#i want to save up for when covid dies down tho
awigglycultist · 7 months
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The apocalypse, a classic scenario. Except what if it was also kinda slice of life like? Or at least if I were to actually make this into a series that's how I'd imagine it being. It's the last day of school and now suddenly a teacher and his daughters' summer are going to be spent hiding inside away from zombies... With his ex best friend/ex crush/ex enemy and that guy's current best friend.
Kaitlyn's and Carly's mom, Cameron, died when they were young (8 & 2 yrs old respectively at the time, now 16 & 10 when our story takes place) and soon after their birth father, Henry, went to jail. So they were put in care of their godfather, Matt. He makes a great dad for them. He's also high school English teacher.
Matt, Cameron and Damien were best friends in middle and high school. Until Damien's homophobic parents, his own internalized homophobia, and jealousy that Matt was accepted and love for who he was, got to him. He started to separate from them. Then he became friends bad people at the school, school bullies and stuff. Yeah, Matt and Damien didn't like each other in their last year at all. Damien ended up moving towns. Until recently when he moved back to his hometown. Now he's become friends with a bartender, Hailey, at one of the local bars. In fact she's his only friend. Now that it's so many years later he's done a ton of reflecting and knows what he did was wrong. He wants to apologize to Matt but doesn't actually have the guts to find him and say sorry. (I imagine he's actually nearly ran into him several but always runs into alley ways or hides behind trees or gets himself into a goofy scenario in order to hide).
Then the zombie apocalypse starts. It's not your typically zombie apocalypse, it's not power runs out and news stations are gone and they have to go scavenge for food. It's more like... Well honestly it's more like covid. And when Matt sees a random guy running for zombies and saves him, it's a little too late when he realizes just who that guy is, Damien. By coincidence Kaitlyn also saves Hailey. And now they're all stuck in a house a together. Yippee.
Kaitlyn would do and Matt would do anything for their family. And by that I ofc mean each other and Carly. Also Kaitlyn's best friend Willow. Kaitlyn doesn't really like anyone outside those 3, I mean she'll help people who really need help but she's not going to want to keep talking afterwards. Like "ok I saved your life? I'm not friend tho, you can go away now". Matt is kind to everyone, and tries to to see the best in everyone. Although he definitely doesn't see the best in Henry, in fact he absolutely hates that man, Henry is the only person that has made him break. Ofc he's also going to struggle a bit with Damien at first. Matt also tends to take all his negative emotions and... Pushes them down. Even though he tells others that's a bad thing to do. He's needs to be strong and no one else needs to see those, he's fine, he'll just cry at night. Damien doesn't like sharing his emotions either, drowns them out with alcohol. Damien is super cool and totally not a loser wet cat of man (yes he is).
Hailey is fun, fairly positive, funny and sarcastic. Damien's the only regular she doesn't mind, ofc they also became actual friends too. Willow is sweet, Kaitlyn's best friend and really the only one she ever hangs out with. Definitely tries to encourage Kaitlyn to do things out of her comfort, but would never force her to do anything. Willow's family got lucky with being on vacation right when the apocalypse started. But they have to come back eventually. In a way Willow is happy when she comes back, it feels better to see friend in person. Victor is another high school teacher, specifically math. He's not a well liked teacher, he's not like a total absolute piece of shit but he does kinda suck. Matt's always felt that if you chipped away long enough there Victor could be a really good person. Who knew a near death experience would be the cause to make him change?
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John and Helene?
ohoho!! so! they are a couple who I genuinely don't remember when I first conceived of them. I wasn't super old but nor was I super young.
the first concept of them had ... a lot of dodgy/problematic stuff, mostly pertaining to undertones and implications I was completely unaware of. oh, and they were originally inspired by Robert Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy (the first Heinlein book I ever read, no idea what age I was tho). Anyway, to skip over the worst of it, John is a high ranking ??? in a society, sees slaves up for sale and decides to buy them all, which includes Helene. They fall in love, blah blah, etc. As you can see, that has a lot of nasty undertones. Anyway I love their characters and their romance as it's very gentle and sweet.
moooooving right along from that, we came to the next major iteration, in which there's a law (?) that a particular class of slaves are bought specifically for marriage. This leads to some icky stuff, of course, in implication, but anyway, John sees that particular class being auctioned off one time, sees a Nasty Old Man (antagonist) bidding for an unusually young woman (a child, really), and invokes the privilege of the Duke's son to shut down the bidding and buy her for himself. this causes some fascinating cultural clashes I did enjoy fleshing out. Ultimately, they court for several years until both are well of age before actually marrying.
The next major development came in the form of something which I had a name for at the time but have forgotten now. It was something, anyway, like the elixir of courage. This one I can pinpoint to developing during covid, no earlier than that. It's a highly addictive substance, bright blue, and John has trauma around it because somebody taking it gave them the courage to murder his father, the previous Duke. He hence has utterly banned it. Similar to previous versions, he then acquires Helene, only this time he is much more explicit about the fact that he doesn't want to marry her. He bought her to save her, and he'll marry her but in name only, unless they both end up wanting to be really married. Her mental problems, which existed in previous versions already, are dialed up/focused on more in this version, manifesting in severe anxiety. One of the other servants suggests a nice bright blue potion, which Helene does not realise is the elixir of courage. She becomes dependent on it, which does help her anxiety. John becomes aware that it is being used among his staff, and interviews them all to find out who and how. He discovers Helene under the influence of it, and in a fit of rage orders her to be whipped. Almost immediately he regrets it, but according to the laws of the Medes and Persians, &c. Here is where a character who was minor in previous version appears - Mason, John's friend. He supports Helene through all the ensuing troubles, and enables her to flee to his protection. When forced to choose whether she returns to John or not, Helene stays with Mason, breaks off her engagement with John and he turns into the antagonist, though he does end up with a redemption arc. In this version, all three characters remain single and there is no pairing - the ending involves them becoming friends again, Helene growing into herself (and out of the elixir), and a general sense of safety being established. Also John gets help for his anger issues (which exist in previous versions but not to the same extent. Also I yoinked this character trait for Tom lol).
Those are the major three versions I have apart from the one that excerpt is from. Despite passing similarities in those stories, they're not so much developments of one story, as different stories with similar themes/plot points.
The one this excerpt is from is yet another one, in which John has previously been married (his wife died), with kids. He's looking for a replacement mother for the children. Helene comes along out of ??? bad circumstances, agrees to marry him, and then during that excerpt backs out of marriage because she feels she'll taint the children, et cetera. Shamelessly borrowed from a book i read as a kid. This one's the most Only Vibes of all of them.
There are so many other versions and possibilities and vibes but I love this couple. I love their dynamic, which has the potential to be bad, but in this case is good and sweet and wholesome.
character summary of John: - entitled (is always upperclass or that sort of thing) - ignorant of real world issues/sheltered - potential for anger issues when he discovers the truth about things - smooth and polished in society but doesn't know how to deal with lower classes like Helene - honest to a fault - very in earnest but blundering - does his best to grow and learn tho
character summary of Helene: - shy and skittish - does not consider herself worth anything but also very pliable - loves deeply - very quiet about everything and needs kindness to open up - anxiety and fear bc of past - trauma
A fun lil fact about this *gestures* thing as a whole: I would estimate I have less than a thousand words of actual story of any of these iterations written down, but I have plans and I have very specific plot outlines and character sketches. And yet there's hardly any of it actually existing other than in my brain.
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scum-belina · 8 months
While dealing with covid I still have to do my usual routine of filling up water jugs since I've not had running water in two years due to ruined plumbing neither my mom nor I can afford to fix. Can't even try to save up for it at this point because we still have over $2000 in property taxes to pay on our small lot which is insane, and I still need to get new tires desperately. The stress and worry were already making me sick I didn't need covid on top of it.
But now whenever I go to my neighbors rose's to fill up jugs, I often get harassed by my other neighbor Lupe who according to Rose is jealous of how close I am with her. She treats Rose like a mother figure and Rose is and grandma figure to me and I'm just??? Leave me alone??? Rose has INSISTED I fill up my water jugs or do laundry at her place any time. She told me even when she's not home to just use her spare key she hid on her porch and come on in and fill up.
Last week before I even got sick, I was there filling up while Rose was gone and Lupe stormed in and demanded to know who was there (like she didn't recognize my car she drives by every day???) And then demanded to know why i wasn't wearing a mask in Rose's house (this woman doesn't give a shit about masks, she just wanted to start shit with me. Also I literally had one in my car I was heading back to out on before she stormed in.)
I told Rose about it and she was pissed bc she had already told Lupe to leave me alone, which is bizarre because I literally do nothing to Lupe. Last time I saw her was a year ago and we always got along and had a good time at rose's. But now I've been told she views me as a threat and wants to accuse me of taking advantage of Rose even though Rose herself is of complete sound mind and I would never do that to anyone. Hell I'm embarrassed and ashamed as hell to have to fetch my water from other people.
It's humiliating and tiring. Sometimes I have to fill up 30 gallons multiple times a week, carry them to my car, then carry them to my porch, then into my house. My arms be strong as hell tho ngl. Anyways Lupe had her ex husband cover rose's outside faucet last year (WAY before freezing weather season, so I guess even then she was trying to give me trouble) where I couldn't use it easily at all, so I gave up and started going inside, now that I'm sick and won't go in her house I asked Rose if I could uncover it all and she said absolutely and don't even worry about covering it back up.
