#i think there might still be some but it's hard to tell because they deactivated
What is hyperfixation like?
So, I didn’t care about Sherlock Holmes at all until about six weeks ago.
I watched BBC Sherlock as my gateway drug, then read a bunch of fic, started listening to the podcast Sherlock & Co, bought a copy of the new queer anthology When the Rose Speaks Its Name, started watching the Jeremy Brett series, and now I’m reading Bending the Willow: Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes while simultaneously cycling through BBC Sherlock - AO3 - Sherlock & Co - When the Rose Speaks Its Name - Jeremy Brett - misc. Sherlockian googlings on a daily basis.
I can feel dopamine coursing through my veins every second that I get to interact with Sherlock Holmes related media, which is a considerable amount of time. I draw fanart at work and scribble gay little thoughts in my journal. There is not an atom within me that isn’t vibrating for Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes byproducts.
And yet nobody in my real life wants to talk about it with me, no matter how hard I try. I tried reaching out to my brother who has always been an ACD Holmes fan and he literally hasn’t replied to me in a month. He’s got kids. All I’ve got is a new Sherlock Holmes hyperfixation.
I posted some of my new art on Instagram and received a very weak response even though I was really excited about it and still think it’s some of my better work. I deactivated my account because I was so sad.
The isolation impacts me negatively. It pushes me further and further away from “real life” and into escapismland, because that’s where all the dopamine lives. I find myself on Tumblr or making edits on TikTok where no one really knows me or cares about me but people who care about the same media I do might respond.
It would mean everything to me for someone to care both about me as a human and about my interests, especially in the first few months of a hyperfixation when I literally cannot shut the fuck up about it.
But instead I am doomed to this lonely life of soaring highs, swinging from media fixation to media fixation, telling strangers on the internet that I am desperately in love with fictional characters, and crash-and-burn lows that most people don’t even understand.
I am a 30-year-old woman technically diagnosed with both bipolar and autism spectrum disorder. I am a weird gay aunt who will never have a longterm partner or children or possibly even close friends. I am actually a really nice and cool and hot person.
And I am only in love with Sherlock Holmes.
For now.
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partysystem · 2 months
forgot about this blog + been frontstuck for weeks this is so DIDcore
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writinginfinite · 3 months
we've been caught, might as well post it pt. 2
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pt. one
remember when we started our relationship? You made me promise we would never go to bed upset. I know you’re not upset, but you’re probably confused or second-guessing everything
As you stepped off the elevator, the tension between you and Lewis eased; it was now a mix of anticipation and excitement. The two of you had just taken a significant step in your relationship. But despite that, there was still a nagging thought in your head: how long could you maintain your anonymity? You loved your career, having worked hard to be promoted to an executive position just months ago. You hadn't done all that work just to become known as "Lewis Hamilton’s girlfriend." 
“What’s going on in that head of yours? And don’t lie to me,” Lewis asked, setting the shopping bags down. You let out a deep breath as you walked slowly toward him, craving some reassurance.
With your arms wrapped around Lewis' waist, you mumbled into his chest, “Who said I was going to lie?” He gently lifted your chin, wanting you to meet his gaze, but you kept your eyes closed, not ready to face those familiar brown eyes just yet.
“Because I know—” 
“Yeah, yeah, you know me better than I know myself,” you interrupted, finishing his usual line. 
“Well, if you know that, why would you even think about lying to me?”
You let out a groan, signaling he won. “It’s just… Lewis, I…”
Words failed you as you finally looked into his brown eyes, feeling even more vulnerable and becoming distressed. 
“Let’s go shower and talk about this in bed,” Lewis suggested.
“It’s almost twelve-thirty in the morning. Let’s shower and talk about it later,” you countered.
Lewis quickly dismissed your suggestion, and you knew he was right.
“Remember when we started our relationship? You made me promise we would never go to bed upset. I know you’re not upset, but you’re probably confused or second-guessing everything. We’re not sleeping until we discuss this.”
“Now let’s go. I’ll start the shower. We can also wash your hair while we’re in there,” Lewis said, placing a kiss on your lips before walking away, not giving you a chance to protest.
You sat in bed, tapping on your phone as you waited for Lewis to join you. You were distracted until you saw a familiar tattooed hand gently grab your phone out of your hand. “Hey, I don’t want you reading social media yet, especially before we discuss everything.”
“Wait, give it back. I wasn’t looking at social media. I wanted to deactivate my LinkedIn. You can call me paranoid later.” LinkedIn was the only public account you had, detailing everything about your career and past—at least professionally. You wouldn’t put it past anyone to use any means necessary to figure out who you were.
Hearing the worry in your voice, Lewis immediately handed your phone back. “I understand. Let me finish getting ready, and I’ll be right back. Don’t fall asleep on me.” 
After ensuring your LinkedIn was deactivated, you double-checked to make sure your only other social media account, Instagram, was set to private. You also decided to change your profile photo, replacing a picture Lewis had taken of you at dinner with an off-guard shot he had taken of you admiring the sunset on the beach. 
As you placed your phone back on the nightstand, you began to wonder if this type of paranoia would become your new normal. 
“You know you can’t expect all the worries to disappear hiding under the blankets,” Lewis said as he got into bed with you. 
“Why can’t we just talk about this in the morning?” You questioned as you clinched the covers even closer to you. 
You suddenly saw a peak of light come under the covers. “Fine, if you wanna hide under the blankets, I’ll join you. But we’re not running away from this. Please look at me, tell me what’s in your head, my love?” Lewis said as he slid under the blankets next to you. 
This man knew what to say to make your worries melt away. Someone could tell you the world was ending, and all you had to do was look into those brown eyes and hear Lewis’ voice, to calm down. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look into those brown eyes just yet. You needed to get everything out first. 
“Lewis,” you whispered his name into the covers. “I’m afraid. Of what, I’m not sure yet. I love you with every fiber of my being Lewis and trust you completely. It’s not you I’m worried about, it’s what outside our home I’m worried about. The things outside of my control. I’m scared of losing everything I’ve built up for myself. But God knows I want everyone to know the man I love.”
Finally, finding the courage to turn and look into those brown eyes filled with curiosity, you murmured, holding back tears, “It’s just that everyone already knows everything about the man I love.”
Lewis stared at you with a mix of empathy and protectiveness. His hand gently caressed your cheek. “Hey, listen to me,” he began softly. “People think they know everything about me, but they’re strongly mistaken. They know the driver, the public figure, what I choose to portray to them on the weekends. But they will never know me the way you do. They don’t know how I sing off-key in the shower or how I arrange my things in a certain order. They don’t know how badly I want to hear your voice or see you run in my direction and wrap your arms around me during a race weekend. Or how I love coming home, because seeing you calms me more than anything else ever could.”
Lewis brushed away a tear that fell from your eye. “Everything you just told me is 100% valid. Your happiness and sense of security are my number top priority. I don’t want you to worry because you know I will do everything in my power to protect everything you’ve built up. But most importantly, I’ll protect you. Love, I’m so proud of you. You’re my entire world.”
Lewis' voice was filled with tenderness. “I want to show you to the world. But I respect your boundaries, and we’ll only do so when you’re ready. Until then, it’s just us. Our love doesn’t need to be displayed to be real. It’s in every moment we share, every look, every touch.”
He leaned in and kissed your forehead. “We’ll take this at your pace. Never forget, I love you more than you’ll ever understand. I’ll be right here, every step of the way.”
“Okay,” was all you could say, mustering up a smile. This man did it again. 
“There’s that smile I love to see. Seriously, are you sure you’re okay? You’re not rushing because you want to go to bed?” Lewis questioned, refusing to go to bed until he knew things were completely fine between you both. 
“You told me what I needed to hear, and I trust everything you’ve said. In all honesty, I’ve trusted everything you’ve ever told me. Never have you given me a reason not to doubt you. I love you, Lewis,” you said, reassuring him. This time, you were the one to initiate a kiss. “Let’s go to bed now,” you pleaded because you were struggling to keep your eyes open. 
“Yes, come here,” Lewis said, pulling you closer and onto his chest. “Don’t need you grumpy while doing your hair later,” he mumbled. You were too tired to come up with a response, so you playfully kicked his leg, and the rest was a blur.
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed, the memories of hours ago slowly coming back to mind. You reached for your phone to check for any new notifications, but your phone was gone. All you found was your charger and a note with familiar handwriting.
“Good morning, my love. Looking for your phone? It’s in the kitchen with me. I don’t want you reading anything yet; you have a lot to do and are easily distracted …” 
You playfully rolled your eyes at that part. As the note continued, it read, “Don’t roll your eyes because you know I’m right. Now go get ready to start your day.”
“This man, MY man,” you said as you got out of bed, placing the note back on the nightstand. 
As you walked into the master bathroom, you saw a set of clothes laid out - the type of old clothes you wore just for hair wash day. An old t-shirt of Lewis and a pair of lounge shorts, with another note on the counter. 
“Breakfast is ready when you are. I’m downstairs. Also, check the second bathroom when you walk down the hall before coming downstairs,” 
You were at a loss for words. No matter how much Lewis had done for you, he always surprised you. You went through your daily routine and then put on the clothes Lewis had laid out for you. This time, you grabbed the note and walked over to place it on your nightstand with the first one. 
As you walked down the hall, you noticed the light was on in the second bathroom. It was odd because Lewis rarely kept on lights if no one was in the room, but then you remembered the note. As you walked in, you blurted out, “Aww, Lewis!” 
It was the simplest gesture. In the bathroom, he had laid out everything you’d need to braid your hair, along with your iPad set up with your comfort show - the one you always rewatched when you were doing your hair. 
You turned off the bathroom light and hurried down the stairs into the kitchen. There, you found Lewis with headphones on, making a cup of tea. You carefully tapped him to warn him of your presence, not wanting the hot tea to spill on either of you. 
Once he put the hot cup down, he turned around and removed his headphones. You then wrapped your arms around his waist, repeating, “I love you. I love you. I love you,” with your voice cracking. 
It was something so simple, but it gave you the extra reassurance you needed that everything he told you last night was true. 
“Well, good morning,” was all Lewis could say before you stood on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. “Yes, I rolled my eyes at your note,” you stopped him. 
Lewis then picked you up and placed you on the counter. “Oh, so you saw your notes and followed directions for once,” Lewis playfully teased. 
You tilted your head, questioning what you just heard. “For once? I always follow -" You couldn’t even finish your sentence before Lewis tilted his head, knowing what you said wasn’t true. 
“Well, okay, that one time when we -“ 
“Just one occasion you can remember? Want me to try and bring back some memories?” Lewis said as he grabbed you again, throwing you over his shoulder. 
“No, no, no,” you protested. “Okay, you’re right. Put me down, Lewis,” you laughed, kicking your feet in the air trying to fight his grip. 
“That’s what I thought,” Lewis said as he softly tossed you on the couch, now laying on top of you. 
He stared at you for what felt like hours but was only seconds before asking the same question he asked before bed last night, “Are you sure you’re okay?” while trying to read your face. 
“Yes, I’m fine. Well, not really,” you said, causing Lewis to sit up with a face of worry. “I'm not fine because I’m really hungry,” you finished your statement. This caused a sigh of relief from Lewis, followed by a laugh and now tickles. 
“Mercy, mercy, mercy,” was all you could say between squeals before Lewis stopped and sat you up, placing you on his lap. 
Lewis held your face in his hand, saying, “Well, I made you breakfast and tea, which is probably cold now. I can remake it if you’d like?” 
