#i had no idea that kittens this small can purr
krarka · 1 month
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mactavishsgfandwife · 7 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley and Your New Cat 🌷
simon having beef with a stray cat you brought home silly little idea i had no content warnings, just cute fluff, female reader :3 not proofread!
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"What the hell is tha’?" he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared in disbelief at the little black kitten in your lap.
"I found him. He’s called Lettuce," you grin, cuddling the cat to your chest. You’re well aware that lettuce is a stupid name for a cat, but it just seemed right at the time. The kitten was tiny, and had seemed very weak when you’d discovered him shivering in a box outside your apartment block. Now, he seemed a lot more comfortable, making a little home for himself on your sweater. He was so small - he literally fit in the palm of your hand - but his frizzy black hair stuck out at every angle so that he looked less like a kitten and more like a wiry pompom.
"Love," Simon laughed, rubbing his face with a sigh, "Lettuce looks like a flea. Where the hell di’you find ‘im?"
"Oi, he does not! Well, maybe a bit. I found him in a box. He was meowing at me, he looked so cold…" you stroke the kitten’s cheek with your thumb as you he meows up at you.
"You can’t keep him, he might have diseases. You should give him to a pet shelter." Your boyfriend wasn’t being harsh, he was just worried about you - he didn’t want your little heart breaking because you’d got all attached to a poorly little kitten who might not last the week. But it didn’t come off like that.
"Wh… what..?" you frown, cupping the kitty in your hands to protect it.
"I’ll drive you to the shelter tomorrow, okay?"
"What? Si, no!"
"Baby…" he sighs, trying not to upset you "you can’t just find a scruffy animal on the street and take it home."
"S’what I did with you ," you pout, pulling the same face at him as Vegetable pulls at your sweater sleeve as he paws at it.
"Look," he crosses his arms, about to explain to you the reasons why you two don’t have the space for a cat, nor the prior knowledge. What if the cat walks in on the two of you in bed? What if it bites you and his pretty girl gets hurt? What if you end up loving the cat more than Simon and it steals you away? But your pleading eyes and the tiny, stupid looking kitten chirping in your laps convinces him. If you really wanted anything, you know he’d get it for you, so he’ll let you have your silly kitten.
"Alright, fine. For now." He laughs, ruffling his hair.
"I love you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you!" you squeal, gently placing the cat down before jumping up with and wrapping your arms around your boyfriend. He rubs your back softly, watching the stupid fluffy ball on the sofa chirp for your attention. Just because he’s letting you have the cat doesn’t mean he won’t see it as his mortal enemy.
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The next morning, after having gone out to buy cat food for you, Simon is sitting on the sofa, softly kissing your neck from behind. You’re sitting in his lap… completely ignoring his affection in favour of the kitty.
"Si, look! He can walk!" you grin, holding the kitten up so it looks like it’s standing on two feet.
"Mhm… cute…" Simon mumbles into the nape of your next, a strong hand wrapping around your waist to pull you into his chest. He is not watching the cat, he’s busy with you.
"I know right!" you ignore his advances still, gazing at your new pet with adoration, "I should make him a little hat, he’d look so sweet."
"Yeah, fuck, you’re so sweet…" Si keeps kissing you, moving between your neck and your shoulders, which are hidden inside his old tshirt.
"He’s so cute," you grin, stroking the back of the kitten’s head until it purrs, "I love him so much… he’s my baby."
That catches Simon off guard. He would never admit it to anyone, but he loves it when you call him your baby. He’s the only one you should be calling baby. This cat is stealing his girl. [gasp]
Si shoots the kitten a death stare.
"Oh yeah, he’s your baby?"
"Yeah, he’s the cutest…"
"Mhm. I’m sure," he pouts. When you’re not looking, he glares at the cat and points from his grey eyes to its little beady ones, like he’s trying to intimidate it.
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A few days later, the two of you fall asleep together, with Simon spooning you and holding you close. But you forgot to shut the door. So your boyfriend is rudely awakened by a very small, scruffy kitten stomping on his chest.
"No, oi, get off of me," you can hear him grumbling sleepily as you start to stir, alongside the cute chirping of your kitty.
"Listen, Vegeta- cat. Stupid name anyways. We can’t have you disturbing the Mrs, alright?"
You can hear him pause until he hears the kitten meow softly in response.
"Tha’s right, soldier. She’s my Mrs, not yours, and if you so much as try to change that, I will never let you see her again. My girl. Mine," he pouts.
The kitten meows again, as if he’s responding to Simon’s orders. You have to try your hardest not to giggle, biting your lip in the dark as you listen to your big, tough boyfriend have an argument with a little kitten.
"Alright, now leave the lady alone." You almost think you can hear him plant a kiss on the cat’s head before he sets it down at the side of the bed.
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You’re away for the weekend, visiting family, without your boys (Simon and the kitten). :(
Simon’s fine, he’s a tough guy, he has no issue being alone - that is, until he’s poorly and he needs you to cuddle him and make him tea. But you’re not there, and talking to you over the phone only makes him feel worse.
So he resorts to laying in bed, in the shade, trying to nap. Poor boy feels too ill to do anything else (he has the man flu).
With the back of his hand over his forehead, one leg over the covers and one leg under, not quite sure whether he’s awake or asleep, he closes his eyes and frowns. A little black ball hops up onto his bed, waking him up a little.
It plods around in a little circle, looking around and exploring its new environment. When Veggie spots Simon, he waddles over curiously, his little feet sinking into the soft duvet cover.
"Hey, cat," Simon smiles softly, watching the fluffy baby wander and get closer to his face. It looks up into his eyes, chirping, and brushes its fur against his cheek before settling into the crook of his neck.
He chuckles, closing his eyes as the tiny guy curls into a ball against him. The rivalry isn’t quite over for Simon, but that funny looking kitty is a little piece of you, and he’s happy to have its affection.
When you come home, it’s to the two of them, cuddled up on your bed. Silently, you change into a t-shirt and slip into bed behind Simon, planting a little kiss on his cheek.
"Told you he was cute."
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how i imagine your kitten 💗
i spent way longer on this than i thought i would but it’s so cute and i loved writing it! hope you enjoy lovieeees
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pearlymel · 8 days
A baby ?!
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Summery: his departure always bugs you, and surprise, it was just your lil hormones messing with you.
Wc: 3.4k
Warnings: Fem!reader, sfw because we decided to be sweet, pregnancy, reader is pregnant, there are some suggestive comments but that's all. Happy ending because i love yall.
Part one and two if you missed it my loves.
Notes: welcome to part 3 which i believe is the last part. I am kindly asking not to ask for a part 4 because i have run out of ideas. If i ever decided to write for capitano again, it wouldn't be part of this series, it would be like headcanons instead, you could imagine the reader being the same, apologies for spelling errors and thank you. :)
Credits: the art of the left panel is by @/reaperpie
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Fall was slowly approaching in Snezhnaya, and you had already expected it to be colder than the normal autumn. Which to your bad luck, it was not a suitable place for your picnic’s.
Your husband has continuesly rejected your date ideas, but you expected that anyway, you knew he couldn’t. He had duties to attend to, responsibilities to the Fatui, to the Tsaritsa, to the world. He couldn’t stay, as much as you—he wanted to.
It's not fair, You think while pouting as you stare outside the window with your chin resting on the palm of your hand, looking like a princess in need to be rescued from the tower. Your thumb toying with the diamond ring resting around your ring finger.
“Ugh, it's unfair baby.” You slump back on the bed, while your little fur baby only meowed at you in return, the orange cat jumping on the bed to make itself warm on your lap. “meow back if he doesn't love me.”
You're met with silence, only happy purrs reach your ears, and you grin, “obviously he loves me, obsessed even.” Your hand reaches to slowly pat the kitty.
“I miss him.” You sigh dreamily, deciding to stand up while carrying kitty with you so it doesn't feel left out. You make your way towards the desk in the corner, pulling the seat to take your place before pushing yourself closer to the desk.
You rest the kitten on your lap again—who quickly adjusts like nothing happened, looking as sleepy as ever.
You open the drawers to take an envelope, some wax, a stamp, a paper, and a quill.
Yeah, you're going to write him a letter, he said he didn't mind recieving even hundreds of letters from you.
How romantic.
“Dear, husband.” You start, dipping the quill in ink to brush it along the neat surface of the paper.
“i miss you.” you narrow your eyes at the empty page, saying that you miss him felt too boring.
“i utterly miss being next to you.” Hm, it lacks excitement.
“Please come back soon or i will run away.” Huh, you could already imagine the army's he would send to search for you.
“i want you inside—” okay, now you're being desperate.
You rest your arms on the desk, leaning your head on them while sighing.
“Do you know when will he return?” You politely ask one of the guards in front of the estate’s gate. Your hands together behind your back.
A leaf flew by in front of the guards with still no answer from them, and you narrow your eyes, wondering if they even heard you in the first place.
Finally, one of them shook their head and you only sigh in resignation, “thank you.” You mumble before heading your way back inside the estate.
It has been more than two weeks since he left, and he would sometimes send you neat letters to inform you about his well being, but the last letter you received was about a week ago, it was worrying you.
“My lady, are you okay?” Your personal maid, Marina, asked out of concern, watching you put an apron with a frown plastered on your face.
“Just hungry.” You take the glassy bowl, eggs, flour, butter, and sugar. Then you set them on the table. “I can help you.” Marina stands next to you, taking the butter to melt it.
“you want to make cookies, correct?” She asks, and you nod with a small smile. With the butter fully melted, you begin mixing in the sugar, beating the mixture until it becomes light and fluffy. The repetitive motion of stirring is almost meditative, and for a brief moment. “Baking is rather calming, i should've tried it before.”
Marina chuckled softly at your admission, a knowing smile on her face. "Yes, baking can be quite therapeutic," she stated, watching as you mixed the sugar and butter together. "I've found that working with your hands, especially when it involves creating something good to eat, is a great way to clear your mind," she continued, adding chocolate to the bowl.
You had both finished combining the ingredients, and the room was now filled with the warm, comforting fragrance of cookie dough. Marina stood beside you, watching as you shaped the dough into small balls and placed them on a baking tray. As you finished placing the last cookie onto the tray, you and Marina stood together, admiring the array of small, round cookies waiting to be baked in the oven.
The sounds of the gates opening is what catches your attention next, making you stand up from your chair to immediately abandon the kitchen and rush towards the entrance, your eyes searches him when you reach the front door, and surely enough, your husband has arrived.
He looked almost disheveled, tired, yet he still held a straight posture.
Capitano's weary eyes widened behind his helmet as you rushed into his arms, his body stiffening as if caught off guard by your sudden affection. But the tension in his form swiftly melted away as he wrapped his strong arms around you. His grip was tight, as he pulled you against his body. He was silent for a moment, his chin resting on the top of your head, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths as he held you.
“I…” you want to break the silence, you want to tell him how much you missed him. “I missed you.”
Capitano's grip intensified as your voice reached his ears, he was more than relieved to hear those words. To know that somone dear is waiting for him, someone as precious as you that he's willing to risk his life for.
He exhaled deeply, "I missed you too," he whispered, making sure the words only reached your ears. He pulled back slightly to look down at you, his gaze raking over you as if to confirm you were real and not a trick of his tired mind.
Capitano allowed you to lead him inside afterwards, his hand careful to be gentle when holding yours. The weariness in his body was evident as he stumbled a bit as you pulled him along. However, he matched your pace as best he could, following obediently as you guided him to your chambers.
Being greeted by the familiar room before him made his shoulders relax, the only place where he can be himself.
"How was is it? Being away from your wife for more than two weeks?" You ask while your hands started working on helping him out of the thick layers of his heavy, dirty clothing. Each layer you removed revealed more of his muscular, battle-worn physique, the scars and marks on his body a testament to the dangers he had faced.
He paused, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he noticed your pout. He reached out a calloused hand and gently tugged at your lip, "It was a long two weeks," he admitted gruffly. "I have missed you sorely.”
“I'm sure you did,” you hummed, walking towards the closest to grab a sweater for him. "Don't pout like that," he chided gently, "You're making me feel guilty.”
You try hiding your smile when you hand him his new warm clothes, your arms crossing next, “as you should.”
"I've missed that pout," his lowers his voice, "but I don't miss your little attitude.”
You shrug, “i don't know what you're talking about.” Capitano's gaze held yours unflinchingly, his eyes studying your expression. He knew you were baiting him, daring him to guess your reason for being upset.
"Let me see.." he started, his voice taking on a tone of mock contemplation. "Perhaps it's the fact that I was gone for more than two weeks and left you here all alone. That's a start, is it not?”
"Or perhaps it's the fact that I didn't send you a letter everyday and left you wondering about whether I was alright or not. Hmm, that could be it, couldn't it?”
“Go on.” your raise your eyebrow while tapping your feet impatiently.
"Or maybe," he stepped closer, taking a few strands of your hair in between his fingers, "It's because I didn't come home and ravish you as soon as I returned, instead letting you pout and sulk and complain like a spoiled little thing.”
He could see right through you; the way you suddenly straightened your stance and tried to act nonchalant only confirmed his suspicions.
You gasp, ”whaaaat? Nonsense.”
"Is that so?" he drawled, his hands now taking your upper arms, his thumb thumbs rubbing circles around your skin "i will make it up to you, my wife.”
Despite his promise that you could do later, you wanted him to rest more than anything, so you make him sit down on the bed while you leave to get the cookies you baked together with Marina.
“You have to tell me your opinion.” you hand him one of the chocolate chip cookies. Capitano let the taste of the chocolate chips and the buttery cookie dough settle on his tongue for a moment. He swallowed, his gaze still fixed on you, before giving his verdict.
"They're good," he admitted, "Better than good, actually. Well done.”
Praise kink goes crazy huh? Your smile widens, and it makes you feel all giddy, as you took a bite of the cookies as well.
He leaned back against the plush bedding of the bed, his strong arms resting on his lap as he observed you. "You've been busy while I was away, hm?"
“Not really, more bored than busy.”
“… i am sorry. I do not mean to leave you alone.”
You scoot closer to him once you see how guilty he looks, you sit next to him, your head resting on his shoulder. “When do you have to leave again?”
Capitano's silence spoke volumes, pausing before answering, "My duties are unpredictable, and there's no telling when the Tsaritsa will call for me again. I cannot give you an exact timeline, and that is the reality of what I do. I am a warrior first, a husband second.”
Ouch, that's fine. Totally fine.
You knew what you were getting into when you married him, after all. Still, a part of you couldn't help but wish for more. The thought kind of makes you sick… quite literally.
“I think the cookies had too much sugar.” You put the dessert back on the plate before standing up from the bed. “Shall i go get you wate—”
“no, thank you. I can do it.”
You were rotting in bed. From the morning, and now it's afternoon. It makes you feel useless since you barely did anything.
Capitano left before you woke up, even though he promised to return later today.
You felt miserable, your body weak and your spirits low. It was a mixture of loneliness, hormones, and the unease bubbling in your stomach. Capitano's absence only made it worse, adding to the feeling of helplessness that had settled upon you.
You tossed and turned in the bed, the plush sheets tangling up around you as you tried to find a comfortable position. But no matter how much you shifted, the discomfort in your stomach remained, persistent and nagging.
“Make the pain go please, I'll take any disgusting medicine,” you tell Marina weakly as you look up at her while she sat on the wooden stool next to you.
"I can give you some ginger root. It might help soothe your stomach.” she offered gently, handing you the ginger root she prepared just for you.
“… i lied i can't take anything disgusting.”
Marina chuckled softly at your admission, "I thought so," she said, setting aside the ginger root. “Have you considered telling Lord Capitano?”
You shake your head, “not that he's here. It's not that important.” you cover half of your face with the blanket, “why though? Isn't it just a normal cold from the change of weather?”
It was clear that you were trying to downplay the severity of your symptoms, perhaps not wanting to worry anyone or admit that something might be seriously wrong.
"Dearest, it's not just a cold," she chided gently, "the symptoms you're describing are not typical of a mere cold.”
You frown, “is it not?”
She shook her head, her voice soft but serious. "No, it's not. The nausea, the fatigue, the changes in appetite...these are all common symptoms of something else." Shee paused for a moment, "my lady, have you considered the possibility that you might be... Pregnant?”
You immediately rise from the bed, sitting down with eyes wide to stare at her, "what? Pregnant?” you ask in shock.
