#maybe a little smooch that he tries to wipe away but is unaware there is a little left. sorry im forcing this i miss him todya.
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6okuto · 1 year ago
i'm sure we've all seen cillian murphy accepting an award covered in lipstick from his wife kissing him. the real discussion that must occur is about which fictional characters would do this with their partner.
my instinctive answers are gojo (so annoying about it), atsumu (so annoying about it), oikawa (so annoying about it), sage lesath (so annoying about it), mammon (so annoying about it), yuuji (cute about it), luke pearce (cute about it),
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strangelysamantha · 4 years ago
small details ❀
pope heyward x plus!reader
warnings: slight mentions of an insecure reader, but otherwise really cute fluff :)
words: 1,174.
summary: “i never thought you’d pay attention to me in that way.” when pope accidentally reveals to you, that he does indeed, pay attention to the little things you do.
request: nope :)
a/n: pope is so underrated. i love him so much, so expect me to write a lot of fics about him <3
my masterlist
pope was always watching you. not in a creepy way, more of, a protective way. he wanted to make sure you were always safe. obviously he would be secretive about it. he didn’t actually want you to know that he was paying attention to everything you did. you, still very unaware of his protectiveness, still managed to worry him often. 
you sat on john b’s boat as he sailed you and your friends out into the middle of nowhere. you were sitting on the floor, kiara by your side as you two discussed various political topics. “the ocean is littered with trash. the sea animals have to live in a disgusting environment, that they had no part in destroying.” you nodded as she continued rambling on about her passion for the state of our earth. “i agree kie. it's so unfair to the animals.” you continue in on your conversation.
pope sat behind you listening, sharing his input every once in a while when he deemed necessary. john b was focused on steering the boat while jj was focused on the blunt he was perfectly rolling between his fingers. the boat came to a halt, now still in the ocean’s salty water. “the ship has arrived.” john b laughed before stepping away from the ship's wheel. you laughed at john b, “thanks captain.” he smiles lightly at the name, “anytime.”
“well, who wants to swim?” jj asked, after exhaling the smoke from his blunt from earlier. your breathing quickened but you hid it by applying a fake smile to your lips. “i’m always down.” kie stands up immediately, already undressing to reveal a yellow bikini that was hidden under her clothes. “well, alrighty.” john b glances at you smiling, before he dove into the deep water, kiara and jj following after him. you glance at the three of them as they splash each other with the water.
despite you knowing the pogues for a long while, you still felt nervous every time they invited you out on the boat. your anxiety always spiking when you realized they wanted to swim. you glanced to see pope was already staring at you. “pope? why are you staring at me?” you laugh as a smile appears on his lips as well. “just because. are you going to swim with us?” he doesn't look away from you, waiting patiently for your answer.
you hesitate, looking up at the blue sky. “maybe, i’m still deciding if getting soaking wet is worth it.” he nodded softly, moving beside you. “well i'll stay up here with you.” you frown, not wanting to take away his fun. “no you really don't have to. i don't want to make you miss out.” you look over at him, making eye contact. he takes this time to examine you. your breathing is slightly heavy as your hands fidget together. “are you okay?” he suddenly asks you, catching you off guard. “of course i am pope, why do you ask?” he stays silent, finally looking away from you.
“i know you aren't okay, you don't have to lie to me.” pope placed a hand on your knee, sighing. “i’m fine. you are reading this situation wrong, you don't know me at all.” you huff rolling your eyes. he scoffs. “i don’t know you at all? do you really think that?” he asks, and you shrug slightly. “it appears that way.” pope tries to contain his annoyance but it's inevitable as it all comes rushing out without him really meaning it.