“Lewis, they make these things called microwaves. I will be fine.” 
“Feeling smart-mouth, are we this morning?” Lewis said with a quizzical look. “I’m kidding. I know your hair is an all-day affair, so I purposely planned my meetings for today, which may be an all-day affair because you know what next week is.” 
You let out a sigh, remembering the next three weeks were a triple header. Spanish, Austria, then Silverstone. Three weeks where you would only see Lewis over FaceTime, waking up and going to sleep in an empty bed and quiet house. Last year it was rough, but especially now that you’re living together in this big house, you knew it would be tougher. 
“Hey. Let’s take it day by day. I’m not leaving yet, so let’s not think about that. Getting grumpy for no reason,” Lewis said before kissing your forehead. 
“Now it’s 7:30 and my meetings start in thirty minutes. I’ll sit with you while you eat. Come on,” Lewis said, while guiding you back to the kitchen. 
“Can I please have my phone? I don’t care about reading things online. I wanted you to pick my braids.” 
“It’s over there on the countertop. Let me grab it. You eat.”
You had more messages than normal, but quickly swiped past them and to your photos. You gave Lewis two options: boho knotless braids or butterfly locs. 
He swiped between the two photos before deciding on the boho knotless braids, which you were hoping would be his first choice. 
As you got up to put your dishes in the sink, Lewis stopped you to take them from you before handing you your phone back.
“I got this. Go start on your hair. If you need anything, text me. I’ll be in my office for the majority of the day. Also, I already prepared lunch and started dinner. Don’t ask how long I’ve been up, sweetie.” Lewis placed a kiss on your lips before heading down the hall to his office. 
“You were right. Not using my phone helped me finish my hair in record time,” you said to Lewis as you both sat on the couch, eating ice cream before bed. 
“See, I told you. So, you can admit, I’m right- you are easily distracted,” Lewis responded with a smirk. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you admitted reluctantly. You told Lewis to stay put while you went to wash the final dishes you two had used. 
As you were putting the dishes away, you heard Lewis’ voice from a distance say, “It’s mostly all positive online. And don’t worry, no photos of you have been found. It’s all ‘Respect their privacy’”
"That's nice to know," you said while closing cabinets.
“The few people we’ve told, I’ve reminded them to not say a word. And I know we can trust them,” Lewis said, with him now behind you. 
“I know. I saw our friends’ texts and reminded them as well. I’m taking your word for it. I’m not going online anytime soon. I’ll be fine, Lewis. We’ll be fine,” you said, turning around to embrace him in a hug. You needed it because you knew in just a day he’d be off again, this time for a while. 
You decided to work from home this Thursday, sitting in Lewis’ office even though you had your own. It had only been a couple of days since he left, and you started to wonder how you’d survive another 23 days without seeing him. You tried your hardest to never miss an opportunity to see Lewis on television.
It was super early, the sun barely up, and you hadn’t even turned on your laptop for work. Instead, you sat in Lewis’ office chair, watching the drivers’ press conference. You were wearing one of the many sweatshirts Lewis “mistakenly” placed in your closet before he left.
You took a quick selfie with his desk in the background. “Good afternoon, my love. Like my setup? Also, you ‘mistakenly’ left a couple of your sweatshirts in my closet when putting away laundry. So I’m claiming them for now. I love you and miss you.” You hit send before realizing the press conference had just started.
Lewis never had his sound on during these events, so you weren’t worried about him seeing it.
But you were wrong.
You watched live as Lewis pulled his phone out of his pocket. You looked at your phone as the message now said, “Read.”
You could see Lewis clicking on the photo, zooming in to figure out where you were. A huge smile formed on his face.
You thought Lewis was about to say something but realized he hadn’t heard the question. You frantically texted him, “LEWIS!!! They just asked you about your odds at Spain this weekend.”
Lewis could sense your panic through your text and was laughing, putting his phone on his lap. He was always calm when you felt he should be stressed.
As Lewis was picking up the mic, it picked up him whispering to himself, “Is she in my office? She found them,” before speaking directly into the mic, “I’m sorry. Did someone ask how I feel about my odds at Spain this weekend? I'm sorry I missed the question.”
The reporter responded, “Yes, that was the question. But if you want to tell us who’s in your office and what she found, that’d make for better reporting.” There was no hint of joking in the reporter’s voice. This reporter was known for trying to push Lewis’ buttons.
Your heart sank. You just hoped the man wouldn’t get to Lewis and that he wouldn’t say anything that would give them clicks.
The once joking face on Lewis turned serious. He moved to the edge of his seat. “Watch it. Don’t speak on her again.” The reporter retorted with, “We’ll figure out who, sooner or later.” You knew this had struck a huge nerve. Lewis said he’d protect you, and just days after that promise, people were coming for you.
You quickly typed out, “Lewis, please don’t give in. Ignore him, please. You’ll give them what they want. I’m fine. We’re fine. We’ll discuss this later. We’ll do this on our time.”
As Lewis was about to raise the mic to speak, his phone vibrating stopped him. You saw him read over your text, and you watched him nod his head, signaling he got your message.
“We’ll do this on our time. Now, to answer your question…” You were relieved when you heard Lewis move on.
All you could think was, “We’ll have to do this earlier than hoped.”
Immediately following the press conference, you received a text from Lewis. “I’m calling you in a few minutes.”
No “My love” or greeting—just a straightforward message. He was pissed.
You sat on FaceTime with an apologetic Lewis, trying to reassure him you were fine. It wasn’t a lie—he had done exactly what you’d hoped, keeping your name out of the press until you were ready.
“Silverstone,” you blurted out, confusing Lewis.
“Yes, Silverstone is the last race before I come home.”
“How about we make this known at Silverstone? We said we’d do this at our pace, and I don’t want it happening outside of our control. I want us to do it. So, Silverstone. I can come there on race day.”
For the first time in your relationship, you left Lewis speechless.
“Did you lose service? Are you still there?”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to rush this. I don’t want you to feel obligated.”
“Lewis, I promise you, I’m fine. I want to do this now. How about this: if you’re on the podium, I’ll be there waiting for you. Otherwise, we’ll keep things under wraps.”
“As if I needed any extra motivation to get a win or be on the podium. I’ll get things together; you focus on work. I’ll keep this as low profile as possible. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you. And, hopefully for the first time, have you there after a win or podium.”
You sat in the Mercedes hospitality area, trying your hardest to blend in as a fan on a solo trip. “Come on, Lewis,” you kept saying as he tried to overtake for P2.
The only person who knew who you were was Rosa, the one person in the garage Lewis trusted to stay silent.
You, along with everyone in hospitality, clapped with excitement as you saw Lewis pull into P3 in parc ferme. You looked down at your phone to see a text: “It’s Rosa. Meet me at the exit. I’ll walk you to the team. You’ll need more credentials. He did it! I know he can’t wait to see you!”
You quickly got up, straightened your dress, and found Rosa. In hand, she had your extra credentials and walked you to the front of the barricades, to the confusion of the team members.
As Lewis made his way to the team, he made eye contact with you.
“You’re here!” Instead of jumping towards his team, he grabbed you into a hug, slightly picking you up. At that moment, everything went silent—it was just you and him. You couldn’t let go, but you knew you had to.
You were up front as you watched the podium celebration. Cameras were in your face as Lewis was handed his trophy, but you didn’t care. You weren’t worried if people figured out who you were anymore; all that mattered was that you could finally celebrate alongside him.
Once the podium celebration was over, Rosa quickly grabbed you and took you back to Lewis’ motorhome. She tried to be discreet, but there was no hiding you anymore. You followed her, giving her a hug as you walked, finally introducing yourself.
“Trust me, I know who you are. I’m the only person he talks about you to, and all I can say is, this man loves you.”
“He should be inside. I’ll leave you two,” Rosa said before walking off.
You walked in to see Lewis sitting on the couch, changed into a team shirt and pants before heading to his final press conference. He immediately jumped up to hug you, whispering words of affirmation.
“You did it! At your home track as well!” You couldn’t stop smiling. “You have a press conference to go to. I’ll be here when you get back!”
“I love you,” Lewis said before running out to the press conference.
You sat on the couch, watching the press conference. Lewis started off by saying, “Yes, that was her. That’s all I’ll say about her until she’s ready.”
author's notes: part two of "we've been caught, might as well post it" sorry imagine part x is taking awhile.
3.8K words. need to proofread again.
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Mrow | Part Five (finale)
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: back human?? fucking finally??
A/n: WE'RE HERE. THIS IS LAST CHAPTER I PROMISE OH MY GOD. i'm NEVER writing quirks again is what i wanna say because GODDAMN if figuring this shit out wasn't ridiculously hard. i feel more nervous posting this last chapter than all the others combined. hopefully the ending lives up to all the love you guys have given!
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath-
And out...
-before reopening them.
Yeah, no. Still naked as the day you were born.
"CLOTHES," you screeched in a panic. Scrambling frantically, you grabbed the first thing you could in your proximity, holding onto the tattered cloth to your naked body for dear life, desperate to maintain some semblance of modesty. "BAKUGOU HELP HELP HELP-"
"WHAT THE FUC-" You didn't even have to see him to know he was gaping at you in shock. At the corner of your eye, you caught the villains charging up their attacks, taking aim while both your heads were spinning from the situation at head.
"BAKUGOU HOWITZER IMPACT-POWER SHIELD COMBO!" You yelled, one hand still holding up the too small cloth like a lifeline over your naked self, you steadied your other hand, timing your quirk with Bakugou's.
Bakugou didn't hesitate, having paired up with you enough to go through the motions of your combo moves like its instinct.
One blast from your roomate sent the villains flying back from its impact. The kickback had the air around you whipping, making you squeak as the wind tried to rip the cloth from your death grip while you activated your quirk, creating a power shield to buy you some time to-
"Sunshine?!??" Wow he wasn't even going to pretend to yell at you for telling him what to do. He must really be distracted.
You barely chanced a glance at Bakugou, doing your best to concentrate on keeping your forcefield up. You caught your roomate all but whip his head around to stare at you, eyes almost bugging out of his head as though he couldn't believe the sight before him.
"WH- HAH???? SUNSHINE?????" He all but wheezed out. You wanted to to tell him to save his breath with all the panting he was putting his lungs through but both of you had other priorities.
A beat of silence.
"BITCH I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" The blonde yelled back, recovering quickly, huffing in exertion while he scrambled to get something to cover you up while you kept up your forcefield.
"I BLASTED SPARKY OF OFF THE ROOF FOR THAT!" He screeched back, chucking the soft material into your face with enough force to make you stumble a bit, your power shield wavering slightly.
You almost deactivated your quirk in favour of a facepalm. You return to human after two weeks of being a cat & the first thing you do is get into a screaming match with your roomate about fucking pudding of all things.
"Okay, SHUT. Take over & cover me for 10 seconds while I get decent & I'll charge you up."
"You get 8 & you're buying me pudding," he bargained with a smirk. The audacity of this man.
"Are you serio- you know what. Fine. Fine!"
With that you leaped out of the way, letting Bakugou cover you. Quickly tugging over the baggy shirt & sweatpants abandoning the tattered cloth.
"Oh my god. Did you actually manage to find your own merch for me to wear right now?" You couldn't help but snort as you held up an oversized black shirt with Ground Zero's signature orange X on the front.
"Fuck off. They were the closest things I could get my hands on. Call it coincidence."
You couldn't help but chuckle as you rushed over to position yourself behind the burly hero.