"I shall ask for a healer right away, my lady.”
You stare outside the window at the dark skies, although your eyes fixated on the gates opening, indicating his arrival.
You almost flinch when he dashes inside your shared chambers, taking his helmet off but not bothering to take the rest off before he's gently grabbing you by your arms.
“where?” He asks urgently, “where are you injured? Who did it? Do not hesitate to tell me.” He says in a dangerously sharp tone, his eyes searching for even a single scratch on your body.
“what… are you talking about?” You raise an eyebrow, and your unbothered state made him confused. “the healers were here, yet you're not injured?” he blinked before sighing, his hands caressing your arms instead, “then why? Are you sick?”
“Sick… no not sick.” You tell him, your hands ever so gentle taking a hold of his face, “… but pregnant. I'm pregnant.”
You both stare at eachother, both of you holding your breaths. You have never seen him so distracted, like he didn't hear you the first time.
Does he hate it? You never thought of the possibility.
“Capit—” before you could continue, he's down in one knee and you're bewildered, unsure of what to do.
“you're carrying our child.” he utters out so softly that you think you might tear up—and you really are in the verge of tears. He takes your hand, he's held your hand many times, but this time it feels different, he holds you like you're glass, he's so careful with it.
“I swear to protect you both, and put you both first. Should anyone hurt you, i will not hesitate to draw my sword, if i ever hurt you… then you should not hesitate to draw your sword on me.” his words hung in the air like a sacred vow.
You tried to speak, to respond, but only a soft gasp escaped your lips. Tears welled in your eyes, and you could only stare at him, utterly overwhelmed.
Capitano's gaze softened even more as he saw the tears falling down your face. He rose to his feet in one fluid motion, his hand still holding yours in a gentle but firm grip, he reached out with the other hand, his large palm cupping your cheek to brush your tears away. “Don't cry, I'm here.”
His embrace, so warm, so protective around you that it eases every single thought in your head.
Everything is going to be okay. With him, it will.
Months passed in a blur of morning sickness, cravings, and blossoming excitement for the new life growing inside you. Capitano, as promised, was by your side through it all and he went away for more than a week.
He attended to your every need, from getting up in the middle of the night to find the most ridiculous late-night snack, to comforting you on days when you felt overwhelmed by the changes happening to your body.
You rest back against the bed’s headboard while tracing random shapes on the skin of your swollen belly, a hum of some sort of song followed after. You stop once you hear the sound of slow footsteps, catching your husband freeze.
“I'm sorry, i didn't mean to stalk you like that—”
“you're so silly. Come here, honey.” You pat on your empty side with a smile, inviting him to share this moment you.
Capitano took his place next to you then continued watching as you gently caressed your belly, tracing over the stretch marks with your fingers.
“They're beautiful, you know.” he speaks first, as if sensing what you were about to say. “Beautiful?” You repeat. He lifted your hand to his lips, gently pressing a kiss on your knuckles before he replied, his voice a soft murmur. "Yes, beautiful. They're a sign of life growing within you. A sign of strength. Of creation. That's beautiful.” he continues his trail of kisses to your arm up to your shoulder, “I want to kiss every inch of you, stretch mark or not.”
You've come so far with him that it feels surreal, it feels right, “i love you.” You whisper to him, turning your attention to him again. “I love you.” he doesn't hesitate to say it back, the declaration coming out of his tongue smoothly like it was meant to be.
His hand then moved to your growing bump, "and I love this," he added. “This?” You giggle.
"Mhm," Capitano confirmed, his hand now rubbing your belly in slow, soothing circles. "This. Our baby." His eyes flickered up to yours, "We created this," he continued, his voice with pride and awe. "Our love made this.”
Were toddlers always this fast? Because one second he keeps an eye on her then the next he looks around before she's gone right from infront of him.
He was supposed to play tea party, but a little butterfly flying creature must've caught her attention.
Capitano, despite his size and strength, found himself struggling to keep up with your energetic three-year-old daughter.
He chuckled as he chased her around the garden, his large frame a stark contrast to her small, fleeting form. As she ran past you, you couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of your husband's face, "almost got her," he panted out, his hand on his knee as he attempted to catch his breath.
“You got this old man!” You decide to tease him from behind, laughing endlessly from the sight. Though he shot you a mock glare through his labored breaths, “old man, huh?" he grumbled, straightening up and crossing his arms over his chest. "You think I'm old nos, do you?" he continued, raising an eyebrow playfully. "I'll show you 'old,' darling." With that, he took a step further to sweep you off your feet, carrying you effortlessly in his arms, and your smile only widens.
“Me!” Your little girl raises both of her arms at her father, and he kneels down to carry her in his other arm. Now carrying you both in each arm.
“Oh, how strong.” You tease, poking at his bicep and he shakes his head almost shyly, “papa, butterfly.” Your daughter proceeds to show you both the butterfly she caught, the little creature doesn't seem scared of her as it rests on her tiny fingers.
“Looks pretty,” Capitano smiled, his expression amused as your daughter leaned toward the butterfly, attempting to kiss it. "Careful now," he warned gently. "Don't scare it away." He watched as the butterfly fluttered its delicate wings at her attempt and she giggles.
"You have to be gentle," he told her, his voice soft. "Just like how you handle the kittens.”
She gasps, suddenly remembering the cat that's half asleep on the grass with the three of you. “Kitty!” She shouts at the cat, jumping off Capitano’s arm so suddenly that it makes him gasp, worried that she might’ve injured herself.
“she's fine.” You pat your husband's chest and just like that, he's relaxed again. “i think our cat is tired of her sometimes.” You get down as well, watching how your daughter carried the lazy cat in her arms to run in circles with her. The cat that grew within these years, from a mere kitten to a big cat now.
"I think we should just be glad the cat hasn't hissed at her or swatted her yet," he sighed, and you hum in reply, “i don't think it ever will. That cat has been clinging to my belly ever since i was pregnant. Kept me warm i must admit.”
You grin when your daughter runs back to both of you, carrying the cat in the air, it's eyes almost closed, unbothered, "meow."
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Tags: @duchessofherself @itsjustnikkixoxo @erasme143 @yvesswoo @mooshbb @bigboygoose
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God ever since reading A Gilded Cage I cant get the thought out of my head of a part 2 where Reader doesn't see Jason for a few days after the revelation. Like maybe he thinks he's being kind and giving us some time to process, maybe he's on his angst again, or maybe some outside factor has taken his attention so the only time he's able to visit is while we're asleep.
And the whole night of the reveal feels like a fever dream when we wake up but there's a blanket draped over us and a fuzzy little kitten purring up a storm on our chest (in my heart his name is Bean (short for Toebean)), so we're at least kind of sure it happened. But as the time passes with no sign of Jason our certainty begins to wane and until we finally get fed up and write on the notepad the first thing we've asked for since that night: "You."
Or something like that idek okay I've been over here clawing at my walls frothing at the mouth I never really even liked ak!Jason before reading your stuff and now I'm feral for him and its all your fault and I'm not even mad about it
A Glimmering Collar
AKA Part Two of this series. Ahh, nonnie, you literally cooked with this. I love when my fics inspire people enough to keep thinking on them! Seriously, ty for dropping these ideas in my inbox cause I had nothing going on in my brain for a part two initially. Hope you enjoy!
~2.6k words
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You wake up to something tickling your nose. Your body feels heavy, your mind even more so. Nothing in you is ready to open your eyes, to face the fact that last night could all have been a dream. That he isn't– that was just a dream.
Something soft flicks your nose again, and you force your eyes open. You blink hard once. Then twice. It's a kitten. It's tiny, and it's sitting by your face. Every few seconds, its tail sways and brushes your nose.
Oh. You sit up slowly, trying not to frighten the small thing. It looks at you contently over its shoulder and meows. The kitten stretches as you stare at it, then plops itself directly on the blanket resting over your lap.
Huh. There's a blanket you definitely don't remember grabbing sprawled over your legs. You carefully reach down to pet the kitten's head. Your heart melts a little when it nuzzles your fingers and purrs.
You look around the room slowly. Nothing else looks different. The notepad is still in place, but the kitten and blanket all point to one thing. Last night was real. Jason is alive. Jason is the Arkham Knight.
You're trying to wrap your brain around that when the door flies open, nearly making you jump out of your skin.
"Good morning!!" A flurry of voice call from the doorway. Your eyes widen as three brightly dressed people strut their way into your apartment, "Are you ready for your shopping trip, hun?"
"My– excuse me?" You stumble out, tucking the kitten to your chest as you stand.
They giggle, and one of them steps forward, "Your shopping trip, sweetie! And spa day, of course. Oh, ha, we haven't even been introduced, have we? I'm Krystal with a K, she's Destini with an i and he's Robbi also with an i."
Robbi huffs and walks up to you to pet your kitten, "Why can't you ever introduce Destini second? She can be Destini also with an i, ya know."
The other girl walks up to you as well and picks affectionately at your clothes, "Because it's alphabetical that way, Robbi. Now you better go get dressed, we have brunch reservations and mimosa plans!"
"I– sorry? What?" You ask, eyes darting between the three of them. Whatever this is, you can't keep up. You've barely processed Jason kidnapped you, and now you're supposed to go get a massage and drinks?
"The boss wants you to go out," a flat voice cuts in. You're the only one that stiffens at the sight of two large men stepping through the door.
Krystal speaks up, "We're here to make sure you have a good time! And Mack and John are here to keep us safe!"
"Mack and John," You echo weakly.
"Your body guards, silly," Destini chirps, ushering you to your room. She plucks the kitten from your hands, "Now get dressed! Wear something nice!"
You stare at the door as she shuts it. What just happened? You hear them chattering happily in the kitchen, idly talking about pregaming your shopping trip.
Your whole mind is a mess, and you sluggishly get ready, thoughts whirling. You've barely talked to soul since you were kidnapped, and now you have five new names to remember, a kitten, and a day out.
You're not exactly sure if you should be unsettled or grateful at how quickly Jason worked to get you what you asked for. By the time you've opened your bedroom door, Krystal, Destini and Robbi are passing around a flask, and playfully trying to get your 'bodyguards' to drink it.
You wonder what they must think of all this. Who they think you are. You're struck with the realization that Jason must be paying them to entertain you today.
You don't get to linger on the thought before Robbi hooked his arm with yours, dragging you towards the door, "Let's gooo, the brunch place we're going to does the best pineapple mimosas. Or cherry, if that's your thing."
"Wait," Mack– or John, you're not exactly sure which one is which– stops you, "Boss wants you to wear this."
The girls and Robbi coo in awe when Mack opens a box, revealing a glittery, jaw-dropping choker. You waver at the sight of it. It's not that it doesn't match what you're wearing. You'd dressed up like Destini suggested, but it feels like some kind of trap.
You reluctantly pick up the necklace, eyeing how it catches the light, "Is it– are sure it's safe to wear this out?" Safety isn't really what you're concerned about at the moment.
You're more worried about the crushing weight that this means more than you understand.
John nods once, "There won't be any problems."
Krystal happily plucks the necklace from your fingers, and before you have time to argue, she drapes the necklace around your throat. "It's beautiful, hun. Just like you. Let's go get you something to eat," her voice is soft, measured, and full of so much understanding it makes you want to cry.
You don't know much they know, but when she hooks her arm with yours to guide you out the door, you have a feeling there's more awareness than their bubbly attitudes let on.
The day ends up being wonderful. Being around people, out under the sun (the sun Gotham does get), was rejuvenating. You had fun, joked, smiled, and for a day, it was almost like you didn't have a prison cell to go back to.
The food was delicious, the spa relaxing, and you didn't have to carry back a single bag. Krystal had flashed a black card at every payment, every place ever could want to shop at, reassuring you it's all been taken care of.
But the time you've collapsed on the couch, exhausted but content, the uneasy feelings from this morning are gone.
You settle on the cushions to wait for Jason. To thank him for listening or to yell at him for still keeping you here, you're not exactly sure yet.
But he doesn't come, you fall asleep in your expensive necklace and pretty clothes with one hand petting your kitten. He doesn't come the next day either, at least not while you're awake, but Krystal, Destini, and Robbi do.
Your friends, the people being paid to entertain you are nice, perfect even. They're exactly what you would have asked for.
Your kitten is perfect too, it cuddles with you at night and nuzzles under your chin after you're left alone, when the unease finds its way back to you.
It's been days since you've seen him. It's starting to feel like a lifetime. You know he comes back after you fall asleep, he moves things. You think it's his way of showing that he listened, that he came back because you asked.
The notepad, the one you haven't written on since that night, shifts closer to you on the glass table if you sleep on the couch.
The glimmering choker gets pulled out of the drawer every time you try to put it away. Your kitten has a growing collection of toys and things to climb on.
It's obvious he's visiting, so why won't he let you see him? Day five of dancing around each other breaks you. You want to see him, want to talk to him, and understand. You want Jason.
Your hand shakes a little, when you go to write on the notepad, and when you wake up the next morning, the paper is blank again.
You wait. You wait some more. All day you wait for him. No one else comes. It's strangely quiet, with just you and your kitten. You've just about given up, collapsed in your bed, when the glowing whites of his helmet catch your attention.
You sit up quickly and throw your legs off the bed as you stare into the doorway, "You came."
"Did you mean it," he asks, any emotion he's feeling hidden by the aggravating modulator.
"Mean what," You question, standing off the bed to walk closer to him, "Will you take the mask off?"
He doesn't move for a moment, just takes in the sight of you. The silence that drags almost makes you regret the question, but he carefully pulls off his helmet, "What you wrote. That you wanted me."
"I– yeah, Jason. I haven't– it's been days since I saw you," You only notice mid sentence that his hand is reaching for your face, it makes your voice waver. "You never answered any of my questions," You finish weakly.
His hand stills and he drops it, "Questions. That's what you wanted?"
You nod a little, searching his face for any hint of what he's feeling, but he gives nothing away.
He sighs softly, and looks away, adjusting his helmet under his arm. You think he might look disappointed, "I can't give you the answers you're looking for."
"Why not," You question softly, worried to push him away.
Jason turns his focus back to you, "I just need you to stay here. Please," he sighs out your name, and his hand twitches as if to touch you, "Don't fight me on this."
"That's not fair," You mumble, "Why am I here, Jason? You know I would have listened if you came to talk to me instead of– this."
Silence falls again, and he steps past you into your room. He sets his helmet on your dresser and picks up the choker resting on the wooden surface, "I wish you would wear this. I picked it out for you."
"Jason," You start, tracking his movements.
"I know," he cuts you off, "but I told you, you don't need to understand anything." You stiffen when he steps back towards you and guides you to turn around.
The air leaves your lungs as his gloves brush over your skin. He sets the necklace around your throat, and even after it rests heavy against your skin, his touch lingers.
"You just need to stay here. It's safe. I've given you everything you've asked for, and everything you haven't," Jason says softly, stepping out from behind you. His gaze lingers on your neck for a moment, and the stifling, unexplainable feeling sets back into your gut.
Your words stick in your throat. There's a sense of danger, one that doesn't make sense. Jason wouldn't hurt you. Not the Jason you know. But is this the Jason you know? The thought makes you want to tear the choker from your skin and throw it at him.
"It feels like a collar," You say quietly, and your breath hitches when his gaze snaps go yours, "I mean, it's pretty. Really. But, it feels– like it's more," You stumble out.
He nods slowly, and he doesn't stop himself from touching you this time. His fingers trace the choker, linger over your collarbones, brush along your pulse, "Maybe it is."
You blink at him, every thought flying from your brain, "What?"
He hums softly, hooking a finger under the shiny jewels to draw you closer, "Does that scare you? Knowing that you can't leave? Knowing that no matter how pretty these are, it's just another way to keep you?"
"You wouldn't hurt me," you say instead, it sounds like you believe it, but you're not sure if you're trying to convince yourself or him.
"I don't want to," He admits, fingers leaving your throat to trail up your jaw, "but I probably could."
"I don't believe that. I remember–" He tuts, tapping your cheek. Your heart drops when you realize he's mirroring where his own brand is.
"I'm not what you remember," he says firmly, before whispering your name, "I'm not that Jason. Not really."
"Then who are you," You ask, even though you don't want to know the answer. You want to pretend he's still something you know.
