#i used to have 2 closets for all my hobby stuff
mercymaker · 7 months
the worst thing about moving to a new house is that i have no idea where half of the things are
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UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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tht0nesimp · 1 month
indulgent Drabble…
Idea: so have any of you guys seen those AU things where it’s like being a Yandere is a normal thing, so if you’ve seen season four you know about the wrong timeline things so like what if they ended up in one of those or this was one or something, this is probably not very well written…
tw: spoilers but not like specific instances just like information,Yandere bcs…it’s my blog, kidnapping, non consensual…everything?, normalized stuff idefk , Five is inspired by a Yandere five fic I read once I won’t even lie
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thinking of them all having their little darlings and how they treat them >.<
Luther’s darling is getting it probably some of the best, he pays, and he really wants them to love him! Really! He just…don’t get mad when he breaks all your stuff, he knows that you had an ex and that the object was important, but you can’t be mad! People see you two and are probably a little off put because likely you are dwarfed by him unless your a body builder or something, he doesn’t mind, just please don’t make him do anything….:(
Diego and a little spitfire, they’re likely someone Hellbent on fighting it, clawing and biting. Hair frazzled, likely to have a hole or tear in they're clothes—he doesn’t really mind, even when he has to drag you into the mansion, the others having some level of understanding of what he’s going through because…they’ve all done it, to varying degrees of lengths and extremities. He never felt healthy love before and it’s damn sure his dad don’t love ‘em so he truly doesn’t understand why you can’t just accept love?
Allison who makes sure her precious little mannequin is well known as hers, people envy you, an amazing actor with enough money to last a lifetime?! You might be able to run off and find a closet to huddle up in at home, but she won’t be patient with misbehavior in front of the media, you will find yourself on the wrong side of a chain if you try anything. Probably not a big fan of introducing you to people personally, she loves the flashy couples stuff; at least 2 dozen roses might make up for it? Right?
Klaus is barely making it, his other siblings likely pay for and/or babysit for him. He doesn’t snap very often like his siblings, he sees you as an angel! But, not a person. Truly, I think not only would the being forced to be around a very active addict but he won’t let you do anything outside of a hobby or two! He rarely leaves you alone, and to be honest he probably uses a chain or restraints all the time because even if he can come back, he’s not physically the strongest guy—but past that, he’s always eager to help you with bathing or eating or baking or drawing or writing or drinking or meditating or relaxing or sleeping or making the bed or cleaning up or driving or going outside(ofc with him, can’t have his little martyr running around! What if someone recognizes you as his and and and the debt collectors collect you!?) or any possible task, he’ll learn to cook or bake so you don’t have to! Just ignore the small white grains on his credit card….please! He won’t get angry commonly, if ever, but in the very rare chance he gets angry it’s best to just shut up and try not to make the voice begging him to tie you back up any louder.
Five and the little doll he carries around, always looking lost and glazed over, or maybe a girl who is eerily like him, either way, he’s dressing them up in whatever he wants. He likely drugs them pretty consistently, it makes him feel good to have someone who will thank him when he takes care of them, even if they don’t know what’s going on whatsoever. His siblings are surprised at the ice cream dates and picnics he sets up, people smile at him when he goes to get you a milkshake, the guy behind the bar laughing when five pours a little packet of powder into your drink and stirs it—happily accepting the man’s offer to top up your whipped cream, so you don’t get distressed about it—all in all, atleast his darling will never have to do anything for themselves…ever again
Viktor happily plays instruments for you, learning your favorites so he can serenade and impress you. He tries to be as accommodating as possible, so patient and okay with your panic that he succeeds in comforting you. He’ll even let you help him at the bar once you get settled in, people find it adorable when you and him work together you don’t really do anything
They probably don’t have playdates very often, but the most to least well behaved would probably go
Viktors darling—Viktors humanity pays off, and his darling likely comes to terms pretty quickly, asking him nicely for things and even letting him touch them willingly!
Luther’s darling—All in all, they probably don’t have all too much to complain about. They’re awkward, but the darling isn’t clawing at him or anything
Allison’s darling—no cameras? Her darling is probably playing a Nintendo switch on a couch somewhere in the mansion, avoiding the wackos
fives darling—He’s trying, and so are they, but they’re a little out of it most of the time. I won’t give them credit for behaving because they don’t even know they’re doing something good by clinging to torso they wake up on every morning or by not biting the hand that feeds them dinner every night
Klaus Darling—Trying to run like all hell, but klaus just pulls them into whatever room has been set up for the meetup and wraps a friendly arm around them for the rest of the event
Diego’s darling—Biting at him, breaking things, all hell will break loose and he will be chuckling at his siblings as his darling tries to stab him with a fork
Maybe I should write more in depth personal series about it??? Who would yall wanna see first??? All of them?? SEASON 4 IS STUPID AND I HATE IT >:(
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olomaya · 1 year
Followers Gift: A Couple of Random Mods
4 September: Czech version for Hang Out mod now available thanks to ProtectusCZ
18 August: These have been updated. Please refer to this post for more information before downloading.
Thanks for the 200 follows! Everyone has been really nice and encouraging and it's been fun to share this hobby with others.
I know it's customary to give gifts when you hit certain milestones but I don't really have anything ready to share.
Soooo I dug through my archive of old mods from yesteryear and tried to find something that someone other than myself would be interested in having. I recognize this is the equivalent of giving someone something you found in the back of your closet as a last-minute birthday gift! 😋
Anyway, here's two older mods I figure people might be interested in.
Combo Washer/Dryer
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The first is a combination washer and dryer. Useful for small spaces and apartments. It's pretty simple, you select do laundry and then when it's done washing, you select dry clothing. I made it as a cheap version but then threw in an expensive option as well. Because I hate free stuff in-game, you have to buy detergent pods in order to use it. You'll find all the objects (appliances and detergent bottle) in the laundry section. I edited the mesh for the base version to make it less wide so it didn't stick out so much in my bathroom so you have to turn on moveobjects to adjust it so it's flush against the wall. The light will be a little off as a result. Expensive version (pictured) is exactly the same as EA's.
Credits: Detergent bottle is from @aroundthesims and I squished it down to make it look different? (this was a while ago, I don't remember my rationale for this) The individual pod is a TS4 conversion from littledica. It sticks through the hand a little but the animation is 2 seconds long.
Download here (base version that you need) and here (optional expensive version) (obsolete now)
Hang Out
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The second is a mod similar to the TS2 feature where teens could hang out with each other and sit on the floor and talk. That's pretty much it. It's only for teens and kids but you can change it in the ITUN to make it for everyone Child+ and download the alternate version to make it Child+.
Download here (or if you want all ages unlocked, this version)
I hope you enjoy!
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centipedelightning · 2 years
headcanons about what kind of hobbies i think some of the skeles have. this post includes undertale and underfell sans and papyrus. i want to smooch these guys so bad y’all.
| Undertale & Underfell || fluff |
Hobbies: you are here | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
words: 1045
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Canonically it’s trombone, and he knows how to sew
He started learning how to sew pretty young (out of necessity) so he’s really good now. He made papyrus’s costume after all! He’s actually a pretty skilled seamstress and super super good at making barely visible, perfectly blended alterations to clothing. He’d be better at mending if he cared to, but he isn’t bad.
The trombone was probably in whatever the underground equivalent of his second year of high school.
Yes he was and still is a band kid sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other than in game canon, I see him doing origami. He found a box set of books (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at the dump in great condition and decided to take it up.
He used to make a bunch of little characters and animals for babybones Papyrus to play with.
He makes so many paper stars. Like two of those really big mason jar fulls with a third actively being filled.
It became a bit of a coping mechanism to be able to pick up scraps of paper and make little things quickly and mindlessly. Not to mention the chance to make a wish
More than once he may or may not have used torn slips of blueprints and schematics for projects…. Oops
He’s so babygirl girliepop
He loves puzzles but that’s already covered by playing the game and this is not written to rehash the canon
So instead I will tell you about the million and one crafts he does (no I won't)
He so so crafty and creative so technically he does a lot of different things, but I see him loving making decor items. Stuff like rock painting and recycled garden decor. Yk those bottle cap flowers for your garden? Stuff like that.
His front garden is so cute because of all the stuff he put in it.
The rocks he paints are just random local forest and river stones. The paints are all natural and watershed safe. Ecological awareness queen.
