#i use to care i still do but things change its an everyday occurrence you only get one life and noone has the right to tell you how to feel
kala-ya-aan · 2 years
"What's a stricter adversary a battle against physical violence? Or, chanelling the silence?"
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Day 38 of Writing Something Everyday
(365 Day Challenge)
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Perturbed - perplexed and bemused,
I search around for any clues.
I hate that I feel I even have to,
When the truth should be coming from you.
But I'm left dangling on a thin string,
When I thought I heard you calling me -
I thought I heard you sing.
I have so much hope - then it quickly fades away,
This is a reoccurrence I have every single day.
Perpetual heartbreak, I've put upon myself,
There's much more to me than the eye can see - and there's much more to you than wealth.
I thought I needed a sign,
a big flashing neon light.
But I was too blinded by my heart's desire,
To realize I had lost all my sight.
I've waited time and time again,
I've even slept with my phone.
Hoping and praying for acknowledgement, Any response at all to the endless love I've shown.
I used to make you laugh,
We agreed on so many topics.
I just didn't realize,
That your feelings were microscopic.
You started liking everything,
Liking all my gifs and comments.
Then you just ghosted me and disappeared,
Left me here to just lament.
Now I see you replying to everyone else,
Everyone else but me.
It's been over a month now,
And I'm still adrift at sea.
Is it all deliberate?
Do you do it just to hurt my feelings?
Or is it all just innocent,
In my head and in my heart I'm reeling.
I wish you would've told me,
Sooner how you feel.
Instead of letting me look like a fool,
You're actions were just unreal.
You say you don't like bullies,
Yet you let someone get hurt,
Doesn't that make you a coward?
Don't stand up, saying anything at all,
Just act like a total jerk?
It's not okay for you to be hurt,
But it's okay to harm others?
Whether you punched me or yelled at me,
You would've shown your true colours.
You would've shown your true intentions,
Been an adult at least.
I guess maturity wasn't an option,
I was undeserving of minds peace.
I'd talk myself out of this feeling,
Saying I was just imagining it.
Then you'd post another thing,
To confirm you cared and my stomach would lose its pit.
There are no consequences with God,
These occurrences were just too real to be true.
Every time I'd ask for a specific sign,
Then there'd be you.
Posting exactly what I prayed for,
With words and things I only said to God in my head,
But if you really cared for me I wouldn't be left unread.
Your name would pop up everywhere,
My heart would skip a beat.
Such a normal name to have,
Yet it was all of a sudden everywhere to me.
I'm not even angry at you,
Don't hate you at all.
Just wish I never fell for it,
It hurts too much to fall.
Fell in love so hard and fast,
You even reciprocated through comments,
Just wish you would've told the truth -
Then I wouldn't have taken offense.
At last in desperation I asked God for one last confirmation but ignored the message in tears, because it was the very words I did not want to hear.
I wanted to know you loved me too,
That I wasn't just crazy.
But the more I tried to keep up my end,
The more the truth - it phased me.
I still love you so much,
You cannot make that change.
That's how I know my love is true,
Even if you're on a separate page.
I'll still be kind, I won't be mean,
It hurts to see you on my phone's screen.
But I'm not going to be spiteful,
And block your account.
I still care far too much,
My love will always surmount.
I won't say this will be my last poem,
Written for you.
To keep alive this love I felt,
It's sad you never knew.
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gvtted-ratz · 12 days
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How Much Do You Hate? (It’s Not Enough)
 Rody Lamoree x Vincent Charbonneau
Last Edited: 07/09/2024
TW: past murder, unintentional cannibalism, POV third person, open ending, spoilers for the game
Requested: No.
Word Count: 2,460
Notes from gvtted-ratz (writer/creator): Title is from a quote in Marble Hornets. The fic takes place after Table for One (Ending 1), with some changes through the entire thing, of course. We’ll be sprinkling in a few things from the other endings. Spoilers will occur due to this. We hope you enjoy.
Notes from @rppik (editor/co-writer): men will sooner do whatever the fuck this is than go to therapy (gutz is men,)
“Hey, Manon… It’s me again… It’s… It’s Rody. I know you broke it off, but I just want to hear your voice. Please… It’s been…” There’s a pause from the reddish-brown haired man. “It’s been a month since I last heard you and I–”
“Goodbye.” It’s an automated response from the land-line as it disconnects Rody’s call. Tears flow down the distraught man’s cheeks, nose starting to turn red and leak snot. He drops the phone, leaning over the old little side-table it’s perched on. It’s here where he breaks down over his ex-lover, the water leaking from his eyes an everyday occurrence since the first moment she broke it off with him. He can remember her words, said so softly and sadly.
“I can't keep watching you ruin any semblance of progress you make with yourself while trying to make me happy, it's exhausting… You're killing yourself over me and… I can't have you spending money on someone you don't need. Until you can learn to care about yourself, this will only do harm for the both of us...”
Those words had hurt back then— even now, it’s a stab to his heart. He thought that doing everything in his power to make her happy would be good enough to make her stay. It was never enough for his family nor his ex-friends, and now he knew his best wasn’t good enough for Manon, either.
It takes a while for the tears to stop, snot dripping from his nose. A few stuttered breaths leave Rody as he stops hovering over the phone. He quietly puts the device back in its place, quietly walking towards the paper towels in his little, run-down kitchen. He blows his nose, wiping his face to get all the moisture off it from his daily crying session. An eviction notice hangs on his barely-functional fridge.
Ever since he quit his job at La Gueule De Saturne, the money he had been collecting for Manon had gone straight to his own bills. For the entire three weeks following her departure, along with quitting his job, he’s stayed in his little flat. He did try to find other jobs, but no one wanted to hire him. With no income coming in, he’s on his last few cents; it’s not enough to make rent, hence the eviction notice.
Rody hasn’t even been able to eat much, causing his health to start declining. He’s still broad, but one can tell he’s gotten weaker from poor nutrition. The day he quit, Rody ended up rationing all the food Vincent had made him that week to last longer; from green onion rolls to blueberry crepes, both of which typically last two days each. The squid ink pasta with shrimp, strawberry shortcake, croque madame, and fresh lemon tart were all eaten after he got them at the end of his shifts. The Grilled Hanger Steak Vincent made him on his last day was stretched as thin as it could go, despite his big appetite— he made it last three days.
Going from three meals a day, despite how cheap and unfilling they were, to barely a meal a day was taking a toll on the stocky man. He had to cut his food costs if it meant saving money for Manon, but it didn’t matter in the end— she never picked up or called back.
Slowly, Rody stumbles over to his couch, flopping down on it. The springs in the old thing creak beneath his weight. Near his front door, crumpled up in a ball, is his old waiter uniform. Staring at it makes the man nearly start crying again right then and there.
Vincent’s curt, no-nonsense way of speaking made Rody feel inferior at first, intimidated by his boss. As the days passed, however, Rody could see some sort of favouritism towards him from the control-obsessive chef. Rody had even come to think of the other as his friend, deciding to call him “Vince”. Ever since quitting, he hasn’t gone back or reached out to Vince.
The longer he stares at his dirty uniform, the more he wants to go back to La Gueule De Saturne. The desire to see Vince builds up in his chest, causing it to ache. Rody quietly admits that as much as he does miss the free food Vince made him after a day of work, he misses Vince’s blunt way of speaking more; the way he bandaged Rody’s hand after being injured, paired with how upset he looked the last time he saw the other, has been stuck with him for the past three weeks he’s been away. Rody peels himself off the couch, deciding that there is no other choice but to beg Vince to let him back.
Stumbling into La Gueule De Saturne after not seeing the place for nearly a month shocks Rody. It looks the same, with it being just as busy. He can feel disgusted glances thrown his way from many of the high-class customers; he hadn’t showered or changed his clothes in a few days. His medium-length hair looks more tangled than anything, as he hasn’t been able to brush it. At the podium is a smiling woman, her face soft in a way that reminds Rody of the way Vince’s face would get to appease difficult customers— it’s a fake hospitality that makes the tan man tense.
“Welcome to La Gueule De Saturne! How may I help you?” Even the way her cheerful tone sounds reminds him of Vince.
“Is… Is Vince here? I need to ask him–” he’s unable to get his full sentence out before he’s being shut down.
“I’m sorry, but Chef Charbonneau does not have any time at the moment for guests,” her smile doesn’t waver as she stares straight at him. He can feel her repulsion for him crashing down onto him in waves.
“Tell him it’s Rody. I’ll wait here until I see him,” Rody forces the words out, straightening his back to tower over the woman. He sees her distaste for him in the way her smile starts to look strained.
“Very well. Please wait here,” she glides away, reminding the guy of how inferior he is to the wealthy folk here. His shoulders start to sag, the weight of the glances and clear disgust for someone so below their status piling up on him.
“Rody,” the moment he hears that familiar voice, he almost starts sobbing right in front of everyone.
“Vince! Hi! I…” Rody’s smile shakes as he looks over at the other. Vince looks like he did before he quit, save for the larger-than-usual dark circles that have formed under his eyes. The long look the dark-haired man gives him makes Rody squirm.
“My office.” Vincent is already turning around, starting his walk. Rody is quick to follow him, feeling a small bit of happiness. He’s elated to see Vince doing so well, even in Rody’s absence.
In a way, Rody knew his work as a waiter was the reason for all those negative reviews about the service. To think that Vince was still doing well, the reviews that mentioned poor service deleted after he quit, only served to fuel his pride for the chef. In the darker part of his mind, however, he felt upset at being replaced so easily— he was the one to quit, and yet it looks like the restaurant hadn’t ever missed or even housed him.
They enter the office, Vincent first, then Rody. The moment the door closes, Vincent is talking as he leans against his desk, arms crossed. “You look like you’ve been put through the meat grinder.” Rody’s shoulder sag again, staring at Vincent.
“Can I… Can I have my job back, Vince? Please? I’ll work overtime if I have to!” His hands shake as he pleads. “No one will hire me and I don’t have any money! I had to ration the meals you gave me and I… I can’t pay rent anymore.” Vincent watches Rody, hardly blinking as he stares at the other male.
“How long did you ration those meals?” He doesn’t meet his green eyes, opting to gaze more at his ear.
“A few days, I think? A few I ate the moment I got back to my flat… I was able to stretch the Grilled Hanger Steak to three days.” Vince’s eyebrows raise at his words, surprised. It’s here Rody sees his eyes squint just slightly in pleasure. Vince’s expression flattens just as quickly as it shifted when he sees Rody watching him intently.
“That wouldn’t have been enough food to give you anything worthwhile. You’ve lost weight, Rody,” he doesn’t sound upset, though he does give the tanned man a disturbed look. “Your hair is matted, your clothes reek, and you look like you’ve done nothing but cry the last few weeks.” At this, Rody’s eyes start to tear up. Hearing how much of a wreck he already knows he is only makes him feel worse. Through his blurred vision, he can see Vince’s frown and shifting eyes.
“Please, Vince! I’m serious! I’ll do anything to get my job back! No one will take me, and Manon hasn’t picked up or called in a month! You’re all I have!” He’s blubbering at this point, shaking with his sobs. He’s sure Vince can hear his quick inhales as he tries to breathe through tears and snot.
“Go home, Rody—” a particularly loud sob echoes around them both, “—you’ll start back up next week. You have the same schedule as before.”
With Vincent’s words, Rody leans forward, wrapping his arms around the other in a tight hug. He can’t get any words out through his distress-turned-joy. Vince wears a pinched expression, one of his hands going to rub the emotional man’s back. The two stand in Vincent’s office, both basking in the comfort of the other for two very different reasons.
The second time Rody walks into Vince’s office, it’s a little over two weeks later, a notice in hand. He opens the door, not bothering to knock. Vincent is at his desk, hunched over a few papers. He looks up at Rody, pushing away from the desk as he stands.
“What’s wrong, Rody?” He eyes the letter crumpled up in Rody’s tight fist. From the look on his face, Rody can guess he believes it’s his two-week notice.
“I’m being evicted,” is said with such a detached tone. The reddish-brown haired man looks just as he did when he found that photo of Vince and Manon, though it's not like Vince would know how he looked due to his nosing around. 
“How long do you have before you’re forced out?” Vince seems to calm down at his words, no longer believing he’ll be quitting again. 
“About two days. I mean, I knew this was coming, but I don’t have enough time or money to find another place! I thought that I’d be able to pay back the landlord, but it looks like her hospitality ran out. Ha…” Rody rubs the back of his neck, looking sheepish at his own words.
“Exactly how long ago did you get the notice, Rody?” By the blank expression on Vincent’s face, the tanned man can tell the other is highly unamused.
“The beginning of last month. But–! I thought I’d be faster. Ha ha…” Vincent continues to stare down the other male, only serving to make the other start sweating lightly from the intensity of his gaze.
“Gather your belongings after your shift. I’ll meet you at that heap of garbage—”
“It’s not that bad!”
“—you call a flat,” Vincent finishes; his gaze never moving from Rody’s form.
“Oh… I… Where will I be staying, then?” He looks like a kicked dog, eager to please. Vince’s expression pinches in a look of defeat.
“You’ll stay at my place until you can find yourself a new one.” If either of them had been in a game, Rody’s happiness would manifest sparkles around himself, blinding Vincent in the process. “This means you shouldn’t be late to work any more.” His tone turns scolding, a scowl on his face at the reminder of Rody’s tardiness he accidentally gave himself. The other man keeps looking at him as though he’s hung the moon and stars in his honour.
“Thank you, Vince! I swear I won’t let it get cluttered or gross in there!” If Rody was a puppy, Vincent is sure he would see a brown tail wagging, showing how overjoyed the other is.
“I’m fully prepared for you to break this oath, Rody. Get back to work.” With that, Vincent turns back towards his paperwork as Rody rushes out to go serve customers.
Rody had believed that the nightmares would stop after moving in with Vince, but in reality, the focal point of his dreams merely shifted. The nights he had pleasant dreams, none of them featured Manon. They had Vincent as the main star every time— he was cooking for him, saying how proud he was of Rody while he let the tan man stand so intimately close to him.
With such a huge flip of his subconscious mind's focus, it was no wonder the night terrors went from Vincent eating him in the hopes of being able to taste again to Manon berating him for not being able to find her after their breakup; it was enough to cause cold sweats and shaking. Every night a horrible dream plagued him, he would go and recover outside Vince’s door— there was a sense of comfort he found by hunkering there.
Tonight is one of those nights spent sitting against the wall near Vince’s door, a sheen of sweat dripping down his face. He can still feel the hatred pouring off his ex-girlfriend in waves, crashing over him. In reality, he’s never seen anything like that from Manon. It’s the feeling in the back of his mind that leads him to believe she would look just as she did in that fake world.
“What are you doing out here, Rody?” Vince’s tired tone makes him snap his head up, peering up at his exhausted boss.
“Ah… Well,” Rody trails off, his smile wobbly at its edges.
“Go to bed. You’re only going to get cold the longer you stay on the floor.” There’s no room for argument as Vincent closes his door to go back to sleep. Rody does as Vince says, unable to help but wonder what Vince was originally going to go get; he’s never seen the ever-tired man ever leave his room in the middle of the night.
When he finally falls asleep, his dreams are peaceful, Vincent present in them to soothe any hurt or fear Rody has.
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 27 days
On her since that song "paint the town red" and her showing up to some event in all red. I had to reevaluate my love for her. Still listening to her older songs occasionally. //
Different anon. I so agree with you about Doja. I use to like a lot of music, but its gotten so dark.
Well to be fair Rihanna had all red at the Super Bowl and its been linked to many conspiracies, from the hand symbols of her and the backup dancers to the stage layout, etc
Then people tried to claim it was tribute to Andre Leon Tally, no ma’am. I don’t trust none of these artist. Too many occult occurrences.
I don’t play about God, so Rihanna, Doja, Beyonce and whoever else can keep that mess. I saw Beyonce wearing that devil baphomet ring. Rihanna has worn upside crosses, has associated with ASAP Rocky who has ties to satanic occult things and literally tried to kill his friend. Rihanna literally called God the n-word so yeah I don’t mess with any of them. Doja has gotten a lot darker with her music. Beyonce taking that gospel spot from Ledisi had me like…..girl you really got people thinking you’re some innocent deity, shameful.
We’re all sinners, but if one claims God then you have to walk the walk and the talk. Anyone can claim to be Christian. It is written.
The Bible says beware of false prophets, that includes those who claim to know and love God but do the opposite. Satan was ruler over music and the change in the industry over the years has made me look at things from a spiritual perspective, just be careful with who you listen to or Stan is all.
The devil will play right in our face and have is thinking we’re doing something innocent or not a big deal while screwing with us. He’s a snake for a reason. Look how many people get fooled by Hollywood bs everyday. People blindly follow what is bad yet considered “good”. They think nice looking people can’t be evil. Hollywood is literally idol worship, but it’s seen as normal. God warned us and it’s only going to get worse. Are we in the last last days, only the Father above knows, but we’re headed that way as it’s all prophecy.
It’s hard because so much is happening and changing in the world but I’m starting to understand what the Bible meant, the more crazy the world gets.
I also want to acknowledge the secular artist aren’t the only ones to be weary of. Again anyone can claim to be Christian and make gospel music, many gospel artist are problematic and false prophets as well, so just stay alert and in the spirit. ❤️
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MBC's kdrama Big Mouth was finally released legally in the US a couple of days ago on Hulu, so naturally I binged it.
In it, hapless attorney Park Chang Ho, nicknamed Big Mouth for always promising more than he can deliver, is set up to be a patsy for the infamous criminal Big Mouse (the two nicknames are homonyms in Korean).
The drama is absolutely stellar and executes its goal perfectly. They told us what they were doing in the very first scene! This isn't a story about finding out who the *real* Big Mouse is; it is -- to borrow language from NBC's Hannibal -- a story of Chang Ho's becoming.
From his first appearance on screen we see that Chang Ho cares little about justice. He just wants enough money to be more than comfortable. The very first time we see him in a courtroom, he had bribed a judge. He cares little about doing the right thing. He's just trying to survive. He was still outmaneuvered by the opposition, a seemingly frequent occurrence in his life. He asks himself why. He's smart, he's fit, he's capable. So why does he always lose? The answer, supplies a friend, is that he has no connections or money. As we know from a billion other kdramas about corrupt rich people and politicians, this is what makes the South Korean world turn: connections. From his first few scenes with his wife to the reaction of his clients to losing the case, we learn that he's also an excellent liar. People believe in him.
And that's our setup: An intelligent, fit, believable liar who's just trying to survive in this world without connections or money.
Yet suddenly he's in prison and being accused of being a criminal mastermind. The only way to survive is to assume the role he's been given, to use the influence of "being" Big Mouse to gain connections and money and ultimately, freedom.
This drama is about his transformation, but unlike Hannibal's Will Graham there is no shadowy manipulator trying to coax out Chang Ho's dark side. No, his becoming is all his own. You can see the seeds of it in him from the very first episode, and watching his unveiling is absolutely chilling and delicious!
From what I can gather, viewers who critique the drama mostly do it because they had different expectations. They wanted a Vincenzo like story, where Chang Ho becomes an antihero meting out his own brand of justice. They wanted to see vengeance, Bad Guys getting their due, and victory for the little people. That would have been a great story! But it's not THIS STORY.
This is the story of Chang Ho's becoming. He was supposed to be a patsy. He refused.
As they told us from his very first lines of dialogue, this is a story where THE TRUTH DOES NOT MATTER. Why? Because once revealed, nothing changes. The world keeps spinning. Everyday people are too busy just trying to pay the bills.
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thecrazycatartist · 4 months
AI And Art
I am back to blogging, and I hope to make this an everyday occurrence. I have been busy sketching cats like mad, among other things.
Now to business...
I understand the fascination with computers and what they can do. Many artists feel they can produce better work on their iPads or laptops than they can on canvas or paper. I don't care for much of the computer-generated work that is out there. Much of it is beautiful, but there is also much of it that is bereft of heart and soul. I remember the landscapes of Thomas Gainsborough; his clouds, sky, trees and flowers all painted with care and dedication. If AI was asked to do something in a similar vein, it would invoke the same feeling in me. Gainsborough painted his scenes with delicacy, making sure not to overwhelm any scene with brightness. He understood subtlety. When he painted portraits, you wanted to reach out and touch the fine silks and satins of his wealthy clients. Gainsborough saw the details that I believe AI misses. This is not to say that AI doesn't have its benefits. TikTok has a wonderful creator who uses AI for small horror vignettes; look up "Fear St" if you're interested. They're truly terrifying. In this case, the creator knows how to work with AI and make it work to the best of its ability. But if someone wanted to create a true work of art with it, I still feel there wouldn't be much heart to it. I do see portraits of people generated by AI, but they look staid and dull. There are no details that I can see that would tell me anything about what the person is. Look the Gainsborough portrait "Blue Boy." Every fold in the clothing is there. The boy himself stands with an air of confidence; he appears to be a young man really about the age of 13 or 15. On closer inspection, it's a mixture of confidence mixed with perhaps fear or something else. Who is this boy? Where did he come from? Who sat for this portrait? (There is some controversy behind that.) Why was it painted in a 17th century costume? (Gainsborough was an 18th century artist.) The colors used to paint this portrait are rich and beautiful. Then the other question comes up.
Can AI honestly produce a work of art as rich as Gainsborough's?
I doubt it. I think it's better made for things like "Fear St.", but art? No.
