back to his knuckles. Trish sips her champagne beside him, oblivious to the fury boiling within him, but not his envy. “You can be bitter every other night of the year. Don’t be tonight. It’s Giorno’s birthday, and we spent too much money on this damned party. Please, don’t cause a scene or do anything stupid. I’m begging you, Fugo.”
He bites back a scoff, never taking his eyes off you. “I’m not ‘causing a scene,’” he insists.
Trish frowns. “No, but you’re about to. Judging by the way you were practically strangling that poor cup, I know you’re only seconds away from throttling Mista.”
“I have every right to be upset,” Fugo tells the pink-haired woman.
“No, you really don’t,” she retorts. “You should be glad she moved on. Be happy that she’s happy.”
A bit of icing sticks to your lip. Mista swipes it away with his thumb before pressing his mouth to yours for a quick kiss. To Fugo, it is a nauseating sight. “You don’t think I haven’t tried?” he demands. “It’s been absolute agony this entire time. I still love her – so much that I hate her. She’s a reminder of everything I’ve done wrong.”
“You need try harder. It’s been four years. You’re going to ruin yourself at this point.” As if he has not already. “Listen, Fugo. I probably shouldn’t tell you this. Mista’s planning on proposing to her soon. He already bought a ring. You should make things right between you and [Y/N]; don’t spend the rest of your life resenting your best friend for marrying your ex. After all, maybe this can be an incentive to get over yourself and grow up.”
With that, Trish collects her belongings and departs, leaving an emptied champagne flute as a marker of where she once sat. He hardly notices her absense; he has grown numb. Marriage. An ivory gown for you and a silk tuxedo for Mista. Baby’s breath in a bouquet and a single rose in a boutonniere for Mista. Candles on the altars lit for Mista.
Fugo recoils. The thought of you marrying anyone other than himself is a death sentence. Mista stands, having been beckoned by Don Giovanna, depriving you of a companion. There is stock in Trish’s advice – but it takes courage to follow through.
You practically ignore him when he claims Mista’s vacated seat. You refuse to meet his violet stare; the band is far more interesting, anyways. Softly, he speaks your name. “How are you?” he asks.
“Good,” you answer, short. “Perfect.”
He awaits the refrain, yet you utter nothing else. And so, he tries again. “It doesn’t seem like you’re having much fun.”
“I was, before you sat down.”
Your words sting, as if you have pierced him through the heart with a wicked blade.
“You look beautiful.” You roll your brilliant eyes. If not for Don Giovanna’s sake, you might have thrown the remainder of your drink in Fugo’s handsome face. You will settle for audaciousness instead. That is, until his fingers coil around your wrist so tight the bones may snap. He hoists you from the chair, and with little regard to your protesting – deaf to the guests who can hear nothing over the sound of jazz –, he leads you from the banquet hall. Your refusal to reciprocate the conversation would have swayed any man from pursuing you. Any man, except Fugo.
Your bed has been made, and now you must lie in it.
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Your back meets the wall of the closet. Fugo braces you with his own hand, warding off the wood’s bite. The unoccupied fingers of his opposite hand reach for the hardened nub between your folds, toying you open. He feels your core tighten around his shaft and an airy moan escapes you.
It is too hot, but neither of you seem to mind it very much.
With each aching thrust, he throbs in you. You bounce against him, held up by his body that pins you in place. The hand on your back trails up to the base of your spine, threading in your hair and jerking your head away. You tingle at his bluntness. Encouraged by it, you reach for his neck and pull his face down to yours, claiming his mouth with your own.
It is sweeter than he ever imagined. Your teeth graze his plump lip. He groans as you slide your tongue in his mouth, battling for dominance. Though, as accosted by the uncomfortable angle that your head has been bent to, you have no other choice than to surrender. Incited by his little victory, Fugo relinquishes his hold and pulls out, leaving you feeling utterly empty. You whine, practically keening for his touch.
He turns you around until your chest hits the wall. His manhood, stiff and slick with your wetness, teases the crest of your behind – and he enters you again, swiftly, full of unspent energy that propels your forward. Your palms smack the surface before you, desperate for something to cling onto. You settle for the mounted coatrack. Fugo’s fingers latch onto your hips with such ferocity that bruises will be sure to form in the coming days.
Purple will look good on you, he decides, and so he grips even harder. You cry out, struggling to meet his pace. Excited, nonetheless.
“Strawberry cake, huh?” he asks between soft grunts, his voice husky.
You laugh, breathless. “I thought it might rile you up,” you tell him, confessing your intention. “I took a gamble, and it paid off.”
“It did, cara.”
He is content that you had been the one to make the first move – because he could never find the gull to do it himself. To have you writhing in ecstasy at his touch is a reverie personified and more; a newfound warmth and comfort, only for him.
The doorknob shakes. Despite Fugo’s strawberry-patterned tie fastened to the overhead rack from the handle, which acts as a makeshift barricade, you panic and push off the wall, bucking into his torso.
“P-Panni –” you whisper. He thrusts deeper, eliciting a pleasant noise from you. “We have to stop. Someone’ll hear us.”
He urges you back into place. You cry out again when he hits your sensitive depths, but he is quick to stifle your pandemonium by placing his hand over your mouth; it is dampened, clammy with sweat, just like the rest of your body and his. “You have to be quiet,” he croons in your ear. You shiver and grind against the fullness between your legs. “Can you do that for me, bella? Starai tranquilla per me?”
You nod. Fugo feeds on your eagerness, picking up his pace. Unable to contain his own moans, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your intimacy-induced musk. It is intoxicating. Not long after, you surrender to the coil in your belly – you reach your limit and come undone. Exhausted, you slump onto his torso. His hand falls from your mouth, moving to grasp the mounds of your chest.
With one last cry, he finishes, coating your walls with his release. He traces the crook of your cheek and kisses you twice more. Relationships between members of Passione are dangerous – affection is vulnerability. And yet, Fugo would give everything away to be vulnerable for you; a promise amongst many that he will not keep. In the moment, however, it makes for a pretty sentiment.
Shades of greens and violets dance throughout your vision. Content, you flash him a tired smile.
“Before we go back out, there’s something I should tell you,” you begin. “I love you, Panni. I always have.”
His heart blooms. Of course, deep down, he already knew. 
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You collapse to the ground in a heap of fabric that once resembled a gown, yours knees skinning against the floors. Sore, used, and broken. The beads of the intricate embroidery scatter from being torn away in Fugo’s mood. An uncomfortable stickiness coats your inner thighs. Sobbing, you clutch the remnants of your dress, shielding yourself from the man who violated you so.
From the man whom you once adored like the moon amongst stars.
He readjusts the zipper to his trousers. Painfully, your legs vibrate. Otherwise, you might stand on your own. Noticing this, he extends his hand to you, expecting you to accept it so as to pull you to your feet. Incredulous, you smack him away, pushing yourself further adrift despite the dissent of your limbs. You have been set ablaze from the inside out.
“Get away from me,” you demand. There is not enough space on earth to satisfy your longing to distance your being and his. For a moment, you think you have hurt him – and irks you to do it again. “Ti odio, Fugo. I hate you more than anything else. Do you understand me? I hate you!”
He winces, struck by your venom; still, he holds his hand out. You would rather cast yourself from the nearest balcony than to welcome his help. His fleeting patience diminishes – before you may throw another jab his way, he has pulled you to stand, his hands nestled too tightly around your biceps. You manage to wrench yourself free and lash out. Your palm meets his face in a hurried slap. He staggers backwards, relinquishing his grip. At first, he feels nothing.
And then, pinpricks.
“[Y/N], I –”
“Save your apology for someone who cares.”
The door slams behind you. He listens until he can no longer hear the hurried sounds of your heels clacking off the marble floors. You are gone, again – to Mista or whoever else is to blame for Fugo’s loneliness. Sighing heavily, he turns to the mirror above the vanity.
He remembers a time, at the age of sixteen, when he was far too afraid of mirrors, because he never cared for the man who stared back at him. A day in Pompeii; you were so fearful for his wellbeing that you nearly fainted when he came back, bloodied and worn down.
The red handprint upon his face is nothing more than a mockery among many others to his character. He finds the object nearest to his reach: a silver drinking carafe that has been used as a vase for roses beside a candle with a smoldered wick atop a cherry-wood nightstand. Thrown from his fingers, the carafe shatters the mirror. A web of faces in mimicry of his own screams in anguish.
In his rage, he sees not red, but purple. Violent purple and harlequin motifs. Tears form in his eyes – though, to be honest, for all his time spent in utter bitterness, he has forgotten what pure unadulterated regret feels like.
It feels like it is raining again.
| 3008 Words |
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fatbottombucky · 6 years
That’s Stark’s Boy *Peter Parker x Reader*
Christmas Special: Bonus Chapter
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Summary: After getting kicked out of school and following the wrong crowd your mother sends you to live with your father - at least you’re away from her layabout boyfriend. But your dad happens to be Tony Stark, he enrolled you into a new school and enlisted the help of his faithful protege to help you feel welcome. Not only are you the new kid but you gotta balance the Stark Expectations AND you’re living with a bunch of heroes… also, lest you forget that a certain red-suited hero makes it difficult to keep your sexuality a secret.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male!Reader / Tony Stark (dad) x Reader (son)
Warnings: Swearing & Reader having no clue what to do with himself
Word Count: 2654
Author’s Note: This can be read on it’s own, but it is part of my That’s Stark’s Boy universe, and it would make more sense if you read the series. But you don’t have to and it’s set after Civil War, but before Infinity War. - Rosalie 
You can That’s Stark’s Boy Masterlist on my blog.
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The smell of eggnog filled your senses, the warmth of the fire heated up your skin almost instantly. The bright, colourful lights illuminated the walls and an eight-foot tree that sat in the corner. The festive music was playing quietly in the background, the voice of Mariah Carey, you silently sang hummed along to the festive track.
Your eyes found the man you had been looking for, your father was standing on a ladder placing the final touches to the Christmas decorating and a Santa’s hat donned the top of his head. You let out a light chuckle, Tony was singing loudly along to the Christmas song, holding some sparkly tinsel and hooking it above the fireplace.
“It’s looking very… fantastical in here,” you mused as you looked around.
Tony had gone above and beyond, there was a festive miniature village set on the coffee table, many woodland creature decorations were perched vicariously through the living room. So, so much glitter was dusted on every surface, glittering lights were strapped around the room and around every window. Fake snow was sprinkled on the real Christmas tree, you looked closer and recognised that every bauble on the tree was, in fact, Avengers themed. Christmas presents were wrapped under the tree in Avengers wrapping paper.
“You mean Winter Wonderland, right?” Tony shot back, stepping down from the ladder and admiring his handy work. It was only then you realised he had the help from his favourite creations, Dum-H and U, also decorated with lights twirled and twisted around them, “Good work guys, really love what you have done with your corner.”
You shake your head at your father’s antics, “Thought you didn’t buy into this gimmicky Christmas stuff?”
“Well, this is our first Christmas together, properly,” Tony shrugged and you nodded lightly, “I just… want to do it right, make it special for you, for us. Unless you hate it, I can redecorate, I have some other decorations-”
You shake your head, smiling brightly, “I love it. It’s so extra and absolutely gay.”
“Well, I’ve discovered Queer Eye and I’m not looking back,” Tony mutters and glances at you, you both burst into fits of laughter at Tony’s ridiculous antics.
You patted Tony’s shoulder before walking towards the Christmas Tree, admiring all the Avengers-themed decorations. You glanced at one, tilting your head slightly and your heart tightening in your chest, the clear bauble had a picture inside of it. A photo of Tony, smiling happily at a baby, that baby is you. You had never seen the photo before and you were far too young to remember the moment, you smiled gently and quickly regained composure before directing your attention to the many wrapped gifts underneath.
“Who are all these for?” Before Tony could say anything you read the labels, “Steve? Natasha? Sam… do you think they’ll come?” You turned and looked over your shoulder to your father.
He gave a gentle shrug and not looking at you, his lips were turned into a tight-lipped smile. “I… haven’t asked them to,” he mutters and you nod, standing up and walking to sit on the sofa, “I just figured, maybe, if they had nowhere to go… it’s been two years, they skipped last year and I understand. I just like setting up just in case.”
You nodded silently, “Well, it’s Christmas and I’m here, it’d be rude if they missed this.”
Tony let out a soft chuckle and nodded.
You sat at your father’s computer in his lab in silence, your fingers tapping patterns on the desk and a deeply serious expression present on your face. You had been down in his lab for over twenty minutes, debating with yourself on whether you should go through with it. He wanted to see them, at least, he thinks he does. After what happened with the Avengers almost two years ago, it was radio silence between them all, Tony hadn’t heard a peep from anybody- except Vision, but contact with him was little to none.
Against your better judgement you quickly typed in Tony’s password, one thing you did take from Tony was his excellent technology mind. You easily hacked into the computer and began to scroll through the various contacts; a snort escaped you at some of the names. Till you found the name you had been looking for, it doesn’t take a genius to know where the Avengers would scurry off to and that they’d all be in contact.
You clicked the contact and waited patiently to be connected, your fingers began tapping nervously on the desk and so did your foot. The sound of the tapping echoed through the quiet lab, your eyes nervously glanced around the room to the various stuff that was littered around. The ‘ping’ of being connected made you snap your attention to the screen, then the face that could, potentially, make Christmas happen flashed on the screen.
“You don’t know me, I’m Y/N Stark and I don’t know you, but I really need your help.”
“Six days till Christmas,” you yell walking into Mj’s house and being greeted by her older brother, he raised an eyebrow at you before calling to Mj, her head poked out from around her bedroom door and tilted her head. “I haven’t got Pete a present!” You exclaim.
You followed Mj to the kitchen, where she was helping her brother make Christmas cookies to take to see her grandparents on Christmas Eve. “Why don’t you just ask him what he wants?” She asked with a slight shrug and you scoffed, “What? That’s what I did, him and Ned gave me a few ideas.”
“I can’t ask, especially now,” Mj cocked a brow at you, “he’s apparently gotten me the perfect gift, he doesn’t want to know the list because I’m going to love what he’s got me,” you sighed dramatically. “If I ask what he wants then I’m the shit boyfriend, I should know what he wants, right?”
It’s silent as the two Jones’ siblings cut the cookies into the Christmas trees, each eyeing one another and deciding who should talk first. Before either of them can begin to help or give advice you sit down dramatically, grabbing a cookie that’s already been baked and place it in your mouth before Mj can take it away.
“Figuring out what to get my boyfriend for Christmas is hard,” you groan, “like he already has everything he could ever want… me.”
Mj and Warren end up laughing loudly, each hunching over to let out loud laughs. You end up joining them, chuckling with the duo. You end up helping the pair with decorating the cookies and listening to their ideas of presents for Peter. Although, all of them good, they didn’t sound perfect or right and you wanted the perfect gift for him since he had found the one for you.
*Peter’s P.OV*
“Ned, I can’t give him that,” Peter chuckled as his best friend held up a Spider-Man action figure, “It’s gotta be perfect, the best gift ever because he’s the best boyfriend,” Ned rolled his eyes at Peter from across the store.
“Why did you tell him you got him the perfect gift?” Peter shrugged, “if it doesn’t live up to expectations he’s gonna be pissed.”
Peter shakes his head, “It’s the thoughts that count, right? He’ll see how hard I’ve tried and appreciate whatever I get,” he tries to defend himself as he looks across the various shelves of stuff and trinkets to get, nothing really grabbing his attention.
He sighs gently and rubs his temples, he turns to Ned and shakes his head. Both leaving the shop to go to the next and start the whole ordeal all over again. If anything it started to become tedious for the two teenage boys, Peter had no idea what to get you and since this was his first Christmas with his first ever boyfriend, he just wanted it to go well and great.
*Normal P.O.V/ Christmas Day*
You were awoken to loud banging on your door, it swings open to reveal your dad, already dressed and ready for Christmas to begin. You wanted to be in the festive spirit but couldn’t bring yourself to actually wake up and be as energetic. Then you felt yourself being shaken, you groaned as Tony kept shaking your tired body awake.
“Can you stop?” You asked, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“C’mon it’s Christmas, it’s already noon and Peter is here with his Aunt,” You perked up almost instantly and Tony chuckled, “get dressed, we have to open presents.”
You nodded and got out bed, stumbling into your bathroom as Tony left and closed your bedroom door. A big part of you wondered if they’d actually show up, he had told you he would try and convince them to but that it would be difficult, and awkward if they did show up. You got dressed relatively quickly and actually managed to look good.
Grabbing the presents for Peter and May, walking down the hall towards the living room where everyone was already sat with glasses of drinks and chatting. You placed the presents down and was already brought into a hug by Pepper, squeezing you gently and wishing you a Merry Christmas. Then you were brought into a hug by May, you chuckled lightly when she kissed your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, ladies.” Pepper passed you a glance of champagne, “Of course, that’s Tony’s tradition.”
You looked around the room, searching for your boyfriend and coming up with nothing for the short boy with the unruly hair. May nudged you and pointed to the kitchen where you could see Peter and Tony trying to sort out dinner, annoyingly Tony is an amazing cook, something he picked up from is half-Italian mother and from countless sleepless nights.
You smiled gently at the sight of Peter and Tony laughing with one another, your heart growing and beating faster at the sight. You glanced at Pepper who was smiling to herself, eyeing Tony with sweet-heart eyes and that made you grin. Your eyes then drift to May, who is doing the same but with kind, gentle and loving eyes at Peter.
“Wow,” you mutter, “I’m literally a wife.” You make both Pepper and May laugh loudly, both sloshing their drinks as they use your shoulders to hold themselves up.
You end up grabbing the attention of Tony and Peter, both walking through the door and eyeing the three of you with narrowed eyes. Peter raises his eyebrows at you, a soft smile on his lips and you’re still chuckling as you shrug. Peter walks up to you and wraps an arm around your waist, you wrap an arm around his shoulders with a grin looking down at him.
Peter leans up slightly and you pull back, “Umm, there’s no mistletoe. Christmas rules, Peter.” He rolls his eyes at you before you can make another remark the elevator to the tower dings and the doors slide open.
It’s silent as the people file out, all awkwardly shuffling into the living room. You quickly pull away from Peter’s grip and walk towards Tony, who has stopped mid-conversation with May and eyeing them all confusedly, his mouth agape at them.
“Merry Christmas, Tony.” Steve waves, he has a leather jacket on and stubble surrounding the lower part of his face. “We got the message from T’Challa,” he explains and Tony shakes his head, even more confused, “your son, Y/N, he got in contact with T’Challa. We all decided to come along, hope that’s okay?” Steve looks over his shoulder at Bucky, who is shuffling hastily behind Sam.
Tony’s eyes drift to you, “You… did… you guys are here?” They all nodded, Natasha, Sam and Wanda, including Vision. You smiled and nodded at Tony, “Well, um, come on in. Dinner is almost ready and we’re about to open presents.”
Natasha instantly bounded up to you, securing you into a hug and you chuckled, “You’ve gotten so big,” she says and looks up at you. “You’re now Steve’s height,” she mused and you chuckled lightly.
“How have you been?”
She shakes her head, “Time for that later. It’s Christmas and I brought you something from Wakana, well, Shuri sends her love to you. She follows your Instagram,” you raised your eyebrows at the thought of the Princess of Wakana actually following you on social media.
You, somehow, end up in a deep conversation with Bucky and Steve. The presents still not unwrapped, the dinner still left uneaten. Everyone just enjoying one another’s company, you finally ended up meeting Vision, after years of hearing Jarvis’s voice… to now seeing a symbiotic android using his voice was strange but a good type.
“So, you and the Spider-Kid, huh?” Steve asked with a knowing grin and you could feel yourself blush, not out of embarrassment.
“You know, the kid has heart,” Bucky begins, “I’ll give him that, but if he webs me to the floor again with Sam, I’mma beat his ass.” You chuckled along with Steve.
You smiled at Steve, “Didn’t think you’d actually come here.”
“I didn’t think I would,” Steve admits and eyes his drink for a moment, “but Christmas is about family and Tony needs his family, so we’re here.”
“I can’t believe they all showed up,” you muttered to Peter once finally alone. He nodded in agreement, “Christmas miracle.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “You’re such a dork.” You scoff at the nerd boy, who just smiled and pulled a delicately wrapped gift from behind his back. The wrapping paper was a metallic red with a gold bow tied around it, Peter clearly didn’t wrap this.
You grinned and pulled out the gift for him, presented in blue wrapping paper with a white ribbon bow tied around the box and mini Sharpie doodles drawn on the wrapping paper. You exchanged gifts and in the silence unwrapped them, you glanced at Peter who was too focused on delicately unwrapping how own to notice that you were focused on him.
You nimbly unwrapped the gift, pulling the bow away and ripping the paper open and frowning for a few seconds at the present. A watery smile starts to come across your face, your eyes tearing up at the thought gone into the gift. A photo of you and Peter are in a frame, along with the tickets of the movie you saw on your first date. There was also the jacket you had wanted, it was Peter’s and he never wore it and you’d borrow it if you forgot your own, but ultimately give it back.
“This is…” you begin and choke slightly, “this is really lovely.” You manage to get out, looking up and smiling at Peter, who is also wearing a hopelessly affectionate smile because of your gift.
Ben’s old camera, Peter’s uncle had an old classic camera. It had stopped working long ago, so as a gift you decided to buy some film for it and get it repaired- permission from May too, of course. Peter had mentioned how much he enjoys taking photos, his own Instagram account is compiled of artsy shots he’s taken as Peter and as Spider-Man, skyline views and amazing shots of the city at night. The few odd ones of you and Mj, plus Ned.
“We’re a couple of hopeless romantic fools,” you chuckle but wipe your eyes to stop the tears from falling.
Peter nods, also chuckling lightly with you. You smile softly at one another, Peter’s face illuminated by the Christmas lights that were strung up around your bed frame. You gently take ahold of Peter’s hand, the loud chatting and laughter of the Avengers travelling down the hallway fall of deaf ears. Yourself and Peter are in your own world, staring at one another before leaning in towards one another.
(You can find That’s Stark’s Boy Masterlist on my blog. Hope you guys have a good holiday, and I hope you liked this. I know it’s short, but I just wanted to post something super cute. You can read this without reading the series, but it will make more sense to.Obviously, the fic the reader won’t meet the Avengers just yet, but for Christmas let’s pretend they show up to be with Tony. - Rosalie)
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A Tale of Two Friend Groups (Part 2)
Summary: The World Culinary Conference progresses, and both Souma and Megumi receive offers they can’t refuse. (Chapter 7 of Between Us) 
Let the record show that absolutely no part of Hayama Akira was trying to get out of bed on the first morning of the World Culinary Conference. Only the laminated business proposals in his bag and the smell of French roast wafting from coffee maker compelled him get up despite his pounding headache.
This would be the last time he ever listened to Alice. About anything.
“It’s about time you got up,” Hisako said as she glanced up from her ironing.  “The first set talks starts in an hour.” Once satisfied with the state of her blouse, she put it on over her camisole and started buttoning it.
Akira was not particularly surprised that he’d ended up sleeping with his ex after the long night of clubbing; that was more or less consistent with how they’ve interacted with each other since graduation. What he found shocking was the fact that he spent the night in her hotel room, and that she didn’t seem the slightest bit hungover.
“Why are you not dead?”
“I’m invincible,” she said, deadpan, before walking over to the room’s mini-fridge. Then she tossed a plastic bottle filled with an unidentified green liquid in his general direction. “And I’ve perfected my hangover cure.”
Akira smirked despite himself. Leave it to Arato to be the only one prepared for last night’s endeavors. “I hate you.” He took a sip, and almost instantly the room stopped spinning. “You should sell this.”
Hisako shook her head as she donned her blazer. “It’s part of a larger concept,” she said. “Part cafe, part restaurant. And not all of us put our best ideas up for sale.”
Akira shook his head. There it was again—this same fight. “What is it that you have against making a profit?”
“Nothing. I just think protecting one’s intellectual property is more valuable in the long run,” she said.
“That may be true,” he conceded. “But some of us have to think about the short run, too.”
Hisako rolled her eyes at this, and for a moment it looked like she was really going to lay into him, like she hadn’t in years, but instead she just sighed. “I’m just saying, this is not a field in which everything should be about making money. What we do sustains the body, creates life. There’s an art to it.”
Akira glanced at her for a moment. Her no-nonsense attitude made it easy to forget how idealistic she was, how much she appreciated beauty in the world. If only she knew how much her pragmatic father cared about cash and bloodlines—at least enough to make some very convincing threats.
In the end, he merely shrugged at her assertions. “If I do what I need to now, then my children can be artists.”
Hisako seemed to consider this for a moment, her cheeks turning faintly pink. Where had her mind gone this time?
“Y-you’re hopeless, you know,” she stammered out after a pause. “Anyway, good luck with the investors and such. I should meet Erina downstairs. Let yourself out whenever.”
Tadokoro Megumi was not one to indulge in self-praise, but as she watched the Polar Star glow under the right lighting, with the right guests filling the building with laughter as they dined on just the right menu, she was forced to admit that she’d outdone herself this time.
“Another top-notch event by Tadokoro Megumi,” Chef Doujima Gin said as he approached her on the balcony.
“I can’t take all the credit,” she replied, more out of habit than anything else. “Yuki-chan and the others helped out a lot.”
Doujima smiled at her knowingly, and then glanced out at the crowd out in the garden once more. “How has New York been treating you and Yukihira?”
“It’s very busy, but I like living there,” she said, smiling for a moment as she thought about the memories they’d made, the shitty little apartment they’d turned into a home. “However, I have a feeling we won’t be there for much longer.”
“I take it that Yukihira is looking to open his own place, World Culinary Conference and all.”
“Please don’t say anything to Shinomiya-senpai,” Megumi urged.
“Of course not.” Doujima laughed. “Not that I can see someone like him taking offense to a young talent doing what all chefs ought to do. So, what will you do when he opens his restaurant?”
Megumi shrugged, shocked and annoyed in equal parts when she realized she hadn’t thought much about that. “I’ll help him out if he needs it, or take a job in the kitchen of another hotel.”
Doujima nodded a few times. “Can I speak frankly with you for a moment, Tadokoro-san?”
“Of course, chef.”
“I think you should come work for me,” he said. “I believe that the deputy director position is right for you. It would offer you the challenge and the autonomy necessary for you to reach your full potential as a chef and hospitality specialist.”
Megumi clasped her hands in front of her to keep them from trembling. She had assumed that the offer would be something she told her grandchildren about offhandedly in fifty years or so—a story of the thing she could have done, the life that could’ve been hers.
She couldn’t believe that it was happening again.
“I-I’m honored by the prospect, as I was the last time you mentioned it to me, but—”
“You don’t have to answer right away,” Doujima told her, handing her a business card. “Take some time to think it over.”
With that, Doujima Gin left to rejoin the party, leaving Megumi alone with her thoughts. Or at least, she thought she was alone until none other than Yoshino Yuki pounced on her.
“Megumi, Megumi, MEGUMI!” she cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Oh, no.
“Y-Yuki-chan, how much of that did you overhear?” she asked, although she could tell by the sparkles in her friend’s eyes that she knew everything.
“This job is gonna make you a total VIP. Just think about all the parties you’ll be invited to, all the hotels, and the conferences, and—” Yuki trailed off and stopped jumping. She looked Megumi up and down. “And you’re going to say no? Why?”
“I can’t just drop everything and move back to Tokyo,” she said with a sigh. “I have a job. I have a boyfriend.”
At this, Yuki’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “This is about Yukihira, isn’t it?”
“Don’t get me wrong, you and Yukihira are hashtag relationship goals, but you can’t seriously be thinking about letting an opportunity like this pass you by because of a boy!”
Megumi thought of the way Yuki had ended things with Marui the moment she’d gotten her job offer in Munich, the way Arato-san put her breakup with Hayama-kun on her friggin Google calendar so nothing would keep her from her dream job in Geneva. Was she a fool? Was there some memo that she’d missed? Was this what had been in that Totsuki Women’s Association newsletter Hojo-san used to send out?