He mostly does those dot patterns when and places them all around the garden and pathways. Sometimes he’ll do little faces or bugs to mix it up
He’s such a Zumba girl you have no clue. He loves the fun danciness of it while still being a good workout. He’s very 90s fashion-wise so you know he’s in those brightly colored body suits.
He lovesss putting together and painting model figures. Kinda like dnd minis but I see him being more into put it together yourself robot sets (like Gundams or whatever they’re called)
Y’all he’s so down bad for sexy robots you can’t tell me he wouldn’t love Gundams. Just look at how he acts towards his action figures AND METTATON HIMSELF. He’s so tragic and so real tbh.
He’s my artsy babygirl.
If you’ve read my headcanon post about him you’ll know.
He’s not very good, but he does do landscape paintings every now and then. Those times are more when he randomly decides to take a walk around a local park or something. He’s more interested in studying other artists’ work than doing it himself.
Onto an actual hobby: Whittling!
He discovered the hobby kinda on his own in the underground. Whenever he was forced to show up to his sentry station and couldn’t find a way to run off, he’d pick up sticks and cut them down to nothing with a pocket knife. Over time he started carving little shapes and figures into the sticks. He’d usually just make simple bone attacks or snow poffs. Sometimes if he found a bigger branch, he’d make replicas of some of the other royal guards or random machines.
Topside he makes so many animals. Like so many. His favorite things to make are birds. He has so many different types of whittled birds all over his room. There’s boxes in his closet overflowing with finished and half finished bird carvings. They’re also in the windows and you can see them walking past their house.
If he’s feeling fancy he’ll pull out the woodstain and give them a little depth to make the species more obvious.
He makes other animals too of course, but they’re usually gifts. He makes a bunch of forest animals for Frisk (their favorites are rabbits and deer).
He made an MTT carving Once when Edge was going through it and was increasingly stressed for like a month straight. Red is a bit of a hater so jacking anything MTT was like pulling teeth. You gotta do what you gotta do for the happiness of your siblings I'm afraid.
A lot of people see him working as a mechanic and I agree, but that’s his career and jobs can’t be hobbies so I’m not gonna go into depth.
Ok consider for a second: (silk) flower arranging
For one, I headcanon him working as a professional makeup artist on the surface so its not completely left field,
For two, I’m right and you know it.
He does it as casually as you can imagine Edge being casual. Mostly dining table centerpieces and hallways vases. He does silk flowers for places he doesn’t check as often (like hallways) but since he’s classy he dumps the extra G for the fancy fake flowers.
The real flowers are in foyers and on tables. He even takes the occasional flower arranging class in different disciplines to be able to have the skill to arrange any flower in any style.
Edge is such a granny so I think weaving would be reasonable too.
Originally he started out darning his clothes so they would last a few more months, but since he got topside he does a lot of more artsy woven pieces on those small lap sized looms.
He’s not too picky about the actual design; they’re usually classy and fancy and a bit pretentious like him but he’s not actually all that picky about it. He mostly makes scarves and wall hangs that he sells at the local farmers market and craft fairs.
All his friends do have specially designed and stunningly made scarves that he spent hours laboring away on. He gets to critical levels of happiness when he sees them wearing his hard work.
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chaysreality222 · 11 months
A Guide On How to Script Your DR!
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table of contents ⬎
1⌇opening message
2⌇what is a script ⋄ what can you script⋄where to scrip
3⌇how to script
hey, it's c! i know this was a long awaited post but, it's here now. in this post, i'll be giving you a guide on how to script your dr. this process can either be enjoyable or stressful because of not knowing where to start, but that's why i'm here! feel free to script your dr as you're reading this! let's dive in!
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what is a script?
A script is a written version of all the details of you within your desired reality, scenarios you want to happen, the relationships you want to have, and the things that you own etc. I will say it once again, you don't need a script! but it is extremely helpful to organize all your thoughts about what you want for your desired reality.
what can you script?
You can script anything to your hearts desires! Don't take too much advantage of that information. I know it isn't any of my business about what you choose to script but don't be scripting anything inhumane. Come on now. Anyway, you can script things like unlimited money, (if you have a harry potter dr) a charm to make your period stop, or one of your pets into your dr. Stuff like that!
where to script?
You can use anything to script your desired reality! You can use a physical journal, the notes app in your phone, a google doc, google slides, canva, notion, etc. Basically, anywhere you can write or type. For those who want to keep your script a secret, I'd recommend a digital script rather than a physical one. You can get a journal app that requires a code to it so that no one gets in.
Then lastly, you can get the lifa app on the app store! It's like a pre-made script and all you have to do is add what you want. I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who has a hard time scripting on their own or just wants to get done with the process of scripting. I think there is a code on the app as well!
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how to script
Finally, the part you guys have been waiting for. Everyone start taking notes. I'm gonna start off with the basics of what you'll need for your script. I took some screenshots from my script that can help you guys out!
Reality or Shifting Information! this will include: your time ratio (1 hr in my CR = 1 week in my DR), the timeline ("I'm shifting to 4th year, 1994), safety (safeword, safe action), scenarios (something as simple as going to get ice cream with your comfort character), and or arrival (describe what happens when you wake up in your dr/your first day in your dr).
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Personal Information! this will include: about me tab (name, age, birthdate, hobbies, hygiene etc.), appearance (how you want to look/claims), wardrobe (what you'll have in your closet), backstory/plot (write about your backstory and how you're apart of the plot/change the plot if you want).
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Relationships! this will include: s/o, family, friends, and pet. You can basically just list how old they are, who they are to you, where and how you met them, etc.
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Belongings or Assets! this will include: finances, your house and or dorm, vehicles, and miscellaneous items. Basically whatever you want to own, how it looks like, what it can do.
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[OPTIONAL] Places! this will include: any main spots that you'll know you'll be at and you can script that you own the place, eventually WILL own the place, or live there etc.
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Extra! this will include: if you want to separately talk about how you become a vampire, get powers etc, (if you go to school/work in that dr) a schedule tab, calendar (come up with events or holidays you want to celebrate), immunities (whatever you're immune to).
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I truly hoped this helped those who don't know much about scripting! I personally really love this part about shifting and I hope you will too. As always, Happy Shifting!
xoxo, c!
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Hello :D
I love your writings!!!!
And I love your dbd Yandere Leon x killer reader story :3 can you pls make a part two? I would love to know how it will continues :D
Thank you so much for your amazing work!!!!!!
Also have a good day :D
Of course! Your super sweet I'm so glad you like my writing. So I actually started working on a part 2 after seeing your comment. But your ask just really made me work more on it. So thank you for requesting! Also, I tried to make this as gender friendly as possible. If I messed up anywhere Im so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it 💙
Yandere Leon with Killer! Reader pt 2
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Leon is a clingy needy dude after he's yonked you from the killer's realm. So expect a lot of cuddling, no personal space, and following you everywhere you go in the apartment. 
He isn’t THAT weird, and lets you use the bathroom in peace.
You think anyway.
The best part about him following you like a puppy is the fact that you can basically make him do anything with a simple sentence. 
You could ask for water, and he will zoom over the fridge to get you some water.
Food has been cooked and brought to you.
You are treated like a god dang queen/king/royalty. 
As you should be.
He took you without your permission, and has been keeping you basically hostage. 
This is the least that he could do for you. 
Now, is his cooking very good?
Not really.
He is used to cooking food over a fire and, after joining The Entity’s realm, not eating at all.
If someone came to visit you guys (99.98% not gonna happen but it doesn't hurt to hope) like a friend of his, who didn’t hate him for kidnapping you, he would be giving them a death glare until they leave. Lucky for them that they're friends with Leon or else you'd have a giant mess to clean up and some laundry to do if ya catch my drift.
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Btw, Leon 100% wants you to be his house spouse.
You are so missed by your friends. And are enraged and appalled that Leon has done this to you and is able to.
A lot of the killers don’t care tho, since they’ve seen much worse.
But the survivors do, they're also extra pissed he is the one who did kill them for a while as of late.
But hey, not everything was too bad. 
He let you have hobbies, as long as you were still inside of the apartment.
Like sewing.
If you were really interested in it, he would ask you to sew some of his old clothes with big holes.
“Y/N,” he would whisper, before sitting down next to you. You were just sewing up old holes in a pillow case that you found in the back of the closet, hoping to maybe get some use out of it. “Can you sew up this hole for me?"He showed you an old, black shirt with a bullet hole on the chest. “Laurie got me good with a pallet, it put a hole in my shirt, and I haven’t been able to find someone to repair it.”
