#i want the “THEY BECAME HAPPY WHY COULDN'T I BE” emotion
libby-for-life · 2 days
Swap au part 2
Lucifer wasn't learning at a fast enough pace for the angels and Adam needed to know why. Now, he couldn't be there all the time for Lucifer, he had duties as an angel he couldn't neglect, but when he did visit, Lucifer always looked happy to see him, running up to him to be picked up and cuddled.
But he still hadn't spoken a word. Every time Adam tried to coax a word out, Lucifer seemed to tear up and shake his head. Why didn't Lucifer want to speak? Adam had to find out.
So, he concealed himself and followed Lucifer around after they departed for the day. It broke Adam's heart to see the Second Man look so sad, but he remained quiet. And then Lucifer ran off. Adam followed him until Lucifer came to a tree where Lilith lay. Adam hid in a nearby bush.
She sneered at him and said, "Aren't you supposed to be getting me food now?" Lucifer nodded and quickly went to grab some fruit. They must not have been the right ones or maybe they weren't ripe enough but as soon as the peaches were presented to Lilith, she scoffed.
"Are these all you could get me?" Adam felt his angelic power roar in his veins as Lucifer was grabbed and pinned to her side before the peaches were shoved into his face. Lucifer cried and choked as his face became covered in food.
Adam was about to run to help when Lucifer did something he wasn't expecting. He bit Lilith's arm. "Agh!" She screamed as she threw him to the ground. Lucifer immediately scrambled away and Adam decided to intervene before Lilith found him.
As Lucifer ran passed him, Adam grabbed him. He quickly covered Lucifer's mouth and whispered, "Stay quiet." His eyes widened and he nodded. Lilith ran passed them, furious that Lucifer had hurt her. When she got her hands on him, she would make sure he would never do something like that again.
Adam breathed a sigh of relief when she was far enough away and winced at Lucifer's face. It was covered in smushed peaches, messy and tangled in his hair. And yet, Lucifer looked so happy despite the situation.
"Ah! Ah!" He said as he cuddled Adam. Adam didn't care that it left a smear of fruit over his robe. He could clean that later. What mattered was that Lucifer needed comfort. Making sure the coast was clear, Adam wasn't supposed to be here, he carried him to the nearest stream.
"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" Cupping his hand he wet, he gently washed Lucifer clean until he was giggling from being touched. "Oh? Someone ticklish?" Adam teased and began to tickle him everywhere.
Lucifer squealed in delight, tears of joy running down his cheeks. Adam grinned when Lucifer tried to tickle him back. The action alone made him laugh in amusement. He allowed Lucifer to tackle him and pin him down to tickle him, mischievous blue eyes sparkling as they looked into gold ones.
"Can you say my name? Please? Adam. Say...Adam. A—dam."
Lucifer stopped smiling and shifted on top of him. Why the sudden mood change? "Can you not speak? Have you been struggling?" Lucifer shook his head, so many emotions were crossing his face. "Are you...afraid?" Adam asked cautiously.
That seemed to do it and Lucifer buried his face into Adam’s chest, crying softly. Adam held him close, whispering. "I promise. I won't let her hurt you again." He didn't know what Lilith gained from making Lucifer afraid like this but he would protect Lucifer with everything he had.
"Adam." The voice that fluttered through the air was soft and deep. How could such a deep voice come from someone so small and cute? And then it hit Adam.
"Did...did you just say my name?" Lucifer smiled and nodded, patting his cheek softly. "Adam."
Adam blushed a bright red. Oh....oh no.....
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claws-and-quills · 3 days
Ch. 1: Unspoken Connections
Tag list:
@callsignred @bloody-kissez @takeyour-pants-off @robynanthonystark @aoi-targaryen
Chapter one to Nights of Redemption
Word Count: 4.4k
TW: death of a parent, sibling death, disconnect of family
A/N: Do feel free to change the main characters name of Tessa Harper. It gets a bit tiring for me to type/read (Y/N) in fics.
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Icy cold rain gently drizzled all around you. Your sinuses ached and head throbbed from the amount of tears you had shed over the past week. Nathan, your elder brother, slowly curled his arms around you as the casket that contained your father was slowly lowered into his final resting place. You couldn't believe that he was actually gone.
“I'm here, Tess. I'm here. Ssshhh…I know…” Nate murmured against the crown of your hair. He was all you had left for who you considered family. Sure, your mother was still alive, but your relationship with her wasn't the strongest. He tightens his grip on you as you try to choke back a sob. Your shoulders shook at the violent sobs that came from you, but no tears fell from your eyes.
“Why…why did it have to be dad?” You ask against his chest. Nate hummed quietly, shaking his head as he tried to find any words of comfort for you, but they continued to elude him. Reluctantly, you allow Nate to quietly lead you away from the grave. Even though he didn't show it, he couldn't bear the sight of watching your father be laid to a permanent rest.
“I…I don't know, Tess. Look at me, sis. Hey…we'll get through this. Haven't we always gotten through things together?” Nate leans down to kiss your cheek, pulling you into another tight embrace. “C'mon…us Harper kids can get through anything…” it wasn't a complete lie. Nate had been with you through everything. After your parents divorced and your mother swindled her way into winning custody, Nate was your rock, your best friend. He always tried his damndest to protect you and keep you happy; he'd keep you safe from the abusive tirades of your mother and her questionable taste in men. Deep down, you wished it was her that had died and not your father, but even that thought made you feel sick to your stomach. An icy chill ran down your spine; you could feel the cold eyes boring straight through your body.
“Tessa. Nathan. It was a pleasant surprise to see that you both actually showed up. It's certainly been a while,” Cynthia, your mother, spoke. Her voice was laced with disdain towards both you and Nathan. You could feel Nathan physically grow tense, anger radiating from his body.
“What do you want?” Nathan hissed towards her. A look of disappointment in his eyes as you had turned to face Cynthia.
“Now, is that any way to speak to your mother?” Cynthia chides with a sourly sweet tone that makes you feel sick to your stomach. “Can a mother not come to seek comfort in the arms of her own children?”
“Comfort? Comfort?! You want comfort?! You wouldn't even let us sit with the rest of the family, you spiteful, money hungry, maniacal, bitch!” The words flew from your mouth before you could register what was even happening. All of your emotions, years of turmoil, unresolved anger and pain, it all came out at once.
Your alarm clock blared, bringing your dream to a screeching halt. Opening your eyes, you grab your phone from the bedside table to be met with 15 missed calls from your friend Maria. Then, your eyes focused on the time at the top of your screen. 9:45am.
“Fuck! Oh shit!” You scramble to get out of bed. Last night was a long and rough night at the club you worked at, leaving you exhausted enough to sleep through the 3 alarms you had set. Your legs became entangled in the sheets on the bed, causing you to fall against the wooden floor with a loud thud. There was no sense in trying to shower the night away. It was your first round of exams in college. You could hear your instructor in the back of your mind, lecturing about the importance and professionalism of punctuality.
“Son of a bitch…” You mumbled to yourself, tugging on a pair of jeans that you prayed was clean. Life had gone to shit after the passing of your father. The falling out you had with Cynthia affected everyone in your family. After the paperwork for your father's will was settled, it was decided that you and Nate wanted out from under Cynthia's thumb. So, you both chose to move away on the money you each inherited from your father.
It seemed like the right thing to do at that moment. You knew there was no way in hell that you and Nate could stay around Cynthia. For years, you had always promised your father that you would become something . After his passing, Nate became your cheerleader in life. He had pushed you to pursue your dream of going into nursing due to your gene mutation. You could smell illness, and heal most ailments and injuries. But that victory only lasted two years before Nate was taken from you after being involved in a car crash. Life seemed to have it out for you.
“This had better be worth it, Nate. I'm doing this for you and dad.” You muttered to yourself, and snatched your keys from the kitchen counter. Lemmy, your grey tabby, meows at you for breakfast. You cursed silently under your breath, dropping a hearty scoop of kibble into his bowl. “I'm sorry, Lemme! Mama is running late! I'll be back later, buddy!” You call from over your shoulder and rush out the door.
Life has been chaotic over the past several months. Before his untimely death, Nate had become involved in the wrong crowd through unhealthy coping mechanisms. Always finding himself in and out of trouble, always landing himself behind bars. No matter how angry you got with him, no matter the price, you always stood in his corner, always bailing him out. Now, you were alone. Money began to dwindle, and something had to be done to keep you afloat. Bill piled up, and responsibilities never ceased to stop. After odd job, after odd job, and confiding in Maria, she helped you land a job at a strip club. Not the most glamorous job, but it helped make ends meet.
Speeding through the streets, you narrowly make it in time for your class. There were two minutes left before the door would be locked. Once inside of the classroom, you collapse into your seat next to Maria. Your hair was a disheveled mess and your clothes were wrinkled, but at least you made it on time. There were still dried remnants of makeup, glitter, sweat and alcohol on your body, but none of that mattered at this point. The fear of letting down Nate and your father was the only thing that kept you going.
“T, you look like shit. What happened?!” Maria hissed under her breath. Her brown eyes were sympathetic, but she failed to hide the slight amusement at her lips. She had been doing this for far longer than you, so she was used to the long, sleepless nights, unlike you.
“I don't even remember. I slept through everything. Alarms. Phone calls. Texts. If college doesn't kill me, this job will.” You tried to muse to the best of your abilities, but it was to no avail. Who were you kidding? Surely not Maria, and definitely not yourself. You refused to take a semester off after the passing of Nate out of fear of never going back.
“Give it a few more weeks. You'll get used to it. Look at me! I'm just cruising on through. No stress. No worries. Just think of it as partying every night instead of working. Live a little. Let loose. Stop clutching your pearls all the time. We're young, wild, and free! Us against the world-”
A gruff grumble cuts her off. You both look up at Mr. Thomas and the stack of exams he held in his arm. He sets down an exam in front of you and Maria. There's a disapproving scowl at his lips towards you and the way you were dressed. His gaze made you feel so small, insignificant, and helpless. Ever since day one, it felt like he had a vendetta against you. You couldn't quite place a finger on it, but you just had this feeling that he hated you without reason. Sighing, you turn your attention to the stapled packet that sat in front of you on the table. Maria shares one last sympathetic glance your way before diving into the exam. It takes you a few moments, but you finally decompress enough to open the test packet.
An agonizing 45 minutes later, you find yourself to be the one lone student left in the classroom. There was still an extra 30 minutes left, but it was so hard to concentrate. Your mind flitted around aimlessly as you bounced between questions. After staring at the words for God knows how long, the letters began to blend together in a blackened alphabet soup on the papers. The knot in your stomach twisted and churned like a raging hurricane of anxiety and sleep deprivation. The longer you stared at the words, the deeper the splitting migraine dug into your skull like an icepick or a hot poker. Twenty questions remained out of the seventy-five. You could do this.
“Ten minutes Miss Harper. I have a meeting to be at in fifteen minutes.” Mr. Thomas spoke, breaking the tense silence that suffocated the room. You merely nod, panic threatening to settle in at the sudden rush reminder. Cursing under your breath, you try your best to guess at the questions with a level of educated common sense. It was days like this you wished you could just disappear and run from your responsibilities. Once finished, you bring the exam to him without a word and exit from the room.
“You really need some food, maybe a nap, and smelling salts. I have cash for food. C'mon, my treat.” Maria gave you a small smile and gestures for you to follow after her. “Besides, I still owe you one for letting me sleep at your place. Consider it even, okay?”
“Only if you bash my head open with a hammer. This headache is killing me. Ugh…I don't know how you do this, Maria. How the hell do you balance everything? Like…seriously.” You admit to her, earning a soft laugh from Maria. Even though your schedule was relatively easy, you were still dumbfounded by how easy Maria made everything look. Following Maria, she brings you out to the parking lot to her car. It was messy, but you didn't mind too much. The idea of food and Tylenol was your main focus.
“Most I can do is some food, and pills for your head. Now, for food. We have campus food, or we can go to that new café that opened down the street from the Scarlet.” Maria wiggles her hips excitedly in her seat, earning a small chuckle from you. As much as you hated the idea of being so close to work, you were too tired to argue against it. At your silence, she takes it as a yes and starts up the car, speeding out of the parking lot. “Morning Glory, it is! Who knows, we might run into some guys there. I've heard that the entire block is under the care of some gang. Not like the bad type of gang though.”
“Maria! Do I look like I'm in any condition to meet anyone? I look like shit. I didn't even shower…I have glitter in places I didn't know I even had!” You grab onto the ‘oh shit’ handle as she makes a sharp turn around a corner. As much as you adored your friend, she was absolutely reckless compared to you. Where you were more of the shy, introverted, and awkward type, Maria was the polar opposite. She was boisterous, charming, extroverted, and was the life of any party. Sometimes you questioned how you two even became friends.
“Oh it's not that bad. Besides, guys like a girl that can cut loose at night. I really think getting you some dick will do you some good.” She laughs as you smack her on the arm. Her eyes soften a little towards you from the corner of her gaze. “Okay, maybe we won't get you dick today. But maybe we can change that tonight. I've noticed the way some of the guys stare at you when you're working the pole. You're a natural!”
“Maria…I don't need some one night stand to make me feel better. I'm fine. We Harper's can get through anything.” Even you didn't quite fully believe yourself on that. Maybe Maria had a point. The idea of just sleeping with someone made your skin feel clammy. It just wasn't your style.
“I dunno. You need something though.” At the red light, she turns to look at you. Her eyes truly soften this time. She mouths a small ‘oh’ to herself at the realization. “Hey…it's gonna be okay. You're not alone. You have me in your corner. We can call out for tonight, order some takeout, watch some movies. Whatever you want. Whatever you need.”
A single tear rolls down your cheek despite your efforts to keep your tears at bay. As nice as that sounded, you knew you couldn't do that. One bad day didn't mean that life would stop for you. “No, no I'll be okay. Really. Staying out of that apartment might do me some good. Especially tonight. I don't need to be wallowing in self pity. It's not going to bring dad or Nate back. Pretty sure it's mostly cause I'm getting hangry.”
“Bitch, did you not eat today? Did you drink water? Anything?” Maria facepalms at your sheepish expression. She shakes her head in dismay, wailing down on the horn in front of her for not moving when the light turns green. “Move your ass! The light’s green, bitch! Go! We're hungry back here!”
You burst out laughing as some middle aged man hangs out of the window, flipping off Maria. She gladly returns the gesture, followed with a string of obscenities towards him. That was Maria for you. Loud, boisterous, and always getting into some type of trouble. Turning on the street past the light, you barely recognize The Scarlet Oasis during the day. The parking lot was empty, neon lights and signs were shut off; it looked like any other abandoned building. Catty corner across the street was the café that Maria spoke out. Its parking lot appeared to be fairly busy. Several Cars and motorcycles were parked all around the small café.
“Let's at least make your hair look a little less, wild I guess.” Maria teases to which you rolled your eyes. She helps you straighten your hair up a bit along with trying to wipe some of the excess glitter from your cheeks, throat, and chest. She nods, thoroughly pleased with her work and gestures for you to follow her inside. Stepping into that café felt like a step into the past. 60s music played over the speakers, welcoming you almost instantly. Red leather booths lined the walls; matching stools hugged the white marble top bar, matching with the black and white checkered patterned floor. This café was a living time machine. Your first genuine thought was just how much Nate and your dad would have loved this place.
Your eyes scan the entire café. It felt oddly cozy and reminded you of home in a different and better time. Many of the patrons looked to be fairly older than you and Maria, not that it mattered, at least not until your eyes scan over a table nestled in the far off corner of the café. There was a group of several men and three women there. But one in particular caught your attention. Your eyes were immediately drawn to his sun kissed skin, and toned arms. His black hair was swept back, almost resembling a 70s greaser appearance. Maria bumps your arm with her elbow, bringing you back down to reality.