The thing is that I'm already so low. I can barely get any lower in life than I am. So why harass me over getting water??? It's not even her fucking property. Rose told her I'm trusted and allowed to come and go as I need and please and I think that's pissed her off even more.
There's evidence that Lupe might be hoping to get rose's money, home, and car,once she dies, but I know Rose and that's not her will at all. She said Lupe makes her uncomfortable bc she does things to rose's house without her permission like changing her curtains and furniture??? WHO DOES THAT
Lupe also has a trait that has always troubled me where she seems to be a self-hating Hispanic. I've heard her say the most vile things about other Hispanic neighbors that literally do nothing wrong??? Like one time she saw some hanging out their laundry on a cloudy day and was like "typical dirty wetbacks" and I was like "wtf girl that's horrible to say. i've had to do that before too don't hate on someone for doing what they have to do"
she has a son, his gf and another kid who live with her and most of them are on disability so she be reaping their checks and when she first moved right across from Rose last year, she and her crew IMMEDIATELY made Rose get sick bc they weren't cautious around her at all, so her trying to make me feel bad like I was TRYING to make Rose sick even though Rose wasn't even there and I told her I wiped any door or faucet handle I touch down with alcohol before I leave, is alllll bullshit. She's been stewing to find fault with me for months and that was her chance and it failed big time with me AND with Rose later that day.
It's so bizarre. To me, Rose is a nice grandmotherly in her own odd way neighbor. I visit her and we talk about anything and everything. Even before I needed water I would go over there just to hang out and get out of my own head for a while. But it's not like I go over there or talk to her every day. Why am I such a threat to someone like Lupe. I really don't get it. Her and her crew have being doing so much more to harass me and it's got me so grieved and scared. I just want to live in a better place.
Even when I go to my maternal grandma's, other relatives will mock or harass me for filling up jugs or doing laundry there. And my maternal grandma has well water so she doesn't even pay a damn water bill. Like, why kick me when I'm already down? It's not like I just sit around and do nothing. I do everything I can to earn money with odd jobs but have had no luck on getting a decent job or even part-time job. It devastates and humiliates me. I cry myself to sleep more often than not at my whole life situation. I don't need anyone else to make me feel worse than I already do.
I understand if you said or thought "I ain't reading all of that". I really do. This is a rambling mess. I just needed to vent out a little bit of that stupidity that's been going on recently in my life. I'm so tired and scared all the time.
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I dont think anyone else has noticed this tho im sure you have (namely the people acting like clowns in the titanic tag, not you) but the 19yr old did not want to go on that sub, he was terrified and only did it to make his dad happy..idk.. it is very tragic and upsetting and even more so that people seem to ignore this and keep going on their weird jokes about the entire thing, saying how they all wanted to go when no, the 19yr old did not want to at all. I think going down was totally uncalled for, I think stock rush got four people killed and he is terrible for that and deserved what happened to him, i think it is sick he turned a mass grave site into a tourist attraction for bored rich people..but I think people just heard the word rich for these other four and just right away assumed they deserved to die when idk...I did some reading on each of them and they, aside from the obvious ick of being rich, seemed like decent people who made a very very poor choice and trusted the wrong person which led to them dying. the paul guy was (correct me if im wrong) a well respected titanic researcher for over 30yrs, the british man was trying to make flying more sustainable for the planet and such (again correct me if wrong) and the dad and son seemed to do a lot of charity work and were overall kind people..but yeah they seemed like far better people then most celebs people love so the entire thing rubs me wrongly, two things can coexist, the entire thing was wrong and not ok and stock was sick for what he did and his death was justified, but I also have a hard time believing the other four truly deserved to die (Sorry this is random just wanted to hear your thoughts!) :)
ive written the reply to this about five times now because i also struggle with my feelings based around what happened.
on one hand, i do genuinely feel for them, especially suleman dawood who was a 19-year-old kid. i think youd have to lack a heart to not feel for him.
on the other, i fully understand where people are coming from when they dont give a shit about them. two of them were billionaires and the other two were multi-millionaires. i come from a working class background and a single-parent family so it is difficult to feel bad for someone with that much money dying because of a decision they made.
but that doesnt mean i dont feel bad for them, because i do. five human beings died and i just naturally feel for them even though my conscious brain struggles to keep up with that emotion.
and as youve said, some of them seemed to genuinely do good things.
sulemans father shahzada funded mental healthcare for pakistani citizens during covid-19 and was looking into renewable energy.
paul-henri nargeolet had been involved in underwater searches for rms carpathia as well as a flight recorded from a plane that crashed though both were unsuccessful. hed also found a roman wreck as well as an aircraft that had crashed in 1979, giving some closure to the families of those who had perished. he has done a lot of important research on the titanic.
iirc hamish hardings company action aviation has helped the indian government and a namibian cheetah conservation company to reintroduce cheetahs to india, which is objectively a very good thing.
its difficult to parse through how you feel about the disaster because people are messy, and they do both good and bad things.
i dont think i know enough about any of the four adults aboard to say whether the good theyve done outweighed the bad, and whether other people even care about that when it comes to their feelings about this.
the one i know for sure that i dont feel bad for is stockton rush because this was entirely his fault.
im not gonna get into the weeds as to why exactly titan was badly designed, but to save money and for "simplicity", he employed some experimental techniques like the use of carbon fibre and the pressure pod (i hope i have the right word here) being cylindrical. he ignored regulations and laws, he used expire carbon fibre, and he turned a mass gravesite into a tourist spot.
and i hate him even more for how he designed oceangate. the way they work is that each dive would technically be research-based, but to fund it (even though rush is a multi-millionaire), they would allow people to buy tickets to come along. and i hate this more than if it was just tourism because the way hes tied them together has made it harder to criticise the dives because they have done important research.
i definitely he misled people because if you dont know about this sort of vessel, youre likely to defer to someone who helped to develop it.
however, i would err on the side of both harding and nargeolet knowing how unsafe it was. nargeolet had done countless dives just like it and he was in this world where people were saying this isnt safe. we also know that harding knew because his friend victor vescovo, who found the deepest shipwreck in the world (the samuel b roberts), told him that it was unsafe, but harding went anyway.
ive kinda just been rambling in my reply because i do feel torn about it. people died and i struggle not to feel for them, even if my logical brain is arguing with that. i think many people struggle to believe anyone deserves to die because were humans and we are meant to care about each other. its how we survived as a species for so long. but there are people in this world where if they died, the world would objectively be a better place.
at the end of the day, im not the authority on how anyone feels about this and i dont begrudge anyone for their feelings. the world is not black and white, and so much exists in the morally grey area.
youre entitled to feel however you do, anon. dont let others make you feel bad about it.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Morning Songs
I Know You Want Us
To Call You
Elon - "X"
The Civil Activist
Elon- X
We Watched You
Everyday On
Rewind TV
For 6 Months
Last Year
Elon X
Like A King on @Youtube
Elon X
With All Your Muses
A Harem 
Of Wannabe Cyber Truck Owners
With Tmobile
Praying For You 
And Starlink
Hanging On Every 
Honeyed South African Word
Physicists Logic Soothing Us
Into An Alpha State
Awaiting Starlink
Elon - X
What's Become Of YOU
Elon - X
Malcolm - X
We Gave You "X"
When We Gonna Get "O"
A Natural Born Baby
"X" Is The Missing Link
The Natural Hormone
Elon2 Squared =
"Grimez" 2
The Natural Hormone
In You And Me
70's Kids
80's Kids
90's Kids
Au LA Natural 
X Is The Missing Link
Do Your Equations
And Find The Hormones
In You And Me
Missing Gene's
X Is The Missing Link
For Our Attys
That Had No Time
To F***
Or Love
Only Gays
Could Have Raped Us
Into Sodomy Attempts
Like This
Trans Defense Team
Schmitz Bush Eunuchs
Nitya X
Britney X
Malcolm X
Mom X
Ghandi X
Buddha X
X Is The Missing Link
Don't Want To Cry
For Our Babies
Only 10% Memory
Of Childhood Left
Alienation Disease
Spread With Gays Gags
Of Courts
From England 
To Hawaii
X Is The Missing Link
Iran Needs Her
X Back
Not 7 Billion Please
A US Insult
To Arab Slave Owners
Needs Her Royals
Reza Shah
Kvon Moezzi June
Best Mammas 
In The World
Robbed Of Ancestry
For Museums
Not The Dump
World Wide Web Of AI
Not Just Princesses
Nobles Who Love
Even More
Mitra And Varuna
Vedic Mythology
Maui Shook
The Ama
From Her Frontal
Third Eye
No More Jealousy
To Attack Goddesses
She's As Sick Of The Drugs
As #FreeBritney 
And Me
Did Mamma Maui Lose Her Fertility
When Fire
Bore Her Heart
Did Mamma Maui Lose
Her Breasts
When Firemen
Had Access
To Oprah's Road
Did Mother Maui
Iao Valley Mahune
Put Out The Flames
When Hawaii Military
Only Found 17 Bodies
In The Ocean
300 Still Missing
Too Lazy To Disclose Facts
And Obituaries
Rainforest Walls
Saved Us
While Troops Called It A Day
How Many Baby Boomers
Died In Maui Fires
How Many Homeless
Will Journalists Break Codes 
And Tell Us The Truth
Who What Where When Why
5 W's
Or Do We Need To Hire
Expose To Reveal 
For Updated Google
Fire Maps
Is Down
From University Of Hawaiʻi 
How Many Gays
Too Polite To Say
Go Away
In The Winds
Stop Stealing
Our Native
Indigenous Babies
In Hawaii