This is just my personal opinion. I am still looking into what AI can do, so perhaps my opinions will change. Until then, I'm still rooting for the artist that works with a canvas or two. And I'm always open to a few iPad generated works :).
Thanks for listening!
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beccascribbles · 4 years
seijoh and their love language
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physical touch
“tooru,” you gasped, feeling warm arms wrap around your bare skin and a mouth press a gentle kiss to the nape of your neck. the water rolled off your body in droplets, and, as you turned to face him, he slipped slightly on the wet floor, catching himself against the wall. this had the added effect of trapping you in front of him. he leant forward, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“hey,” he greeted, mouth splitting open in that grin you loved so much. it was open, honest, one of the truest smiles he had, and reserved for those he was utterly in love with. you were certain you were one of the only people in the world to be on the receiving end of this smile.
“what are you doing?” you giggled, reaching up a hand to brush his hair from his forehead. the water from the shower head had flattened it, plastering the strands to the smooth surface.
“showering with you,” he shrugged, like it was an everyday occurrence, like he hadn’t just snuck in because he missed your touch so much. he reached over to grab the shampoo from the rack, opening the bottle and squeezing out some of it into the palm of his hand. “turn around.”
you turned, and oikawa’s fingers tangled in your hair, massaging the scalp until the shampoo was lathered. he removed the shower from its’ hook, gently guiding your head back to avoid any shampoo going in your eyes as he washed it from your hair. next, he grabbed the conditioner, repeating the process. you smiled at him, hand reaching out to remove his shampoo from the rack.
“your turn,” you declared, squeezing a small amount into your palm. you rose up on your tiptoes slightly, wobbling as you attempted to wash his hair while also balancing. with a soft chuckle, he bent his knees slightly, surprising you at the sudden change in height.
“sorry,” he laughed softly, placing a kiss to your collarbone. “but it’s easier now, right?”
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acts of service
iwaizumi can’t help it. his eyes fall on your sleeping form, a soft smile taking over his features as he brushes a finger along your cheek. you stir slightly in your sleep, and he freezes, hand stopping its slow movement away from you. when he is certain you are still sleeping peacefully, he finally moves, slipping from the bedroom and shutting the door behind him with a quiet click.
he knows you’ve had a busy week, working late into the night, and also finding the time to cook dinner most days that week. iwaizumi knows you don’t mind cooking; it’s one of the things you like to do, preparing a meal the two of you can eat together, dinner being the one time in the week where you can really sit down and chat, no distractions.
he grabs the dirty laundry from the basket beside the bathroom, carrying it downstairs where he can start the process of dividing the lights and darks. if you came down to find the white clothes the both of you wore were now a different colour, you would not be happy. his eyebrows furrowed as he held an item of clothing in front of him. it was an odd colour, one that could be considered a mixture of light and dark. taking a chance, he threw it in the dark pile, praying to whoever was listening that his assumption was correct.
switching on the machine went smoothly. iwaizumi wasn’t completely incapable - he had done his own laundry while in america, it was just the added pressure of messing up that made him slightly uncertain. the sound of china rattling and the kettle being switched on alerted him to your presence in the kitchen.
he hovered in the doorway for a moment, watching you as you shuffled around, your hood pulled up over your head. you moved in a daze, reaching up to grab the tea bags and letting out a loud yawn. he stepped forward then, entering the kitchen and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. he let his head rest against yours for a moment before pulling away.
“morning, sleepyhead,” he greeted, reaching up to grab his own mug and placing it down beside yours. “have a nice lie in?”
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another holiday, another gift shop.
matsukawa stepped into a gift shop somewhere in paris already knowing what he wanted to buy, what he had brought for you to commemorate every trip you'd been on together. he flicked through the various keyrings, discarding them with ease.
too tacky. too loud. too large.
he finally settled on a delicate, ornate keyring in the shape of the eiffel tower. it may be basic but it recalled fond memories of the trip. you had eaten lunch in the tower's shadow, had seen it rising above the buildings as you walked down the street. it was the view from your hotel window. therefore, it was perfect.
he paid for it with his limited french, stumbling through phrases, certain he'd messed up the pronunciation when the shop assistant snickered. still, he left the shop with it gift-wrapped and his wallet four euros lighter.
matsukawa presented it to you during your last meal in paris, handing it to you across the table with a grin. at least that had solved the mystery of why he had woken up so early, never one to be out of bed before ten if he didn't have to work.
you handled it with care, twisting it at different angles, the candle light catching it and flickering. a small grin tugged at the corners of your lips and you leaned across the table to press them against his. his hand came up to cup your face, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss. a stern cough caused you to push away, flustered as you peered around the restaurant. laughing, matsukawa laced his fingers with yours.
"so, do you like it?"
"i love it," you replied, leaning forward once again, this time only letting your lips brush against his jaw.
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quality time
you could hardly move, squished into the smallest space you could find as you held your breath. the slightest release of air would alert him to your presence in the room, and you wanted to win. if only you could see the timer... you just needed to remain hidden for five minutes, just five, and hanamaki would turn over his tv privileges to you.
the door to the room you were hidden in creaked open, and heard him step into the room. cupboards were opened as hanamaki moved closer to your hiding place. you tried to make yourself smaller, shuffling backwards. your head hit the wood with a sharp crack and you let out a wince.
his voice was close now, just outside where you were hidden. he opened the door, peering in. for a moment, he didn't see you. you were huddled right against the side, curled up into a ball. then, his head turned to the side. he declared, "found you!"
"does this mean i have to sit and watch your shit?" you grumbled, crawling out and rubbing the rapidly growing bruise on the back of your head.
"well, it certainly doesn't mean i have to sit and watch yours," he beamed, reaching forward and giving your side a poke.
"don't you have jobs to apply for and interviews to attend?" you quipped, flinching slightly when his fingers dug into your side. a gasping laugh escaped your lips as he began to tickle you.
"and don't you have an actual job to do?" he teased, grinning widening at the way you squirmed in his grasp, trying desperately to tickle him back.
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physical touch
kyoutani glared at the people around you, reaching out to grab you and tug you back into his chest. his hand found a home on your waist, fingers sliding beneath the material of your top and resting against your warm skin. you looked up at him, eyebrows raised as you waited for an explanation. his other hand reached up to hold your face, thumb and forefinger gripping your chin as he pulled your face towards him. the kiss was short and fierce, a reminder to all those around you that you were his.
"taro, i need to go," you sighed, reaching up to rest a hand against his cheek. he grumbled in response, and you couldn't help the way your eyes rolled ever so slightly. "you know i've got class soon."
"i know," he said, fingers tightening on your waist. your body was warm against his, a welcome distraction and one that he craved. "one more kiss?"
your hand slipped around the back of his head as you leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. kyoutani wasn't satisfied with that, using his hand on your waist to hold you in place and the hand on your face to pull you back in. you surrender to his touch just like you usually did, returning the kiss and pulling away breathless.
"i really need to go," you said, though you were becoming increasingly reluctant to leave. he nodded in response.
"message me when you're done?" he requested, loosening his hold and letting you slip away.
you reached out to give his hand one last squeeze before turning away and throwing over your shoulder, "obviously."
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words of affirmation
"i love you," he murmured in the dark, turning to face your sleeping form beside him. your breathing was steady, and he reached out to touch you gently, tracing the lines of your face. he stared down at you in awe, wondering how he could have got so lucky. he let out a deep sigh. "you're so perfect. everything about you. i love it all." 
you stirred in your sleep then, moving closer to him and pressing your face against his side. he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead as your eyes cracked open and you peered up at him.
"did you say something, yutaro?" you mumbled, voice raspy from sleep. he blushed then, face feeling hot as he repeated what he had admitted earlier.
"i love you."
"love you too," you murmured sleepily, snuggling further into his warmth. already, your eyes were beginning to close again, sleep pulling you back in.
"i love you so much," he continued, his voice lulling you back to sleep. "i love everything about you, every little thing you do. you're perfect for me in every way. i couldn't ask for a better partner."
a soft snore filled the silence of the room, and he lay back down, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you flush against his chest. a chaste kiss was placed to the nape of your neck before sleep also claimed kindaichi.
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quality time
kunimi stifled a yawn, stretching out on the sofa as he listened to you chat. it was around 1am now, a time when he would usually be asleep. however, your conversation was engaging and he felt like he hadn't been able to just spend time with you.
you were always doing something together, going somewhere, but you were never just alone together, no phones, no tv, just each other. kunimi smiled over at you, reaching forward to rest his hand atop yours. you took it, never breaking your flow of conversation.
“hmm?” he questioned, blinking over at you. his movements were slow and it was clear he was tired.
“do you want to go to sleep?” you asked, lifting the hand you were holding with your own and pressing a gentle kiss to the surface, letting it fall back into your lap.
he shook his head, smiling blearily at you. “i like listening to you. we haven’t been like this in a while.”
“i guess we have been busy,” you reasoned, letting your head rest against the back of the sofa. “i missed talking to you, akira.”
he nodded his head, moving closer to you and dropping his head on your shoulder. your free hand brushed through his hair, the movement slow and soothing. kunimi urged, “keep talking.”
that was all the prompting you needed to launch into another story from your day, kunimi’s eyes slowly shutting as your voice eased him to sleep.
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Y/N accompanies her mentor, Aizawa Shouta, to the homes of her fellow students after the incident at Kamino Ward. One moment with her classmate Bakugo Katsuki stands out in particular.
WARNINGS: injury, insecurities, self-blame, is damn a curse word?
A/N: this is chill, i wrote it pretty quickly because i wanted the idea out of my head and onto the computer screen so lmk if its bad pls ashdkjashdjh
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“Why exactly is she here again?” 
Toshinori Yagi, better known as the Pro Hero All Might, stared at the girl that stood beside Aizawa Shouta. Scrolling on her phone with one hand, and the case that held her hero outfit in the other. Y/N L/N, one of the top students in Class-1A, and the entire Hero Course. Since she’d gotten in on recommendation, her name had been on Principal Nezu’s list of potential successors. After seeing her skill, he understood why, and to gain Aizawa’s favor? That was a talent in and of itself. 
Shrugging, Aizawa brought his capture weapon and scarf further up around his head in an attempt to shield his face, they’d already been harassed by reporters about a dozen times and he didn’t want to be in any of the photos, “we have training after this.” 
It appeared this young girl was also Aizawa’s protege, though the man would likely never admit it, Toshinori could tell he’d taken a liking to the young girl, and taken her under his wing. She’d received additional training from the Pro Hero just like Midoriya received extra training from Toshinori. 
“So... I can go retrieve young Midoriya?” They’d just left his house, and now they were heading over to Bakugo’s. Y/N knew him fairly well, he’d insisted they train together when she’d scored better than him on quirk tests, and then he insisted they study together when she’d performed better on written work as well. In exchange, he helped her with the more physical aspect of being a Pro Hero. Her least favorite part if she was honest. But it was worth it, training with Bakugo was difficult, but it had certainly helped her improve. 
Their time together had gone from... strictly competitive to competitive and fun she supposed. Y/N had found that after spending a while with Bakugo, it was easier to understand that he had his own way of expressing his care for you. When Y/N forgot to bring lunch, he’d call her an idiot but he would share his own nonetheless, and this was a frequent occurrence so Y/N was shocked when he’d told her to stop trying as he’d slammed another lunch down in front of her.
He’d made her lunch everyday since then. Nobody dared comment on it purely out of fear for their life. It was an unspoken rule not to discuss the way that Bakugo treated Y/N, the different way he treated her. Of course, this was a rule Kaminari and Kirishima broke frequently, earning them quite a few —empty— threats. 
Watching her teacher, Y/N rose a brow as he practically glared at the former Number One Pro Hero, “absolutely not.”
The man opened his mouth to protest, only for Y/N to interrupt before the pair of teachers could argue, “I’m not interrupting anything by waiting outside.” Looking up from her phone, she offered him a smile, “if one of the parents happens to have a problem with it, I don’t mind waiting in the car.” Sitting outside was much more enjoyable than staying in the stuffy car with the scarily silent chauffer, but if she had to do it, then she would.
Aizawa gave Toshinori a look as Y/N spoke, and the man simply sighed in acceptance. “Onto the home of young Bakugo then.”
Y/N had been to his house a few times. Whenever the café they usual studied at wasn’t open, they either went to her home, or on rare occasions, his home. Of course, Bakugo had ensured his parents weren’t home whenever they did this, though Y/N wasn’t sure why. Regardless, most times at his house they’d get sidetracked, much to Bakugo’s dismay, and end up in his kitchen.
Pulling up in his driveway, a smile found its way onto Y/N’s face. She’d suggested numerous times that they have a picnic on his neatly trimmed lawn, though Katsuki shot her down most of the time. 
Stepping out of the car and sitting on the steps that go up to his front door, she watches as Aizawa and Toshinori enter with few questions from Bakugo’s mother. She looked a lot like him if Y/N was honest, and from the sound of it, they also shared a similar personality. Y/N could hear their yelling from outside.
Smiling at the sound of Bakugo yelling out insults, Y/N let out a small laugh as she leaned her head back against the wall. Though her laughter came to an abrupt stop when she heard what his mother yelled next.
That it was Bakugo’s fault he’d been kidnapped. 
Y/N found herself sitting up as the boy grew silent, coming to a stand to see if she could see his living room from the window beside the front door. But there was no view of Bakugo himself.
Perhaps thats because he was the one slamming the front door behind him, coming to a stop when he noticed Y/N’s attempts at snooping. She immediately turned to him, trying her best to look normal, though it was clear he’d noticed what she was doing. They made eye contact, and Bakugo opens his mouth, only to shut it as he narrows his eyes at her, “how much did you hear?”
His voice is oddly calm as his stare pierces into her soul, and its an odd change of demeanor for him, one that takes Y/N a few moments to understand. 
He was embarrassed. 
If Bakugo was honest, Y/N was one of few people he actually respected. She’d exceeded him in certain areas of school, and helped him improve in more ways than one. To make matters worse, despite his intent to get through his years at UA without a... distraction. Y/N had somehow wormed her way into his heart, no matter how hard he tried to keep her out of it. The fact that she’d come to his rescue when he was kidnapped, despite the potential consequences, hadn’t helped. She’d seen him at his weakest. 
His name alone is answer enough as Bakugo lets out a noise of frustration, moving to leave, only for Y/N to grab his hand despite the pain that spreads through her own at the feeling of small explosions emitting from his palm. Yanking him back towards her, Bakugo is opening his mouth once more, likely to yell at her for her idiocy as he attempts to remove his hand from her grasp. But Y/N doesn’t relent as she sweeps her foot under his leg and knocks him down, effectively allowing her to straddle him and hold him down.
“Let go of my hand you damned idiot!” There’s a panicked look on his face as he speaks, but the only thing Y/N can think of is the fact that he hadn’t threatened her yet. He hadn’t aggressively shoved her away with his free hand, nothing.
No, his concern was different, and Y/N’s concern probably should’ve been the same seeing as she could practically feel her skin sizzling from the heat of his own, but at that moment, she didn’t care as she grinned down at him, “bet you regret teaching me that move now, huh?” 
He pauses his writhing beneath her, chest heaving as he glared, “are you serious-”
“You know, what your mom said isn’t true.” This makes him go silent, and Bakugo finally allows his head to fall onto the grass as he looks away from her once more. “It wasn’t your fault Katsuki.
Bakugo inhales deeply, “I ruined All Might-”
In response, Y/N uses her free hand to push his shoulder harder into the ground and hold him still, “no! You didn’t.” 
“Didn’t I?” He finally manages to snatch his hand away from her, flipping the two of them over, Bakugo plants his hands beside her head, the grass singeing black because of the misuse of his quirk. Almost instantly, he frowns, “I can’t even control my stupid quirk-”
“You have some of the most impressive quirk control in the class, is that a joke?” Y/N brings both her hands—including the one that probably would’ve hurt a lot more had it not been for the adrenaline flowing through her veins— to his face, and as Bakugo brings his hand to her wrist, Y/N wonders if he’s going to rip her hands from him as she speaks, “Katsuki it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t ask to be kidnapped, and at the end of the day we are just kids. You can’t be expected to save yourself against villains.” His hand remains on her wrist, but he doesn’t remove it from his face as Y/N inhales deeply. “If anything it’s my fault-”
“Shut up.” The hand still beside her head clenches, tearing at the grass. “Shut up.” He repeats, exhaling sharply as his eyes squeeze shut, Y/N realizes this is because a tear successfully managed to fall down his cheek, despite his attempts to prevent it. “Don’t be dumb.” He practically growls at her, trying to hide his pain with aggression once more. 
Brushing her thumb against his cheek, Y/N offers him a smile, “then I guess its nobody’s fault.” 
He’s silent for a moment, eyes piercing in hers as he tries to figure out what to say. “Sure,” he grumbles in response, gently pulling her hand from his cheek, Y/N allows him to examine the damage, his brows furrowing at the sight of charred skin. He doesn’t say anything as he does, but Y/N can practically see the thoughts running through his minds at a million miles per hour. His fingers brush over the now raised skin, and when Y/N flinches, Bakugo’s fingers immediately leave her palm, causing her hand to drop.
Pushing herself up on one forearm, Y/N presses a kiss to his cheek, and she can practically feel his skin warm as she speaks, “it’s fine.”
He averts his gaze from her as her cheeks redden, “ I hurt you-”
“I’m fine.” Y/N disregards his words as she moves out from under him.
Bakugo’s brows furrow as he moves to a stand as well, “come over next weekend,” his words sound like more of a demand than an invitation.
“Sure, but can I ask why?” 
He grabs her uninjured hand, moving to bring her back inside his home, “let’s get something to help with your hand.” Bakugo doesn’t turn back as he continues, “and I owe you a picnic.”
Needless to say, it was a very nice picnic. One that Y/N left with a boyfriend.
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A/N: this idea came to me at exactly 9PM
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
I really loved your headcannons for sfw and nsfw headcannons for savanaclaw!! I had to stop reading it a couple times bc things got steamy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). May I request a scenario of octavinelle with MC and and the guys taking a bath together, it can be both sfw and nsfw (*^ω^*)
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Woohoo! Right, that's what I was counting on😋 Thank you very much! I hope I caught your intention the right way because I read it like a bath together will all the boys at the same time 😏 You shouldn't have been worried, because there's also a hc ask, but thank you anyway~ So here it is, the smuttiest scenario I've ever written and headcanons for each character separately. Those are mostly sfw, maybe not as fluffy as you wanted, but I tried;
Please remember to use protection, leave your comments and enjoy yourself💗
Bath time with Octavinelle trio 🐙🐬🦈
Deep breathe in and breathe out. Your heartbeat was slowly returning to its usual pace. Finally, the hunt was over, Bean's Day a total success, mostly. Maybe it would have been even better if the competitive atmosphere didn't get to you in the middle of it and rendered you a useless, anxious mess. You were glad Leech twins calmed you down then and took care of you for the end of the event. Perhaps those types of games weren't meant for you.
Resting in the pleasant shadow of the forest's margin while waiting for Azul, you could see how hard they have worked. The way Jade was frowning and sighing heavily from time to time with Floyd just lying near him on the ground whining, not on top of his game anymore. When the white-haired man finally separated from the crowd you got up to wave in hopes of him noticing you. He spotted you quite fast and strode into your direction.
"Good job today, all of you. You gave the monster team quite a challenge, isn't that right, guys?"
The Octavinelle dorm leader's speech was flawless as usual, not betraying the bitterness from his earlier encounters and the adrenaline still present in his system. It was obvious, the facade he was putting on. You learned to see past it, after spending so much time with the boys. To you, their inner selves were much more interesting. You couldn't help but smile to yourself. The year promised to be the most vivid you've had yet if they continued to be the constant presence in your everyday life, those boys.
"Oh, aren't you spacing out, [Name]?"
"Right, right~ Pay attention to meee~"
Voices from both of your sides belonged to none other than the two brothers. You snapped back to reality. Floyd was now hanging off of your right arm, a quite usual occurrence you had to note, and his twin was closely observing your face. A slightly annoyed sight escaped Azul. All the running around was finally taking its toll on him, he looked weary and tired. It seemed even talking was too much for him at the moment, something which was not like him at all.
"The main event is over, but the closing ceremony will be conducted in two hours. We have just enough time to wash up, change, and rest for a bit. We're going to the dorm right now, you're coming with us, aren't you?"
It didn't feel like a question or invitation if anything more like a concealed order, but you nodded anyway. Spending the time in their company was always bringing up your mood and did they love to see you smile happily like that.
"Yay! Bath with koebi-chan! So fun~"
Hm? What was that again? When you looked at Floyd he was already was ahead of you walking with Azul, and even Jade turned away from you when you tried to ask what was going on. Was there anything you were missing?
At the Octavinelle dormitory, you were led to a spacious room, one you had never visited before.
"It was previously used by the residents as one of the dorm's conveniences. It didn't suit us, so for doing a complete renovation of this place, only the dorm leader can now allow to use it."
"And of course Azul doesn't let anybody here, except for us, hehe~"
You listened to Azul's explanation with the occasional remarks from Floyd about how that enormous parlor with a hot tub of the size of the pool was now completely off the limits for regular Octavinelle students. The interior made you think that you entered some underwater cave, it gave off an otherworldly aura. It was a simply wonderful resort. You could only look around and once again realize just how cunning and inventive those boys could be. You felt a warm presence on your shoulder, only to find Jade standing close to you with a usual charming smile playing on his lips.
"I shall show you to the changing room. There's also a shower, but don't take long. After all the main attraction is right here."
