#while the people trying ovals are busy arguing over the right type of oval
lady-raziel · 2 months
hilarious that with each new day that passes a new bit of dirt from JD Vance's past gets discovered and plastered over the internet...it's almost as if this is why presidential campaigns have always announced their running mates well before the convention...so that if glaring issues with a candidate came to light quickly there would be time to replace them on the ticket before they were officially locked in...it's almost as if certain things in political campaigns were done for a reason, donald...because the very same critical failures had happened before...but no i'm sure you and your guys attempt to recreate a fantasy version of history while ignoring all the reasons that history was a disaster will work this time...because you are built different and the 10000th time trying fascism will work like a charm...
#us politics#politics tw#i view the MAGA movement like this:#the conservatives have been desperately trying to jam a square peg into a round hole for a very long time#and they keep trying because one of these times its GOT to work! a very long time ago they heard the hole was more squarelike#so if they just TRY hard enough it will work!#failing to understand that the hole has become weathered and changed over time and the solution they are trying#will never work (if it ever did)#and then donald trump comes along and looks at the square peg#lobs one of the corners off and proclaims 'this is a triangle! THIS will work! I am so smart!'#and everyone around him is like 'whoa! this guy gets it! he's a genius and understands the problem! he's our savior!'#ignoring the fact that the peg is not a fucking triangle. it's just a deformed square now#so its still not going to work. and even if it WAS a triangle it still wouldn't work because THE HOLE IS ROUND.#it's the same damn peg but it looks a little different so everyone thinks its a genius solution that is DEFINITELY going to work#so they're all excited! they're FINALLY going to prove those idiots trying different types of oval pegs wrong!#they were right all along and it just took donald trump to see it! thank goodness he came along!#but that's just it-- he WAS just COMING ALONG. he was just walking by and saw an opportunity. he never spent time trying to make pegs#all he did was saw a crowd and took a chance to break an already failing peg even further#but because the people were desperate and it was different enough it seemed revolutionary#and now some of the conservatives--who can still see that the 'triangle' peg isnt a triangle are starting to look around#and see that elsewhere there have been some who have forced a triangle into the center of the round hole#and these people think well what if we ACTUALLY tried a real triangle?#and it does not matter to them in the slightest that it will never be the true solution to filling the hole#they just want credit for solving the problem#and so they are going to back donald trump and when the time is right put a real triangle in his hand#while the people trying ovals are busy arguing over the right type of oval#and once the triangle has been jammed into that hole...well...#it is going to be really really hard to force out#anyway thats a long and complicated metaphor and i probably should have just put it in its own post aaaaaahgh#long story short dont be a fascist triangle alright
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shutupanddance · 3 years
To Debate, or Not To Debate
This story was developed by @sopanngon​ and I, and written by me.
Tagging @girloncorneliastreet​
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- Your role is in the West Wing’s communications department, writing all the things that no one else wants to write. Memos about the National Zoo, apologies for tours gone wrong, etc. You love your job, but you have one problem: your massive crush on Josh Lyman. And the fact that he’s dating Amy Gardner.
- Josh knows who you are, especially because you’re friends with Donna, but you’re quiet and you tend to keep to yourself. So he doesn’t talk to you a lot. He thinks you’re cute, but that’s about it.
- It isn’t until one day, when Sam has gone psychotic, and Toby is too busy screaming at people to get any work done, that your writing ability comes to light.
- The President needs a speech prepared for a group of soldiers who have just come back from deployment, but his go-to speech writers are losing their minds. Leo recommends you.
- Josh shows up late to the party after some meetings on the Hill, and he arrives just as the speech is starting. He’s blown out of the water. It’s the most poetic, most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. When it’s over, everyone rushes over to Sam to offer their congratulations. He just shakes his head and points to you, who are standing off to the side of the crowds, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
- Josh waits until everyone is back in the West Wing, and people have stopped assaulting you with compliments, to find you.
- You’re hunkered down in your office with a massive hoodie on and some soft music playing, looking a little frazzled.
- He says a soft “hey”, and you look up to see your crush standing there with a smile on his face.
“That speech was amazing. You did a really good job.”
You barely manage a “thanks”.
He says “Yeah.” And then disappears.
- Now if there’s one thing Josh can do, it’s recognize talent and push people into where they’re supposed to be. He wants to find you a better job, but every time he tries to casually bring up the subject of finding you a place where you can really shine, you shut him down pretty quickly. Josh isn’t ready to give up yet, though.
- He discovers one day that not only are you a great writer, but you’re also good with the spoken word.  - Amy had just broken up with him, having gotten tired of the work-life juggling act. Josh is pretty beat-up about it.  - Everyone in the White House knows what happened, so he’s gotten lots of pitiful looks. He just wants to move on, though.
- It’s late and he’s working through some last-minute stuff when he hears a super soft knock at the doorway. You’re standing there.
“Hi!” He says, sitting up in his chair. You’ve never come to his office to talk before. You smile.
“Can I come in?”
He nods and you enter on quiet feet, settling into the chair across from him.
“Are you okay?” You ask and he lets out a rough “yeah” but he can tell you’re not buying it. So you talk it out with him in your slow, quiet manner, and by the time you leave, he feels a million times better. He’s not even sure how you did it.  - Now, Josh knows you’ve got a voice, and he wants you to use it. He wants to see if you can debate. Whenever he gets the chance, he tries to get you to argue with him. About taxes, oil, abortion, whatever. But every time he disagrees with you, you simply say “That’s an interesting way of looking at things!” And move on. For whatever reason, you’re not taking the bait. But Josh knows that if you can argue, you could become senior staff. And he wants that.
- But then, he finds it. A paper you wrote in college about how new age capitalism restricts the flow of movement on the social ladder, rather than letting people shuffle around like it’s supposed to. Your paper is so well-written, well-researched, and passionate that Josh thinks he’s found your buttons.
- The issue of tax-deductible tuition comes up and you’re eager to help out. You’re working alone in your office when Josh comes in to talk about the issue, and he casually makes a statement about how if parents can’t afford the tuition, they should be finding better jobs. You go berserk.
- Josh is immediately infatuated with you. You debate him until he’s been ground into dust. There’s no question who won this, even with him trying his best. He’s got this massive grin on his face while you’re yelling, but suddenly, your voice cracks. And tears start falling.
- He’s really not sure what to do so he grabs you a tissue and tells you to sit down. You settle into your couch and sob quietly, hands clenched over your face. Josh rubs your back. Once you’re done, you apologize, but he’s more concerned about what caused the tears.
- You explain that you really hate arguing. Like, really really hate it. And you like him so much and didn’t want to yell at him. He’s shocked.
“You can yell at me! I can take it, believe me.” He says.
“I know. But I still hate doing it.”
- Josh feels bad for trying to get you to argue with him now. He cups his hand on your shoulder and gently pulls you in, until you’re resting on his chest, and he’s reclined into the couch. Your breathing begins to even. He wraps his other arm around your waist, squeezing gently, and you snuggle into his neck.
- After this, Josh doesn’t try to push your buttons again. But he finds that, after your crying episode, if he wants an opinion from you, all he has to do is ask. You won’t argue with him, but you’ll calmly and quietly explain your point of view, and he can do with it what he wants. A strong friendship forms.
- Because Josh is so combative, you often end up going in after a meeting to clean things up with whoever he just yelled at. Donna has you help him write nicer emails, which usually includes him typing insults, you smacking his head, then the text disappearing and a new line being written in more “diplomatic” terms. Because of how close the two of you are becoming, there are times when you’ll be in the Oval Office preparing a statement, working on a bill, etc.
- The problem with that is you still hate arguing. So you tend to keep to yourself during these meetings.
- It’s one day, when your work is stacking up massively, while you’re in the Oval with a couple of the Joint Chiefs, that the President asks for your opinion on contacting the Saudi embassy about something. You give your suggestion, but Nancy McNalley doesn’t agree, and begins to argue. You want to shut up, but the President asks for you to defend your point, so soon you’re caught up in a debate about foreign relations.
- You miraculously make it to your office before breaking down. You want to curl up in a ball and sleep, but you have way too much work to do. Often helping the Senior Staff with their work is great until they all need your assistance at once.
- But Donna knocks softly on your door.
“Hey, Josh sent me to help you with your work.”
- That night, by the time you get home, you feel a lot better. And the desk clerk in your complex says that there are some flowers here for you?
A beautiful bouquet with daisies, roses, and a few white tulips. There’s a note.
I heard about your meeting in the Oval today. I hope you put Donna to good use.
Feel better.
- People figure out pretty fast that Josh is suddenly listening to another voice besides his own. As soon as they figure out it’s you, congressmen and senators and those running for office find their way to your door. Though you’re usually not a fan of attention, you enjoy hearing what they have to say. If you agree, you bring it up with Josh. He might give some noncommittal answer, but he almost always does what you recommend, whether he realizes it or not.
- And Josh will fight and fight for you. When Sam leaves, he pushes Leo to give you more responsibility in the communications department. While Toby handles the more political events, you’re perfect for when the President needs to sound poetic.
- Leo also figures out that Josh is much calmer and quieter around you. Partially, it’s that you relax him, but also it’s because he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. So if Josh is running a meeting into the ground, you get called in to sit in the corner and eat whatever food is on the table. It gives him a reality-check, and you’re really good at smoothing relationships over once he shuts up.
- Josh finds that eating lunch with you is a great way to get his thoughts together. You’re a really good listener, and you’re always in the food for free food.
- CJ calls it your daily “lunch date”. Donna picks that up.
“Hi, I need to see Mr. Lyman?”
“I’m sorry, he’s on his lunch date right now.”
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pinky and the brain - s1e1: das mouse
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dejavu! have we been here before?
episode summary: brain concocts a hypnotic pancake recipe in order to hypnotise the surrounding population into being his loyal minions. however, one of the crucial ingredients is the meat of a specific type of crab, which can only be found in the reckage of the titanic.
the rundown:
we open with the mice attempting to blow their cage open.
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SENIOR PRODUCER: TOM RUEGGER. sorry about that, y’all, but the opening credits are in the actual show, now, so nothing i can really do about it. at least they seem to have a water bottle in their cage, this time, which is good.
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NEVER MIND I GUESS. IT EXPLODED. literally every frame there is a smear frame - again, nothing i can do.
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poor mousie go bomp. ):
apparently, the plan was less regarding explosive force, and more to set off a rube goldberg chain of events that completely disobey the laws of physics to end up picking the lock.
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it’s hard to convey without animation, but this spoon flies through the air and just straight up lands in the lock. it’s wild.
“ooo!” says pinky, watching this all impossibly unfold. “good one, brain!”
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“they’re all good ones, pinky.” we will never be free of brain’s face, it seems.
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as the mice wander along, brain tells pinky that tonight’s plan will "recieve the aid of legions of unassuming humans”, because he intends to hypnotise them all with the secretions of!
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“what, a frog?”
yes, a frog. apparently the frog sweats out hypnotic fluid. it is Filled With Peptides. (pinky’s response to this is “naaaaaarf”, which is very helpful.) after they collect this fluid, brain just needs to work out how to get thousands of people to ingest it.
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“like a giant pancake jambouree?”
“please, pinky, i--”
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so pancake jambouree it is. brain cooks pinky an experimental batch before he decides to release them to the masses.
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look at brain’s lil dress! and pinky has his tongue stuck out. everyone here is having a good time and it’s very cute. this is exactly what lori alexander wants marriage to be.
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pinky does briefly express his concerns that he might, yknow, be hypnotised, but apparently the concoction doesn’t attain Full Potency until he adds the meat of a fancy crab, and these are just test batches so he can work out how to hide the taste of the Frog Juice.
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it goes about as well as one would hope.
but never mind, eh? time for crab.
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turns out all the crab is stored in the titanic.
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still, brain is pretty convinced that they can just.... go down there and get it. look at his lil scheming face. pinky argues during today’s pondering segment that “there’s still a bug stuck in there from last time” (okay?) and brain cuts him off to insist that they GO DOWN TO THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN AND RAISE THE HULL OF THAT SORROWFUL SHIP.
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he does a gay little point and everything.
so obviously, they have to steal a boat.
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brain got one taste of crime from stealing that minivan, and it just never went away.
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“behold the alvin, pinky. our ticket to the ocean depths.”
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“look, brain! a baby sub on the front!”
“that’s the jason junior, pinky. an additional sub carried by the alvin for remote exploring.”
it’s an additional sub because there’s already one on this mission. (i sweat, watching the fbi draw their guns on me, and insist that i definitely meant submarine. what else could that be, right, guys?)
(the fbi put their guns down.)
anyway the mice steal the boat.
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in they go.
the first thing brain does is swap out his hat for one that he brought with him, and demand to be referred to as “captain brain”, so he is definitely someone everyone should take seriously.
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he just packed that specifically.
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the second thing he does is pull out his big map of the ocean and give pinky a whole bunch of co-ordinates to follow. “bowplans at 2-2-9, on my mark!”
“um, brain?”
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well that’s a bastard. brain blames “the sub club”, which i’m sure he knows a lot about BECAUSE HE’S REALLY INTO SUBMARINES, MR PRESIDENT, PLEASE WITHDRAW YOUR MEN
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and pinky works out that he can dislodge the wrench-- the submarine clamp??? the county council clamped their submarine for overstaying their welcome in the library submarine park???? - enough for them to make right turns, but not left. inconvenient, but doable.
but before they can set off, brain directs pinky to the radar console.
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this apparently stands for Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and is their special signal that they would use to trace their submarines for oceanographic purposes. brain requests that pinky randomise the signal so they’re not followed.
a difficult job? sure. good thing pinky is a trained sub operator with a good few years of experience.
