#i want one So Bad but my mom is allergic and we already have one augh
krarka · 1 month
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aroace-poly-show · 6 months
hw question!
you’ve told us about the otori family dynamic in this au, so how about the rest of hw and their family? whats it like? is it different from your regular hcs for them/what little we know in canon, if so, how?
idk if you’ve already explained this but yeah-
i wil be honest i dont think the tenma parents have changed much from how they are in canon. i think i’ve mentioned saki before too. tldr for tenma sibs saki gets worried about tsukasa but tsukasa is allergic to vulnerability especially with her cause he feels the need to be this ideal reliable big brother for her. so saki feels helpless bc of how much she *wants* to help her bother but he won’t allow her to yk. any opportunity he has to leave/redirect a conversation thats getting too focused on him and if he’s feeling bad he takes. and saki finds it frustrating as hell.
do you know that one fanart featuring rui’s mom and the caption is smth like “when you have to watch your child go through the same thing you did as a kid and there’s nothing you can do about it” yeah its that kind of feel with his parents i think. caring so much about their kid and not knowing how to help him.
i cannot remember for the life of me if nene’s parents ever show up in canon. i think its a similar thing to rui’s parents though. nene just has her mom though hashtag divorce. incorporating something from my friend’s fic though: after the Incident nene’s mom didn’t let rui see nene for a bit, saying maybe it’d be better if he give her some space. she didn’t have Bad intentions but since those two were young she’d known about rui’s reputation as a weird and dangerous kid. she heard stuff like “oh what kind of parent is she to be letting her daughter hang out with him” but she tried not to pay it any mind cause nene seemed happy with him. and then The Incident happens and she has a worse impression of him and thinks nene might be better off distancing herself from him. (*cough* contributing to rui thinking nene probably hates him bc surely nene must have told her Something that made her think rui should leave her daughter alone *cough*) when nene finds out thats why rui hasn’t been coming by her house though she is Fucking Livid. and it doesn’t cause this big argument or anything but nene now keeps away from letting her mom in on her own problems and her mom avoids interfering with nene’s life but isn’t really sure what else to do abt it. so like she’s not intentionally harmful but when she did try to help she didnt take nene’s feelings into consideration or even ask her and just did what she thought was best. so theres a bit of a distance between them? im having trouble explaining i think but i hope this makes sense
i think. that is it. but i could be wrong my brain is being weird. ty for the ask though yayayayy!!
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bilal is the only one in his friend group without a sibling. and i think there's a lot of comedic potential in that.
because i have siblings, and several of my friends are only children. and like. you've probably seen some of those posts about The Sibling Experience. they're not too far off.
anyways, my point is that i want to write a fic of bilal having to endure his friends being Absurd Siblings.
"Bilal. Did I ever tell you that Sam bit me once?" "He's lying. Ignore him." "I'm not lying! You know full well I'm not lying!" "Okay, he's not lying. But he's leaving out the very important detail-" "You bit him?" "I was five! And he told me to!" "Wait, why would you tell him to-" "I don't know, I probably wanted to see if it would hurt. Not the point. Point is, he bit me. And never apologized." "I don't need to apologize! You told me to do it!" "I'll bite you, see how you like it-" "You don't even remember it happening, you only know because I told you! And you- stop snapping your teeth at me. You look stupid." "I'm not the one who bit a four year old child." "...I'm going to throw you out the window."
and then later:
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." "What?" "Camille found a rat and brought it home." Romane glances at her phone. "She named it Sprinkles." She starts walking faster, and hits the call button on her phone. Camille picks up quickly. "Camille, you can't just- no, I know Mom's allergic to dogs. That doesn't mean-" A pause. "Okay, yeah, the picture was cute. But you can't keep it." Another pause. "Keep her, then. Wait, how do you know if- what do you mean the rat's pregnant?" A long pause. "The rat is not giving birth in our house. Mom's going to- no, I didn't tell her! Have some more faith in me, honestly." A pause. "Yeah, I know. Love you too. I'm on my way back. We're putting the rat back outside when I get there." A pause. "Okay. Bye." Romane ends the call, and turns back to Bilal. "The things I put up with. Come on, we have to get there before my mom gets back." "Wait, you're not going to tell your mom? About the pregnant wild rat that's currently in your house?" "Bilal, there is a sacred code of honor that exists in this world." Romane intones dramatically. "Which is?" Bilal stifles a grin. "Don't snitch on your little sister's latest attempt to adopt wild animals if you want her to continue thinking you're cool." "...how often does this happen?" "Too often. Come on, hurry."
and then one day later:
"Romane?" "Yeah?" "Why are you glaring at your phone?" "Texting my mom. Telling her that Camille was the one who keeps pouring popcorn kernels down the sink." "You've been typing for like, nine minutes." "I'm trying to send video evidence, but it's taking forever to send, so I'm writing down the entire conversation I had with Camille this morning about it. For proof. I think Camille's trying to frame me." "What happened to there's a sacred code of honor that exists in this world'?" Romane scoffs. "That was yesterday, and that was different."
and also:
"Hey, Bilal! Want to see something really, really funny?" "Sure." Victor holds up his phone. "Okay, so I was bored yesterday, right?" "I already don't like where this is going." Victor snickers. "Fair. Anyways, I found some candy, like the hard kind, and I melted it down in a pot of boiling water." "...okay. Why?" "I told you, I was bored. And I ate a few drops of it, and it was fine, just tasted like...I don't know, liquid sugar or something. But, then, I added cornstarch to it. And it became the worst texture. It was so gross." Victor grins. "And I took a video of myself eating a bite of it." "You ate it?" "Yeah, it wasn't that bad. I mean, it's basically just sugar and cornstarch." "Okay, but why?" "So I could send it to Sam, act like it's a perfectly normal jello that I made from a box, and see what he says. And he's texting me back right now." "Okay. Can I see the picture of it, though? For context." "Oh, yeah, right." Victor taps an image on his phone, and shows him. It's bright blue sludge with clumps of cornstarch floating around in it. 'Gross' is an understatement. "Ew." "Yeah." A text appears on the screen: Victor. Are you serious. You're going to die. What is that. Victor types back: jello? i made it yesterday? its still in the fridge, did you want some? A pause. LIES. that's not jello. idk what it is but its not jello. also its gonna kill you Victor grins, and sends another text: i'm not going to die because i'm not a coward. unlike you. Another pause. wow okay. i'm not coming to your funeral. i have better things to do with my time. Victor laughs, and types out: you're not invited anyways. also name one better thing you have to do. A long pause. Victor glances at Bilal. "You don't think it'll actually kill me, right?" "Um...no. Like, you said, it's just cornstarch and sugar. I mean, maybe if you ate a whole-" A text appears on the screen, and Bilal glances at it. i have my own funeral to attend and it's going to be better than yours. watch this. There's a video attached. Victor glances down, and hits play. Sam stares deadpan at the camera, and pans it down to the same bowl of blue sludge that was in the photo. "If I die, Romane and Bilal are in my will, and you are not." He then pulls back the phone sets it against something, and proceeds to eat the entire bowl of blue sludge. Victor gapes at the video as it ends. Bilal sighs.
and stuff like that. (yes all of these are based on personal experience with some creative liberties taken.) i think it'd be funny.
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Little Updates!
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Hahahahaha some new people around, I thought it would be nice to update you guys on my current life status xD
So. For the new people who doesn't already know, I'm collecting a few weird rare chronic illnesses and one of them I still have no idea what it is. Sometimes I'm fine and some other times, things turn upside down and I'm just stone statue Mushu.
The last two months, I started some meds that made my life so much worse. I stopped them about a week ago, but still having collaterals - basically, it's like I had an allergic reaction for two months coupled with the collaterals of the meds, so I'm feeling pretty much horrible hahaha
From what I've read, it takes around a month for the body to get rid of it. So, I'll probably have some ups and downs for the next month or so.
I'm also needing to do another medical exam that is extremely expensive and my health insurance denied to cover the exam costs, basically because they feel like my symptoms aren't bad enough to justify this exam. I'll have to be bleeding and unable to get up from bed for them to approve it (seriously, I'm not exagerating).
Once I can only count on my mom to talk about these things (my dad and my sister have no emotional strength to tank all these issues), we've been talking about what to do, because there's no way we can afford this exam - and, if it's positive, then I'll have to go on a surgery, which is even more expensive and we certainly can't afford that.
Soooo I shut down for a while. I have barely no energy and those things took a toll on me - the time I spent awake, I just wanted to get my mind off things.
I'm starting to get things back on track, though. I'm back on my art mentoring, I'm writing again - hopefully, I'll be able to update Nemesis in no time - and I started a little project I'll be posting about an orginal story of mine at least once a week. I'll detail more in another post, 'cause I didn't expect this one to be so long HAHAHA
Anyways. I live. I'll get to answering all questions and going through my asks, thanks so much for having patience with me, my beloved creatures <3
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trollocs-ooc · 6 months
show us the touys. show us the touys milli.
MY TOUYS!!! Pardon the mess of my table
If u only want to see my collection and main faves do not click read more. If you wish to know all of the Milli LPS lore, click read more. If you dare
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i keep all of the accessories here (i somehow managed to only lose 1 ever)
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My main ones were these i didnt really gaf about the others
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I will now impart to you the life story of every lps i care about
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This is Mikey. He is named after the ninja turtle. He is the only "old type" of lps i own, and my first lps ever. I always wanted g2 pets because lpstube inspired a hatred within me for the new ones(they weren't that bad, but let's be honest they were worse), but could never get them because they were already gone.
He is SHY, and for some reason spoke to a poster (card) in his room like it was his mom. Dude had issues. He is the adopted brother of BERNARD, who is a saint Bernard dog. Because i was terrible at names even back then. They were both a part of the mafia.
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To the left is Bernard, who is a part of the aforementioned mafia. Next to him is his sworn rival Shades Shepherd (i got them together) and Shades only friend and gay stereotype Justin. Bernard and Shades are enemies because Shades was a policeman(dog? also theyre all teens. Don't ask me how a teen is a cop i have no clue) and also because they both fight over a girl named Suzie who you will see shortly. Suzie likes neither and has a boyfriend (the only accurate thing here i guess 💀 ). Also Shades has a fucking girlfriend already named Savanna
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Here is Suzie, to the left. And her bestie Melody to the right. My other aunt got them for me and they were some of my first other Lps. You can see Suzie was the main character because of how fuckin nastily worn down she is. Melody had a crown acessory i immediately lost at my aunts house and could never find ever again because we live in different countries.
Suzie was an aspiring film maker or whatever it is people with cameras do. All she wants to do is film but people won't stop involving her in Highschool drama and it pisses her off to no end. She is in love with Mordecai. Melody is in lesbian love with Penny.
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Here is Mordecai and his little sister. He's named after the main character of Life of Revenge, despite them having nothing in common. LOR Mordecai is an edgy abused serial killer, and this Mordecai is a stoner basketball player. He's chill. The first "set" lps i got. I decided retroactively that he is trans, Because yes i think of these as characters with a story
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Here is Penny with Melody. As aforementioned they were always lesbians. Yes Even as a kid i made them lesbians. Penny came with the iguana but i never used him because i thought he looked goofy. Im pretty sure her name was not Penny in the show but whatever . Standard shy girl
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Here is Savanna, who is Shade's girlfriend. She came in like a mismatched family set, which is why theres a cat there. She was probably meant to be the mom but kids are allergic to roleplaying adult toys so she was also a teen with 4 siblings she took care of on her own i guess. Standard rich mean girl. Technically named after LPS popular Savannah but i never watched it (probably for the best) so not really. Her friend is the penguin
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Penguin i Forgot the name of. My sister bought me these for Christmas and i actually cried? Because i wanted g2 lps 💀 Dont come at me please i was a child. Standard mindless follower. Girlfriend to justin despite him being gay for Shades
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And these two. I got these two when i was sort of stopping to care for lps but still liked them enough to include them. I don't remember the Zebra's name but her partner's name is Foxy. Foxy is nonbinary. And is also a reluctant participant of the mean girls friend group
anyway if i could write the story today it'd be something like this
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Bernard and Shades homoerotically killing each other while everyone watches in abject terror, the lesbains kiss and Mordecai and Suzie are left alone to do whatever the fuck they want with their school life.
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angelqueendom · 1 month
Bro I'm so fucking fed up of my dad. He literally starts a fight without us doing anything.
