#TimKon Week 2020
blueinkjpeg · 4 years
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Memes count as fluff, right?? Totally
Based on this text post
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batboyblog · 4 years
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TimKon Week 2020: Day2 High School
Oh what can I say, I LOVE this, a co-lab between me and my partner @maraudererasmut I love how we managed to make them both look SO gay it’s fantastic 
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Nice Try
TimKon, Core Four, Humour, Matchmaker, Friendship, Shenanigans.
Summary: Noticing the tension between Tim and Kon, Bart and Cassie take matters into their own hands and attempt to set the two boys up with a variety of methods.
Enjoy! :D
“Tim, stop what you are doing because we have a more important task that requires your attention!”
Letting out a sigh, Tim rolls his head to the side and gives Bart an unamused look. There goes his quiet evening that he planned. He watches as the speedster vibrates in his spot standing opposite him, he had just burst into the room and gave Tim that announcement.
“What is it Bart?”
Bart thrusts a bottle out and in his face, “We’re playing spin the bottle dude, y’know like in the good old days. You, me, Cassie and Kon.”
Tim blinks and debates on whether he should try to get out of it or not, but before he could decide the door to the media room opens up again and this time Cassie, who is dragging Kon behind her, walks in with a bag full of snacks and drinks.
“Suck it up boy wonder because this is happening whether you want it to or not.”
Next to her Kon looks resigned, they make eye contact sand Kon shrugs, “Don’t ask me man. It wasn’t my idea.”
He looks back at Bart to see him pulling the puppy dog eyes, not that he needed to because Tim resigned to the idea when Cassie and Kon appeared.
“Woo-hoo!” Bart cheers and zooms away, appearing seconds later on the floor with the snacks Cassie had laid out, cushions on the floor and a blanket surrounding the area. “Now let’s play!”
Tim stands up from his seat on the couch, sets his laptop to the side and moves to join Bart on the floor just as the other two do. he makes a move to sit down next to Kon, which was by now just instinct to do so, however Cassie seemed to have different ideas because she quickly steals the cushion he was about to sit on and forces him onto the cushion opposite Kon instead.
He shoots her a questioning look which gets ignored, shares an odd look with Kon, but settles down on the last cushion without any fuss.
 “Guys it’s been nearly half an hour, can we please play something else.” Kon whines when it’s his go again. The half Kryptonian hides his face in his hands before falling backwards dramatically.
Tim certainly notices how his t-shirt rides up his stomach showing a little bit of skin there.
“No until everyone has kissed everyone!” Cassie declares crossing her arms over her chest.
Kon sits back up and gives her an exasperated look, “But it’s only Tim and I who haven’t kissed yet, does it really matter?”
“Yes!” Both Cassie and Bart snap at him simultaneously. Kon shoots Tim a wide eyed look who merely shrugs back, he doesn’t know what’s up with them. “Let’s forget this and just stick a movie on or something, we still have tonnes of snacks and it’s quiet, let’s spend our time together better than this yeah?”
His argument seems to win against the two of them because Cassie instantly looks resigned while Bart exaggerates a sigh and flops down onto his back, “ugh, finnnnneeee….” he stays like that for a second before shooting back up, “We need more pizza!” then like that he’s gone again.
Cassie stands up from her spot and shoots the two of them a glare like they had personally offended her somehow. “I’m going to go to the bathroom, don’t start the film without me.”
Once she disappears from the room, Tim turns to Kon and gives him a confused look, “Any ideas what that was all about?”
Kon mirrors his expression, “Not a clue man,” he then grins, “it’s a funny coincidence how we didn’t have to kiss each other though, right?”
Tim huffs a laugh, “Yeah just a bit, what are the odds huh?”
“It’s alright though, we’ll make up for the loss later on.” Kon smirks and winks at him. Tim gives him a deadpan look but couldn’t fight the blush that paints his cheeks at the flirt. He really ought to be used it by now considering it’s Kon, but somehow it still gets to him.
“Shut up,” Tim says, after a moment he adds, “They’re up to something aren’t they?”
“Yup, no idea what though.” Kon agrees immediately. “Guess we’ll find out soon enough. You know Bart, he can barely keep a secret.”
“Very true.”
Apparently whatever secret they were hiding Bart manages to keep it locked up. It’s been over a week and Tim still doesn’t know what his friends were up to and after talking to Kon, he doesn’t know either. It’s starting to irritate him that he doesn’t know what’s going on, he likes to know everything and not knowing this was beginning to bug him.
However as Bart leads him down one of the corridors in the Tower Tim didn’t think much of it, his mind was busily trying to work out the current problem at hand.
“What did you say was wrong with it again?”
“It just wouldn’t start up, I think there’s a technical issue with it because the screen would come on and it would do this weird thingamajig and fuzz out. I need someone with brilliant computer skills to try and work out what’s wrong with it. That being you my current bird friend!”
Tim opens his mouth to protest at the idea because surely Bart could handle something like this on his own, he’s dragged Tim away from his documents that need to be filed in two days for this but asks something else instead.
“Why’s it down here and not in your room?” He questions, they were now in the less used section of the Tower.
Bart shrugs, “Because it’s out the way and basically in storage until I found it and now I’m kinda curious. Hey, here we are!”
They stop outside a closed door. Tim fully expected Bart to lead the way in so when the speedster doesn’t move Tim raises an eyebrow. They stand there for a few beats, neither of them moving until Tim gets fed up with it and crosses his arms over his chest. “Well?”
Bart blinks at him before smiling, it was his Cheshire Cat smile which instantly put Tim on alert. “Sorry about this Timmy.”
Before he could even question what Bart means, his head was being smacked against the door. Pain erupts from his forehead and he clutches his head hissing at the sting. Next thing he knows is that he’s being pushed to the side, since he was still getting over the pain in his head he loses his footing and tumbles to the ground. What he does make out afterwards was a slamming sound and a distinctive locking noise.
