#i think the angst should stop coming from damian and his issues
honeyplus · 5 days
the angst of jondami is that jon leaves FIRST!!!! to space with his grandpa!!! to the legion!!!! to the league!!! he is constantly turning his back on damian. if u read the supersons comic it's damian tapping on jon's window goading him into adventuring. its him convincing jon to break the rules.
damian was hostile during their first encounter but he was also surprisingly open, telling jon about his pets. his fucking PETS!!!! even when damian is on an island of child assassins who know exactly what hes been thru he still isnt as open (robin 2023)
damian has an open interest in jon. in this 4 million word essay ill explain why he would fall in love first but jon would fall harder
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gffa · 1 year
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You all should be so embarrassed for me, I wrote like two thousand words of what can basically be summed up as, "So what kind of fic do you read: Anything with Dick Grayson in it!" and I was only halfway done.  Absolutely humiliating, I would have exposed myself so bad.  (This answer isn't going to be much better.) I would love any and all fic recs anyone has for me, but be warned:  I'm really not kidding about how I would shove every other Bat off a roof to get to fic of my most specialiest guy of all time, especially if it involves his complicated relationship with Bruce.  I am a Dick Grayson stan to my very goddamned core, he is 90% of what I read in this fandom. I'm sometimes open to other stuff!  Especially if you have god-tier writing and a banger summary of something that sounds really hilarious (though, I tend to shy away from cracky, like even Wayne Family Adventures borders on too cracky for me sometimes, as lovely as it is), like "Jason adopts Tim until he's of legal age because he can't emancipate himself, meanwhile they get along like two cats in a sack", I have read two of those and they're both joy. Or if anyone has TimKon recs, I have shipped them since I was a wee thing, I'm certainly not stopping now, but I don't know where to find a good place to start with them, trying to skim through the tag has been overwhelming. I'll give anything with really sharp banter a shot, though!  I am weak for a well-written quip. Beyond that, I read almost entirely genfic with ships more in the background than anything.  I have a few NOTPs--like you, I can't do any of the other Bats with Bruce or Alfred.  I also mostly can't do any of the Batkids with each other, my brain just won't wrap around any of it, the one exception being that I'll occasionally read Dick/Jason when I'm in the mood for Jason to get dicked down (ha ha get it), otherwise I'm generally aligned with what you'd see in the comics themselves.  (Dick/Babs is my hardcore OTP, but I'm fine with them being together or not together, so long as a fic isn't actively anti-Dick/Babs.) I can run the gamut from fluff to angst, but I prefer a certain amount of teeth to it (exception: when Dick is a baby bat, then I will go full fluff, like the softest thing you have ever read in your life, Bruce cuddling with a tiny child who is trying to climb onto his shoulders and do a flip will have me clutching my reader to my chest and cooing) and the more rooted in comic events/characterization a fic is, the more I'm interested.  (Exception:  Battison being given a tiny feral circus child to take care of is hilarious and I want a thousand fics of it.) I tend towards the middle ground when it comes to characterization--I like them to be a bit of a mess, but also I view Dick Grayson as someone who genuinely likes himself and has a reasonable amount of self-esteem.  He might struggle with accepting others' help or prioritizing himself or that they want him around, but I think he honestly likes who he is and likes himself and is reasonably quick to get back on his feet after being a mess.  I think he has a firestorm tornado of rage in him if you hit the right buttons, but that he's also someone who thrives on emotional connection, who chooses kindness and love because he believes in them.  I like Dick being a bit of a mess, especially an angry mess, occasionally have some self-esteem issues, but that there's a foundation of emotional competence. I like almost any tropes (de-age my special guy so he's even more special! time travel fix-it yesssss! Dick & Damian were an even better Batman & Robin than Dick & Bruce, NOBODY TELL ANYONE THAT I ADMITTED THAT OUT LOUD) and I'll take some criticism of Bruce's parenting skills, but it has to come with understanding that guy probably has the most trauma in his fucked up brain out of all the characters and that he's trying/genuinely loves his kids, and the understanding that I love all those idiot Bats, but you absolutely will have an uphill battle getting me to read anything that doesn't have a good amount of focus on Dick Grayson because I'm a horrible gremlin about him and it cannot be overstated that Bruce & Dick is genuinely 50% of the reason I even read comics in the first place.  (Dick & Damian is like the next 20% of it.) I KNOW WHAT I'M ABOUT OKAY. I love fic recs, whether I've already read it or have it tucked up on my reader (then I'll know to prioritize it!), you cannot overload me because I am in hyperfixation mode right now.
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A Heartbeat Away | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x gender neutral!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 2.7k
✦ based off the song I Should’ve Kissed You by One Direction
✦ summary — Damian is haunted by the fact that he only said good night when he should have kissed you.
✦ warnings — light angst, mentions of pregnancy (a minor character is pregnant), mentions of food and beverages, fluff.
✦ author's note i — randomly remembered my obsession with this song and couldn’t get it out of my head.
✦ author's note ii — the parts in italics are flashbacks.
Ever since he started living with Jason, Damian found himself straying away from the things that held him back.
His life would never be normal, but in hindsight, he could admit things weren’t as bad.
The fallout with his father came crashing down in the worst moment possible — Dick was dead and his relationship with Tim wasn’t the best.
As little as he knew Jason, he was sure he could trust him so he asked for his help instead of somebody else’s.
And Jason didn’t say no. Whether he had the heart to do it or not was irrelevant because he still took Damian in and helped him find a job.
He hated said job.
‘It’s a job,’ you had told him, ‘you’re not supposed to like it.’
Damian rarely stopped thinking about you. Calling it infatuation felt like an understatement, and yet he couldn’t find a better word to describe the whirlwind of emotions you gave him.
He still remembered the day he met you for the first time.
Jason paced in the living room, perking up every time he heard a noise outside the apartment.
You’re driving me insane,” Damian said from the small dining table.
”Roy’s late.”
”Why are you surprised?”
Jason glared at him.
Both of them heard somebody stand on the other side of the door. Their steps didn’t sound like Roy’s.
Pulling the door open, Jason was ready to snap at whoever had knocked.
“You ordered something and gave my apartment number instead of yours. Again.”
Damian didn’t recognize the voice so he slanted his body to the side to see who it was. He couldn’t stop staring.
”I’ll make it up to you.”
”Jay,” you sighed. “I’ve told you before, you just need to tell me beforehand if you don’t want things to arrive to your apartment. My roommate could have opened it.”
Damian chuckled, a single elbow resting on the table.
Jason craned his neck. “You think this is funny?”
”I think you’re a moron.”
”Shut up and come meet our neighbor.”
Damian didn’t have to be told twice. He stood up with an eagerness he hadn’t felt since Jason texted him to let him know he had found the materials so he could build a suit and go back to patrol.
”This is my brother Damian.” Jason turned around to place the package under the table next to the door.
He knew you’d either seen him before or heard about him the moment his eyes landed on you. People always had a visceral reaction when they met him, some found him attractive, others attempted to ask for favors, and some recoiled in fear.
But you didn’t. You held his gaze and stood in the same spot you had been since you knocked on the door.
And whether it had been in a newspaper or a gossip forum, he was glad you knew something about him. There was something about the way you stared at him that screamed for him to trust you. Wishful thinking, perhaps.
“Nice to meet you,” you politely said, smiling at him.
Stunned by the fact that you hadn’t mocked him, and now assuming it wasn’t wishful thinking after all, he tilted his head. Most people did mock now that he wasn’t under his father’s wing.
Still, he said, “Likewise.”
Your smile became warmer. “I live three doors down the hallway in case you need anything.”
He felt a pang in his chest at the gesture. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Weird sensations in his chest were normal when he was around you. Befriending you was easier than he’d ever admit and talking to you became the highlight of his day.
The pangs in his chest turned into a fluttering sensation in a heartbeat. You’d make him feel breathless when you did the smallest things — when you smiled at him, when you complained about other neighbors with him, when you asked about his day.
He felt special. For once in his life for being the closest he had ever been to resemble a normal person.
And he also remembered, quite painfully, that night he let you walk away without mustering the courage to tell you —or show you— the way you made him feel.
The deserted hallway was yet another proof of how easy it was to lose track of time around you.
Damian hadn’t expected to get back home past midnight or to skip patrol, but 1:00 AM turned into 2:00 and he couldn’t part from you no matter how many times he tried to remind himself to do it.
He hadn’t even expected to enjoy the state fair as an adult, yet he couldn’t remember a time he had more fun than that evening.
You gazed up at him, waiting for him to either do or say something. Anything other than stare at you in the middle of the hallway.
You had already thanked him for making you company, there was no way you’d say anything. And he froze.
“Good night,” he sputtered.
Your brow twitched. “Night.”
He watched you unlock your door and get inside your apartment with a heavy heart.
You moved out a couple months ago and he hadn’t seen you since then. The texts the two of you exchanged were sporadic and they bordered in formal.
He should have kissed you, he was aware of that. And to make matters worse, Jason chewed him out when he found out.
He still looked for you every morning he left the apartment as though you’d remember you had forgotten something. That you had forgotten him.
Jon said it was for the best, that somebody as sweet as you didn’t deserve to carry with his baggage.
Damian knew his best friend to be right, but how could he let go of you that easily when you made him see he was more than his mistakes and regrets?
He didn’t need anybody to carry him, he could drag himself anywhere if needed.
He simply hated the hole in the pit of his stomach every time he entertained the possibility of having to see you one day with somebody else because he wasn’t brave enough to say what he needed to let out.
The idea of being out of time was killing him slowly, so naturally, he’d sought a quick death.
You gasped upon opening the door. You weren’t expecting anybody to be outside — much less Damian Wayne.
“Hi,” he softly greeted.
You blinked rapidly. “Did you need anything?”
“I wanted to... Are you on your way out?”
“I’m just dropping this off for my mom.” You momentarily lifted the bags you were carrying in one hand. “She lives nearby.”
He spared a look to the reusable bags in your grasp. “Is she sick?”
“Pregnant,” you explained, playing with your keys. “It’s high risk due to her age so we take as much care of her as we can.”
Damian walked backward, allowing you to come out of the apartment and lock the door.
As you pushed the door to make sure it was locked, he asked, “Would you care for some company?”
Turning around, you gave him a small smile. “That would be lovely.”
He reached over. “Let me help.”
“They’re not heavy.”
“I insist.”
”Okay.” You handed him the bags and took the initiative to lead the way.
He reached your side immediately.
Not knowing what else to do, aware you’d let something slip if you didn’t find something, you made small talk. “How’s Jason?”
“As annoying as always.”
You still remembered when he meant those words, when he complained about Jason and how often they butted heads. His tone was different now, lighter, almost playful.
“Good to know some things never change.”
You walked the streets with an ease you hadn’t been able to in years. Growing up in that neighborhood meant which streets to avoid, and sadly, most of them were unsafe.
There were many things you could have asked or said, perhaps apologize for being cold while texting.
You were in your right to be cold and you could have just not answered, but you wanted to keep contact even though you were hurt.
Damian was great company. It was a shame you misread the entire situation and couldn’t go back to chat with him like before.
It took you a few attempts to get them to talk comfortably, but once he was able to, he didn’t look back. He even gossiped with you.
Stopping in front of the house, you looked around to make sure your mom had the windows open. Once sure, you walked up the front steps.
You withdrew a single key from your back pocket and extended your other hand so Damian would give you the bags.
The floors were recently mopped which meant your aunt had visited that day.
“It’s me,” you yelled so your mom wouldn’t get up. It was her time to be watching TV in the living room.
Carrying the bags towards the kitchen, you caught the jingle from a commercial.
You filled a glass with water and added a couple of ice cubes.
Your mom was comfortably sat on a recliner, feet up and remote control on her thigh. “Hurry back before it gets dark.”
“Don’t worry, a friend of mine walked me here.” You handed her the glass. “Do you need anything else?”
She ignored your question as she took the glass. “Who is it?”
“You don’t know him.”
“Him?” She lifted an eyebrow.
You hadn’t mentioned a guy to her in almost two years now, her surprise was understandable. “Not now.”
“Oh, so it is like that?”
Maybe it was and maybe that was the issue. She wouldn’t blame you if she knew him like you did, if she heard him laugh or saw him change his demeanor to accommodate to somebody else’s sensibilities.
You didn’t think you’d witness anything remotely close to that when you met him for the first time, but you learned really quickly that Damian was full of surprises.
“I’ll call in the morning in case you need something. I’m working ’til 3:00 PM tomorrow.”
“It’s okay.” She took a sip of water. “Did you bring anything sweet?”
“Homemade muffins and a few chocolate bars. Do you want one now?”
She shook her head. “I’ll wait after dinner.”
You kissed her cheek. “Call me, please.”
“Go, go.” She ushered you to go with a gesture of her hand. “Don’t make your friend wait.”
It was your time to ignore her comment.
Damian was sat on the front steps when you came out, looking up at the darkening sky.
“Is everything alright?” you asked in a whisper as to not scare him.
“No.” He shook his head and stood up. “I mean, yes. How’s your mother?”
“She’s good. Having fun watching reality TV.”
Damian squinted. “Is reality TV really that entertaining?”
“It’s mindless stuff, but it’s fun sometimes. You get to judge other people’s lives without feeling remorse because it’s most likely fake.”
The walk back was way shorter and you didn’t want to part. It was time to swallow your pride and your feelings for him.
He didn’t part ways with you at the building entrance. He walked beside you until you reached the elevator — Damian extended his arm to keep the doors open and allowed you to get in first. He followed suit.
You turned the lights on with Damian on your tail. He did wait for you to invite him in, but you were sure both of you knew there was no way you wouldn’t.
“I made muffins. Do you want one?”
Damian nodded.
You guided him to the dining table where a trippy vase in pastel colors rested with flowers.
He looked around the apartment as he walked towards the table. As he sat down, he fixed his eyes on the vase.
“Green or black?”
“Your tea.”
You could swear you saw him smile to himself.
“Black.” He placed his cellphone on the table. “You still have that thing,” he said, referring to the trippy vase.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
He huffed a laugh. “Jason said it was ugly.”
“Jason doesn’t have the best taste in the world,” you lightheartedly retorted.
The vase was precious to you, a gift from Damian who spooked you in the middle of a rainy night and made you knock your favorite vase.
You set a plate in front of him and placed the muffin there. “Your tea’s almost ready.”
“No roommate this time?”
“Nope. I miss Lou, but I don’t miss having a roommate that much.”
“I thought the move was temporary just so you could be close to your mother...”
“It is, but there’s still a long way to go. The baby should be here next month and she’ll need help around the house.” You disappeared for a moment as you looked for a mug.
Having found one, you dropped the teabag and poured the boiling water in.
“Sugar.” You put the sugar bowl down just in front of the mug. Feeling his eyes on the side of your face, you gazed at him. “It’s brown, don’t worry.”
He relaxed and uncovered the sugar bowl. “Is the father of your mother’s child around?”
“Yeah.” You sat down on the chair closest to his. “She remarried last year and her husband tries to help, but you know, work gets in the way.”
“Tell me if I can help with anything.”
“Don’t worry, you have enough things to juggle with already.”
“What’s one more? At least let me make you company or walk you home. These streets are dangerous.”
You softly nodded. From the day you met him you knew you would never be able to tell him no — and having his company after a long day sounded nice.
“So,” you encouraged him to go on.
“Are you seeing anybody?”
“No. I thought I was a little while ago, but...” You hoped he’d understand what you were getting at. “I guess something got lost in translation.”
“Did it? Or was he too much of a coward to show the way he felt?”
“Don’t.” You hated hearing him talk like that about himself.
“You don’t know how much I regret not kissing you that night. I—“ He sighed, twisting his mouth as he frowned. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“At least now I know you did think about doing it.”
“I did. Many times throughout the night.” He turned to the side to fully look at you. “I wanted to find the perfect moment and became overwhelmed. Sounds like a bad excuse, but I swear it’s the truth.”
“I believe you.”
Damian scooted closer and reached over to place his hand on your face. Softly, he caressed your cheek. “I’ve missed you.”
You leaned onto his touch, tilting your head. “Me too. Sorry for being such an ass.”
“It’s fine. I would have reacted similarly.”
“Similarly or worse?”
You laughed, making him smile.
“May I?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Damian leaned in, placing his free hand on the back of your chair as his nose brushed yours.
His lips softly connected with yours, but the slow pace didn’t last. The two of you had wasted too much time, thrown away too many opportunities to be this close —or closer— and patience wasn’t a virtue Damian possessed.
The chair was now balancing itself in two legs, making you interrupt the kiss with a squeal.
Damian then made you stand up and wrapped his arms around your waist. His lips were immediately back on yours.
Your hands went up to rest on his biceps as he kissed you again. His arms tightened around you as he deepened the kiss and you melted.
You melted into the kiss, onto his warmth, due to the fact that he wanted this as much as you did.
Kissing him had become a mere fantasy for you, and there he was, not only making it a reality but exceeding your expectations.
Grabbing him by the neck, you broke the kiss in search of air. His breath was barely ragged and you remembered he told you he could hold it in for a long time.
You needed him to teach you just to be able to kiss him for longer.
“That was nice,” you said, still breathless.
“Yeah, really nice. We should do it more often.”
“Are you asking me out?”
“I’m telling you I want you to be mine.”
All in or nothing, of course. Jason had warned you that Damian didn’t take things lightly.
But you were okay with that.
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Moonlight II
Genre: DC/Marvel Crossover
Relationship: Older!Damian Wayne x Adopted Stark!Fem!Reader
Requested: No (Only a few requests are open, please see pinned post for details)
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, swearing, canon typical violence
Description:  You are the adopted daughter of Tony Stark, Damian is the son of Bruce Wayne.  Your two fathers hate each other which by extension should mean that you and Damian are on less than friendly terms.  The issue?  You’ve been dating for little over a year and have been keeping it a secret.  What will happen if your fathers figure it out?
A/N: I actually hadn’t planned on this ending the way it did, but as I was writing it this is just how it happened.  Enjoy! 
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Morning light shown through your window the next morning a few minutes before your alarm went off.  Your mind drifted back to the night before with Damian sneaking into your room and inviting you out for an afternoon with his brothers.  Excitement coursed through you at the thought of finally meeting them.  You quickly got up and began preparing for your day, you were almost done when there was a knock on your door.
When you opened it you discovered Pepper standing there with a bright smile on her face, “Good morning honey, Tony and I were just about to have breakfast, did you want to join us?”
You glanced back at your clock and saw that it was only eight thirty, you had plenty of time to eat before going to meet Damian, “Sure Mom.”
You grabbed the rest of your things before joining Pepper.  It had taken you awhile before you had started calling Pepper “mom”.  When Tony had first adopted you, you weren’t sure what he and Pepper wanted.  It had been some time since you had had a family and you weren’t sure what Tony’s motivations were.  Did he just want to look good to the press?  Did he want to ease a guilty conscience?  Did he just actually want a kid?
Then Morgan had come along.  You thought for sure that that would be it for you, they had their own kid now, they wouldn’t want you.  But that they hadn’t treated you any differently and you came to think of Morgan as your own sister.  You were fiercely protective of her and she loved you to death.  She was currently staying with Peter while you and your parents were in Gotham.
Tony greeted you with a hug and a kiss to your temple and began blabbing on and on about the gala the night before.  Your mind drifted to Damian and how good he had looked in his suit.  Then it went to the stairwell and the night before in your room, you only broke out of it when Tony cleared his throat, “Earth to Y/N, you still with us kid?”
You chuckled nervously, “Sorry just got a little lost in thought is all.”
“Care to share with the group?”
You shook your head, “Oh I was just thinkin’ about all the things I want to get done today.  We leave in two days so that’s not a lot of time to see the city.”
“You could always come back later with your friends,” Pepper suggested.  “I’m sure a vacation would be good for you.”
You smiled at her, “Yeah, you’re right, it would be nice.”  You glanced at the clock on your phone and saw that it was creeping closer to nine thirty, you had to be at the park by ten to meet Damian.  You stood and said, “Thanks for breakfast, but I want to go ahead and get a headstart on today.  I’ll see you at dinner.”  You kissed Pepper on the cheek and gave Tony a hug before dashing out of the hotel room.
Tony looked at the door you had just exited from and said, “I don’t think she wants to be around us any more.”  Pepper merely patted his arm and went back to her breakfast.
You on the other hand were rushing to the park that Damian had mentioned.  You were a little worried that someone may see the two of you together, but you honestly also couldn’t care less.  Sometimes you were tired of hiding the truth from everyone.  You loved Damian and you wanted the world to know that fact, but you worried about what Tony would think or do when he found out.  You also wondered if Bruce would be understanding or if he would forbid his son from seeing you as well.
You shoved those thoughts from your mind, you didn’t want them affecting your mood any.  Today was going to be a good day.  And when you made it into the park you immediately saw Damian, he had a baseball cap and sunglasses on trying to hide who he was, but you knew.  You could spot him anywhere.  He had spotted you as well and you noticed a smile growing on his face as you raced over toward him.  Your arms wrapped around him and he gently lifted you off the ground a few inches.
“Hello beloved,” he whispered in your ear before placing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Hi,” you said, a grin stretching across your face.
Someone cleared their throat and you could have sworn your heart stopped.  You had been caught.  It was too good to be true.  “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Dami?”
You looked over his shoulder and saw his three brothers standing there all three of them with amused expressions on their faces.  Damian practically growled at their words.  Knowing that his brothers knew about the two of you made things a little easier.  It was like Peter knowing that you and Damian were dating.  The two of you needed someone to turn to when things were tough.
You had almost told Pepper one day when you and Damian had had a fight.  You needed a motherly figure to go to, but you weren’t sure how she would feel about the two of you together.  She wasn’t like Tony, but would she lie to Tony?  You weren’t sure, so you decided to keep it a secret.
You had gone to Natasha despite never really talking to her.