His eyes dart over your face, then back down to the necklace, "I'm still Jason. But I'm also the Arkham Knight."
"What does that mean," You push, reach up to grab his wrist, demanding his attention, demanding real answers.
"It means that you stay. It means that I give you what you want. Everything and anything except leaving," he says, voice lowering to something kinder, gentler, "it'll make sense eventually. You'll be happy here. Safe."
"Will that make you happy?" You ask, fingers tightening on his wrist. Half of you wants to pull him away, stop him from tracing patterns over your cheek, but the other part of you wants to press his hand closer.
Something flicks in his eyes at your words, "Yes."
"Will it keep you safe?" You murmur, eyes locked on his.
He doesn't answer, clenching and unclenching his jaw for a moment, "Safety is an option I don't have."
"It could be, if you wanted it," You say, dropping his wrist. It must be true. Even with all the secrets he's keeping, his evasive disappearing act, he could take off the armor. Leave behind the new symbol engraved over his chest.
He laughs a little and swipes his thumb under your eye, "I'm glad that you don't understand. It's good, that they didn't twist you into something unrecognizable."
"Understand?" You prompt, unsettled by his laughter.
"That they need to pay. All of them do," he smiles a little, it's a mockery of the one you remember. Jason traces the choker one last time before stepping back.
"You're leaving," You say, not a question, a statement of fact. He's leaving, without explaining anything again.
"I am," he affirms, moving to grab his helmet.
"I want you to stay," You breathe out and he freezes in place.
He exhales softly and faces you again, "You don't know what you're asking."
"I do. I want you to stay," You repeat, reaching out to push his helmet back towards the dresser.
"And then what?" He asks lowly, a warning, "What do you expect to happen?"
It makes you waver, "I– I don't know. But it's what I want."
It's another long moment of nothing before he answers, gesturing towards the bed, "Go to sleep."
"You'll stay?"
He nods at your question, unceremoniously dragging the chair from your desk to your bedside.
"Is that going to be comfortable–" You begin, settling yourself in the bed.
"You're overthinking it," he mumbles, waving at you to lay down. You do, watching as your kitten jumps into his lap, curling up like this is something that happens all the time. (You have the feeling it is) "Have you named him," he asks quietly.
"The kitten? Mm, no. Wanted you to," You say softly, carefully not to unsettle either of them.
"I wouldn't be good at it," Jason protests, eyes flicking between you and the kitten.
"I don't mind," You murmur, "anything's better than 'kitten'."
He pauses, so quiet and still you think he won't answer, "Bean," he mumbles, reluctant as the newly appointed Bean cuddles into his armor.
You smile, "Bean's a good name."
He doesn't answer, seemingly engrossed with watching the kitten.
You take him in for another moment, memorizing his face before closing your eyes. It's not an accident that you leave your palm open and face up by the side of the bed.
There's no more pleasantries exchanged, no sweet goodnights or the gentle touches against your face you've grown used to. But just as you finally start to drift off, as darkness finally draws you to rest, a warm, rough hand weaves itself into yours and squeezes.
Part Three
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manikas-whims · 3 months
Hi hi!💕 can i request headcanons of sth like "What if we, reader, find a kitten in the rain (& the lads men reactions)" if possible n tyyyy😊
omg this is such a cute idea 🥹 thanks for requesting this ♡ and i hope you like these!
LADS men react to you taking in a kitten
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❄️ Zayne’s eyes are literally sparkling when he walks into your house and sees the kitten. From the way he balls his palms into fists, you can tell just how much he wants to approach it but the kitten hisses at him and hides behind the sofa.
❄️ As usual, the kitten is afraid of him. And it saddens you because his evol aside, Zayne is such a warm person, and deserves nothing but affection.
❄️ You bring out some snacks and feed the kitten. Then encourage Zayne to try it too.
❄️ He is hesitant but tries. Yet the kitten doesn't approach him like it does when you're feeding it.
❄️ Next he tries tossing it near him. The kitten is cautious, waiting for a while before running on its tiny, shaky feet towards the treat, and eating it. This isn't a big leap but it's better than nothing, and Zayne can't help but smile at this small victory.
❄️ Few more hours in, you pick up the kitten from your own lap and drop it into Zayne’s. He's fidgeting, unsure of where to put his hands. “I don't think this will work.” He says.
❄️ “Just stay calm.” You tell him. “Animals tend to read emotions. If you're scared, it'll be scared too.”
❄️ Its funny watching the usually calm and collected doctor struggling with something so small it can fit in his coat’s pocket.
❄️ Tentatively he runs a finger over the kitten’s lil head. It flinches initially, then relaxes. Stunned, Zayne stares at you.
❄️ You giggle at the disbelief on his face and encourage him to go on.
❄️ “Okay.” He nods like an obedient child and tries again. This time he scratches behind its ears, and to his immense surprise and exhilaration, the kitten mewls and purrs.
❄️ Zayne looks up at you as if you to say “look! i did it!”
❄️ You pat his back with pride and smile.
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⭐ Like usual, Xavier stops by your home one evening because he's run out of food, and you are generous enough to share your amazing cooking with him.
⭐ Only this time, he finds a little kitten wreaking havoc around your living room. Toppling things from the tables, sharpening its claws on the couch, biting your slippers..you name it!
⭐ You look at him with what you believe is your most convincing pleading expression. He chuckles in response and decides to help out.
⭐ Within minutes he has captured the feline outlaw and to your utter disbelief, the kitten is now seated peacefully in Xavier's lap, making biscuits in the fabric of his sweatpants.
⭐ He did say that little animals love to flock around him but seeing is believing. And no matter how many times you see it happen, you're still a little shocked at how easy it is for him. He's like a disney princess who can sing songs and summon animals into doing his bidding.
⭐ You are used to Xavier showing up at your door for food, so you already had extra prepared. You made sure to add in some meat dishes since Xavier loves those.
⭐ Now as Xavier eats his share, he occasionally offers the kitten small, mashed chunks of meat. And looking at the two side by side, you can't distinguish between them. It's as if you have two cats in your life, except one of them is bigger, stronger and loves fighting wanderers.
⭐ Xavier takes note of your smile and blinks at you. “What is it?”
⭐ “Nothing.” You simply giggle and teasingly rub his head.
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🌊 Rafayel is merely passing by the area and so he decides to check up on you. He has brought you food from the finest of places in Linkon. But the moment you let him in, he almost jumps at the sight of a kitten rolling on the floor.
🌊 “Why would you feed this little demon?” He is curling his lips in disgust, standing behind you to shield himself from the so-called “demon”.
🌊 His dislike and anxious behaviour spurs the kitten as well, and it hisses at him. Of course Rafayel hisses back.
🌊 It takes a lot of patience and breathing exercises for you to separate them and make them understand they aren't a threat to one another.
🌊 Surprisingly, the kitten is the first one to make peace. That, and it kinda likes Rafayel’s perfume. It meows and tries rubbing its tiny body against his white pants. And for a moment, Rafayel seems to be accepting the gesture. Then he realises his white pants might get dirty and steps away.
🌊 He won't admit it out loud but he's starting to warm his heart to the tiny feline. The kitten is basically his baby now.
🌊 “I got some toys for the demon!” He announces as he randomly shows up at your house with a variety of toys. If you point it out he'll tell you otherwise but he definitely has a happy grin when he sees the kitten playing with the toys. However, he’ll get equally annoyed if the kitten doesn’t play with them after all the money and time he spent on buying them.
🌊 “You’ve grown quite close.” You comment airily.
🌊 “You’re sorely mistaken.” He’s immediately scooting away from the small being but also waving a bell around it. “We are natural enemies.”
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the-anxious-youth · 1 year
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Pairing: Buggy x gender neutral!Reader
Summary: While he's being held captive by the Straw Hats, Buggy won't shut up, which gives you an idea.
Warnings: none, this is all fluff, some mentions of insecurities from Buggy but nothing too angsty
Word Count: 4.2k
Author's note: This idea came to me while I was daydreaming the other day, and I just had to write it down. This is based off of the live-action Buggy, although I am only on the second episode so it may not be canon-accurate. Also, he has long hair in this cause I said so (begging to see Jeff Ward with long hair next season). Hope y'all enjoy and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! There will be a part 2, don’t worry <3 (The banners are from cafekitsune)
Edit: part two is up!
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“So now what?”
The collection of Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and yourself stood in a circle, discussing what to do with a certain clown pirate’s head. Usopp is the first to speak up after Luffy asked the question.
“Well, we can’t leave him unsupervised; who knows what he’d get up to.” Everyone turned to look at Buggy’s detached head, which wore a cheeky look, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“I vote Y/N to take care of it,” Zoro states blankly, crossing his arms as he speaks.
“Hey! I’m still a person, even without the body, so don’t refer to me as it!” The objection comes from the animated head, vexation seeping through his tone. Your mouth momentarily twitches upward at his little outburst, it was almost reminiscent of a kitten hissing after unwanted pets.
“Why do I have to babysit him?” You turn to Zoro, matching his apprehensive stance. He meets your gaze with a cold look. You hadn’t been a part of the straw hat crew for long, and Zoro was taking his sweet time warming up to you.
“Because you’re the newest here, and that’s how hierarchy works.” 
His tone left no room for argument. Your shoulders slump, and you let out an irritated sigh, eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.
“Fine.” Rolling your eyes, you walk over to pick up Buggy, making sure to be gentle. The clown winks at you, a flirty smile on his face. You take him back to your cabin, not wanting to risk accidentally dropping him overboard. Despite only being a head, a smug aura radiates around him, already planning ways to mess with you. 
You reach your cabin and kick the door open with your foot. Being the newest member of the straw hat crew, you were given the smallest room, not that you really minded. You place Buggy down on your bed, moving to sit at the small desk in the corner of the room. 
“So what are we going to do first, darling?” Buggy smirks as he talks, clearly trying to get under your skin. 
“We? There is no we. You’ll sit there quietly while I go over these maps.” You bark, not even bothering to spare him a glance. 
“Aww, but where’s the fun in that?” You can hear the tease in his tone and can tell that he’s grinning without having to look at him.
“You’re not here to have fun. You’re being held captive, remember?” Smoothing your fingers out over the maps, you tilt your head, trying to focus.
“Yes, but who says captivity can’t be enjoyable?” His question shocks you, and you turn to gaze at him with an unamused look. Realizing that he’s completely serious, you let out a scoff.
“You really are crazy, clown.”
He smiles smugly, not bothered by your comment.
“It’s more fun that way.” 
You roll your eyes and turn back to the maps, choosing to pretend he’s not there. ‘He must really like the sound of his own voice’, you think to yourself. The clown continues to talk your ear off, but after a while, you’re able to tune him out. Before long, you’ve analyzed all the maps. Turning back to him with a curious look, you realize he’s gotten to the end of some story you couldn’t care to listen to.
“And that’s why you don’t fall asleep on the beach.” Buggy smiles at you, enjoying your annoyance, watching you tilt your head at him.
“Cat got your tongue?” He purrs. Rolling your eyes, an idea pops into your head. 
“Hey… I think I know how to get you to be quiet.” A sly smirk crawls its way across your face, and the clown’s chipper mood falters.
“Oh yeah? What might that be?” He tries to keep his confident demeanor, but the look on your face scares him.
You nibble on your bottom lip without responding before walking over to him and picking him up. This immediately wipes the smirk off his face, and he looks up at you, suddenly concerned for his safety. 
“Hey now, what are you doing?” He asks nervously, secretly afraid you’ll throw him overboard for talking so much. You place him on top of your desk and move to grab the empty basin in the corner of the room.
“I’m giving you a bath,” you shrug nonchalantly, a cheeky smile on your face. He pales at that and laughs nervously. 
“Wait, what do you mean? Are you going to waterboard me or something?” The look on the clown shows that he thinks it’s a real possibility, which causes you to chuckle.
“No, I’m just going to give you a bath; you smell like you could use one.” He just stares at you silently, quickly dropping his playful persona.
“What, cat got your tongue?” You mock him, and he gulps quietly. The fear in his eyes is quite amusing, you admit to yourself.
“You mean you’re literally going to bathe me?” A confused look crosses him, all the confidence in his voice gone.
“Yes.” You nod. “You look like you haven’t showered in weeks. Besides, now I’ll finally get some peace and quiet.” A smirk crawls across your visage, enjoying seeing the trickster squirm. It wasn’t often the clown had the tables turned on him, and he definitely didn’t expect it coming from you.
“Now, wait a minute, I can be quiet without that.” He looks up at you worriedly, the idea of a bath visibly rattling him.
“But I thought you wanted to have fun?” Your smirk widens and you put a hand on your hip.
“Okay, I take it back. I’ll be good, I swear.” A nervous laugh emerges as he tries to break the tension.
“Too late.” His face drops, triggering a small chuckle from you. 
“Oh, relax, will you? I’m technically doing you a favor.” This time, a genuine smile graces your face, which does nothing to calm his nerves. “Now stay.” You put your hand up as if you were talking to a canine, to which Buggy rolls his eyes, your other hand holding the metal basin.
“I’m not a dog,” he mutters softly, not having the courage to stand up to you entirely.
You leer at him, opening the door to leave before shutting it behind you. Sitting there quietly, Buggy questions how he even got here. Not before long, you return, the bucket full of warm water. You place it on the ground, grab the towel off your shoulder, fold it, and lay it on the bed. 
“You’re serious?” He says quietly, watching you semi-curiously, shocked that you weren’t kidding. You hum softly and nod your head.
“I am.” Looking up at him, you can see the fear on his features, and your eyes soften a bit. “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
He eyes you suspiciously, not sure whether or not to believe your words. Grabbing a small pouch, you pull out a bar of soap and a small bottle, which Buggy assumes is shampoo. Lastly, you grab a small wooden board and place it over the center of the tub.
“So you don’t drown,” you utter, his question practically visible on his face. He nods slowly in response, having a hard time believing the situation.
“I’ll have to take this off,” you gesture to his bandana and he bows his head in agreement, deciding not to fight it as you seem pretty determined. Gently removing the striped cloth, you fold it nicely and place it on the other side of the desk. Secondly, you remove the hair tie that kept his bright blue mane in a ponytail. Buggy watches you silently, interested in your next move. Softly grabbing the sides of his head, you place him on the wooden board that lies across the center of the tub. 
“I’m going to wash your hair first, okay?” 
He nods in response, curious eyes never leaving your face. You grab a small cup and fill it with warm water, asking him to lean his head backward so it doesn’t get in his eyes. The clown does as you say, though instead of closing his eyes, he keeps them glued on you, not trusting that you won’t dunk him in the water. You gently pour the water over his hair, moving your other hand to shield his eyes as he seems to want to keep them open. The usually talkative clown stays silent, not wanting to admit to himself that the warm water feels quite pleasant.
“When was the last time you actually washed your hair?” 
He raises an eyebrow at your question, pondering it momentarily before replying.
“I, uh, I’m not sure.” A nervous chuckle escapes his lips, expecting you to laugh at him. Instead, you smile gently and continue pouring water onto his hair. 
“I can tell.” The words contain no malice as you utter them, merely expressing an observation. Seeing that his hair was now thoroughly damp, you grab the small bottle of shampoo, pouring some out into one hand. Rubbing your hands together to form some bubbles, you move to start massaging the soap onto Buggy’s head.
“Were you born with this?” You ask curiously, referring to the cerulean color of his tresses. He raises his eyebrow at you, not expecting the question.
“I was.” Nodding as he speaks, his eyes continue to analyze your face as if you were a puzzle he was trying to solve. You smile at him, continuing to lather the shampoo into his hair. 
“It’s pretty. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Your words are soft, making sure that his whole scalp is covered in suds. He scoffs at this, thinking that you’re making fun of him. Momentarily pausing your movements, you lower your gaze to meet his eyes, finding insecurity dancing through them.
“I’m being serious. I wish I had brightly colored hair, maybe purple or something. Guess I wasn’t so lucky.” Going back to massaging his scalp, he looks up at you, utterly flabbergasted. 
“You really think so?” He asks softly, timidity laced through his tone. You nod in response, a gentle smile on your face. Humming softly, the clown takes in the new information, wondering what else you think about him. He didn’t want to admit it, but the way your fingers carefully danced across his head felt incredible, not being able to remember the last time someone treated him so gently. 
