#arsenal women fanfic
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wosospacegirl · 11 days ago
And they were roommates - part 7
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Summary: Y/n gets injured and has to stay in recovery for 8 months. It's a good thing her friend and teammate Kyra is more than willing to move in with her. wink wink
Warnings: peer pressure leading to a kitty adoption!!! making out!! a little bit of angsty (really just a tiny tiny bit); Leah and Y/n being your favourite grumpy duo.
Word count: 5.3k
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 8 |
“So how did it all start, tell me everything!” Beth said enthusiastically in the middle seat in the back.
“Oh fuck", Y/n and Leah said in unison, Leah holding the bridge of her nose.
It was very clear that  Beth had only joined the drive to Lia’s because she wanted to interrogate Y/n and Kyar about their relationship, not because she was truly moved by the loss of her teammates' pet.
Kyra was too busy driving to care and Alessia was in her own little world, holding the cake that said ‘We’re sorry your cta died’ that they had just bought on their way to Lia’s house.
“Was this going on before your injury? Or was it after?” Beth asked, sticking her head between the two front seats��
“After,” Y/n said, pushing Beth’s head back into her seat. “Get back, man!”
“They were so head over heels for each other,” Alessia said. “I don’t know how you didn't see it before.”
“I knew Kyra was bullshitting with the whole ‘I’m moving in because she needs a friend around’ thing. Beth said proudly.
“Hey! I did move in to help her out, okay? Kyra said defensively. “Things just…happened.”
“Was it you or Kyra that initiated it?” Beth asked, ignoring Y/n
“It was very much mutual,” Y/n said.
“Hmm.” Beth nodded like she was putting the pieces of a puzzle together. “Interesting.” 
The car was silent.
“Who initiated the first kiss?” Beth continued to pry, gathering more and more pieces of information. “Come on, don’t hide anything. We’re all friends here!” 
“Please don’t tell us,” Leah murmured, almost begging.
Y/n rolled her eyes but replied. “Me, we were watching a film.”
“What film?” 
"Oh bloody hell," Leah groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Beth, I swear to God, does it fucking matter?" She tried to elbow Beth—a warning shot. But Beth, unrelenting, elbowed her back with double the force.
Kyra put a hand on Y/n’s tight.
“I’m going to throw this car into the next truck that passes us,” she said with a smile.
“Oh, good idea baby! Please, put us out of our misery,” Y/n said, matching Kyra’s energy.
“Oh don’t act so superior, Leah Cathrine, you just don’t care because you knew it all from the start!” Beth said, narrowing her eyes. 
“Some of us had to find out the hard way," Beth said, clutching her chest like she had been wounded. "There I was, minding my own business, and then, out of nowhere, boom! A full-on snogging session in my place of work. I may never recover." 
“Beth?!” Kyra said, turning her head around but quickly returning her attention back to the road. “We weren’t snogging!”
“Yeah, you interrupted us before we could actually do anything, Beth.” Y/n rolled her eyes.”
“Y/n!” Kyra blushed. “You’re instigating her!”
“For fucks sake do not have sex on our changing room, Y/n” Leah warned. “Or else I’ll have Renée bench both of you.”
Alessia hummed as she looked out the window. “Well…” She paused, letting the tension build. Then, without emotion, she shrugged. “They wouldn’t be the first couple to do that.”
“What?!” Everyone asked at the same time, turning to Alessia.
“Who the hell is having sex in the changing room?” Kyra asked. “That place smells of something, not romantic at all.”
After turning to Alessia, everybody turned their attention to Beth and looked at her suspiciously. There weren’t many couples on the teams, so their options were really limited.
“Oh, do you guys really think Viv would agree to have sex in a changing room? She’s plain. It wasn't us!” Beth said, rolling her eyes. “My wife is a respectable lady, but also boring as hell."
“Caitlin and Katie,” Alessia said casually as if she wasn't bomb-dropping the biggest gossip around. “Before they were even dating, by the way."
“And how do you know that?” Kyra asked
“I’ve got eyes in all the right places,” Alessia said jokingly, but none of the girls took it as a joke.
The song on the radio was the only sound on the car for a few seconds. But that's all it was. Seconds.
“So… did you guys wait long before you ha–” 
“Beth, if you say one more word, I swear I’ll crash the car,” Kyra said, mortified.
“Make it a murder-suicide, Cooney-Cross,” Leah muttered. “Maybe Beth will shut up for once.”
“Guys, do you think this is too much?” Alessia said, completely ignoring the banter and staring at the cake. “What if she cries because we wrote about the cat dying on the cake.”
“She’s gonna cry anyway,” Y/n said, watching Alessia in the rearview mirror. 
“I agree with Alessia, maybe we shouldn’t have written about her cat’s death on the cake,” Beth said. “Maybe she’ll get sad thinking about it again.”
“Oh come on,” Y/n said, preparing to defend her idea. “How else are we going to get our message across…that we’re here to support her and celebrate her cat’s life!”
“You know, some people just use words,” Leah muttered from her seat. “Not whole ass writings in a cake with pink icing.”
“Oh look who’s talking!” Y/n said defensively. “On my last birthday, you sent me a Spotify link to the Happy Birthday song! Miss ‘people use words.”
“I literally posted a story on my Instagram for you too, you ungrateful–”
“Okay, we’re here!” Kyra said, pulling down to Lia’s driveway. “We’re finally, finally here,” she said the last part in a whisper, like a prayer.
“Everybody out, come on,” Y/n said as they all got out of the car. She was the last one to leave, having to wait for Kyra to pick up her crutches.
The five girls stood in front of Lia's door, Kyra went to ring the bell, but Y/n held her wrist.
“Let’s just set some rules first,” Y/n said, “Kyra no dead cat puns, please. Leah, remember the whole thing about being nice. Beth, let Lia do the talking, alright? Let her vent.” Y/n said, pointing at each one. “And Alessia–”
The blonde looked up at her, cake in her hand.
“Just be yourself, babe,” she said, smiling.
“Why does Alessias get to be herself but I–”
“Not another word, Leah,” Y/n said in a warning. “Be. Nice.”
Leah rolled her eyes but remained quiet.
As Y/n nodded to Kyra,  she rang the doorbell, and in a few seconds Lia opened the door, but they were not prepared for the scene in front of them.
Lia was holding not one, not two, but three kittens. The girl was wearing a grey robe, her hair was in a messy bun, tears streaming down her face.
The five girls stared at Lia, each of them with their mouths agape.
“Guys I think I messed up! I went into full-on mourning mode and kind of panicked-adopted these three babies while I went to the vet to look at cremation stuff for Guler and they–” She held up the three kittens. “–were staring at me and–and I’d just lost my Guler boy, so I took them and now I can’t keep them all!”
Lia was sobbing, barely able to understand what she was saying, the poor girl was a mess and the poor kittens on her hands looked frightened.
Y/n was at a loss of what to say, so she did the first thing that came to mind. 
She took the cake from Alessia’s hand and gave Lia a nervous smile.
“Uhm, well, we bought cake!” 
Beth and Alessia were able to calm Lia down as Leah and Kyra took each kitten and put them on their laps. They were so small and tiny, they were barely two months old.
The one Kyra was holding was a little black one, and Leah had two, a ginger and a tabby cat, neither of which had a name yet.
Y/n, well, she was on cake duty. 
She had cut a piece of cake for each girl, and they were eating on the floor of Lia’s bedroom, while the girl talked about everything that had happened so far.
Guler had died of old age. She had taken him to the vet to be cremated. There was an adoption fair going on and she panicked-adopted the three kittens–and the only ones left– but when she got home she realised she couldn’t look after them all.
“I was so stupid!” Lia cried on Beth's shoulder as Alessia patted her back.
“You weren’t stupid, you’re just grieving,” Alessia said as she watched  Lia take a piece of her cake.
Alessia was right once again. Lia did cry even harder when she read what was written on the cake, maybe next time Y/n wouldn’t suggest writing about the loss of a pet in pink glaze. Noted.
“Grieving people do stuff like that all the time, babe, it’s okay, we’ll fix it,” Leah said, giving her pinky finger for the tabby cat to bite playfully. 
“We can keep one,” Kyra said bluntly, picking up the black kitty with her two hands and practically shoving it in Y/n’s face. “Right, Y/n?”
Y/n almost choked on her cake. 
“What? Of course not!” Y/n said. “We can’t have a cat!”
Lia started to cry even harder, from her corner of the room, Beth and Alessia gave Y/n a death stare.
Mean, Alessia mouthed to her. 
Great, just great.
“Oh fuck, sorry Lia, I’m sure we will find it another ho–”
“But look at him!” Kyra insisted, holding the cat close enough to Y/n that one of its hairs went into Y/n eyes. “He 's so cute.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes at the tiny creature in Kyra’s hands. Its body was scrawny, but its belly was huge, and its ears were far too big for its face. It was… desproporcional. And somehow adorable. Not that she’d admit it.
“Meow,” the thing said.
Still, she crossed her arms. “No.”
She had never had a pet before, too busy with the football season and the FIFA calendar to take care of one. When she had holidays and days off, she was most definitely not at her home, so she really couldn’t have had a pet before. 
“I think I’ll keep this one,” Leah murmured, kissing the tabby’s cat in the face. “I like her.”
Kyra turned her face quickly to Y/n. The biggest doe eyes she had ever seen. Kyra was a kid in a candy shop, and Y/n wasn’t allowing her to take up anything.
“Please?” Kyra begged with a pout, putting the cat on her chest, and holding it like a baby. An ugly one at least.
“Kyra, no!”
“But Leah got one!”
“And what does that have to do with anything? If Leah jumps off a cliff–”
“Yes!” Kyra answered before Y/n could finish.
“Oh my god just take the cat!” Leah said, as her cat purred. “It might do you some good, maybe you won’t be a pain in the ass anymore.
“I’m not a pain in the ass! I’m responsible, I actually think before I make a big life commitment like adopting a living being!”
Y/n realised what she had said before she had said it. She didn’t need the smack on the back of her head to realise it.
“Y/n!” Beth and Alessia said in unison.
Lia, who had stopped crying, started sobbing again.
“I-I’m sorry! I knew I was being irresponsible and now I have to find another home for at least one of them ” Lia cried her hands in her face.
Kyra held her kitten closer and gave Y/n a judgmental look as Leah slapped her own face and dragged her hand across it.
Y/n hadn’t expected to be the mean on this outing. Leah was usually the one who said insensitive things, not her.
Well done, Y/n.
“Okay, I’m sorry!” Y/n said, looking at everyone in the room, her hands hanging defensively in the air.
Y/n walked over to Lia and hugged her. “I didn't mean it like that, baby. I’m sorry, yeah? Me and Kyra will keep the black one, Leah will have the tabby one and you can keep the other one, does that sound okay?”
Before Lia could answer, Kyra was back on her two feet, cat in hand and the biggest smile on her face.
“We’re keeping him? Really?” She asked enthusiastically
“Yes,” Y/n murmured, patting Lia’s back.
"Leah, our cats are brothers and sisters. That makes us family,” Kyra declared proudly.
Leah stared at her, dead inside. “Don’t fucking start, Cooney-Cross.”
“Not a single word, Kyra.”
Kyra snapped her mouth shut, but Y/n could see the argument bubbling under the surface as she focused on the road.
Kyra was driving Y/n and their new family member, Footy, to their home. 
Yes, Kyra was the one who named it.
They had dropped all the girls off at their respective houses before heading to three different pet shops to buy everything Footy needed. 
Y/n didn’t even know that a cat needed clothes, I mean, they already had their fur, right? But Kyra insisted on buying it a jumper like her own life depended on it. 
A bloody jumper. It looked more like a sock because of its size.
“It was time that we added a new member to our family!” Kyra declared proudly, one hand on the wheel, the other gesturing dramatically.
Y/n blinked at her. “I’m sorry—time? Time for what?”
Kyra nodded towards the kitten in Y/n’s lap as if it was obvious.
“Kyra, my love, we’ve been going out for two months,” Y/n said, reluctantly,  patting the thing in her lap.
“We’re gay,” Kyra said simply, glancing at Y/n as if that was the whole explanation. Then she shrugged. “That’s more like two years.”
“It was a reckless decision, Kyra!” Y/n argued, letting the thing bite her hands with its thin teeth. “How are we going to take care of it when we’re gone?”
Kyra sighed and made an L-turn. “We can either take him–stop calling the baby it–or we can leave him in a pet daycare for a few days.”
“I’m not paying a pet daycare for a car!” Y/n rolled her eyes, scratching Footy’s head–was it normal for it to have a bald spot near his ear?! 
“Then we’ll take him with us wherever we go, just like that,” Kyra winked at her.
Y/n wanted to argue and stand her ground.
But she didn’t. She breathed in and out, feeling the air coming to her lungs, her anger slowly coming to an end.
“Okay?” Kyra asked, confused.
“Yep,” Y/n said, with no emotion in her voice. “We’re cat parents now.”
Kyra narrowed her eyes, Y/n never let an argument go that easily.
“You are the one who’s going to clean its litter tray,” Y/n said.
There it was, Kyra thought.
“And you’re the one taking it on walks.”
“Cats don’t need walks,” Kyra said. “Have you seriously never been around animals your whole life?”
Y/n blushed slightly. “Well, if it ever needs one, you’ll be the one to do it.”
“Okay, ma’am,” Kyra said, making the captain salute with one hand while she held the wheel with the other. “I guess you’ll be an absent mother then.”
“No, I won't!” Y/n murmured. “It’ll feed it.” 
Y/n scratched Footy’s big belly. Maybe she could be a good cat mom.
When they got home, Kyra turned her old room into Footy’s.  She put his litter tray, toys, bed and scratching post next to what had once been her bed.
Since Kyra had been sleeping–pretty much every day–on Y/n’s bed, she didn’t need the room anymore.
Footy was very tired when Kyra put him on his little bed. 
Being panic-adopted by a grieving football player and then being adopted again by two other football players was too much for the little black kitty. The cat was sleeping as soon as Kyra turned off the lights.
When she got to her and Y/n’s room, she helped the girl out of her clothes, and they both lay down on the bed.
Y/n scrolled through her Instagram while Kyra read her book. She was already in the middle of a chapter when she noticed Y/n’s arm bushing against hers. The gentle touch was enough to remind Kyra that the couple had yet to kiss today.
Silently, Kyra put her book down on the bedside table and took the phone from  Y/n’s hand.
“Hey! Give me–”
“I wanna kiss you,” Kyra said, interrupting Y/n. “Right now,”
Y/n shut her mouth and grinned, forgetting about the phone immediately. 
“Do it, baby,” Y/n said, taking Kyra’s cheek in between her hands and bringing their lips closer. “You don’t have to ask me, you know that.”
The kiss was sweet and slow, their tongues swirling together, their saliva mixing.
“You haven’t kissed me all day,” Kyra whined against Y/n’s mouth.
“I’ve been waiting for you to do it,” Y/n whispered back.
In one swift movement, Kyra was hovering over Y/n, her legs on either side of Y/n’s body. 
Kyra kissed her again, this time urgently, her tongue slipping in fast, Y/n hands holding onto Kyra’s ribcage, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.
“Missed you,” Y/n said. “A lot.”
“We were together all day, baby,” Kyra said, exploring her neck with her mouth.
“But not alone,” Y/n stated, moaning softly as Kyra sucked on her pulse. “I like being alone with you.”
Kyra moaned against her mouth and brought her hand to Y/n’s neck, resting it against her jugular. “You’re so pretty,” Kyra says, a string of saliva attached to each mouth. “And so hot, I want you all to myself.”
“Yeah? You think so?” Y/n teased, eyes closing and Kyra's mouth trailed down her neck, kissing her cold skin. “Then show me, make me feel good, please?”
“But we’ve talked about this,” Kyra mumbled as she bit the spot on Y/n’s neck, making the girl rock her hips as much as the cats on her leg would allow. “We’ll have to wait until your cast is off completely.”
Y/n took Kyra’s chin in her hand and gently pushed Kyra’s face until they were staring at each other. “Baby, I need you, please?” she begged again, trying to give Kyra her best doe eyes.”
Kyra smiled and kissed Y/n’s mouth.
“Just have to be patient, yeah?” Kyra said. “Now let me enjoy you, keep quiet.”
“You’re the one who keeps saying we have to wait, yet you’re the one holding me down,” she teased.
Before she could continue, Kyra’s palm silenced her.
“What did I say?” Kyra asked more sternly, raising one brow.
That tone made Y/n wet, very wet
“I’m not usually the one taking orders,” Y/n said, slightly confused by the shift of their dY/namic, but enjoying it nonetheless.
Kyra chuckled. “Just this once, ok?”
Y/n hesitated but nodded.
“Pretty girl,” Kyra said before returning her attention back to Y/n’s neck. The tip of her tongue trailing from the back of her jaw till the beginning of her cleavage, Y/n moved slightly, too caught up in how Kyra was making her feel.
Y/n tugged desperately at her shirt, but before she could remove it. Kyra held her wrists.
“What are you doing?” she asked, watching the way her hand wrapped perfectly around Y/n’s wrists. 
“It’s hot in here,” Y/n says, trying to sound innocent.
“We can turn the air conditioning on,” Kyra suggested.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Come on Ky don’t you wanna see my tits?” Y/n said, throwing away all her fake innocence and being her naturally blunt self
Kyra blushed. “We won’t have sex until you are completely healed.”
“I know,” Y/n said impatiently. “You’ve said that like 10 times already, but we can make out–with my shirt off.”
“Your shirt has to stay on,” Kyra said, getting up from Y/n’s body and sitting on her legs next to Y/n. “When the cast is off we–”
“–can have all the sex in the world, I know it.” Y/n huffed, kissed Kyra again, more desperately, trying to distract the girl.
Kyra accepted and deepened the kiss, her hands gripping Y/n’s waist.  Y/n arched into her, her breath shaky.
But then Y/n shifted slightly, and Kyra could feel the awkward angle of her cast pressing into her leg.
Kyra moaned against Y/n’s lips before she forced herself to pull away. “Fuck. No. We can’t.”
Y/n sighed and turned her body around to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning forward to take her crutches and get off the bed. “Okay, I’m off.”
“Where are you going?” Kyra asked. “We were making out, we can keep on doing that, we just have to go–slowly.”
“Yes, we were making out, ” Y/n rolled her eyes. “Until you decided to become a nun.”
“Oh come on, don’t be difficult! ” Kyra whined, throwing herself dramatically on the bed. “It’s hard for me too!”
“It looks like you are having way too much fun denying me,” Y/n said, matching Kyra’s dramatic attitude. 
Y/n wanted to put the fucking cast on fire. Never in her life had she been so cockblocked, kudos to Kyra as well.
“I’m not denying you!” Kyra argued, sitting back down on the bed. “Are you telling me you’ll be able to stop whatever we were doing if we were half naked?” 
Y/n was silent.
“See,” Kyra said, pointing at herself. “I'm right on this one, we don’t have self-control”
“You know what,” Y/n said, tapping her crutches against the floor, a habit she had developed whenever she was made. “You can fuck off!”
Kyra rolled her eyes and watched as Y/n walked out of the room.
“Where are you going?!” Kyra whined again, getting off the bed and following Y/n.
“I am going to take a very very cold shower,” Y/n said angrily. 
Kyra pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, let me grab your towel first and then we can do–”
“No! I’m taking a shower alone,” Y/n stated.
Kyra just looked at her,
“The last time you tried to take a shower alone you fell flat on your face, baby,” Kyra said nonchalantly. “Are you back to being stubborn and not accepting help or what?”
“Are you back to being annoying or what?” Y/n said, grumbling under her breath all the way to the bathroom before closing the door.
Kyra stood by the side of the door, counting on her fingers. 
“Kyra?” Y/n murmured, her voice soft through the door. “Are you there?
Kyra smirked proudly. She knew her girl.
“Always, baby,  do you want me to come in?”
“Yes.” She said,
Kyra went into the bathroom and found Y/n sitting on the toilet, her shirt was still on, but her trousers were at her feet.
“I can't take my trousers all the way off,” she explained, an impatient tone in her voice, she thought that she’d be getting used to the bloody cast by now.
“I’ll help you, it's all right,” Kyra said, getting down on her knees and taking her trousers off. She tapped on Y/n’s leg playfully. “Shall we get you into the shower?”
“Yes,” Y/n said, accepting the help.
Kyra took off Y/n’s shirt and she couldn't help herself.
“So now you want to take my shirt off?”
Kyra rolled her eyes. “We can always take a shower in our swimsuit, up to you, pretty girl.” 
“You’re an evil, evil woman.” 
The couple was lying on the sofa, enjoying their day off. It was a sunny Saturday. No games or training for Kyra and no physio for Y/n. It had been a long time since they had a day like this.
“FIFA date is coming up,” Y/n said as they watched yet another film Kyra had chosen, Footy lying down by Kyra’s side. 
“Uhun,” Kyra said, eyes glued to the television, her left hand stroking Footy. 
“Are you excited? Y/n asked, taking Kyra’s hand from Footy and putting it on her leg. “It’s the first time Australia is playing at the She Believes Cup, right?”
“It is yeah,” Kyra says, sounding bored. “It’s Colombia’s first time too; and I’m all right.” 
“You don't look too excited.” Kyra’s hand caressed her tight.”What's the matter? Too scared to play against Foxy?” Y/n joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Nah, Foxy’s good but we can handle her,” Kyra smiled. “I'm more worried about leaving you, actually,” she confessed, still not looking at her.
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed, she took the remote and turned off the TV.
Y/n cupped Kyra’s face so they were looking at each other.
“I’m trying to talk to you,” Y/n said, a little impatient in her voice. “What happened? You always  get so excited about playing for Australia, seeing Mimi and the other girls.”
Kyra hesitated.
“I–I just don’t want to leave you here, alone,” she confessed, “Half the girls from Arsenal got called up to their national teams.”
“So? They always do, I was expecting that already.”
“But you’ll be alone, all your friends will be at camp, and I won’t be here to help either.”
Y/n rolled her eyes.
 “Oh come on Kyra, I’m a lot more independent than I was months before,” Y/n said, partially annoyed.
“I just think it would be better if I didn't go,” Kyra muttered.
Y/n straightened her body and looked at the girl with wide eyes.
"Wait—you’re serious?" Y/n’s voice lost its teasing edge. She sat up straighter, her hands clenched into fists. "Kyra, be fucking for real. You would actually refuse a call-up? Do you really think I’m that fragile? That I can’t be on my own for a week without completely falling apart?”
Y/n was fuming.
“I didn’t say that; you’re putting words in my mouth,” Kyra said. “I’m just worried about leaving, we’ve been pretty much glued together for the last few months and everyone you know will be at camps as well.”
 “For your information, I have other friends who are not football players who will keep me company,” Y/n stated, crossing her arms. “My whole life doesn't revolve around football like you make it sound like.”
Y/n was getting frustrated with Kyra. Sure, it wouldn’t be the best feeling in the world to be stuck at home with the cat while everyone she knew was out doing what she wanted. 
But she already came to terms with it, she had cried all the tears she needed to cry, she had screamed all she had to need to scream on her pillow while Kyra was out on running or training.
She already yapped about it non-stop with Leah, who was not much of a comforter, but still was a great listener nonetheless.
Y/n didn’t need Kyra to feel pity for her. She was, slowly but surely, becoming more independent. And maybe staying one week away from Kyra would do them some good, maybe Kyra would realise that Y/n was more capable than she thought she was.
Kyra still pretty much saw Y/n as a damsel in distress. 
Y/n was in distress but she was no damsel.
“Y/n, tell me one friend of yours that isn’t related to football?” Kyra challenged, raising an eyebrow.
“Ms. Petunia!” Y/n said matter-of-factly.
“...Your neighbour? I mean elderly neighbour?”
“Are you being ageist?”
“Maybe–a little?”
“She's a good friend! and she’ll keep me company while you’re away,” Y/n argued, taking Kyra’s hand away from her leg. “She always bakes me cookies–and we’ll watch telenovelas together! I'm going to have a great time with her.”
“And what about when she goes to the elderly church group? You’ll just be at home all day?”
“No Kyra, I’ll take my crutches and happily skip my way to Wales!” Y/n said eagerly, she could be petty when she wanted to.”
Kyra opened her mouth like she was about to argue again, but then she stopped herself. Y/n was looking at her with that stubborn, defiant glare—the one that meant she wasn’t just mad about this, she was mad about everything. The injury, the recovery, the way everyone was treating her like she was breakable.
Kyra sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well… guess we’re good then.” She took the remote from Y/n and turned the television again.
"Yes we are," Y/n snapped. The words tasted bitter. She knew they weren’t good. Kyra knew they weren’t good. But neither of them said anything.
A few seconds passed, thick with silence. Y/n clenched her jaw, grabbed her crutches, and stood up. Before she left, she grabbed the remote—petulantly, spitefully—and turned the TV off again.
“I don’t want to watch that movie anymore, it’s stupid,” she mumbles as she makes her way to the kitchen.
“It’s literally The Lorax, bro,” Kyra said from the living room. “It’s got a message!”
Y/n opened the cupboard and took out a bowl and some fruits. She was going to make a fruit salad. Fruit salads were good for regulating the nervous system, and right now all of her systems were very much nervous.
Y/n had just cut the apples, strawberries and mango, the only fruit left were two bananas. Then she began to chop them, more angrily than necessary.
“What did the banana do to you, grumpy?” Y/n felt Kyra’s presence on her back, her hands gently placed on her hips and Kyra rested her head on Y/n’s shoulder.
“I’m taking my anger out on them,” Y/n mumbled, continuing to chop. “My therapist said I need to learn to redirect my anger away from people or some shit like that.”
“Hmm,” Kyra said, planting a gentle kiss on her neck. “You’re doing a great job.”
“Shut up,” Y/n asked, still grumpy. “Did you finish the film?”
“Uhum, like I said, great movie.”
“And did you learn anything from it?”
“Yeah, not to cut trees down and not to make my hyper-independent girl feel like she’s a liability,” Kyra said softly. “I’m sorry baby. I’m sure you’ll have a blast while I’m gone.”
“Maybe even go to some crazy church bingo with Ms Petunia, yeah?” She continued, slightly teasing, putting her hands under Y/n’s shirt.
“You shouldn’t tease someone with a knife in their hand,” Y/n warned in a fake serious tone.
Kyra held her closer and watched as Y/n took the chopped bananas and mixed them with the rest of the fruits. 
Y/n took a spoonful of her fruit salad and offered it to Kyra, who wrinkled her nose and pushed the spoon away.
“Ew,” she said
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“You’re an athlete, you need vitamins! Y/n said. “Now I’m the one who’s worried, I don’t think you’ll eat well if I'm not there to make sure you get some real food.”
Kyra kissed her neck as Y/n enjoyed her fruit salad.
"Steph will look after me."
"Hm," Y/n scoffed, taking another bite of fruit. "We’ll see. If you come back looking like you’ve only eaten cereal for a week, I’ll never let you leave again."
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 8 |
Notes: Please like, share and let me know what you think! Feedback is important and makes me want to write even more. :D
Notes//2: I always have so so much fun writing dialogues between Y/n and Leah like I got myself giggling in my room aloneee.
