#i was a hard rock/heavy metal kid
Shout-out to ten or eleven year old me who never watched or listened to Jojo Siwa before but saw her face on a balloon and immediately decided she was her mortal enemy based on vibes alone. I'm so sorry we haven't fought her yet I'll let you loose on her one of these days
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jarofalicesgrunge · 2 years
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Layne Staley
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Good Vibrations Part One
Hello, it's me, back at it again with another Steddie AU.
Anyway, if I were tagging this AU, these would be the most important ones: Deaf Steve Harrington; Tooth-rotting Fluff; Getting Together
If you wanna be tagged in future parts, just let me know!
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Steve has blown through three pairs of hearing aids in the past year. The first pair had lasted a few years and needed replacement because of normal wear and tear. The second pair was sacrificed during that fight with Jonathan. He hadn't been wearing them, but they'd been in Steve's pocket, and he'd landed at just the right angle to feel them shatter. The third pair was taken by the Russians because, despite Robin's shouting and cursing at them for being dumbasses (and this was before she actually knew what they were for), they accused him of recording their kidnapping and torture.
Honestly, he wouldn't recommend fighting Russians and Billy and Mind Flayers and driving while nearly totally deaf.
The funniest part of it all, though, is that Steve doesn't even use hearing aids regularly. He normally only wears them at home. The pair lost to Jonathan were present because, well, that whole day had been a lot for Steve, and he needed the comfort of knowing he could stop reading lips the moment it became too exhausting for him. The pair lost to the Russians was because he'd been getting ready to tell Robin about being deaf. She'd already clocked the weird things he does (well, weird to her, normal to Steve), and he figured letting her in on the big secret would bring them a little closer.
Of course, that didn't go the way he expected. Robin thought he was confessing love and decided to beat him to the punch. That's how he learned Robin is a lesbian, and Steve couldn't let her be the only one admitting to something like that, so he told her about being bi and his long-standing, hopeless crush. And being deaf. But the bi with a crush thing seemed more important in the moment. She took it in stride, it brought them closer, and then Robin asked if Steve could teach her sign language.
Which meant that Steve had to learn sign language because he never had. Between not wanting to feel even more different than he already did and trying to convince his parents that, really, everything was fine and he didn't need to go to a special school for deaf and hard-of-hearing kids, he'd never learned. Learning it had somehow felt like an admission of weakness, and that was the last thing he wanted. But he learned for Robin, and they stumbled through sign language together, creating new signs only they knew.
But that's all in the past now, and Steve is working his ass off at Family Video to afford a new pair because he refuses to ask his parents for money. If he asks them, they'll come back, and that's the last thing he wants. They don't need to have all their worries confirmed that Steve is helpless, and he doesn't want them anywhere near Hawkins "Hellscape" Indiana.
So. Working his ass off, taking extra shifts, and babysitting the kids as much as he can to make up for the whole Friends and Family Discount he gives their parents. He's exhausted, but he gets to recharge somewhat during his lunch break.
About a ten-minute walk from the Family Video is a record store, which Steve has started visiting daily to just breathe. The lone worker in the store is usually too busy listening to her own music to pay Steve any attention, letting him wander and try to determine which records will best serve him.
Steve drifts over to the rock and heavy metal section, hoping to find a new album but unsurprised when he doesn't. He browses through them anyway, moving past Metallica and Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. He already has all of these albums on his shelf at home. He has the cassette tapes for them, too.
But he really wants something new. He likes the novelty of experiencing unfamiliar vibrations through the speaker, letting them thrum through his fingertips and into his bones. It's fun and relaxing, and after all the bullshit he's been through lately, he probably deserves something relaxing.
After glancing over a few more familiar albums, Steve sighs and glances at the counter by the door. The lone worker is standing there, headphones over her ears, and idly flipping through a magazine. She's chewing gum, and Steve braces himself for the sheer hell of trying to read her lips without making it obvious he's reading her lips while she's got something in her mouth to disrupt the normal shape of words and sounds.
But he has to try. Steve takes one more deep breath before walking over, shoving his hands into his pockets when he comes to a stop at the counter. The girl raises a hand, motioning for him to wait, so he stays quiet as she finishes reading her page. She flips to the next one before looking up, not making any move to pull her headphones off.
"Hi. Do you have any new rock or metal albums coming in soon," Steve asks, feeling the vibrations of speech in his throat and hoping his words aren't too loud.
They don't seem to be. The girl doesn't flinch or pull back. She just looks him up and down, taking in the polo shirt and the nice khakis and the Family Video vest he forgot to take off before leaving. Finally, her neck and shoulders jerk slightly, and Steve knows she's huffed in annoyance. "No," she says, the word clear enough in the shape of her lips for Steve to know it immediately.
He frowns slightly, his fingernails digging into his palms. Steve wouldn't mind just leaving now, but something keeps him there. He just...he really wants new music. He needs something new. "Are there gonna be any shows nearby?" he asks.
The girl rolls her eyes and says something, her mouth distorted by gum-chewing. Steve can barely make out the words "you" and "check" from her response. Thankfully, it's accompanied by a vague gesture at something behind him. Steve looks over his shoulder to see a bulletin board with flyers plastered across it.
"Right. Thanks," he says, nodding to her before walking over. The flyers are all different colors with various fonts that scream for Steve's attention. Some of them are for bands, some are advertisements of garage sales or instruments in need of a new home, and others are just business flyers from stores nearby.
He's seen the bulletin board before, but he's never actually paid attention to it. Steve has always been laser-focused on browsing the records. But now, Steve carefully reviews each flyer advertising shows. Some are for comedy shows, which he immediately dismisses. One seems promising, but then he sees how far it is, and Steve definitely can't do an overnight trip like that.
Finally, Steve sees a flyer advertising a show at the Hideout later that week. It's close enough that he won't be out overnight. The place is kind of seedy, but Steve figures he can find some corner near the stage to hide. Or he can bring Robin and let her help him navigate any potential social situations. He tugs the flyer off the board, gaze lingering on the "Corroded Coffin" emblazoned across the top.
He knows the band. Of course, he knows the band. He's extremely familiar with their singer. From a distance. Honestly, Eddie Munson probably doesn't have the best impression of him, but Steve's heart never really cared about that. Because Eddie is like everything Steve wants to be: he's loud and unafraid of being so, he doesn't care about his image and how others perceive him, and he looks like his laugh sounds beautiful. Steve wouldn't know if he's actually right about that last point, but Eddie throws his head back when he laughs, eyes crinkled and hand over his stomach like his muscles ache.
His mouth suddenly feels dry, but he's also filled with unprecedented courage. Steve has graduated (barely), and that means a significantly lower chance of running into Eddie during the day if watching the show somehow goes wrong.
Steve folds the flyer into quarters and stuffs it into his back pocket. He'll be overly aware of it being there until Robin starts her shift and he can show it to her, but that's okay. He throws a quick thanks over his shoulder as he leaves the shop, glancing up at the bell he can't hear that signals the door's opening. He vaguely remembers what bells are supposed to sound like (he'd heard a few before losing the ability to hear them), but he doesn't let himself dwell on it.
Instead, he focuses on the trip back to Family Video, keeping an eye on the road to watch for any cars he wouldn't notice otherwise.
When the final bell rings, Eddie Munson can't get out of class fast enough. He'd been packed for the last five minutes, and he slid out of his seat the moment that first peal rang out. He has a gig to prepare for, and every second counts. At least, each second counts until he notices something (or someone) that could prove entertaining for a while.
He spots Dustin alone near one of the exits, and Eddie decides to relieve the kid of his isolation. He waits until he's behind Dustin to shout, "Henderson!" and throw his arm over the kid's shoulders, ignoring the way he jumps like he'd been expecting an attack.
"Holy shit!" Dustin shrieks, jerking back to look up at Eddie. "Don't do that, man, you're gonna give me a heart attack."
Eddie snorts, waving away Dustin's concern as he continues toward the exit. The general flow of students trying to get out helps him along, and Dustin doesn't seem to realize they're actually moving until they've gotten into direct sunlight. "You're fine," Eddie says, "Anyway, whatcha doing all alone, Henderson? Lose your way?"
"No, I have...stuff to do today," Dustin says, shrugging as he blinks to acclimate to the sunlight.
Oh, yeah, way too cryptic for Eddie to not dig for more. "Stuff? What kinda stuff? Got a hot date? Going shopping with your mom?" he asks, and then he gasps dramatically and moves to stand in Dustin's way. He puts both hands on his shoulders and very seriously says, "Be honest, Henderson, you're seeing another DM, aren't you?"
Dustin stares at him for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and shrugging his hands off. "Who else in this town DMs?" he asks, "Other than Will, I guess, but he's still working on a campaign."
"Fair," Eddie concedes, "so, whatcha really doing?"
After a few seconds of getting nudged by the students around them, Dustin sighs and says, "I have chores, okay? But that doesn't sound cool to say, does it?"
Fair. Eddie nods in agreement and moves out of Dustin's way, continuing to follow him. "So, what, your mom picking you up today?" he asks.
"No, Steve."
"Oh, the famous Steve."
Dustin nods, looking over the parking lot before pointing to one end. "Yeah, he's awesome," Dustin says as Eddie follows the direction of his finger.
And standing there, leaning against the hood of his car and looking to the side where a group of trees is swaying in the breeze, is Steve Harrington. Steve "The Hair" Harrington. King Steve. The worst thing, Eddie thinks, is that Steve looks good. His hair is still perfect, of course, and his stupid little striped shirt is pulling against his biceps and riding up just enough for Eddie to see a tiny sliver of tanned skin above his jeans. He looks a little tense, but Eddie chalks that up to him being back on the campus after already graduating.
"Harrington? You've been talking about Steve Harrington this whole time?" Eddie asks, his voice a little strained, "How the fuck do you know Steve Harrington?"
"He's my babysitter," Dustin says, his voice implying that much should have been obvious, but Eddie wants to grab his shoulders and shake until his head rolls off.
Steve Harrington doesn't babysit. He doesn't know nerds that talk about D&D. He doesn't drive nerds around. At least, he never did in high school. Granted, Eddie never actually talked to Steve, but everybody knew that Steve Harrington was too cool for, well, anything that wasn't the typical jock and popular guy shit.
As he's thinking about the last time he saw Steve Harrington (in the halls, while the guy had bruises and looked worse for wear), they get within shouting distance. And Eddie has zero impulse control when Wayne isn't around, so he doesn't think before shouting, "Hey, Harrington!"
Next to him, Dustin whips his head to glare at Eddie. And Steve Harrington doesn't fucking react. He just keeps staring at that group of trees like it's the most fascinating thing in the world. "Dude," Dustin says, grabbing Eddie's arm and yanking harshly, "don't shout like that."
Eddie frowns, anger beginning to simmer in his stomach at the complete lack of acknowledgment. "Why are you upset with me?" he asks, gesturing at Steve as he continues, "I'm not the one being a douchebag here."
Dustin opens his mouth, about to say something, only to snap it shut once more. He frowns like he's just realized he can't say something, and huffs with frustration. "Just...just don't do that," he finally says, keeping a hand on Eddie's arm and dragging him across the parking lot. And, yeah, something is definitely weird here.
Instead of just walking up to Steve, they make a large arch until they're within Steve's line of sight.
Eddie watches as Steve notices them, seeing Dustin first and pushing off the car. He relaxes for a split second until he sees Eddie and his shoulders tense again.
Once they're close enough for Eddie to count the moles above the collar of Steve's shirt, Dustin grins and says, "Hey, Steve." But it's odd, because Eddie has never heard Dustin talk this slow or this carefully, like he's doing his best to enunciate his words.