“I,” she started, her voice faltering. “I don’t want to break up with him.”
“Nobody said break up,” Yuki told her. “Just talk to him. Say, ‘Listen, I’ve been supporting you this whole time, no matter what type of crazy shit you decided to do, and now it’s my turn.’ If he doesn’t want this for you, he’s not worth your time.”
“I know,” Megumi said. “I know. It would be crazy to say no to this for the second time.”
“The second time?”
And at that particular moment, Megumi realized precisely how much catching up she and her friends had to do.
The conference proceedings broke for lunch at one, and Erina could tell as soon as Yukihira Souma reached their table at The Duchess that his meeting with the investors had gone well.
“I take it that I was right to order champagne.” Erina took off her sunglasses and placed them atop her hair.
The little fool couldn’t stop smiling, and the Nakiri heiress bit the inside of her cheek to stave off her own grin.
“Details. Now,” she said.
“It’s gonna be in Paris,” he said. “St. Germain.”
“That’s competitive territory,” she told him. “As I’m sure you know, the original Shino’s and Eden by Tsukasa Eishi are in the same district. A lackluster opening would make it very easy to go bankrupt and fold within a year.”
Yukihira shook his head at her. “Do you always have to be so negative?”
Erina merely shrugged as their waiter came along to pour the champagne and take their orders. “Negativity is my gift to you,” she said after a sip of bubbly. “Without it, I bet you’d carry on like a Disney protagonist.”
“You’re the worst,” he told her. “But I appreciate it.”
“You better,” she replied, rolling her eyes. There were people in this world who paid inordinate amounts of money for the advice she tossed his way for free.
“So, what’s your next move, Nakiri?” he asked. “People have been asking when you’re gonna take over the academy. Or the world.”
Erina gave a little laugh at this. “The world is mine already. Ask about the academy in fifty years or so.” She had way too much living to do before she considered becoming headmaster of Totsuki. “This stays between us,” she said in a warning tone.
“I’ve been playing with a restaurant concept for a while now. The site’s already under construction, but I won’t be ready for it for another year or two.”
“Really, where?”
“Nice,” he said, smirking at her. “I bet you’re glad you didn’t choose Paris, huh?”
“I’m actually a little sad,” she conceded. “It’d be fun to run you and your peasant eatery out of business.”
“You’ve been saying shit like that for years, but I’m still waiting on that soul-crushing defeat you promised.”
“Keep testing me, and you’ll get it sooner rather than later,” she said. “Congratulations, though. I hope you don’t fuck it up.”
When Megumi came home from the airport, the apartment was filled with the savory scent of beef and rich lardons. The table was set with red wine and candles and the good silverware her mother had given them before they moved to New York.
This did not bode well.
The plan, which she had gone over extensively with Yuki and Ryoko before boarding her flight, had been to get straight to the point. She was going to tell him that Chef Doujima had made her an incredible offer, that she was going to take it, and that she wanted him to come with her. But a romantic dinner would definitely complicate things.
She dropped her duffel bag in the living room and padded over to the kitchen, where her boyfriend was plating two servings of boeuf bourguignon. A smile found its way onto her face. That was the first dish they ever made together, way back in their first year at Totsuki. She had known since then that he was something special.
“How was your flight?” he asked once he saw her.
“It was alright,” she replied. “Should I change?”  she asked when she noticed he was wearing a light blue button down shirt and black jeans that one might mistake for dress pants in the right lighting. She looked down at her leggings and hoodie questioningly.
“Nah,” he said. “Just sit down.”
Megumi, who had spent the last several hours hustling through airports and subway stations, did not have to be told twice.
“What’s the occasion for all this?” she asked.
“I just missed you.”
Megumi raised an eyebrow. She knew that he had only gotten in a few hours earlier, and must have gotten to work as soon as he arrived. “Are you sure that’s all?”
Souma chuckled a little bit at this, and then reached across the table to take her hand. Despite the range of emotions Megumi had been feeling lately, the gesture made her heart start beating double time. “I can never get anything past you.”
“And I don’t know why you try,” she replied. “So what happened in Amsterdam? Besides jello shots with Alice, anyway.”
He winced. “You saw that?”
“All over Instagram,” she said.
“Are you mad?”
“Of course not,” she said, feeling a tiny twinge of guilt. He never kept anything from her. Megumi sighed. She supposed it was really time for some radical honesty on her end. “But I was a little annoyed when I first saw it. I know it’s perfectly normal for us to go out separately, but I felt kind of left out, and I missed you. And...whenever I see you with Nakiri-san, I just…” She sighed. Honesty was hard.
“Megs, I haven’t felt anything for Nakiri since we were second years.”
“I know,” she said. “It’s silly, but...I’ve always felt like...like someone like her would be your endgame.”
“Megumi, you are my endgame. I don’t want to be with anyone besides you, ever. You’ve had my back since day one. I can’t even imagine my life without you.”
Megumi felt her eyes welling up with tears; was it even possible to love somebody this much?  
“So where are we moving to set up your new restaurant?” she asked. She had known before he left that he’d come home with some extraordinary offer.
“Paris, if you want to,” he said, leaning down to kiss her hand. “Only if you want to.”
“I want to go wherever you go,” she said, and meant it, knowing that she would turn down Chef Doujima’s golden offer for the second time.
As for the rest of the night, the romantic dinner would go uneaten, and they would spend the next several hours perfecting their French.
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oldmutyler · 5 years
TAGGING ➝ Donovan Smythe, Rylan St. James..
LOCATION ➝ Rhode Island.
TIME FRAME ➝ 4/20 & 4/21
NOTES ➝  Rylan & Donovan really get into their act. Afterward, things get awkward. It’s extremely long. Took me forty-five years to get it posted.
While she wasn’t too concerned, there was a big difference between she and Donovan sitting together on his couch and putting on a five minute show for their parents over FaceTime, and spending an entire weekend under their watchful eyes, right there in the same place as them. Though, she figured they’d been pulling it off well so far, and holding Don’s hand wasn’t as taxing as she’d been pretending it was. She was comfortable with him, it was fine. Wearing a red and black dress, red hair tied into a sleek low bun, she definitely felt as cute as Donovan kept telling people he thought she was, and dishing out compliments about him was coming easily to her, too. Though, taking a slight break from their act was very much needed, so once she’d found a spot for them on a couple seats out of earshot of their families, she finally let go of his hand, bringing up the champagne flute she was holding to take a sip. “I think it’s going pretty well, don’t you?” She asked, glancing over at her fake-boyfriend. “I mean, your hand’s kind of sweaty, but I can deal. I do think they’re buying it, though. Have you considered a career in front of the camera?” Rylan teased, only looking up when she heard the sound of her mother’s familiar voice. “There you are. We’ve barely gotten the chance to speak to you all day! I’m surprised that you’re not literally sitting in his lap, your hands haven’t separated once.” Evelyn grinned, evidently buying their act, too. “You can’t blame me, right?” Rylan smiled easily, glancing toward Donovan seated beside her, then back to her mother again.
Donovan didn’t really know how this was going to work. It was easier to lie to people when they weren’t right in front of you. He could text his siblings and pretend like he was dating Ryland and he could FaceTime his parents. But this? This was different. This was real life. He had been worried about it for most of the day, but he had actually pulled it off a lot better than he thought. Maybe it was because of the support he was receiving from Rylan or something. It was a lot easier to be stuck in a lie when you had a partner. Maybe she was right about teamwork. Walking around telling people that he thought Ry looked gorgeous was easy because she did look really nice. That wasn’t a lie. It was easier to tell one big lie when it was surrounded by a couple small truths. Don was about to respond to her goading him when her mother approached them. A smile quickly spread across his face as he greeted the woman. “I think we both spent enough time pretending like we didn’t want to hold hands, so we’re probably not going to let go anytime soon,” he joked, letting out a soft chuckle. As much as he did love the St. James parents, it was a lot easier to lie to them than it was to his own, so he felt himself relax a little more. More relaxed than he had been for most of the day. He could tell that both of them needed a break from this charade though, so some alone time was probably needed. “We were actually going to head to dance floor soon. I promised her a slow dance. You ready, Ry?”
They hadn’t discussed all of the ins and outs of their lie. Like whether it was just a random, recent occurrence, or if everyone had been right, and they’d secretly wanted each other for a long time. It seemed, as Donovan responded to her mother, that they were going with the latter. It made Rylan smirk softly, though she wiped the look off her face before her mom had focused on her again. The whole thing was honestly just completely laughable, she could hardly believe they were even doing it. Even more so that people were literally buying it. She nodded along in agreement, reaching out to gently rest her hand on his thigh as she sipped on her champagne. She’d catch up properly with her parents later; even if this was a sham, Donovan was still one of her ultimate favorite people to be around. She was having fun with him regardless, so even if they didn’t have a fake romantic dance lined up, she totally would’ve dragged him onto the dance floor with her at some point anyway. “More than ready, babe,” she agreed, taking ahold of his hand again and standing up. Rylan finished up the champagne, then handed the glass over to her mother, the sound of Maggie Rogers’ Say It beginning to play working kind of perfectly for them. It was something they could slow dance to, at least, and Rylan wasted no time in leading her fake-boyfriend over to the dance floor, turning to face him once they’d found a spot. She lifted her free hand to wrap around his neck. “I should’ve worn bigger heels,” she frowned, letting go of his hand to wrap her other arm around his neck now, too. Her feet moved easily along with the music as she looked up at him. “You know, you’re not the worst fake boyfriend in the world,” she shrugged a shoulder gently, watching him through her lashes. “You can dance, at least.”
Donovan figured it was a nice touch. Making everyone think they had been correct all along and that the two of them had been secretly in love with each other this entire time. It would make up for the fact that they were actually dead wrong. Don and Rylan were just two good looking best friends that people wanted to see together because neither one of them had settled down with anyone else yet. It was just easy for people to want them together. But it was never going to happen. That didn’t make playing along with this lie any less fun though. Actually, knowing that they were making their parents a little happy made this fun. It’s why they were doing it. He just really wanted to have fun with his best friend though. As fun as it was to keep up this lie, it was still better when it was just the two of them. There weren’t any lies between them. Just two buds having a good time. A smile spread across his face as she led them to the dance floor, settling his arms around her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s not my fault you’re so short,” he teased with a smirk. He stared down at her as a light chuckle left his lips. It was easy to roll his eyes at her usually, but it was a little harder when they were dancing this closely together and he could feel eyes on them. “I’m probably the best boyfriend you’ve ever had. Real or fake,” he joked. He moved to the beat music, actually enjoying this. Faster songs were usually his jam, but he just liked dancing in general. It was fun. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He let out a small sigh as his eyes moved across the room. There were less eyes on the two of them than he thought, but that didn’t mean people weren’t going to start staring again. He was going to continue holding her as close as he was. “This wasn’t the worst idea ever. Everyone's happy for us.”
A small part of Rylan wondered if this was weird. The fact that she and Donovan weren’t really acting any differently to the way they usually would, save for hand holding and the occasional cheek kiss here and there. Had they just been here as best friends, they would’ve still spent the entire time together, they would’ve still been dancing together. Maybe not this closely during a slow song, but still. It was all just very comfortable, strangely very familiar, despite being completely new territory. “Oh, I’m not complaining about being short,” she shook her head, “I’m complaining about you being too tall.” Her arms tightened a little, pulling their bodies slightly closer together. It was easy to block everybody else out and just focus on dancing with Donovan, and just talking to him. Nobody would know what they were saying, so it was okay. As long as they stayed close and at least looked like they were into each other, that was all that mattered. She found herself playfully rolling her eyes at his comment. “You never liked any of my exes. I will say, though, that you’re probably the best looking. And I’m definitely the best looking girl you’ve ever dated. Real or fake.” She wasn’t even joking. None of Donovan’s exes had measured up, as far as Rylan was concerned. She didn’t even really know why, they just hadn’t. As Don looked away, Rylan found herself studying his face. Just the familiarity of it. It was comforting, it made her feel better about all of this. She found that she was still doing it as he looked back at her again, like she was trying to figure something out. From the corner of her eye, she could see Diana Smythe staring, but focused on Donovan again quickly. “You know what would be nice right now?” She questioned, offering him a small smile. “Curling up on your couch and watching a horror movie. Without your mom watching us like she currently is.” She paused, lips tugging into a subtle smirk. “Just me and Tiger, though. You’re not invited.”
Pretending to be someone’s boyfriend really wasn’t all that hard for Donovan. He had been in relationships before, but this was even easier than that. Rylan was his best friend. They did all of these things anyway. He loved every second they spent together anyway, so hanging out together just came naturally to the two of them. Holding hands? Not so much. Kissing each other on the cheek? Definitely not. He was just thankful they hadn’t been pushed to actually kiss each other because he wasn’t sure he would be able to go through with it. “A girl’s never really complained about my height before,” he teased, shaking his head. It was easy to get lost in their conversation. He seemed to be a lot more cognizant of the people potentially staring at them than she was. She was good at bringing him back to her though. As much as he wanted to look around, he was still enjoying being in that moment and just talking to her. “You are... Top five. I’ll give ya that,” he said with a smirk. Maybe he just wasn’t willing to give her the truth, which was that she definitely took home the cake for most attractive girlfriend. Real or fake. But that was only because she had Robin’s face, or at least that’s what he would tell her if he ever did reveal the truth to her. He shot her a confused look as she stared at him, not really sure what she was looking at. But then she started talking and it seemed like the moment was gone. “What if I brought a blanket? Could I sit with you guys then?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. His eyes glanced over at his mother one last time before he shook his head. “She’s planning our wedding in her head. You know that, right? This is her dream come true.”
Like she’d said, Donovan really wasn’t the worst fake boyfriend in the world. She could imagine that he hadn’t had any complaints from his actual past girlfriends, so she just rolled her eyes at how cocky he sounded, though it was done playfully. That was something she’d always loved about their friendship, how playful they could be. They could be serious when they needed to be, too. But things with them were just easy, they were fun. That was one of Rylan’s favorite things about her best friend. Then again, there were many, if she really had to list them. “Top five?” Her brow raised, and she shook her head as she glared up at him. “Please. I have Tramp Stamp beat by a landslide. Plus, do you see how hot I actually look today? You’re dancing with a ten, babe.” Rylan knew she was good looking, though she really was just teasing. She wasn’t actually that conceited. She’d never been the shyest of people, so when she saw that he’d caught her staring, it didn’t bother her. Nor did it force her to stop. If something was on her mind, she’d generally say it. It was both a blessing and a curse. It was just that she didn’t even really know what she was thinking in that moment. She was just a little lost. But Donovan could always bring her back. He always had. “Mm, maybe. As long as I get to fall asleep on you and Tiger gets to fall asleep on me. Then I guess we could make it work,” she shrugged a shoulder, expression playful as she looked up at him. It was very easy for her to hold eye contact with him. Again, it always had been. “Oh, I know it,” Rylan grinned, glancing over toward his mother again for a brief second, before her gaze was locked with Don’s once more. “What do you think she thinks we’re saying right now? Give me the mental script. What does she think my stud of a boyfriend is saying to me.”
Donovan could not help but laugh at her. She wasn’t wrong. She was a ten. All of her sisters were. Just because she was his best friend... It didn’t mean he hadn’t noticed. There just weren’t any feelings behind noticing that she was good looking. “Hey now. Tramp Stamp still booty calls me from time to time. I can’t talk trash about her,” he replied playfully. He liked watching Rylan roll her eyes whenever his ex-girlfriends were mentioned. It was hilarious. He usually had a similar reaction to her ex-boyfriends, but they were real duds. He would die on that hill. All of her ex-boyfriends were losers. That was just the truth. His eyes glanced down at her for a second, pretending like he was scanning her outfit. “You look good,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. That was probably the best compliment she was going to get out of him when it was just the two of them. He had been complimenting her all day in front of relatives. “That’s what happens every night anyway,” he shrugged. It was true. The three of them usually ended up in a pile on his couch or on his bed. It didn’t really matter what their plans had originally been, but Rylan drove all the way out there, she ended up falling asleep and spending the night. It was just how it worked out. And he had no complaints about it. Sure, sometimes she’d fall asleep on his arm and he’d lose a little bit of circulation in it, but that didn’t really matter. “What does she think I’m saying to you right now?” He questioned, letting out a small sigh as he thought about her question. “Probably something like... I’m glad we found each other. I mean, we’ve always been together. But I’m glad we finally really found each other,” he said with a smile, keeping his eye contact with her. “Then I’d say you look hot and smile at you. She’s expecting me to pull some move and kiss you. She knows her son, but don’t worry. I’m not going to do that.”
“You should really just date her again. The two of you could have adorable babies, Tramp and Stamp,” Rylan teased, her eyes shining with the way she was grinning up at him. It was just a natural reaction to being around Donovan, for her to be happy the way she was. Fortunately, it would work well in their favor if people were looking. Which she knew they were, even if she wasn’t paying any attention to them. “Wait,” she paused, eyes widening. “Did you just… Give me a real compliment?” Her mouth hung open, but again, she was just playing. Though, it was rare he complimented her. It felt kind of nice, even if it was just a brief, simple one. And probably just to shut her up. She could still appreciate it. Her arms were still wrapped around his neck, and it was without realizing it that her fingertips had begun to stroke softly through the back of his hair as they danced closely together. If their parents were looking, they would’ve noticed, and they would be eating it up, so it was okay. “True,” she shrugged. “You probably don’t sleep as well when I’m not there, huh? That goes for Tiger, too. I know I sleep better laid out with the two of you.” Rylan liked to think of herself as a strong person, and she really was, but like everyone, she had a past, and sometimes it liked to haunt her. It didn’t get the chance to when she was with Donovan. He made her feel safe. Not that she’d admit that, of course. But on some level, she was sure he knew. She nodded once he questioned her, watching him as she awaited a response. “That’s pretty smooth,” she grinned, nodding her head once more. “Maybe even enough to have earned the kiss you’re afraid to give me.” She sent a wink his way, the song coming to an end. Rylan took a step back, unwrapping her arms from around him, but caught his hand in her own. “For the record, I’m not worried,” she shrugged a shoulder, smile soft. “Pull all the moves you want.”
Donovan could not help but chuckle at her surprise that he had given her a compliment. They were so good at this fake couple because it was just so easy to be around each other. He hadn’t stopped smiling or laughing since they’d shown up at the wedding and it was clear that people noticed it. He wasn’t doing it for show. It just came naturally. It was just a nice touch for their fake relationship. He was constantly complimenting her in his head. It was about time one of those things slipped out. He just didn’t want her ego to get too big. It was already ridiculous. It was nice to hear that she didn’t sleep great without the two of them. Not nice because he wanted her to sleep terribly, but nice because he felt similarly. Plus, he hadn’t expected her to say something so nice to him in the middle of the ragging on each other. “I like it when you’re there. The animals all look for you. It’s basically your house too,” he laughed, breaking their eye contact for a second. He didn’t really know why, but he just had to. The moment felt too serious. Too.... Something. He couldn’t stare directly into her eyes. “Afraid?” He echoed, a little disappointed that the song was over. He had been having a good time. Not that he thought their good time was going to end anytime soon. “I’m not afraid to kiss you. It would just have to be a really good one. We’re only gonna do it once for all our fans here, you know? We couldn’t half-ass it,” he teased. His eyes glanced down at their intertwined hands as he bit down on his bottom lip. “Who’s saying I haven’t started pulling moves already?” He let out another chuckle as he looked up at her, before moving his gaze toward a table of refreshments. “I think I’m getting another glass of champagne. You want one?”
As much as Donovan may have teased her and acted like it was annoying when she’d show up at his place unannounced all the time, Rylan knew he didn’t mean it. She knew that he liked it when she was there with him. And as much as she enjoyed the teasing, it was kind of nice to hear him tell her seriously that he liked having her there, too. “I’m their mom, of course they like it when I’m there,” she agreed, her eyes seemingly locking with his. It didn’t make her feel uncomfortable, although it did make her feel something. She just wasn’t sure what. It was nice, though. It was almost calming. So much so that Rylan took note of the way Donovan pulled his gaze from her, though she chose not to question it. They’d been drinking champagne all day, they were both just evidently losing focus a little bit, that was all. “Afraid,” she repeated, nodding her head. “Just like how looking at me scared you just then.” This was an act, right? No, maybe neither of their parents were standing within a close enough proximity to hear them, but that didn’t matter. Method acting, or something like that. Truthfully, Rylan didn’t know what she was doing, she just knew she wasn’t holding back. Again, maybe it was the champagne. The table of which her gaze followed his to shortly after, with her nodding her head in response. “Champagne sounds really good right now.” Her fingers laced easily with his as she tugged him gently toward the refreshment table. She went back to studying his face once they were off of the dance floor, the smile easing onto her lips a small but completely natural one. “I’m not gonna push you away, you know?” She assured him, gaze flickering toward their mothers, who were standing together and both watching the two of them now, before fixing itself on Don again. She motioned him closer with her pointer on her free hand. “You can kiss me.” She didn’t know why her voice had softened the way it had. But it had.
He couldn’t place it. That feeling he felt when they were staring at each other. He didn’t know what it was, which was why he looked away. Donovan couldn’t really say what he felt, but there was something. Something he wasn’t ready to think too hard about. That’s why he was relieved when they were back to teasing each other. Teasing each other about kissing, but it was still pretty normal. He wasn’t afraid to kiss her, but Donovan didn’t kiss anyone without their permission and he definitely wasn’t going to start with Rylan. Not after all she’d been through. If he was going to kiss her then he was going to need an invitation, even if it was a fake kiss. “You don’t scare me, Ry. Kissing you isn’t all that scary,” he mumbled out, his eyes meeting hers again. He didn’t know what they were doing. Suggesting that they drink more champagne was probably the wrong thing to do. The last thing they needed to do was drink anymore. Clearly there was something affecting their decision-making skills. He followed her pull in the direction of the refreshments table. Maybe he’d grab a piece of cake or something while they were over there. He needed something to help get him away from his alcohol-induced thoughts. As she spoke, he followed her gaze over to their mothers and then met hers again. That was that invitation he had been thinking about earlier. The thing he said he’d need if he was going to kiss Rylan. “I can kiss you,” he repeated, taking a step closer to her as she beckoned him closer. He could feel his own drop a little in volume with every inch of the gap he closed between them “You can’t laugh,” he warned, even though nothing really seemed all that funny right about now. He thought it would have been funny, but he didn’t feel like laughing. In all honesty, he felt nervous. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek as he leaned down to press his lips against hers, surprised at the fact that he didn’t immediately want to pull himself away.
It wasn’t a real kiss. None of this was real. So the fact that Rylan’s heart seemed to be racing a little bit, her gaze drifting momentarily to Don’s lips, really didn’t make any sense. Then again, she was probably just caught up in their act. It wouldn’t be all that surprising; they’d been glued to each other all weekend. “No?” She questioned, the corner of her mouth tugging up into an almost lazy smile. “Good.” If they were afraid of each other, of being this close to each other and of acting the way they were then they would’ve blown their cover already. It was good that they were both comfortable, that it didn’t feel weird as she held onto her best friend’s hand. The last thing she’d ever expected to be doing was kissing Donovan Smythe, it had always seemed so out of the question, so Rylan chose not to let herself think about the fact that she wasn’t trying to push him away now, and instead was motioning him closer. His words drew a small, barely there laugh from her, though it wasn’t at the situation. “Just kiss me,” she whispered, unsure of why her voice was so hushed and soft, or why her eyes followed his mouth as he moved in closer, until their lips were pressing softly against one another’s, her eyes fluttering shut. It should’ve felt weird, but it didn’t. His lips pressing to hers didn’t feel weird, nor did his hand cupping her cheek. The only thing she questioned was the way her heart raced. Donovan was her best friend, it wasn’t that kind of a kiss, she shouldn’t have felt the way she did. But she did. Almost afraid she’d get too carried away, Rylan finally pulled back, though not very far, eyes opening to immediately scan over his face. They locked with his own. “It wasn’t so funny,” she said softly, not even thinking about it as she lifted a hand to rest gently on the back of his neck, her lips finding their way to his once more.
They had to kiss. Their parents were watching just about every move between the two of them, so it only made sense. This moment had been building since the second they decided to fake their relationship. Donovan always knew it was coming. There was going to be a moment where he had to fake-kiss his best friend. But it was really fake. You couldn’t fake a kiss. His lips were going to have to touch hers and he could feel the nervousness building up inside of him as he stepped closer to her. He knew if he thought about it too hard, he might back away because she wasn’t completely wrong when she accused him of being a little afraid to kiss her. He definitely was. When their lips met, he was weirdly surprised to feel her kiss him back. He should have figured that she was going to. It was a part of their act, after all. But still, feeling her lips pressed against him, he really didn’t want to stop. And that scared him. Maybe that was why he had been so afraid in the first place. He knew if he kissed her, there was going to be a small chance that he liked it, and an even smaller chance that he wasn’t going to want to stop. His eyes met hers as she pulled away as he tried to read her face. He nodded his head at her words. But before he could respond he felt her lips back on his again. And it kind of excited him. It made him think that maybe she’d felt it too. Whatever it was. He really did like the feeling of kissing her. That was why he instinctively deepened the kiss and dropped his hand to her waist, pulling her closer to him. He didn’t want to let go, but suddenly his mind recalled the fact that they were in public. Not just in public. They were at a wedding and people had already been staring at them, so it was probably a lot worse now. He pulled himself away from her, his lips still stinging from whatever that was. “Good job, buddy,” he breathed out awkwardly.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. And it certainly wasn’t supposed to feel like this… Whatever this feeling was. Rylan couldn’t really place it. She figured it probably had to do with all of the champagne, and just the whole fake boyfriend-girlfriend moment in general. She couldn’t question it too much. If she did, she’d scare herself, though it wasn’t like she was exactly the most calm once their lips had parted. Moving back in was a way of keeping her mind from thinking too deeply. At least that was what she was going to tell herself as her lips pressed back against her best friend’s again, her fingers sliding into the back of his hair as their lips moved against each other’s. Rylan’s parted instinctively, deepening the kiss the same way Donovan had. She didn’t want them to stop, but she knew she couldn’t think like that. She couldn’t help it, though. Once they’d parted again, she could feel how hard her heart was racing, she could still taste him on her lips and she hated that she wanted so badly to move right back in. By this point, their parents had probably walked away, they probably weren’t watching anymore, so this definitely wasn’t just a show for them. Not that she’d admit that, not even to herself. Her lips curved into a small smirk in response to his words, her eyes never leaving his. “You too,” she agreed, the one hand still holding onto his tightening its hold a little bit. Her gaze moved toward the door briefly, then back up to Donovan, with Rylan not even giving herself the chance to consider what she was saying or doing. “Come with me,” she whispered, finally tearing her gaze from him to lead him over to the door and toward the bathroom. She needed to be alone with him. She didn’t know why.
It was all that champagne. It had to be. Donovan had thrown back a few glasses and he was sure that Rylan had a couple too. The champagne had to be the reason why he didn’t want to stop kissing her. He was drunk, and she was hot. And they were pretending to be a couple anyway. It was just easy to get caught up in the moment of it all. Her lips felt nice. He just didn’t want to think about it too hard. If he started to really think about then he would realize that they’d taken it a step too far. His tongue was in his best friend’s mouth. Or at least, it was. Until he finally decided to pull the two of them apart. It wasn’t hard to tell that no one had really been watching them. That was just for the two of them. His mom has turned away a while ago and her mom didn’t seem like she could not have cared any less about the two of them. His heart was racing and he couldn’t pull his eyes away from her. He wanted to know what her next move was. What their next move was. His eyes glanced down at their intertwined hands as she started to lead them over toward the bathroom. He really didn’t know what was going on. He couldn’t think too hard about it. If he really focused on what they were doing and why then he would probably stop the two of them, and that was the last thing he wanted. He bit down on his bottom lip as they made their way into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind them. His eyes met hers as he took a step toward her, closing the gap between them. They never had to use words with each other. That’s just how they were. He could usually tell what she was thinking and that wasn’t different just because they were in unchartered territory. He stared down at her, keeping his eyes fixed on her as slid his hand to rest on her thigh. “No one can see us in here,” he breathed out before placing his lips back on hers.