If you try to stab him with the needle or scissors to skedaddle then your butt is gonna get whooped. 
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" He yelled at you while you tried to break the front door down. "To get away from you! Duh!" You replied before body slamming the door. Leon let out a string of curses as he quickly wrapped his wound with scraps of fabric from the table. Leon soon grabbed you by your waist and dragged you to the bedroom. "Damn it! Let go of me!!" You screamed and held on to the door frame of the bedroom. Leon covered your mouth and pulled you into the room. "You have no reason to scream yet." He hissed in your ear and shut the door. 
If you like reading, he would ask force ou to read to him.
“But, if the werewolf liked the girl, then why wouldn’t he keep her? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?” he asked. You rolled your eyes, "because the vampire one already had dibs on her. And healthy relationships don't involve kidnapping!" You told him and continued reading. "They obviously don't love her like I love you" Leon mumbled.
If you like drawing, he would ask to see what you’re drawing and he would try to make sure to get stuff for you to draw more. 
Like pencils and pens.
“What are you drawing?” He would ask, standing above you as you leaned over the table. “Is it a zombie?”
“A cat?”
“What is it?”
“It’s a tree.”
Leon would frame and or put any drawings or doodles on the fridge.
If you have other hobbies, he would try his best to get you stuff to be able to do the things you loved. 
If he couldn’t, he would watch you and learn what you were doing.
If he had to go to a trial while you were at the house by yourself, he would lock the doors and take the key.
That way you wouldn’t be able to get out while he was gone.
While that did stop you from getting out, it did allow you some time alone without him hovering over you.
You could do whatever you pleased for the few hours that he was gone. 
Wanted to catch up on some extra sleep that got taken away from you?
Then nap time it is!
Want to draw something without him looking over your shoulder?
Freedom to draw whatever you want.
Though, you would have to hide them, since he does go through your stuff regularly.
Especially your drawing notebooks.
But remember, he had to find things that were hidden before he was forced into The Entity’s realm. 
So it won’t be easy to try and hide things from him.
Especially if he is suspicious of you hiding something.
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“What did you do today?” He asked, walking through the door and plopping on the couch next to you. “Nothing much really, just took a nap and tidied up a bit.”. “Then why are the pencils out of place and why are their smudge marks on the table?” He asked, looking at you. He knew you were lying about what you were doing. “I know you were drawing.” He looked at you with an upset glare, “You don’t have to lie about what you do when I’m gone, you know I love your drawings.” He grabbed both of your hands in one of his, his other hand on your upper arm, “Where is it? I would love to see it.”. “I told you, I didn’t draw today. I tidied up, and that included moving some of the drawings I’ve already made.” You ripped your hands away from his. He started to get angry. "Why are you lying to me?" Leon yanked to towards him. "You didn't draw some boy or girl you think like like right? Because I'm the only one you can see in that way!" He was growling at this point. "Damn it Leon! I didn't draw today, and besides, is it really such a bad thing if I don't want you to see my drawings?" You were sweating now. You may or may not have drawn a hot character you had a crush on. But what's the harm in that? And aren't you allowed to have some privacy? "DON'T FUCKIN LIE TO ME!" he screamed and pinned you to the wall. You got the wind knocked outta you. "You know I don't like secrets." You stayed silent.  “I’m going to find it, even if I have to turn this whole place upside down!"
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Yeah…he doesn't like secrets
Especially from you. Couples share everything right?
But if you dont draw and play games instead then maybe you get a game system or a game boy.
Or whatever you need/want for your hobbies
Anywaaays when he is forced to chill in the Killer camp he likes to ease drop on the killers and survivors who were you friends before you got yonked. (Yes you were friends with most of the survivors. You were a pretty friendly and chill killer) 
Leon started to hear rumors of him making a deal with the entity. Which wasn't wrong. But he still didn't you two to be discussed about with these asshats
He also started to hear your friends talk about plans to take you back and beat the utter crap outta our RPD boi.
But sadly for you, that's not happening. The Entity has gotten so much rage from Leon taking his anger out on his once friends. (He gets angry because someone isn't reciprocating his feelings fast enough. 
And Entity is also getting rage and despair from the survivors
To be perfectly honest, I don't think you're ever getting out. Leon's kills is more than making up for you no longer being able to do trials. So the entity is probably gonna leave you in Leon's hands. Forever
"You're mine you got that?" He hissed at you as you kicked and screamed at him to let you go. You had just tried to escape again and Leon caught you. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Leon screamed and dug his nails into your jaw, breaking the skin and causing blood to trail down your neck. You mumbled out a yes. "Good, because you're never leaving me."
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—----------------------------------------------------------------------------- little fun bonus if wanted —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe one day the Entity decided to let you guys out into the real world for a while since Leon has been so so useful as of late 
That also meant everyone could join.
Leon was pissed about this idea. He only wanted you and nobody else.
Besides, his ex-teammates aren’t probably the happiest with him
You know, killing them and all that.
Killers also didn’t really like him either.
They missed you being around the campfire with them.
But he made a deal, and The Entity was one to never let their side of the deal fail. 
Neither was Leon though.
He always kept his side of the deal.
And he wasn’t going to let anyone else come near you.
You already knew that though, and it wasn’t like you haven’t tried to bargain with The Entity either. 
But at least you could enjoy a day in the real world near your friends. 
So, yay
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agoracactus · 2 years
GOW x Reader - Real Life AU Pt.1
i couldnt fit everyone in here so i thought id do a part two for the aesirs. if u got anyone u wanna see lemme know!
question, would ppl wanna read odin x reader?
or mimir?
Warning: no proofreading as im doing this late with my eyes half closed again
He came from a military family, was raised with strict discipline, which gave him a stern and rigorous manner.
He's a huge man, tall and very well-built. Very. Intimidating. You would have stayed as far away from him as possible if not for your curiosity.
At the start of your relationship, you relied a lot upon Atreus- Kratos's son- to be the middleman of your conversation. After a lot of "practice" and determination, you're now confident to read his emotions and have a general understanding of what he's trying to say (but not saying).
He was a general in his country, then got a dishonorable discharge. Got into business with the local cartel for a while, brought down the cartel single-handedly, and is now an independent contractor doing construction work. You often joke that he should get his life story made into a movie.
You love that under all the hard shell and tough demeanor is a big warm heart. While he secretly admires you wearing your heart on your sleeves- although he worries from time to time for you rarely let your guard up.
He doesn't talk about his past much, even after dating you for some time. It was frustrating at first, you thought he either didn't trust you or wasn't serious about the relationship. After some heated arguments, you two finally talked it out. You'd patiently wait till the day he's ready to open up about his past, and it would be perfectly fine if he never want to.
Speaking of heated arguments, it is rare to happen. He's a very logical person and straightforward. And slowly he's learning to open up and communicate more.
He had 2 marriages before, both gave him bitter-sweet memories. On your anniversary, with Atreus's help, you dug out the very few photos he had of his family, framed them yourself (with handmade wooden frames, you had multiple cuts following those tutorials on youtube), and gave it to him over dinner.
You were so nervous that he might see it as crossing his boundaries that you thought you'd throw up, instead he almost choked up.
You helped him hang up the photos on the entry wall afterward.
And he started liking his pictures taken especially when it's with you.
Atreus gave him a film camera for his birthday. So he started the hobby of photography, and even learned how to develop photos.
He writes poems for you.
You submitted some of his photos to a local photography contest, and he won the second prize.
He prefers the old-school stuff, for the life of him couldn't catch up with all the new techs. And he hated using smart phones. Later you found out it was because his fingers are too thick for a small smart phone screen, so you got him an ipad. Now he facetime everybody if he needs anything and puts the tablet by his ear to listen.
Drives a 4 -door pickup, and wouldn't let anyone drive his precious car. Not even Atreus.
You often buy him clothes, knowing he would look good in either style- also knowing that if you don't care about what he wears he would wear whatever flannel he has in his closet- often with some holes.
He does not care about whether it's hot or cold, he basically wears the same thing all the time. You don't know how he is warm when he's only wearing a t-shirt in the snow, while you wrapped yourself up like an onion
Not like you wanna complain though, it's nice to have a human heater in bed keeping your feet warm.
Has a friend called Mimir, a somewhat hippy-looking man. He helps with Krato's company's finance and other paperwork stuff. Unlike his appearance, according to Kratos, he's actually very smart.