Steve flashes a grin and ruffles Dustin's hair. "Hey, twerp, you're late," he says. He then glances at Eddie, his grin becoming a little smaller, and says, "Hey, Munson."
Wait. Steve Harrington knows Eddie's name? And he called him by it? He said Munson, not Freak. Eddie stares at Steve for a few seconds before nodding. "Harrington," he says, "how the fuck did you become a babysitter?"
Is he just imagining things, or is Steve looking at his mouth? Like, really intensely. He's definitely not, because Steve looks up after a few seconds with a raised eyebrow. "I needed some extra cash. Also, don't swear around Dustin. I'm the one who gets in trouble when he curses in front of his mom."
Something about the words makes Eddie grin. Never in a million years would he have guessed that he'd be talking to Steve Harrington. And he would have laughed you into Mordor itself if you suggested their conversation would be about Dustin Henderson swearing in front of his mother. "What's his mom do when he swears?" he asks.
Because he can feel the conversation veering into something potentially embarrassing for him, Dustin lets go of Eddie and starts pushing Steve toward the driver's side of his car. "Okay, we gotta go. So many chores, so little time," he says, his voice back to that normal speed and enunciation.
Steve frowns slightly, looking down at Dustin and tilting his head just slightly. "What?" he asks. Instead of actually answering, Dustin just makes some vague gesture with his hand and looks at the car. "Oh, right. Go ahead and get in the car. And, uh, see you later, Munson."
"Is that a promise?" Eddie asks before he can think better of it.
Steve pauses, looking at Eddie's mouth with a slight scrunch to his nose. He seems to be considering something as Dustin scrambles into the passenger seat, watching them with narrowed eyes. Honestly, Eddie is surprised he's not blasting the horn to hurry Steve up. Finally, Steve comes to a decision and meets Eddie's eyes again. "Your band has a show tonight, right? At the Hideout? I was planning to go. So, yeah, I'll see you then, I guess."
And with that, like he hasn't just fucking rocked Eddie's world, Steve Harrington gets into his car. He makes sure Dustin is buckled before waving at Eddie and pulling out of the parking spot.
Eddie finds himself waving back, staring dumbly at the car as it pulls onto the street. It only hits him a few seconds later that Steve Harrington is coming to his show. At the Hideout. His metal show. A Corroded Coffin gig at the Hideout.
Holy. Shit.
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orcelito · 2 years
sometimes i get tired of having to play either pop or chill cafe music bc of where i work. i wish i could play head banging music. 
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
"Acid, salt, fat, and heat" has me fighting for my life! I was just minding my business at my local laundromat & then bam! I see you've dropped a new story for me to read! Kid & Killer have me weak in the knees! I'm just trying to fold my laundry but it's hard with all these impure thoughts!
Oh nooooooo. Not a laundromat where anyone could just walk in! It would be such a shame if:
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Warnings: Eustass Kid x afab!reader x Massacre Soldier Killer, MDNI, NSFW, 18+, smut, public sex, cream pie, praise.
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In the middle of folding a large shirt you stole borrowed from Killer, Eustass Kid presses your shoulders down with his large metal hand to lie flat on your stomach over the cool benchtop. Face lying flush against that large blue shirt, your pants are pushed down to your knees by Kid's right flesh-hand.
"Kid-... Anyone could walk in-!" you attempt to relay, halting as his flesh hand cards between your glistening folds and gently rolls your clit in between his fingers. Letting out a soft whimper, you couldn't help but buck into his palm while he toys with your pussy.
"Relax, kitten," he whispers, removing his hand from your pussy and igniting the electric magnetism of his devil fruit abilities, "Lemme fuck you. I promise it'll feel good, 'kay?" His belt buckle flickered off and shot across the room, his pants pooling at his ankles. His cock slaps against his abdomen, already built up from the way your hands expertly creased and piled the assortment of clothes in front of you.
Drawing his hand to his shaft, he runs the blunt tip over your needy slit, coating his tip in your arousal. He released a clench-jawed moan, sinking the angry red tip into your cunt with one soft rock of his hips. Allowing time first for you to adjust to the stretch, he slowly begins bucking into you in a regulated rhythm.
Just as you felt the call of your body erupting alongside Kid, the door to the laundromat swung wide. The looming form of Massacre Soldier Killer entered the space with heavy foot falls of his military boots. Your body tensed up, your walls constricting around Kid's fat cock and causing him to let out a hiss-like groan.
"Starting without me, are you, Cap'n?" Killer asked, the arch in his brow tangibly felt in the deep baritone of his husky voice. Sauntering over to you both, he draws himself over to the opposite side of the benchtop and takes your chin in his hand. While trapped beneath Kid's metal arm, you try to move your head up, your throat pressing against the plush material of Killer's clean shirt.
"Go on then, little one," Killer coos at you, caressing your chin with his thumb, "Cum on my Captain's cock. I wanna watch you unravel and drool on that shirt you think I didn't notice you stole." Letting out a soft little squeak, you felt Eustass Kid pick up the pace and hit his blunt tip against your g-spot with expert precision.
"That's our good little Straw Hat," Kid praised you with a proud smirk plastered over his painted lips, "Do as your told and cum on my cock."
Your body rocked and ass rippled against every hard buck from the man behind you, your face now being cradled in Killer's large hands. Biting your lip to halt your more needy whines from falling from your lips, your walls began to flutter around Kid's girth and clench against his velvety cock.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck-!" Kid sobbed, dropping his head into your shoulders and slapping his balls against your puffy clit, "Fuck, I'm cumming!" The feral and unhinged clap of Kid's pelvis meeting your ass contrasted the soft tenderness of Killer's hands caressing your face. The gentle soothing on your skin mixed with Kid's cock massaging your pussy with each hard thrust had you seeing stars.
"A-Ahh f-fu-uck-!" you cry out, lighting flashing in your mind's eye and igniting the flames of ecstasy in your belly. Contracting around Kid's cock, you milked him of his release and had the pearlescent backsplash meet with your cervix. Pulling out his drooling cock, his cum trickled down your leg while attached to his twitching tip.
"That's our Straw Hat," Killer praised you, giving your nose a gentle tap, "Now be a good little thing, and put my shirt on and wear it out. I want to know who you belong to while my captain's cum leaks out of that pretty pussy."
I'm glad you enjoyed Acid, Salt, Fat and Heat! I love those two together and separately.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
- Mini astrology obs. 17 🕯️
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- I have noticed that Pisces sun women look like cats
- Capricorn are the most complex sign-
- how the air signs + Sagittarius can make so easily friends? I need ur secrets
- the sexiest thing to have on a natal chart as a man is Scorpio mars or earth mars.
- you want to make a Gemini man be interested in you? Be very unique,funny and quick minded.
- fire signs as fathers are more kids than the kids (adorable unless they are immature)
- Sagittarius men and women tend to like problematic toxic people.
- I have noticed that the most singers of hard rock or heavy metal are earth signs
- I have also noticed that people who tend to have the same circle placements are also very compatible .
Example: if they are Pisces Venus and you are a Sagittarius Venus or if they are Aries mars and you are libra mars
- speaking of compatibility of any kind moon signs of the same element understand each other or express emotionally the same way, no matter if u are friends or lovers or even family members.
-why water signs love horror genre?
- having Capricorn sun and Aquarius mercury makes someone extremely smart and quick minded. Don’t even try them in a debate they will win. Also they know everything…they remind me of Jimmy Neutron 
Thank you for reading 🕯️
Im sorry it took me that long to upload but I wasn’t feeling it and also I was busy with my life. Now that I’m a little bit more free I can write more often 🫶🏻
Stay healthy and happy🫶🏻
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redroomreflections · 2 months
Hotel California | Track 3: Metal Voices
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha Romanoff, frontwoman of the punk rock band Velvet Rebellion, falls hard for a woman she believes is too good for her. Their intense relationship unfolds in the chaotic world of rock 'n' roll, where they struggle to balance fame, personal demons, and their undeniable passion for each other.
W/c: 5.8k
Chapter 3/12
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Note: I can't tell if y'all are rocking with this one or not but Imma keep uploading.
Themes: love, fame, sex, drugs
You lay soundly asleep, nestled in your warm cocoon of blankets, the soft comfort of slumber wrapping around you like a cozy embrace. Your fatigue from a long week had finally caught up with you, and your dreams were painted with peaceful serenity.
But then, as if summoned by a mischievous fairy, you felt tiny hands tapping your arm. The gentle, persistent taps grew stronger until they became an undeniable summons from the waking world. Reluctantly, you stirred, your eyelids heavy with the remnants of sleep.
As you blinked yourself into awareness, you found yourself face to face with Isabella who was looking down at you in annoyance. You mumbled groggily, "Too early, Isabella, go back to bed."
Isabella, not one to give in easily, shook her head. "Mama, it's not early. It's noon! I’m going to be late for Lenny’s skate party!"
You blinked in disbelief at the time, grabbed your phone from the nightstand to find the truth, and then threw yourself back into the pillows with a groan." Noon already?” You rubbed a hand over your face. 
Isabella's tone turned stern as she scolded, "Sleeping in until noon is unacceptable, Mama. You promised you'd help me get ready for the party."
You couldn't help but smile at your daughter's seriousness, and you felt a rush of gratitude for having such a responsible child. You glanced at the nightstand and saw a glass of water and aspirin neatly arranged, a thoughtful gesture from Isabella.
You reached for the water and aspirin, whispering your thanks, and then turned to Isabella with a mischievous grin. "You know, being a mom is hard work. Sometimes, moms need a little extra sleep to keep up with their super responsible daughters."
Isabella rolled her eyes, giving you a playful but loving look of disbelief. "It’s hard being the boss.” She shook her head. She crawled into bed beside you and leaned into your side. Her cheek pressed against yours. It was often she practically wanted to live in your skin. 
The feeling was mutual.
"You can be the boss later, sweetheart. But right now, can you just let Mama get her bearings and drink this water?"
Isabella sighed. "I bet North West doesn't have to deal with this."
You chuckled, kissing Isabella's hair. "No, I'm sure she doesn't. But you know what? I'd trade a hundred Kardashian daughters for my one."
Isabella's lips curled into a pleased smile and she snuggled deeper into your side.
"Grandma told me a lot of things last night," She began.
"Like what? You were supposed to be sleeping when I left you," You downed your water and aspirin.
"She let me watch Wendy Williams reruns," She smirked.
"I don't believe it," You narrowed your eyes. "Did you steal her phone?"
"Maybe," She shrugged. "Anyway, I saw you when you were a kid. Well, a teenager I guess. Before you had me. Wendy kept saying how getting pregnant was a disaster and how everything was going to change and that you were throwing your career away."
You sighed, "Sweetheart..." Setting your cup of water down. You certainly didn't think you would be talking about this. “I wouldn’t even call it a career.” 
"I'm not offended, actually," Isabella stopped you. "I kind of think it's true. You don't sing much anymore. Only to me and in the shower."
"Do you want me to sing more?" You asked, slightly concerned.
"I just don't understand why you're not a star." Isabella sat up. "You could be bigger than Beyonce'."
"Well, I couldn't sing onstage when you were growing inside my belly," You chuckled, running your hands over her hair. "Also, bigger than Beyonce is a stretch but I'm glad you're as delusional as me."
"And you stopped after you had me, didn't you?" She looked at you with big curious eyes. "You didn't even try?"
"No," You answered, not really wanting to discuss your past.
"Why?" She tilted her head. "You're really good, Mama. Grandad could definitely get some things set up for you. Or I know. Natasha from the band. You two are dating now right?"
You shook your head. "We're just friends, Isabella. It's not like that. We're not serious. Plus, she has her own thing going on right now."
"Well, then why not do something with the band?" She suggested, clearly not taking no for an answer.
"I don't feel comfortable about that, Isabella," You said. "I have you to think about. I like my life right now as it is. I like my job."