Read more of my work here -> Masterlist
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gpcwsl · 2 months ago
Could you do a Leah Williamson one where reader is a chef and has restaurant establishments worldwide and just located one in England a couple months ago and the England girls are a having a camp in London and since everyone is all together for camp they want to celebrate with a fancy dinner and they start discussing restaurants and readers restaurant is put out there, but some of the girls disagree because they tried to eat there but it was always booked up, so when Leah gets home she talks to reader and gets them a table, so Leah texts the team gc and say dress fancy tomorrow night and the location of the restaurant and the gc starts blowing, but she ignores it, and when they all go to the restaurant and ask questions and Leah’s like she has connections, but come to find out that Leah is dating reader then reader sits down beside Leah and the team gets to know her a little and when they go to pay reader says it’s already taken care of.
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Warnings: a kiss?
Leah Williamson x Chef!Reader
- Dress fancy -
Leah Williamson kicked her boots off at the door, the satisfying thud against the floor signaling the end of another long day. Training had been intense, but it wasn’t the drills or tactics replaying in her mind—it was the chaotic group chat blowing up her phone during the drive home.
She pulled her phone from her pocket and glanced at the screen, scrolling through dozens of messages.
Tooney: “We should go to that new restaurant tomorrow.”
Brightness: “What’s it called? The fancy one that’s always booked?”
Backheel: “You mean Palace Place? Impossible. I’ve been trying to get a table since it opened.”
Brightness: “Same. That place is like gold dust.”
Tooney: “We need something special, though. We’re all together. Ideas?”
Leah smirked, leaning against the kitchen counter as she typed her response:
Captain: “Sorted. 7 PM tomorrow. Dress fancy.”
The chat exploded.
Tooney: “LEAH.”
Backheel: “How?!”
Brightness: “You didn’t even say where!”
Walshy: “She probably means Nando’s.”
Tooney: “I swear, if this is a joke…”
Leah tossed her phone on the counter, ignoring the continued barrage of messages, and walked into the living room. The soft hum of classical music filtered through the space, and the faint aroma of roasted garlic and herbs greeted her.
“Smells amazing,” she called, rounding the corner into the kitchen.
You stood by the stove, dressed casually in an apron, hair tied back, moving with the kind of effortless grace Leah never tired of watching. You glanced over your shoulder, a smile already forming.
“Hey, you. Dinner’s almost ready.”
Leah walked up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder. “I don’t know how you do it. Training kills me, and you’re here cooking like it’s nothing.”
“Years of practice,” you teased, leaning back into her embrace. “How was camp?”
Leah hesitated, her lips brushing lightly against your temple. “Good. The girls want to go out tomorrow night. Celebrate being all together.”
You turned in her arms, raising an eyebrow. “And let me guess, they want to go somewhere fancy?”
She grinned. “They were debating places, and your restaurant came up.”
“Did it now?” you asked, amusement coloring your tone. “And what did you say?”
“I didn’t.” Leah shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Didn’t want to out myself as having an in with the chef-owner who happens to be my girlfriend.”
You laughed softly, running a hand down her arm. “So you’re here to use your connections?”
“Obviously,” Leah said, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. “Any chance you can fit us in tomorrow?”
You rolled your eyes but smiled. “For you? Always. How many?”
“About 20.”
You blinked. “20?”
Leah winced. “Yeah… full squad.”
“Good thing I like you,” you teased, reaching for your phone to call the restaurant.
Leah sent the address to the group chat in the morning, and as expected, chaos ensued.
Tooney: “No way. THE Palace place?!”
Backheel: “Leah, I’m actually screaming.”
Daily mail: “I tried booking for my mum’s birthday and couldn’t. HOW?”
Brightness: “She must know someone.”
Tooney: “Leah Williamson: captain, legend, and apparently a magician.”
Leah ignored it all, casually walking into the training facility as if her phone wasn’t buzzing nonstop in her pocket.
The team arrived promptly at 7 PM, dressed to impress. The restaurant was stunning, its interior sleek yet inviting, with warm lighting that made everything glow. They were escorted to a private dining room where a long table awaited, set with pristine white linens, sparkling glassware, and fresh flowers.
“This is insane,” Ella muttered, taking in the surroundings.
“How did you pull this off?” Millie asked Leah, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.
Leah smirked, leaning back in her chair. “I told you. Connections.”
The team was halfway through the meal—an exquisite multi-course experience—when the door to the dining room opened. You walked in, your chef’s jacket pristine, a warm smile on your face.
“Good evening, ladies,” you greeted.
The table fell silent, all eyes turning to you. Leah tried to suppress a grin as you approached.
“Everything to your liking so far?” you asked, your gaze briefly meeting Leah’s.
“The food’s incredible,” Keira said. “Are you the chef?”
You nodded. “And the owner.”
Murmurs of amazement rippled through the group.
Leah cleared her throat, sitting up straighter. “Everyone, this is Y/n.”
“Wait…” Rachel’s eyes darted between you and Leah. “This is your connection?”
Leah shrugged, feigning innocence. “What can I say? I know people.”
“Hold on.” Ella leaned forward, pointing at Leah. “You’re dating the chef?!”
Leah’s smirk widened. “Didn’t think it was relevant.”
The table erupted in laughter, teasing, and a flurry of questions directed at you.
When the bill arrived, one of the players reached for it, but the waiter quickly informed them it had already been settled.
“It’s on me,” you said with a smile, standing beside Leah. “You’re all family to Leah, which makes you family to me.”
The team groaned, joking about being spoiled, but their gratitude was evident.
As everyone filtered out of the restaurant, Leah lingered by the door with you, her hand slipping into yours.
“Thanks for tonight,” she said softly, her voice full of warmth.
You leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “Anything for you.”
The team’s laughter echoed down the street, and Leah pulled you closer, her heart full as she watched her two worlds collide perfectly.
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enwoso · 1 month ago
PLAYING FOR KEEPS | leah williamson
💌 happy valentine’s day my loves x
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leah had always been proud to wear the captain armband from the moment she'd been handed it. it was everything she'd ever dreamed of as a little girl kicking a ball around with her brother in her back garden.
leading england, inspiring a nation and being part of something bigger than herself was everything she dreamed of. but as of lately the weight of that armband felt heavier than ever.
the loss to germany at wembley was still fresh, the sting of it sharp in her chest as she slumped in the changing room. around her the team moved in a haze - some quietly packing up while others tried to life the mood with half hearted jokes.
leah felt their disappointment as if it were solely her own and she knew it was her responsibility to rally them, even now. that was the job of the captain: to carry the burden, life everyone else, out the team above everything.
but everything included people like you, her girlfriend and leah wasn't sure when she stopped realising that.
leah glanced to her phone which was sat face down on the bench beside her. she hadn't checked it since halftime, knowing there'd be a text from you.
you not being able to make the match at wembley due to other work commitments but leah knew and understood and knew if you could've been you would've been the loudest one there cheering her on.
you made as many matches as you could, encouraging, supportive and loving. you were her anchor, always there to steady the blonde when the world sometimes became too much.
but anchors can only hold so much weight before they snapped.
leah sighed, running a hand through her wet hair as she grabbed her bag and muttered a quick goodbye to her teammates who barely noticed as she slipped out of the room.
mary was stood leaning against the white walls of wembley outside scrolling through her phone more than likely waiting for some of the other girls. glancing up when leah passed an eyebrow raised, "heading out already?"
"yeah" leah muttered, "need some air."
mary nodded as her expression softened but she said nothing. letting leah wander off down the hallway, wash bag slung under her arm.
as leah walked through the winding halls of wembley, her mind racing. she didn't want to go home, not yet. there'd be a post-match debrief tomorrow, tactics to dissect, strategies to reevaluate.
it was all consuming, but it had to be. the team relied on her.
except someone else relied on her too and the blonde had been neglecting that part of her life for a couple of weeks now.
you sat curled up on the sofa, having caught the last thirty minutes of the match but you were not able to sit with a hot mug of tea as your eyes flicked between the clock and your phone which sat perked on the arm of the chair.
the match now, had ended a couple hours ago. leah still wasn't home. but she'd sent a text earlier in the evening:
leah❤️ | 'sorry baby. be home soon, captain stuff. you understand x'
except with each moment when this would happen you were starting to understand less and less.
you'd been understanding for months, years even. you'd cheered leah on from the stands every minute you could, celebrated her victories and comforted her after each loss.
you'd sacrificed evening, weekends, and family commitments to make room for leah's hectic schedule. but the balance that once made your relationship with the blonde so special had shifted and now it felt like you were the only one willing to make the sacrifices.
finally after a few hours, longer than you expected her to be. leah closed the door to the apartment with a sigh, her body heavy from the loss and her mind reeling with what could've gone differently on the pitch.
the blonde barely having time to drop her bag before you appeared in the doorway of the living room, your arms crossed as you leaned against the doorframe, your expression a mixture of frustration and sadness.
"baby-" leah began but you cut her off before she even had the chance to give you another word. 
"no. don't. don't you dare try and act like everything is fine, leah."
leah froze, taken aback by the sharpness in your tone, "what are you talking about? i just-"
"no, you just ignored me again," you snapped. "i've been waiting all week for us to have some time together after you've been on camp, but you didn't even ask if i needed you after the match. instead i just got some generic excuse about 'captain duties' and left me here alone. again."
leah frowned, her defenses but also her stubbornness kicking in, "y/n, it not like i wanted to. but i had responsibilities-" 
"and what about your responsibility to me?" you interupted, your voice cracking. "what about us leah? or have we become less important than a post-match briefing?"
leah's jaw tightened, "no, no thats not fair. you know how much pressure i'm under. i'm doing this for the team - for the country! i don't have the luxury to just drop everything."
"and i'm not asking you to. you know i'm always proud of you, your biggest fan." your voice rising slightly as your frustration was beginning to build and start to spill over. "all i'm asking is for you to see me. to care enough to put me first sometimes. but instead, you keep proving over and over that everything else seems to come first; football, the team, being the perfect captain. i'm tired, leah."
you stopped as you sighed, your voice starting to feel a little shaky, "i'm tired of always coming in second."
leah stepped closer, her hands outstreched as if to physically hold you back from walking away. "y/n, please. don't say that. you're not second - i love you. i'm just.. i'm trying to do everything. i'm trying to be everthing for everyone.”
your eyes softened for a moment, but your voice remained steady. "you don't have to be everything for everyone, leah. you just have to be there for those who love you. but right now, i don't think you know how to do that and i don't think i can keep pretending like i'm okay with being left behind."
leah could feel her throat getting tighter and tighter by the second, panic beginning to set in with each word that left your lips. "so, i- what are you saying? you're leaving? baby? don't- please, don't do this." leah stutter out as she tried to reach out for you again as you brushed her off. 
you shook your head, a tear slipping down your cheek. "i'm not leaving, leah. i'm gonna go and spend the weekend at my mum's, i need some space. time to figure out if i can keep doing this, if we can keep doing this. i'll be back sometime on monday, but for now, i just need to breathe."
leah reached out grabbing your hand, her voice breaking. "y/n, please. i can't lose you. i'll do better - i promise. just.. don't go, please."
you gently pulled her hand away, you voice low and soft but firm. "i'm not leaving to punish you, leah. i just need some space. i'll see you on monday."
leah stood frozen as she watched you grab your bag which you'd obviously packed while she was taking hours to come home, as you grabbed your coat and left. the sound of the door shutting being and echoing in the now-empty apartment.
as you walked along the street towards the tube station, on route to your mum's house as the streets were gloomy lit as a cold breeze hitting your hands as your mind filled with thoughts but it was short lived as the sound of you phone buzzing snapped you out of your thoughts, glancing at the screen to see a message from beth. a link to no doubt another tiktok she'd found funny.
you hesitated before picking your phone up and typing a response, liking the message with the link before your thumbs moved quickly across the screen.
you | 'can we meet for coffee tomorrow?'
meado🐾 | 'course! the usual place at 10?'
meado🐾 | 'everything okay?'
you | 👍🏻
you walked into the usual coffee shop, your coat pulled tight around you protecting you from the winter air. as you spotted beth sitting at a small table near the back two cups of steaming cup of tea in front of her as she waved you over.
"you alright?" she asked as you sat down.
you paused for a minute, opening your mouth to try and say something before you shook your head, "not really," you voice heavy with emotion.
beth gave you a sympathetic smile, "figured as much, what's happened?"
you took a deep breath, your hands fiddling with the edge of your jumper. "it's le, she's.. i dunno. she's, just so caught up in every. being captain, the team, the media. i know it's important to her beth, i really do. but, but i feel like i don't exist in her world anymore.."
beth frowned, leaning forward. "she's has been distant, hasn't she?"
you nodded, your voice shaking. "she used to make so much time for us even when timings weren't great. but now? i'm lucky if i get five minutes with her where she's not thinking about football. and last night, she said she would be home straight away after the match but then she just.. disappeared. captain duties apparently."
beth let out a slow breath, the girl being out in a difficult position. leah was one of her best friends and admittedly had known the blonde longer but she knew you and how much her best friend was in love with you.
"that.. that sounds like leah. she's not the best at juggling things when she's under pressure. it's like sometimes she forgets there's a life away from the pitch"
you eyes filling with tears, "i’ve tried to be patient, beth. i've tried to understand but i feel like im screaming into the void. she keep saying she'll do better but it's always the same. and i- i don't know if i can keep doing this.."
beth reached across the table, giving your hand a squeeze, "listen, i love leah to bits but she can be stupid and stubborn but she's lucky to have you and she needs to realise that before it's too late. but just be honest with her, your not asking too much. your asking for what you deserve."
you sniffed, trying to hold back a sob. "what is she doesn't change? what if this is just.. who she is now?"
beth's expression hardened, "if she doesn't change she's the one whose going to lose but if i know leah, she's not going to let that happen."
you sighed, staring into the tea in front of you, "i feel like i'm failing her by even thinking about walking away. like i'm giving up on her.."
beth shook her head, "no your not failing her, your asking for what you need. relationships aren't supposed to be one-sided and if leah can't see how much this is hurting you. she's the one that needs to wake up."
you hesitated, you voice barely a whisper, "and if she doesn't?"
beth leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. after a long pause, she said, "then that's a question only you can answer. but if there's not thing leah doesn't do and that's give up on those she loves. sometimes she just needs a little push in the right direction."
your lips twitched into a faint smile, "you really believe that?"
beth grinned, "i do and if she doesn't get it together then i'll personally give her a good kick up the backside for you"
that pulled a small laugh out of you, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly, "thanks beth, i needed this."
"of course," beth said raising her mug in a mock toast, "just remember your not asking for anything y/n, your asking for enough and leah? she'll figure it out."
leah sat on the sofa, where she'd spent the past day and a half. her head in her hands as her phone lay o her chest, her mind replaying the argument from saturday night, over and over in her mind. her chest ached with guilt and frustration and for the first time, she didn't have an immediate solution to fix what she had so clearly broken.
she'd spent the entire today, sunday, in her thoughts. she hadn't moved all day, nothing in the apartment had been touched or moved as the spent it just moping around as she checked her phone every ten minutes just in case you had messaged to say you were on your way home.
you hadn't. the last message from you was: 'got to my mum's okay.'
so simple and to the point. no usual goodnight message or a simple 'i love you' nothing. and while leah knew she deserved it, she would be lying if she said it didn't sting a bit as she stared back at the bright screen.
this time her when her phone buzzed she leaped up to grab it, it must be you. it was embarrassing really how fast she scrambled to get to her phone as it sat on the coffee table. but as she saw beths name, a little part of her sunk as she sighed and picked it up reading the message.
beth | 'you better be writing a long love letter and ways to apologise before i personally mess you up, williamson!'
leah | 'not now beth. i'm already miserable."
beth | 'good, as you should be. that poor girl. y/n deserves better than the leah williamson that you've been giving her. you need to get it together before she decides she's better off without you.'
leah stared at the message, her heart sinking with each word of beth's message she read. it was ture though. beth wasn't the type to sugarcoat thing, which is something as to why the two got along for so long. 
she set her phone down, her mind racing. she couldn't afford to lose you - not when you were the one thing that made all the chaos in her life go quiet. when she was with you, the whole world stopped and leah was at peace. but promises wouldn't be enough this time. she ahd to show you that she could change, that she could be the partner you needed and wanted.
for the first time in weeks, leah wasn't thinking about tactics or training. she was thinking about the person she loved and hoped she would get to spend the rest of her life with - and how she could win you back.
leah didn't sleep thay night. she lay in the bed, the one you usually shared together. the bed which usually felt too small as you'd cling to leah throughout the night as if she was you personal heater. the bed feeling that little bit more bigger now you weren't in it with her.
as she stared at the ceiling, the sound of your voice from the argument playing on repeat in her head.
'you don't see me anymore, leah. you see england. you see the armband. but you forget to see me.'
every word had been a dagger to the heart. a reality check for the blonde. and for the first time in her life, leah felt truly lost in herself. she had always prided herself on being a leader, someone who could hold everything together. but she was beginning to see that her leadership had coem at a cost and a big one at that and it was one she couldn't afford to pay.
by the time the sun began to rise, leah had already been pacing the apartment scribbling notes in a notebook she'd found lying on the dinner table. pages were filled with ideas, crossed out apologies and half-formed plans to fix what she'd broken.
flowers? no, too cliché.
a handwritten letter? maybe, but it wouldn't be enough on its own.
a proper date? but what would that even look like when you were still so hurt?
leah was mid-sentence in her brainstorming when her phone buzzed.
beth | 'have you started groveling yet, or do i need to come over and supervise?'
leah | 'i'm working on it. give me a break.'
beth | 'breaks are for those who didn't mess up. times a ticking williamson.'
leah couldn't help but laugh at the message, though the weight in her chest didn't lift. she stared at her notebook again, willing herself to come up with something that would show you just how much she cared.
you returned to the apartment late that same monday night, keeping your promise just like you said you would. but as you walked through the door, you stopped in your tracks as your bag slid down your arm. the living room looked completely different.
the coffee table had been cleared as it had been previously stacked with empty water bottles. now was covered with a neatly folded tablecloth and two plates of what appeared to be your favourite pasta dish. soft candlelights flickered as faint sound of music played from the speaker in the corner.
leah stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, wringling her hands. "i, uh.. i wanted to apologise properly." the blonde said, her voice usually so confident and full of herself was quiet and so uncharacteristically nervous.
you raised an eyebrow, your eyes scanning around at the setup, "you did all this?"
"yeah" leah shifted her weight from one foot to another as she looked more like a nervous schoolgirl than the captain of england.
“i know i've messed up, y/n. i realise now i've been putting everything else above us and it's not fair to you. you're the best thing in my life and i've been treating you like an afterthought. i'm so, so sorry my love."
your arms crossed, your expression unreadable to the blonde, "le, this isn't something you can fix with dinner and candles."
leah nodded quickly, "i know, i know this is just a small step. but i'm trying, y/n. i'm trying to show you that i want to be better, i want to put you first. but i can't just say it - i have to show it.”
you hesitated, your eyes softening just a inch, "but what's changed, leah? what makes you think this time is going to be different?”
leah took a deep breath, taking a second to steady her voice, “‘cause i’m not trying to be better for you, i’m trying to be better with you. i know i’ve so focused on being captain that i’ve forgotten how to be a girlfriend. but i don’t want to lose you, y/n. you mean far too much to me.”
you looked at her for a long moment before finally sighing, “your lucky i love you, le. but this isn’t fixed yet, it’s going to take time for me to trust that things will actually change.”
leah stepped closer, pulling you closer to her wanting to feel some sort of comfort in your presence which had been missing the past day and a half. “i know. and i’ll wait as long as it takes, as long as you let me prove it to you.”
later on that night after many stolen kisses and mumbled apologies, you were sat at the table slowly eating the pasta leah had made. leah’s phone buzzing with another message from beth.
beth | ‘so? did you manage to not screw up anymore?’
leah | ‘she’s giving me a chance, but i’ve got a long way to go.’
beth | ‘good, keep groveling or i’m still coming to mess you up!’
leah | ‘noted!’
leah looked up from her face a small smile tugging at the side of her lips as your brows furrowed in curiosity. “what’s tickled you?” you asked, the sound of your fork dropping to the side of the plate as leah put her phone to one side.
“just beth threatening to mess me up if i screw up again. but i’m serious about making this work” leah said her tone getting quieter as she looked for an expression in your face as an amused look appeared on your face.
“i know” you smiled, your tone softer, “but if you do screw up, i’ll mess you up first before beth..”
a small chuckle left leah’s lips but she knew from your tone you were serious but she wasn’t planning on screwing up so in reality she had nothing to worry about.
“noted!” leah nodded, determination settling in her chest. as she moved to your side of the table and planting her lips onto yours, “i love you” she mumbled against them before pulling you back in.
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hoe4sports · 22 days ago
Our two little girls
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Leah Williamson x reader
A/N: My first fic in ??? Idk, please go gentle on me as ease back into this whole world
Warning: mentions of substance abuse.
Summary: Finally getting to pick up you daughter Gracie from the adoption agency; you are met with a surprise.
“Well, hello little Gracie. Was someone too excited to take her nap?” you cooed, lifting Gracie up from the stroller. Gracie immediately smiled as you held her towards your frame, facing Leah. “Hello, my little girl” Leah said, tapping her nose.
Your social worker, Anita, was finishing up the last paperwork you needed in order to bring her home. Gracie was your soon to be adopted daughter, at only 2 months old; she was the biggest sunshine, always being happy and smiley. “Isn’t she just adorable, baby?” Leah said, touching your back softly. You nodded along, busy admiring her little toothless grin with the biggest bluest eyes and her full head of dark brown hair.
Gracie had been removed from her birth mom immediately upon delivery. She was a 25 year old woman struggling with extensive substance abuse. This was why it was decided by the court that she wouldn’t have her any maternal rights over little Gracie, even before the birth. On the other side of the case, were you and Leah. You had been introduced to the adoption process a year ago, and had just a few months ago been added to the list of approved parents. The match between you, Leah and Gracie had been immediate. A few visits with Gracie, and the social workers were convinced that this was the right fit for her.
“Alright mommies, this is sadly the only things she owns. Most of her clothes belonged to her foster parents, and they didn’t want to let the clothes go. Something about being ready for the next placement” Anita shrugged, clearly feeling a combination of annoyance and embarrassment. She handed the backpack to Leah, who gave Anita a sad smile.
“We have plenty of clothes at home for her. The family, they are so excited to meet her. Gifts has been delivered daily since we announced that we were hopefully adding a little girl to our family. My mom was practically swooning over her pictures because she only has grandsons” Leah said, trying her best to fill emptiness of the air. Anita smiled as she nodded and let out a relieved sigh. Leah reached for the diaper bag you had brought along with the stroller, pulling out a little pink fleece suit with bears printed on them. The suit was handed over to you, and you started putting her feet into the outfit making her look even more adorable than before.
“Have you gotten her room in place yet? It must feel exciting to finally bring her home” Anita smiled, looking over at you who had just managed to get Gracie’s suit on. “Yes, Leah painted two room just in case the newborn voices her opinion about the interior design” you giggled, teasing Leah.
Leah playfully rolled her eyes at you before shaking her head. She couldn’t believe how soft she had gotten even before Gracie was yours.
“Actually, I painted two rooms in case she has an opinion about the layout of our home” Leah corrected, making you let out a few laughs.
“Mama is being silly isn’t she?” You cooed at your daughter who by now was ready to leave, all dressed up as a tiny yawn escaped her lips. Anita smiled at you, admiration sparkling in her eyes. This was the part of her job that she loved.
“So, are we set to leave once we sign the papers? The car is parked next to the closes parking lot, so it’s gonna be a little walk. But we love being outside, so you will learn to love it ” Leah said, smiling at Gracie.
A few months ago, you had gotten the call on a random Wednesday. Initially, you hadn’t answered your phone as you were in the middle of a workout with you and Leah’s team. It seemed rather unlikely that you would receive a call only a few weeks after being officially approved as adoption parents. Your phone had kept ringing for an extended period, for so long that when Leah went to the locker room to change her shoes; she heard your phone buzzing in your cubby. Initially she hadn’t thought much of it, assuming that it was your mother or brother’s girlfriend that wanted a chat, but for once; her curiosity sparked.
That lead to Leah sprinting out of the locker room across the stadium in a frantic attempt to locate you. “Y/N! Your phone! It’s ringing!”’she shouted out across the gym earning a few odd looks for her teammates.
She made her way over to you even jumping over a few pieces of equipment before handing the phone over to you. “Hello, Y/N Williamson speaking” you said, moving away from the crowd. The woman on the other end was a social worker, Anita, who was letting you know that just in a few weeks; a little girl would be needing parents, and you seemed to be a good fit.
That day, you and Leah were excused out of training early. It had been a discussion, a short one, but a discussion about the timing in the whole of this. It was summer, and the baby’s arrival was to be scheduled around September. Initially, you wanted an older child. Ideally around 3-4 years old, but a call to your parents was all that was needed before you felt confident that this was right for you; both your moms promised to help out on game days until she was a little older.
After the decision had been made, you rang up Anita who made arrangements for you to be notified of the birth. The plan was for you to meet Gracie just a few days past delivery before she would go into foster care for a few weeks until most of the paperwork had been processed through.
Leah had immediately taken to nesting after the call was over, and made an executive decision to pick a paint for your daughter‘s room. 2 hours later, you walked out of the store with everything you needed in terms of painting and preparation with a mission to paint Gracie’s room soft pink.
The following day, Leah had the day off while you had some partnership meetings to attend. When you arrived home that evening, instead of one pink room; you had two. “I didn’t know if she’d like the room upstairs better than the downstairs” Leah shrugged, paint on her nose. “You are spoiling her already, darling” you said, wiping her nose. “Oh, our daughter is gonna be spoiled in all the right ways love” Leah followed up, kissing your cheek.
“Actually, there is just one thing I wanted to discuss with you” Anita said, as she sighed visibly upset. “There is someone that wants to say goodbye to her, and I understand if you don’t want that”. Leah shook her head “of course she can say goodbye, it must be hard for a mother to let go of her child no matter the circumstances”.
Anita shifted in her chair, as you held Gracie close feeling worried about what would happen if her mother wanted her back. The adoption hadn’t gotten through just yet, but you had gotten temporary guardianship over her. “Well, it’s just that it’s not her mother, it’s her sis-“ Anita’s sentence was cut short by a loud bang and a little girl tumbling into the room.
“No, I need to say bye to my sissy before she’s gone forever and then she will never remember me!” The little girl yelled, working to get back up on her feet. A young woman followed behind her, looking stressed.
“Paisley, I told you we have to wait. Please come back here” she huffed, immediately grabbing the toddler who broke out a pout. You and Leah shared a look, both feeling rather confused on the situation. Gracie who was still in your arms, was lifted over to Leah before you slowly walked towards the little girl. The little girl almost instantly hid behind the woman’s legs, feeling scared.
“Hi Paisley, do you want to came and say goodbye to your sister?” You asked squatting down infront of her. Paisley nodded slowly, chewing on her pointing finger. She looked up at the woman who gave her a nod, and Paisley practically threw herself onto you. Your arms wrapped around her as you stood up, carrying her over to Leah who was now situated in the couch.
“Are you her new mommy?” Paisley asked, peaking over at her sister. Leah nodded slowly, holding Gracie so that Paisley could see her. “Yes, we are both her new mommies. My name is y/n and this with Gracie is Leah ” you introduced, sitting down next to Leah with Paisley in your lap.
“Is her name still gonna be Gracie? My social worker said that often new families give you a new name” Paisley asked, gently reaching forward to touch her sister cheek. “Yes, she’s still gonna be named Gracie” you confirmed, feeling sad about how kids get their names stripped from them.
