#i tried so hard to create the speedpaint
junorsky · 5 months
You use procreate right? I'm a beginner in coloring. And your lighting and color is always so good. If you had like steps/tutorial/tips on coloring/lighting in procreate. I would pay for it even. It's hard to find a good tutorial on YouTube for procreate users, and the style that you do which is similar to the coloring style I've been trying to self teach myself for a while and failing. Anyways sorry if this is a weird ask, but I would honestly really appreciate it
One speedpaint coming right up!
Nothing weird about this question. Honestly, I struggle a lot as well, but my problem is the shape, not the colors. I suppose I can "feel" colors, that's why impressionists are my favourite (classics always help!)
I don't know if I can help with using procreate, because I'm not really savvy with it, I always use photoshop for more complex work as it is perfect for twicking lighting, changing tint etc. I prefer to sketch in procreate, because, a) it has many great default brushes, b) my back hurts from sitting on my pc, c) I can go anywhere, draw and immediately post it.
I’ll try to summarise what I figured out with procreate, and maybe give a few tips. But I don’t know if that’s the best way to use this tool. I’m just… winging it, haha
First, if you struggle with colors, look up the color circle
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It shows exactly which color goes best with which. For example, if you use Orange for your lighting, and Blue for your shadows, it’ll look nice. Perfect, even. I love that one. Avoid using pure black for shadows, otherwise you risk to make it too… burned? Like, dirty. Be careful with Black magic.
I’ll use Zevlor here to show how it works.
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In addition, you can use the opposite color to make the character stand out. It’s really important. What’s more noticeable, red on brown or blue on brown?
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Also, learn to use masks. Really, they may be scary, but it saves SO MUCH time. Specifically with procreate, I always use them now for everything because I haven’t found the better way to avoid fixing the stray lines. With that solution, you'll need to correct only one layer at the start, the main one. Clipping masks are great to help with that, but procreate is a little uncomfortable in that regard. I’ll show what I do, perhaps it’ll make things clearer
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Those are the most useful things to know, I think. Masks can be used in photoshop in the same way, I have a bad habit of creating too many of them so it's crouded. And they rarely have a name. I'm too lazy to name them all
Anyway, I hope I managed to answer at least one of your questions... or not X) I tried. Good luck with exploring Procreate!
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spacecolonie · 1 year
i adore your paintings so muchhh would you happen to have any other tips or tutorials for your process? anything from thumbnailing all the way to final render
Thank you 😭♥ I appreciate that a lot!! To start with I've got my advice tag (both new and veeery old stuff lol), & my youtube has a couple of speedpaints on it, one with commentary including process, brushes etc
In terms of general stuff about how I approach painting, I tend to tailor the method to the desired outcome. I talk about it more in depth on this post here, I also link to some references & tutorials that I really enjoy/recommend!
Besides that though, I guess I can do a little walkthrough of the Whisper & Tangle painting I uploaded a few months ago, since I tried something new with it that I pseudo integrated into my workflow & could be fun to talk about? 🤔
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SO yes, I do always thumbnail when I'm doing a bigger painting, and they're definitely not pretty LOL. I usually use the colour fill lasso just to block in basic shapes and values with a gradient map slapped on the top -- I ended up swapping the values around in the end because it let me use the fireflies as the sole light source, making it more character focused! Then it's the usual process of resketching it all & flatting in the base colours (I also added Whisper's wisps hehe), then adding shading:
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This is how I usually approach it, w/ all the shading layers clipped to the original flats to preserve editing. Multiply, screen & overlay are the most common layer modes I use while doing this, and if I'm ever struggling I'll sometimes add a gradient map too in order to unify awkward colours etc. The new thing I tried for this painting was doing what's often nicknamed as a 'clown pass' -- which is using hard edged shapes to create an easily-accessible selection mask for each part:
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It looks Super funny but I actually found it very helpful, and I ended up using it to select & cut out all of their body parts onto seperate layers, which were then alpha locked. It meant I could go ham w/ large or textured brushes, smudges etc without worrying about losing those edges, or accidentally over-rendering and screwing up the anatomy in the process!!
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I've kept doing something similar since, though it's a bit more dialed back; mainly using the lasso select to chop it up directly and preserve specific/necessary edges, grouping up similar body parts on a single layer etc.
After doing all that, I sat down and started rendering. The background was all blocked in & detailed with a hard round brush and these amazing brushes from Devin Elle Kurtz. There isn't anything super insightful that I think I could type on how I render, but I do have that speedpaint I mentioned earlier that'll probably shed more light. It's just a lot of eyedropping & painting, rinse and repeat
When rendering is done I usually add a concoction of adjustment layers, as well as an overlay w/ a noise texture on it. I also sharpen it all after doing so! These are the ones that I ended up adding for this painting:
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The dupe & blur is a fun thing that doesn't always work, but it looks super neat when the painting itself calls for it, especially when paired w/ that noise texture. It can make stuff look like an old/low quality photograph or recording -- here's another example w/ a shadow and amy doodle I posted a few months ago:
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That's about it for this painting, the majority of the time spent on it was honestly me rendering those damn leaves 🥲 Very tedious but worth it & it was a really good learning experience. I'm not sure if any of this will prove useful but thank you so much for sending in the ask, & if you (or anyone else reading this) wants a similar breakdown for a different painting of mine, please do let me know and I'll try my best to do one!! ��💞
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lucygriefer · 22 days
Apothecary AU Current Character Heights
Here's the current heights of all the Apothecary AU characters so far. I'll add onto it in the future. Also I don't fully get baby heights. So enjoy this character height chart so far. Killertale was created by rehafwabas. Dusttale was created by either Evan Strewblow, Osteophile, Ask-Dusttale. Horrortale was created by Sour-Apple-Studio. Xtale was created by Peñaloza/Jakeii95 (also known as JakaeiArtworks over on DA). The original Dreamtalewas created by Jokublog.
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I tried to keep their heights consistent from the base line at the bottom but some mistakes were made now and then. I'm working on some other character designs and I'm working on some mini comic pages. I'll be updating this height chart in the future when more character designs are done so I can keep track of their heights. Maybe I'll make a comic series for the story idea? IDK at the moment. Still thinking about some of that. Though I might have a preview to one mini comic idea with this AU done soon.
I tried to figure out baby heights for this but I'll be honest their heights might not be perfectly consistent XD.
I'm working on some other things so IDK when I'll be able to show the preview to the first page to the mini comic I'm working on right now. Hopefully soon but IDK since this is something I'm working on in my free time and everything.
Anyways enjoy this piece! Got the mini comic stories to draft up then put into sketches for comic pages. That and working on other artworks that I've also been working on. I'm actually making this 3D item in blender cause I'm having a hard time drawing this piece for a speedpaint I'm working on. Maybe I'll show that for fun. IDK.
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angryducktimemachine · 5 months
Hi Ed!
I really really love your drawings, specially the ones with holmes and your penciled ones. I hope it’s not to bold/rude of me to say but I’d love to draw like you, do you have any tips on where to start? I have some basics from forever ago but I very rusty on my abilities. Should I draw using references? A particular tutorial on YouTube? Something entirely different?
With love, from a fan of yours
Well first step you want to be a 11 year old that gets absolutely obsessed with Warrior Cats-
Ok jokes aside (and thank you very much first!!) I'll see what actual advice I can give you! My approach to art is not really actively focused on improving (as I do not want to do this as my job and so just take the motivation to practice something specific as it comes.) but I'll try and recall what has helped me over the years.