.....you can literally see him operating the submarine a few pictures up. stop looking at me like that.
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with a few minutes of careful handiwork, pinky successfully scrambles the sub’s internal computation, and leaves it probably a little dazed and confused.
good thing ‘narf’ doesn’t actually mean anything, in this universe, apart from being one of pinky’s verbal tics?
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oh dear.
turns out that the CIA have found the submarine, and have realised that it is, for the most part, unidentified, apart from the letters NARF.
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“have you ever heard of jack mcguire?”
“captain, north atlantic. cold war nut. he was discharged-- always saying that when the enemy arrived, it would be with some mythical--”
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“nuclear attack readiness formation.”
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“the old man is concerned.”
“the president?”
“no, just some... random old man.”
so dearest “jonesy” (blonde) is instructed to track down jack mcguire in hopes to get rid of the submarine. because nobody can track down a sub like jack mcguire (hm) and “the boys want that thing terminated.”
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“you mean the pentagon?”
“no, my two boys, josh and aaron.”
meanwhile, at the sub club, brain plots their course for the titanic.
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see they’re here,
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and the titanic is there,
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but they can only make right turns, so what should be a two hour journey will take, by brain’s calculation,
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“seven months.”
“well. that’s a bit longer, then. isn’t it.”
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“are you jack mcguire?”
“who wants to know?”
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“the cia. got a job for you. there’s a sub in the water, and they want it terminated.”
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“so the boys finally saw it my way, huh?”
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“the pentagon?”
“no. josh and aaron.”
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“hold onto your newtons, desk jockey. we’re going sub hunting.”
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“how long have we been at sea, brain?”
“seventeen minutes.”
it turns out that pinky is so bored that if he doesn’t do something soon, he’ll die. please, brain. this is also me whenever i have to spend more than half an hour in the car.
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brain suggests that he tries to improve his pancake recipe, and pinky can try it out for him.
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pinky decides that actually, he’s busy, thank you very much.
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no dice.
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“i’ve got another reading”, says jonesy, in the meantime.
“4-6-0-0-5, bearing 2-2-7.”
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“they’re running the nautilus.”
“the what?”
“1943. german boat captain heinz grindelwald evaded destruction by running a circular course, based on--”
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“a nautilus shell.”
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“so we cut them off.”
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“whoever these guys are, they’re good. they’re probably plotting a missile trajectory at the oval office as we speak.”
meanwhile, pinky throws up.
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“well? any better?”
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i hope that answers your question, brain.
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“pinky! are you alright?”
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he does drop him immediately after pinky confirms that he is, indeed, still alive, but it was cute while it lasted.
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“why don’t you let me try making the pancakes yummy, brain? my mother fed us very well.”
“please, pinky. you’re practically the poster child for cheese whiz.”
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(he gets to make the pancakes.)
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because they have bigger problems now, presumably!
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that can’t be good.
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it wasn’t!
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and neither is that. brain laments that “someone is dropping death charges,” while pinky goes and shuts down the engine.
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the sub operator saves the day once again.
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“this is..... jacques cousteau.”
“really. can you prove that?”
“here, ze ocean is teeming with life. but everywhere, there are signs of man’s encroachment.”
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“darn! it is jacques cousteau!”
unfortunately pinky decides now is a good time to chime in with a “haha, nice cousteau, brain” so jack declares that his “little ruse will cost him.”
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“i must admit. i admire your skill. perhaps in another time, maybe we could have been friends. we are very much alike, you and i.”
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“i doubt that.”
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so mcguire fires another charge, and the mice go down. ocean mice! sink.
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“haha! yeah! we did it!”
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“i get no joy from the demise of another man.”
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(”take the jason hr on ahead full, mr pinky.”
“aye aye, captain brain.”)
this is a long episode.
still, now that they have a vehicle that steers properly, the boys seem to make it okay.
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“we should be approaching the hull of the titanic at any--”
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“yes, pinky. soon we will have the white crabs of the titanic, and then,”
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“about that recipe, brain, and, um, getting rid of that bad taste--”
“not now, pinky.”
“but brain?”
“just cut it out.”
“oh! aye aye.”
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so the mice bodge an air pressure mechanism to yeet the titanic to the surface. as you do.
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“but brain, the icky stuff--”
“i said cut it out, pinky.”
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the balloon expands, as balloons do, and the titanic wobbles a bit.
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“our journey is almost at at end, my friend! we release the air and propel the ship!”
that’s a very cute happy face!
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so brain does exactly that, and the titanic farts itself over to california.
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i’m not exaggerating.
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perhaps brain feels vaguely at home on the titanic. he has vague memories of being drunk out of his mind, and bathing in a sink. best not to unpack that.
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instead, he decides to crash it into acme labs. for the lols.
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the pancakes are jamboureeing. it’s very cute.
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jonesey and mcguire are here too! “nothing like a pancake jambouree after blowing up a sub, huh.”
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they’re dating now, i guess. i mean, i hope they’re dating. they should be.
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“as the hypnotic fluid winds itself through the minds of our friends, they shall return, happy and content to have us rule over them.”
“well isn’t that nice,” says pinky, in a very condescending manner. “narf.”
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“but tell me, pinky, about your pancake batter. how did you manage to hide the taste of the hypnotic sapo?”
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“well, the hypnotic stuff tasted terrible, brain. so like you said. i cut it out.”
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anyway this one goes to pinky because he is emotionally intelligent enough to A, understand sarcasm, and B, to know and/or remember what the plan was in the first place. perhaps he deliberately threw it out to make sure nobody had to eat bad pancakes? honestly, i don’t blame him. pinky, defender of the earth.
brain: 4 ½ pinky: 6 ½ outside influence: 10
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“here’s our course. heading 3-2-9, depth 100 metres, bowplanes at 15 degrees. any questions?”
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“um. if you could be any animal, what would it be.”
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“oh, i’d have to say a hawk, pinky,”
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“so i could soar through the sky,”
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“and grab tiny white mice in my claws,”
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“and feed them to my young.”
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“that’s just... weird, brain.”
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gigilalaka · 4 years
The Deage Troll Au. Update and Chapter 1
So, this was supposed to tell you all that want to read my still in progress deage au, that chapter 1 was out on my ao3 account. Well its not. I can’t get access to it on my pc and I’ve tried a couple of other methods as well. Now I’m just waiting for they guys and girls that run ao3 to find whats wrong. However I want people to at least read the first chapter so here it is. We will see what happends in the coming days but for now enjoy!
*for thought
‘for speak
Chapter 1 “ Good days gone bad”
Poppy looks out of one of her windows that she got installed barely 3 weeks ago, its soft rain that gos pit patter on them tonight and normaly she would hum to the soft sound but she can’t find the strengt nor heart to do it. Her mind is filled with worry and guilt over the small body thats currently sleeping in a small borrowed bed that Smidge had been so kind to give her. * What am I do to now?* the words keeps runing around her head as she hears a small whimper coming from the bed. She truns around to look at them and walks over with soft steps and just stops at bedside, the little thing looks like they are not haveing the best of dreams. She could not blame them, she bet shes haveing them tonight as well once she finally finds sleep herself.
She slowly stroke the little things face, tears silent runing out of both closed eyes. One out of lost another out worry the next out of fear. A small boyish voice filled with sadness and longing asking for the one person thats never going to be able to anwser back ‘ grandma, where are you?’ It breaks her heart just hearing it.
‘Oh Branch, I’m so so sorry. I should’t have brought that stupid flower to the bunker, we should’t have.’ she says as she looks at her boyfriend, now in a body of a 6 year old, his skin grey as dark ash, hair black as coal and a fearfull frown onpond his little sleeping face. It still amazed her how bad everything had gotten just within 5 days, and it all started when he asked her a favor of just getting some stuff from the deep forest. How she just wish she’d could stop her past self from taking that damn flower or just give it to the herbalist before she and Hickory went to visit him. Maybe then neither of them wouldn’t feel so bad like they do now.
‘I’m so so sorry, sweetie. I’m so sorry’ she keeps saying, tears anew starts run out her eyes again, while her mind drifts back 5 days ago, where it all started.
‘So let me see if I get this right?’ Hickory begins while he helps his brother over a giant fallen log with a rope around him and Dickory, while said brother is cursing up and down and to the high heavens for gifting him with this damn body and how he wish he’d have moveing hair like the pops have. It would sure make this a lot faster! Poppy stops to look at the bounty hunter, the half open basked strapped on her and one on each bounty hunters backs moveing a little showing herbs, barks, flowers and berries, a small smile froming on her face when Hickory nearly let loose the rope thats currently the only thing thats keeping his brother from falling several feet down, again. The small yodleller looking at the other one with a glare. Dareing his little brother loose his grip again on the rope, or else theres going to be hell to pay.
‘Branch is missing or gone out of several herbs and a type of moss thats used for a variety of diffrent meds and skin tonics? And he ask you to get them for him while he fixses something down in the bunker thats gone badly out of whack?’ For the past 4 months, Hickory and Dickory has been residents of said bunker while they are here helping the pop trolls build up their villiage again. Its part of the deal they have with Delta on the amount of charity works they need to get done with the country trolls and for what they did Poppy and Branch. First they had to help fixing some the homes and buildings back in Lonesome Flats, before they were sent to what remaind of the Pop villiage to help fix things there as well. Though to be honest, untill more of the trees and plants recover some more, theres little they can fix. Many a troll are still living in the undergrund bunker the resident grump live and build up, till some of their home trees are ready to take them in again. Though said grump was getting a little antsy with all the other trolls hyper-go-lucky energy. And endless will to party hard and as loud as possible.
Both he and Dickory had been very supriesed and shocked on how one troll had build something this lagre by the age of 15, get it so well stocked and maintain all alone for well over a decade. It was not for nothing that the other pop trolls called him the most prepared troll of the Pop villiage. *Though to be honest, we should have figured that out with how he was so prepared for just about everything on the journey* Hickory thought while putting the rope in his basket, Dickory finally on safe ground. He’s very sure that if they meet another log like that again, his big bro is just gonna swallow his pride and ask the queen for a ride over instead. It was getting very tiring getting past these forsaken logs for the both of them.
‘Yep’ the queen say, the ‘p’ poping as she said it.’ The Ruby moss is the most improtent one along with the Silver Drop Rose. They are used for some very serious bruns tonics and blood loss meds that I think even the funk trolls have never seen. Branch said that even if we only get a few of each of them, it still be enough to treat several dozen patients, but it would really help him and the doctors to have a bundle or two of each instead. They only bloom for the brief period between these 2 weeks. The rainstrom season is coming soon and they are going to be washed away soon when the first storm hits. Oooh look some more Dede berries! Miss Flourens going to be so happy that we gotten some of them, they hard to find this time of the year. Now she wont have to worry so much about the flu season’ The berries looks nice where they are hanging from their bush, a rich maroon colour with what looks like a golden stripe going around the oval shaped fruit. Poppy takes out a few small clay jars to store them in from her basket. She notes that she’s running out of room to store things. She take out a book from the basket she’d taken with her in her hair, incase she found any other herbs she’s not sure about. One of the many useful gifts Branch have given her the past 2 years.
‘So why did you take us with you girly? You know how that boy of yours don’t like us very much’ Dickory asked, it was a bit of a understatment, Branch had been rageing mad at them when he found out the their lie. Had it not been for the fact that Poppy's other friends was holding him down, Dickory is very sure he and his bro would not be walking at all. Its a bit better now, but non of the yodeller brothers wants to overstep themself the frail peace they have right now. Though he still wounders what the less colour full troll meant with ‘ this is just like what happened almost 2 years ago!’. He did not like the sound of it, not at all.
‘Mostly to give you guys some breathing room really.’ Dickory gets back, the queen is still getting some of the last berries in the jar. Then give them to him for storage in his basket. ‘Also, I know for a fact that since your both bounty hunters you guys was the better choice to take on this little trip when it comes to protection. Which I know mister grumpy is not going argue against, beside I’d rather take you guy over the other one thats avaialble.’ * The less said about Creek the better off I am* Poppy thinks, not wanting to take that guru on this trip today, lately the purple troll was trying to get them alone very often and that scared her.
The three continue their journey, stoping every now and then for a breather or a brief lunch, when they come to a area that has the herbs they are looking for. Its not easy to get to them though. The roses blooms on a small cliff thats very close to a river that has some very sharp stones jutting out and the moss prefer to be on the ceilings in a cave that is home some nasty creeps and crawls that no sane troll would want crawling in their pants. However, when they took a break near a tree, they a get a glimps of a snow white petals that seems to shimer in the light behinde another tree and some bushes a little father ahead of them. Hickory and Dickory is not sure if it is safe to go there, but Poppy is insistent that they at least check it out.
They come onpond a small clearing with a pond near the middle of it, a single flower blooming from the north side of the pond. Its white as snow that shimer in the sun light, with what looks like golden, amethyst and royal coalbolt blue bands around the base of the pastals forming a lovely small pattern of rings together. Its shaped like a tulip, if a tulip had slightly longer pastals and curly torns that is. They can smell a faint hint of sweet yet lightly bitter smell coming for it.
‘Now what in blues hell is this? Poppy do you know what this flower is?’ Hickory ask as he looks at the plant. Its very nice to look at and would make a wounderfull gift to a loved one, but dose not go near it. Neither he nor Dickory knew if it was safe to go anywere near it. No doubt that something had to be wrong if only the flower was the only thing to bloom in that pond. He dose not get a anwser for a while, the queen busy with her herb book to see what they have stumblot onpond.
