#i think they respect each other too much to be in a romantic relationship
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exploring-the-cosmos · 3 days ago
Okay so I'll just say it because I've been thinking it for a while, but the weird dislike or sometimes even hatred for Eddie Diaz (and Ryan Guzman) that is present in this fandom feels (at times) incredibly forced at best and downright racist at worst. And he's already a pretty white-washed character as it is. This is not in any way meant as a call-out to any one person in particular, and certainly not me saying he's a perfect character above critique, but my god, I need people to inject a little bit of nuance into their views of these characters. I love Buck as much as the next 9-1-1 fan, but he is not this perfect angel who can do no wrong like some people act like he is. Likewise, Eddie has made a lot of mistakes and done a lot of shitty things (some of which Buck himself has done, too). But at the end of the day, I think he is a very complex character who is doing the best he can with what he has and means well. I don't know why some of you are in this fandom if you dislike these characters as much as it appears you do.
And the SHIPPING WARS MY GOD STOP IT. I usually stay out of shipping discourse because I think it's ridiculous and unnecessary most of the time. Ship and let ship is always an option, and I think most people would benefit from choosing it. And listen, I will admit my bias and say I am primarily a Buddie shipper. But I have no issue with Bucktommy shippers as a whole nor the ship itself being popular. Do I ship it? No. I don't even particularly like Tommy as a character, but I don't care if other people like him and the ship. What I do have an issue with, however, is the way some of y'all act with such vitriol towards Buddie shippers, Buddie as a ship, and, specifically, Eddie Diaz as a potential love interest for Buck. This is where I think some people's underlying racial bias really becomes apparent, and no, I'm not talking about all BuckTommy shippers, only those that are explicitly anti-Buddie because they don't like Eddie. Because why, WHY are you so insistent on seeing these two white men together, who have had so little time together on screen and, in my opinion, have been shown to have very little in common with each other other than the fact that they care about and are interested in each other romantically, but so against Buck potentially being in a relationship with a different man who he has been best friends with for the better part of a decade, who wrote him into his will, cares deeply about him and who he cares about just as much, spends a lot of his free time with, and who also happens to not be white? Look, I'm not gonna sit here and say every single one of you is a raging racist or anything. I don't know you. But I think a lot of y'all would benefit from a little bit of introspection as to why you feel the way that you do about some of these characters and ships. Also, yes, Buddie shippers can be toxic and racist, too. I am not saying Buddie shippers are above those behaviors as well, only making an observation specific to some people's anti-Buddie and anti-Eddie sentiment.
Also, this is an aside, but the way fandom and shipping culture in general has gravitated towards strict adherence to canon content is.... weird. Like, why are some of y'all so allergic to engaging with or creating content outside of the confines of what the canon material has offered you? Have fun, be creative, go wild, and also be respectful to the folks around you who see things differently. We all share this space, and we should all care about making it as positive and welcoming of an experience as possible.
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mashandmartinis · 2 days ago
I've been thinking about BJ and Trapper and their respective relationships with queerness and masculinity, framed in their respective relationships with Hawkeye in particular. And it turns out I actually have a ton of headcanons about this, so uh, prepare for some headcanons-slash-analysis.
I'm of the opinion that Hawkeye and Trapper have definitely have slept together, probably regularly, but aside from an added physical aspect, their relationship never mutually developed into romance. Hawkeye and BJ, on the other hand, have never touched each other more than we've seen on the show — but they were deeply in love. And I'm fascinated by how Trapper and BJ might react differently to their own relationship with heteronormativity and how that intersects with their relationships with Hawkeye in particular. So, uh, let's explore that under the cut because this turned out a biiit longer than anticipated.
First Hawkeye has Trapper, right? Trapper, with his big brown eyes and a goofy smile, married but definitely not too serious about that whole monogamy business — not while he's in Korea and, let's face it, probably not at home either. Trapper, who's passably straight and probably is, for the most part, except for this Thing he has for his best friend Hawkeye (because he loves the man and they're in a war, for god's sake, and really what difference does it make if you and your best friend help each other get off regularly? You share a tent anyway. You're both guys, there's nothing to be seen or touched down there that you can't find on your own body. It's cool). Trapper is queer — but to me his queerness feels isolated to their circumstances, a sort of war-enhanced stretch of his pre-existing not-all-that-picky high libido. It's easy for him to expand his definition of fuckable from "any pretty woman who's willing to slip into the supply closet with me" to fit Hawkeye, who rejects traditional standards of masculinity, and therefore isn't A Man so much as A Guy.
The war is separated enough from everyday life and heteronormativity, and Hawkeye is separated enough from stereotypical masculinity, for Trapper to feel comfortable moving from best friends to best friends who fumble around when no one's watching. It's just an extra element of play, something they both enjoy doing to themselves and with other people, so why not do it with each other too.
However, I feel like once Trapper returns to the States, to his wife and his life and heterosexual standards all around, it's easy enough to forget about Hawkeye as a sexual partner and once again run after the first attractive woman he comes across. Trapper loves Hawkeye as a friend, sure. But I think part of what allows him to sleep with Hawkeye with no reservations whatsoever is the fact that he's never been in love with him, and, owing to the fact that his identity is still solidly founded in heterosexuality, sees no dangers of falling in love either. Hawkeye has been a partner in crime, a partner in the OR, a partner in bed — but he's never been a romantic partner. So when Trapper moves away from Korea, Hawkeye's just a pleasant memory. A friend of circumstance. A great friend, sure, but mostly he's something to remind Trapper of how war is a different world with different rules and standards that don't apply to the real world. Proof of the fact that exceptions can be made in certain places at certain times, but they don't carry over to the rest of your life. I think Trapper switches easily both times: he adapts very quickly to the fact that sex with Hawkeye is great and doesn't think too much about what the fact that they're both men implies. But the switch back to his heterosexual (if still non-monogamous) life is just as simple.
BJ, on the other hand, is deeply repressed and most likely gay. His queerness most definitely isn't related to the circumstances. Considering the environment he grew up in, he very possibly already did gay things with other frat guys without realising they were gay, because everyone else was just as repressed and attached to their ideals of heterosexual masculinity as BJ is. However, he has never encountered someone like Hawkeye before — and Hawkeye's rejection of traditional masculinity clearly rubs off on him over the course of the show, even if BJ does remain A Man more than A Guy.
Where Trapper is fleetingly aware of the fact that what he's doing with Hawkeye is probably more than a little gay (and doesn't give a shit because he's certain that he's not more than a little gay, outside the context of the war. Trapper is comfortable in his own identity) BJ has no idea what's happening to him. He falls in love with Hawkeye and spends the entire time marvelling over the fact that (platonic!) same-sex friendships can be this close. Closer even than the relationship between a husband and wife. Wonders how holding a skein of yarn for Hawkeye as he knits somehow feels more intimate than anything BJ has ever done in the bedroom with Peg. Chalks all of it up to the wonders of male friendship and bonds forged during the war. BJ is attracted to and actively falls in love with Hawkeye, because he is queer but doesn't have the emotional capacity (possibly doesn't even have the vocabulary) to recognise this in himself, because knowing the environment he's from, he's most likely been raised on lies and denial and repression.
Hawkeye sees through some of BJ's lies. Hawkeye is the first to hold him as he cries. How strange is it, then, for him to have these feelings that he's never felt for someone else before? When he's never been more emotionally intimate with anyone in his life? BJ sees the evidence but cannot, or refuses to, connect it to its source (namely: his queerness) and rather chalks it up to circumstance. They're war buddies. They went through hell together. How strange is it, then, to feel this overpowering and indescribable love for the man he clung to from the very moment he got off his plane? It's not queer; it's simply what happens when you put men together and have them live through the horrors of war hand-in-hand.
Hawkeye's relationship with Trapper was playful and physical. His relationship with BJ, though not physically intimate for aforementioned reasons (repression), is far more intimate than he has ever been with Trapper — because this time they're both in love, even if Hawkeye is the only one who knows it.
In a sense I don't think Hawkeye's relationship with BJ could've developed the way it did if it hadn't been for Trapper. There are many more reasons at play here and I'd probably have to write another post to properly delve into those, but I think part of the reason Hawkeye was able to let BJ in so easily is because he was already left emotionally vulnerable because he felt abandoned by Trapper. BJ, in turn, had just been drafted and was logically also very upset. A mutual vulnerability that allowed them to connect on a level that especially BJ might have recoiled from, had the circumstances been different. War essentially pushed BJ into Hawkeye's already open arms without BJ having to face why Hawkeye's arms were open in the first place, and what his falling into them says about both of them and their relationship.
Trapper returns home essentially unchanged in his perception of his own queerness, save for the fact that he now knows what it's like to sleep with a guy. BJ returns entirely changed but oblivious to it, still convinced he's straight and wilfully, slightly oblivious about Hawkeye's queerness, but somehow feels like he just went through the divorce of the marriage of his lifetime. He should be happy to be home in his wife's loving arms, in their very own bed, and yet— and yet—
Trapper and BJ are two sides of the same coin, both fulfilling one half of a partnership for Hawkeye one after the other. One physical, one emotional, with neither of them able to take on the other half — Trapper because he simply doesn't feel it that way; BJ because he's still not ready to face the truth by the time they have to part.
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sequinsmile-x · 3 days ago
Firstly, I love your writing so much! Thanks for all the amazing content you give us all the time 🩵
Secondly, can you please write a fic where Emily is being unusually clingy with Aaron (like more than the usual “I love spending all the time I can with you”), in a way that’s out of character for her?
Thanks so much 😊
Thanks bestie <3 that really means the whole world to me.
This came out a little more hurt/comfort than I expected, but what's new!!
I hope you enjoy this <3
Emily knew better than most that she shouldn’t let herself see her reflection in victims or their family members, but she couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help but put herself in the shoes of the woman opposite her, the grief she was drowning in lapping at Emily’s feet.
Emily has a nightmare and seeks out comfort in the one place she knows she'll always find it.
Warnings: nightmare
Words: 2.4k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She wakes up slowly, drawn back to consciousness by a warm hand skipping up and down her arm and a kiss on her cheek. She groans, turning her head to capture Aaron’s lips in a kiss, opening her eyes as she kisses him a second time, smiling as she pulls back to look at him. He’s already dressed, looking very different to the soft, rumbled version of him she’d fallen asleep next to, and she knows that only means one thing. 
“A case?” She asks, her voice thick with sleep, and Aaron nods. He brushes her hair out of her face and tucks it behind her ear. She leans into the warmth of his palm and turns her head to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand, groaning when she sees it’s 6.30 am. “Serial killers really need to respect my sleep schedule a little more.”
“I let you sleep as long as I could. Garcia will call you soon, but I’ve got to get Jack to Jessica’s before I head to the office,” Aaron smiles at her and holds up a key, a small keyring of a black cat dangling from it, “You okay to lock up?”
Emily presses her lips together to try to contain her smile, still not used to how he made her feel, not used to how much she loved him after all these weeks. It had been seven weeks since their first date. Seven weeks of them, of what she thinks they should have always had. Only Jessica and Jack knew about them so far but they were planning on telling the team soon. She was more anxious about it than she thought she would be, but she knew they had to know - that she and Aaron were already edging towards having kept it from them for too long. 
Their relationship felt precious. Something she wanted to protect and nurture without outside influence or criticism. It was something for them. Something that allowed her to be soft with someone in a way she thought she was no longer capable of, in a way that had been stripped from her years ago. She’d wondered if her and Aaron’s sharp edges would hurt the other, if despite their best efforts they’d tear each other apart, but it wasn’t like that. Their sharp edges seemed to slot together like puzzle pieces, like they were two halves of the same whole. He knew her in a way no one ever had, and she knew him in the same way. 
If she was younger, if she was a romantic who life hadn’t kicked around more than once, she’d even think he was made for her. 
Even if she didn’t believe in fate, she knew he was it for her, and she was it for him. They’d both fought for this - fought to be happy - and they were heading for a future that looked like the very thing she’d convinced herself she’d never get. A future full of love, and everything that came with it, even though they hadn’t said the words to each other yet. They didn’t need to say it. They both knew. His love for her was carved into the key he’s offering out to her, the trust that came with him giving her a key to his home - to the sanctuary and safety he’d clawed back after he had almost died here. His love for her was in the black cat keyring hanging from it, and she smiles as she pictures him standing in the store looking for exactly the right one, how he’d smile as he spotted it before he bought it just for this. 
“Okay,” She nods and takes the key from him, stamping her lips against his, her fingers scratching at the back of his scalp as she holds him close for a second. “I’ll see you at work?”  
“See you at work, sweetheart,” he says before he kisses her one last time and stands up, smiling when she groans, wrapping her arms around his pillow, “If you try to go back to sleep, I’ll send Jack in.” 
She sighs playfully and closes her eyes, “Oh no, morning snuggles with your adorable son,” she says, unable to hide her smile. “What a terrible punishment.” 
He chuckles, and it warms her from the inside out, finds a place to rest somewhere in her chest near her heart, “You asked for it.” 
She smiles against his pillow as she hears the bedroom door open, quickly followed by the rumble of both of their voices and then the thundering of Jack’s feet. The door bursts open again, and seconds later, Jack flops onto the bed, his forehead pressed against hers.
“Emmy, wake up!” 
She chuckles and pulls him into her arms, stamping a kiss against his cheek, “But I want to stay in bed.” 
“But I have to go to school, and you and Daddy have to go to work.” 
She has to press her lips together to contain her smile at his seriousness, and she looks over at Aaron, feels that familiar warmth again at the way he’s looking at them both. She makes a point of sighing dramatically before she nods, kissing his cheek again before she pulls back. 
“Then I guess I’d better start getting ready.”
It’s a long, hard day. 
She’s exhausted when she flops onto the bed in her hotel room, grimacing at the slightly lumpy mattress, and she sighs. She missed Aaron. It felt ridiculous because he was only a few doors down in his own room, but she missed him. They’d agreed to not share a room on cases, especially not until the team knew about them, but she’s itching to seek him out. Desperate to lay in his arms and fall asleep listening to his heartbeat, to allow the steady rhythm of it to soothe her as she tried to think about anything other than the conversation she’d had with a victim's wife today. 
She’d volunteered herself to go and do the interview, happy to do it alone if it meant she got a bit of breathing space from her handsome, secret, boyfriend. He was always handsome to her, but there was something about watching him work that drove her crazy, something about the crease between his brows when he frowned as he concentrated that made her have to keep herself busy just so she didn’t reach out and press her thumb into it. 
She didn’t think anything of it. She’d conducted countless interviews like it, had borne witness to many people's grief, but something about this woman’s openness, about the rawness of it, had cut into her from the start. 
Sophie Robinson was a woman in her 40s who had lost the man she’d loved after only finding him a few years earlier. Emily knew better than most that she shouldn’t let herself see her reflection in victims or their family members, but she couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help but put herself in the shoes of the woman opposite her, the grief she was drowning in lapping at Emily’s feet as she sat in her living room, her home now a museum of the life she thought she’d get to have more of. 
Emily blows out a shaky breath and rubs the heels of her hands over her eyes as she pulls the covers around her. She pulls the neckline of the t-shirt she’s wearing, Aaron’s t-shirt, up over her nose to breathe him in. She closes her eyes and tries to trick herself into thinking he’s there with her, slowly but surely falling asleep.
She hums to herself as she makes dinner, smiling as she hears Jack giggling in the next room. 
She’s distracted by the doorbell ringing, and she turns down the heat on the stove. She pops her head into the living room on her way past and smiles at Jack as he turns to look at her, his favourite game in hand. 
“Dinners almost ready, honey. Dad will be home soon.” 
He nods, “Okay, Emmy.” 
She walks to the front door, pulling it open without checking who is on the other side, and she smiles when she comes face to face with Derek, her happiness at seeing her friend almost immediately replaced with confusion. “Hi, what are you doing here?”