“you really think i don't know you?” you roll your eyes at his repetitiveness, “what do you know about me then?” you ask him. “i know that you light up so easily, so excited by the small things in life, that you smile without even realizing it. how you put others before yourself, to the point you don't even question it, it just comes natural to you. how you are so loyal, and your laugh and smile is capable of lighting up a whole room. the way your hands fidget together when you're nervous, and how you speak so heavily with your eyes. how your leg starts bouncing when the room gets too quiet, and that you mess with the jewelry around your neck when you are in a popular public place. i know you, okay? i know you because i pay attention. whether you think that or not, i know myself, and i know that i do know you.” 
your eyes go wide at his words. your mouth openly slightly in shock. pope's eyes going wide as he realizes what he has done. a tear slips down your face. "i'm- i'm sorry i didn't mean to blow up on you like that." you smile softly as you reach in to hug him, he eagerly hugs you back, his arms slipping around your waist. “i never thought you’d pay attention to me in that way.” you say softly. your heart flutters in your chest, "of course i pay attention to you, why wouldn't i?" you smile softly, "pope, i-," your moment is suddenly interrupted by your friends.
in the water you hear john b and jj calling for both you and pope. “are y'all coming out to the water or not?” jj asks and john b follows up, “you guys better join us.” john b stays afloat over the water, as kie slowly climbs onto the boat, she smiles at us. “what are you guys even doing? are y’all kissin’?” jj makes a smooching noise before silencing. you roll your eyes as you imagine the smirk evident on jj’s face as he says his sly comment. "no, jj. and even if we were, i wouldn't tell you." pope looked over the boat at jj swimming, and jj scoffs in shock. "okay, i'll remember that pope." everyone has climbed back into the boat.
“yes, yes. okay, pope and i were just about to join you.” you roll your eyes, pulling off the oversized shirt that once hid your figure. pope copying your actions, ripping his own shirt off. his eyes scan you up and down, admiring your bathing suit before kiara calls him out. “pope, we all see you obsessing, take a photo or move on.” you laugh slightly, before throwing your legs over the boat and dipping your foot into the water, the water being quite warm.
suddenly, someone's hands push you off the boat, submerging you completely under the water. you float above, wiping your eyes. “sorry, i just had too.” pope was smiling down at you, still sitting on the boat. you huff pretending to be mad before rolling your eyes and showcasing a smile on your face. you get payback, splashing water at him, hitting him in the face. ‘HEY!” he jumped in, splashing you. jj soon joined in, as well as kiara and john b. the five of you splashing and playing in the water together. you laughed as you enjoyed a fun time with the people you love most.
<33 here's a quick story as i finish writing some requests to post tmw!!
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one-boring-person · 4 years ago
Ooh okay i might have figured something out!(this is kind of related to that ask before! So it’s the reader but before the first kiss and everything. )
How about Since Rambo has to fix everything back up in his home and ranch, what about the reader showing up and helping him do so- and asking the man on a date at their own Home? How do you think(headcanon or story wise either way) that date and day would go down?
I feel he’d be very kind of, nervous. But the reader would be very excited and adore him, and i think if would be very cute to see rambo flustered because the reader keeps reminding them how cool they think he is, and how excited they are to see him around more. (Basically just the first date AT the readers ranch home. You decorate or design it to look however you want!!)
Thank you!! And if not, thats fine. (I just crave a good cozy date with old rambo that preferably ends in smooches and him staying over)
Dude, your asks are giving me life at this point! I hope you like this as much as I enjoyed writing it!😊💛❤
I Admire You More.
John Rambo (Rambo IV/V) x reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of death
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The sun already feels harsh as it beats down on John's back, his body drenched in sweat from the nearly unbearable heat of it, allowing dust and dirt to stick to him in some places as he hauls timber around the place. Doggedly, he ignores the discomfort of his shirt sticking to his back, focusing instead on getting the heavy materials to the place where he needs them, his muscles straining from the exertion. His hands are somewhat grazed from the rough wood, calluses lining his palms from his years and years of work, each one telling a different story of how they came to be. 
Emerging around the front of the house, John drops his load, grunting with relief as the planks clatter against each other, his arms glad to be free of their burden. Stretching out his back, the veteran glances over at the veranda, where the floor has completely rotted away - he'd been meaning to fix that for a few days now, but necessities like water, electricity and gas had to come first, even if he didn't actually have a bedroom or anywhere totally safe to sleep yet. Having now found time between laying tiles on the roof, which he had tried and found incredibly difficult, John intends to address the problem, so he no longer has to worry about breaking his ankles every time he tries to get in the house.