"Alright, alright. One power up coming up," you gave him the heads up. You brpught up your hands to rest on Bakugou's shoulder blades, ignoring the toned muscle beneath your palms as you focused on directing energy to his arms.
"Thats more like it," Bakugou smirked, feeling the heat return to his palms.
"Alright, Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Better live up to that ridiculously convoluted name of yours."
"Its Ground Zero now & you know it, gaslighting brat."
"Aw but I liked the tongue twister better, you menace to society." Rolling your eyes as you thought back to all the times he used to insist everyone get that absurd hero name right. The entire thing. No shortcuts.
You caught the smirk your partner threw you, paired with that classic murderous glint in his ruby red eyes when he was about to go berserk. Wew, you almost felt bad for the villains who were going to face his wrath as you watched his grin turn predatory.
Then you remembered they had no qualms in hurting furbabies to get their way.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck them up, roomie," you smirked at the thought of serving these villains what they deserve, smiling at the huff of a deadly laugh the explosion hero breathed out.
"Lets give them hell, Sunshine."
"That will be 6.99," the cashier said robotically, his eyes wide & owlish. You didn't blame him though- you & Bakugou were quite the sight. The two of you were intensely ragged & disheveled from your little villain encounter, though fortunately, neither of you were severely injured- just a couple of light cuts & bruises that would be a bitch to wake up to tomorrow morning.
"Take your fucking pudding," you all but growl at the blonde smirking over your shoulder. Bakugou swiped his pudding of off the counter gleefully, one large hand going to ruffle your head. You pretend to threaten him with a bite, snapping your teeth at the offending hand, making him laugh at your expense.
"Thanks, Sunny."
"Its Sunshine to you," you huffed, stepping out of the store, Bakugou close to your side.
"You've been Sunny for the past 2 weeks. I think its too late for that at this point."
Stopping in your tracks abruptly, you turned to face the blonde, your narrowed eyes meeting amused red ones to pout up at him.
Smug bastard.
Rolling your eyes, you stepped into his personal space, making his shit-eating grin falter slightly, confusion falling over his face. That got a satisfied huff out of you, masking your nerves before you launched forward pouncing onto your roomate & wrapping your arms around his waist. The contact made Bakugou freeze, his entire body tensing up in your hold.
"..whats this for?"
Fuck. Your face felt hot. You didn't let yourself back away though. Instead, you hid yourself away into his chest.
"Nah. I kinda promised myself I'd hug you as thanks when I'm back human. For, well, looking out for me & shit," you mumbled into what was left of his hoodie, nuzzling into the soft fabric. You continued when Bakugou didn't say anything.
"Its weird. I didn't even go anywhere, but I missed you. I guess."
It took a moment, but you soon felt hesitant hands come around your body to return your hug, the reciprocation making you melt into Bakugou's careful hold as he rested his chin on your head.
"I should've known," he started lowly, making your brows furrow at the tone of his voice- something you could only describe as regret. "Even if you looked different, you were still you. From the way you sass me to the way you hiss at me in the mornings. Even- even the way you pretend to bite me after I mess with your head. It was all you. And. I should've seen it," he swallowed.
You pulled back to look at those downcasted red eyes you've grown to love so much, especially after having the oppurtinity to stare into them as much as you wanted with your excuse of being a cat. Slipping your hands into his, you squeezed lightly to make him meet your gaze.
"Bakugou. I was a cat."
"Yeah, but-"
You rolled your eyes fondly at this dumb blonde, not bothering to listen how he should've known, how he didn't do enough.
Instead, you clasped a hand over his mouth to shut him up before he could get even more agitated with himself, leaning forward to lightly press your lips to your own hand, right where his lips would've been without you covering it, letting your eyes flutter shut. Just for a moment.
Pulling away, you looked up at your roomate with a fond smile, not even caring that you had hearts in your eyes from how much adoration you had for him.
God, you were down bad for this man.
You watched Bakugou blinked at you blankly, seemingly frozen in shock as you pulled your hand away from his face, leaving his mouth gaping in surprise.
Heh. You smirked, satisfied at your roomate's flushed face & reddened ears-
Your roomate that your brain has helpfully supplied as so fucking hot the moment you laid eyes on him all those years back in UA.
Your roomate that you had to pretend you weren't completely fangirling over when you two moved in together & eventually started working together on missions, preening at every subtle praise & approval of your idol.
Your roomate that you have grown to recognize as more than just an amazing hero you look up to but also as a friend you adore as his own person- angy pomeranian, mom friend tendecies & all.
Your roomate that you've managed to befriend as more than an ex classmate to someone you trust no just with your life on the field but also with your most vulnerable self, stripped off of your hero status when you're home stress eating cookie dough ice cream at 2 am like the gremlin you are.
Your roomate that you have promptly fallen in love with after he danced with you on the roof that one cold night when he found you up there alone, swaying to a melody lost in the wind- yet vowed to not pursue.
Your roomate that your heart grew fonder for after having seen his soft side during which he cared for you as Sunny- when he sat by you with his gentle fingers in your fur on days you were lost on ways to break the quirk, seemingly atuned to your down days, even while you were cat. All the while working his ass off to find your human self.
Your roomate that is now currently malfunctioning from your actions as you turned around & continued your walk home cooly, proud to have been able to fluster the man who has had a hold on your heart for so long now & blatantly ignoring your own burning face as if your heart wasn't about to keel over from giddiness.
"What- what the fuck was that? I-if you're going to kiss me do it right dammit! Coward! Pussy!" You heard your roomate sputter after you as he jogged ahead to fall back in pace with you, roughly grabbing your hand.
You snorted at his choice of words, readjusting his hold on you but never letting go of his hand.
"The only pussy I am is the one you couldn't say no to the moment I so much as bat my pretty eyes at you. The one you cooed & talked to even through all your complaining about me being a loud little shit. The one you told all about your precious Sunshine you worried about every ni-"
"You're never going to let me live this down are you, brat?" Bakugou winced at how much blackmail you had against him the past 2 weeks he coddled your furry ass.
"And let this knowledge of how much of a softie you are deep down under all that gruff outside go to waste? After all I had to go through? Absolutely not. Mrow, bitch."
A/n: HELLO ALL OF YOU WHO STUCK AROUND UNTIL THE END. i hope the ending was okay? i scratched all my previous drafts for it & decided on something much more lighthearted because i feel thats what made this series so fun & as lovable as it is. i love you all so fucking much & i hope you enjoyed reading mrow as much as i enjoyed writing it <33 until the next crazy series my brain comes up with <3
Series taglist: @deadpoolsvodka @zbeez-outlet @fixed211 @arael-asuka @sadcookie365 @phrogfungi @trash-heichou-kacchan @sad0ni0n @woodzonesworld @mushi42 @yappydoo @kazxtora @nnubee @chuugarettes @voidsatoru @freakyundercover @momdisappointment @simp4rengoku @yaskna @zane2408 @lynn-writes-things @dinodumbass @jihyuniepark @julietdelamare @captainchrisstan @atrainb @wannabewolf @cupidcole @atsushiki @trashbin-nie @mothmanuwu @skyesayshi @nezykoi @theredtater06 @lanaxians-2 @alextheknight707 @vollkornpraline @misakik28 @carnationhcs @some-ryvant @blubearxy @dangerousluv1 @seokjin-bby @slytherclaw1227 @tjmaxx556 @kuleo26 @answer-the-sirens @stxrrielle @call-me-drartemis @ouch-thats-harsh @coodoritoss @thychuvaluswife @dynakats @naneko-nakooooo @letharue @sleepylittlebarista @moonbinnie0983 @ninashellhole @lovra974 @i-cant-write-for-shit
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wave2tyun · 9 months
sooo, hello!!🥹💞 or welcome back!!!!
i don’t really know how to start this, at first i prepared a pretty long text because i wanted to explain why exactly i deactivated and what has been happening, but in the end i chose to scrap that and not get into in detail because it’s all related to my personal life and it's probably better to just keep that private, plus it’s some pretty heavy stuff as well, and i don't want to load that onto you. so this has kind of turned into a ramble instead amdbjdn
truth is that i have been struggling, a lot. october was one of the worst months mentally for me, which is when i chose to deactivate. at some point i did start slowly feeling better and i wanted to come back on here earlier than this but then things got worse🙂 like so much fucking worse😭😭 it’s still hard to believe and it still hurts and i almost can’t stop thinking about it, but looking back, i’m at least glad about getting through things the way i did- because i feel like the me one year ago would have acted and handled those situations so differently, or maybe i would have barely been able to handle them at all.
in the midst of it all, i started to lose my passion for writing. writing stopped being a form of escapism or a way for me to use my creativity. it just felt like a burden. whenever i wanted to write and opened up a doc i just felt paralyzed only by looking at it. i couldn’t get anything out, nothing for days on end. i felt like i was losing myself, in multiple aspects, not just writing, and the disappointment that overcame me only added more and more to my stress.
and i’m not going to lie, i’m still struggling a lot to write again :’) but i do want to give it another try. maybe it’s the fact that i first started out last year in december that is kinda making my heart tingle for it again andbjsns this period of time feels nostalgic:(
however, due to personal reasons (not regarding anyone on here, just to make that clear) i’d feel much safer and much more at ease to continue with a different username, i hope you guys can understand. i do feel very attached to my previous one but i really want to be able to post comfortably.
i do kind of regret deleting my other blog because of all the memories i’ve lost, but at the same time i’m also happy i did it because in a way it allowed me to fully choose to work things out and focus on myself without feeling burdened or rushed.
i don’t know how long it’s gonna take for me to post something new. i’ve been working on multiple things at once but the progress has been quite slow ambdkdn but at least it’s something!!!! so it might take a long time, it might also not. i don’t know, i’m just gonna let things be and let them happen whenever they happen. maybe you guys can also tell me some of the fics i should repost?? i won’t do them all at once cause they were quite a lot and that would clog up the tags anbdjdnd + i also need to proofread them again cause most of the time i’d do that directly on tumblr before posting🥲
soooo yeah. if you’ve read through this whole post, i really appreciate it!! :(<33 i’m happy to return on here while being in a better state, and if there’s anybody who would like to talk, do feel free to send me a message or an ask!! i’m still at home on winter break, but i will go on a trip pretty soon😔✊🏻 just so you know in case i might be slow with posting/replying!!
i hope 2024 will treat both me and you well. i hope it can be a year of growth and love, a year where we can freely let go and start anew. in a world where you constantly get beat down for everything i still want to choose to be gentle, sensitive, and soft. i love you guys!!!! :(💞💓💖💘💞💓💞
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real-jane · 2 years
drifting (epilogue)
[cw!bucky barnes x female!reader]
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summary: bucky saves the life of a woman when she’s buried in an avalanche. faced with the possibility that his cover might be blown, bucky must keep the woman alive, and try to keep her from finding out who he is… or what he’s done.
how long can he hide?
warnings: softness.
word count: 1.6K+
a/n: here's the end, my loves. It has been very hard for me to say goodbye. but i think this will do it. thank you for loving my little story of healing.
series masterlist
She reaches for the ember before she can second guess it; the glowing debris is flicked from the fire and it lands with a fizzling hiss on Bucky’s hair, which is damp with sweat.
The moment her skin makes contact–heat. She bites back the pain, desperate not to make a sound and break the meditative trance Ayo left him in some time ago. Hours, at least. The last of his triggers finally… deactivated.
Six months in Wakanda, four inches of growth to Bucky’s hair, countless failed attempts to strip the mind control from his synapses without wiping away the frightened boy beneath it all, and here he sits. Between her knees, against a log. Slumped back with his eyes shut, head pillowed into the crook of her neck. His eyes are swollen from tears which he cannot stop. 