You often wonder how these two people become friends in the first place.
Works at a wildlife rescue organization, and travels all the time to help all sorts of animals.
You two met on a rescue mission. He admires your compassion and love towards the animals, and you love his capability of handling hurt and tense beasts.
When you first met, he had a full head of braided locs. He claimed that since he couldn't grow a full and luscious beard, he overcompensate with his hair.
Likes braiding your hair, and you'd let him do it because he can do all sorts of braids and does it better than you.
Used to participate in archery tournaments when he was still in school, won lots of trophies and medals. Now he plays amateur games.
He brought you to an archery range for your first date. You being competitive thought it would be a piece of cake. But couldn't even draw the bow string.
You thought you were going to impress him, instead, he impressed you with extreme patience and well-articulated instructions. You were able to hit a target after half a day's training thanks to him.
He loves to read. You planned a treasure hunt at the bookstore for your anniversary, looking for books to gift each other and to read together. He always talked about it to his friends, showing off how thoughtful you are.
He just loves showing you off to people.
He's as stubborn as a mule. Whatever he set his mind to, no one could change his mind. Sometimes you admire his level of determination, other times you wanna bang your head on the wall.
He has a huge dog named Fenrir, Atreus rescued him when he was just a little puppy. The first time you visit his house, Fen tackled you- it was almost traumatizing. Atreus told you it was because Fen really liked you, and he doesn't usually take a liking to people.
Of course he would be a prankster, often pulling small pranks on you (harmless though), you are constantly amazed at how creative he is, and would often laugh at these pranks together.
At first you were scared of his father, a big man who rarely speaks let alone smiles. Sometimes you wonder if he really loves his son, when he barely gave Atreus any response to whatever he was sharing
Plus , what loving parent lets their kids call them "sir"?
Later in your relationship, after many childhood stories Atreus shared with you, you realized how wrong you were. You apologized to Kratos over family dinner.
When you two have a fight, he'd storm off, usually out of the house. He'd return after a few hours with flowers or other gifts to apologize, and would be cool to sit down and talk about your issues.
She's a florist/herbalist, has a dainty flower shop on the street where you live. Before you two got together you often went and got flowers for your mother.
She'd insist that you pursued her first.
Has lots of plants in the apartment, and a small herbal garden on the balcony.
If you're good with plants, she'd argue which plant loves her the most. If not, you're forbidden from even going near her babies.
The pair of you each own a cat before your relationship, but somehow both of the cats seem to like/obey her more.
She has published several books about herbalism, led a few workshops, and there's a small community on social media praising her work. You often joke that it's her little cult.
Your parents adore her, especially your mother. Whenever you two went over for dinner they'd hang out in the kitchen, cooking and chatting. To your parents, Freya would be the one to go to for opinions of stuff instead of you.
Your mother knits her a sweater every winter. You don't even get a hand-made sweater from your mother that often.
Had a marriage with a businessman before, and had a son who died in an accident. She has the son's photo on her phone's lock screen, and would curse every time the businessman shows up on the news.
Has a twin brother who she worries about all the time. He travels around and is rarely home, when he's home she'd cook him a meal fit for a king.
When she was young she had to work several different jobs to raise herself and her brother. Even though she doesn't have to worry about finance or her brother anymore, a lot of the time she still acts as a "mother", you'd have to remind her to lean on you more.
You two often go for a weekend drive, have picnics at the beach or in the forest, enjoying nature together. For some reason small animals like birds or squirrels- sometimes foxes and rabbits- love her.
Every month you two go help at the local rescue center on at least one of the weekends. It still amazes you how she knows herbal remedies for animals.
You'd apologize first every time when you had an argument. Most of the time it would be your fault anyways. Your queen could never be wrong.
He's the lead singer/songwriter of a popular band, doing alternative music. The band has a decent amount of followers but their music is mediocre. You had a theory that most of their fans are in love with the band members, not their music. (He wouldn't agree though)
Very charismatic, often is surrounded by a bunch of people in social situations. It's hard not to feel jealous, but every time when he sees you from the crowd, he'd pish whatever conversation aside and get to you.
Sometimes you go visit him when he's on tour, his band-mates adore you, but would constantly make fun of him, saying he talks about you too much.
An indoor person, doesn't like going out very much. He claims that it's because he travels a lot for work, and he wants to be as still as possible in his spare time.
Has long hair, and often has it in a messy bun. Sometimes you'd feel playful and ask to braid his hair. He'd let you, and if he has a show in a few days he'd make sure the braids last till then, and would tell the whole crowd you did his hair.
He's a great cook, often cooks for you. He explained that he used to cook a lot when he was a kid.
Definitely a gamer, and is very competitive. Although he is not a poor loser, and would let you win if you lose too much.
Sings in the shower. Before you moved to a better apartment with better sound-proofed walls, your neighbors often come to knock on the door to complain about how loud he is. (yes other aspects as well he is looooud)
Obviously, he sings for you all the time. He claims that after you two got together, all of the songs he made are either for you or about you.
And he praises you all the time, you often giggle at the creative compliments.
He's more into anniversaries than you, insists that you celebrate every one of them. From the day you first met to the day you move in with him. Even when he's away on the tour, he'd make sure to send you presents/flowers and facetime you.
Also very into holidays, he makes sure he would be home during any of the holidays. Sometimes you two visit Freya and celebrate together.
Bought you a puppy for your birthday, though in fact he was the one who wanted the puppy. He fell in love at first sight at the store and insisted on getting the pup. He named the golden retriever Ingrid.
Has a twin sister, you've met her a few times. Every time you see her you think that "majestic" is the perfect word for her. Though she's very friendly.
You'd ask her about his favorite food, and cook it for him, surprising him when he gets home.
You two don't really fight, he'd make it up to you before you even get upset. And you are absolutely perfect in his eyes.
She's an artist, known for her unique way of utilizing color.
You first met at her exhibition, you didn't expect to be fascinated by this random artist at the exhibition your friend dragged you to. Soon you became her number-one fan, showing up at all of her exhibitions.
She'd recognize you and come greet you every time, greetings gradually evolved into coffee and dinner dates. Then it became nightly phone calls. One night she just blurted out a confession over the phone.
You two share a studio apartment, allowing you each to have your own space while enjoying each other's company.
She's pretty messy. When you first moved in, her stuff was left everywhere, you could find brushes on the stove, remote in the fridge, and clothes on the back of every chair you own. You had to teach her how to be more organized (her manager was very grateful). Now she keeps her messiness in her own space.
She's an animal lover, owns two dogs and three cats. Whenever you two watch something together and some animal shows up, she'd wanna have them as a pet.
She doesn't drive, she either takes public transport or rides a bike.
She doesn't really like living in the city, and is saving money to buy a little country house.
A spiritual person. You always find some crystals in the house, sometimes, she'd drop some rocks in your bag claiming it would help with fatigue or anxiety. The apartment always smells nice with the burning incent.
She also loves to bake, often experiments with different recipes, adding a sweet and buttery smell to the apartment.
You learned how to meditate from her. When you start working from home, she'd grab you every afternoon to do a 30 min meditation.
You do weekly pamper nights together, having face masks on, rubbing each other's feet, watching movies, and catching up.
Eventually you two would move to a nice little country house. And slowly but surely she would turn it into a small farm with sheep and chicken and goat and other animals.
You would get a secondhand car so it's easier to get groceries. You'd give her a ride if she has work in the city, and have a launch date in your favorite cafe.
You two never fight, whatever problem you have you are always comfortable talking to each other.
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(plaintext under read more)
main post:
AITA for asking my girlfriend to cut back on her messy hobby?
My girlfriend collects rocks and bones. Not crystals or anything. She doesn't think they have any magic powers, they're just normal rocks. She's not into astrology or any witch stuff. She sometimes tells me about the rocks and what type of rock they are and it's usually chert, which seems to just be a type of normal rock.
She's really outdoorsy and she travels a lot for work and when she gets back from a project she has a pocketful of new rocks. The bones are usually deer bones that she finds out in the woods and she doesn't have as many of them. The skulls are cool but also kind of creepy and most of them don't even have antlers or anything impressive like that. Her favorite bones are shoulder blades and those spine bones.
If we go on a hike, she'll sometimes stop randomly because she's found a cool rock (that looks like a normal rock you could find anywhere) and put it in her backpack or pocket. Sometimes she asks me to carry them and I have to put dirty rocks in my pockets.
