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hyperfixation-or-death · 16 days ago
AU where the Parallels kids came back wrong.
something along the lines of:
victor has a pulsing rhythm of decay barely constrained within his skin; that kind of energy finds ways of slipping out.
sam brushed against a timeline where his death was fact; he lived, but the fabric of reality seems a bit unsure as to whether that's entirely true.
romane exists beyond the constraints of linear time; so often just a breath too quick, a blink too fast, and people nearby start feeling like they've missed a step going down the stairs.
bilal is years upon years of a lifetime unlived compressed into a 15 year old; things overlap and bleed into each other, and suddenly he knows things, things he shouldn't, and anyone talking to him feels unnervingly like they're eavesdropping on something they're not meant to be a part of.
and they all stick together, increasingly protective and decreasingly social. whatever happened to them over the summer- it happened to all of them. they've changed, and something's...wrong. something's not right with those kids.
...well. best to leave it alone, everyone inevitably decides.
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horrq · 8 months ago
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Jules Houplain as Victor Deslandes in Parallels (2022)
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darkacademiaarchivist · 2 years ago
something about Aziraphale hyping himself up to ask Crowley to dance after watching Maggie and Nina dance and Nick kissing Charlie after seeing Tara and Darcy kiss. Emotional support lesbians. Who also need emotional support but that's not the point
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aka-ar · 2 years ago
Maybe Victor could deage himself when they did the Group Hug because he was happy, since he can age stuff when unhappy, and his power works both ways?
that means that ever since he got his powers he was never truly happy and was always sad or angry or scared, just good at hiding it
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windwenn · 3 months ago
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‘You were my new dream’ or however the fuck that scene went
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archi-pelago · 4 months ago
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maybe never forgive. but things are different now. so we'll use maybe.
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jay-wasstuff · 7 months ago
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Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)
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mejkosmos · 6 months ago
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whichever madman pointed out that the new rift on bill's body in the theraprism is meant to parallel ford's cracked glasses after he emerges out of the portal,,,, MY SOUL IS YOURS TO TAKE ANYDAY MY GOSH
bonus !!
ford about bill:
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bill about ford:
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beetleandfox · 1 month ago
obsessed with the Helena and Irving parallel and what it says about the aspects of our identity we think are fundamental (but aren't)...
Like Outie Irving assumes his Innie is just as radically anti-Lumon as he is. He assumes his hatred of Lumon is something ingrained in his personality! That's why he stays up at night drinking coffee and making paintings, because he hopes that when his innie dreams about the testing floor, he'll say "okay bet" and start exploring. That's what Outie Irving would do, after all. But he miscalculated! His hatred of Lumon isn't inherent--- his desire for meaning and art and spirituality is inherent. That's what his hatred for Lumon is built on. But in a world where there's no meaning outside of Lumon propaganda, of COURSE his innie would become ridiculously devoted to the company.
And Helena!! She is the corporation, that's her whole identity. She presumably assumed that Helly would be just as pro-Lumon as she is. But she miscalculated too! Her devotion to the company isn't inherent, her headstrong and entitled nature is what's inherent! And in a world where she's denied any agency whatsoever, that manifests as rebellion.
It's the same dynamic flipped on its head. They both sent their innies in there with opposite intentions--- one to take down the company, one feed the company's expansion--- only to realize that rebellion and devotion aren't inherent characteristics. Their innies have become the exact opposite of their outie selves, while still being exactly the same!! Because even though your personality is inherent, the values you hold are determined circumstantially. OUGH IT'S SO GOOD.
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mioakem · 4 months ago
the imagery in this part of the ep was actually insane like this is genuinely beautiful
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hyperfixation-or-death · 5 days ago
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@amilisenn ABSOLUTELY!!!
(questions from this character dynamic headcanon game)
34. What's something that makes them proud of each other?
Sam & Bilal: bilal goes into physics several years post-canon; even without the motivation to save his friends, he still has a genuine interest in the field. and sam is so enthusiastically proud of every single accomplishment and breakthrough in bilal's work; that's his best friend!! he's so proud of everything bilal does!! i have a mental image of the aged-up parallels kids as roommates, and bilal's practicing a presentation he has to give (he is very stressed about it), and sam is literally the world's most encouraging audience. he's genuinely convinced this might be the best presentation he's ever seen in his life. bilal explained the concept so well that sam could probably write a paper on it now without knowing anything else about it. bilal's great at this and did an amazing job and sam's just. so incredibly proud of him. and on the flip side: sam really struggles when they're in high school. pressure from his parents, anxiety, overwhelming workload, trying to keep the tension between his parents and victor from getting too bad- it all just adds up, and he has a really rough time. but he gets through it. after it gets bad enough, he lets the others know that he's not doing great. and the four of them look out for each other. and sam ends up going to bilal to talk things over more often than not, more often than he acts like nothing's wrong to keep things feeling steady and okay. and bilal's so proud of him for that. he's so proud of him for getting to that point, because that's not where he was at a year after canon. he's proud of him for getting through high school, for leaning away from his parents' influence, for letting the other three help him through it all. he's just proud of him.