He blows out a breath, and she can almost feel the shudder of it, can see the pain in his eyes, “Em…”
She looks down, sees blood on his shirt, and she gasps, “Whose blood is that?” She looks past him to his parked car, sees JJ in the passenger seat and she sucks in a breath, “Where’s Aaron?”
Derek sighs and steps towards her, but she steps back, shaking her head, “Em-”
“No,” she says, her throat dry, the hammer of her heart in her chest so strong she thinks it might shatter her sternum from the inside out, “No.” 
Someone screams, and she thinks it might be her.
She sits up and sucks in a breath, she sharpness of it sticking in her raw throat, the scream that had pulled her from her nightmare turning into a cough. She hugs her legs against her chest and presses her forehead to her knees, desperate to try and calm herself down, but it doesn’t work. She can barely breathe, pulled under by fear and grief, and it pushes her to her feet. Has her grabbing the keycard for her room and heading out into the hallway, the cool air in comparison to the warmth of her room doing something to bring her back to herself. 
She hesitates for a moment at his door, briefly remembering their deal about not sharing rooms on cases, but when she closes her eyes, she can see the blood on Derek’s shirt in her dream, and she knocks. The relief she feels when she almost immediately hears him get out of bed is palpable, pulling a gasp somewhere from deep in her gut, and tears spill down onto her cheeks. 
He pulls the door open, his eyes sleepy and confused, and she throws herself at him, wraps her arms tightly around his middle and buries her face in his chest.
“Em?” He asks, holding her tightly, tugging her back into his room so he can close the door before he pulls back just enough to look at her, his hands on her cheeks as he looks her up and down, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? What happened?” 
“I…” she chokes out, and she shakes her head, burying her face to his chest again, something close to a sob escaping against his t-shirt, the vibration of it passing from her to him. 
He holds her tightly, something fierce in his grasp on her as he runs his fingers through her hair and kisses the top of her head, “I’ve got you,” he says, kissing her head again, “I’ve got you.” 
She grasps him tighter as he tries to pull away, “No.” 
It’s what she’d screamed in her nightmare, the rawness of it the same, and it makes her hold him even tighter.
“I’m right here. I’m not going to let you go,” he promises, pulling back just enough to look at her, “Let’s just sit down, okay?” 
She nods, and she can see how the desperation in it worries him, how it adds to the concern already swimming in his eyes, and she clings to him as she lets him lead her through his room. She half expects him to take her to the bed, but he doesn’t. He leads her to the chair in the corner instead and encourages her to sit on his lap. She curls up against him and presses her face into his neck. She places her hand over his heart and feels the rhythm of it, lets the steady beat of it start to calm her down, to soothe the last remaining bits of fear left behind by her nightmare. He comforts her the entire time. His lips against the top of her head and his hand on her hip under the t-shirt she’s wearing, the warmth of his skin drawing her back to herself. 
She isn’t sure how much time passes when she eventually speaks, her forehead still pressed against his neck, “I’m sorry.” 
Aaron kisses her hairline, “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart,” he says, his smile soft and reassuring when she tilts her head to look up at him, “Want to talk about it?” 
“I…” she clears her throat, “I had a nightmare. You were…” she drifts off again, and she knows she doesn’t have to say anything else, that he already knows. Even in the short time they’d been together, they’d woken each other up with a nightmare. Taking it in turns to soothe and comfort. To bring the other back to them with soft touches and kisses as they talked them through it. 
They took it in turns to be the strong one, something she knew they’d been doing for long before they ever even kissed. 
“The interview today?” He asks, and she chokes on a laugh, because of course he knew, and she nods. 
“Yeah, the interview today,” she says, finally pulling back enough to look at him properly. She smiles when he immediately wipes tears from her cheeks, “She said she wished she found him sooner,” she presses her lips together to try to stop the shake in them as she reaches up to run her fingers through his hair, “I guess it hit a little too close to home.” 
He grabs her hand and links their fingers together, dragging their joint hands to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “I think I’ll always wish we’d found each other sooner, Em,” he says, furrowing his brows at himself, “Or, figured it all out sooner, I guess, but we have our whole future ahead of us. There’s so many good things waiting for us.” 
She wants to tell him that she loves him, but she doesn’t want to remember this night when she looks back on the first time she said it, doesn’t want to think of this hotel and it’s shitty mattresses and the nightmare that had torn her from sleep. Instead, she presses her forehead against his and sighs happily. 
“I’m looking forward to it,” she says, stamping her lips against his, “All of it.” 
He nods, his forehead knocking against hers, “Me too.” 
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starbuck · 2 months ago
i think it’s kind of hysterical that - out of any piece of media that could possibly have a straight relationship that passes the sniff test for me - it’s this one, considering like *gestures to the misogyny*
#very much a product of its time and genre - which is not an excuse but contextualizes why it’s Like That#but they really did something with this particular relationship#honestly probably not fully on purpose but#it really checks a lot of the boxes i look for in straight relationships#i like the woman to have the upper hand at least 90% of the time#bonus points if this is because she has a greater awareness of what is happening in the plot than the man#they have to be willing to do anything for each other (potentially in very unhinged misconceived and toxic ways)#but they must treat each other with tenderness that underlies even their worst arguments#and yeah like… it passes…#the way they treat each other honestly makes me insane like. YES they fuck up a lot#but they’re also sooooooo good to each other - they try so hard despite everything#and of course it’s all the more compelling since they fail in the end#but like. the love was there - you know?#and not the love they were made to have for each other - a love THEY created all their own#which is not necessarily romantic to me… this is why i keep calling them life partners#bc that’s what i think they would have been to each other if they could have survived and made it work#i think they respect each other too much to be in a romantic relationship#(which probably sounds weird out of context - but just trust me on this)#idk idk idk tho - i’m obsessed#i feel like they’re probably a somewhat popular ship but i also feel like at least 99% of people ship them Wrong so#🤷🤷🤷🤷#i shall remain in ignorance#[REDacted]
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kquil · 5 months ago
SUM. : your boyfriend finally takes a role who has a romantic interest but his expression is hardly convincing; only you can get a genuine reaction from him
LENGTH : 1.8k
TAGS : actor james potter au ; modern au ; muggle au ; singer reader au ; actor/director sirius black au ; actress marlene mckinnon au ; fluff ; celebrity couple goals ; james can't do romantic roles ; he's too loyal!
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“CUT!” Sirius shouts and James drops his shoulders in disappointment, his expression of ‘hopeless love’ also slipping off his face. This is why he wasn’t suited for romantic roles. As Sirius shouts for everyone to take a short five-minute break, James catches Marlene sending him a sympathetic look before moving to her chair with the help of her make-up team, who lifted the heavy skirt of her wedding dress for easier movement. “Come on James, what’s gotten into you?” Sirius asks, making his way over as Remus touches up James’ hair and suit. 
“I’m trying Sirius,” the actor sighs, “I think I just need a break to collect myself and then I can finally get that winning take for you,” 
“You better,” Sirius playful threatens, “I know you’re a lovesick fool so I know the type of infatuated expressions you can pull. Just try to emulate that and you’re golden, okay?”
‘It’s not that easy if it isn’t her…’ James was tempted to protest but settled with a simple, “Okay…” satisfied, Sirius walks away with Remus to discuss some things with the camera crew while James leans against the set’s alter. 
As an actor, James should find it easy to perform his characters’ expressions and emotions, his stardom and recurring roles in thriller, action and adventure films were a sentiment to that. However, his current role requires romantic displays, something he had actively avoided in his acting career. 
Characters that had passionate, romantic and intimate scenes were roles James tended to avoid primarily due to his endless loyalty to you, his childhood sweetheart. As young teens, you and James fell in love long before your successes. Since then, you have only grown a deeper love for each other, fostered by the hardships that came with your dreams of becoming a singer and his of becoming an actor with Sirius. 
His best friend eventually divulged into directing his own films whilst James continued expanding his career as an actor — as much as he’s able to with the number of scripts he’s dropped for their romantic interests and amorous scenes. It didn’t sit right with him having to kiss another girl let alone look lovingly at someone that wasn’t you. He felt like a cheat. Many, including Sirius, however, have told him that it was part of his job but James was insistent on making no exceptions. He respected you and the love you shared too much. The same way you would play your own love interest in music videos while wearing a short wig and masculine attire. It was a show of mutual respect you both had for the other before and after your relationship became public. 
The only reason James had taken on this role was due to Sirius’ insistence as the director, the lack of intimate scenes as well as the dominating adventure, and fantasy genre. It would all be underpinned by small heartfelt moments with his character’s love interest played by his close friend Marlene McKinnon. The two characters’ love story will end in tragedy, haunted by the trope of ‘right person, wrong time’. James believed he could convincingly play his loving expressions only brought on by you in the rare, romantic moments his character shares with Marlene’s but it’s proving harder than he originally thought. Simply thinking about you wasn’t enough…
Mulling over his character’s story, James imagines you in Marlene’s place. He only had three minutes remaining to focus on how he should convey his character’s ‘hopeless love’ convincingly. 
To concentrate, he closes his eyes and thinks deeply, ignoring the sudden scuffle and whispers around him. On an adventure to rescue his unrequited love’s significant other, James selflessly volunteers to aid in her quest, protecting her and cherishing her throughout the arduous journey, putting his life at risk for a girl who would never love him back. Unselfishly, he continues forward without drawing any attention to the deep love he holds for her, the audience kept in suspense of his mysterious ambitions— that is, until the dream sequence. In his sleep, influenced by the surrounding, foreign plants’ effects, James dreams of his ideal future, one where he gets to marry his love, who will reciprocate his feelings wholeheartedly. It’s the moment all audience members realise James’ true motivations, encouraging a swell of heartache amongst them when they are forced to accept the reality his own character is made to face: that he cannot be with his love no matter despite his efforts. Her heart belongs to another and if he were to fall for the plant’s trap, he will never wake up from his heavenly dream-come-true and become living fertilsier to continue the plant’s life. The heartache of that realisation is further emphasised when James doesn’t stop loving her in his own, silent and benevolent way. 
This is going to be a big moment for James’ character; he needs to put his all into this!
Before he has the chance to open his eyes, however, James is already being led to his spot on the set by Remus. The brunette informs him that the short break is over and instructs him to start before his turn to face Marlene. 
“Again, the shot’s focus will be on your face, James, Make it a good one,” Sirius instructs from his director’s chair and, with a small pause cues for the start of the hundredth take.
Opening his eyes gradually, as if waking up from a dream, James takes a moment to analyse his surroundings. He meets the eyes of his groomsmen, shooting them a confused look before slowly turning and raising his gaze. He’s become familiar with Marlene in her wedding dress now so her off-centred placement doesn’t deter him. He also fully trusts in the team, if they saw it fit to make any changes, he’ll help follow through. Marlene is only slightly off centre, he realises, to accommodate the camera’s view of his expression more clearly. James fully expects to only see Marlene, however, when he finally raises his gaze, in the distance, he sees you by the camera. 
And James immediately smiles. 
He completely forgets where he is, rather, he savours the warmth that fills his chest at the sight of you, the burst of elation in his brain when he sees you smiling at him, dressed in his oversized sweater and your casual jeans. You’re not in a wedding dress nor dolled up the same way Marlene is for the take but you’re just as gorgeous. There’s a tingling itch in his fingertips to reach out for you and he almost does but stops when he remembers where he is and what’s happening around him. His look of sweeping joy and deep affection falters ever so slightly but is completely captured by the camera’s close-up shot. James’ internal berating of another failed performance barely begins when Sirius is suddenly cheering in delight. 
“CUT! AND PRINT!” Sirius claps and laughs at the success but James is left blinking in confusion. Did he hallucinate you? He looks in your direction again. No, you weren’t a figment of his imagination, you’re really here! “Finally! That was what I was looking for! Great idea on putting her beside the camera, Moony,” 
Remus nods his head in graceful humility as you giggle from where you stand. You had planned a surprise visit for James and called Remus beforehand for access to the set. It was the perfect surprise considering you had barely seen each other the last few weeks; he was busy filming with Sirius and Marlene while you were recording songs for your new, up-and-coming album. That only seemed to add to James’ favourable reaction, however. 
“BREAK!” Sirius announces with a wink directed at you, “Let's give the two love birds a moment, as thanks for finally getting the job done. Let’s give it ten!” it seemed as though succeeding after multiple failures had made Sirius a little too happy and laidback but who was James to complain? As Marlene knowingly smirks at him, he runs past and launches himself at you. With a squeal, you return his embrace and giggle into his shoulder. 
“I missed you…” he whispers into your crown.
“Surprise!” you announce despite the lateness and giggle again. Music to his ears. 
“Thanks for helping me with my scene, love,” he pulls away with deep affection swimming in his hazel eyes and he cups your jaw while resisting the urge lean in and kiss you endlessly. He loves the sound of your voice just as much as the feel of your lips against his own so, for now, he’ll willing listen. He can taste your sweet lips later.  
“I didn’t really know what was happening but I’m happy to help,” 
“You’re so cute,” he sighs and finally pulls you into passion-filled kiss before you can utter another word. "I can't believe you're my lady,"
"Your lady?"
"Yes," James giggles and kisses your cheek again and again and again, "my lady, the same way, I'm your man,"
"Mmm, sounds good," you utter against his lips, "I'll have to feature you in my new music video then~"
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“...tell me about that scene. It was such a big moment for the audience and your character. How did you manage to look so in love but then so heartbroken?” the interviewer asks, smiling but tilting his head in curiosity when Marlene burst out laughing. 
“Oh, this is such a good story!” James looks away, unable to meet his co-star and friend’s mischievous smirk and glimmering eyes, “Can I tell him?” she doesn’t even give him the chance to answer before ingeminating the tale, “James couldn’t get that moment right for multiple takes. We were all getting tired of him, really. But since Sirius knew he was capable of being a love-drunk fool, he persisted for over an hour! And this is just for a one minute section of the film!” James finally chuckles despite his flustered expression when Marlene makes a side comment about how the wedding dress was a chore to wear for such an extended period of time and didn’t appreciate James’ slow uptake, “there wasn’t even an after-party for me to let loose in, my supposed ‘groom’ had his brain elsewhere,” the two share a laugh and James picks up on the story. 
“Elsewhere, meaning my girlfriend. She actually planned a surprise visit during filming and was brought in by Remus. He put her right by the camera and the reaction you saw on film was my reaction to seeing her instead of Marlene.” his co-star coos at how adorable he is whenever he’s around you and gossips with the interviewer about how cute of a couple the two of you make behind the scenes. 
“Is that why you’ve become her love interest in the music videos for her new album?” the interviewer asks impromptu. He’s on the edge of his seat and is a clear fan of your music, which makes James happier than if the man was to say he was a fan of him.  
“Naturally,” James smiles to himself, “she did say I was the inspiration for her love ballads,”
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A/N : this was inspired by this tiktok and a daydream i had! the anime is called 'Frieren: Beyond Journey's End', I've never watched it but it was on my fyp, i did some exploring and, now, here i am (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) i hope you darlings enjoyed the read!