Reasoning that his hair was thoroughly soapy, you dunk your hands in the warm water to get rid of the remaining suds and quickly dry them with a towel. Subsequently grabbing the cup, you fill it with water and begin to wash the shampoo out of his hair. He stares at you all the while as if he is trying to commit your face to memory. After all the soap is washed out, you squeeze the ends of his hair to rid it of any excess water and grab a towel to wrap around his head. Leaning back to get a good look at him, you smile, finding his curious expression cute.
“Now for the face,” you utter, moving to grab a fresh towel and the bar of soap. 
“Wait a second, you’re going to wash my face too?” asks Buggy, his timbre uneasy. You nod in response, replying in a steady tone.
“You’ve been wearing the makeup for so long that it’s partially gone.” Smiling at him softly, not expecting him to be so nervous. He laughs bitterly, not an ounce of humor in his voice.
“Can… can you just leave it?” His question is soft, and your surprise is visible on your face.
“You do know that leaving makeup on for too long is bad for your skin right?” You quip, trying to lighten his mood. Letting out a shaky breath, he shakes his head softly, and you can tell he doesn’t know what to say. Your smile drops, and you watch him for a moment, figuring out what to do next. His face paint seems to be a sensitive topic, and you don't want to push him too far.
“How about this,” you start, a kind smile returning to your face, “If you let me wash off this old makeup, I’ll redo it for you so it’s nice and fresh.” Sitting across from him calmly, you try to give off a safe and non-threatening aura to make him feel more comfortable around you. He stares at you for a moment, astonished that you would offer such a thing. You stay silent, patiently waiting for a response.
“You’d do that for me?” he asks after a moment, the surprise in his voice evident. You nod, making sure to maintain the soft smile on your face. “You’re in luck because I just got some new face paints.” Leaning over to open the drawer of your desk, you pull out a palette with every color of the rainbow on it and some clean brushes, holding them up so he could see. He tilts his head in response, trying to discern whether or not you were serious. After what feels like forever, he finally returns your smile and nods. 
“Deal. Can you make it match how it normally looks?” He looks up at you with a soft smile, secretly hoping that you’ll do a decent job. 
“Of course.” Grinning, you grab the towel and soap, excited that he’s letting you do this. You wet the soap bar, rubbing it between your hands to generate some bubbles, and gently start the wash the old makeup off his face. The clown continues to stare at you, though his energy is much more relaxed than before. 
“You’re really pretty,” he comments after a moment, causing your hands to falter. Feeling the heat rise to your face, you smile, taking a moment to meet his gaze. 
“You’re pretty too,” you mutter softly. Now that his face is mostly clean, you see a light blush begin to form on his cheeks.
“I’m nowhere near as pretty as you.” The confidence is back in his voice, and he winks at you flirtily. You can help breaking out into a smile, choosing not to say anything in response. He watches you quietly as you wash the soap off of his face. Unbeknownst to you, Buggy never let anyone see him without makeup, but something about you told him that he could trust you. He’d also be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy the view of your face being so close to his.
“Now for the fun part.” Grabbing the palette with one hand and a brush with another, you grin at him, excited to replicate his face paint. Truth be told, you loved doing makeup, but the only person who would let you do it was Luffy. There was one time Nami let you do hers, but it was after everyone else went to bed and she wiped it off immediately after. Your smile faltered at the thought of the orange-haired girl, and you remembered why Buggy was with your crew in the first place. The clown immediately noticed and looked up at you inquisitively.
“You okay?” He asks softly, already missing your smile. You nod and debate on telling him the truth, ultimately deciding that you should.
“I’m just thinking about Nami.” You force a smile back on your face, but Buggy can tell it’s not real. 
“That’s the girl Arlong took, right? Fiery personality with hair to match?” He asks, and the description of her causes a genuine smile to come across your face. You nod softly.
“That’s the one.” Staring at him with interest, you wonder if he’ll tell you Arling’s location since he clearly knows it.
“We both know I know where they are, and truth be told I had no intention of telling any of you, but something about you is special.” Your eyes widen at his words, was he really going to give it up that easily?
“He’s at Arlong Park, and I’ll bet she’s with him. I’ll take you there, as a thank you for all this.” You beam at him, ecstatic at the thought of saving Nami. It’s at that moment when Buggy decides your smile is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You rush out, your excitement getting the best of you. He chuckles at your enthusiasm and nods, a smile on his face as well.
“Now be quiet so I can do your makeup,” you say cheekily, dipping the brush into the white knowing that it’s the base for his signature look. He laughs in response but has one last thing to say.
“Do you need me to tell you how to do it?” He looks at you as you shake your head, your smile still prevalent.
“I’ve seen so many of your bounty posters, I’ve practically got it memorized.” His eyes widen at this, and his grin gets bigger.
“Oh, do I have myself a secret admirer?” The clown asks smugly, and he notices the blush that falls upon your face. If he knew it was so easy to make you flustered, he would have done it far sooner, finding you absolutely adorable.
“Shut up and let me work.” You bark, your tone not holding any aggression. He laughs again but does as you say, and you begin to paint his face white. For once, he remains silent, watching you work. Before long, the base is done and you move on to the blue triangles above and below his eyes. You stay silent as your brush runs along his face, wanting to make it look perfect until a thought comes into your head.
“You know something?” He hums, prompting you to continue. “You have the most captivating eyes I’ve ever seen.” Said eyes widen, never having been told that before. Buggy silently thanks the universe for the makeup covering his face because he can feel the heavy blush rising to his cheeks. 
“Th-thanks,” he mutters quietly, not sure how to respond. You tilt your head at him, curiously studying his face. 
“You’re not used to receiving compliments, are you?” Smiling at him softly, you watch as he shakes his head, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Usually I’m the one giving the compliments.” He looks up to meet your gaze, partially expecting you to laugh at him. You do nothing of the sort, instead smiling at him gently.
“Well, that’s a shame because I think you’re pretty handsome.” You wink at him, wanting to make him feel more comfortable since flirting seems to be one of his pastimes. His eyes widen again, the surprise written all over his face. Without saying anything else, you finish the blue around his eyes and move on to the red, cleaning the brush and dipping it into the face paint. The clown stays silent as you work on the red smile around his mouth, internally wondering if you meant what you said. When you get to his nose, he tenses up, a clear indicator that he’s insecure about it. You make sure to be extra careful as you paint the red onto his skin. 
“I meant what I said, I do find you quite attractive.” His eyes search yours for any hint of insincerity but find none. The king of flirting himself is stunned into silence, feeling his heart flutter at your words. You say nothing else and go back to finishing the makeup. Deciding to observe your face while he had the opportunity, he notices that you stick your tongue out slightly when concentrated, and he swears he’s never seen anything cuter. 
“All done!” You pull away proudly, assessing your work. It looks almost identical to his bounty picture, and you internally pat yourself on the back for your memory. Getting up to grab a mirror, you find one in the small dresser and bring it towards Buggy, holding it up so he can see his reflection. He looks in the mirror and instantly grins, impressed with your makeup skills.
“You know, you would be a wonderful addition to my crew.” You chuckle in response, not thinking that he’s being serious.
“You need a professional makeup artist?” You joke, internally glad he thinks you did a good job.
“No really, we could use someone like you.” His proposal shocks you, not expecting him to say something like that. 
“You don’t know me,” you speak quietly. He just smiles at you, taking in your beauty. 
“I know enough. You’re kind, funny, and great at makeup.” The clown winks at you, enjoying the surprise on your face. “I’ve also heard you are quite the fighter.” Smirking at you, he gives you a look that tells you he means what he says. You just stare at him in silence, having a hard time believing your ears. 
“So, sweetness, what do you say?” Gaping at him, you blink a few times, processing his offer. After a moment, you sigh, indecision written all over your features.
“I don't know, I’d have to leave the straw hats, and I’m not sure I could do that.” Surprisingly, his face softens at your words.
“Tell you what, let’s head off to save your friend and find my body, and then you can decide.” His smile remains soft, which is unusual for the clown. “I don’t think your current crew appreciates you. I mean, look at today, they gave you the task of babysitting me when you have so much more to offer.” Eyes widening at his words, you realize that maybe he’s right.
“Luffy appreciates me,” you whisper softly, though you’re not sure whether you’re trying to convince him or yourself.
“He might, but grass head certainly doesn’t.” You want to smirk at the nickname for Zoro, but there’s too much going on in your mind for your facial muscles to pull through.
“All I’m going to say is this, you’d have a real place in my crew, and not just on the bottom of the totem pole. Besides, I think you like my company just as much as I like yours.” He gazes at you, studying your body language, and you realize that he’s right, you do enjoy his company. You start nibbling on your lip out of nervous habit, and he picks up on it immediately.
“You don’t have to decide now, we can go rescue your friend first, okay?” He watches your shoulders visibly relax at that, and smiles in return.
“Okay.” You say softly, smiling back at him. “Your hair should be dry now.” Moving closer, you carefully take the towel off his head and giggle at the fluffy blue mess. 
“Thank the stars I have a brush.” Buggy chuckles at the comment and watches you grab the hairbrush with a smile on his face. Softly working through the tangles, you watch as his hair goes from frizzy to smooth. As you’re running the brush through his mane one last time, the door opens, revealing a shocked and somewhat appalled Zoro.
“What the hell is going on in here?!” Yells the swordsman, and you turn to him with a confused look.
“Well, you told me to watch him so I did.” You shrug, not liking the attitude coming from your crewmate.
“I said watch him, not give him a makeover! Did you do his makeup too?” The horrified look on Zoro’s face made Buggy laugh, not used to seeing the man lose his cool.
“You guys never let me do your makeup, so I had to improvise!” You bark back, crossing your arms. Zoro just stares at you silently, clearly having difficulty processing your kindness towards the clown. After a while, he rolls his eyes and scoffs.
“Whatever. Luffy needs him so we can find out where Nami is.” He mirrors your stance, crossing his arms.
“I already know where she is,” you spit, growing tired of the way he speaks to you. The swordsman scoffs, not believing you for a second.
“Oh, really? How?” A faux smile creeps onto his face, prepared to catch you in a lie.
“Because Buggy told me.” Zoro’s face drops and the man is stunned into silence. The clown immediately bursts into laughter, enjoying Zoro’s dumbfounded look. The green-haired man gawks for a moment, before moving his hands around, silently asking the question ‘how’.
“Because they’re nice and you’re an asshole,” Buggy says smugly, and you can tell he’d be crossing his arms if he had the rest of his body. You break out into a soft chuckle at this, which snaps Zoro out of his trance. 
“I’m not explaining this to Luffy, so you better take the head and go find him.” The swordsman scoffs again before leaving the room, shaking his head the whole time. Rolling your eyes, you move back toward the clown, mumbling to yourself while putting his hair back in a ponytail. 
“Don’t let him get to you, he won’t know what he has until it’s gone.” Buggy’s cheeky grin triggers your own, and you laugh softly, gently picking him up to go find Luffy. 
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©️ the-anxious-youth, 2023
Please do not replicate/repost :)
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rentsturner · 8 months
Start To Finish - A.T. - 1
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chapter 1 - the trials and tribulations of a first pet.
a.n: this should be a multiple part series, with hopefully 2 more parts in the works. I've had this written for months, its been a long time coming. Hope yous enjoy.
warnings: swearing, brief mentions of animal death
-- 1 --
You didn’t mean to bring a kitten home when you set off for work this morning. But sometimes the cat distribution system works in mysterious ways. In this case, fate had placed a small, wet bundle of fluff on the side of the road, the road that you drive home on every evening. Your headlights catch the tiny kitten weakly moving amongst the undergrowth, and you almost think you’ve imagined it, but when you slow down and take a proper look, it's obviously a small animal.
You stop the car and get out, covering your head to shield yourself from the pouring rain, using your phone torch to find the little cat. You locate it quickly, mewling and shivering weakly in your hands as you gently pick it up. It’s black, fur slicked back in the rain so it looks almost oily, its tiny pink mouth opening to meow for help, probably for its mother. With an ache in your heart, you wrap it in your coat and place it carefully on your passenger seat, then without a second thought, you take it home. 
The drive home goes by in a flash and when you get to your apartment door, trying to balance the kitten in one hand and your bags and keys in the other, you realise you have no idea how you’re going to explain this to your boyfriend, Alex. It’s not that he doesn’t like cats, well, maybe he's never been particularly keen on them, but you've never discussed having a pet before, both accepting that you're probably too busy to give it the attention it needs. The small kitten lets out a high pitched mewl, reminding you that the poor thing is cold and wet. You’ll just have to deal with Alex later. 
You push through the door, dumping your bags and soaking wet coat on the floor, taking the kitten straight to the bathroom to find a warm towel. You hear a shout from the study, a muted “Hey, babe!”.
“Hey, Al.” You shout back, probably sounding a little distracted - you are.
You wrap the kitten in a towel, gently rubbing the moisture from its soft fur. It really is adorable. Jet black fur and big orange eyes. As you warm it up, it begins to purr, so intensely you can’t believe the noise is coming from such a little body. It can’t be more than 2 weeks old.
“Love? You alright?”
Footsteps tread heavily approaching the bathroom, and suddenly Alex is opening the door. He obviously heard the meowing. You turn, cradling the kitten in your arms - caught red handed.
“Alex, let me explain.”
“That’s a cat. A kitten.” Alex points at the animal in your arms, as if it wasn’t obvious enough. 
“Why on earth are you holding a kitten?”
“It was on the side of the road and it was cold and wet and-” 
Alex scoffs, cutting you off. “We are not having a kitten.”
“Why not? We-”
“Are you kidding? We don’t have food, litter, toys, we need- we need bowls and a collar and-”
“All of those things we can buy. That’s no big deal.” You adjust the bundle in your arms so that the kitten is looking up at you, its big orange eyes blinking slowly up at you. You feel like a mother looking at your newborn child. “Just look at him, Al.”
“Oh, it's a he, is it?”
“Well, as far as I can tell.”
Alex rubs a hand over his face, tugging on his hair, a habit of his when he’s stressed. He looks at the kitten, then you, then the kitten again. “I can’t believe this..”
“Hold him.”
“No, I don’t want to-”
“Hold him.” You practically shove the kitten into Alex’s arms and he’s forced to cradle it, looking down at the mewling little form. You see his face immediately soften as he feels the kitten purring. The cat’s tiny mouth opens in a wide yawn and his eyes start to drift closed. 
“See? Isn’t he adorable?”
“He’s alright, I guess.” Alex brings a careful finger up to stroke the kitten’s forehead, smoothing down his damp fur and scratching his chin. You watch him for a moment, feel a soft ache in your chest at the gentleness of his actions. You’ve persuaded him, you know you have. Alex might not have accepted it yet, but this kitten is staying in your lives.
After a few moments, Alex breaks his silence. “Only if I can name him.”
You’re confused. “What?”
“We can keep him, but only if I can name him.”
Your face breaks into a grin at his words and you have to stop yourself from jumping up and down. You grab Alex’s arm, smiling up at him.
“Seriously. You’re right. He’s kinda cute. It’s a boy, yeah?” 
You nod in agreement and Alex scratches behind the kitten’s ears, purrs still emanating from it like a little engine. He studies his face carefully. 
“He looks like a Julian.”
“Oh absolutely not, he is not being called Julian.”
Alex pouts and opens his mouth to protest, but you cut him off before he can argue.
“Anything but Julian. Second choice, please?”
Alex huffs and rolls his eyes, before going silent for a few minutes. Then he decides.
“Fine. He’s called Bowie.”
You smile. It’s a good name. And it suits this loud, demanding and loving cat that’s managed to worm itself into your hearts within a matter of hours. 
“Okay. Bowie, it is.”
You both look down at your new pet, but he’s fast asleep, purring away quietly in Alex’s arms.
-- 2 --
The next day, you and Alex wake up early, intending to go and buy supplies from a local store. Bowie slept soundly all night, cuddled up in one of Alex’s old jumpers at the foot of your bed. In fact, you all slept soundly, tired from the excitement of the evening and anticipation of your new life with a kitten.
“Are you sure we can leave him alone?” Alex watches the sleeping kitten with intense fascination, taking in his little huffs, the way his paws shake a little as he dreams. He’s enraptured.
“Al, we’ll only be half an hour, it’ll be fine.”
“But what if something happens to him?” Alex reaches out to stroke Bowie and he rolls over onto his back at the feel of Alex’s touch, yawning and presenting his stomach for tickles. You coo at him and scratch under his chin, while Alex rubs his belly. You consider Alex’s question.