Rylan never held back, it just wasn’t in her nature. She was a St. James, after all; they didn’t do that. But this was taking things to a whole new territory even for her. She’d never looked at Donovan this way before. The way she was right now, her heart racing as she looked up at him, the need to close the gap between them unbelievably strong. Whether that was because she’d never allowed herself to look at him that way or not, she really didn’t know, she just knew that there was something different going on here. Something unexpected. Something she wasn’t willing to stop, even though she knew she should. She was waiting to snap out of it, for the sound of the bathroom door locking behind them to bring her back to reality, but it didn’t. If anything, it just made her want her hands on him, the idea of them so alone and finally in their own privacy somehow working her up. Rylan didn’t say anything as she looked up at her best friend, though she was sure the look in her darkened eyes was doing all of the talking for her. She wanted him. She didn’t know why or how, but she did, and her lips seemed to reconnect almost desperately with his once his hand was on her thigh, his words acting as some kind of accelerator to push her closer to him. Letting go of his hand, she reached out to grab fistfuls of his shirt, edging toward the sink and pulling him back with her until she felt it hit her back. She never broke their kiss as she hopped up to sit on the sink, her fingers now fumbling with the buttons on Don’s shirt. She easily unfastened it, her lips still moving desperately against his. A soft, barely audible whimper fell from her mouth and into his in some kind of anticipation that she was trying hard to ignore.
Doing something like this had never crossed his mind. Donovan couldn’t even think of a time where he’d thought about kissing Rylan. Let alone, making out with her in a bathroom. He figured it would stop soon. They wouldn’t let it go too far. One of them had to come to their senses. They couldn’t keep kissing the way they were kissing without it leading down a dangerous path. But it didn’t really seem like either one of them wanted to stop. And the fact that he had closed the door behind the two of them made it pretty clear that he didn’t want any interruptions pulling them away from each other. The fact there weren’t any other eyes on them really should have stopped them. Their act could be over in here. But Donovan was too caught up in her and the way their lips were connecting to care about who was watching. He was actually relieved that they were alone. He didn’t resist when she started unbuttoning his shirt. He ended up shrugging it off and letting it fall to the bathroom floor, not exactly caring where it ended up. Both of his hands were now on her thighs, pushing their way under her dress as he kept his mouth pressed onto hers. He wasn’t going to stop kissing her. It had taken over two decades for the two of them to kiss and he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. She didn’t have to say that she wanted him. He knew her. He could tell by the way she looked at him, by the way she kissed him. Words weren’t a necessity for them. He positioned himself perfectly in between her legs as he began to slide his hand underneath the waistband of her panties. He moaned at the feeling of how wet she was. It was obvious that she was enjoying what they were doing, but this was obvious. “Fuck, Ry,” he breathed out against her lips as he stroked his finger along her center. He finally pulled his lips away from hers, so his gaze could meet hers. He reached for her hand with his free one and guided it to his belt, keeping his eyes on hers with every movement.
How close they were, how desperate their movements were, it would suggest that they were finally relieving years of pent-up need for each other. But as far as Rylan was aware, that wasn’t the case. Donovan had always just been Donovan, her best friend. He was gorgeous, there was no denying that, but she’d never looked at him as anything more. Right now, though, all she could think about was how ridiculously hot he was, and how badly she wanted her hands all over his body, her lips against his. She slid her hands up his chest and over his shoulders once she’d unfastened all of the buttons, pushing his shirt off and onto the floor. Instinctively, her legs parted further to slot him in between, her hands now running down his bare chest, moving over his muscles, nails dragging lightly over his abs. She was grateful that neither of them seemed to have come to their senses yet, and that she evidently wasn’t the only one into this. With the way his hands were moving up her thighs, he was about to feel just how wet she was for him already, how much all of this had turned her on. The moment his fingers slipped inside of her panties, she pushed her hips slightly forward, the moan she responded with soft and almost drowned out by their kiss. She couldn’t do that once he’d pulled away, though, and found herself just looking up at him, her breathing faster, though her movements were sure and confident, no more so than when he’d moved her hand to his belt, with Rylan bringing her other hand over and unfastening it instantly. She tugged it off, eyes never leaving his as she unfastened the button and zipper on his pants, hand slipping under the fabric of his boxers to wrap her fingers around him. This should’ve felt more wrong than it did, but it didn’t. “I want you,” she stated in a soft voice, hand moving slowly up and down his length, just in case there was anything unclear here. She wanted him.
Donovan wanted more of her. He wanted all of her. It was sort of crazy to think about. Thirty minutes ago, he wouldn’t have guessed that they were going to doing any of this in the bathroom. He thought they would drink a little, dance a little bit, and make his parents smile. Not that he was complaining. He was enjoying every second of the two of them going at it like this. It was surprising, but still enjoyable. He had never thought about her in this way, but he wasn’t sure if he could ever unsee her in this way after today. Maybe if he just blamed it on the champagne induced haze then nothing would change after this. Being able to feel that she was just as into this as he was, definitely turned him on. He could feel himself getting harder and harder just by touching her. He wanted her. He needed to be inside of her soon. He let out a soft moan as he stared down into her eyes, waiting for her to finish unhooking his belt. It felt good watching her. He enjoyed being able to gauge the reaction of what he was doing to her. His breath hitched as she wrapped her hand around his shaft, a small moan leaving his lips as he looked down at her. He leaned down and pressed another kiss to her lips, finally breaking their gaze. “I want you, too” he whispered out against her lips. He pressed his body up against hers as he moved closer to her, his hand pushing down her panties until they were at her ankles and out of his way. He moved her hand away from him and pushed his own boxers down, moving himself so he was positioned at her entrance. There wasn’t any time to think this through. The moment she said she wanted him, there was really no turning back for the two of them. He slowly guided himself inside of her, bucking his hips forward as he filled her. “Fuck,” he moaned out at the contact. He pulled his lips away from hers, so he could stare into her eyes all over again. He breathed out heavily as their gazes met, moans escaping from his lips with every movement of his hips.
Rylan had no expectations here, considering she’d never thought about doing this with Donovan, but if she had had any, then he would’ve been exceeding them already. Just the way he kissed her, the sound of his quiet moans, it was all a major turn on. All he’d done was move his fingers against her and she could already feel herself growing wetter, more desperate for him. Her movements were anything but slow or careful as she worked on getting him out of his pants, and she couldn’t even ignore how hot it was to feel him hardening in her hand. To know that she was the one doing that to him just made her want him more. Her lips easily reconnected with his, legs beginning to tremble slightly with anticipation as he pulled her panties down. She didn’t just want to feel him inside of her anymore, she needed to, and couldn’t even help but break their eye contact as she watched him pushing down his own pants and boxers, unashamedly taking in the sight. “Jesus,” she breathed, the sight of him so hard for her making her practically ache for him. Rylan’s focus moved back up to Donovan’s face, her legs spreading apart and her hips pushing forward again as he began to guide himself into her. She whimpered in response to feeling him sinking the whole way in, her arms lifting up to wrap around his neck as she rocked her hips into his. She was breathing faster already, her leg lifting to bend at the knee for him to hold onto. “Fuck,” she moaned into the feeling, head tilting back slightly.
Usually kissing his best friend having sex with her would have Donovan nervous. It was a precarious situation. But he wasn’t nervous at all. He was planning on blaming that on the champagne confidence, but it was really the fact that it all felt so natural. All of it. Even small things like holding her hand just felt like something that they’d done a thousand times. This? They clearly had never done anything like this, but it didn’t feel weird. It didn’t feel awkward at all. It felt like something they should have been doing all along. And that scared him. Maybe if he was in his right mind and not currently wrapped up in the euphoria that was sex with Rylan St. James then he would have been more cognizant of just how scary it all was. But he couldn’t focus on any of that right now. He was throbbing with want and need because he needed to be with her. The feeling of him finally sinking his way into her had blown away any of his expectations. He held onto her leg as he started to move in sync with her hips, keeping his eyes on hers. She felt really good. There was something incredibly sexy about staring into her eyes while all of this was happening. He had been staring into her eyes for most of the night. It had gone from friends being cordial to wanting each other, and now it was just total lust. He could feel himself swelling up inside of her. He slid his hand up her body, resting it on her neck as he kept pounding himself in and out of her. “Shit, Ry,” he cursed out, his breathing incredibly hitched. He could feel himself edging closer to his release. “Tell me you want me again,” he breathed out, knowing those words would definitely guide him to his brink.
For past reasons, Rylan had a very love/hate relationship with sex. Sometimes, it scared her, so much that she just couldn’t even do it. But she’d never had sex with Donovan Smythe before. And honestly, doing this with him now should’ve terrified her, but it really didn’t. It felt so right, and it definitely felt good. Like their bodies just fit so perfectly with one another’s as he thrusted in and out of her, the feeling of him rubbing against her in all of the right places causing her to moan for him as she held onto him. She never really let herself focus on the other person too intently whenever she was hooking up with someone, at least not to the point of locking her gaze with theirs, but she couldn’t even break it with Donovan. The way he looked at her was only turning her on more, and the confirmation that this was really him, that he was right there in front of her, making her feel so good as he pounded in and out of her, only added to everything further. While one of her arms stayed wrapped tightly around his neck, the other loosened a little, her hand sliding into the back of his hair and her fingers grasping onto it slightly, though not enough to hurt him. “I do, I want you,” she breathed, her words shaky and filled with total lust. Maybe she should be afraid that after this, she’d never stop wanting him. But she wasn’t. She couldn’t find it in herself to feel any negative feeling right now, not while he was making her feel so good. She leaned forward to reconnect their lips, but the kisses were messy thanks to their movements. “And you want me too,” she mumbled against his lips. Her hips rocked in time with his, the volume and pace of her moaning increasing as their movements drew her quickly closer to the edge. It felt like they’d only just started, but she knew she wasn’t going to last too much longer.
Just friends was an interesting concept. Something Donovan would have lived by before this moment. He had always been so adamant that he and Rylan were just friends. That was something he could probably never say again. Or maybe he could. Maybe they just had to do this once. It was just an itch they had to scratch. And then things would just go back to the way they were. They’d kissed and they were drunk, so it only made sense that they had kept going. They couldn’t stop themselves. They knew everything about each other, so it only made sense that when it came to sex there was some sort of connection there too. He really wanted her. He knew that she could tell just how much he was enjoying this by the look he was giving her. And hearing her say again that she wanted him started to pull him closer to is breaking point. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, not with the way he was fucking her, and definitely not with the way they were looking at each other in between messy kisses. “I really fucking want you,” he gasped out. He couldn’t help, but wonder if he had always wanted her. If it had just been lurking in the back of his mind for years. He didn’t think so, but he really couldn’t be sure anymore. He wasn’t one to constantly curse or even express himself that way, but there was really no other way to put. He did really fucking want her. He felt himself drawing to his release as his body started shaking. After riding out his orgasm, he let out a deep breath as his body went pliant. He leaned forward to place another kiss against her lips before he pulled his body away. He wanted to sneak one more in before this was all over because he knew the minute they left this bathroom, this was done. “Shit,” he breathed out. “Way fucking better than Tramp Stamp,” he sighed, reaching down to pull up his boxers.
This was a movie thing. One of those cheesy romcoms where two people who had been best friends their whole lives suddenly wound up all over each other. It didn’t happen in real life, and certainly not to Rylan and Donovan. But it was happening now. She was convinced it was just going to be this one time, though, which perhaps only made it all even more appealing to her, made her feel things even more intensely. She would’ve usually lasted much longer than this, but her need for him was overwhelming, and when he told her he wanted her too, it only pushed her closer to the edge. Even if she knew it already. Rylan hadn’t been holding back anyway, but the moan that fell from her lips once she finally hit that breaking point was even louder than the others, her walls clenching tightly around him as they both rode out their orgasm. Her body felt weak, but she could still lean forward to kiss him back, even if it was done kind of lazily, then she found herself whimpering at the feeling of him pulling back out of her, her legs shaky and weak. Holding onto the sink once Donovan had pulled back, Rylan watched him for a moment as she tried to catch her breath, a small laugh falling from her lips in response. “Obviously,” she agreed, bringing a hand up to push loose strands of hair from her face. It was safe to say her neatly constructed bun had suffered with how fast their movements had been, and Rylan definitely wasn’t looking as well put together now as she had before, but she didn’t care. Climbing down carefully from the sink, she leaned down to pull up her panties, instantly feeling how wet they were once they were back in place. It was almost like she hadn’t registered what they were doing until she’d turned back to look in the mirror, noticing the way her mascara had run a little bit and how messy her hair was.“God,” she muttered, wiping under her eyes to neaten up her makeup, then got to work on her hair. This had to go back to normal. It just did, Rylan wasn’t going to let it not. “We should really get back out there,” she sighed, straightening out her dress and refusing to look Donovan’s way again.
Donovan didn’t want to think about it too much. If there had been something brewing between them for a while. Whatever it was, it was over now. They had acted out whatever feelings were there. Even if they were just there for that day or if they had been there between them two of them for decades. Whatever it was, it was done. They had both reached their orgasms and now they could move on. A soft chuckle escaped from his lips as she agreed with him. He thought the mention of her least favorite ex-girlfriend of his was a nice touch. It was a nice way to ease back into being normal. They were going to put this behind them. That was going to be the last kiss they were going to have outside of faking it for their family. And even this, had been sort of for show anyway. He was certain someone would notice that the two of them had disappeared into a locked bathroom all those minutes ago. He leaned down to pick up his shirt off the floor and put it back on, his hands immediately starting to button it up. He gazed at himself in the mirror, noticing how rough he looked. How rough they both looked. He glanced over at her for a second before tucking his shirt into his pants and readjusting his belt. He wanted to say something. Anything. But he knew it was better to just forget about it. This never happened. He could tell from the way she was refusing to look at him. She didn’t want to think about anything that had just transpired. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to do something to make it look like they weren’t just having sex in here. “Yeah. Let’s go. I’ll get out of here first and go talk to my mom or something. You can stay in here and fix all of that. You look terrible,” he joked, letting out an awkward laugh before he reached for the door and made his way out of the bathroom.
Although this had obviously been a mistake, a very stupid and in the moment one, the worst part about it was that Rylan didn’t feel like it was one. She hadn’t considered what it would do to their friendship, and while she liked to think they were strong enough to go back to normal after this whole day was over, the realist in her worried a little bit that they wouldn’t. What if they’d just screwed everything up? She wished she’d thought about that possibility before, but she hadn’t, and now here they were, with Rylan afraid to even make eye contact with Donovan again. She didn’t even really know what to say, though she did glance at him in the mirror when he spoke to her, shooting him a playful scowl in the reflection, though it was definitely halfhearted. “Thanks. That’s just what every girl likes to hear,” she joked, going back to fixing her hair, though she watched her friend as he exited the bathroom, leaving her in there alone. For a moment, she just stared at the door once it’d closed behind him, wondering if all of that had really just happened. It had. It shouldn’t have, but it had. She didn’t know where to go from here. One thing was for sure though, Rylan was definitely not in a party mood anymore. She wiped away any smeared makeup with the pad of her thumb, picked up her purse, then headed out of the bathroom, her heart feeling as though it’d dropped into her stomach when she laid eyes on Don talking to their mothers. Rylan pushed a small smile to her lips as she approached. “Hey, listen, I’m not feeling so great, I think I’m gonna head back,” she announced, refusing to meet Donovan’s gaze again. She swallowed, looking up at her mom. “You know, actually, maybe I could come stay at home tonight?” The idea of sharing a bed with Donovan felt almost wrong now. Her mom agreed that it was a good idea, evidently concerned that she was sick.“Okay, great. Uh, I’m just gonna go grab my stuff from the room, then I’ll order a Lyft. I don’t want you to have to leave yet.” She reached up to kiss her mom on the cheek, then did the same to Diana. She chose not to look at Donovan as she left, though, and simply headed up to their hotel room without looking back.
Hearing her response made Donovan immediately regret the joke he’d made. He thought it would help get things back to normal, but it sort of just seemed like he was insulting the girl he’d just had sex with. Going out to talk to their mothers did not make anything better. They were annoying. They were just asking questions about a fake relationship he really didn’t want to think about at the moment. His eyes would glance back at the bathroom door as he waited for Rylan to emerge from it. But she hadn’t yet. And he was still stuck putting on a fake smile, pretending like he wasn’t internally freaking out. Suddenly he saw his best friend approaching and his eyes stayed fixated on her. She never looked at him. Just like when they were finished back in the bathroom. He couldn’t blame her. Maybe she blamed him for all of this. He had kissed her. He slipped his hand under her panties. He was the instigator. Even if she had led him to the bathroom, he had still started all of this and he should have stopped it before they went too far. He was the reason it seemed like she couldn’t even stomach being around him. He watched as she said goodbye to her mother and his, never really even acknowledging his presence. His eyes followed her as she walked away, before he turned his attention back to their mothers. He listened to them talk for a few moments before excusing himself from the conversation. He wasn’t just going to let her leave on those terms. It wasn’t good. They were best friends. He couldn’t just let her go stay at her parents’ house without even saying goodbye to him. He made his way back inside the hotel, taking the elevator to their room and unlocking it with the key he had stashed in his pocket. “Hey,” he greeted with a small sigh. “You don’t have to leave. I mean, I’m not gonna keep you here if you don’t want to be around me, but I’ll take the couch tonight. It’s a pull out. It’s perfectly comfortable,” he mumbled out, taking a seat on it.
Rylan could only imagine what their mothers had been saying to Don. No doubt it would’ve all been about them, and frankly she was glad she wasn’t there to hear it. Honestly, right now she didn’t know it she’d even be able to give them any kind of convincing response. She really didn’t even feel like being around anybody, so once she’d departed from their small group and headed to the hotel room, she mentally planned to spend at least the rest of the evening alone. She’d grab her things, get a Lyft to the house, then she’d just hide out in her old bedroom until morning. She was sure she’d feel better by then. Though a part of her ached with sadness as she arrived at the room and saw Donovan’s shirt on the bed, suddenly missing him. It seemed he wasn’t far behind, though, and as she heard the door opening, Rylan looked over, her gaze landing on him right away. Unlike before, when she hadn’t been thinking properly, she couldn’t stop thinking now. Scenarios flashed through her mind, of things always being awkward and uncomfortable between them now. Then of her being pressed up against him all over again. She didn’t verbally respond, and instead trained her gaze on his face, studying him for a moment as she slowly walked toward him. She was aware of what she was doing now as she stopped in front of him, looking up at him momentarily, before she leaned up to press her lips to his again. She gave no explanation, and simply lifted her arms to wrap around his neck, unsure of why she was deepening the kiss the way she was, but she was. This was why she couldn’t stay here tonight, or why she didn’t think she could. How was she supposed to keep her hands off him now? Honestly, she didn’t even want to, nor did she try.
Donovan was sure their parents thought they were in some sort of fight. He also wasn’t entirely sure if they weren’t in a fight. They’d never really had one before. A few arguments here and there, but they always ended up just forgetting about it and ordering pizza. This was probably going to be different. Everything about their relationship was suddenly different. He couldn’t tell if Rylan didn’t want to talk to him or if she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. Either way, their bathroom hookup had changed things for them and it didn’t feel like it had shifted their relationship in a positive way. He wanted to see her and talk to her. He knew there wasn’t really much he could say to reassure her that their relationship was still the same, especially since he wasn’t even sure if it was still the same. She was avoiding him. That was something they’d never done with each other. Avoided one another. He always wanted to hang out with her and he was certain that she always wanted to hang out with him. His eyes stayed on her as she started to move toward him, he immediately pulled himself up from the spot he’d taken on the couch. He didn’t know what she was going to say to him. He stood there, waiting for something to come out of her mouth. He was surprised to feel her lips back on his. That wasn’t what he had been expecting, but he wasn’t going to complain about it. It didn’t take much for him to follow her lead and deepen their kiss, his tongue sliding into her mouth. His arms wrapped around her as he pulled her body closer to his. A few minutes ago, he was certain that whatever happened in the bathroom was never going to happen again, but now? He wasn’t so sure.
A switch had flipped, whether Rylan wanted to acknowledge it or not. What’d transpired between the two of them had changed something, and she could tell herself that it’d go back to normal tomorrow, but she wasn’t entirely convinced that it would. Especially not when she’d laid eyes on Donovan again, and when the thought of leaving him here alone tonight caused her heart to ache. Leaving him at all just made her feel weird. She felt like there was too much distance between them now, while they were in the same room, so how she would be okay in a whole other building was anyone’s guess. It didn’t matter now, though, because as soon as their lips were reconnected, Rylan knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Pulling back from the kiss, she looked up at him a little breathlessly already. “One minute,” she promised, moving away from him to grab her phone from her purse. She evened out her voice as she tapped on Evelyn’s contact, lifting her phone to her ear. “Mom? Hey. Yeah, change of plan. I think I’m just gonna stay here with Donovan tonight.” Her eyes locked with his. “Yeah, I’m sure. He’s gonna take care of me.” She wrapped up the call quickly, slipped her phone back into her purse and then tossed it onto the couch out of their way, before making her way back over to Don, this time with no intention of pulling back as she leaned up to press her lips to his once more. Her tongue slipped through the part in his lips, moving gently against his as she began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt again, blindly leading him over toward the bed they would be sharing for the night.
Donovan’s heart was already racing. It had started when he noticed her walking toward him and now that their lips were pressed together, he figured it wouldn’t slow down anytime soon. He didn’t know what was going on, but he knew he wasn’t going to take any questions. He didn’t even want to pull away. He was certain that if he did, even just to catch his breath, they would lose this moment. One of them would overthink it and they would stop kissing. Things would go back to being stunted and awkward, and he did not want that.. A sigh escaped from his lips as she pulled away from him. He was worried. He wanted to keep kissing her, but he didn’t know what she was doing. His eyes stayed on her as she took out her phone, nodding along as he heard her talking to her mother. That was a good sign. She wasn’t leaving. And he was going to take care of her. He didn’t know what her staying in the room meant for whatever was going on here, but at least it meant their friendship wasn’t gone. Although he still wasn’t sure if they could ever go back to a regular friendship. He was enjoying kissing her a little too much. He was glad that it didn’t take long before she was right back there with him. It was still nice that they didn’t have to use words with each other. It was one thing when she needed creamer out of his fridge, but it was another to just look into her eyes and know that she wanted him. But he did. He could tell when she was still on the phone. He followed her lead over to the bed. The bed they’d reserved to just sleep in before. There was no way they’d had this in mind when they made the reservation. He kept his lips on hers as he shrugged off his shirt, happy it was coming off for the second time that evening. He pulled his lips away from hers to turn her around, his hand finding the zipper on her dress and sliding it down. He wanted to see more of her. He hadn’t gotten that chance earlier.
There were many things about all of this that Rylan could and perhaps should question. But what was the point? She didn’t have the answers, and the two of them were managing to surprise her with every move they made. Maybe it said something, the fact that they could stop for her to call her mom, then get right back to it again. The break could’ve disturbed the moment, but Rylan only wanted Don more once she’d finished up the call. The thought that this was it for the night, that it was just the two of them in their room, that was exciting to her. It shouldn’t have been, but it was, and now all she could think about was feeling him inside of her again, her hands all over his body, his lips against her own. Pushing off his shirt was easy this time, maybe because her movements weren’t so rushed and desperate. Instead, she was moving kind of slowly, taking her time. Something felt different this time. The slowness almost nicer somehow. Pulling back once Don had, Rylan looked up at him, until he was turning her around and she could feel him lowering her zipper, the fabric of her dress beginning to fall already. “Take it off,” she whispered, glancing back at him over her shoulder. She didn’t just mean her dress, considering she’d begun to peel that off herself now. She let it fall down to the floor, heart beating a little faster as she clarified, “All of it.” They’d done the hurried, in the moment public bathroom sex. She wanted something real now.
Donovan knew they should stop. Nothing good could come out of this. Just an awkward morning tomorrow. But he couldn’t stop. Not with the way her lips were on his and not with the way he wanted her. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about earlier. How her hands were all over him. How he could feel just how wet he’d made her. He wanted to feel all of those things again. Up until a few minutes ago, he wasn’t sure it would ever happen again. It wasn’t clear to him just how much he wanted it to happen again. And maybe that should have worried him, but he couldn’t focus on being scared and worried right now. Not when he was so distracted by her. He glided his tongue over her lips as they kissed, enjoying the pace at which they were moving. They were still desperate for each other, but it wasn’t quick or rushed. They had all night. This was their room. Not some bathroom they were hoarding by locking the door. He missed the contact of their lips once he’d turned her around, but he just wanted to see her. All of her. He glanced up at her as she stared over her shoulder at him, their eyes meeting as her dress fell. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her back, peppering slow kisses against her skin. He moved his hands up her back, finding the hook for her bra. It didn’t take long for him to unhook it, his hands gliding it off her shoulders as he returned his lips to her bare skin. He moved his hands to slide up her front, massaging her breast as he continued moving his mouth against her. Their bodies were so pressed together. There wasn’t any space between them, which he liked. He knew she could definitely feel how hard he was and how much just touching her was turning him on. His lips found their way to her neck, pecking lightly at her skin. Not only could she likely feel how turned on he was, but his heart was currently pounding in his chest.
It hadn’t really been clear to her why she’d struggled to make eye contact with Donovan before, but as she looked back at him now, her gaze locking with his, it suddenly made sense. It wasn’t that she was afraid or ashamed, it was that she knew that looking too intently at him was going to bring this feeling washing over her again, the feeling of desire for him. That was definitely not a good thing, not if they wanted things to be back to normal after this, but for now she just couldn’t worry about that. Not as Donovan slipped off her dress, his lips brushing against the skin on her back. Rylan’s teeth sank into her bottom lip, eyes closing as her body reacted to the small kisses. She knew goosebumps were rising on her skin beneath his lips, and the moment his hands were on her now bare chest, she knew her nipples were hardening under his touch. She exhaled a shaky breath, hand moving behind her to slip between them and cup at the growing bulge she’d felt against her back. He was so hard already, she knew she was so wet. They couldn’t deny themselves of this. Breathing faster, Rylan finally paused to turn around, bringing her gaze up to Don’s again. She never broke contact with his eyes as she lowered her hands to unfasten his belt once more, followed by his pants, then lowered herself down to begin sliding them and his boxers down his legs, gaze still never leaving him. She waited until he’d stepped out of them to stand back up, gently pushing him backwards onto the bed. How she’d never noticed how hot he was before was beyond her. She’d always known he was good looking, but laid there in front of her, he was really, really hot. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, at least not to Rylan, as she lowered herself again, this time to peel off her panties, then climbed onto the bed on top of Don, her body hovering over his. She pulled the hair tie from her hair, letting it flow in waves over her shoulder, and stared down at him, both terrified and completely turned on.
One time thing or not, Donovan was starting to feel zero regrets about it. Maybe that would change tomorrow. When they were awake and could barely look at each other again. He didn’t know. He just knew that he was lost in the moment he was experiencing now. Tomorrow seemed impossible. Going back to a time when he hadn’t had his hands all over her body. A time where he hadn’t felt her nipples stiffen at his touch. It seemed like they had passed a point of no return. But that was something he would have to worry about in the future. Right now, he was just focused on the way her hand was holding him through his pants. Then she turned around and their eyes were locked again. Seeing that want in her eyes and reciprocating that feeling was all new to him, but it also felt familiar. Like something that was always there. They’d both just been looking past it for all these years. He kept his. eyes on her as she lowered herself to take off his pants. She wasn’t even really doing anything, but he could feel himself swelling up even more as he stepped out of his pants and underwear. He breathed out deeply as he felt her push him back onto the bed. He bit down on his lip in anticipation as he watched her slide her panties off. Finally, he could get a good look at her, and he had no complaints. She was hot. But he’d always known. He had just never seen this much of her before. His eyes met hers again as she climbed over him, he could tell that there was an ounce of fear in her face just by looking at her. He brought his lips to catch hers, his hands returning to roam over her body. He pulled away to look up at her, compassion in his eyes. He wanted her, but she was still his best friend. “Ry,” he breathed out a bit uneasy. “This is okay?” He mumbled out against her lips, hoping for confirmation to keep going.