Today he was watching the fcking catholic mass on TV and starting stretching us the hand to give us peace (idk how to translate this from Spanish but it's like, we stretch each other's hands and say "may the peace be with you"). But instead of THAT he just started ARGUING about us not asking him about his molars, because he got them extracted yesterday. So he started saying we're very bad children, that we don't love him... even to my mom. And he even brought up something that happened ONE FCKING YEAR AGO when I got angry because he forgot about my birthday and how I "acted like a child" and how "hypocrite I am because I don't remember about his molars" like WTF BRO.
And now we were about to have lunch, but we were gonna have lasagna and that has lactose and I'm allergic to that. So he started mocking me that why didn't I tell my mom about that when I'm always saying I can't have lactose food because I CAN'T. And I told him that I, of course, talked with my mom about that, but she was already starting to make the food, so I told her I'd just have the lactasa pill and that's it. So my dad argued that why don't I always take the pill because that would be easier for everyone, that I just like to annoy everyone with my things and that I'm a dramatic child for wanting to eat food without lactose. I was so fcking done with his attitude that I just said "okay, you're right, I shouldn't eat this since it has lactose, so I'm not eating today". So I left the room and now I'm waiting for him to finish having lunch (while critices me in a very loud voice so that I can hear him🙂) so that I can have lunch after him and not have to have his fcking negative energy next to me. I. HATE. HIM. I CAN'T STAND HIM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OWNSAOKSODKDOD😭😭😭😭😭
I don't know if he's a narc or wtf he is, but I pretty sure know he's a stupid asshole. I can't wait for me to move out of my own fcking house and not see him ever again :(( and it's really fcking said to say and think that, but it's sadly the truth for me (and probably a lot other people, I'm really sorry if this is your case as well)
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #223
Are any of your friendships on a fine line? Nope! Very grateful for that.
If I search your room, will I find birth control? No. My pills are in the kitchen with my other meds.
Have you ever witnessed a birth? Only cats personally, other animals through videos that would circulate. I NEVER want to see a human birth, I don't even like seeing animals do it.
Are you often the last one to understand a joke? Yes, honestly. I wouldn't say always, but it definitely happens.
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? Yes to both. Never beyond my own yard though, haha. As kids, Dad would sometimes do it with us kids.
Are you mad right now? No.
Have you ever been on a farm? I have, briefly. We were picking up my sister from her friend's house, and she lived on a farm.
What are you listening to? I'm watching an episode of John Wolfe's Still Wakes the Deep LP.
Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you? Older.
If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick? Probably apples. I prefer strawberries and kiwi, but I more consistently enjoy apples.
How often do you drink Monster? I hate Monster. To be fair though, I'm not much better health-wise than Monster enjoyers, because after all, I fucking love Mountain Dew. So unhealthy it's not produced in I think the UK.
Are you short? I'm average height for a North American woman my age.
Can you ever get enough of mac ‘n’ cheese? I'm certain I could.
Are you allergic to nuts or dairy products? No.
Do you have trust issues? Yes, but they're not as bad as they were in the past. I also know that I tend to be maybe overly trusting towards women that appear motherly and very empathetic.
Do you think age matters in relationships? If a minor is involved, it absofuckinglutely does. Relationships with considerably large age gaps aren't for me personally, but adults can do what adults want in their own consenting relationships.
Has anyone ever called the cops on you? No.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? My dad is remarried.
Could you go a week without brushing your teeth? ... This is fucking humiliating, but I've done this. Executive dysfunction and debilitating depression. I paid for this though, I've had intense teeth work after this neglect, and it taught me good. I'm still not where I should be in caring for myself, but by god have I made progress.
Are you usually awake at midnight? Not usually, no.
Have you ever been peer pressured to smoke pot? No. I've never really been peer pressured, but even then, I've always been very good at sticking to my guns with this kinda stuff.
Do you ever actually drink milk alone? Yes, I love milk.
If you don’t have one already, would you consider getting an iPhone? No; I prefer Androids between the two.
What year were you born in? 1996.
Do you get jealous easily? Nah. I'm more prone to envy.
Have you ever done anything illegal? I've always been a person downloading shit illegally.
Do you use Twitter? No.
Who was the last person you hugged? My mom.
Do you listen to All Time Low? No.
Do you get leg cramps often? I've had a tendency lately of waking up and getting leg cramps? Especially if I stretch my leg even a smidge. It's not fun.
Have you ever met a celebrity? No.
Who was your first kiss? Jason, my first "real" boyfriend when I was 16.
What is your favourite food? I could say chocolate lmao, but that certainly doesn't count as like, real "food." My favorite *real* food is cheeseburgers, then I also like boneless hot wings and pizza and other unhealthy shit I shouldn't touch lol.
Do you use Skype? No.
Does it bother you when people have a collar turned up? The fuck should I care what people wear and how they wear it
As a kid did you like Barney, Baby Bop, or DJ more? Barney. I don't know what the other two are.
Have you been to the Bzoink Forums yet? I never had an account there, but I understand it shut down.
Have you ever pet a monkey? No.
Have you ever ridden a camel? No.
Do you like cupcakes? I do. I never knew I couldn't like cupcakes until my sister's husband made them for the kids, his are inedible to me.
Orange or lemon flavoring? Lemon.
Have you ever been to a Disney theme park? Disney World in Orlando.
Do you watch or listen to the news? No, shit's depressing.
What world issues concern you the most? A fucking lot, I don't even want to think of this right now.
Do you think that a woman can be an effective president? What a dumb fucking question.
Do you feel differently about love and sex now than you did at 17? OH YES
Would you ever join the military? Why or why not? lmfao hell no. Even if I was mentally well enough to join, I would never be fodder for the rich man's wars. They can solve their own goddamn problems without bringing violence into it. Maybe one day people in power will act like goddamn adults.
Do you or anyone you know play the violin? Not that I know of.
What is one of your favorite breakup songs? Maybe "If You Can't Hang" by Sleeping With Sirens, idk.
Are you someone who gets easily agitated by hearing someone chewing? Only if it's extremely obnoxious. Otherwise I don't tend to notice.
What's your favorite kind of oatmeal/porridge? Cinnamon apple. And it HAS to be cooked with milk, water is awful.
Have you ever ate a whole pizza in one sitting? No, at least, not a normal pizza. Maybe one of those smaller personal-sized pizzas you can get at the store.
What's something that always makes you cringe? Musicals. I wish I didn't have a cringe reaction to anything, cringe culture is so dumb.
What's something that always makes you emotional? Actually good dads. I didn't exactly get a great one.
What's your favorite pasta? Just normal spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs.
What's a social media site you have no interest in? Twitter.
Are you afraid of the dark? No.
Do you watch American Horror Story? No, I haven't for many years. I did enjoy the first season, though. Season two didn't do it for me (but I didn't finish it) and then I just didn't watch it after that.
Does your hometown have any urban legends/scary stories? My hometown is probably way too small for that.
What’s the scariest nightmare you remember having? I have some sort of condition where I have nightmares/terrors chronically so I could list plenty, but I don't want to. I just had one a few days ago that left me bawling to my mom.
Are you medicated? I've been bouncing between psych meds since fucking middle school.
Does your family/friends have a nickname for you? I mean, "Britt," but that's my nickname from everyone. My mom always gave her kids sweets nicknames though, and mine was "Twinkie." She still uses it occasionally lol.
Who’s some of your favorite YouTubers? I don't really watch Mark anymore, but Markiplier is still my favorite of all-time, I was fucking obsessed and he's still one of my biggest inspirations as a person. I love and respect him immensely. Some that are more relevant to me today include (in no real order) Game Grumps, Snake Discovery, John Wolfe, jacksepticeye, tarantula kat, NKFherping, Gab Smolders, others.
Do you have any phobias? Pregnancy, parasites (especially internal), vomit, general social phobia, whale sharks, slugs, heights (conditional), and I'm certain there's more I'm forgetting in the moment.
Are there any scented candles in the room you’re in? No.
Pancakes or French toast? Hmmm... I love both. I certainly eat more pancakes, though. I guess it depends on what I'm feeling at the time and how well they're prepared.
Did you have anything for breakfast today? Uh... what did I eat? Cereal, I think?
Are there any apps you’re addicted to? Not addicted, no. I have apps I like, but certainly no addictions to them. I know what addictions feel like, I'd know.
Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? Yes, a moose I got from a Cabela's store in Ohio that I named Brownie. I still have him and as I redecorate my room, I think I'm gonna sit him on my bedside table since it's kinda bare right now.
Do you still collect stuffed animals? Not so much anymore, but I CERTAINLY did growing up.
How do you feel about Spongebob? I love Spongebob, it has no reason to be as funny as it is for all ages imo lol. I don't seek out watching it, but it's on sometimes when Mom and I watch my sister's kids, and I enjoy it just fine. I watched it regularly growing up.
Do you have any nervous habits? Most prominently, I wring and knead my hands together. I avoid eye contact. I stutter. I sometimes even cry just because I'm uncomfortable. After getting gauges in my ears, me tampering with these became as common as messing with my hands.
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows? No.
What’s your favorite comfort food to eat? Comfort food, ice cream. But my true comfort edible... thing is a drink, Mountain Dew Voltage.
What’s the last movie you watched in theaters? I literally have not been to the theater since I tried watching The Black Phone. I WANT to, badly, I was desperate to see the Barbie movie but didn't get to, and now I really wanna see Inside Out 2. We're just extremely in the hole money-wise right now, going to the theater isn't on our table right now.
Do you/did you ever have a Neopets account? Yes, I fucking loved Neopets growing up. I still love the art style and even tried making an account this past year, the naming system just annoyed me too much lmao, I gave up. I don't like adding numbers n shit to character names, it's just a pet peeve.
When’s the last time you were camping? I've never actually been camping.
Have you ever had eggs cooked over a campfire? No.
If you do drink, what’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? Sangrias. I only really like fruity stuff.
Are there any songs you’ve been listening to repetitively lately? I haven't been doing this too much lately, but the two I've been doing this most with lately is "Zwitter" and the full band version of "Los," both by Rammstein.
Do you have social anxiety? Severely. Severely. It's a lot more prominent offline than online, though. It is still very present online too though, especially when I'm dealing with unfamiliar people.
Have you ever had fried pickles? I have, but I don't think I've had good ones. To my memory, I wasn't impressed, and I know these are typically super adored.
Where’s your favorite place to go out to eat? Meh, depends on my mood. Most often I simply want McDonald's (I feel like I'm the only adult alive that genuinely enjoys McD's lmao), other times Bojangle's, but my favorite fast food place is actually Sonic, I'm just less often in the mood for it.
Cereal, granola, or oatmeal? I like all of these, but I definitely eat cereal the most.
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ask-carmenpondiego · 5 months
Chapter 20: This Chapter is a Bit Heavy, Can I Get a Hand?
During the six months, Blendin and his mother’s team worked hard gathering all the information they could find on both targets. The last month started out fine, Carmen and her crew had the chance first to grab the duck, which turned out to be an Agate duck shaped weight that was found in a collapsed Aqueduct right outside of Babylon. On the bottom was inscribed of the proper place this duck should be to gain access to the egg with the needle. Blendin’s research landed him in an old temple in Babylon’s center square, deep underground. Carmen’s research on the duck pinpointed her in the same temple. Blendin and Carmen looked at each other as they both came to the realization about the same moment. “Looks like we’re going on a Mother-son business trip!” She chuckles, ruffling his hair a bit.
“There’s gonna be a small fuckin hiccup, Red.” Carmen looked up to see M packing some things to his room, sniffling a little, his nose looking a hint red. Carmen quickly looked at the calendar and drooped a little bit, “Its hitting you already?! This is the earliest its been!” M shrugged, “Thats what happens with feckin commercialism hyping everything up so damn early. Feckin holiday joy buildup. January’s hangover is going to suck sooo much balls of sugarplum-“ he clapped a hand over his mouth and growled in frustration. Blendin raised an eyebrow as even his tentacles looked faintly striped with a very light hint of red. M sighed and opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted with a sneeze, one that shot tinsel and red and green glitter in a small burst in front of him. He kept his hand over his muzzle and they could see his eye twitching. “You’ll hafta go on yer own without me, Red. I gotta hole up for the jolly. Call me if its an emergency. I’ll get you as quick as St Nic- as soon as I can.” He caught himself with the words and struggled with his usual verbiage, like he was having trouble speaking normally. He turned and angrily hurried down to his quarters and slammed the door.