Romane & Victor: it takes a while, but when victor eventually trusts himself enough to use his powers for fun (and not just to release the destructive energy before it all builds up too much), romane's really proud of him. and on the flip side: less heartfelt than the other ones, but a while post-canon, someone says something to bilal or sam that's not quite rude enough to be a big deal, but just nasty enough to make victor very much tempted to shove them. but the person leaves, and it takes a moment for victor to realize why romane looks like she's trying not to smirk. it takes another moment to realize what, exactly, she did while time was frozen; she opened the person's bag, poured her entire water bottle into it, closed it again, and returned to where she was standing. he's very impressed and very proud.
39. What's an inside joke they'd have together?
couldn't think of one for sam & bilal, so to make up for that, i did three duos instead of two :) (i just now realized all three duos include victor; oh well. i'll let him have this one.)
Romane & Victor: they'll jokingly accuse each other of cheating at games that are pretty much impossible to cheat at. and they'll get so sidetracked faking a dramatic argument about whether it's possible to cheat at tic-tac-toe or whatever, half the time they'll forget about whatever they were originally doing. they think this is very funny.
Victor & Bilal: they had a very sleep-deprived conversation a while post-canon about victor's powers. during this conversation, victor was compared to a mushroom. victor thought that was the stupidest comparison possible, but couldn't really articulate this through the sleep-deprived laughter. bilal was half-heartedly trying to elaborate on his vague thought about decomposition, but he was also laughing too much to really make any sense. they'll reference that conversation for a while after that, to the confusion of whoever else is there.
Victor & Sam: when they were really young kids, sam memorized the life cycle of the frog. he then taught it to victor. sam was incredibly proud of this achievement. he then proceeded to bring it up for the rest of their lives, always with exaggerated smugness over this very important knowledge that he imparted onto victor. victor always responds with exaggerated exasperation and threatens to purposefully forget it just to spite him. (fun fact: i once started writing around the idea of "this specific inside joke + it randomly occurs to victor during the four year timeskip that he doesn't actually remember the stupid life cycle of the frog. and he's much more upset about this than he'd like to admit to himself." never went anywhere, but figured i'd mention it here.)
44. If they had to squeeze together in a cramped space, what would happen?
Romane & Victor: they are completely unable to stop accidentally kicking each other. victor "so incredibly adhd-coded" deslandes keeps tapping his leg against the ground to get out energy, and romane "canonically shown pacing and rapidly fidgeting with her hands when stressed" berthauds keeps shifting around restlessly - both of which wouldn't normally be a problem, but in a cramped space? they are both getting kicked at least once a minute.
Sam & Bilal: probably the best combination of the four to be stuck in a small space together. because: romane and victor, as previously mentioned, would constantly be accidentally kicking each other; sam and victor would be fine for like five seconds before reaching levels of irritation inconceivable to anyone who hasn't been on a roadtrip with their siblings in a cramped car; sam and romane would probably be fine except that even after four years of sam being presumed dead, victor's canonical reaction to sam and romane being squished together in a car is to immediately start teasing them, so i can only imagine how insufferable he'd be once he's not literally reuniting with his presumed-dead loved ones; depending on the timeline and depending on how i'm currently interpreting the post-canon dynamics, i can see victor being just as insufferable about romane and bilal. victor has a habit of absentmindedly grinding his teeth that bilal can't stand, a headcanon that makes them the worst combination for this scenario. but sam and bilal? yeah, they're just chilling. they like talking to each other, they both have the ability to sit calmly without much effort, and none of the four really have much of an issue with personal space. they're doing good. :) also i think bilal has some issues with sleep post-canon, leading to him being tired more often. so, depending on how long they're in this small space, it'd be fun if he accidentally fell asleep at some point, leaving sam bored out of his mind but very determinedly not moving so that he doesn't wake him up.
thank you so much for asking!!! i love writing headcanons, this was so fun. <3
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brightdeadthing · 4 months ago
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love as recognition
anna gavalda / friedrich nietzsche / clarice lispector / jandy nelson / rebecca perry / mhairi mcfarlane
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logray · 5 months ago
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gerardways-mcr · 1 month ago
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This has me on the ground pulling my hair out
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odetokeons · 2 months ago
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♱ Nosferatu (2024) dir. Robert Eggers ♱
+ bonus
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