“Like what? He’s safe here. Anyway, only hours ago you were suggesting I should have left him on the side of the road!”
Alex chuckles. “You’re not gonna let me forget that, are you?” 
You laugh with him and shake your head. 
“Look, I'm gonna call Jamie anyway and just ask him to watch him. Just to be safe. He’s only 5 minutes away.”
You nod, accepting Alex’s worry. It won’t do Bowie any harm to have some company while you’re gone. 
An hour later, Jamie arrives. You explain where you’ve set up some newspaper as a makeshift litter tray, as well as the bowl of milk that you’ve been using to feed Bowie until you get some kitten food. You know he shouldn’t really be having milk, but it’s not like you had spare kitten food lying around in the cupboards. 
Alex brings Bowie out of the bedroom while you’re talking to Jamie, cradling him like a newborn and tickling his chin. Your heart soars yet again as you watch your boyfriend introduce Jamie to your new pet, both of them cooing and giggling as Bowie tries to catch Jamie’s finger tickling his belly. 
“Did she explain everything to you? You know where he pees? And make sure he doesn’t get out, okay, and-”
“Al, mate, I’ve got a toddler. I’m pretty sure I can look after a kitten.”
Alex nods in acceptance, kissing Bowie’s forehead before placing him on the floor. The kitten immediately goes racing off to the kitchen, probably looking for trouble.
“Alright, just look after him, yeah?”
“Come on, Al, the quicker we go, the sooner we’ll be back.”
Alex smiles at you and allows you to lead him to the door, both of you calling goodbye to Jamie as you leave the apartment. 
The pet store is enormous and it takes you and Alex a few moments to find all the kitten stuff. You fill your basket with wet food, dry food, kitten milk, treats - it looks like enough to feed a whole colony of cats, more than enough to fill the scrap of fur now residing in your home. Then you choose a litter tray and several bags of litter, before you finally move on to the toys section. 
Alex decides to test each toy before choosing them, shaking, throwing and squeezing each colourful mouse and ball, debating intensely on which Bowie will like the most. You’re sure Bowie would be satisfied with a cardboard box, but Alex is obviously getting into his little experiments over which toy is best, so you leave him to it. You wander over to the collar section. There’s a whole array of collars in all sorts of materials and colours, some with bells and tags. You want something understated and smart, and your eyes land on a black leather collar with silver stitching. It would suit Bowie perfectly. You don’t think he’ll be wearing it much as he’s going to be an indoor cat, but of course you will have to get your first pet a collar.
You’re admiring the quality of the leather under your fingers when you feel a kiss on your cheek, followed by the feel of Alex’s hair tickling your temple. You turn and peck his lips before taking a look at the abundance of fluffy objects in his arms. He’s picked out about 8 toys; squeaky mice, a tunnel, bouncy balls, a mouse on a stick, some catnip.
“Got enough there?” You tease Alex as he balances the items precariously under his chin as you head over to the till. He just rolls his eyes at you, dumping all the toys and food on the conveyor belt and fishing out his wallet from his back pocket. 
The till cashier smiles at you knowingly as she scans all the items through, having seen many other young couples going through the same experience with their first pet. When she comes to the collar, she looks up at the two of you.
“Would you like this engraving? It’s only an extra fiver.”
You’re about to answer and say no, it's no bother, but Alex has other thoughts.
“Please. His name’s Bowie. B-O-W-I-E. And could you do a little lightning symbol maybe?”
“Of course, sir. It will be ten minutes.”
You wait for the engraving patiently, arm linked around Alex’s waist with your head resting comfortably on his shoulder. His palm rubs up and down your side gently. 
“I’m so glad you found him yesterday.” Alex murmurs, planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Me too. Imagine. He would have just died there, all alone.” Your heart aches at the thought of a kitten living such a short and miserable life. It makes you want to cry, and you’re not the only one - Alex lets out a whine and squeezes your shoulder firmly.
“It’s ok. He’s got us now. We’re gonna look after him.”
You nod and smile up at Alex, who gives you a small smile in return, leaning down to peck your lips gently. 
“Hey, your collar is ready!” You both admire the silver engraving. It’s perfect, “Bowie” written out in curling letters, with a little lightning bolt underneath. A lightning bolt for a little cat that you found one stormy night. Fitting.
“How was he?”
Jamie scratches the back of his neck and chuckles. 
“Well, he kept trying to climb up my leg, but otherwise fine. Been fast asleep for the last 15 minutes. Think he tired himself out.”
You laugh at Jamie’s answer, imagining the terror on his face as Bowie tries to claw his way up his trousers. Toddlers certainly don’t do that. 
“Cheers, Jamie.” Alex claps his friend round the shoulder and you leave them to talk while you go and find the naughty kitten. You see him curled up on the sofa, little chest puffing up and down as he dreams about climbing trousers. You sit next to him carefully, stroking his fluffy black fur. His little nose so perfectly formed, ears twitching as he hears footsteps walking into the room, the slam of the door as Jamie heads home. Alex’s hand joins yours in smoothing down Bowie’s fur. 
“You've been a naughty boy, eh Bowie?” Alex teases the cat, who’s absolutely oblivious to his words, still asleep, but now purring quietly. After a few more tickles, his eyes open slowly and he yawns, letting out a high pitched whine. You coo at him, scratching under his chin as he stretches his limbs. 
That night is eventful, to say the least.
You’re awoken at 3am by needle sharp claws poking into your forehead, followed by a series of meows and chirps as Bowie tries his very best to wake you up. You yawn and roll over, trying to ignore the cat, but he climbs over you and starts batting at your face. You can’t help but giggle, you should be annoyed but looking into the eyes of such an adorable creature is enough to quell your temper in seconds. You give him a quick stroke and he purrs and arches his back under your touch. Then you gently pick him up and place him on Alex’s side of the bed, closing your eyes and attempting to go back to sleep.
A few minutes later, you hear a groan, followed by sheets rustling. Then a distinct yelp. You have to stifle another giggle as you picture Bowie digging his claws into Alex’s face.
“Bowie- fuck, its 2am, what the…”
Alex’s voice is deep and hoarse with sleep as he berates the cat, you turn over to face him and see his eyebrows scrunched together, mouth turned down in a frown as he pats at the tiny scratch on his head. His eyes are only half open, struggling to rouse his brain from the comforts of sleep. Bowie is kneading happily on the duvet, excited that he’s finally getting the attention he wanted, doesn’t matter if it's good or bad.
Alex notices you looking at him and huffs. So dramatic.
“His claws are surprisingly sharp, y’know?”
“Alex, he’s a kitten, he just wants attention.”
Alex groans and looks up at the ceiling, rubbing a hand over his face and tugging at his hair. Bowie crawls on top of him and begins kneading on his chest, purring away happily.
“God, it’s like having a baby. A baby with claws.”
You giggle at his comments. It’s true, you didn’t think you’d be woken up in the night by a needy child so soon in your relationship with Alex. 
“He’s cute though. You can’t deny that.”
Alex sighs as he looks at the small kitten purring gently on top of him. He strokes him gently, one of his hands almost covering the entire length of Bowie - he’s still so tiny. Apart from this little mishap, he’s been very well behaved so far, you couldn’t have expected any better. And the naughtiness just makes him all the more cuter. 
“Aye, it’s a good job that he's cute.”
You manage to get to sleep eventually, lying Bowie down so he’s sandwiched between you, while you and Alex face each other. The kitten falls asleep in minutes, obviously enjoying your combined warmth and attention, his purring slowly gets quieter as he falls deeper into sleep. 
You reach out to stroke Alex’s hair, scratching at his scalp then smoothing his brown strands back over his forehead. He leans forward to kiss your forehead, trying his best not to disturb Bowie. 
“Goodnight again, love.”
“Night, Al.” You whisper, closing your eyes and basking in the comfort of feeling both your kitten and your boyfriend sleeping next to you.
When you wake up in the morning, you pat the duvet around you, feeling for Bowie, but you can’t find him. That’s weird. You didn’t notice him leaving in the night. You sit up and look around, breathing out a chuckle as you see where Bowie has placed himself. 
He’s balanced precariously on the edge of Alex’s pillow, curled up on himself with his tail flung over Alex’s face, wrapped around his hairline. Alex is fast asleep, snoring away softly, his chapped lips parted, face relaxed in the way that only sleep can make it. 
They look absolutely adorable, and you can’t help yourself as you grab your phone and snap a quick picture of them. You’ll show it to Alex the next time he complains about being woken up in the night.
End of Part 1
for reference this is how Bowie looks in chapter 1 (except with orange eyes)
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@ohladymoon @martinipoliz @almluv @zayndrider@madnesstaking0ver@atticssmellgood @leafjoon @turnerside @turnertable @yourstartreatment
( if you wanted to be added/removed lemme know)
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zynchi · 1 month
uhmm since you are open to asks let me blow this box for you
hear me out, l hc leona as the type to just like to stare at small things especially animals, he just stares for hours with his tail flickering and purring
So my idea is that the reader knew that Leona loves small animals because he saw Leona watching a bird in a tree, so the reader bought a little duck or a hamster and asked Leona to keep it in his room temporarily because there are repairs in ramshakle, reader put their phone in his room and started recording leona acting like a kitten playing with the small animal (whatever you like it to be), let leona be a big kitten i beg you🙏🏻
(fighting the urge to send multiple asks all at once🥰💔)
a lion and a duck
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content: sfw • fluff
pairing: leona kingscholar x reader
summary: it's not everyday we see the mighty leona kingscholar turn into a big softie for cute things,,,so why not enjoy it while he's not looking?
author's note: rook agrees!!! i remember that one time in the manga where rook says that leona might be weak for cute and small things😖💓
you knew leona had a soft spot for small creatures. it was a detail you picked up from the many times you’d caught him staring intently at birds perched on branches or tiny animals scurrying about. his eyes would soften, his tail would flick back and forth with a sort of lazy amusement, and he’d purr contentedly. it was a side of leona that wasn’t often seen, and you found it endearing.
with this in mind, you came up with a playful idea. ramshackle is currently being repaired, which is a perfect excuse to ask someone to look after your pet duckling—a little ball of fluff with bright yellow feathers—while you’re out buying some food for it. you already had a certain someone in mind who would surely enjoy the company of the adorable little duck. you chuckled at the thought. it's a perfect plan.
when you arrived at leona's room, you knocked on the door, clutching the small box that held the duckling. leona opened the door, his usual cool demeanor melting into a curious expression as he saw what you were holding.
“what’s that?” he asked.
you grinned. "i need a favor. ramshackle is being repaired, and i need a temporary home for this little guy. can you keep him in your room for a bit? i promise he’s low maintenance.”
leona looked down at the box, where the tiny duckling peeped out with a curious quack. his expression softened, and he nodded. “....alright, whatever”
you thanked him and handed over the box, watching as he carefully carried it inside. you couldn’t resist the urge to sneak in a bit later with your phone, ready to record the adorable scene you hoped to capture.
leona set the box down on his desk, and as soon as the duckling waddled out, he seemed utterly entranced. he crouched down to get a better look, his tail flicking with excitement. he reached out slowly, a small smile spreading across his face as the duckling pecked at his fingers.
you watched through the door, barely able to contain your laughter as leona’s usually stoic demeanor melted into something more affectionate. he was completely absorbed in the little creature, his movements gentle and deliberate.
the duckling quacked softly and waddled around, and leona followed its every move with wide eyes, his purring almost audible as he played with it. he gently scooped the duckling up, cradling it in his hands and scratching its tiny head contentedly.
you couldn’t help but chuckle quietly as you recorded the scene. leona was like a big kitten. his tail flicked back and forth in delight as the duckling nestled into his hands.
after a few minutes, you decided it was time to let leona know you were there. you stepped into the room, still holding your phone and grinning widely. “i see you’ve made a new friend.”
leona looked up at you. “yeah, well… he’s pretty adorable. can’t blame me for getting a bit carried away.”
“you’re a big softie for small animals, aren’t you? i never imagined you’d get so into it.”
leona gave you a sheepish shrug, his gaze returning to the duckling. “i guess they’re more interesting than i thought."
your smile widened as you watched him gently set the duckling back into its box. “i’m glad you like him. just remember, he’s only staying for a little while.”
"i know. either way, thanks, i guess...."
as you left the room, you turned back with a mischievous grin. “oh, and by the way, i’m definitely keeping my recording. it’s too cute to not watch over and over again.”
"what the—" leona’s eyes widened slightly, and he let out a soft groan. “you better not use it against me.”.
you gave him a mischievous wink before finally leaving. what a satisfying day it really is.
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
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have you ever thought of Jake pretending to be a big tough guy? one that’s immune to the cuteness of animals? baby animals, even? or Jake that’s so certain he’s a dog person, that cats just aren’t his thing, but absolutely melting at the sight of a stray kitten you brought home? yeah, it’s probably a good thing. anyway, here’s that thought:
“Jake?” You called out as you gently kicked the door shut behind you. The sound echoed off the walls, bouncing down the hallway and landing somewhere amidst the empty living room. You weren’t sure if he was home, or if he was, what he was even doing. That was a minimal worry compared to the one you had for the kitten in your hands, bundled in a towel you had found in your backseat. “Jake!” You called a little louder, but not enough to scare the already nervous animal seeking comfort in your arms.
You carefully made your way down the hall, cautious not to move too suddenly. When you broke into the kitchen, the lights were off and the house seemed even more silent than before. Feeling a shred of defeat, you flicked the light switch on, realizing you would likely have to navigate this on your own. “It’s not so scary, is it?” You asked, looking down at the towel. From your position, you could only see the tip of an ear poking from the hole you had made for the kittens head. “We’re gonna get you all cleaned up.” You couldn’t help but feel a little anxiety at the thought of Jake’s reaction. In your time of knowing him, it had always been quite apparent that he was a dog person. Although the never spoke blatant distaste for cats, he also hadn’t ever given an idea that he was fond of them. Plus, since moving in together, neither of you had offered an idea as large as a pet, and you weren’t sure if he would be interested in such a big commitment yet.
“Who are you talking to?” A grumble from the doorway made you jump. You looked up, eyes wide in shock at the intrusion. Jake stood, eyes heavy and clad in only sweatpants.
“Did I wake you up?” You asked, regret apparent in your question. He waved you off, shaking his head, even though it was quite obvious.
“Just dozed off…” he trailed off, stare landing on your hands. “Uh, what’s that?” He raised an eyebrow, looking up to you.
“This? Oh, just an old towel that was in my car.” You gave a nervous laugh, not really certain why you were lying about it. He was bound to find out eventually.
“Talking to a towel? That’s new for you.” He noted, not believing a word you said.
“I wasn’t talking to the towel.” You defended, narrowing your gaze at him showing your distaste for his smart comment. “I was talking to myself.” As the words left your mouth, you understood that your answer had not made you seem any less insane. He watched you, eyes flickering between your face and your arms. Before you could think of anything else to say, a small meow broke through the silence. You two had a bit of a staring content, neither sure of what to say, nor what to do.
“Y/n,” he said, a hint of warning in his tone. “Is that a cat?” Your defensive nature turned into one of defeat.
“Yes, but before you get upset, he was tiny and alone on the side of the road. How could I just leave him there?”
“We can bring him to a shelter,” he offered, almost unwilling to discuss the topic. As hurt as you seemed, he just wasn’t sure if a cat was his first, or favourite idea for expanding the family. “That way he’s safe, but he doesn’t have to stay here.”
“Jake, just look at him!” You exclaimed, maneuvering the towel to show off the small animal.
“Nope, don’t want to.” He shook his head, casting his glance to the floor.
“Please,” you begged, now making it so the kittens head was fully in view, surrounded by the soft fabric. As nervous as it may have been, it was incredibly content just being held by you. “Look at his little face,” you cooed, gently scratching his head. Through the thickness of the towel, you felt a little purr, which only melted your heart even more. You took a step closer to him, making it harder for him to ignore you. Eventually, once you were in front of him, he couldn’t resist looking at you any longer. “He’s just so hungry, and little…” Only slightly, his head turned towards you. The stony expression he had adorned previously seemed to crack, softness taking over his eyes. His gaze flickered from the kitten, then up to you. After a moment, he gave in.
