#i tried to keep it short(??????)
bearlytolerant · 4 months
hi bear!! i saw that writing prompts meme you reblogged, so: 4 for the Arisen and Phaesus? :D
Hello! Ah, thank you so much! ☺️
4. I still remember the feel of you under my palms; every curve, every line 
She does not cross his mind.
Not for days. For weeks. Months.
He is not counting.
Close to his goals and he can almost touch his fingers to this world and spin it off its axis. The idea thrills him. Though it is late and he must sleep, he walks the shore of the Olta’Battahl Coastline, hoping the waves will quiet his mind. The morrow will be the day of change and tonight he will quietly celebrate with the hushed clapping of the waves.
Twilight horizon, amethyst locks, a sharp intake of breath and he halts. Heels digging into the shifting silt of the pebbled beach, he knows that silhouette standing stoically at the shore. Knows the arch of the back in front of him and the tattoos he’s traced with his fingers countless times. The curves of those hips that his hands have held, squeezed. Lips have kissed. Those shoulders that his palms have cupped while he smooths them up the soft skin of her neck, pulling her close as he whispered words that he told himself were lies; manipulations. But now he beholds this half of her in whole memories, and knows in his heart that the only lies told were the ones to himself.
The urge to experience her, rediscovering every inch of her body swells in his chest but his feet remain planted. Heart pounding, frozen in a wave of indecision, he wonders where her pawns are. Why she is alone. Why she is here, near the shore at all.
She bends, removing her sandals one at a time and tosses them far out into the water. The brine’s now shadowed tendril’s lash out, splashing and swallowing her boots and he imagines what little clothes she wears must be soaked now. Unbothered, she steps out past the shoreline, her ankles deep in water and desire is replaced with panic.
Boots slipping in the rocks, his feet feel caught in slowed time. He stumbles and slides, jaw agape with horror as she sinks into the grasp of the brine without a single cry from help passing from her lips. A crumbling to his knees, palms now bloodied with the sharp, jagged edges of stone in his skin and he reaches for her with shaking hands.
“Gwyn,” he whispers against the cacophony of the insatiable brine tendrils that have now swallowed her up.
Crawling to the edge of the shore just as the splashing settles, he falls prostrate, curling his fingers around the soaked pebbles, burning his wounds with silt and salt. There is a hollowness in his heart where maybe relief or tears or something should be. But then the brine stirs, shifting with a subtle scarlet glow and she reappears next to him, soaked, and eyes closed in peace.
He scrambles, hands closing over her body, pressing against her cheeks. “You must wake,” he tells her fervently, though without her, his goals would be easier to achieve. But he’s never expected ease.
Her hand finds his and squeezes, lips pulling into a slow, soft smile. “Phaesus,” she says, hushed like the waves lapping at the shore. “I have missed you.” She kisses his palm. The inside of his wrist.
Closing his eyes, he clenches his jaw to dam the emotions that threaten to flood him. Of course this world would not let her go so easily. The only redeemable quality about it.
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1.1 Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov
"Karamazov" comes from two words: the Turkish word "Kara", meaning "black", and the Russian word "mazat", meaning "to smear". The family is a black stain, and there's nothing the blot won't smear to ensure its own comfort in the sludge.
Fyodor Pavlovich is quite a common type of man, in all his strangeness. His peculiarities are what make him a "national" type, similarly to how the strangeness of his third son, Alexey, carries its generation. Haven't we all met at least one Fyodor Pavlovich? I can say I've heard of a few old opportunists who fit in his category. He's the insolent jester and scrounger who irritates and scandalizes us all, but the ideas he carries are not so strange.
On the other side of the coin: Adelaida Ivanovna Miusova, of the romantic generation, irritated by a feeling of captivity. The referenced poem says much about her character:
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This romantic heroine whose short life could be a novel lasts no more than four pages out of a thousand, slapstick violence and tragic end included. Their romantic elopement was a lie from the start, with each looking for what they lacked and the other had: her wealth, his freedom from social expectations.
However, Adelaida's freedom and lofty ideas can only go so far when she finds herself in poverty, running from a house in which she must look at her future staring back at her with a mocking smile. Did Fyodor still weep even though he rejoiced at her death, or not? Can these contradictions coexist? Was he more naive than we think, or are we the naive ones for possibly thinking such man would over a wife who only brought him conflict?