The adjacent room wasn't as big, but it had enough place for the four you. The setting minimalistic, the only furniture was a sofa and hangers with few dressers. You could see the shower on your right. Jade's gentle grip remained on you for a fleeting moment you were observing the room before he moved away. While you were contemplating your disposition, Floyd was already casually ditching his sports clothes. You gaped at the sight unfolding.
"Hm? Is something wrong, my dear? If you have some problems, I'll be happy to assist you."
Azul's voice had the most genuine concern in it but you knew better than that. "It's all preplanned", - was reading in his eyes. Wrong? Of course, nothing was wrong in how he languidly unfastened the belts on his uniform, in the sinful grace with which he was doing it. His azure orbs were unmoving, hypnotizing you with their gaze.
"No need... I was just thinking about how fitting those clothes actually are."
Trying to escape from the whirlpool the man was trying to take you in, your eyes darted in the opposite direction, accidentally falling on Jade's rear, still clad in those skintight pants. The merman's cheeks turned pink, not missing your action, slightly misjudging it even. Daring not to make eye contact, you swiftly occupied yourself with the task of undressing.
You could finally let out a sigh of relief, having fully submerged yourself into the hot water of the pool, generosity of Azul, who prepared it. You closed your eyes and tried to enjoy the calming aroma, the steam curling, and caressing your face, but the unyielding ogling of pairs of eyes was unnerving. You were not escaping out of this, you understood.
You could feel him ripple through the water, his hands enveloping your waist. It was the sight of Floyd looking up at you with a placid smile that welcomed you. He was resting on your knees, drops of water cascading down his face. He was still. For now.
"So?~ Pretty sick, land's "jacuzzi", won'tcha say?"
His effervescent voice echoed in the room, disturbing the quiet noise of popping bubbles. You stretched your hand to place in on his face only for it to be immediately trapped in his grasp. His token toothy smile slowly returned to his face. The temperature was rising. More and more closer Floyd was moving to you until two strong hands finally trapped you between his body and pool's side. Red against your skin, his tongue traced a way from your neck to jaw. Your breathing was now much more rugged than before.
"Tasty little koebi-chan~ You have no right to look so delicious-"
A bite followed. Floyd had successfully learned all your most sensitive spots and played them smartly even now. You could no longer keep your moans to yourself. The sweet noise spurred into action two other occupants of the room, who too longed for some attention.
"How greedy of you to steal [Name] all to yourself, brother. I too want a taste."
"You guys are not the only ones in the room. How annoying..."
In your peripheral vision, you could see them move closer until you felt your arm and leg being seized on each side. You were rendered immobile, each boy molding your body into the desired pose.
"Tsch~You two can get lost, for all I care."
Saying that in low voice, almost dropping down to a growl, Floyd was relentless in his task of forcing moans out of you, your already heated body unable to resist the pleasure he was giving you. You whined when his hand dropped down to your core, aching for more stimulation. Teasing and gliding, tension fluctuating, it was driving you crazy. When he decided that it wasn't enough for him anymore, Floyd dragged you out and hoisted on the cold surface outside of the pool. The difference in temperatures and his moist fingers plunging into your hole made you wail on top of your lungs. Your body was burning up and shivering from cold at the same time, wringing in his firm grip was just spurring you further into an igneous frenzy. Your vision blurry with water dripping down your face, or were those tears of pleasure, you were no longer the master to your body. The man before you controlled your every breath, every moan, his own form partly morphing to merman's.
White bliss overtook your mind when he sharply thrust into you. It wasn't gentle, at all, but it was precisely what you wanted, what you accustomed to, and welcomed with your very own thrusts back. Floyd's fast tenacious jerks were working you into an even more nonsensical state, the weight of his body on top of yours was superseding all your thoughts with flaming hot want. The lack of free air in the steamy room was affecting you, making you light-headed. The man rocking into you with immense strength was now your only leverage in the hazy world you were residing in at that moment. Continuing to bite and mark you up, his movements became even more erratic hinting at how close your lover was. You felt it building, the imminent release, when it finally crashed down upon you. Your last scream Floyd too claimed as his own, capturing your lips in his in a messy kiss, continuing to languidly trust up into you, riding out your orgasms.
While you were regaining your consciousness, a cacophony of hisses and screams, clearly somebody bickering, was the only thing you could hear besides the low buzz in your head. They stopped abruptly, a moment of calmness took place. You could register a shadow looming over you. A warm, somewhat slippery hand caressed your hot cheek. You couldn't help but lean more into a comforting touch.
"Barbarian-! My dear, are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"Just thoroughly fucked~♡"
The harsh smack ringed through the room, most likely not reaching its destination. Azul's attention returned to you, the man carefully cradled you to himself, when you felt some smooth appendages slithering around your body. You reasoned, that just like the eel merman, cecaelia had also accidentally sprouted some of his octopus-like features. While Azul most certainly still stood on his two legs before you, a few tentacles, deep purple and supple, coiled around you gently, but firmly. He won't be releasing you just like that, will he?
"I'm fine Azul, don't worry."
""... I'm ready to be fucked again, go for it~" Ahaha- Auch!"
Another smack and Floyd's yelp now following it. Serves him well, mocking you like that. You drew the octopus merman closer to you and kissed softly in a reassuring gesture.
"Everybody did a good job today, only fair to have some recreational moment together. Come here."
Azul's blush only deepened from your bold invitation. He was being seduced and he had no objections to that. How jealous he had been, observing how his friend was selfishly claiming you. He could now be the one to touch and explore your soft, heated body. The thought of it made him immensely happy. The dorm leader didn't get to spend some time with you today, given you were on the opposite teams, so right at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to have you close to him, sighing languorously.
When you finally regained control over your limbs, you made the man release you so you could sit on him instead. The ell's rough loving still panged in your rear duly, but Azul soft moans and the sight of his sweet red cheeks aroused you too hard to ignore your cravings. Strong tentacles once again twisted around you, the young man was drawing you closer still, skin to skin contact was putting him to a state akin to trance, the need to have more of you, of your scent, your taste, your love overwhelmed him. You placed open-mouthed kisses down his neck and jugular, moving lower with each kiss and hickey until you reached the soft flesh of his chest. Azul was practically melting under you, pleasure clouding his mind. It was so long you made love to him, he missed the tender moments so much and here you finally were, on his lap, teasing his hardened nipples, eliciting more sweet noises out of him.
A loud sob broke out of him when you descended down on his hard cock. Swiftly encompassing your legs in a vice-like grip, his tentacles vehemently squeezing you like ivy. You could feel his suckers sticking to you, sure to leave numerous marks for you to discover later. The faster you started to move, the more vocal Azul became, his pleasured noises reverberating in the room. Desperate for more, he started to thrust up into you from his position bellow, but too shallow from being completely bewildered by the tightness of your hole. While you were desperately chasing your high, relishing in Azul's sexy expressions, eagerly kissing them away, you felt two hands reach out for your chest from behind. Jade was there flushed and needy, but the man made no other moves except for lightly twisting your nipple, aiding your second orgasm for that day, while his other hand was busy with his jerking himself off. It took just a few more thrusts for both you and Azul to reach your climax, with each other's names on your lips. The hot liquid that stained both your walls and back, was the evidence of the two men's release. Satisfied, but completely worn out by your lovers, you slowly drifted away to a dark bottomless pit of unconsciousness.
When you woke up you found yourself on the same couch you saw in the changing room, this realization coming to you a few moments later that the memories of your previous activities.
"Oh, you're finally awake. How do feel? Does it hurt especially bad somewhere?"
Jade's questions nearly missed you as their addressee, for you were slowly coming back to your senses, which also meant facing the excruciating consequences of your supposed relaxation time.
"I can't feel my legs at all. Was I out for long?"
"Not that long. I had just enough time to carry you there and run for a few things, like a transformation potion, because those bumpkins got so excited they turned to their original form."
"I genuinely don't know how that happened. [Name], I'm deeply sorry."
Azul's remorseful voice drew your attention to him and Floyd standing near the door, in their human forms, already dressed in their uniforms. Jade was wiping your body with wet cloth in the meantime, carefully inspecting your body for marks and other "love confessions".
"You have nothing to feel sorry about, I enjoyed it very much. But it seems I won't go anywhere with you today anymore."
"Indeed, doesn't seem like [Name] will be able to visit the closing ceremony. Don't worry I'll stay here with you."
Jade addressed Azul and you in turns, gentle smile was playing on his lips. Reassuring you that you will be in caring hands the man lovingly pecked your cheek.
"Heeeeh~ You want just want some alone time with koebi-chan, don'tcha, Jade?“
Floyd who was silent before neared his brother with a mischievous grin.
"Not quite right, I surely exercise more control of myself than to prey on defenseless and fatigued [Name] like that. Not to mention, I already got my share earlier today. Motivational supplies were just the best."
Jade retorted with a wicked smile of his own, showing his razor-sharp teeth in this rare instance. His twin could only blink in confusion, not ready for such a twist.
"So you were ahead of us this whole time, Jade? It's also quite unexpected from you, my dear [Name], but I'm not in the position to complain. Please rest up and restore your power, we'll go and come back."
Azul came close to you and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Love you very much."
He added in a quiet voice before he left the room to prepare for the last event of the day. Before Floyd could follow him out, he ran up to you to briskly kiss you on the lips and say his own goodbye:
"Koebi-chan is always so fun to play with, it's too hard to stop sometimes. Be a good little one and relax. Don't get lonely, I'll come soon, 'kay?~"
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Bathing headcanons(SFW/slightly NSFW)
Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
• Very diligent about his bathing and grooming routine, Azul takes shower at least once a day. To be a successful businessman one needs to take care of himself and his looks and the dorm leader doesn't slack off on it. Not to mention, he loves water and misses the ocean and how freely he could move in it. The land's shower is just a small gateway to dull his nostalgia.
• His personal care products mostly smell of some fruit or flower. It's the type of smell that makes you want to just inhale it over and over, maybe just nibble on his skin a bit, flustering poor octopi.
• Maybe sweet smells don't exactly tie in with the image of the powerful, all-mighty magician he works hard to uphold, but practice shows different results. He smells pleasant, relaxing, like somebody who you would gladly entrust your unique magic or valuable possession. How can a guy with such a sincere smile and the air of the flower field in spring around him be threatening? Azul may have lost all of his contracts, but he steadily grows his collection anew, more determined than ever.
• It takes him a lifetime to confess that he wants to shower with you, much faster is just to invite him yourself. You can sense just how eager he is, but the thought of you seeing him naked, and vice versa makes him too shy. Just grab him and take with you, he won't protest much. He helps you to wash your back and hair, loving every second of it. And when you rub him back and massage his body, any and every insecure thought just evaporates, leaving only raw and vulnerable Azul starved for tender touches and appreciative words. When you stay with him, Azul always subtly suggests having a shower together, blushing profusely each and every time. He doesn't even think about doing anything sexual, just washing each other is already intimate enough practice for him.
• He took a habit to always rub and massage your back, be it in the bath or shower, he too finds enjoyment, especially when he hears you sigh in approval or relax into him. Azul would love to receive the same gentle treatment but to his head. With the amount of mental work he does daily he's not a stranger to migraines anymore. But somehow, when when you rub and massage his scalp the annoying pain goes away. He jokingly complains that you've never told him you could use a magic like that, but he's grateful nonetheless.
• Baths are a whole event for him. He's the type to place aroma candles everywhere, throw in a beautiful bath bomb and bring a glass of his preferred drink. And you, of course, his dear lover. Now everything is set for the perfect evening with you, his most favorite person, by his side.
•❗ No action in water unless it's a big enough place for you to safely attempt anything in there. And definitely not the shower, not in a lifetime. He's not strong enough to support you, and he's still adjusting to walking on legs. And it's much more exciting to tease him until he practically begs you to take him right away, only to make him wait for when you're out of dangerous grounds of the shower.
Jade Leech 🐬
• Not as disciplined as his dorm's leader, Jade still makes sure to take a shower once every few days, he has to look presentable and smart as a vice dorm leader himself.
• He smells like the sea breath, very fresh and subtle, not enough to make him stand out, but special enough to understand that this guy is not an ordinary one.
• it's somewhat of his fantasy to take a shower with you. You and water? The perfect combination. It would be a one morning when you stayed at his room, that Jade would tell you, blushing, that he was going to shower and wouldn't mind if you joined him. He would go ahead, not really hoping that you will follow him until he feels a kiss on his shoulder and hands enveloping. Didn't take him too long to understand who just decided to join him, Jade smiling happily at that.
• He wants to wash you, take care of your every body part. If you insist that you can do it yourself or shy away from him he'll tease you and still continue to do his thing. He pampers you to the fullest, just about everything is taken care of. He loves to feel your skin, to see how water streams down your body. If you two are in a rush, Jade won't relent, but he'll be grateful if you wash him in return.
• Baths are also nice in Jade's mind, but he'll take one exclusively if he is exhausted or is promised to have you with him in it. It'll take some bending and working around with it, this man is too tall for most baths. He'll casually hug you while you two relax and enjoy each other's company.
•❗He's pretty open to bathtub sex, Jade thinks that your wet, flushed body is one of the most erotic sights he's ever seen. There he was, thinking you couldn't get even hotter, but he can't keep his hands off of you now, please take responsibility. Still not safe to fool around in the shower, but at least you tried. It wasn't half bad, but Jade confessed later that it was too stressing - he's not willing to risk your health like that anymore.
Floyd Leech 🦈
• He's like a small child when it comes to bathing. It's too bothersome, he doesn't stink, what's the problem. It's a damn war, when Jade tries to stick him in a shower or a bathtub, because a certain furious octopus, hard bend on self-grooming, ordered to have Floyd showered one way or another. The catch is, as soon as he's in water, he's the calmest angel ever. He'll spend there as much time as his human body allows him. Generally, it's twice a week, but he goes to shower willingly after each PE class, he hates the stench of sweat even more.
• He doesn't smell like anything, at best you can smell a candy he ate just recently. He despises strong smells. If he's forced to shower with such shower gel or shampoo he'll be furious and snappy the whole time until it wears off. If he can smell it, it's bad and makes his skin crawl, annoying him to no end. He feels like biting himself, and he doesn't like it. On you, however, he prefers tasty, yummy smells, since he can take a bite no problem.
• The one who accidentally buys a juice-like bottle of some gel and gets a poisoning. "But it looked so edible~", he's banned by Jade and Azul now from any sections of the store, where there can be any chemicals in "misleading" covers.
• Actually baths are his favorite! Cue him clinging to you and just freeze there. He's enjoying it so much. At best you just sit there in his embrace, until the water becomes too cold for his liking, but other times he reverts back to his merman appearance and now he's all over you and you can't breathe properly. He's not oblivious thought, when he deems that he's teased you enough he'll release you. Your reactions are just the best, he can't get enough of them.
• One time he slipped into your shower and just grabbed a handful of your tight and thought it was the funniest thing ever, while you nearly went into cardiac arrest when somebody in all-boys dorm touched you out of nowhere. But who else could have it been, if not your capricious boyfriend. Now, Floyd is suddenly all about going to shower each day, of course dragging you with him. He doesn't even shower, he just stands under the water and squeezes you, ultimately not giving you the chance to clean neither you nor him. It takes colossal efforts, to make him scrub his body, but he still doesn't leave your side.
• ❗By far the most dangerous to have shower sex with, but also the most exciting. Does it stop you? Mostly. Him? Never. He always looks forward to when you inevitably get frisky. Floyd will edge you till the point of crying, have you begging for him to fuck you. He also has enough strength to pick you up and ram into you, or he'll just turn you around and press himself behind setting a fast pace right away.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 3: Soulmates
Your shadow is the current silhouette of your soulmate. Only you and your soulmate can see your shadow. Shadows of animals and objects (non-humans basically) can be seen by everyone. Most people have human soulmates that grow up with a human shadow. Logan is not most people.
Logan POV, Intrulogical, Prinxiety and Moceit
Day 2 | Masterlist | Day 4
Logan was smart.
At just four years old, Logan could count to one thousand, tie his shoes, and knew how to read books meant for kids twice his age. Logan knew other things too. He knew that the earth moved around the sun, not the other way around. He knew that Mrs. Smith didn’t like Mr. Smith and that they were getting a ‘dee-vorce.’ He knew that rainbows were like giant water mirrors. And he knew what soulmates are.
Soulmates mean different things to different people. They appear as shadows, but your shadow is actually your soulmate’s shadow. Logan didn’t really understand how that worked, but he didn’t ask about it. Mama’s shadow disappeared when she was little, and she doesn’t like to talk about it. Logan didn’t understand why Papa married Mama if they weren’t soulmates, but he didn’t ask. Because Logan was smart, and he knew that if he asked about their soulmates, they would ask about his. And while Logan didn’t know a lot about soulmates, he knew that his shadow was different.
Logan’s soulmate was big. Bigger than Mama and Papa. Sometimes Logan would lay in bed and his soulmate’s shadow covered him like a blanket. It made him feel safe and protected. One time Logan was almost hurt by a big doggie, but the dog saw Logan’s shadow and ran away. Logan knew that big shadows weren’t good. He heard about how Susie from down the street had a ‘peddle-file’ for a soulmate. But Logan knew that his soulmate wouldn’t hurt him.
Sometimes the shadow would change into something smaller, closer to Papa’s height. Sometimes the shadow grew so big that Logan couldn’t see the end of it. But most of the time, Logan’s shadow stayed the same size and shape. Logan knew it wasn’t normal to have a soulmate that changed shape. He knew it wasn’t normal for his shadow to have long, spindly arms with pointed fingers. He knew that most shadows didn’t have long devil horns, or give off an aura that scared all animals and most humans away. Logan knew that Mama and Papa wouldn’t understand if he told them.
Because Logan was smart enough to know that his soulmate wasn’t human.
Logan was brave.
Most people wouldn’t see that at first glance. Logan was a 17-year-old nerd. He was such an oddball that even bullies steered clear of him (Logan never commented on that. He knew it was his soulmate’s aura scaring them away. Which was interesting since human shadows don’t have detectable auras). Logan always had his nose in a book. Most people expected him to be a teacher’s pet, but Logan never answered questions. He never reached out to others, and he never spoke unless he was spoken to, so most people didn’t know how brave Logan actually was.
Even those who considered themselves close to Logan didn’t see him as brave. In fact, most people saw him as emotionless. He rarely smiled or spoke out of turn. He was the perfect child in terms of behavior and intelligence, but he never showed signs of actually enjoying the world around him.
But there was something that Logan enjoyed: his shadow. While it was disappointing to have no one to talk to about his soulmate, Logan wouldn’t give his soulmate up for anything. It was fascinating to watch, and every time Logan interacted with his shadow he felt safe and loved. Most people would scream if their shadow’s jaw unhinged to impossible lengths, most likely to swallow something whole. Logan watched with rapt attention, itching to write it down. He never recorded anything about his soulmate, paranoid that someone would find it. Instead, he attempted to memorize every new detail on his soulmate. His soulmate was 8 feet tall exactly, with an extra four inches added for the horns. While his largest form was immeasurable, his smallest form stood at 6 ft 6 in with no horns to see. Logan assumed that this form was meant to mimic a human, though he had no other data to support that hypothesis. Logan’s soulmate was also extremely fast, occasionally moving its limbs at a speed that Logan couldn’t track with his eyes.
Logan participated in activities that made sense to him yet baffled others. He spent hours holed up in his room, his shadow comforting him as he read a book. He ran for an hour every afternoon, though he had no interest in joining any races. He also went to the gym every other day. Logan’s logic behind this was that he needed to be quick and strong in case his soulmate meant him harm (this was a lie and Logan knew it. Not only did Logan still believe that his soulmate wouldn’t harm him, he also doubted that he could physically run away from a creature that could potentially travel at inhuman speeds, much less fight one. The truth was that Logan wanted to have something vaguely in common with his soulmate). While Logan liked to read philosophy and chemistry books, he could also be seen reading books on soulmates, fairytales and cryptids. While Logan did not believe that humanity was aware that Logan’s soulmate existed, he hoped he would one day find something that would even slightly match his predicament.
Logan was actually reading another book about soulmates as he sat under the apple tree outside of the library. The tree’s shadow loomed over him, but Logan could still easily see his soulmate’s silhouette. He wasn’t sure if that was a soulmate-thing or a my-soulmate-isn’t-human-thing. That’s actually why he was reading this book: Everyday Occurrences for Soulmates. It was mainly a description of how soulmate customs were treated around the world, but Logan hoped that it would give him more insight into how human shadows should look and behave.
“Get back here, freak!” Logan’s head snapped up to see another teen run past him. Logan vaguely recognized the patchwork hoodie from his biology class. Virgil Storm, Logan’s memory supplied. Emo and social outcast. Logan watched as another group of teens chased after him. Virgil continued to run until he tripped and fell. Logan stood up as the gaggle of teenagers approached Virgil. This won’t do at all.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The teens looked afraid for a moment before they turned and saw Logan approaching.
The one in the middle laughed. “Run along, nerd, before you end up like this freak!” Micheal Scott, if Logan’s memory was correct (it always was). Senior, quarterback, was held back three times. 
Logan continued to step forward, ignoring the way his shadow lashed around his ankles. “Virgil has done nothing to warrant your ire, Micheal.” This was true; Virgil talked less than even Logan did. Other than being exceptionally talented in art, Virgil was essentially a nobody (and while Logan knew that looks could be deceiving, he- like everyone else- saw reason to interact with Virgil).
