#⚔; searching for the answer ( main verse )
inseparableduo · 2 months
@gravity-wall witnesses Andrew trying to cope
Andrew was in a bit of a trance as he ate. Eating usually made him feel better. Full and not so empty. The taste, a good distraction from his thoughts. He probably shouldn't have spent so much money on food, but it was too late now. Now he really had to eat everything.
Still, the food wasn't enough. His mind couldn't stop racing, and the topic on hand was already beaten to death with his twin. He loses his appetite.
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"Damn... there is no way I can eat all of this." He sighs. He pushes his plate somewhat towards the other. "Did you want the rest? I promise I haven't touched it."
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inseparableduo · 5 months
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"Justin Paul Morales, my beloved~"
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inseparableduo · 4 months
@cosmicdreamt continued from here!
He's silent as he looks at her. His eyes showing the vulnerability he tries his best not to have. He may not have told her enough to truly help with his problem, but she was the first person he thought of to come too. He needed to hear another person's thoughts on the matter. She would know the answer, wouldn't she?
Soaking up every word she spoke like it was gospel. He might not have told her much, but only because the words get stuck in his throat. Still, he feels it rotting away at him. From the inside out, he needs to spit it out. Even if she won't look at him in the same way again.
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"I know I haven't told you much about my parents. I think you have an idea why but.... when I was little and asked about my mom... he told me that she died before I was born. Darla and I got the idea to visit her grave since... we've never been. We found it and.... she didn't die before we were born. She died when we were 3. I have no memories of her, and she died when I was three. My whole life I was told she was already dead, but... that wasn't true. He lied to me."
He looks down now as he clenches his fists. Trying his best not to cry as a whirlwind of emotions bubbles back to the surface. Anger, grief, confusion, heartbroken. It doesn't take long for him to break.
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inseparableduo · 5 months
@solarisligatus continued from here!
The comment rolls off of the two. After years of causing mischief and bringing others grief, this wasn't the first time they've been told a version of that.
On the other hand, they were a bit intimated. Sure, if it really came down to it, they could hold their own in a fight. The two didn't come here to fight, however.
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"Look." Andrew started. "This place is already illegal. What does it matter if minors participate?"
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inseparableduo · 3 months
@suizokukans continued from here!
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"Oh! They are like little fireworks you get to wave around in your hand!" Darla explained, excitedly. She then reached into one of her inner jacket pockets that didn't really exist. This was just her discrete way of opening her pocket dimension.
She pulled out a pack of sparklers. "Here! Take one! Don't worry, it won't burn your hand." She said, holding one out for her to take.
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inseparableduo · 6 months
@haus-der-mysterionmusen continued from here!
"Ah, well, it kinda seemed like a good place to hide away. Thought the rumors and ghosts would keep others out." Andrew then takes another bite of his sandwich. "Seems like I was wrong, though." He then sighs.
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He then tilts his head as he looks at Yuuko. He could tell she was a ghost, and clearly he wasn't the only one aware of her existence here. "You can't even eat food." He says bluntly as he gives her a blank look.
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inseparableduo · 6 months
@stardustfist continued from here!
It wasn't her first time against a creature like this. By, now, she's learned how to deal with them quickly, hence her asking the other to get out of her way.
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"Alright. Make sure you watch closely then!" She looked back and him and smiled before charging the monster.
In a blink of an eye, she was already stepping on it's head, sending it stumbling. She seemed to be mostly messing around with the creature. Running around it to evade its attacks while landing a few heavy attacks of her own.
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inseparableduo · 5 months
@fallesto continued from here!
At first, Darla was ready to play flattered by the compliment but, the more he spoke, the more off-putting she found the man. Wife? She just met him! She takes a step back. Sensing how serious this man was, she could not just walk away or laugh this off. Good thing, death meant nothing to her. It wasn't like she would stay dead after all.
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"Thanks but... no, thanks. I don't accept marriage proposals from a man with a wife already. I also don't accept them from men I just met so, I guess you have no choice but, to kill me. Do me a favor and make it as painful as possible, would you? I need something to life my spirits after the garbage you just subjected me too."
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inseparableduo · 5 months
@eunciia continued from here!
"Really?!" Darla said, surprised. How could such a simple comment be the nicest thing she's heard?! She was so pretty, she deserved a ton of compliments! She could sense the girl wasn't 100% normal, but she saw no reason to call her out. Her body language alone was enough of a sign she was nervous. No reason to make that worse.
As the compliment is turned back on her, she just smiles. Maybe if her appearance was true and not fake, she would have taken it more to heart. Instead, it just slides off of her. Did it really matter that she was pretty when she looked nothing like herself? Well, at least her own disguise had some benefit.