It probably wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for a person to like to take charge in the bedroom, but it went a little deeper than the norm for Rylan. She knew how it felt to have absolutely no power in this situation. If she was in charge, she didn’t have to bring back that memory, so this was where she felt better, being the one to finish up undressing them, and then climbing on top of him. The fear she felt had nothing to do with that, it was in the fact that she wanted this so badly, and it scared her to think about it. It scared her to think of Donovan in a way other than him just being her goofy best friend. But not so much that she wanted to stop. She wanted him too badly, and she knew he wanted her, too. She could feel how hard he was against her thigh as she hovered over the top of him, her head ducking for their lips to reconnect. Rylan pulled back when she felt Donovan doing the same, looking down at him again. She decided not to respond verbally just yet, and instead just studied his face, let her eyes scan over his, before they were lowering to his lips, and Rylan finally nodded her head. “It is,” she whispered softly, closing the gap between them again to press her lips back against his, parting them to deepen the kiss once more. Her body seemed to be moving of its own accord as she moved her leg to straddle his lap, slowly rubbing herself against his length. She let out another shaky breath as she pulled back from his lips, unable to keep her eyes from looking into his again. She didn’t know what was happening, why she needed to be watching him so badly, but she did. Even as she reached down between the two of them to run her hand along his shaft, before slowly lowering her hips to guide him inside of her. “I want you,” she mumbled, lips pressing to his once more, before she finally sat up on top of him, hips rolling to guide him in and out of her as she looked down at her best friend. She hoped that was still what he was.
Best friends weren’t supposed to do things like this. Best friends stayed up late watching movies and ate pizza together. Best friends complained about their bad dates and made goofy jokes to keep the other one laughing. Best friends did not look at each other the way they had been looking at each other all night. And he knew that best friends definitely didn’t screw each other twice in one day. He couldn’t break the stare he had on her as he waited for a confirmation from her. He could tell in her eyes that she wanted this, and he could tell from the heat radiating from her lower half that she really wanted this. He smirked as confirmation left her lips and she pushed her lips back onto his. That was all he needed to hear to keep going. He moaned into her mouth as he felt her vibrating against his length. He wanted more of her. He really didn’t think he needed to hear anything other than she wanted them to keep going, but then she said she wanted him before she pressed her lips against his again. He liked hearing that. There was something about knowing that the one girl he was certain never looked at him in that way wanted him now. She needed him now. As she led him inside of her, it felt even more amazing knowing that she was so wet and turned on by him. That was all him. “Oh, fuck,” he breathed out at the contact, a small moan immediately leaving his lips. He reached up and slid his hand up her body, gripping onto her breast and massaging it as she rode him. He leaned his head back, not being able to control the sounds leaving his mouth. She felt so good. That was pretty apparent by how hard he was inside of her and by the panted moans leaving his lips. “I’ve wanted you so fucking bad, Ry,” he mumbled out in broken breaths.
Not that Rylan had ever considered sleeping specifically with Donovan before, but the thought of sleeping with a close friend had never played out this way. She’d always expected that it’d be weird and awkward, that they’d probably both laugh too much and have to stop, but that wasn’t the case. There was nothing funny about this. There was nothing awkward about it. Even being naked in front of him, and seeing him so exposed, it wasn’t weird. Feeling how hard he was for her, hearing the sounds he made as she moved against him, none of it was weird at all. In fact, it was just incredibly hot, and it felt so strangely normal. Rylan only grew more and more turned on as she moved, choosing not to hold back as a moan fell from her lips in response. Evidently, she was comfortable being her loud, out there herself with Donovan no matter what the scenario, and this one was no exception. The pace of her hips quickened with each new sound he made, partially because she wanted to draw more from him. She’d been scared to say anything when they’d done this before in the bathroom, worried that talking to him would make it all too real, but hearing him breathe out her name like that, telling her he’d wanted her, it was ridiculously hot, it caused her to whimper in response, leaning down to hover her body over him as she held herself up with one hand, her hips rolling fast against his. “You’re so fucking sexy,” she breathed, something she’d maybe regret telling him tomorrow, but she was pretty caught up in the moment now. Whatever was on her mind, she was going to say it, mostly because he was making her feel too good to stop herself. Her lips found his, pressing messily against them as she moaned anything but quietly into his mouth.
Their bodies shouldn’t have fit so perfectly together. It all should have been more awkward with limbs in the wrong place and lots of giggles leaving both of their mouths, but the room was filled with moans and heavy breathing. He hadn’t even known what he meant when he told her he’d wanted her so bad. Did he just mean today? All along? He wasn’t even sure anymore. But they had been able to make the transition from friends to lovers pretty seamlessly. Surprisingly, the chemistry was there. He’d felt it the moment their lips were pressed together. He had warned her not to laugh before their kiss, but it definitely wasn’t a laughing matter anyway. He’d had lots of girlfriends and had kisses plenty of women before, but that first kiss and the many they’d shared since then were already catapulted to the top of his best list. And the sex? It was definitely becoming some of the best sex he’d ever had, but he was certain he could not tell her that. She would never let him live it down. He wasn’t even sure if they were ever going to even acknowledge this after tonight. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to. He just wanted to exist in the moment. Then she called him sexy. And he was surprised. In the bathroom, it was like they had been two characters. Two people playing boyfriend and girlfriend fucking in the bathroom. But this was something else. This was real. This was Rylan telling Donovan that he was sexy. This was just for the two of them. His teeth sank into her bottom lip as he pulled his mouth away from her, catching his breath. “Look at me,” he instructed breathlessly. He waited until their eyes before he leaned his body forward, propping himself up as she rode him, his arms wrapping around her. “Say my name,” he begged. He wanted to hear his name come out of her mouth and he didn’t even know why, but the thought of her looking at him and saying his name while he filled her drove him wild. “You like it when Donovan fucks you, right? Say it.”
If she really let herself think about it, Rylan would still be waiting for one of them to snap back to reality, for them to come to their senses and stop what they were doing. But that hadn’t happened, and it wasn’t going to happen. Not when this felt as good as it did, not when their bodies were moving in time with one another’s almost perfectly, like they were always supposed to be this way. It was easy to forget that this wasn’t what they usually did, and that it could potentially ruin everything. Right now, Rylan’s mind was consumed by Donovan, by the way he was making her feel as she rocked her hips against his. The sounds she whimpered out were repetitive against his lips the faster she moved, her own lips practically throbbing once he’d pulled away, desperate to draw him back in. But then he was talking to her, he was looking up at her and telling her to look at him, and Rylan couldn’t look away even if she wanted to. Her hands found their way to his face, holding onto him as she cupped his cheeks and listened to his words. His request was too hard to pass up on, considering just how hot the idea of saying his name right now was, but it was also scary. Rylan felt her heart beating harder as she looked down at him. “I do,” she breathed, nodding her head, hips still rolling against his. “Fuck, Donovan. I like it when you fuck me.” It was the first time she’d allowed herself to so much as mutter his name, but it didn’t feel wrong like she’d thought it would. She’d gotten caught up in the moment now, and although she leaned forward to crash her lips into his again, it didn’t stop her from talking like she’d hoped it would, with her whispering almost desperately against his lips, “You should’ve always been fucking me.”
Donovan was aware of how Rylan hadn’t said his name yet. He’d said hers plenty of times now, which made him feel ridiculously vulnerable and stupid. But he liked that he was with her. He couldn’t wrap his head around it, but for some reason the fact that this wasn’t just random sex with some stranger made it better. Deep down, it just felt like it was always supposed to be her. No one knew him like she did and that was only amplified sexually. That’s why he had made her look into his eyes. That’s why he was begging her to say his name because he wanted it to feel real. He wanted another reminder that this was Rylan and he was Donovan. And she did. She said it and he could feel himself pulling closer to his edge at her words. They were what he needed to hear. The feeling of her lips against his kept him from saying something else. Something more embarrassing, but then he heard her next words. He even felt them with the way she said them pressed up against his mouth. She was right. They should have been doing this. The ways their bodies molded together made it clear that this was supposed to happen. “I know,” he breathed out, nodding his head. “I know, Ry,” he repeated, his breathing getting heavier. They shouldn’t be saying those types of things to each other. He knew that. Or maybe Donovan would know that tomorrow. Right now, he was lost in the moment. He was lost in her. “I’m really fucking close,” he muttered as his breathing got heavier. He couldn’t compare this feeling to anything he had ever experienced before. This was something other than just a random fuck. Something he was nowhere near ready to unpack. He pushed his lips against hers as he felt himself nearing his breaking point wanting to stifle his moans into her mouth.
When she thought back on this tomorrow, it was going to be terrifying. But right now, saying Donovan’s name, reminding herself that he was who she was with, he was who she was currently riding, it wasn’t scary. It was something, but not scary. The reminder made her clench around him, her walls tightening as she rocked her hips with his, trying to pull them both closer to their orgasm. She hadn’t been thinking when she’d said what she had, about how they should’ve always been doing this, but it seemed that he agreed with her, and that only made Rylan whimper more, only made her moan a little louder for him. She was close, too. And only getting closer the faster they moved together, the more she thought about who exactly she was doing this with. She didn’t need to respond, she knew he’d be able to feel the way she was tightening around him, the way her movements were getting a little messier, the way the volume of her moaning increased as her lips pressed against his. The moan that followed the feeling of her reaching that release was longer, it was louder, and Rylan instantly began to slow the pace of her hips, though not to a stop just yet. Her energy was suddenly all wiped out, though, but she continued to ride him, wanting the both of them to ride out their orgasm together. Finally, she slowed to a stop, but her heart was beating hard, her breathing still fast and desperate as she rested her forehead against his, still higher up than him thanks to the way she was straddling him. “Fuck,” she muttered, trying to calm down. Her eyes had fluttered shut, almost like she was afraid to look at him as she spoke. “I didn’t know how badly I needed you.”
Tomorrow was going to be something else. Donovan didn’t know what they were going to say to each other in the morning. It was clear that there was something brewing between the two of them. People who just saw each other as friends didn’t fuck like that. They didn’t need for each other like that. Ever since that first kiss, she had been the only thing on his mind all night. But tomorrow he was going to have to stop thinking about her. They were best friends. No matter how hot she was or whatever amount of palpable chemistry they had. They couldn’t ruin that for sex. Friendship was more important. But that was something to think about tomorrow. Not tonight. Tonight, he was focused on finally hitting his release as he felt her nearing her own. She tightened around him as she rode him. It was obvious that she was right there with him. He body shook as he neared his breaking point, finally stiffening as he reached his orgasm before it came to an end, his length still sensitive as she rode him slowly finishing out their waves together. His breathing was still incredibly uneasy, but it was nice to feel her forehead against his. She wasn’t looking at him, but she wasn’t immediately retreating like she had when they were still in the bathroom together. She wasn’t pulling away from him yet. He brought his hand to her chin, lifting it up slightly so that their lips could meet before pulling away with a smile. He wasn’t ready to let go of her just yet, especially since he was unsure of what was going to happen next. “Still better than Tramp Stamp,” he breathed out, the heaving of his chest finally slowing down. He didn’t really know what else to say. Now that they were done, he wasn’t even sure if he was allowed to kiss her anymore. “Tonight was good. Tonight was a good night.”
Last night, sleeping with Donovan hadn’t seemed wrong. It hadn’t seemed wrong to kiss him once they were done, or to fall asleep in his arms afterwards, the two of them wearing no clothes. It was a different story this morning, though. Rylan had woken up early, almost forgetting everything that’d happened the night before, but then she’d turned and seen Donovan beside her, just as naked as she was, and her heart had sank. To say she regretted what they’d done would be unfair; Rylan could never regret Donovan, no matter what the situation. But the prospect of what it could do to their friendship was causing a lot of doubt to creep into her mind, and she didn’t know how they were supposed to move forward. She decided to take a shower to give herself the time to think, and made sure to slip carefully out of bed so as not to wake her friend. The plan she came up with as she let the water wash away everything from last night was simple: pretend it never happened. If they could just go back to normal, everything would be okay, she was sure of it, and by the time she’d walked back out of the bathroom and into the hotel’s bedroom, seeing him awake told her it was time to put her plan into action. “Hey!” She greeted cheerfully, patting at her long hair with a towel. She’d taken clothes into the bathroom with her, and had put them on before coming back out. Rylan tossed the towel aside, then began rummaging through her bag to find a hairbrush. She looked at herself in the mirror as she dragged it through her messy hair, making a point to herself not to look at Donovan. “I think check out’s pretty soon. We could go to my parents house and grab breakfast.” She made sure her tone was light and even, like everything was the way it always had been. “Or yours. I don’t really care which. Sleep well?”
It was tomorrow. The tomorrow he had been dreading all last night. It didn’t ease his nerves when he woke up and his best friend wasn’t lying next to him. She was gone. He sighed in relief as he heard the shower running. At least she wasn’t really gone. She was just in the shower. He would not have been surprised if she had just taken off. Honestly, if he had woken up first that’s exactly what he might have done. He was hopeful that she would walk out of the shower with clothes on because the idea of seeing her in a towel was a little distracting for him. He stood up from his spot on the bed and searched for his discarded boxers, feeling a little shyer about being naked than he had last night. He reached for them and slid them on before picking up the rest of the clothes. He wasn’t going to put any of them back on. He rummaged through his overnight bag and pulled out one of the t-shirts he’d brought, pulling it on over his head before tossing yesterday’s clothes back into the bag. He was dressed now and sitting back on the bed waiting for his friend. That meant things really couldn’t be all that weird. He could feel the nervousness building up inside of him as he heard the bathroom door swing open. She surprised him with her greeting. He wasn’t expecting her to be so cheery. “Hey, weirdo,” he replied sending her a look of confusion. His eyes stayed fixated on her as she spoke. He’d basically been staring at her for the past twenty-four hours, so this was no different. “Did I sleep well?” He asked, even more confused, She should’ve already known the answer to that. She was acting strangely. That was clear. “Are you alright?” He questioned, sitting up from his spot on the bed. “Did you fall and hit your head in there?” He expected things to be weird, but this wasn’t what he expected. It seemed like she had just decided to hit delete on everything that happened yesterday. Like it was wiped from her memory.
The fact that Donovan was dressed by the time Rylan had joined him in the bedroom again was definitely a good thing. She wanted this to be normal, she wanted to pretend nothing had happened and that they were just their usual, goofy selves with one another. That would’ve been much harder to do if she had the temptation of seeing him there wearing nothing again. Rylan knew that now she’d done this with Don, she was going to want more. But she wouldn’t allow herself to do that, that would be very much counterproductive. Fortunately, she didn’t have to worry about that; he was clothed. The look he shot her didn’t pass her by, but Rylan chose to ignore it, instead just flashing him a warm smile, before concentrating on brushing her hair. “That’s what I said,” she nodded her head, finally bringing her gaze to him in the mirror’s reflection. Donovan clearly hadn’t gotten the memo that they were going to be pretending this hadn’t happened, but Rylan hoped that if she kept up her act, he’d catch on. The last thing she wanted to do right now was talk about it. “Fall and hit my head? No, weirdo,” she laughed softly, brows tugging together. “I’m fine. I’m good actually. Kind of excited to get back to Chicago. I mean, I always love being here, but I miss work. It’s the St. James in me,” she winked over her shoulder towards him, tossing her hairbrush back into her open bag. “So, about breakfast,” She began, standing up to look at her friend. “Where are we thinking? My parents? Yours? A diner? Help me out here.”
Donovan was confused. That was probably clear by the looks he kept shooting in her direction. He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t know what he wanted. He didn’t know if he wanted things to change between them, and he didn’t know if he wanted to hook up again. Well, his body was definitely in favor of hooking up with her again, but his mind wasn’t on the same page. He just knew that he did not want to pretend like it never happened. That wasn’t a good idea. Clearly, Rylan had somehow convinced herself that it was a good idea and he wasn’t going to buy into it. He wasn’t going to play into this act. His eyes met hers as she looked up at him from the mirror and his face fell. The moment from last night seemed to be over. She definitely wasn’t interested in him anymore. “I’m not doing this with you,” he shrugged. None of the words that came out of her mouth really registered with him. “If you want to be weird then that’s your choice, but I’m not enabling this.” He stood up from his space on the bed and went over to his bag, pulling out a pair of jeans to slip on. He stood up and slipped them on, wanting to just get dressed and get out of there. He started searching for his shoes, but he could only find the ones he had on last night. And even then, he could only find one of them. He poked his head up at her as he paused his search to talk to her. “I don’t want to eat breakfast with you. Once I find my shoe, I’m just going to go to the airport. I’ll eat there. You can meet me there later.” He knew his words were harsh, but the girl he had just slept with was walking in the morning after pretending like it just never happened. It annoyed him. He sighed as he finally found his other shoe, sitting back down on the bed and making the effort to put them on.
Rylan and Donovan were best friends, they were always on the same page. Always. So the fact that it seemed they weren’t right now, and that he seemed annoyed about the way she was acting, it really didn’t make much sense to her. It also made it harder for her to keep up her act, because the last thing she wanted to do was hurt Donovan, but they couldn’t acknowledge last night. She’d decided adamantly that they couldn’t, things would never be normal between them again if they could. “What are you talking about?” She asked, deciding to play dumb. She kept her expression neutral, though it faltered as she watched him moving around the room, her heart breaking inside of her chest. She could only keep this up for so long before she was stepping toward him and gently grabbing ahold of his wrist. “Don,” she spoke softly, her expression sad now. The look in her wide eyes was sad, too. It was almost pleading with him, in fact. She didn’t want to have to physically tell him that she was ignoring what’d happened, she wanted him to just know. She wanted him to understand. Rylan shook her head at him, not sure of the right words without getting into everything, before she finally let go of him, letting out a soft sigh. “Look,” she licked over her lips, wrapping her arms almost protectively around her middle. “If you want to go eat at the airport, then that’s fine. That’s where we’ll go. But please just…” She trailed off, eyes still pleading with him. He had to know what she was saying without making her say it. He had to know that she just wanted everything to go back to normal. “Please.”
Don really didn’t know what to think. He knew why she was doing this. She didn’t want things to change between the two of them. But it was too late for that. And acting like what happened didn’t even occur wasn’t making him feel very good. It was actually kind of pissing him off. He could feel the anger boiling up inside of him as he looked up at her with a shrug of his shoulders. “You know what I’m talking about,” he retorted. They never really had any fights. They were best friends. Sometimes they disagreed and just casually joked around with each other, but he was actually growing a little angrier with her. He almost pulled away from her when she reached for his wrist, but he couldn’t actually bring himself to do it. He knew what she wanted. They didn’t need words. She wanted him to play along. And he really wished he could, but even looking at her was too much for him. He didn’t want to play along. He didn’t want to rewrite history with her. She was going to have to do that all on her own. He broke his eye contact with her and dropped his gaze back down toward his feet, slipping his shoes on and leaning down to tie them. “Everything’s fine. I just want to be alone before we sit next to each other on a flight home,” he sighed, sitting back up. If he was going to play her game and just move on then she was going to play his game and just let him be alone. She couldn’t have it both ways. She couldn’t just get whatever she wanted. He felt like his heart was broken and he didn’t even know why, but it didn’t feel good. “Go to your parents’ house. Or go to my parents’ house. I don’t care. I’m going to the airport. Alone.” He stood up and reached for his bag, pulling the strap over his shoulders.
Of course she knew what he was talking about. Although she wasn’t willing to talk about it, last night really had been amazing. It had been something unexpected, but that had just felt so right. But that didn’t change anything. It didn’t change the fact that they were best friends, and that Rylan wasn’t prepared for them to lose that. Evidently, she had a strange way of showing it. But they could get over this, she knew they could. She could give Donovan the space he apparently needed, she could give him time to think, then she was sure he’d be on the same page as her all over again. They didn’t do different pages, they never had. So, as much as it hurt her to do so, she eventually nodded her head, arms tightening a little around her middle. It felt weird to not run to Donovan, for him to not be the protection she needed. She would just have to be her own for now, though. “Okay,” she finally said, her voice small. “I’ll go to my parents’ house and I’ll meet you before the flight.” She took another moment to watch him, inwardly fighting with herself about whether she should just drop it. A part of her wanted to shake off the act, step forward, cup his face in her hands and press their lips together. But that was also why she couldn’t. Things would never be normal between them if they were going to randomly kiss all the time, and Rylan didn’t want to make it a habit. She eventually stepped back, turning to begin moving things around in her bag, just to give herself something else to focus on. “If you want to change your seat, you can,” she said quietly. “I’ll just meet you at the airport later. You can let me know what’s going on then.” If he wanted to leave, she had no right to stop him. And he owed her nothing.
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rogmeaddows · 6 years
Part 2: Do you call my name?
Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x Reader // Roger Taylor x Reader
Concept: This is loosely based off of Letter to Hermione by David Bowie. You moved to London for a student exchange program in college. Met Roger there and ended up dating for 4 years only to break up once you moved back to the states for a publishing deal on your book. Now, 5 years later, you are married, work as a studio drummer (roger gave you a few lessons and you were actually quite good at it, started taking professional lessons and so it went), also are an author with one successful book, own a house in a boring neighborhood with your husband, and overall have a very steady life, and yet you are still deeply in love with Roger. When Queen comes to America for their tour, you and him meet again unexpectedly. It causes havoc in both your hearts and lives.
how I see the characters
Part 1
Warnings: (Angst, almost infidelity, drinking, alcohol, puke, long-term pining, cuss words, crying)
Word Count: 2,300+
After dinner you and Nathan went back to the house, waiting for Rachel and Joe to come pick both of you up to go to the party. As you search through the back of your closet trying to find clothes that would fit the outrageousness of a Queen party. You stumbled upon a box labeled “don’t hang up” opening it you find some of your mini skirts and a few dresses a lower cut than you ever thought you wore. At the bottom of the box however was a very dark red velvet dress that has long arms that sprout out at the ends of the arms. You squeeze into it just barley, surprised that it still fits and turn around to see yourself in the mirror. The dress has a very low cut and is even shorter in length, leaving nearly nothing to the imagination. Your breath catches as you remember the last time you wore this dress, it was to one of Queen’s press release parties.
You were sitting in Roger’s lap making jokes about the state of the party and the people, and how the angry looks from the groupies was so familiar it was almost comforting. Snapping out of the memory you go to your bathroom sink and pull your messy (y/h/c) hair down from its tightly woven bun and throw on a little bit of eyeliner, just as you find yourself presentable your husband comes upstairs to tell you that Rachel and Joe are here, however he never gets to that part once he sees what you are wearing
“Hey (y/n), Rachel and- What are you wearing?” he asks in discomfort
“A dress?”
“Don’t think thats long enough to be considered a dress.”
“Well I thought, of all people, you would like it.”
“Well I don’t. I’m not about to go to party with my wife dressed like a-” just before he could say that last dreadful word, Rachel came upstairs asking if everyone was ready.
“Yes we are.”you say as your husband shoots you a death glare but left the argument where it lie.
Everyone then piled into Nathan’s car as he had already offered to be designated driver, as you all sat in the car Rachel just kept talking about how she had never been to a Rockstar's party and how you should’ve have told her that you knew Queen.
Once you got to the party, everyone in your little group stood out as they walked through door. Being surrounded by crazed fans, wild people, and wanna be rockstars, the only person out of the four of you who didn’t stand out was you.
“Do you guys wanna go get a drink?” Rachel asked everyone excitedly. But you payed no attention to her with the thought of getting to your long lost friends of Queen you quickly started searching the crowd, as you walked all three of them followed you like puppies to their new owner. Turning around and saying
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, you all should go get drinks and meet me back here. That okay?” you didn’t wait for conformation just quickly broke away from them hearing your husband grumble something angrily behind you. Just as you were trying to escape their gaze by turning down the nearest hallway you bumped harshly into a unknown very tall figuring, getting a face full of curly hair. It only took you a split second to figure out who it was
“Oh shit, I’m sor- Brian! Oh my god! It’s been so long.” his face lights up when he realizes its you, but then is followed by confusion
“(y/n), we’ve all missed you so much! But um- what brings you here? its been years since any of us have seen you.”
“I was at dinner with a few friends and when I went to the bathroom I ran into Roger, my friend Rachel came looking for me and after her having a little fangirl moment over Roger he invited us. Guess he couldn’t resist a chance to charm another girl” I say this laughing but in truth I was a little afraid those were his motivations.
“Well he didn’t tell any of us he invited you, Freddie will be ecstatic to see you!  Here come on, we’re all hanging out over this way.” He put a hand on your back trying to guide you through the maze of people and just as you entered a room with a  crowded with couches, chairs, and a table filled with an assortment of alcohol you saw John sitting next to Freddie on the coach; both of them giggling. The sight brought warmth to your heart, you truly did miss them over the years. Then you turn a see Roger with some floozy under his arm, whispering in his ear.For a second you were afraid none of them would acknowledge you, like they had all completely moved on and forgotten you. Then Freddie saw you and exclaimed
“(Y/N)! Darling, jesus it’s been forever.” he then ran over to you and gave you a hug saying
“Oh dear I love the dress, I remember when I helped you pick that out, still look just as gorgeous.”
“Aw Freddie thank you! And you look just a gorgeous as the last time I saw you, except for one thing. What did you do to your hair?” noticing his now short hair and frumpy mustache.
“Sharks have to keep moving my dear. Now are you going to stand there or are you going to party?” he then hands you a glass of champagne and leads you over to John and Roger. John stands up to hug you
“Oh wow, I’ve missed you. Band hasn’t been the same since you came back to the states.”
“Well my life hasn’t been the same since I lost touch with you guys.”
You sit down in a chair next to John and Freddie, completely unaware that Roger had stopped paying attention to the poor girl trying to kiss her way back into his head. Instead he just stares at you, at the restaurant you had looked so different, a dress blouse and a long black skirt and hair in bun. It was like seeing a stranger when compared to the girl he fell in love, but seeing your hair fall in your face when you lean down, your smile so wide, your dress ride up when you move legs a certain way. It was like he was being thrown back in time and then you looked at him and your (y/e/c) eyes brought something out of him he hadn’t felt in front of a woman in years. Vulnerability.
He stood up and walked over to you, completely abandoning the girl hanging off of him. He sat down in the chair next to you and said
“Well I honestly didn’t think you would except my invitation, figured you grew out of this what with your new…” he paused and looked down at the ring on your finger
“…lifestyle and all.” You looked at him, trying to see if he was poking fun or not.
“Well I guess you would be confused about the confines of monogamy, but turns out only being with one person does not keep me from leaving the house.” he laughs and seeing his face light up makes your heart swell in your chest. However thats when his arm candy comes over and gets one top of him, almost uncomfortably straddling him and immediately shoves her lips against him. The encounter is unnatural and almost makes you sick to your stomach. A reminder of the barrier that is now and always will be between you and Roger.
Not desiring to sit next to the wet sounds coming from the two in the chair you get up and walk over to Freddie who was now pouring vodka into a glass, at first you thought he was just making himself a drink but when you walk up to him he shoves the glass your way.
“Don’t act like you don’t need it love.”
“Oh Freddie, you know me so well.”
“I just know two yearning hearts when I see them.” you put the glass to my lips and throw my head back downing the clear liquid.
“I’m not yearning for anything, other than a good buzz.”