“Woah, she’s lucky! When Anita find someone that wants me, then she says I’ll maybe have to get a new name. I hope someone will want me one day too. Do you have parents?” Paisley asked curiously, now feeling more relaxed in your arms. “Yes, I do”, you confirmed.
Paisley’s eyes widened, “Woah! So Gracie will have a grandma and a grandpa?” She asked, touching her sister’s hair. “Yes, she’ll even have nephews, aunts and uncles” you expressed, the warmth of you family filling your heart.
“Gracie, you are lucky” Paisley sighed, withdrawing her arm back. She scooted down to the floor again, moving to stand in front of Leah. “She’s so cute” Paisley squealed.
You and Leah shared a sad look. A night with a few glasses of wine and a sad movie about siblings losing each other had led to a promise of never spilling a pair of siblings, ever.
“Hey Paisley, how about I put Gracie on the playmat and you can play with her for a little while” Leah suggested, urging for you to get up with her. Paisley nodded eagerly, sitting down nicely on the mat before Leah placed Gracie next to her.
Anita stood by her desk, slightly reddish in the face clearly embarrassed. Leah looked at you, and you nodded thinking exactly what she was thinking. The pair of you moved to Anita’s desk.
“Anita, we cant just spilt a pair of siblings”’Leah sighed, looking over Paisley who was playing gently with Gracie making her giggle. Anita looked at you with sad eyes. “I understand” she said, reaching out of the backpack that had Gracie’s belongings in it. “I’ll see if I can find a foster family that wants to take in Paisley, she’s been rejected multiple times and families has sent her back because she’s a handful. I cannot imagine finding a family who wants her and a baby.” Anita said, sitting behind her desk. Her hands moved toward her face, before rubbing her face in distress.
You looked over at Leah, who stood admiring the two siblings. Guilt crept up on in a way that made it feel like she was being eaten alive.
“Leah, we can’t let this happen. We already have two already painted rooms” you whispered to her, “look at them, they need each other” you pleaded.
Leah looked like she was on edge about the idea, close to boarding the ship. “Buy baby, it’s a big responsibility. What if it’s too much?” Leah whispered, reaching for you hand. “It won’t be, we have our families and our teammates that we can lean on for support”. Leah still didn’t seem on board with the idea, but by the look of her face; you could see how she by every smile and giggle that Paisley pulled out of Gracie, she was one more thought away from agreeing with you.
“Mrs.Williamson, it’s full understandable that you won’t go through with this adoption. I will find someone to care for the pair of them this evening, that’s why Paisley came here regardless.” Anita apologetically said and that shot a spark in Leah.
“Wait, Paisley doesn’t have anywhere to go? No fosters?” Leah urged, suddenly seeming more onboard with the idea.
Anita sighed again, “no, sadly not. I got a call last night to pick her up asap, but I begged them to give me until today”.
Leah bit her teeth together thinking of the little blonde begin shuffled around between families for ages.
“You know what? We’ll take her” Leah spat out, looking at them. Anita broke out in a relieved smile.
“Wonderful, you can bring Gracie home now. Bianca, please take Paisley out to the playroom” Anita asked, making you and Leah feel confused.
Paisley looked up at Anita and Binca. Her whole body shifted, suddenly seeming like the smallest most unwanted being on the planet. Her eyes started filling with tears, slowly moving to where Bianca was situated.
“No, we are cleared to both foster and adopt, right? Is there any way we can bring Paisley with us too? As a fosterhome?” You suggested, hoping that Leah wouldn’t protest it and that you had read her correctly.
“Foster with the intent to adopt” Leah corrected, instantly grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze. You flashed her a shy smile, hoping that this wasn’t something you would regret.
“Mrs.Williamson, she’s a handful. Lots of energy, and she has caused several homes to quit fostering” Anita ushered, trying to keep her voice down.
“Respectfully, we both work as professional footballers. I’m sure there is a way to make her energy work in her favour.” Leah expressed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well,if you are sure; that settles it. Would you like to break the news to her while I make some quick calls?” Anita asked, pulling up her phone. You nodded eagerly, excited to go from a two person family to potentially being four.
You looked over at Leah while Anita excused herself out of the room with Bianca. The two girls were back on the playing mat together. Leah grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Last chance to pull out, baby” you whispered, Leah shook her head. “My two little girls, our two daughters” she whispered, familiarising herself with the phrase.
“Hey Paisley” Leah said squatting down in front of her. “Yes? Is it time to go already? I’ve barely said goodbye!” Paisley complained, standing up before crossing her arms with a big pout on her face.
“How would you feel about coming home with us and Gracie?” Leah asked, awaiting the young blondes response. Paisley looked up at Leah as she tilted her head to the right, her facial expression confused.
“Like coming to visit? Like a sleepover?” Paisley asked, clearly thinking about what it would mean. Leah smiled again, brushing Paisley’s hair out of her face. “Like coming to stay at our home with your own room, and then we can see if we are able to make it forever” Leah confirmed, awaiting the girls response.
Paisley’s eyes widened, eyes becoming glossier by the second before she shot up and launched herself around Leah’s neck. “Like, I can call you mommy just like Gracie can? Or is that just for Gracie? That’s okay, I don’t mind calling you Leah and Y/N” Paisley urged, bouncing on the ground. Leah looked over at you, still holding the young girls frame. There was a gaze shared between the two of you. Life was about to take an unexpected turn, but perhaps that unexpected turn was just what you needed. Perhaps Paisley was gonna be the missing piece to your puzzle.
“You could call us whatever you like, P”
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helen-with-an-a · 3 days ago
I love your recent angst fic. Could you do one where reader is Alessia or Alexia's sister and maybe was in the army and her parents hate her for than and then she was deployed and injured like life threatening or amputated whatever, and know her days are counted but when she meet her sister she realised her parents didn't want to talk o see her and angsssttttt. Or another idea, where reader are Alessia or Alexia's sister and her sister gets all attention and her parents are neglected her and one day they threw her out of their house and she keeps living in the street but not addicted and get sick to death and she just wanna see her family one more time and same old, they don't wanna see her
So I've changed this slightly cos I wanted it angsty but not too deep, ya get me? But anyways. I hope you enjoy.
Alessia Russo x sister!Reader
Description: R has always been outshone but Alessia
Word Count: 6.1k
TW: none really - glass child?
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Age: 8 months
“Maaaaa,” you gurgled, a smile lighting up your face as you clapped your chubby hands together. You watched as your mum bounced up and down, your sister cradled in her arms, giggling at the noises your mum was making.
“That’s right, baby. That is your mummy,” your dad chimed in, his voice gentle and reassuring as he wiped the drool from your chin with a soft cloth. “And that’s your sister, Alessia. Can you say Lessi?” His eyes sparkled with pride as he looked between you and your sister.
“Mama,” Alessia babbled, her tiny voice a sweet melody.
“Mario, Mario!” your mum squealed, her excitement causing you to startle slightly. The surprise made your heart race. “Lessi just said her first words!”
“Mamamamama,” Alessia repeated, her little hand smacking playfully against your mum’s cheek.
“Oh, such a clever girl, Lessi!” Your dad stood up, abandoning you to shower your sister with affection. He pressed a flurry of kisses onto her soft cheek, his face full of pure adoration.
You felt a strange, unfamiliar sensation bubbling up in your chest. Something that felt heavy and confusing. You watched your parents showering attention on Alessia, and the warmth that had filled you moments ago began to fade.
“Maaaaa,” you tried again, a cute little frown knitting your brows together as you concentrated on mimicking the sounds your sister had just made. Your heart sank as this time, there was no chorus of congratulations, no happy smiles, no warm kisses on your cheeks. Instead, you felt tears welling up in your eyes, and a small sob escaped your lips, the sound surprising you with its suddenness.
“Luca, baby, see to your sister, will you?” Your mum called, her back turned as she walked away, and your dad followed her, his attention still captivated by Alessia as he began to play peekaboo, hiding his face and then popping out with exaggerated surprise.
Age: 15 months
You stared at the soft toy, the teddy bear just slightly too far out of reach. You looked up at your brothers, but they were too engrossed with Alessia to notice. Like always. Alessia had her hands gripped tightly around Luca's fingers, using him to take cautious steps toward Giorgio.
“Mum, mum, come on! Lessi’s walking!” Giorgio cheered; his voice filled with excitement. The sound was like a bell, calling everyone to attention. A flurry of footsteps followed his announcement, the commotion growing as your parents rushed in.
You watched as your mum and dad came running, expressions of delight and happiness etched on their faces. They were captivated by their youngest daughter, marvelling at her determination as she slowly stepped along in sync with her brother.
“Oh, sweet girl. Look at you!” your dad called, his voice rich with warmth and pride, a cheerful laugh escaping his lips.
You twisted your body, trying to see what all the fuss was about, but your teddy was still too far away. Frustration bubbled inside you, and you huffed, clearly realising no one was coming to help you. You shuffled a little, pushing yourself onto your knees and then gradually to your feet, determination replacing your annoyance.
With a shaky step, you put one little foot in front of the other, wobbling slightly as you found your balance. It wasn’t much, but it was just enough to propel you forward. You felt a thrill of excitement course through you, but then gravity took over, and you flopped back down heavily against the soft carpet, the plush fibres breaking your fall.
You reached out eagerly, hugging the teddy to your chest, the familiar softness bringing you comfort. As you looked up to see if anyone was watching you, you found Luca and Giorgio posing with Alessia for a photo, their faces lit up with joy. Your mum and dad stood just behind them, capturing the moment, their proud smiles directed toward the trio.
You huffed again, your eyes rolling in frustration as you turned back to the colourful blocks scattered in front of you. With a sigh, you grabbed a block, throwing it weakly to the floor.
"Y/N, stop that, you'll dent the floor."
Age: 3 years
“Such a grown-up girl,” Mummy cooed, her voice full of pride as she smoothed Alessia’s blonde bunches. You watched as Alessia’s eyes sparkled, radiating the confidence you wished you had.
“I big now,” Alessia beamed, her small hands grasping each of your brothers. “I go to school!”
“I big too,” you tried, a frown creasing your forehead as you pressed down on the Velcro of your shoes, wishing someone could see just how big you are.
“A very big girl,” Giorgio smiled encouragingly at you, extending his spare hand for you to take. You looked back at him, hesitating for a moment before a shy smile spread across your face.
“Ok, everyone, look this way!” Mummy called out, her voice full of excitement as she adjusted the camera. You were standing outside your front door, the early morning sun making you squint. The blue gingham dress was a little too big on you, handing around your mid-shin as you stood next to your brothers, who both wore perfectly fitting white polo shirts.
Alessia, however, stood taller than you, her dress fitting perfectly. Mummy had only bought the dresses in her size, leaving you with the oversized ones that felt more like when you would steal your older cousin's dress-up clothes than something meant for big school.
“Just until you grow, honey,” Mummy insisted with a soft smile that tried to hide her impatience. “You can share with Lessi.” You couldn’t help but feel a strange bubble in your chest, one that tightened whenever you thought of Alessia.
“But they no fit,” you protested, confused as to why Alessia got to wear clothes that fit her and you didn't.
“Yes, but they fit Lessi,” Mummy sighed, her patience thinning. “And I’m not buying two packs of dresses when she doesn’t fit into the other size.”
So here you were on the first day of school, standing awkwardly in a dress that was too big and with hair that wasn’t smooth or done nicely because Alessia had insisted on wearing hers in two bunches instead of the one ponytail she had originally planned.
As you looked around at your family, the bubble in your chest tightened again. You tugged at the skirt of your dress, wishing for just a moment that you could feel as confident and ready as your sister looked.
Age: 6
“Ok, Mr. and Mrs. Russo. Let’s start with Alessia, yes?” Carole nodded eagerly, a bright smile spreading across her face at the mention of her daughter. “Well, she’s doing really well. She’s a very confident and happy little girl.” The teacher's voice was warm and reassuring as she continued, “Her English and Maths are really good. She’s getting the basics down solidly, and I’m really pleased with her start to Year Two.”
Mario beamed with pride, his heart swelling as he listened to the teacher praise his daughter. “She’s absolutely excelling in PE and really loves football. Mrs. Daniels, the PE teacher, has recommended that you might want to look for an extra-curricular club outside of school.”
“Really?” Mario asked, his excitement rising at the thought of Alessia following in his sporting footsteps.
“Oh, yes. Mrs. Daniels has nothing but praise for little Lessi,” the teacher confirmed, her eyes sparkling.
“We’ll definitely be looking into it,” Carole agreed, her tone full of determination.
“Wonderful. Now, we don’t have much time left, unfortunately; the troubles of only five-minute slots, I’m afraid,” the teacher continued, her voice slightly apologetic. “But I just wanted to talk about your other little one, Y-Y/N? is it?”
“Oh, yes,” Carole replied, her smile dropping ever so slightly as she shifted her focus to you.
“Well, everything seems okay. Very middle of the road, nothing really to report on. A little shy, perhaps, but yeah, she’s fine. English and Maths are fine, no other issues have been raised. So, I’m not concerned about anything.” Mario and Carole nodded, smiling gently.
“Anything you wanted to raise to me?” The teacher asked.
“No, we’re just so happy Lessi’s doing well,” Carole beamed.
“And we’ll definitely be putting her in football as soon as we can,” Mario added with a chuckle.
“That sounds great! I’m sure she will continue to excel.”
Age 10
“Now, Less. Are you sure?” Your dad’s voice was a mix of concern and encouragement as he watched Alessia adjust her blonde ponytail.
“Yes, Dad,” Alessia whined, her excitement bubbling over as she bounced on her toes.
“Alright, alright. Knock ‘em dead, angioletta.” His words filled the air with pride as he watched her run onto the pitch, her energy infectious.
You looked up at your dad, your eyes wide with admiration, but a hint of envy crept in as you watched him focus on Alessia, her small figure sprinting toward the other girls. This was a big moment for her – Chelsea trials – and the weight of it felt heavy.
You couldn’t help but remember the celebratory meal you had all shared the night the email had come through for Alessia. The joy radiated from her in waves as she chose her favourite Chinese takeaway. You couldn't tell which she was more excited for, to be honest. You had tried not to let it bother you that it had been your night to choose the takeaway. After all, the thought of causing a scene only made you retreat further into your shell. It didn’t matter anyway; sitting in silence had become a norm for you. You couldn't remember the last time Alessia or Mum had let you say more than 10 words over dinner.
“You alright?” Luca nudged you, pulling you back to the present. His concern flickered in his eyes, and you nodded, a sigh escaping involuntarily as you shifted your gaze back to the pitch.
“You want a hot chocolate?” Luca asked, his smile warm, like a little ray of sunshine piercing through your cloud of thoughts. You nodded shyly. He winked at you, smiling when he saw your tentative grin.
“Dad, I’m just getting some hot chocolate,” Luca called out, waving to the van a little further down the field. Dad just nodded, far too engrossed in Alessia to take much notice.
“Hey, you not wanting to join in?” A man in his late twenties approached, clipboard in hand.
“Oh, she’s not trialling,” your dad dismissed lightly, waving a hand toward you. “My other daughter, Alessia. She’s already on the pitch.” He pointed to where Alessia was sitting, focused and determined as she laced up her boots, oblivious to the world around her.
“Right,” the man said slowly, raising an eyebrow as he took in your presence. “Well, if you wanted to give it a go…?” he offered, trying to coax you into the spotlight.
“Yeh, right. She’s never even kicked a ball, I don’t think,” Dad laughed. You tried not to let the hurt well up in your chest at the insinuation. You're not good enough.
“First time for everything, am I right?” The man’s smile was encouraging, and you mulled it over, contemplating the idea. Maybe if you played football, your parents would pay more attention to you. They’d notice you, and perhaps the silence at the dinner table would break, even if just a little.
“Nah, she’s okay, right, squirt? She’ll just trip and hurt herself anyway,” your dad joked, shrugging off the man’s suggestion. You shrugged, too, somewhat agreeing with him as you glanced back at the field.
“Well, the offer stands all session if you want to give it a go,” the man said, nodding at you before walking off toward the group of girls.
You weren't quite sure how to feel. Maybe if you started football, then mum and dad would pay attention to you. Or maybe, Mum and Dad would get annoyed at you for taking away attention from Alessia. You blinked harshly, forcing the stinging to stop, waiting for Luca to appear with your hot chocolate.
Age: 14
“Um, Mum. I just need you to sign this thing for school. It’s about the gifted and talen–” You handed the letter out to her, trying to catch her attention.
“Oh my god!” Alessia’s scream sliced through the air cutting you off.
“What?” Mum asked, turning to face the blonde.
“I got into the England squad!” Alessia announced, her voice bursting with pure elation, her cheeks flushed with happiness as she bounced on her toes.
“Oh, Lessi, I’m so proud of you!” Mum exclaimed; her voice thick as she dropped everything to gather Alessia into a tight hug.
You felt a knot form in your stomach, it wasn't exactly an unfamiliar feeling. You had felt it before, when she made the Chelsea team, when she got her tests back at school, when she got exactly what she wanted for your birthday. You worked hard too, why couldn't Mum be that proud of you as well?
You looked down at the permission slip. You had been pretty excited to go. The trip up to Oxford seemed like fun, a change to meet some leading researchers had sparked something inside you, and who knows, maybe you were going to go to Oxford for uni? But that was a while away yet, and a lot of change in 4 years.
Age: 16
“Now then, whatever those results say, just remember, we are so proud of you.” Dad squeezed Alessia’s shoulders gently, her GCSE results clutched tightly in her hands.
“And remember, you’ve achieved so much both within and outside of school,” Mum added, her voice filled with love, her eyes shining with pride as she looked at her daughter.
You stood a few steps back, trying to imagine those words being said to you, trying to convince yourself that it didn’t matter what the results were. That you had achieved so much, too. But deep down, you knew it did matter, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that you hadn’t achieved much at all. You had worked hard, really hard, putting in late nights and early mornings, pouring your heart into your studies. But no matter how hard you tried, you felt like you could never be as brilliant as Alessia.
Taking a deep breath, you finally opened the envelope, your heart racing with anticipation.
A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*, A*,
You read it again and again, your mind spinning as you processed the information. You let out a steady breath, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. You had done it. Maybe this would finally mean your parents would tell you they were proud. You glanced back over at Alessia, who had tears streaming down her cheeks, a smile so wide it seemed to hurt her cheeks,
“Oh, Lessi. We’re so proud,” Mum cooed as she pressed a kiss to her daughter’s cheek, squeezing her tightly.
“What’s it looking like?” Luca asked you as he stepped closer. You didn’t reply right away; instead, you held out the letter for him to read, your heart pounding in your chest.
“What the fuck? That’s so good!” he cheered, his face lighting up as he pulled you into a tight hug, lifting you off the ground for a moment.
“Thanks, Lu,” you mumbled, you wanted to be happy for yourself, but you couldn't help but wish for a hug from your parents as well.
“They might not say it, but I’m proud of you,” he whispered in your ear, his voice low. You nodded, swallowing down the lump in your throat, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill over. It felt good to hear those words, even if they weren’t coming from your parents.
Maybe it was okay to be proud of yourself. If they weren't going to be proud of you, you might as well be.
Age: 18
“So, you’re going to America then?” You asked, standing by Alessia’s bedroom door. You had always liked Alessia’s room; it always felt warm, with a comfy bed draped in soft blankets and a plush seat by the window where she often did her homework. The walls were adorned with posters of her favourite footballers and travel destinations. Hundreds of photos of her friends littered the walls above her desk.
“Oh, uh, yeh. Yeh, North Carolina,” Alessia replied, her eyes glued to her phone as she scrolled through messages.
“Wow, I mean, um … well done?” You offered, your gaze dropping to your sock-covered feet. Why was it so awkward to talk to your own sister? Your twin sister?
“Thanks.” She glanced up from her phone briefly, throwing a weak smile your way that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Do you know when you’re leaving?” You asked, struggling to carry the conversation.
“Um, pretty much as soon as the A-level results come out, really.” She shrugged, and your heart sank a little more. That wasn’t very long at all – only a few weeks away.
“Mum’s coming to help set up and stuff. And Lotte will be there. And Lois. You remember them, right?” Alessia continued. You remembered Lotte vaguely; she was nice, a kind and gentle soul who had spoken to you for a solid twenty minutes at your birthday before being pulled away by Georgia and some of the other England girls.
“Mmhmm,” you replied, the word feeling heavy on your tongue.
“What are you doing in September then?” Alessia asked, her curiosity genuine ... as if she hadn’t been in the room when you received the UCAS email last month.
“Oh, I, um, I got in to –”
“Lessi, baby, food’s ready! I made your favourite!” Mum’s voice floated up from downstairs, interrupting you.
“Coming!” Alessia called back, climbing off the bed and brushing past you. “C’mon, Mum made our favourite.”
No, Alessia, you thought, she made your favourite. You were fairly sure Mum didn’t even remember your full name, let alone what your favourite meal was. The thought stung, but you pushed it aside somewhat used to it by now. You took a moment, standing in the doorway, grappling with your feelings, and wishing that just once, someone would make your favourite meal for dinner.
Age: 23
“What do you mean you aren’t coming?” Alessia shouted down the phone. You could almost picture her pacing back and forth, frustration written all over her face.
“I … I just can’t.” You hesitated, knowing that you weren’t going to explain the whole situation to her. It was your graduation day. You were finally a doctor. Dr Russo. You couldn't help the smile on your face whenever you thought about it.
“But it’s the Euro final … at Wembley. You’ve got to come,” she insisted, her tone desperate as if she truly wanted you there.
“Jeez, Alessia, that changes everything then.” You rolled your eyes.
“So, you’re coming?” she pressed.
“No, Alessia. I can’t make it.” You sighed. You hadn't even bothered ting your family when the graduation was. You knew from the moment you got the date through that they would be with Alessia, even if England hadn't made it to the final.
“But you’re always at my matches,” she said incredulously.
“Alessia, I haven’t been to a match since we were fifteen.” You didn’t mean to sound harsh, but the memory of those days felt bittersweet. You had tried to be the supportive sister, clapping and cheering, but watching your parents gushing over Alessia for hours had left a painful sting. When you finally reached an age where you could be left alone for a full day, you had stopped going to matches unless you were dragged along. When she started playing professionally in the league, you were almost always working on the wards, unable to get the weekends off to go watch her play.
“What? Yes, you are! You’re always in the friends and family box with Gio and Luca and Mum and Dad,” she countered.
“Nope,” you popped the “p” for emphasis, flopping down on your couch with a huff. "I can't make your matches."
“Oh,” she said dejectedly, a realisation dawning on her. It seemed she could have sworn you were at the matches, but then again, she hadn’t really been looking for you; she just assumed you were there, quiet in the background like you always had been.
“Will you at least watch it on the telly?” she asked, shaking her head at Tooney, who looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, sensing the tension in the air.
“Uh, sure, yeh,” you conceded like you always did when faced with anything Alessia-related.
“I’ll text you, okay?” Her voice softened, and if you didn’t know any better, you would have guessed she sounded almost … sad. But you did know better, right?
“Yeh, good luck, Alessia. I know you can do it,” you said. "Just, trust your feet, yeah?"
“Yeah, thanks,” she replied quietly, and you could almost hear the small ball of hurt blooming in her chest as the dial tone rang. "Bye then."
Age: 24
“Oh, honey. It’s okay,” Carole cooed softly, bringing a tearful Alessia into a warm hug.
“You played so well, angioletta,” Mario added, smoothing down the blonde ponytail.
“Thanks,” Alessia sniffled dejectedly, her voice cracking.
“Hey, c’mon! Give ya big brother a hug,” Luca joked, trying to lighten the mood as he flashed a teasing smile. Alessia flopped into his arms, closing her eyes against the world.
“Ya did good, star girl,” Gio chimed in, joining the huddle.
“W-where’s Y/N?” Alessia asked, looking around with wide eyes, searching for your familiar face in the crowd of fans and family members. It was the first time Alessia had actively sought you out after a match, but something in her needed to see her twin.
Gio and Luca exchanged a glance, tension forming around the family in a little bubble.
“She said she was busy,” Carole snapped tersely, her irritation bubbling just beneath the surface.
“Busy?” Alessia echoed, shocked. “She's too busy to attend the World Cup final?” Her voice was tinged with disbelief. Alessia couldn't help the sting that rose in her chest.
“Mum, that’s not how it went, and you know it,” Luca chided gently. “England, FIFA, whoever’s in charge, said they could only supply us with four family tickets for the tournament. And with the new Junior Doctors starting in August, she couldn’t really afford the time off anyway, so she volunteered not to come.” His voice softened, wincing at his words.
“Wait, so she isn’t here at all? Like, she's still in England?” Alessia looked over to her parents, her heart sinking further. Surely, they wouldn't have left you there ... would they?
“Like Luca said, she wasn't able to get time off. And she said she couldn’t afford all the flights and stuff, and the match tickets were very expensive,” Carole protested, her voice rising slightly.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” Alessia exclaimed, her voice growing more frantic. “I could’ve organised something, or spoken to the management team, or…” Her mind raced with realisation.
“Lessi, you were preparing for a World Cup; that was extra work on your end,” Mario interjected.
“Then why didn’t you split the costs with her? You came here for free! You could’ve split the costs between you, and it wouldn’t have been too much.” Alessia’s voice trembled with frustration.
“It’s fine, Lessi. Like Luca said, she volunteered not to come” Carole dismissed, waving her hand flippantly, as if trying to brush away the reality of the situation.
“Oh, Ella, darling. Come here,” she called out, smiling sadly as Tooney walked past the small group.
Alessia blinked up at her brothers. Shame bubbled up in her in chest at the realisation that she didn't really know you at all. How had it taken her this long to realise that you weren't here? That you weren't in the country at all?
Age: 24
A knock at your door jolted you out of your not-quite-sleep. You huffed in annoyance, irritated that sleep had been snatched from you once again. The knock came again, more insistent this time. With a groan, you slipped off the couch and padded over to the door, the carpet soft beneath your feet.
“What?” you snapped, the annoyance creeping into your tone as you flung the door open.
“Oh, um, hi?” Alessia stood in front of you, a small bag resting at her feet, her expression sheepish.
“Alessia?” You raised an eyebrow, surprised to see her at your door.
“Y’know, you’re the only one that calls me ‘Alessia’,” she remarked quietly, almost as if it was a confession.
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” you shot back, not really in the mood. You had just come off a block of nights, and you really wanted to be tucked up in bed.
“Right, yeah. It’s just ... everyone else calls me Lessi or Less." You’d never felt comfortable calling her Lessi; that was a name reserved for people she liked, and you definitely weren’t on that list.
“Um … so, what are you doing here?” you asked, still confused about her unplanned visit.
“Right, um, can I come in? I want to talk to you.” Alessia’s eyes darted around the hallway, and you instinctively looked down, avoiding her gaze.
“Uh, sure. Yeah, come on in. Sorry about the mess, I've been on nights.” you mumbled, laughing humourlessly, like you would with a stranger entering your home for the first time. You stepped aside, letting her pass as you closed the door behind her.
You both settled onto the couch, the silence stretching awkwardly between you.
“You weren’t in Australia,” Alessia stated bluntly.
“Um, yeah. Sorry, I just … things didn’t …” you trailed off, your voice faltering as you searched for the right words. How could you explain to her that you couldn’t take time off, that you couldn't afford the tickets and that your parents had refused to help out?