“Fine, we can feed him and clean him up, then we’ll take him to the shelter.” He sighed. You fought back a smile, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before he changed his mind completely. “We don’t have cat food.”
“I think there’s leftover chicken in the fridge from last night. Or there’s a probably a can of tuna or something in the cupboard.” You theorized. He looked like he was fighting the urge to pet the cat, so instead he nodded in agreement. He left your side, immediately following your verbal guidance. You took a seat at the table, making sure to hold the towel close to you while you did so. After a few moments, Jake took a seat beside you with the food you had previously mentioned. You carefully placed the towel on the table, straightening it out so the kitten could walk freely.
“You’re a little beggar, you know that? Come into my house and eat my food.” Jake grumbled, pulling out a small bit of the plain chicken breast. The cat perked up at the smell of it, immediately taking a step towards him. Instead of feeding it, he placed the food on the table. He repeated the action a few times, smiling more every time the kitten eagerly responded.
“He likes you.” You informed him, noticing the cat’s affiliation with his attention.
“He can like me all he wants, but he’s not staying.” He noticed the animals attention shift to the can sitting beside it, giving it a little sniff of curiosity. “You want to try that, instead? Chicken isn’t good enough for you?” Although his words were gruff, his tone was light. He opened the can, placing it in front of the kitten in a timely fashion. It immediately began eating away at the contents, just happy to have food. You both fell into a silence and you began to worry he really was annoyed with you. That was, until you heard a small mutter of words that made your heart swell with joy. “You like tuna? Is that your favourite?” The words were coated with affection, spoken in the same tone you would speak to a baby with. You couldn’t fight back the smile that broke onto your lips. Suddenly, Jake stood, going to the sink and flicking on the tap. He grabbed a shallow bowl, holding it under the stream for a moment. He returned to you, setting the bowl beside the can. You looked over to him, a smug grin stuck on your face. “What? He needs water, too.” He defended.
As the cat made itself at home, Jake slipped his arm around your shoulder. It was a silent show of affection, one that told you he wasn’t upset with you at all. When he placed a kiss to the side of your head, you were more than aware that this would be the newest member of the family. “He is kind of cute, isn’t he?”
“I think so.” You giggled, reaching out to give the animal a small pet. You both settled into your seats, content with watching the cat explore its surroundings. After a few moments of curious looks, it took a few steps towards you both. With caution, it approached Jakes hand that was resting on the table. Jake was still, watching it closely. Eventually, once it was familiar with him, it nudged his hand with its head. As if he was completely defeated, he let out a groan. Immediately after, he gave the cat a few pets. When the cat began to purr, his hard exterior melted away entirely.
He picked it up, the animal giving him no protest at all, and brought it to his chest. He held it to him, scratching behind its ear with a smile on his lips. “I think it would be okay if he stayed with us tonight.” He murmured, looking down at the ball of fluff in his hand. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Get you cleaned up and you can sleep in bed with us tonight?” As he spoke, the kitten let out a yawn, then it’s eyes slowly drifted shut. “You’re tired? You eat all of our food and then just go to bed? Such a hard life to live.” He cooed, but there was no hint annoyance in his voice at all. After a moment, the purring slowed to a stop, because the kitten had fallen asleep in his hand. Slowly, Jake turned to you. His eyes were glistening with love, completely wooed by cuteness of the animal.
“What do you want to name him?” You teased.
“Shut up.” He grumbled, but his attempt at sounding annoyed was futile. “Sparrow?” The word was barely spoken, so quiet that you almost missed it. You let out a laugh, nodding your head in agreement.
“Yeah, I think that’s perfect.” He gave you a grin, thrilled that you liked the idea. “I love you, Jake.”
“I love you.” He hummed as he leaned over and placed a kiss to your lips, quickly forgetting he ever contested the idea of keeping the kitten at all.
this post was made by a certified cat lover and Jake kiszka enthusiast. no, I will never recover from this. thanks for asking though
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the-ragingenby · 2 months
guys don’t even ask me what this is, because I have no idea
Edit: AO3 Crosspost
My Kitten
Aizawa x Gender-Neutral Reader
You fought to keep your tail from twitching with annoyance as your last customer of the day decided to order one of every drink on the menu. “And will that be all for you today?” You ask, keeping your voice light. The customer, an older woman with long blonde hair, nods and pulls out her card to pay.
You bite back a sigh as she pays, handing her the receipt and turning away to make her drinks. All your other coworkers had long gone home; you had agreed to close tonight, but now you were starting to regret it.
You work as fast as you can, dropping ice into cups and pouring assorted mixes into each. For others, you had to brew some more espresso, or even just warm up some milk. She seriously wanted one of everything you had, which you still couldn’t believe.
About ten minutes later, you had handed her all her drinks and she loaded them into a small cart that she brought with her. “Took you long enough.” She muttered once she’d finished, waiting for you to open the door and let her out.
“Have a good night.” You gritted out, tail lashing, as you held the door open for her. Once she’d gone, you let out a heavy sigh, shoulders drooping. Every day was as exhausting as the last, with you having to get people to focus on their orders rather than your ears or tail.
At times, you hated your quirk. You had to be mindful of your tail, otherwise your coworkers would trip. And you needed to keep your emotions, and ears, in check or your boss would accuse you of being disrespectful.
After cleaning up and locking the door, you trudge out into the night. Slipping into your cat form, you trot down the street, tail swaying happily behind you. Being like this made you feel a little better, even if your day was pretty shitty.
You pause, nose twitching, as you notice a particular scent in the air. You had smelled it before, but over the past months, it’s become more regular around the area. You pad along more cautiously, ears swiveling to pick up any danger.
“Well, I didn’t think I’d see you out here again, Cat.” A smooth voice rumbled from the alleyway. You jump away, fur fluffed up with fear, before relaxing. It was that hero that started hanging around recently, though you didn’t know his name. He wore dark clothes with a long scarf on his neck. His eyes were tired as he watched you, but his expression was warm. You had taken a liking to him, especially since he gave the best head scratches.
Letting out a purr, you weave between his legs, looking up at him. You can’t talk in this form, but you meowed at him, hoping he’d know what you wanted. “Yeah, I know, Cat.” He huffed out, amused, as he gently picked you up and settled you in his arms. He quietly pet your head and ears as you purred contentedly. “Wish I knew your name, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ve gotten quite tired of me calling you Cat.”
You honestly didn’t mind, and there really was no way to actually tell him your name. Instead, you reached up a paw to bat at his chin, making him laugh. “Or I guess you really don’t mind.” He murmured, adjusting your position slightly so you’d be more comfortable. “I know I ask you this every time, but where’s your owner, huh? Won’t they be worried about you?”
You let out a huffing mew, smushing your face against his chest. The man rolls his eyes at you, but his expression grows more affectionate. “I’m glad I’ve been able to catch you out here all these times. You make the day more bearable.” He sighs, scratching gently under your chin. “Wish I could be with you more often, kitten.”
Your purrs grow louder in response, relishing in the affection from him. Being honest, you were hoping you’d run into him again. For the past few months, he’s given you the love and affection you were missing, even if you were a cat at the time.
How to explain that you were actually a human though…that you couldn’t figure out how to break to him. You didn’t exactly want to scare him off. You liked him. A lot. And if he didn’t like you in your human form too…you didn’t even want to think about the possibilities. All it sounded like was a lot of heartache for no reason. So, you stayed like this. It was better this way.
“Alright, Aizawa, spill.” Yamada demanded in the teacher’s lounge, leaning over the table. “You decide to ditch your friends for months and go to a town you don’t even know for what? To patrol? I don’t buy it!”
“Keep your voice down, Yamada.” Aizawa muttered, but made no attempt to answer his questions.
“Have you finally gotten yourself a partner? Are you shutting us out of your life because you’re in love?” Yamada wailed, slithering onto the ground and flopping there, clutching his chest. “I’m hurt. Truly.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes. “If you must know, I met a little cat. Love them with all my heart.” Yamada shot back up, fixing Aizawa with an unimpressed stare.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me. Aizawa! It’s a cat. Please, I beg you. You need to get out more.” Yamada grimaced, but Aizawa proceeded to ignore him again.
“I’ll spend as much time with Cat as I please.” Aizawa snorted, almost a little defensively. “Besides, the area is a little overrun with villains and I’m doing my part to keep them at bay.”
“There is no way you named the cat…Cat.” Yamada gawked at Aizawa, still not fully understanding why this man would want to spend all his free time with some random cat. Aizawa manages a shrug, refocusing on the paperwork in front of him. “You are…unbelievable.”
“So I hear.” Aizawa quips, writing in the grade on one of the papers before moving to the next. Yamada let out a sigh of defeat before ambling away. As he worked, Aizawa found himself wondering when he’d see his little Cat next.
It had been another couple weeks and you had made it a point to see Aizawa every day. After finally figuring out his name over the walkie talkie he had on his person, you were even more intrigued by him. He spent more time with you each night, when he could. Although there were a few times when he had to rush off to fight a villain.
With each passing day, you could feel your infatuation for him growing, and it made you feel worse that you hadn’t revealed yourself to him. But honestly, maybe it was better this way. You could tell that just holding you made him feel better, even if the exhaustion never left his eyes.
“My coworkers keep complaining that I’m spending all my time with you, Cat.” Aizawa murmured, gently pressing his head to yours. “But I don’t care. You make me happy.” You can’t help but purr at that, kneading your paws against him. He laughs softly, pressing a soft kiss between your ears before he pulls away, his walkie talkie crackling to life.
“All units, please respond to a rogue villain. Quirk: unknown. Currently in pursuit down Main Street.” A voice announced, causing Aizawa to sigh. He hugs you a little more tightly for a moment before setting you down.
“Alright, kitten, I’ve got to go. Now, go straight home, okay? Don’t go sticking your nose into danger.” Aizawa murmured, running his hand softly down your back before launching away into the night, scarf wrapped tightly around his hand.
You can’t help but feel a little disappointed that your meeting was cut short, but you decide to head home. As you meander down the street, you pause to sniff the air, frowning as you realize rain is coming.
You barely make it a few more blocks before the downpour really starts, drenching your fur. Flattening your ears and squinting against the water, you push onwards, already thinking about how long you’ll have to spend drying yourself off when you get back.
You leap away, yowling, when lightning strikes a nearby lamppost, shattering its lightbulb and taking out all the power in the area. You wonder, briefly, if you can even make it back to your apartment in this weather.
You race down a nearby alleyway, darting into a box tossed on its side to hide from the torrential rainfall. Shivering, you attempt to dry your fur, shaking yourself off in the rather large box. You let out an annoyed huff, thinking about how you’ll stink of mildew if you don’t get dried off properly.
But all those thoughts go out the window when you hear fighting among the crashes of thunder. “You won’t get away with this. Killing a hero, they’ll come for you, y’know.” You stiffen as your blood runs cold. That was…Aizawa’s voice.
“Bahahah! Like I care.” A sharp, menacing voice snarls. You didn’t recognize this one, but it was hurting Aizawa! “Heroes are all scum, so making one disappear is doing the world a favor!”
You race out of the box, charging down the alleyway and plant yourself between Aizawa and some bipedal tiger you had never seen before. A flash of lightning illuminates the alleyway briefly, and Aizawa meets your eyes from where he was collapsed on the ground. “Cat…?” He breathes, his tired eyes drooping as he fights to keep himself conscious.
He was bleeding from somewhere, though you couldn’t quite tell from where. You flatten your ears, turning to face the tiger with a deep growl rumbling in your chest. Leave him alone! You arch your back, spitting and hissing, trying to make yourself look bigger. This was all you could do. If you shifted down, you’d be less agile and those claws would certainly make more of a dent in your softer skin, without the protective fur barrier.
The tiger simply looks at you, an amused smirk gracing his lips. “Oh, what, you wanna keep the hero?” He snorts, lashing his striped tail. “Sure, why not. Us felines have to stick together, eh?” With a harsh cackle, he stalks away into the night, leaving you and Aizawa in the dark alleyway.
Without a moment’s thought, you shift into your human form, leaning over Aizawa and looked him over for injuries. “Hey, are you awake? Can you hear me?” You question, wincing when you notice a cut on his leg.
“Angel…” He mumbles, looking up at you with wide eyes.
“...What?” Before you can ask anything else, he passes out in your arms. You quickly scoop him up and, after pulling him onto your back, you haul him to your apartment, determined to patch him up.
Now, Aizawa was always a logical person, that he could stand behind. But here, lying on his side in the pouring rain, he was looking up at the most stunning person he’d ever seen. No, it couldn’t have been a person. It was an angel. It had to be. There was no way anyone who shone so brilliantly could be looking at him.
His eyes fell closed as the sound of rain and thunder surrounded him. Something lifted him up, he thinks, but after that, he wasn’t sure what was happening.
The next thing he knew, he was now awake on someone’s couch with a blanket draped over him and a bandage around his head. A cat was pacing the length of the living room, and at his stirring, they paused and immediately perked up. “Wait…Cat? Is that you?” His mouth fell open as the cat’s form shifted, revealing you in your human form.
“Are you alright? You can hear me, right?” You ask, approaching him and holding a finger in front of his face for him to focus on.
“You were a human this whole time.” Aizawa whispers, mostly to himself, as he follows your now moving finger.
You nervously clear you thought, pulling away a little. “Yeah.” You could feel yourself brace for some sort of meltdown or outburst or rejection or something, but Aizawa simply nods to himself before running a hand over his face.
“I want to apologize for, uh, everything that happened.” He says, sitting up slowly, wincing in mild pain. “It wasn’t appropriate, at all, and I’ll be out of your hair soon. Thank you for everything.” He managed a polite bow of his head.
Gathering your courage, you gently shook your head. “No, uh, it’s okay. I liked it and you…a lot…” Your voice trailed off, turning your head away in embarrassment.
Aizawa blinks at you, in pure disbelief. You saved him, brought him here, listened to his rants about work and his friends, and were just…there for him. “Then…maybe we can start over?” He offered, reaching out a hand. “Hi, my name is Aizawa and I’m a pro hero. Would you do me the honor of maybe going out with me sometime?”
Despite everything, you let out a soft laugh, taking his hand in your own. “Of course I will.”
He breaks into a gentle smile, looking up at your ears. “I know you aren’t a cat, er, right now. But…”
You snort, crouching down and leaning your head towards him. “Go ahead. I like it when you rub them.” He reached up, rubbing them softly and you let out a sigh of contentment, leaning into his hand.
The two of you stayed like that for a long while, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Though you were a little anxious about it, you felt at ease with him by your side. “Thank you, kitten.” He murmured, gently pressing a kiss to your temple.
Yeah, you could get used to this.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
you gonna let me keep her?
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 1,713
warnings: swearing, brief smoking, billy being a flirty little shit
a/n: i can't get over the idea of billy having a cat, so here you go. i hope you like it!! <33 (would you look at that curl??!!)
Tugging the key free from the ignition, you moved to pull up on the door handle, pushing it open. It was chilly out, the time of year where fall has just begun and it's getting darker a bit earlier, but some days are still warmer than others.
Billy let you drive the Camaro to work today, and you should've known that meant he was up to something. It wasn't something that happened often, although you did revel in the rare occasion that it did.
Sitting on the steps to the little home you shared, Billy snubbed out his cigarette when you started in his direction. He stood, walking to meet you.
"Hi," he said, before pressing his lips to yours once, twice. One more for good measure.
He pulled away, grasping for your hand. "Come with me. Gotta show you somethin,' okay?"
Billy took his keys from you, slipping them into the front pocket of his jeans. "Okay."
You tried not to be worried about whatever he was going to do, but it didn't work. Holding your hand, callouses rubbing against your palm, he led you slowly and quietly around to the side of the house.
He'd planted rosebushes there on a whim a while back, so you wondered if maybe that was where you were heading. "You gotta be quiet, okay baby?" Nodding your head at him, you only grew more nervous.
Billy crouched toward the end of the row of rosebushes, pulling you with him. Looking at him, there was a shift in his features—he looked soft, younger maybe. He pointed at a shallow sort of opening in the stems, and you lowered your head to look.
There was a kitten nestled in between the leaves and the brick of the house. It was small, and couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. Small enough that it most definitely still needed nursing. Your heart warmed at its calico fur, having always liked those colors.
It was mostly dark brown, with patches of black and white along with this warm caramel color. It was precious.