‘Thats very strange. Its not in the book.’ the pink troll say with a mumble. She looks at the two and ask ‘ are there any sticks or stones near bye that we can throw? We need to check that its not a pond lucker. Those things are rightout nasty to deal with and I rather like to keep my arms or legs intact.’ A shiver gos down her spine when she think what happened to the last party group that went out to gather stuff from the deepest part of the forest. From a 35 group to only 14 coming back, almost half of them missing limbs thanks only to dose things. Was it not for that 2 of them had realy good aim, more would have been lost.
‘I think a saw some over there by the river. Gimme a min’ Dickory say as he runs there to get some. When he comes back the three of them each choice a spot to hit, but noting happens. They to it a few more times, just to be sure but is just a normal pond. Relief settels in a bit, but they move slowly near the flower. Once they are near enough, Poppy takes a few minutes to look at it, than take out a pair of gloves, a sturdy looking glass jar and a small spade.
‘Don’t tell me your gonna take that flower with you?!’ Dickory almost shouts. ‘It can’t be safe if it is the only thing that living in this damn pond!’
‘I have to. This area is the closest to the villiage when it comes to get these types of herbs. The others can take weeks to go to and fro. Finding a plant that we know nothing about so close here, I have to take this to our herbalists to find out what it is. For all we know it might do more harm than good to this area’ Poppy anwser back, most of her focus on the plant, not knowing how true her words would become.
Once she got it in the jar, she looks at them and says ‘Its best we go now. We don’t need to be here any longer’ the hunters agree with both of them tur-
‘WAAAAAA’ a scream comes out of Branch traped yet again in another nightmare that he can’t wake up from, sending Poppy out of her thoughts and chair like a rocket crash and running to him. She hugs him while the trolling continue to scream his heart out, his fear clear as day, small fists hitting her chest every now and then. His not stoping and his sob aren’t getting better either.
*My poor poor Branch. Why do you have to suffer more of this?* rings in her head, well aware that her boyfriend haven’t had this kind of nightmare in a long time. It seems fate still wanted to give the troll some more grief. All she can do now is hold him tight, whisper sweet nothings and patt his back.
Slowly but surely Branch began to calm down, and slowly Poppy sings whatever her tried mind can come up with right now not careing if they fit with the song whats so ever.
Sweet baby mine don’t cry
The moons here to sing you a lullaby
And am here to sing with stars
Sweet baby mine don’t cry
We are all here to make you smile
She continues to sing as Branch slowly starts falling to a peacefull slumber, but Poppy know its not over yet. She lays him back to bed makeing sure not to wake him. Once she sure his going to sleep a bit more she drags herself to her own bed try to get some rest before Branch wakes with another scream.
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catsandstrawberries · 5 years
Real Family: Part 9
Pairings: BTS x teen female reader, platonic love
Warnings: Language, neglect, a major panic attack involving past child abuse 
A/N: Heavy panic attack at the end, Yoongis a douche 
Summary: It’s not blood that makes a family. It’s love.
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“Are you sure none of you cant come with me?” I asked wiping my sweaty palms on my black stockings, harshly gripping the sleeves of my black Gucci backpack that Taehyung had bought for me. The night before I had felt so prepared, but as soon as I woke up everything felt like it was going downhill.
The consistent beeping of the smoke detector immediately caused me to jolt up and rush out of my room and down the stairs as fast as possible. The oaky smell of burnt food lingers in the kitchen and I quickly catch on as I see streams of smoke escaping from a pan that was currently placed in the sink. Jungkook stands anxiously in the kitchen, standing on a chair and trying to deactivate the smoke alarm with a broom. I try to call out his name but instead, I'm met with a coughing fit from the puff of smoke wafting towards me. Yoongi is the first to run into the room, “what the fuck Jungkook!” At his exclamation, Jungkook jumps down from the chair successfully turning off the alarm.
“I was just trying to make (Y/N) breakfast since it was her first day of school,” Jungkook mutters while I stare wide-eyed at the fact Jungkook wanted to do something so nice for me. And the fact that there seemed to be more steam coming out of Yoongi's ears than from the burnt pan.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I've barely gotten two hours of sleep and I still need to finish recording my song and learning the dance moves that you,” he glared at Jungkook, poking him in the chest, “can't teach me because you're so busy trying to help her.” I wanted to defend Jungkook, even myself and stand up to Yoongi, ask why he hated me so much. But a third, annoyed voice appeared growling at Yoongi.
“Go back to bed Min.” Yoongi turned around as if he was ready to argue but once he saw the annoyed look on Namjoon’s face he stormed out of the room. Bumping shoulders with the man as he did so. All I could do was watch, and awkwardly shift towards the glass panes.
“Ill open some windows.”
After getting out most of the smoke and listening to Jin complain about his precious kitchen and how Jungkook shouldn't even step foot near a metal pan for the next week I decided to get changed. Namjoon had given me a box the other day filled with school uniforms for Lee’s Science and Performing Arts Academy. Interesting combination. The main colors of the school were black and green so all of the outfits corresponded to the colors. One outfit was a black and green skirt, black tights, black sweater, the second outfit was exactly the same but instead of a black sweater, it was dark green and came with knee-high black socks. The last one was black jeans with a white button up and a dark green vest and suit jacket. I choose the first option, and it wasn't until after I was dressed when I realized how time-consuming it was to properly put black tights on. Checking myself over in the mirror I went back and forth from deciding if I should tuck my sweater into my skirt or leave it untucked. Eventually deciding to tuck the front half. As soon as I had grabbed my bag Namjoon was yelling from the bottom of the stairs about how they needed to leave and then we were all rushing out the door. Squeezing into the SUV wasn't that hard when Namjoon was driving, yet the earlier events in the kitchen made the ride tense.
“Do I really have to go in by myself, don't I need an adult to talk to the principal or something?” I asked once again, spotting the huge school with the green and white sign that stated in bold letters, ‘School of Lee's Science and Performing Arts.’ Namjoon glanced at Jin who was sitting in the passenger seat,
“I'm actually not needed until 10 since there recording rap line and doing a practice for only dance line.” I straightened in my seat, a relieved smile gracing my features. “Really?” Jin answered my question by hopping out of the car and I quickly followed in his footsteps, a strange feeling washing over me when I heard Jimin mumble,
“they're both growing up so fast, feels like we just met her a few weeks ago.”
The closer I got to the school the more I noticed how fancy it was. The front of the building was covered by a huge courtyard, currently covered with a thin sheet of snow. The sides seemed to have tennis, basketball courts and larger fields in the back. I looked back up at Jin and suddenly felt horrible for begging him to walk into the school with me. Jin opened the door for me, “thanks Jin, not just for the door though. I'm sorry if you didn't want to come with, it was stupid, I'm just being such a chi-” Jin placed a hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile,
“hey it's fine. I'm actually glad I came with you, also I may have killed Jungkook or Yoongi if I had to spend another moment with them, my poor kitchen.” I laughed at his joke and watched as he started to lead me through the maze of the school, following the signs that led to the principal's office. I looked around at the empty halls, assuming that most kids were in class since the hallways were dead silent and school had started about an hour ago.
Before I knew it we were standing in front of the principal's office, Jin giving a few light taps to the door followed by a faint “come in.”
The office was clean, green walls and white trimmings giving the room a strange glow. In the center of the room was a wooden desk, a plaque stating, ‘principal Lee.’ The man sitting behind the desk in the wheeling chair gave us each a friendly smile, he looked to be in his fifties, black hair greying at the ends, wrinkles forming around his eyes and mouth. He stood up from his chair offering both of us a handshake, “you must be (Y/N), and you're..”  
“Kim Seokjin.” He sat back down and motioned for us to sit in the two unoccupied chairs. He took out a vanilla folder, opening it and flipping through the files before taking out a single piece of paper.
“It says here, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin are your primary care members.” He looked back up to Jin, “Everything seems to be in order.” He grabbed another paper from the folder and reached out to hand it to me,
“Here's your schedule, let's take you to your first class.”
The hallways seemed busier than my last school, the students seemed less friendly (maybe that was just the uniforms) and everyone seemed to be staring at me wherever I went. After Mr. Lee had dropped me off at my third-period history class I quickly noticed the girls staring me down from the other side of the room. Rather than listening about Lincoln's inauguration all I could focus on was the whispers behind my back.
Lunch came sooner than expected and I was happily shocked to find that instead of gross mystery meat and yellow gush that most schools served, there was an array of foods that actually looked good. Also what school served lobster? Apparently rich private schools did. But the worst part of it all was finding a place to sit. The lunchroom was littered with numerous green tables. Some fitting groups of kids throwing footballs, doing homework, and fooling around on electronics. A tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around, a girl my age stood behind me, curly blond hair and dark green eyes adjoined her oval face. Her tan skin seemed to glow in the lights and the intense coats of mascara on her eyes looked painful.
“Hi, my names Amber, would you like to sit with us?” She pointed towards the table behind her, filled with girls and boys all fooling around with one another. I hesitated, looking at the girls pointed smile,
“um sure.” She grabbed my wrist, rather roughly if I might add, dragging me to the table of teens. She pushed over a girl, mumbling a ‘move over’ under her breath as she squeezed me in. “I never got your name?” The girl who had been texting on her phone looked up from the bright screen to stare at me wonder in her eyes.
“My names (Y/N).” Amber’s eyes darkened for a moment as she spoke,
“That's a cool name. These are my friends, Olivia and Rachel.” She pointed to the girl who looked up at me wide-eyed and the other girl sitting next to Amber. Both seemed equally interested in me and before I could ask Olivia quickly spoke up.
“So is it true that you live with BTS?” She laid her cheek on the table, starry-eyed looking into the distance. Before I could answer Rachel started practically screeching.
“Is Suga Hyung that attractive in person?” The way she said his name left a bitter taste in my mouth and I almost wanted to tell her not to call him that. “Oh, he must be so nice! Do you call him dad? You're so lucky to live with seven attractive boys.” Sure, Lucky. Lucky to be adopted by seven strangers, lucky to have Yoongi hate me, and apparently lucky enough that most people in this school only want to talk to me because of my new “family.”
“Look guys its the school pig!” Rachel and Olivia started to laugh at Ambers joke, faces turned towards a girl sitting by herself at a lunch table. She clearly had heard the joke because she immediately put her food down, eyes glazing over.
“How many donuts do you think she can fit in her mouth? 10, 20?” I glared at Rachel. “Ok, you have no right to say anything negative about someone's body type.” I turned to Amber then locked eyes with the girl, standing up and leaving the lunch room.  
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. The day consisting of me being awed by the entails of fancy school and shocked by how boring classes were. I had also realized that the school was filled with rich kids whose parents were either a co-leader for Pepsi or distantly related to Gordon Ramsey. By the time the bell had rung I had practically run out of the building searching for the familiar SUV. When I had finally found it, I expected to be met with one of the boys but instead opened the door to meet a complete stranger.
“Oh, sorry wrong car.” Just before I could shut the door the driver pulled down his black face mask.
“Actually I'm your new chauffeur.”
This ‘new chauffeur’ drove me straight home. The car ride awkwardly quiet as I stared out the window, around the car, and basically everywhere except for him.
“Thank you,” as soon as he pulled into the driveway I was jumping out of the car, itching to get out of the tight school uniform. Entering the large house it was eerily quiet,
“Hello?” When no one answered I realized what Namjoon had said the other day about their long week of practice due to there comeback. Taking off my shoes, I brought my bag to the living room plopping down on the couch and starting on my homework.
A gentle shove on my shoulder causes me to groan, rolling onto my side, facing away from my perpetrator. Whoever it is, tells me something along the baseline of ‘get up.' But my foggy brain doesn't register anything but the nice warm blanket I'm wrapped in. The person continues there an assault, flipping my body back, so I'm facing their direction. I groan in annoyance, pulling the blanket up and over my face,
“Kayleigh you really need to wake up.” The blankets pulled off my body, and I immediately shrivel into a ball trying to contain as much heat as possible. “I have to get going, Kayleigh. Your driver will be here soon so get ready.” At his words, I'm sitting up from the bed,
“wait, so you aren't driving me to school anymore?” I rub at my blurry eyes, blinking rapidly to try and gain back my vision.  Once I can suitably see, I find an anxious Hoseok who looks back and forth from me and the door. He opens and closes his mouth, debating what to say until a loud honk interrupts the silence.
“I should go.”
Fourth-period precalculus was a disaster. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and every time I tried to raise my hand and ask a question the teacher would skip over me, and move on. What made it even worse, was how easy the class was. I was placed in precalc to catch up with my peers. If anything, I felt like I was falling back, in comparison to the rest of the class. Not to mention that most of the other kids in my grade were in calculus, so if anything I was already behind.
So you can imagine how happy I was when the shrill ring of the fire alarm interrupted my pre-calc class. Grabbing my coat, I raced after the students, slightly giddy until I stepped outside and felt the cold chill of the January air.
“Why do we have fire drills in January?” I muttered, rubbing my arms through the sleeves of the jacket, not expecting an answer.
   “The school board keeps getting complaints about safety and how the school doesn't prepare their students for harmful situations.” I shifted my head towards a girl, the same girl who was sitting in the cafeteria and being made fun of. “My mom works with the school board.” She added, shivering slightly. I then took notice of her appearance. She had short chocolate brown hair that fell straight in a bob, piercing blue eyes and darker washed skin. She filled out her uniform, slightly curvy but perfect proportionate for her height around 5’6. I didn't understand why Amber was making fun of her, I thought she was beautiful. What I noticed the most was her shirt-sleeved white button up that tagged along with her uniform. She must be freezing. As if she could read my thoughts, her body started to shake, fingers clenching to get blood flow back into them.
“Here, you must be freezing.” I took off my coat, holding it out to the girl who rapidly shook her head.