“See something you like? Oh damn, get it girl.” Maria follows your gaze. Her words make your cheeks burn with a deep blush. Grabbing her hand, you tug her over to a booth, hopefully out of sight of the group you had been brainlessly staring at.
“Shut up! Oh my god…I can't go over there! Are you crazy?!” You hissed under your breath at her. Your breath catches in your throat, catching a brief glimpse of the man again. Even from this distance, his eyes felt intense on you. You quickly hide your face behind a menu in hopes of hiding your embarrassment. Maria's snickering makes you kick her shin from under the table with a glare. “Be quiet…!”
“Can I get you ladies started with something to drink? Perhaps an appetizer or two?” A warm voice asks from the other side of the menu. You lift your eyes to see the waiter. He was young, but had a charming smile. Pietro was printed on the name tag he wore.
“Yes. I'll take lemon water, and my friend here will have the same. Also, can we get a blooming onion for our app?” Maria bats her eyelashes at Pietro. He nods his head, scribbling away on his notepad.
“Sure thing. Coming right up, ladies.” He smiles warmly before disappearing behind the bar. You exhale heavily, rubbing your temples. Your cheeks heat up again at the sly smirk that Maria gives you.
“Don't. No. Don't talk.” You hiss lowly under your breath at her. She holds her hands up in mock innocence, grinning from ear to ear. Within minutes, Pietro is back at your booth with drinks and a steaming hot blooming onion.
“You ladies ready to order? We have a special today on our club sandwiches. Buy two and you get a complimentary sundae. We also have a special on our brunch platter. Big enough to fill two.” Pietro mentions warmly.
“Oohh, let's do the brunch platter, T. It'll be good leftovers for tonight after work!” Maria looks up to Pietro with a nod to seal the order. You chuckle quietly, shrugging in submission and agreement to her.
“An excellent choice. I will be back shortly with that platter for you ladies.” He gives you both a wink before disappearing again after taking your menus away. You exhale again, trying to keep your eyes from wandering over to the man at the table on the other side of the café.
“So, little miss goodie two-shoes likes her men older.” Maria shimmies her shoulders at you, earning a scoff from you. “I mean, you know what they say…men do it better. More experienced. More mature.” Each word she mutters makes your blush return to your cheeks. You kick her leg again from under the table with a glare to your eyes. She rubs her shin, laughing quietly to herself. “Relax, it's not like he can hear you. But….he's really not that bad lookin’ if I must say so myself.”
“Stop staring. Stop staring…Maria! Stop staring! Oh god, he's looking this way again…” You panic, hiding your eyes behind your glass of water as you eagerly drink. Maria snorts out a laugh at your panicking, rolling her eyes with a quiet tsk towards you. Of your months of friendship, never had she ever seen you like this before. Taking another glance over your cup, you nearly choke on your water. “Maria…Maria…! Look at me! I think I've seen him in the Scarlet before. Oh crap…”
Maria arches a brow at you, wiggling her hips with a wide grin. “You have to try to get a private dance with him then. No questions asked. You have to do it now. Who knows, you might actually get lucky. Ow! That one hurt!” She kicks you back in the leg with a scowl. “I'm buying you food.” By this time, Pietro returns to your table, setting down plates of food for each of you. There was more than enough food to feed you and Maria. There would be leftovers for days, not that you minded it. Maria nods gratefully to him with a wide smile of thanks.
Stabbing your fork into a piece of waffle, you chew thoughtfully, allowing yourself to actually enjoy food for once. It gave you a reason and something else to focus on as silence fell between you and Maria. Each of you enjoying the fresh, hot food and catchy music. It was refreshing, this little impromptu brunch date. You allowed the good food and good music to distract you from the stress of the day. For the first time in four years, you were actually smiling on the anniversary of laying your father to rest. You look at Maria and give her a grateful smile. The sound of heavy boots against the tile floor breaks the silence, capturing the attention of you and Maria.
You trail your eyes up the figure of the dark haired male as he walks to the register at the bar. You couldn't help but admire the way the white beater he wore hugged his broad chest and showed off his chiseled arms. His jeans flaunted the curvature of muscular legs and a very toned ass. Maria gives you a knowing look, hiding her grin behind her glass, but you shake your head vigorously. There was no way in hell that you were going to try to make conversation with this man. You can hear his gravely and bassy voice as he spoke with Pietro.
“Seems like you got yourself quite the fan base growing,” Pietro teases the older man. You could feel the color drain from your face as you strain to hear.
“Ah, can it, kid. I've got bigger problems to worry about. Is there anything new that we should be worried about? Or have you been too busy fraternizing?” The darker male hushed with annoyance. The sound of his voice almost gave you chills.
“There's gonna be a meet tonight. Down past Fisk Tower. Old warehouse by the docks. They're looking for good sports.” Pietro glances around before continuing. “Should be late tonight. Supposed to be a nice coin purse on it.”
“Stop talking like an idiot. So it's a big payout? Or is it just big to you, bub?” The dark haired man grumbles under his breath. Your breath catches in your throat, accidentally meeting his intense gaze. He gives you a brief once over before returning his attention to Pietro.
“I've heard it's around three thousand. You'd slaughter them, though. I mean, you're The Wolverine after all.” Pietro playfully punches the older man in the arm, earning himself a disapproving glare. The name piqued your interest immediately. The Wolverine. You silently pondered the name to yourself. Was that some street name? Was this man one of those gangsters that Maria had mentioned before? Regardless, something about his energy and aura practically sucked you into him with interest.
“Ah, that's hardly worth my time. Too much energy for such a small payout.” The darker haired man grumbles. He could feel your eyes on him, a small smirk tugging the corner of his lips. “Put whatever they got on my tab, bub. Can't spend the whole day hanging out here. But, you call me if you see any of those Brotherhood assholes over here.”
Your heart practically leaped into your throat as this man known as The Wolverine turned away from the register, settling his eyes on you for a brief moment. He takes a few steps towards your table, but before he can get a word out, his presumed friends call out to him, distracting him away from you. He tilts his head to the side just slightly before following after the group he had been sitting with. A gasping breath finally escapes you that you hadn't realized you had been holding during that brief moment. Your heart pounded deep within your chest. Maria stares at you with wide eyes before a toothy grin breaks across her lips.
“Oh. My. God. Bitch! He's totally into you! Holy shit. Tess…you have to meet him somehow tonight.” Maria stares at you with wide and excited eyes. She was beaming at you with such unbridled excitement that you were expecting her to implode there on the spot.
“No. Absolutely not. Maria…we don't know a single thing about him. No way. No, ma'am.” You shake your head vigorously towards her. There was no way in hell you would entertain her crazy ideas. Even with him gone, though, you could still feel his intense eyes on you.
“Oh please, he was basically undressing you with his eyes. If you don't act on this, I will,” she smirked cheekily at you, signaling to Pietro that she was ready for the check. He brings over the receipt for the already paid check, offering a cheeky smile to her. Your cheeks burned a dark red at the mere thought, making you fold your arms across your chest in an attempt to cover yourself. Was he really, though?
“Already taken care of. Can I bring you ladies some to-go boxes?” Pietro asks, glancing between you and Maria both and then the remaining food on the plates. There was definitely enough for leftovers to last you and Maria both. After gathering up the remnants of brunch, you exit the cafe next to Maria. You still couldn't shake the feeling that burned through your body. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Even after sitting in the car with Maria, that feeling still churned in the pits of your gut.
“Maybe we should frequent that little café more. Who knows, maybe next time he'll actually talk to you,” Maria snickers, laughing heartily at the smack you give her on the leg. “Oh come on! You're totally into him!”
“Maria! I saw the man one time! Don't be stupid. I mean…let's be real here. Not even in my wildest of fantasies would I have a chance with someone like that,” you scoff to yourself. That you truly believed. Between you and Maria, you were the more innocent one in the friendship. Even with your night job, there were levels of you that were still innocent. Sure, you showed off your body, but it was just a part of your job. “Besides…I'm pretty sure I've seen him in the Scarlet. No way in hell would he want to get involved with me.”
“Uhm? Hello?! Free lap dances?! You're fucking gorgeous. Limber as hell. And let's face it, you can work a pole. Stop being a Debbie-downer. I'm trying to get you laid.” You rolled your eyes at her remark. She was never going to let you live this one out. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.
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brainrotcharacters · 22 days
You know what would devastate me? Professor X or Magneto seeing current poolverine and losing their shit.
That said, do it.
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f1fantasys · 2 months
FUCK (literally and metaphorically)
Summary - exes who get back together, leading to A LOT of smut.
Warnings : Smut, swearing, minors DNI, fingering, p in v sex, anal, oral sex - both male and female receiving.
4.8 K
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You and Lando had been dating on and off few about 2 years now. It started off as friends with benefits - neither of you were able to put in the time and effort for a relationship because of his f1 and your modeling career - so it was just hook ups for a quick fuck whenever you were free and in the same country. Obviously though, feelings were soon coming in strong for the both of you, so you became official for a bit, until it was becoming too difficult, so you mutually broke it off. Until you found your way into each others beds more often then not. So it really was like a game of running around in circles.
You had last seen Lando 2 months ago, before he jetted to Asia and USA for his races, where you 'broke up' again. You'd told him that that was the last time, and that you both seriously needed to move on from each other. It was hard, you wont lie - the both of you full of emotions and not wanting to let go - but it was also for the best. Your careers were too demanding.
Last night though - he texted you.
In town for a bit, staying at the lake house with my parents for the weekend. Wanna come over tomorrow night? They'll be out.
Lan.. you started replying but he was quick to send another text.
I know what we said last time, but I really need to fucking see you
Okay, what time?
Say 10? Bring swim clothes
You just reacted to his message with a heart.
You were a mess today. Why were you so nervous to see him?
Maybe because you didn't want to walk away? Didn't want to have to leave him again?
You wore a skimpy red bikini and threw on a pair of denim shorts and tank top. The drive to the lake house was not far from yours - so you got there in good time.
You grabbed your bag and made your way to the door. Holding in a breath and you knocked.
''It's open'' you heard him say.
You pushed the door open and there he was. Standing in the kitchen in nothing but his swim shorts, opening a bottle of wine, sending you his deliciously handsome smile.
''There she is'' he said, putting the wine down and coming up to you before pulling you in for a tight hug.
You responded immediately to his touch. It instantly calmed you down and took the nerves away. This was your Lando - how could you be nervous about him, you thought to yourself.
''Hey Lan'' you breathed out.
He pulled back and looked at you, eye wandering between your own eyes and your lips.
But he couldn't hold back anymore. He crashed his lips to yours as he picked you up by your thighs and set you on the counter. His lips were sloppy and messy against yours, which had you moaning into the kiss. Lando took this as an opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. You ran your hands along his bare back as he lowered his lips to your neck, sucking and biting at your sweet spot.
''Lan'' you panted.
''Missed you so fucking much this time'' he whispered, slowly peeling your top of of you.
''I missed you too'' you couldn't help but mutter between breathes.
''Fuck'' he said before pulling back. He must have seen the worried look so he quickly smirked at you. ''The nights' gonna end here and now if we carry on. Wine?''
You smiled back. ''Please''
He poured you both a glass before you went to sit outside. It was sort of chilly, so he had a fire going as well as the hot tub bubbling away.
''In or out?'' he asked, pointing at the hot tub.
''Hmmm, out for now'' you said.
You both took a seat and gazed up at the sky, just listening to nature, and happy to be in each others' presence.
''Soooo'' he started. ''How have you been. We actually didn't even catch up this time.''
''I know. But I've been good. I guess. Busy. Work's great.'' you looked at him as you continued- ''Missed you though. Been miserable without you''
Without any hesitation he pulled your chair close to his and interlocked your hands together.
''I've been thinking..'' he paused for a few seconds. ''About us. I hate being away from you. Not being able to text and call whenever i want. Not being able to kiss you when i want. I want to put in the effort to make us work. I want all of you, y/n''
You gasped at his admission. A bittersweet feeling washing over you. He was saying everything you've wanted him to say. But is it worth the risk? Getting back together, for real, and then having the risk of heart break when things don't work out.
Lando bought your hand up to his mouth and kissed your knuckles when you didn't respond straight away. But something in the way he was looking at your tonight made you feel like maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay. That there would be no heartbreak. You held on to that piece of hope.
''I want all of you too Lan. I want us to work, more than anything'' you pleaded back to him.
He smiled and pulled your whole body onto his lap, kissing you hard and deep. ''Just need to communicate, yeah?'' you nodded in response. ''And be honest with each other'' you added.
''Hmm mm'' he said, kissing you again. This time slow and sensual, still deep enough to make you see stars.
''You're mine forever, y/n. Never forget that'' he whispered.
''All yours Lan, always'' you said, peeling your top off for the second time tonight.
Lando gently stood up, lifting you with him, before stepping into the hot tub, lowering you down back on his lap, all the while his lips never left yours.
Things quickly turned heated, physically and metaphorically. The hot tub was steaming, already breaking a sweat on your faces. And your actions - well anytime the two of you were joined together, it was hot.
Lando's kisses became erratic, desperate. He was kissing, sucking, nipping, soothing every inch of your face and neck while all you could do was moan and pull on his hair, edging him on to give you more.
Your skimpy red bikini top was soon untied and ripped off of you, revealing your perky boobs and taunt, pink, hard nipples. You didn't miss how Lando's eyes turned a shade darker.
He lowered his mouth and began his onslaught on them. Sucking and biting at them relentlessly, over stimulating you.
''Lan, oh my god, slow down'' you panted, pulling harder at his hair so he'd get the hint. But of course he didn't. He was for sure leaving purple bruises for tomorrow, not showing any mercy.
He finally pulled back for air, but that didn't stop his fingers from sliding into your bikini bottoms to cup your sex. The movement had you jolting. He was the last person - besides yourself - to touch you there, and that was over two months ago. So to finally feel what-or who-you've craved so much of, sent your spiraling and reacting instantly.
He spoke with a teasing tone. '''Fuck, y/n. Already this wet. For me?'' he asked smirking at you, gliding his fingers through your folds.
''Fuck you Lan'' you teased back.
''Baby. You're gonna fuck me. My fingers. Now.'' he said, lining two finger up at your entrance, not pushing in yet though. You gave him a confused look when he stopped. But just chuckled. ''Fuck my fingers, y/n''
Something clicked in you and you finally got the hint. You quickly lowered your self on his fingers. The stretch burning you, but nearly not enough to what you craved.
''That's it. So tight and slick for me'' Lando said as he pulled your face down to lock lips once again.
You set a brutal pace, chasing the high that you needed, while Lando added a third finger to the mix, also finding your clit with his thumb.
''Lando, I'm close'' you moaned into the kiss. He didn't reply verbally though. He just curled his fingers at just the right moment, rubbing them against the spongy spot in your cunt, which sent you trembling over the edge.
Your orgasm left you body hard and fast, shaking while Lando held you in his arms, slowing his fingers, riding you through the intensity. You groaned his name, squeezing his biceps as you let your juices release on his fingers.
The two of your just embraced each other for a few minutes, before Lando carefully slid his fingers out of you and lifted you out the water to sit on the ledge with just your legs staying in the water.
The cool air of the night hardened your nipples and raised goosebumps on your skin as Lando pushed you back to lie down, as he stepped in between your legs and spread them apart.
He took your bikini bottoms off and threw them to the side. Now your cunt was on full display. He reached forward and licked the cum that was still dripping out of you. The feeling of his tongue sent a jolt of electricity through your body, making you latch onto his hair again.