Carmen sighed and looked over the roster, putting an x by M’s picture. “Is Uncle M going to be ok? He looked a bit… um.. what was that?” Blendin nudged the fallen tinsel on the ground, it magically evaporating in tiny green flames. Carmen shook her head, “Around this time of year, usually a bit later than this, he gets what is his version of the flu. He is still a changeling so he is sensitive to emotions and feelings. He’s a dark balance type so he can’t digest some of the happy lovey emotions that are going on. So its more of an allergic reaction when he gets overloaded with it, resulting in what we just witnessed and its only going to get worse until the holidays are over.” Carmen leans closer, “You don’t want to be in a humbug mood alone with him at peak jolly. Either you will go crazy or one of you will emerge alive and it will be him.” Blendin gulped, but Carmen snickers, patting his back. “I’m kidding, its not that bad. You’ll just go crazy for a short time. I recommend a good sound cancelling headset. He’s like a concentrated condensed version of the winter holidays embodied into a person.” Blendin narrows his eyes, “So he becomes extreme Buddy the elf instead of biker asshole?” Carmen shrugs, nodding “Thats pretty accurate.”
Lekir sprinted in, “I saw the roster! Did I miss it? Did he go jolly?!” Carmen looked at her and motioned to Blendin who looked both horrified and concerned. Lekir laughed and slapped her knee, “I knew it! I fuckin KNEW it! Asta! You owe me fifty bits! He went jolly!” She called out to the other room, Asta’s voice called back “Sonovabitch! He wasn’t due for another two weeks!” Blendin gave his mom a dead stare as she chuckled, rubbing the back of her head, “Really, Ma? Gambling on my Uncle’s handicap? Can you at least give me a heads up so I can join in the pool?!” Carmen and Lekir both blinked, Lekir laughing, “I knew I liked this kid!! Lets hope the other one is as fun!”
The final preps were checked and the equipment loaded onto the jet. Carmen donned her new red coat which she had saved to wear on her next heist, and gave Wally a kiss goodbye since he was staying behind with Asta and Ninoga. Drake and Vasha played rock paper scissors for the other single spot on the roster, to which Vasha had won. The temple had very little space so Carmen figured a smaller team should suffice for this. Carmen, Lekir, Kiros and Vasha loaded up, as Blendin climbed in and took his seat. Soon they were in Babylon, using the hide scroll and modern topography, they pinpointed the best landing spot for the terrain.
They exit out of the jet and start to enter the temple, turning on their large travel lamps for the darker areas. One of the doors were sealed and had inscriptions on it, Carmen was reading it off the best she could as Blendin was looking through a book for a translation. Half way through, a voice shot through the rest of the quiet, “What in Celestia’s good name are you doing here?!” Carmen squinted through the dim lighting and shined her light at the voice, Darings furious face glaring right back. “Oh! Hi sis!! Are you here to collect the eggs too??” Blendin beamed, “I got my first assignment and Mom is helping-“ “I know why you’re here, but what the hell is SHE doing here?! She is trying to get those eggs and leave you here! Come on, I know a shortcut to the vault room. You’re coming with me, we can beat her to them.” Carmen, kneeling on the ground, reached out to Daring, “Adora.. please. Look how much you’ve grown! Can I just talk with you? After all this time?” Blendin pulled away as Daring tried to pull at his hoodie. “No, Dare, I’m staying right here. We’re trying to save Dad too. She doesn’t want the gold eggs.” Carmen nods, “Its true, you can have all the gold eggs you need. I just need the normal one with a needle inside! Your father is very sick and this is a component for the cure! Please. Join us, we can do this together like a family..”
Daring huffed, “I’m not falling for that! You abandoned us and you became such a criminal! I can’t trust you with anything you say! I’m going my way, and I WILL get those eggs before you can get your filthy criminal hands on them!” The three agents started in with a defense but Carmen raised a hand, “Thank you but she needs to hear from her mother.. I owe her that much and more.” She turned towards Daring and blinked, her daughter no where in sight “Adora?!” Kiros pointed, “She went down this way! We haven’t disabled any of the traps that way!”
Carmen curses and runs after her, “Adora wait!! Theres traps down there!” Vasha stayed with Blendin as Kiros and Lekir chased after Carmen and Daring. “Let’s get this door unlocked while they deal with that..” Vasha instructed, picking up where Carmen had left off, Blendin nodding and translating and taking notes. Carmen raced down the corridor and saw Daring pause before a chamber, her hoof about to set off a pressure trap. She turned to see Carmen and stepped on the tile, sending arrows and blades whipping at her. Carmen tackled her to the ground and covered Daring with her body, protecting her from some of the lower blade just grazing her back and shoulders. Trembling and breathing hard, Carmen looked down at the terrified gaze of her daughter, and smiled, holding her tight, “Oh my Adora, you’re safe! I got you.” Daring blinked as she was startled and squirmed, “Get off of me, you crazy mare! Look what you did to your back!” Carmen felt her eyes sting with tears, “I’d suffer so much more than I already have just to see you safe. I’d do this hundreds of times over if it meant that you would not get hurt.”
She left Daring up and winced at the cuts, Daring hesitant to say anything as she dusted herself off, “You really didnt want me hurt by the trap, and you really risked yourself for me? Whats the catch?” Carmen smiled through her tears, “I just want to be your mom again. I want to be in your life, I didn’t want to give you up but I had no choice. I want us to be a family again. Thats all I ever wanted.” Kiros and Lekir caught up with them, Lekir sending ice through the walls’ chambers where more weapons were set to strike once a trigger was pulled. “Remaining traps in this chamber are disabled. How do you want to proceed, Carm? Go back to Vasha and Blendin or continue this direction?” Kiros grimaced as he saw her back scored like it was, but it could have been much worse. “Maybe we should go back and patch you up first before moving forward.” Carmen hesitates a moment and nods, “Go on back to Vasha and Blendin, take Adora with you, make sure she’s safe. I just need to take a drink of water and I’ll be right there.”
As soon as they turned to leave, she grabbed her canteen and poured the last few drops of zydrate she had stashed behind into the canteen, tossing the vial down a chute where an arrow had launched from. Swirling the water, she took a swig, feeling the pain relieving euphoria just enough to get her through the pain. She has been clean off of it for months now but this seemed like a dire situation. She promised herself not to go looking for any more after this. She owed her family her true happiness, not a medicated one. She followed quickly along and caught up with everyone. They paused at the door they were translating and bandaged Carmen’s back. Kiros leaning close and sniffing her scent for a moment. “Thats strange, I smell a scent on you that I havent smelled in months. Did you take anything with that water?” Carmen nervously laughed, “That must be the pain relief pills, like ibuprofen or something.. I don’t remember the brand. Don’t worry! I feel fine! I barely feel it!” She laughs it off, Kiros raising an eyebrow. “If you say so, Boss.” Once finished, she puts her red coat back on as Blendin puts the translation together, unlocking the combination set into the stone. The door rumbles and is able to swing open with little force. Carmen ruffles his hair again, “So clever!! I’m so proud of you two! Let’s get those eggs!” The enter the chamber where it was a rounded room, old rope was holding weights and heavy stone pillar above a nest of three eggs, two gold, one a pale speckled brown and beige. The nest sat in the center of a shallow pit of water, about knee deep and on one side of the room sat an empty nest connected to the ropes. The group inspected the shallow pool and found pressure points in the floor. Daring whistled, “So the stone will crush the eggs or the person getting the eggs as soon as they enter the water.. unless they have a counter weight in the other nest.” Vasha took out the agate duck weight from her pack and grinned, “Good thing we brought the duck.” She handed it off to Blendin who made sure to be careful where he stepped before setting the duck into the nest gingerly. The group heard a click and a thud. But nothing happened. “Did it work?” Blendin asked nervously. Carmen adjusted her hat and stepped towards the pool, “One way to find out.” Kiros held her shoulder, “Hey, want me to do it? I can catch the stone if it triggers.” Carmen shakes her head, pointing to the duck, “That has a specific weight counterbalance, I’m more skilled and closer to the weight needed to keep it secure. If Adora flew over and took the eggs, it wouldn’t feel her weight, and it would trigger, if Lekir froze the water, it would be too heavy, as the same for you and Vasha, your size and weight overall can’t do it, and Blendin is still too new to this. I’m not going to endanger him on his first assignment. I’ve done this plenty of times, though not this drastic.. it should be fine.” She assured him and stepped into the pool, a few clicks were heard but nothing else happened. She waded to the nest, motioning for Daring to fly over. “Here, my darling. Take the gold ones first. Your jobs need these.” She hands over the large eggs to her daughter, who carefully puts them in her bag. As she reaches for the normal colored egg, up in the shadows above them was an unseen stranger, they cut the line with a blade at the end of a dark colored umbrella, making the stone pillar shift and fall. Daring saw the flash of the blade and the pillars decent, “MOM!! LOOKOUT!” As Carmen looked up, the pillar crashed down upon her arms, crushing the bones up to the elbow and shattering the egg. The extra weight of the pillar set the pool floor lower, a green slime flooding the waters from now revealed openings, a highly volatile acid begins to eat away at her pants and legs.
Carmen shrieks out in a bloodcurdling volume as she tries to pull away, Lekir immediately freezing her way over to her, with Kiros and Vasha right behind, “Fuck! What the fuck happened?!” Lekir thought quickly, trying to freeze the water and acid away from the mare’s legs. Kiros and Vasha trying to push the stone off of her arms without luck. Vasha snapped her fingers, “Kiros, grab her horn and put her out, Lekir, freeze her elbows and knees, like liquid nitro them! We’re gonna need to break them or she’s a goner! She will hate us but we’ll figure something out, we can’t let her die like this!” Kiros nodded and gripped her horn much to Carmen’s screaming protest, soon she slumped limp and silent with the stone pinning her arms holding her up, Lekir blasts her wife’s arms and legs as cold as as she could make it. Vasha and Kiros taking Carmen by under her shoulders, they pulled, the frozen flesh splintering and shattering apart.
Blendin and Daring holding eachother, with terrified looks on their faces. “Mom?! Is Mom ok?!” They cried out, Blendin sobbing and Daring gripping her own hair trembling. “She really did that.. she put us first anyway.. she really meant it and I was such a jerk! And now she’s in trouble…” The team managed to get her free and lifted her over Kiros’ shoulder and raced to the side away from the acid water. Kiros laid her down as Lekir kept the ends frozen, warm blood still seeping through. Vasha waved her hand, “I need belts! I’m going to make tourniquets! If you got a belt, I need it!” She takes her own and starts tying it tight around a thigh, and does the same for the arms and other leg. Lekir goes over to the siblings, “Hey, I’m gonna need you two to be really brave for me right now. Ok? Blendin, are you able to get one of your door things to connect here to someplace safe nearby? Your mom needs emergency help right away.” Blendin nods and shakily dials in the ley door request.
Daring steps forward, “Is she ok? I need to help her, I need to make up for being a jerk..” Lekir handed her a phone with M’s number pulled up, “Call M and tell him that your mom needs him, jolly or not.” Daring looked confused, “Is Jolly a code word??” Blendin shook his head, “No, its an allergic reaction, you’ll see, just call Uncle M!” Daring shook with fear as the white wolf looking lady stared at her with hard piercing ice blue eyes, and with that frightening stare, Daring felt frozen in place as shock was wearing thin and the panic sets in. The Vesk sighed in frustration and took back the phone with a snap. She dialed and waited. “M. We need you asap. We will send coordinates as soon as we can, there’s been a medical emergency. Its Carmen. You know where I keep the essence? Grab it and bring it with you. We need you to hurry as soon as we find a secure place to settle. Currently on the move now.” She disconnected and took the helm of command. “Blendin! How is that door looking?”
The closest door to them glowed blue, “I got it! Go through the door! I wasn’t able to get much time on it!” Kiros hoisted the unconscious mare on his shoulder again and they all rushed through the blue glow.