Sighing, he moves to the frame of the veranda, taking up a hammer and crowbar as he gets to work pulling up the rotted planks already there, grimacing at the sight of the foundations underneath. Even in the slight shade provided by the roof over him, he finds himself heated far too much, beads of sweat rolling down his back with each movement, though he doesn't pay them any mind until a familiar shout pulls him from his thoughts. 
Looking up, he has to bite back a smile as he sees his new friend, (Y/n), riding up the driveway towards him, a broad grin on their face as usual, a hand raised in greeting. Acknowledging them, John lifts his own hand, flicking dark hair from his eyes as he watches the young rancher pull their horse to a halt, the animal instantly responding to their instruction. Once stopped, (Y/n) climbs down, leading the horse behind them as they come nearer to John, still smiling at him as he puts on the most approachable expression he can, still a little uncomfortable about smiling freely at people.
"Mornin' John! How're you doing?" They call out, flicking their Stetson back from over their eyes, a habit he's noticed they do frequently.
"Not bad." He responds, knowing his gruff voice doesn't sound too friendly, though he does try. He likes (Y/n), a lot, and wants the friendship to work out properly, despite the fact he's already managed to develop feelings he thought he'd lost the ability to have for them.
As they grin back at him, he feels a small flare of fondness go through him as he recognises the youthfulness in the expression, a need to protect that near-innocence accompanying it.
"Good, good! What're you up to today? I see you managed to fix the wall up." They remark, gesturing to the patched panelling to his left, where a large hole had appeared in the wall.
"Just fixing the veranda here." He explains, using the hammer to show them what he means, "Yeah, I managed to finish the wall up at some point yesterday."
"Looks good. The wall and the veranda, that is. Is it gonna be a tough job?" They question, head tilting to the side curiously.
"Shouldn't be, but this heat ain't gonna help." John replies, rubbing a hand over his forehead.
They're quiet for a moment, seemingly considering something. Coming to a conclusion, they open their mouth to speak.
"Do you want any help? I'm quite handy with a hammer and nail." They offer, looking somewhat tentative.
Now it's John's turn to stay quiet, his dark eyes fixing the younger person in place as he regards them, thinking it over. 
"Some help would be nice, thanks." He finally concedes, going over to them to help with the horse, which he lets loose into the nearby field with his other.
The smile returns to its place on their face as they follow him back to the veranda, taking up the hammer he offers them, waiting for his instruction as they approach. 
"Just pull up the old boards for now and leave them over there." John instructs them, an odd sensation he hasn't felt in years swelling in his throat as they attentively watch him, following his every move with a look of pure admiration.
"Got it." They nod, moving to a corner to do as they're told, instantly crouching down by a loose plank. With a sharp movement, they jam the hook of the hammer underneath a loose edge, the wood creaking quietly as it is forced out of its original position, nails pulling from rotted beams with some ease. Under their T-shirt, John can see (Y/n)'s arms tensing with each jerk of the hammer, his throat feeling tight as he swallows, mentally reprimanding himself for the unbidden longing that springs to his mind.
Shaking his head, he gets down to work, the two now lapsing into a comfortable silence as they tear up the boards together. The going is faster than he thought it would be, both he and (Y/n) meeting somewhere in the middle of the frame after only an hour of working tirelessly, their brow now coated in a sheen of sweat, just as his is. Their arms are doused in a layer of dust and dirt, smears of grime adorning their forehead from where they've wiped their hand over the damp skin. John once again has to bite back his smile at the sight of the young rancher looking somewhat dishevelled after only an hour of work, the corners of his lips quirking up slightly.
"What? What is it?" (Y/n) interrupts his thoughts, their expression mildly concerned.
"Oh, err, you have a little dirt on your forehead." He clarifies, gesturing to the correlating spot on his own head.
"Oh, whoops." They laugh, lifting a hand to rub at the marks, only making them worse.
"You've made 'em bigger, now." John chuckles, unable to stop himself as he feels a smile cross his face at his friend's antics.