Using references is definitely a very useful thing, I'm currently trying to use them more when it comes to drawing fabric but they're useful for all sorts of things. what I did and do personally as well is just. Watching people. Trying to figure out how the movement of a body works, the way arms can bend or legs are stretched. This works both with your own body (sometimes I just stand in front of a mirror trying to see how my arm bends over my head to get a feeling for it's movement.) and just observing people in day to day life! I find this technique easier than "static" photo references cause I get a better feeling of the body but they can both be useful.
I never really watched YouTube tutorials however what I did watch is hours and hours and hours of speedpaints - i think they're really fun if you are looking for different tricks and techniques to try, the way this artist does linework vs how this one colours- i have a few up myself.
Third, if you're anything like me and thrive on compliments; get yourself a buddy who's as hyped about your own art as you are. I feel like this helps with both inspiration and motivation, most of the time when I had art, be it when i was still drawing cats or Star Wars OCs to now drawing Sherlock Holmes - I also had a friend who was currently into the same things I was - or even better, was actively creating characters and stories with me which gave me lots of ideas to draw.
Oh also a little side note if you ever find yourself frustrated with your art or struggle to find inspiration, it often helps me to switch things up a bit, do something different. Get out actual paint. Try (and fail, in my case) to carve something. Paint a wall. Learn origami. Do something with model clay. Convince yourself that you can sew anything if you just tried hard enough.
I hope at least a few of those things are useful - explaining how I got here art wise is a bit difficult cause I mainly just picked up a pen and then just never stopped. But art starts somewhere for us all and I hope you can find joy in creating!!
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forsetcabiri · 5 months
Dear Forset
I have always find your work beautiful. Although i find myself hard to portray what I want to know when it comes to making art pieces like yours. I do wish to ask if you have any speedpaint videos so that i may be able to use it a a reference if it's not too much to ask. You can put your signture on it to make sure it will not be used for any nefarious reasons.
Thankyou and sorry to bother you.
There's something specific about my art that makes this odd to think about, The art I create is explicitly designed to take advantage of the lack of "shortcuts" it provides me. It requires me to painstakingly place every detail, every pixel, exactly where it's supposed to be in my mind. I do not sketch, and I have extremely clear mental images of what I approach before I start, whether for high-detail pieces, binary brush, pixel art, or otherwise. It's a big part of why my art works the way it does - It's stylized the fundamentals without other tools. I hardly even use layers unless I have to, because they don't assist my ability to draw, instead which tends to require me to sit down and analyze how I'm about to approach the piece in my head for quite a long time before beginning. Because of this, my process isn't actually very helpful, and relies on my questioning of "when I try to mimic another style, which parts do I always seem to emphasize wrong?" and leaning into them. Perhaps I'll have a better grasp of covering this in the future, but for now, try things that are impossible, stop when they strain, and then follow where you mind tried to go when you did using only the simplest tools of your disposal.
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yakeisoda · 7 months
Hello, just wanna start this off by saying that I love your art. I've decided to ask my favourite artists for art tips as I wanna get into it, but no matter what I do it never looks right. So, any tips?
HELLO TYSM!!! ngl i dont think im the best 4 this question im also kinda in a rut rn where im not really satisfied w my art n craving more progress and improvement but im getting there somewhat but very slowly! (ive been this way for a rly long time naow) this might be long but im gna try n throw in the things ik, sorry if my thoughts r messy im not the best in articulating stuff :')
i think a good way to start off is to find out what skill you lack the most or what you want to improve the most on, say for ex: u wna focus on getting better at composition for illustrations, then a good way to improve them is to learn about the composition rules (ex: rule of 3rds, etc), look for any scenes in films/animation or photographies and storybooks , study them and recreate it! go crazy !! ive done a study on a friend's picture before, and have asked my friends if i can use their photographies as practice!
looking for inspiration will also improve ur visual library, they can help u find what u wna put in ur art ! like perhaps certain color palettes or styles, it's best to look at different mediums of art instead of focusing only on one, sometimes u can find techniques meant 4 u! (ex: of this is my friend who used to be a watercolor artist, ive observed them using watercolor techniques when they were still new to digital art! basically mix n match whatever feels good/convenient 4 u :] )
disciplining urself is also good to have more improvement! i have trouble w this the most ever since bc its hard 2 focus if no one is like there to monitor u (in my experience), if u rly wna make progress u have to squeeze in some art practice time in ur schedule, it can be around 15-30 mins or even 3 hrs, completely up to you! (rmb to take breaks!). you can give urself deadlines if that will help n maybe timers too!
my prof always said "Proper practice makes perfect", so it's also best to practice with a clear goal in mind, take notes on the things u lack and if ur watching any art tutorials/speedpaints, take notes of those too! it's good to have something specific in mind so u wont get lost n u wud know what u wna do! it helps u retain info as well so u can look back on stuff, to avoid overwhelming urself u can just focus on small bits first, ex: in anatomy, u can focus on the head area first, break it down to drawing eyes and noses, etc! then u can move onto the torso area!
USE REFS!!!! make use of pinterest or any other refs u can find, cannot stress this enuf go crazyyy w references, make a moodboard full of referencess n go crazzyy w them!! i used to not like doing this bc i just head straight in to drawing bc thats what i was used to but art college trained me 2 use refs bc they help so very much, theyre like ur guideline for what u wna make so u have a clear goal in mind, also photobashing seems like a great practice too never tried it but yes it can help when ur planning an illustration/concept art!
^above also applies to art styles! go crazy n experiment w them!! i think its so very fun to explore diff art styles n not stick to 1, again this depends on u but having a different range of artworks is rly fun, u can go from very pastel soft colors n style, to smth very vibrant n sharp, to smth like dark n chalky-sketchy kind of vibe if im making sense T__T, basically go wild!! go crazy!! dont let urself sit in 1 box! hop into other boxes !! or wear all of them!! or poke holes in the box n add stuff to the box or wear a circle!! trust me it looks so fun if u put different artworks uve made side by side n go wow i did that!!
also create small thumbnails 4 illustration! its really best to plan ahead art too, as i said i used to just head straight in n not plan but ive learned to absolutely enjoy planning making art! collecting refs n seeing what kind of composition goes n what colors wud work is so very fun actually! it rly helps a lot
theres also this one post i lost the link, but basically it shows how much progress u can make if u make loose sketches vs full on rendered illustrations vs a mix of both, again this depends entirely on u bc things r different for everyone! i think that post is really good for teaching abt art progress (if any1 knows where it is pls do link!), i think focusing on sketches n practice is better tho bc it helps u draw more freely n loosely! i think that speeds up ur process more as well n doesnt make u lose interest immediately compared 2 focusing on finishing 1 big rendered illust (talking from experience) but then again its different for every1 so honestly just experiment n see what feels right for u!
i wna say tho that although it is good to make sure ur drawing looks right its also good to just let yourself draw freely, i think what matters is that u understood the structures of something and as long as ur able to apply that in ur own way i think thats gud! i think drawing freely helps u draw more fluidly? like having more expression is what i mean. ive gotten into the "i have 2 make this look right" hole before n i noticed it made my art look stiff, so highlyy recommend doing gesture drawing n life studies! rmb to have fun when practicing n learning,
dont pressure urself too much! enjoy the experience :] ! messy sketches r good!! not everything has to look good or perfect! my sketchbooks from way back were just doodles, pencil sketches no color mostly, theres an occasional lined one w markers , ballpen, n some highlighters, n my drawings were either smth funny that happened w me n frens with our personas or making ocs for my faves or ocs for me in general!