“Oh no, it's ok. I mean it looks like a nice jacket, and I probably won't fit I'm a little, bigger-.” I interrupted her before she could say more,
   “Please, just take it.” I smiled at the girl who gave me an unsure look. With some more convincing she finally took the material. “I'm (Y/N) by the way.” She smiled,
   “I know. We have almost all of our classes together.”
Oh Shit
   She immediately started laughing at my reaction while I looked appalled, great first impression.
“I'm Zara. Thanks for standing up for me by the way.” The students started making their way back into the building, and the two of us followed the crowd but made sure to stick close together.
   “If it's any consolation, I think you're beautiful.”
After talking to Zara, we both had realized that we had every class together except for math. She, of course, was in honors abstract algebra, instead of asking her what that meant I just smiled and nodded. Talking to Zara was like breathing fresh air, her personality was so calming and youth filled, it reminded me that it was ok to be a kid. That I didn't always have to be the girl who thought she was alone.
She was also hilariously funny,
“I have a BTS water noodle.” I stumbled in my jog, almost tripping over my own two feet. The gymnasium walls smelt of sweat and privilege, and usually, I'd be annoyed because it's gym class. But since I started running with Zara, I hadn't stopped smiling. “My younger sister loves BTS. So for my birthday, she got me a BTS water noodle. I never use it, but my younger sister takes it with her whenever the word water is mentioned.” The whistle sharply blew, cutting through the air and stopping all of the teens from running and talking. Turning our head toward the gym teacher, he motioned towards a bag of soccer balls.
“Get in groups of two and work on passing.” Mr. Ping was young, yet still looked older than Jin. He was tall, lean and muscular. He seemed to be in his early thirties, a silver band wrapped around his ring finger that he unashamedly flashed at some girls (and boys) when they would look at him for too long. When I first met him, he had immediately shown me a portrait in his office of a baby boy in a sports onesie. Definitely a family man.
   After Zara grabbed a ball, we headed towards one corner of the room, kicking the ball back and forth to one another.
   “Do you think our gym teachers hot?” I choked on my own salvia, the ball racing past me, as I had no intention to stop it. For a moment I thought she was joking. Until I saw the serious look on her face.
“Isn't he in his thirties?” My voice of reason did nothing to stop her train of thought.
“So? That's only a thirteen-year difference.”
“He's engaged-”
       “But not married, something could change.”
“Zara he has a kid.” The girl paled then nodded in my direction as if she was praising me for winning the silly query.
Unlike any other school day I had ever experienced, authentic happiness was coursing through my veins, and not just because it was a Friday. After school had ended I quickly got Zara's number in my phone and the thought of having this year be different; new home, friends, school, maybe things would be different.
Opening the door to the mansion, I found Yoongi and Jimin death glaring at one another, seething words at each other that I couldn't hear. Namjoon was in the background, frantically cleaning while Jin was yelling words I couldn't understand at the two.
“Is everything ok?” I asked while slipping my shoes off. The boys didn't seem to notice me until now, all four sets of eyes turning to me.
“Everything's fine.”
“Everything's fucking horrible.”
   Jimin and Yoongi both spoke up at the same time while Jin harshly glared between the two before softening his gaze on me.
   “Kayleigh why don't you go find the rest of the boys.” I nodded but before I could move Taehyung and Jungkook were peaking there heads out from upstairs.
“The upstairs is all clean.” Hoseok then appeared from the living room area, “the rooms are good.”
“(Y/N), why don't you go get changed for the social worker.” Oh, that's why everyone seemed so nervous. I passed Yoongi, heading to the stairs but his quiet whispers became exceptionally clear all of a sudden.
“Huh, you must love this. This attention from seven world-famous guys. Why do you think people want to be your friend at school? Its because they want to meet us.” I knew Yoongi didn't like me, that was obvious. But I wouldn't let him imply that Zara was only my friend because of them. Clenching my fist, I turned a full 180, coming face to face with Yoongi. I tried not to overthink how I basically had to look up at him or the fact that his death glare made me want to crawl into a hole and bury myself alive.
“What the fuck is your problem?” My voice was calm and steady, but the anger in me was on the edge of boiling over. “You've hated me ever since you saw me at the orphanage,  I didn't ask for you to adopt me, I was perfectly fine where I was.”
The words coming out of my mouth were bitter. Lies that I spewed to get a reaction because I knew everything was so much better here than living in foster care.
"What have I ever done to you? Ever since I've gotten here, all you've done is act like I'm a leech on your shoulder. What, are you too intimidated by the fact you actually have to grow up?”
Fuck, my eyes widened immediately at his hardened gaze, I went too far. Before I could apologize or back down the venom in his voice pushed me further. “This,” he made eye contact with Namjoon, motioning his hands towards me, “is why I didn't want her.”
“Yoongi!” I couldn't tell who's voice was shouting because my head was spinning and my vision was blurring. This always happened, someone, deciding that I wasn't good enough, that I didn't fit the right standards. I couldn't handle it, not again.  
“You should have left me at the orphanage.” I seethed, his answer was automatic, I think that's what hurt the most.
“I wish I had.” A few shouts from the boys sounded through the room, but what made me turn my head was the feminine voice that cleared her throat. Katie stood in the doorway, clipboard in hand and a disappointed look on her face, this wasn't how I wanted to see her again. I suddenly felt the need to apologize for my actions, tell her that Yoongi and I were faking it and we secretly cared about each other. But the words that parted from her mouth in an exasperated sigh was what broke me.
“Not again (Y/N).”
I was rushing up the stairs as soon as the last syllable left her mouth, hand over my parted lips to stop the sob attempting to escape. I narrowly missed Jungkook's grabbing hands at the top of the stairs trying to stop me, but I snuck through and rushed into my room. Locking the door and falling to my knees, I finally let the tears fall, why did I have to screw it up again?
I angrily threw my belongings into my bag, teeth clenched both in anger and to stop the sobs tempting to reach the surface. After I had shut my door, muffled yelling had erupted from the downstairs, I hated how I was the reason for them fighting. The static in my head only grows once the fear of going back to my old life enters my mind, and once I significantly calm my breathing down a knock sounds from my door. I hold my breath, waiting for the voice to identify itself,
“(Y/N), can you let me in. It's just me, I promise.”
I tempted keeping the door shut, telling him that I couldn't do this. I walk up to the door, leaning my forehead up against the cool wood. Gently wiping the tears from my face, my hand hovers over the knob, in a split moment decision I decide to unlock it. I open the door, turning my back to him and sitting on the bed, I run my fingers on the blankets, wondering if I would spend another night in the building.
“Do you want to stay?” I look up a Jin, probably red-faced and teary-eyed from crying.
“Do you want me too?”
Instead of answering Jin gave me a gentle smile, sitting on the bed next to me, but sitting far enough away to keep his space.
“Did you know,” he started cracking a grin, “that whenever I'm sad I read my blood donor ID?” I raised an eyebrow at the man,
“Why?” I sniffed,
“Because it always says, ‘B positive.’” Jins face morphed into a full out grin, and an obnoxious windshield wiper laugh filled my ears. The joke wasn't necessarily funny, but his genuine laugh is what made me smile.
“Ah, there's that smile.” He scooted closer on the bed as a silence developed between the two of us. “Yoongi's difficult, it took most of us half a year till we really connected. When Yoongi found out he had to live with you, it scared him. He can barely even take care of himself so how's he supposed to take care of a child? He doesn't want commitment.” I couldn't help but hear the hidden meaning in his words.
They don't want commitment.
“Why am I even here? There's a reason why you didn't answer the question, its because you don't want to lie to me.” I stood up from the bed, tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't do this, I couldn't handle it, why was everyone lying to me? I rushed out of the room just as Jin reached out to me.
The thoughts are accelerating inside my head. I want them to slow so I can breathe but they won't. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I'll black out. My heart is hammering inside my chest like it belongs to a rabbit running for its skin. The room spins and I kneel on the floor, trying to make everything slow to something my brain and body can cope with. I feel so sick. I stand up, rushing towards the exit, feet traveling forward until one hits a side table, causing it to tilt and wiggle. A tall, glass candle sways side to side on the table, before falling to the floor, shattering into millions of tiny pieces.
It starts slowly, the feeling of dread crawling up in my chest, spreading like a drop of ink onto a wet piece of paper. Darkening my thoughts and making it harder for me to see, breath. It doesn't take long for my breath to quicken, eyes wide and chest rising in an uneven pattern as I try to suck in as much air as possible. As if the moment I stop trying there won't be any air left. The shattered glass on the floor causes me to wince, past memories of breaking things by accident and being beaten because of it entering my mind. Tears are flowing down my eyes like a dam had just broken, the drops dripping down my face and onto my hands. My sight becomes blurry and flashes of the belt, my father, shouting and my own screams are all I can remember.
“I'm so sorry.” I choke out, chest tight, and standing in front of me are three shocked boys. Namjoon takes a step forward, fist clenched and an unreadable expression on his face.
“Please don't hit me.”
The boy stops, and so do the others behind him, visibly tensing. “I'll clean it up, I'll pay for it.” I knew whatever I had knocked overlooked expensive, everything did in this house. I drop to my knees, scrambling to pick up the broken pieces of glass,       “(Y/N) stop you’ll cut yourself.” Just as Hoseok said, blood starts flowing from my palms, he drops to my level suddenly and i'm scrambling back. Holding my bloody hands out as if they could protect me, back hitting the wall, “please don't hurt me again, it was an accident, i'm so sorry.” My breathings ragged, uneven and I'm hyperventilating. I close my eyes as if they could block out the events unfolding in front of me. Hands gently cup my face and im eye to eye with Jin, “We won't hurt you here, ok? Just breath.” I take a big gasp in, but can't stop the broken, strangled release of air. Hoseok's kneeling beside me just in time as the world around me gets blurry, Jins two eyes soon becoming four as everything turns sideways, and I finally collapse.
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creedtheconquer · 6 years
Everything But Political
Request-"thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!So YN Hale Underwood is the first daughter,and she's pretty much like her mom (the only person both really trust) she's stoic and shy,tries to avoid the spotlight as much as she can but is brilliant in all the she does. Duncan has been in love with her since forever,but never managed to confess to her(his cockiness dissapears when she's around) so,after a lot or twits and turns he finally admits it and happy stuff. what do you think?"
Summery-"(Y/N) Hale-Underwood is her mother's pride and joy and loyal to a T. She has had a constant love hate relationship with the one and only Duncan Shepherd but little does she know he has loved her since they were little. How will this turn out?"
Pairings- Duncan Shepherd x Reader
Warnings- politics but not really if anyone cares about that, this is mostly just fluff for our Dunkin Donut.
*I hope you guys enjoy this story typed it up in little under 3 and a half hours! My request are always open I write for Cody and any character he has played minus David to respect him as a person who sadly lost his life. I also write for other AHS character so feel to request away!*
(Y/N) Hale-Underwood the poster child for America, her mother's pride and joy and she took that role and that spot light very very seriously. She loved her mother dearly and was loyal to the core. After her father died (Y/N) took up the protecter role of the family. She was her mother's rock, her supporting shoulder and she would do anything for her mother. If Claire need a break (Y/N) would step in to meeting for her mother without a second hesitation. Or if Claire just needed to vent the only person she would trust to vent everything to was (Y/N) to which (Y/N) would gladly sit for hours in her mother's room just listening, not talking that often because the way she saw it, she wasn't there to talk she was there to listen. So when Claire asked her to attend one of the annual Shepherd's Foundation events (Y/N) didn't refuse.
"Ah (Y/N) my dear, where is your mother?" Annette Shepherd, Claire's frenemie greats (Y/N) with a smile giving her a quick small hug. (Y/N) fakes a smile hugging her back thinking of the best way to answer her question knowing she's trying to get some kind of dirt on her mother.
"She had a press meeting and couldn't make it sadly so she sent me in her replace. She also sends her regards." (Y/N) says pulling away from Annette and she smooths out her form fitting navy blue pencil dress and Annette nods.
"Well my dear come in have fun you always more than welcome here." She beams up and (Y/N) and (Y/N) gives her a nod as she scans the room.
"Thank you Annette." (Y/N) says offering her a small smile as Annette walks off to great the new guest coming through the door.
From what Claire said this was a meeting about the incident that happened in Ohio, and the fact that she didn't trust the Shepherd's. (Y/N) was in the Oval office the previous night and watched Bill Shepherd quite literally guide her mother hand to sign his bill (Y/N) went on the defence.
(Y/N) moves quietly around the room, stopping periodically to very slyly listen in on people's conversations. Most are talking nonsense just there mundane day to day life and she rolls her eyes at their chit chat. But then there conversations that pique her interest, gossip about her mother and how she's the "anti-christ" to which (Y/N) nearly chokes on her drink trying not to laugh at the ridiculous theories/stories spun by the media. Then some hit very close to home, literally, and she has to bite her tongue to stop her from snapping back at the person spreading such lies.
(Y/N) opts to leave the main room, having heard enough, and she makes her way down the long white hallway leading to the main balcony where she sees her frenemie, Annette's son, Duncan. The two have grown up together seeing each other go through there each other's ups and downs, their worst days and their best. Growing up as little kids they were attached at the hip you would always find them together, you didn't have one if you had the other. But as they got older and realized where they stand that bond started to thin now when they did see each other it was a guessing game of are they going to get along like old times or be at each other's throats.
"Duncan." (Y/N) says coldly causing the taller brown head man to turn towards her and he gives her a once over before turning back to look out to the grounds of his Mother and Uncle's estate.
"(Y/N) what brings you here don't you have things to do for mommy." He mocks not moving his pale icy gaze to her and she scoffs at him.