But he’s free.
He crawled into Y/n’s arms the moment Ayo proved that his trigger words no longer had a hold on him. More than anything, Y/n wept because he did. Seeing Bucky so thankful and free, and emotionally laid bare… it cracked her open. 
She’s happy to hold him close, even though he needs to eat or sleep, or bathe (all of those things for the first time in days). But her hand aches from the white-hot burn on her palm, and she whimpers without realizing it.
Bucky stiffens in her arms. Without saying anything, he tilts his head up with a frown. In the glow of the fire, his eyes look more green than blue, and there’s no mistaking the shock of red veining from crying, but Bucky still focuses as best as he can on her face.
“You had a piece of ash,” she murmurs. She inspects the surface of her palm. Sure enough, there is an angry welt at the base of her ring finger. Bucky cradles her hand in his. He sniffs, as if he can’t properly inspect her with a runny nose. He makes a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat.
“‘M alright.”
He shakes his head faintly. “It’s bad.” Bucky’s voice is raw and scratchy, but his tone is firm. “It’ll blister.”
“It can wait–”
Bucky growls, which stops them both in their tracks. His expression shifts from frustration to… amusement. He chuckles, and clears his throat. “Don’t know what that was.”
“Caveman,” she teases softly. He squeezes her wrist.
“That was Gandalf,” he says. 
She huffs. “Right. My mistake.”
Bucky turns, so his body is angled towards hers. He allows her to tug at the blanket beneath him, which he had long abandoned in the aftermath of his success. She watches him drape the blanket over his legs when the wind brings the evening breeze rushing through the small grove of banyan trees. She wants to tell him how proud she is. She knew he could do it. He’s so strong. James Barnes prevailed. But she can’t make any of those words come out. Nobody prepared them for what to do after. Maybe they’re supposed to sit in the Wakandan wilderness until they sprout roots.
“Nat took me for burgers,” she remembers under her breath. Bucky glances up at her again, despite diligently studying her burn mark. “When I got home.”
“Hmm,” he says. 
“America was too loud. Still is,” she says. “But freshly deprogrammed? I wanted a burger. For all the wonders of Wakanda, they haven’t yet gotten a Five Guys.” He raised an eyebrow. She scoffed. “I lost you.”
“It’s a burger joint?”
“I’ll make Steve bring us takeout next time he comes.”
“Or we could go ourselves…” he trails off.
Y/n swallows hard. “Jamie…” How do you tell a man that you’ve been making plans for his future, without him? “Do you like it here?”
He shakes his head, but Bucky’s mouth curls up at the corners. “More than I expected to.”
“Do you remember saying we could go away again, when all of this was over? I’ve, um. While you’ve been with Shuri and Ayo, I sort of took on a project. I should’ve told you sooner, but you needed to focus. But I want to tell you so bad… I’m rambling–”
“You barely started.” Bucky tilts her chin so she’ll look him in the eye. “What did you do, doll?”
She breathes out slowly. “I found us a place. Ramonda did, but I like it. It’s small. Smaller than the cabin–I don’t know, I think it will be fine. There’s plenty of space around it so we don’t have to be crammed together all the time, but. The fence is sound, so there is ample room to have goats–Ramonda keeps saying chickens but they’re so messy. I don’t want our lives to be covered in chicken shit. But there’s two trees, and it’s definitely good for a hammock. If you want. And I think it’s really nice. For us. If you want to, Jamie–”
“Doll,” he says with a light laugh. “You’re so worried, you’re making me nervous.”
“You want this, right?”
“Mm. That’s what you’re worried about?”
“Jamie…” she laughs, a mix of exasperation and love. “That’s just about the only thought I can make sense of, these days. So. I wanna know what you want.”
Bucky sighs. “We don’t need to rush the next step, you know? I know you’ve got muscles as twitchy as mine, but we aren’t living on borrowed time anymore.”
“Sorry,” she breathes. “I’m–”
“You’re here. That is what I want.” He kisses her gently. “I have one more thing I have to do, and then we’ll decide what’s next.”
“Do you think you can be patient for seventy-two hours?” The smile at the corner of his lips is so soft that she can’t help but worry her lips over the curve. It’s a place he’s eventually going to wear a wrinkle, because she’s going to make sure he smiles like that every day of the rest of his life. 
She’s known about this last phase of his journey in Wakanda because she did the same thing herself. He has to go recalibrate out in the elements, T’challa reminded her, gently. The king has deferred months of inquiry from the US government regarding his fugitive. Bucky will be safer out in the Wakandan back country than walking down a New York City street, so what’s three more days?
“Yes,” she peeps. 
He chuckles. “Liar.”
“Do you have to leave right this second?”
Bucky shakes his head. “Not until the coals go out.”
“Tell me about this house,” he says, resting her upturned hand on her knee. As she gives him a rundown of the property, he tends to her wound, only half-listening to the story of forever she’s built for them both.
He sneaks in behind her as she washes dishes in the small sink basin. Whether or not she realizes he is there is moot; after three days wandering the wild, the thing that had brought him back to himself was the faint scent of her favorite lilac soap on the edge of a breeze… which lead him right to the door of what might generously be called a house, but which he hopes to call ‘home’. He leans against the wall, which has been painted a lovely shade of teal, and watches her.
Three days was an eternity without her. 
No, it was longer–months, even, but he wasn’t himself. She floated on the periphery of his heart the entire time, his true north as he fought through the triggers of the Winter Soldier–but it wasn’t until his final night with Ayo by the fire that he had his sweet woman by his side again. A permanent fixture of his third chance at life.
In a lot of ways, Bucky is forever twenty-four. He certainly feels it, with a body charged in renewal. But then again… hasn’t he always felt that way with her? 
Long before the avalanche dropped her on his doorstep, back when he had nothing to live for but his next orders, there she was. He remembers it all. The light on her cheeks through the yellow fogged windows, meant to allow sunlight but not observation from the world outside–Moscovian light, which was harsh on buildings and soft on snow. And cheeks, which his lips and fingers tingled to explore even before he knew why. 
That song–she has hummed it for years. She hums it now without realizing, because it’s just one of those things ingrained in the fiber of her being. She’s a tapestry of precious threads, shot through with gold filament of tenderness. Instead of fear at the thought of how he might harm her… all that rests on Bucky’s mind is that this house is theirs. Back in the cabin, on the desolate mountain, he wanted it… but he couldn’t give her this without facing his demons. Instead, she held hands with the devil himself, with Soldat, and she made the world technicolor again.
Yes, he wants this. Even if it’s covered in chicken shit and baby goats, and even if they fight every moment, and even if they get bit to high heaven by mosquitos all summer, it is still paradise compared to where they came from. 
He takes a measured step forward, but his foot on the soft rug makes a sound which startles her and she turns, hands doused in suds up to the elbows. But she smiles, and there is not one thing better than the way her eyes light up.
That is his home. Wherever those eyes go, whatever they see, he’ll share it. As long as he can wake up next to her.
“Hi, baby,” she whispers.
Bucky’s face exercises the full range of his muscles in one go–smiling brighter than he ever thought himself capable.
“I’m home,” he murmurs.
Thank you so much for reading! :)
tag list: @peterhollandkait @abitgryffindorky @hogwartsahist0ry @idgafiamallthefandoms @mysticatto @im-just-star-dust @light-through-stained-glass @ginger-swag-rapunzel @sanguineterrain @honeywithemoney @nahthanks @lalalaloki @themorningsunshine @mumbles411 @slutforsexyseabass @eloiseishere @foreverindreamlandd @thornsnvultures
kate’s masterlist - my bucky barnes masterlist
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tarnishedxknight · 3 months
{out of dalmasca} A note about leaving reviews and comments on fanfics below the cut. Just do it. Please. Especially if you really loved it. Take the time to gush a little, because writers appreciate it... so very much.
Guys, I just... I saw something about locking down your AO3 fics so AI scrapers can't do various things with them (something that, after staring at the settings for a solid ten minutes, I still can't figure out how to do), and I hadn't logged onto my account in eight years. I just... have lost the ability to write original stories or fanfics. I only do rp now. And looking at what I used to be able to do makes me sad. *shrug* But I left the few fics I had written up there because why not, maybe someone somewhere might halfway like them, right? Now, I had notifications turned on for things like kudos and comments and whatever... but apparently I was not notified about comments past a certain point? Like... from eight years ago and onwards?
I had 11 comments, most from years ago, that I never knew existed. And they were so
I'm in tears right now. The things people said about them... these random things I had written... some of which I worked extremely hard on... were just... amazing? I don't understand? How you read anything I've written and arrive at that sort of emotional gushing and pointed praise? Because to me I'm the derpiest potato in existence and I'm just faking it 'til I probably never make it, haha? And these people just
And the weird thing is that some of the best comments were on the super tiny fics I wrote that I honestly thought were complete trash. Like... Obviously they meant something to me or I wouldn't have written them, but I had a short thing I wanted to get out and this was around the time I was losing my ability to write novels and long fics, so they're... short. Very short. So short I thought why am I even posting these? Because for some reason in my head, length equates to quality. Or it's at least a major factor of how I judge my own writing. But many of the comments pertained to a couple very short ficlets I'd written and somehow... I managed to make people feel that much with just a tiny blurb?
I'm shook, honestly. I feel so bad that I didn't see these because I would've responded to every single one of them personally, but it's been years now and some users have deactivated so... there's little point now. But I'm just shaken in the best way to see this. I don't understand it and I'm not sure I agree with all the praise, but it gave me that temporary yet amazing feeling of being a great writer for a few minutes that I haven't felt... in... well several years.
So yeah, if you think comments/reviews don't matter, please think again. Do it. Take that little bit of time if you really loved something to tell the writer so. Because I can't tell you how amazing these comments made me feel, and it makes so much of a difference. You don't know how hard the writer worked on something, or what they might be going through in their lives, and maybe your comment will be the bright spot in their day that gives them that extra boost of confidence they really needed.
If you loved it, comment on it. Share the love. It matters, I promise you.
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 3 replay, Speak with Quarians:
-There’s nothing to find in either system in the Far Rim, but you can still travel to Ma-at anyway.
-The quarian Envoy Ship somehow has the same stealth tech as the Normandy.
The quarians are exceptional engineers, but Tali warrants a hard look. She’s the only quarian with experience with the Normandy engines and there’s very little Tali won’t do for the Fleet.
Yes, yes, her writer says otherwise. There’s nothing in the game that says Tali did not give the quarians the technology and there’s nothing to say the other writers of the game did not mean to imply it.
At the very least you’d think how the quarians obtained the technology would have come up at some point during discussions in the game, but that would require investigate options and ME3 tries to keep those as minimal as possible.
-The quarians started the war with the geth 17 days ago.
That must have been after the Reapers arrived. What were they thinking?
-The quarians had an agreement with the Council to not provoke the geth.
I suppose the quarians figured that fighting the geth while the Council was distracted with another war would be the best time. The Council would have bigger problems to worry about and one way or another the quarians’ war would be over by the time the Council had time to address it; and if the quarians won, would the Council actually implement harsh penalties?
-Xen insists that the quarians did not murder the geth. They attempted to deactivate them.
Xen, at least own your shittiness. Yes, you attempted to murder them.
-And surprise, surprise once the quarians had the geth backed into a corner they turned to the Reapers for help.