"But I've got to have a rockstar mother, Mama!" Isabella threw herself back into the pillows. "It's embarrassing enough that my best friend's mother is a pop princess, but now my own mother isn't even a musician?"
"Well, my cushy job provided you with this house and all of your gymnastics gear, musician or not," You poked at her. "I'm going to tell my mom we need to put passcodes on every single electronic in the house. You get too many ideas."
"It's true," Isabella pouted.
"Isabella, if you love me, you'll accept that I'm not a performer. I'm a boring, everyday working mom. That's the only thing that's true about what Wendy said."
Isabella sat up. "But Mama, don't you ever feel like there's a part of you missing?"
You thought for a moment. "No. I'm perfectly complete. I have the best daughter I could ever ask for."
"You haven't been with anyone in years," She pointed out. "Your cookies are going to be all dried up."
"Do you even have any idea what that means?" You raised a brow. God, you weren’t ready for that talk yet. 
"No, I heard Aunt Monica say it," She said innocently.
"That woman has so many issues," You said, shaking your head. "Now, do you want to keep talking about my life or do you want to go and live yours and go to the skate party?"
"Okay," She said, getting up and stretching. "Just think about it, Mama."
"I will," You lied. "Now go get dressed and we'll get your hair done."
"Thanks, Mama." She kissed your cheek before leaving the room.
You took a deep breath, your mind swimming with the thoughts of the past. You couldn't deny that sometimes, there were moments where you missed it all. Then you remember that you're content. You enjoy your schedule. You like being home every day in time for dinner with Isabella.
Her question was valid. You hadn't been in a committed relationship since Sam, her father. That entire breakup had ruined you, even if you did end it on amicable terms. The thought of being with anyone else wasn't exactly appealing. You liked to focus on your daughter and work. Though that kiss with Natasha last night was something. It's a spur-of-the-moment thing if you will. A great end to the night. She's a rockstar. No way she had time for you.
But if she did, would you let her?
You shook the thoughts away and got up, getting ready for the day.
“I’ll have bacon, eggs, and a side of toast,” Steve ordered from the cafe waitress. Across from him, Natasha stirred her coffee absentmindedly, staring out of the diner window. 
“Had a good night?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow as he leaned back in his chair. 
Natasha smirked memories of her kiss with you flashing in her mind. “Yeah, you could say that. You?”
Steve chuckled. “Nothing too wild. I just crashed after the party. Where did you duck off to?”
Natasha took a sip of her coffee before answering, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Y/n and I decided to go and talk. We ended up at a little restaurant a few blocks down," She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Mhm," Steve hummed, unconvinced. "Just talked?"
"Just talked," Natasha rolled her eyes. "Why do you guys all think I'm some sort of womanizer?"
"Because you are," Steve laughed, and Natasha couldn't help but laugh along with him.
"Yeah, okay, fair point," She conceded. "But we did just talk. I like her. She's cool,"
Steve raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile on his face. "I can tell. Do you think it's going to be something? So soon after Carol?"
"Who knows," Natasha shrugged. "But it was nice to feel that connection again."
Steve nodded a small smile on his lips. "That's good. You deserve someone who makes you feel like that,"
Natasha's expression softened her usual mask of bravado. "She's Nick Fury's daughter. You know the music mogul dude."
"Wow, she's way out of your league then," Steve chuckled.
"Shut up," Natasha laughed, kicking him playfully under the table.
"Maybe you could slide her dad one of our tapes," He suggested.
"No, it's not like that," Natasha shook her head. "I'm not trying to get with her for that. I like her."
"I know, Nat," Steve said. "But you can't blame me for trying."
"You're an idiot, Rogers," Natasha laughed.
"A lovable one, though," Steve grinned, his eyes twinkling. “Speaking of management.” 
Natasha sighed, already anticipating the conversation. “The label thing again?”
Steve nodded, pausing only for the waitress to set down their finished meals. “Tony’s been pushing for it. He thinks it’s our ticket to the big leagues. And Wanda’s on board too. But it’s more than that, Nat. We need better management. The gigs, the travel, it’s all starting to take a toll.”
Natasha leaned back, running a hand through her hair. “I get that, but signing with a label? We’ll lose control, Steve. They’ll want to shape us, change our sound. We’ve always been about doing things our way.”
“I know,” Steve said gently. “But think about the opportunities. Better venues, more exposure. We could reach so many more people.”
Natasha frowned, the conflict evident in her eyes. “It’s just... I’m not sure I want to deal with all that corporate bullshit. I want our music to stay pure, you know?”
Steve nodded, giving her an encouraging smile. “I understand. But we don't have to decide anything right away. Just think about it, okay? For the band."
Natasha took a bite of her eggs, chewing thoughtfully. "Okay, I'll think about it," She said finally.
The two continued their breakfast in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts.
Natasha took a long swig of her coffee. "I know you're right, and I don't want to lose the band over my stubbornness. I'll think about it, but for now, we've got a gig to prepare for. Are you in?"
Steve smiled and extended his fist, which Natasha bumped with her own. "Always."
As the day passed, Natasha couldn't shake the thought of her kiss with you. She knew it was silly, but she couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach whenever she thought about you. 
You stood by the edge of the rink, watching Isabella glide across the wooden floor with Lenny. The kids were laughing, carefree and happy. You smiled, feeling a warmth in your chest as you watched the friends bond over their time together.
Isabella looked up, waving excitedly at you.
"Look, Mama! Lenny and I are gonna skate backward!" She exclaimed, and you held a thumbs up in response. "I've watched so many Tiktoks about this."
"Go get 'em, kiddo," You chuckled.
Isabella stood before you, holding her hands out to keep her balance, as she used the muscles in her legs to push her backward. She looked so cute and you snapped a photo.
"Look at my baby, all grown up and skating," You smiled, watching her.
"That's my favorite grandbaby," Your mother came up behind you, and you wrapped your arm around her shoulders.
"Your only grandbaby," You reminded her. She waved you off with a laugh. "I'm glad you could make it here with us. How's dad?"
"Busy," Your mother said. "As always."
"Where in the world is he now? Bali?" You asked. "I tried calling him this morning but his phone went straight to voicemail. " Having a music mogul father had its ups and downs. His being unavailable when you wanted to talk randomly was one of them.
"He's in London," She informed you. "He's setting something up for some young girl from the X-Factor. He's also in talks about a possible Broadway production."
"Ah, so he's not tired yet," You sighed. "I told that man he needs to sit down. Come and enjoy being a grandparent." You shook your head fondly.
"You know your father. He's not going to stop until he's six feet under."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," You laughed, glancing over at her. "Oh, before I forget. Isabella saw some things last night."
"On the internet," You clarified.
"Oh," She frowned. "I fell asleep shortly after you left."
"Yeah, apparently, Isabella saw some clips of my past and was asking me questions," You said, rubbing the back of your neck. "She seems to have this fantasy of me becoming a famous singer."
"Well, I don't blame her," Your mother shrugs. "Girl knows her stuff. Gets that from Nick."
"You still miss him," You stated, observing her.
"Of course, I do," She smiled softly. "Your father's been great, but he's not him."
"Yeah," You nodded. "You know you could catch an airplane to him. London's not that far away."
"Oh, he's so busy and-"
"Mom, seriously, go see him," You looked at her.
"You have a point," She conceded. "But what about you and Isabella? Plus, I hate long flights. "
"We'll be fine, " You assure her. "Besides, I think Dad would love an overseas booty call from his wife."
"What? It's true!"
Your mother shakes her head, a smile playing on her lips.
"You are just as bad as your father."
"You still love him, right?" You asked, wanting to know if it was just nostalgia or actual love. Your parents had a complicated relationship. No there was never any grounds for divorce. It was always this thing where they were solely dedicated to each other and then somehow business got in the way. She's a dance instructor and owner of one of the best dance schools in the Los Angeles area rivaling Debbie Allen's Dance Academy.
"Of course, I do," Your mother said, her face lighting up at the mere mention of your dad. "We are just so busy. It was easy to put our marriage aside."
"At least you have a marriage to put to the side," You shrugged, leaning against the railing.
"Is this about that Natasha girl?"
"What how do you know about her?" You asked incredulously.
"Isabella told me this morning at breakfast," She shrugged.
"How long was I asleep?" You frown.
"Long enough for me and my granddaughter to have a nice, long chat."
"About?" You asked.
"Everything," She said. "Including your dating life. She's right you know."
"How?" You asked, turning to her.
"You deserve someone, Y/N," She said, reaching out and holding your hand.
"I have Isabella," You remind her.
"I'm not saying you don't," She replied. "But there are things a partner does that a 9-year-old can't give you."
"Oh, gross, mom," You pulled a face.
"Not sex, Y/N," She smacked your arm. "Affection. Companionship. Someone to share the good and the bad with."
"I had that with Sam and look where that got me?" You subtly pointed to Isabella.
"You were younger with Sam," She raises a brow. "Both of you were just teens."
"Yeah and I had to give everything up for my daughter," You sighed.
"But look at her," Your mother squeezed your hand. "She's amazing."
"She is," You said, looking at her. "This thing with Natasha isn't even a thing. We kissed one time and that was it. We've barely known each other for a month. We've talked even less."
"Well, it seems like Isabella wants to change that."
"She wants to change a lot of things," You chuckle. "Mom, when I'm ready to get back in the saddle you will be the first to know. Right now I'm just enjoying my freedom. I only got divorced four years ago."
"I understand," Your mother nodded.
"Good," You said.
"Mama! Did you see my new trick?!" Isabella's voice rang throughout the skating rink as she skated towards you. She bumped into the railing with a thud before looking up at you.
"I sure did, Bella!" You cheered, helping her off the floor. "You and Lenny have been practicing."
"Well, she's better than me, but I'll get there." She said.
"You'll get there," You assured her.
"Do you think the gift I got Lenny is cool?" Isabella asked suddenly.
"Well, I hope so, you were the one that picked it out," You said, ruffling her hair.
"Okay, if you're sure," Isabella nodded. "Can I eat ice cream at this party?"
"Wait a minute," You tried to hide your grin. "I thought you were vegan. What happened to save the animals?" Isabella had been vegan for all of a month before today. What you had to give it to her was impressive.
"Saving the animals is still my passion," Isabella agreed. "But I have come to terms with the fact that I am a growing girl."
"Are you sure that's it?" You raised a brow.
"Okay, okay," Isabella rolled her eyes. "It's because Lenny is eating ice cream and she said it's really good and I want to try it."
"I thought so," You smirked.
"Will you please let me, Mama, please?" She gave you her signature pout.
"We'll see," You said.
"If Lenny can have some then so can you," You compromised.
"Denying the girl sugar?" Your mother chimed in. "I knew raising you in LA was a bad idea."
"I've never denied her sugar," You shook your head. "I did fine being raised in LA. Wrong kid remember." You said referring to your brother and sister.
"I suppose you did," She said.
"Isabella, let's go find Lenny and give her the gift."
"Okay!" She said, taking your hand and dragging you off.
The party was still in full swing by the time you had tapped out. You opted to allow Isabella to continue on with the festivities while you sat alone in a booth. You hadn't truly checked your phone all day so you thought this was an appropriate time. Opening Instagram, you can briefly see the onslaught of new comments and followers on your dashboard. You decided to click on the post and instantly groaned. There on TMZ's feed was you, sitting dangerously close to Natasha in Heatwave last night as she whispered into your ear. Then another of you leaving the club. You had thought taking the back exit was a smart move.
The caption read: Lead Singer of Punk Rock band bags Hollywood Royalty. New relationship brewing? Check out these hot pictures as the couple cozies up to each other at Heatwave LA.