''Hmm Lan, more. Please'' you begged.
His slow pace was soon replaced with a series of ferocious licks and sucks, his mouth lapping at your cunt as if he were starved - which he would argue he is.
''So fucking delicious babygirl, missed my favorite taste'' he murmured before continuing his activity.
You opened your legs further, giving him better access. He added a finger to play as well, and within minutes you felt that all too familiar warmth start to build up in your stomach. All it took was one bite of your clit between Lando's teeth and you violently came all over his face.
''Fuck y/n, that was a load full. So fucking sexy'' he commented, making sure to swallow all that you gushed his face with.
He sat back down and pulled your jelly-like body onto his lap again. The warm waster soothing your aching pussy that was still throbbing.
Lando took your face in his hands and peppered you with feather like kisses. His finger stopped at your mouth and you took it in without hesitation. Suck at it, eyes not leaving his.
You suddenly whined, an urge to taste him over coming you.
''Lan, need to taste you. Please'' you said, already climbing off him and pulling his shorts off underwater.
But he stopped you. ''Later. First need to fill you up. Need to feel you around me. Please y/n.''
Your brain short circuited as soon as the words left his mouth. As you forgot how much you wanted needed him in you.
You were quick to climb onto his lap again, this time his dick was rubbing against your inner thigh, feeling hard and hot.
You took him in your hands, pumping him a few times as he moaned your name.
''Oh y/n. Fuck.''
You giggled at him. You'd hardly touched him and he was putty in your hands, pulling at your hair now.
''Laugh at me again and I won't let you cum'' he said, very matter of factly, though his smirk told you a different story.
''Oh yeah?'' you teased, lifting yourself up slightly and running his cock through your folds.
''Babygirl you'll be the death of me''
''Hmmm mm'' you mumbled, already distracted by feeling him on your most sensitive parts.
Lando took your face in his hands again. He kissed you, his tongue sliding back in and then sucking harshly on your tongue. ''Gonna ride me yeah? Fuck me til you're screaming my name?''
''Lan'' you breathed. Your cunt clenching desperately, needling to feel him now.
He took his dick out of your hands and lined himself up at your entrance.
In one swift movement you sank down on him. He filled you up to the brim. You sat still, allowing your body to accept the intrusion, the stretch was sore, but in seconds the pleasure over came you and you began to move.
Lando's hands settled at your waist, his touch light, as he let you set the pace. Your hands found his hair again, pulling at it as you rode him.
''So fuckin tight for me angel. That's it baby, fuck me harder'' he mumbled between breaths.
By now all coherent thoughts had left your mind. All you could do was moan his name, chant it through gritted teeth, as your movements became faster and faster.
You don't think you'd ever ridden him - or anyone - this hard before. Your pace was brutal. You could feel him hitting just the right spots inside of you, and the water of the hot tub was splashing all over.
''Lan'' you moaned again, guiding his head to your boobs to let him suck softly on your nipples.
You were both so caught up getting lost in each other's bodies that you didn't hear the front door open and close, voices from inside the house muttering away.
That was until you heard Lando's mum speak.
''Lando? Are you outside honey?'' she called.
You both stopped in your tracks, movements coming to a halt.
You were so fucked out to react - to separate away from him, so you just sat still, his dick inside of you.
''Fuck'' he muttered.
''Yeah mum, but I'm good. Go to bed'' he yelled back.
But of course, Cisca, oblivious to what was going on, had to come outside.
''Lan -'' She started but gasped when she saw you - your back to her.
You just hid your face in his neck, not sure you could even get a word out while still feeling him twitch in your cunt.
He let out a nervous chuckle. ''Mum'' he said, smiling at her.
She was dumbstruck, confused? You didn't know.
''It's just y/n, mum'' he said, trying to detactch yourselves but failing to do so.
''Y/n, good to see you. Uh, I'm gonna go inside. I'll see you later'' she said, as something must have clicked in her.
You heard the sliding door close and let out a breath of relief, looking back at the house, then back at Lando.
''Fuck me'' he said, eyes still watching his parents inside, who he could see were desperately trying to busy themselves and go upstairs.
''I kinda was until... how the fuck am I gonna face your parents now'' you pondered, slightly turned off at thinking about it.
''I don't know. We'll deal with it later. For now I need to feel you around me again'' he said, pulling out and pumping himself a few times.
Once he saw the lights downstairs were turned off and no Norris' were in sight, he man handled your body to bend over the sides of the hot tub.
Oh boy you thought to yourself, he's not gonna let you off easily now.
''Anal, yeah?'' he asked just as he lined his tip up with your hole.
All you could do was nod your head. It was new for the two of you, but it was something you only did a few times. You pushed your ass slightly in the air.
And he did. He slammed into you, causing you to let out a guttural moan. He was quick to cover your mouth with his one hand, while the other pulled at your hair.
''Have to be quiet, unless you want an audience'' Lando said through gritted teeth.
You didn't. So you muffled your moans into his hand.
He fucking into you so hard, with so much force, you weren't sure you would be able to walk after. But you didn't care. It felt amazing. He felt fucking amazing.
Not 5 minutes later and you whined. ''Need to come Lan, not gonna last long'' and before you could even finish your sentence, you gushed all over his cock. Your walls clenched around him, throbbed around him.
''Jesus, fuck, y/n, so tight''
You'd think he'd slow his movements and ride you through your orgasm, but this was Lando Norris. Of course he continued to fuck into you with no mercy.
You were sure you would black out if he didn't slow down soon. ''Lan, too much'' you mumbled.
He suddenly pulled out of you and turned out body around so you could took at each other.
''Want me to stop?'' he asked, smirking.
And fuck no, you did not want him to stop. The way your pussy was clenching around nothing sent your body into overdrive. You needed to feel him fill you up again.
You didn't want to give him the satisfaction, so you bit your lip and he couldn't help but laugh at your antics.
''Thought so'' he said, before thrusting back into your normal entrance, very quickly setting a pace that had you seeing stars, while his hands settled on your boobs and fondled with them.
''Lan'' you whined again.
''Doing so good for me princess. So fucking good. Taking me to well.''
You could feel Lando's girth twitching inside of you, his movements getting sloppier by the second.
''Fuck, so close y/n. Together, yeah babygirl?'' he asked.
You nodded again, unable to form any words. He bought his hand up to wipe at the tears that were leaving your eyes.
''Almost there my love. Keep going'' he encouraged you.
''Lan I'm - '' but you were cut off by Lando pinching you clit, your orgasm washing over you which had your body jittering and shaking once again, unable to control yourself. And just at the same time you felt him shoot ropes and ropes of hot cum deep within you. His own body shuddering and whines and moans leaving his mouth.
He pulled your body back into the water to settle above him, dick still inside you, softening quickly.
You slumped forward on him, and he rested his arms on the back of the hot tub, both gasping for air, a thick sheet of sweat plastered on both your faces.
''Fucking hell. That was incredible y/n.'' he said he lifted your head to look at you. His eyes were still shades darker than usual.
You still couldn't form any words, so you smiled sheepishly at him.
''I love you'' he whispered.
Now all the air had left your lungs. It wasn't the first time he'd said it, but something about the way he said it now had reignited all the butterflies in your tummy.
You tears had now returned, so he gently kissed them away before settling his lips on yours, kissing you softly.
''I love you too'' you whispered back, in between kisses.
''Let's get cleaned up yeah? Cuddles after?'' he asked, knowing what your answer would be. It was always cuddles after sex, no matter what.
Lando carried you out he water and made a beeline for his room upstairs, hoping everyone was asleep, since you were both butt naked.
Lando placed you on his bed and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving you whining for him.
''Baby I'm back just went to get a warm cloth. He spread your legs apart, fully intending you just clean you up, but his brain nearly short circuited when he saw cum still leaking out of you - more so at the thought of his cum leaking out of you.
He bent down and as gently as he could- because he knew you were over stimulated- he licked a strip up your cunt, collecting as much cum as he could.
You gasped and jumped at the feeling, not expecting it at all.
''Lando! - '' but before you could even continue talking his hand hallowed your cheeks to pry your mouth open and the cheeky bastard let his cum drip from his own mouth down into yours.
You moaned, making sure to swallow every last drop, before he reached down and interlocked your lips once again.
''Dirty'' you chuckled, in between kisses.
''Hmm. Couldn't help it'' he mumbled, and after a while, he did eventually clean you up and spoon you from behind, the both of you drifting into an easy slumber.
You woke to the sun blazing on your body, strring sightly, forgetting where you were until you felt someone pull you closer.
Then it dawned on you - you were with Lando, and apparently back together with him, for real this time?
You could hear his soft snored so you gently turned your body to face his.
He looked angelic. Face contorted in a deep sleep still, mouth slightly agape, blowing cool air onto your own face.
Although you didn't want to wake him, you couldn't help but place a soft kiss on his lips.
You stayed staring at him, admiring him, for god knows how long, until he starting speaking, making you jolt at being caught.
''You're staring'' he mumbled.
''I'm gazing'' you cooed back.
''It's creepy''
''It's romantic''
Lando's eyes flew open and he immediately started tickling you all over.
''Lando! Stop!'' you shrieked.
''Romantic, huh? That's not how you rode me last night'' he smirked, settling his weight on top of you.
''Fuck you'' you mumbled, pulling him by his hair to connect your lips.
''Wrong. You want me to fuck you again, don't you?'' he asked, a knowing smile on his face.
You couldn't help but blush at his words, because, of course you wanted to fuck again.
But first, you wanted something else.
You pushed Lando back to lie on his back and threw your legs over him so you were now sitting on his stomach.
You very quickly noticed the slick dripping out of you. ''Someone's already so wet for me'' he firmly said.
''Shut up'' you replied, as you leaned down to kiss him again, rough and hard this time. You tongue slipping into his mouth for once, earning the sexiest moans from him.
You sucked on his bottom lip for some time until you felt his dick against your ass. Standing angry and tall, hard as rock.
You slid your hand back to pump him while you continued to kiss him, eventually bringing your lips to his neck to leave a few marks for him.
He started twitching in your hand, letting out more moans and a ''fuck, y/n, please'' bit of begging from him.
You made your way down to his nipples, sucking on each of them, biting them, then soothing them with your tongue, all the while you eyes remained locked on his.
Finally though, you slid down enough to see his cock standing in front of your eyes.
He already had pre-cum leaking from the slit, and the thick vein on the underside was protruding dramatically.
''Someones eager'' you threw his words back at him.
''Uh fuck please, please do something'' he begged again.
So you did. You put the tip of his cock in your mouth and sucked at it, hard, swallowing the salty pre-cum.
He hissed at the action. Hips bucking up unable to control himself.
Lando gathered all your hair and held it out of your face as you pushed his cock deeper into your mouth, deep throating him, instantly feeling him hit the back of your throat.
You pulled back for air, a string of spit still connecting your lips to his dick, so he couldn't help but pull you up for a quick kiss.
You pulled away quickly though, eagerly wanting to taste him.
He relaxed back and still help you hair with one hand, while his other rested behind his head.
Every few seconds he buck his hips up to go deeper inside of your mouth, causing you to gag and spring a few tears at the corners of your eyes.
''You're so fucking good at this baby. Best head ever.'' he managed between breaths.
Al you could do was hum at him. Soon his movements started to get sloppy and you could feel his dick twitching again. You knew he was close - so you did the one thing you knew would send him over the edge.
You sucked, hard on his tip again, and in no time he shot sheets of milky white cum down your throat, body shuddering. Listening to his moans had your pussy clenching around nothing, so you squeezed your thighs together as your rode him through his orgasm.
Eventually you pulled back. Your face was a mess. Tears stringing down your cheeks, slightly black with your eyeliner from last night, chin and chest slick with a mixture of sweat, spit and cum.
You breathlessly sat on his stomach again, but he quickly pushed you lower down so he could sit against the headboard and pull you closer.
Lando then began a serious of harsh licks off over your face and chin, chest as well, basically cleaning you up.
As he was doing that, you started to grind yourself against his thigh.
You were so wet already so you easily slid against him. rewarding him with harsh moans and grunts.
Once he 'cleaned you up'', Lando latched his mouth to your perky boobs again. You squirmed at the sensitivity until he started talking again.
''Baby, wanna fuck me again like last night? Ride me again? But this time no interruptions, yeah?''
His words had you dripping even more now. Your mind not being able to form any words. So you simply lifted your self up and lined his dick at your entrance. Then you sat. In one swift movement you sat down on him.
You didn't even give yourself any time to adjust. You very very quickly set a fast pace. Faster than last night if you could. You held his shoulders and gave him everything in you. Swift, quick movements of up and down.
''Oh Lan, yes. Feels so good;'' you mumbled, eyes rolling to back of your head.
''Shit'' he spat back, also not able to form any coherent thoughts. Just you riding him as if your life depended on it.
Within minutes your body was shaking violently as your orgasm ripped through your body. Your moans were uncontrollable, and anyone im the room next door would definitely be able to hear you, but you didn't care. You couldn't even move, so Lando had to chase his own orgasm but jerking his hips up to meet yours, fucking you relentlessly.
''Fuck y/n, fuck. So good. So fuckin tight for me. Gonna fill you up now. Maybe fuck a baby into you, yeah? You want that?'' he asked, not fully releasing what he was saying. Not that you did either, but you reply to him was quick. ''Please Lan, use me was your whore. Give me a baby, fuck. Please fuck'' you said through gritted teeth.
Hearing you call yourself his whore, Lando immediately came inside of you. White cum painting your walls endlessly. His whole body shaking underneath yours.
You both stilled for a few minutes. Letting your breathing come down to normal (if it even could?), just basking in each others sweat and breath.
''Fuck me y/n'' Lando breathed out after a while.
You couldn't help but giggle.
''I just fucked you Lan, already want more?'' you teased.
''You're gonna fucking end me'' he said, pulling you in for a gentle kiss as you played with his curls.
You could feel his dick softening inside you, but as he tried to pull out you stopped him.
You made a shocked face. ''Lan. If you want that baby you'll have to push your cum further into me. Not pull out'' you said smirking.
His expression was priceless but so fucking cute you had to laugh at him.
''I-I'' you started but you cut him off.
''Lan relax, I'm joking. I do, definitely want a baby from you, one day. But for now, I'm on birth control..so we should be okay..I hope'' you said slowly, knowing it wasn't always 100% effective.
But you both just got into a fit of giggles thinking about what you said to each other in that moment.
Just as he started kissing you again, someone knocked on the other side of the wall.
''Hey lovebirds. Thank you so much for the wake-up call. I appreciate it. Oh and how was the hot tub last night?''
It was Flo, Lando's sister.
You both froze at her statement, faces going red and although you shouldn't be, shocked that she probably heard every single thing from this morning.
''Ummm heey Flo'' you chuckled nervously.
Authors note - hope you all enjoyed this. Maybe the most smut I've written? I think so. But I had fun. ALSO - did anyone peep the vampire diaries ref in there?
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 months
Reflected Love - Benedict Bridgerton
Word Count: 1761
Summary: When one does not see the beauty of themselves, maybe the person that loves them the most can show them, can they not?
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You sat in the corner of the room, your gaze fixed upon your husband as he carefully mixed the paints on his palette.
His concentration was absolute, his movements precise and deliberate. You couldn't help but marvel at the way he could lose himself in his work, becoming utterly absorbed by the process of creation.
It was as if he were a different person when he was painting.
You recalled the first time you had seen him in this form when you were still courting.
He had been painting a portrait of you, and you had felt a strange mix of awe and vulnerability as you had watched him capture your likeness on canvas.
It was as if he had been able to see straight into your soul, revealing a depth of understanding that you hadn't known was there.