Tim looks up from the ground and squints, he finds Kon rushing over to him who starts helping him back up to his feet. “Kon? What you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question. You okay?”
Grabbing hold of Kon’s arm for balance Tim rubs his forehead, “Yeah but I’ll be much better once I find Bart and beat his ass into next Tuesday.”
Once he feels like he could stand on his own and with the pain mostly gone from his head he looks around the room to find it completely empty except one bed tucked in the corner of the room. Tim didn’t even know this room existed and there was certainly no sign of a computer in here.
“What the hell? What’s the meaning of this?”
“I have no idea dude, all I know is that about 10 minutes ago Cassie lead me down here asking for my help to move something but then she locked me in here. I went to force my way out but then she stated how the lock has kryptonite embedded in it and that if I want to take the chance then I can do so. I really rather not take that chance thanks and then you appeared with Bart.”
Tim frowns and looks suspiciously at the door. “What is it with the two of them recently? Why are they teaming up against us?”
Kon lets out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know! First spin the bottle and now locking us in a room together? Weird behaviour, especially for them.”
Tim walks over to the lock and tries to open the door but of course it doesn’t move. He huffs in annoyance especially when he realises that he doesn’t have any of his equipment on him to even try and pick the lock. He glances over at Kon to find the meta now sat down on the bed and was watching him.
Kon meets his gaze and smirks, “Well you know, there is a bed after all and we haven’t had any alone time in a while…” The way he waggles his eyebrows makes Tim want to punch him.
He glares at Kon, “Get your mind out the gutter. We’re in a locked room because of our friends, what’s the chances they’re monitoring us right now.”
Kon’s smirk drops at that thought and Tim snickers. He does however move to the bed and take a seat beside him, “We’ll just have to wait them out.”
 Out waiting their friends takes over four hours. Tim and Kon had done nothing more than sit on the bed and talk, Kon may have thrown an arm over Tim in a hug but apart from that it was nothing exciting. Nothing he suspects Cassie and Bart were waiting to happen.
Eventually they hear the door unlocking but nothing more happens. Curiously, Tim gets up from the bed and goes over to investigate. He’s pleased to find that the door had in fact been unlocked and how him and Kon were finally free.
Unfortunately neither Cassie nor Bart were in sight so they couldn’t interrogate them to find out what that had been all about. He and Kon leave the room together and decide to confront their friends at a later date for their weirdness.
“I don’t understand why it has to be us two.” Kon comments frowning down at the menu in his hands.
Tim arches an eyebrow and takes a sip of his drink. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He doesn’t look at Kon however, his focus was one the two people tucked away in the corner of the restaurant.
Kon sighs, “Like surely we’ll attract more attention to ourselves, y’know two guys having dinner together, it isn’t always accepted and people gossip. We would be less obvious if one of us was with Cassie instead.”
Tim finally glances at Kon, he gets what Kon is saying of course, but there are still arguments against his points.
The two of them had been forced elected to go into the restaurant where their targets are currently having a business meeting over dinner to do some close recon. The other two were waiting outside to make the next move once the go ahead has been given.
Cassie and Bart immediately assigned Tim and Kon with the task of being in the restaurant without either of them getting a say in otherwise. As they had been getting ready the two of them kept dropping hints about how good the other looked.
 “Hey Tim, don’t you think Kon’s shirt matches his eyes?”
 “What do you think of Tim’s pants Kon? They shape his figure really well huh?”
 “I couldn’t imagine how many people would be drooling for him if a reporter was to capture an image of him.”
 “Just look at that blazer on him! Doesn’t that really do something for body, wow.”
Tim admits it, that Kon did look fantastic in his dark blue dress shirt and black pants. He even told said that in front of them and all they did was giggle and beam, like delighted little children. Kon had also made a comment about his appearance and they suddenly looked like they were going to pop.
“So you complaining about having dinner with me then? You rather be here with Cassie?” Tim teases with a smile.
Kon blushes and looks away, “No dude that’s not – I didn’t mean it like that! You know what I mean.”
“Kon relax, of course I do but we’re here for a mission and not actually on a date. I think this is part of their ever going secret that they’ve got between them.”
“Most likely. I wonder when it’ll end because this is seriously getting annoying now. It’s what the third week of them acting weird and teaming up against us? Not that I completely mind because I love spending time with you but it’s just forced.”
Tim makes a humming sound, his focus once again on the targets as the waiter arrives with their food. After a moment he walks away and they continue as before.
He turns back to Kon, “Once this mission is over we’ll have a proper chat with them and actually get down to the bottom of their behaviour.”
Kon blinks at him for a moment before nodding, “Yeah okay. We may as well enjoy this why we can huh?” He smiles at Tim, one of his boyish, innocent smiles that gets to him every time he sees it.
“Yeah…” Tim mumbles out eventually unable to look away from Kon.
It turns out that they never got the chance to talk to Cassie or Bart about their behaviour as everything accidently comes out into the open when they walk in on Tim and Kon making out on the couch in the media room.
Tim really didn’t mean for it to happen, he just got so lost in Kon that everything else around them faded into the background like it didn’t exist. He wasn’t a fan of PDA so having his friends walk in on them was just downright awful.
He and Kon had been watching a movie together, spending some nice time alone since it was only them in the tower at the time (or so they thought). About halfway through, a gentle cuddle turned into smoothing touches, which then turned into groping, which then transformed into making out and then that continued with Tim climbing onto Kon’s lap, running his hands all over the half Kryptonian’s hair and face as they heavily kissed and their hips grinding against one another’s.
That's when their friends walked in on them and Tim mentally thanks god that at least they still had clothes on. Everyone freezes as they stare at one another. Several long beats go by before Cassie is suddenly yelling.
“WHAT! After all this time you guys finally get together and didn’t tell us! When did this happen?”