ur sketchbook doesnt have to look pretty its like ur diary but its art ykno! ur thoughts in visual form for the day! (again all up to u as long as u have fun! its all different 4 everyone!)
anw tysm again!! sorry if this was all over the place HAHSAW i tried my best but these r the tips i keep in mind most of the time or the ones i hold closest to me n that i try to apply as much as i cud! if u need anything else clarified just lmk! not the best w words but hopefully it helps :'')! most of the stuff i mentioned here i also need to take into practice HAHWHAW so mb its gud 4 me to write this down so i can finally push myself to do stuff,
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dude-ler · 1 year
If you're my fan, Please Read ALL this Post!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Hello, Hello, Hello! Yep I'm still here, I just finished all the ref-lists for my OCs (If you haven't seen them, check them out on this page). But bear with me now, because I have a lot of explaining to do… You may not notice, but I just removed one of the words from my username, why? Here's what happened:
Recently someone from Instragram DMed me to bring my attetion to the meaning of that word and suggest me to reconsider my name. So I googled this word and… not gonna lie… It has a LOT of bad meanings (which is why I want everyone to completely forget that word)… In my defense, I didn't think it had actual meanings and it never sounded bad for me. No one told me this before, which makes me think they also didn't know the meaning.
I tried to fix everything as quick as possible, not to mention all the hassle. I even had to replace my profile images, lock posts/videos in private, delete posts that can't be edited and even trim my videos. Luckily, in Tumblr it's possible to replace images without having to create a new post. But, unfortunately I'm not able to return the speedpaints of my OCs… It's such a pity. But what I am planning to do is create a simple video of showcasing all my OCs, all in one video.
Now I'm here left with just being called The Dude-ler… There are accounts with “Dudeler”, but mine has a “The” and a dash, so it's still different right? I'm still trying to come up with a perfect replacement of that word, but it's very hard. No one needs to help, I'll try to figure it out all by myself, I don't know how or when, but one day I guess. And I WILL verify meaning this time.
If there's anything that just comes out of nowhere, do not worry, everything will surely be fine. I myself can't even predict what's going to happen, but I do know that redemption is waiting for us. Please keep in mind that I'm a normal human being, who just loves to draw and do fun stuff, who never claims themself as a professional, who doesn't know everything, who always lives with everyday troubles. :)
I would like to post a spoiler of a new project, but now is not the time, I just think I need a long break after all this, but I will spoil something later. I'll also say this: I no longer do Color Studio Indonesia paintings, it was just getting boring, I don't even know what has happened to it.
Anyways, that's all the anouncement. I want to say huge thanks to everyone who has supported me and enjoyed my content. See you soon and have a good day! ^^
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kois-art · 7 years
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The Robin in the Garden
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wyrmy-fics · 3 years
if the rfa had youtube channels, what would they be posting?
This is going to be so much fun oml. I know exactly what to do. So buckle up 👁👁
Reblogs are highly appreciated. :)
RFA on YouTube
Includes: Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, V, Rika.
Warnings -> (N/A)
Type: Headcanons.
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✧ Zenny’s Tips & Tricks ✧
His channel is mainly about himself, as anyone would guess.
But at the same time, they’re actually helpful and fun to watch. He’s been crowned the “big bro” of YouTube.
Beauty tips: How to wash your face properly and the right products to use, the perfect shampoo and conditioners, how to keep yourself from aging...
Zen will also do tons of reviews and sponsorships.
Whenever he’s not talking about beauty, here comes the tricks.
Acting tricks: How to pick your monologues, the right volume to use within the theatre, how to use your expressions, the red flags in theatre...
Even if you aren’t interested in those, he always makes the videos enjoyable to learn from.
The occasional fancams here and there...
“It’s not weird to show your own fancams, right?”
⭑ Yoosung Games ⭑
Of course he’d be a gamer channel.
Streams on Twitch and then edits the videos for YouTube the next day.
He has the whole set up too - the gaming chair, headphones, glowing keyboard, etc.
One of the best LOLOL streamers out there, but he also tries new games.
The occasional conspiracy theory videos.
Yoosung often streams with other players too and has his own little circle.
Really kicked off when he tried out Minecraft survival mode.
Would probably be one of those yelling/screaming type streamers...
“The enderman looked scary, okay!!”
Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
Out of request, would probably do some challenges like Try Not to Laugh or Simulator challenges.
CrankGameplays vibes...
Overall a very loved YouTuber and slowly growing in subscribers.
❊ Jaehee Kang ❊
A very casual YouTuber.
Doesn’t really open up an account until she has her café.
Vlogging about her day is her main source of content.
There are a few videos with tips about creating a business and marketing, as well as what all she did to get there.
Shows off her coffee skills with her morning scenes.
If it’s a slow day for Jaehee, she’ll film herself working with soft music playing in the background that viewers can listen to with her.
Occasionally streams for Q&A sessions and to just talk with her subscribers.
Relationship videos with MC.
Hair updates because she’s excited about it growing out!!
A very loved and relaxing account. Who could hate her.
“Mom of YouTube.”
- (=•́ܫ•̀=) Jumin Han (=•́ܫ•̀=)
A business related channel.
Everyone asks about the cat faces in his name.
He doesn’t answer. (Was put in by Luciel)
Focuses his content on how to run a business and what it’s like for a CEO.
Doesn’t post too often - predominately takes requests when someone has a question about his work.
Will use the account to upload something professionally and send over in meetings.
If given the chance, will talk for a good 30 minutes about one simple thing. No editing either.
One time, Jumin made a video about the Dark Arts and magic he learned from his book. Everyone asked what that was about.
He didn’t answer.
Almost always has Elizabeth the Third with him in his videos too.
“Everyone must see her beauty at all times, don’t you think?”
♛ Defender of Justice ♛
People usually call him Seven or Luciel in his videos, though.
Because he can’t show his identity to the world, he’s a masked YouTuber. (Also the reason why Saeran doesn’t create a channel.)
Think channels like Corpse, SwaggerSouls, or Dream.
Plays along with Yoosung in his games and is part of that little circle.
Will occasionally stream but relies more on videos he can edit.
Lots of cool effects in his videos - the intro is never skipped by anyone.
He tried being a VTuber once. Nearly cancelled for catfishing.
When he’s not gaming with Yoosung, Seven is mainly doing reviews on materialistic things.
Probably cars, inventions, recent technology, and giving info about them.
He’s a super mysterious YouTuber because no one knows anything about him. No one can find anything if they tried.
Everyone loves his humor though and how accepting he is to his fans.
✎ Jihyun Arts ✎
Creates his channel after his route.
Will post tutorials, speedpaints, reviews, and look at his subscribers art to compliment them.
Very slow with updating his videos but makes up for it with the length. (Average 15-20 minutes.)
Everyone loves to put his videos on in the background since his voice is really soothing. Especially when he’s painting very quietly.
There are a few videos where he teaches certain techniques with both photography and painting, like lighting and settings.
As a photographer, it was hard to clearly see feedback on his works or talk with fans. Thankfully, YouTube changed that.
It took him a while to ease into it, but he loves engaging with subscribers and asks questions on social media all the time.
Reshares any and all artwork made for him to give his honest opinions, which are all lovely.
Somehow shipped with Jumin by fans.
☼ Kim Rika ☼
Posts twice a week with a mixture of content.
Occasionally promotes the RFA and charity work as a leader.
But on other times when there are no parties coming up, she does story times.
With parties and planning around famous (and infamous) guests, she’s bound to have a few interesting stories she can say publicly.
Like how nice Rui is in donating his photographs, or the time she slipped up and said the wrong thing to Chef Lamsey.