She keeps them all over the house on tables, but mostly in our bedroom on the dresser and on her desk. She used to keep the skulls and bones on the dresser but put most of them in the closet when I said I was creeped out when I would wake up and see a bunch of dead animal skulls staring at me. But she takes some of them out when she's working at home.
The problem with the rocks is that there are so many of them and it's starting to make the apartment seem cluttered and kind of messy. If anyone came into our room they would just see a bunch of random rocks all over the place. The other day when I was cleaning I put all of them in a nice box so that they were all in one place and she got really mad when she got home. She says she likes looking at them and seeing some remind her of the different trips she's taken (even though they all look the same) and she said that they're beautiful and make her happy. She also likes to pick some of them up and carry them around during the day.
I calmly explained that we were running out of space for her rocks and maybe she could take photos of pretty views she saw to remind her of her trip, and she got really really mad and said that it wasn't the same and I couldn't tell her what to do with her apartment (even though we both live here so it's my apartment too) I tried to get my friend to commiserate, but he said I was being an ass for trying to stop my girlfriend from doing something that makes her happy and that I should be thankful that her hobby doesn't cost any money.
AITA for wanting a clean apartment? I'm not even telling her to get rid of her random rocks and bones, I just want them put away to make the place look nicer.
Edit: You don't all need to keep yelling at me that I'm an asshole. Someone sent me a link to a nice organizing case specifically for rocks that she can keep on her desk. I'm going to get her one of those as an apology gift and see if she wants to put some in a shadowbox.
Comment #1 from OP:
She’s an archaeologist
Comment #2 from OP, in answer to how many rocks and what size:
Maybe like 50 total? All different sizes but mostly only an inch or two across. She’s got about four big ones the size of my fist and those are the ones she puts in the living room by the lamp to “decorate”
It feels silly to spend money on a display case for normal rocks, but I’ll ask her.
They’re mostly on her own personal desk which is her space, but I still have to see them all the time and it’s a mess.
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Serious story from a Furrian (Furry and Therian)
"Furry Girl!", "Kill yourself!", "Awoo!", "Nobody wants you here! Nobody wants a Furry ass wetback like you!" More and more is told in front of my face or back every single day. This is sick and tiring, especially since they know that I have depression. School makes me being a Furry feel like I should be a closeted one. Only a few people respect me at school, but the whole 6th grade tells me very horrible stuff. I wonder what it's like to be appreciated and loved at school. I wonder what it's like to not be told to kill yourself and have so many friends. I wonder what it's like to not have been spreaded with rumors which caused me to almost get in a fight with something over something not true. I wonder what it's like to not be physically and verbally abused everyday. I wonder what it's like to not have an ex boyfriend that talks shit about you in front of people and forced you to sit on his lap. People at school know what I go through, most of them just don't care. People treat me like this for what? Because I'm a Furry and a Therian! People at school record me, post pictures of my other therian friend on Instagram, treat the 3 of us therian besties as shit for what? Being different and having different hobbies. I cry almost everyday at school, but I never tell my friends! My own friends! I one time got cornered by a group of boys and they were talking shit to me and asking me why I was a Furry and a "animal rapist". (They called me an animal rapist because I'm a Therian! Like, what the fuck?!) They were all laughing and one of them slapped me on the face. They did that while I was cornered! I almost get in fights for being a Furry and a Therian. Seriously, the boys were trying to jump me before just because I was a what? A Furry and a Therian. My math teacher embarrassed me in front of my class. She was using me as an example to a fraction problem and said "Now, Imma act like [My dead name]! The only thing I think of is animals and Furries!" Everyone was laughing at me and I almost cried. She knew what the hell she was fucking doing! I cried in my sleep because her sentence repeated over and over in my head, and so was other peoples. I just hate how society odds out specific hobbies, beliefs, or personalities.
Furrian: "Hello, friend!"
"Good" person: "Hello! What do you like to do?"
Furrian: "Oh, I'm a Furry and a Therian, so I like dressing up in my own anthropomorphic (did i spell it wrong?) character and I do quads-"
"Good" person: Oh! So you have sex with animals?! Bye! I hope you lose your virginity to an animal and die! Oh wait, you already did! Just go and die! Kill yourself!
Like, come on?! Are you really gonna start acting like that when you first encounter a Furrian? That shit is something I have to go through everyday. Trust me, in real life, it's sad. Guys, just don't bully furries or therians. Some of them could be suicidal and/or are depressed. I met a suicidal Furrian online. I helped them (It was a Non-Binary Furry and Therian) I just wish nobody ditched us for 2 specific or more things.
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rain-is-cool · 8 months
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG @littleeggrock !!!! I APPRECIATE IT!!!!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope!! But my middle name is from my great grandma on my dad’s side!
2. When was the last time you cried?
Probably a week or so ago at 3 AM because the thoughts at that late at night be wildinnnnn (but I also was abt to cry today because my head hurts so bad, but that’s basically everyday, I get headaches a lot)
3. Do you have kids?
Yep!! I have 2 children with my platonic husband!! (Their not actually my children, it’s a bit me and my friends have going on lmao their actually not even a year younger than me 💀)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I played lacrosse for a year-ish and I almost joined a team for soccer and volleyball but didn’t end up committing to it so I never played
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Oh definitely, I love sarcasm, I also love tone tags for that reason to because it allows people to understand me better (and help me understand them lmao)
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Just anything I can tell without interacting with them really, how they look, who they’re talking to, do they seem serious or joking? Should I avoid them or is it ok to approach them? Stuff like that
7. What’s your eye color?
I was told when I was younger it was hazel but I personally think it’s more brown
8. Scary movie or happy ending?
Oh DEFINITELY happy ending, I can handle scary movies for the life of me 😭😭😭
9. Talents?
I can play the ukulele somewhat decently!! :]
10. Where were you born?
Ok don’t make fun of me for this but…. Florida
(Please help I hate it here)
11. What’s your hobbies?
Gaming, Reading, Music, Collecting rocks/sticks, learning abt Greek mythology, and a whole other things that would take to long to list lol
12. Do you have any pets?
(I’ve had a lot more in the past to lol)
Cat #1 A gray tabby cat named Stormie (she gets locked in the closet a lot but she’s the most social out of the 3 cats)
Cat #2 A black cat named Binx (yes from hocus pocus) he’s very fluffy and fat and the only one of the cats that will maybe scratch you
Cat #3 A calico cat named Vida (as in the Spanish word for “life”) she’s very skittish but a sweetheart 💙💙💙
Dog #1 A mini Australian shepherd named Hazel, she’s very skittish but very sweet once she warms up to you
Dog #2 A idfk-even-though-I’ve-been-told-and-he-does-have-a-specific-breed named Nico, he’s still a puppy so he’s very energetic, he’s also very social :]
13. How tall are you?
Short as fuck 😭😭😭
I’m 4’11 - 5” and I get bullied because of it (in a /aff way) all the time 😭😭😭
14. Favorite subject in school?
English/Language Arts/ELA ALL THE WAY
You know how people say there’s math gays and there’s English gays? YEA IM THE ENGLISH GAY (I’m currently failing math)
15. What’s your dream job?
To be a Veterinarian, to work at a music store, or to work at Barnes & Nobels :] !!!
TAGSSSSS: @asterssunzephyr @gh0stmythz and @okaioh Hiya guys!!! How are you?? :D
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Aita for having my stuff around my grandmas house?
I(23f)started living with my grandma(75), mom and step dad a while ago. My grandma is a hoarder. Not a particularly dirty hoarder, it's mostly clutter and paper and forgotten hobbies. But she has a problem letting go of things that are obviously garbage, like 2 decade old paint brochures for example. My mom asked me to move in with them for the summer to help at her farm business, when I was previously living with some family friends, the mom in that house is also a hoarder so I'm quite tolerant of it. Anyways, I wasn't sure if I'd be staying past summer to try community college or a job, so I brought all my stuff, like ten boxes worth. My family has two months notice of me moving in, but when I got there to start helping at the farm, the spare room I was supposed to stay in was full of clutter, as was the closet. So my boxes ended up staying in my car and laying around the house. It's been a month and while the room is mostly cleared out, (she pretty much just stuffed all the stuff into the closet in the spare room) my grandma has started complaining about my boxes in the living room, saying she wants at least one room to look nice for guests. However most of the clutter in that room is hers, or stuff from my mom's business. To be fair, there's also like 3 boxes of my stuff stacking behind a chair that's been there for almost two years when I went abroad for a year. There's no furniture to store my stuff, and I've been trying to organize it within the boxes to condense it a bit but I can only do so much. I'd like a dresser or rack to hang/store my clothes and a shelf, so that I can put my stuff away and not have it all taking up space on the floor, but I'm unsure how long I want to stay here so I'm hesitant to buy new furniture, yet it's hard to get my mom or stepdad to help me pick up used and pre-assembled stuff. My grandma says I should just stack the boxes in my room, but then it'll be more difficult for me to access the stuff inside them. Also, I'm annoyed that because she's still using the closet in my room, I have to have that space clear all the time, and she ends up in my room a lot to get something which I feel is a bit intrusive.