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cazshmere · 8 months ago
Synastry Observations Pt.2
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DISCLAIMER: These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!! 🍊⭐️
🍊 Mars in the 12th house synastry has got to be one of the worst things 😭. It’s confusing and exhausting. The Mars person seems to harbour some sort of irrational animosity towards the house person in a very passive-aggressive way. The house person can sense this too, but they are unsure if they’re making it up or not. Also, it’s such a blockage; you could be really close to each other and know of each other, but the conversation WOULD TAKE AGES to start because neither the house person nor the Mars person wants to initiate conversation. It’s like there’s an invisible barrier between you guys 🥲
🍊 Venus in the 8th house/ in Scorpio’s first romantic relationship or situation always ends up hurting them. I’ve seen this countless times where their first experience with romance either ends in heartbreak, unrequited love, or just a missed opportunity. This heartbreak helps these individuals immensely transform, and they might prefer to isolate themselves from anything romance-related for a long period of time. Honestly I think this is a canon event for every Scorpio/8th house Venus that I’ve met, including me lmao and especially if there are Venus-Saturn hard aspects, dear lord, sending love to all my scorp/8th house placements fr🫶🏻🥲❤️‍🩹
🍊 Something I’ve observed with Libra placements, especially the moon, is that when they’re in a relationship, it becomes the focal point of their life. They might go as far as changing career paths to be closer to their partner, altering their style to match their partner’s preferences, or adjusting their personality to be more appealing to their partner (yes I’m sure most of us do this to some extent but it’s a bit excessive for these peeps😭). Their relationship becomes such a central part of their identity that if anything goes wrong, it can feel devastating for them. For instance, I have a friend who is a Libra moon, and she always refers to her partner as “my boyfriend” instead of his name, even though we all know him personally, like gurl come on he’s got a name haha😭
🍊 Moon in the 12th house synastry can equate to the house person opening up to the moon person or just feeling extremely vulnerable around them. They’d share things with the moon person that they dare not share with anyone else. This synastry could also mean staying up late in the night and throwing your sleep away just to talk to each other 🧿
🍊 12th house synastry could also have undertones of enemies-to-lovers (the lovers part only if you ever get together, that is) because there’s this energy where you don’t know why the other person acts hostile/passive-aggressive towards you, ignores you, or sends you mixed signals that makes you dislike them but at the same time, you can’t stop fantasizing/dreaming about them in all these romantic scenarios or them showing up in your dreams outta nowhere like??😭
🍊 7th/8th and even 10th (to some extent) house synastry could indicate that one of the two, either the house person or the planet person (mostly the house person), copies the other, be it mannerisms, clothes, slang, or even certain traits of the other’s personality 💀. It’s because they notice how much attention or admiration the planet person garners, so to obtain that same kind of attention and recognition the house person might try to emulate the planet person 🫤
🍊 7th house Mars synastry can be very annoying and tiresome (especially for the house person). The Mars person could be a bit too much for the house person. The Mars person could get very petty and passive-aggressive towards the house person for no reason (this could go vice versa too). Yes there is sexual attraction and y’all could motivate/support each other through stuff but at the same time it’s draining asf, a big no no for me when it comes to synastry 🥲
🍊 Moon square Saturn synastry can cause delays when it comes to emotional attachment between two people, but once these two finally connect, it’s ride or die typa relationship fr 🥺🫂
🍊 Moon/Mercury in the 1st/5th/9th house synastry is very exciting and fun-loving, with lots of playful teasing and bantering with each other 😋🥰
🍊Moon /Mercury in the 2nd/4th/8th/10th/12th house synastry makes both parties very sensitive to each other’s words because these houses reflect our self esteem/self worth, the deepest parts of ourselves, our core, our reputation etc. A little bit of critique can also be taken personally by either party. Even harmless jokes could be taken in the wrong way and arguments could occur (especially if there isn’t 3rd/5th/9th/11th house synastry or any easy aspects in the synastry chart)
🍊 When someone's planets fall in your 8th house, they intuitively sense your true and deep needs related to that planet. For example, if someone's Venus is in your 8th house, they will know how to love you in a way that makes you feel unconditionally loved and appreciated. If their Mercury is in your 8th house, they will understand how to communicate with you on a profound level, meeting your need for deep and meaningful conversation. If their Mars is in your 8th house, they will instinctively know how to meet your sexual needs and desires and please you in bed🖤❤️‍🔥
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© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
banner credits : @anitalenia <3
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pepshee · 23 days ago
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Jealousy, or Jealous Hee
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Pairing - ex!heeseung x fem!reader
Genre - college!au, smut, angst, exes to ??
Word Count - 3.2k
Synopsis - Heeseung was the perfect boyfriend and your first for everything romantic. When he broke up with you out of the blue and changed his entire personality you didn't know what to do. Until you saw him at a house party that is.
Warnings - cursing, drinking, angst, suggestive, mentions of jake + other idols, arguing, heeseung is a playboy, house party, creampie, oral (f rec.), p in v, mentions of smoking, lmk if i missed anything ! 18+ MDNI!
A/N - this is only my second fic ever and i didnt expect ppl to actually like the last one.. i'm adding smut this time cause i feel it's fitting. please give feedback!! this also might be a multi part fic if ppl want it... this is my first time writing smut too i hope it's good for yall😞 ive read a ton of smut fics so im using those as my references 🙏
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Your relationship with Heeseung was going super well. Everyone said you two were soulmates, and were made for each other. You were practically glued at the hip, and did everything together including applying to the same college. You guys celebrated so much when you were both accepted. You knew you wouldn't be in the same dorm per the university guidelines, you both were still so happy.
It was everything you could ever ask for. The summer before college you two went on a long beach trip by yourselves even though neither of your parents approve, but who cares? You're adults now anyways.
The beach trip went super well and you two had lots of fun together, and lots of sex..
He helped you move into your dorm as back to school season is starting and everyone knows it's better to move into your dorm prior to starting school. You also helped him move into his dorm as well.
That was two and a half years ago though.. He broke up with you two days before the first day without an explanation..
It's been two and a half years since the breakup and you still never got an actual reason. All you know is two days before both of your first days of your freshman year in college he texted you saying, "I wanna break up, I'm sorry, I'll miss you," that's it.
After the breakup he changed completely. He became a playboy. He started smoking, drinking alcohol, going to house parties, hooking up, and he'd skip classes sometimes. You never could've imagined he'd do this. To you he was a perfect angel, but it's like a switch flipped on him.
You're both now in your junior year of college. You both went your respective ways but you're not over it, and you don't think you ever will be. When he broke up with you, you cried all night and all day, never leaving the bed nor the dorm. Your roommate, Giselle, only having known you for a week had taken care of you and comforted you. She's now your best friend and she still hears you cry sometimes but pretends not to hear it knowing you were trying to hide it.
Heeseung broke your heart and you don't think you could ever recover even nearly three years later. What's even worse is that he became popular. You heard about his every move pretty much considering everyone was pretty much obsessed with him. It was always 'heeseung this' or 'heeseung that,' you were sick of it. Not because you hated him, hell, how could you hate someone you dated since your freshman year of high school?
You had always heard about his new girlfriends cause it was always the next big news on campus, which you never understood considering they'd only last a maximum a week. This new version of him was unlikable, at least to you, others didn't seem to care that he kept playing these girls. They somehow keep throwing themselves at him claiming they're different. They always expect to be the one to 'fix him' or the one he decides to keep but it never ends up working for them.
The more you heard about him the more it seemed like he was trying to stray far from the lover boy personality he had years ago. The truth is that you still love and miss him, you know it's far gone by now but how could you forget dating someone for five years just for him to break up with you without an explanation?
You couldn't bring yourself to confront him, text him, nor talk to him. It was like that part of your life was imaginary. You hated it, you hated that it happened like this, and most of all, you hated that you didn't know why.
Today you and your friends had planned to go to your friend's house party. Years ago you wouldn't have imagined going to a college party, but that's because you and Heeseung were together and you would've rather hung out with him. Now that you're broken up, you figured at least the free alcohol could help. You've gone to a few parties now, but only the ones that are on weekends.
It was Friday and you only had two classes today. One that was two hours long, and one that was about an hour and a half. You get up and get dressed, wearing just a casual T-Shirt with some shorts as it was pretty warm outside. You finish getting ready, and do your makeup, curl your hair, and grab your stuff before leaving your dorm room.
Your first class was pretty boring as always. it was a literature class which honestly didn't even go with your major but you still had to take it for some reason.
Your second class was also boring, but thankfully it was shorter, even if only by 30 minutes.
Finally, you were done with classes for the day and you and your friends decided to meet up at a nearby restaurant to eat before the party because you're all likely gonna drink alcohol.
After arriving at the restaurant you wait out front for your friends to arrive. It only takes them a short while. All of you walk in to get seated and order your food and drinks.
"So did any of you see Heeseungs new girl?" Your friend Moka had asked. Your friends knew about your history with Heeseung, but they still insisted on gossiping about him for some reason. "No, who is it now?" Giselle was curious, as always, she loved to gossip.
"It's Nayeon, she's so pretty. Do you guys think he will ever settle down with someone?" Yujin responded, you stayed silent throughout the exchange which was a normal occurrence whenever Heeseung was brought up.
Finally the waiter brings all of your orders. You all start to eat and enjoy the food you had ordered. You thought they would drop the topic of Heeseung but they didn't. "Hey look at Heeseung's story!" Karina turned her phone to the rest of you. On the screen you see a photo of Heeseung, with Nayeon, but it's in the cafe you two used to go to all the time when you were together. The text on the photo reads "same place, different person," it was like he was taunting you, like he knew you would see it, like he knew you'd be affected. You tried not to let it show but he was right, it did affect you.
All the memories started flowing back of all the times you two went there, you went so much to the point the employees already knew what you both would order without having to ask. It was your favorite place to go when you had downtime, and when you could leave school in the middle of the day when you were seniors in high school. You had never imagined a life without Heeseung but now you do and it's hard.
You're pulled out of your thoughts by Giselle speaking to you. "Y/N, are you okay? You seemed out of it, and you haven't touched your food much," you nodded letting her know you're okay. "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry," you reassured everyone and went back to eating.
The time of the party was now approaching. You all decided to facetime while getting ready. You decided to get a little scandalous with your outfit which you usually never did. You put on a black lace cropped tank top, with a denim mini skirt which was just a bit too small for you, but that's the point. You put on a pair of thigh highs, heels, do your makeup, curl your hair, and finally add some finishing touches of jewelry.
You and Giselle leave your dorm and head to the campus courtyard to meet up with the other two girls. "Oh my god, Y/N, you look so hot, you have to dress like this more often," you giggle at Karina's compliments. The four of you meet your friend Minnie who is the designated driver. She doesn't like to drink alcohol, but she still wanted to go to the party so she agreed to be the DD.
It only took about 20 minutes to get to the party, you don't know whose house it was but it was pretty large. You all enter the party, and decide to split up. You head to the kitchen immediately wanting to drink some alcohol. You see multiple empty, full, and half-full bottles of various alcohols. You don't even pay attention to whichever one you grab, you just pour it into a cup. The alcohol leaves a small burning sensation in the back of your throat. You walk towards the living room where the majority of people are, but you spot someone you weren't ready to come face to face with yet as the wound is still wide open... Heeseung..
He was with his douchey friends that he had made after he did a complete 180 with his personality. The seven boys were always causing a stir, but they were so hot you had to admit...
You hadn't realized you were staring at him, but he had.
Heeseung was talking with his friends until he had a feeling someone was staring at him. He thought it was just another girl that wanted to suck him off or something. He turned his head to find you staring his way. He didn't really know how to react really, it's been a while since he'd since you despite you two being on the same college campus. He'd only seen you from a distance really.
The truth is he did miss you, and he would purposefully post his new girls just cause he knew you would see and would get jealous. He knew it was toxic and wrong but he didn't really care. At first he had no interest in posting the girls he was with because it would only be for a short while. That was until he started to miss you, miss everything you did together, miss your lips, your smile, your laugh, everything about you. That's when he started to try and make you jealous, and as far as he can tell it's working.
As he looks back at you his lips curve into a smirk before he excuses himself from his friends, "yo, guys, I'll be right back alright?" he announced. His friends give him small smirks knowing that usually when he excuses himself at a party it's for a girl.
You only realize he was staring back at you when he starts to approach you. You internally start freaking out not knowing what to do. Before you can come up with something he's already in front of you.
"Y/N. You're dressed... quite.. sexy.." His smirk gets even larger as those words come out his mouth. "You're also quite flushed, you're already drunk aren't you?" Shit, you hadn't even realized the alcohol had kicked in.
"What do you want Heeseung," you tried to sound mad and upset but it turned out more slurred than you wanted due to the alcohol in your system.
"To talk to my sexy ex-girlfriend, is there an issue?" You hated the cockiness in his voice. You hated how he was acting like nothing happened, like it was all okay, like you didn't cry, and throw up multiple days straight.
"Don't act like nothing happened. You broke up with me out of the blue.. You fucking hurt me." Your words now finally pack the punch you wanted the whole time.
"Come on don't act like that, seriously, just talk to me and be civil Y/N," a fake pout formed on his face as if trying to earn sympathy points from you.
"Can you take shit seriously for once? Ever since we broke up you changed and I fucking hate it! You would've never acted like this two and a half years ago!" You raised your voice at him, it's not loud enough for everyone to hear but some people nearby steal glances at the two of you. "Come on you don't mean that baby," He was starting to irritate you. Does he seriously have no shame? How did he end up like this?
"God you're so irritating you know that?! You're acting like you didn't break my heart, like you didn't leave me high and dry, without a rhyme or reason," now yelling at him because his act was getting to you, how could he be so nonchalant about this?
"Calm down okay? Let's talk about this when you're not drunk, don't cause a scene, you're gonna regret it later baby," his words weren't working on you, but then you then you thought about it. Maybe he was right, you should calm down, you hated creating scenes.
"Why're you calling me baby Heeseung?" Your voice is now softer, no longer yelling at him.
"You used to be my baby," you really didn't know how to react to his words, after all it's his fault you're broken up.
Your thoughts are immediately interrupted by his lips on yours. A feeling you haven't felt in so long. The kiss begins to become more like making out, his tongue dancing with yours and his hands on your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
He breaks the kiss to catch his breath and to say, "you're so lucky my buddy Jake owns this house. Follow me to the bedroom baby," the alcohol, and desire completely throw all of your common sense and critical thinking out the window. He takes your hand and leads you upstairs to an empty bedroom.
Once in the bedroom he immediately closes and locks the door before pinning you against it. Before you can process anything his lips are once again on yours moving hungrily.
He breaks away to remove your top, which coincidentally you weren't wearing a bra under. He lets out a small gasp but then a smirk curves onto his lips. His hands grab onto your breasts kneading them before taking one into his mouth.
You moan at the sensation and move one of your hands to his hair gripping it lightly. "Hee–" your breathless words made him want you even more.
He releases your breasts and removes his own shirt, unbuttoning it quickly.
Seeing his bare torso after so long could've made you cum on the spot, you loved his abs so much, you'd caress them randomly even if you were just cuddling and watching tv. "You're drooling Y/N," he chuckles. "No I'm not!" trying to wipe the saliva that had escaped the corners of your mouth.
He takes your hand and drags you over to the bed pushing you down onto it gently. He climbs on top of you, now hovering above you. He kisses you again while his hands move to the waistband of your short skirt. He breaks the kiss for a moment, "can I?" he asks, waiting for you to grant him permission to remove it.
You nod unable to form words momentarily. He wastes no time unbuttoning the denim skirt and unzipping it. He pulls it down leaving you in just your baby pink lacy underwear.
"These are so cute baby, I love this new pair," Heeseung had seen pretty much every pair of your underwear while you were together. You two were quite the hormonal teenagers in high school.
He then removes his pants, now leaving the two of you in just your underwear.
He reaches to remove your underwear sliding it down your legs before tossing it somewhere in the room. He slowly spreads your legs giving himself a view of your bare pussy. "Just how I remember it... So wet and pretty for me. He'd always do this whenever you two had sex. He'd spend so much time complimenting your pussy as if it could hear him. You always had to beg and plead for him to do something to you. "I'm gonna eat her okay?" he looks up at you waiting for approval whilst positioning his head between your legs.
"Please..." he doesn't hesitate after hearing your breathless plea to start licking your folds. The sensation is one you haven't felt in a while making it feel foreign to you once again. "Hee—" you moan. Your fingers bury themselves into his soft locks.
He continues to lick and occasionally sucks on your clit. He then inserts two fingers and starts moving them in and out of you. The double stimulation from his tongue and fingers making you see colors, the grip on Heeseung's and hair and your grip on the sheets making your knuckles turn white slightly. It's surprising how you're not ripping out his hair at this point. "Shit- Heeseung.. I'm gonna c-cum!" You can feel him smirking against your cunt as your loud moaning signifies your approaching orgasm.