Micheal scoffed. “Of course he does! He’s a freak and he deserves to be put in his place-”
Now, Logan was very smart. He knew that acting violently would most likely result in negative consequences. But Logan also knew that Virgil didn’t deserve Micheal’s… anything, Micheal’s an asshole. But either way, Logan knew what it was like to be the odd-one-out. And while Logan was nervous of the consequences, when he heard Micheal call Virgila freak, Logan’s bravery shined through.
Logan was satisfied to feel Micheal’s nose break from under his fist. Those visits to the gym were actually useful. Huh. Logan watched impassively as Micheal fell down to his knees. Logan kneeled so that his face loomed just above Micheal’s. Micheal started shivering, and Logan couldn’t tell if it was him or his shadow that was causing him distress. He also didn’t care. “If you even look at me or Virgil the wrong way I will not hesitate to make your life a living hell. Understood?” Logan’s voice remained cold and emotionless. While his surge in confidence was making him slightly uncomfortable, it produced the intended outcome. Micheal blanched before scurrying away. It took only a look to get the other teens to do the same.
Logan knelt down next to the now safe teen. “Are you alright?” He held out his hand for Virgil to grab.
Virgil stared at the hand in shock, seemingly surprised that someone had stood up for him. “Yeah, thanks.” He took the offered hand, pulling himself up onto his feet. His sketchbook fell out of his hand, which Logan didn’t realize was even there. Logan bent down to grab the sketchbook for Virgil when he froze.
The sketch was of some kind of fae/eldritch horror combination. The creature’s face was youthful, appearing to be a man in his early twenties. Its arms were long and spindly, and his nails were sharpened to a point. It wore a white prince suit with a red sash. But what really grabbed Logan’s attention was the pair of devil horns that sat on top of its head.
Logan looked up at Virgil, who was suddenly pale and shaking. “Virgil, what was your inspiration behind this piece?”
Virgil grabbed the notebook and shook his head. “It’s nothing, just a nightmare I had. Nothing more.” He went to walk away.
Logan grabbed Virgil by the hoodie sleeve. “Please do not lie to me.” Virgil stared at Logan in horror. Logan stood there, feeling his desperation claw at him. “Please,” He whispered. “Please tell me I’m not alone.”
Because Logan was brave, and he didn’t want to be alone anymore.
Logan was observant.
While his observations didn’t help him in finding his soulmate, it did help him take care of his two new (and only) friends.
Virgil Storm apparently had a soulmate similar to Logan’s, as did Virgil’s best friend Patton Heart. Virgil also had a nightbond, a rare form of soulbond that allowed soulmates to visit each other in their dreams. Apparently, the creatures did not have a name for their species. Roman, Virgil’s soulmate, appeared to have very little knowledge on his species. While this did disappoint Logan, he was still grateful to have someone to share his findings with. After knowing each other for over a year, the trio were never seen apart, finally having friends who weren’t scared away by their shadow’s dark auras.
Virgil and Patton both had similar opinions to Logan on their inhuman soulmates, mainly that it was more fascinating than terrifying. Virgil was interested in the darker aspects of their soulmates, while Patton was just happy that he had a soulmate. Logan grew to care for the two teens. While Virgil was quiet and awkward around others, Logan learned that he was actually very snarky and cynical. Patton pretended that life was perfect, but Logan had seen enough to know that Patton only genuinely smiled when thinking about his soulmate. Logan had become quite protective of the two, as his shadow tended to scare off more potential threats than Virgil’s or Patton’s did.
Logan was currently running around the perimeter of the highschool as he waited for his friends to finish their activities. He had asked if they would like to join him, but Patton was asthematic and Virgil detested running. So, it had become a common occurrence for Logan to do his running while Patton and Virgil participated in their after school clubs.
Logan allowed his mind to wander as he completed another lap. He was disappointed that he’s so far unsuccessful in terms of meeting his soulmate. None of them had met their soulmates in person, even Virgil. According to Roman, the creatures had a much deeper connection to their souls compared to humans. He had also said that the creatures wouldn’t be found by their soulmates until “our loves are ready.” Ready for what, Logan didn’t know. But that didn’t stop him from exhausting every possible way to find his soulmate.
Logan saw a flash of yellow and almost tripped over his feet. Not stopping as to draw suspicion, he glanced towards the forest behind the school and saw something… odd.
Standing at the edge of the treeline was a man. He was tall and young, probably in his mid 20s. He wore an impeccable black suit with yellow accessories, which was odd since he appeared to have came from the forest. Logan followed his gaze and just as the gym doors opened. Patton sprinted out of the school, most likely grabbing something from his car. Logan watched as the man’s gaze followed Patton as he walked towards his car. Logan tsked as he darted into the treeline, attempting to not be spotted. The man was stalking Patton, and that was not acceptable. But Logan was observant, so he’d learn more about the man before making his move.
Logan had just reached where he’d last seen the man when he noticed something important: his shadow wasn’t moving. Any time Logan was heading towards potential danger, his shadow would move erratically around his feet, as if it was trying to stop him. Any time potential danger was heading towards him, Logan’s shadow would lash towards the danger, it’s natural aura deterring most creatures. But his shadow wasn’t moving. It was calm. Complacent.
Logan was so busy analyzing his shadow that he almost hadn’t realized that the man wasn’t there. Logan felt a chill go down his neck and he spun around, to find himself less than a foot away from the man. Logan stifled the urge to scream. His shadow wasn’t acting up, and Logan trusted his soulmate to protect him. But now that he was almost touching the man, Logan quickly realized something. How his smile was a hair too wide. How just standing close to him made Logan’s fight-or-flight reflexes go haywire.
Logan was observant, but it didn’t take much to realize that this man isn’t human.
Logan cleared his throat as he forced himself to articulate a response. “Hello. Might I ask why you’re trespassing into a high school to observe minors?”
The man looked guilty (bullshit) as he spoke. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met before.” He held out his hand, presumably for Logan to shake. “My name is Declan Brown. I was sent by the school board to observe the school’s management of extracurricular activities-”
“Stop.” Logan suddenly said, resisting the urge to physically shake his head. A part of him was already nodding along to what he said. It’s a perfectly reasonable assumption- Logan did his best to shove the thought away. The creature obviously had a talent in mental manipulation.
The (not)man gaped for a second. “Excuse me?” He seemed shocked. The thoughts became more intense and repetitive.
Logan started rambling, less focused on his words and more focused on getting Declan’s (that’s probably not his name) manipulations out of his head. “Stop lying to me. No member of the student board would support stalking a minor from the school’s perimeter. Check up on your human facts before stating such a bold lie. And will you shut up with the thoughts!” Before Logan could acknowledge what he had said, the thoughts ceased completely.
The creature looked at Logan with unguarded curiosity. “Who are you?”
Logan crossed his arms as he ignored how terrified he felt. “My name is unimportant for this conversation. Now I’ll ask again: Why are you stalking my friend?”
Logan’s shadow chose that moment to respond, shifting forward so it brushed against the creature’s ankles. Logan then realized that not only did he seem to acknowledge Logan’s shadow, he also didn’t have a shadow. Which means that he has a soulmate. The creature stared at the shadow before laughing. “Ah. That makes much more sense.”
Logan frowned. “Please answer my question.”
The creature’s smile seemed more genuine as he held out his hand again. “Call me Janus. I was sent by Roman to check on his soulmate. And I wanted to check on my soulmate at the same time.”
Logan blinked as he processed the information. The creature knew Roman, so it was most likely the same (or similar) species. And since it was staring at Patton…
Logan grabbed Janus’ hand, giving it his firmest shake. Logan was not submitting to this creature. “My name is Logan. I assume you are Patton’s soulmate, correct?” At Janus’ smirk, Logan tightened his grip. “If you harm him in any way- physically, emotionally, you name it- I will find a way to make the rest of your existence a living hell.”
Janus laughed as he also tightened his grip. “He’s gonna LOVE meeting you.” Logan remained impassive, knowing that a single sign of weakness could cause his end.
Because Logan was observant, and no way in hell was he letting his friend get hurt.
Logan was loved.
Logan never really realized that. Sure, his parents said that they loved him, but Logan never really depended on his parents the way most children did. When Logan had a question, he read a book. When Logan was scared, his shadow protected him. When Logan was hurt or lonely, his shadow would comfort him. Most people depended on their parents to raise them. Logan raised himself. Most people saw shadows as a way to find their soulmate. Logan saw his shadow as a friend.
Maybe that’s why at 21 years old Logan confidently (and drunkenly) states that he’s never felt true love. Sure, he’s felt kindness and support (Patton and Virgil) but he’s never felt love. Sure, some nights he has long conversations with his shadow and lets himself believe that the way it twists and turns means that his soulmate can hear him. Sure, he sees Janus a few times every year (Logan knows by this point that Janus is letting himself be seen. Logan never told Patton about meeting Janus and they have yet to officially meet. If Janus wanted to be seen by Patton or not seen by Logan he could) and every time he begs to learn more about his soulmate. But that’s not love (he never says that around Janus. The creature can smell lies like Logan smells Patton’s perfume).
Maybe that’s why he drunkenly kisses a stranger at his 21st birthday party, ignoring the fact that he’s too short and his hold doesn’t feel safe.
Maybe that’s why when he goes to visit Patton weeks later and sees only a note that says His name’s Janus he crumples it up and throws it away. Maybe that’s why when Virgil texts him the same day simply saying Found my soulmate TTYL, Logan lets hope claw its way through his chest. Maybe that’s why when the sun sets and Logan gets no sign from his soulmate he curls up in a ball and sobs. Maybe that’s why he decides that he can’t wait any longer and he leaves his shitty apartment in the middle of his shitty town and heads towards the shitty forest that he knows is empty but he has to try.
Maybe that’s why when Logan’s so deep in the forest that he can’t find his way out and the moon hangs high over his head and he hears wolves in the distance he doesn’t get scared or sad. No, Logan gets angry. Angry at the world for rejecting him because of his menacing shadow. Angry at Patton and Virgil for leaving him for their own soulmates. Angry at his soulmate for making him believe for 21 fucking years that he had a chance at being truly happy.
A wolf broke through the tree line, lowly growling as he approached Logan. Logan growled right back, his irritation and heartbreak and anger clouding his judgment. The wolf howled, and Logan screamed. It was an odd feeling. Logan hadn’t screamed in a long time. He trusted his shadow to protect him, so he never screamed in fear.  But the way his throat burned from his anger was exhilarating.
The wolf lunged, and it took Logan a few moments to realize that it never reached him. Logan heard a satisfying crunch as the wolf head landed inches from his feet. Logan looked up and saw a monster of nightmares.
It was at least 8 ft tall, with long, spindly limbs sharpened to a point. Green horns protruded form his head, and his eyes glowed acid green. His bloody teeth stretched into a too-wide grin, and Logan did not smile back.
Instead Logan screamed again. But it wasn’t out of fear (never out of fear). It was out of anger, and exhaustion, and relief, and something else that Logan couldn’t name. He lunged at the creature, wrapping his arms around the black and green tunic as he continued to scream. The creature continued to smile, using his too-sharp claws to hold onto Logan’s back. And Logan broke. He started to sob, losing the ability to stand as he leaned further into the creature’s chest.
They stayed there for almost an hour, Logan sobs being the only sound in the vicinity. Eventually, the creature spoke up. “It’s nice to finally hold you, Logan.” Logan continued to stay silent, burrowing his face into the creature’s chest. “My name is Remus. I know that it hurts, but you weren’t ready until now. I wanted to come get you the moment I saw your shadow, I swear. But I’ve always been there, even though ya couldn’t hear me. And I promise I won’t leave ya ever.”
Logan felt himself smile as he relaxed further into the creature’s his soulmate’s hold, listening to Remus babble out apologies and promises. Logan allowed himself to finally feel. 
Because even though this was the first time they touched, Logan knew this wasn’t the first time they’d met. Remus had always been there to support Logan, even if he was hiding in Logan’s shadow. He was always there, and even though Logan was hearing him for the first time, Logan knew that he was in love with Remus.
And as they separated and Remus asked if Logan was okay, Logan let himself admit it. “I love you.”
And Remus repeated him, with no doubts or uncertainty. Because even though Logan refused to believe it before now…
Logan was loved.
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carlosxhook · 4 years
The Law Of Total Madness ~ H.H
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Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader (yes I wrote Got7 into this sue me) + (please don’t I’m broke 🤦‍♀️)
Y/N’s P.O.V
Being Chad Charming’s twin sister was an interesting occurrence, Ben being your best friend for your whole life and growing up around Chad expectation of the perfect sister was exhausting this was where you found your love for singing and dancing thanks to Ben. He also introduced you to your other best friend prince Yugyeom originally from Jypnation and 6 other his friends who made music together the 8 of you were always glued together, you stuck together and turns out it was good for you to get away from Chad he may of been your brother and yes you loved him but god was he unbearable! Even better the 8 of you talk in korean to confuse anyone trying to ease drop Princess love to be some nosey bitches, you were a hip hop dancing, princess role breaking rebellious free soul and Chad HATED that. Perhaps the icing on the cake was that you were secretly dating a Scottish pirate, the only son of Captain Hook, the love of your life Harry Hook. It happened when you and Ben were kidnapped with Ben after convincing him you should go with him for “protection” when really you just wanted to wag chemistry class they kept you and Ben seperate and you and Harry ended up in a long make out session about 15 minutes before the most epic battle you’d ever witnessed, Ben announced that after 6 months since Dizzy, The Twins and Celia came to auradon that 3 more vks would be coming over! Hoping it would be Harry, Uma and Gil you talked to Gil while ‘kidnapped’ you two were close it was nice he seemed genuinely like a good guy, it was nice that he’s loyal to his crew and today was the day they were to arrive. Ben, Chad, Mal, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Doug and I were all gathered around waiting for them to show them around and such, the limo pulls up and all three vks get out my chest gets tight thinking about seeing him again yeah we starting “being a thing” very quickly but I liked him a lot I knew that much “Welcome to Auradon” Ben smiles “Try not to break anything” Chad snarls and I smack him over the head earning a deep chuckle from Harry as he smirks at me “it’s very colourful here” Gil smiles he’s too pure omg “well I would love too stay and help but I promised NaNa I’d be at practice 10 minutes ago, it was lovely too see you all again.” I wave before running off towards the school dance hall and quickly issuing magic to get changed into a red crop top and some high waisted black shorts with black converse, damn I was too cute for my own good sometimes, poor Chad never got any magic my parents had me enchanted when I was little so I could protect myself.
Harry’s P.O.V
“I apologise for Princess Y/N’s departure she’s preparing for a very important event and competition as a representative for Auradon, if any of you need her she’s typically in the dance hall!” Ben hints looking towards me it’s not like her and I were seriously anyways, yeah I liked her, a lot but I’d barely say I thought about her. That’s a lie everyday that stupidly gorgeous girl plagued my mind and she just runs off before I can have her in my arms again, how selfish? Does she even still care about me, about us, we had a connection fuck I knew feelings and l..l...lov that l word made you weak, how pathetic I thought I had a happily ever after.
We go through the entire of auadorn and finally reach the Dance Hall we hear loud music coming from within and I peek in seeing Y/N practicing “let’s watch!” Ben opens the door and we stand at the back my eyes fixated on the gorgeous girl dancing her heart out, “she’s gonna win” Chad laughs at Gils proud statement “please who does she think she is this isn’t the isle she should be in a castle or locked in a tower” Chad snorts “I’m sorry say that again Princey” I growl “cool it” I hear Uma whisper “you wanna get found out huh” she follows. “He’s an ass” I mutter focusing back on the events in front of me Y/N walking towards us with a big smile “what did you think?” She asks as her sparkling eyes meet mine before Chad can even open his mouth I reply “Ye did very good indeed” winking at the now blushing princess “anyways” she chirps “we need 3 more female dancers to back up Yugyeom and I’s duo for the competition, because as much as I’d love too see Jackson, Mark and BamBam in skirts with wigs and heels... I don’t wanna frighten the audience” she giggles looking behind her at the 7 boys now making their way over once they reach us the throw Y/N a questioning look before speaking in what I can only assume in another fucking language.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss Harry I did and as much as I wanted to run into his arms and breathe in his scent and glory I know I can’t, I lean over to Uma to get closer to Harry “Hey Uma, I don’t know if ben told you but we are sharing a room, I’m barely ever in my dorm so don’t worry I won’t bother you!” I smile and she just scoffs she’s not the biggest fan of me I mean she did kidnap Ben and I after all, I couldn’t blame her though the Isle was shocking I would wanna get out too I am kinda thankful cause of it I found Harry. That was if he still even liked me, I heard from Mal he’s a player and no good that he flirted with anything that moved I mean one of the old exchange students Nana did that too, and he was harmless I was just hoping Harry’s flirting was too.
“Yugyeom, can we finish I wanna show em to the dorms?” I smile to the fluffy haired boy sweat dripping down his white shirt making it slightly see through “only this once ya, usually I’m the one to try cut practice shorty” he laughs “sweet, don’t forget we go all day tomorrow with the boys!” I point to our 6 other friends and wave shooting them a wink before turning around seeing everyone but the pirates had left “well I’ll shall show you to your rooms I guess” I lead the way to the dorms it’s a bit awkward and the silence burns.
“So Y/N” Gil cuts the air “what’s this competition?” He smiles coming and placing an arm around me I hear Harry growl but I just let Gil rest his arm on me “well it’s a multi-kingdom performance competition, we must sing and dance and the winner’s kingdom hosts a massive party and a heap of important musical performers come for all necks of the woods too play and come watch!” I smile getting excited just thinking about it “Yugyeom and I have a duo, I have a solo and so does he, then a boy group performance and then a girl group performance if we win 3/5 of the categories Auradon will host its first ever K fest, it’ll be amazing!” I stop abruptly “our duo performance is gonna be the best we’ve ever done, and we’ve done a lot” I chuckle “anyways this is the boys dorm 701 Gil and Harry are here and then just down the all at 690 is where Uma will be if y’all need her. Your belongings will be inside for you if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask” I turn around and walk to my room Uma in tow “so Y/N, been a while huh?” She laughs “indeed it has, how’re you feeling about all this?” I ask pointing around “it’s where I’ve always wanted to get my crew, I got Gil and Harry here, now I need to work on the rest” I see a glint of sadness in her eyes “I’m only really here because I care about those boys and they don’t deserve to rot on an island, yeah they’re dicks and trouble but they’re loyal to me so I am loyal to them, they fight for me so I fight for them. Always!” I was shocked Uma was really caring I didn’t expect this side of her “I’m only telling you this because I know you and Harry are a thing” she pays my back “wait we still are?” I ask hopeful “yeah, the moment he gets you alone he’ll be all over you like a hungry wolf, watch ya back” she laughs I take a deep breath “thank you Uma I wasn’t sure he even still knew me” I lay on my bed and my stomach grubmles “girl you’re so busy dancing you don’t eat” Uma scolds “come on” she grads my hand “were getting you some food!” Running out the door she takes me too the kitchen and starts making food “I used to have make chips all the time at the shop, so hopefully Auradon sir makes them taste better than the grubby isle ones” she scoffs “Uma, can I ask something?” I nervously fiddle “sure princess what’s up?” She says cutting up potatos “Did Harry’s father ever abuse him?” She seems taken aback “it’s just I remember telling Harry I’d stay behind he just had to pretend he had me at sword point, and he said he’d never even pretend to do such a thing because he wasn’t his father.” I wipe a few tears I was confused was Harry harmful “Harry gets his father’s temper or therefore lack of, he had outbursts, I’m sure he’ll still have them, yes to put it shortly his father before he was in the crew would often abuse him. But it wasn’t uncommon, not in the isle love is a weakness.” “Then am I weak for loving him no matter what Uma” why was I even opening up to her “no because I think you could be good for him, just don’t turn him” she jokes “or I’ll use this” she holds her shell out “yes captain!” We laugh. “Maybe finally having a roommate won’t be so bad aye” I smile as she cooks Uma might actually be a really great friend and she knows more about Harry than anyone else maybe Hook and I could work.
*The Next Day*
“Those boys I swear are always late” I mutter to no one in particular “now what’s a gorgeous girl like you doing standing ‘ere all alone?” My heart jumps hearing his voice again “Hi Harry” I turn around smiling “ye know isle got boring without a princess to kiss” she smirks “is that so, awe Harry did you miss me” I joke about he moves closer “believe me or not love, I actually did. Let’s say you left a bit of a mark on me so to speak” I giggle “now come here babe” I pull him in for a long and heated kiss “Lovely doing business with ye princess” he smirks spinning around and walking out. What the actual fuck was that, what is he playing at I’m not just some toy, I turn on the music and start dancing to Bonnie & Clyde by Dean nothing can distract me not even Harry.
Harry’s P.O.V
I fucked it up I panicked and played fuck boy player again the confident fascade is what I’m know by I must keep it up, show no emotion, no weakness. Sorry princess. It’s just how I am.
I walk to uma’s room and knock on the door “yeah what” I hear her shout “it’s me” and like that the door flies open “Where’s Gil?” She questions “running round with Jay apparently they’re besties or whatever I’m just letting the dog loose” I plop myself down on the princess’ bed “geez Auradon beds are comfy” I sigh “I don’t think your little girlfriend would appreciate your smelly leather and metal scent over her sheets” Uma jokes “not me girlfriend” I point out “I’d watch it if I were you then, she gushed on about that Yugyeom boy for a very long time, of she ain’t yours surely she’ll be his I mean they’re never not together.” As if on cue in walks Y/N “Hey Uma did you see where I put my tablets, the ones with the orange jar, I’ve got a massive headache.” She rubs her head still unaware I’m laying on her bed “yeah left hand side of the bathroom counter top” she smiles did I miss something what are they all of a sudden so... friendly...