"So this is how this interaction is going to go." She inquires sending a glare to the man next to her before folding her hands behind her back and she straighten out her posture. "I am her on my mother's behalf, I was hoping for a somewhat civil talk or else I would have never approached you Donut." (Y/N) smirks to herself knowing how much he hated when she called him that and as always he rolls his eyes finally looking down at her.
Little did (Y/N) know Duncan has been head over heels for her for has long has he can remember and he loves how loyal she is to her mother and he admires that deeply. He miss how they used to be before they fell into their places in the family dynamic and he wishes so badly to get back to that, but it seems like every time they are together it's like a game of russian roulette. Either they are how they used to be, laughing, relaxing, just being themselves enjoying each other's company. But more often than not they are like this, ever cold and stand offish with their guards up not trusting each other. Duncan can guess the reason for this interaction being cold was because of what is Uncle did the other night to which Duncan was outraged about. He argued that there were many other ways to go about getting the bill signed and that was not it, he felt so bad and he wanted to so badly call up (Y/N) and apologize but his ego stopped him.
"Look I'm sorry about what my uncle did I told him that was wrong." He speaks up breaking the tension tight silence that had fallen over them. (Y/N) looks up at him taken aback by his sudden sincere heart felt apology.
"You had no idea?" (Y/N) ask her ice cold front starting to melt as he nods. He turns his body slightly so he can fully face her and she does the same.
"If I had known I would have stopped him." He says softly as she sees him visibly relax has the tension fades between them. "Listen (Y/N) there is something I've been wanting to say this for a while now..."
"Duncan." Annette says from the end of the hall and he groans giving (Y/N) an apologetic look.
"Go for coffee with me later?" He asks glancing back up at his mother and (Y/N) nods softly.
"Yeah." (Y/N) says and she sees a smile tug at his lips has he brings her hand up to his lips and she places a soft kiss on her knuckles.
"I'll call you." He whisper dropping her hand and he walks off to his mother and (Y/N) nods softly feeling a little ping in her heart cursing herself for the feelings she harbors for her longest childhood friend.
(Y/N) returns home hours later completely exhausted tugging her heels off and she rolls her shoulders trying to release the tension of standing up straight for hours on end. She opens her closet and she steps out of her dress and she changes into something a lot more comfortable. She makes her way down to hallway to her mother's room and she knocks on the door softly waiting for the response.
"Come in." She hears her mother calm soothing voice sound from inside and she can't help but smile opening the door and she steps in. Claire was on the bed reading a book when (Y/N) walked in and the second she realizes it her daughter she smiles putting the book down, moving the blankets out of the way for (Y/N) to crawl in and lay her head on her mother's lap. "How did it go?" Claire asks running her fingers through (Y/N)'s hair causing her daughter to let out a sigh of relief.
"Well some people are convinced you're the anti-christ, hearing that nearly made me choke on my drink. Annette tried to get dirt on why you weren't there I told her you where busy off somewhere doing a press meeting she bought it. Bill was flaunting his victory with the bill I wanted to slap him right then and there." (Y/N) says with a sigh looking up at her mother and Claire smiles down at her tracing her daughter's beautiful features obviously getting them from her, it would be a lie if people didn't say she was almost a carbon copy of her.
"Did you see Duncan?" Claire asks caressing (Y/N)'s cheek and (Y/N) nods. "Did he say anything about how he's been whispering lies into the media's ear about me and your father?"
(Y/N) looks hurt learning this information, he had sounded so sincere in his apology he completely fooled her and that pained her. She thought that maybe they have gotten over the petty family rivalries and were getting back to how things used to be. Soon hurt gave way anger and boy was she mad, she wanted to march right to his apartment at that moment and give him a piece of her mind, "Yeah I saw him we spoke briefly but nothing of the matter was said that was important." (Y/N) says through almost gritted teeth and Claire picks up on that.
"He said something didn't he that's why you're angry." Claire says and (Y/N) closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Yeah he said he was sorry for how his uncle did the other night with signing the bill, he sounded so sincere I believed him.....I should have know better." (Y/N) says anger laced into her words and Claire plays with her hair to soothe her.
"He's a Shepherd he can't be trusted they are dead set on tearing us down we can't let them in." Claire whispers holding (Y/N) close as (Y/N) feels tears fill her eyes.
"You're right thanks mom." (Y/N) says sitting up and she crawls out of bed walking to the door.
"You did great sweety you made me proud I love you." Claire says calling out to her daughter and (Y/N) nods not turning to face her.
"Thanks mom, I love you too." (Y/N) says in a low voice walking out of the room and down the hall. She slips on a pair of shoes and she walks out the front door.
"Annette isn't actually his mother, he's adopted." Claire says as (Y/N) closes the door knowing she going to confront Duncan.
"(Y/N) what the hell are you doing here so late?" Duncan says rubbing sleep from his beautiful icy blue eyes and (Y/N) glares pushing past him into his apartment.
"Care to explain why you've been spreading lies about my family to the media." (Y/N) snaps turning on her heels to face the man she loved to hate and hate to love standing by the door in his loose shorts and black t shirt.
"I...I, it's not me it's my mom she's just using me it's all her I'm just her attack dog." He sighs running a hand down his face as he very consciously walks towards (Y/N).
"Then why are you going through with it?!" (Y/N) shouts taking a step back from him, "Why? Fucking tell me Duncan! I actually believe you felt sorry earlier I thought you had changed!"
"(Y/N) Listen to me I can't just not listen to my mom, but I was sorry earlier." Duncan defends taking another step towards (Y/N).
"She's not even your real mom Duncan! You're adopted you don't owe her shit!" (Y/N) shouts and Duncan stops dead in his tracts.
"I'm what?" He asks and (Y/N) curses herself for letting that slip.
"Duncan I shouldn't have told you that." (Y/N) says dropping her anger and she steps towards him.
"No no don't I need to know." He says taking a deep breath but (Y/N) hears the stutter in it and she can tell he was about to cry.
"It wasn't my place to tell you I'm sorry Donut." (Y/N) says placing her hand on his shoulder and he pulls her fully to her holding her tight.
"No thank you, I would rather it have been you." He whispers through tears as the rock through his body and he shakes against her.
"Hey Donut, look at me." (Y/N) whispers pulling back and he meets her gaze and she reaches up to wipe his tears away. "You don't have to listen to her anymore, I can talk to my mother get you a pardon."
Duncan laughs slightly nodding his head, "You know there has always been something I've wanted to tell you for many many years now." He whispers his eyes flickering down to (Y/N)'s lips then back up to her eyes, "I have loved you since we were kids."
(Y/N) gasps slightly as he closes the gap and he kisses her, letting years of bottled up emotions take over not wanting to miss a single moment. "I love you too Duncan." She whispers breathlessly as they break the kiss.
"Fuck politics this is all that matters." Duncan whispers before kissing her again finally understanding the meaning to all of this their lives. It all fell into place in that single moment, he knew that their whole lives lead up to this moment and he was grateful. He finally had her and he was letting go he was going to hold on and fight with everything to keep this. He was home.
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We Got This, Baby John Laurens x Reader: Chapter 2
T/W Breakup, mention of alcohol
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6  Chapter 7    Chapter 8 Epilogue
       “Sorry you got stuck working with me. Alexander just said you would be the best person to work with, and I got excited about meeting the person who finally makes him go home to his family, so I didn’t even think to ask if you wanted to. I’m so sorry, we didn’t even think about your feelings.” John had talked a mile a minute to you over the last two weeks. The last few weeks had been hell for you, personally, but you’ve pushed passed it. Charles still hasn’t come home or even responded to your calls or text messages, but that’s not surprising for his character. He always has been cowardly, so when you told him about the baby, no wonder he went running.
       Over the last two weeks you hung out (more like they forced their friendships on you) with John, Laf, and Hercules a couple times outside of work hours to have a game night, movie night, and even “family dinner” with the Hamiltons. You declined alcohol every time without blowing your cover. Even on the two Sundays off you and John went to go volunteer at the charity you were partnering with. It’s been awhile since you have had such a fun time with people; you did not have a lot of friends before you gained this job but you sure lost them after you started in the Treasury building; you spend most of your days and hours of the week on Capitol Hill. But John, Laf, Hercules, and even Alexander (you still call him Mr. Hamilton/Secretary at work) definitely helped distract you over the last fourteen days, but you were four months along now and it’s do or die time for the relationship with the father of your child.
       You snap out of your own thoughts and try to return to John and his conversation. While most of what John was saying is necessary to gain insight in what needed to be done, much of it was babbly in nature, although you secretly didn’t mind. His voice, with a soft southern drawl, was extremely soothing and easy to listen to. His hazel eyes are easy to get lost in, and oh so easy to make contact with for long periods of time. Today John had tried to gain more insight into you, and you have to admit it feels nice to be listened to, but unfortunately it wasn’t your own boyfriend who was listening. You sigh for what feels like the hundredth time today, and it prompts John to ask,
    “Is everything alright?” You look up from the papers strewn across your oak desk, and glance to your left where John is sitting a few feet away. Thinking for a moment, you answer,
              “It’s just personal issues. Not currently important.” Rather than dismissing it like you hoped he would, he sets his legal pad down and scoots a bit closer- still leaving a good distance between the two, but enough to signal a change in conversation.
       “No offense, and if you truly don’t want to talk about it I’ll drop it, but you spend as much time here as Alexander does. If you cannot process your personal issues while you are separated from your personal life, then you don’t have time to process it at all.” You take a moment to think about the statement. Right as John starts to scoot away, you speak.
              “My boyfriend hasn’t been home for the last month.” For the first time in the span that you’ve known him, John doesn’t take the conversation by the reigns, but waits for you to speak. You continue, “A month ago, I told him I was pregnant and he hasn’t been home since or answered any calls or texts.” John’s response was his eyes widening, but he still managed to stay quiet. “Oh, yeah!” you inject as you notice his facial expressions. “I have a boyfriend. Maybe. I’m not sure at this point. I know it’s shocking for me to even date with my work schedule, and yes I’m pregnant. Charles’ schedule is similar to mine, though, since he works on Capitol Hill, so he should at least be getting home around the same time, but I haven’t seen him in person since I told him about the baby. It’s making me more anxious about this pregnancy than I should be, but honestly I’m not surprised.” You take another deep breath, and continue. “I’m four months pregnant, and cannot freaking get a hold of the father of the child.”
       John’s face goes from confused to empathetic, and clearly thinks about what he’s going to say. When he speaks, his voice is again, soothing and easy to listen to.
       “You know, I’ve heard the Leader of the Free World, a French Ambassador, and the Treasury Secretary are all very fond of you, and would happily help make him answer, and if he doesn’t answer well, he’ll disappear.” You giggle, and with that giggle a smile appears on your face and the tears forming in your eyes started to disappear.
              “I honestly might have to take you up on that offer. Thanks,” you answer, finally feeling a bit better. “I think I’ll go to his office later to see if I can get a response. He can’t run away if I come to him, right?” John nods in agreement but looks very pensive. You start turning towards your work and for a few moments it’s silent.
       You and John solidify the 5K fundraiser for the local charity he’s working with, also a few volunteer opportunities that the people on Capitol Hill can participate in like serving meals, running yard sales, and packing gifts for underprivileged families. Posters were the next on the agenda, but it was lunchtime, and you were scheduled to attend a meeting with Mr. Hamilton at the White House, so your work day with John was done. As you put everything in its proper place, John clears his throat and you look at him. Your hands were still planted on your desk gathering papers, but a warm, comforting hand covers your left hand that’s gripping firmly on the papers.
       “You know, Y/N. Charles will be extremely idiotic to not come crawling back to you. You’re phenomenal and the way you’re handling everything shows that you are a strong person. Charles doesn’t deserve you, your badass personality, or the fantastic baby you’re sure to have. If i can do anything to help you, please let me know.” Before you can say anything, John is walking out the door and Mr. Hamilton is sauntering towards you. Gathering your bag which is filled with two notepads, plenty of pens, two water bottles, cough drops for when Mr. Hamilton screws up his voice, and some fruit when you get hungry from the meeting going over time, you smile. As you and the Treasury Secretary walk out of the office, the building, then into the car waiting you ask
       “What type of meeting is this?” Hamilton responds
               “It’s a cabinet meeting between us, the president, and Jefferson.” You nod, but internally you feel cold because Secretary Jefferson meant seeing his assistant, Charles. You breathe deep, and rub your stomach, playing it off as straightening out your dress.
       “Baby, I hope John is right.”
       You and Mr. Hamilton strut into the White House (you really actually stride quickly to keep up with your boss’ strut) and towards Mr. Washington’s Oval Office. When you approach the office, Mr. Washington’s voice carried out the doorway and you can already tell that Secretary Jefferson was there. Once Mr. Jefferson spotted you his face lit up, and he reached his right hand out to shake your hand in greeting,
      “Ms. Y/N, I’m so happy to see you once again. Your presence certainly deafens the harshness of Secretary Hamilton’s. Are you sure you won’t come work for me?” You plaster on a smile and retort,
            “Oh Secretary Jefferson, you’re too kind, but I’m afraid I stay with this job because of Eliza’s wonderful personality.” You can picture Mr. Hamilton’s eye roll, but Secretary Jefferson’s laugh filled the room. Secretary Jefferson physically filled the room easily, considering he’s six feet tall, whereas your boss is only about 5’7’’, Hamilton’s voice will overpower verbally and logically when the debate happens, which is truly why you stay with Hamilton’s office. While Jefferson is definitely a piece of eye candy, Hamilton’s politics is what you can get behind. Eliza, her cooking, and their children are definitely plusses, though.
      Behind Jefferson’s tall stature you see Charles visibly trying to shirk away from you. You mentally roll your eyes, and decide it’s not worth it at this point. You’ll talk to him later.