Before you can let it go he pulls away making you whimper at the loss of stimulation, and the emptiness without his fingers. You're about to complain but he opens his mouth before you, "I want you to cum on my dick, not my tongue baby."
He then pulls down his boxers revealing his hard length, the one you haven't seen in nearly three years. You still loved it though, it was so big, thick and veiny... It was one of your favorite things about him, how blessed he was to be so big.
He pumps himself a few times before positioning himself between your legs. "You ready for me?" you couldn't tell if he was talking to you, or your pussy but you responded anyway "yes... please..."
He slowly inserts himself into your entrance going slowly so you can adjust to his size. You moan at the feeling of him stretching you. He bottoms out, pausing for a moment to let you adjust. "Please— can you move," you whine. He chuckles at your words before he starts moving his thrusts starting out slow before he starts speeding it up, the sounds of skin slapping together fills the room as he splits your hole open. You can feel the tip of his cock kissing your cervix.
"You feel so good baby, just how I remember. So tight for me baby," he groans as he feels you clench around him at his words. "Seungie-" your fingers gripping the sheets tighter.
"I know baby, I know," he knew exactly what was happening. He loved the sound of you calling him his old nickname. "Let go for me baby, we'll cum at the same time."
All it takes is a few more thrusts for you both to let go, the knot that was forming in your stomach finally snapping. You felt his warm release coating your walls, and you felt your release mixing with his. He pulled out of you gently, careful as to not hurt you. You could feel the liquids spilling out and sliding down your ass.
Heeseung lays next to you looking into your eyes, "goodnight Y/N," he says softly. You give him a gentle smile before closing your eyes and going to sleep.
What happens now?
What happens between you two?
Do you get back together?
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misspygmypie · 7 months ago
Ginge With Lando & His Overly Affectionate Girlfriend
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Requested: Yes, another one for @remmysthings ❤️ Summary: Angry Ginge can't keep himself from making jabs at Lando and his girlfriend Words: 849
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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Angry Ginge and Lando were in the middle of filming yet another video together. Their friendship had garnered a respectable following for their shared humor and chaotic antics. For today’s video, they met at Lando’s place since Ginge was already in Monaco for vacation, and it was supposed to be a straightforward review of the newest gaming gear. However, Ginge had other plans.
“Alright, Lando, let’s get this party started!” Ginge exclaimed, clapping Lando on the back with enough force to nearly knock him off the chair. “Welcome back, everyone, to another episode of ‘Ginge & Lando’s Adventures,’ where we test out the coolest gear and I get to make fun of Lando.”
Lando’s laugh immediately filled the room, a warm and infectious sound. “You know, one of these days, I’m going to get you back for all these jabs.”
Ginge snorted. “Sure, sure. We’ll see how that goes. But for now, let’s get to it. And hey, speaking of ‘getting back,’ look who’s here!”
The door creaked open, and Y/N walked in, carrying a steaming cup of coffee and wearing a smile that made Lando’s face light up instantly. She walked over to Lando, who was now wearing a goofy grin, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Hey, lovebirds,” Ginge called out with a smirk, tilting his head towards the camera. “Nice to see you two being all cute and lovey-dovey. Did you come by to remind Lando to stay smitten?”
Ginge put on a mock serious expression, placing a hand over his heart. “Ah, the daily dose of affection. How romantic. Tell me, Lando, does Y/N have you wrapped around her finger, or are you still pretending to be a rugged racer?”
“Just bringing Lando his coffee. And yes, I’m here to remind him how amazing I am" Y/N laughed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Lando rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his grin. “I’ll have you know, I’m perfectly fine with being wrapped around her finger.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow playfully. “Is that a problem, Ginge?”
Ginge shook his head. “Oh, no problem at all! I just find it hilarious how you two are so completely absorbed in each other. I mean, you guys make every day feel like a cheesy rom-com.”
Y/N chuckled, wrapping her arm around Lando’s shoulder. “Well, someone’s got to keep Lando from turning into a complete hermit.”
“Touché,” Ginge said, putting a hand to his heart in mock defeat. “Alright, let’s get back to the review before I start feeling all gooey from this lovey-dovey vibe.”
As the filming continued, Ginge made a few more playful jabs at Lando and Y/N’s relationship. He turned to the camera with an exaggerated sigh. “You know, I wonder if we should just rename this video ‘Ginge With Lando & His Overly Affectionate Girlfriend.’ It might get more views.”
Lando tried to stifle a laugh, shaking his head, but failed miserably as a deep red blush crept onto his face. “Oh, shut up, Ginge.”
“Ginge, are you saying you don’t appreciate our affection?” Y/N, pretending to be offended, placed a hand on her chest in mock horror. 
“Not at all!” The red-head said with a wink. “I just think it’s a bit much for a gaming video. But hey, if it makes you two happy, who am I to complain?”
After the video wrapped up, Lando and Y/N shared a smile, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Ginge, meanwhile, was still chuckling to himself, clearly amused by the day’s events.
“Thanks for stopping by, Y/N,” Lando said, giving her another quick kiss, this one lingering just a bit longer. “You made the video more fun.”
Y/N smiled back, her eyes sparkling with love. “Glad I could help. And don’t let Ginge get to you too much. He’s just jealous of our cuteness.”
Ginge shook his head, feigning exasperation. “Jealous? Me? Never. I’m just here to keep things interesting. And trust me, this is as interesting as it gets.”
As Y/N prepared to leave, she paused at the door, glancing back at Lando and Ginge. “You two better not be late for dinner. I’ve got a reservation at that new place we all wanted to try.”
Lando’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh, right! I almost forgot. Thanks for the reminder, Y/N.”
“No problem,” Y/N said, giving Lando a final wave before stepping out. “Have fun with the rest of your filming. And Ginge, try not to embarrass Lando too much.”
Ginge gave a mock salute. “I’ll do my best. But no promises!”
As the door closed behind Y/N, Lando turned to Ginge with a grin. “You know, you really should try to be a bit nicer. I’m sure you’d make a lot more friends if you weren’t always so cheeky.”
Ginge raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Where’s the fun in that? Besides, if it weren’t for me, who would keep you on your toes?”
Lando laughed, shaking his head. “Fair point. I guess I can’t complain too much.”
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i-am-in-love-with-alberu · 21 days ago
DCXDP Young Justice and Phantom
I love Danny Phantom and DC crossovers but I think there is a very overlooked possibility that would be so good and I don't think I ever saw it being done. Danny being in the og Young Justice from the 90s. He would just fit there so well and match their own brand of chaos perfectly. And they share the same lack of respect for authorities and lack of adult supervision.
We have a teenager ghost hero who was kidnapped by the USA government for experimental purposes. I Really need to see Secret and Phantom bond, maybe they were held in the captivity by the GIW and the DEO at the same time and meet there, maybe they can runaway together.
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LOOK AT THIS! it look like it was made so they can have a crossover! I KNOW I'M NOT CRAZY
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The DEO saying Secret has no rights because she is dead, the potential for angst.
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Secret having a hard time because she was the only one there without a mentor or being a legacy, but here she could bond with Danny because they have so much in common, and they can understand each other.
I just want to see Danny being besties with Secret (maybe even more? I can see they have a more romantic relationship too)
Is just... There is so much potential and I couldn't stop thinking about it
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months ago
No one here asked me, but Sean and I have been together for 20 years, so here's the shit I say when I DO get asked how it keeps working:
Base level, we fucking like each other. I do not buy into the "you can love someone and not like them." Fuck that. Like is what turns into love. If you are regularly thinking, "I don't like this person," the problem is that you don't like that person. Love can't fix that. Because the love you need to hold onto when you have a moment of not-liking someone can't exist if you don't first like someone.
Which brings me to point two: Kill the perfect romantic who lives in your head. You will annoy the fucking shit out of each other. It happens. For so many reasons. Learn how to say, "Honey, I love you, but I can't deal with this right now." And, for the record, the proper response is "Okay. Got it." not turning it into a whole fucking thing. Yes, it's very romantic to not get tired of someone. But it's much more realistic to be able to say, "Honey, please leave me alone for twenty minutes," and it's must healthier for the other person to go, "Oh, okay! Love you!" / "Love you, too."
Accept that sometimes you're gonna need to fight it out. With this caveat: If it's the same fight over and over again, that's a fucking problem. If it's a fight over the same topic, but you're on a different point in the topic, you're probably okay. For example: If I said, "Honey, please hang up your towel to dry so it doesn't grow mold," and Sean never hung it up, so we kept going round about it, that's a problem. But if I said it, and Sean DID hang it up, but it needed to be spread out, then that's a different thing. "Hey, thanks for hanging up your towel; please make sure it's spread out on the rack so it dries properly."
Also, be flexible about things you ask for. We have a general rule that whoever opens the dishwasher the first time after the dishes are cleaned has to empty the whole thing. But also, if Sean's running late the morning after we do dishes, I'm not going to call him and complain he didn't empty the dishwasher when he opened it to get a fork.
Think of all of this like the fridge making a weird noise. Most of the time, the fridge makes a noise you don't even register because that's the fridge noise. But sometimes, the fridge make a new noise and WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. That's how I think of relationship work. Most of the time, it's just work that gets done in the day-to-day shit. But occasionally, something is OFF and needs immediate attention, so you need to stop and pay attention and fix it.
But also, after your fix the problem, you need to be accept that maybe there are new noises that need to be inspected. For example, if Sean said to me, "Hey, I need thirty minutes after work to myself when I get home," this would be a new thing, but yes, okay. I will do my best. And I will. But maybe I forget the rule because I have something I NEED to tell him that isn't actually a NEED, and so I greet him at the door with a monologue, and he lets me monologue, and at the end he says, "Okay, that's interesting. But I would still like my thirty minutes. I will talk to you after I've had that." He's understanding that I'm doing my best and still reinforcing the boundary I agreed to. What I can do in this situation is thank him for listening and give him his time and try not to jump him with information again because he has made it clear twice that he doesn't want that.
The trick about doing your best, respecting boundaries, and loving one another is truly just doing your best because you love each other. I want a good life. I want Sean to have a good life. We want a life together. We will build a good life by being honest, communicative, and kind to one another. I fold laundry for us both not because I think it's my role as the "wife" but because it's a way to get me on my feet for a few minutes. Sean does the cooking because he enjoys it. I generally handle the dishwasher because he cooks. He gets the car to the mechanic to get the oil changed. I take Bean on her second walk when his day runs long. Do I WANT to take her out? Not always. But I've been at home with an office job all day, not driving around the city to do a physical job. Taking her out for her second walk may annoy me, but the payoff is that Sean comes home and is so happy that he doesn't have to do it and thanks me, and that's what makes it worth it. We acknowledge each other when effort occurs. We make each other laugh. We talk through things. We understand the importance of being able to say, "No, I'm not into it, but you like it, so please keep explaining it." and "Honey, I love you, but I can't do this right now."
It's really just understanding that good communication means folding in the idea that good communication includes saying things you might think you shouldn't have to say. Trust me, saying it means cutting down on the bullshit of not having said it. Say awkward shit to each other. Announce you're doing it. "Hey, this is gonna sound awkward, but I need to say it" because the response from the person you love (in every version of love) should be, "I'm listening. Let's go" because it's about mutual support and care and LIKING one another. And all you gotta do is give back what you deserve to get.
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tarotofhope · 5 months ago
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PAC: ♥︎♡ The Moment they realize they are in love with you ♡♥︎
(Please Read My Pinned post *IMPORTANT NOTE* before selecting a Pile)
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Pick an Image by meditating and selecting the image you feel called to. You can be attracted towards more than 1 image. If you are not able to select maybe this reading isn't for you.
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♥︎ Pile 1 ♥︎
Cards: 9 of Wands, The Devil, The Tower, Empress, 2 of Swords.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 1. Your partner is aware of their feelings because they can feel that it is different with you. There are aware of your struggles, both past and present. You can meet them when you're out of a tough period in your life, when you'll be beginning to stand on your own and when you'll start clearing up all the previous mess, your previous issue can be related to finances, romantic or platonic relationships. See, not every love story is going to be the same because not all people are lovey-dovey and so they cannot express their feelings in a romantic manner. Also, there's not always going to be a specific time of realisation for everyone, for some people it's an everyday process. They feel it everyday when talking to you, being in your presence. I think you see them, talk to them or hang out with them everyday, and if not, very frequently. It is going to be a slow and steady process, nobody is going to be impatient here. They see you shining brightly in your light, they think you're very brave and beautiful and they have so much respect for you. It doesn't matter if you guys decide to get married or not, but I can say that this is going to be a long term relationship. They will let you know but in the most subtle yet assuring of ways, because they don't want to scare you, you would be feeling the same for them, but you might hesitate because of past experiences, so they might be the one to let you know first. You might also be very indecisive and doubtful about this connection in the beginning, but with time you'll become sure and confident.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 1.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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♥︎ Pile 2 ♥︎
Cards: 2 of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Strength, The Sun, Empress.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 2. Your partner and you could be work colleagues or your relationship could somehow be work related. There's a lot of stress and pressure, or it could involve a busy schedule but they see you thrive in that environment. You are unfazed. You're unbreakable. They see so much emotional maturity in you, so much inner strength and determination to earn what you deserve. They see you everyday at work and they're in awe of you everyday. They're just somehow too scared of you, to let you know. They think you might reject them. They're also someone to keep their feelings bottled up, and also because you have a professional relationship with them so they think they can't just hop towards you with a romantic proposal, it might not look appropriate. You guys might not be getting time for yourselves, to open up more or hang out much. They think you're very beautiful/handsome and they really like your habits and work ethics and so you would make a great partner. It can be so that, in the beginning, they only get to observe you, admire you and your work from afar and then maybe you both get a project to work on as a team, or they get to talk to you at office parties or meetings(not the usual formal office talk)..something like that, and then you get to know each other better, you start going out together by taking out time from your busy schedule. Somehow, other people at work might get the hints, you won't be able to keep this relationship a hush for a long time. Office romance is forbidden in some places, so you guys might be careful. They will let you know that they love you when you've gotten far into the relationship, but otherwise, they'll express in other ways through their actions. I think even you are this way and because you guys are the same, there is this silent kind of love and you're both okay with it.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 2.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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♥︎ Pile 3 ♥︎
Cards: 3 of Wands, Kings of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Hierophant, 4 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 3. You might be someone who lives far away from your family due to work. They think you're very free and independent. Nobody can tame you. They like your free spirit. You come across as very intelligent, smart and clever. You guys could be in a long distance relationship. You both don't get to catch up a lot or if this is not a long distance relationship, you guys might be travelling together everywhere, you look like best buddies more than romantic partners to other people. You guys could be childhood friends or just friends before becoming romantic partners. So this connection is far deep rooted or there is a lot of familiarity between you two. You both would come closer to each other one step at a time, realising you're both compatible and inseparable. You could be very unconventional but rooted deeply in your culture or if not this, you could be unconventional and firm in your beliefs, whatever your beliefs may be, you don't like others telling you what to follow and what not to. They like how you speak and stand up for yourself and others. The King and Queen of Swords both came up means you both have smart and sharp minds and open-heartedness towards different cultures and religions, you guys also like to communicate and debate a lot. You guys might even like to pull pranks on each other. You're both fun loving. You both respect each other's beliefs and need for space. Whether or not you know each other for a long time, you guys still seem to have gotten along well too soon in the beginning. There's a lot of friendship and mutual respect between you two, you both match each other's freak very well. Even if you go your seperate ways, you might still choose to stay friends.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 3.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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♥︎ Pile 4 ♥︎
Cards: The Moon, King of Cups, The Empress, The Devil clarified by 6 of Cups, 2 of Cups.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 4. You guys could be leaving a toxic person or an unsuitable career behind when you meet this person. You guys could both be divine masculine and divine feminine partners in this union. They love your femininity because it doesn't matter what gender you belong to, the cards are showing too much feminine energy here, which belongs to the person reading this pile while your partner has a lot of masculine energy. They love how you're mysterious, secretive, intuitive, emotional and sentimental. You wear your heart on your sleeve. They must've been impressed by you at first glance itself. They'd think that you're just their type, you just fit their criteria of a desried partner. You look well put together, well dressed and they'd think you're cute too. You might have short to average height and some of you might even have a curvy figure or a round face which they'd definitely adore. I'm getting so many 18+ messages in this pile, but I can't mention them here. They love how you both look so well paired up when you stand besides them, like you were made for each other. They love how you're nurturing and caring and they'd like to be the provider. You both give yourself equally into the relationship, it would look like a proper traditional couple. I'm also getting marriage vibes from this pile, this relationship can end up in a marriage if you guys want that because I can see that at least one of you is interested in creating a family with the other. You both like children and/or pets.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 4.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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♥︎ Pile 5 ♥︎
Cards: Ace of Swords, The Emperor, 9 of Swords clarified by 2 of Pentacles, The Hanged Man clarified by Death.