On the other side, they ran into what looked to be a makeshift lab and bunker. It had strange equipment that looked both mechanical and medical. As soon as the last one crossed the threshold, the glow dimmed and faded away, leaving the normal door leading to outside. They were met with armed droids training their sights at every vital organ in sight. A voice boomed over the speaker, “Who are you and how did you find this place?” Blendin stammered, trying the phrase he was taught to introduce when questioned, “I..I’m Blendin Wander and I..I’m a Librarian and I just looked for the closest places with medical equipment to our location and used ley lines to transport..” Lekir pulled the kid back behind her “Listen up! We need emergency medical assistance and our transporter lead us here from the needs we plugged into the search. Will you help us?” The drones, looking more like mismatched thrown together scraps upon closer inspection, none less deadly still, whirred in place, the voice “I can see that, it will be expensive. Can you pay?” The two teens pushed back in front, Daring holding Blendin and lifting her sachel, “We have two golden eggs! We were tasked to retrieve them but we will gladly trade them if you save our …mother!!” Daring yelled out shakily. The voice seemed to think it over as it scanned the sachel.
“You hesitated in calling this one mother. What are your motives and who is she to you really?” The voice showing more careful paranoia. Blendin sniffled as he begged “She’s telling the truth! We just reunited with her! Its been really stressful!” Daring cut in, her voice still shaking as she starts crying, “And we had a big fight.. and I said things I didnt mean! And we just dont want her to die! We just got her back! Just please, take the eggs and save our mom!!”
The voice was silent, thinking before speaking. “The children and white wolf stay. You two need to stay by the doors and disarm yourselves from any and all weapons.” Lekir piped up, “Actually I have a task for them if you let them go. We still need to investigate-“ “They will stay in the bunker by the doors. They will not leave until I say so. My assistant Sigryn will accompany the children. I will be right there to asses the damage. Place the damaged one on the gurney there.” The voice cut off Lekir, listing commands as a door opened and a short female dovefox came out and lead the teens to the kitchen with a smile. Soon after a very tall and curvy white ursine with red tipped white hair entered the room, heavy boots clomping as hips and large bosom sway, a hefty bulge was held by the tight pants. The polar and grizzly hybrid looks at each of them with mechanical red eyes, she points with her sleek cybernetic hand to the gurney. “Put her here and back up to the door. You and you look like you can cause trouble and that is not what I’m hungry for today.”
She points to Vasha and Kiros, then looks at Lekir who stood rigid and commanding, harkening back to when she was commander in a war in her home world. “You the leader of this menagerie?” Lekir shook her head, “No Ma’am. I am wife and current second in command. The one injured is our leader. Her right hand man is on his way but was out of commission for the task at hand. Those two are her children. They.. witnessed the accident. As did we.”
The pizzly looked at what remained for the limbs. “You froze the joints and shattered from the weak points. Better than other choices. She lost a lot of blood despite your attempts of cinching the blood-flow off. The ice is only acting as a thickener. Let me patch her up and see what we can do. I’m guessing you’d want me to replace her limbs too?” Lekir nodded, “If thats even possible. We actually do not know how well you work. This is her life, she would not do well if she were reduced to a fraction of herself. She needs to be whole.” The pizzly turned and gathered some things and made a motion towards the door the assistant and the siblings went through, “This will take a while. Have a seat in the kitchen. All of you. But if there is one peep of trouble, I’m turning all of you into paste.”
For hours the group waited as the assistant flitted about back and forth between checking on the kids and helping their host with the task at hand. They noticed both had extremely advanced cybernetic augments, the assistant only had her arms replaced, she said her name was Sigryn. The pizzly on the otherhand looked like only the arms were obviously replaced but even Lekir saw the eyes and possible inner workings would be mechanical as well, she just wasn’t sure how much.
M shifted through a shadow, holding a small jewelry box. His nose was still looking irritated but all of his bandages were gone, and his clothes has a bit of a greener hint to them, he kept his tentacles tucked in and hidden but overall he looked rather unusually well kept and even a hint of sparkle. He looked around and whistled “Talk about rustic living. Looks like a makeshift bunker. Where’s Red?” He figured it was something not too horrible, they’ve gotten out of tough scrapes before. It also didn’t help that the jolly softened his sense of urgency. They all pointed out to the other room but before he could reach the door, a drone zipped into view and aimed its weapon at M who raised his hands in defense, “Are you guys prisoner or something and didnt tell me?! This is easy to overtake!”
“I highly do not recommend that. Skyggja does not like to clean up so much bodily mess after anyone tries and loses.” Sigryn comes in, some blood splatter on her clothes, gloves and apron. M licked his lips as he tasted the air. “That’s Red’s blood.” He turned to Lekir with a bit of a roar, realizing this was much worse than he previously thought, “What happened to Red?!” Lekir growled back, “She almost got killed getting those damned eggs for your damned brother’s cure! We’d still be in that chamber with a dead boss if your nephew weren’t so brilliant! He used his new Librarian skills and got us to the closest place that was medically capable for helping her!” M paced after shoving the box at Lekir. “I should have stayed on mission. I knew something was humbug and now its all gone to Krampus!” He growled and gripped his hair, “And this tinsel tree fudging Jolly is really pepperminting me off! Right to the naughty list!” Lekir held a straight face with years of training as he had his little fit, but the others snickered under their breath. Even Blendin pulled his hoodie over his snout. Only Daring stared at him with utter confusion, “I’m sorry, but who are you?!” M whirled around and saw Daring for the first time. “Hm? Oh. Hey, I know you. Yer the older sister to Cuttlefish here. I’m yer uncle, Waldo’s brother, call me M. We’ll catch up later.” His voice sounded pleasant but the slight undertone of sass revealed that he had much different wording he wanted to say but couldn’t. Daring squints at him, “I heard you were an asshole. Why are you so nice right now?” M runs his hand over his face with a twitching smile. “I… can’t with this. Look. I have a condition where all the holiday happy junk in the world fudges with me so I become more happy against my will. Ok? End of story, back to the matter at hand.” M turned and got caught up to speed with the rest of the team, occasionally sneezing tinsel.
Daring sighed and moved her seat closer to Blendin, moving some cheese across her plate. Blendin nudges her with his shoulder, “Hey, its gonna be ok. If these people are any good, their own work should be a sign of their skill.” Daring pushed her plate away, Blendin snags the cheese from her plate, “I know, but what if they didnt do their own arms? That would be so difficult! Whats worse is that …I dont think it was an accident.” Blendin gulps the food down, “Whatcha mean? Like someone purposely sabotaged it? Mom has been looking into past cases of hers where the heist went south due to freak accidents but it wasn’t Uncle M. Even he was stumped and he’s a master when it comes to making accidents.” Daring sulked, “After everything I did, I doubt they will even listen to me. But the only way to find out is to go back and look at the rope. I mean its possible it just snapped from age but I could have sworn I saw a flash like a blade was caught in the light.” Blendin put his hand on her shoulder, “You need to tell Mom and the team. She’s been investigating this for so long! Its one of the reasons she never came for us. She felt like someone was specifically targeting her. She didnt feel safe to bring kids like us home during that. But now you may have found hard evidence that its not just bad luck!”
The pizzly walked through the doors after a few more hours and pointed to Lekir. “You, white wolf. Come here.” She caught sight of M and narrowed her red mechanical eyes. “I don’t know how you got in but I know your ilk. You do not scare me. If you are under my roof, you play by my rules! No Fucking Mishaps or your friend dies.” M looked around and pointed at himself, “What the sugar cookie did I do?! I just got here and I sure as stocking stuffers don’t remember you..” The pizzly growled a warning and ushered Lekir into the room.
Lekir followed her out to the worklab they were in, Carmen still out cold on the table, her vitals weak but still alive. Dark colored metal and carbon fiber were fitted to her upper arms and mid thigh, the overall design was elegant and hardly any openings by the joints. Almost like her limbs were simply painted. A few faint lights pulsed on the limbs, going in time with her heartbeat. “Is she going to be alright?” Lekir asked. Their host leaned on the table and shrugged, “I did all I could but she lost so much blood already. I can’t get her more stable than this and theres a good chance she may crash during the night. In which case if we lose her, I just take back my equipment, you keep your eggs and unicorn.” Lekir fought back tears as she stood coldly stoic and gripped the box that M had brought. “I do have one thing that may help. I lost my brother but managed to save some of his essence. In my world, one’s essence can be used to save another, extending the life span, possibly giving powers. Usually a specific demon would perform this ritual but I know how it is performed. We’re too short on time and can’t bring them here to do it.” She brushes Carmen’s hair with her hand. “Please allow me to perform a life saving ritual and to honor my wife by sharing my late brother’s essence with her.” The pizzly stepped back, “If it is your beliefs, I will not interfere.”
Lekir took the pendant from the box, and looks at Carmen, “I wish there was a better time for this. But I saved this as a last resort and I can’t lose you now.” She takes a deep breath and starts chanting a spell, piercing the pendant with her claw until the red orange ember essence was free from its prison, a shard piercing her finger. She leaned down and proceeded to bite the mare on her neck, piercing the skin. She continues the spell as she pours the essence into the wound, a drop of her blood mixes in unseen. When the last drop seeps into the wound, a sparkling ember effect waved through Carmen’s body and veins like when a battery touches steel wool, her fur changing from a tan khaki to a darker hue of caramel honey and her hair and tail had shimmered to a pure snow white, her cutie mark of the globe and magnifying glass got more vibrant in color as well. Her vitals suddenly started to improve and both the pizzly and Vesk breathed a sigh of relief. Only then Lekir noticed the small shard in her finger. “Huh, that may explain the hair..” she muttered to herself. She turned and looked up to the pizzly and held out her hand to shake, “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have no idea what this means to all of us in there.. um I’m sorry I did not catch your name.” The ursine took the hand and smiled, her mechanical eyes now a warm brown. “Skyggja. And my assistant is Sigryn. Pleasure to be of assistance. She should be waking up soon, I gave her a counter drug to the anesthesia I had given her. We’ll have her moved to a bed so you all can see her.”
Lekir returned to the kitchen and gave the updates, M leaned against the wall, crossing his arms and trying his best to look menacing and serious, but his jolly was still seeping through with a smile and a sparkle in the eyes. “So that box you had me give you made her half you?” Lekir shook her head, “Not me itself. But my late brother. He was a Jirvi, a fire demon. So Carmen is now technically a halfbreed hybrid of the Jirvi blood. Just a drop of mine slipped in and made her hair white like mine. But as soon as she is stable for movement, I want us to depart quickly and politely without any reason for conflict, just remember what Carmen would do in this situation. Blendin, can you lock in the jet’s location and get us a door nearest to that?” The young colt nodded, “I should be able to. The temple was right near by. Maybe a two minute walk from the jet.” Daring raised her hand, “Will I be able to snag a ride with you all? I do want to discuss things with my mother when she’s able to. I wouldn’t feel right if we just parted with how I treated her before all this.” She fidgeted with her fingers, Lekir gave a hint of a smirk. “Fine but no trouble or you’re flying by yourself.”
Skyggja and Sigryn came into the kitchen after they had cleaned up. Skyggja stood with crossed arms and Sigryn was right next to her, though a drastic height difference. The ursine giantess stood a few inches shy of 8ft while the dovefox was a total of 5ft 4. They looked around the group, inspecting all their characteristics more closely. “Now that your companion has been stabilized and the immediate danger has passed. Let me introduce ourselves properly. My name is Skyggja, this is Sigryn. I know she did a light intro in passing but this is our proper one. You are in our bunker. We don’t take too kindly to random strangers entering our home so suddenly and without warning. So please state your full business of being in this vicinity in general and depending what I hear to be true, I will see if I will perceive it as a threat or not.”
M stood up as the right hand but Lekir tapped him out. “Sit down, you are off this mission. I only needed the box. You are in no shape still for this. Do you hear me?” Lekir snapped at him, making him blink and sit without protest. The stress of the whole ordeal had her on edge and still had her reverting to her old wartime self. “We are team VILE, a group of master thieves who work between the laws of good and bad. As our boss, Carmen would say, we’re the most honest thieves you’ll find. I am her wife, Lekir, I am a Vesk from Cador. My team here consists of M, a dark balance changeling, Vasha the Tyranian, and Kiros the Wolfdragon. The kids are Carmen’s. They just reunited with her from being separated for many years. Their names are Blendin and Adora.” The young pegasus filly interjected, “I’m called Daring Do now..” Lekir shot her a stern look that made her squeak and sit still, afraid to move much at all. “Adora is also known as Daring Do..” Lekir added her correction. “As soon as Carmen is able to be ready to leave, we will be out of your home without a trace.” Skyggja raised an eyebrow, “And the reason you are here in the first place?”