      Three hours of arguing back and forth, it appeared that you, Charles, and the president were all nursing a headache while Hamilton looked victorious, and Jefferson looked pissed. Secretary Jefferson did smile and kiss your hand as you left with your boss, but other than that, it looked as if Charles was going to have an awful rest of the day of work. When you and Hamilton get back into the car, he holds his hand up and says
      “High five!” you grin, and enthusiastically respond in kind.
            “You did well as always, sir.”
      “Thank you, Y/N. In other news, I have a question for you.” Your attention is pulled towards Mr. Hamilton
            “Yes, sir?”
      “This is not my business at all and I know you try to keep your personal life separate from work so you have every right to not answer, but did I witness some tension between you and Jefferson’s assistant Lee?” You sigh.
            “Do you actually want insight into my life, sir, or are you trying to be kind?” He thinks for a moment and says,
      “You’ve been my assistant for the last six and a half months. I actually care, Y/N.” This statement brought tears to your eyes, but you continue looking forward.
            “Yes, you did sense tension between Charles and I.”
      “Do you care to expand a bit more?”
            “We’ve been dating for the last two years, living together for the last four months, but he hasn’t come home in the last month.” You take another deep breath, “And while I know what I’m about to tell you does affect my work status and I’ll actually create an official form and everything, but… I’m four months pregnant.” To your surprise, Secretary Hamilton didn’t seem shocked. When you bring this to his attention he chuckles and explains
      “Eliza has been pregnant three times. I do admit I’m not the most observant person in the world, but when it comes to the people who are consistently in my life, I do pay attention.” He lets that sink in for a moment and he adds, “If you need anything, please let us know. When you’re ready to tell Eliza, she’ll be ecstatic. Otherwise, I firmly believe you deserve better than that coward.” You giggle a bit. “Also, running to the restroom every morning isn’t necessarily sneaky.” Your eyes open wide and you snap your attention back towards your boss and he’s shaking from holding back laughter.
            “Well excuse me,” you retort, completely and utterly shocked with how this has gone down. You look at Hamilton and ponder for a moment before coming to a decision. “Actually, there is something you can help me with.”
      The favor you asked of your boss was pretty simple. Drop you off at the Harry S. Truman  building, to meet with Charles out of the blue, and have a car waiting to take you back to work so if you were going to cry, you didn’t have to do so in public. Walking into the building, you steel yourself mentally and place a smile on your face to keep up your image and not give anyone the idea that you were here for personal matters. As you walk into the main office outside of Secretary Jefferson’s, you notice the curly haired man talking to the father of your child. Oh, this is perfect.
    Walking up to Jefferson and Charles, both men notice you, and the former’s face lights up, and the latter pales. The Secretary of State of course is the first to speak.
    “Y/N! Please tell me you are here because you changed your mind!” You grin and play along with his flirtatious manner but respond,
        “Actually, Secretary Jefferson, I am here because I need to steal Charles away for a moment. Is that possible, sir?” Jefferson’s facial expressions remain the same when he complied, and gestures for Charles to follow you into an empty conference room. When he sits down in a leather chair, you contemplate doing the same, but all your thoughts and concerns come rushing to your head and you just think to yourself; Is this the man I really want to help me raise my child? You look towards Charles once again and his head is tucked down and your decision was suddenly so clear. You clear your throat and Charles’ head pops up to look towards you. Had he always seemed so timid? You loved the fire and passion he had for his politics and beliefs, but you think about all the times he’s just gone along with what everyone else was doing. You think about how he basically left you for the wolves without any help with the baby. You think about the fact that Charles’ brown eyes that used to always be in your mind had been replaced with hazel ones.
    “You don’t want this, do you?” You ask, resigned, and a little sad. Charles shakes his head and answers,
        “I’m not ready to be a father Y/N. You know that. I’ll help financially with whatever I can, but I cannot be responsible for another human being.” You nod.
    “You realize that this is the end of us right? I’m keeping this child. This child is important to me and no one can stand in my way of taking care of them.” Charles’ brown eyes, somehow lacking any connection you’ve ever felt with him, make contact with yours and you sigh, “Yeah. This is the end.” Without another word you turn, walk out of the room, wave goodbye to Secretary Jefferson and into the waiting car.
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alwayswriting123 · 5 years
Are Young People Tuning In?
Youngsters don’t want to sit through either a 2 or 3 hour-long debate of old people arguing about why they deserve to sit their kiesters in one of the world's most powerful chairs ever. (Hmm, wonder if it’s a lazy boy... anyway) No, they’d rather sit around and vape or do the smart thing like the bird-box challenge and posting it online.
In fact, I bet if I asked a group of teenagers who Pete Buttigieg is, they’d reply with a vacuum cleaner salesman and I’m not kidding. I sat down with a group of teenagers and someone literally said he’s a vacuum cleaner salesman. I felt so bad for little Petie I continued to ask them questions on all of the current candidates. Their results? A D+. So I began to wonder, just how many teenagers aren’t tuning into the debates? And what’s the most efficient way of getting to these young voters? Through social media and other places of course! 
Well I mean, like, I don’t know about other people but I just don’t care about that kind of stuff. Like, I hear about politics a lot more in my household and stuff - it’s not that I don’t wanna learn it’s just that I feel afraid to contribute to the conversation, you know? Like I don’t wanna open my mouth and say something wrong. Trust me, I don’t like Donald Trump at all, I really don’t know why he won in the first place. That say’s a lot about America. Like a lot but, I really hope he doesn’t win again. I mean, I voted in the past.
Me: “That’s good you should keep doing that.” 
That’s why I feel bad because I didn’t vote in the last election. And it wasn’t because I didn’t like either candidate, I liked Hillary. But I just felt like my vote wouldn’t count. The electoral college is messed up! That **** is crazy and plain bananas. - Greg Soyer
Mmm, that **** was indeed crazy and bananas. (This **** is bananas- B-A-N-A-N-A-S!) But I still was hungry for answers. Why was the **** crazy? I needed to find out. So I did the opposite of what I did the first time and asked older and much wiser people.
Question 1. Why do you feel like young voters aren’t or are tuned in to the election?
I think young people starting out in life are very worried about one thing and that is what is going to happen to their future. The presidency affects not just the individual but also their entire existence. Though the argument can also be made that they also don’t tune in because they mistrust the government and at times think it’s corrupt. - Tucker White
No reliable news outlets. [There is] too much to sort through.- Anonymous
I feel like young voters don’t want to be involved or, the ones that are involved don’t pay attention to the policies. - Anonymouse
While I’m not sure if more young adults are tuned in are tuned in or not, I personally feel conflicted. On one hand, I’m invested because I want Trump & his administration out of office. On the other hand, I feel discouraged about who can be trusted to lead our nation next. It feels like the corruption never ends, regardless of who’s in office.- Elizabeth Adebayo
You know it’s funny that you bring that up because I asked my son if he was gonna vote and he said no. I asked him why not and he just responded with my vote won’t change anything. And you know, I feel bad. As a mother, you hear your kid telling you he has no control over what happens in his life? It made my heart almost break. I wanted to argue with him but... I couldn’t look him in the eye and tell him to vote because I’m not even sure if it’ll change anything with the last election.- Elizabeth DeTar.
I can speak for like late 20-somethings millennials. We’re too busy drowning in debt and trying to make it to care about a bunch of lackluster candidates who don’t seem to be inspiring - Anonymous
I soon realized a pattern in each responder's answers. They all felt betrayed. Violated by their government, concerned and scared about not only where their future would end up but, the next generations. I, for one, had hope that democracy wasn’t dead. And to prove it, I continued my search for some good ole’ fashioned teenage spirit, printed out a couple of headshots of each of the 2020 democratic candidates and headed to the one place where teenagers gather (sometimes in flocks) the mall.
First up was Bernie Sanders.
“Do you know who this guy is?”
Oh, of course, that’s Bernie Sanders. He’s one of the candidates. - Amanda Peters
Amanda got Pete, Sanders, Elizabeth, and Biden right, but when it came to Klobuchar... she got the short end of the stick.
Oh... yeah I don’t know, gee I guess I don’t know much about the candidates.
But that was just one person, right? Next, Tom Styer.
“Who is this guy, what do you think of him and do you know any of his policies?”
Oh shoot... I know the guy! I just can’t remember his name. Oh jeez, am I gonna get in trouble for this? 
"Okay, I believe you. Do you know any of his policies?”
I’m not even gonna lie, I haven’t even been to his page.
“Do you know who your gonna vote for in the 2020 elections?”
Oh, definitely Pete Buttigieg! I definitely have huge respect for him and his campaign. I mean to come out on national television as a gay man and give zero ***** about it? That takes huge balls. And he has a certain Obama swag about him. I’m not just voting for him because we're both gay, that’s the stupidest argument ever people try to make. I’m voting for him because he’s actually got great ideas. For example, his climate change policy is offering a National Catastrophic Disaster Insurance program that helps and provides stability to people like me. Our house was hit last year. - Ben Potemyer
Wow, now that’s somebody who knows their stuff! Also, he later told me to mention he highly recommends that people read up on his policies. So I invite all of you to look into him with me.
Question 2. Do you feel like most people are just tuning in more now than ever because they just want Donald Trump out of office or for other reasons? And if so, what are those reasons? 
In a way, Trump has awakened people who, otherwise, wouldn’t care to know what’s going on politically. I also think that he’s insighted a new era of people to at least watch his comedic politics to get their news. The Trevor Noah’s & Hasan Minhaj’s of the world have become more popular because people are trying to engage in polotics without boring themselves or feeling lost in the conversation. -  Elizabeth Adebayo
Yes, people are tuning into the news because of the recent impeachment trial. But I don’t feel like it’s just for seeing him removed from office. - Tucker White 
I think people are tuning in because of Trump. Because they see even though the president has checks and balances, he can still have a huge implication on other Americans and how those Americans treat other people. - Anonymous
I do believe it has to do with wanting Trump out, but I think that is because of a want for other types of social policies that Trump is against. - Anonymous
I don’t think more people are tuning in. I think we’re all transient bystanders watching the circus fire. - Anonymous
Another coincidence, among these people I interviewed, all of them said that they think young people aren't focused on this coming election. I wanted to try and find more people. All of this talk about generations got me thinking. What if there were people, who couldn’t even vote yet, had opinions? I met a powerful little 10 year old. And I’ll never forget what she said. 
I don’t think it’s because of either one of those things. I think people now see what they have done and who they’ve put in the oval office and they want to correct what they’ve done. Because deep down, we should all love each other. Love should always win.” - Ashley
Love should always win. Wise kid huh? 
Question 3. Who do you have your eye on in the race? What draws you to them?
I’m supportive of Bernie Sanders, as I was in the last race. His views seem to be less about solely taking care of the wealthy, but actually looking out for working-class people. I want a leader who cares about helping Americans create better lives for themselves through healthcare & employment v.s focusing solely on our external affairs. I’m also interested in Elizabeth Warren, but I need to do more research on her political decisions. -  Elizabeth Adebayo
I have my eye on three candidates, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and, Bernie Sanders. Currently, I’m leaning towards Elizabeth Warren. Joe seems a little consertive and Bernie seems too progressive. Elizabeth has just the right balance. - Tucker White
Of all the candidates I would consider Gabbard, Yang, Biden or Trump. I lean center-right and see the U.S as doing pretty well right now. I do find Gabbard and Yang appealing because they seem very genuine and tell it like it is, similar to Bernie. - Anonymous
I don’t really have anyone I’m drawn to right now if anything, Bernie Sanders but I don’t know everything about him either. - Anonymous
No one. - Anonymous
Question 4. Why are all the big named candidates like Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and Amy Klobuchar popular in the news? 
Honestly, I don’t know. - Elizabeth Adebayo
I feel like these names are in the news the most because they are the mainstream and more established friendly.  - Anonymous
I suppose they pop up bc they’re campaigning and doing they’re part to try to spread their message. - Anonymous
I think the simplest way of saying it is because they have the money and resources to be able to.  - Tucker White
Mayor Pete appeals the common man, Bernie has a wonderful grassroots base, Joe Biden was/is associated with Obama and, Elizabeth Warren is supposed to appeal to women(?) I don’t know about that last one. I expect they make a splash because either A: they have clout and social media following or B: they have the money to appear like they have clout. You forgot Yang! (This person is referring to Yang being a big named candidate.) - Anonymous
Question 5. Who do you feel has the most successful chance of being president? 
At this point, I don’t know. For better or for worse, Trumps election has changed the expectation of what we view as a suitible leader to run our nation, so I can’t even say. I do think that we, as Americans, are over the smoke & mirrors of politics. - Elizabeth Adebayo 
I think Trump either gets re-elected or Bernie or Biden gets elected. Warren isin’t as strong as Sanders in my eyes. Anonymous
I feel like maybe Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden. Maybe even Bernie. - Anonymous
I’d say Elizabeth Warren would be the best canidate for the job. - Tucker White - 
I don’t know, maybe Warren. I honestly think our country sucks enough that we’re about to elect Donald Trump again. - Anonymous
Question 6. What are the biggest flaws amping these candidates and what could help improve their chances?
I just want a politician that’s real that cares about actual people and isn’t the “Better of two evils” bull. - Anonymous
The thing that’s hurting all these campaigns is easily that they’re just playing to their bases instead of trying to sway moderates and voters on the other side. - Anonymous
To face not just the Democrats but also the Republicans. - Tucker White
Bernie and Biden feel like familiar territory to me, so with the exception of Warren, the other candidates haven’t built enough of a rapport with the country to solidify their chances. -  Elizabeth Adebayo
Question 7. How do you feel about Pete Buttigieg? Do you think him being gay will hurt him or do you think we, as a country have gotten over that hurdle?