Welcome to your reading, Pile 5. They started falling for you when you both talked, your very first conversation might have made them think deeply about you afterwards. It's the way you speak, clearly and genuinely, with no extra sweetness nor bitterness, neither cringy nor too loud/soft, just perfect, to the point. You don't talk to impress, you just talk what's on your mind and in your heart. They also love how you think before you speak, you don't just blabber anything. They admire your intelligence and smartness. They might even love your voice. They love to communicate with you, all the things that you like and dislike, because they like to see your gestures and expressions, your hand movements, your body language, the way different emotions pile up on your face according to the nature of your conversation. They think that you're also very knowledgeable about many things. They love how you're not a people pleaser, whatever you feel comes out on your face, you don't entertain people who don't value you, you don't play pretend/you don't play mind games either. Whether you put all your cards on the table at once or not, whatever you tell them about yourself is genuine, your compliments, your love, hatred, everything. You come off as very assertive and honest to them while you may appear arrogant or rude to others when you speak in a straightforward manner. You might have been pressed in life a lot, which made you the way you are now. You might have been stripped of your self-esteem and self-confidence, you might have been stuck and trapped in a mentally traumatic situation, which eventually made you direct, stubborn in your beliefs and straightforward, after so many efforts, and you won't take this down for anybody and they respect this.
That's all I got for you, my dear Pile 5.
Love, light, peace and hope to you..🌸🍁🌻🌼
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Thank you so much for being here. I post PAC readings every Tuesday and Friday. Do love and support by reblogging, liking or following.
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iamred-iamyellow · 4 months ago
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Diet Pepsi
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♥ masterlist | request rules
♥ pairing: carlos sainz x fem!reader
♥ synopsis: early in the f1 season fans found their love for you, carlos sainz new girlfriend who loves to write him poems. however the fans realized the secret letters you wrote to him were nothing like they thought when you unexpectedly dropped a spicy new song with lyrics taken from the poems.
♥ smau - fc: addison rae - as always none of the pictures are mine
♥ warnings: swearing, suggestive jokes, and one hate comment !!!
♥ a/n: ME? posting TWICE in one week?! we're so back. thank you for suggesting this fic idea @1800-love-me <3
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-March 19, 2024-
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liked by carlossainz55, lilymunihe, landonorris, and 230,583 more
yourusername p1 in melbourne. congrats amor <3
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carlossainz55 mi amuleto de buena suerte 😘 - (my good luck charm)
♡ by yourusername
lilymhe it was great to meet you! alex and I had an amazing time :)
yourusername same here! let me know the next time you wanna meet up 🫶
oscarpiastri @/alex_albon double date without me and @/lilyzneimer...
oscarpiastri its literally my home race
alex_albon you don't even know carlos that well 😭
oscarpiastri @/alex_albon do you??
alex_albon @/oscarpiastri ...
yourusername what did I get myself into
user8 she is STUNNING
user4 oh my gosh shes already friends with lily m? I love her already
user7 if the girls love her so do we
landonorris he finally pulled
carlossainz55 "finally"?
landonorris @/carlossainz55 yeah
carlossainz55 @/landonorris says lando norizz
landonorris 😧
user3 I know Carlos did NOT JUST CALL HIM LANDO NORIZZ 😭
-Post Race Interview Highlights-
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and 463,949
carlossainz55 caught her in the act
tagged; @/yourusername
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yourusername i’m literally just a girl
lilymhe have some respect for your girlfriend !!
yourusername thanks lily
yourusername fine sue me for loving you too much ☹️
landonorris you hold onto her @/carlossainz55
yourusername AWW LANDO 🥹
user1 LANDOO :(
user8 he's the sweetest thing
user3 imagine your girlfriend writing letters to you
user7 she’s a POET
user6 trapped inside the body of a finance guy
♡ by yourusername
user10 oh I love her
user4 the lipstick stains-
user12 shes such a romantic
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liked by carlossainz55, francisca.cgomes, madelineargy, and more
🔒 yn.priv my boy’s a winner, he loves the game, my lips reflect off his cross gold chain
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francisca.cgomes luv you
alexandracooper can’t wait to see you ladies 😘
yourusername <3
yourbestfriend are you working on something…
jyourusername perhaps 🙈
landonorris 🤨
carlossainz55 nos vemos pronto x (i’ll see you soon)
♡ by yourusername
haileybieber you are gorgeous
yourusername no you
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Y/n and Kika: Wag Life, Industry Parties, & Age-gaps | Call Her Daddy
Join Alex in the studio for an interview with Y/n L/n and Francisca C. Gomes. The two open up about being reduced to their partner's fame, finding independency, and working on their own public brands. They discuss chaotic industry parties, not just within modeling, but the secretive business of Formula One and entering their healthiest relationships. Enjoy!
"Y/n and Kika welcome to Call Her Daddy, I'm so happy we're doing this, it's honestly been way too long since we've seen each other," Alex says, beginning the episode. "A lot of people don't know but I've known you for a while now, you were friends with Mads [Argy] first."
"Yeah the two of us met through her but I don't think you've met Kika yet, right?" you ask, looking over towards Francisca.
"No we haven't, so it's really great to meet you," she smiles. "Your modeling careers have been going amazing I saw Kika you worked with ALO and Rhode recently, and Y/n we've been trying to get you on the podcast for like a year now but the thing that solidified this episode in my mind was when I saw Carlos post about your little letters to him."
"Oh my god," you muttered, hiding your face as the other two girls laughed.
"She carries this pink notepad around with her in the paddock," Kika gestures with her fingers.
"We’ve been itching to read your writing so if you ever get around to releasing something definitely hit me up," Alex spoke into the mic.
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liked by carlossainz55, logansargeant, charles_leclerc, and 302,583 more
yourusername who's ready for miami?
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haileybieber me !
yourusername can’t wait to see you 🫶
user1 the collab we indeed knew we needed
user6 yn model career when
user4 @/user6 right?! she’s so stunning
user23 don’t you think it’s weird that she’d get a career bc her boyfriend is famous?
alexandracooper @/user23 looks like someone missed an episode of CHD :/
user8 clock their ass alex
carlossainz55 🕯️ ferrari front row 🕯️
landonorris @/carlossainz55 hey 😕
yourusername 🕯️ logan sargeant podium 🕯️ haas 1-2 🕯️
carlossainz55 @/yourusername …
user13 🗣️🇺🇸🦅
user7 i can’t wait to see yn in the paddock again
user10 same! i wonder how many of the girls are gonna be there
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 1,304,843 more
carlossainz55 amazing drive out there today. proud of you @/landonorris.
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landonorris gracias cabron
♡ by carlossainz55
yourusername *sniffles*
user2 stoppp 🥹
user3 carlando!
user7 they should be a throuple
yourusername i’m considering it
carlossainz55 @/yourusername i saw that
yourusername congrats lando 🧡
landonorris thanks yn ❤️
user1 i’m gonna psychoanalyze the hearts btw
user8 i’m so normal about this 🙂↕️
user10 @/user1 they’re mclaren and ferrari colors 🥹
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liked by haileybieber, alexandrasaintmleux, carlossainz55, and more
🔒 yn.priv modeling for @/rhode out here in miami
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haileybieber gorgeous as always. thanks for meeting with us 🤍
yn.priv any time! thank you so much for the opportunity
haileybieber 💋
alexandrasaintmleux literally stunning
yn.priv no you !! have we seen the pictures they took of you for the case?! phenomenal
carlossainz55 ven a casa rápido 😘 (come home quick)
yn.priv sí, señor 🙈
landonorris i wish i could unread this
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ynfan1 ok but seriously, what’s up with yn and carlos? for some reason everyone's saying they broke up but I can't find any proof at all?
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user4 something something "she's not at every race". she’s got her own life bro huh 😭
user5 didn’t alex cooper say yn was working on a project
user4 @/user5 she did! yn is probably working on that. they both have tight schedules so it’s not like they’ll be around each other 24/7
user7 I miss the yncarlos content so bad
ynfan1 don’t we all
user10 i really hope they didn’t break up
user5 im starting to think they did…
user11 this is such a non issue 😭 it’s been like a few weeks since we heard from them
user6 EXACTLY yall are making up stuff at this point
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liked by carlossainz55, tatemcrae, madelineargy, and 1,843,950 more
yourusername im so grateful to announce you can now stream my new song diet pepsi on all platforms. the lyrics were taken from the poems i wrote to my lovely boyfriend @/carlossainz55 over the (almost) year we’ve been together. 🤍
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user1 when yn said she wrote poems to carlos this is NOT what i was expecting 😳
user7 “my boy’s a winner” YES HE IS
user6 releasing this right before monaco? power move.
user2 she’s manifesting for carlos
user1 ferrari 1-2 cmon
tatemcrae i’m obsessed with this song actually
yourusername thank you tate 🫶
lilymhe @/alex_albon so this is what you were humming to today 🤔
alex_albon its catchy 🤷‍♂️
landonorris @/yourusername did alex get to hear this song before me
yourusername @/landonorris whaaattt noo that’s crazy
carlossainz55 @/yourusername mi amor he’s sensitive about these things
user8 never beating the throuple allegations
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, alexandrasaintmleux, and 592,506 more
yourusername congratulations on your win @/charles_leclerc you really are the prince of Monaco. I'm not in person to support my team but I'm there in spirit! I love you @/carlossainz55 congrats on p3 <3
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charles_leclerc merci yn
♡ by yourusername
carlossainz55 thank you amor 🫶 I'm so proud of you as well
yourusername ❤️
user1 are we gonna ignore diet pepsi...
user2 EXACTLY what I was thinking about
alexandrasaintmleux we missed you in the paddock
yourusername missed you too !!
user8 the queen herself
lilymhe obsessed with the new song
yourusername thank you lily 🥹
user10 SOSO impressed with the song. shes an artist now !
user7 right?! the vibes are absolutely immaculate
user9 the imagery >>>
user6 carlos is a lucky man omg
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liked by carlossainz55, tatemcrae, landonorris, and 1,030,180 more
yourusername I write my name with lipstick on your chest, I leave a mark so you know I'm the best 💋
comments are restricted
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drewsbraziliangf · 5 months ago
nothing to say when heaven falls | Drew Starkey x black!reader
summary: what can you do when the person that’s supposed to understand and be on your side chooses to doubt your fears?
Word count: 1388
a/n: not edited, we die like soldiers!!!!! pls let me know if you wish to be added to my taglist
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"How can't you see how disrespectful this is to me, Drew?" You ask with a strained voice and teary eyes. "Everywhere you go she's looming like a shadow."
"She's my friend, what do you want me to do?" Exasperated, he asks.
"I don't know. Maybe tell her that your fiancé doesn't feel comfortable with her following you around, traveling abroad to see you or fuck, being all fucking touchy and handsy with you in public."
My throat was burning as the words slipped my mouth but I simply couldn't avoid it any longer. I am so tired of this whole situation and it has been going on for far too long. I just can't hold it back anymore.
"Can't exactly tell her what to do," he rolled his eyes this time.
"Really? Am I really asking for that much?" I look at the man in front of me with disbelief, "I just want to feel like I'm not invisible in my own goddamn relationship. She sees you more than I do and I am the one with a ring on my finger. How is this fair?" 
"Babe, listen, there's nothing going on between me and her. You have to believe me," he pleads as he runs his hands through his hair.
"You don't think I'm trying to believe you? I'm in the trenches everyday telling myself this over and over again, but how can I turn a blind eye to it when the first thing I see whenever I'm online is that you're both coincidently in the same city. For the millionth time."
I know that pulling this out in the open this way isn't the best option. But how could I keep bottling all of this up when it's causing such a heavy pain in my chest every time I see their names together?
It was always clear the perks of dating a public figure and I never backed out on it. Now seeing the man who asked me to spend the rest of my life with him and have his babies walking around with the woman everyone swears he was romantically involved with is messed up.
“I don’t know what you want me to do,” he admits as he walks away from me.
That felt like a punch. Because how could I make it anymore obvious? Do I have to draw it to a thirty year old why he should respect the woman he chose to propose to? 
“Are you for real right now?” I asked as I follow him into the kitchen of our shared apartment. “Did you really just said that to me, Joseph?”
At this point it felt like there was no going back anymore, either this was going to be totally fixed here or it wouldn’t at all. The bandaid was ripped and the wound was open and burning.
“How can you be so dull? You really can’t see what the problem here is?” 
I watch as he fills a glass with water and turns his back to me. He did it twice already. The off white walls of the kitchen lacked the warm they always brought when we were in it together. It felt claustrophobic and like the roof was going to fall over our heads at any given minute.
“You’re acting like I’m cheating on you. Like this is some major fuck up. It isn’t, you’re turning it into something it isn’t.” His tone was cold but looking at his posture it was clear that he was trying to maintain his calm.
The condescending tone in his voice made me want to shrink into myself and hide away from the world.
“Oh, right. Yeah, blame it on me for thinking that my fiancé going out of his way to be with his ex fuck buddy isn’t normal.”
“Careful,” he warns once finally looks at me.
“Or what, Drew? What else could you possibly do that will make me feel worse than I already do?” I challenge, my gaze locked on him as I wait.
After a few minutes of us staring down at each other, he shakes his head and sighs. 
“I’m not doing whatever this is. I’m done entertaining this,” he declares and he leans against the countertop.
Drew and I met around two years ago through a mutual friend. We instantly hit off and after a few dates, he officially asked me to be his girlfriend - which I obviously accepted. We had this instant connection that isn’t common. At first I was terrified of it, I knew who he was and the fact that his life was always being scrutinized by thousands of people. I knew what people said online about him and as we got closer and closer I couldn’t help but lose myself in the speculations about him even more.
Our relationship was great and we always made sure that each others boundaries were respected, so color me stoked to be in this situation right now. I am not dumb and every single day there is a needle pinching me making me think of stuff and situations like the one we find ourselves right now just indulge those thoughts.
In the early days of our relationship we made sure there were no secrets between us and past relationships. I knew I was his first black girlfriend, I knew he was born and raised in the South too. So joining that and the fact that I am an immigrant did make me scared of a lot of things, the main of them being the fact that it isn’t uncommon at all for men to always find their way back to that they are used to. 
So seeing her upon him all the time while people online barely know about our relationship feels like hell. Because even though I’m in family pictures that his sisters post online, and the very visible ring on my finger I am never considered the option of being his significant other. She is. Every single time. And he never did anything about it - hell, he never even set boundaries with her and she knows that we’re together. Am I really reading too much into things? 
Being three months away from our wedding day, this isn’t the kind of thought or conversations I would like to be having. I should be fucking excited and dress hunting, but lately the only thing that I feel like doing is swallowing lumps and holding back tears, faking smiles and pretending I’m fine. I’m not, I’m fucking falling apart and I’m so tired of begging to be seen. 
“I don’t know how else to tell you that I am not comfortable with this and that you shouldn’t be either,” I point out as the first tear cross the edges of my cheeks. “I don’t know how else to ask you to respect our relationship.”