Lekir cleared her throat, “Our mission brought us to a nearby temple where the legendary golden eggs were held. Blendin and …Daring both work for respectable jobs that help protect the world. Their assignments were to obtain these eggs. VILE needed the third more ordinary egg in that nest. It contained a needle in which the death of a deathless spirit is trapped inside said needle. We need that needle as leverage to get the cure for Carmen’s husband who has a crystalline disease.” Lekir paused and took a deep breath. “As we were trying to retrieve the last egg, the large stone pillar broke loose and crushed Carmen’s arms, pinning her to the nest’s alter. The pressure plates underneath the pool of water triggered a flood of acid replacing the water which ended up eating away her legs since she couldn’t get away. We made the extremely hard executive decision to freeze her joints and force her limbs free by way of emergency amputation. We tried moving the stone and none of us could budge it. Blendin searched for the nearest location with medical equipment and we locked into this location.”
Blendin and Daring both stood up and held the eggs in offering. “Thank you for helping our mom.” “Thank you. Here, take the golden eggs. We can always say our missions were compromised by an outside treasure poacher. We don’t have any other money with us. Please take these as payment!” Sigryn stepped forward and took the eggs and weighed them, nodding to Skyggja. The pizzly gave a short grunt in acceptance. “Since that is squared away, you are free to leave whenever she is ready. We’ll see how she is feeling after she wakes up to gauge what that timeframe may be. It may be a couple days. You are able to see her now in the meantime.”
The ursine opened the door to the recovery room they had wheeled Carmen into. They filed into the room and checked in on her, the kids racing to the bedside first. Blendin pointed to the new cybernetic arms in wonder while Daring reached to touch her hair. She looks over her shoulder, “Hey, why does she look different? I thought you were just fixing her, not altering everything!” Blendin blinked, “Hey yeah! She had brown hair with just a little grey! Not all white!… she’s not THAT old!” Skyggja frowned with the accusations as Lekir jumped in, snapping “Hey, that was me. I did that to ensure her recovery. Don’t go slinging blame so carelessly. You kids are lucky she’s even alive right now. Now apologize or you both are walking home. No wings, no doors.” The two tried protesting until Lekir shot a cold look at them, they humbly voices their apologies and like scolded cubs, they shuffled to their chairs next to the other side of the bed.
A soft groan came from the sleeping mare, one of her bright green eyes opening slightly, then the other. “Quit shouting, I’ve got such a headache… how much did I drink last night?” She lifted her new arm and rubbed her head without realizing it. “Mmmh.. my arms feel so heavy.. and different.” She blinked the blurriness from her eyes and noticed everyone around her, then noticed the unfamiliar room with the two new people she had never met. She looked at all the monitoring equipment and groaned again, “I swear if I had that stroke that I joked about a while back…” she waved her finger as a threat but stopped as she looked at her own hands. She flexed and turned them, following the panels up the arm and then noticed her fur. She looked under the medical gown she was given at her own chest, her face frowning in confusion. She looked at everyone else again, who they all were watching her eagerly for any reaction just in case they needed to act. She suspiciously checked under the covers to her crotch and noticed her legs. She dropped the covers and pressed her hands together and rested them at her lips.
Sigryn smiled, “Well?” Everyone jumped a little at the sudden question since everything was so silent one could hear a pin drop. “How do you feel?” The dovefox inquired. Carmen nods, trying not to freak out or panic. “I… feel …pretty good? Just groggy.. headache… ROBOT ARMS AND LEGS.” Skyggja nodded, “Yes, to replace the ones you lost. Actually its an upgrade if you ask me. If you want and can afford it, I’ll do my best work on anything else you like. Eyes? Lungs? Heart? And that goes to any of you. If you can pay, I’ll make your augments.” Carmen sucked on her cheek a moment, “Lekir! M! I need quick cliffnotes on what exactly happened because I don’t remember shit past getting the first two eggs. And even that is spotty right now.” Daring sprung to her hooves and got closer, spewing a lot of information in a short amount of time. “The big pillar crushed your arms and acid ate your legs! But it wasn’t a break in the rope! Someone cut it! I saw the shine of a blade near the ceiling! Someone tried to kill you!” Lekir growled from across the bed at Daring, “And you’re just NOW telling us that someone CUT the rope?!” Daring stepped back, “I’m dealing with alot right now for my age! Okay? I’m sorry you had to have whatever trauma you had but this is still fresh for me!”
Carmen rubbed her temple and projected “ALRIGHT. Everyone shut the FUCK up!” Kiros and Vasha, who were quiet this whole time, sat back to watch, knowing that Carmen was feeling more like herself. Sigryn sensed the emotions and offered some popcorn. Carmen took a breath, and tried to think things through with her head still very jumbled. “Now. First of all, Thank you for taking quick action in such an emergency. I respect the decision you made, it was an impossible choice to make and I’m sorry you all had to make that choice. I will now make sure I understand how to use these new limbs to their best potential. I will most likely have a panic attack later over all this but now is not the time. Second, yes Adora should have said something but really, did you expect her not to be traumatized by this and go after the culprit? Go easy on the kids. They’re KIDS. Not soldiers. Not trained assassins or ninjas. They are kids with the training to explore. Not handle traumatizing attempted matricide.” She took a breath and pointed to M, “Thirdly, why are YOU here and not holed up dealing with your condition?” Lekir held her hand up, “Like I was trying to tell the kids: Thats my fault. You were not stable enough to last the night so I did the Jirvi blood ritual to make you half fire demon. It stabilized your vitals, prolonged your life span and… kinda altered your look. I did it to save your life, so Skyggja and Sigryn here didnt waste hours trying to save you just to have you die.”
She gave Carmen a compact mirror. “A drop of my blood got mixed in so you got some of my color there. It looks kinda sexy if you ask me.” Carmen gingerly took the mirror and held it up, gasping at her hair and her more vibrant eye color. “Oooh this will need some getting used to.. I mean, if I wanted to dye my hair, I wouldn’t need to bleach it at least. Oh god.. I’m so much darker too.. like I got a deep tan at the beach!” Kiros chuckled, “I agree with Lekir, it is a sexy contrast.” Carmen puts down the mirror, looking deadpan at Kiros, “I get it, this impromptu makeover has got you all gaga. But I’m not going to fuck any of you until I get used to my new limbs. Now who’s going to help me to the bathroom, I need to pee and I don’t want to use a bedpan.” Skyggja and Sigryn step towards her and help her to her feet, wobbling like a toddler as she tries to get used to the feeling of her new hooves, which she noticed was a brushed gold colored metal. She smirked and thought it was a nice touch. “You really should rest more before trying to stand by yourself.” Skyggja warned, but Carmen waved it off. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get used to it.” Sigryn giggled, “Your team was discussing how stubborn you were at one point. I’m glad I’m not the only one.” Carmen smirked as she slowly made her way out of the room, looking back at them, “Oh they did, did they? I’ll have to pay them back somehow for that compliment.” They made it to the bathroom and let her have her privacy.
When she got back to the bed, they were able to asses that she would be under observation for one more day to make sure nothing rejected. “The damage was pretty extensive but we were able to save most of the limbs to the severed joints. I made the caps so the limbs can lock into place without being loose. I would like to keep in touch to monitor any damage or upgrade needs. But I’d say you’ll be able to go home early tomorrow.” Carmen thanked them both profusely and thought for a moment as she looked around. “Is this a permanent home for you?” Skyggja shook her head, “It is until we need to run again. The ones who made me from feral to what I am now, they hunted me, and I helped Sigryn when she was left for dead on the streets. Once in a while we need to uproot and find a new place to hide out.”
The mare smiled and proposed the idea that she could give them a top floor penthouse and lab all for their needs complete with safety, food and company. “You don’t need to work for me but I will still be able to give you safe permanent haven to do all your work and keep a close eye on your equipment I’m using. You’ll have full access to our computer system and you’ll need to work with 079, an ai of ours who can be rather dry and pretentious, but its the most advanced and intelligent ai on the planet currently. I believe its alive and not just programming so that will be a coworker.” The two biomechanics thought about it and conversed together in private for a lengthy amount of time before giving an answer of approval.
That next morning, Carmen and her team and children had gathered all of their belongings and Blendin set the door to be the closest to the jet. Kiros scooped the mare up in his arms in a bit of a bridal position, and refused to put her down until she was placed safely into the jet and strapped in. She sat sulking as the Wolfdragon patted her head. “I could have done it myself!!” “Sorry boss, Doctor’s orders!” He countered. Blendin offered to stay behind to connect a door from the bunker to the HQ for an easier move for the two newest members of the VILE household. Blendin thought for a moment and pulled Kiros and M aside before they took off in the jet. The jet’s engine roared as he spoke to the two, and they nodded, smiling, ruffling his hair before departing. Carmen smiled as she saw her son getting along well with her agents, she turned as Daring buckled herself in and stared out the window. Now all she’ll need to do is win her daughter over and the family can be whole again.
Everyone boarded the jet, Kiros sitting next to Daring, her feeling such a large dragon type next to her made her feathers puff slightly. The young mare gave him a side glance, and a bit more of a closer glance, trying not to be so obvious. He gave her a side eye as well, seemingly lightly flexing some muscles randomly but it was all a small show for her. He snickered as he caught her blushing and looking away quickly. She snuck another look as her eyes went from wings, biceps, chest, abs, and accidentally landed upon his crotch. Her eyes suddenly were glued to the jet window, her wings puffed even more as he leaned close, "So it looks like you and your mother have similar tastes after all." Daring raises an eyebrow at him "W...what the hell are you talking about? I'm nothing like my mother!" Kiros smirks and taps his snout "My nose says otherwise."
Her face gets red as she tucks her legs closer together. He chuckled at her reaction, getting smacked in the other arm by Vasha, “You’re terrible, don’t tease her like that!” Kiros laughed, “Who's teasing? I'm just stating the truth! Not my fault I'm getting an all you can eat buffet right now from her." The realization of that comment hits Daring, her face turning all the shades of red plus a few that nobody knew existed till now. She remembered a passing conversation about the various agents from Blendin, and how Kiros could sense and feed off lust as well as pheromones. She felt her body and face get scorching hot as she slouched into her seat, hiding her face in her wings, wishing she stayed behind to escape the embarrassment during the long remaining couple hours of the flight.
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teeto-peteto · 3 months
Fun question: Pick five random champions and take them on a road trip. Do they make it to their destination?
im back from the dead
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OKAY This is funny and in order to make it completely random i'll let this league randomizer pick the champions.
So we got: Akali (Oh no) / Gragas / Leona (Mother of the team so far) / Shyvana / Caitlyn.
Okay this is an interesting group and there's more girls i have imagined.
Alright, so, roadtrip. On car. I assume we are talking in a very funny scenario of champions being their clunky selves but with a nowdays car wich is already amusing.
Leona drives clearly, she's responsible, she's a bit of a mom. She has the playful snarkyness and the responsability.
Gragas and Caitlyn argued about getting the copilot seat but Leona ended up picking Gragas.
Gragas IS a passanger princess. He would listen to the gossip, talk gossip about freljordian comrades. He would point to take the left path and then get it wrong so they have to pull back. He eats the snackies and then fall asleep for the 80% of the trip. A true king in my eyes.
Akali is of course the child of married couple in this situation. The 'are we there yet?' 'Im hungry'. Shyvana would try to be modest, not participating much in conversation and trying not to be a bother. Caitlyn is the polite towards the rest of them but Akali rubs her the wrong way wich might make her increase her voice tone. Basically sisters coded. Shyvana being the old sister coded, Caitlyn the middle sister coded and Akali the younger sister coded.
Akali and Caitlyn would fight cause they both want the window seats but Shyvana asked for one of them, eventually she politely agrees to sit on the middle of Akali and Caitlyn.
Here's a small conversation im thinking about:
Akali: God, how long until we get there? We've been here for ages. Leona: I know, i know, but we are almost there. Caitlyn: Leona please slow down, the signs stated a velocity and we are above it. Leona: Oh, right, sorry! Akali: Do not listen to her! There's literally no one on the road we can speed up, it wont do harm! Caitlyn: God you're not only absolutely annoying but you also dont respect authority.
Akali: Fuck your authority you dont even respect it how am i supossed to take you seriously? Caitlyn: Me?! Akali: Because your thing with Vi was surely super legal... Caitlyn, visibly flustered: That's not-!