All that's certain is that a child born from greed is what remained.
Lermontov's poem, "Don't trust in self" translated into English // Original
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Title: Sunday Surprise
Word Count: 364
One fine Sunday, as the sheets pooled near your feet, sunlight warming your back, on the brink of asleep and awake, you curled around your bolster and kept your eyes firmly closed. 
It was Sunday, and one of those rare days when you had no PowerPoints to prepare, or documents to revise, or emails to write; this meant you could sleep in with your girlfriend well into the afternoon. 
Speaking of your girlfriend, she chuckled from beside you. "Feeling lazy, are we?"
You hummed. 
A gentle hand carded through your hair, making you melt into the bed.
This beautiful, romantic moment was broken by your phone ringing. 
You groaned and refused to acknowledge it, making her chuckle. "Come one, you kurer dim, it's your best friend. Pick it up."
Grumbling about the ghorer shotru bibhishon, you accepted the call with bleary eyes.
Screaming met your ears, and you winced. "Keep it down, will you? Robbarer dupure phone korte lojja korena?"
"It's not the time to keep it down! It's time to get it up! So wake up, you sloth and open the goddamn news channel."
"What the hell are you talking about? Shoja shoji bolte parish na? Ghum theke uthiye abol tabol bokchhish?"
"It's legal! Marriage for us is finally legal! Now get your ass down here before I drag you out."
You sat up at record speed, the world spinning for a moment, before settling into a fuzzy, out-of-focus image. You weren't wearing your glasses, you realized belatedly. "Are you serious?! Shotti bolchhish?!"
"Oof tui na- bolchhi to khobor ta khol. Ato gadha kano re?"
For once, you let the insult go, turning to your confused girlfriend and feeling like you might just start crying a river.
"I'll- I'll call you back."
"What happened? Is he okay?"
"The hearing-" Your throat tightened. "Same-sex marriage is legal."
"Oh." She looked like she might cry too. "So that means-"
You hugged her as tight as you could, the ring on your finger feeling warmer than it had ever had.
She returned the embrace with equal enthusiasm, and you knew she was thinking of her own ring even as she buried her head in your shoulder. 
Day 11: One Fine Sunday...
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thegrandharveyspecter · 10 months
//Why is Ant-Man so important on a Suits blog?
[Valid question, glad you asked. Ya'll only know the story behind this blog and that my partner inspired it, but ya'll don't know the story behind Scott and I. Buckle up, kiddos, it's story time.
You know how people say things like: "I read this/watched this/found this/experienced this/etc. right when I needed it" or "this came to me at the perfect time"? That's pretty much what happened with Scott and I. I found him when I needed him most.
I didn't need him back in 2020 when I first started my "MCU journey", if you will. I didn't need him in 2021 or 2022. I needed him this year, 2023. I didn't know a thing about Ant-Man until this year when I watched his movies for the first time to get ready for Quantumania. I had seen him in Civil War, but that was ages ago and I forgot about him. Like I said, I didn't need him back then. I needed him now.
You might be wondering: "Why? What happened?" Long story short on that one; one of my friends basically ruined my life for a few months. And I'm not saying that for dramatic effect, I'm saying it because it's true. She threw a huge wrench in my life and I was miserable. It was hard to function properly.
On the other hand, I have a best friend who I hadn't seen or done anything with in 2-3 years. Years. It's not like we had a falling out, but I need a really good reason to leave my house. I need some kind of event or something. Guess what that was? Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. I may have known nothing about Ant-Man prior to this, but the trailers really intrigued me and I was willing to give him a chance. So very glad that I did.
I messaged my friend and she was so excited and happy that I asked her to go. By extension, that made me really happy because it'd been so long. The week prior, I watched the first two Ant-Man movies and pretty much fell in love. You can thank Ant-Dad for that. I love a good family dynamic.
I almost didn't get to go because I was really sick that morning. I think what happened was that I was psyching myself out, you know? It had been years, I hadn't left my house in forever, I was miserable for months and had been having constant panic attacks. I think that's why I felt so sick, but I felt great when I woke up again. It took like 5-10 minutes to convince my mom to let me go lol. Could we have gone a different day? Yeah, but I didn't want to go on a different day. I wanted to go on the day we planned.