Noticing the change in mood for him, (Y/n) makes a point of wiping their hand more deliberately over the dirt, leaving long striping marks over their skin.
"Maybe that was the point." They grin back, striking a brief pose.
Laughing softly again, John rolls his eyes and shakes his head, the veteran starting to feel a lot more relaxed as (Y/n)'s cheerful demeanour rubs off on him.
"If you say so, Tiger." He comments, briefly moving to grab a nearby cloth that he had placed out exactly for the reason that it is now needed, "C'mere."
Ignoring the butterflies in their stomach from John's clearly more laid-back mood, (Y/n) steps closer to their friend, taking the proffered cloth from him. Wiping it over their forehead, they pull it away again after a moment, looking up to him for reassurance that they got it all.
"You missed a spot." He points out, amused.
Repeating their actions, they once again return their gaze to his, curious. He only shakes his head, taking the cloth from them. Without thinking about what he's doing, John leans in and presses it to their brow, gently rubbing away the stubborn mark, somehow managing to miss the way their eyes widen in surprise. They have to consciously hold themselves back as they go to follow his hand as it withdraws, having enjoyed the older man's touch much more than they should've.
"There, now you're all clean again." John murmurs, eyes flicking back down to theirs.
With a small smile, (Y/n) thanks him, ducking their head down to avoid letting him see the blush dusting their cheeks.
"How'd you wanna do this decking, then?" They ask him after a moment, looking to the pile of timber nearby.
"I'll show you what I had in mind." He says, leading them over to the wood, mentally cursing himself now for being so personal with them, unaware of their true reaction to his actions.
The day passes somewhat quickly, the two working tirelessly to get the veranda as complete as possible. As the time goes on, the sun only gets hotter, leaving them both drenched in sweat and dirt until around five, when the temperature finally starts to drop a little. Having only stopped briefly to eat some cookies that (Y/n) brought with them, the two find themselves incredibly hungry as they finally come to a halt, muscles aching under sun-warmed skin, in dire need of something to drink and a shower. Taking note of his friend's somewhat worse state, John finally stops, putting down his hammer as he pushes his slick hair from his face.
"We should call it a day, we've done enough for now." He says, watching as (Y/n) straightens and stretches before turning to face him, briefly revealing a strip of skin on their abdomen to him as their shirt rides up.
"Sounds good to me." They respond, sounding a little breathless as they crack their knuckles, flexing their wrists.
They seem to consider something, head tilting to the side as they pick their Stetson up from the step they left it on, having taken it off when it got too hot for them. A conflicted look crosses their face, before they seem to shake it off, as if steeling themself.
"Would you, err, would you like to come to mine for drinks?" They ask him, rubbing the back of their neck sheepishly, "You don't have to, I just think it might be, err, nice, seeing as I like your company, and we're both on our own. I have food, too, but you don't have to eat or anything…"
(Y/n)'s voice trails off at John's expression, the veteran somewhat surprised by the offer. 
"You like my company?" Is all he manages, eyebrows lifting.
"Yeah, I do!"
"But...why?" He asks, confused.
"Because you're always friendly, you don't mind listening to me, I hope, anyway. You're kind, caring, funny when you want to be, you're cool as hell and you're really smart, too! I feel safe when I'm around you." (Y/n) gushes, only to slow towards the end when they realise they've gone on a bit, face turning red, "Sorry."
"No, no, don't be." John says, stunned by the compliments, unused to receiving friendly comments like that.
"But yeah, I like your company, and I'd like if we could talk a bit more over drinks or something." His friend explains, looking hopeful.
The veteran finds himself rendered speechless for a long moment, his heart screaming at him to go to (Y/n)'s, to further their relationship, but his brain is telling him no, so he doesn't mess up what they've already got. Internally, he weighs up the options, regarding the younger rancher as they wait patiently for his response. Eventually, it's that that makes his decision for him, the older man knowing that his friend will always be patient with him.
"I'll take you up on the offer." He finally says, unable to help the small smile that creeps onto his face as a wide grin splits (Y/n)'s, their gaze lighting up in happiness. 