And Iran
Maui Moms
Was Mother Maui Too Polite
Too Nice
And Cancer
Covid 2 Wasn't Enough
In San Francisco
Moles Push
Government Suicides
Off Bridge
Robin William's Pleas
For Men That Don't Grow Up
Nano - Nano
Confirmed Bachelors
Mind Those Bugs
In Your Ass
Mind Those Bugs
Of Courts Spreading 
Alienation Disease 
Teach Your Invitro
Gay Attys
Trans Officers
How To Be A Maid
Before They Break
The Law
Airbrushed "Pretty Pretty Girls,"
At Height Of Ignorance
Drugged Stupid 
To Half A Life
For Prostitution 
Kali Yuga
Teach Your Judges
(Or Recall Them)
How To Clean Their
Before They Take 
With Domestic Terrorists 
For 600k A Year
As Criminals
In Organised Crimes
Killing Wives
At Large
For Glutinous Fetishes
Humanoid Moms
Won't Sustain
Nor Mother Maui
Teach Your Officers
How To Clean 
The Courts
Before They Steal
Another AI Barbie
For Practicing
Medicine Bribed Covid2
Germ Warfare
With "X"
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
0 notes
dirt-grub · 4 years
YO wait what if i asked to go to the city for christmas or smth.... i havent been in forever its been like three years i think (edit i cant bc covid duh but its a nice thought lol)
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diminuel · 4 years
Hun I just read ur hate-letter to the SPN writers... and tbh same. I feel like they could have done so much!! It didn’t even have to be destiel related in my opinion (tho I am a fellow shopper) just like maybe seeing everyone they lost? Like everyone being there. Then it’s have covered the „found family“ aspect. Even with the heaven end we did get. Only getting to know where Bobby’s friend and Marry and John are!? What about Charlie!? Kevin!? Cas!? Cos apparently he got out of the empty... idk how but apparently he did. Yes sure it was good to see Bobby but... give us more. And Sam getting old? Cheap. Honestly cheap. Not only the method but also the wig. And then in the barn - as we are at cheap rn - the vamp heads were literal mannequin heads and it took so much from that scene. Also why vampires? And then so forcefully made important ones? Why not that child from one of Sam‘s ex girlfriends that promised to kill dean!? Like I could get that the writers wanted something unspectacular cos that’s how life is. And tbh now it doesn’t take away from Cas‘ end. But srsly the man went to hell and back (literally) he deserves better. So much better!! And again to Sam. Why not show us that he ended up with Eileen? And then I can only agree with you on the part of Cas‘ sacrifice as it was pure Fan service but please acknowledge it!! The man was in love with u dean!! That causes something. It felt half assed and in my opinion episode 19 was the end and 20 terrible „my-immortal“ level fanfic. And also Sam would’ve never let his son become a hunter. NEVER. The way he was forced into that life!? No. And also were are my girls!? Where’s Jody?! I missed her :(
Sorry for literally spamming this I needed to get it off my chest and have no other platform or friends that watch the show :((
Haha, I don’t think it was supposed to be a hate letter (I hope! though I do feel like my faith in them was seriously misplaced and I feel like an idiot for that).
You all bring up good questions, questions I feel the show has to answer for. I saw one writer say “covid, pal!” as a reason why people who were supposed to be there weren’t. What we got on screen was not what they promised at all. What happened to it being a celebration of Sam and Dean and the family they found on the way? There was no family they found on the way! And what about the assurance that even with covid they made sure that the people they really wanted to be there for the finale, where there. So...... the only person they wanted to be there is Bobby? 
How cheap! What about the characters you mentioned, what about Cas? They were supposed to be there too! And I clearly mean “supposed to be there”, not just because I as a fan wanted them there, but because the narrative that SPN has spun over the last few years was that Dean and Sam have a family; they have friends and family - even though they’re not related by blood - that mean something to them; that also give their fight more meaning. But in the end it was all just Sam and Dean again, all the people they lost not worth more than a shrug before the next mouthful of pie landed in Dean’s mouth. Maybe Bobby acted as a weak and cheap stand in for “family doesn’t end in blood”. But everything they showed us in this finale was that in the end this family they found for themselves was worth nothing? Why did Dean answer John in “Lebanon” that he had a family when John said that was what he wanted for Dean? Because clearly when you came down to it, nothing else mattered but Sam and Dean.
And Sam’s life was so gloomy if you think about it, the way he died framed by photographs of a life he lost that ONLY included the Winchesters, maybe one picture of Bobby and of his son... That’s like a shrine to “only blood” family matters. There’s no sign at all - apart from his son - that Sam lived a life, one that was worth commemorating at the end of his road. Where’s his wife? I think Sam’s fate was tragic too. I get the feeling that he was a shitty husband and a shitty dad, with one foot stuck in the past and the other already put into the grave so he could see his brother again. And that’s not... a good ending for a good character.
And don’t get me started on the wig. It haunts my dreams.
(And clearly don’t get me started on the utter betrayal that was Dean’s death. That’s the one thing I will not forgive. I cannot believe that they were putting so much effort into Dean’s personal growth, only to then say at the very end “ah, sorry folks, he has to die bloody, randomly, unmourned by anyone but Sam, uncelebrated by people he saved and loved, without a legacy but Sam naming his son after him! After all there’s no life for a man like him in civil society~!” Fuck off)
Sorry. I still have a lot of emotions.
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
Hi TT,
I'm so glad that your lbs are back🥳🥳.
So much has happened in immj2 land after the vihaan track.Your lbs were the only source of immj2 for me..so when u stopped the lbs at the point where vihaan was revealed to be vansh only and he started playing mind games and revenge revenge with a clueless ridhima...Uske baad kya hua till the events in this lb I have no idea.So can you pls do a KAHANI AB TAK from the point where the lbs were on hold till now?
Hi hi!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Oh boy, tbh, this show is bonkers crazy and I don’t know how to sensibly explain what the fuck went down, but I shall tryyyyyyy:
Ok so we left off at Vansh telling Riddhima to murder Kabir. She obviously can’t do it coz she’s a weakass bitch (warna kab ka Vansh ko hi maar deti uske anginnath chutiyaape ke liye............) Kabir gloats about it to Vansh and also lets slip that they were in a relationship before she came into V’s life, and how he’s just not fated for love, is he. Vansh gets hella mad at this and instead of going to therapy about it like a normal person, decides ki I have to get revenge from Riddhima for this. They go on some dhaarmic vacation where he abandons her and when she finally makes her way back everyone’s like “Hein tum kaun????????????/ Vansh ki biwi toh Ahaana hai.” So basically Riddhima; whose whole identity is just being Vansh’s wife; ka account deactivate ho jaata hai, like Trump’s twitter. Siya meanwhile starts yelling in her coma for Riddhima Bhaabi, so Vansh has to let R stay. There’s some stupidass competitions and shit between her and Ahaana and R is finally like ok you know what I’ve had enough of this and leaves. Siya finally wakes tf up and tells everyone the truth. V like OHNOE!!!!!!! I’M A DUMBASS!!!!!!! (yeah, we know.) and runs behind R and stops her from leaving. R usse bhi badi buddhu and actually gets back together with this fucking crazy man and his nonsense family. Ab aata hai track where Kabir starts sending Riddhima clues about her past and R finds that her parents didn’t actually abandon her at the anaath-ashram but actually died in some accident. She finds that around the saaaaaaaaame time, teenage V was in juvie. Snooping around, snooping around, as per usual she wants to know if V’s connected to her parents. Because no one taught her ki correlation =/= causation. V plans elaborate second shaadi to keep her from snooping but Riddhima apni multitasker max hai! Manages to get through 4098340239480 shaadi rituals and also do her jasoosi, finds out he was in juvie for a car accident that killed a couple. V lies to everyone that the couple he actually killed was Kabir’s dad and aunt. Yeh sunke K ki khisak jaati hai, but then he actually overhears V and Ishani talking ki that was a lie and it was Ishani who killed Riddhima’s parents and V took the blame for her. Kabir doesn’t like being taken for a fool and is like bitch imma burn this shit to the ground now and get my girl back too. Meanwhile V is having issues with his diamond smuggly business and is like “omg I have such a dangerous line of work I can never have a family of my own.” Well, yeh khayaal thoda late aaya coz guess who’s been regularlyyyyyyyy tapping it without wrapping it??????? Yeah, this dumbass who doesn’t want kids. K ka dariya dil is like “arre waah ek se saath ek muft muft muft? I want R and baby also!” V is a pissyass bitch about R getting pregnant as if she did it all on her own with no contribution from him. Anyway, thanks to his diamond smuggling fuckery someone shoots during a family event and Ishani loses her baby. Not the best time for everyone to find out R is pregnant, and people start trying to murder her and baby. Someone keeps sending her warning letters about it tho. K keeps saving her ass and V is just like meh who cares, mereko toh bas apni padi hai. AnuMom makes a comeback here and adds to the fuckery and K is like SO HELP ME GOD, DON’T YOU HURT MY GIRL AND BABY, and she’s like “hein yeh kya ho gaya, I was literally not here for a few weeks and ladka haath se nikal gaya.” Anyway, long story short, turns out it was the random uncle (Aryan’s dad who shows up only once in 6 months) who was looking out for R and baby and saving them via warning notes. For that nek kaam, AnuMom murders the fuck outta him. Tbh by this point I stopped even keeping up with the show and someall fuckery happens with the diamonds and all, but at some point V realises ki “oh mere ko bhi chahiye apna crotch-goblin” and accepts the consequences of his non-condom wearing actions. By this point Kabir is trying to get the diamonds and the girl + baby and idk man.......... Kuch ka kuch ho jaata hai and they all end up in a forest where Kabir seems to have murdered V (but he’s saved by AnuMom who’s like FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH KABIR, NOW VANSH IS MY BEST SON) , and is all ready to marry R but V comes outta nowhere and haathapaai ensues and this leads to V/R jumping off a cliff and hiding but he gets shot and sends Riddhima off to safety.