Know something that really warmed my heart about this? When my friend and I were waiting for the movie to start, she said: "I was looking forward to this all week. I was thinking about it all day, even after your mom called and said you couldn't go." That was so sweet, because she wanted to be with my as much as I did with her. It was a great night all around and one of the best I had in months. It was great to be with my friend again and it was so much fun.
So there you have it. That's the story behind Scott and I and why he's so important. He helped me reconnect with one of my best friends and helped me start to get out of a bad slump. Because of that, I think Scott will always have a special place in my heart, not just Quantumania.]
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yuquinzel · 1 year
fuck it I'm gonna post it
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Name Palettes
This is from the chain (boi it got LONG). And I have some thoughts and colour theory notes.
Personal Blog
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Green-focused, with accents of bright blue. Other colours consist of brown and grey.
Green; peace, tranquillity, new beginnings, hope, optimism. Nature. Responsibility, hope, forgiveness, wealth. The shades of green here are softer, and 4 (top 2 left, last of the 2nd row, and 1st of 3rd row, are some of my favourite shades)
Brown; warmth, security, earth. Dependable. There's a more rich brown, and then a softer brown; I like both.
Blue; open space, freedom, tranquility, intuition, imagination, inspiration. When compared to the other colours it comes as a shock of bright colour, providing some contrast.
Grey; neutrality, balance. I also associate it with wisdom, modesty, and not coming on too strong - taking it slow.
Vibe; a cloudy day by a lake, sitting on a moss-covered log with a forest behind you.
Writing Blog
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Heavy purple focus, literally the only other colour is pink, and grey is a shade (see above for grey analysis).
Dark purple; wealth, royalty, wisdom, spirituality. (I classify the dark blue-violet in this category).
Light purple; romantic, sensitive, light-hearted.
Pink; love, kindness, nurturing, nostalgic, playful.
Vibe; the sky just before the sun is finally down, pink clouds touching the horizon.
Full Name
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Shade heavy. No heavily saturated colours save for the pine green and navy blue.
Not going to list all of the colour meanings again, but something to note is the 3 more pastel colours interrupting the more dark colours, which I find interesting. Not my personal favourite, but it is forgiven for the pine green.
Vibe; hiking a mountain with dark clouds overhead, they part for a moment revealing the blue sky.
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This is my favourite one. Overall it's really pleasing to the eye and feels super comforting. All of the colours have been mentioned (blue, grey, brown, pink, purple). I can forgive the lack of greens since I feel like this fits me the best. What I want in life and want to bring to others.
The pastels would symbolize a lighter feeling to the emotions mentioned, and wouldn't be overbearing. Not rushing, or pushing things or people.
Vibe; a quilt made by a loved one, smelling of lilacs and rain, birds singing outside. Nostalgic.
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millipede-menace · 1 year
You r more than welcome to say that you don’t like designs in a show and there is criticism that can be applied to canon designs without a doubt but giving a character with a wider body type a skinner/daintier waist and limbs is kinda weird. Just because you say she’s masculine (she doesn’t really look very masculine in your example sorry) she still has a dainty body when she canonically has a short fat/stocky look to her even in concept art
No no for sure, I’m not saying I fixed her/that it’s the final design. I don’t want to make her dainty or masculine(at least I don’t think muscles should be considered masculine), I just tried to show the thought process and how I interpreted her short stockyness as a more muscular boxer/roller derby body type bc I feel like it would make more sense for her character and in the world.
I want to draw her better in the future, I just don’t have too much experience with drawing different body types. It’s something I def need to work on
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itfitsitshipsart · 1 year
How are you :D
Hi hi!
I'm doing well! The weather has been surprisingly nice, my sunflowers in the garden are blooming (the bees are so happy), and I am letting myself obsess over this cult leader precious man!
Just take a moment to look at my sweet Sugu! ^3^
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I am eating up the new season of JJK and us getting to see him more, so I'm rolling with it and my love for him (and ready for the painful parts of later in the season)
It makes me wanna rant about him, ya know? And about how much I love him. Sure, he's a villain and does horrible things, but he's such a good dad and a loving husband. And he's so gentle and considerate, so long as he's not in a teasing mood.