Gragas, quickly turning his head back to the backseats: Wait what's between you and Vi? I think i fell asleep during the explaination of that.
Leona: Akali, please be respectful, authority and legality are a bit flimsy in Runeterra and there's nothing bad with wanting to endorse it...
Akali: Well, you could say that, assuming your thing with Diana was also not forbidden and that you were'nt breaking any type of rule...? Gragas, quickly turning to Leona: Diana and you what? Im so lost.
Leona, gritting her teeth: How about we all stop talking for a bit and i put some music on the radio... Akali, turning to Shyvana: Arent YOU going to say anything?
Shyvana, on a low voice: Well... I guess what matters is that we arrive safely, i dont mind lowering the speed... Caitlyn: See! She's in my side! Your argumentation is weak!
Akali: Of course i asked damn Jarvan IV girlfriend...
Shyvana, flustered: Prince Jarvan and I's relationship is entirely professional...
Akali: Professional my ass! Gragas: HOLD UP. Please summarize every single ship is happening here cause im not understanding.
Caitlyn: ...whats a ship?
Gragas: Oh like... when two people have like... romantic tension and you think they're a couple...?
Shyvana: Gragas? Could you pass me some chips?
Gragas, handing Shyv a bag of chips.
Shyvana: Oh these are good, what flavour are they?
Gragas, looking at the back of the package: Mustard. Braum recomended me these he said they tasted great.
Shyvana: ...
Caitlyn: What?
Shyvana: Im allergic. Allergic to mustard.
Leona, quickly stopping the car and putting her shield up: COVER UP, QUICK!
Shyvana transforms into a dragon, breaking the car from the inside as she becomes bigger in size.
So... To answer the question: Would they make it to their destination?
Yes. Most likely. Not by car anymore though.
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miss0atae · 1 year
The Jungle - 3rd Episode Review
I'm back with a review from this shit show. Really it is getting worse episode by episode. It is not engaging at all anymore. I'm still watching it because it's a series that's so bad it's good. You know what I mean ? I just want to see where they are going. I know many people already dropped the series for obvious reasons but I'll watch until the end and have fun writing those silly reviews full of spoilers. You've been warned.
So the episode stars with the flashback from last time where Bad Mom took her son and changed his name. We see that Pladao saw everything and heard everything. My question now is how can she remembers all that right now? This is so weird but anyway let's accept this because if you question too many things in a bad show, you can never watch the rest of it. So Bad mom is trying to convince her son to stop working with Gale because she is bad and has stupid reasons to do it. This guy is so manipulable. We don't know why he is always listening to her. I mean he is an actor so he must be rich. He is not underage anymore so he can probably access his money and now that he is famous he probably as connexion. He doesn't need do depend on his mom that much anymore. The show is trying desperatly to make us believe that Bad Mom has so much power that she controls all the entertainment business but Bad Mom is only an actress. They all act like she is producing the whole system.
Anyway we jump from the scene to another one with the Jungle minus Pite and Phethai. They are playing cards and drinking. Suddenly Phethai arrives and joins the game. The transition of scenes are always so bad it's freaking amazing to be this bad. It is always missing something. They jump too fast. Then, there is another cut to Pladao and Gale who are back to the Rendez-vous, the hidden bar so easy to find. Pladao wants to confront again Nannaman. She is forcing her friend to help her in her stupid plan. I don't understand their friendship. It's not healthy at all. Anyway they are playing the piano again to get in but of course the music is not right. They have no clue so it's a bit hard to enter. Why did Pladao not think about that before coming ? It's not like she didn't know how you have to enter the bar. The scene only exist so we get the story of Kaewta, her dead cousin. Pladao explained that it wasn't an accident and the responsible is Nannaman. We got a flashback where Pladao is back at home with food and discovered that her cousin took pills and died because of it. It's so bad ! The actress who played to cousin wasn't even doing anything and it looked terrible. The pills were aspirin and we learnt that the cousin was allergic to it but she took it anyway. Why would you do something like that? Didn't she know about her allergy ? We don't have more info. It's only, "Prayers, prayers, sorrow". Pladao checked her cousin's phone and found text messages where she was begging someone to come back to her because she couldn't live without them and that someone told her to die. Here a lesson for you all: Never go back to your ex. So the cousin had a boyfriend but no one knew him. This is the mystery! The cousin had a photo of herself with just the shoulder of a man and this picture screams "man with no intention of being in a relationship". I think Pladao jumps to conclusion a bit easily. She isn't even sure about Nannaman being the real culprit and also he hasn't really done something bad. It's the cousin who decided to take those pills because her "boyfriend" didn't want to get back to her and told her something really mean. Okay this behavior is not the best but the person can't be responsable for the actions of others. The guys from the Jungle never really made any girls felt like they are more than a one night stand. They are pretty honest with how they act towards the women they have intercourses with. The show litteraly presented them as womanizers so why would they be responsibles for that death. This is so stupid.
Irin apperead from nowhere and she guessed the song so they can all enter at the same time. Why does Irin act like she doesn't recognize Gale ? Why do people have memory loss all the time in this show. Anyway, Irin knows the guys pretty well so the girls join the Jungle. Remember they were playing card and drinking. Phethai is here and he shared an awkward moment with Gale. I just noticed that this bar is so empty. Hunter must starve to keep it at bay or maybe the production couldn't have any extras for this scene. The Jungle propose to play a drinking card game. The rule is simple: whoever finds the king figure becomes a king and the numerals get ordered around. Is it an actual game ? It's been a while that I haven't played drinking games. For the firt round, Pladao is the king. She asked a question to Naam and he has to answer. Her question is about her cousin and if he knows her. He said that he doesn't and she gets mad. Of course this reaction made him smile. At the same time, Phetai and Gale are still acting awkward around each other. Hack is the next one to get the king and Gale has to drink. Cut, we're back to Pine who is on the roof. Why do we have this scene now ? It doesn't make any sense for the narrative. He is imagining Irin joining him (I thought it was her, but someone on the comment told me it was August so first apparition for her I guess). Man, choose if you really want her or not. This is already boring. We are back with the Jungle and the girls. Pladao tried to help Gale because she is not good with alcohol, but all the men told her that she has to comply. Luckily, Pethai drinks it for her. Now, Pine is back and joins the game. Nannaman is the new king and he orders two people to kiss. It's Phethai and Irin. Gale is shocked and Pine doesn't seem to like it. Naam is really a little shit. I love this kind of characther. They always bring drama around them and I live for it to make this boring show a bit more funny. Gale can't watch this and leave the place. Pethai and Irin are uncomfortable. Fortunately, Hack saves the day and kiss Phethai. Hack is a good friend. His character isn't really compelling but we can still grant him the title of good friend. Pethai then run after Gale. They have some kind of fight but suddenly the crazy journalist is here and filming them. So, Pethai acts against her. This bar is so easy to find this is laughable. By the way, Pethai is a weather vane. Man choose who you like and go for it. Stop hesitating between Gale and Irin. It will only hurt both girls. Why do they find him interesting ? He has the personality of a wet sock. After getting rid of the journalist and her phone, He listed all his faults to Gale while she looked at him with heart eyes. Girl has no respect for herself. He is just a guy! Finally a kiss between them. Granted it's not the most alluring kiss but I take all the crumbs.
I can't believe, I'm still watching this. The story is all over the place. We got a Hunter cameo. Mix smile is really something. Can you believe that he is the reason why I'm watching this show ? Him and Aye but we still haven't seen her. Well, Naam is talking again to Pladao. She is making a face. They are arguing as always everytime they have a scene together. She is telling him that The Jungle men are despicable and that makes him smile. Dude is always smiling. I think I wrote that several time in my notes. Yes because I'm taking notes at the same time as I'm watching this show. Pladao again threatened the Jungle. We leave them to find again, Gale and Phetai in bed. Did they have sex ? They are wearing different clothes so I will say that they did it. For a series about playboys, it's not very sexy or spicy. Phethai is telling Gale that she is special because he stayed the night with her and felt more like he is Wayu with her. She answered that he is both men. Smile, smile again. They are in their bubble. How long will they stay in it until Bad Mom arrives again to burst it?
Gale at work finds her colleagues gossiping about Phethai. They recognize Gale on the video of the journalist. Bad Mom is not happy. Her adult son has a life on his own. Shocking ! It's so funny how those bad moms always think their sons will ruin their career because of a romance. One night stand is okay but a real relationship is a bad no no. What a load of bullshit. So now, he has to do a press conference to apologize to the journalist. Bad Mom and her son have a fight. Also, Bad mom wants to ruin the life of Gale. The rich really have nothing better to do with their life. I think the problem is that Bad Mom doesn't have a hobby. She should really find something better to do with her life than trying to control her son's life. Back to Pladao reading comments about Gale on internet and obviously they are not kind. Gale has no self esteem. She says that she is a nobody and that she shouln't be with Phetai. She is trying to avoid him now. Stupid move! I mean they were in bed kissing just two scenes ago. I don't understand this woman.
We then go back to the Rendez-vous where Gale is going to drink. How did she got the song this time ? Makes no sense. Well, Hunter is still cryptic for no reason and tells her not to drink if she wants to really express herself. However, she doesn't listen to him and wants courage so she drinks anyway. Useless scene except maybe to give a important message about how drinking is not good, I guess. Phethai and Gale found each other again and she tells him, she likes him and she likes being with him. They have been together for two days max. He laughs at her and crushes her little bubble. He is a dumbass. He probably thinks he is protecting her by being a jerk. This guy is so weak. Bad Mom could tell him to jump from a window and he would do it. Also why would Gale has a crush on him ? Girl you are beautiful and you have a career . You can find so much better. You don't need a guy with no willpower. Okay so now Pethai is drinking by himself. Was I right to say that he rejected her to protect her ? I'm sure I am. Hack and Nathee arrive at that moment and they talk with him. Cut to the Press conference. Bad Mom is here of course. Did I say that the actress is really bad ? She is always making the same weird face. We learn at this point that I was right. He broke up with Gale because she asked him to do it. Gale is sad and tries to have a day off but her boss is here and annouces that she will go to Paris. She doesn't understand because she hasn't been able to do her job. She thinks it's because Phethai asks for her to go. Back to press conference and the journalist pretends to have been shocked by the event when she filmed the private life of Phethai. Girl, your crocodile tears fool no one. You are not a great actress. This is painful to watch. Pethai says sorry to pacify everyone. I don't know why he has to do it. He just snatched the phone, he has not been violent to the journalist. Boundaries please ! This woman was following him and he deserves some private life. Despite this, the joournalists only care about Gale and not about the apologies. Bad Mom says that Gale is not her son's girlfriend. At the same time Gale arrive at the press conference but also Hack. We discover that he is a lawyer. So he is not working on education like I thought. It makes more sense. Lawyer are always useful in this kind of show. Anyway, He is saying that Phethai will sue the journalist. Naan is also here. Why is he here ? Well, Hack saved the day again. He saved Phethai twice in this episode. The journalist is exposed for her bad practices. She cries and this problem is solved easily like that. This is so bad, I can't.
Gale find Phethai at the end of it and they have yet another talk. She wants to know if what he said was true last time. Unfortunately for her, He does not answer and leave. We then have Naam talking with Pladao. Now, we know why he is here. She is back at it with her cousin. He of course doesn't answer her (that would be too easy) and invite her to the Rendez-Vous again by giving her the password. That's the end of the episode !
It's still pretty bad but tomorrow is episode 4 and maybe we'll have more answers. The trailer for the next episode is all over the place so it will be a fun silly watch again.
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stuffforthestash · 5 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @pikapeppa <3
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Two people, actually! My middle name is my maternal grandmother's, and I got my first name from my childhood best friend. She was born a few months before me, and my mom loved her name so much she gave it to me too. We were inseparable, but sadly she died in an accident when we were 8, so now I carry the name for both of us.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Last week when I was having a bad fibromyalgia flare and hit critical mass for being able to cope. Chronic pain is a bitch, yo. 0/10, do not recommend.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Very happily childless. I have a TON of niblings though and love being an auntie.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I was hardcore into softball as a kid, spent 8 years playing. Not that wimpy slow pitch stuff either, which is why I've never been able to get back into it since casual adult leagues are just... different. I was a pitcher and 1st base, and even now I can catch pretty much anything thrown in my general direction purely by instinct 😂
DO YOU USE SARCASM? Nooooooo, I would never!