You rolled your eyes and clicked the home button, seeing that you had a few missed calls and a text from Monica.
Monica: Hey, babe. Are you alive?
You: Yes, just exhausted. 
Monica: Good. I have an update on your situation.
You: Situation? What's up?
Monica: Well, the photos from last night are out.
You: I can see that.
Monica: And to my surprise, I didn't get a phone call or message from you with the details. Am I not your best friend?
You sighed at Monica's dramatics before pressing the call button under her name. The Facetime ringing doesn't last for a second before she's picked up the phone.
"You're an asshole," Is the first thing she says.
"Good to see you too," You rolled your eyes. "Is it really that serious?"
"Yes!" She said. "This is a big deal."
"What do you mean?" You frowned.
"Well, first, it's Natasha fucking Romanoff."
"Yeah and?"
"She's a rockstar."
"I've gathered that," You deadpanned.
"Okay, I mean, have you seen her social media? It's insane. She has like 30 million followers and they're all thirst traps."
"I'm just saying," Monica threw her hands up in defense.
You shuffle between screens with a swipe of your thumb, tapping frantically into the search bar, until Natasha's profile comes into view. Her bio reads: 'Lover, not a fighter'.
Your heart skips a beat at the sight of her latest post. The picture is of her lying in bed, the sheets barely covering her bare breasts with a black songbook next to her. Okay, it's a thirst trap but a tasteful one. You continue down her feed to investigate. Most of her photos are similar. Some include her bandmates, and others include her posing with fans. She does seem to be very active.
"So you can see why I'm surprised you haven't mentioned anything," Monica continues.
"Nope," You reply. "She seems fine. Those pictures will blow over and people will find something else to talk about."
"I'm not done, Y/N."
"Oh, shit," You cringed. "There's more?"
"Yes," She nods. "Your name is trending on Twitter."
"My name hasn't trended on Twitter since..." You try to think.
"That time you were drunk and tweeted that Beyonce' was going to be your new girlfriend and you were going to steal her from Jay-Z."
"That was a dark time," You sighed. "Possible though. I have confidence in myself."
"Sure," Monica laughs. "Anyway, I have screenshots of a few things people are saying."
"Go ahead," You gesture with your hand. You cringe. You tap to follow Natasha's profile. Knowing this probably won't abate the rumors at all.
"Well, this one," Monica begins.
You’re not really listening as you get a notification that Natasha followed you back.
"Is interesting."
@Blackwidowfanpage: Who is this girl? She looks like a basic bitch. #Blackwidowdeservesbetter
"Ouch," You cringed.
"You see my point?" Monica says. "And another reads..."
@heatwaveslut1: Whoever this chick is, I hope she's prepared to take care of Widow's children. I'll help her out.
"Widow's children?" You questioned. "What's with the widow nickname?"
"Well, it's pretty clear she's a Spider fan," Monica snickered. "I'm guessing it's her little nickname."
"She doesn't seem like a spider kind of girl," You said.
"Besides the point," Monica huffed. "Her fangirlies are rabid. They probably eat people alive."
"I'm sure I can handle people on the internet," You roll your eyes. "It's what I do for a living. Nothing is going on between us. Yet or at all."
"Yet," Monica emphasized. "Look, you haven't been with anyone in so long. Take the chance."
"I don't know," You bite your lip. "Dating someone with status isn't my thing. Especially someone so new."
"Just keep your options open," She suggested.
"Okay, okay, I will."
"So, did you guys...ya know?"
"No, we didn't you know," You shook your head. "I'm not that easy."
"Right," Monica smirked. "And how did it feel?"
"Good," You sighed. "Great even. We only kissed."
"Kissed or made out?"
"What's the difference?"
"Oh, honey," Monica sighed. "There is a huge difference. How did it really feel?"
"Uh," You tried to think back to the moment. "Soft, warm. I liked it."
"I bet you did."
"Shut up," You laughed.
"Look, I have to go, but just know I'm rooting for you," She winked. "I almost want those sexy red locks for myself."
"Okay," You shook your head. "Go get them. I'll see you at work."
The call disconnects and you sigh, looking at your home screen once again. You decide it's now or never. You navigate to Natasha's name on the screen. You are instantly met with her face, and you can tell she's caught off guard.
"Hey," You said.
"Uh, hey, hi, hello," She replied.
"Are you busy?" You ask, not wanting to interrupt.
"Not at all," She shakes her head. "I just got home from rehearsals. We have a gig coming up soon in New York."
"Oh, exciting," You nodded. "How is the music writing going?"
"Well, I'm actually in the middle of something right now," She said.
"Oh, sorry, I'll leave you to"
"Wait," Natasha interrupted. "Would you mind talking to me while I write?"
"Yeah, I would like that," You nod. Natasha props up her phone against a pile of pillows, stretching to grab her guitar. It's then you see the casual, yet sexy outfit she changed into. You shouldn't be so turned on by something so simple.
"Are you ready?" She asks, bringing your attention back to the task at hand.
"Of course," You nodded, turning your phone onto its side. "Lay it on me."
Natasha strums her guitar for a moment, playing a few chords.
"That sounds beautiful," You say when she's done.
"Still needs some work," She grins. "So, are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?"
"Uh, the kiss?" You questioned, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Yup," Natasha nods, leaning forward to adjust her camera. Your eyes follow the strap or her tanktop as it falls off of her shoulder exposing more of her smooth skin. Natasha doesn’t bother adjusting it though you don’t know if it’s for her benefit or yours. 
"Well, what's there to talk about?"
"How it felt," She replied.
"Well, how did it feel for you?"
"Pretty great," She smiled. "But, I asked you first."
"Natasha," You said, rolling your eyes.
"Y/N," She mimics.
"Okay, okay, fine," You huffed. "I guess, I had fun. It was nice."
"Not just a kiss?"
"I wouldn't call it that."
"Okay, good," She smiled. "Because I wouldn't want you to think I was using you. That's not my intention at all."
"I'm glad to hear that," You said. "What are your intentions?"
"I'm not really sure," She replied.
"I don't blame you. Neither am I."
"That's why I like you, Y/N," Natasha's lips curved up in a smile. "You're honest and straightforward. Not lost in the superstardom of it all."
"Oh, no, I'm lost," You waved your hand around. "I just hide it well."
"You can't hide from me," She teased.
"Oh, yeah," You raised a brow. "I don't think I want to."
"I don't want you to," She admitted. "I know this isn't the most ideal way to start things but it's kind of exciting. Don't you think?"
"Very," You nod. "Though I think we had a pretty organic meeting. A nightmare sweet sixteen doesn't scream love story to you?"
"Oh, it does," She assured you. "But I'm not so sure I would've met you if that wasn't the case."
"We could have," You shrugged.
"I think I would've been too afraid to approach a stranger," She replied.
"You? Afraid? You don't seem to have a nervous bone in your body?"
"Everyone has something they're afraid of," She said.
"Like the ocean?"
"The ocean," She confirmed. "And flying."
"It's a whole thing," She sighed. "So, are you going to let me see you again? Or are we keeping things virtual?"
"Uh, well, I would love to see you again," You said. "But I have Isabella this week. Between her extracurriculars and my work."
"I completely understand," Natasha assured you.
"I want to see you," You said definitively. "I can move a few things around."
"Well, don't put yourself out," Natasha shook her head. "You can take your time."
"How about next weekend?"
"Next weekend sounds perfect," Natasha smiled. "I have a gig Friday night but we can hang out after."
"Sounds great," You grinned.
"Perfect," Natasha replied. "Well, I've been sitting here for a while. My legs are killing me."
"Sorry, I've kept you," You shook your head.
"I'm not complaining," She replied.
"I'm sure," You laughed. You both hold the phone, simply sitting in silence, as you figure out what you want to say next. It's then you're reminded where you are when Isabella comes rolling over to you. She presses herself into the booth and forces herself into the camera.
"Who is that? Is it Dad?" She asks.
"Isabella!" You exclaimed. "This is not your dad."
"Oh, I see who it is now," Isabella grins cheekily. You notice from the corner of your eye the way Natasha fixes her top. "Hi, Natasha. I’m Isabella Marie, the first daughter."
"Hi," Natasha smiles.”Nice to meet you, Isabella.”
"How are you doing?" Isabella asked, making herself comfortable next to you.
"Doing well, how are you?"
"Good," She replied. "What are you guys talking about?" She snatches the phone from your hands to talk with the woman. Not that you had a chance to stop her. You don't know how you feel introducing Isabella to her so soon. Especially when you haven't defined what this is.
"Uh," Natasha paused. "I was getting ready to ask your Mom on a date. A real one."
"A date," Isabella's face lit up.
"A real one," You added.
"You better," Isabella replied.
"Is that a yes?" Natasha asked.
"It's a yes," Isabella confirmed.
"I think I should be the one to say that right?" You argued. Though technically you both had already confirmed it before Isabella had even stepped over to you.
"You're right," Natasha chuckled.
"Anyways, Natasha, let's talk about the new album," Isabella interrupted.
"I didn't know you listened to Velvet Rebellion?" You look at her skeptically.
"Duh, they're so good. I love them," She replies.
"You do?" Natasha says.
"Yeah, of course. You're my favorite band. I listen to you all the time." She compliments. "My dad kind of likes you too. He thinks you're hot."
"Isabella!" You scold.
"He does," She insisted.
"Thanks," Natasha laughs. "Well, to answer your sort of question, the album is coming along. I'm hoping we'll be done in the next few months. We've been working day in and day out to get some things together."
"Do you guys play any other songs?"
"Yeah, we do. A few covers here and there. We're planning on having a cover song on the new album."
"I think you should do a Taylor Swift song," Isabella suggests.
"Taylor Swift, huh?"
"Yes, her songs are good."
"They are," Natasha agreed. "She has a couple of really great ones."
"You guys should cover 'All too well'."
"Why that song in particular?" Natasha asked.
"Because Mom loves that song," Isabella looked to you. "It's the saddest song she listens to on repeat."
"Oh, does she?"
"It's on my playlist but I wouldn't say it's in my top ten." You answer.
"You totally listen to it all the time," Isabella rolls her eyes. "Anytime she gets sad."
"Well, i hope she doesn't get sad often,"
"I'm not sad," You say.
"She doesn't like to talk about her feelings. She's emotionally unavailable."
"Isabella," You scolded. "Natasha doesn't need to know all of this."
"I just think that if you guys are going to be the Hollywood IT couple you should know these things about each other," She replied.
"IT couple, huh," Natasha chuckled.
"Yes," Isabella nodded. "You guys would be perfect for each other. Mom has had the worst luck with men."
"I can't deny that," You cringe.
"You've had boyfriends?" Natasha asked.
"Just a couple," You shook your head.
"And they're the worst," Isabella continued. "One guy didn't even like kids. We kicked him to the curb so fast. Do you like kids, Natasha?"
"I do," Natasha nodded.
"Do you have any kids?"
"No, no kids," She answered.
"That's good," Isabella said. "Are you looking to have kids?"
"Isabella," You say. "Natasha isn't looking to have kids anytime soon."
"I can answer for myself," Natasha insisted. "No, I'm not."
"Okay, good, because I'm the only kid my mom needs," She replied.
"But one day I may want kids," Natasha answers softly.
"Oh, wow," Isabella is shocked. "I guess I'd be fine with a little sister. Then we could be like Noah and Miley Cyrus. Plus, I think Mama would look cute pregnant."
"Why are you so sure I would be the one to get pregnant?" You ask.
"Because you'd be the most fit for the job," Isabella answered. "Mommy, are you and Natasha dating?"
"We're going to be dating," Natasha interrupts.
"If I'm going to be tag-teamed by the both of you..." You shake your head. You tap Isabella's arm with a warning and take the phone back. "I'm sure Natasha has things to do."