The canvas he was working on now was a landscape, a serene meadow with a winding stream and a stand of trees in the distance.
The sunlight danced across the scene, casting dappled shadows that you could almost feel on your skin.
It was a peaceful image, a study in tranquility, and you wondered if it was meant to represent something particular in his mind.
You were about to ask him when he paused, his brush hovering above the canvas. "What do you think, dearest?" His voice was soft, almost tentative.
You considered the question for a moment. The light was beginning to fade, and the room was growing dim.
You moved closer to the painting, your eyes taking in the details that you hadn't noticed from afar.
"It's beautiful, Ben," you said truthfully. "It reminds me of the day we picnicked at the lake, just outside of town."
He looked up at you, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You remember that?"
You nodded, your heart swelling at the memory. "Of course, It was one of my favorite days with you."
He smiled, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he returned to his painting. "I'm glad you think so. I've been trying to capture that feeling of serenity and peace in this landscape. Do you think I've succeeded?"
You studied the painting once more, taking in the way the colors danced across the canvas, the gentle brushstrokes that created the impression of a soft breeze rippling through the grass and the leaves of the trees.
"Yes, I believe you have, love. It's beautiful." you paused, your eyes meeting his once more. "But there's something else I've been wanting to speak to you about."
Your husband's brush hovered over the canvas, waiting for you to continue. He had always been attentive to you, and quick to offer support and understanding.
You took a deep breath, gathering your courage. "It's about myself," you said softly. "Lately, I've been feeling rather self-conscious. I've been wondering if I look...different to you."
Benedict's brow furrowed in confusion. "Different? Of course not, my love. You're the most beautiful woman in the world to me." He set his brush down on the palette and turned to face you. "Why do you ask?"
"Just rather curious, yet you're my husband, I felt like I wanted to know."
Your words hung in the air between you, and Benedict took a moment to consider his response. He knew that you were likely referring to the change in your relationship since courting became a marriage.
"I do see you differently now, my love," he said gently. "But not in a way that makes you any less gorgeous or desirable to me. I see the depth of your soul, the strength of your character, the love that you bring into my life."
He moved closer to you, taking your hands in his. "You are my wife, y/n, and nothing will ever change that."
You smiled at his words, feeling the warmth of his touch. "I know that. It's just...I want to make sure you're happy. I want to be the woman you need me to be."
Benedict held out his hand towards you. "May I?"
You nodded, your heart swelling with emotion. As he took your hand in his, you felt a sense of peace and reassurance wash over you. "What are you going to do?"
"Trust me," Benedict answered, leading you over to the long mirror that was placed in the corner of the room, standing behind you.
He started to undo the ties of your dress, making the fabric fall down to the ground.
"I want you to close your eyes," he whispered, his voice low and gentle. "And just feel."
You hesitated for a moment, then obeyed. You felt the cool air caress your skin as he moved your hair aside, exposing your neck.
His touch was so light, so gentle, that it sent shivers down your spine. You breathed in deeply, letting the sensations wash over you.
You felt his fingers trace circles on your back, and you arched your spine instinctively, wanting more.
It was a strange, intoxicating feeling, being so vulnerable and yet so desired. You could hear the soft rustle of his clothes as he moved closer, and the warmth of his body against yours made your heart race.
With a soft moan, you let your head fall back against his shoulder, allowing him to guide your movements.
His touch was confident and sure, and you felt utterly safe in his embrace. He placed a tender kiss at the base of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Look at yourself," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "Look at how captivating you are."
You obeyed, opening your eyes and gazing into the mirror.
The reflection showed you how Benedict had his strong arms wrapped tightly around you.
She could see the intensity in his eyes as he looked down at you, his expression one of pure adoration.
As he continued to hold you close, you could feel the hardness of his body against yours, and you longed for him.
His touch was so gentle and tender, yet so possessive and demanding. He lowered his head and kissed you deeply, his tongue dancing with yours.
You moaned into his mouth, arching your back as he took control, your bodies moving in perfect sync.
He guided your hands to his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
You ran your nails lightly across his skin, teasing him, and he growled with pleasure.
Benedict pulled away from the kiss, gazing down at you with fierce adoration. "I need you," he breathed, his voice thick with desire.
You arched your back, offering yourself to him. "Have me," you whispered, feeling a delicious ache spread through your body.
He moved with a grace that belied his strength, guiding your hips to meet his rhythm.
Your bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each stroke deeper and more urgent than the last.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving tiny half-moons in his skin as he drove into you, claiming you as his own.
You gasped his name, your breath coming in ragged gasps as your bodies moved together in a dance of desire.
He kissed you roughly, his tongue tangling with yours, his teeth grazing your bottom lip.
You arched your back, feeling the familiar tension building deep within you.
You could feel the pull between you both, the connection that went beyond physical desire.
It was as if you were two halves of a whole, perfectly fitted together. He thrust into you harder, faster, his eyes locked on your reflection in the mirror.
"You're so beautiful," he growled, his voice rough with desire.
You moaned in reply, arching your back to meet his thrusts. "I want you," you breathed, feeling the familiar tension building deep within you. "I need you."
Benedict growled, his movements becoming more urgent as he drove deeper inside you.
He leaned in, capturing your lips in a fierce kiss, his tongue dancing with yours.
You could feel his strength, his power, as he held you close, his hands running down your back, cupping your bottom, lifting you higher against him.
"Oh God," you moaned, your voice breaking as you moved with him, your bodies in perfect sync.
You could feel the mirror under your hands, and the contrast between the hard surface and the softness of his skin only served to heighten your senses.
Benedict's movements grew more urgent, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he looked into your eyes.
"That was..."
Your words trailed off as you clung to Benedict, your bodies still entwined. The intensity of your lovemaking had left you both breathless, your hearts racing.
You could feel the warmth of his skin against yours, the steady rhythm of his breath in your ear.
He had been so rough with you, driving into you with such urgency, but it hadn't been overwhelming. It had been exactly what you needed.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as you remembered the look in his eyes, the way he had looked at you as if you were the only person in the world.
You knew that you had given yourself to him completely, and in that moment, you couldn't imagine ever wanting anyone else.
As your breathing began to steady, you could feel the weight of his body pressing against yours, the warmth of his skin.
You could still feel the mark of his hands on your hips, the impression of his fingers against your skin.
It was as if he had left a part of himself there, branding you as his own.
"Not that, but you, you are, the center of everything I do," Benedict said.
You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling the softness of it against your fingertips. "So are you," you replied, looking deeply into his eyes.
"But if I'm right, we're still very naked in this room where every moment one of your siblings can walk in."
Benedict chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, they won't bother us," he assured you. "They know I adore the art of nude portraits." His words sent a shiver down your spine.
"I love you."
You whispered the words as you gazed up into his eyes, your heart racing. You felt so exposed and vulnerable in this moment, but at the same time, so free.
He had always made you feel this way as if you were the most important person in the world.
As if there was nothing you couldn't do or be with him by your side.
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caws5749 · 22 days
Hi, can you do nat x reader? Reader can walk through walls so the avengers hired her because she can be an asset to the group. What she's not telling them is she could see the red string of fate. She sees tony is connected to pepper, scott is connected to hope and etc. But she couldn't see hers that is until she met natasha
A/N: this is such an absolutely beautiful idea and I am so honored to be able to write this, this genuinely may be one of my favorite requests I have ever received
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The music provided the perfect ambience for the scene. It was loud enough to be heard and felt, but quiet enough for conversations to be had. Voices came from every direction, some laughs floated above. The party was your first since joining the Avengers team.
You let your eyes wander about the room as you sat on the couch. Red, faint, glowing strings could be seen about the room. Some connected to another person at the party; some went out the window.
Your heart warmed seeing Tony and Pepper, their strings relatively short given the closeness between the two as they shared a private conversation. A smile tugged at your lips as your gaze fell to Hope and Scott. They were a bit further apart, their string a bit longer, glowing brightly under the lights. When they shared a loving look, you couldn't help but feel hopeful about your own life.
You couldn't see your string, you couldn't see your fate. But you could see everybody else's. Well, not everyone had one. Some people just didn't have someone they were to end up with. Some people's person wasn't here anymore, as sad as it was. Steve didn't have a string, but you knew at one point he certainly had. Natasha didn't have a string either. You weren't quite sure why. Perhaps she had had someone and they were here no longer. Or maybe she just didn't have someone and never would. Perhaps she wanted that. Perhaps she didn't.
You hadn't actually met the red-head yet. When you'd joined, she'd been gone on a mission and was supposed to return this evening. Perhaps you'd finally get to meet her. You found that she was often on your mind, for a reason you still hadn't figured out. It just seemed that no matter what you did, Natasha Romanoff was there.
But your ability to see that fate of lovers wasn't even why you were on the team. In fact, the team had no idea about that little gift at all.
You'd been hired for quite a different skill-set, one that even you couldn't quite seem to figure out why it happened. While it seemed odd to say, you could walk through walls, something that was incredibly useful for mission. You and Vision shared that little gift, and once it became apparent you could fight and were easy to train, they were happy to have you on the team. It helped that you often knew just how to pressure certain adversaries, possibly because you could see who they were connected to. You could see their weakness, as much as you hated to exploit it.
"There she is!" Clint's slightly intoxicated voice rose above the rest. You quickly looked in the direction of the doors, eyes going wide. Natasha Romanoff stood in the doorway, smirking slightly at her best friend, donning a skin tight black dress. She was practically glowing.
She moved into the room, her hips swaying. She seemed to move in slow motion. Her eyes quickly swept across the room, starting at the opposite side of the room and moving towards you. The Widow stopped in her tracks as her emerald eyes met yours. Her smile faltered, brief shock and an unknown emotion flickering across her face.
You felt a sort of pull, a tug and you looked down to see a red string emerge from your chest. You watched as it lengthened and met another string. Your breath caught as you saw that string had come from her. And while she had been practically glowing before, she was actually glowing now, a soft red hue surrounding her silhouette.
"Nat!" Clint yelled. She ignored him.
You stood from the couch and she switched her direction to you. You met in the middle.
"I'm Natasha. Why haven't I met you before?" she questioned softly.
"I'm Y/N. I just joined."
She hummed and tilted her head. You could tell she couldn't quite tell what was going on.
"Why do I feel... drawn to you?" You couldn't decipher if she had asked that rhetorically.
"It's a long story," you murmured. She quirked an eyebrow.
"I've got all night."
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farshootergotme · 1 month
I get emotional thinking about how his family would react to Bruce's change if he ever started working on himself, on improving his behavior. But the one I think about the most is Dick Grayson.
Alfred is the one who was there from the very beginning, but Dick Grayson is who arrived and made the biggest impact. He's the first kid who Bruce took in, the one who approached this man and became his first partner to fight by his side out in the night.
Dick was able to pull Bruce out of the darkness that consumed him. No matter how many times Bruce went back, Dick's presence was a constant reminder that there's not only shadows. That if Bruce pushes back, fights so he won't be dragged down, he will find light.
However, it was a cycle. Dick would get him out, but Bruce would go back, sooner or later. And repeat. And Dick realized this and knew he couldn't let that be his whole life. But despite the distance, it still affects Dick knowing he can't find a definite solution for Bruce.
So, seeing Bruce actually change, get better and seeing that last...it would lift the heaviest weight on Dick's shoulders, who's felt responsible for Bruce's emotions since the day he became Robin.
It's been implied to him that Bruce needs him, that he's who keeps him from falling. And Dick, despite not always feeling like he is enough, carries with that responsibility because, deep down, he also feels like he owes it to Bruce, who Dick has needed (still needs) present in his life, too.
Bruce getting better would be like being able to breath again, but it would be so suffocating too.
Dick would happy for Bruce, for the man who raised him. He'd be relieved that the hurt will stop, for both his father and those he's continuously pushed away. But then he'll be anxious, will it really last? How long until he can be sure? And he'll be scared, does he still need him, now? Does a Batman who's gotten help still need Dick Grayson Robin? Nightwing? And lurking in the back of his mind, there'd be anger. Why now? Why after all those years? Why not before? Was Dick not enough reason to change? Was he never worth this? And shame will drown those thoughts. It's selfish, to think that way. He should be happy. He wants to be happy. He is happy. But he is also mad. He's sad and he mourns the child who never saw this side of Bruce. And most of all, he loves. He loves Bruce too much to hate him for it. No matter how angry, no matter how hurt, he loves his father and he's grateful for him, for his efforts. And all he can do is smile and congratulate him because that's everything he feels he has the right to say.
And when all is said and done, Bruce will come to him and Dick will have to face the worst part of this change;
If Bruce has truly changed, then he would know there's more things than he can count with his fingers that he has to apologize to his son for. And out of everything else, this is what Dick Grayson fears the most.
Dick can take it, he can hear Bruce out, but he can't unpack all the pain he's been accumulating in front of his dad. He can't bring himself to say 'I forgive you' out loud despite having convinced himself long ago that it's alright.
Bruce doesn't didn't do apologies. Things happened and then went back to normal and Dick was okay with that. He forgave him, he did. So, Bruce doesn't need to apologize, he doesn't have to make him say it out loud. He can't tell him, but he's forgiven him long ago. Even if it hurt, even if he was still resentful sometimes, even if he wanted to yell at him for it, Dick could push it all down and forgive him. Bruce shouldn't apologize, shouldn't bring it up again because Dick isn't strong enough to keep it all bottled up if Bruce starts acknowledging it, if he confirms that Dick wasn't crazy for feeling wronged and hurt.
He can take it, but he really can't.
Just thinking about it drives me crazy because, out of everyone, Dick Grayson might be the kid who's been waiting for this the longest, and who thought he'd already given up the idea of his father finding a lasting happiness that would bring permanent change in him. And it would be just so overwhelming.
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folklaur21 · 6 months
What would've should've been
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Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!ravenclaw!reader
Summary: Theodore Nott didn't truly know what love felt like until he found you. But now all he can do is sit and imagine what should've been.
Warnings: Mentions of death/killing, Battle of Hogwarts, use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.3k
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Before You
Theodore Nott isn't the happiest person in the world. Scratch that, he might be the most subdued, emotionally complex guy to have ever existed. Hardly anything made him smile, next to nothing made him laugh. That's just how he was, is, and how he will always be.
It isn't completely his fault. People are never born 'sad' or 'emotionless'. Theo was brought up this way. It was ingrained into him as a child, silently impacting his life forever, and he didn't even realise it. Well, that was until his mother died. At the hands of his father.
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Theodore's mother was a gentle soul. Sweet and caring, she always looked after her son. She gave him everything a child needed, wanted, and then some. The one thing she couldn't provide for Theo? A stable father, who wasn't an alcoholic, abusive pig. Though she did try, the fear she had of Theodore's father never ceased throughout their marriage. She just had to try to shelter Theodore from this cold, uncaring lifestyle.
She could only protect her son so much. When Theodore was just nine years old, she couldn't take the abuse from his father anymore. So she tried to escape. From her house, from her husband, from her life. Yet she failed. And he found out. Theodore Nott Sr. was not happy with this. So he did the only thing that he thought could ease his troubles. He killed his wife. The mother of his child. The child that had heard the Unforgiveable Curse uttered from his father's lips. The child who watched the flash of green light emitted from his father's wand. The child who had to watch his own mother, the only person who truly cared for him, die.
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When he started Hogwarts, Theodore wanted a somewhat fresh start. Free from the burdens of his home life, he made friends.(Arguably, they were friends who his father would have approved of. If his father even cared.) At school, Theodore worked hard, and tried to mask the emotions he had always been told to oppress. Anger. Hatred. Vulnerability. So none of his friends truly knew what his life was like. Except for Lorenzo.