I was also reminded that he is, in fact, 6'3". Which, with me being 5'5", he is quite taller than me ^///^
Have more pictures while I swoon and bury my face into his chest!
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inseparableduo · 1 year
Closed starter for @vulcans-nexus
The two felt like they were hit by a train as they slowly came into consciousness. Every single part of their body felt heavy and either felt sore or downright ached like they had fresh wounds. Which they most likely did but, they didn't care about that quite yet. Before they even opened their eyes or even tried to figure out where they were at the moment, they reached their hands out, looking for each other. It took a few seconds but, eventually, they found each other's hand and that was enough to calm them down.
It was then they could think about where they were and how they got here. They had been with Seth and Issac, protecting the two from a demon. They knew they took it down, but not without getting seriously hurt themselves. Which probably meant they were in the boy's room in one of the beds.
"Ugh. My head." Andrew groaned. It was then he noticed that his voice was hoarse, and his entire mouth felt drier than sand.
“How long have we been out.” Darla said, quietly. Her voice and mouth being in the exact same state her twin was in.
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ticklystuff · 2 years
Would you recommend C6 childe? I have him C0+polar but not a lot of sumeru new charas interests me so I'm wondering if its worth getting him some cons on his rerun
new characters >>>>>> constellations for ALL characters because playing new characters keeps the game fresh! only pull constellations if you really love the character!
but if you’re really considering it, childe has some of the worst constellations in the game it’s not worth lol
c1: kinda like training wheels, nice at first but not worth once you get used to playing childe
c2: useless
c4: opens up childe to off-field support roles in freeze teams, but makes him slightly harder to use in vaporize teams
c6: overrated, makes him easier to use as a hypercarry or as the on-field dps in freeze or mono-hydro teams, makes childe solo abyss runs easier (these are all still doable even at c0)
c4 is the best one imo bc it enables a new play style but he’s still outclassed in that role by cheaper characters. c6 is the fun constellation, but is that fun worth a couple hundred dollars or skipping new characters? he’s also still outclassed in those roles i mentioned even at c6 lmao also i hardly use his c6
idk obviously im looking at things from an abyss/team-building pov but even if you’re playing casually things die too fast in the overworld for his c6 to even matter. i personally think c0+polar star is a good stopping point but obviously it’s your game and your money! if you really like him that much then do it!
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blooberingbunny · 1 year
So i made a banana cream pie to celebrate national clown week and almost forgot to post it on tumblr!!
Its a pie because of the thing where clowns throw pies at eachother- yeah im not funny
Anyway here it is!! I tried to make a flower using the bananas.. ^^"
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I know you are an adamant fan of the mode, but I was curious to know your take on this question-
Do you think Spartan Ops would have been better had it been a separate campaign/expansion alla Half-Life Opposing Force and not the pseudo-firefight mode we did get?
Oh this is a good question!
This is asking if SpOps could be its own standalone mode/game a la ODST or the HL installments, and honestly as it is now - no. Maybe if it was not part of the "new" 343 Halo, then they could have had the space to explore storytelling this way without the extra scrutiny.
If it had been a DLC and not a mad dash from launch to write and make this game mode to release weekly, and they weren't constrained to the 360's hardware that was already kind of struggling with Halo 4, I do think it would have been more ...accepted? Before Waypoint got rid of forums, most of the gripes were how hard it was to play on solo or higher difficulties. Yeah a minority hated some of the characters or the switching tones/seriousness (come on it's Halo, there's going to be whiplash), but I've seen people say they liked the game mode and just wished it had xyz or was more balanced.
If it had had a chance to be released all at once and had been tested for bugs/balancing, I do think it might have been more successful, but the crunch was insane. They also had to deal with the new menu and gamer confusion. Halo fans are not smart and do not like change.
tldr Spartan Ops couldn't be ODST as it is but it was also made with duct tape and paper mache as the episodes were published, if it got to be it's own thing it would need some work, but would still be a risk. Maybe that's why the mobile games are like that.
