everglow-synth · 2 months
@tenfaceandthree asks... "And what might you be?" (For Polybius maybe)
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It was a very deliberate question. There wasn't a "who" in that question; whoever this was, they may have been clued into the fact that he's an android. Still, it was never a good idea to let your secrets slip.
"...Just a man trying to make a living," he says bluntly. "Is that a problem?"
He didn't know just who he was dealing with. Could be someone with the Company, for all he knew.
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inseparableduo · 2 months
@tenfaceandthree liked for a one liner!
"I was kinda embarrassing back there, wasn't I?"
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incestousduo · 3 months
@tenfaceandthree replied to your post “whenever i write twins fucking it's either...”:
With my triplets its always depraved
​Im daring u to write smth wholesome
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solarisligatus · 5 months
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Tired. Leilani was always tried. That much could be said no matter the situation or the place. Even if the sunshine felt nice and most people would want to be active. To Leilani? It was a perfect spot to bask in as he napped. His tail wagging absently as he laid on his back, arms under his head to support it. Just soaking in the shade. Really, he was having the time of his life.
Or at least until there was a shadow over him. One amber eye opened as his mouth curled on instinct into a snarl, jagged teeth on near full display.
"Don't...recommend that..."
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razowor · 10 days
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"The fuck are you doing?" Quite a rude way to ask what was going on. Not that the wolf boy intended it and was more curious about it-
"Can I join too?" Maybe too curious that he also wants to take part of it, somehow.
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ennochian · 19 days
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❝Oh dear, dear, dear, dear, dear.❞
Fanning himself as if he were in distress. Doing all he could to mock the situation that laid before him. The scene of viscera and bloodshed laid before him of his own making, but that didn't mean he couldn't mock anyone that came before it and panicked.
❝Whatever are we to do?❞
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createdgod · 1 month
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❝Not exactly. They're sacrifices for a reason.❞
He couldn't let all of them he watched just get away. Only the ones that would've been a mess to clean up, and this one certainly would have been. With how entirely un-terrifying his follower was, enough to where she could goad him, that would've been more hassle than it was worth.
❝You can't get many sacrifices if you run off your would be killers.❞
@tenfaceandthree c.
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magurisu · 10 months
"Bark doesn't fit in this part of the cross word." Catalina states while looking towards her companion. His ears perked up before he shot straight up in a sitting position. The look he gave her was near disbelief but she rolled her eyes and returned to her cross word. The back of her pen rested against her lips, enjoying the cool air that was settling in at the park. Having a walk in her routine proved to be relaxing. Especially when she had time to wind down after a stressful day.
"I've never seen you do crosswords. You did enjoy sudoku though, should I get you one of those puzzles in the future?" Asks Cat while she thinks on what world could fit for the down section. Solomon opts to eat the croissant sandwich she had in the takeout tray next to her instead. Placing the book down, she latched onto the last bit of the sandwich, being very careful to avoid the saliva. She was aware of it's paralyzing properties, "No, you just had honey buns."
"Solomon." Her tone was stern before he huffed and released the sandwich. She grimaced at the sloppy mess before moving it away, holding it out while not paying attention to who was passing by, "You have to stick to a kibble and bits diet, this is getting out of hand."
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ethereallyloved · 1 year
"Do you mind if I stay until the rain passes?" -tenfaceandthree (Noble)
Seraphin was a little nervous to be alone with someone. Just moving a little bit further with his electronic wheelchair, while also making sure to keep his purse close to him. One could never know...
" O-of course..."
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Continued rp with @tenfaceandthree
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“Thank you so much Mister. Ah my friend is a serval cat. She’s about my height, but with yellow hair, and general cat type clothing. We split up to take a look around but she didn’t make it to our meet up place so I’m worried that she might have gotten lost. I climbed a tree but I couldn’t see her even from up high. You haven’t seen anyone like that around here have you?” Kaban asked after trying to describe Serval-Chan to the stranger. To the little human it was a good description, most cats in the park looked a little similar after all and she assumed the stranger knew what she was talking about. After a moment of thought she spoke again.
“What about the cats that live in this place? Where do cats usually hang out?”
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insxparablxduo · 4 years
@tenfaceandthree​ continued from x 
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Andrew just rolled his eyes at his poor attempt at a joke. “Whatever. You just want this to be something more than what it is.” He responded vaguely. He kept his back facing away from him as he got undressed and put on a robe. He wasn’t exactly a prude since he was agreeing to this after all, but he did want to keep some form of privacy.
Andrew was just excited to try out a hot spring for the first time. It was something he always wanted to try out, but never seeming to have the chance too. He’d have to remind himself later to give Noble something for giving him this chance. Looking at the water he couldn’t help, but take a moment just to look at and appreciate it. The water looked so clear and beautiful. And to top it all off there were flower petals from the nearby tress. He would have to remind himself later to add flowers to his bath as well.  
Once he was ready he looked at Noble and nodded. “Yep.” He didn’t hesitate to take off his robe before stepping into the water. Once he was fully into the water he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the cool rocks. An involuntary moan left his lips. “This is officially the best thing.... ever. Alright. I owe you big time for this. Whatever you want.” 
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constitutus-mundus · 4 years
@tenfaceandthree answered
“Of course I missed your ass” he muttered while he enjoyed the litle attention he got or rather felt when his head was getting petted. His eyes closed while he couldn’t any different and sighed. “Are you mad that I didn’t say anything to you? I kinda was in trouble but also.. didn’t know how to handle... so I ran.”
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inseparableduo · 3 months
@tenfaceandthree replied to your post “"If there are any gay guys that would like to be...”:
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​"Just come to the orgies."
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incestousduo · 3 months
@tenfaceandthree replied to your post “Imagine catching Darla in the virgin killing...”:
I simply wouldn't be a virgin anymore
​u fool two bottoms can't fuck-
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solarisligatus · 1 year
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"The world around me has changed far too much for my enjoyment."
A quiet sigh escaped the woman. Finally, for once, in control of the vessel which housed her. A hard feat given how resilient Doll seemed to be, but one she was happy for. A reprieve from simply watching the world pass her by. Quiet as she looked around before her eyes settled on a stranger and she snapped at them. As if such a thing would get her their attention.
"You there! Yes, you! Tell me where I am and what this place is?"
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castelleve · 4 years
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