"I'm in no rush," Natasha assures you.
"You're too sweet," You grin. "I'm not going to keep you from your things."
"Okay," Natasha relents. "Bye, Isabella. It was nice talking to you."
"Bye," Isabella waves to the camera. "Make sure you tell Bucky that I really like his tattoos. Also his new haircut is going to be great for the new album cover."
"I'll pass on the message," Natasha assured her.
"I'll see you later," You say, bringing the phone closer. "And thanks for the chat."
"Anytime, doll," She smiled. "Bye."
The video feed cuts out and you sigh, dropping your head to the table.
"What just happened?" You ask.
"You talked to her," Isabella replies.
"And then we were ambushed by a nine-year-old," You said.
"I think I did a great job," Isabella praised. "We know what her intentions are and we know that she likes kids."
"I mean, I guess that's true," You said. "Though I already knew both of those things."
"Did you? Really?"
"I can speak for myself, Isabella."
"I guess," Isabella shrugged.
"Now, come on, let's say bye to Lenny and find Nana. I still have to make dinner for you."
"Alright," Isabella sighed. "Can I stay up late?"
"Not tonight," You replied.
"Oh, come on, Mom," Isabella begged.
"Nope," You said.
When Isabella is in bed and you're tucked into your covers, you scroll through your Instagram feed. Natasha's videos and tagged photos have popped up. Your curiosity continues to get the best of you and instead of going to sleep you decide to be a cyber stalker. In a good way though. You find a picture that you find particularly endearing. It's a difference in the thirst traps. She's sitting with Wanda, on a picnic blanket, in a park. The picture is black and white but you could still somehow see the shade of her red hair.
TheRealRomanoff: Picnic dates are my favorite. 25,000 Likes. 500 comments.
You decide to check the comments. Her fans are loyal.
_@TheRealRomanoff: What's your favorite thing to do on a picnic date?
_@jenx007: Are you and Wanda dating right now?
@widowbaby97: You look beautiful today Nat.
_@BlackWidow: You have a lovely smile, Romanoff!
@blackwidow666: I'd love to go on a picnic date with you.
You read through a few more before opening the text box to add your own. You comment "Cute." before pressing send.
Almost instantly, you receive a message from Natasha.
TheRealRomanoff: Cute? That's all you got for me?
@OFFICIALY/N:  Well, it is cute. 
TheRealRomanoff: Interesting.
@OfficialY/N: Interesting good or bad?
@TheRealRomanoff: Good, good. Perfectly good. For the record, you're cute too.
You toss your phone to the side. It's been a while since you've had this many butterflies. You want this to be something. 
---> next part
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ruddyhotelau · 4 months
What canl you tell me about the other archangels (besides Lucifer and Michael) in your AU?
I will give you the whole background information for all of them, Lucifer include
Saint Michael - Justice
- The eldest child (he/him)
- Position: Archangel, the General of the God’s army, the highest Prince
- Personalities:
+ Strict
+ Absolutely loyal to God, always put Heaven as top priority
+ Hard on himself both physically and emotionally
+ High egotistical
+ Workaholic
+ Irritated most of the time (good at hiding it in front of other angels except from his siblings)
+ Bad at emotions
+ Hates crowded place and associating with people
+ Keeps his face neutral and solemn most of the time
- Tattoo location: Left deltoid
Lucifer Morningstar - Aspiration
- The 2nd child (he/him)
- Position: Seraphim
- Personalities:
+ Was considered an “outcast” in Heaven
+ Awkward
+ Ambitious
+ Idealistic dreamer
+ Quite careless
+ Emotional
+ Silly and theatrical
+ Terrible at lying most of the time
+ Felt lonely sometimes
- Tattoo location: Back of right hand
Saint Gabriel - Faith
- The 3rd child (he/she/they)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Friendly
+ Rumors seeker and drama enjoyer
+ Energetic
+ Talkative
+ Heaven’s “journalist”
+ Like to tease and pull pranks on everyone (especially on Michael after all of Heaven knows about his relationship)
+ Extrovert
+ Knows almost everyone in Heaven
- Tattoo location: Right ankle
Saint Ralphael - Kindness
- The 4th child (he/they)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Calm
+ Patient
+ Kind
+ Elegant
+ Mother vibe
+ Gentle
+ The one who can understand and sympathize with humans the most
+ The good kid who never cause troubles
+ VERY scary when angry (Michael approves)
- Tattoo location: Left upper arms’s palm
Saint Uriel - Wisdom
- The 5th child (they/them)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Carefree
+ Chill
+ Wise
+ Book addicted
+ Knows everything but at the same time clueless to their surroundings
+ Anti-social but doesn’t mind their sibling's company
+ Neutral face most of the time
+ Acts like a mad scientist when one of their experience succeeded, both in science or magic
+ Aside from reading and researching, their other hobby is sleeping and counting stars.
+ Tattoo location: Middle of the forehead
Saint Jophiel - Beauty (yellow)
- The 6th child (she/her)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Friendly
+ Kind
+ Selfless
+ Humble
+ Always sees the beauty in everything and believes that inner beauty is more important than outer appearance
+ Looks like a bunny, fights like a bear and is elegant like a peacock
+ Loves classical music and heavy metal rock
+ Appeared dreamy most of the time
+ Artistic person
- Tattoo location: Right collarbone
Saint Chamuel - Peace
- The 7th child (he/him)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Fashionable
+ Sly
+ Heaven’s “relationship counselor”
+ Drama enjoyer
+ Understanding and sympathetic
+ Straight femboy
+ Slay bitch with snarky comments
+ Silver tongue
- Tattoo location: Left chest
Saint Azrael - Death
- The 8th child (he/him)
- Position: Archangel
- Personalities:
+ Shy and quiet
+ Mysterious
+ Into dark humour
+ A softie
+ Is often mistaken as a scary guy
+ A good listener
+ Opens up more to his siblings
+ Strict and serious about his job but still very kind to the good souls that he guides but shows no mercy to souls who were terrible people
- Tattoo location: Nape
*)The tattoo was Lucifer's idea. He designed it since he was very young and recommended to his siblings that they should all share this mark together. This is the special mark that represents the strong bond between the siblings. Later, even after Lucifer has fallen, none of them erased the tattoo. They all still kept it till now.
This is what the tattoo looks like, each siblings have a different color for their tattoo
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Hazband 2: Band AU
Buckle Up, Buttercups. This is gonna be looooooooooong.
-"Insider Bands" playing on VH666 streaming services on a computer monitor / TV screen sitting on the desk against the far wall-
Charlie: (laying on her belly on her bed and chewing her nails like a cartoon goat chews through a field of grass as she watches the TV)
Riff Rascal: Alright, dudes, dudettes, non-duders, and rock-aholics! That was Simple Plain's newest single "Why Are We Kids?!". Coming up next, our guy, our big shredder, our big bad-
????: Dammit, Riff!!!! Just get on with it!!!
Riff Rascal: Yo, sorry, boss lady! Coming up next, we have our expert in all things metal and shredding, Axel Steelgrave, conducting a super secret, super exclusive interview with one of Hell's latest and greatest! Stay tuned!
Charlie: (whines and plasters her face into the comforter) Fuck! I really messed up! I shouldn't have released that album, guys! What if Vaggie doesn't like girls outside of the metal scene?! Then I'm just the creepy, stalker, pop diva who messages her on Sinstagram every once and a while! And likes all of her posts! And comments on each picture! And-
Razzle: (trying to finish polishing Charlie's hooves after a full pedicure and hoof care) Baap?
Charlie: So? It was only ever mentioned once in a tabloid that she was once in a poly ship with a man and woman before. Nothing set in stone. Who listens to tabloids anyway? She said she was a lesbian in her last interview with Angel Metal Monthly.
Dazzle: (brings up a wide array of nail polishes) BaaaAaaAp?
Charlie: Yes! She messages me back almost immediately after every message I send her, but that doesn't mean the's interested in me. She hasn't been online in a week! (rolls over and flops onto her back, covering her eyes with her arm) Not since Katie Killjoy did that whole news segment on my new single music video and album.
Dazzle: (painting Charlie's hooves in a deep red hue called "Wicked Sinister") Baaaaaaap. BaaaAAaaap. Baap. (clicks his hoof in a way that's supposed to look like a sassy finger snap and blows heated air over the paint)
Razzle: Baap! (scowls) Baaap. Baaa. Baap!
Charlie: Thanks, Razzle. No, Dazzle. I really don't think this is some kind of rebound. I really started liking her during the Battle of the Bands gig over at the Jackpot Hotel and Casino. She was the first person who didn't openly laugh at me being there even though I was the only pop singer there.
-VH666 blares back with a heavy metal guitar riff-
Axel Steelgrave: Hey, good evening, everyone. How's it going? Tonight, we have a very special guest. (camera pans out to show Vaggie sitting next to Axel in an interview chair) Lead singer, guitarist, and rocking girl, Vaggie the Steel Vagina from Fallen Angels.
Charlie: WHAT?!?!?!?!?! (crocodile death rolls around in her excitement and falls out of bed, completely wrapped in a burrito, and worm crawls over to the TV) RAZZLE!!! DAZZLE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
Razzle: (salutes) Baap! (grabs the remote and turns up the volume)
Dazzle: (sad bleats as he looks at the mess of nail polish everywhere) baaaaaap.....
Vaggie: (trying not to snarl at the name) It's just Vaggie, Axel.
Axel Steelgrave: Oh, sure. Sure. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to come and see us. Not gonna lie. We were shocked to hear that you were coming out with a new single so quickly.
Charlie: (plasters her face to the screen) New Single?!?!?!?!?!
Vaggie: (blushes slightly) Well, I figured after hearing the Princess's new album and call-out, I should work on a reply.
Angel: (from behind the camera man) You wouldn't have had ta write and record a whole new song and music video if you just sent 'er a video of you jacking it all week! I've never heard dat vibrator work so hard in its life! I swear I smelled smoke last night!
Charlie: (squeals, gasps, and shrieks all at once and falls backwards)
Vaggie: (jumps up from her seat) Angel! What the Fuck?!
Axel Steelgrave: Well, well, well, I guess that answers my next question. I take it this new single is going to be good news for the Princess?
Vaggie: (still steaming as she sits back down and tries to compose herself) I know you have the video on hand. Why not play it and let the fans see for themselves?
Axel Steelgrave: I couldn't have said it better myself. (to the camera) With that being said, let's take a look at a sneak peek of Fallen Angel's new single: "Dear, Charlie - For Somewhere Better".
-Video cuts to some random point in the music video where Vaggie is standing in black leather skirt that has the leather ripped into strips in a hoola-skirt style, black halter tank top, thigh high leather heeled boots, and black fingerless gloves, holding and shredding a guitar. Angel is a pink, fabulous gay disaster on drums while one set of hands works a keyboard.-
Vaggie: (singing) We'll ignite. Still dreaming wide awake. On the hunt for "Somewhen brighter". Pull me close now, and I'll dream until my dying day. Till we create a new "Somewhere better". The promise of a life. Like a thousand suns inside my broken heart. I can see through your eyes. And embrace the flame that guides me through the night.
-Video Cuts back to the interview-
Axel Steelgrave: (freaking out excitedly) Wow! That's quite the statement! Good on you, Steel Vagina!
Vaggie: Vaggie.
Axel Steelgrave: Before we end this exclusive, is there anything you want to say to the Princess in case she's watching?
Vaggie: (Face falls briefly as her eye widens and a blush colors her face) Oh.... (shakes her head to compose herself, looks into the camera, and makes a telephone gesture) Call me~
Axel Steelgrave: (laughing) Alright! You heard it here first, folks. "Dear, Charlie" will be available on HellTunes tonight at midnight. Thank you all so much for tuning in. And, as always, stay rocking.