Anyways, I have dredged up some videos if people are like me and like the behind the scenes stuff. The way they made this is insane to me
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Tubbo: What was wrong with the timing?!
Pac: You did it in the worst possible timing! Everything was–
Bagi: I think we ruined the kiss.
Pac: It– it wasn't the kiss, more– you know? It was– *mumbles*
Fit: That's not what he meant!
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i am so happy you asked this question i am so excited to talk about these things.
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
okay so
1. handedness in twins
roughly 10 percent of the world’s population is left handed. you would think that number would be about the same with twins, but no. twins show a higher percentage of left handedness than the general population.
interestingly, in a set of twins, typically only one of them will be left handed. both twins being left handed, in both identical and fraternal twins, occurs 4% of the time or less, while one twin being left handed and the other being right handed occurs 21-23% of the time. the percentage also increases if one or more parent is left handed.
(WARNING: kinda gross, talking about dead bodies)
2. body farms
the first body farm was put together in 1987 in knoxville at the university of tennessee by anthropologist william m. bass. the function of a body farm is to be able to study decomposition of human bodies in different environments, specifically looking at how to identify a time of death from the level of decomposition of the body.
there are facilities all over the world, which is important because bodies decompose differently in different biomes and climates. in hot, dry climates, skeletonization can occur in as little as 7 days, but in warm, wet climates, it can take as long as a year.
if you decide to donate your body to science, you could end up at a body farm!
get to know me!
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lady-raziel · 2 months
hilarious that with each new day that passes a new bit of dirt from JD Vance's past gets discovered and plastered over the internet...it's almost as if this is why presidential campaigns have always announced their running mates well before the convention...so that if glaring issues with a candidate came to light quickly there would be time to replace them on the ticket before they were officially locked in...it's almost as if certain things in political campaigns were done for a reason, donald...because the very same critical failures had happened before...but no i'm sure you and your guys attempt to recreate a fantasy version of history while ignoring all the reasons that history was a disaster will work this time...because you are built different and the 10000th time trying fascism will work like a charm...
#us politics#politics tw#i view the MAGA movement like this:#the conservatives have been desperately trying to jam a square peg into a round hole for a very long time#and they keep trying because one of these times its GOT to work! a very long time ago they heard the hole was more squarelike#so if they just TRY hard enough it will work!#failing to understand that the hole has become weathered and changed over time and the solution they are trying#will never work (if it ever did)#and then donald trump comes along and looks at the square peg#lobs one of the corners off and proclaims 'this is a triangle! THIS will work! I am so smart!'#and everyone around him is like 'whoa! this guy gets it! he's a genius and understands the problem! he's our savior!'#ignoring the fact that the peg is not a fucking triangle. it's just a deformed square now#so its still not going to work. and even if it WAS a triangle it still wouldn't work because THE HOLE IS ROUND.#it's the same damn peg but it looks a little different so everyone thinks its a genius solution that is DEFINITELY going to work#so they're all excited! they're FINALLY going to prove those idiots trying different types of oval pegs wrong!#they were right all along and it just took donald trump to see it! thank goodness he came along!#but that's just it-- he WAS just COMING ALONG. he was just walking by and saw an opportunity. he never spent time trying to make pegs#all he did was saw a crowd and took a chance to break an already failing peg even further#but because the people were desperate and it was different enough it seemed revolutionary#and now some of the conservatives--who can still see that the 'triangle' peg isnt a triangle are starting to look around#and see that elsewhere there have been some who have forced a triangle into the center of the round hole#and these people think well what if we ACTUALLY tried a real triangle?#and it does not matter to them in the slightest that it will never be the true solution to filling the hole#they just want credit for solving the problem#and so they are going to back donald trump and when the time is right put a real triangle in his hand#while the people trying ovals are busy arguing over the right type of oval#and once the triangle has been jammed into that hole...well...#it is going to be really really hard to force out#anyway thats a long and complicated metaphor and i probably should have just put it in its own post aaaaaahgh#long story short dont be a fascist triangle alright
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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made this for twitter since most people here that engage with my totk rants are the like-minded people my rants are intended for but i thought its kinda funny too and maybe it clears something up for anyone potentionally confused why i rant so much about it
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