“Gio and Luca explained everything,” Alessia said softly, her expression sheepish.
“Oh,” you replied, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment. You felt a blush rise on your cheeks.
“I’m really sorry. For everything. Mum and Dad focused so much on me that they barely had time for you. And now … it’s like you’re a stranger or something.” Alessia’s voice trembled.
“It’s fine, Alessia,” you said defensively, the words slipping out before you could catch them. You didn’t want to show her how deeply this had affected you.
“No, it’s not.” She leaned closer.
“Most of my issues aren’t with you,” you mumbled.
“How do you mean?” Alessia’s brow furrowed, genuine confusion mingling with hurt.
“Mum loves you more,” you said bluntly, shrugging slightly. “Dad loves you more too.”
“That’s not true.” She shook her head, disbelief flashing across her face.
“Yes, it is.” You shrugged, trying to downplay the impact of your admission. But even as you spoke, you could feel your heart cracking. You had never said it out loud before, even if you had known it for all of your life.
“Mum and Dad love you,” Alessia promised, her voice a mix of desperation and sincerity.
“Yeah, but they love you more.” Your gaze fell to the floor, avoiding her eyes. You could see that Alessia was struggling to digest the information, her mind racing as she grappled with the implications.
“It’s always been about the star girl, Alessia Russo. And I’m not her. And that’s fine.” The last part felt like a lie. You could be a star girl too
“No, it’s not.” She whispered.
“No, it’s not, but it is what it is.” You tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but it fell flat. She gawked slightly, how was this not affecting you?
“Look, Alessia. It’s not your fault. Mum and Dad were just shite at remembering they had a fourth kid.”
“But we’re twins.” Alessia protested, her voice softer now, the hurt audible.
“I know. Doesn’t change anything though.” You smiled weakly.
“But ... surely Mum and Dad ... they ... ” Alessia trailed off, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“Look, Alessia, all parents have favourites. No matter how hard they try to deny it. They do. I don't doubt they love you, and Gio, and Luca.” You replied, the words tasting bitter on your tongue. “It's just sometimes it feels like there’s just not enough love to go around.”
"But ... mum and dad love you too. You know that, right?" Alessia blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the tears.
"Sometimes." You shrugged. "But you and the boys came first. I got used to it."
"But you shouldn't have had to." Alessia protested.
"Can't disagree with you there." You smiled weakly.
An awkward silence settled on you both. "You ... you said you were on nights? W-what do you do for work?" Alessia felt stupid asking the question. What kind of person doesn't know what her sister does for work?
"I work in A&E at the moment. At Watford General."
"You're a doctor?" Alessia's eyes grew wide.
"Yeah, just started my second year as a Junior Doctor."
"Oh, that's so cool. I didn't know that you wanted to be a doctor."
You smiled weakly. "D-do you want a cuppa? We could have a chat and stuff?" You suggested, pointing to the kitchen table.
"That ... that would be nice, yeah." Alessia smiled back at you.
"Cool." You winced at how awkward you sounded. "Um ... milk? Sugar?"
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pitchsidestories · 2 months ago
More than a pretty face II Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader
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romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | word count: 1630
summary: Leah is the third wheel whenever she’s with your girlfriend Alessia and you. While the striker struggles with her body image.
author's note: hi everyone, we combined the request with an idea we had in the back of our mind and we hope you'll like the mix of lightheartedness and heavier topics. 🤍❤️
Post-training dinners were one of your favourite team traditions. Every few weeks, after a long, hard session, the entire Arsenal squad would go out for a meal. You loved the combination of good food and conversations with your friends. It was something that you were looking forward to every time.
Too preoccupied with arguing with your sister, you completely forgot about the pasta before you. At least until you heard Kyra giggle on the other side of the table.
“Lessi, are you kidding?”, she laughed.
You watched Alessia frown at her: “Why?”
“There’s only green on your plate.”, Kyra grimaced in disgust, pointing at your girlfriend’s salad.
“Yeah, I wanted a salad.”
You studied her plate from across the table. No toppings, no dressing, just plain salad.
Leah involved herself in their conversation: “Nothing wrong with that. Kyra, you could need some greens too.”
Kyra wrinkled her nose again: “Ew.”
Alessia shrugged, smiling: “She’s not wrong.”
It was a polite smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
“Yes, she is. That’s not what you need after a long training session.“, Kyra complained jokingly.
You bit your lip and watched as your girlfriend discussed different food choices with your teammates.
With nervous fingers, you tapped Beths arm and whispered: “Beth?”
The midfielder turned to you: “Hm?”
“I feel like Lessi… I think the comments about her appearance got to her.”, you carefully formulated the worry that had begun to appear in your chest. Suddenly, your stomach was in knots, you weren’t hungry anymore.
“You think so?”, Beth asked in surprise.
“I do… Look.”
She followed your gaze towards Alessia.
“The salad?”
You nodded cautiously: “Yes. Do you think I’m paranoid?”
Alessia had struggled before with her body image, you knew that. So, every sign of changes in her eating pattern sent a subtle wave of panic through your body.
Beth sighed: “I think if you really want to know, you should talk to her.”
You forced a smile: “Ugh, why are you always right?”
“Always, right? What did you two chat about?”, Leah asked innocently.
Beth shrugged and deliberately lied to your sister: “Football stuff.”
“Yes, things you wouldn’t understand, Lee.”, you joked, teasing her.
Leah rolled her eyes at you as she so often did: “Oh yeah, because I obviously don’t play football.”
“You do but no that up front.”, you explained.
“Will you drive with us to this team activity thing next week?”
“Nah, I don’t want to be the third wheel again between you two lovers.”, Leah quickly shook her head.
Beth snorted: “You don’t mind that any other time either.”
 “And it's not our fault that your girlfriend is American”, you added in a teasing tone, which earned you a playful slap from your sister.
Her lips formed to a pout:” Doesn’t take away from the fact that I don’t want to hang out with you two. I’m driving with Lia and Kim.”
“Oh, wow.”, you whistled, pretended to be offended by her decision.
This didn’t stop the defender from mockingly continuing: “Besides, you’re a horrible driver.”
“Thanks, Lee.”, you rolled your eyes at her.
It was the night of your team activity, usually it involved dinner and games, and you were leaning against the open door of your bedroom to check on your girlfriend:” You’re ready, Lessi? We should be leaving soon?”
“No, I hate my outfit.”, she groaned in frustration, still laying on the bed.
When you noticed the dried tears on her cheeks, your heart broke a little. In the late afternoon light, the blonde looked gorgeous, and you wished she could see herself as you saw her, the striker was even sadly breathtaking.
You gently took Alessia's hands, in which she had hidden her face: “Less, you look beautiful.”
“I don’t.”, the forward replied with a trembling voice.
“Yes?”, your girlfriend glanced up at you.
Softly, you asked her:” Would you like to change into something more comfortable?”
“Can I wear your sweater?”, a small smile appeared on the blonde’s lips.
In one quick swipe you pulled off your oversized pullover to hand it to her: “You.. yes, you can have it.”
Alessia pressed the garment gratefully to her chest and explained:” It’s just the comfiest thing.”
In a sincere tone, you whispered into her ear: “You also look very cute in it.”
For a second, she beamed at your words before her grin disappeared as quickly as it had come, leaving only a gloomy expression on her face. “Do you think the comments are wrong or right?”, the striker questioned.
“I knew it was about the comments.”, you mumbled.
 “And oh god, maybe I’m a bad role model if I sometimes don’t feel confident in my own body.”, your girlfriend panicked.
Soothingly you began to stroke her back: ”Lessi, calm down.”
You cupped her face tenderly in your hands, hoping that your sentences reached her:” Listen, it’s normal not to feel confident all the time. No one does. You’re not doing anything wrong and you’re not a bad role model.”
“But you and your sister look so perfect.”, Alessia protested weakly.
“That’s not true, Less. We’re not perfect, no one is.”
She smiled sheepishly: “At least you’re perfect to me.”
Apparently, your words began to have an effect, because the striker added cheekily: “Aside from the fact that you snore at night, it's not exactly Sleeping Beauty-like.”
“Shut up!”, you playfully hit her arm with the pillow.
Alessia giggled. The sound was like music to your ears.
A little smirk appeared on her face: “Make me.”
You were only too willing to bridge the gap between the two of you and put your lips on hers until your girlfriend was too out of breath to keep talking.
But before you could make a move, Alessia interrupted herself after checking the time on her phone: “Actually, wait for it until after team bonding.”
You heaved a frustrated sigh but still slipped into your jacket: “Fine. Ready to go?”
“I’m ready.”
You both left your apartment but before you got into Alessias car, you took her hand and held her back: “Less?”
Alessia turned towards you: “Huh?”
“You’re beautiful and you’re a great athlete, okay? It doesn’t matter what other people think.”, you assured her one last time.
She nodded thoughtfully: “Okay.”
“Okay, now let’s go, pretty girl.”, you smiled at her.
You got into the passenger seat of her car while Alessia drove.
“I hope they got Pizza on the menu so we can share.”, your girlfriend said suddenly.
You laughed, surprised by her comment: “Oh no. You always say that and then you’ll complain that the pizza in Italy is better.”
“It’s true! Nothing beats Pizza in Italy.”
“See?”, you rolled your eyes with a laugh.
“Okay, fine. I still want to share Pizza with you.”
“Me too.”, you grinned. Your heart skipped a beat, seeing how excited Alessia seemed to be.
You arrived at the location five minutes late and you would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for your sister.
“Hi, you two are fashionably late.”, she greeted you with a wink.
You shrugged and lied to her: “My fault. We had to make out in the car first.”
Leah grimaced: “Disgusting.”
“Oh, someone’s a gremlin again.”, Alessia teased.
Your sister pouted and turned to Lia: “Wally, they’re impossible.”
“You love them.”, the Swiss player replied matter-of-factly.
“Sadly, I do but don’t tell them.”
“I would never. But I’m sure they know, you love to hang out of them.”, Lia laughed.
“Even when I feel left out sometimes because look at them.”, Leah complained, pointing at where you and Alessia were studying the menu.
Lia grinned: “They’re a couple and you’re surprised about that?”
“Elle and I are not that bad.”
You looked up and glared at your sister: “Yes, you are.”
“Shut up.”, Leah retorted.
You shook your head: “No. The pizzas arrived, my friends.”
Alessias eyes lit up as a server placed the plate in front of her: “Finally.”
The good food, lively conversations with your teammates and your girlfriend’s genuine smile warmed your heart and soul.
Once the dinner was over Leah gave you a short hug:” Drive home safely.”
“You’re not driving with us?”, you asked astonished.
The defender paused for a moment, pretending to think carefully about the question, before answering with a grin on her lips:” Actually, yes, I’ll come with you, but only if Alessia drives.”
Gallantly, Alessia opened the passenger doors and bowed slightly to you both:” Get inside my passenger princesses.”
“Excuse me. I’m the passenger princess, she can sit in the backseat.”, you promptly protested.
“Ugh, fine.”, Leah grimaced as the blonde sat down right behind you.
With a sweet smile, you turned your head towards your sister:” Sorry, big sis.”
“You’re not really sorry.”, the older woman observed her arms crossed in front of her chest.
Your giggles filled the car:”No.”
Amused, Alessia shook her head and turned up the volume on the radio. Once her car stopped in front of the defender’s house, she said:” Good night, Leah.”
“Night, girls.”, the blonde waved goodbye and skipped buoyantly to her front door.
On the way to your home, your girlfriend began nervously.” Amore, I thought about what you said earlier.”
“You were right.”, Alessia conceded.
The car stopped at the red light, the rain pattering on the roof, as you hugged her from the side with relief and gave her a kiss on the cheek: “You’re so much more than a pretty face, Lessi, please never forget that.”
“And so are you.”, she replied in an earnest tone, pressing her lips gently to your hand.
Then Alessia continued the drive through the night, the lights of London guiding you both to your home.
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hrtwayne · 27 days ago
Hot to Go! | Leah Williamson
Pairing: Leah Williamson x Attacking Midfielder!Reader
Summary: Where Leah has a crush on the team's new attacking midfielder.
Note: English is not my first language.
Warning: Sexual Tension and Leah Being Completely Oblivious!
Masterlist | Women's Football Masterlist
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Leah Williamson had always been known for her discipline and dedication. As the Captain of Arsenal, she was the role model to follow, both on and off the field. Her mornings at the training center were almost always the same: arriving before the others, quickly changing her clothes, and starting her warm-up while the sun had barely risen. It was a routine she had mastered, a ritual that kept her focused. But on that Friday morning, something—or someone—completely disrupted the course of her routine.
When Leah entered the locker room, her backpack already on her shoulders and a cup of coffee in hand, she could hardly believe what she saw. Y/n, the new Spanish midfield signing, was there, with her back turned to Leah, her hair loose and cascading down her back. The training shirt was hanging on a nearby hook, and Y/n seemed completely at ease, as if the locker room were her second home. Leah stopped at the door, as if she had bumped into an invisible wall. Her eyes fixed on the scene, and for a moment, she felt her world come to a halt.
The defender swallowed hard, her lips suddenly dry and her cheeks beginning to burn, turning a shade of red she couldn’t control. Leah tried to look away, but she seemed hypnotized by the sight of her new teammate. It was then that Y/n cleared her throat, and Leah blinked several times, as if waking from a dream.
"Everything alright, Captain?" Y/n asked, her voice still hoarse from recent sleep. She turned slowly, crossing her arms and tilting her head to the side, a playful smile on her lips. "Your face is a little red."
Leah felt her heart race, as if she had just run a marathon. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure, but she knew she had already been caught red-handed. And the worst—or perhaps the best—part was that Y/n seemed completely amused by the situation.
"I... I'm fine," Leah finally managed to say, her voice slightly higher-pitched than usual. "I just... didn’t expect to see anyone here so early."
Y/n let out a soft chuckle, a sound that sent a shiver down Leah’s spine. The midfielder stepped closer, passing by the captain with a lightness that seemed almost choreographed. Her eyes sparkled with amusement, and Leah couldn’t decide whether she wanted to run away or stay there forever.
Next time, try to be a little more subtle, Captain," Y/n murmured, her voice smooth as silk. "My eyes are up here."
Leah stood frozen, watching as Y/n grabbed her training shirt and put it on with a naturalness that left the defender even more breathless. When Y/n finally left the locker room, Leah let out the breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. She leaned against the wall, feeling her legs slightly shaky.
"What’s happening to me?" Leah thought, closing her eyes for a brief moment. She had already admitted to herself that she felt an attraction to Y/n from the first time she saw her train. The way Y/n moved on the field, her confidence, her easy smile—it had all left Leah completely fascinated. But now, that morning in the locker room, had brought everything to the surface in a way she wasn’t prepared for.
As Leah finally began to change, her mind couldn’t stop reliving the moment. She knew she needed to maintain professionalism—after all, they were teammates, and Y/n was the new signing. But something about that morning had changed, and Leah wasn’t sure if she knew how to handle it.
When Leah finally left the locker room, already dressed and ready for training, she saw Y/n on the field, warming up with a lightness that seemed to defy gravity. The captain took a deep breath, trying to focus on the task ahead. But deep down, she knew that morning wouldn’t be as ordinary as she had expected.
And maybe, just maybe, Leah didn’t want it to be.
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skipper1331 · 2 months ago
Crash // Alessia Russo
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Request: hey, could you please write some angst for alessia if possible.
a/n: hope u like it :))
warnings: car crash
"Where are you taking me?" Alessia grumbled with her arms crossed as she sat in the passengers seat, not amused by the fact that she sat in the passenger seat.
"You know, I don‘t like it when you drive" she added, her frown only deepening.
Playfully offended, you gasped, "are you saying I’m not a good driver?"
She turned to you, answering dead serious, "yes!" she crumbled under the glare she got in return, your raised eyebrow never a good sign "no" she mumbled, her fingers slowly interviewing with yours. "It‘s my job to drive you around, not the other way around" the striker continued to ramble about the situation while you just smiled to yourself.
Usually, Alessia was always sat behind the steering wheel, driving you to your destinations. And though, you were able to drive yourself (license in your wallet since years) the blonde insisted on driving you every time. She even drove you to appointments that didn't involve her, such as coffee dates with your friends or else. She loved driving and especially driving you around or you just seated in the passenger seat.
"But I’ve a surprise for you, so relax" you smiled, "you‘re even allowed to be dj" you grinned, the blonde always complaining that you wouldn’t even play one song of her choice.
"You‘ve got the passenger princess privileges, use them, love"
Alessia grumbled something before she connected her phone, her playlist starting to play. "You‘re lucky you‘re cute"
You had something really nice planned which she would definitely enjoy. Lately, everything has been stressful with your studies and all the exams that were coming up. And Lessi had shown nothing but love and support during this time, which is why you wanted to do something special as a thank you.
Everything was perfect so far, the blonde slowly accepting the fact that you sat behind the steering wheel instead of her, the conversation flowing easily as always until suddenly a car appeared out of nowhere, hitting your side with a force.
That’s the last thing you remember.
"Is she okay?" Alessia asked the medic with a raspy shaky voice, panic radiating of her body. She didn‘t know where you were. The ambulance left immediately with you, everything happening so fast. One second, she was telling you about the derby and in the other second, the car left the road and hit a tree.
"Ma‘am, you need to sit." The medic ordered as Alessia attempted to get up, hissing in pain. Her arm and shoulder hurt awfully, her face slightly bloody as it trickled down her forehead and nose.
"No! I need to know! She wasn‘t speaking, her eyes were closed! I- i don’t know"
The medics tried to calm her down the best they could, but it didn‘t help much.
After a short examination of her, the second ambulance left for the hospital.
In the hospital, Alessia went through several checks. Her arm was broken but thankfully it was a straight and simple fraction and nothing splintered. Her cuts were taken care of, only the large one on her forehead needing stitches. "You were very lucky" the doctor explained, also explaining the rest of her treatment and more. But Alessia couldn’t listen, all she could think about was you.
Are you alright? Are you alive? Where are you? What was happening?
"What about my wife? Is she alright? Please tell me she‘s alright" Alessia begged, tears streaming down her face.
Alessia sat next to your bed, holding your hand, praying that you would open your eyes. Just anything.
She sat there for hours, not leaving your side at all. Each time a nurse came in, the blonde wanted to know everything. What were they doing? What meant this sound or that? Are you getting better? Anything. The thought of you not waking up was terrifying her.
"Lessi, i think you should go for a walk. Grab a coffee and some fresh air" her mother ordered, sensing that her daughter was thinking too much, holding your hand tightly.
"I can’t" she replied, her eyes not leaving your face.
"Less, she‘s right. As soon as something happens, we‘ll tell you immediately. I promise" your mother joined the conversation now.
"Ok-ay" in trance she stood up, walking backwards to the door, her eyes not leaving yours until she was out of the room.
When Alessia came back, nothing had happened (she hadn‘t even been gone for 5 minutes) yet she was disappointed. This was her worst nightmare.
She wasn’t able to protect you.
You looked so vulnerable in the hospital bed, so fragile. It broke her heart.
In the evening, her mum and your mum said their good bye to the girl, promising to come back in the morning, Alessia still refusing to leave your side and to sleep at home. She couldn’t.
You needed her.
You woke up in a bright room, groaning in pain. Looking around, you saw Carol sitting on a chair, reading a magazine. "Hey, you’re up" the magazine was long forgotten as she was at your side, offering you some water.
"Less" you rasped. You fiddled with the duvet, memories flashing in front of your eyes.
"Stay" her mother ordered, already calling the nurse.
"Where‘s Lessi?" you cried in pain, scared and terrified.
"Love!" Alessia‘s eyes widened as she re-entered your room, only gone for a minute to use the bathroom. "You‘re awake" she was at your side in an instant, holding your hand and rapidly kissing it. The other hand trying her best to cradle your head with the cast, "how are you feeling?"
"I‘m so sorry" you cried, "your car" you sobbed.
"I don’t care about the car right now" she stated firmly, wiping away the tears.
"You love your Mercedes"
"I don’t care about that stupid car. You‘re awake!" her voice slightly raised by all the emotions she was feeling.
In that moment a nurse came in, checking all things before the doctor joined, explaining everything and the following steps.
Carol left after the medical team had gone out of the room, sensing that both of you needed a minute alone, calling your mother to let her know what the doctor said.
"I‘ll pay you back, i promise" you refused to look at her, ashamed that the one time you were driving of course something had to happen.
"Look at me, please" she pleaded, her voice breaking slightly. She hadn’t seen your open eyes in days and now you refused to look at her. She couldn’t handle it. The lack of you in the last few days had been awful for her and not knowing if you would ever wake up, had been more than terrifying. It was a feeling she wouldn’t want anybody to feel. This fear, the feeling of not being able to breathe, as if her chest was constricting with every movement. And then the thoughts. Mentally she couldn't find rest because she hoped, prayed and mourned. There were too many emotions at once and the strongest of them was the most unpredictable - love. What would you do out of love?
When you looked at her, you realized how scared she must have been the last few days.
"Please don‘t cry" you whispered as you saw the tears, the exhaustion on her face and her injuries, "i thought-" she hiccuped, all feelings bubbling to the surface.
"I love you, i don‘t care about the Mercedes, okay? All i care about is you and that you‘re alive. That‘s all that ever matters to me" her hands cupped your cheeks, crying even more.
"Come here" groaning in pain, you scooted to the side, "stop moving. what are you doing!" Lessi asked with wide eyes, panic in her expression.
"Come here, please" with the pout on your face, she just couldn’t say no. She needed this just as much as you did. You leaned against her, head resting on her shoulder as your hand held her shirt, seeking comfort in her touch.
"I‘m sorry for driving, i just wanted to do something special" you whispered, "i never wanted to get you hurt" you mumbled, scared, exhausted and still in pain after everything.
"No more of that. We can worry about everything later, right now i just need you close" she replied, her tightening her grip around you (not even to hurt you), slowly calming down.
You were alive.
You were in her arms.
You were alive.
She couldn’t care less about her car or about your surprise or literally anything else in this world.
All that mattered was you.
"I love you so so much."
Everything was going to be okay.
It was you and her against the world.
And she would support you on every step of the way of your recovery because that‘s what wives do. In sickness and in health just like she had promised.
Like the doctor said, "it‘s going to take its time but you‘ll fully recover" and that’s what Alessia held onto. Because sometimes the only thing that helps is hope. Alessia’s hopes and believes were stronger than her fears. Hope was stronger than any fear, especially when it came to the life of a loved one. Someone that was you. Someone who’s loved so deeply by Alessia and everyone around you. Your wife never gave up, never lost her hope and faith in you and your strength. Because if she had done so, she might had lost herself at the same time.
Love was unconditional and unpredictable - that‘s what made it special.
And Alessia truly did love you, more than anything in this world (and definitely more than her Mercedes)
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mapis-putellas · 2 months ago
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Lia tried not to let it bother her. Really, she did. But every time she watched Grace orbit around you like a lovesick puppy, it made her jaw clench just a little tighter.
It had started innocently enough when Grace joined the team. A new centre-back to partner you in Leah’s absence, someone young, eager, and determined to prove herself. That was fine. Good, even. Lia wanted Arsenal to be strong. She wanted you to have a solid partnership at the back. But then it became obvious that Grace’s admiration for you wasn’t just about football.
It was the way she always stood a little too close. The way she laughed at things you said that weren’t even remotely funny. The way she miraculously ended up next to you at every meal, every gym session, every bus ride. The way she touched your arm during conversations, like she had any right.
And you? You didn’t even notice. Completely and utterly oblivious.
It was actually Beth who called it first, nudging Lia during training one afternoon as you and Grace ran through defensive drills together.
“Someone’s got a little crush,” Beth murmured, smirking.
Lia huffed. “Ja. I noticed.”
Beth snorted. “Reckon you should be worried?”
Lia shot her a glare. “No.”
Beth laughed. “Alright, alright. Just checking.”
Later, in the changing room, Lia let out a frustrated sigh, flopping onto the bench next to Leah. “She follows her everywhere.”
Leah, busy untying her boots, glanced up. “Grace?”
Lia rolled her eyes. “Of course, Grace.”
Leah chuckled, shaking her head. “Mate, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Beth, sitting across from them, leaned forward. “She’s right. That one only has eyes for you.”
Lia groaned. “I know, I know. But it is still annoying. She touches her all the time. And she laughs too much.”
Beth grinned. “Laughs too much?”
“Yes,” Lia huffed. “She is not that funny.” You were, but only she was allowed to laugh at your jokes.
Leah patted Lia’s knee. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
Lia scowled. “I am not jealous.”
“Of course not,” Beth said, grinning. “You’re just… passionately observant.”
Lia muttered something in German under her breath that made Beth burst out laughing.
Then came match day. It was a tough game, one where you’d been throwing your body into challenges left and right, unwilling to let anything past you. Lia had always admired that about you, the way you played with so much heart. But sometimes, your bravery made her stomach twist with worry.
And then it happened.
One bad landing. One sickening crack.
Lia’s heart stopped as you crumpled to the ground, clutching your ankle. She was up off the bench in an instant, watching as the medics ran onto the pitch. Your face was contorted in pain, and Lia could see the way you were trying not to cry.
“Scheisse,” Lia muttered, pressing her hands to her temples.
Beth was next to her, squeezing her arm. “She’ll be okay.”
Lia barely heard her. All she could do was watch as you were stretchered off, disappearing down the tunnel.
The rest of the match was a blur. Arsenal won, but Lia couldn’t have cared less. The second the final whistle blew, she was up, grabbing her stuff and heading straight for the hospital.
She wasn’t the only one with that idea.
When she arrived, still in her training gear, she was met with an unwelcome sight; Grace. Sitting at your bedside like she belonged there, her hand dangerously close to yours.
Lia’s hands clenched into fists. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm. Then she stepped into the room.
Just as she did, your eyes fluttered open, hazy from the pain meds, and Lia’s heart clenched at how small you looked in the hospital bed. But before she could say anything, your voice, slurred and dreamy, broke the silence.
Grace stiffened. Lia smirked.
“Ja, schatz,” she murmured, stepping forward.
You turned your head toward the sound of her voice, your pupils blown wide. Then you grinned, reaching out clumsily. “Hi baby cakes.”
Lia’s brows shot up, and Beth would never let her live down the way her ears went pink.
Grace looked like she’d swallowed a lemon. “I-I just came to check on her.”
Lia crossed her arms. “No need. I am here now.”
Grace swallowed. “I was just-“
“You need to stop,” Lia cut in, her tone sharp. “She is taken. And you need to stop following her around like a lost puppy.”
Grace’s face went red, her mouth opening and closing like she wanted to argue but couldn’t find the words. Lia didn’t give her the chance.
“She is mine,” Lia said, her accent thick with emotion. “And she does not even see you like that.”
Grace exhaled sharply, looking away. After a long moment, she muttered, “I’m sorry,” before quickly excusing herself from the room.
Lia barely spared her a glance, already turning her attention back to you. You, meanwhile, were still grinning at her like she was the best thing you’d ever seen.
“Sexy Swiss,” you whispered, giggling.
Lia sighed, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed. “How much pain medicine did they give you?”
You blinked at her. “Dunno.” Then, suddenly, your eyes filled with tears. “I missed you.”
Lia softened instantly. She reached out, brushing your hair back gently. “I am here now, liebling.”
You sniffled, reaching for her clumsily. “C’mere.”