Theo told Enzo Berkshire everything. It was easier, having someone understand why you were like you were. Someone who you trusted with your deepest, darkest secrets. Someone who cared about you. That's how the two became best friends. Practically inseparable, 24/7.
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During You
Having a connection with someone was something Theodore didn't truly seek throughout his lifetime. Especially now, in his fourth year at Hogwarts. Apart from Enzo, he was fine with keeping to himself, keeping a low profile and staying out of everyone's way. That was, until he saw you.
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"Enzo, I don't want to go."
"Please, Theo, I want you to come. I'll be lonely without you." Enzo pleaded with his friend.
"I don't want to go to the Yule Ball. And besides, I didn't ask anyone to go with me." Theodore replied, still resisting the idea.
"So? No-one really cares if you're with someone or not. It's supposed to be fun." Enzo says with a sigh as he flops down next to Theo on his bed.
Theo scoffs. "Says you! How many girls asked you to go with them? 15?"
Lorenzo turns slightly pink at his friend's comment. "23..."
Theo lets out an exasperated sigh. "Exactly," Theo says, but after a moment he decides, "I will go to the ball with you Enz. Only because it's that, or sit around here or in the common room with all the first years."
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So, that was how he ended up standing at the side of the Great Hall, sipping a glass of pumpkin juice, and watching all of his friends dancing with whoever they brought to the Ball. Theo didn't really mind. Once again, he was merely waiting in the wings, not really expecting anything grand to happen to him. At least, that's what he thought would happen. Until he saw you.
You were with some of your friends on the dancefloor. Laughing and smiling, you were carefree, living your life to it's full potential. Theo couldn't bear to take his eyes off of you. It's not like you would have seen him anyway, with him lurking in the shadows.
After he had spent what felt like forever watching you, Enzo came to his friend's side, offering a new glass of pumpkin juice, which Theo gladly accepted.
"Who's that?" Theo asked his friend, nodding his head in your direction.
"That's Y/N. Y/L/N I think. She's in Ravenclaw. She's actually quite clever, I sat next to her in arithmancy last year." Enzo pauses for a second. "Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know," Theo shrugs, nonchalant. "I just... don't remember seeing her before, that's all."
"Oh. Well, she's really kind. And sweet." Enzo smiles before rushing of again to resume dancing, leaving Theo to mull over his thoughts. Thoughts of you.
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A week later, whilst sat in Potions, Theodore couldn't help but watch you, sitting across from him in the classroom. Strange. He had never noticed you before, but now it seemed you were the only thing plaguing his mind. He hardly took any notice of Professor Snape that lesson, watching you as you took notes with your brow furrowed, and how you twirled your quill around in your fingertips if you seemed distracted.
Over the next few weeks, Theodore Nott grew to know lots about you, even if you didn't yet realise it. He knew your favourite subject (Charms), your favourite sweets from Honeydukes (Chocolate Frogs, because you collected the cards). He even knew how you liked to spend your Sundays (sat in the courtyard with a book and a hot chocolate). Theo was drawn to you, for some unknown reason, and not even he could figure out why.
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In the weeks leading up to your exams, you spent an increasing amount of time in the library, studying. Funnily enough, so did Theodore. He wanted to do well academically, even if his friends preferred skiving off and messing with first years. So, that was how he came to speak to you for the first time, five whole months after he was first captivated by you.
"Can I sit here? All the other tables are either occupied or slightly sticky and I don't want to mess up my books"
"Uhh, sure!" Theodore said, shocked that you had even come over to him. "No," he told himself. "She's only over here because nowhere else was free. Don't get your hopes up."
"I'm Y/N, by the way." You smile at him, and wave your wand to get your books laid out on the desk in front of you.
"Theodore. But you can call me Theo." Theodore said, as he found himself smiling in return.
The two of you started to talk about anything and everything; school, exams, your hobbies, interests, just your lives in general. And that's how Theo realised that, maybe he wasn't such a cold, uncaring teenager after all.
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A week or so later, the two of you were sat under the shade of an oak tree overlooking the Black Lake, studying for, you guessed it, exams. That moment was when Theo finally plucked up enough courage to ask you something.
"Hey, Y/N?" he asked, taking a deep breath.
"What?" you replied, looking up from your book.
"I was wondering, would you maybe like to, and it's OK if you don't, I don't mind, you don't have to say yes or anything because it's completely your choice-"
"Spit it out, Theo!" you giggled, humoured by his rambling.
"Right. Sorry." Theo said, trying to calm himself down. "Umm, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend? And could we possibly go to the Three Broomsticks? You know, just... us?"
Your eyes widened, before you smiled at the boy's worried expression. "Of course! Theo I'd love to."
You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before returning to your book, leaving Theodore grinning as if he'd just won the lottery. Which, with you, he basically had.
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After You
It had been a while since Theodore Nott had been back at Hogwarts. Since he had gotten the Dark Mark, at his father's force, he had stayed working for The Dark Lord, being a Death Eater. He hated it. It was a life his father had forced him into, a life which wasn't truly his. And now he was back at the one place which had been a home to him, but now he was here to destroy it.
Theo tried to look for you. The one person who he trusted, and the one person who trusted him. Theo wasn't here to fight. He wasn't here to kill. He couldn't do that here. His safe place, where his father couldn't physically torture him. Where you were.
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Before his sixth year at Hogwarts, Theo was held under the Imperius curse by his father, and the searing skull tattoo, the tattoo that would hurt him forever, was imprinted into his left arm. When school started again, he couldn't bear to tell you, his girlfriend, what had happened. But he did, because between you two, there were no secrets. When you found out, all you were was supportive. You helped Theo though his pain and anguish, but what he didn't know is that when you first found out, you cried for hours. Crying about his future, your future, angry at the world you live in for being so cruel. Crying was really the only thing you could do.
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After Dumbledore's death, Theodore did what he thought would be best for your relationship, best for you.
"You can't be serious, Theodore?" you said, trying to keep your voice levelled and clear, holding back the tears.
That hurt Theo. You never called him Theodore, unless you were really frustrated. Which hadn't happened until now. "Y/N please, I have to, it's for your safety."
"My SAFETY? Theo, I couldn't care less about that right now. Please, don't do this." You couldn't hold back any longer. The tears were now streaming down your face.
"I don't want to, but-"
"But what, Theo? I love you!"
"I love you too, but-"
"Then surely that's all that matter?" you say, exasperated. "We love each other. We can run away together, and live in hiding until it's safe for us to come out, to be together."
"No, we can't, you know we can't, we'll be found and then... you'd... You'd be killed." Theo says in a small voice. "And I can't let that happen to you. Please, Y/N, just listen to me. As soon as this is over, we can get back together. We can live together, start over together. But it can't happen now. Not yet. Please, Y/N, wait for me."
You can't stop crying now, and you lean over to Theo and kiss him. "OK. When it's all over. I'll be waiting for you, Theo. You'll definitely come back to me?"
"Of course I will, Y/N. I promise I'll find you."
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And of course, that's what he was currently doing. Looking for you. He had been waiting a year to see your face again, hoping you hadn't forgotten about him. However now he couldn't find you. Running through the corridors, shouting you name, dodging curses and rubble, Theo's only goal was to find you. And he did.
There you were at the top of the Astronomy tower, a split lip and wearing a torn blue jumper, you were aiming all sorts of hexes at a Death Eater. Theo was so relieved, and began firing spells at your opponent, until he was knocked unconscious. At that point, Theo kicked the limp body over the balcony, not caring what would happen.
"Y/N." Theo smiled. "I told you I'd come back."
You pulled Theo into a hug and kissed him. "Theo!" you breathed.
"I love you more than anything, Y/N." All Theo could do was look into your bright, tearful eyes, relieved that he could see you once again before-
That fateful curse.
A flash of green light.
Your body fell limp in Theo's arms.
Your eyes lost their brightness.
Theo tried to pull you up, tried to hold you tight, but it was no use. You were gone. Theo looked up to see your murderer, looking him in the eyes. His father.
Your death at the hands of Nott Sr. ensured Nott Sr.'s death at the hands of his son. That was the first and last time that Theodore Nott would ever use the killing curse, and it only made sense for it to be on the person that used it on the two people who he had loved most in the world.
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When the Battle of Hogwarts was over, most of Voldemort's supporters were dead, captured, or had fled the scene when it was evident that they were losing. But two Death Eaters stayed behind, simply because they couldn't bear to leave the castle like this. They felt it was partly their fault. Those two Death Eaters were Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire.
Whilst everyone gathered in the Great Hall, Enzo wandered the, now ruined, corridors of a place he loved so dearly. What he didn't expect to find his best friend, leaning on the crumbled wall of the Astronomy tower, cradling someone in his arms. Not to mention the fact that his father lay on the ground mere feet away.
"Please, Y/N, you can't be dead, you can't. I came back for you I-"
"Theo?" Enzo inquired, sitting on the floor next to his best friend, who was in fits of tears.
"He killed her, Enz. He killed her so- So I killed him. I had to."
"It's OK, Theo." Enzo replied, putting an arm around his friend's shoulder, and letting him cry.
The pair fell into a comfortable silence, with the sound of everyone in the castle talking and grieving the loss of friends and family. The two could have been down there with them, celebrating the demise of the people who made their lives hell.
But instead, all Theodore Nott could think about is what should've been.
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lost-and-ephemeral · 7 months
Series: In Her Shadow, pt.2 (ft. main trio)
Part 1 | Part 2
Slowly but surely she replaced you in his heart.
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt no comfort, reader is not MC, breakup
A/N: I recieved a lot of comments and request asking me to continue, so here we are! I've tried my best. Ty everyone, I appreciate every message, even if it would be hard to mention every single one of them in this post. Also, if you want to be tagged in future fics, let me know!
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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You began to notice that Rafayel was spending less and less time with you, choosing his bodyguard over you.
It wasn't obvious at first, yeah, but as time went on, everything became so noticeable that you couldn't ignore it anymore. Especially when he forgot about your plans with him and didn't even consider apologizing for it.
The smell of someone else's perfume in his studio, the way Rafayel would leave you at home and take her to all the important events because "you probably don't like spending time among journalists and annoying guests." It seems that he didn't even notice the moment when you were completely estranged from each other.
And all your attempts to talk to him about it ended with nothing.
"She's my bodyguard," he'd say. "No wonder I take her everywhere I go. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Yes, a lot of things were wrong.
But he was completely unwilling to notice it, and you were tired of collecting the shards of your broken heart from the floor day after day. Those warm feelings that brought a sense of lightness and happiness in your heart suddenly turned into pure torture.
You had to end it all, even if it'll hurt so much.
When you arrived at his studio this morning, you came face to face with "Ms. Bodyguard" herself. She was just about to leave, and didn't even hesitate to embrace your beloved. Right in front of you.
Maybe you would've exploded from all these negative emotions, if you had any strength left to be mad or to cry. But there was only emptiness in your heart.
You became strangers to each other.
"I'm breaking up with you," you said without any regret and pushed him away as he tried to hug you. "I don't want to be a second choice after your precious bodyguard."
"W-wait, why? What... But I didn't do anything!" he replied confused, apparently not realizing how much he's been hurting you all this time.
"Maybe that's the point. That you'd do anything for her, but not for me."
He looked at you with the same confusion in his eyes, trying to figure out if it was a joke, but you continued before leaving this place forever.
"You were everything to me, Rafayel. But for you, I was just a small episode of your life. I'm tired. You've been spending all your free time with her, like I didn't exist. It'll be better this way. Goodbye."
No matter how long he was calling your name, asking you to stop, to come back and talk with him, you didn't.
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Loving a cardiac surgeon with his busy schedule is hard.
But it's even harder when he no longer cares about your existence and spends a significant amount of time with his childhood friend.
After Zayne forgot about your reservation at the restaurant, making you feel like you were the last fool in this world, some more time has passed.
Yeah, he apologized. No, he didn't start spending less time with his "friend".
It's hard to count how many evenings you spent alone when he stayed late at work for her or was invited to a "friendly" dinner with her. But it happened often enough so finally your love turned into suffering.
At first you tried to convince yourself that you're too jealous and he's just happy to finally reunite with someone close to him from his youth. You care about your friends too, don't you?
But it only got worse.
All your plans were constantly adjusted to his friend's wishes. She wants to take him to a cafe at the same time you were planning to go to the cinema? "Sorry, love, let's reschedule our date for another day". You've made him his favorite dinner? Too bad, his friend already brought him dinner at work and he's not hungry.
Eventually you started feeling like he stopped enjoying your time together and just continued to exist in the same apartment with you out of habit.
Talking didn't get you anywhere, because Zayne didn't notice how much he was hurting you (or he simply didn't want to notice it) with his actions and only distanced himself from you even more.
At some point you felt like he put an ice wall around himself again.
He stayed late again this evening, completely forgetting his promise to spend time with you. You packed your things with tears in your eyes, ready to say goodbye to life with Zayne once and for all.
And he showed up at the doorstep of his apartment just as you were ready to leave.
"What's going on?" his voice didn't betray a shred of emotion. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to leave you and your lovely friend together so I don't have to be an unwanted addition to your life."
Zayne was taken aback at this statement and was about to say something, but you interrupted him.
"You were the one who brought happiness and comfort into my life. You were the one who made me feel loved and wanted. But now I realize that I wasn't good enough for you. Goodbye."
You walked away and closed the door behind you, leaving him all alone.
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Before, you without a doubt would've said that your relationship with Xavier was the ultimate dream.
But now it wasn't actually true.
Yes, your beloved still showed care and attention every spare minute he had. Just not to you. It seemed as if his colleague started to occupy his every thought.
During dinner, on a walk, after missions. He was always talking about her, how strong she is, and how lucky he is that she chose him as her partner. His eyes were shining with delight you had never seen before.
You were happy for him, but only until it crossed the line. Only until you started to feel like he was in love with her, not with you.
One day you found yourself completely miserable. Xavier texted you that he would be late because they had "decided to celebrate another successful mission". Except that you were usually the one he shared his joy with. But things have changed.
Even though you were the brightest star in his world, you were inevitably lost behind the glow of the Moon.
You were trying to be better, to be more interesting. Trying to reach an unattainable ideal. But you couldn't. After all, maybe you were never meant to be together if it turned out like this. Maybe you weren't enough for him.
You couldn't remember the last day you didn't cry. Sometimes alone, sometimes locking yourself in the bathroom after another conversation about this "super-strong collegue". But Xavier didn't seem to notice it at all.
"I thought maybe you'd be interested to know what happens during missions," he said when you brought up this painful topic.
And, yes, you were interested. But all you heard was, "She took down that Wanderer so easily, I couldn't take my eyes off her." Or, "she's so good with her weapon, it's amazing."
He distanced himself from you so much that you hardly spent any time together.
He wasn't even home the day you left.
Xavier sent you a message saying he'd be late again. As usual, with her. Even though he promised to have a movie night and you had already prepared everything you needed for it.
Maybe it's even better if you don't see the look in his eyes the moment you tell him you're breaking up with him. You packed your things and left a note on the table, next to the snacks you bought.
"Maybe in another universe I would be worthy of you so you could look at me with the same adoration. I can see that you enjoy spending time with her much more. And we should break up so you don't torment my heart anymore. Goodbye."
You glanced around his apartment one last time before leaving it forever.
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♡ tags: @skyowlz @prettytemis @aishasreality @randompersonwhoexist @kreishin @reni502 @moonyzstarz @chin-chii
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crisiscutie · 9 months
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One of my yandere musings inspired me to write this! I always found the idea of a yandere Sephiroth stealing the darling of Fluffy Sephiroth to be really interesting, so why not do it now? Fair warning though, these are pretty gloomy.