“I respect our relationship, I always did. I just don’t think that what you’re saying right now makes any sense. Whatever I had with her in the past is over.” He says as he runs one of his hands through his face.
“Drew, honey, you’re not seeing things from my point of view. Imagine if it was me catching planes every other day to be with someone that I was involved in with in the past. And all of our friends know that you and I are together. How would that make you feel?”
At that he says nothing but silence can mean many things, and in this case it means consent. 
Tired of this back in forth conversation, I reach for my phone that was besides his on the counter and as if the timing couldn’t be more right, the screen of his phone lights up with an incoming call. No surprise flashes through my features as I see the picture on the caller id, both of them in a mirror picture as they brush their teeth.
“I can’t do this anymore,” I confess watching as he reaches for his phone quickly declining the call. “Not when you’re up to your eyeballs into whatever this is. I’ll make the calls tomorrow and cancel the dates with the venue.”
I grab my phone and my purse and I walk towards the front door before he can say anything else, I’m closing it behind me. 
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wosospacegirl · 11 days ago
And they were roommates - part 7
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Summary: Y/n gets injured and has to stay in recovery for 8 months. It's a good thing her friend and teammate Kyra is more than willing to move in with her. wink wink
Warnings: peer pressure leading to a kitty adoption!!! making out!! a little bit of angsty (really just a tiny tiny bit); Leah and Y/n being your favourite grumpy duo.
Word count: 5.3k
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 8 |
“So how did it all start, tell me everything!” Beth said enthusiastically in the middle seat in the back.
“Oh fuck", Y/n and Leah said in unison, Leah holding the bridge of her nose.
It was very clear that  Beth had only joined the drive to Lia’s because she wanted to interrogate Y/n and Kyar about their relationship, not because she was truly moved by the loss of her teammates' pet.
Kyra was too busy driving to care and Alessia was in her own little world, holding the cake that said ‘We’re sorry your cta died’ that they had just bought on their way to Lia’s house.
“Was this going on before your injury? Or was it after?” Beth asked, sticking her head between the two front seats 
“After,” Y/n said, pushing Beth’s head back into her seat. “Get back, man!”
“They were so head over heels for each other,” Alessia said. “I don’t know how you didn't see it before.”
“I knew Kyra was bullshitting with the whole ‘I’m moving in because she needs a friend around’ thing. Beth said proudly.
“Hey! I did move in to help her out, okay? Kyra said defensively. “Things just…happened.”
“Was it you or Kyra that initiated it?” Beth asked, ignoring Y/n
“It was very much mutual,” Y/n said.
“Hmm.” Beth nodded like she was putting the pieces of a puzzle together. “Interesting.” 
The car was silent.
“Who initiated the first kiss?” Beth continued to pry, gathering more and more pieces of information. “Come on, don’t hide anything. We’re all friends here!” 
“Please don’t tell us,” Leah murmured, almost begging.
Y/n rolled her eyes but replied. “Me, we were watching a film.”
“What film?” 
"Oh bloody hell," Leah groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Beth, I swear to God, does it fucking matter?" She tried to elbow Beth—a warning shot. But Beth, unrelenting, elbowed her back with double the force.
Kyra put a hand on Y/n’s tight.
“I’m going to throw this car into the next truck that passes us,” she said with a smile.
“Oh, good idea baby! Please, put us out of our misery,” Y/n said, matching Kyra’s energy.
“Oh don’t act so superior, Leah Cathrine, you just don’t care because you knew it all from the start!” Beth said, narrowing her eyes. 
“Some of us had to find out the hard way," Beth said, clutching her chest like she had been wounded. "There I was, minding my own business, and then, out of nowhere, boom! A full-on snogging session in my place of work. I may never recover." 
“Beth?!” Kyra said, turning her head around but quickly returning her attention back to the road. “We weren’t snogging!”
“Yeah, you interrupted us before we could actually do anything, Beth.” Y/n rolled her eyes.”
“Y/n!” Kyra blushed. “You’re instigating her!”
“For fucks sake do not have sex on our changing room, Y/n” Leah warned. “Or else I’ll have Renée bench both of you.”
Alessia hummed as she looked out the window. “Well…” She paused, letting the tension build. Then, without emotion, she shrugged. “They wouldn’t be the first couple to do that.”
“What?!” Everyone asked at the same time, turning to Alessia.
“Who the hell is having sex in the changing room?” Kyra asked. “That place smells of something, not romantic at all.”
After turning to Alessia, everybody turned their attention to Beth and looked at her suspiciously. There weren’t many couples on the teams, so their options were really limited.
“Oh, do you guys really think Viv would agree to have sex in a changing room? She’s plain. It wasn't us!” Beth said, rolling her eyes. “My wife is a respectable lady, but also boring as hell."
“Caitlin and Katie,” Alessia said casually as if she wasn't bomb-dropping the biggest gossip around. “Before they were even dating, by the way."
“And how do you know that?” Kyra asked
“I’ve got eyes in all the right places,” Alessia said jokingly, but none of the girls took it as a joke.
The song on the radio was the only sound on the car for a few seconds. But that's all it was. Seconds.
“So… did you guys wait long before you ha–” 
“Beth, if you say one more word, I swear I’ll crash the car,” Kyra said, mortified.
“Make it a murder-suicide, Cooney-Cross,” Leah muttered. “Maybe Beth will shut up for once.”
“Guys, do you think this is too much?” Alessia said, completely ignoring the banter and staring at the cake. “What if she cries because we wrote about the cat dying on the cake.”
“She’s gonna cry anyway,” Y/n said, watching Alessia in the rearview mirror. 
“I agree with Alessia, maybe we shouldn’t have written about her cat’s death on the cake,” Beth said. “Maybe she’ll get sad thinking about it again.”
“Oh come on,” Y/n said, preparing to defend her idea. “How else are we going to get our message across…that we’re here to support her and celebrate her cat’s life!”
“You know, some people just use words,” Leah muttered from her seat. “Not whole ass writings in a cake with pink icing.”
“Oh look who’s talking!” Y/n said defensively. “On my last birthday, you sent me a Spotify link to the Happy Birthday song! Miss ‘people use words.”
“I literally posted a story on my Instagram for you too, you ungrateful–”
“Okay, we’re here!” Kyra said, pulling down to Lia’s driveway. “We’re finally, finally here,” she said the last part in a whisper, like a prayer.
“Everybody out, come on,” Y/n said as they all got out of the car. She was the last one to leave, having to wait for Kyra to pick up her crutches.
The five girls stood in front of Lia's door, Kyra went to ring the bell, but Y/n held her wrist.
“Let’s just set some rules first,” Y/n said, “Kyra no dead cat puns, please. Leah, remember the whole thing about being nice. Beth, let Lia do the talking, alright? Let her vent.” Y/n said, pointing at each one. “And Alessia–”
The blonde looked up at her, cake in her hand.
“Just be yourself, babe,” she said, smiling.
“Why does Alessias get to be herself but I–”
“Not another word, Leah,” Y/n said in a warning. “Be. Nice.”
Leah rolled her eyes but remained quiet.
As Y/n nodded to Kyra,  she rang the doorbell, and in a few seconds Lia opened the door, but they were not prepared for the scene in front of them.
Lia was holding not one, not two, but three kittens. The girl was wearing a grey robe, her hair was in a messy bun, tears streaming down her face.
The five girls stared at Lia, each of them with their mouths agape.
“Guys I think I messed up! I went into full-on mourning mode and kind of panicked-adopted these three babies while I went to the vet to look at cremation stuff for Guler and they–” She held up the three kittens. “–were staring at me and–and I’d just lost my Guler boy, so I took them and now I can’t keep them all!”
Lia was sobbing, barely able to understand what she was saying, the poor girl was a mess and the poor kittens on her hands looked frightened.
Y/n was at a loss of what to say, so she did the first thing that came to mind. 
She took the cake from Alessia’s hand and gave Lia a nervous smile.
“Uhm, well, we bought cake!” 
Beth and Alessia were able to calm Lia down as Leah and Kyra took each kitten and put them on their laps. They were so small and tiny, they were barely two months old.
The one Kyra was holding was a little black one, and Leah had two, a ginger and a tabby cat, neither of which had a name yet.
Y/n, well, she was on cake duty. 
She had cut a piece of cake for each girl, and they were eating on the floor of Lia’s bedroom, while the girl talked about everything that had happened so far.
Guler had died of old age. She had taken him to the vet to be cremated. There was an adoption fair going on and she panicked-adopted the three kittens–and the only ones left– but when she got home she realised she couldn’t look after them all.
“I was so stupid!” Lia cried on Beth's shoulder as Alessia patted her back.
“You weren’t stupid, you’re just grieving,” Alessia said as she watched  Lia take a piece of her cake.
Alessia was right once again. Lia did cry even harder when she read what was written on the cake, maybe next time Y/n wouldn’t suggest writing about the loss of a pet in pink glaze. Noted.
“Grieving people do stuff like that all the time, babe, it’s okay, we’ll fix it,” Leah said, giving her pinky finger for the tabby cat to bite playfully. 
“We can keep one,” Kyra said bluntly, picking up the black kitty with her two hands and practically shoving it in Y/n’s face. “Right, Y/n?”
Y/n almost choked on her cake. 
“What? Of course not!” Y/n said. “We can’t have a cat!”
Lia started to cry even harder, from her corner of the room, Beth and Alessia gave Y/n a death stare.
Mean, Alessia mouthed to her. 
Great, just great.
“Oh fuck, sorry Lia, I’m sure we will find it another ho–”
“But look at him!” Kyra insisted, holding the cat close enough to Y/n that one of its hairs went into Y/n eyes. “He 's so cute.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes at the tiny creature in Kyra’s hands. Its body was scrawny, but its belly was huge, and its ears were far too big for its face. It was… desproporcional. And somehow adorable. Not that she’d admit it.
“Meow,” the thing said.
Still, she crossed her arms. “No.”
She had never had a pet before, too busy with the football season and the FIFA calendar to take care of one. When she had holidays and days off, she was most definitely not at her home, so she really couldn’t have had a pet before. 
“I think I’ll keep this one,” Leah murmured, kissing the tabby’s cat in the face. “I like her.”
Kyra turned her face quickly to Y/n. The biggest doe eyes she had ever seen. Kyra was a kid in a candy shop, and Y/n wasn’t allowing her to take up anything.
“Please?” Kyra begged with a pout, putting the cat on her chest, and holding it like a baby. An ugly one at least.
“Kyra, no!”
“But Leah got one!”
“And what does that have to do with anything? If Leah jumps off a cliff–”
“Yes!” Kyra answered before Y/n could finish.
“Oh my god just take the cat!” Leah said, as her cat purred. “It might do you some good, maybe you won’t be a pain in the ass anymore.
“I’m not a pain in the ass! I’m responsible, I actually think before I make a big life commitment like adopting a living being!”
Y/n realised what she had said before she had said it. She didn’t need the smack on the back of her head to realise it.
“Y/n!” Beth and Alessia said in unison.
Lia, who had stopped crying, started sobbing again.
“I-I’m sorry! I knew I was being irresponsible and now I have to find another home for at least one of them ” Lia cried her hands in her face.
Kyra held her kitten closer and gave Y/n a judgmental look as Leah slapped her own face and dragged her hand across it.
Y/n hadn’t expected to be the mean on this outing. Leah was usually the one who said insensitive things, not her.
Well done, Y/n.
“Okay, I’m sorry!” Y/n said, looking at everyone in the room, her hands hanging defensively in the air.
Y/n walked over to Lia and hugged her. “I didn't mean it like that, baby. I’m sorry, yeah? Me and Kyra will keep the black one, Leah will have the tabby one and you can keep the other one, does that sound okay?”
Before Lia could answer, Kyra was back on her two feet, cat in hand and the biggest smile on her face.
“We’re keeping him? Really?” She asked enthusiastically
“Yes,” Y/n murmured, patting Lia’s back.
"Leah, our cats are brothers and sisters. That makes us family,” Kyra declared proudly.
Leah stared at her, dead inside. “Don’t fucking start, Cooney-Cross.”
“Not a single word, Kyra.”
Kyra snapped her mouth shut, but Y/n could see the argument bubbling under the surface as she focused on the road.
Kyra was driving Y/n and their new family member, Footy, to their home. 
Yes, Kyra was the one who named it.
They had dropped all the girls off at their respective houses before heading to three different pet shops to buy everything Footy needed. 
Y/n didn’t even know that a cat needed clothes, I mean, they already had their fur, right? But Kyra insisted on buying it a jumper like her own life depended on it. 
A bloody jumper. It looked more like a sock because of its size.
“It was time that we added a new member to our family!” Kyra declared proudly, one hand on the wheel, the other gesturing dramatically.
Y/n blinked at her. “I’m sorry—time? Time for what?”
Kyra nodded towards the kitten in Y/n’s lap as if it was obvious.
“Kyra, my love, we’ve been going out for two months,” Y/n said, reluctantly,  patting the thing in her lap.
“We’re gay,” Kyra said simply, glancing at Y/n as if that was the whole explanation. Then she shrugged. “That’s more like two years.”
“It was a reckless decision, Kyra!” Y/n argued, letting the thing bite her hands with its thin teeth. “How are we going to take care of it when we’re gone?”
Kyra sighed and made an L-turn. “We can either take him–stop calling the baby it–or we can leave him in a pet daycare for a few days.”
“I’m not paying a pet daycare for a car!” Y/n rolled her eyes, scratching Footy’s head–was it normal for it to have a bald spot near his ear?! 
“Then we’ll take him with us wherever we go, just like that,” Kyra winked at her.
Y/n wanted to argue and stand her ground.
But she didn’t. She breathed in and out, feeling the air coming to her lungs, her anger slowly coming to an end.
“Okay?” Kyra asked, confused.
“Yep,” Y/n said, with no emotion in her voice. “We’re cat parents now.”
Kyra narrowed her eyes, Y/n never let an argument go that easily.
“You are the one who’s going to clean its litter tray,” Y/n said.
There it was, Kyra thought.
“And you’re the one taking it on walks.”
“Cats don’t need walks,” Kyra said. “Have you seriously never been around animals your whole life?”
Y/n blushed slightly. “Well, if it ever needs one, you’ll be the one to do it.”
“Okay, ma’am,” Kyra said, making the captain salute with one hand while she held the wheel with the other. “I guess you’ll be an absent mother then.”
“No, I won't!” Y/n murmured. “It’ll feed it.” 
Y/n scratched Footy’s big belly. Maybe she could be a good cat mom.
When they got home, Kyra turned her old room into Footy’s.  She put his litter tray, toys, bed and scratching post next to what had once been her bed.
Since Kyra had been sleeping–pretty much every day–on Y/n’s bed, she didn’t need the room anymore.
Footy was very tired when Kyra put him on his little bed. 
Being panic-adopted by a grieving football player and then being adopted again by two other football players was too much for the little black kitty. The cat was sleeping as soon as Kyra turned off the lights.
When she got to her and Y/n’s room, she helped the girl out of her clothes, and they both lay down on the bed.
Y/n scrolled through her Instagram while Kyra read her book. She was already in the middle of a chapter when she noticed Y/n’s arm bushing against hers. The gentle touch was enough to remind Kyra that the couple had yet to kiss today.
Silently, Kyra put her book down on the bedside table and took the phone from  Y/n’s hand.
“Hey! Give me–”
“I wanna kiss you,” Kyra said, interrupting Y/n. “Right now,”
Y/n shut her mouth and grinned, forgetting about the phone immediately. 
“Do it, baby,” Y/n said, taking Kyra’s cheek in between her hands and bringing their lips closer. “You don’t have to ask me, you know that.”
The kiss was sweet and slow, their tongues swirling together, their saliva mixing.
“You haven’t kissed me all day,” Kyra whined against Y/n’s mouth.
“I’ve been waiting for you to do it,” Y/n whispered back.