Tim winces and glances at Bart who was vibrating on the spot until he wasn’t. His figure flickers and Tim just knew that he had done a million laps around the room before exclaiming. “Yes my dudes! It’s about time we have been trying to get you together for weeks and now it’s finally happened!”
He shoots Bart a bewildered look before looking at Kon. The meta shrugs at him, clearly having no idea what that meant. Tim finally gets off of Kon’s lap, subtly adjusts his pants, and sits back down on the couch looking at their friends.
“What do you mean Bart?” He asks.
“Well you know, we noticed the tension between the two of you, we knew how much you liked one another and we wanted you guys to finally get together. We tried different methods of getting you together but none of them worked so finding you like this is a surprise.”
That’s when it suddenly clicks. The entire time he and Cassie had been acting weird was because they were trying to get them together. “Spin the bottle, you wanted me and Kon to kiss to see if that would make us confess. Locking us in a room together with a bed, a typical cliché trope. Then the dinner which was kinda a date and hinting how good we looked to one another.”
Next to him Kon laughs, “Seriously, this entire time that’s what you were doing? Come on guys, really? You must have known, you didn’t need to try and get us together.”
“Known what?” Cassie demands crossing her arms angrily.
“Tim and I have been dating for about three months now. We got together that time after we fought those aliens things and got covered in that slime. We were in the showers and one thing lead to another and here we are. Surely you guys knew, we certainly told you.”
Cassie and Bart’s gaping faces made the last few weeks totally worth it, Tim takes his phone out and gets a picture, that’s blackmail for life.
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silver-snow-draws · 4 years
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For Day One of TimKon Week 2020, Under Lock & Key | Future. WE Board Chairman Tim Drake-Wayne has been kidnapped, so Sunstorm! Kon-El rips through a steel wall to retrieve his fiancé!
(Image description: adult Tim Drake seated on chair and handcuffed, Kon is ripping through the wall behind him with his eyes glowing red in preparation for laser-vision)
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heavy-on-the-dis · 4 years
it's timkon week so here's my day one:) i hope it's alright
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superboysuperzine · 2 years
Hello Superboy Fans!
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The first wave of our Interest Check is in! We were blown away from the enthusiasm for our favorite Clone Boy! Thank you to all who filled out the form!
As a reminder, the Interest Check will be open until May 4th, feel free to drop suggestions in at any time!
Mod Applications are still under review! If you are interested in helping mod for the Superboy Superzine, please include that in the Interest Check form!
If you have past experience in fanzine or even modding, please let us know!
Current Mod Intros are also up on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram! We're very excited to help bring this project to life for all of you! Our Mod Team so far:
Mod Alpaca
Physical Zine 6 Years Experience, Finance + Desktop Experience, Modded MCU Big Bang Event
Tumblr, Twitter, Ao3 
Mod Aedan
Participated in: Bruce Wayne Week 2021, Red Lights, Dark Knights 2021-2022, Cancel Me Daddy 2021-2022, Flight: A Dick Grayson Zine 2022
Mod Ed
Participated in: TimKon Week 2019, Modded TimKonBart Week 2020 and 2021, Modded Kon Week 2021 and 2022
Tumblr, Twitter, Ao3
Based on the current Interest Check Results, it has been decided that the Superboy Superzine will be made with both sfw and nsfw volumes!
In Regards to the Questions We've Received Via Interest Check So Far, please check out our updated FAQs!
Superboy Superzine FAQs
We've also had many requests for guest artists / writers to potentially join in on the Zine from you, their fans and Superboy Fans alike! Keep up the suggestions, and if there are any writers or artists that you think would be interested, feel free to let them know and direct them to any of our social media platforms!
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8ptates · 4 years
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Timkon week 2020: Day 7 Sci-fi/Time travel
Part 1 of 3
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
90′s boys meet future selves and notice some differences
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dianaraven · 4 years
Rules: Answer all questions if you want, don’t answer the ones you don’t like the look of, miss bits out, add your own, I don’t mind - there are no rules, treat yourself!
Tagged by @unknownunseenunheard <3
AO3 Name: diana_raven
Fandoms: uhh im in more fandoms than i write for but fandoms i have written for: fairy tail, dc, soul eater, acotar, tarot sequence
Number of fics: on ao3 80 (working on 81 rn)
Favourite Popular Ship Fic you’ve written: uhhh maybe Gotta Give it Up for Shaksey-P or perhaps Got that Ambition, Baby for timkon
Favourite Rare Pair Fic you’ve written: The Boy Next Door: A New Year's Tradition for rhycien
Longest Fic: on ao3: Dimension-Crossed (62k+ timkon yj!tv/rr crossover) but I'm currently writing the second fic in the Joke's On You series (50k+) which would make that my longest series
On ffn: Blue Iron (80k+ gajevy modern au)
Shortest Fic: uhhhhh that would be my Not A Companion (300+ class/sarah jane adventures) but its abandoned so I would really count my shortest real fic which is my Sleepover/Movie Night (500+) day of yj week 2020
Most hits: We're Not Dating (timkon)
Most kudos: Also We're Not Dating
Most comment threads: Dimension-Crossed (30 threads)
Fave fic you wrote: Maybe Scandals Stick Together (timkon)? Or Gotta Give it up.... (timkon) I like a lot of the one-shot stuff I've written
Tagging: @unluckyloki @mararaffe @ilovebeingintroverted @selkiestars @renecdote anyone else who wants to
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lycheeluv · 4 years
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Timkon week 2020 : Day 2 : Angst
Prompt : Tim was the one who died. It was easier to bring back a human than a clone. At what cost. “This is for the time I failed you. You can stay with me, you can dispose of me, it’s fine, it’s fine if it’s you”
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sweetwriting · 4 years
TimKon Week 2020 Day 5: What would it feel like?
Category: Gen
Genre: Hurt/Comfort 
Fandoms: DC Comics, Teamverse
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary: Tim was the only one without a soulmate. Even if no one knew, it was lonely.