Pairing: AC Sephiroth/Domestic Darling.
Content Warning: NSFW. Noncon. Emotional Abuse. Milk/Nursing Kink. Corruption Kink. Pregnant Darling.
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Your weak moans broke the defeaning silence as he languidly fucked your cunt, his hand on your left thigh and the other on your right hip.
Damn your body working against you. Your cunt had a mind of its own; a trembling, gushing, wet mess that relentlessly pleaded for more of him.
But this wicked mockery of the man you loved disgusted your hurt mind.
You wished you were strong enough to support Sephiroth in the fight against his dark mirror...
His slit blue eyes and his twisted smile bore into you and your swollen, pregnant belly. It was clear that in his wicked fantasy mind, he thought this moment between you two was intimate, as if it was natural. It couldn't have been further from the truth, your truth.
"You've never looked so lovely before, my darling," he whispered, his velvety, "sweet" voice tainted with malice. He often tried to mimic your sweet husband to break you, but you always saw right through him. You won't give in. You don't want to.
He increased the power of his thrusts, coaxing a louder moan from your sweet lips, but still keeping that tortuously slow pace.
Oh, how you wanted this to end. How you wanted your Sephiroth back and live the happy life you two had before.
As his hand moved from your hip to your pregnant belly, you clenched your teeth, your protective maternal instincts triggering. No. No. Not your baby. Not what you had left of him.
But as usual, you couldn't move very much. It's like something is keeping your arms down, pinned to the bed. As much as you tried to move against this force, you only arched your back.
Your inner walls tightened around his cock as he delivered a particularly brutal thrust when you failed to respond to him.
"Our child will grow up to be strong. I will be the one to guide her - forever!" He growled.
His vast, dark wing sprouted from his back, wrapping you in its embrace as he continued to stroke your belly.
"You don't need to worry, darling. He's intertwined with me... a part of my very essence," For a brief second, his eyes widened as he said those last words.
He leaned down towards your pregnant belly, his lips hovering close but not quite kissing it.
You didn't react to what he said about your baby. Your focus was on his unsettling words. It's impossible, he couldn't be him. Your Sephiroth is still out there somewhere!
The initially gentle hand on your pregnant belly became possessive and rough as it moved up one of your milk-filled tits.
Your body twitched, a mixture of pain and pleasure unraveling within as he coaxed milk from your engorged nipple, his dark grin slightly widening at your reaction.
"Don't worry, darling. I'll make sure every drop of this precious milk is put to good use."
He squeezed your abused tit harder, reveled in more milk seeping over his hands and your belly. The traces of JENOVA'S imprint within your milk sent him into a primal frenzy.
His luscious lips hungrily latched onto your nipple, his tongue swirled around the flesh as he was determined to make true on his last words.
The thick and creamy liquid danced on his tastebuds, making his chest rumble with a twisted delight.
His cock constantly kissed your cervix, while only ever so slightly increasing his agonizing tempo. Even in his primal frenzy, he's still such a calculating bastard.
He released your nipple with a "pop" when he finally cummed inside you.
You screamed, feeling every drop of his corrupted seed mixing with your cunt juices. It's overwriting your desires and twisting your thoughts to fixate on him.
And it's disgustingly lukewarm, moving within you and coating every part of your insides like it's another entity. Why do you want more of it?!
He had a rare, radiant smile on his face, just like your lost husband. He watched tears streaming down your cheeks, your resistance finally started to melt.
Your husband was weak, he never deserved you... The man with you now could always protect you and your daughter. He could give you everything you ever wanted... Right?
Sephiroth licked the tears from your left cheek, before nuzzling into it and whispering softly in your ear.
"With me, all of my dolls will know true joy."
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Next I do Yandere 7R Sephiroth musings? 👀
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Where Dick's compartmentalization came from and how it affects the family
What's special about Dick, is that people far older than him see him as an equal because he's able to understand them and keep up with them, and that takes a massive toll on his mental health. He's been acting like a mother, brother, and partner to people twice his age from childhood.
The thing that really hurts is that when Dick's parents were gone, he didn't get angry. He just got really, really sad. And even though he was sad, all he wanted to do was help Batman-help Bruce. He just wanted to help this sad, older man. So at a time when he was grieving, he couldn't even properly grieve because Batman was grieving harder than him. He put his feelings on the back burner so he could fix Bruce.
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Dick is not happy right now. Not because of Bruce's response but he's just feeling overwhelmingly sad because his parents have died. Yet look at the way he acts. He forces himself to pretend he's happy to alleviate Bruce's guilt, stress, anger over the case he's in. He didn't want to be another thing that makes him sad. That's horrifying behavior for a child of 8.
What really astonishes me is that Dick was a child with the maturity of an adult-meaning-he delicately handled Bruce's feelings while being careful not to overstep and yet still adjusting his behavior. He never tried to lash out Bruce. Ever. He got mad once at Batman when everything became too much but once Batman revealed himself to be Bruce, he never let his anger out on him. Or anyone.
And that makes me so sad because this is a child.
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Look at his size compared to batman-tiny!
But this small boy controlled his emotions so his guardian wouldn't feel hurt when he was the one grieving makes me want to cry.
Here's another version of Batman and pre-robin Dick that showcases Dick's emotional maturity from a small age.
In Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder-Dick's parent's died from a gunshot and Batman kidnaps Dick at the circus, before his parent's bodies have barely gotten cold.
Dick's response to the new situation and his parent's passing?
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"No. Don't go there. Not now."
I can practically feel him compartmentalizing through the screen.
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"Yes, Sir. I'll be brave."
He doesn't get a break. No matter the retelling of Dick's orgin story, Dick puts himself together to take care of the man that is supposed to be taking care of him.
But just as much of a toll this takes on Dick, it has a signifcant effect on Bruce too. Bruce cannot function if he knows that Dick isn't okay. I don't remember where but somewhere in the comics Bruce admits to resenting Dick for having amnesia. For not being with him. By him.
His reaction to Dick not remembering them?
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The panel-where Dick screams at Bruce with tears in his eyes-it seems as though Bruce has them too. He's so heartbroken. His eyes are glistening with unshed tears.
In Road to Dark Crisis, Dick tells Jon
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This is so true but the difference between Bruce and Dick is that while Bruce does it for his kids, he has no one to take care of him. So Dick stepped at an age far too young for it to be okay. I mean even therapists struggle with taking care of their patients problems and usually they're around the same age the patient. But Dick? No experience he took the entire job on his shoulders. Not only that but Dick acts as the whole family and titan's family therapist.
Tim goes to Dick about everything-every single one of his problems because they have such a good relationship. He tells him about his dad.
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Not to mention the main thing he does for Tim
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He puts his feelings and priorities on the back burner so he can take care of other people.
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He takes care of Jason's emotional well-being. He tell him he's proud of him and validates him instead of putting him down like Bruce does.
Donna and Roy
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The biggest reason why everyone loves Dick is because he accepts their mistakes and works with them and loves them instead of punishing them for it. They don't get that from anyone else. Especially Bruce.
That's another reason why he's so good with kids. It's because he has been designated to playing the role of the parent his entire life. So he gives them everything he has, welcomes them with open arms, takes care of them and makes them feel fixed. Even if it's at the cost of his own well-being. So that's why they fight but in the end also why none of them can let go of Dick. They need him.
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
everything i loved about "the little mermaid" live action
Ariel's melody being her siren song!! that little new bit of lore!! i also really liked that it added more depth as to why Ursula wanted her voice in exchange for her becoming human
the way Ariel became almost angry during the bridge of "Part of Your World", she was so frustrated that she couldn't do the things she was dreaming about, like YES let her be mad!!
full body chills during "Part of Your World" + the first reprise
Ariel helping Max onto the boat 😭😭😭
I've mentioned this before, but Ariel hearing Eric's voice before seeing him!!! hearing him sing before seeing him!!! agh!!!!
Eric holding Ariel's hand on the shore after she rescues him 😭
the detail put into each of Ariel's sisters was so stunning, i'm so excited to read more about them in the books! i loved that they each had their own specific vibe
"For the First Time" being a voice over, as Ariel's thoughts, and then the scene shifting to complete darkness except for her to represent us being in her head and hearing her thoughts, and the way it gets cut off when she realizes she can't say "hello" to Eric? i cried
The Jodi Benson cameo and her giving Halle!Ariel the fork 😭 literally her passing on the mantel of Ariel 😭😭
Eric and Ariel being total nerds with each other??
The way Ariel "told" Eric her name using the constellations???? and him saying it was written in the stars???? hello????
Also Eric saying "my little mermaid" made me so soft wtf
Eric and Ariel running around and giggling in the castle and being the definition of puppy love like they're so goofy and in love i adore them
the "Part of Your World" reprise after Ariel sees Eric with Vanessa shattered my heart, the MOST heartbreaking song
Grimsby kicking the ring away after it falls near him, my man knew exactly what was going on, he's known Ariel for three days and is already a ride or die
just Ariel and Eric holding each other so tightly after she gets her voice back, and Eric refusing to let her go until Ursula literally has to throw him away
i like that they added a chunk of time passing between Ursula's death and Eric and Ariel reuniting, it added a little extra drama and emotion when they finally saw each other again!
listen i'm an absolute sucker for a "hug before kiss" reunion and i was SO happy that Eric and Ariel had that, it fit them and their relationship perfectly, the way Eric just clung to her, and Ariel's happy smile as she hugged him back 😭
The mermaid statue and the dress representing the land vs. the sea???? and both returning back to where they're supposed to be but having new meanings????
Ariel's wedding dress being pink to (probably) pay homage to her pink ballgown in the animated movie was such a good touch, and i loved the length!!
Triton and Ariel's goodbye, where he says "you shouldn't have had to give up your voice for me to hear you"???? hello my father issues jumped tf out and had me sobbing in the theater
literally the entire movie was so beautiful, i could talk about it for hours, this is the best live action remake honestly, and Eric and Ariel (specifically the live action version obvi) have moved up to become my favorite Disney Princess/Prince pairing, just behind Belle and Adam (bc let's be honest, nothing can top them)
@queen-with-the-quill bc i know you're seeing it soon! more things i forgot to tell you lol
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mashiraostail · 2 months
pls pls can i request a jealous halsin x reader/tav scenario … he’s been pining over you, you’re oblivious, and then when he sees some innocent platonic affection between you and another companion, all that pining boils to the surface. mayhaps some nsfw too if you’ll indulge me. pls the way you write him is simply… *chef’s kiss*…. magnifique ✨
hoooraayyy Halsin HOORAY!! I heart making men talk like flowery little victorian women writing letters to their husband say some fruity shit big man! Idk what compels me to make these so long that's why they take forever.
I have another ask like this and maybe I'll write him doing sum primal fuck shit but this was an itch i just had to scratch
It wasn't Gale's fault, it wasn't your fault either, it was his fault. Halsin knows this, he's honestly ashamed, he shouldn't be so easy to sway...he never has been before.
He notices everything, he notices the flirtation, the questions about the life he left behind, the fleeting touches, the way you always go to him when they day is out, you propositioned him, he declined. That was his fault. It wasn't the time, he had business he had to sort before he could indulge himself, and you couldn't hold that against him. He made it clear when he turned you down, it wasn't you, and maybe one day soon things would be different.
Even so, you were always chatting with him, smiling at him, touching him, gods you always touched him. It drove him mad actually, your hand on his bicep, on his chest, on his stomach when he said something particularly funny, you sat so close to him your thighs pressed together, your shoulders and arms, all of it pushed him to the edge. And the way you said his name after you laughed at his joke, "Oh Halsin.." When you see him again after a long day, "Halsin! How'd it go?!" You'd even hugged him, thrown your arms around his neck and shoulders. He'd held the small of your back and laughed heartily with you, maybe a few ales too deep. He swore one day soon things would turn a corner for the two of you.
You doted on everyone though, and you enjoyed closeness with all your companions. Normally he'd be happy to see you sharing your joy with everyone but lately it frustrated him. He wondered what was different, even though deep down he knew. It was you, he didn't want you to himself necessarily, he wanted you to understand how he felt. The more he waited to explain himself the more upset he became, and the harder he found focusing around you to be. He felt like he was always brooding, always lingering behind the group, because the sight of you slinging your arm around Karlach or playfully mussing Astarion's hair made his stomach lurch with uncertainty. He wrote it off as a disdain for societal labels and relationships but he felt unfair even doing that, lying to himself.
He and Jaheria were the last ones to return to camp that day. He was grateful to travel with her alone, though he lamented not seeing you he did not lament the emotions seeing you caused to crop up. When he returned you were sitting on a log by the fire with Gale, chuckling and waving your hands. He'd already begun to feel wary.
Halsin inches closer, he snoops a bit sure, he's not proud of it but he's been alive long enough to accept he won’t always be proud of his actions.
"No!" You sound surprised through your laughter.
"Yes!" Gale's tone was argumentative but warm as you held onto his arms. Halsin bubbled a bit, out of everyone Gale was the most likely to get the wrong idea...or maybe the right one if the way you were squeezing him was any indiction of things.
"Did you really misbehave so terribly when you were younger?? I'll have to ask Tara next time we see her, I don't believe you!"
"Am I so untrustworthy?!" Gale sounds affronted.
"Based on your stories?? Yes! Gale! You are!" You're squeezing him and shaking him so much the pair of you topple over the back of the log you're perched on, Halsin watches Gale kick his legs for a while as you laugh.
"You'll kill me," Gale stands up and dusts himself off, "and the rest of them too!" He gestures to his orb, "I don't know how sensitive this thing is!" He hoists you up by your arm.
"I'm sorry Gale, that was just so funny, I can't picture you a young mischievous wizard at all..."
"Well it's a good thing I grew out of it." He's smirking at you though, impishly. It makes you laugh.
"Did you?" You cover your mouth as you chuckle before reaching out and dusting his hair off, tucking the rouge strands back into place. "I don't know if I believe that either. You've certainly kept your impish charm."
Halsin feels his face warm, he watched the two of you bat at each other like school children. He kissed his teeth, rubbed his calloused thumb over the smooth back of his hand, anything to distract himself from the annoyance rolling over in his stomach.
"Who's to say?" Gale holds his hands up, a faux surrender, shrugging just a bit.
"Go to sleep Gale." You shove him, snickering, "you're delirious."
"Perhaps I am." Gale smiles at you, "goodnight my friend." The words hardly do anything to put Halsin at ease he can practically feel his eye twitching. Whoever said patience was a druidic virtue?
"Sleep tight Gale." When you turn away from him you see Halsin, who to his credit had no real reason to be standing there.
"Halsin!" You chirp happily at him and he feels his chest bloom at it.
"Hello my dear, we're back late today, I apologize. Did you need us?" He tries to squash the growing disdain in his stomach in favor of appreciating you as you appear before him.
"Oh no! Nothing Shadowheart couldn't handle." You wave back at her tent, "How were your travels?"
"They were fine. Unfortunately the Harpers really can't be trusted.." He peers over your shoulder, notices your tent moved to be beside Gales, which had never been the case before.
"I figured as much." You sigh, he watches your eyebrows turn upwards. "That's upsetting. Are you going to clean up for the night?"
"Yes I think I will." He glances to the stream behind camp, no one else was there.
"Can I come? I hate to bother you but I can't sleep, and I think I kept Gale up so long he was hallucinating." Your fingertips brush his arm as you chuckle, he glances down at the point of contact. He feels the skin there heat up as you pull away.
"You're no bother, my dear." He shakes his head, "come with me."
You trot happily behind him, unaware of his stewing just in front of you.
"So, what went wrong with the Harpers?"
"You and Gale are close." Halsin elects to ignore your questions.