She was in the training room at the Avengers' Compound and you approached her nervously.  “Nat, could I talk to you for a moment?”
She had paused what she was doing and turned to you, giving you her full undivided attention, “What can I do for you Y/N?”
You rubbed your arm and said, “If I share a secret will you promise not to tell Dad?”
Natasha’s interest was piqued, “I mean as long as you aren’t in any danger then yeah I can promise not to tell him.”
“I’m dating Damian Wayne,” you said and you watched as her eyes lit up.  “Oh God, please tell me you’re not going to use this against me?”
She chuckled, “I promise not to tell him or anyone else.  How did this even happen?”
You launched into the tale of how you and Damian had been sworn enemies, always competing against one another and how it had turned to friendship and then to what it was now.  You told her about the fight that you couldn’t even remember now, and she gave you her opinions.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you all,” you told them with a bright smile.  “Damian talks about you a lot and I’ve been begging him to let me meet you all since you found out about our little affair.”
“They were supposed to give us a few moments alone before ambushing you,” Damian said, his tone clearly stating how unamused he was with his brothers.  “But clearly they didn’t take my feelings into account.”
“You’ve been keeping her to yourself for over a year now,” Dick said, his easy going smile never slipping from his face.  “We just wanted to meet her.”
Tim nodded his head in agreement, “Don’t get mad, Dami.  She’s only here for a few more days and then she’s on her way back to New York.”
You poked Damian on the side, “They have a point, Damian.  I don’t mind meeting them now, we have plenty of time to be alone together.”
He still looked disgruntled but you let the boys show you around Gotham.  They had an SUV with tinted windows to hide who was inside.  The boys were recognizable and so were you.  The five of you would be on the front page of all the gossip magazines by tomorrow and everyone and their mother would know that maybe you didn’t play into the whole feud your fathers had going on.
You could see the headlines now:
Real-life Romeo and Juliet with Children of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark
Y/N Stark and Damian Wayne Making Headlines as Secret Affair
How Long Have These Star-Crossed Lovers Been Together?
You wondered how long it would take Tony to kick you out of the house and never speak to you again.  It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell Tony, he deserved to know.  It was just that you didn’t know what he would do when he found out the truth.  You knew how much he hated Bruce Wayne, and to be fair Tony didn’t think straight on a lot of things when emotions ran high.  He would definitely say something that would hurt and he might regret later.
But knowing your father he would be too proud to admit that he was wrong.
Damian noticed the look on your face and nudged you, “You okay?”
You smiled and took his hand in yours, “Yeah just thinking.”
“About your dad?”  He furrowed his brow, the two of you had had many talks about your fathers and their reaction to the two of you coming clean about how you weren’t really enemies.
You leaned your head back and blew out a breath, “I’m just… worried.”
Damian squeezed your hand and said, “Whenever you want to tell him, I’ll be there to support you.  And if you want to tell Father first we could while you’re still here.  He may put on a show of hating Stark, but I don’t think he’d begrudge you.”
“Damian’s right,” Dick said from the driver’s side.  “Bruce looks like he would be the type to throw a fit and tell Damian to get out, but he’s actually not that big of an asshole.”
You laughed, “You saying Stark is an asshole, Grayson?”
“If he doesn’t I will,” Jason turned and grinned at you making you laugh.  “No offense.”
“None taken, I know my father can be less than welcoming and let his mouth get him into trouble.”  You didn’t have enough fingers to count the times your father had gotten into trouble because his mouth had gotten the better of him.  “I just wish I knew if he would be okay with us.  That he wouldn’t let the feud get in the way of realizing how happy I am.”
Leaning over Damian kissed your cheek.  “So should I set a course for the manor?”  Dick asked.
“It’s up to you,” Damian said.  “Father will be discreet.”
Taking a steadying breath you said, “Let’s do it.”  The boys cheered and Damian once again squeezed your hand to let you know that he would be with you every step of the way.
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
@damianwayneweek Day 2 (6-14): Undercover | Sibling rivalry | Damian having a nice day
Warnings: Mentions of trafficking, threats, violence, attempted kidnapping, injuries, healthy doses of angst
Note: hahahahaha once again I'm begging you all to pretend I posted this when it's still the 14th somewhere in the world. Please enjoy.
Damian didn't mean to get caught. Honest. As annoying as it is, he understands that there are certain parts of their nightlife that have to be handled by an adult. Going undercover, for one, is usually something that's left to Grayson. It's easier for adults to blend into some things than it is for... well... Teenagers.
Children, as Grayson would say. Even though Damian is not a child.
Not that it matters, however. Grayson, for the past week, has been putting off their normal patrols to get insider information on a recent underground trafficking scheme. Grayson has been working hard to find the people responsible for this and get on the inside to find where the victims are being kept and Damian had respected that. He's kept to the sidelines and worked on other cases that don't require so much adult delicacy.
The only issue was that tonight he ended up getting bored. There wasn't anything for him to do, and that butler wasn't giving him any useful suggestions to fill his time. He wasn't allowed to patrol alone while Grayson was undercover, but escaping through his bedroom window in a dark hoodie was simple enough.
One thing leads to another. He ended up walking into an alleyway where a man was getting rather forceful with a drunk woman. Damian was jogging forward and calling him out on the disgusting behavior before he even realized he recognized the profile of the man.
Grayson turned from the woman with wide, horrified eyes, not moving a muscle even as the woman slipped from beside him and rushed back into the bar's side door.
"Shit," is all Grayson said before more people came out from the shadows, and Damian realizes he's just stumbled upon Grayson's undercover work.
Damian, for all of his training, has no idea what to do as he's suddenly grabbed by one of the newcomers. He's just witnessed Grayson in his undercover work... attempting to kidnap a woman... and he shouldn't be here.
"The fuck did this brat come from," the man grabbing Damian sneers.
Damian reacts instinctively now, slamming his elbow back into their gut. The man wheezes and weakens his hold. Damian then ducks under a new pair of arms making a mad grab for him and is sure to trip them over onto the cement ground as they stumble past.
A beefier man charges at Damian like a bull, and he prepares to retaliate... only for Grayson to grab him by his arm and shove Damian behind his back.
"Wait," Grayson gasps, bringing his free hand up in front of him. The man stops in his tracks, as do all the others. "It's my... brother."
"Your brother?" A woman scoffs, and Grayson gives her a hard look.
A mean looking man steps forward, glaring daggers at Grayson. "What's he doin' here Malone? Thought'chu said you weren't followed."
"I'm sorry," Grayson says, sounding panicked. Damian wants to jump out from behind Grayson and give these kidnappers a piece of his mind. There can't be more than seven of them. Damian can take them with his hands tied behind his back. Grayson must sense this, because he tightens his hold on his arm. "I thought he was at home."
"Well, he wasn't," the man snarls. "And now that bitch is probably in there telling the barkeep some guy got handsy with her."
Grayson shakes his head. "She isn't. I paid off the barkeep. If we calm down, I can go back in there and finish the job. Danny here won't say anything, he knows what we have to do to survive these streets. Right, Danny?"
Damian's lips thin, but he nods. Damian doesn't know why Richard is acting all frightful right now. Has he forgotten the legacy of Damian's father that he holds? He carries the name of Batman, yet here he is looking like a frightened animal in front of these low-lives. He wants to argue and take down these imbeciles... but if there's one thing he's learned while in his ever lengthening stay in Gotham, Grayson usually has a reason for everything he does. If he thinks they need to act like they're frightened, then Damian will humor him. For now.
The man looks down from Grayson and gives Damian a narrowed look. It lasts only a moment before he looks at the bar side-door and... smirks?
He looks back at Grayson, keeping that smirk. "Alright, Malone. I'll take you up on that offer. You get the bitch, and we'll take care of Danny."
A bad feeling settles in Damian's gut. The hand on his arm tightens even more, proof that Grayson has the same bad feeling. They don't have a chance to say anything about it, however, before the man strides forward and grabs Damian by his other arm; yanking him away from Grayson and towards the big man.
Grayson shoots them a murderous glare, but doesn't come to Damian's aid as the big man tightens both of his hands on Damian's biceps. His pointer fingers press just under his shoulders, and he swears his pinkies wrap close to Damian's elbows.
"Go on," the talkative man says, jerking his head to the door, showing his rotting teeth in a grin. "Get the bitch."
Grayson shoots a look Damian's way, then nods. "Okay," he says placidly. "Okay." He turns his back and starts towards the door.
Then, the man looks at another in their group and nods his head. The man's cheeks rise like a Cheshire cat before he starts towards Grayson, raising a fist.
"Grayson! Look out!" Damian shouts. Grayson, for his part, reacts immediately. He ducks under the blow and side steps his attacker.
However, that's all Damian sees before the man that has him in his grasp changes position quite suddenly so that Damian is practically hanging in his grasp—an arm the size of a log wrapped around his neck. Damian's hands fly to the arm and he attempts to kick his feet for purchase. His air is already cut off, and he curses himself for getting in a situation like this.
He stills, however, when something cold and metal is pressed against his head by the man's free hand. Through blurry eyes and choking gasps, he notices Grayson has gone still too.
"I knew you were fishy," the man from before cackled. "Grayson? That your real name?"
Grayson glares, but doesn't move.
"Here's what's gonna happen, you're gon let us do whatever we want wit'cha, and maybe we'll let the kid live after."
And just like that, Grayson is at the receiving end of a savage blow to his jaw from another member of the group. Grayson stumbles and clutches his jaw, but he doesn't fight back even as another jumps in and throws their own punch. Damian can already see blood dripping down his cheek from a cut in the skin.
He's hit again, and he continues to not fight back. Damian knows he'll take the beating, even though he can easily take them down. He won't risk the gun pressed against Damian's head. He won't risk the arm wrapped so right around Damian's neck it feels like he's breathing through a coffee straw.
A particularly savage punch has Grayson falling to the floor, scraping his hands, elbows, and knees on the rough and suspiciously wet asphalt. Damian growls and digs his nails into the arms of his captor, but they tighten the grip threateningly and his struggles are forced to come to a stop.
Pathetic. Idiotic. Childish. This is Damian's fault. Every blow that hits Grayson's body as punches are replaced by kicks might as well be dealt by Damian himself.
He argues with Grayson. Calls him out on not acting how his father would. He calls him incompetent, insignificant, idiotic... but some time these past few weeks the bite he means to carry with those words have turned fond.
He... He likes Grayson. He's the first person to show Damian unconditional kindness... other than his own mother. While being stuck here with him rather than his own father had, at first, been miserable and annoying... it's turned out to be... fun. For the first time in his life, he almost feels like a normal kid with Grayson here to lead him along the way.
Damian wonders at night if that's what his mother intended. Why she hasn't taken him back yet.
He doesn't mind it. He likes the time that he spends with Grayson now, even if he would never admit it. And here he is, helpless and unarmed as Grayson is being beaten to a bloody pulp all because Damian couldn't listen to instructions and snuck out when he shouldn't have.
For a moment, pure terror fills Damian's veins that he's most likely going to witness the death of Grayson tonight. If he tries to fight his captor, he'll get a bullet in his brain. If Grayson decides to fight back, then Damian would die anyways. Grayson wouldn't do that. He would rather die himself.
Another blow hits Grayson's body, and he lays on the ground and groans, unmoving for a worrying few seconds.
Then, the bar door slams open and the woman from before runs out with fire in her dark eyes. No one has a chance to do anything before she kicks the main guy in the jaw, sending him down to the floor with more force than any woman... or man... should have.
Damian doesn't question it. The rest of them are distracted by her sudden entrance, and Damian uses that to his advantage. He throws his hands up and grabs at his captor's distracted face and claws at his eyes. The man yowls and drops Damian, leaving Damian completely free to make his own attack. He easily disarms him and jumps onto his back, wrapping his own arms around the man's neck and squeezing as tightly as he can.
It's all over in a matter of seconds. The man falls unconscious in Damian's grasp, and the woman finishes taking out the others.
She was in on this whole thing too, Damian realizes as she rushes towards Grayson's still form and grabs his arm.
Grayson blinking slowly at her through already bruising eyes and whispering "Donna..." is all the proof Damian needs to confirm his suspicion.
"I got you, boy wonder," Donna says fondly. She helps him to his feet and wraps his arm firmly around her shoulders, helping him stand. She looks at Damian. "You got a way to get us out of here, squirt? The cops are gonna be on their way any minute."
"What-" Damian starts, then pauses. Shame fills his gut. "What about the mission?"
"It's fine," Grayson says with a pained strain in his voice. "They're low in the chain. Won't be missed in prison. Can't give much away. I'll-" he cuts off to gasp as Donna shifts her hold on him. "I'll just try again later."
Damian nods, but the guilt doesn't leave. He looks away from Grayson and Donna to pull out his phone and request Pennyworth send the Batmobile to their position.
The entire way back to the manor is filled with tense silence, broken only by Grayson's hissed curses and groans as Donna helps give immediate first aid to the worst of the bruises and cuts.
Damian... he messed up. He disobeyed Richard and ruined the mission. This woman, Donna, is a better companion to Grayson than Damian ever was. Or will be. They get along. She's kind. She was trusted enough by Grayson to bring her in on his solo mission, and she clearly trusted him enough to go along with it and let herself be captured.
Grayson will never trust him as much as her. He's... He's fucked it all up. He won't want Damian around anymore. He'll want to send him back to the League, and if his mother and grandfather don't take him then his suit and the name of Robin must surely now be forfeit.
Drake will take back the suit, and Damian will forever be left behind by the man he thought... He hoped...
Sitting by his bedside after assisting Pennyworth in dressing Grayson's wounds... he mulls these thoughts over in his head. Grayson is fast asleep, and Donna has retreated upstairs for a shower and dinner by Pennyworth's insistence.
Then, as he's considering leaving so he's not the first thing Grayson sees when he wakes up, a hand grabs hold onto his.
"Don't blame yourself," Grayson whispers, blinking through his puffed up and exhausted eyes. Damian wonders how long he's been sitting here with his thoughts and when Grayson started to awaken without him noticing. "You have the same look in your eyes... That B always did..."
Heat flairs behind Damian's eyelids. He bursts. "But this is my fault. If I hadn't gone out- if I had listened-"
Suddenly, his hand is jerked, and Damian is dragged onto the cot and into Grayson's arms. He attempts to fight the hold, but Grayson holds tight despite his injuries.
"Mistakes happen," Grayson says, "they always do. I will never give up on you, Dames. No matter how many you make. Trust me on that."
He sounds so very much in pain, but he's relentless in his hold. All Damian can do is stop his struggling and lay in Grayson's grasp. His brain studies the words said to him, and his heart wants to believe him. Guilt pools to his throat and he opens his mouth to let it out before he can stop himself.
"I'm sorry," he chokes. He doesn't know when he started to return the hold Grayson had him in. His hands are bunched in the material of Grayson's shirt.
Grayson shushes him. "It's okay," he says. "What's done is done, and we've learned. We're okay. I got you."
And perhaps it's the moment of weakness, but Damian can't help but believe him.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: Would it be possible to request a Damian one shot abt him protecting you from Talia? Like she dosent like you at all so she tries to either kill you or manipulate you into breaking up with Damian.
Warning: Violence, angst, Talia being a b i t c h, mentions of blood. 
A/N: Take two people. Never trusting mobile to post ever again. Anyways, I hope you enjoy rather than getting just the title lol
Word Count: 4.1k 
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Damian didn't like Gotham at first. It was cold, gross, the city was filled with those who didn't understand the greatness outside of the city walls. He hated being away from his mother and grandfather, as well as the strict rule that his father had given him. He was no prince there, he was nothing but a rich man's son.
It seemed at first that Bruce was doing everything in his power to suppress everything that Damian grew up with. No killing, no servants, even hiding him in the shadows with the assumption that his mother was going to take him back. It made Damian feel like this was never meant to be his home.
Even when moving to the Titan Tower, he still didn't feel at home. The people there were childish, irresponsible, he didn't fit in there as well. He didn't fit in anywhere until he met you.
You had joined the Teen Titans just a week after Damian had arrived. A broken upbringing with nothing but your mentors trying to get you to succeed where they never could. You had skills, too many not to put them to use. So, when Kori found you, she welcomed you with open arms - a home that would treat you right.
Much like Damian, you were cold and cut off. Maybe that was what attracted him to you, or maybe it was your skills that put him up for a challenge. Either way, Damian felt flustered around you and he hated it. Lucky for him, you were much the same way.
One long night of sparring with him - an endless battle that neither of you would admit defeat - you had finally broke him down. Damian had you pinned, and as much as he didn't want to let his guard down, he couldn't stop himself from leaning in to kiss you. He never acted like this, like a hormonal teenage boy.
Late night patrols, early morning training, as many hours throughout the day you would spend together. Your teammates - Beast Boy in particular - continuously felt left out whenever you and Damian were together. Only Dick was happy to see that the two of you were spending so much time together.
You were good for Damian. He was less harsh, more willing to accept others, hell he even said thank you more often. It wasn't like you had meant to change him - he just thrived to be a better person because of you. You were everything to him.
When years passed and it was time came for him to move back to Gotham, you had come with him. Damian wouldn't dare to leave you again. Not when he swore that he found - as many would say - his soulmate. You loved Damian, more than anyone ever had his whole life. The feeling for him was new, but he couldn't get enough of it.
It was the first time you were in Gotham. Just like the rumors, the city was horrifying. Crime was everywhere, people dying in the streets, you didn't know how Damian lived there for so long. This wasn't your home, but Damian was. Wherever he wanted to go, you were there with him.
Damian grabbed your hand from across the seat. He was you worried as you looked out the windows. Bruce's home was far nicer than anything you had seen so far, but the drive was still far enough away. You smiled as Damian kissed the back of your hand, a small gesture that made your heart flutter every time.
"You could have stayed, I would have come visit you often," Damian offered to you. A joking smile was on his face. He knew damn well that you weren't going to just stay with the Titans when he was across the country. You loved him too much to have that distance.
"Damian Wayne, if you think I'm gonna let you out of my sight you're mistaken," you half joked. Of course you trusted him with every fiber of your being, but you also knew how damn reckless he was. Bruce would have his back, but he needed a partner, not a leader. "Besides I know you don't sleep well at night."
Damian rolled his eyes. He had told you once that he slept better with you in his arms and you hadn't let him live it down since. You meant this in the best way, you loved to be the reason that Damian felt at peace. However, being in this city, you weren't sure how much peace you would have.
The gates of the Manor finally pulled into sight. You couldn't get over how massive his home was. Damian squeezed your hand as your mouth dropped in shock. You knew how rich Bruce Wayne was, but this? This was crazy. His home was larger than any home that you had ever seen.
Damian's excitement for you quickly changed. Instead of the empty drive way that he had expected, a singular person stood by the door. You watched as his nerves grew tense. It was a woman, dark skin and long hair. She stood as if she expected the world to bow at her feet.
"What's wrong?"
"My mother." You suddenly understood why he was so worried. Damian's mother was cruel, unloving, and only craved power. It had been years since she had dropped Damian off in Gotham and the same amount of time since he had seen her last. Whatever Talia was here for, it couldn't have been good.
The car barely stopped before Damian jumped out. His fists were tight at his sides as he approached his mother. Although you were sure he wished for you to stay in the car, you couldn't just wait. Talia looked less than pleased to see you stepping out of the same vehicle as her son.
Damian joined his mother's gaze. The grim look on his face softened as he saw you. As much as he didn't want you meeting his mother, he was glad that you were there to support him. Unlike usual, he didn't grab your hand, nor did you make the move to. Talia was not the kind of lady you wanted to make a bad first impression on.
It didn't seem to matter though. You hadn't said, or done anything, and she was already glaring at you. To her surprise, you only shot her the same look back. Bad impression or not, you were going to stand up for yourself. Damian would keep you safe, even if it was against his own mother.
"Who is this, Damian?" She asked. Talia acted as if you weren't even there. Damian had told you about her, but you never expected her to be this bad within the first five minutes of meeting her. Moving to Gotham, you were worried enough about meeting Bruce without his cape and cowl, you didn't think you would have to see her as well.
"This is (Y/N)," Damian told her. "A valued teammate, as well as... my beloved," he confessed while grabbing onto your hand for the first time since leaving the car. Talia's eyes narrowed at you - of course she had known everything about you. She kept eyes on Damian, and when you popped up, she learned everything there was to know.
Which meant that she already knew of your relationship. And, if you were to guess correctly, she knew of your departure to Gotham alongside her son. The whole reason she was in Gotham was to see you, or more so to analyze you. Damian should have been with royal blood, not a street scum like you.
"I want you to come home, Damian," Talia suddenly announced. While you only looked up in shock, Damian's face hardened. This was so like her - the second that he was happy and finally feeling at home she had to come in and ruin it. This time, he wouldn't allow it. She didn't control him anymore, no one did. Not even Bruce.
"No," he disagreed. His grip on your hand tightened - whether in frustration or a reminder that you were there - you weren't sure. "I am home. Gotham, the Titans, with (Y/N), this is my home now. I'm not leaving here, not now, not ever. Father is my legal guardian now, not you. You made sure of that when you left me stranded here."
"Damian you belong with me, you belong in the League," Talia's voice was tight. She was obviously trying not to take him by force, not while you were there. Damian was her son, and she would get him back by any means necessary. "Take your grandfather's place, this was what you were meant to do."
"I meant to be Robin," Damian argued. He had done great things under his new alias. So many lives saved, he had learned so much from being there. He learned from Bruce, Dick, his friends, you. He learned so much from you - he learned to love, not to fight. "I'm staying."
"I think it's time for you to go," You spoke up for the first time. If Talia's looks could kill, you would have been dead ten times over. No one ever talked back to her like that, and for someone as lowly as you? She couldn't accept it. If it wasn't for Damian stepping between the two of you, you swore that she would have made an attempt on your life right there.