Word Count: 1 862
AN: Hola everyone. - Ok so while I enjoy reading Soulmates AU because of the variety of different kinds of soulmate AUs in fandoms, I have a hard time writing about predestination 'cause I don't believe in it. Especially not in any kind of romantic/Platonic format. As far as I believe soulmates are simply souls that have met several times and recognize each other (ofc that's only if you think reincarnation is possible).- I think Red String of Fate is more of an East Asia thing than an Asian thing in general but I couldn’t remember and don’t have the time to do research rn so that’s that and I’m going off the idea that by the time Tim’s grandpa died, it had spread around.Anyway, Enjoy
Prompt:  Soulmate AU - Hurt/Comfort
To read it on AO3
It was strange.
Tim could see marks on people. Sometimes it was timers, other times it was symbols, they could be static or moving, it could also be just matching lines separated in green, red and purple. Sometimes it was just writing or drawing that would disappear for some reason like erasable ink. More sadly, sometimes people share scars or pain. He only realized what he was seeing when he saw the picture of his grandparents whose pinkies were linked with a red string. His parents didn’t talk to him much about family traditions, he just knew that one of his great grandparents was Vietnamese and his mother had mentioned something called the red string of fate once. So he just did a quick internet search and tadaah. He knew what it was.
The question though was why he could see them when no one, not even metahumans could see them considering he was neither magic, a meta human nor an alien.
Or why he didn’t have one either.
Maybe it was simply a matter of not being able to see his own Soulmate. Or maybe it was in a place he could not see (which…he was torn between hoping for and not).
Or maybe he just didn’t have a soulmate.
But…aside from him everyone had a soulmate, their soulmarks might not always be visible but he could feel them, even if it was about sharing emotions. Was the fact that he could see the marks due to him not having one? Or did he not have one because he could see them?
It was rare for Tim to stop and think about that.
Despite his pretty great intelligence, if he dare think so himself, he was not the type to think too much about things that had no immediate effect on him (no matter how much he tried to pretend otherwise). So thinking about soulmates was not very interesting. People were linked to each other; he wasn’t linked to anyone or he was and couldn’t see it. The only thing he learned from that was that your soulmate didn’t have to be a romantic partner. So he wouldn’t have to feel bad if one day he wanted romance…for some reason.
Either way Soulmates didn’t concern him. So he usually didn’t think about it. To him soulmarks were like eye or hair color. Just a thing that was there.
But once in a while, when he was alone on his own, he thought about it. It would be nice to have someone else. Someone with whom he could share a part of his soul and know it would be accepted.
It hadn’t happened since he had met Bruce though. Because he was almost never completely alone even though his father was still comatose. Or maybe because of it. He really didn’t want to think about that.
It was the first time in a bit more than a year since he thought about it actually. And he didn’t know why as there was nothing in his current life that warranted it. There was just this strange warmth. That made him wish.
- - - - - -
Then he met Ari and Steph and he knew he wasn’t their soulmates but he knew soulmates didn’t have to be romantic so he tried.
- - - - - - -
A year passed and he met Superboy for the first time. And he could feel it. Even The Kid had a Soulmate. Apparently his soulmark wasn’t a visible one, but it was there nonetheless. How unfair. Well not really. It was just further proof he was his own person as Superman’s soulmark was a pen on his left arm.
He had talked to Batman about his “ability” once when he talked about someone’s soul mark allowing him to recognize a perp. He could have lied and said it was a tatoo but since Batman couldn’t see it, it was useless. Granted that’s what he thought afterward, he hadn’t even thought of lying when it happened. The only reason he hadn’t told Bruce in the first place was because he hadn’t thought about it. According to Zatana it wasn’t due to magic nor was he tested as a metahuman and he was human. Apparently he was just more sensitive to this wavelength just like some people were weak against electronics and others to sounds.
- - - - - - -
He had met St
- - - - - - -
Months passed.
He and Superboy became friends. Good Friends. Or as good as they could be with Tim being unable to reveal his real identity.
Which is to mean that soon enough it also started going badly. Granted the first time was because of Match, it doesn’t change that Kon felt hurt and started becoming distrustful over Tim’s identity.
But if anything, Kon was perceptive even if he didn’t always know how to draw the right conclusion. He knew Tim had issues, and he had his own so he saw the dots….he just connected the wrong ones together.
Still. They bonded, even if a part of their relationship was deteriorating (and boy did it deteriorate once they were on Apokolips) there were slightly more normal parts that helped when they were just hanging out. Of course Tim’s ID was in the way but now he could show his face and joke and just…hang out. He always felt better after hanging out with Kon, except when he was being insufferable. It was a 50/50 on which one would happen but Tim was always ready to risk it.
Until the war. He understood where Kon was coming from but…He couldn’t deal with it so he left. It felt cold. Because Kon was literally the last person he wanted to talk to. As in if he had anyone he wanted to be the last person he thought of or talked to, he wanted it to be Kon. As if that wasn’t surprising enough.
- - - - - - - - -
Stephanie died. So did his dad. Being near Conner was comforting. His presence helped even if it didn’t solve anything. Just being near him helped him believe he could burry his pain. Granted the man himself refused to let him do so. Because he was his best friend.
How do you tell someone you know they have a soul because they have a soulmate? Well you just tell them. Everything. And it helped, for a bit. But then Luthor took over and no matter what Tim said, Conner’s guilt was in the way. It might have helped if his guilt hadn’t gotten in the way. Also their trip to the future felt like a proof Tim was mistaken. Because what if his “soulmark” was just a pale copy of Clark’s. Enough to exist but not enough to copy the mark. And Tim could understand this point but he just didn’t believe it. He didn’t believe it, not until Raven proved him he had a soul. Tim felt a bit miffed but he understood how Conner felt even if for different reasons.
- - - - - - - - -
Then Conner died. The warmth left. More importantly he left. He was taken away. And Tim was left again.
It’s the first time Tim thought that maybe he had a soulmate.