“Thank you so much oh and by the way I’ll be back late tonight so don’t wait up I’ll sneak in, Yugyeom and I have to rehearse til late cause Ben wants to come watch us and make sure it’s all good” I watch as she leaves then I close my eyes and drift off too sleep surprisingly.
“Harry wake up omg” I hear as I open my eyes too see Uma standing above me “what?” I ask rubbing me eyes then picking up me hook “get off of Y/N’s bed and wake up she’s gonna be here soon” she scoffs “surely she wouldn’t mind a handsome looking lad in her bed waiting for ‘er” I laugh.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“Ben I don’t really understand?” I question “you want us... to kiss?” I point between Yugyeom and I “yes the chemistry is there I’m telling you it’s the winning touch, the performance is so dynamic it just needs the big ending, it’ll leave everyone shocked, stunned and more importantly it shows how well you work together.” The king smiles “are you sure this is a good idea?” He’s gone crazy completely mad oh this is not going to end well “let’s call it a day you two need to eat and back again tomorrow for more practice” Ben smiles holding the door open for us both, “he’s not serious right Y/N” Yugyeom whispers “I hope he’s not, but something tells me he is, it’s fine gyu we are the best this is nothing!” I smile placing a hand on his shoulder “what about that boy?” He asks in a small voice “we aren’t dating he made that very clear, who cares this is our dream we are so close!” I smile side hugging him and briefly laying my head on his “fighting!!” I smile before grabbing his hand and walking to my dorm he always walks me to the door of my room when we practice late “Thanks Yugyeom!” I smile “let’s work hard tomorrow!” I hug him really tightly saying goodbye and open the door to find Uma working on something and Harry asleep on my bed “I don’t remember ordering a strange man in my bed, Uma I think this ones for you.” I point to the pirate passed out on my bed “he’s been like that for hours, I don’t think he’s sleeping at night” Uma shrugs “I’ll be back I have to go try round up Gil watch the scot” I laugh before going to change clothes in the bathroom I walk out no more than 10 minutes later and he’s still there snoring away. “Harry I told you if you were struggling to come find me” I play with his hair and carefully remove the hook placing it right next to my bed I grab the spare blanket from the cupboard and put it over him and when I go to walk away I hear “Please, just stay with me love” he says almost way too soft “I’ll explain later just please” I notice he’s shaking must be nightmares or ptsd “it’s okay Harry I’m right here, I’m always gonna be okay” I smile placing a soft kiss on his forehead and jumping into the free slither of bed he’s left much for my surprise he moves and pulls me close with his arm around my stomach before I know it I’m fast asleep.
Harry’s P.O.V
I woke up and there she was in my arms and it felt right, it felt like nothing could ruin this moment until once again I panicked I’m not used to feeling this I grab my hook and leave her all alone, pangs if guilt hit me but I ignore them I’m a pirate the best one I don’t need feelings they make you weak and I will never be weak. I will make my father proud he will call me his son and I’ll finally have a family, I don’t need some stupid princess to distract me.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I woke up alone in my bed with nothing left but the memory and slight scent of metal and the ocean, or was it leather? Doesn’t matter now he used me again and I let him, I need to watch myself no distractions that would discredit all of Yugyeom and I’d hard work I’m letting Harry ruin this for me. That being said another day another practice T-minus 1 week until we gotta rock this competition he’s obviously gotta work himself else I ain’t here for his amusement ugh, today there’s a big school meeting where we perform some songs as a taster for the school and our sister school (team) Ateez High are sending over their recruits to perform, I can’t wait we have had these prepared forever so we got this in the bag.
{Might do a series on this one, kinda proud my first imagine for Harry Hook x Y/N reader I had to add something kpop okay just bear with me! Got a few requests so I’ll be getting right into them⚡️🤍}
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tonkatsumu · 4 years
back at one ✧ kita shinsuke
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The five times Kita Shinsuke kisses you back and the one time he doesn't. 
genre: fluff, angst towards the end
tw: major character death
wc: 1,700+
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The first time you kiss Kita is a mistake.
It's lunchtime, and you're laughing as your friend is gushing over the new blonde setter from class 1-5. The day started off as a disaster, with you waking up late, resulting having to buy bread at the canteen because you forgot your lunch.
But nonetheless, it was just another one out of the 365 days of the year. Hectic. Noisy. Normal.
An average kiss lasts around 10 seconds— at least, that's what people claim to be their ideal. Of course, that depends from person to person, but you agreed with the majority in that matter. You like to imagine that, maybe someday, when you kiss someone for the first time, it'll be right around 10 seconds long—not too long, not too short—at the top of the ferris wheel, just as the sun is setting in the horizon.
What you don't realize, however, is that it takes a lot less than 10 seconds to completely shatter your ideals.
You're turning the corner of the hallway, not looking. Perhaps, if your friend didn't smack you while squealing; perhaps, if you weren't rushing this morning and remembered your bento; perhaps, if you had bothered to spare a second to glance at what's right in front you, today would have just been another normal day.
Your lips meet something soft, and it's one, two, three—maybe more, probably less—seconds later when you register what's happening.
That's how you first meet Kita Shinsuke, the usually quiet and reserved second-year, uncharacteristically blushing and profusely apologizing.
It takes less than 10 seconds to shatter your ideals, but in that same amount of time, you find yourself forming new ones.
The second isn't an accident.
You start to notice the quiet boy after that incident. He doesn't say much, but he always seems to be observing everything that happens around him. Forgetting your lunch was a thing of the past—you find yourself going to school earlier and earlier every day, hoping to catch a glimpse of him after morning practice.
You would thank the gods for that day, if you believed in them. But you don't, so instead you thank your friend for shoving you and talking your ear off about her crush. You thank your mom for not waking you up on time, and you go to class 1-5 and thank Atsumu Miya for being "so damn attractive" (your friend's words, not yours).
Not understanding, but unquestioning nonetheless, they brush it off with a chuckle and a confused 'you're welcome?'
It isn't long before you and Kita start talking, in the mornings between after-practice and first period, and he tells you that doing things properly just feels right.
"Let me make it up to you," he says, smiling in the way that you like to think you know so well.
You get a kiss—not the first, but assuredly, not the last. You're at the top of a hill, instead of a ferris wheel. The view is of Hyogo, drenched in the light of the moon, the city lights twinkling in both of your eyes, instead of the sunset setting in the horizon.
You realize that, maybe, it isn't the setting, but the person you're doing it with, that makes the kiss so ideal.
"Is this okay?" he asks.
"No," you pout, "Make it up to me some more."
Kita likes to do things properly, and the proper thing to do in this situation is comply. And so he does.
The third is a celebration.
Proud, you think, is the only word that can encapsulate what you feel as you look at him wearing the jacket with the number 1 on it.
"I'm happy," he says, squeezing your hand. To anyone, his face would be the perfect mask of indifference; but to you, to you, the slight tug of the corner of his right lip upward is evidence that indeed, his words ring true.
"You've done well," you smile, brushing a stray leaf from his shoulder. "Captain."
Kita stops walking, but says nothing. Silence is not uncommon between the two of you. Silence, you observed, can often carry more weight than any words ever can. And silence can make the words that are spoken mean so much more.
Looking at him, his eyes meeting yours—unflinching, unyielding. Confident, with a quiet determination to remain so. A chuckle escapes your lips, and you place your hands on his cheeks.
"I'm proud of you, Captain," you breathe against his lips.
"You are still..." he inches a millimeter closer, "...the greatest result of my efforts."
The fourth is a long time coming.
Kita's love was never loud, never ostentatious. It never drowned you, never deafened you; but you felt and heard it nonetheless in the gentle caress of a hand, in the whisper of a kiss, in the tea he prepares for you after a long day.
It dawns on you that his love wasn't like the sea, which could roar into a rage at heaven's command. It's more like...
The smell of tatami mats; the chiming of bells in your grandmother's house when the wind passes through them; the rice porridge that your mother used to make for you when you were sick.
In this ever-changing world, the things that bring you comfort remain unchanging, very much like the tenderness and warmth Kita carefully wraps you in every day.
"The whims of heaven and the gods are fleeting," he once said at five in the morning, just as the sun was starting to rise, just before the soil cried out to be toiled. "But not even its rage or glee could sway what I feel for you. This feeling is my own, and it is mine to nurture for the rest of my life."
You remember these words as Kita lifts your veil, eyes shining like the city lights of Hyogo that one night in high school at the top of the hill.
"What is it?" he whispers (for once, oblivious to the crowd watching).
"Maybe the gods aren't real." You place a hand on his cheek, "But if they were, I'd like to thank them for bringing me to you."
Everyone sees a girl in a white dress, and a boy, who sees only her when he thinks of the future. And a kiss, ten seconds long. Ideal, they think, as they look at you and Kita.
The fifth is for everyday.
You learn through the years the joy of routine, the satisfaction in doings things right. It's something that you see in Kita, who goes through the clockwork of every day life with a smile in his face, and a confidence that never wavered since the moment you met him.
Sometimes, you think, that you wouldn't have minded a life of excitement and something new day in and day out, like the life your friend shares with Atsumu. She's as rowdy as the day she pushed you onto Kita, and the blonde setter is always ready to jump at all her whims.
"What's got ya smiling?"
But as you watch the sun start to rise over the fields, sitting on the engawa with the boy you married beside you, waiting for your reply expectantly, you realize that you wouldn't have it any other way. This routine of drinking coffee before your husband sets out for the day is not a special occurrence— it's something you've been doing for the past year, and something you will continue to do in the future. And yet, each passing second never fails to make you feel thankful for the joy of everyday.
"Nothing, really. Was just thinking how beautiful the sunrise looks."
He smiles at that, taking your hand. "It always does," he says, but he's looking at you instead.
I love you, his eyes say, as he gazes at you, bathed in the morning sun.
I love you, his hand says, as he squeezes yours gently.
"I love you," he says, as he gets up to leave for the day.
You kiss him, as usual, with a "take care, see you soon," and you go back inside the house, to do what needs to be done for the day.
The first time Kita doesn't kiss you back is cold.
Your knees hit the floor and you wonder if the winters in Japan were ever as cold as the tiles against your skin. Your forehead and palms meet the floor, as if in prayer, to gods you never believed in.
Loss, it dawns on you, is something that people never consider before it is thrown in their face, as if mocking the serenity of the routine of every day.
Loss is thrown at you in the form of a phone call from the hospital at noon, saying that you are the next of kin of a recent car crash victim.
The established, usual, ordinary everyday is shattered by the figure covered in white cloth—to forever remain unmoving.
Kindness, is something that Kita Shinsuke always had an unlimited amount of. It's something that you always knew, and something that you always felt in the way he treats you, his friends, his family, even complete strangers.
That very same kindness taunts you now, as the officer tells you that he died saving a child from the speeding car.
You lift the cloth covering his face, and if, perhaps, your vision wasn't perfect, you could almost fool yourself into thinking he was just sleeping. But you understand that his eyes will never crinkle up into the gentle smile that greets you in the hours between twilight and sunrise. You understand that his arms won't drape over your waist, pulling you infinitely closer, sharing each others' warmth. You understand that his hands won't squeeze yours back in an affirmation that he's there, and always will be.
It'll be cold, you think, as you painfully try to imagine mornings from now on.
"Shin-chan, it's cold," you whisper.
He doesn't answer back.
It's cold, you think, as you press your lips against his—as if he was just coming home from a day in the fields, shouting an "I'm home" as he steps over the genkan. But his skin is devoid of the warmth that used to envelop you day in and day out.
Kita always said that he didn't need memories. Now they're all that you have left of him.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
One Summer In Paris ~ The Fair ~ JJK
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GENRE: Fluffy, romance, ex-lovers to lovers, 
PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
DESCRIPTION: Jeon Jungkook had always loved Paris with its amazing views, incredible museums and the small Bookshop right across from the Effiel Tower. It was were he spent a lot of his summer breaks as a kid so he loved it well into his adulthood. There was one bookshop he rented a room in the summer that changed his life. It was a place where he felt happy and at peace whenever he had the chance to stay there. Where he fell in love for the first time and had his first heartbreak, a lot of firsts for him were in Paris. But what happens when he goes back to the same book shop four years later and finds the love of his life in the arms of another with a daughter who looks suspiciously like him…
THEMES: Single Parent, Jungkook x Fem!Reader, self insert, Smut will be included in a later chapter
The cup in your hands was starting to burn the palm of your hand but you didn't care it was the only thing making you stay in place while your daughter and Jungkook were cooking together. It was a sight you never thought you would see, watching them together was so odd to you right now. Jungkook had come around early that morning as he promised and he was making everyone breakfast, the way he used to when he stayed over here that summer you spent together. Memories of eating out on the balcony came flooding back to you, being dressed in nothing but one of his oversized t-shirts whole he walked around in nothing but a pair of shorts.
"Mum look!" A plate was placed down in front of you with Minnie Mouse pancakes with blueberries for eyes making you snap away from your daydream. 
"Thanks," You whispered slowly putting down the mug of hot chocolate and looking at your daughter who couldn't help but smile at you with how happy she was. The night before she'd done nothing but go on about how happy Jungkook made her when he'd only been around for a short period of time. 
"Daddy made them," Jungkook looked over his shoulder to glance at you and you thanked him for it by sending him a small smile. The two of you hadn't spoken about what this all meant with his daughter, if he would be seeing her more often or if you could even risk that. The thought of your daughter's life being public scared you too much. Taking a knife and fork you started to eat the pancake while trying to avoid looking at Jungkook it felt weird to have him standing there after all this time. Whenever you did catch a glance at him it just made you feel like you were in some kind of parallel universe where he'd known about the pregnancy and decided to stick around.
"Are we allowed to go on all of the rides?!" Areum asked excitedly as she ate her pancake, you hummed sipping on the drink you had in your hand. 
"Of course, I'm sure your dad won't mind riding on some of them with you." You were deathly afraid of heights so there was no way you would have been able to go on many of them alone with her. One of the reasons you hadn't taken her to one was because you didn't want to be the killjoy by not making her go on the big rides. 
"I'd love to, maybe we can force your mum to get onto some of the rides." Jungkook winked at you sitting down next to you and smirking as he reached forward to grab the syrup at the same time as you and your hands touched. A jolt ran up your hand so you pulled away and acted as though nothing had happened as though you hadn't felt anything. Areum smiled at you watching as got up from the table to go and clean the kitchen pretending you weren't just trying to get away from Jungkook. 
"Mum hasn't been on any rides except the small ones," Areum told him as she shoved some of the pancakes into her mouth. The conversation of how to be a lady at the dinner table going out of her mind in an instant, Jungkook chuckled leaning down to whisper to her but you could still hear him speaking to her, 
"I bet I can get her into the Ferris wheel," With a small wink at your daughter he went back to his breakfast while you stared down into the bubbles trying to stop your mind from going to the place it shouldn't. It felt normal to have him there at the breakfast table even though it wasn't an everyday occurrence. 
"She won't, she's scared of them." Your hands gripped onto the plate under the water as you began to wash it trying to distract yourself from the conversation they way having.  
"Not if I'm up there with her," The plate slipped from your hand and into the water causing water to splash everywhere, Jungkook looked at you and you washed it quickly clearing your throat as you turned to your daughter. 
"Going to shower, watch Areum." You mumbled making your way out of the room quickly so you wouldn't have to listen to this conversation for much longer, it was too much to hear right now. Jungkook was probably just trying to be playful with his little girl but all you could picture was the time you were on the Ferris wheel together. 
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"The candyfloss is a bad idea," You laughed watching as Jungkook bought Areum a bag of cotton candy and handed it to her, she began ripping the bag open to get into it.
"No, it's not! It's mine!" You stared at her as she yelled at both of you excitedly jumping up and down on the spot as she tried to eat it as quickly as possible. The thought of your daughter hyped up on too much sugar sent a shiver down your spine. 
"If she gets hyper you're staying overnight to watch her." You teased him pushing him softly as he rushed over to pick Areum up and throw her over his shoulder, you'd only just gotten to the funfair and you were already having more fun now than you'd had in the last four years of Jungkook being gone. You'd never seen Areum smile so much and you hadn't felt this happy in such a long time, your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. For a moment it felt nice to just forget about the fact that Jungkook hadn't been around and that he'd been here the whole time.
"What shall we go on first? The Carousel?" You asked her as you rushed over to get next to her and Jungkook trying to keep up with them since they were both so quick. Jungkook was wearing a baseball cap with some sunglasses to hide most of his face since neither of you wanted to be surrounded by fans. He was also wearing a large jacket to hide his tattoos but his hands were still on display, luckily everyone was too busy paying attention to their own fun times to notice his hands. 
"The carousel, I wanna ride the horses!" Areum yelled as the sugar began to take over her body, Jungkook chuckled putting her back down onto the floor where she linked hands with both of you and began swinging them back and forth until you got to the line.
"I want the one that pulls the carriage, you and dad can sit together while I ride! It'll be like a fairytale." You nodded at her bending down to her level and straightening her top she was wearing a white Disney princess shirt with a pair of jeans that she'd picked out. 
"Okay baby but remember the rules, you have to wait for us to get off the ride with you, alright?" She nodded along with you promising you that she would abide by the rules you always made when you went out together. It was just so she didn't get lost or taken while you were out together.
A teenage girl frowned staring at Jungkook as she stood across the line from the carousel, she didn't think it was him just that it was a weird lookalike.
"What?" Her friend questioned turning to see what she was looking at but the girl shook her head thinking it was just the trick of the light or something. 
"That guy...doesn't he look like Jungkook? They say there are always five people in the world that look like you..." She couldn't tell much because of the shades and the hat but it looked an awful lot like him, she took out her phone and went onto Weverse to try and see if she could tell it was him.
"He put out this morning that he and Namjoon and fishing, see..." They stared down at the selfie of Namjoon and Jungkook together out on a lake fishing together, but the girl took a photo of the man that looked an awful lot like Jungkook and began tweeting it out to her friends to see if they thought he looked like Jungkook as well.
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The day continued on and all of you were going on the small rides trying to avoid the larger ones for as long as possible but Areum was making her way towards the Ferris Wheel. 
"What about getting dad to win you a teddy?" You questioned as you looked at Areum, she turned to look at the shooting game that was in front of you. The aim of the game was to get ten clown faces down within a certain amount of time.
"I want the pink bunny, daddy, come on," Areum whispered tugging on Jungkook's sleeve as you walked over to the stall, paying the man behind the counter for one round. The fake guns were filled with some stones that would hit the moving clowns and potentially knock them down if Jungkook was any good at the game. If he was anything like you remembered he would be good at everything he put his mind to. 
"Let's get it," He chuckled as Areum stood in your arms, both of you watching him closely as you waited for him to start shooting the clowns.
He missed all of them but two and groaned as he looked down at the pouting Areum, she wasn't spoilt but she was just upset her dad couldn't do it. 
"Let me go," You challenge letting Areum go stand with Jungkook as you paid for another round. Aiming the gun at the bottom row and started to shot as soon as the music began to play. The usual carnival music that played over and over again but you did it, hitting all ten clowns and being able to win two teddies. 
"Pick one baby," You whispered to Areum who asked for the small pink rabbit she'd had her eye on in the start. 
"Your turn to pick," You winked at Jungkook as you laughed softly, he had his bottom lip out shaking his head at you. 
"My turn," He challenged clicking his neck as if that was going to help him on winning the next round. 
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The games continued on until Jungkook finally won a round of the game and could give both you and Areum a stuffed animal. You thought that it was sweet that he was trying to impress Areum but if you'd been paying attention you would have noticed it was the both of you he was trying to impress. 
"You're scared?" Jungkook questioned as he looked at you, you were next in line to get into one of the carriages for the Ferris Wheel they'd both convinced you it wouldn't be the same without you there.
"I'm scared of heights, you know that." You whined at him as Areum rushed over to the Ferris Wheel, it was one of the ones that were like small glass cages. The ride would stop whenever someone got to the top giving them some time to look around at the scenery which was even more terrifying to you. 
"I know, I remember getting you to go to the top of the Effiel Tower with me. But you did it...We're right here for you," His hand entangled with yours naturally and the same jolt you felt that morning was back only this time you didn't pull away from him. You squeezed his hand as a silent thank you and stepped into the ride with him and Areum. She sat across from you so she could have a seat for herself and her stuffed animals she'd gotten. A pink rabbit and then a large blue turtle that Jungkook had won for her. 
"Hold on Areum," Jungkook said as the ride began to move, you gasped out as you inched closer to him. The ride wasn't even that high yet and you were already trying not to panic about the thought of being that high from the ground.
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Your carriage was the second from the top but you couldn't help but look around, Areum was sitting on the seat with her back to you and Jungkook as she stared at all of the people below you. Looking at the lights she could see around the city, 
"I wonder if we'll see the Effiel Tower!" She yelled out as she continued to stare around, you on the other hand were clutching onto Jungkook for dear life. Your hands were tangled in his shirt as you held onto him tightly while looking around, 
"Focus on the lights and your breathing," He whispered in your ear, his lips coming into contact with your skin making it harder to breathe and focus on what he was saying to you. 