"Oh?" You perch on a nearby rock as Halsin crouches by the stream, "Gale? I suppose we are friendly. He's very funny."
"Is he?" Halsin fights to keep his tone even, though you seem oblivious to it.
"Did you hear us talking earlier? I swear the more sleepy he gets the funnier he is." You're giggling, like a school child. Halsin feels his eye twitch.
"I did not hear you, I only saw you fall."
"My fault completely, I was going mad with it, it was so funny, Gale told me that when he was a younger student, at that fancy magic school he snuck into the-"
"Do you..care for him?" Halsin turns to you, still crouched by the running water below him.
"I suppose I do...like him yes." You sound confused, lost, which Halsin supposes is a good sign as you'll only tell the truth.
"You like him?" Halsin is looking intently at you.
"I do, he's..nice.." You look like you're entirely unsure about what's going on.
"You like him so much because he's..nice, then?" Halsin doesn't sound like he's convinced.
"Yes I think so-"
"Do you share a bed with him?" Halsin stands, he walks towards you perched on your rock.
"I-" He almost feels bad for the way a warm flush rises to your face as you look up at him.
"N-no we don't, we haven't. We're only friendly-"
"Do you wish to? Would you wish to?"
"N-no I don't, I wouldn't he...I-" You flounder a bit, "why do you ask?"
"It seemed a certain way." Halsin kneels, face to face with you on your perch, "I worried."
"Why did you worry?"Your holding your hands by your chest, leaning away from him, shocked but not leering, nervous..you were nervous. "Why would it worry you to know I shared a bed with Gale, that I cared for him in that way?"
At the realization of your nervousness he feels guilty, he puts his hands on your thighs, "I should apologize."
"Why?" Your face was flushed, your eyes were wide as you watched him, tried to predict his next move with no avail.
"I was selfish with you. With your time, with your care." He shakes his head, "I beg you to forgive me. To not let this ruin your opinion of me..I acted so poorly...and it..it’s embarrassing and dreadful and I beg for your forgiveness...You gave me a chance to have a piece of you, I turned you away. I know you don't hold that against me. You stepped aside and I am grateful that you did. The curse was my burden to bear, and I couldn't be distracted from it, not by you, or by anybody. You understood that, and I am grateful. Had you pushed me I would have..become distracted with you, I would have followed you wherever you went, and forgotten my duty."
"I understand Halsin. I'm not offended-"
"I know you aren't, and that's why I'm so grateful for you." He looks earnest, "but I selfishly believed that you would hold onto your want for me. That you would wait indefinitely for me to come to you. I held you to an unfair expectation, to the hope that you would not share your heart, or your body, with another. When I saw you today with Gale, I worried that I had given you up, that I had made a terrible blunder and I had lost my chance to have you. Gale does not seem the kind of man to be willing to share you, and I cannot blame him, nor could I blame any other for keeping you to themselves once they've had you."
"Why does that worry you? You did not want me then-"
"I did want you." Halsin insists, "and I do want you now, I've wanted you since the beginning but I knew you would consume me, that I would lose sight of what I was meant to do..but I've burned with it, you have enamored me completely and... brought out the worst in me, I'm useless with it."
"I'm sorry Halsin.." You hold his gaze, and cover his hands with yours.
"And you still apologize as if you have done wrong." He squeezes your thighs where his hands cover, "you have not, I am the one who lost sight of things, lost sight of what I wanted, who I wanted. I was so enamored by the idea of having you I cursed any obstacle in my way, rather than telling you the truth. That was my error. It was my error to believe you would hold onto your desire even after I turned you away, to believe that you would still consider me after I put something else above you."
"I don't understand Halsin.." You blink at him as he lifts your hands, "do you want to go our separate ways? Is this too much- I apologize if I was too forward back then, but we need you-"
"No," His forehead falls onto your knees, "perhaps I am not speaking clearly." He squeezes you again, "I don't want to be parted from you, not now, not ever... I want the opposite," he sighs, "I want you now, if you'll have me, if you can put my behavior..my feelings behind us.I know it was so childish of me. I’m so sorry my songbird..please find it in yourself to forgive me.” He looks up at you, he kisses the back of your hand, “you’ll break my heart if you don’t.”
"You haven't done anything wrong....Halsin.." You shake your head, "if you need to be forgiven then I forgive you, I'll always forgive you, but...I do not think you've done anything that deserves asking for it. We misunderstood each other..."
"You are brighter, and kinder than most, perhaps you're naive... or perhaps you understand things better than any of us." He kisses up your inner arm to the crook of your elbow, "I laid some sort of...childish claim to you, I believed I deserved you, your time, your body, your heart, more than the others, that you would come to me because...I don't know..I'm sorry, forgive me for treating you like a prize to be won, a piece of land to fight over you are...your heart is so much more than that, to me and to everyone that you meet." He barely takes his lips off your skin when he looks up at you and you feel your lungs empty of air.
"Halsin..of course I forgive you..” You barely get it out, you feel so breathless.
His lips pass the bend of your elbow and make their way to your shoulder, your neck, your jaw, his other hand engulfs your waist as he moves you from your perch and pulls you to his chest,
“do you? Really?” He’s at your jaw, "I was too much of an oafish brute to put words to it, to tell you, even when I should have, I adore you, I think so highly of you. I'm so taken by you.."
"I feel the same way Halsin.." You're breathless when you're face to face, your hand holds the nape of his neck, "I thought you wanted to...focus on the more dire things at hand so I left you to them, and when things ended and you didn't come to me I thought perhaps the fascination had passed and I did not want to trouble you again-"
"You did not trouble me then, you do not trouble me now,"  He sighs gratefully as he kisses you, it’s warm, his other hand leaves your jaw to press the small of your back, arching you closer to him.
“I have to have you..I’m worried I’ll die if I don’t.” He’s breathing quickly into your mouth with anticipation, “I need to see you.. All of you and..and feel you I-”
“Oh.” You felt gooey at that, of all the things you expected to happen today this was not one of them.
“And It has to be now you see I- I can hardly put my head on right when I start to think about you like that and it’s all I've been thinking of lately... I doubt I’ll even be able to get anything done properly tomorrow if you don’t set me straight.”
You laugh at that, “okay..” You nod, leaning down to him again, just slightly taller than him perched on his lap.
“Yes?” He sounds so perfectly hopeful.
"Tell me you want me, tell me this is what you want..to be with me..and for me to have you..even after all the things we misunderstood..that you’ll let me bed you, that you want me to..” He looks up at you earnestly, his eyes flickering between yours and you nod.
"I want you, I want this, Halsin, I always have."
He let's out a warbled sigh into your lips at that, already lowering your bodies to the ground, kissing you, sliding his hands into your clothes.
He was quick to uncover you, to toss your clothes off somewhere, to sigh gratefully as you did the same to his, you wondered what had gotten into him, but had no complaints either way.
He was lowering himself between your legs easily, kissing down your chest, lavishing your stomach with attention, unperturbed by the flush creeping down your neck.
"Halsin you don't have to-"
"Please, don't deny me now.." You aren't sure why you thought he would consider this a chore.
He deluged you with loving attention, his hands slid from the sides of your thighs up to the small of you back, pulling you closer and closer to him with each stroke. He groaned when you called his name, when you carded hair through your hands or held his face. Languid stokes of his tongue, paired with the slow curling of his fingers inside you. It felt like he was indulging himself with you, occasionally he pulls away, pressing the tall bridge of his nose to your tender skin, nipping at it, taking in deep breaths of you.
He retraces his path to your lips, long kisses and wide strokes of his tongue over your stomach, open mouthed kisses to your chest and collar, then he's taking your face in his hands, "Please-"
"You don't have to beg-" Your eyebrows draw together, "Halsin, I'm in no mood to deny you."
He guides your legs around his waist and slowly guides the head of his cock into you, a hand caging you in on either side of your head. You hold the nape of his neck, and his chest, begging him closer.
"Is it too much?" He sounds almost nervous, "are you alright?" He watches your chest and stomach prattle with deep, shaky breaths.
"I'm alright," You can barely get it out, "Halsin-" You're keening as he bottoms out. He ducks into your neck smattering loose kisses and bites along your skin.
"You're singing for me again," He's sighing into your skin, pulling you closer to him, "you sound so beautiful like this..." He rests one of his hands on your chest, pressing his thumb gently to the divot between of your collar bones, feeling you suck in deep, needy breaths in time with the rolls of his hips into you. Your skin is red under his thumb, flushed with arousal, nervousness, every time he moans, or pulls you into him he feels his hand rise as you take in a deep breath.
He pulls one of your legs over his shoulder and noses at the soft skin of your inner knee, he can feel your heart beating under his hands, he can feel your eyes on him, sliding down his chest and abdomen, back to his neck and jaw then to his eyes again. His hand rises and falls rapidly with your chest as you chant his name, he free hand guides the small of your back upwards as you arch into him. Your hand holds his on your chest, wrapped loosely around his wrist, your other flutters between his arm and chest.
"I'm here," Halsin breathes it out as your leg coils tighter around him, "I hear you, singing for me." And you were, hopelessly chanting his name between long rolls of his hips and every time you felt his index finger slide down the divot of your spine, "you're doing so well my songbird.." He sighs dreamily at you, as if you weren't coming undone below him.
You wrap both of your legs around him as he guides you up into his lap with the hand on your back, your arms lock around his shoulders easily and he groans into the crook of your neck, "hold onto me, I need you close." You can feel his breath down your chest, warm thankful sighs sliding down the sliver of space between your bodies.
His hand feels worlds larger on your back than you had fantasized, he uses it to guide the roll of your hips into his, his other hand holds the back of your neck, pulling you desperately closer. He sang you praises, pulled you greedily into his chest and kissed you when you cried out particularly loud until you felt yourself tightening around him, coiling in your stomach. You felt your nails dig into the back of his shoulder, he didn't seem to mind.
When it becomes too much, when that feeling in your stomach snaps and breaks you crumple into him, you tuck your head beneath his chin, you practically cry for him. When he finishes, which is hardly a few seconds after you, he drags his hand up you back, over your waist, then presses between your shoulder blades, you hear the hoked off groan that he lets into your hair.
You kiss him again, holding his jaw in two careful hands.
"I'm sorry i've kept you up dreadfully late." Halsin's hands still slide needy over your back and waist, pulling you ever closer to him.
"It's okay it..was worth it I'd say." You laugh, "what's brought all that on? Now, after everything?"
"You didn't notice how I'd been brooding? I'd hardly been myself."
"I thought you disliked the city, I was worried you were going to ask to part from us. Astarion disagreed though he wouldn't tell me his theory."
Halsin laughs a bit at that, and after all the desperation and apologizing, it was a welcome sound, "That was for the best I think."
"Perhaps. Were you really jealous of Gale?" You leer back at the idea, "he's nice and all but he really doesn't hold anything over you."
"I was not jealous of Gale just because you found him to be..nice and funny...there are plenty of nice and funny people here." He lies and looks away from you, which is how you can tell he's lying.
"Ah. I see." Your hands rest on his chest, "sorry I misunderstood then." You're grinning anyway. You swipe his hair off his forehead, and in that moment he decides he was fair to be jealous of Gale, even fleeting touches left him feeling lavished with attention.
"Let's clean off." He turns into your palm.
"Can I spend the night with you, in your tent?" You look up at him as you stand.
"Of course." He's smiling at you, another welcome change, "you don't need to ask. I'm here whenever you need me, call for me and I'll come." He leans down to you, "I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner." His thumb traces the shell of your ear as you kiss.
"Don't worry now, you're dramatic." You chuckle into him, "would you really have died?"
"There was no sense in risking it." He lifts you by the back of your thighs and makes his way to the water with you, "better to be safe.”
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aingeal98 · 8 months
Thinking about how happy Cass was when Steph became Robin because while she did agree with Bruce that Steph shouldn't be out on the streets fighting and it caused their first breakup, her issue was never against Steph as a person. If anyone didn't have a high enough level of fighting skill Cass would not want them in danger. But Steph kept stubbornly improving anyways and even though she might still not have been quite as good as Cass's anxiety would like, Bruce made her Robin which means Bruce must have changed his mind and now trusted Steph's potential and seen the same thing in her that made him take in Tim even though Cass doesn't fully understand that part yet. And Cass trusts Bruce so that's enough. Steph is happy Cass is happy they can spend time together which Cass loves and they don't have to fight anymore!
And then Steph gets fired and Barbara snaps at Cass and the next time Cass sees Steph she's so confused because why is she back in Spoiler gear now? Steph is Robin!
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And even though Steph is going through emotional hell right now I think she understood there, the difference between Bruce and Cass. The way she didn't see back when they first fought. It's why she thanks Cass for her friendship even though it wasn't always smooth sailing. Even though she does have a right to be hurt and angry with Cass from before. Unlike Bruce, Cass isn't messing with Steph, jerking her around and treating her awfully for being a girl. She genuinely likes Steph and wants Steph to succeed and be a part of her life. Unlike so many other characters, she isn't unfairly biased against Steph. (She can be a jerk but she's an equal opportunity jerk. She'd treat any fighter on Steph's level the same, unless they have Bruce's approval in which case she'd trust the process. Doesn't make it fully OK but I think it's a nuance Steph appreciates in this scene.)
But then. But then. The next time they see each other war has broken out and Cass once again needs to step in and rescue Steph and.
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It's the last conversation they have before Steph dies. She doesn't know Cass spent hours looking for her even in the middle of such a large turf war. She doesn't know how distracted Cass got, how passionate she was towards finding Steph even when Batman told her they couldn't afford it. She dies thinking Cass, while not viewing her like Bruce or Alfred does, still doesn't see Steph as an equal in any way that matters. And she's right! Cass loves Steph. Cass loves Steph more than she's loved any non family member in her entire life. Which doesn't change the fact that Cass does not think Steph should be out fighting, and she can only consider Steph an equal comrade when she's wearing the Robin uniform. Cass doesn't trust Steph's insistence that she's good enough, but she trusts Bruce's judgement. And Bruce is an asshole to Steph. Constantly.
They deserved to hash this out when Steph came back from the dead. Steph deserved to know how much Cass cared for her and she deserved to say exactly how Cass hurt her, no matter how good her intentions were. Cass deserved to tell Steph everything about how deeply the loss hurt her. And they both deserved the opportunity to agree on a second chance, to earn each other's full trust for once.
Anyways I'm having stephcass feelings tonight and I swear one day I will end up in the dc writers room and do... Well I'll do something to fix this that's for sure
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xztloux · 6 months
↳˗ˏˋYandere/Dark Percy Jacksonˊˎ˗ ↴
▸ content warnings: kidnapping, injury, swearing, my shitty writing 🫶
▸ summary: Percy, a lonely god finds you injured in his temple and decides to keep you..
▸ A/N: this is my first time writing something yandere or dark or anything like that so sorry if it’s bad. No spell checks so stupid my be spelt wrong.
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Perseus, son of Poseidon hero of Olympus, god of loyalty. Well, at least thats what camp taught you.
Percy accepted godhood many, many, years ago. Now the days blur together and as the days blurred together Percy stopped looking after his temple. He has outlived everyone he loved, his mother, his friends, everyone.
He locked himself in his temple letting years, decades, pass not caring for mankind, he became selfish like the rest of the gods. That was until one day, you, stumbled into his temple, an injured demigod. His temple was overgrown with vines and the smell of sea water lingered in the air.
You felt so happy to find a place to shelter in for the night until the rain passed, and to patch up your injuries, the place looked and felt abandoned so you just stepped right in. Yet you didn’t know how much you’d regret finding this temple in the future..
You stumbled through the doors wincing in pain as you held your side, that had been badly injured from a monster. Throwing down your backpack you slid down the wall, quickly searching for the bandages. The wound caused sharp and stinging jolts of pain but you powered through.