This is not to say that it was a good choice, but I understand it. The geth were going to be murdered anyway; the Reapers at least gave them a chance to survive. Any problems they have with the Reapers could be resolved after the quarians were dealt with.
If the alternative is extermination, there’s a little a person won’t do. That’s why it’s not a good idea to put your enemy into a situation where they have nothing to lose. They have no reason not to try anything.
-Koris, if the civilian ships are participating in the war they are no longer civilian ships.
You gave your liveship canons. They’re valid military targets.
-Tali is still using vas Normandy.
-Tali thought there was a chance for peace between the quarians and the geth after speaking with Legion. She’s helping the war effort to avoid splintering the fleet.
I understand her reasoning – the quarians are already short in number, and if only half went to the war that half would be all but guaranteed to be slaughtered. The other half might not survive their loss.
However, she’s doing so at the cost of another people. She’s decided that killing all the geth is worth it to improve the life of the quarians. Even though she knows there’s a possible alternative where no one has to die.
So in other words she’s justified supporting a genocide because she can’t talk her people out of it.
I don’t hate her for it; opposing this publicly and refusing to support it would take tremendous courage.
But I do think less of her for it, and I do think it shows that Tali still has to grow into a leadership role. If Tali and Koris both refused to assist the others with the war, it might have been avoided entirely. Or at least the civilians may have been kept out of it.
If you love someone, sometimes you need to tell them no. You won’t help them. You will help them pick up the pieces afterwards.
I think this is what Tali should have done; she may not have been able to stop the quarians, but she should have refused to help them. And she can’t be considered a leader until she’s strong enough to be able to do so.
If Tali had resigned her admiralship rather than go along with the war… That would have sent one of hell of a message to the Fleet and the geth.
Considering Tali expresses her regrets if you succeed at making peace between quarians and the geth, I think she’s on a path to developing the strength. I like to think that after the Reaper war, Tali’s more insistent about being heard among the admirals and is more willing to tell them No when she feels it’s warranted.
-As referenced, the quarians gave the liveships canons. Another Council violation.
The quarians have thrown everything out the window in the effort to take back Rannoch. They’re determined to do so or die trying.
-Bioware railroads Shepard again if you invite Tali up to your room.
All you can do, paragon or renegade, is reassure her she’s doing fine.
I wish there was an option to say she did make a mistake in going along with the war. Make it clear you’ll help the quarians survive but you won’t support a genocide.
This is supposed to be an RPG, Bioware. Let me make choices!
-Tali says she can push back against the worst decisions the other admirals make.
Girl, that only works if you put your foot down. If you let them bully you into supporting them, you’re just enabling them.
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
Hello there. Hope you're in good spirits. I was hoping to send in a request if you're accepting them at the moment. It's more of a request/ask, but what would be your personal headcanons about the Wild Biker Boys? Just any headcanons in general that you've thought of about the boys at their worst.
yoo it’s been a hot minute since of got a request. glad to feed yall some wbb content though fr. I will note though, since this is a very obscure media without TOO MUCH to dive into, so if any of these seem ooc, are already established in canon, or I end up my repeating myself for a few headcanons I sincerely apologize. I try to read pela’s lore on there blog as much as I can I swear.
tw - drugs, alcoholism, bugs, body horror, toxic coping mechanisms, and coii being a simp for wbb dice
• I feel like with these new drugs he’s taken, he’s a hell of a lot more jittery. Maybe even more so then Varai sometimes. Sure you could say it’s the type of drugs he taken but honestly? I feel like even if he did try to lay off a little he’d become more and more shaky and restless (like a caffeine rush.).
• Deep down, I don’t think Dice truly likes what happened to himself. Nor does he see himself in any good light, unlike he plays off.
• As for pink dice, that fucker is a nuisance.
• I like to think of him as an eager puppy, always urging Dice into random shit he honestly doesn’t want to do. (Liking buying more drugs, for example.)
• I like to think pink dice is really into the guro art form, and likes to preform the scenarios on anyone who grows close to Dice (which he kinda does, in his Yandere ending.)
• Dice and Pink go back and forth a lot. So much so I believe Dice becomes an insomniac. He definitely doesn’t sleep much with Pink being active. Hell, sometimes when Pink is deactivated he still can’t sleep..it’s just became a long lasting battle at this point.
• not a headcanon but I am so thirsty for wbb dice..he’s so yummy like drive over me with your bike a million times omg. (If you got any pink dice art or headcanons hmu 🤭🖤)
• My guy needs a hug so fucking bad man.. the first time I got his ending with the melted face I genuinely felt unnerved too like holy shit.
• In LBB I feel like Jeff is way more up beat. He’d probably listen to more light, poppy music. However with his shift he’s listening to things more depressing. He guesses it’s because hearing relatable lyrics help him calm down just a little bit.
• He’s way more temperamental then he ever was before. Almost no patience at all. Even if he doesn’t blow up, you can tell he’s still very petty and sarcastically mean.
• Goes on speed rides on his bike to calm him down. Most of the time blasting music. He never goes too far though, since he knows he still has to take care of Jatay.
• He drinks more often then he used to. He shows up at the bar almost every night and ends up coming home slammed to which Jatay consequently leaves him alone.
• Shits been hard..and Jeff simply can’t wait until he care tear Y/N apart in the most brutal way’s possible.
• He’s gained new bug friends! All of them are named (for the most part). Sometimes he forgets someone’s name simply due to the fact that there’s so many of them that look so alike. If this happens, he starts going in a panic and feeling bad.
• His ainxety though, has slightly calmed down. He’s more of a walking corpse then he was before, so at this point there’s barely anything he needs to worry about aside from natural everyday worries.
• He’s definitely more clumsy then he ever was before. I guess it’s just because of the whole zombie thing..literally how is this guy alive?
• He hates seeing his boyfriend the way he is. It’s the biggest worry he has right now, and it worries him that they might eventually grow completely distant.
• Varai has the same relationship with Dice, although I think he’s really scared of Pink Dice so he stays away from talking about him as opposed to Jeff or even Jatay.
• Bro is in his own personal retirement home.
• Jeff is his caretaker, ofc
• Jatay often feels bad for Jeff, in a lowkey way. Obviously Jatay is an asshole, so he’d never really say anything outright, but those feelings are still there deep down.
• He feeds his stomach pet thing himself, making up meals for him since he can’t really eat that good. It gives him the joy knowing he can still cook for someone other then himself or Y/N.
• Jatay could give less of a fuck about the state of the world. At this point he’s going with the flow, with which ever way that might lead him.
• Talking to Jeff more has actually..calmed him down a little more. Obviously Jataybis not who he used to be, and with his shape I don’t think he’d want to anyway. Long story short, he appreciates Jeff’s company a lot.
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 6 months
Ch 29: Under
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looking like they just won a game show. Enjoy that Corolla, kids!!
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Latla whistles for an orca that comes to save her and Rip with its ginormous tongue (another event Chikara will be describing to his therapist someday). We see down it's throat to assure us that, yes, this is a living biological whale and not a secret base disguised as a whale. Very likely to be an UMA, especially since it has too many eyes. I'll bet Latla really hates how it smells inside the mouth.
She tells Fuuko to save her questions for Rip, who definitely isn't gonna die from the hole Andy put straight through his heart, which raises some questions.
And then Fuuko finally says what we've all been wanting to say:
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Right? Her hair is a really cute detail. Obviously, the meta reason is that it covers her up, but it also expands the range of her ability.
Plus, it's probably hard to find a way to cut it. Lasers? Chewing it off?
Andy says that his regeneration is coming back, so Rip's ability must have been deactivated. He didn't say Rip is dead though, and Latla said he won't die, either. What's up with that?
Andy reviews how the team worked together and allowed him to take out Rip with his Crimson Bullet. The team decides to keep Chikara's existence a secret from the Union (which I'm really surprised Tatiana agreed to??) and he can decide if he wants to join after a week of normal life.
The week passes instantly, and we see Andy and Fuuko waiting outside of Chikara's school.
I need to get this off my chest. Chikara's friend has big crazy eye vibes. Is this child OK? Too much caffeine? Extra neurotypical? Supposed to be American? Possible UMA This might be a me problem.
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Or maybe this kid has Unmove too, bc looking at him chills me to my very soul. Aright, enough about the kid (for now). I'm watching him, though.
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And chibi Rip shows up! He still has on the Blade Runner artifact, and he doesn't even have a scar from where Andy shot him.
Rip's got his hands in his pockets and is hardly even looking at them while he talks. He even starts to say that he'd come bearing gifts! It's like he has no idea why they might still be mad at him, and he let all his defenses down.
But both Fuuko and Andy let him know right away that the fight's not over.
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Just standing outside the school, punching children.
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Rip is so unlike the other characters we've met.
"You're mad at me for stabbing the girl, right?" <- Yes, duh. It almost sounds like he's talking himself through it. "Why are they mad at me? Oh maybe this reason..."
Did he not expect them to be mad? Well, no, not really, because he's not mad, so in his mind, they shouldn't be either.
Next, he minimizes the fact that Fuuko could've died. Saying "my bad" is for when you accidentally stepped on someone's shoe, not when you attacked them and their friends.
Next, he removes himself further from responsibility by blaming Fuuko for jumping in front of Chikara. It's still his knife that he threw! And besides, if she hadn't stepped in and the knife had killed Chikara, would he still not understand why they're mad at him?
But Andy has him by the collar right now, and as far as we know, Rip is unarmed. He has no idea what they'll do next. He tries to smooth things over by apologizing to Fuuko. "How's the wound? All right, I hope?"
The apology catches Fuuko off guard: "Huh? Uh, yeah. Mr. Ni- Err... I mean, a nice doctor patched me up."
"Ah, Gotcha! Good to hear! Sorry about that!" What?? Is it really so easy for Rip to just flipflop friends and enemies all the time like that?
And since he feels that he's smoothed everything over with Fuuko, Rip continues explaining why he's come.
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I think this is the 4th artifact we've seen: Apocalypse, Nyoi Kinko Staff, Blade Runner, and this gun, which causes terrible visions the first time it's held.
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Rip says that the image is of God. If that's true, then this is a damn terrifying God. There's also these fire beings doing most of the work while God just looms there.
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But there's more! Rip says that the goal of his group is to rule the world in the years prior to the end of the world. Very Mad Max of him.
Then he adds something cryptic:
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He finally gives a name to the Negator Hunters: UNDER
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I'm a little concerned about putting Rip in charge of deciding what's fair...
He again offers Fuuko and Andy spots in Under, but they decline. He leaves, and poor Chikara walks up in time to hear the end of their conversation.
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voxofthevoid · 1 year
👀👀👀 17 catch your lady by her toes and 24. The tied to the tracks one??? ❤️❤️❤️
Hello, friend 💖
I typed up a whole response to this and then...Tumblr glitched. Fuck me.
Round 2
17. catch your lady by her toes [song here]
This one came into being because I, in my infinite wisdom, idly wondered if I'd be able to write femlash without risking triggers now that top surgery has eased the worst of my dysphoria, and my cesspit of a brain answered very loudly with "Gojou single-handedly turns Yuuji from an ass woman to a tit woman."