"Breathe in Y/n..." He urged you as he took your hand out of his shirt and held onto it tightly, squeezing it softly as you stared into his eyes taking in a deep breath before exhaling when he told you to. As you let your breath of the Ferris Wheel began to move and you were at the top, right across from you was the Effiel tower. Areum let out an excited squeal as she just stared it from her seat, watching it with loved filled eyes. It was one of her favourite places to go and visit.
"She really loves it here," He whispered happily as he continued to stare at his daughter, you looked up at him as you realised just how happy he was. You could see it written across his face and the look in his eyes. He looked like he did the first time he got you onto a Ferris wheel. 
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"I told you it would be fine," He chuckled as you reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, his hands clutching onto yours as he tried to convince you to open your eyes but there was no way. If you opened your eyes you knew for a fact you would pass out and never be able to do anything like this again, 
"If you open your eyes I'll win you another teddy," He whispered trying to convince you but nothing on this planet or the next would be able to get you to open your eyes. 
"I'll give you anything you want," He urged but you continued to keep your eyes screwed shut. Jungkook smirked to himself as he leant closer to you, his breath catching on your face as he inched closer and closer until your lips finally touched. Taking in a deep breath through your nose you smiled against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck as he finally kissed you for the first time all night. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer to him on the seat, reaching up to cup your face as he pulled away. Your eyes flickered open as you stared into his giant doe-like eyes, 
"See I told you the view would be worth it if you opened your eyes," But neither of you were looking around at the view from the Ferris Wheel you were staring at one another as the giant machine began to move again.
As second dates go it was one of the best you'd ever had but sitting up here with him brought it all back to you and to him too. There wasn't a day that went by, back home when he didn't think of you and what you were doing. You were like a record that constantly played over and over in his mind.
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"What?" He chuckled when he caught you staring at him. His heart thumped as he locked eyes with you. A part of you wanted to reach up and kiss him like how you had in the memory but another part of you knew it would be wrong. You were seeing someone else and Areum was right in front of you if she was to see you kissing her father it could send all of the wrong kind of message. 
"Nothing I was just trying to concentrate on my breathing." You lied turning to look at Areum who was now speaking to her stuffed animals in French. Trying to teach them the days of the week as you tried to get your mind out of the kiss.
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It was pitch black outside by now, after the Ferris wheel both Jungkook and Areum had been able to convince you to go on a few more "Scary" rides that weren't scary at all. Just the thought of the heights was crawling into your mind. Then there was the one you'd just gotten off of. It was a small "horror" ride where you sat in a boat and went around being scared by different things. It hadn't scared either of them but somehow it had managed to make you jump out of your skin no matter what happened.
"You're evil, did you know that?" You looked behind you to see Jungkook cradling Areum who was sound asleep in his arms holding onto the stuffed animals both of you had won for her. You shook your head as Jungkook started laughing. 
"You never used to be scared of everything! We used to watch horror movies all of the time." He laughed as he dumped some rubbish into a nearby bin, 
"Newsflash, I only watched those movies so I could cuddle up to you!" You yelled playfully as you stared at your sleeping daughter, you grew worried as you realised he would have to carry her all the way back to the shop like this.
"Do you want me to get a cab?" You whispered standing beside him and looking down at her as she snored in her sleep squeezing onto the toys tightly as you went to take them away. 
"No, it's okay. I'll carry her." He laughed softly shifting her so she was laid comfortable in his arms and you smiled moving some of the hair from her face just staring down at her. 
"She looks like you when you used to fall asleep like this on me, it's quite cute." He chuckled walking across the road with you as you headed in the direction towards the shop, you ignored the cute comment as you walked in silence. It was a comfortable silence between you both as you enjoyed the sounds of the city.
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Areum was laid in her bed while you made Jungkook some Hot chocolates downstairs in the shop so you could talk about Areum where she couldn't wake up and hear you. The adults needed their space to talk about things now. Jungkook started with the hardest subject on his mind,
"So about David," You rolled your eyes sliding Jungkook his drink and going over to the register to check the delivery for tomorrow flicking through the clipboard as you tried to brush off his comment. 
"What about him?" You questioned not really wanting to talk about it but you knew the subject wasn't going to get dropped any time soon, Jungkook wanted to know who was going to be around his daughter. 
"Do you love him?" You looked at the piece of paper in your hand pretending to read it while you stalled trying to think of something to say in response to that. Jungkook stared at you as he thought of how to bring up something about David, there was no easier way to put it than the simple version,
"I don't like him." He told you as he sipped on his drink you slammed the clipboard down onto the counter as you snapped angrily at Jungkook, 
"And I care why?" You had no idea where the anger was coming from, you had no reason to be this angry over a comment made about David.
"I don't want him around my daughter, there's something about him Y/n-" You shook your head at him while you scoffed as if he'd been around long enough to come up with some kind of conclusion on the man you were dating. 
"You've not even been back five minutes and you're already barking orders at me about your daughter. We made it four years without you Jungkook, I'm sure I can go the rest of her life." You stormed out from behind the counter and made your way over to the door of the shop opening it for him, 
"I want you to leave, I didn't invite you here to dictate what happens in her life or mine," You couldn't look at him as you told him all of this.
"I didn't know she was alive until now I think I have a reason to decide who comes in and out of her life. She's not a train station who needs people walking in and out all of the time!" The anger inside of him was starting to show as he stood up, turning red in the face as he began to raise his voice at you like you were to him.
"In and out? You make me sound like I'm sleeping around!" You yelled but he scoffed at the statement going back to something Areum had said about David staying over sometimes. You shut the door as soon as he scoffed at you wanting to know what else he had to say. 
"She already knows he stays the nights! He knows how to make her breakfast, a shitty one at that," David reached the door watching you both for a second to see what was going on. It seemed as thought Jungkook was nitpicking at reasons as to why David shouldn't be around but there was honestly something he didn't like.
"There's something about him Y/n, I don't like it." You stared at him waiting for some kind of reason to come out of him, Jungkook had always had a thing for this sort of stuff though and you knew that. His gut was something you always could follow. You'd relied on it before and it turned out to be true but that didn't mean it was right now....Right? 
"Jungkook-" You tried to tell him you could talk it over but the door banged open and David was standing there turning red in the face with anger as he stared at Jungkook.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?! Coming around here and barking orders at Y/n?!" You span around trying to get David to calm down but he began pushing past you to get to Jungkook who only kept antagonising him by pulling faces at him or scoffing at the fact that you could push him away.
"David please, there's no need for this!" You yelled pushing him a little too hard that he knocked into the counter behind him. As you went to go over and tell Jungkook to go upstairs David scoffed at the way you were handling things,
"I can't believe you're siding with some- With some fucking loser who left you when you were pregnant!" You froze in place as he called Jungkook a loser, you'd never been a violent person but as soon as someone disrespected Jungkook you wanted to flip your shit. That was the father of our daughter if he was disrespecting Jungkook who was in some kind of way disrespecting Areum and you couldn't stand for either of those things. Turning on your heels to face David you went to say something when Jungkook moved past you to get closer and threw the first punch at David. Hitting him in the jaw and knocking his face to the side as he grunted loudly before getting the next insult ready. 
"You're a fucking loser, imagine getting a girl pregnant and leaving her," Jungkook threw another punch at David in the nose this time while you kept trying to get into the middle of them to stop them from fighting like children.
David seemed to get the upper hand and punched Jungkook in the jaw knocking him down against the floor hitting a bookshelf on the way down and you almost screamed seeing some blood fall from his eyebrow. A small cut making him bleed a little, David leant down gripping onto the shirt Jungkook was ready as he pulled his fist back.
"ENOUGH!" You shouted out stepping in front of Jungkook so that David couldn't continue his assault on him but David was turning red in the face as you stood in the way to defend him of all people.  
"I am not some toy you fight over in the playpen!" You said to him as you stared into his eyes David spat blood out onto the floor as he stared back at you going to speak as he wiped his bloodied mouth.
"Tell him to leave or I'm going to-" 
"Then leave!" Your voice cut him off as you stared into his eyes wasting no time on him, if he was going to act like a child then you were going to treat him like one it was as simple as that. You didn't want someone like him being around your daughter.
"But we-"
"We? We are nothing! Not if that's how you treat the father of my daughter, get out." You stood your ground until he was out of the shop, once he was gone you locked the door and turned to get a better look at Jungkook. There was a small gash just above his eyebrow that would be easily taken care of with a home first aid box and some painkillers.
"I'll clean you up, I have a first aid kit in the apartment upstairs." You whispered, bending down to help him up from the floor as you took him towards the staircase.
"I've never had a woman defend my honour before, it was nice." Jungkook laughed as you applied some butterfly stitches to the cut above his eyebrow, it was nothing major but you needed to patch it up. He'd hissed when you'd applied some of the solution from the kit to clean it with beforehand.
"I never knew he was such a cunt," You mumbled sitting down in front of Jungkook, you were sitting on the small coffee table in front of the sofa he was on. He could tell how upset you were over the guy and he sighed looking at you and reaching out his hand as he held onto your wrist to get your attention. 
"You'll find someone who will treat you and Arehum like royalty. You deserve that," You stared into his eyes and wished it was him, but the way he was talking made it sound like he knew it wasn't him and never would be. 
"Mummy?" You cleared your throat as you heard Arehums voice come from behind you, you turned to look over your shoulder at her, 
"Yes, sweetie?" Her hands were clutching the turtle that Jungkook hadn't won for you back when he first met you. She had tears streaming down her cheeks as she whimpered out,
"Nightmare?" You questioned as she nodded as she sniffled out.
"Can you and daddy read me something?" Glancing back at Jungkook you waited for him to give her the answer, you didn't mind him reading to her with you. You adored that they were getting so close as a father and daughter, it almost made it feel like Jungkook was a real person instead of the famous singer everyone else knew him to be. 
"Sure thing, which story?" He questioned following after Areuhm who went hunting for the perfect book for you both to read to her that night while you cleaned up and thought back on what Jungkook had said. 'You'll find someone who will treat you and Arehum like royalty. You deserve that' did that mean he didn't want it to be him? Did he not return the same feelings for you that you had for him? If he didn't want was the big fight for with David...Though you guess that did save you a bunch of wasted time down the line.
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Tagline: @mitzwinchester @lyoongx @fan-ati--c @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie @rjsmochii @bisexualmess007 @innersooya @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @jin-from-the-block @neverthefirstchoice @jikooksgirl19 @jungkooksseuphoria @queenmasterxx @oosnapitskat​ @janieooo​ @preciouschimine​ @koremis​ @mayafravoli​ @silscintilla
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thesims4blogger · 4 years
The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff: Developer Blog (Part 1)
SimGuruConnor has released part 1 of the Sims 4 Paranormal Developer Blog series.
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Hello Simmers! Welcome to a small 2-part Dev Blog about our newest Stuff Pack, Paranormal Stuff! This pack has been an absolute blast to work on, and I’m excited to share what this pack is all about!
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I’ll try not to reveal too many spoilers for the pack either, so I’ll keep things somewhat brief. Our topics for today are the new Scared Mood and the Haunted House Lot Type, plus an interview with our Audio Artist too!
Get Scared
Sims can now relish in the mortal dread of the Scared Mood! The Scared Mood affects Sims in a variety of ways, with my personal favorite, the new Scream Incoherently interaction, where a Scared Sim runs up to another Sim to scream their lungs out. This can result in the other Sim calming down the Scared Sim, or resulting in both Sims becoming Scared. This can create a Scared Mood wildfire if you’re not careful!
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay!
Sims afflicted with the Scared Mood also have trouble communicating with others, the urge to panic-run everywhere, and are slightly more prone to accidents. If no other Sims are around to help calm down a Scared Sim, they might just have to Hide Under The Covers for a while.
But if being Scared just isn’t your Sims style, consider purchasing the new Brave Trait. This Satisfaction Reward Store Trait will rapidly reduce the incoming fear a Sim feels and help Sims regain their composure faster. While no Sim is totally fearless, this trait should help mitigate some of those creepy feelings.
The Scared Mood and the Brave Reward Trait are all base game features coming with the Paranormal Stuff patch on January 21st. Tons of previous Uncomfortable Buffs are now becoming Scared Buffs, such as the “Startled By Ghost” Buff or the “Thalassophobia” Buff from Island Living.
While being Scared might not be a common occurrence in your everyday Sims life, living in a Haunted House is a whole different story…
Happy Haunts
Introducing the Haunted House Lot Type!
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The Duplantier Dwelling, created by Doctor Ashley! This “canon” Haunted House will be available in the gallery!
They’re like regular houses, only haunted! Although unassuming during the day, at night, these places get super weird. Your Sims may notice things like flickering lights, pipes rattling, or even creepy dolls staring at them in the corner. All are totally normal occurrences in a Haunted House, but it may take some time for your Sims to adjust to their new surroundings.
Sims living in a Haunted House will also be introduced to floating apparitions known as Specters. They’re cute little critters, but their motives aren’t entirely clear. You can try talking to them, or even offer them presents in hopes of establishing a good rapport. If they like you, they’ll drop special loot for you and your family. If they don’t like you, well, you’ve been warned.
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o o o (> ‘ u ‘ )>
Learning to get along with your new ghostly inhabitants is crucial in a Haunted House. Things like botching seances, neglecting Specters, or letting accursed objects invade your house will have a negative impact on its spiritual serenity. There is a delicate art to co-existing with the entities of the house, and thankfully you’ll have an expert on the matter to assist you!
Meet Guidry
Claude René Duplantier Guidry was a seasoned Paranormal Investigator in his previous life, but now he exists to help anyone brave enough to live in a Haunted House! You’ll probably run into him eventually living in a Haunted House, but don’t worry, he’s a nice ghost!
Guidry will gladly offer his wisdom to those who seek it. If you’re confused, alarmed, or slightly uncomfortable by your new haunted surroundings, give Guidry a holler and he might be able to help. He can also offer valuable objects to help your Sims, too; all you need is to reach out!
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Still got it.
All Guidry wants in return is to crash at your place for the time being. Sounds like a fair deal, right? But if you’d prefer to fly it solo, you can always disable his nightly visits—he won’t be too upset, maybe.
As mentioned before, Guidry was a Paranormal Investigator before his untimely demise. If he sees potential in you, he can certify you with a Paranormal Investigation License, granting access to the Paranormal Investigation Freelancer Gigs. Only those who are qualified enough can join the ranks of Paranormal Investigators, but more on that next time!
Be Brave!
Living in a Haunted House adds a layer of risk and reward for your Sims, and each successful night yields Reward Store Satisfaction Points for everyone in the Household. Specters can also drop treasure that can also be collected, consumed, or sold to an Oddity Collector. So although your Sims might go through a bit of peril, they’ll thankfully be compensated.
One of my favorite pieces of haunted treasure is the new Sacred Candle. Not only do they look cool, but they also help protect Sims from paranormal influences. Place them around your house to make sure Sims are properly shielded!
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A properly protected Sim.
Things like Sacred Candles and performing ceremonies at the Séance Table are integral to keeping your Sims happy in a Haunted House. Without using these paranormal tools, the entities of the house might get a little bossy.
And while it might be in your Sims’ best interest to keep the spirits of the house in check, watching things go horribly wrong in a Haunted House can be just as fun too. So whatever works for you!
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Like Tiny Homes, this Lot Type can be toggled on or off at any time. So whether you’re a casual thrillseeker who wants to spend a couple of nights in a Haunted House, or a seasoned Paranormal Expert who wants to take on a new challenge, this Lot Type should offer something for you!
Crosspack Stuff!
Pets get to share the fun too! They especially love the accursed objects that show up!
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I think they’re gonna get along great.
As mentioned before, a ton of old Buffs from multiple packs are now being converted to the Scared Mood. I think 70 something Moodlets were converted? Honestly, I lost count. Anything that seemed more appropriate for the Scared Mood was transferred over.
Oh, and you might remember an old Lot Trait from City Living called Haunted. For clarity’s sake, it needed a name change, so now it’s the Spooky Lot Trait. It also benefits from being combined with the new Haunted House Lot Type and will have an increased chance of spawning Ghosts at night. So use both for maximum haunted-ness!
Audibly Frightened
Last but not least, I’d love to turn it over to our Audio Artist for this pack, Briana Billups! She did a killer job bringing Haunted Houses to life! Trust me!
Conor: Can you tell us what an Audio Artist does on The Sims 4?
Briana: Big, broad picture: an audio artist decides what everything in The Sims 4 sounds like. We record, create, and edit sounds to the art and animation of the game. Little, very detailed picture: creating the actual sounds is usually one of the smaller aspects of our job. We are meeting with other departments, like design, animation, and VFX, to understand the overall vision of new game features and how we can fit in sonically. We are meeting with each other to make sure all our new content still keeps the very fun and quirky vibe of the Sims. We come up with new tools and implementation where necessary.
Conor: What sort of things go into the creative process for creating audio?
Briana: Every audio artist/sound designer has their own creative process, but I like to make a “sonic mood board” of sorts. I typically like to have a good idea of what I want something to sound like in my head before I record or edit it, so it’s nice to have sound effects or music to refer to that represents my original inspiration or ideas. When I was in college, I would make Spotify playlists for whatever I was working on. I would listen to them once a day, adding and editing as necessary, so when I actually got to work, I was in the right headspace. Now I’m usually less formal about this sort of stuff, but for this pack, I would refer back to things like Vincent Price’s demonic laugh from Thriller or Casper the Friendly Ghost Cartoons and the looping soundtrack from the queue of a horror ride at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (Ghost Blasters)
Conor: What were you most excited to work on for this pack?
Briana: Definitely all the haunted house sounds! Good sound design is the crux of so many horror movies and video games, so even if we were keeping things more “Casper” and less “Poltergeist,” I still wanted to give a good scare here and there. I actually scared myself one day while playtesting another feature in the game!
Conor: If you had to choose, what is your favorite audio clip you’ve ever added to The Sims 4?
Briana: I would say my favorite SFX were the sports arena loops in EP08: Discover University. When you visit the arena for the soccer/esports match or graduation, you can actually listen to the whole game or ceremony. It was great to craft a whole story from start to finish using just sound. I also snuck in a lot of developer names when writing the scripts for our voice actors.
Thanks, Briana!
More To Come!
That about covers this first foray into the Paranormal Stuff Pack! This pack has been a ton of fun to work on, and watching my Sims flee in terror has been more enjoyable than I’d like to admit.
Next blog, we’ll focus on the Séance Table and developing your Medium skill, as well as the new active freelance career Paranormal Investigator.
Big thanks to the Stuff Pack team for helping this pack come to life, and thank you, Doctor Ashley, for building our featured Haunted House!
Until next time, SimGuruConor
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izzisanauthor · 3 years
Siren Song
A Prodigal Son fanfic by IzzIsAnAuthor (izzygrace07)
Based during episode 1x05 - "The Trip"
"Why is everyone moving in slow motion?"
Malcolm says it casually as if an altered passage of time is an everyday occurrence, and Gil's eyebrows furrow with concern. He should have known that Malcolm would go against orders and talk to Estime early. It shouldn't have even been a surprise when he found his two younger team members at the club he specifically told them not to go to; when a case gets personal, either will rarely stand down.
Gil takes a step closer to Malcolm, placing a protective hand on his shoulder and leaning in to speak. "You okay, Bright?"
He watches as Malcolm's eyes widen, a quick array of emotions crossing his face that range from terror to overwhelming happiness. His usually kempt hair is messily tossed, reminiscent of the bed head that Gil has grown a deep adoration for. He doesn't often get to see Malcolm this way. After all, Jessica would never let him leave his apartment looking anything less than the nines.
Malcolm's hand lands on Gil's shoulder with purpose, his grip strong and secure. His lip is quivering as he says, "When my dad was arrested…" He stops, seemingly to calm down his emotional state. He gulps before continuing. "You showed what a good man looks like. What a good man is."
The hand on Gil's shoulder lands gently on his cheek, cradling his face while Malcolm stares lovingly. It's intimate enough for Gil to falter his breathing, the air getting caught in his throat. Usually, these interactions are had behind closed doors and drawn blinds, hidden from the rest of the world. Nobody, not even their families, has any idea what kind of love the two men share, one that goes further than anyone would expect. If this had been any other time, Gil would remove Malcolm's hand and continue to reprimand him for disobeying direct orders. However, the dilation of Malcolm's pupils and the specks of white powder clinging to his suit tell him that doing so right now would have absolutely no merit.
Gil glances over to Dani and his eyebrows raise. "He's high as a kite."
Malcolm seems shocked by the accusation, but it fades into giddy instantly. A bright, beaming smile crosses Malcolm's face and the corners of his eyes crinkle as he laughs, "I'm higher than a kite!"
Gil lightly grasps Malcolm's wrist and pulls the hand off his cheek. The moment he does, the kid's eyes visibly line with tears and for a moment, Gil worries that he's about to break down. Luckily, Malcolm remedies that sadness by grabbing onto the sleeve of Gil's jacket with his free hand, an impish smile on his face.
"Come on, let's go home!" the consultant exclaims with newfound energy, tugging at the sleeve. "I feel like I could go thirty rounds!"
Gil blanches. His eyes immediately dart to Dani, who is watching them with worry. She opens her mouth to speak, lips stretched into an awkward smile of sorts, only to close it again. She doesn't have to say anything; the pity is clear as day on her face.
Gil clears his throat. "What happened?"
"Gunfire!" Malcolm articulates. "I got on the ground with Dani, it started to snow, and now, I feel like I could run a marathon!" He gasps, grabbing Gil's shoulders and leaning in close. In a half-whisper, as if he's had some kind of grand realization, he says, "I could be a top."