Charlie: (finally managing to unravel the blanket and sitting on the floor with a bright red blush) C-Call.... Her.... She wants me to call her... (jumps up and down like a teenager in a bad "not another teen movie" while holding Razzle and Dazzle's hooves) SHE WANTS ME TO CALL HER!!!! (pauses) How?! I don't have her number!
Charlie: (dives for her phone on the floor and opens a new Sinstagram message)
FallenAngelVaggie: Hope you got a chance to watch "Insider Bands" tonight. Talk to you later? Maybe over coffee? XXX-XXX-XXXX
Charlie: (takes a deep breath) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Vaggie: (leaning against the wall of the VH666 studio, holding her phone against her chest, and taking a long drag of a cigarette)
Angel: Hey! I thought you were quitting! (yoinks the cigarette and plops it between his lips)
Vaggie: Dammit, Angel! I said I'd be done once my case is empty! (digs in her pocket and pulls out an angelic steel cigarette case) It still has four left! I haven't even lit up in nearly six months!
Angel: I know! Proud of you for that. That interview rile you up that much that you gotta wreck six months of hard work?
Vaggie: Ugh! (slams her back into the wall) You think Charlie got the message?
Angel: (looks up at the sky towards the Morningstar Mansion where it looks like fireworks are going off on one of the balconies) Oh, I think she got it~
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listofwhyyouloveher · 2 months
can you please do hcs of the gang in the 90s instead of the 60s and like what style they would have
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Summary: The gang in the 90s.
Warnings: none
Author's note: have intensely researched the 90s.
Pony is reallllyy into online media, especially because its so new. He's really into Micheal Jackson and the StarWars culture. There's not he doesn't know about.
I feel he'd heavily lean into the grunge theme, he'd wear graphic tees and jeans. He'd also would be really into star trek, and would get bullied because it was older.
Johnny and Pony would have aligning tastes, especially in things like movies and music, etc. They both really enjoy Star wars and probably have matching Tees.
I feel like Johnny would find Micheal Jackson obnoxious and listen to Nirvana more than anything. I can't see his style changing, but he'd probably lose the denim jacket.
Sodapop is constantly switching his interests, one minute he likes the Jackson 5, the next he like heavy metal.
He doesn't ditch his work shirt, of course, but his pants change to whatever his interests lie. However, he really likes Leonardo Di Caprio.
Steve interests are actually really, really different than Soda's, he's into actions like Star Wars and Sodas into things like the Titanic.
Also, his favorite actor is Brad Pitt and finds something odd about Leonardo. He'd also stick to his style, but his jeans would get a little baggier.
Two Bit would really be into dying his hair, especially at the end of the 90s. He'd always rock some cool coloured hair at parties.
He'd be really into Nirvana, and I can see him actually becoming a punk or scene kid later on. He's also a little more into popular media and will discuss celebrities with Pony whenever he has the chance.
Darry would really be into heavy metal and tries to get the gang into it, too. He's always taking Pony or Soda to hard rock concerts.
His style would not change, only the colors would get darker. He thinks that what he has is tried and true so why change it.
Dallys music taste would be all over the place, he'd so listen to Billie Jean and then would "tolerate" some Spice Girls playing on the radio.
He'd be really be into the grunge style. He'd also get a lot of bomber jackets and the sick patches that you can put on them. He'd also dye his hair maybe once or twice a blue moon.
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billthedrake · 11 months
It was twilight more than actual dawn, but as I heard the sound of the metal clink in Dad's uniform belt, I roused in my bed and saw his beefy build standing by my dresser. Carefully, he removed his service weapon and placed it next to my baseball card collection and my trophies, then did the same with his utility belt.
My eyes took a second to adjust, but I could start to make out his handsome features. Roman nose, round cheeks, thinning hair kept military buzzed.
"Heya kiddo," he whispered when he finally saw me watching, sitting up in bed. Already he was unbuttoning and untucking his uniform shirt, the kevlar vest making his barrel chest even more pronounced beneath.
"Hey Dad," I said. I tried to be quiet, too, but my voice was groggy and my greeting came out louder than I intended.
Not that I probably needed to worry. It's crazy and would be impossible to explain to any outsider. But this was an open secret in our family. Mom knew, my little brothers knew and even if no one talked about it, there was a strange acceptance. Maybe because my parents fought less now. Maybe because I was the star baseball player who was pretty much tapped to get a top pick in the upcoming draft, straight out of high school. I was definitely the Golden Boy. I wouldn't say I was spoiled, because I worked my ass off for my success, but I got a lot of special treatment.
It was a ritual I was getting used to, the way Dad neatly hung up his uniform, putting it in my closet, next to my Sunday best blue blazer and pressed khakis. He wore Jockey style briefs that clung to his meaty ass and heavy genitals. My morning wood was reliable but even if it wasn't I'd have gotten rock hard just watching him.
Finally Dad turned toward the bed with a relaxed smile, taking two steps to approach, then hooked his thumbs in the elastic and slid off his underwear. My father wasn't erect yet, but his dong was getting firmer as he lifted up the bed sheet and crawled in next to me.
"Sorry to wake you, Nolan," he said as he scooted up against me, his strong hands latching on to my sides. "But you do feel nice, buddy...."
"You too, Dad," I said. My dick pressed into the softness of his belly. My father wasn't overweight but he had some love handles on his otherwise hard, regulation-fit body. I loved every bit of him and the way he felt next to me. My hands were matching his move, running along the hard lats and over his meaty ass cheeks.
"This is what I look forward to after a hard shift," he said.
"Tough night?" I asked.
"Yah," he said. Dad didn't talk about the stress of his job in detail, but I liked that he could confide in me. When I was a kid he'd always hide that part of his life from me.
Our lips met. Softly at first but I nudged his mouth with my tongue, and Dad opened up to accept it. He moaned into my mouth as he pawed me more greedily, his hands' urgency a contrast to our restrained kiss.
My own hands were feeling him up excitedly, eventually one moving down to cup his crotch. My dad was rock hard now.
"HMMM," he hissed as we broke the kiss. "You got me hard, buddy."
"I can tell," I said. The daylight was a little brighter in the room now, and I could make out my father's masculine, soulful face up closer. His body felt warm and the scent of him filled my nostrils. My fingers caressed his rigid prick, which jerked in my hand some. "What are you in the mood for, sir?"
With me and Dad it was 50/50. Not only the sex acts we did but who guided how we would mate. After a big game or when we got some extended dad-son time, I generally got to pick. But when Dad was coming off of a night shift, I liked to indulge him.
"Hard to choose," he said. His hand was now moving to feel up my son bone.
"I know what you mean," I said.
He gave a slight, serious smile. It was weird that I was waking up but Dad was tired but fully awake, having been up for a good sixteen or seventeen hours. "I guess I'm trying to say, I want both... you know, flip."
We actually hadn't done that. If I hadn't watched my share of porn, I might not even know what that term meant. But the second he said it, the idea sounded perfect.
Dad must have read the approval on my face because already he was reaching over me, toward the lube I had out on the night stand. This was another thing I no longer bothered to hide. Over the course of the last nine months, we'd gone from only fooling around outside of the house to only doing it when we knew we were alone to.... this. I heard the squirt of the liquid in Dad's palm as I felt up his soft furry torso. Then Dad pumped out more for good measure.
I grinned at him as he now reached between my legs. I had a good jock's body, strong and athletic but over the last few months I'd really gotten more into lifting and my body had responded well. Dad told me he was in love with all of me, not just my muscles, but I still enjoyed the confidence my new build had given me. And Dad's eyes seemed more appreciative.
The fingers felt silky and warm as he fingered me open.
I could hear footsteps in the hall. People were starting to wake up. Dad paused a second and arched his eyebrow. The first time this had happened we were terrified of being discovered. Now my father pulled his big mitt back, wiping some of the excess lube onto my hard prick before slicking up his own.
"Lift your legs, Nolan," he instructed. No longer whispering but talking at full voice.
I was so excited to do so, pulling my legs back in the air, only to have my state trooper father guide them to a resting place on his shoulder. I pulled the extra pillow and Dad did the rest to help me lift my hips to place it beneath me. The angle was perfect, and I clenched my core once I felt Dad's wet meaty prick nudge my folds.
We used to have to go real slow through this part. Dad took my cherry right after my 18th birthday, and for months entry felt cherry-tight. But the last month, we'd both hit a groove. I was still tight, as was my father, but he was able to work himself inside me without too much difficulty.
He was doing it now, his eyes on me, excited to be inside his son once more.
"I love your cock, Dad," I hissed.
He nodded. I didn't know if that was a nod to say he knew how much I loved his dick or a nod to indicate he loved my ass equally. Probably both. "You know, kiddo... you're gonna have to tell me if this is ever too much."
I shook my head no. "You always know how to fuck me, Dad. Always have."
He grunted. "I don't mean physically, Nolan. I mean the other stuff. Everything else."
The words made my cock thrwap on my belly. If Dad hadn't suggested the flip fuck, I would have been stroking my tool already. "Not to take away from the sex, sir... but the other stuff is the best part."
That got a big smile from him. He thrust in, completely, all the way. "That it is, buddy." Then another thrust. The emotional talk had keyed me up to take this, to want this.
"Fuck me, sir. Fuck your boy."
Dad's nostrils flared as he threw more strength into his fuck, still slow but very firm. "Oh kiddo..."
The only thing that spoiled an otherwise perfect moment was the nagging realization I'd be moving within two months. Out of my childhood home, away from Mom and my little brothers. Away from Dad. "You get so worked up after a long night," I observed, now running my hands along his furry chest. It was true, but my words were meant to egg him on, too.
"Cause I think about you all fucking shift, Nolan... you and your hot fucking ass."
His hips were faster now, his whole body moving in a steady athletic pump. It was exquisite. I didn't even mind having my legs pushed back as he leaned in some. "You and your amazing baseball jock body," he added.
"I'm gonna get bigger," I hissed.
Dad's body jerked to a stop, and I thought for a second he was cumming. But he bit lip and slowly slid out of me, pulling my ankles off his meaty delts and letting my legs down. His prick was super slick, from his frothy precum as much as from the lube, and I watched how it was immobile like a tire iron as he scooted up and straddled my waist.
Already he was half twisting, half leaning back to grip my slick cock and guide it into place.
"There," he hissed as he made contact. A second later he was already sitting down on me.
"Oh fuck, Dad," I grunted. "You feel so incredible."
Dad had a determined look as he made himself relax so he could work more of my dick into him. After about thirty seconds, though he'd worked his way down most of me. He paused, then started riding his hips up and down. "Your daddy's so horny, Nolan," he grunted. The bed was squeaking and our voices were louder. There's no way somebody wasn't hearing us fuck.
"Me too, sir," I growled, my hands gripping his hard, hairy thighs. Imagining fucking him in his uniform one shift. We'd done that once, and the memory still got me going.
"You're always horny, stud. Daddy's sex-addict boy."
"You know it," I said, now thrusting up into him as much as he was riding me. It all felt too good. "I don't know if I can last long... if you wanna flip some more."
"Let it go, son. Let that cum go right up my fucking ass."
It did. The orgasm was pretty intense so I had a good feeling Dad's guts were getting pretty sauced.
"Hell yeah," he hissed, riding me and milking me with his state trooper ass. He wasn't making a move to jerk off but instead leaned all the way back onto my crotch to ensure my dick and my load were buried as deep as possible inside him. He held there just a second then slowly rose off.
He leaned in to kiss me hungrily, then just as impetuously pulled back, nudging my legs up. "Pretty please, Nolan," he asked.