Without another word, Talia left the Manor. You didn't realize how tight your grip on Damian was until he placed his other hand over yours. You loosened your hold, and as soon as his mother was out of sight, collapsed into his arms. Damian held you tight, though he wasn't sure if it was for your assurance or his.
"It's okay, my love," Damian whispered. He kissed the top of your head, your forehead, and finally your lips. "She won't be an issue for us, not while we're with my father."
"I trust you, Damian. Always."
It had been weeks since you were in Gotham. Bruce had taken you under his wing for the time being. Damian was protective of you as always, he wouldn't let you leave without him. To be honest you were happy that he was at you side. Gotham wasn't the kind of place you wanted to venture on your own.
It was different without your teammates watching you back. You only had Damian to have your six and sometimes that lead to some close calls. In the end, he always kept you safe. No matter the situation, he would protect you at all costs.
On that cold night, Damian had gone out with his father, leaving you home alone. Your wrist ached from your previous night, and although you promised that you were fine to go out, Damian insisted that you stayed in. So, with your wrist wrapped and a movie playing, you felt more relaxed than you had in weeks.
Damian left you that evening with a firm kiss and a promise that he would be back before you knew it. As always, you melted into his hold, never wanting to let him leave you. He left with promises to you of making up for it in anyway he could. Damian just wanted you happy while he was home.
He thrived every day to see you smile. Seeing you happy was the only thing that he cared about anymore. So, seeing your pout as he hopped into the Batmobile beside his father nearly convinced him to stay with you. Alfred was gone for the night which meant that you would be truly alone for the first time since you had joined the Titans. The silence would be tranquil.
Unfortunately for you, that peace didn't last long.
After training to be a hero your whole life, you could feel when someone was sneaking up on you. At first, you assumed it to be a robbery; Bruce was rich. But as Batman? His security was near impossible to get into. Whoever this was, they were good. Really good. Your phone buzzed beside you, but you didn't have the time to check what it was.
The blade of a sword sliced through the air, narrowly missing you. You had been just quick enough to roll out of the way. The intruder wore a mask covering the lower half of their face, but you had known instantly who this was. Talia Al Ghul.
You assumed she had come alone. If she saw you as nothing but a low-life hero from the streets, then she assumed that she could handle you by herself. Truth be told, you had never gone against someone as skilled as her, she could easily handle you on your own, especially with your weakened wrist.
You ran through the room and towards the kitchen. It was far closer than the entrance of the cave - and you were sure that she knew where it was as well. Talia ran after you. She ducked the second she ran into the kitchen - you had thrown the closest frying pan towards her head. Thankfully it distracted her enough to grab some sort of weapon - a knife.
It was much shorter than her sword and it felt awkward in your opposite hand. You hoped that Damian and Bruce were already on their way back, that it was him texting you earlier, but you knew not to get your hopes up. Alfred was gone for the night and you were truly alone in the house.
Talia twirled the blade around before lunging at you. She did attack after attack, each one barely being blocked by your knife. You needed to get to the cave, at least then you stood a chance with some actual weapons. Unfortunately, you weren't quick enough to block her next shot.
Talia's sword sliced through your shirt and into your arm. Blood soaked your skin as you cried out in pain. You knew that she didn't like you, but to go as far as to assassinate you within her son's home? That was pushing far past being a terrible mother.
Glass shattered as you ducked from her next shot. The lights above you sparked as she broke though them. The room had become pitch black and you only hoped to use that as an advantage. You knew this house far better than she did.
As long as you could get a head start to the cave, you would be fine. Silently, you slipped past her, hoping to avoid the crunch of broken glass on the floor. Talia was a trained assassin, sneaking around her would be impossible - and it was. The second she heard your footsteps, she had blindly attacked.
The tip of her sword nicked your cheek, but it was enough to let her know exactly where you were. Without caution anymore, you ran full speed to the entrance of the cave. Thankfully, you had made it before her.
You grabbed the first weapon you could see - Damian's backup sword. It felt heavy in your opposite hand, but as soon as you tried to hold it in your dominant, you nearly cried out in pain. Damian was right, you were too hurt to go out that night; then again maybe it would have been safer if you had. Talia must have been waiting for the opportunity that you were alone.
Talia stood before you, her mask still up. "What's wrong, Talia?" You asked, her eyes narrowed as you said her name. "Jealous that your son loves me more than you? Or maybe that Bruce cares for me more than he did you? This isn't about Damian not coming home, this is more personal than that, isn't it?"
"Damian belongs with royalty," Talia ripped off her mask. You knew that you were riling her up, but you only hoped that it would waste enough time for Damian to come, if he was coming. This was a fight you could not win alone, you knew that. "You're nothing but filth off the streets."
"So what, you're gonna kill me?" You backed away from her. Your heart rate was erratic from fear. Damian was a damn good fighter, but his mother? She was deadly. "How're you going to explain that one to him? How do you think he's going to react when he finds out that you killed the person he loves? He'll never want to see you again."
"He's never going to know it was me!" Talia raised her voice. She charged towards you, bringing her weapon down towards you. You just barely blocked it. The sword was extremely uncomfortable in your hold but you it was far better than a measly kitchen knife. She could tell you were weak from it.
Talia pushed down harder, the edge of her sword coming dangerously close to your face. In the blink of an eye, she pulled away and grabbed your weakened wrist. Talia slammed it into her knee, making you scream in agony. You dropped your weapon to grab your now broken wrist, falling right into her palm of her hands.
A forceful kick was placed against your ribs, knocking you down and making you completely at her mercy. Your body screamed in unbearable pain. Blood soaked your clothes, your bones broken or cracked. Talia had taken you down in a mere matter of minutes. You never stood a chance against someone like her.
To your surprise, Talia dropped her sword as well. There was no way that she had suddenly changed her mind or decided to give up, she had you right where she wanted you. The smirk on her face, knowing that she had defeated you so easily, was etched into your brain. Whatever she was planning, she had already won.
Talia pulled out the gun strapped to her thigh. You hadn't even noticed it until this moment. There was no way that you would ever dodge a bullet, not at this range. With a last chance of hope, you reached out for you sword once more - but she was too quick. A bullet shot rang out as it bounced off the floor inched from your hand.
You retracted back to your place, looking up at her with a grim look. There was no chance you were about to plead for you life. Talia had the gun pointed directly at your forehead. "You'll never have my son."
"Neither will you." Blood dripped down your face. You gripped onto your wrist, and tried to steady your breathing. You refused to look away from Talia's murderous eyes. Death awaited you - that was something you had to accept. Talia had no mercy.
Suddenly, a light blinded Talia's face. Her gaze was averted, but that wasn't what caused you to falter. A loud shot echoed through the cave, followed by a searing pain. In her brief moment of loss of attention, Talia had pulled the trigger. She had missed her hopeful target, instead the bullet and pierced your shoulder, creating a sickening crack as it went through bone.
"NO!" You knew this to be Damian's voice. He hovered above you, panic written all over. His hands pressed into your wounds to try and stop the bleeding. He could hear the battle of his mother and father but all that mattered was you. He was petrified for you. Your eyes wavered, wanting so desperately to fall asleep.
"You're going to be okay. I promise, stay with me. Beloved, you're gonna be fine. Stay awake, please. Please I need you. I need you to stay with me." He was the last thing you saw as darkness clouded over you.
Talia had done a lot of damage to you. The cut on your arm, and your cheek needed stitched. Your collar bone practically shattered and you would need to wear a brace for months before it was healed. The wrist she had snapped would heal like any other broken wrist would. Cracked ribs and a broken ego. You were benched for a long time to come.
Damian wouldn't leave you side. He was there if you needed anything or if you were in pain. Guilt clouded him, he should have known that his mother would do something like this. He was a fool to leave you alone like that. Never again.
"Be careful, beloved."
You liked the attention from him. Damian was at your side more than he ever was before. In private, he was constantly covering you in kisses. He showed a side of himself that you or anyone else had never seen before. It was nice to see him so... normal.
Damian spent every spare moment with you. Whether it was helping you with simple tasks that you were yet to be able to accomplish or be there to give you a kiss when you were feeling down. The last thing he wanted to see was for you to fall into a funk because of his mother. He tried his best to keep your spirits up but this was hard. Harder than anything you had done.
Years of being the one to save people and now you were the one that needed to be saved. It was unbearable. You hated the feeling of constantly needing help. Damian made sure to not suffocate you, he knew what it was like to hate feeling pitied.
Evenings were spent trying to get you back on your feet. Nights spent with Alfred, watching of your boyfriend and his father. Damian coming home to smoother you with attention the second that you were alone in his room. That was your favourite part of the days.
Everyone hoped your recovery to be speedy - even your teammates went out of their way to visit you. It was nice to see all your friends together again, as well as the rest of Damian's family that you had finally met. It seemed that everyone had gained a vendetta against Talia that night.
"Damian, I can do this, you just have to give me some space."
When you finally got the cast on your wrist off, you had gone straight back into training. Much to Damian's dismay - as well as your doctor's. The sling was still on your shoulder, and would be for several more weeks. However, you were tired of sitting around like this. You felt weak from the lack of training.
Damian watched as you stood under the pull up bar. You eyed it, curious as to if you really could do this or not. In one swift motion, you jumped up and grabbed the bar with your single hand. Holding yourself up wasn't the issue, it was a matter of if you could pull yourself up with only one hand like you used to.
With all the strength you could muster, you attempted to do a chin up. You had almost made it before your arm gave out on you. Your hand slipped from the bar and you barely landed on both feet. Damian was by your side in a second, though he could see how frustrated you were at this. He understood not being able to achieve what he wanted most.
"You don't have to prove your strength to me, beloved," Damian assured. He cupped your cheeks with both hands, pulling you in for a quick kiss. However, as the pad of this thumb swiped across the scar that his mother left he frowned. Even after all this time he still blamed himself of this.
"And you don't have to feel guilty for what happened," You countered. You placed your palm over top of his a small smile on your lips. "You came and saved me, that's what matters. Like you, Bruce, everyone, said, I'll get back to where I was eventually. Things like this happen, I can't let it stop me."
"You're too brave," Damian shook his head. Always pushing your limits, defying your odds. As much as he admired it, he wished that you wouldn't. Damian wanted you safe, and sometimes he questioned if that was ever going to be found while you were with him. However, he wasn't willing to lose you to test it. You were by his side, always.
"I learned it from you, my love."
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danny-chase · 3 years
Dick Grayson Week Day 4
Prompt: Bruce hits Dick and doesn’t get away with it
A Spyral fixit where the family finds out about Nightwing 30. Perspectives are from Tim and Jason, but Steph, Cass, and Damian make an appearance. Quotes taken from Forever Evil 7 and 8, and Nightwing 30. Tw for swearing, angst and domestic/child abuse (because canon is terrible and I can’t leave it the way it is).
Edit: I have an AO3 account now yay! Read here
“I’ll be right back.” Tim chirped as he left to pull some files out of his room. He could feel his friends’ gazes lingering on him as he left. He had to suppress an eye roll. He was fine. Your pseudo-dad/adopted-father-before-you-emancipated-yourself loses his memory and suddenly everyone thinks there’s something wrong with you. Figures. Bruce was happier this way. And maybe, one day, he’d be able to get to know him again. Maybe not as sorta-father and son. But Bruce 2.0 liked volunteering with kids, running charity events. Maybe they could be business partners, or coworkers. It wasn’t like last time. But that didn’t mean Cassie, Bart and Kon weren’t worried. No matter how many times he tried to explain, they wouldn’t listen. It was better this way. Bruce was happier without them. Without him. It stung at first sure, but he was over it. He could handle it. Even if the knot in his stomach told him otherwise.
His fingers brushed the lines on the hallway as he strode through Titan’s Tower. The halls seemed so much smaller than they used to be. Logically, he knew they were the same size. But they weren’t the same walls as when he’d first visited. And those hadn’t even been the first wall either. “We’ve had to rebuild this place like at least a million times.” Dick had told him. The knot tightened. Don’t think about it, he reprimanded himself. He’d been having a nice afternoon. It was relaxing, staying with his friends. But he couldn’t walk through the halls without feeling like a trespasser. This was Dick’s team. This was his home away from home. Who was he kidding? He was no Dick Grayson. Dick’s friends used to look to him for guidance, for advice, for help with problems, personal and business related. Tim used to look to him for guidance, advice and help. Stop thinking about him, he tried again. Forget the Crime Syndicate. Forget the funeral. Don’t stress, repress. He paused for a moment, stared aimlessly out the window, took a few deep breaths, cleared his mind and continued on his way.
Climbing the stairs, he decided it was better to use his mental faculties to go through the case he was working on. Jason had called two days ago asking about some of his old informants in Gotham, Penguin was apparently moving back onto the scene and reorganizing the structure of some of the newer gangs. Cleaning house. Informants were switching names, following their own protocols. Bruce had written some contingency in a classified file somewhere. The issue was where. The damn batcomputer had like a billion files on it. And Barbara knew the system, but was busy coordinating for the JLA and had put them on “Do not Disturb” mode for the foreseeable future. He could write a program to search for it. Stupid Bruce and his stupid files that he’d kept secret from them. “It was on a need to know basis.” He could almost here the defensiveness in Bruce’s voice if he tried hard enough. He nearly face planted as he miscalculated the number of stairs. Maybe they should just go back to their old Young Justice base. Or wait till the building inevitably explodes again and just make it better. That would be fun. Designing a Teen Titans base with slides and escalators. Bart would be thrilled. Bart could probably build it in 5 minutes. Dick wouldn’t approve, his brain felt the need to remind him. Tim nearly huffed. Well Dick is de-.
He abruptly lost his train of thought. There was noise coming from his room. Someone was sniffing, was someone crying in his room? Who was even in his room? Everyone was downstairs. Cissie and Steph were visiting in the lounge, Greta left a few days ago, the new kids were in the gym getting a feel for the equipment. The hell? His heart pounded a bit louder as he silently slunk towards his rooms. If Dick decided to haunt him from beyond the grave this was not cool. The lights flickered. Tim nearly screamed. He could feel cold sweat gathering in his palms, his heart racing, thoughts pounding in his skull. It’s just one of Bart’s pranks, no one can get in without access. He slid next to his door and pulled up the camera feed on his glove’s embedded computer. They weren’t in lockdown, but it couldn’t hurt to check. Few clicks here, few taps there and…Damian? Tim burst through the door, half relieved and fully confused.
“What are you doing here?” Tim half yelled, Damian startling on the bed as he burst into his room. Tim flicked the lights on as the gremlin crossed his arms in response. Tim shut the soundproof door, no need to bother Kon with this.
“I was given access to the tower as well.” He stated monotonously. Tim frowned; something was off. Damian didn’t just show up in his room. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen the kid in weeks. Not since Bruce went all amnesiac on them. Where was he even staying. Damian shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. There were dark circles under his eyes, he was paler than usual, but flushed, his eyes bright. Had he been crying in here? “Quit gawking at me, Drake.” He spat, jolting Tim back into reality.
He almost opened his mouth to throw some insult back. Almost. He saw the kid’s lip tremble just so slightly, and he bit his tongue. The kid’s hands were shaking. “What’s up?” He replied cautiously. Keeping the demon brat in line wasn’t in his job description. But the kid had had a rough couple months. Dying, coming back to Dick being dead, Bruce losing his memory. He could help with whatever this was and-
“Grayson is alive.”
-send the kid back to Alfred, he knew the kid better than he did. He had his pets at the manor to keep him company, maybe he’d see if Jon would be willing to have a sleepover or something. Spring break was coming up soon, maybe he could take a trip out to Kansas-
“Drake!” Damian was waving a hand in front of his face. Tim blinked a few times. He hadn’t said…had he? That wasn’t right Dick was-
“Richard is alive, I can prove it.” There was desperation in the kid’s voice, water in his eyes. The trash can was filled with tissues, it had been empty when he left. His shirt was on inside out. Tim inhaled sharply. Fuck. Tim had been there. He’d done that. Denied reality. Gone on a wild fairy tale goose chase. Chased insane dreams. Sure, it had worked. But this was different. They had a body. We had a body then, his mind helpfully supplied. There was no real evidence. It had worked hadn’t it? Denying Bruce’s death out of reality? But Dick couldn’t be alive. Bruce had seen him die. Clark saw Bruce die, his brain again helpfully supplied. Tim studied Damian’s face carefully. He looked two steps away from a mental breakdown. Was that how I looked? He wasn’t exactly looking in any mirrors at the time. Dick had try to talk him back down, that was the wrong move. He’d doubled down. But Damian wasn’t him and Tim had no idea what to do. Damian stared at him, studying his face carefully. Tim could feel his palms sweating again, when had he started clenching his fists? His brain was ticking through options, tell Damian he believed him – high chance of heartbreak, low chance of kid running off and doing something stupid on his own. Try and talk him down – still some heartbreak, but can mitigate, medium to high chance of him running off. Call Alfred – should he really do that though? The kid came to him. Alfred’s busy dealing with amnesiac Bruce. Call someone else? Why did the kid come to him in the first place? Damian hated him, he wouldn’t come to him unless he was really sure, or really desperate. Does he think I can replicate what happened with Bruce? Time seemed to move like molasses. Tim swallowed. Now or never.
“I believe you.” He replied. Damian’s eyebrows furrowed, but his shoulders fell ever so slightly, and he rocked back on his heels, uncrossing his arms and leaning into a less defensive stance. Mixed results. He prayed he sounded convincing enough. If he was going this route, he had to go all the way. It didn’t matter that he’d seen the body. It didn’t matter that Bruce saw. He needed to be on Damian’s side with this one. Just like he’d needed somebody on his side back then. Even if it was a crazy side. Even if it was a leave everyone behind and run around on a whim side. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least the kid would have someone to catch him at the end. Why did it have to be the brat though?
“You do not. But you will.” Damian said solemnly, a bit of an edge to his voice. He pulled a laptop out of a bag on the floor and hopped up on the foot of Tim’s bed. Tim quietly settled next to him, careful to not touch him. He was careful. The kid didn’t appear to be looking for a fight, but you never know. Tim glanced at the laptop screen.
“DAMIAN NO WHAT THE-” He screamed. Damian nearly leapt of the bed. His face turned red.
“-tt- Grow up Drake, this is for research purposes only, that is not-” He started mumbling.
“You’re on DICK GRAYSON THIRST POST WEBSITES for RESEARCH!” Tim half screamed, attempting to lower his voice. Damian flushed harder.
“SHUT UP DRAKE!” He countered. Tim took deep breaths. Dear god, he needed to bleach his eyes after this. He did not need to know these threads existed. Fucking reddit. Humanity has gone too far. There were 20k followers. He peeked over again, the latest posts were from this morning. His mouth was dry. These people were lusting over his dead brother. It was sick, it was fucking disgusting it was-
“Wait what’s that picture?” Tim asked.
“-tt- If you would allow me to explain instead of losing your head, I can show you.” Damian grumbled. He clicked on the picture to enlarge it. “I’ve run the calculations, biometrically, the body shape is a 99.97% match.” Tim let out a low whistle. It wasn’t much to go on. You couldn’t see the figure’s face, he was turned away from the camera. Whoever took it was definitely aiming for a certain portion of the man’s body.
“Have you talked to the poster?” Tim inquired. Damian nodded.
“This subreddit is dedicated to…” Damian made a revolted looking face, “capturing casual images of Grayson in unsavory positions.” He nearly squirmed as he finished the sentence. “I was attempting to research the details of Grayson’s perceived passing and came across this website.” That was a different kind of trauma in Tim’s opinion. “The image caught my eye. He has fans in Ireland, that is where it was taken. These fans are apparently experts at picking him out.” Damian scrolled through some earlier posts to prove his point. “It is odd.” He added pointedly. Tim’s mind was racing. It was hardly evidence. It could have been anyone. But he was right. The perverts were good. They even had a few of Dick in disguise doing undercover work, none of his face of course. But Dick couldn’t be in Ireland. Tim went to the funeral. Bruce went to the funeral. Bruce saw Dick die. Bruce wouldn’t lie about something like that. He never told you about the Joker. His mind supplied. No. Bruce wouldn’t. Bruce couldn’t. He wouldn’t put them through that grief. Not after Damian. Not after all the lies. He promised he wouldn’t lie to them like that. The picture couldn’t be real. But Damian kept scrolling. There were more. In multiple countries. It couldn’t be possible. There was no way. People joked his brother’s butt was iconic but this was ridiculous.
“Drake?” Damian sounded so cautious. Tim was confused. The pictures all looked so real. So accurate. Could they be photoshopped? That could explain it.
“Did you get any of the original files?” He asked much too hastily to appear calm. A smile flicked on Damian’s face for a millisecond.
“You believe me.” Damian stated, half disbelievingly. Tim bit his lip. He didn’t want to. He couldn’t. If he did, then he didn’t believe Bruce. Damian cleared his throat. “I have already examined a few of the original photographs. Their phones were laughably easy to hack.” He looked smug for a mentally unhinged eleven-year-old. “They do not appear to be tampered with.” Tim could feel his heart thudding in his chest. Dick couldn’t be alive. It wasn’t possible. He saw the body. Bruce was in the cave for a week going over it. Not allowing anyone in. No… Fuck…
“What did you do?” He muttered under his breath. Damian looked at him inquisitively, a determination burning in his eyes. Tim hadn’t seen any of the proof himself. And he believed Bruce unquestioningly. That was the opposite of what the man had taught him. But there was still something off. He looked searchingly at Damian. “Dick wouldn’t do that to us.” He couldn’t. Dick would never do something like that. He would tell them. He wasn’t like Bruce, he was reliable. Dick didn’t keep secrets like that. He wouldn’t fake his own death and leave them to fend for themselves. Not after Damian died. After everything they’d lost, after everything he’d lost. Dick wouldn’t do that to him. Damian’s eyes flickered toward the ground, and he frowned.