What are these acronyms?
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maddiebuckettebuckley · 2 months
come talk to me about your wildest dream plot lines for season eight these are all of mine :) this got a little out of hand but i have no regrets
eddie: obviously this is the most important to me. I have a series of demands. 1) get his gay ass out of the closet I’m so fucking serious. catholic guilt and leaning on Bobby can be a part of it. it will be torturous and like pulling teeth but he’ll be girl who is going to be okay afterwards!! 2) (strongly tied in with #1) him exploring what he likes/wants/who he is as a person outside of fatherhood (bc he’s been a dad since he was!! a teenager!!!!). give him some new friends (Maddie and Karen!!! preferably!!!!!!). give him some new hobbies that he actually enjoys and isn’t just using to escape from The Horrors. AND let him go to gay night at a line dancing club 3) he comes head to head with his parents about um everything. actually sets boundaries about their relationship with Christopher (I.e. you cannot just show up at my house to take my son away even when I’m having a mental health crisis. maybe actually support me next time or just fuck off) 4) drop him in the middle of the woods and have him presumed dead due to a plane crash when he does go to pick up Chris (maybe midseason? but I really don’t want chris gone for that long)* 5) feelings realization re buck in the second half of the season. I think he actually realizes at the same time he realizes he’s gay but it is simply too scary so he’s like okay I have to deal with one thing at a time. but then he simply cannot ignore it anymore. probably due to buck is being insane after his own feelings realization. 6) spurred on by his self-discovery arc in star first half of the season, he starts working towards his paramedic license yayyyy
buck: princessa….. okay I don’t have much for buck. I want him to mostly be background to other people’s arcs. bc I actually think that’s where he thrives EXCEPT: 1) I want him to start really struggling with the fact that he doesn’t have kids yet, and like even looking into ways to have kids on his own (esp. since he knows he’s bi now) like surrogacy and adoption and stuff. and 2) actually think this could be an interesting point of conflict (and breakup??) between him and Tommy (where Tommy is just not that interested in having kids) because it would be an actual discussion and require buck to actually examine what he wants out of a relationship 3) presumed deaddie leading to feelings realization. this makes him insane, obviously, and he makes it everyone’s problem. yay :)
hen: 1) she kills Gerrard with her bare hands. the boys can help if they want but she should land the killing blow. and by this I of course mean get him fired and make sure he never works for the LAFD again. bc it’s crazy he still has a job. or maybe she actually does kill him that would be so fine too 2) she and karen (I actually think Karen might lead this bc hen will be busy killing Gerrard) tear down the entire DCFS system to get their daughter back. I genuinely think she has to be home by the end of the first three episodes. or I will go crazy. 3) the gerrard and bobby situation leads to captaincy succession drama between hen and chim, where they actually sort-of fight about who should be captain and they both make very good points. the resolution to this is 4) hen’s nightmare with councilwoman ortiz gets her interested in local politics, and she runs for city council (or something), and decides that’s what she wants to focus on right now rather than trying to become captain
chimney: 1) fostering mara gets Maddie and chimney talking about the possibility of having more kids. chimney really wants to, and specifically wants to adopt kids, because he was given a home when he had none as a child and really wants to offer that to someone else, and he doesn’t want jee to grow up without a sibling. this leads to some more exploration into his childhood and confrontation of his past grief. they ultimately decide it’s not what’s best for their family, but do decide to keep their house open for emergency temporary foster placement 2) captaincy succession drama with hen, as aforementioned. he struggles with his whole inferiority complex when it comes to leadership positions, and ultimately realizes how much he’s grown in that regard and that he actually could be a fantastic captain. because he loves hen he’s willing to give it up for her, but then she encourages him to go for it so he starts down that path 3) can we revisit the fact that this man has come within kissing distance of death more times than anyone else on this team???? like, what has that done to his psyche???? how has it changed him as a person???? it’s years too late but I want it so bad.
maddie: 1) aforementioned family planning discussions with chimney. because of her traumatic experience after jee’s birth, she really cannot see herself ever having other kids of their own, because she just knows it would bring her back to that place emotionally, and she feels that their family is complete with jee. this causes a lot of tension between her and chimney for a while, as they come to understand each other’s points of view. but she does love what they’re able to do for mara, and wants to continue with emergency foster care 2) I just really need her to bond with eddie. they have so much in common and I feel like could really be a support system for each other, especially as they’re both grappling with parenthood struggles 3) she starts considering taking on a leadership position in dispatch alongside chimney starting down a captaincy path and maybe there is even like maddie-josh drama or maddie-linda drama that parallels the chimney-hen drama
ravi: because he WILL be a main. trust 1) struggling with fitting in with A-shift after coming from B-shift, because they’re so tight-knit and he’s been in and out, but ultimately realizing he’s part of the family already. and they throw him a surprise party obviously 2) baby’s first life threatening injury!!!! and everyone is freaking out bc that’s their little guy and they JUST officially adopted him. and of course this is his begins episode, so we get to see some of his childhood growing up in hospitals and stuff and how he got into firefighting. I would love for it to be like. his family is actually super supportive but he struggles to fit in and be a part of a team due to he was sick all the time as a kid. this would work together nicely with him feeling like he doesn’t fit in with A-shift! I also think it would be funny if he was in the hospital and the 118 assumed his family wouldn’t show up and then they ALL do like parents siblings everyone. and they’re like oh. that’s… never happened before?? 3) it would be very funny if hen and chim were trying to get everyone to pick sides in their captaincy drama and they were fighting over ravi and he was so sick over it. like I can’t choose i love them both. why is this happening. do I need to talk to HR?? and everyone is like no this is just how things are around here bro. but he kind of has to stand up for himself a bit and be like dudes. I’m not doing this.
bobby: 1) the Gerrard stuff is going to have Bobby actually considering retirement and not just in a suicidal way. and ultimately I think he’ll decide that he wants to back away from the day-to-day stuff and do more oversight stuff, so he starts the process of stepping up the ranks to ultimately become fire chief, in part so that no one like Gerrard can stick around in the LAFD. this is a big factor in hen and chim thinking about captaincy. 2) I would be really interested to see his reaction to buck thinking/talking about having kids, since he sees buck as a surrogate child, and if it makes him feel a certain way about like fatherhood and mortality and legacy and stuff. buck obviously is like ‘well and would the kid call you grandpa or pops or what. because pops would be so funny considering.’ and bobby just starts crying. 3) I want Bobby’s special blood thing to come back lmao like maybe the blood people are like hey so that other guy in Australia died um do you have any siblings?? and he has to reconnect with his brother because of it. and deal with some of his unresolved stuff about his father’s death. this can happen for reasons other than his special blood I suppose but I would love for it to be special blood related 4) he has to go back to Minnesota for some reason (maybe related to reconnecting to his brother) and it like literally almost kills him but it’s ultimately really good for him
athena: all love to ms bassett but I’ll be honest as a certified cop hater the only athena arc I’m interested in is her quitting her job. I would love for her to get in trouble due to her abuse of power wrt Amir, and realizing how many other times she’s abused her position of power. I would also love for May and/or harry to be involved in helping her realize this. and then maybe she gets into like an alternatives to policing model or community organizing or something. this will of course never ever happen. but I actually feel like thematically it would align well with the rest of the characters’ arcs (self-discovery, transition periods, stepping into new roles, etc.)
other stuff:
-*to elaborate on presumed deaddie, no one kill me but maybe it’s on the way BACK from Texas and Chris is also in the plane crash? and in part due to eddie being concussed, he has to kind of step up and use what hes learned through osmosis about first aid and emergency stuff to help people and keep them calm. he’s literally a baby and he shouldn’t HAVE to do this but I think it would be so beautiful to see him like confidently helping out in a horrible situation because everyone he knows is first responders lol. so he knows what to do and how to keep a clear head about it. my brave brave boy!! of course if eddie and chris were BOTH presumed dead buck would kill himself For Real so there has to be hope that they’re alive. maybe eddie wanders into the woods (due to he’s concussed and disoriented) away from the crash site so they find Chris first and then spend the whole next episode looking for Eddie. and they literally have to sedate buck and/or put him on a physical leash so that he doesn’t run off into the woods to die with Eddie. of course. and the will comes up as a part of all of this obviously which is associated with the feelings realization AND the kid stuff.