In one swift movement, Kyra was hovering over Y/n, her legs on either side of Y/n’s body. 
Kyra kissed her again, this time urgently, her tongue slipping in fast, Y/n hands holding onto Kyra’s ribcage, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.
“Missed you,” Y/n said. “A lot.”
“We were together all day, baby,” Kyra said, exploring her neck with her mouth.
“But not alone,” Y/n stated, moaning softly as Kyra sucked on her pulse. “I like being alone with you.”
Kyra moaned against her mouth and brought her hand to Y/n’s neck, resting it against her jugular. “You’re so pretty,” Kyra says, a string of saliva attached to each mouth. “And so hot, I want you all to myself.”
“Yeah? You think so?” Y/n teased, eyes closing and Kyra's mouth trailed down her neck, kissing her cold skin. “Then show me, make me feel good, please?”
“But we’ve talked about this,” Kyra mumbled as she bit the spot on Y/n’s neck, making the girl rock her hips as much as the cats on her leg would allow. “We’ll have to wait until your cast is off completely.”
Y/n took Kyra’s chin in her hand and gently pushed Kyra’s face until they were staring at each other. “Baby, I need you, please?” she begged again, trying to give Kyra her best doe eyes.”
Kyra smiled and kissed Y/n’s mouth.
“Just have to be patient, yeah?” Kyra said. “Now let me enjoy you, keep quiet.”
“You’re the one who keeps saying we have to wait, yet you’re the one holding me down,” she teased.
Before she could continue, Kyra’s palm silenced her.
“What did I say?” Kyra asked more sternly, raising one brow.
That tone made Y/n wet, very wet
“I’m not usually the one taking orders,” Y/n said, slightly confused by the shift of their dY/namic, but enjoying it nonetheless.
Kyra chuckled. “Just this once, ok?”
Y/n hesitated but nodded.
“Pretty girl,” Kyra said before returning her attention back to Y/n’s neck. The tip of her tongue trailing from the back of her jaw till the beginning of her cleavage, Y/n moved slightly, too caught up in how Kyra was making her feel.
Y/n tugged desperately at her shirt, but before she could remove it. Kyra held her wrists.
“What are you doing?” she asked, watching the way her hand wrapped perfectly around Y/n’s wrists. 
“It’s hot in here,” Y/n says, trying to sound innocent.
“We can turn the air conditioning on,” Kyra suggested.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Come on Ky don’t you wanna see my tits?” Y/n said, throwing away all her fake innocence and being her naturally blunt self
Kyra blushed. “We won’t have sex until you are completely healed.”
“I know,” Y/n said impatiently. “You’ve said that like 10 times already, but we can make out–with my shirt off.”
“Your shirt has to stay on,” Kyra said, getting up from Y/n’s body and sitting on her legs next to Y/n. “When the cast is off we–”
“–can have all the sex in the world, I know it.” Y/n huffed, kissed Kyra again, more desperately, trying to distract the girl.
Kyra accepted and deepened the kiss, her hands gripping Y/n’s waist.  Y/n arched into her, her breath shaky.
But then Y/n shifted slightly, and Kyra could feel the awkward angle of her cast pressing into her leg.
Kyra moaned against Y/n’s lips before she forced herself to pull away. “Fuck. No. We can’t.”
Y/n sighed and turned her body around to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning forward to take her crutches and get off the bed. “Okay, I’m off.”
“Where are you going?” Kyra asked. “We were making out, we can keep on doing that, we just have to go–slowly.”
“Yes, we were making out, ” Y/n rolled her eyes. “Until you decided to become a nun.”
“Oh come on, don’t be difficult! ” Kyra whined, throwing herself dramatically on the bed. “It’s hard for me too!”
“It looks like you are having way too much fun denying me,” Y/n said, matching Kyra’s dramatic attitude. 
Y/n wanted to put the fucking cast on fire. Never in her life had she been so cockblocked, kudos to Kyra as well.
“I’m not denying you!” Kyra argued, sitting back down on the bed. “Are you telling me you’ll be able to stop whatever we were doing if we were half naked?” 
Y/n was silent.
“See,” Kyra said, pointing at herself. “I'm right on this one, we don’t have self-control”
“You know what,” Y/n said, tapping her crutches against the floor, a habit she had developed whenever she was made. “You can fuck off!”
Kyra rolled her eyes and watched as Y/n walked out of the room.
“Where are you going?!” Kyra whined again, getting off the bed and following Y/n.
“I am going to take a very very cold shower,” Y/n said angrily. 
Kyra pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, let me grab your towel first and then we can do–”
“No! I’m taking a shower alone,” Y/n stated.
Kyra just looked at her,
“The last time you tried to take a shower alone you fell flat on your face, baby,” Kyra said nonchalantly. “Are you back to being stubborn and not accepting help or what?”
“Are you back to being annoying or what?” Y/n said, grumbling under her breath all the way to the bathroom before closing the door.
Kyra stood by the side of the door, counting on her fingers. 
“Kyra?” Y/n murmured, her voice soft through the door. “Are you there?
Kyra smirked proudly. She knew her girl.
“Always, baby,  do you want me to come in?”
“Yes.” She said,
Kyra went into the bathroom and found Y/n sitting on the toilet, her shirt was still on, but her trousers were at her feet.
“I can't take my trousers all the way off,” she explained, an impatient tone in her voice, she thought that she’d be getting used to the bloody cast by now.
“I’ll help you, it's all right,” Kyra said, getting down on her knees and taking her trousers off. She tapped on Y/n’s leg playfully. “Shall we get you into the shower?”
“Yes,” Y/n said, accepting the help.
Kyra took off Y/n’s shirt and she couldn't help herself.
“So now you want to take my shirt off?”
Kyra rolled her eyes. “We can always take a shower in our swimsuit, up to you, pretty girl.” 
“You’re an evil, evil woman.” 
The couple was lying on the sofa, enjoying their day off. It was a sunny Saturday. No games or training for Kyra and no physio for Y/n. It had been a long time since they had a day like this.
“FIFA date is coming up,” Y/n said as they watched yet another film Kyra had chosen, Footy lying down by Kyra’s side. 
“Uhun,” Kyra said, eyes glued to the television, her left hand stroking Footy. 
“Are you excited? Y/n asked, taking Kyra’s hand from Footy and putting it on her leg. “It’s the first time Australia is playing at the She Believes Cup, right?”
“It is yeah,” Kyra says, sounding bored. “It’s Colombia’s first time too; and I’m all right.” 
“You don't look too excited.” Kyra’s hand caressed her tight.”What's the matter? Too scared to play against Foxy?” Y/n joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Nah, Foxy’s good but we can handle her,” Kyra smiled. “I'm more worried about leaving you, actually,” she confessed, still not looking at her.
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed, she took the remote and turned off the TV.
Y/n cupped Kyra’s face so they were looking at each other.
“I’m trying to talk to you,” Y/n said, a little impatient in her voice. “What happened? You always  get so excited about playing for Australia, seeing Mimi and the other girls.”
Kyra hesitated.
“I–I just don’t want to leave you here, alone,” she confessed, “Half the girls from Arsenal got called up to their national teams.”
“So? They always do, I was expecting that already.”
“But you’ll be alone, all your friends will be at camp, and I won’t be here to help either.”
Y/n rolled her eyes.
 “Oh come on Kyra, I’m a lot more independent than I was months before,” Y/n said, partially annoyed.
“I just think it would be better if I didn't go,” Kyra muttered.
Y/n straightened her body and looked at the girl with wide eyes.
"Wait—you’re serious?" Y/n’s voice lost its teasing edge. She sat up straighter, her hands clenched into fists. "Kyra, be fucking for real. You would actually refuse a call-up? Do you really think I’m that fragile? That I can’t be on my own for a week without completely falling apart?”
Y/n was fuming.
“I didn’t say that; you’re putting words in my mouth,” Kyra said. “I’m just worried about leaving, we’ve been pretty much glued together for the last few months and everyone you know will be at camps as well.”
 “For your information, I have other friends who are not football players who will keep me company,” Y/n stated, crossing her arms. “My whole life doesn't revolve around football like you make it sound like.”
Y/n was getting frustrated with Kyra. Sure, it wouldn’t be the best feeling in the world to be stuck at home with the cat while everyone she knew was out doing what she wanted. 
But she already came to terms with it, she had cried all the tears she needed to cry, she had screamed all she had to need to scream on her pillow while Kyra was out on running or training.
She already yapped about it non-stop with Leah, who was not much of a comforter, but still was a great listener nonetheless.
Y/n didn’t need Kyra to feel pity for her. She was, slowly but surely, becoming more independent. And maybe staying one week away from Kyra would do them some good, maybe Kyra would realise that Y/n was more capable than she thought she was.
Kyra still pretty much saw Y/n as a damsel in distress. 
Y/n was in distress but she was no damsel.
“Y/n, tell me one friend of yours that isn’t related to football?” Kyra challenged, raising an eyebrow.
“Ms. Petunia!” Y/n said matter-of-factly.
“...Your neighbour? I mean elderly neighbour?”
“Are you being ageist?”
“Maybe–a little?”
“She's a good friend! and she’ll keep me company while you’re away,” Y/n argued, taking Kyra’s hand away from her leg. “She always bakes me cookies–and we’ll watch telenovelas together! I'm going to have a great time with her.”
“And what about when she goes to the elderly church group? You’ll just be at home all day?”
“No Kyra, I’ll take my crutches and happily skip my way to Wales!” Y/n said eagerly, she could be petty when she wanted to.”
Kyra opened her mouth like she was about to argue again, but then she stopped herself. Y/n was looking at her with that stubborn, defiant glare—the one that meant she wasn’t just mad about this, she was mad about everything. The injury, the recovery, the way everyone was treating her like she was breakable.
Kyra sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well… guess we’re good then.” She took the remote from Y/n and turned the television again.
"Yes we are," Y/n snapped. The words tasted bitter. She knew they weren’t good. Kyra knew they weren’t good. But neither of them said anything.
A few seconds passed, thick with silence. Y/n clenched her jaw, grabbed her crutches, and stood up. Before she left, she grabbed the remote—petulantly, spitefully—and turned the TV off again.
“I don’t want to watch that movie anymore, it’s stupid,” she mumbles as she makes her way to the kitchen.
“It’s literally The Lorax, bro,” Kyra said from the living room. “It’s got a message!”
Y/n opened the cupboard and took out a bowl and some fruits. She was going to make a fruit salad. Fruit salads were good for regulating the nervous system, and right now all of her systems were very much nervous.
Y/n had just cut the apples, strawberries and mango, the only fruit left were two bananas. Then she began to chop them, more angrily than necessary.
“What did the banana do to you, grumpy?” Y/n felt Kyra’s presence on her back, her hands gently placed on her hips and Kyra rested her head on Y/n’s shoulder.
“I’m taking my anger out on them,” Y/n mumbled, continuing to chop. “My therapist said I need to learn to redirect my anger away from people or some shit like that.”
“Hmm,” Kyra said, planting a gentle kiss on her neck. “You’re doing a great job.”
“Shut up,” Y/n asked, still grumpy. “Did you finish the film?”
“Uhum, like I said, great movie.”
“And did you learn anything from it?”
“Yeah, not to cut trees down and not to make my hyper-independent girl feel like she’s a liability,” Kyra said softly. “I’m sorry baby. I’m sure you’ll have a blast while I’m gone.”
“Maybe even go to some crazy church bingo with Ms Petunia, yeah?” She continued, slightly teasing, putting her hands under Y/n’s shirt.
“You shouldn’t tease someone with a knife in their hand,” Y/n warned in a fake serious tone.
Kyra held her closer and watched as Y/n took the chopped bananas and mixed them with the rest of the fruits. 
Y/n took a spoonful of her fruit salad and offered it to Kyra, who wrinkled her nose and pushed the spoon away.
“Ew,” she said
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“You’re an athlete, you need vitamins! Y/n said. “Now I’m the one who’s worried, I don’t think you’ll eat well if I'm not there to make sure you get some real food.”
Kyra kissed her neck as Y/n enjoyed her fruit salad.
"Steph will look after me."
"Hm," Y/n scoffed, taking another bite of fruit. "We’ll see. If you come back looking like you’ve only eaten cereal for a week, I’ll never let you leave again."
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 8 |
Notes: Please like, share and let me know what you think! Feedback is important and makes me want to write even more. :D
Notes//2: I always have so so much fun writing dialogues between Y/n and Leah like I got myself giggling in my room aloneee.
Read more of my work here -> Masterlist
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princesajellyfish · 8 months ago
Taste me
Rating: Mature (18+ No Minors allowed)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Characters: Laios Touden Content: Smut, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Semi-Public Sex Word count: 3805 Reader has a pussy and and wears a skirt. Everything else is up to interpretation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Laios, you're so special to me.”
Currently you lay on the hard and rocky floor of the dungeon. Pebbles and sharp edges poked your soft flesh and the back of your head started to ache from being pushed against its hard surface. But how could you possibly pay attention to that when you have the world's most handsome explorer in between your thighs. If you would've known that this is how confessing would've turned out you would've done so much much sooner. 
Laios and you had shared mutual attraction for each other for sometime now. You, of course, noticed it much earlier than Laios ever could've. He was such a cutie, even though he was doing his best to hide his affections towards you it was impossible for you not to notice his longing gazes at night by the fire, or the extra portions of food that he would put aside for you. You would have been a fool not to notice any sooner. 
Knowing Laios for as long as you have you knew that approaching the subject subtly was not going to work out with Laios. When it came to romance, it was not going to cut it. The love of your life was caring, sweet, and knowledgeable on all things monsters and dungeons, but he was not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to social cues. You didn't mind of course, that was one of the things you found the most endearing about him. No matter how wary he was of other people and their intentions he always did his best to stay as genuine and sincere to himself as he could. The way he was so brave and willing to be unapologetically himself made you look up to him and admire his strong will. But gosh was he dense. 
Swallowing your own nerves you knew that if you wanted this relationship to advance anywhere you were going to have to to set things in motion. Not wasting any time one evening after eating a dish that consisted of harpy eggs and vegetables from senshis garden you volunteered to accompany Laios on a quest to find some extra fire material. 
Walking alone in the dungeon halls was not the most romantic ambiance or the place where you imagined you would have your love confession in - but this was Laios you had fallen for, confessing here was probably his equivalent of a grandiose cherry blossom confession. 
He had been rambling about his dream monster, something he had only spoken to you about, apart from his sister Falin, before you interrupted him. “I'm so sorry Laios, you know I love your monster talk…but there is something important I have to talk to you about.” you wrung your hands into the fabric of your long skirt, twisting and pulling to find confidence in between its threads. 
Sensing your nerves Laiois placed a gentle hand on your shoulder and nudged you to turn your body slightly towards him. His gorgeous puppy dog amber eyes peered into yours and scanned your face over, you guessed he was checking you out to see if you had any injuries bothering you. In return you averted his own gaze and stared down at your fidgeting hands. Finally he spoke up to break the silence, “Hey? Everything alright? Did the food not settle well with you?”
Oh silly Laios, always thinking about food, If you weren't so nervous right now you would've laughed at his question. Shaking your head you found the courage to lift your eyes back to his. 
You knew that Laios at least held some sort of affection towards you. You were still unsure if it ran as deep and as passionate as your feelings for him but you knew there was something there. You also knew that even if Laios wanted nothing to do with you in that way he would never belittle you for it. He was gentle and kind, a little too much sometimes, but he always treated others with respect. He had never done anything to hurt you purposefully. So you weren't quite sure why you felt so shaken by your attempt to confess. You supposed, that is just what love feels like. 
You really hoped it would get a little less scary in the future. 
“Laios, I think I love you.”
There, you said it. As blunt and straight to the point as you could, You made sure to leave nothing up to interpretation for Laios. You wanted him to fully understand the gravity of your feelings for him. Feeling anxiety crawl up your throat you quickly added  “And it's okay if you don't feel the same way. Or if that's too much too soon. I just wanted you to know.” 