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Oooh this is a hard one to explain. I studied costume design in college, and one of the things they trained us on is how to look at a person's whole appearance in order to "read" them as a character. It's a habit I never really got over, so I'm always looking for people's "character cues" and they're always going to be different from one person to another.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR? Mostly brown, but other colors come out depending on the light
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? HAPPY ENDINGS HAPPY ENDINGS I refuse to engage with depressing or genuinely unsettling media. My life is already full of too much bullshit, I'm full up.
ANY TALENTS? I can catch very nearly anything thrown in my general direction 😜 I'm also kinda... idiot-savant-ish when it comes to learning new artistic and craft mediums? I pick up the basic concepts really quickly, and I've yet to encounter something I genuinely suck at or can't figure out. Oh yeah and I can sing!
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? In a hospital in California, which is where I grew up.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Crafts! Painting, wire wrapping, drawing, a bit of leather working, and anything else that strikes my fancy. I also love jigsaw puzzles, smutty romance novels, very specific RPG videogames, and taking care of my plants
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? No 😭The husbear and I are both allergic to anything we'd actually want to have around.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? High school: choir and theater. College: studio drawing classes, especially the one in my final year that was taught by a guy in my D&D group, who also happened to be a professional illustrator for MtG!
DREAM JOB? I used to dream about designing the costumes for Cirque du Soliel. That was THE dream, until I gave up theater and switched to illustration. Nowadays I just want to make a success of my little craft business, and be able to earn enough to actually need to file taxes for it 🫠 Okay, now to figure out who to tag.... @ariseis @mumms-the-word @charmedcleric @drizztdohurtin @halsins-herbal-underpants @carmsgarms @galebrainrot2024 @alexxxaloy @lemonsrosesandlavender @luinen-bluewater @autistichalsin @nerd-artist ... it's not 15, but eh. Close enough!
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hollowsart · 7 months
(very minimal talk of skin stuff.. a few details left out so it's not graphic in description)
for over 2 years now I have been afflicted and struggling with a very itchy patch on the right side of my mouth. I've tried to google search what it could be, but I've come up with nothing that matches or looks like what I got going on.
anti-itch cream does nothing to sooth the itching, we have no idea how I got this problem.. it's not an allergic reaction to anything and we tried to see a doctor (I have literally no insurance so it's been even more of a struggle to deal with), but all we could get back in 22, I think? was a video call and that did literally nothing, but at least I got a prescription for 2 bottles of something that I've just recently run out of. it was the only thing that lessened the coloration and made the itching stop, but if I stop using it the itching and redness returns, so it's not a cure, but made it tolerable.
unfortunately, the stuff is prescription only and no real over-the-counter alternatives exist.
at its worst it's red and splotchy and right now it's got some small bumps. at the least when my tube of prescription medicine that I rub on gently was still full, the spot didn't itch and the redness was gone, only remaining thing is some slight discoloration, and I mean very slight. I could go places outside just fine without much worry about how I look.
(I had rubbed it pretty bad one day during 22' summer by using a towel I had nearby cuz I just couldn't handle the itching at the time. we didn't have the prescription medicine yet.. or at least not a good one. ..it was REALLY bad and looked SO ugly. I put some water and junk on it to try and clean it, but it stung and burned horribly.. I had a scabbed area there afterwards for a few days.)
my mom finally managed to get a hold of a doctor and set up an appointment for me, it's on the 4th, meaning I have to suffer with this itching and redness for 2 weeks. my mom said she'll get my dad to take her to get something I could use for this in the meantime later tonight when my dad gets back.
I'm really hoping the stuff she gets will help.. I can barely get anything out of the neck of the last tube of prescription medicine for my face.. I'll be properly and officially out by tomorrow.. washing my face does nothing for it btw.
this has been a nightmare to deal with.. I'm already self-conscious about the way I look.. this is just.. I want whatever this is on my face to go away. to be cured permanently..
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alukaforyou · 1 year
i am so pissed my crazy grandma keeps feeding people food to my cats holy fucking shit even tho me and my sis told her over 10 times now to cut that shit out, and every time shes like ok i wont ever do it again,, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! literally she has given them fried chicken, MARINATED SAUCED CHICKEN, DONUTS?, cookies / crackers, and a huge spoonful of STICKY WHITE RICE THIS MORNING my sis saw and went off on her and SHE got angry saying that she wont do it again? but thats what she said last time?? so me and my sis kept going off on her about how thats what she always says and what is she not understanding when we tell her people can be harmful to cats so just do not fucking give them any. at least my dad will occasionally give her a piece of unseasoned boiled shrimp AFTER googling "can cats have x as a treat" nooo my dumbass grandma is convinced she is right and knows all about animals so feeding them a little bit of whatever the fuck is ok, well assflash newshole a little bit DAILY adds up holy shit who gives cats donuts. and we have cat treats and cat food, what the fuck is stopping her from getting some treats if she wants to feed them so bad. for real just dumped a spoonful of rice in front of them at 7am, 1 (one) hour after i ALREADY fed them???? like hello i buy premium ass food for them, take them to the best reviewed vets, spend a shit ton on insurance, for WHAT for u to give them korean chicken and whatever you have on hand every single day oh my god. and the nerve of her to SNAP BACK! BITCH!!! 지가 잘못하고 뭔 지랄이야 씨발 개또라이네 also its not even her old lady memory problems that makes her forget shes not supposed to do this, she SNEAKILY feeds them when me or my sis isnt around like i was chilling in bed a few days ago when i heard the wrapper opening sound for these kr fried donut things we have and i was like this is fucking suspicious so i went out to look, and my grandma was standing so suspiciously close to the cat by the window literally in position to feed her DONUT when i was like wtf r u doing, and she SHUFFLES AWAY SO FUCKING QUICK and was like "i wasnt gonna feed her" LITERALLY DIE BRO DIE PASS AWAY DIE DIE DIE. also my mom HATES living w my grandma too cuz she for real has ISSUES. christ. pass away. ur like old just die bro. honestly my mom & dad have been on their best behavior after i basically surprised moved out and went nc with them, like that scared them good so they begged for me back, and i gave them a 2nd chance which is why i visit them sometimes and they have been helpful caring for my cats while im away (my roommate is allergic so i cant have them at my current apt) but my fcking grandma. getting crazier by the day. she will also vehemently deny doing anything, even tho family members have WITNESSED her doing it, and she always says "i never did that" or "fine i will never do it again" but she keeps. clowning. :) lord help me im abt to beat this elderly womans ass for real
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I am going to try to write this fast so that I can go to sleep because I feel very unwell. I had fallen asleep and I want to go back to sleep very badly. Today was hard to get through. I hate how I am feeling.
And it made me really snippy today. I didn't like it. Last night James got home and we would go to sleep. I didnt sleep bad. But when my alarm went off I was not feeling great. My mouth felt raw. And after talking to the nurse's they believe it is an allergic reaction. And then I just felt like I deteriorated throughout the day.
I thought food would help me. So after I got washed and dressed, I left here and went to get breakfast. And while I enjoyed it it didnt really help as much as I hoped. I would continue to feel dehydrated and uncomfortable.
And I just had a very short temper. I was glad when I got to camp to find that my art building wasnt a mess but I already felt exhausted and putting away the materials that were used for color wars, and the paint Annabelle borrowed was already tough. I took a little walk but I was just to tired to edo much.
I would work on the beanie baby wreath mom had collected beanies for for me. And I am very pleased with it. And I would make my examples for the groups. I made a horse.
But my first group came and Freya, the counselor, really understood and knocked it out of the park with her sheep. And she would leave it with me to use as an example and I'm thrilled. She wants it back to give to her mom so I will do my best to keep it safe. But it's so good.
And everyonr today did really well. It wasn't perfect. Explaining the XYZ idea was tough at times. But overall they did really good.
The biggest issue was I felt bad and wanted to be anywhere but there.
I also had Louisia hanging out which was fine except I was having trouble chatting with her and working with my group. I had to get her to go do something else. I would send her with my wagon to find more cardboard. And she did such a good job, plus brought us chocolate bars. I felt bad that I had sent her away but I also didn't want to accidently snip at her so I needed the space.
I had brought soup for lunch. And was happy they had rolls at the salad bar. I sat with Celia and told her how bad I was feeling. And we decided I needed to go home ASAP. And lucky me there was no group 10 and so I was done at 315.
I would go to arts and crafts, after teasingly leaving my plate with Celia (I keep telling at everyone to clean up after themselves, she was like!! You are leaving a mess?? For me?? I was like yes!!! Taste of their own medicine!!), I went to lay down.
I was almost in tears laying in the dark. I was so tired. I felt miserable and very unwell. The little lay down helped at least keep me in one piece fory day camp group.
I was short with them at times. With all my groups. I just kept going "Jesus Christ guys" because they were getting on my fragile nerves. And I hate it because usually I have infinite patience. Not today. Today I just wanted everyone to go away. I tried my best to turn up the kindness but it was really tough when a little group of girls was being very mean to each other and then begging me to cut their pieces. I was helping them but they weren't listening and asking me for more and more and I finally was like. No. Ask someone else. There are 4 other counselors. Please. I had to go sit away for them because I was so frustrated with them being mean.
Eventually things calmed down. I helped the girl they werent being nice to. Everyone made good pieces. And then they left.
I went to the office to let them know how unwell I felt. And that's when I learned their were bad storms coming in and that daycamp was heading home early again. I was for sure getting out of there ASAP.
I also clowned on Chris for being old. He's not actually old but it was just so good. We were chatting about wedding gifts and how much they cost and he pipes up that his wedding w as only $3000 and I quickly said well that was in 1776 and you have to account for inflation and it was hilariously mean. He was like no!! I'm not that old!! I actually mean to joke 1976, no idea why 1776 was what I said but still hilarious.
Celia walked with me back to arts. And then it was time for my last group.
Bontkirchen was small and very sweet. Their councilor Maria was funny trying to ask to make a beach. I was like a beach? And she was like yes with the beads. I should point out English is not her primary language. So I'm I like with the beads? Bracelets? Weaving? No and no. So we go into the art building and she keeps telling me the thing with the beads!! And we go around and eventually I figured out she meant the mosaics from last week! And she did for sure make a beach scene with them but it was very funny sussing that out.
And her girls did good. And let me sit in the sun and knit and just enjoy their company.
Tyler came by and told.me he's getting his stuff charged before the storm. And how he also doesn't feel well. He didn't blame me going home.
Once the girls were packed up I took down the hammocks and brought everything inside. I closed up the building and headed out.
There was a lot of traffic on the way home. But I got back here around 4. I felt bad. I laid on the couch with James. I opened my mail. I got a book I'm looking forward too. But very soon we were heading out. I wanted to try to get dinner before the storm.
We went to Mathews. It's so nice to be a regular somewhere. The waitress is super nice. And she told us about the roofer who was sleeping (very drunk) on the sidewalk outside. We were all a little worried for him but she brought him some water. She said the other roofer he was with said to just leave him there. I was worried about him when the storm started.
But our dinner was good. Me and James started working on a list for projects for next summer based on some conversations with the groups and Louisia today. And I'm not committed to anything but I'm excited to already be thinking about it. We made a list and talked about that. Plus talked about camping and our evening.
It started it rain. And would get worse and worse. We left there and decided to stop to get donuts. But it was pouring. So when we finally got there after a slow drive across the city, we got very wet just walking inside.
But we got out donuts. And I got accidently hit with the door on the way out. But we were heading home.
When we got here I rushed inside because I was wet and cold. And would pretty quickly take a shower. James did a few chores and started painting their nails. And I fell asleep.
I woke up around 8 and still I feel bad. I am sitting in the bathtub because I thought it would keep me from being to distracted. And it did work. But I am very thirsty and very tired. I really hope I feel better tomorrow.
I hope that there wasn't so much scary tree damage at camp. I heard we were in storm location but the wind wasn't as bad in the city so it's hard for me to tell. Fingers crossed for just regular rain issues.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. And I can have a better day. I hope you all sleep well. Take care of yourself. And send me good vibes
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
Fictober 28th - “We all have our reasons”
This is part of #Fictober22, original post HERE if you want to follow or write along. ✌🏼
“She hates me,” Eric moaned. He bounced up and down with the crying newborn, but it was in vain. She continued to wail.