Lia chuckled, carefully shifting and leaning down so you could wrap your arms around her. You clung to her like she was your lifeline, mumbling something about how good she smelled as you buried your face into her neck.
She pressed a soft kiss to your temple, her heart full. “Ich liebe dich,” she whispered.
You hummed, already half-asleep again. “Love you too, sexy Swiss.”
@ceesimz @marysfics @girlgenius1111 @codiemarin @simp4panos @silentwolfsstuff @goldenempyrean @xxnaiaxx @liloandstitchstan @ktgoodmorning @chelseacult
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mapiforpresident · 4 months ago
"You really have three babies growing in there, I need to start making more money" alessia Russo
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alessia x reader
It had been a long journey. A journey full of anticipation, hope, and a lot of patience. The kind of patience that only people who’ve been through multiple rounds of IVF truly understand. You and Alessia had been together since your college days at UNC, where you met during your first practice. Fast-forward to now, you were married, both playing for Arsenal, and building a life together.
The news of your pregnancy had come a couple weeks ago, and it was almost surreal. The weeks of waiting for results, the endless uncertainty, the longing for something more, and then, finally, that beautiful moment when you saw the two pink lines on the test. You’d both cried—tears of joy, relief, and even disbelief. The doctor’s office had felt like a whole new world when you heard those words: “You’re pregnant.” You both had been holding your breath, praying for this moment.
But today was something even more monumental. Today was the first scan. You’d been counting down the days, feeling a blend of excitement and nervousness building up inside you.
You and Alessia had been in and out of doctors' offices together, and though she had always been supportive and excited for you both, you could sense the difference today. She was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, her hands running through her hair, trying to calm her nerves. She couldn’t stop glancing at her watch as though time would speed up if she willed it enough.
"Less, you’re going to wear a hole in that floor if you keep pacing like that,” you teased with a smile, nudging her shoulder as you sat down on one of the chairs, trying to settle your own anxious thoughts.
She let out a small laugh but still couldn’t help herself. “I’m just… nervous, you know? It’s our first scan, babe. What if there’s something wrong?”
You reached out and took her hand in yours, squeezing it reassuringly. “Everything’s going to be fine. You know how much I’ve wanted this, how much we’ve wanted this. We’re in good hands.”
Alessia paused for a moment, her eyes softening as she looked at you. “I know. I just… I want this to be everything we dreamed of, you know?”
You smiled, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from her face. “We’ve got this, Less. All of it.”
As soon as the nurse called your name, you stood up, your hand still tightly clutching hers. The scan room was calm and sterile, with the soft hum of machines in the background. Alessia moved close to you, not letting go of your hand for a second.
“Okay, let’s take a look,” the sonographer said as she began applying the gel on your belly. “This will be a little cold, but it won’t take long.”
You flinched at the cold gel, but Alessia’s hand on yours steadied you, and you leaned back against the bed, your eyes locked with hers. She was staring at you, her expression a mix of awe and anxiety, and you could tell she was trying to hold it together.
"Ready?" the sonographer asked with a smile, looking up from the screen.
You nodded, your heart racing as you waited for the image to appear.
The room was silent for a moment as the screen came to life, and then the sonographer's voice broke through the quiet.
“Well, it looks like we have three little ones in there,” she said, her voice filled with warmth. “You’re having triplets.”
Alessia froze, her eyes widening, and you could feel your breath catch in your throat. Triplets?
“Wait… three?” you managed to choke out, glancing at the screen where three tiny dots were visible, all of them moving, all of them so incredibly small. You looked up at Alessia, who was still staring at the screen, her jaw dropped.
"Three..." Alessia repeated, her voice barely a whisper.
The sonographer nodded with a smile. “You really have three babies growing in there. Congratulations.” She decided to give the two of you a couple minutes alone to process the information an stepped out of the room.
The words hung in the air, and for a second, neither of you said anything. Three babies. It was everything you had ever wanted, and more. Your head was spinning. You could see Alessia’s expression shifting from shock to sheer joy, her eyes tearing up as she reached over to squeeze your hand tighter.
“This is… this is unreal,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “We’re going to need a bigger house.”
You smiled through the daze, your heart fluttering. “Yeah, and maybe a bigger car too,” you joked, trying to lighten the overwhelming wave of emotions crashing over both of you.
Alessia turned to you with wide eyes, her lips curling into a grin that reached all the way to her eyes. “Oh my god, we have three babies, babe.” She laughed lightly, almost nervously, but it was clear she was trying to wrap her mind around it, just as you were.
You laughed too, your hand still on your stomach, the reality of the situation slowly sinking in. “I really need to start making more money,” you said, the words escaping before you could think about it. “Maybe I should work on my endorsement deals or get another sponsorship.”
Alessia raised an eyebrow, slowly starting to break through her shock. “Three babies, huh? Well, I guess I’d better stop spending all my money on shoes, then.”
“You’re not allowed to spend a penny until we figure out how to pay for all this,” you teased back, and she threw you a mock glare.
“What are we going to do with all these babies?” she asked, laughing softly.
You chuckled, both of you caught in the absurdity of the situation, “I guess we’ll just take it one day at a time,” you said, squeezing her hand tighter. “We’ve been through everything together—college, football, marriage. And now… we get to be parents. Together.”
Alessia nodded, her eyes brimming with tears now, but her smile never faltering. “Together,” she echoed softly, looking at the image of your babies she now held in her hands.
Leave a tip here. Not required at all and I still will write requests without it, but they are greatly appreciated and these requests are guaranteed in 2-3 days.
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trulyhblue · 1 year ago
Bf Leah being wound up after a bad game and takes control. Smut pls!!!!
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leah williamson x chelsea! reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, humiliation, dom/sub dynamics, age gap (legal + consensual), hate sex, enemies w/ benefits, rough, coarse language.
Part of you wondered how long it would take Leah to take you home. There was not an ounce of blue in her body, taken only by the lifelong allegiance to North London, but the thought of you, a blue-born Chelsea girl, taking up the space under her sheets, was addictive.
Chelsea were the better team. Always was, and always will be. The Blues were better at everything. Their players were more advanced, their game plans had been executed to perfection. Arsenal were sloppy, poor, and unjust. It was embarrassing to the point where it stood out as entertaining to you. Seeing the almighty, reigning Arsenal fall on their knees and succumb to the superiority of your team was endearing, and you found yourself searching for the thrill increasingly more as the game progressed.
And the sight of the woman you hated oh so much angered by the defeated notion of the final whistle was your idea of an indescribable victory.
“What a shame, Williamson.” You snagged, clutching the fabric at your hips, looking down at her bent figure. “I thought you’d play well.”
“Ah, it is you.” She replied with just as much spite. “I thought I saw someone falling flat on their face. Makes sense now that I know it was you.”
You smirked, folding your arms over your chest. “Yeah, tried to show my humility… y’know, after scoring two goals tonight I thought it was only necessary.”
Leah scoffed, straightening her posture to display her authoritative height over you. “Both off deflections… sounds brilliant.”
“Player of the match worthy.” You bit back, stepping forward, pressing your chest against hers, suppressing the heat in your face. “Don't worry, I’ll make sure to credit your own goal in the interview.”
“Always have an excuse to talk about me. Can't stop, can you?”
“Is that what you think of me?”
“I don't think of you.” Leah shook her head, grabbing the hem of your shorts and fiddling with them persistently. “But if I did, I’d be sure to let you know.”
“If only I cared enough to hear it.” You tutted, not really caring about the openness of your situation. The stadium was still quite full, with both of your teammates lingering on the field. Fans were banking the barricade, no doubt looking for the two of you.
“I could tell you now if you’d like.”
“Aw, are you thinking of me now, Williamson?”
You felt Leah’s hand move to the inside of your thigh, pressing a tight pinch to gain any type of reaction from you. Biting your lip, you hoped that the post-game redness covered your blush.
“I bet you love the thought of people watching this, don't you?” She asked, glaring at you with such hatred that her words felt bittersweet. “Always so desperate for attention that you’d do it in front of everyone. Fucking needy.”
“You’re the one touching me.” In anger, you snapped. You didn't like the way Leah seemed so confident, so right in what she was saying. You wanted to be right. You were the one who won it for your team. You were better than her. She needed to realise that.
The only separation between the two of you was by your arms crossed over your chest. Leah was drawing furious patterns along your thigh, pressed up against you with her face above you, your height earning her to look down.
“Pull away then.” She uttered, now pulling you into a hug. You knew this would send fans into a spiral. Everybody knew about your rivalry with Leah. It was evident in the tackles, the cards, the teams, the games, the interactions. This was unclaimed territory. You had both teased each other after the games. There was always fire and spite, anger and resentment, but never contact. She told you to pull away, and by the tension that lingered, if you did she would let you have there was something else there. You felt it between your legs, running down your spine, making your core yearn.
It was in the way she kept her hand in between your thighs, deepening her fingers just below where you needed her most. She held you tight, closing any physical gap, forcing your arms to circle her waist as she wrapped her spare arm around the name on the back of your shoulders. You don't know why, but you held her back just as tight, breathing heavily when she started moving her fingers upwards.
“So tense.” She spat, rubbing your shoulder.
You shook her arm off, keeping the contact but still resistant. “I pulled it at training, of course it is.”
“Wasn't talking about your shoulder, baby.” She chuckled, her voice sending goosebumps down your neck. “In those thighs. Clenching them so hard and I'm hardly touching ‘em.”
That was when you knew your cheeks were burning.
There was a hint of humiliation in your tone, but your anger was still prevalent. “I didn't even notice your hand.”
“Yeah, alright.” Williamson grinned, pulling away. You felt the cold air nip your cheeks at the sudden loss of contact. Her fingers were no longer soothing the ache in between your legs. “Alright, baby, no, all that flushed cheeks from the big game, hm? Breathing so heavily cause you scored two goals, is that you’re so wet for me?”
“I’m not— you're so—”
Leah stepped away again, and you were too stupid to step forward in response. “God, is that what you're gonna sound like in the interview? You a mess, Baby, really. All flustered and red.”
“I'm not red.” You snapped. “And stop calling me baby. You're only four years older than me.”
Leah could see straight through you. “But you love that though.” She saw straight past your visible persona. “Why don't you show me how mature you are then? Can't call you baby if you prove that you're not.” She could tell by your flustered state, your wide eyes and your tainted disposition that you were struggling to handle the conversation.
“I don't need to prove anything to you. I just won the match. That's enough to prove that I'm better anyway.”
“But you needed help to get there, didn't you?” She retorted. “It’s not your name on the score sheet, it's mine. Look,” she pointed up to the screen, almost condescendingly, above the stands, where WILLIAMSON (OG) was printed boldly in white below the score. “All that hard work and I still get the mention.”
There was a fight for dominance, but the fight was so clearly won when you audibly gulped, unable to come up with just enough answer to compel yourself into a deeper state of anger. If anything, you were willing to resort to forbidding, but you were stubborn and bled blue.
“You’re just mad that you lost and we won. Chelsea was always better anyway, and you were just too slow… bet that's always the case.”
Leah’s jaw clicked, her lips settling into a thin line.
“In what case?” She muttered distinctly.
“You know what case.” You failed to notice the challenge, finding yourself in a superior position of confidence to realise the hole you were digging for yourself. “Slow and boring… on and off the pitch. You definitely get around, but you never seem to see one person twice. Maybe that's because they don't want to see you.”
Leah grabbed your wrist, yanking you off the field. It was a tradition that you would see the fans after every game, so you tugged back in retaliation.
She pivoted to face you, glaring at you with so much affliction that you yearned for more.
“You seem really interested in how I ‘get around’. Sounds like you wish it was you.”
No matter how hard your body was willing to succumb to her words, you stood firm by scoffing, rolling your eyes at her cockiness. “If only I was so desperate.”
“I’ll show you just how desperate I can get you.” The captain spat, holding your forearm now, easily leading you further down the tunnel where fans or players could no longer find you. “Didn't even properly touch you before and you were a needy mess.”
“You’re always so fucking sure of yourself, aren't you, Williamson?” You snapped back, hearing the clad of your boots fail to drown out your ungrateful tone. You did not care for what Leah was so keen to impress you with. Never had anyone told you that Leah did not impress. She was determined to make sure everyone was supplied with the right things for their needs. She valued giving pleasure over receiving. But if there was one thing she hated, it was brats like you.
You stood outside the Chelsea changing rooms, your kit still adorned on your figure.
“Go get your shit.” She snarled, letting go of your arm and jabbing you forward.
You scoffed, stopping dead in your tracks. “And what? You're gonna wait for me and drop me home? I have a license, Williamson, I'm not your fucking—”
You couldn't finish your rant, yelping when Leah cut you off, grabbing the collar of your shirt and mashing her lips against yours. One of her legs found its way between yours, her knee pushing against your core. A moan fell from your lips, and the woman wasted no time in slipping her tongue in, caging your figure between you and the wall.
She waited until you were kissing her back before grabbing your neck. She instantly moved down to litter harsh kisses down the nape of your neck, using her hands to move underneath your shirt, massaging your breasts. You were a mess beneath her, breathing heavily when the pressure on your clit intensified when her knee started rubbing patterns up and down.
“Swear at me again and see how it turns out for you.” She muttered in your ear, relishing the whines that fell from your lips as her knee continued its work. “If I tell you to grab your bag, that's what you do, yeah? You understand, Chelsea?”
The nickname left you shrinking, her words making your core glisten. You weren't completely sure whether the Arsenal girl was planning on taking you home. You didn't understand why you were all of a sudden pretty much moaning at the friction of her knee.
But you weren't fucking complaining.
“My teammates are in there.”
Leah let out a laugh. “You had no problem letting me touch you in a filled Stanford Bridge, Babygirl. I think it’d be healthy if your teammates realised who fucks their Stargirl after a home game.”
“You haven't fucked me, yet.” Your cheeks flushed a deep crimson, the thought of the England captain fucking you sending you into a spiral.
“Go get your bag and then I can use that pretty mouth for something other than moaning my last name… not that I mind when you do that.”
You wasted no time in doing as you were told, forever thankful that all of your teammates were either still interacting with fans or showering. You grabbed all of your stuff and quickly followed Leah over to the away changing rooms.
She let you walk through, since none of the girls were present, grabbing your belongings and chucking them inside her cubby. You felt her figure cage you back into the nearest wall, her hands how playing with the hem of your shirt, inching it further up your waist until it was completely disregarded, and you were left in your sports bra and shorts.
“Why so quiet?” Leah asked, kissing down the column of your neck, fondling your breasts. You sighed at the growing ache in your core, throwing your head back when Leah’s knee came back into contact with your clit.
“Some— someone’s going to walk in.”
Leah snorted. “Like you would mind.”
You huffed, grabbing the back of her neck and pushing her head further down your body. Leah’s knee stopped in return, leaving you writhing at the loss of pressure.
“Use your words or you can get off yourself.”
“Like you could get me off.” You retorted.
“I don't make brats cum.” She spat, moving back up to tower over you. “I edge them until they’re desperate and getting themself off my thigh. I treat them like brats, and maybe you need to work a little fucking harder for what you want.”
“You were just teasing me!”
“You're just desperate.”
“Leah.” There it was. Music to her ears.
You whined, using your hips to drag yourself along her knee.
“What was that, Baby? Couldn't hear you under all those whines.”
“Leah, c’mon.” You stated potently, getting more impatient by the minute. “I'm not begging.”
The number six shrugged, looking down at you with wide, innocent eyes like she had no clue what you were going on about. Like she didn't even realise that you were humping her leg longing for some relief.
“Begging for what?” She moved her finger painstakingly down your chest, tracing your abs ever so slowly.
“For you.”
“For me?” She questioned, feigning confusion. Her hand dipped into the waistband of your shorts, circling your clit over your underwear. “Answer me, Darling. What do you want me to do? I'm touching you.”
“Touch me more.”
Leah tutted, moving her hand away. You groaned, throwing your head back when no pleasure was offered. “I'm afraid that's not how you ask. It might get you somewhere at Chelsea, but at Arsenal, we treat our Captains with respect. Even our star girls use their manners in the North end.”
“Touch me more, please.”
“Where, Chelsea?” Leah moved closer to you, peeling off her own shirt, removing your shorts, leaving you in your underwear and bra. “Be a good girl and tell me where.” She asked, her body lowering itself closer to the ground. You watched her kneel before you, hands gripping your waist, kneading your hips, lips biting your inner thigh.
“My clit, Lee, please. I need you to touch me there.”
“Such a good girl for your Captain, aren't you?” Leah ran her tongue along your folds, your underwear pooled at your feet. Your legs were swung over her shoulders, your hands buried in her hair, pulling taunt to her ponytail and the hairs that had fallen out during the game. Your moans were still muffled by the bite in your lips, the nerves of someone hearing your desperation for your enemy is still evident in the way you kept your mouth shut.
It was when Leah’s tongue latched onto your clit, sucking harshly on the swollen bud that your noises fell so adamantly from your reddened lips. You felt Leah’s cocky smile, her chuckles sending vibrations of pleasure through your body.
“Sound so pretty, Baby.”
“Leah— fuck, Lee. I'm gonna—”
“You’re going to hold it. Taste so good, you can wait.”
The coil in your stomach was forming long before Leah had even started, and the more Leah attacked your bud, the more your orgasm led to burst. Your moans had doubled in volume when one of her hands came up to play with your nipple, pinching it and playing with the nub every time her tongue licked up your folds. Her other hand worked its way through your pussy, spreading your slick all over your thighs, letting it run down your shaking legs and make your skin glisten with the glossy arousal.
“Want Stanford to hear you,” Leah spoke from below you. You whined at the thought. You were in a state of pure bliss that all cautionary thoughts of interruption were so far gone. All you could think about was Leah’s face between your legs.
“Feels so good, Lee. Want to cum so bad for you.”
“You can hold it, baby.”
“Mh, Lee, please.”
Leah moaned at your whines, nuzzling her nose up against your clit, pinching your nipple hard, reeling at the moan you let out in response. She saw the way your hole clenched around nothing, smirking at the way you rolled your hips across her face, working your pussy into her mouth so easily. She felt powerful knowing she had you at her disposal. You were stunning always, but there was something about you now that set Leah off. It made her angry knowing that you weren't hers to fuck at her discretion. It made her protective over you in ways she had never felt before. You were Chelsea’s protege — everyone worried when going up against you.
It wasn't like something had changed, but Leah had realised that her hate was actually protection and adoration. She wanted you for herself. She wanted to steer you away from anyone that would hurt you. She hated Chelsea, she despised the West side more than anything, and it wasn't the sex that made her realise this.
It was her name coming from your lips.
“Cum for me, Baby.”
That was all you needed to hear before you were barreling over the edge, your legs relying entirely on the strength of Leah’s upper body to keep you balanced. Your moans exemplified the stimulation of your orgasm riding out, and Leah’s endeavours to lick the result of it up as it poured into her mouth and onto your thighs.
The woman made sure you had somewhat caught your breath before she moved, having a moment to catch her own breath and comprehend what just happened. When she knew you were able to stand independently, she moved over to her cubby, grabbing the baby wipes she always had handy, moving back down to her knees to clean the mess across your legs as you covered your chest back with your jersey, and later your shorts.
Leah moved to do the same, except she watched as you fumbled with what to do. She gave you a pointed look as if to question your thinking, and you simply sighed and waddled over to her, slight humiliation at your wobbly legs painting your cheeks as you grabbed your bag.
“You all good, Baby?” She asked, her voice no longer authoritative and rather empathetic.
“Yeah, thanks.” You nodded. “Erm… sorry for being… rude… actually I'm not sorry but I am.”
“Yeah, same,” Leah replied a cheeky grin settled on her complexion. “I think we can settle for friendly rivalry from now on.”
“If that's what you call this, then sure.” You added, laughing along with what to make of the situation, feeling more out of place than ever in the middle of the Arsenal room. “I better go.”
“I’ll drive you home.”
“Lee, I've got my license—”
“It wasn't a question, Chelsea.”
You stood there defeated, knowing internally that you had no way home after Millie had driven you to the stadium and would have left by now anyway. Leah must’ve known that by the way she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her chest.
“Besides, wouldn't want that Player of The Match Trophy getting forgotten now, would we?”
A/N — bad ending but oh well… HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!
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wosospacegirl · 24 days ago
Sweet girl - Alessia Russo (+18)
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Summary: Request-> Alessia and Y/n have a quicky in the morning after an argument and Alessia is late for training. Good thing Y/n has a motorcycle.
Warnings: +18!!!; smut; little bit of angst (happy ending); fingering alessia receiving.
Word count: 2.8k
Alessia was the sweetest girl you could ever meet in your life. She was caring, kind and gentle; sometimes she was too kind to people who didn't deserve it. Everyone who met Alessia fell in love with her right away, that’s how joyful she was.
Y/n often used the words ‘soft’ and ‘tender’ to describe Alessia’s personality as well. Sadly for Y/n, none of these qualities were shining through in her girlfriend at the moment.
Alessia’s week had been a mess– two days of splitting headaches, her period had ended days ago but she still felt bloated and sensitive. All of this affected her training, and therefore her performance in Arsenal's last game. As a result, the team lost 2-1 to Liverpool.
Y/n tried very hard to explain to Alessia that the defeat was caused by the whole team, not just her, but she was upset and wouldn’t listen. Whether Arsenal won or lost, it was never the fault of one player. Alessia knew this, of course, but she was upset nonetheless.
It was one of those days when frustration would linger around her and no one could take Alessia away from it. The match had been three days ago, but she was still upset about it, and an upset Alessia was rude Alessia.
“I just don't understand why you didn't buy the eggs when I asked you to!” Alessia said, slamming the fridge door. “You always forget to buy the groceries, and then I'm late for training because there's nothing to eat!”
Alessia was standing in the middle of the kitchen, wearing Arsenal’s training kit, her blonde hair was down her back, and she had a hair tie on her wrist. She had to be at practice soon, and it looked like that was Y/n’s problem, too.
Y/n listened to Alessia’s complaints as she sipped her morning coffee, sketchbook in hand, drawing tattoo designs for a client.
Y/n prided herself on being a decent girlfriend– she tried to look after Alessia as best as she could. The couple had been together for two years, so Y/n had been by Alessia’s side through a series of injuries, wins and losses.
It was hard to be an athlete's partner; their life was always full of adrenaline, and they were always busy with national and international chronograms.
Alessia was very mindful, considering she wasn’t dating someone from the football world, but unfortunately, when Alessia was frustrated, she seemed to forget that Y/n had a real life outside of being her girlfriend.
Y/n was a tattoo artist. She had opened her own tattoo studio in a corner of North London years ago. Alessia and Y/n had met after the player came into the shop wanting a tattoo on her feet; after their meet-cute, they’d become inseparable.
Y/n took a sip of the black coffee, the rich and bitter aroma filling her nose. Coffee always helped to calm her down, and she certainly needed to be calm, as it was early in the morning and Alessia was looking for a reason to argue.
Y/n sighed and put down the cup in her hand. “Baby, you were the one who had the car this week.” 8 am, it was 8 am and they were talking about fucking eggs. “And Lamar got sick, so I had to take in his clients.”
“I know, but I had a lot going on so I asked you to pick the eggs up,” Alessia said, clenching fists resting on either side of her body.
“And I said I couldn't because I was overbooked with customers, love.” Y/n leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. “How about I make you a fruit salad? We have strawberries and blueberries; I can make you something to eat.”
“I don't want fruit, I want an omelette! I always have an omelette in the morning. Alessia groaned and rolled her eyes. Am I supposed to keep up during training today?”
“Alessia, come on, baby–”
“No! This whole week had been shitty and you’re not even helping me!” Alessia continued to carpet.
And that made it for Y/n.
Y/n stood up. “Room, now.” Was all she said before disappearing into the hallway next to the kitchen.
The girl opened the bedroom door and sat down at the end of the bed with her legs spread open. She heard footsteps in the hallway and soon after Alessia entered the room.
“Come here,” Y/n beckoned to Alessia.
“You haven’t been very nice to me the last few days, have you?”
“No” Alessia shook her head.
“And why is that?” Y/n asked. “Look at me, sweet, I'm talking to you.”
“Sorry. I told you I haven’t had a good week,” she mumbled, playing with her hand. Embarrassment radiating from her.
“I understand you’ve had a bad week, what I don't understand is why you’re going out of your way to make sureneither of us can have a good day today.”
Y/n had always been a very straightforward person. She didn't like drama or didn't like unnecessary arguments. If she could fix something, she would. Since Y/n had earned the autonomy to do whatever she wanted in life she focused on opening her tattoo shop.
At the moment, Skin Deep Studio was her pride and joy. Y/n treated the studio with respect and expected Alessia to do the same, just as she did with Alessia’s career.
“I told you I had clients from 9 am to 9 pm, didn't I?” Y/n continued, her eyes fixed on Alessia. “Did you expect me to cancel on them? Especially knowing that they were booked months ago?”
Alessia listened to Y/n, tears slowly forming in her eyes. “You told me you had clients. I’m sorry.”
“You weren’t being very considerate with me,” Y/n explained reassuringly. “You know it’s not fair to ask me to drop everything to go out and do something you want me to do, I’m busy too.”
Y/n wiped a tear from Alessia’s cheek, “I'm just very stressed with everything,” Alessia cried.
The footballer put her legs on Y/n’s lap and rested her head on Y/n’s shoulder.
“There's this big game this week and I can't seem to play it right.” She continued. “But I shouldn't be mean to you just because I'm stressed. I'm very sorry.”
“It's okay, sweetheart,” Y/n said, hugging Alessia's body. “Just talk to me next time, yeah? You always talk to me. I don't know why you didn't this time.”
“I don't know either,” Alessia admitted, breathing in and out slowly, she was calming down bit by bit.
Y/n kissed her cheek, feeling the saltiness of Alessia’s tears on her lips. “It’s alright, just breathe…f do you feel better now?”
Alessia smiled shyly and nodded her head. “Thank you, I love you,” Alessia said before kissing Y/n's mouth.
The kiss was gentle at first, but it quickly became intense.
Alessia slid her tongue into Y/n's mouth. Her hands were on Y/n's shoulder, trying to balance herself while the other girl put her hands on Alessia's lower back, trying to pull Alessia closer.
“I missed kissing you like this,” Alessia said, placing soft kisses on Y/n's neck. “I missed it a lot.
Y/n squeezed Alessia’s hips. “If you hadn’t been so moody this week, we could have kissed a lot sooner.” Y/n said teasingly, holding Alessia’s hips so that she was straddling her.
“Sorry,” Alessia whispered, slowly beginning to grind herself against Y/n's black trousers.
“Is that why you were so grumpy too? You wanted some kisses and didn't know how to ask for them?” Y/n asked, scratching Alessia’s back.
“I think so,” Alessia agreed, rubbing harder, trying to create some friction.
Y/n cupped Alessia's cheek and kissed hard, tugging at the girl's shorts.
“Take them off,” Y/n said against Alessia’s mouth.
“We can't love, I have training” Alessia whispered, still moving her body against Y/n. “And I'm already late.”
“I’ll be quick, just wanna make you cum,”
Alessia blushed deeply. She was always very shy with dirty talk, So Y/n always lowered it down as much as she could.
“Come on, get up,” Y/n tapped her body, urging the girl to stand up, and she did.
Alessia stood in front of Y/n, who quickly pulled her shorts down. The blonde girl was now standing in only her underwear and Arsenal t-shirt.
What a sight.