- I would love to have another female firefighter on the team, especially if Ravi joins as a main. I think like a really tiny angry 20 year old female probie who picks fights with Buck specifically would be a really iconic addition. and I think Hen would LOVE to mentor a younger female firefighter. and she and eddie and ravi would all be best friends. she would take a while to warm up to buck and she would think chimney was kind of weird but in a fun cool-uncle kind of way.
- controversial but if Taylor came back in some way I think that would be so funny. maybe they want to turn her book into a movie or something so they come to interview the firehouse about it. and they would all hate it so bad, except chimney who would be thriving
- more emergencies in general. hopefully with an 18 episode season they can actually do this
- stuck-in-the firehouse bottle episode where there are zero (0) calls all day but they are being discouraged from driving around for some reason so they literally have to stay inside all day. and the AC isn’t working. this overlaps with hen and chim’s captaincy drama AND buddie mutual pining era and they all make it everyone’s problem
- ending the season with a buddie cliffhanger (maybe a first kiss? confession?) but also ending with a cliffhanger of someone else in serious danger, like maybe hen and karen getting into a car accident or something????, and then they couldn’t do a time jump and would have to resolve both things simultaneously and the tension and chaos would be wild and I just think that would be a slay setup for the start of s9!!
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peofun1 · 3 months
Expensive Anime Plastic part 2: Two years later
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now with 80% less cardboard as risers!
so I've had this as my pinned post for two years now, but it's pretty outdated at this point. my collection has grown a lot in the last two years, and I wanted to show it off! this is my blog and I'll make you look at my plastic toys if I want to >:D
this post is a full tour of my anime figure collection as of June 2024, which basically spans across my whole apartment these days. this is my 11th year in the hobby, so everything you see here was accumulated slowly over that time.
buckle up because this is REALLY long and picture-heavy. (also other collectors can find me on myfigurecollection(dot)net as peofun1, if you'd like~)
Alright, first up, the detolfs in the living room:
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Some thoughts: the BNHA shelf will likely get rotated out pretty soon. I fell off the manga pretty hard a while ago, but I do still enjoy these figures... but when my Haikyuu Kotobukiya scales get here (all four of them 😩) I'll probably try to turn that into a Haikyuu shelf. Jirou, Shouto and maybe one Dabi can take the place of the Haikyuu Nendos on the left side
the Katamari Dipp figure is a custom by sixsculpts on instagram! (topshelf on MFC) they reached out to me when I mentioned I'll probably never get my hands on the F4F Dipp figure, and made the Dipp of my dreams for me 🥰 definitely check out their work if you like customs!
last thing -- I know the bottom left shelf is kind of a disaster. Ike and Alphen just REFUSE to play nice together, with the way they both have big capes and swords that stick out and bump things -_- if it helps, we're usually viewing these shelves at an angle from our couch, and Claude in the back is much more visible from there
as a little bonus, here's what one of these shelves USED to look like before I rotated out these figures:
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I decided to pack away most of my League of Legends figures after they laid off my wife 😐 (and several good friends 😐) I may bring them back out once I have more room, but they currently live in the closet. and that's fine, for now.
Next up, my desk in the office:
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I put away all my random stacks of MTG cards to take these pictures.
most of the figures here are blind box/prize figures that I won't be too sad about if they get dusty or attacked by the cats (though I do use some boxes to block them from the cats when I'm not in the room). the exceptions are the goth angel, who doesn't fit anywhere else, the light-up Futaba figure and the Cintiq girlie, who simply have to live with my computer and Cintiq tablet. themeing!
some of the pins/keychains/prints here are official, but a lot of them are fan-made merch! some of them are bonuses that came with zines I preordered (including the infamous showtime akeshu zine)
also, since you can see a few of them in the top pic, here's those plushies. I have way more plush than this, but these are the ones that currently live on my desk:
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Moving on to the bedroom: ❗❗ Warning: this section contains figures that are NSFW ❗❗ I've censored one of them (because her bits are just OUT and I don't wanna to get smited) but there are a few that are ~spicy~ proceed with caution
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(I promise we have books that aren't manga, they're just all on a different bookshelf in the living room!) this doubles as our manga shelf, obviously. we got back into collecting physical manga after moving to LA, since it's easy to make a trip to Kinokuniya and pick up new stuff! mixed in are some older volumes I recently rescued from my parents' house. I'm slooooowly trying to complete TRC, but it's hard to find it these days...
anyway this shelf is kind of a mess theme-wise, since they're mostly just figures I don't have room for anywhere else. especially that top shelf, yeesh. 10th anniversary Miku trying to bridge the gap between horny 1/4 scales and live-service game hell.
long-time followers might also spot the sonic screwdriver, which is the same one I'm holding in the very first post I ever made on this website. please don't go looking for that.
I'm hoping to pick up a third display case (probably second hand, since ikea discontinued the detolf >.> ) but in the meantime they're here getting in the way of my manga.
aside from the LoL figures, I have three others not currently on display: one is Magical Mirai Miku 2017, which is in her box because she's broken 😬 her neck peg got messed up one of the times I packed her to move, so I need to fix that sometime. the second is the 1/4 Yakuwa Nazumi designed by WOOMA, which I desperately want to display but she's ENORMOUS so she'll probably have to wait until I get another display case. and the last is another Miku prize figure, because I clearly don't have enough of those lmao
so that's my whole figure collection! it's a constant work-in-progress, because they keep making cool new figures and I am never satisfied :)
if you actually took the time to read all this, thanks for indulging me!!
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silkythewriter · 2 years
Match up for Black Butler and/or Sally face?
Im nonbinary (masc, he/they) and pan, 5'1 ginger with a really bad buzzcut. I mostly wear baggy clothes and hoodies but like to dress formally every now and then. My main intrests consist of reading, collecting stuff and drawing. Sometimes I get to engaged in my art and end up staying up really late and sitting at the same spot for like 2+ hours. I can tend to be really stubborn and hate admitting that other people are right. Im mostly anti-social when with strangers and have a hard time talking to others , but when im with friends im complely different and basicly the weird energetic one in the friend group. I'm really bad at dealing with stress and dark thoughts. My love language is gift giving and I tend to go all out for gifts for my loved ones. I prefer compliments and words of assurance over gifts.
I hope that was okay!! It's like 3 in the morning and im really bad at writing so theres probably a few spelling errors and thing that dont make sense ;-;
Summary: match up for black butler and sally face!! :D.
Small warning!: AHHH TYSMM this is gonna be my second match up and as you’ve seen I’m not the greatest but not the worst at them so I hope you enjoy!
Small note!: I do art aswell!!! I enjoy it but only as a hobby cause I know how difficult it is, I love drawing random characters for fun! That’s all i wanted to say! I hope you Enjoy
Fandom!: Black butler/sally face
Daily song suggestion!:
Black butler: you got
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Your guy’s personality is very…. Different to say the least, ovo💧But somehow complete each other in a way!