“Maybe he can’t tell us.” Is all he had to offer. It seemed like a sore spot. Tim didn’t push it. It was probably driving the kid insane. Dick, galivanting across the world, not checking in, not coming back to tell them he was okay? The odds were astronomically low. Dick was a constant. He was their brother. He was a Robin. Robins don’t do that to each other. Steph did, his brain helpfully supplied. But that wasn’t Steph’s fault. Tim dug his nails into his palms. He needed to know. He needed proof. He needed to see the footage, go over the evidence. He didn’t doubt Dick, but his mind was itching. He wouldn’t be able to sleep unless he knew for sure. Hell, Damian probably couldn’t either.
“Look, here’s the plan.” Tim said, his mind racing. Damian stared at him intently. Wow the kid really was desperate if he was willing to listen to him. “I’ll tell Kon I’m taking you home, that you need some help on a case, then will slip out. Maybe, maybe someone close to the family is compromised.” He said, a bit unsure. That could explain the lie. If there was one. Please let there be one. Damian nodded, stuffing his laptop back into his backpack. Tim crossed the room and grabbed the door handle.
A barely audible “Thanks.” reached his ears as he flipped off the lights.
  Jason groaned as he checked his messages. He really didn’t want to go through the batcomputer files. It would be faster if Tim did it, plus he had a lower chance of accidentally messing something up. Not that the file system wasn’t already a disaster. Touch the wrong button and you’re locked in the cave till Alfred realizes something’s wrong.
Tim had stopped responding to his messages two days ago, and well, he couldn’t wait any longer. And so, he found himself zipping through the tunnel systems that led into the cave. It was better to avoid the manner if possible. Happy Bruce wasn’t high on the list of people he wanted to see. That dude was fucking weird. It made him feel weird. It did feel good to cross amnesia off his yearly family bingo though. Now he just needed someone to trip during an interview and he’d break Cass’s winning streak. At the rate they were checking things off, maybe he should start a second batch and make it biannual. That or change the prompts. They were getting predictable.
He rolled to a stop inside the cave, and nearly rolled his eyes seeing the mess of skid marks on the floor. Seriously, tires are expensive, why his siblings couldn’t park like normal human beings was beyond him.
Someone was clacking away on the upper platform. Oh, thank God Tim was probably here, figuring it out before he could mess everything up. Cass poked her head over the railing, Jason cocked an eyebrow at her as he removed his helmet. She grinned and jumped over it, catching the fireman’s pole and sliding down. Someone was going to break an ankle doing that, could he add that to the bingo cards? Stupid non-work related injury was already on there, maybe upgrading it to stupid broken bone would suffice. Dick broke his nose outside Denny’s at 3am last year during a post mission party. Hands down one of the best nights of Jason’s life. Too bad his family members decided to die at least once a year.
“I’m about to win bingo.” Cass whispered as she brushed past his shoulder. That jolted Jason out of his bittersweet thoughts.
“Bullshit.” He growled back, bingo was his this year. She smugly wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Sorry brother.” She said sweetly, leaning her head into his shoulder. She let out a long sigh. And then Jason finally remembered that it most the squares weren’t exactly fun.
“Wait, the fuck’s going on?” Fuck, he really didn’t want to deal with this right now. Nobody could have died Dick checked that off, amnesia was gone, Gotham destroyed was gone, natural disaster was checked, Joker breaks out and does dramatic shit was gone too. But that wasn’t a good sigh, that was a ‘I’m so tired of this family sigh’, which could narrow it down a bit. Cass squeezed his shoulder.
“Family secrets.” She admitted, giving him a melancholy look. Jason groaned. This family was the fucking worst. Bruce wasn’t even really part of it right now, who the hell was keeping secrets? Damian. Had to be Damian. Little monster was just like his dad. Fuck. Dick taught the kid better than that. What kind of mess was he in?
Cass took him by the wrist and started dragging him towards the stairs. He resisted briefly as they got to the base. He needed to know. “Who’s is it?” He asked, planting his feet on the ground.
Cass bit her lip, looking extremely uncomfortable. Jason pulled back his arms and crossed them, keeping his expression as neutral as he could, but she could probably read his mood anyways.
Jason nearly jumped out of his skin at Tim’s screeching from upstairs, Cass was running up the stairs, not waiting to see if he was coming. Jason sighed. It was going to be on of those days. He took a deep breath and headed up behind her.
Tim was doing a victory dance in front of the computer. Damian was crawling out from under the computer, a shit eating grin on his face. They both looked (and smelled) a mess. Definitely neither had showered in a few days, probably hadn’t slept either.
“Todd, you are just in time to witness our victory over father.” Damian greeted, formal as ever. The brat didn’t even through an insult in there. Must be in a good mood. Well that at least explained who was keeping secrets. Stupid Bruce, keeping secrets even while an amnesiac. Screw him.
“Shall we?” Tim asked, offering a hand to Damian, which shockingly the kid took. The fuck did he miss?!?
“Uh, what the fuck?” He managed to get out. There was cowl footage pulled up on the screen. Cass was pulling chairs over from the table. He tiredly took the seat she offered him.
“Waaaaiiiiiit I have popcorn!” Steph called, pounding down the stairs.
“Steph no!” Tim moaned. “This isn’t a joke!”
“What’s family drama without popcorn?” Steph sung back. Damian huffed. Cass snickered. Jason had to smirk to himself. Dark humor was the best coping mechanism in this family. “Besides you haven’t told us what this is!” She accused. Well at least Jason wasn’t the only one who didn’t know. Tim shifted guilty at the computer, his eyes darting from Damian and then back to the group. Damian responded by huffing and crossing his arms.
“Drake did not ‘want to get your hopes up’.” He began, mimicking Tim’s voice perfectly, “-tt-His concern is unfounded, my research has been impeccable, Gr-” Tim shoved a hand over Damian’s mouth. Damian looked downright murderous.
“Look we want to watch the footage beforehand it might be-” Tim squawked as Cass lunged off the table, hopped over his shoulders and hit play on the batcomputer. “Cass wait!” He got out as the video began to play. Steph grabbed Tim from behind and dragged him into a seat.
The screen showed footage from a first-person perspective, they were walking through a doorway into a large room.
“I’m tired of secrets.” Muttered Cass as she slipped in a chair next to Steph. Damian staid standing, glaring intensely at the screen, looking strangely anguished.
“Hey, kid you can…” The invitation died in his throat. The camera moved forward into the room, revealing a beaten Dick Grayson in the center, hooked to countless machines, suspended in a metal cocoon, only his face and chest peeking out.
“Oh my God.” Came a familiar voice from the screen. A growl reverberated in the cave.
“Well Batman…” Luthor materialized on the right, “…You’ve found Nightwing.” He said, stalking forward.
Something clattered on the floor. The camera was rushing forward. Voices from the cave mixed with voices on the screen.
“Why would you want to watch this!?” shrieked Steph.
“Dick? Everything’s going to be all right. I’m here.” Bruce’s gruff voice sounded oddly strained.
“Shut up Brown!” Came Damian in a high-pitched voice.
“He never showed us the evidence.” Tim’s voice squeaked. “We have to watch till the end?”
“I’m sorry I shut you out. All of you. I didn’t want you getting hurt…I’m going to get you out of this.” Came Bruce’s shaking voice. Jason could feel a lump growing in his throat. He didn’t want to see this.
“Fast-forward?” Cass suggested, her voice equally shaken. Jason could barely see the others in the cave, his eyes were glued to the screen.
“No…You need to…leave.” Came Dick’s horse whisper of a voice. “You need to go…”
Damian made an inhuman noise, which allowed Jason to tear his eyes off the screen.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Muttered Tim. “We can’t fast-forward we need to know what happened.” He forced a sense of determination into his voice. “This is why I didn’t-”
THOOM. The sound rumbled through the cave. Jason jumped out of his seat. The camera whipped around revealing the exit sealed off, with Luthor, Selina, and Bizzarro trapped inside.
“-you guys can still leave.” Tim said shakily.
BA-DEEP. Blared through the speakers. BA-DEEP.
“What is that?” Came Selina’s voice, her usual smooth and silky persona dropped. BA-DEEP.
“It’s a countdown. This isn’t just a fancy pair of handcuffs, Catwoman. It’s a bomb.” Came Lex’s gruff voice. The camera turned again showing a timer counting down from 5 minutes. Jason’s stomach painfully twisted at the reminder of another countdown in another sealed building.
“We’re staying.” He managed to get out. He might have heard noises of affirmation.
WHAM. “The door. The walls. Why can’t we break through them?” Came Luthor’s voice.
“This cell was designed to hold Doomsday, Luthor.” Came Bruce’s voice again. The camera showed him messing with the panel. BA-DEEP.
“Is the countdown monitoring his heart?” Selina asked from seemingly far away.
“Yes.” Boomed Bruce’s voice. BA-DEEP.
“Why?” Replied Selina.
“The detonator is hooked into it.” Bruce responded. Jason’s heart sunk. “He died in a death trap. There was no way out.” Bruce had told him before the funeral. BA-DEEP.
“Batman…The bomb…” Dick whispered. BA-DEEP. Jason spared another glance at Damian. There were tears beginning to form in his eyes, but he stared, glued to the screen all the same. “…It only disams…If my heart stops.” Jason could feel his chest tightening painfully. “I die…or we all die.” BA-DEEP.
“Maybe Bruce had a reason for not showing this to us.” Steph said shakily. Jason glanced over. She looked green. Her sleave and eyes were both wet. The sounds of the heart monitor echoed in the cave.
BA-DEEP. “Please…Listen to me…” Dick’s horse voice started again. Tim was muttering frantically to himself. “You still have time to get yourself out of here.” The camera was so close. Jason could see every cut on his brother’s face, could see the sweat on his brow, the blood trickling down from his nose.
BA-DEEP. “I am not leaving you, Dick. I am not abandoning you.” Bruce sounded much more confident that Jason felt. Too bad Bruce didn’t sound confident.
“You aren’t Bruce. And you never have.” Dick replied. Jason’s vision was blurring. All he wanted was some stupid computer files. He didn’t come to the cave to watch this.
BA-DEEP. “The only way we’re getting out of here is together…No…The wires…” Jason dug his fingernails into his palms. “…Every time I disconnect a relay, it fixes itself.” Jason bit his lip.
BA-DEEP. At some point those in the caves had gone silent. “Then there’s only one way to disarm this bomb, Batman.” Came Luthor’s voice. The video jolted violently and Bruce’s cry reverberated through the cave. Chaos erupted on the screen. A cacophony associated with their customary brand of violence echoed through the speakers, obscuring some of the voices.
BA-DEEP. “I’m saving our lives.” Jason made out. The screen was black. Jason glanced around the room. Everyone was tense. Damian was crying. Tim looked horrified. Cass was perfectly still, her expression blank. Steph looked one step away from throwing up in the empty popcorn bowl that lie on the ground at her feet.
BA-DEEP. The camera was moving again. “LUTHOR.” Boomed Bruce’s voice again. Jason caught a glimpse of the man pressing a hand over Dick’s face. “LUTHOR, YOU HURT HIM AND I WILL KILL YOU.” Cass let out the faintest gasp. Bruce wasn’t lying. How the hell was Luthor still alive? The heart monitor was stuttering. BA-DEEEEEP
“Nonononononononononono.” Came Tim’s voice. “It wasn’t supposed to-”
“DICK.” Screamed Bruce. The camera rushed forward.
“NO!” Yelled Bruce and Tim at the same time. Damian had sunk to the floor.
A fist kept pounding Luthor in the face relentlessly. “Batman, wait-” Luthor pleaded. This was not how Jason had wanted Bruce to break his code.
“YOU MURDERER!” Screeched Bruce, righteous fury echoing in his voice. The heart monitor cut off. A hand reached down to cut off Luthor’s windpipe.
“I have this…” Came Luthor’s strangled voice. He looked terrified. “Under control…Grayson…” The hand squeezed harder. “-kk-!” The man chocked. Bruce lessened up slightly. “It’s not too late, you idiot.” Spat Luthor. Bruce was apparently passed the point of listening.
“YOU MURDERED NIGHTWING.” He growled, tightening his grip once more. Luthor was going bug eyed. The man was going to actually die if Bruce pushed it much harded.
“Batman-” Came Selina’s voice.
“Luthor killed Dick, Selina.” Bruce said, his voice strangled.
“You said this lightning rod was from the future! Maybe we can use it to save him or something? I don’t know-!” She cried desperately.
A flash of light and crackle of electricity resounded through the cave. The screen went black for a moment.
Jason could hear metal clinking on the floor.
“Why are we still watching this?” Jason asked hoarsely. Tim looked at him palely.
“I need to know what happened next.” He whispered.
“If I hadn’t stopped Grayson’s heart, this ‘Murder Machine’ would have detonated and we all would have died. I had to make a choice, Batman. I made him flatline…after I forced him to swallow a cardioplegia pill.” The camera slowly tilted back up to focus on Luthor.
“A what?” Asked Steph and Selina at the same time.
“A drug that paralyzes the cardiac muscles surrounding the heart.” Replied Tim and Bruce in sync.
“Then…” Trailed off Damian. The boy looked up hopefully at the screen.
“And if this boy’s heart doesn’t get a shot of adrenaline right this very second he’s going to stay dead.” Luthor finished.
That small cough was the best sound Jason had heard in his entire life.
“YES!” Shouted Tim.
Damian swallowed. “As I expected.” He said shakily. No one called him out on it.
“Dick?” Came Bruce’s voice from the screen.
“Batman?” Dick’s wobbly voice whispered.
Cass tackled Steph into a bear hug, and Steph laughed widely as they clattered to the floor. Jason just sighed deeply and let his head drop into his hands in relief.
“Drake-” gasped Damian, “-get off.”
“You were right! Damian was right! Dick’s alive. HAHA Dick’s ALIVE!” Jason glanced up to see Tim squeezing the crap out of Damian who was going slightly blue in the face. There were words coming from the speakers still but they fell to the wayside in the celebration. Jason walked over and turned the volume down.
“I’m going to kill them.” Jason muttered under his breath. But he’d save that for later, for now, he just paced back to his chair and sunk into it. The cave was quiet for a few minutes, Dick and Bruce continued on whatever the fuck adventure they were on was. The rest of the video was a blur. By the end, Jason’s racing heart had settled, and the kids had stopped clinging to each other.
“But wait.” Said Steph as the video ended. “If Dick’s alive, where is he? How did you even know to look?”
Jason turned to see Tim babbling. “Well I have a few theories, we recovered more footage as well, you know? Like Damian found pictures of him all across the world so like, we don’t know for certain where he is, but like I don’t know for sure what happened, but maybe someone was compromised so like, he had to stay hidden or like…” Tim continued babbling as the next video began to play. It was once again footage from the cowl. “Bruce shut off all the camera’s in the cave for the next week, I thought he was sulking but like we were able to find some cowl footage that he deleted, and like hopefully from that we can figure out what happened and how to track him down-”
“Turn up the volume.” Demanded Cass from her seat. She was looking at the screen with an odd expression. Damian moved without hesitation. Jason’s eyes followed up to the screen. Dick was glaring into the camera his fists raised and wrapped.
“So, one more time Dick. But now there’s only one rule…You have to win.” Came Bruce’s gruff voice. The pair was in the cave. Dick lunged towards the camera. “You let the crime syndicate capture you. Let them torture you. You let them give your secrets to the world.” Bruce accused.
“Bruce man, what the fuck!” Steph yelled, masking Dick’s response.
Bruce continued “You let them turn you into a bomb. You let them kill you. Before Luthor rescued you, you let everyone WATCH YOU DIE.” He boomed.
“YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Jason bellowed, knocking over his chair as he stood. He walked away from the screen. Only fucking Bruce. Only fucking Bruce would blame someone for their death. Jason knew that all too well. He walked away from the screen, giving himself distance to clear his head.”
“I trained you to LIVE, and I watched you DIE!” CRACK. Jason flipped around to see Bruce elbow Dick in the face, drawing blood. Bruce’s words cut like a knife. It wasn’t Jason’s fault he died. It wasn’t Dick’s fault either. Neither Steph’s or Damian’s. Damian had unconsciously taken cover behind Tim, who was standing between Damian and the screen with an arm hovering over the kid’s shoulder.
“WHAT THE FUCK BRUCE!” Screamed Steph at the screen, she was also on her feet at this point. Only Cass’s hand prevented her from trying to fight the digital apparition. “WE DON’T JUST GO AROUND DYING WILLY NILLY, IT’S NOT MY-, IT’S NOT HIS FAULT!” Her voice shrilly echoed around the cave, drowning out the audio temporarily.
Dick was on his knees, wiping his bloody nose, looking up confused. WHACK. A powerful kick sent him flying off the platform, crashing into a costume display case. “I have a mission for you, Dick. I need you to do something that will hurt your friends. Your family.” Bruce commanded. He could hear Damian inhale sharply. Tim stopped hovering and pulled Damian tightly into his chest, rushing forward to pause the video, with the boy in tow. His hand was over the button before Cass sprung forward and grabbed his wrist. Jason had never seen Cass look this angry without the mask.
“I deserve to know.” She said with conviction, anger deep in her voice. “I deserve to know what kind of father he is.” She spat. Jason wasn’t going to touch that with a ten foot pole.
“But he shouldn’t, I mean I don’t know if, I mean I don’t know what, I mean-” Tim sputtered glancing from the screen to Damian and back again.
“I want to know the truth.” Came Damian’s tiny reply. He looked so young, he pushed away from Tim’s chest, but leaned into his side.
Cass pulled Tim’s hand back. “I fought him once.” She admitted. “I need to know.” She repeated.
Tim looked at her pleadingly. Bruce and Dick raged at each other on screen. Blood flowed from the cuts on Dick’s back. “I…I…” Tim stammered.
“We all deserve to know.” Steph piped up, leaning against the side of the computer.
“Fight like you’re alive!” Bruce yelled on the screen. CRACK. An oversized die broke on impact with the back of Dick’s head. Dick retaliated, throwing a question mark back.
The words were blurring in Jason’s head, his rage clouding his thoughts, and overtaking his senses. The rest of the world was disappearing, leaving only the screen behind. His vision tunneled. He crossed his arms as tightly as he could, willing himself to stay in place. Stay calm. His hearing cut out. But he could still read his name on his brother’s lips just before Bruce delivered an uppercut powerful enough to knock Dick off the dinosaur.
The next thing Jason knew Cass was sitting on him. People were yelling at him.
“-on’t break the screen-”
“-up I need to see-”
“-op fighting-”
Cass smiled apologetically before tapping a pressure point. Jason allowed himself to fade into the darkness.
 He came to in a medical bay of the cave, with an intense desire to get out. This place was cursed. He needed out, he needed to think, he needed to process, but he needed to get out. He pushed himself up and swung his legs off the bed.
“Wait.” Came a voice from behind him. He spun off the bed to see Tim, awkwardly standing on the other side of the cot. Jason edged towards the door. “We know where he is.” Tim offered. Jason glanced at Tim, and back to the door.
“Can we talk somewhere else?” He asked quietly. He didn’t want to be in the cave for this. Tim awkwardly bobbed side to side.
“Uh about that. We’re moving out.” He said quickly. Jason opened the door.
Jason slammed the door in the kid’s face. He stared at Tim, who was banging his head into the wall with a hand covering his eyes.
“Do I even want to know?” Jason asked. Tim groaned.
“I called my team to help us move out, we’re going to use the bunker for Gotham operations from now on.” Tim explained. A loud crash came from outside. The door whipped open.
“Heythegiantpennyisn’t-” The kid started. Jason growled at him. “-nevermindbyebye.” The speedster zipped away and slammed the door.
“You decided this without me?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow at Tim. Tim looked back at him sheepishly.
“You’re already out voted. Besides you really want to stay here?” He replied evenly. Jason shrugged, that was fair. He’d already tried to leave. “I know you said you don’t want to talk here, but I don’t know when I’ll get you alone again.” Jason sighed. That’s valid, he was planning on avoiding the family for a bit. “Please don’t pull a disappearing act.” Jason looked up at him.
“Why not?” He challenged.
“We don’t need Bruce to be a family.” Tim replied. It sounded rehearsed. That was also fair. “And we need each other too. We found some communications from Dick, Bruce left him stranded when he got amnesia, he’s coming back in a few days.” Jason couldn’t look Tim in the eye anymore.
“I don’t know what to do.” He said honestly, looking at Tim’s shoes. What do you say after something like this? After watching something like that. After knowing the truth.
“Neither do we, but we’ll figure it out together.” Tim offered. He looked sad, tired, his face fell before he spoke again. “He…he misses us.” He spoke softly. “On the recordings. I, I don’t think Bruce even told him about Damian.” Jason swore softly under his breath. Bruce was one fucking piece of work.
“Is there anything else I should know?” Jason said after a moment, catching Tim’s eye once more.
Tim shook his head. “The rest of the tape was mostly the same.” He said quietly. “He won.” He added as an afterthought. Jason snorted. Tim gave a warry smile. None of them ever won. Not in the ways they wanted to. Only when the prizes were more pain, more guilt, more heartbreak.
Jason leaned back against the wall. How was this the way things ended up? Was Bruce always this cruel? The man was unrecognizable to Jason. It was inexcusable. After Willis? After Cain? After Brown? Hell, even Tim’s father was emotionally abusive before he died. Why couldn’t any of them have a normal father? A stable parental relationship. It wasn’t fair. And it hurt more because he didn’t even know where it started. Bruce had been a good father to him. Had that been a lie? He’d never looked to closely at why Dick had left home, could it be that…that…? Had Jason missed something like this? Would he ever even know what he’d missed? They didn’t have as many cameras back then.