I wanted to give him this. The release, and the pleasure to match what he'd just given me. He knew it was going to be intense for me, so he didn't hold back. Sliding back inside my ass, he pumped me gently a couple of times, then just started moving faster to get off. I had a pretty good idea of the button to push.
"This is incest, Dad," I hissed. I didn't drop the word much, in part because it was so powerful.
"Shit," Dad hissed with an urgency that let me know it was working. He was almost cumming.
"Real incest," I repeated. "Deep incest."
Dad was whimpering now, in full orgasm, his face scrunching up and his body jerking as he pumped a bunch of his fatherly sperm into me.
He was a little sweaty and a lot tired when he dismounted. "That was incredible, Nolan," he said, reaching down to ruffle my hair and give me a more relaxed kiss. "Thanks."
I grinned. "Keeps getting better, huh?"
Dad looked back at me with a dreamy expression, his body now lying beside mine, his hands on my waist. "Somehow... yeah, it does."
I felt him up too. "I should probably get ready for school," I said, regret in my voice.
"Definitely," Dad said. "Another kiss."
We didn't rush this one, but I finally got the will power to pull back. "All right," I said.
"I'll text you later," he said. His voice definitely sleepy now. I watched him pull the covers up over his burly, hairy body and turn away from the light of the bedroom window.
I slid out of bed and reached over to pull the blinds down. I slid on some sweats and padded out of the room, shutting the door softly behind me.
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danibeanie · 7 months
Cancer mars post 🤍
(Also moon-mars aspects!)
-I really feel like this placement resonates the most with me when it comes to my natal chart. The funny thing is that it makes NO aspects with any other planets.
-I’ve heard somewhere that a planet that doesn’t make any aspects with other planets is important because it’s just itself with no other influences.
-wherever you have this placement with definitely influence that house x10. I feel like planets in their fall or detriment just impact your whole chart in general.
Positives 🩵
-your intuition is literally amped 100 by this placement. someone can be talking to me in a different tone than usual and I can just sense there’s something wrong and they’re like HOW DID U KNOW??😭
-emotions are strong and it’s because it’s influence links with the moon. we know that the moon is who we are deep within, our hidden feelings. anything I do makes me want to work even HARDER because it’s all sooo personal to me 🥲
-strong empathy with this placement you naturally put yourself into others people shoes, want to take care of others and it just comes by instinct.
-people many call you super nice and your just talking LMAO. I have this placement in my 3rd house which is ruled by communication so it’s just natural for me to embody the placement when I’m talk.
-ex you can have this in the 7th house and your just super giving into any relationships kinda intense lol, 10th house people at work may see you as mother😋 (kidding) a nurturing person.
-a lot of passion, many people forget that cancer mars is a CARDINAL sign which means it’s easy for these people to fall into a leader position. we are go getters and can be a bit competitive.
-any conflict that we have is literally the end of the world. It’s feels like impending doom when I’m mad at someone because the only way I can control this is by crying 😭
- we hold grudges *sigh* , no but really it will take me so long to forgive someone and it’s hard to let go of that bitterness. Its just that we are so considerate so when someone does something we would never do it’s hard to let go of that situation.
-mood swings are there and other people can easily get affected by this as well. we can be fine and dandy then we think about something that hurt us from 5 months ago and then we get passive.
^im very self aware of this and I try not to let it happen and when it does I isolate myself
-most of our anger is directed towards family???😭 idk if it’s just me but my family tends to see the ugly side of this placement. no one’s ever seen me SUPER-mad except for my parents.
-does anyone else get HORRIBLE,UNBEARABLE periods?!? I feel like no one talks about this.
-AVOID CONFRONTATION like no other and then we wonder why we hold grudges cause WE DONT TALK IT OUT LMAO.
-it’s easy to get drained of tasks that your not emotionally invested in or see no future in. I can make a whole rant on how this affects my school life but that’s too much.*sigh*
Influential musicians 🩵
chester bennington(lead singer of linkin park) also had a cancer mars.(may he rest in peace🤍) A lot of rock and heavy metal musicians have cancer mars which is ironic because they put all that passion and emotion into their lyrics and singing.
-lana del rey is a cancer mars and I feel like she embodies this placement fully. even by her lyrics and just the way she talks.
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-being a cancer mars has its ups and down and so many people pertain to its negatives. I believe that people with the fallen/detriment placements all naturally have their positives as well. it’s definitely a placement you have to live and learn by. I love this placement because it humbles me, gives me empathy and kindness ,but don’t cross us cause then we’ll reciprocate that rudeness 10x harder.
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redr0sewrites · 11 days
🥀A/n: AJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSS YESS !!!! i could talk about this for hoursss ngl-
🥀all photos are from pinterest, credit to the original creators! i did not make these ♥️
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Pandora Rosier:
in my head, i see her as like a lighter version of whimsigoth. definitely leaning more on the whimsical flowery fairy vibes heavier than the goth vibes, but still with alternative aspects! she definitely decorates her hair and braids with a TON of crystals and charms!!
purples and reds, flowy dresses, chunky rings, charm belts, layered crystal jewelry, cardigans, flowy sleeves, funky tights, etc
when it comes to music, she'd be a fan of The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Cocteau Twins, Kate Bush, and Strawberry Switchblade
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Dorcas Meadows:
a lot of forest greens and earthy tones, basically grunge with a bit of fairycore mixed in
lots of thrifted items, heavy earth tones, arm warmers, flower patterns, crystals, maxi skirts, doc martens + mary janes, dangly earrings, etc etc
when it comes to music, i think she'd listen to Kleenex, The Violent Femmes, Cheap Trick, Red Aunts, and The Raincoats
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Barty Crouch Jr:
mix between metalhead punk and scene. like think punkrock mid 70's-early 80's crossed with early 2000's scene kid, and thats him
spikes, metal, leather, lots of oversized and ripped band shirts, stripes and heavy patterns, chains, chunky boots, fishnet/sheer tops, double statement belts, heavily dyed hair, liberty spikes, thin/mini brows and smudged eyeliner, etc
when it comes to music he is ALL over the place. think Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie, Paramore, Green Day, Soundgarden, Death Grips, etc. think like dad rock, but throw in a few early 2000's bands as well
sortaaa think like a cross between all these- finding a photo for him was SO hard lmfao neither of these r exactly whats in my head but close enough
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Evan Rosier:
similar to Barty but less scene and more dad rock/metalhead and slightly toned down. definitely more earthy tones, less hot topic energy and more thrifted/handmade energy.
also wears a lot of jewelry and crystals in his hair, shares them w pandora!
not as many bright colors and patterns, heavy layers, earthy tones, cargo pants, converse, layered jewelry/crystals, chunky belts, statement baggy pants with decals, bleached shirts, torn aviator jackets, boots, bulky sweaters layered with band tees, etc
when it comes to music i think he'd listen to Nirvana, The Doors, Type O Negative, Specimen, and the Ramones
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Regulus Black:
(twitching and convulsing he is my fav)
honestly i see him as either: victorian goth, or corporate goth
he either dresses like he's possessed by a small victorian child or ebeneazor scrooge and there is no in between
very masculine, lots of ruffles, detailed vests, cuffs and long sleeves, black trousers, heeled boots, loose flowy blouses, high collars, lots of grey, white, and black, long leather overcoats, heavy layers, rings, etc
finding photos for this was like a herculean task bro it was nearly impossible and this is about as close to what i see in my head as i could get but still... not perfect *sigh*
when it comes to music i think he'd listen to Veruca Salt, Talking Heads, Clan of Xymox (TRUST HE WOULD), Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Lebanon Hanover
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Sirius Black:
i know everyone and their mother believes in punk Sirius, but hear me out- mall goth Sirius Black. PELPSLSPSLSPSLSPSLSS
i feel like he dresses both masculine and feminine a lot, his gender is very fluid and so are his outfits so he isn't strictly masculine or feminine
im thinking like early 2000's hot topic kid x mid/late 80's punk, definitely very mall goth inspired but a little more modern too
wide baggy pants with chains, chunky necklaces, mismatched earrings, skeleton gloves, leather jackets with studs and decals, sheer/fishnet tops, chunky boots and doc martens, chunky rings and bracelets, bracelets with studs/spikes, kandi or beads, trashy band or skater tees, thrifted cargo pants with patches, those specific red and black striped gloves/arm warmers that every mall goth person has, etc
when it comes to music i think he'd listen to The White Stripes, David Bowie, Bon Jovi, INXS, Meat Loaf, Three Days Grace, Green Day, and the Offspring
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Remus Lupin:
grunge all the way. and i don't mean like tiktok grunge, i mean genuine early-mid 80's thrifted "fuck fast fashion" grunge. i also see him having a bit of the grunge/punk academia aesthetic, but overall very grunge centric style
in my head he doesn't wear a lot of jewelry, especially since silver burns him as a werewolf, so he'll wear the occasional ring or necklace but that's about it
grandpa sweaters, oversized hoodies, cargo pants, earthy tones, brown converse or loafers, faded band tees, jorts, greys and greens, collared shirts, chunky shoes, baggy trousers with patches, bleached clothing, aviator jackets, etc
when it comes to music i think he'd listen to David Bowie (duh), The Doors, Ramones, Talking Heads, Killing Joke, U2, Journey, INXS, Abba, The Calling, and Foo Fighters
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Marlene Mckinnon:
most of riotgrrl fashion is pretty much the more "feminine" version of punk, and shares some overlap with the "rockstar gf" aesthetic (which irritates me *just* a bit but thats a story for another time). in my head, i think of like a cross between misa amane, nana, and the mid-late 80's punk scene
think layered fishnets, leg warmers, micro mini skirts, lacy lingerie, graphic tank tops, feminist patches/pins, spikes and studs, lots of leather, chains, chunky boots, cross/pentagram motifs, bold animal prints, torn band tees, high heels, bright red lipstick, and basically anything that would serve as a great big "fuck you" to misogyny and beauty standards
i had the biggest riotgrrrl phase, so let me just say i am an EXPERT on the music. marlene would listen to Bikini Kill, Babes in Toyland, Veruca Salt, X Ray Spex, The Raincoats, Paramore, Kleenex, Hole, Dazey and the Scouts, Bratmobile, Slutever, Mommy Long Legs, Le Tigre, Destroy Boys, Cheap Perfume, and Lesbian Bed Death
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Mary MacDonald:
GYARU!! i totally see Mary as a gyaru girlie, idk in my head i just see her rocking the makeup and lashes along w the style !!!
i sadly don't know too much about the Gyaru scene as there are many different types, but i did a little research and i feel like Mary would dress in the Ane Gyaru aesthetic- which is (PLEASE correct me if im wrong i am not an expert!!) an older, more "rebellious" and slightly darker version of Gyaru. Ane Gyaru is often mistaken with Onee Gyaru, but is different in a few ways. Ane is more rebellious and incorporates a darker color scheme, and overall has a more rough look. definitely more alternative than cutesy in comparison to other Gyaru styles, and i feel like it fits Mary well
think flashy animal prints, miniskirts, teased hair, long lashes, detailed hand bags, fluffy boots, furry leg warmers, silver jewelry, statement belts, lots of lace, leather and denim, and lots of makeup!
i genuinely do not know anythinggg about Gyaru music and i am sosoooosososos sorry 😭 if anyone has any ideas or recommendations for bands/gyaru music they think Mary would listen to, please lmk!!!
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i will do a pt 2 so that i dont reach the photo limit but!!! hope u enjoyed!!!! PLSSS SEND IN MORE MARAUDERS ERA WRITING REQS YALL IVE BEEN OBSESSED- it could be x reader or just hcs like this whatever u want🧍
my two current hyperfixations in one post... someone sedate me...