"You will? That's great! I'll go get stuff ready." They reply, body practically buzzing with excitement, only for them to glance back after a second, "Do you have a working shower, or do you wanna use mine? I don't mind if you do, I've got plenty of hot water."
"I don't wanna intrude that much…" 
"You're not, don't worry." They reassure him, smiling.
"Ok, then I'll take the shower, too. Mine isn't working so well yet." He agrees, glad that he can finally have a good clean in a working shower.
"Ok, that's fine. Let me just catch Leo, then we can go." They say, heading off to the field, where their horse is grazing idly, having spent the entire day alone as John's other horse was taken inside the stable due to the heat being bad for its underweight body.
"Alright, let me just get some clean clothes." John nods.
Ten minutes later, the two reconvene, starting off on the walk over to (Y/n)'s ranch, the horse trotting quietly beside them as they talk amongst themselves, discussing the animal in question. It doesn't take long for them to reach the main house, (Y/n) briefly tying Leo up outside, saying something about putting him away again in a moment.
"Welcome to my home. Sorry it's a bit messy." They chuckle, opening the door for the veteran, allowing him inside.
It is messy, but the small room looks cosy, the somewhat cramped space giving him a familiar sense of comfort.
"I like it." He compliments, gruff voice soft.
"Thanks." (Y/n) smiles fondly as they look over the area, "The shower's just through here. Take as long as you need, I'm just gonna put Leo away. Oh, and get yourself a glass of water or something if you want it."
"I will do, thanks." The veteran watches as his friend leaves the house again, before he moves off into the shower, choosing to clean himself first, so he can get his racing thoughts in order. 
It's been a long time since anyone showed him the kindness (Y/n) is now showing him, and it's started rubbing off on him, his feeling towards the young rancher steadily getting more and more affectionate. He admired them, their youthful vigour mixed with some past difficulties having combined to create a mature yet fun person, something that reminded him a little of himself when he first joined the Special Forces, all those years ago. They don't quite have the same innocence, but the optimistic view of the world and the people living in it have definitely started to chip away at the barriers around his heart, a defence he built up some time ago to prevent unnecessary pain, but he's not unhappy about it. He hopes they won't escalate, but he knows the friendship is helping him recover from decades of trauma.
Showering quickly but thoroughly, he changes into his clean clothes, before he goes back into the main room, where (Y/n) is waiting for him. Swapping with him, they smile as they go past, disappearing as he takes a seat on the sofa, enjoying the warmth of the room. It smells distinctly of his friend, and reassures him, settling the nerves racing through him. They only spike again when he hears (Y/n) come back into the room, his body tensing as he stands, unsure of what to do.
"You don't have to stand on my account." They chuckle, waving him back to the sofa as they go to the fridge and grab a couple of beers and some food, joining him and handing him a bottle.
Taking it, he waits for them to crack the cap off, taking a deep drink of it as he reaches for some food, the two of them simply eating at first, too hungry to talk much. The food doesn't last long, but it leaves them satiated, the beers soon replaced by more as they start to talk again, both much more relaxed now.
"Did your family always have the ranch?" He asks them, regarding his friend from his comfortable position on the sofa across from them, lidded eyes fixed on them.
"Yeah, it's been in the family as long as I can remember." (Y/n) replies, glancing around the lounge with a proud smile, "I've never left it."
"Really? Didn't you go to university?" John inquires, lifting an eyebrow in surprise.
"No, no. Never had time for it." They explain, biting their lip, "Always had the ranch to run."
John doesn't say anything, watching them closely as they seem to fade into their thoughts, clearly reliving a memory.
"My parents died the year before I was supposed to go. Left the ranch to me because my siblings left for New Orleans and some place in Kansas, so I had to forget about going to university." They reveal sadly, sipping their beer with a grim smile.
"I'm sorry." John says, frowning at the change in mood, having never really seen (Y/n) appear as dejected as they do now.
"Don't be, there was nothing anyone could've done. Besides, this has been the best thing that ever happened to me." They cast John a sideways glance, "I met you, after all."
Cocking his head to the side, John smiles gently, battling with the urges in his head.