Tim had crossed the room and put a hand on his shoulder. “He’ll be okay.” He said confidently. “As long as we have each other, we’ll all be okay.” Tim squeezed his shoulder gently before disappearing through the door into the chaos that used to be his childhood fantasy. When had it all gone so wrong, he had to ask himself. He hated that he knew the answer. His death was this fucking family’s original sin. But you know what, that wasn’t his fault. Even if it felt like it. Even if Bruce still blamed him. Dick didn’t look at him like a ghost, he didn’t look at him like a kid in over his head, like a regret, like a mistake. It was time for Bruce to grow the hell up and move on. Bad experiences don’t justify beating your kids. Maybe from here, they could move on. Maybe from here on, they could heal. Maybe they could start over. Maybe they could make their own new family. Bruce had abused them, lied to them, manipulated them enough. It was time to rise from the ashes like a phoenix and fly again. He wouldn’t know unless he tried. He didn’t have to give up on Gotham. But maybe it was time to give up on Bruce.
Jason swung open the door, descending into a future unknown, diverging from the circle of heartache and abuse. He had broken the cycle once before, on his own, with a new family made of friends, one of his choosing. And now he chose to break it once more, and this time he resolved not to leave his siblings behind.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
You’re Alive??? (Request)
Paring: Batfam x Batsis
Synopsis: (Based from 6 Underground) You were presumed dead 5 years ago by your family during a mission gone wrong. After a while they supposedly moved on with their lives. Meanwhile, you had actually runaway with a new team. Now that you’re back in Gotham you wonder what your family is up to now a day and if you really can keep undercover without the world’s greatest family of detectives finding you.
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst, swearing, killing (non -graphic), I have never seen the 6 Underground so I read a bunch of character synopsis and cast interviews so I hope I get it decently right, sad Damian and guilty Timmy at the end lol
Note: Flashbacks are in italics, Y/S/H/N= Your Superhero Name, Y/N/N= Your Nickname
Word Count: 3044
           Five years ago, you were in Rio waiting to head out and take down one of the drug lords that had a hand in shipping Cobra Venom. Tim and Bruce had tracked it down along with some help from a few members that were interrogated by you and your older brother Jason. The night was cool and the undergrounds of the city were alive with action. Your squad, Red Robin, Nightwing, and yourself were traveling underground the targeted warehouse. Black Bat and Spoiler were covering the sides above ground and the rest were ready for the signal to enter in through the skylight.
           The tension was rising in the air mostly from you as you knew that this would be the last night that you saw all of your siblings. It was a daunting thing to ponder on, leaving Gotham and the only family that you had ever known but tonight was about to be the start of an irreversible new beginning. You headed to the doors that secretly led to the main part of the room. Robin from above called out the positions, and at the signal given by Bruce, your squad jumped into action and flew out of the trap door to ambush the targets.
           Everything was going well until one of them slipped out of the back.
           “I got him!” You yelled running for the motorcycle that he had left running when he took his own.
           The moment that the engine started, you were flying down the street yelling at people to get out of the way as the chase began. It was exciting at first, but your stomach churned at the thought of purposely flying off of a cliff and trusting someone that you hardly really know to save you from a rocky death. The streets became closer and closer to the cliffs as your family finished up in the warehouse and were now coming after you.
           You looked behind you to see the lights of their bikes behind you getting closer and closer.
           “Y/S/H/N! Slow down we can catch him, you’re getting too close to the cliffs!” Red Robin called on the comm.
           “Back off, I’ve got this one.” You sped up seeing the checkpoint coming up that you were to jump from, “Ohhh shit Y/N, don’t fuck this up please.” You thought.
           It was important to actually catch the guy so when you go to the checkpoint, you fired off a shot that took out the wheels of the perp, leaving him crashed on the side of the road as you went off the cliff. You could hear screaming from above as you mentally cursed yourself for getting into this.
           “ONE NOW WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO CATCH ME!” You said into your new comm after crushing the one that your family used.
           “Gotcha.” You felt someone grab you up before the motorcycle blew up on the rocks, seemingly leaving you to your watery grave. The two of you disappeared and you watched from afar as your family scrambled to find you, only seeing the tarnished cloth that came from your costume.
           Your heart hurt for them and you knew that they might never forgive you if they ever found out what happened. But, now that was in the past, now it was time to start a new life.
           “So, you ready to join the team Eight?” One asked smiling at you.
           “I just faked myself in front of my family, so yeah I don’t think I have a choice.” You replied as he patted your back laughing some.
            That was five years ago today. The team had welcomed you and now the only name that you knew was Eight. Four and Seven were chilling on the couch at the base and the rest were just around minding their own business.
           “Hey Eight.” 4 said as you sat down on your phone.
           “Sup.” You replied scrolling through the news.
           There was an article that caught your attention and you stopped. It was from Gotham. One of the people that you and the team had been hunting down was suspected to be there. He was in Gotham for “business” but you knew that that business was dirty and corrupt, painted by the blood of the innocent. One came into the room and everyone looked at him as he called the team over to the briefing room.
           “So, you guys remember our friend Mr. Whitestone right?” He asked pulling up a picture of the man.
           The team nodded as you crossed your arms knowing where this was going.
           “Well, he’s in Gotham right now for what we here call the drug Coachella.” “Our mission is to take him and is comrades down.” He looked at you for a second and then spoke again, “Our only issue is keeping away from the Batman and his posy.”
           You looked down for a second at the floor and then back up realizing what this meant for you.
           “We leave on Thursday so be ready. It should be a quick in and out mission and if we finish everything on time, we can come back on Saturday.”
           Everyone left after the briefing but you who stayed behind.
           “You’re seriously going to risk being caught by Batman and the rest of them?” You asked, “He’s the world greatest detective, not just some idiot in a costume running around with the GCPD.”
           “I trust that with your guidance we can stay in the shadows without being caught.” “It will be in and out faster than they can blink.” One said.
           “Yeah but you also have to remember that Whitestone will also be on their radar so we’ll be after the same person at the same time. Look if this gets blown, I don’t know what I have to do. You had better know what you’re doing One.” You walked out of the room and back to your bedroom to think about everything and pack some for the trip. It was going to be a long week of backstabbing your family once more and the guilt was starting to ride up bit by bit, little by little.
           Thursday had come and everyone was ready to move out.
           “You ready for this?” One asked with a hand on your shoulder.
           “Yep.” You replied stepping away and getting into the car that would take everyone to the hotel.
           The car pulled up through the traffic and you guys walked upstairs to your rooms. You were sharing a room with Five and Two. You looked in the mirror at your dyed hair to see the new blonde color instead of the black that you had so famously inherited from Bruce. Maybe it wouldn’t be a big help, but it was better than nothing. Tonight, would be filled with patrolling the areas of the target and possibly taking a few down but really, that was Friday’s objective.
           You and the team left the hotel to go patrol yourselves around Gotham. It was early but the targets were already out doing whatever illegal shit they would be partaking in for the night. You and your squad stalked one of them. Two was about to make her move when you pulled her back.
           “Wait, just let me take this one. I used to come to Gotham a lot, I know where everything is.” You whispered before jumping down and gagging the man so that he couldn’t make a noise.
           One had informed that the team didn’t need intel from him so you didn’t bother asking questions.
           “Run, don’t make a sound and I’ll let you live.” You whispered into his ear.
           He whimpered and you let him go before killing him with what might look be similar to a batarang.
           “This can’t be real.” Tim whispered under his voice, “That’s her! That’s Y/N.”
           He was watching the security cameras closely and saw your figure, “That’s the form that she would use and everything.” “Plus, she knew where the security cameras were.”
           “What are you over here mumbling about Timmy?” Dick came and sat down next to him as he whipped newly formed tears from his eyes.
           “Tim what’s wrong?” Dick went into mother mode and was now actually greatly concerned for Tim.
           “I think I found her. Y/N is still alive.” Tim whispered, “Look at this.”
           Dick watched the video and his eyes went wide, “That was her form and everything. I mean it’s unmistakable.” “She would always throw it in that way and then step back with her left foot.” “Wait.”
           Tim looked up with almost a shade of terror in his eyes.
           “That’s blonde hair not black like Y/N had.” Dick remarked falling back into the chair, “it just can’t-.”
           “When did she tell you that?” Dick asked rubbing his eyes.  
           “She told me the exact shade right before her last mission.” Tim Googled the shade and then color matched it in the right light, “That’s it too.”
           “Tim, this is a great dream but, it can’t be. We all saw that wreak.” He said looking at his younger brother.
           “No, Dick, you’ve always told me that if I know for sure that something is the way it is, I should go after it. I KNOW that this is her.” “And, if we track based off of the person that was killed...” He stopped for a moment thinking, “The next logical target is Aron Whitestone.”
           “Timmy, if you really think that this is her... we need to go find her.”
           “My thoughts exactly.”
           Tim called in Jason and the three of them decided that this would be their secret incase the lead was wrong. Jason would be the one to go after her and the two of them would be in the background.
           The team was following Mr. Whitestone and his posy when you started getting a bad feeling about still being in Gotham. Last night your kill was sloppy. You realized that maybe it was on purpose but at the same time it might not be worth risking blowing your cover over.
           Like last night you, and now the entire team was stalking the group of 6 that were walking around the docks.
           “Of course, it HAD to be the docks.” You thought, “These people must be new in town.” You smiled some remembering what it was like to wait with Tim or even Jason when he was Robin listening to the men’s conversations.
           “What’s so funny?” Four asked looking at you.
           “Nothing.” Your smile immediately dropped as you scanned around the area to search for maybe a Black Bat or stray Batgirl running around or perched on a stacked train car. To your partial avail, you saw no one.
           “Eight, you take Mr. Whitestone, the rest, take the ones around him.” One said.
           “Why does Eight get the best one?” Four asked.
           “No questions just go.” One said dropping down.
           Just as you finished off the man someone grabbed you. You flipped the person over your back and stopped when you saw the giant red helmet looking at you.            
           “Y/N?” He asked as you noticed the team ready to take him.
           “Stand down.” You said pinching the bridge of your nose. They didn’t, “I said stand the fuck down.”
           That got their attention for once.
           “We thought you were dead.” You pulled him up, “And who are these guys.”
           “Hood... I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but I really can’t.” You answered looking back at One who was now looking at someone behind you.
           “You really do.” You turned around to see Red Robin and Nightwing.
           “What are you guys doing here?” You asked.
           “No, I think the question is what are YOU doing here?” Nightwing remarked walking closer to you, “That form isn’t really a good way of hiding your identity Y/N/N and I know you knew that.”
           “Just give me a second.” You walked over to One and the rest of the team.
           “So does this mean I’m kicked off?” You asked, “I mean they know about me now which sort of defeats this entire dead man thing.”
           One was also confused and partially irritated, “I need to think about it. Maybe you are.”
           “What if I just joined in when you need me?” You asked, “I mean then it wouldn’t be as you know... violating of the code.”
           “Just go with them. I’ll know where to find you when I have a decision.” He said. “Team, let’s move out.”
           You watched them leave, only Five coming to give you a small hug. After that, you were at the mercy of your brothers.
           “Okay... what the hell was that?” Jason asked getting visibly angry.
           “Those people are my team. They are who I’ve been with for the past five years.” You said fiddling with your fingertips.
           “Why did you disappear like that?” Tim asked.
           “I-I...” You fell into silence as a tear streaked down your face of all of the years pent up alone, guilt eating you alive.
           Nightwing was the first one to pull you into a massive hug followed by Tim and then eventually Jason. You smiled some at the feeling before sighing.
           “You guys are actually going to kill me.” They stepped back to let you explain, “Five years ago was not a nice place for me.” “I needed to break out of my shell and leave. I had accidently killed someone and thought that when Bruce found out, he would kick me out or send me to Arkham.” “I found One, and went with his crazy idea of starting a new team of undercovers.” “I never thought of the consequences and acted brashly. I’m sorry for the hell that I must have put everyone through. It wasn’t right and it was selfish, but I never could stop thinking of everyone and I just... it was fun for a bit and then it wasn’t.”
           “So for five years you’ve been living as a ghost going around the world with seven other people fighting crime?” Tim asked you.
           “Yell technically six others. Our driver was killed.” You said getting a look from the three of them, “Legitimately killed.”
           “Well, do you want to go back to the manor?” Dick asked.
           “Do you think anyone would even want me?” You asked looking at the ground.
           “Y/N, I know they would.” Jay said, “Now come on before anymore creeps show up around here.”
           You laughed as they took you back to the cave where everyone else had already met up for the night.
           “You’re back late.” Steph said.
           “Yeah well we had some business to take care of.” Jason replied, “Oh Steph, you might want to sit down.”
           “Wait why?” She asked.
           You stepped out from behind the boys and smiled shyly.
           “Y/N?” She screamed jumping up and tackling you to the ground.
           “Shit Steph.” You laughed some as she hugged you greatly.
           “What is wrong with Brown?” You heard someone else enter the cave a few minutes later she stepped aside, letting you up before you were almost taken down by Damian again.
           He came at you with his swords yelling and cursing at whatever dared to pretend to be his beloved dead sister.
           “Woah there Demon.” Tim yanked him away from you and explained that it was in fact you.
           With a moment’s notice you heard the clatter of fallen swords and then the weight of a now 13 year old Damian latched on you.
           “Hey Dames.” You said hugging him tightly.
           “W-what happened to you?” He asked crying some into your shirt.
           “I did some really dumb things Dames. I just didn’t want you to grow up with me as your example.” You replied now carrying him like you used to when he was younger.
           “But I would have never looked down upon you.” Damian said.
           “I know, and I’m so so so so so terribly sorry. There aren’t enough words in the universe to tell you how sorry I am for leaving you.” You stopped dead in your tracks upon seeing the rest of the family.
           The rest of the family reunion was sweet and long overdone. You mended ties with Bruce and told him everything that had happened. Maybe it was for the best that you had gone away for a bit just to clear your mind. But one thing now was for sure that you didn’t know what was next. You couldn’t just leave the team that you were on but you sure as hell weren’t going to leave your family again.
           “Miss. Y/N there is someone here to see you.” Alfred said stepping into the library where you were hanging out with Damian.
           “Alright, thank you.” You replied, “I promise I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”
           Damian nodded letting go of your hand as you walked downstairs to the front door.
           “Eight.” One said greeting you with your bags.
           “So, does this mean I’m off the team?” You asked taking them and putting them aside.
           “Well, I think it does. But not permanently. I have discussed it but I think that the best thing that you can do now that your priorities have changed is to join us for missions in which we need your assistance.” He explained, “So for now, yes, you are off the team, but rest assured that if there is anything that we need, Eight is the first person that we come to.” “You are however never allowed to mention this to anyone.”
           “Sworn to secrecy, yes I know.” You smiled some, a real, genuine smile this time.
           “Okay. I hope to see you soon.” He nodded letting you give him a small hug.
           “You too.” You said, “Oh and One?”
           “I told you that they would find me. World’s greatest detectives. Remember?” You smirked crossing your arms.
           “Yes, the nights spent figuring out cases with a sassy and irritable bat are something I cannot forget.” He replied walking down the stairs as you shut the door behind him, racing back up to the library to join Damian and later catch up with everyone on the last five years.
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Note: Okay, so I really hope that I did this right. I haven’t watched 6 Underground so please just take it easy on me. I did however really like the request so regardless I wanted to see what I could do. Please, if you have any critiques or requests, send them my way. Does anyone have anything Marvel that they’d like to see? I was thinking of maybe Tony Stark daughter or something but I don’t mind. You guys are great, hope you’re staying safe and staying healthy. Have a wonderful week! 😊
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bluegarners · 4 years
If you're taking asks I would love to hear your thoughs about the Ric arc and the current state of Nightwing comics!!!!!!!!!! :))
Oh goodness, where to begin...
To start, I share a lot of the same opinions as @nightwingmyboi and @hood-ex ~~ they have very extensive and well thought out takes on the Ric Arc and the general direction DC has decided to take Dick Grayson with, along with his legacy of Nightwing. I highly suggest you read some of their posts about it, as they are very informative and probably more well versed in explaining opinions, haha!
So, my thoughts on the Ric Arc? Like most fans of Nightwing, I believe it kinda sucked ass. Like, sucked ass in the way where DC kinda just forgot characterizations (again), made it all about Batman (again), and ignored good side characters (Bea). The only thing positive I can really say about that whole arc was the art- I really enjoyed the take on Dick's features in Nightwing #74. I was happy they gave him more ethnic looking features with the fuller lips and the more angular nose. (However, they kinda screwed up with the heights??? Jason was tiny!! Barely 5' 4" it looked like LOL) The colors were pretty as well, Ryan Benjamin is a favorite artist of mine, and most of the scenes were fluid.
Another positive I can say about the Ric Arc is one of the very beginning scenes, where Damian goes to see Dick in the hospital while he's still recovering. It was moving that they let Damian be an impatient child when "demanding" for Dick to wake up, and then follow it up with him essentially fleeing and crying when he's not answered. Of course, Damian isn't really mentioned again after this, but it was still really nice to see this side of his character.
The plot.... where do I start? I don't think I'll get too much into it because it'll only frusturate me more sdfslhf but I'll say this. While I am a fan of Dick Grayson angst, DC made it very... unenjoyable, for lack of a better word. It felt like they just threw in as many villains as possible, what with the introduction of the new "sidekick" for Joker, aka Punchline, the Court of Owls appearing for a very brief time just to screw with Dick's memory more, KGBeast and Bane conspiring to get to Batman through Nightwing BY SHOOTING HIM IN THE HEAD (okay, mini rant here: DC, if you're going to make this comic about Nightwing, please please please actually make it about Nightwing. Make the problem about him, not Batman. I get that Bane is kind of the main motivator here, what with him trying to break Batman by killing his oldest allie and destroying his marriage with Seleina, but surely there are writers at the DC headquarters that can come up with a separate problem that doesn't always involve Batman. Surely that's possible right? Nightwing's whole persona was made so he could be recognized separately from Batman; stepping away from Robin was supposed to free Dick of his restrictive ties to the Bat symbol. By always tying Dick's problems immediately back to Batman or one of his enemies, it defeats the purpose of Nightwing being his own hero with his own villians and his own freakin city with its own dozens of problems!!)
Continuing on with villains, here's what I can remember off the top of my head: KGBeast, Bane, Punchline, Joker, Harely (not really, but I'm going to add her anyway), Talon, and the Court of Owls. Now, this is going to controversial, but I'm also going to add the Batfam as part of that list, and here's why. They didn't care. Plain and simple, they didn't care about Ric, they only cared about Dick and what he could do for them. There were a grand total of maybe three times where the Batfam reached out to Ric to try and reason with him, but before all of that, they re-traumatized an already amnesiac and confused person by showing him get assassinated. Like, Bruce. Wth?? I know a lot of this was mostly character assassination, especially with Barbara, but come on. Barbara was really weird throughout this entire arc, and even after he goes back to "normal", she blames Dick for being mean to her, completely ignoring the fact that he didn't know who she was half the time. And that he was, ya know,
mind controlled by multiple villains for a majority of the comic.
Moving past all of that, since I feel like I could rant for ages about it, I didn't like how abruptly they ended that arc. The crystal being my main problem. DC has many scapegoats, the lazerous pit being their biggest imo, but a crystal? All they had to do was show it to him and BOOM cured??? There was no character development. The build up to it could hardly be called build up, as it was done and over with in the span of a few panels. Nothing felt high stakes anymore, and then after he got his memories back, everyone cheered and was like "yay, he's back to normal! you were a real ass to us, and we're not going to apologize for leaving you homeless and left to fend for yourself against all these villains even though you had no memories! oh, but don't worry! we were watching this whole time, so we just let all that stuff happen to you! wow, so glad you're back- we really need Nightwing, but I guess having Dick back is okay too."
That's a very crass interpretation of what went down, but that's what happened. Bruce's half assed excuse of "I was always watching" was awful because then it just leads to more problems of, oh well, if you were always there, why didn't you rent him an apartment so he didn't have to live out of his taxi? Or get him out of trouble and bar fights? Or stop the Joker from getting him and taking control of his mind? Or any numerous terrible things that happened to Ric? It's just annoying that no one seems to actually try and emphathize with what Dick went through, and it's all getting brushed to the side in favour of, "oh, well, back to work!"
They could've gone down so many pathways with Dick getting shot in the head, but instead they gave him amnesia, trauma, bad reception from the fam, and being passed around from villian to villain just to be used over and over again. It felt like this weird dump fest where the writers just woke up one morning and was like, "how many characters can we fit into this arc to get the most amount of readers as possible? How can we become more controversial?"
I know that in the arc after Ric, we're getting some of the aftermath. I'm so so happy they let Dick cry over Alfred's death (he really needed that release of emotions, poor boy has been bottling them up for the sake of others [again, DC, I know he's supposed to be the emotionally controlled one, but please let him be healthy with his emotions and not a shut in with them]) but they still haven't addressed Damian? Like, Dick and Damian were arguably the closest before shit hit the fan, and Dick isn't wondering where the kid is? Or exactly what happened with Alfred and how Damian witnessed it?? A large part of it is the Batfam not telling Dick any of it and kind of just leaving him to his own devices now that the "issue" has been resolved (sound familiar? history repeats itself yet again....). Something else that bugs me a bit is that everyone is telling Dick what he should be feeling/thinking/doing/etc. No one's letting him... grieve. Like, Dick just got his memories back and he's probably grappling with old trauma that's now fresh in his face. Additionally, everyone is assuming he's just going to go back to normal, as if none of what just happened, well, happened. They're erasing this brand spanking new trauma, along with the news that Alfred was murdered, and the fact that Dick is still trying to do his best for his family because it's whats expected of him. I mentioned earlier that Barbara was being really weird, @nightwingmyboi actually already made a post about it, but when Dick tries to apologize and talk to her about what happened when he was Ric, she just kind of... runs away? Dramatically? Didn't even attempt to hear what dick had to say- she was just so consumed with her own hurt that talking wasn't an option for whatever reason. WHICH IS THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF HER CHARACTER. It's frusturating because Dick is doing his best to apologize to people when he should have nothing to apologize for- he wasn't under any of his own control and the things he did while Ric or "Dickie-boy" weren't under his own will. If anything, Dick is the one that should get an apology and a hug; he's been through so much and no one seems to be acknowledging that.