"How long's she been down here?" You looked up at Billy, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, steadying you as you knelt, dropping your bag on the grass beside you.
"I saw her out the window the other morning, but she's been here since yesterday. I thought mama would've come back for her, and I didn't wanna bother her. But I'm starting to think maybe she won't. She hasn't moved. What do you think, sweetheart?"
You'd had cats when you were younger, multiple, and had always loved it. Billy knew this, and that's presumably why he was asking.
You get down on your elbows, leaning in to look at her. She opened her eyes, blinking up at you slowly. They were the prettiest shade of blue. Kind of like Billy's. You stuck out your index finger, moving it towards her to see if you could gauge a reaction.
"Hi, baby. You okay in there?" She sniffed the tip of your finger, little nose scrunching and head bobbing in the process. You dared to graze your finger against her head, and she took to it, purring loud enough for Billy to hear and laugh.
Billy's hand found your back, rubbing up your spine. "Where's your mama gone, huh baby?" You ask, as if waiting for a response. She squeaks at you, not even a meow. "I see."
Billy was enamored by you, and slipped his hand under your shirt, rubbing the skin of your back now. You ran your finger under chin, drawing out a deeper purr. "I think we ought to leave her tonight. Wait just a little longer to see about mama. No dice, then we take her to the vet. We can bring a towel out, though. I'm not sure she's old enough for soft food, and I don't wanna chance messing up her tummy."
"I trust you," he said.
True to plan, you'd tucked her in with a towel for the night, but she was still there the next day, and mama hadn't come.
You could tell that Billy was attached to her, but you weren't sure that keeping her was a good idea.
You'd called the vet that morning, and had an appointment set up to get her checked out. "How about I get her out, and you can hold her on the way? You can let me drive your car again."
Keen on sucking up in hopes you'd let him keep her, Billy agreed, and you now found yourself driving into town, Billy holding the kitten in his lap. She was sitting up, rubbing all over his hands, licking his fingers, meowing up a storm. Shit, you thought. She likes him too.
The vet took her back, and Billy took your hand, kissing over the back of it. "You gonna let me keep her, princess?"
He was giving you his very best, watery and pleading eyes.
"I don't know, Billy. I don't know if that's the right thing to do. We'd have to buy food, and the tech said she's got to be hand-fed for a while, and then a litter box, and if we ever went anywhere, someone would have to watch her."
None of this bothered Billy, but he could see it was worrying you. "Don't sweat it, baby. I'll feed her as often as I need to. And Max could watch her! She'd be a great aunt."
You rolled your eyes at him. "I'm sure she'd love that you're volunteering her for this. And please stop treating this cat like it's our child."
He laughed at you, almost maniacally.
You'd agreed to keep her. There was no way in hell you were going to deny Billy of this. He looked over the fucking moon when you'd given him the okay, picking you up and spinning you around.
The two of you had decided that you didn't want kids, and this was the closest you were going to get.
"C'mon, Mal. Let's go find mama." Billy lifted the kitten up from her place on the couch, setting her high up on his chest heading off in search of you. "What do you think mama's doin' Mallory? Avoiding us?" He'd spent a week trying to choose a name, but finally settled, claiming that one felt right.
Billy found you washing dishes, even though you'd said you were just going to put a sweatshirt on. "Hey, mama."
You rolled your eyes, looking down at the soapy water your hands were buried in. "You can't keep callin' me that, Hargrove." You could feel his presence behind you, and could hear the purring of the guest he'd brought along with him.
"Why's that baby? 'Cause you like it?" Your cheeks burned, and you refused to look at him.
You did like it, actually. You couldn't get over how it sounded coming from his mouth, lazy and drawn out. And you were practically beaming considering it was because you were the "mother" of a fur ball rather than an actual human.
But really, you denied him because you were jealous. Mallory was taking Billy from you, and as much as you liked her, as sweet as she was, you were kind of hurt.
He'd spent hours hand-feeding her from a little milk bottle given to you by the veterinarian, picked out a little collar with a bell so he'd know where she'd run off to, bought her a tiny bed to put in your room.
The other night he'd been sprawled out on the couch, bare-chested, and she'd taken the spot on his chest that you wanted. You felt betrayed after she'd been so nice to you at first.
She sat on the counter while he brushed his teeth, on the rug while he showered, came barreling down the hall when he got home from work.
But you were happy that he was happy, glad that he had something to occupy his time, take care of and nourish. It was just the kind of thing he needed. But you couldn't help but feel as though a cat had stolen your boyfriend.
"No. I hate it," you told him, though he didn't believe you in the slightest.
Billy set the cat down, telling her to go play, which she did, sliding across the floor and attacking a mouse full of catnip. "Stoner," he mumbled, turning back to you where you were draining the water from the sink.
His hands found your sides. "You're avoiding me."
"Am not."
"Is it the cat?"
"No, Billy." You tried to move out of the kitchen, but he caught you and pressed you up against the counter, so you wiped your cold wet hands across his face.
"You little shit." He rubbed his cheeks across your face trying to get the water off, but also trying to make you laugh.
"Tell me what it is, baby." Billy kept touching you, rubbing his hands up your arms, over your neck, your back, trying to love on you and coax out an answer.
"I'm jealous of the cat," you tell him.
"I knew it." He kisses you then, firmly. "Don't gotta be, princess. I'll always love you more. Just don't let her hear that. Is it 'cause I've been givin' her so much attention?" You nodded your head, him copying the motion. "Yeah?"
"How about I let you feed her more often? I just get excited is all. You're a real good mama. We. Will. Be. The best. Kitty parents. Ever." He punctuated each word with a kiss, making you warm all over. "Deal?"
"'Mama' doesn't really bother you, does it? I kinda like it. It's kinda hot." You played with a curl hanging in between his eyebrows, ran your thumb over the slit in his right one.
"No. It's just fine." You said it like a whisper, making him smirk at you, run his tongue along his teeth.
"Good. Now c'mon, mama. Wanna lay down."
Billy walked down the hall, and into the living room, spotting you on the couch with Mal on your chest. You caught his eye and shook your fist in victory.
He knew she'd win you over. They were very good accomplices.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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iamthecomet · 5 months
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦: 𝘈𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘴
Rating: G Pairing: Mountain, Dew and Soot. Words: 1.1k
Featuring the return of Soot from The Day Dissolved.
Mushy May brought to you by @forlorn-crows Divider by @ghuleh-recs
Also available on AO3
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Mountain doesn’t usually have trouble befriending the Abbey strays. He’s got a cadre of crows and ravens who bring him trinkets. A raccoon who thinks he’s a pet. Squirrels and chipmunks who are always happy to come up and take nuts right from Mountain’s outstretched fingers. 
So one little cat shouldn’t be a problem, but she is. 
Mountain’s tried everything. Three different kinds of cat food. Tuna. Raw meat. She eats all of it–but won’t come anywhere near it if he’s within earshot. He catches her little black shadow darting around the grounds. In his greenhouse even, keeping to the shadows. Mostly he sees her in the abbey graveyard. 
A fitting place for a black cat. 
She’s tiny. Mountain isn’t sure if she’s still a kitten, or just small. She’s fluffy, black, with big green eyes that stare at him from the underbrush as he walks closer. She never hisses, never swats. But she also shows no interest in him. They’ve had several stand offs in the oldest section of the graveyard. Mountain holding raw chicken between his outstretched fingers and this little cat turning her nose up at it and scurrying away. 
He isn’t sure why it matters. At first he tells himself it’s because he wants to make sure she’s safe and healthy. That he feels a duty to protect the living things in the abbey grounds. And also–he doesn’t love the idea of a stray cat around. Bad for the birds–and he knows how upset Cirrus gets when the cats go after them.
He’s followed her all the way to the crypt today. Trying to stay far enough back that he doesn’t scare her off. She knows he’s there–she’s a cat. But she doesn’t seem to care as long as he doesn’t get too close. He’s got more treats in his pockets. 
She stops at he steps to the crypt that holds all the past papa’s. She turns and looks at him, head tilting. He crouches down, reaches into is pocket and pulls out a chunk of salmon. God, Aether would kill him if he knew he was stealing meat to try to entice a cat. 
“Come on little one, I promise it’s better inside. All the salmon you could ever want, a warm bed. I’ll pet you as much as you want.” 
This is ridiculous he realizes as he talks to her. Bribing her. It isn’t because he just wants to keep her safe, or because he doesn’t want her out here hunting Cirrus’ birds. It’s also because it’s a challenge he can’t seem to win. Every other animal comes to him without any effort. What is wrong with this cat? The more she turns her nose up at him the more he wants to impress her. He wants to gain her favor, and when he thinks about it like that he feels more than a little insane. 
The little cat sniffs the air–takes a couple steps closer to him. Hope swells in his chest. He extends his hand even more, reaching for her. 
“That’s it, little one. Just a little closer.” 
The smell of cigarette smoke hits him. The little cat keeps coming closer and then walks past him, giving him just wide enough berth to avoid rubbing against his leg. Mountain startles, stands, turning as he does.
The little cat is winding between Dew’s legs. Nuzzling against his well worn boots. A warm purr reaching Mountain’s ears. The little cat looks up at Dew like he is everything and Mountain feels something sour in his stomach. 
Dew takes a drag off of his cigarette, he’s trying not to laugh–Mountain can tell. It doesn’t help. 
“I told her not to tell you.” Dew says, like this is all somehow the cats fault. “I knew you’d be like this.” 
“Like what?” 
“I’m not jealous I’m just…you?” 
“Rude,” Dew stubs his cigarette out on the bottom of his boot then bends down to pet the cat. She nuzzles into his hand. When he scoops her up, Mountain feels something akin to shock. Dew? Really? 
The little cat headbuts him, pressing her face right into Dew’s until he’s sputtering on cat hair. Mountain stares, watching her lick at Dew’s nose. Dew scrunches his face up. 
“Ok, Soot, you made your point. Enough.” 
“Yeah, because she looks like she rolled around in a fire place.” 
Mountain can’t stop staring. Can’t stop feeling the heat of betrayal in his chest. It’s all so stupid. He shouldn’t care–doesn’t really. Is glad this little cat has someone. But he knows he’s lost. It will never be him. 
“You can probably pet her now.” Dew nods to the little black fluff ball in his arms. 
Mountain gets closer, he offers his fingers too Soot. She untucks herself from Dew’s shoulder and sniffs at his fingers, little pink tongue darting out to lick the salmon juice from them. When he offers her the fish, she chops down on the chunk greedily. Purring happily as Mountain scratches her between the ears. 
“She’s a little brat,” Dew says, but the fondness in his voice makes Mountain’s chest feel warm, not jealousy this time. Dew really loves this little cat–even though he’d probably say otherwise. Maybe it’s ok that Dew has this–Mountain doesn’t need Soot. But Dew definitely does. 
“How’d you get her to come up to you?” 
“I didn’t. She just started hanging out with me when I came to the crypts to…you know…visit. And I knew you were trying to catch her so I just…I felt bad you know? This is your thing.” 
Mountain shrugs. He pulls his hand away and Soot tucks her face back against Dew’s. Cheek to cheek. 
“It’s fine. It’s a good match. You're both picky brats. You can bring her inside you know. Papa doesn’t care.”
Dew laughs. “I know…I’m not sure either of us are ready for that kind of commitment yet.” 
“Typical.” Mountain says, stepping around Dew and heading back toward the greenhouse, intent on leaving Dew, and Soot, to their crypt visit. “Just…don’t do it again ok?” 
“What befriend an animal?” Dew rolls his eyes. “Not like I can control which animals like me better!” 
Mountain shakes his head. “Just…stay away from my ravens.”
“Oh, is now a bad time to tell you that one of them brought me money the other day? Do they do that to you?” 
Mountain groans, not dignifying that with a real response. His whole walk back to the greenhouse is filled with the sound of Dew’s distant laughter.
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warpedpuppeteer · 3 months
buddie drabble: buck brings home a stray cat and eddie says no…. until eddie ends up being the only one the cat likes and he falls in love with it; established buddie, fluffy, chris is annoyed that the cat likes his dad more than him even though he feeds it treats
Thank you for the super adorable prompt! It's not all exactly as you wanted but I tried to stick to the prompt as close as I can. Hope you enjoy ☺️🫶🏽! (Link to AO3 is provided at the end for those who prefer that)
Fur-st Mew-ting
“No”. Eddie puts as much authority that he could muster in his best dad-voice. “Absolutely not”.
As expected, Christopher but dad’s him immediately.
“Look how cute he is, dad! And he has nowhere else to go!”, his son tries his best to make his case with his best puppy eyes.
Eddie looks over Christopher's curls where Buck is lurking in the background innocently.
His boyfriend is still in his uniform because he came here straight from work, and he is holding the tiniest kitten Eddie has ever seen close to his chest. It looks unrealistically small in Buck's large arms.
And fuck. It is a very cute sight.
Absolutely not, he tells himself determinedly, even if his heart beats slightly faster at the devastating sight of Buck coo-ing at the kitten.
It's a scruffy little thing. Fur sticking out ridiculously everywhere, tiny paws and big pitiful eyes staring right into his soul imploringly as if it was coached by both his boyfriend and his son to do its best to wear Eddie's defenses down.
And dammit; it's working.
Buck meets his eyes and has his own best puppy eyes weaponized.
Eddie sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Chris whoops loudly exactly like Buck and Eddie mourns the fact that their son is already learning Buck's frat boy ways. He makes a mental note to hide all the baseball caps in the house.
A tiny questioning mew joins their whooping.
The Ap-paw-intment
The first thing that Eddie does the next morning is to call the closest vet they could find to fix an appointment for the kitten. The girl on the other end of the line is cheery and polite and tells him they have a slot open at 4pm today. Eddie agrees easily and she asks for the name of the ‘pawrent’ for the appointment. “Eddie Diaz. And Evan Buckley”. “And your fur baby’s name?”, she asks innocently. Eddie wishes for all the strength and patience in the world as he looks at Buck who has his lips pursed, trying his best to pretend he's not laughing. “Baby Eddie”, he finally grits out. The girl, bless her heart, only goes quiet for a few seconds before thanking him and tells him they're excited to see them later. He hangs up, mortified. Buck finally laughs gleefully. “Oh the look on your face!” He puts the phone on the kitchen counter and scowls at his boyfriend. “Shut up, Buck. I can't believe you named the stupid kitten that”. “Hey!”, his boyfriend, who has the kitten on the table, gently folds its ears down, “don’t call Baby Eddie the s-word. He's named after my boyfriend you know”. Eddie glares at him, “a boyfriend who is re-thinking the decision of dating you currently”. Buck grins at him, unrepentant. “It was just a funny idea me and Chris had. He looked so excited about it and I couldn't say no”. Eddie just shakes his head knowing he's going to regret asking but he does anyway. “Why is that even a funny name?”. Buck gently lifts up the kitten to show Eddie like he couldn't already see from where he's making breakfast for them. “Because look at him! He looks just like you. Has the scowl and big cow eyes and everything!” Eddie scowls harder at him and Buck laughs so hard he nearly falls off the chair.
A fur-tunate coincidence
Baby Eddie settles down easily in the Diaz household (soon to be the Diaz-Buckley household but Eddie-the human one- is currently still working on it). The vet's appointment had gone well which didn't come as a surprise because apparently Buck and Chris had picked up the kitten from a shelter. A fact that only came to light after Eddie had agreed to house the scruff-ball. Eddie had done his best not to seem embarrassed everytime the vet said Baby Eddie while talking about the kitten. Even when Buck had gleefully told the vet assistant that the kitten is named after its other dad and pointed at him. They also find out that Baby Eddie is a girl. Turns out Buck and Chris had missed that part when they picked up the kitten. They refused to change her name despite Eddie's very convincing arguments though. She is now officially Baby Eddie Buckley-Diaz. Later that night, Buck had plastered himself on Eddie's back and mumbled, “I was only actually fostering her, you know. I didn't mean to make you an involuntary cat dad”. Eddie turns around in his arms. Buck has that look on his face, the one he has when he thinks he's done something wrong. “I'm not mad Buck”, he says softly. “I've been planning to either adopt a dog or a cat anyways for Chris' next birthday. It just happened a little early”. Buck's eyes light up, “really?”. “Really”, Eddie assures him and kisses him gently just to be sure. “I'm going to be a hands-off parent though. And I still don't like her. And she looks nothing like me”. Eddie tucks his face into Buck's neck, hiding his smile, feeling the thrum of Buck's laughter against his cheek.