Now we’ve moved to Voot. V wakes up 6-7 hours later in the forest to find Angre there; Angre says R is home and sent him to come get him. V comes home to find new and improved Riddhima who is veryyyyyyy horny all the time (not unheard of with pregnancy hormones.) Meanwhile entry of sasta!Vansh who R has some deal with and she keeps doing shit like steal the diamonds for him and some khaandani rifle (they keep calling it a “SNIPER RIFLE” but it legit looks like Vasco De Gama ki gun from Andaz Apna Apna.) Dadi on the other hand has turned into this major Gangster Grandma who’s ruthless as fuck and is all about the Raisinghania naam and power and mafia business or whatever and she’s like I can’t take it how V and R are fucking up the name of the fam for their do takke ka manhoos pyaar, I want them murdered, esp. R. V finds out that sasta!V’s wife (whom he claims to have murdered) looks exactly like Riddhima and is now convinced ki yeh jo mere ghar mein hai is a duplicate, and they have kidnapped my real pregnant wife. Anyway, he’s like fine Dadi, I’ll murder R for the khaandaan. Takes her to the jungle and shoots her in front of Aryan. But V is puraana paapi who is expert in making it look like he’s murdered the love interest of the season and hiding them from the whole world, so yeah............... Keeps R in some room somewhere and interrogates her every day but she’s like OMG *I’m* your wife, dumbass. Udhar Siya’s traumatised by bhaiyya’s wife-murdering ways and is now falling for sasta!Bhaiyya and gotten a makeover and discovered teenage rebellion; while Ishani’s realized how hot her husband is and is constantly wanting to sex him. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now the non-Rrahul dude has gotten COVID irl, so I guess he’ll be off the show for a bit, and my cyuuutoooo Kabir (who’s being kept captive somewhere by Riddhima????) will finally be back? One can hope. I miss Kabir and this show is absolutely nothing without him.
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Teen Wolf 2020
it’s 2020 and corona is a bitch :) the wolves might not be able to get sick but they still wear their masks bcs they could still be carriers so *clears throat* WEAR YOUR MASKS Y’ALL!! this is very much a no one dies/everybody lives au :)
Scott McCall - age 26
this cute nerd. he studied veterinary medicine which takes about 4 years so he graduated in 2017 and works as Deaton’s partner at the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. he’s dating Isaac (bcs he came back from France with Argent, remember) and Kira (she came back from the Skinwalkers in 2019 and has a proper grasp on her powers). sorry scalia shippers but it’s not really my thing-
Stiles Stilinski - age 26
NERD. anywho- FBI dork became an agent in 2019 whoo and lives in DC with Lydia, Derek and Braeden. he’s dating Lydia and Derek and things are pretty chill - he yells at arseholes who refuse to wear their masks bcs ‘it’s uncomfortable :(’ like bite me karen no one cares
Derek Hale - age 32
grumpy sourwolf actually knows how to smile!! who knew- he lives in DC with Stiles, Lydia and Braeden most of the time but he and Braeden travel often to fight butthead hunters who need to mind their own business. he’s dating Stiles and he and Braeden are engaged - it’s cute and they’re being dorks about it. he likes to complain that they’d be married by now if it wasn’t for freakin covid
Lydia Martin - age 26
your local genius banshee~ �� still awesome, still a harbinger of death - so yk, the usual. bcs she had extra credits she started as a junior studying maths and graduates in 2016!! 🎉🎉 she moved to DC after she got some money together while working as a tutor - the quartet splits rent (but usually it’s just Stiles and Lydia splitting it bcs the other two don’t technically have jobs and yk Derek is an unsub and Stiles is in the FBI which Lydia finds hilarious). she teaches adults in the local community college and helps supernatural folk on the dl - she runs a grief counselling service at the same place for people who’ve lost someone. she’s also trying to get a degree to become a high school maths teacher and it’s a lot but she’s got it handled.
Allison Argent - 24
accidentally brought back from the dead by the Dread Doctors. everyone could not stop crying bcs she’s back baby!! she died in 2011 age 17 and came back in 2012 so she wasn’t dead long thankfully - wanted to kill Theo bcs he messed with her pack even he did bring her back. she’s a chimera now lads- she needed a kidney transplant when she was young which was why she was kept away from the family business. she was a werewolf-werejaguar chimera like Hayden but stayed a chimera. Chris and Isaac stayed home and bcs she and Isaac never actually broke up, they kept dating - she found it funny that Isaac and Scott were dating at this point,, meanwhile they were panicking wildly :) she went back to school and said she wasn’t dead, just in the hospital for a really long time. she joined Liam’s year and again, wanted to very badly throw hands when she found out about Monroe- she’s the coolest, like she has claws and bow and arrows
Malia Tate - 26
our girl went to France as promised and hooked up with plenty of hot French people *le eyebrow wiggle* she found her beau there in France and it was not a love at first sight sort of thing - she wanted to punch them in the face,, in their very pretty face- she was basically doing her own thing when she smells them, another bloody werewolf and like don’t get me wrong, she’s fond of werewolves, but bloody hell do they cause trouble. and they smell her too and it’s like ‘eh-?’ bcs werecoyotes aren’t so common as werewolves. and they’re just there in a club in Bordeaux and they’re sniffed each other out and they kinda just pause like huh- bcs they were were not expecting to see someone that pretty- but that’s not the point of course- they pretend to leave together and as soon as they’re out of sight from humans, they start fighting in an alley, as you do. it ends up with the wolf tasting the wall bcs who the hell are you- once they figure out they’re both just there to party, things chill and they see more of each other, naturally, it’s all just a big coincidence and doesn’t mean anything. and then they’re dancing and it doesn’t mean anything. and then they’re sleeping together and it doesn’t mean anything. except it does. and they don’t know when it became normal to cuddle or wake up together or have breakfast together but it just was. and when the cute werewolf (who I still don’t have a name for-) plans on moving to the next place, she comes with. the pack are happy for her and they usually road trip from place to place so when the pack comes to visit in Prague? it’s fun to say the least
Kira Yukimura - age 25
she came back from the Skinwalkers in 2019 and she and Allison became good friends. she kept going with school from home and is dating Scott. her powers are strong and when she sneezes bcs yk pollen or wtv, there’s sparks and it’s hilarious and Scott finds it adorable. she doesn’t really know what she wants to do yet and that’s cool of her
Erica Reyes - age 25
they thought she was dead- think again bitch, she slowed her heart rate down so they couldn’t hear and everyone thought she was dead - when the alpha pack got rid of her body and Allison found it, she told her to tell the others to pretend she was dead bcs of the Alpha pack - they beat the Alpha pack but she and Boyd hid with Satomi’s pack while that went down and helped generally after. she kept going with school and bcs she dipped for a while, ended in Liam’s year and eventually became a nurse in 2017. she works with Melissa McCall and joins for family dinner a lot.
Isaac Lahey - age 25
went to France with Chris Argent but kept going with his studies at Chris’ insistence. was dating dating Scott before he had to leave with Chris but they didn’t actually break up,, it was more ‘i’ll miss you :(’. came back to Beacon Hills when Chris came to help with the deadpool business and stayed bcs of Allison and Scott 💞 his studies were mostly uninterrupted and he studied law, becoming a lawyer in 2020!! so at least one good thing came of this infernal year- he wants to specialise in family law.
Vernon Boyd III - age 26
yea no, Derek didn’t mercy kill him bcs he was fine :) de nile ain’t just a river lads he went into hiding with Satomi’s pack and came back when the Alpha pack was dealt with. went back to school and ended up in Liam’s year. he joined the air force when he was 18 and finished his rotc training stuff in 2018 and it’s pretty alright - he’s a pilot but was discharged in 2019 bcs someone started with him and bcs they were a superior, he couldn’t say shit. so now he likes to wear ‘fuck the army’ and ‘fuck the air force’ shirt. he has mad respect for the people out there but the people in charge? fuck em
Aiden Steiner - age 27
he lives bitches 😎 Ethan had a silver chain on so he plugged the wound with it - it counteracted the oni poison and the chain started melting into the would (he had mild silver poisoning but he was fine). school was normal and now he’s an engineer, living in Beacon Hills. he and Ethan left for London for a while bcs that town was crazy af. while Ethan was very happy there, he missed home so went back. he got an online ordination and learnt Japanese bcs why not
Ethan Steiner-Whittemore - age 27
got married!! whoo 🎉🎉 Aiden officiated (this is 2018 btw) and it was cute. the whole pack was there and the wedding was in London bcs as quaint as Beacon Hills is 
‘i’m only planning on getting married once so this is gonna be awesome’ - Jackson Whittemore, 2017
he’s dramatic but yk Ethan was a blushing mess bcs ~life partners~ he’s soft y’all. he’s a primary school teacher in London and they’re part of the South London pack.