Gil pulls away from Malcolm, praying that his face keeps its usual colour. His worry for Malcolm overshadows most of his other thoughts and worries, but in the deep, selfish parts of himself, he wants to take Malcolm with this sudden energy he's gained. Not eating much and having little sleep results in poor stamina, so when the two decide to get intimate, they'll rarely go for very long. Now, however, seeing his boyfriend dripping with desire is enough to make his heart pound and his blood rush to areas he would prefer to keep under control in public. Gil chastises himself internally for feeling even remotely excited while Malcolm is in this state.
Dani lets out a sharp exhale. "Cocaine use can lead to poor judgment and increased sexuality. He probably doesn't realize that what he's saying is wrong."
Malcolm looks offended at the comment, turning to Dani with lowered eyebrows. "That's not nice, Dani. I can have sex with a man if I want to. Because…" He turns back to Gil and throws his arms around him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "Sex is amazing. And Gil is amazing!"
He raises his head and stares at Gil, expression changing into something more serious. He grabs both sides of Gil's head this time, forcing their gaze to stay locked on each other. In a voice as gentle as a lamb, Malcolm puts his entire heart into speaking.
"You're amazing."
They're two simple words, but the look in Malcolm's eyes amplifies the meaning. They hold so much affection and passion and pride, absolute love. Gil's restraint is being put to the test, a gruelling effort. It only becomes more difficult when Malcolm hugs him again, only this time, Gil is hyper-aware of the half-hardness pressing against his thigh.
He looks up to Dani and sighs, pushing down his dangerous thoughts and returning his focus to the more important situation. "We'll talk about this tomorrow," he says, ignoring the sweet nothings Malcolm mumbles into his ear. "You're not off the hook, Powell. I'm taking him home to make sure he comes down from his high."
Dani nods. "You've got it, Gil."
He turns his head towards the broken window, destroyed amidst the shooting. "Go help JT look for anything that could help us figure out who started the shooting. Message me with any leads."
"I'm on it." She is quick to head towards the scene, evidently remorseful for what happened to Malcolm, needing a way to atone.
Gil lets out a heavy breath, patting Malcolm on the back. "Okay, Bright. Come on, we're going home."
Malcolm pulls away quicker than lightning, his face lit up with childish joy. "Finally!" He smiles devilishly. "I have flavoured condoms."
"And we'll use them on a different day, once you've sobered up," Gil whispers, grabbing Malcolm's wrist and rushing him through the club. The night air is cool and crisp, a complete contrast to the warm, soiled air in the building. He helps Malcolm sit in the passenger seat before heading to the driver's side and starting his car.
When they arrive at Malcolm's apartment, the younger man practically marches through the door like he's on a mission, pulling his coat off with vigour. Gil, with a small sigh, closes the door as he follows him in.
"All right," Gil says, pulling off his jacket. He watches Malcolm discard his expensive article at the bottom of the staircase and gives a disapproving shake of his head. "The best thing you can do for the seven hours or so, just stay calm and drink lots of water."
Malcolm looks towards his living area and he perks up, inhaling with excitement as he takes off towards the coach. "Or!" He leaps up onto the back of his sofa, taking a moment to balance himself, and thrusts his hands out towards his collection of murder weapons. "We throw axes!"
Gil pauses, eyebrows shooting up as his eyes widen incredulously at Malcolm. "What?"
Malcolm turns to face Gil, pointing at him excitedly. "You and me. Broad bladed axes." He steps down onto the leather cushion of his couch, as if walking on a couch is a completely normal thing to do, and holds up a hand with his fingers splayed. "I have five!" He stops. "No, six… Doesn't matter, we have plenty."
Gil approaches the island and pours himself a glass of scotch. It's going to be a long night. "No," he says sternly.
He hears the sound of Malcolm shutting something and speaking, voice pitched and full of animation. "God, this feeling! My neurons are on fire!"
Gil takes a long sip from his drink, letting out a heavy exhale through his nose. For someone with poor self-care skills, sleeping and eating especially, Malcolm has a lot of energy. It's like the cocaine boosted the effects of his second wind. It reminds Gil of Dani years back when he would watch over her, drugged and falling. At the start, she was off the walls and full of childlike joy. But, as time passed and she became reliant on it, she was paranoid and terrified, either backing away from Gil with tears in her eyes or holding onto him like he was her saving grace. The memories only fuel his concerns for Malcolm after tonight; the thought of him in such a dark place, especially with the trauma he's experienced, makes Gil's chest tighten with anxiety.
When he looks up, Malcolm is heading his way on quick feet. He has that look in his eyes, the one from the club, the one that showed nothing but absolute love. "You know," Malcolm says, "people say that dopamine triggers pleasure. But really, it's about…"
He is suddenly in Gil's space, arms wrapped loosely around his neck and only an inch of space left between them. Gil doesn't want to encourage Malcolm's drug-induced lust, but still instinctively puts his hands on Malcolm's hips, pulling him closer.
"...Desire," Malcolm finally finishes. Gil's heart skips a beat at their proximity. The intent behind the word is obvious, and the sultry tone Malcolm entangles into his voice makes the temptation harder to resist. He's like a siren, singing out to Gil with his entire being. The song muddles his mind, clouding his judgment in fog and starving him, desperate for the taste of Malcolm.
Within seconds, Gil has Malcolm pushed up against the island and their lips are crashing together hard enough to leave bruises. It's passionate and messy and their hands wander across the familiar territory of each others' bodies. Gil runs his hand through Malcolm's hair and grips tightly, releasing a moan from the young man's mouth. It only increases volume when Gil bites down on Malcolm's lower lip, drawing it between his teeth. He grabs at his boyfriend's tie with impatience and practically rips it from his neck, moving to undo the waistcoat and the button-down shirt.
Gil lifts Malcolm onto the surface of the island and stands between his legs. The bare chest before Gil is free to be marked, previous love bites and hickeys having healed over the past few days. He takes Malcolm's skin into his mouth, sucking mercilessly along the collarbone. Malcolm props his hands upon the island behind him and throws his head back with a gasp. The noises he makes send blood rushing down Gil's body and strengthens the desire to hear more of those sexy sounds.
Gil licks his thumbs before dragging them along Malcolm's nipples, feeling the skin perk up underneath his touch. With a strong buck of the hips, the tip of Malcolm's restrained erection pokes Gil in his stomach.
Somehow, against all odds, that physical touch is enough to snap Gil back to himself, regaining his previous hyper-awareness to Malcolm's arousal; most importantly, to the cause of it. The events of the club make their way back to the front of Gil's brain and within moments, the two men are apart. Both are coated in sweat and panting like animals, and Malcolm's face is flushed a brilliant red.
"What's wrong?" he asks gently between breaths, sitting up and putting his hands worriedly on Gil's still-clothed arms.
Gil feels guilt flood his system and chastises himself. He let his wants overshadow his morality, so much so that he nearly had sex with his inebriated boyfriend. It would have been–it is sexual assault. Knowing Malcolm, he probably wouldn't be mad at Gil; the young man understands that he can be annoyingly persistent even when sober. However, that doesn't cut it because Gil would never be able to forgive himself for taking advantage of the best man he's ever come to know.
With laboured breaths, Gil finally says, "We can't do this, Bright."
Malcolm seems completely oblivious to the problem, furrowing his eyebrows with bewilderment. He pulls his hands away and Gil can see the self-consciousness making its way into Malcolm's head. "What happened? Did I do something?"
Gil sighs. He holds out his hand, helping Malcolm down from the counter. He then wraps his arms lovingly around him in a protective hug. "No, kid. You didn't do anything." He pulls away and takes Malcolm's head in his hands, forcing their eyes to lock. "But I can't have sex with you like this. You're not in your right mind."
"Hey." Gil pushes some stray hair away from Malcolm's face. "If our situations were reversed, you'd say the same thing to me."
Malcolm appears to take a moment to think about that idea, blinking slowly like a machine that's processing information. For a split second, it makes Gil wonder if that was enough to get through to the kid or if his words were falling on deaf ears. Fear begins to creep into the back of his mind as he imagines Malcolm begging to continue, dripping with sex appeal, and Gil is too weak to turn him away. He's seen the pain Malcolm has been through, the betrayal he's been forced to endure. Gil can't become another one of the demons; he's supposed to be an angel.
He's brought back into the moment with a gentle kiss on the cheek. Arms wrap tightly around Gil's torso and Malcolm speaks to him with pure appreciation. "Aww, thank you!"
Gil's heart flutters with love and admiration. He brushes back Malcolm's bangs and plants a kiss on the kid's forehead. He wants to thank Malcolm for being so understanding, for recognizing just how heartbroken Gil would feel if they had made it further than they did. Gil wants to tell Malcolm that he is the most empathetic man Gil has ever met. He makes sadists have mercy, and for that, Gil loves Malcolm with every fibre of his being.
He says nothing, knowing that Malcolm wouldn't remember any of this. Instead, he returns the embrace and holds his boyfriend closer, thanking God for the favourable outcome to the situation.
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oikawasballs · 5 years
Mad Dog and Puppy
Hey so it was brought to my attention that people can no longer access the original “Mad Dog and Puppy” English translation post since the OP deleted her account. She’s a friend of mine and she felt bad so she asked if I could repost it, so here y’all go:
From Haikyuu!! Light Novel 6, Chapter “Mad Dog and Puppy” written by Kiyoko Hoshi with illustrations by Haruichi Furudate.
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One fine holiday in fall, there was a man standing in a convenience store nearby Aoba Jousai High School. The guy, wearing a volleyball jersey, walked out as the opening and closing door made an electronic sound. The man’s name is Kyoutani Kentarou, a second-year member in Aoba Jousai High’s volleyball club.
Kyoutani tore the wrapping of the chicken—chicken is his favorite food—that he took out of the convenience store bag before sinking his teeth into it, making an audible noise; this was how he walked toward school. The volleyball club took Mondays off. Practice starts morning today, which is a Sunday.
Kyoutani had not attended the club for quite a while since the middle of his first year due to various circumstances, though he has been recently thrown into the spotlight for coming back after being recalled by Oikawa, the team captain.
At the preliminary round of the Inter-High Miyagi Finals in June, Aoba Jousai suffered defeat at the hands of Shiratorizawa Academy, the invincible champions. It was necessary to regroup and reorganize the currently completed team in order to clear themselves of the disgrace come the next Spring High School competition, move on from second place and aim for the Nationals. What they wanted to strengthen in particular was their offense. The fighting strength that served to be the trigger of that was Kyoutani, whom Oikawa jokingly called “Mad Dog.”
For Kyoutani, club activities are frankly troublesome; everyone in the club is annoying and he wished they would stop calling him Mad Dog or anything for that matter. Though he tries not to care about that too much, as long as he gets to keep playing volleyball. 
While there was a common agreement for the time being among the manager, coaches, the captain and other third-year members on what to do about him, at any rate, Kyoutani‘s fellow second-years had more complex considerations. They, who had been practicing everyday since he left, felt they’d been working hard only to be sidelined by Kyoutani who just came back as if nothing happened when they thought he already quit.
That same Kyoutani also did not seem keen to a change of heart just because he came back, his attitude still as bad as his manner of speaking. And while they thought things would turn out fine if Kyoutani thoroughly practiced at the very least, he would often still come late to practice.
In the third gymnasium where the volleyball club is gathered, Yahaba Shigeru, a second-year back-up setter, clicked his tongue silently as he glared at the clock on the wall.
Kyoutani was noisily eating his chicken while walking down the road when his mouth came to a stop. His feet, hurrying as he thinks he’s running late, stop at the same time. He noticed a small cardboard box placed at the middle of a gaping-wide, empty plot of land—basically like a missing tooth—in the residential area along the street he uses everyday to go to school.
The empty lot was covered in tall grass, and it didn’t seem like it had only been there since yesterday or today. But Kyoutani had never noticed this area. That it had suddenly caught his attention must have been because of the cardboard box. The cardboard box from an online shopping website that could often be seen here and there did not appear to have been trampled upon or crushed nor did it appear to have been drenched in rain and lost its shape; it was properly, squarely propped up and brand new, which made it unnatural, and it was almost like a poorly constructed trap.
Regardless, Kyoutani came up and stepped into the thicket quickly without hesitation and peeked inside the box.
A light-brown furball that is around two sizes smaller than a volleyball is inside wrapped in an old towel. As soon as he tried to crouch and touch it, two wet, small, black eyes appeared from inside the round ball. Kyoutani, surprised, pulled back his stretched-out hand.
“It has eyes!”
Inside the box, the furball opened its red mouth and made a vague sound. That is when Kyoutani finally realized.
“A dog.”
What was inside the cardboard box seemed to be an abandoned puppy. It’s very small and frail, and it doesn’t have a collar on. That said, a lot of dogs walk in that area, so it’s not an unusual sight at all. Kyoutani, concerned he was going to be late, resolved to leave the place immediately.
However, the puppy clambered up the box making it tumble and fall to the ground and followed Kyoutani as it cried. It turned back but cried helplessly with its small tail waving back and forth.
“… Meat.”
Kyoutani noticed that it was following because of the chicken he was holding, so he threw the last of it into his mouth in one go, noisily chewed and then drank water. He then folded up the paper wrapping, pocketing it and immediately walked out of the lot.
It is a dog after all. It only tried to follow me because I had food, that‘s all. Thinking that, he headed to school without looking back. He would get a scolding if he arrived late, so it was for his sake that he rush and ignore some dog.
Walking at a quick pace, Kyoutani slowly sulked. A rush of memories came and went and he suddenly felt bad.
He expected to be made to come back by Oikawa, the team captain, but the unsettling part was having to hear complaints from other members for such a small matter as if he was the only one who had been causing trouble all the time. He even thinks to himself of quitting this shitty club on the spot if he so ever hears someone self-importantly explain to him that volleyball is about team play while lecturing him. Thinking that, he even became angry at himself for staying with the club for these past months without quitting. The wave of exhaustion that had slowly been building over him was starting to crash. There probably really wasn’t much of an excuse for losing his shit on people, but he realized that his desire to start yelling and acting like a completely impatient prick was really only a desire to let out his exhaustion, frustrations, and confusion.
He’s never told anyone that and never will. He thinks, just maybe, that they wouldn’t understand.
Club activities are annoying, and the fact that the cuff of his jersey keeps brushing against his ankles whenever he takes a step is annoying too. The grass in the empty lot might have been wet with the morning dew. He thought of that as he looked at his foot. And when he did, he realized he was about to step on a black-ish shadow or something, so he stopped in panic as if a piece of trash had landed in front of him.
However, before his feet was no trash but the puppy earlier looking up at Kyoutani.
It made a sound.
“The dog.”
Why is it still following him when he has no food anymore? Does he still have the scent of meat? Without realizing, he tried to take a sniff of his jersey, but he’s not sure. Kyoutani furrows his eyebrows and glared at the puppy silently. However, the puppy, probably because it was still small and untrained or because animals cannot precisely comprehend human emotions, coiled around Kyoutani’s feet and cried.
“…You’re in my way.”
That is what he said, but of course his words remain undecipherable to the puppy, who bites Kyoutani’s pants while tumbling and crying; it is enjoying the moment, even letting its tongue out.
He strangely became irritated while looking at that innocent furball. “Becoming attached to anyone and starting to beg food from them is probably what you do. You probably go around stealing people’s convenience store chicken knowing they couldn’t possibly resist a small creature like you, but that’s where you’re wrong,” he said.
Okay, maybe he had been a little harsh. Or maybe a lot. 
But having accepted the puppy wouldn’t understand anything he was saying, Kyoutani left the poor dog and ran away. He has to go to the club anyway.
He thinks he can hear its helpless voice from behind him, but he ignores it and continues running.
Yahaba would probably see this as some kind of sarcastic mockery, wouldn’t he? Well, of course he would. 
This whole thing is stupid.
Kyoutani thought it was ridiculous to be running then when he was already late anyway, but he continued to sprint toward school, never slowing his pace.
This day is going to suck.
“You’re late. Are you actually serious about this?”
As soon as he arrived at the gym and removed his jacket came Yahaba’s jeering. Kyoutani, ignoring him—though he does momentarily get upset about it—joins for spiking practice. He did arrive late, and he has no choice but to explain to them that it is a dog’s fault. He’s watching Yahaba while he speaks, can’t even explain to himself why, because he shouldn’t care, but he does. Regardless, the benchwarmer didn’t mind telling him things as they are.
While Yahaba has been grumbling his discontent even after Kyoutani had silently fallen in line, he finally shuts up when his fellow second-year Watari glares at him. Oikawa, the captain, who had been looking at what Yahaba had been doing from across the net, also kept calmly focused on his own practice. This degree of dispute had not been a rare occurrence since Kyoutani’s return, but it was better compared to last year’s. Things were grimmer that time to the point that Kyoutani would ditch club activities. He supposes it’s better now since he hasn’t quit yet.
The gym’s atmosphere returns to normal and practice restarts after having momentarily paused. Yahaba and Oikawa stand on either side of the net, and they go and toss to the spikers who enter the court taking turns. Next is Kyoutani’s turn. He throws the ball to Yahaba, the setter, and runs. The toss was made. He steps in looking at the ball, jumps and hits it.
Before that, everyone else made impeccable spikes that no one could complain about. However, Kyoutani hits the ball taking advantage of his weight and power, but upon landing, bumps into Yahaba while bearing that excessive force on his way down.
“Ow! Why would you bump into me?! Watch where you’re going! You came late and still have the guts to do that?”
Kyoutani also grows angry as Yahaba complained, his hands on the floor.
“What does my being late have to do with bumping into you?”
“Whatever! I’ve had enough of your excuses. I’m just telling you to take things seriously!”
That caused Kyoutani to hesitate. He had expected Yahaba to supply his reasons for him, so he could just deny everything while watching the results.
He gets up heavily and looks down at Yahaba, who is still on the ground, and says:
“Aren’t you the one who should be taking things seriously?” Even to himself, Kyoutani knows his voice sounds way too harsh, but he can’t help it, and he can’t explain it, and he won’t even try.
Yahaba’s eyes fix instantly in that furious way that Kyoutani tiredly decides he’s never going to live down. “What did you say?!”
Kyoutani takes a deep breath. He can’t talk about this, he’s barely holding his shit together. “…I’m going home.” And that sounded so pathetic he’s almost ashamed of himself.
Yahaba, his eyes wide upon hearing Kyoutani’s quite selfish remarks, didn’t try to stop him. “We don’t need Kyoutani in the team. We can win without him. We’d be better off without him,”  he thought.
The club members were dumbfounded. Kyoutani who had just arrived left the gym alone.
The winds of fall felt awfully cold as if in connection with him leaving the hot, stuffy gym. Kyoutani returned to the path he had dejectedly come from.
He came to play volleyball, yet he couldn’t do a single decent spike. He was so frustrated, asking himself how it had come to this point he almost wanted to scream. Club activities were troublesome, and all the club members were annoying. Come to think of it, it doesn’t matter if it were a team composed of hard-working individuals or even if it weren’t a school club at all as long as he can play volleyball. There are a lot of teams everywhere. Volleyball isn’t something people cannot do if they aren’t wearing the Seijou uniform.
At that moment, Kyoutani heard some crunching sounds in his pocket. It’s the paper wrapping of the convenience store chicken. He took notice of it at once and wanted to quickly throw it away, thinking of it as a huge bother due to his frustration. He thought of going back to the convenience store when he realized upon raising his head that he was all of a sudden back in front of the empty lot earlier.
It felt like a premonition of a mildly uneasy event to come. However, without even giving him time to escape, the thicket rustled, revealing a dark reddish-brown furball that tumbled out.
It makes a sound.
“…It’s you again.”
The puppy coils around the cuff of his jersey pants as if it remembers Kyoutani or it remembers the smell of the convenience store chicken. Why is that? Why is it so attached to him? He never gave it food, yet why? Kyoutani was struck with questions. But he immediately stopped thinking about it, and at that moment thought of once again running away to another direction.
“What is it with you? You could be playing with other dogs, you know?”
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Oh hell no. Not now.
He turns too fast, knows he does, stumbles and feels like an idiot, but who the hell could blame him? Yahaba is feet away, wearing the same Seijou jersey uniform. He stands with seeming unease, glaring at Kyoutani, his gaze fixed on him like a spotlight of pure, unrelenting interrogation.
“You came back to us after being asked, and now you’re playing with a dog?” His voice is so off-hand that Kyoutani can’t read it. That makes him nervous.
However, Yahaba seemed surprised when he noticed the cardboard box sitting there.
“Oh, is that an abandoned dog?”
Kyoutani sulkily nods as the puppy remained coiled around him.
Yahaba raises his voice for some reason. “Are you going to take in an abandoned dog or something?” There’s all this shock and excitement in his voice that would be funny as hell if it were, oh, any other time and any other day. “This ain’t no shoujo manga, you know! For goodness sake, stop fucking with me! For all I know, you could be planning something awful!”
What the hell is he talking about? Goddammit. “Fuck off, Yahaba. Damn, you’re so fucking crazy. Just leave me alone!”
Kyoutani thinks it may say something about their relationship that Yahaba doesn’t even blink.
“But what are you really doing here, Kyoutani? I don’t buy that you left practice just to play adorable puppy finder, though that’s what I’m going to tell anyone that asks, just so you know.”
Annoying little shit.