They’re all in good fun and typically a drama free channel.
Sometimes will vlog herself when preparing for parties and making trips to gather the things needed.
Lots of cute effects and stays within a very warm theme in all her thumbnails.
Just like Jihyun, she’s one of those channels where people play her videos in the background to simply listen to her voice.
Most likely has a line of merch, all sun and daffodil related.
PHEW that’s a lot of characters. Hope this is what you had in mind! ^^
- 💙
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creativeskull95 · 3 years
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I posted 126 times in 2021
100 posts created (79%)
26 posts reblogged (21%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 227 tags in 2021
#hello puppets - 52 posts
#htahhq - 30 posts
#skully speaks - 23 posts
#scout - 22 posts
#outside - 21 posts
#stacy stein - 20 posts
#fanfiction - 16 posts
#riley ruckus - 15 posts
#happy times at handeemen hq - 14 posts
#skully answers - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#i also watched a lot of speedpaints and drawing timelapses to learn new techniques
My Top Posts in 2021
Buddy’s Problem part 3
And here's the last chapter! And if it feels kinda incomplete, that's cause it kinda is. I wasn't able to fit everything I wanted to into this fic, so there will probably be another fic later, focusing on Buddy solving his problems with the help of the others.
But that will be in a while, cause I've got other stuff to do first, and other fics to write. Until then, enjoy this fic, maybe check out my other fics, and definitely check out Left Behind, written by my friend @colorfulcollectordragon-2f8ee55c.
Filbo was having fun. Everyone, was having fun as far as he could tell. While they had, originally, gone to Gramble's place for the party it ended up that Gramble practically lived out of an animal shelter. Fitting, for the short Grumpus, but not very good for a party. So they had ended up moving to Wambus and Triffany's house instead, which meant they could be as loud as they want.
Which Chandlo took as a challenge, of course, after he had had a few beers. As it turned out, the bodybuilder was a lightweight, and Snorpy was currently trying to make him be quiet.
Beyond that, everyone else seemed to be having a great time, chatting among themselves or dancing to the music. Though Cromdo and Wiggle had gotten into a bit of a singing competition, it seemed to be all in good fun.
"Man, this is a great party!" Filbo commented to himself as he sipped at his own beer. He didn't get drunk easily, but he still wanted to be able to drive home. He could easily stay the night, but he didn't want to intrude.
He looked out the window, which had a good view of the driveway. No little red car yet, but it was still early. They'd left a note on Gramble's door, so Buddy would know to come here instead.
Hopefully, he'd be able to make it.
But, as the night went on and the party ran down, Buddy never showed up. And Filbo couldn't stop the hard, cold ball of dread from forming in his stomach. Finally, he went to where Wambus was arguing with Snorpy on whether he should continue growing and selling sauce.
"Hey, uh, Wambus?" The farmer turned to face the new Mayor fully, ignoring Snorpy even as he kept talking. "Can I use your phone?"
"Why?" He asked, reaching out to shove Snorpy's hat over his eyes. The poor guy must have drunk more than Filbo'd thought, as he immediately tripped over his own feet and onto the couch.
"Uh, well, Buddy told me he'd come. But, y'know, he never showed up. So I wanted to give him a quick call, and make sure he was okay."
"Sure." He gestured for Filbo to follow, and led the smaller Grumpus to the phone on the wall. He then leaned against the other wall nearby to watch as Filbo dialed in the number he'd memorized, and held the receiver up to his ear.
Nothing, just a dial tone. He hung up, then tried again to be greeted with the same result. He was about to try a third time when Wambus snatched the phone and did it for him instead, frowning at he dial tone.
"Does he usually call people at this time of night?" He asked as he hung up, and Filbo shook his head.
"Not while I was there." He shrugged helplessly, and watched the farmer's frown deepen.
"I don't like this." He said. "We should go check on him."
"What, now?!" Filbo rushed after Wambus as he headed for the door. "But half of us are drunk!"
Wambus paused, then changed direction to where Triffany was talking with Floofty. "Triffy. I need ya to drive me to, ah, to Buddy's house. He's not answering his phone, and he was supposed to be here." He told her.
Oh dear." Triffany put down her glass of water, worry already creasing her features. "Of course I'll drive ya, Wamby. Gotta make sure he's okay, after all."
"I will accompany you." Floofty spoke up, setting their own glass of water down.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, Floofty." Filbo told them. "You can stay and enjoy the party."
"Nonsense. You have been drinking as much as anyone else. You need someone to drive you." They reached over and plucked Filbo's keys from his paw. "And besides, our friend may require medical assistance, and I am the most qualified to give it. It's the least I could do for all the help he's given me."
"Oh, uh, okay then." Filbo followed them out and to their car, watching as Wambus and Trffany got in Wambus' truck. He had to give them directions, as Floofty had never been to Buddy's apartment before. But, they did exactly as he told them, and Triffany followed close behind.
They made it there quickly, and parked in front of the old brick building. Filbo climbed out of Floofty's car as soon as they got it parked, and bypassed the intercom system to head straight for the stairs instead. A few seconds later, he heard the others following behind him.
He stopped at the door to Buddy's apartment, and knocked quickly. "Hey, Buddy? You in there?" No answer, and as Filbo went to knock again Wambus elbowed in front of him and banged on the door instead.
"Open up!" He growled out, and Triffany and Filbo rushed to make him stop.
"Wamby! We don't want to scare the poor dear." She scolded.
"O-or wake everyone else up." Filbo looked around, in case anyone tried to come out and yell at them. When he turned back, Floofty was crouched by the door, something in their hands. "Uh, Floofty? What are you doing?"
See the full post
27 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 23:29:35 GMT
Ok for the angsty art meme I humbly ask for the high fever with Stacy, Daisy, Riley and scout taking care of her and trying to make her feel better please. (I’m sorry if this is too much)
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Agh, it's finally done! Sorry it took so long, I just could not figure out how to draw Riley and Daisy. Nothing I did looked right at all.
Also, there is a story here! Which explains where Scout is, since I know you wanted her in this pic. I just don't have time to write it out right now cause I've got to go to work soon.
But, hopefully tomorrow? I'll get it written out as a Short.
29 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 20:17:25 GMT
In Which Thad Goes to Check on Uzi(and Maybe Get Revenge for Uzi's Death)
Thad gets worried after a few weeks of not hearing from Uzi, so he decides to go check on her. But not before arming himself with what is possibly the only thing that can harm a Murder Drone. 
This is hopefully the first in a series of one-shots featuring Thad. I don't know when the next one will be, it's mostly a write as a I feel like type of thing for this.
But yeah, we need more Thad fics. He wasn't on screen for long, but he was pretty cool.
(Also lucky you guys, y’all get two Murder Drones things in one day. :D)
Thad held no illusions that Uzi couldn't take care of herself. She'd built a gun, and even took down a Disassembly Drone by herself. Not to mention all the other stuff she'd built when they were younger, including various inventions and bombs. Lots and lots of bombs.
In hindsight, this made a lot of sense actually.
But, with her sudden self-exile with that other, weirdly friendly Disassembly Drone, she'd left a lot of her stuff behind. And he was more than a little worried about her. And so, after a few nights of sneaking into her room to get her stuff, taking some WDF armor, and making sure he had the rail-gun, he was ready to go see Uzi. Or get revenge in case the Murder Drone had, well, murdered her.
Sneaking out was easy. The vents were still unguarded, and the first door was still stuck open. And with so much of the WDF having been... removed from life, there was nobody left to question him. It was both a relief, and rather frightening.