All of that to say: I liked the idea of what the Ric arc could've offered, but the plot fell through and just disappointed a lot of people. I'm hoping a lot of the issues presented in the Ric arc that went unaddressed do end up being properly resolved in the newer arcs coming out, but I'm not going to be surprised if it doesn't. Sorry for the long answer LOL
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elareine · 4 years
Deaged Jaybird anyone?
Well, judging from ao3 and tumblr, I think the answer to that question is ‘everyone and amazingly so,’ but I might as well throw my hat into the ring, thank you <3
I thought this was gonna be sweet and funny. It didn’t exactly turn out that way.
rewind, fast forward, stop Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply - Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Temporary Character Death, Angst Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, De-Aged Jason Todd, Family Issues, Family Feels, Loss of Trust, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt with Temporary Comfort, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, The Batfamily Needs Therapy, Bittersweet, Unreliable Narrator
“If he says the words unstable molecules one more time, I’m going to hit something,” Dick muttered.
“Jason’s been gone for two hours, and you’re already trying to replace him?” Tim asked. It was a weak joke, and Dick didn’t laugh.
Nygma and Crane were still arguing at metaphorical gunpoint (i.e., genuine sword end), bent over the makeshift crib.
“I didn’t expect this to happen, either! What’s the point of posing riddles if he’s a baby?”
“Well you still fucked up and now we’re here, basically hostages—”
Bruce held up a hand. Everyone fell silent.
“So. His age will change several times?”
“You cannot predict the intervals.”
“What does he remember?”
“I don’t know. We should ask him…”
“…when he reaches an age where he can speak, yes. Will this stop once he reaches the age he’s supposed to be?”
“I don’t—”
“Then we will find out. Nygma, you have 24 hours to fix this.” He turned and looked at Dick. “Call reinforcements and start the lab work.”
Dick nodded, but whatever he was going to ask wasn’t going to be heard because Jason chose that moment to start wailing.
Everyone froze. Despite all the arguing, the fact that they know had to care for a baby hadn’t seemed real until that moment.
Bruce, though, just lifted Jason up and to his chest with the same natural competence with which he handled explosives and batarangs. “There, there, Jaylad. You’re hungry, hmm? I bet Alfred has already prepared a bottle. Let’s go find him, shall we?”
Dick volunteered to stay home and watch the baby that evening. Except when he returned to the crib with a freshly prepared bottle, it was a toddler staring back at him.
“Hey there, little man,” Dick greeted him.
Dick tried again. “Jason, are you in there?”
The kid stared back at him, clearly wondering what the strange man was talking about. His eyes were so blue. “Me.”
“Yes, you’re Jason,” Dick agreed. “Do you remember me?”
Jason’s brow furrowed as if he was concentrating really hard. “No?”
“That’s okay. I’m Dick. I’m—” your brother. But how did you explain that to a toddler who didn’t remember any siblings? “A friend.”
After a minute of stern evaluation, Jason’s expression melted into a smile, and he held up his short chubby arms. “Up?”
“Of course.” Dick bent down and scooped Jason up with one swift motion, bouncing him up and down for a few seconds, to Jason’s great delight and giggles. Then he settled him onto his hip. “How about some food, buddy?”
“Hungry!” Jason declared. It sounded like ‘angry.’ Dick wanted to record that and use it as Jason’s ringtone forever.
He couldn’t very well give him the baby formula now, so: “Let’s go to the kitchen, then, huh? I like midnight snacks, too.”
“Snack,” Jason repeated. He seemed to like that word. “Snack, snack, snack!”
“Yes, snack. Hey B,” he called softly through the non-emergency line as they walked through the corridor, “listen to who woke up.”
“Baba?” Jason asked. Dick had no idea whether he meant Bruce or was asking for his own father. Either way, it was devastating.
“Jaylad,” Bruce murmured back. Dick didn’t call him out on the use of real names. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
Dick tried not to laugh at the sleepy pout. “To be fair, I don’t know how ‘slept like a baby for hours,’ literally, affects his sleep schedule.”
“How old is he?”
“About… two? Maybe?” Dick was not an expert in estimating the age of children, so sue him. “Maybe younger. He’s real small, and he doesn’t remember me.”
Silence. “N, we’re coming home.”
The bats had barely been out for an hour. “Sure. See you soon.”
It was Tim who discovered the next transformation. He’d taken over the early morning shift by virtue of not sleeping anyway. Jason’s room had been quiet; Tim had just wanted to make sure he was doing okay when he was greeted with a much larger shape in the bed than he’d expected.
Which, fuck, that couldn’t be good, right? Last time Jason had only skipped a couple of years, but now he was at least six.
The figure was also too still to be asleep. Tim switched on the nightlight they’d installed by the door and looked at Jason. Yeah, his eyes were definitely open. It was eerie, the way he held himself still as if he was trying to disappear into the darkness. Don’t notice me, his position screamed. I’m not here, go away.
It was so familiar. Tim couldn’t breathe for a second for the way it was a perfect reversal of the way he himself had spent his childhood. Notice me, look at me, don’t leave.
“Hey,” Tim called out softly, unconsciously imitating Dick’s voice. “Can’t sleep?”
“Who are you.” His voice was clear and hard, a far cry from the sweet toddler who had played with Tim’s cape when they’d come home from patrol at midnight.
That had been four hours ago. It was going to be a long day, wasn’t it?
“I’m Tim,” he said. “You don’t remember me right now because you’re… sick, but we know each other.”
The distrust did not wane. “Where am I?”
“At my father’s house. Wayne Manor.” Tim smiled. “Maybe you’ve heard of it?”
“Who else is here?”
“Your family.”
That did not have the expected effect, at all. Jason shrank back, hands gripping the blanket tight even as his expression remained blank.
Tim’s hand moved to his bracelet and pressed a button. He’d promised Bruce to wake him up if there was a development. Besides, he was in over his head here, and he knew it.
“I’m going to call them, okay?” There was no answer.
It took less than two minutes for the doorway to be filled with people. Bruce was first, of course, closely followed by Dick, with Damian, Duke, and Cass lingering just behind them in the hallway.
“You’re going to crowd him,” Tim pointed out. “We’re all strangers.”
“Tim is right.” Bruce stepped forward. “Stay back.”
They watched as he crouched down in front of the bed. “Hi, Jason. You don’t remember me, and I know that’s scary.”
“I’m not scared.”
Tim couldn’t see his face, but he would bet good money that Bruce smiled at that. “No, you aren’t because you’re brave, aren’t you.”
“Hmm. Where’s mom?” Jason asked.
“She’s not here. I’m sorry. You’re staying with our family and me for now.”
“Where’s dad?”
“He’s not here, either, but—”
Jason’s shoulders deflated.
Oh. Oh.
Tim could feel the tension rack up in the room as every single family member was simultaneously filled with rage.
Bruce, however, looked calm. “As long as we are here,” he said, quietly but with the kind of conviction that could move mountains, “no one is going to hurt you. Your mother is fine, and so are you.”
And Jason looked up and believed him. Tim could see it in the way he relaxed, how he slumped down against Bruce’s bulk as if it was the only thing holding him up. He didn’t say anything.
Tim felt a gentle tug on his elbow. He followed the others outside, quietly, leaving Bruce to keep vigil. It was touching, but something about the scene bothered Tim.
“Do you think,” he quietly asked Dick as the group dispersed, “that we should call someone else? His friends? You have Roy’s number.”
“It will help, being here, when he reaches Robin age. They’re strangers until he’s an adult.”
That wasn’t the point. Tim frowned. “I know you think he should be with family when he’s like this. But Dick—we haven’t been his family for a long time. We shouldn’t see this stuff.”
Dick swallowed, but he didn’t argue with that. “B already knows.”
“Not all of it. Not what will happen when—”
“Yeah.” Dick’s shoulders slumped. “But do you think you can convince B of that?”
“No.” Tim sighed. “No, I don’t.”
“Master Jason, what are you doing in the kitchen?”
It was eight a.m., and even Master Tim was asleep by now. Alfred had kept an ear out for the sound of a preschooler waking up, but Master Jason must’ve aged again. He looked to be about nine now.
The kid frowned. “I don’t know who you are, but I need to make breakfast, or mom won’t eat.”
Alfred took a moment to fix his apron, blinking discreetly. “Of course, Master Jason. Your mother, however, isn’t here at the moment. Would you like to help me prepare some pancakes?”
There was a sound like something heavy falling, then a curse. “Where the fuck am I?”
Dick and Tim exchanged a glance. They’d installed Jason in front of the tv, at first, but he’d been more interested in the few children’s books Bruce kept around for guests.
Tim had tagged along—at this point, he had somehow wound up one of Jason’s primary caretakers, and wasn’t that a sentence he hadn’t expected himself to ever think? Looked like the time for children’s books had run out.
When they walked over to the armchair Jason had buried himself in, they found a pile of limbs in front of it, scrambling to get up and look at them. The family had taken to dressing Jason in the largest clothes they could get him in without them falling off, just to spare his modesty at the next change. Not that Jason had really grown much over the last few episodes…
At least he was dressed as he woke up in an unfamiliar living room because he couldn’t remember the previous episode or his adult life, Tim thought. Honestly, this curse/science mishap/whatever seemed hellbent on making their lives as miserable as possible.
Dick advanced cautiously. “Jason—”
“And you would be?” the boy asked, his voice suddenly much lighter.
“My name’s Dick Grayson, and you’re safe here.”
“Hmm, am I?” There was something wrong with the way Jason looked at Dick. His weight was shifted to the side, pushing his hip to the front, his long lashes almost fluttering, and there was something challenging in his gaze as if he was daring Dick—as if he was—
The idea was so incongruous—so impossible—that it took Tim too long to connect the dots. It was the exact pose he saw the working girls and boys adopt, night after night when they approached a car.
The thing with Tim was: He could be thrown off a building, and his brain would still keep on working all the way down. (No, seriously, that happened several times.) It was just how it was. So he could be shocked at what was happening, at what he’d just learned about Jason, and still notice that Dick wasn’t.
Perhaps he was making a mountain of a molehill, then. Perhaps Jason had just seen too much on the streets and was trying to play along, to give Dick what Jason thought he wanted, and then he’d punch him when he got too close and get out of here.
“Let’s just—wait it out, okay?” Dick sighed. “You got temporary amnesia. It’ll all be clear tomorrow.”
“Sure.” Jason looked like he didn’t believe him, but was willing to run with it. “You got some food?”
“Oh, hey Dick! You look different!”
Dick thought he was about to cry with relief. Finally, a Jason that knew them, that wouldn’t have to be reassured about their intentions every few hours. “Hey, Jason.”
“Is it for a case?”
“Something like that,” he said. “You’re in the future, sort of. We have to wait a few hours before you can go back.”
Jason’s eyes went wide. “Really? That’s so cool! Can I talk to myself? Where am I? What year is it? What am I doing?”
“We can’t tell you that,” Tim said suddenly. “You know. Time travel code. Gotta follow the rules.”
“Ah.” Jason nodded as if that made any sense. “But you can tell me about other things, right? What about the cave? Can I see how it changed?”
“No, not the cave—” not while that damn memorial was still there, “—but Alfred has a collection of photos in one room if you want to see.”
That would be fine. Jason wasn’t in any of those, anyway.
“Whoa,” Jason commented when he saw how many pictures there were. “This family sure has grown. Wait, who is that?”
“That’s me,” Tim said.
Jason frowned. “That’s a Robin outfit. Are you Robin after me?”
And Dick—he could see how Tim tensed up. Understandably so, they had all heard what Jason called him. “Yeah, I—I didn’t mean to repl—you were—”
“It’s okay,” Jason shrugged. “Robin is more than one person, right? Dickie here said that. You don’t stop being Robin. You just share it.”
Tim blinked once. Then again.
Dick watched in some concern, because—surely that’s what he said to him back when he gave Robin to Damian, too? Right? It was all such a blur, but he must have.
Jason was already moving on to the next picture. “Wow, are these your wings?!”
“Did you make them? That’s so cool, I wanna fly too!”
Dick watched in amusement as a blush spread across Tim’s face. “I could show you the plans?”
“That would be fun! It could be a project.” Then he whirled around. “Do you go to school?”
“Uh, not really.”
Jason frowned. “You should. Grades are important. You can’t go superheroing forever if you don’t have money.”
“That’s true.” Tim looked suitably chastised. Dick bit down on a laugh as he watched Jason walk along Alfred’s little gallery, commenting on everything he saw and pulling Tim along.
God, thinking about the kid they saw yesterday, this Jason was a miracle. Dick knew what it meant to pull yourself up after darkness crashed down on you, how to find a way to smile after you lost everything.
And he knew, too, what a single person who cared for you—who believed in you could do.
(Maybe Dick should’ve remembered that when Jason became a miracle for the second time.)
Bruce had been that for both of them. Even now, Dick could see him at the doorway, watching Jason with such pride and unbearable longing on his face. Then a shadow fell over his expression, and he turned away.
“Dick!” Jason called over. “Tim has never heard the train story! C’mon, you’re the best at telling it.”
“He hasn’t heard it because it’s embarrassing,” Dick whined, but he walked over and joined them. Might as well make the most of this, right?”
“I’m sorry, Bruce,” Zatanna said. “There’s nothing I can do.”
She was magic, Cass knew, and Bruce didn’t like magic. So if he was asking her for help… Duke, next to her, looked worried, as well.
They weren’t letting the two of them see Jason, and that was okay. Neither of them had ever been close to Jason. Not that Dick or Tim had been, exactly, but they cared in a way Cass and Duke admittedly didn’t.
“Is there anything that could slow down his aging process, at least?”
“Nothing but putting him into stasis, and he would not thank you for that, Bruce.”
Duke dared to ask: “But Nygma said the effect of the gas should stop once he’s reached his proper age, right? So that should be… alright?”
“And what,” Bruce ground out, “if the next time he phases forward, he’s dead?”
“Bruce.” Zatanna put a hand on his shoulder, empathy in every line of her body.
Bruce shook her off as if he couldn’t bear the touch. “We don’t know if he’ll wake up this time.”
For a second, Cass wanted to hurt everyone who made Bruce sound like that. But she knew there was nothing she could do. Love, she knew, cut like that sometimes.
Damian was well aware that they would prefer to keep him far away from Todd. To a certain extent, he understood. He would not wish more people than necessary to watch him relive his own childhood, either.
However, no one in this family was prepared for what was coming next. Damian knew.
The minute the screaming began, Damian walked into the room.
Jason was convulsing on the bed. Dick was frantically checking him for injuries, and Damian clicked his tongue. “That won’t help. He is not bleeding.”
Bruce turned to him. “Damian, what—”
“He’s in pain. His body is half-alive, half-dead,” Damian told them calmly. His voice wasn’t shaking. It wasn’t. “It won’t stop until he swims in a Lazarus Pit.”
His father should not look like this. Helpless. Pitiful. Damian resented him for it, just a little bit. Father had not been there the first time. This would only last for hours, and all he had to do was wait. The crushing weight of how to fix this was not on him as it had been on Mother.
“I’m going to get a tranquilizer,” Dick murmured.
Duke wondered what they would do if Jason woke up in full rage mode. He had seen the files, had read everything he could the minute this started happening. Cass had told him the rest, pieced together from hints her brothers had dropped over the years. There was no way they could deal with that if they were unprepared and Jason was in their home. No way.
So he was… nervous. Just a bit. Enough so that he was camping out in front of the bedroom that they were keeping Jason for now. Sure, Jason had been medicated, but Duke had seen Bruce trying that on Red Hood before. Red Hood had barely slowed down. Whatever the Lazarus Pits were, exactly, they sure did a number on a person’s metabolism.
Duke got his answer when Bruce sent everyone out of the room. Batman would wait alone, then. Dick and Tim obeyed, albeit reluctantly.
Tim, however, returned a minute later with Bruce’s utility belt, shock full of batarangs and other weapons. The older man, however, hesitated to take it.
“Bruce,” Tim said, and he very gently touched a scar on his neck.
Bruce took the belt.
The next morning, Jason left.
Minutes before, Bruce watched him as he woke up.
He had known as soon as he had seen Jason as a toddler that his son would not forgive him for this. The others, maybe. They had only tried to help. Bruce was the one too selfish to let Jason keep his secrets, bring him to people he trusted.
Because that sure as hell wasn’t him anymore. Deservedly so or not, Bruce had had to face that reality a long time ago.
Still, when Jason opened his eyes and there was only a tinge of green in them, nothing like the rage of the pit, just like they had been the last time Bruce had seen him without the mask—for that one moment, Bruce allowed himself to hope.
Maybe, just maybe, Jason wouldn’t remember. Then he could use the whole thing as a learning experience—see it as bonding, even—something that would allow them to finally move on; that would help Bruce to find the right trigger to get Jason to give up his mad crusade and come home.
Then Jason blinked, and his eyes were empty even of hate.
“My phone?” was all he asked.
“In the cave.” Bruce kept his voice even because what else could he do?
Jason nodded. Then he left, and he did not come back.
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Home is Where the Heart is
First Chapter Next Chapter
Here it is! Be prepared for angst and fluff for the next many chapters to come! Without further ado~
Running around Gotham and living in abandoned buildings had never really been part of Marinette’s plan. Not that Marinette had much of a plan in the first place, but pretending like she did made her feel slightly better about her situation.
It was her third night in Gotham, trying to find one Alfred Pennyworth.
Master Fu hadn’t known where the former Miraculous holder was, and it had only been because Duusu could sense Alfred slightly that Marinette was even in Gotham in the first place.
She didn’t get to Gotham with a plane like a normal person though, she got there with the help of Kaalki.
It was kind of hard to take a plane somewhere without any type of legal papers.
She had no ID, no passport, no birth certificate.
Marinette had tried different ways to find Alfred, she had even checked to see if he was dead, despite Duusu being able to sense him, just to be safe. It had all been a bust so far, but Marinette wasn’t planning on giving up.
She wasn’t quite sure what she would be doing if she did.
At least she didn’t have any issues with money. Master Fu had left all of his money, which was a surprisingly high amount, for her when he passed away. Marinette didn’t try and bother with sleeping at a hotel though. Most places in Gotham wanted some form of legitimization, and when all she had was money upfront, not many people would be willing to rent her a room.
Her first night in Gotham, Marinette had rented a room in a Motel, and after that, she swiftly made the decision to never do that again. She still got shudders when thinking about it.
It was after a long day of a lot of searching, and a lot of nothing, that Marinette found herself sitting on the roof of a random building at night, looking over the city.
It reminded her of late-night patrols with Chat Noir, resting at the Eiffel tower, teasing and talking to one another.
Marinette hadn’t even registered that she was going to cry until the tears fell down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away, despite no one being around to see her cry. It was in the small things, and it made it hard for her to concentrate on her new mission, but Marinette wouldn’t break. Breaking meant to her that she regretted her decision, and Marinette couldn’t regret her decision. She just couldn’t.
Marinette was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps, and she was quick to get on her feet and look for the source of the sound.
There, on the building next to the one Marinette had been sitting on, was one Nightwing, a Gotham vigilante, if Marinette remembered correctly.
He took a step forward, opening his mouth to say something probably, but Marinette never gave him the chance.
She ran.
Nightwing shouted at her to stop, but Marinette didn’t listen. If he caught her, Marinette didn’t know what she would do or say. The risk was too big.
She reached the edge of the roof, and rather than stopping like Nightwing probably expected her to, Marinette jumped.
For one heart-stopping moment, she didn’t touch the ground, until she landed on the other building in a roll. Marinette didn’t look behind her to see if he followed, focusing instead on just getting away.
It was a regular patrol, the bat family splitting up to cover as much of Gotham as possible, when Dick spotted a girl sitting at the edge of a roof on a tall building. Her shoulders were shaking, as if she was crying, and his mind immediately went to the thought of the girl jumping off.
Dick took a step forward to stop her. She must have heard him when he started approaching her, because her head snapped up to look at him. Her eyes were red and puffy, but Dick couldn’t see much more than that. The lower half of her face was covered by a black surgical mask.
Dick was going to talk to her, but before he even got the chance to, she bolted. He yelled at her to stop, only for her to jump off the building. Dick thought for a moment that it was it, that she was going to fall and he wouldn’t be fast enough to save her.
But then she landed on the other side in a roll and just kept running.
Dick stopped at the edge where she had jumped, just watching as her form became smaller and smaller the farther she went.
He touched the comm in his ear, his brothers’ voices going off, asking him what happened.
“I think I just ran into another street kid.”
He couldn’t see her anymore.
“I thought she was going to jump off the roof, but…” Dick shook his head. “I’ll explain more at home.”
Still, the image of her red puffy eyes stuck with him through the rest of the patrol. Her distant look was familiar to him. Grief. Mourning. Dick didn’t like thinking of the implications of what it could mean.
She didn’t look very old either, probably around Damian’s age if Dick had to make a guess.
His mind ran through the possibilities of who she could possibly be, but he knew that this wasn’t his place of expertise. Tim could probably come up with more answers than he could.
The girl must have been trained in some way though. She shouldn’t have been able to make that jump, couldn’t without some form of training. It was too fluid, clearly something she had done before. She had been fast too.
Maybe he should have chased after her…
Marinette let out a tired sigh as she slipped inside the abandoned apartment she had been sleeping in.
All the windows were covered and blocked with planks, as were the doors, but Marinette had found a loose plank that she could pull off to get in.
She sat on the cold floor, resting her head against the wall and closing her eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm her hammering heart. She took off her backpack, where the Miraculous box was in, and placed it in her lap.
“That was close.”
Marinette cracked an eye open, looking at her kwami and giving a tired nod.