I’d say he’s a pretty good alternative to Biden. From what I hear he doesn’t have very good support in the south, where Biden does, but he can be seen as a strong candidate to religious voters. - Anonymous
As a country, I don’t think we’ve gotten over that hurdle, despite what the media portrays, but if he could speak to the needs of working/middle-class Americans by talking about the things that matter most to them, he might have a chance. - Elizabeth Adebayo
[Buttigieg] Sounds like a solid candidate. I like what I’ve heard about him so far. As for his chances, America is still super “Christian”. And that’s a large chunk of the voting base that isn't ready for a gay president. So no, we suck at getting over that hurdle.- Anonymous
Question 8. And finally, do you think young voters are just affiliating themselves with their parents/ close friends same party? 
I want to say that more conservative voters may be doing that because they focus a lot on the idea of the collective through their moral or religious values. Liberals, on the other hand seem to think more individually, but are more heavily influenced by their friends. - Elizabeth  Adebayo
Ergh, maybe younger ones. In my experience with mid to late twenty-somethings, we’re diametrically opposed to family members voting wise-- to the point where it’s awkward at family reuinions. - Anonymous
I would like to thank everyone who participated in this very long post about what everyday Americans thought about the candidates so far. For the most part,  I say young people/first-time voters are clearly in desperate need of just a little education on each of the candidates and the power - the drive to get engaged. But most of all, to not be afraid. To all my readers, thank you.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
FBI faces new hurdle in election interference fight: Donald Trump
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/fbi-faces-new-hurdle-in-election-interference-fight-donald-trump/
FBI faces new hurdle in election interference fight: Donald Trump
The president’s comments have placed FBI Director Christopher Wray in a position where he might have to either publicly chastise the president and risk getting fired, or resign in protest. | Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call
Trump’s willingness to accept foreign assistance has essentially invited overseas spies to meddle with 2020 presidential campaigns, undoing months of work, said law enforcement veterans.
Nearly two years ago, FBI Director Chris Wray set up an office tasked solely with stopping the type of Russian interference efforts that infected the 2016 campaign.
On Wednesday night, President Donald Trump undercut the whole operation in a matter of seconds.
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In an ABC News interview, the president first proclaimed he would have no problem accepting dirt on his opponents from a foreign power, then said Wray was “wrong” to suggest the FBI needs to know about such offers.
The comments, according to interviews with nearly a dozen law enforcement veterans, have undone months of work, essentially inviting foreign spies to meddle with 2020 presidential campaigns and demoralizing the agents trying to stop them. And it has backed Wray into a corner, they added, putting him in a position where he might have to either publicly chastise the president and risk getting fired, or resign in protest.
America’s enemies will see Trump’s comments and likely “come out of the woodwork like never before to try to influence the president,” said longtime FBI veteran Frank Figliuzzi, who served as the bureau’s assistant director for counterintelligence until 2012. “And it’s going to be more difficult to defend against because they’ll try harder than ever to mask their attempts.”
Trump has broken all manner of traditional protocol during his presidency when it comes to law enforcement and the intelligence community. His calls early in his administration to launch investigations into his political opponents werewidely pannedby Justice Department veterans who deemed the Oval Office requests as out of line. But more recently, Trump has found an ally in William Barr, the new attorney general who has taken the president up on his demand for a wider examination into the origins of the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
With Trump’s latest comments, aired Wednesday night, the president has resurrected a question that special counsel Robert Mueller spent nearly two years investigating — is it collusion to accept damaging information on an opponent from foreign agents attempting to interfere in a U.S. election?
“It’s not an interference,” Trump told the anchor George Stephanopoulos, a former Bill Clinton White House communications director. “They have information, I think I’d take it.”
Trump described such offers as “opposition research” and said he’d call the FBI only “if I thought there was something wrong.”
Some linked Trump’s remarks to Mueller’s deliberation over whether his team could have charged anyone on the Trump campaign if they had obtained the promised hurtful information on Hillary Clinton from a Kremlin intermediate during a much-scrutinized Trump Tower meeting. Mueller’s report said he wasn’t sure the potential information had financial value, meaning it might not qualify as an illegal campaign contribution from a foreign entity. The report also raised questions about whether there was a free-speech right to receive the information.
“It’s turning the First Amendment into a suicide pact that allows our own government to be undermined,” said Rick Hasen, a professor at the University of California Irvine’s law school, who called the special counsel’s findings “a green light for foreign intervention in the 2020 election, and that was affirmed by what Trump said to ABC.”
Current and former Trump officials downplayed the president’s remarks as Trump being Trump. While the comments drive Democrats mad and consume the media, they matter to rank-and-file government workers only if they actually come come with direct orders, they argued.
“I think people take it in stride until he tries to operationalize it,” said a former Trump White House official.
Spokespersons at both the DOJ and FBI declined to comment on the president’s remarks.
Just three months after Wray assumed the top FBI post in August 2017, he told Congress that he had set up a “foreign influence” task force to stymie future election meddling efforts.
The team brings together counterintelligence, cyber and counterterrorism officials — nearly 40 in total,according toa New York Times story — and coordinates with all 56 FBI field offices. It also works with the Homeland Security Department, state and local governments, as well as the major social media companies that Russian agents used to spread disinformation and stage fake rallies meant to incite voter anger.
The breadth of the effort has to match the scale of the problem, Wraysaidat a White House briefing last August. “Make no mistake — the scope of this foreign influence threat is both broad and deep,” he said.
Wray also took his warnings to Capitol Hill last month, telling lawmakers that campaigns must be on the lookout for suspicious outreach efforts.
“I think my view is that if any public official or member of any campaign is contacted by any nation state or anybody acting on behalf of a nation state about influencing or interfering with our election, then that’s something that the FBI would want to know about,” Wray said.
The FBI’s work in recent years to combat foreign election interference has received consistent praise from lawmakers of all political leanings, as well as numerous Trump administration officials.
Barr called the task force a “very dynamic program” during a Senate hearing in May on Mueller’s final report, adding, “I’m very impressed with what they’re up to.” Vice President Mike Pence gave the efforts ashoutoutat a cybersecurity conference in New York in the lead-up to the 2018 midterm election.
But law enforcement specialists said Trump has now made this work harder.
Frank Montoya, Jr., a former director of an FBI counterintelligence office from 2012 to 2014, said Trump’s mindset about foreign influence presents “real dangers” to U.S. national security.
“One, our adversaries will see it as an invitation to interfere in the next election on his behalf,” he said. “But worse is the open door Trump has enabled for all manner of influence operations to continue against U.S. interests.”
David Kris, a former Obama-era assistant attorney general for national security, argued that Trump’s latest comments essentially mark the second time he’s publicly asked for Russian help to win a presidential election. During the 2016 campaign, Trump memorablyproclaimedthat if Russia was “listening,” it should go after Clinton’s “missing” emails — a comment he later said was made in jest.
“U.S. law enforcement, intelligence and security officials will do what they can to protect the integrity of our democratic processes,” said Kris, founder of the intelligence consulting firm Culper Partners, “while being publicly contradicted and undermined by their boss.”
Other former law enforcement veterans said the president’s remarks will hurt morale inside the FBI and the other departments working on election security issues.
“I cannot tell you how profoundly troubling this is to the core of my professional experience,” said a former longtime national security official.
“It has to be demoralizing to some extent and confusing and, let’s face it, unprecedented, to have a commander in chief who has such a lack of fundamental understanding about the work the Justice Department and intelligence community do in this area,” added Greg Brower, the former top FBI liaison to Congress who served under Wray during his first months as director.
“To flat out say the FBI director is wrong on this or any other issue is, in and of itself, stunning” Brower added. “It’s tougher for the leadership, the appointees of the president, who know the president is wrong, who have to wonder about his fundamental lack of understanding about what those agencies are doing.”
Jim Baker, who served as the FBI’s general counsel under FBI Director James Comey, told POLITICO that the remarks could put Wray in a position where he might have to resign in protest if he can’t persuade the president to change his tune.
Wray needs to join Barr “to have a discussion with [Trump], and if they don’t get a sense of comfort then they’ll have some hard decisions to make,” Baker said. “I don’t think they should run for the exits right away, but they can’t just ignore this one. This is potentially encouraging criminal activity and undermining federal law.”
In the meantime, the message for the bureau’s rank and file is that everything should be business as usual, said David Laufman, a former top DOJ national security official who retired in 2018.
“Notice is certainly taken within the ranks of the FBI and the intelligence community when the president of the United States says things that, on their face, are utterly antithetical to the common mission to protect our national security,” said Laufman, who had a key role overseeing the early stages of the FBI’s Russia investigation before Mueller’s appointment.
“While off-the-cuff remarks made during an interview are not equivalent to executive orders,” he continued, “it seems to me very important for leadership at the FBI and in the intelligence community to reinforce with their agency personnel that nothing has changed in the agencies’ commitment to countering foreign influence operations.”
Marc Caputo contributed to this report.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Google denies Trump charge it rigs ‘Trump News’ searches
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is accusing Google and other U.S. tech companies of rigging search results about him “so that almost all stories & news is BAD” — and though he is offering no evidence, a top adviser says the White House is “taking a look” at whether Google should face federal regulation.
Google is pushing back sharply, saying Trump’s claim simply wasn’t true: “We never rank search results to manipulate political sentiment.”
The president’s tweets Tuesday echoed his familiar attacks on the news media — and a conservative talking point that California-based tech companies run by CEOs with liberal leanings don’t give equal weight to opposing political viewpoints. They also revealed anew his deep-seated frustration over not getting the credit he believes he deserves.
The president, who has said he runs on little sleep, jumped onto Twitter before dawn Tuesday to rehash his recent complaints about alleged suppression of conservative voices and positive news about him.
He followed that up with vague threats in Oval Office comments.
“I think Google has really taken advantage of a lot of people, and I think that’s a very serious thing. That’s a very serious charge,” Trump said, adding that Google, Twitter, Facebook and others “better be careful, because you can’t do that to people.”
Trump claimed that “we have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in. … So I think that Google and Twitter and Facebook, they’re really treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful.”
Larry Kudlow, the president’s top economic adviser, told reporters later that the White House is “taking a look” at whether Google searches should be subject to some government regulation. Trump often points proudly to his cutting of government regulations as a spur for economic gains.
In his tweets, Trump said — without offering evidence — that “Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal?”
He added, again with no evidence, that “96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous.”
A search query Tuesday morning, several hours after the president tweeted, showed stories from CNN, ABC News, Fox News and the MarketWatch business site, among others. A similar search later in the day for “Trump” had Fox News, the president’s favoured cable network, among the top results.
Google, based in Mountain View, California, said its aim is to make sure its search engine users quickly get the most relevant answers.
“Search is not used to set a political agenda and we don’t bias our results toward any political ideology,” the company said in a statement. “Every year, we issue hundreds of improvements to our algorithms to ensure they surface high-quality content in response to users’ queries. We continually work to improve Google Search and we never rank search results to manipulate political sentiment.”
Experts suggested that Trump’s comments showed a misunderstanding of how search engines work.
Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user’s query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google’s formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it’s designed and more.
Trump and some supporters have long accused Silicon Valley companies of being biased against them. While some company executives may lean liberal, they have long asserted that their products are without political bias.
Media analyst Ken Doctor said it doesn’t make sense for mass-market businesses like Google to lean either way politically. He characterized the complaints as a “sign of our times,” adding that, years ago, if the head of General Electric was supporting a Republican candidate, people who disagreed wouldn’t then go out and boycott GE products.
“The temperature has risen on this,” Doctor said.
Steven Andres, who teaches about management information systems at San Diego State University, said people often assume that if you give a computer the same inputs, no matter where you are, that you “get the same outputs.”
But it doesn’t work that way, he said. “You’re seeing different things every moment of the day and the algorithms are always trying to change the results.”
Trump didn’t say what he based his tweets on. But conservative activist Paula Boylard had said in a weekend blog post that she found “blatant prioritization of left-leaning and anti-Trump media outlets” in search results.
Boylard based her judgments on the political leanings of media outlets on a list by Sharyl Attkisson, host of Sinclair Television’s “Full Measure” and author of “The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, Think, and How You Vote.” Sinclair is a significant outlet for conservative views.
Trump began complaining about the issue earlier this month as social media companies moved to ban right-wing “Infowars” conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from their platforms. The president also argues regularly — and falsely — that the news media avoid writing positive stories about him and his administration.
Jones is being sued for saying the 2012 shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was staged. Jones has since said he believes the shooting did occur and has argued that the lawsuit should be dismissed because he was acting as a journalist.
Trump has praised Jones’ “amazing” reputation.
The issue is also of concern on Capitol Hill, where the House Energy and Commerce Committee, chaired by Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., recently announced that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is scheduled to testify before the panel on Sept. 5 about the platform’s algorithms and content monitoring.
Ortutay reported from New York.
Follow Darlene Superville and Barbara Ortutay on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dsupervilleap and http://www.twitter.com/barbaraortutay
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investmart007 · 6 years
WASHINGTON | Trump accuses Google of rigged search results about him
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/JrNdmO
WASHINGTON | Trump accuses Google of rigged search results about him
WASHINGTON— President Donald Trump is accusing Google and other U.S. tech companies of rigging search results about him “so that almost all stories & news is BAD” — and though he is offering no evidence, a top adviser says the White House is “taking a look” at whether Google should face federal regulation.
Google is pushing back sharply, saying Trump’s claim simply wasn’t true: “We never rank search results to manipulate political sentiment.”
The president’s tweets Tuesday echoed his familiar attacks on the news media — and a conservative talking point that California-based tech companies run by CEOs with liberal leanings don’t give equal weight to opposing political viewpoints. They also revealed anew his deep-seated frustration over not getting the credit he believes he deserves.