Jackson Steiner-Whittemore - age 25
also got married!! whoo 🎉🎉 ngl he’s lowkey a trophey husband/sugar hubby bcs he’s rich af - he does business with his dad but it’s not a big workload. he and Aiden want to adopt and yk being rich will hopefully help
Theo Raeken - age 25
ah yes, the absolute nightmare bi enby returns. (i hc him with he/they pronouns ✌🏽 as you do) so he successfully gained Scott’s trust and is part of the pack - yay! he and Allison have a sort of ‘you’re a bitch’ ‘no u’ *saves each others lives* relationship at this point - it took a while for Allison to warm up to him but he did save Liam’s butt several times so,, anywho, he’s still a werewolf-werecoyote chimera and he’s cool with it. he went to an online school and got his high school diploma - Liam then snuck him into the school and he signed the bookshelf bcs yea he didn’t graduate there but he did go there and now he’s graduated so yay. speaking of, he and Liam are dating, yea ik we been knew. they started dating in 2014 and Theo now works waiting tables at a local restaurants bcs he lives with Liam and his parents (you best bet that when they found out he was living in his car, they made him move in so he pays rent, not at their request but his). that was till 2017 and they moved out into an apartment together. Theo chips in on rent but it usually ends up being split 60:40 (Liam: Theo) so he cooks and cleans a lot,,, mainly bcs Liam can’t cook and does laundry like a maniac-
Liam Dunbar - age 24
this werepup is just as chaotic as always - he cannot be trusted with laundry bcs he doesn’t split colours from whites :) honestly it makes me wanna cry a lil bcs he can’t even fry eggs either- he has Theo to cook for him tho so that’s all good. he’s a history tutor for the high school students bcs he likes history and he knows the pain of high school- *shudder* he got an online Spanish and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) degree and is now teaching at Beacon Hills High but yk his first year teaching is all online bcs 2020-
Mason Hewitt - age 23
he’s Emissary to the pack when they don’t have Deaton *wipes tear* he’s all grown up- he went to UCLA and majored in biophysics and minored in LGBTQ studies (graduated 2017). he lived on campus (kept the bat next to his bed lmao) and videochatted with Liam almost everyday - he would visit almost every weekend even tho it’s a 6 and half drive but hey. he got an apartment near the uni where he and Corey lived after he graduated. they’ve been engaged since 2018 (it was actually the day after the Steiner-Whittemore wedding). he’s helping work on a new drug delivery system and they moved closer to Beacon Hills (Sacramento)
Corey Bryant - age 24
he also went UCLA, studying comparative literature and LGBTQ studies, and lived on campus (for 3 years before moving in with Mason in 2017) before graduating in 2018. they’re engaged and moved to Sacramento. he’s writing a novel that will thankfully have nothing to do with their confusing ass lives
Cora Hale - age 28
lesbian queen *bows* still part of her pack in Ecuador, South America - she’s got a lady lover who I call Rosa (affectionately nicknamed Rosalita). they met when she first got there age 12 (Rosa being 13 at the time). Rosa taught her Spanish  and made her feel like part of the pack - after all the Alpha pack stuff, when she went back with Derek and Peter, she didn’t realise how much she’d missed them- how much she’d missed her. Derek asks if that’s her girlfriend and she’s like ‘wha- o.o’ and Rosa just goes ‘yup - nice to finally meet you guys’. she still visits DC to see Derek and Beacon Hills to see Erica and Isaac. even tho she lives in a different continent, Peter still looks out for her, sending anonymous donations in Talia’s name to the areas surrounding her pack’s territory
Brett Talbot - 24
*singsongs* ~he did not die~ the car swerved out of the way and the pack took him to Deaton who burnt the poison out of him (it was a long and painful process but he’s fine y’all). he’s the new lacrosse coach at Devenford Prep and he and Liam have a (mostly) friendly rivalry :) he’s a single pringle not bcs of lack of dates but just bcs he hasn’t found the one yet
Lorilee Rohr - age 22
also did not die :) she finished high school (2015) and went on to studying at UC Berkeley (art practice and theatre and performance studies, major and minor), graduating in 2018. she and Brett moved once he reached age 18. she makes and sells art from home
Nolan Holloway - age 25
after proving himself, same as Theo, he was eventually accepted into the pack. he and Gabe were dating and that’s that so he did mourn him for a long while. he works with hunters on the dl, trying to stop them hunting the supernaturals - he’s flipped 23 away from the dark side by 2020. he and Liam are friends which took a while but Nolan has his back (like there was that one time someone from the lacrosse team said they weren’t gonna ‘follow some mongrel’ so he reminded them that Liam was co-captain and if they didn’t wanna follow him, they could kindly fuck off :)) he’s a simp and has a raging crush on Brett like me too bruh
~the end~ for now
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drealibris · 4 years
1: What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? - stay indoors/within a 5km radius from the house for 9 months, fuck the pandemic
2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? - My resolution was “Life Level Up” and while I did make my room/office look better, not so much. I learned how to Adobe XD. That’s it. Sure yeah.
3: Did anyone close to you give birth? - My blockmate!
4: Did anyone close to you die? - My grandma, and a grand-aunt who died from COVID 
5: What countries did you visit? - COVID LOLOLOLOLOLOL
6: What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020 - SELF-DISCIPLINE, BETTER TIME MANAGEMENT SO I CAN HAVE TIME TO READ AND EXERCISE, LESS YOUTUBE TIME.
7: What dates from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? - May 28, when I went home after being stuck in my aunt’s house for 3 months
8: What was your biggest achievement of the year? - Got a great job and my artwork I did for them are all sold out!
9: What was your biggest failure? - TOO MUCH ONLINE SHOPPING.
10: Did you suffer illness or injury? - THANK GOD NO. Just allergies.
11: What was the best thing you bought? - Hades on Steam
12: Whose behavior merited celebration? - all frontliners during the pandemic
13: Whose behavior made you appalled? - D/U/3/0 should just die and rot, since that’s what he’s expecting us to do
14: Where did most of your money go? - ONLINE SHOPPING, washi tapes, an iPhone X. WTF. :/
15: What did you get really, really, really excited about? - when my bosses get excited by my work
16: What song will always remind you of 2020? - all of Taylor Swift’s folklore
17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? - a) sadder b) FATTEST I’VE BEEN!!! c) richer but broke!
18: What do you wish you’d done more of? - I wish I could’ve gone out more but COVID LMAO
19: What do you wish you’d done less of? - PROCRASTINATING
20: How did you spend Christmas? - at home, with homemade ham
21: Did you fall in love in 2020? - No. Tried OKCupid tho, a lot of guys liked me.
22: What was your favorite TV program? - Lovecraft Country, Star Trek: Discovery
23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? - too many people came out as apathetic or pretending to be woke
24: What was the best book you read? - Gou Tanabe’s manga adaptation of At The Mountains of Madness, Jean Rhys’ The Wide Sargasso Sea
25: What was your greatest musical discovery? - Taylor Swift’s folklore
26: What did you want and get? - a desk, a tripod, softboxes
27: What did you want and not get? - I did not meet my friends, I did not read more, I did not really learn proper UX
28: What was your favorite film of this year? - 2020 changed my life movie-wise. I finally got to see the Marlene Dietrich films by Josef von Sternberg, and some movies of Agnes Varda which blew me away. Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and when I went down to the basement with Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite my expectations of horror/thriller went up.
29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? - a great job
30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? - house shirts and no bra, lol I’m stuck at home
31: What kept you sane? - Movies, biking in the neighborhood, my dogs
32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? - Still Michael Emerson, Dev Patel, Harry Melling (because he looks like a combination of Zach Woods and Tom Middleditch)
33: What political issue stirred you the most? - HAVE YOU SEEN 2020
34: Who did you miss? - THE OUTSIDE
35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020 - Oh my God. Relish the little things. Wash your hands. Compassion is necessary. Don’t waste time.
36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. - “I want to watch wisteria grow / right over my bare feet / 'cause I haven’t moved in years” - the lakes, Taylor Swift
Things to be thankful for:
being alive during a pandemic
having a job
people I love are safe
doing therapy
Things to improve on:
my time management skills should be better in 2021 because I’m just so tired of not doing things
drawing skills, I need to practice
introspection, because I just had no time
reading time, because lol my mornings
health, because I think sugars and salts destroyed me in 2020
Things I watched:
Celine Sciamma’s Portrait of A Lady On Fire: I can now stop waiting for new movies because none of them can beat this
Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7: oh my God
Von Sternberg’s The Scarlet Empress for the grotesque sets and Morocco for Marlene Dietrich, period
Lovecraft Country, episode 7 especially
Star Trek: Discovery because TRILLS!!! A TRILL IN DISCOVERY!!!
Things I listened to:
Taylor Swift’s folklore is *chef’s kiss*
Billie Eilish, my bebe
Lady Gaga’s Chromatica, because I need fun
BTS’ Go as a musical manifesto and Dynamite as a tribute to disco
Things I loved reading:
Katherine Arden’s Winternight Trilogy: a welcome reimagining of Russian folklore
Jean Rhys’ The Wide Sargasso Sea: colonialism is evil and ROCHESTER IS A DICK I AM VINDICATED
Gou Tanabe’s adaptation of At The Mountain of Madness: love Lovecraft’s world but hate his pretentious prose? Read this instead.
Things to look forward to:
getting my shit together and finally having better habits
saving up a lot of money
reading more books
going back to being gluten-free
drawing better
meeting all my friends again
being a partner at work
going through with immigration
loving life more
0 notes
rainwashedhistory · 4 years
Quarantine Journal
Apparently I am incapable of maintaining a daily pace -- part of this is trying to fit ONE day in at a time and finish the day and then forgetting the next morning.  I'ma TRY to get back to it but let's go a little free-form right now.  Maybe I'll start posting weekly instead?  Today is 6/13.  Some shit's gone down.