The more you spoke the more you felt your voice die in your throat, each word sounding quieter than the last. Laios had still not said a word, but he stared at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw. In this moment you felt like you could puke from your nerves and yet you still thought the man in front you couldn't possibly look any cuter, 
Suddenly you heard him take in the biggest breath of air he could muster, alerting you that this man had stopped breathing since you confessed to him, and then exhaled with the most hearty laugh you've ever heard come from him. His cheeks bloomed in hues of reds and pinks, unstoppable rivers of blood that reached the tip of his fingers and pooled to his neck. His eyes blinked rapidly as if he was trying to make sure he wasn't in a dream. “Please,” he hiccuped, “Do you mean it?” 
You stared at his face before lowering your gaze to his lips. They were slightly parted and you could get a glimpse of his cute pink tongue. He must've noticed your stares because he let his tongue quickly swipe over his lips to wet them. Gazing back up to his eyes your hand finally let go of its death grip on your skirt and instead gently nestled into the side of his face. “I wouldn't even dream about joking about this Laois.” His eyes suddenly felt too intense for you so you closed your eyes and took another deep breath, “I love you and I can't contain it anymore. From the moment I met you I fell so deeply for you. You're so perfect. So kind.” You rubbed gentle circles on his cheeks, “‘You drive me crazy.”
Every word you spoke felt like a punch to the chest for Laios. In the best way possible. He never knew that hearing you sing such praises about him would affect him so viscerally. To his embarrassment he began to feel his pants become uncomfortably tight. “Not right now,” he thought. He didn't want to ruin your confession with his pervy thoughts. 
He brought his hand up to your wrist and held it in his grasp. You observed how his eyebrows crinkled in frustration as he shut his eyes tightly. His breathing seems labored and small beads of sweat began to form on his hairline. If it wasn't for his grasp on your wrist you would have fallen backward from the overwhelming amount of desire you felt for him. Gods…you wanted him so bad. 
Taking advantage of his closed eyes you let your own travel. You started off by staring at his lips still moist from his tongue, but your sinful desires seemed to take full control of your actions as you let your eyes wander further down his body. His armor in the way of you admiring his chest annoyed you for a second before you got a glimpse of something better. So this is why he was in deep concentration. 
Laios was suddenly shook from his stupor when the sound of your airy laugh reached his ears. Slowly peeking his eyes open he was welcomed by the sight of your beautiful face. Eyes clouded with something he couldn't describe stared directly at his current source of frustration. Gasping he pushed himself back and dropped your wrist as if it had burned him. 
He opened his mouth once, twice, three times to attempt and get some words out but for the life of him he couldn't form a single coherent sentence. A thousand things ran through his head and now it was turn to fidget with his hands. Pulling and picking his fingers he turned his body to face the wall behind him. He knew his silence could be taken wrongly and the last thing he wanted was to mess up his chances with the most beautiful woman he’s ever met. 
Thankfully, you knew the man you had fallen for better than you knew yourself. So you allowed him to have his moment alone. After all, you were more than pleased with his reaction to your confession. 
Finally he turned his head to the side, body still facing the wall, and began to speak up. “I'm sorry, I promise I'm not a perv. I don't know why I'm reacting like this,” He took in another deep breath, “You deserve a more romantic response.”
Giggling you made your way towards him and wrapped your arms around his armored torso, resting your head against his back you let out a content sigh. At this sudden feeling of warmth Laois tensed up before he quickly relaxed in your arms. “You're perfect Laios.”
He was so fucking hard. Did you even know how much power you had over him? How all you had to do was ask him to give you the world and he would do it. You could ask for the moon and the stars and he would spend his entire life figuring out how to do it. He loved you. Oh he loved you so much. Gods, the minute he laid eyes on you for the first time, you introduced him to a thousand new emotions he had no idea what to do with for the first time in his life. He knew what attraction was, and he understood what it meant. But love? This type of love? He wanted to learn everything about it solely with you. 
Gaining confidence he flipped his body to face you, careful with your arms as he held them against himself. You could've melted in his arms right then and there, he looked at you with such adoration and love you almost felt bad about how much it excited you…almost. Testing the waters you pushed your body against his, feeling his boner poking your body. 
“Hmph- wait (y/n),” his face becoming impossibly more red than before. He laid his head on top of yours and breathed in your scent. There was no way he was going to be able to control himself for much longer if you kept testing him like this. 
Feeling bold, and a little impatient, you positioned your arms to wrap around his neck and brought your lips to his ear to whisper “It’s okay baby, I feel the same way too.” 
You gently grabbed his, very sweaty, hand and placed it on the hem of your skirt. “I want you Laios,”  his fingers curled around the hem, “If you want me too then I'm all yours.” 
That was all he needed to hear. Almost too fast your skirt was pooled around your ankles and the cold dungeon air kissed your bare legs. Still pressed against him you not only heard but felt the vibrations of his almost animalistic growl he released.
Gently separating from him you reached for the bottom of your shirt and pulled it off, discarding it on the floor. You wished there was a way to permanently tattoo the sight of Laios staring at you as if you were an angel sent from above into your eyelids. He made you feel so loved, so beautiful. One of the many reasons why you fell in love with him.
He quickly reached out for you once more and attacked your lips with his tongue, he wanted, no he needed, to taste you. Hot breaths melted into each other and moans danced together in the air. Your fingers wrapped around his ash blonde locks and slightly pulled whenever he would bite down on your lower lip with his teeth. As dreamy as this felt, there was still something bothering you. Tilting your head away from Laios you watched as he instinctively tried to follow your lips before you rested your palm against his. “I dont think it's really fair that I'm the only one half naked here.”
Gasping at your confession Laios began to fumble with his armor. Amused you watched as he clumsily pulled it off with a sense of urgency. Now Laios was not the type of person to hyperfixate on his body. He never really put in the time to debate whether he was handsome or not. His mind was always preoccupied with monsters, food, dungeons, and only recently you. But now that you were in front of him, waiting and watching, he felt the ugly sensation of insecurity make its way into his mind. Maybe you would take one look at his body and wish you were with someone more toned and ripped. He wasn't the skinniest guy, and for the first time ever he didn't like that. 
You noticed he was hesitating with removing his shirt and it honestly broke your heart. So you approached him and placed your hands on either side of his cheeks, squishing the fat causing his face to contort into an adorable little pout. “We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with love,” you gave him a little peck on his pouty lips, ”But trust me when I say I love you. ALL of you. Including your body.” 
Oh…you were not real. That's all Laios could think. How on earth was there such a perfect person? An actual Goddess walking amongst mere mortals like him. How did someone as perfect as you fall for someone as strange as him? He didn't notice it but his eyes started to sparkle with unshed tears. For so long he's been alienated from this type of affection. Something he didn't know was bothering him deep down inside until he finally got it from you. 
He swore right then and there he would do anything to make you feel good. If you were a goddess then he was your most loyal worshiper. He finally removed his undershirt and stood before you bare chested. Before you had time to admire him he kneeled at your feet. “Laios? What are you doing?” 
“(y/n)...” He lifted your right foot and placed gentle kisses on it, “I'm going to show you just how much I love you.” 
Your words died in your throat as you watched him begin to trail his kisses from your foot to your ankle, and from your ankle to your leg. Every time his lips made contact with your skin your core pulsed with desire. His eyes never breaking contact with yours. Mentally imprinting your cute expressions and sounds into his mind forever. Finally he arrived at your inner thigh, its plushness making his dick twitch with excitement. If he wasn't so far gone he would've been a little embarrassed. But just a little.
He tried, he really did try, to control his impulses and not bite that delicious plush skin. But alas he was still a man, and you were so cute, so so cute. You jolted and gripped his hair when you felt his blunt teeth push down on your thigh, it hurt, but it felt so right. This continued on for a while before you started to lose your patience. You needed to be touched and he was taking too long, ignoring the most sensitive part of you. Bucking your hips you anchored his face to your core and held him there with your grip on his hair, not missing the moan he let out at your sudden dominance. “Then stop teasing and show me just how much you love me.”
His hands gripped your hips and he pressed his nose in between your folds, fuck you smelled so good. He was inexperienced with pussy but he was a professional eater, so he let his instincts take over. Pushing your underwear down he wasted no time connecting his tongue to your sensitive folds. He began by lapping up your delicious juices, immediately trying to guess what the flavor resembled. It was a bit tangy but somehow had a little bit of sweetness to it. He wondered if the food you had eaten today affected its taste, specifically the candy they had made with the dungeon spirits. This only made his cock impossibly more hard, already planning on tasting your delicious pussy every night after a good meal just to see how much it affected the way you tasted. Fuck was he in deep. 
Wanting to get a better taste he searched for your hole and once he located it he wasted no time pushing his tongue inside, fucking you with it. You began to roll your hips on his face, trying to meet the pace of his tongue. Your freed one of your hands from its deathly grip on his hair and moved it towards your clit. As good as Laios was making you feel, you needed a little more stimulation. This of course was not missed by him. 
Separating from your core with an obscene pop, he looked up at you, his mouth, chin, and even his nose glistening with your juices. “Please (y/n), teach me where to touch you.” 
Oh you were much deeper than him. But how could you not be?
Pushing yourself off the wall you were previously leaning on for stability you decided to lay down. Spreading your legs you used your hands to spread your pussy for Laios to observe. “This right here is called the clit, this is the most sensitive area.” He nodded along with extreme enthusiasm. Typical Laios you thought.
“You can rub it, lick, or suck on it.” You then inserted two fingers into your wet hole. “You already know what this is, but if you finger me here while licking my pussy-” a small whine managed to escape your lips, “You'll make me cum in no time baby.”
This brings us to where this originally started. With you writhing and moaning against the harsh dungeon floor as Laios abused your swollen pussy in every which way. So lost into your pleasure you couldn't even tell what was his tongue and what was his fingers anymore. Meanwhile Laios was having the time of his life in between your legs. While he was pleasuring your cunt, savoring, sucking, lapping, and overall devouring you, his hips bucked into the floor, chasing his own release. He could cum just by eating you out. 
You felt your legs begin to shake involuntarily, and you knew what this meant. “Laois! Im- Im-!” 
He knew exactly what you were trying to say by the way your legs began to grip his head “Mmph, cum for me baby.” 
He flattened his tongue on your clit and began bobbing his head side to side as fast as he could, occasionally stopping to suck on it with fervor. Meanwhile his fingers were pistoning your hole, curling inside to find your sweet spot. A sudden hot flash of pleasure completely took over your body and you couldn't contain yourself from gushing your orgasm all over his face. You swore you saw white as you let out your release. 
Laios felt so good he could cry. Your taste, your moans, your pussy, your everything was too overwhelming. He wanted more and at the same time couldn't handle it. With one last buck to the floor he felt his own searing release take over his body. Cumming in his underwear the vibrations of his own moan electrifying your cunt. 
After a few moments of you both catching your breaths and riding out your orgasms in bliss the reality of where you were hit you both like a ton of bricks.
You prayed the rest of your party members were too distracted with their own chores to have heard the sinful indulgences you and Laios participated in. In the middle of the dungeon no less. Oh well, you were too content with the man who was currently laying on top of you to really care. Unfortunately you knew that they would eventually come looking for the two of you if you took too long to return. Patting his back you pushed your body off the ground with your forearm and placed a gentle kiss on his head. 
Moving his head to look into your eyes he let out a gentle sigh. Clearly not ready to let go and head back just yet. He pressed a few kisses into your neck and hugged you tightly. He finally had you. Giggling you proceeded to sit up all the way and grabbed his face to attack him with kisses. Once you landed on his lips you noticed how you could taste yourself against him. 
“GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?!” That was definitely Marcille. 
You both quickly scrambled to your feet and frantically searched for your discarded clothing, almost painfully pulling it on your bodies. Neither one of you had time to wipe down which caused you both to cringe a little. But that was better than being caught in such an intimate position by someone you both respected and cared about. Plus the embarrassment you would feel later would surely keep you up for nights on end. 
You quickly turned to Laios and without thinking ran your hands through his hair in an attempt to make it look presentable. If you weren't so focused you wouldn't have missed the pure look of awe and admiration he held for you at that moment. 
“There you are! We were beginning to get worried.” turning the corner, Marcille stood with a hand against her chest, letting out a deep sigh. 
“Huh what happened to you guys! You look like you just ran a marathon or something! Did you encounter any monsters?!” 
At the mention of monsters Laios quickly spoke up and formulated a very abstract lie about you and him getting chased by some creature. You honestly couldn't focus much on what he was saying, just being grateful that your man had all the knowledge in the world about monsters to create a believable story. Grabbing his hand you squeezed it. A wordless gesture that meant the world to the both of you. 
Now you wondered, when you were going to be able to return the favor to him.
AN: Hello!!! Thanks for reading this very self indulgent fic I wrote at my very adult job LOL. In case you couldn't tell this man has me in a chokehold. This is my very first time posting my writing and my first time writing a "x reader" fic. So I apologize if it feels a lil ooc at times.
I think I'd like to continue writing for Dungeon Meshi and possibly for other fandoms, so if you guys have any requests my inbox is always open. :3
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little-forest-goblin · 2 months ago
Steve blackman i will never not have time to drag you you fucking bitch. You not only ruined a good show with your shitty choices for the fourth season and cut back 6 to 4 but you also blatantly ignored david castenada who tried telling you in the nicest way possible that that fuck ass choice of making a love triangle was uncomfortable and weird. I can't look at any of the interviewings for season 4 because I can feel this thick tension that is awkward between all of them. But lets not just talk about that lets talk about your fucking controversy that has just appeared of you allegedly making a toxic bullying work environment for your staffers. 12 anonymous people gave complaints to HR about your fucking behavior. You pitted staff against each other making an angry and untrustworthy working environment. Oh lets not also talk about the fact there were complaints of your ass making lewd remarks that people said were sexist, homophobic and transphobic. Elliot page praised you for your fucking handling of his characters transition but other sources say you also would praise your team and staff in public and than go behind there back and bully them in private you fucking two faced scumbag. You also would ice out your own fucking staff if they didnt fall in line with what you wanted or would blatantly get rid of them. How fucking power hungry do you have to be to do that shit. Lets not also forget that you were a bastard to a poor pregnant woman who didnt tell you she was pregant when she was hired and had to go on maternity leave so you failed to extend her contract because she didnt make it your business she was pregant you fucking creep. You gossiped and talked shit about your own staff but really you should praise them since they're there to help make this show run. Their there to make this whole operation not fucking crumple and you’d think you’d give them some sort of respect but you wanna act like a little bitch and whine and cry when you dont get your way and get called out when they dont wanna do something that is uncomfortable for not just them but everyone else. Let's also not talk about how you did not give proper credit to those who made scenes and stories for the show and took all that credit for yourself. Your a fucking piece of shit that couldnt come up with your own ideas so you stole everyone else’s because your unoriginal and had nothing good to input within the conversation. On top of all that, I think people should check your computer because you had no problem making a creepy relationship between two vastly differently aged actors. Aidan Gallagher is freshly of age to depict mature romantic relationships within tv shows and you instead of finding someone who is more closely to his age you pick the actress that he GREW UP AROUND. HE WAS A CHILD WHEN THEY FIRST MET. But also fuck Aidans parens too for not maybe coming out and saying that this is fucking creepy. Maybe they where silenced and paid off to stay quiet but looking at Rob gallaghers creepy and controversial fucking behavior anyway, i dont think it took much for them to be silent. The fact that you deny any and all allegations of any of those claims and your representatives tried to save your ass steve and than there was a investigation which surprise sur-fucking-prise was less than comprehensive. You probably paid those investigators off to get off your ass and have your representatives scrambling so you don’t get cancelled and you keep lining your pockets with money that you probably stole from your staff too since you wanna steal their work. so might as well double it and give it back to yourself, right? . Fuck you and everything you stand for steve blackman you toxic, manipulative, predatory, creepy fucking bastard. Fuck you. 
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