As he stepped outside, he marveled at the how surprisingly pretty it looked. Thick flakes of snow drifted lazily to the ground, and the whole area was bathed in orange from the setting sun. It was beautiful, and he almost regretted not coming out to look more often.
The sun was just starting to dip beneath the horizon as he approached the Spire. Getting closer, he could make out the many, many Worker Drone corpses that made it up. He gulped audibly, clutching the gun tighter as the bag full of Uzi's things laid heavy on his shoulders. He considered just tossing it inside and running, but he really want-needed to check on Uzi and make sure she was alright.
So he crept inside, keeping the gun up and ready. He didn't know how many more Murder Drones were around, and he wanted to be ready in case they were hostile. He may not make it out alive, but he'd take at least one of them down with him.
He was so focused on what was in front of him, that he didn't notice the shadow approaching him until it landed with a light thump. He turned, terrified, only for the gun to be snatched from his shaking hands. A Disassembly Drone now held the gun, bring it to it's hands by it's long tail, tipped with nanite acid.
"Ah..." Thad backed up, distantly noting this was the same Disassembly Drone that had taken Uzi away. It was looking over the gun, but Thad had the feeling it was also looking at him. It was... disconcerting, to say the least.
"Where did you get this?" It asked in a masculine voice. Thad stuttered, what little bravery and confidence he had leaving him as he tried to figure out an escape.
"Uh, it, uh..." Eyes darting, searching for an escape, distraction, Uzi. But the only way out was blocked by the Murder Drone in front of him, who was looking rather impatient for an answer.
"Well?" It-he? took a step closer, and Thad stumbled several steps back, fear clogging his vocal box. He tripped over a leftover limb, landing hard on the bag. He hoped nothing got broken, some of the stuff in there was fragile.
"N? Who are you talking to out here?" They both turned to see Uzi climbing out of the large pod in the middle of the space. She paused when she saw the other Worker Drone. "Uh, Thad?"
"Uzi!" His savior! His knight in a knit hat! He scrambled up and almost sprinted over to her before wrapping her in a quick hug. "Robo Jesus you're alright!"
"What? Of course I am!" She just barely restrained herself from pushing him away. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh!" He'd almost forgotten in his relief. "You uh, you left in kind of a hurry, so I snuck into your room and got some stuff for you!" He slipped the backpack off and held it out to her.
"Oh." She took the bag, opening it up to see, at first, her tools and a few inventions. Digging past those, she spotted the unlabelled discs that were her anime collection, spare clothes. And, at the very bottom, was a single, charred photo. "Wow, uh, I didn't even think to grab anything. Thank you." She gave him a genuine smile, which he returned before a blush dusted his visor.
"Well, I figured you'd want at least some stuff from, uh, from home." He glanced around, gaze turning cautious. "Uh, you don't, y'know," He dropped his voice so only she would hear. "live here now, do you?"
"So what if she does?" The Murder Drone spoke up from right behind Thad. He yelped and turned, backing away quickly while the Murder Drone handed the gun over to Uzi. She quickly checked it over, while he kept a hard, steady gaze on Thad.
"Wow, it's not even scratched! Thanks, Thad." Another smile, one that he was very hesitant to return.
"Sure. I uh, figured you might need it more than I do." Uzi noticed how his eyes kept darting towards the Disassembly Drone. She sighed quietly, and elbowed said Drone with a frown.
"Stop glaring at him, N." She hissed as he rubbed his arm.
"I'm not glaring." The Drone, N, muttered. But he did look away finally, and relaxed his stance. It made Thad feel marginally better.
"So..." Thad tried not to fidget. "What have you been doing lately?"
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30 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 00:44:31 GMT
Sleeping Positions
Uzi keeps waking up in N's arms. This is really annoying, since N tends to recharge upside down.
Murder Drones fic, since we need more of those around. I wrote this with the intent of it being purely platonic, but it can also be read as ship/pre-ship if you're into N/Uzi.
Also I have a few more ideas for Murder Drones fics, including two longer, multi-chapter fics. So keep an eye out for those. :D
Uzi wasn't too edgy to not admit she freaked out the first time she woke up in N's arms. To be fair, anyone would when they go to sleep on  the floor, and wake up hanging upside down from the rafters.
So she freaked out, accidentally slapping N awake, where upon he dropped her on the floor. She laid there for a moment, dazed, while N dropped into a defensive position beside her, claws and wings out and large X flashing onto his visor. He blinked, eyes returning to normal, when he realized they were not actually under attack. "Wha...?" He stood up, rubbing at his head. "Why'd you wake me up?"
"Why were you clinging to me like that?!" Uzi countered, standing up and brushing herself off. She grabbed and put on her hat before fixing N with a glare.
"I..." His eyes darted around the room, never really landing on her as his face sparked with embarrassment. "I-it's dangerous around here!"
"How? J's dead and V's still tied up!" A pause, as she remembered his crush on the psychotic Disassembly Drone. "Right?"
"Obviously!" He rubbed the back of his head. "It's just... she's pretty strong. She... she might get out. And she really doesn't like you." They'd both heard the threats she'd screamed at them from her prison. Her voice had echoed through the spire before N had finally found something to gag her with. "So. It's just... it's just not safe?"
"And that makes it OK to hang me upside down like that?" No answer, just N looking anywhere but at her, sheepish expression stuck on his face. "Just... go back to recharging. I've got work to do."
And with that, she made her way down to where the landing pod was. N watched her go before flying back up to the rafters.
The second time it happened, Uzi didn't freak out quite as bad. She had almost been expecting it, but it had been more than a week since the last time so it did catch her off guard. And, even besides that, coming out of recharge upside down was... not pleasant.
She squirmed and pushed against his hold, but he had apparently locked himself in place to keep her from falling again. One hand on the back of her head, the other around her waist, and his legs were locked around hers. His wings cocooned them both, while his tail was wrapped around the rafter. They swayed gently from the force of her movements, but she was otherwise quite stuck there for now.
She managed to crane her head around and yep! His visor was blank, and the lights on his weird headband were dark. Sighing, she let her head thunk against his chest, not willing to try and wake him up to get out of this.
At least it was warm, she mused as she checked her internal temperatures. A little higher than average from being so close to the constantly overheating Drone for who knew how long, and yet it was oddly... nice. Comforting almost, as she hung there, clutched to him.
It had been a while, since anyone held her so... protectively. Or at all. Not since her mother-
She shook her head, annoyed at herself for almost slipping back into recharge. She had a landing pod to fix up, and other work to do besides that.
So, with one final shove, she managed to finally slip out of N's grip, landing a lot better than she had the last time. The Disassembly Drone barely stirred, only curling in tighter now that she wasn't in the way. Satisfied that he'd stay like that until nightfall, she set about gathering her tools.
The third time it happened, Uzi had stayed awake and was waiting for him at dawn. She'd been doing so since the last time, but so far every time dawn had come he'd simply set himself to recharge.
But this time she had listened to him wander around for a while, muttering quietly to himself. He paced for a bit before stopping by the mattress they'd dragged up there for her to recharge on. He stood over her for long enough that Uzi started getting nervous about his intentions. So when he leaned down, starting to pick her up, she snapped her visor on and smacked him in the face with her hat.
He yelped, stumbling back as she dropped the few inches back onto the mattress. "That's what you get!" She yelled, throwing the hat so it smacked him in the face a second time. He scrambled to catch it, a truly shocked look on his visor.
"I- Y-you're supposed to be recharging!" A look of realization flashed across his visor. "Have you been staying awake every night?! Uzi, that's bad! You need to recharge!"