Shawn, my old boss from WWP died.  I feel bad that I never got to tell him what he meant to me.  I wrote a pretty long memorial thing on insta/facebook.  I'ma repost it here too... with a couple, more honest updates.  Readmore at the end.
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I'm planning to go up to Redding for Shawn's memorial right after Father's day.  Terrified of COVID but hey.  This only is going to happen once.  I'm gonna stay with my high school bestie, and hopefully see my friends Aleesha and Robyn, at least.  And get some chicken rolls.  The sushi place we used to go to is under new ownership buuuuuut.  And this will almost certainly be the last time in my life I'm ever going to go to waterworks park, so let's make it count, I guess?  I bought a cute romper onepiece swimsuit that hides a bit of the quarantine bod.
On the way to Redding, I am officially gonna hit up Liz's place!  I miss my girl. Need to meet Connor!
Stafford House is officially gone for good.  I have cleaned out my classroom.  There are rumblings that the school might be bought by another co. that wants to do more vocational training -- fingers crossed that happens and that I'll have a job there?  Yikes. Hello Future, indeed.  I also stole my CAE books.  Hell if I'm giving those back.  I also took my test binders and a few mini-whiteboards that Patti offered
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There's been a ton of BLM protests here.  I feel guilty af that I haven't been to a single one or done much of anything -- I just don't feel safe doing so.  Both physically, at protests where cops are pretty openly inciting violence, and... situationally?  OANN is quartered here, and if my parents see me at one of them, I stg they'll kick me out of my place.  Things downtown are pretty boarded up.  And like I'd be donating but I need to fucking save my money because COVID relief unemployment is not gonna last forever.
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I spent like 2 weeks not talking to mom.  Had a call with her a couple days ago, though, and it was... fine.  No major yelling about politics.  Phew.
Therapy... I went this week.  Meh.  I'm not sure it's helping all that much.  I really want to start going in person again, this teletherapy stuff is balls.
I've been applying to jobs.  It's the worst.  Especially because even though there are a handful of job postings, with COVID, who even knows what'll happen.  will schools reopen?  I should really start pouring myself into the online teaching stuff but so many sites make it so difficult.  I re-applied to ALI, god give me strength.  And I need to re-apply to Miramar.  SIGH.
I'm hanging out more and more (every saturday) with Ricky, Mat, Stazia, and Nick.  This is helping give me some balance.  And kitty time. Whenever their skittish cats come chill with me I feel blessed.
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I killed my sourdough starter, somehow.  All orange tinged.  Nick gave me a new one (dried).  I built it back up and have since found a me hair, a cat hair, and a big ass bug in it.  WTF?  It still... looks good though?  Gonna give it a bit to see if it goes off, too.
Meals for this week incluced hot honey butter-glazed chicken, fettuccine pasta & mushrooms, and one-pan vegetable udon.  All three were good but not necessarily mind-blowing.  I probably should start food logging again?
Painted my nails all pride-y.  Will post a pic later.
Bought lighting for computer desk and bedroom, FINALLY
Cats seem mostly flea-free, though mimosa is still not sleeping on the bed like a psycho
FINALLY (like 8 months later) got my car engine steam cleaned, will try to get an appointment to get my engine checked before I try to drive up to fucking Redding
Got the prelim documents in for my RealID.  I need to get an appointment at the DMV but they're not scheduling them right now
School starts Monday. I am nooooot ready.
Mortgage is delinquent?  Inquiring about COVID relief stopped payment on our autopay and now things are all messed up.  SIGH I hope this doesn't go on my credit.
Haven't been walking nearly enough.  It's really hard to make myself shift into that again, and frankly I need to.  It's been three months since I've worked out at all.
Keeping up with RnM with Erica.... it's a fucking wild ride and I'm soooo glad she loves it as much as I do
Started playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey.  It's fun af, but also not like... engrossing like HZD was, which means I don't feel too cranky when I can't play.  holy SHIT the world is huge tho.  And gorgeous.  But again, maybe... too huge, and too samey-same.  I get that that's the region, but I loved how HZD changed so much depending on the area you were.  SPEAKING OF HZD, the news about H2FW came out and hooooly shit I am hyped.  We're going to Cali!
Here have some more mask GPOYs
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Other stuff:
Temp still normal, in the high 97/low 98 range
RHR is hovering around 64-67
Steps have been in the 2-3000 range, yikes
Weather has been lovely, why am I not going out more???
Ok fam, that's it.  Time to shower, get dressed, and head over to R&M's for weekly mandated social time.
Shawn, you were my first, and one of my best mentors. You promoted me to management when I was an anxious, terrified, by-the-book 18 year old who had absolutely no idea why she was even considered for the position. You had so much faith in me and my abilities and you were the most patient boss I have ever had -- you taught me every year, for years, how to start up the pumps again, until I literally could do it in my sleep, even now, over a decade later. You taught me how to fix almost anything in the park, and you never acted like there was anything I was too fragile or stupid to do -- even when others did.
You were tough, and I never wanted to get on your bad side... but you were also supremely kind -- I remember you yelling at almost everyone, at least once, except me. Even when I deserved it and I made mistakes that would cost the company money. I remember begging you to take it out of my paycheck and you just stopping and laughing and telling me it was okay, just not to do it again. I think you knew I would crumble, and all you ever wanted to do was build me up.
You knew the value, and the joy in a hard day's work... and you also knew how to take it easy, and that both are vitally important. I remember the day I slept straight through my alarm and you opened the whole park without calling me, just to give me a little break. I remember the way you taught me that management was never above any job -- if you expected your employees to do something, you'd always pitch in and show them that you weren't too good to clean a toilet, too. I'll never forget your 36 hour days, or your calling in well to work, or shiraz Saturdays. I desperately miss sitting in your office or up on the side of the river ride and eating pizza and talking. Everything I loved about Waterworks really came down to working with you and the community you helped foster there.
You taught me how to find my voice and stand on my own two feet in a job that I found utterly terrifying, after living with a family where I never had one. You were a second dad to me -- one who stuck up for me, who was always in my corner. I honestly don't think, if it weren't for you, that I would have found the confidence to pursue teaching. There is so much good in my life that you helped me reach for, and I will always be grateful.I'll be opening a big bottle of Yellowtail this Saturday in your honor. I miss you.
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"""TOP HEALTH OFFICIAL: REOPENING COUNTRY " NOT ONE SIZE FIT ALL"""" Above is as My quote------Tho Huynh quote from article on Yahoo MY Comment-----------Tho Huynh Comment: NOT ONE SIZE BLOCK ALL EITHER I meant you cannot go with either way, it meant you have to solve the Equation both sides of the Equation just NOT ONE SIZE FIT ALL or just ONE SIZE BLOCK ALL!!!!!!!!!! You have to see problem in all direction, just not in science and ignore the others, science is not everything, Science is part of everything; especially when you have problem like this, you just cannot depend solidly on science to stop living of millions; besides, you have developed your system to make underlines problems for so long: Diabetic, obesity, heart conditions, cancers, stress, depress, sugar blood, fail healthcare system, modern slavery, poverty, Technologies over humanity, money over humanity, hate, drugs, racism,Discrimination, Inequality, women over men, men over women, now they are exposed to Corona Virus, then you did not know how to solve it as usual for who you are!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, you have had solutions already somewhere for you to use them; unfortunately, your political system, your scientific System disagree and conflicts of interests within have made you confused and did not know what to do; especially, election in November 2020 has drived more difficult for you to solve any problem from now to after November 2020; ESPECIALLY, there are people who do not want you to see solutions for unknown reasons to me, but not to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIMPLY YOU GOT TO SAVE PEOPLE NOT SCIENCE; ESPECIALLY WITH SCIENCE AS ONE SIZE FIT ALL OR BLOCK ALL You just cannot project 100,000 -240,000 deaths, then tell people " Go to hell", simply you did not have better solution, Actually, you have had good solutions somewhere , but you are confused yourselves( do not have spirits of Dr Death) First You must test everybody if you can, do not say no because of  cost, look spend for test might save billions ,better than to suffer for Economical consequence migt be up to Trillion USD, it might create more deaths than corona virus, definitely, you do not want such result happen; beside, tests will bring better solution to end corona Virus, depend on how you apply details there after tests, you must have better surgical details between tests and/ then treatments or even procedures for treatments . Stop permit Fail Healthcare system or Insurance doctors tell you the fear of overwelming too many cases or not enough hospitals, stop listen to wrong people for solutions Another problem is American now depend too much on Chinese cheap labors have made consequences for solutions to stop corona virus and even confusions and harder for solutions I am just one guy, you have 300 millions with all means to communicate; unfortunately, American media are for the news, money, for insurance, not for solutions, Chinese communists propaganda expert will laugh at American media then say"They are fool" Actually you have had solutions somewhere in the mess; however, you have to adjust solution a little to the left, or little to the right, or up, or down, or west , or south, or north or east until it works as it supposed to be, there is no such thing as Perfect solution, until you adjust it for better solution, and to closer to the best solution,but not perfect, relative good solution, not perfect or absolute perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is as Good News LHC and CERN Physicists come to help to build Ventilators to help patients with infectious disease Corona Virus or Covid -19; however, they must work together with MD and Doctors to make sure it works the way it supposed to be, because at the moment Patient needs ventilator, they might become weaker ( or even too weak)than the virus to accept and to take benefit from Ventilators, in mean time, the Virus is taking the benefit of air from ventilators to be stronger than before and mutation faster and better than before and better than the paient, thus Physicists and Doctors must find out about this Conflicts of interest between; OTHERWISE, WE ARE in aid of corona, instead of , in aid for patients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It means more harm than help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note: keep in mind Corona Virus are as Lung Virus After I wrote the article above and read more news about Corona Virus or Covid-19, it seem many died not because of Corona Virus , but death might be caused by over treatments, or wrong treatments, and problems are more complicated than people just read on the news; however, these are belonged to Md's, Dr's, Biologists, virologists to take a look at; however, do not let people with spirit of Dr Death look at it, it will not help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chinese Scientists might have found medicine to attact corona virus protein structure and corona susceptible Spikes, it meant the medicine might stop corona attack sytem to hijack Human Blood Cells; unfortunately, Can we trust Chinese Communists will not use Chinese Scientists as Chinese Communists Propaganda??????? note American can solve problems in World War II, then American should have solution to solve  Corona Virus easily
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selfcareparker · 3 years
hi aria <3 (i just noticed “love letters only” LMAO well good thing this is one of those 😌) it’s lovely anon, sorry for being a shit friend lol but here’s everything i’ve had drafted to send you (well not everything! that would be a lot HAHA)
this is more recent but: can’t wait for the blurb!! (you said it was a blurb right? i can’t find it on your blog now but it was something hdgshs) and the squeaky sneakers 😭😭 stoppppp i can’t
about your theme and your pants lmao:
aw come on i bet ur theme will look great :) aND IM HAPPY ABOUT YOUR TROUSERS LOL but i’ve really been up to nothing? WAIT THATS A LIE- so school ended (yay!!) and ya know i’m still dancing bUT i didn’t go to rehearsal last night (the 27th) bc i hurt my back :/ long story short i was at my brothers football game and they won (like for the first time lol) and i got really excited, i jumped and when i landed (which was on two feet!) my back immediately hurt. i’m okay though!! i went to the doctor and they said it’s just a backache, take it easy, don’t go to dance until next week so yeah :)
update!!! i went to dance last night (the 3rd), almost had an anxiety attack because the it’s the sECOND TO LAST REHEARSAL UNTIL THE SHOW AND I FEEL LIKE IM STILL LOOKING LIKE SHIT 🙃 but my teachers are really nice and they told me i look goooodddd and it’s fineeee so it calmed me down a bit :)
i’m still singing too, i’m in this group which i hate lol but my mom unfortunately said i should finish it out, 1) bc my younger brother is in it and he’s really excited about it which ya know yea i get it, and i don’t mind, 2) bc she paid for it 😭😭 but yeah i can’t wait until that’s over!!