“So pretty,” Y/n murmured, kissing Alessia's chin, then her cheeks and finally pressing her lip to her mouth. “I want you to ride my fingers, do you think you can do that? Be quick?
“Yes,” Alessia moaned.
Y/n slipped one finger inside Alessia’s soaked underwear “You're gonna cum real nice because you are already so wet, baby,” Y/n said as she sat further away from the bed, to give Alessia more room to get into position.
Alessia already knew what she had to do. She placed her knees on the mattress, each one next to Y/n’s body. The blonde met Y/n's lips and moaned into her mouth as Y/n pulled her underwear aside and gently played with her clit.
“I’m gonna put them in, yeah?” Y/n said, gently playing with Alessia’s hole before penetrating her with two fingers. “Feels nice?”
Alessia purred in her ear, telling her all she needed to know.
“Ride my fingers, baby,” Y/n told Alessia, easing the girl down until her fingers were properly buried inside her pussy.
“Like that, just like that,” Alessia moaned, sinking deeper and deeper into Y/n’s fingers.
Y/n loved watching Alessia being fucked. She was always so sweet when she wanted to cum, so good. Knowing she was the one doing it made her chest rise with pride. She was the only one to touch this pretty girl, the one responsible for her sweet sounds. They shared another kiss, this one was messier, and Alessia was getting eager.
“I need you to cum, love” Y/n whispered to Alessia, pushing her hips down and dictating the pace. “Or else we’ll be late.”
“Al-almost,” Alessia whispered with her eyes closed.
“Yeah? My love is going to make a mess on my fingers just before she has to go to play?” Y/n said teasingly, sucking on Alessia’s neck, but not enough to leave a mark behind. “Come on, let go for me.”
Alessia leaned forward as she came, losing control of her torso; her lips brushing Y/n’s ear. Alessia wasn’t vocal when she came, instead, she was silent, her mouth remaining open for a few seconds as her body trembled with bliss.
Y/n tenderly ran her fingers through Alessia’s blonde hair with her free hand, letting her come down on her own without rushing.
“I’m gonna take them out, okay baby?”
Alessia nodded, resting her head on Y/n’s shoulder as the girl lifted her hips. Y/n pulled her fingers out of Alessia’s warmth and cleaned them against the blanket on the bed.
“Wow, I’m very dizzy,” Alessia breathed, shifting her body and cradling Y/n.
Y/n chuckled, and kissed her cheeks “Is that because of the orgasm or because you haven’t had your omelette yet, huh?”
Alessia nudged Y/n, a shy smile in her eyes. “Stop it, I’m not the same person I was ten minutes ago.”
“Of course, you aren’t,” Y/n hugged Alessia. “My sweet girlfriend is back, now.”
Y/n playfully peppered Alessias’s face with kisses while the girl giggled, squirming against Y/n’s body whenever Y/n kissed a particularly ticklish part of her.
“Okay, okay,” Y/n said, planting another kiss on Alessia’s chin. “I’ll get you cleaned up and I’ll drop you off at training on my way to the tattoo studio, how does that sound?”
Alessia’s eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about training, too absorbed in the bubble of love they had created.
“Bloody hell, I'm going to be so late,” Alessia gasped, as she broke free of Y/n’s grip and ran to her bathroom, Y/n was close behind.
When Y/n got to the bathroom, Alessia was in front of the mirror trying to fix her hair so she didn’t look like she’d had sex with her girlfriend when she should have been at work.
“Renée’s gonna make me do suicide drills just for the fun of it.” The blonde complained, pulling her hair into a messy ponytail. “She hates it when one of us is late– do you think that’s a Dutch thing?”
“Probably, they do enjoy punctuality in the Netherlands,” Y/n said, handing Alessia’s short back. The girl put it on quickly and started brushing her teeth. Y/n gently pushed Alessia to the side so that she could use the sink too.
“Okay, I think I'm good,” Alessia said more to herself, looking at her reflection in the mirror and fixing an unruly strand of hair. “What do you think? Do I look like a mess?”
She and Y/n made eye contact through the mirror. “You look pretty,” Y/n said with a grin, making Alessia blush. “Now let’s go, I'm gonna get our helmets.”
Alessia stopped in her tracks. “Helmets? What do you mean? We’re using my car today.”
“Nope, we’re using the motorcycle.” Y/n pushed Alessia gently out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
“No, we aren't,” Alessia stated, turning around to look at Y/n.
Alessia wasn’t terrified of Y/n’s motorcycle, she genuinely thought it was cool. She just didn't like being the one to ride it.
“Baby, you have to be at Arsenal in…” Y/n looked at her watch, “...six minutes, do you think London’s traffic will allow that?”
Alessia thought for a moment, arms crossed. “ Hmph. Alright,. Well, I don’t have much choice,” she said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Whatever, let’s go,” she added, grabbing her training bag while Y/n picked up the helmets.
“I won’t go too fast,” Y/n said, putting an arm around Alessia’s waist as they walked out the door. “Just enough to get you there in time without Renée biting your head off.”
“You know I need to breathe to ride, right?” Y/n said as they rode through the streets on London, rain pouring down on their riding jackets. Yes, her riding jackets because Y/n had bought one for Alessias as well.
Alessia clung to Y/n, her head pressed against Y/n’s back.
“I’m scared,” Alessia murmured, barely audible over the wind.
“Why baby? I’m a good biker.”
“Too fast,” was all Alessia could manage.
Y/n had already slowed down to a safer speed, but she let the motorcycle ease down even more. “There, how’s that? Better?”
“Uhun, thank you,” Alessa finally breathed, loosening her grip but still holding onto Y/n’s hips gently.
Alessia had a love-hate relationship with Y/n’s motorcycle. She liked it because Y/n liked it, and she knew it was almost like a lifestyle to her girlfriend. But sometimes, in her deepest thoughts, she wished Y/n would sell it. Alessia was just too anxious whenever Y/n rode it, afraid of a possible accident.
The motorcycle was undeniably cool and honestly, Y/n looked hot when she wore the black leather jacket that came with it. Alessia just wasn’t cut out for this lifestyle. That’s why she preferred her car–more safety, less wind.
When they finally arrived at Arsenal’s training grounds, Alessia got off the motorcycle, and handed her helmet to Y/n, feeling dizzy.
“You okay?” Y/n asked, catching Alessia’s arm. “You’re green.”
“I honestly think I’m gonna throw up,”
“No you’re not, it was an eight-minute ride,” Y/n smiled softly as she opened the motorcycle trunk and grabbed Alessia’s bag.
“Eight minutes was long enough,”
“You’ll have to ride with me more than that, get used to it,” Y/n leaned against the motorcycle and checked her watch. “Your training’s starting, you should go, baby.”
Alessia moved closer to Y/n and kissed her. “Thanks, love, I appreciate the ride, even though I think my insides are turned upside down.”
“Thank you, It’s always a pleasure to have a pretty girl bear-hugging me while I ride,” Y/n winked. “Also, let me know when you get your lunch break. We can get something to eat around here.”
“Okay,” Alessia smiled. “Will you pick me up when the training is over?”
“Yep, I can do that.”
“Can you take the car, though?” Alessia asked, giving Y/n her best doe eyes.
“Please? The feeling of having something around you when you drive is nicer than having wind scratching on your face”
“We’ll have to agree to disagree there, love,” Y/n said, putting her helmet back on, and sitting down on the bike. “I’ll grab the car and pick you up.”
“I love you,”
“I know.”
Notes: Please like, share and let me know what you think! Feedback is important and makes me want to write even more. :D
Notes//2: my smut writing is shitty.
Read more of my work here -> Masterlist
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gpcwsl · 2 months ago
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Leah Williamson x Reader
- Complete mess -
WC: 7.4k
Warnings: long, kissing.
(Sorry for putting Leah as Captain for Arsenal, I know it’s Kimmy and I love Kim. Just for this Fiction, okay?)
The crisp afternoon air feels refreshing as you step onto the park path, your scarf wrapped snugly around your neck. It’s rare that you get a few hours to yourself, but with your mum looking after Ellie for the afternoon, you finally have a moment to breathe. You love your daughter more than anything, but between teaching, parenting, and making sure she never feels the absence of her father, you’re exhausted. A walk is exactly what you need.
You take a deep breath, allowing the cool air to clear your mind. The park is bustling, families with children running around, people walking their dogs, groups of friends chatting. You slip your hands into your coat pockets, lost in thought, when—
You collide with someone, stumbling back slightly. Strong hands reach out to steady you, and when you look up, you find yourself face to face with none other than Leah Williamson.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, eyes widening. “You’re—”
Leah chuckles, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “Yeah, sorry about that. Wasn’t paying attention.”
You shake your head, still in slight disbelief. “No, it’s fine. My fault too, I wasn’t really looking where I was going.”
She smiles, and that’s when you notice she’s not alone. Behind her stand a few more familiar faces—some of the Arsenal women’s team. Beth Mead, Katie McCabe, and Caitlin Foord, all chatting amongst themselves but now watching the interaction with curiosity.
“You alright?” Leah asks, her gaze soft as she takes in your expression.
You nod quickly. “Yeah, just… a little surprised. I didn’t expect to bump into Arsenal’s captain on my walk.”
Leah grins. “Well, we were just grabbing a coffee before training. You a football fan?”
You let out a small laugh. “Yeah, actually. I teach, so I don’t always get to watch live, but my daughter and I love the game.”
At the mention of your daughter, Leah’s expression shifts slightly—interest flickering in her eyes. “You have a daughter?”
You nod. “Ellie. She’s seven. My parents are watching her for a few hours, so I thought I’d take a walk.”
Leah tilts her head. “That’s nice. Must be busy juggling work and parenting.”
You smile wryly. “That’s an understatement.”
Before Leah can respond, Katie steps closer, nudging her with her elbow. “You gonna introduce us, or are we just standing here like weirdos?”
Leah rolls her eyes but turns back to you. “This is Katie, Beth, and Caitlin.”
You greet them, feeling slightly overwhelmed but also oddly comfortable. They’re just normal people—albeit incredibly talented ones.
“You should come to a match sometime,” Beth suggests. “Bring Ellie. If she likes football, she’d love it.”
Leah nods in agreement. “Yeah, we can sort something out. Maybe even a little meet-and-greet after.”
Your heart warms at the thought. “That would be amazing. She’d be over the moon.”
Leah smiles, her gaze lingering on you for a second longer than necessary before she shifts, glancing back at the others. “We should probably get going, but it was nice bumping into you. Literally.”
You laugh. “Yeah, you too.”
As they walk away, Leah turns back one last time. “Hey—maybe I’ll see you around?”
You don’t miss the hopeful tone in her voice.
“Maybe,” you say, a small smile playing on your lips.
And for the first time in a long while, something stirs in your chest—something that feels an awful lot like excitement.
With a lingering smile on your lips, you watch Leah and the rest of the Arsenal team walk away before exhaling a quiet breath. That was unexpected. You weren’t exactly the kind of person to bump into football stars on your afternoon walks. Yet, there you were, brushing shoulders with Leah Williamson like it was nothing.
You shake your head, trying to push away the fluttering feeling in your stomach. It’s been a while since anyone made you feel like that—since anyone looked at you the way Leah did, even if it was just for a moment.
Still, you have time to yourself, and you intend to make the most of it. Your stomach rumbles slightly, reminding you that you hadn’t eaten much today. Glancing around, you spot a cozy-looking café on the corner. It seems inviting, with warm lighting and a few people inside, chatting over coffee and pastries.
Without hesitation, you head inside.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wraps around you like a comforting embrace. You walk up to the counter, scanning the menu, before ordering a simple meal and a latte. As you wait, you feel the weight of a gaze on you—multiple, actually.
Unbeknownst to you, across the café, a certain group of footballers had chosen a table near the window. Leah, who had insisted they sit there in the first place, is completely distracted, her eyes fixed on you.
Katie notices first. “Alright, Leah, what’s with the staring?”
Leah blinks, as if she didn’t even realize she had been so obvious. She turns to her teammates, a slightly dazed expression on her face. “Did you see her?” she asks, as if it’s the most important question in the world.
Caitlin raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, mate. You literally ran into her.”
Leah shakes her head, leaning forward slightly. “No, but did you see her?”
Beth smirks, sipping her coffee. “You’re gonna have to be more specific, Captain.”
Leah exhales, running a hand through her hair. “Her eyes—did you see them? They’re unreal. And her features—like, how does someone look that effortlessly gorgeous? It’s unfair.”
Katie and Caitlin exchange amused glances.
“And her voice,” Leah continues, barely stopping for breath. “It’s so soft, but there’s something about it… like, I could listen to her talk all day. She just—” She sighs dramatically, shaking her head.
Beth snickers. “You’re actually down bad already.”
“I’m not—” Leah starts, but even she knows it’s a lie. She glances back at you, watching as you take your coffee and meal to a small table by the window, oblivious to the attention you’re getting. The way you tuck your hair behind your ear, the way your lips curl slightly when you take a sip of your drink—it’s all making Leah feel something she hadn’t expected.
Katie nudges her. “You should go talk to her again.”
Leah scoffs, though there’s a faint pink tint to her cheeks. “And say what? ‘Hey, I know we just met, but I think you might actually be the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen’?”
Caitlin laughs. “Honestly, that might work.”
Beth shrugs. “Or, you know, you could just casually bump into her again. Since you’re so good at that.”
Leah rolls her eyes but doesn’t look away from you.
Because as much as she pretends otherwise, she already knows—this isn’t the last time she wants to see you.
You take a slow sip of your latte, letting the warmth settle inside you. It’s been a while since you’ve had a moment like this—just you, a quiet café, and no responsibilities tugging at your sleeve. But something tingles at the back of your mind, a feeling like you’re being watched.
Curious, you glance up, letting your gaze drift around the café. That’s when you spot them.
Leah and her teammates.
All of them are at a table near the window, and while Beth, Katie, and Caitlin are watching with amused grins, Leah is different. She’s frozen, eyes locked onto yours, a slight deer-in-headlights look on her face.
For a moment, you’re caught off guard. Then, unable to help yourself, you offer a small wave, just a polite acknowledgment before turning back to your food.
Leah, however, doesn’t recover so quickly.
The second you wave, her entire body tenses. Then, as if her brain has only just caught up, her face flushes—deeply. She abruptly looks away, running a hand through her hair as if that will somehow cool down the sudden heat rushing to her face.
“Oh my God,” Katie cackles, nearly choking on her drink. “Leah. You’re actually blushing.”
Beth leans in, grinning. “That was so cute. She caught you staring, and instead of playing it cool, you turned into a human tomato.”
Leah exhales sharply, pressing her hands to her face for a second before dropping them. “Shut up.”
Caitlin smirks. “Breathe, mate. You’re looking a little overwhelmed there.”
Leah straightens, taking a deep breath as if it’ll help. It doesn’t. “I was not staring.”
Beth raises an eyebrow. “Right, and I’m not sitting here watching you have a full meltdown because she waved at you.”
Leah groans, resting her elbow on the table and dropping her face into her hand. “I hate you all.”
Leah peeks through her fingers, sneaking another glance in your direction. You’re focused on your food again, seemingly unbothered, but Leah’s mind is still spinning.
“She’s just…” Leah exhales, still pink in the face. “Really beautiful.”
Beth grins. “Yeah, we got that part.”
Caitlin nudges Leah’s foot under the table. “You gonna talk to her, or just keep embarrassing yourself from a distance?”
Leah huffs but doesn’t answer right away. Instead, she watches you, a small, almost shy smile creeping onto her lips.
Because, if she’s being honest, she’s already hoping for another chance to speak to you again.
The café is warm, but you know it’s time to go. You glance at your phone, checking the time. Still a little while before you need to pick up Ellie, but you’d rather take your time walking back.
Standing up, the chair scrapes loudly against the floor, breaking the quiet hum of conversation. Across the room, Leah looks up immediately, as if instinctively drawn to the sound. Her eyes track your movements as you push the chair back into place, gather your things, and head toward the bin in the corner to dispose of your rubbish.
And yet, without even trying, you do things that make Leah’s brain short-circuit.
The way you tuck your hair behind your ear while holding your bag. The casual way your fingers glide along the strap as you adjust it on your shoulder. The soft sigh you let out—like you’re lost in thought, unaware of the effect you’re having on her.
Leah swallows hard. God, she’s actually unreal.
Beth notices the way Leah is practically enchanted by you and smirks. She glances at Katie and Caitlin, exchanging a silent agreement before—
Leah stumbles forward, nearly tripping over her own feet as she’s quite literally pushed in your direction.
“What the—” she starts, whipping her head back to glare at them, but it’s too late.
You’re already by the door, and now she’s standing right behind you.
You pause, sensing someone close, and turn—only to find Leah Williamson, cheeks slightly pink, looking… nervous?
You blink, surprised. “Leah?”
Leah clears her throat, forcing herself to hold eye contact despite the absolute chaos inside her head. “Uh—hi.”
You tilt your head slightly, amused. “Hi?”
Behind her, Beth is barely containing her laughter. Katie is grinning like an idiot. Caitlin is watching like this is the best entertainment she’s had in weeks.
Leah is so out of her depth. The fearless, confident player who commands the pitch like it’s her second home? She’s gone. What remains is a flustered, slightly panicked woman who desperately wants to get this right.
“I, um…” Leah rubs the back of her neck, eyes darting everywhere but at you. “I was just wondering if—uh—” She exhales sharply, shaking her head at herself. “Okay, this is embarrassing.”
You chuckle softly, and the sound makes Leah’s stomach do something weird.
“You okay there?” you ask, smiling, completely unaware of the absolute mess you’re making of her.
Leah straightens, trying to compose herself. “Yeah. Yeah, I just…” She takes a deep breath. Come on, Williamson, get it together.
She meets your eyes—God, those eyes—and blurts out, “Can I have your number?”
It’s not smooth. It’s not charming. In fact, it’s probably the most awkward she’s ever been.
But instead of laughing at her, you seem pleasantly surprised. “Oh,” you say, lips curling in a way that makes Leah’s brain melt. “Yeah, sure.”
She blinks. “Wait, really?”
You laugh again, pulling out your phone. “Yes, really.”
Leah quickly fumbles for her own phone, hands slightly shaky as she hands it to you. You type in your number, saving it before passing it back.
“There,” you say. “Now you can awkwardly text me later too.”
Leah groans, covering her face with her hand for a second. “I am never living this down.”
“Nope,” you tease, stepping back toward the door. “But it was cute.”
Leah nearly dies on the spot.
Beth, Katie, and Caitlin are losing their minds in the background, but Leah doesn’t care. Because you just called her cute.
As you push open the door, you glance back at her one last time. “Talk soon, Leah.”
And with that, you’re gone, leaving Leah standing there, heart pounding, phone clutched in her hand like it’s the most valuable thing she owns.
Katie claps her on the back. “Well, that was painful to watch.”
Beth smirks. “But adorable.”
Caitlin sips her coffee. “She totally likes you.”
Leah barely hears them. She’s too busy staring at your name in her contacts, already smiling like an idiot.
Hours later, you find yourself back at your parents’ house. The warmth of home surrounds you—the comforting hum of the kettle boiling, the faint scent of whatever your mum is preparing for dinner, and the familiar laughter of Ellie as she plays with her granddad.
Ellie, of course, doesn’t want to leave just yet.
“Can I stay a little longer, Mum?” she asks, her big, hopeful eyes looking up at you. “Granddad said he might take me to the park!”
You glance toward your dad, who grins and nods. “I did promise, didn’t I?”
You chuckle, ruffling Ellie’s hair. “Alright, but don’t keep him running around too much.”
“No promises!” Ellie grins before grabbing her granddad’s hand and dragging him toward the door. “Come on, Granddad!”
Your mum shakes her head fondly, wiping her hands on a dish towel. “That child has too much energy.”
“I wonder where she gets it from,” you tease, but your mum just waves you off.
You step forward. “I can help with dinner if you want?”
Your mum scoffs, gently pushing you toward the living room. “Absolutely not. You had a break today—enjoy it.”
You sigh but smile nonetheless. “Alright, alright.”
With that, you make your way to the couch, sinking into the cushions with a satisfied exhale. It’s nice to just… sit for a moment.
Then, your phone buzzes.
You glance down at it, unlocking the screen, and your lips twitch at the name that appears.
Leah Williamson.
There’s something about the way the text is structured—the slightly uneven spacing, the hesitation in her words—that tells you one thing immediately: she’s nervous.
Leah: Hey… um, so I know I was kinda awkward earlier. Like, really awkward. But I swear I’m usually a lot cooler than that. Okay, maybe not ‘cool,’ but, like… not a complete mess. I just—ugh. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is… hi? How’s your evening?
You bite your lip to suppress a laugh. You can see her overthinking, can imagine her running a hand through her hair while sending this.
Smiling to yourself, you type out a reply.
You: Hi, Leah :) My evening’s been good. Back at my parents’ house. My daughter wanted to stay with them a little longer. Also… you were cute earlier, if that helps your ‘not a complete mess’ argument.
The response is immediate.
Leah: Oh my God, you’re actually trying to kill me.
You grin, feeling an unexpected warmth spread in your chest.
This was going to be fun.
Leah stares at her phone, rereading your last message for what has to be the fifth time.
Cute. You called her cute.
She exhales sharply, running a hand down her face before gripping her phone tighter. Get it together, Williamson.
The first few texts were rough. She was fully prepared for Beth, Katie, or Caitlin to somehow get a hold of her phone and roast her for them later. But now? Now, she’s finally found a rhythm.
Still flustered as hell, still nervous, but at least she’s stopped typing and deleting every message five times before sending it.
Leah: You can’t just say stuff like that. It’s dangerous.
You: Dangerous?
Leah: Yes. Extremely. I could’ve dropped my phone. Or walked into a wall. Life-threatening, really.
She barely has a second to breathe before you respond.
You: Maybe I should warn you next time then? “Hey Leah, I’m about to say something that’ll make you spiral. Brace yourself.”
Leah groans, flopping back onto her bed. She’s grinning like an idiot, and she knows it.
Leah: Yes, please. That would be helpful. I have a fragile heart.
You: I feel like that’s a lie. You don’t seem fragile at all.
Leah huffs out a quiet laugh. If only you knew.
Leah: You might be surprised.
She hesitates for a second before adding:
Leah: I’m glad you texted me back, though.
Her heart beats a little faster as she waits for your reply.
You: Of course I did. I was hoping you’d text me first.
Leah swears her brain short-circuits.
She doesn’t hesitate this time.
Leah: Yeah?
You: Yeah :)
She exhales, running a hand through her hair, a satisfied smile tugging at her lips.
Maybe this wasn’t so terrifying after all.
You’ve been texting Leah for almost an hour now, and honestly? You’re having way too much fun. You never imagined a simple conversation could make you smile like this, but here you are, grinning at your phone like a teenager with a crush.
It’s easy to forget the world around you when the text bubble from Leah pops up with each new message, each one a bit bolder than the last. The earlier awkwardness is fading—Leah’s still a little nervous, but her messages are smoother now, more confident.
But before you can respond, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching from the front door, followed by Ellie’s excited voice.
“We’re back, Mum!”
You glance up, blinking a little as you pull yourself back from the text conversation.
Ellie runs into the living room, her cheeks flushed from the cool air and the excitement of the park. Your dad follows, grinning and shaking his head at her.
“Had a good time?” you ask, watching as Ellie practically bounces on her toes.
“The best! Granddad showed me how to climb the big tree!” Ellie exclaims, her face beaming.
You smile and ruffle her hair. “That sounds fun. Now, how about we get dinner started?”
Ellie groans dramatically, though it’s clear she’s still got energy to burn. “Do I have to? I want to go out again.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Dinner first. Then we’ll talk about anything else.”
Your dad chuckles, heading into the kitchen to help your mum. The house feels like it’s settling back into its rhythm, and you can’t help but feel content.
But then, you glance at your phone again. Leah’s name still lights up the screen, and the conversation has slowed to a lull, almost like she’s waiting for you to say something.
With a sigh, you tap out a message, knowing you should wrap it up.
You: I have to go now, Leah. Dinner’s on the table and I’m needed. But I’ll talk to you soon, okay?
A few seconds pass, and you can practically hear Leah’s internal panic.
Leah: Yeah, of course. Enjoy dinner with your family. And, uh… we’ll talk soon, yeah?
You can’t help but smile.
You: Definitely. Take care, Leah.
Leah: You too. Talk soon.
You put your phone down, a small sigh escaping you as you settle back into the present moment. It’s strange how something so simple—just texting someone—could make you feel this way. But you already know one thing for sure: this won’t be the last time you hear from Leah. And you’re definitely looking forward to what comes next.
Leah stares at her phone, her heart still racing slightly. She can’t help but giggle to herself, her fingers hovering over the screen as she rereads your last message for the third time.
Talk soon.
The simple phrase should be innocent enough, but coming from you… it feels like a promise. She’s not sure why, but there’s something about the way you text her that makes everything feel like it matters a little more than it probably should.
She leans back against her pillows, a soft smile still plastered on her face, completely oblivious to the teasing going on in the background.
“I swear, you’re like a giddy schoolgirl,” Beth says, watching her from across the room with a raised eyebrow.
Leah rolls her eyes, but the smile doesn’t fade. “I’m not. I’m just—” She stammers, trying to form an excuse, but there’s no way around it. “Okay, fine. Maybe I am.”
Katie grins. “I knew it. You’ve totally got a crush on her, don’t you?”
Leah feels the warmth in her cheeks as she presses her phone against her face, hiding the full extent of her embarrassment. “It’s not like that,” she mutters, though even she knows it’s a total lie.
But then she thinks back to your texts, the way you’d signed off with that little “talk soon,” and her heart flutters all over again. She lets out a soft sigh, giggling to herself.
Maybe she was a little giddy.
“Alright, alright,” Beth teases. “We get it. You’re smitten.”
Leah gives them both a pointed glare, but it’s half-hearted. She can’t help it. They’re right.
“I don’t even care,” Leah says, still smiling. “I like her. Is that such a crime?”
Katie shakes her head, amusement dancing in her eyes. “Nope. Not a crime at all.”
Leah can’t wipe the grin off her face as she types another message to you, letting her nerves settle. She’s still a little unsure of where this might go, but for the first time in a long time, she’s excited about the possibilities.
Leah: Talk soon, yeah? And just so you know… you’ve definitely got me smiling.
As she hits send, she can’t help but giggle again, imagining what your response might be. For once, she’s not afraid of the unknown. Instead, she’s looking forward to it.
The next morning, after a quick breakfast, you find yourself in the car, driving Ellie to school. Her excitement from the park yesterday still hasn’t worn off, and she chatters away in the passenger seat, recounting every detail of her adventure with her granddad.
“Granddad said we could go next week, too!” Ellie says with a grin, glancing at you.
You chuckle. “Sounds like a good plan. Just don’t climb too many trees, okay? I don’t want to be picking you up from the nurse’s office again.”
Ellie rolls her eyes but laughs, knowing full well that’s not a likely scenario.
Once you drop Ellie off at the school gate, you wave her off and watch as she runs to meet her friends. As she disappears inside, you take a moment to breathe. The school has exams today, which means you have the day off from work—something you haven’t had in a while.
You lean back in the car, considering your options for the day. A part of you wonders if you should just enjoy the quiet, catch up on some errands, maybe even grab a coffee or read a book. But then, your phone buzzes in your pocket.