“We’re still no closer to finding Alfred,” Tikki added, making Marinette sigh tiredly.
“I know Tikki, I… I’ll figure something out, I promise.”
It was quiet for a moment, as Tikki just looked over her chosen.
Bags way too big for a seventeen-year-old were under her eyes, and her hair was a mess from the wind after she had run away. Marinette looked exhausted.
“Don’t worry, Marinette, it’s going to be okay,” Tikki nuzzled her cheek, and Marinette fought hard not to cry again.
“It’s just- it’s so hard.”
Tikki had been Marinette’s rock since the final battle against Hawkmoth. She had been against Marinette’s plan, but she also knew there was nothing she could do to dissuade her chosen from the plan that Marinette had made.
So instead, Tikki supported her chosen through her grieving, not letting her be alone when she was hurting.
Marinette had always put others before herself, and it was painful to see her force herself through this mission. It made Tikki worry.
Would Marinette dedicate her life to the Miraculous and the order? Tikki hoped not.
Marinette didn’t even have a sketchbook with her. She kept saying that it was because she simply didn’t have the time, but Tikki knew better.
Perhaps she could talk Marinette into taking a break tomorrow. Alfred Pennyworth was probably not going anywhere, and if he did, then Duusu would be able to tell.
Tikki just didn’t want to watch her chosen wither away.
“There’s no threat right now, it’s okay.”
Marinette took a few shaky breaths before giving Tikki a watery smile.
“Thank you, Tikki. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for Marinette, you deserve so much more than all of this. After we find Alfred, we’re going to look for a new home.”
The look Tikki gave Marinette left no room for argument, and Marinette found herself agreeing with her Kwami.
She couldn’t continue living the way she was now, staying in abandoned places. It was cold, and Marinette was worried about what she would do once it was winter. She would be going into hibernation mode, and without a proper place to stay, Marinette feared she would freeze to death before she managed to rebuild the order. It just wasn’t that easy when there was no documentation of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
But, she could think about that later. For now, her first priority would be to find Alfred.
“What happened out there?” Asked Bruce, looking at his oldest son.
“I don’t really know, if I’m honest,” Dick said, looking at the rest of his family with furrowed brows. “She was crying, I’m sure about that, but…” Dick trailed off, shaking his head.
“You thought she was going to jump?” Bruce asked. He had heard what his son had been saying over the comm when it happened, but he wanted to be sure.
“She did jump, over to the other building,” Dick said, eyes trying to convey what he was saying. “She took a leap of faith with a three-meter distance.”
It was quiet in the Batcave as they all stared at the oldest Robin in disbelief.
“She jumped between the buildings?” Jason asked, just to be sure.
“And all the other buildings after that. She has experience of some kind, but why?”
Dick was mostly confused about the whole thing. He knew that look in her eyes though, for that split second he saw them. She was grieving.
“I think she might be a new street kid,” Dick said, and the others looked at him in confusion.
“Why do you think that?” Tim asked from his seat by the computer, trying to find the girl via security cameras around the city.
“She was crying when I spotted her, it was part of the reason that I thought she was going to jump off in the first place. She must be new to the streets,” Dick said, shrugging. “Doesn’t explain her experience with free-running though.”
Tim let out an annoyed sigh by the computer, before turning around to face the others.
“Either way, I can’t find her on any cameras. Don’t know how that is but…”
It was concerning, and a tense quiet took over the family, as they thought of the possibilities.
“We’ll keep a lookout for her. If you spot her running rooftops, you’ll report and try to approach her cautiously. She’s too much of a mystery for us to not be careful,” Bruce ordered.
It wasn’t rare for the members of the bat family to spot street kids. Honestly, they saw them on a daily basis. But one running across the rooftops with expertise was more concerning, and when they didn’t know if she could actually pose a threat, they needed to be careful.
Dick just felt bad about it. And he was worried.
He was convinced that she was going to jump off. He didn’t know what he would do if he was unable to stop it before it happened.
@serenacross200 @valeks-princess @skyel0ve
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
did you see the tagging discourse yesterday? they really went after whumpbby
Hey there. I did see it. I wrote up a response to it but I wanted to sleep on it before I responded. I wanted to make sure I come across as informative and dispassionate as possible because emotions are already high and tempers are flaring and the last thing I want to do is fan the flames.
As far as I can tell there were three issues mentioned.
1) Explicit Content in Summaries
I think not putting explicit content in a summary is a valid suggestion. Frankly, it’s not an angle I’ve ever considered (even though I’m pretty sure none of my summaries are explicit. I’m not giving away the milk for for free. You have to click on the cow to get it 🤣). 
But I do think it’s important to remember that asking the fanfiction community as a whole to embrace this as a community standard isn’t a miraculous fix it. For starters this is an additional courtesy and I’m not sure how much fic it will actually affect, particularly in this fandom (I pretty much only read explicit fic and while there’s definitely summaries that are explicit, it’s not a particularly common issue and the OP’s example is actually not explicit and is exactly the kind of thing that should be in the summary so that you know whether the fic beyond that will trigger you or not). I’m happy to pay a little extra attention and make an effort but that by no means ensures that you won’t see explicit content in the summary. I mean, tv shows give you the rating and tags in the beginning of the episode but you still might see something explicit if you’re flipping through the stations. It’s not possible for content providers to account for every person’s individual needs. The individual has to do some of the work.  There’s not really any reason for someone to be reading an explicit summary if they’ve seen the fic is rated explicit and seen the ship is one they’re uninterested in and seen that the tags contain content they’d be uninterested in for that ship (if there are any, because people forget that further tagging is another courtesy that creators go out of their way to do to make life easier for readers - I don’t know a single writer who enjoys tagging) before they ever get to the summary at all. But still. Fine. I think that’s a good point and I’ll be going through my 80+ fics over the weekend to make sure. It’s just that readers should never expect things that are courtesies to be strictly adhered to by the entirety of the community. 
2) Tagging All Batfamily Ships as “Incest”, Regardless of Actual Content
This seems to be predicated on the misconceptions that 1) the fan-dubbed Bat “Family” is an actual family by any metric that could be considered incestuous, and 2) that this is obvious and not up for discussion.
Both of those are untrue. The Batfamily are not canonically a family whose interpersonal relationships can be considered incestuous, by blood, law, or anything else. 
If you want to interpret the text that way, there is certainly room to do so. But it is neither a fact, nor an obvious one.
The Pre-Flashpoint canon, especially for Batfam, exists in a nebulous state of “maybe applicable”. One of the few things we can be sure of, is that Dick and Tim at least, were never adopted. Tim’s parents are alive and well. Pre-Flashpoint, Dick was adopted as a gesture in his late 20′s. He’s early to mid 20′s in N52/Rebirth (for some reason people seem to think that N52 and Rebirth are different continuities. They’re not. Rebirth is a continuation of N52.)
Jason’s adoption is never explicitly addressed in current canon. So you can pick your poison.
None of them grew up together in either continuity so that argument is out.
You are welcome to read the Bats as this kind of family if you want.
But no one else has to, and there is very little evidence in current (or past) canon to suggest they are. What evidence there is, is vague and ambiguous. NOT obvious and damning. There are a million different ways to consider someone family, including both platonic and romantic.  
Finally, since it was specifically pointed out, with the lack of blood ties, if I write an AU where they one or more of them has no ties to Bruce, that’s not incest and no one should be tagging it as such.
It’s pretty weird to ask someone to tag their fic as something it’s not. It’d be like asking me to tag my angst “fluff”. I might as well tag DickKory or SuperBat “incest” while I’m at it.
Hopefully this helps clear things up. Hopefully this will help people who are triggered by incest to be able to see batfam ship tags without being triggered. If the clarification that they are not a legal or blood family in canon does not help, I am truly very very sorry and I genuinely hope you can discover what it is about those ships that actually affects you so that you can better protect yourself. But I have to tag my ships. I can’t not tag a ship so that you don’t see it, because then you might accidentally stumble across it and get much further than the tag before you know what’s happening. And I can’t tag incest because it literally is not then readers will think that I’ve written a verse where the characters are blood/legal family in some way, where the fic treats them like they have familial bonds and sexual relationship, and some of them will likely avoid it.
Appropriate tagging is important so that people who don’t want to see things don’t AND so that people can find the content they’re looking for. It’s pretty unfair to expect people to use inappropriate tags and potentially harm more people by making tags meaningless and expecting readers to guess.
(small aside, “batcest” is not an ideal tag. From personal experience, coming here from comics and having no history with this kind of fandom, I avoided things tagged Batcest because I thought, with the combination of Bat + incest, it was the ship name for Bruce/Damian and I wasn’t interested in that.)
3) Inconsiderate Reader Comments
Inappropriate comments left on fics by readers, is also a valid issue. It is also an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with the very clearly stated primary concerns. Inconsiderate comments are an unfortunate reality of creating and sharing those creations. Unfortunately there’s no, non-fascist way of forcing people to be considerate. We all have to live with that.
We can absolutely complain about publicly on our blogs. And if you’re a gen author, with no history of certain ships, I will defend that it’s rude to pop on your fic and ask if it’s going to be that ship. Just like I will defend that it’s rude to pop on my perfectly tagged Bruce/Duke fic and try to tell me that it’s incest because Duke lived at the Manor for two weeks before moving in with his uncle. I’m sorry you have to deal with it. I’m sorry I have to deal with it. I’m sorry we all have to deal with it. But it’s not something we can stop or the people who came before us would have. So it is something that you have to be able to cope with.
As for whump, I thought she handled it well, especially in her clarification posts. The OP was obviously very emotionally invested in the subject and came off very antagonistic. I know OP doesn’t consider their suggestions unreasonable but that’s because they’re based on a fundamental misconception of canon. If DC writes a continuity where the Bats are a family in any way that would make sexual relationships between them incestuous, and if I write something for that continuity, then of course I will tag it accordingly. Asking me to tag a fic as something it isn’t, is unreasonable. It instantly makes tagging in general completely useless. Asking people to apply a catchall tag or keep explicit content out of the summaries is not intrinsically unreasonable, but expecting the entire community, regardless of how immersed in fandom the creator is, to abide by that standard in a way that provides meaningful protection for you (in that you can lower your guard in any meaningful way when you have content you need to avoid) is..... well, it’s just impractical. 
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Miscommunication | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.5k
✦ request — Can you do one with Damian where his curvy girlfriend works a job (that he reminds her she doesn't have to) and this one customer keeps harassing her and won't leave her alone and Damian finds out and he is...not pleased? & Could you maybe write something where reader and Damian have a fight and he thinks she’s going to leave him? like super angsty and fluffy at the end?
✦ warnings — angst, miscommunication, arguing, mentions of harassment, fluff.
Damian knew something was wrong the moment he saw you were watching your favorite animated movie upon arriving.
He somewhat learned to not assume what was going on. Sure, he was assertive and if he spent more than ten seconds thinking about it, he could easily find out what was going on, but you were his girlfriend, not a criminal. So asking was best.
“How was your day, beloved?”
He stared at you, as though expecting you to say something else. When you didn’t, he sat down next to you.
You stood up before Damian could place his hand on your shoulder.
He sighed, tired and exasperated. “What did I do now?”
You shook your head. “Forget about it.” You walked past the couch and toward your shared bedroom, feeling your anger rising again.
“Hey,” he called after you, following your steps.
You ignored him, knowing you would say things you didn’t mean if you opened your mouth. Opening a bag, you picked the jeans that were laying on the bed and folded them.
“What’s that?”
“A pair of jeans. Are you blind?”
You dropped the jeans into the bag, then a t-shirt. A pajama followed along with a few pairs of underwear.
“Are you going anywhere?” he drily asked.
“I can’t be around you right now. I just can’t. I want my mom.”
Damian crossed his arms and straightened his back. “Well, too bad because you’re not leaving this room until you talk to me.”
“Don’t,” you warned softly, tired already. “You’re going to make me say things I don’t mean.”
“You could just tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t want to fight. You’re going to blow things out of proportion.”
“You are threatening to leave me, I’m sure I won’t do you worse.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“You’re being childish.”
“And you’re being an ass.”
“You know I don’t beg.”
“Really? You’re making it about pride right now?”
“If you would just tell me what the fuck is going on, I wouldn’t care about my pride.”
“I got laid off my job this afternoon.”
“Ah,” he let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good.”
“No, it isn’t! That’s the whole—“ you interrupted yourself to explain, “argh!”
“Wait.” He dropped his arms to his sides. “You were being harassed at work but you are mad at me?”
He didn’t get it. You had already known he wouldn’t, yet you weren’t sure what you had expected. An apology would have been nice.
To make it all worse, Damian continued talking, “I thought you would be relieved that somebody had done something about it.”
His eyes became sharper as he waited for your reaction. Soon you were able to hear his breathing.
“I was the one being harassed, I am the one who lost their job, and you’re getting mad at me?” you mocked him.
“You didn’t tell me! I found out by mistake. How do you think I felt?”
“I didn’t tell you because it happens all the time, Damian.”
Hell, he knew the city better than most people, how could he be so oblivious as to what people went through on a daily basis?
“I took care of it.”
“And they fired me for it,” you stressed. “Something you knew would happen.”
“I’ve told you multiple times that you don’t need to worry about having a job,” he reminded you. “I can give you everything you want and more.”
“It’s not...” you shook your head, exasperated. “I like having a job, Damian. It keeps me busy and focused.”
“Most hobbies can keep people busy and focused without putting them in danger.”
You usually enjoyed it when he was being a smartass, but this was one of the few exceptions.
“I feel trapped here. I spend so much time by myself, waiting for you or the call that they found you beat up or worse... all alone and up in my head. I’m tired of that.”
“Are you saying you want me to quit?” He sounded offended at the mere idea.
“I’m saying I liked having a job. This isn’t about you, for once it isn’t, and I wish you would have let me have it.”
“I couldn’t protect you there,” he mumbled.
“It was only one asshole. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“You say that, but what would’ve happened if it escalated? You weren’t even going to tell me!”
“Look how you reacted over something as mundane as that!”
“Don’t,” he warned, and in contrast to your warning from before, his was harsh. “You’re not listening to yourself.”
You threw the bag onto the bed and messed with your hair with both hands. “You’re being hypocritical by expecting me to be happy with something you wouldn’t be happy.”
“I’ve seen things you can’t even begin to imagine.”
“And I’ve experienced things you will never understand.”
“I know it’s normal for non-men to go through harassment,” he said grumpily. “That doesn’t mean you should put up with it.”
“And what’s your solution, Damian? Locking me up in here?”
”What’s yours? Breaking up with me and going back to your mom when you know she will be on my side?”
“I’m not breaking up with you.”
“You are not?”
“No... should I? Are you going to act like this all the time?”
He shook his head.
His lack of words wasn’t comforting, not when he had always been straightforward. You looked at the time and realized why he had fallen silent.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready for patrol?”
“I should be patrolling already,” he answered.
“Go, then.”
He twisted his mouth upward. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, go.”
Of course a part of you wanted him to insist on staying, but you weren’t a selfish person. And you wanted to be mature and level-headed about this — the fact that he assumed you were breaking up with him didn’t sit well with you.
So you decided to take a bath and try to relax. Arguing with an imaginary Damian would be pointless. You wished you could forget the issue altogether, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Jobs from home were always an option, but they shouldn’t have to be for you when you were capable of working at any location.
Besides, limiting yourself just because something bad could happen sounded miserable.
The bedroom door slowly opened and then silently closed. His steps were barely audible before you felt the bed dip. You knew he knew you were awake.
“Are you hurt?”
Damian got under the covers and laid on his back as usual. “On my way here I was thinking...”
You held your breath.
“Is there any way for you to—“ He groaned. You could tell he was trying to find the right words. “What if you had your own business or a job of sorts where you can be safer?”
You frowned. “Are you blaming me for getting harassed?”
“No, I know it isn’t your fault.”
“So how would your idea fix it?” You rolled on the bed to lay on your side and look at him —his profile, at least—. “People who want to hurt other people or who think those things are okay won’t stop themselves because their potential victim isn’t just a worker. That’s not how it works.”
He tried not to pout. And as he failed, you added, “Look, I understand you want to take care of me, but you already do that in different ways.”
He stared up at the ceiling, still thankful that you had agreed on getting rid of the ugly texture it had been covered in when you moved. “But I don’t keep you as safe as you should be.”
“That’s not your fault.”
“I don’t want to have you locked up in here or to control you.” His voice got lower as he admitted, “It hurt to hear you say that.”
“Well, that’s kinda how it looks.”
“I know. I’m—“ he swallowed his spit before shifting to lay on his side too, facing you. “I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful earlier, you know? I appreciate the fact that you care about my safety, and I do feel safe with you.”
“I get what you meant. It’s just not something I enjoyed hearing.”
“You wouldn’t have heard it if you had talked to me.”
“And I wouldn’t have reacted the way I did if you had told me what was going on. We’re both at fault here.”
You hummed in agreement. Neither your or his intentions mattered anymore. It was done, and you could only hope it wouldn’t happen again.
“So... it’s cool if I look for another job, right?”
He inhaled sharply. “Just promise you will tell me if something happens. Anything.”
“I promise.”
“Do you promise to not react rashly if something happens?”
He considered the question for a lingering moment. “Depends on what that something is.”
“Something fixable with words,” you conceded.
“I promise.”
“You should get some sleep.”
“You too.”
He tensed as you scooted closer to him.
“Should I move?”
“No. Come here.” He wrapped his arm around you. “I assumed you wouldn’t want to touch me tonight.”
It had taken you both long to get used to sleeping next to somebody, even more so to be touched at night. You wouldn’t ruin such progress because you were annoyed.
He must’ve known you were still annoyed, but you weren’t mad anymore.
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redhoodssweetheart · 4 years
Moonlight I
Genre: DC/Marvel Crossover
Relationship: Older!Damian Wayne x Adopted Stark!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, swearing, canon typical violence
Description:  You are the adopted daughter of Tony Stark, Damian is the son of Bruce Wayne.  Your two fathers hate each other which by extension should mean that you and Damian are on less than friendly terms.  The issue?  You’ve been dating for little over a year and have been keeping it a secret.  What will happen if your fathers figure it out?
***GIF does not represent the reader or anyone in the story.  
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Damian stood beside father as the gala event went on around them.  People in fancy dresses and tuxedos passed him by, but he was looking for someone in particular.  His father was currently talking to some energy mogul about a possible partnership with Wayne Enterprises.  Damian should have been listening to this, but his mind was on you and where you were.  He knew that you would be arriving at any time now.
There was some commotion outside and suddenly Tony Stark and Pepper Potts entered the room, you trailing beside them with a smile on your face.  Bruce had apparently noticed the other tycoon’s entrance and had narrowed his eyes.  Damian wasn’t sure why his father and Tony Stark didn’t get along, although he suspected it was because Tony was so open about being Iron Man while Bruce tried to hide the fact that he was Batman.
Tony made his way around the room and came to a stop in front of Bruce, “Wayne.”
“Stark,” Bruce replied curtly.
Damian drowned them both out, his eyes landing on you.  You were already watching him and he smirked at you, “Y/N, it’s been some time since I last saw you.  I believe the last time was at the MIT orientation, someone had spilled their coffee on you.”
You narrowed your eyes at Damian, “Tell me, Damian, is your ego still the size of Russia?”
He bit back a chuckle, “I believe it was you who had the ego the size of Russia.”
You went to say something, but Tony held you back.  “Don’t stoop to the Waynes’ level, Y/N.  Why don’t we go get us something to drink?”  You took your father’s arm and followed him away from the Waynes, but you could still feel Damian’s eyes on you.
An hour later your feet were aching and you just wanted to go home and take your makeup off and read your book.  Coming to these parties were never exactly fun, though you did have some incentive for coming tonight.
And he was currently dancing with some heiress.
You quickly stood from the table where you were sitting with Pepper and mumbled something about going to the bathroom.  As you headed in that direction you once against felt eyes on you and glanced over to see that Damian was no longer paying a bit of attention to his dance partner.  You shot him a smirk before disappearing around a corner.
Damian quickly excused himself as the song came to an end and followed after you.  He found you in the empty stairwell not far from the bathrooms.  “How long?”  He asked as he tugged you into his arms.
“Not long, Tony’ll realize I’m missing at some point,” you told him.
Damian held you a bit tighter, “Big ego, huh?”
You giggled and rested your head on his chest, “I had to say something smart, we’re not supposed to like one another remember?”
He grinned at you, and it made your heart flutter.  Damian only ever really smiled with you and the people he was close with.  When you had first met him he seemed like such an angry person, and he was for a while.  Being raised by the League of Assassins had made him hard as stone, but his time with his father had changed that and he was actually a really warm person with the ones he loved.
“Oh that’s right,” he hummed and leaned down to pepper kisses to your cheeks and neck.  “I missed you,” he said in between kisses.
“I missed you too, Dami,” you sighed as his lips came back up to your cheeks.  “When do you think you can sneak away again?”
His emerald green eyes met yours, “I’m not sure.  I can look at my calendar later and get back to you.  Where shall we go this time, beloved?”
“I don’t know,” you considered his words.  “What if we went to Disney?”
His nose wrinkled, “Isn’t that place for kids?”
You laughed, “Yes and no, we can have fun there too, plus I know you’ve probably never been.  It’ll be fun, come on.”
Damian wasn’t going to fight you on this, he wanted to see you happy, “All right, if that’s where you want to go.”  He loved the smile you gave him, bright and beaming as if he had just made you the happiest person in the world.  It warmed him on the inside.
Some noise outside the door caught your attention and you sighed, “I should probably head back out there before Tony sends a search party after me.  I’ll be in Gotham for a few more days, Tony has some business here.  Maybe you can sneak by my hotel room later tonight.”  You bit your lip and then said, “Maybe wear the Robin costume?”