For his part, Yahaba had never liked the careless and conceited way Kyoutani behaved since he joined the club in their first year. Or rather than not liking him, it was annoying that Kyoutani kept causing trouble with their senpais despite the two of them belonging in the same year. Kyoutani would yell “fucking shits” to their third-year seniors and just generally go around not giving a fuck like he had no common sense. You’d think he’d been living his whole life so senselessly.
But indeed Kyoutani was amazing. It was frustrating but he was incredible and had no equal among their grade. They had him join practice matches, and was also a regular first-year player in official games. That’s why it was frustrating, since the same people also expected something out of him. Yet that guy…he was amazing yet picked fights with their senpais and was hated by them in return. He would take on challenges he could not win; it was as if he didn’t care about anything at all. People were honestly relieved when he stopped showing up to club activities.
But even Yahaba could not vocalize any complaints when Kyoutani was called back by Oikawa. They treated him like some hotshot rookie despite him being gone the whole time. Even worse, he barely came to practice making people wonder why he even came back at the first place, though he still played as amazingly. He was really a frustrating fellow.
Irritated by the memory, Yahaba watched Kyoutani standing before him. He silently glared at the dog biting and pulling at the cuff of his teammate’s jersey.
With his back turned, Kyoutani thinks he can actually hear Yahaba grinding his teeth.
“Why the hell did you even show up late just to leave on your own and then bother some abandoned dog?”
“I‘m not bothering it! This dog just followed me by himself!”
“Are you trying to appeal to girls by telling them animals like you?”
“What the fuck?!”
They just keep exchanging words like that, and while they do so, the puppy tumbles around Kyoutani’s shoes and seems to be falling asleep.
Yahaba continues, dropping his voice to convey how very, very serious this discussion suddenly is. “You know that dog is going to be trouble, right? We have to make sure it’s taken somewhere farther from here.”
Kyoutani searches for the right response. Play dumb? Look shocked? Throw a fit? Or…“Huh?”
“I think I have an idea.”
“Does it involve leaving?”
Yahaba grins at him now like he’s the funniest thing ever. Then he laughs. It’s an odd, almost foreign sound–he hasn’t heard Yahaba laugh in way too long, and it’s edgeless, and it’s amused as hell, and it’s just Yahaba all over again. And through all this, Kyoutani tries not to pay attention to how weird this whole thing makes him feel. “Sort of.”
Kyoutani raises his brows at that statement. “I really, really don’t like how you said that.”
“Jeez, stop glaring! And anyway, as if I’m going to believe you. You senseless moron. I wouldn’t even be surprised if you ate that dog alive.”
Kyoutani decides to ignore that, not sure why Yahaba seems determined to piss him off. Bastard.
Yahaba continued mumbling and then held up the puppy that had fallen asleep atop Kyoutani’s shoes. “This puppy needs to eat. You think you can get some dog food?”
“Sure, I can pull them out of my ass,” Kyoutani snapped. 
Yahaba snorts his opinion of that one, then he looks up, studying Kyoutani’s face. Kyoutani doesn’t dare move. One wrong move and he won’t be able to breathe. Yahaba does that to him sometimes.  
Yahaba relaxes then. Whatever he saw, or didn’t see, in Kyoutani’s face seems to satisfy him. He then puts the puppy back inside the cardboard box, holds the thing up to his chest and urges the other boy, “Hey, we’re going.” He doesn’t even know why he’s saying this. He’s not seriously thinking of–he just isn’t.
“…Huh. Where?”
Kyoutani grew flustered. Where on earth could they be going with a dog in hand? At any rate, Yahaba didn’t seem to have any idea where to go either.
“For the meantime, how about the police? They might tell us at least where to bring it. Anyway, you carry it since you found it in the first place. I don’t want to get bitten. Hey.“
Yahaba’s eyes flicker down, fixing on Kyoutani with that disturbing team-radar that he seems to have tuned on him at some point.
Kyoutani takes a slow, deep breath, clearing his head. Thinking this through will mean he’ll screw it up. That’s what always happens when he overthinks something. It’s what happens when anyone overthinks something. Do it or don’t, but don’t sit on your ass–or stand in the middle of an empty lot–and try to think about it.
“Fine. I think you’re out of your mind, but fine.” The grumbly undertones hide the worry.
“Great,” Yahaba answers with a spastic nod, and the tiny fluff of hair at the top of his head jerks around hypnotically. Kyoutani realizes it’s almost impossible to look away.  "Let’s go then, Mad Dog-chan.“
Kyoutani gives him a narrow look and makes a bitterly amused sound. "I hate that.”
“You never told us before,” Yahaba actually looks concerned.
“Nobody asked.”
“I mean, I remember you telling Oikawa-san to stop calling you weird names, but I don’t think anyone’s realized that you actually hate it.”
“What a fucking surprise,” Kyoutani sneers.
Flexing his fingers, he takes a breath and lets it out like he was taught. Easy and slow. It’s been worse. Other people have done and said worse. At least, he thinks so. “Whatever. Call me anything you want, just tell me where the fuck we’re going.”
Yahaba pauses, looks at him seriously. And though they’re standing right in front of each other, the look in his eyes says he may as well be a thousand miles away. “I guess we have a lot to talk about, Kyoutani.”
Are you lying to me, Yahaba? “Any reason why?”
Yahaba drops his head to contemplate his outstretched foot. “I’m bored?”
“Try again.”
“Because you apparently want people to ask you stuff? And I think that’s cool. I can think of a lot of things to start with.”
Kyoutani bites back something snarky and unkind, swallowing a lump in his throat and wondering if he could possibly be any more annoyed than he is right now. But whatever. It’s never comfortable to remember their earlier spats, and if this could make things a little better, then what the hell. Besides, he just isn’t up to any more arguing today. He shrugs his shoulders. “You ever tell anyone anything, I’ll deny it.”
Inside the box they’d been pushing back and forth to each other comfortably slept the lumpy, small ball of fur. Its breathing was surprisingly fast, faster than when it was coiled around Kyoutani’s feet, as if to show evidence that it was a living thing.
Somehow—and Kyoutani has no idea how, never will, doesn’t even care—Kyoutani and Yahaba walked the road side by side carrying the cardboard box. Both of them were completely silent, though they sometimes peeked inside when the dog moved or made a sound. And when their eyes accidentally meet, they would turn away and awkwardly face somewhere else. This happened many times over, uncomfortable enough for them, until Yahaba who was then lightly carrying the box finally said, “Having a dog inside an online shopping website’s cardboard box feels almost like you got a dog delivered to you, doesn’t it?”
Yahaba, a bit embarrassed that Kyoutani only continued walking without giving any response, snapped. “Hey, you’re supposed to say something in return when someone talks to you. What sort of reaction was that?”
“…You’re boring.”
“You’re the last person I want to hear that from! And just so you know, when the senpais are proved right and we actually end up becoming friends in the future, you’re going to feel so dumb for ignoring me.”
Kyoutani makes a weird sound right next to him. Like he’s choking to death, though he can still walk okay, so Yahaba’s not too worried.
“Oh, there’s the police box! Let’s go.”
The two entered while carrying the box. A young police officer is seated on a chair writing something, and he looks at their faces. The police box was small to the point that nobody could fit anymore after the two went in; it had posters about remittance fraud and traffic safety, leaflets about wanted criminals and maps of the neighborhood pasted all over. The police officer examines the insides of the box without a word after taking a peek at them as if suspecting Kyoutani’s bad expression.
“Whose dog is this?”
However, Kyoutani just says vague statements like, “It went after my convenience store chicken,” and “I came from practice.” Yahaba had no choice but to answer from the side.
“Um, it’s an abandoned dog, so we’d like to ask what we should do with it.”
“Doesn’t it have a collar?”
“It’s still small, and it was in this box wrapped in a towel. I think it was thrown away.”
“You picked it up?”
Yahaba shook his head upon being asked by the police officer. “This guy did,” he said as he turned his eyes to Kyoutani, who was just staring straight ahead, like he had nothing to do with this conversation at all.
“You there,” the police officer said nodding his head. He took out documents from a drawer and looked at Kyoutani. “It will be received here at the police box as quasi-lost property, but will you care for it in case the owner did throw it away or the owner doesn’t appear?”
Kyoutani was surprised and then looked at Yahaba as if asking for help. However, Yahaba just shrugged. The police officer looked at the two and started explaining, as if he had been repeating a set phrase he had gotten used to saying often, with a gentle nod.
“Ah, in case the owner does not appear, it will be moved to a health center after a few days, but there it will be temporarily …”
Despite him just having started speaking, Kyoutani suddenly slams the desk. The color of the police officer’s eyes changed, but Kyoutani yelled without regard.
“What crap is that? We’re asking you where to bring it so we can have someone take care of it! That’s what I want to hear about!”
“Just wait, you idiot!”
Shaking off Yahaba’s effort to stop him, Kyoutani glared at the police officer. “We don’t need your help anymore!!”
Having said that over his shoulder, Kyoutani rushed out of the police box carrying the cardboard box, the puppy poking its face out of it. Yahaba was left alone in the police box, bowing his head saying, “I’m sorry. That guy’s an idiot,” as an excuse and followed Kyoutani who had run off to somewhere.
Upon finding Kyoutani who was standing a little far away all the while holding the box, Yahaba ran to follow him without pause.
“What the hell was that back there?! You do understand you’re not helping, right?! Though I was surprised too when he told us to bring it to a health center…”
“I know he was surprised, but would a person normally suddenly yell like that? You would have to be crazy to yell at the police, right? Was that occasion not more appropriate to just look annoyed, get out without a scene and ask for help? What was the point of coming all the way here only for you to get mad?” thought Yahaba, but he didn’t feel Kyoutani would comprehend it even if he said it. The newborn puppy seems more likely to understand than Kyoutani. Even now, Kyoutani continues to silently glare at Yahaba’s feet, making Yahaba wonder what it could be that has piqued his interest. The dog inside the box was staring at Kyoutani’s face with its wet eyes.
While it was looking at them, Yahaba found himself suddenly thinking of many different trivial things:
“This guy doesn’t really have a clue. Fine, let’s go to the police, he said. They’ll help us. Or not. I don’t understand why this dog is ignoring me, why it’s so attached only to this jerk.”
"Stop deciding things on your own. I really don’t understand you.”
Just as Yahaba said that, Kyoutani quickly turned on his heel without even nodding at Yahaba and walked toward town, still carrying the box. "I’m trying to help, asshole.”
Is this guy serious?
“Wow, you’re really something else,” Yahaba thought with a slight sense of admiration. Moving his brows as if to ask where they’re headed to, Kyoutani just ignores him and goes to walk steadily alone. A helpless cry can sometimes be heard making a sound.
While gazing at the distance with Kyoutani’s back getting smaller and smaller, Yahaba tells himself: “This is good for now. The mad dog and an abandoned dog—that’s just too much for me, and surely this task would be too much for anyone, too. Anyway, he’s not a kid anymore, and he’ll probably figure it all out by himself. And even if he doesn’t, that wouldn’t be my fault.”
However, Yahaba felt his mood grow heavy and clouded. Something is pulling him into action, like small fishbones poking the insides of his throat. In his mind’s eye, he can see Kyoutani looking at him absently, and Yahaba hates that look on his face: stubbornness warring with an unhappiness so deep he can feel it from here.
“Oh, this is bad.”
There’s no reason why he should, why he should want to do this. None at all.
He eventually accepts it.
“Wait for me, for fuck’s sake! The senpais will get mad at me if I don’t come back with you!” 
In the end, Yahaba chases Kyoutani and the puppy.
Beyond the police box is a main road that gets a lot of pedestrian traffic. Yahaba stopped and turned to Kyoutani and the puppy. “Okay, listen to me before you decide to get stubborn. With how things have turned out, it’d be best to entrust this to someone we can trust.”
However, Kyoutani only glares at Yahaba, his expression betraying his disagreement.
“What’s that look for? I mean, can you take care of this? Or do you actually want to go back to the police?”
Kyoutani was exasperated as he averted his eyes; the puppy stretches its body from the box and licks his chin. Kyoutani puckers his face and half-heartedly returns the puppy inside the box as he was tickled by its fur. Yahaba tried not to pay attention to the cute interaction.
“Neither of us can take care of it. And since that’s the case, we’ve got no choice. Surely kind-looking people love dogs. A kind little girl and a puppy—that’s the best-case scenario, right? It should be totally better visually than you and a puppy, shouldn’t it? Right?”
While he didn’t really understand why the person they would hand the dog over to had to be a girl, that scenario was indeed better. If they can’t take care of it themselves, there’s no choice but to find another person who can. Kyoutani reluctantly agrees.
“Fine, let’s find one.”
Yahaba hadn’t even realized he wasn’t breathing until it escapes in a soft sigh. Okay, that’s done. He immediately looked around their surroundings. It’s still early in the morning, and naturally his eyes would land upon a person who is out to walk their dog. Among these persons who already have a dog, there should be at least one of them who would not mind taking in another one, he thought.
He tries approaching a few people, but none of them would take in a puppy. While he thought taking care of one or taking care of two made no difference and took the same amount of time and effort, it was probably not so. Is there no one who would willingly accept a dog and just think of it as the little brother or sister of the dog they already own?
When the two grew tired, the puppy who had been quiet inside the box all that time suddenly made a shrilling bark.
“Woof, woof, woof!”
The two looked at the distance thinking it was barking at the appearance of its original owner. But the person immediately averted his eyes and looked at the ground.
The person that was there was a poorly built man who didn’t quite fit the morning atmosphere. Yahaba, his eyes not particularly looking at anything, tells Kyoutani with a small voice, “Hey, make it shut up. Do something, Kyoutani,” imploring him to make it quiet, though the puppy didn’t seem to care and continued to bark. After a while, the man seemed to have noticed that it was him being relentlessly barked at by the dog.
“Hey, what is it?”
The man slowly comes close. The way he’s looking at them is threatening. The way Kyoutani was looking back at him is also threatening, but it is a wholly different notch higher. The dog continues to bark even more. This is bad, and it’s getting worse, thought Yahaba who decided to just let this misunderstanding come to pass. Just as when he had convinced himself that it was best not to say anything unnecessary, to fake a smile and avoid making trouble and to slowly move on without provoking anyone, Kyoutani suddenly dashed out toward the man barking like a dog.
“Who’re you? We’re not doing anything! What are you looking at?!!”
Yahaba promptly pulls the mad dog back and ran away. He can hear someone yelling, “You want a piece of me, brats!?” But it was preferable for school sports club members to just run away. Yahaba yells while running for his life:
“Why would you go pick a fight with someone like that?! Look at your opponent!”
“Shut up!”
He continues to run regretting not escaping alone and deserting this idiot and his idiot dog. Yahaba finally came to a stop thinking they’d be fine by then having come from several blocks away at that point.
“Fucking hell.”
He clicks his tongue looking at Kyoutani beside him with the cardboard box in his hands not even looking tired at the very least despite running out of breath, at least compared to himself who is breathing with his shoulders. It really angers him.
“Why did you fucking come back…” Yahaba told him and looked at the distance as if unable to endure any further. Suddenly, the color of his eyes sharply changes. Yahaba combs his hair with his hands, steals the cardboard box from Kyoutani uttering, “Sorry!” before running off. Kyoutani chases him, the hardest chase he gave in his whole life.
In the end, what Yahaba was chasing after all was a group of high school girls in uniform.
“Girls! What do you think? Would you care to look at a puppy? A puppy!”
The girls variously reacted with caution at first: “Eh?”, “Is this for filming or something?”, “Does it bite?” But they timidly looked inside the box, likely enchanted by Yahaba’s gentleness. They then shriek out of joy upon noticing a puppy curled up into a ball inside.
“Eh, is this really a dog? Oh no, it’s so cute. Look, look!”
“What’s this? Is this a real dog, like does it really move? Why is it inside a box? You’re doing this to record our reactions, aren’t you?”
“What dog is this? It’s so fluffy.”
“Isn’t this a Shiba? Shiba Inu. Right? Did I guess correctly?”
One of the girls who came forward and said that blushed with a hiccup. Her eyes were fixed onto the face beside Yahaba’s. That prompted him to look at the space next to him, and there was Kyoutani glaring at the girls, his eyes brimming with bloodlust.
The other girls also notice Kyoutani’s stare and find themselves frozen.
“Hey, what are you doing?!”
It was too late, however, and the girls let out a high-pitched scream and ended up running away. Yahaba loses his patience and violently gets mad.
“Stop glaring! One of them could have taken this dog! We had good communication, and you were staring at them as if you wanted to turn them into stone! What was that all about? Are you some kind of Medusa!?”
Kyoutani steals the box and the dog back from Yahaba and snaps back. “Do you have some ulterior motive?!”
“I don’t! I mean, I did but that’s got nothing to do with what happened just now!”
“You never have no ulterior motives.”
The puppy also cries as if to add to the tension.
“Are you a total idiot!?”
A car pulled over next to the two boys who had been arguing at the middle of the road. They immediately kept their mouths silent, then a woman revealed her face from the driver’s seat and spoke. Her words were beyond anything the two could have possibly expected.
“Excuse me. You don’t really want to throw that dog away, do you?”
Noticing that Kyoutani is instantly growing into a frenzy upon hearing that sentence, Yahaba stops him saying, “Just wait!” What is up with him? Is he some kind of feral child? Is he less evolved than a dog?
The woman gets off the car and speaks to them while Yahaba calmed Kyoutani down.
“Do you know what would happen if you threw that dog away? Even if you leave it to an animal shelter, there is no guarantee that its owner would be found.”
“It’s not like we don’t know that already!” Kyoutani barks as if ready to bite, while the woman asked with mild bewilderment, “Eh, then why are you …”
“You shut up already,” Yahaba seethes and commands Kyoutani to keep quiet before he told her the actual story of how they picked up an abandoned dog and how they were then trying to find a new owner. Upon hearing their and the dog’s bizarre adventure, the woman apologizes saying, “I’m sorry. It seems I misunderstood the situation,” then she struck the hood of the car she had been riding.
“But it’s a good thing I called you out. I’m going to look for its owner myself.”
“… Eh?”
Kyoutani and Yahaba looked at her blankly and observed the car she’s been riding in more carefully. The hood of that roundish car had drawings of dogs and cats, written on it was the name of a veterinary hospital.
“Veterinary hospital…?”
The woman worked at a veterinary hospital and she explained that she can find an owner by coordinating with organizations that help abandoned dogs and cats.
“Our hospitals also have fliers recruiting people who want to own pets.”
Upon saying that, the woman took the box where the puppy was in from Kyoutani. The puppy whined and licked Kyoutani’s hand when his hands let go of the box.
“I will contact you when we find an owner.”
She places the box on the rear passenger seat saying that and closes the door. Then they could see the dog through the glass but couldn’t hear its cries.
The woman hopped into the driver’s seat and immediately drove off. Yahaba bowed at its rear window, but Kyoutani just stood there stiffly as if feeling uneasy.
The car was soon out of sight, and the puppy issue ended an instant too soon. The two of them quarrelling just earlier then felt like a dream. But it was not a dream; it was real. And speaking of reality, they must go back to the club soon. Yahaba turned to Kyoutani who was standing beside him. “Hey, look. The dog’s gone now, and we have to go soon.”
Kyoutani glared at Yahaba as if sulking. And he kept at it. But Yahaba understood how Kyoutani felt. It was a strange feeling, as if a hole had been punched through his heart, or as if a feeling could not linger because of how fast reality had unfolded. But they can’t afford to slack off here, either.
“Everyone’s waiting. You caused some trouble for the senpais, and it wasn’t something you should have shown to our juniors, either. Just realize that you have teammates who are waiting for you just like that dog has friends waiting for him, too. I think it was cute that you immediately tried to search for a rightful owner and it got attached to you. It’s so unlike you.”
Yahaba continued watching Kyoutani who was staring intently at his shoes like a sulking child. Yahaba felt stupid for feeling frustrated earlier somehow.
Why did I have to tell a jerk like him words like that? He came in late and left by himself. He picked up an abandoned dog on his own and caused trouble for me. And now he’s sulking that the dog is gone. I’m honestly glad when he doesn’t show up to practice, yet why did I bother following him to bring him back with me…
Yahaba fell into silence as Kyoutani raised his head. And then he said, “Let‘s go. Quick.”
Then he immediately walked forward alone.
“Huh?! Oi, wait for me! I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying that!”
“You smell of dog.”
“You smell worse!!”
The two walked up the school path, alternating between silence and bickering. Neither of them talked about the puppy. They probably will never talk about that dog going forward, Yahaba thought.
Soon enough, they were at school. Just as when Yahaba thought of suggesting that they explain to the senpais why they were late, he heard a feeble cry from somewhere. He looked around expecting something bad about to happen, when they noticed they were back at the empty lot where they had picked the dog up.
The thicket brushes against their feet. Without them realizing, they stopped and explored the area before a kitten revealed its face amid the grass.
It meowed.
“It’s a cat.”
“Hey, don’t look at it. Act like you didn’t see it!”
So said Yahaba as he pulled Kyoutani away. Yet the kitten helplessly climbed up Kyoutani’s jersey using its claws, and before he knew it the kitten was perched atop Kyoutani’s large shoulders meowing.
Then it licks Kyoutani’s cheek.
“Why the heck are they so quick to get attached to you!?”
“It’s not my fault!”
“I hate the fact that you’re so easily liked!”
“Shut the fuck up!”
It had been around an hour since practice started. The two, wearing the Aoba Jousai volleyball uniform, were still a far way off to returning to the third gym, however.
The End
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