You pull it out and unlock the screen, instantly seeing the message you received from Leah last night. Talk soon, yeah? And just so you know… you’ve definitely got me smiling.
You smile at the memory of the conversation.
Without much hesitation, you open the messaging app and start typing, wondering if Leah might be free for a bit of company today.
You: Hey, Leah. I’ve got the day off—are you free, or are you training?
You wait for a few seconds, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel. You’re not sure what you’re expecting—maybe she’s busy, maybe she’ll be all tied up with team obligations. But when the little three dots appear and then her message comes through, you feel a flutter of excitement in your chest.
Leah: I’m actually free! No training today. Got a couple of hours before I have to meet up with the team later.
You pause for a second, the words feeling lighter than they did yesterday, as if there’s less uncertainty now.
You: Nice. Want to grab a coffee or something?
It doesn’t take long before Leah replies.
Leah: Yes! I know a place we can go. I’ll send you the address in a sec. Can’t wait to see you again.
You can’t help but smile, a warmth spreading through you. It’s subtle, but you can tell there’s a shift, a little more ease in her words now.
You: Looking forward to it.
You quickly put your phone down, starting the car and making your way to the café Leah suggested. The thought of spending time with her—after everything, after the teasing, the conversations—is something you find yourself looking forward to more than you realized.
You arrive at the café Leah suggested, a cozy spot tucked away in a quieter part of town. As you step inside, your eyes scan the room until they land on her—Leah, sitting at a small table by the window. She’s already a little red in the face, her posture a mix of confidence and a touch of uncertainty. As soon as she sees you, her face lights up, and she stands up quickly, almost knocking over her coffee in the process.
“Hey!” she greets, her voice a little higher than usual, but her smile is warm. “I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” you reply with a grin, walking over to her table.
She pulls out the chair for you, and you sit down, feeling an odd combination of nervousness and excitement. There’s something about being with Leah in person that makes the butterflies in your stomach take flight. The small talk you had yesterday feels like a world away.
“So, you like this place?” Leah asks, trying to keep things light but you can tell she’s still a little on edge.
You nod, glancing around at the cozy atmosphere. “Yeah, it’s cute. I’ve passed it a few times, but never had the chance to stop in.”
“Good choice then,” Leah says, her fingers tapping nervously on her coffee cup. “I… uh… ordered for you already. Hope you don’t mind. I guessed cappuccino, but I could’ve gotten it wrong.”
You smile. “No, you guessed right. I’m a fan of cappuccinos.”
Leah visibly relaxes, the tension easing from her shoulders. She takes a deep breath and glances at you, still shy but with more confidence than before.
“So, tell me about Ellie,” Leah says, her voice soft. “She must be… well, she must be everything to you.”
You smile fondly, thinking of Ellie. “Yeah, she is. She’s smart, sassy, and always keeping me on my toes. She’s my little partner in crime.”
Leah’s smile is sincere. “I can tell you’re close. It’s nice, having that kind of bond.”
You nod. “Family’s everything, you know? It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.”
Leah looks down at her coffee, as if pondering something. “I can understand that. My family… well, we’re kind of scattered. My dad and I haven’t been close in years. I guess you could say I’m not the best at family stuff.” (I know Leah is very close with her family just pretend for this okay, thanks.)
You tilt your head, curious. “Do you want to talk about it? If you’re comfortable, of course.”
Leah hesitates for a moment, then shakes her head lightly. “Maybe not yet. It’s just… complicated, I guess.”
You nod, understanding. “I get that. Family can be messy sometimes.”
There’s a pause, a soft silence between you as you both sip your coffee. But then, Leah seems to gather her thoughts, her eyes meeting yours with a playful glint.
“So,” she begins, shifting in her seat, “if you don’t mind me asking… are you seeing anyone right now?”
The question catches you off guard for a moment. It’s casual enough, but there’s a hint of curiosity in Leah’s voice. You take a moment before answering, trying to gauge the vibe between you.
“No,” you answer with a smile. “I’m not seeing anyone. It’s been a while, actually. And I’ve been focused on Ellie more than anything.”
Leah’s eyes brighten a little, but she quickly hides her reaction behind a sip of her coffee. “Same here,” she admits, her tone a little more guarded. “I mean, I’ve been focused on football and… well, you know, the team. But I guess, it’s… it’s hard sometimes. Being single, I mean.”
You raise an eyebrow, a little surprised. “Really? I would’ve thought someone like you wouldn’t have a hard time with that.”
Leah chuckles, her cheeks flushing slightly. “You’d think, right? But it’s not always as easy as it looks.”
There’s an awkward pause, but this time it feels less tense. Instead, it’s more like you’re both getting to know each other in a way that feels… real.
Leah shifts again, leaning forward just a little. “So… if you don’t mind me asking, do you think I’m… I don’t know, someone you’d want to see again? Not that I’m trying to put any pressure on you or anything, just… curious.”
You smile, feeling the warmth of her vulnerability. “I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing you again, Leah.”
Her eyes widen slightly, as if she wasn’t expecting you to say that. Then, she laughs, a bit of nervous energy spilling out. “Good. Because, um, I think I’d like that too.”
You both sit there for a moment, letting the quiet settle between you. Leah seems more comfortable now, more herself. And for the first time, you realize that this might not just be a casual coffee between two people who bumped into each other. It feels like the beginning of something… something you both are unsure about, but excited to explore.
As the conversation slows, Leah seems to hesitate for a moment, like she’s considering something. Then, with a soft exhale, she looks at you with a hint of a playful smile.
“So… I was thinking,” she starts, her voice a little more tentative than before. “If you’re up for it, we could go back to mine and watch a movie. I mean, if you don’t have anything else planned?”
You smile, intrigued by the idea. “That sounds nice. I’d like that.”
Leah’s face lights up, and she gestures toward the door, clearly relieved. “Great! It’s not much, but it’s home.”
The two of you step outside, and after a short drive, you find yourselves at Leah’s house. It’s quieter here, tucked away in a suburban neighborhood that feels worlds away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Leah unlocks the door, and you follow her inside, your eyes scanning the cozy living room. The faint scent of coffee and something sweet fills the air.
She tosses her keys onto the side table and looks over at you. “Make yourself comfortable,” she says, pointing to the couch. “I’ll grab some snacks.”
You sit down, the soft cushions sinking under you as you take in the space. It’s simple, but warm. Homey, in a way. You pull your legs up on the couch, settling into the corner.
Leah returns with a bowl of popcorn, a couple of drinks, and a small grin on her face. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I grabbed a little bit of everything.”
You smile as she hands you a drink. “Thanks. This is perfect.”
Leah starts the movie, something lighthearted and funny, the kind of film that makes you laugh without needing to think too much. For a while, you’re both just immersed in the movie, the sound of laughter filling the space. But as the film progresses, you feel a subtle shift in the air between you two.
You shift slightly on the couch, unconsciously leaning toward Leah. Without realizing it, you end up curling up a little closer to her, your head resting lightly on her shoulder. You can feel the warmth radiating from her body, her presence somehow grounding and comforting. It feels natural—nothing too forward, just two people getting lost in the moment.
Leah freezes for a split second, then lets out a soft breath. You don’t notice at first, too wrapped up in the movie and the closeness, but then you feel her tense up. You glance up at her, only to find her staring ahead at the screen, but her cheeks are flushed, and her grip on the popcorn bowl has loosened just a little.
You smile to yourself, unaware of how much of an effect you’re having on her. The weight of your head resting against her shoulder seems to be making her a mess—her breathing slightly heavier, her hand shaking as it hovers near the popcorn. She’s trying to focus on the movie, but it’s clear she’s struggling to keep herself together.
You let out a small sigh of contentment, still feeling relaxed and at ease in her presence. But Leah, on the other hand, seems to be quietly losing her composure. Her heart races under the calm exterior she’s desperately trying to maintain.
At one point, she pauses the movie, the silence between you two becoming more palpable.
“Are you… okay?” you ask softly, not fully aware of what you might have done to make her so flustered.
Leah lets out a shaky laugh, her voice lower than usual. “Yeah. Just… didn’t expect you to cuddle in like that.”
You blink, surprised by her reaction. “Oh. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I—”
“No!” Leah quickly interrupts, her hands raised in reassurance. “No, it’s not that. It’s just… you have no idea what you’re doing to me right now.”
You can’t help but laugh a little, feeling a rush of warmth flood your chest at her honesty. “I’m just… relaxing,” you say, trying to brush it off casually.
But Leah is anything but relaxed. She glances down at you, her eyes soft but filled with something more intense now. She swallows hard, as if trying to calm her racing thoughts.
“Well,” she says slowly, almost like she’s testing the waters, “just so you know… if you keep doing that… you might just make me completely lose it.”
You raise an eyebrow at her words, still blissfully unaware of how deeply you’ve affected her. But the playful glint in her eyes makes your heart skip a beat. You never expected to have this kind of effect on her, but here you are—both of you caught in a moment that neither of you seem ready to pull away from.
You don’t move away, instead, just relaxing deeper into her side, the movie playing on in the background, but the space between you both has shifted. It’s no longer just a casual hangout. It’s something else.
The movie ends, and the credits start to roll, but the atmosphere between us feels like it’s suspended in time. My heart is racing, but I’m trying to keep it together. The moment you cuddled up to me on the couch, I knew I was in trouble. Every inch of my body is on fire, my mind clouded with thoughts of you—of how close you are, how effortlessly comfortable you make me feel, even when I’m a complete mess inside.
I glance at the clock, and my heart sinks a little. It’s almost time to pick up Ellie.
You stretch out slightly, moving away from me just a little as you let out a soft sigh. “I should probably go,” you say, your voice calm, but I can hear the hint of reluctance in it, too.
I nod, trying to ignore the fact that the thought of you leaving is… well, it makes my chest tighten. “Yeah, I guess it’s getting late.”
We both stand up, and I walk you to the door, each step feeling heavier than the last. The closer we get to the door, the more aware I am of how close we are, of how my heart won’t stop pounding in my chest. I can feel the heat radiating from you, and it makes my mind spin.
I reach for the door handle, but when I look over at you, it’s like the world slows down. You’re standing there, looking at me, but there’s something different in your eyes—a softness, a warmth. And I feel it. The pull. The connection.
We’re standing so close now, and I can’t help but notice the way your breath catches just slightly, your chest rising and falling with each breath, just like mine. The tension is thick in the air, and I can feel it in every inch of my body. I don’t know what to do, but I can’t stop myself from feeling drawn to you.
I bite my lip nervously, my eyes flicking from your lips to your eyes, trying to figure out if I’m reading this right. “So…” I say, my voice barely above a whisper, “What do you want to do now?”
You don’t answer right away. Instead, there’s a moment of silence, where everything else fades away. Then, before I can even process it, you step closer, your eyes locked on mine.
And just like that, you lean in.
Your lips press softly against mine, the kiss gentle at first, as if testing the waters. But then, it deepens, just a little, and I feel the spark. I’m frozen for a split second, completely caught off guard by how natural it feels, how perfectly your lips fit against mine.
It’s a long kiss, one that feels like it’s suspended in time, each second stretching on, lingering in a way that makes my heart race even faster. I can feel the warmth of your body, the slight pressure of your hands, your scent filling my senses, and suddenly nothing else matters.
When we finally pull away, we both stand there, breathless. My pulse is pounding, my chest heaving. For a second, I’m too stunned to speak, too caught up in what just happened. The kiss wasn’t just a fleeting thing—it was something real, something more than either of us had expected.
You smile softly at me, and I can’t help but smile back, feeling the same warmth that’s been radiating between us all afternoon.
“Wow,” I whisper, my voice still a little shaky. “That… that was…” I trail off, still a little stunned by what just happened.
You grin, your eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and something else—something I can’t quite place. “Yeah. I guess I wanted to do that for a while.”
I chuckle softly, still not fully processing everything. “Well, I’m glad you did.”
As I watch you turn to leave, I can’t help but feel a sense of longing. Something’s shifted between us, and I don’t know where this is going, but for the first time in a while, I don’t feel scared about it.
I stand in the doorway, watching you go, my heart still racing in my chest. What just happened felt like the beginning of something, and I can’t wait to see where it leads.
After training, your phone buzzes with a message from Leah. Her text is simple yet carries a weight of unspoken words:
“Hey, would love to spend more time with you today. Are you free?”
A smile tugs at your lips as you read her message. The connection between you two has been undeniable, and the thought of spending more time together fills you with warmth.
You quickly type a response:
“I’d love that. Let me check with my parents to see if they can look after Ellie.”
You call your parents, explaining the situation. They agree to take care of Ellie for the day, though you sense a hint of curiosity in their voices. They don’t press further, but you can tell they’re a bit suspicious.
With everything set, you head over to Leah’s house. As you arrive, she greets you with a warm smile, her eyes lighting up at the sight of you.
Inside, you both settle into the kitchen, the familiar scent of coffee and something sweet in the air. The conversation flows easily, laughter and shared stories filling the space between you.
After a few minutes, Leah’s demeanor shifts. She becomes a bit more reserved, her eyes occasionally meeting yours before quickly looking away. You notice her hands fidgeting with the edge of her sleeve, a subtle sign of her nervousness.
Sensing her hesitation, you decide to bridge the gap. You gently reach out, placing your hand over hers. Her breath catches, and she looks up at you, her eyes searching yours for reassurance.
With a soft smile, you lean in, closing the distance between you. Leah’s eyes flutter closed as your lips meet in a gentle kiss. The world seems to pause around you, the only sound being the soft rhythm of your breathing.
As the kiss deepens, you feel a surge of emotion, a connection that feels both new and familiar. Leah’s hands find their way to your waist, pulling you closer, and you respond in kind, your arms wrapping around her.
The kiss is tender yet filled with unspoken promises, a silent acknowledgment of the bond you’re beginning to explore together. When you finally pull away, both of you are breathless, a shared smile playing on your lips.
Leah rests her forehead against yours, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” she admits, her cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and vulnerability.
You chuckle softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “Me too,” you reply, your heart swelling with affection.
As you stand there, wrapped in each other’s arms, you realize that this is just the beginning of something beautiful. The future feels uncertain, but with Leah by your side, you’re ready to face whatever comes next.
It’s been a few weeks since that first kiss, and every moment with you feels like a dream I never want to wake up from. Our time together has been filled with laughter, shared stories, and a connection that feels deeper than anything I’ve ever experienced. But there’s something I’ve been holding back, something I can’t keep to myself any longer.
We’re sitting on the couch in my living room, a movie playing softly in the background, though neither of us is paying much attention. Your head rests on my shoulder, and I can feel the steady rhythm of your breathing. I gently brush a strand of hair from your face, my fingers lingering on your skin.
“Hey,” I say softly, my voice barely above a whisper.
You look up at me, your eyes warm and inviting. “Yeah?”
I take a deep breath, gathering my courage. “I… I’ve been thinking about us. About how much you mean to me. And I don’t want to keep pretending that I’m not completely in love with you.”
Your eyes widen slightly, and I can see the surprise and joy in them. You sit up, turning to face me fully. “Leah…”
I reach for your hand, holding it gently in mine. “I know we’ve been taking things slow, and I don’t want to rush anything. But I can’t imagine my life without you in it. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is… will you be my girlfriend?”
A smile spreads across your face, and your eyes sparkle with happiness. “Yes,” you say, your voice filled with emotion. “Yes, I will.”
I pull you into a tight embrace, my heart swelling with happiness. “I promise I’ll make you the happiest person alive,” I whisper.
You pull back slightly, looking into my eyes. “You already do,” you reply, your voice filled with sincerity.
We share a tender kiss, sealing the promise of our future together.
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enwoso · 2 months ago
Hellooo could you maybe write Alessia Russo x Reader
Where r is the new signing and Alessia simps for r and then Alessia finds out that they have to share a room for the pre season in the US
And there is just like this weird and sexual tension for the whole stay (you can make it smut if you want to but you can dicide and if your comfortable but if you do so could you please make Alessia dom)
SHARED SPACES | alessia russo
i uh may have got a little too carried away with this one, hence it being 5.1k words… but enjoy the slow burn😉
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masterlist | contains slightly suggestive content!
you’d been at arsenal less than a month and were already the talk of the team. you were a shock move in the summer months of the transfer window — a one the media nor your teammates had expected.
you'd been happy at your former club of manchester city but you wanted a change, a challenge, a new environment.
you carried yourself with confidence and ease which is what set you apart from other players. you didn't like the attention all you wanted to was just play football.
alessia however couldn't seem to carry herself at all whenever you were around. from the first team meeting, your presence had thrown alessia askew.
your bright smile and effortless charm lit up the room, your laugh lingering in alessia's ears long after you'd left the room.
but it was more than that. you exuded an energy that alessia couldn't explain — a magnetic, undeniable and slightly maddening type of energy.
alessia had spent the better part of the last few weeks since your arrival fumbling through conversations, blushing at your casual compliment as she mentally berated herself for acting like a lovestruck teenager.
but now as the team had landed for their pre-season tour in the united states, alessia had one thing in her mind and that was to keep her cool.
two weeks in close quarters, across one city, with you? she'd manage.
or so she thought she would..
the team was sorting rooms for the next two week while on the coach to the hotel, alessia being handed the sheet which had everyone's name on and there roommate. the blonde expecting, kyra or lotte to be side by side her name.
so when she saw the sheet of paper, her heart sank, and leapt, at the same time when she saw whose name was next to hers.
your name written next to hers in bold black letters, taunting her. you were her roommate. for two whole weeks..
alessia caught herself staring at the paper for a beat too long, her brain trying to process what it actually meant.
you, the new summer star signing. you, who had walked into the first team with such quiet confidence, wearing it like it was a second skin. you, who was now alessia's roommate.
the blondes mind was racing, sharing a room with you meant sharing everything — space, conversations, moments of vulnerability, early mornings, late nights.
it meant seeing you at your most casual, relaxed and probably in tiny shorts or oversized shirts. you long legs stretched out on your bed. alessia's chest tightening just at the mere thought.
"less? you okay?" leah's voice jolted the blonde from her thoughts. turning slightly to face leah as she was watching with a smirk that suggested she knew what was going on, and had definitely played a part in it.
"i- yeah" alessia said quickly, folding the paper and tucking it into her pocket, "all good!" she smiled grabbing her water bottle to have a sip from.
"sure you are," leah said as her smirk widened, "don't worry i'm sure y/n doesn't bite- well not unless you ask her to"
"leah!" alessia hissed, her cheeks flaming as she grumbled words of complaint that were completely coherent to leah.
"relax" leah laughed as she assured the younger blonde girl she was just joking as she raised her hands in mock surrender, "just saying maybe it's fate"
"fate." alessia repeated flatly, knowing leah had something to do with the room arrangements but still her pulse was racing.
leah winked, "two weeks in close comfort, anything can happen!"
the nervous energy lingered for the rest of the day, by the time the team arrived at the hotel, alessia's stomach was a knot of anticipation and dread.
she waited by the door of the room, clutching the key card like it was a lifeline. you appearing a moment later, rolling a black suitcase behind you.
your hair tied up in a messy ponytail as you wore a loose tank top that clung to you in all the right places.
"looks like it's you and me" you said with a small smile, you voice tinged with amusement. you weren't stupid, you'd heard the teasing comments slung to the blonde who was now your roommate over the past weeks since you’d arrived. so part of you was excited for what the next two weeks had in store.
alessia managed a weak laugh as she waited for the key card to scan and the light turn green, "yeah, should be.. fun"
you pushed the door open and stepped inside, alessia now the one trailing behind. the room was modest, two twin beds pushed to opposite walls and a window that overlooked the city skyline. it was nothing special, but to alessia, it suddenly felt rather small.
you tossed your bag onto the bed closest to the window, stretching out as your arms reached over your head.
alessia tried her best not to stare, but her eyes betrayed her. her eyes tracing the lines of your arms, the subtle curve of your waist where your tank top rode up.
"clean space," you said casually, your eyes looking around the room until your were facing alessia, "you okay with this bed?"
"huh?" alessia blinked now realising she hadn't moved from the doorway, "oh- uh yeah, totally" she stuttered out as she hurried over to the other bed, tripping over her suitcase slightly in the process.
you chuckled softly, "you sure you're good?"
"i'm fine!" alessia squeaked, her voice going higher than she intended.
you didn't press, but alessia could tell you were watching her every move as she unpacked her beg with unnecessary precision, carefully fold and refolding her clothes just to give herself something to do.
while you lay in your bed, on your phone. glancing over ever so often as a silence filled the room. but not an awkward one, exactly but it was heavy and charged with an undercurrent which you couldn't quite name yourself.
every small sound - the zip of alessia's suitcase, the rustle of the sheets as you moved into a move comfy position, the faint tap of your fingers against your phone they all felt amplified.
alessia's pulse was a constant drumbeat in your ears, her mind was racing with thoughts as she desperately tried to suppress them. trying to not let herself get distracted. you were a teammate, nothing more.
a teammate who happened to be gorgeous, charming and as you currently lounged on your bed like a goddess who had descended from mount olympus.
"less," you said suddenly, your soft voice cutting through the thick silence. alessia turning, the sound of your sudden voice startling her, "yeah?"
you tilting your head slightly as your lips curved into a faint smile, "your actin' strange"
"i'm not acting strange" alessia echoed, but even she could hear the lie in her own voice.
your face changed as your brow raised, you weren't fully convinced. you'd seen the blonde around her friends and she didn't act in the way she was with you right now. "if you say so"
you lay back against the pillows, one leg bent, the other stretched out as you held your phone loosely in one hand. the glow from the bedside lamp casting soft shadows across your face, it highlighting your sharp jawline and curve of your cheek.
alessia forcing herself to look away as she pretending to fiddle with her suitcase again, finding herself wanting to say something but no words would leave her mouth.
"relax, less" you said after a moment, your voice calm and soft "i don't bite"
alessia's breath hitched, her stomach flipping at the words. which also happen to be the exact words leah had said to her just a few hours ago.
risking a glance at you as you watched her with an expression that was equal parts teasing and curiosity.
the air was thick and even heavier than before and alessia couldn't tell if she was imagining it or if it was real but your gaze lingered and your eyes had turned, dark and suddenly unreadable.
"right." alessia said finally, the words stumbling from her lips bearly above a whisper, "good to know."
your lips twitched as you were going to say something else but you let the moment pass as you settled back into your pillows with a sigh.
alessia finally climbed into her own bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and even though the room was warm. as she squeezed her eyes shut willing herself to fall asleep.
but her mind wouldn't stop racing, you voice, your smile and the way you looked at her — it was all too much, too close, too everything.
alessia had no idea how she was going to survive the two weeks..
after the first night of sharing room which to alessia had felt suffocating. but she could pin point if it was because of the summer heat, the jet lag or your very presence that had her heart racing and skin flushed.
probably definitely the last one..
the morning had started off slow, the team had been given the chance to adjust to the time zone so had the day off but with most of the girls not wanting to go out till later on in the day you found yourself lounging on your bed.
wearing nothing but an oversized arsenal training shirt and shorts which left far too much of your legs on show. your hair was still messy from your nights sleep as loose strands framed your face.
you phone in your hand, lazily scrolling as the faint glow illuminated your features and every once in a while your hum quietly to yourself, the sound low and soft enough to send shivers down alessia's spine.
alessia, in contrast was a wreck. she'd spent the morning unpacking, repacking and then unpacking — purely just to keep herself busy and anything to avoid looking at you for too long.
"less" you said suddenly, "will you sit down"
alessia didn't say anything just nodded but you weren't making it easy.
anytime alessia let herself glance over you were doing something harmless that somehow felt charged, whether that was stretching out on the bed, your shirt riding up just enough to reveal a strip of skin; biting you bottom lip as you focused on your screen or running a hand through your hair — a motion somehow effortlessly seductive.
"no less, seriously sit down. your makin' me dizzy" your tone changed as your phone flopped down on your chest as you looked over at the blonde who couldn't of gotten further from you if she tried.
alessia froze, "how?"
you sat up, your legs swinging over the side of the bed, "your pacing back and forth and your actin' as if you don't want to get within five feet of me, what's that about?"
"i'm- i'm not" alessia's mouth went dry as she stood up slowly.
"less have you seen where you've been sat-" you leaned forward as you pointed to the further corner in the room from where you were sat. resting your elbows on your knees as alessia looked down at her feet. "if i didn't know better, id say you were nervous"
"i'm not nervous-" alessia said quickly, too quickly as her tone of voice betrayed her.
your lips curved into a slow but teasing smile, "really.. then why are you blushing.” a loud groan left alessia's lips as she dragged her hands over her face, "i'm not-"
"you totally are" you voice was now soft, almost a purr, "its cute"
alessia stomach flipped, as she turned to face you fully trying to summon some resemblance of composure, "you're enjoying this aren't you?"
your smile widened as you grabbed your sliders, "maybe a little" you shrugged standing up from the bed.
alessia rolled her eyes, but the heat in her cheeks gave her away. she crossed the room to her bed picking up her phone.
"come on beth says everyone's waiting"
since you had arrived the teasing had began subtly but the past few days since landing in the in the us, it's had been relentless.
during training, the girls had seemed to have made it their collective mission to put both you and alessia on the spot. their remarks growing bolder with each passing day.
it wasn't exactly helping that you seemed completely unfazed by it all, brushing off the comments with a quick shake of the head with a smile which only made alessia's reactions stand out even more.
the team was running passing drills under the blazing american sun, alessia's focus was already fraying. you as usual was calm and composed as you slotted passes effortlessly as you laughed with beth and steph.
alessia on the other hand couldn't get through a single play without glancing in your direction which obviously didn't go unnoticed.
"less, your looking distracted" leah called out from the opposite side of the pitch, her voice dripping with mischief.
"i'm not!" alessia yelled back but her flushed cheeks betrayed her once again.
"oh leave her alone, leah!" katie chimed in smirking, "she's just tryin' to impress y/n!"
the ball was rolled to alessia and in her flustered state, she misjudged the pass as she sent it careening towards lia instead of kim. a chorus of laughter erupting around her.
"nice one less!" lia teased, passing the ball on, "maybe if y/n compliments you, you'll focus better"
alessia groaned, running a hand through her hair. "can we not?”
but the girls and their teasing were far from done. the group regrouped for the next set of drills, beth took her chance to join in.
"you know, y/n," beth said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "you might be arsenal's best signing in years. i mean, alessia's practically speechless around you."
you stood a few feet away, taking a big drink of your water as a chuckle came from you but you didn't even look up from where alessia was adjusting her shin pads. "speechless ay?" you said lightly, your tone as casual as ever.
"exactly that!" beth continued, the grin not leaving her lips. "you've got her all shy and blushing. poor less hasn't been the same since you arrived"
alessia was frozen in place, the heat rising from her chest to her face within seconds. feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her and it only made it more flustered.
"i'm not- she's not-" alessia stuttered, her voice cracking slightly as she struggled to from a coherent sentence. "can we just focus on training.."
beth cackled and leah stepped in, her smirk was just as big as the grin on beth's face. "oh c'mon less. just admit it"
by now the coaches were looking over with mild curiosity but wisely stayed out of the conversation but still urging the players to get back in with the drills after an extra long water break.
you however remained completely composed. finally standing and stretching leisurely as you tossed a casual glance in alessia's direction.