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
This is something I thought of but it suits the men you like more than it does mine
Imagine an au or smth in which your fave plays the cello
Now imagine y/n oc sitting on his lap, he's choking them while using a toy on them and in that position it's almost like he's playing y/n like they're a cello
I think you could do this prompt justice better than I ever could so I hope you enjoy it ✨️
Cellist Kid
Okay, but hear me out. Cellist Kid.
Cellist. Kid.
Thoughts below the cut.
Synopsis: your academic rival and you do not get along. You find his boorish intensity revolting, and he finds your attitude standoffish. As your conductor decides to pair you together to practice, tempers flare and passion ignites.
Themes: afab!reader x Kid, cellist!kid x flautist!reader, choking, Kid has both hands, kissing swearing, college AU, NSFW, 18+, smut, P in V sex, drabble length, creampie, enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, hate sex.
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College AU with Eustass Kid wanting to practice playing electric bass, but instead joins an orchestral ensemble at his college for extra credit. They don't play metal, punk, or rock: but he absolutely has a soft spot for movie soundtracks that use heavy bass: game of thrones, lord of the rings, Narnia, all of the songs of his childhood.
He decides the closest thing to a bass is a cello. It takes him a while to understand how to use a bow, but he picks it up in no time. He enjoys this time he spends playing music, it's a way he gets to unwind and hone in on his musicality.
The only hiccup in this perfect symphony is you. Not your playing, but your attitude. You loathe him, and he despises you.
You're a flautist who often gets the lead line for the pieces because you're extremely talented and dedicated to your craft. You hang shit on Kid for joining a failing Warhammer painting group with his best friend, MSK - and he taunts you just as much for joining a Dungeons & Dragons group being ran by a DM named Usopp, an English literature major who enjoys spinning roleplaying tales.
But the more you play music together, the more the conductor of the band decides to place you two together in a more permanent way. You're perfect for each other, in your conductors opinion. The deep rattle of the bass clef played by Kid harmonises perfectly with the treble you produce with your fluttery breath and nimble fingers.
You've been aggressively quippy with each other for a few months now, the rest of the orchestra rolling their eyes every time you have a fued in front of them. Your conductor decides to place the two of you together to sort it out between you.
Now that you're in an empty classroom together, all lecturers gone for the night, the tension draws thick between you. Your snarl draws his heckles up, his growl causes your skin to ignite with disdain at him.
"What the hell is your problem with me, cellist?" You finally curse at him, acknowledging his presence for the first time in twenty minutes. He halts tuning his pegs and places his broad bow in the case at his feet.
"Could say the same for you, flooty," he spat back, his nose scrunching at you while reaching for his amber rosin.
"I hate you," you snarl at him.
"I hate you," he barked at you in response.
"I hate you first," your body moved against its will, placing your flute carefully within the hard case beside you and stomped towards him.
"I hate you second," he growls in return, the gruff grumble igniting flames in his chest as he casts aside his borrowed cello in its stand.
"What does that even matter?" you question him, cocking your head to the side and furrowing your brows, "I could wring your neck and scream at you for how much I despise you!"
"Would be a better sound than your fucking playing, that's for sure!" he draws himself closer to you, his much taller frame towering over yours.
You see red, reaching up and circling his neck with your hands. You use all your might to shove him down onto the chair he was formerly sat atop and accidentally fall on top of him. Your thighs frame his, your crotch perfectly in line with his.
This small stumble causes you to falter in your fury. Shock writes itself over your face as you notice a soft blush dust the cheeks of your academic rival beneath you. From this new position, you notice the warm hue in his hazel eyes: the tint almost rust-coloured in the pale lighting.
You both glance down to the join of your bodies in synchrony before glancing back up at each other's shocked faces.
It all happens in an instant: clothes cast aside and discarded on the floor, lips gnashing, biting and marking each other beneath your rough oscillations. You're in his lap, facing away from him with his girthy cock plunging deep within your slick cunt with a brutal rapidity.
His left hand circles your throat, causing your head to lull against his left shoulder. His right hand is plunged deep between your legs and pinches, circles and grinds against your clit as he thrusts his cock deep within you.
As his right digits begin tapping your clit in rhythmic patterns, the fingers of his left hand tighten and loosen against your flesh. The stampeding ecstacy draws ever nearer, both of your voices picking up in the corners as his knob bullies and batters your cervix with deep thrusts.
As your abdomen begins to tighten it's woven band of ecstacy, Kid's huffed breath pants out with more intentional rapidity. His thighs shudder beneath you, his body giving into the carnal urge to fuck the attitude and sass out of you with each cruel thrust.
His left hand breaks away from your neck circling in front of your chest and anchoring his body against yours to chase his climax within you. His momentum staggers as you felt his cock twitch within your plush walls.
"I-I-..." Kid stutters through his warning, mewling your name in a panted whine, "...-I'm gonna-... fuck. You feel so fucking good. I'm gon-... -I'm c-cumming."
As he whines through his panted confession, your body immediately was ushered into your bliss alongside his own. Lights danced behind your eyes as your body betrayed your hatred for him and transported your senses to become overwhelmed with bliss.
You cried his name, head lying fully back and at his mercy as he continued to bully his thick cock deep within you. Ribbons of hot, sticky cum shot deep within you, the rippling backsplash causing the translucent fluid to leak from your entrance and pool down your spread legs and onto his thighs.
As you rode through your mutual bliss, Kid offers you an apology for his prior insults.
"I-... -I don't think you're a shit flute-player," he admits, his forehead meeting with the back of your neck, "I actually think you're quite talented."
"You are too," you confess, nuzzling the back of your head against his, "But you're still an asshole."
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Notes: I'm not sure if cellist Kid is a vibe or not, but it was my initial thoughts. A little bit of enemies to lovers never hurt. I could also see Law as a cellist, but Kid was screaming at me. I have had a drink, and this was done in about 20 minutes. Apologies for grammar mistakes!
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff
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heyyallitssatan · 4 months
Todo fam headcanons
Enji isn’t a dick addition
He didn’t intentionally train any of his to be heroes, he just accepted them as they were
Touya really wanted to be a hero, but when they figured out his quirk didn’t work with his body they had to have a lot of long hard talks, they tried to find a lot of support gear but nothing could completely keep him from burning himself and they didn’t want him to risk his life
He came around to the idea eventually and ended up going to school to become a paramedic
Fuyumi didn’t get parentified and was allowed to explore what she wanted, she ended up loving art and went to an art school before apprenticing under a sculptor and then a tattoo artist, she eventually went back to sculpting and runs her own studio now
Natsuo followed in his big brothers footsteps and went to med school, he’s an er doctor
Shoto loved the skating trips his mom took him on and became a professional/Olympic figure skater and coach
Also, Rei was a snowboarder in this universe because I said so
It should be mentioned, Touya took up rock climbing as a hobby and got really into it
Fuyumi started doing mma as a stress release, she tried to get her siblings into it but it reminded Touya too much of training and the other two never enjoyed fighting
Natsuo feels like he gets plenty of physical activity between the er and his twice weekly workouts, so his hobby is playing video games,
Enji picked up crocheting after rei told him he needed a non stressful hobby to help him relax
Rei I turn felt she also needed a nonstressful hobby, and promptly chose rebuilding old cars because they have more money than god and can certainly afford it
Shoto never really made time for hobbies until fuyumi taught him how to sculpt, now he enjoys making weird little trinkets to give friends and family, and occasionally his competitors
I like to think the show still progresses normally, just with shinsou in 1A instead of shoto
The the reason we find out about the todoroki family is cause bakugou and midoriya both do their internship with Endeavor sanders he gushed about his wife and kids every chance he got
Midoriya thought shoto was the best thing ever and rei tried to set them up
She succeeded and got an adorable little son in law
Fuyumi showed up during bakugous internship with miruko to drop off some food for her wife and he freaked out cause he thinks miruko is so cool and turns out she has a badass wife too, best day ever
Touya meets both of them when he shows up at hawks agency to pick him up for their dinner date, they both lose their shit cause why are so many of them dating heroes
They meet natsuo during his internship/study program with recovery girl
Then they see rei on tv as a pro snowboarder
Now they’re wondering how many todorokis there are cause they just keep showing up everywhere
Then they find out that Touya and fuyumi are both in a heavy metal band, which segways into them finding out all of the todoroki play various instruments, and sports
When they ask how the hell they all know so much and have so many hobbies they just respond that they were homeschooled and rich, this left a lot of time and money to invest in random interests, so they all developed a ton of skills for absolutely no other reason than they got bored
Now Endeavor is number one after allmight retired, and they were competing for that spot beforehand but it was more of a friendly rivalry to encourage them to get better (maybe it started out legit but they both chilled quite a bit as they got older and eventually became friendly, though they kept up the image for the public and because it made them better heroes), but after all might was forced to retire endeavor publicly stated that this wasn’t the way he wanted their rivalry to end, but he would do his best to honour all might memory and carry on his legacy
He also encourages the new number two, his son in law hawks and every other hero to challenge him and make him keep working for his position
Now, this was cleared with hawks beforehand kind of as an announcement of his engagement to Touya, sadly the public misinterpreted that and thought that he was dating his daughter fuyumi, miruko shot that down quick and informed everyone that fuyumi was hers and hawks could fight her for it, all in good fun, and hawks clarified that he appreciates the offer cause fuyumi is great, but he’s very gay and quite in love with her brother
This was great, it was the closest to celebrity drama they’ve ever gotten from the todoroki family and it’s still super wholesome
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stem-sister-scuffle · 6 months
Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) vs Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist)
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Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Winry Rockbell is an Automail Mechanic!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
Winry Rockbell:
"The best automail mechanic in the whole of Amestris: need I say more? She’s also the only person who can really get Edward Elric to listen / scare him"
"She's super smart and is crazy about mechanics, but she's also so kind and compassionate! She helped deliver a baby, she cares really deeply for her friends and family! She truly rocks!"
"i’m a biomedical engineer so she is the best women in stem"
"she’s extremely skilled and dedicated to her craft, her work is very high quality (she’s also the personal mechanic for one of the protagonists) and she has a dedication to improving the lives of the people around her in any way she can (and she has so much autism swag about automail, it’s a joy to watch). i love her your honour"
"She's so good and so fun and she's trying her best. She makes sure the prosthetics work and they're super plot important!!!!!"
"She can build and repair robot limbs AND attach them to human nerves"
"She’s only 15 and is repairing magic-infused heavy machinery for fun"
"Spunky, kind, and smart as hell... one of the shounen manga girls of all time."
"At age fifteen she could build a whole metal arm in 3 days (pulling all nighters)! She geeks out over the work of other prosthetics engineers and earned herself an apprenticeship where the shop's costumers began to prefer her after only a few months! She's kind but takes no shit and narratively symbolizes the goodness of humanity. also she read medical textbooks as a kid (her parents were both doctors) and was able to apply that knowledge for successful impromptu midwifery years later!"
"She is practically a child engineering Genius! Designs and makes prosthetics. She takes her work very seriously and geeks out over other people's designs. She is such a beautifully written strong female character that holds her own in a fandom full of amazing strong female characters and a great role model. She's Hella cute"
"She is considered a prodigy in her field, and is known as the “Automail Otaku” because of her unending interest of any machines and tools in the building and repairing of automail. She is incredibly smart, sincere, and passionate. She works hard for what she wants, is full of optimism despite what she has suffered, and is very loyal to her friends."
"built a fully functioning prosthetic arm for her friend when she was TWELVE basically by herself and has been his regular mechanic since. also heavily dabbles in the medical side as well as the mechanical side (for example: she successfully delivered a baby single-handedly at fifteen having only ever read about the subject before). she is so skrunkly she’s an icon a legend and she is the moment"
"Listen any girl who can master mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and biology in order to build prosthetic limbs by the age of 12 is Impressive. She’s the one that got me onto an engineering career path I’m very biased"
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