clearly i am very nervous about everything haha anyway, i’m gonna be active more though . i miss talking to you, like a lot lol & i feel like it doesn’t come through BC IM NEVER ACTIVE 😭 but i think you’re the coolest person and whenever i see you post or reblog i’m like ARIA!!! so. love u girl, expect me to blow up your ask box and make u sick of me 🙃 (kidding lol, also i’ve been using that emoji a lot recently..)
ALSO ONE OTHER THING THAT IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO TELL YOU: there was a thing you reblogged AGES AGO and it was about kids who want their parents to get divorced lmao and how they’re awesome. anyway THANKS HAAH, this is probably so random, but anyway i’ve given you like bits and pieces of my home life but i can’t wait for my mom and dad to split up lol like honESTLY WAITING FOR IT
god this makes me sound bored, lonely, and depressed. #lonely anon is really coming through huh. but how’ve you been? just tell me all about it, clearly i’m doing nothing so <3
Snsjsh i forgot to post the blurb (idk if i should call it a blurb or not tbh?) lmao i got nervous and saved it to my drafts even though i had it scheduled for 45 mins ago </3 but i’ll post it after i respond to this ask (idk why but i was so excited reading your ask dksjmm <333)
Omg no need to apologise!!! Also you can literally send me everything and anything you want i’ll always be excited every time lmaoo even if it’s a lot, that’s even better!!!!
I was about to say get well soon but you said you had your rehearsal so that means your back is better i assume (and hope) which is amazing ❤️ (also congrats to your brother <3 i died when you said it was the first time they won aufisjssjk)
GOOD LUCK (even though you don‘t need it 😌 i‘m with your teachers on this one!) FOR YOUR SHOW I KNOW YOURE GONNA BE AMAZING AAAHH💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Oh also i realised i dont even know what type of dance you do?
Not the singing group thingjfjhh😩 But yeah like your mom said it‘ll probably be amazing for your brother! And idk which one you‘re talking about so idk how old he is but i‘m sure in the future he‘ll be grateful and think it‘s cool that you got to do it together 🥺!!!! but also it‘ll probably be over soo quick and you‘ll be like oh that was quick so. (What was that Sentence dkdjdjjd)
I get that you‘re nervous tho :( but i hope it‘s not a constant state of anxiety and maybe you can change it into being excited about it (isn‘t that what Tom always says? I don‘t find it very helpful 💀 but maybe you do <3)
Dkdkdkdk the parent thing 😭 my parents used to argue alllllllll the time and i‘d like cry in my room every night lmao (is this too personal? lnaodjdkd i mean i feel comfortable with you so idc) and my mom/mum (lol) still says why did i marry your father? at least once a week and I know she MEANS it too but💀 i mean idk what exactly your situation is but i know everything‘ll turn out the best way possible (yk on a long term basis) and maybe you‘ll get two Christmases so that‘s good difkldndns
Okay what‘s new with me.... nothing lmao. I think i‘ll get my driver‘s license soon like i was supposed to have my test in june but that‘s probably not happening so i hope my test will be during the beginning of july because mid/late july i have exams and that‘s already enough stress :( (also i feel like i‘ve been talking about my driving for like six months and still don‘t have my license eldjdkdj (or is it licence???? I think license is the verb but idk) BUT! that‘s just because i didn‘t have any lessons between december and march? because of covid and i‘ve been just waiting to get a test date since april 😭 but because of covid everything is taking so long and yeah </3
Talking about driver‘s license (🥴) i have finally listened to more olivia rodrigo songs and i reallly dont like the sad ones bc they give me anxiety tbh (but most sad songs do so), but i like brutal and jealousy, jealousy (or is it called jealous, jealous? Idk). I have no idea if you even like her but i remember how you said deja vu was good so maybe you like her?
Also I‘m getting my first covid vaccine next week (i know the US is way ahead of us lol but I’m getting mine very early like most of my friends couldn‘t get theirs yet so) BUT i‘m scared that i have covid 😭😭 i went to a friend‘s house the other day and she was gonna walk me home but then we met people from some of her uni courses and i didn‘t mind them (don’t know how i managed that without an anxiety attack tbh) but we were very close and i accidentally hugged one of them dkdkdjdj (accidentally because i forgot covid exists) andddd i‘ve had a cough for a few days but i‘m probably (most likely) just paranoid. also idk if i should cancel my driving lesson which is friday (one day after my jab)(is the word jab a british thing? my (british) grandparents keep saying jab)
Uni has been a bit boring to be honest shdldhsldh but i guess boring is better than hard? not much to talk about theresjdkdkd
Snsnsjsh well i hope you‘re doing well otherwise and i know you‘ll slay your performance and the singing thing will be over soo quick so yeah. you can always come to my inbox (even with non love letters (tbh i thought i‘d changed that to just say letter box dudlfhdkdk)) 💘💘💘💘 love youuuuuu
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Some of us don't have grandparents.
So, listen to Nana as she speaks with her comfort and understanding care and love.
She speaks to us all from her heart with love.
I am quite sure she is worried about us all in this world.
If you don't know she took the throne during WWII after her father died. He had only one lung. And she was only 18.
So, she understands the complete hardship of losing a dearly loved one then having to not only keep herself reigned in emotionally but also have to care for many nations.
At the young bright age she was... Still a child in so many ways. Having to be the most wise of all as Queen.
She understands the pain and suffering the Earth will go through.
I will not speak for her and say she knows its for the best. But she does understand war. And WWII was about human trafficking. Aliens are about human trafficking. And I would say if i did speak for her as i understand she understands that many people are innocent of crimes. And she definitely understands that not all of us humans are criminals. Because she is wise. And she is kind. And she is loving.
I know she understands we are in sensitive time for our emotional well being.
I found comfort in her message.
While I do not display it often as I am a Fighter, this is difficult for me. Staying home is a breeze but watching the world around me... Its difficult... It could be So much easier. I don't want to use force except to rescue victims
But it is complex when hospitals are creating their own victims by working as they do -- to save lives. That is why I said what I did as I did. Had I not y'all wouldn't had taken it to heart So deeply. I hope y'all are listening and are stopping through ventilators. Because the longer they are used the longer we are prisoners in our own homes.
It is the hospitals that are in control of this war. If protocol to prescribe bronchitis medication for people wanting to be treated for COVID then sending them home and allowing law enforcement to take over to remove bodies or whatever protocol is set for each particular city then we will be stuck at home forever.
Places like Roswell, New Mexico. Unfortunately have a high alien body count and they were initially idealised the,families would have to remove the bodies of the dead themselves and take them to a parking lot where a freezer truck was waiting. I knew with my back it would be impossible to,carry a man on my own even putting him on a blanket to,drag him would hurt me, a human. At that time i was married to an alien from Planet long name Z not Zulululu. And so they decided "If Queen should define it a hardship for her then we must define it a hardship for the whole world. Her ruling. We will use the Military" it took 10 minutes to decide.