CW: teacher/student, adult/minor, genderbending of the cisswap variety, gratuitous use of the word tits
This is a slightly cleaned-up version of my initial notes:
Subvert the A-cup angst trope. Yuuji is staring at Gojou's tits (unconsciously), and Gojou goes "Don't worry, Yuuji, some girls are late bloomers." Gestures at Yuuji's chest. "These might surprise you one day." Wink wink nudge nudge. Yuuji, too startled to lie or hedge, blurts out that she's fine with her tits. Immediately clamps up and expects Gojou to disbelieve her the way girls at school usually did when this came up. But Gojou leans in and says, "Oh, so you just like looking then?" Yuuji blushing and denying it (failing to be convincing). Her control over the doll slips but Gojou deactivates it. Says she understands, they are nice, aren't they? Tells Yuuji to come closer and hugs her, Yuuji's face between Gojou's tits, and Gojou is crooning something like "It feels comforting, doesn't it?" but Yuuji's brain is just going TITS TITS TITS on repeat.
24. love's like the chug of a slow train coming (if we're tied to the tracks, we're bound to feel something) [song here]
I want it on record that this is all Hymn's (@thelionshoarde) fault. I am innocent.
CW: teacher/student, adult/minor, a/b/o ft. mating cycles, intense sex
This one's alpha!Yuuji/beta!Nanami/omega!Gojou. Most of the focus will be Nanami/Yuuji, I think, because this is Nanami PoV, but a fair bit of Nanami/Gojou/Yuuji and Gojou/Yuuji will also be there. I'll copy over the first part of what I typed up for Hymn; it's more coherent than my for-self notes usually are.
Nanami calling Gojou for damage control when Yuuji goes into rut after the Mahito mess because the kid's supposed to be dead and Shouko's left for an emergency in Kyoto and there's literally no one else to call, but Gojou still isn't in the country, so it's just Nanami who has to deal with a teenage alpha in his first rut. And pre-rut, Yuuji's mostly just miserable, and Nanami basically treats him like he's got the flu, but half a day later, it's a whole different beast, which Nanami finds out the hard way when he hears Yuuji groan and rushes in to find him jerking his dick harsh enough that it hurts even looking at him, and now he's a miserable, desperate mess, and Nanami, in a fit of temporary insanity, "helps out." Which escalates to one very long bout of insanity because it's not like any rutting alpha will willingly stop once they've got hold of a warm, wet hole, and Nanami keeps telling himself he'll knock Yuuji out or something after the next round—then the next round, then the next round. And he doesn't, even when it starts to hurt, even when his entire body starts feeling like one overexposed nerve. Yuuji's just so needy and an unholy mix of pitiful and cute about it, and Nanami keeps discovering softer spots in the soft spot he's developed for Yuuji. Maybe he even tells himself it's payback for Yuuji saving his life—least he could do etc. Next thing he knows, he's falling asleep on a knot— —and waking up to a very amused Gojou Satoru who's decided to let himself in when no one answered after one(1) knock, as one does.
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mikwaa · 1 year
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Pairing: Zhonglix f! Reader
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, graphic descriptions of blood and violence, enemies to friends to lovers.
Lenght- 4,724
Here is the masterlist of this series!
"Are you really going alone?" That was the first thing you asked Xiao as soon as you saw him getting ready to leave.
It was still early in the morning, it was raining and the weather was cold, and yet Xiao decided that he would go.
"We have already talked about this. As I told you, I won't be long."
You huffed, the problem was not whether it would be fast or not, but the fact that he wanted to do it alone.
"You're a real hardhead. But since you won't listen to me, please take care of yourself." You say considerate.
He answered with a whisper.
"I'm serious Xiao." You pull him by the arm.
"I know. Don't worry about me, I'll be more at ease if you tell me you won't be so upset about it." A brief smile draws itself on his face.
"I'm not upset, just worried." You say.
He nods, knowing deep down that there isn't much to be said that could comfort you. On the other hand, you knew that you couldn't stop him even if you wanted to, so the best thing to do was just accept it. You waved to him as he walked away until he disappeared into the early morning hours.
You felt something strange in your chest, anguish perhaps. But after so much time working together, for him to take this action alone was something that made you uneasy.
But as a sort of consolation, Bosacius had gotten much better during the last few days, which was genuinely a surprise to you. He was now able to do small patrols around the inn, and although his memory still failed him sometimes, he tried very hard to understand or remember things. And of course you couldn't be happier about this, after all it was what you had been searching for all these years, and now you are being duly rewarded.
Since Bosacius started taking responsibility for the surroundings of the inn, you have been freer to go to more distant places. Which has actually helped a lot in your search for antidotes. You had already found a new place that you had to keep an eye on constantly, since it was close to the harbor. And of course you also had to keep an eye out for Morax, for sure you would have a major disagreement if he knew.
Actually you chose that place because it was already well developed, which confused you. The place was in great condition, as if someone had just been there. But since you found it, you haven't found anyone in the vicinity of the area.
It was like a big shed, full of equipment and some beings. And the beings that were there were none other than the ruins guards, all deactivated of course. But there was a device that was able to activate them, which again left you disconcerted. You could think of several names of people who might be in this place, but you couldn't think of any that actually made sense.
Besides, it was a more secluded area, meaning that the person who made it knew that it needed to be reserved when making the shed. Because if not, it would be destroyed in the blink of an eye.
However, as soon as you arrived you saw a strange movement, some local guards along with an abnormal flow of people. You remained at a distance watching and trying to figure out what it was all about. You saw some people being taken out of there, they weren't badly hurt, just some bruises.
As soon as everyone had left, you headed into the area. Inside it looked like a storm had passed, everything was messed up, and most of the equipment was broken. It was as if there had been a fight in there. But strangely the ruins guards remained intact.
"So that's you again." The familiar voice echoes through the place.
You turn to face Morax, who had a haunting face. He was never disheveled, or without his gentlemanly manner, and you could hardly notice a hairline that was untidy. But now he was a mess, his hair partially loose, his clothes crumpled, and he was certainly not in the best of moods.
"What do you mean?" You say in a stammering voice.
"Don't try to get smart with me. If you didn't do it, what are you doing here?" He says, stabilizing his posture.
You blinked twice, and repeated the phrase in your head. He couldn't have been thinking that you, of all people, would try anything.
"What are you implying? Don't tell me you're suspicious of me?" You can't deny that you were displeased by the tone he was using, or worse, that he was thinking you were to blame for all this.
"Childe had already told me about your dubious movements, I didn't believe him. But seeing you here in person confirms my assumptions." He says credulously in his speech.
"So you believe that Fatui more than you believe me?" You sounded extremely offended.
"It's not a matter of trust, it's what I just witnessed. Don't tell me you didn't know about this place?" Morax says aggressively.
"Yes, I did, after all, it was I who made it here. But I am not an irresponsible person who let one of the ruins' guards escape." At this point you assumed that this is what had happened.
"Oh no? Then who was it?" He says dismissively.
"I don't know, how would I know? If I knew I would have prevented it." You say in haste.
"Don't try to make a fool out of me. I know you're inconsequential enough to do that. Are you angry because I broke up your little joke?" He had a haughty tone now.
You looked at him sordidly. How much of an imbecile could he be in a split second?
"You're full of yourself, aren't you? What if it was me, huh? What are you going to do?" You say scornfully.
"If no one has set limits on you, I will. Remember your place." He was completely impetuous.
He raises his spear, making it very clear what he wanted.
"Starting a fight Morax? I won't let myself be shaken by you." You also raise your spear and put yourself in a more alert position.
Morax moves towards you quickly, you dodge with ease. You move toward him, causing him to momentarily lose his balance. In that instant, you remembered a 'weak point' he had, acquired in a fight with a very powerful God, centuries ago.
It was on his back, a little near his shoulder, and if you remember correctly besides the scar that was visible until today, if you used a good amount of elemental energy on the area, it would cause Morax to have a kind of shock, and he would be paralyzed for a few seconds. It was more than you needed to excel.
So that's how you did it, it was blunt and fast. You cut a piece of his clothing to have direct contact with the place, and as soon as you put one of your hands on it you used elemental energy to make him lose control of himself. You hastily push him to the ground, and immobilize him. Making him unable to move properly.
You were leaning over him, with your spear pressed against his neck. Your gaze was maleficent, you could end it all right now. You could avenge everything he had done, but no, that was not what you wanted.
You wanted to show that he was not the owner of absolute power, on the contrary. A weak and submissive Archon, who was now at the mercy of a simple servant.
Oh, how merciless.
"You should be ashamed of yourself for surrendering so fast." You say disapprovingly.
"That was a low gesture on your part." He says with baited breath.
You half-clench your eyes, putting more force with your spear on his neck. A drop of blood drips down, and you give a laughing look." I've watched you fight for years, do you really think I wouldn't remember your techniques, master." You say the last word in disgust.
You can feel that he was trying to react, trying to make a pile of stone fall down next to you.
"Don't try. It won't work. In any case, is that the best you can think of?” You say with your libertine tone, an affront.
"You know very well that if I want to finish you off here and now, I can." He says in a snarl.
"Then why don't you? Don't tell me you're sorry, you're really pitiful. Slag." You made a point of speaking your mind, what you kept to yourself for so long.
"What do you want? Do you want to finish me off? Go ahead, vent your boundless rage. Betray your own Archon." He says clearly frustrated.
"You are no longer my Archon, Morax. I've told you that several times, and it looks like I'm going to have to tell you again.” You say, averse to his words.
Quicker than you could realize he reverses things and manages to immobilize you. You can hear the sound your spear makes as it falls to the ground. "And I've said it many times before, don't measure strength with me." And in a hateful way, he was saying it with total conviction. He knew he was stronger, and so do you.
"And? You were just now at the mercy of a simple Yaksha, what a joke, huh?" You say it jokingly, completely reckless.
His gaze narrowed, as he wrinkled his eyebrows. “Even in surrender you don't stop? Frankly, you need a good lecture.”
You laughed, laughing harder than you should. And really, the impetuous Morax who finished off his enemies on the battlefield, now said you needed a lecture?
"I'm not joking." Morax says, and soon you realized that his spear was wedged into your arm.
You swallowed hard, as you looked down at your arm. Morax hadn't lost his brutality yet, he was just hiding it.
"Keep laughing, I want to see if you have the audacity." You hated the way he seemed so untouchable, so fearless.
You gasped faintly, the bastard was pushing even harder against you.
"You can go on for hours, I'm not going to beg you to let me go.” Your stubbornness could be two things, a blessing or a curse.
His golden orbs hovered over your face, as you worried your arm, he analyzed you. It was obvious that his intention was not to kill you, although it didn't seem like it. But he wanted to show that even if you don't admit it, you still have to follow his orders.
He was already thinking of getting rid of you in some way, but what you were doing could not be done by anyone else. And it was an idea that he discarded over time, since you were apparently not causing any kind of trouble.
One of the biggest reasons Morax wanted to send you away was the fear that you would be consumed by karma and lose control, doing something that would compromise everyone. Since he didn't know how aggressive you might get if you contracted the karma, after all, you weren't very formidable normally.
"We can finish this nicely, but you need to leave. Or I'll have to do it myself." He says sincerely.
You look at him and stare, how could he throw all your years of work away like that? For an act that hadn't even been you, besides the coldness and indifference he expressed, he was so detached from you. As if you were worthless.
"You can't, even if you want to. You need me Morax, like it or not, you still need my work." You say dismissively, he couldn't deny that he would be unable to do the things that only you knew how to do. You say this in the hope of changing the topic, or finding a loophole to get out of the situation.
"No one is irreplaceable, not even you. Besides, your work is average, nothing I can't handle." He says smugly, at the same time inanely.
"Oh, yeah? Then why have you kept me here until today? Hm? You know perfectly well that things wouldn't work without me." You say annoyed. Even if you were sure of what you were talking about, Morax's unwavering gaze made you doubt.