“Oh for sure darling” you turn to the table filled with various glass bottles, picking up the same vodka he had just poured you and filled the glass about two shots full. Downing that glass and grimacing at the horribly bitter taste you slam the glass down. Meanwhile Freddie is just laughing at you
“Come on lets go join the party.” You and him walk over to the three other Queen members as well as a group of people surrounding the band. As the night goes on you forget about the three people who you came here with, after more drinks and dancing to every song you can feel the effects that the alcohol is having on your stomach. Stumbling out of the room, trying to keep the walls from spinning while in search of a bathroom, you don’t notice the blonde drummer following behind you. You search hurriedly for the bathroom only to feel a hand grab your wrist, turning around to find none other than Roger Taylor holding onto you. That’s when a sense of relief flushes your body as he leans down and says
“Here follow me, theres a bathroom this way.” you just nod and hold onto his arm, pulling you towards a pair of stairs only a few feet to your left. Finding this new task to be the most difficult task you’ve ever been faced with you say
“Rogerrrr, I’m sorry I- I don’t think I can make it up.”
“Come on I know you can, do you really wanna throw up all over this floor.”
“I don’ know if I have a choice.” you feel the puke coming up your mouth and cover your mouth with your hand. Roger, seeing the urgency of this situation, scoops you up and starts carrying you up the stairs, then he pushes open the nearest door and right as you see the toilet you can no longer hold in and puke goes hurling all over Roger’s shirt.
He flinches immediately, but walks over to the bathtub and sets you down gently.
“Oh Roger- shit. I’m so sorry, fuck. I’ll clean your shirt.” you tried to stand but then stumbled and fell back into the bathtub. He walks over to you squats down
“I can clean my own shirt, okay? Don’t feel bad about this, I’ve thrown up on your clothes a hundred times.” he chuckles at the memory of ruining yoour favorite dress after a particularly hard show.
You wanted to say okay and for him to stand up and put his shirt under hot water and help you find Nathan so he can take you home. But instead you look at him, his face so close to yours, his eyes bright blue, his hair messy hanging in his eyes, the stench of alcohol coming from his breath. You look him in the eyes and say
“I forgot how much I liked looking at you.” his eyes flash with wistfulness and he small smile spreads across his face
“I forgot how much I like looking at you too.” you run your hands through his hair and move down to his cheek. His hands meets yours and he turns his head slightly, placing a kiss on your palm. You then pull your hand away and lean your head against the wall of the bathtub.
“How did we get here Roger?” its a loaded question, one that brings up countless memories
“I believe it was your inability to ever know when to stop drinking.” You laugh quietly and he stands up, pulling the shirt over his head and putting it under the faucet. You stare at his bare chest and remember a time when it was the most familiar feeling your hands knew. Now you can barley remember the ghost of it, willing your finger tips to replenish this memory. You stand up shakily, stepping over the tub and walking over to him. You wrap your hands around his hips as he scrubs the puke shirt. You both look at the each other through the mirror and tears spring to your eyes. He turns around to face you and you collapse into him, he wraps his arms around you and whispers.
“I feel it too.”
You look up at him, tears falling down your face and you see that he is close to crying. You can feel your throat close up and your chest tightens, both of you carrying the weight of lost time and love. Just as you lay your head back on his chest and a sob dares escape your throat the door burst open and a very surprised Nathan pushes his way in. You watch as his brain asses the situation and his eyes fill with anger. But he didn’t yell, he barley reacted. All he said was
“Find a way home.” and then slammed the door behind him. You try to chase after him, pushing the bathroom door open and watching him walk down the stairs. You run after him, barley making it down the stairs.
“Nathan, wait!” but he doesn’t turn around, he just keeps pushing his way through the crowd. You collapse in the crowd feeling sobs rake your body and a hand place itself on your back. You turn around to find Mary whom you hadn’t even thought would be at this party, she pulls you up off the floor
“Come on, I have a hotel room near here.”
Taking a cab to the hotel and trying your hardest to keep quiet n the backseat of the Taxi, Mary softly rubbing your back. You both ride silently in the elevator up to her floor and as you crash on the bed you say the first words you have said to her in years.
“Thank you.” those were the last words you said right before you passed out on top of the covers on her hotel room bed.
2 notes · View notes
hiiii! i was wondering if u had any recommendations for best caps fics? dirty or not. ALSO LOVE UR BLOG
First of all, THANK YOU FOR ASKING! I loove giving fic recs. Second of all…this is gonna be LONG lmao. I gave some Kuzy and Willy/Latts recs earlier here, so these are gonna be primarily Nicky/Ovi recs, with some smaller pairing ones too, and I’m gonna sort them by pairing that way.
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SO, Nicky/Ovi (including some poly recs, which I’ll list the pairings for):
-First of all, literally EVERYTHING by Ferritin4. They were the first Caps author I read after blood pressure, and I’m going to limit myself to linking just three of them, but really, READ EVERYTHING.
King Meby Ferritin4 [E, 12k]
In which there is a small tragedy, a great success, and a lot to learn about someone Sasha thought he knew awfully well.
Dream the Right Dream by Ferritin4 [E, 14k]
They don’t do it like that in Sweden, which Nicklas mans up and valiantly explains to the room after he makes it back from camp. They don’t use humans as tools. All people are people, and Nicklas would never — he couldn’t imagine having a teammate inside him every time he fell into heat, however willing they might be. His body is his own, and they all touch him far more than enough already.
What Will Survive Of Us by Ferritin4 [E, 26k]
It’s going to be a big deal, his mother had told him, and Nicklas had listened.
His mom’s not an idiot.
It’s going to be a big deal, she’d promised, if and when you find them. It’s going to be more than you thought it would, and if and when you know it, you’ll know it for sure.
-Another author you should read everything by is screamlet. They have some non-Nicky/Ovi fic I will rec later, so I’m just gonna post a few of the Nicky/Ovi ones now
the arrival of 290287 backstromby screamlet [M, 18k]
Nicky has an asteroid named after him; that’s just the beginning.
the washington royals by screamlet [M, 45k]
Sasha doesn’t remember the very first time he met Nicky, but Michael Nylander is kind enough to remind them when he arrives to meet the team, carrying an honest to fuck laminated newspaper clipping of the first time Prince Alexander visited Sweden to meet his future husband, Prince Nicklas.*An arranged marriage—or, an arrangement and a marriage.
-One more author to mass rec: angularmomentum! They’re not solely a Nicky/Ovi author so I will be linking them more down below too, but for now:
running from the weather by angularmomentum [E, 21k]
Alex starts playing for Dynamo at sixteen.
kithbyangularmomentum [E, 12k]
Sasha makes prefect in his second to last year. It’s earlier than anyone but him expected, but right on track for his two year plan, which is: be head boy, get a contract to play Quidditch professionally, and beat Bäckström off in the baths.
-For the rest of these, I’m gonna sort them by rating! Lowest to highest (G-E)
Soft Hands by sadhockeytrashbaby (allofthefandoms)[G, 1k]
Alexander Ovechkin walks into the Capitals dressing room with a collar and the entire Washington sports press corps grinds to a stunned stop.
Eight + Eight (+ Nine) bysockitup [G, 2k]
Active players have started waking up in bed with retired players who wore the same number when they need relationship advice. It goes some kind of way.-*-Teemu pulls back and kicks forward at the same time so violently that he knocks both Paul and Ovechkin out of the bed.
street’s an empty stage by grim_lupine [G, 4k]
Over their heads, in this little dream world Nicklas has built, the sun is blazing at it’s peak, searing them where they sit. The light bathes Alex a molten gold. He couldn’t look any other way in Nicklas’s head, of course.
Nicklas is cracked open, exposed.
so play on, play on, play on by carissima [2k, G]
“Gonna give you the cup first,” Alex says, still too close. He’s in Nicke’s space like he always, always is. He’s grinning and Nicke’s grinning because they finally won the goddamn cup but his head is spinning now. “Brooks already had cup. Your turn first.”
raise my hands (paint my spirit gold) by seaqueen [G, 1k]
They break apart with chests heaving for air, and when Nicke looks Alex is burning with it, fierce joy and agonizing victory painted in every line of his body and Nicke loves him so, so much.
pledge my allegiance and bite my tongue by spock [T, 5k]
It’s a given that all droids will develop some form of their own unique idiosyncrasies, but none of them are as decidedly too much as Ovi’s is. He’s got too much style, too much personality; it’s a well known and much maligned fact that he’d nearly been recalled not all that long after his activation, but the test groups had loved him so much that he was granted an exception.
cherish the moonlight by haipollai [T, 6.5k]
“What is wrong, pup?” He asks again, wishing desperately that he could actually get an answer. Instead he settles for holding his hand out, palm up until Nicky takes the hesitant step forward to nuzzle against him.
The Dog Days Are Over by xihale [T, 8k]
In which alternate universe Boston had 4th pick and Washington had 5th pick in the 2006 draft, and in which alternate universe the NHL is kind enough make accommodations for players’ personal circumstances. For instance, to allow Washington to pick Alex Ovechkin’s absolutely true, definitely not fake, 100% not-made-up fiancé to come play for the Caps.
“You what,” Alex says. “Alex Ovechkin’s who?”
—and its aftermath, through the years.
Demons, Ovechkin and other Superhuman Forces by stumblebee [T, 2k]
Sometimes Nicky wonders, usually in moments like these, if there is something to it, if you need Canadians and the horrible things they chose to do to themselves as children to win it all. Maybe Don Cherry is right, at the end of the day, maybe you just can’t win without demonic assistance. Without sacrifice, as that insufferable spray tanned dinosaur always puts it.
something old, something newby bropunzeling [T, 5k]
“You,” Alex says, pointing at him. “Me,” he continues, pointing back at himself. “Married.”
“Oh,” Nicky says. “Oh.”
[It doesn’t go any smoother after that.]
Wait Until Tomorrow (You’ll Be Fine) by sunshinexbomb [T, 8k]          
In which Nicky is an accident-prone Auror and Alex is the Healer that always seems to be coming to his rescue.
Red is the Color (of Your True Love’s Blood) by Saebrin [T, 2k]
What are the odds that all of Jakub’s teammates are serial killers? Like, statistically that has to be impossible, right?
Literally by xabier [T, 4k]
In which Nicklas Backstrom is literally Andre Burakovsky’s father.
to have and to hold by oops_ohdear [T, 6k]
The problem with putting a fake engagement photo, complete with stupid smiles and a bottle of champagne, on Facebook, is that sometimes someone’s mother sees it.
This is not a problem Nicklas ever had before he knew Alex.
This Alone Is The Real Treasure by leyley09 [T, 10k]
A defiant trip to the Olympics gets Alex outed. The solution is obviously to marry Nicky.
Whatever happened to all this season’s losers of the yearby Thorne [T, 9k]
Alex loves his kids, he really does, but he also might kill them. That is, if they don’t put him in a goddamn early grave first.
(Cop bribing, theft of public property, and how to photoshoot your dick properly in order to seduce a teammate: all part of a captain’s responsibilities to his rookies.)
Baby Boom by WeagleRock [M, 7k]
Having babies gives you dad power. Dad power helps put hockey teams on the road to Sir Stanley. Sid sired a herd of little Penguins before Pittsburgh won its Cup. Toews might as well be running a Blackhawks baby factory.
Now it’s Ovi’s turn. If only someone had told him that impregnating your fuckbuddy might make things a little weird.
String Theories by WeagleRock [M, 14.5k]
Nicky knows what’s expected of him: Set up goals, mentor rookies, provide a steadying backbone for a struggling team …  and never, ever look at other men.
Then Ovi surprises him with a kiss, and Nicky doesn’t know anything anymore.
The Brook Horse by WeagleRock [M, 11.5k]
Nicklas Bäckström is a good person. Nicklas Bäckström would never risk Ovi’s life just to stay human.
It’s really too bad he isn’t real.
Holding Onto You by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [M, 6.5k]
“You can’t be picked if you’re married,“ Nicky says, like it’s obvious.
“I’m not married,” Alex replies.
“You’re marrying me,” Nicky says, his jaw set.
“You haven’t proposed.”
the laws of the world never stopped us once by punkassbookjockey[M, 6k]
Sasha points at him with his chopsticks. “Your powers,” he says. “Snowzilla comes, suddenly everyone’s mutants? Something happened there, no other explanation.”
Fault Lies by hoosierbitch [M, 6k]
Alex kneels.
“You’re smarter than me,” Trotz says to Nicky, “but I do know what I’m doing.” Right now, Nicky is fairly sure that he’s wrong on both counts. “Let me be his coach. Let me take care of him.”
no it’s not nirvana but it’s on the wayby ghosthunter [M, 4k]
Sasha does not miss the way Backy looks at him then, sharp and angry, and Sasha knows he deserves it. They sit in awkward silence until the waitress comes to take their drink orders.
A More Fascinating Name by pukeandcry [M, 38k]
Although Sasha had never made the younger Mr. Backstrom’s acquaintance, he was at least familiar enough with his reputation to know that chief amongst his qualities was the quite publicly known fact that Mr. Backstrom was as notoriously uninterested in achieving an advantageous marriage as Sasha himself.
Something, then, must have upset the order of things. What that was he could not say, but Lord Backstrom was now, it would seem, in active search of a husband for his son.
Better Than Heartbreak by the_glow_worm [M, 1.5k]
It’s morning in Vegas, technically, but Nicke and Alex aren’t about to go to sleep anytime soon.
Kärlek Redux by Saebrin [E, 3k]
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” —Mignon McLaughlin
A.K.A. Four times Nicky (re)fell for Alex.
Perfect For A Person by mlyn [E, 18k]
Alex Ovechkin is near the end of his 30th year and still not married. In the US, that means he’ll either have to find a spouse at a Transformation Hotel before his birthday, or he’ll check out transformed into an animal.
Not if Nicklas Backstrom has anything to say about it.
You and me, Drenched in greenby xihale [E, 18k]
Nicky’s an omega with a heat problem. Ovi volunteers as tribute.
tell me in the morning by haipollai [E, 4k]
Nicky yanks himself back and away, almost hard enough to tip his chair. “You don’t know why I’m scared my very Russian friend and teammate is suddenly asking questions about me dating men?” He snaps.
anchor by pavses [E, 2k]
They’re not going to make up the three-goal deficit, but Alex sure as hell is trying to single-handedly score a hat trick in a minute.
You’re a work of art, baby by sirona [E, 7k]
FBI Agent Alex Ovechkin doesn’t mind working with others. He even likes working with Malkina every so often. What he doesn’t like is being lead by his dick nose. And yet, he can’t stay away from the Gray case.
Wolfborn by waspabi [E, 60k]
A wolfborn on an airplane was either unbearably reckless or a hockey player. Most of the time, both.
if you’re needing something by atrytone [E, 5k]
Nicke hates losing, but he’s grown out of letting it black out everything else in his mind. Alex can’t seem to do the same thing, not when they get on a roll like this, not when nothing he tries seems to make a difference.
Luckily, he has Nicke to help.
touch by itsahockeynight [3k, E]
When Alex does turn up, he walks across the locker room and straight into Nicke’s arms.
Eleven Years by waspabi [E, 2k]
The door inches open. Alex, of course. Bloodshot eyes, rumpled suit. His Conference Champions cap with the sticker still on the brim, the fucking Prince of Wales Trophy still clutched in one big hand.
Nicky/Willie Nylander:
weekender by screamlet [M, 5k]
William couldn’t imagine that Toronto would ever love him the way Washington loved Nicky.
Fingertips Putting On A Show by sunshinexbomb [E, 1.5k]
In which Nicky finds comfort in William during Worlds.
make me wanna hold on (make me wanna be all yours) by Pinkmanite [E, 4.5k]
It’s like Will instantly melts into a well-worn mold, one he’s been in many times before. The switch is flipped and he’s standing up straighter, painting on that pretty smile, the one Nicky loves so much, pentimento on the overworn canvas of his cheeks. He angles his chin so he can look up at Nicky through his lashes, batting them in the way that he knows gets Nicky all worked up.
Nicky/Ovi/Willie Nylander:
the elementary disposal of weighted objects by angularmomentum [T, 14k]
William, at eleven, was primed to tip over the cusp into nascent adolescence. He was big for his age and very competitive, and had no real idea that his obsession with beating Nicke was actually an obsession without caveats, because infatuation was a word he didn’t know.
right there where we stood was holy ground by babygotbackstrom [NR, 4k]
The revamped Tre Kronor line, of Nicky and his soulmates, is mesmerising.
Sasha is jealous again, and it is ugly, even though the team is leading the division.
copenhagen by screamlet [E, 10.5k]
William had already casually texted Nicky a photo of the sunset, a cool little haha bet you don’t have this in GÄVLE, but there was no response. Gävle had Nicky and William didn’t and it was bullshit.
Andre/Nicky and/or Ovi:
say all that you’re feeling by screamlet [T, 43k]
Andre Burakovsky/Alexander Ovechkin, Nicklas Backstrom/William Nylander
Much had happened in the past year, enough that Andre sat on the hill overlooking the lands he had been naive enough to call home until he pledged himself to Lord Laich and left his friends with barely a note. Now he had returned and—Who would want Andre now?A flash of lightning in the distance illuminated the one house he hadn’t yet considered.After a moment’s thought, Andre rode south.
a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me by Pinkmanite [E, 6k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Andre Burakovsky, Andre/Various Caps
Nicke’s got a beer in one hand, uses the other to wrap his arm around Andre’s waist, grips his hip and pulls him in close, as close as he can be.
He tucks his face in the crook of Andre’s neck and hugs him tight, exactly like he’d done on the ice just hours before.
“I’m so fucking proud of you,” he murmurs, raw and genuine, just for Andre to hear.
Don’t You Worry Child by Capbuckyang [M, 2k]
Nicky pats his thighs and Andre drops, just like that. It’s not like it was the first time, when the boys all watched in a hushed silence, but it does quiet down a bit.
It isn’t that hard, boy, to like you or love you by Two_for_Slashing [M, 3.5k]
Nicklas couldn’t pinpoint exactly when he had become desirable.
Lop-sided on the Side of the Angels by babygotbackstrom [NR, 2k]
The sun doesn’t make vampires sick anymore but that doesn’t mean Nicklas Backstrom is a morning person.
for the taking by chartreuser, thegraceinyoureyes [E, 4k]
Of course Nicky knows Andre wants him.
Sharp Suits and Sly Smiles by SomebodyOwens [T, 5k]
He chased them so hard that they caught him.
A seduction in 5 (+1) parts.
Wayward Mayday by xihale [E, 6k]
Nicky and TJ are fucking around, and one of them starts mouthing off about Ovi, how Ovi might join the two of them, how hard he’d hold them down, how hard he’d ride them.
Naturally, Ovi walks in.
intermittent melting by blushingsweet (sunflowered) [E, 3k]
“I don’t think he wants to leave,” Nicky says, looking up at him, smug and a little cocky. “Do you want to leave, Tom?”
“No,” Tom says. He’s pressing his hands into his jeans, shifting on the floor. Alex wonders if his knees have started hurting yet; Nicky’s kept him there for a long time.
-These are all part of a larger Caps ensemble series w/ a variety of pairings, but I’m singling the Andre/Holts parts out, which can fit together w/o reading the whole thing
All We Are Is by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [M, 5k]
Braden notices everything in the dressing room.  He’s seen enough that, sometimes, he can guess what’s brewing before it really erupts in the locker room.  And maybe, because he saw Brooksy and Burky, that’s why he wasn’t able to see himself and Andre.
Just to Please Them [E, 3k]
Andre’s in a tank top and jeans and his neck is tantalizingly bare.  Braden keeps staring at it, and Andre keeps catching him and honestly it’s getting a little embarrassing.
Don’t Think About Why [E, 13k]
Andre Burakovsky/Brooks Laich, Andre/Holtby
“What about Brooksy?” Andre asks quietly.  Nicky’s fingers still on the back of Andre’s head, and then start petting over his curls again a second later.
“He has a reputation,” Nicky says carefully.
Or: Andre tries, and then tries again.
Comfortability [E, 6k]
Andre/Holtby, Andre Burakovsky/Braden Holtby/Nathan Walker, Braden Holtby/Nathan Walker
“How’d you sleep last night?” Braden asks Walks, when they’re all sitting down for breakfast.
“I hope we didn’t keep you up,” Andre says innocently, and Walks chokes on his omelet.
Match Your Weakness With A Name by leyley09 [T, 4k]
In which Braden gets talked into playing spin-the-bottle with his teammates and - surprisingly - doesn’t live to regret it
Words Just Get in the Way by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [T, 8k]
“You’re pretty gone on him, huh?” Mike asks him.  Andre nods.  “And you don’t know anything about him?” Andre nods again, glumly.
“This is the semester,” Mike proclaims with enough conviction that Andre almost believes him. “This semester, you’re getting him.”
 field testby matskreider [M, 1.5k]
When he cracks his eyes open, he sees a rather determined pout coming from Nicklas’ favorite underling, a new guy called Burakovsky. “Sorry, 0070. I was going to offer to debrief you, if you were waiting for Q. He’s, um…going to be busy for a while.”
Andre + Willy and/or Latts:
Kickstart The Fight by MermaidSmiled [T, 9k]
Tom watches as Andre’s knuckles scab over and heal and split again after a hard practice until they’re finally healed, pink and shiny. He watches Andre’s eye blacken where a fist or an elbow caught him and charts the flow of the blood pooling under the skin as the days go by.
It’s something so unfamiliar to Tom, seeing these things he’s used to seeing when he looks down or in the mirror on Andre. He ignores it as best he can.
come under the covers by ghosthunter [M, 4.5k]
Andre meets him at the airport. He has a tan and he looks good. Not that Tom thinks he, himself, does not also have a tan and look good, but he’s not picking himself up at the airport in a foreign country either.
Something So Pleasant About That Place by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [E, 5k]
Tom turns his head to look at Andre, sprawled out on the other bed dicking around on his phone.  “Hey, wanna fuck?”
Andre glances at him, and rolls his eyes.  Tom doesn’t know if he should be offended by how not-surprised Andre is.
Or: Andre and Tom have a ‘List of Cities We’ve Fucked In’
#capsexroomiesby forks[E, 7k]
André doesn’t mind living in his own place now, but sometimes he does miss seeing Mike and Tom being sexy together.  Good thing he has his new camcorder along this time so he’ll be able to watch whenever he wants.
Tale as Old as Time by Kerfluffle [E, 5k]
Andre breaks his hand. Tom provides an assist.
champions by angularmomentum [E, 2k]
Tom had a problem. To be more accurate, Tom had several problems but that was the way of Tom’s life. He often had a few running in tandem. Tonight they included but were not limited to: bruised knuckles (regular problem) forgot his toothbrush (also a regular problem) and a boner for Burky (definitely NOT a regular problem.)
conversation superseded by by ghosthunter [T, 1k]
Andre Burakovsky/Christian Djoos
Somewhere along the line, some signals got crossed.
or: andre is dumb
sugar by ghosthunter [M, 4k]
Nicklas Backstrom/André Burakovsky/Marcus Johansson
Nicke’s almost ready to leave, his jacket still off, his tie around his neck. “He’s fucking with you,” Nicke says quietly, coming to stand next to Andre as he ties his own tie. “And you looked at his ass when he walked away.”
So Press Record, I’ll Let You Film Me by Petalpants [E, 3k]
Andre Burakovsky/Brooks Laich
Hey, ur hot! If ur interested in doing sum amateur porn, lmk ;)
Ergo: Homo by R_Gunns [E, 14k]
Andre/Various Caps, Andre/Original Male Characters, Andre/Original Female Characters
In which André no-homos his way through casual sex, bro-snuggles and the discovery of something between his captain and his A, before Braden kindly hits him with a clue bat.
Or: self-discovery is a bitch.
press my nose up to the glass around your heart by nighimpossible [T, 6k]
“I swear to God,” TJ says, covering his face with his hands, “if I get an inkling that a bond is starting to form, I’m truly going to kill you, John Carlson.”
“It’s Carly,” Carlson grins, leaving him behind in the locker room. “And I’d like to see you try.”
toss, turn by alotofthingsdifferent[M, 3k]
John’s neighbor – the one who has a lot of loud, enthusiastic sex – is really, really hot.
John is in so much trouble.
do you even know the miranda rights? by nighimpossible [E, 9k]
Sidney Crosby’s brother swap program is going to be the death of TJ.
Inside My Bones by somethingnerdythiswaycomes [E, 3k]
TJ’s riding the high of winning a Stanley Cup Final Game, before John’s hand comes down hard on his shoulder, gripping him tight through his pads.  He knows what that hold means, what it means when John’s fingers dig into the soft spot just next to his armpit through the gap in his pads.
“You’re lucky we won,” John murmurs in his ear, hot breath fanning over TJ’s neck.
but then you say “please” by Anonymous [E, 2k]
“Quite the charmer,” TJ goads. His feet are a little more under himself now. “Bet you could get anyone you want, kissing them like that.”
“Cut the shit,” John says, but he’s smiling, running a thumb over TJ’s cheek.
hold me tight and i’ll sink in by thermocline [NR, 2.5k]
Willy/Latts/Oshie, Oshie/Carly, Oshie/Various Caps
The thing is, it’s happened a few times, during the season and mainly during first round.
TJ’s always been touchy. Not needy. Just better when he’s given touch. He works best when he’s receiving.
i’m a prisoner to my decisions by orphan_account [E, 1.5k]
Lauren makes him forget the things he’s been running from since high school.
Tom makes him remember.
staying put by thegraceinyoureyes[E, 7k]
Nicky/Oshie, Oshie/Various Caps
There are bodies—hands all over him, all around him.
Covered in the Colors by sunshinexbomb [T, 12k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Mike Green
In which Nicky and Greenie pretend to be soul bonded so they can be road roommates.
Taste of Bavaria by JessamyGriffith[T, 7k]
Philipp Grubauer/Braden Holtby
Philipp Grubauer is a tour guide, resigned to spending yet another day introducing American tourists to the beauty of Bavaria.
Braden Holtby, star goaltender for the Washington Capitals, is looking forward to a nice day seeing the sights of Munich on his vacation.
Happily, neither of them is going to have their day go quite as expected.
drop by savedby [T, 2k]
Devante Smith-Pelly, Ensemble
five times the Washington Capitals welcomed DSP to the team and one time he did it for someone else
Tell The World by sunshinexbomb [M, 10k]
Nicklas Backstrom/Braden Holtby
Three times somebody finds out about Nicky and Braden and one time they decide to tell someone on their own.
feels like summer by Thorne [M, 30k]
The unglamorous fact of the matter is that lifeguarding, particularly at a community swimming pool, is much less about the dramatic rescues and slo-mo dives into the water that Baywatch has tricked people into believing, and much more about janitorial work that’s either tedious or gross, spiked with the occasional scraped knee or elbowed nose or no-holds-barred ice cream vendor death-match in the parking lot.
(Or, Karl’s in love with his best friend, all the local community pools in the Metropolitan county are at prank-war with each other, and also there are ducks.)
Oh, but how were we to know? by orphan_account [NR, 12k]
Tom Wilson/OMC
“How’d it feel skating with Gavin for the first time as teammates?” a reporter asks in the locker room after their first preseason game, played against the New York Islanders. “He cites you as such an integral part of his development into a player. It must be rewarding to see it come full circle.” 
When condemning the whole body by anonissue [E, 6k]
Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt
There’s more than one way to cure the hiccups, as Braden Holtby has the misfortune to find out.
Wide Open by Ferritin4 [E, 2.5k]
Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt
Braden opens his mouth again, because he’s glad it’s okay but he didn’t mean no, he just meant give me — give me a minute, give me —
114 notes · View notes
buttercupbi · 7 years
Nygmobblepot Oneshot
for @umbrella-riddles @woss-y and @blot-s
au, set in late s4: sofia has taken over gotham and is hosting a masquerade ball for its criminal elite. however, some powerful people in the city want her dead, and, at least for now, they are all allies. along with some others, ed and oswald have reluctantly teamed up to help take her down, and have managed to sneak inside the ballroom.