They love when your in the mood to dress formally! And trust me they go all out, they probably have a walk-in closet of sorts so definitely has a whole section for you! They just find you so breathtaking and absolutely loves fashioning you up! <3
Considering that they are roughly around 5’9 or 5’8 makes them taller then you, they love Tessin about the height difference but it’s all for just laughs and giggles, if they do end hurting your feelings by accident though they would think they’ve committed the worst act possible so expect a lot of apologizes and big acts of service like cooking you meal!(if they don’t end up burning the whole place down💧 (*-3-*)
Once they figure out you do art they’ll literally beg for you to draw them, like they’ll keep asking to you cave and do it and inc you do they’ll make sure to keep it with them forever, probably carry’s it around in their wallet or pocket! Someone times they just randomly takes it out and stares at it is it weird? A bit but you’ll have to get use to it because they do it a lot 🤷‍♀️
They hate admitting that their in the wrong and are quite stubborn themselves so trust me when you guys get into fights it takes a bit for someone to say sorry, you’ll be the one that’ll mostly have to do it though cause trust me they can hold a grudge
On another note though! Whenever someone tries disagreeing with you or say your in the wrong wrong their all already behind you and defending you even if you the one in the wrong they’ll keep fighting with the person till they back down or leave 💀
They’re love language is mainly acts of service or physical touch but they also adores any compliments!, they basically drowns you with compliments daily all ranging form you looking absolutely ravishing today to how beautiful you draw and much more!, also they absolutely love when you buy them gifts cause you always know what they want! <3
They’ve seen how long you spend perfecting your art so sometimes they force you to take a break or get some beauty sleep with them, or sometimes they just watch you do your thing while they admire you from afar cause they genuinely think you look absolutely gorgeous when your focus they find pretty adorable to be honest,
They aren’t not the most social butterfly but definitely doesn’t mind chatting away with strangers when their in a human disguise, but they do know how uncomfortable you get sometimes so they almost always find a way or excuse to pull you away from a uncomfortable social interaction, but they absolutely love seeing you happy around your friends and how energetic you get! But they do have to admit sometimes they can get jealous by that’s besides the point ( ー̀εー́ )
Even if it does or doesn’t fit him he always steals your baggy clothes mainly shirts and hoodies, he just loves the scent they give off of you and also they’re very comfy so can’t blame them v(-ㅂ-)v they most definitely has a pile of stolen hoodies of yours that they wear when they moss you or when your gone
Extra<3: they love when you brush your Fingers through their hair or let them message your scalp, they love how close you guys have to get to do it, they just find it comforting oh! Also they are very clingy so I wish you luck with that -v-💧overall they love you and you guys go perfect with each other even if your different!
Sally face: you got
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Now he is almost exactly like you to be honest but there are some key differences!
He isn’t very social himself so he understands your pain and discomfort really, sometimes things get really awkward when he has to talk to people cause of his mask so he can understand why it’s pretty uncomfortable, he’ll try his best to help you but honestly he’d just get Larry to distract them while you guys sneak away
He has some baggy clothes but not many, but he’d gladly let you borrow them if you really wanted it, he doesn’t mind to be honest though they do probably have some soda stains and some cat hair 💀
Loves spending time with you as you worked on some art and drawing , he doesn’t mind pulling an all nighter with you! But he does force you to bed sometimes for your own heath benefit
He doesn’t mind you being stubborn and won’t force you to ambit anything but sometimes it does take him awhile to figure out how to calm Situations down whenever you get in a fight or argue with someone. He does force you to apologize sometimes so that might be a down side -v-💧
Your always invited to hang out with sal and the others but do expect a lot of teasing from them after they realized you were together. They’d always tease you both about how sal is always following you around like a shadow. He honestly doesn’t mean to he just enjoys being around you :(
He enojoys any gifts you give him or anything at all it can be a small bottle cap and he’d treat it as if it was a 10k ring so trust me anything you give to him he’d enjoy greatly, he even has a little box full of stuff you got him! He enjoys looking through it whenever you guys are together and discussing how you got it and the day you gave it cause he really treasures those moments together as cheesy as it sounds! But it’s true!
About the dark thoughts and stress he isn’t all that good either at dealing with it due to all the trauma he endured at such a young age so he understands where your coming form and understands how dark some days get, so whenever you need him to vent or just for comfort he’s there with you! Or if you just want some space for yourself he’ll make sure to check up on you but keep his distance and makes sure no one else bothers you, your very important to him so he’ll do anything to make sure your okay ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
To be honest he’s not the best at giving compliments and such but he tries his best! Any art work you have digital or physical hed try complimenting it and also tries seeing if he can keep some of your old pieces of work you have cause he genuinely loves them!
After a while like I’d say 3 to 4 years of dating he’s show you his face is it a long time? Yes but please keep in mind how he views his face negatively and has some insecurity’s about it so if your patient and willing to stay around for long he’d trust you enough to show you!
Extra!: even if you don’t know how to he’ll make you do his pigtails and even if their messy he isn’t taking them off cause it’s from you! So he now enjoys it 30x more <3.
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starr-finn · 2 years
Updated Hackerwhacker Bio
I’m so sorry its all grouped together like this ;-;
Name: Axel Dimitri Edmund
Age: 21
Sex/Gender: Non-Binary
Ethnicity: Russian
Occupation: youtuber/heister
Socioeconomic status: Middle-upper class, still figuring that out
Education: Early college
Other notes: they were born in Russia, but their mother fled to Chicago, where she met her girlfriend. When Axel came out as a Demiboy, their mother and her girlfriend showed nothing but endless support, they were part of the wedding party of their mother and stepmother's weddings. They lived with their mom until after college, when they moved to DC, where they live right now, working with the payday gang
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Pale
Hair color: Ginger
Height: 6'0
Weight: 167 lbs
Body type: muscle
Fitness level: They works out often
Tattoos: They have a a pretty large tattoo on his shoulder of a few flowers
Scars/Birthmarks: they have a pretty large scar over their nose
Other distinguishing features: They have a mole on his neck
Disabilities: they doesn't really have any aside from
Fashion style: More of a street kinda style
Accessories: a bandage over Their nose
Cleanliness/Grooming: they take a shower every 2-3 days
Posture/Gait: they kind of slouch
Tics: none
Coordination (or lack thereof): They have pretty good hand-eye coordination
Weaknesses: they are super over protective over Beau (My main OC)
Other notes:
Birth date: October 16th, 2001
Place of birth: uhhh idk Moscow Russia
Key family members: His mother, Katya, and their stepmom mom, Allissa
Notable events/milestones: The Big move to Chicago, he was 4
Criminal record: Armed robbery, Shoplifting
Affiliations: the payday gang
Skeletons in the closet: none i can think of rn
Other notes:
Personality type: ESFP
Personality traits: enthusiastic, Chaotic, stubborn, witty, emotional, soft-hearted, and immature
Temperament: normally happy and peaceful, but can become enraged in seconds
Introvert/Extrovert: Extrovert
Habits: Biting their lips, Drawing/doodling, biting their nails, listening to music while sleeping, rambling picking scabs, pacing
Educational background:
Intelligence: not the brightest
Self-esteem: pretty confident
Hobbies: Hacker stuff lol
Skills/talents: Their a pretty accomplished hacker and artist
Loves: They love spicy things
Morals/Virtues: They absolutely refuse to hurt or kill a civilian
Phobias/Fears: spiders
Angered by: Abusers, manipulators
Pet peeves: leaving doors and cabinets open, leaving things unscrewed, scraping silverware, know-it-alls
Obsessed with:
Routines: They go to sleep at around 12 AM
Bad habits: Biting at their skin and nails
Other notes:
Languages known: Russian, English
Preferred communication methods:
Accent: Russian
Style and pacing of speech: They speak really fast
Pitch: their voice is lower pitched
Laughter: They have a really silly sounding, but contagious laugh
Smile: My only description idea is, cute (I have no ideas)
Use of gestures: They'll often throw their hands around while speaking
Facial expressions: He's normally a smiler
Other notes:
Physical strengths:
Physical weaknesses:
Intellectual strengths:
Intellectual weaknesses:
Interpersonal strengths:
Interpersonal weaknesses:
Physical abilities:
Magical abilities:
Physical illnesses/conditions:
Mental illnesses/conditions:
Other notes:
Partner(s)/Significant other(s): none, but they has a major crush on Beau, their childhood best friend
Lover(s): none
Parents/Guardians: their 2 mothers, Katya and Allissa
Children: none
Grandparents: their grandpa out in Chicago
Grandchildren: none
other Family: they're father figure is vlad
Pets: they have 3 cats, Misha, Ivan, and Yuri
Best friends: Beau, Joy, Sydney, and Sokol
Friends: Everyone else
Rivals: Sokol (its a friendly rivalry, they both play hockey)
Enemies: the cops
Colleagues: Ethan and Hila
Mentors/Teachers: Bain, Vlad, the contractors
Idols/Role models: the entire payday gang, they look up to them
Followers: his subscribers on YouTube XD
Strangers: most civilians
Social media presence: They have a YouTube channel
Public perception of them: That their the good kid that has done nothing wrong
Other notes:
Character Archetype: The outlaw
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