"You're right. But I also have a point, no one is irreplaceable. So I could easily put someone else in your place, or I could even take over your post." He says slyly, cunningly, clearly expecting a reaction from you.
"You know better than that, you wouldn't be able to stop the miasmas so easily. Besides, you wouldn't be able to handle divine karma, I bet you would succumb at the first opportunity. Imagine that, you with karma, slowly going crazy. And being left in the corner, you couldn't handle it. You're too weak for that." You say that in a sharp, defiant way. Morax could take many things, but he would never accept being forgotten. Never.
His face softened, giving way to a strange expression. One that even you couldn't tell if it was disappointment, anger, annoyance, or something else.
"You still haven't forgotten that?" He asks.
"Never. I'll never forget the stupid thing you did to us. "You say through clenched teeth.
Surprisingly, he's quiet. And he seemed to ponder, and you would love to know what was going through his mind.
Your vision began to blur, you felt your strength fading. And at the same time you felt so weak, you felt completely stupid for letting yourself be beaten like that.
His eyes widened, and he seemed surprised to see you weakened. He couldn't imagine that with a small portion of his strength he could finish you off, funny, how could he not measure his unstoppable strength?
"Another death in your story, Morax." You struggle to mutter those words.
"I have no claim to that." He says as he rests your body against the rocky wall right behind you.
"Xiao will hate you when he finds out." You say in a sort of squeak.
He sighs, his face taking on a worried expression. As you slowly closed your eyes, in a tenuous way even. You could still feel your body perfectly, but you felt completely unable to make the slightest movement.
Morax slowly pulled his spear from your arm, quickly isolating the area to prevent you from losing too much blood. Which you considered a bit dumb on his part, injuries of this type you can't take the weapon out in an abrupt manner. But of course Morax didn't give a damn about such things.
"You'll be fine. It will just take some time, if you like I can take care of this wound for you." He says calmly, quietly.
What made you wonder, how he could hurt you in such a way and then act like the holiest being in the world?
He was so rough but so gentle at the same time. So smart and so dumb. So friendly but also so treacherous.
"I don't need you." You say snidely, taking the opportunity to stand up since he was no longer pushing you.
You tumbled, and held on to the wall as a way not to fall. Morax promptly gave you support, which you refused as soon as you felt his hands on your body.
"Take it off. I don't need your help now." You say squawking.
"Stop being stubborn, look at the state you're in, you can barely walk." He says apprehensively.
You turn to him, and stare at him. Your eyes expressed as much hatred as possible, while his, in a twisted way, expressed concern.
"Honestly, you hurt me and then you want to help me? Are you crazy or what?" You replied.
"You started it. You know very well what happens to those who break the contract.” He says, crossing his arms.
"You broke it first, not me.” You answer him angrily, and in fact he is the one who came here to threaten you. What did he want? For you to keep quiet?
He opened his mouth to speak, but decided not to complicate the situation any further.
"Every time I see you, you find a different way to prove to me that you are useless." You say smoothly, in a low tone.
"Tell me how, tell me what I did to you that was so bad.” He seemed to have forgotten the fight just now.
When he asks you that, it's not that he doesn't know the answer, it's because he wants to hear it from you.
"You know perfectly well. I always tolerated your spoiled attitude most of the time, but from the moment you hurt my friends' integrity, I stopped. I stopped acting as if you could do anything." You sounded more snarky than you thought.
"You mean karma? The fact that I didn't do anything.” He says, and you can hear a certain guilt in his sentence.
"Yes, not only that, but your posture. You haven't given us anything, not even a lousy helping hand. Even a word of comfort, but you didn't even have the dignity to do that.” You say.
"I didn't know what to do about it, it could be something infectious and could cause a big problem if it was. I decided it was best to leave it alone, we already had too many stigmas at that time.” Morax says.
"What do you mean put it aside? As if we were nothing? What would it have cost you to at least try? Oh, right, I forgot that we weren't really anything.”
"I didn't know...I didn't know, don't you think I was terrified too?" Morax says with teary eyes.
"Well, I didn't think so. You seemed completely confident with every decision you made.” You say between clenched teeth, with every word he said you felt the anger consume you.
"In the midst of so many losses, so many friends from so long ago. Do you really think I'm a complete stone? Do you think I didn't feel for each one that's gone?"
His eyes now no longer had the flashy glint, or the warm look he used to express. He still had that beautiful look in his eyes, but now they expressed pure sadness and melancholy.
"Then why didn't you do anything afterwards? Why didn't you try to help? I asked you over and over again, why didn't you ever answer my call?" The emotion in your voice was pure, and you didn't care if you were showing your fragility to him. It was as if you were hearing the harsh words he said to you at the time.
"I don't know.... I just don't know. Maybe it was fear of making the situation worse? I didn't know how to react, or what to do." His guilt was clear, followed by endless remorse. "I hesitated. I didn't know what to do, how to act. What could I say, what could I do? I don't know, I felt bewildered in the middle of so much chaos."  He said ruefully.
"Running away is never the option-" You are interrupted.
"It's cowardice." Morax completes the sentence his own proclaimed.
You felt a warm tear gently run down your cheek. Morax silently watched the fall of your tear.Even if he didn't speak, his gaze conveyed all the emotions he would never be able to put into words.
"You are the worst. I can't do it." You put one of your hands to your mouth to hold back a sob.
The pain in your arm was the least of your worries or hurts, it was the mental strain that was killing you. It was as if you had gone back in time, bringing everything up again.
"I just wanted you to understand my side, and I will understand if you don't agree." Morax says softly, hopeful even.
But of course you wouldn't agree, nor would you be able to understand. You didn't care if you were showing weakness in front of him, although you hated the idea of having someone see you as weak. You just felt that you could give yourself this opportunity to demonstrate some different image of yourself, one that was not the usual executioner.
"I know I won't have your redemption, but at least I would like to be able to enjoy a few brief moments. It is since I have chosen this path for a simpler life, I would like to have friends by my side to share my experiences." He says approaching.
As soon as you look at Morax you can't help but remember a conversation you had a long time ago.
"Morax, I have been looking for you for the last few days. Are you sick or something? We need you in battle.”  You say.
"I have other matters to attend to. In the matter of battles I am sure you can manage." He says stoically, without even looking at you.
"But are you okay or what? What's stopping you from joining us? We're having to deal with a lot of things too, besides, if you would help us, we could save effort for both parties." You let it out, perhaps a bit audacious on your part. Imagine, responding with a certain effrontery to the much feared Morax.
"This is not an exchange of favors. I must remind you who is in command and who obeys here." He says snidely.
This was not able to shake you, on the contrary, you felt completely devalued as soon as you heard the sentence.
"So this is how it works? Because I might as well divert some troops, and make a slight mess of things. What do you think?" You say astutely, if that's the way he wanted it to be, you would follow his game. With a slight deviation, you would follow your own rules.
He lifted his head and gave you a disapproving, even grim look.
"Since when did your tongue get so sharp? Don't tell me you've lost your fear?" He says.
And of course, it was fear that he wanted people to have, not respect. But you had been through so many things, you had been between life and death so many times, so why would he scare you?
The strength and brutality he exuded? Or maybe his rustic manner? These were just some of his defining characteristics, at least the ones most often mentioned about the dreaded Morax.
But frankly, you'd been in battle with worse and darker things, so who would care about going up against an Archon?
"Just an insinuation, hypothetical. But in fact it would be better if you would accompany us, we don't want to have to double up to accomplish things you should be doing." You return the strong, deep tone he used with you.
He looks at you with a mixture of disdain and defiance. And you can see a slight air of sovereignty on his face.
"If that's what you're worried about, I'm already taking steps. But as I have already made clear, you can do this, so don't come here to challenge me. This time I'll let it go, but next time you'll be duly reminded of where you belong." He says menacingly, with great insight.
"You can threaten me all you want, I won't lower my head. I know my place very well, and you should know yours. Next time I'll let the cloud retainer come here, to her you listen." You say it with a wink, bold? Perhaps.
And indeed he listened to her, even more than the other Adepti. Probably because she was hard and rigid with him, unyielding. But she still gave good courses in how things could be done, and given how experienced she was, Morax always listened to her.
"You're not in the place of threatening me, are you?" He answers your provocation.
"I didn't intend to, but I want you to help us. I could have died, I was counting on you in the battle. I was waiting for you, and you didn't show up." You say without expecting him to feel sorry for you, just to make it clear what had happened.
"Your mistake. You should never wait for someone's help on the battlefield, that's a basic rule. I'm surprised you don't understand." He says rudely.
Your blood boiled, how could he be so self-centered?
"And you always say we should work together, are you contradicting yourself now?" You say clearly pissed off.
He snorts, clearly stressed about being contradicted.
"I want you to understand, I do whatever I want and whatever it takes. So don't give me your frivolous demands." He says in a clumsy way of trying to take back the situation for him.
You snorted with laughter, and of course he would do that. He always wanted to be right, always wanted to give orders and not obey them, especially if they came from you.
"Next time, I will report to the other Adepti, and you will get along with them. Since you don't listen to me." You say, turning to leave.
From that day on you became more withdrawn in relation to Morax, because he always seemed to never pay attention to you, for whatever reason. And you had to get his attention in other ways, either by purposely making small mistakes, or by reporting to the other Adepti, and they would try to get a message to Morax.
A silence followed by a calmness formed, you didn't speak, no matter how much you wanted to.
"We'd better be clear, we can't live in this disharmony for the rest of our lives." He sounded sincere, even amidst the hiss in his voice.
"If you help me, I can even think of a minimal coexistence with you. See, I said, think." You say with a low grunt.
"Then let's make a deal, I'll help you with whatever, and you help me in return. Will you accept?" He asks.
You look sideways at him, frowning. It wasn't as if you had much choice. "I just want to make it clear that this is a business relationship, whatever you want to call it. I have no intention of approaching you in a personal way.” You say.
"So that's a yes, we have an agreement?” He says, reaching out to shake your hand.
"We don't have the slightest need for that. Just get right to the point and tell me what you want.” You say it furtively.
"I want you to help a friend of mine, he's very sick, and so far no doctor has figured out what it is." Your face fell, the least you expected was an attitude like that from him.
"That's it? Such ceremony for such a silly thing." You say.
Besides being amazed, you were relieved. After all, he could have been much harsher or ruder in everything he asked.
"It doesn't have to be now, you're in no condition. But let it be soon, I'm afraid he can't take it." Morax says with a sadness.
"Tomorrow or the day after, I have other matters of higher priority. Besides, I need to recover." You say, it wasn't implication, it was just the things you had to do before.
He nods, and you laboriously start to make your way back. Holding on here and there to keep your balance.
"I can help you, don't be so unrepentant.” He says standing by your side.
"I don't need to. I'm fully capable of walking on my own.” You say, and of course you were weak, but never would you have asked for his help.
He sighs heavily, and you tighten your pace to get there faster. As time passed he stopped following you, but you could feel that he was meters away watching you until you reached the inn. And halfway there you thought about Xiao, how he was handling things there. You would a thousand times rather be with him than here.
And even worse, you made a deal that would help Morax. Could it get any worse?
This fic is also posted on Ao3!
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neechees · 2 years
hi, i hope you are well. i’ve had some concerns about knight/maiden, formerly st0ne/butch (remove slashes) and their fundraising. they have repeatedly followed and unfollowed me and sent me several asks and submissions asking for funds. the account is only from august 2021, when a ton more scammers showed up on here. i dont have any hard proof though its just a gut instinct. thank you.