Fingers struck the piano keys, and the waltz began. Couples rose from their tables, twirling in time with the music, and soon the room was a whirl of brightly coloured dresses and suits. Everyone’s eyes were on their partners; only two men were looking elsewhere. Unnoticed, Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nygma danced among the crowd. They only stood out because they blended in, something that was usually impossible for either of them. They were both wearing plain black tuxedos, and shoes polished to a mirror shine. Oswald had given up his hair dye and let his hair go back to it’s natural blond, and Ed had forgone his glasses in favour of contacts. Oswald’s upper face was covered by a grey and white bird’s mask, and Ed had donned a brilliant orange one that looked like a fox. They were simple disguises, but they worked. They hadn’t gotten a single suspicious look all evening, apart from the ones they gave each other.
Edward was leading the waltz, almost dragging Oswald around the dance floor. His eyes were constantly on the crowd, whether to keep himself focused on the plan or to avoid having to meet Oswald’s gaze, neither man knew. Oswald was staring down hard at his shoes, as if he was trying to pin his feet to the ground with his eyes. For once, both men were thinking the same thing:
“Why the hell did I agree to this?”
It had been Lee’s idea, and it was quite ingenious really. Sofia would never suspect all who opposed her to work together, so that is exactly what they must do. At first, it seemed next to impossible. There were too many years of hatred and mistrust between them all, too many wounds that would never quite heal. But quickly everyone realised that the phrase, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, really applied. They all wanted to rule the city, but none of them would get anywhere close if Sofia was around. So, in the face of rule under Sofia Falcone, or a few weeks of working with people that might kill you given the opportunity… most people choose the latter. It was Gotham, after all. Lee had brought them all together and felt more than a little smug about it, so she quickly declared herself leader. A few eyebrows were raised, but nothing was said. The plan she came up with was simple but effective. Sneak into the ball and make it explode; nothing deadly, just enough to make an impact. She decided to send in just two from their group, as most of the work could be accomplished outside the ballroom. After some deliberation, she sent in the most unlikely pair. The two men she knew that Sofia would never suspect to work together.
Through her reasearch into Oswald, Sofia came across the name Edward Nygma, and the pair’s brief period of bliss. However, brief is the key word. From her perspective, things just went downhill for them, and went downhill quickly. The bigger half of their relationship seemed to consist of betrayal and murder and pain, so she quickly assumed that’s all there was left.
But love is a strange thing, that doesn’t really care how you want to feel, or what you should be feeling. It just stays there, a constant in your life. It always is, until one day, it is not. Neither man had reached that day yet, although both thought the day has come and gone.
There should be nothing left to say between them. And yet, there was. There was still a lump in Oswald’s throat that formed whenever he looked into Ed’s eyes, and Ed still had an instinct to reach out and comfort Oswald when he looked distressed. Oswald still knew that Ed took his tea lukewarm with just a drop of milk and three sugars, and Ed could tell if Oswald was about to snap before anyone else even noticed he was angry. Sofia didn’t know this, of course. She assumed that she was safe. Her security could easily take down Oswald if he arrived at the ball uninvited, and he would die here, alone, as she thought no one would be insane enough to help him. Pity she had never met Edward Nygma.
The plan was simple: sneak into the ball, blend in, mingle a little, dance. Drink champagne without a drop ever making it to your throat, and eat canapés only from plates that they’d seen other people eat from. Drop tiny nanite explosives in every potted plant, expensive vase and crack in the wall. Mingle some more. Actually drink some champagne, just for the nerves, Lee. Dance again. Avoid each other’s eyes.
And so far, the plan was working. Lucius Fox, with a little pleading from Bruce and a little threatening from Barbara, had hacked into the mansion’s security cameras. He had complete control over where they were looking, and was manoeuvring them away from Ed and Oswald every time they decided to plant an explosive. Jim and Harvey, having finally made up, assembled a team of trustworthy cops in order to get all of the innocents away from the bombs. Tabitha and Barbara tackled the security. A smile, a wink and bedroom eyes from one of them would distract a guard long enough to let the other subdue them and cart them away. Then they were replaced with one of Jim and Harvey’s team. Bruce and Selina were there, looking every bit the cute teen couple. Their job was to distract Sofia when she turned up, and to generally keep an eye on Edward and Oswald, to make sure they didn’t cause a scene. Lee, along with Alfred and Lucius, ran the control room. She had sent one of her patients from the Narrows to Sofia’s orphanage weeks before, and they had managed to get in contact with Martine. They gave him a note from Oswald, and that was all it took to convince him to find and steal Sofia’s schedule for the ball. Everything was running smoothly. The only variables were Ed and Oswald.
“You stood on my foot.”
Those were the first words Oswald had spoken to him all night. Ed sighed and muttered where Oswald could shove his foot, prompting a swift kick to his left ankle, and a muffled snicker from Lee in his earpiece. Ed scowled and muted himself from Lee, continuing to drag Oswald around the dance floor. His footwork didn’t improve, and they narrowly avoided another couple, and bumped into several waiters. At this, Oswald spoke up again.
“Do you even know how to dance?”
Despite himself, Ed blushed scarlet.
“It’s not my fault that I’m not a world champion at the waltz, Oswald” he replied, sounding far less annoyed than he wanted to, “Not all of us were taught bloody ballroom dancing as a child, you know.”
Oswald pursed his lips tight, remembering the time he had shown Ed his old family photo albums.
“Maybe not, but most civilised people can move their feet in a square pattern, Ed”, he whispered, aware of the prying eyes and ears.
Ed’s grip suddenly tightened around his waist, and he pulled him close, so that his lips were resting just at Oswald’s ear. He deftly reached up, and muted Oswald on Lee’s side too.
“Well, Oswald,” he began, “I thought you’d know better than anyone just how uncivilised I can get.”
No sooner than Ed had finished his sentence that Oswald felt the sharp pinch of a knife against his stomach. He kept the panic out of his movements and voice, but his laboured breathing gave him away.
“Oh, I know Ed. But I also know that you’d have to keep me this close to stab me without anyone noticing; the blood would definetly leak onto your new suit. And you so hate washing.”
Ed grinned and spun Oswald around, glad to finally be getting a reaction out of him. He hated being ignored.
“You’re right. The dance floor is perhaps not the best place for this. Maybe later,” he relented, closing the knife and slipping it into his pocket. Then he winked at Oswald.
Your move.
Oswald hid a smile at this offer of a cat and mouse game. It reminded him of breakfasts in the mansion, where he and Ed would sometimes act out interrogations that Oswald would be having later that day. Stolen money, an attack on his staff, GCPD drama, betrayal. The last one was Oswald’s favourite to act out, as the person who betrayed him was always some underling that was nothing but a name on the payroll to him. He could do whatever he wanted to them with not even the slightest hint of remorse. Oswald never would have dreamed that the man who pretended to betray him every breakfast, the man he trusted so completely, would one day betray in real life, just by not showing up for dinner.
Oswald immediately shoved these thoughts to the back of his mind and tried to get back to the task at hand. They had to be adults about this. And Oswald was trying, he really was trying, but it was so hard to keep a level head when Ed was pressed this close to him. He hadn’t loosed his grip since issuing that threat and Oswald couldn’t help but wonder if it was because he didn’t want to. He tried to calm his breathing, but every inhalation just pressed his chest even closer against Ed’s, and he could feel his heart in his throat. Every time Ed exhaled, his breath tickled at Oswald’s ear, and it took everything Oswald had not to react to it. He knew that if he looked into Edward’s eyes he would surely explode. With every stumbling movement it seemed that the gap between them grew smaller, and it soon it would become so small that he would have to rest his head against Ed’s shoulder. He shivered at the thought. Oswald needed a distraction, and fast. Thankfully, Ed lead him to bump against the buffet table again, and an idea jolted him back to his senses.
“Let me teach you how to dance”, he muttered, finally meeting Ed’s eyes. They were round with surprise, and he could see the question in them before it came out of his mouth.
“What’s in it for me?”, he whispered back, lightly running his fingers along Oswald’s neck. The discomfort he was causing his former friend clearly amused him.
Oswald pursed his lips and tried to stay calm as the pinkness in his cheeks threatened to give him away. He took a deep breath and replied in an even voice,
“Learning a valuable skill, for a start.”
The corner of Ed’s mouth twitched upward despite himself. It was such a tempting offer. But what would saying yes mean for them?
“For a start, huh?”, he mused, spinning Oswald around again, grinning at the frustration in his eyes. “What’s the finish?”
Oswald couldn’t help rolling his eyes at Ed’s latest attempt to confuse him. It was annoying at first, and now it was just amusing. He thought that he had him right in the palm of his hand. Oswald tried to keep the fondness out of his gaze and just shook his head at the other man.
Two can play at that game.
“Wait and see, Eddie”, he smiled.
Oswald took control of the dance, leading Ed around the floor in the proper movement, much to the relief of the waiters and nearby couples. Ed was too shocked to react, and so, allowed it to happen, simply trying to keep up with Oswald’s pace. He seemed to be in his element, almost gliding around the floor like a swan on the water. His bad leg offered up no hinderence, and he waltzed around the dance floor with a true smile on his face that threatened to split Ed in two. Ed tried to focus on something, anything else, but the ballroom just melted away, leaving him and Oswald alone.
It was terrifying. He felt like a fish out of water, finally failing at something that Oswald excelled at, and god it made him feel small. Anxiety started crushing him, choking him, as he stumbled over his own feet yet again. Oswald immediately picked up on this; and squeezed Ed’s arm tight.
“Focus on me”, he murmured, slowing down their pace, “Breathe in, and out, and know that everything is ok. I’m here, I’ll always be here.”
Despite himself, Ed followed Oswald’s instructions, and took a deep breath. He instantly felt better, but turned red at this reminder of how just well Oswald knew him.
“Thank you, Oswald”, he replied, letting his friend’s name leave his lips without malice for the first time in a long time.
“You’re welcome, Edward”, he said, and just like that, his name was no longer an insult.
The pair both breathed out a sigh of relief. A river had been crossed, now all they could do was move onto the next one.
“Follow my lead”, Oswald commanded, and took off once more, leading Ed, this time with more care, behind him.
“Make a box with your feet, in a pattern of eights. You’re good with patterns, you know them. You can do this.”
Ed swallowed loudly, and tried to keep the anxiety out of his voice as he spoke.
“My father would have killed me on the spot for this.”
Before Oswald could respond, Ed took charge of the dance again, repeating the pattern in his head until his feet got the picture and danced along. Oswald had many questions clogging up his mind, but rightfully decided that this was not the time or place to ask them. He simply sank into the dance, his feet barely touching the floor as he fell into step with Ed. The other man had picked it up pretty quickly, and Oswald couldn’t stop himself from smiling as it quickly became clear that they were dancing better than anyone else there. That was when he decided to let go. Let his worries, his pain, and sorrow go. Right here, right now he was living. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore; Oswald allowed Ed take him anywhere he pleased on this dance floor. He went right, Oswald went right. He sped up, Oswald sped up with him. They became one with the song, with the dance, and with each other. They continued like that until they had to separate, though Oswald was sad to be away from Ed’s warmth. When the song ended the chatter of the other couples filled their ears, and the ballroom rematerialised. He couldn’t help but smile at Ed, and Ed smiled back at him, filled with joy. They stood like that for a few moments, simply being together, until the crackle of Lee’s voice in their earpieces broke the spell. Oswald unmuted himself and sighed quietly, motioning for Ed to do the same. Lee’s voice filled his ear, panicking and broken. Ed’s face drained, and he stared at Oswald with a flicker of fear in his eyes.
Bruce and Selina were gone.
And Sofia was coming.
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lazy-bird-fanfics · 4 years
How many doctors before it’s a hospital?
A fanfiction where the team needed a “genius” while Reid was in prison. 
BAU + OC Dr. Fiona Lester (AJ/Fee)
Word count: 2,870 
TW: There is a touch of angst but that’s it 
I don’t know what category this belongs in... fluff? angst? none at all? no one gets together but that’s okay 
“Luke” Fiona panted out, “Luke, please” sweat dripped down into her eyes, blurring her vision. 
“So close, Fee, c’mon… little faster now.” Luke Alvez had much better endurance and could go longer and harder than Fee but then again that’s why they were together. 
“I - I can’t…” Fee barely breathed out. 
“Yes you can…” Luke was also breathing harder now, having picked up the pace to push them further. Fiona felt her legs wobble and shake. How much longer? She thought to herself as if she hated every second of this. She knew full well what she was getting into and genuinely loved it, she loved the pain. 
Luke let out a cry of victory followed shortly by Fiona. 
“Did we really have to run five miles?” Fee asked as she slumped to the ground next to the car. Pouring water on her face. 
“Do you want to pass the fitness test or not?” 
“The test is a mile and a half…” 
“Wanna pass the mile ya gotta run two,” Luke reached down to pull his “trainee” up from the cement to stretch, “C’mon gotta stretch it out before we move on to push ups.” 
“You are kidding.” Fiona stated as if she had just read a correct answer out to a teacher. 
“No, I am not. You need to do at least 14 push ups to earn a single point on the test Fee, you can barely do ten.” Luke seemed genuinely concerned. 
“I’m not… not going to be an agent, I’m just a consultant who needs field clearance…” With Reid in prison the BAU needed a resident genius to help out with the finer details, and sure Fiona wasn’t technically a genius but she was 25 years old with a doctorate degree in cultural anthropology and a bachelor degree in psychology, so close enough. The thing is, she isn’t in the FBI. But the BAU knows how to bend the rules to stop crime. So here she is, training with Luke Alvez to keep her place on the team. 
“Well, you have two weeks to get that clearance Fiona, so get down and push up, I’ll do ‘em too.” The first half of his sentence came out a bit harsh but he softened up a bit to encourage her. 
That is how training had gone until the day of the test when Fiona passed with flying colors. (“Push ups could’ve been better but you’re safe enough to get out there with us!”  Luke stated as she collapsed into his after the test.)  For three months Fiona worked alongside the best of the best: the BAU. In that time she earned the nickname AJ, Alvez Junior. She was like his shadow, he was a big brother to her, a role model, a mentor. For three months she was embraced by her new team all the while witnessing their grief as they deal with the infamous Dr. Spencer Reid. She wanted him to be innocent for the team’s sake… but the evidence was damning, and he would make her role null, she would no longer be needed. The evidence was damning… until it wasn’t and Garcia could prove Lindsey was at the crime scene. 
And that is where Fiona Lester’s story with the BAU really begins. 
Spencer had not been proved innocent yet but he was secretly working with the team, getting clearance to enter the bullpen just not to go out into the field. 
“Good morning!” Spencer chimed as cheerily as he could as JJ entered the round table room. 
“Ah, boy wonder! You are back and I Love You!” Garcia hugged him tightly. One by one the room filled up and things felt normal for Spencer again. 
Normal until everyone cheered at the sight of a shorter, bushy haired, girl. 
“AJ! Good morning, doll face!” Garcia shuffled her way to the door to hug the girl who looked like a baby next to all the other agents. 
“Hey Fee, coffee?” Luke offered up the second cup of coffee he was holding. 
All the agents usually greeted each other. But not like this. And Garcia being the first to hug and welcome a newbie? What was happening? Spencer was at a loss for words. 
The girl took her seat next to him, offering a kind smile as she introduced herself. 
“I’m Fiona - er, Dr. Lester, I guess is what I’m professionally called.”
 “AJ?” Spencer asked, ignoring her outstretched hand completely. 
“Alvez junior… guess I’m a lot like my mentor.” Fiona spoke softly and slowly, lowering her hand and looking into her coffee. 
This is the angel everyone has been fawning over?  
“So. We have another rough one.” Garcia began. It was about as rough as rough could get. Three young children had been found dead in various parks throughout a city. It was horrible. 
“Wheels up in 20,” Prentiss said, “Oh and Lester you will be in direct correspondence with Reid the whole time.” 
Great, Fiona thought, I really am just his stand in…
Huh, Spencer began, she is my replacement… 
“Yes, ma’am.” Fiona said brightly to Emily before turning to Reid, who had daggers in his eyes, 
“Call you on the jet.” Fiona quickly looked away and collected her things before shoving them into… a shoulder bag, really? Next thing I know her socks won’t match. Spencer quickly glanced at her ankles… low and behold, one green and one blue. If looks could kill, Spencer would’ve just shot Fiona in the back as she walked out the door. 
“To my liar!” Garcia called as she held a hand out for Reid. 
Despite the tension tangible from the second they laid eyes on each other, Reid and Fiona worked oddly well together. He intentionally threw difficult words her way to prove dominance, a poor habit picked up due to recent events, only to be taken off guard that she was able to not only keep up with him but also helpfully contribute to his thoughts and ideas. The case was solvable in two days with no extra deaths. A record feat.  “Cheers to a job well done! And cheers to my boy wonder being back in our arms, and to Dr. AJ the Fairy Princess who kept him on his toes with her insight!” Garcia spoke as she poured everyone a glass of champagne. 
“Are you old enough to drink?” Rossi joked handing a glass to Fiona. 
Spencer let out a laugh, finally, it wasn’t him on the receiving end of baby jokes. Cheers to the end of an era, he thought before sipping from his cup. 
The team embraced her like she belonged there. And maybe she did. Does. But that doesn’t stop Spencer from feeling the pain of being gone for three months only to arrive home to see his spot had been kept warm by someone that didn’t look ready to leave. He felt the pain deep in his chest, the pain of rejection and replacement. Would they really want him after the trial? Did prison change him into someone new? Could pre-prison Spencer ever be back? He gulped down the rest of his drink quickly.
As Spencer began to excuse himself he caught Rossi talking to Prentiss. 
“She can get fully certified, be an agent. It would be so easy.  A consultant who is field certified… what is Spencer other than that?” Reid shoved his way past JJ and went to the restroom. 
“What was that about?” JJ asked Luke who had been nearest. 
“I don’t think he’s taking Fee’s presence too well...” Luke leaned in to whisper.  “Nonsense… Spence isn’t the jealous type.” JJ asserted. 
“Maybe not before.” Luke replied before going to thank Garcia for the drinks and of course her hard work too. 
JJ was puzzled. Was he really jealous of Fiona?  
Angry and annoyed, Spencer sent Fiona email after email… 
Dr. Lester, I think you’ll find this helpful… Dr. Lester, if you could read pages 60-500 I think you’ll find the lesson imperative…  Dr. Lester, if you could get away from my family and give me back what is mine… Dr. Lester, if you find you are struggling with profiling, might I suggest this useful book? 
Her weekend was hell, or so he hoped. 
“Good morning, Dr. Reid!” Fiona pranced into the room, handing him a coffee, “I really appreciate all the resources you gave me, I feel so much better going into the field equipped with the info,” She peered into his hands and saw Crime and punishment, “C and P! I adore Dostoevsky, read it about three times.”  She’s a morning person… Reid thought, before replying with a simple smile and a ‘glad I could help’ before returning to his book. 
Fiona, who had completely missed his intentions of annoying her, really thought that he had been trying to bury the hatchet with all the emails and was confused and hurt at his lack of interest in talking to her. I really thought bringing Dostoevsky into it would make him like me… maybe he could tell I’d only read it twice… 
Another day, another case, another arrest, another victory. But this time, the team could tell Fiona and Spencer were not at all getting along. 
“Something is up with AJ, I’ve never seen her so hostile and quiet.” Tara pointed out to Emily on the jet. Fiona could be seen sitting far from Luke, or anyone else for that matter, earbuds shoved into her ears, reading a book. 
“She’s usually so lively and happy, ever since…” Emily trailed off, not wanting to voice what everyone was thinking. 
“I mean, how many doctors can we have before we’re a hospital?” Rossi joked in a serious voice. Tara and Emily shared concerned glances before disbanding to hopefully catch a nap before landing.  “JJ, can you talk to Reid about-” Emily trailed off as JJ began, 
“Luke should talk to her… they’re as close as can be.” 
“I’ll talk to him.” Emily gave JJ a reassuring arm squeeze and a smile before turning to find Luke. 
“Spence… you in here?” JJ peered into the round table room looking for Reid. 
“Yeah, what’s up.” He sounded exhausted and grumbley. 
“Is everything okay?” At this question Spencer cast a dark look at JJ. How could things be okay? 
“Silly question, I mean with Fiona.” JJ tried to cover her mistake. 
“Is that what you call her? She has about a hundred names.” Spencer was cold and distant. 
“You know how everyone is…” JJ tried to keep it light and happy but she could see it wasn’t going to work. Spencer refused to look up. “You don’t have to be afraid, you don’t have to fight, be defensive, you’re safe now.” 
“You don’t know what it's like JJ, to come back. Everyone said they believed me. But they replaced me. You replaced me. A backup plan in-case I wasn’t innocent? Yeah, that shows me how much faith you really had in me.” Spencer’s word cut like a knife. 
���Spence… Spence I didn’t, she’s not.” JJ was at a loss for words, because well, his statement held some truth to it. They couldn’t move on without a substitute for his brain, they needed someone and fast, but they couldn’t get rid of her until after his trial, and even then, she was good for the team. 
“Yeah, JJ. Yeah, she is. You can’t tell me otherwise.” Spencer got up, gathered his files and walked through the door, leaving JJ alone. 
Things were going somewhat better with Luke and Fiona. 
“He doesn’t like me, I can tell. And I don’t know why everyone is so in love with him. I was told he was nice, smart, sweet,  innocent. He could’ve killed me a hundred times over since I’ve been back. I just, how can I believe that man is innocent when he’s doing all he can to sabotage my job here?” 
Luke waited patiently for Fiona to finish ranting before trying to convince her otherwise. She wasn’t as hurt as Spencer was but she knew where she stood with him. 
“Maybe you to just need to really hear each other out.” Luke tried to make her see reason. 
“What is this? High school? Are you going to make us play seven minutes in heaven or hell or whatever?” 
“Okay team, this case will be a little different.” Emily had a plan when everyone returned for a new case a few days later. “Garcia we need you in the field with us, Spencer and Fiona, you two will need to stay here and create a geoprofile, a timeline, and a cultural background of the area.” 
“Stay?” Fiona’s head shot up. 
“Yes. Now this case is difficult, but we can do this. Wheels up in 20.” Emily stated as she left the room, leaving no time for arguments. Beside Garcia’s protests, everyone just went with it. 
Seven minutes in hell… Damn it Luke. 
Instantly, Fiona knew what was up. This was so they could work out their problems. 
“You can get started on the cultural profile because I don’t do that and I will start the geoprofile.” Spencer tossed a file to Fiona and got out a map of the region. 
“A cultural ‘profile’ assesses which crimes different upbringings tend to yield more of. Family dynamics, village or nuclear, selfish or for the benefit of others-” 
“I know what it is. That is your area of expertise.” Spencer cut off Fiona, not wishing to engage. 
“Why do you hate me?” Fiona asked casually as if asking if it were going to rain that day. Spencer was impressed with her bravery. 
“You are my replacement. You… you took what was mine.” Spencer’s words faltered a bit at the end. 
“I didn’t... “ she was going to stop there but kept talking, “mean to. I was just supposed to consult on one case, involving immigrants, but I proved to be useful I guess. Luke took me under his wing and I was cleared for the field. I might as well stay until I am no longer needed.” 
“I’m out of prison. You are no longer needed.” Spencer began circling spots on his map. 
“You have your trial still.” Fiona tried to keep an accusatory tone out of her voice but Spencer heard it. 
“You don’t believe I’m innocent.” Spencer seemed to say this more to himself. It had just occurred to him. Here was a newbie, she didn’t know him as the pretty boy, or the boy wonder, she knew him as Spencer Reid, murder suspect, fresh out of prison. And he was being mean to her. He was not showing that he was incapable of this crime, he was showing that he was capable of being spiteful and hurtful.  “No, I don’t.” Fiona’s voice was soft. She felt bad. 
“I - I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be giving you such a hard time… I - I was being territorial.  You’re good for this job.” Spencer stopped working and really looked at Fiona. Her soft skin, soft eyes, large, bushy hair… She really was the new baby of the team and he was bullying her. Spencer felt his heart break in two as he saw her eyes began to shine with tears. In a blink, Fiona hardened her face, she was going to prove to him that yes, yes she did deserve the job. 
“I know.” She said before diving back into the files. The two worked in silence until it got to the timeline. 
“Do you want - I can leave.” Spencer didn’t make eye contact but it was less in a you-stole-my-family way and more in a I-really-hurt-you-and-I’m-ashamed way… 
“Er… no. You can stay and help. It’ll get done quicker.” Fiona decided to put aside the differences and prove to herself that she was better than a workplace feud. If you could call this a feud.  
The two had to put their heads together once they both pointed out something was off with the fish left in one of the houses... 
“How’s it going you two?” Emily called a few hours later when Spencer and Fiona had called it a day and ate takeout while talking about books, waiting for a returned called from the team. 
“Great! Actually the work got done so much quicker. Typically speaking two differing brains should hinder each other but Fee and I seem to be able to bounce ideas off each other really well!” Spencer’s old, boyish cadence and cheer had returned to his voice, and Emily heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Wond-” She began only to be cut off by Fiona. 
“We actually realized that the order of home invasions was wrong, when assessing receipts we can see that the Miller’s bought fish on Sunday and if you take into account the speed at which fish rots, their murder had to the second! There is no way two people who regularly buy cleaning supplies would let fish sit out that long!” 
“Oh? Well that-” 
“Doesn’t actually change the profile, we know, but it is the accurate order of events.”  Spencer interjected. 
“Thank you guys, thank you so much. I’ll tell the team!” Emily finally got a word in before hanging up. 
“We did it!” Emily ran into the office with the rest of the team, “They both sounded like their old selves!” The team gave a big cheer and Emily reported the maps and profiles back to everyone so they could finish up and catch the bad guy. 
“It looks like you can have at least three doctors before it turns into a hospital.” Tara smiled as her and Rossi got back to work. 
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WTFIT Chap 12
A.N. AND FINALLY WE GET TO THE NIGHT IT’S BEEN LEADING UP TO!!! As always, you guys, enjoy!! ^-^
A tuxedo is hardly suitable armor for tonight, but it’s the most inconspicuous one when Bruce Wayne is to appear at the Gotham City Gala instead of Batman. Alfred plans on driving him and Tim to the observatory, Bruce knowing he needs to be ready for cameras, Tim able to just slip away in the distraction. It sounds easy. In theory.
When they arrive at the observatory they’re swarmed by cameras, Alfred opening the door to the car and Bruce blinking at the flash, still not used to the blinding lights even after years of this. Maybe I should wear sunglasses when I get out of the car next time. Tim doesn’t seem to care, flashing smiles this way and that, posing just slightly so that it looks casual. Bruce almost has to pull him along after himself.
“You think they got my good side?” he jokes, nudging Bruce.
“I think they got all your sides,” Bruce says dryly, glancing around. “We’re not here for photo ops.”
Tim pouts. “Fine.” He pulls out his phone, taking a selfie. Bruce can’t help but roll his eyes, Tim noticing. “It’s for my insta.”
“Does anyone even follow you?” Bruce asks, striding over to the center of the building and leaning over the railing. He knows he should be mingling, but his mind is too alert for mindless commentary. If someone comes over he’ll chat, but what he’s really waiting for is the okay from Dick that they’re in the building.
Tim follows him, clicking away at his phone screen. “A couple thousand. They like my hair, I think.” Bruce laughs. Tim looks affronted, but it doesn’t take long before he gives in and laughs along with him.
The scene around them is brightly lit, but still almost ethereal in the naturally dark observatory. People in all different color clothes decorate the room, suits and dresses galore. People flaunting what they have, conversing and swaying to the soft music in the background and holding crystal glasses in their hands, perfectly poised. There’s an auction later on tonight, where most of the money with be raised.
Tim slips away, ready to investigate while still looking like just another visitor, leaving Bruce alone to try to distract if he needs to. Bruce figures whenever Dent’s plan is supposed to be revealed, it’ll be around or during the auction. So he just needs to kill time. Shouldn’t be too hard.
He sees Gordon out the corner of his eye. None of the party-goers look too concerned, Bruce figures living in Gotham has desensitized them to danger, at least a little. An evacuation would lead to uproar, but he’ll make sure it doesn’t come to that.
“Jason, could you drive this car any slower?” Dick feels like he’s part of his seat now, the speed pulling him back. Jason just smirks.