"So?! I'd like to wake up without you clinging to me like a... a...!" She didn't have a good comparison, actually. Luckily, N didn't notice as he started going on the defensive.
"I told you before, it's dangerous for both of us to recharge at the same time! V could get free, and-and we wouldn't know it!" He threw the hat down in something like frustration, an emotion she hadn't seen on him before. It was... she didn't want to use the word scary, but it really kind of was.
"I think we'd notice if V managed to get herself free." Uzi managed to point out with false confidence. When there was no real reaction from N, she turned and flopped back onto the mattress. Silence followed, with still no movement behind her. With a sigh she scooted over and patted the spot behind her in invitation.
She refused to actually talk about this, it went against the whole angsty rebellious teen shtick she had going for her. And it would be awkward as hell, and could mess up the nice little thing they had going for them. But she could at least try and compromise, if it made him feel better.
It took another minute before she felt the mattress dip from his weight, and a arm snake around and pull her to his too warm chest. Idly, she wondered when the last time he hunted for himself was, or if he was taking oil from the many still full corpses in the Spire. She knew he was making sure V got what she needed, but she never saw him feed himself. So she couldn't help the small bit of worry that he wasn't taking care of himself.
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48 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 19:30:12 GMT
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Made some fanart for this show! These drones are somehow both easy and difficult to draw, lol.
And if y’all could only see how many reference pics I had up for this. Usually I only need one or two, but hoo boy, these guys were tough. XD
While looking for parts in an old building, Uzi found a secret stash of manga. she insisted on a reading break, because she’s always wanted to read manga.
55 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 22:38:03 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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crazycookiemaniac · 4 years
Another speedpaint! Sorry the camera is moving so much. I didn't have a place to put my phone this time so not only did I have to hold it, I drew while looking at the phone instead of the paper. Drawing with a sharpie is always harder since its point is thick, so I tried to fix the bad strokes by creating something to make it work like his hand and shoulders lol. I was just gonna draw Magna but it ended up being a LuGna art. I totally butchered Luck though. There was no way to fix that :,) the total time for this sketch was 7 mins. Normally it would take me like 3 mins or smth, but it drawing while looking at the phone screen is hard lol. Hope you guys enjoy this anyway!!
Music: Souris En Peluche
Musician: Tyufyakin Konstantin
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Art therapy to deal with life's rotten lemons
Art has helped me in so many ways - and no I'm not exaggerating. It's literally something that keeps me going, helping me get through the day. I wouldn't say that art is my whole life, though it's been kinda more prominent in the past few years, but it's something that gives me a purpose.
That's not to say that I've been creating art all the time. Art blocks happen, lack of inspiration or motivation, or just the need of a break to step back and focus on other stuff. For me, creativity and inspiration are kinda like background apps that are running behind the scenes while I do other things. It's usually open so if inspiration strikes, then I have somewhere to put it to use for later.
Usually when I have an idea, I like to sit on it a bit before getting started - I don't know why, but that's how my brain works, though part of it's probably because I tend to procrastinate. That kind of creative process may not be practical if I plan to run a shop like Daisy Jane - who's usually consistent when it comes to creative output - but for me, it works out perfectly.
Since college, I've gotten into art journaling and now it's become kinda my thing as I've been doing it consistently for a long time. And by consistently I don't mean every day or on a regular basis, but it's something that's stuck with me throughout the years, even more so since I started running the camp. Even when there are days when I don't feel like journaling, it's still in the back of my mind, something to use for later when I do have the motivation to create something. Although I'm not creating content all the time, I'm always open to ideas and inspiration, and that's what keeps me going.
From going on adventures, getting into a new show or movie, reading something interesting, to just hanging around and not doing much - I find inspiration in all these things. I like trying out new and different things because it opens my mind to more ideas, more ways I can express my creativity. I guess that's why I've been journaling a lot more over the years - because there's so much I want to explore and expand on. It'll be interesting to look back on my journal entries in the far future to see how much has changed.
I wonder how future me will look back on these years. Hopefully it'll be mostly good memories.
The reason why I've been thinking so much about how art has helped me is because we've been making a lot of art at the camp. A friend of Daisy Jane has come to visit along with their sister and they're both in need of a break and some art therapy.
I've been following Ken at quillinkstudio since about last year thanks to Daisy Jane and I really enjoy their speedpaints and studio vlogs. Turns out that Daisy Jane knows Ken from college, which was why they gave a shoutout to Happy Floral Mail during a stationery haul video a while ago - and that was how I found out they know each other.
In recent vlogs, they've been opening up about mental health and emotional neglect following the death of their mother a few months ago. They have a complicated relationship with their parents and siblings, which was why they pretty much ran off after finishing college. The only family member Ken has the least antagonistic relationship is Carol, the one who has been constantly left to deal with everyone else's shit, resulting in her putting herself last.
Basically their family life's a mess. Their parents argued constantly - father was neglectful while mother was abrasive, and the siblings were selfish and snobbish - it's hard to believe that Ken came from a family like that. Being the youngest as a latecomer, Ken was probably spared most of the abuse as the father died when they were young and all the siblings except for Carol had moved out.
Carol's basically the neglected middle child who desperately seeks to please, only to be stepped on. Since the father's death, Carol stepped in to care for the mother in hopes of earning her love. While the other four siblings have their own lives, Carol was stuck trying to earn the approval of people who constantly put her down. It's pretty fucking sad and it's no wonder why she has all these problems now.
Ken says that they have mixed feelings about their mother. On one hand she kinda doted on them because they were the baby, often to the point where she forced them to fit into her image of what she wants them to be. They only visited her out of obligation because no matter how far they were, the mother still has strings attached. While she would brag about their success as an illustrator and writer, she also undermined them, pitting them and the siblings against each other.
After the mother died, Carol became lost. All five siblings were in the same room for the first time in years and as expected, it was a disaster. Later Carol and Ken got into a big argument in which Ken told her that if she continued with her self destructive behavior, then the next time they visited home it would be for her funeral. The two "had it out" as they described it, and it made them truly realize how fucked up their family was.
At least some good came out of the whole blow up seeing that Carol's here with us now. The day after, Carol admitted that she wasn't okay and hasn't been for years. So Ken suggested that she come along with them, to leave home and start over. She had always spoke about leaving for as long as they could remember, only to be saddled with the responsibility of taking care of the mother.
Like her sibling, Carol aspired to be an artist. She also dreams of being an actress and singer. And of course, the mother shot her down, forcing Carol to suppress her creativity. At least now, she's slowly finding herself again.
It wasn't easy, but Ken managed to convince Carol to get away. She basically took off without a word, which was really the only way she could've left. There's a lot of unfinished business Carol has to deal with, but for now she has to distance herself, which she's still struggling with.
For now Carol's living with Ken, which admittedly hasn't been easy. They worked out a contract with each other, like promising to keep up with therapy and learning how to communicate in a healthy way instead of letting things blow up. Ken wants to help her as much as they can as long as Carol's willing to do her part. There's a lot to unpack as we can't undo years of trauma, but at least we can put the past behind us and move on to a better future.
Art therapy has been super helpful for Ken and Carol. Along with filming a vlog, Ken's also working on their graphic novel, which is about the stuff they've been talking about on the vlogs regarding their family life. It was something Ken had been working on and off for a while before shelving it because at the time it was too difficult to write about. Now with the mother gone, a weight's been lifted off their shoulders, thus giving the novel a more hopeful message as the initial reason why they shelved it was because it ended up being too bleak.