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"Wow, thank you! I think I would do better behind the camera though, I love taking pictures!"
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inseparableduo · 1 year
Closed || Plotted starter w/@tenfaceandthree
Darla looked around nervously as she sat down in Miracle's office. This was her first time in a therapist office, and she didn't know what to expect. Really, this was her first time in a doctor's office now that she thinks about it. The thought alone set a chill through her. Before she has anytime to dwell on the thought, she's finally called in. What she wants more than anything is just to turn around and go home, but she promised her brothers that she would do this for them. She was going to try and get better for the people she loved.
"U-Um. I-It's very nice to um... meet you. I-I've never done this before, so... I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do or say here." Darla decided it was best to be honest at this moment. Her nervousness on full display as she started to fidget with her hands.
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inseparableduo · 1 year
Moved to beta editor || @cosmicdreamt
Andrew had to avert his gaze. While he was happy she was being supportive, it was a bit overwhelming for him. Silently, he was glad he wasn't blushing.
"Um, thank you." He said, shyly.
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"I think you would be good at it! I mean, you fix up my jacket all the time and no one can ever tell!" Darla added on, trying to be supportive too.
At that, Andrew couldn't help but, smile. Reaching out to hold her hand, Darla could only smile back.
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"Me neither but, I think it would be kinda cool! Like, maybe I could make some new stuff out of our old things. I have no idea how I'd get my hands on a sewing machine, though."
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inseparableduo · 1 year
Plotted starter w/@nobuverse
Andrew tried his best to erase his presence and blend in with his surroundings as he laid down in a bush. He could hear them searching the area looking for him. The fact he got away from them to begin with was nothing short of a miracle. Especially with the curse they placed on him already having gone in full effect. A mark had appeared on his hand and slowly worked its way up his arm. This curse was strong, and it was gonna stick around for a while. That much was clear to him.
Even now, he was doing his best to just ignore its effects on his body. Otherwise, there was no hope in him getting away. He dares to peak up once things have gone quiet. They had gone somewhere else but, he knew there was only so much time before they came back around.
He had to think of something. There was no way he could just run any further without getting spotted. A couple different ideas come to mind, but, most are shot down. 'His' magic would be hard to use, considering the divinity he draws from is already weakened. It's then he remembers that girl and how she offered her help.
He pulls out the piece of paper and places it on the ground. Then places the button on top of it like he was told. He isn't sure what's supposed to happen next but, this better work.
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inseparableduo · 1 year
@archivisim continued from here!
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"Of course it's alright."
She said softly, lightly squeezing his hand. Darla could tell that he was tired. She could see it in the way that his body moved, how his eyes looked. Really, she was surprised he gave in so easily but, extremely glad. She didn't want to fight with him, no matter how small.
"How about we just stay in today? We could um watch a movie and cuddle or really do anything else you want. Let's just take a break from work today, yeah?"
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inseparableduo · 1 year
@archivisim continued from here!
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“But, what a hard thing it is… to keep going.” She would know that best, after all. Back when she was being experimented on. All she wanted more than anything was to die. No matter how much she wanted to die, her brother held her back, so somehow she survived.
When she was finally free from that, she found herself to feel so alone in this world. So alone, it was painful in a different way. Despite all that, she managed to keep going in one way or another. She didn't know the full story here but, she knew his life wasn't easy to put it in the simplest terms.
"I'm really glad I met you! I may not understand, and I probably never will but... I want to be here for you." She said, softly. Nervously, she held his hand, wanting to comfort him.
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inseparableduo · 1 year
"It has to be somewhere around here." Darla muttered to herself quietly as she walked around the stone wall that marked the property line. Part of her was surprised Daniel had agreed to help her explore the place, but she decided not to question it much. Right as she was about to give up, she finally found the opening she was looking for.
There was a hole in the wall that was more than big enough for someone to pass through. "Here it is! I never got to make it to the house but, I'm feeling lucky, so it should all turn out fine, you know?" She turned to him and smiled. This place had to be one of the oldest house in town. Part of her would even bet that it was the oldest house in the city.
This house had stayed in some family for generations yet, even from all the way over here she could, it had been in disrepair for some time now. It made sense as the family was putting it up for sale. It would only be a matter of time before this place was destroyed or completely change, so now was their best chance to explore it!
"I wonder if I could kick the door off the hinges... Would that be too obvious?" She turns to him as she asks. She would've broken a window, but so far all the windows seemed to be boarded up. The doors while old had a ton of locks on it and a few boards in place.
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inseparableduo · 1 year
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"Look. Just because my brother is pro murder doesn't mean that I am too. I'll only kill when I have no other choice, or they try to kill me."
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