“Too fast for you, Grayson?” He pushes on the pedal a bit more, the car jolting faster. “I love this car, it doesn’t even roar if you stomp on the pedal. No wonder Bruce can sneak around everywhere. it’s so freaking quiet.” He swerves onto a side road, Dick grabbing onto the door handle.
“Jesus Christ, slow down!” He’s got nothing against going fast, but Jason is being absolutely criminal with his speeds. It’s a wonder he can even see anything that blurs past them. Cars beep as they see the Batmobile, whether in anger or appreciation he can’t tell. He can’t even see the expressions on people’s faces. Holy hell, if Jason doesn’t end up killing them both he’s going to strangle him.
At least Jason has the foresight not to park next to the observatory and instead hide it in a nearby grove. Dick’s legs wobble just the slightest bit as he exits the car, leaning on the vehicle. He waits for his heart-rate to return to normal, for his sight to slow down with the rest of the world. Jason jumps out laughing.
“Like a rollercoaster. If Bruce ever doesn’t want this baby, I’m taking it.” He taps the Batmobile, smoothing his hand over the shiny paint job. He glances over at Dick. “You okay?” His voice almost sounds concerned.
Dick holds his hand up to his mouth, keeping his nausea at bay. “‘M fine.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “We should go.”
“You sure you can walk?” Jason asks with a snort. Dick shakes his head to clear it, standing up straight.
The observatory glows from here, a few hundred feet away. He’d love to take Barb to a ball sometime soon, she’d look great in a dress. Maybe when they don't have work to do.
Tonight is unusually warm, Dick barely feeling the cold winds through his suit. And Jason, well, he’s comfortable as can be in his leather coat. They run over to the building, Jason deciding to make a little conversation.
“How long has Tim been Robin?”
“I think he started a few months after you...left.” To be honest, the actual events that happened while Jason and Bruce were in the Middle East are hazy to Dick. First he’d heard that Jason had died, then that he was in the hospital, then that he was fine but wouldn’t be coming home. He still hasn’t figured out what the truth is.
“And he’s good?” Jason says, voice neutral.
Dick nods, an awkward move since he’s running. “Yeah. Bruce doesn’t really trust him for anything too big, ever since the incident. I guess he wants Tim to have more experience before tackling a big challenge.”
Jason slows a bit. “Makes sense, but how does Tim take it?”
“He doesn’t complain too much, but I know he’s itching for some adventures of his own. Why?”
Jason shrugs. “Just wondering. He seems nice. You know, from what I’ve seen.”
“You should hang around more,” Dick says. He hasn’t seen Jason in at least a year, no wonder he’s missed out on the new member of the Wayne family.
“Maybe,” Jason doesn’t sound all that convinced, upping his pace again so that he’s ahead of Dick. The conversation is apparently over, leaving Dick to realise the younger man has basically turned into Bruce. Broody, stubborn, and ‘independent’. To be fair, he has a better sense of humor, but the fact of the matter is he and Bruce are more alike than not. He should just come home.
The duo nears the back door to the observatory, opening it quietly to look at what waits for them inside. Jason slips in, Dick following and activating his comm.
“Batman? We’re in.”
There’s the go ahead.
“I need you to scope out the area,” Bruce utters quietly. His eyes flicker as he takes in the whole room, making sure no one is in hearing range. He can’t see Tim anymore, and he wants nothing more than to sneak off, don his batsuit and get into the action. This job might wear him out, but he’d rather do that than go to glittery balls. Apparently star themes mean deck out the decorations with sparkles. It’s a little blinding, actually. Too garish.
As it stands, for now he’ll be protecting the wealthy in his three-piece. He’s made a little conversation, friendly banter, rumours of what’s supposed to be at the auction, what the fundraising goal is. The better the items the more money raised, but nobody really knows what’s up for grabs. Strange.
“Bruce Wayne.” He turns to see Gordon nearing him. He inclines his head in greeting.
“How goes the surveillance, commissioner?”
Gordon gives a one-shoulder shrug, his body language tense. “Nothing’s happened so far.” He stands out from the rest of the crowd, dressed in his usual uniform. A hand rests on his hip, lighting on the gun he always wears. He’d be crazy not to, but the sight of it always rubs Bruce the wrong way. “How’s the party?”
“Nothing’s happened so far,” Bruce says with a smile. Gordon spares a one syllable laugh, likely the only time he’ll laugh tonight. “How’s Barbara?”
“Busy. Lots of schoolwork, you know.” Gordon cards his fingers through his hair. “It’s funny, she almost seems to work more than I do.”
Bruce laughs, though he wonders when, if ever, Barbara plans on telling her father just what she does. He has to be getting suspicious at this point. But he won’t be the one to say anything. It’d be one more thing on Gordon’s list of worries, his daughter helping fight some of Gotham’s deadliest criminals. And judging by the dark circles under his eyes, Bruce figures he should let Gordon focus on this tonight.
He says goodbye and moves on, picking up a glass of champagne as he goes. The moment he does he realises he probably shouldn’t drink anything that could slow him down, offering it to someone he passes. The more he glances at his watch the slower time seems to pass him by, so he decides to walk out onto the balcony for some fresh air.
The stars peek out from behind passing clouds, threatening rain or snow later tonight. The wind rushes past Bruce as he leans over the banister, a telescope to his right. A couple stands there, peering through the eyepiece, shivering in their formal attire. The woman’s wrap does nothing to keep her warm, a thin silk that threatens to blow away. It’s almost scenic.
He closes his eyes and just listens to the people around him, hoping time passes faster. He’d do anything to be with the others, actively doing something instead of just watching for danger on the sidelines, making sure nothing happens up on the main floor. He knows they’re capable, but he hates relying on others regardless.
“Bruce Wayne?” He purses his lips slightly before turning around, a fake smile on his face.
“Yes?” Oh. It’s a solicitor.
The man goes into his spiel of what he’s advertising, Bruce looking at him quizzically and tuning him out best he can while still maintaining an air of politeness. Dick updates him occasionally, Bruce humming and trying to look like he’s agreeing with the man in front of him. His hands clench just a little, a couple of times he’s tried interrupting, he even tries to cut him rudely off at times, but it’s futile. He’s trapped by a salesman on steroids.
His saviour comes in a crisp white suit, a purple flower on his lapel. Bruce flashes Joker a grateful smile, thinking he’ll steer the man away, provide a means of escaping with a clever joke.
No such luck.
Instead the clown decides to drape himself over Bruce, nipping at his ear. “Did you miss me?” he asks, his voice saccharine. The annoying solicitor steps back, eyes wide. Bruce has no choice but to hold Joker, no way he’s just going to drop him, even if he is being a nuisance at the moment. He’s going to cause a scene.
“Of course,” he says. “But I’m in the middle of something.” He gestures to the solicitor, who frowns.
“Who the hell are you?”
Joker steps forward, holding his hand out to shake. “John Doe.”
“Right. Isn’t that a name they give unidentified dead people?” The man says skeptically, arms crossed. Joker pulls back with a pout.
“It’s my name.” He looks back at Bruce as if to say Can you believe this guy? He narrows his eyes at the salesman. “Now unless you were selling ways to avoid annoying conversations, I’d leave. My boyfriend and I are busy.” He keeps his arms around Bruce, waiting. Bruce knows if they weren’t at a social gathering in normal clothes the solicitor would be on the floor. As it is, if looks could kill...
The solicitor hems and haws at the situation, Bruce not wanting to comfort him but knowing how intimidating Joker can be, even when he isn’t out terrorising the city. Finally he mumbles an excuse and walks away, shooting a glance at Joker. Bruce breathes out a sigh of relief. He also shoots Joker a look, a mix of curiosity and annoyance, verging more on the side of the former.
“Your boyfriend?” He asks the man, who relaxes his grip.
“It was the first thing that came to mind,” Joker says flippantly. “Don’t like it?”
Bruce shakes his head. “No, I just didn’t expect it. I like it.”
Joker smiles smugly. “I thought you would.”
“How did you get in?” Bruce asks. This Gala was basically by invitation only, as far as he knows.
Joker’s less than amused by the question. “You don’t honestly think I wouldn’t be able to sneak in, do you? It was easy-peasy.” Bruce focuses on him, his hand lifting up one of Joker’s lapels. “Like the suit?” He places his hand over Bruce’s and flattens it over his chest, where a steady heartbeat pulses under Bruce’s fingers.
Bruce nods appreciatively, noting how it hangs on the clown’s frame perfectly. He doesn’t bother asking where the suit’s from, he doesn’t want to know. “It’s nice. Suits you.”
Joker snickers, keeping his voice quiet so that it isn’t his trademark laugh. “Your puns are awful.” He leans back on the banister, breathing in the cool air. “So, tonight’s the night. You ready?”
“I have to be,” Bruce says, looking out at the crowd. “Anything could happen at this point.”
A half hour to the auction and it feels like the calm before the storm. He’s going to have to just wait at this point, Joker sitting on the narrow railing casually.
A glint catches his eye, a person flipping a coin next to him. He looks up to see the person already looking at him with a grin.
“Nice night, isn’t it? For fireworks?” He says. Any other person would have shrugged it off, maybe commented yes, or how they didn’t know there’d be fireworks tonight. Bruce shrugs, though he’s on immediately put on guard and wants to punch the man in the mouth. The coin gives it away, of course it does. It’s a sign of Harvey’s plans.
“I guess, but I didn’t know there’d be fireworks,” he says, voice air-light. Joker smirks. The man smiles.
“They’re supposed to be explosive, you know what I mean? The main event.”
Bruce maintains his calm demeanor, nodding. “I had a friend who used to do that,” he points out, gesturing to the flipping coin. “Harvey Dent. He’s in Arkham though, right?”
“Didn’t you hear the news? Crazy son-of-a-bitch got out. No one knows where he is.”  The man is terrible at lying, Bruce can hear the joke in his voice.
“I hope Gotham’s safe.”
Joker coughs, trying not to turn it into a laugh. “Batman’ll save us. Always does, right? From those evil, nasty villains.” Bruce elbows him slightly, hoping he’ll knock it off.
“Hm.” The man smiles cryptically. Bruce narrows his eyes slightly, taking a glass of champagne off a passing tray. For appearances, again. He takes the tiniest sip, feigning indifference to the man but feeling every bit on edge.
“Anyways, I should get going, this party’s a drag.”
“Aw, what a shame,” Joker says, and Bruce knows he’s fighting not to roll his eyes. “Leaving before fireworks?”
“Never been a fan,” the man says as he walks away. Bruce decides not to follow him, Joker’s grip on his arm tightening.
“I’ve never liked that guy,” he murmurs, taking the glass from Bruce and swirling it. “Too cocky. Harv won’t let me take him out. You’re gonna let him go?”
“Of course not.” He comms Tim, who tells him he’ll make quick work of the man. He’s probably still in his suit, but so long as he isn’t seen he should be fine, Bruce is sure.
A crackling noise comes through the earpiece then, Bruce wincing at the sharpness of it.
“Hello, Bruce.”
A chill runs down Bruce’s back. “Harvey.” He edges further away from the crowd, making sure he’s out of earshot.
“Enjoying the gala?”
“Disappointed you’re not here,” Bruce deadpans. Harvey laughs. “How did you escape again?”
“Again? Sorry, Batman, I think you’re confused. Or maybe I pulled a fast one on you.” Bruce can almost see the smirk on the villain’s face, and has never wanted to reach through a phone and throttle someone more. “Anyways, how’s Alfred? A little lonely, I think.”
Bruce’s jaw clenches, his grip on the balcony tight. He doesn’t look at Joker, who he knows is listening intently to what Bruce is saying. “Leave him alone.”
“How about a race?” Dent asks smugly. “You getting here by the time I find the man. Shouldn’t be too hard for the Batman.” There’s a click, and his voice is gone, Oracle’s flooding through.
“He’s not at the manor yet. If you leave now you might be able to beat him there. I’ll warn Alfred.”
Bruce gnaws at his bottom lip anxiously.
“Can’t you let your kids deal with this?” Joker asks, noticing Bruce’s mood. His eyes are clouded over, the way they tend to get on long nights. He’s tense, ready to fight at moments notice. But Bruce shakes his head.
“I don’t want them to deal with everything happening here, not until the worst is over.”
Joker rolls his eyes, dragging Bruce further away from the crowd and into one of the darker halls, where they can’t see the main area. “Bats, they’re old enough to fix this, don’t you think? Let them take care of it.” Bruce listens, and the clown continues, “What about Robin?”
Bruce thinks about it. He could have Tim up on the main floor, nothing to worry about too much...
“Come on, you can’t always be the main hero. Go save your butler, he’s more important. Be selfish, just this once.” Joker’s eyes glimmer in the dark, reflecting like a cats. They focus on Bruce, who knows he’s right. He could trust Tim to do this, he’s been practicing for this for ages. But if something goes wrong… “You’re always taking care of the city, take care of yourself just this time.”
Bruce makes up his mind, albeit with more than a fair share of reluctance. “Alright, fine. Robin could handle this. Let me just check up on how everything else is going.”
Jason and Dick sneak past most of the thugs, rushing into the next room, where they find a whole machine rigged to the walls.
“Holy shit,” Jason breathes out. “They weren’t kidding when they said they wanted all of them dead. Bombs and...did we not get all of Crane’s toxin?”
A moderately large beaker of green liquid rests on top of a crate, a pump siphoning out the liquid into what Dick guesses leads to the emergency sprinklers.
“I guess not. It was probably just a diversion, when it comes down to it.” Dick kneels down next to the timer, glancing at the time. 00:45. “This gives us quite a bit of time, actually.” Right up until a few minutes into the auction, if the clock’s right.
“Don’t jinx us, Dick,” Jason warns. He stands near the door, making sure he doesn’t hear anyone stepping too close to where they are. “Here, I’ll disarm it, you stand watch.” He goes over and nudges Dick away from the timer, the latter standing and taking his place at the door. The walls are cold, the lights flickering. The perfect basement atmosphere, Dick thinks.
“I’ve never seen this kind of timer,” Jason mutters. “Sionis must’ve worked overtime to make it.” He pulls out his tablet, plugging it into the dangerous box. “It’s like the world’s deadliest relay. Everyone puts in their part and Dent finishes the race.”
“Not today he won’t,” Dick says. Steps come closer to the door, and he waves Jason away so that nothing seems out of the ordinary. He steps away from the door, and the thug walks in, the door shutting behind him.
“There’s no way I’m staying here while the bomb goes off. It’s a death sentence,” the thug mumbles. He carries his gun lazily, swinging it around like a baseball bat. Dick rolls his eyes, these people aren’t very loyal. But maybe that’s why they’re expendable in the long run. In any case, it’s time for the man to take a little nap. He steps out from behind, covering the thug’s face with his hand until he goes limp in his arms. Dragging him away so that he slumps against a wall, he returns to his spot at the door.
“Babs? I need you to turn off the mechanism for the emergency sprinklers.”
“Sure, but what about the explosives?”
“They’re on timer, Jason’s figuring it out, don’t worry.”
“I’ll send you what I have, Barb,” Jason says through his comm.
“Right. Is everything else alright?”
“So far so good, I’ll update you.” Dick hears a knock on the door.
“Hey buddy, you okay? You been in that room for a while.” Dick leans on the door, preparing his best thug impression.
He meets eyes with Jason, who watches him expectantly, ready to leap if need be. Lowering his voice, he answers. “Yeah, man, sorry. Just taking a break before the Bat shows up, making sure the bomb’s okay.”
There’s a pause. “You sound sick, you sure you’re okay?” Jason muffles a laugh, Dick faking a cough.
“I’m fine, honest. Just got a little cold, I’ll be right out.” He hears receding footsteps and breathes out a sigh of relief. Jason lets out his laugh, shaking his head.
“Nightwing the sick henchman. Amazing.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Dick retorts. “I’m an amazing voice actor.” A glance at his watch. Twenty-five minutes to the auction. So long as the bomb is disarmed in time they’ll be fine.
Tim looks back over his shoulder as he traverses the main room of the observatory, weaving around people and sneaking glances at the items behind the makeshift stage at the things being auctioned. A couple times he’s been looked at warningly, so he makes sure not to overstep. Or to overstep when he’s sure no one’s looking. Though he isn’t quite sure what he’s looking for. Anything could happen at this point. It’s a pile of fancy vases, jewelry, diamonds... nothing he’s particularly interesting, and nothing he’d count as being out of place. And yet he has a sneaking suspicion.
He makes the mistake of getting caught snooping, a heavy hand landing on his shoulder.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” the man says gruffly. He scowls at Tim, who shifts back so the hand falls.
“Sorry,” he tries. “I’m just super curious.” He laughs it off, quieting when the man doesn’t reciprocate. He sure doesn’t look like the usual upper-class type. His coat doesn’t fit him right, he’s not clean shaven, his hair is pushed back messily. Dick steps back away from the items, out of the man’s line of sight and away from anyone’s hearing.
“Bruce, some of these people aren’t the usual kind of millionaires. Just saying.” He states it casually, hand in his pocket as though he were just chatting to a friend though a bluetooth earpiece.
“Got it. No sign of Mr. Dent?” Bruce’s voice is just as relaxed, if Tim didn’t know him better he never would have noticed the slight tension in his tone.
“Not yet. Five more minutes and the auction starts, what do you want to do?”
“Haha! We finally disarmed it! Boy, imagine if it had gone off,” Jason pipes up. “Oh hell, I think they heard us. Dick, why didn’t you stop me?” He goes off his comm. Tim doesn’t know whether to laugh or worry about them now.
“Should I go help? I wore my suit under my clothes…”
Bruce sighs, and Tim can tell something isn’t right with him. “Yes. I’ll take care of things up here for now. But be careful, and hurry back. There’s something I need to take care of.” Tim enters the men’s bathroom, slipping off his coat. He doesn’t bother being too careful with his shirt, he can always get a new one later, but he makes sure to takes his mask out of his pocket. He exits the stall, and shoves his clothes into a bag he’d hidden in the small closet just in case. In hindsight, he hadn’t realised just how prepared he was.
Just as he prepares to sneak out someone walks through the door, blinking at him in astonishment.
“You’re Robin, right?” The man’s eyes are wide, not sure if he should move or stay and talk. Tim stops, fidgeting. He puts his hands on the man’s shoulders, switching places with him with an apologetic smile.
“Yeah, but I gotta go, you know, protect you guys, so I can’t really talk.” He rushes out, still grabbing onto his bag, feeling the man’s gaze still on him. Well that was awkward. Wonder if it’s ever happened to Bruce…
The basement is empty save the men crowding around the door, where he assumes Dick and Jason are defending themselves best they can. Tim purses his lips, they won’t get anything done with the barricade of thugs. He sneaks up to the distracted men, pulling one away easily and knocking him out quickly. It’s not the best move and he knows they’ll realise they aren’t alone anymore. But he figures after the second man he takes out he can hide and cause a distraction away from Jason and Dick. Which is basically what happens.
He slides behind a divider, shifting away silently to avoid getting caught. He does not want to get riddled with bullets tonight. Or any night, come to think of it. Footsteps thud past him, and he glances back to where the door is, seeing Jason slip into the room quietly, staying in the shadows. Tim assumes Dick is taking care of any thugs that might have gotten into the room.
There’s a solitary thug stepping a little too close to him, he decides to kick his feet out from under him, knocking his head back hard against the floor and choosing a different spot to hide. He sees Jason taking care of two, though he notices there are less than before. Maybe they were smart and ran before the bomb exploded. Self-preservation is a good quality in a person, it makes them reliable that way. It also leaves less people to waste energy on, at the moment. He meets eyes with Jason, who drops silently to knock a man to the floor. Dick’s finally left the room to take care of the last two men who’d been frantically waving around their guns, looking a little too trigger-happy for Tim’s liking.
When the coast is clear he walks out, Dick passing out high-fives. Jason complies with a weak hand, Tim returning it with more energy. Now all that’s left is Dent, who Bruce can probably take care of, but not in his fancy suit. He’s probably feeling super antsy just thinking about it.
Tim opens his mouth to talk, but he freezes when he hears a click.
“Don’t move, any of you.” Tim fights the urge to turn and face the thug, Dick watching him. Jason growls. “Put the gun down. Your hands are shaking, you probably can’t even use it.”
A round of bullets goes off, flying right past Tim’s ear, who at this point is barely even breathing.
“You think I can’t? Turn around slowly.”
Tim pivots to face the man, trying to stay expressionless.
“There’s three of us,” Dick states. “Think about it. Take down one of us and two more will pin you down.”
The man’s expression is steely, eyes on Dick. Tim nods just the slightest bit at Jason, who brings a hand up to his ear slowly.
“Imagine if we had a blackout right about now,” he says casually. The man turns to him angrily, but Jason just holds his hands up innocently. Barbara’s voice comes through all of their headsets, Tim smiling just the slightest bit.
“Heads up.”
And then the lights go out.
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thefaeriereview · 4 years
Blitz: Bad Apple
Book Title: Bad Apple: A modern mpreg fairytale 
Author: Colbie Dunbar & Trisha Linde 
Cover Artist: Fantasia Frog Designs 
Release Date: September 17, 2020 
Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance, mpreg, reimagined fairy tale 
Trope/s: Forbidden love, bad boy romance. Fated love. 
Themes: Starting over. Second chances. 
Heat Rating: 4 flames 
Length: 36 000 words 
It’s the first book in the Once Upon an M/M Romance series, but each is a standalone. 
Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited 
Amazon US | Amazon UK
There’s no such thing as fairytales—until there’s a happily ever after.
Blurb There’s no such thing as fairytales—until there’s a happily ever after. When mob boss Nico Drakos dies, his son, omega Zane, knows the time is ripe for change. Just because all the mob’s business dealings have always been illegal, that doesn’t mean they need to stay that way. Zane is well-loved by everyone, and the council is ready to follow him wherever he might lead them. Time to put his business degree to work! The only person that stands in his way is his father’s second-in-command, Donovan Morelli. Alpha Blaze was practically raised by the mob, groomed and trained to follow orders, no matter how dark. But, seething with jealousy, Donovan gives Blaze a command. One he can’t refuse. While Blaze keeps a wary eye on Zane, he falls under the omega’s spell. Then the alpha does the unthinkable. He defies his order. Zane needs a safe place to hole up, but he doesn’t give a damn about his surroundings because the alpha everyone considers a bad apple lights a fire in his heart, one Zane is powerless to extinguish. With a memorable cast of supporting characters, this classic fairytale gets a modern mpreg twist. For fans of alphas and omegas who give everything to be with the one who they love, this first book in Colbie Dunbar and Trisha Linde’s Once Upon An M/M Romance series checks all the boxes. It includes an alpha and omega who refuse to be defined by their past; seven men and women with whimsical quirks whose fierce loyalty to Zane earns them a place in his heart; plus a baby who arrives safely, despite the odds. And while there is no once upon a time, they do live happily ever after.
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Chapter 3 Zane I studied the man on my doorstep. He seemed kinda familiar and his scent washed over me, reminding me of coffee and something else I couldn’t pinpoint. Why? He smelt nothing like a good brew. One of Sam’s co-workers, I guessed. I was disappointed and hoped my favorite delivery man hadn’t been fired or taken another job because I didn’t fancy this creep on my doorstep every time I craved a taco or quesadilla. I made to grab the bag and hand over the tip, but the guy held on tight to the food. That’s my dinner! My right hand crept to my pocket as I asked, “Is there a problem?” He nodded and his muffled voice said, “Payment didn’t go through.” He shrugged. “Gremlins in the app.” Seriously? Gremlins? No hit man I’d ever met—and I hated that I’d made the acquaintance of more than one— ever talked like that. Tension released from my body as the guy held up his phone showing what I owed. “Okay. I’ll get the money.” I was searching for my wallet, tossing cushions across the room and swearing, when an aroma that commanded attention struck me in the face and had the hair on the back of my neck standing up. A pair of boots appeared in my line of vision, and I reared away. “Fuck me sideways with a broomstick!” The words exploded from my lips. I’d never seriously considered having someone order a hit on me, but faced with potential death, my pulse sped up and my mouth became dry. Seconds passed, but time stretched out and it seemed like hours. It was as though everything was moving in slow motion. The grandfather clock ticked in the corner and dust particles floated past my head as my trembling fingers reached for the gun. The intruder cocked his head. “Wouldn’t a broomstick be painful? Not a place you want to get a splinter. Ouch!” He put his hands on his hips. I froze. Who is this guy? Air whooshed out of my mouth and I took a moment to compose myself. “You scared me. What in the hell are you doing barging into my house?” “You said you’d get the money.” His voice was echoing in that stupid helmet. “You must be new. Or been raised by wolves.” Come to think of it, wolves would have taught him better manners. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” I rubbed my forehead, convinced I’d aged ten years in the last few minutes. “Nothing. But next time, wait at the door.” I shoved a fistful of bills in his palm and curled his fingers around them. And that was my first mistake. One of many. Skin to skin. My breath fogging his visor. The warmth of his hand seeped into mine and a tingling sensation spread over my body. I should have let go. I should have taken a step back. I should have shoved him out the door and complained to the restaurant owner about the lousy service. But I did none of those things. I didn’t move and neither did he. If this was his first day on the job, he might think all his customers held his hand. Poor guy. I pulled away and he made a strangled sound. It was hard to tell with that stupid helmet. “You okay?” If he was choking, I could give him mouth-to-mouth. He bobbed his head. “I’m Zane.” He mumbled something. “Hayes?” More gibberish. “Rays?” Were there two of them? Ray One and Ray Two? “No.” Okay, I heard that loud and clear. “Take off that thing, please. If you’re going to be bringing my dinner a couple of times a week, we should introduce ourselves.”
About the Authors
Colbie Dunbar
My characters are sexy, hot, adorable—and often filthy—alphas and omegas. Feudal lords with dark secrets, lonely omegas running away from their past, and alphas who refuse to commit.
Lurking in the background are kings, mafia dons, undercover agents and highwaymen with a naughty gleam in their eye.
As for me? I dictate my steamy stories with a glass of champagne in one hand. Because why not?
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Trisha Linde
Trisha Linde spends all her time immersed in books, both reading and writing, mainly because she lives where it's too cold to do anything else, and what better way to keep warm than a hot book. The first time she read mpreg, it was love at first sight, and there's no turning back now.
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
See Me Now Song Lyrics – Kanye West
See Me Now Song Lyrics
See Me Now Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Kanye West from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Kanye West ” in Year .