He buried his face in the crook of your neck to muffle his laughter, “I’m pretty sure someone will notice Robin going into a random hotel room.”
“What like someone’s not going to notice Damian Wayne coming into my hotel either?”  You countered.  “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
He shook his head, “I can’t say no to you, but I will walk in as Damian Wayne, that suit is a nightmare to get off and is uncomfortable.”
You kissed his cheek, “Room 1016, midnight.  Don’t be late.”  You then ducked out of the stairwell and Damian leaned against the wall.
You didn’t stay long after your meeting with Damian in the stairwell.  Tony came, saw, and conquered what he wanted to do.  You glanced around the room before making your exit and saw Damian watching you once again.  He nodded his head slightly to say goodbye and you did the same before disappearing outside.
Now you were sitting on your bed eating snacks from the little mini-bar in your room.  On the TV was some random sitcom that played in the late hours of the evening while you waited for Damian to show up.  You wondered if he would be in his Robin uniform or if he would stroll in still wearing the tux.  You weren’t sure which one you wanted more, he had looked fine in the suit tonight.
A gummy bear was halfway to your mouth when there was a knock on the balcony doors causing you to jump in surprise.  There was Robin and you eagerly hopped up to let him in.  “Hey Boy Wonder,” you teased.
Damian rolled his eyes, “That was Dick, beloved.”
“I know, I just wanted to tease you,” you pulled him in for a kiss and laughed as the two of you tumbled back onto your bed.  Damian was above you, his hands on either side of your head to support his weight, grinning down at you.  Reaching up you pulled his domino mask off so that you could see his eyes.  “Better,” you said softly.
Damian bent forward and kissed your forehead before rolling off of you, “So since you’re going to be in Gotham for a few days what if you came with me to meet my brothers?”  Dick, Jason, and Tim all knew about Damian’s relationship with you.  He had actually gone to Jason first when he had had an inkling about his feelings for you.
Jason was the rebel of the family, he didn’t really care what others thought of him.  Then he had told Dick because Dick was the oldest and had a girlfriend of his own.  Tim actually found out because he was a damn good detective.  All of them had been supportive and promised not to tell Bruce a thing about you.  They could see that Damian really liked you and didn’t want to mess that up for the two of you given how at odds Bruce and Tony were.
You beamed at Damian, “Really?!”  He nodded and your smile grew, you had been dying to meet his brothers for a little over a year now.  “I’d love to, Dami.  Just name the time and place and I can get away.”
“Tomorrow at the park west of here, it’s usually quiet around ten in the morning.  Meet me at the entrance and we can have a nice day together.” 
“Sounds good,” you snuggled closer to Damian.  “I wish that we could be honest about what we are to one another.  I wanted to dance with you tonight.”
Damian held you a little tighter, “So did I, beloved.  That one woman I was dancing with before we met in the stairwell was too forward.  It felt as if she were only seeing my father’s bank account and not me as a person.”
“I’m not going to lie, I was jealous when I saw it,” you confessed.  “Not because you were with another woman, but because I wished that the could have been me with my arms wrapped around you.”
“We could dance now,” he suggested.  “There’s no one around, and while we’re not in fancy clothes we would still be dancing together.”
You nodded and quickly went for your phone to find the perfect song to dance to with Damian.  In the end, you settled on Thinkin’ Out Loud by Ed Sheeren.  Damian swept you into his arms, you in your PJs and he in his Robin uniform slow dancing around your hotel room.  Sure it wasn’t a fancy gala, but it was perfect, just the two of you and the music playing softly in the background.
The two of you shared a few more dances before Damian whispered that he had to go and that he would see you in the morning.  You watched him leave and your heart sank slightly.  You wished not for the first time that your fathers didn’t hate one another.
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Congratulations You’re A Father
TimKon, Future, Time Travel, a kid comes from the future, Fluff, Angst, Getting Together, First Kiss.
Summary: Learning that he has a kid in the future isn't too bad, Tim can get his head around that fact. But learning that the kid is half him and half his best friend is pretty mind boggling, especially when they aren't even together.
Enjoy! :D 
“Congratulations Tim, you’re a father.”
“You being serious?”
“DNA matches 50%. He is your kid.”
Tim gapes at his older brother trying to comprehend what he’s just been told. The last couple hours have basically been a blur of peculiar events.
Tim and his brothers had been down in the cave, doing their weekly sparring competition, when suddenly a glowing purple portal appears at the edge of the cave grabbing their attention. Before they could do anything about the mysterious portal, a teenager stumbles through it and into the cave.
The portal disappears like it had never been there and the sudden teenager it left behind looks disoriented as he surveys his surroundings. Tim and his brothers had been frozen in confusion at the event, because how did a portal just appear in the Batcave without a single trace, and didn’t immediately react to the teenager.
This teenager was in normal clothes, had dark hair, he had a lean but yet muscular body however the most noticeable thing was how there was a large red patch growing on his t-shirt on his left side. The stranger, seeming unaware of his apparent injury, finally notices them and his gaze lingers. His expression becomes one of confusion when he looks in Tim’s direction.
“Dad?” He had called out and before any of them could yet react, the teenager abruptly collapses on the floor unconscious.
From there it had been a flurry of movements to get this kid patched up and medically seen to as best as they can and work out what he meant by ‘dad’. Alfred patched him up, claiming that it looked like a stab wound and how it needed stitches but wouldn’t cause any permanent damage, after a week or two of rest he’ll be fine.
Once working out that the kid was going to be alright, they kept him sedated and then moved onto working out what he meant by calling Tim ‘dad’. Jason made plenty of jokes about who Tim could have potentially had knocked up. Damian wasn’t interested, claiming he ‘couldn’t care less about there being another Drake in the world’. Dick had been the most sympathetic, he had joined in with one of Jason’s jokes before actually taking the matter at hand seriously, he had been the one who suggested they do a DNA test.
It came back positive.
“Looking at that kid’s age he’s about 16 or 17, meaning Tim you would have been three when you… convinced him. Which is really all kinds of wrong to think about. My guess is that he’s from the future, or another dimension, or like an alternate reality.”
That's where Tim’s thoughts were headed to as well. They happen to be the only options that make sense and the next question is, what one of those options was it? Tim glanced the teenager again and now could actually spot of his own features on the kid, his nose for one. His eye shape (despite them closed at the moment) and the colour of his hair.
However as Tim looks at him, there was something else that felt familiar about him but Tim couldn’t place what it was. He guesses that it’s the other parent's features coming through as well, but he has no idea who it was. It suddenly became an itch he couldn’t scratch and now Tim wants to know who the other parent was, who his future partner would be.
Then again did he want to know? If this teenager was really from the future, did Tim want to spoil that for himself?
He shakes his head, trying to clear those thoughts, time travel and everything linked to it was complicated.
Tim opens his mouth to ask a question but his phone ringing stops him from doing so. He leans over and grabs it from the computer desk, he answers it without looking at the Caller ID.
“Tim, buddy, you going to let me inside any time today? Last time I came through the window you yelled at me for a good 10 minutes and I don’t want a repeat of that.”
Instantly Tim smacks his forehead with his palm. “Shit, Kon, I am so sorry I completely forgot!” He turns away from the phone to where Alfred was already heading for the stairs. “Alfred could you-”
“I’m ahead of you Master Tim, I’ll let Master Conner in and send him down as I head for the kitchen to make us all some snacks.”
“Kon, Alfred will let you in. We’re down in the cave alright.” Tim tells him, he hangs up on his friend before he could get the chance to reply.
From next to him, Dick looks up, “Kon here?”
Tim pinches the bridge of his nose feeling a slight headache coming on, it’s been a hectic few hours. “Yeah, I’m supposed to be going to the farm with him for the weekend. He’s here to pick me up, I had completely forgotten considering everything that’s just happened. Shit.”
Dick blinks at him before shrugging, “You can still go, it may be better if you weren’t here until we can get this all sorted. It stops anything happening to the timeline.”
He considers it for a moment, “Yeah perhaps but…” Tim looks over at the sleeping figure, there was something inside of him making him reluctant to go. This was his kid, from the future or another dimension, but he was his. Did Tim want to pass this opportunity up? He wonders what he’s called, wonders when his birthday was, what about school or interests and hobbies? How similar is he to Tim?
He sighs, knowing that Dick has a point. “Yeah I know. It’s just… y’know….”
His brother looks at him knowingly but doesn’t comment further. In that moment Kon finally makes his appearance from the stairs as he descends from them.
“I was stood outside for about twenty minutes dude, not cool. I thought you were playing a prank on me or simply testing my patience.” Kon says getting to the bottom of the stairs and starts to walk over.
As he does, he passes the med-bay and sees the sleeping teenager there. His best friend frowns and looks at them, “So when did the Bat adopt another kid? I didn’t know there was another one of you guys.”
Tim rolls his eyes while Dick snorts, “Just be glad he isn’t around to hear you say that.”
Kon simply grins at them when he stops beside Tim. “Is that why you forgot? What happened?”
“Yeah, sorry about forgetting,” Tim apologises to his best friend again. He looks at Kon before glancing at the teenager again, “a couple hours ago-”
He abruptly stops talking as it sinks in who the other parent could be. He flicks his gaze between his so-called kid and his best friend.
It was Kon.
The other parent was Kon.
He could see it now he’s made the connection. The kid’s got Kon’s jaw line from when he was younger, the same lips, cheek bones and his body type seemed to be similar to Kon’s when he first appeared as Superboy from Cadmus. It had to be Kon, surely. Was that why he felt familiar to Tim?
“Tim? You okay?”
Tim ignores Kon and looks at Dick who was watching him with concern, “Can you run the DNA test again but against Kon’s this time?”
Dick blinks at him, his gaze shifts to his friend before turning back to the computer, thankfully not asking questions. His best friend on the other hand didn’t hold back.
“My DNA? Tim what do you mean? Who you running my DNA against and why? What’s going on?”
Tim continues to ignore him as he watches Dick work. Minutes later his brother turns around to them, he looks up at Kon with a serious expression just as he had done to Tim earlier. “Well, congratulations Kon, you’re a father.”
Kon’s jaw drops in shock as he stares at the older man. “What? What do you mean?” He turns to Tim, his expression hardening as he lets out a fake laugh, “Yeah ha-ha, funny joke. Is this is what you’ve been planning? Because it sucks.”
“It’s not a joke Kon,” Tim tells him. “That teenager in the med-bay is potentially from the future or another dimension and he’s – he’s our kid."
Tim couldn’t believe it. Sure it’s fine that he has a kid, he’s thrilled even, because that means he starts his own family, but with Kon of all people? He couldn’t get over that. He’s been harbouring feelings for his best friend for a couple years now but he hasn’t done anything about it in fear of ruining the friendship between them because Kon couldn’t possibly return the feelings back.
But could he be wrong?
Kon stands silent between them, his face currently kaleidoscope of emotions as he digests the information suddenly thrusted at him.
Still sat on the chair Dick looks between them, “You guys obviously have a lot to talk about, this is certainly unexpected but perhaps it would be best if both of you weren’t here. We don’t want to risk any time line mishaps, or paradoxes happening when we can try and prevent them just for safety measures.”
Tim appreciates what Dick was trying to do, but there was a part of him that was still reluctant to go. It seems that Kon was now having the same issue. “But why? If this is our kid then surely we should get the opportunity to get to know him?”
Dick sighs and looks at them both with understanding and with his ever famous patience he tells them, “I understand why you both don’t want to go but think about it this way, you’ll have plenty of time in the future to be with him. It’ll be even better because you’ll get to see him grow. We’ll handle things here okay, you guys go and enjoy the farm. Tell Ma Kent I say hi!”
Tim and Kon both go quiet, they glance at one another before looking away again. In the end, Tim sighs defeated and starts to walk away, “Okay just at least let us know when he goes back, make sure he gets there safely. Come on Kon, there’s not a lot we can do here anyway, he’s sedated for the time being.”
After some hesitation his best friend follows him, but not without looking in the direction of the teenager first. Tim leads them up the stairs and to his room where a bag was already packed and ready to go. His original plan was to finish sparring with his brothers early so he could get ready for when Kon arrived, obviously that had gone out the window with the turn of unexpected events.
Tim changes out of his gym clothes and into his normal clothes. Once he was ready they head out to the back of the Manor where Kon proceeds to pick him up and together they head over to the farm.
The flight to the farm was awkward and tense as neither of them speak. Both of them lost in their own thoughts about occurred in the cave.
When they finally get to the farm they were greeted with a warm, freshly baked apple pie from Ma Kent. They both accepted the treat with a small gratitude but other than that kept quiet. Ma instantly picked up on the tension between them but thankfully didn’t comment, all she said was that the guest room was all prepared for Tim when he was ready to settle.
They eat in silence and once they were done Kon disappears, claiming he needed to do some chores he happened to forget before coming to pick Tim up. Tim knew the truth though, his friend was going for a long flight in hopes to clear his head, he didn’t blame him. While Conner was gone Tim sets himself up in the guest room, he settles in and gets some work done on his laptop he had brought with him.
When evening came around Kon still hadn’t returned. Tim ate dinner with the Kent’s, making small conversation between them before retreating for the night.
Later on Tim makes his way onto the top of the barn, he was watching the stars in the clear night sky as they dazzled brightly. The sky was always such a contrast in Kanas to Gotham, it was so clear and the air was always so fresh.
It’s about 15 minutes later when Kon appears again. He flies over to Tim on the barn and sits down beside him. They sit in silence for a good while, seeming to be unable to start up a conversation between them.
Kon’s the one to eventually start it, “So… we have a kid in the future.”
“That’s cool. Great even…”
Tim sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “Look Kon, I get that it’s weird, it’s completely unexpected, but…”
But what? How was Tim supposed to continue this incredibly awkward and forced conversation between them?
“I like you.” Kon blurts out from nowhere. Tim snaps his gaze to his best friend, both unsure and hopeful at the same time. “I like you Tim, in a way that means more than a friend. Finding out that we have a kid was great. Obviously shocking but its great. I’ve always wanted a family, yeah I found brothers between you and Bart back in Young Justice and then of course the girls joined and we all became a family. But it means a lot more in a way I can’t describe.”
“I like you too.” Tim says without thinking. “I have done for a long time, but I was so scared of ever saying anything because I didn’t think the feelings would be returned. I didn’t want to risk our friendship.”
Kon huffs out a laugh, “We’re a pair of idiots aren’t we?”
Unable to stop himself, Tim grins, “Yeah…”
They go silent for a beat or two, still not moving or doing anything with one another. The tension and awkwardness was still there but not as prominent as before.
“I wonder how we got him.” Tim comments looking up at the sky. “Did we use a surrogate? Maybe cloned him? He’s got our DNA so we didn’t adopt. “
Then for a horrific moment Tim thinks back to the time he had countlessly tried to clone Kon when he died. His heart drops at the thought, was he successful in the end? What if that kid in the med-bay was a clone Tim created out of desperation for his best friend?
A hand cupping his face and turning back to face Kon startles him from his thoughts. Seeing the way Kon’s piercing blue eyes gleam in the night make him forget about that awful time that happened so many years ago.
“Does it matter? We have a kid Tim. One of which is half you and half me. Which brings up the question how did he get injured in the first place if he has Kryptonian genes but that's a worry we’ll have in the future. But for now think we need to actually get together before we start anything kid related at all don’t you think?”
He was grinning at Tim and Tim smiles back, placing his hand above Kon’s holding his face. He licks his lips, “That may be a good start.”
No more words were spoken as they both lean in close, pressing their lips together for the first time. As they kiss Tim feels all of the tension that had built up drain out of him, he wraps his arms around Kon in a loose embrace and smiles against the Kryptonian’s lips as he feels arms wrap around his waist, bringing them closer together.
Then like that all of the awkwardness and tension bleeds out from the air around them, leaving them comfortably in peace and for the seeable future. They’ll tackle everything together as they always have done in the past, in the current present and now in the future.
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primeemeraldheiress · 5 years
Can you please recommend some recent good Jason fics? I'm kinda still falling in the fandom, but already finished all the most recommended stuff like Not so outlaw or Retrograde motion
I can give you a few recent bookmarks of mine and I’ll give you a few of my favorites. I assume you know what I write so I’m not gonna warn for the possible types of fics you’re gonna find here. 
Runneth Over and All That Jazz - thenafics
If it weren’t for his chest, Jason would be nearly impossible to recognize as an omega. He’s taller and more muscular than most omegas so with his deep voice, no one would ever guess. If it weren’t for his body’s absolute betrayal. Jason, like pretty much all adult omegas, produces milk. It’s meant to help reinforce pack bonds and keep pups adopted into a pack fed. That’s not the problem, that part of it is manageable with absorbent pads in shirts and semi-regular use of a breast pump. It sucks, but it’s not the problem. The problem is that Jason’s pack bonds are weak, so his body will let down and start producing milk on a hair trigger. He’s peak fertile age and tangentially part of a mostly alpha pack, but not bonded well enough to balance his hormones, so his body has decided to try and tempt his pack into bonds with milk.Is it working?-The finished version of my most asked after WIP from evil author day-
Rescue Night - strikeyourcolors
(AU) Jason is trying to make a food delivery when he stumbles across a hostage situation. The captors claim he’s Nightwing, the guy claims he’s just a stripper, and Jason just wants to go home. Unfortunately, it seems he’s going to have to launch a rescue operation. The night just keeps going downhill.
like falling apples - wajjs
If Gotham’s a force of nature, so much akin to gravity itself, then he is the very apple succumbing to its rules and desires.
Daddy Bats and Mother Hen - River9Noble
Jason Todd is back from the dead and pissed as all hell that Bruce hasn’t killed the Joker. Red Hood wants nothing more than to turn his back on the entire Batfamily - but instead, every time he turns around, they’re watching him. He just wants to be left alone… but that chicken noodle soup does taste delicious.
Keeping Secrets From Yourself - WithTheKeyIsKing
Looking back, the signs are all there. But they never noticed it about themselves.
They never noticed how Bruce did.
No Place In Heaven - DarcySkat
Martha and Thomas talk to Bruce about his son.
Bruce thinks it’s Damian.
Lightweight - taugex (I love this story)
Bruce returns to his office after back to back meetings to find his good brandy opened and his sidekick drunk.
Blanket, I rec anything by Skalidra, firefright, scandalsavage, WithTheKeyIsKing, daemoninwhite, WorkingChemistry, lurkinglurkerwholurks, and Ellegrine. I’m going to stop there because, frankly, there are a lot of authors I’d blanket rec. 
Requiem - scandalsavage
He blinks as his brain takes it’s sweet fucking time processing what his eyes are seeing.
“So you’re me, huh?” the kid says, rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes like he can’t sit still for three god damn seconds.
“That’s pretty cool. You’re huge.”
Jason hates him. He hates those stupid fucking curls. He hates that stupid bubbly energy. He hates that fucking earnestness, that eagerness to please. He hates that goddamn costume.
He hates the way the kid clings to Bruce’s shadow.
He despises that hand Bruce has on his shoulder.
The poisoned apple (far from the tree) - inanhourofdreaming
“I mean, your first mother wasn’t…fuck, how do I say this?” Tim pauses to breathe. “You’ve never met your mother, Jason. Her name was Ophelia Frump.”
Where Jason has blood family after all, but they’re a little, well…weird.
The legends and the myths - Syngaly
Jason Todd is the best liar Bruce’s ever met.
Jason Todd is the worst liar Bruce’s ever met.
It’s a problem.
Unspoken Rule - YukinaZero
In an alternate universe where Jason Todd finishes his training with the League of Assassins and simply returns home, Damian asks him why he has never confronted Bruce on the matters surrounding his death.
Or: Jason and Daimion have a heart to heart, and I fail miserably in an attempt to write angst.
You’re Alone ‘til You’re Not Alone - WorkingChemistry
Dick has moved to Bludhaven to get away from Bruce and is doing his best to establish himself as Nightwing. It’s going well, but it would probably go better if he didn’t come running every time Bruce calls.
This time Bruce needs him on babysitting duty, and it’s not just for Gotham. Bruce has League work, Jason can’t leave the state, and Alfred’s on vacation so that leaves Dick to pick up the slack once again. Jason isn’t pleased with the situation either, so there’s that… Dick’s just hoping he can bribe Jason into spending the weekend in the library so he won’t have to deal with the prickly boy.
Then they find evidence of a prostitution ring sending young children into forced heats and kidnapping them. Can they set aside their issues, or is Roy going to be stuck playing referee the whole time?
Familiar Faces - firefright, Skalidra
A mission to save a group of slaves from auction goes swiftly wrong when Jason, a former slave himself, runs into a familiar face while undercover at the party preceding it. And unfortunately for both him and his partner in crime, Dick, Slade has no intention of letting his property go again.
Want - Take - Have - daemoninwhite
Dick presents as an alpha and eventually leaves. When Bruce takes in Jason, he decides to do everything in his power to stop history from repeating. (Bruce will never be alone again.)
Mutually Beneficial - scandalsavage
Jason knows who Slade Wilson is and that he should stay away from him.
He knows the man is a vicious competitor of his father’s with a business ethic firmly in the dark gray to black side of the spectrum.
He also knows that his older brother drank too much one night, while he was in college, and fell for Wilson’s sweet talk, whatever that could possibly sound like, and that the older man still, years later, finds ways suggestively drop Dick’s name into conversations with their father.
So when he sees the man’s signature white hair and eye patch approaching his position at the bar, Jason makes a real attempt to avoid him.
Take Your Finger Off The Trigger - Skalidra
Jason Todd was Talon, the enforcer and right hand of Owlman, right up until he was killed. But then, when he comes back to life and his killer is still running free, with no sign of mourning by the two people who always claimed he was theirs, his agenda changes. He becomes Red Hood, a mercenary bent on taking down any and all operations run by the Owls. Finally, one of his jobs lands him back in Gotham, and he comes face to face with his two former allies.
Happy Reading.
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