The president, who has said he runs on little sleep, jumped onto Twitter before dawn Tuesday to rehash his recent complaints about alleged suppression of conservative voices and positive news about him.
He followed that up with vague threats in Oval Office comments. “I think Google has really taken advantage of a lot of people, and I think that’s a very serious thing. That’s a very serious charge,” Trump said, adding that Google, Twitter, Facebook and others “better be careful, because you can’t do that to people.”
Trump claimed that “we have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in. … So I think that Google and Twitter and Facebook, they’re really treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful.”
Larry Kudlow, the president’s top economic adviser, told reporters later that the White House is “taking a look” at whether Google searches should be subject to some government regulation. Trump often points proudly to his cutting of government regulations as a spur for economic gains.
In his tweets, Trump said — without offering evidence — that “Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal?”
He added, again with no evidence, that “96% of results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous.”
A search query Tuesday morning, several hours after the president tweeted, showed stories from CNN, ABC News, Fox News and the MarketWatch business site, among others. A similar search later in the day for “Trump” had Fox News, the president’s favored cable network, among the top results.
Google, based in Mountain View, California, said its aim is to make sure its search engine users quickly get the most relevant answers.
“Search is not used to set a political agenda and we don’t bias our results toward any political ideology,” the company said in a statement. “Every year, we issue hundreds of improvements to our algorithms to ensure they surface high-quality content in response to users’ queries. We continually work to improve Google Search and we never rank search results to manipulate political sentiment.”
Experts suggested that Trump’s comments showed a misunderstanding of how search engines work.
Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user’s query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google’s formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it’s designed and more.
Trump and some supporters have long accused Silicon Valley companies of being biased against them. While some company executives may lean liberal, they have long asserted that their products are without political bias.
Media analyst Ken Doctor said it doesn’t make sense for mass-market businesses like Google to lean either way politically. He characterized the complaints as a “sign of our times,” adding that, years ago, if the head of General Electric was supporting a Republican candidate, people who disagreed wouldn’t then go out and boycott GE products.
“The temperature has risen on this,” Doctor said. Steven Andres, who teaches about management information systems at San Diego State University, said people often assume that if you give a computer the same inputs, no matter where you are, that you “get the same outputs.”
But it doesn’t work that way, he said. “You’re seeing different things every moment of the day and the algorithms are always trying to change the results.”
Trump didn’t say what he based his tweets on. But conservative activist Paula Boylard had said in a weekend blog post that she found “blatant prioritization of left-leaning and anti-Trump media outlets” in search results.
Boylard based her judgments on the political leanings of media outlets on a list by Sharyl Attkisson, host of Sinclair Television’s “Full Measure” and author of “The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, Think, and How You Vote.” Sinclair is a significant outlet for conservative views.
Trump began complaining about the issue earlier this month as social media companies moved to ban right-wing “Infowars” conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from their platforms. The president also argues regularly — and falsely — that the news media avoid writing positive stories about him and his administration.
Jones is being sued for saying the 2012 shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was staged. Jones has since said he believes the shooting did occur and has argued that the lawsuit should be dismissed because he was acting as a journalist.
Trump has praised Jones’ “amazing” reputation. The issue is also of concern on Capitol Hill, where the House Energy and Commerce Committee, chaired by Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., recently announced that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is scheduled to testify before the panel on Sept. 5 about the platform’s algorithms and content monitoring.
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itsasif007-blog · 6 years
Trump has sought to repurpose the trappings of nationalism for his own “America first” agenda
New Post has been published on http://liststories.com/trump-has-sought-to-repurpose-the-trappings-of-nationalism-for-his-own-america-first-agenda/
Trump has sought to repurpose the trappings of nationalism for his own “America first” agenda
It is so omnipresent, you longer notice it. On sticks outside the historic courthouse and a nearby office building. At a window screen at a kitchenware shop and on a heart-shaped table in an antique store. Above neatly mown lawns and porches of Victorian mansions along North Delaware Street. Beside the tomb of a US president emblazoned on the chest of a salesman as his car pulls out of the square.
The American flag, the stars, and stripes are flying high in Independence, Missouri, an unshowy city in what is literally middle America, preparing to celebrate Independence Day. The public holiday on 4 July celebrates the declaration of independence from the British in 1776 with barbecues, bunting, fireworks, parades, picnics and patriotic songs – reassuring rituals of Americana designed to guard against an identity crisis. However, this is 2018, Donald Trump is president and patriotism is much more complicated than usual.
“I’ve always been ra-ra when it comes to America but it’s difficult to believe this year,” explained Craig Whitney, a former teacher who hung the flag outside his home. In quiet, measured tones, the 70-year-old added:”I am very fearful. I believe we have already lost what my father fought for in world war two. Global democracy is on its way out. I’m increasingly pessimistic, I have to admit. I am convinced the [Republican party] and Trump has wrought damage which will last decades.”
I somehow believe there’s hope Regardless of Trump Craig Whitney
He has a habit of hugging the stripes and stars. He has repeatedly berated American football players for kneeling throughout the national anthem, in protest in racial injustice.
This 4 July, against a background of division and tribalism, some will embrace Trump’s eyesight of flag and nation. Others, in tens of thousands of different towns and cities north, south, east, and west, will try to preserve their own interpretation of Old Glory. Whitney, who resides in an 1893 house on North Delaware Street, said:”My sister is the world’s last remaining unreconstructed hippy. She asked me scornfully 1 time why I put out all the flags. I still somehow think there’s hope in spite of Trump.”
Asked what the flag means to him Whitney responded:”Partly my father, who had been a really flag waving sort of guy. Additionally, it symbolizes for me personally America can be, should be, should be, not necessarily is.”
I state with knowledge of this man that Harry Truman would be horrified by this. This Isn’t the world he battled for Debbie Twyman
His wife, Debbie Twyman, grew up in Independence, a Midwestern town of 121,200 individuals, 10 fire stations, 1 police station and one hospital which in the 19th century has been the primary”jumping-off” point for three leader trails west. Only a decade ago, the town was branded as that the methamphetamine capital of America (a dishonour it’s worked to shake ). “Neighbours tend to care for each other here,” Twyman said. “It’s a little town town. I can provide you the name of everyone on the street and on July 4 they will all be in backyard having hot dogs and hamburgers. They shoot off fireworks down the street and we’ll be able to see them”
“He was a really kind man and stopped and spoke to little kids like me. He was able to tell me that I should run for office and likely in my life we could have a woman president.
“I’d like to believe I’m a patriot and I see the great things my country has done and hopefully will. I’m deeply distressed when I see children ripped from their mothers [beneath Trump’s family separation policy at the border]. I say with knowledge of the guy that Harry Truman would be horrified by this. This is not the planet he fought for.” Craig Whitney and Debbie Twyman relax in their porch.
Across the street, American and Italian flags fly side by side outside the home of Linda Robinson. She explained:”Exchange students say they would like to stay in LA or San Francisco but Gaia stated,’That is the real America. This is the way it is. This is the way in which the vast majority of Americans live.’ She is right: we’re not flying setters. They estimate America by what they see on TV: a lot of Hollywood wealthy and famous. They think everyone has a giant car and a big house.”
“I do not care what anybody says, I think America is the best country in the world. Patriotism to me is standing from the country. It is like standing by anyone; you don’t always agree with them but you’ll always love them. The core values are there. I believe we’re a strong country and nobody has been on precisely the exact same page but we have managed to exist together.
As soon as he is out of office, if we could find someone with manners and diplomacy, we’ll calm down a little bit Linda Robinson
“I think somehow America will endure. The moment he is out of office, if we can find someone with manners and diplomacy, then we’ll calm down a bit. Following the election, I had to calm my daughter down and told her: just take it one day at a time, he’s not going to be there forever, someone else will come in a reverse everything he did. Sometimes in your life, there is a dip. We are at a dip right now but I think we will rise again.”
Along North Delaware Street, at the home of Stephanie Dean and household, the stars and stripes had been from flying a rod at the front garden, while two more flags rose out of plant ships either side of the doorway. She explained:”To me, it symbolizes hope that, when we are not divided, we can still come together to grow and learn and manage everyone the very same rights.”
Dean, 32, a warrior, included:”Patriotism means taking pride in your country. I am an American but that’s only part of who I am. That is not a basket I am going to throw my eggs into because that shuts the door to other men and women. It’s great to be conscious of where you are from but it’s not the be all and end all.” ‘A silent American’
Independence Square is dominated by a 1933 redbrick courthouse with classical pediment and columns beneath a clock tower and weather vane, surrounded by impeccably cut grass. Outside the west entrance is a statue of former president Andrew Jackson on horseback; outside the east entrance is a statue of Truman with spectacles, tie and suit and cane, standing on a plinth over a flower bed. Jim Allin, proprietor Window Cleaning, squeegees a storefront window across from the Truman Courthouse on Independence Square. Photograph: Julie Denesha for the Observer
The surrounding shops include an art gallery, law office, a vendor of audio gear, a”pet resort” and a physical therapist. But they’re punctuated by some empty lots marked “for rent” or using”lease this space”, one nonetheless advertising long has gone raincoats and underwear. At one corner are Clinton’s Soda Fountain, an ice cream and milkshake parlor that was once a drugstore in which the young Truman worked, rather similar to young George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life. The Neighborhood is Wild About Harry, a men’s gift, and accessories shop, and also the art deco Pharaoh cinema. At another corner is Up Dog, a timeless diner with an impending hot dog eating contest.
If you’ve got a good system you need to reside, not thump your chest and yell,’We’re number one!’
In many ways this is every town; others it is atypical. The dancer Ginger Rogers was born here. Truman moved to Independence when he was six and returned to humble retirement here after his presidency, which included the still bitterly debated decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan to hasten the conclusion of the second world war. The Harry S Truman Library and Museum, which obviously includes the US flag flying at the entrance, provides a study in contrast with the present incumbent of the White House.
Truman was the son of a farmer, worked many jobs, accrued debts, failed to attend university, laboured to a farm, fought in the first world war (joining up as a bespectacled 33-year-old), opened a clothing store that went out of business and rose to the US Senate and then the presidency — an embodiment of the American dream. Following his stunning 1948 election triumph, he also sent a telegram to the Washington Post that read:”Despite your editorial opposition to the Democratic ticket, your news coverage of my effort was fair and comprehensive.” In a glass case the museum displays the signal, “The buck stops here”, that sat on his desk at the Oval Office. Near the graves of both Truman and his wife, Bess, a quotation is inscribed in stone:”The truth is I need for history.”
Most significantly, the museum argues that Truman “reversed the long American tradition of isolationism” and chronicles his role from the Marshall Plan, the formation of Nato, recognition of Israel and military intervention in Korea — that the stewardship of a postwar liberal democratic arrangement that Trump now threatens to unravel.
Clifton Truman Daniel, who had been six before he discovered that his grandfather was president, recalls parading around Independence atop a fire engine one 4 July, in sweltering heat. He expects this year’s commemorations throughout the country will not be contaminated by the political climate. “If anything, I expect it would be a time to get less disunity and, regardless of their political differences, people celebrate their shared background,” the 61-year-old said by phone. Park guide Alex Joeckel carefully folds a flag. Photograph: Julie Denesha for your Observer
What does the flag mean? “It is a sense of pride but I’d consider myself a silent American. I’m glad I live here as Winston Churchill explained,’Democracy is the worst type of government except for all those other forms which have been tried.’ I’ve a quiet pride: if you’ve got a good system you should live it, not tell folks about it. My grandfather was proud of those values we hold dear but he was also a modest man and did not feel needed to beat anyone over the head with it.” ‘A fine line’
Josh Olah, 23, an ironworker, said:”He is fine. There are always issues with everybody. He does his job.”
Sitting under the Truman statue as well as an American flag, Olah summed the latter up in 1 word:”Freedom.”
Nationalism, fascism, and patriotism: that’s a fine line there Michael Thomas
Eileen Weir, that the mayor of Freedom, said:”I’d say that the people in my communities encouraged to a large amount the Republican president and who causes me to really change my thinking on some issues and understand what my community wants. I think the president has an opportunity to really make some fantastic policy choices.
“I’m concerned, as a lot of people are, in regards to the immigration problems but I think he has made some good decisions on tax policy. Every president has losses and wins and I am rooting for President Trump that he has more wins than losses.”
Weir, 50, who expects to expand the town’s 4 July parties, added: “Freedom is obviously the house of Harry Truman, historically a very Democratic city, and we observe that that is shifting. I feel it’s my responsibility to respond to what the Republicans want and supply them what with what they want.”
However, Trump’s brand of flag-waving is a turn off to many here. The Nazis were quite nationalistic and patriotic. Trump’s opinion is: if you don’t agree with what he says and wrap yourself in the flag, then you are unpatriotic. I strongly disagree with this.”
The stars and stripes have played many pieces. It has additionally been commodified in hats, socks, ties, towels, and underpants.
At sunset in Independence Square on Thursday,” Thomas Reddell, 23, a insulation, was wearing a vest patterned entirely out of the flag, with the celebrities on his upper right chest. He said:”Many of my family is in the army and I am grateful for what they do to let us be free without having to think about other countries bullying us.”
His perspectives on the current flag-hugging president were blended. “Donald Trump is arrogant. There are a number of things I agree with and others where I believe he is a complete fool. He spoke his mind and that is what America is all about so I’m proud in that respect, but he makes us sort of look like assholes. He is trying to split us but I also understand that Americans aren’t going to let that happen.
” We’ll have another president shortly and he’s not that important. A president is for four or eight years but America has been excellent for 200 years, so 1 man can’t change this.”
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