Lyrics of See Me Now :
I know you see me now right now (I know you see me now right now) I know you see me now right now (You see) I know you see me now right now (Right now) I know you see me now right now I got my suit and tie And I don? know if y?ll know Well, maybe y?ll do Or maybe y?ll don? But I don? really care It? how we on it all the time So I?a get my money Let? go Now, I?a need you to kill the hypocrisy This is an aristocracy I? Socrates, but my skin more chocolately What? up with who? That? old news I? in a speedboat, in my boat shoes Huh? I swear my whole collection? so cool I might walk in Nobu with no shoes He just walked in Nobu like it was Whole Foods! That nigga crazy, I told you! Immature adult (uh huh), insecure asshole (what else?) And if you fall on the concrete, that? yo·ass fault If you pass on a Kon beat, that? yo·last fault Get what you ask for, I swear that? yo·ass, so She got a big booty, but she couldn? drop that ass low ?il you take yo·last ho, and rope up all the cash flow When you gettin·money, they be all up on yo·ass, yo When you gettin·money Kons don? let a nigga pass go Straight to jail, yo, in a hell hole Right next to Lucifer, tell ?m I say hello Ask him if I?a be there soon and tell ?m I said ?ell, no!·br>Yo, what you say when your people get out of jail, huh? My niggas is home I guess I got everything Everything I want (Lets go shopping dog, lets celebrate) But I don? No matter how good it gets (Free Weezy though) It?l never be like before No women in the crowd Screamin·and it? loud Doin·things not allowed And I swear it? goin·down right now (You know what it is) I know one thing, my mama would be proud And you see me lookin·up ?ause I know she? lookin·down right now I know you see me now right now (I know you see me now right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now, right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now) I know you see me now right now Pour the champagne, let your watch show Shorty got a man watch, wrist look colossal I admit my first watch was a Fossil Now I? in the Louvre, lookin·for fossils Attention to detail is so uncanny And the whip? on the Sprewells, it? so un-Camry Somebody need to put us on camera The world of Rollies and everyone families Stay Jordan fresh, suits and Ferrari? Cute, your shorty watch Barneys, we at de Bonny? End up at Marley, Georgi, and service from Sergio Da Kine Lamborghini, the chain throw off the vertigo I know the flow just hit a hellafied vertical This the Christ year, last year was magic, thirty-two Lyrically, can? none of y?ll murder ?e ?ause y?ll raps ain? got no vertebrae I got styled last June and she heard of me I killed the fur last Paris, raised the murder rate First of all, we all know the beats is Like a mix between Fergie and Jesus Imagine the direction of this immaculate conception Every one of His Majesty? swim parties is paegantries Cannonball off the diving board when I am board All my homies GD?, but I am lord Rap god, Greek mythology And this life too crazy to think logically Here? something that you could use in analogy My life is like a child? illusions become reality Now go get my throne ?ause I don? wanna stop I just go in my zone And I?a make it hot ?il it? time to go When it? time to go Where you tryna go? You better act like you can see me now (Exactly!) I know you see me now right now (I know you see me now right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now, right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now) I know you see me now right now I know you see me I know you see me I know you see me It? like I? 3D I know you see me now right now (I know you see me now right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now, right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now) I know you see me now right now I know you see me I know you see me I know you see me It? like I? 3D I know you see me now right now (I know you see me now right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now, right now) I know you see me now right now (Right now) I know you see me now right now Hey, feel like one of those old R Kelly joints, right? I bet they put me back on the cover of Ebony now I know Jet Magazine callin·right now You lookin·good today, too I like that You got your new suit on And she got the extra cute on I know you thinkin·?his that Yeezy we all love·br>I? back, baby We back, baby! Uncle Charlie, by the way And I?ma let you finish, but I got Beyonce on the track That? what it is Black excellence, baby We the elite We the greatest in the world! We the greatest in the world!
See Me Now Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, English, Hollywood, Kanye West, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, See Me Now from WordPress https://ift.tt/2z1PRi5 via IFTTT
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Ghostface Killah feat. Amy Winehouse – You Know I'm No Good
Learn how to rap like the pros
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Album: More Fish Year: 2006 Track: 14 Track Produced By: Mark Ronson Samples: None
Lyrics: [Amy Winehouse] Meet you downstairs, in the bar and heard Your rolled up sleeves and your skull T-shirt You say, why did you do it with him today? And sniff me out like I was tanqueray
[Ghostface Killah] Yeah, yo, why you acting like you more trouble than Tony Starks and You need to just ‘walk away’ like Kelly Clarkson I know, we was fiend to sleep around town But I figured you said that, that’s how I get down Nah of course, you was out there, messing around I would of told you, once you go Ghost, you never go back Try g’ing me, like I don’t know how to mack I’m a don, and, top of the line, I stay flying Stop trying, to keep cuff analyzing Using my credit cards to buy diamonds We need to straighten this out, get to the bottom of it all Let’s crawl, before we start the war Begin with two reasons why we need to talk And stop popping up in my cribs all over New York And, that’s stalking, you such trouble and no good Them fighting words in my block, when we in the hood
[Chorus: Amy Winehouse (Ghostface Killah)] I cheated myself, like I knew, I would… I told you, I was trouble… And know, that I’m no good
[Interlude: Ghostface Killah (scratched up)] You had to be a nasty girl and try to play me Nasty girl, nasty girl, try to play me
[Ghostface Killah] Aiyo, I knew you was trouble when I first laid eyes on you Temperature’s so hot, the heat just rise with you Let me ride with you, talk about your mistakes You cheated yourself but these are the breaks And it never be the same again, cause of old boy But oh boy, together we make so much joy In the sands and oh, what a wet, wee-wee But you played me, so I had to roll up my sleeves and Hunt you down, holding the next man’s stacks Now you sorry, tryin’ bring that old thing back and Act like we can rekindle that flame It’s a shame, how you can’t get me off the brain He that lame, you love how I bring the pain Got the rug burns stinging and you saying my name Say my name, that’s right, I’m high post Get the champagne, love, word up, we gon’ toast
[Interlude: Ghostface Killah (scratched up)] You had to be nasty girl and try to play me Nasty girl, girl… You can’t leave the kid… can’t leave the kid… Don’t worry, I’ma be around forever, nasty girl… Don’t forget, I’ma be around forever, nasty… Don’t forget, I’ma be around forever…
[Amy Winehouse] Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain We’re like how we we’re again I’m in the tub, you’re on the sink Lick your lips, as I soak my feet
[Ghostface Killah] Yo, get the bath and body works, pumping your spice creams Together like Cheech and Chong, we make nice dreams Fight scenes, I take the good with the bad Cuz you give the best brains that I ever had and Anything worth having is hard to keep I love you like my coffee so hot and so sweet So let’s, stick it out, so we never regret it I could forgive the past, but I never forget it
[Chorus 2X]
[Outro: Ghostface Killah (scratched up)] Got to forgive the past, but I never forget it Nasty girl… nasty girl… try to play me Nasty girl, you had to be a nasty and try to play me Nasty girl… try to play me, try to play me Nasty girl, got to forgive the past, but I never forget it…
The post Ghostface Killah feat. Amy Winehouse – You Know I’m No Good appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/ghostface-killah-feat-amy-winehouse-you-know-im-no-good/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ghostface-killah-feat-amy-winehouse-you-know-im-no-good from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188182913043
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vanderpump rules, season five, episode nine: THIS IS A HOSTAGE SITUATION.
I feel duped and lied to.
I got my hopes high as hell for two hours of Vanderpumpy goodness this week, instead, they did us dirty by transitioning without our permission into Summer House. I am not interested in watching Summer House, no thank you1. Bravo, why do you think you can do things like this and we’re just going to go along with it? You are not my dad, you can’t drag me into situations just because you need to look good and you’re afraid of being alone (hint: it’s probably because you’re gonna die alone). Enraged does not even begin to cover my feelings.
Stassi is dealing with a delayed hangover - you know, you wake up feeling hunky dory and think it’s all cool and then two hours later your body is like HA HA HA YOU WERE JUST STILL DRUNK HEEEEEERE’S YOUR HANGOVER. Katie is physically incapable of using a lighter to open her bottle of Corona they’re enjoying in their hotel room, and managed not to get full on Tequila Katie, only halfway. I wonder which half - it appears the un-abusive half is the one she was last night. Katie just wants Stassi to find a man because of course, Katie is the type who thinks Stassi’s happiness revolves around having a man in her life. I hate you, Katie. Katie tries to coach Stassi, who’s showing all of the worst sides of herself - she’s into murder, she likes online shopping, she only cares about getting blowouts and poor spray tans - because she realizes a woman is only worth something when she’s in a relationship with a man.
Just kidding, it’s because she wants Stassi out of her face.
Back in Sonoma, the RV is a mess, and it’s only day two. The place is a pigsty that smells enough to make someone gag, Brittany and Jax are bickering about repacking their bag, and it’s hilarious. Brittany cannot stop flipping out and Jax cannot stop gaslighting. Ariana’s concerned that they’ve lost any sense of humanity they had and that joke is far too easy for me so we’re just going to moooooove right along. The water isn’t working and Brittany is freaking out, and Jax is a terrible boyfriend. He hands her water bottles and talks down to her constantly. Ugh, Jax.
Kristen has never heard the term WASP. In case you were wondering what a WASP is, it stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant - according to Wikipedia, it means “an informal, sometimes disparaging term for a closed social group of high-status and influential white Americans of English Protestant ancestry. It is also sometimes applied to those of Scottish Protestant and Irish Protestant ancestry. The term applies to a group who control disproportionate financial, political and social power in the United States.” Basically, Kristen has probably met a ton of WASPs - Irvine, Laguna Beach, Orange County and Newport Beach are the hubs for WASPy behavior in California - but she probably just thought “wow, what an icy bitch.” Kristen, you know what a WASP is. Don’t be an ignoramus.
Then again, every time there’s a bee around Kristen’s probably like “god damn WASPs, Montauk is full of them!”
In front of the pool, Stassi tells them that the twins from Summer House have invited them to a clam bake, and none of them know what a clam bake is. Y’all, it is INHERENT IN THE NAME. Stassi googles it, but none of the girls are really hyped about it because they’re from California. Scheana is the worst kind of person because she doesn’t like seafood2 because when you have witch nails it’s hard to eat food. This is her actual logic for not liking seafood, that and she doesn’t like “cracking things open”.
At NASCAR, they drink a lot, eat poorly3 and Tom Sandoval asks a NASCAR driver to sign his flat iron because of Traditional Masculinity Reasons. I will never understand the appeal of watching a car go in circles over and over again. Even the Monte Carlo Grand Prix seems like it’s just a place for rich people to go and be seen and not give a shit about cars going around and around and around. BOOORING. Then again, most sports bore me. Is NASCAR a sport? This seems like it’d be a debate between two people I hate. Tom Schwartz asks if either Ariana or Brittany would be willing to flash anyone so they can get other stuff, and Jax is basically like “BRITTANY WILL BECAUSE I BOUGHT THOSE BOOBS.”
Jax Taylor is unequivocally a piece of fucking shit.
We’re reminded of that clip from last season when Brittany’s talking about her boob job, and she only wanted a large C, small D, and coked-out, crazy-eyed Jax wanted TRIPLE-D BOOBS4 and rants about how he’s paying for them, so he should get what he wants. I never mention Brittany’s body on this blog because she does get body shamed a ton, particularly over social media - but her having those huge fake boobs (Didn’t she wind up compromising and getting DDs?) isn’t making her look any smaller, particularly on top. Those boobs are too big for her body, and she was probably right to want a large C, small D cup. But how like a man to a) want huge boobs without considering the actual physical ramifications of them5 and b) to insist that because he paid for something, he gets to show it off. Yes, that’s true, Jax. But that’s like giving a dress as a gift to someone and getting angry if they don’t wear it every time they see you. You gave it to them, which means you reneged all rights to comment on what they do with them. Jax needs to learn the word “Agency”, the one that isn’t preceded with “modeling”. Ariana is horrified by this behavior and tells Brittany she needs a new boyfriend. She’s right.
Back in Montauk, Kristen doesn’t know if it’s a “black-tie clam bake”, four words that have never been used together, and Stassi and Katie are being the sad married couple they’re going to be in a few years when Tom Schwartz leaves Katie. Katie calls Lisa because she’s still Lisa’s “assistant”, and Lisa gets her dig into Stassi early. Lisa needs paint, dress samples, and Stassi can only focus on the fact that Lisa didn’t wish her a happy birthday.6
In Sonoma, The Group is on a Ferris wheel, Tom and Ariana are making out, and they’re all kind of like “this trip is the best!” I literally am terrified of Ferris Wheels, the idea of being that high up and going SLOWLY scares me. I’m okay with rollercoasters, but fuck Ferris wheels.
In Montauk, the girls show up for a clam bake, and even I was like “Oh. Wow.” It’s on a beach with lanterns and all sorts of fun time goodness, like a gorgeous table, and champagne, and I want to go to this party. Stassi, in a talking head that I can only hope was filmed after Katie’s wedding, calls it “the prettiest wedding she’s ever been to.” I have this feeling it was, and I’m fueled by this level of shade. Is it bad that I want Stassi and Katie to have another falling out but this time it’s Katie’s fault and her life becomes a shambles? Is that too much to ask for?
They meet the cast of Summer House - Cristina, Kyle, Carl, the twins, et al - and Stassi’s thrilled because it’s attractive, well-dressed young men, which is the opposite from the old guy who tried to buy her a shot last episode. All the Montauk people talk about how despite it being Sunday, they all have to work the next day and are having Sunday Funday Better Than A Monday Can Only Do It One Way And That Is The Drunk Way7 and Scheana’s like “what? You guys have 9-5s? That suuuuuucks for you.” Scheana, you’re a 30-year-old waitress still holding onto a pipe dream of either becoming a pop star or Instagram famous, you literally could not get a job like these people. Don’t get me wrong - there’s great money in the restaurant industry and seasoned servers are to be respected... but I feel like that’s the wrong thing to be morally superior about.
The food is served buffet-style and it all looks delicious - one of the twins is horrified when Scheana admits she doesn’t like fish - and they all sit down to dinner outside on the beach. Stassi gets my dream birthday gift, a magnum of rosé8, and Stassi’s never felt more at home. I really feel like Stassi should have tried harder in New York - I get it, she got wrapped up in her boyfriend during cuffing season - but had she stayed, she probably would still be there and still be the Stassi we loved. Go baaaack, Stassi, go baaaack. I'll be your friend here, I don't have any! Scheana and Kristen sit at the table and turn their noses up to the seafood - Kristen doesn’t know the difference between clams and mussels - and Stassi is rightfully offended. My favorite part is when Scheana’s talking about how you should never eat something with claws and CLICKS HER NAILS TOGETHER because Scheana is a lobster. Nah, lobster is great and Scheana is terrible, Scheana’s like my old roommate’s shitty dog that pooped on my carpet twice, was mildly racist (as was my roommate) and was spiky and not fun to pet. That’s Scheana.
This episode keeps bouncing back and forth between Sonoma and Montauk, but basically, the RV’s full of shit. They overloaded the RV with their clogged toilet. According to Schwartz, it was probably Jax, because he doesn’t know what the “three-sheet-rule” is. If you’re using more than three sheets of toilet paper to wipe yourself, I’m really concerned. Both for you and for your septic tank. The group all jokes about how combative Jax is towards Brittany - they all make fun of him for being a dick and Brittany’s just happy that her feelings are being recognized as valid by others. Brittany is too good for these people and this show and sometimes it makes me sad.
Hot Carl tells Stassi her eyes are gorgeous, and they start talking about: Carl not liking blondes, pubic hair, and whether anyone in the group is dating or has slept with each other. Kristen just goes “so who here has banged?” and for the first time, I may... love Kristen now? Two people are dating, Katie, Scheana, and one of the twins are the only ones that are married or close to it. Stassi’s break up with Patrick is brought up and she starts crying again. Basically, Stassi’s living in fear that if they break up permanently, she might wake up in a year and regret it. Jesus, Stassi. Yes. That could happen. But is it worth the turmoil and the on-again, off-again mishegas? I don’t think so. If you wake up in a year having been separated and want to give it a chance, try it if you’re both single. But don’t let it cripple you. Stassi can’t even bring herself to swipe on anyone on a dating app, that’s how crippled she is. Katie suggests that she just needs someone to grab her boob or needs to give an OTPJ (over the pant hand job, which I had no idea existed until just now).
They’re still happy they don’t have normal jobs so they can’t afford to rent houses in Montauk, though. They feel great that they can’t rent a summer house for their lives. Katie asks who she’s interested in - Stassi rejected Carl because he made fun of her for being on a dating app, but is considering Kyle because he’s cute. And he is. Which means this will end well.
In Sonoma, Brittany’s learning what “charcuterie” means - I guess Sexy Unique Restaurant doesn’t have a meat and cheese course - and Ariana orders pasta and everyone’s thrilled for some reason. Ariana thinks Jax gets off on annoying Brittany, and Tom Sandoval brings up the fact that Jax really just wants Brittany to sit at home, pregnant and barefoot, making him sandwiches. Well, not exactly. He brings up the fact that Jax complains about expecting a sandwich waiting for him.
Jax is supporting Brittany on his own (even though she has a full-time job and says she gives him money) so he feels like he’s allowed to treat her whichever way he wants. Jax was born in 1937 so of course, he has archaic ideas about gender and relationships. Tom Sandoval makes a great point, the same one I made before: you can’t talk to your girlfriend like that, and gifts are not leverage. Jax cannot get over the idea that he deserves a sandwich and says if someone was doing for him what he was doing for Brittany, he’d give them whatever he wanted.
Dear Jax,
Brittany moved from Kentucky to be with you.  She had nothing, no friends, no life in Los Angeles, and gave it all up to be WITH YOU. Without you, she’d be nowhere. You made the decision to support her and she’s doing all she can - we see her doing housework constantly while you sit around and bicker with her.
She’s not becoming “one of these LA girls”, like you said. She’s just not letting you treat her like shit anymore, and neither are the people around her. You can’t make her feel bad when you opted to do something. You made the choice to support her, that doesn’t mean she has to be under your thumb all the time.
Love and hate,
Jax thinks Tom Sandoval is trying to give him relationship advice when really, Tom’s just calling Jax out for shitty behavior. Jax is forever the victim and doesn’t understand why he’s the jerk right now. Really, Jax? You’re bringing up issues in your relationship with Brittany in front of a table of your friends with the intention of making her look bad. He’s bothered by her becoming “an LA girl” because he thought he was getting a Southern Belle he could just walk all over like it wasn’t anything.
Jax clearly knows nothing about the women of the South, and what they’re capable of. I don’t doubt Brittany’s the girl who puts a smile on when something bad happens and then behind closed doors is like “THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT?” Brittany is great. Jax is terrible.
They all cheers to the great weekend, and of course, Lala comes up again. Basically, they all think she sucks out loud, and Ariana mentions that Lala unfollowed her on social media. OH NO. Ariana decided to be Petty LaBelle and unfollows her right back. This right here? It’s happening. Get into it, drama.
Back at Sexy Unique Restaurant, Lala came to talk to Lisa. Lala turned her phone off all weekend and go radio silent, and also refers to herself in the third person. Lala, stop making it so easy to not like you, I want to like you so much. I do understand this, though. There have been days when I put my phone on airplane mode, silenced everything, and laid in the dark for a while. But I also was massively and cripplingly depressed at the time, not trying to get out of going to a NASCAR race. Lisa’s pissed that she gave Lala time off for vacation but she didn’t go to the vacation, which is none of her business. Lala ditched the vacation because she didn’t feel comfortable around Jax and the fact that The Group cannot keep her name out of their mouth. Lisa, who is a grown ass adult woman, is like, “I hope Lala’s not dating a married man because I feel bad for his wife and she’s better than that” instead of being like “As her employer, it is none of my business whether Lala is dating married man or not.” She feeds into the scandal but doesn’t even give consideration to the fact that it could be untrue. Lisa is a queen but a terrible, terrible boss. Wasn’t she sued by a former employee for creating a hostile work environment? Lala has grounds for a great lawsuit on her hands, considering it all was caught on camera. Lala maintains it’s no one’s business because it isn’t. Lala thinks that because people don’t believe her, it’s better to be aloof than to engage, and pretends it’s an acting job. Girl, this is your life, though.
Lala’s basically going to Lisa, saying “I need to be able to work without people calling me a whore,” and Lisa’s all but saying “I could if I wanted to, but didn’t you bring this upon yourself?” Lala tries to quit, thinking it’s best for her, and she’s right. Lisa’s like, “when you’re a queen, people are trying to bring you down.” Lisa basically reminds her that if she leaves, she’s letting all the shit-talkers win, and she’s better than that. She needs to go out there, stand tall, and not give AF. Lala decides not to quit and isn’t quitting today, but that’s not to say much about tomorrow.
Back in Montauk, Kyle9 keeps calling Stassi “Saucy”, which I think is hilarious - her name is short for Nastassia, which he wouldn’t be able to pronounce either - and they’re staying at this gorgeous, huge house in Montauk. It really is gorgeous. Like, a multi-million dollar house. Katie, Stassi, Scheana, and Kristen all arrive and start drinking watermelon margaritas (with a straw for Scheana) and the girls are straight gagged. Kristen thinks she could go into “business” to be able to afford a house like that. Kyle is interested in Stassi.
Back in Sonoma, we find out that Tom Sandoval and Ariana had sex on the trip and the boys go to join them, leaving Ariana and Brittany alone together. They’re both drunk and talking about Jax being a misogynistic asshole. Brittany gets her second vocabulary lesson of the day when she learns what “misogynistic” means - she thinks it means getting massaged. God, by that logic, I wish all men were more misogynistic. I’d be so relaxed all the time. Brittany doesn’t feel appreciated and doesn’t know what to do if he doesn’t change and change soon. What will happen? Jax is gonna get dumped. Brittany eventually calls him out for not feeling appreciated, and Jax wants a turkey sandwich and Brittany makes ham sandwiches and he views that as being underappreciated. Oh, just come the hell on, Jax. He basically just wants her to make him lunch once in a while - and while yeah, I get that, it’s nice, you didn’t have to berate her and talk down to her like she was nothing in front of your friends or make it seem like it was a guilt thing or hold things over her head.
I mean, Jax. She came with you to your surgery and took care of you. If she didn’t appreciate you, she could have just gone to work.
Everyone back in Montauk is changing into their bathing suits, which of course, prompts a discussion about boobs, fake vs. real. Stassi’s high-neck one-piece is my favorite of them all - it’s sexy while literally being covered up and I want it. The married twin tells Stassi that Kyle is into her, and Stassi gets nervous as hell. I would be too, Kyle is going to chop up your body and put it in a freezer. Kyle is wasted in the indoor hot tub and Stassi’s trying to talk to him. It’s not going well - Kyle mentions that he’s trying not to get a boner - and everyone gets up and leaves Kyle and Stassi alone together.
Tequila Katie is out in full force tonight, blowing people with fans, giving Scheana an icing mustache. She literally looks so wasted and Scheana’s upset because her makeup was messed up by her, and I laughed. So hard. She’s like “I even told Shay not to do that at our wedding!” Scheana is so superficial and vain. Back in the hot tub, Stassi’s pumped because this guy is cute and good looking.
AND THIS IS WHERE THE TRANSITION HAPPENED AND THEY FORCED US TO WATCH SUMMER HOUSE. We get a talking head of Kyle talking about how they’ve been drinking all weekend or something. I was too blinded by rage. Kyle’s wasted, though, and couldn’t remember her name. He literally calls her Steve Jobs for wearing a turtleneck bathing suit. My favorite is that you can see Stassi lose interest so quickly and revert to classic sarcastic Stassi. She loses interest quickly and gives him advice as to how to talk to women because the only way this conversation could be worse is if he was literally Patrick Bateman.
Stassi’s Tips:
Remember girls’ names
Listen when they talk
Don’t compare them to Steve Jobs
Do not tell girls you’re excited to see their nipples
They play rosé pong, and Stassi rejoins everyone and recounts the entire conversation about what an idiot he is. He gets called out by Kristen for offending Stassi, and Kyle’s just a drunken asshole. He tries to apologize, Stassi calls him a douchebag and wants him to remember her name.
He literally can barely say it, he’s so drunk.
See you next week!
Random Assessments From The Desk of Amanda:
Kristen looked the best she ever has in this episode.  Actually, everyone looked gorgeous on the beach, even Katie. Less makeup works so well for these women.
I still feel like this Summer House seamless transition is like an IRL hostage situation.
Scheana says “I hate girls’ trips” but she was dying to go on this one. She literally will do anything to be on camera and get attention. Even her mom was like “make sure you’re still a bridesmaid!” when anyone else’s mom would have been like “GET BETTER FRIENDS.”
Katie being like “What would Lala do, Stassi?” is so rude.
I love that the Summer House Twins are “married twin” and “single twin”. The misogyny is real.
THE FIRST EPISODE OF MY PODCAST IS UP. Listen, tell me what you think! Join Hillary & I as we watch ANTM from the very beginning!
I wound up watching fucking Summer House. ↩︎
Yeah, I said it, and I’m sticking to it. If you live on a coast and don’t like seafood, just move to Chicago or something. There is nothing as good to me as Prince Edward Island mussels and a glass of champagne. Unf. now I want to go to Flex Mussels. ↩︎
This food does look like it tastes amazing, though. ↩︎
That’s traditionally known as an “F cup”, in case you were wondering exactly how big those are. ↩︎
looking top-heavy, back pain, skin irritation and rashes, fear of toppling over because you’re so top-heavy, etc, etc. ↩︎
This comment is so early Stassi it made me miss her. ↩︎
Quit reading this blog and go watch You’re The Worst, the best depiction of depression and modern relationships I’ve ever seen. Aya Cash is golden. ↩︎
My actual dream gift would be a magnum of rose champagne. Seriously. I’m very easy to please when it comes to gifts - is it alcoholic or can I write on it? Donzo. Notebooks and wine, that’s the kind of gal I am. My brother gave us beer for three Christmases in a row, so there’s where it comes from. ↩︎
Kyle seems like the type who watched American Psycho and thought Patrick Bateman was a good guy. ↩︎
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Ghostface Killah feat. Amy Winehouse – You Know I'm No Good
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Album: More Fish Year: 2006 Track: 14 Track Produced By: Mark Ronson Samples: None
Lyrics: [Amy Winehouse] Meet you downstairs, in the bar and heard Your rolled up sleeves and your skull T-shirt You say, why did you do it with him today? And sniff me out like I was tanqueray
[Ghostface Killah] Yeah, yo, why you acting like you more trouble than Tony Starks and You need to just ‘walk away’ like Kelly Clarkson I know, we was fiend to sleep around town But I figured you said that, that’s how I get down Nah of course, you was out there, messing around I would of told you, once you go Ghost, you never go back Try g’ing me, like I don’t know how to mack I’m a don, and, top of the line, I stay flying Stop trying, to keep cuff analyzing Using my credit cards to buy diamonds We need to straighten this out, get to the bottom of it all Let’s crawl, before we start the war Begin with two reasons why we need to talk And stop popping up in my cribs all over New York And, that’s stalking, you such trouble and no good Them fighting words in my block, when we in the hood
[Chorus: Amy Winehouse (Ghostface Killah)] I cheated myself, like I knew, I would… I told you, I was trouble… And know, that I’m no good
[Interlude: Ghostface Killah (scratched up)] You had to be a nasty girl and try to play me Nasty girl, nasty girl, try to play me
[Ghostface Killah] Aiyo, I knew you was trouble when I first laid eyes on you Temperature’s so hot, the heat just rise with you Let me ride with you, talk about your mistakes You cheated yourself but these are the breaks And it never be the same again, cause of old boy But oh boy, together we make so much joy In the sands and oh, what a wet, wee-wee But you played me, so I had to roll up my sleeves and Hunt you down, holding the next man’s stacks Now you sorry, tryin’ bring that old thing back and Act like we can rekindle that flame It’s a shame, how you can’t get me off the brain He that lame, you love how I bring the pain Got the rug burns stinging and you saying my name Say my name, that’s right, I’m high post Get the champagne, love, word up, we gon’ toast
[Interlude: Ghostface Killah (scratched up)] You had to be nasty girl and try to play me Nasty girl, girl… You can’t leave the kid… can’t leave the kid… Don’t worry, I’ma be around forever, nasty girl… Don’t forget, I’ma be around forever, nasty… Don’t forget, I’ma be around forever…
[Amy Winehouse] Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain We’re like how we we’re again I’m in the tub, you’re on the sink Lick your lips, as I soak my feet
[Ghostface Killah] Yo, get the bath and body works, pumping your spice creams Together like Cheech and Chong, we make nice dreams Fight scenes, I take the good with the bad Cuz you give the best brains that I ever had and Anything worth having is hard to keep I love you like my coffee so hot and so sweet So let’s, stick it out, so we never regret it I could forgive the past, but I never forget it
[Chorus 2X]
[Outro: Ghostface Killah (scratched up)] Got to forgive the past, but I never forget it Nasty girl… nasty girl… try to play me Nasty girl, you had to be a nasty and try to play me Nasty girl… try to play me, try to play me Nasty girl, got to forgive the past, but I never forget it…
The post Ghostface Killah feat. Amy Winehouse – You Know I’m No Good appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/ghostface-killah-feat-amy-winehouse-you-know-im-no-good/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ghostface-killah-feat-amy-winehouse-you-know-im-no-good from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188182913043
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