Carol's been trying out different art mediums, figuring out what calls to her the most. So far it's painting and art journaling, the former which she hasn't done in years, the latter being something new. She's also learning digital art, which she's picking up quickly and seems to be getting into. It's good to see that making art has been helping her a lot.
In between art sessions we've been enjoying the scenery as usual. Carol has been practicing digital art by drawing sceneries, something she found out she enjoys a lot. Having spent most of her life in the suburbs, being out here in nature has been a refreshing change of scenery for her. Seeing her and Ken fascinated by their surroundings feels like watching baby birds taking flight for the first time. The two have a tendency to wander so it's been kinda fascinating to see them get lost in nature.
It's sweet but also kinda sad, especially for Carol. I can't help but feel bad for her, for her wings have been clipped for so long that she's unable to find her way now that the strings holding her back have been cut. At least Ken's there to guide her as she tries to find her footing, to finally take back her life after giving everything to uncaring people who just take, take, take from her.
Healing's a difficult process - they will probably drag each other down more than lift each other up. Ken's been open about how hard things have been for both of them, and while it fucking sucks sometimes, they knew exactly what they signed up for by taking Carol in. Ideally, they want to save their sister, but realistically it's not gonna work out like that. Getting her away and giving her the help she needs won't magically make all her problems go away, but it's a start.
Today, we took a walk along the mountain trail, where we collected berries, moonstones, and maple fern leaves. I've never seen maple fern leaves before as they only bloom every few years according to Isabelle. Since they're rare, we decided to collect a bunch to save for a later project. I have no idea what to do with the leaves yet but I'm sure we can come up with something great.
We wound up staying on the mountains all day as we kinda got lost a bit at that fork in the trail where things kinda get confusing. There's a peak up there I haven't explored until today as whenever I try to look for it, I can't find it. The trail only shows up if we get lost but by then it's getting late so we have to put off exploring for another time. Finally, after years of trying, we finally got to explore the peak!
Getting up there was tricky as the slopes are super steep. We had to take the long way around so we could take short breaks and not risk anyone getting injured. It's a daunting climb, but the view was so totally worth it! Not only the view is breathtaking, I can see even more places to explore. That's what I love about exploring new areas - it's like unlocking a door leading to something bigger.
Since we worked so hard to get up here, it made sense for us to spend the rest of the day making the most out of our discovery. Now that I know how to get there, I now have to find a way to make this area more accessible with things like trail markers and ladders. Ken documented the whole trek for the vlog, an impressive feat as, like I said, the climb wasn't planned. As fun as the whole thing was, don't expect something like that again - in other words, don't try this at home, kids.
(Will that stop me from doing something like that again? Knowing how I tend to be a poor planner, probably not. Then again, I guess it's good to be aware because if things go wrong at least you knew beforehand.)
At the peak, we found a field of colorful pinwheel astras. The light breezes caused the petals to spin, which was fascinating to watch. Normally I don't like looking at spinning things for too long because I'm kinda prone to getting headaches but looking at the pinwheel petals was surprisingly calming. It was kinda funny when the four of us immediately pulled out our tablets/sketchbooks to draw the flowers. We also took a bunch of pics too and they turned out great.
After exploring around the peak for a while, we rested underneath a giant lemon tree. The tree was full of perfect lemons - it was like nothing I've ever seen before. Lemons are kinda hard to come by as they don't grow at the camp, so they're only accessible at the market box for me. Finding a perfect lemon is like striking gold, so to see so many at once is like hitting the jackpot. So of course, we collected a bunch and later made lemonade when we got back to the camp.
Speaking of lemons, Ken and Carol are taking the perfect lemons as some kind of a sign. Something about them growing up with a neighbor who always gave them crappy lemons from their tree that end up sitting in the fridge until they get thrown away. Ken says it's a really long story that's funny and interesting so it looks like they'll have to cover it in the upcoming vlogs about the camp. Seeing how the lemons seem to be a sign of hope for the two, I'm intrigued.
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whipplefilter · 5 years
I know cars can paint with stuff like what Ramone uses, but do you think there's other stuff they can use - like giant tire paintings? 👀
Yesssss I absolutely love this idea!! (Also lol sorry for the glacial age it took me to get back to this ask. I am terrible.) I love giant art, lol.
I’ll bet at some point the Piston Cup has brought in as trackside entertainment large scale tire speedpainters. Like, a troupe of artists who drive through paint and then drive around on pavement to create big ol’ giant works of art that you can only perceive in full from high up in the stands. Some of them are replications of famous artworks (Mona Lexus?), some of them are just like, caricatures of Darryl Cartrip or Piston Cup racers. The most ambitious of the paintings 
Naturally, RSN also had a pre-race segment where Piston Cup racers tried their hand at tire speedpainting… To variable success. Most of the racers just accepted their fate and went with doing pretty abstract tire art since they knew they didn’t know what they were doing and if they didn’t go abstract, it’d come out horrible. 
But Brick tried to draw a tree. 
There was a whole, silent minute of RSN coverage that was just an aerial view of Brick concentrating real hard and very very very very very very slowly drawing with his tires the worst stick figure tree you’ve ever seen. 
There are so. Many gifs of this.
And for the next exhibition race, Brick ran a special paint scheme that featured his silly little tree on the hood–and the artwork of a bunch of children’s art from cars the Vitoline charitable foundation had worked with over the course of the season. 😭😭😭😭😭💚
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shinkamilyn-sakonma · 5 years
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✿ Little speedpaints done over a longer period of time~ Characters are Vael (antagonist of NuError) and his Anima (summon), Morpho.
Anima: Vael with Morpho, in her pink butterfly form. She never really takes on her insect form and prefers her humanoid form instead (it's easier to annoy Vael in it) . As for Vael, he is a survivor of the Exanimia disease (=a plague in the world of NuError), and shares his body with his dead twin sister Hlaeja (who died from that disease 10 years prior). 
Opiumorphis: Vael’s weapon. Its true shape is unknown. He merely tried to create it after a dream that Morpho showed him. (Normally, weapons are created at designated science facilities, after the Anima offers one of their body parts to be shaped into a weapon. Yet Vael obtained Morpho illegally, and she didn’t offer him much, other than dreams and illusions). 
Incarnation: Like all Host&Anima duos, Vael and Morpho are one soul. Morpho was the very first incarnation of the soul, and Vael is the current one. Morpho actually wants to take over Vael's body and live as a human again, so she is frequently searching for ways to "kill" Vael in her free time.
Ascendant: Morpho's fullbody design~ Since she is a butterfly technically, I wanted to use that as the theme for her design. It was really fun, and it's one of my favorite Anima designs ´7` 
Credencia: Actually-- more like the lack thereof ΦΦ Credencia means “state of trusting” in Latin, and is actually a ritual in the story that people have to go through in order to combine the ancient and their current incarnation. Because Vael obtained Morpho illegally though, he never did the ritual, so their souls are not "processed" and not connected correctly. Morpho is desperately trying to bridge that connection, but since Vael is not having any of it (for various reasons), Morpho likes to resort to annoying him instead. In reality, she can not actually kill him (that would mean she would die too), but likes to pretend that she does just to get on his nerves.
Morpho: A more recent front-view of her design. I actually really like her eyebrows for some reason ´7`9 They are my favorite part to draw in her design haha~ Second favorite are all the eyes! Morpho's ability is giving people nightmares or illusions, and she can do that whenever someone makes eye-contact with one of her eyes. It's really hard to avoid looking at one of them since she has so many pfff 
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dark-sarya · 5 years
i have the Vergil motivation to start doing digital drawing. But its kinda intimidating. I mean I've always done things traditionally and I do know how to make designs on Adobe software but not drawing. I was wondering if you have a software that you prefer or would recommend; or just tips in general.