“Eric, she doesn’t hate you. She doesn’t even know you. She’s four days old,” Donna joked. She stepped closer and rubbed the baby’s back, too, trying to coax a better reaction, but it didn’t help either.
“No, here,” he sighed, handing Donna the baby. “You take her.”
“Eric, wait - ”
Donna glanced at Kitty as Eric left the room. “He keeps doing that,” she mouthed, over top of Leia’s head. She’d continued to fuss and cry, and Donna started to rock her.
“It’s his confidence,” Kitty said when the door slammed shut behind him, and she and Donna shared a knowing look. “He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
Donna frowned. “Hey, neither do I!”
Kitty waved her hand. “No, no. But it’s different for women. For mothers. You already see it, don’t you?”
Donna shrugged. Leia had settled and stopped crying - finally - and was peaceful against her chest. She was making soft rooting movements, like she wanted to nurse. Donna touched the crown of her head, gently gathered a delicate wisp of her hair. “Yeah, I guess,” she murmured.
“I’ll send Red to talk to him,” Kitty patted Donna’s arm.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Donna asked wearily. She started to look around the room for a place to sit down and feed Leia.
“Eric’s a father now,” Kitty said sweetly. “And what he needs is to talk to another father. Trust me.”
Eric grunted and pushed over a trash can in he and Donna’s garage, clearly in frustration. Trash scattered all over the garage floor.
Red watched, amused, from the doorway. 
When Eric turned around and noticed his father standing there, he ran a hand through his hair, suddenly bashful. “I - uh - ”
But Red held up his hand, stopping him. “No need to explain. We all have our reasons. Let’s just clean it up.”
This clearly surprised Eric. Even further when Red knelt down and began to gather some of the trash that had been dumped to the ground, and put it back in the bin. After watching for a few astonished moments, Eric dropped to his knees and helped do the same.
He didn’t say anything until the room was almost clean again. Eyes glassy, Eric whispered, “I’m already not good at this. Just...how can I already be bad at this?”
Red cleared his throat. “No one’s saying that but you, son.”
“The b-” a sob lodged in Eric’s throat. “Baby’s saying it! She won’t let me hold her.” Softer, he added, “Every time I hold her, she cries. Every time.”
“You didn’t take to me right away when you were a baby.”
Despite himself, Eric smirked. He sniffed, and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Yeah, well...”
“It was my cologne.”
Eric balked at him. “Um - ”
Red shrugged. “Stopped wearing it while you and Laurie were little. Or I switched to something different. Hell, I don’t remember.” He rearranged his features back into a frown. “I don’t care.”
Eric still stared blankly. “Your cologne?”
“Yep,” Red shrugged. “You didn’t like the smell of it. Doctor thinks you might’ve been allergic, your mom said.” He paused. “That’s the reason you always cried around me when you were a baby.”
“Uh. That’s the reason?” Eric began drily.
Red leveled his chin, his expression also even. “Yep.”
“It didn’t have anything to do - ”
“You can ask your mother.” Irritation laced Red’s tone now.
“I will.” Suspicion was in Eric’s.
“And maybe just stop being so damn hard on yourself all the time. Where the hell did you pick that up anyway?” 
Eric grinned at the floor. 
“Fatherhood is hard, son,” Red continued.  “It, ah, it only gets harder from here.” He laughed, and gently clapped Eric’s arm. “And none of us does it perfectly.” He lowered his voice, and Eric lifted his gaze to meet his father’s. “Least of all me.”
Red cleared his throat. “So you just go in there, and you do your best. Which ends up being good enough.”
“But what if it’s not?” Eric whispered, his eyes glassy again.
Red smirked. “That’s when you trust the woman you married. Because she’ll damn sure pick up your slack.”
Eric nodded. He seemed comforted by this.
“Okay son?”
Eric nodded more.
“Okay.” Red clapped his arm again. “Let’s go back inside.”
“I remember when you used to take me out for breakfast every Saturday. When I was a kid.”
“Ah, yeah.” Red smiled and brought a hand up to his chin, reminiscing. He hadn't thought of this memory in years and years. “The diner on 42nd. Mom and Laurie didn’t like it. They said the eggs - ”
“ - were too runny! Yeah. They were wrong.”
“So wrong,” Red agreed. “Best diner food in town. Plus there was that waitress with the - ”
“- the huge boobs. I remember. I-I remember it all,” he clarified.
Red smiled. “Thanks for telling me that, son.”
“Look at that,” Kitty cooed, softly from the doorway. She and Red stood in the hallway, looking into Leia’s nursery where Eric sat in the rocking chair with his daughter, who had fallen asleep on his chest.
He’d taken a shower and rinsed off any trace of the cologne he was wearing after hearing Red’s story (okay - after Kitty confirmed it was true) and held Leia against his bare skin like all the baby books Donna had said to do. 
Leia fussed, and for a few moments Eric felt like panicking, but just like Red said, Donna was there.
“It’s okay,” Donna murmured, soothing them both. “Shhh. It’s okay, it’s okay.”
But now, just a few minutes later, Leia slept peacefully. Eric glided back and forth gently in the rocker, cuddling her under a soft pink blanket that Midge had sent them. The look on his face was like he’d won a million dollars.
“Thank you,” Donna whispered to Red and Kitty. She’d joined them in the hallway, to look in at the little scene in the nursery.
“Oh, honey. You don’t have to thank us,” Kitty said.
“Oh, no, I do. He’s going to throw out that cologne,” Donna smirked.
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fvkford · 2 years
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𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 - 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕜𝟘𝟘𝟙
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
“Oh so we’re just getting right into are we? Ok, you know I would say I’m a solid eight right now, there is always a slight lull when you come back from such a long tour and suddenly you’re just in one place.” 
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
“#tryingtobebetter. “
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
”I’m not an actor so I wouldn’t say that I would, and honestly I act out music video’s with whoever the hell they tell me. You think you can get my guys to call Alana Bishop?” 
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
”You’ve seen big but get ready to see bigger.” 
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
”Most people seem shocked when they find out that I was born to a sperm donor and I’m biologically one of my moms.” 
What’s your wakeup ritual?
”Get up, spend twenty minutes on the toilet on tiktok, eat whatever the hell I can find.” 
What’s your go to bed ritual?
”Honestly my head it’s the pillow and I’m out.” 
What’s your favorite time of day?1
”I like the night, like 10pm with everything is buzzing and the light’s are everywhere.” 
What is one thing no one knows about you?
”I’m allergic to cherries. People can’t even kiss me with Cherry Lipgloss on.” 
Dream country to visit?
”I wanna go to Tokoyo so bad, we didn’t get to do it on tour and it made me so sad.” 
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
”TMZ doing as they wanted with my private information.” 
Comfy shoes or dress shoes?
”Comfort, I don’t think I know what to do with my feet when they’re not in sneakers.” 
Vintage or new?
”Vintage always, I kitted out all my back ups and tour outfits with vintage stuff this time around.” 
Who do you want to write your obituary?
”Can we get Harrison Ford to write it for me? It would seem really full circle.” 
Style icon?
”I don’t think I really have one, I just put on whatever feels good at the time.” 
What are three things you can’t live without?
”My drumsticks for sure, my headphones and pizza, I wouldn’t ever want to do it.” 
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
”Pepper, it’s such an underrated seasoning.” 
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
”Oh shit that’s a good one, ok I would go for Tom Jones, Mick Jagger & Elvis Presley.” 
What’s your biggest fear in life?
”My biggest? Well I already managed it this year, disappointing my moms.” 
Window or aisle seat?
”I’m a window type of guy and I don’t trust anyone that isn’t.” 
What’s your current TV obsession?
”I’ve been watching Kicking it with the Kennedy’s whilst I’ve been away, started from scratch cause I’d run out of everything else and I have to say man it’s fucking great.” 
Favorite app?
”Spotify, I couldn’t live without it.” 
Secret talent?
”I can juggle? I think that’s all I got.” 
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
”Left my band, it was scary as hell but it’s taken me on a hell of a ride.” 
How would you define yourself in three words?
”Just three words, can I say pretty? Nah I’m kidding, I would say flawed, restless and transitional.” 
Favorite piece of clothing you own?
”A tour shirt from my first solo tour, everyone of the team signed it, don’t really wear it cause I wouldn’t want to ruin it but it’s the best.”
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
”A pair of jeans that make your ass look good, don’t under estimate the power.” 
Superpower you would want?
”To be able to stop time, really think about things, I think everything happens for a reason but I wish I could have more time to make some choices.” 
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
”My sister, I won’t say too much cause her business is her business but she’s my bestfriend.” 
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
”Fake it till you make it, only you will know.” 
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
”Cherish the time you have with people in your life, it changes pretty quick.” 
A book that everyone should read?
”Y’all read that Collen Hover book? Man she got me.” 
What would you like to be remembered for?
”For living everyday with my heart on my sleeve, I guess I’m working on it.” 
How do you define beauty?
”That’s a hard one man, elegance, grace, vulnerability, I think it has to come from within before an outside can be beautiful.” 
What do you love most about your body?
”My hands for sure, they’re drummer hands through and through.” 
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
”Lock myself away in the studio and let it out in music.” 
Favorite place to view art?
”Concert halls.” 
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
”Not anything good right now, maybe Rag’n’Boneman - Human. “ 
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
”I play the drums and that’s my art, but I’d like to be better at the piano, I can play it but I want like mad talent you know.” 
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
”Oh I already got a bunch and they’re everywhere I want.” 
What is your favorite animal?
”That would be a dog, mans best friend.” 
What’s your spirit animal?
”Man, can I say an otter? Just because I love them.” 
Best gift you’ve ever received?
”I got a pair of signed drumsticks from Phil Collins, how sick is that!” 
Best gift you’ve ever give?
”I paid for my old high school to have this big fancy prom after a fire knocked the school out and theirs was cancelled.” 
What’s your favorite board game?
”I don’t know if I have the attention span for them, I love Monopoly but I get so bored!” 
What’s your favorite color?
”I like blue.” 
Least favorite color?
”I don’t know man that seems pretty mean on all the other colors, I don’t suit yellow if that helps?” 
Where do you feel most at peace?
“In that five minutes before I’m brought out on stage, everyone else is in this insane rush and I just, settle in ready to go.” 
What’s your favorite thing to do in your time off?
”Sleep, boring I know but I don’t get enough of it.” 
What’s your hair-care routine?
At this question he can’t help but smirk, Ford knows he has good hair. “The beach waves of envy right?” His smirk grows. “I got this shampoo and conditioner for curly hair so I use that and then this texture spray I put in whilst it’s still wet, mess it up a little and then let it do it’s thing, it’s magic really.” 
Pilates or yoga?
”Dude, I can’t do either but I did enjoy a goat yoga class once.” 
Coffee or tea?
”Me and caffine are not a good mix, I prefer a smoothie.” 
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
”That one from Mary Poppins.” 
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
“Dark, and mint too.” 
Stairs or elevator?
”Stairs, Final Destination ruined Elevators for me.” 
Summer or winter?
”Summer, I hate wearing a shirt.” 
You are stuck on an island, you can have only three things with you. What are those things?
”Doesn’t matter not a chance in hell I’m surviving anyway.” 
What are your phobias?
”Spiders, elevators & bears.” 
A skill you’re working on mastering?
”Being kinder to myself.” 
Best thing to happen to you this year?
”A sold out world tour felt pretty great you know.” 
Worst thing to happen to you this year?
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
”That I felt like home.” 
Favorite smell?
”New born babies and you can’t say you disagree.” 
Hugs or kisses?
”Hugs, you need 8 a day to survive you know.” 
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
”Oh I’d make one about being on tour but like, actually being on tour.” 
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
”The song Praying by Kesha.” 
Going out or staying in?
”It depends on where I’m going but I’m going to say going out.” 
Sweet or savory?
”Savory, give me a bag of chips over a chocolate bar any day of the week.” 
Celebrity crush?
”Alana Bishop. Oh and Katie Holmes.” 
How you know you’re in love?
”When I figure that out I’ll be sure to let you know, I think I’m still working on it.” 
Song you can listen to on repeat?
”Any of em, there’s something beautiful in any song.” 
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
”I would take just being a girl, I wanna see what that’s like, I think everyman should.” 
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
”My new albumn I’m working on.” 
Your go to for having a good laugh?
”Dexter or my sister.” 
Your affirmation for today?
“Get back up, every time, no matter what.” 
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