He never felt as heartbroken as he was now.
- - - - - - - -
More than a year and a half passed. Tim was still grieving. He didn’t know what to do. All his loved ones just kept dying and he just felt so cold. Stuff happened.
Conner came back. He wasn’t so cold anymore but he just…He had something to do. He had to find Bruce. Even for Conner he couldn’t stop.
He didn’t have to. Conner found him. He was really there. And he was the only one who believed him. And Tim knew it was really him because the warmth was back tenfold. He felt so much alive again.
If Conner believed him… It renewed his hope he could find Bruce.
- - - - - - - -
After a while the Status Quo came back and Tim came back to the Teen Titans. After Conner and Cassie broke up. It wasn’t easy. He felt like a buffer sometimes. But he didn’t care. Even if Conner and Cassie had issues, they usually were fairly mature about their break-up. Probably more for Tim and Bart’s sake than anything else but Tim wasn’t gonna complain.
- - - - - -
And then one day Tim got badly hurt on a Titans mission. It was rare for Tim to be really hurt when he was on a team mission and usually it wasn’t anything Conner couldn’t help with his TTK, but this time Tim was badly hurt to the point of fainting and Conner couldn’t not hold onto him. He needed the reassurance his best friend was gonna be okay.
Which is when he felt both pain and comfort. Tim opened his eyes for a second in what looked like surprise but fainted again. He looked like he didn’t feel as bad though. Maybe Conner had a new power? He didn’t know…or really care. At that point all he wanted was to get Tim back to the tower so he could get help and hope that he was relieving his pain if only a little bit.
- - - - - -
When Tim woke up, he felt like he was in a cocoon of warmth. He was so comfortable he almost went back to sleep. But that wasn’t normal. So he opened his eyes and felt Conner’s eyes on him. The boy immediately went for a hug but then seemed to remember Tim was still hurt….Even if he didn’t really feel hurt. Huh.
After a few second spent taking in the other’s state, Conner started:
“You’ve been asleep for the past two days and you’re supposed to stay in bed for the next three days after you wake up. Doctor’s order. Which I’ll make sure you follow so no funny business.”
Tim cracked a smile and nodded.
“So you’ll be my nurse?”
Conner nodded, seriously.
“Apparently I can reduce your physical pain when my skin touches yours. And it’s not a new power. I tested it on Rose. It’s only you.”
Tim froze. So it was true. He actually….
“We’re soulmates aren’t we? You told me some people had pain or emotion based soulmarks and that’s what we have right?”
He actually had a soulmate. It wasn’t just wishful thinking. It was Conner of course. Who else. There was almost no one he loved as much as Conner and definitely no one he loved more.
“Hey Tim….You’re crying. I mean I know I’m probably not the best person you could hope for but, I mean at least now you know you have a soulmate too…”
Tim jumped in Conner’s arms and hugged him as tight as he could without injuring himself further.
“Idiot. I’m so happy your my soulmate! You have no idea. I’m just overwhelmed”.
- - - - - -
So…It turns out Tim had a soulmate. It turned out to be his best friend, the person he loved more than anything.
And while he could feel Bruce judging him all the way from Gotham when, after he told him, Conner could be heard from the other side of the door, He was probably the happiest he had been in years.
AN: Hope you enjoyed it ! As you can see it can be read as either friendship or romance. It their case it's intertwined and I don't have the time to try and push it further in the realm of romance right now.In this the warmth Tim feels is mostly due to being sensitive to soulmates bond. So when he feels his at his most powerful (since it's skin touchbased, the closer Kon is, the better) he feels all warm and Tingly 'cause his and Kon's soul just...keep trying to be in the other's close relationships circle. No matter the life.
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blueinkjpeg · 4 years
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Wow my body is COVERED in flowers and my best friend’s body is COVERED in scars from his vigilante work. What a crazy coincidence!!
If your soulmate gets a scar, on the same spot in your body, a flower blooms.
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batboyblog · 4 years
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TimKon Week 2020 Day3: Smut
This is based on a scene/short story I did sometime ago “Tim unmasks for Kon” the basic thrust of which was that Kon and Tim were hooking up but Robin refused to tell Kon his real name or even take off his mask and Kon falls in love and needs more. So in this Kon is trying to take off Tim’s mask in the heat of the moment and being gently rebuffed. So maybe a little more angst than Smut but you know. 
special thanks to @maraudererasmut for being a great partner and helping my vision to come to life I’m really enjoying this project. 
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Emotional Impact
TimKon, Tim & Dick, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Arguments, Injuries, Emotional Tim, Guilty Kon, Big Brother Dick. 
Summary: After getting in an argument about his reckless behaviour, Tim and Kon take a small break from one another to calm down. In that time, while feeling hurt and emotional, Dick offers Tim some advice and helps him to cope. A few days later Tim finds himself stood nervously outside Kon's door, unsure on how the conversation they very much need to have will turn out.
Enjoy! :D 
Kon was on him the moment they touch back down in at the Tower.
“What the hell were you thinking Tim!” The meta shouts at him. “You were supposed stay here at the Tower! Not be in the field where you could hurt yourself even further!”
Tim frowns and tries to come up with an answer. He was surprised at Kon’s anger, while he really shouldn’t have been because he had been stupid, it makes him recoil a bit. It feels like he’s at school getting scolded by the teacher for not listening.
Besides Kon’s anger aimed at him, the throbbing in his side and ankle was making it hard to think. He’s pretty sure the stab wound he received last week has reopened again and he’s probably sprained his ankle yet again. The ache throughout his body was telling him that he’s going to be pretty bruised and sore for the next couple of days too.
The Titan’s had been called out to help with robots that were attacking the city nearby. Since Tim was still recovering from injuries he had been ordered to stay at the Tower where it was safe and to work the comms.
While watching the screen Tim knew he just couldn’t sit back and not do anything. At one point they started to get swamped and he knew he could help them. Abandoning his position, he geared up and left the Tower to help out his team in the field.