Hello anon! how are you doing? :D
Thank you for asking, I’m not en expert, but I’ll try to help you as much as possible :D. Also, bear in mind that english is not my mother tongue, so there may be some mistakes (ans I’m also a idiot who types really fast without re-reading xDD).
First of all, I assume that you own a graphic tablet, this tool is essentioal for digital art, as they have pen pressure and helps a lot to create unique effects! The brands I’ve seen people recommending the most latelly are Wacom and Huion. I can only give you my opinion about the first one though, I’ve owned a Wacom Intuos 4 for over 6 years and it has never failed me ♥ not even when I accidentally threw the pen inside my tea xD.
Now, speaking about software, I have tried 3: Paint Tool Sai (1 and 2), Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop. Each one has their pros and cons, and you also have to bear in mind what your computer can handle.
1. Paint Tool Sai:
 This is the one that I use and like the most, the interface it’s quite simple and the only thing that may cause you trouble may be the brushes settings, but once you have created you own ones, the only preset you’d probably need to change is density.
This software comes with a pen stabilizer, which is very handy if you do linework, I always set mine to S-3 so it’s easier to get more accurate and less “crispy” lines, you may also notice that the pressure works a bit different, like it’s a bit more sharp. 
For colouring I always set my flats with selections and the bucket tools, and then I add layers for shadows ans highlights. I always start with flat shadows and blend them using both the Brush and the Water tool. I may share my brushes presets for Sai 2 if you like. This software also includes a “transparent” color, which is really useful when you need to fix some blended areas or softly remove part of the colour.
I have used bot Paint Tool Sai 1 and Paint Tool Sai 2, I have noticed that in the second version brushes work a bit different, specially when it comes to using the transparent color. But Sai 2 comes with many enhacements which makes it more enjoyable, thing such as:
Elipse Rulers
Linear Rulers
Perspective Rulers (they work wonders even if you know 0 about perspective)
Better compatibility with Photoshop’s layers
It seems that Sai 2 is going to be on Beta forever, but you can still download (illegally, lol) and use it, It’s my fave one, so I really recommend this one.
If you want to see more about its interface, I highly recommend you to take a look to my youtube channel, I tend to upload there some of my drawings speedpaints, I hope they can help you to understand hot it works.
2. Clip Studio Paint
I haven’t used this one that much, I only made my first V drawing with it, as well as some headshots for practicing.
This also comes with a pen stabilizer, but I noticed it didn’t worked the same way as Sai’s, it took me a while to get a level of hardness that I liked. The good thing is that it comes with a wide variety of pens, and I really recommend G-pen when it comes to making linearts, it has a nice and sharp finishing.
It also comes with poseable 3D models to use as references, I don’t really like to use them as they have anime-ish proportions and such, but some people may find them handy I guess. CSP also has a wide variety of resources such as premade images (grass, dust, floers, manga panels, halftones…) so this one may be a good option if you also plan to create comics and such.
If you are going for the paid version, you also get access to a marketplace in which people uploads their resources, and you may find some interesting ones there for free.
CSP also has rulers and perspective tools as far as I remember, but I haven’t tried the new ones (this software used to be called Manga Studio, and that was the first time I used it xD).
You can see me struggling with it in this video.
3. Photoshop
I think this is the one that everyone knows the most, right? xD. Though the use of Photoshop has been widely spreaded, we have to keep in mind that this software is very heavy to handle for some cumputers, you’ll probably need over 8GB of RAM memory (I have 16 GB and it still crashes some times) to make it run “properly”. I am isung CC 2015, since I don’t have enough space in my HD for CC 2019, and I would probably need an SSD to make it work smoothly.
I find it really difficult to do linework with Photoshop, it doesn’t have a pen stabilizer (unless you pay for the lazy nezumi plug-in), so the pen usualy “slips” more, I don’t really know how to call this, but I don’t like the feeling I get when I do linework with it. On the other hand, I find it really funny to sketch with it, don’t ask me why xD.
When it comes to colouting, you have to find the brushes that appeal to your style the most, and it’s also really easy to make your own, you can also make patterns and such. Bad thing that you have to use the sampler a lot, in the end you have to use 3465654 tools to blend properly in photoshop, when in either Sai or CSP you only need two, and this is depending on your style.
I have seen many people doing wonders with realist style in PS (you may take a look to @i-have-no-name-v‘s works, they are awesome!) though!
Other thing I don’t like about PS is their color wheel…It works totally different to Sai’s or CSP’s, and most of the times I find it hard to pick the tone I really need. You may also need a plug in tho swap your color wheel too.
I like to use Photoshop when it comes to adding effects to a drawing, be it lightin, particles, color corrections, etc. It’s very handy for this, and it’s also a good thing that both Sai and CSP allow you to save in .psd format.
I hope this long post has been helpful to you or to anyone that needs it, as I said, I have no problem in sharing my Sai 2 brushes presets if you want, you can either reply here or send me another ask ;D
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threshasketch · 6 years
Hey Threshie, I was thinking of starting to do some digital artwork. Do you have any tips?
Hi Anon, thanks for sending me thisask! Sorry it’s taken me a few days to get back to you; the end ofthe year is always a whirlwind for me.
My tips for getting into digital art:
1. Figure out what kind of digital artyou want to learn to do. There’s digital painting, drawing, things that look likephotos, things that look like splashed ink. I keep a folder of art Ifind striking or interesting in style, and I look at it forinspiration or to attempt a similar style to challenge myselfsometimes.
2. Tutorials! If you want to drawpeople, or chibi art, or beautiful landscapes, do a web search fortutorials on “how to draw” or “how to paint” that subject.Videos of people drawing are super helpful, too. Check outspeedpaints and drawing videos on YouTube, or try livestreams onPicarto or Twitch. Sometimes reading about a technique doesn’t helpme, maybe if it’s badly explained, but seeing somebody demonstrateit makes it click.
3. If you don't already make digitalart, you probably need software and a tablet. I cannot recommend thefree and amazing art software Krita enough. It comes with brushes fortraditional medium things like 2B pencil, an airbrush, marker,watercolor, ink pen, etc. It is very similar to Photoshop, but thebrushes are much better (at least, I think so.) You can get Krita for free on their site here.
You can draw in Kritaor other software with the mouse, but it’s going to be extremelytough to get a drawing feeling that way, and there’s no pressure sensitivity, which helps the brushes work fully. A graphic tablet gives you asurface and a pen to hold. The tablet brands I’ve tried are Wacom and HUION. HUION is much more affordable -- I have the HUION H610 PRO, which can be found here on Amazon for $60, and I love it to pieces. A comparable Wacom is about $300.
4. Play around with the software and tablet. This is the most important step! Before you place pressure on yourself to turn out beautiful digital art right away, make a sketchdump file and try scribbling with different brushes until you find one that feels nice to draw or paint with. Mess with blending colors. The tablet can tell how hard you press, and most brushes change size or opacity if you press harder or lighter.
The above should get you rolling on creating digital art in general. Specifics depend on the style and such you’re going for. Software like Krita has different layers you can paint on, and one important thing people new to digital may not know is this: put the background color on a separate layer and draw on a layer above it. This makes it super easy to add or erase lines or color the picture later without the background color having to be removed or repainted.
I hope this info is helpful for you! If there’s something more specific you’re curious about, feel free to toss me another ask. =)
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