"I'm sure your parents would be really proud of you." He murmurs, leaning over to clasp their shoulder lightly.
"Thank you, John." They smile back, their bottle forgotten now as they find their eyes fixed on his, getting themselves lost in their dark depths.
Somehow unable to pull back, John finds himself staring at (Y/n), his body sending him all kinds of urges, his hands practically itching to just wrap around their smaller body and-
Suddenly, a pair of lips are on his, tentatively pressing against them. What feels like electric shocks go through him at the unfamiliar touch, his eyes widening as he instinctively draws back, his body running on instinct, even as he instantly misses the sensation. Terrified eyes find his, horror etched into a face he's come to love and admire.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was doing, I fucked up, I'm so sorry!" (Y/n) instantly apologises, scrambling to pull out of his space, convinced they made things awkward, when John knows full well it was his own fault, "Please forgive me, John, please! I'm so sorry-"
"Don't apologise, (Y/n). You didn't do anything wrong. You just caught me by surprise, is all." John tries to reassure them, but they don't seem to hear it, only panicking more as they try to get up.
Knowing they won't listen to him now, John swallows, before he swiftly leans out, wrapping his hands around (Y/n)'s waist. They have split second to look surprised, until they find themselves being pulled onto the veteran's lap, lips connecting again.
This time, the touch is much more desperate, John pressing as close as he can, relishing in the contact as he feels his friend relax into his touch, melting against him as their hands slide round his neck into his hair, pulling his head closer. Groaning lowly, he uses his grip on their hips to press them flush together, kisses becoming more insistent as pleasure, relief and love fill him, his body feeling like it hasn't done in decades. He can feel them everywhere: their hands in his hair, their lips smoothing against his, their legs wrapping around his waist, their scent enveloping him as he kisses them. Under his palms, he can feel their muscles tensing and relaxing, the veteran hesitantly pushing his hands past the hem of their shirt to feel bare skin against bare skin, keeping them at their hips as they moan quietly. As the sound escapes them, their mouth opens slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue in, sliding in alongside theirs.
John presses closer, eventually pushing them back onto the sofa, (Y/n)'s body cradled underneath him as he continues to explore their mouth with his tongue. Breaking apart for air, they stare at each other, a familiar smile creeping onto their lips as they look up at him, love and adoration flooding their gaze. Gently, they card their fingers through his hair, taking one hand to trail their index finger along his cheek, tracing over the scar on his cheek, a fond look on their face.
"God, you have no idea how much I've dreamed about kissing you." They confess, voice quiet.
"You have?" He questions, his rough voice resonating through (Y/n) where their chests are touching.
"Yeah. I admire you so much, your bravery, your courage, your strength, both mentally and physically. You're too good to have been treated as poorly as you have been, and I've always wanted to show you that, but I never knew how." They murmur, cupping his face as he goes to look away, blushing, "It's true. You're a better person than I'll ever be, and you must've proved that hundreds of times. There's no one else I'd rather have as a friend, or even more than that if you'll have me."
Eyes wide, John doesn't know how to reply initially, his head spinning at what he's hearing, every fantasy he's ever had since he met his new friend suddenly flashing past his eyes in much higher clarity as he realises that they like him as much as he likes them - loves him as much as he loves them. 
Unsure of how else to respond, John dips his head back down and connects their lips again, pouring all of his unspoken words across connection, feeling euphoric as he once again relishes in the knowledge that they are actually there, and it's not his imagination. Kissing back, (Y/n) smiles into his lips, pressing closer.
After a moment, John pulls away again, looking over (Y/n)'s face one last time before he drops down beside them, pulling their smaller body into his. Instinctively, they curl into him, hand resting on his chest as their face presses into his neck, smiling contentedly. Wrapping his arm around their waist, John holds them close to him, burying his face in their hair as they both feel fatigue starting to envelope them, pulling them both into a comfortable sleep. Just as they go to drift off, John whispers to (Y/n).
"You don't admire me nearly as much as I admire you. I love you. So much." His voice is husky, lulling them sleep.
For the first time in years, John does not jolt awake halfway through the night, his sleep undisturbed by nightmares.
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