"The rain must be rather inconvenient for you."
Percy spoke as his voice carried through the entire temple, he had been woken up from his sleep when you stumbled in. He seemed rather calm for someone who had just been awoken from their slumber. Although, his voice was rather cold and detached, lacking any emotion."You're a demigod I presume."
Not expecting to have company you practically jumped out of your skin.
“Shit!” You yelled quickly grabbing your weapon (which really hurt your side) before you realised who or rather what he was, a god.
“Sorry—sorry you just made me jump..” you muttered looking up at him while holding your side trying to make the pain go away, you had this..weird feeling about him but you didn’t know what..
“Come here.”
You were in not position to refuse such help, especially from a literal god. So, you walked up to his throne and sat down, it was a bit cramped. Percy started to look at your injuries, analyzing them as he grabbed your wrists to pull your sleeves back and get a better look. He seemed to be rather interested in the way your injuries looked. His grip was also rather tight causing you to wince in uncomfortable pain. Yet the he seemed to completely ignore your flinch.
“I’ve heeled your minor injuries but the one on your side will take another week or two, to heal fully.” He stayed almost as if he was talking past you and not to you. You nodded in response getting off his throne and picking up your bag. It was a bit pathetic really you could hardly walk.
"You should probably rest a bit more."
He spoke bluntly as he watched you struggle with walking, his tone of voice was still cold. Which is weird seeing as he was talking to you. Usually the gods have a more.. friendly tone when speaking to demigods. It was all strange. He seemed to want you to stay here.. for a reason he hasn't told you yet..
“I don’t wanna cause any trouble..” you chuckled awkwardly “like you said my side will take about a week or two to heal..”
He raised a brow as he tilted his head to the side. The blank stare was growing more prominent in his eyes now. It was as if he couldn't understand why you'd want to leave, especially while you were still injured.
He spoke once again as he gave a firm nod. He was telling you to stay put.
“Okay..thanks..” yoh said smiling slightly before you put your bag down he led you to one of the bedrooms in the temple for you to sleep in. It was a nice place really considering the temple Was overflowing with vines.
Percy watched you as you made yourself a bed. His gaze was still focused on you as you got yourself comfortable enough to rest. He watched you settle for a while longer. He was rather silent as he continued to stare at you. When he finally spoke up he was still stoic and expressionless.
"You're staying here."
He spoke firmly and clearly. He was ordering you to stay here... not asking you.
You nodded slightly “till I’m better yeah.” yawning slightly your energy had been drained from his healing.. your head hit the pillow and immediately you fell asleep. Percy on the other hand..continued to watch you. He wasn't planning on letting you leave his temple until you were healed. As you laid down he just stared you down.. his eyes following you as you turned to your side.. he was.. fixated on you.. even while you slept.. he continued to watch you for what must have been hours..
finally two weeks had passed, you could finally leave and make your way back to camp, over those two weeks he’d warmed to you slightly but that bad feeling was still present. Packing up your stuff into the bag getting ready to leave.
“thank you again” you smiled at him as he sat on his throne, you were great full that he had helped you.
He had crossed his legs as he spoke monotone as always..
"It was no issue."
Although his response had been short and rather emotionless, he spoke with rather clear.. authority. He sat there watching you now. Watching you pack up as you got ready to leave.
"Are you sure you are well enough to leave?"
“Yeah.” You smiled at him before walked towards the doors of the temple. you tried to push open the doors but they wouldn’t move? You’d opened them easily before but now they wouldn’t budge..
“hey um..i think there locked or something..?” You asked awkward the bad feeling grew and grew..
He looked at you as you tried to open the doors and noticed that they were.. locked.
Percy then tilted his head to the side as he spoke.
"I locked them."
For some reason his response caused your bad feeling to grow further. He didn't say anything else other than that.. He seemed to wait for you to ask why he locked the doors.
“Well could you open them for me?” You asked him tilting your head slightly, you hoped he forgot to unlock them..
His voice seemed to have gotten more monotone as soon as he spoke, his stare was still cold as ever. His response just further added to your bad feeling.. you didn't know how much longer you could stay locked in here with him.. for some reason he seemed to want to keep you here.. before you could speak he spoke again.
"I do not want you to leave the temple."
He spoke rather bluntly as he leaned back onto his throne. He didn't elaborate on that response, though.. He didn't really seem to want you to know why he didn't want you to leave.. he just seems to want to keep you locked in here with him for some odd reason.
“B—but..” you tried to argue as you looked at him sitting on his bloody throne “but—“
He cut you off before you could even properly argue by speaking once again.
"Do not argue with me.
He stated plainly as the god spoke he looked down at you as he straightened out his legs that were crossed. He seemed rather serious, almost to serious when it came to you.
His expressionless stare was still fixated on you as he continued to speak.
"You will stay here, with me.”
You were trapped with a god who’s loneliness had driven him mad.. and there was no escape..
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sc0tters · 1 year
Untouchable | Quinn Hughes
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summary: Quinn comes over to your brothers post season party, what happens when you’re there all cozy with another man?
request: yes/no
warnings: mature themes, p in v, mutual masturbation, swearing.
word count: 2.54k
authors note: it might not be Thursday anymore but I didn’t want to have to wait a whole week to get this published. Quinn might not be bad boy Quinn irl but he can be in our hearts.
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Your only task for the evening was to behave.
Elias had warned you as he simply requested that you bit your tongue rather than initiating the usual argument that came between you and Quinn.
He truly didn't know what happened between you and his teammate the one night you came to watch his game but something three years ago set the two of you on this path of rivalry.
You were a freshman at the University of British Colombia and had finally found the chance to watch your brother play at home.
In truth you tried to not let the Hughes boy get to you primarily because you thought he was cute, but when he yelled at you for being in his way it started a long line of what your mom referred to as a pissing match between you and Quinn.
It was like you two were siblings with the way you two couldn't say something to the other without it being negative. If you were around in what could have been a remotely happy mood, it wasn't going to be the case for long. You brought a guy to a game once and Quinn literally told him to get away whilst he could.
That isn't to say that you weren't a bitch to him too, shortly after he told your date to hit the road you were quick to get your revenge telling a girl that Quinn had someone back at home waiting for him.
Thankfully for Elias, you two seemed to now be resorting back to comments that were directed at each other.
The reason why you had to behave was because Elias was currently hosting the post season team party and you had been invited.
You were deep in a conversation with Brock when Quinn arrived "you wanna take it easy?" Brock asked in amusement as he watched you chug the rest of your drink.
Quinn's eyes never left you as he took in what you were wearing. The pink sundress that was complimented by your curled hair. You looked really hot as rolled your eyes laughing at whatever Brock said to you.
It brought a weird sense of emotions through him "I've told her to behave tonight," Elias announced as he patted the younger boys shoulder. All Quinn could do was nod "trust that she'll listen," he thought to himself as he went in the direction of more friends as he began to wonder when you became such good friends with the blonde.
An hour, sixty minutes is how long it took you to leave Brock. Not that Quinn was counting though because that would have been weird.
But as you walked inside with nothing but an empty drink the eldest Hughes boy was hot on your tail.
You were completely unaware of his presence until you spun around to see him leaning against the wall "Jesus Christ Quinn," you slapped your hand over your chest as you jumped.
Quinn smirked as he watched your lips press into a thin line "can I help you?" You asked as you cocked your head growing irritated at his smile.
The boy shook his head "just surprised to see you without Brock." He confessed now letting you cross your arms.
It made you giggle at his comment "is little Quinner jealous?" You batted your eyelashes as you smiled.
His laughter bounced off of the kitchen walls "why would I be jealous of him when you're right in front of me?" He pointed out causing your face to drop.
He had a point "where are you going?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you walk passed him "Brock is probably wondering where I am," you smirked as you licked your lips.
It made him scowl "no you're not," he shook his head as he grabbed your hand pulling you back towards him "you aren't the boss of me." You reminded him that he wasn't the one dictating what you did.
Quinn nodded as he thought about what you said "go and I won't bother you again." It wouldn't have been the hardest of things to do in the world, you each already avoided the other like they had the plague.
You contemplated leaving "and if I stay?" Being calculated and thought out was left to Elias when it came to the sibling duties "I'm gonna fuck you so good in your room that you're gonna forget your little Brocks name." The eldest Hughes son knew that he could get jealous, but usually it only happened when the girl was already his.
He also knew that because you were going into your senior year of university you lived with your brother during the breaks when everyone had to be off of campus “I’d like to see you try,” your hand held your can of white claw as you used your other to shove your pointer finger into his chest.
It was like in that very moment the tower of hatred that Quinn had built towards you in his mind was now breaking down.
As he pushed you onto the counter letting his fingers dig into your hips he kissed you like you were the last person on earth. Truthfully Quinn had wanted to do this for a while now and didn’t think you’d give him the chance to be in this position “Elias,” you blurted out as you pulled away.
Your brother was nowhere in sight but that didn’t stop your fears about him showing up “you go upstairs princess and I’ll be up there in a moment,” Quinn explained as he didn’t want anyone to see you two going up at the same time.
He helped you off of the counter giving you one last peck before he placed his hand on your ass giving it a squeeze “someone’s a little desperate,” you teased as you saw him roll his eyes “get up there before I change my mind,” Quinn warned as you giggled finally listening to his request.
You had been in your room for five minutes at that point and you honestly thought that he wasn’t coming anymore “that asshole,” you mumbled you clenched your thighs together wishing that you weren’t turned on by what you heard downstairs.
Certainly not your proudest of moments but you let your two fingers trail under your dress and into your panties as you began to let them circle your clit. It was just your desperate effort to relieve the tension that had built up because there was no was way that you were going to survive sitting downstairs all night “seems like someone couldn’t wait.” Quinn pointed out as he knew which guest room you usually stayed in so he had just let himself in.
You pulled your fingers out from your panties as your eyes went wide “thought you changed your mind,” you explained as you sat up when the boy moved to the side of your bed “didn’t tell you to stop,” he reminded you as he motioned to your panties.
It felt weird how you were literally in the palm of his hand ready to listen to whatever he had to say “let’s get them off so we can see your pretty fingers at work.” The comment could have made you come on the spot as you hooked your fingers into either side of the material and began to shimmy out of them “fuck me you’re soaked.” He blurted out as he was faced with your glistening pussy.
Quinn smiled as your fingers finally listened to his request and began continuing what you were doing prior to his arrival “who are you thinking about as you fuck your fingers?” It was safe that say that you were shocked at how vulgar Quinn was in bed but you couldn’t respond as you continued to get yourself off “answer me princess,” he added as he wrapped his hand around your wrist to slow you down “you Quinn only you.” You gasped as you were desperate to let your fingers move again.
Thankfully the boy seemed to pick up on that desperation as he nodded moving his hand away. But what you couldn’t see was that he was undoing his belt so that he could jack himself off.
The sight of you wasn’t something unfamiliar in his jerk off material list, one year when Quinn came over you were in the garden tanning in what was literally the smallest bikini that you could find in your room “such a pretty sight,” Quinn cooed drawing another moan from your lips.
You were so focused on getting yourself off that the grunts that he was letting out were only increasing your pleasure “if I knew that this is how to get you to shut up, I would have done it a long time ago.” The hockey player was surprised that he found the time to crack a joke amongst all of this.
It caused you to scoff “you don’t even have me yet.” You pointed out as you used all of your power to send him a glare.
Quinn’s facial expressions hardened at the comment “stop,” he motioned to you to retract your hand but that only caused your movements to increase in pace.
The boy had to say that he really didn’t know what to do, so he just wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled your hand out of you. Quinn brought your fingers up to his mouth as he began to suck on them “how can a girl who’s so bratty taste so sweet?” He asked as he dropped your hand when he grabbed the condom from his wallet.
You smiled as you knew you were winning “I wouldn’t smile like that cause brats don’t get to come,” his warning made your face drop.
But that expression didn’t last long when Quinn began to rub his cock over your clit a few times before he thrusted himself inside of you “fuck you take me so well.” He groaned as he bunched your dress up over your stomach so that he could grab your hips.
It was a feeling you swore was going to leave bruises tomorrow “so big,” you mumbled as you were still adjusting to his size.
That was something the boy seemed to have no desire to let you do as he continued to fuck you in that agonisingly slow pace “please,” you begged as your hands went to the pillow behind you.
The hockey player smiled “what do you want baby?” He asked as he cocked his head enjoying how slow your brain seemed to be working.
You couldn’t seem to find the right words “wanna kiss you,” you explained causing his heart to melt.
It was by far the sweetest thing that you had ever said to him and if he wasn’t balls deep inside of you he would have called you out on it “say please princess.” Quinn was in the mood to be a little shit as he was curious how far he could take your desperation “please Quinny,” your lips formed a pout as the boy wrapped your lips around his waist.
He leaned down as he hooked his one hand behind your neck “sure thing,” the boy muttered deciding that he had enough of teasing you as he let your tongues being the battle that they were in.
The fruity white claw and beer tastes that were on each of your tongues began to merge into one weird tasting flavour as you two continued to make out.
When Quinn groaned into your mouth it caused your core to clench around him “you liking this princess?” He asked with a smirk as he ran his thumb over your lips.
You scoffed “no,” you lied looking away from him as you didn’t want him to see that you weren’t telling the truth.
But instead he just lowered his head to your neck where he began to nip at it causing your hand to lock into his hair “fuck Quinn,” you moaned as your fingers gripped onto his hair.
This was honestly just all too easy for the eldest Hughes boy “if only you let me know how you felt earlier,” he sighed as he let his thumb lazily draw circles on your clit.
You couldn’t help but smile “harder,” it was like a challenge that you were waiting for him to take on.
If he went quicker it would mean that you’d be loud thus a higher chance of getting caught.
Sure it was weird but Quinn was actually really turned on by the idea of you guys getting caught, maybe not by Elias because he’d had to run for his life. But the idea of someone walking past and hearing just how good Quinn made you feel “you gonna be a good girl then?” He taunted you as the pressure he applied on your clit increased but the pace of his cock remained the same.
All you could do was nod “promise I will Quinn I promise.” You cried out and that was all Quinn needed to increase the speed of his thrusts.
Before you knew it your eyes were almost rolling back into your head as the sound of skin slapping bounced off of the walls meaning that it someone was upstairs they were going to hear it “keep this,” you begged as your hand slapped over your mouth as you could feel your high approaching. Quinn used his free hand to move yours away from your mouth “want to hear you ask you come.” He explained as he shook his head making sure that your hand didn’t go back to cover it again.
You began to clench around him at a much more frequent pace “I’m gonna come,” you announced as you looked up at him to see any indication that he didn’t want you to.
Quinn leaned back down as his lips hovered over yours “let go baby,” with than he kissed you as a way to suffocate those moans because as much as he enjoyed them the idea of getting caught by people downstairs was a little bit much for him.
Thankfully for you Quinn wasn’t far behind as your own orgasm seemed to spur his on “my pretty girl did so well,” he was much softer as he looked at you once you both came back to reality.
Before you could respond though there was a knock at your door “y/n you seen Quinn?” Elias asked caused your eyes to go wide. The Hughes boy took his as the perfect moment to slide out of you causing you to glare at him.
You tracked your mind for what to say “why would I know where that dickhead is?” You scoffed letting a smile form on your lips when Quinn sent you an offended look.
Elias didn’t seem to accept your answer “it’s just that Brady said he saw you two talking in kitchen.” You did love the Tkachuk boy but in this very moment you wanted to kill him “never mind he said he had to run to the store.” Your brother added as Quinn had just sent him that message.
Maybe that Hughes boy wasn’t so bad.
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