Are they asking you, specifically, for FUNDS or are they just asking you to reblog their donation post & to possibly consider donating?
Me & my other scam buster colleague both agree that thus far we have had absolutely no reason nor evidence, at all, to suspect this person is scamming, & the main person (& as far as I can tell, the ONLY person, besides you) who started trying to say they were was an actual scammer fairyfungirl, that we both (& others) called out, with hard proof, & then the scammer continued to harass them, & part of the reason why fairyfungirl did this was because st0ne was another person who voiced suspicion of them, & st0ne is still being targeted. For all I know you ARE fairyfungirl.
I also do not find the account being made in 2021 suspicious at all, because that is a plausible time for someone to have genuinely have joined tumblr, & they may have had another (now deactivated) blog in the past. Blogs aren't ingerentky suspicious if they joined a couple years ago, blogs asking for donations CAN LOOK SUSPICIOUS because of backtracking. Scam blogs that are, in actuality, new (& likely only have been made like 3 days before posting a scam donation post), typically might only try backtracking for a year at most, & the activity will be sparse because they did all of it very quickly & often have multiple scams going on at once, & will have something like 3 posts per month, maybe a few more, to make it look like they've been active, & that's it, & often will have the same theme all across the board & will be devoid of personality or show evidence of multiple interests. Like if the scammer says they are gay in their bio, or if they say they like cats and have a cat, then that's all their blog will be about & it will not or very rarely divert from that, OR they'll reblog essentially mostly from very popular blogs & post very generic content & that's it.
St0ne has been posting consistently & frequently for months, EVERY month since 2021, they have personal posts & post their opinions, they talk in the tags, they have a tagging system, you can tell they have multiple interests & aesthetic choices for their blog, & you can't find the last, oldest post on their blog by scrolling on mobile after 2 minutes. Scammers who backtrack generally do NOT get this far in depth for their blogs because they conjure up these blogs really quickly (& doing so would take too long), & they only do it just enough so that ppl who only take a glance at their blog will think they're genuine enough to reblog that donation post that was made a day ago. This is not a case of that.
You can literally just block them if you're uncomfortable & be done with it. And coming into my inbox, on anon, with 0 proof of any of your claims & saying it's just a "gut feeling" is not at all enough to warrant an investigation from me. Case dismissed
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During one of the intros he said “this is the show where i make people like Matty” and says he just wants to be a good guy and make music and it made me so sad. It’s hard to tell what’s a performance and what isn’t, but I do wonder if all of the backlash got to him. It was constant, from multiple different sources. I hate that his art came back to hurt him like that. I wasn’t a fan of the podcast, but people really saw bits of ATVB out of context and ran with it. I just hope that he’s doing good
Yeah, honestly, some people really do take things wayyyy out of context. And sometimes even seem to deliberately misinterpret him??? On the dumbest shit??? It’s a classic example of “a 30 second video that is purposefully clipped a clipped a certain way doesn’t actually tell you who the person is” but gone wild. And, I know that he always says “I’m not worried about it because I’m not actually sexist, racist, homophobic etc.” but, at some point, it has to bother him a bit. He’s a human being after all. And if you’ve got that many people coming at you at the same time telling you that you’re a shitty person, when all you were trying to do is make a point about being a better society, then, I’m sure it’s gotta hurt. Especially when he’s like literally got songs that prove he does care and he does think about others and he does try to move conversations along. Maybe part of why he deactivated recently. Idk.
I’m starting to feel like maybe the Backstreet Boys obsession might have something to do with…whatever he’s upset about. But that’s just my hot take based on little evidence. Hahaha. Whatever it is….hope he’s coping alright. He’s certain for George and the dirty setlist to cheer him up (and of course the rest of the guys ). Hopefully he doesn’t internalize that the way he did the Twitter shitshow during the George Floyd protests. Cuz I feel like he’s still hurt by that and he needs to find a way to let it go.
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never-not-ever · 2 years
Little “ex-relationship” tidbits:
I’m still a part of the Family group chat. Her parents, her sister and boyfriend boyfriend, her brother and sister-in-law and her other brother and his girlfriend. Tonight though I’m showing her how to take me out of it 😐. Just a weird feeling cause one less connection to my old “family”. 
Who knows with Facebook, if they’ll all still keep me on there. Her sister who I’m so close with we follow each other on Instagram (even though I’m hardly on there anymore). But we exchanged a couple “goodbye” texts the other day and she wants to still keep in touch as long as her sister (my ex) is okay with it. My profile picture on Facebook is me and my ex and her niece and nephew. It’s the picture where a lot of people kept saying how much I look like a mom and it’s sad in a way cause I used to look at that picture and see what my future looks like...
I’m trying not to do anything drastic like the last time we broke up. I deleted all of them off Facebook back then because I was an emotional dramatic mess. I also messaged them back then saying how I had to cut off all contact cause it was just too hard... lmao, so dramatic. This time around I’m like tempted to just deactivate my Facebook for a while which I might do on my trip to my Aunt & Uncles...
Speaking of which I really really want to join some dating sites, especially while I’m on vacation since I have a lot of down time cause we hang around the house, they go to bed early etc... BUT it’s like dejavu of how me and my ex met.... I was down there on vacation and on my dating sites and that’s when we started talking 😂.. it’d be WILD if that happens again but the only thing holding me back from joining any sites is:
We still haven’t told our 3 immediate close friends. She wants to tell them in person. I want to just get it over with. We have a group chat with all of us plus one other friend who moved down south.  I think it’ll be awkward being like “hey can we come over” (two are in a relationship, the other one lives in the same building). And then like they’ll be suspicious maybe thinking it’s good news, but then also just like telling them in person and if we give any info and if we have different views and start fighting??? Then the awkward leaving but leaving and driving off together... I don’t know.. I’m going to talk to her tonight and see if she’s up for telling them tomorrow by herself. If she tries to fight me on it then I’ll just threaten to text them and tell them that way. Like it’s my personal feelings, I don’t want to be together to tell them. I don’t know... am I being weird about it? Like technically they were all her friends first except for one of them in the relationship cause he entered the picture a couple months after we started dating so he’s like free game lol. But she always threatens how they were all her friends first and she worries me continuing to be friends with them that they’ll like me more.. which tbh I don’t know, kinda true.... She’s a lot, and she’s always complaining about them so I don’t even know anymore. This is becoming a long ass rant that no one probably even cares about lmao..
On a good note.. her brother is coming home this weekend and they should be meeting up and talking about how he can help her financially move out and hopefully that happens ASAP.
And I’m ending with that. 
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enhaheeseung · 2 years
or maybe i'm just getting carried away 😂 idek if i can handle writing on top of my 2 jobs and making fanart, esp if i somehow manage to build an audience.
not that that's required! it'd just be nice to interact with people about smut and kinks and stuff outside of anon asks 🤷‍♀️
anyway, sorry for dumping this on you! (though i'd honestly still like to know about starting a fic blog... just in case)
- 🐋
So I’ll tell you how I started first and then I’ll throw in a few tips (but I’m definitely not who you should be asking about this lol)
When I first started I had no idea what I was even doing I didn’t know how to put links I didn’t know about proper warnings or how to add tags and images so I basically started from scratch with no knowledge
Which was highly frustrating at first but when my first fic reached 100 notes all of it seemed worth it
So I used that as motivation to continue writing fics and I slowly starting building an audience however just cause i got followers doesn’t mean my writing got better if anything it kinda got worse but I didn’t ponder on it any longer cause I knew I was capable of writing better than that
That being said it’s basically trial and error so don’t get discouraged when some works get more notes than the others sometimes it’s just cause it doesn’t show up in the tags (for whatever reason)
Bestie an audience is definitely a requirement (for me) I literally almost deactivated because of the lack of interaction I had cause basically if no one is reading what I post there was no point to even create a account and post it
As of late my notes and followers have decreased like crazy which is very discouraging to me and I haven’t had motivation to write for a long time and it’s hard to look past and keep writing but I’m trying
I know I’m getting ahead of myself when I say that seeings how you haven’t even started yet but I just want you to know some of the things that can happen after you start posting.
At first I thought it was fun just posting story’s for your bias and interacting with people however it’s not that cut and dry.
You might possibly have droughts where you don’t know what to write or how to write it which is was also very discouraging for me
In the beginning I didn’t realize how much effort you really had to put into writing even if it is something as unserious as smut is you still have to do research
Since I’ve been writing I’ve searched all kinds of things such as mental illness pregnancy sex positions you name it
So if you have an idea for a fic it’s not as easy to write it down on paper as it is to imagine it sometimes the wording is the hardest part of writing
Another big problem I faced was when I would read others work and compare myself to them wondering how they were getting so many likes and had so many followers yet I didn’t
That was just me being stupid though cause not everything I write is for everyone and look at me now 2300 followers and multiple fics with 1000+ notes
Not sure if I’m the only one who experienced this but it did effect my mental health in a way I was constantly trying to think of plots and I’d bang out 10k words in a day without rest and after awhile that had taken a toll on me especially with working and barely sleeping
And of course if any of this ever happens and you get discouraged you could always quit writing (I should have but I’m way too hard headed for that) but if something is causing you more harm than good I’d say drop it
I know I said way more than I should have but I’d just like to give you a little idea of how I started my journey
So now for a few tips I’d suggest starting with shorter fics to get comfortable with people seeing your content
Oh that’s another thing I was (and still am nervous about people seeing what my mind conjures up lol) but everyone that I’ve encountered has always been nice except a few hateful anons every now and then which I think every writer has atleast three hate anons so don’t sweat it
Second I’d find a plot that’s easier to write about that you don’t have to do so much research on to make it a better first experience for your first post
I’d find something that’s unique to you as well rather that be a nickname or saying.
So for me at the end of my post I’ll say have a good day / night and that quickly caught on with my followers as well something else was every time I changed my theme I’d change my heart color emoji so if I used blue my followers would use blue and if I used brown they would use brown etc so I think that’s a cute way to interact and have your own unique little signature
Before any of this though make sure you have a good understanding on how the app works (which I’m sure you do cause you post fanart) just learn as much as possible before posting it’s not like it’s the end of the world if you make a mistake but it’s a lot better knowing how to avoid those mistakes (also look at the structure of other blogs that helped me a lot)
So now I’ll break it down to some key points that I’ve covered throughout this post and things that I think a lot of us writer’s experience at some point
1 learn as much as you can before posting so you don’t hit a sang along the way and get caught up
2 don’t get discouraged if all your works do not do good everytime you post cause we’ve all been there no matter how many followers you have
3 don’t let numbers get to you they will come eventually just don’t give up
4 don’t compare yourself to other writers you’re good enough in your own way
5 do your research
6 you get a few haters but that’s just life
7 make something unique for your blog something that people will remember you by
8 be careful and don’t think too much while writing it’s supposed to be fun and if you ever don’t enjoy it take a break/ stop
9 if your first fic isn’t good don’t worry you get better with time and I’m living proof of that (let’s not mention my first fics lol)
10 if you have a plot but you’re not sure about it just post it it’s normal to feel nervous but just know most of the time it’ll be received well
I know I sound like a hypocrite cause I still even face some of these problems now but I just wanted to give you insight of what can happen along the way and that there’s more to fic writing than meets the eye
However this is just speaking from my personal experience you may never run into have of these problems but still
Anyways I hope I’ve helped in some way and I’m not just rambling on and on
And don’t apologize bestie there’s no need I love helping people if you have anymore questions feel free to ask🤍
One more thing I hope this didn’t scare you away from writing cause like I said this is just my personal experience
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