"you lot love to wind her up?" you said, your tone light but your lips curved into a faint smirk, "poor lessi is just tryin' to focus"
"that's what makes it so fun!" leah replied, earning more laughter from the group.
alessia utterly mortified turned away and pretended to go and tie her laces hoping the ground would swallow her whole. but she could feel your gaze on her, warm and teasing but not unkind.
as they resumed the drill, you jogged over to alessia's side close enough that your shoulders almost brushed. "you okay?" you asked softly, you voice filled with care as you spoke loud enough only for alessia to hear.
"i'm fine." alessia muttered, though her cheeks were still red and flushed. you smiled, tilting your head slightly, "you know, you're cute when you're flustered"
alessia felt her breath get caught in throat and for a moment all she could do was stare at you as her heart hammered into her chest.
you winked at the blonde before jogging off to join the next group as you left alessia standing there, a stuttering, blushing mess as the teams laughter echoed across the training fields.
the team had just finished dinner and the players had been told to have some off-feet time ensuring they were fully rested before the game later tomorrow afternoon. the dinner of course had been filled with teasing comments but you had managed to escape the worst of it.
now you both were alone, back in the hotel room that had become a pressure cooker of unresolved tension over the past two weeks.
alessia was laid on her side, facing the opposite direction to you as she pretended to scroll through her phone, but her mind was elsewhere.
you were in front of the mirror, re-tying your hair into a loose bun. your reflection catching alessia's attention more than it should.
the room felt heavier than usual, the air thick with everything you both hadn't said, everything alessia had been too scared to admit to herself.
"your doin' that thing again" you said suddenly, breaking the silence as alessia looked up, startled.
"what thing?"
you turned to face her, leaning against the dresser with your arms crossed, you were still in your dinner clothes — a black fitted shirt which hugged you in all the right places and jeans that alessia definitely hadn't started at for too long earlier.
"where you don't speak, granted your a little shy," you teased, your lip curving into a small smile, "but tonight, you're on a whole new level"
alessia's face burned as she forced herself to look back at her phone, trying to ignore the way your gaze seemed to strip every ounce of composure she had.
"i'm just.. tired"
you hummed, "right" your tone was light and alessia could hear the hint of amusement, "so it has nothing to do with the fact that the team has been non stop teasin' us"
alessia let out a loud groan as she dragged a hand over her face, "they are the worst."
"or the best" you countered, pushing off the dresser and walking closer, "depends on how you look at it"
alessia glanced up as her breath caught. you were standing at the edge of your bed now, looking down at the blonde with an expression which was equal parts playful and serious.
"what do you mean?" alessia asked her voice barely above a whisper.
you tilted your head, your eyes searching alessia's face, "i mean, they're not wrong are they." alessia's heart stopping momentarily, "about what?”
you smirked as you sat your set down on the edge of alessia's bed, close enough that you were a mere few cm from the blonde. "about this" you smiled, festering between the two of you.
alessia felt her brain had short-circuited. she opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out.
"relax lessi," you said softly, you hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind the blondes ear. "you don't have to say anything."
your touch was gentle and almost hesitant but it sent a jolt of electricity through alessia's body. she looked up at you, her cheeks flaming as her heart was pounding so loudly she was sure you could hear it.
then before you could overthink it, you leaned in, slowly.
the kiss was soft at first, a tentative brush of the lips as if you were giving alessia a chance to pull away, to change her mind.
but alessia had no intention of pulling away, her heart racing in her chest, a wild, short beat that echoed in her ears. slowly, she leaned into the kiss, her fingers trembling as they found your waist.
the warmth of your skin through the fabric of your shirt grounding her and without hesitation alessia pulled you close the space between the tow of you dissolving.
the kiss deepening as your lips moved in a rhythm that felt familiar as though they'd been doing this forever even though it was the first time.
alessia's pulse is quickened as her sense sharpened, the faint smell of your vanilla shampoo and the way your breath kitchen when alessia's hand slipped up your side and the soft and almost inaudible sight that escaped your lips.
it was intoxicating and a moment which suspended in time and a world reduce to just the two of them.
when they finally broke apart, it wasn't out of hesitation but necessity. foreheads resting together as your breaths intermingled in the narrow space which was between the two of you.
alessia's eyes fluttering open and taking in the way your cheeks were flushed as your lips were slightly swollen from the kiss. she'd swear she's never seen anything more beautiful.
"you okay?" you asked, your voice low and slightly hoarse as if the words would cost you something to speak.
alessia nodded, her lips curving into a shy but undeniable smile. her voice was nearly above a whisper the words carrying an honesty she couldn't hide, "more than okay"
your gaze lingered on the blonde for a moment longer, your fingers brushing alessia's cheek in a gesture so tender it sent a shiver down her spine.
and for the first time in a long while, alessia felt completely seen as though you had unlocked a part of her she didn’t even know she'd been hiding. alessia couldn’t help but laugh softly, the sound light and nervous but also full of joy.
you smiled too, your thumb tracing absent circles on alessia's hip, "good" you murmured your lips quirking up into a grin that was equal parts relief and mischief. "because i have been waiting to do that since the start of the trip-“
alessia felt her chest tighten a mix of disbelief and elation, "you could have said something you know"
you giggled, "could've" as you slipped your fingers through alessia's hair, threading through the soft blonde strands, "but part of me kind of liked watching you squirm"
alessia shook her head with disbelief as a light giggle came from her as she melted into your touch, "your the worst."
"yeah but you love it" you grinned, kissing her hair as alessia rolled her eyes playfully, cuddling tighter into your built frame.
the two of stayed like that for a while, tangled together on the bed as the word outside seemed to fade away stealing kisses from one another.
the tension that had been building between them for weeks — glances held for a moment too long, casual touches which lingered, unspoken words hanging in the air had finally crack and given way to something softer, something warmer and something that felt like coming home.
you hands moved with a purpose yet there was such tenderness in your touch. you fingers brushing against alessia's neck tracing a delicate path up to your jaw before it slipped back down to the blondes collarbone.
your lips followed, leaving a trail of kisses, slow and deliberate each one pressing heat into alessia's skin. your kissing growing bolder as your lips left faint marks littler declaration of ownership and affection.
alessia shivered beneath you touch, both exhilarated and slightly exasperated. her mind trailing to picture the looks she'd no doubt get tomorrow.
"y/n" alessia murmured, her voice a blend of a whine and a laugh she couldn't hold back. she tilted her head slightly to meet your gaze, her warm blue eyes warm despite her words, "the girls are gonna have a field day with this tomorrow"
you pulled back just enough to look at her, an impish grin spreading across your face as you shrugged, mumbling a 'let them'
"you'll look so beautiful in the kit, plus i think the girls will love the evidence" your tone was smug as your hands now resting lightly against alessia's cheek.
alessia rolled her eyes, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her amusement. she reached up to tangle her fingers in your hair, gently tugging her closer.
"your impossible" she said through her voice was filled with such affection rather than annoyance.
"maybe," you whispered, your lips hovering teasingly close to alessia's, her breath warm against your skin, "but your stuck with me now"
the words hung in the air for a moment, not as a threat but as a promise, one that alessia found herself wanting to keep. without hesitation alessia pulled you down into another kiss, the kiss this time was softer, less urgent but no less meaningful. a slow unraveling of the walls alessia had built around herself.
the pillows around them had fell into a comforting space, as their laughter bubbled up between kisses. the sound mingled with the whispered promise they exchanged in the quiet room, the kind of promises you make in moments of vulnerability and trust.
as they lay there, limbs entwined and hearts beating in sync, alessia let herself smile. she could feel you tracing lazy patterns along her arms, a silence remind that this, whatever it was, is real.
she looked at you, who was looking at her with a mix of mischief and something deeper, something that made alessia's breath hitch. "i don't actually mind being stuck with you." the blonde admitted softly, her voice carrying the weight of truth she hadn't expected to say out loud.
you grin softened as you leaned down to press another kiss to alessia's forehead, "good"
the hotel breakfast buffet was bustling the next morning, with players milling around loading their plates and nursing cups of coffee.
alessia entered the room last, her hair slightly damp from her shower and her arsenal training hoodie zipper halfway up. the blonde keeping her head down as she made her way to the food, hoping to blend into the background.
but she could feel the girls' eyes in her almost instantly.
"morning less" beth's cheerful voice rang out from across the room, far too loud for alessia's liking at that hour of the morning.
"morning" alessia mumbled, not looking up as she grabbed a plate and began piling it with fruit she didn't even want.
beth and leah exchanged glances, kyra seated at the table closest to the buffet, leaned back in her shake her arms crossed.
“less" she called casually her tone dripping with her usually mischief antics. "did you get into a fight with the vaccum cleaner?" kyra trailed off, a teasing grin on her lips.
alessia froze in place, a peice of watermelon halfway to her plate, "what?"
beth smirked pointing to her own neck as if to indicate something, "you've got a little.. something.. right there"
alessia's eyes widened and her hand short up to her neck. her fingers brushed over the faint marks which you'd left the night before — marks she thought she'd covered with a bit of concealer but clearly hadn't done a good enough job as they still peeked through.
"oh god" she muttered under her breath, quickly zipping her hoodie all the way up, her cheeks burning.
too late. the table erupted into laughter.
“no way” katie said, grinning as she leaned close to inspect alessia’s neck, “is that-? oh it is!”
beth clapped her hands together and cheered, “i knew it, leah you owe me my ten quid!” a small grumble coming from the english captain as a small chuckle came from you from the side of the table at the fact they had been betting on when it was finally going to happen.
while alessia was ready to sink through the floor, grabbing her plate and darting to the nearest empty seat which just so happend to be next to you. as in the blondes humble opinion, you were looking far too composed for someone who had caused all the chaos.
“you could’ve warned me” alessia hissed under her breath as she sat down, you just shrugging as you took a sip of your coffee before turning to look at the blonde with your usual small and amused smile, “i think you look gorgeous”
alessia glared at you but the effect was ruined by the way your words affected her making her blush deeper, “your so annoying at times”
you giggled a little leaning in close to her as your voice was low enough only she would hear what you were about to say, “that’s not what you were saying last night lessi”
alessia opened her mouth to quip a response back but before she could beth’s voice rang out again. “so, y/n we need answers” beth said with a wicked grin on her face, “you finally made a move, didn’t you!”
the entire table turned to look at you as you shrugged nonchalantly as you took another sip of your coffee as if this was the most normal conversation in the world.
“maybe?” leah echoed, gaping at you, “that’s all we get?”
you just smirked, your gaze flicking over to alessia as she was burying her face in her hands, “what can i say, better to keep you all guessing”
“unbelievable” katie said shaking her head but still laughing, “you two are the worst-kept secret on the team”
alessia let out a groan finally peeking out from behind her hands, “can we just eat breakfast without all this?”
the was a chorus of no’s from the table, “are you joking we’ve been waiting for this for weeks” kyra said smirking as beth leaned forward, her eyes were sparkling with mischief.
“so what do we get next? the soft launch on insta? matching tattoos, oo maybe a-“
“beth!” alessia squeaked, her face somehow turning even redder as beth stopped her list mid way with a small frown as she muttered how nobody seemed to appreciate her efforts.
you were clearly enjoying every second of this as you sat back in your seat, actually enjoying your breakfast. reaching over to grab alessia’s hand under the table and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“relax” you whispered, your voice warm and reassuring, “they’ll get bored eventually”
alessia mumbled a response but she couldn’t help the small smile that crept into her lips as your thumb traced gentle circle on the back of her hand.
leah raising her glass of juice in a mock toast, “to y/n and less! may their love and our endless teasing never fade!”
and once again the table burst into laughter and despite the embarrassment that filled alessia she couldn’t help laugh along with them.
your hand in hers grounding her a silent that even with all the teasing and chaos that it was worth it — whatever the two of you were.
and as she glanced at you, who was smiling at her like she was the only person in the room, alessia decided she could live with the teasing.
after all, she’d gotten the you.
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russo-woso · 3 months ago
Comment || Arsenal x reader
Request | Masterlist
Warning mention of bullying, mental health problems, mention of suicide
Summary You accidentally reveal why you don’t interact with your team
A/N this is a sadddd and angsty one so buckle in
“Y/N, you’re coming to the restaurant with us, right?” Katie asked, seeing you try to scurry out of the room without anyone noticing.
Unfortunately for you, Katie saw you and was curious whether she’d see you at the restaurant that night.
To celebrate the end of the year and Christmas, the team had organised a meal out at a local restaurant, nothing much but enough to satisfy the whole team.
You hesitated a bit, you also unaware of your own answer.
You see, you hadn’t always had the best experiences with a team.
Your previous teammates had made a few comments here and there about you.
She doesn’t deserve to get minutes
Why did the club even sign her
Shittiest player I’ve ever seen
Drop her back down to the Sunday league
At first, they were just small remarks that happened every so often, but then it turned to 24/7.
In the changing rooms, over text, on the pitch. Everywhere, anytime.
They were bullying you.
And even when you brought it upon the manager, he just shrugged, ‘that’s banter for you’ he had told you whilst laughing.
Maybe you were just being sensitive. Maybe you were taking it the wrong way. Maybe this was how a team was supposed to play.
From that moment onwards, you thought it was normal.
You didn’t complain about it anymore, just bottling up your emotions so they didn’t have to see it.
It wasn’t until a very poorly played game that you realised just how damaged they’d made you.
You had played the final four minutes of the game.
When you ran onto the pitch, your team was already losing 4-0.
And although you’d impacted the game massively and had prevented two goals in them four minutes, you were entirely blamed for the loss.
You had dreaded walking into the changing rooms after, all your teammates angry at their performances but somehow blaming it on you made it a lot better.
One of your teammates had squared up to your shaking body, their finger pointing at you.
Your breath became uneven as you closed your eyes in dread.
“You were shit today! You were the reason we lost! You were a let down today. You made us lose! Do us all a favour, Y/L/N and fuck off. We don’t need you on our team! You just fuck up our play and make us fucking lose! Nobody likes you, Y/N. You’re a shit player!” She screamed, the rest of the girls agreeing. She finished shouting at you, but was not finished without pushing you to the floor.
You put on a strong face, standing up and grabbing your stuff before walking out.
You walked for miles in the rain, no car, your phone dead, just you and your thoughts.
You don’t remember much from that night, you’d passed out on some bridge for most of it.
But you remembered one thing.
You remember laying on the bridge, your body fighting for consciousness and thinking would it be so bad if you were to never wake up?
Would anyone actually miss you?
You had your mum left but she mainly focused on your older brother more - he’s a lawyer and had kids - no more explanation needed.
You were so close to completely giving up, so close to letting ending everything.
You used all your strength, pulling yourself up and taking yourself over to the edge of the bridge.
The river underneath was violent, the water crashing against its beds with purpose.
You started counting down in your head, dunking it with your heartbeat.
3… 2…
“Dear! What are you doing?” A voice exclaimed from behind you.
You turned with watery eyes to see a woman, 65 maybe?
You looked in her eyes, a solace look in them.
“Please… look at me. I’m a complete stranger to you. You don’t know me, I don’t know you. But what I do know about you, is you have so much to live for that maybe you don’t realise you have. Take a look around. What do you see?” She began, taking a few steps towards you.
“Bushes, the river, trees.” You listed, taking deep breaths steady your breathing.
“Trees. Look how they’re blowing in the wind. They’ve got no control over themselves. They’re being pushed around and they can’t do anything, but one thing that they are doing, is having a tiny bit of strength to keep them standing. A storm may have big impacts but at the end of the day, they go away. What you’re going through now is just a storm, I promise. You’re young, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Go travel, go to London, go somewhere you’ve never been before. You’re just stuck in a storm, a bad one, but at the end of everyone is sunshine.”
You listened to her words, taking into account what she was saying.
Slowly but surely, you stepped back from the edge, collapsing into the womens arms.
You’ll never forget that night.
The woman, you didn’t even find out her name, but you knew she was your guardian angel that night.
And although you didn’t completely believe her words, she was right.
You were in the middle of a passing storm.
Not only two days later, you were sat in your managers office being told you were going to another club.
You were given a list of clubs that were interested but one stood out massively, a London club.
You were doing what the woman told you to do, you were going to London.
Which leads you back to the conversation with Katie, your Arsenal teammate.
“Umm… I’ll have to see how tired I am.” You lied, making up a random excuse.
“You said that last time, Y/N.” Alessia pointed out, a playful smile on her face, a completely innocent one which meant no harm.
“And the time before that.” Kyra then added, gently knocking her shoulder into yours.
“Please come, Y/N. I barely know you, it’ll give us time to get to know you.” Steph explained
You hesitated between yes and no.
“Okay. I’ll be there.” You finally said after a few moments.
Everyone cheered, telling you what time to be there and how excited they were that you’d said yes to going.
Maybe these girls aren’t as bad.
You were one of the first ones to arrive at the restaurant, not wanting to be late.
Katie and Caitlin were already there and called you over.
One by one, the team filled the table, a buzz filling the air as everyone chatted to each other.
You sat quietly at the end of the table, having nothing really to say.
“What’re you doing for Christmas, Y/N?” Alessia asked, obviously realising no one was talking to you.
“Nothing much. I’ll probably get a few snacks in and watch some…” you began but soon slowed down your words as you set eyes on someone from across the room.
There, sat your guardian angel, your lifesaver.
“Y/N?” Alessia asked, confused but followed your eyeline to see the woman. “Are you okay?”
“I haven’t seen her in months.” You mumbled to yourself but Alessia also heard.
“Who is she?”
“She saved my life.” You responded, not knowing it would lead to you revealing your secret.
“Oh my god…” Alessia whispered, realising it was a big moment for you seeing her again. “Is she a doctor? Were you ill?”
“No.” You shook your head, your eyes not leaving the woman. “My old team, they used to make comments about me. It started with a few - what I thought were harmless - comments but they continued coming. Over message, in the changing rooms, on the pitch. They made me feel like I didn’t belong there - that I didn’t belong on earth. After the match against PSG—” you began
“—The one where you played a few minutes?” Alessia questioned, you nodding in response. “You played incredible that match. You completely turned the game around.”
“Yeah, I thought that too. But after the match in the changing rooms, I got blamed for the loss. My old teammate pushed me to the floor and the rest of them laughed at me. I ended up walking into the rain and walked for miles. I collapsed on this bridge at some point and I decided to go towards the edge. I was counting down in my head. My heart wasn’t racing, I think it was the calmest I’d felt in years. It was what all my teammates wanted so I was going to do them all a favour. I was going to… I was on seven when I heard a voice behind me. It was her. She saved me.” You explained, looking back to Alessia but seeing 25 sets of eyes on you.
Most of the girls had tears in their eyes, your story hitting them hard.
“That’s why it took so long for to come out with you. It wasn’t any of you personally and I’m sorry if it felt like that but I don’t think I can ever trust teammates again.”
“Y/N, don’t say sorry.” Leah’s breathed out, leaning over the table to take your hand in hers. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“I know it might take some time to realise but not all teams are like them. If you can, can you please trust us. We want to show you what being in a true team feels like.” Kim told you, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“I’d like that, thank you.”
“We’re here for you, Y/N. Here at Arsenal, we’re not just a club, we’re a family. Whether you like it or not. Some of us - Kyra - can be annoying sometimes but at the end of the day, we’re a family, and that’s the most important part. We’d like nothing more than to be your family from now on.” Lia added, sending you a smile.
“A family, huh? I think I’d like that.” You said, a smile appearing on your face.
“Enough of that now. That’s your past, it’s time to think about the future. And I’m not having you all alone on Christmas so you’re coming with me to my family on Christmas.” Alessia stated confidently, not giving you any choice.
“Alessia, I can’t, it’s your—”
“Ah, no — remember we’re family.” Alessia told you, hitting your shoulder with hers.
“Family.” You whispered quietly, smiling to yourself.
You took another look over to the woman.
She was still talking away to the man she was with but managed to catch your eye.
She sent a wink and a smile over to you.
You took your eyes off her for seconds and when you looked again, she was gone.
You never knew her name, and you didn’t know who she was, but you couldn’t be more grateful.
Not only had she saved your life that night, but she had also brought you a family.
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helen-with-an-a · 1 month ago
Hi van you write Lucy Bronze x reader. Reader and Lucy both changed club. R at Arsenal and obviously Lucy at Chelsea. Can you write something about the first game against eachother. Reader is striker so she and Lucy are at battle a lot
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: It's the first London Derby for you and Lucy
TW: slight suggestiveness
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“Now, remember, you guys do actually love each other,” Millie reminded, her eyebrow arched as she looked at Lucy.
Lucy crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, flicking a dismissive look across the room. “Not when she’s wearing red, I don’t,” she shot back, her lips pursed.
Millie sighed, rubbing her temples. “You’re literally married,” she deadpanned.
Before Lucy could shoot back, Erin bounded over, grinning from ear to ear. “C’mon, Bronzey. Time to do your worst,” she cheered, her hands landing firmly on Lucy’s shoulders. She gave Lucy an enthusiastic shake, encouraging the childish competitiveness.
"Remember, you’re married. You love her," Kim reminded gently, her Scottish accent warm and soothing as she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You shook her off with a dramatic shrug, glancing off to the side. "Not whilst she’s in blue," you said with a smirk, half-joking but also incredibly serious.
Kim raised an eyebrow, trying to hide her amusement, though a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
"That’s what we like to hear," came Katie's playful response, clearly enjoying the spark of mischief in your tone. She leaned in with a wolfish grin, unfazed by the disapproving glance Kim shot in her direction.
“Honestly,” Kim muttered, rolling her eyes but unable to hide her amusement, “you two are impossible.”
You chuckled, exchanging a knowing look with Katie, who winked in return, thoroughly unbothered by Kim’s scolding.
The London Derby – a clash of colours, red vs blue, Arsenal against Chelsea. The stadium was electric, fans on both sides roaring as the teams took their places, the rivalry as fierce as ever. This wasn’t just any match; it was a battle of pride, a test of skill, a stage where heroes were made.
On one side, Arsenal’s new Left Winger, all determination and fire, an unstoppable force that already had 10 goals to her name. Across from her, Chelsea’s Right Back, just as new to the club but with a resolve just as sharp. One of the best defenders in the world, and ready to prove herself.
It was Bronze vs Y/S/N – a head-to-head destined to draw all eyes, both players back in the WSL and ready to prove they belonged.
You loved playing with Lucy – there was an undeniable rhythm when you were on the same side. Your link-ups at City and England were the stuff of legends and had followed you across to La Liga F. But playing against her? That was something else entirely. There was an excitement, a spark that transformed the entire field into a chessboard, a dance floor for you to twist and turn on.
You knew exactly how she moved, the subtle shifts of her weight before a sprint, the flicker of her eyes before she went for a pass. You could practically feel what was running through her head, and she’d always been an open book to you on the field. But it worked both ways. Lucy knew your tactics inside out, the plays you liked, the feints you tried to slip past her, even the tiny tells you had when you were about to break away. She saw it all.
This mutual understanding turned the match into something thrilling – a mental game layered onto the physical. Every pass you intercepted, every tackle she made, felt like a challenge issued and answered. It was a test of skill and instinct, one that you rarely found with other opponents. There was an intensity to it, a sense of pushing each other to the edge, each play daring the other to do better. Against her, you played your best.
“Loser’s tied up tonight?” Lucy whispered in your ear as you lined up for the corner, her hands grazing your hips in a way that set your heart racing, even if you wouldn’t show it.
“Bring it, Bronze.” You shot back, unfazed, letting your smile seep into your voice. You’d trained against her for years now; her mind games weren’t new territory. If anything, you were more amused than anything else.
Lucy let out a dramatic sigh, clearly ready to keep up the act. “Ugh, that’s Bronze-Y/S/N, thank you very much,” she whispered, sounding almost offended, but the glimmer in her eye gave her away.
“Well, the back of your shirt still says Bronze,” you replied, raising an eyebrow and glancing back at her with a smirk.
“And yours still says Y/S/N.” She countered. Before you could toss another witty remark back, you heard a voice cutting through the tension.
“Stop flirting and concentrate, Luce,” Hannah called out, her tone half-exasperated, half-amused as she tried to organise her back line.
You could see Lucy bite her lip, her cheeks tinged pink, a slight laugh escaping her. "Yeah, Lucy, wouldn't want flirting with your incredibly sexy wife to be the reason I score now would we." You winked, sticking your tongue out as you nodded at Katie.
You charged down the wing, adrenaline rushing through your veins as you collected a beautifully weighted pass from Leah from the edge of the box. Without breaking stride, you looked up, assessing the field. Lucy and Hannah were the only Chelsea players left between you and the goal.
The options whirled in your mind in seconds. A long-range shot? It would be ambitious, a shot from barely over halfway. You were still in the centre circle, but Hannah was off her line, hovering just far enough to tempt fate. The safer play would be to drive it forward, close the distance, but Lucy was waiting, ready to close in if you tried to slip past her. You could see her watching you, ready to pounce the moment your concentration slipped.
Your eyes flicked to the goal, a decision making itself for you. Steeling yourself, you brought your leg back, letting power build. Releasing it in a controlled strike, you watched as the ball launched from your boot, a perfect arc carrying it high and fast over the field.
Hannah scrambled back, her fingertips grazing the air, but it was too late. The ball sailed over her reach and crashed into the back of the net, sending the netting rippling in glorious confirmation.
For a single, suspended heartbeat, the entire pitch seemed to hold its breath. The impossible shot hung in the air, every eye tracing its perfect arc until it dropped, nestling into the back of the net. And then, the silence shattered. Cheers exploded from the stands, a roar that rolled over the field and settled into your bones, fuelling the rush already coursing through you. You let out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding, a wide grin breaking across your face as what you had just done fully set in.
Turning back, you searched the field for Lucy, anticipation bubbling up in you. When you caught her eye, her expression was priceless – caught between surprise and reluctant admiration. Her mouth opened as if to protest, but then she closed it, lips twisting into a smile that was more fond than annoyed, even if it was tinged with a hint of competitive frustration.
For a moment, neither of you said a word. You simply shared that look, the quiet acknowledgment of having pushed each other, of knowing exactly how to get under each other’s skin on the field – and of enjoying every second of it.
"Is it too much to use the red ties?" you teased, a smirk tugging at your lips as you strolled up to Lucy, your voice dripping with teasing charm.
Lucy let out an exaggerated gasp, pressing a hand to her chest like she was utterly wounded. "My pride is on the floor, and yet you still kick me when I'm down!" she replied, though her eyes sparkled with laughter, making it impossible for her to sell the act.
You laughed loudly, thoroughly undeterred by her theatrics. "What can I say? London is red after all," you replied as you stepped even closer, closing the last of the distance. Without hesitation, you slipped your arms around her waist, pulling her against you. "And your arse will be too by the time I’m done with you," you whispered, your voice dropping to a seductive murmur as your lips brushed her ear.
Lucy’s cheeks flushed that perfect shade of pink, and she gave a nervous laugh, casting a quick, cautious glance over her shoulder. “We’re still in public, you know,” she murmured, though the deepening colour in her cheeks showed she wasn’t entirely complaining.
“Oh, I know.” You looked up at her with a wicked smile, savouring the moment, not quite ready to pull away just yet.
But before you could say anything more, Leah’s voice cut through the tension, loud and teasing. “Oi, stop with the weird foreplay and go shower!” she called, casting an exaggerated eye-roll in your direction and folding her arms, though a hint of a grin tugged at her mouth.
Lucy laughed, burying her face in your shoulder for a moment, clearly amused and a little embarrassed. With a small sigh, she gave you a reluctant smile. “Guess that’s our cue,” she muttered, squeezing your hand before finally letting go.
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