It had been going well until it didn’t. A sloppy move on his part, because of his previous injuries, ended up with him getting his ass beaten and saved by Kon. His boyfriend had clearly been fuming to find out that he was in the field but furthermore that he injured himself further.
To Tim’s surprise he’s been quiet until now. They had finished all the fighting, won the battle and came back to the Tower.
“-ening to me!”
Tim blinks as his brain comes back into focus. Kon was stood in front of him with his fists clenched at his side, face screwed up in anger and was glaring at him expectantly. Tim swallows when he realises he had completely blanked Kon out.
“Kon I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t sit back.” Tim says frowning. He didn’t like to see Kon so angry, especially when it was aimed at him. While normally Tim would be pissed at the way he was being treated, he currently didn’t have the energy inside of him to argue back.
“’Couldn’t sit back,’ so what’s that, just an excuse to go and get yourself injured even more! There was a reason you were supposed to stay in the tower Tim!”
“I’m more use to you guys out the field than behind a goddamn screen! I helped didn’t I? If it wasn’t for me the robots would have been storming the city much longer than they already had been and more people could have died!” He couldn’t help but try to defend his actions.
“At the risk of your own life? God Tim, use that giant ass brain of yours sometimes would you. We would have gotten it sorted out eventually.”
“You guys needed an extra pair of hands!”
“But not yours! You’re injured Tim, you shouldn’t have gone out in the first place and now you’re injured even more.”
Tim blinks, feeling a stinging sensation appear in his eyes and fights back the tears. He wasn’t going to cry, not now and not certainly in front of Kon like this.
He opens his mouth with the automatic response of denying it when Kon cuts him off before he could speak. “Don’t fucking lie to me Tim. I can fucking see the injuries, x-ray vision remember.”
It goes silent between the two of them and Tim suddenly becomes aware of the others in the room. He glances away from Kon to find Cassie and Bart standing to the side, both of them tense as they watch Tim and Kon. They’re probably getting ready to pull them apart if needed, it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve argued and then gotten into a physical brawl with one another.
Cyborg was on the other side of the room speaking to someone quietly, he kept glancing their way with a concerned expression. Gar was watching them with a frown.
“Kon please,” he says eventually, turning back to his still fuming boyfriend in front of him, “let’s-”
Whatever he was going to say gets cut off by the half Kryptonian, “No. Let’s not do anything Tim. I am fed up of constantly worrying about you! You don’t care about anything, you make it seem like you do but you really don’t. If you cared you would look after yourself properly. If you cared you wouldn’t make yourself a liability in the field. You’re so fucking selfish that you don’t even see what your actions do to those around you. I’ve had enough.”
Tim feels like he’s been punched and left winded. All of the air has gone from his lungs as he stares at Kon with wide eyes and a shocked expression. That hurt. A lot. It stung him to the core.
He doesn’t know what’s showing on his face but seconds later Kon’s expression flicks from anger to guilt.
“Tim, I didn’t, god…” Kon runs a hand over his head and shakes it as he clenches his eyes shut. His voice no longer has that bite to it, it’s levelled out to an almost whisper. Moments later he’s opening them and looking at him, “This is so fucked up. I’m sorry.”
Before he could say anything Kon was rushing out of the room they were in, not at all looking back and letting the door slam behind him.
Tim has no idea how long he stares at the spot Kon had just vacated. The words his boyfriend had just said repeating in his mind. He could feel the tears in his eyes, the way they threatened to fall, he could feel the way his body was throbbing from all of the injures he’s got, the way a sob was caught in his throat, but yet he still didn’t move.
A hand gently landing on his shoulder breaks him out of the daze he’d fallen into.
“Tim? You okay, want to talk about it?” Cassie asks softly stepping into his vision.
Tim swallows the lump that’s formed in his throat and looks at her, “No it’s fine. I’m fine.” He says stiffly. He brushes her hand off of his shoulder.
“Don’t.” He cuts her off. “Don’t you dare pity me. He’s not wrong and I deserved that.”
Not waiting for her response, Tim instantly leaves the room. He doesn’t need to see everyone’s sympathetic glances or concerned looks. He leaves the room before his team see him fall apart.
He scrambles into his bedroom, ripping the door open and slamming it shut again. Once he’s in there, safe from the outside world, the tears finally come and he doesn’t stop them. A sob breaks out from him and in anger he rips his gauntlets off and lobs them across the room before angrily swiping his eyes.
Kon’s words where playing through his mind and he can’t help but cry harder when they repeat themselves. Is that what Kon really thought of him? Why did the meta wait until now to say it to his face? How long had Kon been thinking those thoughts? Did everyone else think the same?
At some point Tim had made it into his bathroom because the next thing he realises he’s seeing through his blurry vision was his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were glassy with tears, his cheeks were wet, he was red faced, sweaty and slightly dirty from the fight earlier.
As he looks at himself all he could feel was anger and hate. This is what Kon called selfish, someone who didn’t care, someone who was a liability.
In a moment of undignified rage, Tim smashes the mirror with his fist. From the centre it shatters outwards creating a spiderweb like pattern across it, his reflection now broken up into hundreds of sections.
He leans heavily on the sink and takes several deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He eventually manages to get himself to a state where he’s no longer crying and able to keep him temper under control, it was at that point he just sinks down to the floor, unable to hold himself up any longer.
His body was still trembling, it was aching and throbbing all over and he simply didn’t have the energy to get up and move to deal with his injuries or even change out of his suit.
Tim doesn’t know how long he spends sat down on the floor, staring blankly at the wall in front of him, but the next thing he knows is that there’s a knock coming from the door and a figure appearing in the door way.
“Timmy? You in here kiddo?”
Tim snaps his gaze up just in time to see Dick looking into the bathroom. When they make eye contact Tim could feel his emotions building back up.