A meow-ment of weakness
Buck has searched through all the drawers, the clothes hamper and the washing machine but his favorite blue hoodie is still nowhere to be seen. Frustrated, he heads to the kitchen to ask Eddie if he's seen it anywhere and stops at the entrance. Eddie is sitting by the kitchen table, doing something on his laptop, headphones on. He's wearing Buck's hoodie, sleeves pushed up to showcase his delectable arms. That's not what makes Buck stop and stare though. It's the fact that Eddie is wearing Buck's hoodie the wrong way around because he has Baby Eddie snuggled up in the hood of it. Baby Eddie has her head out, staring at the screen in fascination. As Buck watches on, Eddie pets Baby Eddie’s head softly with a finger and kisses her tiny scruffy head before going back to what he was doing. It's absolutely adorable and Buck thinks he falls even more in love with Eddie than he already has (he's going to put a ring on it soon, he's working on it). He takes at least 10 photos as proof and then calls Chris as an eyewitness just in case before confronting Eddie about the stolen hoodie and about him claiming he would be a hands-off parent just a few nights ago. When Eddie refuses to plead guilty to the charges, claiming he didn't realize it was Buck's hoodie and that it was just a moment of weakness because Baby Eddie looked lonely since neither Buck nor Chris were looking after her, Buck sends one of the photos to the group chat, grabs Chris and runs for his life as Eddie yells out “Buck!” when he checks his phone as his notifications go off.
Playing fur-vourites
To the disappointment of everyone involved, Baby Eddie has decided that human Eddie is her favorite human amongst them all. She follows him around like a shadow everywhere he goes, purrs up a storm whenever he comes back home from work, and snuggles up and falls asleep on him anytime he sits somewhere. Chris does get slightly annoyed at the development. “I give her extra treats but she still likes you more. That's unfair dad!”, he complains, as only a pre-teen could. Eddie feels bad for his son. He's not sure why the kitten has taken such a liking to him either. He'd rather she get attached to Chris or Buck instead. “Well, is it a surprise though kiddo? Your dad's really great. I mean, he's your favorite and mine too. So, it's not really surprising Baby Eddie likes him too right?” Buck attempts to placate him. Chris grumbles a little bit more but seems happy enough with the explanation. Of course, the fact that Baby Eddie chose that exact moment to butt her head against his ankle to get his attention might have helped as well. As Chris sits down on the floor to play with her, Eddie mouths ‘thank you’ at Buck, feeling warm. Buck simply winks at him, his stupid adorable boyfriend.
Pawrents, Interrupted
“This is all your fault”, Eddie accuses- unjustly if you ask Buck- when Baby Eddie climbs up Eddie's thighs to curl up on his chest. They had been busy making out on the couch as Chris was away at Pepa's for the night. Buck is already shirtless, hair a mess from Eddie running his hands through them, lips kiss-bruised. Buck looks at his boyfriend - pants unbuttoned, a hickey already blooming under his jaw and lips kiss-bruised just like his own- and snorts at him before smirking deviously, “to be fair, you do have very nice tits”. The pillow smack to his face was totally worth it if you ask Buck. (He does however, banish Baby Eddie into Chris' room, where her bed is, temporarily, while he apologizes to his boyfriend for his remark, very profusely and thoroughly in ways not suitable for a young and impressionable kitten's eyes to see. Baby Eddie might not have ended the night very happily but human Eddie very much did.)
Imagine Baby Eddie to look something like this lil one here:
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enivez · 6 months
SYNOPSIS…. Gaming is a common hobby for college students nowadays, with Overwatch being the game of choice for both Lee Heeseung and his favorite streamer loved.venus. The boy shows his love for his favorite streamer behind the screen name lee.bambi, though he doesn’t realize it was the campus fashionista that he hated ever so much behind the screen.
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You were awoken by the sound of your phone continuously going off, at first you ignored it - letting your fatigue carry you back to sleep. Though after feeling Jake shove you and Sunghoon burying his head further into your pillows to escape the noise, you finally decided to search for your phone. Reaching around the space around your pillows, you finally find the device that had disturbed your well needed beauty rest.
Oh how you wish you would’ve just stayed asleep, now finding yourself sat up straight running your hands through your hair as you read all the notifications. The two others in your bed now stirring as you begin to panic, unable to believe you had missed the stream you had promised to do. Sunghoon sat up first, rubbing your back as your breath began to become sporadic and tears welled up.
When did streaming begin to become the stress that you had first tried to escape through streaming?
“Hey what are you thinking right now,” Jake says as he hands you the bottle of water that was sitting on your bedside table. When you’re reluctant to drink, the boy opens it for you, ushering you to take at least a sip.
You didn’t have the courage to take a sip, nor to answer Jake’s question. Feelings of guilt, fear, and frustration racing through your mind. You felt silly for feeling all this over a single missed stream, it wasn’t even the first time you had missed a stream. Though suddenly you felt like everyone was watching for the downfall of Venus, the downfall of you.
You suddenly felt a small presence lick your hand, Artemis saying ‘take your time’ in his own way. Holding the small kitten up to your chest, feeling it purr against your skin. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes before you speak.
“I don’t think I can be Venus anymore.”
It was like a weight was lifted off your chest, the stress of managing these two sides of you being dispersed.
“You never were Venus, Venus is you,” the voice of none other than Park Jongseong rang out.
Looking up you’re met with the new guests in your apartment. Jay and Tsuki climb into your bed, whilst Ningning sets down a tub of ice cream on your bedside table. Tsuki rests her head on your shoulder, wrapping her arm around you.
“I remember when you first started streaming, you were so happy. I was so happy that more people got to see you be you. You’ve been running from yourself for so long.”
You can feel Tsuki’s voice vibrating through your body as she says the words you didn’t want to hear but needed to. Looking down at your lap in embarrassment, a sudden face was in front of you.
“When was the last time you genuinely enjoyed streaming or fashion,” Ningning questions as her head rests in your lap, her gaze piercing into you.
Truth is, you can’t remember. You hadn’t enjoyed anything since the start of this semester. You have felt the weight of your future crushing you, desperate to prove to the world you’re more than the name you were born with. Venus was the way you escaped that name, and now that so many are trying to take it away from you...
Jay was right, Venus is you, that’s why she exists. She wouldn’t exist without you, but as of recently she’s become more and more of what you believe you should be.
“I wanna keep streaming, it makes me happy, or at least it did. I just want to be myself, I just feel like everyone has the predetermined idea of me and I don’t want that to be Venus’ fate as well. Ever since the gossip page started harassing me, as Venus, about my identity I’ve had so many more eyes on me. I can deal with the eyes when I have my guard up, when I’m acting as [Name], but that’s not me. I wanna be silly, I wanna go on tangents about games fashion, and I want to be able to make connections without there being an agenda.”
“Then keep streaming, it's the minority of people trying to unmask you. Majority of your viewers are there because they genuinely love you. They won’t care when and if they find out that you are Venus,” Jay says as he pulls the comforter over his body, ready to go to sleep.
Despite the tears still staining your cheeks, you find yourself rolling your eyes at the eldest member of your group. You know what he says is true, though it's hard to believe when you’re so stuck in your own head. You let out a sigh, looking up at your friends that are now squishing you into your bed. A lopsided smile escapes your lips, you felt loved.
Jake and Sunghoon were devouring the ice cream that Ningning had bought, earning an earful from the girl as she braids Tsuki’s hair. Jay was already well on his way into dreamland, truly amazed by how the boy could sleep despite the chaos around him.
These were your people, you were so happy that at the end of the day it is them that you can rely on.
Ding! Ding!
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A/N: angst? comfort? idk drama
@cholexc @woninluv @myjaeyuns @eleanorheartschishiya @dimplewonie @heelovesmeknot @lprww @haechansbbg @xuimhao @defnotfertilizedtoesw @kgneptun @jwnghyuns @mypapergirls @bomi-ja @woozixo @icepshrince @allisonleannn @infpistj @mwahvvis @vantaetastic
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Yandere Brotherhood (X men Evolution) and preteen fem reader who has Prehensile Hair and can talk to animals and is being fostered by Mystic.
Oooo, yes, more Brotherhood! I can do that, but I keep the Reader gender-neutral, or as the Reader's gender (which means for each Reader, it is whatever they are). Cool mutation idea! Let's try this out:
Your new guardian was pretty weird.
Not just because she was a mutant and a principal (and maybe evil?).
She had other kids at the Brotherhood home, and so far-
There wasn't anyone your age.
Your powers were pretty cool, with prehensile hair, in the shape of tentacles, that curled and grew long, wriggling when you were uncomfortable or curious. Your other power was even cooler, being able to talk with animals, and have them understand you.
It meant you made a lot of friends amongst the natural world...
But it also meant you earned quite the interest from the older teens.
You're looking at a little frog, who's wandered close by after the rain, and are approached by Toad, or Todd, as you try to call him.
"Yo, little teen, what's up?" he asks, squatting next to you in the grass. His tongue flicks out for a second, snatching a mosquito.
"Nothing much. Ribbit-Croak-Plip-The-Third here says he's never seen an amphibian as big as you. Yeah, I know, little guy, he pretty cool. Did ya want to say hi?" You pick the frog up, gently holding it so it can look at Todd. "See? He's kinda like you!"
"It- he... can understand you? And you understand him?" Toad asks, scratching at his hair.
"Yep! And he says he would like to be your friend!"
"That's... That's pretty cool. You're cool, little frog man," he replies, and taps his knuckle against the frog.
"He said you're cool... Okay! Ribbit-Croak-Plip says you're cool, too, and that he knows where some good worms are. If you want, he can show you," you translate.
And that's how you helped Toad and your frog friend make a new friend.
Lance and Fred learn you can lift things with your hair- tentacles- hair-tacles, when you're trying to cook dinner one night.
Two thick strands hold up the mixing bowl as three thinner ones add in herbs, milk, and creamy chicken soup. A few longer pieces are setting up the pan with rice, while the rest dice up the chicken meat. It's busy, enough so that you don't notice them come in right away.
"And that's what Toad said he heard from- Woah! Your hair's moving!" Fred exclaims, and you turn to look at him, as well as Lance, who'd he been talking with. You wave at them, as well as one your hair-tacles.
Lance's face turns pale, then a little green. "I... um. I think I might need to sit down a minute," he mumbles, plopping down into a chair by the chipped table. Fred only comes closer, looking at them and the ingredients.
"Whatcha cooking?"
"Chicken and rice casserole."
"Does it taste good?"
"... May I touch one of your... thing-a-ma-jigs?"
"Sure," you say, turning back to the bowl, now being filled with the diced chicken, the now-free strands opening up the oven as you pour the mixture into the pan. You feel a light touch on one of the tentacles, gentle and shaking. With a quick curl, it bumps the hand. "Boom, hair bump," you chirp, adding in some rice and stirring it into the mix, and once it's settled in the pan, you pop it into the oven.
"So... it's not snakes?" Lance asks weakly.
"No... It's like a little octopus," Fred says in quiet awe, bopping another one with a finger, earning a small bop back.
"Oh... So... An Ursula version of Medusa?" Lance says, then looks at the nearest tentacle. It boops him on the nose, then ruffles his hair. "Hey, leave the hair alone!" That only gets a giggle out of you as you wait for the casserole to cook.
Pietro isn't much issue, and neither is Wanda, both accepting g it without much problem, especially once you gift them a kitten, one who happily purrs the moment you plop it into their hands.
"This is Potter, they love people, they're an orphan, and they saw you, Wanda, and wanted to know if she needed a mouse catcher and loyal guardian. They also saw Pietro and said he'd like to nap on him, that he vibrated and so he must purr so much and be happy," you babble, stroking its small head with slow ministrations.
"... I will guard them with my life," Wanda says firmly, petting the kitten as it only purrs louder.
"... And I guess we could use a mouser. But it's not sleeping with me!" Pietro mutters.
(The kitten ended up sleeping with him, and would do so every night after, never being kicked out no matter how much Pietro acted mad) (He wasn't, the kitten, Potter, said it was cooed over and cuddled and given so many kisses that they couldn't help but give the purring mutant and the powerful guardian all the kisses it could give)
Mystique didn't cause as much mischief when you were part of a mission, but that didn't stop her from setting you up in odd situations.
"Why do I have to pretend to be your child?" you asked, looking up at the currently-disguised mutant.
"Because, my dear, it is imperative we catch Xavier while his guard is down," she practically purrs, then pulls you into a hug. "Now, let's try to get closer; I think I see our opening."
The two of you walked around the park, enjoying the pond and nature around you, even getting ice cream together. It was the perfect act, enough to let you two spy on the X-Men's older leader/guardian (it wasn't an act for Mystique, she just wanted to spend time with you and show you off to Charles).
It was pretty nice, overall, being with the Brotherhood.
You just had to keep away from the X-Teens, or otherwise you ended up grounded.
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teecupangel · 8 months
Catboy nonny with a message.
Master and kitten dynamic AltDes complete with collar
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Edit: I forgot to include this ask in this one as well TTATT
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The catboy!Desmond ask, the Desmond hates baths sequel, additional ideas of catboy!Desmond, catboy Desmond with a cat bell and the “How did Desmond get his bell?” idea for those unfamiliar with it. The above is more or less EziDes so we’re going to focus on an AltDes version for this one.
I don’t know how graphic this could be considered so I’m just gonna hide it here just to be sure.
There were many incidents that could be filed to the mental folder called ‘things Desmond Miles is embarrassed remembering’.
It’s actually more accurate to call it a large hole though than just a folder.
There were too many things Desmond didn’t want to remember because of how embarrassing they had been.
This current situation…
… was definitely high up there.
“You’ve been working hard today, haven’t you, my Desmond?”
Desmond couldn’t even answer Altaïr, his entire body having turned to putty already. His entire body continued to vibrate, a distinct purring sound leaving his lips as he tilted his head. He shivered as he felt Altaïr’s hand caress the side of his neck, slowly making its way towards his chin.
His entire face felt hot.
His body trembled.
His lips parted, letting out a soft gasp that was quickly drowned at by the embarrassing sounds more feline than human that left his lips.
Above him, Altaïr’s lips curved into a small smile.
“How should I reward you today…” Altaïr mused as his fingers moved lower. Desmond arched his back when he felt Altaïr’s fingers caressed his Adam’s Apple before his point finger curled around the padded collar around his neck.
“Maybe we should play for a bit?” Altaïr asked and Desmond’s ears twitched, a surprised gasp leaving his lips when he felt Altaïr tug his collar.
“Maybe you should do that in your room instead of your office?”
Desmond jumped off the table and hid underneath, ears flattening against his head as his entire face turned red.
“Malik.” Altaïr greeted as he sat back on his chair, casually rearranging the papers and scrolls that have been pushed aside earlier.
“Mentor.” Only Malik would be able to add so much disappointment in one word and Desmond’s tail curled around his leg as he was left mortified by being seen in such a state.
Sure, they still had their clothes on but there was no way anyone would have mistaken what they were doing.
Desmond didn’t even know he could freaking purr of all things!
Oh god.
Altaïr was going to use this to his advantage.
Desmond just-
Desmond’s breath hitched, his legs instinctively opening at the feeling of Altaïr’s boot pressing against his groin.
“The Rafiq of Acre sent an urgent message.” Malik started and Desmond covered his mouth with both of his hands to try and muffle his purring as Altaïr kept a steady pressure between his legs, “There have been signs of strange crusader activities in Acre. None of the informants seemed to know what’s happening-”
Unable to stop himself, Desmond began to rut against Altaïr’s boot, tears forming in his eyes.
Malik paused for a moment before sighing as he reminded them with gritted teeth, “I can still see you, Desmond. The desk doesn’t have a cover.”
Desmond froze for a moment, the heat of his body turning cold from embarrassment.
“I will allow you to watch, Malik.” Altaïr said as he pushed his boot against Desmond’s crotch, making Desmond let out a small squeaky sound that surprised Desmond himself, “But only watch.”
“Thank you but no thank you. Just…” Malik rubbed the side of his head as he said with gritted teeth, “Do your job, Altaïr.”
“I am doing my job.” Altaïr replied calmly, “Both as a mentor and…
“As a master.”
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