They wanted to yet not quite punish humans who support alien life by marriage or friendship.
So that is on my mind often. Especially with the hospital staff.
What I posted about Pakistan from ABC something similar will occur inside hospitals when the Military is directed to take over hospitals by force.
I alluded to that fact. So y'all must stop catering to alien and evil human life. You must.
I've said it at least 3 times this week. I'm warning you
I'm not asking. I'm warning you. You have to stop.
I know by the end of April if it is continuing -- the extra care for aliens. The time spent when you could be doing something Completely different -- Like taking care of you Or your family or a DNA4U friend listed personnel for your livelihood, health and well being or being happy and well rested -- the Military will take over to ensure that.
It could occur sooner.
Yes torturing evil is great. But far too many are being treated and released which means that the bronchial care should have been done, the patient sent home to activate family So the family can die together to reunite on their Home Planet within an acceptable time frame.
Plus some are not to be tortured on the respirators or ventilators.
You see the prolonging of this event Is based on healthcare actions.
All that is allowed to be prescribed is an inhaler for cough because coughing causes pain. Aspirin for migraines and other assorted pain which replaces the need for cocaine to think regularly on their own like planet Mount Zulululu.
That's it. Its low cost and in stock for high demand.
Since I'm telling you over and over. Today is April 7. I give you 13 days.
It should take no less than 4 to see a difference in hospitals and their adjustments and so the Military is then only responsible to take away full trucks of dead.
4 days. That's it. Administration has the information.
Its Tuesday. By Saturday y'all should got this down. That gives you 9 days to say "military, we're ok we got it now, we just need a hug."
I think that's fair.
Luckily I own Earth. Because the solution I heard was to blow up hospitals with everyone including nurses inside.
I said "let the Military. We will clean them up first Then they will be clean enough to be suitable for hospitals and will maintain quality as they are more qualified for warfare than nurses and doctors whom don't expect to be on the front lines of WWIII"
Now the Military will come in and they will rescue all victims of WWIII front line for a 3 week paid by "me" vacation of time and a half. Including administration.
The Times for vacation do vary. And metropolitan areas will go first.
Now essential employees at stores and restaurants, hang on. We're coming for you. You'll take your turn. Same. 3 weeks. But double and a half pay. Because some of you only make $2.37 per hour.
Believe it or not y'all Sonic gets away with paying car hops only $2.37 and assistant managers make only $12 per hour. I'm not kidding. Its a dam shame. My cousins son I post with in Insta. His name is also Alex. Started working there at 17. I took him to his job on his first day. Started at $2.37 worked his way up to assistant manager. Been there 3 years. Sometimes he doesn't have a day off for weeks and that was how he earned assistant manager.
Everyone complains about money. Don't compare yourself to the person next to, in front of or behind you. Be grateful for what you have.
We aren't here to drink the alien juice of negativity.
Those of you whom are stuck at home just testing with Trees. You'll earn 50% more.
So if I give you $5 on it. Youll get half plus the amount. So that is $7.50 I'll still only say five because then if i simply say $7.50 then it's gonna be 50% on top... So no. I'm told it will start this week's test and continue for 3 weeks. So for three next 3 tests. Then stop after the 3rd test. And also any payments between this weekend's test and the 3rd will be 50%
Trees may Easter Egg surprise you with double payments for every one. Don't go hunting tho, he will just give it to Yall.
So that is 1.5 times two for stay homes and 1 times two for essential employees.
So that's a payment that is overall times 3 for stay homes and then 2x for going outers. Tree says that those who are not behaving for a stay homer will be times 2. Not 3.
Like store trips everyday or seeing aliens and not admitting to it. Stuff like that. So that's only for Easter Egg. All else is standard.
So y'all apparently know already about that -- that he works that way i mean...
That's all i have for now.
Enjoy Nana's message.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Morning Songs
I Know You Want Us
To Call You
Elon - "X"
The Civil Activist
Elon- X
We Watched You
Everyday On
Rewind TV
For 6 Months
Last Year
Elon X
Like A King on @Youtube
Elon X
With All Your Muses
A Harem 
Of Wannabe Cyber Truck Owners
With Tmobile
Praying For You 
And Starlink
Hanging On Every 
Honeyed South African Word
Physicists Logic Soothing Us
Into An Alpha State
Awaiting Starlink
Elon - X
What's Become Of YOU
Elon - X
Malcolm - X
We Gave You "X"
When We Gonna Get "O"
A Natural Born Baby
"X" Is The Missing Link
The Natural Hormone
Elon2 Squared =
"Grimez" 2
The Natural Hormone
In You And Me
70's Kids
80's Kids
90's Kids
Au LA Natural 
X Is The Missing Link
Do Your Equations
And Find The Hormones
In You And Me
Missing Gene's
X Is The Missing Link
For Our Attys
That Had No Time
To F***
Or Love
Only Gays
Could Have Raped Us
Into Sodomy Attempts
Like This
Trans Defense Team
Schmitz Bush Eunuchs
Nitya X
Britney X
Malcolm X
Mom X
Ghandi X
Buddha X
X Is The Missing Link
Don't Want To Cry
For Our Babies
Only 10% Memory
Of Childhood Left
Alienation Disease
Spread With Gays Gags
Of Courts
From England 
To Hawaii
X Is The Missing Link
Iran Needs Her
X Back
Not 7 Billion Please
A US Insult
To Arab Slave Owners
Needs Her Royals
Reza Shah
Kvon Moezzi June
Best Mammas 
In The World
Robbed Of Ancestry
For Museums
Not The Dump
World Wide Web Of AI
Not Just Princesses
Nobles Who Love
Even More
Mitra And Varuna
Vedic Mythology
Maui Shook
The Ama
From Her Frontal
Third Eye
No More Jealousy
To Attack Goddesses
She's As Sick Of The Drugs
As #FreeBritney 
And Me
Did Mamma Maui Lose Her Fertility
When Fire
Bore Her Heart
Did Mamma Maui Lose
Her Breasts
When Firemen
Had Access
To Oprah's Road
Did Mother Maui
Iao Valley Mahune
Put Out The Flames
When Hawaii Military
Only Found 17 Bodies
In The Ocean
300 Still Missing
Too Lazy To Disclose Facts
And Obituaries
Rainforest Walls
Saved Us
While Troops Called It A Day
How Many Baby Boomers
Died In Maui Fires
How Many Homeless
Will Journalists Break Codes 
And Tell Us The Truth
Who What Where When Why
5 W's
Or Do We Need To Hire
Expose To Reveal 
For Updated Google
Fire Maps
Is Down
From University Of Hawaiʻi 
How Many Gays
Too Polite To Say
Go Away
In The Winds
Stop Stealing
Our Native
Indigenous Babies
In Hawaii
And Iran
Maui Moms
Was Mother Maui Too Polite
Too Nice
And Cancer
Covid 2 Wasn't Enough
In San Francisco
Moles Push
Government Suicides
Off Bridge
Robin William's Pleas
For Men That Don't Grow Up
Nano - Nano
Confirmed Bachelors
Mind Those Bugs
In Your Ass
Mind Those Bugs
Of Courts Spreading 
Alienation Disease 
Teach Your Invitro
Gay Attys
Trans Officers
How To Be A Maid
Before They Break
The Law
Airbrushed "Pretty Pretty Girls,"
At Height Of Ignorance
Drugged Stupid 
To Half A Life
For Prostitution 
Kali Yuga
Teach Your Judges
(Or Recall Them)
How To Clean Their
Before They Take 
With Domestic Terrorists 
For 600k A Year
As Criminals
In Organised Crimes
Killing Wives
At Large
For Glutinous Fetishes
Humanoid Moms
Won't Sustain
Nor Mother Maui
Teach Your Officers
How To Clean 
The Courts
Before They Steal
Another AI Barbie
For Practicing
Medicine Bribed Covid2
Germ Warfare
With "X"
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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innerfeelings · 4 years
April 6, 2020
It is a Monday gloomy day. It is 2:05 pm and we’re in quarantine still. Well shelter in place becuase of Covid-19. And this is crazy! Crazy how much it has spread, how life is now, how going out we need to take precautions by wearing gloves and a mask.. I never expected for us to be in pandemic. But here we are, 4 month in 2020 and we are in a pandemic. The feeling being isolated by the outside world has its ups and downs. The simple things of going out to the park, to the movies, to drive anywhere, we can’t no more. Also seeing family.. we can’t.. I miss them, i miss sunday dinners, family parties and get togethers when we can. I miss being not scared of going out. I miss not having to worry. SO many people have died.. SO many nurses, doctors, all the frontliners are putting their lives at risk to save others. They are a blessing and I bless and pray for them to always be safe and protected. Also school is canceled.. that is so upsetting for everyone. Whoever is graduating this year, can’t walk.. Kids missing out, we all are. I miss school, going to classes, seeing friends, just being out. I feel like what if this will back track me.. i hope not.. even tho, I won’t let this stop getting to my goal. I will work harder and achieve it no matter what. As being quarantined, it does get to my head, my feels, and I low key hate it. I don’t want to fall deeper in my mind. I need to stay positive and hope and I do have hope and faith that everything will be okay in time. Despite this happening, the world is healing. Nature is healing. God’s creation is healing and it is beautiful to see. It is beautiful that God has plans and being patient is everything. He gave this opportunity for families to grow together again, to take care of ourselves more, to love one another, to love who we are more, to know what is important. It is a scary and frustrating time. I hope things will get better, I hope as the world heals, everyone will heal and this virus will go away. There’s hope. 
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