Dick glances around the bathroom, his gaze hovers at the broken mirror, before he steps quietly into the room and crouches down in front of him, giving Tim a soft look.
“Hey Timbit, heard you got pretty roughed up.” He says almost causally, Tim could see Dick eyes scanning over him, taking in his dirty form. “Want me to help you patch up?”
Tim swallows and feels tears pricking at his eyes once again. He mutely shakes his head, looking away from Dick as he wipes his eyes. That doesn’t seem to deter Dick though. His brother simply holds a hand out to him.
“Come on Tim, it can’t be comfortable sat like that.”
Tim stares at the hand for a moment, deciding whether to take it or not and why Dick was there in his bathroom to begin with. He hadn’t even been at the Tower when everything started. He swallows thickly again and eventually reaches out to grasp his brother’s hand.
Dick was careful when pulling Tim up to his feet, he even catches him when Tim stumbles at first and wraps him up in a hug. Tim doesn’t fight the physical affection, instead he embraces it, finding it grounding as he could feel tears starting to fall once again. Dick says nothing as he cradles him to his chest, holding him as he sobs.
Once he’s calmed down, Tim feels spent. He takes a few shaky breaths and pushes away from Dick to wipe his eyes with his hand. Tim refuses to look at him however, feeling a mix of shame and embarrassment at his emotional break down.
Dick doesn’t pay him much attention however, his brother wordlessly guides him out of the bathroom into his bedroom and pushes him to sit on his bed. Tim sits down in confusion, now watching as his brother grabs his first aid and starts treating his neglected wounds.
Deciding it was better to not say anything, Tim sits there quietly and allows Dick to take care of him, responding to the soft commands as Dick gives them until he’s relatively clean and bandaged up. Once finished Dick sits down on the mattress next to him and takes Tim’s hand in his own. Tim sniffs and looks at the comparison in size of the limbs. It was almost comical how small his were to his brother’s.
“Heard you and Kon got in a fight today over what happened. Want to talk about it?”
Tim takes a moment to answer, mentally making sure he could answer without breaking down for a third time that day. He swallows and nods, “Kind of. More like Kon shouted at me and ran away, I think we’re finished.” He really fucking hopes not, but after everything Kon had said, how could he think differently?
Next to him Dick hums, “Maybe. Have you spoken to him since then?” 
Tim shakes his head, “No, he seemed… distraught and I was too upset. How’d you know about it anyway?”
“Cyborg told me you might want some company and maybe some advice.”
So that’s who he was talking to. “What do I do Dick?” He asks weakly, almost brokenly. “He said some really hurtful things but why? Why did he say those things?”
The hand around his gives it a squeeze. “As cliché as it is Tim, you’re just going to need to talk to him. I’d give it a day or two, just so everything calms down and then approach him, most definitely face to face and not over text. As for why he said those things I don’t know. I have my guesses of course but only Kon could tell you the real reasons.”
Tim digests that information, it made sense of course but he didn’t know how to feel about it.
“I’ll think about it.” He says in the end. They both know that he’ll end up doing exactly what Dick says and thankfully his brother doesn’t say any more on the subject. He squeezes Tim’s hand one more time and stands up, looking at him.
“Wanna watch a film?”
Tim can’t help the small smile that makes its way on his face at that. Maybe things will be alright after all. He’ll have to see in a few days when he eventually sees Kon.
He spends a long time looking at the door in front of him. Probably too long to be considered normal by this point. No matter how many times he raises his fist to knock against the wood he just couldn’t make himself do it.
Kon was on the other side of that door, in his room doing who knows what. It had been three days since he last saw his ‘boyfriend’, it’s been three days since they even spoke. As painful as it was, Tim listened to Dick and stayed away, letting everything calm down before attempting to engage with Kon again.
Tim has no idea on how this will turn out. He knows for sure there will be arguing, shouting and maybe even a couple tears but the overall outcome he has no idea.
He continues to stare at the door, trying to decide whether it was really worth knocking. Perhaps he could just prevent all of the pain if he simply does not knock. Wouldn’t that be easier? The logic part of his brain opposes that idea, telling him that he would just be delaying the inevitable if he avoids it now.
However the choice is taken away from him when the door swings open and reveals Kon standing there with a small amused smile on his face, “I could hear you thinking through the door.” He says. “That and I could hear your heart beat.”
Right his heart, that’s currently beating at a hundred miles an hour in his chest at that moment. He looks away from Kon and glances at the floor, “I think we need to talk. May I come in?”
Hearing Kon sigh gets him to look up, any amusement on his face has now been replaced with a frown. The meta steps aside and Tim goes through the door. As he walks into the meta’s bedroom he takes note of the messy, unmade bed, the paper stacked desk and how clothes were all over the floor. It’s not unsurprising considering it’s Kon.
Kon shuts the door and turns to face him. Tim doesn’t look up at him, he frowns down at the floor trying to work out how to begin the conversation they really need to have. He had gone over it a thousand times in his head but now that he was actually in front of Kon, he couldn’t think of a single thing.
Tim could feel the meta staring at him and he wishes he had his cape on, so he could wrap it around himself and feel less secure about everything. He wasn’t wearing it because he was in civvies, this was a conversation that Tim Drake needed to have with Conner Kent really, not Robin to Superboy.
The two of them stand there in an awkward and tense silence for a long time. Tim feels awful because it shouldn’t be like this between them. Why was it like this? It was wrong.
In the end Kon makes the first move he sighs and walks over to the bed, he pushes the covers away and sits down with his back against the head board, he closes his eyes and tilts his head back.
“I love you. You know that right?” Tim blurts out without meaning to. He glances at Kon to find the meta opening his eyes and looking straight at him. “You mean everything to me and I just…” he ends up trailing off unable to finish the sentence.
“I love you too and that’s why I just get so frustrated Tim.” Kon says. “I know I was way, way out of line with what I said, I was just angry and couldn’t control what I was saying.”
“But you did say it. You said those things Kon and they hurt. Is that what you really think of me Kon? Selfish? A liability? That I don’t care about anything? If that’s how you feel why bother dating me? Why bother being my best friend, my team mate, someone who’s supposed to have my back no matter what. I don’t understand Conner.”
Tim watches as Kon grits his teeth and clenches his hands. His heart was pounding away inside of his chest and a million different emotions were turning around like waves as he waits for an answer. Its been bothering him for the last few days.
A few moments go by and Kon doesn’t say anything. His silence simply adds to the weight of the hurt he was already feeling and he doesn’t know how much more he could take before he collapses from it.
Tim crosses his arms over his chest and frowns, “Kon, look, if this is you breaking up with me just tell me already. It’ll save us hurting even more than we already are.”
That seems to gets his attention. From where he was on the bed, Kon shoots upright and scrambles off the bed to stand in front of Tim. “What! No! No, no, no. That is the last thing I want Tim, please believe me.”
Taking a step back from the suddenly frantic meta, Tim eyes him up wearily, unsure on what to say, or do, or even feel.
Observing his reactions, Kon back peddles and visibly deflates a little, “unless that’s what you want? Then sure, I understand, especially after what I said to you…”
Tim’s instantly shaking his head, “No, that's what I don’t want. That’s the impression I got from the other day Kon.”
There’s another pause between them and in that time Kon’s expression becomes one of guilt.
The half Kryptonian takes a step forward and slowly reaches for Tim’s hands and Tim doesn’t stop him. He allows Kon to gently grab his hands and intertwine their fingers together, his heart skips a beat at the contact and a tiny bit of hope flickers inside of him.
He doesn’t let it grow too much, just in case. Keeping his gaze on their hands he says, “You know I can’t just let go of what you said Kon. It hurt, what you told me the other day and it’s all I could think about over the last few days.”
Kon takes a long deep breath before letting it out, he squeezes Tim’s hands for comfort. “What I said the other day was crossing the line, I know. I felt terrible as soon as the words left my mouth because you didn’t deserve that.”
Kon ducks his head and tries to meet Tim’s gaze, but Tim refuses to make eye contact. he twists his head away and looks at the wall instead. The meta was persistent though, one of his hands let go of Tim’s and he raises it to cup Tim’s face and turn him around so they do make eye contact. Kon cups his cheek with his palm to keep him there.
“What I said to you, is what it just feels like sometimes. I know that it’s never your intention to be selfish or not caring for yourself but sometimes I just can’t help but think like that.” His thumb strokes over Tim’s skin gently. “The other day I was just so worried about you that my fear for you turned into anger and then I wrongly took it out on you. What I said was wrong and dammit Tim, I regret it so much. I’m so sorry.”
Tim swallows the lump that’s formed in his throat as Kon was speaking and he fights back the tears threatening to fall. This stupid idiot in front of him has made him into one hell of emotional machine and he hates it. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, thinking about how to respond back.
In the end he doesn’t say anything. He tugs his hands out of Kon’s hold and dives in for a hug, wrapping his arms around Kon’s waist and tucking his head under Kon’s chin before the meta could even react.
Kon stumbles at the sudden force but immediately hugs Tim back and holds him tightly, his head resting on top of Tim’s comfortably.
They stay hugging for a little while and Tim simply relishes in the fact he still gets to hold Kon like this.
“I’m still not happy with what you said Kon but I get that emotions were high that day, there was a lot of adrenaline still around and a lot of things on your mind. I want to talk about this further a little bit later on but for now I love you, I really do and I want to keep dating.”
Kon squeezes him and Tim feels a kiss be pressed against his temple. “I really thought I screwed up Tim. I’m so sorry man, please believe me that I regret deeply what I said. Thank you and I love you too.”
For the first time in a few days Tim smiles, it was small but it was there. He nestles his head further into Kon and enjoys the warmth his boyfriend was providing.
A moment later Kon was letting him go and raising his hands up so he could cup Tim’s face. Knowing what he was about to do Tim lets Kon kiss him, their lips making light contact before touching a second time a lot more deeper. After kissing for a minute or so they spilt apart and Kon smiles down at him, “So what now?”
Tim hums, “How about a movie and some snacks? We can cuddle for a bit.”
“Sounds great.” Kon agrees stroking Tim’s cheeks with his thumbs. “I love you Tim and once again I am so sorry for what I said.”
“It’s fine Kon, we’ll talk about it and all of our concerns. Both of our concerns, I know I shouldn’t have been out there but I couldn’t just sit back and watch you guys fight when it looked like you were about to be swarmed. I’ll promise to work on it, we’ll talk about it.”
This time Kon hums and finally pulls away from him to walk over to the TV, “Yeah okay. Later though right? Because right now I’m thinking a little bit of cheesy horror movie will do us some good.”
Tim smiles, “yeah sure,” he makes his way over to the bed and rearranges Kon’s covers so it was more comfortable for them to settle down on.
Things weren’t perfect but they’re still going, they’ll get through this mess together just like everything else they’ve done together so far.
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Here's my contribution to Timkon week! Each day will be its own chapter!!!! Go check that out, I'll try to update daily!!!!
I may not be doing every day, but we'll see!!
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ao3feed-timkon · 4 years
all i own is dust and gold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LtYDYD
by batofgoodintent (crownedcrusader)
Tim Drake has a golden soulmark, just like everyone else. He can blend into society, eventually get married, and start a family -- just like his parents want.
It's just that the soulmark is fake. But as long as he has one, he's normal. And that's all he really needs.
Words: 5779, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Cassie Sandsmark
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: some koncassie, some timcassie, TimKon Week 2020, Soulmate AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LtYDYD
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lyo24boi · 4 years
Tim is still trying to recover his memories from before Flashpoint and so many of them are of Conner. When Conner comes to retrieve him, needing his help, they connect in a way unanticipated by the genius-level Robin.
TimKon Week 2020!!
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